import { humanizedDateTime, favsToHotswap, getMessageTimeStamp, dragElement, isMobile, initRossMods, shouldSendOnEnter } from './scripts/RossAscends-mods.js'; import { userStatsHandler, statMesProcess, initStats } from './scripts/stats.js'; import { generateKoboldWithStreaming, kai_settings, loadKoboldSettings, formatKoboldUrl, getKoboldGenerationData, kai_flags, setKoboldFlags, } from './scripts/kai-settings.js'; import { textgenerationwebui_settings as textgen_settings, loadTextGenSettings, generateTextGenWithStreaming, getTextGenGenerationData, textgen_types, getTextGenServer, validateTextGenUrl, parseTextgenLogprobs, parseTabbyLogprobs, } from './scripts/textgen-settings.js'; const { MANCER, TOGETHERAI, OOBA, VLLM, APHRODITE, TABBY, OLLAMA, INFERMATICAI, DREAMGEN, OPENROUTER, FEATHERLESS } = textgen_types; import { world_info, getWorldInfoPrompt, getWorldInfoSettings, setWorldInfoSettings, world_names, importEmbeddedWorldInfo, checkEmbeddedWorld, setWorldInfoButtonClass, importWorldInfo, wi_anchor_position, world_info_include_names, } from './scripts/world-info.js'; import { groups, selected_group, saveGroupChat, getGroups, generateGroupWrapper, is_group_generating, resetSelectedGroup, select_group_chats, regenerateGroup, group_generation_id, getGroupChat, renameGroupMember, createNewGroupChat, getGroupPastChats, getGroupAvatar, openGroupChat, editGroup, deleteGroupChat, renameGroupChat, importGroupChat, getGroupBlock, getGroupCharacterCards, getGroupDepthPrompts, } from './scripts/group-chats.js'; import { collapseNewlines, loadPowerUserSettings, playMessageSound, fixMarkdown, power_user, persona_description_positions, loadMovingUIState, getCustomStoppingStrings, MAX_CONTEXT_DEFAULT, MAX_RESPONSE_DEFAULT, renderStoryString, sortEntitiesList, registerDebugFunction, ui_mode, switchSimpleMode, flushEphemeralStoppingStrings, context_presets, resetMovableStyles, forceCharacterEditorTokenize, } from './scripts/power-user.js'; import { setOpenAIMessageExamples, setOpenAIMessages, setupChatCompletionPromptManager, prepareOpenAIMessages, sendOpenAIRequest, loadOpenAISettings, oai_settings, openai_messages_count, chat_completion_sources, getChatCompletionModel, isOpenRouterWithInstruct, proxies, loadProxyPresets, selected_proxy, initOpenai, } from './scripts/openai.js'; import { generateNovelWithStreaming, getNovelGenerationData, getKayraMaxContextTokens, getNovelTier, loadNovelPreset, loadNovelSettings, nai_settings, adjustNovelInstructionPrompt, loadNovelSubscriptionData, parseNovelAILogprobs, } from './scripts/nai-settings.js'; import { createNewBookmark, showBookmarksButtons, createBranch, } from './scripts/bookmarks.js'; import { horde_settings, loadHordeSettings, generateHorde, checkHordeStatus, getHordeModels, adjustHordeGenerationParams, MIN_LENGTH, } from './scripts/horde.js'; import { debounce, delay, trimToEndSentence, countOccurrences, isOdd, sortMoments, timestampToMoment, download, isDataURL, getCharaFilename, PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, waitUntilCondition, escapeRegex, resetScrollHeight, onlyUnique, getBase64Async, humanFileSize, Stopwatch, isValidUrl, ensureImageFormatSupported, flashHighlight, isTrueBoolean, toggleDrawer, } from './scripts/utils.js'; import { debounce_timeout } from './scripts/constants.js'; import { ModuleWorkerWrapper, doDailyExtensionUpdatesCheck, extension_settings, getContext, loadExtensionSettings, renderExtensionTemplate, renderExtensionTemplateAsync, runGenerationInterceptors, saveMetadataDebounced, writeExtensionField } from './scripts/extensions.js'; import { COMMENT_NAME_DEFAULT, executeSlashCommands, executeSlashCommandsOnChatInput, executeSlashCommandsWithOptions, getSlashCommandsHelp, initDefaultSlashCommands, isExecutingCommandsFromChatInput, pauseScriptExecution, processChatSlashCommands, registerSlashCommand, stopScriptExecution } from './scripts/slash-commands.js'; import { tag_map, tags, filterByTagState, isBogusFolder, isBogusFolderOpen, chooseBogusFolder, getTagBlock, loadTagsSettings, printTagFilters, getTagKeyForEntity, printTagList, createTagMapFromList, renameTagKey, importTags, tag_filter_type, compareTagsForSort, initTags, applyTagsOnCharacterSelect, applyTagsOnGroupSelect, tag_import_setting, } from './scripts/tags.js'; import { SECRET_KEYS, readSecretState, secret_state, writeSecret, } from './scripts/secrets.js'; import { EventEmitter } from './lib/eventemitter.js'; import { markdownExclusionExt } from './scripts/showdown-exclusion.js'; import { markdownUnderscoreExt } from './scripts/showdown-underscore.js'; import { NOTE_MODULE_NAME, initAuthorsNote, metadata_keys, setFloatingPrompt, shouldWIAddPrompt } from './scripts/authors-note.js'; import { registerPromptManagerMigration } from './scripts/PromptManager.js'; import { getRegexedString, regex_placement } from './scripts/extensions/regex/engine.js'; import { initLogprobs, saveLogprobsForActiveMessage } from './scripts/logprobs.js'; import { FILTER_STATES, FILTER_TYPES, FilterHelper, isFilterState } from './scripts/filters.js'; import { getCfgPrompt, getGuidanceScale, initCfg } from './scripts/cfg-scale.js'; import { force_output_sequence, formatInstructModeChat, formatInstructModePrompt, formatInstructModeExamples, getInstructStoppingSequences, autoSelectInstructPreset, formatInstructModeSystemPrompt, selectInstructPreset, instruct_presets, selectContextPreset, } from './scripts/instruct-mode.js'; import { initLocales, t, translate } from './scripts/i18n.js'; import { getFriendlyTokenizerName, getTokenCount, getTokenCountAsync, getTokenizerModel, initTokenizers, saveTokenCache } from './scripts/tokenizers.js'; import { user_avatar, getUserAvatars, getUserAvatar, setUserAvatar, initPersonas, setPersonaDescription, initUserAvatar, } from './scripts/personas.js'; import { getBackgrounds, initBackgrounds, loadBackgroundSettings, background_settings } from './scripts/backgrounds.js'; import { hideLoader, showLoader } from './scripts/loader.js'; import { BulkEditOverlay, CharacterContextMenu } from './scripts/BulkEditOverlay.js'; import { loadFeatherlessModels, loadMancerModels, loadOllamaModels, loadTogetherAIModels, loadInfermaticAIModels, loadOpenRouterModels, loadVllmModels, loadAphroditeModels, loadDreamGenModels, initTextGenModels } from './scripts/textgen-models.js'; import { appendFileContent, hasPendingFileAttachment, populateFileAttachment, decodeStyleTags, encodeStyleTags, isExternalMediaAllowed, getCurrentEntityId } from './scripts/chats.js'; import { initPresetManager } from './scripts/preset-manager.js'; import { MacrosParser, evaluateMacros, getLastMessageId } from './scripts/macros.js'; import { currentUser, setUserControls } from './scripts/user.js'; import { POPUP_RESULT, POPUP_TYPE, Popup, callGenericPopup, fixToastrForDialogs } from './scripts/popup.js'; import { renderTemplate, renderTemplateAsync } from './scripts/templates.js'; import { ScraperManager } from './scripts/scrapers.js'; import { SlashCommandParser } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommandParser.js'; import { SlashCommand } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommand.js'; import { ARGUMENT_TYPE, SlashCommandArgument, SlashCommandNamedArgument } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommandArgument.js'; import { SlashCommandBrowser } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommandBrowser.js'; import { initCustomSelectedSamplers, validateDisabledSamplers } from './scripts/samplerSelect.js'; import { DragAndDropHandler } from './scripts/dragdrop.js'; import { INTERACTABLE_CONTROL_CLASS, initKeyboard } from './scripts/keyboard.js'; import { initDynamicStyles } from './scripts/dynamic-styles.js'; import { SlashCommandEnumValue, enumTypes } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommandEnumValue.js'; import { commonEnumProviders, enumIcons } from './scripts/slash-commands/SlashCommandCommonEnumsProvider.js'; //exporting functions and vars for mods export { user_avatar, setUserAvatar, getUserAvatars, getUserAvatar, nai_settings, isOdd, countOccurrences, renderTemplate, }; /** * Wait for page to load before continuing the app initialization. */ await new Promise((resolve) => { if (document.readyState === 'complete') { resolve(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', resolve); } }); showLoader(); // Configure toast library: toastr.options.escapeHtml = true; // Prevent raw HTML inserts toastr.options.timeOut = 4000; // How long the toast will display without user interaction toastr.options.extendedTimeOut = 10000; // How long the toast will display after a user hovers over it toastr.options.progressBar = true; // Visually indicate how long before a toast expires. toastr.options.closeButton = true; // enable a close button toastr.options.positionClass = 'toast-top-center'; // Where to position the toast container toastr.options.onHidden = () => { // If we have any dialog still open, the last "hidden" toastr will remove the toastr-container. We need to keep it alive inside the dialog though // so the toasts still show up inside there. fixToastrForDialogs(); }; // Allow target="_blank" in links DOMPurify.addHook('afterSanitizeAttributes', function (node) { if ('target' in node) { node.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); node.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener'); } }); DOMPurify.addHook('uponSanitizeAttribute', (_, data, config) => { if (!config['MESSAGE_SANITIZE']) { return; } switch (data.attrName) { case 'class': { if (data.attrValue) { data.attrValue = data.attrValue.split(' ').map((v) => { if (v.startsWith('fa-') || v.startsWith('note-') || v === 'monospace') { return v; } return 'custom-' + v; }).join(' '); } break; } } }); DOMPurify.addHook('uponSanitizeElement', (node, _, config) => { if (!config['MESSAGE_SANITIZE']) { return; } // Replace line breaks with
in unknown elements if (node instanceof HTMLUnknownElement) { node.innerHTML = node.innerHTML.replaceAll('\n', '
'); } const isMediaAllowed = isExternalMediaAllowed(); if (isMediaAllowed) { return; } let mediaBlocked = false; switch (node.tagName) { case 'AUDIO': case 'VIDEO': case 'SOURCE': case 'TRACK': case 'EMBED': case 'OBJECT': case 'IMG': { const isExternalUrl = (url) => (url.indexOf('://') > 0 || url.indexOf('//') === 0) && !url.startsWith(window.location.origin); const src = node.getAttribute('src'); const data = node.getAttribute('data'); const srcset = node.getAttribute('srcset'); if (srcset) { const srcsetUrls = srcset.split(','); for (const srcsetUrl of srcsetUrls) { const [url] = srcsetUrl.trim().split(' '); if (isExternalUrl(url)) { console.warn('External media blocked', url); node.remove(); mediaBlocked = true; break; } } } if (src && isExternalUrl(src)) { console.warn('External media blocked', src); mediaBlocked = true; node.remove(); } if (data && isExternalUrl(data)) { console.warn('External media blocked', data); mediaBlocked = true; node.remove(); } if (mediaBlocked && (node instanceof HTMLMediaElement)) { node.autoplay = false; node.pause(); } } break; } if (mediaBlocked) { const entityId = getCurrentEntityId(); const warningShownKey = `mediaWarningShown:${entityId}`; if (localStorage.getItem(warningShownKey) === null) { const warningToast = toastr.warning( 'Use the "Ext. Media" button to allow it. Click on this message to dismiss.', 'External media has been blocked', { timeOut: 0, preventDuplicates: true, onclick: () => toastr.clear(warningToast), }, ); localStorage.setItem(warningShownKey, 'true'); } } }); // API OBJECT FOR EXTERNAL WIRING window['SillyTavern'] = {}; // Event source init export const event_types = { APP_READY: 'app_ready', EXTRAS_CONNECTED: 'extras_connected', MESSAGE_SWIPED: 'message_swiped', MESSAGE_SENT: 'message_sent', MESSAGE_RECEIVED: 'message_received', MESSAGE_EDITED: 'message_edited', MESSAGE_DELETED: 'message_deleted', MESSAGE_UPDATED: 'message_updated', MESSAGE_FILE_EMBEDDED: 'message_file_embedded', IMPERSONATE_READY: 'impersonate_ready', CHAT_CHANGED: 'chat_id_changed', GENERATION_STARTED: 'generation_started', GENERATION_STOPPED: 'generation_stopped', GENERATION_ENDED: 'generation_ended', EXTENSIONS_FIRST_LOAD: 'extensions_first_load', SETTINGS_LOADED: 'settings_loaded', SETTINGS_UPDATED: 'settings_updated', GROUP_UPDATED: 'group_updated', MOVABLE_PANELS_RESET: 'movable_panels_reset', SETTINGS_LOADED_BEFORE: 'settings_loaded_before', SETTINGS_LOADED_AFTER: 'settings_loaded_after', CHATCOMPLETION_SOURCE_CHANGED: 'chatcompletion_source_changed', CHATCOMPLETION_MODEL_CHANGED: 'chatcompletion_model_changed', OAI_PRESET_CHANGED_BEFORE: 'oai_preset_changed_before', OAI_PRESET_CHANGED_AFTER: 'oai_preset_changed_after', OAI_PRESET_EXPORT_READY: 'oai_preset_export_ready', OAI_PRESET_IMPORT_READY: 'oai_preset_import_ready', WORLDINFO_SETTINGS_UPDATED: 'worldinfo_settings_updated', WORLDINFO_UPDATED: 'worldinfo_updated', CHARACTER_EDITED: 'character_edited', CHARACTER_PAGE_LOADED: 'character_page_loaded', CHARACTER_GROUP_OVERLAY_STATE_CHANGE_BEFORE: 'character_group_overlay_state_change_before', CHARACTER_GROUP_OVERLAY_STATE_CHANGE_AFTER: 'character_group_overlay_state_change_after', USER_MESSAGE_RENDERED: 'user_message_rendered', CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED: 'character_message_rendered', FORCE_SET_BACKGROUND: 'force_set_background', CHAT_DELETED: 'chat_deleted', CHAT_CREATED: 'chat_created', GROUP_CHAT_DELETED: 'group_chat_deleted', GROUP_CHAT_CREATED: 'group_chat_created', GENERATE_BEFORE_COMBINE_PROMPTS: 'generate_before_combine_prompts', GENERATE_AFTER_COMBINE_PROMPTS: 'generate_after_combine_prompts', GENERATE_AFTER_DATA: 'generate_after_data', GROUP_MEMBER_DRAFTED: 'group_member_drafted', WORLD_INFO_ACTIVATED: 'world_info_activated', TEXT_COMPLETION_SETTINGS_READY: 'text_completion_settings_ready', CHAT_COMPLETION_SETTINGS_READY: 'chat_completion_settings_ready', CHAT_COMPLETION_PROMPT_READY: 'chat_completion_prompt_ready', CHARACTER_FIRST_MESSAGE_SELECTED: 'character_first_message_selected', // TODO: Naming convention is inconsistent with other events CHARACTER_DELETED: 'characterDeleted', CHARACTER_DUPLICATED: 'character_duplicated', SMOOTH_STREAM_TOKEN_RECEIVED: 'smooth_stream_token_received', FILE_ATTACHMENT_DELETED: 'file_attachment_deleted', WORLDINFO_FORCE_ACTIVATE: 'worldinfo_force_activate', OPEN_CHARACTER_LIBRARY: 'open_character_library', LLM_FUNCTION_TOOL_REGISTER: 'llm_function_tool_register', LLM_FUNCTION_TOOL_CALL: 'llm_function_tool_call', ONLINE_STATUS_CHANGED: 'online_status_changed', IMAGE_SWIPED: 'image_swiped', }; export const eventSource = new EventEmitter(); eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, processChatSlashCommands); export const characterGroupOverlay = new BulkEditOverlay(); const characterContextMenu = new CharacterContextMenu(characterGroupOverlay); eventSource.on(event_types.CHARACTER_PAGE_LOADED, characterGroupOverlay.onPageLoad); console.debug('Character context menu initialized', characterContextMenu); // Markdown converter export let mesForShowdownParse; //intended to be used as a context to compare showdown strings against let converter; reloadMarkdownProcessor(); // array for prompt token calculations console.debug('initializing Prompt Itemization Array on Startup'); const promptStorage = new localforage.createInstance({ name: 'SillyTavern_Prompts' }); export let itemizedPrompts = []; export const systemUserName = 'SillyTavern System'; let default_user_name = 'User'; export let name1 = default_user_name; export let name2 = 'SillyTavern System'; export let chat = []; let safetychat = [ { name: systemUserName, is_user: false, create_date: 0, mes: 'You deleted a character/chat and arrived back here for safety reasons! Pick another character!', }, ]; let chatSaveTimeout; let importFlashTimeout; export let isChatSaving = false; let chat_create_date = ''; let firstRun = false; let settingsReady = false; let currentVersion = '0.0.0'; let displayVersion = 'SillyTavern'; let generatedPromptCache = ''; let generation_started = new Date(); /** @type {import('scripts/char-data.js').v1CharData[]} */ export let characters = []; export let this_chid; let saveCharactersPage = 0; export const default_avatar = 'img/ai4.png'; export const system_avatar = 'img/five.png'; export const comment_avatar = 'img/quill.png'; export let CLIENT_VERSION = 'SillyTavern:UNKNOWN:Cohee#1207'; // For Horde header let optionsPopper = Popper.createPopper(document.getElementById('options_button'), document.getElementById('options'), { placement: 'top-start', }); let exportPopper = Popper.createPopper(document.getElementById('export_button'), document.getElementById('export_format_popup'), { placement: 'left', }); // Saved here for performance reasons const messageTemplate = $('#message_template .mes'); const chatElement = $('#chat'); let dialogueResolve = null; let dialogueCloseStop = false; export let chat_metadata = {}; /** @type {StreamingProcessor} */ export let streamingProcessor = null; let crop_data = undefined; let is_delete_mode = false; let fav_ch_checked = false; let scrollLock = false; export let abortStatusCheck = new AbortController(); let charDragDropHandler = null; /** @type {debounce_timeout} The debounce timeout used for chat/settings save. debounce_timeout.long: 1.000 ms */ export const DEFAULT_SAVE_EDIT_TIMEOUT = debounce_timeout.relaxed; /** @type {debounce_timeout} The debounce timeout used for printing. debounce_timeout.quick: 100 ms */ export const DEFAULT_PRINT_TIMEOUT = debounce_timeout.quick; export const saveSettingsDebounced = debounce(() => saveSettings(), DEFAULT_SAVE_EDIT_TIMEOUT); export const saveCharacterDebounced = debounce(() => $('#create_button').trigger('click'), DEFAULT_SAVE_EDIT_TIMEOUT); /** * Prints the character list in a debounced fashion without blocking, with a delay of 100 milliseconds. * Use this function instead of a direct `printCharacters()` whenever the reprinting of the character list is not the primary focus. * * The printing will also always reprint all filter options of the global list, to keep them up to date. */ export const printCharactersDebounced = debounce(() => { printCharacters(false); }, DEFAULT_PRINT_TIMEOUT); /** * @enum {string} System message types */ export const system_message_types = { HELP: 'help', WELCOME: 'welcome', GROUP: 'group', EMPTY: 'empty', GENERIC: 'generic', BOOKMARK_CREATED: 'bookmark_created', BOOKMARK_BACK: 'bookmark_back', NARRATOR: 'narrator', COMMENT: 'comment', SLASH_COMMANDS: 'slash_commands', FORMATTING: 'formatting', HOTKEYS: 'hotkeys', MACROS: 'macros', }; /** * @enum {number} Extension prompt types */ export const extension_prompt_types = { NONE: -1, IN_PROMPT: 0, IN_CHAT: 1, BEFORE_PROMPT: 2, }; /** * @enum {number} Extension prompt roles */ export const extension_prompt_roles = { SYSTEM: 0, USER: 1, ASSISTANT: 2, }; export const MAX_INJECTION_DEPTH = 1000; export let system_messages = {}; async function getSystemMessages() { system_messages = { help: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: await renderTemplateAsync('help'), }, slash_commands: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: '', }, hotkeys: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: await renderTemplateAsync('hotkeys'), }, formatting: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: await renderTemplateAsync('formatting'), }, macros: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: await renderTemplateAsync('macros'), }, welcome: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: await renderTemplateAsync('welcome', { displayVersion }), }, group: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, is_group: true, mes: 'Group chat created. Say \'Hi\' to lovely people!', }, empty: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: 'No one hears you. Hint: add more members to the group!', }, generic: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: 'Generic system message. User `text` parameter to override the contents', }, bookmark_created: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: 'Checkpoint created! Click here to open the checkpoint chat: {1}', }, bookmark_back: { name: systemUserName, force_avatar: system_avatar, is_user: false, is_system: true, mes: 'Click here to return to the previous chat: Return', }, }; } // Register configuration migrations registerPromptManagerMigration(); $(document).ajaxError(function myErrorHandler(_, xhr) { // Cohee: CSRF doesn't error out in multiple tabs anymore, so this is unnecessary /* if (xhr.status == 403) { toastr.warning( 'doubleCsrf errors in console are NORMAL in this case. If you want to run ST in multiple tabs, start the server with --disableCsrf option.', 'Looks like you\'ve opened SillyTavern in another browser tab', { timeOut: 0, extendedTimeOut: 0, preventDuplicates: true }, ); } */ }); async function getClientVersion() { try { const response = await fetch('/version'); const data = await response.json(); CLIENT_VERSION = data.agent; displayVersion = `SillyTavern ${data.pkgVersion}`; currentVersion = data.pkgVersion; if (data.gitRevision && data.gitBranch) { displayVersion += ` '${data.gitBranch}' (${data.gitRevision})`; } $('#version_display').text(displayVersion); $('#version_display_welcome').text(displayVersion); } catch (err) { console.error('Couldn\'t get client version', err); } } export function reloadMarkdownProcessor(render_formulas = false) { if (render_formulas) { converter = new showdown.Converter({ emoji: true, underline: true, tables: true, parseImgDimensions: true, simpleLineBreaks: true, strikethrough: true, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: true, extensions: [ showdownKatex( { delimiters: [ { left: '$$', right: '$$', display: true, asciimath: false }, { left: '$', right: '$', display: false, asciimath: true }, ], }, )], }); } else { converter = new showdown.Converter({ emoji: true, literalMidWordUnderscores: true, parseImgDimensions: true, tables: true, underline: true, simpleLineBreaks: true, strikethrough: true, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: true, extensions: [markdownUnderscoreExt()], }); } // Inject the dinkus extension after creating the converter // Maybe move this into power_user init? setTimeout(() => { if (power_user) { converter.addExtension(markdownExclusionExt(), 'exclusion'); } }, 1); return converter; } export function getCurrentChatId() { if (selected_group) { return groups.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id; } else if (this_chid !== undefined) { return characters[this_chid]?.chat; } } export const talkativeness_default = 0.5; export const depth_prompt_depth_default = 4; export const depth_prompt_role_default = 'system'; const per_page_default = 50; var is_advanced_char_open = false; /** * The type of the right menu * @typedef {'characters' | 'character_edit' | 'create' | 'group_edit' | 'group_create' | '' } MenuType */ /** * The type of the right menu that is currently open * @type {MenuType} */ export let menu_type = ''; export let selected_button = ''; //which button pressed //create pole save let create_save = { name: '', description: '', creator_notes: '', post_history_instructions: '', character_version: '', system_prompt: '', tags: '', creator: '', personality: '', first_message: '', avatar: '', scenario: '', mes_example: '', world: '', talkativeness: talkativeness_default, alternate_greetings: [], depth_prompt_prompt: '', depth_prompt_depth: depth_prompt_depth_default, depth_prompt_role: depth_prompt_role_default, extensions: {}, }; //animation right menu export const ANIMATION_DURATION_DEFAULT = 125; export let animation_duration = ANIMATION_DURATION_DEFAULT; export let animation_easing = 'ease-in-out'; let popup_type = ''; let chat_file_for_del = ''; export let online_status = 'no_connection'; export let api_server = ''; export let is_send_press = false; //Send generation let this_del_mes = -1; //message editing and chat scroll position persistence var this_edit_mes_chname = ''; var this_edit_mes_id; var scroll_holder = 0; var is_use_scroll_holder = false; //settings export let settings; export let koboldai_settings; export let koboldai_setting_names; var preset_settings = 'gui'; export let amount_gen = 80; //default max length of AI generated responses export let max_context = 2048; var swipes = true; let extension_prompts = {}; export let main_api;// = "kobold"; //novel settings export let novelai_settings; export let novelai_setting_names; /** @type {AbortController} */ let abortController; //css var css_send_form_display = $('
').css('display'); const MAX_GENERATION_LOOPS = 5; var kobold_horde_model = ''; export let token; var PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay; var priorPromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay; /** The tag of the active character. (NOT the id) */ export let active_character = ''; /** The tag of the active group. (Coincidentally also the id) */ export let active_group = ''; export const entitiesFilter = new FilterHelper(printCharactersDebounced); export function getRequestHeaders() { return { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-CSRF-Token': token, }; } $.ajaxPrefilter((options, originalOptions, xhr) => { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', token); }); /** * Pings the STserver to check if it is reachable. * @returns {Promise} True if the server is reachable, false otherwise. */ export async function pingServer() { try { const result = await fetch('api/ping', { method: 'GET', headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (!result.ok) { return false; } return true; } catch (error) { console.error('Error pinging server', error); return false; } } async function firstLoadInit() { try { const tokenResponse = await fetch('/csrf-token'); const tokenData = await tokenResponse.json(); token = tokenData.token; } catch { hideLoader(); toastr.error('Couldn\'t get CSRF token. Please refresh the page.', 'Error', { timeOut: 0, extendedTimeOut: 0, preventDuplicates: true }); throw new Error('Initialization failed'); } await getClientVersion(); await readSecretState(); initLocales(); initDefaultSlashCommands(); initTextGenModels(); await getSystemMessages(); sendSystemMessage(system_message_types.WELCOME); await getSettings(); initKeyboard(); initDynamicStyles(); initTags(); initOpenai(); await getUserAvatars(true, user_avatar); await getCharacters(); await getBackgrounds(); await initTokenizers(); await initPresetManager(); initBackgrounds(); initAuthorsNote(); initPersonas(); initRossMods(); initStats(); initCfg(); initLogprobs(); doDailyExtensionUpdatesCheck(); await hideLoader(); await fixViewport(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.APP_READY); } async function fixViewport() { = 'absolute'; await delay(1); = ''; } function cancelStatusCheck() { abortStatusCheck?.abort(); abortStatusCheck = new AbortController(); setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } export function displayOnlineStatus() { if (online_status == 'no_connection') { $('.online_status_indicator').removeClass('success'); $('.online_status_text').text($('#API-status-top').attr('no_connection_text')); } else { $('.online_status_indicator').addClass('success'); $('.online_status_text').text(online_status); } } /** * Sets the duration of JS animations. * @param {number} ms Duration in milliseconds. Resets to default if null. */ export function setAnimationDuration(ms = null) { animation_duration = ms ?? ANIMATION_DURATION_DEFAULT; // Set CSS variable to document'--animation-duration', `${animation_duration}ms`); } export function setActiveCharacter(entityOrKey) { active_character = getTagKeyForEntity(entityOrKey); } export function setActiveGroup(entityOrKey) { active_group = getTagKeyForEntity(entityOrKey); } /** * Gets the itemized prompts for a chat. * @param {string} chatId Chat ID to load */ export async function loadItemizedPrompts(chatId) { try { if (!chatId) { itemizedPrompts = []; return; } itemizedPrompts = await promptStorage.getItem(chatId); if (!itemizedPrompts) { itemizedPrompts = []; } } catch { console.log('Error loading itemized prompts for chat', chatId); itemizedPrompts = []; } } /** * Saves the itemized prompts for a chat. * @param {string} chatId Chat ID to save itemized prompts for */ export async function saveItemizedPrompts(chatId) { try { if (!chatId) { return; } await promptStorage.setItem(chatId, itemizedPrompts); } catch { console.log('Error saving itemized prompts for chat', chatId); } } /** * Replaces the itemized prompt text for a message. * @param {number} mesId Message ID to get itemized prompt for * @param {string} promptText New raw prompt text * @returns */ export async function replaceItemizedPromptText(mesId, promptText) { if (!Array.isArray(itemizedPrompts)) { itemizedPrompts = []; } const itemizedPrompt = itemizedPrompts.find(x => x.mesId === mesId); if (!itemizedPrompt) { return; } itemizedPrompt.rawPrompt = promptText; } /** * Deletes the itemized prompts for a chat. * @param {string} chatId Chat ID to delete itemized prompts for */ export async function deleteItemizedPrompts(chatId) { try { if (!chatId) { return; } await promptStorage.removeItem(chatId); } catch { console.log('Error deleting itemized prompts for chat', chatId); } } /** * Empties the itemized prompts array and caches. */ export async function clearItemizedPrompts() { try { await promptStorage.clear(); itemizedPrompts = []; } catch { console.log('Error clearing itemized prompts'); } } async function getStatusHorde() { try { const hordeStatus = await checkHordeStatus(); setOnlineStatus(hordeStatus ? 'Connected' : 'no_connection'); } catch { setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } return resultCheckStatus(); } async function getStatusKobold() { let endpoint = api_server; if (!endpoint) { console.warn('No endpoint for status check'); setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); return resultCheckStatus(); } try { const response = await fetch('/api/backends/kobold/status', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ main_api, api_server: endpoint, }), signal: abortStatusCheck.signal, }); const data = await response.json(); setOnlineStatus(data?.model ?? 'no_connection'); if (!data.koboldUnitedVersion) { throw new Error('Missing mandatory Kobold version in data:', data); } // Determine instruct mode preset autoSelectInstructPreset(online_status); // determine if we can use stop sequence and streaming setKoboldFlags(data.koboldUnitedVersion, data.koboldCppVersion); // We didn't get a 200 status code, but the endpoint has an explanation. Which means it DID connect, but I digress. if (online_status === 'no_connection' && data.response) { toastr.error(data.response, 'API Error', { timeOut: 5000, preventDuplicates: true }); } } catch (err) { console.error('Error getting status', err); setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } return resultCheckStatus(); } async function getStatusTextgen() { const url = '/api/backends/text-completions/status'; const endpoint = getTextGenServer(); if (!endpoint) { console.warn('No endpoint for status check'); setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); return resultCheckStatus(); } if (textgen_settings.type == OOBA && textgen_settings.bypass_status_check) { setOnlineStatus('Status check bypassed'); return resultCheckStatus(); } try { const response = await fetch(url, { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ api_server: endpoint, api_type: textgen_settings.type, legacy_api: textgen_settings.legacy_api && (textgen_settings.type === OOBA || textgen_settings.type === APHRODITE), }), signal: abortStatusCheck.signal, }); const data = await response.json(); if (textgen_settings.type === MANCER) { loadMancerModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.mancer_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === TOGETHERAI) { loadTogetherAIModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.togetherai_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === OLLAMA) { loadOllamaModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.ollama_model || 'Connected'); } else if (textgen_settings.type === INFERMATICAI) { loadInfermaticAIModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.infermaticai_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === DREAMGEN) { loadDreamGenModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.dreamgen_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === OPENROUTER) { loadOpenRouterModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.openrouter_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === VLLM) { loadVllmModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.vllm_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === APHRODITE) { loadAphroditeModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.aphrodite_model); } else if (textgen_settings.type === FEATHERLESS) { loadFeatherlessModels(data?.data); setOnlineStatus(textgen_settings.featherless_model); } else { setOnlineStatus(data?.result); } if (!online_status) { setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } // Determine instruct mode preset autoSelectInstructPreset(online_status); // We didn't get a 200 status code, but the endpoint has an explanation. Which means it DID connect, but I digress. if (online_status === 'no_connection' && data.response) { toastr.error(data.response, 'API Error', { timeOut: 5000, preventDuplicates: true }); } } catch (err) { console.error('Error getting status', err); setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } return resultCheckStatus(); } async function getStatusNovel() { try { const result = await loadNovelSubscriptionData(); if (!result) { throw new Error('Could not load subscription data'); } setOnlineStatus(getNovelTier()); } catch { setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); } resultCheckStatus(); } export function startStatusLoading() { $('.api_loading').show(); $('.api_button').addClass('disabled'); } export function stopStatusLoading() { $('.api_loading').hide(); $('.api_button').removeClass('disabled'); } export function resultCheckStatus() { displayOnlineStatus(); stopStatusLoading(); } export async function selectCharacterById(id) { if (characters[id] === undefined) { return; } if (isChatSaving) {'Please wait until the chat is saved before switching characters.', 'Your chat is still saving...'); return; } if (selected_group && is_group_generating) { return; } if (selected_group || this_chid !== id) { //if clicked on a different character from what was currently selected if (!is_send_press) { await clearChat(); cancelTtsPlay(); resetSelectedGroup(); this_edit_mes_id = undefined; selected_button = 'character_edit'; this_chid = id; chat.length = 0; chat_metadata = {}; await getChat(); } } else { //if clicked on character that was already selected selected_button = 'character_edit'; select_selected_character(this_chid); } } function getBackBlock() { const template = $('#bogus_folder_back_template .bogus_folder_select').clone(); return template; } function getEmptyBlock() { const icons = ['fa-dragon', 'fa-otter', 'fa-kiwi-bird', 'fa-crow', 'fa-frog']; const texts = ['Here be dragons', 'Otterly empty', 'Kiwibunga', 'Pump-a-Rum', 'Croak it']; const roll = new Date().getMinutes() % icons.length; const emptyBlock = `


There are no items to display.

`; return $(emptyBlock); } /** * @param {number} hidden Number of hidden characters */ function getHiddenBlock(hidden) { const hiddenBlock = `

${hidden} ${hidden > 1 ? 'characters' : 'character'} hidden.

`; return $(hiddenBlock); } function getCharacterBlock(item, id) { let this_avatar = default_avatar; if (item.avatar != 'none') { this_avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', item.avatar); } // Populate the template const template = $('#character_template .character_select').clone(); template.attr({ 'chid': id, 'id': `CharID${id}` }); template.find('img').attr('src', this_avatar).attr('alt',; template.find('.avatar').attr('title', `[Character] ${}\nFile: ${item.avatar}`); template.find('.ch_name').text('title', `[Character] ${}`); if (power_user.show_card_avatar_urls) { template.find('.ch_avatar_url').text(item.avatar); } template.find('.ch_fav_icon').css('display', 'none'); template.toggleClass('is_fav', item.fav || item.fav == 'true'); template.find('.ch_fav').val(item.fav); const description = || ''; if (description) { template.find('.ch_description').text(description); } else { template.find('.ch_description').hide(); } const auxFieldName = power_user.aux_field || 'character_version'; const auxFieldValue = ( &&[auxFieldName]) || ''; if (auxFieldValue) { template.find('.character_version').text(auxFieldValue); } else { template.find('.character_version').hide(); } // Display inline tags const tagsElement = template.find('.tags'); printTagList(tagsElement, { forEntityOrKey: id }); // Add to the list return template; } /** * Prints the global character list, optionally doing a full refresh of the list * Use this function whenever the reprinting of the character list is the primary focus, otherwise using `printCharactersDebounced` is preferred for a cleaner, non-blocking experience. * * The printing will also always reprint all filter options of the global list, to keep them up to date. * * @param {boolean} fullRefresh - If true, the list is fully refreshed and the navigation is being reset */ export async function printCharacters(fullRefresh = false) { const storageKey = 'Characters_PerPage'; const listId = '#rm_print_characters_block'; let currentScrollTop = $(listId).scrollTop(); if (fullRefresh) { saveCharactersPage = 0; currentScrollTop = 0; await delay(1); } // Before printing the personas, we check if we should enable/disable search sorting verifyCharactersSearchSortRule(); // We are actually always reprinting filters, as it "doesn't hurt", and this way they are always up to date printTagFilters(tag_filter_type.character); printTagFilters(tag_filter_type.group_member); // We are also always reprinting the lists on character/group edit window, as these ones doesn't get updated otherwise applyTagsOnCharacterSelect(); applyTagsOnGroupSelect(); const entities = getEntitiesList({ doFilter: true }); $('#rm_print_characters_pagination').pagination({ dataSource: entities, pageSize: Number(localStorage.getItem(storageKey)) || per_page_default, sizeChangerOptions: [10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000], pageRange: 1, pageNumber: saveCharactersPage || 1, position: 'top', showPageNumbers: false, showSizeChanger: true, prevText: '<', nextText: '>', formatNavigator: PAGINATION_TEMPLATE, showNavigator: true, callback: function (/** @type {Entity[]} */ data) { $(listId).empty(); if (power_user.bogus_folders && isBogusFolderOpen()) { $(listId).append(getBackBlock()); } if (!data.length) { $(listId).append(getEmptyBlock()); } let displayCount = 0; for (const i of data) { switch (i.type) { case 'character': $(listId).append(getCharacterBlock(i.item,; displayCount++; break; case 'group': $(listId).append(getGroupBlock(i.item)); displayCount++; break; case 'tag': $(listId).append(getTagBlock(i.item, i.entities, i.hidden, i.isUseless)); break; } } const hidden = (characters.length + groups.length) - displayCount; if (hidden > 0 && entitiesFilter.hasAnyFilter()) { $(listId).append(getHiddenBlock(hidden)); } eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_PAGE_LOADED); }, afterSizeSelectorChange: function (e) { localStorage.setItem(storageKey,; }, afterPaging: function (e) { saveCharactersPage = e; }, afterRender: function () { $(listId).scrollTop(currentScrollTop); }, }); favsToHotswap(); } /** Checks the state of the current search, and adds/removes the search sorting option accordingly */ function verifyCharactersSearchSortRule() { const searchTerm = entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.SEARCH); const searchOption = $('#character_sort_order option[data-field="search"]'); const selector = $('#character_sort_order'); const isHidden = searchOption.attr('hidden') !== undefined; // If we have a search term, we are displaying the sorting option for it if (searchTerm && isHidden) { searchOption.removeAttr('hidden'); searchOption.prop('selected', true); flashHighlight(selector); } // If search got cleared, we make sure to hide the option and go back to the one before if (!searchTerm && !isHidden) { searchOption.attr('hidden', ''); $(`#character_sort_order option[data-order="${power_user.sort_order}"][data-field="${power_user.sort_field}"]`).prop('selected', true); } } /** @typedef {object} Character - A character */ /** @typedef {object} Group - A group */ /** * @typedef {object} Entity - Object representing a display entity * @property {Character|Group|import('./scripts/tags.js').Tag|*} item - The item * @property {string|number} id - The id * @property {'character'|'group'|'tag'} type - The type of this entity (character, group, tag) * @property {Entity[]?} [entities=null] - An optional list of entities relevant for this item * @property {number?} [hidden=null] - An optional number representing how many hidden entities this entity contains * @property {boolean?} [isUseless=null] - Specifies if the entity is useless (not relevant, but should still be displayed for consistency) and should be displayed greyed out */ /** * Converts the given character to its entity representation * * @param {Character} character - The character * @param {string|number} id - The id of this character * @returns {Entity} The entity for this character */ export function characterToEntity(character, id) { return { item: character, id, type: 'character' }; } /** * Converts the given group to its entity representation * * @param {Group} group - The group * @returns {Entity} The entity for this group */ export function groupToEntity(group) { return { item: group, id:, type: 'group' }; } /** * Converts the given tag to its entity representation * * @param {import('./scripts/tags.js').Tag} tag - The tag * @returns {Entity} The entity for this tag */ export function tagToEntity(tag) { return { item: structuredClone(tag), id:, type: 'tag', entities: [] }; } /** * Builds the full list of all entities available * * They will be correctly marked and filtered. * * @param {object} param0 - Optional parameters * @param {boolean} [param0.doFilter] - Whether this entity list should already be filtered based on the global filters * @param {boolean} [param0.doSort] - Whether the entity list should be sorted when returned * @returns {Entity[]} All entities */ export function getEntitiesList({ doFilter = false, doSort = true } = {}) { let entities = [, index) => characterToEntity(item, index)), => groupToEntity(item)), ...(power_user.bogus_folders ? tags.filter(isBogusFolder).sort(compareTagsForSort).map(item => tagToEntity(item)) : []), ]; // We need to do multiple filter runs in a specific order, otherwise different settings might override each other // and screw up tags and search filter, sub lists or similar. // The specific filters are written inside the "filterByTagState" method and its different parameters. // Generally what we do is the following: // 1. First swipe over the list to remove the most obvious things // 2. Build sub entity lists for all folders, filtering them similarly to the second swipe // 3. We do the last run, where global filters are applied, and the search filters last // First run filters, that will hide what should never be displayed if (doFilter) { entities = filterByTagState(entities); } // Run over all entities between first and second filter to save some states for (const entity of entities) { // For folders, we remember the sub entities so they can be displayed later, even if they might be filtered // Those sub entities should be filtered and have the search filters applied too if (entity.type === 'tag') { let subEntities = filterByTagState(entities, { subForEntity: entity, filterHidden: false }); const subCount = subEntities.length; subEntities = filterByTagState(entities, { subForEntity: entity }); if (doFilter) { // sub entities filter "hacked" because folder filter should not be applied there, so even in "only folders" mode characters show up subEntities = entitiesFilter.applyFilters(subEntities, { clearScoreCache: false, tempOverrides: { [FILTER_TYPES.FOLDER]: FILTER_STATES.UNDEFINED } }); } if (doSort) { sortEntitiesList(subEntities); } entity.entities = subEntities; entity.hidden = subCount - subEntities.length; } } // Second run filters, hiding whatever should be filtered later if (doFilter) { const beforeFinalEntities = filterByTagState(entities, { globalDisplayFilters: true }); entities = entitiesFilter.applyFilters(beforeFinalEntities); // Magic for folder filter. If that one is enabled, and no folders are display anymore, we remove that filter to actually show the characters. if (isFilterState(entitiesFilter.getFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.FOLDER), FILTER_STATES.SELECTED) && entities.filter(x => x.type == 'tag').length == 0) { entities = entitiesFilter.applyFilters(beforeFinalEntities, { tempOverrides: { [FILTER_TYPES.FOLDER]: FILTER_STATES.UNDEFINED } }); } } // Final step, updating some properties after the last filter run const nonTagEntitiesCount = entities.filter(entity => entity.type !== 'tag').length; for (const entity of entities) { if (entity.type === 'tag') { if (entity.entities?.length == nonTagEntitiesCount) entity.isUseless = true; } } // Sort before returning if requested if (doSort) { sortEntitiesList(entities); } return entities; } export async function getOneCharacter(avatarUrl) { const response = await fetch('/api/characters/get', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: avatarUrl, }), }); if (response.ok) { const getData = await response.json(); getData['name'] = DOMPurify.sanitize(getData['name']); getData['chat'] = String(getData['chat']); const indexOf = characters.findIndex(x => x.avatar === avatarUrl); if (indexOf !== -1) { characters[indexOf] = getData; } else { toastr.error(`Character ${avatarUrl} not found in the list`, 'Error', { timeOut: 5000, preventDuplicates: true }); } } } function getCharacterSource(chId = this_chid) { const character = characters[chId]; if (!character) { return ''; } const chubId = characters[chId]?.data?.extensions?.chub?.full_path; if (chubId) { return `${chubId}`; } const pygmalionId = characters[chId]?.data?.extensions?.pygmalion_id; if (pygmalionId) { return `${pygmalionId}`; } const githubRepo = characters[chId]?.data?.extensions?.github_repo; if (githubRepo) { return `${githubRepo}`; } const sourceUrl = characters[chId]?.data?.extensions?.source_url; if (sourceUrl) { return sourceUrl; } const risuId = characters[chId]?.data?.extensions?.risuai?.source; if (Array.isArray(risuId) && risuId.length && typeof risuId[0] === 'string' && risuId[0].startsWith('risurealm:')) { const realmId = risuId[0].split(':')[1]; return `${realmId}`; } return ''; } export async function getCharacters() { const response = await fetch('/api/characters/all', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ '': '', }), }); if (response.ok === true) { characters.splice(0, characters.length); const getData = await response.json(); for (let i = 0; i < getData.length; i++) { characters[i] = getData[i]; characters[i]['name'] = DOMPurify.sanitize(characters[i]['name']); // For dropped-in cards if (!characters[i]['chat']) { characters[i]['chat'] = `${characters[i]['name']} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; } characters[i]['chat'] = String(characters[i]['chat']); } if (this_chid !== undefined) { $('#avatar_url_pole').val(characters[this_chid].avatar); } await getGroups(); await printCharacters(true); } } async function delChat(chatfile) { const response = await fetch('/api/chats/delete', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ chatfile: chatfile, avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar, }), }); if (response.ok === true) { // choose another chat if current was deleted const name = chatfile.replace('.jsonl', ''); if (name === characters[this_chid].chat) { chat_metadata = {}; await replaceCurrentChat(); } await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_DELETED, name); } } export async function replaceCurrentChat() { await clearChat(); chat.length = 0; const chatsResponse = await fetch('/api/characters/chats', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar }), }); if (chatsResponse.ok) { const chats = Object.values(await chatsResponse.json()); chats.sort((a, b) => sortMoments(timestampToMoment(a.last_mes), timestampToMoment(b.last_mes))); // pick existing chat if (chats.length && typeof chats[0] === 'object') { characters[this_chid].chat = chats[0].file_name.replace('.jsonl', ''); $('#selected_chat_pole').val(characters[this_chid].chat); saveCharacterDebounced(); await getChat(); } // start new chat else { characters[this_chid].chat = `${name2} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; $('#selected_chat_pole').val(characters[this_chid].chat); saveCharacterDebounced(); await getChat(); } } } export function showMoreMessages() { const firstDisplayedMesId = $('#chat').children('.mes').first().attr('mesid'); let messageId = Number(firstDisplayedMesId); let count = power_user.chat_truncation || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; // If there are no messages displayed, or the message somehow has no mesid, we default to one higher than last message id, // so the first "new" message being shown will be the last available message if (isNaN(messageId)) { messageId = getLastMessageId() + 1; } console.debug('Inserting messages before', messageId, 'count', count, 'chat length', chat.length); const prevHeight = $('#chat').prop('scrollHeight'); while (messageId > 0 && count > 0) { let newMessageId = messageId - 1; addOneMessage(chat[newMessageId], { insertBefore: messageId >= chat.length ? null : messageId, scroll: false, forceId: newMessageId }); count--; messageId--; } if (messageId == 0) { $('#show_more_messages').remove(); } const newHeight = $('#chat').prop('scrollHeight'); $('#chat').scrollTop(newHeight - prevHeight); } export async function printMessages() { let startIndex = 0; let count = power_user.chat_truncation || Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; if (chat.length > count) { startIndex = chat.length - count; $('#chat').append('
Show more messages
'); } for (let i = startIndex; i < chat.length; i++) { const item = chat[i]; addOneMessage(item, { scroll: false, forceId: i, showSwipes: false }); } // Scroll to bottom when all images are loaded const images = document.querySelectorAll('#chat .mes img'); let imagesLoaded = 0; for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { const image = images[i]; if (image instanceof HTMLImageElement) { if (image.complete) { incrementAndCheck(); } else { image.addEventListener('load', incrementAndCheck); } } } $('#chat .mes').removeClass('last_mes'); $('#chat .mes').last().addClass('last_mes'); hideSwipeButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); scrollChatToBottom(); function incrementAndCheck() { imagesLoaded++; if (imagesLoaded === images.length) { scrollChatToBottom(); } } } export async function clearChat() { closeMessageEditor(); extension_prompts = {}; if (is_delete_mode) { $('#dialogue_del_mes_cancel').trigger('click'); } $('#chat').children().remove(); if ($('.zoomed_avatar[forChar]').length) { console.debug('saw avatars to remove'); $('.zoomed_avatar[forChar]').remove(); } else { console.debug('saw no avatars'); } await saveItemizedPrompts(getCurrentChatId()); itemizedPrompts = []; } export async function deleteLastMessage() { chat.length = chat.length - 1; $('#chat').children('.mes').last().remove(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, chat.length); } export async function reloadCurrentChat() { await clearChat(); chat.length = 0; if (selected_group) { await getGroupChat(selected_group, true); } else if (this_chid !== undefined) { await getChat(); } else { resetChatState(); await getCharacters(); await printMessages(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, getCurrentChatId()); } hideSwipeButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); } /** * Send the message currently typed into the chat box. */ export function sendTextareaMessage() { if (is_send_press) return; if (isExecutingCommandsFromChatInput) return; let generateType; // "Continue on send" is activated when the user hits "send" (or presses enter) on an empty chat box, and the last // message was sent from a character (not the user or the system). const textareaText = String($('#send_textarea').val()); if (power_user.continue_on_send && !textareaText && !selected_group && chat.length && !chat[chat.length - 1]['is_user'] && !chat[chat.length - 1]['is_system'] ) { generateType = 'continue'; } Generate(generateType); } /** * Formats the message text into an HTML string using Markdown and other formatting. * @param {string} mes Message text * @param {string} ch_name Character name * @param {boolean} isSystem If the message was sent by the system * @param {boolean} isUser If the message was sent by the user * @param {number} messageId Message index in chat array * @returns {string} HTML string */ export function messageFormatting(mes, ch_name, isSystem, isUser, messageId) { if (!mes) { return ''; } if (Number(messageId) === 0 && !isSystem && !isUser) { const mesBeforeReplace = mes; const chatMessage = chat[messageId]; mes = substituteParams(mes, undefined, ch_name); if (chatMessage && chatMessage.mes === mesBeforeReplace && chatMessage.extra?.display_text !== mesBeforeReplace) { chatMessage.mes = mes; } } mesForShowdownParse = mes; // Force isSystem = false on comment messages so they get formatted properly if (ch_name === COMMENT_NAME_DEFAULT && isSystem && !isUser) { isSystem = false; } // Let hidden messages have markdown if (isSystem && ch_name !== systemUserName) { isSystem = false; } // Prompt bias replacement should be applied on the raw message if (!power_user.show_user_prompt_bias && ch_name && !isUser && !isSystem) { mes = mes.replaceAll(substituteParams(power_user.user_prompt_bias), ''); } if (!isSystem) { function getRegexPlacement() { try { if (isUser) { return regex_placement.USER_INPUT; } else if (chat[messageId]?.extra?.type === 'narrator') { return regex_placement.SLASH_COMMAND; } else { return regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT; } } catch { return regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT; } } const regexPlacement = getRegexPlacement(); const usableMessages =, index) => ({ message: x, index: index })).filter(x => !x.message.is_system); const indexOf = usableMessages.findIndex(x => x.index === Number(messageId)); const depth = messageId >= 0 && indexOf !== -1 ? (usableMessages.length - indexOf - 1) : undefined; // Always override the character name mes = getRegexedString(mes, regexPlacement, { characterOverride: ch_name, isMarkdown: true, depth: depth, }); } if (power_user.auto_fix_generated_markdown) { mes = fixMarkdown(mes, true); } if (!isSystem && power_user.encode_tags) { mes = mes.replaceAll('<', '<').replaceAll('>', '>'); } if (this_chid === undefined && !selected_group) { mes = mes.replace(/\*\*(.+?)\*\*/g, '$1'); } else if (!isSystem) { // Save double quotes in tags as a special character to prevent them from being encoded if (!power_user.encode_tags) { mes = mes.replace(/<([^>]+)>/g, function (_, contents) { return '<' + contents.replace(/"/g, '\ufffe') + '>'; }); } mes = mes.replace(/```[\s\S]*?```|``[\s\S]*?``|`[\s\S]*?`|(".+?")|(\u201C.+?\u201D)/gm, function (match, p1, p2) { if (p1) { return '"' + p1.replace(/"/g, '') + '"'; } else if (p2) { return '“' + p2.replace(/\u201C|\u201D/g, '') + '”'; } else { return match; } }); // Restore double quotes in tags if (!power_user.encode_tags) { mes = mes.replace(/\ufffe/g, '"'); } mes = mes.replaceAll('\\begin{align*}', '$$'); mes = mes.replaceAll('\\end{align*}', '$$'); mes = converter.makeHtml(mes); mes = mes.replace(/[\s\S]*?<\/code>/g, function (match) { // Firefox creates extra newlines from
s in code blocks, so we replace them before converting newlines to
s. return match.replace(/\n/gm, '\u0000'); }); mes = mes.replace(/\u0000/g, '\n'); // Restore converted newlines mes = mes.trim(); mes = mes.replace(/[\s\S]*?<\/code>/g, function (match) { return match.replace(/&/g, '&'); }); } /* // Hides bias from empty messages send with slash commands if (isSystem) { mes = mes.replace(/\{\{[\s\S]*?\}\}/gm, ""); } */ if (!power_user.allow_name2_display && ch_name && !isUser && !isSystem) { mes = mes.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\n)${escapeRegex(ch_name)}:`, 'g'), '$1'); } /** @type {any} */ const config = { MESSAGE_SANITIZE: true, ADD_TAGS: ['custom-style'] }; mes = encodeStyleTags(mes); mes = DOMPurify.sanitize(mes, config); mes = decodeStyleTags(mes); return mes; } /** * Inserts or replaces an SVG icon adjacent to the provided message's timestamp. * * If the `extra.api` is "openai" and `extra.model` contains the substring "claude", * the function fetches the "claude.svg". Otherwise, it fetches the SVG named after * the value in `extra.api`. * * @param {JQuery} mes - The message element containing the timestamp where the icon should be inserted or replaced. * @param {Object} extra - Contains the API and model details. * @param {string} extra.api - The name of the API, used to determine which SVG to fetch. * @param {string} extra.model - The model name, used to check for the substring "claude". */ function insertSVGIcon(mes, extra) { // Determine the SVG filename let modelName; // Claude on OpenRouter or Anthropic if (extra.api === 'openai' && extra.model?.toLowerCase().includes('claude')) { modelName = 'claude'; } // OpenAI on OpenRouter else if (extra.api === 'openai' && extra.model?.toLowerCase().includes('openai')) { modelName = 'openai'; } // OpenRouter website model or other models else if (extra.api === 'openai' && (extra.model === null || extra.model?.toLowerCase().includes('/'))) { modelName = 'openrouter'; } // Everything else else { modelName = extra.api; } const image = new Image(); // Add classes for styling and identification image.classList.add('icon-svg', 'timestamp-icon'); image.src = `/img/${modelName}.svg`; image.title = `${extra?.api ? extra.api + ' - ' : ''}${extra?.model ?? ''}`; image.onload = async function () { // Check if an SVG already exists adjacent to the timestamp let existingSVG = mes.find('.timestamp').next('.timestamp-icon'); if (existingSVG.length) { // Replace existing SVG existingSVG.replaceWith(image); } else { // Append the new SVG if none exists mes.find('.timestamp').after(image); } await SVGInject(this); }; } function getMessageFromTemplate({ mesId, swipeId, characterName, isUser, avatarImg, bias, isSystem, title, timerValue, timerTitle, bookmarkLink, forceAvatar, timestamp, tokenCount, extra, }) { const mes = messageTemplate.clone(); mes.attr({ 'mesid': mesId, 'swipeid': swipeId, 'ch_name': characterName, 'is_user': isUser, 'is_system': !!isSystem, 'bookmark_link': bookmarkLink, 'force_avatar': !!forceAvatar, 'timestamp': timestamp, }); mes.find('.avatar img').attr('src', avatarImg); mes.find('.ch_name .name_text').text(characterName); mes.find('.mes_bias').html(bias); mes.find('.timestamp').text(timestamp).attr('title', `${extra?.api ? extra.api + ' - ' : ''}${extra?.model ?? ''}`); mes.find('.mesIDDisplay').text(`#${mesId}`); tokenCount && mes.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').text(`${tokenCount}t`); title && mes.attr('title', title); timerValue && mes.find('.mes_timer').attr('title', timerTitle).text(timerValue); if (power_user.timestamp_model_icon && extra?.api) { insertSVGIcon(mes, extra); } return mes; } export function updateMessageBlock(messageId, message) { const messageElement = $(`#chat [mesid="${messageId}"]`); const text = message?.extra?.display_text ?? message.mes; messageElement.find('.mes_text').html(messageFormatting(text,, message.is_system, message.is_user, messageId)); addCopyToCodeBlocks(messageElement); appendMediaToMessage(message, messageElement); } /** * Appends image or file to the message element. * @param {object} mes Message object * @param {JQuery} messageElement Message element * @param {boolean} [adjustScroll=true] Whether to adjust the scroll position after appending the media */ export function appendMediaToMessage(mes, messageElement, adjustScroll = true) { // Add image to message if (mes.extra?.image) { const container = messageElement.find('.mes_img_container'); const chatHeight = $('#chat').prop('scrollHeight'); const image = messageElement.find('.mes_img'); const text = messageElement.find('.mes_text'); const isInline = !!mes.extra?.inline_image;'load').on('load', function () { if (!adjustScroll) { return; } const scrollPosition = $('#chat').scrollTop(); const newChatHeight = $('#chat').prop('scrollHeight'); const diff = newChatHeight - chatHeight; $('#chat').scrollTop(scrollPosition + diff); }); image.attr('src', mes.extra?.image); image.attr('title', mes.extra?.title || mes.title || ''); container.addClass('img_extra'); image.toggleClass('img_inline', isInline); text.toggleClass('displayNone', !isInline); const imageSwipes = mes.extra.image_swipes; if (Array.isArray(imageSwipes) && imageSwipes.length > 0) { container.addClass('img_swipes'); const counter = container.find('.mes_img_swipe_counter'); const currentImage = imageSwipes.indexOf(mes.extra.image) + 1; counter.text(`${currentImage}/${imageSwipes.length}`); const swipeLeft = container.find('.mes_img_swipe_left');'click').on('click', function () { eventSource.emit(event_types.IMAGE_SWIPED, { message: mes, element: messageElement, direction: 'left' }); }); const swipeRight = container.find('.mes_img_swipe_right');'click').on('click', function () { eventSource.emit(event_types.IMAGE_SWIPED, { message: mes, element: messageElement, direction: 'right' }); }); } } // Add file to message if (mes.extra?.file) { messageElement.find('.mes_file_container').remove(); const messageId = messageElement.attr('mesid'); const template = $('#message_file_template .mes_file_container').clone(); template.find('.mes_file_name').text(; template.find('.mes_file_size').text(humanFileSize(mes.extra.file.size)); template.find('.mes_file_download').attr('mesid', messageId); template.find('.mes_file_delete').attr('mesid', messageId); messageElement.find('.mes_block').append(template); } else { messageElement.find('.mes_file_container').remove(); } } /** * @deprecated Use appendMediaToMessage instead. */ export function appendImageToMessage(mes, messageElement) { appendMediaToMessage(mes, messageElement); } export function addCopyToCodeBlocks(messageElement) { const codeBlocks = $(messageElement).find('pre code'); for (let i = 0; i < codeBlocks.length; i++) { hljs.highlightElement(codeBlocks.get(i)); if (navigator.clipboard !== undefined) { const copyButton = document.createElement('i'); copyButton.classList.add('fa-solid', 'fa-copy', 'code-copy', 'interactable'); copyButton.title = 'Copy code'; codeBlocks.get(i).appendChild(copyButton); copyButton.addEventListener('pointerup', function (event) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(codeBlocks.get(i).innerText);'Copied!', '', { timeOut: 2000 }); }); } } } export function addOneMessage(mes, { type = 'normal', insertAfter = null, scroll = true, insertBefore = null, forceId = null, showSwipes = true } = {}) { let messageText = mes['mes']; const momentDate = timestampToMoment(mes.send_date); const timestamp = momentDate.isValid() ? momentDate.format('LL LT') : ''; if (mes?.extra?.display_text) { messageText = mes.extra.display_text; } // Forbidden black magic // This allows to use "continue" on user messages if (type === 'swipe' && mes.swipe_id === undefined) { mes.swipe_id = 0; mes.swipes = [mes.mes]; } let avatarImg = getUserAvatar(user_avatar); const isSystem = mes.is_system; const title = mes.title; generatedPromptCache = ''; //for non-user mesages if (!mes['is_user']) { if (mes.force_avatar) { avatarImg = mes.force_avatar; } else if (this_chid === undefined) { avatarImg = system_avatar; } else { if (characters[this_chid].avatar != 'none') { avatarImg = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', characters[this_chid].avatar); } else { avatarImg = default_avatar; } } //old processing: //if messge is from sytem, use the name provided in the message JSONL to proceed, //if not system message, use name2 (char's name) to proceed //characterName = mes.is_system || mes.force_avatar ? : name2; } else if (mes['is_user'] && mes['force_avatar']) { // Special case for persona images. avatarImg = mes['force_avatar']; } messageText = messageFormatting( messageText,, isSystem, mes.is_user, chat.indexOf(mes), ); const bias = messageFormatting(mes.extra?.bias ?? '', '', false, false, -1); let bookmarkLink = mes?.extra?.bookmark_link ?? ''; let params = { mesId: forceId ?? chat.length - 1, swipeId: mes.swipe_id ?? 0, characterName:, isUser: mes.is_user, avatarImg: avatarImg, bias: bias, isSystem: isSystem, title: title, bookmarkLink: bookmarkLink, forceAvatar: mes.force_avatar, timestamp: timestamp, extra: mes.extra, tokenCount: mes.extra?.token_count ?? 0, ...formatGenerationTimer(mes.gen_started, mes.gen_finished, mes.extra?.token_count), }; const renderedMessage = getMessageFromTemplate(params); if (type !== 'swipe') { if (!insertAfter && !insertBefore) { chatElement.append(renderedMessage); } else if (insertAfter) { const target = chatElement.find(`.mes[mesid="${insertAfter}"]`); $(renderedMessage).insertAfter(target); } else { const target = chatElement.find(`.mes[mesid="${insertBefore}"]`); $(renderedMessage).insertBefore(target); } } // Callers push the new message to chat before calling addOneMessage const newMessageId = typeof forceId == 'number' ? forceId : chat.length - 1; const newMessage = $(`#chat [mesid="${newMessageId}"]`); const isSmallSys = mes?.extra?.isSmallSys; if (isSmallSys === true) { newMessage.addClass('smallSysMes'); } //shows or hides the Prompt display button let mesIdToFind = type == 'swipe' ? params.mesId - 1 : params.mesId; //Number(newMessage.attr('mesId')); //if we have itemized messages, and the array isn't null.. if (params.isUser === false && Array.isArray(itemizedPrompts) && itemizedPrompts.length > 0) { const itemizedPrompt = itemizedPrompts.find(x => Number(x.mesId) === Number(mesIdToFind)); if (itemizedPrompt) { newMessage.find('.mes_prompt').show(); } } newMessage.find('.avatar img').on('error', function () { $(this).hide(); $(this).parent().html('
'); }); if (type === 'swipe') { const swipeMessage = chatElement.find(`[mesid="${chat.length - 1}"]`); swipeMessage.attr('swipeid', params.swipeId); swipeMessage.find('.mes_text').html(messageText).attr('title', title); swipeMessage.find('.timestamp').text(timestamp).attr('title', `${params.extra.api} - ${params.extra.model}`); appendMediaToMessage(mes, swipeMessage); if (power_user.timestamp_model_icon && params.extra?.api) { insertSVGIcon(swipeMessage, params.extra); } if (mes.swipe_id == mes.swipes.length - 1) { swipeMessage.find('.mes_timer').text(params.timerValue).attr('title', params.timerTitle); swipeMessage.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').text(`${params.tokenCount}t`); } else { swipeMessage.find('.mes_timer').empty(); swipeMessage.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').empty(); } } else { const messageId = forceId ?? chat.length - 1; chatElement.find(`[mesid="${messageId}"] .mes_text`).append(messageText); appendMediaToMessage(mes, newMessage); showSwipes && hideSwipeButtons(); } addCopyToCodeBlocks(newMessage); if (showSwipes) { $('#chat .mes').last().addClass('last_mes'); $('#chat .mes').eq(-2).removeClass('last_mes'); hideSwipeButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); } // Don't scroll if not inserting last if (!insertAfter && !insertBefore && scroll) { scrollChatToBottom(); } } /** * Returns the URL of the avatar for the given character Id. * @param {number} characterId Character Id * @returns {string} Avatar URL */ export function getCharacterAvatar(characterId) { const character = characters[characterId]; const avatarImg = character?.avatar; if (!avatarImg || avatarImg === 'none') { return default_avatar; } return formatCharacterAvatar(avatarImg); } export function formatCharacterAvatar(characterAvatar) { return `characters/${characterAvatar}`; } /** * Formats the title for the generation timer. * @param {Date} gen_started Date when generation was started * @param {Date} gen_finished Date when generation was finished * @param {number} tokenCount Number of tokens generated (0 if not available) * @returns {Object} Object containing the formatted timer value and title * @example * const { timerValue, timerTitle } = formatGenerationTimer(gen_started, gen_finished, tokenCount); * console.log(timerValue); // 1.2s * console.log(timerTitle); // Generation queued: 12:34:56 7 Jan 2021\nReply received: 12:34:57 7 Jan 2021\nTime to generate: 1.2 seconds\nToken rate: 5 t/s */ function formatGenerationTimer(gen_started, gen_finished, tokenCount) { if (!gen_started || !gen_finished) { return {}; } const dateFormat = 'HH:mm:ss D MMM YYYY'; const start = moment(gen_started); const finish = moment(gen_finished); const seconds = finish.diff(start, 'seconds', true); const timerValue = `${seconds.toFixed(1)}s`; const timerTitle = [ `Generation queued: ${start.format(dateFormat)}`, `Reply received: ${finish.format(dateFormat)}`, `Time to generate: ${seconds} seconds`, tokenCount > 0 ? `Token rate: ${Number(tokenCount / seconds).toFixed(1)} t/s` : '', ].join('\n'); if (isNaN(seconds) || seconds < 0) { return { timerValue: '', timerTitle }; } return { timerValue, timerTitle }; } export function scrollChatToBottom() { if (power_user.auto_scroll_chat_to_bottom) { let position = chatElement[0].scrollHeight; if (power_user.waifuMode) { const lastMessage = chatElement.find('.mes').last(); if (lastMessage.length) { const lastMessagePosition = lastMessage.position().top; position = chatElement.scrollTop() + lastMessagePosition; } } chatElement.scrollTop(position); } } /** * Substitutes {{macro}} parameters in a string. * @param {string} content - The string to substitute parameters in. * @param {Record} additionalMacro - Additional environment variables for substitution. * @returns {string} The string with substituted parameters. */ export function substituteParamsExtended(content, additionalMacro = {}) { return substituteParams(content, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, true, additionalMacro); } /** * Substitutes {{macro}} parameters in a string. * @param {string} content - The string to substitute parameters in. * @param {string} [_name1] - The name of the user. Uses global name1 if not provided. * @param {string} [_name2] - The name of the character. Uses global name2 if not provided. * @param {string} [_original] - The original message for {{original}} substitution. * @param {string} [_group] - The group members list for {{group}} substitution. * @param {boolean} [_replaceCharacterCard] - Whether to replace character card macros. * @param {Record} [additionalMacro] - Additional environment variables for substitution. * @returns {string} The string with substituted parameters. */ export function substituteParams(content, _name1, _name2, _original, _group, _replaceCharacterCard = true, additionalMacro = {}) { if (!content) { return ''; } const environment = {}; if (typeof _original === 'string') { let originalSubstituted = false; environment.original = () => { if (originalSubstituted) { return ''; } originalSubstituted = true; return _original; }; } const getGroupValue = () => { if (typeof _group === 'string') { return _group; } if (selected_group) { const members = groups.find(x => === selected_group)?.members; const names = Array.isArray(members) ? => characters.find(c => c.avatar === m)?.name).filter(Boolean).join(', ') : ''; return names; } else { return _name2 ?? name2; } }; if (_replaceCharacterCard) { const fields = getCharacterCardFields(); environment.charPrompt = fields.system || ''; environment.charJailbreak = fields.jailbreak || ''; environment.description = fields.description || ''; environment.personality = fields.personality || ''; environment.scenario = fields.scenario || ''; environment.persona = fields.persona || ''; environment.mesExamples = fields.mesExamples || ''; environment.charVersion = fields.version || ''; environment.char_version = fields.version || ''; } // Must be substituted last so that they're replaced inside {{description}} environment.user = _name1 ?? name1; environment.char = _name2 ?? name2; = environment.charIfNotGroup = getGroupValue(); environment.model = getGeneratingModel(); if (additionalMacro && typeof additionalMacro === 'object') { Object.assign(environment, additionalMacro); } return evaluateMacros(content, environment); } /** * Gets stopping sequences for the prompt. * @param {boolean} isImpersonate A request is made to impersonate a user * @param {boolean} isContinue A request is made to continue the message * @returns {string[]} Array of stopping strings */ export function getStoppingStrings(isImpersonate, isContinue) { const result = []; if (power_user.context.names_as_stop_strings) { const charString = `\n${name2}:`; const userString = `\n${name1}:`; result.push(isImpersonate ? charString : userString); result.push(userString); if (isContinue && Array.isArray(chat) && chat[chat.length - 1]?.is_user) { result.push(charString); } // Add group members as stopping strings if generating for a specific group member or user. (Allow slash commands to work around name stopping string restrictions) if (selected_group && (name2 || isImpersonate)) { const group = groups.find(x => === selected_group); if (group && Array.isArray(group.members)) { const names = group.members .map(x => characters.find(y => y.avatar == x)) .filter(x => x && && !== name2) .map(x => `\n${}:`); result.push(...names); } } } result.push(...getInstructStoppingSequences()); result.push(...getCustomStoppingStrings()); if (power_user.single_line) { result.unshift('\n'); } return result.filter(onlyUnique); } /** * Background generation based on the provided prompt. * @param {string} quiet_prompt Instruction prompt for the AI * @param {boolean} quietToLoud Whether the message should be sent in a foreground (loud) or background (quiet) mode * @param {boolean} skipWIAN whether to skip addition of World Info and Author's Note into the prompt * @param {string} quietImage Image to use for the quiet prompt * @param {string} quietName Name to use for the quiet prompt (defaults to "System:") * @param {number} [responseLength] Maximum response length. If unset, the global default value is used. * @returns */ export async function generateQuietPrompt(quiet_prompt, quietToLoud, skipWIAN, quietImage = null, quietName = null, responseLength = null) { console.log('got into genQuietPrompt'); const responseLengthCustomized = typeof responseLength === 'number' && responseLength > 0; let originalResponseLength = -1; try { /** @type {GenerateOptions} */ const options = { quiet_prompt, quietToLoud, skipWIAN: skipWIAN, force_name2: true, quietImage: quietImage, quietName: quietName, }; originalResponseLength = responseLengthCustomized ? saveResponseLength(main_api, responseLength) : -1; const generateFinished = await Generate('quiet', options); return generateFinished; } finally { if (responseLengthCustomized) { restoreResponseLength(main_api, originalResponseLength); } } } /** * Executes slash commands and returns the new text and whether the generation was interrupted. * @param {string} message Text to be sent * @returns {Promise} Whether the message sending was interrupted */ export async function processCommands(message) { if (!message || !message.trim().startsWith('/')) { return false; } await executeSlashCommandsOnChatInput(message, { clearChatInput: true, }); return true; } export function sendSystemMessage(type, text, extra = {}) { const systemMessage = system_messages[type]; if (!systemMessage) { return; } const newMessage = { ...systemMessage, send_date: getMessageTimeStamp() }; if (text) { newMessage.mes = text; } if (type == system_message_types.SLASH_COMMANDS) { newMessage.mes = getSlashCommandsHelp(); } if (!newMessage.extra) { newMessage.extra = {}; } newMessage.extra = Object.assign(newMessage.extra, extra); newMessage.extra.type = type; chat.push(newMessage); addOneMessage(newMessage); is_send_press = false; if (type == system_message_types.SLASH_COMMANDS) { const browser = new SlashCommandBrowser(); const spinner = document.querySelector('#chat .last_mes .custom-slashHelp'); const parent = spinner.parentElement; spinner.remove(); browser.renderInto(parent);; } } /** * Extracts the contents of bias macros from a message. * @param {string} message Message text * @returns {string} Message bias extracted from the message (or an empty string if not found) */ export function extractMessageBias(message) { if (!message) { return ''; } try { const biasHandlebars = Handlebars.create(); const biasMatches = []; biasHandlebars.registerHelper('bias', function (text) { biasMatches.push(text); return ''; }); const template = biasHandlebars.compile(message); template({}); if (biasMatches && biasMatches.length > 0) { return ` ${biasMatches.join(' ')}`; } return ''; } catch { return ''; } } /** * Removes impersonated group member lines from the group member messages. * Doesn't do anything if group reply trimming is disabled. * @param {string} getMessage Group message * @returns Cleaned-up group message */ function cleanGroupMessage(getMessage) { if (power_user.disable_group_trimming) { return getMessage; } const group = groups.find((x) => == selected_group); if (group && Array.isArray(group.members) && group.members) { for (let member of group.members) { const character = characters.find(x => x.avatar == member); if (!character) { continue; } const name =; // Skip current speaker. if (name === name2) { continue; } const regex = new RegExp(`(^|\n)${escapeRegex(name)}:`); const nameMatch = getMessage.match(regex); if (nameMatch) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, nameMatch.index); } } } return getMessage; } function addPersonaDescriptionExtensionPrompt() { const INJECT_TAG = 'PERSONA_DESCRIPTION'; setExtensionPrompt(INJECT_TAG, '', extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT, 0); if (!power_user.persona_description) { return; } const promptPositions = [persona_description_positions.BOTTOM_AN, persona_description_positions.TOP_AN]; if (promptPositions.includes(power_user.persona_description_position) && shouldWIAddPrompt) { const originalAN = extension_prompts[NOTE_MODULE_NAME].value; const ANWithDesc = power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.TOP_AN ? `${power_user.persona_description}\n${originalAN}` : `${originalAN}\n${power_user.persona_description}`; setExtensionPrompt(NOTE_MODULE_NAME, ANWithDesc, chat_metadata[metadata_keys.position], chat_metadata[metadata_keys.depth], extension_settings.note.allowWIScan, chat_metadata[metadata_keys.role]); } if (power_user.persona_description_position === persona_description_positions.AT_DEPTH) { setExtensionPrompt(INJECT_TAG, power_user.persona_description, extension_prompt_types.IN_CHAT, power_user.persona_description_depth, true, power_user.persona_description_role); } } function getAllExtensionPrompts() { const value = Object .values(extension_prompts) .filter(x => x.value) .map(x => x.value.trim()) .join('\n'); return value.length ? substituteParams(value) : ''; } // Wrapper to fetch extension prompts by module name export function getExtensionPromptByName(moduleName) { if (moduleName) { return substituteParams(extension_prompts[moduleName]?.value); } else { return; } } /** * Returns the extension prompt for the given position, depth, and role. * If multiple prompts are found, they are joined with a separator. * @param {number} [position] Position of the prompt * @param {number} [depth] Depth of the prompt * @param {string} [separator] Separator for joining multiple prompts * @param {number} [role] Role of the prompt * @param {boolean} [wrap] Wrap start and end with a separator * @returns {string} Extension prompt */ export function getExtensionPrompt(position = extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT, depth = undefined, separator = '\n', role = undefined, wrap = true) { let extension_prompt = Object.keys(extension_prompts) .sort() .map((x) => extension_prompts[x]) .filter(x => x.position == position && x.value) .filter(x => depth === undefined || x.depth === undefined || x.depth === depth) .filter(x => role === undefined || x.role === undefined || x.role === role) .map(x => x.value.trim()) .join(separator); if (wrap && extension_prompt.length && !extension_prompt.startsWith(separator)) { extension_prompt = separator + extension_prompt; } if (wrap && extension_prompt.length && !extension_prompt.endsWith(separator)) { extension_prompt = extension_prompt + separator; } if (extension_prompt.length) { extension_prompt = substituteParams(extension_prompt); } return extension_prompt; } export function baseChatReplace(value, name1, name2) { if (value !== undefined && value.length > 0) { const _ = undefined; value = substituteParams(value, name1, name2, _, _, false); if (power_user.collapse_newlines) { value = collapseNewlines(value); } value = value.replace(/\r/g, ''); } return value; } /** * Returns the character card fields for the current character. * @returns {{system: string, mesExamples: string, description: string, personality: string, persona: string, scenario: string, jailbreak: string, version: string}} */ export function getCharacterCardFields() { const result = { system: '', mesExamples: '', description: '', personality: '', persona: '', scenario: '', jailbreak: '', version: '' }; const character = characters[this_chid]; if (!character) { return result; } const scenarioText = chat_metadata['scenario'] || characters[this_chid]?.scenario; result.description = baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].description?.trim(), name1, name2); result.personality = baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].personality?.trim(), name1, name2); result.scenario = baseChatReplace(scenarioText.trim(), name1, name2); result.mesExamples = baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].mes_example?.trim(), name1, name2); result.persona = baseChatReplace(power_user.persona_description?.trim(), name1, name2); result.system = power_user.prefer_character_prompt ? baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].data?.system_prompt?.trim(), name1, name2) : ''; result.jailbreak = power_user.prefer_character_jailbreak ? baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].data?.post_history_instructions?.trim(), name1, name2) : ''; result.version = characters[this_chid].data?.character_version ?? ''; if (selected_group) { const groupCards = getGroupCharacterCards(selected_group, Number(this_chid)); if (groupCards) { result.description = groupCards.description; result.personality = groupCards.personality; result.scenario = groupCards.scenario; result.mesExamples = groupCards.mesExamples; } } return result; } export function isStreamingEnabled() { const noStreamSources = [chat_completion_sources.SCALE, chat_completion_sources.AI21]; return ((main_api == 'openai' && oai_settings.stream_openai && !noStreamSources.includes(oai_settings.chat_completion_source) && !(oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.MAKERSUITE && oai_settings.google_model.includes('bison'))) || (main_api == 'kobold' && kai_settings.streaming_kobold && kai_flags.can_use_streaming) || (main_api == 'novel' && nai_settings.streaming_novel) || (main_api == 'textgenerationwebui' && textgen_settings.streaming)); } function showStopButton() { $('#mes_stop').css({ 'display': 'flex' }); } function hideStopButton() { // prevent NOOP, because hideStopButton() gets called multiple times if ($('#mes_stop').css('display') !== 'none') { $('#mes_stop').css({ 'display': 'none' }); eventSource.emit(event_types.GENERATION_ENDED, chat.length); } } class StreamingProcessor { /** * Creates a new streaming processor. * @param {string} type Generation type * @param {boolean} forceName2 If true, force the use of name2 * @param {Date} timeStarted Date when generation was started * @param {string} continueMessage Previous message if the type is 'continue' */ constructor(type, forceName2, timeStarted, continueMessage) { this.result = ''; this.messageId = -1; this.messageDom = null; this.messageTextDom = null; this.messageTimerDom = null; this.messageTokenCounterDom = null; /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ this.sendTextarea = document.querySelector('#send_textarea'); this.type = type; this.force_name2 = forceName2; this.isStopped = false; this.isFinished = false; this.generator = this.nullStreamingGeneration; this.abortController = new AbortController(); this.firstMessageText = '...'; this.timeStarted = timeStarted; this.continueMessage = type === 'continue' ? continueMessage : ''; this.swipes = []; /** @type {import('./scripts/logprobs.js').TokenLogprobs[]} */ this.messageLogprobs = []; } #checkDomElements(messageId) { if (this.messageDom === null || this.messageTextDom === null) { this.messageDom = document.querySelector(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"]`); this.messageTextDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_text'); this.messageTimerDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.mes_timer'); this.messageTokenCounterDom = this.messageDom?.querySelector('.tokenCounterDisplay'); } } showMessageButtons(messageId) { if (messageId == -1) { return; } showStopButton(); $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"] .mes_buttons`).css({ 'display': 'none' }); } hideMessageButtons(messageId) { if (messageId == -1) { return; } hideStopButton(); $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"] .mes_buttons`).css({ 'display': 'flex' }); } async onStartStreaming(text) { let messageId = -1; if (this.type == 'impersonate') { this.sendTextarea.value = ''; this.sendTextarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } else { await saveReply(this.type, text, true); messageId = chat.length - 1; this.#checkDomElements(messageId); this.showMessageButtons(messageId); } hideSwipeButtons(); scrollChatToBottom(); return messageId; } onProgressStreaming(messageId, text, isFinal) { const isImpersonate = this.type == 'impersonate'; const isContinue = this.type == 'continue'; if (!isImpersonate && !isContinue && Array.isArray(this.swipes) && this.swipes.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < this.swipes.length; i++) { this.swipes[i] = cleanUpMessage(this.swipes[i], false, false, true, this.stoppingStrings); } } let processedText = cleanUpMessage(text, isImpersonate, isContinue, !isFinal, this.stoppingStrings); // Predict unbalanced asterisks / quotes during streaming const charsToBalance = ['*', '"', '```']; for (const char of charsToBalance) { if (!isFinal && isOdd(countOccurrences(processedText, char))) { // Add character at the end to balance it const separator = char.length > 1 ? '\n' : ''; processedText = processedText.trimEnd() + separator + char; } } if (isImpersonate) { this.sendTextarea.value = processedText; this.sendTextarea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } else { this.#checkDomElements(messageId); const currentTime = new Date(); // Don't waste time calculating token count for streaming const currentTokenCount = isFinal && power_user.message_token_count_enabled ? getTokenCount(processedText, 0) : 0; const timePassed = formatGenerationTimer(this.timeStarted, currentTime, currentTokenCount); chat[messageId]['mes'] = processedText; chat[messageId]['gen_started'] = this.timeStarted; chat[messageId]['gen_finished'] = currentTime; if (currentTokenCount) { if (!chat[messageId]['extra']) { chat[messageId]['extra'] = {}; } chat[messageId]['extra']['token_count'] = currentTokenCount; if (this.messageTokenCounterDom instanceof HTMLElement) { this.messageTokenCounterDom.textContent = `${currentTokenCount}t`; } } if ((this.type == 'swipe' || this.type === 'continue') && Array.isArray(chat[messageId]['swipes'])) { chat[messageId]['swipes'][chat[messageId]['swipe_id']] = processedText; chat[messageId]['swipe_info'][chat[messageId]['swipe_id']] = { 'send_date': chat[messageId]['send_date'], 'gen_started': chat[messageId]['gen_started'], 'gen_finished': chat[messageId]['gen_finished'], 'extra': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[messageId]['extra'])) }; } const formattedText = messageFormatting( processedText, chat[messageId].name, chat[messageId].is_system, chat[messageId].is_user, messageId, ); if (this.messageTextDom instanceof HTMLElement) { this.messageTextDom.innerHTML = formattedText; } if (this.messageTimerDom instanceof HTMLElement) { this.messageTimerDom.textContent = timePassed.timerValue; this.messageTimerDom.title = timePassed.timerTitle; } this.setFirstSwipe(messageId); } if (!scrollLock) { scrollChatToBottom(); } } async onFinishStreaming(messageId, text) { this.hideMessageButtons(this.messageId); this.onProgressStreaming(messageId, text, true); addCopyToCodeBlocks($(`#chat .mes[mesid="${messageId}"]`)); if (Array.isArray(this.swipes) && this.swipes.length > 0) { const message = chat[messageId]; const swipeInfo = { send_date: message.send_date, gen_started: message.gen_started, gen_finished: message.gen_finished, extra: structuredClone(message.extra), }; const swipeInfoArray = []; swipeInfoArray.length = this.swipes.length; swipeInfoArray.fill(swipeInfo); chat[messageId].swipes.push(...this.swipes); chat[messageId].swipe_info.push(...swipeInfoArray); } if (this.type !== 'impersonate') { await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, this.messageId); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, this.messageId); } else { await eventSource.emit(event_types.IMPERSONATE_READY, text); } saveLogprobsForActiveMessage(this.messageLogprobs.filter(Boolean), this.continueMessage); await saveChatConditional(); unblockGeneration(); generatedPromptCache = ''; //console.log("Generated text size:", text.length, text) if (power_user.auto_swipe) { function containsBlacklistedWords(str, blacklist, threshold) { const regex = new RegExp(`\\b(${blacklist.join('|')})\\b`, 'gi'); const matches = str.match(regex) || []; return matches.length >= threshold; } const generatedTextFiltered = (text) => { if (text) { if (power_user.auto_swipe_minimum_length) { if (text.length < power_user.auto_swipe_minimum_length && text.length !== 0) { console.log('Generated text size too small'); return true; } } if (power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold) { if (containsBlacklistedWords(text, power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist, power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold)) { console.log('Generated text has blacklisted words'); return true; } } } return false; }; if (generatedTextFiltered(text)) { swipe_right(); return; } } playMessageSound(); } onErrorStreaming() { this.abortController.abort(); this.isStopped = true; this.hideMessageButtons(this.messageId); generatedPromptCache = ''; unblockGeneration(); } setFirstSwipe(messageId) { if (this.type !== 'swipe' && this.type !== 'impersonate') { if (Array.isArray(chat[messageId]['swipes']) && chat[messageId]['swipes'].length === 1 && chat[messageId]['swipe_id'] === 0) { chat[messageId]['swipes'][0] = chat[messageId]['mes']; chat[messageId]['swipe_info'][0] = { 'send_date': chat[messageId]['send_date'], 'gen_started': chat[messageId]['gen_started'], 'gen_finished': chat[messageId]['gen_finished'], 'extra': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[messageId]['extra'])) }; } } } onStopStreaming() { this.onErrorStreaming(); } /** * @returns {Generator<{ text: string, swipes: string[], logprobs: import('./scripts/logprobs.js').TokenLogprobs }, void, void>} */ *nullStreamingGeneration() { throw new Error('Generation function for streaming is not hooked up'); } async generate() { if (this.messageId == -1) { this.messageId = await this.onStartStreaming(this.firstMessageText); await delay(1); // delay for message to be rendered scrollLock = false; } // Stopping strings are expensive to calculate, especially with macros enabled. To remove stopping strings // when streaming, we cache the result of getStoppingStrings instead of calling it once per token. const isImpersonate = this.type == 'impersonate'; const isContinue = this.type == 'continue'; this.stoppingStrings = getStoppingStrings(isImpersonate, isContinue); try { const sw = new Stopwatch(1000 / power_user.streaming_fps); const timestamps = []; for await (const { text, swipes, logprobs } of this.generator()) { timestamps.push(; if (this.isStopped) { return; } this.result = text; this.swipes = Array.from(swipes ?? []); if (logprobs) { this.messageLogprobs.push(...(Array.isArray(logprobs) ? logprobs : [logprobs])); } await sw.tick(() => this.onProgressStreaming(this.messageId, this.continueMessage + text)); } const seconds = (timestamps[timestamps.length - 1] - timestamps[0]) / 1000; console.warn(`Stream stats: ${timestamps.length} tokens, ${seconds.toFixed(2)} seconds, rate: ${Number(timestamps.length / seconds).toFixed(2)} TPS`); } catch (err) { console.error(err); this.onErrorStreaming(); return; } this.isFinished = true; return this.result; } } /** * Generates a message using the provided prompt. * @param {string} prompt Prompt to generate a message from * @param {string} api API to use. Main API is used if not specified. * @param {boolean} instructOverride true to override instruct mode, false to use the default value * @param {boolean} quietToLoud true to generate a message in system mode, false to generate a message in character mode * @param {string} [systemPrompt] System prompt to use. Only Instruct mode or OpenAI. * @param {number} [responseLength] Maximum response length. If unset, the global default value is used. * @returns {Promise} Generated message */ export async function generateRaw(prompt, api, instructOverride, quietToLoud, systemPrompt, responseLength) { if (!api) { api = main_api; } const abortController = new AbortController(); const responseLengthCustomized = typeof responseLength === 'number' && responseLength > 0; let originalResponseLength = -1; const isInstruct = power_user.instruct.enabled && api !== 'openai' && api !== 'novel' && !instructOverride; const isQuiet = true; if (systemPrompt) { systemPrompt = substituteParams(systemPrompt); systemPrompt = isInstruct ? formatInstructModeSystemPrompt(systemPrompt) : systemPrompt; prompt = api === 'openai' ? prompt : `${systemPrompt}\n${prompt}`; } prompt = substituteParams(prompt); prompt = api == 'novel' ? adjustNovelInstructionPrompt(prompt) : prompt; prompt = isInstruct ? formatInstructModeChat(name1, prompt, false, true, '', name1, name2, false) : prompt; prompt = isInstruct ? (prompt + formatInstructModePrompt(name2, false, '', name1, name2, isQuiet, quietToLoud)) : (prompt + '\n'); try { originalResponseLength = responseLengthCustomized ? saveResponseLength(api, responseLength) : -1; let generateData = {}; switch (api) { case 'kobold': case 'koboldhorde': if (preset_settings === 'gui') { generateData = { prompt: prompt, gui_settings: true, max_length: amount_gen, max_context_length: max_context, api_server }; } else { const isHorde = api === 'koboldhorde'; const koboldSettings = koboldai_settings[koboldai_setting_names[preset_settings]]; generateData = getKoboldGenerationData(prompt, koboldSettings, amount_gen, max_context, isHorde, 'quiet'); } break; case 'novel': { const novelSettings = novelai_settings[novelai_setting_names[nai_settings.preset_settings_novel]]; generateData = getNovelGenerationData(prompt, novelSettings, amount_gen, false, false, null, 'quiet'); break; } case 'textgenerationwebui': generateData = getTextGenGenerationData(prompt, amount_gen, false, false, null, 'quiet'); break; case 'openai': { generateData = [{ role: 'user', content: prompt.trim() }]; if (systemPrompt) { generateData.unshift({ role: 'system', content: systemPrompt.trim() }); } } break; } let data = {}; if (api == 'koboldhorde') { data = await generateHorde(prompt, generateData, abortController.signal, false); } else if (api == 'openai') { data = await sendOpenAIRequest('quiet', generateData, abortController.signal); } else { const generateUrl = getGenerateUrl(api); const response = await fetch(generateUrl, { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), cache: 'no-cache', body: JSON.stringify(generateData), signal: abortController.signal, }); if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.json(); throw error; } data = await response.json(); } if (data.error) { throw new Error(data.error); } const message = cleanUpMessage(extractMessageFromData(data), false, false, true); if (!message) { throw new Error('No message generated'); } return message; } finally { if (responseLengthCustomized) { restoreResponseLength(api, originalResponseLength); } } } /** * Temporarily change the response length for the specified API. * @param {string} api API to use. * @param {number} responseLength Target response length. * @returns {number} The original response length. */ function saveResponseLength(api, responseLength) { let oldValue = -1; if (api === 'openai') { oldValue = oai_settings.openai_max_tokens; oai_settings.openai_max_tokens = responseLength; } else { oldValue = amount_gen; amount_gen = responseLength; } return oldValue; } /** * Restore the original response length for the specified API. * @param {string} api API to use. * @param {number} responseLength Target response length. * @returns {void} */ function restoreResponseLength(api, responseLength) { if (api === 'openai') { oai_settings.openai_max_tokens = responseLength; } else { amount_gen = responseLength; } } /** * Removes last message from the chat DOM. * @returns {Promise} Resolves when the message is removed. */ function removeLastMessage() { return new Promise((resolve) => { const lastMes = $('#chat').children('.mes').last(); if (lastMes.length === 0) { return resolve(); } lastMes.hide(animation_duration, function () { $(this).remove(); resolve(); }); }); } /** * Runs a generation using the current chat context. * @param {string} type Generation type * @param {GenerateOptions} options Generation options * @param {boolean} dryRun Whether to actually generate a message or just assemble the prompt * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that resolves when the text is done generating. * @typedef {{automatic_trigger?: boolean, force_name2?: boolean, quiet_prompt?: string, quietToLoud?: boolean, skipWIAN?: boolean, force_chid?: number, signal?: AbortSignal, quietImage?: string, maxLoops?: number, quietName?: string }} GenerateOptions */ export async function Generate(type, { automatic_trigger, force_name2, quiet_prompt, quietToLoud, skipWIAN, force_chid, signal, quietImage, maxLoops, quietName } = {}, dryRun = false) { console.log('Generate entered'); eventSource.emit(event_types.GENERATION_STARTED, type, { automatic_trigger, force_name2, quiet_prompt, quietToLoud, skipWIAN, force_chid, signal, quietImage, maxLoops }, dryRun); setGenerationProgress(0); generation_started = new Date(); // Don't recreate abort controller if signal is passed if (!(abortController && signal)) { abortController = new AbortController(); } // OpenAI doesn't need instruct mode. Use OAI main prompt instead. const isInstruct = power_user.instruct.enabled && main_api !== 'openai'; const isImpersonate = type == 'impersonate'; if (!(dryRun || type == 'regenerate' || type == 'swipe' || type == 'quiet')) { const interruptedByCommand = await processCommands(String($('#send_textarea').val())); if (interruptedByCommand) { //$("#send_textarea").val('')[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles:true })); unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } } if (main_api == 'kobold' && kai_settings.streaming_kobold && !kai_flags.can_use_streaming) { toastr.error('Streaming is enabled, but the version of Kobold used does not support token streaming.', undefined, { timeOut: 10000, preventDuplicates: true }); unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } if (main_api === 'textgenerationwebui' && textgen_settings.streaming && textgen_settings.legacy_api && (textgen_settings.type === OOBA || textgen_settings.type === APHRODITE)) { toastr.error('Streaming is not supported for the Legacy API. Update Ooba and use new API to enable streaming.', undefined, { timeOut: 10000, preventDuplicates: true }); unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } if (isHordeGenerationNotAllowed()) { unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } if (!dryRun) { // Ping server to make sure it is still alive const pingResult = await pingServer(); if (!pingResult) { unblockGeneration(type); toastr.error('Verify that the server is running and accessible.', 'ST Server cannot be reached'); throw new Error('Server unreachable'); } // Hide swipes if not in a dry run. hideSwipeButtons(); // If generated any message, set the flag to indicate it can't be recreated again. chat_metadata['tainted'] = true; } if (selected_group && !is_group_generating) { if (!dryRun) { // Returns the promise that generateGroupWrapper returns; resolves when generation is done return generateGroupWrapper(false, type, { quiet_prompt, force_chid, signal: abortController.signal, quietImage, maxLoops }); } const characterIndexMap = new Map(, index) => [char.avatar, index])); const group = groups.find((x) => === selected_group); const enabledMembers = group.members.reduce((acc, member) => { if (!group.disabled_members.includes(member) && !acc.includes(member)) { acc.push(member); } return acc; }, []); const memberIds = enabledMembers .map((member) => characterIndexMap.get(member)) .filter((index) => index !== undefined && index !== null); if (memberIds.length > 0) { setCharacterId(memberIds[0]); setCharacterName(''); } else { console.log('No enabled members found'); unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } } //#########QUIET PROMPT STUFF############## //this function just gives special care to novel quiet instruction prompts if (quiet_prompt) { quiet_prompt = substituteParams(quiet_prompt); quiet_prompt = main_api == 'novel' && !quietToLoud ? adjustNovelInstructionPrompt(quiet_prompt) : quiet_prompt; } const isChatValid = online_status !== 'no_connection' && this_chid !== undefined; // We can't do anything because we're not in a chat right now. (Unless it's a dry run, in which case we need to // assemble the prompt so we can count its tokens regardless of whether a chat is active.) if (!dryRun && !isChatValid) { if (this_chid === undefined) { toastr.warning('Сharacter is not selected'); } is_send_press = false; return Promise.resolve(); } let textareaText; if (type !== 'regenerate' && type !== 'swipe' && type !== 'quiet' && !isImpersonate && !dryRun) { is_send_press = true; textareaText = String($('#send_textarea').val()); $('#send_textarea').val('')[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); } else { textareaText = ''; if (chat.length && chat[chat.length - 1]['is_user']) { //do nothing? why does this check exist? } else if (type !== 'quiet' && type !== 'swipe' && !isImpersonate && !dryRun && chat.length) { chat.length = chat.length - 1; await removeLastMessage(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, chat.length); } } const isContinue = type == 'continue'; // Rewrite the generation timer to account for the time passed for all the continuations. if (isContinue && chat.length) { const prevFinished = chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished']; const prevStarted = chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started']; if (prevFinished && prevStarted) { const timePassed = prevFinished - prevStarted; generation_started = new Date( - timePassed); chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'] = generation_started; } } if (!dryRun) { deactivateSendButtons(); } let { messageBias, promptBias, isUserPromptBias } = getBiasStrings(textareaText, type); //********************************* //PRE FORMATING STRING //********************************* //for normal messages sent from user.. if ((textareaText != '' || hasPendingFileAttachment()) && !automatic_trigger && type !== 'quiet' && !dryRun) { // If user message contains no text other than bias - send as a system message if (messageBias && !removeMacros(textareaText)) { sendSystemMessage(system_message_types.GENERIC, ' ', { bias: messageBias }); } else { await sendMessageAsUser(textareaText, messageBias); } } else if (textareaText == '' && !automatic_trigger && !dryRun && type === undefined && main_api == 'openai' && oai_settings.send_if_empty.trim().length > 0) { // Use send_if_empty if set and the user message is empty. Only when sending messages normally await sendMessageAsUser(oai_settings.send_if_empty.trim(), messageBias); } let { description, personality, persona, scenario, mesExamples, system, jailbreak, } = getCharacterCardFields(); if (isInstruct) { system = power_user.prefer_character_prompt && system ? system : baseChatReplace(power_user.instruct.system_prompt, name1, name2); system = formatInstructModeSystemPrompt(substituteParams(system, name1, name2, power_user.instruct.system_prompt)); } // Depth prompt (character-specific A/N) removeDepthPrompts(); const groupDepthPrompts = getGroupDepthPrompts(selected_group, Number(this_chid)); if (selected_group && Array.isArray(groupDepthPrompts) && groupDepthPrompts.length > 0) { groupDepthPrompts.forEach((value, index) => { const role = getExtensionPromptRoleByName(value.role); setExtensionPrompt('DEPTH_PROMPT_' + index, value.text, extension_prompt_types.IN_CHAT, value.depth, extension_settings.note.allowWIScan, role); }); } else { const depthPromptText = baseChatReplace(characters[this_chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.prompt?.trim(), name1, name2) || ''; const depthPromptDepth = characters[this_chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.depth ?? depth_prompt_depth_default; const depthPromptRole = getExtensionPromptRoleByName(characters[this_chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.role ?? depth_prompt_role_default); setExtensionPrompt('DEPTH_PROMPT', depthPromptText, extension_prompt_types.IN_CHAT, depthPromptDepth, extension_settings.note.allowWIScan, depthPromptRole); } // First message in fresh 1-on-1 chat reacts to user/character settings changes if (chat.length) { chat[0].mes = substituteParams(chat[0].mes); } // Collect messages with usable content let coreChat = chat.filter(x => !x.is_system); if (type === 'swipe') { coreChat.pop(); } coreChat = await Promise.all( (chatItem, index) => { let message = chatItem.mes; let regexType = chatItem.is_user ? regex_placement.USER_INPUT : regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT; let options = { isPrompt: true, depth: (coreChat.length - index - 1) }; let regexedMessage = getRegexedString(message, regexType, options); regexedMessage = await appendFileContent(chatItem, regexedMessage); if (chatItem?.extra?.append_title && chatItem?.extra?.title) { regexedMessage = `${regexedMessage}\n\n${chatItem.extra.title}`; } return { ...chatItem, mes: regexedMessage, index, }; })); // Determine token limit let this_max_context = getMaxContextSize(); if (!dryRun && type !== 'quiet') { console.debug('Running extension interceptors'); const aborted = await runGenerationInterceptors(coreChat, this_max_context); if (aborted) { console.debug('Generation aborted by extension interceptors'); unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } } else { console.debug('Skipping extension interceptors for dry run'); } // Adjust token limit for Horde let adjustedParams; if (main_api == 'koboldhorde' && (horde_settings.auto_adjust_context_length || horde_settings.auto_adjust_response_length)) { try { adjustedParams = await adjustHordeGenerationParams(max_context, amount_gen); } catch { unblockGeneration(type); return Promise.resolve(); } if (horde_settings.auto_adjust_context_length) { this_max_context = (adjustedParams.maxContextLength - adjustedParams.maxLength); } } console.log(`Core/all messages: ${coreChat.length}/${chat.length}`); // kingbri MARK: - Make sure the prompt bias isn't the same as the user bias if ((promptBias && !isUserPromptBias) || power_user.always_force_name2 || main_api == 'novel') { force_name2 = true; } if (isImpersonate) { force_name2 = false; } // TODO (kingbri): Migrate to a utility function /** * Parses an examples string. * @param {string} examplesStr * @returns {string[]} Examples array with block heading */ function parseMesExamples(examplesStr) { if (examplesStr.length === 0 || examplesStr === '') { return []; } if (!examplesStr.startsWith('')) { examplesStr = '\n' + examplesStr.trim(); } const exampleSeparator = power_user.context.example_separator ? `${substituteParams(power_user.context.example_separator)}\n` : ''; const blockHeading = main_api === 'openai' ? '\n' : (exampleSeparator || (isInstruct ? '\n' : '')); const splitExamples = examplesStr.split(//gi).slice(1).map(block => `${blockHeading}${block.trim()}\n`); return splitExamples; } let mesExamplesArray = parseMesExamples(mesExamples); ////////////////////////////////// // Extension added strings // Set non-WI AN setFloatingPrompt(); // Add persona description to prompt addPersonaDescriptionExtensionPrompt(); // Add WI to prompt (and also inject WI to AN value via hijack) // Make quiet prompt available for WIAN setExtensionPrompt('QUIET_PROMPT', quiet_prompt || '', extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT, 0, true); const chatForWI = => world_info_include_names ? `${}: ${x.mes}` : x.mes).reverse(); const { worldInfoString, worldInfoBefore, worldInfoAfter, worldInfoExamples, worldInfoDepth } = await getWorldInfoPrompt(chatForWI, this_max_context, dryRun); setExtensionPrompt('QUIET_PROMPT', '', extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT, 0, true); // Add message example WI for (const example of worldInfoExamples) { const exampleMessage = example.content; if (exampleMessage.length === 0) { continue; } const formattedExample = baseChatReplace(exampleMessage, name1, name2); const cleanedExample = parseMesExamples(formattedExample); // Insert depending on before or after position if (example.position === wi_anchor_position.before) { mesExamplesArray.unshift(...cleanedExample); } else { mesExamplesArray.push(...cleanedExample); } } // At this point, the raw message examples can be created const mesExamplesRawArray = [...mesExamplesArray]; if (mesExamplesArray && isInstruct) { mesExamplesArray = formatInstructModeExamples(mesExamplesArray, name1, name2); } if (skipWIAN !== true) { console.log('skipWIAN not active, adding WIAN'); // Add all depth WI entries to prompt flushWIDepthInjections(); if (Array.isArray(worldInfoDepth)) { worldInfoDepth.forEach((e) => { const joinedEntries = e.entries.join('\n'); setExtensionPrompt(`customDepthWI-${e.depth}-${e.role}`, joinedEntries, extension_prompt_types.IN_CHAT, e.depth, false, e.role); }); } } else { console.log('skipping WIAN'); } // Inject all Depth prompts. Chat Completion does it separately let injectedIndices = []; if (main_api !== 'openai') { injectedIndices = doChatInject(coreChat, isContinue); } // Insert character jailbreak as the last user message (if exists, allowed, preferred, and not using Chat Completion) if (power_user.context.allow_jailbreak && power_user.prefer_character_jailbreak && main_api !== 'openai' && jailbreak) { // Set "original" explicity to empty string since there's no original jailbreak = substituteParams(jailbreak, name1, name2, ''); // When continuing generation of previous output, last user message precedes the message to continue if (isContinue) { coreChat.splice(coreChat.length - 1, 0, { mes: jailbreak, is_user: true }); } else { coreChat.push({ mes: jailbreak, is_user: true }); } } let chat2 = []; let continue_mag = ''; const userMessageIndices = []; const lastUserMessageIndex = coreChat.findLastIndex(x => x.is_user); for (let i = coreChat.length - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) { if (main_api == 'openai') { chat2[i] = coreChat[j].mes; if (i === 0 && isContinue) { chat2[i] = chat2[i].slice(0, chat2[i].lastIndexOf(coreChat[j].mes) + coreChat[j].mes.length); continue_mag = coreChat[j].mes; } continue; } chat2[i] = formatMessageHistoryItem(coreChat[j], isInstruct, false); if (j === 0 && isInstruct) { // Reformat with the first output sequence (if any) chat2[i] = formatMessageHistoryItem(coreChat[j], isInstruct, force_output_sequence.FIRST); } if (lastUserMessageIndex >= 0 && j === lastUserMessageIndex && isInstruct) { // Reformat with the last input sequence (if any) chat2[i] = formatMessageHistoryItem(coreChat[j], isInstruct, force_output_sequence.LAST); } // Do not suffix the message for continuation if (i === 0 && isContinue) { if (isInstruct) { // Reformat with the last output sequence (if any) chat2[i] = formatMessageHistoryItem(coreChat[j], isInstruct, force_output_sequence.LAST); } chat2[i] = chat2[i].slice(0, chat2[i].lastIndexOf(coreChat[j].mes) + coreChat[j].mes.length); continue_mag = coreChat[j].mes; } if (coreChat[j].is_user) { userMessageIndices.push(i); } } let addUserAlignment = isInstruct && power_user.instruct.user_alignment_message; let userAlignmentMessage = ''; if (addUserAlignment) { const alignmentMessage = { name: name1, mes: power_user.instruct.user_alignment_message, is_user: true, }; userAlignmentMessage = formatMessageHistoryItem(alignmentMessage, isInstruct, force_output_sequence.FIRST); } // Call combined AN into Generate const beforeScenarioAnchor = getExtensionPrompt(extension_prompt_types.BEFORE_PROMPT).trimStart(); const afterScenarioAnchor = getExtensionPrompt(extension_prompt_types.IN_PROMPT); const storyStringParams = { description: description, personality: personality, persona: persona, scenario: scenario, system: isInstruct ? system : '', char: name2, user: name1, wiBefore: worldInfoBefore, wiAfter: worldInfoAfter, loreBefore: worldInfoBefore, loreAfter: worldInfoAfter, mesExamples: mesExamplesArray.join(''), mesExamplesRaw: mesExamplesRawArray.join(''), }; const storyString = renderStoryString(storyStringParams); // Story string rendered, safe to remove if (power_user.strip_examples) { mesExamplesArray = []; } let oaiMessages = []; let oaiMessageExamples = []; if (main_api === 'openai') { oaiMessages = setOpenAIMessages(coreChat); oaiMessageExamples = setOpenAIMessageExamples(mesExamplesArray); } // hack for regeneration of the first message if (chat2.length == 0) { chat2.push(''); } let examplesString = ''; let chatString = ''; let cyclePrompt = ''; async function getMessagesTokenCount() { const encodeString = [ beforeScenarioAnchor, storyString, afterScenarioAnchor, examplesString, chatString, quiet_prompt, cyclePrompt, userAlignmentMessage, ].join('').replace(/\r/gm, ''); return getTokenCountAsync(encodeString, power_user.token_padding); } // Force pinned examples into the context let pinExmString; if (power_user.pin_examples) { pinExmString = examplesString = mesExamplesArray.join(''); } // Only add the chat in context if past the greeting message if (isContinue && (chat2.length > 1 || main_api === 'openai')) { cyclePrompt = chat2.shift(); } // Collect enough messages to fill the context let arrMes = new Array(chat2.length); let tokenCount = await getMessagesTokenCount(); let lastAddedIndex = -1; // Pre-allocate all injections first. // If it doesn't fit - user shot himself in the foot for (const index of injectedIndices) { const item = chat2[index]; if (typeof item !== 'string') { continue; } tokenCount += await getTokenCountAsync(item.replace(/\r/gm, '')); chatString = item + chatString; if (tokenCount < this_max_context) { arrMes[index] = item; lastAddedIndex = Math.max(lastAddedIndex, index); } else { break; } } for (let i = 0; i < chat2.length; i++) { // not needed for OAI prompting if (main_api == 'openai') { break; } // Skip already injected messages if (arrMes[i] !== undefined) { continue; } const item = chat2[i]; if (typeof item !== 'string') { continue; } tokenCount += await getTokenCountAsync(item.replace(/\r/gm, '')); chatString = item + chatString; if (tokenCount < this_max_context) { arrMes[i] = item; lastAddedIndex = Math.max(lastAddedIndex, i); } else { break; } } // Add user alignment message if last message is not a user message const stoppedAtUser = userMessageIndices.includes(lastAddedIndex); if (addUserAlignment && !stoppedAtUser) { tokenCount += await getTokenCountAsync(userAlignmentMessage.replace(/\r/gm, '')); chatString = userAlignmentMessage + chatString; arrMes.push(userAlignmentMessage); injectedIndices.push(arrMes.length - 1); } // Unsparse the array. Adjust injected indices const newArrMes = []; const newInjectedIndices = []; for (let i = 0; i < arrMes.length; i++) { if (arrMes[i] !== undefined) { newArrMes.push(arrMes[i]); if (injectedIndices.includes(i)) { newInjectedIndices.push(newArrMes.length - 1); } } } arrMes = newArrMes; injectedIndices = newInjectedIndices; if (main_api !== 'openai') { setInContextMessages(arrMes.length - injectedIndices.length, type); } // Estimate how many unpinned example messages fit in the context tokenCount = await getMessagesTokenCount(); let count_exm_add = 0; if (!power_user.pin_examples) { for (let example of mesExamplesArray) { tokenCount += await getTokenCountAsync(example.replace(/\r/gm, '')); examplesString += example; if (tokenCount < this_max_context) { count_exm_add++; } else { break; } } } let mesSend = []; console.debug('calling runGenerate'); if (isContinue) { // Coping mechanism for OAI spacing const isForceInstruct = isOpenRouterWithInstruct(); if (main_api === 'openai' && !isForceInstruct && !cyclePrompt.endsWith(' ')) { cyclePrompt += oai_settings.continue_postfix; continue_mag += oai_settings.continue_postfix; } } const originalType = type; if (!dryRun) { is_send_press = true; } generatedPromptCache += cyclePrompt; if (generatedPromptCache.length == 0 || type === 'continue') { console.debug('generating prompt'); chatString = ''; arrMes = arrMes.reverse(); arrMes.forEach(function (item, i, arr) { // OAI doesn't need all of this if (main_api === 'openai') { return; } // Cohee: This removes a newline from the end of the last message in the context // Last prompt line will add a newline if it's not a continuation // In instruct mode it only removes it if wrap is enabled and it's not a quiet generation if (i === arrMes.length - 1 && type !== 'continue') { if (!isInstruct || (power_user.instruct.wrap && type !== 'quiet')) { item = item.replace(/\n?$/, ''); } } mesSend[mesSend.length] = { message: item, extensionPrompts: [] }; }); } let mesExmString = ''; function setPromptString() { if (main_api == 'openai') { return; } console.debug('--setting Prompt string'); mesExmString = pinExmString ?? mesExamplesArray.slice(0, count_exm_add).join(''); if (mesSend.length) { mesSend[mesSend.length - 1].message = modifyLastPromptLine(mesSend[mesSend.length - 1].message); } } function modifyLastPromptLine(lastMesString) { //#########QUIET PROMPT STUFF PT2############## // Add quiet generation prompt at depth 0 if (quiet_prompt && quiet_prompt.length) { // here name1 is forced for all quiet prompts..why? const name = name1; //checks if we are in instruct, if so, formats the chat as such, otherwise just adds the quiet prompt const quietAppend = isInstruct ? formatInstructModeChat(name, quiet_prompt, false, true, '', name1, name2, false) : `\n${quiet_prompt}`; //This begins to fix quietPrompts (particularly /sysgen) for instruct //previously instruct input sequence was being appended to the last chat message w/o '\n' //and no output sequence was added after the input's content. //TODO: respect output_sequence vs last_output_sequence settings //TODO: decide how to prompt this to clarify who is talking 'Narrator', 'System', etc. if (isInstruct) { lastMesString += quietAppend; // + power_user.instruct.output_sequence + '\n'; } else { lastMesString += quietAppend; } // Ross: bailing out early prevents quiet prompts from respecting other instruct prompt toggles // for sysgen, SD, and summary this is desireable as it prevents the AI from responding as char.. // but for idle prompting, we want the flexibility of the other prompt toggles, and to respect them as per settings in the extension // need a detection for what the quiet prompt is being asked for... // Bail out early? if (!isInstruct && !quietToLoud) { return lastMesString; } } // Get instruct mode line if (isInstruct && !isContinue) { const name = (quiet_prompt && !quietToLoud && !isImpersonate) ? (quietName ?? 'System') : (isImpersonate ? name1 : name2); const isQuiet = quiet_prompt && type == 'quiet'; lastMesString += formatInstructModePrompt(name, isImpersonate, promptBias, name1, name2, isQuiet, quietToLoud); } // Get non-instruct impersonation line if (!isInstruct && isImpersonate && !isContinue) { const name = name1; if (!lastMesString.endsWith('\n')) { lastMesString += '\n'; } lastMesString += name + ':'; } // Add character's name // Force name append on continue (if not continuing on user message or first message) const isContinuingOnFirstMessage = chat.length === 1 && isContinue; if (!isInstruct && force_name2 && !isContinuingOnFirstMessage) { if (!lastMesString.endsWith('\n')) { lastMesString += '\n'; } if (!isContinue || !(chat[chat.length - 1]?.is_user)) { lastMesString += `${name2}:`; } } return lastMesString; } // Clean up the already generated prompt for seamless addition function cleanupPromptCache(promptCache) { // Remove the first occurrance of character's name if (promptCache.trimStart().startsWith(`${name2}:`)) { promptCache = promptCache.replace(`${name2}:`, '').trimStart(); } // Remove the first occurrance of prompt bias if (promptCache.trimStart().startsWith(promptBias)) { promptCache = promptCache.replace(promptBias, ''); } // Add a space if prompt cache doesn't start with one if (!/^\s/.test(promptCache) && !isInstruct) { promptCache = ' ' + promptCache; } return promptCache; } async function checkPromptSize() { console.debug('---checking Prompt size'); setPromptString(); const prompt = [ beforeScenarioAnchor, storyString, afterScenarioAnchor, mesExmString, => `${e.extensionPrompts.join('')}${e.message}`).join(''), '\n', generatedPromptCache, quiet_prompt, ].join('').replace(/\r/gm, ''); let thisPromptContextSize = await getTokenCountAsync(prompt, power_user.token_padding); if (thisPromptContextSize > this_max_context) { //if the prepared prompt is larger than the max context size... if (count_exm_add > 0) { // ..and we have example mesages.. count_exm_add--; // remove the example messages... await checkPromptSize(); // and try agin... } else if (mesSend.length > 0) { // if the chat history is longer than 0 mesSend.shift(); // remove the first (oldest) chat entry.. await checkPromptSize(); // and check size again.. } else { //end console.debug(`---mesSend.length = ${mesSend.length}`); } } } if (generatedPromptCache.length > 0 && main_api !== 'openai') { console.debug('---Generated Prompt Cache length: ' + generatedPromptCache.length); await checkPromptSize(); } else { console.debug('---calling setPromptString ' + generatedPromptCache.length); setPromptString(); } // Fetches the combined prompt for both negative and positive prompts const cfgGuidanceScale = getGuidanceScale(); const useCfgPrompt = cfgGuidanceScale && cfgGuidanceScale.value !== 1; // For prompt bit itemization let mesSendString = ''; function getCombinedPrompt(isNegative) { // Only return if the guidance scale doesn't exist or the value is 1 // Also don't return if constructing the neutral prompt if (isNegative && !useCfgPrompt) { return; } // OAI has its own prompt manager. No need to do anything here if (main_api === 'openai') { return ''; } // Deep clone let finalMesSend = structuredClone(mesSend); if (useCfgPrompt) { const cfgPrompt = getCfgPrompt(cfgGuidanceScale, isNegative); if (cfgPrompt.value) { if (cfgPrompt.depth === 0) { finalMesSend[finalMesSend.length - 1].message += /\s/.test(finalMesSend[finalMesSend.length - 1].message.slice(-1)) ? cfgPrompt.value : ` ${cfgPrompt.value}`; } else { // TODO: Make all extension prompts use an array/splice method const lengthDiff = mesSend.length - cfgPrompt.depth; const cfgDepth = lengthDiff >= 0 ? lengthDiff : 0; finalMesSend[cfgDepth].extensionPrompts.push(`${cfgPrompt.value}\n`); } } } // Add prompt bias after everything else // Always run with continue if (!isInstruct && !isImpersonate) { if (promptBias.trim().length !== 0) { finalMesSend[finalMesSend.length - 1].message += /\s/.test(finalMesSend[finalMesSend.length - 1].message.slice(-1)) ? promptBias.trimStart() : ` ${promptBias.trimStart()}`; } } // Prune from prompt cache if it exists if (generatedPromptCache.length !== 0) { generatedPromptCache = cleanupPromptCache(generatedPromptCache); } // Flattens the multiple prompt objects to a string. const combine = () => { // Right now, everything is suffixed with a newline mesSendString = => `${e.extensionPrompts.join('')}${e.message}`).join(''); // add a custom dingus (if defined) mesSendString = addChatsSeparator(mesSendString); // add chat preamble mesSendString = addChatsPreamble(mesSendString); let combinedPrompt = beforeScenarioAnchor + storyString + afterScenarioAnchor + mesExmString + mesSendString + generatedPromptCache; combinedPrompt = combinedPrompt.replace(/\r/gm, ''); if (power_user.collapse_newlines) { combinedPrompt = collapseNewlines(combinedPrompt); } return combinedPrompt; }; finalMesSend.forEach((item, i) => { item.injected = injectedIndices.includes(finalMesSend.length - i - 1); }); let data = { api: main_api, combinedPrompt: null, description, personality, persona, scenario, char: name2, user: name1, worldInfoBefore, worldInfoAfter, beforeScenarioAnchor, afterScenarioAnchor, storyString, mesExmString, mesSendString, finalMesSend, generatedPromptCache, main: system, jailbreak, naiPreamble: nai_settings.preamble, }; // Before returning the combined prompt, give available context related information to all subscribers. eventSource.emitAndWait(event_types.GENERATE_BEFORE_COMBINE_PROMPTS, data); // If one or multiple subscribers return a value, forfeit the responsibillity of flattening the context. return !data.combinedPrompt ? combine() : data.combinedPrompt; } let finalPrompt = getCombinedPrompt(false); const eventData = { prompt: finalPrompt, dryRun: dryRun }; await eventSource.emit(event_types.GENERATE_AFTER_COMBINE_PROMPTS, eventData); finalPrompt = eventData.prompt; let maxLength = Number(amount_gen); // how many tokens the AI will be requested to generate let thisPromptBits = []; let generate_data; switch (main_api) { case 'koboldhorde': case 'kobold': if (main_api == 'koboldhorde' && horde_settings.auto_adjust_response_length) { maxLength = Math.min(maxLength, adjustedParams.maxLength); maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, MIN_LENGTH); // prevent validation errors } generate_data = { prompt: finalPrompt, gui_settings: true, max_length: maxLength, max_context_length: max_context, api_server, }; if (preset_settings != 'gui') { const isHorde = main_api == 'koboldhorde'; const presetSettings = koboldai_settings[koboldai_setting_names[preset_settings]]; const maxContext = (adjustedParams && horde_settings.auto_adjust_context_length) ? adjustedParams.maxContextLength : max_context; generate_data = getKoboldGenerationData(finalPrompt, presetSettings, maxLength, maxContext, isHorde, type); } break; case 'textgenerationwebui': { const cfgValues = useCfgPrompt ? { guidanceScale: cfgGuidanceScale, negativePrompt: getCombinedPrompt(true) } : null; generate_data = getTextGenGenerationData(finalPrompt, maxLength, isImpersonate, isContinue, cfgValues, type); break; } case 'novel': { const cfgValues = useCfgPrompt ? { guidanceScale: cfgGuidanceScale } : null; const presetSettings = novelai_settings[novelai_setting_names[nai_settings.preset_settings_novel]]; generate_data = getNovelGenerationData(finalPrompt, presetSettings, maxLength, isImpersonate, isContinue, cfgValues, type); break; } case 'openai': { let [prompt, counts] = await prepareOpenAIMessages({ name2: name2, charDescription: description, charPersonality: personality, Scenario: scenario, worldInfoBefore: worldInfoBefore, worldInfoAfter: worldInfoAfter, extensionPrompts: extension_prompts, bias: promptBias, type: type, quietPrompt: quiet_prompt, quietImage: quietImage, cyclePrompt: cyclePrompt, systemPromptOverride: system, jailbreakPromptOverride: jailbreak, personaDescription: persona, messages: oaiMessages, messageExamples: oaiMessageExamples, }, dryRun); generate_data = { prompt: prompt }; // TODO: move these side-effects somewhere else, so this switch-case solely sets generate_data // counts will return false if the user has not enabled the token breakdown feature if (counts) { parseTokenCounts(counts, thisPromptBits); } if (!dryRun) { setInContextMessages(openai_messages_count, type); } break; } } await eventSource.emit(event_types.GENERATE_AFTER_DATA, generate_data); if (dryRun) { generatedPromptCache = ''; return Promise.resolve(); } async function finishGenerating() { if (power_user.console_log_prompts) { console.log(generate_data.prompt); } console.debug('rungenerate calling API'); showStopButton(); //set array object for prompt token itemization of this message let currentArrayEntry = Number(thisPromptBits.length - 1); let additionalPromptStuff = { ...thisPromptBits[currentArrayEntry], rawPrompt: generate_data.prompt || generate_data.input, mesId: getNextMessageId(type), allAnchors: getAllExtensionPrompts(), chatInjects: injectedIndices?.map(index => arrMes[arrMes.length - index - 1])?.join('') || '', summarizeString: (extension_prompts['1_memory']?.value || ''), authorsNoteString: (extension_prompts['2_floating_prompt']?.value || ''), smartContextString: (extension_prompts['chromadb']?.value || ''), chatVectorsString: (extension_prompts['3_vectors']?.value || ''), dataBankVectorsString: (extension_prompts['4_vectors_data_bank']?.value || ''), worldInfoString: worldInfoString, storyString: storyString, beforeScenarioAnchor: beforeScenarioAnchor, afterScenarioAnchor: afterScenarioAnchor, examplesString: examplesString, mesSendString: mesSendString, generatedPromptCache: generatedPromptCache, promptBias: promptBias, finalPrompt: finalPrompt, charDescription: description, charPersonality: personality, scenarioText: scenario, this_max_context: this_max_context, padding: power_user.token_padding, main_api: main_api, instruction: isInstruct ? substituteParams(power_user.prefer_character_prompt && system ? system : power_user.instruct.system_prompt) : '', userPersona: (power_user.persona_description || ''), }; //console.log(additionalPromptStuff); const itemizedIndex = itemizedPrompts.findIndex((item) => item.mesId === additionalPromptStuff.mesId); if (itemizedIndex !== -1) { itemizedPrompts[itemizedIndex] = additionalPromptStuff; } else { itemizedPrompts.push(additionalPromptStuff); } console.debug(`pushed prompt bits to itemizedPrompts array. Length is now: ${itemizedPrompts.length}`); if (isStreamingEnabled() && type !== 'quiet') { streamingProcessor = new StreamingProcessor(type, force_name2, generation_started, continue_mag); if (isContinue) { // Save reply does add cycle text to the prompt, so it's not needed here streamingProcessor.firstMessageText = ''; } streamingProcessor.generator = await sendStreamingRequest(type, generate_data); hideSwipeButtons(); let getMessage = await streamingProcessor.generate(); let messageChunk = cleanUpMessage(getMessage, isImpersonate, isContinue, false); if (isContinue) { getMessage = continue_mag + getMessage; } if (streamingProcessor && !streamingProcessor.isStopped && streamingProcessor.isFinished) { await streamingProcessor.onFinishStreaming(streamingProcessor.messageId, getMessage); streamingProcessor = null; triggerAutoContinue(messageChunk, isImpersonate); return Object.defineProperties(new String(getMessage), { 'messageChunk': { value: messageChunk }, 'fromStream': { value: true }, }); } } else { return await sendGenerationRequest(type, generate_data); } } return finishGenerating().then(onSuccess, onError); async function onSuccess(data) { if (!data) return; if (data?.fromStream) { return data; } let messageChunk = ''; if (data.error) { unblockGeneration(type); generatedPromptCache = ''; if (data?.response) { toastr.error(data.response, 'API Error'); } throw data?.response; } //const getData = await response.json(); let getMessage = extractMessageFromData(data); let title = extractTitleFromData(data); kobold_horde_model = title; const swipes = extractMultiSwipes(data, type); messageChunk = cleanUpMessage(getMessage, isImpersonate, isContinue, false); if (isContinue) { getMessage = continue_mag + getMessage; } //Formating const displayIncomplete = type === 'quiet' && !quietToLoud; getMessage = cleanUpMessage(getMessage, isImpersonate, isContinue, displayIncomplete); if (getMessage.length > 0 || data.allowEmptyResponse) { if (isImpersonate) { $('#send_textarea').val(getMessage)[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); generatedPromptCache = ''; await eventSource.emit(event_types.IMPERSONATE_READY, getMessage); } else if (type == 'quiet') { unblockGeneration(type); return getMessage; } else { // Without streaming we'll be having a full message on continuation. Treat it as a last chunk. if (originalType !== 'continue') { ({ type, getMessage } = await saveReply(type, getMessage, false, title, swipes)); } else { ({ type, getMessage } = await saveReply('appendFinal', getMessage, false, title, swipes)); } // This relies on `saveReply` having been called to add the message to the chat, so it must be last. parseAndSaveLogprobs(data, continue_mag); } if (type !== 'quiet') { playMessageSound(); } } else { // If maxLoops is not passed in (e.g. first time generating), set it to MAX_GENERATION_LOOPS maxLoops ??= MAX_GENERATION_LOOPS; if (maxLoops === 0) { if (type !== 'quiet') { throwCircuitBreakerError(); } throw new Error('Generate circuit breaker interruption'); } // regenerate with character speech reenforced // to make sure we leave on swipe type while also adding the name2 appendage await delay(1000); // A message was already deleted on regeneration, so instead treat is as a normal gen if (type === 'regenerate') { type = 'normal'; } // The first await is for waiting for the generate to start. The second one is waiting for it to finish const result = await await Generate(type, { automatic_trigger, force_name2: true, quiet_prompt, quietToLoud, skipWIAN, force_chid, signal, quietImage, quietName, maxLoops: maxLoops - 1 }); return result; } if (power_user.auto_swipe) { console.debug('checking for autoswipeblacklist on non-streaming message'); function containsBlacklistedWords(getMessage, blacklist, threshold) { console.debug('checking blacklisted words'); const regex = new RegExp(`\\b(${blacklist.join('|')})\\b`, 'gi'); const matches = getMessage.match(regex) || []; return matches.length >= threshold; } const generatedTextFiltered = (getMessage) => { if (power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold) { if (containsBlacklistedWords(getMessage, power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist, power_user.auto_swipe_blacklist_threshold)) { console.debug('Generated text has blacklisted words'); return true; } } return false; }; if (generatedTextFiltered(getMessage)) { console.debug('swiping right automatically'); is_send_press = false; swipe_right(); // TODO: do we want to resolve after an auto-swipe? return; } } console.debug('/api/chats/save called by /Generate'); await saveChatConditional(); unblockGeneration(type); streamingProcessor = null; if (type !== 'quiet') { triggerAutoContinue(messageChunk, isImpersonate); } // Don't break the API chain that expects a single string in return return Object.defineProperty(new String(getMessage), 'messageChunk', { value: messageChunk }); } function onError(exception) { if (typeof exception?.error?.message === 'string') { toastr.error(exception.error.message, 'Error', { timeOut: 10000, extendedTimeOut: 20000 }); } generatedPromptCache = ''; unblockGeneration(type); console.log(exception); streamingProcessor = null; throw exception; } } /** * Stops the generation and any streaming if it is currently running. */ export function stopGeneration() { let stopped = false; if (streamingProcessor) { streamingProcessor.onStopStreaming(); streamingProcessor = null; stopped = true; } if (abortController) { abortController.abort('Clicked stop button'); hideStopButton(); stopped = true; } eventSource.emit(event_types.GENERATION_STOPPED); return stopped; } /** * Injects extension prompts into chat messages. * @param {object[]} messages Array of chat messages * @param {boolean} isContinue Whether the generation is a continuation. If true, the extension prompts of depth 0 are injected at position 1. * @returns {number[]} Array of indices where the extension prompts were injected */ function doChatInject(messages, isContinue) { const injectedIndices = []; let totalInsertedMessages = 0; messages.reverse(); for (let i = 0; i <= MAX_INJECTION_DEPTH; i++) { // Order of priority (most important go lower) const roles = [extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM, extension_prompt_roles.USER, extension_prompt_roles.ASSISTANT]; const names = { [extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM]: '', [extension_prompt_roles.USER]: name1, [extension_prompt_roles.ASSISTANT]: name2, }; const roleMessages = []; const separator = '\n'; const wrap = false; for (const role of roles) { const extensionPrompt = String(getExtensionPrompt(extension_prompt_types.IN_CHAT, i, separator, role, wrap)).trimStart(); const isNarrator = role === extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM; const isUser = role === extension_prompt_roles.USER; const name = names[role]; if (extensionPrompt) { roleMessages.push({ name: name, is_user: isUser, mes: extensionPrompt, extra: { type: isNarrator ? system_message_types.NARRATOR : null, }, }); } } if (roleMessages.length) { const depth = isContinue && i === 0 ? 1 : i; const injectIdx = depth + totalInsertedMessages; messages.splice(injectIdx, 0, ...roleMessages); totalInsertedMessages += roleMessages.length; injectedIndices.push(...Array.from({ length: roleMessages.length }, (_, i) => injectIdx + i)); } } messages.reverse(); return injectedIndices; } function flushWIDepthInjections() { //prevent custom depth WI entries (which have unique random key names) from duplicating for (const key of Object.keys(extension_prompts)) { if (key.startsWith('customDepthWI')) { delete extension_prompts[key]; } } } /** * Unblocks the UI after a generation is complete. * @param {string} [type] Generation type (optional) */ function unblockGeneration(type) { // Don't unblock if a parallel stream is still running if (type === 'quiet' && streamingProcessor && !streamingProcessor.isFinished) { return; } is_send_press = false; activateSendButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); setGenerationProgress(0); flushEphemeralStoppingStrings(); flushWIDepthInjections(); } export function getNextMessageId(type) { return type == 'swipe' ? chat.length - 1 : chat.length; } /** * Determines if the message should be auto-continued. * @param {string} messageChunk Current message chunk * @param {boolean} isImpersonate Is the user impersonation * @returns {boolean} Whether the message should be auto-continued */ export function shouldAutoContinue(messageChunk, isImpersonate) { if (!power_user.auto_continue.enabled) { console.debug('Auto-continue is disabled by user.'); return false; } if (typeof messageChunk !== 'string') { console.debug('Not triggering auto-continue because message chunk is not a string'); return false; } if (isImpersonate) { console.log('Continue for impersonation is not implemented yet'); return false; } if (is_send_press) { console.debug('Auto-continue is disabled because a message is currently being sent.'); return false; } if (power_user.auto_continue.target_length <= 0) { console.log('Auto-continue target length is 0, not triggering auto-continue'); return false; } if (main_api === 'openai' && !power_user.auto_continue.allow_chat_completions) { console.log('Auto-continue for OpenAI is disabled by user.'); return false; } const textareaText = String($('#send_textarea').val()); const USABLE_LENGTH = 5; if (textareaText.length > 0) { console.log('Not triggering auto-continue because user input is not empty'); return false; } if (messageChunk.trim().length > USABLE_LENGTH && chat.length) { const lastMessage = chat[chat.length - 1]; const messageLength = getTokenCount(lastMessage.mes); const shouldAutoContinue = messageLength < power_user.auto_continue.target_length; if (shouldAutoContinue) { console.log(`Triggering auto-continue. Message tokens: ${messageLength}. Target tokens: ${power_user.auto_continue.target_length}. Message chunk: ${messageChunk}`); return true; } else { console.log(`Not triggering auto-continue. Message tokens: ${messageLength}. Target tokens: ${power_user.auto_continue.target_length}`); return false; } } else { console.log('Last generated chunk was empty, not triggering auto-continue'); return false; } } /** * Triggers auto-continue if the message meets the criteria. * @param {string} messageChunk Current message chunk * @param {boolean} isImpersonate Is the user impersonation */ export function triggerAutoContinue(messageChunk, isImpersonate) { if (selected_group) { console.debug('Auto-continue is disabled for group chat'); return; } if (shouldAutoContinue(messageChunk, isImpersonate)) { $('#option_continue').trigger('click'); } } export function getBiasStrings(textareaText, type) { if (type == 'impersonate' || type == 'continue') { return { messageBias: '', promptBias: '', isUserPromptBias: false }; } let promptBias = ''; let messageBias = extractMessageBias(textareaText); // If user input is not provided, retrieve the bias of the most recent relevant message if (!textareaText) { for (let i = chat.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const mes = chat[i]; if (type === 'swipe' && chat.length - 1 === i) { continue; } if (mes && (mes.is_user || mes.is_system || mes.extra?.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR)) { if (mes.extra?.bias?.trim()?.length > 0) { promptBias = mes.extra.bias; } break; } } } promptBias = messageBias || promptBias || power_user.user_prompt_bias || ''; const isUserPromptBias = promptBias === power_user.user_prompt_bias; // Substitute params for everything messageBias = substituteParams(messageBias); promptBias = substituteParams(promptBias); return { messageBias, promptBias, isUserPromptBias }; } /** * @param {Object} chatItem Message history item. * @param {boolean} isInstruct Whether instruct mode is enabled. * @param {boolean|number} forceOutputSequence Whether to force the first/last output sequence for instruct mode. */ function formatMessageHistoryItem(chatItem, isInstruct, forceOutputSequence) { const isNarratorType = chatItem?.extra?.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR; const characterName = chatItem?.name ? : name2; const itemName = chatItem.is_user ? chatItem['name'] : characterName; const shouldPrependName = !isNarratorType; // Don't include a name if it's empty let textResult = chatItem?.name && shouldPrependName ? `${itemName}: ${chatItem.mes}\n` : `${chatItem.mes}\n`; if (isInstruct) { textResult = formatInstructModeChat(itemName, chatItem.mes, chatItem.is_user, isNarratorType, chatItem.force_avatar, name1, name2, forceOutputSequence); } return textResult; } /** * Removes all {{macros}} from a string. * @param {string} str String to remove macros from. * @returns {string} String with macros removed. */ export function removeMacros(str) { return (str ?? '').replace(/\{\{[\s\S]*?\}\}/gm, '').trim(); } /** * Inserts a user message into the chat history. * @param {string} messageText Message text. * @param {string} messageBias Message bias. * @param {number} [insertAt] Optional index to insert the message at. * @param {boolean} [compact] Send as a compact display message. * @param {string} [name] Name of the user sending the message. Defaults to name1. * @param {string} [avatar] Avatar of the user sending the message. Defaults to user_avatar. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the message is inserted. */ export async function sendMessageAsUser(messageText, messageBias, insertAt = null, compact = false, name = name1, avatar = user_avatar) { messageText = getRegexedString(messageText, regex_placement.USER_INPUT); const message = { name: name, is_user: true, is_system: false, send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(), mes: substituteParams(messageText), extra: { isSmallSys: compact, }, }; if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { message.extra.token_count = await getTokenCountAsync(message.mes, 0); } // Lock user avatar to a persona. if (avatar in power_user.personas) { message.force_avatar = getUserAvatar(avatar); } if (messageBias) { message.extra.bias = messageBias; message.mes = removeMacros(message.mes); } await populateFileAttachment(message); statMesProcess(message, 'user', characters, this_chid, ''); if (typeof insertAt === 'number' && insertAt >= 0 && insertAt <= chat.length) { chat.splice(insertAt, 0, message); await saveChatConditional(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_SENT, insertAt); await reloadCurrentChat(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.USER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, insertAt); } else { chat.push(message); const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_SENT, chat_id); addOneMessage(message); await eventSource.emit(event_types.USER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); await saveChatConditional(); } } /** * Gets the maximum usable context size for the current API. * @param {number|null} overrideResponseLength Optional override for the response length. * @returns {number} Maximum usable context size. */ export function getMaxContextSize(overrideResponseLength = null) { if (typeof overrideResponseLength !== 'number' || overrideResponseLength <= 0 || isNaN(overrideResponseLength)) { overrideResponseLength = null; } let this_max_context = 1487; if (main_api == 'kobold' || main_api == 'koboldhorde' || main_api == 'textgenerationwebui') { this_max_context = (max_context - (overrideResponseLength || amount_gen)); } if (main_api == 'novel') { this_max_context = Number(max_context); if (nai_settings.model_novel.includes('clio')) { this_max_context = Math.min(max_context, 8192); } if (nai_settings.model_novel.includes('kayra')) { this_max_context = Math.min(max_context, 8192); const subscriptionLimit = getKayraMaxContextTokens(); if (typeof subscriptionLimit === 'number' && this_max_context > subscriptionLimit) { this_max_context = subscriptionLimit; console.log(`NovelAI subscription limit reached. Max context size is now ${this_max_context}`); } } this_max_context = this_max_context - (overrideResponseLength || amount_gen); } if (main_api == 'openai') { this_max_context = oai_settings.openai_max_context - (overrideResponseLength || oai_settings.openai_max_tokens); } return this_max_context; } function parseTokenCounts(counts, thisPromptBits) { /** * @param {any[]} numbers */ function getSum(...numbers) { return => Number(x)).filter(x => !Number.isNaN(x)).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0); } const total = getSum(Object.values(counts)); thisPromptBits.push({ oaiStartTokens: (counts?.start + counts?.controlPrompts) || 0, oaiPromptTokens: getSum(counts?.prompt, counts?.charDescription, counts?.charPersonality, counts?.scenario) || 0, oaiBiasTokens: counts?.bias || 0, oaiNudgeTokens: counts?.nudge || 0, oaiJailbreakTokens: counts?.jailbreak || 0, oaiImpersonateTokens: counts?.impersonate || 0, oaiExamplesTokens: (counts?.dialogueExamples + counts?.examples) || 0, oaiConversationTokens: (counts?.conversation + counts?.chatHistory) || 0, oaiNsfwTokens: counts?.nsfw || 0, oaiMainTokens: counts?.main || 0, oaiTotalTokens: total, }); } function addChatsPreamble(mesSendString) { return main_api === 'novel' ? substituteParams(nai_settings.preamble) + '\n' + mesSendString : mesSendString; } function addChatsSeparator(mesSendString) { if (power_user.context.chat_start) { return substituteParams(power_user.context.chat_start + '\n') + mesSendString; } else { return mesSendString; } } async function duplicateCharacter() { if (!this_chid) { toastr.warning('You must first select a character to duplicate!'); return ''; } const confirmMessage = $(await renderTemplateAsync('duplicateConfirm')); const confirm = await callGenericPopup(confirmMessage, POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM); if (!confirm) { console.log('User cancelled duplication'); return ''; } const body = { avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar }; const response = await fetch('/api/characters/duplicate', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(body), }); if (response.ok) { toastr.success('Character Duplicated'); const data = await response.json(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_DUPLICATED, { oldAvatar: body.avatar_url, newAvatar: data.path }); await getCharacters(); } return ''; } export async function itemizedParams(itemizedPrompts, thisPromptSet) { const params = { charDescriptionTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].charDescription), charPersonalityTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].charPersonality), scenarioTextTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].scenarioText), userPersonaStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].userPersona), worldInfoStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].worldInfoString), allAnchorsTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].allAnchors), summarizeStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].summarizeString), authorsNoteStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].authorsNoteString), smartContextStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].smartContextString), beforeScenarioAnchorTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].beforeScenarioAnchor), afterScenarioAnchorTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].afterScenarioAnchor), zeroDepthAnchorTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].zeroDepthAnchor), // TODO: unused thisPrompt_padding: itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].padding, this_main_api: itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].main_api, chatInjects: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].chatInjects), chatVectorsStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].chatVectorsString), dataBankVectorsStringTokens: await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].dataBankVectorsString), }; if (params.chatInjects) { params.ActualChatHistoryTokens = params.ActualChatHistoryTokens - params.chatInjects; } if (params.this_main_api == 'openai') { //for OAI API //console.log('-- Counting OAI Tokens'); //params.finalPromptTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiTotalTokens; params.oaiMainTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiMainTokens; params.oaiStartTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiStartTokens; params.ActualChatHistoryTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiConversationTokens; params.examplesStringTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiExamplesTokens; params.oaiPromptTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiPromptTokens - (params.afterScenarioAnchorTokens + params.beforeScenarioAnchorTokens) + params.examplesStringTokens; params.oaiBiasTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiBiasTokens; params.oaiJailbreakTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiJailbreakTokens; params.oaiNudgeTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiNudgeTokens; params.oaiImpersonateTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiImpersonateTokens; params.oaiNsfwTokens = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].oaiNsfwTokens; params.finalPromptTokens = params.oaiStartTokens + params.oaiPromptTokens + params.oaiMainTokens + params.oaiNsfwTokens + params.oaiBiasTokens + params.oaiImpersonateTokens + params.oaiJailbreakTokens + params.oaiNudgeTokens + params.ActualChatHistoryTokens + //charDescriptionTokens + //charPersonalityTokens + //allAnchorsTokens + params.worldInfoStringTokens + params.beforeScenarioAnchorTokens + params.afterScenarioAnchorTokens; // Max context size - max completion tokens params.thisPrompt_max_context = (oai_settings.openai_max_context - oai_settings.openai_max_tokens); //console.log('-- applying % on OAI tokens'); params.oaiStartTokensPercentage = ((params.oaiStartTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.storyStringTokensPercentage = (((params.afterScenarioAnchorTokens + params.beforeScenarioAnchorTokens + params.oaiPromptTokens) / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.ActualChatHistoryTokensPercentage = ((params.ActualChatHistoryTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.promptBiasTokensPercentage = ((params.oaiBiasTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.worldInfoStringTokensPercentage = ((params.worldInfoStringTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.allAnchorsTokensPercentage = ((params.allAnchorsTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.selectedTokenizer = getFriendlyTokenizerName(params.this_main_api).tokenizerName; params.oaiSystemTokens = params.oaiImpersonateTokens + params.oaiJailbreakTokens + params.oaiNudgeTokens + params.oaiStartTokens + params.oaiNsfwTokens + params.oaiMainTokens; params.oaiSystemTokensPercentage = ((params.oaiSystemTokens / (params.finalPromptTokens)) * 100).toFixed(2); } else { //for non-OAI APIs //console.log('-- Counting non-OAI Tokens'); params.finalPromptTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].finalPrompt); params.storyStringTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].storyString) - params.worldInfoStringTokens; params.examplesStringTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].examplesString); params.mesSendStringTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].mesSendString); params.ActualChatHistoryTokens = params.mesSendStringTokens - (params.allAnchorsTokens - (params.beforeScenarioAnchorTokens + params.afterScenarioAnchorTokens)) + power_user.token_padding; params.instructionTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].instruction); params.promptBiasTokens = await getTokenCountAsync(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].promptBias); params.totalTokensInPrompt = params.storyStringTokens + //chardefs total params.worldInfoStringTokens + params.examplesStringTokens + // example messages params.ActualChatHistoryTokens + //chat history params.allAnchorsTokens + // AN and/or legacy anchors //afterScenarioAnchorTokens + //only counts if AN is set to 'after scenario' //zeroDepthAnchorTokens + //same as above, even if AN not on 0 depth params.promptBiasTokens; //{{}} //- thisPrompt_padding; //not sure this way of calculating is correct, but the math results in same value as 'finalPrompt' params.thisPrompt_max_context = itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet].this_max_context; params.thisPrompt_actual = params.thisPrompt_max_context - params.thisPrompt_padding; //console.log('-- applying % on non-OAI tokens'); params.storyStringTokensPercentage = ((params.storyStringTokens / (params.totalTokensInPrompt)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.ActualChatHistoryTokensPercentage = ((params.ActualChatHistoryTokens / (params.totalTokensInPrompt)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.promptBiasTokensPercentage = ((params.promptBiasTokens / (params.totalTokensInPrompt)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.worldInfoStringTokensPercentage = ((params.worldInfoStringTokens / (params.totalTokensInPrompt)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.allAnchorsTokensPercentage = ((params.allAnchorsTokens / (params.totalTokensInPrompt)) * 100).toFixed(2); params.selectedTokenizer = getFriendlyTokenizerName(params.this_main_api).tokenizerName; } return params; } export function findItemizedPromptSet(itemizedPrompts, incomingMesId) { var thisPromptSet = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < itemizedPrompts.length; i++) { console.log(`looking for ${incomingMesId} vs ${itemizedPrompts[i].mesId}`); if (itemizedPrompts[i].mesId === incomingMesId) { console.log(`found matching mesID ${i}`); thisPromptSet = i; PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay = i; console.log(`wanting to raw display of ArrayItem: ${PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay} which is mesID ${incomingMesId}`); console.log(itemizedPrompts[thisPromptSet]); break; } else if (itemizedPrompts[i].rawPrompt) { priorPromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay = i; } } return thisPromptSet; } async function promptItemize(itemizedPrompts, requestedMesId) { console.log('PROMPT ITEMIZE ENTERED'); var incomingMesId = Number(requestedMesId); console.debug(`looking for MesId ${incomingMesId}`); var thisPromptSet = findItemizedPromptSet(itemizedPrompts, incomingMesId); if (thisPromptSet === undefined) { console.log(`couldnt find the right mesId. looked for ${incomingMesId}`); console.log(itemizedPrompts); return null; } const params = await itemizedParams(itemizedPrompts, thisPromptSet); const flatten = (rawPrompt) => Array.isArray(rawPrompt) ? => x.content).join('\n') : rawPrompt; const template = params.this_main_api == 'openai' ? await renderTemplateAsync('itemizationChat', params) : await renderTemplateAsync('itemizationText', params); const popup = new Popup(template, POPUP_TYPE.TEXT); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const diffPrevPrompt = popup.dlg.querySelector('#diffPrevPrompt'); if (priorPromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay) { = ''; diffPrevPrompt.addEventListener('click', function () { const dmp = new diff_match_patch(); const text1 = flatten(itemizedPrompts[priorPromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt); const text2 = flatten(itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt); dmp.Diff_Timeout = 2.0; const d = dmp.diff_main(text1, text2); let ds = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(d); // make it readable ds = ds.replaceAll('background:#e6ffe6;', 'background:#b9f3b9; color:black;'); ds = ds.replaceAll('background:#ffe6e6;', 'background:#f5b4b4; color:black;'); ds = ds.replaceAll('¶', ''); const container = document.createElement('div'); container.innerHTML = DOMPurify.sanitize(ds); const rawPromptWrapper = document.getElementById('rawPromptWrapper'); rawPromptWrapper.replaceChildren(container); $('#rawPromptPopup').slideToggle(); }); } else { = 'none'; } popup.dlg.querySelector('#copyPromptToClipboard').addEventListener('click', function () { let rawPrompt = itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt; let rawPromptValues = rawPrompt; if (Array.isArray(rawPrompt)) { rawPromptValues = => x.content).join('\n'); } navigator.clipboard.writeText(rawPromptValues);'Copied!'); }); popup.dlg.querySelector('#showRawPrompt').addEventListener('click', function () { //console.log(itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt); console.log(PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay); console.log(itemizedPrompts); console.log(itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt); const rawPrompt = flatten(itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt); //let DisplayStringifiedPrompt = JSON.stringify(itemizedPrompts[PromptArrayItemForRawPromptDisplay].rawPrompt).replace(/\n+/g, '
'); const rawPromptWrapper = document.getElementById('rawPromptWrapper'); rawPromptWrapper.innerText = rawPrompt; $('#rawPromptPopup').slideToggle(); }); await; } function setInContextMessages(lastmsg, type) { $('#chat .mes').removeClass('lastInContext'); if (type === 'swipe' || type === 'regenerate' || type === 'continue') { lastmsg++; } const lastMessageBlock = $('#chat .mes:not([is_system="true"])').eq(-lastmsg); lastMessageBlock.addClass('lastInContext'); if (lastMessageBlock.length === 0) { const firstMessageId = getFirstDisplayedMessageId(); $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${firstMessageId}"`).addClass('lastInContext'); } } /** * Sends a non-streaming request to the API. * @param {string} type Generation type * @param {object} data Generation data * @returns {Promise} Response data from the API */ export async function sendGenerationRequest(type, data) { if (main_api === 'openai') { return await sendOpenAIRequest(type, data.prompt, abortController.signal); } if (main_api === 'koboldhorde') { return await generateHorde(data.prompt, data, abortController.signal, true); } const response = await fetch(getGenerateUrl(main_api), { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), cache: 'no-cache', body: JSON.stringify(data), signal: abortController.signal, }); if (!response.ok) { const error = await response.json(); throw error; } const responseData = await response.json(); return responseData; } /** * Sends a streaming request to the API. * @param {string} type Generation type * @param {object} data Generation data * @returns {Promise} Streaming generator */ export async function sendStreamingRequest(type, data) { if (abortController?.signal?.aborted) { throw new Error('Generation was aborted.'); } switch (main_api) { case 'openai': return await sendOpenAIRequest(type, data.prompt, streamingProcessor.abortController.signal); case 'textgenerationwebui': return await generateTextGenWithStreaming(data, streamingProcessor.abortController.signal); case 'novel': return await generateNovelWithStreaming(data, streamingProcessor.abortController.signal); case 'kobold': return await generateKoboldWithStreaming(data, streamingProcessor.abortController.signal); default: throw new Error('Streaming is enabled, but the current API does not support streaming.'); } } /** * Gets the generation endpoint URL for the specified API. * @param {string} api API name * @returns {string} Generation URL */ function getGenerateUrl(api) { switch (api) { case 'kobold': return '/api/backends/kobold/generate'; case 'koboldhorde': return '/api/backends/koboldhorde/generate'; case 'textgenerationwebui': return '/api/backends/text-completions/generate'; case 'novel': return '/api/novelai/generate'; default: throw new Error(`Unknown API: ${api}`); } } function throwCircuitBreakerError() { callPopup(`Could not extract reply in ${MAX_GENERATION_LOOPS} attempts. Try generating again`, 'text'); unblockGeneration(); } function extractTitleFromData(data) { if (main_api == 'koboldhorde') { return data.workerName; } return undefined; } /** * parseAndSaveLogprobs receives the full data response for a non-streaming * generation, parses logprobs for all tokens in the message, and saves them * to the currently active message. * @param {object} data - response data containing all tokens/logprobs * @param {string} continueFrom - for 'continue' generations, the prompt * */ function parseAndSaveLogprobs(data, continueFrom) { /** @type {import('./scripts/logprobs.js').TokenLogprobs[] | null} */ let logprobs = null; switch (main_api) { case 'novel': // parser only handles one token/logprob pair at a time logprobs = data.logprobs?.map(parseNovelAILogprobs) || null; break; case 'openai': // OAI and other chat completion APIs must handle this earlier in // `sendOpenAIRequest`. `data` for these APIs is just a string with // the text of the generated message, logprobs are not included. return; case 'textgenerationwebui': switch (textgen_settings.type) { case textgen_types.LLAMACPP: { logprobs = data?.completion_probabilities?.map(x => parseTextgenLogprobs(x.content, [x])) || null; } break; case textgen_types.VLLM: case textgen_types.INFERMATICAI: case textgen_types.APHRODITE: case textgen_types.MANCER: case textgen_types.TABBY: { logprobs = parseTabbyLogprobs(data) || null; } break; } break; default: return; } saveLogprobsForActiveMessage(logprobs, continueFrom); } /** * Extracts the message from the response data. * @param {object} data Response data * @returns {string} Extracted message */ function extractMessageFromData(data) { if (typeof data === 'string') { return data; } switch (main_api) { case 'kobold': return data.results[0].text; case 'koboldhorde': return data.text; case 'textgenerationwebui': return data.choices?.[0]?.text ?? data.content ?? data.response ?? ''; case 'novel': return data.output; case 'openai': return data?.choices?.[0]?.message?.content ?? data?.choices?.[0]?.text ?? data?.text ?? ''; default: return ''; } } /** * Extracts multiswipe swipes from the response data. * @param {Object} data Response data * @param {string} type Type of generation * @returns {string[]} Array of extra swipes */ function extractMultiSwipes(data, type) { const swipes = []; if (!data) { return swipes; } if (type === 'continue' || type === 'impersonate' || type === 'quiet') { return swipes; } if (main_api === 'openai' || (main_api === 'textgenerationwebui' && [MANCER, VLLM, APHRODITE, TABBY, INFERMATICAI].includes(textgen_settings.type))) { if (!Array.isArray(data.choices)) { return swipes; } const multiSwipeCount = data.choices.length - 1; if (multiSwipeCount <= 0) { return swipes; } for (let i = 1; i < data.choices.length; i++) { const text = data?.choices[i]?.message?.content ?? data?.choices[i]?.text ?? ''; const cleanedText = cleanUpMessage(text, false, false, false); swipes.push(cleanedText); } } return swipes; } export function cleanUpMessage(getMessage, isImpersonate, isContinue, displayIncompleteSentences = false, stoppingStrings = null) { if (!getMessage) { return ''; } // Add the prompt bias before anything else if ( power_user.user_prompt_bias && !isImpersonate && !isContinue && power_user.user_prompt_bias.length !== 0 ) { getMessage = substituteParams(power_user.user_prompt_bias) + getMessage; } // Allow for caching of stopping strings. getStoppingStrings is an expensive function, especially with macros // enabled, so for streaming, we call it once and then pass it into each cleanUpMessage call. if (!stoppingStrings) { stoppingStrings = getStoppingStrings(isImpersonate, isContinue); } for (const stoppingString of stoppingStrings) { if (stoppingString.length) { for (let j = stoppingString.length; j > 0; j--) { if (getMessage.slice(-j) === stoppingString.slice(0, j)) { getMessage = getMessage.slice(0, -j); break; } } } } // Regex uses vars, so add before formatting getMessage = getRegexedString(getMessage, isImpersonate ? regex_placement.USER_INPUT : regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT); if (!displayIncompleteSentences && power_user.trim_sentences) { getMessage = trimToEndSentence(getMessage, power_user.include_newline); } if (power_user.collapse_newlines) { getMessage = collapseNewlines(getMessage); } if (power_user.trim_spaces) { getMessage = getMessage.trim(); } // trailing invisible whitespace before every newlines, on a multiline string // "trailing whitespace on newlines \nevery line of the string \n?sample text" -> // "trailing whitespace on newlines\nevery line of the string\nsample text" getMessage = getMessage.replace(/[^\S\r\n]+$/gm, ''); let nameToTrim = isImpersonate ? name2 : name1; if (isImpersonate) { nameToTrim = power_user.allow_name2_display ? '' : name2; } else { nameToTrim = power_user.allow_name1_display ? '' : name1; } if (nameToTrim && getMessage.indexOf(`${nameToTrim}:`) == 0) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, getMessage.indexOf(`${nameToTrim}:`)); } if (nameToTrim && getMessage.indexOf(`\n${nameToTrim}:`) >= 0) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, getMessage.indexOf(`\n${nameToTrim}:`)); } if (getMessage.indexOf('<|endoftext|>') != -1) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, getMessage.indexOf('<|endoftext|>')); } const isInstruct = power_user.instruct.enabled && main_api !== 'openai'; if (isInstruct && power_user.instruct.stop_sequence) { if (getMessage.indexOf(power_user.instruct.stop_sequence) != -1) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, getMessage.indexOf(power_user.instruct.stop_sequence)); } } // Hana: Only use the first sequence (should be <|model|>) // of the prompt before <|user|> (as KoboldAI Lite does it). if (isInstruct && power_user.instruct.input_sequence) { if (getMessage.indexOf(power_user.instruct.input_sequence) != -1) { getMessage = getMessage.substring(0, getMessage.indexOf(power_user.instruct.input_sequence)); } } if (isInstruct && power_user.instruct.input_sequence && isImpersonate) { //getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(power_user.instruct.input_sequence, ''); power_user.instruct.input_sequence.split('\n') .filter(line => line.trim() !== '') .forEach(line => { getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(line, ''); }); } if (isInstruct && power_user.instruct.output_sequence && !isImpersonate) { //getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(power_user.instruct.output_sequence, ''); power_user.instruct.output_sequence.split('\n') .filter(line => line.trim() !== '') .forEach(line => { getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(line, ''); }); } if (isInstruct && power_user.instruct.last_output_sequence && !isImpersonate) { //getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(power_user.instruct.last_output_sequence, ''); power_user.instruct.last_output_sequence.split('\n') .filter(line => line.trim() !== '') .forEach(line => { getMessage = getMessage.replaceAll(line, ''); }); } // clean-up group message from excessive generations if (selected_group) { getMessage = cleanGroupMessage(getMessage); } if (!power_user.allow_name2_display) { const name2Escaped = escapeRegex(name2); getMessage = getMessage.replace(new RegExp(`(^|\n)${name2Escaped}:\\s*`, 'g'), '$1'); } if (isImpersonate) { getMessage = getMessage.trim(); } if (power_user.auto_fix_generated_markdown) { getMessage = fixMarkdown(getMessage, false); } const nameToTrim2 = isImpersonate ? (!power_user.allow_name1_display ? name1 : '') : (!power_user.allow_name2_display ? name2 : ''); if (nameToTrim2 && getMessage.startsWith(nameToTrim2 + ':')) { getMessage = getMessage.replace(nameToTrim2 + ':', ''); getMessage = getMessage.trimStart(); } if (isImpersonate) { getMessage = getMessage.trim(); } return getMessage; } async function saveReply(type, getMessage, fromStreaming, title, swipes) { if (type != 'append' && type != 'continue' && type != 'appendFinal' && chat.length && (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] === undefined || chat[chat.length - 1]['is_user'])) { type = 'normal'; } if (chat.length && (!chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] || typeof chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] !== 'object')) { chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] = {}; } let oldMessage = ''; const generationFinished = new Date(); const img = extractImageFromMessage(getMessage); getMessage = img.getMessage; if (type === 'swipe') { oldMessage = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length++; if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] === chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length - 1) { chat[chat.length - 1]['title'] = title; chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = getMessage; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'] = generation_started; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'] = generationFinished; chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = getMessageTimeStamp(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['api'] = getGeneratingApi(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['model'] = getGeneratingModel(); if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'], 0); } const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, chat_id); addOneMessage(chat[chat_id], { type: 'swipe' }); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); } else { chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = getMessage; } } else if (type === 'append' || type === 'continue') { console.debug('Trying to append.'); oldMessage = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; chat[chat.length - 1]['title'] = title; chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] += getMessage; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'] = generation_started; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'] = generationFinished; chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = getMessageTimeStamp(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['api'] = getGeneratingApi(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['model'] = getGeneratingModel(); if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'], 0); } const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, chat_id); addOneMessage(chat[chat_id], { type: 'swipe' }); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); } else if (type === 'appendFinal') { oldMessage = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; console.debug('Trying to appendFinal.'); chat[chat.length - 1]['title'] = title; chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = getMessage; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'] = generation_started; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'] = generationFinished; chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = getMessageTimeStamp(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['api'] = getGeneratingApi(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['model'] = getGeneratingModel(); if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'], 0); } const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, chat_id); addOneMessage(chat[chat_id], { type: 'swipe' }); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); } else { console.debug('entering chat update routine for non-swipe post'); chat[chat.length] = {}; chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] = {}; chat[chat.length - 1]['name'] = name2; chat[chat.length - 1]['is_user'] = false; chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = getMessageTimeStamp(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['api'] = getGeneratingApi(); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['model'] = getGeneratingModel(); if (power_user.trim_spaces) { getMessage = getMessage.trim(); } chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = getMessage; chat[chat.length - 1]['title'] = title; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'] = generation_started; chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'] = generationFinished; if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'], 0); } if (selected_group) { console.debug('entering chat update for groups'); let avatarImg = 'img/ai4.png'; if (characters[this_chid].avatar != 'none') { avatarImg = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', characters[this_chid].avatar); } chat[chat.length - 1]['force_avatar'] = avatarImg; chat[chat.length - 1]['original_avatar'] = characters[this_chid].avatar; chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['gen_id'] = group_generation_id; } saveImageToMessage(img, chat[chat.length - 1]); const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); !fromStreaming && await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, chat_id); addOneMessage(chat[chat_id]); !fromStreaming && await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); } const item = chat[chat.length - 1]; if (item['swipe_info'] === undefined) { item['swipe_info'] = []; } if (item['swipe_id'] !== undefined) { const swipeId = item['swipe_id']; item['swipes'][swipeId] = item['mes']; item['swipe_info'][swipeId] = { send_date: item['send_date'], gen_started: item['gen_started'], gen_finished: item['gen_finished'], extra: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item['extra'])), }; } else { item['swipe_id'] = 0; item['swipes'] = []; item['swipes'][0] = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; item['swipe_info'][0] = { send_date: chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'], gen_started: chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'], gen_finished: chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'], extra: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'])), }; } if (Array.isArray(swipes) && swipes.length > 0) { const swipeInfo = { send_date: item.send_date, gen_started: item.gen_started, gen_finished: item.gen_finished, extra: structuredClone(item.extra), }; const swipeInfoArray = []; swipeInfoArray.length = swipes.length; swipeInfoArray.fill(swipeInfo, 0, swipes.length); item.swipes.push(...swipes); item.swipe_info.push(...swipeInfoArray); } statMesProcess(chat[chat.length - 1], type, characters, this_chid, oldMessage); return { type, getMessage }; } function saveImageToMessage(img, mes) { if (mes && img.image) { if (!mes.extra || typeof mes.extra !== 'object') { mes.extra = {}; } mes.extra.image = img.image; mes.extra.title = img.title; } } export function getGeneratingApi() { switch (main_api) { case 'openai': return oai_settings.chat_completion_source || 'openai'; case 'textgenerationwebui': return textgen_settings.type === textgen_types.OOBA ? 'textgenerationwebui' : textgen_settings.type; default: return main_api; } } function getGeneratingModel(mes) { let model = ''; switch (main_api) { case 'kobold': model = online_status; break; case 'novel': model = nai_settings.model_novel; break; case 'openai': model = getChatCompletionModel(); break; case 'textgenerationwebui': model = online_status; break; case 'koboldhorde': model = kobold_horde_model; break; } return model; } function extractImageFromMessage(getMessage) { const regex = //g; const results = regex.exec(getMessage); const image = results ? results[1] : ''; const title = results ? results[2] : ''; getMessage = getMessage.replace(regex, ''); return { getMessage, image, title }; } export function activateSendButtons() { is_send_press = false; $('#send_but').removeClass('displayNone'); $('#mes_continue').removeClass('displayNone'); $('#mes_impersonate').removeClass('displayNone'); $('.mes_buttons:last').show(); hideStopButton(); } export function deactivateSendButtons() { $('#send_but').addClass('displayNone'); $('#mes_continue').addClass('displayNone'); $('#mes_impersonate').addClass('displayNone'); showStopButton(); } export function resetChatState() { //unsets expected chid before reloading (related to getCharacters/printCharacters from using old arrays) this_chid = undefined; // replaces deleted charcter name with system user since it will be displayed next. name2 = systemUserName; // sets up system user to tell user about having deleted a character chat = [...safetychat]; // resets chat metadata chat_metadata = {}; // resets the characters array, forcing getcharacters to reset characters.length = 0; } /** * * @param {'characters' | 'character_edit' | 'create' | 'group_edit' | 'group_create'} value */ export function setMenuType(value) { menu_type = value; // Allow custom CSS to see which menu type is active document.getElementById('right-nav-panel').dataset.menuType = menu_type; } export function setExternalAbortController(controller) { abortController = controller; } export function setCharacterId(value) { this_chid = value; } export function setCharacterName(value) { name2 = value; } /** * Sets the API connection status of the application * @param {string|'no_connection'} value Connection status value */ export function setOnlineStatus(value) { const previousStatus = online_status; online_status = value; displayOnlineStatus(); if (previousStatus !== online_status) { eventSource.emitAndWait(event_types.ONLINE_STATUS_CHANGED, online_status); } } export function setEditedMessageId(value) { this_edit_mes_id = value; } export function setSendButtonState(value) { is_send_press = value; } export async function renameCharacter(name = null, { silent = false, renameChats = null } = {}) { if (!name && silent) { toastr.warning('No character name provided.', 'Rename Character'); return false; } if (this_chid === undefined) { toastr.warning('No character selected.', 'Rename Character'); return false; } const oldAvatar = characters[this_chid].avatar; const newValue = name || await callGenericPopup('

New name:

', POPUP_TYPE.INPUT, characters[this_chid].name); if (!newValue) { toastr.warning('No character name provided.', 'Rename Character'); return false; } if (newValue === characters[this_chid].name) {'Same character name provided, so name did not change.', 'Rename Character'); return false; } const body = JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: oldAvatar, new_name: newValue }); const response = await fetch('/api/characters/rename', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body, }); try { if (response.ok) { const data = await response.json(); const newAvatar = data.avatar; // Replace tags list renameTagKey(oldAvatar, newAvatar); // Reload characters list await getCharacters(); // Find newly renamed character const newChId = characters.findIndex(c => c.avatar == data.avatar); if (newChId !== -1) { // Select the character after the renaming this_chid = -1; await selectCharacterById(String(newChId)); // Async delay to update UI await delay(1); if (this_chid === -1) { throw new Error('New character not selected'); } // Also rename as a group member await renameGroupMember(oldAvatar, newAvatar, newValue); const renamePastChatsConfirm = renameChats !== null ? renameChats : silent ? false : await callPopup(`

Character renamed!

Past chats will still contain the old character name. Would you like to update the character name in previous chats as well?

Sprites folder (if any) should be renamed manually.`, 'confirm'); if (renamePastChatsConfirm) { await renamePastChats(newAvatar, newValue); await reloadCurrentChat(); toastr.success('Character renamed and past chats updated!', 'Rename Character'); } else { toastr.success('Character renamed!', 'Rename Character'); } } else { throw new Error('Newly renamed character was lost?'); } } else { throw new Error('Could not rename the character'); } } catch (error) { // Reloading to prevent data corruption if (!silent) await callPopup('Something went wrong. The page will be reloaded.', 'text'); else toastr.error('Something went wrong. The page will be reloaded.', 'Rename Character'); console.log('Renaming character error:', error); location.reload(); return false; } return true; } async function renamePastChats(newAvatar, newValue) { const pastChats = await getPastCharacterChats(); for (const { file_name } of pastChats) { try { const fileNameWithoutExtension = file_name.replace('.jsonl', ''); const getChatResponse = await fetch('/api/chats/get', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ ch_name: newValue, file_name: fileNameWithoutExtension, avatar_url: newAvatar, }), cache: 'no-cache', }); if (getChatResponse.ok) { const currentChat = await getChatResponse.json(); for (const message of currentChat) { if (message.is_user || message.is_system || message.extra?.type == system_message_types.NARRATOR) { continue; } if ( !== undefined) { = newValue; } } const saveChatResponse = await fetch('/api/chats/save', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ ch_name: newValue, file_name: fileNameWithoutExtension, chat: currentChat, avatar_url: newAvatar, }), cache: 'no-cache', }); if (!saveChatResponse.ok) { throw new Error('Could not save chat'); } } } catch (error) { toastr.error(`Past chat could not be updated: ${file_name}`); console.error(error); } } } export function saveChatDebounced() { const chid = this_chid; const selectedGroup = selected_group; if (chatSaveTimeout) { console.debug('Clearing chat save timeout'); clearTimeout(chatSaveTimeout); } chatSaveTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { if (selectedGroup !== selected_group) { console.warn('Chat save timeout triggered, but group changed. Aborting.'); return; } if (chid !== this_chid) { console.warn('Chat save timeout triggered, but chid changed. Aborting.'); return; } console.debug('Chat save timeout triggered'); await saveChatConditional(); console.debug('Chat saved'); }, 1000); } export async function saveChat(chat_name, withMetadata, mesId) { const metadata = { ...chat_metadata, ...(withMetadata || {}) }; let file_name = chat_name ?? characters[this_chid]?.chat; if (!file_name) { console.warn('saveChat called without chat_name and no chat file found'); return; } characters[this_chid]['date_last_chat'] =; chat.forEach(function (item, i) { if (item['is_group']) { toastr.error('Trying to save group chat with regular saveChat function. Aborting to prevent corruption.'); throw new Error('Group chat saved from saveChat'); } /* if (item.is_user) { //var str = item.mes.replace(`${name1}:`, `${name1}:`); //chat[i].mes = str; //chat[i].name = name1; } else if (i !== chat.length - 1 && chat[i].swipe_id !== undefined) { // delete chat[i].swipes; // delete chat[i].swipe_id; } */ }); const trimmed_chat = (mesId !== undefined && mesId >= 0 && mesId < chat.length) ? chat.slice(0, parseInt(mesId) + 1) : chat; var save_chat = [ { user_name: name1, character_name: name2, create_date: chat_create_date, chat_metadata: metadata, }, ...trimmed_chat, ]; return jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/chats/save', data: JSON.stringify({ ch_name: characters[this_chid].name, file_name: file_name, chat: save_chat, avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar, }), beforeSend: function () { }, cache: false, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', success: function (data) { }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { toastr.error('Check the server connection and reload the page to prevent data loss.', 'Chat could not be saved'); console.log(exception); console.log(jqXHR); }, }); } async function read_avatar_load(input) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { if (selected_button == 'create') { create_save.avatar = input.files; } crop_data = undefined; const file = input.files[0]; const fileData = await getBase64Async(file); if (!power_user.never_resize_avatars) { const dlg = new Popup('Set the crop position of the avatar image', POPUP_TYPE.CROP, '', { cropImage: fileData }); const croppedImage = await; if (!croppedImage) { return; } crop_data = dlg.cropData; $('#avatar_load_preview').attr('src', String(croppedImage)); } else { $('#avatar_load_preview').attr('src', fileData); } if (menu_type == 'create') { return; } await createOrEditCharacter(); await delay(DEFAULT_SAVE_EDIT_TIMEOUT); const formData = new FormData($('#form_create').get(0)); await fetch(getThumbnailUrl('avatar', formData.get('avatar_url')), { method: 'GET', cache: 'no-cache', headers: { 'pragma': 'no-cache', 'cache-control': 'no-cache', }, }); $('.mes').each(async function () { const nameMatch = $(this).attr('ch_name') == formData.get('ch_name'); if ($(this).attr('is_system') == 'true' && !nameMatch) { return; } if ($(this).attr('is_user') == 'true') { return; } if (nameMatch) { const previewSrc = $('#avatar_load_preview').attr('src'); const avatar = $(this).find('.avatar img'); avatar.attr('src', default_avatar); await delay(1); avatar.attr('src', previewSrc); } }); console.log('Avatar refreshed'); } } export function getThumbnailUrl(type, file) { return `/thumbnail?type=${type}&file=${encodeURIComponent(file)}`; } export function buildAvatarList(block, entities, { templateId = 'inline_avatar_template', empty = true, interactable = false, highlightFavs = true } = {}) { if (empty) { block.empty(); } for (const entity of entities) { const id =; // Populate the template const avatarTemplate = $(`#${templateId} .avatar`).clone(); let this_avatar = default_avatar; if (entity.item.avatar !== undefined && entity.item.avatar != 'none') { this_avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', entity.item.avatar); } avatarTemplate.attr('data-type', entity.type); avatarTemplate.attr({ 'chid': id, 'id': `CharID${id}` }); avatarTemplate.find('img').attr('src', this_avatar).attr('alt',; avatarTemplate.attr('title', `[Character] ${}\nFile: ${entity.item.avatar}`); if (highlightFavs) { avatarTemplate.toggleClass('is_fav', entity.item.fav || entity.item.fav == 'true'); avatarTemplate.find('.ch_fav').val(entity.item.fav); } // If this is a group, we need to hack slightly. We still want to keep most of the css classes and layout, but use a group avatar instead. if (entity.type === 'group') { const grpTemplate = getGroupAvatar(entity.item); avatarTemplate.addClass(grpTemplate.attr('class')); avatarTemplate.empty(); avatarTemplate.append(grpTemplate.children()); avatarTemplate.attr('title', `[Group] ${}`); } if (interactable) { avatarTemplate.addClass(INTERACTABLE_CONTROL_CLASS); avatarTemplate.toggleClass('character_select', entity.type === 'character'); avatarTemplate.toggleClass('group_select', entity.type === 'group'); } block.append(avatarTemplate); } } export async function getChat() { //console.log('/api/chats/get -- entered for -- ' + characters[this_chid].name); try { const response = await $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/chats/get', data: JSON.stringify({ ch_name: characters[this_chid].name, file_name: characters[this_chid].chat, avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar, }), dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', }); if (response[0] !== undefined) { chat.splice(0, chat.length, ...response); chat_create_date = chat[0]['create_date']; chat_metadata = chat[0]['chat_metadata'] ?? {}; chat.shift(); } else { chat_create_date = humanizedDateTime(); } await getChatResult(); eventSource.emit('chatLoaded', { detail: { id: this_chid, character: characters[this_chid] } }); // Focus on the textarea if not already focused on a visible text input setTimeout(function () { if ($(document.activeElement).is('input:visible, textarea:visible')) { return; } $('#send_textarea').trigger('click').trigger('focus'); }, 200); } catch (error) { await getChatResult(); console.log(error); } } async function getChatResult() { name2 = characters[this_chid].name; let freshChat = false; if (chat.length === 0) { const message = getFirstMessage(); if (message.mes) { chat.push(message); freshChat = true; } // Make sure the chat appears on the server await saveChatConditional(); } await loadItemizedPrompts(getCurrentChatId()); await printMessages(); select_selected_character(this_chid); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, (getCurrentChatId())); if (freshChat) await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_CREATED); if (chat.length === 1) { const chat_id = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, chat_id); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, chat_id); } } function getFirstMessage() { const firstMes = characters[this_chid].first_mes || ''; const alternateGreetings = characters[this_chid]?.data?.alternate_greetings; const message = { name: name2, is_user: false, is_system: false, send_date: getMessageTimeStamp(), mes: getRegexedString(firstMes, regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT), extra: {}, }; if (Array.isArray(alternateGreetings) && alternateGreetings.length > 0) { const swipes = [message.mes, ...( => getRegexedString(greeting, regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT)))]; if (!message.mes) { swipes.shift(); message.mes = swipes[0]; } message['swipe_id'] = 0; message['swipes'] = swipes; message['swipe_info'] = []; } return message; } export async function openCharacterChat(file_name) { await clearChat(); characters[this_chid]['chat'] = file_name; chat.length = 0; chat_metadata = {}; await getChat(); $('#selected_chat_pole').val(file_name); await createOrEditCharacter(new CustomEvent('newChat')); } ////////// OPTIMZED MAIN API CHANGE FUNCTION //////////// export function changeMainAPI() { const selectedVal = $('#main_api').val(); //console.log(selectedVal); const apiElements = { 'koboldhorde': { apiSettings: $('#kobold_api-settings'), apiConnector: $('#kobold_horde'), apiPresets: $('#kobold_api-presets'), apiRanges: $('#range_block'), maxContextElem: $('#max_context_block'), amountGenElem: $('#amount_gen_block'), }, 'kobold': { apiSettings: $('#kobold_api-settings'), apiConnector: $('#kobold_api'), apiPresets: $('#kobold_api-presets'), apiRanges: $('#range_block'), maxContextElem: $('#max_context_block'), amountGenElem: $('#amount_gen_block'), }, 'textgenerationwebui': { apiSettings: $('#textgenerationwebui_api-settings'), apiConnector: $('#textgenerationwebui_api'), apiPresets: $('#textgenerationwebui_api-presets'), apiRanges: $('#range_block_textgenerationwebui'), maxContextElem: $('#max_context_block'), amountGenElem: $('#amount_gen_block'), }, 'novel': { apiSettings: $('#novel_api-settings'), apiConnector: $('#novel_api'), apiPresets: $('#novel_api-presets'), apiRanges: $('#range_block_novel'), maxContextElem: $('#max_context_block'), amountGenElem: $('#amount_gen_block'), }, 'openai': { apiSettings: $('#openai_settings'), apiConnector: $('#openai_api'), apiPresets: $('#openai_api-presets'), apiRanges: $('#range_block_openai'), maxContextElem: $('#max_context_block'), amountGenElem: $('#amount_gen_block'), }, }; //console.log('--- apiElements--- '); //console.log(apiElements); //first, disable everything so the old elements stop showing for (const apiName in apiElements) { const apiObj = apiElements[apiName]; //do not hide items to then proceed to immediately show them. if (selectedVal === apiName) { continue; } apiObj.apiSettings.css('display', 'none'); apiObj.apiConnector.css('display', 'none'); apiObj.apiRanges.css('display', 'none'); apiObj.apiPresets.css('display', 'none'); } //then, find and enable the active item. //This is split out of the loop so that different apis can share settings divs let activeItem = apiElements[selectedVal]; activeItem.apiSettings.css('display', 'block'); activeItem.apiConnector.css('display', 'block'); activeItem.apiRanges.css('display', 'block'); activeItem.apiPresets.css('display', 'block'); if (selectedVal === 'openai') { activeItem.apiPresets.css('display', 'flex'); } if (selectedVal === 'textgenerationwebui' || selectedVal === 'novel') { console.debug('enabling amount_gen for ooba/novel'); activeItem.amountGenElem.find('input').prop('disabled', false); activeItem.amountGenElem.css('opacity', 1.0); } //custom because streaming has been moved up under response tokens, which exists inside common settings block if (selectedVal === 'textgenerationwebui') { $('#streaming_textgenerationwebui_block').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#streaming_textgenerationwebui_block').css('display', 'none'); } if (selectedVal === 'kobold') { $('#streaming_kobold_block').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#streaming_kobold_block').css('display', 'none'); } if (selectedVal === 'novel') { $('#ai_module_block_novel').css('display', 'block'); } else { $('#ai_module_block_novel').css('display', 'none'); } // Hide common settings for OpenAI console.debug('value?', selectedVal); if (selectedVal == 'openai') { console.debug('hiding settings?'); $('#common-gen-settings-block').css('display', 'none'); } else { $('#common-gen-settings-block').css('display', 'block'); } main_api = selectedVal; setOnlineStatus('no_connection'); if (main_api == 'openai' && oai_settings.chat_completion_source == chat_completion_sources.WINDOWAI) { $('#api_button_openai').trigger('click'); } if (main_api == 'koboldhorde') { getStatusHorde(); getHordeModels(true); } validateDisabledSamplers(); setupChatCompletionPromptManager(oai_settings); forceCharacterEditorTokenize(); } export function setUserName(value) { name1 = value; if (name1 === undefined || name1 == '') name1 = default_user_name; console.log(`User name changed to ${name1}`); $('#your_name').val(name1); if (power_user.persona_show_notifications) { toastr.success(`Your messages will now be sent as ${name1}`, 'Current persona updated'); } saveSettingsDebounced(); } async function doOnboarding(avatarId) { let simpleUiMode = false; const template = $('#onboarding_template .onboarding'); template.find('input[name="enable_simple_mode"]').on('input', function () { simpleUiMode = $(this).is(':checked'); }); let userName = await callGenericPopup(template, POPUP_TYPE.INPUT, currentUser?.name || name1, { rows: 2, wide: true, large: true }); if (userName) { userName = userName.replace('\n', ' '); setUserName(userName); console.log(`Binding persona ${avatarId} to name ${userName}`); power_user.personas[avatarId] = userName; power_user.persona_descriptions[avatarId] = { description: '', position: persona_description_positions.IN_PROMPT, }; } if (simpleUiMode) { power_user.ui_mode = ui_mode.SIMPLE; $('#ui_mode_select').val(power_user.ui_mode); switchSimpleMode(); } } function reloadLoop() { const MAX_RELOADS = 5; let reloads = Number(sessionStorage.getItem('reloads') || 0); if (reloads < MAX_RELOADS) { reloads++; sessionStorage.setItem('reloads', String(reloads)); window.location.reload(); } } //***************SETTINGS****************// /////////////////////////////////////////// export async function getSettings() { const response = await fetch('/api/settings/get', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({}), cache: 'no-cache', }); if (!response.ok) { reloadLoop(); toastr.error('Settings could not be loaded after multiple attempts. Please try again later.'); throw new Error('Error getting settings'); } const data = await response.json(); if (data.result != 'file not find' && data.settings) { settings = JSON.parse(data.settings); if (settings.username !== undefined && settings.username !== '') { name1 = settings.username; $('#your_name').val(name1); } await setUserControls(data.enable_accounts); // Allow subscribers to mutate settings eventSource.emit(event_types.SETTINGS_LOADED_BEFORE, settings); //Load KoboldAI settings koboldai_setting_names = data.koboldai_setting_names; koboldai_settings = data.koboldai_settings; koboldai_settings.forEach(function (item, i, arr) { koboldai_settings[i] = JSON.parse(item); }); let arr_holder = {}; $('#settings_preset').empty(); $('#settings_preset').append( '', ); //adding in the GUI settings, since it is not loaded dynamically koboldai_setting_names.forEach(function (item, i, arr) { arr_holder[item] = i; $('#settings_preset').append(``); //console.log('loading preset #'+i+' -- '+item); }); koboldai_setting_names = {}; koboldai_setting_names = arr_holder; preset_settings = settings.preset_settings; if (preset_settings == 'gui') { selectKoboldGuiPreset(); } else { if (typeof koboldai_setting_names[preset_settings] !== 'undefined') { $(`#settings_preset option[value=${koboldai_setting_names[preset_settings]}]`) .attr('selected', 'true'); } else { preset_settings = 'gui'; selectKoboldGuiPreset(); } } novelai_setting_names = data.novelai_setting_names; novelai_settings = data.novelai_settings; novelai_settings.forEach(function (item, i, arr) { novelai_settings[i] = JSON.parse(item); }); arr_holder = {}; $('#settings_preset_novel').empty(); novelai_setting_names.forEach(function (item, i, arr) { arr_holder[item] = i; $('#settings_preset_novel').append(``); }); novelai_setting_names = {}; novelai_setting_names = arr_holder; //Load AI model config settings amount_gen = settings.amount_gen; if (settings.max_context !== undefined) max_context = parseInt(settings.max_context); swipes = settings.swipes !== undefined ? !!settings.swipes : true; // enable swipes by default $('#swipes-checkbox').prop('checked', swipes); /// swipecode hideSwipeButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); // Kobold loadKoboldSettings(settings.kai_settings ?? settings); // Novel loadNovelSettings(settings.nai_settings ?? settings); $(`#settings_preset_novel option[value=${novelai_setting_names[nai_settings.preset_settings_novel]}]`).attr('selected', 'true'); // TextGen loadTextGenSettings(data, settings); // OpenAI loadOpenAISettings(data, settings.oai_settings ?? settings); // Horde loadHordeSettings(settings); // Load power user settings await loadPowerUserSettings(settings, data); // Load character tags loadTagsSettings(settings); // Load background loadBackgroundSettings(settings); // Load proxy presets loadProxyPresets(settings); // Allow subscribers to mutate settings eventSource.emit(event_types.SETTINGS_LOADED_AFTER, settings); // Set context size after loading power user (may override the max value) $('#max_context').val(max_context); $('#max_context_counter').val(max_context); $('#amount_gen').val(amount_gen); $('#amount_gen_counter').val(amount_gen); //Load which API we are using if (settings.main_api == undefined) { settings.main_api = 'kobold'; } if (settings.main_api == 'poe') { settings.main_api = 'openai'; } main_api = settings.main_api; $('#main_api').val(main_api); $('#main_api option[value=' + main_api + ']').attr( 'selected', 'true', ); changeMainAPI(); //Load User's Name and Avatar initUserAvatar(settings.user_avatar); setPersonaDescription(); //Load the active character and group active_character = settings.active_character; active_group = settings.active_group; //Load the API server URL from settings api_server = settings.api_server; $('#api_url_text').val(api_server); setWorldInfoSettings(settings.world_info_settings ?? settings, data); selected_button = settings.selected_button; if (data.enable_extensions) { const isVersionChanged = settings.currentVersion !== currentVersion; await loadExtensionSettings(settings, isVersionChanged); eventSource.emit(event_types.EXTENSION_SETTINGS_LOADED); } firstRun = !!settings.firstRun; if (firstRun) { hideLoader(); await doOnboarding(user_avatar); firstRun = false; } } await validateDisabledSamplers(); settingsReady = true; eventSource.emit(event_types.SETTINGS_LOADED); } function selectKoboldGuiPreset() { $('#settings_preset option[value=gui]') .attr('selected', 'true') .trigger('change'); } export async function saveSettings(type) { if (!settingsReady) { console.warn('Settings not ready, aborting save'); return; } //console.log('Entering settings with name1 = '+name1); return jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/settings/save', data: JSON.stringify({ firstRun: firstRun, currentVersion: currentVersion, username: name1, active_character: active_character, active_group: active_group, api_server: api_server, preset_settings: preset_settings, user_avatar: user_avatar, amount_gen: amount_gen, max_context: max_context, main_api: main_api, world_info_settings: getWorldInfoSettings(), textgenerationwebui_settings: textgen_settings, swipes: swipes, horde_settings: horde_settings, power_user: power_user, extension_settings: extension_settings, tags: tags, tag_map: tag_map, nai_settings: nai_settings, kai_settings: kai_settings, oai_settings: oai_settings, background: background_settings, proxies: proxies, selected_proxy: selected_proxy, }, null, 4), beforeSend: function () { }, cache: false, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', //processData: false, success: async function (data) { eventSource.emit(event_types.SETTINGS_UPDATED); }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { toastr.error('Check the server connection and reload the page to prevent data loss.', 'Settings could not be saved'); console.log(exception); console.log(jqXHR); }, }); } export function setGenerationParamsFromPreset(preset) { const needsUnlock = (preset.max_length ?? max_context) > MAX_CONTEXT_DEFAULT || (preset.genamt ?? amount_gen) > MAX_RESPONSE_DEFAULT; $('#max_context_unlocked').prop('checked', needsUnlock).trigger('change'); if (preset.genamt !== undefined) { amount_gen = preset.genamt; $('#amount_gen').val(amount_gen); $('#amount_gen_counter').val(amount_gen); } if (preset.max_length !== undefined) { max_context = preset.max_length; $('#max_context').val(max_context); $('#max_context_counter').val(max_context); } } // Common code for message editor done and auto-save function updateMessage(div) { const mesBlock = div.closest('.mes_block'); let text = mesBlock.find('.edit_textarea').val(); const mes = chat[this_edit_mes_id]; let regexPlacement; if (mes.is_user) { regexPlacement = regex_placement.USER_INPUT; } else if (mes.extra?.type === 'narrator') { regexPlacement = regex_placement.SLASH_COMMAND; } else { regexPlacement = regex_placement.AI_OUTPUT; } // Ignore character override if sent as system text = getRegexedString( text, regexPlacement, { characterOverride: mes.extra?.type === 'narrator' ? undefined : }, ); if (power_user.trim_spaces) { text = text.trim(); } const bias = substituteParams(extractMessageBias(text)); text = substituteParams(text); if (bias) { text = removeMacros(text); } mes['mes'] = text; if (mes['swipe_id'] !== undefined) { mes['swipes'][mes['swipe_id']] = text; } // editing old messages if (!mes.extra) { mes.extra = {}; } if (mes.is_system || mes.is_user || mes.extra.type === system_message_types.NARRATOR) { mes.extra.bias = bias ?? null; } else { mes.extra.bias = null; } chat_metadata['tainted'] = true; return { mesBlock, text, mes, bias }; } function openMessageDelete(fromSlashCommand) { closeMessageEditor(); hideSwipeButtons(); if (fromSlashCommand || (this_chid != undefined && !is_send_press) || (selected_group && !is_group_generating)) { $('#dialogue_del_mes').css('display', 'block'); $('#send_form').css('display', 'none'); $('.del_checkbox').each(function () { $(this).css('display', 'grid'); $(this).parent().children('.for_checkbox').css('display', 'none'); }); } else { console.debug(` ERR -- could not enter del mode this_chid: ${this_chid} is_send_press: ${is_send_press} selected_group: ${selected_group} is_group_generating: ${is_group_generating}`); } this_del_mes = -1; is_delete_mode = true; } function messageEditAuto(div) { const { mesBlock, text, mes, bias } = updateMessage(div); mesBlock.find('.mes_text').val(''); mesBlock.find('.mes_text').val(messageFormatting( text, this_edit_mes_chname, mes.is_system, mes.is_user, this_edit_mes_id, )); mesBlock.find('.mes_bias').empty(); mesBlock.find('.mes_bias').append(messageFormatting(bias, '', false, false, -1)); saveChatDebounced(); } async function messageEditDone(div) { let { mesBlock, text, mes, bias } = updateMessage(div); if (this_edit_mes_id == 0) { text = substituteParams(text); } await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_EDITED, this_edit_mes_id); text = chat[this_edit_mes_id]?.mes ?? text; mesBlock.find('.mes_text').empty(); mesBlock.find('.mes_edit_buttons').css('display', 'none'); mesBlock.find('.mes_buttons').css('display', ''); mesBlock.find('.mes_text').append( messageFormatting( text, this_edit_mes_chname, mes.is_system, mes.is_user, this_edit_mes_id, ), ); mesBlock.find('.mes_bias').empty(); mesBlock.find('.mes_bias').append(messageFormatting(bias, '', false, false, -1)); appendMediaToMessage(mes, div.closest('.mes')); addCopyToCodeBlocks(div.closest('.mes')); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_UPDATED, this_edit_mes_id); this_edit_mes_id = undefined; await saveChatConditional(); } /** * Fetches the chat content for each chat file from the server and compiles them into a dictionary. * The function iterates over a provided list of chat metadata and requests the actual chat content * for each chat, either as an individual chat or a group chat based on the context. * * @param {Array} data - An array containing metadata about each chat such as file_name. * @param {boolean} isGroupChat - A flag indicating if the chat is a group chat. * @returns {Promise} chat_dict - A dictionary where each key is a file_name and the value is the * corresponding chat content fetched from the server. */ export async function getChatsFromFiles(data, isGroupChat) { const context = getContext(); let chat_dict = {}; let chat_list = Object.values(data).sort((a, b) => a['file_name'].localeCompare(b['file_name'])).reverse(); let chat_promise ={ file_name }) => { return new Promise(async (res, rej) => { try { const endpoint = isGroupChat ? '/api/chats/group/get' : '/api/chats/get'; const requestBody = isGroupChat ? JSON.stringify({ id: file_name }) : JSON.stringify({ ch_name: characters[context.characterId].name, file_name: file_name.replace('.jsonl', ''), avatar_url: characters[context.characterId].avatar, }); const chatResponse = await fetch(endpoint, { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: requestBody, cache: 'no-cache', }); if (!chatResponse.ok) { return res(); // continue; } const currentChat = await chatResponse.json(); if (!isGroupChat) { // remove the first message, which is metadata, only for individual chats currentChat.shift(); } chat_dict[file_name] = currentChat; } catch (error) { console.error(error); } return res(); }); }); await Promise.all(chat_promise); return chat_dict; } /** * Fetches the metadata of all past chats related to a specific character based on its avatar URL. * The function sends a POST request to the server to retrieve all chats for the character. It then * processes the received data, sorts it by the file name, and returns the sorted data. * * @param {null|number} [characterId=null] - When set, the function will use this character id instead of this_chid. * * @returns {Promise} - An array containing metadata of all past chats of the character, sorted * in descending order by file name. Returns an empty array if the fetch request is unsuccessful or the * response is an object with an `error` property set to `true`. */ export async function getPastCharacterChats(characterId = null) { characterId = characterId ?? this_chid; if (!characters[characterId]) return []; const response = await fetch('/api/characters/chats', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ avatar_url: characters[characterId].avatar }), headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (!response.ok) { return []; } const data = await response.json(); if (typeof data === 'object' && data.error === true) { return []; } const chats = Object.values(data); return chats.sort((a, b) => a['file_name'].localeCompare(b['file_name'])).reverse(); } /** * Helper for `displayPastChats`, to make the same info consistently available for other functions */ function getCurrentChatDetails() { if (!characters[this_chid] && !selected_group) { return { sessionName: '', group: null, characterName: '', avatarImgURL: '' }; } const group = selected_group ? groups.find(x => === selected_group) : null; const currentChat = selected_group ? group?.chat_id : characters[this_chid]['chat']; const displayName = selected_group ? group?.name : characters[this_chid].name; const avatarImg = selected_group ? group?.avatar_url : getThumbnailUrl('avatar', characters[this_chid]['avatar']); return { sessionName: currentChat, group: group, characterName: displayName, avatarImgURL: avatarImg }; } /** * Displays the past chats for a character or a group based on the selected context. * The function first fetches the chats, processes them, and then displays them in * the HTML. It also has a built-in search functionality that allows filtering the * displayed chats based on a search query. */ export async function displayPastChats() { $('#select_chat_div').empty(); $('#select_chat_search').val('').off('input'); const data = await (selected_group ? getGroupPastChats(selected_group) : getPastCharacterChats()); if (!data) { toastr.error('Could not load chat data. Try reloading the page.'); return; } const chatDetails = getCurrentChatDetails(); const group =; const currentChat = chatDetails.sessionName; const displayName = chatDetails.characterName; const avatarImg = chatDetails.avatarImgURL; const rawChats = await getChatsFromFiles(data, selected_group); // Sort by last message date descending data.sort((a, b) => sortMoments(timestampToMoment(a.last_mes), timestampToMoment(b.last_mes))); console.log(data); $('#load_select_chat_div').css('display', 'none'); $('#ChatHistoryCharName').text(`${displayName}'s `); const displayChats = (searchQuery) => { $('#select_chat_div').empty(); // Clear the current chats before appending filtered chats const filteredData = data.filter(chat => { const fileName = chat['file_name']; const chatContent = rawChats[fileName]; // Make sure empty chats are displayed when there is no search query if (Array.isArray(chatContent) && !chatContent.length && !searchQuery) { return true; } // // Uncomment this to return to old behavior (classical full-substring search). // return chatContent && Object.values(chatContent).some(message => message?.mes?.toLowerCase()?.includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())); // Fragment search a.k.a. swoop (as in `helm-swoop` in the Helm package of Emacs). // Split a `query` {string} into its fragments {string[]}. function makeQueryFragments(query) { let fragments = query.trim().split(/\s+/).map(str => str.trim().toLowerCase()).filter(onlyUnique); // fragments = fragments.filter( function(str) { return str.length >= 3; } ); // Helm does this, but perhaps better if we don't. return fragments; } // Check whether `text` {string} includes all of the `fragments` {string[]}. function matchFragments(fragments, text) { if (!text) { return false; } return fragments.every(item => text.includes(item)); } const fragments = makeQueryFragments(searchQuery); // At least one chat message must match *all* the fragments. // Currently, this doesn't match if the fragment matches are distributed across several chat messages. return chatContent && Object.values(chatContent).some(message => matchFragments(fragments, message?.mes?.toLowerCase())); }); console.debug(filteredData); for (const value of filteredData.values()) { let strlen = 300; let mes = value['mes']; if (mes !== undefined) { if (mes.length > strlen) { mes = '...' + mes.substring(mes.length - strlen); } const fileSize = value['file_size']; const fileName = value['file_name']; const chatItems = rawChats[fileName].length; const timestamp = timestampToMoment(value['last_mes']).format('lll'); const template = $('#past_chat_template .select_chat_block_wrapper').clone(); template.find('.select_chat_block').attr('file_name', fileName); template.find('.avatar img').attr('src', avatarImg); template.find('.select_chat_block_filename').text(fileName); template.find('.chat_file_size').text(`(${fileSize},`); template.find('.chat_messages_num').text(`${chatItems}💬)`); template.find('.select_chat_block_mes').text(mes); template.find('.PastChat_cross').attr('file_name', fileName); template.find('.chat_messages_date').text(timestamp); if (selected_group) { template.find('.avatar img').replaceWith(getGroupAvatar(group)); } $('#select_chat_div').append(template); if (currentChat === fileName.toString().replace('.jsonl', '')) { $('#select_chat_div').find('.select_chat_block:last').attr('highlight', String(true)); } } } }; displayChats(''); // Display all by default const debouncedDisplay = debounce((searchQuery) => { displayChats(searchQuery); }); // Define the search input listener $('#select_chat_search').on('input', function () { const searchQuery = $(this).val(); debouncedDisplay(searchQuery); }); // UX convenience: Focus the search field when the Manage Chat Files view opens. setTimeout(function () { const textSearchElement = $('#select_chat_search');; textSearchElement.focus();; // select content (if any) for easy erasing }, 200); } export function selectRightMenuWithAnimation(selectedMenuId) { const displayModes = { 'rm_group_chats_block': 'flex', 'rm_api_block': 'grid', 'rm_characters_block': 'flex', }; $('#result_info').toggle(selectedMenuId === 'rm_ch_create_block'); document.querySelectorAll('#right-nav-panel .right_menu').forEach((menu) => { $(menu).css('display', 'none'); if (selectedMenuId && selectedMenuId.replace('#', '') === { const mode = displayModes[] ?? 'block'; $(menu).css('display', mode); $(menu).css('opacity', 0.0); $(menu).transition({ opacity: 1.0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, complete: function () { }, }); } }); } export function select_rm_info(type, charId, previousCharId = null) { if (!type) { toastr.error('Invalid process (no \'type\')'); return; } if (type !== 'group_create') { var displayName = String(charId).replace('.png', ''); } if (type === 'char_delete') { toastr.warning(`Character Deleted: ${displayName}`); } if (type === 'char_create') { toastr.success(`Character Created: ${displayName}`); } if (type === 'group_create') { toastr.success('Group Created'); } if (type === 'group_delete') { toastr.warning('Group Deleted'); } if (type === 'char_import') { toastr.success(`Character Imported: ${displayName}`); } selectRightMenuWithAnimation('rm_characters_block'); // Set a timeout so multiple flashes don't overlap clearTimeout(importFlashTimeout); importFlashTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (type === 'char_import' || type === 'char_create') { // Find the page at which the character is located const avatarFileName = `${charId}.png`; const charData = getEntitiesList({ doFilter: true }); const charIndex = charData.findIndex((x) => x?.item?.avatar?.startsWith(avatarFileName)); if (charIndex === -1) { console.log(`Could not find character ${charId} in the list`); return; } try { const perPage = Number(localStorage.getItem('Characters_PerPage')) || per_page_default; const page = Math.floor(charIndex / perPage) + 1; const selector = `#rm_print_characters_block [title*="${avatarFileName}"]`; $('#rm_print_characters_pagination').pagination('go', page); waitUntilCondition(() => document.querySelector(selector) !== null).then(() => { const element = $(selector).parent(); if (element.length === 0) { console.log(`Could not find element for character ${charId}`); return; } const scrollOffset = element.offset().top - element.parent().offset().top; element.parent().scrollTop(scrollOffset); flashHighlight(element, 5000); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } if (type === 'group_create') { // Find the page at which the character is located const charData = getEntitiesList({ doFilter: true }); const charIndex = charData.findIndex((x) => String(x?.item?.id) === String(charId)); if (charIndex === -1) { console.log(`Could not find group ${charId} in the list`); return; } const perPage = Number(localStorage.getItem('Characters_PerPage')) || per_page_default; const page = Math.floor(charIndex / perPage) + 1; $('#rm_print_characters_pagination').pagination('go', page); const selector = `#rm_print_characters_block [grid="${charId}"]`; try { waitUntilCondition(() => document.querySelector(selector) !== null).then(() => { const element = $(selector); const scrollOffset = element.offset().top - element.parent().offset().top; element.parent().scrollTop(scrollOffset); flashHighlight(element, 5000); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } }, 250); if (previousCharId) { const newId = characters.findIndex((x) => x.avatar == previousCharId); if (newId >= 0) { this_chid = newId; } } } export function select_selected_character(chid) { //character select //console.log('select_selected_character() -- starting with input of -- ' + chid + ' (name:' + characters[chid].name + ')'); select_rm_create(); setMenuType('character_edit'); $('#delete_button').css('display', 'flex'); $('#export_button').css('display', 'flex'); var display_name = characters[chid].name; //create text poles $('#rm_button_back').css('display', 'none'); //$("#character_import_button").css("display", "none"); $('#create_button').attr('value', 'Save'); // what is the use case for this? $('#dupe_button').show(); $('#create_button_label').css('display', 'none'); // Hide the chat scenario button if we're peeking the group member defs $('#set_chat_scenario').toggle(!selected_group); // Don't update the navbar name if we're peeking the group member defs if (!selected_group) { $('#rm_button_selected_ch').children('h2').text(display_name); } $('#add_avatar_button').val(''); $('#character_popup-button-h3').text(characters[chid].name); $('#character_name_pole').val(characters[chid].name); $('#description_textarea').val(characters[chid].description); $('#character_world').val(characters[chid].data?.extensions?.world || ''); $('#creator_notes_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.creator_notes || characters[chid].creatorcomment); $('#creator_notes_spoiler').html(DOMPurify.sanitize(converter.makeHtml(substituteParams(characters[chid].data?.creator_notes) || characters[chid].creatorcomment), { MESSAGE_SANITIZE: true })); $('#character_version_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.character_version || ''); $('#system_prompt_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.system_prompt || ''); $('#post_history_instructions_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.post_history_instructions || ''); $('#tags_textarea').val(Array.isArray(characters[chid].data?.tags) ? characters[chid].data.tags.join(', ') : ''); $('#creator_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.creator); $('#character_version_textarea').val(characters[chid].data?.character_version || ''); $('#personality_textarea').val(characters[chid].personality); $('#firstmessage_textarea').val(characters[chid].first_mes); $('#scenario_pole').val(characters[chid].scenario); $('#depth_prompt_prompt').val(characters[chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.prompt ?? ''); $('#depth_prompt_depth').val(characters[chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.depth ?? depth_prompt_depth_default); $('#depth_prompt_role').val(characters[chid].data?.extensions?.depth_prompt?.role ?? depth_prompt_role_default); $('#talkativeness_slider').val(characters[chid].talkativeness || talkativeness_default); $('#mes_example_textarea').val(characters[chid].mes_example); $('#selected_chat_pole').val(characters[chid].chat); $('#create_date_pole').val(characters[chid].create_date); $('#avatar_url_pole').val(characters[chid].avatar); $('#chat_import_avatar_url').val(characters[chid].avatar); $('#chat_import_character_name').val(characters[chid].name); $('#character_json_data').val(characters[chid].json_data); let this_avatar = default_avatar; if (characters[chid].avatar != 'none') { this_avatar = getThumbnailUrl('avatar', characters[chid].avatar); } updateFavButtonState(characters[chid].fav || characters[chid].fav == 'true'); $('#avatar_load_preview').attr('src', this_avatar); $('#name_div').removeClass('displayBlock'); $('#name_div').addClass('displayNone'); $('#renameCharButton').css('display', ''); $('.open_alternate_greetings').data('chid', chid); $('#set_character_world').data('chid', chid); setWorldInfoButtonClass(chid); checkEmbeddedWorld(chid); $('#form_create').attr('actiontype', 'editcharacter'); $('.form_create_bottom_buttons_block .chat_lorebook_button').show(); const externalMediaState = isExternalMediaAllowed(); $('#character_open_media_overrides').toggle(!selected_group); $('#character_media_allowed_icon').toggle(externalMediaState); $('#character_media_forbidden_icon').toggle(!externalMediaState); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function select_rm_create() { setMenuType('create'); //console.log('select_rm_Create() -- selected button: '+selected_button); if (selected_button == 'create') { if (create_save.avatar != '') { $('#add_avatar_button').get(0).files = create_save.avatar; read_avatar_load($('#add_avatar_button').get(0)); } } selectRightMenuWithAnimation('rm_ch_create_block'); $('#set_chat_scenario').hide(); $('#delete_button_div').css('display', 'none'); $('#delete_button').css('display', 'none'); $('#export_button').css('display', 'none'); $('#create_button_label').css('display', ''); $('#create_button').attr('value', 'Create'); $('#dupe_button').hide(); //create text poles $('#rm_button_back').css('display', ''); $('#character_import_button').css('display', ''); $('#character_popup-button-h3').text('Create character'); $('#character_name_pole').val(; $('#description_textarea').val(create_save.description); $('#character_world').val(; $('#creator_notes_textarea').val(create_save.creator_notes); $('#creator_notes_spoiler').html(DOMPurify.sanitize(converter.makeHtml(create_save.creator_notes), { MESSAGE_SANITIZE: true })); $('#post_history_instructions_textarea').val(create_save.post_history_instructions); $('#system_prompt_textarea').val(create_save.system_prompt); $('#tags_textarea').val(create_save.tags); $('#creator_textarea').val(create_save.creator); $('#character_version_textarea').val(create_save.character_version); $('#personality_textarea').val(create_save.personality); $('#firstmessage_textarea').val(create_save.first_message); $('#talkativeness_slider').val(create_save.talkativeness); $('#scenario_pole').val(create_save.scenario); $('#depth_prompt_prompt').val(create_save.depth_prompt_prompt); $('#depth_prompt_depth').val(create_save.depth_prompt_depth); $('#depth_prompt_role').val(create_save.depth_prompt_role); $('#mes_example_textarea').val(create_save.mes_example); $('#character_json_data').val(''); $('#avatar_div').css('display', 'flex'); $('#avatar_load_preview').attr('src', default_avatar); $('#renameCharButton').css('display', 'none'); $('#name_div').removeClass('displayNone'); $('#name_div').addClass('displayBlock'); $('.open_alternate_greetings').data('chid', undefined); $('#set_character_world').data('chid', undefined); setWorldInfoButtonClass(undefined, !!; updateFavButtonState(false); checkEmbeddedWorld(); $('#form_create').attr('actiontype', 'createcharacter'); $('.form_create_bottom_buttons_block .chat_lorebook_button').hide(); $('#character_open_media_overrides').hide(); } function select_rm_characters() { const doFullRefresh = menu_type === 'characters'; setMenuType('characters'); selectRightMenuWithAnimation('rm_characters_block'); printCharacters(doFullRefresh); } /** * Sets a prompt injection to insert custom text into any outgoing prompt. For use in UI extensions. * @param {string} key Prompt injection id. * @param {string} value Prompt injection value. * @param {number} position Insertion position. 0 is after story string, 1 is in-chat with custom depth. * @param {number} depth Insertion depth. 0 represets the last message in context. Expected values up to MAX_INJECTION_DEPTH. * @param {number} role Extension prompt role. Defaults to SYSTEM. * @param {boolean} scan Should the prompt be included in the world info scan. */ export function setExtensionPrompt(key, value, position, depth, scan = false, role = extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM) { extension_prompts[key] = { value: String(value), position: Number(position), depth: Number(depth), scan: !!scan, role: Number(role ?? extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM), }; } /** * Gets a enum value of the extension prompt role by its name. * @param {string} roleName The name of the extension prompt role. * @returns {number} The role id of the extension prompt. */ export function getExtensionPromptRoleByName(roleName) { // If the role is already a valid number, return it if (typeof roleName === 'number' && Object.values(extension_prompt_roles).includes(roleName)) { return roleName; } switch (roleName) { case 'system': return extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM; case 'user': return extension_prompt_roles.USER; case 'assistant': return extension_prompt_roles.ASSISTANT; } // Skill issue? return extension_prompt_roles.SYSTEM; } /** * Removes all char A/N prompt injections from the chat. * To clean up when switching from groups to solo and vice versa. */ export function removeDepthPrompts() { for (const key of Object.keys(extension_prompts)) { if (key.startsWith('DEPTH_PROMPT')) { delete extension_prompts[key]; } } } /** * Adds or updates the metadata for the currently active chat. * @param {Object} newValues An object with collection of new values to be added into the metadata. * @param {boolean} reset Should a metadata be reset by this call. */ export function updateChatMetadata(newValues, reset) { chat_metadata = reset ? { ...newValues } : { ...chat_metadata, ...newValues }; } function updateFavButtonState(state) { fav_ch_checked = state; $('#fav_checkbox').val(fav_ch_checked); $('#favorite_button').toggleClass('fav_on', fav_ch_checked); $('#favorite_button').toggleClass('fav_off', !fav_ch_checked); } export async function setScenarioOverride() { if (!selected_group && !this_chid) { console.warn('setScenarioOverride() -- no selected group or character'); return; } const metadataValue = chat_metadata['scenario'] || ''; const isGroup = !!selected_group; const $template = $(await renderTemplateAsync('scenarioOverride')); $template.find('[data-group="true"]').toggle(isGroup); $template.find('[data-character="true"]').toggle(!isGroup); // TODO: Why does this save on every character input? Save on popup close $template.find('.chat_scenario').val(metadataValue).on('input', onScenarioOverrideInput); $template.find('.remove_scenario_override').on('click', onScenarioOverrideRemoveClick); await callGenericPopup($template, POPUP_TYPE.TEXT, ''); } function onScenarioOverrideInput() { const value = String($(this).val()); chat_metadata['scenario'] = value; saveMetadataDebounced(); } function onScenarioOverrideRemoveClick() { $(this).closest('.scenario_override').find('.chat_scenario').val('').trigger('input'); } /** * Displays a blocking popup with a given text and type. * @param {JQuery|string|Element} text - Text to display in the popup. * @param {string} type * @param {string} inputValue - Value to set the input to. * @param {PopupOptions} options - Options for the popup. * @typedef {{okButton?: string, rows?: number, wide?: boolean, wider?: boolean, large?: boolean, allowHorizontalScrolling?: boolean, allowVerticalScrolling?: boolean, cropAspect?: number }} PopupOptions - Options for the popup. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when the popup is closed. * @deprecated Use `callGenericPopup` instead. */ export function callPopup(text, type, inputValue = '', { okButton, rows, wide, wider, large, allowHorizontalScrolling, allowVerticalScrolling, cropAspect } = {}) { function getOkButtonText() { if (['text', 'alternate_greeting', 'char_not_selected'].includes(popup_type)) { $dialoguePopupCancel.css('display', 'none'); return okButton ?? 'Ok'; } else if (['delete_extension'].includes(popup_type)) { return okButton ?? 'Ok'; } else if (['new_chat', 'confirm'].includes(popup_type)) { return okButton ?? 'Yes'; } else if (['input'].includes(popup_type)) { return okButton ?? 'Save'; } return okButton ?? 'Delete'; } dialogueCloseStop = true; if (type) { popup_type = type; } const $dialoguePopup = $('#dialogue_popup'); const $dialoguePopupCancel = $('#dialogue_popup_cancel'); const $dialoguePopupOk = $('#dialogue_popup_ok'); const $dialoguePopupInput = $('#dialogue_popup_input'); const $dialoguePopupText = $('#dialogue_popup_text'); const $shadowPopup = $('#shadow_popup'); $dialoguePopup.toggleClass('wide_dialogue_popup', !!wide) .toggleClass('wider_dialogue_popup', !!wider) .toggleClass('large_dialogue_popup', !!large) .toggleClass('horizontal_scrolling_dialogue_popup', !!allowHorizontalScrolling) .toggleClass('vertical_scrolling_dialogue_popup', !!allowVerticalScrolling); $dialoguePopupCancel.css('display', 'inline-block'); $dialoguePopupOk.text(getOkButtonText()); $dialoguePopupInput.toggle(popup_type === 'input').val(inputValue).attr('rows', rows ?? 1); $dialoguePopupText.empty().append(text); $shadowPopup.css('display', 'block'); if (popup_type == 'input') { $dialoguePopupInput.trigger('focus'); } $shadowPopup.transition({ opacity: 1, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); return new Promise((resolve) => { dialogueResolve = resolve; }); } export function showSwipeButtons() { if (chat.length === 0) { return; } if ( chat[chat.length - 1].is_system || !swipes || Number($('.mes:last').attr('mesid')) < 0 || chat[chat.length - 1].is_user || chat[chat.length - 1].extra?.image || (selected_group && is_group_generating) ) { return; } // swipe_id should be set if alternate greetings are added if (chat.length == 1 && chat[0].swipe_id === undefined) { return; } //had to add this to make the swipe counter work //(copied from the onclick functions for swipe buttons.. //don't know why the array isn't set for non-swipe messsages in Generate or addOneMessage..) if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] === undefined) { // if there is no swipe-message in the last spot of the chat array chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] = 0; // set it to id 0 chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'] = []; // empty the array chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'][0] = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; //assign swipe array with last message from chat } const currentMessage = $('#chat').children().filter(`[mesid="${chat.length - 1}"]`); const swipeId = chat[chat.length - 1].swipe_id; var swipesCounterHTML = (`${(swipeId + 1)}/${(chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length)}`); if (swipeId !== undefined && (chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length > 1 || swipeId > 0)) { currentMessage.children('.swipe_left').css('display', 'flex'); } //only show right when generate is off, or when next right swipe would not make a generate happen if (is_send_press === false || chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length >= swipeId) { currentMessage.children('.swipe_right').css('display', 'flex'); currentMessage.children('.swipe_right').css('opacity', '0.3'); } //console.log((chat[chat.length - 1])); if ((chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length - swipeId) === 1) { //console.log('highlighting R swipe'); currentMessage.children('.swipe_right').css('opacity', '0.7'); } //console.log(swipesCounterHTML); $('.swipes-counter').html(swipesCounterHTML); //console.log(swipeId); //console.log(chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length); } export function hideSwipeButtons() { //console.log('hideswipebuttons entered'); $('#chat').find('.swipe_right').css('display', 'none'); $('#chat').find('.swipe_left').css('display', 'none'); } export async function saveMetadata() { if (selected_group) { await editGroup(selected_group, true, false); } else { await saveChatConditional(); } } export async function saveChatConditional() { try { await waitUntilCondition(() => !isChatSaving, DEFAULT_SAVE_EDIT_TIMEOUT, 100); } catch { console.warn('Timeout waiting for chat to save'); return; } try { isChatSaving = true; if (selected_group) { await saveGroupChat(selected_group, true); } else { await saveChat(); } // Save token and prompts cache to IndexedDB storage saveTokenCache(); saveItemizedPrompts(getCurrentChatId()); } catch (error) { console.error('Error saving chat', error); } finally { isChatSaving = false; } } async function importCharacterChat(formData) { await jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/chats/import', data: formData, beforeSend: function () { }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: async function (data) { if (data.res) { await displayPastChats(); } }, error: function () { $('#create_button').removeAttr('disabled'); }, }); } function updateViewMessageIds(startFromZero = false) { const minId = startFromZero ? 0 : getFirstDisplayedMessageId(); $('#chat').find('.mes').each(function (index, element) { $(element).attr('mesid', minId + index); $(element).find('.mesIDDisplay').text(`#${minId + index}`); }); $('#chat .mes').removeClass('last_mes'); $('#chat .mes').last().addClass('last_mes'); updateEditArrowClasses(); } export function getFirstDisplayedMessageId() { const allIds = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#chat .mes')).map(el => Number(el.getAttribute('mesid'))).filter(x => !isNaN(x)); const minId = Math.min(...allIds); return minId; } function updateEditArrowClasses() { $('#chat .mes .mes_edit_up').removeClass('disabled'); $('#chat .mes .mes_edit_down').removeClass('disabled'); if (this_edit_mes_id !== undefined) { const down = $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${this_edit_mes_id}"] .mes_edit_down`); const up = $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${this_edit_mes_id}"] .mes_edit_up`); const lastId = Number($('#chat .mes').last().attr('mesid')); const firstId = Number($('#chat .mes').first().attr('mesid')); if (lastId == Number(this_edit_mes_id)) { down.addClass('disabled'); } if (firstId == Number(this_edit_mes_id)) { up.addClass('disabled'); } } } function closeMessageEditor() { if (this_edit_mes_id) { $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${this_edit_mes_id}"] .mes_edit_cancel`).click(); } } export function setGenerationProgress(progress) { if (!progress) { $('#send_textarea').css({ 'background': '', 'transition': '' }); } else { $('#send_textarea').css({ 'background': `linear-gradient(90deg, #008000d6 ${progress}%, transparent ${progress}%)`, 'transition': '0.25s ease-in-out', }); } } function isHordeGenerationNotAllowed() { if (main_api == 'koboldhorde' && preset_settings == 'gui') { toastr.error('GUI Settings preset is not supported for Horde. Please select another preset.'); return true; } return false; } export function cancelTtsPlay() { if ('speechSynthesis' in window) { speechSynthesis.cancel(); } } function updateAlternateGreetingsHintVisibility(root) { const numberOfGreetings = root.find('.alternate_greetings_list .alternate_greeting').length; $(root).find('.alternate_grettings_hint').toggle(numberOfGreetings == 0); } function openCharacterWorldPopup() { const chid = $('#set_character_world').data('chid'); if (menu_type != 'create' && chid == undefined) { toastr.error('Does not have an Id for this character in world select menu.'); return; } async function onSelectCharacterWorld() { const value = $('.character_world_info_selector').find('option:selected').val(); const worldIndex = value !== '' ? Number(value) : NaN; const name = !isNaN(worldIndex) ? world_names[worldIndex] : ''; const previousValue = $('#character_world').val(); $('#character_world').val(name); console.debug('Character world selected:', name); if (menu_type == 'create') { = name; } else { if (previousValue && !name) { try { // Dirty hack to remove embedded lorebook from character JSON data. const data = JSON.parse(String($('#character_json_data').val())); if (data?.data?.character_book) { = undefined; } $('#character_json_data').val(JSON.stringify(data));'Embedded lorebook will be removed from this character.'); } catch { console.error('Failed to parse character JSON data.'); } } await createOrEditCharacter(); } setWorldInfoButtonClass(undefined, !!value); } function onExtraWorldInfoChanged() { const selectedWorlds = $('.character_extra_world_info_selector').val(); let charLore = world_info.charLore ?? []; // TODO: Maybe make this utility function not use the window context? const fileName = getCharaFilename(chid); const tempExtraBooks = => world_names[index]).filter((e) => e !== undefined); const existingCharIndex = charLore.findIndex((e) => === fileName); if (existingCharIndex === -1) { const newCharLoreEntry = { name: fileName, extraBooks: tempExtraBooks, }; charLore.push(newCharLoreEntry); } else if (tempExtraBooks.length === 0) { charLore.splice(existingCharIndex, 1); } else { charLore[existingCharIndex].extraBooks = tempExtraBooks; } Object.assign(world_info, { charLore: charLore }); saveSettingsDebounced(); } const template = $('#character_world_template .character_world').clone(); const select = template.find('.character_world_info_selector'); const extraSelect = template.find('.character_extra_world_info_selector'); const name = (menu_type == 'create' ? : characters[chid]?.data?.name) || 'Nameless'; const worldId = (menu_type == 'create' ? : characters[chid]?.data?.extensions?.world) || ''; template.find('.character_name').text(name); // Not needed on mobile if (!isMobile()) { $(extraSelect).select2({ width: '100%', placeholder: 'No auxillary Lorebooks set. Click here to select.', allowClear: true, closeOnSelect: false, }); } // Apped to base dropdown world_names.forEach((item, i) => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = i; option.innerText = item; option.selected = item === worldId; select.append(option); }); // Append to extras dropdown if (world_names.length > 0) { extraSelect.empty(); } world_names.forEach((item, i) => { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = i; option.innerText = item; const existingCharLore = world_info.charLore?.find((e) => === getCharaFilename()); if (existingCharLore) { option.selected = existingCharLore.extraBooks.includes(item); } else { option.selected = false; } extraSelect.append(option); }); select.on('change', onSelectCharacterWorld); extraSelect.on('mousedown change', async function (e) { // If there's no world names, don't do anything if (world_names.length === 0) { e.preventDefault(); return; } onExtraWorldInfoChanged(); }); callPopup(template, 'text'); } function openAlternateGreetings() { const chid = $('.open_alternate_greetings').data('chid'); if (menu_type != 'create' && chid === undefined) { toastr.error('Does not have an Id for this character in editor menu.'); return; } else { // If the character does not have alternate greetings, create an empty array if (chid && Array.isArray(characters[chid].data.alternate_greetings) == false) { characters[chid].data.alternate_greetings = []; } } const template = $('#alternate_greetings_template .alternate_grettings').clone(); const getArray = () => menu_type == 'create' ? create_save.alternate_greetings : characters[chid].data.alternate_greetings; for (let index = 0; index < getArray().length; index++) { addAlternateGreeting(template, getArray()[index], index, getArray); } template.find('.add_alternate_greeting').on('click', function () { const array = getArray(); const index = array.length; array.push(''); addAlternateGreeting(template, '', index, getArray); updateAlternateGreetingsHintVisibility(template); }); updateAlternateGreetingsHintVisibility(template); callPopup(template, 'alternate_greeting', '', { wide: true, large: true }); } function addAlternateGreeting(template, greeting, index, getArray) { const greetingBlock = $('#alternate_greeting_form_template .alternate_greeting').clone(); greetingBlock.find('.alternate_greeting_text').on('input', async function () { const value = $(this).val(); const array = getArray(); array[index] = value; }).val(greeting); greetingBlock.find('.greeting_index').text(index + 1); greetingBlock.find('.delete_alternate_greeting').on('click', async function () { if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this alternate greeting?')) { const array = getArray(); array.splice(index, 1); // We need to reopen the popup to update the index numbers openAlternateGreetings(); } }); template.find('.alternate_greetings_list').append(greetingBlock); } /** * Creates or edits a character based on the form data. * @param {Event} [e] Event that triggered the function call. */ async function createOrEditCharacter(e) { $('#rm_info_avatar').html(''); const formData = new FormData($('#form_create').get(0)); formData.set('fav', String(fav_ch_checked)); const isNewChat = e instanceof CustomEvent && e.type === 'newChat'; const rawFile = formData.get('avatar'); if (rawFile instanceof File) { const convertedFile = await ensureImageFormatSupported(rawFile); formData.set('avatar', convertedFile); } if ($('#form_create').attr('actiontype') == 'createcharacter') { if (String($('#character_name_pole').val()).length > 0) { if (is_group_generating || is_send_press) { toastr.error('Cannot create characters while generating. Stop the request and try again.', 'Creation aborted'); throw new Error('Cannot import character while generating'); } //if the character name text area isn't empty (only posible when creating a new character) let url = '/api/characters/create'; if (crop_data != undefined) { url += `?crop=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(crop_data))}`; } formData.delete('alternate_greetings'); for (const value of create_save.alternate_greetings) { formData.append('alternate_greetings', value); } formData.append('extensions', JSON.stringify(create_save.extensions)); await jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: formData, beforeSend: function () { $('#create_button').attr('disabled', String(true)); $('#create_button').attr('value', '⏳'); }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: async function (html) { $('#character_cross').trigger('click'); //closes the advanced character editing popup const fields = [ { id: '#character_name_pole', callback: value => = value }, { id: '#description_textarea', callback: value => create_save.description = value }, { id: '#creator_notes_textarea', callback: value => create_save.creator_notes = value }, { id: '#character_version_textarea', callback: value => create_save.character_version = value }, { id: '#post_history_instructions_textarea', callback: value => create_save.post_history_instructions = value }, { id: '#system_prompt_textarea', callback: value => create_save.system_prompt = value }, { id: '#tags_textarea', callback: value => create_save.tags = value }, { id: '#creator_textarea', callback: value => create_save.creator = value }, { id: '#personality_textarea', callback: value => create_save.personality = value }, { id: '#firstmessage_textarea', callback: value => create_save.first_message = value }, { id: '#talkativeness_slider', callback: value => create_save.talkativeness = value, defaultValue: talkativeness_default }, { id: '#scenario_pole', callback: value => create_save.scenario = value }, { id: '#depth_prompt_prompt', callback: value => create_save.depth_prompt_prompt = value }, { id: '#depth_prompt_depth', callback: value => create_save.depth_prompt_depth = value, defaultValue: depth_prompt_depth_default }, { id: '#depth_prompt_role', callback: value => create_save.depth_prompt_role = value, defaultValue: depth_prompt_role_default }, { id: '#mes_example_textarea', callback: value => create_save.mes_example = value }, { id: '#character_json_data', callback: () => { } }, { id: '#alternate_greetings_template', callback: value => create_save.alternate_greetings = value, defaultValue: [] }, { id: '#character_world', callback: value => = value }, { id: '#_character_extensions_fake', callback: value => create_save.extensions = {} }, ]; fields.forEach(field => { const fieldValue = field.defaultValue !== undefined ? field.defaultValue : ''; $(; field.callback && field.callback(fieldValue); }); $('#character_popup-button-h3').text('Create character'); create_save.avatar = ''; $('#create_button').removeAttr('disabled'); $('#add_avatar_button').replaceWith( $('#add_avatar_button').val('').clone(true), ); $('#create_button').attr('value', '✅'); let oldSelectedChar = null; if (this_chid !== undefined) { oldSelectedChar = characters[this_chid].avatar; } console.log(`new avatar id: ${html}`); createTagMapFromList('#tagList', html); await getCharacters(); select_rm_info('char_create', html, oldSelectedChar); crop_data = undefined; }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { $('#create_button').removeAttr('disabled'); }, }); } else { toastr.error('Name is required'); } } else { let url = '/api/characters/edit'; if (crop_data != undefined) { url += `?crop=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(crop_data))}`; } formData.delete('alternate_greetings'); const chid = $('.open_alternate_greetings').data('chid'); if (chid && Array.isArray(characters[chid]?.data?.alternate_greetings)) { for (const value of characters[chid].data.alternate_greetings) { formData.append('alternate_greetings', value); } } await jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url, data: formData, beforeSend: function () { $('#create_button').attr('disabled', String(true)); $('#create_button').attr('value', 'Save'); }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: async function (html) { $('#create_button').removeAttr('disabled'); await getOneCharacter(formData.get('avatar_url')); favsToHotswap(); // Update fav state $('#add_avatar_button').replaceWith( $('#add_avatar_button').val('').clone(true), ); $('#create_button').attr('value', 'Save'); crop_data = undefined; eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_EDITED, { detail: { id: this_chid, character: characters[this_chid] } }); // Recreate the chat if it hasn't been used at least once (i.e. with continue). const message = getFirstMessage(); const shouldRegenerateMessage = !isNewChat && message.mes && !selected_group && !chat_metadata['tainted'] && (chat.length === 0 || (chat.length === 1 && !chat[0].is_user && !chat[0].is_system)); if (shouldRegenerateMessage) { chat.splice(0, chat.length, message); const messageId = (chat.length - 1); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, messageId); await clearChat(); await printMessages(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_MESSAGE_RENDERED, messageId); await saveChatConditional(); } }, error: function (jqXHR, exception) { $('#create_button').removeAttr('disabled'); console.log('Error! Either a file with the same name already existed, or the image file provided was in an invalid format. Double check that the image is not a webp.'); toastr.error('Something went wrong while saving the character, or the image file provided was in an invalid format. Double check that the image is not a webp.'); }, }); } } window['SillyTavern'].getContext = function () { return { chat: chat, characters: characters, groups: groups, name1: name1, name2: name2, characterId: this_chid, groupId: selected_group, chatId: selected_group ? groups.find(x => == selected_group)?.chat_id : (this_chid && characters[this_chid] && characters[this_chid].chat), getCurrentChatId: getCurrentChatId, getRequestHeaders: getRequestHeaders, reloadCurrentChat: reloadCurrentChat, renameChat: renameChat, saveSettingsDebounced: saveSettingsDebounced, onlineStatus: online_status, maxContext: Number(max_context), chatMetadata: chat_metadata, streamingProcessor, eventSource: eventSource, eventTypes: event_types, addOneMessage: addOneMessage, generate: Generate, sendStreamingRequest: sendStreamingRequest, sendGenerationRequest: sendGenerationRequest, stopGeneration: stopGeneration, getTokenCount: getTokenCount, extensionPrompts: extension_prompts, setExtensionPrompt: setExtensionPrompt, updateChatMetadata: updateChatMetadata, saveChat: saveChatConditional, openCharacterChat: openCharacterChat, openGroupChat: openGroupChat, saveMetadata: saveMetadata, sendSystemMessage: sendSystemMessage, activateSendButtons, deactivateSendButtons, saveReply, substituteParams, substituteParamsExtended, SlashCommandParser, executeSlashCommandsWithOptions, /** @deprecated Use SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject() instead */ registerSlashCommand: registerSlashCommand, /** @deprecated Use executeSlashCommandWithOptions instead */ executeSlashCommands: executeSlashCommands, timestampToMoment: timestampToMoment, /** @deprecated Handlebars for extensions are no longer supported. */ registerHelper: () => { }, registerMacro: MacrosParser.registerMacro.bind(MacrosParser), unregisterMacro: MacrosParser.unregisterMacro.bind(MacrosParser), registedDebugFunction: registerDebugFunction, /** @deprecated Use renderExtensionTemplateAsync instead. */ renderExtensionTemplate: renderExtensionTemplate, renderExtensionTemplateAsync: renderExtensionTemplateAsync, registerDataBankScraper: ScraperManager.registerDataBankScraper, /** @deprecated Use callGenericPopup or Popup instead. */ callPopup: callPopup, callGenericPopup: callGenericPopup, showLoader: showLoader, hideLoader: hideLoader, mainApi: main_api, extensionSettings: extension_settings, ModuleWorkerWrapper: ModuleWorkerWrapper, getTokenizerModel: getTokenizerModel, generateQuietPrompt: generateQuietPrompt, writeExtensionField: writeExtensionField, getThumbnailUrl: getThumbnailUrl, selectCharacterById: selectCharacterById, messageFormatting: messageFormatting, shouldSendOnEnter: shouldSendOnEnter, isMobile: isMobile, t: t, translate: translate, tags: tags, tagMap: tag_map, menuType: menu_type, createCharacterData: create_save, /** @deprecated Legacy snake-case naming, compatibility with old extensions */ event_types: event_types, Popup: Popup, POPUP_TYPE: POPUP_TYPE, POPUP_RESULT: POPUP_RESULT, }; }; function swipe_left() { // when we swipe left..but no generation. if (chat.length - 1 === Number(this_edit_mes_id)) { closeMessageEditor(); } if (isStreamingEnabled() && streamingProcessor) { streamingProcessor.onStopStreaming(); } const swipe_duration = 120; const swipe_range = '700px'; chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']--; if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] < 0) { chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] = chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length - 1; } if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] >= 0) { /*$(this).parent().children('swipe_right').css('display', 'flex'); if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] === 0) { $(this).css('display', 'none'); }*/ // Just in case if (!Array.isArray(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'])) { chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'] = []; } let this_mes_div = $(this).parent(); let this_mes_block = $(this).parent().children('.mes_block').children('.mes_text'); const this_mes_div_height = this_mes_div[0].scrollHeight; this_mes_div.css('height', this_mes_div_height); const this_mes_block_height = this_mes_block[0].scrollHeight; chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'][chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]; chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = chat[chat.length - 1].swipe_info[chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]?.send_date || chat[chat.length - 1].send_date; //load the last mes box with the latest generation chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[chat.length - 1].swipe_info[chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]?.extra || chat[chat.length - 1].extra)); if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra) { // if message has memory attached - remove it to allow regen if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory) { delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory; } // ditto for display text if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra.display_text) { delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.display_text; } } $(this).parent().children('.mes_block').transition({ x: swipe_range, duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: async function () { const is_animation_scroll = ($('#chat').scrollTop() >= ($('#chat').prop('scrollHeight') - $('#chat').outerHeight()) - 10); //console.log('on left swipe click calling addOneMessage'); addOneMessage(chat[chat.length - 1], { type: 'swipe' }); if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { if (!chat[chat.length - 1].extra) { chat[chat.length - 1].extra = {}; } const swipeMessage = $('#chat').find(`[mesid="${chat.length - 1}"]`); const tokenCount = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1].mes, 0); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = tokenCount; swipeMessage.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').text(`${tokenCount}t`); } let new_height = this_mes_div_height - (this_mes_block_height - this_mes_block[0].scrollHeight); if (new_height < 103) new_height = 103; this_mes_div.animate({ height: new_height + 'px' }, { duration: 0, //used to be 100 queue: false, progress: function () { // Scroll the chat down as the message expands if (is_animation_scroll) $('#chat').scrollTop($('#chat')[0].scrollHeight); }, complete: function () { this_mes_div.css('height', 'auto'); // Scroll the chat down to the bottom once the animation is complete if (is_animation_scroll) $('#chat').scrollTop($('#chat')[0].scrollHeight); }, }); $(this).parent().children('.mes_block').transition({ x: '-' + swipe_range, duration: 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { $(this).parent().children('.mes_block').transition({ x: '0px', duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: async function () { await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, (chat.length - 1)); saveChatDebounced(); }, }); }, }); }, }); $(this).parent().children('.avatar').transition({ x: swipe_range, duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { $(this).parent().children('.avatar').transition({ x: '-' + swipe_range, duration: 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { $(this).parent().children('.avatar').transition({ x: '0px', duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { }, }); }, }); }, }); } if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] < 0) { chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] = 0; } } /** * Creates a new branch from the message with the given ID * @param {number} mesId Message ID * @returns {Promise} Branch file name */ async function branchChat(mesId) { const fileName = await createBranch(mesId); await saveItemizedPrompts(fileName); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, fileName); } else { await openCharacterChat(fileName); } return fileName; } // when we click swipe right button const swipe_right = () => { if (chat.length - 1 === Number(this_edit_mes_id)) { closeMessageEditor(); } if (isHordeGenerationNotAllowed()) { return unblockGeneration(); } const swipe_duration = 200; const swipe_range = 700; //console.log(swipe_range); let run_generate = false; let run_swipe_right = false; if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] === undefined) { // if there is no swipe-message in the last spot of the chat array chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] = 0; // set it to id 0 chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'] = []; // empty the array chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'] = []; chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'][0] = chat[chat.length - 1]['mes']; //assign swipe array with last message from chat chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'][0] = { 'send_date': chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'], 'gen_started': chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_started'], 'gen_finished': chat[chat.length - 1]['gen_finished'], 'extra': JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'])) }; //assign swipe info array with last message from chat } if (chat.length === 1 && chat[0]['swipe_id'] !== undefined && chat[0]['swipe_id'] === chat[0]['swipes'].length - 1) { // if swipe_right is called on the last alternate greeting, loop back around chat[0]['swipe_id'] = 0; } else { chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']++; // make new slot in array } if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra) { // if message has memory attached - remove it to allow regen if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory) { delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.memory; } // ditto for display text if (chat[chat.length - 1].extra.display_text) { delete chat[chat.length - 1].extra.display_text; } } if (!Array.isArray(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'])) { chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_info'] = []; } //console.log(chat[chat.length-1]['swipes']); if (parseInt(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']) === chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length && chat.length !== 1) { //if swipe id of last message is the same as the length of the 'swipes' array and not the greeting delete chat[chat.length - 1].gen_started; delete chat[chat.length - 1].gen_finished; run_generate = true; } else if (parseInt(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']) < chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length) { //otherwise, if the id is less than the number of swipes chat[chat.length - 1]['mes'] = chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'][chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]; //load the last mes box with the latest generation chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date'] = chat[chat.length - 1]?.swipe_info[chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]?.send_date || chat[chat.length - 1]['send_date']; //update send date chat[chat.length - 1]['extra'] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chat[chat.length - 1].swipe_info[chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']]?.extra || chat[chat.length - 1].extra || [])); run_swipe_right = true; //then prepare to do normal right swipe to show next message } const currentMessage = $('#chat').children().filter(`[mesid="${chat.length - 1}"]`); let this_div = currentMessage.children('.swipe_right'); let this_mes_div = this_div.parent(); if (chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] > chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length) { //if we swipe right while generating (the swipe ID is greater than what we are viewing now) chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id'] = chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length; //show that message slot (will be '...' while generating) } if (run_generate) { //hide swipe arrows while generating this_div.css('display', 'none'); } // handles animated transitions when swipe right, specifically height transitions between messages if (run_generate || run_swipe_right) { let this_mes_block = this_mes_div.children('.mes_block').children('.mes_text'); const this_mes_div_height = this_mes_div[0].scrollHeight; const this_mes_block_height = this_mes_block[0].scrollHeight; this_mes_div.children('.swipe_left').css('display', 'flex'); this_mes_div.children('.mes_block').transition({ // this moves the div back and forth x: '-' + swipe_range, duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: async function () { /*if (!selected_group) { var typingIndicator = $("#typing_indicator_template .typing_indicator").clone(); typingIndicator.find(".typing_indicator_name").text(characters[this_chid].name); } */ /* $("#chat").append(typingIndicator); */ const is_animation_scroll = ($('#chat').scrollTop() >= ($('#chat').prop('scrollHeight') - $('#chat').outerHeight()) - 10); //console.log(parseInt(chat[chat.length-1]['swipe_id'])); //console.log(chat[chat.length-1]['swipes'].length); const swipeMessage = $('#chat').find('[mesid="' + (chat.length - 1) + '"]'); if (run_generate && parseInt(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']) === chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length) { //shows "..." while generating swipeMessage.find('.mes_text').html('...'); // resets the timer swipeMessage.find('.mes_timer').html(''); swipeMessage.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').text(''); } else { //console.log('showing previously generated swipe candidate, or "..."'); //console.log('onclick right swipe calling addOneMessage'); addOneMessage(chat[chat.length - 1], { type: 'swipe' }); if (power_user.message_token_count_enabled) { if (!chat[chat.length - 1].extra) { chat[chat.length - 1].extra = {}; } const tokenCount = await getTokenCountAsync(chat[chat.length - 1].mes, 0); chat[chat.length - 1]['extra']['token_count'] = tokenCount; swipeMessage.find('.tokenCounterDisplay').text(`${tokenCount}t`); } } let new_height = this_mes_div_height - (this_mes_block_height - this_mes_block[0].scrollHeight); if (new_height < 103) new_height = 103; this_mes_div.animate({ height: new_height + 'px' }, { duration: 0, //used to be 100 queue: false, progress: function () { // Scroll the chat down as the message expands if (is_animation_scroll) $('#chat').scrollTop($('#chat')[0].scrollHeight); }, complete: function () { this_mes_div.css('height', 'auto'); // Scroll the chat down to the bottom once the animation is complete if (is_animation_scroll) $('#chat').scrollTop($('#chat')[0].scrollHeight); }, }); this_mes_div.children('.mes_block').transition({ x: swipe_range, duration: 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { this_mes_div.children('.mes_block').transition({ x: '0px', duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: async function () { await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_SWIPED, (chat.length - 1)); if (run_generate && !is_send_press && parseInt(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']) === chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length) { console.debug('caught here 2'); is_send_press = true; $('.mes_buttons:last').hide(); await Generate('swipe'); } else { if (parseInt(chat[chat.length - 1]['swipe_id']) !== chat[chat.length - 1]['swipes'].length) { saveChatDebounced(); } } }, }); }, }); }, }); this_mes_div.children('.avatar').transition({ // moves avatar along with swipe x: '-' + swipe_range, duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { this_mes_div.children('.avatar').transition({ x: swipe_range, duration: 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { this_mes_div.children('.avatar').transition({ x: '0px', duration: animation_duration > 0 ? swipe_duration : 0, easing: animation_easing, queue: false, complete: function () { }, }); }, }); }, }); } }; const CONNECT_API_MAP = { // Default APIs not contined inside text gen / chat gen 'kobold': { selected: 'kobold', button: '#api_button', }, 'horde': { selected: 'koboldhorde', }, 'novel': { selected: 'novel', button: '#api_button_novel', }, // KoboldCpp alias 'kcpp': { selected: 'textgenerationwebui', button: '#api_button_textgenerationwebui', type: textgen_types.KOBOLDCPP, }, // OpenAI alias 'oai': { selected: 'openai', button: '#api_button_openai', source: chat_completion_sources.OPENAI, }, // Google alias 'google': { selected: 'openai', button: '#api_button_openai', source: chat_completion_sources.MAKERSUITE, }, // OpenRouter special naming, to differentiate between chat comp and text comp 'openrouter': { selected: 'openai', button: '#api_button_openai', source: chat_completion_sources.OPENROUTER, }, 'openrouter-text': { selected: 'textgenerationwebui', button: '#api_button_textgenerationwebui', type: textgen_types.OPENROUTER, }, }; // Collect all unique API names in an array export const UNIQUE_APIS = [ Set(Object.values(CONNECT_API_MAP).map(x => x.selected))]; // Fill connections map from textgen_types and chat_completion_sources for (const textGenType of Object.values(textgen_types)) { if (CONNECT_API_MAP[textGenType]) continue; CONNECT_API_MAP[textGenType] = { selected: 'textgenerationwebui', button: '#api_button_textgenerationwebui', type: textGenType, }; } for (const chatCompletionSource of Object.values(chat_completion_sources)) { if (CONNECT_API_MAP[chatCompletionSource]) continue; CONNECT_API_MAP[chatCompletionSource] = { selected: 'openai', button: '#api_button_openai', source: chatCompletionSource, }; } async function selectContextCallback(_, name) { if (!name) { return power_user.context.preset; } const contextNames = =>; const fuse = new Fuse(contextNames); const result =; if (result.length === 0) { toastr.warning(`Context preset "${name}" not found`); return ''; } const foundName = result[0].item; selectContextPreset(foundName); return foundName; } async function selectInstructCallback(_, name) { if (!name) { return power_user.instruct.preset; } const instructNames = =>; const fuse = new Fuse(instructNames); const result =; if (result.length === 0) { toastr.warning(`Instruct preset "${name}" not found`); return ''; } const foundName = result[0].item; selectInstructPreset(foundName); return foundName; } async function enableInstructCallback() { $('#instruct_enabled').prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); return ''; } async function disableInstructCallback() { $('#instruct_enabled').prop('checked', false).trigger('change'); return ''; } /** * @param {string} text API name */ async function connectAPISlash(args, text) { if (!text.trim()) { for (const [key, config] of Object.entries(CONNECT_API_MAP)) { if (config.selected !== main_api) continue; if (config.source) { if (oai_settings.chat_completion_source === config.source) { return key; } else { continue; } } if (config.type) { if (textgen_settings.type === config.type) { return key; } else { continue; } } return key; } console.error('FIXME: The current API is not in the API map'); return ''; } const apiConfig = CONNECT_API_MAP[text.toLowerCase()]; if (!apiConfig) { toastr.error(`Error: ${text} is not a valid API`); return ''; } $(`#main_api option[value='${apiConfig.selected || text}']`).prop('selected', true); $('#main_api').trigger('change'); if (apiConfig.source) { $(`#chat_completion_source option[value='${apiConfig.source}']`).prop('selected', true); $('#chat_completion_source').trigger('change'); } if (apiConfig.type) { $(`#textgen_type option[value='${apiConfig.type}']`).prop('selected', true); $('#textgen_type').trigger('change'); } if (apiConfig.button) { $(apiConfig.button).trigger('click'); } const quiet = isTrueBoolean(args?.quiet); const toast = quiet ? jQuery() :`API set to ${text}, trying to connect..`); try { await waitUntilCondition(() => online_status !== 'no_connection', 10000, 100); console.log('Connection successful'); } catch { console.log('Could not connect after 10 seconds, skipping.'); } toastr.clear(toast); return text; } /** * Imports supported files dropped into the app window. * @param {File[]} files Array of files to process * @param {Map} [data] Extra data to pass to the import function * @returns {Promise} */ export async function processDroppedFiles(files, data = new Map()) { const allowedMimeTypes = [ 'application/json', 'image/png', 'application/yaml', 'application/x-yaml', 'text/yaml', 'text/x-yaml', ]; const allowedExtensions = [ 'charx', ]; for (const file of files) { const extension ='.').pop().toLowerCase(); if (allowedMimeTypes.some(x => file.type.startsWith(x)) || allowedExtensions.includes(extension)) { const preservedName = data instanceof Map && data.get(file); await importCharacter(file, preservedName); } else { toastr.warning('Unsupported file type: ' +; } } } /** * Imports a character from a file. * @param {File} file File to import * @param {string?} preserveFileName Whether to preserve original file name * @returns {Promise} */ async function importCharacter(file, preserveFileName = '') { if (is_group_generating || is_send_press) { toastr.error('Cannot import characters while generating. Stop the request and try again.', 'Import aborted'); throw new Error('Cannot import character while generating'); } const ext =\.(\w+)$/); if (!ext || !(['json', 'png', 'yaml', 'yml', 'charx'].includes(ext[1].toLowerCase()))) { return; } const format = ext[1].toLowerCase(); $('#character_import_file_type').val(format); const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('avatar', file); formData.append('file_type', format); if (preserveFileName) formData.append('preserved_name', preserveFileName); const data = await jQuery.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: '/api/characters/import', data: formData, async: true, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, }); if (data.error) { toastr.error('The file is likely invalid or corrupted.', 'Could not import character'); return; } if (data.file_name !== undefined) { $('#character_search_bar').val('').trigger('input'); let oldSelectedChar = null; if (this_chid !== undefined) { oldSelectedChar = characters[this_chid].avatar; } await getCharacters(); select_rm_info('char_import', data.file_name, oldSelectedChar); if (power_user.tag_import_setting !== tag_import_setting.NONE) { let currentContext = getContext(); let avatarFileName = `${data.file_name}.png`; let importedCharacter = currentContext.characters.find(character => character.avatar === avatarFileName); await importTags(importedCharacter); } } } async function importFromURL(items, files) { for (const item of items) { if (item.type === 'text/uri-list') { const uriList = await new Promise((resolve) => { item.getAsString((uriList) => { resolve(uriList); }); }); const uris = uriList.split('\n').filter(uri => uri.trim() !== ''); try { for (const uri of uris) { const request = await fetch(uri); const data = await request.blob(); const fileName = request.headers.get('Content-Disposition')?.split('filename=')[1]?.replace(/"/g, '') || uri.split('/').pop() || 'file.png'; const file = new File([data], fileName, { type: data.type }); files.push(file); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to import from URL', error); } } } } async function doImpersonate(args, prompt) { const options = prompt?.trim() ? { quiet_prompt: prompt.trim(), quietToLoud: true } : {}; const shouldAwait = isTrueBoolean(args?.await); const outerPromise = new Promise((outerResolve) => setTimeout(async () => { try { await waitUntilCondition(() => !is_send_press && !is_group_generating, 10000, 100); } catch { console.warn('Timeout waiting for generation unlock'); toastr.warning('Cannot run /impersonate command while the reply is being generated.'); return ''; } // Prevent generate recursion $('#send_textarea').val('')[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); outerResolve(new Promise(innerResolve => setTimeout(() => innerResolve(Generate('impersonate', options)), 1))); }, 1)); if (shouldAwait) { const innerPromise = await outerPromise; await innerPromise; } return ''; } export async function doNewChat({ deleteCurrentChat = false } = {}) { //Make a new chat for selected character if ((!selected_group && this_chid == undefined) || menu_type == 'create') { return; } //Fix it; New chat doesn't create while open create character menu await clearChat(); chat.length = 0; chat_file_for_del = getCurrentChatDetails()?.sessionName; // Make it easier to find in backups if (deleteCurrentChat) { await saveChatConditional(); } if (selected_group) { await createNewGroupChat(selected_group); if (deleteCurrentChat) await deleteGroupChat(selected_group, chat_file_for_del); } else { //RossAscends: added character name to new chat filenames and replaced with humanizedDateTime; chat_metadata = {}; characters[this_chid].chat = `${name2} - ${humanizedDateTime()}`; $('#selected_chat_pole').val(characters[this_chid].chat); await getChat(); await createOrEditCharacter(new CustomEvent('newChat')); if (deleteCurrentChat) await delChat(chat_file_for_del + '.jsonl'); } } async function doDeleteChat() { await displayPastChats(); let currentChatDeleteButton = $('.select_chat_block[highlight=\'true\']').parent().find('.PastChat_cross'); $(currentChatDeleteButton).trigger('click'); await delay(1); $('#dialogue_popup_ok').trigger('click', { fromSlashCommand: true }); return ''; } async function doRenameChat(_, chatName) { if (!chatName) { toastr.warning('Name must be provided as an argument to rename this chat.'); return ''; } const currentChatName = getCurrentChatId(); if (!currentChatName) { toastr.warning('No chat selected that can be renamed.'); return ''; } await renameChat(currentChatName, chatName); toastr.success(`Successfully renamed chat to: ${chatName}`); return ''; } /** * Renames the currently selected chat. * @param {string} oldFileName Old name of the chat (no JSONL extension) * @param {string} newName New name for the chat (no JSONL extension) */ export async function renameChat(oldFileName, newName) { const body = { is_group: !!selected_group, avatar_url: characters[this_chid]?.avatar, original_file: `${oldFileName}.jsonl`, renamed_file: `${newName}.jsonl`, }; try { showLoader(); const response = await fetch('/api/chats/rename', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Unsuccessful request.'); } const data = await response.json(); if (data.error) { throw new Error('Server returned an error.'); } if (selected_group) { await renameGroupChat(selected_group, oldFileName, newName); } else { if (characters[this_chid].chat == oldFileName) { characters[this_chid].chat = newName; $('#selected_chat_pole').val(characters[this_chid].chat); await createOrEditCharacter(); } } await reloadCurrentChat(); } catch { hideLoader(); await delay(500); await callPopup('An error has occurred. Chat was not renamed.', 'text'); } finally { hideLoader(); } } /** * /getchatname` slash command */ async function doGetChatName() { return getCurrentChatDetails().sessionName; } const isPwaMode = window.navigator.standalone; if (isPwaMode) { $('body').addClass('PWA'); } function doCharListDisplaySwitch() { console.debug('toggling body charListGrid state'); $('body').toggleClass('charListGrid'); power_user.charListGrid = $('body').hasClass('charListGrid') ? true : false; saveSettingsDebounced(); } function doCloseChat() { $('#option_close_chat').trigger('click'); return ''; } /** * Function to handle the deletion of a character, given a specific popup type and character ID. * If popup type equals "del_ch", it will proceed with deletion otherwise it will exit the function. * It fetches the delete character route, sending necessary parameters, and in case of success, * it proceeds to delete character from UI and saves settings. * In case of error during the fetch request, it logs the error details. * * @param {string} this_chid - The character ID to be deleted. * @param {boolean} delete_chats - Whether to delete chats or not. */ export async function handleDeleteCharacter(this_chid, delete_chats) { if (!characters[this_chid]) { return; } await deleteCharacter(characters[this_chid].avatar, { deleteChats: delete_chats }); } /** * Deletes a character completely, including associated chats if specified * * @param {string} characterKey - The key (avatar) of the character to be deleted * @param {Object} [options] - Optional parameters for the deletion * @param {boolean} [options.deleteChats=true] - Whether to delete associated chats or not * @return {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the character is successfully deleted */ export async function deleteCharacter(characterKey, { deleteChats = true } = {}) { const character = characters.find(x => x.avatar == characterKey); if (!character) { toastr.warning(`Character ${characterKey} not found. Cannot be deleted.`); return; } const chid = characters.indexOf(character); const pastChats = await getPastCharacterChats(chid); const msg = { avatar_url: character.avatar, delete_chats: deleteChats }; const response = await fetch('/api/characters/delete', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(msg), cache: 'no-cache', }); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to delete character: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`); } await removeCharacterFromUI(, character.avatar); if (deleteChats) { for (const chat of pastChats) { const name = chat.file_name.replace('.jsonl', ''); await eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_DELETED, name); } } eventSource.emit(event_types.CHARACTER_DELETED, { id: this_chid, character: characters[this_chid] }); } /** * Function to delete a character from UI after character deletion API success. * It manages necessary UI changes such as closing advanced editing popup, unsetting * character ID, resetting characters array and chat metadata, deselecting character's tab * panel, removing character name from navigation tabs, clearing chat, removing character's * avatar from tag_map, fetching updated list of characters and updating the 'deleted * character' message. * It also ensures to save the settings after all the operations. * * @param {string} name - The name of the character to be deleted. * @param {string} avatar - The avatar URL of the character to be deleted. * @param {boolean} reloadCharacters - Whether the character list should be refreshed after deletion. */ async function removeCharacterFromUI(name, avatar, reloadCharacters = true) { await clearChat(); $('#character_cross').click(); this_chid = undefined; characters.length = 0; name2 = systemUserName; chat = [...safetychat]; chat_metadata = {}; $(document.getElementById('rm_button_selected_ch')).children('h2').text(''); this_chid = undefined; delete tag_map[avatar]; if (reloadCharacters) await getCharacters(); select_rm_info('char_delete', name); await printMessages(); saveSettingsDebounced(); } function doTogglePanels() { $('#option_settings').trigger('click'); return ''; } function addDebugFunctions() { const doBackfill = async () => { for (const message of chat) { // System messages are not counted if (message.is_system) { continue; } if (!message.extra) { message.extra = {}; } message.extra.token_count = await getTokenCountAsync(message.mes, 0); } await saveChatConditional(); await reloadCurrentChat(); }; registerDebugFunction('backfillTokenCounts', 'Backfill token counters', `Recalculates token counts of all messages in the current chat to refresh the counters. Useful when you switch between models that have different tokenizers. This is a visual change only. Your chat will be reloaded.`, doBackfill); registerDebugFunction('generationTest', 'Send a generation request', 'Generates text using the currently selected API.', async () => { const text = prompt('Input text:', 'Hello');'Working on it...'); const message = await generateRaw(text, null, false, false); alert(message); }); registerDebugFunction('clearPrompts', 'Delete itemized prompts', 'Deletes all itemized prompts from the local storage.', async () => { await clearItemizedPrompts();'Itemized prompts deleted.'); if (getCurrentChatId()) { await reloadCurrentChat(); } }); registerDebugFunction('toggleEventTracing', 'Toggle event tracing', 'Useful to see what triggered a certain event.', () => { localStorage.setItem('eventTracing', localStorage.getItem('eventTracing') === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true');'Event tracing is now ' + (localStorage.getItem('eventTracing') === 'true' ? 'enabled' : 'disabled')); }); registerDebugFunction('copySetup', 'Copy ST setup to clipboard [WIP]', 'Useful data when reporting bugs', async () => { const getContextContents = getContext(); const getSettingsContents = settings; //console.log(getSettingsContents); const logMessage = ` \`\`\` API: ${getSettingsContents.main_api} API Type: ${getSettingsContents[getSettingsContents.main_api + '_settings'].type} API server: ${getSettingsContents.api_server} Model: ${getContextContents.onlineStatus} Context Preset: ${power_user.context.preset} Instruct Preset: ${power_user.instruct.preset} API Settings: ${JSON.stringify(getSettingsContents[getSettingsContents.main_api + '_settings'], null, 2)} \`\`\` `; //console.log(getSettingsContents) //console.log(logMessage); try { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(logMessage);'Your ST API setup data has been copied to the clipboard.'); } catch (error) { toastr.error('Failed to copy ST Setup to clipboard:', error); } }); } jQuery(async function () { async function doForceSave() { await saveSettings(); await saveChatConditional(); toastr.success('Chat and settings saved.'); return ''; } SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'dupe', callback: duplicateCharacter, helpString: 'Duplicates the currently selected character.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'api', callback: connectAPISlash, returns: 'the current API', namedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandNamedArgument.fromProps({ name: 'quiet', description: 'Suppress the toast message on connection', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], defaultValue: 'false', enumList: commonEnumProviders.boolean('trueFalse')(), }), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'API to connect to', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumList: Object.entries(CONNECT_API_MAP).map(([api, { selected }]) => new SlashCommandEnumValue(api, selected, enumTypes.getBasedOnIndex(UNIQUE_APIS.findIndex(x => x === selected)), selected[0].toUpperCase() ?? enumIcons.default)), }), ], helpString: `
Connect to an API. If no argument is provided, it will return the currently connected API.
Available APIs:
${Object.keys(CONNECT_API_MAP).join(', ')}
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'impersonate', callback: doImpersonate, aliases: ['imp'], namedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandNamedArgument( 'await', 'Whether to await for the triggered generation before continuing', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.BOOLEAN], false, false, 'false', ), ], unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'prompt', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], false, ), ], helpString: `
Calls an impersonation response, with an optional additional prompt.
If await=true named argument is passed, the command will wait for the impersonation to end before continuing.
  • /impersonate What is the meaning of life?
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'delchat', callback: doDeleteChat, helpString: 'Deletes the current chat.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'renamechat', callback: doRenameChat, unnamedArgumentList: [ new SlashCommandArgument( 'new chat name', [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], true, ), ], helpString: 'Renames the current chat.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'getchatname', callback: doGetChatName, returns: 'chat file name', helpString: 'Returns the name of the current chat file into the pipe.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'closechat', callback: doCloseChat, helpString: 'Closes the current chat.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'panels', callback: doTogglePanels, aliases: ['togglepanels'], helpString: 'Toggle UI panels on/off', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'forcesave', callback: doForceSave, helpString: 'Forces a save of the current chat and settings', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'instruct', callback: selectInstructCallback, returns: 'current preset', unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'instruct preset name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumProvider: () => => new SlashCommandEnumValue(, null, enumTypes.enum, enumIcons.preset)), }), ], helpString: `
Selects instruct mode preset by name. Gets the current instruct if no name is provided.
  • /instruct creative
`, })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'instruct-on', callback: enableInstructCallback, helpString: 'Enables instruct mode.', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'instruct-off', callback: disableInstructCallback, helpString: 'Disables instruct mode', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'context', callback: selectContextCallback, returns: 'template name', unnamedArgumentList: [ SlashCommandArgument.fromProps({ description: 'context preset name', typeList: [ARGUMENT_TYPE.STRING], enumProvider: () => => new SlashCommandEnumValue(, null, enumTypes.enum, enumIcons.preset)), }), ], helpString: 'Selects context template by name. Gets the current template if no name is provided', })); SlashCommandParser.addCommandObject(SlashCommand.fromProps({ name: 'chat-manager', callback: () => { $('#option_select_chat').trigger('click'); return ''; }, aliases: ['chat-history', 'manage-chats'], helpString: 'Opens the chat manager for the current character/group.', })); setTimeout(function () { $('#groupControlsToggle').trigger('click'); $('#groupCurrentMemberListToggle .inline-drawer-icon').trigger('click'); }, 200); $(document).on('click', '.api_loading', cancelStatusCheck); //////////INPUT BAR FOCUS-KEEPING LOGIC///////////// let S_TAPreviouslyFocused = false; $('#send_textarea').on('focusin focus click', () => { S_TAPreviouslyFocused = true; }); $('#send_but, #option_regenerate, #option_continue, #mes_continue, #mes_impersonate').on('click', () => { if (S_TAPreviouslyFocused) { $('#send_textarea').focus(); } }); $(document).click(event => { if ($(':focus').attr('id') !== 'send_textarea') { var validIDs = ['options_button', 'send_but', 'mes_impersonate', 'mes_continue', 'send_textarea', 'option_regenerate', 'option_continue']; if (!validIDs.includes($('id'))) { S_TAPreviouslyFocused = false; } } else { S_TAPreviouslyFocused = true; } }); ///////////////// $('#swipes-checkbox').change(function () { swipes = !!$('#swipes-checkbox').prop('checked'); if (swipes) { //console.log('toggle change calling showswipebtns'); showSwipeButtons(); } else { hideSwipeButtons(); } saveSettingsDebounced(); }); ///// SWIPE BUTTON CLICKS /////// $(document).on('click', '.swipe_right', swipe_right); $(document).on('click', '.swipe_left', swipe_left); const debouncedCharacterSearch = debounce((searchQuery) => { entitiesFilter.setFilterData(FILTER_TYPES.SEARCH, searchQuery); }); $('#character_search_bar').on('input', function () { const searchQuery = String($(this).val()); debouncedCharacterSearch(searchQuery); }); $('#mes_impersonate').on('click', function () { $('#option_impersonate').trigger('click'); }); $('#mes_continue').on('click', function () { $('#option_continue').trigger('click'); }); $('#send_but').on('click', function () { sendTextareaMessage(); }); //menu buttons setup $('#rm_button_settings').click(function () { selected_button = 'settings'; selectRightMenuWithAnimation('rm_api_block'); }); $('#rm_button_characters').click(function () { selected_button = 'characters'; select_rm_characters(); }); $('#rm_button_back').click(function () { selected_button = 'characters'; select_rm_characters(); }); $('#rm_button_create').click(function () { selected_button = 'create'; select_rm_create(); }); $('#rm_button_selected_ch').click(function () { if (selected_group) { select_group_chats(selected_group); } else { selected_button = 'character_edit'; select_selected_character(this_chid); } $('#character_search_bar').val('').trigger('input'); }); $(document).on('click', '.character_select', async function () { const id = $(this).attr('chid'); await selectCharacterById(id); }); $(document).on('click', '.bogus_folder_select', function () { const tagId = $(this).attr('tagid'); console.debug('Bogus folder clicked', tagId); chooseBogusFolder($(this), tagId); }); /** * Sets the scroll height of the edit textarea to fit the content. * @param {HTMLTextAreaElement} e Textarea element to auto-fit */ function autoFitEditTextArea(e) { scroll_holder = chatElement[0].scrollTop; = '0px'; const newHeight = e.scrollHeight + 4; = `${newHeight}px`; is_use_scroll_holder = true; } const autoFitEditTextAreaDebounced = debounce(autoFitEditTextArea, debounce_timeout.short); document.addEventListener('input', e => { if ( instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement &&'edit_textarea')) { const scrollbarShown = < && >= window.innerHeight * 0.75; const immediately = ( > && !scrollbarShown) || === ''; immediately ? autoFitEditTextArea( : autoFitEditTextAreaDebounced(; } }); const chatElementScroll = document.getElementById('chat'); const chatScrollHandler = function () { if (power_user.waifuMode) { scrollLock = true; return; } const scrollIsAtBottom = Math.abs(chatElementScroll.scrollHeight - chatElementScroll.clientHeight - chatElementScroll.scrollTop) < 1; // Resume autoscroll if the user scrolls to the bottom if (scrollLock && scrollIsAtBottom) { scrollLock = false; } // Cancel autoscroll if the user scrolls up if (!scrollLock && !scrollIsAtBottom) { scrollLock = true; } }; chatElementScroll.addEventListener('wheel', chatScrollHandler, { passive: true }); chatElementScroll.addEventListener('touchmove', chatScrollHandler, { passive: true }); chatElementScroll.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (is_use_scroll_holder) { this.scrollTop = scroll_holder; is_use_scroll_holder = false; } }, { passive: true }); $(document).on('click', '.mes', function () { //when a 'delete message' parent div is clicked // and we are in delete mode and del_checkbox is visible if (!is_delete_mode || !$(this).children('.del_checkbox').is(':visible')) { return; } $('.mes').children('.del_checkbox').each(function () { $(this).prop('checked', false); $(this).parent().removeClass('selected'); }); $(this).addClass('selected'); //sets the bg of the mes selected for deletion var i = Number($(this).attr('mesid')); //checks the message ID in the chat this_del_mes = i; //as long as the current message ID is less than the total chat length while (i < chat.length) { //sets the bg of the all msgs BELOW the selected .mes $(`.mes[mesid="${i}"]`).addClass('selected'); $(`.mes[mesid="${i}"]`).children('.del_checkbox').prop('checked', true); i++; } }); $(document).on('click', '.PastChat_cross', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); chat_file_for_del = $(this).attr('file_name'); console.debug('detected cross click for' + chat_file_for_del); callPopup('

Delete the Chat File?

', 'del_chat'); }); $('#advanced_div').click(function () { if (!is_advanced_char_open) { is_advanced_char_open = true; $('#character_popup').css({ 'display': 'flex', 'opacity': 0.0 }).addClass('open'); $('#character_popup').transition({ opacity: 1.0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); } else { is_advanced_char_open = false; $('#character_popup').css('display', 'none').removeClass('open'); } }); $('#character_cross').click(function () { is_advanced_char_open = false; $('#character_popup').transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); setTimeout(function () { $('#character_popup').css('display', 'none'); }, animation_duration); }); $('#character_popup_ok').click(function () { is_advanced_char_open = false; $('#character_popup').css('display', 'none'); }); $('#dialogue_popup_ok').click(async function (e, customData) { const fromSlashCommand = customData?.fromSlashCommand || false; dialogueCloseStop = false; $('#shadow_popup').transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); setTimeout(function () { if (dialogueCloseStop) return; $('#shadow_popup').css('display', 'none'); $('#dialogue_popup').removeClass('large_dialogue_popup'); $('#dialogue_popup').removeClass('wide_dialogue_popup'); }, animation_duration); if (popup_type == 'del_chat') { //close past chat popup $('#select_chat_cross').trigger('click'); showLoader(); if (selected_group) { await deleteGroupChat(selected_group, chat_file_for_del); } else { await delChat(chat_file_for_del); } if (fromSlashCommand) { // When called from `/delchat` command, don't re-open the history view. $('#options').hide(); // hide option popup menu hideLoader(); } else { // Open the history view again after 2 seconds (delay to avoid edge cases for deleting last chat). setTimeout(function () { $('#option_select_chat').click(); $('#options').hide(); // hide option popup menu hideLoader(); }, 2000); } } if (popup_type == 'alternate_greeting' && menu_type !== 'create') { createOrEditCharacter(); } if (dialogueResolve) { if (popup_type == 'input') { dialogueResolve($('#dialogue_popup_input').val()); $('#dialogue_popup_input').val(''); } else { dialogueResolve(true); } dialogueResolve = null; } }); $('#dialogue_popup_cancel').click(function (e) { dialogueCloseStop = false; $('#shadow_popup').transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); setTimeout(function () { if (dialogueCloseStop) return; $('#shadow_popup').css('display', 'none'); $('#dialogue_popup').removeClass('large_dialogue_popup'); }, animation_duration); //$("#shadow_popup").css("opacity:", 0.0); popup_type = ''; if (dialogueResolve) { dialogueResolve(false); dialogueResolve = null; } }); $('#add_avatar_button').change(function () { read_avatar_load(this); }); $('#form_create').submit(createOrEditCharacter); $('#delete_button').on('click', async function () { if (!this_chid) { toastr.warning('No character selected.'); return; } let deleteChats = false; const confirm = await'Delete the character?', ` THIS IS PERMANENT!

`, { onClose: () => deleteChats = !!$('#del_char_checkbox').prop('checked'), }); if (!confirm) { return; } await deleteCharacter(characters[this_chid].avatar, { deleteChats: deleteChats }); }); //////// OPTIMIZED ALL CHAR CREATION/EDITING TEXTAREA LISTENERS /////////////// $('#character_name_pole').on('input', function () { if (menu_type == 'create') { = String($('#character_name_pole').val()); } }); const elementsToUpdate = { '#description_textarea': function () { create_save.description = String($('#description_textarea').val()); }, '#creator_notes_textarea': function () { create_save.creator_notes = String($('#creator_notes_textarea').val()); }, '#character_version_textarea': function () { create_save.character_version = String($('#character_version_textarea').val()); }, '#system_prompt_textarea': function () { create_save.system_prompt = String($('#system_prompt_textarea').val()); }, '#post_history_instructions_textarea': function () { create_save.post_history_instructions = String($('#post_history_instructions_textarea').val()); }, '#creator_textarea': function () { create_save.creator = String($('#creator_textarea').val()); }, '#tags_textarea': function () { create_save.tags = String($('#tags_textarea').val()); }, '#personality_textarea': function () { create_save.personality = String($('#personality_textarea').val()); }, '#scenario_pole': function () { create_save.scenario = String($('#scenario_pole').val()); }, '#mes_example_textarea': function () { create_save.mes_example = String($('#mes_example_textarea').val()); }, '#firstmessage_textarea': function () { create_save.first_message = String($('#firstmessage_textarea').val()); }, '#talkativeness_slider': function () { create_save.talkativeness = Number($('#talkativeness_slider').val()); }, '#depth_prompt_prompt': function () { create_save.depth_prompt_prompt = String($('#depth_prompt_prompt').val()); }, '#depth_prompt_depth': function () { create_save.depth_prompt_depth = Number($('#depth_prompt_depth').val()); }, '#depth_prompt_role': function () { create_save.depth_prompt_role = String($('#depth_prompt_role').val()); }, }; Object.keys(elementsToUpdate).forEach(function (id) { $(id).on('input', function () { if (menu_type == 'create') { elementsToUpdate[id](); } else { saveCharacterDebounced(); } }); }); $('#favorite_button').on('click', function () { updateFavButtonState(!fav_ch_checked); if (menu_type != 'create') { saveCharacterDebounced(); } }); /* $("#renameCharButton").on('click', renameCharacter); */ $(document).on('click', '.renameChatButton', async function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); const oldFileNameFull = $(this).closest('.select_chat_block_wrapper').find('.select_chat_block_filename').text(); const oldFileName = oldFileNameFull.replace('.jsonl', ''); const popupText = `

Enter the new name for the chat:

!!Using an existing filename will produce an error!!
This will break the link between checkpoint chats.
No need to add '.jsonl' at the end.
`; const newName = await callPopup(popupText, 'input', oldFileName); if (!newName || newName == oldFileName) { console.log('no new name found, aborting'); return; } await renameChat(oldFileName, newName); await delay(250); $('#option_select_chat').trigger('click'); $('#options').hide(); }); $(document).on('click', '.exportChatButton, .exportRawChatButton', async function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); const format = $(this).data('format') || 'txt'; await saveChatConditional(); const filenamefull = $(this).closest('.select_chat_block_wrapper').find('.select_chat_block_filename').text(); console.log(`exporting ${filenamefull} in ${format} format`); const filename = filenamefull.replace('.jsonl', ''); const body = { is_group: !!selected_group, avatar_url: characters[this_chid]?.avatar, file: `${filename}.jsonl`, exportfilename: `${filename}.${format}`, format: format, }; console.log(body); try { const response = await fetch('/api/chats/export', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(body), headers: getRequestHeaders(), }); const data = await response.json(); if (!response.ok) { // display error message console.log(data.message); await delay(250); toastr.error(`Error: ${data.message}`); return; } else { const mimeType = format == 'txt' ? 'text/plain' : 'application/octet-stream'; // success, handle response data console.log(data); await delay(250); toastr.success(data.message); download(data.result, body.exportfilename, mimeType); } } catch (error) { // display error message console.log(`An error has occurred: ${error.message}`); await delay(250); toastr.error(`Error: ${error.message}`); } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $('#api_button').click(function (e) { if ($('#api_url_text').val() != '') { let value = formatKoboldUrl(String($('#api_url_text').val()).trim()); if (!value) { toastr.error('Please enter a valid URL.'); return; } $('#api_url_text').val(value); api_server = value; startStatusLoading(); main_api = 'kobold'; saveSettingsDebounced(); getStatusKobold(); } }); $('#api_button_textgenerationwebui').on('click', async function (e) { const keys = [ { id: 'api_key_mancer', secret: SECRET_KEYS.MANCER }, { id: 'api_key_vllm', secret: SECRET_KEYS.VLLM }, { id: 'api_key_aphrodite', secret: SECRET_KEYS.APHRODITE }, { id: 'api_key_tabby', secret: SECRET_KEYS.TABBY }, { id: 'api_key_togetherai', secret: SECRET_KEYS.TOGETHERAI }, { id: 'api_key_ooba', secret: SECRET_KEYS.OOBA }, { id: 'api_key_infermaticai', secret: SECRET_KEYS.INFERMATICAI }, { id: 'api_key_dreamgen', secret: SECRET_KEYS.DREAMGEN }, { id: 'api_key_openrouter-tg', secret: SECRET_KEYS.OPENROUTER }, { id: 'api_key_koboldcpp', secret: SECRET_KEYS.KOBOLDCPP }, { id: 'api_key_llamacpp', secret: SECRET_KEYS.LLAMACPP }, { id: 'api_key_featherless', secret: SECRET_KEYS.FEATHERLESS }, { id: 'api_key_huggingface', secret: SECRET_KEYS.HUGGINGFACE }, ]; for (const key of keys) { const keyValue = String($(`#${}`).val()).trim(); if (keyValue.length) { await writeSecret(key.secret, keyValue); } } validateTextGenUrl(); startStatusLoading(); main_api = 'textgenerationwebui'; saveSettingsDebounced(); getStatusTextgen(); }); $('#api_button_novel').on('click', async function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); const api_key_novel = String($('#api_key_novel').val()).trim(); if (api_key_novel.length) { await writeSecret(SECRET_KEYS.NOVEL, api_key_novel); } if (!secret_state[SECRET_KEYS.NOVEL]) { console.log('No secret key saved for NovelAI'); return; } startStatusLoading(); // Check near immediately rather than waiting for up to 90s await getStatusNovel(); }); var button = $('#options_button'); var menu = $('#options'); function showMenu() { showBookmarksButtons(); // menu.stop() menu.fadeIn(animation_duration); optionsPopper.update(); } function hideMenu() { // menu.stop(); menu.fadeOut(animation_duration); optionsPopper.update(); } function isMouseOverButtonOrMenu() { return':hover, :focus-within') ||':hover, :focus'); } button.on('click', function () { if (':visible')) { hideMenu(); } else { showMenu(); } }); button.on('blur', function () { //delay to prevent menu hiding when mouse leaves button into menu setTimeout(() => { if (!isMouseOverButtonOrMenu()) { hideMenu(); } }, 100); }); menu.on('blur', function () { //delay to prevent menu hide when mouseleaves menu into button setTimeout(() => { if (!isMouseOverButtonOrMenu()) { hideMenu(); } }, 100); }); $(document).on('click', function () { if (!isMouseOverButtonOrMenu() &&':visible')) { hideMenu(); } }); /* $('#set_chat_scenario').on('click', setScenarioOverride); */ ///////////// OPTIMIZED LISTENERS FOR LEFT SIDE OPTIONS POPUP MENU ////////////////////// $('#options [id]').on('click', async function (event, customData) { const fromSlashCommand = customData?.fromSlashCommand || false; var id = $(this).attr('id'); // Check whether a custom prompt was provided via custom data (for example through a slash command) const additionalPrompt = customData?.additionalPrompt?.trim() || undefined; const buildOrFillAdditionalArgs = (args = {}) => ({ ...args, ...(additionalPrompt !== undefined && { quiet_prompt: additionalPrompt, quietToLoud: true }), }); if (id == 'option_select_chat') { if ((selected_group && !is_group_generating) || (this_chid !== undefined && !is_send_press) || fromSlashCommand) { await displayPastChats(); //this is just to avoid the shadow for past chat view when using /delchat //however, the dialog popup still gets one.. if (!fromSlashCommand) { console.log('displaying shadow'); $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display', 'block'); $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('opacity', 0.0); $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').transition({ opacity: 1.0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); } } } else if (id == 'option_start_new_chat') { if ((selected_group || this_chid !== undefined) && !is_send_press) { let deleteCurrentChat = false; const result = await'Start new chat?', ` `, { onClose: () => deleteCurrentChat = !!$('#del_chat_checkbox').prop('checked'), }); if (!result) { return; } await doNewChat({ deleteCurrentChat: deleteCurrentChat }); } } else if (id == 'option_regenerate') { closeMessageEditor(); if (is_send_press == false) { //hideSwipeButtons(); if (selected_group) { regenerateGroup(); } else { is_send_press = true; Generate('regenerate', buildOrFillAdditionalArgs()); } } } else if (id == 'option_impersonate') { if (is_send_press == false || fromSlashCommand) { is_send_press = true; Generate('impersonate', buildOrFillAdditionalArgs()); } } else if (id == 'option_continue') { if (is_send_press == false || fromSlashCommand) { is_send_press = true; Generate('continue', buildOrFillAdditionalArgs()); } } else if (id == 'option_delete_mes') { setTimeout(() => openMessageDelete(fromSlashCommand), animation_duration); } else if (id == 'option_close_chat') { if (is_send_press == false) { await clearChat(); chat.length = 0; resetSelectedGroup(); setCharacterId(undefined); setCharacterName(''); setActiveCharacter(null); setActiveGroup(null); this_edit_mes_id = undefined; chat_metadata = {}; selected_button = 'characters'; $('#rm_button_selected_ch').children('h2').text(''); select_rm_characters(); sendSystemMessage(system_message_types.WELCOME); eventSource.emit(event_types.CHAT_CHANGED, getCurrentChatId()); await getClientVersion(); } else {'Please stop the message generation first.'); } } else if (id === 'option_settings') { //var checkBox = document.getElementById("waifuMode"); var topBar = document.getElementById('top-bar'); var topSettingsHolder = document.getElementById('top-settings-holder'); var divchat = document.getElementById('chat'); //if (checkBox.checked) { if ( === 'none') { = ''; // or "inline-block" if that's the original display value = ''; // or "inline-block" if that's the original display value = ''; = ''; } else { = '10px'; // Adjust the value to control the roundness of the corners = ''; // Set the background color to your preference = 'none'; = 'none'; } //} } hideMenu(); }); $('#newChatFromManageScreenButton').on('click', async function () { await doNewChat({ deleteCurrentChat: false }); $('#select_chat_cross').trigger('click'); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //functionality for the cancel delete messages button, reverts to normal display of input form $('#dialogue_del_mes_cancel').click(function () { $('#dialogue_del_mes').css('display', 'none'); $('#send_form').css('display', css_send_form_display); $('.del_checkbox').each(function () { $(this).css('display', 'none'); $(this).parent().children('.for_checkbox').css('display', 'block'); $(this).parent().removeClass('selected'); $(this).prop('checked', false); }); showSwipeButtons(); this_del_mes = -1; is_delete_mode = false; }); //confirms message deletion with the "ok" button $('#dialogue_del_mes_ok').on('click', async function () { $('#dialogue_del_mes').css('display', 'none'); $('#send_form').css('display', css_send_form_display); $('.del_checkbox').each(function () { $(this).css('display', 'none'); $(this).parent().children('.for_checkbox').css('display', 'block'); $(this).parent().removeClass('selected'); $(this).prop('checked', false); }); if (this_del_mes >= 0) { $(`.mes[mesid="${this_del_mes}"]`).nextAll('div').remove(); $(`.mes[mesid="${this_del_mes}"]`).remove(); chat.length = this_del_mes; await saveChatConditional(); chatElement.scrollTop(chatElement[0].scrollHeight); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, chat.length); $('#chat .mes').removeClass('last_mes'); $('#chat .mes').last().addClass('last_mes'); } else { console.log('this_del_mes is not >= 0, not deleting'); } showSwipeButtons(); this_del_mes = -1; is_delete_mode = false; }); $('#settings_preset').change(function () { if ($('#settings_preset').find(':selected').val() != 'gui') { preset_settings = $('#settings_preset').find(':selected').text(); const preset = koboldai_settings[koboldai_setting_names[preset_settings]]; loadKoboldSettings(preset); setGenerationParamsFromPreset(preset); $('#kobold_api-settings').find('input').prop('disabled', false); $('#kobold_api-settings').css('opacity', 1.0); $('#kobold_order') .css('opacity', 1) .sortable('enable'); } else { //$('.button').disableSelection(); preset_settings = 'gui'; $('#kobold_api-settings').find('input').prop('disabled', true); $('#kobold_api-settings').css('opacity', 0.5); $('#kobold_order') .css('opacity', 0.5) .sortable('disable'); } saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#settings_preset_novel').change(function () { nai_settings.preset_settings_novel = $('#settings_preset_novel') .find(':selected') .text(); const preset = novelai_settings[novelai_setting_names[nai_settings.preset_settings_novel]]; loadNovelPreset(preset); amount_gen = Number($('#amount_gen').val()); max_context = Number($('#max_context').val()); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); $('#main_api').change(function () { cancelStatusCheck(); changeMainAPI(); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); ////////////////// OPTIMIZED RANGE SLIDER LISTENERS//////////////// var sliderLocked = true; var sliderTimer; $('input[type=\'range\']').on('touchstart', function () { // Unlock the slider after 300ms setTimeout(function () { sliderLocked = false; $(this).css('background-color', 'var(--SmartThemeQuoteColor)'); }.bind(this), 300); }); $('input[type=\'range\']').on('touchend', function () { clearTimeout(sliderTimer); $(this).css('background-color', ''); sliderLocked = true; }); $('input[type=\'range\']').on('touchmove', function (event) { if (sliderLocked) { event.preventDefault(); } }); const sliders = [ { sliderId: '#amount_gen', counterId: '#amount_gen_counter', format: (val) => `${val}`, setValue: (val) => { amount_gen = Number(val); }, }, { sliderId: '#max_context', counterId: '#max_context_counter', format: (val) => `${val}`, setValue: (val) => { max_context = Number(val); }, }, ]; sliders.forEach(slider => { $(document).on('input', slider.sliderId, function () { const value = $(this).val(); const formattedValue = slider.format(value); slider.setValue(value); $(slider.counterId).val(formattedValue); saveSettingsDebounced(); }); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $('#select_chat_cross').click(function () { $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: animation_easing, }); setTimeout(function () { $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display', 'none'); }, animation_duration); //$("#shadow_select_chat_popup").css("display", "none"); $('#load_select_chat_div').css('display', 'block'); }); if (navigator.clipboard === undefined) { // No clipboard support $('.mes_copy').remove(); } else { $(document).on('pointerup', '.mes_copy', function () { if (this_chid !== undefined || selected_group) { try { const messageId = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); const text = chat[messageId]['mes']; navigator.clipboard.writeText(text);'Copied!', '', { timeOut: 2000 }); } catch (err) { console.error('Failed to copy: ', err); } } }); } $(document).on('pointerup', '.mes_prompt', async function () { let mesIdForItemization = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesId'); console.log(`looking for mesID: ${mesIdForItemization}`); if (itemizedPrompts.length !== undefined && itemizedPrompts.length !== 0) { await promptItemize(itemizedPrompts, mesIdForItemization); } }); //******************** //***Message Editor*** $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit', async function () { if (this_chid !== undefined || selected_group) { // Previously system messages we're allowed to be edited /*const message = $(this).closest(".mes"); if ("isSystem")) { return; }*/ let chatScrollPosition = $('#chat').scrollTop(); if (this_edit_mes_id !== undefined) { let mes_edited = $(`#chat [mesid="${this_edit_mes_id}"]`).find('.mes_edit_done'); if (Number(edit_mes_id) == chat.length - 1) { //if the generating swipe (...) let run_edit = true; if (chat[edit_mes_id]['swipe_id'] !== undefined) { if (chat[edit_mes_id]['swipes'].length === chat[edit_mes_id]['swipe_id']) { run_edit = false; } } if (run_edit) { hideSwipeButtons(); } } await messageEditDone(mes_edited); } $(this).closest('.mes_block').find('.mes_text').empty(); $(this).closest('.mes_block').find('.mes_buttons').css('display', 'none'); $(this).closest('.mes_block').find('.mes_edit_buttons').css('display', 'inline-flex'); var edit_mes_id = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); this_edit_mes_id = edit_mes_id; var text = chat[edit_mes_id]['mes']; if (chat[edit_mes_id]['is_user']) { this_edit_mes_chname = name1; } else if (chat[edit_mes_id]['force_avatar']) { this_edit_mes_chname = chat[edit_mes_id]['name']; } else { this_edit_mes_chname = name2; } if (power_user.trim_spaces) { text = text.trim(); } $(this) .closest('.mes_block') .find('.mes_text') .append( '', ); $('#curEditTextarea').val(text); let edit_textarea = $(this) .closest('.mes_block') .find('.edit_textarea'); edit_textarea.height(0); edit_textarea.height(edit_textarea[0].scrollHeight); edit_textarea.focus(); edit_textarea[0].setSelectionRange( //this sets the cursor at the end of the text String(edit_textarea.val()).length, String(edit_textarea.val()).length, ); if (Number(this_edit_mes_id) === chat.length - 1) { $('#chat').scrollTop(chatScrollPosition); } updateEditArrowClasses(); } }); $(document).on('input', '#curEditTextarea', function () { if (power_user.auto_save_msg_edits === true) { messageEditAuto($(this)); } }); $(document).on('click', '.extraMesButtonsHint', function (e) { const elmnt =; $(elmnt).transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', }); setTimeout(function () { $(elmnt).hide(); $(elmnt).siblings('.extraMesButtons').css('opcacity', '0'); $(elmnt).siblings('.extraMesButtons').css('display', 'flex'); $(elmnt).siblings('.extraMesButtons').transition({ opacity: 1, duration: animation_duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', }); }, animation_duration); }); $(document).on('click', function (e) { // Expanded options don't need to be closed if (power_user.expand_message_actions) { return; } // Check if the click was outside the relevant elements if (!$('.extraMesButtons, .extraMesButtonsHint').length) { // Transition out the .extraMesButtons first $('.extraMesButtons:visible').transition({ opacity: 0, duration: animation_duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', complete: function () { $(this).hide(); // Hide the .extraMesButtons after the transition // Transition the .extraMesButtonsHint back in $('.extraMesButtonsHint:not(:visible)').show().transition({ opacity: .3, duration: animation_duration, easing: 'ease-in-out', complete: function () { $(this).css('opacity', ''); }, }); }, }); } }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_cancel', function () { let text = chat[this_edit_mes_id]['mes']; $(this).closest('.mes_block').find('.mes_text').empty(); $(this).closest('.mes_edit_buttons').css('display', 'none'); $(this).closest('.mes_block').find('.mes_buttons').css('display', ''); $(this) .closest('.mes_block') .find('.mes_text') .append(messageFormatting( text, this_edit_mes_chname, chat[this_edit_mes_id].is_system, chat[this_edit_mes_id].is_user, this_edit_mes_id, )); appendMediaToMessage(chat[this_edit_mes_id], $(this).closest('.mes')); addCopyToCodeBlocks($(this).closest('.mes')); this_edit_mes_id = undefined; }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_up', async function () { if (is_send_press || this_edit_mes_id <= 0) { return; } hideSwipeButtons(); const targetId = Number(this_edit_mes_id) - 1; const target = $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${targetId}"]`); const root = $(this).closest('.mes'); if (root.length === 0 || target.length === 0) { return; } root.insertBefore(target); target.attr('mesid', this_edit_mes_id); root.attr('mesid', targetId); const temp = chat[targetId]; chat[targetId] = chat[this_edit_mes_id]; chat[this_edit_mes_id] = temp; this_edit_mes_id = targetId; updateViewMessageIds(); await saveChatConditional(); showSwipeButtons(); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_down', async function () { if (is_send_press || this_edit_mes_id >= chat.length - 1) { return; } hideSwipeButtons(); const targetId = Number(this_edit_mes_id) + 1; const target = $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${targetId}"]`); const root = $(this).closest('.mes'); if (root.length === 0 || target.length === 0) { return; } root.insertAfter(target); target.attr('mesid', this_edit_mes_id); root.attr('mesid', targetId); const temp = chat[targetId]; chat[targetId] = chat[this_edit_mes_id]; chat[this_edit_mes_id] = temp; this_edit_mes_id = targetId; updateViewMessageIds(); await saveChatConditional(); showSwipeButtons(); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_copy', async function () { const confirmation = await callGenericPopup('Create a copy of this message?', POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM); if (!confirmation) { return; } hideSwipeButtons(); const oldScroll = chatElement[0].scrollTop; const clone = structuredClone(chat[this_edit_mes_id]); clone.send_date =; clone.mes = $(this).closest('.mes').find('.edit_textarea').val(); if (power_user.trim_spaces) { clone.mes = clone.mes.trim(); } chat.splice(Number(this_edit_mes_id) + 1, 0, clone); addOneMessage(clone, { insertAfter: this_edit_mes_id }); updateViewMessageIds(); await saveChatConditional(); chatElement[0].scrollTop = oldScroll; showSwipeButtons(); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_delete', async function (event, customData) { const fromSlashCommand = customData?.fromSlashCommand || false; const canDeleteSwipe = (Array.isArray(chat[this_edit_mes_id].swipes) && chat[this_edit_mes_id].swipes.length > 1 && !chat[this_edit_mes_id].is_user && parseInt(this_edit_mes_id) === chat.length - 1); let deleteOnlySwipe = false; if (power_user.confirm_message_delete && fromSlashCommand !== true) { const result = await callGenericPopup('Are you sure you want to delete this message?', POPUP_TYPE.CONFIRM, null, { okButton: canDeleteSwipe ? 'Delete Swipe' : 'Delete Message', cancelButton: 'Cancel', customButtons: canDeleteSwipe ? ['Delete Message'] : null, }); if (!result) { return; } deleteOnlySwipe = canDeleteSwipe && result === 1; // Default button, not the custom one } const messageElement = $(this).closest('.mes'); if (!messageElement) { return; } if (deleteOnlySwipe) { const message = chat[this_edit_mes_id]; const swipe_id = message.swipe_id; message.swipes.splice(swipe_id, 1); if (Array.isArray(message.swipe_info) && message.swipe_info.length) { message.swipe_info.splice(swipe_id, 1); } if (swipe_id > 0) { $('.swipe_left:last').click(); } else { $('.swipe_right:last').click(); } } else { chat.splice(this_edit_mes_id, 1); messageElement.remove(); } let startFromZero = Number(this_edit_mes_id) === 0; this_edit_mes_id = undefined; updateViewMessageIds(startFromZero); saveChatDebounced(); hideSwipeButtons(); showSwipeButtons(); await eventSource.emit(event_types.MESSAGE_DELETED, chat.length); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_edit_done', async function () { await messageEditDone($(this)); }); //Select chat //**************************CHARACTER IMPORT EXPORT*************************// $('#character_import_button').click(function () { $('#character_import_file').click(); }); $('#character_import_file').on('change', async function (e) { $('#rm_info_avatar').html(''); if (!( instanceof HTMLInputElement)) { return; } if (! { return; } for (const file of { await importCharacter(file); } }); $('#export_button').on('click', function (e) { $('#export_format_popup').toggle(); exportPopper.update(); }); $(document).on('click', '.export_format', async function () { const format = $(this).data('format'); if (!format) { return; } // Save before exporting await createOrEditCharacter(); const body = { format, avatar_url: characters[this_chid].avatar }; const response = await fetch('/api/characters/export', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify(body), }); if (response.ok) { const filename = characters[this_chid].avatar.replace('.png', `.${format}`); const blob = await response.blob(); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); a.setAttribute('download', filename); document.body.appendChild(a);; URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href); document.body.removeChild(a); } $('#export_format_popup').hide(); }); //**************************CHAT IMPORT EXPORT*************************// $('#chat_import_button').click(function () { $('#chat_import_file').click(); }); $('#chat_import_file').on('change', async function (e) { var file =[0]; if (!file) { return; } var ext =\.(\w+)$/); if ( !ext || (ext[1].toLowerCase() != 'json' && ext[1].toLowerCase() != 'jsonl') ) { return; } if (selected_group &&'.json')) { toastr.warning('Only SillyTavern\'s own format is supported for group chat imports. Sorry!'); return; } var format = ext[1].toLowerCase(); $('#chat_import_file_type').val(format); var formData = new FormData($('#form_import_chat').get(0)); formData.append('user_name', name1); $('#select_chat_div').html(''); $('#load_select_chat_div').css('display', 'block'); if (selected_group) { await importGroupChat(formData); } else { await importCharacterChat(formData); } }); $('#rm_button_group_chats').click(function () { selected_button = 'group_chats'; select_group_chats(); }); $('#rm_button_back_from_group').click(function () { selected_button = 'characters'; select_rm_characters(); }); $('#dupe_button').click(async function () { await duplicateCharacter(); }); $(document).on('click', '.select_chat_block, .bookmark_link, .mes_bookmark', async function () { let file_name = $(this).hasClass('mes_bookmark') ? $(this).closest('.mes').attr('bookmark_link') : $(this).attr('file_name').replace('.jsonl', ''); if (!file_name) { return; } try { showLoader(); if (selected_group) { await openGroupChat(selected_group, file_name); } else { await openCharacterChat(file_name); } } finally { hideLoader(); } $('#shadow_select_chat_popup').css('display', 'none'); $('#load_select_chat_div').css('display', 'block'); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_bookmark', async function () { var selected_mes_id = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (selected_mes_id !== undefined) { createNewBookmark(selected_mes_id); } }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_create_branch', async function () { var selected_mes_id = $(this).closest('.mes').attr('mesid'); if (selected_mes_id !== undefined) { branchChat(Number(selected_mes_id)); } }); $(document).on('click', '.mes_stop', function () { stopGeneration(); }); $(document).on('click', '#form_sheld .stscript_continue', function () { pauseScriptExecution(); }); $(document).on('click', '#form_sheld .stscript_pause', function () { pauseScriptExecution(); }); $(document).on('click', '#form_sheld .stscript_stop', function () { stopScriptExecution(); }); $('.drawer-toggle').on('click', function () { var icon = $(this).find('.drawer-icon'); 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//flex needed to make charlist scroll }, complete: async function () { favsToHotswap(); await delay(50); $(this).closest('.drawer-content').removeClass('resizing'); $('#rm_print_characters_block').trigger('scroll'); }, }); } else { $(this).closest('.drawer').find('.drawer-content').addClass('resizing').slideToggle(200, 'swing', async function () { await delay(50); $(this).closest('.drawer-content').removeClass('resizing'); }); } // Set the height of "autoSetHeight" textareas within the drawer to their scroll height $(this).closest('.drawer').find('.drawer-content textarea.autoSetHeight').each(async function () { await resetScrollHeight($(this)); return; }); } else if (drawerWasOpenAlready) { //to close manually icon.toggleClass('closedIcon openIcon'); if (pinnedDrawerClicked) { $(drawer).addClass('resizing').slideToggle(200, 'swing', async function () { await delay(50); $(this).removeClass('resizing'); }); } else { $('.openDrawer').not('.pinnedOpen').addClass('resizing').slideToggle(200, 'swing', async function () { await delay(50); $(this).closest('.drawer-content').removeClass('resizing'); }); } drawer.toggleClass('closedDrawer openDrawer'); } }); $('html').on('touchstart mousedown', function (e) { var clickTarget = $(; if ($('#export_format_popup').is(':visible') && clickTarget.closest('#export_button').length == 0 && clickTarget.closest('#export_format_popup').length == 0) { $('#export_format_popup').hide(); } const forbiddenTargets = [ '#character_cross', '#avatar-and-name-block', '#shadow_popup', '.popup', '#world_popup', '.ui-widget', '.text_pole', '#toast-container', '.select2-results', ]; for (const id of forbiddenTargets) { if (clickTarget.closest(id).length > 0) { return; } } var targetParentHasOpenDrawer = clickTarget.parents('.openDrawer').length; if (clickTarget.hasClass('drawer-icon') == false && !clickTarget.hasClass('openDrawer')) { if ($('.openDrawer').length !== 0) { if (targetParentHasOpenDrawer === 0) { //console.log($('.openDrawer').not('.pinnedOpen').length); $('.openDrawer').not('.pinnedOpen').addClass('resizing').slideToggle(200, 'swing', function () { $(this).closest('.drawer-content').removeClass('resizing'); 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const drawerId = drawerContent.attr('id'); resetMovableStyles(drawerId); }); $(document).on('click', '.mes .avatar', function () { const messageElement = $(this).closest('.mes'); const thumbURL = $(this).children('img').attr('src'); const charsPath = '/characters/'; const targetAvatarImg = thumbURL.substring(thumbURL.lastIndexOf('=') + 1); const charname = targetAvatarImg.replace('.png', ''); const isValidCharacter = characters.some(x => x.avatar === decodeURIComponent(targetAvatarImg)); // Remove existing zoomed avatars for characters that are not the clicked character when moving UI is not enabled if (!power_user.movingUI) { $('.zoomed_avatar').each(function () { const currentForChar = $(this).attr('forChar'); if (currentForChar !== charname && typeof currentForChar !== 'undefined') { console.debug(`Removing zoomed avatar for character: ${currentForChar}`); $(this).remove(); } }); } const avatarSrc = isDataURL(thumbURL) ? thumbURL : charsPath + targetAvatarImg; if ($(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).length) { console.debug('removing container as it already existed'); $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).fadeOut(animation_duration, () => { $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).remove(); }); } else { console.debug('making new container from template'); const template = $('#zoomed_avatar_template').html(); const newElement = $(template); newElement.attr('forChar', charname); newElement.attr('id', `zoomFor_${charname}`); newElement.addClass('draggable'); newElement.find('.drag-grabber').attr('id', `zoomFor_${charname}header`); $('body').append(newElement); newElement.fadeIn(animation_duration); const zoomedAvatarImgElement = $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"] img`); if (messageElement.attr('is_user') == 'true' || (messageElement.attr('is_system') == 'true' && !isValidCharacter)) { //handle user and system avatars zoomedAvatarImgElement.attr('src', thumbURL); zoomedAvatarImgElement.attr('data-izoomify-url', thumbURL); } else if (messageElement.attr('is_user') == 'false') { //handle char avatars zoomedAvatarImgElement.attr('src', avatarSrc); zoomedAvatarImgElement.attr('data-izoomify-url', avatarSrc); } loadMovingUIState(); $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).css('display', 'flex'); dragElement(newElement); if (power_user.zoomed_avatar_magnification) { $('.zoomed_avatar_container').izoomify(); } $('.zoomed_avatar, .zoomed_avatar .dragClose').on('click touchend', (e) => { if ('.dragClose')) { $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).fadeOut(animation_duration, () => { $(`.zoomed_avatar[forChar="${charname}"]`).remove(); }); } }); zoomedAvatarImgElement.on('dragstart', (e) => { console.log('saw drag on avatar!'); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } }); document.addEventListener('click', function (e) { if (!( instanceof HTMLElement)) return; if ('#OpenAllWIEntries')) { document.querySelectorAll('#world_popup_entries_list .inline-drawer').forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ drawer) => { toggleDrawer(drawer, true); }); } else if ('#CloseAllWIEntries')) { document.querySelectorAll('#world_popup_entries_list .inline-drawer').forEach((/** @type {HTMLElement} */ drawer) => { toggleDrawer(drawer, false); }); } }); $(document).on('click', '.open_alternate_greetings', openAlternateGreetings); /* $('#set_character_world').on('click', openCharacterWorldPopup); */ $(document).on('focus', ',', function () { if (!power_user.enable_auto_select_input) return; const control = $(this)[0]; if (control instanceof HTMLInputElement || control instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) {; console.debug('Auto-selecting content of input control', control); } }); $(document).keyup(function (e) { if (e.key === 'Escape') { const isEditVisible = $('#curEditTextarea').is(':visible'); if (isEditVisible && power_user.auto_save_msg_edits === false) { closeMessageEditor(); $('#send_textarea').focus(); return; } if (isEditVisible && power_user.auto_save_msg_edits === true) { $(`#chat .mes[mesid="${this_edit_mes_id}"] .mes_edit_done`).click(); $('#send_textarea').focus(); return; } if (!this_edit_mes_id && $('#mes_stop').is(':visible')) { $('#mes_stop').trigger('click'); if (chat.length && Array.isArray(chat[chat.length - 1].swipes) && chat[chat.length - 1].swipe_id == chat[chat.length - 1].swipes.length) { $('.last_mes .swipe_left').trigger('click'); } } } }); $('#char-management-dropdown').on('change', async (e) => { let target = $('id'); switch (target) { case 'set_character_world': openCharacterWorldPopup(); break; case 'set_chat_scenario': await setScenarioOverride(); break; case 'renameCharButton': renameCharacter(); break; /*case 'dupe_button': DupeChar(); break; case 'export_button': $('#export_format_popup').toggle(); exportPopper.update(); break; */ case 'import_character_info': await importEmbeddedWorldInfo(); saveCharacterDebounced(); break; case 'character_source': { const source = getCharacterSource(this_chid); if (source && isValidUrl(source)) { const url = new URL(source); const confirm = await'Open Source', `Do you want to open the link to ${url.hostname} in a new tab?${url}`); if (confirm) {, '_blank'); } } else {'This character doesn\'t seem to have a source.'); } } break; case 'replace_update': { const confirm = await'Replace Character', '

Choose a new character card to replace this character with.

All chats, assets and group memberships will be preserved, but local changes to the character data will be lost.
Proceed?'); if (confirm) { async function uploadReplacementCard(e) { const file =[0]; if (!file) { return; } try { const chatFile = characters[this_chid]['chat']; const data = new Map(); data.set(file, characters[this_chid].avatar); await processDroppedFiles([file], data); await openCharacterChat(chatFile); await fetch(getThumbnailUrl('avatar', characters[this_chid].avatar), { cache: 'no-cache' }); } catch { toastr.error('Failed to replace the character card.', 'Something went wrong'); } } $('#character_replace_file').off('change').on('change', uploadReplacementCard).trigger('click'); } } break; case 'import_tags': { await importTags(characters[this_chid], { importSetting: tag_import_setting.ASK }); } break; /*case 'delete_button': popup_type = "del_ch"; callPopup(`

Delete the character?



` ); break;*/ default: eventSource.emit('charManagementDropdown', target); } $('#char-management-dropdown').prop('selectedIndex', 0); }); $(window).on('beforeunload', () => { cancelTtsPlay(); if (streamingProcessor) { console.log('Page reloaded. Aborting streaming...'); streamingProcessor.onStopStreaming(); } }); var isManualInput = false; var valueBeforeManualInput; $(document).on('input', '.range-block-counter input, .neo-range-input', function () { valueBeforeManualInput = $(this).val(); console.log(valueBeforeManualInput); }); $(document).on('change', '.range-block-counter input, .neo-range-input', function (e) {; KeyboardEvent('keyup', { bubbles: true })); }); $(document).on('keydown', '.range-block-counter input, .neo-range-input', function (e) { const masterSelector = '#' + $(this).data('for'); const masterElement = $(masterSelector); if (e.key === 'Enter') { let manualInput = Number($(this).val()); if (isManualInput) { //disallow manual inputs outside acceptable range if (manualInput >= Number($(this).attr('min')) && manualInput <= Number($(this).attr('max'))) { //if value is ok, assign to slider and update handle text and position //newSlider.val(manualInput) //, null, { value: parseFloat(manualInput) }, 'manual'); valueBeforeManualInput = manualInput; $(masterElement).val($(this).val()).trigger('input', { forced: true }); } else { //if value not ok, warn and reset to last known valid value toastr.warning(`Invalid value. Must be between ${$(this).attr('min')} and ${$(this).attr('max')}`); console.log(valueBeforeManualInput); //newSlider.val(valueBeforeManualInput) $(this).val(valueBeforeManualInput); } } } }); $(document).on('keyup', '.range-block-counter input, .neo-range-input', function () { valueBeforeManualInput = $(this).val(); console.log(valueBeforeManualInput); isManualInput = true; }); //trigger slider changes when user clicks away $(document).on('mouseup blur', '.range-block-counter input, .neo-range-input', function () { const masterSelector = '#' + $(this).data('for'); const masterElement = $(masterSelector); let manualInput = Number($(this).val()); if (isManualInput) { //if value is between correct range for the slider if (manualInput >= Number($(this).attr('min')) && manualInput <= Number($(this).attr('max'))) { valueBeforeManualInput = manualInput; //set the slider value to input value $(masterElement).val($(this).val()).trigger('input', { forced: true }); } else { //if value not ok, warn and reset to last known valid value toastr.warning(`Invalid value. Must be between ${$(this).attr('min')} and ${$(this).attr('max')}`); console.log(valueBeforeManualInput); $(this).val(valueBeforeManualInput); } } isManualInput = false; }); $('.user_stats_button').on('click', function () { userStatsHandler(); }); $(document).on('click', '.external_import_button, #external_import_button', async () => { const html = await renderTemplateAsync('importCharacters'); /** @type {string?} */ const input = await callGenericPopup(html, POPUP_TYPE.INPUT, '', { wider: true, okButton: $('#popup_template').attr('popup-button-import'), rows: 4 }); if (!input) { console.debug('Custom content import cancelled'); return; } // break input into one input per line const inputs = input.split('\n').map(x => x.trim()).filter(x => x.length > 0); for (const url of inputs) { let request; if (isValidUrl(url)) { console.debug('Custom content import started for URL: ', url); request = await fetch('/api/content/importURL', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ url }), }); } else { console.debug('Custom content import started for Char UUID: ', url); request = await fetch('/api/content/importUUID', { method: 'POST', headers: getRequestHeaders(), body: JSON.stringify({ url }), }); } if (!request.ok) {, 'Custom content import failed'); console.error('Custom content import failed', request.status, request.statusText); return; } const data = await request.blob(); const customContentType = request.headers.get('X-Custom-Content-Type'); const fileName = request.headers.get('Content-Disposition').split('filename=')[1].replace(/"/g, ''); const file = new File([data], fileName, { type: data.type }); switch (customContentType) { case 'character': await processDroppedFiles([file]); break; case 'lorebook': await importWorldInfo(file); break; default: toastr.warning('Unknown content type'); console.error('Unknown content type', customContentType); break; } } }); charDragDropHandler = new DragAndDropHandler('body', async (files, event) => { if (!files.length) { await importFromURL(event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.items, files); } await processDroppedFiles(files); }, { noAnimation: true }); $('#charListGridToggle').on('click', async () => { doCharListDisplaySwitch(); }); $('#hideCharPanelAvatarButton').on('click', () => { $('#avatar-and-name-block').slideToggle(); }); $(document).on('mouseup touchend', '#show_more_messages', () => { showMoreMessages(); }); $(document).on('click', '.open_characters_library', async function () { await getCharacters(); eventSource.emit(event_types.OPEN_CHARACTER_LIBRARY); }); // Added here to prevent execution before script.js is loaded and get rid of quirky timeouts await firstLoadInit(); addDebugFunctions(); eventSource.on(event_types.CHAT_DELETED, async (name) => { await deleteItemizedPrompts(name); }); eventSource.on(event_types.GROUP_CHAT_DELETED, async (name) => { await deleteItemizedPrompts(name); }); initCustomSelectedSamplers(); });