const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const express = require('express'); const fetch = require('node-fetch').default; const sanitize = require('sanitize-filename'); const { getConfigValue, color } = require('../util'); const { jsonParser } = require('../express-common'); const writeFileAtomicSync = require('write-file-atomic').sync; const contentDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'default/content'); const scaffoldDirectory = path.join(process.cwd(), 'default/scaffold'); const contentIndexPath = path.join(contentDirectory, 'index.json'); const scaffoldIndexPath = path.join(scaffoldDirectory, 'index.json'); const characterCardParser = require('../character-card-parser.js'); const WHITELIST_GENERIC_URL_DOWNLOAD_SOURCES = getConfigValue('whitelistImportDomains', []); /** * @typedef {Object} ContentItem * @property {string} filename * @property {string} type * @property {string} [name] * @property {string|null} [folder] */ /** * @typedef {string} ContentType * @enum {string} */ const CONTENT_TYPES = { SETTINGS: 'settings', CHARACTER: 'character', SPRITES: 'sprites', BACKGROUND: 'background', WORLD: 'world', AVATAR: 'avatar', THEME: 'theme', WORKFLOW: 'workflow', KOBOLD_PRESET: 'kobold_preset', OPENAI_PRESET: 'openai_preset', NOVEL_PRESET: 'novel_preset', TEXTGEN_PRESET: 'textgen_preset', INSTRUCT: 'instruct', CONTEXT: 'context', MOVING_UI: 'moving_ui', QUICK_REPLIES: 'quick_replies', }; /** * Gets the default presets from the content directory. * @param {import('../users').UserDirectoryList} directories User directories * @returns {object[]} Array of default presets */ function getDefaultPresets(directories) { try { const contentIndex = getContentIndex(); const presets = []; for (const contentItem of contentIndex) { if (contentItem.type.endsWith('_preset') || contentItem.type === 'instruct' || contentItem.type === 'context') { = path.parse(contentItem.filename).name; contentItem.folder = getTargetByType(contentItem.type, directories); presets.push(contentItem); } } return presets; } catch (err) { console.log('Failed to get default presets', err); return []; } } /** * Gets a default JSON file from the content directory. * @param {string} filename Name of the file to get * @returns {object | null} JSON object or null if the file doesn't exist */ function getDefaultPresetFile(filename) { try { const contentPath = path.join(contentDirectory, filename); if (!fs.existsSync(contentPath)) { return null; } const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(contentPath, 'utf8'); return JSON.parse(fileContent); } catch (err) { console.log(`Failed to get default file ${filename}`, err); return null; } } /** * Seeds content for a user. * @param {ContentItem[]} contentIndex Content index * @param {import('../users').UserDirectoryList} directories User directories * @param {string[]} forceCategories List of categories to force check (even if content check is skipped) * @returns {Promise} Whether any content was added */ async function seedContentForUser(contentIndex, directories, forceCategories) { let anyContentAdded = false; if (!fs.existsSync(directories.root)) { fs.mkdirSync(directories.root, { recursive: true }); } const contentLogPath = path.join(directories.root, 'content.log'); const contentLog = getContentLog(contentLogPath); for (const contentItem of contentIndex) { // If the content item is already in the log, skip it if (contentLog.includes(contentItem.filename) && !forceCategories?.includes(contentItem.type)) { continue; } if (!contentItem.folder) { console.log(`Content file ${contentItem.filename} has no parent folder`); continue; } const contentPath = path.join(contentItem.folder, contentItem.filename); if (!fs.existsSync(contentPath)) { console.log(`Content file ${contentItem.filename} is missing`); continue; } const contentTarget = getTargetByType(contentItem.type, directories); if (!contentTarget) { console.log(`Content file ${contentItem.filename} has unknown type ${contentItem.type}`); continue; } const basePath = path.parse(contentItem.filename).base; const targetPath = path.join(contentTarget, basePath); contentLog.push(contentItem.filename); if (fs.existsSync(targetPath)) { console.log(`Content file ${contentItem.filename} already exists in ${contentTarget}`); continue; } fs.cpSync(contentPath, targetPath, { recursive: true, force: false }); console.log(`Content file ${contentItem.filename} copied to ${contentTarget}`); anyContentAdded = true; } writeFileAtomicSync(contentLogPath, contentLog.join('\n')); return anyContentAdded; } /** * Checks for new content and seeds it for all users. * @param {import('../users').UserDirectoryList[]} directoriesList List of user directories * @param {string[]} forceCategories List of categories to force check (even if content check is skipped) * @returns {Promise} */ async function checkForNewContent(directoriesList, forceCategories = []) { try { const contentCheckSkip = getConfigValue('skipContentCheck', false); if (contentCheckSkip && forceCategories?.length === 0) { return; } const contentIndex = getContentIndex(); let anyContentAdded = false; for (const directories of directoriesList) { const seedResult = await seedContentForUser(contentIndex, directories, forceCategories); if (seedResult) { anyContentAdded = true; } } if (anyContentAdded && !contentCheckSkip && forceCategories?.length === 0) { console.log(); console.log(`${'If you don\'t want to receive content updates in the future, set')} ${color.yellow('skipContentCheck')} ${'to true in the config.yaml file.')}`); console.log(); } } catch (err) { console.log('Content check failed', err); } } /** * Gets combined content index from the content and scaffold directories. * @returns {ContentItem[]} Array of content index */ function getContentIndex() { const result = []; if (fs.existsSync(scaffoldIndexPath)) { const scaffoldIndexText = fs.readFileSync(scaffoldIndexPath, 'utf8'); const scaffoldIndex = JSON.parse(scaffoldIndexText); if (Array.isArray(scaffoldIndex)) { scaffoldIndex.forEach((item) => { item.folder = scaffoldDirectory; }); result.push(...scaffoldIndex); } } if (fs.existsSync(contentIndexPath)) { const contentIndexText = fs.readFileSync(contentIndexPath, 'utf8'); const contentIndex = JSON.parse(contentIndexText); if (Array.isArray(contentIndex)) { contentIndex.forEach((item) => { item.folder = contentDirectory; }); result.push(...contentIndex); } } return result; } /** * Gets the target directory for the specified asset type. * @param {ContentType} type Asset type * @param {import('../users').UserDirectoryList} directories User directories * @returns {string | null} Target directory */ function getTargetByType(type, directories) { switch (type) { case CONTENT_TYPES.SETTINGS: return directories.root; case CONTENT_TYPES.CHARACTER: return directories.characters; case CONTENT_TYPES.SPRITES: return directories.characters; case CONTENT_TYPES.BACKGROUND: return directories.backgrounds; case CONTENT_TYPES.WORLD: return directories.worlds; case CONTENT_TYPES.AVATAR: return directories.avatars; case CONTENT_TYPES.THEME: return directories.themes; case CONTENT_TYPES.WORKFLOW: return directories.comfyWorkflows; case CONTENT_TYPES.KOBOLD_PRESET: return directories.koboldAI_Settings; case CONTENT_TYPES.OPENAI_PRESET: return directories.openAI_Settings; case CONTENT_TYPES.NOVEL_PRESET: return directories.novelAI_Settings; case CONTENT_TYPES.TEXTGEN_PRESET: return directories.textGen_Settings; case CONTENT_TYPES.INSTRUCT: return directories.instruct; case CONTENT_TYPES.CONTEXT: return directories.context; case CONTENT_TYPES.MOVING_UI: return directories.movingUI; case CONTENT_TYPES.QUICK_REPLIES: return directories.quickreplies; default: return null; } } /** * Gets the content log from the content log file. * @param {string} contentLogPath Path to the content log file * @returns {string[]} Array of content log lines */ function getContentLog(contentLogPath) { if (!fs.existsSync(contentLogPath)) { return []; } const contentLogText = fs.readFileSync(contentLogPath, 'utf8'); return contentLogText.split('\n'); } async function downloadChubLorebook(id) { const result = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ 'fullPath': id, 'format': 'SILLYTAVERN', }), }); if (!result.ok) { const text = await result.text(); console.log('Chub returned error', result.statusText, text); throw new Error('Failed to download lorebook'); } const name = id.split('/').pop(); const buffer = await result.buffer(); const fileName = `${sanitize(name)}.json`; const fileType = result.headers.get('content-type'); return { buffer, fileName, fileType }; } async function downloadChubCharacter(id) { const result = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ 'format': 'tavern', 'fullPath': id, }), }); if (!result.ok) { const text = await result.text(); console.log('Chub returned error', result.statusText, text); throw new Error('Failed to download character'); } const buffer = await result.buffer(); const fileName = result.headers.get('content-disposition')?.split('filename=')[1] || `${sanitize(id)}.png`; const fileType = result.headers.get('content-type'); return { buffer, fileName, fileType }; } /** * Downloads a character card from the Pygsite. * @param {string} id UUID of the character * @returns {Promise<{buffer: Buffer, fileName: string, fileType: string}>} */ async function downloadPygmalionCharacter(id) { const result = await fetch(`${id}/v2`); if (!result.ok) { const text = await result.text(); console.log('Pygsite returned error', result.status, text); throw new Error('Failed to download character'); } const jsonData = await result.json(); const characterData = jsonData?.character; if (!characterData || typeof characterData !== 'object') { console.error('Pygsite returned invalid character data', jsonData); throw new Error('Failed to download character'); } try { const avatarUrl = characterData?.data?.avatar; if (!avatarUrl) { console.error('Pygsite character does not have an avatar', characterData); throw new Error('Failed to download avatar'); } const avatarResult = await fetch(avatarUrl); const avatarBuffer = await avatarResult.buffer(); const cardBuffer = characterCardParser.write(avatarBuffer, JSON.stringify(characterData)); return { buffer: cardBuffer, fileName: `${sanitize(id)}.png`, fileType: 'image/png', }; } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to download avatar, using JSON instead', e); return { buffer: Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(jsonData)), fileName: `${sanitize(id)}.json`, fileType: 'application/json', }; } } /** * * @param {String} str * @returns { { id: string, type: "character" | "lorebook" } | null } */ function parseChubUrl(str) { const splitStr = str.split('/'); const length = splitStr.length; if (length < 2) { return null; } let domainIndex = -1; splitStr.forEach((part, index) => { if (part === '' || part === '' || part === '' || part === '') { domainIndex = index; } }); const lastTwo = domainIndex !== -1 ? splitStr.slice(domainIndex + 1) : splitStr; const firstPart = lastTwo[0].toLowerCase(); if (firstPart === 'characters' || firstPart === 'lorebooks') { const type = firstPart === 'characters' ? 'character' : 'lorebook'; const id = type === 'character' ? lastTwo.slice(1).join('/') : lastTwo.join('/'); return { id: id, type: type, }; } else if (length === 2) { return { id: lastTwo.join('/'), type: 'character', }; } return null; } // Warning: Some characters might not exist in async function downloadJannyCharacter(uuid) { // This endpoint is being guarded behind Bot Fight Mode of Cloudflare // So hosted ST on Azure/AWS/GCP/Collab might get blocked by IP // Should work normally on self-host PC/Android const result = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ 'characterId': uuid, }), }); if (result.ok) { const downloadResult = await result.json(); if (downloadResult.status === 'ok') { const imageResult = await fetch(downloadResult.downloadUrl); const buffer = await imageResult.buffer(); const fileName = `${sanitize(uuid)}.png`; const fileType = imageResult.headers.get('content-type'); return { buffer, fileName, fileType }; } } console.log('Janny returned error', result.statusText, await result.text()); throw new Error('Failed to download character'); } //Download Character Cards from (AICC) API. async function downloadAICCCharacter(id) { const apiURL = `${id}`; try { const response = await fetch(apiURL); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Failed to download character: ${response.statusText}`); } const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type') || 'image/png'; // Default to 'image/png' if header is missing const buffer = await response.buffer(); const fileName = `${sanitize(id)}.png`; // Assuming PNG, but adjust based on actual content or headers return { buffer: buffer, fileName: fileName, fileType: contentType, }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error downloading character:', error); throw error; } } /** * Parses an aicharactercards URL to extract the path. * @param {string} url URL to parse * @returns {string | null} AICC path */ function parseAICC(url) { const pattern = /^https?:\/\/aicharactercards\.com\/character-cards\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)\/?$|([^/]+)\/([^/]+)$/; const match = url.match(pattern); if (match) { // Match group 1 & 2 for full URL, 3 & 4 for relative path return match[1] && match[2] ? `${match[1]}/${match[2]}` : `${match[3]}/${match[4]}`; } return null; } /** * Download character card from generic url. * @param {String} url */ async function downloadGenericPng(url) { try { const result = await fetch(url); if (result.ok) { const buffer = await result.buffer(); const fileName = sanitize(result.url.split('?')[0].split('/').reverse()[0]); const contentType = result.headers.get('content-type') || 'image/png'; //yoink it from AICC function lol return { buffer: buffer, fileName: fileName, fileType: contentType, }; } } catch (error) { console.error('Error downloading file: ', error); throw error; } return null; } /** * Parse Risu Realm URL to extract the UUID. * @param {string} url Risu Realm URL * @returns {string | null} UUID of the character */ function parseRisuUrl(url) { // Example: // or const pattern = /^https?:\/\/realm\.risuai\.net\/character\/([a-f0-9-]+)\/?$/i; const match = url.match(pattern); return match ? match[1] : null; } /** * Download RisuAI character card * @param {string} uuid UUID of the character * @returns {Promise<{buffer: Buffer, fileName: string, fileType: string}>} */ async function downloadRisuCharacter(uuid) { const result = await fetch(`${uuid}?non_commercial=true`); if (!result.ok) { const text = await result.text(); console.log('RisuAI returned error', result.statusText, text); throw new Error('Failed to download character'); } const buffer = await result.buffer(); const fileName = `${sanitize(uuid)}.png`; const fileType = 'image/png'; return { buffer, fileName, fileType }; } /** * @param {String} url * @returns {String | null } UUID of the character */ function getUuidFromUrl(url) { // Extract UUID from URL const uuidRegex = /[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}/; const matches = url.match(uuidRegex); // Check if UUID is found const uuid = matches ? matches[0] : null; return uuid; } /** * Filter to get the domain host of a url instead of a blanket string search. * @param {String} url URL to strip * @returns {String} Domain name */ function getHostFromUrl(url) { try { const urlObj = new URL(url); return urlObj.hostname; } catch { return ''; } } /** * Checks if host is part of generic download source whitelist. * @param {String} host Host to check * @returns {boolean} If the host is on the whitelist. */ function isHostWhitelisted(host) { return WHITELIST_GENERIC_URL_DOWNLOAD_SOURCES.includes(host); } const router = express.Router();'/importURL', jsonParser, async (request, response) => { if (!request.body.url) { return response.sendStatus(400); } try { const url = request.body.url; const host = getHostFromUrl(url); let result; let type; const isChub = host.includes('') || host.includes(''); const isJannnyContent = host.includes('janitorai'); const isPygmalionContent = host.includes(''); const isAICharacterCardsContent = host.includes(''); const isRisu = host.includes(''); const isGeneric = isHostWhitelisted(host); if (isPygmalionContent) { const uuid = getUuidFromUrl(url); if (!uuid) { return response.sendStatus(404); } type = 'character'; result = await downloadPygmalionCharacter(uuid); } else if (isJannnyContent) { const uuid = getUuidFromUrl(url); if (!uuid) { return response.sendStatus(404); } type = 'character'; result = await downloadJannyCharacter(uuid); } else if (isAICharacterCardsContent) { const AICCParsed = parseAICC(url); if (!AICCParsed) { return response.sendStatus(404); } type = 'character'; result = await downloadAICCCharacter(AICCParsed); } else if (isChub) { const chubParsed = parseChubUrl(url); type = chubParsed?.type; if (chubParsed?.type === 'character') { console.log('Downloading chub character:',; result = await downloadChubCharacter(; } else if (chubParsed?.type === 'lorebook') { console.log('Downloading chub lorebook:',; result = await downloadChubLorebook(; } else { return response.sendStatus(404); } } else if (isRisu) { const uuid = parseRisuUrl(url); if (!uuid) { return response.sendStatus(404); } type = 'character'; result = await downloadRisuCharacter(uuid); } else if (isGeneric) { console.log('Downloading from generic url.'); type = 'character'; result = await downloadGenericPng(url); } else { return response.sendStatus(404); } if (!result) { return response.sendStatus(404); } if (result.fileType) response.set('Content-Type', result.fileType); response.set('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename="${encodeURI(result.fileName)}"`); response.set('X-Custom-Content-Type', type); return response.send(result.buffer); } catch (error) { console.log('Importing custom content failed', error); return response.sendStatus(500); } });'/importUUID', jsonParser, async (request, response) => { if (!request.body.url) { return response.sendStatus(400); } try { const uuid = request.body.url; let result; const isJannny = uuid.includes('_character'); const isPygmalion = (!isJannny && uuid.length == 36); const isAICC = uuid.startsWith('AICC/'); const uuidType = uuid.includes('lorebook') ? 'lorebook' : 'character'; if (isPygmalion) { console.log('Downloading Pygmalion character:', uuid); result = await downloadPygmalionCharacter(uuid); } else if (isJannny) { console.log('Downloading Janitor character:', uuid.split('_')[0]); result = await downloadJannyCharacter(uuid.split('_')[0]); } else if (isAICC) { const [, author, card] = uuid.split('/'); console.log('Downloading AICC character:', `${author}/${card}`); result = await downloadAICCCharacter(`${author}/${card}`); } else { if (uuidType === 'character') { console.log('Downloading chub character:', uuid); result = await downloadChubCharacter(uuid); } else if (uuidType === 'lorebook') { console.log('Downloading chub lorebook:', uuid); result = await downloadChubLorebook(uuid); } else { return response.sendStatus(404); } } if (result.fileType) response.set('Content-Type', result.fileType); response.set('Content-Disposition', `attachment; filename="${result.fileName}"`); response.set('X-Custom-Content-Type', uuidType); return response.send(result.buffer); } catch (error) { console.log('Importing custom content failed', error); return response.sendStatus(500); } }); module.exports = { CONTENT_TYPES, checkForNewContent, getDefaultPresets, getDefaultPresetFile, router, };