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""" Command and Control """
import json
from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn, Union
from autogpt.agent.agent_manager import AgentManager
from autogpt.commands.analyze_code import analyze_code
from autogpt.commands.audio_text import read_audio_from_file
from autogpt.commands.execute_code import (
from autogpt.commands.file_operations import (
from autogpt.commands.git_operations import clone_repository
from autogpt.commands.google_search import google_official_search, google_search
from autogpt.commands.image_gen import generate_image
from autogpt.commands.improve_code import improve_code
from autogpt.commands.twitter import send_tweet
from autogpt.commands.web_requests import scrape_links, scrape_text
from autogpt.commands.web_selenium import browse_website
from autogpt.commands.write_tests import write_tests
from autogpt.config import Config
from autogpt.json_utils.json_fix_llm import fix_and_parse_json
from autogpt.memory import get_memory
from autogpt.processing.text import summarize_text
from autogpt.speech import say_text
CFG = Config()
AGENT_MANAGER = AgentManager()
def is_valid_int(value: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the value is a valid integer
value (str): The value to check
bool: True if the value is a valid integer, False otherwise
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def get_command(response_json: Dict):
"""Parse the response and return the command name and arguments
response_json (json): The response from the AI
tuple: The command name and arguments
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: If the response is not valid JSON
Exception: If any other error occurs
if "command" not in response_json:
return "Error:", "Missing 'command' object in JSON"
if not isinstance(response_json, dict):
return "Error:", f"'response_json' object is not dictionary {response_json}"
command = response_json["command"]
if not isinstance(command, dict):
return "Error:", "'command' object is not a dictionary"
if "name" not in command:
return "Error:", "Missing 'name' field in 'command' object"
command_name = command["name"]
# Use an empty dictionary if 'args' field is not present in 'command' object
arguments = command.get("args", {})
return command_name, arguments
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
return "Error:", "Invalid JSON"
# All other errors, return "Error: + error message"
except Exception as e:
return "Error:", str(e)
def map_command_synonyms(command_name: str):
"""Takes the original command name given by the AI, and checks if the
string matches a list of common/known hallucinations
synonyms = [
("write_file", "write_to_file"),
("create_file", "write_to_file"),
("search", "google"),
for seen_command, actual_command_name in synonyms:
if command_name == seen_command:
return actual_command_name
return command_name
def execute_command(command_name: str, arguments):
"""Execute the command and return the result
command_name (str): The name of the command to execute
arguments (dict): The arguments for the command
str: The result of the command
command_name = map_command_synonyms(command_name.lower())
if command_name == "google":
# Check if the Google API key is set and use the official search method
# If the API key is not set or has only whitespaces, use the unofficial
# search method
key = CFG.google_api_key
if key and key.strip() and key != "your-google-api-key":
google_result = google_official_search(arguments["input"])
return google_result
google_result = google_search(arguments["input"])
# google_result can be a list or a string depending on the search results
if isinstance(google_result, list):
safe_message = [
google_result_single.encode("utf-8", "ignore")
for google_result_single in google_result
safe_message = google_result.encode("utf-8", "ignore")
return safe_message.decode("utf-8")
elif command_name == "memory_add":
memory = get_memory(CFG)
return memory.add(arguments["string"])
elif command_name == "start_agent":
return start_agent(
arguments["name"], arguments["task"], arguments["prompt"]
elif command_name == "message_agent":
return message_agent(arguments["key"], arguments["message"])
elif command_name == "list_agents":
return list_agents()
elif command_name == "delete_agent":
return delete_agent(arguments["key"])
elif command_name == "get_text_summary":
return get_text_summary(arguments["url"], arguments["question"])
elif command_name == "get_hyperlinks":
return get_hyperlinks(arguments["url"])
elif command_name == "clone_repository":
return clone_repository(
arguments["repository_url"], arguments["clone_path"]
elif command_name == "read_file":
return read_file(arguments["file"])
elif command_name == "write_to_file":
return write_to_file(arguments["file"], arguments["text"])
elif command_name == "append_to_file":
return append_to_file(arguments["file"], arguments["text"])
elif command_name == "delete_file":
return delete_file(arguments["file"])
elif command_name == "search_files":
return search_files(arguments["directory"])
elif command_name == "download_file":
if not CFG.allow_downloads:
return "Error: You do not have user authorization to download files locally."
return download_file(arguments["url"], arguments["file"])
elif command_name == "browse_website":
return browse_website(arguments["url"], arguments["question"])
# TODO: Change these to take in a file rather than pasted code, if
# non-file is given, return instructions "Input should be a python
# filepath, write your code to file and try again"
elif command_name == "analyze_code":
return analyze_code(arguments["code"])
elif command_name == "improve_code":
return improve_code(arguments["suggestions"], arguments["code"])
elif command_name == "write_tests":
return write_tests(arguments["code"], arguments.get("focus"))
elif command_name == "execute_python_file": # Add this command
return execute_python_file(arguments["file"])
elif command_name == "execute_shell":
if CFG.execute_local_commands:
return execute_shell(arguments["command_line"])
return (
"You are not allowed to run local shell commands. To execute"
" shell commands, EXECUTE_LOCAL_COMMANDS must be set to 'True' "
"in your config. Do not attempt to bypass the restriction."
elif command_name == "execute_shell_popen":
if CFG.execute_local_commands:
return execute_shell_popen(arguments["command_line"])
return (
"You are not allowed to run local shell commands. To execute"
" shell commands, EXECUTE_LOCAL_COMMANDS must be set to 'True' "
"in your config. Do not attempt to bypass the restriction."
elif command_name == "read_audio_from_file":
return read_audio_from_file(arguments["file"])
elif command_name == "generate_image":
return generate_image(arguments["prompt"])
elif command_name == "send_tweet":
return send_tweet(arguments["text"])
elif command_name == "do_nothing":
return "No action performed."
elif command_name == "task_complete":
return (
f"Unknown command '{command_name}'. Please refer to the 'COMMANDS'"
" list for available commands and only respond in the specified JSON"
" format."
except Exception as e:
return f"Error: {str(e)}"
def get_text_summary(url: str, question: str) -> str:
"""Return the results of a Google search
url (str): The url to scrape
question (str): The question to summarize the text for
str: The summary of the text
text = scrape_text(url)
summary = summarize_text(url, text, question)
return f""" "Result" : {summary}"""
def get_hyperlinks(url: str) -> Union[str, List[str]]:
"""Return the results of a Google search
url (str): The url to scrape
str or list: The hyperlinks on the page
return scrape_links(url)
def shutdown() -> NoReturn:
"""Shut down the program"""
print("Shutting down...")
def start_agent(name: str, task: str, prompt: str, model=CFG.fast_llm_model) -> str:
"""Start an agent with a given name, task, and prompt
name (str): The name of the agent
task (str): The task of the agent
prompt (str): The prompt for the agent
model (str): The model to use for the agent
str: The response of the agent
# Remove underscores from name
voice_name = name.replace("_", " ")
first_message = f"""You are {name}. Respond with: "Acknowledged"."""
agent_intro = f"{voice_name} here, Reporting for duty!"
# Create agent
if CFG.speak_mode:
say_text(agent_intro, 1)
key, ack = AGENT_MANAGER.create_agent(task, first_message, model)
if CFG.speak_mode:
say_text(f"Hello {voice_name}. Your task is as follows. {task}.")
# Assign task (prompt), get response
agent_response = AGENT_MANAGER.message_agent(key, prompt)
return f"Agent {name} created with key {key}. First response: {agent_response}"
def message_agent(key: str, message: str) -> str:
"""Message an agent with a given key and message"""
# Check if the key is a valid integer
if is_valid_int(key):
agent_response = AGENT_MANAGER.message_agent(int(key), message)
return "Invalid key, must be an integer."
# Speak response
if CFG.speak_mode:
say_text(agent_response, 1)
return agent_response
def list_agents():
"""List all agents
str: A list of all agents
return "List of agents:\n" + "\n".join(
[str(x[0]) + ": " + x[1] for x in AGENT_MANAGER.list_agents()]
def delete_agent(key: str) -> str:
"""Delete an agent with a given key
key (str): The key of the agent to delete
str: A message indicating whether the agent was deleted or not
result = AGENT_MANAGER.delete_agent(key)
return f"Agent {key} deleted." if result else f"Agent {key} does not exist."