import gradio as gr from gradio_client import Client import json import re def get_caption(image_in): kosmos2_client = Client("") kosmos2_result = kosmos2_client.predict( image_in, # str (filepath or URL to image) in 'Test Image' Image component "Detailed", # str in 'Description Type' Radio component fn_index=4 ) print(f"KOSMOS2 RETURNS: {kosmos2_result}") with open(kosmos2_result[1], 'r') as f: data = json.load(f) reconstructed_sentence = [] for sublist in data: reconstructed_sentence.append(sublist[0]) full_sentence = ' '.join(reconstructed_sentence) #print(full_sentence) # Find the pattern matching the expected format ("Describe this image in detail:" followed by optional space and then the rest)... pattern = r'^Describe this image in detail:\s*(.*)$' # Apply the regex pattern to extract the description text. match =, full_sentence) if match: description = print(description) else: print("Unable to locate valid description.") # Find the last occurrence of "." #last_period_index = full_sentence.rfind('.') # Truncate the string up to the last period #truncated_caption = full_sentence[:last_period_index + 1] # print(truncated_caption) #print(f"\n—\nIMAGE CAPTION: {truncated_caption}") return description def get_magnet(prompt): amended_prompt = f"No Music. {prompt}" print(amended_prompt) client = Client("") result = client.predict( "facebook/audio-magnet-small", # Literal['facebook/magnet-small-10secs', 'facebook/magnet-medium-10secs', 'facebook/magnet-small-30secs', 'facebook/magnet-medium-30secs', 'facebook/audio-magnet-small', 'facebook/audio-magnet-medium'] in 'Model' Radio component "", # str in 'Model Path (custom models)' Textbox component amended_prompt, # str in 'Input Text' Textbox component 3, # float in 'Temperature' Number component 0.9, # float in 'Top-p' Number component 10, # float in 'Max CFG coefficient' Number component 1, # float in 'Min CFG coefficient' Number component 20, # float in 'Decoding Steps (stage 1)' Number component 10, # float in 'Decoding Steps (stage 2)' Number component 10, # float in 'Decoding Steps (stage 3)' Number component 10, # float in 'Decoding Steps (stage 4)' Number component "prod-stride1 (new!)", # Literal['max-nonoverlap', 'prod-stride1 (new!)'] in 'Span Scoring' Radio component api_name="/predict_full" ) print(result) return result[0]['video'] def get_audioldm(prompt): amended_prompt = f"No Music. {prompt}" print(amended_prompt) client = Client("") result = client.predict( amended_prompt, # str in 'Input text' Textbox component "Low quality. Music.", # str in 'Negative prompt' Textbox component 5, # int | float (numeric value between 5 and 15) in 'Duration (seconds)' Slider component 0, # int | float (numeric value between 0 and 7) in 'Guidance scale' Slider component 5, # int | float in 'Seed' Number component 1, # int | float (numeric value between 1 and 5) in 'Number waveforms to generate' Slider component fn_index=1 ) print(result) return result def infer(image_in): caption = get_caption(image_in) magnet_result = get_magnet(caption) audioldm_result = get_audioldm(caption) return magnet_result, audioldm_result with gr.Blocks() as demo: with gr.Column(): gr.HTML("""

Image to SFX

Compare MAGNet and AudioLDM2 sound effects generation from image caption (Kosmos2)

""") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): image_in = gr.Image(sources=["upload"], type="filepath", label="Image input") submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") with gr.Column(): magnet_o = gr.Video(label="MAGNet output") audioldm2_o = gr.Video(label="AudioLDM2 output") fn=infer, inputs=[image_in], outputs=[magnet_o, audioldm2_o] ) demo.queue(max_size=10).launch(debug=True)