<html lang="en"> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> | |
<title>Tiny Healer - RPG Healer Combat Game</title> | |
<style> | |
/* Basic body styling */ | |
body { | |
font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; | |
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margin: 0; | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #1e3c72, #2a5298); | |
color: #ffd100; | |
} | |
/* Main game container */ | |
#game-container { | |
width: 800px; | |
height: 600px; | |
border: none; | |
padding: 20px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9), rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.9)); | |
position: relative; | |
box-shadow: 0 0 30px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
border-radius: 15px; | |
display: none; /* Hidden by default, shown after Start is clicked */ | |
} | |
/* Welcome screen */ | |
#welcome-screen { | |
width: 800px; | |
height: 600px; | |
border: none; | |
padding: 20px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9), rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.9)); | |
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#welcome-screen h1 { | |
font-size: 48px; | |
margin-bottom: 20px; | |
} | |
#start-button { | |
font-size: 24px; | |
padding: 10px 20px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffd100, #ffb800); | |
color: #000; | |
border: none; | |
cursor: pointer; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
transition: all 0.3s ease; | |
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
} | |
#start-button:hover { | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffea00, #ffdd00); | |
} | |
/* Combat window containing allies and boss */ | |
#combat-window { | |
display: flex; | |
justify-content: space-between; | |
margin-bottom: 20px; | |
} | |
/* Allies section */ | |
#allies { | |
width: 45%; | |
} | |
/* Boss section */ | |
#boss { | |
width: 45%; | |
} | |
/* Health bar styling */ | |
.health-bar { | |
height: 30px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #232526, #414345); | |
margin-bottom: 10px; | |
position: relative; | |
cursor: pointer; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
overflow: hidden; | |
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
} | |
.health-bar::before { | |
content: ''; | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 0; | |
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height: 100%; | |
width: 100%; | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #32cd32, #228b22); | |
transition: width 0.3s ease; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
} | |
/* Selected ally health bar */ | |
.health-bar.selected::before { | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #00bfff, #1e90ff); | |
} | |
/* Dead ally health bar */ | |
.health-bar.dead::before { | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #696969, #808080); | |
} | |
/* Bleeding ally health bar */ | |
.health-bar.bleeding::before { | |
background-image: linear-gradient(45deg, #32cd32 25%, #ff4500 25%, #ff4500 50%, #32cd32 50%, #32cd32 75%, #ff4500 75%, #ff4500 100%); | |
background-size: 50px 50px; | |
animation: bleed-animation 1s linear infinite; | |
} | |
@keyframes bleed-animation { | |
0% { | |
background-position: 0 0; | |
} | |
100% { | |
background-position: 50px 0; | |
} | |
} | |
/* Health bar text */ | |
.health-bar-text { | |
position: absolute; | |
width: 100%; | |
text-align: center; | |
line-height: 30px; | |
z-index: 1; | |
text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); | |
color: #fff; | |
} | |
/* Boss health bar */ | |
#boss-health-bar { | |
height: 50px; | |
} | |
#boss-health-bar::before { | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #ff4500, #b22222); | |
} | |
/* Spell buttons container */ | |
#spell-buttons { | |
display: flex; | |
justify-content: space-between; | |
margin-bottom: 10px; | |
} | |
/* Individual spell button */ | |
.spell-button { | |
width: 18%; | |
height: 50px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4a4a4a, #2e2e2e); | |
border: 1px solid #ffd100; | |
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overflow: hidden; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
transition: all 0.3s ease; | |
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); | |
} | |
.spell-button:hover { | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #666, #444); | |
} | |
/* Disabled spell button */ | |
.spell-button:disabled { | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #333, #111); | |
border-color: #666; | |
color: #666; | |
cursor: not-allowed; | |
} | |
/* Cooldown progress bar on spell buttons */ | |
.cooldown-progress { | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 0; | |
right: 0; | |
height: 100%; | |
width: 0; | |
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); | |
transition: width 0.1s linear; | |
} | |
/* Mana bar container */ | |
#mana-bar { | |
width: 100%; | |
height: 20px; | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #141414, #282828); | |
position: relative; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
overflow: hidden; | |
box-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
} | |
/* Mana bar fill */ | |
#mana-bar-fill { | |
height: 100%; | |
width: 100%; | |
background: linear-gradient(to right, #1e90ff, #4169e1); | |
transition: width 0.5s; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
} | |
/* Mana text */ | |
#mana-text { | |
position: absolute; | |
width: 100%; | |
text-align: center; | |
line-height: 20px; | |
color: #fff; | |
text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); | |
} | |
/* Reset button */ | |
#reset-button { | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 50%; | |
left: 50%; | |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); | |
font-size: 24px; | |
padding: 10px 20px; | |
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display: none; | |
border-radius: 10px; | |
transition: all 0.3s ease; | |
box-shadow: 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); | |
} | |
#reset-button:hover { | |
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffea00, #ffdd00); | |
} | |
/* Game over and victory messages */ | |
#game-over, #victory { | |
position: absolute; | |
top: 40%; | |
left: 50%; | |
transform: translate(-50%, -50%); | |
font-size: 36px; | |
display: none; | |
text-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); | |
} | |
#game-over { | |
color: #ff4500; | |
} | |
#victory { | |
color: #32cd32; | |
} | |
/* Accordion styles */ | |
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</style> | |
</head> | |
<body> | |
<!-- Welcome screen --> | |
<div id="welcome-screen"> | |
<h1>Welcome to Tiny Healer</h1> | |
<button id="start-button">Start Game</button> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Main game container --> | |
<div id="game-container"> | |
<!-- Combat window containing allies and boss --> | |
<div id="combat-window"> | |
<!-- Allies section --> | |
<div id="allies"></div> | |
<!-- Boss section --> | |
<div id="boss"> | |
<!-- Boss health bar --> | |
<div id="boss-health-bar" class="health-bar"> | |
<div class="health-bar-text">Boss HP: 5000/5000</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Spell buttons container --> | |
<div id="spell-buttons"></div> | |
<!-- Mana bar --> | |
<div id="mana-bar"> | |
<div id="mana-bar-fill"></div> | |
<div id="mana-text">Mana: 100/100</div> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Game over message --> | |
<div id="game-over">GAME OVER</div> | |
<!-- Victory message --> | |
<div id="victory">VICTORY!</div> | |
<!-- Reset button --> | |
<button id="reset-button">RESET</button> | |
<!-- Spellbook Accordion --> | |
<button class="accordion">Spellbook</button> | |
<div class="panel"> | |
<div id="spellbook"></div> | |
</div> | |
<!-- Info Accordion --> | |
<button class="accordion">Info</button> | |
<div class="panel"> | |
<div id="info" class="markdown"> | |
<h1>Tiny Healer</h1> | |
<h2>TL;DR</h2> | |
<p>Tiny Healer is made with the gameplay loop of a healer in World of Warcraft in mind. Healing in a dungeon minus the game.</p> | |
<h2>Rules</h2> | |
<ul> | |
<li>You are a healer, you cannot die yourself.</li> | |
<li>Target your allies and cast spells to heal them (keybinds are 1-5).</li> | |
<li>Allies automatically attack the boss.</li> | |
<li>Game Over when all allies are dead.</li> | |
<li>Victory when the boss is dead.</li> | |
</ul> | |
<h2>Mechanics</h2> | |
<ul> | |
<li>The boss deals damage to a random ally every second.</li> | |
<li>The boss periodically applies a Bleed to a random ally.</li> | |
<li>You regenerate Mana passively.</li> | |
<li>The Global Cooldown is 1.5 sec.</li> | |
</ul> | |
<h2>Usage</h2> | |
<p>It's only a few hundred lines of Pygame! The idea is to have a structure to tweak/tune mechanics and create your own boss encounters.</p> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<script> | |
// Array to store ally objects | |
const allies = []; | |
// Boss object | |
let boss = { hp: 5000, maxHp: 5000 }; | |
// Currently selected ally | |
let selectedAlly = null; | |
// Global cooldown flag | |
let globalCooldown = false; | |
// Game active flag | |
let gameActive = true; | |
// Player's current mana | |
let playerMana = 100; | |
// Maximum mana | |
const maxMana = 100; | |
// Boss bleed ability cooldown | |
let bossBleedCooldown = 0; | |
// Spell definitions | |
const spells = [ | |
{ name: "Quick Heal", cooldown: 0, heal: 5, manaCost: 3, description: "A fast, low-cost heal that restores 5 HP." }, | |
{ name: "Strong Heal", cooldown: 15, heal: 30, manaCost: 5, description: "A powerful heal that restores 30 HP, but has a longer cooldown." }, | |
{ name: "Healing Stream", cooldown: 45, heal: 3, duration: 10, interval: 0.5, manaCost: 6, description: "Heals the target for 3 HP every 0.5 seconds for 10 seconds." }, | |
{ name: "Chain Heal", cooldown: 15, heal: 10, targets: 3, manaCost: 10, description: "Heals 3 random allies for 10 HP each." }, | |
{ name: "Team Heal", cooldown: 120, heal: 30, manaCost: 20, description: "Heals all allies for 30 HP, but has a very long cooldown." } | |
]; | |
// Function to create an ally object | |
function createAlly(id) { | |
const allyTypes = [ | |
{ type: "Tank", maxHp: 300 }, // First ally is a Tank | |
{ type: "Rogue", maxHp: 100 }, // Second ally is a Rogue | |
{ type: "Rogue", maxHp: 100 }, // Third ally is a Rogue | |
{ type: "Mage", maxHp: 100 }, // Fourth ally is a Mage | |
{ type: "Mage", maxHp: 100 }, // Fifth ally is a Mage | |
]; | |
const ally = allyTypes[id]; | |
return { id, type: ally.type, hp: ally.maxHp, maxHp: ally.maxHp, alive: true, bleeding: false }; | |
} | |
// Function to update health bars | |
function updateHealthBar(entity, barElement) { | |
const percentage = (entity.hp / entity.maxHp) * 100; | | = `${percentage}%`; | |
barElement.querySelector('.health-bar-text').textContent = `${entity.type} HP: ${entity.hp}/${entity.maxHp}`; | |
if (entity.hp <= 0) { | |
barElement.classList.add('dead'); | |
} | |
if (entity.bleeding) { | |
barElement.classList.add('bleeding'); | |
} else { | |
barElement.classList.remove('bleeding'); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to update the mana bar | |
function updateManaBar() { | |
const manaBarFill = document.getElementById('mana-bar-fill'); | |
const manaText = document.getElementById('mana-text'); | |
const percentage = (playerMana / maxMana) * 100; | | = `${percentage}%`; | |
manaText.textContent = `Mana: ${playerMana}/${maxMana}`; | |
} | |
// Function to create ally health bars | |
function createAllies() { | |
const alliesContainer = document.getElementById('allies'); | |
alliesContainer.innerHTML = ''; | |
allies.length = 0; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { | |
const ally = createAlly(i); | |
allies.push(ally); | |
const healthBar = document.createElement('div'); | |
healthBar.className = 'health-bar'; | |
healthBar.innerHTML = `<div class="health-bar-text">${ally.type} HP: ${ally.hp}/${ally.maxHp}</div>`; | |
healthBar.onclick = () => selectAlly(i); | |
alliesContainer.appendChild(healthBar); | |
updateHealthBar(ally, healthBar); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to select an ally | |
function selectAlly(index) { | |
if (!allies[index].alive) return; | |
const healthBars = document.querySelectorAll('#allies .health-bar'); | |
healthBars.forEach(bar => bar.classList.remove('selected')); | |
healthBars[index].classList.add('selected'); | |
selectedAlly = allies[index]; | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
} | |
// Function to create spell buttons | |
function createSpellButtons() { | |
const spellButtonsContainer = document.getElementById('spell-buttons'); | |
spellButtonsContainer.innerHTML = ''; | |
spells.forEach((spell, index) => { | |
const button = document.createElement('button'); | |
button.className = 'spell-button'; | |
button.innerHTML = `${}<br>(${spell.manaCost} Mana)<div class="cooldown-progress"></div>`; | |
button.onclick = () => castSpell(index); | |
button.disabled = true; | |
spellButtonsContainer.appendChild(button); | |
}); | |
} | |
// Function to update spell button states | |
function updateSpellButtons() { | |
const spellButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.spell-button'); | |
spellButtons.forEach((button, index) => { | |
button.disabled = !selectedAlly || !selectedAlly.alive || globalCooldown || button.classList.contains('on-cooldown') || !gameActive || playerMana < spells[index].manaCost; | |
}); | |
} | |
// Function to cast a spell | |
function castSpell(spellIndex) { | |
const spell = spells[spellIndex]; | |
if (selectedAlly && selectedAlly.alive && !globalCooldown && !document.querySelectorAll('.spell-button')[spellIndex].classList.contains('on-cooldown') && gameActive && playerMana >= spell.manaCost) { | |
playerMana -= spell.manaCost; | |
updateManaBar(); | |
switch (spellIndex) { | |
case 0: | |
case 1: | |
healAlly(selectedAlly, spell.heal); | |
break; | |
case 2: | |
startHealingStream(selectedAlly, spell); | |
break; | |
case 3: | |
chainHeal(spell); | |
break; | |
case 4: | |
teamHeal(spell); | |
break; | |
} | |
startSpellCooldown(spellIndex); | |
startGlobalCooldown(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to heal an ally | |
function healAlly(ally, amount) { | |
if (ally.alive) { | |
ally.hp = Math.min(ally.hp + amount, ally.maxHp); | |
updateHealthBar(ally, document.querySelectorAll('.health-bar')[]); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to start a healing stream | |
function startHealingStream(ally, spell) { | |
let ticks = spell.duration / spell.interval; | |
function tick() { | |
if (ticks > 0 && ally.alive && gameActive) { | |
healAlly(ally, spell.heal); | |
ticks--; | |
setTimeout(tick, spell.interval * 1000); | |
} | |
} | |
tick(); | |
} | |
// Function to perform chain heal | |
function chainHeal(spell) { | |
const livingAllies = allies.filter(ally => ally.alive); | |
const targets = livingAllies.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random()).slice(0, spell.targets); | |
targets.forEach(ally => healAlly(ally, spell.heal)); | |
} | |
// Function to heal all allies | |
function teamHeal(spell) { | |
allies.forEach(ally => healAlly(ally, spell.heal)); | |
} | |
// Function to start spell cooldown | |
function startSpellCooldown(spellIndex) { | |
const button = document.querySelectorAll('.spell-button')[spellIndex]; | |
const progressBar = button.querySelector('.cooldown-progress'); | |
button.classList.add('on-cooldown'); | | = 'width 0.1s linear'; | | = '100%'; | |
setTimeout(() => { | | = `width ${spells[spellIndex].cooldown}s linear`; | | = '0'; | |
}, 100); | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
button.classList.remove('on-cooldown'); | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
}, spells[spellIndex].cooldown * 1000); | |
} | |
// Function to start global cooldown | |
function startGlobalCooldown() { | |
globalCooldown = true; | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
globalCooldown = false; | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
}, 750); // GCD is 0.75 seconds | |
} | |
// Function for boss to damage allies | |
function bossDamage() { | |
if (!gameActive) return; | |
const damageAmount = 5; | |
const livingAllies = allies.filter(ally => ally.alive); | |
if (livingAllies.length === 0) { | |
endGame(); | |
return; | |
} | |
const targetAlly = livingAllies[Math.floor(Math.random() * livingAllies.length)]; | |
targetAlly.hp = Math.max(targetAlly.hp - damageAmount, 0); | |
if (targetAlly.hp === 0) { | |
targetAlly.alive = false; | |
} | |
updateHealthBar(targetAlly, document.querySelectorAll('.health-bar')[]); | |
if (allies.every(ally => !ally.alive)) { | |
endGame(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function for boss bleed ability | |
function bossBleedAbility() { | |
if (!gameActive) return; | |
bossBleedCooldown--; | |
if (bossBleedCooldown <= 0) { | |
const livingAllies = allies.filter(ally => ally.alive); | |
if (livingAllies.length > 0) { | |
const targetAlly = livingAllies[Math.floor(Math.random() * livingAllies.length)]; | |
targetAlly.bleeding = true; | |
updateHealthBar(targetAlly, document.querySelectorAll('.health-bar')[]); | |
let bleedTicks = 4; | |
function bleedTick() { | |
if (bleedTicks > 0 && targetAlly.alive && gameActive) { | |
targetAlly.hp = Math.max(targetAlly.hp - 10, 0); | |
updateHealthBar(targetAlly, document.querySelectorAll('.health-bar')[]); | |
bleedTicks--; | |
if (bleedTicks === 0) { | |
targetAlly.bleeding = false; | |
updateHealthBar(targetAlly, document.querySelectorAll('.health-bar')[]); | |
} else { | |
setTimeout(bleedTick, 1000); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
bleedTick(); | |
} | |
bossBleedCooldown = 15; | |
} | |
} | |
// Function for allies to attack boss | |
function alliesAttack() { | |
if (!gameActive) return; | |
const damagePerAlly = 5; | |
const livingAllies = allies.filter(ally => ally.alive); | |
const totalDamage = livingAllies.length * damagePerAlly; | |
boss.hp = Math.max(boss.hp - totalDamage, 0); | |
updateHealthBar(boss, document.getElementById('boss-health-bar')); | |
if (boss.hp <= 0) { | |
victory(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to regenerate mana | |
function regenerateMana() { | |
if (gameActive && playerMana < maxMana) { | |
playerMana = Math.min(playerMana + 1, maxMana); | |
updateManaBar(); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to end the game (loss) | |
function endGame() { | |
gameActive = false; | |
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = 'block'; | |
document.getElementById('reset-button').style.display = 'block'; | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
} | |
// Function to end the game (victory) | |
function victory() { | |
gameActive = false; | |
document.getElementById('victory').style.display = 'block'; | |
document.getElementById('reset-button').style.display = 'block'; | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
} | |
// Function to reset the game and return to the welcome screen | |
function resetGame() { | |
document.getElementById('game-container').style.display = 'none'; | |
document.getElementById('welcome-screen').style.display = 'flex'; | |
gameActive = true; | |
document.getElementById('game-over').style.display = 'none'; | |
document.getElementById('victory').style.display = 'none'; | |
document.getElementById('reset-button').style.display = 'none'; | |
createAllies(); | |
createSpellButtons(); | |
boss = { hp: 5000, maxHp: 5000 }; | |
updateHealthBar(boss, document.getElementById('boss-health-bar')); | |
selectedAlly = null; | |
globalCooldown = false; | |
playerMana = maxMana; | |
bossBleedCooldown = 15; | |
updateManaBar(); | |
updateSpellButtons(); | |
} | |
// Main game loop | |
function gameLoop() { | |
if (gameActive) { | |
bossDamage(); | |
bossBleedAbility(); | |
alliesAttack(); | |
setTimeout(gameLoop, 1000); | |
} | |
} | |
// Function to populate the spellbook | |
function populateSpellbook() { | |
const spellbookContainer = document.getElementById('spellbook'); | |
spellbookContainer.innerHTML = ''; | |
spells.forEach(spell => { | |
const spellInfo = document.createElement('div'); | |
spellInfo.innerHTML = `<h3>${}</h3> | |
<p>${spell.description}</p> | |
<p>Mana Cost: ${spell.manaCost}</p> | |
<p>Cooldown: ${spell.cooldown} seconds</p>`; | |
spellbookContainer.appendChild(spellInfo); | |
}); | |
} | |
// Set up mana regeneration interval | |
setInterval(regenerateMana, 2000); | |
// Event listener for keyboard input | |
document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { | |
const key = event.key; | |
if (key >= '1' && key <= '5') { | |
castSpell(parseInt(key) - 1); | |
} | |
}); | |
// Event listener for reset button | |
document.getElementById('reset-button').addEventListener('click', resetGame); | |
// Event listener for start button | |
document.getElementById('start-button').addEventListener('click', () => { | |
document.getElementById('welcome-screen').style.display = 'none'; | |
document.getElementById('game-container').style.display = 'block'; | |
gameLoop(); // Start the game loop | |
}); | |
// Event listeners for accordions | |
const accordions = document.getElementsByClassName("accordion"); | |
for (let i = 0; i < accordions.length; i++) { | |
accordions[i].addEventListener("click", function() { | |
this.classList.toggle("active"); | |
const panel = this.nextElementSibling; | |
if ( { | | = null; | |
} else { | | = panel.scrollHeight + "px"; | |
} | |
}); | |
} | |
// Initial game setup | |
createAllies(); | |
createSpellButtons(); | |
updateHealthBar(boss, document.getElementById('boss-health-bar')); | |
updateManaBar(); | |
populateSpellbook(); | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |