import leafmap import solara import ipywidgets as widgets import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd zoom = solara.reactive(2) center = solara.reactive((20, 0)) def get_datasets(m): url = '' df = pd.read_csv(url, sep='\t') setattr(m, 'df', df) return df def add_widget(m, position="topright"): building_url = "" country_url = ( "" ) building_gdf = gpd.read_file(building_url) country_gdf = gpd.read_file(country_url) countries = country_gdf["NAME"].values.tolist() countries.sort() style = {"description_width": "initial"} padding = "0px 0px 0px 5px" country = widgets.Dropdown( options=countries, description="Country:", style=style, layout=widgets.Layout(padding=padding, width="275px"), ) country.value = None m.add_gdf(building_gdf, layer_name="Coverage", zoom_to_layer=True, info_mode=None) def country_changed(change): if change["new"]: selected = change["new"] selected_gdf = country_gdf[country_gdf["NAME"] == selected] gdf_style = { "color": "#000000", "weight": 2, "opacity": 1, "fill": False, "fillColor": "#3388ff", } if selected not in m.get_layer_names(): m.add_gdf( selected_gdf, layer_name=selected, zoom_to_layer=True, info_mode=None, style=gdf_style, ) country.observe(country_changed, names="value") m.add_ee_layer('GOOGLE/open-buildings', name='Buildings') m.add_widget(country, position=position) html = "Source: Google Open Buildings" m.add_html(html, position='bottomright') class Map(leafmap.Map): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # Add what you want below self.add_basemap("SATELLITE", shown=False) self.find_layer("Google Satellite").visible = False self.add_layer_manager() add_widget(self) @solara.component def Page(): with solara.Column(style={"min-width": "500px"}): # solara components support reactive variables # solara.SliderInt(label="Zoom level", value=zoom, min=1, max=20) # using 3rd party widget library require wiring up the events manually # using zoom.value and zoom.set Map.element( # type: ignore zoom=zoom.value, on_zoom=zoom.set, center=center.value, on_center=center.set, scroll_wheel_zoom=True, toolbar_ctrl=False, data_ctrl=False, height="780px", ) solara.Text(f"Zoom: {zoom.value}") solara.Text(f"Center: {center.value}")