import os # import sys import importlib import re from typing import Dict, Any, List from datetime import datetime from opentools.engine.openai import ChatOpenAI from opentools.models.formatters import ToolCommand import signal from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional class TimeoutError(Exception): pass def timeout_handler(signum, frame): raise TimeoutError("Function execution timed out") class Executor: def __init__(self, llm_engine_name: str, root_cache_dir: str = "solver_cache", num_threads: int = 1, max_time: int = 120, max_output_length: int = 100000, enable_signal: bool = True, api_key: str = None): self.llm_engine_name = llm_engine_name self.root_cache_dir = root_cache_dir self.num_threads = num_threads self.max_time = max_time self.max_output_length = max_output_length self.enable_signal = enable_signal self.api_key = api_key def set_query_cache_dir(self, query_cache_dir): if query_cache_dir: self.query_cache_dir = query_cache_dir else: timestamp ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") self.query_cache_dir = os.path.join(self.root_cache_dir, timestamp) os.makedirs(self.query_cache_dir, exist_ok=True) def generate_tool_command(self, question: str, image: str, context: str, sub_goal: str, tool_name: str, tool_metadata: Dict[str, Any], bytes_mode:bool = False) -> ToolCommand: prompt_generate_tool_command = f""" Task: Generate a precise command to execute the selected tool based on the given information. Query: {question} Image: {image if not bytes_mode else 'image.jpg'} Context: {context} Sub-Goal: {sub_goal} Selected Tool: {tool_name} Tool Metadata: {tool_metadata} Instructions: 1. Carefully review all provided information: the query, image path, context, sub-goal, selected tool, and tool metadata. 2. Analyze the tool's input_types from the metadata to understand required and optional parameters. 3. Construct a command or series of commands that aligns with the tool's usage pattern and addresses the sub-goal. 4. Ensure all required parameters are included and properly formatted. 5. Use appropriate values for parameters based on the given context, particularly the `Context` field which may contain relevant information from previous steps. 6. If multiple steps are needed to prepare data for the tool, include them in the command construction. Output Format: : a step-by-step analysis of the context, sub-goal, and selected tool to guide the command construction. : a detailed explanation of the constructed command(s) and their parameters. : the Python code to execute the tool, which can be one of the following types: a. A single line command with `execution = tool.execute()`. b. A multi-line command with complex data preparation, ending with `execution = tool.execute()`. c. Multiple lines of `execution = tool.execute()` calls for processing multiple items. ```python ``` Rules: 1. The command MUST be valid Python code and include at least one call to `tool.execute()`. 2. Each `tool.execute()` call MUST be assigned to the 'execution' variable in the format `execution = tool.execute(...)`. 3. For multiple executions, use separate `execution = tool.execute()` calls for each execution. 4. The final output MUST be assigned to the 'execution' variable, either directly from `tool.execute()` or as a processed form of multiple executions. 5. Use the exact parameter names as specified in the tool's input_types. 6. Enclose string values in quotes, use appropriate data types for other values (e.g., lists, numbers). 7. Do not include any code or text that is not part of the actual command. 8. Ensure the command directly addresses the sub-goal and query. 9. Include ALL required parameters, data, and paths to execute the tool in the command itself. 10. If preparation steps are needed, include them as separate Python statements before the `tool.execute()` calls. Examples (Not to use directly unless relevant): Example 1 (Single line command): : The tool requires an image path and a list of labels for object detection. : We pass the image path and a list containing "baseball" as the label to detect. : ```python execution = tool.execute(image="path/to/image", labels=["baseball"]) ``` Example 2 (Multi-line command with data preparation): : The tool requires an image path, multiple labels, and a threshold for object detection. : We prepare the data by defining variables for the image path, labels, and threshold, then pass these to the tool.execute() function. : ```python image = "path/to/image" labels = ["baseball", "football", "basketball"] threshold = 0.5 execution = tool.execute(image=image, labels=labels, threshold=threshold) ``` Example 3 (Multiple executions): : We need to process multiple images for baseball detection. : We call the tool for each image path, using the same label and threshold for all. : ```python execution = tool.execute(image="path/to/image1", labels=["baseball"], threshold=0.5) execution = tool.execute(image="path/to/image2", labels=["baseball"], threshold=0.5) execution = tool.execute(image="path/to/image3", labels=["baseball"], threshold=0.5) ``` Some Wrong Examples: : ```python execution1 = tool.execute(query="...") execution2 = tool.execute(query="...") ``` Reason: only `execution = tool.execute` is allowed, not `execution1` or `execution2`. : ```python urls = [ "", "" ] execution = tool.execute(url=urls[0]) execution = tool.execute(url=urls[1]) ``` Reason: The command should process multiple items in a single execution, not separate executions for each item. Remember: Your field MUST be valid Python code including any necessary data preparation steps and one or more `execution = tool.execute(` calls, without any additional explanatory text. The format `execution = tool.execute` must be strictly followed, and the last line must begin with `execution = tool.execute` to capture the final output. """ llm_generate_tool_command = ChatOpenAI(model_string=self.llm_engine_name, is_multimodal=False, api_key=self.api_key) tool_command = llm_generate_tool_command(prompt_generate_tool_command, response_format=ToolCommand) return tool_command # def extract_explanation_and_command(self, text: str) -> tuple: # # Extract explanation # explanation_pattern = r"Command Explanation:(.*?)Generated Command:" # explanation_match =, text, re.DOTALL) # explanation = if explanation_match else "No explanation found." # # Extract command # command_pattern = r"Generated Command:.*?```python\n(.*?)```" # command_match =, text, re.DOTALL) # command = if command_match else "No command found." def extract_explanation_and_command(self, response: ToolCommand) -> tuple: def normarlize_code(code: str) -> str: # Remove leading and trailing whitespace and triple backticks return re.sub(r'^```python\s*', '', code).rstrip('```').strip() explanation = response.explanation.strip() command = normarlize_code(response.command.strip()) return explanation, command def execute_tool_command(self, tool_name: str, command: str) -> Any: """ Execute a tool command with timeout protection. If execution exceeds max_time seconds, the function will be interrupted and return a timeout message. Args: tool_name (str): Name of the tool to execute command (str): Command string containing tool.execute() calls Returns: Any: List of execution results or error message """ def split_commands(command: str) -> List[str]: # Use regex to find all tool.execute() commands and their surrounding code pattern = r'.*?execution\s*=\s*tool\.execute\([^\n]*\)\s*(?:\n|$)' blocks = re.findall(pattern, command, re.DOTALL) return [block.strip() for block in blocks if block.strip()] def execute_with_timeout(block: str, local_context: dict) -> Optional[str]: if self.enable_signal: # Set up the timeout handler signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler) signal.alarm(self.max_time) try: # Execute the block in the local context exec(block, globals(), local_context) result = local_context.get('execution') if self.enable_signal: signal.alarm(0) # Disable the alarm return result except TimeoutError: return f"Execution timed out after {self.max_time} seconds" finally: if self.enable_signal: signal.alarm(0) # Ensure alarm is disabled even if other exceptions occur # Import the tool module and instantiate it module_name = f"tools.{tool_name.lower().replace('_tool', '')}.tool" # print(f"Attempting to import module: {module_name}") # print(f"Current sys.path: {sys.path}") try: # Dynamically import the module module = importlib.import_module(module_name) # Get the tool class tool_class = getattr(module, tool_name) # Check if the tool requires an LLM engine # NOTE FIXME may need to refine and to handle this better inputs = {} if getattr(tool_class, 'require_llm_engine', False): # Instantiate the tool with the model_string inputs['model_string'] = self.llm_engine_name if getattr(tool_class, 'require_api_key', False): # Instantiate the tool with the api_key inputs['api_key'] = self.api_key tool = tool_class(**inputs) # Set the custom output directory # NOTE FIXME: May have a better way to handle this tool.set_custom_output_dir(self.query_cache_dir) # Split the command into blocks, execute each one and store execution results command_blocks = split_commands(command) executions = [] for block in command_blocks: # Create a local context to safely execute the block local_context = {'tool': tool} # Execute the block with timeout protection result = execute_with_timeout(block, local_context) if result is not None: executions.append(result) else: executions.append(f"No execution captured from block: {block}") # Return all the execution results return executions except Exception as e: return f"Error in execute_tool_command: {str(e)}"