import re, requests | |
from datetime import datetime, timezone | |
class getJSESSIONID: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0"} | |
self.JSESSIONID = None | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.sess = requests.Session() | |
def getCookie(self): | |
self.rq = self.sess.get("", headers=self.headers) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
self.JSESSIONID = self.repH.get("Set-Cookie") | |
return self.JSESSIONID | |
s = getJSESSIONID() | |
class getXHR1: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID, "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = "7|0|7||65782F4BD6A979FD5D493428851A7CD3|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.ConfigurationServiceProxy|method1getInitialConfiguration|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|fr|1|2|3|4|2|5|6|ZQrtw$m|7|" | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n") | |
class getXHR4: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID, "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = "7|0|9||1DB505FD9B7EA449BBDD73013628438C|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.WebClientServiceProxy|method1login|J|||lecteur1||1|2|3|4|2|5|6|ZQrwXtk|7|0|0|0|0|0|8|9|-1|0|0|" | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
class getXHR5: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID, "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = "7|0|5||1DB505FD9B7EA449BBDD73013628438C|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.WebClientServiceProxy|method4getProjectList|J|1|2|3|4|1|5|ZQrwXtk|" | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
d2d2 = {} | |
ch = self.repT.split('{"')[1:] | |
for e in ch: | |
n, a = e.split('""')[:2] | |
d2d2[a] = n | |
return d2d2 | |
class getXHR7: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str, idAnnee: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID, "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.idAnnee = idAnnee | |
self.reqT = f"7|0|7||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method13loadProject|J|I|Z|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|{self.idAnnee}|1|" | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
class getXHRAmphis: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"795""true""2""-1""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""01-Amphis""false""false""01-Enseignement.01-Amphis""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
amphisLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
#print(amphisLst) | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in amphisLst: | |
#print(">>", ae.split('\\"\\"')) | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHREnseignRooms: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC"}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"-3""true""0""-1""2""2""0""false"[1]{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""Salles""false""false""""classroom""3""0"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
amphisLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
#print(amphisLst) | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in amphisLst: | |
#print(">>", ae.split('\\"\\"')) | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo16: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:791"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"175""true""3""-1""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 16""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 16""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo28: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"3352""true""3""19""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 28""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 28""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo30: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"2271""true""3""9""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 30""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 30""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo32: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"2700""true""3""5""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 32""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 32""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo40: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" # ZQrwXtk | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"5819""true""3""1""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 40""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 40""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo48: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" # ZQrwXtk | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"184""true""3""3""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 48""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 48""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo52: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" # ZQrwXtk | |
self.reqT = '7|0|12||A0AD6035033F296E20376B66C2082700|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningPlanningServiceProxy|method8getTimetable|J||I|Z|java.util.List|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760|java.lang.Integer/3438268394|Cumul|1|2|3|4|6|5|6|7|7|8|9|ZQrwXtk|6|10|7|11|0|11|1|11|2|11|3|11|4|11|5|11|6|25|12|0|10|1|11|184|10|1|11|22|1235|197|1|10|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideo72: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" # ZQrwXtk | |
self.reqT = '7|0|20||BB468225DBC62C7786D92BE512B62089|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningServiceProxy|method4getChildren|J|java.lang.String/2004016611|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.ui.tree.TreeResourceConfig/2234901663|{"3357""true""3""8""0""0""0""false"[2]{"ColorField""COLOR""LabelColor""255,255,255""false""false"{"StringField""NAME""LabelName""vidéo capacité 72""false""false""01-Enseignement.03-Vidéo.vidéo capacité 72""classroom""3""2"[0]|[I/2970817851|java.util.LinkedHashMap/3008245022|COLOR|com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.OutputField/870745015|LabelColor||com.adesoft.gwt.core.client.rpc.config.FieldType/3992110146|NAME|LabelName|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760||com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|8|7|0|9|2|-1|-1|10|0|2|6|11|12|0|13|11|14|15|11|0|0|6|16|12|0|17|16|14|15|4|0|0|18|0|18|0|19|20|1|16|18|0|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
roomsLst = self.repT.replace("]{\\\"Color", "Color").split("]{\\\"")[1:] | |
lst = [] | |
for ae in roomsLst: | |
lst.append({ae.split('\\"\\"')[18]: ae.split('\\"\\"')[0]}) | |
return lst | |
class getXHRVideoNSelect01: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str, roomId: str, week: int, numPeriod: int): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = f'7|0|12||A0AD6035033F296E20376B66C2082700|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningPlanningServiceProxy|method5getLegends|J|||java.util.ArrayList/4159755760|java.lang.Integer/3438268394|Cumul|com.extjs.gxt.ui.client.Style$SortDir/640452531|NAME|1|2|3|4|3|5|6|7|ZQrwXtk|6|8|7|9|0|9|1|9|2|9|3|9|4|9|5|9|6|25|10|0|8|1|9|{roomId}|8|1|9|{week}|7|11|1|{numPeriod}|' | |
def post(self): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
#print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
class getXHRVideoNSelect03: | |
def __init__(self, JSESSIONID: str, roomId: str, week: int, numPeriod: int): | |
self.headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:133.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/133.0", "Cookie": JSESSIONID + """Direct Planning Tree '{"state":{"sortField":"s:NAME", "sortDir":"s:ASC", "expanded":["s:-3","s:49","s:2271"]}}'""", "X-GWT-Module-Base": "", "X-GWT-Permutation": "84978C43E1DD9746A3991E03E83BCE38", "Content-Type": "text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8"} | |
self.rq = None | |
self.repH = {} | |
self.repT = "" | |
self.reqT = f'7|0|12||A0AD6035033F296E20376B66C2082700|com.adesoft.gwt.directplan.client.rpc.DirectPlanningPlanningServiceProxy|method8getTimetable|J||I|Z|java.util.List|java.util.ArrayList/4159755760|java.lang.Integer/3438268394|Cumul|1|2|3|4|6|5|6|7|7|8|9|ZQrwXtk|6|10|7|11|0|11|1|11|2|11|3|11|4|11|5|11|6|25|{numPeriod}|0|10|1|11|{roomId}|10|1|11|{week}|1235|185|1|10|0|' # | |
def ProcessDay(tab: list): | |
lst = [] | |
indDays = [] | |
for i in range(len(tab) - 1): | |
e = tab[i] | |
if (175 <= e <= 178) and e != tab[i+1] < 140: | |
co = tab[i-2:i+3] | |
lst.append(co) | |
indDay = co[1] // 176 | |
indDays.append(indDay) | |
lst.reverse() | |
indDays.reverse() | |
return indDays | |
def ProcessWhereAreBusy(aaa: str, roomName: str): | |
def getTheDayOfWeek(): | |
dtn = | |
dtn = datetime(dtn.year, dtn.month,, 0, 0, 0, 0) | |
dt1 = datetime(2024, 12, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0) | |
return ((dtn - dt1).days) % 7 | |
dictInfos = {"capacity": {"0110": 116, "0160": 116, "0210": 156, "0260": 156}} | |
roomNum = "/" | |
capacity = -1 | |
if roomName.count(".") >= 2: | |
roomNum = roomName.split(".")[-1] | |
if "Amphis" in roomName: | |
capacity = dictInfos["capacity"].get(roomNum) | |
else: | |
try: | |
capacity = int(roomName.split(".")[-2].split(" ")[-1]) | |
except: | |
capacity = -1 | |
t = [int(x) for x in aaa.split("//OK[")[1].split(",[")[0].split(",")] | |
lst = [] | |
cons = 2 | |
daysTab = ["Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi", "Dimanche"] | |
dictRoom = {roomNum: {"capacity": capacity, "busy": [], "date": ""}} | |
for i in range(len(t) - 1): | |
e = t[i] | |
if (174 <= e <= 178) and e != t[i+1] < 140: | |
co = t[i-2:i+4] | |
indDay = co[1] // 176 | |
if indDay == getTheDayOfWeek(): | |
dictRoom[roomNum]["date"] = daysTab[indDay] +" %d/%m/%Y") | |
dateStart = datetime.fromtimestamp(((co[0] / 12.75 + 7.5) + 0.02) * 3600, timezone.utc).strftime("%Hh%M")[:-1] + "0" | |
dateEnd = datetime.fromtimestamp(((co[0] / 12.75 + 7.5 + co[3] / 12.75)) * 3600, timezone.utc).strftime("%Hh%M")[:-1] + "0" | |
dateStart = dateStart.replace("h20", "h30") | |
dateEnd = dateEnd.replace("h20", "h30") | |
if "50" in dateStart: | |
h, m = dateStart.split("h") | |
dateStart = str(int(h) + 1) + "h00" | |
if "50" in dateEnd: | |
h, m = dateEnd.split("h") | |
dateEnd = str(int(h) + 1) + "h00" | |
lst.append(daysTab[indDay] +" %d/%m/%Y room: ") + roomNum + " (capacity: " + str(capacity) + ") " + dateStart + " -> " + dateEnd) | |
hS, mS = dateStart.split("h") | |
hE, mE = dateEnd.split("h") | |
dictRoom[roomNum]["busy"].append([(int(hS), int(mS)), (int(hE), int(mE))]) | |
lst.reverse() | |
#print(roomNum, capacity, lst) | |
busy = dictRoom[roomNum]["busy"] | |
busy.sort() | |
dictRoom[roomNum]["busy"] = busy | |
try: | |
boardKinds = {0: "craie", 1: "blanc", 2: "mixte", None: "/"} | |
dictBoard = {'0110': 0, '0160': 0, '0210': 0, '0260': 0, '2108': 1, '2101': 1, '2102': 1, '2103': 1, '2104': 1, '2107': 1, '0112': 1, '0113': 1, '0114': 1, '0115': 1, '1305': 0, '1307': 0, '1401': 0, '1403': 0, '1405': 0, '1407': 0, '2205': 0, '2207': 0, '2209': 0, '3051': 2, '3053': 2, '3107': 1, '3201': 0, '3205': 0, '3305': 0, '0163': 1, '0164': 1, '0165': 1, '1103': 1, '1105': 1, '4401': 0, '4403': 0, '5405': 1, '1309': 0, '1409': 1, '3101': 1, '3103': 2, '3105': 2, '1456': 1, '1051': 0, '1452': 1, '1201+': 1, '1301+': 1, '2001+': 1, '2201+': 1, '3207+': 2, '3307+': 2, '4201+': 0, '4307+': 0} | |
dictRoom[roomNum]["board"] = boardKinds[dictBoard.get(roomNum)] | |
except: | |
pass | |
return dictRoom#lst | |
return {roomNum: {"capacity": capacity, "busy": -1, "date": "/"}} | |
def ProcessSubjects(aaa: str): | |
sv = aaa.split(",[")[1].split(",")[5:-2] | |
lst = [] | |
mustCreate = True | |
for i in range(len(sv)): | |
if mustCreate: | |
lst.append("") | |
mustCreate = False | |
a ='\b(1[0-2]|0?[1-9])h[0-5][0-9]\b', sv[i]) | |
if a != None: | |
mustCreate = True | |
lst[-1] += sv[i].replace('"', '') + "\n" | |
return lst | |
def post(self, roomName: str): | |
self.rq ="", headers=self.headers, data=self.reqT) | |
self.repH, self.repT = (self.rq.headers, self.rq.text) | |
# print(self.repH, "\n\n\n\n", self.repT) | |
return self.ProcessWhereAreBusy(self.repT, roomName) | |
def getTheCurrentWeek(): | |
weekN =[1] | |
normalWeek = weekN + 18 | |
if normalWeek >= 52: | |
normalWeek -= 59 | |
return normalWeek | |
class AdeRequest: | |
def __init__(self): | |
self.dictRooms = None | |
self.yWeek = getTheCurrentWeek() | |
self.numPeriod = 12 | |
dt = | |
if dt.month >= 9: | |
self.numPeriod = (dt.year - 2024) + 12 | |
else: | |
self.numPeriod = (dt.year - 2025) + 12 | |
def getRoomsInfos(self): | |
s = getJSESSIONID() | |
cookie = s.getCookie() | |
print(cookie) | |
cookie = cookie.replace(" Path=/direct; Secure", "") | |
x1 = getXHR1(cookie) | | | |
x4 = getXHR4(cookie) | | | |
x5 = getXHR5(cookie) | |
d2d2 = | |
num = self.numPeriod #input(str(d2d2) + "\n>>> Choose one Period with index (ex: 2024-2025: 12) >/ ") | |
x7 = getXHR7(cookie, num) | | | |
yWeek = self.yWeek # int(input("Numero de semaine (ex: semaine du 20 janvier au 26 -> 4) >/ ")) | |
dictRooms = {} | |
xAmphis = getXHRAmphis(cookie) | |
lstAmphis = | |
for e in lstAmphis: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoomsVideo16 = getXHRVideo16(cookie) | |
lst16 = | |
for e in lst16: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom28 = getXHRVideo28(cookie) | |
lst28 = | |
for e in lst28: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom30 = getXHRVideo30(cookie) | |
lst30 = | |
for e in lst30: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom32 = getXHRVideo32(cookie) | |
lst32 = | |
for e in lst32: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom40 = getXHRVideo40(cookie) | |
lst40 = | |
for e in lst40: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom48 = getXHRVideo48(cookie) | |
lst48 = | |
for e in lst48: | |
ind1 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoomxyS1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoomxyS3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, ind1, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
xRoom72 = getXHRVideo72(cookie) | |
lst72 = | |
for e in lst72: | |
indVideo72 = list(e.items())[0][1] | |
xRoom72S1 = getXHRVideoNSelect01(cookie, indVideo72, yWeek, num) | | | |
xRoom72S3 = getXHRVideoNSelect03(cookie, indVideo72, yWeek, num) | |
res =[0]) | |
for (k, v) in res.items(): | |
if "old" not in k: | |
dictRooms[k] = v | |
self.dictRooms = dictRooms | |
return self.dictRooms | |
def getCurrentsFreeRooms(self): | |
if self.dictRooms == None: | |
self.dictRooms = self.getRoomsInfos() | |
d = self.dictRooms.copy() | |
dtn = | |
free = {} | |
for (k, v) in d.items(): | |
busy = v["busy"] | |
if type(busy) == list: | |
for i in range(len(busy)): | |
ts, te = busy[i] | |
if ((dtn.hour * 60) + dtn.minute) < ((ts[0] * 60) + ts[1]): | |
v.update({"isFree": True, "freeUntil": str(ts[0]).zfill(2) + "h" + str(ts[1]).zfill(2)}) | |
free[k] = v | |
break | |
elif ((dtn.hour * 60) + dtn.minute) < ((te[0] * 60) + te[1]): | |
break | |
elif i == (len(busy) - 1): | |
v.update({"isFree": True, "freeUntil": "demain"}) | |
free[k] = v | |
if busy == []: | |
v.update({"isFree": True, "freeUntil": "demain"}) | |
free[k] = v | |
return free | |
### Exemple d'utilisation | |