import logging from traceback import print_exc from typing import List, Dict import os.path as osp import io import copy import re import uuid from matplotlib.pyplot import isinteractive from numpy import isin import sys import os sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from cllm.agents.base import Action, DataType, Tool, NON_FILE_TYPES from cllm.agents.builtin import TOOLS from cllm.agents.container import auto_type from cllm.utils import get_real_path, get_root_dir, transform_msgs logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def code(source, type="py"): return f"```{type}\n{source}\n```" class Interpretor: def __init__(self): = TOOLS self.non_file_types = NON_FILE_TYPES def interpret(self, stages: List[List[Action]], history_msgs: List = []): memory = {} solution = copy.deepcopy(stages) history_msgs = copy.deepcopy(history_msgs) history_msgs = transform_msgs(history_msgs) has_error = False for actions in solution: for action in actions: tool = self.load_tool(name=action.tool_name) tool_inputs = self.load_args(tool, action.inputs, memory) tool_inputs["history_msgs"] = history_msgs tool_inputs["root_dir"] = get_root_dir() try: tool_outputs = tool.model(**tool_inputs) action.inputs = self._update_inputs(memory, action.inputs) action.outputs, wrapped_outputs = self._update_output( memory, action, tool_outputs, tool ) "Call {}, args {}, return {}".format( action.tool_name, action.inputs, action.outputs ) ) executed_action = ( action.tool_name, action.inputs, action.outputs, ) except FileNotFoundError as e: print_exc() tool_outputs = None logger.error(f"Error when executing {action.tool_name}: {e}") has_error = True wrapped_outputs = [] executed_action = ( action.tool_name, action.inputs, f"FileNotFoundError: No such file or directory: {osp.basename(e.filename)}", ) except Exception as e: print_exc() tool_outputs = None has_error = True logger.error(f"Error when executing {action.tool_name}: {e}") wrapped_outputs = [] executed_action = ( action.tool_name, action.inputs, f"Internal error: {e}", ) yield executed_action, solution, wrapped_outputs if has_error: return def _update_output(self, memory, action, tool_outputs, tool): outputs = [] wrapped_outputs = [] if action.outputs is not None: if len(action.outputs) == 1: tool_outputs = [tool_outputs] for i, (arg_name, arg_value) in enumerate( zip(action.outputs, tool_outputs) ): memory[arg_name] = arg_value if arg_value is None or isinstance(arg_value, Exception): outputs.append(arg_value) arg_value = f"{arg_value}" wrapped_outputs.append( auto_type( arg_name, DataType.TEXT, arg_value, ) ) continue if isinstance(arg_value, (dict, list)): arg_value = self.pretty_floats(arg_value) if tool.returns[i].type in self.non_file_types: outputs.append(arg_value) wrapped_outputs.append( auto_type( arg_name, tool.returns[i].type, arg_value, ) ) continue transformed_output = self.transform_output( action.inputs,, tool.args, arg_value, tool.returns[i].type, ) outputs.append(transformed_output) memory[arg_name] = transformed_output if not isinstance(transformed_output, list): wrapped_outputs.append( auto_type( arg_name, tool.returns[i].type, transformed_output, ) ) continue for output in transformed_output: if DataType.MASK == tool.returns[i].type: output = output if isinstance(output, str) else output["mask"] wrapped_outputs.append( auto_type( arg_name, tool.returns[i].type, output if isinstance(output, str) else output["mask"], ) ) return outputs, wrapped_outputs def pretty_floats(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, float): return round(obj, 4) elif isinstance(obj, dict): return dict((k, self.pretty_floats(v)) for k, v in obj.items()) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return list(map(self.pretty_floats, obj)) return obj def _update_inputs(self, memory, action_inputs): action_inputs = copy.deepcopy(action_inputs) for key, value in action_inputs.items(): if "" in value: action_inputs[key] = memory.get(value, value) elif "" in value: action_inputs[key] = memory.get(value, value) return action_inputs def gen_filename(self, too_name, resource_type): def to_camelcase(s): res = re.sub(r"(?!^)_([a-zA-Z])", lambda m:, s) res = res[0].upper() + res[1:] return res if resource_type == DataType.VIDEO: ext = "mp4" elif resource_type == DataType.AUDIO: ext = "wav" elif resource_type == DataType.HTML: ext = "html" else: ext = "png" too_name = too_name.replace("_to_", "2_") too_name = to_camelcase(too_name) this_file_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[:6] type_str = str(resource_type).split(".")[-1] return f"{this_file_id}_{type_str}.{ext}" def _save_resource(self, file_name, resource, resource_type): if isinstance(resource, dict): if "mask" in resource: resource = resource["mask"] if resource_type == DataType.HTML: with open(get_real_path(file_name), "w") as fout: fout.write(resource) elif resource is not None: if isinstance(resource, io.BufferedReader): resource = with open(get_real_path(file_name), "wb") as fout: fout.write(resource) else: return None def transform_output( self, action_inputs, tool_name, tool_args, tool_output, output_type ): if output_type != DataType.MASK: if isinstance(tool_output, list): results = [] for output in tool_output: file_name = self.gen_filename(tool_name, output_type) self._save_resource(file_name, output, output_type) results.append(file_name) return results else: file_name = self.gen_filename(tool_name, output_type) self._save_resource(file_name, tool_output, output_type) return file_name tool_output = copy.deepcopy(tool_output) if isinstance(tool_output, list): for output in tool_output: if isinstance(output["mask"], str): continue file_name = self.gen_filename(tool_name, output_type) self._save_resource(file_name, output, output_type) output["mask"] = file_name elif isinstance(tool_output, bytes): file_name = self.gen_filename(tool_name, output_type) self._save_resource(file_name, tool_output, output_type) tool_output = file_name elif tool_output is None: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Wrong type.") return tool_output def load_tool(self, name): return[name] def load_args(self, tool: Tool, action_inputs, memory): real_args = {} for item in tool.args: arg_name = arg_value = action_inputs[arg_name] if "" in arg_value or "" in arg_value: assert arg_value in memory, print(f"Unknown {arg_name}: {arg_value}") real_args[arg_name] = memory[arg_value] else: real_args[arg_name] = arg_value return real_args @property def variables(self): return {k: v for k, v in self.memory.items() if k not in TOOLS and k != "print"}