import numpy as np from .materials import body_material # green # GT_SMPL = body_material(0.009, 0.214, 0.029) GT_SMPL = body_material(0.035, 0.415, 0.122) # blue # GEN_SMPL = body_material(0.022, 0.129, 0.439) # Blues => cmap(0.87) # GEN_SMPL = body_material(0.035, 0.322, 0.615) # Oranges => cmap(0.87) GEN_SMPL = body_material(0.658, 0.214, 0.0114) class Meshes: def __init__(self, data, *, gt, mode, faces_path, canonicalize, always_on_floor, oldrender=True, is_smplx=False, **kwargs): data = prepare_meshes(data, canonicalize=canonicalize, always_on_floor=always_on_floor, is_smplx=is_smplx) if isinstance(faces_path, str): self.faces = np.load(faces_path) else: self.faces = faces_path = data self.mode = mode self.oldrender = oldrender self.N = len(data) self.trajectory = data[:, :, [0, 1]].mean(1) if gt: self.mat = GT_SMPL else: self.mat = GEN_SMPL def get_sequence_mat(self, frac): import matplotlib # cmap ='Blues') cmap ='Oranges') # begin = 0.60 # end = 0.90 begin = 0.50 end = 0.90 rgbcolor = cmap(begin + (end-begin)*frac) mat = body_material(*rgbcolor, oldrender=self.oldrender) return mat def get_root(self, index): return[index].mean(0) def get_mean_root(self): return, 1)) def load_in_blender(self, index, mat): vertices =[index] faces = self.faces name = f"{str(index).zfill(4)}" from .tools import load_numpy_vertices_into_blender load_numpy_vertices_into_blender(vertices, faces, name, mat) return name def __len__(self): return self.N def prepare_meshes(data, canonicalize=True, always_on_floor=False, is_smplx=False): if canonicalize: print("No canonicalization for now") # fitted mesh do not need fixing axis # fix axis if is_smplx: data[..., 1] = - data[..., 1] # data[..., 0] = - data[..., 0] # Swap axis (gravity=Z instead of Y) data = data[..., [2, 0, 1]] # Remove the floor data[..., 2] -= data[..., 2].min() # Put all the body on the floor if always_on_floor: data[..., 2] -= data[..., 2].min(1)[:, None] return data