# Upscaler bot ## A discord bot to upscale images! ## Features: - Easy Upscaling: simply paste the image in the specified channel, and it'll be done in a minute! - Local mode: option to receive image instantly via the local network (requires the Flask repository). - Multiple modes: choose whether optimize for speed, general photos, or anime/graphics! ## Requirements: - discord, pytz, python-dotenv, requests - Use `pip install -r requirements.txt` - [Real-ESRGAN](https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/tag/v0.2.5.0) vulkan executable. - Download the zip file from the link above and extract to the real-esrgan folder. - My [Flask server](https://github.com/PawinChan/Flask). - Clone to ~/Code/Flask and run.