import pandas as pd |
import streamlit as st |
import plotly.express as px |
import numpy as np |
import plotly.graph_objs as go |
from function import ( |
process_data, |
predict_late_student, |
predict_rank, |
predict_one_student, |
show_boxplot1, |
) |
from datetime import datetime |
from PIL import Image |
import base64 |
import re |
import sqlite3 |
df = pd.DataFrame() |
def color_cell(val): |
if val == "not late": |
color = "green" |
elif val == "may late": |
color = "yellow" |
elif val == "late": |
color = "red" |
else: |
color = "black" |
return f"color: {color};" |
def clear_resources(): |
"""Clears all resources from the st.session_state.""" |
for key in list(st.session_state.keys()): |
if key.startswith("resource"): |
del st.session_state[key] |
def get_year(student_id): |
year_str = "" |
for char in student_id: |
if char.isdigit(): |
year_str += char |
if len(year_str) == 2: |
break |
return int(year_str) |
def generate_comment(median): |
if median < 30: |
comment = f"The median score for {course} is quite low at {median}. Students may need to work harder to improve their performance." |
elif median < 50: |
comment = f"The median score for {course} is below average at {median}. Students should work on improving their understanding of the material." |
elif median < 80: |
comment = f"The median score for {course} is solid at {median}. Students are making good progress but could still work on improving their skills." |
else: |
comment = f"The median score for {course} is outstanding at {median}. Students are doing an excellent job in this course." |
return comment |
favicon = "R.png" |
hcm = "HCM.png" |
intera = "Logo-iuoss-trans.png" |
st.set_page_config( |
page_title="Student System", |
page_icon=favicon, |
layout="wide", |
) |
st.markdown( |
'<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 50px; color: #808080;">' |
'© Copyright by Truong Quoc An' |
'</div>', |
unsafe_allow_html=True |
) |
currentYear = datetime.now().year |
im1 = Image.open("R.png") |
im2 = Image.open("HCM.png") |
im3 = Image.open("Logo-iuoss-trans.png") |
col1, col2, col3 = st.columns([1, 3, 1]) |
with col1: |
st.image(im1, width=150) |
with col2: |
st.markdown( |
"<h1 style='text-align: center;'>Student Performance Evaluation</h1>", |
unsafe_allow_html=True, |
) |
with col3: |
st.image(im2, width=250) |
@st.cache_data() |
def score_table(): |
conn = sqlite3.connect("database.db") |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
cursor.execute('''SELECT Students.MaSV, Enrollment.MaMH, Courses.TenMH, Enrollment.NHHK, Enrollment.DiemHP, Students.DTBTK |
FROM Students |
INNER JOIN Enrollment ON Students.MaSV = Enrollment.MaSV |
INNER JOIN Courses ON Enrollment.MaMH = Courses.MaMH''') |
data = cursor.fetchall() |
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['MaSV', 'MaMH', 'TenMH', 'NHHK', 'DiemHP', 'DTBTK']) |
df = df.drop_duplicates() |
conn.close() |
return df |
@st.cache_data() |
def score_table_for_student(): |
with sqlite3.connect("database.db") as conn: |
cursor = conn.cursor() |
cursor.execute(''' |
SELECT DISTINCT Students.MaSV, Enrollment.MaMH, Courses.TenMH, Enrollment.NHHK, Enrollment.DiemHP, Students.DTBTK |
FROM Students |
INNER JOIN Enrollment ON Students.MaSV = Enrollment.MaSV |
INNER JOIN Courses ON Enrollment.MaMH = Courses.MaMH |
''') |
results = cursor.fetchall() |
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['MaSV', 'MaMH', 'TenMH', 'NHHK', 'DiemHP', 'DTBTK']) |
cursor.execute(''' |
FROM Students |
''') |
results = cursor.fetchall() |
df1 = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['MaSV', 'NHHK', 'SoTCDat']) |
merged_df = pd.merge(df, df1, on=['MaSV', 'NHHK']) |
return merged_df |
st.sidebar.image(im3) |
st.sidebar.title("Student Performance Prediction System") |
option = ["Prediction Performance","Dashboard", "Grade Distribution Tables"] |
tabs = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select an option", option) |
def filter_dataframe(df, column, value): |
if value == "All": |
return df |
else: |
return df[df[column] == value] |
if tabs == "Dashboard": |
clear_resources() |
raw_data = score_table() |
df = process_data(raw_data) |
additional_selection = " " |
unique_values_major = df["Major"].unique() |
unique_values_major = [ |
"BA", |
"BE", |
"BT", |
"CE", |
"EE", |
"EN", |
"EV", |
"IE", |
"MA", |
"SE", |
"IT", |
] |
unique_values_major = sorted(unique_values_major, key=lambda s: s) |
major = st.selectbox("Select a school:", unique_values_major) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "Major", major) |
dfa = filter_dataframe(df, "Major", major) |
unique_values_school = df["MaSV_school"].unique() |
all_values_school = np.concatenate([["All"], unique_values_school]) |
no_numbers = [x for x in all_values_school if not re.search(r"\d", str(x))] |
if len(no_numbers) == 2: |
school = no_numbers[1] |
else: |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
school = st.selectbox("Select a major:", no_numbers) |
if school != "All": |
values = [x for x in no_numbers if x != "All" and x != school] |
values = np.concatenate([[" "], values]) |
with col2: |
additional_selection = st.selectbox( |
"Select another major for comparisons:", values |
) |
if additional_selection != " ": |
dfa = filter_dataframe(dfa, "MaSV_school", additional_selection) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "MaSV_school", school) |
unique_values_year = df["Year"].unique() |
all_values_year = np.concatenate([["All"], unique_values_year]) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
year = st.selectbox("Select a year:", all_values_year) |
with col2: |
if year != "All" and additional_selection == " ": |
year_list = [x for x in all_values_year if x != "All" and x != year] |
year_list = np.concatenate([[" "], year_list]) |
year_a = st.selectbox("Select another year for comparisons:", year_list) |
elif year == "All": |
year_a = " " |
elif year != "All" and additional_selection != " ": |
year_a = year |
if year_a != " ": |
dfa = filter_dataframe(dfa, "Year", year_a) |
dfa.dropna(axis=1, thresh=1, inplace=True) |
else: |
year_a = " " |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "Year", year) |
new1_df = df.DTBTK |
new1_dfa = dfa.DTBTK |
show_boxplot1( |
new1_df, new1_dfa, major, school, year, additional_selection="", year_a="" |
) |
df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=1, inplace=True) |
new_df = df.iloc[:, :-4].dropna(axis=1, thresh=10).apply(pd.to_numeric) |
new_dfa = dfa.iloc[:, :-4].dropna(axis=1, thresh=10).apply(pd.to_numeric) |
list1 = new_df.columns.tolist() |
list2 = new_dfa.columns.tolist() |
if (year != "All" and year_a != " ") or ( |
school != "All" and additional_selection != " " |
): |
dfac = new_dfa.columns[:-4].tolist() |
common_elements = np.intersect1d(list1, list2) |
merged_array = np.concatenate((list1, list2), axis=None) |
list3 = np.intersect1d(merged_array, common_elements) |
new_df = new_df[list3] |
new_dfa = new_dfa[list3] |
if additional_selection != " ": |
show_boxplot = st.checkbox("Show Boxplot for All Course", key="checkbox1") |
if show_boxplot: |
fig = px.box(new_df) |
fig1 = px.box(new_dfa) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Boxplot of " + major + school + " student in " + year |
) |
fig1.update_layout( |
title="Boxplot of " |
+ major |
+ additional_selection |
+ " student in " |
+ year |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True) |
elif additional_selection == " " and year_a != " ": |
show_boxplot = st.checkbox("Show Boxplot for All Course", key="checkbox1") |
if show_boxplot: |
fig = px.box(new_df) |
fig1 = px.box(new_dfa) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Boxplot of " + major + school + " student in " + year |
) |
fig1.update_layout( |
title="Boxplot of " + major + school + " student in " + year_a |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True) |
elif additional_selection == " ": |
show_boxplot = st.checkbox("Show Boxplot for All Course", key="checkbox1") |
if show_boxplot: |
fig = px.box(new_df) |
fig.update_layout(title="Boxplot of " + major + " student in " + year) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
options = df.columns[:-4] |
course_data_dict = {course: df[course].dropna() for course in options} |
valid_courses = [ |
course for course, data in course_data_dict.items() if len(data) > 1 |
] |
if (year != "All" and year_a != " ") or ( |
school != "All" and additional_selection != " " |
): |
dfac = new_dfa.columns[:-4].tolist() |
common_elements = np.intersect1d(valid_courses, dfac) |
merged_array = np.concatenate((valid_courses, dfac), axis=None) |
valid_courses = np.intersect1d(merged_array, common_elements) |
if len(valid_courses) > 5: |
course = st.selectbox("Select a course:", valid_courses) |
elif len(valid_courses) == 1: |
course = valid_courses[0] |
else: |
st.write("No valid course data found!") |
st.stop() |
course_data = course_data_dict[course] |
if len(course_data) > 1: |
if school == "All": |
st.write("Course:", course, " of ", major, " student") |
else: |
st.write("Course:", course, " of ", major + school, " student") |
st.write(generate_comment(course_data.median())) |
else: |
st.write("No data available for the selected course.") |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) |
with col1: |
counts, bins = np.histogram(course_data, bins=np.arange(0, 110, 10)) |
total_count = len(course_data) |
frequencies_percentage = (counts / total_count) * 100 |
grade_bins = [f"{bins[i]}-{bins[i+1]}" for i in range(len(bins) - 1)] |
df = pd.DataFrame( |
{"Grade": grade_bins, "Grading percentage": frequencies_percentage} |
) |
df["Grading percentage"] = df["Grading percentage"].map( |
lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x) |
) |
st.table(df) |
with col2: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Scatter( |
x=bins[:-1], y=frequencies_percentage, mode="lines", name="Frequency" |
) |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Histogram of {}".format(course), |
xaxis_title="Score", |
yaxis_title="Percentage", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col3: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Box(y=course_data, name="Box plot")) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Box plot of Scores for {}".format(course), |
yaxis_title="Score", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col4: |
raw_data1 = raw_data.copy() |
raw_data1["major"] = raw_data1["MaSV"].str.slice(0, 2) |
raw_data1.replace(["WH", "VT", "I"], np.nan, inplace=True) |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[~raw_data1["DiemHP"].isin(["P", "F", "PC"])] |
if major != "All": |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[raw_data1["major"] == major] |
raw_data1["MaSV_school"] = raw_data1["MaSV"].str.slice(2, 4) |
if school != "All": |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[raw_data1["MaSV_school"] == school] |
df1 = raw_data1[["TenMH", "NHHK", "DiemHP"]].copy() |
df1["DiemHP"] = df1["DiemHP"].replace('', pd.NA).dropna().astype(float) |
df1["NHHK"] = df1["NHHK"].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:4] + " S " + str(x)[4:]) |
selected_TenMH = " " + course |
filtered_df1 = df1[df1["TenMH"] == selected_TenMH] |
mean_DiemHP = ( |
filtered_df1.groupby("NHHK")["DiemHP"] |
.mean() |
.round(1) |
.reset_index(name="Mean") |
) |
if year != "All": |
st.write("") |
else: |
fig = px.line( |
mean_DiemHP, |
x="NHHK", |
y="Mean", |
title=f"Mean Course Score for{selected_TenMH} through Semeters", |
) |
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Semeters",height=400, width=400) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
if (year != "All" and year_a != " ") or ( |
school != "All" and additional_selection != " " |
): |
course_data_dict = {course: new_dfa[course]} |
course_data = course_data_dict[course] |
st.write( |
"Course:", |
course, |
" of ", |
major + additional_selection, |
" student in ", |
year_a, |
) |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) |
with col1: |
course_data_filtered = [x for x in course_data if not np.isnan(x)] |
counts, bins = np.histogram( |
course_data_filtered, bins=np.arange(0, 110, 10) |
) |
total_count = len(course_data_filtered) |
frequencies_percentage = (counts / total_count) * 100 |
grade_bins = [f"{bins[i]}-{bins[i+1]}" for i in range(len(bins) - 1)] |
df1 = pd.DataFrame( |
{"Grade": grade_bins, "Grading percentage": frequencies_percentage} |
) |
df1["Grading percentage"] = df1["Grading percentage"].map( |
lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x) |
) |
st.table(df1) |
with col2: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Scatter( |
x=bins[:-1], |
y=frequencies_percentage, |
mode="lines", |
name="Frequency", |
) |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Histogram of {}".format(course), |
xaxis_title="Score", |
yaxis_title="Percentage", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col3: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Box(y=course_data, name="Box plot")) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Box plot of Scores for {}".format(course), |
yaxis_title="Score", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col4: |
raw_data["major"] = raw_data["MaSV"].str.slice(0, 2) |
raw_data.replace(["WH", "VT", "I"], np.nan, inplace=True) |
raw_data = raw_data[~raw_data["DiemHP"].isin(["P", "F", "PC"])] |
if major != "All": |
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data["major"] == major] |
raw_data["MaSV_school"] = raw_data["MaSV"].str.slice(2, 4) |
raw_data = raw_data[raw_data["MaSV_school"] == additional_selection] |
df1 = raw_data[["TenMH", "NHHK", "DiemHP"]].copy() |
df1["DiemHP"] = df1["DiemHP"].replace('', pd.NA).dropna().astype(float) |
df1["NHHK"] = df1["NHHK"].apply(lambda x: str(x)[:4] + " S " + str(x)[4:]) |
selected_TenMH = " " + course |
filtered_df1 = df1[df1["TenMH"] == selected_TenMH] |
mean_DiemHP = ( |
filtered_df1.groupby("NHHK")["DiemHP"] |
.mean() |
.round(1) |
.reset_index(name="Mean") |
) |
if year != "All": |
st.write("") |
else: |
fig = px.line( |
mean_DiemHP, |
x="NHHK", |
y="Mean", |
title=f"Mean Course Score for{selected_TenMH} through Semeters", |
) |
fig.update_layout(xaxis_title="Semeters",height=400, width=400) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
variables_to_delete = [ |
'raw_data1', 'df1', 'filtered_df1', 'mean_DiemHP', 'counts', 'bins', |
'total_count', 'frequencies_percentage', 'grade_bins', 'fig1', |
'common_elements', 'merged_array', 'list3', 'dfac', 'fig', 'new_df', |
'new_dfa', 'new1_df', 'new1_dfa', 'course_data', |
'options', 'valid_courses', 'list2', 'list1' |
] |
for variable in variables_to_delete: |
if variable in locals(): |
del locals()[variable] |
elif tabs == "Prediction Performance": |
clear_resources() |
raw_data = score_table_for_student() |
raw_data["DTBTKH4"] = raw_data["DTBTK"]/25 |
df=raw_data.copy() |
df["MaSV_school"] = df["MaSV"].str.slice(2, 4) |
df["Major"] = df["MaSV"].str.slice(0, 2) |
unique_values_major = df["Major"].unique() |
unique_values_major = [ |
"BA", |
"BE", |
"BT", |
"CE", |
"EE", |
"EN", |
"EV", |
"IE", |
"MA", |
"SE", |
"IT", |
] |
unique_values_major = sorted(unique_values_major, key=lambda s: s) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
major = st.selectbox("Select a school:", unique_values_major) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "Major", major) |
unique_values_school = df["MaSV_school"].unique() |
all_values_school = np.concatenate([["All"], unique_values_school]) |
no_numbers = [x for x in all_values_school if not re.search(r"\d", str(x))] |
if len(no_numbers) == 2: |
school = no_numbers[1] |
with col2: |
school = st.selectbox("Select a major:", no_numbers) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "MaSV_school", school) |
predict = predict_late_student(df) |
rank = predict_rank(df) |
predict = pd.merge(predict, rank, on="MaSV") |
predict.rename(columns={"Mean_Cre": "Mean Credit"}, inplace=True) |
rank_mapping = { |
"Khá": "Good", |
"Trung Bình Khá": "Average good", |
"Giỏi": "Very good", |
"Kém": "Very weak", |
"Trung Bình": "Ordinary", |
"Yếu": "Weak", |
"Xuất Sắc": "Excellent", |
} |
predict["Pred Rank"].replace(rank_mapping, inplace=True) |
df_late = predict |
MaSV = st.text_input("Enter Student ID:", key="MaSV") |
def clear_form(): |
st.session_state["MaSV"] = "" |
if st.button("Clear", on_click=clear_form): |
MaSV = "" |
if MaSV: |
df_filtered = predict[predict["MaSV"] == MaSV] |
styled_table = ( |
df_filtered[ |
["MaSV", "GPA", "Mean Credit", "Pred Rank", "Progress", "Semeters"] |
] |
.style.applymap(color_cell) |
.format({"GPA": "{:.2f}", "Mean Credit": "{:.1f}", "Semeters": "{:.1f}"}) |
) |
with st.container(): |
st.table(styled_table) |
predict_one_student(df, MaSV) |
else: |
df_late = predict |
df_late["Year"] = 2000 + df_late["MaSV"].apply(get_year) |
df_late = df_late[ |
(df_late["Year"] != currentYear - 1) & (df_late["Year"] != currentYear - 2) |
] |
year = st.selectbox("Select Year", options=df_late["Year"].unique()) |
df_filtered = df_late[df_late["Year"] == year] |
styled_table = ( |
df_filtered[ |
["MaSV", "GPA", "Mean Credit", "Pred Rank", "Progress", "Semeters"] |
] |
.style.applymap(color_cell) |
.format({"GPA": "{:.2f}", "Mean Credit": "{:.2f}", "Semeters": "{:.2f}"}) |
) |
csv = df_filtered.to_csv(index=False) |
b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode() |
href = f'<a href="data:file/csv;base64,{b64}" download="Preidct data.csv">Download CSV</a>' |
st.markdown(href, unsafe_allow_html=True) |
legend_order = [ |
"Excellent", |
"Very good", |
"Good", |
"Average good", |
"Ordinary", |
"Weak", |
"Very weak", |
] |
fig1 = px.pie( |
df_filtered, |
names="Pred Rank", |
title="Pred Rank", |
color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.sequential.Mint, |
height=400, |
width=400, |
labels=legend_order, |
) |
fig2 = px.pie( |
df_filtered, |
names="Progress", |
title="Progress", |
color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.sequential.Peach, |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
fig1.update_layout( |
title={ |
"text": "Pred Rank", |
"y": 0.95, |
"x": 0.35, |
"xanchor": "center", |
"yanchor": "top", |
} |
) |
fig2.update_layout( |
title={ |
"text": "Progress", |
"y": 0.95, |
"x": 0.35, |
"xanchor": "center", |
"yanchor": "top", |
} |
) |
col3, col1, col2 = st.columns([2, 1, 1]) |
with col3: |
st.dataframe(styled_table,use_container_width=True) |
with col1: |
st.plotly_chart(fig1, use_container_width=True) |
with col2: |
st.plotly_chart(fig2, use_container_width=True) |
variables_to_delete = [ |
"raw_data", |
"df", |
"df_late", |
"MaSV", |
"predict", |
"rank", |
"rank_mapping", |
"styled_table", |
"df_filtered", |
"csv", |
"b64", |
"href", |
"legend_order", |
"fig1", |
"fig2", |
"col1", |
"col2", |
"col3" |
] |
for variable_name in variables_to_delete: |
if variable_name in locals(): |
del locals()[variable_name] |
elif tabs == "Grade Distribution Tables": |
clear_resources() |
raw_data = score_table() |
df = process_data(raw_data) |
additional_selection = " " |
unique_values_major = df["Major"].unique() |
unique_values_major = [ |
"BA", |
"BE", |
"BT", |
"CE", |
"EE", |
"EN", |
"EV", |
"IE", |
"MA", |
"SE", |
"IT", |
] |
unique_values_major = sorted(unique_values_major, key=lambda s: s) |
col1, col2 = st.columns(2) |
with col1: |
major = st.selectbox("Select a school:", unique_values_major) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "Major", major) |
unique_values_school = df["MaSV_school"].unique() |
all_values_school = np.concatenate([["All"], unique_values_school]) |
no_numbers = [x for x in all_values_school if not re.search(r"\d", str(x))] |
if len(no_numbers) == 2: |
school = no_numbers[1] |
with col2: |
school = st.selectbox("Select a major:", no_numbers) |
df = filter_dataframe(df, "MaSV_school", school) |
unique_values_year = df["Year"].unique() |
all_values_year = np.concatenate([["All"], unique_values_year]) |
year = st.selectbox("Select a year:", all_values_year) |
options = df.columns[:-4] |
course_data_dict = {course: df[course].dropna() for course in options} |
valid_courses = [ |
course for course, data in course_data_dict.items() if len(data) > 1 |
] |
course = "All" |
if st.button("Generate Chart"): |
courses_per_row = 4 |
num_courses = len(valid_courses) |
num_rows = (num_courses + courses_per_row - 1) // courses_per_row |
for row in range(num_rows): |
start_index = row * courses_per_row |
end_index = min((row + 1) * courses_per_row, num_courses) |
courses_in_row = valid_courses[start_index:end_index] |
for course in courses_in_row: |
course_data = course_data_dict[course] |
course_data = course_data.astype(float) |
st.markdown(f"Course: **{course}**") |
st.write("Number of examinations: ", str(len(course_data))) |
col1, col2, col3, col4 = st.columns(4) |
with col1: |
counts, bins = np.histogram(course_data, bins=np.arange(0, 110, 10)) |
total_count = len(course_data) |
frequencies_percentage = (counts / total_count) * 100 |
grade_bins = [ |
f"{bins[i]}-{bins[i+1]}" for i in range(len(bins) - 1) |
] |
result_array = [] |
cumulative_sum = 0 |
for element in frequencies_percentage: |
cumulative_sum += element |
result_array.append(cumulative_sum) |
df = pd.DataFrame( |
{ |
"Grade": grade_bins, |
"Grading percentage": frequencies_percentage, |
"Cumulative percentage": result_array |
} |
) |
df["Grading percentage"] = df["Grading percentage"].map( |
lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x) |
) |
df["Cumulative percentage"] = df["Cumulative percentage"].map( |
lambda x: "{:.2f}".format(x) |
) |
st.table(df) |
with col2: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace( |
go.Scatter( |
x=bins[:-1], |
y=frequencies_percentage, |
mode="lines", |
name="Frequency", |
) |
) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Histogram of {}".format(course), |
xaxis_title="Score", |
yaxis_title="Percentage", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col3: |
fig = go.Figure() |
fig.add_trace(go.Box(y=course_data, name="Box plot")) |
fig.update_layout( |
title="Box plot", |
yaxis_title="Score", |
height=400, |
width=400, |
) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
with col4: |
raw_data1 = raw_data.copy() |
raw_data1["major"] = raw_data1["MaSV"].str.slice(0, 2) |
raw_data1.replace(["WH", "VT", "I"], np.nan, inplace=True) |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[~raw_data1["DiemHP"].isin(["P", "F", "PC"])] |
if major != "All": |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[raw_data1["major"] == major] |
raw_data1["MaSV_school"] = raw_data1["MaSV"].str.slice(2, 4) |
if school != "All": |
raw_data1 = raw_data1[raw_data1["MaSV_school"] == school] |
df1 = raw_data1[["TenMH", "NHHK", "DiemHP"]].copy() |
df1["DiemHP"] = df1["DiemHP"].astype(float) |
df1["NHHK"] = df1["NHHK"].apply( |
lambda x: str(x)[:4] + " S " + str(x)[4:] |
) |
selected_TenMH = " " + course |
filtered_df1 = df1[df1["TenMH"] == selected_TenMH] |
mean_DiemHP = ( |
filtered_df1.groupby("NHHK")["DiemHP"] |
.mean() |
.round(1) |
.reset_index(name="Mean") |
) |
if year != "All": |
st.write("") |
else: |
fig = px.line( |
mean_DiemHP, |
x="NHHK", |
y="Mean", |
title=f"Mean DiemHP through Semesters", |
) |
fig.update_layout(height=400, width=400) |
st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) |
del raw_data1, df1, filtered_df1, mean_DiemHP, counts, bins, total_count, frequencies_percentage, grade_bins, fig |
del course_data, course_data_dict, valid_courses |
st.stop() |