import torch import numpy as np from maskrcnn_benchmark.config import cfg from import transforms as T from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.image_list import to_image_list from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.bounding_box import BoxList from maskrcnn_benchmark.structures.boxlist_ops import cat_boxlist from maskrcnn_benchmark.layers import nms, soft_nms def im_detect_bbox_aug(model, images, device, captions=None, positive_map_label_to_token=None): # Collect detections computed under different transformations boxlists_ts = [] for _ in range(len(images)): boxlists_ts.append([]) def add_preds_t(boxlists_t): for i, boxlist_t in enumerate(boxlists_t): # Resize the boxlist as the first one boxlists_ts[i].append(boxlist_t.resize(images[i].size)) # Compute detections at different scales if len(cfg.TEST.RANGES)==len(cfg.TEST.SCALES): keep_ranges = cfg.TEST.RANGES else: keep_ranges = [None for _ in cfg.TEST.SCALES] for scale, keep_range in zip(cfg.TEST.SCALES, keep_ranges): max_size = cfg.TEST.MAX_SIZE boxlists_scl = im_detect_bbox_scale( model, images, scale, max_size, device, captions=captions, positive_map_label_to_token=positive_map_label_to_token, ) if keep_range is not None: boxlists_scl = remove_boxes(boxlists_scl, *keep_range) add_preds_t(boxlists_scl) if cfg.TEST.FLIP: boxlists_scl_hf = im_detect_bbox_scale( model, images, scale, max_size, device, captions=captions, positive_map_label_to_token=positive_map_label_to_token, hflip=True ) if keep_range is not None: boxlists_scl_hf = remove_boxes(boxlists_scl_hf, *keep_range) add_preds_t(boxlists_scl_hf) # Merge boxlists detected by different bbox aug params boxlists = [] for i, boxlist_ts in enumerate(boxlists_ts): bbox =[boxlist_t.bbox for boxlist_t in boxlist_ts]) scores =[boxlist_t.get_field('scores') for boxlist_t in boxlist_ts]) labels =[boxlist_t.get_field('labels') for boxlist_t in boxlist_ts]) boxlist = BoxList(bbox, boxlist_ts[0].size, boxlist_ts[0].mode) boxlist.add_field('scores', scores) boxlist.add_field('labels', labels) boxlists.append(boxlist) results = merge_result_from_multi_scales(boxlists) return results def im_detect_bbox(model, images, target_scale, target_max_size, device, captions=None, positive_map_label_to_token=None ): """ Performs bbox detection on the original image. """ if cfg.INPUT.FORMAT is not '': input_format = cfg.INPUT.FORMAT elif cfg.INPUT.TO_BGR255: input_format = 'bgr255' transform = T.Compose([ T.Resize(target_scale, target_max_size), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize( mean=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_MEAN, std=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_STD, format=input_format ) ]) images = [transform(image) for image in images] images = to_image_list(images, cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY) if captions is None: return model( else: return model(, captions=captions, positive_map=positive_map_label_to_token ) def im_detect_bbox_hflip(model, images, target_scale, target_max_size, device, captions=None, positive_map_label_to_token=None ): """ Performs bbox detection on the horizontally flipped image. Function signature is the same as for im_detect_bbox. """ if cfg.INPUT.FORMAT is not '': input_format = cfg.INPUT.FORMAT elif cfg.INPUT.TO_BGR255: input_format = 'bgr255' transform = T.Compose([ T.Resize(target_scale, target_max_size), T.RandomHorizontalFlip(1.0), T.ToTensor(), T.Normalize( mean=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_MEAN, std=cfg.INPUT.PIXEL_STD, format=input_format ) ]) images = [transform(image) for image in images] images = to_image_list(images, cfg.DATALOADER.SIZE_DIVISIBILITY) if captions is None: boxlists = model( else: boxlists = model(, captions=captions, positive_map=positive_map_label_to_token ) # Invert the detections computed on the flipped image boxlists_inv = [boxlist.transpose(0) for boxlist in boxlists] return boxlists_inv def im_detect_bbox_scale(model, images, target_scale, target_max_size, device, captions=None, positive_map_label_to_token=None, hflip=False): """ Computes bbox detections at the given scale. Returns predictions in the scaled image space. """ if hflip: boxlists_scl = im_detect_bbox_hflip(model, images, target_scale, target_max_size, device, captions=captions, positive_map_label_to_token=positive_map_label_to_token ) else: boxlists_scl = im_detect_bbox(model, images, target_scale, target_max_size, device, captions=captions, positive_map_label_to_token=positive_map_label_to_token ) return boxlists_scl def remove_boxes(boxlist_ts, min_scale, max_scale): new_boxlist_ts = [] for _, boxlist_t in enumerate(boxlist_ts): mode = boxlist_t.mode boxlist_t = boxlist_t.convert("xyxy") boxes = boxlist_t.bbox keep = [] for j, box in enumerate(boxes): w = box[2] - box[0] + 1 h = box[3] - box[1] + 1 if (w * h > min_scale * min_scale) and (w * h < max_scale * max_scale): keep.append(j) new_boxlist_ts.append(boxlist_t[keep].convert(mode)) return new_boxlist_ts def merge_result_from_multi_scales(boxlists): num_images = len(boxlists) results = [] for i in range(num_images): scores = boxlists[i].get_field("scores") labels = boxlists[i].get_field("labels") boxes = boxlists[i].bbox boxlist = boxlists[i] result = [] # test on classes if len(cfg.TEST.SELECT_CLASSES): class_list = cfg.TEST.SELECT_CLASSES else: class_list = range(1, cfg.TEST.NUM_CLASSES) for j in class_list: inds = (labels == j).nonzero().view(-1) scores_j = scores[inds] boxes_j = boxes[inds, :].view(-1, 4) boxlist_for_class = BoxList(boxes_j, boxlist.size, mode="xyxy") boxlist_for_class.add_field("scores", scores_j) boxlist_for_class = boxlist_nms(boxlist_for_class, cfg.TEST.TH, score_field="scores", nms_type=cfg.TEST.SPECIAL_NMS) num_labels = len(boxlist_for_class) boxlist_for_class.add_field("labels", torch.full((num_labels,), j, dtype=torch.int64, device=scores.device)) result.append(boxlist_for_class) result = cat_boxlist(result) number_of_detections = len(result) # Limit to max_per_image detections **over all classes** if number_of_detections > cfg.TEST.PRE_NMS_TOP_N > 0: cls_scores = result.get_field("scores") image_thresh, _ = torch.kthvalue( cls_scores.cpu(), number_of_detections - cfg.TEST.PRE_NMS_TOP_N + 1 ) keep = cls_scores >= image_thresh.item() keep = torch.nonzero(keep).squeeze(1) result = result[keep] results.append(result) return results def boxlist_nms(boxlist, thresh, max_proposals=-1, score_field="scores", nms_type='nms'): if thresh <= 0: return boxlist mode = boxlist.mode boxlist = boxlist.convert("xyxy") boxes = boxlist.bbox score = boxlist.get_field(score_field) if nms_type == 'vote': boxes_vote, scores_vote = bbox_vote(boxes, score, thresh) if len(boxes_vote) > 0: boxlist.bbox = boxes_vote boxlist.extra_fields['scores'] = scores_vote elif nms_type == 'soft-vote': boxes_vote, scores_vote = soft_bbox_vote(boxes, score, thresh) if len(boxes_vote) > 0: boxlist.bbox = boxes_vote boxlist.extra_fields['scores'] = scores_vote elif nms_type == 'soft-nms': keep, new_score = soft_nms(boxes.cpu(), score.cpu(), thresh, 0.95) if max_proposals > 0: keep = keep[: max_proposals] boxlist = boxlist[keep] boxlist.extra_fields['scores'] = new_score else: keep = nms(boxes, score, thresh) if max_proposals > 0: keep = keep[: max_proposals] boxlist = boxlist[keep] return boxlist.convert(mode) def bbox_vote(boxes, scores, vote_thresh): boxes = boxes.cpu().numpy() scores = scores.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, 1) det = np.concatenate((boxes, scores), axis=1) if det.shape[0] <= 1: return np.zeros((0, 5)), np.zeros((0, 1)) order = det[:, 4].ravel().argsort()[::-1] det = det[order, :] dets = [] while det.shape[0] > 0: # IOU area = (det[:, 2] - det[:, 0] + 1) * (det[:, 3] - det[:, 1] + 1) xx1 = np.maximum(det[0, 0], det[:, 0]) yy1 = np.maximum(det[0, 1], det[:, 1]) xx2 = np.minimum(det[0, 2], det[:, 2]) yy2 = np.minimum(det[0, 3], det[:, 3]) w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1) h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1) inter = w * h o = inter / (area[0] + area[:] - inter) # get needed merge det and delete these det merge_index = np.where(o >= vote_thresh)[0] det_accu = det[merge_index, :] det = np.delete(det, merge_index, 0) if merge_index.shape[0] <= 1: try: dets = np.row_stack((dets, det_accu)) except: dets = det_accu continue else: det_accu[:, 0:4] = det_accu[:, 0:4] * np.tile(det_accu[:, -1:], (1, 4)) max_score = np.max(det_accu[:, 4]) det_accu_sum = np.zeros((1, 5)) det_accu_sum[:, 0:4] = np.sum(det_accu[:, 0:4], axis=0) / np.sum(det_accu[:, -1:]) det_accu_sum[:, 4] = max_score try: dets = np.row_stack((dets, det_accu_sum)) except: dets = det_accu_sum boxes = torch.from_numpy(dets[:, :4]).float().cuda() scores = torch.from_numpy(dets[:, 4]).float().cuda() return boxes, scores def soft_bbox_vote(boxes, scores, vote_thresh): boxes = boxes.cpu().numpy() scores = scores.cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, 1) det = np.concatenate((boxes, scores), axis=1) if det.shape[0] <= 1: return np.zeros((0, 5)), np.zeros((0, 1)) order = det[:, 4].ravel().argsort()[::-1] det = det[order, :] dets = [] while det.shape[0] > 0: # IOU area = (det[:, 2] - det[:, 0] + 1) * (det[:, 3] - det[:, 1] + 1) xx1 = np.maximum(det[0, 0], det[:, 0]) yy1 = np.maximum(det[0, 1], det[:, 1]) xx2 = np.minimum(det[0, 2], det[:, 2]) yy2 = np.minimum(det[0, 3], det[:, 3]) w = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1) h = np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1) inter = w * h o = inter / (area[0] + area[:] - inter) # get needed merge det and delete these det merge_index = np.where(o >= vote_thresh)[0] det_accu = det[merge_index, :] det_accu_iou = o[merge_index] det = np.delete(det, merge_index, 0) if merge_index.shape[0] <= 1: try: dets = np.row_stack((dets, det_accu)) except: dets = det_accu continue else: soft_det_accu = det_accu.copy() soft_det_accu[:, 4] = soft_det_accu[:, 4] * (1 - det_accu_iou) soft_index = np.where(soft_det_accu[:, 4] >= cfg.MODEL.RETINANET.INFERENCE_TH)[0] soft_det_accu = soft_det_accu[soft_index, :] det_accu[:, 0:4] = det_accu[:, 0:4] * np.tile(det_accu[:, -1:], (1, 4)) max_score = np.max(det_accu[:, 4]) det_accu_sum = np.zeros((1, 5)) det_accu_sum[:, 0:4] = np.sum(det_accu[:, 0:4], axis=0) / np.sum(det_accu[:, -1:]) det_accu_sum[:, 4] = max_score if soft_det_accu.shape[0] > 0: det_accu_sum = np.row_stack((det_accu_sum, soft_det_accu)) try: dets = np.row_stack((dets, det_accu_sum)) except: dets = det_accu_sum order = dets[:, 4].ravel().argsort()[::-1] dets = dets[order, :] boxes = torch.from_numpy(dets[:, :4]).float().cuda() scores = torch.from_numpy(dets[:, 4]).float().cuda() return boxes, scores