# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. """ Variant of the resnet module that takes cfg as an argument. Example usage. Strings may be specified in the config file. model = ResNet( "StemWithFixedBatchNorm", "BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm", "ResNet50StagesTo4", ) OR: model = ResNet( "StemWithGN", "BottleneckWithGN", "ResNet50StagesTo4", ) Custom implementations may be written in user code and hooked in via the `register_*` functions. """ from collections import namedtuple import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from torch import nn from torch.nn import BatchNorm2d, SyncBatchNorm from maskrcnn_benchmark.layers import FrozenBatchNorm2d, NaiveSyncBatchNorm2d from maskrcnn_benchmark.layers import Conv2d, DFConv2d, SELayer from maskrcnn_benchmark.modeling.make_layers import group_norm from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.registry import Registry # ResNet stage specification StageSpec = namedtuple( "StageSpec", [ "index", # Index of the stage, eg 1, 2, ..,. 5 "block_count", # Number of residual blocks in the stage "return_features", # True => return the last feature map from this stage ], ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard ResNet models # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ResNet-50 (including all stages) ResNet50StagesTo5 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, False), (2, 4, False), (3, 6, False), (4, 3, True)) ) # ResNet-50 up to stage 4 (excludes stage 5) ResNet50StagesTo4 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, False), (2, 4, False), (3, 6, True)) ) # ResNet-101 (including all stages) ResNet101StagesTo5 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, False), (2, 4, False), (3, 23, False), (4, 3, True)) ) # ResNet-101 up to stage 4 (excludes stage 5) ResNet101StagesTo4 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, False), (2, 4, False), (3, 23, True)) ) # ResNet-50-FPN (including all stages) ResNet50FPNStagesTo5 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, True), (2, 4, True), (3, 6, True), (4, 3, True)) ) # ResNet-101-FPN (including all stages) ResNet101FPNStagesTo5 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, True), (2, 4, True), (3, 23, True), (4, 3, True)) ) # ResNet-152-FPN (including all stages) ResNet152FPNStagesTo5 = tuple( StageSpec(index=i, block_count=c, return_features=r) for (i, c, r) in ((1, 3, True), (2, 8, True), (3, 36, True), (4, 3, True)) ) class ResNet(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg): super(ResNet, self).__init__() # If we want to use the cfg in forward(), then we should make a copy # of it and store it for later use: # self.cfg = cfg.clone() # Translate string names to implementations norm_level = None stem_module = _STEM_MODULES[cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STEM_FUNC] stage_specs = _STAGE_SPECS[cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.CONV_BODY] transformation_module = _TRANSFORMATION_MODULES[cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.TRANS_FUNC] if cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.USE_BN: stem_module = StemWithBatchNorm transformation_module = BottleneckWithBatchNorm norm_level = cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.NORM_LEVEL elif cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.USE_NSYNCBN: stem_module = StemWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm transformation_module = BottleneckWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm norm_level = cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.NORM_LEVEL elif cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.USE_SYNCBN: stem_module = StemWithSyncBatchNorm transformation_module = BottleneckWithSyncBatchNorm norm_level = cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.NORM_LEVEL # Construct the stem module self.stem = stem_module(cfg) # Constuct the specified ResNet stages num_groups = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.NUM_GROUPS width_per_group = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.WIDTH_PER_GROUP in_channels = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STEM_OUT_CHANNELS stage2_bottleneck_channels = num_groups * width_per_group stage2_out_channels = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.RES2_OUT_CHANNELS with_se = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.WITH_SE self.stages = [] self.out_channels = [] self.return_features = {} for stage_spec in stage_specs: name = "layer" + str(stage_spec.index) stage2_relative_factor = 2 ** (stage_spec.index - 1) bottleneck_channels = stage2_bottleneck_channels * stage2_relative_factor out_channels = stage2_out_channels * stage2_relative_factor stage_with_dcn = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STAGE_WITH_DCN[stage_spec.index - 1] if cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.USE_AVG_DOWN: avg_down_stride = 1 if stage_spec.index==1 else 2 else: avg_down_stride = 0 module = _make_stage( transformation_module, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, stage_spec.block_count, num_groups, cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STRIDE_IN_1X1, first_stride=int(stage_spec.index > 1) + 1, dcn_config={ "stage_with_dcn": stage_with_dcn, "with_modulated_dcn": cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.WITH_MODULATED_DCN, "deformable_groups": cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.DEFORMABLE_GROUPS, }, norm_level=norm_level, with_se=with_se, avg_down_stride=avg_down_stride ) in_channels = out_channels self.add_module(name, module) self.stages.append(name) self.out_channels.append(out_channels) self.return_features[name] = stage_spec.return_features # Optionally freeze (requires_grad=False) parts of the backbone self._freeze_backbone(cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE.FREEZE_CONV_BODY_AT) def _freeze_backbone(self, freeze_at): if freeze_at < 0: return for stage_index in range(freeze_at): if stage_index == 0: m = self.stem # stage 0 is the stem else: m = getattr(self, "layer" + str(stage_index)) for p in m.parameters(): p.requires_grad = False def forward(self, x): outputs = [] x = self.stem(x) for stage_name in self.stages: x = getattr(self, stage_name)(x) if self.return_features[stage_name]: outputs.append(x) return outputs class ResNetHead(nn.Module): def __init__( self, block_module, stages, num_groups=1, width_per_group=64, stride_in_1x1=True, stride_init=None, res2_out_channels=256, dilation=1, dcn_config=None ): super(ResNetHead, self).__init__() stage2_relative_factor = 2 ** (stages[0].index - 1) stage2_bottleneck_channels = num_groups * width_per_group out_channels = res2_out_channels * stage2_relative_factor in_channels = out_channels // 2 bottleneck_channels = stage2_bottleneck_channels * stage2_relative_factor block_module = _TRANSFORMATION_MODULES[block_module] self.stages = [] stride = stride_init for stage in stages: name = "layer" + str(stage.index) if not stride: stride = int(stage.index > 1) + 1 module = _make_stage( block_module, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, stage.block_count, num_groups, stride_in_1x1, first_stride=stride, dilation=dilation, dcn_config=dcn_config ) stride = None self.add_module(name, module) self.stages.append(name) self.out_channels = out_channels def forward(self, x): for stage in self.stages: x = getattr(self, stage)(x) return x def _make_stage( transformation_module, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, block_count, num_groups, stride_in_1x1, first_stride, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, norm_level=None, **kwargs ): blocks = [] stride = first_stride for li in range(block_count): if norm_level is not None: layer_module = BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm if norm_level >= 1 and li == 0: layer_module = transformation_module if norm_level >= 2 and li == block_count - 1: layer_module = transformation_module if norm_level >= 3: layer_module = transformation_module else: layer_module = transformation_module blocks.append( layer_module( in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups, stride_in_1x1, stride, dilation=dilation, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) ) stride = 1 in_channels = out_channels return nn.Sequential(*blocks) class Bottleneck(nn.Module): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups, stride_in_1x1, stride, dilation, norm_func, dcn_config, with_se=False, avg_down_stride=0, ): super(Bottleneck, self).__init__() self.downsample = None if in_channels != out_channels: down_stride = stride if dilation == 1 else 1 if avg_down_stride>0: self.downsample = nn.Sequential( nn.AvgPool2d( kernel_size=avg_down_stride, stride=avg_down_stride, ceil_mode=True, count_include_pad=False ), nn.Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False ), norm_func(out_channels), ) else: self.downsample = nn.Sequential( Conv2d( in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=down_stride, bias=False ), norm_func(out_channels), ) for modules in [self.downsample,]: for l in modules.modules(): if isinstance(l, Conv2d): nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(l.weight, a=1) if dilation > 1: stride = 1 # reset to be 1 # The original MSRA ResNet models have stride in the first 1x1 conv # The subsequent fb.torch.resnet and Caffe2 ResNe[X]t implementations have # stride in the 3x3 conv stride_1x1, stride_3x3 = (stride, 1) if stride_in_1x1 else (1, stride) self.conv1 = Conv2d( in_channels, bottleneck_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=stride_1x1, bias=False, ) self.bn1 = norm_func(bottleneck_channels) # TODO: specify init for the above with_dcn = dcn_config.get("stage_with_dcn", False) if with_dcn: deformable_groups = dcn_config.get("deformable_groups", 1) with_modulated_dcn = dcn_config.get("with_modulated_dcn", False) self.conv2 = DFConv2d( bottleneck_channels, bottleneck_channels, with_modulated_dcn=with_modulated_dcn, kernel_size=3, stride=stride_3x3, groups=num_groups, dilation=dilation, deformable_groups=deformable_groups, bias=False ) else: self.conv2 = Conv2d( bottleneck_channels, bottleneck_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=stride_3x3, padding=dilation, bias=False, groups=num_groups, dilation=dilation ) nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.conv2.weight, a=1) self.bn2 = norm_func(bottleneck_channels) self.conv3 = Conv2d( bottleneck_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False ) self.bn3 = norm_func(out_channels) self.se = SELayer(out_channels) if with_se and not with_dcn else None for l in [self.conv1, self.conv3,]: nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(l.weight, a=1) def forward(self, x): identity = x out = self.conv1(x) out = self.bn1(out) out = F.relu_(out) out = self.conv2(out) out = self.bn2(out) out = F.relu_(out) out0 = self.conv3(out) out = self.bn3(out0) if self.se: out = self.se(out) if self.downsample is not None: identity = self.downsample(x) out += identity out = F.relu_(out) return out class BaseStem(nn.Module): def __init__(self, cfg, norm_func): super(BaseStem, self).__init__() out_channels = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.STEM_OUT_CHANNELS self.stem_3x3 = cfg.MODEL.RESNETS.USE_STEM3X3 if self.stem_3x3: self.conv1 = Conv2d( 3, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False ) self.bn1 = norm_func(out_channels) self.conv2 = Conv2d( out_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1, bias=False ) self.bn2 = norm_func(out_channels) for l in [self.conv1, self.conv2]: nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(l.weight, a=1) else: self.conv1 = Conv2d( 3, out_channels, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False ) self.bn1 = norm_func(out_channels) for l in [self.conv1,]: nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(l.weight, a=1) def forward(self, x): if self.stem_3x3: x = self.conv1(x) x = self.bn1(x) x = F.relu_(x) x = self.conv2(x) x = self.bn2(x) x = F.relu_(x) else: x = self.conv1(x) x = self.bn1(x) x = F.relu_(x) x = F.max_pool2d(x, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1) return x class BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm(Bottleneck): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups=1, stride_in_1x1=True, stride=1, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, **kwargs ): super(BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, bottleneck_channels=bottleneck_channels, out_channels=out_channels, num_groups=num_groups, stride_in_1x1=stride_in_1x1, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, norm_func=FrozenBatchNorm2d, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) class StemWithFixedBatchNorm(BaseStem): def __init__(self, cfg): super(StemWithFixedBatchNorm, self).__init__( cfg, norm_func=FrozenBatchNorm2d ) class BottleneckWithBatchNorm(Bottleneck): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups=1, stride_in_1x1=True, stride=1, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, **kwargs ): super(BottleneckWithBatchNorm, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, bottleneck_channels=bottleneck_channels, out_channels=out_channels, num_groups=num_groups, stride_in_1x1=stride_in_1x1, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, norm_func=BatchNorm2d, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) class StemWithBatchNorm(BaseStem): def __init__(self, cfg): super(StemWithBatchNorm, self).__init__( cfg, norm_func=BatchNorm2d ) class BottleneckWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm(Bottleneck): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups=1, stride_in_1x1=True, stride=1, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, **kwargs ): super(BottleneckWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, bottleneck_channels=bottleneck_channels, out_channels=out_channels, num_groups=num_groups, stride_in_1x1=stride_in_1x1, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, norm_func=NaiveSyncBatchNorm2d, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) class StemWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm(BaseStem): def __init__(self, cfg): super(StemWithNaiveSyncBatchNorm, self).__init__( cfg, norm_func=NaiveSyncBatchNorm2d ) class BottleneckWithSyncBatchNorm(Bottleneck): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups=1, stride_in_1x1=True, stride=1, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, **kwargs ): super(BottleneckWithSyncBatchNorm, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, bottleneck_channels=bottleneck_channels, out_channels=out_channels, num_groups=num_groups, stride_in_1x1=stride_in_1x1, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, norm_func=SyncBatchNorm, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) class StemWithSyncBatchNorm(BaseStem): def __init__(self, cfg): super(StemWithSyncBatchNorm, self).__init__( cfg, norm_func=SyncBatchNorm ) class BottleneckWithGN(Bottleneck): def __init__( self, in_channels, bottleneck_channels, out_channels, num_groups=1, stride_in_1x1=True, stride=1, dilation=1, dcn_config=None, **kwargs ): super(BottleneckWithGN, self).__init__( in_channels=in_channels, bottleneck_channels=bottleneck_channels, out_channels=out_channels, num_groups=num_groups, stride_in_1x1=stride_in_1x1, stride=stride, dilation=dilation, norm_func=group_norm, dcn_config=dcn_config, **kwargs ) class StemWithGN(BaseStem): def __init__(self, cfg): super(StemWithGN, self).__init__(cfg, norm_func=group_norm) _TRANSFORMATION_MODULES = Registry({ "BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm": BottleneckWithFixedBatchNorm, "BottleneckWithGN": BottleneckWithGN, }) _STEM_MODULES = Registry({ "StemWithFixedBatchNorm": StemWithFixedBatchNorm, "StemWithGN": StemWithGN, }) _STAGE_SPECS = Registry({ "R-50-C4": ResNet50StagesTo4, "R-50-C5": ResNet50StagesTo5, "R-50-RETINANET": ResNet50StagesTo5, "R-101-C4": ResNet101StagesTo4, "R-101-C5": ResNet101StagesTo5, "R-101-RETINANET": ResNet101StagesTo5, "R-50-FPN": ResNet50FPNStagesTo5, "R-50-FPN-RETINANET": ResNet50FPNStagesTo5, "R-50-FPN-FCOS": ResNet50FPNStagesTo5, "R-101-FPN": ResNet101FPNStagesTo5, "R-101-FPN-RETINANET": ResNet101FPNStagesTo5, "R-101-FPN-FCOS": ResNet101FPNStagesTo5, "R-152-FPN": ResNet152FPNStagesTo5, })