# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict import logging import math import torch from maskrcnn_benchmark.utils.imports import import_file def resize_2d(posemb, shape_new): # Rescale the grid of position embeddings when loading from state_dict. Adapted from # https://github.com/google-research/vision_transformer/blob/00883dd691c63a6830751563748663526e811cee/vit_jax/checkpoint.py#L224 ntok_new = shape_new[0] gs_old = int(math.sqrt(len(posemb))) # 2 * w - 1 gs_new = int(math.sqrt(ntok_new)) # 2 * w - 1 posemb_grid = posemb.reshape(1, gs_old, gs_old, -1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) posemb_grid = torch.nn.functional.interpolate(posemb_grid, size=(gs_new, gs_new), mode='bilinear') posemb_grid = posemb_grid.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(gs_new * gs_new, -1) return posemb_grid def align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, loaded_state_dict, reshape_keys=['pos_bias_table'], use_weightmap=False): """ Strategy: suppose that the models that we will create will have prefixes appended to each of its keys, for example due to an extra level of nesting that the original pre-trained weights from ImageNet won't contain. For example, model.state_dict() might return backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight, while the pre-trained model contains res2.conv1.weight. We thus want to match both parameters together. For that, we look for each model weight, look among all loaded keys if there is one that is a suffix of the current weight name, and use it if that's the case. If multiple matches exist, take the one with longest size of the corresponding name. For example, for the same model as before, the pretrained weight file can contain both res2.conv1.weight, as well as conv1.weight. In this case, we want to match backbone[0].body.conv1.weight to conv1.weight, and backbone[0].body.res2.conv1.weight to res2.conv1.weight. """ current_keys = sorted(list(model_state_dict.keys())) loaded_keys = sorted(list(loaded_state_dict.keys())) # get a matrix of string matches, where each (i, j) entry correspond to the size of the # loaded_key string, if it matches match_matrix = [ len(j) if i.endswith(j) else 0 for i in current_keys for j in loaded_keys ] match_matrix = torch.as_tensor(match_matrix).view( len(current_keys), len(loaded_keys) ) max_match_size, idxs = match_matrix.max(1) # remove indices that correspond to no-match idxs[max_match_size == 0] = -1 matched_keys = [] # used for logging max_size = max([len(key) for key in current_keys]) if current_keys else 1 max_size_loaded = max([len(key) for key in loaded_keys]) if loaded_keys else 1 log_str_template = "{: <{}} loaded from {: <{}} of shape {}" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) for idx_new, idx_old in enumerate(idxs.tolist()): if idx_old == -1: continue key = current_keys[idx_new] key_old = loaded_keys[idx_old] if model_state_dict[key].shape != loaded_state_dict[key_old].shape: if any([k in key_old for k in reshape_keys]): new_shape = model_state_dict[key].shape logger.warning('Reshaping {} -> {}. \n'.format(key_old, key)) model_state_dict[key] = resize_2d(loaded_state_dict[key_old], new_shape) elif use_weightmap and 'cls_logits' in key: coco_in_objects365_inds = [ 227, 26, 55, 202, 2, 44, 338, 346, 32, 336, 118, 299, 218, 25, 361, 59, 95, 161, 278, 82, 110, 22, 364, 134, 9, 350, 152, 323, 304, 130, 285, 289, 16, 172, 17, 18, 283, 305, 321, 35, 362, 88, 127, 174, 292, 37, 11, 6, 267, 212, 41, 58, 162, 237, 98, 48, 63, 81, 247, 23, 94, 326, 349, 178, 203, 259, 171, 60, 198, 213, 325, 282, 258, 33, 71, 353, 273, 318, 148, 330 ] logger.info("Use coco_in_objects365_inds labelmap for COCO detection because of size mis-match, " "Reshaping {} -> {}. \n".format(key_old, key)) new_shape = model_state_dict[key].shape assert new_shape[0] == len(coco_in_objects365_inds) weight_inds_old = torch.as_tensor(coco_in_objects365_inds).to(loaded_state_dict[key_old].device) model_state_dict[key] = loaded_state_dict[key_old][weight_inds_old].to(model_state_dict[key].device) else: logger.info('Skip due to size mismatch: {} -> {}. \n'.format(key_old, key)) continue else: model_state_dict[key] = loaded_state_dict[key_old] matched_keys.append(key) logger.info( log_str_template.format( key, max_size, key_old, max_size_loaded, tuple(loaded_state_dict[key_old].shape), ) ) missing_keys = set(current_keys)-set(matched_keys) if len(missing_keys): groups = _group_checkpoint_keys(missing_keys) msg_per_group = sorted(k + _group_to_str(v) for k, v in groups.items()) msg = '\n'.join(sorted(msg_per_group)) logger.warning('Some layers unloaded with pre-trained weight: \n' + msg) def strip_prefix_if_present(state_dict, prefix): keys = sorted(state_dict.keys()) if not all(key.startswith(prefix) for key in keys): return state_dict stripped_state_dict = OrderedDict() for key, value in state_dict.items(): stripped_state_dict[key.replace(prefix, "", 1)] = value return stripped_state_dict def load_state_dict(model, loaded_state_dict): model_state_dict = model.state_dict() # if the state_dict comes from a model that was wrapped in a # DataParallel or DistributedDataParallel during serialization, # remove the "module" prefix before performing the matching loaded_state_dict = strip_prefix_if_present(loaded_state_dict, prefix="module.") align_and_update_state_dicts(model_state_dict, loaded_state_dict) # use strict loading model.load_state_dict(model_state_dict) def _group_checkpoint_keys(keys): """ Group keys based on common prefixes. A prefix is the string up to the final "." in each key. Args: keys (list[str]): list of parameter names, i.e. keys in the model checkpoint dict. Returns: dict[list]: keys with common prefixes are grouped into lists. """ groups = defaultdict(list) for key in keys: pos = key.rfind(".") if pos >= 0: head, tail = key[:pos], [key[pos + 1 :]] else: head, tail = key, [] groups[head].extend(tail) return groups def _group_to_str(group): """ Format a group of parameter name suffixes into a loggable string. Args: group (list[str]): list of parameter name suffixes. Returns: str: formated string. """ if len(group) == 0: return "" if len(group) == 1: return "." + group[0] return ".{" + ", ".join(sorted(group)) + "}"