import logging import os import gradio as gr import numpy as np from PIL import Image from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_url, cached_download from inference.face_detector import StatRetinaFaceDetector from inference.model_pipeline import VSNetModelPipeline from inference.onnx_model import ONNXModel logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') MODEL_IMG_SIZE = 512 usage_count = 0 # Based on hugging face logs def load_model(): REPO_ID = "Podtekatel/Avatar2VSK" FILENAME = "avatar2_260_ep_181.onnx" global model global pipeline # Old model model_path = cached_download( hf_hub_url(REPO_ID, FILENAME), use_auth_token=os.getenv('HF_TOKEN') ) model = ONNXModel(model_path) pipeline = VSNetModelPipeline(model, StatRetinaFaceDetector(MODEL_IMG_SIZE), background_resize=1024, no_detected_resize=1024) return model load_model() def inference(img): img = np.array(img) out_img = pipeline(img) out_img = Image.fromarray(out_img) global usage_count usage_count += 1'Usage count is {usage_count}') return out_img title = "Avatar 2 Style Transfer" description = "Gradio Demo for Avatar: The Way of Water style transfer. To use it, simply upload your image, or click one of the examples to load them. Press ❤️ if you like this space or mention this repo on Reddit or Twitter!
" \ """
Input Output
""" article = "This model was trained on `Avatar: The Way of Water` movie. This model mainly focuses on faces stylization, Pay attention on this when uploads images.
" \ "" \ "Model pipeline which used in project is improved CartoonGAN.
" \ "This model was trained on RTX 2080 Ti 2 days with batch size 7.
" \ "Model weights 80 MB in ONNX fp32 format, infers 100 ms on GPU and 600 ms on CPU at 512x512 resolution.
" \ "My email contact: ''." imgs_folder = 'demo' examples = [[os.path.join(imgs_folder, img_filename)] for img_filename in sorted(os.listdir(imgs_folder))] demo = gr.Interface( fn=inference, inputs=[gr.inputs.Image(type="pil")], outputs=gr.outputs.Image(type="pil"), title=title, description=description, article=article, examples=examples) demo.queue(concurrency_count=1) demo.launch()