Heart-UI / app.py
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from datetime import datetime
import gradio as gr
import hopsworks
import joblib
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
project = hopsworks.login()
fs = project.get_feature_store()
mr = project.get_model_registry()
model = mr.get_model("heart_model", version=1)
model_dir = model.download()
model = joblib.load(model_dir + "/heart_model.pkl")
preprocessing_pipeline = joblib.load(model_dir + "/preprocessing_pipeline.pkl")
print("Model downloaded")
def predict(df):
df = preprocessing_pipeline.transform(df)
prediction = model.predict(df)
return prediction[0]
def heart(heartdisease, smoking, alcoholdrinking, stroke, diffwalking, sex, agecategory, race, diabetic, physicalactivity, genhealth, asthma, kidneydisease, skincancer, mentalhealth, physicalhealth, sleeptime, bmi):
df = pd.DataFrame({
'smoking': [smoking],
'alcohol_drinking': [alcoholdrinking],
'stroke': [stroke],
'diff_walking': [diffwalking],
'sex': [sex],
'age_category': [agecategory],
'race': [race],
'diabetic': [diabetic],
'physical_activity': [physicalactivity],
'general_health': [genhealth],
'asthma': [asthma],
'kidney_disease': [kidneydisease],
'skin_cancer': [skincancer],
'b_m_i': [bmi],
'mental_health': [mentalhealth],
'physical_health': [physicalhealth],
'sleep_time': [sleeptime],
# Replace Unknowns with NaNs
# Feature pipeline has an imputer
df = df.replace('Unknown', np.nan)
pred = predict(df)
if heartdisease != "Unknown":
df['heart_disease'] = heartdisease
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(datetime.now())
heart_fg = fs.get_feature_group(name="heart", version=1)
# If insert fails, insert the imputed value instead of nan
if not pred:
return "We predict that you do NOT have heart disease. (But this is not medical advice!)"
return "We predict that you MIGHT have heart disease. (But this is not medical advice!)"
demo = gr.Interface(
title="Heart Disease Predictive Analytics",
description="Experiment with different heart configurations.",
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Heart Disease (TARGET)"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Smoking"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Alcohol Drinking"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Stroke"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Diff Walking"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'Female', 'Male'], label="Sex"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', '18-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-44', '45-49', '50-54', '55-59', '60-64', '65-69', '70-74', '75-79', '80 or older'], label="Age Category"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'American Indian/Alaskan Native', 'Asian', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'Other', 'White'], label="Race"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'No, borderline diabetes', 'Yes', 'Yes (during pregnancy)'], label="Diabetic"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Physical Activity"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'Poor', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Very good', 'Excellent'], label="General Health"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Asthma"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Kidney Disease"),
gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Skin Cancer"),
gr.Number(label="Mental Health", minimum=0, maximum=30),
gr.Number(label="Physical Health", minimum=0, maximum=30),
gr.Number(label="Sleep Time", minimum=1, maximum=24),