from datetime import datetime import gradio as gr import hopsworks import joblib import pandas as pd import numpy as np project = hopsworks.login() fs = project.get_feature_store() mr = project.get_model_registry() model = mr.get_model("heart_model_v1", version=1) model_dir = model = joblib.load(model_dir + "/heart_model.pkl") preprocessing_pipeline = joblib.load(model_dir + "/preprocessing_pipeline.pkl") print("Model downloaded") def impute(df): _, numerical_pipeline, numerical = preprocessing_pipeline.transformers_[0] _, categorical_pipeline, categorical = preprocessing_pipeline.transformers_[1] numerical_imputer = numerical_pipeline.named_steps['imputer'] categorical_imputer = categorical_pipeline.named_steps['imputer'] df[numerical] = numerical_imputer.transform(df[numerical]) df[categorical] = categorical_imputer.transform(df[categorical]) return df def predict(df): df = preprocessing_pipeline.transform(df) prediction = model.predict(df) return prediction[0] def heart(heartdisease, smoking, alcoholdrinking, stroke, diffwalking, sex, agecategory, race, diabetic, physicalactivity, genhealth, asthma, kidneydisease, skincancer, mentalhealth, physicalhealth, sleeptime, bmi): df = pd.DataFrame({ 'smoking': [smoking], 'alcohol_drinking': [alcoholdrinking], 'stroke': [stroke], 'diff_walking': [diffwalking], 'sex': [sex], 'age_category': [agecategory], 'race': [race], 'diabetic': [diabetic], 'physical_activity': [physicalactivity], 'gen_health': [genhealth], 'asthma': [asthma], 'kidney_disease': [kidneydisease], 'skin_cancer': [skincancer], 'b_m_i': [bmi], 'mental_health': [mentalhealth], 'physical_health': [physicalhealth], 'sleep_time': [sleeptime], }) # Replace Unknowns with NaNs # Feature pipeline has an imputer df = df.replace('Unknown', np.nan) store_data = False if heartdisease != "Unknown": df = impute(df) df['heart_disease'] = np.float64(heartdisease == "Yes") df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime( # Hacky fix due to Hopsworks Magic df["timestamp"] = df['timestamp'] - pd.to_timedelta(0 * df.index, unit='s') # heart_fg = fs.get_feature_group(name="heart", version=1) heart_fg = fs.get_or_create_feature_group( name="heart_user_dataset", version=1, primary_key=df.columns, description="Heart Dataset of User Input Values", event_time="timestamp", ) try: heart_fg.insert(df, write_options={"wait_for_job": False}) except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred: {e}") store_data = True if store_data: return "Thank you for submitting your data. We will use it to improve our model." pred = predict(df) if not pred: return "We predict that you do NOT have heart disease. (But this is not medical advice!)" else: return "We predict that you MIGHT have heart disease. (But this is not medical advice!)" demo = gr.Interface( fn=heart, title="Heart Disease Predictive Analytics", description="Experiment with different heart configurations.", allow_flagging="never", inputs=[ gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Heart Disease (TARGET)"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Smoking"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Alcohol Drinking"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Stroke"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Diff Walking"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'Female', 'Male'], label="Sex"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', '18-24', '25-29', '30-34', '35-39', '40-44', '45-49', '50-54', '55-59', '60-64', '65-69', '70-74', '75-79', '80 or older'], label="Age Category"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'American Indian/Alaskan Native', 'Asian', 'Black', 'Hispanic', 'Other', 'White'], label="Race"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'No, borderline diabetes', 'Yes', 'Yes (during pregnancy)'], label="Diabetic"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Physical Activity"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'Poor', 'Fair', 'Good', 'Very good', 'Excellent'], label="General Health"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Asthma"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Kidney Disease"), gr.Dropdown(['Unknown', 'No', 'Yes'], label="Skin Cancer"), gr.Number(label="Mental Health", minimum=0, maximum=30), gr.Number(label="Physical Health", minimum=0, maximum=30), gr.Number(label="Sleep Time", minimum=1, maximum=24), gr.Number(label="BMI"), ], outputs="text") demo.launch(debug=True)