File size: 5,185 Bytes
753cb33 6e340e9 753cb33 e8c0a63 753cb33 e8c0a63 753cb33 6e340e9 753cb33 6e340e9 753cb33 6e340e9 753cb33 35deaeb 753cb33 6e340e9 753cb33 6e340e9 35deaeb e8c0a63 35deaeb 42bb7ad e8c0a63 42bb7ad |
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import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import multiprocessing
from collections import Counter
from contextlib import contextmanager
from dataclasses import dataclass
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class PythonREPL:
def __init__(self, timeout=15):
self.timeout = timeout
def _run_code(temp_file_path):
result =
["python3", temp_file_path],
if result.returncode == 0:
return True, result.stdout.strip()
error_msg = result.stderr.strip()
msgs = error_msg.split("\n")
new_msgs = []
want_next = False
for m in msgs:
if "Traceback" in m:
elif m == msgs[-1]:
elif temp_file_path in m:
st = m.index('"/') + 1 if '"/' in m else 0
ed = m.index(temp_file_path) + 1 if temp_file_path in m else None
clr = m[st:ed] if not ed else m[st:]
m = m.replace(clr, "")
want_next = True
elif want_next:
want_next = False
return False, "\n".join(new_msgs).strip()
def __call__(self, query):
query = "import math\nimport numpy as np\nimport sympy as sp\n" + query
query = query.strip().split("\n")
if "print(" not in query[-1]:
if "#" in query[-1]:
query[-1] = query[-1].split("#")[0]
query[-1] = "print(" + query[-1] + ")"
query = "\n".join(query)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
temp_file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "")
with open(temp_file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
with multiprocessing.Pool(1) as pool:
result = pool.apply_async(self._run_code, (temp_file_path,))
success, output = result.get(self.timeout)
except multiprocessing.TimeoutError:
return False, f"Timed out after {self.timeout} seconds."
return success, output
def execute_completion(executor, completion, return_status, last_code_block):
executions = re.findall(r"```python(.*?)```", completion, re.DOTALL)
if len(executions) == 0:
return completion, False if return_status else completion
if last_code_block:
executions = [executions[-1]]
outputs = []
successes = []
for code in executions:
success = False
for lib in ("subprocess", "venv"):
if lib in code:
output = f"{lib} is not allowed"
success, output = executor(code)
except TimeoutError as e:
print("Code timed out")
output = e
if not success and not return_status:
output = ""
output = str(outputs[-1]).strip()
success = successes[-1]
if return_status:
return output, success
return output ,False
def postprocess_completion(text, return_status, last_code_block):
executor = PythonREPL()
result = execute_completion(executor, text, return_status=return_status, last_code_block=last_code_block)
del executor
return result
def get_majority_vote(answers):
if not len(answers):
return 0
c = Counter(answers)
value, _ = c.most_common()[0]
return value
def type_check(expr_str):
expr = sp.sympify(expr_str)
# Check if the expression is a real number
if expr.is_real:
return "Real"
# Check if the expression is a complex number
if expr.is_complex:
return "Complex"
# Check if the expression is a polynomial
if expr.is_polynomial():
return "Polynomial"
# Otherwise, classify as other
return "Other"
def draw_polynomial_plot(expression):
x = sp.symbols('x')
poly_expr = sp.sympify(expression) # Convert input to sympy expression
poly_lambda = sp.lambdify(x, poly_expr, 'numpy')
# Create the plot
x_vals = np.linspace(-10, 10, 400)
y_vals = poly_lambda(x_vals)
plt.plot(x_vals, y_vals)
plt.title('Polynomial Plot')
# Save the plot to a file
plot_filename = "polynomial_plot.png"
return plot_filename
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in draw_polynomial_plot: {e}")
return None