PUNC_LIST = [',', '。', '!', '?', '、'] def pre_proc(text): res = '' for i in range(len(text)): if text[i] in PUNC_LIST: continue if '\u4e00' <= text[i] <= '\u9fff': if len(res) and res[-1] != " ": res += ' ' + text[i]+' ' else: res += text[i]+' ' else: res += text[i] if res[-1] == ' ': res = res[:-1] return res def proc(raw_text, timestamp, dest_text): # simple matching ld = len(dest_text.split()) mi, ts = [], [] offset = 0 while True: fi = raw_text.find(dest_text, offset, len(raw_text)) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() ti = raw_text[:fi].count(' ') if fi == -1: break offset = fi + ld mi.append(fi) ts.append([timestamp[ti][0]*16, timestamp[ti+ld-1][1]*16]) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() return ts def write_state(output_dir, state): for key in ['/recog_res_raw', '/timestamp', '/sentences']: with open(output_dir+key, 'w') as fout: fout.write(str(state[key[1:]])) def load_state(output_dir): state = {} with open(output_dir+'/recog_res_raw') as fin: line = fin.read() state['recog_res_raw'] = line with open(output_dir+'/timestamp') as fin: line = fin.read() state['timestamp'] = eval(line) with open(output_dir+'/sentences') as fin: line = fin.read() state['sentences'] = eval(line) return state