from import Storage from appwrite.client import Client from appwrite.query import Query from io import BytesIO from PIL import Image import configparser import os def getImages(nImages: int) -> dict[str, list[Image.Image]]: """ Retrieves images from the configured Appwrite S3 bucket. Args: nImages (int): The maximum number of images to retrieve from the bucket. Returns: dict[str, list[Image.Image]]: A dictionary where each key is a category (str) and each value is a list of PIL images (list[Image.Image]) belonging to that category. """ # configuring the appwrite client client = Client() (client .set_endpoint(os.environ["APPWRITE_ENDPOINT"]) .set_project(os.environ["APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID"]) .set_key(os.environ["APPWRITE_API_KEY"]) .set_self_signed() .set_session("") ) # retrieving names of all files from the storage bucket storage = Storage(client) allFiles = storage.list_files(bucket_id = os.environ["APPWRITE_BUCKET_ID"], queries = [Query.limit(nImages)]) allFiles = [file["$id"] for file in allFiles["files"]] extractedData = { "chokers": [x for x in allFiles if x.startswith("CH")], "shortNecklaces": [x for x in allFiles if x.startswith("SN")], "longNecklaces": [x for x in allFiles if x.startswith("LN")], "models": [x for x in allFiles if x.startswith("MD")] } # getting PIL images out of the files extractedData = { x: [ BytesIO( storage.get_file_view( bucket_id = os.environ["APPWRITE_BUCKET_ID"], file_id = y ) ) ) for y in extractedData[x] ] for x in extractedData } return extractedData def getConfig(path: str): """ Load configuration from a specified file. Args: path (str): The path to the configuration file. Returns: ConfigParser: The loaded configuration object. """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() return config