StocKnock /
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import streamlit as st
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
import joblib
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from PIL import Image
# Load the banner image
banner ="StocKnock.png")
banner1 ="StocKnock2.png")
Tesla ='Tesla.png')
NVDA ='Nvidia.png')
Nio ='Nio.png')
# Load the model pipeline
model_pipeline = joblib.load('model_LinReg.pkl')
# Load SARIMA models for each company
sarima_models = {
'TSLA': joblib.load('SARIMAX_model_TSLA.pkl'),
'NVDA': joblib.load('SARIMAX_model_NVDA.pkl'),
'NIO': joblib.load('SARIMAX_model_NIO.pkl')
# Initialize VADER sentiment analyzer
sia = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def analyze_sentiment(text):
return sia.polarity_scores(text)
def categorize_sentiment(compound_score):
if compound_score >= 0.05:
return 'Positive'
elif compound_score <= -0.05:
return 'Negative'
return 'Neutral'
def get_stock_data(ticker):
stock_data =, period='1y', interval='1d') # Get 1 year of data for better SARIMA forecasting
if stock_data.empty:
return None
return stock_data
def create_input_df(company, headlines):
company_ticker = {'Tesla': 'TSLA', 'Nvidia': 'NVDA', 'NIO': 'NIO'}
ticker = company_ticker.get(company)
if not ticker:
return None
stock_data = get_stock_data(ticker)
if stock_data is None:
return None
# Filter stock data to include only entries from 2024
stock_data_2024 = stock_data[stock_data.index.year == 2024]
if stock_data_2024.empty:
return None
latest_stock = stock_data_2024.iloc[-1]
data = {
'Company_ID': [ticker],
'Open': [latest_stock['Open']],
'High': [latest_stock['High']],
'Low': [latest_stock['Low']],
'Close': [latest_stock['Close']],
'Volume': [latest_stock['Volume']],
'news_count': [len(headlines)]
# Initialize sentiment scores
pos_score = neg_score = neu_score = compound_score = 0
# Calculate sentiment scores for each headline
for headline in headlines:
sentiment = analyze_sentiment(headline)
pos_score += sentiment['pos']
neg_score += sentiment['neg']
neu_score += sentiment['neu']
compound_score += sentiment['compound']
# Calculate average sentiment scores
num_headlines = len(headlines)
avg_pos_score = pos_score / num_headlines
avg_neg_score = neg_score / num_headlines
avg_neu_score = neu_score / num_headlines
avg_compound_score = compound_score / num_headlines
# Categorize sentiment based on the average compound score
sentiment_category = categorize_sentiment(avg_compound_score)
# Add sentiment scores and category to the data dictionary
'positive': [avg_pos_score],
'negative': [avg_neg_score],
'neutral': [avg_neu_score],
'compound': [avg_compound_score],
'sentiment_category': [sentiment_category]
return pd.DataFrame(data), stock_data_2024
def predict_stock_price(company, headlines):
if len(headlines) > 10:
return "Please provide up to 10 headlines."
input_df, stock_data_2024 = create_input_df(company, headlines)
if input_df is None:
return "Invalid company selected or no data available for 2024."
st.write("Input DataFrame:")
st.write(input_df) # Display the input DataFrame for debugging
# Predict the next closing price
predicted_next_close = model_pipeline.predict(input_df)[0]
# Perform SARIMA forecast
ticker = input_df['Company_ID'][0]
sarima_model = sarima_models.get(ticker)
if sarima_model is None:
return "SARIMA model not available for the selected company."
# Prepare data for SARIMA forecast with predicted value
history_with_predicted = stock_data_2024['Adj Close']
future_with_predicted = np.append(history_with_predicted, predicted_next_close)
# Prepare data for SARIMA forecast without predicted value
history_without_predicted = stock_data_2024['Adj Close']
# Forecast future prices with predicted value
forecast_steps = 30
forecast_with_predicted = sarima_model.forecast(steps=forecast_steps, exog=[predicted_next_close])
# Plot the results
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=1)
# Historical data
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=history_without_predicted.index, y=history_without_predicted, mode='lines', name='Historical Data'))
# Predicted next close price
predicted_date = history_with_predicted.index[-1] + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[predicted_date], y=[predicted_next_close], mode='markers', name='Predicted Next Close'))
# Forecast data with predicted value
forecast_index_with_predicted = [predicted_date + pd.Timedelta(days=i) for i in range(1, forecast_steps + 1)]
forecast_with_predicted_line = go.Scatter(x=forecast_index_with_predicted, y=forecast_with_predicted, mode='lines', name='Forecast')
fig.update_layout(title=f"SARIMA Forecast for {company}", xaxis_title="Date", yaxis_title="Price")
return f"Predicted Next Close Price: {predicted_next_close}"
def main():
st.sidebar.image(banner1, use_column_width=True)
st.sidebar.write("Welcome to **StocKnock**, where we use sentiment analysis on social media to predict stock prices. Join us for smarter investing!")
st.sidebar.title("What model do we use?")
st.sidebar.write("We utilize **Linear Regression** to predict the stock for the next day and **Sarimax** to forecast future stock prices, including the predicted results.")
st.sidebar.title("Stocks you can predict")
st.sidebar.write("For the time being, these are the stock that you can predict!")
st.sidebar.image(Tesla, use_column_width=True)
st.sidebar.image(NVDA, use_column_width=True)
st.sidebar.image(Nio, use_column_width=True)
st.image(banner, use_column_width=True)
st.title("Stock Price Prediction App")
st.write("Select a company and provide up to 10 headlines to predict the next stock price based on tweets.")
company_options = ['Tesla', 'Nvidia', 'NIO']
company = st.selectbox("Select Company", company_options, key="company_select")
headlines = st.text_area("Enter Headlines (up to 10 headlines)", key="headlines_input")
if st.button("Predict", key="predict_button"):
if headlines:
headlines = headlines.split("\n")
st.error("Please enter headlines.")
prediction = predict_stock_price(company, headlines)
if __name__ == "__main__":