import threading import re from modules.patch import PatchSettings, patch_settings, patch_all patch_all() class AsyncTask: def __init__(self, args): self.args = args self.yields = [] self.results = [] self.last_stop = False self.processing = False async_tasks = [] def worker(): global async_tasks import os import traceback import math import numpy as np import cv2 import torch import time import shared import random import copy import modules.default_pipeline as pipeline import modules.core as core import modules.flags as flags import modules.config import modules.patch import ldm_patched.modules.model_management import extras.preprocessors as preprocessors import modules.inpaint_worker as inpaint_worker import modules.constants as constants import extras.ip_adapter as ip_adapter import extras.face_crop import fooocus_version import args_manager from extras.censor import default_censor from modules.sdxl_styles import apply_style, get_random_style, fooocus_expansion, apply_arrays, random_style_name from modules.private_logger import log from extras.expansion import safe_str from modules.util import (remove_empty_str, HWC3, resize_image, get_image_shape_ceil, set_image_shape_ceil, get_shape_ceil, resample_image, erode_or_dilate, get_enabled_loras, parse_lora_references_from_prompt, apply_wildcards) from modules.upscaler import perform_upscale from modules.flags import Performance from modules.meta_parser import get_metadata_parser, MetadataScheme pid = os.getpid() print(f'Started worker with PID {pid}') try: async_gradio_app = shared.gradio_root flag = f'''App started successful. Use the app with {str(async_gradio_app.local_url)} or {str(async_gradio_app.server_name)}:{str(async_gradio_app.server_port)}''' if async_gradio_app.share: flag += f''' or {async_gradio_app.share_url}''' print(flag) except Exception as e: print(e) def progressbar(async_task, number, text): print(f'[Fooocus] {text}') async_task.yields.append(['preview', (number, text, None)]) def yield_result(async_task, imgs, black_out_nsfw, censor=True, do_not_show_finished_images=False, progressbar_index=flags.preparation_step_count): if not isinstance(imgs, list): imgs = [imgs] if censor and (modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or black_out_nsfw): progressbar(async_task, progressbar_index, 'Checking for NSFW content ...') imgs = default_censor(imgs) async_task.results = async_task.results + imgs if do_not_show_finished_images: return async_task.yields.append(['results', async_task.results]) return def build_image_wall(async_task): results = [] if len(async_task.results) < 2: return for img in async_task.results: if isinstance(img, str) and os.path.exists(img): img = cv2.imread(img) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if not isinstance(img, np.ndarray): return if img.ndim != 3: return results.append(img) H, W, C = results[0].shape for img in results: Hn, Wn, Cn = img.shape if H != Hn: return if W != Wn: return if C != Cn: return cols = float(len(results)) ** 0.5 cols = int(math.ceil(cols)) rows = float(len(results)) / float(cols) rows = int(math.ceil(rows)) wall = np.zeros(shape=(H * rows, W * cols, C), dtype=np.uint8) for y in range(rows): for x in range(cols): if y * cols + x < len(results): img = results[y * cols + x] wall[y * H:y * H + H, x * W:x * W + W, :] = img # must use deep copy otherwise gradio is super laggy. Do not use list.append() . async_task.results = async_task.results + [wall] return @torch.no_grad() @torch.inference_mode() def handler(async_task): execution_start_time = time.perf_counter() async_task.processing = True args = async_task.args args.reverse() prompt = args.pop() negative_prompt = args.pop() style_selections = args.pop() performance_selection = Performance(args.pop()) aspect_ratios_selection = args.pop() image_number = args.pop() output_format = args.pop() image_seed = args.pop() read_wildcards_in_order = args.pop() sharpness = args.pop() guidance_scale = args.pop() base_model_name = args.pop() refiner_model_name = args.pop() refiner_switch = args.pop() loras = get_enabled_loras([(bool(args.pop()), str(args.pop()), float(args.pop())) for _ in range(modules.config.default_max_lora_number)]) input_image_checkbox = args.pop() current_tab = args.pop() uov_method = args.pop() uov_input_image = args.pop() outpaint_selections = args.pop() inpaint_input_image = args.pop() inpaint_additional_prompt = args.pop() inpaint_mask_image_upload = args.pop() disable_preview = args.pop() disable_intermediate_results = args.pop() disable_seed_increment = args.pop() black_out_nsfw = args.pop() adm_scaler_positive = args.pop() adm_scaler_negative = args.pop() adm_scaler_end = args.pop() adaptive_cfg = args.pop() clip_skip = args.pop() sampler_name = args.pop() scheduler_name = args.pop() vae_name = args.pop() overwrite_step = args.pop() overwrite_switch = args.pop() overwrite_width = args.pop() overwrite_height = args.pop() overwrite_vary_strength = args.pop() overwrite_upscale_strength = args.pop() mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale = args.pop() mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint = args.pop() debugging_cn_preprocessor = args.pop() skipping_cn_preprocessor = args.pop() canny_low_threshold = args.pop() canny_high_threshold = args.pop() refiner_swap_method = args.pop() controlnet_softness = args.pop() freeu_enabled = args.pop() freeu_b1 = args.pop() freeu_b2 = args.pop() freeu_s1 = args.pop() freeu_s2 = args.pop() debugging_inpaint_preprocessor = args.pop() inpaint_disable_initial_latent = args.pop() inpaint_engine = args.pop() inpaint_strength = args.pop() inpaint_respective_field = args.pop() inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox = args.pop() invert_mask_checkbox = args.pop() inpaint_erode_or_dilate = args.pop() save_metadata_to_images = args.pop() if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else False metadata_scheme = MetadataScheme( args.pop()) if not args_manager.args.disable_metadata else MetadataScheme.FOOOCUS cn_tasks = {x: [] for x in flags.ip_list} for _ in range(flags.controlnet_image_count): cn_img = args.pop() cn_stop = args.pop() cn_weight = args.pop() cn_type = args.pop() if cn_img is not None: cn_tasks[cn_type].append([cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight]) outpaint_selections = [o.lower() for o in outpaint_selections] base_model_additional_loras = [] raw_style_selections = copy.deepcopy(style_selections) uov_method = uov_method.lower() if fooocus_expansion in style_selections: use_expansion = True style_selections.remove(fooocus_expansion) else: use_expansion = False use_style = len(style_selections) > 0 if base_model_name == refiner_model_name: print(f'Refiner disabled because base model and refiner are same.') refiner_model_name = 'None' steps = performance_selection.steps() performance_loras = [] if performance_selection == Performance.EXTREME_SPEED: print('Enter LCM mode.') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading LCM components ...') performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lcm_lora(), 1.0)] if refiner_model_name != 'None': print(f'Refiner disabled in LCM mode.') refiner_model_name = 'None' sampler_name = 'lcm' scheduler_name = 'lcm' sharpness = 0.0 guidance_scale = 1.0 adaptive_cfg = 1.0 refiner_switch = 1.0 adm_scaler_positive = 1.0 adm_scaler_negative = 1.0 adm_scaler_end = 0.0 elif performance_selection == Performance.LIGHTNING: print('Enter Lightning mode.') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading Lightning components ...') performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_lightning_lora(), 1.0)] if refiner_model_name != 'None': print(f'Refiner disabled in Lightning mode.') refiner_model_name = 'None' sampler_name = 'euler' scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform' sharpness = 0.0 guidance_scale = 1.0 adaptive_cfg = 1.0 refiner_switch = 1.0 adm_scaler_positive = 1.0 adm_scaler_negative = 1.0 adm_scaler_end = 0.0 elif performance_selection == Performance.HYPER_SD: print('Enter Hyper-SD mode.') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading Hyper-SD components ...') performance_loras += [(modules.config.downloading_sdxl_hyper_sd_lora(), 0.8)] if refiner_model_name != 'None': print(f'Refiner disabled in Hyper-SD mode.') refiner_model_name = 'None' sampler_name = 'dpmpp_sde_gpu' scheduler_name = 'karras' sharpness = 0.0 guidance_scale = 1.0 adaptive_cfg = 1.0 refiner_switch = 1.0 adm_scaler_positive = 1.0 adm_scaler_negative = 1.0 adm_scaler_end = 0.0 print(f'[Parameters] Adaptive CFG = {adaptive_cfg}') print(f'[Parameters] CLIP Skip = {clip_skip}') print(f'[Parameters] Sharpness = {sharpness}') print(f'[Parameters] ControlNet Softness = {controlnet_softness}') print(f'[Parameters] ADM Scale = ' f'{adm_scaler_positive} : ' f'{adm_scaler_negative} : ' f'{adm_scaler_end}') patch_settings[pid] = PatchSettings( sharpness, adm_scaler_end, adm_scaler_positive, adm_scaler_negative, controlnet_softness, adaptive_cfg ) cfg_scale = float(guidance_scale) print(f'[Parameters] CFG = {cfg_scale}') initial_latent = None denoising_strength = 1.0 tiled = False width, height = aspect_ratios_selection.replace('×', ' ').split(' ')[:2] width, height = int(width), int(height) skip_prompt_processing = False inpaint_worker.current_task = None inpaint_parameterized = inpaint_engine != 'None' inpaint_image = None inpaint_mask = None inpaint_head_model_path = None use_synthetic_refiner = False controlnet_canny_path = None controlnet_cpds_path = None clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path, ip_adapter_face_path = None, None, None, None seed = int(image_seed) print(f'[Parameters] Seed = {seed}') goals = [] tasks = [] if input_image_checkbox: if (current_tab == 'uov' or ( current_tab == 'ip' and mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale)) \ and uov_method != flags.disabled and uov_input_image is not None: uov_input_image = HWC3(uov_input_image) if 'vary' in uov_method: goals.append('vary') elif 'upscale' in uov_method: goals.append('upscale') if 'fast' in uov_method: skip_prompt_processing = True else: steps = performance_selection.steps_uov() progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading upscale models ...') modules.config.downloading_upscale_model() if (current_tab == 'inpaint' or ( current_tab == 'ip' and mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint)) \ and isinstance(inpaint_input_image, dict): inpaint_image = inpaint_input_image['image'] inpaint_mask = inpaint_input_image['mask'][:, :, 0] if inpaint_mask_upload_checkbox: if isinstance(inpaint_mask_image_upload, np.ndarray): if inpaint_mask_image_upload.ndim == 3: H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape inpaint_mask_image_upload = resample_image(inpaint_mask_image_upload, width=W, height=H) inpaint_mask_image_upload = np.mean(inpaint_mask_image_upload, axis=2) inpaint_mask_image_upload = (inpaint_mask_image_upload > 127).astype(np.uint8) * 255 inpaint_mask = np.maximum(inpaint_mask, inpaint_mask_image_upload) if int(inpaint_erode_or_dilate) != 0: inpaint_mask = erode_or_dilate(inpaint_mask, inpaint_erode_or_dilate) if invert_mask_checkbox: inpaint_mask = 255 - inpaint_mask inpaint_image = HWC3(inpaint_image) if isinstance(inpaint_image, np.ndarray) and isinstance(inpaint_mask, np.ndarray) \ and (np.any(inpaint_mask > 127) or len(outpaint_selections) > 0): progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading upscale models ...') modules.config.downloading_upscale_model() if inpaint_parameterized: progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading inpainter ...') inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = modules.config.downloading_inpaint_models( inpaint_engine) base_model_additional_loras += [(inpaint_patch_model_path, 1.0)] print(f'[Inpaint] Current inpaint model is {inpaint_patch_model_path}') if refiner_model_name == 'None': use_synthetic_refiner = True refiner_switch = 0.8 else: inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_patch_model_path = None, None print(f'[Inpaint] Parameterized inpaint is disabled.') if inpaint_additional_prompt != '': if prompt == '': prompt = inpaint_additional_prompt else: prompt = inpaint_additional_prompt + '\n' + prompt goals.append('inpaint') if current_tab == 'ip' or \ mixing_image_prompt_and_vary_upscale or \ mixing_image_prompt_and_inpaint: goals.append('cn') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Downloading control models ...') if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]) > 0: controlnet_canny_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_canny() if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]) > 0: controlnet_cpds_path = modules.config.downloading_controlnet_cpds() if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]) > 0: clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters('ip') if len(cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]) > 0: clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_face_path = modules.config.downloading_ip_adapters( 'face') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Loading control models ...') # Load or unload CNs pipeline.refresh_controlnets([controlnet_canny_path, controlnet_cpds_path]) ip_adapter.load_ip_adapter(clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_path) ip_adapter.load_ip_adapter(clip_vision_path, ip_negative_path, ip_adapter_face_path) if overwrite_step > 0: steps = overwrite_step switch = int(round(steps * refiner_switch)) if overwrite_switch > 0: switch = overwrite_switch if overwrite_width > 0: width = overwrite_width if overwrite_height > 0: height = overwrite_height print(f'[Parameters] Sampler = {sampler_name} - {scheduler_name}') print(f'[Parameters] Steps = {steps} - {switch}') progressbar(async_task, 1, 'Initializing ...') if not skip_prompt_processing: prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in prompt.splitlines()], default='') negative_prompts = remove_empty_str([safe_str(p) for p in negative_prompt.splitlines()], default='') prompt = prompts[0] negative_prompt = negative_prompts[0] if prompt == '': # disable expansion when empty since it is not meaningful and influences image prompt use_expansion = False extra_positive_prompts = prompts[1:] if len(prompts) > 1 else [] extra_negative_prompts = negative_prompts[1:] if len(negative_prompts) > 1 else [] progressbar(async_task, 2, 'Loading models ...') lora_filenames = modules.util.remove_performance_lora(modules.config.lora_filenames, performance_selection) loras, prompt = parse_lora_references_from_prompt(prompt, loras, modules.config.default_max_lora_number, lora_filenames=lora_filenames) loras += performance_loras pipeline.refresh_everything(refiner_model_name=refiner_model_name, base_model_name=base_model_name, loras=loras, base_model_additional_loras=base_model_additional_loras, use_synthetic_refiner=use_synthetic_refiner, vae_name=vae_name) pipeline.set_clip_skip(clip_skip) progressbar(async_task, 3, 'Processing prompts ...') tasks = [] for i in range(image_number): if disable_seed_increment: task_seed = seed % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1) else: task_seed = (seed + i) % (constants.MAX_SEED + 1) # randint is inclusive, % is not task_rng = random.Random(task_seed) # may bind to inpaint noise in the future task_prompt = apply_wildcards(prompt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) task_prompt = apply_arrays(task_prompt, i) task_negative_prompt = apply_wildcards(negative_prompt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) task_extra_positive_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt in extra_positive_prompts] task_extra_negative_prompts = [apply_wildcards(pmt, task_rng, i, read_wildcards_in_order) for pmt in extra_negative_prompts] positive_basic_workloads = [] negative_basic_workloads = [] task_styles = style_selections.copy() if use_style: for i, s in enumerate(task_styles): if s == random_style_name: s = get_random_style(task_rng) task_styles[i] = s p, n = apply_style(s, positive=task_prompt) positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + p negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + n else: positive_basic_workloads.append(task_prompt) negative_basic_workloads.append(task_negative_prompt) # Always use independent workload for negative. positive_basic_workloads = positive_basic_workloads + task_extra_positive_prompts negative_basic_workloads = negative_basic_workloads + task_extra_negative_prompts positive_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(positive_basic_workloads, default=task_prompt) negative_basic_workloads = remove_empty_str(negative_basic_workloads, default=task_negative_prompt) tasks.append(dict( task_seed=task_seed, task_prompt=task_prompt, task_negative_prompt=task_negative_prompt, positive=positive_basic_workloads, negative=negative_basic_workloads, expansion='', c=None, uc=None, positive_top_k=len(positive_basic_workloads), negative_top_k=len(negative_basic_workloads), log_positive_prompt='\n'.join([task_prompt] + task_extra_positive_prompts), log_negative_prompt='\n'.join([task_negative_prompt] + task_extra_negative_prompts), styles=task_styles )) if use_expansion: for i, t in enumerate(tasks): progressbar(async_task, 4, f'Preparing Fooocus text #{i + 1} ...') expansion = pipeline.final_expansion(t['task_prompt'], t['task_seed']) print(f'[Prompt Expansion] {expansion}') t['expansion'] = expansion t['positive'] = copy.deepcopy(t['positive']) + [expansion] # Deep copy. for i, t in enumerate(tasks): progressbar(async_task, 5, f'Encoding positive #{i + 1} ...') t['c'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['positive'], pool_top_k=t['positive_top_k']) for i, t in enumerate(tasks): if abs(float(cfg_scale) - 1.0) < 1e-4: t['uc'] = pipeline.clone_cond(t['c']) else: progressbar(async_task, 6, f'Encoding negative #{i + 1} ...') t['uc'] = pipeline.clip_encode(texts=t['negative'], pool_top_k=t['negative_top_k']) if len(goals) > 0: progressbar(async_task, 7, 'Image processing ...') if 'vary' in goals: if 'subtle' in uov_method: denoising_strength = 0.5 if 'strong' in uov_method: denoising_strength = 0.85 if overwrite_vary_strength > 0: denoising_strength = overwrite_vary_strength shape_ceil = get_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image) if shape_ceil < 1024: print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too small.') shape_ceil = 1024 elif shape_ceil > 2048: print(f'[Vary] Image is resized because it is too big.') shape_ceil = 2048 uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, shape_ceil) initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image) progressbar(async_task, 8, 'VAE encoding ...') candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae( steps=steps, switch=switch, denoise=denoising_strength, refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method ) initial_latent = core.encode_vae(vae=candidate_vae, pixels=initial_pixels) B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape width = W * 8 height = H * 8 print(f'Final resolution is {str((height, width))}.') if 'upscale' in goals: H, W, C = uov_input_image.shape progressbar(async_task, 9, f'Upscaling image from {str((H, W))} ...') uov_input_image = perform_upscale(uov_input_image) print(f'Image upscaled.') if '1.5x' in uov_method: f = 1.5 elif '2x' in uov_method: f = 2.0 else: f = 1.0 shape_ceil = get_shape_ceil(H * f, W * f) if shape_ceil < 1024: print(f'[Upscale] Image is resized because it is too small.') uov_input_image = set_image_shape_ceil(uov_input_image, 1024) shape_ceil = 1024 else: uov_input_image = resample_image(uov_input_image, width=W * f, height=H * f) image_is_super_large = shape_ceil > 2800 if 'fast' in uov_method: direct_return = True elif image_is_super_large: print('Image is too large. Directly returned the SR image. ' 'Usually directly return SR image at 4K resolution ' 'yields better results than SDXL diffusion.') direct_return = True else: direct_return = False if direct_return: d = [('Upscale (Fast)', 'upscale_fast', '2x')] if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or black_out_nsfw: progressbar(async_task, 100, 'Checking for NSFW content ...') uov_input_image = default_censor(uov_input_image) progressbar(async_task, 100, 'Saving image to system ...') uov_input_image_path = log(uov_input_image, d, output_format=output_format) yield_result(async_task, uov_input_image_path, black_out_nsfw, False, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return tiled = True denoising_strength = 0.382 if overwrite_upscale_strength > 0: denoising_strength = overwrite_upscale_strength initial_pixels = core.numpy_to_pytorch(uov_input_image) progressbar(async_task, 10, 'VAE encoding ...') candidate_vae, _ = pipeline.get_candidate_vae( steps=steps, switch=switch, denoise=denoising_strength, refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method ) initial_latent = core.encode_vae( vae=candidate_vae, pixels=initial_pixels, tiled=True) B, C, H, W = initial_latent['samples'].shape width = W * 8 height = H * 8 print(f'Final resolution is {str((height, width))}.') if 'inpaint' in goals: if len(outpaint_selections) > 0: H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape if 'top' in outpaint_selections: inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge') inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[int(H * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='constant', constant_values=255) if 'bottom' in outpaint_selections: inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge') inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, int(H * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='constant', constant_values=255) H, W, C = inpaint_image.shape if 'left' in outpaint_selections: inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0], [0, 0]], mode='edge') inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [int(W * 0.3), 0]], mode='constant', constant_values=255) if 'right' in outpaint_selections: inpaint_image = np.pad(inpaint_image, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)], [0, 0]], mode='edge') inpaint_mask = np.pad(inpaint_mask, [[0, 0], [0, int(W * 0.3)]], mode='constant', constant_values=255) inpaint_image = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_image.copy()) inpaint_mask = np.ascontiguousarray(inpaint_mask.copy()) inpaint_strength = 1.0 inpaint_respective_field = 1.0 denoising_strength = inpaint_strength inpaint_worker.current_task = inpaint_worker.InpaintWorker( image=inpaint_image, mask=inpaint_mask, use_fill=denoising_strength > 0.99, k=inpaint_respective_field ) if debugging_inpaint_preprocessor: yield_result(async_task, inpaint_worker.current_task.visualize_mask_processing(), black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return progressbar(async_task, 11, 'VAE Inpaint encoding ...') inpaint_pixel_fill = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_fill) inpaint_pixel_image = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_image) inpaint_pixel_mask = core.numpy_to_pytorch(inpaint_worker.current_task.interested_mask) candidate_vae, candidate_vae_swap = pipeline.get_candidate_vae( steps=steps, switch=switch, denoise=denoising_strength, refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method ) latent_inpaint, latent_mask = core.encode_vae_inpaint( mask=inpaint_pixel_mask, vae=candidate_vae, pixels=inpaint_pixel_image) latent_swap = None if candidate_vae_swap is not None: progressbar(async_task, 12, 'VAE SD15 encoding ...') latent_swap = core.encode_vae( vae=candidate_vae_swap, pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples'] progressbar(async_task, 13, 'VAE encoding ...') latent_fill = core.encode_vae( vae=candidate_vae, pixels=inpaint_pixel_fill)['samples'] inpaint_worker.current_task.load_latent( latent_fill=latent_fill, latent_mask=latent_mask, latent_swap=latent_swap) if inpaint_parameterized: pipeline.final_unet = inpaint_worker.current_task.patch( inpaint_head_model_path=inpaint_head_model_path, inpaint_latent=latent_inpaint, inpaint_latent_mask=latent_mask, model=pipeline.final_unet ) if not inpaint_disable_initial_latent: initial_latent = {'samples': latent_fill} B, C, H, W = latent_fill.shape height, width = H * 8, W * 8 final_height, final_width = inpaint_worker.current_task.image.shape[:2] print(f'Final resolution is {str((final_height, final_width))}, latent is {str((height, width))}.') if 'cn' in goals: for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_canny]: cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height) if not skipping_cn_preprocessor: cn_img = preprocessors.canny_pyramid(cn_img, canny_low_threshold, canny_high_threshold) cn_img = HWC3(cn_img) task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img) if debugging_cn_preprocessor: yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_cpds]: cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task cn_img = resize_image(HWC3(cn_img), width=width, height=height) if not skipping_cn_preprocessor: cn_img = preprocessors.cpds(cn_img) cn_img = HWC3(cn_img) task[0] = core.numpy_to_pytorch(cn_img) if debugging_cn_preprocessor: yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip]: cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task cn_img = HWC3(cn_img) # cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0) task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_path) if debugging_cn_preprocessor: yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return for task in cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face]: cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight = task cn_img = HWC3(cn_img) if not skipping_cn_preprocessor: cn_img = extras.face_crop.crop_image(cn_img) # cn_img = resize_image(cn_img, width=224, height=224, resize_mode=0) task[0] = ip_adapter.preprocess(cn_img, ip_adapter_path=ip_adapter_face_path) if debugging_cn_preprocessor: yield_result(async_task, cn_img, black_out_nsfw, do_not_show_finished_images=True) return all_ip_tasks = cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip] + cn_tasks[flags.cn_ip_face] if len(all_ip_tasks) > 0: pipeline.final_unet = ip_adapter.patch_model(pipeline.final_unet, all_ip_tasks) if freeu_enabled: print(f'FreeU is enabled!') pipeline.final_unet = core.apply_freeu( pipeline.final_unet, freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2 ) all_steps = steps * image_number print(f'[Parameters] Denoising Strength = {denoising_strength}') if isinstance(initial_latent, dict) and 'samples' in initial_latent: log_shape = initial_latent['samples'].shape else: log_shape = f'Image Space {(height, width)}' print(f'[Parameters] Initial Latent shape: {log_shape}') preparation_time = time.perf_counter() - execution_start_time print(f'Preparation time: {preparation_time:.2f} seconds') final_sampler_name = sampler_name final_scheduler_name = scheduler_name if scheduler_name in ['lcm', 'tcd']: final_scheduler_name = 'sgm_uniform' def patch_discrete(unet): return core.opModelSamplingDiscrete.patch( pipeline.final_unet, sampling=scheduler_name, zsnr=False)[0] if pipeline.final_unet is not None: pipeline.final_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_unet) if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None: pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_discrete(pipeline.final_refiner_unet) print(f'Using {scheduler_name} scheduler.') elif scheduler_name == 'edm_playground_v2.5': final_scheduler_name = 'karras' def patch_edm(unet): return core.opModelSamplingContinuousEDM.patch( unet, sampling=scheduler_name, sigma_max=120.0, sigma_min=0.002)[0] if pipeline.final_unet is not None: pipeline.final_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_unet) if pipeline.final_refiner_unet is not None: pipeline.final_refiner_unet = patch_edm(pipeline.final_refiner_unet) print(f'Using {scheduler_name} scheduler.') async_task.yields.append(['preview', (flags.preparation_step_count, 'Moving model to GPU ...', None)]) def callback(step, x0, x, total_steps, y): done_steps = current_task_id * steps + step async_task.yields.append(['preview', ( int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float(done_steps) / float(all_steps)), f'Sampling step {step + 1}/{total_steps}, image {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} ...', y)]) for current_task_id, task in enumerate(tasks): current_progress = int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float(current_task_id * steps) / float(all_steps)) progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Preparing task {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} ...') execution_start_time = time.perf_counter() try: if async_task.last_stop is not False: ldm_patched.modules.model_management.interrupt_current_processing() positive_cond, negative_cond = task['c'], task['uc'] if 'cn' in goals: for cn_flag, cn_path in [ (flags.cn_canny, controlnet_canny_path), (flags.cn_cpds, controlnet_cpds_path) ]: for cn_img, cn_stop, cn_weight in cn_tasks[cn_flag]: positive_cond, negative_cond = core.apply_controlnet( positive_cond, negative_cond, pipeline.loaded_ControlNets[cn_path], cn_img, cn_weight, 0, cn_stop) imgs = pipeline.process_diffusion( positive_cond=positive_cond, negative_cond=negative_cond, steps=steps, switch=switch, width=width, height=height, image_seed=task['task_seed'], callback=callback, sampler_name=final_sampler_name, scheduler_name=final_scheduler_name, latent=initial_latent, denoise=denoising_strength, tiled=tiled, cfg_scale=cfg_scale, refiner_swap_method=refiner_swap_method, disable_preview=disable_preview ) del task['c'], task['uc'], positive_cond, negative_cond # Save memory if inpaint_worker.current_task is not None: imgs = [inpaint_worker.current_task.post_process(x) for x in imgs] img_paths = [] current_progress = int(flags.preparation_step_count + (100 - flags.preparation_step_count) * float((current_task_id + 1) * steps) / float(all_steps)) if modules.config.default_black_out_nsfw or black_out_nsfw: progressbar(async_task, current_progress, 'Checking for NSFW content ...') imgs = default_censor(imgs) progressbar(async_task, current_progress, f'Saving image {current_task_id + 1}/{image_number} to system ...') for x in imgs: d = [('Prompt', 'prompt', task['log_positive_prompt']), ('Negative Prompt', 'negative_prompt', task['log_negative_prompt']), ('Fooocus V2 Expansion', 'prompt_expansion', task['expansion']), ('Styles', 'styles', str(task['styles'] if not use_expansion else [fooocus_expansion] + task['styles'])), ('Performance', 'performance', performance_selection.value)] if performance_selection.steps() != steps: d.append(('Steps', 'steps', steps)) d += [('Resolution', 'resolution', str((width, height))), ('Guidance Scale', 'guidance_scale', guidance_scale), ('Sharpness', 'sharpness', sharpness), ('ADM Guidance', 'adm_guidance', str(( modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].positive_adm_scale, modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].negative_adm_scale, modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adm_scaler_end))), ('Base Model', 'base_model', base_model_name), ('Refiner Model', 'refiner_model', refiner_model_name), ('Refiner Switch', 'refiner_switch', refiner_switch)] if refiner_model_name != 'None': if overwrite_switch > 0: d.append(('Overwrite Switch', 'overwrite_switch', overwrite_switch)) if refiner_swap_method != flags.refiner_swap_method: d.append(('Refiner Swap Method', 'refiner_swap_method', refiner_swap_method)) if modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg != modules.config.default_cfg_tsnr: d.append( ('CFG Mimicking from TSNR', 'adaptive_cfg', modules.patch.patch_settings[pid].adaptive_cfg)) if clip_skip > 1: d.append(('CLIP Skip', 'clip_skip', clip_skip)) d.append(('Sampler', 'sampler', sampler_name)) d.append(('Scheduler', 'scheduler', scheduler_name)) d.append(('VAE', 'vae', vae_name)) d.append(('Seed', 'seed', str(task['task_seed']))) if freeu_enabled: d.append(('FreeU', 'freeu', str((freeu_b1, freeu_b2, freeu_s1, freeu_s2)))) for li, (n, w) in enumerate(loras): if n != 'None': d.append((f'LoRA {li + 1}', f'lora_combined_{li + 1}', f'{n} : {w}')) metadata_parser = None if save_metadata_to_images: metadata_parser = modules.meta_parser.get_metadata_parser(metadata_scheme) metadata_parser.set_data(task['log_positive_prompt'], task['positive'], task['log_negative_prompt'], task['negative'], steps, base_model_name, refiner_model_name, loras, vae_name) d.append(('Metadata Scheme', 'metadata_scheme', metadata_scheme.value if save_metadata_to_images else save_metadata_to_images)) d.append(('Version', 'version', 'Fooocus v' + fooocus_version.version)) img_paths.append(log(x, d, metadata_parser, output_format, task)) yield_result(async_task, img_paths, black_out_nsfw, False, do_not_show_finished_images=len(tasks) == 1 or disable_intermediate_results) except ldm_patched.modules.model_management.InterruptProcessingException as e: if async_task.last_stop == 'skip': print('User skipped') async_task.last_stop = False continue else: print('User stopped') break execution_time = time.perf_counter() - execution_start_time print(f'Generating and saving time: {execution_time:.2f} seconds') async_task.processing = False return while True: time.sleep(0.01) if len(async_tasks) > 0: task = async_tasks.pop(0) generate_image_grid = task.args.pop(0) try: handler(task) if generate_image_grid: build_image_wall(task) task.yields.append(['finish', task.results]) pipeline.prepare_text_encoder(async_call=True) except: traceback.print_exc() task.yields.append(['finish', task.results]) finally: if pid in modules.patch.patch_settings: del modules.patch.patch_settings[pid] pass threading.Thread(target=worker, daemon=True).start()