DP2API / src /daemon.ts
Update local files instead of git clone
* 守护进程
import process from 'process';
import path from 'path';
import { spawn } from 'child_process';
import fs from 'fs-extra';
import { format as dateFormat } from 'date-fns';
import 'colors';
const CRASH_RESTART_LIMIT = 600; //进程崩溃重启次数限制
const CRASH_RESTART_DELAY = 5000; //进程崩溃重启延迟
const LOG_PATH = path.resolve("./logs/daemon.log"); //守护进程日志路径
let crashCount = 0; //进程崩溃次数
let currentProcess; //当前运行进程
* 写入守护进程日志
function daemonLog(value, color?: string) {
try {
const head = `[daemon][${dateFormat(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")}] `;
value = head + value;
console.log(color ? value[color] : value);
fs.appendFileSync(LOG_PATH, value + "\n");
catch(err) {
console.error("daemon log write error:", err);
daemonLog(`daemon pid: ${process.pid}`);
function createProcess() {
const childProcess = spawn("node", ["index.js", ...process.argv.slice(2)]); //启动子进程
childProcess.stdout.pipe(process.stdout, { end: false }); //将子进程输出管道到当前进程输出
childProcess.stderr.pipe(process.stderr, { end: false }); //将子进程错误输出管道到当前进程输出
currentProcess = childProcess; //更新当前进程
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has started`);
childProcess.on("error", err => daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) error: ${err.stack}`, "red"));
childProcess.on("close", code => {
if(code === 0) //进程正常退出
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has exited`);
else if(code === 2) //进程已被杀死
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has been killed!`, "bgYellow");
else if(code === 3) { //进程主动重启
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has restart`, "yellow");
createProcess(); //重新创建进程
else { //进程发生崩溃
if(crashCount++ < CRASH_RESTART_LIMIT) { //进程崩溃次数未达重启次数上限前尝试重启
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has crashed! delay ${CRASH_RESTART_DELAY}ms try restarting...(${crashCount})`, "bgRed");
setTimeout(() => createProcess(), CRASH_RESTART_DELAY); //延迟指定时长后再重启
else //进程已崩溃,且无法重启
daemonLog(`process(${childProcess.pid}) has crashed! unable to restart`, "bgRed");
}); //子进程关闭监听
process.on("exit", code => {
if(code === 0)
daemonLog("daemon process exited");
else if(code === 2)
daemonLog("daemon process has been killed!");
}); //守护进程退出事件
process.on("SIGTERM", () => {
daemonLog("received kill signal", "yellow");
currentProcess && currentProcess.kill("SIGINT");
}); //kill退出守护进程
process.on("SIGINT", () => {
currentProcess && currentProcess.kill("SIGINT");
}); //主动退出守护进程
createProcess(); //创建进程