import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import tempfile import os import re from chatgpt_api import get_chatgpt_response2 from voice_create import text_to_speech from select_question import create_choice_question from manuscript_conversion import manuscript_conversion def check_text(text, radio_option): errors = [] error_details = [] # Split the text into sentences for individual checks # This regex splits on punctuation but keeps the punctuation with the previous sentence sentences = re.split(r'(?<=[。!??!.])\s*|\n', text) for sentence in sentences: sentence = sentence.strip() if not sentence: continue if radio_option == "日本語": if not'[。!]$', sentence): errors.append("文末に句点がありません。") error_details.append(f"文末に「。」または「!」がない: '{sentence}'") else: # Check for multiple spaces if' +', sentence): errors.append("半角スペースが2つ以上入っています。") multiple_spaces_parts = re.findall(r'[^ ]* +[^ ]*', sentence) for part in multiple_spaces_parts: error_details.append(f"スペースが2つある部分: '{part.strip()}'") # Check for punctuation at the end of the sentence if not'[.!?]$', sentence): errors.append("文末にピリオドや?や!のいずれかがついていません。") error_details.append(f"文末に「.」または「!」または「?」がない: '{sentence}'") if errors: return "チェック観点:\n" + "\n".join(errors) + "\n\n詳細:\n" + "\n".join(error_details) else: return "全てのチェックをクリアしました。" def kousei2(csv_file, input_text,radio_option): prompt_text = "#Instructions\n" + input_text +" If there is no problem, please reply with only 2 letters 'OK' and DON'T put any other extra words. \n #Target sentence\n" # CSVファイルを読み込む df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) # 'id'列のデータ型を文字列に変換 df['id'] = df['id'].astype(str) df["prompt"] = prompt_text + df["原稿"] df["GPT校正結果"] = df["prompt"].apply(get_chatgpt_response2) print("radio_option",radio_option) df["タイプミス校正結果"] = df["原稿"].apply(check_text, args=(radio_option,)) # ファイル出力 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='.csv') as tmp: df.to_csv(, index=False, encoding='cp932', errors='ignore') output_path = # ファイル名を変更 new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(output_path), "output.csv") os.rename(output_path, new_path) return new_path