import streamlit as st | |
import pandas as pd | |
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer | |
from textblob import TextBlob | |
from transformers import pipeline | |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt | |
import base64 | |
import os | |
from wordcloud import WordCloud | |
# Function to perform sentiment analysis using Hugging Face model | |
hf_sentiment_analyzer = pipeline( | |
"sentiment-analysis", "Dmyadav2001/Sentimental-Analysis" | |
) | |
def analyze_hf_sentiment(text): | |
if len(text) > 512: | |
text = text[:511] | |
result = hf_sentiment_analyzer(text) | |
label = result[0]["label"] | |
if label == "LABEL_1": | |
return "Positive" | |
elif label == "LABEL_0": | |
return "Negative" | |
elif label == "LABEL_2": | |
return "Neutral" | |
# Function to perform sentiment analysis using VADER | |
def analyze_vader_sentiment(text): | |
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() | |
vader_score = analyzer.polarity_scores(text)["compound"] | |
if vader_score > 0: | |
return "Positive" | |
elif vader_score == 0: | |
return "Neutral" | |
else: | |
return "Negative" | |
# Function to perform sentiment analysis using TextBlob | |
def analyze_textblob_sentiment(text): | |
analysis = TextBlob(text) | |
sentiment_score = analysis.sentiment.polarity | |
if sentiment_score > 0: | |
return "Positive" | |
elif sentiment_score == 0: | |
return "Neutral" | |
else: | |
return "Negative" | |
# Function to display DataFrame with updated sentiment column | |
def display_dataframe(df): | |
st.write(df) | |
# Function to display pie chart for sentiment distribution | |
def display_pie_chart(df, column): | |
sentiment_counts = df[column].value_counts() | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots() | |
ax.pie( | |
sentiment_counts, | |
labels=sentiment_counts.index, | |
autopct="%1.1f%%", | |
startangle=140, | |
) | |
ax.axis("equal") | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
# Function to display word cloud | |
def display_wordcloud(text_data): | |
wordcloud = WordCloud(width=800, height=400, background_color="white").generate( | |
text_data | |
) | |
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5)) | |
ax.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") | |
ax.axis("off") | |
st.pyplot(fig) | |
# Streamlit UI | |
st.set_page_config(page_title="Sentiment Analysis App", page_icon=":smiley:") | |
st.title("Sentiment Analysis App") | |
# Sidebar | |
st.sidebar.title("Options") | |
input_option = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select Input Option", ["Free Text", "CSV Files"]) | |
selected_model = st.sidebar.selectbox( | |
"Select Sentiment Analysis Model", ["VADER", "TextBlob", "Hugging Face"] | |
) | |
result_option = st.sidebar.selectbox( | |
"Select Result Display Option", | |
["DataFrame", "Pie Chart", "Bar Chart", "Keyword Frequency", "Word Cloud", "Comparative Sentiment Analysis"], | |
) | |
# Main content | |
if input_option == "Free Text": | |
st.subheader("Enter review for sentiment analysis:") | |
user_input = st.text_input("", placeholder="Enter your text here") | |
if st.button('Analyze'): | |
if user_input: | |
with st.spinner("Analyzing..."): | |
if selected_model == "Hugging Face": | |
result = analyze_hf_sentiment(user_input) | |
elif selected_model == "VADER": | |
result = analyze_vader_sentiment(user_input) | |
elif selected_model == "TextBlob": | |
result = analyze_textblob_sentiment(user_input) | |
st.write("Sentiment:", result) | |
else: | |
st.error("Please enter some text to analyze.") | |
if input_option == "CSV Files": | |
st.subheader("Upload CSV files for sentiment analysis:") | |
uploaded_files = st.file_uploader("Choose a CSV file", accept_multiple_files=True) | |
if st.button('Start Analysis'): | |
if uploaded_files: | |
for uploaded_file in uploaded_files: | |
df = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) | |
if 'review_text' in df.columns: | |
df['Sentiment'] = df['review_text'].apply(lambda x: analyze_hf_sentiment(x) if selected_model == "Hugging Face" else (analyze_vader_sentiment(x) if selected_model == "VADER" else analyze_textblob_sentiment(x))) | |
if result_option == "DataFrame": | |
display_dataframe(df) | |
elif result_option == "Pie Chart": | |
display_pie_chart(df, 'Sentiment') | |
elif result_option == "Word Cloud": | |
combined_text = ' '.join(df['review_text']) | |
display_wordcloud(combined_text) | |
else: | |
st.error("CSV must contain 'review_text' column.") | |
else: | |
st.error("Please upload a CSV file.") | |