Runtime error
Runtime error
Title,Url,Dict,Prompt,Result | |
AlienVault OTX,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-12-21T09:24:01.501Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""32ac7970-c892-46ef-baf2-d8a0ce377748"", ""id"": ""a7d83bcb-0b6d-41f4-8edf-aa29923f67ec"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.3.3""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""ti_otx.threat"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""a7d83bcb-0b6d-41f4-8edf-aa29923f67ec"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.3.3""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""threat"", ""created"": ""2022-12-21T09:24:01.501Z"", ""dataset"": ""ti_otx.threat"", ""ingested"": ""2022-12-21T09:24:02Z"", ""kind"": ""enrichment"", ""original"": ""{\""count\"":40359,\""next\"":\""\\u0026modified_since=2020-11-29T01%3A10%3A00+00%3A00\\u0026page=2\"",\""previous\"":null,\""results\"":{\""content\"":\""\"",\""description\"":null,\""id\"":1251,\""indicator\"":\""\"",\""title\"":null,\""type\"":\""hostname\""}}"", ""type"": ""indicator""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""otx"": {}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""otx-threat""], ""threat"": {""indicator"": {""type"": ""domain-name"", ""url"": {""domain"": """"}}}}","Write a summary for a AlienVault OTX event log example, based on a structured JSON input, replacing any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{ ""@timestamp"":""<DATE_TIME>"", ""alienOTX"":{ ""firewall"":{ ""action"":""Deny"", ""category"":""AlienVaultFirewallNetworkRule"", ""icmp"":{ ""request"":{ ""code"":""8"" } }, ""operation_name"":""AzureFirewallNetworkRuleLog"", ""path"": """", }, ""resource"":{ ""group"":""TEST-FW-RG"", ""id"":""/SUBSCRIPTIONS/23103928-B2CF-472A-8CDB-<IBAN_CODE>/RESOURCEGROUPS/TEST-FW-RG/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.NETWORK/AZUREFIREWALLS/TEST-FW01"", ""address"":""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""provider"":""SonicWall"", ""number"":""<PHONE_NUMBER>"", ""sentto"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"" }, ""subscription_id"":""<CREDIT_CARD>-23103928-B2CF-472A-8CDB-0146E2849129"" } }"" ","This AlienVault OTX event log example is a firewall denial event. The event occurred at a specific timestamp and includes information about the firewall, including the action taken, category of rule, ICMP code, and operation name. It also includes resource information, such as the resource group, ID, IP address, provider, and phone number, as well as subscription ID." | |
Amazon ECS,,"{""agent"": {""name"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""id"": ""8c424f1d-e9b1-4aab-8ce5-77dceb4becfb"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""0c23896b-0bfe-469f-bf76-7203a2d52568"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""8c424f1d-e9b1-4aab-8ce5-77dceb4becfb"", ""version"": ""8.1.0"", ""snapshot"": false}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""eu-west-1"", ""account"": {""name"": ""elastic-observability"", ""id"": ""627286350134""}}, ""@timestamp"": ""2022-07-26T08:59:00.000Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""aws.ecs_metrics""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""codename"": ""focal"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu""}, ""containerized"": false, ""ip"": [""""], ""name"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:13:00:04""], ""architecture"": ""aarch64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 300000, ""name"": ""cloudwatch""}, ""aws"": {""ecs"": {""metrics"": {""CPUUtilization"": {""avg"": 100.040084913373}, ""MemoryUtilization"": {""avg"": 9.195963541666666}}}, ""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/ECS""}, ""dimensions"": {""ServiceName"": ""integration-service-1"", ""ClusterName"": ""integration-cluster-1""}}, ""event"": {""duration"": 1862196584, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2022-07-26T09:04:12Z"", ""module"": ""aws"", ""dataset"": ""aws.ecs_metrics""}}","Write a summary for a Amazon ECS event log example, based on a structured JSON input, replacing any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""agent"": {""name"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""id"": ""8c424f1d-e9b1-4aab-8ce5-77dceb4becfb"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""0c23896b-0bfe-469f-bf76-7203a2d52568"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""8c424f1d-e9b1-4aab-8ce5-77dceb4becfb"", ""version"": ""8.1.0"", ""snapshot"": false}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""eu-west-1"", ""account"": {""name"": ""elastic-observability"", ""id"": ""627286350134""}}, ""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""aws.ecs_metrics""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""codename"": ""focal"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu""}, ""containerized"": false, ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""name"": ""4b4f1fd6f3ff"", ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:13:00:04""], ""architecture"": ""aarch64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 300000, ""name"": ""cloudwatch""}, ""aws"": {""ecs"": {""metrics"": {""CPUUtilization"": {""avg"": <LOCATION>}, ""MemoryUtilization"": {""avg"": 9.195963541666666}}}, ""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/ECS""}, ""dimensions"": {""ServiceName"": ""integration-service-1"", ""ClusterName"": ""integration-cluster-1""}}, ""event"": {""duration"": <PHONE_NUMBER>, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""module"": ""aws"", ""dataset"": ""aws.ecs_metrics""}}"" ","Based on the provided JSON input, it appears to be a log entry for an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) instance. The log contains information about the agent, elastic agent, cloud provider, timestamp, ECS version, service type, host, metric set, and event details. | |
To protect this system from malicious actors, some strategies include: | |
Securing access to the ECS instances and the Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances that they are running on by using multi-factor authentication, access keys and secret keys with limited permissions. | |
Enabling encryption for data at rest and in transit using protocols like HTTPS, SSL/TLS, and AWS Key Management Service (KMS). | |
Implementing security policies that monitor for suspicious activities such as unauthorized access, changes in configurations or attempts to modify the logs. | |
Configuring the network and security groups to only allow necessary ports and protocols for communication with the ECS service. | |
Regularly updating the ECS, EC2 and other related services to their latest security patches to mitigate any vulnerabilities." | |
Apache Spark,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-04-11T09:45:08.887Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""fd3ce7d1-e237-45c7-88f9-875edafec41e"", ""id"": ""e7990c69-6909-48d1-be06-89dbe36d302c"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""apache_spark"": {""application"": {""name"": ""PythonWordCount.1649670292906"", ""runtime"": {""ms"": 16007}}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""apache_spark.application"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""metrics""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""e7990c69-6909-48d1-be06-89dbe36d302c"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""apache_spark.application"", ""duration"": 21401735, ""ingested"": ""2022-04-11T09:45:12Z"", ""kind"": ""metric"", ""module"": ""apache_spark"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": true, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""""], ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:00:05""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.4.0-107-generic"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""jmx"", ""period"": 60000}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://apache-spark-main:7777/jolokia/%3FignoreErrors=true&canonicalNaming=false"", ""type"": ""jolokia""}}","Write a summary for a Apache Spark event log example, based on a structured JSON input, replacing any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of Apache Spark, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary , Threat Summary and Recommendations: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""fd3ce7d1-e237-45c7-88f9-875edafec41e"", ""id"": ""e7990c69-6909-48d1-be06-89dbe36d302c"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""apache_spark"": {""application"": {""name"": ""PythonWordCount.<CREDIT_CARD>"", ""runtime"": {""ms"": 16007}}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""apache_spark.application"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""metrics""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""e7990c69-6909-48d1-be06-89dbe36d302c"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""apache_spark.application"", ""duration"": 21401735, ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""metric"", ""module"": ""apache_spark"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": true, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:00:05""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.4.0-107-generic"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""jmx"", ""period"": 60000}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://apache-spark-main:7777/jolokia/%3FignoreErrors=true&canonicalNaming=false"", ""type"": ""jolokia""}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Apache Spark is a popular distributed computing system that is used to process large datasets in parallel. It provides a unified analytics engine for big data processing with built-in modules for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing. | |
Key Findings: | |
The Apache Spark application named ""PythonWordCount.<CREDIT_CARD>"" ran for 16 seconds and the runtime was 16,007 milliseconds. The event log contains various metrics and information related to the application's performance. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event log provides various metrics related to the Apache Spark application's performance, including the duration of the application, the type of metric, the name of the metricset, and the period of the metricset. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No specific incident was reported in the event log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No specific threat was reported in the event log. | |
Recommendations: | |
To optimize the performance of the Apache Spark application, it is recommended to monitor the various metrics provided in the event log and analyze them to identify any potential issues. Additionally, regular maintenance and optimization of the underlying hardware and software infrastructure can help improve the overall performance of the Apache Spark application." | |
AWS Route 53,,"{""awscloudwatch"": {""log_group"": ""test"", ""ingestion_time"": ""2021-12-06T02:18:20.000Z"", ""log_stream"": ""test""}, ""agent"": {""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""c00f804f-7a02-441b-88f4-aeb9da6410d9"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""1cf87179-f6b3-44b0-a46f-3aa6bc0f995f"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""c00f804f-7a02-441b-88f4-aeb9da6410d9"", ""version"": ""8.0.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""dns"": {""response_code"": ""NOERROR"", ""question"": {""registered_domain"": """", ""top_level_domain"": ""com"", ""name"": """", ""subdomain"": ""txt"", ""type"": ""TXT""}}, ""source"": {""as"": {""number"": 721, ""organization"": {""name"": ""DoD Network Information Center""}}, ""address"": """", ""ip"": """"}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""aws-route53-logs""], ""network"": {""protocol"": ""dns"", ""transport"": ""udp"", ""type"": ""ipv4"", ""iana_number"": ""17""}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""us-east-1""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""aws-cloudwatch""}, ""@timestamp"": ""2017-12-13T08:16:05.744Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""""], ""ip"": [""""]}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""logs"", ""dataset"": ""aws.route53_public_logs""}, ""log.file.path"": ""test/test"", ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2021-12-06T02:37:25Z"", ""original"": ""1.0 2017-12-13T08:16:05.744Z Z123412341234 TXT NOERROR UDP JFK5 -"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""id"": ""36545504503447201576705984279898091551471012413796646912"", ""category"": [""network""], ""type"": [""protocol""], ""dataset"": ""aws.route53_public_logs"", ""outcome"": ""success""}, ""aws"": {""route53"": {""hosted_zone_id"": ""Z123412341234"", ""edge_location"": ""JFK5""}}}","Write a summary for a AWS Route 53 event log example, based on a structured JSON input, replacing any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""awscloudwatch"": {""log_group"": ""test"", ""ingestion_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""log_stream"": ""test""}, ""agent"": {""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""c00f804f-7a02-441b-88f4-aeb9da6410d9"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""1cf87179-f6b3-44b0-a46f-3aa6bc0f995f"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""c00f804f-7a02-441b-88f4-aeb9da6410d9"", ""version"": ""8.0.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""dns"": {""response_code"": ""NOERROR"", ""question"": {""registered_domain"": """", ""top_level_domain"": ""com"", ""name"": """", ""subdomain"": ""txt"", ""type"": ""TXT""}}, ""source"": {""as"": {""number"": 721, ""organization"": {""name"": ""DoD Network Information Center""}}, ""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""aws-route53-logs""], ""network"": {""protocol"": ""dns"", ""transport"": ""udp"", ""type"": ""ipv4"", ""iana_number"": ""17""}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""<LOCATION>, ""input"": {""type"": ""aws-cloudwatch""}, ""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""""], ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""logs"", ""dataset"": ""aws.route53_public_logs""}, ""log.file.path"": ""test/test"", ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""original"": ""1.0 <DATE_TIME> TXT NOERROR UDP JFK5 <IP_ADDRESS> -"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""id"": ""36545504503447201576705984279898091551471012413796646912"", ""category"": [""network""], ""type"": [""protocol""], ""dataset"": ""aws.route53_public_logs"", ""outcome"": ""success""}, ""aws"": {""route53"": {""hosted_zone_id"": ""Z123412341234"", ""edge_location"": ""JFK5""}}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
This is an AWS Route 53 event log example in JSON format. AWS Route 53 is a scalable and highly available Domain Name System (DNS) web service provided by Amazon Web Services. This log contains information about a DNS query made to a TXT record of a subdomain under the domain, and the response received from the DNS server. | |
Key Findings: | |
The DNS query was made to a subdomain called """". | |
The query type was ""TXT"". | |
The response code received was ""NOERROR"", indicating that the requested record was found and returned. | |
The DNS query was made over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). | |
The query was made from an IP address and the source Autonomous System (AS) number and organization name were identified as 721 and DoD Network Information Center, respectively. | |
The AWS region where the Route 53 service was requested is identified as ""<LOCATION>"". | |
The DNS query was successful and the outcome is indicated as ""success"". | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The log provides information on a single DNS query made to a subdomain, and the response received from the DNS server. No anomalies or errors were reported. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incidents were reported. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were identified. | |
Recommendations: | |
No recommendations were made based on the information in the log. However, monitoring DNS queries and responses is important for identifying potential security threats and performance issues. Regularly monitoring DNS logs can help in detecting and mitigating DNS-related attacks, as well as identifying DNS misconfigurations and performance issues." | |
AWS Usage,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-07-25T20:50:00.000Z"", ""agent"": {""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""2d4b09d0-cdb6-445e-ac3f-6415f87b9864"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""6bab70d4-84d9-411d-887c-f144d4244e78"", ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""2d4b09d0-cdb6-445e-ac3f-6415f87b9864"", ""version"": ""8.3.2"", ""snapshot"": false}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""eu-north-1"", ""account"": {""name"": ""elastic-beats"", ""id"": ""428152502467""}}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""aws.usage""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 60000, ""name"": ""cloudwatch""}, ""aws"": {""usage"": {""metrics"": {""CallCount"": {""sum"": 1}}}, ""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/Usage""}, ""dimensions"": {""Type"": ""API"", ""Resource"": ""ListMetrics"", ""Service"": ""CloudWatch"", ""Class"": ""None""}}, ""event"": {""duration"": 1432082500, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2022-07-25T20:51:19Z"", ""module"": ""aws"", ""dataset"": ""aws.usage""}}","Write a summary for a AWS Usage event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is aAWS Usage, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""2d4b09d0-cdb6-445e-ac3f-6415f87b9864"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""6bab70d4-84d9-411d-887c-f144d4244e78"", ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""2d4b09d0-cdb6-445e-ac3f-6415f87b9864"", ""version"": ""8.3.2"", ""snapshot"": false}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""<LOCATION>-north-1"", ""account"": {""name"": ""elastic-beats"", ""id"": ""428152502467""}}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""aws.usage""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 60000, ""name"": ""cloudwatch""}, ""aws"": {""usage"": {""metrics"": {""CallCount"": {""sum"": 1}}}, ""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/Usage""}, ""dimensions"": {""Type"": ""API"", ""Resource"": ""ListMetrics"", ""Service"": ""CloudWatch"", ""Class"": ""None""}}, ""event"": {""duration"": <PHONE_NUMBER>, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""module"": ""aws"", ""dataset"": ""aws.usage""}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
This AWS Usage event log is a metric data set collected by an agent and the Elastic stack from AWS CloudWatch. It monitors the usage metrics for AWS resources to detect any anomalies or potential threats. | |
Key Findings: | |
The log shows that there was one API call made to the AWS CloudWatch service using the ListMetrics resource. The metric data collected includes the CallCount metric, which counts the number of times the API was called. There were no other metrics collected during this period. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The monitoring period for this log was 60,000 milliseconds, which is equal to one minute. The log indicates that this monitoring was done by an agent using the Elastic stack. | |
Incident Summary: | |
There were no incidents or anomalies detected during this monitoring period. The log shows only one API call made to the AWS CloudWatch service, which is a normal and expected operation. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were detected during this monitoring period. However, continuous monitoring of usage metrics is important for detecting any potential threats or abnormal activity in the future. | |
Recommendations: | |
Regular monitoring of AWS usage metrics is recommended to ensure the efficient use of resources and to detect any potential threats. It is also recommended to establish baseline metrics for normal usage patterns and to set up alerts for any anomalies or deviations from the baseline. Additionally, reviewing AWS IAM permissions for accessing usage metrics is recommended to ensure that only authorized users have access to the metrics." | |
Azure Application Insights Metrics Overview,,"{""agent"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""4162d5df-ab00-4c1b-b4f3-7db2e3b599d4"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""7.15.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47"", ""version"": ""7.15.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""azure""}, ""@timestamp"": ""2021-08-23T14:37:42.268Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""1.12.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""azure""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""azure.app_insights""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""4.19.128-microsoft-standard"", ""codename"": ""Core"", ""name"": ""CentOS Linux"", ""family"": ""redhat"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""7 (Core)"", ""platform"": ""centos""}, ""containerized"": true, ""ip"": [""""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""1642d255f9a32fc6926cddf21bb0d5d3"", ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:60:07""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 300000, ""name"": ""app_insights""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 503187300, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2021-08-23T14:37:41Z"", ""module"": ""azure"", ""dataset"": ""azure.app_insights""}, ""azure"": {""app_insights"": {""end_date"": ""2021-08-23T14:37:42.268Z"", ""start_date"": ""2021-08-23T14:32:42.268Z""}, ""metrics"": {""requests_count"": {""sum"": 4}}, ""application_id"": ""42cb59a9-d5be-400b-a5c4-69b0a0026ac6"", ""dimensions"": {""request_name"": ""GET Home/Index"", ""request_url_host"": """"}}}","Write a summary for a Azure Application Insights Metrics Overview event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Azure Application Insights Metrics Overview, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""agent"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""4162d5df-ab00-4c1b-b4f3-7db2e3b599d4"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""7.15.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""d979a8cf-ddeb-458f-9019-389414e0ab47"", ""version"": ""7.15.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""azure""}, ""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""1.12.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""azure""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""azure.app_insights""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""4.19.128-microsoft-standard"", ""codename"": ""Core"", ""name"": ""CentOS Linux"", ""family"": ""redhat"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""7 (Core)"", ""platform"": ""centos""}, ""containerized"": true, ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""1642d255f9a32fc6926cddf21bb0d5d3"", ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:60:07""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 300000, ""name"": ""app_insights""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 503187300, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""module"": ""azure"", ""dataset"": ""azure.app_insights""}, ""azure"": {""app_insights"": {""end_date"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""start_date"": ""<DATE_TIME>""}, ""metrics"": {""requests_count"": {""sum"": 4}}, ""application_id"": ""42cb59a9-d5be-400b-a5c4-69b0a0026ac6"", ""dimensions"": {""request_name"": ""GET Home/Index"", ""request_url_host"": """"}}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
This event log pertains to the Azure Application Insights Metrics Overview. The event log contains various metrics about the application performance. | |
Key Findings: | |
The duration of the event was 503187300 ms. | |
There were a total of 4 requests made during the time period. | |
The requests were made for the ""GET Home/Index"" and to the host """". | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The Azure Application Insights Metrics Overview is used to monitor the performance and usage of applications running on Azure. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incidents were reported in this event log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were detected in this event log. | |
Recommendations: | |
Based on the metrics provided, it may be beneficial to optimize the application to reduce the duration of requests and improve the overall performance. Additionally, monitoring the number of requests and their corresponding host names can provide insights into the usage and behavior of the application." | |
Bravura Monitor,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2021-01-16T00:35:25.258Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""fa387b80-fca3-4488-ac1b-460792f3a8ea"", ""id"": ""02ab444e-ca97-437b-85dc-d580f055047c"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""hid_bravura_monitor.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""02ab444e-ca97-437b-85dc-d580f055047c"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""hid_bravura_monitor.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-22T08:13:24Z"", ""original"": ""\u00182021-01-16 00:35:25.258.7085 - [] pamlws.exe [44408,52004] Error: LWS [HID-TEST] foundcomputer record not found"", ""timezone"": ""UTC""}, ""hid_bravura_monitor"": {""environment"": ""PRODUCTION"", ""instancename"": ""default"", ""instancetype"": ""Privilege-Identity-Password"", ""node"": ""docker-fleet-agent""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": false, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""""], ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:1d:00:07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""filestream""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""path"": ""/tmp/service_logs/hid_bravura_monitor.log""}, ""level"": ""Error"", ""logger"": ""pamlws.exe"", ""offset"": 218}, ""message"": ""LWS [HID-TEST] foundcomputer record not found"", ""process"": {""pid"": 44408, ""thread"": {""id"": 52004}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event""], ""user"": {""id"": """"}}","Write a summary for a Bravura Monitor event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Bravura Monitor, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""fa387b80-fca3-4488-ac1b-460792f3a8ea"", ""id"": ""02ab444e-ca97-437b-85dc-d580f055047c"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""hid_bravura_monitor.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""02ab444e-ca97-437b-85dc-d580f055047c"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""hid_bravura_monitor.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""original"": ""\u00182021-01-16 00:35:25.258.7085 - [] pamlws.exe [44408,52004] Error: LWS [HID-TEST] foundcomputer record not found"", ""timezone"": ""UTC""}, ""hid_bravura_monitor"": {""environment"": ""PRODUCTION"", ""instancename"": ""default"", ""instancetype"": ""Privilege-Identity-Password"", ""node"": ""docker-fleet-agent""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": false, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:1d:00:07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""filestream""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""path"": ""/tmp/service_logs/hid_bravura_monitor.log""}, ""level"": ""Error"", ""logger"": ""pamlws.exe"", ""offset"": 218}, ""message"": ""LWS [HID-TEST] foundcomputer record not found"", ""process"": {""pid"": 44408, ""thread"": {""id"": 52004}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event""], ""user"": {""id"": """"}}"" ","Bravura Monitor is a monitoring tool that identifies and detects security threats within a network. The following is a summary of an event log generated by Bravura Monitor: | |
Key Findings: | |
An error occurred while executing a Bravura Monitor test on a computer. | |
The computer could not be found in the LWS (Local Workstation Services) database. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The Bravura Monitor was running in a production environment. | |
The instance type was Privilege-Identity-Password. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incident was reported. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threat was detected. | |
Recommendations: | |
Investigate the cause of the error in the Bravura Monitor test. | |
Verify if the computer is properly registered in the LWS database." | |
Cisco Secure Email Gateway,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2023-03-17T18:24:37.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""4e9fd9b0-5de2-40cd-83b6-9f71ce5aa238"", ""id"": ""ffb5b53a-4f77-4103-afe1-2d02bcc1a0cb"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""cisco_secure_email_gateway"": {""log"": {""category"": {""name"": ""amp""}, ""message"": ""File reputation query initiating. File Name = 'mod-6.exe', MID = 5, File Size = 1673216 bytes, File Type = application/x-dosexec""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""cisco_secure_email_gateway.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""ffb5b53a-4f77-4103-afe1-2d02bcc1a0cb"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""email"": {""attachments"": {""file"": {""name"": ""mod-6.exe"", ""size"": 1673216}}, ""content_type"": ""application/x-dosexec"", ""message_id"": ""5""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""cisco_secure_email_gateway.log"", ""ingested"": ""2023-01-31T06:32:29Z"", ""kind"": ""event""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""info"", ""source"": {""address"": """"}, ""syslog"": {""priority"": 166}}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""cisco_secure_email_gateway-log""]}","Write a summary for a Cisco Secure Email Gateway event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Cisco Secure Email Gateway, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""4e9fd9b0-5de2-40cd-83b6-9f71ce5aa238"", ""id"": ""ffb5b53a-4f77-4103-afe1-2d02bcc1a0cb"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""cisco_secure_email_gateway"": {""log"": {""category"": {""name"": ""amp""}, ""message"": ""File reputation query initiating. File Name = 'mod-6.exe', MID = 5, File Size = 1673216 bytes, File Type = application/x-dosexec""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""cisco_secure_email_gateway.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""ffb5b53a-4f77-4103-afe1-2d02bcc1a0cb"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""email"": {""attachments"": {""file"": {""name"": ""mod-6.exe"", ""size"": 1673216}}, ""content_type"": ""application/x-dosexec"", ""message_id"": ""5""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""cisco_secure_email_gateway.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""info"", ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:59695""}, ""syslog"": {""priority"": 166}}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""cisco_secure_email_gateway-log""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
The Cisco Secure Email Gateway is a security solution that helps organizations protect their email communication. It provides protection against various email-borne threats like spam, malware, viruses, and phishing attacks. | |
Key Findings: | |
A file reputation query has been initiated by the Cisco Secure Email Gateway for a file named 'mod-6.exe'. The MID for this file is 5, and its file size is 1673216 bytes. The email containing this file had a message ID of 5. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event log indicates that the Cisco Secure Email Gateway has detected a potentially malicious file attached to an email message. It has initiated a file reputation query to determine if the file is safe or not. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The incident involves a potential malware threat attached to an email message. The file name is 'mod-6.exe', and it has a file size of 1673216 bytes. The Cisco Secure Email Gateway has initiated a file reputation query to determine the safety of the file. | |
Threat Summary: | |
The potential threat in this incident is a malware file named 'mod-6.exe' attached to an email message. The file is of type 'application/x-dosexec', which is commonly used for executable files on Windows systems. The Cisco Secure Email Gateway has initiated a file reputation query to determine if the file is malicious or not. | |
Recommendations: | |
The Cisco Secure Email Gateway should continue to monitor the email traffic and file attachments for any potential threats. The organization should ensure that all email attachments are scanned for viruses and malware before they are downloaded or opened. Additionally, users should be trained to recognize and report any suspicious emails or file attachments." | |
Fortinet FortiMail Logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2016-01-29T06:09:59.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""821504b9-6e80-4572-aae7-c5bb3cf38906"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimail.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""event"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""nes"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimail.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-01-25T12:29:32Z"", ""original"": ""date=2016-1-29 time=06:09:59 device_id=pexe log_id=nes log_part=eab type=event subtype=update pri=high msg=\""boNemoe\""\n"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""high"", ""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""observer"": {""product"": ""FortiMail"", ""type"": ""Firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""rsa"": {""internal"": {""event_desc"": ""boNemoe"", ""messageid"": ""event_update""}, ""misc"": {""category"": ""update"", ""event_type"": ""event"", ""hardware_id"": ""pexe"", ""msgIdPart1"": ""event"", ""msgIdPart2"": ""update"", ""reference_id"": ""nes"", ""reference_id1"": ""eab"", ""severity"": ""high""}, ""time"": {""event_time"": ""2016-01-29T06:09:59.000Z""}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortimail"", ""forwarded""]}","Write a summary for a Fortinet FortiMail Logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Fortinet FortiMail Logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""821504b9-6e80-4572-aae7-c5bb3cf38906"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimail.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""event"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""nes"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimail.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""original"": ""date=<DATE_TIME>=06:09:59 device_id=pexe log_id=nes log_part=eab type=event subtype=update pri=high msg=\""boNemoe\""\n"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""high"", ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:44540""}}, ""observer"": {""product"": ""FortiMail"", ""type"": ""Firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""rsa"": {""internal"": {""event_desc"": ""boNemoe"", ""messageid"": ""event_update""}, ""misc"": {""category"": ""update"", ""event_type"": ""event"", ""hardware_id"": ""pexe"", ""msgIdPart1"": ""event"", ""msgIdPart2"": ""update"", ""reference_id"": ""nes"", ""reference_id1"": ""eab"", ""severity"": ""high""}, ""time"": {""event_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>""}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortimail"", ""forwarded""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Fortinet FortiMail is a Firewall product designed to protect email systems from threats like spam, viruses, phishing, and data leaks. It provides advanced email security, archiving, and compliance to safeguard sensitive data from loss, theft, or exposure. The given log is a structured JSON input that provides information about a specific event in Fortinet FortiMail Logs. | |
Key Findings: | |
The event occurred at <DATE_TIME>. | |
The log is categorized as a high-level event with code ""nes."" | |
The original message includes a description of ""boNemoe."" | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event log indicates that a high-level event occurred at the specified time. This could be an indication of an attempted security breach, malware infection, or other malicious activity that requires further investigation. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The log does not provide enough information to determine the specific incident or its impact. However, the high-level event code and description suggest that it may be related to a security threat or vulnerability in the email system. | |
Threat Summary: | |
Based on the available information, it is difficult to determine the exact threat or vulnerability that caused the event. However, the event's high severity level and the fact that it occurred in a Firewall product suggest that it may be related to a potential security breach or malware infection. | |
Recommendations: | |
To ensure the security of the email system, it is recommended to investigate the event further and identify the root cause of the issue. This may include reviewing other logs, conducting a vulnerability assessment, or implementing additional security measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. It is also recommended to keep the system up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates to reduce the risk of potential vulnerabilities." | |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Billing metrics,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z"", ""cloud"": {""account"": {""id"": ""01475F-5B1080-1137E7""}, ""project"": {""id"": ""elastic-bi"", ""name"": ""elastic-containerlib-prod""}, ""provider"": ""gcp""}, ""event"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.billing"", ""duration"": 115000, ""module"": ""gcp""}, ""gcp"": {""billing"": {""billing_account_id"": ""01475F-5B1080-1137E7"", ""cost_type"": ""regular"", ""invoice_month"": ""202106"", ""project_id"": ""containerlib-prod-12763"", ""project_name"": ""elastic-containerlib-prod"", ""total"": 4717.170681}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""billing"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""type"": ""gcp""}}","Write a summary for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Billing metrics event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Billing metrics, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""cloud"": {""account"": {""id"": ""01475F-5B1080-1137E7""}, ""project"": {""id"": ""elastic-bi"", ""name"": ""elastic-containerlib-prod""}, ""provider"": ""gcp""}, ""event"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.billing"", ""duration"": 115000, ""module"": ""gcp""}, ""gcp"": {""billing"": {""billing_account_id"": ""01475F-5B1080-1137E7"", ""cost_type"": ""regular"", ""invoice_month"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""project_id"": ""containerlib-prod-12763"", ""project_name"": ""elastic-containerlib-prod"", ""total"": <LOCATION>}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""billing"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""type"": ""gcp""}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
The following is a summary of a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Billing metrics event log. GCP Billing metrics are used to monitor and track the costs associated with using GCP services. This log provides details about the billing account ID, project ID, and total cost associated with a project. | |
Key Findings: | |
The billing account ID is ""01475F-5B1080-1137E7"" | |
The project ID is ""containerlib-prod-12763"" | |
The project name is ""elastic-containerlib-prod"" | |
The total cost associated with the project is <LOCATION> | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The log provides important billing metrics for the GCP project ""elastic-containerlib-prod"". The total cost associated with the project is reported. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incidents were reported in this log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were reported in this log. | |
Recommendations: | |
The information provided in this log can be used to monitor and track the costs associated with using GCP services. Organizations can use this information to optimize their usage and reduce costs where possible. It is recommended to regularly monitor GCP billing metrics to ensure that costs are not exceeding budgeted amounts." | |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Compute metrics,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z"", ""cloud"": {""account"": {""id"": ""elastic-obs-integrations-dev"", ""name"": ""elastic-obs-integrations-dev""}, ""instance"": {""id"": ""4751091017865185079"", ""name"": ""gke-cluster-1-default-pool-6617a8aa-5clh""}, ""machine"": {""type"": ""e2-medium""}, ""provider"": ""gcp"", ""availability_zone"": ""us-central1-c"", ""region"": ""us-central1""}, ""event"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.compute"", ""duration"": 115000, ""module"": ""gcp""}, ""gcp"": {""compute"": {""firewall"": {""dropped"": {""bytes"": 421}, ""dropped_packets_count"": {""value"": 4}}, ""instance"": {""cpu"": {""reserved_cores"": {""value"": 1}, ""usage"": {""pct"": 0.07259952346383708}, ""usage_time"": {""sec"": 4.355971407830225}}, ""memory"": {""balloon"": {""ram_size"": {""value"": 4128378880}, ""ram_used"": {""value"": 2190848000}, ""swap_in"": {""bytes"": 0}, ""swap_out"": {""bytes"": 0}}}, ""uptime"": {""sec"": 60.00000000000091}}}, ""labels"": {""user"": {""goog-gke-node"": """"}}}, ""host"": {""id"": ""4751091017865185079"", ""name"": ""gke-cluster-1-default-pool-6617a8aa-5clh""}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""compute"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""type"": ""gcp""}}",, | |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firestore metrics,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z"", ""cloud"": {""account"": {""id"": ""elastic-obs-integrations-dev"", ""name"": ""elastic-obs-integrations-dev""}, ""instance"": {""id"": ""4751091017865185079"", ""name"": ""gke-cluster-1-default-pool-6617a8aa-5clh""}, ""machine"": {""type"": ""e2-medium""}, ""provider"": ""gcp"", ""availability_zone"": ""us-central1-c"", ""region"": ""us-central1""}, ""event"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.firestore"", ""duration"": 115000, ""module"": ""gcp""}, ""gcp"": {""firestore"": {""document"": {""delete"": {""count"": 3}, ""read"": {""count"": 10}, ""write"": {""count"": 1}}}, ""labels"": {""user"": {""goog-gke-node"": """"}}}, ""host"": {""id"": ""4751091017865185079"", ""name"": ""gke-cluster-1-default-pool-6617a8aa-5clh""}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""firestore"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""type"": ""gcp""}}",, | |
Logstash,,"{""agent"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""0c223a58-fac1-457d-84d2-13b4cc188cd8"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""14484f41-a26f-44c9-adf0-fc0f1495b4f3"", ""version"": ""7.15.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""0c223a58-fac1-457d-84d2-13b4cc188cd8"", ""version"": ""7.15.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""logstash"": {""node"": {""stats"": {""events"": {""filtered"": 0, ""in"": 0, ""out"": 0}}}}, ""@timestamp"": ""2021-09-02T17:29:14.596Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""1.10.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""logstash.node_stats""}, ""service"": {""hostname"": ""45943bf17069"", ""address"": ""http://logstash:9600/_node/stats"", ""name"": ""logstash"", ""id"": ""8cfe1a39-ac50-439d-8bf2-93198aa26c0d"", ""type"": ""logstash"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""5.11.10-arch1-1"", ""codename"": ""Core"", ""name"": ""CentOS Linux"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""family"": ""redhat"", ""version"": ""7 (Core)"", ""platform"": ""centos""}, ""containerized"": true, ""ip"": [""""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""1292624d19b2cee1a317ad634c9a8358"", ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:19:00:04""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 10000, ""name"": ""node_stats""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 18621194, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2021-09-02T17:29:15.608149964Z"", ""module"": ""logstash"", ""dataset"": ""logstash.node_stats""}}",, | |
Nagios XI,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-03-16T07:02:41.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""51b119f6-cf3c-4fe1-ba07-4f8194106cda"", ""id"": ""98cccf9b-3d95-4b93-b4dc-472035898e0f"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": """", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""98cccf9b-3d95-4b93-b4dc-472035898e0f"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""created"": ""2022-05-09T07:14:09.873Z"", ""dataset"": """", ""ingested"": ""2022-05-09T07:14:10Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""module"": ""nagios_xi"", ""original"": ""{\""entry_time\"":\""2022-03-16 07:02:41\"",\""instance_id\"":\""1\"",\""logentry_data\"":\""Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/' initialized successfully.\"",\""logentry_id\"":\""211261\"",\""logentry_type\"":\""262144\""}"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""message"": ""Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/' initialized successfully."", ""nagios_xi"": {""event"": {""entry_time"": ""2022-03-16T07:02:41.000Z"", ""instance_id"": 1, ""logentry"": {""id"": 211261, ""type"": 262144}}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""nagios_xi-events""]}","Write a summary for a Nagios XI event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Nagios XI, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""51b119f6-cf3c-4fe1-ba07-4f8194106cda"", ""id"": ""98cccf9b-3d95-4b93-b4dc-472035898e0f"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": """", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""98cccf9b-3d95-4b93-b4dc-472035898e0f"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.1.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": """", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""module"": ""nagios_xi"", ""original"": ""{\""entry_time\"":\""<DATE_TIME>"",\""instance_id\"":\""1\"",\""logentry_data\"":\""Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/' initialized successfully.\"",\""logentry_id\"":\""211261\"",\""logentry_type\"":\""262144\""}"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""message"": ""Event broker module '/usr/local/nagios/bin/' initialized successfully."", ""nagios_xi"": {""event"": {""entry_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""instance_id"": 1, ""logentry"": {""id"": 211261, ""type"": 262144}}}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""nagios_xi-events""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
This is a Nagios XI event log, which provides information about an event broker module initialization on a server. Nagios XI is a monitoring tool that can be used to monitor infrastructure, network devices, and applications. | |
Key Findings: | |
An event broker module called '/usr/local/nagios/bin/' was initialized successfully. | |
The log entry ID is 211261, and the log entry type is 262144. | |
The event occurred on instance ID 1. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
This log does not provide any specific monitoring information. | |
Incident Summary: | |
There is no indication of any incident or issue in this log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
This log does not indicate any security threats. | |
Recommendations: | |
No recommendations are necessary based on this log entry. It is a normal informational message that a module was successfully initialized. | |
" | |
Sysmon for Linux,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-10-24T17:05:31.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""0ccb5087-29e5-4a64-a028-e51e06c2d944"", ""id"": ""af423af4-492e-4074-bae6-f31a40d3fd91"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""sysmon_linux.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""af423af4-492e-4074-bae6-f31a40d3fd91"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""log"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""sysmon_linux.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-12-08T10:33:50Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": false, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""66392b0697b84641af8006d87aeb89f1"", ""ip"": [""""], ""mac"": [""02-42-C0-A8-30-07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""filestream""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""path"": ""/tmp/service_logs/sysmon.log""}, ""offset"": 0}, ""message"": ""Sysmon v1.0.0 - Monitors system events"", ""process"": {""name"": ""sysmon"", ""pid"": 3041}}",, | |
VMware Carbon Black Cloud,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-02-10T16:04:30.263Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""6e44cfec-4990-4784-a5c5-5d5954dd12e3"", ""id"": ""d25950db-7f14-44a1-8b37-581c2fe716ba"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.1""}, ""carbon_black_cloud"": {""audit"": {""flagged"": false, ""verbose"": false}}, ""client"": {""ip"": """", ""user"": {""id"": """"}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""carbon_black_cloud.audit"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""d25950db-7f14-44a1-8b37-581c2fe716ba"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.1""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""created"": ""2022-11-16T09:32:58.943Z"", ""dataset"": ""carbon_black_cloud.audit"", ""id"": ""2122f8ce8xxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-16T09:33:02Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""clientIp\"":\""\"",\""description\"":\""Logged in successfully\"",\""eventId\"":\""2122f8ce8xxxxxxxxxxxxx\"",\""eventTime\"":1644509070263,\""flagged\"":false,\""loginName\"":\""\"",\""orgName\"":\""\"",\""requestUrl\"":null,\""verbose\"":false}"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""reason"": ""Logged in successfully""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""organization"": {""name"": """"}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""""]}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""carbon_black_cloud-audit""]}","Write a summary for a VMware Carbon Black Cloud event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a VMware Carbon Black Cloud, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""6e44cfec-4990-4784-a5c5-5d5954dd12e3"", ""id"": ""d25950db-7f14-44a1-8b37-581c2fe716ba"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.1""}, ""carbon_black_cloud"": {""audit"": {""flagged"": false, ""verbose"": false}}, ""client"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""user"": {""id"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""carbon_black_cloud.audit"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""d25950db-7f14-44a1-8b37-581c2fe716ba"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.1""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": ""carbon_black_cloud.audit"", ""id"": ""2122f8ce8xxxxxxxxxxxxx"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""clientIp\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""description\"":\""Logged in successfully\"",\""eventId\"":\""2122f8ce8xxxxxxxxxxxxx\"",\""eventTime\"":<PHONE_NUMBER>,\""flagged\"":false,\""loginName\"":\""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>\"",\""orgName\"":\""\"",\""requestUrl\"":null,\""verbose\"":false}"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""reason"": ""Logged in successfully""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""organization"": {""name"": """"}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""carbon_black_cloud-audit""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
The given structured JSON input is an event log from VMware Carbon Black Cloud, a cloud-native endpoint and workload protection platform designed to detect and prevent advanced cyber attacks. | |
Key Findings: | |
An audit event was logged in the Carbon Black Cloud platform indicating that a user logged in successfully. | |
The event was not flagged as suspicious and no additional information was provided. | |
The event was forwarded and preserved in its original format. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event log indicates that the VMware Carbon Black Cloud platform is actively monitoring user logins and auditing them for potential security threats. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No security incidents or suspicious activity were identified based on the information in the event log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
Based on the information in the event log, there is no evidence of any security threats or malicious activity. | |
Recommendations: | |
No action is required based on the information in the event log. However, it is recommended to continue monitoring user activity and auditing logins for potential security threats." | |
Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2020-11-24T15:02:21.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""b620e757-d3b2-4b59-8c2b-cce4d2f17081"", ""id"": ""70e82165-776e-4b35-98b8-b0c9491f4b6e"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall"": {""log"": {""app_rule"": ""<App>:ALL-APPS"", ""fw_info"": 2007}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": """", ""as"": {""number"": 35908}, ""bytes"": 561503, ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""Asia"", ""country_iso_code"": ""BT"", ""country_name"": ""Bhutan"", ""location"": {""lat"": 27.5, ""lon"": 90.5}}, ""ip"": """", ""mac"": ""00-0C-29-00-D6-00"", ""nat"": {""ip"": """"}, ""packets"": 439, ""port"": 443}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""70e82165-776e-4b35-98b8-b0c9491f4b6e"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""End"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""dataset"": ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall.log"", ""duration"": -153934592, ""ingested"": ""2022-09-21T13:30:52Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": [""end""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""lumberjack""}, ""labels"": {""origin_address"": """"}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:HGU1tX9W2VUF5ND2ey3X6Niv/AQ="", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""transport"": ""tcp"", ""type"": ""ipv4""}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0""}}, ""hostname"": ""cgf-scout-int"", ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0""}}, ""product"": ""ngfw"", ""serial_number"": ""4f94abdf7a8c465fa2cd76f680ecafd1"", ""type"": ""firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Barracuda""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"]}, ""rule"": {""name"": ""BOX-LAN-2-INTERNET""}, ""source"": {""address"": """", ""bytes"": 7450, ""ip"": """", ""mac"": ""00-0C-29-9A-0A-78"", ""nat"": {""ip"": """"}, ""packets"": 129, ""port"": 40532}, ""tags"": [""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall-log"", ""forwarded""]}","Write a summary for a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""b620e757-d3b2-4b59-8c2b-cce4d2f17081"", ""id"": ""70e82165-776e-4b35-98b8-b0c9491f4b6e"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall"": {""log"": {""app_rule"": ""<App>:ALL-APPS"", ""fw_info"": 2007}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""as"": {""number"": 35908}, ""bytes"": 561503, ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": 27.5, ""lon"": 90.5}}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""mac"": ""00-0C-29-00-D6-00"", ""nat"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""packets"": 439, ""port"": 443}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""70e82165-776e-4b35-98b8-b0c9491f4b6e"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""End"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""dataset"": ""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall.log"", ""duration"": -153934592, ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": [""end""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""lumberjack""}, ""labels"": {""origin_address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:34752""}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:HGU1tX9W2VUF5ND2ey3X6Niv/AQ="", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""transport"": ""tcp"", ""type"": ""ipv4""}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0""}}, ""hostname"": ""cgf-scout-int"", ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0""}}, ""product"": ""ngfw"", ""serial_number"": ""4f94abdf7a8c465fa2cd76f680ecafd1"", ""type"": ""firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Barracuda""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""rule"": {""name"": ""BOX-LAN-2-INTERNET""}, ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""bytes"": 7450, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""mac"": ""00-0C-29-9A-0A-78"", ""nat"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""packets"": 129, ""port"": 40532}, ""tags"": [""barracuda_cloudgen_firewall-log"", ""forwarded""]}"" ","Barracuda CloudGen Firewall Logs is a type of log that records events related to network traffic passing through a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall. The log contains information about the source and destination addresses of network traffic, as well as details about the type of traffic and any rules that were applied to it. | |
Key Findings: | |
A network event occurred that was classified as an ""End"" event. | |
The event was related to network traffic passing through a Barracuda CloudGen Firewall. | |
The traffic originated from an IP address and was directed to another IP address. | |
The traffic used TCP as its transport protocol and was directed to port 443 on the destination IP address. | |
The traffic involved a total of 439 packets and 561503 bytes of data. | |
The event was associated with a firewall rule named ""BOX-LAN-2-INTERNET"". | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event was recorded by the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall and stored in a log file. | |
The log file was collected and sent to a central logging server using a log collection agent. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The specific details of the incident are not provided in the log. | |
Further investigation may be necessary to determine whether the event was related to a security incident or simply normal network traffic. | |
Threat Summary: | |
The log does not contain any evidence of a specific threat or attack. | |
However, any network traffic passing through a firewall should be monitored and analyzed for potential security threats. | |
Recommendations: | |
Ensure that the Barracuda CloudGen Firewall is configured to record all relevant network events. | |
Regularly review the firewall logs for unusual or suspicious activity. | |
Consider implementing additional security measures, such as intrusion detection or data encryption, to further protect network traffic passing through the firewall. | |
" | |
Azure Billing Metrics,,"{""agent"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""ac0aba17-80ba-472c-a850-25b8eee31b4a"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""00acbc2a-2f96-4c8a-99fe-790f724e9b9e"", ""version"": ""7.15.3""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""ac0aba17-80ba-472c-a850-25b8eee31b4a"", ""version"": ""7.15.3"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""cloud"": {""instance"": {""name"": ""alextest223"", ""id"": ""/subscriptions/7657426d-c4c3-44ac-88a2-3b2cd59e6dba/resourceGroups/alex-test-resources/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/testthis""}, ""provider"": ""azure"", ""region"": ""CentralUS""}, ""@timestamp"": ""2021-11-16T14:53:50.309Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""1.11.0""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""azure""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""azure.billing""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""4.19.128-microsoft-standard"", ""codename"": ""Core"", ""name"": ""CentOS Linux"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""family"": ""redhat"", ""version"": ""7 (Core)"", ""platform"": ""centos""}, ""containerized"": true, ""ip"": [""""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""0e45dc0f765dee79aa8992abcd05b189"", ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:10:07""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 86400000, ""name"": ""billing""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 37147626300, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2021-11-16T14:53:51Z"", ""module"": ""azure"", ""dataset"": ""azure.billing""}, ""azure"": {""subscription_id"": ""7657426d-c4c3-44ac-88a2-3b2cd59e6dba"", ""resource"": {""name"": ""testthis"", ""type"": ""Microsoft.Storage"", ""group"": ""alex-test-resources""}, ""billing"": {""product"": ""Bandwidth Inter-Region - Data Transfer Out - North America"", ""pretax_cost"": 2.327970961e-06, ""usage_start"": ""2021-11-15T00:00:00.000Z"", ""usage_end"": ""2021-11-15T23:59:59.000Z"", ""department_name"": ""DEpartment"", ""account_name"": ""R&D"", ""currency"": ""USD"", ""billing_period_id"": ""/subscriptions/7657426d-c4c3-44ac-88a2-3b2cd59e6dba/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/20211101""}}}",, | |
Amazon S3 Storage Lens,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2021-11-07T20:38:00.000Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""aws.s3_storage_lens""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}, ""cloud"": {""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""us-east-1"", ""account"": {""name"": ""elastic-beats"", ""id"": ""428152502467""}}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 86400000, ""name"": ""cloudwatch""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 22973251900, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2021-11-08T20:38:37Z"", ""module"": ""aws"", ""dataset"": ""aws.s3_storage_lens""}, ""aws"": {""s3_storage_lens"": {""metrics"": {""NonCurrentVersionStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 0}, ""DeleteMarkerObjectCount"": {""avg"": 0}, ""GetRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""SelectReturnedBytes"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ObjectCount"": {""avg"": 164195}, ""HeadRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ListRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""DeleteRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""SelectRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""5xxErrors"": {""avg"": 0}, ""BytesDownloaded"": {""avg"": 0}, ""BytesUploaded"": {""avg"": 82537}, ""CurrentVersionStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 154238334}, ""StorageBytes"": {""avg"": 154238334}, ""ObjectLockEnabledStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 0}, ""4xxErrors"": {""avg"": 0}, ""PutRequests"": {""avg"": 145}, ""ObjectLockEnabledObjectCount"": {""avg"": 0}, ""EncryptedObjectCount"": {""avg"": 164191}, ""CurrentVersionObjectCount"": {""avg"": 164195}, ""IncompleteMultipartUploadObjectCount"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ReplicatedObjectCount"": {""avg"": 0}, ""AllRequests"": {""avg"": 145}, ""PostRequests"": {""avg"": 0}, ""IncompleteMultipartUploadStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 0}, ""NonCurrentVersionObjectCount"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ReplicatedStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 0}, ""EncryptedStorageBytes"": {""avg"": 154237917}, ""SelectScannedBytes"": {""avg"": 0}}}, ""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/S3/Storage-Lens""}, ""dimensions"": {""metrics_version"": ""1.0"", ""storage_class"": ""STANDARD"", ""aws_region"": ""eu-central-1"", ""bucket_name"": ""filebeat-aws-elb-test"", ""aws_account_number"": ""428152502467"", ""configuration_id"": ""default-account-dashboard"", ""record_type"": ""BUCKET""}}}",, | |
Amazon Redshift,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-06-27T11:58:00.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""a94b780f-b5b5-49b1-88cd-b7a7835f2996"", ""id"": ""d745bccd-73a3-41b4-9fd0-4d9bac14f77b"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""aws"": {""cloudwatch"": {""namespace"": ""AWS/Redshift""}, ""dimensions"": {""ClusterIdentifier"": ""test""}, ""redshift"": {""metrics"": {""CPUUtilization"": {""avg"": 2.43551912568288}, ""CommitQueueLength"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ConcurrencyScalingActiveClusters"": {""avg"": 0}, ""DatabaseConnections"": {""avg"": 0}, ""HealthStatus"": {""avg"": 1}, ""MaintenanceMode"": {""avg"": 0}, ""MaxConfiguredConcurrencyScalingClusters"": {""avg"": 1}, ""NetworkReceiveThroughput"": {""avg"": 2585.956001900078}, ""NetworkTransmitThroughput"": {""avg"": 23262.257531749852}, ""NumExceededSchemaQuotas"": {""avg"": 0}, ""PercentageDiskSpaceUsed"": {""avg"": 0.2197265625}, ""ReadIOPS"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ReadLatency"": {""avg"": 0}, ""ReadThroughput"": {""avg"": 0}, ""TotalTableCount"": {""avg"": 7}, ""WriteIOPS"": {""avg"": 0}, ""WriteLatency"": {""avg"": 0}, ""WriteThroughput"": {""avg"": 0}}}}, ""cloud"": {""account"": {""id"": ""627286350134"", ""name"": ""elastic-observability""}, ""provider"": ""aws"", ""region"": ""us-east-1""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""aws.redshift"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""metrics""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""d745bccd-73a3-41b4-9fd0-4d9bac14f77b"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""dataset"": ""aws.redshift"", ""duration"": 12571706173, ""ingested"": ""2022-06-27T12:13:13Z"", ""module"": ""aws""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": false, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""""], ""mac"": [""02:42:c0:a8:70:07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""cloudwatch"", ""period"": 300000}, ""service"": {""type"": ""aws""}}",, | |
SonicWall Firewall,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-05-16T08:18:39.000+02:00"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""6cc3228b-d89c-4104-b750-d9cb44ed5513"", ""id"": ""08a5caf6-a717-4f5f-90e2-0f4eb7c59b00"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""sonicwall_firewall.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""geo"": {""city_name"": ""London"", ""continent_name"": ""Europe"", ""country_iso_code"": ""GB"", ""country_name"": ""United Kingdom"", ""location"": {""lat"": 51.5142, ""lon"": -0.0931}, ""region_iso_code"": ""GB-ENG"", ""region_name"": ""England""}, ""ip"": """", ""mac"": ""00-17-C5-30-F9-D9"", ""port"": 64889}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""08a5caf6-a717-4f5f-90e2-0f4eb7c59b00"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""connection-denied"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""code"": ""713"", ""dataset"": ""sonicwall_firewall.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-05-23T13:47:58Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""sequence"": ""692"", ""severity"": ""7"", ""timezone"": ""+02:00"", ""type"": [""connection"", ""denied""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""debug"", ""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""message"": ""\ufffd (TCP Flag(s): RST)"", ""network"": {""bytes"": 46, ""protocol"": ""https"", ""transport"": ""tcp""}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""X1""}, ""zone"": ""Untrusted""}, ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""X1""}, ""zone"": ""Untrusted""}, ""ip"": """", ""name"": ""firewall"", ""product"": ""SonicOS"", ""serial_number"": ""0040103CE114"", ""type"": ""firewall"", ""vendor"": ""SonicWall""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"], ""user"": [""admin""]}, ""rule"": {""id"": ""15 (WAN->WAN)""}, ""sonicwall"": {""firewall"": {""app"": ""12"", ""event_group_category"": ""Firewall Settings"", ""gcat"": ""6"", ""sess"": ""Web""}}, ""source"": {""bytes"": 46, ""ip"": """", ""mac"": ""00-06-B1-DD-4F-D4"", ""port"": 443}, ""tags"": [""sonicwall-firewall"", ""forwarded""], ""user"": {""name"": ""admin""}}",, | |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firewall logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2019-10-30T13:52:42.191Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""f4dde373-2ff7-464b-afdb-da94763f219b"", ""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""cloud"": {""availability_zone"": ""us-east1-b"", ""project"": {""id"": ""test-beats""}, ""provider"": ""gcp"", ""region"": ""us-east1""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.firewall"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": """", ""domain"": ""test-windows"", ""ip"": """", ""port"": 3389}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""firewall-rule"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""network"", ""created"": ""2023-01-13T15:01:23.807Z"", ""dataset"": ""gcp.firewall"", ""id"": ""1f21ciqfpfssuo"", ""ingested"": ""2023-01-13T15:01:24Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": ""connection""}, ""gcp"": {""destination"": {""instance"": {""project_id"": ""test-beats"", ""region"": ""us-east1"", ""zone"": ""us-east1-b""}, ""vpc"": {""project_id"": ""test-beats"", ""subnetwork_name"": ""windows-isolated"", ""vpc_name"": ""windows-isolated""}}, ""firewall"": {""rule_details"": {""action"": ""ALLOW"", ""direction"": ""INGRESS"", ""ip_port_info"": [{""ip_protocol"": ""TCP"", ""port_range"": [""3389""]}], ""priority"": 1000, ""source_range"": [""""], ""target_tag"": [""allow-rdp""]}}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""gcp-pubsub""}, ""log"": {""logger"": ""projects/test-beats/logs/""}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:OdLB9eXsBDLz8m97ao4LepX6q+4="", ""direction"": ""inbound"", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""name"": ""windows-isolated"", ""transport"": ""tcp"", ""type"": ""ipv4""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"]}, ""rule"": {""name"": ""network:windows-isolated/firewall:windows-isolated-allow-rdp""}, ""source"": {""address"": """", ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""Asia"", ""country_name"": ""omn""}, ""ip"": """", ""port"": 64853}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""gcp-firewall""]}","Write a summary for a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firewall logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firewall logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""f4dde373-2ff7-464b-afdb-da94763f219b"", ""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""cloud"": {""availability_zone"": ""us-east1-b"", ""project"": {""id"": ""test-beats""}, ""provider"": ""gcp"", ""region"": ""<LOCATION>""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.firewall"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""domain"": ""test-windows"", ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 3389}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""firewall-rule"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""network"", ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": ""gcp.firewall"", ""id"": ""1f21ciqfpfssuo"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": ""connection""}, ""gcp"": {""destination"": {""instance"": {""project_id"": ""test-beats"", ""region"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""zone"": ""us-east1-b""}, ""vpc"": {""project_id"": ""test-beats"", ""subnetwork_name"": ""windows-isolated"", ""vpc_name"": ""windows-isolated""}}, ""firewall"": {""rule_details"": {""action"": ""ALLOW"", ""direction"": ""INGRESS"", ""ip_port_info"": [{""ip_protocol"": ""TCP"", ""port_range"": [""3389""]}], ""priority"": 1000, ""source_range"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>/0""], ""target_tag"": [""allow-rdp""]}}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""gcp-pubsub""}, ""log"": {""logger"": ""projects/test-beats/logs/""}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:OdLB9eXsBDLz8m97ao4LepX6q+4="", ""direction"": ""inbound"", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""name"": ""windows-isolated"", ""transport"": ""tcp"", ""type"": ""ipv4""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""rule"": {""name"": ""network:windows-isolated/firewall:windows-isolated-allow-rdp""}, ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>""}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 64853}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""gcp-firewall""]}"" ","Executive Summary: Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Firewall logs provide insight into network traffic that is being allowed or blocked by the firewall rules configured in GCP. These logs can help identify potential security threats and allow for proactive mitigation measures to be taken. | |
Key Findings: This particular GCP Firewall log shows a connection attempt to port 3389 (used for remote desktop protocol) from a specific IP address (<IP_ADDRESS>) to a Windows instance in the isolated subnet of a GCP VPC. The firewall rule in question (""network /firewall "") allows traffic to this port from the source IP address (<IP_ADDRESS>/0). | |
Monitoring Summary: This event is categorized as a ""firewall-rule"" event with a type of ""connection"". The direction of the traffic is inbound, and the network protocol used is TCP. The event is tagged as ""gcp-firewall"" and ""forwarded"". | |
Incident Summary: An external entity attempted to establish a connection to a Windows instance within a GCP VPC's isolated subnet. The connection was successful due to an allowed firewall rule that permits traffic to port 3389 from the IP address in question. | |
Threat Summary: The successful connection to the Windows instance from an external entity could indicate a potential unauthorized access attempt. The allowed firewall rule could have been set up incorrectly, or the source IP address may have been spoofed. This event could potentially lead to further unauthorized access to the Windows instance or other resources within the GCP VPC. | |
Recommendations: | |
Review the firewall rules in place to ensure they are set up correctly and that only necessary traffic is being allowed. | |
Implement network segmentation to further isolate sensitive resources within the GCP VPC. | |
Monitor network traffic for similar connection attempts and investigate them promptly. | |
Implement multi-factor authentication for access to sensitive resources within the GCP VPC. | |
Consider implementing encryption for traffic to sensitive resources within the GCP VPC." | |
Kibana,,"{""agent"": {""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""44d99b67-3ac6-44a7-aa72-63367a8c2f8b"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""ab3cdd2a-3336-4682-a038-6844197893f4"", ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""process"": {""pid"": 7}, ""@timestamp"": ""2022-08-06T22:34:12.983Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""metrics"", ""dataset"": ""kibana.stats""}, ""service"": {""address"": ""https://kibana:5601/api/stats?extended=true"", ""id"": ""79307ef1-725a-4f29-992a-446bcbedf380"", ""type"": ""kibana"", ""version"": ""8.5.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""44d99b67-3ac6-44a7-aa72-63367a8c2f8b"", ""version"": ""8.5.0"", ""snapshot"": true}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""5.10.47-linuxkit"", ""codename"": ""focal"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""version"": ""20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu""}, ""containerized"": true, ""ip"": [""""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:15:00:07""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""metricset"": {""period"": 10000, ""name"": ""stats""}, ""event"": {""duration"": 22471757, ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2022-08-06T22:34:13Z"", ""module"": ""kibana"", ""dataset"": ""kibana.stats""}, ""kibana"": {""elasticsearch"": {""cluster"": {""id"": ""wMZ6Mw1nR1ydMG25AiiOLw""}}, ""stats"": {""request"": {""total"": 4, ""disconnects"": 0}, ""process"": {""memory"": {""resident_set_size"": {""bytes"": 510763008}, ""heap"": {""total"": {""bytes"": 354033664}, ""used"": {""bytes"": 280320136}, ""size_limit"": {""bytes"": 4345298944}}}, ""event_loop_delay"": {""ms"": 10.395972266666668}, ""uptime"": {""ms"": 64365}}, ""os"": {""distroRelease"": ""Ubuntu-20.04"", ""distro"": ""Ubuntu"", ""memory"": {""used_in_bytes"": 4305055744, ""total_in_bytes"": 35739144192, ""free_in_bytes"": 31434088448}, ""load"": {""5m"": 0.66, ""15m"": 0.25, ""1m"": 1.66}, ""platformRelease"": ""linux-5.10.47-linuxkit"", ""platform"": ""linux""}, ""name"": ""kibana"", ""host"": {""name"": """"}, ""index"": "".kibana"", ""response_time"": {""avg"": {""ms"": 8}, ""max"": {""ms"": 11}}, ""concurrent_connections"": 10, ""snapshot"": true, ""status"": ""green""}}}",, | |
Kubernetes Audit Logs,,"{""kubernetes"": {""audit"": {""auditID"": ""bcacfeaa-5ab5-48de-8bac-3a87d1474b6a"", ""requestReceivedTimestamp"": ""2022-08-31T08:09:39.660940Z"", ""level"": ""RequestResponse"", ""kind"": ""Event"", ""verb"": ""get"", ""annotations"": {""authorization_k8s_io/decision"": ""allow"", ""authorization_k8s_io/reason"": ""RBAC: allowed by ClusterRoleBinding \""system:public-info-viewer\"" of ClusterRole \""system:public-info-viewer\"" to Group \""system:unauthenticated\""""}, ""userAgent"": ""kube-probe/1.24"", ""requestURI"": ""/readyz"", ""responseStatus"": {""metadata"": {}, ""code"": 200}, ""stageTimestamp"": ""2022-08-31T08:09:39.662241Z"", ""sourceIPs"": [""""], ""apiVersion"": """", ""stage"": ""ResponseComplete"", ""user"": {""groups"": [""system:unauthenticated""], ""username"": ""system:anonymous""}}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""filestream""}, ""agent"": {""name"": ""kind-control-plane"", ""id"": ""6e730a0c-7da5-48ff-b4c9-f6c63844975d"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""ephemeral_id"": ""d27511c8-9cd1-402c-8b1b-234abbd9dcae"", ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""@timestamp"": ""2022-08-31T08:09:57.520Z"", ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""path"": ""/var/log/kubernetes/kube-apiserver-audit-1.log""}, ""offset"": 20995}, ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""logs"", ""dataset"": ""kubernetes.audit_logs""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""kind-control-plane"", ""os"": {""kernel"": ""5.10.104-linuxkit"", ""codename"": ""focal"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""version"": ""20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu""}, ""containerized"": false, ""ip"": ["""", """", """", """", """", ""fc00:f853:ccd:e793::2"", ""fe80::42:acff:fe12:2""], ""name"": ""kind-control-plane"", ""id"": ""5016511f0829451ea244f458eebf2212"", ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:12:00:02"", ""02:42:ac:1e:00:03"", ""3a:ba:49:df:78:35"", ""86:c7:fe:c8:fa:22"", ""d6:48:c1:a2:a4:15""], ""architecture"": ""x86_64""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""6e730a0c-7da5-48ff-b4c9-f6c63844975d"", ""version"": ""8.4.0"", ""snapshot"": false}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""ingested"": ""2022-08-31T08:09:58Z"", ""dataset"": ""kubernetes.audit_logs""}}",, | |
Custom Journald logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2020-07-22T13:17:10.012Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""27e2a00a-dab2-4790-8d45-29ad272d0392"", ""id"": ""bef8099b-68f6-4621-8089-2229b35a669d"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""journald.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""bef8099b-68f6-4621-8089-2229b35a669d"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""ec387f577b844b8fa948f33cad9a75e6"", ""created"": ""2022-08-18T18:14:11.588Z"", ""dataset"": ""journald.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-08-18T18:14:15Z"", ""kind"": ""event""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""sleipnir"", ""id"": ""505afdafda3b4f33a63749ae39284742""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""journald""}, ""journald"": {""custom"": {""available"": ""0"", ""available_pretty"": ""0B"", ""current_use"": ""1023455232"", ""current_use_pretty"": ""976.0M"", ""disk_available"": ""6866636800"", ""disk_available_pretty"": ""6.3G"", ""disk_keep_free"": ""1466253312"", ""disk_keep_free_pretty"": ""1.3G"", ""journal_name"": ""System journal"", ""journal_path"": ""/var/log/journal/505afdafda3b4f33a63749ae39284742"", ""limit"": ""977502208"", ""limit_pretty"": ""932.2M"", ""max_use"": ""977502208"", ""max_use_pretty"": ""932.2M""}, ""gid"": 0, ""host"": {""boot_id"": ""fa3c2e3080dc4cd5be5cb5a43e140d51""}, ""pid"": 19317, ""process"": {""capabilities"": ""25402800cf"", ""command_line"": ""/lib/systemd/systemd-journald"", ""executable"": ""/lib/systemd/systemd-journald"", ""name"": ""systemd-journal""}, ""uid"": 0}, ""log"": {""syslog"": {""facility"": {""code"": 3}, ""identifier"": ""systemd-journald"", ""priority"": 6}}, ""message"": ""System journal (/var/log/journal/505afdafda3b4f33a63749ae39284742) is 976.0M, max 932.2M, 0B free."", ""process"": {""args"": [""/lib/systemd/systemd-journald""], ""args_count"": 1, ""command_line"": ""/lib/systemd/systemd-journald"", ""pid"": 19317}, ""systemd"": {""cgroup"": ""/system.slice/systemd-journald.service"", ""invocation_id"": ""7c11cda63635437bafe21c92851618a8"", ""slice"": ""system.slice"", ""transport"": ""driver"", ""unit"": ""systemd-journald.service""}, ""tags"": [""forwarded""], ""user"": {""group"": {""id"": ""0""}, ""id"": ""0""}}",, | |
Fortinet FortiClient Logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2021-01-29T06:09:59.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""e212d683-d4b4-42ac-ba98-c8414ff62188"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_forticlient.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""ip"": [""""], ""port"": 3994}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""deny"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""http"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_forticlient.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-01-25T12:25:45Z"", ""original"": ""January 29 06:09:59 boNemoe4402.www.invalid proto=udp service=http status=deny src= dst= src_port=7178 dst_port=3994 server_app=reeufugi pid=7880 app_name=enderitq traff_direct=external block_count=5286 logon_user=sumdo@litesse6379.api.domain msg=failure\n"", ""outcome"": ""failure"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""host"": {""name"": ""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""network"": {""direction"": ""external"", ""protocol"": ""udp""}, ""observer"": {""product"": ""FortiClient"", ""type"": ""Anti-Virus"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""process"": {""pid"": 7880}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""], ""ip"": ["""", """"], ""user"": [""sumdo""]}, ""rsa"": {""counters"": {""dclass_c1"": 5286, ""dclass_c1_str"": ""block_count""}, ""internal"": {""messageid"": ""http""}, ""investigations"": {""ec_outcome"": ""Failure"", ""ec_subject"": ""NetworkComm"", ""ec_theme"": ""ALM""}, ""misc"": {""action"": [""deny""], ""result"": ""failure\n""}, ""network"": {""alias_host"": [""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""], ""domain"": ""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""network_service"": ""http""}, ""time"": {""event_time"": ""2021-01-29T06:09:59.000Z""}}, ""server"": {""domain"": ""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""registered_domain"": ""api.domain"", ""subdomain"": ""litesse6379"", ""top_level_domain"": ""domain""}, ""source"": {""ip"": [""""], ""port"": 7178}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-clientendpoint"", ""forwarded""], ""user"": {""name"": ""sumdo""}}","Write a summary for a Fortinet FortiClient Logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Fortinet FortiClient Logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""e212d683-d4b4-42ac-ba98-c8414ff62188"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_forticlient.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""port"": 3994}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""deny"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""http"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_forticlient.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""original"": ""<DATE_TIME> boNemoe4402.www.invalid proto=udp service=http status=deny src=<IP_ADDRESS> dst=<IP_ADDRESS> src_port=7178 dst_port=3994 server_app=reeufugi pid=7880 app_name=enderitq traff_direct=external block_count=5286 logon_user=sumdo@litesse6379.api.domain msg=failure\n"", ""outcome"": ""failure"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""host"": {""name"": ""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:54478""}}, ""network"": {""direction"": ""external"", ""protocol"": ""udp""}, ""observer"": {""product"": ""FortiClient"", ""type"": ""Anti-Virus"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""process"": {""pid"": 7880}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""], ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""user"": [""sumdo""]}, ""rsa"": {""counters"": {""dclass_c1"": 5286, ""dclass_c1_str"": ""block_count""}, ""internal"": {""messageid"": ""http""}, ""investigations"": {""ec_outcome"": ""Failure"", ""ec_subject"": ""NetworkComm"", ""ec_theme"": ""ALM""}, ""misc"": {""action"": [""deny""], ""result"": ""failure\n""}, ""network"": {""alias_host"": [""boNemoe4402.www.invalid""], ""domain"": ""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""network_service"": ""http""}, ""time"": {""event_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>""}}, ""server"": {""domain"": ""litesse6379.api.domain"", ""registered_domain"": ""api.domain"", ""subdomain"": ""litesse6379"", ""top_level_domain"": ""domain""}, ""source"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""port"": 7178}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-clientendpoint"", ""forwarded""], ""user"": {""name"": ""sumdo""}}"" ","xecutive Summary: Fortinet FortiClient Logs are generated by Fortinet FortiClient, an endpoint security software that provides real-time protection to endpoints such as laptops, desktops, and servers. The logs contain information about network traffic, application usage, and security events on the endpoint. | |
Key Findings: | |
A deny action was taken for a network communication attempt from IP address <IP_ADDRESS> to port 3994. | |
The source port was 7178, and the protocol used was UDP. | |
The application name was ""enderitq"" and the server application was ""reeufugi"". | |
The log shows a block count of 5286, indicating that this is not an isolated event. | |
The user associated with this event was ""sumdo"". | |
Monitoring Summary: The Fortinet FortiClient should be configured to monitor all network traffic and log any suspicious activity. The logs should be stored in a centralized location where they can be easily accessed and analyzed. | |
Incident Summary: A network communication attempt from IP address <IP_ADDRESS> to port 3994 was blocked due to suspicious activity. The application name was ""enderitq"" and the server application was ""reeufugi"". The deny action was taken by Fortinet FortiClient. | |
Threat Summary: The event log indicates that there may be a potential threat to the endpoint's security. Further investigation is required to determine the nature of the threat and its potential impact on the endpoint's security. | |
Recommendations: | |
Review the network traffic logs and identify any other suspicious activity. | |
Implement a firewall to block all inbound traffic from external sources that are not explicitly allowed. | |
Configure the endpoint security software to monitor all network traffic and log any suspicious activity. | |
Review the application usage logs to identify any unauthorized or suspicious applications. | |
Train the endpoint users on safe browsing practices and provide them with security awareness training to reduce the risk of phishing attacks. | |
Use strong encryption methods to protect sensitive data on the endpoint. | |
Regularly patch and update the endpoint's operating system and applications to protect against known vulnerabilities. | |
" | |
Anomali,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-08-01T15:43:02.944Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""633e6483-2625-491c-9640-b4e480191a49"", ""id"": ""83b444a9-8a29-4729-964a-a91e7b770094"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""anomali"": {""threatstream"": {""classification"": ""public"", ""confidence"": 20, ""detail2"": ""imported by user 184"", ""id"": ""3135167627"", ""import_session_id"": ""1400"", ""itype"": ""mal_domain"", ""resource_uri"": ""/api/v1/intelligence/P46279656657/"", ""severity"": ""high"", ""source_feed_id"": ""3143"", ""state"": ""active"", ""trusted_circle_ids"": [""122""], ""update_id"": ""3786618776"", ""value_type"": ""domain""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""ti_anomali.threatstream"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""83b444a9-8a29-4729-964a-a91e7b770094"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""threat"", ""dataset"": ""ti_anomali.threatstream"", ""ingested"": ""2022-08-01T15:43:03Z"", ""kind"": ""enrichment"", ""original"": ""{\""classification\"":\""public\"",\""confidence\"":20,\""country\"":\""FR\"",\""date_first\"":\""2020-10-08T12:21:50\"",\""date_last\"":\""2020-10-08T12:24:42\"",\""detail2\"":\""imported by user 184\"",\""domain\"":\""\"",\""id\"":3135167627,\""import_session_id\"":1400,\""itype\"":\""mal_domain\"",\""lat\"":-49.1,\""lon\"":94.4,\""org\"":\""OVH Hosting\"",\""resource_uri\"":\""/api/v1/intelligence/P46279656657/\"",\""severity\"":\""high\"",\""source\"":\""Default Organization\"",\""source_feed_id\"":3143,\""srcip\"":\""\"",\""state\"":\""active\"",\""trusted_circle_ids\"":\""122\"",\""update_id\"":3786618776,\""value_type\"":\""domain\""}"", ""severity"": 7, ""type"": ""indicator""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""http_endpoint""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""anomali-threatstream""], ""threat"": {""indicator"": {""as"": {""organization"": {""name"": ""OVH Hosting""}}, ""confidence"": ""Low"", ""first_seen"": ""2020-10-08T12:21:50.000Z"", ""geo"": {""country_iso_code"": ""FR"", ""location"": {""lat"": -49.1, ""lon"": 94.4}}, ""ip"": """", ""last_seen"": ""2020-10-08T12:24:42.000Z"", ""marking"": {""tlp"": [""WHITE""]}, ""provider"": ""Default Organization"", ""type"": ""domain-name"", ""url"": {""domain"": """"}}}}","Write a summary for a Anomali event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Anomali, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""633e6483-2625-491c-9640-b4e480191a49"", ""id"": ""83b444a9-8a29-4729-964a-a91e7b770094"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""anomali"": {""threatstream"": {""classification"": ""public"", ""confidence"": 20, ""detail2"": ""imported by user 184"", ""id"": ""<PHONE_NUMBER>"", ""import_session_id"": ""1400"", ""itype"": ""mal_domain"", ""resource_uri"": ""/api/v1/intelligence/P46279656657/"", ""severity"": ""high"", ""source_feed_id"": ""3143"", ""state"": ""active"", ""trusted_circle_ids"": [""122""], ""update_id"": ""<PHONE_NUMBER>"", ""value_type"": ""domain""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""ti_anomali.threatstream"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""83b444a9-8a29-4729-964a-a91e7b770094"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.3.2""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""threat"", ""dataset"": ""ti_anomali.threatstream"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""enrichment"", ""original"": ""{\""classification\"":\""public\"",\""confidence\"":20,\""country\"":\""FR\"",\""date_first\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""date_last\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""detail2\"":\""imported by user 184\"",\""domain\"":\""\"",\""id\"":<PHONE_NUMBER>,\""import_session_id\"":1400,\""itype\"":\""mal_domain\"",\""lat\"":-49.1,\""lon\"":94.4,\""org\"":\""OVH Hosting\"",\""resource_uri\"":\""/api/v1/intelligence/P46279656657/\"",\""severity\"":\""high\"",\""source\"":\""Default Organization\"",\""source_feed_id\"":3143,\""srcip\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""state\"":\""active\"",\""trusted_circle_ids\"":\""122\"",\""update_id\"":<PHONE_NUMBER>,\""value_type\"":\""domain\""}"", ""severity"": 7, ""type"": ""indicator""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""http_endpoint""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""anomali-threatstream""], ""threat"": {""indicator"": {""as"": {""organization"": {""name"": ""OVH Hosting""}}, ""confidence"": ""Low"", ""first_seen"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""geo"": {""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": -49.1, ""lon"": 94.4}}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""last_seen"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""marking"": {""tlp"": [""WHITE""]}, ""provider"": ""Default Organization"", ""type"": ""domain-name"", ""url"": {""domain"": """"}}}}"" ","Anomali is a threat intelligence platform that can help organizations identify and respond to security threats by providing alerts and context about potential attacks. | |
Key Findings: | |
An anomalous event was detected related to a malicious domain name,, that was imported by user 184. | |
The threat is classified as ""public"" and has a severity rating of ""high"". | |
The threat was detected by the Anomali Threatstream feed, which has a confidence score of 20. | |
The threat is currently active and was last seen at <DATE_TIME>. | |
The threat is associated with an IP address <IP_ADDRESS> located in <LOCATION> and is hosted by OVH Hosting. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event was categorized as a threat and was ingested into the system at <DATE_TIME>. | |
The event was enriched by the Anomali platform to provide additional context and details about the threat. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The incident involves a malicious domain name that was imported by a user and is associated with a high-severity threat. | |
The threat is currently active and has been detected by the Anomali platform. | |
The threat is associated with an IP address located in <LOCATION> and is hosted by OVH Hosting. | |
Threat Summary: | |
The threat is related to a malicious domain name,, which was imported by user 184. | |
The threat has a high severity rating and is currently active. | |
The threat is associated with an IP address located in <LOCATION> and is hosted by OVH Hosting. | |
Recommendations: | |
Block access to the malicious domain name,, at the network level. | |
Monitor network traffic for any suspicious activity related to the associated IP address <IP_ADDRESS>. | |
Investigate user 184's activities and access to the system. | |
Ensure that the Anomali platform is kept up-to-date with the latest threat intelligence feeds and is configured to alert the appropriate personnel in the event of a detected threat. | |
" | |
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Audit logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2019-12-19T00:44:25.051Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""f4dde373-2ff7-464b-afdb-da94763f219b"", ""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""client"": {""user"": {""email"": """"}}, ""cloud"": {""project"": {""id"": ""elastic-beats""}, ""provider"": ""gcp""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""gcp.audit"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""5d3eee86-91a9-4afa-af92-c6b79bd866c0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""beta.compute.instances.aggregatedList"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network"", ""configuration""], ""created"": ""2023-01-13T14:59:20.459Z"", ""dataset"": ""gcp.audit"", ""id"": ""yonau2dg2zi"", ""ingested"": ""2023-01-13T14:59:21Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""provider"": ""data_access"", ""type"": [""access"", ""allowed""]}, ""gcp"": {""audit"": {""authorization_info"": [{""granted"": true, ""permission"": ""compute.instances.list"", ""resource_attributes"": {""name"": ""projects/elastic-beats"", ""service"": ""resourcemanager"", ""type"": ""resourcemanager.projects""}}], ""num_response_items"": 61, ""request"": {""@type"": """"}, ""resource_location"": {""current_locations"": [""global""]}, ""resource_name"": ""projects/elastic-beats/global/instances"", ""response"": {""@type"": """", ""apiVersion"": ""v1"", ""details"": {""group"": ""batch"", ""kind"": ""jobs"", ""name"": ""gsuite-exporter-1589294700"", ""uid"": ""2beff34a-945f-11ea-bacf-42010a80007f""}, ""kind"": ""Status"", ""status_value"": ""Success""}, ""type"": """"}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""gcp-pubsub""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""INFO"", ""logger"": ""projects/elastic-beats/logs/""}, ""service"": {""name"": """"}, ""source"": {""ip"": """"}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""gcp-audit""], ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""Mac""}, ""name"": ""Firefox"", ""original"": ""Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0,gzip(gfe),gzip(gfe)"", ""os"": {""full"": ""Mac OS X 10.15"", ""name"": ""Mac OS X"", ""version"": ""10.15""}, ""version"": ""71.0.""}}",, | |
Jamf Compliance Reporter,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2019-10-02T16:17:08.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""d5ffc842-05cf-43da-96fe-905f95ab2e41"", ""id"": ""4f9748a6-cc5b-4160-bfdb-b533f9ba576a"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""jamf_compliance_reporter.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4f9748a6-cc5b-4160-bfdb-b533f9ba576a"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""preference_list_event"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""process""], ""dataset"": ""jamf_compliance_reporter.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-04T11:01:45Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": [""info""]}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""macbook_pro"", ""id"": ""X03XX889XXX3"", ""mac"": [""38-F9-E8-15-5A-82""], ""os"": {""type"": ""macos"", ""version"": ""Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G95)""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""jamf_compliance_reporter"": {""log"": {""dataset"": ""event"", ""event_attributes"": {""audit_event"": {""excluded_processes"": [""/usr/bin/log"", ""/usr/sbin/syslogd""], ""excluded_users"": [""_spotlight"", ""_windowserver""]}, ""audit_event_log_verbose_messages"": ""1"", ""audit_level"": 3, ""file_event"": {""exclusion_paths"": [""/Users/.*/Library/.*""], ""inclusion_paths"": [""/Users/.*""], ""use_fuzzy_match"": 0}, ""file_license_info"": {""license_expiration_date"": ""2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"", ""license_key"": ""43cafc3da47e792939ea82c70..."", ""license_type"": ""Annual"", ""license_version"": ""1""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""location"": ""/var/log/JamfComplianceReporter.log"", ""max_number_backups"": 10, ""max_size_mega_bytes"": 10, ""ownership"": ""root:wheel"", ""permission"": ""640""}, ""remote_endpoint_enabled"": 1, ""remote_endpoint_type"": ""AWSKinesis"", ""remote_endpoint_type_awskinesis"": {""access_key_id"": ""AKIAQFE..."", ""region"": ""us-east-1"", ""secret_key"": ""JAdcoRIo4zsPz..."", ""stream_name"": ""compliancereporter_testing""}}, ""unified_log_predicates"": [""'(subsystem == \""com.example.networkstatistics\"")'"", ""'(subsystem == \""\"" AND category == \""AHP\"")'""], ""version"": ""3.1b43""}, ""event_score"": 0, ""host_info"": {""host"": {""uuid"": ""3X6E4X3X-9285-4X7X-9X0X-X3X62XX379XX""}}}}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""macbook_pro""], ""user"": [""""]}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""jamf_compliance_reporter-log""], ""user"": {""email"": """"}}","Write a summary for a Jamf Compliance Reporter event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Jamf Compliance Reporter, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""d5ffc842-05cf-43da-96fe-905f95ab2e41"", ""id"": ""4f9748a6-cc5b-4160-bfdb-b533f9ba576a"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""jamf_compliance_reporter.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4f9748a6-cc5b-4160-bfdb-b533f9ba576a"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""preference_list_event"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""process""], ""dataset"": ""jamf_compliance_reporter.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""type"": [""info""]}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""macbook_pro"", ""id"": ""X03XX889XXX3"", ""mac"": [""38-F9-E8-15-5A-82""], ""os"": {""type"": ""macos"", ""version"": ""Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G95)""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""jamf_compliance_reporter"": {""log"": {""dataset"": ""event"", ""event_attributes"": {""audit_event"": {""excluded_processes"": [""/usr/bin/log"", ""/usr/sbin/syslogd""], ""excluded_users"": [""_spotlight"", ""_windowserver""]}, ""audit_event_log_verbose_messages"": ""1"", ""audit_level"": 3, ""file_event"": {""exclusion_paths"": [""/Users/.*/Library/.*""], ""inclusion_paths"": [""/Users/.*""], ""use_fuzzy_match"": 0}, ""file_license_info"": {""license_expiration_date"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""license_key"": ""43cafc3da47e792939ea82c70..."", ""license_type"": ""Annual"", ""license_version"": ""1""}, ""log"": {""file"": {""location"": ""/var/log/JamfComplianceReporter.log"", ""max_number_backups"": 10, ""max_size_mega_bytes"": 10, ""ownership"": ""root:wheel"", ""permission"": ""640""}, ""remote_endpoint_enabled"": 1, ""remote_endpoint_type"": ""AWSKinesis"", ""remote_endpoint_type_awskinesis"": {""access_key_id"": ""AKIAQFE..."", ""region"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""secret_key"": ""JAdcoRIo4zsPz..."", ""stream_name"": ""compliancereporter_testing""}}, ""unified_log_predicates"": [""'(subsystem == \""com.example.networkstatistics\"")'"", ""'(subsystem == \""\"" AND category == \""AHP\"")'""], ""version"": ""3.1b43""}, ""event_score"": 0, ""host_info"": {""host"": {""uuid"": ""3X6E4X3X-9285-4X7X-9X0X-X3X62XX379XX""}}}}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:58764""}}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""macbook_pro""], ""user"": [""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>""]}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""jamf_compliance_reporter-log""], ""user"": {""email"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>""}}"" ","Jamf Compliance Reporter is a tool that monitors Mac devices and reports on compliance with security policies. It provides detailed information about file and process activity, as well as system logs and audit events. | |
Key Findings: | |
The agent running on a Macbook Pro with the hostname ""macbook_pro"" has reported an event related to preference list. | |
The event was ingested at a specific date and time. | |
The event type is ""info"" and the category is ""process"". | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The Jamf Compliance Reporter is monitoring file and process activity on the Macbook Pro. | |
The tool is also monitoring system logs and audit events to report on compliance with security policies. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No specific incident was reported in this event log. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No specific threat was reported in this event log. | |
Recommendations: | |
Ensure that Jamf Compliance Reporter is configured to monitor all relevant file and process activity. | |
Review the tool's settings to ensure that it is configured to report on relevant security policies. | |
Regularly review the reports generated by the tool to identify any potential security issues. | |
In case of any suspicious activities, implement additional measures like endpoint detection and response (EDR) tools and user behavior analytics (UBA) to better monitor and prevent possible attacks. | |
" | |
Atlassian Bitbucket,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2021-11-27T18:10:57.316Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""c1c6859f-88f5-4ae8-ad40-5c0c9fe933d1"", ""id"": ""82d0dfd8-3946-4ac0-a092-a9146a71e3f7"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""bitbucket"": {""audit"": {""affected_objects"": [{""id"": ""3"", ""name"": ""AT"", ""type"": ""PROJECT""}], ""extra_attributes"": [{""name"": ""target"", ""nameI18nKey"": """", ""value"": ""AT""}], ""method"": ""Browser"", ""type"": {""action"": ""Project created"", ""actionI18nKey"": ""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated"", ""category"": ""Projects"", ""categoryI18nKey"": ""bitbucket.service.audit.category.projects""}}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""atlassian_bitbucket.audit"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""82d0dfd8-3946-4ac0-a092-a9146a71e3f7"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""configuration""], ""created"": ""2021-12-24T00:39:23.076Z"", ""dataset"": ""atlassian_bitbucket.audit"", ""ingested"": ""2021-12-24T00:39:24Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""affectedObjects\"":[{\""id\"":\""3\"",\""name\"":\""AT\"",\""type\"":\""PROJECT\""}],\""author\"":{\""avatarUri\"":\""\"",\""id\"":\""2\"",\""name\"":\""admin\"",\""type\"":\""NORMAL\"",\""uri\"":\""http://bitbucket.internal:7990/users/admin\""},\""changedValues\"":[],\""extraAttributes\"":[{\""name\"":\""target\"",\""nameI18nKey\"":\""\"",\""value\"":\""AT\""}],\""method\"":\""Browser\"",\""node\"":\""8767044c-1b98-4d64-82db-ef29af8c3792\"",\""source\"":\""\"",\""system\"":\""http://bitbucket.internal:7990\"",\""timestamp\"":\""2021-11-27T18:10:57.316Z\"",\""type\"":{\""action\"":\""Project created\"",\""actionI18nKey\"":\""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated\"",\""category\"":\""Projects\"",\""categoryI18nKey\"":\""bitbucket.service.audit.category.projects\""}}"", ""type"": [""creation""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""bitbucket.internal""], ""ip"": [""""], ""user"": [""admin""]}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://bitbucket.internal:7990""}, ""source"": {""address"": """", ""ip"": """"}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""bitbucket-audit""], ""user"": {""id"": ""2"", ""name"": ""admin""}}","Write a summary for a Atlassian Bitbucket event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Atlassian Bitbucket, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""c1c6859f-88f5-4ae8-ad40-5c0c9fe933d1"", ""id"": ""82d0dfd8-3946-4ac0-a092-a9146a71e3f7"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""bitbucket"": {""audit"": {""affected_objects"": [{""id"": ""3"", ""name"": ""AT"", ""type"": ""PROJECT""}], ""extra_attributes"": [{""name"": ""target"", ""nameI18nKey"": """", ""value"": ""AT""}], ""method"": ""Browser"", ""type"": {""action"": ""Project created"", ""actionI18nKey"": ""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated"", ""category"": ""Projects"", ""categoryI18nKey"": ""bitbucket.service.audit.category.projects""}}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""atlassian_bitbucket.audit"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""82d0dfd8-3946-4ac0-a092-a9146a71e3f7"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""configuration""], ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": ""atlassian_bitbucket.audit"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""affectedObjects\"":[{\""id\"":\""3\"",\""name\"":\""AT\"",\""type\"":\""PROJECT\""}],\""author\"":{\""avatarUri\"":\""\"",\""id\"":\""2\"",\""name\"":\""admin\"",\""type\"":\""NORMAL\"",\""uri\"":\""http://bitbucket.internal:7990/users/admin\""},\""changedValues\"":[],\""extraAttributes\"":[{\""name\"":\""target\"",\""nameI18nKey\"":\""\"",\""value\"":\""AT\""}],\""method\"":\""Browser\"",\""node\"":\""8767044c-1b98-4d64-82db-ef29af8c3792\"",\""source\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""system\"":\""http://bitbucket.internal:7990\"",\""timestamp\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""type\"":{\""action\"":\""Project created\"",\""actionI18nKey\"":\""bitbucket.service.project.audit.action.projectcreated\"",\""category\"":\""Projects\"",\""categoryI18nKey\"":\""bitbucket.service.audit.category.projects\""}}"", ""type"": [""creation""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""bitbucket.internal""], ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""user"": [""admin""]}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://bitbucket.internal:7990""}, ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""bitbucket-audit""], ""user"": {""id"": ""2"", ""name"": ""admin""}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Atlassian Bitbucket is a web-based version control repository hosting service owned by Atlassian, used mainly for source code and development projects that use either Mercurial or Git revision control systems. | |
Key Findings: | |
The provided JSON input shows an event log of Bitbucket's audit trail. Specifically, the log captures the creation of a project within the repository. The event was triggered by a user with ID ""2"" and name ""admin"". The event's source IP address and the destination address were also recorded. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event was captured and logged by the ""docker-fleet-agent"" filebeat agent. The event was ingested into the ""atlassian_bitbucket.audit"" dataset in the ""ep"" namespace, and the event's tags indicate that the original event was preserved and forwarded, and that it pertains to Bitbucket's audit trail. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incidents were identified in the provided JSON input. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were identified in the provided JSON input. | |
Recommendations: | |
Based on the provided JSON input, no specific recommendations can be made. However, the fact that the event was captured and logged suggests that Bitbucket's audit trail is functioning properly and can provide valuable insight into the repository's activity. Therefore, regular monitoring of the audit trail is recommended to identify any anomalous activity." | |
Infoblox BloxOne DDI,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""2012f3f7-49dc-4448-bb3b-60ba7ba8a293"", ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""e0bb9c9c-c3ad-47d7-882c-5fff0f458160"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""7.17.0""}, ""client"": {""user"": {""id"": ""abc3212abc""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""infoblox_bloxone_ddi.dhcp_lease"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""e0bb9c9c-c3ad-47d7-882c-5fff0f458160"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""7.17.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""created"": ""2022-11-21T10:35:16.397Z"", ""dataset"": ""infoblox_bloxone_ddi.dhcp_lease"", ""end"": ""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-21T10:35:19Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""address\"":\""\"",\""client_id\"":\""abc3212abc\"",\""ends\"":\""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z\"",\""fingerprint\"":\""ab3213cbabab/abc23bca\"",\""fingerprint_processed\"":\""12abca32bca32abcd\"",\""ha_group\"":\""abc321cdcbda321\"",\""hardware\"":\""00:00:5E:00:53:00\"",\""host\"":\""admin\"",\""hostname\"":\""Host1\"",\""iaid\"":0,\""last_updated\"":\""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z\"",\""options\"":{\""message\"":\""Hello\""},\""preferred_lifetime\"":\""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z\"",\""protocol\"":\""ip4\"",\""space\"":\""DHCP lease Space\"",\""starts\"":\""2022-07-14T11:51:15.417Z\"",\""state\"":\""used\"",\""type\"":\""DHCP lease Type\""}"", ""start"": ""2022-07-14T11:51:15.417Z"", ""type"": [""protocol""]}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""Host1"", ""name"": ""admin""}, ""infoblox_bloxone_ddi"": {""dhcp_lease"": {""address"": """", ""client_id"": ""abc3212abc"", ""ends"": ""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z"", ""fingerprint"": {""processed"": ""12abca32bca32abcd"", ""value"": ""ab3213cbabab/abc23bca""}, ""ha_group"": ""abc321cdcbda321"", ""hardware"": ""00-00-5E-00-53-00"", ""host"": ""admin"", ""hostname"": ""Host1"", ""iaid"": 0, ""last_updated"": ""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z"", ""options"": {""message"": ""Hello""}, ""preferred_lifetime"": ""2022-07-11T11:51:15.417Z"", ""protocol"": ""ipv4"", ""space"": ""DHCP lease Space"", ""starts"": ""2022-07-14T11:51:15.417Z"", ""state"": ""used"", ""type"": ""DHCP lease Type""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""network"": {""type"": ""ipv4""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""admin"", ""Host1""], ""ip"": [""""]}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""preserve_duplicate_custom_fields"", ""forwarded"", ""infoblox_bloxone_ddi-dhcp_lease""]}",, | |
AWS Fargate,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2017-10-12T08:05:34.853Z"", ""awsfargate"": {""task_stats"": {""cluster_name"": ""default"", ""task_known_status"": ""RUNNING"", ""task_desired_status"": ""RUNNING"", ""cpu"": {""core"": null, ""kernel"": {""norm"": {""pct"": 0}, ""pct"": 0, ""ticks"": 1520000000}, ""system"": {""norm"": {""pct"": 1}, ""pct"": 2, ""ticks"": 1420180000000}, ""total"": {""norm"": {""pct"": 0.2}, ""pct"": 0.4}, ""user"": {""norm"": {""pct"": 0}, ""pct"": 0, ""ticks"": 490000000}}, ""diskio"": {""read"": {""bytes"": 3452928, ""ops"": 118, ""queued"": 0, ""rate"": 0, ""service_time"": 0, ""wait_time"": 0}, ""reads"": 0, ""summary"": {""bytes"": 3452928, ""ops"": 118, ""queued"": 0, ""rate"": 0, ""service_time"": 0, ""wait_time"": 0}, ""total"": 0, ""write"": {""bytes"": 0, ""ops"": 0, ""queued"": 0, ""rate"": 0, ""service_time"": 0, ""wait_time"": 0}, ""writes"": 0}, ""identifier"": ""query-metadata/1234"", ""memory"": {""fail"": {""count"": 0}, ""limit"": 0, ""rss"": {""pct"": 0.0010557805807105247, ""total"": 4157440}, ""stats"": {""active_anon"": 4157440, ""active_file"": 4497408, ""cache"": 6000640, ""dirty"": 16384, ""hierarchical_memory_limit"": 2147483648, ""hierarchical_memsw_limit"": 9223372036854772000, ""inactive_anon"": 0, ""inactive_file"": 1503232, ""mapped_file"": 2183168, ""pgfault"": 6668, ""pgmajfault"": 52, ""pgpgin"": 5925, ""pgpgout"": 3445, ""rss"": 4157440, ""rss_huge"": 0, ""total_active_anon"": 4157440, ""total_active_file"": 4497408, ""total_cache"": 600064, ""total_dirty"": 16384, ""total_inactive_anon"": 0, ""total_inactive_file"": 4497408, ""total_mapped_file"": 2183168, ""total_pgfault"": 6668, ""total_pgmajfault"": 52, ""total_pgpgin"": 5925, ""total_pgpgout"": 3445, ""total_rss"": 4157440, ""total_rss_huge"": 0, ""total_unevictable"": 0, ""total_writeback"": 0, ""unevictable"": 0, ""writeback"": 0}, ""usage"": {""max"": 15294464, ""pct"": 0.003136136404770672, ""total"": 12349440}}, ""network"": {""eth0"": {""inbound"": {""bytes"": 137315578, ""dropped"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": 94338}, ""outbound"": {""bytes"": 1086811, ""dropped"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": 25857}}}, ""task_name"": ""query-metadata""}}, ""cloud"": {""region"": ""us-west-2""}, ""container"": {""id"": ""1234"", ""image"": {""name"": ""mreferre/eksutils""}, ""labels"": {""com_amazonaws_ecs_cluster"": ""arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:111122223333:cluster/default"", ""com_amazonaws_ecs_container-name"": ""query-metadata"", ""com_amazonaws_ecs_task-arn"": ""arn:aws:ecs:us-west-2:111122223333:task/default/febee046097849aba589d4435207c04a"", ""com_amazonaws_ecs_task-definition-family"": ""query-metadata"", ""com_amazonaws_ecs_task-definition-version"": ""7""}, ""name"": ""query-metadata""}, ""service"": {""type"": ""awsfargate""}}",, | |
Istio,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-07-20T09:52:24.955Z"", ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""logs"", ""dataset"": ""istio.access_logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": """", ""ip"": """", ""port"": 9080}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.3.0""}, ""event"": {""category"": [""web""], ""created"": ""2020-04-28T11:07:58.223Z"", ""duration"": 1000000, ""id"": ""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21"", ""ingested"": ""2022-07-20T11:05:15.804584205Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""module"": ""istio"", ""original"": ""[2022-07-20T09:52:24.955Z] \""GET /details/0 HTTP/1.1\"" 200 - via_upstream - \""-\"" 0 178 2 1 \""-\"" \""Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36\"" \""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21\"" \""details:9080\"" \""\"" inbound|9080|| outbound_.9080_._.details.default.svc.cluster.local default"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""type"": [""access""]}, ""http"": {""request"": {""body"": {""bytes"": 178}, ""id"": ""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21"", ""method"": ""GET""}, ""response"": {""body"": {""bytes"": 0}, ""status_code"": 200}, ""version"": ""1.1""}, ""istio"": {""access"": {""authority"": ""details:9080"", ""bytes"": {""received"": 0, ""sent"": 178}, ""downstream"": {""local_address"": """", ""remote_address"": """"}, ""duration"": 2, ""requested_server_name"": ""outbound_.9080_._.details.default.svc.cluster.local"", ""response"": {""code_details"": ""via_upstream""}, ""route_name"": ""default"", ""upstream"": {""local_address"": """", ""cluster"": ""inbound|9080||"", ""host"": """", ""service_time"": 1}}}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:Kd61jBZsKdDUbZUBs5s/VI08qc0="", ""protocol"": ""http"", ""transport"": ""tcp""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"]}, ""source"": {""address"": """", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""Europe"", ""country_iso_code"": ""SE"", ""country_name"": ""Sweden"", ""location"": {""lat"": 58.4167, ""lon"": 15.6167}, ""region_iso_code"": ""SE-E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": """", ""port"": 39696}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event""], ""url"": {""original"": ""/details/0""}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""Mac""}, ""name"": ""Chrome"", ""original"": ""Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36"", ""os"": {""full"": ""Mac OS X 10.15.7"", ""name"": ""Mac OS X"", ""version"": ""10.15.7""}, ""version"": ""103.0.5060.114""}}","Write a summary for a Istio event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Istio, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""data_stream"": {""namespace"": ""default"", ""type"": ""logs"", ""dataset"": ""istio.access_logs""}, ""destination"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:9080"", ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 9080}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.3.0""}, ""event"": {""category"": [""web""], ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""duration"": 1000000, ""id"": ""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""module"": ""istio"", ""original"": ""[<DATE_TIME> \""GET /details/0 HTTP/1.1\"" 200 - via_upstream - \""-\"" 0 178 2 1 \""-\"" \""Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36\"" \""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21\"" \""details:9080\"" \""<IP_ADDRESS>:9080\"" inbound|9080|| <IP_ADDRESS>:47889 <IP_ADDRESS>:9080 <IP_ADDRESS>:39696 outbound_.9080_._.details.default.svc.cluster.local default"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""type"": [""access""]}, ""http"": {""request"": {""body"": {""bytes"": 178}, ""id"": ""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21"", ""method"": ""GET""}, ""response"": {""body"": {""bytes"": 0}, ""status_code"": 200}, ""version"": ""1.1""}, ""istio"": {""access"": {""authority"": ""details:9080"", ""bytes"": {""received"": 0, ""sent"": 178}, ""downstream"": {""local_address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:9080"", ""remote_address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:39696""}, ""duration"": 2, ""requested_server_name"": ""outbound_.9080_._.details.default.svc.cluster.local"", ""response"": {""code_details"": ""via_upstream""}, ""route_name"": ""default"", ""upstream"": {""local_address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:47889"", ""cluster"": ""inbound|9080||"", ""host"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:9080"", ""service_time"": 1}}}, ""network"": {""community_id"": ""1:Kd61jBZsKdDUbZUBs5s/VI08qc0="", ""protocol"": ""http"", ""transport"": ""tcp""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:39696"", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": <LOCATION>, ""lon"": <LOCATION>}, ""region_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION><LOCATION>E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 39696}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event""], ""url"": {""original"": ""/details/0""}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""Mac""}, ""name"": ""Chrome"", ""original"": ""Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36"", ""os"": {""full"": ""Mac OS X 10.15.7"", ""name"": ""Mac OS X"", ""version"": ""10.15.7""}, ""version"": ""103.0.5060.114""}}"" ","Executive Summary: Istio is a popular open-source service mesh platform used for monitoring, securing and managing microservices. It provides fine-grained control and security for inter-service communication within a cluster. The incident log provided here describes an access log entry of an inbound HTTP GET request to a service named ""details"" running on port 9080. | |
Key Findings: | |
The request was successful and returned a 200 status code. | |
The request was initiated from a remote IP address and sent to the destination IP address on port 9080. | |
The user agent was identified as Google Chrome running on a Macintosh device. | |
The request body was 178 bytes and the response body was 0 bytes. | |
The request duration was 2ms. | |
The access log entry was associated with a unique ID, ""785918d6-06b6-9312-bf77-6d9bd968dc21"". | |
Monitoring Summary: The access log entry provides useful monitoring information about the inbound HTTP request to the ""details"" service. It can be used to track user activity, detect anomalies, and troubleshoot issues. | |
Incident Summary: The access log entry does not indicate any malicious activity or security incident. However, it is important to note that this is just one entry in a larger collection of access logs. Therefore, it is recommended to review access logs regularly to detect and prevent security incidents. | |
Threat Summary: The access log entry does not indicate any immediate threat to the Istio platform or the services it manages. However, it is important to note that Istio, like any other software platform, is susceptible to security threats. Common threats include denial-of-service attacks, data breaches, and malware attacks. Therefore, it is recommended to implement best practices for securing the Istio platform and the microservices it manages. | |
Recommendations: To protect the Istio platform and the microservices it manages, the following recommendations are suggested: | |
Implement access control policies to restrict unauthorized access to the Istio control plane and the services it manages. | |
Configure encryption and authentication for inter-service communication using mutual TLS. | |
Enable audit logging to monitor activity and detect anomalies. | |
Implement network segmentation to limit the impact of a security incident. | |
Regularly review access logs and implement threat detection and prevention measures. | |
" | |
Fortinet FortiManager Logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2016-01-29T06:09:59.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""607e3bda-a938-4637-8dd4-02613e9144ac"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimanager.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""bytes"": 449, ""geo"": {""country_name"": ""sequa""}, ""ip"": [""""], ""nat"": {""ip"": """", ""port"": 5273}, ""port"": 6125}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""allow"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""sse"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimanager.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-01-25T12:33:50Z"", ""original"": ""logver=iusm devname=\""modtempo\"" devid=\""olab\"" vd=nto date=2016-1-29 time=6:09:59 logid=sse type=exercita subtype=der level=very-high eventtime=odoco logtime=ria srcip= srcport=1001 srcintf=eth5722 srcintfrole=vol dstip= dstport=6125 dstintf=enp0s3068 dstintfrole=nseq poluuid=itinvol sessionid=psa proto=21 action=allow policyid=ntium policytype=psaq crscore=13.800000 craction=eab crlevel=aliqu appcat=Ute service=lupt srccountry=dolore dstcountry=sequa trandisp=abo tranip= tranport=5273 duration=14.119000 sentbyte=7880 rcvdbyte=449 sentpkt=mqui app=nci\n"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""very-high"", ""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""network"": {""bytes"": 8329}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""enp0s3068""}}, ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth5722""}}, ""product"": ""FortiManager"", ""type"": ""Configuration"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""modtempo""], ""ip"": ["""", """", """"]}, ""rsa"": {""internal"": {""messageid"": ""generic_fortinetmgr_1""}, ""misc"": {""action"": [""allow""], ""category"": ""der"", ""context"": ""abo"", ""event_source"": ""modtempo"", ""event_type"": ""exercita"", ""hardware_id"": ""olab"", ""log_session_id"": ""psa"", ""policy_id"": ""ntium"", ""reference_id"": ""sse"", ""severity"": ""very-high"", ""vsys"": ""nto""}, ""network"": {""dinterface"": ""enp0s3068"", ""network_service"": ""lupt"", ""sinterface"": ""eth5722""}, ""time"": {""duration_time"": 14.119, ""event_time"": ""2016-01-29T06:09:59.000Z"", ""event_time_str"": ""odoco""}, ""web"": {""reputation_num"": 13.8}}, ""source"": {""bytes"": 7880, ""geo"": {""country_name"": ""dolore""}, ""ip"": [""""], ""port"": 1001}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortimanager"", ""forwarded""]}","Write a summary for a Fortinet FortiManager Logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Fortinet FortiManager Logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""607e3bda-a938-4637-8dd4-02613e9144ac"", ""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimanager.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""bytes"": 449, ""geo"": {""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>""}, ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""nat"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 5273}, ""port"": 6125}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""4e3f135a-d5f9-40b6-ae01-2c834ecbead0"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.0.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""allow"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""code"": ""sse"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortimanager.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""original"": ""logver=iusm devname=\""modtempo\"" devid=\""olab\"" vd=nto date=<DATE_TIME>=6:09:59 logid=sse type=exercita subtype=der level=very-high eventtime=odoco logtime=ria srcip=<IP_ADDRESS> srcport=1001 srcintf=eth5722 srcintfrole=vol dstip=<IP_ADDRESS> dstport=6125 dstintf=enp0s3068 dstintfrole=nseq poluuid=itinvol sessionid=psa proto=21 action=allow policyid=ntium policytype=psaq crscore=13.800000 craction=eab crlevel=aliqu appcat=Ute service=lupt srccountry=dolore dstcountry=sequa trandisp=abo tranip=<IP_ADDRESS> tranport=5273 duration=<LOCATION> sentbyte=7880 rcvdbyte=449 sentpkt=mqui app=nci\n"", ""timezone"": ""+00:00""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""very-high"", ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:60997""}}, ""network"": {""bytes"": 8329}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""enp0s3068""}}, ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""eth5722""}}, ""product"": ""FortiManager"", ""type"": ""Configuration"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""related"": {""hosts"": [""modtempo""], ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""rsa"": {""internal"": {""messageid"": ""generic_fortinetmgr_1""}, ""misc"": {""action"": [""allow""], ""category"": ""der"", ""context"": ""abo"", ""event_source"": ""modtempo"", ""event_type"": ""exercita"", ""hardware_id"": ""olab"", ""log_session_id"": ""psa"", ""policy_id"": ""ntium"", ""reference_id"": ""sse"", ""severity"": ""very-high"", ""vsys"": ""nto""}, ""network"": {""dinterface"": ""enp0s3068"", ""network_service"": ""lupt"", ""sinterface"": ""eth5722""}, ""time"": {""duration_time"": 14.119, ""event_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""event_time_str"": ""odoco""}, ""web"": {""reputation_num"": 13.8}}, ""source"": {""bytes"": 7880, ""geo"": {""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>""}, ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""port"": 1001}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortimanager"", ""forwarded""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Fortinet FortiManager is a security management platform that provides centralized configuration and control over multiple Fortinet devices. The FortiManager Logs event log contains information about various security-related events, including network traffic, policy violations, and threat detection. | |
Key Findings: | |
An incoming connection from <IP_ADDRESS> to port 6125 was allowed by a policy with ID ""ntium"". | |
The connection was made using protocol 21 and lasted for 14.119 seconds. | |
The source IP address was <IP_ADDRESS>, and the destination IP address was also <IP_ADDRESS>. | |
The connection transmitted 449 bytes of data from the destination to the source. | |
The connection also transmitted 7880 bytes of data from the source to the destination. | |
The connection used NAT with an IP address of <IP_ADDRESS> and a port of 5273. | |
The connection originated from interface ""eth5722"" and arrived at interface ""enp0s3068"". | |
The connection was categorized as ""der"" and had a severity level of ""very-high"". | |
The connection had a reputation score of 13.8. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
This event log indicates that an incoming connection was allowed by a policy in the Fortinet FortiManager. The connection lasted for 14.119 seconds and transmitted a small amount of data. The connection used NAT with a specific IP address and port. | |
Incident Summary: | |
There does not appear to be any indication of an incident in this event log. The allowed connection was categorized as a normal network traffic event and did not pose a threat to the system. | |
Threat Summary: | |
There is no indication of a threat in this event log. The allowed connection was categorized as a normal network traffic event and did not match any known threat patterns. | |
Recommendations: | |
There is no immediate action required based on the information provided in this event log. However, it is recommended to continue monitoring the FortiManager Logs for any unusual or suspicious activity. It may also be beneficial to review and update the policies in use to ensure they are still appropriate for the current network environment." | |
Pulse Connect Secure,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2021-10-19T09:10:35.000+02:00"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""48b94170-8de9-42a4-8608-50484a347a6a"", ""id"": ""584f3aea-648c-4e58-aba4-32b8f88d4396"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""client"": {""address"": """", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""Europe"", ""country_iso_code"": ""SE"", ""country_name"": ""Sweden"", ""location"": {""lat"": 58.4167, ""lon"": 15.6167}, ""region_iso_code"": ""SE-E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": """"}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""pulse_connect_secure.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""584f3aea-648c-4e58-aba4-32b8f88d4396"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""network"", ""created"": ""2021-10-19T09:10:35.000+02:00"", ""dataset"": ""pulse_connect_secure.log"", ""ingested"": ""2022-02-03T09:39:02Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""Oct 19 09:10:35 pcs-node1 1 2021-10-19T09:10:35+02:00 PulseSecure: - - - 2021-10-19 09:10:35 - pcs-node1 - [][REALM_ROLES] - Agent login succeeded for (session:sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75) from with Pulse-Secure/ (Windows 10) Pulse/\n"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""timezone"": ""+02:00""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""pcs-node1""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""message"": ""Agent login succeeded for (session:sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75) from with Pulse-Secure/ (Windows 10) Pulse/"", ""observer"": {""ip"": """", ""name"": ""pcs-node1"", ""product"": ""Pulse Secure Connect"", ""type"": ""vpn"", ""vendor"": ""Pulse Secure""}, ""pulse_secure"": {""realm"": ""REALM"", ""role"": ""REALM_ROLES"", ""session"": {""id"": ""sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75""}}, ""source"": {""address"": """", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""Europe"", ""country_iso_code"": ""SE"", ""country_name"": ""Sweden"", ""location"": {""lat"": 58.4167, ""lon"": 15.6167}, ""region_iso_code"": ""SE-E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": """"}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""pulse_connect_secure-log""], ""user"": {""name"": """"}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""Other""}, ""name"": ""Other"", ""original"": ""Pulse-Secure/ (Windows 10) Pulse/"", ""os"": {""full"": ""Windows 10"", ""name"": ""Windows"", ""version"": ""10""}}}","Write a summary for a Pulse Connect Secure event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Pulse Connect Secure, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""48b94170-8de9-42a4-8608-50484a347a6a"", ""id"": ""584f3aea-648c-4e58-aba4-32b8f88d4396"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""client"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": <LOCATION>, ""lon"": <LOCATION>}, ""region_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION><LOCATION><LOCATION>"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""pulse_connect_secure.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""584f3aea-648c-4e58-aba4-32b8f88d4396"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.0.0-beta1""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""network"", ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": ""pulse_connect_secure.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""Oct 19 09:10:35 pcs-node1 <DATE_TIME> <DATE_TIME> <IP_ADDRESS> PulseSecure: - - - <DATE_TIME> - pcs-node1 - <PHONE_NUMBER>][REALM_ROLES] - Agent login succeeded for (session:sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75) from <IP_ADDRESS> with Pulse-Secure/<DATE_TIME>.11723 (Windows 10) Pulse/<DATE_TIME>.11723.\n"", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""timezone"": ""+02:00""}, ""host"": {""hostname"": ""pcs-node1""}, ""input"": {""type"": ""udp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:51695""}}, ""message"": ""Agent login succeeded for (session:sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75) from <IP_ADDRESS> with Pulse-Secure/<DATE_TIME>.11723 (Windows 10) Pulse/<DATE_TIME>.11723."", ""observer"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""name"": ""pcs-node1"", ""product"": ""Pulse Secure Connect"", ""type"": ""vpn"", ""vendor"": ""Pulse Secure""}, ""pulse_secure"": {""realm"": ""REALM"", ""role"": ""REALM_ROLES"", ""session"": {""id"": ""sid74fa8e00ca601280318287f67dfaee7cc6da40db0be6ac75""}}, ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": <LOCATION>, ""lon"": <LOCATION>}, ""region_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""pulse_connect_secure-log""], ""user"": {""name"": """"}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""Other""}, ""name"": ""Other"", ""original"": ""Pulse-Secure/<DATE_TIME>.11723 (Windows 10) Pulse/<DATE_TIME>.11723"", ""os"": {""full"": ""Windows 10"", ""name"": ""Windows"", ""version"": ""10""}}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Pulse Connect Secure (PCS) is a VPN solution that enables secure remote access to corporate networks. This event log captures a successful agent login into the PCS VPN by a user with a specific username and role. | |
Key Findings: | |
The log records a successful agent login into the PCS VPN by a specific user. | |
The user's role and realm are also captured in the log. | |
The log contains information about the user's device and operating system. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The event was captured by the Elastic Agent with Filebeat version 8.0.0-beta1. | |
The log was received via UDP on port 51695. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The event is not indicative of any security incident or breach. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No security threats were identified in the event log. | |
Recommendations: | |
Review the access permissions of the user who logged in to ensure they are appropriate. | |
Monitor future login attempts for any signs of suspicious activity." | |
Fortinet FortiGate Firewall Logs,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2019-05-15T18:03:36.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""88645c33-21f7-47a1-a1e6-b4a53f32ec43"", ""id"": ""94011a8e-8b26-4bce-a627-d54316798b52"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortigate.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""as"": {""number"": 35908}, ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""Asia"", ""country_iso_code"": ""BT"", ""country_name"": ""Bhutan"", ""location"": {""lat"": 27.5, ""lon"": 90.5}}, ""ip"": """", ""port"": 443}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""94011a8e-8b26-4bce-a627-d54316798b52"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""app-ctrl-all"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""code"": ""1059028704"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortigate.log"", ""ingested"": ""2023-01-13T12:22:04Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""<190>date=2019-05-15 time=18:03:36 logid=\""1059028704\"" type=\""utm\"" subtype=\""app-ctrl\"" eventtype=\""app-ctrl-all\"" level=\""information\"" vd=\""root\"" eventtime=1557968615 appid=40568 srcip= dstip= srcport=50798 dstport=443 srcintf=\""port10\"" srcintfrole=\""lan\"" dstintf=\""port9\"" dstintfrole=\""wan\"" proto=6 service=\""HTTPS\"" direction=\""outgoing\"" policyid=1 sessionid=4414 applist=\""\"" appcat=\""Web.Client\"" app=\""HTTPS.BROWSER\"" action=\""pass\"" hostname=\""\"" incidentserialno=1962906680 url=\""/\"" msg=\""Web.Client: HTTPS.BROWSER,\"" apprisk=\""medium\"" scertcname=\""*\"" scertissuer=\""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA\"""", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""start"": ""2019-05-16T01:03:35.000Z"", ""type"": [""allowed""]}, ""fortinet"": {""firewall"": {""action"": ""pass"", ""appid"": ""40568"", ""apprisk"": ""medium"", ""dstintfrole"": ""wan"", ""incidentserialno"": ""1962906680"", ""sessionid"": ""4414"", ""srcintfrole"": ""lan"", ""subtype"": ""app-ctrl"", ""type"": ""utm"", ""vd"": ""root""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""information"", ""source"": {""address"": """"}, ""syslog"": {""facility"": {""code"": 23}, ""priority"": 190, ""severity"": {""code"": 6}}}, ""message"": ""Web.Client: HTTPS.BROWSER,"", ""network"": {""application"": ""HTTPS.BROWSER"", ""direction"": ""outbound"", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""protocol"": ""https"", ""transport"": ""tcp""}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""port9""}}, ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""port10""}}, ""product"": ""Fortigate"", ""type"": ""firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"]}, ""rule"": {""category"": ""Web-Client"", ""id"": ""1"", ""ruleset"": """"}, ""source"": {""ip"": """", ""port"": 50798}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortigate"", ""fortinet-firewall"", ""forwarded""], ""tls"": {""server"": {""issuer"": ""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA"", ""x509"": {""issuer"": {""common_name"": ""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA""}, ""subject"": {""common_name"": ""*""}}}}, ""url"": {""domain"": """", ""path"": ""/""}}","Write a summary for a Fortinet FortiGate Firewall Logs event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Fortinet FortiGate Firewall Logs, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""88645c33-21f7-47a1-a1e6-b4a53f32ec43"", ""id"": ""94011a8e-8b26-4bce-a627-d54316798b52"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortigate.log"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""as"": {""number"": 35908}, ""geo"": {""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": 27.5, ""lon"": 90.5}}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 443}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""94011a8e-8b26-4bce-a627-d54316798b52"", ""snapshot"": true, ""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""event"": {""action"": ""app-ctrl-all"", ""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""network""], ""code"": ""1059028704"", ""dataset"": ""fortinet_fortigate.log"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""<190>date=<DATE_TIME>=18:03:36 logid=\""1059028704\"" type=\""utm\"" subtype=\""app-ctrl\"" eventtype=\""app-ctrl-all\"" level=\""information\"" vd=\""root\"" eventtime=<PHONE_NUMBER> appid=40568 srcip=<IP_ADDRESS> dstip=<IP_ADDRESS> srcport=50798 dstport=443 srcintf=\""port10\"" srcintfrole=\""lan\"" dstintf=\""port9\"" dstintfrole=\""wan\"" proto=6 service=\""HTTPS\"" direction=\""outgoing\"" policyid=1 sessionid=4414 applist=\""\"" appcat=\""Web.Client\"" app=\""HTTPS.BROWSER\"" action=\""pass\"" hostname=\""\"" incidentserialno=1962906680 url=\""/\"" msg=\""Web.Client: HTTPS.BROWSER,\"" apprisk=\""medium\"" scertcname=\""*\"" scertissuer=\""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA\"""", ""outcome"": ""success"", ""start"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""type"": [""allowed""]}, ""fortinet"": {""firewall"": {""action"": ""pass"", ""appid"": ""40568"", ""apprisk"": ""medium"", ""dstintfrole"": ""wan"", ""incidentserialno"": ""1962906680"", ""sessionid"": ""4414"", ""srcintfrole"": ""lan"", ""subtype"": ""app-ctrl"", ""type"": ""utm"", ""vd"": ""root""}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""log"": {""level"": ""information"", ""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:39666""}, ""syslog"": {""facility"": {""code"": 23}, ""priority"": 190, ""severity"": {""code"": 6}}}, ""message"": ""Web.Client: HTTPS.BROWSER,"", ""network"": {""application"": ""HTTPS.BROWSER"", ""direction"": ""outbound"", ""iana_number"": ""6"", ""protocol"": ""https"", ""transport"": ""tcp""}, ""observer"": {""egress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""port9""}}, ""ingress"": {""interface"": {""name"": ""port10""}}, ""product"": ""Fortigate"", ""type"": ""firewall"", ""vendor"": ""Fortinet""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""rule"": {""category"": ""Web-Client"", ""id"": ""1"", ""ruleset"": """"}, ""source"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""port"": 50798}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""fortinet-fortigate"", ""fortinet-firewall"", ""forwarded""], ""tls"": {""server"": {""issuer"": ""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA"", ""x509"": {""issuer"": {""common_name"": ""DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA""}, ""subject"": {""common_name"": ""*""}}}}, ""url"": {""domain"": """", ""path"": ""/""}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Fortinet FortiGate Firewall Logs record information about network traffic and security events, such as allowed or blocked connections, and potential threats. These logs can be used to monitor and investigate network activity, as well as to identify and respond to security incidents. | |
Key Findings: | |
A connection was made from a device on the ""port10"" interface to """" on port 443. | |
The connection used the ""HTTPS"" protocol and was allowed through the firewall (""action"": ""pass""). | |
The application identified by the firewall was ""HTTPS.BROWSER"" with an application risk of ""medium"" (""apprisk"": ""medium""). | |
The URL accessed was ""/"", and the application category was ""Web.Client"" (""appcat"": ""Web.Client""). | |
The connection was allowed based on policy ID 1 (""policyid"": 1). | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
This log indicates a successful outgoing connection to a website that has been categorized as """" (""ruleset"": """"). Although the connection was allowed through the firewall, the application was identified as ""HTTPS.BROWSER"" with a medium application risk. This may be a potential security risk that should be further investigated. | |
Incident Summary: | |
There is no evidence of a security incident based on this log alone. However, it may be worthwhile to investigate why the device on the ""port10"" interface was accessing a blocked website. | |
Threat Summary: | |
There is no evidence of a specific threat based on this log alone. However, the use of an application identified as ""HTTPS.BROWSER"" with a medium application risk may indicate the potential for malicious activity. | |
Recommendations: | |
Investigate why the device on the ""port10"" interface was accessing a blocked website. | |
Monitor network traffic for further connections to """" or other blocked websites. | |
Consider reviewing and updating firewall policies to better prevent access to risky or unauthorized websites. | |
" | |
IBM MQ,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-07-04T07:29:32.808Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""b74cf2bf-29aa-46f0-8eec-ed48244675f2"", ""id"": ""0402a600-6a5e-443e-a57e-10f6f91ff35e"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""ibmmq.qmgr"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""metrics""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""0402a600-6a5e-443e-a57e-10f6f91ff35e"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""web"", ""dataset"": ""ibmmq.qmgr"", ""duration"": 4639837, ""ingested"": ""2022-07-04T07:29:36Z"", ""kind"": ""metric"", ""module"": ""ibmmq"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": true, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""""], ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:12:00:07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""ibmmq"": {""labels"": {""job"": ""ibmmq"", ""qmgr"": ""QM1""}, ""qmgr"": {""calls"": {""failed"": {""callback"": {""count"": 0}, ""close"": {""count"": 0}, ""connections"": {""count"": 0}, ""get"": {""count"": 2}, ""inquire"": {""count"": 0}, ""open"": {""count"": 0}, ""set"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription_request"": {""count"": 0}}, ""succeeded"": {""callback"": {""count"": 0}, ""close"": {""count"": 0}, ""connections"": {""count"": 0}, ""control"": {""count"": 0}, ""disconnect"": {""count"": 0}, ""inquire"": {""count"": 4}, ""open"": {""count"": 0}, ""set"": {""count"": 0}, ""status"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription_request"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""bytes"": 4868, ""count"": 13}}, ""log"": {""written"": {""bytes"": {""logical"": 0, ""physical"": 0}}}, ""messages"": {""commit"": {""count"": 0}, ""expired"": {""count"": 0}, ""failed"": {""browse"": {""count"": 0}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 0}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""bytes"": 4868, ""count"": 13}}, ""non_persistent"": {""browse"": {""bytes"": 0, ""count"": 0}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""count"": 13}}, ""get"": {""bytes"": 4868}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 13}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 4868}}, ""persistent"": {""browse"": {""bytes"": 0, ""count"": 0}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""count"": 0}}, ""get"": {""bytes"": 0}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 0}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 0}}, ""published"": {""subscribers"": {""bytes"": 3500, ""count"": 13}}, ""purged"": {""queue"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""rollback"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription"": {""durable"": {""alter"": {""count"": 0}, ""create"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}, ""resume"": {""count"": 0}}, ""failed"": {""create_alter_resume"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}}, ""non_durable"": {""create"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""topic"": {""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 13, ""failed"": {""count"": 0}, ""non_persistent"": {""count"": 13}, ""persistent"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 3500}}}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""collector"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://elastic-package-service_ibmmq_1:9157/metrics"", ""type"": ""ibmmq""}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""ibmmq-qmgr""]}","Write a summary for a IBM MQ event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a IBM MQ, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""b74cf2bf-29aa-46f0-8eec-ed48244675f2"", ""id"": ""0402a600-6a5e-443e-a57e-10f6f91ff35e"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""metricbeat"", ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""ibmmq.qmgr"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""metrics""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.5.1""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""0402a600-6a5e-443e-a57e-10f6f91ff35e"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.2.0""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": ""web"", ""dataset"": ""ibmmq.qmgr"", ""duration"": 4639837, ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""metric"", ""module"": ""ibmmq"", ""type"": ""info""}, ""host"": {""architecture"": ""x86_64"", ""containerized"": true, ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>""], ""mac"": [""02:42:ac:12:00:07""], ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""os"": {""codename"": ""focal"", ""family"": ""debian"", ""kernel"": ""3.10.0-1160.59.1.el7.x86_64"", ""name"": ""Ubuntu"", ""platform"": ""ubuntu"", ""type"": ""linux"", ""version"": ""20.04.4 LTS (Focal Fossa)""}}, ""ibmmq"": {""labels"": {""job"": ""ibmmq"", ""qmgr"": ""QM1""}, ""qmgr"": {""calls"": {""failed"": {""callback"": {""count"": 0}, ""close"": {""count"": 0}, ""connections"": {""count"": 0}, ""get"": {""count"": 2}, ""inquire"": {""count"": 0}, ""open"": {""count"": 0}, ""set"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription_request"": {""count"": 0}}, ""succeeded"": {""callback"": {""count"": 0}, ""close"": {""count"": 0}, ""connections"": {""count"": 0}, ""control"": {""count"": 0}, ""disconnect"": {""count"": 0}, ""inquire"": {""count"": 4}, ""open"": {""count"": 0}, ""set"": {""count"": 0}, ""status"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription_request"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""bytes"": 4868, ""count"": 13}}, ""log"": {""written"": {""bytes"": {""logical"": 0, ""physical"": 0}}}, ""messages"": {""commit"": {""count"": 0}, ""expired"": {""count"": 0}, ""failed"": {""browse"": {""count"": 0}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 0}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""bytes"": 4868, ""count"": 13}}, ""non_persistent"": {""browse"": {""bytes"": 0, ""count"": 0}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""count"": 13}}, ""get"": {""bytes"": 4868}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 13}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 4868}}, ""persistent"": {""browse"": {""bytes"": 0, ""count"": 0}, ""destructive"": {""get"": {""count"": 0}}, ""get"": {""bytes"": 0}, ""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 0}, ""put1"": {""count"": 0}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 0}}, ""published"": {""subscribers"": {""bytes"": 3500, ""count"": 13}}, ""purged"": {""queue"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""rollback"": {""count"": 0}, ""subscription"": {""durable"": {""alter"": {""count"": 0}, ""create"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}, ""resume"": {""count"": 0}}, ""failed"": {""create_alter_resume"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}}, ""non_durable"": {""create"": {""count"": 0}, ""delete"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""topic"": {""mq"": {""put"": {""count"": 13, ""failed"": {""count"": 0}, ""non_persistent"": {""count"": 13}, ""persistent"": {""count"": 0}}}, ""put"": {""bytes"": 3500}}}}, ""metricset"": {""name"": ""collector"", ""period"": 10000}, ""service"": {""address"": ""http://elastic-package-service_ibmmq_1:9157/metrics"", ""type"": ""ibmmq""}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""ibmmq-qmgr""]}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
IBM MQ is a message-oriented middleware product that enables different applications and systems to communicate with each other. It is a secure and reliable messaging solution that ensures the delivery of messages between applications. | |
Key Findings: | |
No failed calls or connections were detected during the monitoring period. | |
2 successful ""get"" calls and 4 successful ""inquire"" calls were made to the QM1 queue manager. | |
13 non-persistent messages were put on the queue manager with a total size of 4868 bytes. | |
All subscription requests were successful and no rollback or purge actions were performed during the monitoring period. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The monitoring period captured metrics related to the IBM MQ queue manager running on the host named ""docker-fleet-agent"". No issues or errors were detected during the monitoring period. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No incidents were detected during the monitoring period. The queue manager was operating normally and all messages were successfully delivered. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were detected during the monitoring period. | |
Recommendations: | |
Based on the monitoring results, it is recommended to continue monitoring the IBM MQ queue manager for any potential issues or errors that may arise. Additionally, regular backups of the queue manager configuration and message data should be performed to ensure availability in case of any unexpected failures." | |
Zscaler Private Access,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2019-07-03T05:17:22.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""3822f64e-da38-4bc8-ba94-142dfb616687"", ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""bd852834-2771-4c96-b2b6-2b6de67a2c01"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""7.16.2""}, ""client"": {""nat"": {""ip"": """"}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""zscaler_zpa.app_connector_status"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""bd852834-2771-4c96-b2b6-2b6de67a2c01"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""7.16.2""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""package""], ""dataset"": ""zscaler_zpa.app_connector_status"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-10T07:09:35Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""LogTimestamp\"":\""Wed Jul 3 05:17:22 2019\"",\""Customer\"":\""Customer Name\"",\""SessionID\"":\""8A64Qwj9zCkfYDGJVoUZ\"",\""SessionType\"":\""ZPN_ASSISTANT_BROKER_CONTROL\"",\""SessionStatus\"":\""ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED\"",\""Version\"":\""19.20.3\"",\""Platform\"":\""el7\"",\""ZEN\"":\""US-NY-8179\"",\""Connector\"":\""Some App Connector\"",\""ConnectorGroup\"":\""Some App Connector Group\"",\""PrivateIP\"":\""\"",\""PublicIP\"":\""\"",\""Latitude\"":47,\""Longitude\"":-122,\""CountryCode\"":\""\"",\""TimestampAuthentication\"":\""2019-06-27T05:05:23.348Z\"",\""TimestampUnAuthentication\"":\""\"",\""CPUUtilization\"":1,\""MemUtilization\"":20,\""ServiceCount\"":2,\""InterfaceDefRoute\"":\""eth0\"",\""DefRouteGW\"":\""\"",\""PrimaryDNSResolver\"":\""\"",\""HostStartTime\"":\""1513229995\"",\""HostUpTime\"":\""1513229995\"",\""ConnectorUpTime\"":\""1555920005\"",\""ConnectorStartTime\"":\""1555920005\"",\""NumOfInterfaces\"":2,\""BytesRxInterface\"":319831966346,\""PacketsRxInterface\"":1617569938,\""ErrorsRxInterface\"":0,\""DiscardsRxInterface\"":0,\""BytesTxInterface\"":192958782635,\""PacketsTxInterface\"":1797471190,\""ErrorsTxInterface\"":0,\""DiscardsTxInterface\"":0,\""TotalBytesRx\"":10902554,\""TotalBytesTx\"":48931771}"", ""type"": [""info""]}, ""host"": {""cpu"": {""usage"": 1}, ""network"": {""egress"": {""bytes"": 48931771}, ""ingress"": {""bytes"": 10902554}}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": """"}}, ""observer"": {""geo"": {""location"": {""lat"": 47, ""lon"": -122}}, ""ip"": """", ""os"": {""platform"": ""el7""}, ""type"": ""forwarder"", ""version"": ""19.20.3""}, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Customer Name""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """", """", """"]}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""zscaler_zpa-app_connectors_status""], ""zscaler_zpa"": {""app_connector_status"": {""connector"": {""group"": ""Some App Connector Group"", ""name"": ""Some App Connector""}, ""connector_start_time"": ""2019-04-22T08:00:05.000Z"", ""connector_up_time"": ""2019-04-22T08:00:05.000Z"", ""host_start_time"": ""2017-12-14T05:39:55.000Z"", ""host_up_time"": ""2017-12-14T05:39:55.000Z"", ""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0"", ""received"": {""bytes"": 319831966346, ""discards"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": 1617569938}, ""transmitted"": {""bytes"": 192958782635, ""discards"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": 1797471190}}, ""memory"": {""utilization"": 20}, ""num_of_interfaces"": 2, ""primary_dns_resolver"": """", ""private_ip"": """", ""service"": {""count"": 2}, ""session"": {""id"": ""8A64Qwj9zCkfYDGJVoUZ"", ""status"": ""ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED"", ""type"": ""ZPN_ASSISTANT_BROKER_CONTROL""}, ""timestamp"": {""authentication"": ""2019-06-27T05:05:23.348Z""}, ""zen"": ""US-NY-8179""}}}","Write a summary for a Zscaler Private Access event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is a Zscaler Private Access, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""3822f64e-da38-4bc8-ba94-142dfb616687"", ""hostname"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""id"": ""bd852834-2771-4c96-b2b6-2b6de67a2c01"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""7.16.2""}, ""client"": {""nat"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""zscaler_zpa.app_connector_status"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""bd852834-2771-4c96-b2b6-2b6de67a2c01"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""7.16.2""}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""package""], ""dataset"": ""zscaler_zpa.app_connector_status"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""LogTimestamp\"":\""Wed Jul 3 05:17:22 2019\"",\""Customer\"":\""Customer Name\"",\""SessionID\"":\""8A64Qwj9zCkfYDGJVoUZ\"",\""SessionType\"":\""ZPN_ASSISTANT_BROKER_CONTROL\"",\""SessionStatus\"":\""ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED\"",\""Version\"":\""19.20.3\"",\""Platform\"":\""el7\"",\""ZEN\"":\""US-NY-8179\"",\""Connector\"":\""Some App Connector\"",\""ConnectorGroup\"":\""Some App Connector Group\"",\""PrivateIP\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""PublicIP\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""Latitude\"":47,\""Longitude\"":-122,\""CountryCode\"":\""\"",\""TimestampAuthentication\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""TimestampUnAuthentication\"":\""\"",\""CPUUtilization\"":1,\""MemUtilization\"":20,\""ServiceCount\"":2,\""InterfaceDefRoute\"":\""eth0\"",\""DefRouteGW\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""PrimaryDNSResolver\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""HostStartTime\"":\""<PHONE_NUMBER>\"",\""HostUpTime\"":\""<PHONE_NUMBER>\"",\""ConnectorUpTime\"":\""<PHONE_NUMBER>\"",\""ConnectorStartTime\"":\""<PHONE_NUMBER>\"",\""NumOfInterfaces\"":2,\""BytesRxInterface\"":319831966346,\""PacketsRxInterface\"":<PHONE_NUMBER>,\""ErrorsRxInterface\"":0,\""DiscardsRxInterface\"":0,\""BytesTxInterface\"":192958782635,\""PacketsTxInterface\"":<PHONE_NUMBER>,\""ErrorsTxInterface\"":0,\""DiscardsTxInterface\"":0,\""TotalBytesRx\"":10902554,\""TotalBytesTx\"":48931771}"", ""type"": [""info""]}, ""host"": {""cpu"": {""usage"": 1}, ""network"": {""egress"": {""bytes"": 48931771}, ""ingress"": {""bytes"": 10902554}}}, ""input"": {""type"": ""tcp""}, ""log"": {""source"": {""address"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>:34894""}}, ""observer"": {""geo"": {""location"": {""lat"": 47, ""lon"": -122}}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""os"": {""platform"": ""el7""}, ""type"": ""forwarder"", ""version"": ""19.20.3""}, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Customer Name""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""tags"": [""forwarded"", ""zscaler_zpa-app_connectors_status""], ""zscaler_zpa"": {""app_connector_status"": {""connector"": {""group"": ""Some App Connector Group"", ""name"": ""Some App Connector""}, ""connector_start_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""connector_up_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""host_start_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""host_up_time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""interface"": {""name"": ""eth0"", ""received"": {""bytes"": 319831966346, ""discards"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": <PHONE_NUMBER>}, ""transmitted"": {""bytes"": 192958782635, ""discards"": 0, ""errors"": 0, ""packets"": <PHONE_NUMBER>}}, ""memory"": {""utilization"": 20}, ""num_of_interfaces"": 2, ""primary_dns_resolver"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""private_ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""service"": {""count"": 2}, ""session"": {""id"": ""8A64Qwj9zCkfYDGJVoUZ"", ""status"": ""ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED"", ""type"": ""ZPN_ASSISTANT_BROKER_CONTROL""}, ""timestamp"": {""authentication"": ""<DATE_TIME>""}, ""zen"": ""US-NY-8179""}}}"" ","Executive Summary: | |
Zscaler Private Access is a security solution that provides secure access to private applications and services for authorized users from any location. | |
Key Findings: | |
A Zscaler Private Access session was authenticated successfully for a user with session ID ""8A64Qwj9zCkfYDGJVoUZ"". | |
The session was of type ""ZPN_ASSISTANT_BROKER_CONTROL"" and the status was ""ZPN_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED"". | |
The session was initiated by a client with a NAT IP address of ""<IP_ADDRESS>"". | |
The session was established with an app connector named ""Some App Connector"" belonging to the connector group ""Some App Connector Group"". | |
The session was established from a host with a private IP address of ""<IP_ADDRESS>"" and a public IP address of ""<IP_ADDRESS>"". | |
The session was established from a platform running on ""el7"". | |
The session was established from a ZEN located in the United States, specifically in New York with ZEN ID ""US-NY-8179"". | |
The session was established on version ""19.20.3"" of Zscaler Private Access. | |
The session was authenticated at ""<DATE_TIME>"" and the connector start time was also ""<DATE_TIME>"". | |
The host start time and connector up time were both ""<DATE_TIME>"". | |
The session was authenticated by a CPU utilization of 1% and a memory utilization of 20%. | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The app connector named ""Some App Connector"" had 2 services running. | |
The host had 2 network interfaces with the default route using ""eth0"". | |
The default route gateway was ""<IP_ADDRESS>"" and the primary DNS resolver was also ""<IP_ADDRESS>"". | |
The app connector had 2 network interfaces, one received 319831966346 bytes with <PHONE_NUMBER> packets and no errors or discards, while the other transmitted 192958782635 bytes with <PHONE_NUMBER> packets and no errors or discards. | |
The total bytes transmitted was 48931771 and the total bytes received was 10902554. | |
Incident Summary: | |
No security incidents were detected during the session. | |
Threat Summary: | |
No threats were detected during the session. | |
Recommendations: | |
No action is required, as no security incidents or threats were detected during the session. However, it is recommended to keep monitoring the Zscaler Private Access events to ensure the security of private applications and services." | |
Proofpoint TAP,,"{""@timestamp"": ""2022-03-30T10:11:12.000Z"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""e1f6ec70-06b8-4d4b-829f-03000950c530"", ""id"": ""19f05486-b68d-449a-9bdd-1493d2f3b55d"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""proofpoint_tap.clicks_blocked"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""Europe"", ""country_iso_code"": ""SE"", ""country_name"": ""Sweden"", ""location"": {""lat"": 58.4167, ""lon"": 15.6167}, ""region_iso_code"": ""SE-E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": """"}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""19f05486-b68d-449a-9bdd-1493d2f3b55d"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""email"": {""from"": {""address"": """"}, ""message_id"": """", ""to"": {""address"": """"}}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""email""], ""created"": ""2022-11-04T13:46:30.114Z"", ""dataset"": ""proofpoint_tap.clicks_blocked"", ""id"": ""a5c9f8bb-1234-1234-1234-dx9xxx2xx9xxx"", ""ingested"": ""2022-11-04T13:46:33Z"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""GUID\"":\""ZcxxxxVxyxFxyxLxxxDxVxx4xxxxx\"",\""campaignId\"":\""46x01x8x-x899-404x-xxx9-111xx393d1x7\"",\""classification\"":\""malware\"",\""clickIP\"":\""\"",\""clickTime\"":\""2022-03-30T10:11:12.000Z\"",\""id\"":\""a5c9f8bb-1234-1234-1234-dx9xxx2xx9xxx\"",\""messageID\"":\""\"",\""recipient\"":\""\"",\""sender\"":\""\"",\""senderIP\"":\""\"",\""threatID\"":\""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f\"",\""threatStatus\"":\""active\"",\""threatTime\"":\""2022-03-21T14:40:31.000Z\"",\""threatURL\"":\""\"",\""url\"":\""\"",\""userAgent\"":\""Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/199.0.427504638 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1\""}"", ""type"": [""denied""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""proofpoint_tap"": {""clicks_blocked"": {""campaign_id"": ""46x01x8x-x899-404x-xxx9-111xx393d1x7"", ""classification"": ""malware"", ""threat"": {""id"": ""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f"", ""status"": ""active"", ""time"": ""2022-03-21T14:40:31.000Z"", ""url"": """"}}, ""guid"": ""ZcxxxxVxyxFxyxLxxxDxVxx4xxxxx""}, ""related"": {""ip"": ["""", """"]}, ""source"": {""ip"": """"}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""proofpoint_tap-clicks_blocked""], ""url"": {""domain"": """", ""full"": """", ""path"": ""/abcdabcd123"", ""query"": ""query=0"", ""scheme"": ""https""}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""iPhone""}, ""name"": ""Google"", ""original"": ""Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/199.0.427504638 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"", ""os"": {""full"": ""iOS 14.6"", ""name"": ""iOS"", ""version"": ""14.6""}, ""version"": ""199.0.427504638""}}","Write a summary for a Proofpoint TAP event log, based on the given structured JSON input. Start with an executive summary with a short general description of what is aProofpoint TAP, and then focus on the Key Findings, Monitoring Summary, Incident Summary, Threat Summary and Recommendations. Replace any random strings and tokens in angular-brackets with an approximations to make it more human readable: ""{""@timestamp"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""agent"": {""ephemeral_id"": ""e1f6ec70-06b8-4d4b-829f-03000950c530"", ""id"": ""19f05486-b68d-449a-9bdd-1493d2f3b55d"", ""name"": ""docker-fleet-agent"", ""type"": ""filebeat"", ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""data_stream"": {""dataset"": ""proofpoint_tap.clicks_blocked"", ""namespace"": ""ep"", ""type"": ""logs""}, ""destination"": {""as"": {""number"": 29518, ""organization"": {""name"": ""Bredband2 AB""}}, ""geo"": {""city_name"": ""Link\u00f6ping"", ""continent_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_iso_code"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""country_name"": ""<LOCATION>"", ""location"": {""lat"": <LOCATION>, ""lon"": <LOCATION>}, ""region_iso_code"": ""SE-E"", ""region_name"": ""\u00d6sterg\u00f6tland County""}, ""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""ecs"": {""version"": ""8.6.0""}, ""elastic_agent"": {""id"": ""19f05486-b68d-449a-9bdd-1493d2f3b55d"", ""snapshot"": false, ""version"": ""8.4.0""}, ""email"": {""from"": {""address"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>""}, ""message_id"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>"", ""to"": {""address"": ""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>""}}, ""event"": {""agent_id_status"": ""verified"", ""category"": [""email""], ""created"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""dataset"": ""proofpoint_tap.clicks_blocked"", ""id"": ""a5c9f8bb-1234-1234-1234-dx9xxx2xx9xxx"", ""ingested"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""kind"": ""event"", ""original"": ""{\""GUID\"":\""ZcxxxxVxyxFxyxLxxxDxVxx4xxxxx\"",\""campaignId\"":\""46x01x8x-x899-404x-xxx9-111xx393d1x7\"",\""classification\"":\""malware\"",\""clickIP\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""clickTime\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""id\"":\""a5c9f8bb-1234-1234-1234-dx9xxx2xx9xxx\"",\""messageID\"":\""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>\"",\""recipient\"":\""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>\"",\""sender\"":\""<EMAIL_ADDRESS>\"",\""senderIP\"":\""<IP_ADDRESS>\"",\""threatID\"":\""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f\"",\""threatStatus\"":\""active\"",\""threatTime\"":\""<DATE_TIME>,\""threatURL\"":\""\"",\""url\"":\""\"",\""userAgent\"":\""Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/199.0.427504638 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1\""}"", ""type"": [""denied""]}, ""input"": {""type"": ""httpjson""}, ""proofpoint_tap"": {""clicks_blocked"": {""campaign_id"": ""46x01x8x-x899-404x-xxx9-111xx393d1x7"", ""classification"": ""malware"", ""threat"": {""id"": ""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f"", ""status"": ""active"", ""time"": ""<DATE_TIME>"", ""url"": """"}}, ""guid"": ""ZcxxxxVxyxFxyxLxxxDxVxx4xxxxx""}, ""related"": {""ip"": [""<IP_ADDRESS>"", ""<IP_ADDRESS>""]}, ""source"": {""ip"": ""<IP_ADDRESS>""}, ""tags"": [""preserve_original_event"", ""forwarded"", ""proofpoint_tap-clicks_blocked""], ""url"": {""domain"": """", ""full"": """", ""path"": ""/abcdabcd123"", ""query"": ""query=0"", ""scheme"": ""https""}, ""user_agent"": {""device"": {""name"": ""iPhone""}, ""name"": ""Google"", ""original"": ""Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/199.0.427504638 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1"", ""os"": {""full"": ""iOS 14.6"", ""name"": ""iOS"", ""version"": ""14.6""}, ""version"": ""<LOCATION>""}}"" ","Proofpoint TAP is a cloud-based email security solution that provides a multilayered defense against advanced threats. The following is a summary of an event log generated by Proofpoint TAP: | |
Key Findings: | |
A user clicked on a malicious link that contained malware. | |
The campaign ID associated with the email is ""46x01x8x-x899-404x-xxx9-111xx393d1x7"". | |
The threat ID associated with the malware is ""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f"". | |
Monitoring Summary: | |
The email was blocked by Proofpoint TAP. | |
The click on the malicious link was blocked by Proofpoint TAP. | |
Incident Summary: | |
The email contained a malicious link, and a user clicked on it. | |
Threat Summary: | |
The email contained malware with the threat ID ""502b7xxxx0x5x1x3xb6xcxexbxxxxxxxcxxexc6xbxxxxxxdx7fxcx6x9xxxx9xdxxxxxxxx5f"". | |
Recommendations: | |
Investigate the user's system for any signs of malware. | |
If malware is found, follow appropriate incident response procedures. | |
Provide security awareness training to users to prevent similar incidents in the future. | |
" | |