import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import bisect import requests from io import BytesIO from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from fpdf import FPDF # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Step 1: Load Data (Fetch and Prepare the DataFrame) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @st.cache_data(ttl=3600) def fetch_ods_file(): """ Fetches the .ods file from the visa decisions website and returns its binary content. Returns: - A BytesIO object containing the file content if successful. - The file name for naming convention. - None, None if the file could not be fetched. """ url = "" headers = { "User-Agent": ( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 " "(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ) } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') links = soup.find_all('a') # Find the link containing the specific text file_url = None file_name = None for link in links: link_text = link.get_text(strip=True) if "Visa decisions made from 1 January 2025 to" in link_text: file_url = link.get('href') file_name = link_text.replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "-") + ".ods" break if file_url: # Resolve relative URLs to absolute if not file_url.startswith("http"): file_url = requests.compat.urljoin(url, file_url) file_response = requests.get(file_url, headers=headers) if file_response.status_code == 200: return BytesIO(file_response.content), file_name return None, None @st.cache_data def prepare_dataframe(file): """ Prepares and cleans the DataFrame from the fetched .ods file. Args: file: The .ods file content as BytesIO. Returns: A cleaned and sorted DataFrame ready for searching. """ df = pd.read_excel(file, engine='odf') df.drop(columns=["Unnamed: 0", "Unnamed: 1"], inplace=True, errors="ignore") df.dropna(how="all", inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Identify the header row for idx, row in df.iterrows(): if row["Unnamed: 2"] == "Application Number" and row["Unnamed: 3"] == "Decision": df.columns = ["Application Number", "Decision"] df = df.iloc[idx + 1:] # Skip the header row break # Process application numbers and sort the DataFrame df["Application Number"] = df["Application Number"].astype(str).str.strip().astype(int) df.sort_values(by="Application Number", inplace=True) df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) return df # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Step 2: Binary Search Utility for Finding Nearest Application Numbers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def binary_search_nearest(df, target): """ Uses binary search to find the nearest application numbers in the DataFrame. Args: df: The DataFrame containing the application numbers. target: The target application number to search for. Returns: Two nearest application numbers (before and after the target). """ application_numbers = df["Application Number"].tolist() pos = bisect.bisect_left(application_numbers, target) before = application_numbers[pos - 1] if pos > 0 else None after = application_numbers[pos] if pos < len(application_numbers) else None return before, after # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Step 3: Export DataFrame to PDF # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def export_to_pdf(df, file_name): """ Converts the cleaned DataFrame to a PDF file. Args: df: The DataFrame to be converted to PDF. file_name: The name of the PDF file to create. Returns: A BytesIO object containing the PDF file. """ pdf = FPDF() pdf.set_auto_page_break(auto=True, margin=15) pdf.add_page() pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) # Title pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=16) pdf.cell(0, 10, "Visa Decisions Data", ln=True, align="C") pdf.ln(10) # Table Header pdf.set_font("Arial", style="B", size=12) for col in df.columns: pdf.cell(50, 10, col, border=1) pdf.ln() # Table Data pdf.set_font("Arial", size=12) for _, row in df.iterrows(): for cell in row: pdf.cell(50, 10, str(cell), border=1) pdf.ln() pdf_output = BytesIO() pdf.output(pdf_output) return pdf_output # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Step 4: Allow User to Download Cleaned DataFrame # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def download_dataframe(df, file_name): """ Provides a download link for the cleaned DataFrame as CSV or PDF. Args: df: The cleaned DataFrame to download. file_name: The name of the original file for naming convention. """ cleaned_file_name_csv = f"{file_name.replace('.ods', '.csv')}" csv_data = df.to_csv(index=False) st.sidebar.download_button( label="Download Cleaned Data as CSV", data=csv_data, file_name=cleaned_file_name_csv, mime="text/csv" ) cleaned_file_name_pdf = f"{file_name.replace('.ods', '.pdf')}" pdf_data = export_to_pdf(df, cleaned_file_name_pdf) st.sidebar.download_button( label="Download Cleaned Data as PDF", data=pdf_data, file_name=cleaned_file_name_pdf, mime="application/pdf" ) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Step 5: Search Application Status # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def search_application(df): """ Handles the user input and searches for the application number in the DataFrame. Args: df: The DataFrame containing application numbers and decisions. """ user_input = st.text_input("Enter your Application Number (including IRL if applicable):") if user_input: # Validate user input if not user_input.isdigit() or len(user_input) < 8: st.warning("Please enter at least 8 digits for your VISA application number.") return application_number = int(user_input) # Search for the application number in the DataFrame result = df[df["Application Number"] == application_number] if not result.empty: decision = result.iloc[0]["Decision"] if decision.lower() == "refused": st.error(f"Application Number: {application_number}\n\nDecision: **Refused**") elif decision.lower() == "approved": st.success(f"Application Number: {application_number}\n\nDecision: **Approved**") else:"Application Number: {application_number}\n\nDecision: **{decision}**") else: st.warning(f"No record found for Application Number: {application_number}.") before, after = binary_search_nearest(df, application_number) nearest_records = pd.DataFrame({ "Nearest Application": ["Before", "After"], "Application Number": [before, after], "Decision": [ df[df["Application Number"] == before]["Decision"].values[0] if before else None, df[df["Application Number"] == after]["Decision"].values[0] if after else None ], "Difference": [ application_number - before if before else None, after - application_number if after else None ] }).dropna() if not nearest_records.empty: st.subheader("Nearest Application Numbers") st.table(nearest_records.reset_index(drop=True)) else:"No nearest application numbers found.") # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main Streamlit Application Logic # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def main(): st.title("Visa Application Status Checker") # Fetch and prepare the data ods_file, original_file_name = fetch_ods_file() if ods_file and original_file_name: df = prepare_dataframe(ods_file) if df is not None: # Provide download option for cleaned DataFrame st.sidebar.header("Download Options") download_dataframe(df, original_file_name) # Search application search_application(df) else: st.error("Failed to prepare the data.") else: st.error("Failed to fetch the .ods file.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()