import ipdb | |
import pandas as pd | |
import os | |
import re | |
# Define the formatting function | |
def format_number(num): | |
# Check if the value is numeric | |
if isinstance(num, (int, float)): | |
if abs(num) >= 10**2: | |
return f"{num:.1e}" | |
else: | |
return f"{num:.3f}" | |
# Return non-numeric values as-is | |
return num | |
def norm_sNavie(df): | |
df_normalized = df.copy() | |
seasonal_naive_row = df[df['model'] == 'seasonal_naive'].iloc[0] | |
print('df: ',df) | |
for column in df.columns: | |
if column != 'model': # We skip normalizing the 'model' column | |
df_normalized[column] = df[column] / seasonal_naive_row[column] | |
return df_normalized | |
def pivot_df(file_name, tab_name): | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_name) | |
if tab_name == 'univariate': | |
df['univariate'] = df['univariate'].replace({True: 'univariate', False: 'multivariate'}) | |
df.rename(columns={'univariate': 'variate_type'}, inplace=True) | |
tab_name = 'variate_type' | |
df_melted = pd.melt(df, id_vars=[tab_name, 'model'], var_name='metric', value_name='value') | |
df_melted['metric'] = df_melted['metric'].replace({ | |
'eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]': 'MAPE', | |
'eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss': 'CRPS' | |
}) | |
df_pivot = df_melted.pivot_table(index='model', columns=[tab_name, 'metric'], values='value') | |
df_pivot.columns = [f'{tab_name} ({metric})' for tab_name, metric in df_pivot.columns] | |
# df_pivot.to_csv('pivoted_df.csv') | |
# print(df_pivot) | |
df_pivot = df_pivot.reset_index() | |
df_pivot = df_pivot.round(3) | |
return df_pivot | |
def pivot_existed_df(df, tab_name): | |
df = df.reset_index() | |
if tab_name == 'univariate': | |
df['univariate'] = df['univariate'].replace({True: 'univariate', False: 'multivariate'}) | |
df.rename(columns={'univariate': 'variate_type'}, inplace=True) | |
tab_name = 'variate_type' | |
print('tab_name:', tab_name, 'df: ',df) | |
print('columns', df.columns) | |
df_melted = pd.melt(df, id_vars=[tab_name, 'model'], var_name='metric', value_name='value') | |
df_melted['metric'] = df_melted['metric'].replace({ | |
'eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]': 'MAPE', | |
'eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss': 'CRPS' | |
}) | |
df_pivot = df_melted.pivot_table(index='model', columns=[tab_name, 'metric'], values='value') | |
df_pivot.columns = [f'{tab_name} ({metric})' for tab_name, metric in df_pivot.columns] | |
df_pivot = df_pivot.reset_index() | |
# df_pivot = df_pivot.round(3) | |
df_pivot = df_pivot.applymap(format_number) | |
# make sure the data type is float | |
df_pivot.iloc[:, 1:] = df_pivot.iloc[:, 1:].astype(float) | |
return df_pivot | |
def get_grouped_dfs(root_dir='results', ds_properties='results/dataset_properties.csv'): | |
df_list = [] | |
# Walk through all folders and subfolders in the root directory | |
for subdir, _, files in os.walk(root_dir): | |
for file in files: | |
if file == 'all_results.csv': | |
file_path = os.path.join(subdir, file) | |
df = pd.read_csv(file_path) | |
df_list.append(df) | |
# Concatenate all dataframes into one | |
all_results_df = pd.concat(df_list, ignore_index=True) | |
all_results_df = all_results_df.sort_values(by=['model', 'dataset']).reset_index(drop=True) | |
all_results_df[['dataset', 'frequency', 'term_length']] = all_results_df['dataset'].str.split('/', expand=True) | |
dataset_properties = pd.read_csv(ds_properties) | |
# Reforemat the the first element of each row after the header following these rules: | |
# 1. make all characters lowercase | |
dataset_properties['dataset'] = dataset_properties['dataset'].apply(lambda x: x.lower()) | |
# 2. replace all spaces with underscores | |
dataset_properties['dataset'] = dataset_properties['dataset'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(' ', '_')) | |
# 3. Replace all dashes with underscores | |
dataset_properties['dataset'] = dataset_properties['dataset'].apply(lambda x: x.replace('-', '_')) | |
# 4. Replace consecutive underscores with a single underscore. There maybe more than 2 consecutive underscores | |
dataset_properties['dataset'] = dataset_properties['dataset'].apply(lambda x: re.sub('_+', '_', x)) | |
# 5. Remove all leading and trailing underscores | |
dataset_properties['dataset'] = dataset_properties['dataset'].apply(lambda x: x.strip('_')) | |
df = all_results_df | |
# convert it to a dictionary, with dataset as the key, and the value as another dictionary. The inner dictionary has the column names as the key, and the value as the value. | |
dataset_properties_dict = dataset_properties.set_index('dataset').T.to_dict('dict') | |
dataset_properties_dict.keys() | |
# # match the dataset name in model_properties_dict with the dataset name in df and add a new column for each key value pair in the inner dictionary. | |
for dataset in dataset_properties_dict.keys(): | |
for key in dataset_properties_dict[dataset].keys(): | |
# set the row with the dataset name to the value of the key think step by step | |
# First, get the row with the dataset name | |
# Second, set the value of the key to the value of the key | |
if key == 'frequency': | |
# only set the frequency if the frequency column for all rows for the dataset is empty string | |
if all(df[df['dataset'] == dataset]['frequency'].isna()): | |
df.loc[df['dataset'] == dataset, key] = dataset_properties_dict[dataset][key] | |
else: | |
df.loc[df['dataset'] == dataset, key] = dataset_properties_dict[dataset][key] | |
# standardize by seasonal naive | |
df = standardize_df(df) | |
metric_columns = ['eval_metrics/MSE[mean]', 'eval_metrics/MSE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/MAE[0.5]', | |
'eval_metrics/MASE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/sMAPE[0.5]', | |
'eval_metrics/MSIS', 'eval_metrics/RMSE[mean]', 'eval_metrics/NRMSE[mean]', | |
'eval_metrics/ND[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss'] | |
RANKING_METRIC = "eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss" | |
df['rank'] = df.groupby(['dataset', 'term_length', 'frequency'])[f'{RANKING_METRIC}'].rank(method='first', | |
ascending=True) | |
# create a new column called rank | |
metric_columns.append('rank') | |
# create a new column called univariate. Set it to true if column num_variates is 1, otherwise set it to false | |
df['univariate'] = df['num_variates'] == 1 | |
# group by domain | |
METRIC_CHOICES = ["eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]", "eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss", "rank"] | |
grouped_results = df.groupby(['model'])[METRIC_CHOICES].mean() | |
# grouped_results.to_csv(f'artefacts/grouped_results_by_model.csv') | |
grouped_dfs = {} | |
for col_name in ["domain", 'term_length', 'frequency', 'univariate']: | |
grouped_dfs[col_name] = group_by(df, col_name) | |
# print(f"Grouping by {col_name}:\n {grouped_dfs.head(20)}") | |
return grouped_dfs | |
def standardize_df(df): | |
# These are the metrics: eval_metrics/MSE[mean] eval_metrics/MSE[0.5] eval_metrics/MAE[0.5] eval_metrics/MASE[0.5] eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5] eval_metrics/sMAPE[0.5] eval_metrics/MSIS eval_metrics/RMSE[mean] eval_metrics/NRMSE[mean] eval_metrics/ND[0.5] eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss | |
metric_columns = ['eval_metrics/MSE[mean]', 'eval_metrics/MSE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/MAE[0.5]', | |
'eval_metrics/MASE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/sMAPE[0.5]', | |
'eval_metrics/MSIS', 'eval_metrics/RMSE[mean]', 'eval_metrics/NRMSE[mean]', | |
'eval_metrics/ND[0.5]', 'eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss'] | |
# convert the metric columns to float | |
# for all metrics will rows with NA values, replace them with the average of the column | |
for metric in metric_columns: | |
df[metric] = df[metric].astype(float) | |
df[metric] = df[metric].fillna(df[metric].mean()) | |
df[metric_columns] = df[metric_columns].astype(float) | |
# Standardize each row in the metric columns by dividing the models results by seasonal_naive ressults for the same dataset, and frequency | |
# Steps: | |
# 1. Get all the unique dataset names | |
# 2. For each dataset name, get all the unique frequencies and term lengths | |
# 3. For each dataset name, frequency, and term length get the seasonal_naive results | |
# 4. Get all the unique model names | |
# 5. For each model name, dataset name, frequency, and term length, divide the model results by the seasonal_naive results | |
# 6. Create a new df with standardized results | |
original_df = df.copy() | |
# 1. Get all the unique dataset names | |
dataset_names = df['dataset'].unique() | |
# 2. For each dataset name, get all the unique frequencies and term lengths | |
for dataset in dataset_names: | |
term_lengths = df[df['dataset'] == dataset]['term_length'].unique() | |
for term_length in term_lengths: | |
frequencies = df[(df['dataset'] == dataset) & (df['term_length'] == term_length)]['frequency'].unique() | |
for frequency in frequencies: | |
# 3. For each dataset name, frequency, and term length get the seasonal_naive results | |
seasonal_naive_results = df[ | |
(df['dataset'] == dataset) & (df['frequency'] == frequency) & (df['term_length'] == term_length) & ( | |
df['model'] == 'Seasonal_Naive')] | |
for metric in metric_columns: | |
# 5. For each model name, dataset name, frequency, and term length, divide the model results by the seasonal_naive results | |
df.loc[(df['dataset'] == dataset) & (df['frequency'] == frequency) & ( | |
df['term_length'] == term_length), metric] = df[(df['dataset'] == dataset) & ( | |
df['frequency'] == frequency) & (df['term_length'] == term_length)][metric] / \ | |
seasonal_naive_results[metric].values[0] | |
# df[(df['dataset'] == 'bitbrains_fast_storage') & (df['model'] == 'seasonal_naive')] | |
return df | |
def group_by(df, col_name): | |
METRIC_CHOICES = ["eval_metrics/MAPE[0.5]", "eval_metrics/mean_weighted_sum_quantile_loss", "rank"] | |
grouped_results = df.groupby([col_name, 'model'])[METRIC_CHOICES].mean() | |
# Display the results | |
# Write the results to a csv file | |
# grouped_results.to_csv(f'grouped_results_by_{col_name}.csv') | |
return grouped_results |