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# Define the knowledge base as a dictionary
knowledge_base = {
"SOP": "Sales Operations Planning / Standard Operational Procedure / Start of Production",
"NTO": "Net Turnover",
"D&A": "Data & Analytics",
"HOF":"Head of Function",
"APFO": "Adjusted Profit from Operations",
"LEP": "Limited Edition Pack",
"AD": "Area Director",
"IDT" : "Information & Digital Technology",
"CORA" : "Corporate & Regulatory Affairs",
"DBS" : "Digital Business Solutions",
"PAM":"Primary Area Management",
"LT": "Leadership Team",
"OLT": "Operations Leadership Team",
"MLT": "Marketing Leadership Team",
"FLT": "Finance Leadership Team",
"GSD": "Group Service Delivery or Global Service Desk",
"TPD": "Tobacco Products Directive",
"WMS": "Warehouse Management System / Wrapping Material Specification",
"GLT": "Green Leaf Threshing",
"MBL": "Modern BAT Leaf",
"TAO": "One SAP",
"SOBC":"Standards of Business Conduct",
"FMD": "Final Manufacturing Unit",
"SSO":"Single Sign-on",
"PLM": "Product Lifecycle Management",
"PMD": "Primary Manufacturing Unit",
"SMD": "Secondary Manufacturing Unit",
"SLA": "Service Level Agreement",
"CUCO": "Consumer Complaint",
"COCO": "Customer Complaint",
"EFO" : "End Fall-Out",
"OSSO": "Operation Skill Sourcing Officer",
"MSSO": "Marketing Skill Sourcing Manager",
"FT": "Field Technician",
"STT": "Sales to Trade",
"ADS": "Average Daily Sales",
"RA": "Retailers Assistant",
"SR": "Sales Representative",
"VBB": "Valuable Business Partner",
"MT": "Modern Trade",
"BCP": "Business Continuity Planning",
"ABC": "Activity Based Costing",
"ABD": "Advance Booking Deadlines",
"AC": "Assessment Centre",
"ACA": "Area Cycle Alignment",
"ACF": "Active Charcoal Filter",
"ACT": "Advance Corporation Tax",
"ADR": "American Depositary Receipts",
"Ad-valorem": "Type of tobacco taxation typically calculated on the value of cigarettes sold",
"ADW": "Active Data Warehouse",
"AGV": "Automated Guided Vehicle",
"AIR": "Average Issue Readership",
"AIT": "Anti Illicit Trade",
"ALPS": "Area Leaf Planning System",
"AME": "Achieving Marketing Excellence database / Africa Middle East (region)",
"AMGP": "Additives and Material Guidance Panel",
"AO": "Area Office",
"AP": "Accounts Payable",
"APO": "Advanced Planner & Optimiser",
"APS": "Advanced Planning System / Annual Planning System",
"APV": "Accounts Payable Voucher",
"AR": "Accounts Receivable",
"ASH": "Action on Smoking and Health",
"ASP": "Aspirational Premium",
"ASPAC": "Asia Pacific (Region)",
"ASU30": "Adult Smoker Under 30 Years Old",
"AT": "Account Teams",
"ATC": "Advanced Technologies Cambridge",
"ATIF": "Any Time In Full",
"ATL": "Above The Line (traditional media advertising term)",
"AV": "Ad Valorem",
"AWAP": "Above Weighted Average Price",
"B2B": "Business to Business",
"B2C": "Business to Consumer",
"BA": "Business Analyst",
"BASS": "British American Shared Services",
"BAT": "British American Tobacco",
"BATMark": "Trademark Department",
"BATPS": "British American Tobacco Pension Scheme",
"BAU": "Business as Usual",
"BCC": "Board Compensation Committee",
"BCM": "Business Change Manager / Business Continuity Management",
"BCP": "Business Continuity Plan",
"BCT": "Business Controls Team",
"BDD": "Business Development Department",
"BEL": "Business Excellence for Leaders",
"BESS": "Brand Excellence Series",
"BEST": "Business Enablers Survey Tool",
"BIA": "Business Impact Analysis",
"BIB": "Blend In a Box",
"BIM": "Brand Image Mapping / Business Implementation Manager",
"BLM": "Brand Launch & Modification",
"BLT": "BATCCA Leadership Team",
"BM": "Brand Manager",
"BMF": "Brand Modification Form",
"Bn": "Billion",
"BOD": "Bill Of Distribution",
"BOL": "Bill Of Lending",
"BOM": "Bill Of Materials",
"BOSS": "Business and Operational System Steering Group",
"BPCS": "Business Planning & Control System (Integrated AS400 computer system)",
"BPI": "Business Process Improvement",
"BPO": "Business Process Outsourcing",
"BPR": "Business Process Re-engineering",
"BPTO": "Brand Price Trade – Off",
"BritAm": "The name of the proprietary typeface designed specifically for the British American Tobacco logotype in our corporate signature",
"BRM": "Budget Review Meeting",
"BRR": "Business Risk Register",
"BS": "Balance Sheet",
"BSE": "Brand Support Expenditure",
"BSU": "Business Support Unit",
"BT": "British Telecoms",
"BTC": "British American Tobacco Technology Centre",
"BTL": "Below The Line (Traditional merchandising/promotions)",
"BVS": "Brand Value Segment",
"BW": "Business Warehouse",
"BWAP": "Below Weighted Average Price",
"BY": "Burley",
"C&PCR": "Complexity & Product Cost Reduction",
"CAB": "Change Advisory Board",
"CAB1, CAB2 and CAB3": "Types of changes in Information systems and applications",
"CAGR": "Compound Annual Growth Rate",
"CAM": "Central America",
"CAP": "Customer Account Profitability",
"CAPEX": "Capital Expenditure",
"CAR": "Caribbean",
"CARICOM": "Caribbean Community Regional Integration",
"CBA": "Cost Benefit Analysis",
"CCC": "Common Communication Code",
"CCT": "Cut Tobacco at brought in cost",
"CDF": "Consumer Disposition Funnel",
"CDM": "Career Development Meeting",
"CEA": "Cost Element Accounting",
"CES": "Competitive Edge Series",
"CI": "Continual Improvement",
"CIGMAR": "Cigarrette Market (Group Marketing Information System)",
"CKB": "Competitor Knowledge Base",
"CLD": "Cased Leaf Drier (Tobacco process)",
"CM": "Country Manager",
"CMB": "Centrally Managed Brands",
"COC": "Cigarette overhead conveyor",
"CofE": "Centre of Expertise",
"COL": "Cost of Living",
"COMIECO": "Council of Ministers for Economic Integration",
"CoO": "Cost Of Ownership / Country Of Origin",
"COP": "Conference of the Parties",
"CoPlan": "Company Plan",
"CORESTA": "Co-operation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tabacco",
"CP": "Cigarette Paper",
"CPC": "Common Planning Calendar",
"CPI": "Consumer Price Index / Cuts per inch (30 cpi for lamina, 120-160 cpi for stem)",
"CPM": "Cigarettes Per Minute",
"CPMH": "Cigarettes Per Man Hour",
"CPQE": "Cigarette Physical Quality Evaluation",
"CPT": "Consumer Product Testing",
"CPTO": "Consumer Price Turn Over",
"CQMS": "Corporate Quality Management System",
"CR": "Comp. Ratio",
"CRM": "Customer Relationship Management",
"CROSQ": "CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards & Quality",
"CRS": "Cut Rolled Stem",
"CRT": "Cut Rag Tobacco",
"CS": "Cut stem",
"CSI": "Consumer Satisfaction Index / Corporate Social Investment",
"CSR": "Corporate Social Responsibility",
"CST": "Cluster Strategy Team",
"CTA": "Contribution to Admin",
"CTS": "Cut Tobacco Store",
"D&D": "Design & Destroyed",
"D&S": "Design & Specify",
"DAC": "Daily Average Consumption / Dark air cured",
"DB": "Defined Benefit / Display Ban",
"DC": "Defined Contribution",
"DCC": "Direct Cylinder Conditioning / Direct Cylinder Conditioning and Casing",
"DES": "Distribution Edge Series",
"DG5": "Deployment Group 5",
"DIET": "Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco",
"DM": "Data Management",
"DNP": "Duty Not Paid",
"DO": "Distribution Outlets",
"DOM": "Demand Operations Manager",
"DP": "Duty Paid",
"DRBU": "Direct Reporting Business Unit",
"DRF": "Dust Recovery Fans",
"DRG": "Design Reference Group",
"DRP": "Disaster Recovery Programme / Distribution Resource Planning",
"DSA": "Daily Sales Average",
"DSD": "Direct to Store Delivery",
"DSS": "Direct Store Sales",
"DTI": "Department of Trade and Industry",
"DTI": "Duty Transit Insurance",
"DTR": "Double Tax Relief",
"DTV": "Digital Tax Verification",
"DX": "Distribution Excellence",
"E2E": "End to end",
"EAI": "Enterprise Applications Integration",
"EAM": "Effective Area Management",
"EAS": "Enterprise Applications Strategy",
"ECLT": "Foundation Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing Foundation",
"EDI": "Electronic Data Interchange",
"EDM": "Executive Directors' Meeting",
"EEC": "European Employee Council",
"EFM": "Export Finance Manager",
"EH&S": "Environmental, Health & Safety",
"EM": "End Market / Environment Management",
"EMF2": "Effective Market Focus",
"EMSP": "End Market Strategic Plan",
"ENDS": "Electronic nicotine delivery systems",
"ENNDS": "Electronic non-nicotine delivery systems",
"EOS": "Exchange Of Sale",
"EP": "Electrostatic Perforation",
"EPIC": "Enhanced Productivity in the Cloud",
"EPO": "Enterprise Programme Office",
"EPR": "Effective Problem Resolution",
"ERP": "Enterprise Resource Planning",
"ET": "Expanded Tobacco",
"ETS": "Environmental Tobacco Smoke",
"EUCA": "European Union Co-operation Agreement",
"EVP": "Employee Value Proposition",
"Expat": "Expatriate",
"FC": "Forecast",
"FCS": "Financial Control System",
"FCTC": "Framework Convention for Tobacco Control",
"FCV": "Flue Cured Virginia",
"FD": "Finance Director",
"FEP": "Finance Excellence Programme",
"FF": "Full Flavour",
"FFP": "Factory Foot Print / Fit for Purpose",
"FG": "Finished Goods",
"FGS": "Finished Goods Sales",
"FIFO": "First In First Out",
"FMC": "Factory Made Cigarettes",
"FMCG": "Fast Moving Consumer Goods",
"FOQ": "Fixed Order Quantity",
"Foresight": "Sales forecasting and supply chain system",
"FOT's": "French Overseas Territories",
"FP": "Filling Power",
"FPI": "Finished Product Inspection",
"FTA": "Filter Tipo Attacher / Free Trade Agreement",
"FTE": "Full Time Equivalent",
"FTZ": "Free Trade Zone",
"FV": "Fill Value",
"FY": "Full Year",
"FYR": "Full Year Results",
"GAAP": "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles",
"GAM": "Group Accounting Manual",
"GBP": "Great Britain Pounds",
"GDB": "Global Drive Brands",
"GDP": "Gross Domestic Product",
"GH": "Globe House (The British American Tobacco headquarters)",
"GHS": "Globally Harmonised System",
"GHW": "Graphic Health Warning",
"GIP": "Global Integration Programme",
"GIPS": "Group Intellectual Property Service",
"GIT": "Goods in Transit",
"GIV": "Gross Domestic Product",
"GLOSS": "Global Leaf Order Supply System",
"GLP": "Global Leaf Pool / Global Leaf Processing",
"GLT": "Green Leaf Threshing",
"GM": "General Manager",
"GMAPP": "Group Manual of Accounting Policies and Procedures",
"GOM": "Global Operating Model",
"GP": "Guiding Principles",
"GPC": "Group Product Champion",
"GPMO": "Global Programme Management Office",
"GPS": "Global Process Standards / Global Product Specification",
"GPtW": "Great Place to Work",
"GQT": "Group Quality Team",
"GR&D": "Group Research & Development",
"GRE": "Global Retail Excellence",
"GRP": "Gross Rating Points",
"GSC": "Global Standards Council / Global Supply Chain",
"GSCS": "Global Supply Chain Strategy",
"GSCSC": "Global Supply Chain Service Centre",
"GSD": "Group Service Delivery",
"GSI": "General Standing Instructions",
"GSM": "Global Specification Management / Grams per square metre",
"GSMP": "Global Service Management Project",
"GSP": "Global Specification Platform / Global Strategy Process",
"GSS": "Global Specification Services",
"GTO": "Gross Turnover",
"GTR": "Global Travel and Retail",
"GUI": "Graphical User Interface",
"GWD": "Gross Weighted Distribution",
"W10": "Windows 10",
"WAP": "Weighted Average Price",
"WAR": "Warehouse Receipt",
"WBS": "Work Breakdown Structure",
"WCO": "World Customs Organization",
"WEL": "Workplace Exposure Limit",
"WER": "Western Europe",
"WHA": "World Health Assembly",
"WHO": "World Health Organisation",
"WIC": "World Investment Co Ltd",
"WITCO": "West Indian Tobacco Company",
"WLB": "Work Life Balance",
"WMS": "Warehouse Management System / Wrapping Materials Specifications / Wrapping Materials Stock",
"WNTD": "World No Tobacco Day",
"WTL": "Water Treated Lamina",
"WTO": "World Trade Organization",
"WTS": "Water Treated Stem",
"WWTP": "Wastewater Treatment Plant",
"YIU": "Yield in Use",
"YoY": "Year on Year",
"YSP": "Youth Smoking Prevention",
"YTD": "Year To Date",
"YTG": "Year To Go",
"YV": "Your Voice Survey",
"TOR": "Terms of Reference",
"TP": "Trading Profit / Tobacco Product Directive",
"TPM": "Total Particulate Matter",
"TPP": "Trans Pacific Partnership",
"TQM": "Total Quality Management",
"TRM": "Talent Review Meetings",
"TSG": "Tobacco Strategy Group (BAT Industries)",
"TSP": "Total System Profit",
"TT": "Top Team",
"TTL": "Through-the-line (communication)",
"TUSS": "Tobacco Utilisation Sourcing & Supply",
"UAT": "User Acceptance Testing",
"UGM": "User Group Meeting",
"UKIB": "UK International brand",
"ULow": "Ultra Low",
"ULP": "Ultra Low Price",
"UNSPS": "Universal Standards Products Service Classification",
"UOM": "Unit Of Measure",
"UOP": "Underlying Operating Profit",
"USIB": "US International Brand",
"VA": "Virginia",
"VAT": "Value Added Tax (or sales tax)",
"VFM": "Value For Money",
"VMI": "Vendor Managed Inventory",
"Vs": "Versus",
"T&A": "Technical & Advisory Fee",
"T&T": "Track and Trace",
"TaO": "Target Operating Model and OneSAP / TaO Business Intelligence / TaO Business Objects / TaO Business Planning and Consolidation / TaO Central Process Scheduling / TaO ERP Central Component / TaO Enterprise Infrastructure Backbone / TaO Enterprise Search / TaO System Landscape Directory",
"TCC": "Tobacco Control Community",
"TCO": "Total Cost Ownership",
"TIH": "Tactical Inventory Hub",
"TLA": "Three Letter Acronym",
"TLDW": "Team Leaders Development Workshop",
"TM": "Time Management (SAP)",
"TM&D": "Trade Marketing & Distribution / Trade Marketing and Distribution",
"TMA": "Tobacco Manufacturer's Association",
"TMC": "Tailor Made Cigarettes / Trade Marketing Communication",
"TMD": "Trade Marketing Diversification",
"TMU": "Trade Marketing Universe",
"TMVF": "Trade Mark Verification",
"TOM": "Target Operating Model",
"TOP": "Type Of Part",
"SH": "Section Head",
"SICA": "Central American Integration System",
"SIDS": "Screening Information Data Sets",
"SIECA": "Secretariat for Economic Integration for Central America",
"SIEF": "Substance Information Exchange Forum",
"SIG": "Strategic Innovations Group",
"SIMS": "Substance Inventory Management System",
"SIS": "Shipments Information System",
"SITA": "Worldwide telecommunications link",
"SITPRO": "Simplification of Internal Trade Procedures",
"SKU": "Stock Keeping Unit",
"SL": "Storage Location / Super Long",
"SLA": "Service Level Agreement / Strategic Leadership Agenda",
"SM@RT": "Standardised Materials At Realistic Transfer Prices",
"SMC": "Stakeholder Mapping & Classification",
"SMD": "Secondary Manufacturing Department",
"SMP": "Shared Materials Planning / Strategic Marketing Programme",
"SOB": "Share of brand / Source of Business / Standards of Business Contact",
"SOC": "Share of category",
"SoD": "Segregation of Duties",
"SODA": "Service Operation Desk Application",
"SoDA": "Statement of Delegated Authorities",
"SoM": "Share of Market",
"SOPE": "Sales and Operations Planning Executive",
"SOS": "Share of Sales",
"SOV": "Share of Voice",
"SP": "Supply Planning",
"SPC": "Statistical Process Control",
"SPD&S": "Strategic Product Development & Support",
"SPI": "Strategy Planning Insights",
"SPLY": "Same Period Last Year",
"SPM": "Sales Promotional Merchandise",
"SPOC": "Single Point Of Contact",
"SPU": "Secondary Packing Unit",
"SQ": "Superior Quality",
"SQP": "Supplier Quality Partnership",
"SREM": "Senior Regional Export Manager",
"SRF": "Suppliers Request Forms",
"SRG": "Scientific Research Group",
"SRM": "Specified Risk Material / Supplier Relationship Management",
"SRO": "Senior Responsible Owner",
"SRTP": "Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production",
"RCCP": "Rough Cut Capacity Plan",
"RCD": "Rebates Commission and Discounts",
"RCP": "Retail Classification Platform",
"RD": "Regional Director",
"RDF": "Retail Disposition Funnel",
"REC": "Research Executive Council",
"RFC": "Request For Change",
"RLT": "Regional Leadership Team",
"RM": "Records Management",
"RML": "Retail Media Landscape",
"RMM": "Risk Management Measure",
"ROCE": "Return on Capital Employed",
"RONA": "Return on Net Assets",
"ROSE": "Return on Shareholders' Equity",
"ROY": "Return of Investment",
"RPC": "Regional Product Centre",
"RPN": "Risk Priority Number",
"RQI": "Retail Quality Index",
"RRP": "Recommended Retail Price / Reduced Risk Product",
"RTM": "Route to Market",
"RYO": "Roll Your Own Tobacco",
"S&OP": "Sales & Operations Planning",
"S90": "A cigarette reservoir between the maker and the packer",
"SAM": "Strategic Account Management / Strategic Assessment Management",
"SAP GRC": "SAP Governance, Risk and Compliance",
"SAP II": "SAP Information Interchange",
"SAP PI": "SAP Process Integration / Interfaces between SAP ECC and other applications",
"SAP": "Systems Administration Platform / Systems Application Programme / Systems, Applications & Prod",
"SBS": "Strategic Business System",
"SC": "Soft Cup / Supply Chain Champions",
"SCA": "Supply Chain Academy",
"SCAM": "Supply Chain Above Market",
"SCC": "Supply Chain Collaborator",
"SCCSE": "Supply Chain Customer Service Excellence",
"SCDT": "Supply Chain Drive Team",
"SCEE": "Supply Chain Eastern Europe",
"SCEM": "Supply Chain Event Management",
"SCM": "Solution Centre Managers / Supply Chain Management",
"SCOC": "Suppliers Code of Conduct",
"SCOR": "Supply Chain Operations Reference Model",
"SCS": "Supply Chain Strategy / Supply Chain Synchronisation",
"SCSC": "Supply Chain Service Centre",
"SCWE": "Supply Chain Western Europe",
"SD": "Sales Distribution",
"SDG": "Strategic Design Group",
"SDM": "Service Delivery Manager",
"SDS": "Safety Data Sheet",
"SEM": "Strategic Enterprise Management",
"SGM": "Steering Group Meeting",
"P&E": "Pricing & Excise",
"P&L": "Profit and Loss",
"P1": "Incident Priority 1",
"P2": "Incident Priority 2",
"P2P": "Procure to Pay",
"P3": "Incident Priority 3",
"P4": "Incident Priority 4",
"PA": "Personal Administration (SAP)",
"PACE": "Performance Appraisal and Career Evaluation",
"PAG": "Programa de Alta Gerencia",
"BRD": "Business Requirent Document",
"BRS": "Business Requirent Document",
"BATB":"British American Tobacco Bangladesh",
"TAB": "Technology Architecture Board",
"PAT": "Profit After Tax",
"PBIT": "Profit before interest and tax",
"PBS": "Product Breakdown Structure",
"PBT": "Profit Before Tax",
"PCF": "People Capability Framework",
"PCR": "Product Complexity Reduction",
"PCS": "Pack Collector Study",
"PD": "Pressure Drop",
"PDC": "Product Development Committee",
"PDPC": "Primary Delivered Product Cost",
"PDSG": "Product Development Strategy Group",
"PDT": "Product Development Team",
"PI&T": "Product Integrity & Traceability",
"PID": "Project Initiation Document",
"PIR": "Post Implementation Review",
"PIT": "Point In Time",
"PLC": "Programmable logic Controller",
"PLM": "Product Life Management",
"PLP": "Product Line Profitability",
"PM": "Prime Minister",
"PMC": "Proceso de Mejoramiento Contínuo",
"PMD": "Primary Manufacturing Department",
"PMI": "Phillip Morris International",
"PMO": "Programme Management Office",
"PMP": "People Management Programme",
"PMS": "Planned Maintenance System",
"PO": "Performance Objectives / Purchase Order",
"POD": "Proof of Delivery",
"POP": "Point of Purchase",
"POS": "Point of Sale",
"PP": "Plain Packaging / Production Plan",
"PP&D": "Production Planning and Development",
"PPA": "Psychophysical Analysis",
"PPB": "Productivity Portfolio Board",
"PPR": "Post Project Review",
"PPS": "Public Place Smoking",
"PQI": "Product Quality Index",
"PQRS": "Physical Quality Rating System",
"Pre-SOP": "Pre Sales & Operations Planning",
"PRINCE": "Projects IN Controlled Environment",
"PRP": "Profit Related Pay",
"PSA": "Partial Scope Agreement / Product Space Appropriation",
"PSC": "Primary Supply Chain",
"PSG": "Product Steering Group",
"PSM": "Product Space Mapping",
"PSR": "Packed Store Room",
"PSU": "Production Services Unit",
"Pts": "Percentage points",
"PTSG": "Process Technology Steering Group",
"QA": "Quality Assurance",
"QBR": "Quarterly Business Review",
"QI": "Quality Inspection",
"QMR": "Quarterly Marketing Report",
"QPR": "Quarterly Performance Review / Quarterly Profit Review",
"QS": "Qualitative Studies",
"QTP": "Quality Through People",
"QUAIL": "Quality In Leaf",
"Quantum": "TM&D information system",
"MRP": "Materials Requirements Planning / Materials Resource Planning",
"MSD": "Management Services Department",
"MSDS": "Materials Safety Data Sheet",
"MSP": "Managing Successful Programmes / Market Share Points",
"MT": "Management Trainee / Materials Testing",
"MTO": "Make To Order",
"MTS": "Make To Stock",
"MXS": "Marketing Excellence Series",
"MYO": "Make Your Own",
"MYR": "Mid-Year Results / Mid-Year Review",
"NAMAS": "National Measurement Accreditation Service",
"NBD": "New Business Development",
"NCD": "Non Communicable Diseases",
"NFDPM": "Nicotine Free Dry Particulate Matter",
"NGO": "Non-Governmental Organisation",
"NGP": "New Generation Products",
"NMG": "New Marketing Guidelines",
"NND": "Net Net Density",
"NP": "Net Permeability",
"NPD": "New Product Development",
"NPI": "New Product Innovation / New Product Introduction",
"NQ": "Normal Quality",
"NTO": "Net Turnover",
"O2C": "Order To Cash",
"O365": "Office 365",
"OA": "Opportunity Analysis",
"OBS": "Opportunistic Business Simulation",
"OCA": "Out of Home (Advertising)",
"OD": "Organisational Development",
"OD(M)S": "One Day (Material) Store",
"ODG": "Operational Design Group",
"ODP": "Operational Demand Planning",
"OE": "Order Estimate",
"OEE": "Overall Equipment Effectiveness",
"OEM": "Original Equipment Manufacturer",
"OIE": "Other Income & Expense",
"OLT": "Operations Leadership Team",
"OM": "Operating Model / Organisational Management (Modulo SAP)",
"OOH": "Out Of Home",
"OOS": "Out Of Stock",
"OP": "Operating Profit",
"OPB": "Operations Portfolio Board",
"OpCo": "Operating Company",
"OpEx": "Operating Expenditure",
"Ops": "Operations",
"OR": "Oriental",
"OSP": "Operational Supply Planning",
"OTIF": "On Time In Full",
"OTP": "Other Tobacco Products",
"OTS": "Opportunity to See",
"L&B": "Lambert & Butler",
"L&D": "Liggett & Myers / Learning & Development",
"LAN": "Local Area Network",
"LAT": "Local Area Team",
"LC": "Leadership Capabilities",
"LCP": "Local Cycle Plan",
"LDP": "Local Demand Plan",
"LE": "Latest Estimate / Limited Edition",
"LEO": "Legal Entity Object",
"LEP": "Limited Edition Pack",
"LEX": "Legal and External Affairs",
"LIFO": "Last In First Out",
"LIMS": "Laboratory Information Management Solution",
"LIP": "Lower Ignition Propensity",
"LLT": "Local Leadership Team",
"LN": "Lotus Notes",
"LOC": "Letter Of Credit",
"LOF": "Language of Finance",
"LOS": "Line Of Sight",
"LOV": "List Of Values",
"LPE": "Latest Profit Estimate",
"LPO": "Local Purchase Order",
"LPV": "Low Production Volume",
"LRR": "Leaf Reception Room",
"M&S": "Materials and Supplies",
"MASQ": "Method for Assessing Smoking Quality",
"MAT": "Moving Annual Total",
"MCE": "Minimum Collectible Excise",
"MD": "Managing Director",
"MEC": "Manufacturing Executive Council",
"MFU": "Marketing Finance Unit",
"MGP": "Materials Guidance Panel",
"MI": "Management Information",
"Mille": "One thousand cigarettes",
"MKT": "Marketing",
"MLT": "Marketing Leadership Team",
"MMA": "Management Marketing Account",
"MN": "Million",
"MNF": "Manufacturing",
"MoC": "Minister of Commerce",
"MoF": "Minister of Finance",
"MoH": "Minister of Health",
"Mon": "Month on Month",
"MOP": "Members of the Protocol",
"MOPE": "Monthly Operating Profit Estimate",
"MoS": "Measure of Success",
"MPQ": "Managing Product Quality",
"MPS": "Master Production Scheduling",
"MPSG": "Master and Product Strategy Group",
"MQI": "Manufacturing Quality Index",
"MQS": "Materials Qualification System",
"MR": "Management Review",
"MRP II": "Manufacturing Resource Planning",
"IT": "Illicit Trade / Information Technology",
"ITC": "India Tobacco Company",
"ITGA": "International Tobacco Growers’ Association",
"ITIL": "Information Technology Infrastructure Library",
"ITP": "Illicit Trade Protocol",
"ITPC": "IT Project Committee",
"ITT": "Internationally Traded Tobacco",
"JIT": "Just In Time",
"JRC": "Joint Research Centre",
"JTI": "Japan Tobacco International",
"JV": "Joint venture",
"KCN": "Key Control Navigator",
"KDFII": "Filter rod maker, supplied by Hauni",
"KPI": "Key Performance Indicator",
"KRA": "Key Result Areas",
"KS": "King Size",
"KSF": "King Size Filter",
"KSI": "Key Strategic Initiatives",
"KYC": "Know your Customer",
"KYS": "Know Your Supplier",
"H2": "Half 2",
"HB": "Haus Bergman",
"HL": "Hinge Lid",
"HLP": "Hinge Lid Packer",
"HoD": "Head of Department",
"HoF": "Head of Function",
"HOLO": "Head of Leaf Operations",
"HOLP": "Head of Leaf Processing",
"Horeca": "Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes",
"HoS": "Head office Services",
"HP": "High Potential",
"HPV": "High Production Volume",
"HQ": "High Quality",
"HR": "Human Resources",
"HRBP": "Human Resources Business Partner",
"HS Code": "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System",
"HSE": "Health, Safety, Environment",
"HSU": "High Speed Unit",
"HTD": "High Temperature Dryer",
"HVST": "High Velocity Stem Tube",
"I&C": "Information & Consultation",
"IA": "International Assignment",
"IAAA": "International Advertising Association",
"IAM": "Identity and Access Management",
"IB": "International brand",
"IBG": "International Brand Group",
"ICA": "Inward Cartage Allowance",
"ICC": "International Chamber of Commerce",
"ICP": "International Career Plan",
"IDP": "Individual Development Programme",
"IE11": "Internet Explorer 11",
"IEIS": "International Executive Incentive Scheme",
"IFRS": "International Financial Reporting Standards",
"IMASCO": "Financial Services, Tobacco and Retailing Group (Canada)",
"IMF": "International Monetary Fund",
"IMI": "Incoming Materials Inspection",
"IMP": "International Marketing Principles",
"IMS": "International Marketing Standards",
"INTERPOL": "International Criminal Police Organization",
"IP": "Intellectual Property",
"IPP": "Integrated Planning Process",
"IPR": "Intellectual Property Rights",
"IPRA": "International Political and Regulatory Affairs",
"IR": "Investor Relations",
"ISC": "Integrated Supply Chain",
"ISF": "In Store Furniture",
"PED" : "Primary Engineering Department",
"EOB" : "End of Business Day",
"OOO" :"Out of Office",
# Define the Gradio interface function
def chatbot_interface(acronym):
acronym = acronym.strip().upper() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace and convert to uppercase
if acronym in knowledge_base:
response = f"Answer: {knowledge_base[acronym]}"
response = "Not found in the BATCCAPEDIA"
return response
# Create the Gradio interface
iface = gr.Interface(
title="BATB Acronym Finder",
description="Dictionary of Abbreviations & Acronyms",
# Launch the interface
iface.launch() |