import asyncio from starlette.applications import Starlette from starlette.endpoints import WebSocketEndpoint, HTTPEndpoint from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse from starlette.routing import Route, WebSocketRoute, Mount from starlette.websockets import WebSocket from starlette.types import Message, Receive, Scope, Send # -------------------- gradio ------------------------ import gradio as gr async def name_fn(name): await mbase.add_msg(f'gradio_name: {name}') return "Name: " + name + "!" io = gr.Interface(fn=name_fn, inputs=gr.Textbox(lines=2, placeholder="Name Here..."), outputs="text") # -------------------- shiny ------------------------ import shiny from shiny import App, render, ui, reactive import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt app_ui = ui.page_fluid( ui.input_slider("n", "Number of bins", 1, 100, 20), ui.output_plot("plot", width='30%', height='120px'), ) def server(input, output, session): @output @render.plot(alt="A histogram") async def plot(): await mbase.add_msg(f'shiny_bin: {input.n()}') x = 100 + 15 * np.random.randn(120) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.hist(x, input.n(), density=True) return fig app_shiny = App(ui = app_ui, server = server) # -------------------- main + msg store and dispatch ------------------------ ws_list = [] class MsgBase(): """ Store and send messages to clients """ msg_history = ['start logging..',] async def add_msg(self, msg): self.msg_history.insert(0, msg) if len(self.msg_history) > 15: self.msg_history.pop() for ws in ws_list: await ws.send_text(msg) async def send_all_msg(self, ws): """ Restore all messages in new page or reloaded page""" ws_list.append(ws) for msg in reversed(self.msg_history): await ws.send_text(msg) mbase = MsgBase() html = """ Shiny and Gradio Test App Shiny App Gradio App
""" class Homepage(HTTPEndpoint): async def get(self, request): return HTMLResponse(html) class Echo(WebSocketEndpoint): async def on_connect(self, websocket: WebSocket) -> None: await websocket.accept() await mbase.send_all_msg(websocket) async def on_disconnect(self, websocket: WebSocket, close_code: int) -> None: ws_list.remove(websocket) routes = [ Route("/", Homepage), WebSocketRoute("/ws", Echo), Mount('/shiny', app=app_shiny) ] app = Starlette(routes=routes) app = gr.mount_gradio_app(app, io, path='/gradio') # insert gradio app this way # as a main work loop.. @app.on_event("startup") async def startup_event(): asyncio.create_task(dispatch_task()) async def dispatch_task(): """ background task to dispatch autonomous events """ for i in range(20): await mbase.add_msg(f'(main loop) I am work!({i})') await asyncio.sleep(8)