Browse files
@@ -575,81 +575,81 @@ if uploaded_file is not None:
575 |
# Add this with your other UI elements
576 |
show_heatmap = st.checkbox("Show Sensation Heatmap", value=True)
577 |
578 |
if st.button("Simulate Interaction"):
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
measured_pressure = pressure_sens * touch_pressure
591 |
measured_temp = temp_sens # Assuming temperature doesn't change
592 |
measured_texture = texture_sens # Assuming texture doesn't change
593 |
measured_em = em_sens # Assuming EM field doesn't change
594 |
595 |
if use_quantum:
596 |
quantum_state = quantum_sens
597 |
598 |
quantum_state = "N/A"
599 |
600 |
# Calculate overall sensations
601 |
pain_level = pain * measured_pressure * touch_pressure
602 |
pleasure_level = pleasure * (measured_temp - 37) / 10
603 |
tickle_level = tickle_sens * (1 - np.exp(-touch_duration / 0.5))
604 |
itch_level = itch_sens * (1 - np.exp(-touch_duration / 1.5))
605 |
606 |
# Proprioception (sense of body position)
607 |
proprioception = proprioception_sens * np.linalg.norm([touch_x - image_width/2, touch_y - image_height/2]) / (image_width/2)
608 |
609 |
# Synesthesia (mixing of senses)
610 |
if use_synesthesia:
611 |
synesthesia = synesthesia_sens * (measured_pressure + measured_temp + measured_em) / 3
612 |
613 |
synesthesia = "N/A"
614 |
615 |
st.write("### Simulated Interaction Results")
616 |
st.write(f"Interaction Point: ({touch_x:.1f}, {touch_y:.1f})")
617 |
st.write(f"Duration: {touch_duration:.1f} s | Intensity: {touch_pressure:.2f}")
618 |
st.write(f"Pain: {pain_level:.2f} | Pleasure: {pleasure_level:.2f} | Pressure: {measured_pressure:.2f}")
619 |
st.write(f"Temperature: {measured_temp:.2f} | Texture: {measured_texture:.2f} | EM Field: {measured_em:.2f}")
620 |
st.write(f"Tickle: {tickle_level:.2f} | Itch: {itch_level:.2f} | Quantum: {quantum_state}")
621 |
st.write(f"Neural: {neural_sens:.2f} | Proprioception: {proprioception:.2f} | Synesthesia: {synesthesia}")
622 |
623 |
# Display a heatmap of the sensations
624 |
if show_heatmap:
625 |
heatmap = create_heatmap(sensation_map, sensation_types.index("Pain"))
626 |
st.image(heatmap, use_column_width=True)
627 |
628 |
# Calculate the average pressure value
629 |
average_pressure = np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 2])
630 |
631 |
# Create a futuristic data display
632 |
data_display = (
633 |
634 |
635 |
f"| Pressure : {average_pressure:.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
636 |
f"| Temperature : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 3]):.2f}°C".ljust(45) + "|\n"
637 |
f"| Texture : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 4]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
638 |
f"| EM Field : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 5]):.2f} μT".ljust(45) + "|\n"
639 |
f"| Quantum State: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 8]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
640 |
641 |
f"| Pain Level : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 0]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
642 |
f"| Pleasure : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 1]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
643 |
f"| Tickle : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 6]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
644 |
f"| Itch : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 7]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
645 |
f"| Proprioception: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 10]):.2f}".ljust(44) + "|\n"
646 |
f"| Synesthesia : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 11]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
647 |
f"| Neural Response: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 9]):.2f}".ljust(43) + "|\n"
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
653 |
654 |
# Generate description
655 |
prompt = (
575 |
# Add this with your other UI elements
576 |
show_heatmap = st.checkbox("Show Sensation Heatmap", value=True)
577 |
578 |
if st.button("Simulate Interaction"):
579 |
# Simulate interaction at the clicked point
580 |
if 'clicked_points' in locals() and clicked_points:
581 |
touch_x, touch_y = clicked_points[-1]
582 |
583 |
sensation = sensation_map[touch_y, touch_x]
584 |
585 |
pain, pleasure, pressure_sens, temp_sens, texture_sens,
586 |
em_sens, tickle_sens, itch_sens, quantum_sens, neural_sens,
587 |
proprioception_sens, synesthesia_sens
588 |
) = sensation
589 |
590 |
measured_pressure = pressure_sens * touch_pressure
591 |
measured_temp = temp_sens # Assuming temperature doesn't change
592 |
measured_texture = texture_sens # Assuming texture doesn't change
593 |
measured_em = em_sens # Assuming EM field doesn't change
594 |
595 |
if use_quantum:
596 |
quantum_state = quantum_sens
597 |
598 |
quantum_state = "N/A"
599 |
600 |
# Calculate overall sensations
601 |
pain_level = pain * measured_pressure * touch_pressure
602 |
pleasure_level = pleasure * (measured_temp - 37) / 10
603 |
tickle_level = tickle_sens * (1 - np.exp(-touch_duration / 0.5))
604 |
itch_level = itch_sens * (1 - np.exp(-touch_duration / 1.5))
605 |
606 |
# Proprioception (sense of body position)
607 |
proprioception = proprioception_sens * np.linalg.norm([touch_x - image_width/2, touch_y - image_height/2]) / (image_width/2)
608 |
609 |
# Synesthesia (mixing of senses)
610 |
if use_synesthesia:
611 |
synesthesia = synesthesia_sens * (measured_pressure + measured_temp + measured_em) / 3
612 |
613 |
synesthesia = "N/A"
614 |
615 |
st.write("### Simulated Interaction Results")
616 |
st.write(f"Interaction Point: ({touch_x:.1f}, {touch_y:.1f})")
617 |
st.write(f"Duration: {touch_duration:.1f} s | Intensity: {touch_pressure:.2f}")
618 |
st.write(f"Pain: {pain_level:.2f} | Pleasure: {pleasure_level:.2f} | Pressure: {measured_pressure:.2f}")
619 |
st.write(f"Temperature: {measured_temp:.2f} | Texture: {measured_texture:.2f} | EM Field: {measured_em:.2f}")
620 |
st.write(f"Tickle: {tickle_level:.2f} | Itch: {itch_level:.2f} | Quantum: {quantum_state}")
621 |
st.write(f"Neural: {neural_sens:.2f} | Proprioception: {proprioception:.2f} | Synesthesia: {synesthesia}")
622 |
623 |
# Display a heatmap of the sensations
624 |
if show_heatmap:
625 |
heatmap = create_heatmap(sensation_map, sensation_types.index("Pain"))
626 |
st.image(heatmap, use_column_width=True)
627 |
628 |
# Calculate the average pressure value
629 |
average_pressure = np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 2])
630 |
631 |
# Create a futuristic data display
632 |
data_display = (
633 |
634 |
635 |
f"| Pressure : {average_pressure:.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
636 |
f"| Temperature : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 3]):.2f}°C".ljust(45) + "|\n"
637 |
f"| Texture : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 4]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
638 |
f"| EM Field : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 5]):.2f} μT".ljust(45) + "|\n"
639 |
f"| Quantum State: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 8]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
640 |
641 |
f"| Pain Level : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 0]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
642 |
f"| Pleasure : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 1]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
643 |
f"| Tickle : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 6]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
644 |
f"| Itch : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 7]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
645 |
f"| Proprioception: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 10]):.2f}".ljust(44) + "|\n"
646 |
f"| Synesthesia : {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 11]):.2f}".ljust(45) + "|\n"
647 |
f"| Neural Response: {np.mean(sensation_map[:, :, 9]):.2f}".ljust(43) + "|\n"
648 |
649 |
650 |
651 |
652 |
st.code(data_display, language="")
653 |
654 |
# Generate description
655 |
prompt = (