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import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
from scipy import sparse
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import random
def encode(texts, model, contexts=None, do_norm=True):
"""function to encode texts for cosine similarity search"""
question_vectors = model.encode(texts)
context_vectors = model.encode("".join(contexts))
return np.concatenate(
[np.asarray(question_vectors), np.asarray(context_vectors)], axis=-1
def cosine_sim(data_vectors, query_vectors) -> list:
"""returns list of tuples with similarity score and
script index in initial dataframe"""
data_emb = sparse.csr_matrix(data_vectors)
query_emb = sparse.csr_matrix(query_vectors)
similarity = cosine_similarity(query_emb, data_emb).flatten()
ind = np.argwhere(similarity)
match = sorted(zip(similarity, ind.tolist()), reverse=True)
return match
def scripts_rework(path, character):
"""this functions split scripts for queation, answer, context,
picks up the cahracter and saves data in pickle format"""
df = pd.read_csv(path)
# split data for scenes
count = 0
df["scene_count"] = ""
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if index == 0:
df.iloc[index]["scene_count"] = count
elif row["person_scene"] == "Scene":
count += 1
df.iloc[index]["scene_count"] = count
df.iloc[index]["scene_count"] = count
df = df.dropna().reset_index()
# rework scripts to filer by caracter utterances and related context
scripts = pd.DataFrame()
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if (row["person_scene"] == character) & (
df.iloc[index - 1]["person_scene"] != "Scene"
context = []
for i in reversed(range(2, 5)):
if (df.iloc[index - i]["person_scene"] != "Scene") & (index - i >= 0):
context.append(df.iloc[index - i]["dialogue"])
new_row = {
"answer": row["dialogue"],
"question": df.iloc[index - 1]["dialogue"],
"context": context,
scripts = scripts.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)
elif (row["person_scene"] == character) & (
df.iloc[index - 1]["person_scene"] == "Scene"
context = []
new_row = {"answer": row["dialogue"], "question": "", "context": context}
scripts = scripts.append(new_row, ignore_index=True)
# load reworked data to pkl
def encode_df_save(model):
"""this functions vectorizes reworked scripts and loads them to
pickle file to be used as retrieval base for ranking script"""
scripts_reopened = pd.read_pickle("data/scripts.pkl")
vect_data = []
for index, row in scripts_reopened.iterrows():
vect = encode(row["question"], model, row["context"])
with open("data/scripts_vectors.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(vect_data, f)
def top_candidates(score_lst_sorted, top=1):
"""this functions receives results of the cousine similarity ranking and
returns top items' scores and their indices"""
scores = [item[0] for item in score_lst_sorted]
candidates_indexes = [item[1][0] for item in score_lst_sorted]
return scores[0:top], candidates_indexes[0:top]
def candidates_reranking(
top_candidates_idx_lst, conversational_history, utterance, initial_df, pipeline
"""this function applies trained bert classifier to identified candidates and
returns their updated rank"""
reranked_idx = {}
for idx in top_candidates_idx_lst:
combined_text = (
" ".join(conversational_history)
+ " [SEP] "
+ utterance
+ " [SEP] "
+ initial_df.iloc[idx]["answer"]
prediction = pipeline(combined_text)
if prediction[0]["label"] == "LABEL_0":
reranked_idx[idx] = prediction[0]["score"]
return reranked_idx
def read_files_negative(path1, path2):
"""this functions creates training dataset for classifier incl negative
examples and saves it to the pickle file"""
star_wars = []
for file in path1:
star_wars.append(pd.read_csv(file, sep='"', on_bad_lines="warn"))
total = pd.concat(star_wars, ignore_index=True)
rick_and_morty = pd.read_csv(path2)
negative_lines_to_add = list(rick_and_morty["line"])
scripts_reopened = pd.read_pickle("data/scripts.pkl")
scripts_reopened["label"] = 0
source = random.sample(
list(scripts_reopened[scripts_reopened["question"] != ""]["question"]), 7062
scripts_negative = scripts_reopened[["question", "context"]]
scripts_negative["label"] = 1
scripts_negative["answer"] = negative_lines_to_add[0 : len(scripts_negative)]
fin_scripts = pd.concat([scripts_negative, scripts_reopened])
fin_scripts = fin_scripts.sample(frac=1).reset_index(drop=True)
fin_scripts["context"] = fin_scripts["context"].apply(lambda x: "".join(x))
fin_scripts = fin_scripts[fin_scripts["question"] != ""]
fin_scripts = fin_scripts[fin_scripts["answer"] != ""]
fin_scripts["combined"] = (
+ "[SEP]"
+ fin_scripts["question"]
+ "[SEP]"
+ fin_scripts["answer"]
# fin_scripts = fin_scripts.dropna(how='any')