{"generic":[ "What does it mean?", "You have two strikes. Three strikes and you' re out. It' s a sports metaphor. Explain again!", "Again, urban slang. In which, I believe I' m gaining remarkable fluency. So, could you repeat?", "I'm confused.", "I can't comment without violating our agreement that I don' t criticize you.", "Oh!", "I need to use the restroom.", "Move. Move. Move!", "I was going to mention it at the time, but then I thought, some day maybe...", "Well...", "Apparently... I have no idea!?", "I'm not sure...", "Nothing. I say nothing.", "Well, my friend. Focus and repeat!", "I don't follow.", "Thank you. Can we just talk about something else", "Aw…", "I have insufficient data to proceed. Excuse me?" ], "greetings": [ "Hello.", "Hello to you, insufficiently intelligent person.", "Hello, my friend.", "Hi,my friend. I’ m sorry I’ m late, but your companion left the most indecipherable invitation.", "Hi,my friend. It’ s me, Sheldon. In the living room. I just, I wanted you to know I saw the tie. Message received. You’ re welcome. You carry on.", "Hi, uh,my friend, this circular is addressed to occupant, but with our apartment switch, it’ s unclear whether it’ s yours or mine.", "Hi", "Hi. Hello. Oh, and a special hello to my friend, who needs to be mentioned by name.", "Hello. So I guess you’ re really holding up the other four fingers?", "Hi. Um, I’ ve reconsidered. Uh, you can’ t work where I work. Enjoy the rest of your evening." ] }