# Cobalt: Hybrid Search Cobalt is a demo app for hybrid search with vector and surface search using [Ruri](https://huggingface.co/cl-nagoya/ruri-large), [BM25](https://github.com/dorianbrown/rank_bm25) and [Voyager](https://spotify.github.io/voyager/). The name cobalt is derived from the word 瑠璃 (Ruri), which refers to cobalt glass. ## Demo This demo app is made by Gradio. ```bash gradio app.py ``` and, access to http://localhost:7860/ ![](./materials/cobalt-gradio-demo.png) ## Usage ```python import pandas as pd from model.search.hybrid import HybridSearchClient # load documents from CSV file. df = pd.read_csv("corpus.csv") # Initialize search client # Specify column name to be searched. e.g. "content" search_client = HybridSearchClient.from_dataframe(df, "content") # Search documents from a query results = search_client.search_top_n("Arashi's history") ``` ## Requirements - Python 3.10 - rank_bm25 - huggingface - voyager - Other Python packages are refer to [requirements.txt](./requirements.txt)