import pickle import streamlit as st import pickle import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from PIL import Image with open("Trained_model.sav","rb") as a: loaded_model=pickle.load(a) def app(): def pred_and_plot(model, filename): # Make a prediction pred = model.predict(filename) return pred st.markdown('''

**Get cyclone intensity with the click of a button.**

''',unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown('''

Sample image 👇

''',unsafe_allow_html=True) sample_img="30.jpg" st.image( sample_img, caption=f"This is a sample image which you feed in this app and calculate the intensity :)", use_column_width=True, ) st.markdown('''

Upload an image 👇

''',unsafe_allow_html=True) file = st.file_uploader("Image",type=["png", "jpg", "jpeg"]) if file is not None: image = st.image( image, caption=f"You amazing image has shape", use_column_width=True, ) img_array = np.array(image) img = tf.image.resize(img_array, size=(256,256)) img = tf.expand_dims(img, axis=0) img=img/255. if st.button('Compute Intensity'): intensity=pred_and_plot(loaded_model,img) st.markdown("The intensity of your image in KNOTS is 👇") st.success(intensity)