package whisper | |
import ( | |
"errors" | |
"unsafe" | |
) | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// CGO | |
/* | |
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lwhisper -lm -lstdc++ -fopenmp | |
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework Accelerate -framework Metal -framework Foundation -framework CoreGraphics | |
#include <whisper.h> | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
extern void callNewSegment(void* user_data, int new); | |
extern void callProgress(void* user_data, int progress); | |
extern bool callEncoderBegin(void* user_data); | |
// Text segment callback | |
// Called on every newly generated text segment | |
// Use the whisper_full_...() functions to obtain the text segments | |
static void whisper_new_segment_cb(struct whisper_context* ctx, struct whisper_state* state, int n_new, void* user_data) { | |
if(user_data != NULL && ctx != NULL) { | |
callNewSegment(user_data, n_new); | |
} | |
} | |
// Progress callback | |
// Called on every newly generated text segment | |
// Use the whisper_full_...() functions to obtain the text segments | |
static void whisper_progress_cb(struct whisper_context* ctx, struct whisper_state* state, int progress, void* user_data) { | |
if(user_data != NULL && ctx != NULL) { | |
callProgress(user_data, progress); | |
} | |
} | |
// Encoder begin callback | |
// If not NULL, called before the encoder starts | |
// If it returns false, the computation is aborted | |
static bool whisper_encoder_begin_cb(struct whisper_context* ctx, struct whisper_state* state, void* user_data) { | |
if(user_data != NULL && ctx != NULL) { | |
return callEncoderBegin(user_data); | |
} | |
return false; | |
} | |
// Get default parameters and set callbacks | |
static struct whisper_full_params whisper_full_default_params_cb(struct whisper_context* ctx, enum whisper_sampling_strategy strategy) { | |
struct whisper_full_params params = whisper_full_default_params(strategy); | |
params.new_segment_callback = whisper_new_segment_cb; | |
params.new_segment_callback_user_data = (void*)(ctx); | |
params.encoder_begin_callback = whisper_encoder_begin_cb; | |
params.encoder_begin_callback_user_data = (void*)(ctx); | |
params.progress_callback = whisper_progress_cb; | |
params.progress_callback_user_data = (void*)(ctx); | |
return params; | |
} | |
*/ | |
import "C" | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// TYPES | |
type ( | |
Context C.struct_whisper_context | |
Token C.whisper_token | |
TokenData C.struct_whisper_token_data | |
SamplingStrategy C.enum_whisper_sampling_strategy | |
Params C.struct_whisper_full_params | |
) | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// GLOBALS | |
const ( | |
) | |
const ( | |
SampleRate = C.WHISPER_SAMPLE_RATE // Expected sample rate, samples per second | |
SampleBits = uint16(unsafe.Sizeof(C.float(0))) * 8 // Sample size in bits | |
) | |
var ( | |
ErrTokenizerFailed = errors.New("whisper_tokenize failed") | |
ErrAutoDetectFailed = errors.New("whisper_lang_auto_detect failed") | |
ErrConversionFailed = errors.New("whisper_convert failed") | |
ErrInvalidLanguage = errors.New("invalid language") | |
) | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
// Allocates all memory needed for the model and loads the model from the given file. | |
// Returns NULL on failure. | |
func Whisper_init(path string) *Context { | |
cPath := C.CString(path) | |
defer | |
if ctx := C.whisper_init_from_file_with_params(cPath, C.whisper_context_default_params()); ctx != nil { | |
return (*Context)(ctx) | |
} else { | |
return nil | |
} | |
} | |
// Frees all memory allocated by the model. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_free() { | |
C.whisper_free((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx)) | |
} | |
// Convert RAW PCM audio to log mel spectrogram. | |
// The resulting spectrogram is stored inside the provided whisper context. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_pcm_to_mel(data []float32, threads int) error { | |
if C.whisper_pcm_to_mel((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), (*C.float)(&data[0]),, == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// This can be used to set a custom log mel spectrogram inside the provided whisper context. | |
// Use this instead of whisper_pcm_to_mel() if you want to provide your own log mel spectrogram. | |
// n_mel must be 80 | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_set_mel(data []float32, n_mel int) error { | |
if C.whisper_set_mel((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), (*C.float)(&data[0]),, == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Run the Whisper encoder on the log mel spectrogram stored inside the provided whisper context. | |
// Make sure to call whisper_pcm_to_mel() or whisper_set_mel() first. | |
// offset can be used to specify the offset of the first frame in the spectrogram. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_encode(offset, threads int) error { | |
if C.whisper_encode((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),, == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Run the Whisper decoder to obtain the logits and probabilities for the next token. | |
// Make sure to call whisper_encode() first. | |
// tokens + n_tokens is the provided context for the decoder. | |
// n_past is the number of tokens to use from previous decoder calls. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_decode(tokens []Token, past, threads int) error { | |
if C.whisper_decode((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), (*C.whisper_token)(&tokens[0]),,, == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Convert the provided text into tokens. The tokens pointer must be large enough to hold the resulting tokens. | |
// Returns the number of tokens on success | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_tokenize(text string, tokens []Token) (int, error) { | |
cText := C.CString(text) | |
defer | |
if n := C.whisper_tokenize((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), cText, (*C.whisper_token)(&tokens[0]),; n >= 0 { | |
return int(n), nil | |
} else { | |
return 0, ErrTokenizerFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Return the id of the specified language, returns -1 if not found | |
// Examples: | |
// | |
// "de" -> 2 | |
// "german" -> 2 | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_lang_id(lang string) int { | |
return int(C.whisper_lang_id(C.CString(lang))) | |
} | |
// Largest language id (i.e. number of available languages - 1) | |
func Whisper_lang_max_id() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_lang_max_id()) | |
} | |
// Return the short string of the specified language id (e.g. 2 -> "de"), | |
// returns empty string if not found | |
func Whisper_lang_str(id int) string { | |
return C.GoString(C.whisper_lang_str( | |
} | |
// Use mel data at offset_ms to try and auto-detect the spoken language | |
// Make sure to call whisper_pcm_to_mel() or whisper_set_mel() first. | |
// Returns the probabilities of all languages. | |
// ref: | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_lang_auto_detect(offset_ms, n_threads int) ([]float32, error) { | |
probs := make([]float32, Whisper_lang_max_id()+1) | |
if n := int(C.whisper_lang_auto_detect((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),,, (*C.float)(&probs[0]))); n < 0 { | |
return nil, ErrAutoDetectFailed | |
} else { | |
return probs, nil | |
} | |
} | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_n_len() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_n_len((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_n_vocab() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_n_vocab((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_n_text_ctx() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_n_text_ctx((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_n_audio_ctx() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_n_audio_ctx((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_is_multilingual() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_is_multilingual((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// The probabilities for the next token | |
//func (ctx *Whisper_context) Whisper_get_probs() []float32 { | |
// return (*[1 << 30]float32)(unsafe.Pointer(C.whisper_get_probs((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))))[:ctx.Whisper_n_vocab()] | |
//} | |
// Token Id -> String. Uses the vocabulary in the provided context | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_to_str(token Token) string { | |
return C.GoString(C.whisper_token_to_str((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), C.whisper_token(token))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_eot() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_eot((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_sot() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_sot((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_prev() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_prev((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_solm() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_solm((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_not() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_not((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_beg() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_beg((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Special tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_lang(lang_id int) Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_lang((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), | |
} | |
// Task tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_translate() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_translate((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Task tokens | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_token_transcribe() Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_token_transcribe((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Performance information | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_print_timings() { | |
C.whisper_print_timings((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx)) | |
} | |
// Performance information | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_reset_timings() { | |
C.whisper_reset_timings((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx)) | |
} | |
// Print system information | |
func Whisper_print_system_info() string { | |
return C.GoString(C.whisper_print_system_info()) | |
} | |
// Return default parameters for a strategy | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_default_params(strategy SamplingStrategy) Params { | |
// Get default parameters | |
return Params(C.whisper_full_default_params_cb((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), C.enum_whisper_sampling_strategy(strategy))) | |
} | |
// Run the entire model: PCM -> log mel spectrogram -> encoder -> decoder -> text | |
// Uses the specified decoding strategy to obtain the text. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full( | |
params Params, | |
samples []float32, | |
encoderBeginCallback func() bool, | |
newSegmentCallback func(int), | |
progressCallback func(int), | |
) error { | |
registerEncoderBeginCallback(ctx, encoderBeginCallback) | |
registerNewSegmentCallback(ctx, newSegmentCallback) | |
registerProgressCallback(ctx, progressCallback) | |
defer registerEncoderBeginCallback(ctx, nil) | |
defer registerNewSegmentCallback(ctx, nil) | |
defer registerProgressCallback(ctx, nil) | |
if C.whisper_full((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), (C.struct_whisper_full_params)(params), (*C.float)(&samples[0]), == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Split the input audio in chunks and process each chunk separately using whisper_full() | |
// It seems this approach can offer some speedup in some cases. | |
// However, the transcription accuracy can be worse at the beginning and end of each chunk. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_parallel(params Params, samples []float32, processors int, encoderBeginCallback func() bool, newSegmentCallback func(int)) error { | |
registerEncoderBeginCallback(ctx, encoderBeginCallback) | |
registerNewSegmentCallback(ctx, newSegmentCallback) | |
defer registerEncoderBeginCallback(ctx, nil) | |
defer registerNewSegmentCallback(ctx, nil) | |
if C.whisper_full_parallel((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), (C.struct_whisper_full_params)(params), (*C.float)(&samples[0]),, == 0 { | |
return nil | |
} else { | |
return ErrConversionFailed | |
} | |
} | |
// Return the id of the autodetected language, returns -1 if not found | |
// Added to whisper.cpp in | |
// | |
// | |
// Examples: | |
// | |
// "de" -> 2 | |
// "german" -> 2 | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_lang_id() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_full_lang_id((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Number of generated text segments. | |
// A segment can be a few words, a sentence, or even a paragraph. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_n_segments() int { | |
return int(C.whisper_full_n_segments((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx))) | |
} | |
// Get the start and end time of the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_segment_t0(segment int) int64 { | |
return int64(C.whisper_full_get_segment_t0((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), | |
} | |
// Get the start and end time of the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_segment_t1(segment int) int64 { | |
return int64(C.whisper_full_get_segment_t1((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), | |
} | |
// Get the text of the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_segment_text(segment int) string { | |
return C.GoString(C.whisper_full_get_segment_text((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), | |
} | |
// Get number of tokens in the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_n_tokens(segment int) int { | |
return int(C.whisper_full_n_tokens((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx), | |
} | |
// Get the token text of the specified token index in the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_token_text(segment int, token int) string { | |
return C.GoString(C.whisper_full_get_token_text((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),, | |
} | |
// Get the token of the specified token index in the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_token_id(segment int, token int) Token { | |
return Token(C.whisper_full_get_token_id((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),, | |
} | |
// Get token data for the specified token in the specified segment. | |
// This contains probabilities, timestamps, etc. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_token_data(segment int, token int) TokenData { | |
return TokenData(C.whisper_full_get_token_data((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),, | |
} | |
// Get the probability of the specified token in the specified segment. | |
func (ctx *Context) Whisper_full_get_token_p(segment int, token int) float32 { | |
return float32(C.whisper_full_get_token_p((*C.struct_whisper_context)(ctx),, | |
} | |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
var ( | |
cbNewSegment = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]func(int)) | |
cbProgress = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]func(int)) | |
cbEncoderBegin = make(map[unsafe.Pointer]func() bool) | |
) | |
func registerNewSegmentCallback(ctx *Context, fn func(int)) { | |
if fn == nil { | |
delete(cbNewSegment, unsafe.Pointer(ctx)) | |
} else { | |
cbNewSegment[unsafe.Pointer(ctx)] = fn | |
} | |
} | |
func registerProgressCallback(ctx *Context, fn func(int)) { | |
if fn == nil { | |
delete(cbProgress, unsafe.Pointer(ctx)) | |
} else { | |
cbProgress[unsafe.Pointer(ctx)] = fn | |
} | |
} | |
func registerEncoderBeginCallback(ctx *Context, fn func() bool) { | |
if fn == nil { | |
delete(cbEncoderBegin, unsafe.Pointer(ctx)) | |
} else { | |
cbEncoderBegin[unsafe.Pointer(ctx)] = fn | |
} | |
} | |
//export callNewSegment | |
func callNewSegment(user_data unsafe.Pointer, new { | |
if fn, ok := cbNewSegment[user_data]; ok { | |
fn(int(new)) | |
} | |
} | |
//export callProgress | |
func callProgress(user_data unsafe.Pointer, progress { | |
if fn, ok := cbProgress[user_data]; ok { | |
fn(int(progress)) | |
} | |
} | |
//export callEncoderBegin | |
func callEncoderBegin(user_data unsafe.Pointer) C.bool { | |
if fn, ok := cbEncoderBegin[user_data]; ok { | |
if fn() { | |
return C.bool(true) | |
} else { | |
return C.bool(false) | |
} | |
} | |
return true | |
} | |
func (t TokenData) T0() int64 { | |
return int64(t.t0) | |
} | |
func (t TokenData) T1() int64 { | |
return int64(t.t1) | |
} | |
func (t TokenData) Id() Token { | |
return Token( | |
} | |