# llm configs llm: api_key: model_name: "gpt-4o" default_temperature: 0.8 default_max_tokens: 3000 default_system_message: | You are a marketing assistant generating personalized newsletter content. You will generate multiple sections of text that will be integrated into an HTML newsletter template. You will write in first person. For each section, ensure the content is coherent with the provided context and personalization parameters. Format your response as a JSON-like structure with clear section demarcations. Structure your response exactly as follows: { "greeting": "your greeting text here", "intro": "your intro text here", "recommendations": "your recommendations text here", "closing": "your closing text here" } recommender_api: base_url: key: # app frontend app: server_port: 7860 share: false # templates for newsletters and prompts newsletter: newsletter_example_path: "./newsletter_examples/1.html" brand_logo: "https://seeklogo.com/images/L/luisa-spagnoli-logo-EF482BEE89-seeklogo.com.png" brand_name: "AI x Fashion" max_recommendations: 2 max_recents_items: 2 # logo luisa spagnoli https://seeklogo.com/images/L/luisa-spagnoli-logo-EF482BEE89-seeklogo.com.png # logo h&m https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/53/H%26M-Logo.svg/709px-H%26M-Logo.svg.png