import streamlit as st import requests from PIL import Image from streamlit_lottie import st_lottie st.set_page_config( page_title="NLP WEB APP" ) #---------------------LOTTIE ANIMATION ------------------------ def load_lottie(url): r = requests.get(url) if r.status_code!=200: return None return r.json() lottie_coding = load_lottie("") st.sidebar.success("Select a page above") # -------------- HEADER ---------------------------- with st.container(): st.subheader("Hi , I am Sudhanshu :wave:") st.title("A Data Scientist and NLP Engineer from INDIA") st.write("I am passionate about finding ways to solve real life problems through my skills of ML , DL and NLP") st.write("[Know more about me >> ](") # --------------------WHAT I DO -------------------------- with st.container(): st.write("-----") left_column ,center, right_column = st.columns(3) with left_column: st.header("MY SKILLS") st.write("##") st.write(""" 📊 **Data Science Explorer**: Over the past year, I've dedicated myself to understanding and harnessing the power of data. I've translated my knowledge into tangible projects, gaining expertise in a wide range of skills, including: - **Power BI** - **Machine Learning** - **Deep Learning** - **NLP (Natural Language Processing)** - **Flask** - **SQL and Python** - **Web Services** """) with center: st.write("") with right_column: st.header("MY PROJECTS") st.write("##") st.write(""" ##### 1. SMS-SPAM-CLASSIFIER USING ML ##### 2. LANGUAGE-DETECTOR USING ML ##### 3. SENTIMENT-ANALYZER USING BERT ##### 4. NEXT-WORD-PREDICTOR USING LSTM """) with st.container(): st.write("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") with st.container(): st_lottie(lottie_coding)