from typing import Dict from colors import COLOR_MAPPING_, COLOR_MAPPING_CATEGORY_ def convert_hex_to_rgba(hex_code: str) -> str: """Convert hex code to rgba. Args: hex_code (str): hex string Returns: str: rgba string """ hex_code = hex_code.lstrip('#') return "rgba(" + str(int(hex_code[0:2], 16)) + ", " + str(int(hex_code[2:4], 16)) + ", " + str(int(hex_code[4:6], 16)) + ", 1.0)" def convert_dict_to_rgba(color_dict: Dict) -> Dict: """Convert hex code to rgba for all elements in a dictionary. Args: color_dict (Dict): color dictionary Returns: Dict: color dictionary with rgba values """ updated_dict = {} for k, v in color_dict.items(): updated_dict[convert_hex_to_rgba(k)] = v return updated_dict def convert_nested_dict_to_rgba(nested_dict): updated_dict = {} for k, v in nested_dict.items(): updated_dict[k] = convert_dict_to_rgba(v) return updated_dict COLOR_MAPPING = convert_dict_to_rgba(COLOR_MAPPING_) COLOR_MAPPING_CATEGORY = convert_nested_dict_to_rgba(COLOR_MAPPING_CATEGORY_)