from .utils import * from .vote_utils import ( upvote_last_response_ig as upvote_last_response, downvote_last_response_ig as downvote_last_response, flag_last_response_ig as flag_last_response, leftvote_last_response_igm as leftvote_last_response, rightvote_last_response_igm as rightvote_last_response, tievote_last_response_igm as tievote_last_response, bothbad_vote_last_response_igm as bothbad_vote_last_response, share_click_igm as share_click, generate_ig, generate_ig_museum, generate_igm, generate_igm_museum, generate_igm_annoy, generate_igm_annoy_museum, share_js ) from functools import partial def build_side_by_side_ui_anony(models): notice_markdown = """ # βš”οΈ GenAI-Arena βš”οΈ : Benchmarking Visual Generative Models in the Wild **GenAI-Arena is an open evaluation plaform focused on Image Generation, Image Editing, and Video Generation tasks.** | [Code]( | [Paper]( | [Dataset]( | ## πŸ“œ Rules - Input prompt to two anonymous models in same area (e.g., LCM, SDXL, SDXL-turbo in Text-guided Image Generation Model, MagicBrush, InstructPix2Pix in Text-guided Image Editing Model) and vote for the better one! - When the results are ready, click the button below to vote. - Vote won't be counted if model identity is revealed during conversation. - Click "New Round" to start a new round. ## ⚠️ Data Collection Consent - Your input and votes will be collected for research purposes only. - By using this service, you agree to the collection of your input and votes for research purposes. - Your data will be anonymized and will not be used for commercial purposes. ## πŸ“‘ User Guidelines for AI Content Generation - No NSFW Content: All user inputs must adhere to our content guidelines. Prompts containing NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content are strictly prohibited. - Automatic Filtering: Any input deemed inappropriate or NSFW will be automatically filtered out. Users will be prompted to re-enter a suitable request. - Content Guidelines: Please avoid using language or descriptions that could be considered offensive, explicit, or inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual content, violence, and hate speech. - Respectful Use: We encourage all users to create content that is respectful and suitable for all audiences. ## πŸ† Arena Elo Find out who is the πŸ₯‡conditional image generation models! More models are going to be supported. ## πŸ‘‡ Generating now! """ model_list = models.model_ig_list state0 = gr.State() state1 = gr.State() gen_func = partial(generate_igm_annoy, models.generate_image_ig_parallel_anony) gen_func_random = partial(generate_igm_annoy_museum, models.generate_image_ig_museum_parallel_anony) gr.Markdown(notice_markdown, elem_id="notice_markdown") with gr.Group(elem_id="share-region-anony"): with gr.Accordion("πŸ” Expand to see all Arena players", open=False): model_description_md = get_model_description_md(model_list) gr.Markdown(model_description_md, elem_id="model_description_markdown") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): chatbot_left = gr.Image(width=512, label = "Model A") with gr.Column(): chatbot_right = gr.Image(width=512, label = "Model B") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): model_selector_left = gr.Markdown("", visible=False) with gr.Column(): model_selector_right = gr.Markdown("", visible=False) with gr.Row(): slow_warning = gr.Markdown("", elem_id="notice_markdown") with gr.Row(): leftvote_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘ˆ A is better", visible=False, interactive=False ) rightvote_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘‰ B is better", visible=False, interactive=False ) tie_btn = gr.Button(value="🀝 Tie", visible=False, interactive=False) bothbad_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘Ž Both are bad", visible=False, interactive=False ) with gr.Row(): textbox = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="πŸ‘‰ Enter your prompt and press ENTER", container=True, elem_id="input_box", ) send_btn = gr.Button(value="Send", variant="primary", scale=0) draw_btn = gr.Button(value="🎲 Random sample", variant="primary", scale=0) with gr.Row(): clear_btn = gr.Button(value="🎲 New Round", interactive=False) regenerate_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ”„ Regenerate", interactive=False) # share_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ“· Share") #gr.Markdown(acknowledgment_md, elem_id="ack_markdown") dummy_img_output = gr.Image(width=512, visible=False) gr.Examples( examples=[["a cute dog is playing a ball", os.path.join("./examples", "dog.jpg")], ["Buildings on fire, old film still", os.path.join("./examples", "fire.jpg")], ["Lonely evil bananas on a table, hard light chiaroscuro, realistic",os.path.join("./examples", "banana.jpg")], ["A futuristic hopeful busy city, purple and green color scheme", os.path.join("./examples", "city.jpg")]], inputs = [textbox, dummy_img_output]) btn_list = [leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, regenerate_btn, clear_btn,] textbox.submit( gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], api_name="submit_btn_annony" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], api_name="send_btn_annony" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func_random, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], api_name="draw_btn_annony" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) clear_history_side_by_side_anony, inputs=None, outputs=[state0, state1, textbox, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], api_name="clear_btn_annony" ).then( disable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], api_name="regenerate_btn_annony" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) dummy_left_model = gr.State("") dummy_right_model = gr.State("") leftvote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, dummy_left_model, dummy_right_model], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) rightvote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, dummy_left_model, dummy_right_model], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) tievote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, dummy_left_model, dummy_right_model], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) bothbad_vote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, dummy_left_model, dummy_right_model], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) # # share_click, # inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], # outputs=[], # js=share_js # ) def build_side_by_side_ui_named(models): notice_markdown = """ # βš”οΈ GenAI-Arena βš”οΈ : Benchmarking Visual Generative Models in the Wild **GenAI-Arena is an open evaluation plaform focused on Image Generation, Image Editing, and Video Generation tasks.** | [Code]( | [Paper]( | [Dataset]( | ## πŸ“œ Rules - Generate with any two selected models side-by-side and vote! - Input prompt you want to generate. - Click "Send" to submit the prompt. - Click "Clear history" to start a new round. ## ⚠️ Data Collection Consent - Your input and votes will be collected for research purposes only. - By using this service, you agree to the collection of your input and votes for research purposes. - Your data will be anonymized and will not be used for commercial purposes. ## πŸ“‘ User Guidelines for AI Content Generation - No NSFW Content: All user inputs must adhere to our content guidelines. Prompts containing NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content are strictly prohibited. - Automatic Filtering: Any input deemed inappropriate or NSFW will be automatically filtered out. Users will be prompted to re-enter a suitable request. - Content Guidelines: Please avoid using language or descriptions that could be considered offensive, explicit, or inappropriate. This includes, but is not limited to, sexual content, violence, and hate speech. - Respectful Use: We encourage all users to create content that is respectful and suitable for all audiences. ## πŸ€– Choose two models to compare """ model_list = models.model_ig_list state0 = gr.State() state1 = gr.State() anony = False gen_func = partial(generate_igm, models.generate_image_ig_parallel) gen_func_random = partial(generate_igm_museum, models.generate_image_ig_museum_parallel) gr.Markdown(notice_markdown, elem_id="notice_markdown") with gr.Group(elem_id="share-region-named"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): model_selector_left = gr.Dropdown( choices=model_list, value=model_list[0] if len(model_list) > 0 else "", interactive=True, show_label=False, container=False, allow_custom_value=True ) with gr.Column(): model_selector_right = gr.Dropdown( choices=model_list, value=model_list[1] if len(model_list) > 1 else "", interactive=True, show_label=False, container=False, allow_custom_value=True ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("πŸ” Expand to see all model descriptions", open=False): model_description_md = get_model_description_md(model_list) gr.Markdown(model_description_md, elem_id="model_description_markdown") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): chatbot_left = gr.Image(width=512, label = "Model A") with gr.Column(): chatbot_right = gr.Image(width=512, label = "Model B") with gr.Row(): leftvote_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘ˆ A is better", visible=False, interactive=False ) rightvote_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘‰ B is better", visible=False, interactive=False ) tie_btn = gr.Button(value="🀝 Tie", visible=False, interactive=False) bothbad_btn = gr.Button( value="πŸ‘Ž Both are bad", visible=False, interactive=False ) with gr.Row(): textbox = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="πŸ‘‰ Enter your prompt and press ENTER", elem_id="input_box" ) send_btn = gr.Button(value="Send", variant="primary", scale=0) draw_btn = gr.Button(value="🎲 Random sample", variant="primary", scale=0) with gr.Row(): clear_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ—‘οΈ Clear history", interactive=False) regenerate_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ”„ Regenerate", interactive=False) # share_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ“· Share") #gr.Markdown(acknowledgment_md, elem_id="ack_markdown") dummy_img_output = gr.Image(width=512, visible=False) gr.Examples( examples=[["a cute dog is playing a ball", os.path.join("./examples", "dog.jpg")], ["Buildings on fire, old film still", os.path.join("./examples", "fire.jpg")], ["Lonely evil bananas on a table, hard light chiaroscuro, realistic",os.path.join("./examples", "banana.jpg")], ["A futuristic hopeful busy city, purple and green color scheme", os.path.join("./examples", "city.jpg")]], inputs = [textbox, dummy_img_output]) # model_selector_left.change(clear_history_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=[state0, state1, textbox, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="model_selector_left_side_by_side") # model_selector_right.change(clear_history_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=[state0, state1, textbox, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="model_selector_right_side_by_side") btn_list = [leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, regenerate_btn, clear_btn] textbox.submit( gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="textbox_side_by_side" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="send_side_by_side" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func_random, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right, textbox], api_name="draw_side_by_side" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func, inputs=[state0, state1, textbox, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[state0, state1, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="regenerate_side_by_side" ).then( enable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) clear_history_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=[state0, state1, textbox, chatbot_left, chatbot_right], api_name="clear_btn_side_by_side" ).then( disable_buttons_side_by_side, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) leftvote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) rightvote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) tievote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) bothbad_vote_last_response, inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], outputs=[textbox, leftvote_btn, rightvote_btn, tie_btn, bothbad_btn, model_selector_left, model_selector_right] ) # # share_click, # inputs=[state0, state1, model_selector_left, model_selector_right], # outputs=[], # js=share_js # ) def build_single_model_ui(models, add_promotion_links=False): promotion = ( """ - | [Code]( | [Paper]( | [Dataset]( | """ if add_promotion_links else "" ) notice_markdown = f""" # πŸ”οΈ Play with Image Generation Models {promotion} ## πŸ€– Choose any model to generate """ state = gr.State() gen_func = partial(generate_ig, models.generate_image_ig) gen_func_random = partial(generate_ig_museum, models.generate_image_ig_museum) gr.Markdown(notice_markdown, elem_id="notice_markdown") model_list = models.model_ig_list with gr.Row(elem_id="model_selector_row"): model_selector = gr.Dropdown( choices=model_list, value=model_list[0] if len(model_list) > 0 else "", interactive=True, show_label=False ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion( "πŸ” Expand to see all model descriptions", open=False, elem_id="model_description_accordion", ): model_description_md = get_model_description_md(model_list) gr.Markdown(model_description_md, elem_id="model_description_markdown") with gr.Row(): textbox = gr.Textbox( show_label=False, placeholder="πŸ‘‰ Enter your prompt and press ENTER", elem_id="input_box" ) send_btn = gr.Button(value="Send", variant="primary", scale=0) draw_btn = gr.Button(value="🎲 Random sample", variant="primary", scale=0) with gr.Row(): chatbot = gr.Image() with gr.Row() as button_row: upvote_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ‘ Upvote", interactive=False) downvote_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ‘Ž Downvote", interactive=False) flag_btn = gr.Button(value="⚠️ Flag", interactive=False) regenerate_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ”„ Regenerate", interactive=False) clear_btn = gr.Button(value="πŸ—‘οΈ Clear history", interactive=False) #if add_promotion_links: #gr.Markdown(acknowledgment_md, elem_id="ack_markdown") pass dummy_img_output = gr.Image(visible=False) gr.Examples( examples=[["a cute dog is playing a ball", os.path.join("./examples", "dog.jpg")], ["Buildings on fire, old film still", os.path.join("./examples", "fire.jpg")], ["Lonely evil bananas on a table, hard light chiaroscuro, realistic",os.path.join("./examples", "banana.jpg")], ["A futuristic hopeful busy city, purple and green color scheme", os.path.join("./examples", "city.jpg")]], inputs = [textbox, dummy_img_output]) model_selector.change(clear_history, inputs=None, outputs=[state, textbox, chatbot], api_name="model_selector_single") btn_list = [upvote_btn, downvote_btn, flag_btn, regenerate_btn, clear_btn] textbox.submit( gen_func, inputs=[state, textbox, model_selector], outputs=[state, chatbot], api_name="submit_btn_single", show_progress = "full" ).success( enable_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func, inputs=[state, textbox, model_selector], outputs=[state, chatbot], api_name="send_btn_single", show_progress = "full" ).success( enable_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) gen_func_random, inputs=[state, model_selector], outputs=[state, chatbot, textbox], api_name="draw_btn_single", show_progress = "full" ).success( enable_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) upvote_last_response, inputs=[state, model_selector], outputs=[textbox, upvote_btn, downvote_btn, flag_btn] ) downvote_last_response, inputs=[state, model_selector], outputs=[textbox, upvote_btn, downvote_btn, flag_btn] ) flag_last_response, inputs=[state, model_selector], outputs=[textbox, upvote_btn, downvote_btn, flag_btn] ) gen_func, inputs=[state, textbox, model_selector], outputs=[state, chatbot], api_name="regenerate_btn_single", show_progress = "full" ).success( enable_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list ) clear_history, inputs=None, outputs=[state, textbox, chatbot], api_name="clear_history_single", show_progress="full" ).then( disable_buttons, inputs=None, outputs=btn_list )