import gradio as gr from pathlib import Path DESCRIPTION = Path("").read_text(encoding='utf-8') logic_dict = { 'AND': '∧', 'OR': '∨', 'NOT': '¬', 'XR': '⊕', 'IMPLY': '→', 'EQUIV': '↔', 'ALL': '∀', 'EXIST': '∃' } def logic(string: str): processed_string = string for word, symbol in logic_dict.items(): processed_string = processed_string.replace(word, symbol) return processed_string demo = gr.Interface(fn=logic, inputs="text", outputs="text", examples=[ 'ALLx (Student(x) IMPLY Smart(x))', 'EXISTx (TShirt(x) AND Buy(adam, x))', 'ALLx ((Animal(x) AND Fluffy(x)) IMPLY (Rabbit(x) OR Sheep(x)))', '(GoDowntown(james) AND NOTCarry(james, bag)) EQUIV Buy(james, book)', 'ALLx (Project(x) IMPLY (WrittenIn(x, python) XR WrittenIn(x, c++)))' ], title="Logic Translator", description=DESCRIPTION, live=True) demo.launch(share=True)