diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
index a6344aac8c09253b3b630fb776ae94478aa0275b..4da89c194be8418b489058edb688ad073552e968 100644
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -33,3 +33,8 @@ saved_model/**/* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zip filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.zst filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*tfevents* filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+assets/demo/man/man.png filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+data/audio/sun.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+data/audio/yongen.wav filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+data/video/sun.mp4 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
+data/video/yongen.mp4 filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..247e7fc9f9a187af33bf9994793fec6fd9b42b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+FROM anchorxia/musev:1.0.0
+LABEL Email="anchorxia@tencent.com"
+LABEL Description="musev gpu runtime image, base docker is pytorch/pytorch:2.0.1-cuda11.7-cudnn8-devel"
+ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+USER root
+SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c"]
+RUN . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh \
+ && echo "source activate musev" >> ~/.bashrc \
+ && conda activate musev \
+ && conda env list \
+ && pip install -r requirements.txt \
+ && pip install --no-cache-dir -U openmim \
+ && mim install mmengine \
+ && mim install "mmcv>=2.0.1" \
+ && mim install "mmdet>=3.1.0" \
+ && mim install "mmpose>=1.1.0" \
+USER root
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef10aaeac119f28b373a3b2c7282733e01cfe73a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 TMElyralab
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8ebb30a3db6486a4488d3daaa8d379e2cb243bb7..347fbbe6d2f1c4e8ea1b13dfdc323e4eac48c211 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,288 @@
-title: MuseTalk
-emoji: 🐠
-colorFrom: blue
-colorTo: pink
-sdk: docker
-pinned: false
-license: mit
-Check out the configuration reference at https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/spaces-config-reference
+# MuseTalk
+MuseTalk: Real-Time High Quality Lip Synchronization with Latent Space Inpainting
+Yue Zhang \*,
+Minhao Liu\*,
+Zhaokang Chen,
+Bin Wu†,
+Yingjie He,
+Chao Zhan,
+Wenjiang Zhou
+(*Equal Contribution, †Corresponding Author, benbinwu@tencent.com)
+**[github](https://github.com/TMElyralab/MuseTalk)** **[huggingface](https://huggingface.co/TMElyralab/MuseTalk)** **Project (comming soon)** **Technical report (comming soon)**
+We introduce `MuseTalk`, a **real-time high quality** lip-syncing model (30fps+ on an NVIDIA Tesla V100). MuseTalk can be applied with input videos, e.g., generated by [MuseV](https://github.com/TMElyralab/MuseV), as a complete virtual human solution.
+# Overview
+`MuseTalk` is a real-time high quality audio-driven lip-syncing model trained in the latent space of `ft-mse-vae`, which
+1. modifies an unseen face according to the input audio, with a size of face region of `256 x 256`.
+1. supports audio in various languages, such as Chinese, English, and Japanese.
+1. supports real-time inference with 30fps+ on an NVIDIA Tesla V100.
+1. supports modification of the center point of the face region proposes, which **SIGNIFICANTLY** affects generation results.
+1. checkpoint available trained on the HDTF dataset.
+1. training codes (comming soon).
+# News
+- [04/02/2024] Released MuseTalk project and pretrained models.
+## Model
+MuseTalk was trained in latent spaces, where the images were encoded by a freezed VAE. The audio was encoded by a freezed `whisper-tiny` model. The architecture of the generation network was borrowed from the UNet of the `stable-diffusion-v1-4`, where the audio embeddings were fused to the image embeddings by cross-attention.
+## Cases
+### MuseV + MuseTalk make human photos alive!
+ Image |
+ MuseV |
+ +MuseTalk |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+* The character of the last two rows, `Xinying Sun`, is a supermodel KOL. You can follow her on [douyin](https://www.douyin.com/user/MS4wLjABAAAAWDThbMPN_6Xmm_JgXexbOii1K-httbu2APdG8DvDyM8).
+## Video dubbing
+ MuseTalk |
+ Original videos |
+ |
+ Link
+ |
+* For video dubbing, we applied a self-developed tool which can identify the talking person.
+## Some interesting videos!
+ Image |
+ MuseV + MuseTalk |
+ |
+ |
+# TODO:
+- [x] trained models and inference codes.
+- [ ] technical report.
+- [ ] training codes.
+- [ ] online UI.
+- [ ] a better model (may take longer).
+# Getting Started
+We provide a detailed tutorial about the installation and the basic usage of MuseTalk for new users:
+## Installation
+To prepare the Python environment and install additional packages such as opencv, diffusers, mmcv, etc., please follow the steps below:
+### Build environment
+We recommend a python version >=3.10 and cuda version =11.7. Then build environment as follows:
+pip install -r requirements.txt
+### mmlab packages
+pip install --no-cache-dir -U openmim
+mim install mmengine
+mim install "mmcv>=2.0.1"
+mim install "mmdet>=3.1.0"
+mim install "mmpose>=1.1.0"
+### Download ffmpeg-static
+Download the ffmpeg-static and
+export FFMPEG_PATH=/path/to/ffmpeg
+for example:
+export FFMPEG_PATH=/musetalk/ffmpeg-4.4-amd64-static
+### Download weights
+You can download weights manually as follows:
+1. Download our trained [weights](https://huggingface.co/TMElyralab/MuseTalk).
+2. Download the weights of other components:
+ - [sd-vae-ft-mse](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse)
+ - [whisper](https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/65147644a518d12f04e32d6f3b26facc3f8dd46e5390956a9424a650c0ce22b9/tiny.pt)
+ - [dwpose](https://huggingface.co/yzd-v/DWPose/tree/main)
+ - [face-parse-bisent](https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch)
+ - [resnet18](https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet18-5c106cde.pth)
+Finally, these weights should be organized in `models` as follows:
+├── musetalk
+│ └── musetalk.json
+│ └── pytorch_model.bin
+├── dwpose
+│ └── dw-ll_ucoco_384.pth
+├── face-parse-bisent
+│ ├── 79999_iter.pth
+│ └── resnet18-5c106cde.pth
+├── sd-vae-ft-mse
+│ ├── config.json
+│ └── diffusion_pytorch_model.bin
+└── whisper
+ └── tiny.pt
+## Quickstart
+### Inference
+Here, we provide the inference script.
+python -m scripts.inference --inference_config configs/inference/test.yaml
+configs/inference/test.yaml is the path to the inference configuration file, including video_path and audio_path.
+The video_path should be either a video file or a directory of images.
+You are recommended to input video with `25fps`, the same fps used when training the model. If your video is far less than 25fps, you are recommended to apply frame interpolation or directly convert the video to 25fps using ffmpeg.
+#### Use of bbox_shift to have adjustable results
+:mag_right: We have found that upper-bound of the mask has an important impact on mouth openness. Thus, to control the mask region, we suggest using the `bbox_shift` parameter. Positive values (moving towards the lower half) increase mouth openness, while negative values (moving towards the upper half) decrease mouth openness.
+You can start by running with the default configuration to obtain the adjustable value range, and then re-run the script within this range.
+For example, in the case of `Xinying Sun`, after running the default configuration, it shows that the adjustable value rage is [-9, 9]. Then, to decrease the mouth openness, we set the value to be `-7`.
+python -m scripts.inference --inference_config configs/inference/test.yaml --bbox_shift -7
+:pushpin: More technical details can be found in [bbox_shift](assets/BBOX_SHIFT.md).
+#### Combining MuseV and MuseTalk
+As a complete solution to virtual human generation, you are suggested to first apply [MuseV](https://github.com/TMElyralab/MuseV) to generate a video (text-to-video, image-to-video or pose-to-video) by referring [this](https://github.com/TMElyralab/MuseV?tab=readme-ov-file#text2video). Frame interpolation is suggested to increase frame rate. Then, you can use `MuseTalk` to generate a lip-sync video by referring [this](https://github.com/TMElyralab/MuseTalk?tab=readme-ov-file#inference).
+# Note
+If you want to launch online video chats, you are suggested to generate videos using MuseV and apply necessary pre-processing such as face detection and face parsing in advance. During online chatting, only UNet and the VAE decoder are involved, which makes MuseTalk real-time.
+# Acknowledgement
+1. We thank open-source components like [whisper](https://github.com/openai/whisper), [dwpose](https://github.com/IDEA-Research/DWPose), [face-alignment](https://github.com/1adrianb/face-alignment), [face-parsing](https://github.com/zllrunning/face-parsing.PyTorch), [S3FD](https://github.com/yxlijun/S3FD.pytorch).
+1. MuseTalk has referred much to [diffusers](https://github.com/huggingface/diffusers) and [isaacOnline/whisper](https://github.com/isaacOnline/whisper/tree/extract-embeddings).
+1. MuseTalk has been built on [HDTF](https://github.com/MRzzm/HDTF) datasets.
+Thanks for open-sourcing!
+# Limitations
+- Resolution: Though MuseTalk uses a face region size of 256 x 256, which make it better than other open-source methods, it has not yet reached the theoretical resolution bound. We will continue to deal with this problem.
+If you need higher resolution, you could apply super resolution models such as [GFPGAN](https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN) in combination with MuseTalk.
+- Identity preservation: Some details of the original face are not well preserved, such as mustache, lip shape and color.
+- Jitter: There exists some jitter as the current pipeline adopts single-frame generation.
+# Citation
+ title={MuseTalk: Real-Time High Quality Lip Synchorization with Latent Space Inpainting},
+ author={Zhang, Yue and Liu, Minhao and Chen, Zhaokang and Wu, Bin and He, Yingjie and Zhan, Chao and Zhou, Wenjiang},
+ journal={arxiv},
+ year={2024}
+# Disclaimer/License
+1. `code`: The code of MuseTalk is released under the MIT License. There is no limitation for both academic and commercial usage.
+1. `model`: The trained model are available for any purpose, even commercially.
+1. `other opensource model`: Other open-source models used must comply with their license, such as `whisper`, `ft-mse-vae`, `dwpose`, `S3FD`, etc..
+1. The testdata are collected from internet, which are available for non-commercial research purposes only.
+1. `AIGC`: This project strives to impact the domain of AI-driven video generation positively. Users are granted the freedom to create videos using this tool, but they are expected to comply with local laws and utilize it responsibly. The developers do not assume any responsibility for potential misuse by users.
diff --git a/app.py b/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b20d0a82973f72e8a6ad1c75edfd4332cfb65aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.py
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+import os
+import time
+import pdb
+import gradio as gr
+import spaces
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+import subprocess
+from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
+import argparse
+import os
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import torch
+import glob
+import pickle
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import copy
+from argparse import Namespace
+from musetalk.utils.utils import get_file_type,get_video_fps,datagen
+from musetalk.utils.preprocessing import get_landmark_and_bbox,read_imgs,coord_placeholder
+from musetalk.utils.blending import get_image
+from musetalk.utils.utils import load_all_model
+import shutil
+ProjectDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+CheckpointsDir = os.path.join(ProjectDir, "checkpoints")
+def download_model():
+ if not os.path.exists(CheckpointsDir):
+ os.makedirs(CheckpointsDir)
+ print("Checkpoint Not Downloaded, start downloading...")
+ tic = time.time()
+ snapshot_download(
+ repo_id="TMElyralab/MuseTalk",
+ local_dir=CheckpointsDir,
+ max_workers=8,
+ local_dir_use_symlinks=True,
+ )
+ toc = time.time()
+ print(f"download cost {toc-tic} seconds")
+ else:
+ print("Already download the model.")
+def inference(audio_path,video_path,bbox_shift,progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)):
+ args_dict={"result_dir":'./results', "fps":25, "batch_size":8, "output_vid_name":'', "use_saved_coord":False}#same with inferenece script
+ args = Namespace(**args_dict)
+ input_basename = os.path.basename(video_path).split('.')[0]
+ audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path).split('.')[0]
+ output_basename = f"{input_basename}_{audio_basename}"
+ result_img_save_path = os.path.join(args.result_dir, output_basename) # related to video & audio inputs
+ crop_coord_save_path = os.path.join(result_img_save_path, input_basename+".pkl") # only related to video input
+ os.makedirs(result_img_save_path,exist_ok =True)
+ if args.output_vid_name=="":
+ output_vid_name = os.path.join(args.result_dir, output_basename+".mp4")
+ else:
+ output_vid_name = os.path.join(args.result_dir, args.output_vid_name)
+ ############################################## extract frames from source video ##############################################
+ if get_file_type(video_path)=="video":
+ save_dir_full = os.path.join(args.result_dir, input_basename)
+ os.makedirs(save_dir_full,exist_ok = True)
+ cmd = f"ffmpeg -v fatal -i {video_path} -start_number 0 {save_dir_full}/%08d.png"
+ os.system(cmd)
+ input_img_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(save_dir_full, '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]')))
+ fps = get_video_fps(video_path)
+ else: # input img folder
+ input_img_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]'))
+ input_img_list = sorted(input_img_list, key=lambda x: int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0]))
+ fps = args.fps
+ #print(input_img_list)
+ ############################################## extract audio feature ##############################################
+ whisper_feature = audio_processor.audio2feat(audio_path)
+ whisper_chunks = audio_processor.feature2chunks(feature_array=whisper_feature,fps=fps)
+ ############################################## preprocess input image ##############################################
+ if os.path.exists(crop_coord_save_path) and args.use_saved_coord:
+ print("using extracted coordinates")
+ with open(crop_coord_save_path,'rb') as f:
+ coord_list = pickle.load(f)
+ frame_list = read_imgs(input_img_list)
+ else:
+ print("extracting landmarks...time consuming")
+ coord_list, frame_list = get_landmark_and_bbox(input_img_list, bbox_shift)
+ with open(crop_coord_save_path, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(coord_list, f)
+ i = 0
+ input_latent_list = []
+ for bbox, frame in zip(coord_list, frame_list):
+ if bbox == coord_placeholder:
+ continue
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
+ crop_frame = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2]
+ crop_frame = cv2.resize(crop_frame,(256,256),interpolation = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ latents = vae.get_latents_for_unet(crop_frame)
+ input_latent_list.append(latents)
+ # to smooth the first and the last frame
+ frame_list_cycle = frame_list + frame_list[::-1]
+ coord_list_cycle = coord_list + coord_list[::-1]
+ input_latent_list_cycle = input_latent_list + input_latent_list[::-1]
+ ############################################## inference batch by batch ##############################################
+ print("start inference")
+ video_num = len(whisper_chunks)
+ batch_size = args.batch_size
+ gen = datagen(whisper_chunks,input_latent_list_cycle,batch_size)
+ res_frame_list = []
+ for i, (whisper_batch,latent_batch) in enumerate(tqdm(gen,total=int(np.ceil(float(video_num)/batch_size)))):
+ tensor_list = [torch.FloatTensor(arr) for arr in whisper_batch]
+ audio_feature_batch = torch.stack(tensor_list).to(unet.device) # torch, B, 5*N,384
+ audio_feature_batch = pe(audio_feature_batch)
+ pred_latents = unet.model(latent_batch, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states=audio_feature_batch).sample
+ recon = vae.decode_latents(pred_latents)
+ for res_frame in recon:
+ res_frame_list.append(res_frame)
+ ############################################## pad to full image ##############################################
+ print("pad talking image to original video")
+ for i, res_frame in enumerate(tqdm(res_frame_list)):
+ bbox = coord_list_cycle[i%(len(coord_list_cycle))]
+ ori_frame = copy.deepcopy(frame_list_cycle[i%(len(frame_list_cycle))])
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
+ try:
+ res_frame = cv2.resize(res_frame.astype(np.uint8),(x2-x1,y2-y1))
+ except:
+ # print(bbox)
+ continue
+ combine_frame = get_image(ori_frame,res_frame,bbox)
+ cv2.imwrite(f"{result_img_save_path}/{str(i).zfill(8)}.png",combine_frame)
+ cmd_img2video = f"ffmpeg -y -v fatal -r {fps} -f image2 -i {result_img_save_path}/%08d.png -vcodec libx264 -vf format=rgb24,scale=out_color_matrix=bt709,format=yuv420p -crf 18 temp.mp4"
+ print(cmd_img2video)
+ os.system(cmd_img2video)
+ cmd_combine_audio = f"ffmpeg -y -v fatal -i {audio_path} -i temp.mp4 {output_vid_name}"
+ print(cmd_combine_audio)
+ os.system(cmd_combine_audio)
+ os.remove("temp.mp4")
+ shutil.rmtree(result_img_save_path)
+ print(f"result is save to {output_vid_name}")
+ return output_vid_name
+download_model() # for huggingface deployment.
+# load model weights
+audio_processor,vae,unet,pe = load_all_model()
+device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+timesteps = torch.tensor([0], device=device)
+def check_video(video):
+ # Define the output video file name
+ dir_path, file_name = os.path.split(video)
+ if file_name.startswith("outputxxx_"):
+ return video
+ # Add the output prefix to the file name
+ output_file_name = "outputxxx_" + file_name
+ # Combine the directory path and the new file name
+ output_video = os.path.join(dir_path, output_file_name)
+ # Run the ffmpeg command to change the frame rate to 25fps
+ command = f"ffmpeg -i {video} -r 25 {output_video} -y"
+ subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True)
+ return output_video
+css = """#input_img {max-width: 1024px !important} #output_vid {max-width: 1024px; max-height: 576px}"""
+with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo:
+ gr.Markdown(
+ ""
+ )
+ with gr.Row():
+ with gr.Column():
+ audio = gr.Audio(label="Driven Audio",type="filepath")
+ video = gr.Video(label="Reference Video")
+ bbox_shift = gr.Number(label="BBox_shift,[-9,9]", value=-1)
+ btn = gr.Button("Generate")
+ out1 = gr.Video()
+ video.change(
+ fn=check_video, inputs=[video], outputs=[video]
+ )
+ btn.click(
+ fn=inference,
+ inputs=[
+ audio,
+ video,
+ bbox_shift,
+ ],
+ outputs=out1,
+ )
+# Set the IP and port
+ip_address = "" # Replace with your desired IP address
+port_number = 7860 # Replace with your desired port number
+ share=False , debug=True, server_name=ip_address, server_port=port_number
diff --git a/assets/BBOX_SHIFT.md b/assets/BBOX_SHIFT.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b164f4a2953ccd4dd34e331520151e0898e01e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/BBOX_SHIFT.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+## Why is there a "bbox_shift" parameter?
+When processing training data, we utilize the combination of face detection results (bbox) and facial landmarks to determine the region of the head segmentation box. Specifically, we use the upper bound of the bbox as the upper boundary of the segmentation box, the maximum y value of the facial landmarks coordinates as the lower boundary of the segmentation box, and the minimum and maximum x values of the landmarks coordinates as the left and right boundaries of the segmentation box. By processing the dataset in this way, we can ensure the integrity of the face.
+However, we have observed that the masked ratio on the face varies across different images due to the varying face shapes of subjects. Furthermore, we found that the upper-bound of the mask mainly lies close to the landmark28, landmark29 and landmark30 landmark points (as shown in Fig.1), which correspond to proportions of 15%, 63%, and 22% in the dataset, respectively.
+During the inference process, we discover that as the upper-bound of the mask gets closer to the mouth (near landmark30), the audio features contribute more to lip movements. Conversely, as the upper-bound of the mask moves away from the mouth (near landmark28), the audio features contribute more to generating details of facial appearance. Hence, we define this characteristic as a parameter that can adjust the contribution of audio features to generating lip movements, which users can modify according to their specific needs in practical scenarios.
+Fig.1. Facial landmarks
+### Step 0.
+Running with the default configuration to obtain the adjustable value range.
+python -m scripts.inference --inference_config configs/inference/test.yaml
+********************************************bbox_shift parameter adjustment**********************************************************
+Total frame:「838」 Manually adjust range : [ -9~9 ] , the current value: 0
+### Step 1.
+Re-run the script within the above range.
+python -m scripts.inference --inference_config configs/inference/test.yaml --bbox_shift xx # where xx is in [-9, 9].
+In our experimental observations, we found that positive values (moving towards the lower half) generally increase mouth openness, while negative values (moving towards the upper half) generally decrease mouth openness. However, it's important to note that this is not an absolute rule, and users may need to adjust the parameter according to their specific needs and the desired effect.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/demo/man/man.png b/assets/demo/man/man.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7d6f8bc98f88f9aa01530b9cf20b210a46d70b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/demo/man/man.png
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:c3d01bb4244e5f8b98d2359e6b19e9973193a15b49dff3dc0d5a9edb8666b2e7
+size 3093908
diff --git a/assets/demo/monalisa/monalisa.png b/assets/demo/monalisa/monalisa.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6157ea423971b21aab456d74a1141e214029e1a9
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/monalisa/monalisa.png differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/musk/musk.png b/assets/demo/musk/musk.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..06522be6fdf87df099596069eb624e712a970c0e
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/musk/musk.png differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/sit/sit.jpeg b/assets/demo/sit/sit.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7178a6becb6bc05bc256b0bad5035bd2fa70d3c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/sit/sit.jpeg differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/sun1/sun.png b/assets/demo/sun1/sun.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11f7b85c1a7df1b4f3d95a5f3511b47092232777
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/sun1/sun.png differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/sun2/sun.png b/assets/demo/sun2/sun.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..11f7b85c1a7df1b4f3d95a5f3511b47092232777
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/sun2/sun.png differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/video1/video1.png b/assets/demo/video1/video1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9288c9d47b45de865893b8e7a1fbeeb9eb1586d
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/video1/video1.png differ
diff --git a/assets/demo/yongen/yongen.jpeg b/assets/demo/yongen/yongen.jpeg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..953e8fa94343f7838c93d5506b27d937d8355833
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/demo/yongen/yongen.jpeg differ
diff --git a/assets/figs/landmark_ref.png b/assets/figs/landmark_ref.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e166ac9caa98c877d839357310f14b7c208ffa9
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/figs/landmark_ref.png differ
diff --git a/assets/figs/musetalk_arc.jpg b/assets/figs/musetalk_arc.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b3356a965c0461d773d79de1643ed65f53110c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/figs/musetalk_arc.jpg differ
diff --git a/configs/inference/test.yaml b/configs/inference/test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ec8aca99e7f761ab392d611b6730683b285a49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/inference/test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+ video_path: "data/video/yongen.mp4"
+ audio_path: "data/audio/yongen.wav"
+ video_path: "data/video/sun.mp4"
+ audio_path: "data/audio/sun.wav"
+ bbox_shift: -7
diff --git a/data/audio/sun.wav b/data/audio/sun.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe5f35ad5875c2556fcdaa3b9542499eaed83158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/audio/sun.wav
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:3f163b0fe2f278504c15cab74cd37b879652749e2a8a69f7848ad32c847d8007
+size 1983572
diff --git a/data/audio/yongen.wav b/data/audio/yongen.wav
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..02d70dd62043d3d13b90fd96e461c2f87a3b7be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/audio/yongen.wav
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:2b775c363c968428d1d6df4456495e4c11f00e3204d3082e51caff415ec0e2ba
+size 1536078
diff --git a/data/video/sun.mp4 b/data/video/sun.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa9460ee9f012bd29974a2ad547225d44f2e6b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/video/sun.mp4
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:9f240982090f4255a7589e3cd67b4219be7820f9eb9a7461fc915eb5f0c8e075
+size 2217973
diff --git a/data/video/yongen.mp4 b/data/video/yongen.mp4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e0c54501be8055a95846c29e71216ac5d396dbf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/video/yongen.mp4
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
+oid sha256:1effa976d410571cd185554779d6d43a6ba636e0e3401385db1d607daa46441f
+size 1870923
diff --git a/musetalk/models/unet.py b/musetalk/models/unet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8968657cbd227bcc1abd6610411578c74b7dda63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/models/unet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import math
+import json
+from diffusers import UNet2DConditionModel
+import sys
+import time
+import numpy as np
+import os
+class PositionalEncoding(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, d_model=384, max_len=5000):
+ super(PositionalEncoding, self).__init__()
+ pe = torch.zeros(max_len, d_model)
+ position = torch.arange(0, max_len, dtype=torch.float).unsqueeze(1)
+ div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0, d_model, 2).float() * (-math.log(10000.0) / d_model))
+ pe[:, 0::2] = torch.sin(position * div_term)
+ pe[:, 1::2] = torch.cos(position * div_term)
+ pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
+ self.register_buffer('pe', pe)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ b, seq_len, d_model = x.size()
+ pe = self.pe[:, :seq_len, :]
+ x = x + pe.to(x.device)
+ return x
+class UNet():
+ def __init__(self,
+ unet_config,
+ model_path,
+ use_float16=False,
+ ):
+ with open(unet_config, 'r') as f:
+ unet_config = json.load(f)
+ self.model = UNet2DConditionModel(**unet_config)
+ self.pe = PositionalEncoding(d_model=384)
+ self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ self.weights = torch.load(model_path) if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.load(model_path, map_location=self.device)
+ self.model.load_state_dict(self.weights)
+ if use_float16:
+ self.model = self.model.half()
+ self.model.to(self.device)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unet = UNet()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/musetalk/models/vae.py b/musetalk/models/vae.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51efef420f46ec0dc01d5c8ac12825e6e4c355c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/models/vae.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+from diffusers import AutoencoderKL
+import torch
+import torchvision.transforms as transforms
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+import os
+class VAE():
+ """
+ VAE (Variational Autoencoder) class for image processing.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, model_path="./models/sd-vae-ft-mse/", resized_img=256, use_float16=False):
+ """
+ Initialize the VAE instance.
+ :param model_path: Path to the trained model.
+ :param resized_img: The size to which images are resized.
+ :param use_float16: Whether to use float16 precision.
+ """
+ self.model_path = model_path
+ self.vae = AutoencoderKL.from_pretrained(self.model_path)
+ self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ self.vae.to(self.device)
+ if use_float16:
+ self.vae = self.vae.half()
+ self._use_float16 = True
+ else:
+ self._use_float16 = False
+ self.scaling_factor = self.vae.config.scaling_factor
+ self.transform = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
+ self._resized_img = resized_img
+ self._mask_tensor = self.get_mask_tensor()
+ def get_mask_tensor(self):
+ """
+ Creates a mask tensor for image processing.
+ :return: A mask tensor.
+ """
+ mask_tensor = torch.zeros((self._resized_img,self._resized_img))
+ mask_tensor[:self._resized_img//2,:] = 1
+ mask_tensor[mask_tensor< 0.5] = 0
+ mask_tensor[mask_tensor>= 0.5] = 1
+ return mask_tensor
+ def preprocess_img(self,img_name,half_mask=False):
+ """
+ Preprocess an image for the VAE.
+ :param img_name: The image file path or a list of image file paths.
+ :param half_mask: Whether to apply a half mask to the image.
+ :return: A preprocessed image tensor.
+ """
+ window = []
+ if isinstance(img_name, str):
+ window_fnames = [img_name]
+ for fname in window_fnames:
+ img = cv2.imread(fname)
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ img = cv2.resize(img, (self._resized_img, self._resized_img),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ window.append(img)
+ else:
+ img = cv2.cvtColor(img_name, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
+ window.append(img)
+ x = np.asarray(window) / 255.
+ x = np.transpose(x, (3, 0, 1, 2))
+ x = torch.squeeze(torch.FloatTensor(x))
+ if half_mask:
+ x = x * (self._mask_tensor>0.5)
+ x = self.transform(x)
+ x = x.unsqueeze(0) # [1, 3, 256, 256] torch tensor
+ x = x.to(self.vae.device)
+ return x
+ def encode_latents(self,image):
+ """
+ Encode an image into latent variables.
+ :param image: The image tensor to encode.
+ :return: The encoded latent variables.
+ """
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ init_latent_dist = self.vae.encode(image.to(self.vae.dtype)).latent_dist
+ init_latents = self.scaling_factor * init_latent_dist.sample()
+ return init_latents
+ def decode_latents(self, latents):
+ """
+ Decode latent variables back into an image.
+ :param latents: The latent variables to decode.
+ :return: A NumPy array representing the decoded image.
+ """
+ latents = (1/ self.scaling_factor) * latents
+ image = self.vae.decode(latents.to(self.vae.dtype)).sample
+ image = (image / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0, 1)
+ image = image.detach().cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).float().numpy()
+ image = (image * 255).round().astype("uint8")
+ image = image[...,::-1] # RGB to BGR
+ return image
+ def get_latents_for_unet(self,img):
+ """
+ Prepare latent variables for a U-Net model.
+ :param img: The image to process.
+ :return: A concatenated tensor of latents for U-Net input.
+ """
+ ref_image = self.preprocess_img(img,half_mask=True) # [1, 3, 256, 256] RGB, torch tensor
+ masked_latents = self.encode_latents(ref_image) # [1, 4, 32, 32], torch tensor
+ ref_image = self.preprocess_img(img,half_mask=False) # [1, 3, 256, 256] RGB, torch tensor
+ ref_latents = self.encode_latents(ref_image) # [1, 4, 32, 32], torch tensor
+ latent_model_input = torch.cat([masked_latents, ref_latents], dim=1)
+ return latent_model_input
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ vae_mode_path = "./models/sd-vae-ft-mse/"
+ vae = VAE(model_path = vae_mode_path,use_float16=False)
+ img_path = "./results/sun001_crop/00000.png"
+ crop_imgs_path = "./results/sun001_crop/"
+ latents_out_path = "./results/latents/"
+ if not os.path.exists(latents_out_path):
+ os.mkdir(latents_out_path)
+ files = os.listdir(crop_imgs_path)
+ files.sort()
+ files = [file for file in files if file.split(".")[-1] == "png"]
+ for file in files:
+ index = file.split(".")[0]
+ img_path = crop_imgs_path + file
+ latents = vae.get_latents_for_unet(img_path)
+ print(img_path,"latents",latents.size())
+ #torch.save(latents,os.path.join(latents_out_path,index+".pt"))
+ #reload_tensor = torch.load('tensor.pt')
+ #print(reload_tensor.size())
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/__init__.py b/musetalk/utils/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b58c41d239fae3136e82e0d680cd7ab4e9f78aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+import sys
+from os.path import abspath, dirname
+current_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
+parent_dir = dirname(current_dir)
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/blending.py b/musetalk/utils/blending.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a9ec3e07250e8bb5a8e52019d9f45960750733c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/blending.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+from PIL import Image
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+from face_parsing import FaceParsing
+fp = FaceParsing()
+def get_crop_box(box, expand):
+ x, y, x1, y1 = box
+ x_c, y_c = (x+x1)//2, (y+y1)//2
+ w, h = x1-x, y1-y
+ s = int(max(w, h)//2*expand)
+ crop_box = [x_c-s, y_c-s, x_c+s, y_c+s]
+ return crop_box, s
+def face_seg(image):
+ seg_image = fp(image)
+ if seg_image is None:
+ print("error, no person_segment")
+ return None
+ seg_image = seg_image.resize(image.size)
+ return seg_image
+def get_image(image,face,face_box,upper_boundary_ratio = 0.5,expand=1.2):
+ #print(image.shape)
+ #print(face.shape)
+ body = Image.fromarray(image[:,:,::-1])
+ face = Image.fromarray(face[:,:,::-1])
+ x, y, x1, y1 = face_box
+ #print(x1-x,y1-y)
+ crop_box, s = get_crop_box(face_box, expand)
+ x_s, y_s, x_e, y_e = crop_box
+ face_position = (x, y)
+ face_large = body.crop(crop_box)
+ ori_shape = face_large.size
+ mask_image = face_seg(face_large)
+ mask_small = mask_image.crop((x-x_s, y-y_s, x1-x_s, y1-y_s))
+ mask_image = Image.new('L', ori_shape, 0)
+ mask_image.paste(mask_small, (x-x_s, y-y_s, x1-x_s, y1-y_s))
+ # keep upper_boundary_ratio of talking area
+ width, height = mask_image.size
+ top_boundary = int(height * upper_boundary_ratio)
+ modified_mask_image = Image.new('L', ori_shape, 0)
+ modified_mask_image.paste(mask_image.crop((0, top_boundary, width, height)), (0, top_boundary))
+ blur_kernel_size = int(0.1 * ori_shape[0] // 2 * 2) + 1
+ mask_array = cv2.GaussianBlur(np.array(modified_mask_image), (blur_kernel_size, blur_kernel_size), 0)
+ mask_image = Image.fromarray(mask_array)
+ face_large.paste(face, (x-x_s, y-y_s, x1-x_s, y1-y_s))
+ body.paste(face_large, crop_box[:2], mask_image)
+ body = np.array(body)
+ return body[:,:,::-1]
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/dwpose/default_runtime.py b/musetalk/utils/dwpose/default_runtime.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f27c0345a6cf1b7bc4b035eb456e2c9f3126804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/dwpose/default_runtime.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+default_scope = 'mmpose'
+# hooks
+default_hooks = dict(
+ timer=dict(type='IterTimerHook'),
+ logger=dict(type='LoggerHook', interval=50),
+ param_scheduler=dict(type='ParamSchedulerHook'),
+ checkpoint=dict(type='CheckpointHook', interval=10),
+ sampler_seed=dict(type='DistSamplerSeedHook'),
+ visualization=dict(type='PoseVisualizationHook', enable=False),
+ badcase=dict(
+ type='BadCaseAnalysisHook',
+ enable=False,
+ out_dir='badcase',
+ metric_type='loss',
+ badcase_thr=5))
+# custom hooks
+custom_hooks = [
+ # Synchronize model buffers such as running_mean and running_var in BN
+ # at the end of each epoch
+ dict(type='SyncBuffersHook')
+# multi-processing backend
+env_cfg = dict(
+ cudnn_benchmark=False,
+ mp_cfg=dict(mp_start_method='fork', opencv_num_threads=0),
+ dist_cfg=dict(backend='nccl'),
+# visualizer
+vis_backends = [
+ dict(type='LocalVisBackend'),
+ # dict(type='TensorboardVisBackend'),
+ # dict(type='WandbVisBackend'),
+visualizer = dict(
+ type='PoseLocalVisualizer', vis_backends=vis_backends, name='visualizer')
+# logger
+log_processor = dict(
+ type='LogProcessor', window_size=50, by_epoch=True, num_digits=6)
+log_level = 'INFO'
+load_from = None
+resume = False
+# file I/O backend
+backend_args = dict(backend='local')
+# training/validation/testing progress
+train_cfg = dict(by_epoch=True)
+val_cfg = dict()
+test_cfg = dict()
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/dwpose/rtmpose-l_8xb32-270e_coco-ubody-wholebody-384x288.py b/musetalk/utils/dwpose/rtmpose-l_8xb32-270e_coco-ubody-wholebody-384x288.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..293efad219b835650bf3659a33826c51b04cfad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/dwpose/rtmpose-l_8xb32-270e_coco-ubody-wholebody-384x288.py
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+#_base_ = ['../../../_base_/default_runtime.py']
+_base_ = ['default_runtime.py']
+# runtime
+max_epochs = 270
+stage2_num_epochs = 30
+base_lr = 4e-3
+train_batch_size = 32
+val_batch_size = 32
+train_cfg = dict(max_epochs=max_epochs, val_interval=10)
+randomness = dict(seed=21)
+# optimizer
+optim_wrapper = dict(
+ type='OptimWrapper',
+ optimizer=dict(type='AdamW', lr=base_lr, weight_decay=0.05),
+ paramwise_cfg=dict(
+ norm_decay_mult=0, bias_decay_mult=0, bypass_duplicate=True))
+# learning rate
+param_scheduler = [
+ dict(
+ type='LinearLR',
+ start_factor=1.0e-5,
+ by_epoch=False,
+ begin=0,
+ end=1000),
+ dict(
+ # use cosine lr from 150 to 300 epoch
+ type='CosineAnnealingLR',
+ eta_min=base_lr * 0.05,
+ begin=max_epochs // 2,
+ end=max_epochs,
+ T_max=max_epochs // 2,
+ by_epoch=True,
+ convert_to_iter_based=True),
+# automatically scaling LR based on the actual training batch size
+auto_scale_lr = dict(base_batch_size=512)
+# codec settings
+codec = dict(
+ type='SimCCLabel',
+ input_size=(288, 384),
+ sigma=(6., 6.93),
+ simcc_split_ratio=2.0,
+ normalize=False,
+ use_dark=False)
+# model settings
+model = dict(
+ type='TopdownPoseEstimator',
+ data_preprocessor=dict(
+ type='PoseDataPreprocessor',
+ mean=[123.675, 116.28, 103.53],
+ std=[58.395, 57.12, 57.375],
+ bgr_to_rgb=True),
+ backbone=dict(
+ _scope_='mmdet',
+ type='CSPNeXt',
+ arch='P5',
+ expand_ratio=0.5,
+ deepen_factor=1.,
+ widen_factor=1.,
+ out_indices=(4, ),
+ channel_attention=True,
+ norm_cfg=dict(type='SyncBN'),
+ act_cfg=dict(type='SiLU'),
+ init_cfg=dict(
+ type='Pretrained',
+ prefix='backbone.',
+ checkpoint='https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/v1/projects/'
+ 'rtmpose/cspnext-l_udp-aic-coco_210e-256x192-273b7631_20230130.pth' # noqa: E501
+ )),
+ head=dict(
+ type='RTMCCHead',
+ in_channels=1024,
+ out_channels=133,
+ input_size=codec['input_size'],
+ in_featuremap_size=(9, 12),
+ simcc_split_ratio=codec['simcc_split_ratio'],
+ final_layer_kernel_size=7,
+ gau_cfg=dict(
+ hidden_dims=256,
+ s=128,
+ expansion_factor=2,
+ dropout_rate=0.,
+ drop_path=0.,
+ act_fn='SiLU',
+ use_rel_bias=False,
+ pos_enc=False),
+ loss=dict(
+ type='KLDiscretLoss',
+ use_target_weight=True,
+ beta=10.,
+ label_softmax=True),
+ decoder=codec),
+ test_cfg=dict(flip_test=True, ))
+# base dataset settings
+dataset_type = 'UBody2dDataset'
+data_mode = 'topdown'
+data_root = 'data/UBody/'
+backend_args = dict(backend='local')
+scenes = [
+ 'Magic_show', 'Entertainment', 'ConductMusic', 'Online_class', 'TalkShow',
+ 'Speech', 'Fitness', 'Interview', 'Olympic', 'TVShow', 'Singing',
+ 'SignLanguage', 'Movie', 'LiveVlog', 'VideoConference'
+train_datasets = [
+ dict(
+ type='CocoWholeBodyDataset',
+ data_root='data/coco/',
+ data_mode=data_mode,
+ ann_file='annotations/coco_wholebody_train_v1.0.json',
+ data_prefix=dict(img='train2017/'),
+ pipeline=[])
+for scene in scenes:
+ train_dataset = dict(
+ type=dataset_type,
+ data_root=data_root,
+ data_mode=data_mode,
+ ann_file=f'annotations/{scene}/train_annotations.json',
+ data_prefix=dict(img='images/'),
+ pipeline=[],
+ sample_interval=10)
+ train_datasets.append(train_dataset)
+# pipelines
+train_pipeline = [
+ dict(type='LoadImage', backend_args=backend_args),
+ dict(type='GetBBoxCenterScale'),
+ dict(type='RandomFlip', direction='horizontal'),
+ dict(type='RandomHalfBody'),
+ dict(
+ type='RandomBBoxTransform', scale_factor=[0.5, 1.5], rotate_factor=90),
+ dict(type='TopdownAffine', input_size=codec['input_size']),
+ dict(type='mmdet.YOLOXHSVRandomAug'),
+ dict(
+ type='Albumentation',
+ transforms=[
+ dict(type='Blur', p=0.1),
+ dict(type='MedianBlur', p=0.1),
+ dict(
+ type='CoarseDropout',
+ max_holes=1,
+ max_height=0.4,
+ max_width=0.4,
+ min_holes=1,
+ min_height=0.2,
+ min_width=0.2,
+ p=1.0),
+ ]),
+ dict(type='GenerateTarget', encoder=codec),
+ dict(type='PackPoseInputs')
+val_pipeline = [
+ dict(type='LoadImage', backend_args=backend_args),
+ dict(type='GetBBoxCenterScale'),
+ dict(type='TopdownAffine', input_size=codec['input_size']),
+ dict(type='PackPoseInputs')
+train_pipeline_stage2 = [
+ dict(type='LoadImage', backend_args=backend_args),
+ dict(type='GetBBoxCenterScale'),
+ dict(type='RandomFlip', direction='horizontal'),
+ dict(type='RandomHalfBody'),
+ dict(
+ type='RandomBBoxTransform',
+ shift_factor=0.,
+ scale_factor=[0.5, 1.5],
+ rotate_factor=90),
+ dict(type='TopdownAffine', input_size=codec['input_size']),
+ dict(type='mmdet.YOLOXHSVRandomAug'),
+ dict(
+ type='Albumentation',
+ transforms=[
+ dict(type='Blur', p=0.1),
+ dict(type='MedianBlur', p=0.1),
+ dict(
+ type='CoarseDropout',
+ max_holes=1,
+ max_height=0.4,
+ max_width=0.4,
+ min_holes=1,
+ min_height=0.2,
+ min_width=0.2,
+ p=0.5),
+ ]),
+ dict(type='GenerateTarget', encoder=codec),
+ dict(type='PackPoseInputs')
+# data loaders
+train_dataloader = dict(
+ batch_size=train_batch_size,
+ num_workers=10,
+ persistent_workers=True,
+ sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=True),
+ dataset=dict(
+ type='CombinedDataset',
+ metainfo=dict(from_file='configs/_base_/datasets/coco_wholebody.py'),
+ datasets=train_datasets,
+ pipeline=train_pipeline,
+ test_mode=False,
+ ))
+val_dataloader = dict(
+ batch_size=val_batch_size,
+ num_workers=10,
+ persistent_workers=True,
+ drop_last=False,
+ sampler=dict(type='DefaultSampler', shuffle=False, round_up=False),
+ dataset=dict(
+ type='CocoWholeBodyDataset',
+ data_root=data_root,
+ data_mode=data_mode,
+ ann_file='data/coco/annotations/coco_wholebody_val_v1.0.json',
+ bbox_file='data/coco/person_detection_results/'
+ 'COCO_val2017_detections_AP_H_56_person.json',
+ data_prefix=dict(img='coco/val2017/'),
+ test_mode=True,
+ pipeline=val_pipeline,
+ ))
+test_dataloader = val_dataloader
+# hooks
+default_hooks = dict(
+ checkpoint=dict(
+ save_best='coco-wholebody/AP', rule='greater', max_keep_ckpts=1))
+custom_hooks = [
+ dict(
+ type='EMAHook',
+ ema_type='ExpMomentumEMA',
+ momentum=0.0002,
+ update_buffers=True,
+ priority=49),
+ dict(
+ type='mmdet.PipelineSwitchHook',
+ switch_epoch=max_epochs - stage2_num_epochs,
+ switch_pipeline=train_pipeline_stage2)
+# evaluators
+val_evaluator = dict(
+ type='CocoWholeBodyMetric',
+ ann_file='data/coco/annotations/coco_wholebody_val_v1.0.json')
+test_evaluator = val_evaluator
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/README.md b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/README.md
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+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/README.md
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+The code for Face Detection in this folder has been taken from the wonderful [face_alignment](https://github.com/1adrianb/face-alignment) repository. This has been modified to take batches of faces at a time.
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+__author__ = """Adrian Bulat"""
+__email__ = 'adrian.bulat@nottingham.ac.uk'
+__version__ = '1.0.1'
+from .api import FaceAlignment, LandmarksType, NetworkSize, YOLOv8_face
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/api.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/api.py
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import torch
+from torch.utils.model_zoo import load_url
+from enum import Enum
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+ import urllib.request as request_file
+except BaseException:
+ import urllib as request_file
+from .models import FAN, ResNetDepth
+from .utils import *
+class LandmarksType(Enum):
+ """Enum class defining the type of landmarks to detect.
+ ``_2D`` - the detected points ``(x,y)`` are detected in a 2D space and follow the visible contour of the face
+ ``_2halfD`` - this points represent the projection of the 3D points into 3D
+ ``_3D`` - detect the points ``(x,y,z)``` in a 3D space
+ """
+ _2D = 1
+ _2halfD = 2
+ _3D = 3
+class NetworkSize(Enum):
+ # TINY = 1
+ # SMALL = 2
+ # MEDIUM = 3
+ LARGE = 4
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ member = object.__new__(cls)
+ member._value_ = value
+ return member
+ def __int__(self):
+ return self.value
+class FaceAlignment:
+ def __init__(self, landmarks_type, network_size=NetworkSize.LARGE,
+ device='cuda', flip_input=False, face_detector='sfd', verbose=False):
+ self.device = device
+ self.flip_input = flip_input
+ self.landmarks_type = landmarks_type
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ network_size = int(network_size)
+ if 'cuda' in device:
+ torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
+# torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = False
+# torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
+# torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = False
+# torch.backends.cudnn.allow_tf32 = True
+ print('cuda start')
+ # Get the face detector
+ face_detector_module = __import__('face_detection.detection.' + face_detector,
+ globals(), locals(), [face_detector], 0)
+ self.face_detector = face_detector_module.FaceDetector(device=device, verbose=verbose)
+ def get_detections_for_batch(self, images):
+ images = images[..., ::-1]
+ detected_faces = self.face_detector.detect_from_batch(images.copy())
+ results = []
+ for i, d in enumerate(detected_faces):
+ if len(d) == 0:
+ results.append(None)
+ continue
+ d = d[0]
+ d = np.clip(d, 0, None)
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, d[:-1])
+ results.append((x1, y1, x2, y2))
+ return results
+class YOLOv8_face:
+ def __init__(self, path = 'face_detection/weights/yolov8n-face.onnx', conf_thres=0.2, iou_thres=0.5):
+ self.conf_threshold = conf_thres
+ self.iou_threshold = iou_thres
+ self.class_names = ['face']
+ self.num_classes = len(self.class_names)
+ # Initialize model
+ self.net = cv2.dnn.readNet(path)
+ self.input_height = 640
+ self.input_width = 640
+ self.reg_max = 16
+ self.project = np.arange(self.reg_max)
+ self.strides = (8, 16, 32)
+ self.feats_hw = [(math.ceil(self.input_height / self.strides[i]), math.ceil(self.input_width / self.strides[i])) for i in range(len(self.strides))]
+ self.anchors = self.make_anchors(self.feats_hw)
+ def make_anchors(self, feats_hw, grid_cell_offset=0.5):
+ """Generate anchors from features."""
+ anchor_points = {}
+ for i, stride in enumerate(self.strides):
+ h,w = feats_hw[i]
+ x = np.arange(0, w) + grid_cell_offset # shift x
+ y = np.arange(0, h) + grid_cell_offset # shift y
+ sx, sy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
+ # sy, sx = np.meshgrid(y, x)
+ anchor_points[stride] = np.stack((sx, sy), axis=-1).reshape(-1, 2)
+ return anchor_points
+ def softmax(self, x, axis=1):
+ x_exp = np.exp(x)
+ # 如果是列向量,则axis=0
+ x_sum = np.sum(x_exp, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
+ s = x_exp / x_sum
+ return s
+ def resize_image(self, srcimg, keep_ratio=True):
+ top, left, newh, neww = 0, 0, self.input_width, self.input_height
+ if keep_ratio and srcimg.shape[0] != srcimg.shape[1]:
+ hw_scale = srcimg.shape[0] / srcimg.shape[1]
+ if hw_scale > 1:
+ newh, neww = self.input_height, int(self.input_width / hw_scale)
+ img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
+ left = int((self.input_width - neww) * 0.5)
+ img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, 0, 0, left, self.input_width - neww - left, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ value=(0, 0, 0)) # add border
+ else:
+ newh, neww = int(self.input_height * hw_scale), self.input_width
+ img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (neww, newh), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
+ top = int((self.input_height - newh) * 0.5)
+ img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, top, self.input_height - newh - top, 0, 0, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,
+ value=(0, 0, 0))
+ else:
+ img = cv2.resize(srcimg, (self.input_width, self.input_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
+ return img, newh, neww, top, left
+ def detect(self, srcimg):
+ input_img, newh, neww, padh, padw = self.resize_image(cv2.cvtColor(srcimg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
+ scale_h, scale_w = srcimg.shape[0]/newh, srcimg.shape[1]/neww
+ input_img = input_img.astype(np.float32) / 255.0
+ blob = cv2.dnn.blobFromImage(input_img)
+ self.net.setInput(blob)
+ outputs = self.net.forward(self.net.getUnconnectedOutLayersNames())
+ # if isinstance(outputs, tuple):
+ # outputs = list(outputs)
+ # if float(cv2.__version__[:3])>=4.7:
+ # outputs = [outputs[2], outputs[0], outputs[1]] ###opencv4.7需要这一步,opencv4.5不需要
+ # Perform inference on the image
+ det_bboxes, det_conf, det_classid, landmarks = self.post_process(outputs, scale_h, scale_w, padh, padw)
+ return det_bboxes, det_conf, det_classid, landmarks
+ def post_process(self, preds, scale_h, scale_w, padh, padw):
+ bboxes, scores, landmarks = [], [], []
+ for i, pred in enumerate(preds):
+ stride = int(self.input_height/pred.shape[2])
+ pred = pred.transpose((0, 2, 3, 1))
+ box = pred[..., :self.reg_max * 4]
+ cls = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-pred[..., self.reg_max * 4:-15])).reshape((-1,1))
+ kpts = pred[..., -15:].reshape((-1,15)) ### x1,y1,score1, ..., x5,y5,score5
+ # tmp = box.reshape(self.feats_hw[i][0], self.feats_hw[i][1], 4, self.reg_max)
+ tmp = box.reshape(-1, 4, self.reg_max)
+ bbox_pred = self.softmax(tmp, axis=-1)
+ bbox_pred = np.dot(bbox_pred, self.project).reshape((-1,4))
+ bbox = self.distance2bbox(self.anchors[stride], bbox_pred, max_shape=(self.input_height, self.input_width)) * stride
+ kpts[:, 0::3] = (kpts[:, 0::3] * 2.0 + (self.anchors[stride][:, 0].reshape((-1,1)) - 0.5)) * stride
+ kpts[:, 1::3] = (kpts[:, 1::3] * 2.0 + (self.anchors[stride][:, 1].reshape((-1,1)) - 0.5)) * stride
+ kpts[:, 2::3] = 1 / (1+np.exp(-kpts[:, 2::3]))
+ bbox -= np.array([[padw, padh, padw, padh]]) ###合理使用广播法则
+ bbox *= np.array([[scale_w, scale_h, scale_w, scale_h]])
+ kpts -= np.tile(np.array([padw, padh, 0]), 5).reshape((1,15))
+ kpts *= np.tile(np.array([scale_w, scale_h, 1]), 5).reshape((1,15))
+ bboxes.append(bbox)
+ scores.append(cls)
+ landmarks.append(kpts)
+ bboxes = np.concatenate(bboxes, axis=0)
+ scores = np.concatenate(scores, axis=0)
+ landmarks = np.concatenate(landmarks, axis=0)
+ bboxes_wh = bboxes.copy()
+ bboxes_wh[:, 2:4] = bboxes[:, 2:4] - bboxes[:, 0:2] ####xywh
+ classIds = np.argmax(scores, axis=1)
+ confidences = np.max(scores, axis=1) ####max_class_confidence
+ mask = confidences>self.conf_threshold
+ bboxes_wh = bboxes_wh[mask] ###合理使用广播法则
+ confidences = confidences[mask]
+ classIds = classIds[mask]
+ landmarks = landmarks[mask]
+ indices = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes(bboxes_wh.tolist(), confidences.tolist(), self.conf_threshold,
+ self.iou_threshold).flatten()
+ if len(indices) > 0:
+ mlvl_bboxes = bboxes_wh[indices]
+ confidences = confidences[indices]
+ classIds = classIds[indices]
+ landmarks = landmarks[indices]
+ return mlvl_bboxes, confidences, classIds, landmarks
+ else:
+ print('nothing detect')
+ return np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([]), np.array([])
+ def distance2bbox(self, points, distance, max_shape=None):
+ x1 = points[:, 0] - distance[:, 0]
+ y1 = points[:, 1] - distance[:, 1]
+ x2 = points[:, 0] + distance[:, 2]
+ y2 = points[:, 1] + distance[:, 3]
+ if max_shape is not None:
+ x1 = np.clip(x1, 0, max_shape[1])
+ y1 = np.clip(y1, 0, max_shape[0])
+ x2 = np.clip(x2, 0, max_shape[1])
+ y2 = np.clip(y2, 0, max_shape[0])
+ return np.stack([x1, y1, x2, y2], axis=-1)
+ def draw_detections(self, image, boxes, scores, kpts):
+ for box, score, kp in zip(boxes, scores, kpts):
+ x, y, w, h = box.astype(int)
+ # Draw rectangle
+ cv2.rectangle(image, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 0, 255), thickness=3)
+ cv2.putText(image, "face:"+str(round(score,2)), (x, y - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 0, 255), thickness=2)
+ for i in range(5):
+ cv2.circle(image, (int(kp[i * 3]), int(kp[i * 3 + 1])), 4, (0, 255, 0), thickness=-1)
+ # cv2.putText(image, str(i), (int(kp[i * 3]), int(kp[i * 3 + 1]) - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), thickness=1)
+ return image
+ROOT = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .core import FaceDetector
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f8275e8e53143f66298f75f0517c234a68778cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/core.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import logging
+import glob
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import cv2
+class FaceDetector(object):
+ """An abstract class representing a face detector.
+ Any other face detection implementation must subclass it. All subclasses
+ must implement ``detect_from_image``, that return a list of detected
+ bounding boxes. Optionally, for speed considerations detect from path is
+ recommended.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, device, verbose):
+ self.device = device
+ self.verbose = verbose
+ if verbose:
+ if 'cpu' in device:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ logger.warning("Detection running on CPU, this may be potentially slow.")
+ if 'cpu' not in device and 'cuda' not in device:
+ if verbose:
+ logger.error("Expected values for device are: {cpu, cuda} but got: %s", device)
+ raise ValueError
+ def detect_from_image(self, tensor_or_path):
+ """Detects faces in a given image.
+ This function detects the faces present in a provided BGR(usually)
+ image. The input can be either the image itself or the path to it.
+ Arguments:
+ tensor_or_path {numpy.ndarray, torch.tensor or string} -- the path
+ to an image or the image itself.
+ Example::
+ >>> path_to_image = 'data/image_01.jpg'
+ ... detected_faces = detect_from_image(path_to_image)
+ [A list of bounding boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2)]
+ >>> image = cv2.imread(path_to_image)
+ ... detected_faces = detect_from_image(image)
+ [A list of bounding boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2)]
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def detect_from_directory(self, path, extensions=['.jpg', '.png'], recursive=False, show_progress_bar=True):
+ """Detects faces from all the images present in a given directory.
+ Arguments:
+ path {string} -- a string containing a path that points to the folder containing the images
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ extensions {list} -- list of string containing the extensions to be
+ consider in the following format: ``.extension_name`` (default:
+ {['.jpg', '.png']}) recursive {bool} -- option wherever to scan the
+ folder recursively (default: {False}) show_progress_bar {bool} --
+ display a progressbar (default: {True})
+ Example:
+ >>> directory = 'data'
+ ... detected_faces = detect_from_directory(directory)
+ {A dictionary of [lists containing bounding boxes(x1, y1, x2, y2)]}
+ """
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ if len(extensions) == 0:
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger.error("Expected at list one extension, but none was received.")
+ raise ValueError
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger.info("Constructing the list of images.")
+ additional_pattern = '/**/*' if recursive else '/*'
+ files = []
+ for extension in extensions:
+ files.extend(glob.glob(path + additional_pattern + extension, recursive=recursive))
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger.info("Finished searching for images. %s images found", len(files))
+ logger.info("Preparing to run the detection.")
+ predictions = {}
+ for image_path in tqdm(files, disable=not show_progress_bar):
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger.info("Running the face detector on image: %s", image_path)
+ predictions[image_path] = self.detect_from_image(image_path)
+ if self.verbose:
+ logger.info("The detector was successfully run on all %s images", len(files))
+ return predictions
+ @property
+ def reference_scale(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def reference_x_shift(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @property
+ def reference_y_shift(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ @staticmethod
+ def tensor_or_path_to_ndarray(tensor_or_path, rgb=True):
+ """Convert path (represented as a string) or torch.tensor to a numpy.ndarray
+ Arguments:
+ tensor_or_path {numpy.ndarray, torch.tensor or string} -- path to the image, or the image itself
+ """
+ if isinstance(tensor_or_path, str):
+ return cv2.imread(tensor_or_path) if not rgb else cv2.imread(tensor_or_path)[..., ::-1]
+ elif torch.is_tensor(tensor_or_path):
+ # Call cpu in case its coming from cuda
+ return tensor_or_path.cpu().numpy()[..., ::-1].copy() if not rgb else tensor_or_path.cpu().numpy()
+ elif isinstance(tensor_or_path, np.ndarray):
+ return tensor_or_path[..., ::-1].copy() if not rgb else tensor_or_path
+ else:
+ raise TypeError
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/__init__.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/__init__.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a63ecd45658f22e66c171ada751fb33764d4559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .sfd_detector import SFDDetector as FaceDetector
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diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/bbox.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/bbox.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4bd7222e5e5f78a51944cbeed3cccbacddc46bed
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+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/bbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import cv2
+import random
+import datetime
+import time
+import math
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+ from iou import IOU
+except BaseException:
+ # IOU cython speedup 10x
+ def IOU(ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2, bx1, by1, bx2, by2):
+ sa = abs((ax2 - ax1) * (ay2 - ay1))
+ sb = abs((bx2 - bx1) * (by2 - by1))
+ x1, y1 = max(ax1, bx1), max(ay1, by1)
+ x2, y2 = min(ax2, bx2), min(ay2, by2)
+ w = x2 - x1
+ h = y2 - y1
+ if w < 0 or h < 0:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ return 1.0 * w * h / (sa + sb - w * h)
+def bboxlog(x1, y1, x2, y2, axc, ayc, aww, ahh):
+ xc, yc, ww, hh = (x2 + x1) / 2, (y2 + y1) / 2, x2 - x1, y2 - y1
+ dx, dy = (xc - axc) / aww, (yc - ayc) / ahh
+ dw, dh = math.log(ww / aww), math.log(hh / ahh)
+ return dx, dy, dw, dh
+def bboxloginv(dx, dy, dw, dh, axc, ayc, aww, ahh):
+ xc, yc = dx * aww + axc, dy * ahh + ayc
+ ww, hh = math.exp(dw) * aww, math.exp(dh) * ahh
+ x1, x2, y1, y2 = xc - ww / 2, xc + ww / 2, yc - hh / 2, yc + hh / 2
+ return x1, y1, x2, y2
+def nms(dets, thresh):
+ if 0 == len(dets):
+ return []
+ x1, y1, x2, y2, scores = dets[:, 0], dets[:, 1], dets[:, 2], dets[:, 3], dets[:, 4]
+ areas = (x2 - x1 + 1) * (y2 - y1 + 1)
+ order = scores.argsort()[::-1]
+ keep = []
+ while order.size > 0:
+ i = order[0]
+ keep.append(i)
+ xx1, yy1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[order[1:]]), np.maximum(y1[i], y1[order[1:]])
+ xx2, yy2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[order[1:]]), np.minimum(y2[i], y2[order[1:]])
+ w, h = np.maximum(0.0, xx2 - xx1 + 1), np.maximum(0.0, yy2 - yy1 + 1)
+ ovr = w * h / (areas[i] + areas[order[1:]] - w * h)
+ inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0]
+ order = order[inds + 1]
+ return keep
+def encode(matched, priors, variances):
+ """Encode the variances from the priorbox layers into the ground truth boxes
+ we have matched (based on jaccard overlap) with the prior boxes.
+ Args:
+ matched: (tensor) Coords of ground truth for each prior in point-form
+ Shape: [num_priors, 4].
+ priors: (tensor) Prior boxes in center-offset form
+ Shape: [num_priors,4].
+ variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
+ Return:
+ encoded boxes (tensor), Shape: [num_priors, 4]
+ """
+ # dist b/t match center and prior's center
+ g_cxcy = (matched[:, :2] + matched[:, 2:]) / 2 - priors[:, :2]
+ # encode variance
+ g_cxcy /= (variances[0] * priors[:, 2:])
+ # match wh / prior wh
+ g_wh = (matched[:, 2:] - matched[:, :2]) / priors[:, 2:]
+ g_wh = torch.log(g_wh) / variances[1]
+ # return target for smooth_l1_loss
+ return torch.cat([g_cxcy, g_wh], 1) # [num_priors,4]
+def decode(loc, priors, variances):
+ """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
+ the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
+ Args:
+ loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
+ Shape: [num_priors,4]
+ priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
+ Shape: [num_priors,4].
+ variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
+ Return:
+ decoded bounding box predictions
+ """
+ boxes = torch.cat((
+ priors[:, :2] + loc[:, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, 2:],
+ priors[:, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, 2:] * variances[1])), 1)
+ boxes[:, :2] -= boxes[:, 2:] / 2
+ boxes[:, 2:] += boxes[:, :2]
+ return boxes
+def batch_decode(loc, priors, variances):
+ """Decode locations from predictions using priors to undo
+ the encoding we did for offset regression at train time.
+ Args:
+ loc (tensor): location predictions for loc layers,
+ Shape: [num_priors,4]
+ priors (tensor): Prior boxes in center-offset form.
+ Shape: [num_priors,4].
+ variances: (list[float]) Variances of priorboxes
+ Return:
+ decoded bounding box predictions
+ """
+ boxes = torch.cat((
+ priors[:, :, :2] + loc[:, :, :2] * variances[0] * priors[:, :, 2:],
+ priors[:, :, 2:] * torch.exp(loc[:, :, 2:] * variances[1])), 2)
+ boxes[:, :, :2] -= boxes[:, :, 2:] / 2
+ boxes[:, :, 2:] += boxes[:, :, :2]
+ return boxes
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/detect.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/detect.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15ccdc5abf5df22937f997ec59993f5da4a14ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/detect.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import os
+import sys
+import cv2
+import random
+import datetime
+import math
+import argparse
+import numpy as np
+import scipy.io as sio
+import zipfile
+from .net_s3fd import s3fd
+from .bbox import *
+def detect(net, img, device):
+ img = img - np.array([104, 117, 123])
+ img = img.transpose(2, 0, 1)
+ img = img.reshape((1,) + img.shape)
+ if 'cuda' in device:
+ torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
+ img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().to(device)
+ BB, CC, HH, WW = img.size()
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ olist = net(img)
+ bboxlist = []
+ for i in range(len(olist) // 2):
+ olist[i * 2] = F.softmax(olist[i * 2], dim=1)
+ olist = [oelem.data.cpu() for oelem in olist]
+ for i in range(len(olist) // 2):
+ ocls, oreg = olist[i * 2], olist[i * 2 + 1]
+ FB, FC, FH, FW = ocls.size() # feature map size
+ stride = 2**(i + 2) # 4,8,16,32,64,128
+ anchor = stride * 4
+ poss = zip(*np.where(ocls[:, 1, :, :] > 0.05))
+ for Iindex, hindex, windex in poss:
+ axc, ayc = stride / 2 + windex * stride, stride / 2 + hindex * stride
+ score = ocls[0, 1, hindex, windex]
+ loc = oreg[0, :, hindex, windex].contiguous().view(1, 4)
+ priors = torch.Tensor([[axc / 1.0, ayc / 1.0, stride * 4 / 1.0, stride * 4 / 1.0]])
+ variances = [0.1, 0.2]
+ box = decode(loc, priors, variances)
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = box[0] * 1.0
+ # cv2.rectangle(imgshow,(int(x1),int(y1)),(int(x2),int(y2)),(0,0,255),1)
+ bboxlist.append([x1, y1, x2, y2, score])
+ bboxlist = np.array(bboxlist)
+ if 0 == len(bboxlist):
+ bboxlist = np.zeros((1, 5))
+ return bboxlist
+def batch_detect(net, imgs, device):
+ imgs = imgs - np.array([104, 117, 123])
+ imgs = imgs.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)
+ if 'cuda' in device:
+ torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
+ imgs = torch.from_numpy(imgs).float().to(device)
+ BB, CC, HH, WW = imgs.size()
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ olist = net(imgs)
+# print(olist)
+ bboxlist = []
+ for i in range(len(olist) // 2):
+ olist[i * 2] = F.softmax(olist[i * 2], dim=1)
+ olist = [oelem.cpu() for oelem in olist]
+ for i in range(len(olist) // 2):
+ ocls, oreg = olist[i * 2], olist[i * 2 + 1]
+ FB, FC, FH, FW = ocls.size() # feature map size
+ stride = 2**(i + 2) # 4,8,16,32,64,128
+ anchor = stride * 4
+ poss = zip(*np.where(ocls[:, 1, :, :] > 0.05))
+ for Iindex, hindex, windex in poss:
+ axc, ayc = stride / 2 + windex * stride, stride / 2 + hindex * stride
+ score = ocls[:, 1, hindex, windex]
+ loc = oreg[:, :, hindex, windex].contiguous().view(BB, 1, 4)
+ priors = torch.Tensor([[axc / 1.0, ayc / 1.0, stride * 4 / 1.0, stride * 4 / 1.0]]).view(1, 1, 4)
+ variances = [0.1, 0.2]
+ box = batch_decode(loc, priors, variances)
+ box = box[:, 0] * 1.0
+ # cv2.rectangle(imgshow,(int(x1),int(y1)),(int(x2),int(y2)),(0,0,255),1)
+ bboxlist.append(torch.cat([box, score.unsqueeze(1)], 1).cpu().numpy())
+ bboxlist = np.array(bboxlist)
+ if 0 == len(bboxlist):
+ bboxlist = np.zeros((1, BB, 5))
+ return bboxlist
+def flip_detect(net, img, device):
+ img = cv2.flip(img, 1)
+ b = detect(net, img, device)
+ bboxlist = np.zeros(b.shape)
+ bboxlist[:, 0] = img.shape[1] - b[:, 2]
+ bboxlist[:, 1] = b[:, 1]
+ bboxlist[:, 2] = img.shape[1] - b[:, 0]
+ bboxlist[:, 3] = b[:, 3]
+ bboxlist[:, 4] = b[:, 4]
+ return bboxlist
+def pts_to_bb(pts):
+ min_x, min_y = np.min(pts, axis=0)
+ max_x, max_y = np.max(pts, axis=0)
+ return np.array([min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y])
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/net_s3fd.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/net_s3fd.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc64313c277ab594d0257585c70f147606693452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/net_s3fd.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+class L2Norm(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_channels, scale=1.0):
+ super(L2Norm, self).__init__()
+ self.n_channels = n_channels
+ self.scale = scale
+ self.eps = 1e-10
+ self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.n_channels))
+ self.weight.data *= 0.0
+ self.weight.data += self.scale
+ def forward(self, x):
+ norm = x.pow(2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).sqrt() + self.eps
+ x = x / norm * self.weight.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
+ return x
+class s3fd(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(s3fd, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1_1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv1_2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv2_1 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv2_2 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv3_1 = nn.Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv3_2 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv3_3 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv4_1 = nn.Conv2d(256, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv4_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv4_3 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv5_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv5_2 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv5_3 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.fc6 = nn.Conv2d(512, 1024, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=3)
+ self.fc7 = nn.Conv2d(1024, 1024, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.conv6_1 = nn.Conv2d(1024, 256, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.conv6_2 = nn.Conv2d(256, 512, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.conv7_1 = nn.Conv2d(512, 128, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.conv7_2 = nn.Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.conv3_3_norm = L2Norm(256, scale=10)
+ self.conv4_3_norm = L2Norm(512, scale=8)
+ self.conv5_3_norm = L2Norm(512, scale=5)
+ self.conv3_3_norm_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(256, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv3_3_norm_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(256, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(512, 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(512, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv5_3_norm_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(512, 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv5_3_norm_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(512, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.fc7_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(1024, 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.fc7_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(1024, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv6_2_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(512, 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv6_2_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(512, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv7_2_mbox_conf = nn.Conv2d(256, 2, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv7_2_mbox_loc = nn.Conv2d(256, 4, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ h = F.relu(self.conv1_1(x))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv1_2(h))
+ h = F.max_pool2d(h, 2, 2)
+ h = F.relu(self.conv2_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv2_2(h))
+ h = F.max_pool2d(h, 2, 2)
+ h = F.relu(self.conv3_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv3_2(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv3_3(h))
+ f3_3 = h
+ h = F.max_pool2d(h, 2, 2)
+ h = F.relu(self.conv4_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv4_2(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv4_3(h))
+ f4_3 = h
+ h = F.max_pool2d(h, 2, 2)
+ h = F.relu(self.conv5_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv5_2(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv5_3(h))
+ f5_3 = h
+ h = F.max_pool2d(h, 2, 2)
+ h = F.relu(self.fc6(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.fc7(h))
+ ffc7 = h
+ h = F.relu(self.conv6_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv6_2(h))
+ f6_2 = h
+ h = F.relu(self.conv7_1(h))
+ h = F.relu(self.conv7_2(h))
+ f7_2 = h
+ f3_3 = self.conv3_3_norm(f3_3)
+ f4_3 = self.conv4_3_norm(f4_3)
+ f5_3 = self.conv5_3_norm(f5_3)
+ cls1 = self.conv3_3_norm_mbox_conf(f3_3)
+ reg1 = self.conv3_3_norm_mbox_loc(f3_3)
+ cls2 = self.conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf(f4_3)
+ reg2 = self.conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc(f4_3)
+ cls3 = self.conv5_3_norm_mbox_conf(f5_3)
+ reg3 = self.conv5_3_norm_mbox_loc(f5_3)
+ cls4 = self.fc7_mbox_conf(ffc7)
+ reg4 = self.fc7_mbox_loc(ffc7)
+ cls5 = self.conv6_2_mbox_conf(f6_2)
+ reg5 = self.conv6_2_mbox_loc(f6_2)
+ cls6 = self.conv7_2_mbox_conf(f7_2)
+ reg6 = self.conv7_2_mbox_loc(f7_2)
+ # max-out background label
+ chunk = torch.chunk(cls1, 4, 1)
+ bmax = torch.max(torch.max(chunk[0], chunk[1]), chunk[2])
+ cls1 = torch.cat([bmax, chunk[3]], dim=1)
+ return [cls1, reg1, cls2, reg2, cls3, reg3, cls4, reg4, cls5, reg5, cls6, reg6]
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/sfd_detector.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/sfd_detector.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fbce15253251d403754ab4348f93ae85a6ba2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/detection/sfd/sfd_detector.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+import os
+import cv2
+from torch.utils.model_zoo import load_url
+from ..core import FaceDetector
+from .net_s3fd import s3fd
+from .bbox import *
+from .detect import *
+models_urls = {
+ 's3fd': 'https://www.adrianbulat.com/downloads/python-fan/s3fd-619a316812.pth',
+class SFDDetector(FaceDetector):
+ def __init__(self, device, path_to_detector=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 's3fd.pth'), verbose=False):
+ super(SFDDetector, self).__init__(device, verbose)
+ # Initialise the face detector
+ if not os.path.isfile(path_to_detector):
+ model_weights = load_url(models_urls['s3fd'])
+ else:
+ model_weights = torch.load(path_to_detector)
+ self.face_detector = s3fd()
+ self.face_detector.load_state_dict(model_weights)
+ self.face_detector.to(device)
+ self.face_detector.eval()
+ def detect_from_image(self, tensor_or_path):
+ image = self.tensor_or_path_to_ndarray(tensor_or_path)
+ bboxlist = detect(self.face_detector, image, device=self.device)
+ keep = nms(bboxlist, 0.3)
+ bboxlist = bboxlist[keep, :]
+ bboxlist = [x for x in bboxlist if x[-1] > 0.5]
+ return bboxlist
+ def detect_from_batch(self, images):
+ bboxlists = batch_detect(self.face_detector, images, device=self.device)
+ keeps = [nms(bboxlists[:, i, :], 0.3) for i in range(bboxlists.shape[1])]
+ bboxlists = [bboxlists[keep, i, :] for i, keep in enumerate(keeps)]
+ bboxlists = [[x for x in bboxlist if x[-1] > 0.5] for bboxlist in bboxlists]
+ return bboxlists
+ @property
+ def reference_scale(self):
+ return 195
+ @property
+ def reference_x_shift(self):
+ return 0
+ @property
+ def reference_y_shift(self):
+ return 0
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/models.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/models.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee2dde32bdf72c25a4600e48efa73ffc0d4a3893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/models.py
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import math
+def conv3x3(in_planes, out_planes, strd=1, padding=1, bias=False):
+ "3x3 convolution with padding"
+ return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3,
+ stride=strd, padding=padding, bias=bias)
+class ConvBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes):
+ super(ConvBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_planes)
+ self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_planes, int(out_planes / 2))
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(int(out_planes / 2))
+ self.conv2 = conv3x3(int(out_planes / 2), int(out_planes / 4))
+ self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(int(out_planes / 4))
+ self.conv3 = conv3x3(int(out_planes / 4), int(out_planes / 4))
+ if in_planes != out_planes:
+ self.downsample = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(in_planes),
+ nn.ReLU(True),
+ nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes,
+ kernel_size=1, stride=1, bias=False),
+ )
+ else:
+ self.downsample = None
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ out1 = self.bn1(x)
+ out1 = F.relu(out1, True)
+ out1 = self.conv1(out1)
+ out2 = self.bn2(out1)
+ out2 = F.relu(out2, True)
+ out2 = self.conv2(out2)
+ out3 = self.bn3(out2)
+ out3 = F.relu(out3, True)
+ out3 = self.conv3(out3)
+ out3 = torch.cat((out1, out2, out3), 1)
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+ residual = self.downsample(residual)
+ out3 += residual
+ return out3
+class Bottleneck(nn.Module):
+ expansion = 4
+ def __init__(self, inplanes, planes, stride=1, downsample=None):
+ super(Bottleneck, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(inplanes, planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride,
+ padding=1, bias=False)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
+ self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes * 4, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
+ self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * 4)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
+ self.downsample = downsample
+ self.stride = stride
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = x
+ out = self.conv1(x)
+ out = self.bn1(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv2(out)
+ out = self.bn2(out)
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ out = self.conv3(out)
+ out = self.bn3(out)
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+ residual = self.downsample(x)
+ out += residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+class HourGlass(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, num_modules, depth, num_features):
+ super(HourGlass, self).__init__()
+ self.num_modules = num_modules
+ self.depth = depth
+ self.features = num_features
+ self._generate_network(self.depth)
+ def _generate_network(self, level):
+ self.add_module('b1_' + str(level), ConvBlock(self.features, self.features))
+ self.add_module('b2_' + str(level), ConvBlock(self.features, self.features))
+ if level > 1:
+ self._generate_network(level - 1)
+ else:
+ self.add_module('b2_plus_' + str(level), ConvBlock(self.features, self.features))
+ self.add_module('b3_' + str(level), ConvBlock(self.features, self.features))
+ def _forward(self, level, inp):
+ # Upper branch
+ up1 = inp
+ up1 = self._modules['b1_' + str(level)](up1)
+ # Lower branch
+ low1 = F.avg_pool2d(inp, 2, stride=2)
+ low1 = self._modules['b2_' + str(level)](low1)
+ if level > 1:
+ low2 = self._forward(level - 1, low1)
+ else:
+ low2 = low1
+ low2 = self._modules['b2_plus_' + str(level)](low2)
+ low3 = low2
+ low3 = self._modules['b3_' + str(level)](low3)
+ up2 = F.interpolate(low3, scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')
+ return up1 + up2
+ def forward(self, x):
+ return self._forward(self.depth, x)
+class FAN(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, num_modules=1):
+ super(FAN, self).__init__()
+ self.num_modules = num_modules
+ # Base part
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64)
+ self.conv2 = ConvBlock(64, 128)
+ self.conv3 = ConvBlock(128, 128)
+ self.conv4 = ConvBlock(128, 256)
+ # Stacking part
+ for hg_module in range(self.num_modules):
+ self.add_module('m' + str(hg_module), HourGlass(1, 4, 256))
+ self.add_module('top_m_' + str(hg_module), ConvBlock(256, 256))
+ self.add_module('conv_last' + str(hg_module),
+ nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0))
+ self.add_module('bn_end' + str(hg_module), nn.BatchNorm2d(256))
+ self.add_module('l' + str(hg_module), nn.Conv2d(256,
+ 68, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0))
+ if hg_module < self.num_modules - 1:
+ self.add_module(
+ 'bl' + str(hg_module), nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0))
+ self.add_module('al' + str(hg_module), nn.Conv2d(68,
+ 256, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0))
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = F.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)), True)
+ x = F.avg_pool2d(self.conv2(x), 2, stride=2)
+ x = self.conv3(x)
+ x = self.conv4(x)
+ previous = x
+ outputs = []
+ for i in range(self.num_modules):
+ hg = self._modules['m' + str(i)](previous)
+ ll = hg
+ ll = self._modules['top_m_' + str(i)](ll)
+ ll = F.relu(self._modules['bn_end' + str(i)]
+ (self._modules['conv_last' + str(i)](ll)), True)
+ # Predict heatmaps
+ tmp_out = self._modules['l' + str(i)](ll)
+ outputs.append(tmp_out)
+ if i < self.num_modules - 1:
+ ll = self._modules['bl' + str(i)](ll)
+ tmp_out_ = self._modules['al' + str(i)](tmp_out)
+ previous = previous + ll + tmp_out_
+ return outputs
+class ResNetDepth(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, block=Bottleneck, layers=[3, 8, 36, 3], num_classes=68):
+ self.inplanes = 64
+ super(ResNetDepth, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3 + 68, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3,
+ bias=False)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
+ self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.layer1 = self._make_layer(block, 64, layers[0])
+ self.layer2 = self._make_layer(block, 128, layers[1], stride=2)
+ self.layer3 = self._make_layer(block, 256, layers[2], stride=2)
+ self.layer4 = self._make_layer(block, 512, layers[3], stride=2)
+ self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(7)
+ self.fc = nn.Linear(512 * block.expansion, num_classes)
+ for m in self.modules():
+ if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d):
+ n = m.kernel_size[0] * m.kernel_size[1] * m.out_channels
+ m.weight.data.normal_(0, math.sqrt(2. / n))
+ elif isinstance(m, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ m.weight.data.fill_(1)
+ m.bias.data.zero_()
+ def _make_layer(self, block, planes, blocks, stride=1):
+ downsample = None
+ if stride != 1 or self.inplanes != planes * block.expansion:
+ downsample = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(self.inplanes, planes * block.expansion,
+ kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(planes * block.expansion),
+ )
+ layers = []
+ layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes, stride, downsample))
+ self.inplanes = planes * block.expansion
+ for i in range(1, blocks):
+ layers.append(block(self.inplanes, planes))
+ return nn.Sequential(*layers)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.conv1(x)
+ x = self.bn1(x)
+ x = self.relu(x)
+ x = self.maxpool(x)
+ x = self.layer1(x)
+ x = self.layer2(x)
+ x = self.layer3(x)
+ x = self.layer4(x)
+ x = self.avgpool(x)
+ x = x.view(x.size(0), -1)
+ x = self.fc(x)
+ return x
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_detection/utils.py b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3dc4cf3e328efaa227cbcfdd969e1056688adad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_detection/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import torch
+import math
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+def _gaussian(
+ size=3, sigma=0.25, amplitude=1, normalize=False, width=None,
+ height=None, sigma_horz=None, sigma_vert=None, mean_horz=0.5,
+ mean_vert=0.5):
+ # handle some defaults
+ if width is None:
+ width = size
+ if height is None:
+ height = size
+ if sigma_horz is None:
+ sigma_horz = sigma
+ if sigma_vert is None:
+ sigma_vert = sigma
+ center_x = mean_horz * width + 0.5
+ center_y = mean_vert * height + 0.5
+ gauss = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.float32)
+ # generate kernel
+ for i in range(height):
+ for j in range(width):
+ gauss[i][j] = amplitude * math.exp(-(math.pow((j + 1 - center_x) / (
+ sigma_horz * width), 2) / 2.0 + math.pow((i + 1 - center_y) / (sigma_vert * height), 2) / 2.0))
+ if normalize:
+ gauss = gauss / np.sum(gauss)
+ return gauss
+def draw_gaussian(image, point, sigma):
+ # Check if the gaussian is inside
+ ul = [math.floor(point[0] - 3 * sigma), math.floor(point[1] - 3 * sigma)]
+ br = [math.floor(point[0] + 3 * sigma), math.floor(point[1] + 3 * sigma)]
+ if (ul[0] > image.shape[1] or ul[1] > image.shape[0] or br[0] < 1 or br[1] < 1):
+ return image
+ size = 6 * sigma + 1
+ g = _gaussian(size)
+ g_x = [int(max(1, -ul[0])), int(min(br[0], image.shape[1])) - int(max(1, ul[0])) + int(max(1, -ul[0]))]
+ g_y = [int(max(1, -ul[1])), int(min(br[1], image.shape[0])) - int(max(1, ul[1])) + int(max(1, -ul[1]))]
+ img_x = [int(max(1, ul[0])), int(min(br[0], image.shape[1]))]
+ img_y = [int(max(1, ul[1])), int(min(br[1], image.shape[0]))]
+ assert (g_x[0] > 0 and g_y[1] > 0)
+ image[img_y[0] - 1:img_y[1], img_x[0] - 1:img_x[1]
+ ] = image[img_y[0] - 1:img_y[1], img_x[0] - 1:img_x[1]] + g[g_y[0] - 1:g_y[1], g_x[0] - 1:g_x[1]]
+ image[image > 1] = 1
+ return image
+def transform(point, center, scale, resolution, invert=False):
+ """Generate and affine transformation matrix.
+ Given a set of points, a center, a scale and a targer resolution, the
+ function generates and affine transformation matrix. If invert is ``True``
+ it will produce the inverse transformation.
+ Arguments:
+ point {torch.tensor} -- the input 2D point
+ center {torch.tensor or numpy.array} -- the center around which to perform the transformations
+ scale {float} -- the scale of the face/object
+ resolution {float} -- the output resolution
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ invert {bool} -- define wherever the function should produce the direct or the
+ inverse transformation matrix (default: {False})
+ """
+ _pt = torch.ones(3)
+ _pt[0] = point[0]
+ _pt[1] = point[1]
+ h = 200.0 * scale
+ t = torch.eye(3)
+ t[0, 0] = resolution / h
+ t[1, 1] = resolution / h
+ t[0, 2] = resolution * (-center[0] / h + 0.5)
+ t[1, 2] = resolution * (-center[1] / h + 0.5)
+ if invert:
+ t = torch.inverse(t)
+ new_point = (torch.matmul(t, _pt))[0:2]
+ return new_point.int()
+def crop(image, center, scale, resolution=256.0):
+ """Center crops an image or set of heatmaps
+ Arguments:
+ image {numpy.array} -- an rgb image
+ center {numpy.array} -- the center of the object, usually the same as of the bounding box
+ scale {float} -- scale of the face
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ resolution {float} -- the size of the output cropped image (default: {256.0})
+ Returns:
+ [type] -- [description]
+ """ # Crop around the center point
+ """ Crops the image around the center. Input is expected to be an np.ndarray """
+ ul = transform([1, 1], center, scale, resolution, True)
+ br = transform([resolution, resolution], center, scale, resolution, True)
+ # pad = math.ceil(torch.norm((ul - br).float()) / 2.0 - (br[0] - ul[0]) / 2.0)
+ if image.ndim > 2:
+ newDim = np.array([br[1] - ul[1], br[0] - ul[0],
+ image.shape[2]], dtype=np.int32)
+ newImg = np.zeros(newDim, dtype=np.uint8)
+ else:
+ newDim = np.array([br[1] - ul[1], br[0] - ul[0]], dtype=np.int)
+ newImg = np.zeros(newDim, dtype=np.uint8)
+ ht = image.shape[0]
+ wd = image.shape[1]
+ newX = np.array(
+ [max(1, -ul[0] + 1), min(br[0], wd) - ul[0]], dtype=np.int32)
+ newY = np.array(
+ [max(1, -ul[1] + 1), min(br[1], ht) - ul[1]], dtype=np.int32)
+ oldX = np.array([max(1, ul[0] + 1), min(br[0], wd)], dtype=np.int32)
+ oldY = np.array([max(1, ul[1] + 1), min(br[1], ht)], dtype=np.int32)
+ newImg[newY[0] - 1:newY[1], newX[0] - 1:newX[1]
+ ] = image[oldY[0] - 1:oldY[1], oldX[0] - 1:oldX[1], :]
+ newImg = cv2.resize(newImg, dsize=(int(resolution), int(resolution)),
+ interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+ return newImg
+def get_preds_fromhm(hm, center=None, scale=None):
+ """Obtain (x,y) coordinates given a set of N heatmaps. If the center
+ and the scale is provided the function will return the points also in
+ the original coordinate frame.
+ Arguments:
+ hm {torch.tensor} -- the predicted heatmaps, of shape [B, N, W, H]
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ center {torch.tensor} -- the center of the bounding box (default: {None})
+ scale {float} -- face scale (default: {None})
+ """
+ max, idx = torch.max(
+ hm.view(hm.size(0), hm.size(1), hm.size(2) * hm.size(3)), 2)
+ idx += 1
+ preds = idx.view(idx.size(0), idx.size(1), 1).repeat(1, 1, 2).float()
+ preds[..., 0].apply_(lambda x: (x - 1) % hm.size(3) + 1)
+ preds[..., 1].add_(-1).div_(hm.size(2)).floor_().add_(1)
+ for i in range(preds.size(0)):
+ for j in range(preds.size(1)):
+ hm_ = hm[i, j, :]
+ pX, pY = int(preds[i, j, 0]) - 1, int(preds[i, j, 1]) - 1
+ if pX > 0 and pX < 63 and pY > 0 and pY < 63:
+ diff = torch.FloatTensor(
+ [hm_[pY, pX + 1] - hm_[pY, pX - 1],
+ hm_[pY + 1, pX] - hm_[pY - 1, pX]])
+ preds[i, j].add_(diff.sign_().mul_(.25))
+ preds.add_(-.5)
+ preds_orig = torch.zeros(preds.size())
+ if center is not None and scale is not None:
+ for i in range(hm.size(0)):
+ for j in range(hm.size(1)):
+ preds_orig[i, j] = transform(
+ preds[i, j], center, scale, hm.size(2), True)
+ return preds, preds_orig
+def get_preds_fromhm_batch(hm, centers=None, scales=None):
+ """Obtain (x,y) coordinates given a set of N heatmaps. If the centers
+ and the scales is provided the function will return the points also in
+ the original coordinate frame.
+ Arguments:
+ hm {torch.tensor} -- the predicted heatmaps, of shape [B, N, W, H]
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ centers {torch.tensor} -- the centers of the bounding box (default: {None})
+ scales {float} -- face scales (default: {None})
+ """
+ max, idx = torch.max(
+ hm.view(hm.size(0), hm.size(1), hm.size(2) * hm.size(3)), 2)
+ idx += 1
+ preds = idx.view(idx.size(0), idx.size(1), 1).repeat(1, 1, 2).float()
+ preds[..., 0].apply_(lambda x: (x - 1) % hm.size(3) + 1)
+ preds[..., 1].add_(-1).div_(hm.size(2)).floor_().add_(1)
+ for i in range(preds.size(0)):
+ for j in range(preds.size(1)):
+ hm_ = hm[i, j, :]
+ pX, pY = int(preds[i, j, 0]) - 1, int(preds[i, j, 1]) - 1
+ if pX > 0 and pX < 63 and pY > 0 and pY < 63:
+ diff = torch.FloatTensor(
+ [hm_[pY, pX + 1] - hm_[pY, pX - 1],
+ hm_[pY + 1, pX] - hm_[pY - 1, pX]])
+ preds[i, j].add_(diff.sign_().mul_(.25))
+ preds.add_(-.5)
+ preds_orig = torch.zeros(preds.size())
+ if centers is not None and scales is not None:
+ for i in range(hm.size(0)):
+ for j in range(hm.size(1)):
+ preds_orig[i, j] = transform(
+ preds[i, j], centers[i], scales[i], hm.size(2), True)
+ return preds, preds_orig
+def shuffle_lr(parts, pairs=None):
+ """Shuffle the points left-right according to the axis of symmetry
+ of the object.
+ Arguments:
+ parts {torch.tensor} -- a 3D or 4D object containing the
+ heatmaps.
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ pairs {list of integers} -- [order of the flipped points] (default: {None})
+ """
+ if pairs is None:
+ pairs = [16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0,
+ 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35,
+ 34, 33, 32, 31, 45, 44, 43, 42, 47, 46, 39, 38, 37, 36, 41,
+ 40, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 64, 63,
+ 62, 61, 60, 67, 66, 65]
+ if parts.ndimension() == 3:
+ parts = parts[pairs, ...]
+ else:
+ parts = parts[:, pairs, ...]
+ return parts
+def flip(tensor, is_label=False):
+ """Flip an image or a set of heatmaps left-right
+ Arguments:
+ tensor {numpy.array or torch.tensor} -- [the input image or heatmaps]
+ Keyword Arguments:
+ is_label {bool} -- [denote wherever the input is an image or a set of heatmaps ] (default: {False})
+ """
+ if not torch.is_tensor(tensor):
+ tensor = torch.from_numpy(tensor)
+ if is_label:
+ tensor = shuffle_lr(tensor).flip(tensor.ndimension() - 1)
+ else:
+ tensor = tensor.flip(tensor.ndimension() - 1)
+ return tensor
+# From pyzolib/paths.py (https://bitbucket.org/pyzo/pyzolib/src/tip/paths.py)
+def appdata_dir(appname=None, roaming=False):
+ """ appdata_dir(appname=None, roaming=False)
+ Get the path to the application directory, where applications are allowed
+ to write user specific files (e.g. configurations). For non-user specific
+ data, consider using common_appdata_dir().
+ If appname is given, a subdir is appended (and created if necessary).
+ If roaming is True, will prefer a roaming directory (Windows Vista/7).
+ """
+ # Define default user directory
+ userDir = os.getenv('FACEALIGNMENT_USERDIR', None)
+ if userDir is None:
+ userDir = os.path.expanduser('~')
+ if not os.path.isdir(userDir): # pragma: no cover
+ userDir = '/var/tmp' # issue #54
+ # Get system app data dir
+ path = None
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+ path1, path2 = os.getenv('LOCALAPPDATA'), os.getenv('APPDATA')
+ path = (path2 or path1) if roaming else (path1 or path2)
+ elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+ path = os.path.join(userDir, 'Library', 'Application Support')
+ # On Linux and as fallback
+ if not (path and os.path.isdir(path)):
+ path = userDir
+ # Maybe we should store things local to the executable (in case of a
+ # portable distro or a frozen application that wants to be portable)
+ prefix = sys.prefix
+ if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None):
+ prefix = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.executable))
+ for reldir in ('settings', '../settings'):
+ localpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(prefix, reldir))
+ if os.path.isdir(localpath): # pragma: no cover
+ try:
+ open(os.path.join(localpath, 'test.write'), 'wb').close()
+ os.remove(os.path.join(localpath, 'test.write'))
+ except IOError:
+ pass # We cannot write in this directory
+ else:
+ path = localpath
+ break
+ # Get path specific for this app
+ if appname:
+ if path == userDir:
+ appname = '.' + appname.lstrip('.') # Make it a hidden directory
+ path = os.path.join(path, appname)
+ if not os.path.isdir(path): # pragma: no cover
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ # Done
+ return path
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/__init__.py b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc963a359d28169766b87105aedac6b1bf1e819d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import torch
+import time
+import os
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+from PIL import Image
+from .model import BiSeNet
+import torchvision.transforms as transforms
+class FaceParsing():
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.net = self.model_init()
+ self.preprocess = self.image_preprocess()
+ def model_init(self,
+ resnet_path='./models/face-parse-bisent/resnet18-5c106cde.pth',
+ model_pth='./models/face-parse-bisent/79999_iter.pth'):
+ net = BiSeNet(resnet_path)
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ net.cuda()
+ net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_pth))
+ else:
+ net.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_pth, map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
+ net.eval()
+ return net
+ def image_preprocess(self):
+ return transforms.Compose([
+ transforms.ToTensor(),
+ transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)),
+ ])
+ def __call__(self, image, size=(512, 512)):
+ if isinstance(image, str):
+ image = Image.open(image)
+ width, height = image.size
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ image = image.resize(size, Image.BILINEAR)
+ img = self.preprocess(image)
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0).cuda()
+ else:
+ img = torch.unsqueeze(img, 0)
+ out = self.net(img)[0]
+ parsing = out.squeeze(0).cpu().numpy().argmax(0)
+ parsing[np.where(parsing>13)] = 0
+ parsing[np.where(parsing>=1)] = 255
+ parsing = Image.fromarray(parsing.astype(np.uint8))
+ return parsing
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ fp = FaceParsing()
+ segmap = fp('154_small.png')
+ segmap.save('res.png')
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/model.py b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..13d13e03b38508216615ac15cb42e3ea0db2d76a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import torchvision
+from .resnet import Resnet18
+# from modules.bn import InPlaceABNSync as BatchNorm2d
+class ConvBNReLU(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_chan, out_chan, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ConvBNReLU, self).__init__()
+ self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_chan,
+ out_chan,
+ kernel_size = ks,
+ stride = stride,
+ padding = padding,
+ bias = False)
+ self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan)
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ x = F.relu(self.bn(x))
+ return x
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+class BiSeNetOutput(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_chan, mid_chan, n_classes, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BiSeNetOutput, self).__init__()
+ self.conv = ConvBNReLU(in_chan, mid_chan, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(mid_chan, n_classes, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.conv(x)
+ x = self.conv_out(x)
+ return x
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params = [], []
+ for name, module in self.named_modules():
+ if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) or isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d):
+ wd_params.append(module.weight)
+ if not module.bias is None:
+ nowd_params.append(module.bias)
+ elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nowd_params += list(module.parameters())
+ return wd_params, nowd_params
+class AttentionRefinementModule(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_chan, out_chan, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(AttentionRefinementModule, self).__init__()
+ self.conv = ConvBNReLU(in_chan, out_chan, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv_atten = nn.Conv2d(out_chan, out_chan, kernel_size= 1, bias=False)
+ self.bn_atten = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan)
+ self.sigmoid_atten = nn.Sigmoid()
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ feat = self.conv(x)
+ atten = F.avg_pool2d(feat, feat.size()[2:])
+ atten = self.conv_atten(atten)
+ atten = self.bn_atten(atten)
+ atten = self.sigmoid_atten(atten)
+ out = torch.mul(feat, atten)
+ return out
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+class ContextPath(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, resnet_path, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(ContextPath, self).__init__()
+ self.resnet = Resnet18(resnet_path)
+ self.arm16 = AttentionRefinementModule(256, 128)
+ self.arm32 = AttentionRefinementModule(512, 128)
+ self.conv_head32 = ConvBNReLU(128, 128, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv_head16 = ConvBNReLU(128, 128, ks=3, stride=1, padding=1)
+ self.conv_avg = ConvBNReLU(512, 128, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ H0, W0 = x.size()[2:]
+ feat8, feat16, feat32 = self.resnet(x)
+ H8, W8 = feat8.size()[2:]
+ H16, W16 = feat16.size()[2:]
+ H32, W32 = feat32.size()[2:]
+ avg = F.avg_pool2d(feat32, feat32.size()[2:])
+ avg = self.conv_avg(avg)
+ avg_up = F.interpolate(avg, (H32, W32), mode='nearest')
+ feat32_arm = self.arm32(feat32)
+ feat32_sum = feat32_arm + avg_up
+ feat32_up = F.interpolate(feat32_sum, (H16, W16), mode='nearest')
+ feat32_up = self.conv_head32(feat32_up)
+ feat16_arm = self.arm16(feat16)
+ feat16_sum = feat16_arm + feat32_up
+ feat16_up = F.interpolate(feat16_sum, (H8, W8), mode='nearest')
+ feat16_up = self.conv_head16(feat16_up)
+ return feat8, feat16_up, feat32_up # x8, x8, x16
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params = [], []
+ for name, module in self.named_modules():
+ if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d)):
+ wd_params.append(module.weight)
+ if not module.bias is None:
+ nowd_params.append(module.bias)
+ elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nowd_params += list(module.parameters())
+ return wd_params, nowd_params
+### This is not used, since I replace this with the resnet feature with the same size
+class SpatialPath(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(SpatialPath, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = ConvBNReLU(3, 64, ks=7, stride=2, padding=3)
+ self.conv2 = ConvBNReLU(64, 64, ks=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.conv3 = ConvBNReLU(64, 64, ks=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.conv_out = ConvBNReLU(64, 128, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ feat = self.conv1(x)
+ feat = self.conv2(feat)
+ feat = self.conv3(feat)
+ feat = self.conv_out(feat)
+ return feat
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params = [], []
+ for name, module in self.named_modules():
+ if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) or isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d):
+ wd_params.append(module.weight)
+ if not module.bias is None:
+ nowd_params.append(module.bias)
+ elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nowd_params += list(module.parameters())
+ return wd_params, nowd_params
+class FeatureFusionModule(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_chan, out_chan, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(FeatureFusionModule, self).__init__()
+ self.convblk = ConvBNReLU(in_chan, out_chan, ks=1, stride=1, padding=0)
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(out_chan,
+ out_chan//4,
+ kernel_size = 1,
+ stride = 1,
+ padding = 0,
+ bias = False)
+ self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(out_chan//4,
+ out_chan,
+ kernel_size = 1,
+ stride = 1,
+ padding = 0,
+ bias = False)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
+ self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, fsp, fcp):
+ fcat = torch.cat([fsp, fcp], dim=1)
+ feat = self.convblk(fcat)
+ atten = F.avg_pool2d(feat, feat.size()[2:])
+ atten = self.conv1(atten)
+ atten = self.relu(atten)
+ atten = self.conv2(atten)
+ atten = self.sigmoid(atten)
+ feat_atten = torch.mul(feat, atten)
+ feat_out = feat_atten + feat
+ return feat_out
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params = [], []
+ for name, module in self.named_modules():
+ if isinstance(module, nn.Linear) or isinstance(module, nn.Conv2d):
+ wd_params.append(module.weight)
+ if not module.bias is None:
+ nowd_params.append(module.bias)
+ elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nowd_params += list(module.parameters())
+ return wd_params, nowd_params
+class BiSeNet(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, resnet_path='models/resnet18-5c106cde.pth', n_classes=19, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(BiSeNet, self).__init__()
+ self.cp = ContextPath(resnet_path)
+ ## here self.sp is deleted
+ self.ffm = FeatureFusionModule(256, 256)
+ self.conv_out = BiSeNetOutput(256, 256, n_classes)
+ self.conv_out16 = BiSeNetOutput(128, 64, n_classes)
+ self.conv_out32 = BiSeNetOutput(128, 64, n_classes)
+ self.init_weight()
+ def forward(self, x):
+ H, W = x.size()[2:]
+ feat_res8, feat_cp8, feat_cp16 = self.cp(x) # here return res3b1 feature
+ feat_sp = feat_res8 # use res3b1 feature to replace spatial path feature
+ feat_fuse = self.ffm(feat_sp, feat_cp8)
+ feat_out = self.conv_out(feat_fuse)
+ feat_out16 = self.conv_out16(feat_cp8)
+ feat_out32 = self.conv_out32(feat_cp16)
+ feat_out = F.interpolate(feat_out, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
+ feat_out16 = F.interpolate(feat_out16, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
+ feat_out32 = F.interpolate(feat_out32, (H, W), mode='bilinear', align_corners=True)
+ return feat_out, feat_out16, feat_out32
+ def init_weight(self):
+ for ly in self.children():
+ if isinstance(ly, nn.Conv2d):
+ nn.init.kaiming_normal_(ly.weight, a=1)
+ if not ly.bias is None: nn.init.constant_(ly.bias, 0)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params, lr_mul_wd_params, lr_mul_nowd_params = [], [], [], []
+ for name, child in self.named_children():
+ child_wd_params, child_nowd_params = child.get_params()
+ if isinstance(child, FeatureFusionModule) or isinstance(child, BiSeNetOutput):
+ lr_mul_wd_params += child_wd_params
+ lr_mul_nowd_params += child_nowd_params
+ else:
+ wd_params += child_wd_params
+ nowd_params += child_nowd_params
+ return wd_params, nowd_params, lr_mul_wd_params, lr_mul_nowd_params
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ net = BiSeNet(19)
+ net.cuda()
+ net.eval()
+ in_ten = torch.randn(16, 3, 640, 480).cuda()
+ out, out16, out32 = net(in_ten)
+ print(out.shape)
+ net.get_params()
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/resnet.py b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/resnet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2e5d87e34439e42f85b1cf80e83b750b4a38eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/face_parsing/resnet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+import torch.utils.model_zoo as modelzoo
+# from modules.bn import InPlaceABNSync as BatchNorm2d
+resnet18_url = 'https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet18-5c106cde.pth'
+def conv3x3(in_planes, out_planes, stride=1):
+ """3x3 convolution with padding"""
+ return nn.Conv2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride,
+ padding=1, bias=False)
+class BasicBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, in_chan, out_chan, stride=1):
+ super(BasicBlock, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = conv3x3(in_chan, out_chan, stride)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan)
+ self.conv2 = conv3x3(out_chan, out_chan)
+ self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan)
+ self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
+ self.downsample = None
+ if in_chan != out_chan or stride != 1:
+ self.downsample = nn.Sequential(
+ nn.Conv2d(in_chan, out_chan,
+ kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=False),
+ nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan),
+ )
+ def forward(self, x):
+ residual = self.conv1(x)
+ residual = F.relu(self.bn1(residual))
+ residual = self.conv2(residual)
+ residual = self.bn2(residual)
+ shortcut = x
+ if self.downsample is not None:
+ shortcut = self.downsample(x)
+ out = shortcut + residual
+ out = self.relu(out)
+ return out
+def create_layer_basic(in_chan, out_chan, bnum, stride=1):
+ layers = [BasicBlock(in_chan, out_chan, stride=stride)]
+ for i in range(bnum-1):
+ layers.append(BasicBlock(out_chan, out_chan, stride=1))
+ return nn.Sequential(*layers)
+class Resnet18(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, model_path):
+ super(Resnet18, self).__init__()
+ self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3,
+ bias=False)
+ self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(64)
+ self.maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.layer1 = create_layer_basic(64, 64, bnum=2, stride=1)
+ self.layer2 = create_layer_basic(64, 128, bnum=2, stride=2)
+ self.layer3 = create_layer_basic(128, 256, bnum=2, stride=2)
+ self.layer4 = create_layer_basic(256, 512, bnum=2, stride=2)
+ self.init_weight(model_path)
+ def forward(self, x):
+ x = self.conv1(x)
+ x = F.relu(self.bn1(x))
+ x = self.maxpool(x)
+ x = self.layer1(x)
+ feat8 = self.layer2(x) # 1/8
+ feat16 = self.layer3(feat8) # 1/16
+ feat32 = self.layer4(feat16) # 1/32
+ return feat8, feat16, feat32
+ def init_weight(self, model_path):
+ state_dict = torch.load(model_path) #modelzoo.load_url(resnet18_url)
+ self_state_dict = self.state_dict()
+ for k, v in state_dict.items():
+ if 'fc' in k: continue
+ self_state_dict.update({k: v})
+ self.load_state_dict(self_state_dict)
+ def get_params(self):
+ wd_params, nowd_params = [], []
+ for name, module in self.named_modules():
+ if isinstance(module, (nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d)):
+ wd_params.append(module.weight)
+ if not module.bias is None:
+ nowd_params.append(module.bias)
+ elif isinstance(module, nn.BatchNorm2d):
+ nowd_params += list(module.parameters())
+ return wd_params, nowd_params
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ net = Resnet18()
+ x = torch.randn(16, 3, 224, 224)
+ out = net(x)
+ print(out[0].size())
+ print(out[1].size())
+ print(out[2].size())
+ net.get_params()
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/preprocessing.py b/musetalk/utils/preprocessing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9eafe7c35fa8aee4709a88823261b7e1d1ada9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/preprocessing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+import sys
+from face_detection import FaceAlignment,LandmarksType
+from os import listdir, path
+import subprocess
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import pickle
+import os
+import json
+from mmpose.apis import inference_topdown, init_model
+from mmpose.structures import merge_data_samples
+import torch
+from tqdm import tqdm
+# initialize the mmpose model
+device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+config_file = './musetalk/utils/dwpose/rtmpose-l_8xb32-270e_coco-ubody-wholebody-384x288.py'
+checkpoint_file = './models/dwpose/dw-ll_ucoco_384.pth'
+model = init_model(config_file, checkpoint_file, device=device)
+# initialize the face detection model
+device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
+fa = FaceAlignment(LandmarksType._2D, flip_input=False,device=device)
+# maker if the bbox is not sufficient
+coord_placeholder = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
+def resize_landmark(landmark, w, h, new_w, new_h):
+ w_ratio = new_w / w
+ h_ratio = new_h / h
+ landmark_norm = landmark / [w, h]
+ landmark_resized = landmark_norm * [new_w, new_h]
+ return landmark_resized
+def read_imgs(img_list):
+ frames = []
+ print('reading images...')
+ for img_path in tqdm(img_list):
+ frame = cv2.imread(img_path)
+ frames.append(frame)
+ return frames
+def get_landmark_and_bbox(img_list,upperbondrange =0):
+ frames = read_imgs(img_list)
+ batch_size_fa = 1
+ batches = [frames[i:i + batch_size_fa] for i in range(0, len(frames), batch_size_fa)]
+ coords_list = []
+ landmarks = []
+ if upperbondrange != 0:
+ print('get key_landmark and face bounding boxes with the bbox_shift:',upperbondrange)
+ else:
+ print('get key_landmark and face bounding boxes with the default value')
+ average_range_minus = []
+ average_range_plus = []
+ for fb in tqdm(batches):
+ results = inference_topdown(model, np.asarray(fb)[0])
+ results = merge_data_samples(results)
+ keypoints = results.pred_instances.keypoints
+ face_land_mark= keypoints[0][23:91]
+ face_land_mark = face_land_mark.astype(np.int32)
+ # get bounding boxes by face detetion
+ bbox = fa.get_detections_for_batch(np.asarray(fb))
+ # adjust the bounding box refer to landmark
+ # Add the bounding box to a tuple and append it to the coordinates list
+ for j, f in enumerate(bbox):
+ if f is None: # no face in the image
+ coords_list += [coord_placeholder]
+ continue
+ half_face_coord = face_land_mark[29]#np.mean([face_land_mark[28], face_land_mark[29]], axis=0)
+ range_minus = (face_land_mark[30]- face_land_mark[29])[1]
+ range_plus = (face_land_mark[29]- face_land_mark[28])[1]
+ average_range_minus.append(range_minus)
+ average_range_plus.append(range_plus)
+ if upperbondrange != 0:
+ half_face_coord[1] = upperbondrange+half_face_coord[1] #手动调整 + 向下(偏29) - 向上(偏28)
+ half_face_dist = np.max(face_land_mark[:,1]) - half_face_coord[1]
+ upper_bond = half_face_coord[1]-half_face_dist
+ f_landmark = (np.min(face_land_mark[:, 0]),int(upper_bond),np.max(face_land_mark[:, 0]),np.max(face_land_mark[:,1]))
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = f_landmark
+ if y2-y1<=0 or x2-x1<=0 or x1<0: # if the landmark bbox is not suitable, reuse the bbox
+ coords_list += [f]
+ w,h = f[2]-f[0], f[3]-f[1]
+ print("error bbox:",f)
+ else:
+ coords_list += [f_landmark]
+ print("********************************************bbox_shift parameter adjustment**********************************************************")
+ print(f"Total frame:「{len(frames)}」 Manually adjust range : [ -{int(sum(average_range_minus) / len(average_range_minus))}~{int(sum(average_range_plus) / len(average_range_plus))} ] , the current value: {upperbondrange}")
+ print("*************************************************************************************************************************************")
+ return coords_list,frames
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ img_list = ["./results/lyria/00000.png","./results/lyria/00001.png","./results/lyria/00002.png","./results/lyria/00003.png"]
+ crop_coord_path = "./coord_face.pkl"
+ coords_list,full_frames = get_landmark_and_bbox(img_list)
+ with open(crop_coord_path, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(coords_list, f)
+ for bbox, frame in zip(coords_list,full_frames):
+ if bbox == coord_placeholder:
+ continue
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
+ crop_frame = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2]
+ print('Cropped shape', crop_frame.shape)
+ #cv2.imwrite(path.join(save_dir, '{}.png'.format(i)),full_frames[i][0][y1:y2, x1:x2])
+ print(coords_list)
diff --git a/musetalk/utils/utils.py b/musetalk/utils/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6b2f02f3d322555912ba563cd365854b2ac55a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/utils/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import os
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+ffmpeg_path = os.getenv('FFMPEG_PATH')
+if ffmpeg_path is None:
+ print("please download ffmpeg-static and export to FFMPEG_PATH. \nFor example: export FFMPEG_PATH=/musetalk/ffmpeg-4.4-amd64-static")
+elif ffmpeg_path not in os.getenv('PATH'):
+ print("add ffmpeg to path")
+ os.environ["PATH"] = f"{ffmpeg_path}:{os.environ['PATH']}"
+from musetalk.whisper.audio2feature import Audio2Feature
+from musetalk.models.vae import VAE
+from musetalk.models.unet import UNet,PositionalEncoding
+def load_all_model():
+ audio_processor = Audio2Feature(model_path="./models/whisper/tiny.pt")
+ vae = VAE(model_path = "./models/sd-vae-ft-mse/")
+ unet = UNet(unet_config="./models/musetalk/musetalk.json",
+ model_path ="./models/musetalk/pytorch_model.bin")
+ pe = PositionalEncoding(d_model=384)
+ return audio_processor,vae,unet,pe
+def get_file_type(video_path):
+ _, ext = os.path.splitext(video_path)
+ if ext.lower() in ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.bmp', '.tif', '.tiff']:
+ return 'image'
+ elif ext.lower() in ['.avi', '.mp4', '.mov', '.flv', '.mkv']:
+ return 'video'
+ else:
+ return 'unsupported'
+def get_video_fps(video_path):
+ video = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
+ fps = video.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
+ video.release()
+ return fps
+def datagen(whisper_chunks,vae_encode_latents,batch_size=8,delay_frame = 0):
+ whisper_batch, latent_batch = [], []
+ for i, w in enumerate(whisper_chunks):
+ idx = (i+delay_frame)%len(vae_encode_latents)
+ latent = vae_encode_latents[idx]
+ whisper_batch.append(w)
+ latent_batch.append(latent)
+ if len(latent_batch) >= batch_size:
+ whisper_batch = np.asarray(whisper_batch)
+ latent_batch = torch.cat(latent_batch, dim=0)
+ yield whisper_batch, latent_batch
+ whisper_batch, latent_batch = [], []
+ # the last batch may smaller than batch size
+ if len(latent_batch) > 0:
+ whisper_batch = np.asarray(whisper_batch)
+ latent_batch = torch.cat(latent_batch, dim=0)
+ yield whisper_batch, latent_batch
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/audio2feature.py b/musetalk/whisper/audio2feature.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..908db3d82078e0da280d2675743d965b9342f291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/audio2feature.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+import os
+from .whisper import load_model
+import soundfile as sf
+import numpy as np
+import time
+import sys
+class Audio2Feature():
+ def __init__(self,
+ whisper_model_type="tiny",
+ model_path="./models/whisper/tiny.pt"):
+ self.whisper_model_type = whisper_model_type
+ self.model = load_model(model_path) #
+ def get_sliced_feature(self,feature_array, vid_idx, audio_feat_length= [2,2],fps = 25):
+ """
+ Get sliced features based on a given index
+ :param feature_array:
+ :param start_idx: the start index of the feature
+ :param audio_feat_length:
+ :return:
+ """
+ length = len(feature_array)
+ selected_feature = []
+ selected_idx = []
+ center_idx = int(vid_idx*50/fps)
+ left_idx = center_idx-audio_feat_length[0]*2
+ right_idx = center_idx + (audio_feat_length[1]+1)*2
+ for idx in range(left_idx,right_idx):
+ idx = max(0, idx)
+ idx = min(length-1, idx)
+ x = feature_array[idx]
+ selected_feature.append(x)
+ selected_idx.append(idx)
+ selected_feature = np.concatenate(selected_feature, axis=0)
+ selected_feature = selected_feature.reshape(-1, 384)# 50*384
+ return selected_feature,selected_idx
+ def get_sliced_feature_sparse(self,feature_array, vid_idx, audio_feat_length= [2,2],fps = 25):
+ """
+ Get sliced features based on a given index
+ :param feature_array:
+ :param start_idx: the start index of the feature
+ :param audio_feat_length:
+ :return:
+ """
+ length = len(feature_array)
+ selected_feature = []
+ selected_idx = []
+ for dt in range(-audio_feat_length[0],audio_feat_length[1]+1):
+ left_idx = int((vid_idx+dt)*50/fps)
+ if left_idx<1 or left_idx>length-1:
+ left_idx = max(0, left_idx)
+ left_idx = min(length-1, left_idx)
+ x = feature_array[left_idx]
+ x = x[np.newaxis,:,:]
+ x = np.repeat(x, 2, axis=0)
+ selected_feature.append(x)
+ selected_idx.append(left_idx)
+ selected_idx.append(left_idx)
+ else:
+ x = feature_array[left_idx-1:left_idx+1]
+ selected_feature.append(x)
+ selected_idx.append(left_idx-1)
+ selected_idx.append(left_idx)
+ selected_feature = np.concatenate(selected_feature, axis=0)
+ selected_feature = selected_feature.reshape(-1, 384)# 50*384
+ return selected_feature,selected_idx
+ def feature2chunks(self,feature_array,fps,audio_feat_length = [2,2]):
+ whisper_chunks = []
+ whisper_idx_multiplier = 50./fps
+ i = 0
+ print(f"video in {fps} FPS, audio idx in 50FPS")
+ while 1:
+ start_idx = int(i * whisper_idx_multiplier)
+ selected_feature,selected_idx = self.get_sliced_feature(feature_array= feature_array,vid_idx = i,audio_feat_length=audio_feat_length,fps=fps)
+ #print(f"i:{i},selected_idx {selected_idx}")
+ whisper_chunks.append(selected_feature)
+ i += 1
+ if start_idx>len(feature_array):
+ break
+ return whisper_chunks
+ def audio2feat(self,audio_path):
+ # get the sample rate of the audio
+ result = self.model.transcribe(audio_path)
+ embed_list = []
+ for emb in result['segments']:
+ encoder_embeddings = emb['encoder_embeddings']
+ encoder_embeddings = encoder_embeddings.transpose(0,2,1,3)
+ encoder_embeddings = encoder_embeddings.squeeze(0)
+ start_idx = int(emb['start'])
+ end_idx = int(emb['end'])
+ emb_end_idx = int((end_idx - start_idx)/2)
+ embed_list.append(encoder_embeddings[:emb_end_idx])
+ concatenated_array = np.concatenate(embed_list, axis=0)
+ return concatenated_array
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ audio_processor = Audio2Feature(model_path="../../models/whisper/whisper_tiny.pt")
+ audio_path = "./test.mp3"
+ array = audio_processor.audio2feat(audio_path)
+ print(array.shape)
+ fps = 25
+ whisper_idx_multiplier = 50./fps
+ i = 0
+ print(f"video in {fps} FPS, audio idx in 50FPS")
+ while 1:
+ start_idx = int(i * whisper_idx_multiplier)
+ selected_feature,selected_idx = audio_processor.get_sliced_feature(feature_array= array,vid_idx = i,audio_feat_length=[2,2],fps=fps)
+ print(f"video idx {i},\t audio idx {selected_idx},\t shape {selected_feature.shape}")
+ i += 1
+ if start_idx>len(array):
+ break
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__init__.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9255534ceae3014481780ab0571b4edb6523212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import hashlib
+import io
+import os
+import urllib
+import warnings
+from typing import List, Optional, Union
+import torch
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from .audio import load_audio, log_mel_spectrogram, pad_or_trim
+from .decoding import DecodingOptions, DecodingResult, decode, detect_language
+from .model import Whisper, ModelDimensions
+from .transcribe import transcribe
+_MODELS = {
+ "tiny.en": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/d3dd57d32accea0b295c96e26691aa14d8822fac7d9d27d5dc00b4ca2826dd03/tiny.en.pt",
+ "tiny": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/65147644a518d12f04e32d6f3b26facc3f8dd46e5390956a9424a650c0ce22b9/tiny.pt",
+ "base.en": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/25a8566e1d0c1e2231d1c762132cd20e0f96a85d16145c3a00adf5d1ac670ead/base.en.pt",
+ "base": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/ed3a0b6b1c0edf879ad9b11b1af5a0e6ab5db9205f891f668f8b0e6c6326e34e/base.pt",
+ "small.en": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/f953ad0fd29cacd07d5a9eda5624af0f6bcf2258be67c92b79389873d91e0872/small.en.pt",
+ "small": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/9ecf779972d90ba49c06d968637d720dd632c55bbf19d441fb42bf17a411e794/small.pt",
+ "medium.en": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/d7440d1dc186f76616474e0ff0b3b6b879abc9d1a4926b7adfa41db2d497ab4f/medium.en.pt",
+ "medium": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/345ae4da62f9b3d59415adc60127b97c714f32e89e936602e85993674d08dcb1/medium.pt",
+ "large": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/e4b87e7e0bf463eb8e6956e646f1e277e901512310def2c24bf0e11bd3c28e9a/large.pt",
+ "large-v1": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/e4b87e7e0bf463eb8e6956e646f1e277e901512310def2c24bf0e11bd3c28e9a/large-v1.pt",
+ "large-v2": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/81f7c96c852ee8fc832187b0132e569d6c3065a3252ed18e56effd0b6a73e524/large-v2.pt",
+ "large-v3": "https://openaipublic.azureedge.net/main/whisper/models/e5b1a55b89c1367dacf97e3e19bfd829a01529dbfdeefa8caeb59b3f1b81dadb/large-v3.pt",
+def _download(url: str, root: str, in_memory: bool) -> Union[bytes, str]:
+ os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
+ expected_sha256 = url.split("/")[-2]
+ download_target = os.path.join(root, os.path.basename(url))
+ if os.path.exists(download_target) and not os.path.isfile(download_target):
+ raise RuntimeError(f"{download_target} exists and is not a regular file")
+ if os.path.isfile(download_target):
+ model_bytes = open(download_target, "rb").read()
+ if hashlib.sha256(model_bytes).hexdigest() == expected_sha256:
+ return model_bytes if in_memory else download_target
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(f"{download_target} exists, but the SHA256 checksum does not match; re-downloading the file")
+ with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as source, open(download_target, "wb") as output:
+ with tqdm(total=int(source.info().get("Content-Length")), ncols=80, unit='iB', unit_scale=True, unit_divisor=1024) as loop:
+ while True:
+ buffer = source.read(8192)
+ if not buffer:
+ break
+ output.write(buffer)
+ loop.update(len(buffer))
+ model_bytes = open(download_target, "rb").read()
+ if hashlib.sha256(model_bytes).hexdigest() != expected_sha256:
+ raise RuntimeError("Model has been downloaded but the SHA256 checksum does not not match. Please retry loading the model.")
+ return model_bytes if in_memory else download_target
+def available_models() -> List[str]:
+ """Returns the names of available models"""
+ return list(_MODELS.keys())
+def load_model(name: str, device: Optional[Union[str, torch.device]] = None, download_root: str = None, in_memory: bool = False) -> Whisper:
+ """
+ Load a Whisper ASR model
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ name : str
+ one of the official model names listed by `whisper.available_models()`, or
+ path to a model checkpoint containing the model dimensions and the model state_dict.
+ device : Union[str, torch.device]
+ the PyTorch device to put the model into
+ download_root: str
+ path to download the model files; by default, it uses "~/.cache/whisper"
+ in_memory: bool
+ whether to preload the model weights into host memory
+ Returns
+ -------
+ model : Whisper
+ The Whisper ASR model instance
+ """
+ if device is None:
+ device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
+ if download_root is None:
+ download_root = os.getenv(
+ os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cache", "whisper")
+ )
+ if name in _MODELS:
+ checkpoint_file = _download(_MODELS[name], download_root, in_memory)
+ elif os.path.isfile(name):
+ checkpoint_file = open(name, "rb").read() if in_memory else name
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Model {name} not found; available models = {available_models()}")
+ with (io.BytesIO(checkpoint_file) if in_memory else open(checkpoint_file, "rb")) as fp:
+ checkpoint = torch.load(fp, map_location=device)
+ del checkpoint_file
+ dims = ModelDimensions(**checkpoint["dims"])
+ model = Whisper(dims)
+ model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state_dict"])
+ return model.to(device)
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__main__.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bc9b04a39283f71082f46ec8bb11fe15f8cf75b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/__main__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+from .transcribe import cli
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/merges.txt b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/merges.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6636bda4a1fd7a63653dffb22683b8162c8de956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/merges.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,50001 @@
+#version: 0.2 - Trained by `huggingface/tokenizers`
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+A T
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+ĠS o
+Ġre ce
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+1 4
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+is ed
+Ġu nt
+one y
+pl oy
+== ==
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+ĠI nd
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+if ied
+ĠR ep
+1 6
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+olog y
+at ter
+in a
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+Ġf our
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+ir d
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+e e
+Ġd ri
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+uth or
+Ġp at
+Ġcur rent
+id es
+Ġp op
+t o
+ent ion
+Ġal ways
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+Ġ1 6
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+Ġ1 4
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+1 3
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+2 5
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+or th
+1 8
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+Ġm illion
+Ġ1 3
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+Ġwh y
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+an e
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+ou th
+B ut
+ion al
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+1 7
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+oh n
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+Ġ19 9
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+l f
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+g in
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+ow s
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+i ol
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+b r
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+E N
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+Ġ2 5
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+ne y
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+A s
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+un e
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+2 4
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+en e
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+u ed
+c hed
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+Ġoffic ial
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+and s
+ot s
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+or ld
+e b
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+Ġquest ion
+re w
+ĠW ar
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+ĠT w
+Ġw ent
+an ces
+w ork
+p or
+m y
+4 0
+Ġar g
+art ment
+ust om
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+Ġc reat
+2 2
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+ut ure
+Ġunder stand
+ur s
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+A L
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+ore d
+ver t
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+Ġ201 5
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+i ber
+ver age
+The re
+ition al
+d d
+Ġpro b
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+b ack
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+" .
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+Ġde ath
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+er y
+C h
+Ġe y
+i ally
+Ġm us
+w h
+p os
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+ir on
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+Ġplay ers
+in c
+al d
+y ear
+a un
+Ġsu ccess
+Ġpres ent
+ere nce
+Ġ201 4
+Ġsu gg
+Ġpartic ular
+Ġtr y
+Ġsugg est
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+on es
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+2 3
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+Ġl and
+Ġloc al
+if y
+2 9
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+E D
+ĠG u
+Ġm ult
+Ġpolit ical
+Ġask ed
+Ġfor mer
+it ter
+ri pt
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+Ġbelie ve
+Ġ z
+Ġto get
+Ġtoget her
+ĠC ent
+ir c
+Ġind ividual
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+2 7
+is k
+ĠE ng
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+Ġ2 4
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+Ġare a
+e v
+Ġw rit
+ĠPres ident
+Ġv ot
+Ġke y
+Ġm om
+p ut
+Ġany thing
+Ġexper ience
+att le
+Ġm ind
+a ff
+om m
+Ġf uture
+g ed
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+i en
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+Ġimp ro
+th ough
+ward s
+Ġcon nect
+ĠM ed
+sel ves
+ens ive
+m b
+o ber
+at ors
+A n
+Ġ5 0
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+res ent
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+s w
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+ĠA pp
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+al es
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+Ġbl ack
+I T
+c her
+Ġlook ing
+Ġf ire
+y n
+Ġal most
+o on
+Ġstud y
+Ġm iss
+c hes
+ro wn
+Ġt re
+Ġcommun ity
+Ġmed ia
+Ġf ood
+Ġcom es
+ĠUn iversity
+Ġsing le
+Wh at
+u ly
+Ġh alf
+ag ue
+h od
+ĠRep ublic
+Ġstart ed
+Ġqu ick
+ot o
+b ook
+Ġiss ue
+it or
+Ġel se
+Ġcons ider
+2 6
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+Ġt aken
+2 8
+9 9
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+ie f
+Ġadd ed
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+Ġf av
+3 3
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+as k
+ĠD on
+Ġcharact er
+ort s
+ĠH ouse
+Ġreport ed
+Ġty pe
+v al
+i od
+ĠHow ever
+Ġt arg
+Ġent ire
+pp ing
+Ġhist ory
+Ġl ive
+ff ic
+.... ....
+ed eral
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+Ġdisc uss
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+l ished
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+os p
+re st
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+Ġ x
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+b o
+Ġs ound
+ĠD ep
+Ġsome one
+ci ally
+ull y
+Ġf oc
+Ġob ject
+if t
+ap er
+Ġplay er
+Ġr ather
+Ġserv ice
+as hing
+ĠD o
+ĠP art
+ru g
+m on
+p ly
+Ġm or
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+Ġprov ide
+I C
+un g
+Ġpart y
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+7 0
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+Ġs um
+Ġapp lic
+Ġ ;
+Ġfun ction
+g r
+ĠP ol
+Ġfr ont
+2 00
+Ġser ies
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+ill s
+Ġo pt
+Ġpoint s
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+itt ed
+Ġspec ific
+Ġ201 7
+um b
+Ġr a
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+re me
+Ġc ustom
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+ĠM e
+Ġre pl
+Ġwho le
+g o
+c er
+Ġt reat
+ĠA ct
+Ġprob ably
+Ġle arn
+end er
+ĠA ss
+Ġvers ion
+n ow
+Ġche ck
+ĠC al
+R E
+min ist
+O n
+our ces
+Ġben ef
+Ġd oc
+Ġdet er
+Ġen c
+Ġsu per
+Ġadd ress
+Ġv ict
+Ġ201 3
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+t r
+Ġf ield
+W hen
+Ġsign ific
+u ge
+Ġfe at
+Ġcomm on
+l oad
+Ġbe gin
+Ġbr ing
+Ġa ction
+er man
+Ġdesc rib
+Ġind ust
+Ġwant ed
+ri ed
+m ing
+Ġatt empt
+4 5
+f er
+Ġd ue
+ress ion
+# #
+Ġsh all
+Ġs ix
+o o
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+Ġp ub
+Ġhim self
+Ġ2 3
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+Ġd est
+Ġst op
+A C
+ib ility
+Ġl ab
+ic ult
+Ġhour s
+Ġcre ate
+Ġf urther
+ĠAmeric a
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+Ġd ou
+he ad
+S T
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+c ing
+Ġn ational
+u le
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+ir t
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+v iron
+ĠG e
+Ġbre ak
+an a
+Ġsp ace
+ater ial
+Ġrec ent
+ĠA b
+Ġgener al
+Ġh it
+Ġper iod
+Ġevery thing
+ive ly
+Ġph ys
+Ġsay ing
+an ks
+Ġc ou
+Ġc ult
+ac ed
+e al
+u ation
+Ġc oun
+l u
+Ġinclud e
+Ġpos ition
+ĠA fter
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+ĠE m
+Ġim m
+ĠR ed
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+is c
+o le
+a ut
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+e ed
+f ect
+Ġ2 1
+ĠS en
+ĠThe se
+as ing
+Ġcan not
+Ġin it
+Ġrel ations
+ac hed
+Ġb ar
+Ġ4 0
+Ġ201 2
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+Ġsec urity
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+il t
+3 5
+Ġconc ern
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+pe cially
+i ents
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+ight s
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+Ġ â
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+ĠC ont
+Ġit self
+Ġm ass
+A l
+y le
+iqu e
+ĠN ational
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+Ġ ]
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+se c
+o ff
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+pl es
+c le
+Ġl o
+Ġde cl
+Ġit em
+med i
+Ġrep resent
+om b
+am er
+Ġsignific ant
+og raph
+s u
+Ġc al
+i res
+00 00
+I D
+A M
+Ġsim ply
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+Ġf ile
+O T
+c he
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+or g
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+il i
+": "
+Ġthem selves
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+Ġdiff icult
+ĠB ar
+il ities
+re l
+end s
+c ial
+6 4
+Ġwom an
+ra p
+y r
+Ġne cess
+ip s
+Ġte xt
+Ġrequ ire
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+Ġre view
+Ġresp ons
+7 5
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+Ġg en
+" ,"
+Ġmin utes
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+r ay
+am ed
+t ime
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+H ow
+Ġc ode
+ĠS m
+Ġhig her
+ĠSt e
+r is
+Ġp age
+Ġstud ents
+ĠIn tern
+Ġmet hod
+ĠA ug
+ĠP er
+ĠA g
+Ġpolic y
+ĠS w
+Ġex ec
+Ġac cept
+um e
+rib ut
+Ġword s
+Ġfin al
+Ġchang es
+ĠDem ocr
+Ġfriend s
+Ġres pect
+Ġe p
+Ġcomp an
+iv il
+Ġdam age
+** **
+og le
+viron ment
+Ġne g
+ent al
+Ġa p
+Ġtot al
+iv al
+! "
+l im
+Ġneed s
+Ġag re
+Ġdevelop ment
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+2 1
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+ĠOb ama
+ro ll
+Ġ @
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+al t
+o ver
+ww w
+Th at
+l ier
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+T o
+ã ģ
+n es
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+ess ion
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+at ur
+ashing ton
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+b it
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+ĠP ar
+3 8
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+f ace
+Ġdec ision
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+Ġj ud
+re ct
+Ġcontin ue
+ĠO ct
+ove red
+ĠI nt
+==== ====
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+it le
+Ġ2 8
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+Ġrequ est
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+4 4
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+C l
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+ĠCl inton
+O U
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+Ġ2 6
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+Ġhe art
+Ġb all
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+n a
+s et
+b ody
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+Ġincre ase
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+3 6
+3 2
+= "
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+y l
+Ġfil m
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+Ġsh are
+ific ation
+Ġre lease
+Ġfor ward
+Ġst ay
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+it te
+s er
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+Ġc ard
+Ġc and
+Ġd iv
+at ural
+Ġfav or
+O M
+Ġc ases
+us es
+Ġse ction
+Ġle ave
+g ing
+ov ed
+ĠW ashington
+3 9
+ĠG l
+Ġrequ ired
+act ion
+ap an
+o or
+it er
+ĠK ing
+Ġcount ries
+ĠG erman
+ll ing
+Ġ2 7
+3 4
+Ġquest ions
+Ġpr im
+Ġc ell
+Ġsh oot
+Ġany one
+ĠW est
+Ġaff ect
+ep end
+Ġon line
+ĠIs rael
+ĠSept ember
+Ġab ility
+Ġcont ent
+is es
+Ġre ve
+Ġl aun
+Ġind ic
+Ġfor ce
+c ast
+Ġso ld
+av ing
+f l
+Ġso ft
+Ġcompan ies
+ce ed
+Ġart icle
+Ġa ud
+Ġre v
+Ġed uc
+Ġplay ing
+0 5
+Ġhe ld
+ct or
+Ġrele ased
+Ġf ederal
+3 7
+Ġad minist
+Ġinter view
+Ġinst all
+Ġrece ived
+Ġs ource
+u k
+P h
+Ġser ious
+Ġcre ated
+Ġc ause
+Ġim medi
+Ġdef in
+u el
+ĠDep artment
+ct ions
+ĠC our
+ĠN ow
+z e
+it es
+it ution
+Ġl ate
+Ġspe ak
+n ers
+Ġleg al
+ar i
+ĠC or
+Ġwe eks
+Ġmod el
+Ġp red
+Ġex act
+B C
+ĠB y
+os ing
+Ġt akes
+Ġreg ard
+Ġopp ortun
+Ġpr ice
+Ġ19 8
+ĠA pr
+f ully
+Ġor d
+Ġproble ms
+ru ction
+h am
+ĠC ount
+le ge
+Ġlead ers
+E T
+le v
+Ġde ep
+olog ical
+es e
+h aps
+ĠS ome
+Ġp ers
+Ġcont ract
+Ġrelations hip
+s p
+ou d
+Ġb ase
+4 8
+m it
+A d
+anc ial
+Ġcons um
+Ġpot ential
+Ġl angu
+re m
+et h
+Ġrel ig
+ress ed
+6 6
+Ġl ink
+Ġl ower
+ay er
+ĠJ une
+Ġf em
+un t
+er c
+ur d
+Ġcont act
+Ġ ill
+Ġm other
+Ġest ab
+h tt
+ĠM arch
+ĠB ro
+ĠCh ina
+Ġ2 9
+Ġs qu
+Ġprov ided
+Ġa verage
+as ons
+Ġ201 1
+Ġex am
+l in
+5 5
+n ed
+Ġper fect
+Ġt ou
+al se
+u x
+Ġbu y
+Ġsh ot
+Ġcol lect
+Ġph ot
+Ġplay ed
+Ġsur pr
+Ġofficial s
+Ġsim ple
+av y
+Ġindust ry
+Ġhand s
+g round
+Ġp ull
+Ġr ound
+Ġus er
+Ġr ange
+u ary
+Ġpriv ate
+op s
+e es
+Ġw ays
+ĠM ich
+Ġve h
+Ġex cept
+Ġter ms
+im um
+pp er
+ore s
+ĠDr agon
+ou l
+Ġd en
+Ġperform ance
+Ġb ill
+c il
+4 7
+Ġen vironment
+Ġex c
+ad d
+Ġwor th
+Ġp ict
+Ġch ance
+Ġ201 8
+b or
+Ġspe ed
+ict ion
+Ġal leg
+ĠJ apan
+at ory
+re et
+Ġm atch
+Ġst ru
+ord er
+Ġst e
+Ġl iving
+Ġst ruct
+in o
+Ġse par
+her n
+Ġresp onse
+Ġen joy
+Ġv ia
+A D
+um ents
+ace book
+Ġmem ber
+ib r
+iz ing
+Ġto ol
+ĠM on
+ĠWh ile
+h ood
+ĠA ng
+ĠD ef
+Ġoff er
+T r
+a ur
+Ġturn ed
+ĠJ uly
+d own
+an ced
+Ġrec ently
+ĠE ar
+Ġc e
+ĠSt ar
+ĠC ong
+rough t
+Ġbl ood
+Ġhop e
+Ġcom ment
+ain t
+Ġar ri
+il es
+Ġpartic ip
+ough t
+ri ption
+0 8
+4 9
+Ġg ave
+Ġse lect
+Ġkill ed
+sy ch
+Ġgo es
+i j
+Ġc oll
+Ġimp act
+at ives
+ĠS er
+0 9
+ĠAug ust
+Ġb oy
+d e
+ĠD es
+Ġf elt
+U S
+Ġexpect ed
+Ġim age
+ĠM ark
+cc ording
+o ice
+E C
+ĠM ag
+en ed
+h old
+ĠP ost
+Ġpre vent
+N o
+Ġinvol ved
+Ġey es
+Ġquick ly
+A t
+un k
+Ġbeh av
+Ġ ur
+Ġl ed
+c ome
+e y
+Ġcand id
+Ġear lier
+Ġfoc us
+et y
+P ro
+led ge
+ix ed
+ill ed
+Ġpop ular
+A P
+Ġset t
+l ight
+Ġvar ious
+in ks
+Ġlevel s
+Ġro ad
+ell ig
+ab les
+he l
+itte e
+ĠG ener
+y pe
+Ġhe ard
+ic les
+Ġm is
+Ġus ers
+ĠS an
+Ġimpro ve
+Ġf ather
+Ġse arch
+The y
+v il
+Ġprof ess
+Ġkn ew
+Ġl oss
+Ġev ents
+6 5
+Ġb illion
+0 7
+0 2
+ĠNew s
+Ġco ver
+w here
+ens ion
+Ġb ott
+Ġare as
+en ces
+op e
+ĠTw itter
+a el
+Ġget s
+ĠGo ogle
+Ġs n
+i ant
+Ġv ote
+Ġnear ly
+Ġinclud ed
+Ġrec ogn
+z z
+m m
+al ed
+Ġhappen ed
+0 4
+Ġh ot
+Ġwho se
+Ġc ivil
+Ġsu ff
+o es
+it iz
+ĠSy ri
+Ġresp ond
+Ġh on
+Ġfeat ures
+Ġeconom ic
+ĠApr il
+r im
+Ġtechn ology
+Ġo ption
+ag ing
+Ġpur ch
+R e
+Ġl at
+ch ie
+is l
+Ġrec omm
+u f
+Ġtr aining
+Ġeffect s
+Ġf ast
+Ġ201 0
+Ġocc ur
+Ġwebs ite
+Ġem ail
+Ġs ens
+e ch
+Ġo il
+Ġinf lu
+Ġcurrent ly
+ĠS ch
+ĠAd d
+Ġgo al
+Ġsc ient
+Ġcon v
+1 00
+em y
+Ġdec ided
+Ġtra vel
+Ġm ention
+L L
+0 3
+Ġe lection
+Ġph one
+Ġlook s
+Ġsit uation
+Ġc y
+Ġh or
+b ed
+ĠCour t
+a ily
+av es
+Ġqu ality
+ĠCom p
+w ise
+Ġt able
+Ġst aff
+ĠW ind
+et t
+Ġtri ed
+ide red
+Ġadd ition
+Ġb ox
+Ġl ack
+ar ily
+Ġw ide
+Ġm id
+Ġbo ard
+ys is
+Ġant i
+h a
+Ġd ig
+en ing
+Ġd ro
+C on
+6 8
+Ġsl ow
+b ased
+se qu
+Ġp ath
+E x
+ak er
+Ġwork ed
+Ġp en
+Ġeng ine
+Ġlook ed
+ĠSu per
+ĠS erv
+Ġvict im
+U n
+Ġproper ty
+Ġint rodu
+Ġexec ut
+L e
+Ġcol or
+ĠM ore
+Ġ6 0
+Ġnet work
+Ġd ate
+c ul
+id ge
+Ġext ra
+3 1
+Ġs le
+6 7
+Ġw ond
+Ġreport s
+j ust
+ĠAust ral
+Ġcap ital
+Ġen s
+Ġcomm and
+Ġallow ed
+Ġpre p
+Ġca pt
+h ib
+Ġnum bers
+ch an
+Ġf air
+m p
+om s
+Ġre ach
+W ith
+t ain
+Ġbro ad
+Ġcou ple
+ec ause
+ly ing
+ĠF eb
+Ġsc reen
+Ġl ives
+Ġpri or
+ĠCong ress
+A r
+Ġappro ach
+Ġe mer
+ar ies
+ĠD is
+s erv
+ĠN e
+Ġbu ilt
+c ies
+Ġre pe
+Ġrul es
+for ce
+ĠP al
+Ġfin ancial
+Ġcons idered
+ĠCh ar
+n ces
+Ġb rought
+Ġb i
+i ers
+ĠS im
+O P
+Ġproduct s
+Ġvis it
+Ġdoc ument
+Ġcon duct
+Ġcomplete ly
+in ing
+ĠCal if
+ib ly
+Ġwr itten
+em ents
+Ġd raw
+O ne
+Ġpub lished
+Ġsec ret
+r ain
+he t
+ĠF acebook
+ond ay
+ĠU p
+Ġsex ual
+Ġth ous
+ĠP at
+Ġ ess
+Ġstand ard
+Ġar m
+g es
+ect ion
+Ġf ell
+Ġfore ign
+an i
+ĠFr iday
+Ġreg ular
+in ary
+Ġincre ased
+Ġus ually
+Ġdem on
+Ġd ark
+Ġadd itional
+ro l
+ĠO f
+Ġprodu ction
+! !
+und red
+Ġintern ational
+id ents
+ĠF ree
+rou p
+Ġr ace
+Ġm ach
+Ġh uge
+A ll
+le ar
+ove mber
+Ġto wn
+Ġatt ention
+ĠO ff
+y ond
+ĠThe n
+f ield
+Ġter ror
+ra z
+ĠB o
+Ġmeet ing
+ĠP ark
+Ġar rest
+Ġf ear
+Ġa w
+ĠV al
+or ing
+' ,
+Ġext reme
+ar r
+Ġwork ers
+A fter
+Ġ3 1
+n et
+am ent
+Ġdirect ly
+Ġpop ulation
+ub e
+ĠOct ober
+ĠJan uary
+5 9
+ĠDav id
+Ġc ross
+ce mber
+ĠF irst
+Ġmess age
+ir it
+Ġn ation
+Ġp oll
+is ions
+Ġansw er
+n y
+is ode
+Ġcar ry
+ĠRuss ia
+Ġhe ar
+eng th
+ro y
+Ġn atural
+in ally
+Ġdo g
+m itted
+Ġtr ade
+Ġsub st
+Ġmult iple
+ĠAf ric
+Ġf ans
+Ġs ort
+Ġgl obal
+ic ation
+ĠW ed
+ar a
+Ġa chie
+Ġlangu age
+ve y
+Ġt al
+Ġnecess ary
+Ġdet ails
+Ġs en
+ĠS und
+ĠRe g
+ĠR ec
+0 6
+Ġs il
+ress ive
+Ġmed ical
+un ch
+orn ia
+Ġu nd
+f ort
+oc ks
+ĠM onday
+ues day
+c raft
+7 7
+ur t
+Ġ ver
+ĠH ill
+Ġrece ive
+Ġmor ning
+es tern
+Ġb ank
+Ġs at
+ir th
+ĠH igh
+Ġdev ice
+ĠCent er
+Ġsaf e
+Ġp le
+ĠCanad a
+Ġsystem s
+Ġass ist
+Ġsur v
+Ġb attle
+ĠS oc
+vert is
+S he
+Ġp aper
+Ġgrow th
+Ġc ast
+S c
+Ġpl ans
+ll ed
+Ġpart s
+Ġw all
+Ġmove ment
+Ġpract ice
+im ately
+Ġdis play
+Ġsomet imes
+om p
+ĠP aul
+ĠY es
+k ing
+5 8
+o ly
+Ġs on
+Ġav oid
+ok es
+ĠJ ew
+Ġto wards
+as c
+Ġ //
+ĠK ore
+Ġtalk ing
+Ġcor rect
+Ġsp ent
+ic ks
+i able
+e ared
+Ġter m
+Ġwant s
+om ing
+Ġ ut
+Ġdou b
+Ġfor ces
+Ġp lease
+6 9
+ĠN ovember
+at form
+ond on
+Ġon es
+Ġimmedi ately
+ĠRuss ian
+ĠM et
+Ġde g
+Ġparent s
+C H
+ĠAmeric ans
+al y
+ĠM od
+Ġsh own
+Ġcond itions
+Ġst uff
+Ġre b
+ĠY our
+Ġinclud es
+n own
+ĠS am
+Ġexper ien
+m ission
+ĠE ven
+augh t
+Ġannoun ced
+ĠRepublic an
+Ġdeter min
+Ġdescrib ed
+ĠCount y
+( )
+Ġdo or
+Ġchang ed
+Ġne igh
+ĠH ere
+Ġcle an
+Ġp an
+ĠDe cember
+ĠEurope an
+ir ing
+ap ter
+Ġcl ub
+ĠT uesday
+Ġp aid
+ĠN et
+Ġattack s
+Ġcharact ers
+Ġal one
+Ġdirect or
+d om
+Ġ3 5
+Ġl oad
+Ġr out
+ĠCalif ornia
+Ġfin ally
+Ġr ac
+Ġcont r
+Ġexact ly
+res h
+p ri
+ĠIs lam
+Ġn ature
+Ġcare er
+Ġlat est
+Ġcon vers
+ĠS l
+p ose
+ci ent
+ĠIn c
+iv ity
+8 8
+ĠA tt
+ĠM or
+nes day
+Ġwe ight
+k en
+Ġnot e
+Ġteam s
+Ġ \
+air s
+ĠG reen
+Ġh undred
+on ent
+Ġstre ng
+Ġcons ist
+ic ated
+Ġreg ul
+Ġl ic
+ast ic
+Ġt en
+urs day
+ellig ence
+ous ly
+B I
+Ġcost s
+Ġind epend
+Ġnorm al
+Ġh om
+Ġob vious
+Ġs we
+Ġst ar
+Ġread y
+ac her
+Ġimp lement
+g est
+Ġs ong
+ĠG et
+ĠL ab
+Ġinterest ing
+us ing
+Ġg iving
+ĠSund ay
+Ġet c
+Ġm iddle
+Ġrem ember
+r ight
+os ition
+ut ions
+Ġm ax
+4 6
+Ġyour self
+Ġdem and
+Ġtreat ment
+Ġd anger
+ĠC ons
+Ġgu y
+ĠBrit ish
+Ġphys ical
+Ġrel ated
+Ġrem ain
+Ġcould n
+Ġref er
+Ġc itiz
+b ox
+bo ard
+Ġin n
+I G
+er o
+ĠSt reet
+osp ital
+ren ch
+cher s
+Ġst ra
+O L
+ag er
+Ġeas ily
+I A
+en ge
+in y
+Ġcl os
+ock ed
+Ġus es
+ĠC oun
+I m
+u ild
+? ?
+m ore
+Ġan g
+Ġwr ite
+ol ute
+5 7
+Ġlead er
+Ġread ing
+< /
+Ġaut om
+est s
+4 3
+Ġleg isl
+ĠG old
+Ġdesign ed
+ĠLe g
+a res
+Ġbe aut
+ĠT ex
+Ġappear s
+Ġstru gg
+ĠR om
+Ġ 00
+Ġcho ice
+Ġparticular ly
+ĠF rom
+op er
+ĠL ondon
+ann ed
+Ġallow s
+ob ile
+Ġdiffere nce
+âĢ ¢
+ĠV iew
+ĠWed nesday
+Ġal though
+Ġrel ative
+Ġapplic ation
+ate ver
+Ġare n
+Ġmy self
+Ġim ag
+Ġdis e
+Ġsoc iety
+Ġfre qu
+ĠEng lish
+Ġpo or
+ĠD ay
+Ġwrit ing
+Ġse ven
+Ġstart ing
+Ġb ud
+Ġpr int
+ĠTr ans
+uf act
+ĠSt ud
+n ew
+Ġcr im
+Ġg ives
+Ġco ol
+a e
+i ance
+ĠGener al
+Ġthink ing
+Ġsa ve
+Ġlim ited
+ĠPart y
+Ġmean ing
+p en
+ow ers
+ĠJ ack
+E M
+Ġn ice
+ru pt
+Ġg as
+Ġe ight
+Ġfe et
+Ġeff ort
+Ġ ign
+ic it
+B l
+co in
+Ġop in
+Ġbr ain
+Wh ile
+he st
+ĠTh ursday
+Ġwould n
+augh ter
+Ġtou ch
+le ments
+Ġstud ies
+Ġcent er
+c ont
+or ge
+Ġcomput er
+Ġinvestig ation
+P l
+or ks
+Ġ200 8
+Ġincre asing
+Ġst ore
+Ġcom ments
+Ġb al
+m en
+Ġdo ll
+Ġl iber
+Ġw ife
+Ġlaw s
+atur day
+it ness
+Ġmod ern
+ĠS k
+Ġadminist ration
+Ġopportun ity
+Ġs al
+Ġpower ful
+M y
+Ġclaim s
+ĠEar th
+ord s
+Ġt itle
+Ġes c
+n ame
+N ot
+om en
+Ġbe yond
+Ġc amer
+Ġse ll
+it ute
+ear ch
+Ġapp l
+im ent
+4 2
+ĠAr t
+Ġun f
+Ġviol ence
+ur g
+ĠE ast
+Ġcomp ared
+Ġopt ions
+Ġthrough out
+Ġv s
+ig r
+. [
+ac hes
+7 8
+Ġfil es
+F L
+E L
+ar ian
+ĠJ ames
+ĠA ir
+an ch
+Ġdet ail
+Ġpie ce
+P S
+Ġn amed
+Ġeduc ation
+Ġdri ve
+Ġitem s
+Ġstud ent
+ic ed
+: :
+ic o
+Ġth row
+Ġsc ene
+Ġcomple x
+Ġ200 9
+Ġpre c
+ĠB re
+7 9
+Ġcon cept
+Ġstat us
+am ing
+Ġd ied
+Ġknow ledge
+Ġbegin ning
+O D
+ru ary
+Ġcertain ly
+Ġgu ys
+Ġsl ight
+in n
+ound s
+Ġf ine
+Ġf at
+ic ations
+Ġper haps
+ĠA nt
+Ġinc ome
+Ġhtt ps
+Ġmajor ity
+port s
+st on
+Ġgreat er
+Ġfe ed
+ent ially
+Ġsaf ety
+Ġun ique
+and om
+Ġg one
+Ġshow ed
+Ġhist or
+Ġcoun ter
+i us
+id a
+Ġlead ing
+i pe
+Ġs end
+ĠDon ald
+er ve
+Ġdef ense
+ines e
+Ġy es
+ĠF ire
+ĠMus lim
+ra q
+Ġcontin ued
+os h
+Ġprov ides
+Ġpr ison
+ĠP re
+Ġhapp y
+Ġeconom y
+Ġtr ust
+ag s
+ĠG ame
+Ġweap ons
+um an
+ĠC le
+it ation
+Ġanal ysis
+ĠT imes
+Ġsc ience
+- >
+Ġfig ure
+Ġdis app
+ent y
+Ġsoft ware
+Ġu lt
+Ġoffic ers
+N ew
+I s
+Ġrem ains
+ĠInd ia
+Ġp sych
+ri ef
+Ġc at
+es c
+Ġob serv
+Ġst age
+ĠD ark
+Ġent er
+ch ange
+Ġpass ed
+Ġdes pite
+ĠO ut
+Ġmov ie
+r s
+Ġv oice
+m ine
+ĠPl ay
+Ġto ward
+ĠT er
+Ġreg ion
+Ġval ues
+or ters
+Ġm ount
+Ġoffic er
+ĠO ther
+b an
+Ġh ous
+w ood
+ro om
+I V
+ĠS un
+se e
+ĠO ver
+ro g
+9 0
+Ġl ay
+ĠT ur
+a wn
+Ġpress ure
+ĠS ub
+Ġbook s
+ed om
+ĠS and
+A A
+ag o
+Ġre asons
+f ord
+Ġactiv ity
+U T
+N ow
+ĠSen ate
+ce ll
+n ight
+Ġcall s
+in ter
+Ġlet ter
+ĠR ob
+ĠJ e
+Ġcho ose
+ĠL aw
+G et
+B e
+Ġro b
+Ġtyp es
+Ġpl atform
+Ġqu arter
+R A
+ĠT ime
+Ġmay be
+ĠC r
+9 5
+p re
+Ġmov ing
+Ġl if
+Ġgo ld
+Ġs om
+Ġpat ients
+Ġtr uth
+ĠK e
+ur ance
+ant ly
+m ar
+Ġchar ge
+ĠG reat
+Ġce le
+---------------- ----------------
+Ġro ck
+ro id
+an cy
+Ġcred it
+a ud
+B y
+ĠE very
+Ġmov ed
+ing er
+rib ution
+Ġn ames
+Ġstra ight
+ĠHe alth
+ĠW ell
+Ġfe ature
+Ġr ule
+Ġsc he
+in ated
+ĠMich ael
+ber g
+4 1
+il ed
+b and
+Ġcl ick
+ĠAng el
+on ents
+Â Ń
+ĠI raq
+ĠS aturday
+Ġa ware
+p art
+Ġpat tern
+O W
+ĠL et
+Ġgr ad
+ign ed
+Ġassoci ated
+Ġst yle
+n o
+i ation
+a ith
+il ies
+Ġst ories
+ur ation
+Ġindividual s
+ĠâĢ ¦
+m iss
+ĠAss oci
+ish ing
+ab y
+Ġsum mer
+ĠB en
+Ġ3 2
+Ġar ch
+ut y
+ĠTex as
+h ol
+Ġfull y
+Ġm ill
+Ġfollow ed
+ĠB ill
+ĠInd ian
+ĠSec ret
+ĠB el
+ĠFeb ruary
+Ġjob s
+Ġseem ed
+ĠGo vern
+i pped
+Ġreal ity
+Ġl ines
+Ġp ark
+Ġmeas ure
+ĠO ur
+I M
+Ġbro ther
+Ġgrow ing
+Ġb an
+Ġest im
+Ġc ry
+ĠS chool
+Ġme chan
+ĠWind ows
+Ġr ates
+ĠO h
+Ġpos itive
+Ġcult ure
+ist ics
+ic a
+Ġh ar
+y a
+ite ly
+i pp
+Ġm ap
+en cies
+ĠWill iam
+I I
+ak ers
+5 6
+ĠM art
+ĠR em
+Ġal tern
+it ude
+Ġco ach
+row d
+D on
+Ġk ids
+Ġj ournal
+Ġcor por
+Ġf alse
+Ġwe b
+Ġsle ep
+Ġcont ain
+Ġst o
+Ġb ed
+iver se
+ĠR ich
+ĠCh inese
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+k nown
+Ġnot ice
+Ġfavor ite
+a ven
+Ġcond ition
+Ġpur pose
+) )
+Ġorgan ization
+Ġchall eng
+Ġman ufact
+Ġsus p
+ĠA c
+Ġcrit ic
+un es
+uc lear
+Ġm er
+vent ion
+Ġ8 0
+Ġm ist
+ĠU s
+ĠT or
+htt p
+ol f
+Ġlarg er
+Ġadv ant
+Ġrese ar
+Ġact ions
+m l
+Ġke pt
+Ġa im
+, '
+c ol
+Ġbenef its
+if ying
+Ġact ual
+ĠIntern ational
+Ġveh icle
+Ġch ief
+Ġeff orts
+ĠLe ague
+ĠM ost
+Ġwa it
+Ġad ult
+Ġover all
+Ġspe ech
+Ġhigh ly
+Ġfem ale
+Ġer ror
+Ġeffect ive
+5 4
+Ġenc our
+w ell
+Ġfail ed
+Ġcons erv
+Ġprogram s
+Ġt rou
+Ġa head
+5 00
+vertis ement
+I P
+ĠF ound
+p ir
+Ġ %
+Ġcr ime
+and er
+Ġloc ation
+ĠI ran
+Ġbehav ior
+az ing
+Ġr are
+Ġem b
+Ġca used
+Ġsh ip
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+Ġref lect
+ven ue
+Ġf irm
+Ġb irth
+] .
+Ġclear ly
+Ġem ot
+Ġag ency
+ri age
+Ġmem ory
+9 8
+S A
+ĠSe e
+ac ing
+C C
+Ġbig gest
+Ġr ap
+Ġbas ic
+Ġb and
+e at
+Ġsus pect
+ĠM ac
+Ġ9 0
+m ark
+ist an
+Ġsp read
+am s
+k i
+as y
+ra v
+ĠR ober
+Ġdemon str
+r ated
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+Ġpl aces
+Ġim pl
+ibr ary
+Ġc ards
+Ġdest roy
+Ġv irt
+ve re
+Ġapp eared
+y an
+p oint
+Ġbe g
+Ġtem per
+s pe
+ant ed
+ear s
+ĠD irect
+Ġl ength
+Ġbl og
+am b
+Ġint eg
+Ġres ources
+ac c
+if ul
+Ġsp ot
+Ġfor ced
+Ġthous ands
+ĠMin ister
+Ġqu al
+ĠF rench
+at ically
+Ġgener ally
+Ġdr ink
+Ġth us
+I L
+od es
+Ġappro pri
+ĠRe ad
+Ġwh om
+Ġey e
+Ġcol lege
+Ġ4 5
+ire ction
+Ġens ure
+Ġapp arent
+id ers
+Ġrelig ious
+Ġmin or
+ol ic
+Ġt ro
+ĠWh y
+rib ute
+m et
+Ġprim ary
+Ġdevelop ed
+Ġpe ace
+Ġsk in
+st e
+av a
+Ġbl ue
+Ġfam ilies
+Ġ ir
+Ġapp ly
+Ġin form
+ĠSm ith
+C T
+i i
+Ġlim it
+Ġres ist
+........ ........
+um n
+Ġconf lic
+Ġtw e
+ud d
+ĠT om
+Ġl iter
+qu e
+b on
+Ġha ir
+Ġevent ually
+Ġp us
+Ġhelp ed
+Ġag g
+or ney
+ĠApp le
+Ġf it
+ĠS ur
+Ġpre m
+Ġs ales
+Ġsecond s
+Ġstreng th
+Ġfeel ing
+¿ ½
+Ġt our
+Ġknow s
+o om
+Ġex erc
+Ġsom ew
+ï ¿½
+> >
+Ġsp okes
+Ġide as
+Ġreg ist
+so ft
+ĠD el
+Ġpro pos
+Ġlaun ch
+Ġbott om
+T H
+ĠP lease
+v est
+it z
+ĠIn ter
+Ġsc ript
+Ġr at
+ar ning
+Ġ il
+ĠJ er
+ĠA re
+Ġwh atever
+ok en
+ci ence
+Ġmod e
+Ġag ree
+Ġs ources
+Ġinit ial
+Ġrest rict
+Ġwond er
+us ion
+## ##
+ĠS il
+vil le
+Ġb urn
+t w
+as ion
+ĠÂ £
+Ġn or
+u ing
+Ġre ached
+Ġs un
+Ġc ateg
+ig ration
+Ġc ook
+Ġprom ot
+Ġm ale
+Ġcl imate
+Ġf ix
+Ġalleg ed
+U R
+all ed
+Ġim ages
+C ont
+ot a
+Ġschool s
+i os
+Ġd rop
+Ġst ream
+ĠM o
+Ġprevious ly
+al ing
+Ġp et
+Ġdou ble
+Ġ( @
+ann el
+Ġdef ault
+t ies
+Ġr ank
+ĠD ec
+ĠCoun cil
+Ġweap on
+Ġst ock
+Ġanal y
+ĠSt r
+Ġpict ure
+ĠPol ice
+f erence
+Ġcent ury
+Ġcitiz ens
+Ġon to
+Ġexp and
+Ġhe ro
+ĠS ol
+Ġw ild
+Ġupd ate
+Ġcustom ers
+r ont
+d ef
+Ġl ik
+Ġcrim inal
+ĠChrist ian
+S P
+7 6
+Ġle aving
+Ġother wise
+ĠD ist
+Ġbas is
+5 2
+5 3
+ic ip
+ĠB er
+Ġrecomm end
+Ġfl oor
+Ġc rowd
+ol es
+Ġ7 0
+Ġcent ral
+ĠE v
+Ġd ream
+Ġdown load
+Ġconf ir
+ĠTh om
+Ġwind ow
+Ġhapp ens
+Ġun it
+Ġt end
+Ġs pl
+Ġbec omes
+Ġfight ing
+Ġpred ict
+ĠP ress
+ĠP ower
+Ġhe avy
+ak ed
+Ġf an
+or ter
+ate gy
+B A
+iz es
+Ġsp end
+H ere
+Ġ200 7
+Ġad op
+ĠH am
+Ġfoot ball
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+od ay
+5 1
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+h t
+Ġ3 8
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+ac ity
+Ġb ur
+] ,
+tern al
+r ig
+b ut
+Ġthere fore
+ĠB ecause
+res p
+re y
+Ġm ission
+S ome
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+Ġdise ase
+Ġed it
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+r d
+ĠB rown
+oc al
+Ġadd ing
+Ġra ised
+ĠAn y
+Ġt ick
+Ġsee ing
+ĠPe ople
+Ġagre ement
+Ġser ver
+Ġw at
+Ġdeb ate
+Ġsupp osed
+il ing
+Ġlarg est
+Ġsuccess ful
+ĠP ri
+ĠDemocr atic
+Ġj ump
+ĠSyri a
+Ġown ers
+Ġoff ers
+Ġshoot ing
+Ġeff ic
+se y
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+ver se
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+Ġrecord s
+% )
+Ġsc en
+Ġemploy ees
+Ġdev ices
+he m
+Ġcom mer
+ĠM ex
+Ġbenef it
+ĠPro f
+Ġil leg
+Ġsur face
+ĠAl so
+Ġh arm
+ing ly
+w ide
+ĠA lex
+Ġsh ut
+ĠC ur
+Ġl ose
+p m
+Ġchall enge
+se mb
+Ġst ation
+Ġint elligence
+Ġacc ur
+ĠFl or
+Ġrequ ires
+ĠM al
+b um
+Ġh ospital
+Ġsp irit
+Ġoff ered
+Ġprodu ce
+ĠComm un
+Ġcreat ing
+Ġcr is
+s pect
+Ġend ed
+Ġd aily
+Ġvot ers
+land s
+i as
+i h
+on a
+Ġsm art
+ĠOff ice
+ĠL ord
+ri al
+ĠIntern et
+Ġcirc um
+Ġextreme ly
+' .
+Ġopin ion
+ĠM il
+Ġg ain
+B S
+ĠF in
+y p
+Ġuse ful
+Ġbud get
+Ġcom fort
+is f
+Ġback ground
+el ine
+Ġep isode
+Ġen emy
+Ġtri al
+Ġestab lish
+d ate
+ĠC ap
+Ġcontin ues
+Ġshow ing
+ĠUn ion
+w ith
+Ġpost ed
+ĠSy stem
+Ġe at
+ri an
+Ġr ise
+ĠGerman y
+il s
+Ġsign ed
+Ġv ill
+Ġgr and
+m or
+ĠEng land
+Ġproject s
+um ber
+Ġconf erence
+z a
+Ġrespons ible
+ĠAr ab
+Ġlearn ed
+âĢĶ âĢĶ
+i pping
+ĠGe orge
+O C
+Ġreturn ed
+ĠAustral ia
+Ġb rief
+Q u
+Ġbr and
+ill ing
+ab led
+Ġhig hest
+Ġtr ain
+ĠComm ission
+wh ile
+Ġn om
+cept ion
+Ġm ut
+ĠBl ue
+Ġinc ident
+v ant
+8 6
+Ġn uclear
+7 4
+ĠL ike
+ĠM icro
+l i
+m ail
+Ġcharg es
+8 9
+Ġad just
+ad o
+Ġear th
+N A
+Ġpr ices
+P A
+Ġd raft
+Ġrun s
+Ġcandid ate
+ens es
+Ġmanag ement
+ĠPh il
+ĠM iss
+Ġte ach
+g ram
+Ġunderstand ing
+a it
+ic ago
+A dd
+ĠE p
+sec ut
+Ġsepar ate
+Ġinst ance
+Ġe th
+Ġun less
+**** ****
+ĠF ore
+in ate
+Ġoper ations
+S p
+Ġf aith
+g ar
+ĠCh urch
+ron ic
+Ġconf ig
+os ure
+Ġactiv ities
+Ġtrad itional
+Ġ3 6
+Ġd irection
+Ġmach ine
+Ġsur round
+Ġp ush
+un ction
+Ġeas ier
+Ġarg ument
+G B
+Ġm icro
+Ġsp ending
+iz ations
+Ġthe ory
+ad ow
+Ġcall ing
+ĠL ast
+Ġd er
+Ġinflu ence
+Ġcomm it
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+ist ry
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+ast e
+ack s
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+ad y
+d o
+ĠG ood
+Ġ `
+Ġw ish
+Ġreve aled
+Âł Âł
+l ig
+Ġen force
+ĠComm ittee
+Ġche m
+Ġmil es
+Ġinterest ed
+Ġsol ution
+ic y
+in ct
+Ġ- >
+ĠD et
+Ġrem oved
+Ġcomp ar
+e ah
+Ġpl ant
+ĠS ince
+Ġachie ve
+Ġadvant age
+Ġslight ly
+b ing
+Ġpl aced
+u nder
+201 5
+ĠM ad
+Ġt im
+os es
+Ġc ru
+ĠR ock
+Ġmost ly
+Ġneg ative
+Ġset ting
+Ġprodu ced
+Ġm ur
+Ġconnect ion
+ĠM er
+Ġdri ver
+Ġexecut ive
+Ġass ault
+Ġb orn
+ĠV er
+t ained
+Ġstruct ure
+Ġredu ce
+Ġdec ades
+Ġd ed
+u ke
+ĠM any
+idd en
+Ġle ague
+S e
+Ġjo in
+Ġdis co
+Ġd ie
+c ks
+act ions
+Ġass ess
+ag n
+Ġgo als
+our s
+I R
+Ġsen ior
+ill er
+m od
+ip ment
+oc ol
+u y
+ĠQ ue
+Ġpart ies
+ir gin
+Ġle arning
+it able
+Ġstre et
+Ġcamer a
+A pp
+Ġsk ills
+b re
+c ious
+Ġcele br
+ĠFr anc
+Ġexist ing
+Ġwill ing
+l or
+Ġ id
+ĠSp ace
+Ġcrit ical
+ĠL a
+ortun ately
+Ġser ve
+Ġc old
+Ġspec ies
+T S
+Ġanim als
+ĠB ay
+Ġold er
+ĠU nder
+est ic
+ĠT re
+Ġte acher
+Ġpre fer
+v is
+Ġth read
+ĠM att
+Ġmanag er
+ãĥ »
+Ġprofess ional
+ĠV ol
+Ġnot es
+The se
+ul a
+Ġf resh
+ent ed
+u zz
+ed y
+clus ion
+ĠR el
+Ġdoub t
+E O
+Ġopen ed
+ĠB it
+Ad vertisement
+Ġgu ess
+Ġse qu
+Ġexpl ain
+ott en
+Ġatt ract
+ak s
+Ġstr ing
+Ġcont ext
+oss ible
+ĠRepublic ans
+Ġsol id
+Ġc ities
+Ġask ing
+Ġr andom
+u ps
+ur ies
+ar ant
+dd en
+g l
+ĠFlor ida
+Ġdep end
+ĠSc ott
+Ġ3 3
+Ġi T
+ic on
+Ġmention ed
+Ġ2 000
+Ġclaim ed
+Ġdefin itely
+ul f
+Ġc ore
+Ġopen ing
+ĠCon st
+wh ich
+ĠT ra
+A G
+7 2
+Ġbelie ved
+ad a
+Ġ4 8
+ĠSec urity
+yr ight
+ĠP et
+ĠL ou
+Ġhold ing
+======== ========
+Ġ ice
+Ġb row
+Ġauthor ities
+h ost
+w ord
+Ġsc ore
+ĠD iv
+Ġcell s
+Ġtrans l
+Ġneigh bor
+Ġrem ove
+u ct
+Ġdist rict
+ĠA ccording
+Ġwor se
+Ġconcern s
+Ġpresident ial
+Ġpolic ies
+ĠH all
+7 3
+Ġh us
+A Y
+Ġ200 6
+ĠJ ud
+Ġindepend ent
+ĠJust ice
+ili ar
+pr int
+igh ter
+Ġprotect ion
+z en
+Ġsu dden
+h ouse
+ĠJ es
+P R
+ĠIn f
+Ġb ul
+Ġ _
+ĠServ ice
+Ġstr ategy
+ff ect
+Ġgirl s
+Ġmiss ing
+oy al
+ĠTe am
+ul ated
+Ġd at
+Ġpolit ics
+ab or
+A ccording
+Ġspe ll
+Ġg raph
+ort hern
+T C
+A b
+Ġlab or
+is her
+Ġk ick
+ĠiT unes
+Ġstep s
+pos es
+Ġsmall er
+E n
+ber t
+Ġro ll
+Ġresear chers
+Ġcl osed
+Ġtrans port
+Ġlaw y
+________ ________
+ĠCh icago
+Ġas pect
+Ġn one
+Ġmar riage
+9 6
+Ġe lements
+ĠF re
+ĠS al
+Ġd ram
+F C
+t op
+e qu
+Ġhe aring
+Ġsupport ed
+Ġtest ing
+co hol
+Ġmass ive
+Ġst ick
+Ġgu ard
+is co
+ph one
+F rom
+How ever
+Ġb order
+Ġcop y
+ograph y
+l ist
+7 1
+Ġown er
+cl ass
+ru it
+r ate
+ĠO nce
+Ġdig ital
+Ġt ask
+Ġinc red
+t es
++ +
+ĠFr ance
+Ġb reat
+ow l
+Ġiss ued
+ĠW estern
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+Ġpart ners
+Ġsh ared
+ĠC all
+Ġcan cer
+ac he
+rib e
+Ġexpl ained
+Ġhe at
+{ "
+Ġinvest ment
+ĠB ook
+Ġw ood
+Ġtool s
+ĠAl though
+Ġbelie f
+Ġcris is
+Ġg e
+Ġoper ation
+ty pe
+~ ~
+g a
+Ġcont ains
+ant a
+Ġexp ress
+ĠG roup
+ĠJ ournal
+k a
+Ġam b
+Ġfind ing
+Ġfund ing
+h ow
+Ġestab lished
+ide os
+Ġdeg ree
+Ġdanger ous
+ang ing
+Ġfre edom
+pp ort
+out hern
+Ġch urch
+Ġc atch
+ĠTw o
+Ġpres ence
+ĠGu ard
+U p
+Ġauthor ity
+ĠPro ject
+Ġbut ton
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+Ġwe ak
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+Ġref erence
+ĠM em
+" )
+U N
+or age
+ĠO pen
+Ġcol lection
+y m
+g ency
+Ġbeaut iful
+ro s
+Ġtell s
+Ġwa iting
+n el
+Ġprov iding
+ĠDemocr ats
+Ġd aughter
+Ġm aster
+Ġpur poses
+ĠJapan ese
+Ġequ al
+Ġturn s
+Ġdoc uments
+Ġwatch ing
+R es
+Ġr an
+201 4
+Ġre ject
+ĠKore a
+Ġvictim s
+Le vel
+ere nces
+Ġw itness
+Ġ3 4
+Ġre form
+com ing
+Ġocc up
+Ġc aught
+Ġtra ffic
+ad ing
+Ġmod els
+ar io
+Ġserv ed
+Ġb atter
+u ate
+ĠSecret ary
+Ġagre ed
+Ġtr uly
+yn am
+ĠR et
+Ġun its
+ĠRes earch
+h and
+az ine
+ĠM ike
+Ġvar iety
+ot al
+Ġam azing
+Ġconfir med
+Ġentire ly
+Ġpurch ase
+Ġe lement
+Ġc ash
+Ġdeter mine
+D e
+Ġc ars
+ĠW all
+â ĸ
+Ġview s
+Ġdrug s
+Ġdep artment
+ĠSt ep
+u it
+Ġ3 9
+as ure
+ĠCl ass
+Ġc overed
+ĠB ank
+Ġme re
+u ana
+Ġmult i
+Ġm ix
+Ġun like
+lev ision
+Ġsto pped
+Ġs em
+ĠG al
+ul es
+Ġwe l
+ĠJohn son
+l a
+Ġsk ill
+Ġbec oming
+ri e
+Ġappropri ate
+f e
+ell ow
+ĠPro t
+ul ate
+oc ation
+Ġweek end
+od ies
+Ġsit es
+Ġanim al
+ĠT im
+Ġsc ale
+Ġcharg ed
+Ġinst ruct
+ill a
+Ġmethod s
+Ġc ert
+Ġjud ge
+ĠH el
+Ġdoll ars
+Ġstand ing
+ĠS qu
+Ġdeb t
+l iam
+Ġdri ving
+ĠS um
+ĠEd ition
+Ġal bum
+and on
+I F
+ĠU k
+6 3
+ad er
+Ġcommer cial
+es h
+ĠGovern ment
+Ġdisc overed
+Ġout put
+ĠHill ary
+ĠCar ol
+Ġ200 5
+Ġab use
+anc ing
+Ġsw itch
+Ġann ual
+T w
+Ġst ated
+ag ement
+in ner
+Ġdem ocr
+Ġres idents
+Ġallow ing
+Ġfact ors
+od d
+Ġf uck
+em ies
+Ġoccur red
+ot i
+Ġn orth
+ĠP ublic
+Ġinj ury
+Ġins urance
+C L
+oll y
+ã Ģ
+Ġrepe ated
+Ġar ms
+ang ed
+Ġconst ruction
+Ġf le
+P U
+ic ians
+Ġfor ms
+ĠMc C
+ant ic
+Ġm ental
+p ire
+Ġequ ipment
+Ġf ant
+Ġdiscuss ion
+Ġregard ing
+k in
+ar p
+Ġch air
+og ue
+Ġpro ceed
+ĠI d
+O ur
+Ġmur der
+M an
+Ġ4 9
+as p
+Ġsupp ly
+Ġin put
+Ġwe alth
+liam ent
+Ġpro ced
+or ial
+ĠSt at
+hen s
+ĠInst itute
+Ġput ting
+ourn ament
+et ic
+Ġloc ated
+Ġk id
+er ia
+r un
+Ġpr inc
+Ġ !
+go ing
+ĠB et
+Ġcl ot
+Ġtell ing
+Ġprop osed
+i ot
+or ry
+Ġfund s
+g ment
+ĠL ife
+Ġb aby
+ĠB ack
+Ġsp oke
+Im age
+Ġear n
+g u
+Ġex change
+ĠL in
+ov ing
+Ġp air
+M ore
+az on
+Ġarrest ed
+Ġkill ing
+c an
+ĠC ard
+y d
+Ġident ified
+Ġm obile
+Ġthan ks
+ony m
+ĠF orm
+Ġhundred s
+ĠCh ris
+ĠC at
+Ġtre nd
+h at
+ĠA v
+om an
+Ġelect ric
+ĠW il
+S E
+O f
+Ġrest aur
+ot ed
+Ġtr ig
+Ġn ine
+Ġb omb
+Wh y
+Â ¯
+Ġco verage
+Ġapp eal
+ĠRober t
+ĠS up
+Ġfin ished
+Ġfl ow
+Ġdel iver
+Ġcal cul
+Ġphot os
+Ġph il
+Ġpie ces
+Ġapp re
+k es
+Ġr ough
+D o
+Ġpart ner
+Ġconcern ed
+Ġ3 7
+ĠG en
+C ol
+ct ors
+Ġ= >
+st ate
+Ġsuggest ed
+ĠFor ce
+C E
+Ġher self
+ĠPl an
+w orks
+o oth
+ren cy
+Ġcor ner
+Ġhus band
+Ġintern et
+ĠA ut
+em s
+os en
+ĠAt l
+g en
+Ġbal ance
+6 2
+Ġsound s
+te xt
+Ġar r
+ov es
+Ġmill ions
+Ġrad io
+Ġsat isf
+ĠD am
+M r
+G o
+S pe
+Ġcomb at
+r ant
+ĠG ree
+Ġf uel
+Ġdist ance
+Ġtest s
+Ġdec re
+ĠE r
+Ġman aged
+D S
+Ġt it
+Ġmeas ures
+ĠL iber
+Ġatt end
+as hed
+ĠJ ose
+ĠN ight
+d it
+ĠN ov
+ĠE nd
+out s
+Ġgener ation
+Ġadv oc
+y th
+Ġconvers ation
+ĠS ky
+act ive
+ce l
+ri er
+ĠFr ank
+Ġg ender
+Ġcon cent
+Ġcar ried
+and a
+ĠV irgin
+Ġarri ved
+ic ide
+ad ed
+Ġfail ure
+Ġmin imum
+le ts
+Ġwor st
+Ġkeep ing
+Ġint ended
+Ġilleg al
+Ġsub sc
+Ġdetermin ed
+Ġtri p
+Y es
+Ġra ise
+Ġ ~
+Ġfeel s
+Ġpack age
+ĠJ o
+h i
+201 6
+re al
+Ġf ra
+Ġsy mb
+M e
+uck y
+p ret
+ĠK h
+ĠEd it
+ĠWe b
+em ic
+ĠCol or
+Ġjust ice
+I nt
+Ġfar m
+ck now
+" >
+el ess
+Ġredu ced
+Ġ5 00
+x x
+ĠR ad
+ĠW ood
+Ġcl in
+Ġhy p
+il er
+ur a
+k ins
+8 5
+6 1
+ĠThe ir
+ĠM ary
+Ġs an
+Ġno vel
+ĠWh o
+Ġcap acity
+Ġimp ossible
+Ġpl ays
+Ġmin ister
+ij uana
+ic ate
+ĠS et
+Ġf ram
+Ġ ing
+Ġcommun ities
+it a
+Ġb on
+Ġstr ateg
+Ġinterest s
+l ock
+g ers
+m as
+Ġconflic t
+Ġrequire ments
+Ġs ac
+Ġoper ating
+in i
+rel ated
+Ġcomm itted
+Ġrelative ly
+Ġs outh
+¯ ¯
+Ġaff ord
+Ġident ity
+Ġdec isions
+Ġacc used
+pl ace
+Ġvict ory
+o ch
+i at
+N ame
+C om
+t ion
+ed s
+Ġsee k
+Ġt ight
+ĠIm ages
+Ġinit i
+Ġhum ans
+Ġfam iliar
+Ġaud ience
+Ġintern al
+vent ure
+Ġs ides
+Ġd im
+Ġcon clud
+Ġapp oint
+Ġenforce ment
+ĠJ im
+ĠAssoci ation
+Ġcircum st
+ĠCanad ian
+Ġjo ined
+Ġdiffere nces
+ĠL os
+Ġprot est
+Ġtw ice
+w in
+Ġgl ass
+ars h
+ĠAr my
+Ġexp ression
+Ġdec ide
+Ġplan ning
+an ia
+Ġhand le
+ĠMicro soft
+ĠN or
+Ġmax imum
+ĠRe v
+Ġse a
+Ġev al
+Ġhel ps
+re f
+Ġb ound
+Ġm outh
+Ġstand ards
+Ġcl im
+ĠC amp
+ĠF ox
+cl es
+Ġar my
+ĠTe chn
+ack ing
+x y
+S S
+Ġ4 2
+Ġbu g
+ĠUk rain
+ĠM ax
+ĠJ ones
+ĠSh ow
+l o
+Ġplan et
+Ġ7 5
+Ġwin ning
+Ġf aster
+Ġspe ct
+Ġbro ken
+T R
+Ġdef ined
+Ġhealth y
+Ġcompet ition
+htt ps
+ĠIs land
+ĠF e
+Ġannoun ce
+ĠC up
+ĠInst ead
+Ġcl ient
+Ġposs ibly
+se ction
+ock et
+l ook
+Ġfin ish
+Ġcre w
+Ġres erv
+Ġed itor
+Ġh ate
+Ġs ale
+Ġcontro vers
+Ġp ages
+w ing
+Ġnum er
+Ġopp osition
+Ġ200 4
+Ġref uge
+Ġfl ight
+Ġap art
+ĠL at
+A meric
+ĠAfric a
+Ġapplic ations
+ĠPal est
+ĠB ur
+Ġg ar
+ĠSoc ial
+Ġup gr
+Ġsh ape
+Ġspe aking
+ans ion
+a o
+ĠS n
+Ġwor ry
+ĠBrit ain
+P lease
+rou d
+Ġh un
+Ġintrodu ced
+Ġd iet
+I nd
+ĠSec ond
+Ġfun ctions
+ut s
+ĠE ach
+ĠJe ff
+Ġst ress
+Ġaccount s
+Ġgu arant
+ĠAn n
+ed ia
+Ġhon est
+Ġt ree
+ĠAfric an
+ĠB ush
+} ,
+Ġs ch
+ĠOn ly
+Ġf if
+ig an
+Ġexerc ise
+ĠEx p
+Ġscient ists
+Ġlegisl ation
+ĠW ork
+ĠS pr
+Ã Ĥ
+ĠH uman
+Ġ è
+Ġsur vey
+Ġr ich
+ri p
+Ġmain tain
+Ġfl o
+Ġleaders hip
+st ream
+ĠIslam ic
+Ġ 01
+ĠCol lege
+Ġmag ic
+ĠPr ime
+Ġfig ures
+201 7
+ind er
+x ual
+ĠDe ad
+Ġabsolute ly
+Ġfour th
+Ġpresent ed
+resp ond
+rib le
+Ġal cohol
+at o
+por ary
+Ġgr ab
+Ġvar i
+Ġqu ant
+ĠPh oto
+Ġpl us
+r ick
+ar ks
+Ġaltern ative
+Ġp il
+Ġappro x
+th at
+Ġobject s
+ĠR o
+ĠAnd roid
+Ġsignificant ly
+ĠR oad
+k ay
+R ead
+av or
+Ġa cknow
+ĠS ing
+O r
+ĠM ont
+Ġun s
+pro f
+Ġneg oti
+ĠAr ch
+ik i
+Ġte levision
+ĠJew ish
+Ġcomm ittee
+Ġmot or
+Ġappear ance
+Ġs itting
+Ġstri ke
+ĠD own
+com p
+ĠH ist
+Ġf old
+ac ement
+ĠLou is
+Ġbel ong
+ĠâĢ ¢
+Ġm ort
+Ġprep ared
+Ġ6 4
+ĠM aster
+Ġind eed
+ĠD en
+Ġre nt
+T A
+our ney
+ar c
+S u
+9 7
+Ġadv ice
+Ġchang ing
+Ġlist ed
+Ġlaun ched
+is ation
+ĠP eter
+is hes
+Ġl ived
+ĠM el
+ĠSup reme
+ĠF ederal
+Ġ) ;
+ruct ure
+Ġset s
+Ġphil os
+u ous
+ĠÂ ł
+Ġappl ied
+Ġhous ing
+ĠM ount
+Ġo dd
+Ġsu st
+D A
+ffic ient
+Ġ ?
+ol ved
+Ġp owers
+Ġth r
+Ġrem aining
+ĠW ater
+L C
+Ġca uses
+ãģ ®
+Ġman ner
+ad s
+Ġsuggest s
+Ġend s
+stand ing
+f ig
+ĠD un
+id th
+Ġg ay
+Ġter min
+ĠAngel es
+M S
+Ġscient ific
+Ġco al
+ap ers
+b ar
+ĠThom as
+Ġsy m
+ĠR un
+th is
+P C
+igr ants
+Ġmin ute
+ĠDist rict
+cell ent
+Ġle aves
+Ġcomple ted
+am in
+Ġfoc used
+Ġmon itor
+Ġveh icles
+M A
+ĠM ass
+ĠGr and
+Ġaffect ed
+itution al
+Ġconst ruct
+Ġfollow s
+Ġt on
+re ens
+Ġh omes
+ĠE xt
+ĠLe vel
+r ast
+ĠI r
+Ġel im
+Ġlarge ly
+ĠJ oe
+Ġvot es
+all s
+Ġbusiness es
+ĠFound ation
+ĠCent ral
+Ġy ards
+Ġmaterial s
+ul ner
+Ġgu ide
+Ġclos er
+um s
+Ġsp orts
+ed er
+J ust
+Ġtax es
+8 4
+ĠO ld
+Ġdec ade
+ol a
+Ġv ir
+Ġdro pped
+Ġdel ay
+it ect
+Ġsec ure
+ste in
+le vel
+Ġtre ated
+Ġfil ed
+ain e
+Ġv an
+Ġm ir
+Ġcol umn
+ict ed
+e per
+Ġro t
+Ġcons ult
+Ġent ry
+Ġmar ijuana
+ĠD ou
+Ġapparent ly
+ok ing
+clus ive
+Ġincre ases
+an o
+Ġspecific ally
+Ġte le
+ens ions
+Ġrelig ion
+ab ilities
+Ġfr ame
+ĠN ote
+ĠLe e
+Ġhelp ing
+Ġed ge
+ost on
+Ġorgan izations
+Ã ĥ
+ĠB oth
+hip s
+Ġbig ger
+Ġbo ost
+ĠSt and
+Ġro w
+ul s
+ab ase
+Ġr id
+L et
+are n
+ra ve
+Ġst ret
+P D
+Ġv ision
+Ġwe aring
+Ġappre ci
+Ġa ward
+ĠU se
+Ġfact or
+w ar
+ul ations
+) (
+Ġg od
+Ġter rit
+Ġpar am
+ast s
+8 7
+Ġen emies
+ĠG ames
+F F
+Ġacc ident
+W ell
+ĠMart in
+Ġat h
+ĠHe ll
+Ġfor g
+Ġve ter
+ĠMed ic
+f ree
+Ġst ars
+Ġexp ensive
+Ġac ad
+ra wn
+ĠW he
+Ġl ock
+Ġform at
+Ġsold iers
+s m
+Ġag ent
+Ġrespons ibility
+or a
+ĠS cience
+Ġrap id
+Ġt ough
+ĠJes us
+Ġbelie ves
+M L
+Ġwe ar
+le te
+Ãĥ ÃĤ
+ĠD ri
+Ġcomm ission
+ĠB ob
+O h
+ap ed
+Ġwar m
+Ġ200 3
+ort ion
+Ġhas n
+ust er
+Ġun ivers
+ĠI ll
+Ġk ing
+olog ies
+9 4
+ĠT em
+ĠM os
+Ġpat ient
+ĠMex ico
+ce an
+ĠDe ath
+ĠSand ers
+y ou
+ĠC ast
+ĠComp any
+pt y
+Ġhappen ing
+F P
+ĠB attle
+Ġb ought
+A m
+M od
+U s
+ut ers
+ĠC re
+ĠTh ose
+Ġ4 4
+is er
+Ġs oul
+ĠT op
+ĠHar ry
+ĠA w
+Ġse at
+ff ee
+Ġrev olution
+Ġ( "
+ĠD uring
+et te
+Ġr ing
+Ġoff ensive
+Ġreturn s
+Ġv ideos
+Ġdis cl
+Ġfam ous
+en ced
+ĠS ign
+ĠR iver
+Ġ3 00
+P M
+ĠB us
+Ġcandid ates
+ard en
+Ġpercent age
+Ġvis ual
+Ġthan k
+Ġtrou ble
+ner gy
+Ġ200 1
+Ġpro ve
+ash ion
+Ġen h
+ĠL ong
+U M
+Ġconnect ed
+Ġposs ibility
+O ver
+Ġexper t
+Ġl ibrary
+art s
+ĠDirect or
+Ġfell ow
+9 2
+ir ty
+Ġd ry
+Ġsign s
+ĠL ove
+Ġqu iet
+f oot
+Ġp ure
+ĠH un
+Ġf illed
+ph as
+ĠE lect
+end ment
+ĠEx pl
+Ġun able
+n s
+m o
+Ġv ast
+ob e
+Ġident ify
+app ing
+ĠCarol ina
+g ress
+Ġpro te
+Ġf ish
+Ġcircumst ances
+raz y
+ĠPh ot
+Ġb odies
+ĠM ur
+Ġdevelop ing
+Ġexperien ced
+Ġsubst ant
+ĠBo ard
+es ome
+Ġdom estic
+Ġcomb ined
+ĠP ut
+Ġchem ical
+ĠCh ild
+Ġpo ol
+ĠC y
+Ġe gg
+c ons
+st ers
+Ġh urt
+Ġmark ets
+Ġconserv ative
+Ġsupp orters
+Ġag encies
+id el
+O b
+ur b
+Ġ4 3
+ĠDef ense
+y e
+ĠA p
+du le
+Ġtemper ature
+Ġconduct ed
+ĠCh ief
+Ġpull ed
+Ġf ol
+L ast
+ont o
+os is
+D es
+ĠP an
+F irst
+Ġadv ance
+Ġlic ense
+r ors
+ĠJ on
+Ġimag ine
+Ġhe ll
+Ġf ixed
+Ġinc or
+os ite
+ĠL og
+ick en
+] :
+Ġsurpr ise
+h ab
+Ġc raft
+ol t
+ĠJ ul
+Ġd ial
+Ġrele vant
+Ġent ered
+Ġlead s
+ĠCle an
+Ġpict ures
+ess or
+Ġal t
+Ġpay ing
+P er
+ĠMark et
+Ġupd ates
+am ily
+ĠT ype
+ĠH ome
+Ġ5 5
+semb ly
+rom e
+8 3
+Ġgreat est
+Ġhe ight
+Ġhe av
+ain ts
+Ġlist en
+as er
+Ġcap able
+ac le
+Ġpers pect
+in ating
+Ġoff ering
+ry pt
+ĠDe velop
+ab in
+r c
+Ġbr ight
+al ty
+ar row
+Ġsupp l
+ind ing
+ack ed
+gy pt
+ĠAn other
+p g
+ĠVirgin ia
+ĠL u
+Ġpl anned
+Ġp it
+Ġswe et
+T ype
+ĠD i
+Ġtyp ically
+ĠFranc isco
+Ġpro spect
+ĠD an
+Ġte en
+re es
+Ġsc hed
+Ġh ol
+Ġsc r
+Ġlot s
+l ife
+Ġnews p
+Ġfor get
+ĠN one
+ĠM iddle
+ĠR yan
+ed d
+Ġse vere
+Ġsu it
+ll er
+9 3
+Ġcor respond
+Ġexpl os
+u ations
+Ġfl ag
+g ame
+r id
+Ġpr in
+ĠD ata
+Ġde ploy
+ĠEn ter
+su it
+gh an
+ĠM en
+Ġthough ts
+Ġmat ters
+Ġad apt
+ĠA ri
+Ġf ill
+Ġfor th
+Ġs am
+Ġ4 1
+Ġpay ment
+ĠH or
+Ġsp ring
+du c
+Ġl osing
+Ġbring ing
+F O
+al a
+Ġdist ribution
+he red
+b our
+ĠIsrael i
+om a
+Ġcomb ination
+Ġpl enty
+V E
+C an
+ĠH aw
+Ġper man
+ĠSpe cial
+Ġto w
+Ġsee king
+Ġexam ples
+Ġclass es
+c r
+Ġbe er
+Ġmov es
+ĠK n
+Ġpan el
+E ven
+Ġproper ly
+Ġr is
+Ġpl ug
+Ġestim ated
+E very
+Ġdef ensive
+ag raph
+Ġpre gn
+Ġinst it
+ĠV ict
+Ġvol ume
+Ġpos itions
+Ġl inks
+ĠPro gram
+ĠWe ek
+ag ues
+Ġtrans form
+k er
+Ġc as
+Ġopp onent
+Ġtwe et
+ĠC ode
+Ġsh op
+Ġf ly
+Ġtal ks
+Ġb ag
+Ph one
+Ġa id
+Ġpl ants
+Ġ6 5
+Ġatt orney
+ar ters
+qu est
+ĠMag ic
+Ġbeg ins
+Ġmy ster
+Ġenvironment al
+Ġst orage
+N N
+Ġm arg
+Ġs ke
+Ġmet al
+ell y
+Ġord ered
+Ġrem ained
+Ġl oved
+Ġprom pt
+Ġupd ated
+Ġexper ts
+Ġwalk ing
+Ġan cient
+Ġperform ed
+Ġne ither
+i ency
+Ġmanufact ure
+ĠP ak
+Ġselect ed
+Ġm ine
+Ġult imately
+Ġexpl an
+Ġlab el
+ĠServ ices
+ribut ed
+Tr ump
+Ġsy n
+ĠU lt
+S C
+Ġme at
+Ġg iant
+ĠW ars
+Ġad m
+Ġinter pret
+Ġeven ing
+Ġev il
+ĠB oston
+ĠW ild
+Ġ Ã
+ĠBit coin
+ĠAm azon
+D r
+ĠIn formation
+Ġobvious ly
+Ġadv anced
+Ph oto
+ol ar
+Ġwe ather
+Ġsymb ol
+Ġso le
+Ġpot entially
+ost er
+Ġorig inally
+m un
+3 00
+az e
+ess ions
+Ġde ck
+Ġst ood
+Ġyou th
+ĠB ern
+R ep
+ĠT est
+Ġbas ically
+ot ic
+Ġinvol ve
+ol it
+ly n
+S ee
+Ġair craft
+Ġconf irm
+E W
+Ġmess ages
+ĠRich ard
+Ġk it
+Ġpro hib
+Ġv ulner
+is ters
+Ġexist ence
+Ġturn ing
+Ġdes ire
+Ġfl at
+Ġm ent
+se ason
+ang es
+Ġneighbor hood
+ĠL ake
+Ġpoint ed
+b ur
+Ġinn ov
+uc ks
+U L
+Ġprofess or
+Ġexp ressed
+A B
+ic ious
+Ġ200 2
+ĠDe v
+Ġs ession
+Ġb are
+s en
+Ġdis s
+ĠC ath
+ĠP ass
+ĠP oint
+Ġdo ctor
+or row
+ail ed
+ĠR ub
+ĠChar l
+p erson
+Ġwrit er
+igh ters
+ure au
+Ġob lig
+Ġrecord ed
+Ġbro ke
+Ġord ers
+il ty
+Ġmot ion
+in ity
+l aw
+ad ium
+Ġimm igration
+Ġcontr ast
+Ġb att
+Ġex cellent
+Ġtechn ical
+am i
+Ġt un
+Ġcl oud
+ĠY ear
+ge on
+Ġcre ation
+Ġstr ange
+Ġa uth
+Ġfor t
+b orn
+Ġext ent
+ĠT oday
+ĠCl ub
+Ġr ain
+Ġs ample
+Ġaccept ed
+Ġt act
+Ġf ired
+ĠS on
+Ġstand s
+Ġb oot
+Ġ4 7
+Ġstat ements
+Ġvers ions
+Ġse lling
+ound ed
+Ġ199 0
+Ġwere n
+ĠW atch
+Ġexper iment
+P ost
+Ġret ail
+ul ed
+In st
+un te
+ãĥ ¼
+Ġdep art
+Ġb ond
+i very
+om pl
+Ġre action
+ĠSyri an
+ĠP ac
+app ed
+ani el
+D P
+Ġres olution
+Ġre act
+Ġappro ved
+on om
+m ond
+ĠO ffic
+-- -
+Ġrepl ace
+Ġt ack
+Ġsp ort
+Ġch ain
+Ġemer gency
+r ad
+ĠPalest in
+Ġ4 6
+Ġautom atically
+Ġrout e
+Ġp al
+Ġb anks
+ĠPar is
+ĠMed ia
+ro ad
+ic ing
+i xt
+ist ed
+Ġg rew
+Ġco ord
+ĠW here
+om in
+Ġsub s
+� �
+ĠÂ ±
+Ġcorpor ate
+Ġse lection
+n oon
+ĠRep ort
+c s
+clud ing
+ord ers
+anc he
+ĠIt s
+Ġslow ly
+ĠE gypt
+ĠA cc
+Ġcol le
+iqu es
+E X
+Ġattempt s
+ur l
+ĠC ross
+Ġfind ings
+Ġind ex
+ens ity
+ĠW ay
+ĠL and
+Ġsh ock
+d is
+Ġd ynam
+Ġc art
+m osp
+S ince
+i est
+ĠB oy
+Ġst orm
+ĠCont in
+201 3
+he w
+il it
+Ġess ential
+iqu id
+O ther
+ive red
+Ġreason able
+A ct
+Ġsub sequ
+ĠP ack
+ĠF ort
+Ġconsider ing
+Ġun iversity
+l og
+Ġmar ried
+Ġill ust
+ĠTr ue
+£ ı
+Ġnumer ous
+rast ructure
+Ġserious ly
+Ġrefer red
+u a
+Ġconsist ent
+on na
+ĠRe al
+ru ption
+ci ples
+Ġfact s
+9 1
+ot es
+er g
+The n
+Ġacc ompl
+N ote
+Ġre venue
+Ġpass ing
+Ġm al
+e en
+ĠY et
+Ġg ather
+ter day
+ew ork
+ĠA uthor
+P e
+Ġopt im
+Ġr ub
+Ġè £ı
+Ġun known
+st one
+Ġun ion
+ol ve
+Ġopportun ities
+Ġbrow ser
+ĠW al
+ĠC ost
+Ġreport ing
+st s
+p et
+Ġs and
+Ġsudden ly
+Ġsurpr ising
+Ġsomew hat
+ĠB as
+ult ure
+iz z
+Ġchalleng es
+Ġsett ings
+Ġexperien ces
+ĠF ull
+Ġcan n
+Ġrece iving
+Ġj oint
+Ġcult ural
+Ġa st
+8 2
+as tern
+ce ived
+ĠC ru
+Ġb ull
+p ired
+am m
+Ġfac ing
+p ower
+Ġb oss
+ĠH ol
+Ġinst r
+Ġincreasing ly
+Ġsh ift
+Ġstre ets
+ĠWilliam s
+ab b
+Ġl ie
+Ġl augh
+ĠC a
+P L
+Ġadult s
+Ġcustom er
+Ġob tained
+Ġsupport ing
+ht ml
+f ire
+Ġdetail ed
+Ġpick ed
+ĠR ight
+ld er
+E E
+st ood
+ĠK im
+Ġw ire
+Ġs ight
+Ġdevelop ers
+Ġpers ons
+Ġs ad
+Ġc up
+Ġwar ning
+Ġboy s
+l ong
+Ġb ird
+f o
+Ġw al
+Ġobserv ed
+Ġz one
+iven ess
+Ġch annel
+c ript
+Ġref used
+ĠAg ain
+Ġsu c
+Ġspokes man
+ĠRe f
+r ite
+ou ston
+ãĥ ³
+ĠS her
+Ġact s
+ĠN ame
+Ġstrugg le
+ar ry
+omet imes
+Ġdisc rim
+H T
+Ġcateg ory
+Ġreal ize
+Ġemploy ee
+ĠAf ghan
+en ger
+Ġgun s
+ĠSte ve
+ĠM ot
+ĠO l
+ok ed
+Ġth ick
+Ġfair ly
+ill y
+Ġsur ve
+ĠM at
+we ight
+â Ķ
+Ġtro ops
+Ġag ents
+Ġbatter y
+Ġmot iv
+Ã ¡
+S ec
+d en
+o very
+L S
+Ġfl u
+Ġconf ident
+ĠO per
+Ġem pty
+Ġp hen
+Ġse ctor
+Ġexc ited
+Ġrem ote
+ap h
+o en
+Ġdestroy ed
+Ġmor al
+ĠR on
+Ġd ress
+ĠB at
+Ġl it
+Ġa f
+H L
+r um
+is ms
+Ġshould n
+Ġsym pt
+ĠTor onto
+het ic
+Ġcar bon
+Ġinstall ed
+Ġviol ent
+Ġsol ar
+j a
+Ġpract ices
+Ġr ide
+ĠP enn
+Ġimpro ved
+Ġaud io
+Ġbehav i
+Ġe ating
+D ata
+ĠRe view
+p ass
+cl aim
+u ated
+ang ers
+c hen
+Ġproper ties
+Ġany where
+An other
+Ġbl ow
+ĠJack son
+Ġp roud
+Ġplan e
+l ines
+Ġsqu are
+Ġpro of
+ans as
+Ġtalk ed
+m akers
+Ġs ister
+Ġhold s
+Ġres ident
+Ġ= =
+Ġresist ance
+Ġspl it
+Ġpro secut
+Ġconf idence
+res ents
+Ġcut s
+Ġexcept ion
+Ġz ero
+Get ty
+Ġcop yright
+Ġtot ally
+orm al
+ific ations
+ĠAustral ian
+Ġs ick
+Ġ1 50
+Ġhouse hold
+Ġfe es
+Ġdri vers
+og en
+Ġnecess arily
+Ġregul ations
+ear ing
+s l
+Ġperspect ive
+c are
+ic ial
+H is
+Ġesc ape
+Ġsurpr ised
+ĠV an
+ur rent
+Ġv ac
+8 1
+ĠTh us
+Ġem phas
+ĠCh ampions
+ĠI ce
+Ġn arr
+Ġhead s
+Ġca using
+b el
+f ortunately
+ĠM a
+Ġtarg ets
+ci pl
+Ġafter noon
+Ġadd s
+ĠMay be
+ĠF our
+ess ed
+ple te
+Ġus ual
+ch o
+ing u
+Ġwith d
+ĠE nergy
+ĠE conom
+O O
+Ġart icles
+Ġinj ured
+Ġman age
+Ġexpl ains
+Ġdi agn
+R ec
+at ures
+Ġlink ed
+Ġdiscuss ed
+Ġexpl o
+Ġocc asion
+ath an
+Ġopp osite
+Ġfac es
+Ġden ied
+ĠK night
+Ġn ut
+Ġapprox imately
+Ġdisapp oint
+onym ous
+ĠB est
+ĠL o
+ĠH y
+ĠA ff
+Ġvot ing
+an while
+Ġinstit utions
+ag ram
+ĠD aily
+Ġdr ag
+Ġnear by
+Ġgu ilty
+Ġcon ver
+P re
+s hip
+Ġre ward
+Ġphilos oph
+u gh
+Ġapp s
+f riend
+Ġu pper
+Ġad vert
+Ġs now
+Ġfr ust
+Ġour selves
+F r
+ĠD ie
+amp ion
+Ġdis miss
+Ġc ere
+Ġsign al
+f rom
+Ġ ).
+Ġ5 2
+Ġcr imes
+it ors
+est ival
+use um
+Ġcoun cil
+ĠS aud
+M ay
+ĠG un
+ic ian
+et her
+Ġsu fficient
+ĠH en
+so le
+Ġhistor ical
+ĠF ar
+ĠT urn
+Ġp in
+Ġsuc ceed
+m at
+ly mp
+Ġtrad ition
+ĠO k
+Ġc ro
+Ġdesc ription
+al le
+Ġsk y
+T e
+Ġwide ly
+Ġw ave
+Ġdefin ition
+ĠJew s
+Ġcy cle
+Ġref ere
+Ġbr ings
+us al
+Ġal ive
+Ġfrequ ently
+Ġint ention
+ĠCont rol
+l v
+y stem
+Ġpriv acy
+g ent
+ren ce
+ĠQu est
+ĠChrist mas
+Ġr ail
+Ġco oper
+Ġtest ed
+ĠC apt
+as ks
+Ġcomfort able
+Ġdel ivered
+sc ape
+Ġdep th
+Ġwrit es
+Ġass ets
+Ġsa v
+im ents
+Ġtrans ition
+Ġart ist
+ĠL ook
+Ġl ob
+Ġcomp onents
+ar ity
+Ġwalk ed
+Ġro ot
+Ġparticip ants
+Ġnot iced
+Ġres c
+Ġn av
+ĠAd minist
+d a
+ut ral
+pl ate
+Ġimport ance
+Ġass ert
+ious ly
+c ription
+Ġinj uries
+ĠChe ck
+Ġregist ered
+Ġint ent
+Ġmiss ed
+ograph ic
+Ġsent ence
+oun ter
+Ġassist ance
+ev in
+Ġdat abase
+Ġbuild ings
+Ġclass ic
+Ġth inks
+ĠOh io
+P r
+ug g
+Ġfe e
+p an
+Ġeffect ively
+Ġfac ility
+Ġbe ar
+Ġch apter
+Ġdog s
+ĠCol umb
+Ġl atter
+it ial
+Ġad mitted
+T V
+ĠGe org
+Ġpost s
+\ \
+Ġlawy er
+Ġequ ival
+Ġm and
+Ġcontro lled
+ĠW alk
+ĠAnd rew
+Ġmen u
+am ental
+Ġprotect ed
+v a
+Ġadminist r
+or al
+Ġre in
+ĠS ar
+Ġamount s
+Ġn ative
+ĠM oon
+Ġrep resents
+Ġab andon
+Ġcarry ing
+Ġt ank
+m ary
+Ġdecl ared
+T ube
+Ġh at
+Ġpun ish
+el lect
+m es
+Ġun iverse
+ĠR od
+ph y
+Ġinf rastructure
+Ġ5 1
+Ġopp osed
+ow nt
+c a
+ĠM ake
+Ġhard ware
+Ġco ffee
+R el
+b al
+w orld
+ĠS af
+ĠSe a
+in als
+Ġown ed
+Ġh all
+ers ion
+Ġdescrib e
+ĠP ot
+Ġport ion
+Ġat mosp
+Ġgovern ments
+Ġdep ending
+Ġoff ense
+Ġtr ick
+aw a
+ĠL ine
+ĠV is
+ĠH ard
+ĠOr ig
+ĠCl ick
+Ġdes k
+ĠVal ley
+ĠS ov
+Ġmov ies
+Ġrem ark
+Ġm ail
+Ġcons cious
+Ġrul ing
+ĠR ights
+Ġmed ic
+he nt
+ĠW omen
+> <
+Ġrepl aced
+ĠP rem
+ĠTh anks
+Ġre new
+ĠB all
+if orm
+Ġsh ots
+C omm
+Ġar med
+Ġconst ant
+Ġt aste
+Ġreal ized
+Ġbu ff
+Ġm o
+Ġeffic ient
+M ost
+or ation
+if ies
+Ġcommun ication
+Ġfl ood
+Ġconsequ ences
+Ġany way
+ig g
+ĠTh ank
+Ġ iron
+Ġev olution
+ĠC op
+tw itter
+Ġ9 5
+Ġrelationship s
+ad el
+ĠYou ng
+Ġpropos al
+ay ers
+uild ing
+ĠH ot
+c os
+Ġcoll abor
+P G
+ax y
+Ġknow ing
+Ġsupport s
+ow ed
+Ġcontrol s
+Ġmere ly
+um er
+Ġath let
+Ġf ashion
+p ath
+Ġg ift
+Ġer a
+Ġkind s
+ĠKore an
+Ġleg it
+ul ous
+Ġess entially
+Ġthe rap
+n ic
+Ġsuff ered
+Ġh ur
+Ġprom ise
+Ġex cess
+Ġover w
+Ġpr ime
+ĠH ouston
+er ry
+ĠM s
+R S
+201 2
+Ġst ores
+ĠO lymp
+Ġj ourney
+Al though
+S ub
+ĠE duc
+ĠCh apter
+Ġrequest s
+Ġconsum ers
+Ġt iny
+Ġis ol
+ĠF air
+b a
+Ġcr ash
+ce ler
+Ġemot ional
+Ġgood s
+Ġelect ed
+Ġmod er
+ĠLin ux
+Ġbl ocks
+Ġis land
+ĠSoc iety
+Ġelect ions
+Ġbroad cast
+Ġche ap
+Ġn ations
+Ġse asons
+4 00
+Ġwas te
+ĠS at
+Ġfield s
+em ploy
+Ġprof ile
+Ġauth ors
+ĠG ra
+w est
+ĠT y
+Ġdeath s
+Ġv acc
+Ġfor med
+Ġd u
+Ġon going
+ĠMuslim s
+el f
+ig ure
+Ġass ume
+ĠUkrain e
+w ater
+Ġco ast
+Ġvot ed
+g or
+ĠMich igan
+az a
+ĠAr m
+i ro
+Ġf lex
+as ters
+' '
+Ġwel come
+ar l
+Ġloc ations
+ig ation
+ĠF il
+Ġbu ying
+Ġarch itect
+Ġhard er
+ĠC ub
+Ġinter face
+Ġrestaur ant
+Ġdisco ver
+Ġex ceed
+Ġfav our
+ger y
+Ġd uty
+Ġp itch
+ad or
+ĠM ach
+b oy
+Ġrespond ed
+Ġext ended
+her s
+M any
+ra id
+if er
+ĠIn s
+S er
+Ġmed ium
+s he
+ĠS ports
+Ġmag azine
+ut ation
+Ġlim its
+ĠG all
+Ġex ternal
+raz il
+Ġyoung er
+t le
+Ġrem ind
+Ġimmedi ate
+Ġh idden
+Ġvol unte
+Ġsim pl
+od cast
+Ġph ase
+d r
+Ġpl ot
+Ġexp osure
+R I
+og rap
+v in
+an ish
+ĠAc ad
+ĠEng ine
+Ġexp ansion
+ĠP ay
+Y our
+Ġpus hed
+ĠE ll
+ĠHe ad
+Ġmarket ing
+k et
+Ġh its
+Ġg ro
+ĠA ge
+ĠSc ot
+] [
+Ġst im
+Ġi Phone
+Ī Ĵ
+Ġn arrow
+ĠGet ty
+ĠTur key
+Ġperfect ly
+Ġen able
+ut ch
+Ġprec ise
+Ġreg ime
+Ġsh if
+Ġcomp ens
+g un
+d iv
+Ġch osen
+ĠK en
+An y
+Ġtre es
+Ġrecomm ended
+ĠR en
+u able
+F ollow
+E G
+ĠH and
+ĠK enn
+Ġarg uments
+Ġex ists
+Ġb ike
+ĠCons erv
+Ġbre aking
+ĠG ar
+Ġc razy
+Ġvirt ual
+ay lor
+ix el
+Ġ19 80
+Ġper mission
+ĠSer ies
+Ġconsum er
+Ġclose ly
+c alled
+Ġ5 4
+Ġhop es
+Ġar ray
+ĠW in
+ĠLab our
+Ġsp ons
+ĠI re
+Ġp ow
+Ġread ers
+Ġemploy ment
+Ġcreat ure
+Ġresult ing
+Ġaccur ate
+Ġmom ents
+Ġarg ued
+Ġp ed
+D uring
+Ġ5 3
+ĠT al
+Ġs ought
+Ġsuff ering
+Ġ icon
+le e
+Ġ( $
+al ian
+Â °
+Ġp ra
+Ġbon us
+( "
+k o
+Ġact ing
+D E
+f all
+Ġcompar ison
+Ġsm ooth
+u pp
+ĠJose ph
+ep ing
+ĠT ake
+ĠM id
+Ġs ending
+f ast
+ĠF all
+Ġdeal ing
+us er
+ĠOr gan
+C o
+Ġatt ached
+Ġse es
+% .
+Ġtyp ical
+Ġfind s
+ĠAs ia
+um in
+ĠC ore
+ĠE nt
+in ent
+u ce
+ĠBl ood
+ĠN ever
+Ġem ails
+Ġhigh light
+Ġconf ront
+at us
+ut ed
+Ġun us
+Ġtop ic
+ĠAd am
+Ġb le
+at i
+Ġunder stood
+S et
+st ruct
+T P
+Ġm ob
+a a
+ĠSt art
+pect ed
+se ll
+Ġded icated
+u an
+Ġsong s
+esc ription
+Ġte ch
+Ġr ape
+Ġas ide
+Ġgr ant
+Ġ5 6
+s ub
+Ġarg ue
+Ġcont aining
+Ġsche dule
+Ġliber al
+Ġpublic ly
+Ġheav ily
+ĠU t
+in er
+ĠS ection
+ĠC are
+we et
+l s
+D is
+âĶ Ģ
+ĠF ollow
+B ack
+Ġb es
+j i
+ĠH it
+est ed
+Ġevery body
+ĠSw ed
+Ġfem in
+Ġfac ilities
+Ġcon ven
+C omp
+c ore
+Ġan x
+Ġdiv ision
+ĠC am
+ĠSt an
+m ates
+Ġexpl ore
+pl om
+Ġsh ares
+pl oad
+an es
+Ġide al
+et ers
+ĠB ase
+Ġpl astic
+Ġdist inct
+ĠNet work
+ĠSe attle
+Ġtrad ing
+ens us
+int end
+Ġex hib
+Ġinit ially
+ĠF ood
+Ġthous and
+ĠBus iness
+act er
+Ġpar agraph
+Ġrough ly
+Ġw ww
+Ġcreat ive
+ĠCon f
+Ġconsum ption
+Ġfil ms
+ag an
+Ġob tain
+Ġt all
+Ġt or
+Ġacknow led
+Ġg rown
+al o
+K E
+Ġ4 00
+end ers
+t aining
+U G
+Ġsu icide
+Ġwat ched
+ĠL ist
+al i
+re hens
+Ġsurround ing
+Ġp ip
+Ġf lying
+ĠJ ava
+ord an
+Ġserv ing
+in ations
+p ost
+Ġsh o
+A v
+Ġj ail
+z y
+Ġ199 9
+Ġ< /
+Ġliter ally
+ĠS ir
+Ġexp osed
+Ġl ies
+st ar
+Ġb at
+Ġear ned
+ĠD ig
+Ġspec ified
+ĠSe ason
+Ġdeg rees
+Don ald
+Ġcent re
+Ġsh aring
+Ġwin ter
+C he
+Ġ Î
+M P
+Ġun w
+Ġfew er
+ĠM ir
+Ġsomew here
+ĠK ey
+Ġattack ed
+ĠK ir
+Ġdom ain
+Ġstrong er
+Ġ9 9
+Ġpen alty
+I d
+Sc ript
+Ġdecl ined
+Ġne ck
+Ġfra ud
+Ġcur rency
+Ġr ising
+R C
+âĢ¦ âĢ¦
+H z
+Ġt ab
+Ġtal ent
+n am
+Ġvill age
+Ġleg s
+ĠN ext
+E d
+Ġac id
+Ġhy d
+8 00
+Ġinvol ving
+ĠIm age
+ĠBe fore
+F l
+Ġyes terday
+S ource
+Ġterror ist
+Ġsu p
+Ġsy nt
+ĠSaud i
+Ġw est
+Ġr u
+b urg
+Ġvis ible
+Ġstru ck
+r ison
+Ġaw esome
+Ġd rawn
+Ġansw ers
+ĠG irl
+ĠR am
+Ġthreat s
+Ġdef eat
+os it
+Ġv ent
+atur ally
+Americ an
+end a
+ĠH oly
+Ġr um
+% ,
+c ase
+ĠHist ory
+ĠYou Tube
+Ġsit uations
+S te
+Ġsa ved
+It em
+Ġrec ip
+olog ist
+Ġfac ed
+Ġel ig
+O nce
+ĠL i
+u h
+Ġmist ake
+ĠDiv ision
+ĠB ell
+Ġsympt oms
+Â ®
+Ġdom in
+Ġfall ing
+Ġend ing
+as hes
+Ġmat ches
+ĠOn line
+Ġexplan ation
+D ef
+red it
+Ġany more
+ĠT otal
+us hed
+Ġlet ters
+Ġris ks
+Ġreported ly
+: \
+Ġpl ate
+Ġsubject s
+Ġattempt ed
+if ier
+ian a
+Ġunlike ly
+ĠTh ough
+um a
+ĠIn vest
+ĠPr in
+ic an
+ĠD ar
+ĠColor ado
+au g
+Ġve get
+a os
+ri a
+Ġshe l
+Ġmark ed
+Ġ( )
+Ġsp r
+p o
+ĠL ink
+Ġdef e
+ĠJ r
+Ġthem e
+Ġpass ion
+ĠP en
+Ġinf o
+iz er
+Ġsh it
+ĠC ivil
+ap se
+c re
+Ġpo ly
+Ġcomp onent
+ĠChar les
+ĠIre land
+ĠPro v
+Ġdo ctors
+Ġgr anted
+Ġpain t
+Ġhon or
+Ġsm oke
+Ġpay ments
+Ġprim arily
+ĠKing dom
+r ich
+ate ll
+Ġde als
+Ġsched uled
+Ġfund amental
+Ġprote in
+Ġnewsp aper
+Ġcl ients
+yth on
+ĠD ate
+h us
+Ġfeed back
+Ġstret ch
+Ġc ock
+Ġhot el
+ĠQue en
+Ġsu gar
+Ġj u
+Ġmil k
+Ġappro val
+ĠL ive
+Ġequival ent
+ef ully
+Ġins ert
+z ona
+Ġext ension
+d ri
+J ohn
+Ġacc omp
+S m
+ĠF und
+Ġconst antly
+Ġ` `
+Ġgener ated
+ĠA ction
+ĠP sych
+ĠT ri
+Ġrecogn ize
+Ġv ary
+ph a
+ĠR a
+d f
+et ch
+ĠSov iet
+Tw o
+Ġpattern s
+Ġprof ession
+an ing
+T ime
+ĠL im
+Ġcol ors
+ĠA z
+Ġinf ect
+Ġphen omen
+Ġshe ll
+Al so
+Ġput s
+Ġdel ivery
+Ġbro wn
+Ġprocess ing
+Ġlight s
+ess age
+ĠBro ok
+ĠA ud
+l ation
+Ġindust rial
+L ike
+ĠB razil
+rou s
+ĠL uc
+Ġsome how
+Ġ8 5
+Ġpro port
+Ġpolit icians
+Ġindic ate
+Ġh ole
+Ġtechn iques
+Ġcompet itive
+Ġph r
+Ġv o
+ist ent
+ĠD ream
+Ġcamp us
+Ġaspect s
+Ġhelp ful
+Ġsh ield
+or se
+Ġtrig ger
+m al
+Ġ5 8
+Ġt ort
+Ġperson ally
+Ġt ag
+Ġkeep s
+ĠV ideo
+Ġben ch
+Ġg ap
+a ire
+Ġe ast
+Ġrec overy
+per ial
+Ġprof it
+ĠM ic
+Ġ5 7
+Ġcol on
+Ġstrong ly
+st yle
+Ġalleg ations
+h an
+Ġrep orters
+j o
+r ine
+arg et
+and al
+Ġ0 3
+Ġfl ash
+tr ans
+Ġstr ict
+Ġpark ing
+ĠPak istan
+Ġl i
+Ġwe ird
+ĠE ric
+Ġreg ions
+ĠJ un
+Ġint ellect
+od ing
+rib utes
+up id
+ĠT it
+Ġf inger
+or ia
+Ġe lev
+ĠF ield
+Ġcon clusion
+; ;
+Ġfeel ings
+Ġext ensive
+Ġm ixed
+Ġne uro
+v y
+Ġhar ass
+ĠC irc
+ou ch
+Ġterrit ory
+Ġsuccess fully
+M ar
+Ġing red
+Ġoverw hel
+Ġl ayer
+V iew
+Ġall ies
+ill ance
+ĠTh ree
+Ġb unch
+Ġnorm ally
+Ġnet works
+Ġsac r
+b les
+Ġch ose
+Ġopp onents
+Ġregard less
+Ġfr anch
+Ġpre f
+ĠP o
+Ġbr idge
+ann a
+ĠSil ver
+Ġw age
+p age
+ri or
+Ġrad ical
+ĠL ittle
+Ġman ip
+Ġsecret ary
+Ġg ang
+D R
+F A
+Ġdec ent
+ĠSp irit
+Ġun cle
+ĠDevelop ment
+Ġinvest ors
+Ġwall s
+Ġpub lish
+Ġgener ate
+iss ions
+c ar
+Ġprom ote
+Ġcut ting
+Ġche st
+Ġdrink ing
+Ġcollect ed
+Ġ7 2
+Ġhop ing
+Ġem br
+gor ith
+Ġwar ned
+Ġinstruct ions
+O G
+ĠD id
+ĠAg ency
+Ġg ear
+Ġcritic ism
+ĠF urther
+Ġut il
+ann y
+R ed
+Ġcoun sel
+ĠAs ian
+Ġredu ction
+p ool
+Ġteach ing
+Ġdeep ly
+i y
+Ġestim ates
+Ġcho ices
+Ġperman ent
+in em
+ke l
+Ġf asc
+p se
+f ile
+ĠL ow
+ĠP erson
+Ġt ournament
+st al
+Ġm el
+ĠR ay
+az i
+V al
+Ġcont ained
+ĠH olly
+Ġw ake
+Ġreve al
+Ġprocess es
+Ġ0 9
+Ġbl ind
+Ġste el
+ĠB ad
+Ġcare fully
+app y
+ro it
+Ġg aming
+Ġhous es
+ĠC oll
+Ġtr uck
+er m
+Ġsc ored
+Ġocc as
+ret urn
+b ound
+v ar
+Ġsh arp
+Ġaf raid
+am ber
+c ific
+Ġsche me
+N C
+ĠPol it
+Ġdecl ine
+Ġ199 8
+Ġpus hing
+Ġposs ession
+Ġpriv ile
+Ġteacher s
+Ġy ield
+H A
+ĠDav is
+it led
+#### ####
+Ġr ig
+ĠD aniel
+ac on
+Ġh ide
+ut en
+Ġcolle agues
+Ġprin ciples
+Ġl oud
+Ġs in
+ĠDem on
+Ġst one
+Ġ0 2
+Ġt aught
+Ġter rible
+Ġst uck
+ĠPol icy
+te en
+Ġimplement ation
+Ġwhe el
+all as
+Ġch ampions
+ol ars
+play er
+Ġrepeated ly
+ĠSt ill
+Ġlik es
+ast y
+es ter
+ĠCath olic
+R L
+Ġb ath
+Ġno ise
+t itle
+Ġn orthern
+P art
+Ġmag n
+Ġf ab
+ĠAs h
+Ġdis pl
+Ġtick et
+Ġm urd
+Ġalong side
+ĠMus ic
+Ġr iver
+ĠSte el
+ĠPl ayer
+ĠM ult
+ow ing
+re p
+s ize
+Ġt ur
+ĠGeorg ia
+isc al
+ra ction
+Ġc able
+Ġ5 9
+Ġw ins
+Ġup coming
+Ġsurv ive
+Ġins pired
+ĠEduc ation
+Ġstat istics
+ĠF oot
+iam i
+Ġy ellow
+ĠP age
+. -
+ĠH as
+Ġur ban
+Ġa x
+es sel
+\ "
+Ġquarter back
+Ġreg ister
+ĠLab or
+Ġab ilities
+ĠF amily
+Ġvar iable
+ĠPr ice
+Ġcont em
+Ġth in
+ĠE qu
+d ata
+Ġg otten
+Ġconst it
+Ġas ks
+Ġt ail
+Ġexc iting
+ĠE ffect
+ĠSp anish
+Ġencour age
+ins on
+ĠA h
+Ġcommit ment
+C S
+Ġr ally
+Ġ: :
+Ġsubs id
+Ġsp in
+Ġcapt ured
+201 8
+Ġinn oc
+Ġalleged ly
+ĠC ome
+Ġart ists
+ĠN umber
+Ġelect ronic
+Ġreg ional
+ap es
+Ġw ra
+Ġmy th
+pr ise
+ĠM iller
+ĠC reat
+ĠEp isode
+b ell
+Ġdirect ed
+Ġext ract
+Ġs orry
+Ġv ice
+ag ger
+ĠSu pport
+Ġ6 6
+ĠI ron
+Ġwonder ful
+Ġg ra
+N et
+ion e
+E ng
+Ġsh ips
+ik es
+ĠK evin
+it ar
+Ġactiv ists
+tr ue
+ĠAri zona
+ent h
+ĠDes pite
+Ġha bit
+ern el
+Ġin qu
+Ġab ortion
+Ġv oid
+Ġexpl icit
+Ġeng aged
+Ġang ry
+Ġr ating
+Ġfr ag
+b ro
+ick ing
+d ev
+Ġwor ried
+Ġob ser
+Ġap artment
+Ġest ate
+ĠConst itution
+em on
+ĠS now
+Ġcount y
+Ġdis ag
+ĠStep hen
+Ġimm igrants
+w ind
+ĠN ations
+Ġfol ks
+O ut
+Ġg all
+Ġtarget ed
+Ġst ead
+ĠB on
+ĠL ib
+Ġinform ed
+Ġ12 0
+ch ain
+idel ines
+or ough
+Ġdri ven
+Ġregular ly
+Ġbas ket
+Ġprinc iple
+oc ument
+Ġst un
+ib ilities
+ĠRom an
+ĠAb out
+Ġal ert
+Ġdemocr acy
+Ġrepresent ed
+H S
+c ers
+p arent
+Ar t
+p ack
+Ġdi plom
+re ts
+Ġcapt ure
+ĠAd v
+Ħ ¢
+Ġannounce ment
+ĠL ear
+Ġh ook
+Ġpur s
+ĠS uch
+ĠC amer
+Ġrefuge es
+ĠV e
+P ol
+Ġrecogn ized
+l ib
+Ġhad n
+A ss
+Ġpil ot
+us hing
+Ġreturn ing
+Ġtra il
+ĠSt one
+Ġrout ine
+Ġcour ts
+Ġdes per
+Ġfriend ly
+ĠIt aly
+Ġpl ed
+Ġbreat h
+Ġstud io
+N S
+Ġimp ressive
+ĠAfghan istan
+Ġf ing
+Ġd ownt
+ink ing
+ĠR og
+i ary
+col or
+se x
+ar on
+Ġf ault
+ĠN ick
+D own
+ĠR ose
+ĠS outhern
+X X
+is odes
+L ist
+6 00
+Ġout come
+er r
+Ġelse where
+Ġret ire
+Ġp ounds
+ĠGl obal
+Pe ople
+Ġcommun ications
+Ġlo an
+Ġrat io
+ĠEm pire
+Ġg onna
+Ġinv ent
+D F
+Ġ19 70
+ĠComm on
+p at
+Ġprom ised
+Ġd inner
+ĠH om
+Ġcreat es
+Ġoper ate
+ver ty
+ĠJ ordan
+et ime
+Ġsust ain
+R eg
+Ġincred ible
+im a
+Ġwar rant
+Ġm m
+A tt
+Ġlaw suit
+Ġreview s
+it ure
+ĠS ource
+l ights
+ĠF ord
+Ġ6 3
+g roup
+st ore
+Ġfeat ured
+Ġfore ver
+Ġpo verty
+ĠP op
+az z
+ab is
+ach ing
+Ġl aid
+ĠSu pp
+Ġfil ter
+en a
+ĠCommun ity
+Ġcreat ures
+u ction
+ĠR oyal
+Ġassoci ation
+ĠCon nect
+ĠBr ad
+âĸ Ī
+l ers
+the re
+ĠG i
+Ġval uable
+ĠT aylor
+Ġl iquid
+ĠAtt orney
+ĠCar l
+ĠF inal
+ag a
+ĠWil son
+B ecause
+ĠProf essor
+ak a
+Ġincred ibly
+r ance
+! )
+R ef
+s k
+Ġsol utions
+Ġatmosp here
+Ġbl ame
+um es
+ĠN ob
+C A
+um ps
+r ical
+ĠPut in
+ĠD est
+or ic
+Ġrespect ively
+w an
+Ġfif th
+â Ħ¢
+ĠC ry
+Ġgovern or
+res ident
+Ġpurch ased
+Ġh ack
+Ġint ense
+ob s
+Ġorig in
+Ġdef ine
+Ġcare ful
+** *
+Ġshould er
+Cl ick
+Ġt ied
+Ġdest ruction
+ou red
+Ġno body
+Ġh o
+ĠEx per
+Ġt ip
+" ;
+Ġtechn ique
+Ġj ur
+ĠP ok
+b ow
+Ġleg end
+Ġacc ord
+Ġbus y
+ĠInt el
+Ġh ang
+ak i
+. ]
+Ġsur gery
+Ġrep rodu
+Ġun iform
+Ġscen es
+c ode
+Ġ6 2
+l isher
+ĠH ave
+ph ia
+Ġcry pt
+Ġrec on
+Ġsc ream
+Ġadop ted
+Ġsc ores
+N e
+ĠIt alian
+in cluding
+B O
+Ġindic ated
+Ġent ertain
+G u
+T ext
+i el
+Ġtw enty
+Ġeng age
+off s
+ĠPac ific
+Ġsm ile
+Ġperson nel
+Ġto ler
+Ġdo ors
+Ġt one
+Ġmach ines
+Ġent ering
+ten ance
+C O
+ĠJer sey
+Ġfore st
+Ġhor se
+Ġcompl aint
+ĠSpr ing
+y o
+ĠPl us
+ed ing
+ĠRet urn
+qu arters
+ial s
+c ow
+Ġacad emic
+Ġf ruit
+Ġ199 6
+og ether
+Ġw ine
+Ġpur su
+ĠSte ven
+Ġlic ens
+Wh o
+Ġclot hes
+re ction
+Ġsqu ad
+Ġst able
+Ġr aw
+z ens
+St ar
+ut ies
+anc er
+Ġke ys
+ĠM u
+Ġcompl icated
+ig er
+ĠTe xt
+Ġabs or
+Ġ6 8
+Ġfun ny
+Ġrel ief
+ĠL ew
+ĠC ook
+Ġch art
+Ġdraw ing
+G E
+Ġmod ule
+ĠB ull
+Ġs alt
+0000 0000
+il le
+Ġres ource
+aw ay
+adel phia
+ĠB ru
+Ġ6 7
+Ġsome body
+Ġparticip ate
+Ġro se
+we red
+Ġmus cle
+Ġcons ent
+Ġcontin uing
+ĠGuard ian
+ĠOr der
+reg on
+Ġre ar
+Ġprov ision
+Ġlik ed
+ri ent
+Ġb ra
+Tr ans
+Ġmeet ings
+Ġto x
+Ġcon vent
+Ġaut o
+Ġrec ording
+ĠSo ft
+00 1
+ĠR oll
+Ġprogram ming
+Ġp ic
+Ġprov ed
+Ġst ab
+ĠA st
+Ġca ption
+ul ating
+ĠAtt ack
+Ġnew ly
+Ġ199 7
+f r
+Ġdis cipl
+ĠGree k
+Ġed ition
+ĠDo es
+ĠB ox
+if le
+ack et
+Ġpass es
+Ġgu est
+Ġac celer
+it als
+U D
+Ġaut hent
+ĠR est
+ov al
+t a
+u ine
+Ġarm or
+ĠT own
+Ġcomp at
+Ġinc hes
+Des pite
+Ġass ign
+he rent
+Ġprep are
+ĠM eg
+oc key
+Ġdep ends
+Ġtrack s
+w atch
+Ġl ists
+ĠN orthern
+Ġal ter
+re c
+ĠE astern
+Ġcond em
+Ġevery where
+? '
+Ġaff ili
+Ġf ought
+": {"
+Ġm ac
+it arian
+Ġsc ope
+aw s
+ar ms
+Ġqu e
+Ġenjoy ed
+nes ota
+Ġagg ressive
+ĠSt ory
+Ġrec ipe
+Ġrare ly
+ĠMed ical
+val ue
+ang el
+ay ing
+omet hing
+Ġsub section
+Ġs outhern
+Ġfrequ ency
+re te
+roll ed
+ult s
+ĠN ic
+Ġbeh alf
+Ġsequ ence
+ab et
+Ġcontrovers ial
+Ġcomp rom
+Ġwork er
+Ġmain ly
+Ġal gorith
+ĠM ajor
+or ce
+g ender
+Ġorgan ized
+Ġf ake
+Ġconclud ed
+ĠEx ec
+r age
+Ġch ances
+ber ry
+ĠTr ad
+Ġconfig uration
+Ġwithd raw
+Ġf ro
+ud es
+ĠBro ther
+ĠB rian
+Ġtri es
+Ġsam ples
+Ġb id
+ĠGold en
+Ġphot ograph
+if est
+ĠPar liament
+******** ********
+R em
+Ġcont est
+Ġsign ing
+p x
+ĠZ eal
+âĶĢ âĶĢ
+E ar
+Ġex it
+Be fore
+ĠCor por
+n ull
+mon th
+Ġrac ial
+ott ed
+ĠV eg
+ĠRe uters
+Ġsw ord
+ps on
+ĠRom ney
+a ed
+Ġt rib
+Ġin ner
+Ġprot ocol
+ĠB i
+ĠM iami
+ever al
+p ress
+Ġsh ipping
+ĠAm endment
+ĠHow ard
+con nect
+ĠD isc
+ĠJ ac
+iam ond
+ĠThere fore
+s es
+ĠPrin cess
+ĠAn th
+Ġsurve illance
+Ġap olog
+Ġ6 1
+ow a
+Ġf ulf
+j s
+Ġl uck
+ust ed
+ĠÂ §
+n i
+Ġant icip
+em an
+Ġwin ner
+Ġsil ver
+ll a
+ic ity
+Ġunus ual
+Ġcr ack
+Ġt ies
+e z
+Ġpract ical
+Ġprov ince
+ĠPl ace
+Ġprior ity
+Ġdescrib es
+Ġbr anch
+F orm
+ask a
+miss ions
+b i
+Ġp orn
+ĠTur k
+Ġent hus
+Ġf ighters
+Ġ0 8
+ĠDet roit
+Ġfound ation
+av id
+A re
+Ġjud gment
+cl ing
+Ġsol ve
+ĠDes ign
+W here
+hes is
+ĠT ro
+a fter
+Ġne utral
+ĠPalestin ian
+ĠHolly wood
+Ġadv is
+ĠN on
+y es
+ol is
+Ġrep utation
+Ġsm ell
+Ġb read
+ĠB ul
+ĠBe ach
+Ġclaim ing
+Ġgen etic
+Ġtechn ologies
+Ġupgr ade
+row s
+Ġdevelop er
+ĠJ osh
+ĠDis ney
+erv ed
+ip al
+Ġun ex
+Ġbare ly
+t hen
+ĠP ub
+Ġill ness
+et ary
+ĠB al
+Ġp atch
+Ġbut t
+Ġst upid
+ĠD og
+ĠD allas
+f ront
+ie ce
+Ġprot ests
+Ġch at
+oen ix
+Ġw ing
+Ġpar liament
+Ġ7 7
+ose xual
+Ġre nder
+pt ions
+ĠCo ast
+os a
+ĠG reg
+h op
+ĠMan agement
+Ġbit coin
+Ġrec over
+Ġincor por
+or ne
+ĠUs ing
+Ġpre ced
+Ġthreat ened
+Ġspirit ual
+ĠE vent
+ĠF red
+Ġadvert ising
+Ġimprove ments
+ĠC ustom
+Ġer rors
+Ġsens itive
+ĠN avy
+Ġcre am
+L ook
+Ġex clusive
+Ġcomp rehens
+Ġde leg
+Ġcon ce
+Ġrem em
+Ġstruct ures
+Ġst ored
+N D
+Ġ1 000
+U P
+ĠB udd
+A F
+w oman
+ĠAcad emy
+ð Ł
+se a
+Ġtem porary
+Ab out
+es ters
+Ġtick ets
+Ġposs ess
+in ch
+o z
+Ġl a
+Ġcontract s
+Ġun p
+Ġc ig
+ĠK at
+ult ural
+as m
+Ġmount ain
+ĠCapt ain
+St ep
+m aking
+ĠSp ain
+Ġequ ally
+Ġl ands
+at ers
+Ġreject ed
+er a
+im m
+ri x
+C D
+Ġtrans action
+g ener
+less ly
+Ġ| |
+Ġc os
+ĠHen ry
+Ġprov isions
+Ġg ained
+Ġdirect ory
+Ġra ising
+ĠS ep
+ol en
+ond er
+Ġcon sole
+in st
+Ġb om
+Ġunc ertain
+1 50
+ock ing
+Ġmeas ured
+Ġpl ain
+Ġse ats
+Ġd ict
+S L
+af e
+Ġest imate
+iz on
+at hered
+Ġcontribut ed
+Ġep isodes
+omm od
+G r
+Ġ6 9
+G ener
+Ġ2 50
+vious ly
+rog en
+Ġterror ism
+Ġmove ments
+ent le
+oun ce
+ĠS oul
+Ġpre v
+ĠT able
+act s
+ri ors
+t ab
+Ġsuff er
+Ġn erv
+Ġmain stream
+ĠW olf
+Ġfranch ise
+b at
+Ġdem ands
+Ġag enda
+Ġdo zen
+Ġclin ical
+iz ard
+ĠO p
+t d
+Ġvis ited
+ĠPer haps
+Ġact or
+Ġde lic
+Ġcont ribute
+Ġin ject
+ĠE s
+ac co
+Ġlist ening
+Ġcon gress
+epend ent
+Ġprem ium
+Ġ7 6
+ĠIr ish
+Ġass igned
+ĠPh ys
+Ġworld wide
+Ġnarr ative
+ot ype
+m ont
+b ase
+ĠB owl
+ĠAdminist ration
+Ġrel ation
+C P
+Ġco vers
+Ġ7 8
+Ġcert ific
+Ġgr ass
+Ġ0 4
+pir acy
+ir a
+Ġengine ering
+ĠM ars
+Ġun employ
+ĠFore ign
+st ract
+Ġv en
+Ġst eal
+Ġrepl ied
+Ġult imate
+Ġtit les
+d ated
+Ġj oy
+a us
+Ġhy per
+ak u
+Ġoffic ially
+ĠPro duct
+Ġdifficult y
+per or
+Ġresult ed
+rib ed
+l ink
+wh o
+~~ ~~
+ĠSpe ed
+ĠV iet
+W ind
+ĠBar ack
+Ġrestrict ions
+ĠSh are
+Ġ199 5
+ition ally
+Ġbeaut y
+op t
+Ġm aps
+ĠN ation
+ĠCru z
+W ill
+Ġelectric ity
+Ġor g
+Ġb urd
+Ġviol ation
+Ġus age
+Ġper mit
+ĠCh ron
+ĠF ant
+Ġn aturally
+Ġ0 7
+Ġth rown
+ĠAw oken
+Ġal ien
+ĠHer o
+ĠK ent
+ĠR ick
+ri ke
+Ġp ace
+}, {"
+G L
+Ġpo ison
+ĠT ower
+Ġform al
+al ysis
+Ġgen uine
+Ġk il
+a ver
+Ġproced ure
+ĠPro p
+intend o
+ĠM ain
+as ant
+Ġtr ained
+G ame
+ĠL oad
+Ġcru cial
+Ġle ts
+Ġch ampion
+1 01
+ĠCon ference
+Ġwrit ers
+Ġconnect ions
+Ġo kay
+ir ms
+ĠR and
+Ġenc ounter
+ĠB uff
+Ġachie ved
+Ġche cks
+isc ons
+Ġassist ant
+Ġwhen ever
+ĠA ccess
+ĠU r
+b in
+Ġcl ock
+is p
+op her
+Ġb orrow
+Ġm ad
+Ġperson ality
+on ly
+ab ama
+Ġg ains
+Ġcommon ly
+Ġter r
+Ġhyp ot
+Ġre ly
+Ġt iss
+iscons in
+Ġrid ic
+f unction
+ĠO regon
+Ġun com
+r ating
+el and
+Ġm oon
+ann on
+Ġvulner able
+ut ive
+³³ ³³
+ĠRad io
+Ġw estern
+se ct
+ĠT ony
+Ġocc urs
+ĠO s
+ĠH on
+Ã Ń
+Ġv essel
+ĠScot land
+Ġdiscrim ination
+Ġsubsequ ent
+st ring
+Ġfant asy
+ĠSh adow
+Ġtest im
+W E
+it i
+r as
+Ġbo at
+Ġmar ks
+Ġord inary
+Ġre n
+Ġrepresent ative
+Ġpet ition
+Ġ7 3
+Ġad venture
+Ġign ore
+ĠPhil adelphia
+ĠS av
+V P
+Ġfact ory
+Ġt asks
+Ġdep ression
+z ed
+................ ................
+ĠSt orm
+Ġc ogn
+Ġelig ible
+Ġredu cing
+v ia
+Ġ0 5
+Ġstri king
+Ġdoll ar
+h o
+O V
+Ġinstr ument
+Ġphilosoph y
+ĠMo ore
+ĠA venue
+Ġrul ed
+ĠFr ont
+ĠM ah
+Ġscen ario
+Ġen orm
+Ġdeb ut
+Ġte a
+T oday
+Ġabs ence
+S im
+Ġh am
+le ep
+Ġt ables
+ĠHe art
+M I
+K e
+re qu
+V D
+m ap
+Ġchair man
+Ġp ump
+Ġrapid ly
+v i
+Ġsubstant ial
+E P
+d es
+ch ant
+ili pp
+ĠS anta
+ri ers
+anche ster
+L oad
+ĠC ase
+Ġsa ving
+Ġ7 4
+er ning
+oun ced
+ĠMin nesota
+ĠW as
+Ġrec ru
+Ġassess ment
+ĠB ron
+U E
+Ġdynam ic
+Ġf urn
+ul ator
+Ġprop ag
+h igh
+Ġacc ommod
+Ġst ack
+ĠS us
+w rit
+Ġre ven
+ĠGod d
+ĠZeal and
+ab s
+Ġbr ut
+Ġper pet
+h ot
+Ġhard ly
+ĠB urn
+ãĤ ¹
+Ġst y
+Ġtrans actions
+Ġg ate
+Ġsc reens
+Ġsub mitted
+Ġ1 01
+Ġlangu ages
+ugh t
+em en
+Ġfall s
+Ġc oc
+Ĥ ¬
+Ġstri kes
+p a
+Ġdel iber
+Ġrel ax
+ann els
+ĠSen ator
+Ġext rem
+Ġ} ,
+ĠDe b
+Ġbe ll
+Ġdis order
+c ut
+Ġi OS
+Ġl ocked
+Ġem issions
+Ġshort ly
+" ]
+ĠJud ge
+ĠS ometimes
+Ġr ival
+Ġd ust
+Ġreach ing
+F ile
+¯¯ ¯¯
+ino is
+ĠJ ason
+Ġs atell
+are t
+Ġst ations
+Ġag ric
+ĠTechn ology
+com es
+ĠUn fortunately
+ĠChild ren
+Ġappl ies
+ast ed
+Ġan ger
+ail ability
+ĠDam age
+Ġcomp are
+ĠStand ard
+Ġaim ed
+ĠB a
+angu age
+Ġreg ulation
+Ġj ury
+Ġair port
+Ġse ctions
+ĠPr ince
+em ed
+Ġmedic ine
+Ġh itting
+Ġsp ark
+ol ves
+Ġad s
+St ate
+Ġfood s
+Ġrepl acement
+Ġch icken
+Ġlow est
+Ġmind s
+Ġinvol ves
+u i
+Ġarr ang
+Ġproced ures
+ĠWh ich
+ivers ary
+Ġb ills
+Ġimprove ment
+Ġin ev
+Ġexpect ations
+Ġintellect ual
+Ġsp aces
+Ġmechan ism
+2 50
+bre ak
+ĠZ e
+ĠT enn
+ĠB alt
+Ġbar rel
+Ġstat ic
+man n
+Pol ice
+Ġt ips
+Ġhand ling
+c us
+od ed
+il ton
+ir y
+Ġjournal ists
+our se
+Ġcom ic
+Ġnom ine
+Ġvers us
+Ġlo op
+Ġsur f
+ĠInd ust
+ĠHun ter
+Ġbelief s
+is an
+Ġset up
+Ġbre w
+im age
+Ġcomput ers
+f ol
+} ,"
+ĠMed al
+Ġtax p
+Ġdisplay ed
+Ġg rav
+Ġf iscal
+M on
+ĠMos cow
+ĠK ong
+ĠCent re
+Ġcamer as
+ĠMr s
+ĠH ay
+Ġa ver
+ĠK elly
+p y
+Ġrequire ment
+Ġent itled
+omb ie
+Ġsh adow
+ag ic
+ĠA k
+Ġel ite
+Ġdiv ided
+Ġhead ing
+Ġcop ies
+Ġloss es
+Ġv it
+k ed
+ĠB ry
+Ġan s
+ĠSte am
+Ġrep orter
+he im
+ĠIt em
+Ġsuper ior
+d on
+ere nt
+Ã ¶
+Ġtherap y
+Ġpe ak
+ĠMod el
+Ġl ying
+Ġg am
+z er
+r itten
+Ġrespons es
+Ġconsider ation
+ĠB ible
+Ġl oyal
+Ġinst ant
+Ġp m
+ĠFore st
+Ã ¼
+Ġext end
+Ġconv icted
+Ġfound er
+Ġconv in
+ĠO ak
+che ck
+Ġsch olars
+p ed
+Ġover se
+T op
+c ount
+ĠAr k
+Â ·
+Ġ0 6
+m d
+ĠLat in
+im ental
+Ġsubst ance
+Ġminor ity
+Ġmanufact uring
+E r
+ocol ate
+Ġatt ended
+ĠMan ager
+r ations
+Ġappreci ate
+om y
+id ency
+B L
+Ġguarant ee
+pos ition
+Ġo cean
+clud e
+Ġhead ed
+Ġt ape
+Ġlo ose
+Ġlog ic
+Ġpro ven
+Ġsp ir
+Ġad mit
+is a
+Ġinvestig ate
+Ġ199 4
+sy lv
+ĠL ost
+c est
+Ġ7 1
+Ġrequest ed
+Ġwind ows
+ĠPok é
+ĠWith out
+M et
+Ġbehavi our
+Ġread er
+Ġh ung
+ĠKe ep
+Ġro les
+Ġimplement ed
+Ġbl ank
+Ġserv es
+ĠJ ay
+Ġc ited
+ĠF riend
+prof it
+ap on
+Ġrep air
+it em
+arr ass
+Ġcrit ics
+ad i
+ĠF ather
+Ġsh out
+Ġf ool
+Ġ8 8
+Ġprodu cing
+Ġl ib
+Ġround s
+Ġcirc le
+Ġpre par
+Ġsub mit
+Ġn ic
+mor row
+ãĥ «
+U nder
+Ġv ital
+ater n
+Ġpass word
+Ġpublic ation
+Ġprom inent
+Ġspeak s
+Ġb ars
+Ġde eper
+ĠM ill
+port ed
+Ġw id
+Ġbut ter
+Ġsm oking
+Ġindic ates
+K ey
+rop ri
+ĠF ile
+all ing
+ast ing
+ĠR us
+Ġad j
+Ġ7 9
+av al
+Ġpres um
+bur gh
+on ic
+Ġf ur
+Ġpoll s
+ik a
+Ġsecond ary
+Ġmon ster
+ig s
+ĠCur rent
+E vent
+Ġowners hip
+end ar
+Ġarri ve
+ĠT ax
+Ġn ull
+ĠPri v
+Ġth ro
+Ġk iss
+c at
+Ġup set
+ang le
+it ches
+ect or
+olog ists
+ĠGal axy
+Ġcor ruption
+Ġh int
+ent er
+ĠH ospital
+Ġgreat ly
+Ġbeg un
+es y
+Ġso il
+ĠAnt on
+Ġmain tenance
+ãĥ ©
+Ġdo zens
+Ġhuman ity
+ĠAl abama
+Ġr om
+w orth
+ap ing
+sylv ania
+l ah
+Ġg athered
+G A
+Ġattack ing
+f ound
+ĠSqu are
+Ġar bit
+ict ions
+ĠW isconsin
+Ġd ance
+ĠS aint
+arch y
+Ġbase ball
+Ġcontribut ions
+Ġliter ature
+Ġex ha
+per ty
+t est
+Ġb ab
+Ġcontain er
+let ter
+Ġfall en
+Ġwebs ites
+Ġbott le
+ĠS ac
+Ġbre ast
+Ġveter an
+Ġinterview s
+ĠA le
+Ġb anned
+eng ers
+ĠRev olution
+in th
+Ġconc erning
+Ġexp enses
+ĠMatt hew
+ĠColumb ia
+d s
+ist ance
+Ġent ity
+.. ."
+Ġrel iable
+Ġpar alle
+ĠChrist ians
+Ġopin ions
+Ġin du
+l ow
+Ġcompet e
+Ġth orough
+Ġemploy ed
+Ġestablish ment
+ig en
+ĠC ro
+Ġlawy ers
+ĠSt ation
+T E
+ĠL ind
+ĠP ur
+it ary
+Ġeffic iency
+âĢ IJ
+ĠL y
+Ġm ask
+Ġdis aster
+Ġag es
+es is
+ĠH old
+Ġcas ual
+b led
+Ġen abled
+ĠEn vironment
+ĠInt elligence
+i per
+ĠM ap
+Ġemer ged
+is dom
+Ġc abin
+Ġregist ration
+Ġfing ers
+Ġro ster
+Ġfram ework
+ĠDo ctor
+et ts
+Ġtransport ation
+Ġaware ness
+H er
+Ġattempt ing
+O ff
+ĠSt ore
+ĠK now
+Ġdef ence
+Ġsc an
+ĠT en
+ĠCh air
+ĠAtl anta
+Ġfuck ing
+Ġans wered
+b n
+ĠK ar
+Ġcateg ories
+Ġr ational
+Ġc ust
+Ġrob ot
+Ġcorrect ly
+Ġg if
+Ġgraph ics
+m ic
+Ġground s
+ĠO pp
+i ate
+Ġdist ributed
+Ġsan ctions
+Ġchalleng ing
+ut o
+Ġingred ients
+Ġinv ited
+Ġfound ed
+ĠRe qu
+d ed
+Ġb owl
+Ġbrother s
+ĠH a
+I O
+Ġw ages
+im ore
+oc ial
+Ġse ed
+ative ly
+Ġaddress es
+ĠI owa
+ab eth
+Ġatt itude
+is d
+ch ild
+Ġm ole
+Ġdisco very
+y ard
+B r
+Ġ8 2
+Ġsuppl ies
+ell ing
+Ġdist ingu
+C R
+Ġre cept
+Ġ vert
+Ġsw im
+b ec
+d oor
+ĠY eah
+Ġg al
+Ġinter act
+amp s
+Ġconvin ced
+Ġobject ive
+Ġdis h
+ĠPhot os
+l ad
+Ġdownt own
+o il
+in ction
+Ġto morrow
+Ġsurv ival
+sh ot
+Ġsett lement
+C ons
+ĠX box
+int erest
+arg o
+en ess
+Ġeth nic
+b ered
+M in
+ĠT ok
+Ġinc ent
+ĠComm and
+Ġmain tained
+Ġbreak s
+br idge
+at ar
+ag g
+ĠF inally
+un icip
+ĠO nt
+le ft
+Ġrecogn ition
+Ġ* /
+ĠP ers
+Ġwe lf
+Ġaddress ed
+ĠK ansas
+Ġvir us
+Ġwhere as
+Ġp apers
+ram s
+ĠMin istry
+Ġple asure
+Ġacqu ired
+Ġd uration
+j pg
+Ġcal m
+Ġburn ing
+Ġfold er
+ick ed
+ĠP y
+ĠIll inois
+Cl ass
+ĠGodd ess
+Ġperform ing
+Ġwelf are
+j ar
+In ter
+Ġl in
+Ġenh ance
+Ġnot ion
+f are
+yp es
+ĠAre a
+Ġcann abis
+ĠDie go
+f s
+ĠM anchester
+com m
+in ite
+Ġcover ing
+ĠS ound
+Ġ19 60
+Ġ8 4
+e lect
+z ing
+Ġcitiz en
+Ġph ones
+Ġr aid
+Ġign ored
+ĠOb ject
+Ġu pload
+c ard
+Ġmod ified
+Ġroom s
+ia h
+r ange
+he ast
+ach us
+Ġsuggest ing
+âĢ ĭ
+gr ade
+E l
+Ġclot hing
+Ġr h
+ĠH an
+un ity
+en cing
+ĠAust in
+sec ution
+t ra
+d em
+ĠQ ual
+Ġhe aven
+Ġst ages
+Ġw edd
+pl us
+ific ial
+ĠIm m
+ĠH o
+iet ies
+Ġphr ase
+Ġbr ill
+act ory
+Ġprov iders
+Ġsil ence
+Ġa er
+ĠAd venture
+Ġplatform s
+Ġdemonstr ated
+Ġinter f
+ing ton
+Ġr aces
+Ġgr ade
+ult ane
+ĠTh rough
+f alse
+Ġb ow
+Ġfl avor
+Ġhistor ic
+g ov
+Ġcol our
+Ġview ed
+ĠEm ail
+el come
+Ġinter vention
+Ġd iversity
+Ġperiod s
+Ġre verse
+ĠV ery
+Ġqu ote
+ĠLe ft
+th rough
+Ġsc rew
+Ġland ing
+Ġp ill
+Ġw et
+Ġprot esters
+Ġrepe at
+av ed
+er k
+Ġsal ary
+ĠPenn sylvania
+St ill
+Ġmay or
+Ġkit chen
+Ġfeat uring
+ĠM useum
+ĠT ournament
+ĠF al
+Ġser vers
+U C
+Ġany body
+im g
+ĠTr ade
+ixt ure
+the less
+Ġfin ance
+Ġcl osing
+ĠPat ri
+i ac
+ab el
+Ġ> >
+or ous
+Ġf irms
+sc reen
+un a
+Ġemb arrass
+ul se
+Ġlet ting
+Ġth rew
+ile y
+Ġch annels
+l an
+ĠVeg as
+Ġse ar
+Ġfant astic
+ar re
+uzz le
+ĠD er
+Th ose
+Ġsw ing
+Ġshe et
+ind ex
+co ver
+og an
+Ġvari ables
+ĠTe ch
+Ġsp oken
+ac hel
+ĠD a
+ĠMount ain
+Ġload ed
+Ġfoot age
+vers ion
+Ġun l
+ĠPh oenix
+Ġthrow ing
+Ġf iring
+Ġtrack ing
+Ġw idth
+Ġstrugg ling
+ro oms
+ot ion
+Ġmonth ly
+ĠSer ver
+Ġegg s
+op en
+M C
+Ġ199 3
+Ġh ired
+Ġstay ed
+ĠAll en
+Ġst ro
+Ġ9 8
+st ep
+ĠTurk ish
+Ġfab ric
+ist ing
+ĠD om
+Ġd ates
+Ġpr on
+Ġbasket ball
+Ġl ucky
+ĠArab ia
+Ġassum ed
+est y
+Ġaff airs
+Ġgl ad
+ĠInd eed
+ĠW ord
+Ġjo ining
+if ice
+p read
+ir ts
+ĠSe lect
+Ġpop ulations
+aw are
+Ġn ose
+Ġcompl aints
+st art
+Ġsc oring
+Th anks
+Ġmin ing
+Ġvisit ors
+S H
+Ġdam aged
+Ġcharacter istics
+ĠP ent
+D C
+Ġ8 3
+ĠS ix
+r ates
+Ġfl ags
+ĠB rew
+d og
+M ark
+// //
+Ġexec ution
+Ġj oke
+ph ones
+Ġtestim ony
+Ġob st
+Q L
+ĠC ut
+Ġstud ied
+ĠN intendo
+ick et
+Ġl ad
+ĠB ra
+ĠM oh
+Ġk ernel
+Ġoverwhel ming
+Ġag ed
+Ġapplic able
+ĠC ond
+Ġroad s
+ĠBl ock
+m ade
+od ge
+Ġcomm ands
+Ġoff ices
+vel and
+Ġt ut
+Ġrece iver
+ĠF ro
+Ġsho pping
+Ġi P
+ĠSt re
+Ġentertain ment
+ĠB ow
+ort ed
+M c
+Ġread s
+gr ad
+ĠCol lect
+Ġâ ĪĴ
+ĠCap ital
+eder ation
+Ġemploy er
+Ġinvolve ment
+Ġanx iety
+al ia
+Ġro of
+ĠAm ong
+ĠDemocr at
+Ġstat s
+ĠV ill
+Ġconst itutional
+Ġrefer ring
+itt y
+Ġtack le
+out ube
+Ġback ed
+ĠH ong
+ĠBro ad
+Ġe le
+ĠO tt
+Ġ199 2
+h our
+achus etts
+C al
+Ġdefe ated
+Ġ8 1
+es p
+Ġseem ingly
+w as
+ĠJ enn
+ĠK urd
+Ġg ene
+Ġdisc ount
+R et
+( );
+Ġclub s
+Ġs id
+ĠM arsh
+Che ck
+Ġp p
+ĠE ag
+ides pread
+Ġbe ings
+F T
+Ġintrodu ction
+ĠCh ange
+Ġ1 10
+ad ows
+ier ce
+Ġme al
+a uthor
+ĠB ang
+lah oma
+Ġr anks
+201 1
+?? ??
+m ax
+Ġcoll apse
+Ġop ens
+Ġe cho
+Ġs oph
+Ġrac ist
+Ġenorm ous
+Ġw aves
+Ġt ap
+Ġcomprehens ive
+. --
+ĠR oy
+Ġfarm ers
+Rel ated
+a ired
+ron es
+ĠC rim
+Ġproport ion
+Ġdesign s
+Ġnegoti ations
+Ġvirt ually
+ĠBat man
+Ġwar n
+Ġlegit imate
+m ate
+Ġcon vention
+, ,
+net ic
+Ġconsist ently
+Ġcompens ation
+Ġpunish ment
+Ġy e
+Ġt ie
+ĠB ureau
+ir lf
+ĠB u
+ĠA ren
+ĠPh ilipp
+Ġkn ife
+Ġmem ories
+ĠR oss
+Ġang le
+Ġ8 6
+ĠTh under
+Ġre nd
+ĠT our
+Ġcount s
+s ung
+ĠIm p
+Ġeduc ational
+Ġaccess ible
+Ġd rew
+y er
+G l
+am ine
+O B
+I B
+m aster
+Ġtri als
+og y
+h ar
+ĠTr ust
+Ġprefer red
+irlf riend
+ĠN ev
+Ġb in
+Ġc ow
+P age
+Ġsign ature
+7 00
+Ġret ired
+Ġby tes
+Ġneigh b
+ĠLeg end
+Ġdev ast
+Ġsuspect ed
+is ons
+ĠPoké mon
+sc ale
+Ġcap abilities
+Ġre vel
+Ġche ese
+d y
+igr ant
+Ġfail ing
+b its
+ĠHer oes
+ĠG host
+ĠS cient
+Ġappoint ed
+ur i
+Ġinst itution
+Ġexpand ed
+g reg
+Ġmonitor ing
+Ġp odcast
+Ġcoal ition
+Ġ9 6
+J o
+Ġst olen
+ĠS ab
+Ġstop s
+Ġhol iday
+Ġint r
+C ar
+Bl ack
+Ġwar ming
+ĠAnd erson
+Ġ8 9
+Ġprodu cer
+M ed
+Ġaccur acy
+ĠMar vel
+iz abeth
+ĠPat rick
+m ony
+Ġmin i
+ac les
+Ġover t
+the y
+Ġmembers hip
+ĠV en
+Ġex ch
+Ġrem oval
+ĠD ave
+T Y
+m ad
+ĠF ind
+Ġad equ
+Ġe c
+Ġte eth
+Ġemot ion
+Ġper m
+Ġsole ly
+d b
+Ġextra ord
+c al
+Ġgu idelines
+Ġd ying
+Ġsusp ended
+ĠPrem ier
+ĠAnth ony
+el ve
+Ġd ad
+ĠE th
+ĠFoot ball
+Ġabandon ed
+Ġ< <
+Ġm arch
+Ġhor ror
+âĢ¦ "
+Ġchild hood
+Ġcampaign s
+Ġl unch
+ĠAl bert
+bl ock
+âĸĪ âĸĪ
+ound ing
+Ġb one
+or gan
+ad ers
+ĠFl ash
+ĠDri ve
+Ġton ight
+Ġw ars
+Ġform ation
+con st
+New s
+Ġcom pe
+or ious
+ĠSt aff
+Ġdiscuss ions
+ĠProt ection
+ĠJ am
+Ġcrit eria
+Ġinstall ation
+Ġaccompl ish
+iz za
+Ġpub lisher
+Ġresc ue
+ĠT ry
+ĠS om
+ĠH op
+ore t
+th s
+ord on
+Ġp ocket
+ĠIn v
+Down load
+ĠCr ime
+Ġb ene
+ĠGu ide
+ĠAs sembly
+Ġparam eters
+I E
+ĠAlex ander
+Ġconc ert
+ĠSc he
+Ġsh oes
+Ġvis iting
+Ġrec all
+Ġb ub
+Ġr ural
+Ġconc rete
+ĠR os
+N ext
+R uss
+Ġlo ans
+ĠSh ield
+Ġtre m
+hem at
+k g
+ĠHar ris
+is ition
+ĠM ove
+Ġf ate
+ĠCh o
+Ġt ired
+Ġprinc ipal
+h ist
+ien ces
+ath y
+Ġse vent
+Ġm ood
+Ġstrateg ic
+Ġdise ases
+Ġfor um
+Ġtem por
+Ġhead quarters
+P ar
+ig e
+fl ix
+Ġgu itar
+Ġ9 4
+On ly
+Ġrele ases
+ro ph
+================ ================
+Ġ6 00
+ĠContin ue
+ig ate
+ĠC rit
+sy stem
+Ġdis abled
+Ġunex pected
+ith ub
+Ġuncle ar
+ĠE st
+Ġcontr ad
+Ġstrateg ies
+vent ures
+Ġpass age
+Ġimpro ving
+Ġreve als
+Ġdecre ase
+ov a
+Ġann oy
+ĠSh ort
+ĠL ibrary
+Ġcy ber
+n ell
+ĠH ur
+Ġphot ograp
+U I
+Ġs ed
+G e
+Ġ8 7
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+Ġhand ful
+Ġclass ified
+? )
+Ġdram atic
+Ġinvestig ators
+it o
+Ġw idespread
+ĠR oom
+-------------------------------- --------------------------------
+Ġcollect ive
+Ġjournal ist
+St ring
+Ġtemper atures
+il a
+Ġgu id
+Ġins pect
+Ġmiss ile
+ĠMay or
+Ġman ual
+Ġsim ultane
+Ġrat ings
+Ġsu ck
+Ġ9 7
+Ġunivers al
+Ġph arm
+Ġdis rupt
+ian o
+A V
+Ġf t
+Ġstat ist
+old s
+ĠWalk er
+ph p
+Ġunder t
+ĠL as
+ish op
+nt il
+res hold
+ĠWhe ther
+M s
+Ġden y
+ĠCl oud
+Ġprov ider
+Ġsurv iv
+ĠUp date
+h as
+Ġmist akes
+ch arge
+pl ed
+r ity
+Ġn ode
+ĠMass achusetts
+ool s
+lic ation
+Ġf ails
+em ale
+or i
+back s
+Ġsh irt
+Ġ' '
+Ġwat ers
+els on
+Ġe ase
+Ġsc ar
+Ġcont ents
+m ind
+Ġcont ribution
+Ġsh r
+Ġhand ed
+Ġst ability
+Ġtra ve
+E m
+Ġmir ror
+12 3
+Ġwe igh
+Ġf iction
+ou ver
+ist ant
+r ition
+ĠF ed
+Ġphys ically
+Ġst ake
+ĠArt icle
+ĠAr c
+ĠLew is
+ĠM ind
+Ġdemonstr ate
+Ġprof its
+v ision
+om ic
+ol id
+Ġbatt les
+Ġdri ves
+Ġeas tern
+ĠS ony
+!! !
+ar ation
+v ard
+port ation
+Ġ9 2
+Ġlaw makers
+Ġprotect ing
+Ġy eah
+Ġsh ame
+ol ph
+e ven
+x it
+Ġatt ach
+Ġrepresent ing
+Ġob s
+ĠUt ah
+iff s
+ĠFre edom
+Ã ³
+A K
+Ġinc idents
+it age
+Ġview ers
+c d
+Ġm ouse
+Ġcl ar
+Ġaccord ance
+Ġb ot
+c or
+ĠSum mer
+he ld
+Ġinnoc ent
+Ġiniti ative
+ol s
+________________ ________________
+Ġsp ots
+p ace
+Ġconvent ional
+Ġcorpor ations
+Ġblock ed
+H D
+at tered
+Ġref ers
+Ġbu ck
+ĠDig ital
+12 0
+Ġtop ics
+T F
+Ä ģ
+br id
+re ement
+Ġunder lying
+ĠM ember
+Ġinvestig ating
+Ġpregn ancy
+Ġtouch down
+ĠB and
+ĠCall er
+Ġinst ances
+P P
+w a
+G ood
+Ġ199 1
+ĠC old
+Ġfear s
+Ġrem arks
+Ĩ Ĵ
+at al
+Ġm it
+Ġexper iments
+i pt
+Col or
+ind u
+Up date
+Ġ9 3
+A g
+Ġ å
+anc ouver
+B oth
+Ġjud ges
+Ob ject
+Ġst ere
+umb n
+Ġparticip ation
+ĠSt ars
+ĠJ ere
+Ġweek ly
+ĠB an
+Ġconvers ations
+ĠP itt
+u z
+ĠIndian a
+ĠK ick
+Ġinf ection
+Ġhero es
+Ġsett led
+Ġstri p
+Ġh al
+Ġd ump
+ĠS ci
+Ġl es
+Ġref erences
+ĠBr idge
+Ġwant ing
+For ce
+Ġex clus
+Me anwhile
+m n
+Ġg entle
+m aker
+sen al
+ĠG ro
+ou ri
+ĠR ain
+ĠAll iance
+Ġl ift
+el a
+S D
+ĠCle veland
+Ġrank ed
+Ġst adium
+Ġdead ly
+ä ¸
+Ġr iding
+ar ia
+ĠAr mor
+Ġdocument ation
+ĠGree ce
+ree k
+Ġl ens
+ĠS a
+Ġg ross
+ĠE mer
+ag ers
+ĠD ub
+ĠR h
+Ġarri val
+Ġdes ert
+Ġsupp lement
+ĠRes p
+Ġkn ee
+Ġmarg in
+f ont
+og g
+201 0
+ĠP ir
+ĠP rom
+iv als
+Ġint ake
+Ġdifferent ly
+ug s
+Ġb its
+clud ed
+Ġsearch ing
+ĠD u
+um ble
+Ġfunction al
+ĠBalt imore
+ĠC ould
+Ġdes ired
+Ġcirc uit
+ĠL yn
+ĠF alse
+re pre
+' :
+alt ies
+Ġmin im
+Ġdro ve
+ĠSh ould
+Ġh ip
+Ġpro s
+Ġut ility
+ĠN ature
+ĠM ode
+P resident
+o pp
+r at
+form ance
+Ġconcent ration
+Ġf ont
+ĠB ud
+Ġam id
+Ġre vers
+B ar
+Ġinter action
+Ġjur isd
+Ġspell s
+d ep
+f il
+Ġcivil ians
+ut ter
+ĠCo oper
+ĠBel ow
+Ġent rance
+Ġcon vert
+Ġcontrovers y
+ow ered
+Ġcontr ary
+Ġar c
+ĠExec utive
+ĠOffic er
+Ġpack ages
+Ġprog ressive
+w idth
+Ġreserv ed
+v ol
+ĠSam sung
+Ġprint ed
+Ġcent ers
+Ġintrodu ce
+ĠKenn edy
+Ġodd s
+Ġsure ly
+Ġindepend ence
+Ġpass engers
+repre ne
+ĠBe h
+Ġl oves
+Ġfac ilit
+Ġident ical
+Ġdo ct
+Ġpartners hip
+con f
+ĠH ide
+Ġconf used
+ĠC ow
+M en
+Ġw rest
+ĠIraq i
+Ġh oles
+ĠStud ies
+Ġpregn ant
+h ard
+Ġsign als
+I X
+Ġpull ing
+Ġgrad uate
+Ġnomine e
+D ate
+Ġper mitted
+Ġâ Ĥ¬
+ĠOk lahoma
+St art
+Ġauthor ized
+Ġal arm
+ĠC os
+v an
+Ġgener ations
+c ular
+Ġdr agon
+ĠSoft ware
+ĠEd ward
+Ġcontro ller
+S en
+ge red
+ĠV ik
+Ġappro ached
+Th ank
+Ġcan ce
+Ġform ula
+ĠSm all
+Ġweak ness
+Ġr amp
+it udes
+j ud
+Ġbrill iant
+Ġacc us
+s ource
+Ġ8 00
+ĠE vil
+S w
+Ġhom eless
+we ek
+i ens
+r ics
+ĠTh ird
+T O
+Ġorgan ic
+Ġpresent ation
+ag h
+ĠDown load
+v ation
+Ġas sembly
+or able
+hold ers
+ĠBern ie
+ĠHel p
+Ġt ong
+ĠF ight
+Ġbe ach
+B ook
+ĠL ic
+Ġr ush
+ĠR ound
+ou p
+ĠMar x
+Ġcalcul ated
+ĠDe vil
+ĠSar ah
+Ġoccasion ally
+Ġbul let
+Av ailable
+g ate
+Ġ9 1
+Ġh osp
+Ġprom ises
+ĠSt adium
+ĠSt ock
+ĠCorpor ation
+g age
+N G
+ĠC redit
+Ġs ne
+ib l
+Ġacc um
+s uch
+Ġterror ists
+Ġconscious ness
+ĠZ h
+Ġdram a
+ool a
+pir ation
+Ġlab our
+ĠN in
+Ġut ter
+Ġdemocr atic
+Ġass ass
+il ation
+Ġg est
+Ġab road
+Ġmet ab
+Ġs orts
+Ġfl av
+U B
+Ġm g
+ĠNot hing
+ĠO d
+Ġmus ical
+200 9
+Ġdro ps
+oc ated
+ater al
+0000 00
+Ġg re
+Ġequ ality
+Ġburd en
+Ġv ig
+ĠLe ader
+-------- ----
+Ġcere mony
+Ġf ighter
+Ġact ors
+Ġ æ
+am an
+F i
+Ġal ign
+put er
+Ġe lder
+Ġrepresent ation
+ĠOnt ario
+usal em
+Ġharass ment
+itz er
+Ġsy mp
+Ġbox es
+Ġman ifest
+at re
+Ġ ^
+Ġd ies
+le ton
+Ġmiss ions
+et he
+Ġres olve
+Ġfollow ers
+Ġas c
+Ġk m
+l ord
+am med
+Ġsil ent
+ĠAssoci ated
+Ġtim ing
+Ġprison ers
+ĠK ings
+ĠF ive
+Ġtow er
+Ġappro aches
+Ġprecise ly
+Ġb ureau
+ĠM other
+ĠI ss
+Ġkey board
+it ual
+Ġfund ed
+Ġstay ing
+Ġpsych ological
+Ġm ile
+ĠLe on
+ĠBar b
+w ill
+Ġw ider
+ĠAtl antic
+Ġt ill
+ĠR ome
+ro t
+Ġaccomp an
+Ġfl our
+ac o
+W orld
+ĠExp ress
+ĠY u
+C or
+Ġple ased
+part y
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+Ġinf lation
+Ġro y
+Ġ ),
+ain er
+Ġwedd ing
+orm on
+Ġrequ iring
+Ġqual ified
+Ġse gment
+Ġs izes
+e als
+Ġcor rupt
+ass ador
+Ġcele b
+Ġdream s
+ĠM ess
+Ġcheck ing
+ĠV ersion
+Ġprep aring
+Ġact ively
+ĠD iff
+Ġl ux
+ĠW inter
+act eria
+Ġdep uty
+Ġtrans gender
+Ġsum mary
+Ġin her
+er ies
+ch ar
+ĠY an
+Ġkn ock
+ĠP ath
+Ġl ip
+roll er
+Ġimp ression
+Ġcelebr ate
+Ġsl ide
+Ġgu ests
+Ġcl ip
+F S
+Ġsav ings
+Ġcapt ain
+Ġleg acy
+ĠDen ver
+Ġw ounded
+tab oola
+Ġpurs ue
+Ġo xy
+Ġ q
+Ġsem i
+ĠN eed
+ĠAff airs
+Ġob sc
+Ġcheck ed
+Ġd ual
+C ode
+le m
+ult y
+ĠÂ ©
+ĠEl izabeth
+Ġcent uries
+ard ed
+s rc
+Ġev ident
+enn is
+at in
+Ġunemploy ment
+ĠMar io
+Ġint im
+Ch rist
+Ġbi ological
+Ġsold ier
+ĠAdd ed
+Ġm ath
+ĠG il
+Ġbi as
+Ġd ating
+ĠO cean
+Ġm ice
+M us
+h ire
+ĠT es
+Ser ver
+lim ited
+S ize
+Ġmet ers
+Ġrock et
+es see
+Ġcertific ate
+ĠIran ian
+Ġgr id
+D ec
+Ġro lling
+com mun
+ĠSwed en
+b ury
+Ġtiss ue
+Ġrac ism
+ĠL ocal
+Ġmyster y
+Ġexam ine
+Ġst em
+Ġs its
+Ġhop ed
+ot ing
+Ġdial ogue
+Ġpers u
+W atch
+l ay
+Ġch ronic
+ĠPort land
+mark et
+Ġparalle l
+Ġsc andal
+Ġcar ries
+Ġphenomen on
+h uman
+ack er
+ĠO x
+Ġretire ment
+tain ment
+ov ie
+ĠG ear
+Ġd uties
+Ġdo se
+Ġsc roll
+M B
+in f
+Ġsa uce
+Ġland scape
+red dit
+ĠChampions hip
+ĠRed dit
+al id
+Ġco in
+Ġover s
+Ġpost ing
+ab out
+Ġf el
+and y
+Ġb old
+Ġfocus ing
+e ffect
+G R
+Ġde emed
+Ġrecommend ations
+Ġste pped
+Ġvot er
+ĠDe ep
+ĠInst agram
+Ġmoder ate
+ĠMary land
+Ġrestrict ed
+ĠCh all
+Ġto b
+Ġc ir
+ĠO cc
+ĠE ver
+Ġcoll aps
+= -
+ĠP ict
+ĠAcc ount
+n c
+Ġo ught
+Ġex port
+Ġdr unk
+( '
+Ġw ise
+ĠM ort
+ne cess
+Ġan cest
+ĠInc re
+Ġfrequ ent
+m ir
+Ġinterpret ation
+Ġdepend ent
+Ġco ins
+ĠB ol
+V ideo
+ĠJust in
+Ġfat al
+Ġcook ing
+Ġconf usion
+ip her
+Ġcust ody
+ĠMor gan
+om ach
+ĠGovern or
+Ġrestaur ants
+el ing
+Ġacknowled ged
+Ġthe r
+Ġgen es
+ch ing
+He y
+Ġtact ics
+ĠMex ican
+Ġv end
+Ġhe s
+qu er
+Ġnot ing
+ĠCamer on
+Ġtarget ing
+ro ck
+Ġcred its
+Ġemot ions
+Ġrepresent atives
+new s
+Ġlegisl ative
+Ġrem oving
+Ġtweet ed
+ĠCar ter
+ĠF ixed
+Ġfor cing
+Ġspeak er
+Ġm ales
+ĠViet nam
+l ined
+Ġconcept s
+Ġvo ices
+o ir
+ĠT rib
+W he
+ĠJer usalem
+ĠS ant
+Ġc ul
+Ġl ady
+ĠHaw ai
+Ġar ts
+ĠIn n
+ĠMach ine
+ĠEm peror
+Ġsl ot
+g ly
+ĠPro cess
+Ġathlet es
+ĠTem ple
+ĠRep resent
+Ġpres c
+Ġt ons
+Ġgold en
+Ġp unch
+iver pool
+Ġen act
+Ġlob by
+Ġm os
+Ġpick ing
+Ġlif etime
+Ġcogn itive
+E ach
+z o
+Ġd ub
+Ġcons ists
+ol n
+Ġf estival
+am ous
+Ġint ellig
+w ords
+ĠSm art
+Ġde le
+Ġl apt
+Ġmag ical
+ĠS in
+b us
+ur ities
+igh th
+ĠRub y
+ĠS ure
+ol ving
+Ġj un
+Ġimp osed
+Ġast ron
+Ġcor rel
+ĠK it
+ĠF uture
+b urn
+Ġimm une
+oc us
+Ġcour ses
+ĠSt ring
+Ġle an
+Ġg host
+Ġout comes
+Ġexp ense
+Ġevery day
+Ġaccept able
+A h
+Ġequ ipped
+Ġor ange
+F R
+ĠD utch
+Th ough
+ĠR ank
+Q U
+ĠRober ts
+wh at
+re nd
+Ġdisapp ear
+Ġsp awn
+ĠL am
+o is
+Ġdes erve
+Ġmin imal
+Ġnerv ous
+ĠW ould
+Ġro ok
+ĠV ancouver
+Ġres ign
+sh ire
+ĠW orks
+ĠB uild
+Ġafford able
+ĠG ary
+ĠAren a
+Ġh anging
+Ġimpl ications
+ĠS ong
+Ġmain taining
+Ġgu ards
+Ġder ived
+Ġexecut ed
+Ġthe ories
+Ġqu oted
+ĠAnd re
+og a
+sel ess
+in fo
+ĠBel g
+Ġt ears
+ĠSur v
+Ġbirth day
+ig ious
+im mer
+Ġspect rum
+Ġarchitect ure
+Ġrec ruit
+arm a
+T able
+Ġmon sters
+ĠG ov
+Ġdest ination
+Ġattract ive
+Ġf oss
+ĠMore over
+Ġpres ents
+Ġrep ly
+pt on
+Ġc um
+Ġdel ight
+Ġaffect s
+Ġdon ations
+ĠT oy
+ĠH im
+Ġover come
+it ched
+ĠFant asy
+ĠH at
+ĠBe ast
+b ott
+Ġinvestig ations
+R un
+Ġhun ting
+d i
+f und
+Ġs essions
+est yle
+Ġport ray
+oid s
+Y eah
+Ġcommun icate
+Ġcom edy
+ĠY ang
+Ġbel t
+ĠMar ine
+Ġpredict ed
+Pl ay
+Ġimportant ly
+Ġremark able
+Ġelim inate
+D avid
+Ġb ind
+Ġadvoc ates
+ĠG aza
+im p
+D B
+ĠN a
+ĠSim ilar
+Ġchar ity
+v as
+m ath
+Ġâ ĸ
+ok er
+nd um
+Ġcap s
+ĠH al
+2 000
+e an
+Ġfle et
+Ġrec re
+R ight
+Ġsleep ing
+ij ing
+k ind
+Ġdesign ated
+Ã ¤
+Ġanim ation
+ke e
+ĠInt rodu
+Ġ/ >
+Ġdelay ed
+Ġtrem end
+Ġcur ious
+U se
+Ġle ct
+d am
+Ġinnov ation
+ĠPoint s
+Ġload ing
+Ġdisp ute
+ct ic
+ird s
+Ġn urs
+ĠVal ue
+ĠH um
+Ġtem plate
+m ers
+Ġappear ances
+ĠEnter tainment
+Ġtransl ation
+Ġsa ke
+Ġbene ath
+Ġin hib
+Ġe uro
+abet es
+Ġstud ying
+ĠM as
+Ġper ceived
+Ġexam ined
+Ġe ager
+Ġco aches
+Ġim per
+ch i
+Ġprodu ces
+" ).
+ĠEvery one
+Ġm unicip
+Ġg irlfriend
+Ġh ire
+ĠV ice
+Ġsu itable
+op y
+Ġin equ
+ĠD uke
+f ish
+f irst
+ĠO bs
+Ġinter ior
+ĠBru ce
+ĠR y
+Ġanal ys
+Ġconsider able
+Ġfore cast
+Ġf ert
+ors hip
+ĠD rug
+: "
+th ur
+ĠM ail
+Ġball ot
+Ġinst antly
+ĠCh annel
+Ġp icks
+Ġ198 9
+Ġt ent
+ol i
+Ġcivil ian
+b ling
+ell o
+b u
+Ġin ch
+Ġlog o
+Ġcooper ation
+Ġwal ks
+Ġinvest ments
+Ġimp rison
+ĠF estival
+ĠK y
+Ġleg ally
+Ġg ri
+ch arg
+S l
+Ġthreat ening
+du ction
+fl ow
+Ġdismiss ed
+ibr aries
+c ap
+e le
+ĠMc G
+ĠHar vard
+ĠConserv ative
+p ng
+Ġro ots
+ĠH aving
+umb led
+ĠF un
+\ /
+ĠS earch
+ple x
+Ġdiscuss ing
+Ġcontin u
+ĠT ai
+ĠW ik
+F ree
+f it
+Ġref use
+Ġmanag ing
+Ġsy nd
+ip edia
+w alk
+Ġprofession als
+Ġguid ance
+Ġunivers ities
+Ġas semb
+unt u
+F inally
+ĠAut o
+ĠH ad
+Ġann iversary
+L D
+ĠD ur
+ĠUlt imate
+ih ad
+pro duct
+Ġtrans it
+Ġrest ore
+Ġexpl aining
+Ġass et
+Ġtransfer red
+Ġbur st
+ap olis
+ĠMag azine
+ĠC ra
+gg ed
+M ich
+b et
+ĠL ady
+yl um
+erv es
+Ġme ets
+wh ite
+L og
+Ġcorrespond ing
+Ġins isted
+G G
+Ġsurround ed
+Ġt ens
+Ġl ane
+Ġco inc
+h ome
+Ġexist ed
+ect ed
+ĠDou ble
+lam m
+Ġske pt
+ex p
+Ġper ception
+ie v
+ĠBe ing
+o ft
+Ġadop t
+. :
+] ;
+Wind ows
+Ġsatell ite
+Ġinf ant
+d escription
+ĠMe anwhile
+c m
+oc a
+ĠT reat
+act or
+Ġtob acco
+ĠN orm
+em ption
+Ġfl esh
+Ġj e
+o op
+ĠHe aven
+Ġbe ating
+an im
+Ġgather ing
+Ġcult iv
+G O
+ab e
+ĠJon athan
+ĠSaf ety
+Ġbad ly
+pro t
+Ġcho osing
+Ġcontact ed
+Ġqu it
+Ġdist ur
+Ġst ir
+Ġto ken
+D et
+ĠP a
+Ġfunction ality
+00 3
+s ome
+Ġlimit ations
+Ġmet h
+b uild
+con fig
+N T
+re ll
+ble m
+ĠM om
+Ġveter ans
+ĠH u
+Ġtrend s
+are r
+ĠG iven
+ĠCa ption
+m ay
+Ġwond ering
+ĠCl ark
+n ormal
+Ġsepar ated
+Ġdes p
+st ic
+b rew
+Ġrel ating
+ĠN ik
+ĠF arm
+Ġenthus i
+g ood
+d eb
+Ġactiv ist
+Ġm art
+Ġexplos ion
+ĠEconom ic
+L ink
+Ġins ight
+Ġconven ient
+Ġcounter part
+su pport
+ĠV irt
+ag en
+ĠTenn essee
+ĠSim on
+ĠA ward
+ĠF igure
+Ġoverse as
+Ġpr ide
+ĠC as
+n ote
+m g
+C urrent
+Ġdispl ays
+cont ent
+Ġtravel ing
+Ġhosp itals
+ĠFin ancial
+ĠP ast
+Ġdefend ant
+Ġstream ing
+m ble
+ĠBer lin
+uk i
+Ġdist ribut
+Ġant ib
+Ġch ocolate
+ĠCast le
+Ġinter rupt
+ĠR ow
+Ġconvers ion
+Ġbug s
+ĠR ather
+li est
+L Y
+ĠJe an
+com mon
+ak h
+Ġ1 30
+ot ton
+ĠDe an
+Ġam endment
+Ġgame play
+ĠWar ren
+od a
+Ġhigh lights
+Ġir re
+Ġball s
+Ġdemand ing
+ĠL uke
+F igure
+st op
+on ia
+z one
+iz ers
+Ġaward ed
+Ġregul atory
+ĠH art
+pl ing
+Ġs our
+ĠP ixel
+us ive
+Ġf et
+ĠS ent
+Ġautom atic
+Ġf er
+vern ment
+ĠKh an
+f ather
+Ġextraord inary
+th rop
+ĠP ython
+Ġsex ually
+Ġdesk top
+it ivity
+ĠAnton io
+Ġo rient
+Ġe ars
+ob by
+ous es
+vertis ements
+Ġmanufacture rs
+ic ient
+min ute
+Ġconv iction
+Ġg arden
+p ublic
+Ġsatisf ied
+f old
+O K
+Ġin hab
+ĠTh ink
+Ġprogram me
+Ġst omach
+Ġcoord in
+Ġh oly
+Ġth reshold
+Ġr het
+Ġser ial
+Ġemploy ers
+ĠEvery thing
+ra h
+Ġb other
+Ġbr ands
+Val ue
+ĠT ed
+ĠPlan et
+Ġp ink
+ĠFurther more
+s a
+P E
+re ck
+ot te
+Ġ& &
+Ġland ed
+g ets
+Ġprodu cers
+Ġhealth care
+Ġdomin ant
+Ġdest ro
+Ġam ended
+ch ron
+Ġf its
+ĠSy d
+ĠAuthor ity
+Ġfight s
+Ġ-- -
+ĠCor p
+Ġtox ic
+spe cific
+ĠC orn
+ĠChe l
+Ġtele phone
+ĠP ant
+Ġmyster ious
+aun ch
+od ox
+med ia
+Ġwitness es
+ag u
+Ġquestion ed
+ĠBre xit
+ĠRem ember
+ene z
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+iat ric
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+1 10
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+Ġscient ist
+Ġ19 50
+ĠA qu
+Ġunder ground
+m are
+ĠL ater
+w ich
+Ġsubsc rib
+Ġhost s
+Ġer r
+Ġgr ants
+ant om
+Ġsum mon
+ear ly
+ĠC lear
+ĠPr im
+Ġsusp ension
+Ġguarant eed
+app er
+Ġr ice
+ĠSe an
+ĠSh in
+Ġrefere ndum
+Ġfl ed
+r ust
+Ġ3 60
+ter y
+Ġsh ocked
+B R
+ĠO il
+ĠAll ah
+Ġpart ly
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+Ġtrans mission
+Ġhom osexual
+ivers al
+Ġhop efully
+ãĤ ¤
+Ġless on
+L eg
+Ġ ..
+Y et
+t able
+app ropri
+re tt
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+am ac
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+.' "
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+M ax
+Ġin herent
+ĠGra ham
+Ġinteg rated
+D em
+Ġpip eline
+Ġapp lying
+Ġem bed
+ĠCharl ie
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+ĠAr ts
+' )
+Ġelect ron
+clus ions
+Ġinteg rity
+Ġexclus ively
+Ġgr ace
+Ġtort ure
+Ġburn ed
+tw o
+Ġ18 0
+P rodu
+Ġent reprene
+raph ics
+Ġg ym
+ric ane
+ĠT am
+Ġadministr ative
+Ġmanufacture r
+Ġ vel
+ĠN i
+Ġisol ated
+ĠMedic ine
+Ġback up
+Ġpromot ing
+Ġcommand er
+Ġfle e
+ĠRus sell
+Ġforg otten
+ĠMiss ouri
+Ġres idence
+m ons
+Ġrese mb
+Ġw and
+Ġmeaning ful
+P T
+Ġb ol
+Ġhe lic
+Ġwealth y
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+str ong
+row ing
+pl an
+as ury
+âĢ¦ .
+Ġexpand ing
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+S I
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+ĠAn im
+P ut
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+Ġ`` (
+Ġ __
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+St ory
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+O rig
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+or ig
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+Ġan onymous
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+ĠBe ijing
+r ary
+Ġle ather
+Ġworld s
+Ġbroad er
+12 5
+id al
+ĠBet ter
+Ġt ear
+E xt
+Ġpropos als
+Ġit er
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+m i
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+p in
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+25 6
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+Ġdocument ary
+Sh are
+it ol
+ĠG arden
+h att
+ĠThom pson
+ane ous
+ap ore
+Ġt anks
+Ġless ons
+tr ack
+Ġout standing
+Ġvolunte ers
+Ġsp ray
+Ġmanag ers
+l arge
+Ġcamp s
+Ġart ificial
+ĠR u
+Ġb ags
+th al
+Ġcompat ible
+ĠBl ade
+Ġf ed
+Ġarg ues
+F I
+Ġunf air
+Ġcor n
+Ġoff set
+Ġdirect ions
+Ġdisappoint ed
+ĠCon vention
+Ġview ing
+M E
+oc ity
+Ġtown s
+Ġlay ers
+Ġro lled
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+Ġatt ribute
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+inc oln
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+ch a
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+Ġsix th
+B en
+ress ing
+Ġw ound
+Ġcy cl
+Ġmechan isms
+Ġcongress ional
+ĠE lement
+Ġagre ements
+Ġdec or
+Ġclos est
+ĠM it
+Go ogle
+} }
+Ġm ixture
+Ġflu id
+S ign
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+Ġp ist
+ask et
+ab ling
+Ġrac ing
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+ri el
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+Ġche aper
+b en
+Ġvert ical
+amac are
+ĠRead ing
+g ments
+Ġhelic op
+Ġsacr ifice
+ay a
+p aren
+V A
+ĠL es
+ĠStud io
+Ġviol ations
+ĠAn na
+ac er
+é ¾
+ĠR at
+ĠBe ck
+ĠD ick
+Ġcomp osition
+Ġtext ure
+ĠO wn
+Ġsmart phone
+Ġfor b
+im port
+Ġdef ending
+il st
+re r
+Ġo h
+ĠJere my
+Ġbank ing
+cept ions
+Ġrespect ive
+/ .
+Ġdr inks
+ĠW i
+Ġb ands
+ĠL iverpool
+Ġg rip
+ĠB uy
+Ġopen ly
+Ġreview ed
+per t
+Ġver ify
+ĠCo le
+ĠW ales
+M O
+Ġun pre
+Ġshel ter
+ĠIm perial
+Ġgu i
+ĠD ak
+Ġsuggest ions
+Ġexplicit ly
+Ġsl ave
+Ġblock chain
+Ġcompet ing
+Ġprom ising
+Ġsoc cer
+Ġconst itution
+4 29
+Ġdist ract
+ĠU ser
+es ides
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+al og
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+as ma
+Ġindust ries
+pp ers
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+n atural
+Ġsurv ived
+Ġfl aw
+ĺ ħ
+ĠH oll
+Ġdef icit
+Ġtut orial
+ĠCh ance
+Ġarg uing
+Ġcontem porary
+Ġinteg ration
+for ward
+Ġt um
+it is
+Ġh iding
+ĠD omin
+ĠT an
+ĠB uilding
+ĠV in
+Ġspokes person
+ĠNot es
+Ġemer ging
+Ġprepar ation
+Ġpro st
+Ġsuspect s
+Ġaut onom
+D escription
+Ġdeal t
+ĠP ear
+Ġstead y
+Ġdecre ased
+Ġso vere
+ĠCl in
+Ġgrad ually
+ors es
+S erv
+ãĤ ¢
+h r
+Ġd irty
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+Ġd il
+Ġcal endar
+Ġcompl iance
+Ġch amber
+b b
+Ġpass enger
+ate ful
+ĠT itle
+ĠSyd ney
+ĠG ot
+Ġdark ness
+Ġdef ect
+Ġpack ed
+ass ion
+Ġgod s
+Ġh arsh
+le ans
+Ġalgorith m
+Ġoxy gen
+Ġvis its
+Ġbl ade
+Ġkil omet
+ĠKent ucky
+Ġkill er
+P ack
+enn y
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+Ġnom ination
+be ing
+Ġeng ines
+Ġc ats
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+Ġtra ff
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+Ġrad iation
+ere r
+m em
+ĠExpl icit
+é¾ į
+Ġcou ples
+Ġphys ics
+ĠMc K
+Ġpolit ically
+aw ks
+ĠBl oom
+Ġwor ship
+e ger
+ut er
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+Ġ/ *
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+w all
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+ĠJava Script
+ore r
+li hood
+Ġun ions
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+ĠTes la
+Ġcomple tion
+ĠT a
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+ĠOr ange
+Ġne ur
+paren cy
+Ġb ones
+Ġtit led
+Ġprosecut ors
+Ġengine er
+ĠUn iverse
+ĠH ig
+n ie
+o ard
+Ġheart s
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+uss ion
+Ġmin istry
+Ġpen et
+ĠN ut
+ĠO w
+in stein
+Ġbul k
+S ystem
+ic ism
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+Ġpre val
+Ġpost er
+Ġatt ending
+ur able
+Ġlicens ed
+ĠG h
+et ry
+ĠTrad able
+Ġbl ast
+à ¤
+ĠTit an
+ell ed
+d ie
+H ave
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+Ġprof ound
+Ġparticip ating
+Ġan ime
+ĠE ss
+Ġspec ify
+Ġregard ed
+ĠSpe ll
+Ġs ons
+own ed
+Ġm erc
+Ġexper imental
+land o
+h s
+ĠDun geon
+in os
+Ġcomp ly
+ĠSystem s
+ar th
+Ġse ized
+l ocal
+ĠGirl s
+ud o
+on ed
+ĠF le
+Ġconstruct ed
+Ġhost ed
+Ġsc ared
+act ic
+ĠIs lands
+Ġbl ess
+Ġblock ing
+Ġch ips
+Ġev ac
+P s
+Ġcorpor ation
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+ĠU b
+ar o
+Ġbe ef
+ĠU ber
+F acebook
+ar med
+it ate
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+ĠQu ick
+Ġoccup ied
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+ĠInt erest
+Ġdram atically
+Ġhe al
+Ġpain ting
+Ġengine ers
+M M
+ĠM ust
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+P aul
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+st ra
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+sc ript
+Ġd ressed
+M ake
+Ġjust ify
+ĠL td
+Ġprompt ed
+Ġscr ut
+Ġspeed s
+ĠGi ants
+om er
+ĠEd itor
+Ġdescrib ing
+ĠL ie
+ment ed
+Ġnow here
+oc aly
+Ġinst ruction
+fort able
+Ġent ities
+Ġc m
+ĠN atural
+Ġinqu iry
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+iz ont
+for ced
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+Ġout er
+Ġamong st
+im s
+ows ki
+Ġclim b
+ne ver
+Ġcomb ine
+d ing
+Ġcomp r
+Ġsignific ance
+Ġremem bered
+ĠNev ada
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+ĠJ ane
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+b as
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+, -
+O H
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+Ġw ings
+ĠMy ster
+�� ��
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+Ġ198 6
+h y
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+Ġdisapp eared
+Ġgen re
+Ġ198 8
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+St ream
+ik o
+ap ters
+Ġacknow ledge
+J an
+Ġcapital ism
+P at
+Ġ20 20
+Ġpain ful
+Ġcur ve
+Ġbom bs
+st orm
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+en cer
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+ĠA aron
+anc hes
+Ġins piration
+Ġexha ust
+t ains
+ash i
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+N E
+o a
+Ġbutt ons
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+Qu est
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+. ),
+Ġfil ing
+ĠGr ant
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+ah u
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+ro c
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+b ian
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+r ons
+Ġinter actions
+form ed
+s ing
+Ġown s
+Ġh ockey
+Gener al
+Ġlog ical
+Ġexp end
+Ġesc al
+ĠGr iff
+ĠC rown
+ĠRes erve
+Ġsto pping
+Ġexc use
+sec ond
+Ġoper ated
+Ġre aches
+ĠMal ays
+Ġpoll ution
+ĠBrook lyn
+Ġde lete
+Ġhas h
+Bl ock
+ah a
+âĢ ³
+Ġsh orter
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+Ġli ability
+? !
+and ed
+Ġneigh bour
+ĠCol lection
+Ġf ires
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+f ly
+ĠOr leans
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+B M
+Ġspokes woman
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+Ġdam n
+z es
+p es
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+Ġb ail
+ĠOrgan ization
+Ġp ir
+Ġth irty
+Ġelect rical
+Ġ1 15
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+ĠSt rike
+ĠC ann
+Ġdemand ed
+Ġback ing
+def ault
+spe ed
+ĠLeg isl
+Ġmother s
+ĠB ody
+Ġvar iation
+ced ented
+p owered
+le ading
+N ever
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+A W
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+ret ion
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+ie ve
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+p df
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+ĠLoad ing
+ur se
+T ake
+ĠFr an
+ĠS old
+ĠRob in
+Ġdetect ed
+ĠSc ript
+Ġadjust ed
+Ġsen ator
+Ġopp osing
+Er ror
+C ount
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+h h
+ĠTre k
+st arter
+" ),
+od er
+xx xx
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+j ava
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+igen ous
+Ġcon secut
+.. ...
+In fo
+Ġhor rible
+Ġsurprising ly
+f eed
+ic ating
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+St ation
+ell er
+ĠOak land
+Ġmechan ical
+i ology
+ĠV ar
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+ott a
+Ġthe oret
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+k ward
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+d el
+ĠAnd y
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+Ġn a
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+Ġpart ially
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+r ator
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+g i
+che ll
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+st ration
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+Ġt ube
+@ @
+Ġqu ery
+ĠL incoln
+Ġpublish ing
+Ġw ore
+or ical
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+Ġc odes
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+Ġm as
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+ade on
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+Ġ **
+Ġmort ality
+Ġyour s
+Ġoccas ions
+Ġrec alled
+ĠDri ver
+Ġv ocal
+Ġbath room
+Ġsh ops
+Ġcollabor ation
+ĠOb amacare
+ĠC ell
+Ch ar
+Su per
+C re
+Ġt ends
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+a very
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+i ability
+ol as
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+f i
+it ative
+Ġtremend ous
+Ġ Ð
+Ġab und
+W ork
+ĠLight ning
+Ġsimilar ly
+Ġconserv atives
+Ġpr ay
+B E
+iz arre
+Ġt empt
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+ĠMet ro
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+Ġmar ry
+ne g
+ĠStud y
+Ġrec k
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+on ing
+bs ite
+Ġsusp ic
+Ġmer ch
+ĠG ib
+ĠDes cription
+w he
+ĠY emen
+Ġen vironments
+oot ing
+ĠMod ern
+e u
+Ġreflect s
+Ġh oney
+Ġanaly st
+Ġg ut
+d ec
+A ction
+Ġhousehold s
+Ġst er
+Ġtem ple
+Ġreform s
+Ġfavour ite
+Ġdead line
+Th ree
+ĠWith in
+A ug
+Ġnight s
+elt a
+Ġinv alid
+ĠEx change
+ĠDel hi
+w hen
+inc ome
+Ġ ðŁ
+Ġwire less
+sc ribe
+ist a
+Ġhost ile
+Ġall y
+Ġg ig
+Ġout lets
+ĠD or
+Ġas h
+Ġab stract
+ĠMot or
+Ġadv iser
+ist le
+Ġb ases
+Ġcourt esy
+Ġcross ing
+Ġcle ared
+Ġrefuge e
+cos ystem
+Ġthrow s
+f un
+bour ne
+d ays
+Ġdisag ree
+ĠN ative
+Ġreflect ed
+ĠF ast
+ĠY ellow
+ĠSing apore
+ĠR aven
+Ġembr ace
+ĠK u
+ĠC hen
+ĠEar ly
+Ġappoint ment
+ĠMin i
+it ement
+Ġpl acing
+Ġb icy
+S R
+Ġwh is
+S U
+Ġinvestig ated
+Ġphotograph s
+g ithub
+ĠBe at
+ĠR ing
+ig hed
+i ar
+Ġev olved
+eral d
+Ġd un
+Ġh ub
+Ġencour aging
+ĠPr int
+ĠD ays
+Ġpro secution
+Ġp ants
+az y
+l ive
+Ġfoss il
+ĠJ u
+Ġro cks
+ud ge
+ĠR ace
+Ġg reet
+b ie
+Ġf illing
+ĠL en
+Ġdi abetes
+Ġfire arms
+um ing
+enez uel
+Ġaccept ing
+Ġres ort
+Ġh unt
+ri k
+uck er
+am ents
+Ġsust ained
+Ġcross ed
+Ġbreak fast
+Ġatt ributes
+lect ed
+at ile
+Ġv ibr
+ĠK al
+ars on
+op les
+Ġtou ched
+Ġdam ages
+Ġimp ressed
+ru p
+Ġan ch
+ĠAd ams
+H el
+ĠVict or
+Ġmount ed
+Ġdelic ious
+sp an
+ell a
+Ġel abor
+am ples
+Ġdef ic
+Ġconstit u
+u ates
+ĠM ission
+ĠT her
+ĠMon ster
+b es
+Re uters
+ĠInd ones
+h ill
+mun ition
+Ġconfirm ation
+ĠCons ider
+ac ent
+Ġj et
+ĠEm ploy
+n an
+ĠSp ider
+Ġprocess or
+Ġpat ri
+ĠPent agon
+ĠRob inson
+Ġreal istic
+Ã ±
+Ġappear ing
+Ġp ipe
+om ed
+Ġf ru
+Ġaw ful
+Ġeval uation
+Ġintellig ent
+ĠC itiz
+Ġfund ra
+od ium
+Ġtwe ets
+Ġwor n
+pr ing
+Ġkid n
+Ġreb els
+ĠK am
+ĠNether lands
+Ġacqu isition
+ĠM ale
+ãĥ ª
+omb ies
+Ġtrad em
+ĠStat us
+B re
+Ġad verse
+s ign
+Ġorgan isation
+en c
+ĠHar per
+ap or
+ĠMem bers
+ĠPe ace
+ĠAir port
+ĠOther s
+Ġscr atch
+ĠP il
+Ġsens or
+Ġadop tion
+ĠHot el
+ĠDr ag
+Ġhonest ly
+Ġy ard
+ĠFor ces
+Ġpat ent
+Ġb ass
+Ġquiet ly
+Ġbreat hing
+Ġp ose
+i ors
+ĠJ ess
+st atic
+O ffic
+Ġj ew
+w cs
+Ġ14 0
+Ġpre view
+ipp i
+Ġunf ortunately
+oke mon
+Ġh orn
+Ġre ass
+Ġpe er
+ock er
+Ġunt o
+ĠGr ay
+Ġclean ing
+Ġattract ed
+200 7
+P oint
+k ill
+ĠAg reement
+ur ches
+Ġhor r
+ĠMiss iss
+Ġworth y
+Ġfl owers
+t own
+d ll
+Ġre actions
+Ġde ce
+Ġindic ating
+M D
+Ġpre ference
+ess ional
+ĠT arget
+g ence
+ĠInd ians
+Ġm isc
+Ġfree ly
+Ġmus cles
+Ġline up
+Ġimpact s
+ous ing
+om i
+ac ular
+Ġcontro lling
+ag ine
+c ery
+he ll
+Ġrank ing
+ĠN ich
+ĠA ve
+12 8
+Ġhigh way
+Ġinc ons
+Ġb inding
+Ġstrugg les
+ĠPitt sburgh
+Ġgr ay
+r in
+Ġcom ics
+ĠS port
+Ġrel atives
+Ġfr ight
+Ġpro be
+ĠPort ug
+Ġv oc
+Ġt u
+ĠCor ps
+Ġposs ibilities
+Ġqual ify
+wcs store
+Ġl ibraries
+Ġm igrants
+Ġent ries
+Ġconsecut ive
+v als
+ĠChair man
+Ġh ill
+ĠG ard
+Ġinequ ality
+f ox
+ĠS ave
+Ġc ort
+claim ed
+Ġtra its
+Ġp our
+Ġmiss iles
+Ġess ence
+Ġs ends
+Ġall iance
+Ġw ishes
+ĠChrist opher
+B ig
+N Y
+ĠJac ob
+s an
+ur red
+ll y
+Ġadvoc ate
+ĠB ond
+Ġ" /
+Us ing
+Ġdistrict s
+ĠG ate
+ĠB ir
+r idge
+ĠN az
+ĠR s
+bo ards
+ĠG a
+ĠRe agan
+Ġinflu enced
+1 000
+ap y
+Ġchalleng ed
+Ġb arg
+Ġfac ulty
+ĠF if
+Ġacqu ire
+A c
+Ġin sect
+Ġinstr uments
+Ġle af
+th odox
+M essage
+Ġt ale
+Ġthere by
+Ġtra p
+Ġstrong est
+ĠMil itary
+is ible
+Ġ198 4
+ethe less
+Ġflex ible
+Ġkill s
+Ġfin ishing
+ĠS ize
+Ġredu ces
+Ġep id
+Ġorient ation
+f ull
+Ġtr ace
+Ġl aser
+Ġopp ose
+Ġed iting
+Ġmoment um
+ä º
+sh ow
+V I
+ĠL ad
+Ġ198 5
+Ġmurd ered
+9 00
+ut her
+Ġprob ability
+ĠP oll
+Ġrel uct
+ĠChe m
+ĠMont real
+Ġadequ ate
+ĠPol and
+ĠSher iff
+um ph
+Ġo k
+Ġ 000
+Ġ" [
+Ġoper ators
+ĠF er
+Ġmod es
+ĠE ve
+Ġdiscipl ine
+H and
+Ġor al
+em ail
+J P
+ĠPalestin ians
+Ġhe nce
+ĠL ess
+Ġover l
+d ig
+Ġintim id
+ĠCo al
+Ġr anging
+th a
+Ġdist ant
+Ġf ib
+ĠInd ex
+ĠW onder
+ĠP el
+hatt an
+ĠH ug
+Ã Ĺ
+ra it
+Ġwra pped
+Ġchemical s
+ĠM oney
+Ġfro zen
+Ġind irect
+ĠAgain st
+E nd
+Ġuncom fortable
+ĠGall ery
+ĠPost ed
+Ø §
+ond uct
+Ġconsequ ence
+Ġbit ter
+Ġ198 7
+p op
+Ġcount less
+ĠAl aska
+ff ff
+Ġdepart ure
+Ġref und
+ĠI an
+i ated
+Ġsee ks
+Ġmechan ics
+Ġjurisd iction
+lyn n
+Ġal ike
+ĠH unt
+ath on
+Ġres olved
+Ġc ache
+Ġdist inction
+d irect
+Ġenc ount
+ou b
+be at
+ĠCount ry
+se arch
+Ġcontin uous
+Ġmod est
+ĠR ail
+th ood
+1 30
+Ġcrim inals
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+l ast
+ĠW y
+Ġide ology
+sec urity
+] )
+ĠJim my
+Ġh iring
+T em
+Ġp ig
+aun t
+ĠCry stal
+Ġpen alties
+Ġcap ability
+Ġp y
+Ġproduct ive
+Ġbal anced
+ĠGe Force
+cl ick
+olit an
+od s
+Ġafter wards
+Ġplay offs
+ĠG ill
+U ser
+Ġback s
+p ub
+t ag
+Ġabs urd
+p iring
+Ġc iting
+Ġtr illion
+Ġoblig ation
+Ġmax im
+ah oo
+c f
+um i
+ĠAl pha
+ĠN elson
+Ġpursu ant
+in itely
+Ġf ract
+ent ry
+ber y
+ĠTh or
+Add ed
+ĠG ene
+Ġaw kward
+St ud
+Ġwal let
+ĠDiv ine
+ari os
+Ġrele asing
+Ġed ited
+Ġaccompl ished
+B est
+Ġed ges
+Ġplan es
+Ġfeed ing
+" },"
+Ġdiscl osure
+Ġgr ain
+air y
+o ons
+ern and
+V R
+Ġreason ably
+Ġdr um
+Ġpart ial
+Ġgraph ic
+Ġunpre cedented
+Ġadv ised
+M icro
+ĠAss ad
+point s
+sc ar
+ĠZ one
+tt es
+Ġ7 00
+v o
+ĠH amp
+Ġfix es
+Ġca ution
+Ġstr ings
+Ġpan els
+Ġle ak
+Ġpr icing
+row th
+ĠEr ror
+ĠS aints
+f ix
+Ġobserv ations
+ĠA bs
+Ġsuggest ion
+ĠUkrain ian
+Ġbar rier
+Ġpain ted
+B et
+im ir
+ĠS pect
+p ot
+orne ys
+Ġcomp ound
+Ġbe ars
+ĠR ush
+Ġlux ury
+S um
+Ġor bit
+ĠMar c
+Ġex empt
+ĠTra il
+ĠH ans
+ĠWe apon
+oc used
+umin um
+ĠJer ry
+Ġb ust
+ĠW iki
+Ġend less
+ĠV lad
+ĠB ah
+ĠR adeon
+ke ys
+ĠSur vey
+ĠV iol
+def ine
+le an
+Ġcomm od
+Ġreven ues
+Å į
+Ġfurn iture
+Ġcast ing
+Ġdiplom atic
+ĠPlay ers
+ĠK illed
+Ġmod ify
+Ġinnov ative
+ĠAb u
+n or
+Ġbond s
+Ġcoach ing
+M er
+Ġmod ules
+ĠPatri ots
+Ġenh anced
+Ġproceed ings
+Ġteam mates
+Ġ12 8
+ard o
+Ġcomprom ise
+ĠM uch
+Ġfle w
+ĠEd ge
+Ġunnecess ary
+Ġdoct rine
+re port
+ĠOr lando
+ĠProf ile
+Ġplay off
+friend ly
+Ġcompl ain
+ĠO pt
+Ġbeat en
+Ġg olf
+Ġpl acement
+B it
+Ġnews letter
+Ġ201 9
+vis or
+raw l
+ĠiP ad
+Ġact ed
+Ġju ice
+Ġdec ks
+P N
+su ccess
+ĠH alf
+Ġdele ted
+Ġsec rets
+Ġas ylum
+M art
+ĠAct iv
+ĠGu y
+ĠT s
+Ġd ys
+Ġassum ing
+Ġman a
+Ġsub ur
+Ġ12 5
+M edia
+r ide
+c p
+Ġdifficult ies
+Ġcollect ing
+Ġbank rupt
+n on
+Ġcomp osed
+Ġvol t
+Ġmilit ants
+Ġ> >>
+ĠM ormon
+t or
+Ġpartic les
+ĠB art
+ry ption
+Ġad min
+Ġsqu ee
+Ġcreat or
+iam eter
+ic ular
+Ġgrab bed
+Ġn odd
+Ġr ated
+Ġrot ation
+Ġgr asp
+Ġexcess ive
+ĠWh it
+Ġinvent ory
+ault s
+Ġe cosystem
+Ġbill ions
+Ġvent ure
+n amed
+Ġdef ender
+out e
+Inst ead
+ir able
+W ar
+Ġassum ption
+Ġb ite
+Ġearth qu
+t ail
+sp ace
+Ġgif ts
+boy s
+Ġinev itable
+Ġstruct ural
+Ġbenef icial
+Ġcompe lling
+h ole
+erv ation
+Ġco at
+o j
+inc arn
+ĠY ears
+Ġdetermin ing
+Ġrhet oric
+Ġbound aries
+Ġwh ites
+A nt
+add y
+) -
+ra ham
+eter min
+Ġhar vest
+ĠCon c
+Ġlapt op
+ĠM atch
+Ġenjoy ing
+cc a
+oll ar
+Ġtri ps
+Ġadd iction
+ĠS ak
+Ġpow ered
+Ġc ous
+ĠRuss ians
+ie re
+Ġret rie
+qu ality
+Ġdiff er
+Ġking dom
+ĠL aur
+ĠCap itol
+Ġcon clusions
+ĠAl tern
+ĠN av
+Ġtrans parent
+G roup
+ĠCom plete
+Ġinf er
+Ġint rig
+Ġins ane
+R O
+oph ob
+is en
+qu al
+Mich ael
+Ġm useum
+ĠP ope
+Ġres et
+r ative
+f ive
+Ġagg reg
+itte es
+osit ory
+Ġcar b
+ĠRec ord
+Ġdec ides
+ĠF ix
+Ġexcept ions
+ĠCommission er
+un s
+ĠEnvironment al
+Ġlegend ary
+ist ence
+Ġtun nel
+k m
+Ġins ult
+Ġt roll
+Ġsh ake
+Ġdet ention
+qu es
+ĠCh rome
+ĠF iles
+Ġsub t
+Ġprospect s
+Ġpro l
+re nder
+pro of
+Ġperform ances
+St r
+Ġh ref
+ern ame
+Ġachieve ment
+Ġf ut
+F ull
+ĠLe ban
+go ogle
+ãĥ Ī
+amp a
+May be
+Ġproject ed
+ĠE mb
+Ġcol leg
+Ġa wards
+Ġâ Ķ
+G old
+ĠBl ake
+ĠR aj
+if ting
+Ġp ending
+Ġinst inct
+Ġdevelop ments
+Con nect
+ĠM and
+ĠPhilipp ines
+prof ile
+Ġalt ogether
+ĠB und
+oo oo
+amp ed
+ip h
+Ġste am
+Ġold est
+Ġdet ection
+ul pt
+Ġ ç
+ĠWay ne
+200 6
+f a
+Ġcir cles
+ĠF u
+Ġdon ors
+appropri ate
+ĠDak ota
+j amin
+Ġmotiv ated
+Ġpurch ases
+ĠLouis iana
+ĠS pl
+Ġgl obe
+Ġ10 5
+z ip
+c all
+Ġdepart ments
+Ġsustain able
+10 5
+if iers
+Ġprevent ed
+Ġinc omp
+ĠComm ander
+Ġdom inated
+ĠÂ »
+Ġinvest ed
+Ġcomplex ity
+Ġin cl
+Ġens uring
+Ġreal m
+yn c
+ĠInd ependent
+r ained
+ĠJ en
+ĠFl ight
+Ġat he
+Ġspec ulation
+oc ate
+t ic
+Ġpl aint
+her ry
+Ġto y
+Ġ1 11
+Ġpl ates
+st atus
+ĠIs a
+Ġdev oted
+C op
+25 5
+ur rency
+M ain
+Ġsl aves
+Ġpe pper
+Ġqu otes
+Ġce iling
+ĠF ish
+Ġtrans formation
+Ġfra ction
+Ġadvant ages
+Ġto ile
+Ġstun ning
+Ġmo ist
+bre aking
+s i
+ĠL ocation
+ĠMed ium
+Ġtext s
+Ġu gly
+Ġb io
+. âĢĶ
+ĠB ased
+Ġtr ains
+ĠW ing
+ĠAn cient
+ĠRec ords
+ĠH ope
+Spe cial
+ades h
+ob i
+[ /
+Ġtempor arily
+V er
+h u
+os er
+Ġover night
+Ġm amm
+ĠTre asury
+ĠV enezuel
+ĠMeg a
+Ġt ar
+Ġexpect s
+bl ack
+or ph
+\\ \\
+Ġaccept ance
+Ġrad ar
+s is
+Ġjun ior
+Ġfram es
+Ġobserv ation
+ac ies
+P ower
+ĠAdv anced
+M ag
+olog ically
+ĠMe chan
+Ġsent ences
+Ġanaly sts
+augh ters
+force ment
+Ġv ague
+Ġcl ause
+Ġdirect ors
+Ġeval uate
+Ġcabin et
+M att
+ĠClass ic
+A ng
+Ġcl er
+ĠB uck
+Ġresear cher
+Ġ16 0
+Ġpoor ly
+Ġexperien cing
+ĠP ed
+ĠMan hattan
+Ġfre ed
+Ġthem es
+ad vant
+Ġn in
+Ġpra ise
+10 4
+ĠLib ya
+b est
+Ġtrust ed
+Ġce ase
+Ġd ign
+D irect
+Ġbomb ing
+Ġm igration
+ĠSci ences
+Ġmunicip al
+ĠA verage
+Ġgl ory
+Ġreve aling
+Ġare na
+Ġuncertain ty
+Ġbattle field
+ia o
+G od
+Ġc inem
+ra pe
+el le
+ap ons
+Ġlist ing
+Ġwa ited
+Ġsp otted
+ke ley
+ĠAud io
+e or
+ard ing
+idd ing
+ig ma
+ĠN eg
+Ġl one
+Ġ ----
+ex e
+d eg
+Ġtrans f
+Ġwas h
+Ġsl avery
+Ġexpl oring
+ats on
+Ġen cl
+l ies
+ĠC reek
+Ġwood en
+Man ager
+ĠBr and
+um my
+ĠAr thur
+Ġbureau cr
+Ġbl end
+ar ians
+F urther
+Ġsupposed ly
+Ġwind s
+Ġ19 79
+Ġgrav ity
+Ġanalys es
+ĠTra vel
+ĠV eter
+Ġd umb
+Ġaltern ate
+g al
+Ġconsum ed
+Ġeffect iveness
+.' '
+Ġpath s
+ond a
+L A
+ĠStr ong
+Ġen ables
+Ġesc aped
+Ġ" "
+Ġ1 12
+Ġ198 3
+Ġsm iled
+Ġtend ency
+F ire
+Ġp ars
+ĠR oc
+Ġl ake
+Ġf itness
+ĠA th
+ĠH orn
+Ġh ier
+Ġimp ose
+m other
+Ġp ension
+ic ut
+bor ne
+ic iary
+. _
+Ġpol ar
+is y
+eng u
+itial ized
+w rite
+Ġexerc ises
+ĠD iamond
+ot ypes
+Ġharm ful
+on z
+Ġprint ing
+st ory
+Ġexpert ise
+ĠG er
+Ġtraged y
+ĠF ly
+Ġd ivid
+amp ire
+st ock
+M em
+Ġre ign
+Ġun ve
+Ġam end
+ĠProp het
+Ġmut ual
+ĠF ac
+Ġrepl acing
+H ar
+ĠCirc uit
+Ġthro at
+ĠSh ot
+Ġbatter ies
+Ġto ll
+Ġaddress ing
+ĠMedic aid
+Ġp upp
+ĠN ar
+ol k
+Ġequ ity
+M R
+ĠHis pan
+ĠL arge
+m id
+D ev
+Ġexp ed
+Ġdem o
+ĠMarsh all
+erg us
+Ġf iber
+Ġdiv orce
+ĠCre ate
+Ġsl ower
+ĠPark er
+ĠStud ent
+ĠTr aining
+Ret urn
+ĠT ru
+Ġc ub
+ĠRe ached
+Ġpan ic
+Ġqu arters
+Ġre ct
+Ġtreat ing
+Ġr ats
+ĠChristian ity
+ol er
+Ġsac red
+Ġdecl are
+ul ative
+et ing
+Ġdeliver ing
+est one
+Ġt el
+ĠL arry
+Ġmet a
+ac cept
+art z
+ĠRog er
+hand ed
+Ġhead er
+Ġtra pped
+ĠCent ury
+Ġkn ocked
+ĠOx ford
+Ġsurviv ors
+b ot
+Ġdemon stration
+Ġd irt
+Ġass ists
+ĠD raft
+ortun ate
+fol io
+pe red
+ust ers
+g t
+ĠL ock
+Ġjud icial
+ver ted
+Ġsec ured
+out ing
+ĠBook s
+Ġhost ing
+Ġlif ted
+l ength
+Ġj er
+Ġwhe els
+ĠR ange
+umbn ails
+Ġdiagn osis
+te ch
+ĠStew art
+ĠP ract
+Ġnation wide
+Ġde ar
+Ġoblig ations
+Ġgrow s
+Ġmand atory
+Ġsusp icious
+! '
+A pr
+G reat
+Ġmort gage
+Ġprosecut or
+Ġeditor ial
+ĠK r
+Ġprocess ed
+ung le
+Ġflex ibility
+Ear lier
+ĠC art
+ĠS ug
+Ġfoc uses
+Ġstart up
+Ġbre ach
+ĠT ob
+cy cle
+ãĢ Į
+ro se
+Ġb izarre
+ãĢ į
+Ġveget ables
+$ $
+Ġret reat
+osh i
+ĠSh op
+ĠG round
+ĠSt op
+ĠHawai i
+ĠA y
+Per haps
+ĠBe aut
+uff er
+enn a
+Ġproduct ivity
+F ixed
+cont rol
+Ġabs ent
+ĠCamp aign
+G reen
+Ġident ifying
+Ġreg ret
+Ġpromot ed
+ĠSe ven
+Ġer u
+ne ath
+aug hed
+ĠP in
+ĠL iving
+C ost
+om atic
+me ga
+ĠN ig
+oc y
+Ġin box
+Ġem pire
+Ġhor izont
+Ġbr anches
+Ġmet aph
+Act ive
+ed i
+ĠFil m
+ĠS omething
+Ġmod s
+inc ial
+ĠOrig inal
+G en
+Ġspir its
+Ġear ning
+H ist
+Ġr iders
+Ġsacr ific
+M T
+ĠS alt
+Ġoccup ation
+ĠM i
+Ġdis g
+lic t
+Ġn it
+Ġn odes
+e em
+ĠP ier
+Ġhat red
+ps y
+ãĥ ī
+Ġthe ater
+Ġsophistic ated
+Ġdef ended
+Ġbes ides
+Ġthorough ly
+ĠMedic are
+Ġbl amed
+arent ly
+Ġcry ing
+pri v
+Ġsing ing
+ĠI l
+Ġc ute
+o ided
+olit ical
+ĠNe uro
+å ¤
+Ġdon ation
+ĠEag les
+ĠG ive
+T om
+Ġsubstant ially
+ĠLic ense
+ĠJ a
+Ġg rey
+ĠAn imal
+ĠU nd
+Ġke en
+Ġconclud e
+ĠMississ ippi
+Eng ine
+ĠStud ios
+P ress
+o vers
+ll ers
+Ġ3 50
+ĠR angers
+Ġr ou
+ert o
+E p
+iss a
+iv an
+Ġse al
+ĠReg ist
+dis play
+Ġwe aken
+u um
+ĠComm ons
+ĠS ay
+Ġcult ures
+Ġl aughed
+Ġsl ip
+Ġtreat ments
+iz able
+m art
+ĠR ice
+Ġbe ast
+Ġob esity
+ĠLa ure
+ig a
+Wh ich
+hold er
+Ġelder ly
+Ġp ays
+Ġcompl ained
+Ġc rop
+Ġpro c
+Ġexplos ive
+ĠF an
+ĠAr senal
+A uthor
+ef ul
+Ġme als
+Ġ( -
+id ays
+Ġimag ination
+Ġann ually
+Ġm s
+as ures
+H ead
+ik h
+m atic
+Ġboy friend
+ĠCom puter
+Ġb ump
+Ġsur ge
+ĠCra ig
+ĠKir k
+D el
+medi ate
+Ġscen arios
+ĠM ut
+ĠSt ream
+Ġcompet itors
+Ù Ħ
+ĠStan ford
+ĠRes ources
+az ed
+b age
+Ġorgan is
+ĠRe lease
+Ġsepar ately
+Ġha bits
+Ġmeasure ments
+ĠCl ose
+Ġaccomp any
+Ġg ly
+Ġt ang
+ĠR ou
+Ġplug in
+Ġcon vey
+ĠChall enge
+oot s
+j an
+Ġcur s
+ĠRel ations
+ke eper
+Ġapproach ing
+p ing
+Spe aking
+Ġarrang ement
+are ttes
+Ġaffect ing
+Ġperm its
+b ecause
+Ġu seless
+ĠH us
+!! !!
+Ġdestro ying
+Un fortunately
+Ġfasc inating
+S em
+Ġelect oral
+Ġtrans parency
+ĠCh aos
+Ġvolunte er
+Ġstatist ical
+Ġactiv ated
+ro x
+We b
+H E
+ĠHamp shire
+is ive
+M ap
+Ġtr ash
+ĠLaw rence
+st ick
+C r
+Ġr ings
+Ġoper ational
+op es
+D oes
+ĠEv ans
+Ġwitness ed
+P ort
+Ġlaunch ing
+ec onom
+w ear
+ĠPart icip
+um m
+cul es
+ĠT un
+Ġass ured
+Ġb inary
+Ġbet ray
+Ġexpl oration
+ĠF el
+Ġad mission
+it ated
+S y
+Ġav oided
+ĠSim ulator
+Ġcelebr ated
+ĠElect ric
+¥ ŀ
+Ġcl uster
+itzer land
+he alth
+L ine
+ĠN ash
+at on
+Ġsp are
+Ġenter prise
+clud es
+Ġfl ights
+Ġreg ards
+h alf
+Ġtr ucks
+Ġcontact s
+Ġunc ons
+ĠCl imate
+Ġimm ense
+oc c
+ect ive
+Ġemb od
+Ġpat rol
+Ġbes ide
+Ġv iable
+Ġcre ep
+Ġtrig gered
+ver ning
+Ġcompar able
+q l
+Ġg aining
+ass es
+Ġ( );
+ĠG rey
+s ized
+Ġpros per
+" ?
+Ġpoll ing
+Ġsh ar
+Ġfire arm
+or ient
+Ġf ence
+Ġvari ations
+g iving
+ĠP i
+osp el
+Ġpled ge
+Ġc ure
+Ġsp y
+Ġviol ated
+Ġr ushed
+Ġstro ke
+ĠBl og
+sel s
+ĠE c
+,' '
+Ġp ale
+ĠColl ins
+ter ror
+ĠCanad ians
+Ġt une
+Ġlabor atory
+Ġn ons
+t arian
+Ġdis ability
+ĠG am
+Ġsing er
+al g
+ĠSen ior
+Ġtrad ed
+ĠWar rior
+Ġinf ring
+ĠFrank lin
+Ġstr ain
+ĠSwed ish
+Ġsevent h
+ĠB enn
+ĠT ell
+Ġsynd rome
+Ġwond ered
+id en
+++ ++
+ig o
+Ġpur ple
+Ġjournal ism
+Ġreb el
+Ġf u
+bl og
+Ġinv ite
+ren cies
+ĠCont act
+Is rael
+ĠCont ent
+Ġche er
+Ġbed room
+ĠEngine ering
+ĠQue ens
+Ġd well
+ĠPlay Station
+ĠD im
+ĠCol on
+l r
+Ġoper ates
+Ġmotiv ation
+ast ered
+C ore
+ĠTr uth
+ol o
+ĠMem ory
+Ġpred ec
+Ġan arch
+Ġ19 20
+ĠY am
+Ã ¨
+b id
+Ġgr ateful
+Ġexc itement
+Ġtre asure
+Ġlong est
+ct ive
+Ġdes erves
+Ġreserv es
+Ġcop s
+ĠOtt awa
+ĠEgypt ian
+ank ed
+Ġart if
+Ġhypot hesis
+: /
+Ġpurch asing
+Ġlove ly
+H P
+Ġdiv ide
+Ġstrict ly
+Ġquestion ing
+Ġtaxp ayers
+ĠJ oy
+Ġroll s
+ĠHe avy
+Ġp orts
+Ġmag netic
+Ġinf lamm
+Ġbr ush
+t ics
+â ĪĴ
+Ġbott les
+pp y
+Ġp add
+ãĤ ¯
+m illion
+Ġdevast ating
+Ġcomp iled
+Ġmed ication
+Ġtw elve
+ĠPer ry
+Sp ace
+im b
+y our
+Ġle aked
+ĠT ar
+Ġun ity
+Ġinfect ed
+Ġtravel ed
+ĠMc Donald
+t xt
+ĠPr inc
+Ġinter ven
+ĠTai wan
+ĠP ow
+Ġbe aring
+ĠTh read
+Ġz ones
+iz ards
+un ks
+Ch apter
+ll or
+ĠÂ ·
+Ġw ounds
+Ġdisc retion
+Ġsucceed ed
+ik ing
+Ġicon ic
+C all
+Ġscreen ing
+ĠM is
+ict s
+Ġmin isters
+Ġsepar ation
+Pl ayer
+Ġb ip
+Ġbel oved
+Ġcount ing
+ĠE ye
+ar ound
+ing ing
+Ġtable t
+Ġoff ence
+in ance
+h ave
+ĠInf o
+ĠNin ja
+Ġprotect ive
+ĠC ass
+M ac
+ĠQual ity
+N orth
+Ġ ic
+ĠCub a
+ĠChron icle
+ĠPro perty
+Ġfast est
+ot os
+ĠG erm
+Ġbo om
+ĠStan ley
+ergus on
+Ġcle ver
+Ġent ers
+m ode
+ter ior
+ĠS ens
+Ġlin ear
+Ġcomp aring
+Ġpure ly
+Ġsaf er
+ĠPot ter
+Ġc ups
+R T
+Ġgl uc
+Ġatt ributed
+Ġdu pl
+ĠP ap
+Ġprec ious
+Ġp a
+iction ary
+ĠT ig
+ĠTo o
+ol utions
+st an
+Ġrob ots
+Ġlob b
+Ġstat ute
+Ġprevent ion
+w estern
+16 0
+ĠAct ive
+ĠMar ia
+h al
+N one
+ell ar
+ĠPart ners
+ĠSing le
+ĠFollow ing
+ang o
+ac ious
+Ġth ou
+Ġk g
+Ġinflu ential
+ĠFriend s
+S ur
+ain ted
+Ġfor ums
+Ġst arter
+Ġcitizens hip
+ĠE lection
+on ge
+ot ation
+os ph
+;; ;;
+ut ical
+p ur
+ere n
+Ġaccus ations
+bit ious
+ab bit
+ĠOr d
+Post ed
+ir k
+Ġsens itivity
+ic he
+ĠAm y
+ĠF ab
+Ġsum mit
+Ġped est
+Ġrub ber
+Ġagric ultural
+Ġcan cel
+A E
+Ġin aug
+Ġcont am
+Ġfirm ly
+i w
+st age
+ĠK an
+Ġt ier
+Ġinv ention
+Ġtransl ated
+ĠR ules
+B ox
+Tw itter
+Ġp izza
+Ġdeb ug
+ĠD rop
+v s
+Ġh orses
+b ig
+Ġb oring
+Ġh ood
+ĠMcC ain
+at ched
+ĠBro s
+Ġsk ip
+Ġess ay
+st at
+ĠLeg ends
+Ġam munition
+au c
+Ġshoot er
+Ġun h
+Ġsuppl ied
+Ġgener ic
+ib an
+yr ics
+Ġ25 5
+Ġclim bing
+Form er
+Ġfl ip
+Ġjump ing
+Ġfrust ration
+ĠTer ry
+Ġneighborhood s
+Ġmed ian
+be an
+Ġbr ains
+Follow ing
+Ġsh aped
+Ġdraw s
+Ġal tered
+J ack
+Ġrecip es
+Ġsk illed
+we alth
+ach i
+e lection
+Ġbehavi ors
+de als
+ĠU ntil
+F e
+Ġdecl aration
+mar ks
+ĠBet ween
+cel ona
+Ġres on
+Ġbub ble
+Am ong
+Ġim perial
+G S
+Ġfemin ist
+200 5
+ĠK yle
+Ġaccount ing
+ĠTe le
+ĠT yr
+Ġconnect ing
+Ġre hab
+ĠP red
+s im
+Ġmeant ime
+Ġphys ician
+M W
+ĠCamp bell
+ĠBr andon
+Ġcontribut ing
+ĠR ule
+ĠWe ight
+ĠN ap
+Ġinter active
+Ġv ag
+Ġhel met
+ĠCom b
+f our
+Ġsh ipped
+Ġcomple ting
+Ġspread ing
+Ġsc ary
+erv ing
+ĠG as
+Ġfr ank
+s chool
+Ġrom antic
+Ġstab il
+R ob
+Ġaccur ately
+Ġac ute
+ĠH ann
+Ġsymbol s
+Ġcivil ization
+Ġlight ning
+Ġcons iders
+Ġven ue
+Ġ ×
+Ġo ven
+h is
+Ġn u
+ĠLear n
+Ġpe oples
+Ġst d
+Ġsle e
+Ġs lic
+ĠStat istics
+Ġcor ners
+ĠB aker
+Ġ: )
+ment ation
+ol ver
+Ġlaugh ing
+ĠT odd
+ond e
+ĠH ills
+Ġn uts
+ĠW oman
+pl ane
+Ġl iver
+ĠIn side
+S orry
+Ġagre es
+Ġfund ament
+ĠF isher
+Ġa uction
+Ġthread s
+gl as
+ĠBas ic
+ĠN at
+Ġlack ing
+Ġceleb ration
+j u
+Ġs illy
+E uro
+Ġt att
+ight y
+cont rolled
+T est
+ĠSing h
+Ġr age
+Ġrh yth
+o ffic
+ĠPh antom
+Ġhead lines
+Ġrespond ing
+ĠMor ning
+Ġvit amin
+Ġboot s
+ĠS ite
+al in
+p i
+Ġvir al
+ĠSe x
+Ġst ocks
+c urrent
+Ġch urches
+ĠR are
+ĠMur phy
+Ġden ial
+ĠG aming
+Ġtou g
+Ġn ick
+Ġm akers
+ĠRon ald
+Ġgener ous
+ĠD oc
+ĠMor ris
+Ġtransform ed
+ĠN ormal
+Ġ10 4
+ĠKick starter
+ĠUp on
+On line
+Ġw rap
+Ġl oving
+Ġarri ves
+ĠD ue
+Ġhe ter
+ĠM ade
+Ġrent al
+Ġbelong s
+Ġatt orneys
+Ġcro ps
+Ġmat ched
+ul um
+ol ine
+10 9
+Ġdis par
+Ġbuy ers
+ĠCam bridge
+Ġeth ics
+rou ps
+Ġjust ified
+Ġmarg inal
+Ġrespect ed
+win ning
+Ġnodd ed
+ĠSer ge
+ĠForm er
+C raft
+######## ########
+ĠWar ner
+Ġd ash
+et e
+Ġent ert
+ĠE scape
+out heast
+Ġkn ees
+ĠB omb
+Ġr ug
+P ass
+Ġatt itudes
+go vernment
+ĠPri or
+Ġqual ities
+Ġnot ification
+ĠPh one
+l ie
+Ġanticip ated
+ĠCom bat
+ĠBar ry
+Ġ198 2
+Us ers
+on er
+Ġcomput ing
+ĠConnect icut
+Ġless er
+Ġpe ers
+ĠC u
+Ġtechn ically
+Ġsub mission
+ĠUn iversal
+Ġman ually
+our ge
+Ġrespond ents
+ĠH ost
+Ġf are
+ĠB ird
+Ġrece ipt
+al so
+Ġj ack
+Ġagric ulture
+Ġsk ull
+Ġ! =
+Ġpass ive
+Ġsoc ieties
+Ġremind ed
+Ġinter ference
+B uy
+Ġâ ľ
+g on
+Ġscrut iny
+ĠW itch
+Ġconduct ing
+Ġ ãĥ
+Ġexch anges
+ĠMit chell
+Ġinhab it
+Ġtw ist
+B D
+Ġwhere ver
+group on
+Ġj okes
+ĠBen jamin
+ĠR andom
+fr ame
+ĠL ions
+Ġhighlight ed
+ĠArk ansas
+E nt
+Ġp ile
+Ġpre lim
+g s
+mind ed
+Ġfel ony
+ĠL uck
+Ġpract ically
+ĠB os
+Ġact ress
+D am
+ĠB ou
+Ġvis a
+Ġembed ded
+Ġhy brid
+Ġear liest
+Ġsoon er
+s ocial
+Ġste ep
+Ġdis advant
+Ġexplo it
+ĠE gg
+ĠUlt ra
+Ġnecess ity
+L ocal
+ie ge
+Ġd ated
+Ġmass es
+Ġsubsc ription
+pl ess
+Ġan onym
+Ġpresum ably
+Bl ue
+The ir
+asket ball
+ĠPhil ip
+Ġcom ed
+load ed
+r ane
+Ġref lection
+Ch ina
+Ġext ends
+Ġform ing
+Ġund ers
+200 1
+Ġgr at
+Ġconcent rations
+Ġins ulin
+Ġsec ular
+Ġwh ilst
+Ġwin ners
+Ad vertisements
+Ġdeliber ately
+ĠWork ing
+Ġs ink
+et ics
+d ale
+Ġmand ate
+Ġg ram
+Ġvac ation
+Ġwarn ings
+ri pp
+Ġcomment ary
+Ġint u
+Ġa est
+Ġreason ing
+Ġbreak down
+ĠZ ombie
+Ġ-- >
+ĠPolit ical
+c ott
+Ġthr ust
+Ġtechn ological
+Ġdec iding
+Ġtraff icking
+L ong
+W elcome
+pr ising
+ĠCommun ications
+Ġend ors
+Ġsw ift
+Ġmetab ol
+co ins
+res a
+Ġen roll
+ĠH appy
+us r
+int age
+Ġ[ "
+u ably
+ĠM aterial
+Ġrepe al
+Se pt
+k h
+ĠMod i
+Ġunder neath
+sh ore
+Ġdiagn osed
+ace utical
+Ġsh ower
+au x
+ĠSw itch
+ĠStre ngth
+Ġj ihad
+n ational
+Ġtra uma
+uss y
+on i
+Ġcons olid
+Ġcal ories
+ĠF lynn
+ag ged
+16 8
+ĠP ink
+Ġfulf ill
+Ġch ains
+Ġnot ably
+L ife
+ĠCh uck
+m us
+ĠUr ban
+ĠH end
+Ġdep osit
+ĠS ad
+Ġaff air
+ie val
+Ġt rop
+ĠOver all
+Ġvirt ue
+Ġsatisf action
+au nd
+Ġl un
+ĠSw itzerland
+ĠOper ation
+pro cess
+Ġsh ook
+Ġcount ies
+le ased
+ĠCharl otte
+1 12
+Ġtrans cript
+Ġre dd
+p ush
+ĠHe y
+ĠAn alysis
+[ "
+Ġaltern atives
+ard less
+Ġele ph
+Ġpre jud
+ĠLe af
+H aving
+ĠH ub
+Ġexpress ions
+ĠVol ume
+Ġshock ing
+ĠRed s
+Ġread ily
+Ġplan ets
+ad ata
+Ġcollaps ed
+ĠMad rid
+Ġir rit
+i pper
+ĠEn c
+ĠW ire
+Ġbu zz
+ash a
+Ġaccident ally
+ur u
+Ġfrust rated
+Ġhung ry
+ĠH uff
+Ġlab els
+ant o
+Ġbar riers
+) |
+ĠBer keley
+ĠJ ets
+Ġp airs
+ĠL an
+J ames
+ĠB ear
+Ġhum or
+ĠLiber ty
+Ġmagn itude
+Ġag ing
+ĠM ason
+Ġfriends hip
+umb ling
+Ġemer ge
+Ġnewsp apers
+Ġam bitious
+ĠRich ards
+atern al
+Ġ198 1
+Ġcook ies
+Ġsc ulpt
+Ġpur suit
+L ocation
+Ġscript s
+p c
+Ġarrang ements
+Ġd iameter
+Ġl oses
+am ation
+Ġl iqu
+ĠJ ake
+aret te
+Ġunderstand s
+ĠZ en
+v m
+Ġappro ve
+Ġw ip
+Ġult ra
+Ġint end
+asc ular
+Ġst ays
+ĠK or
+ĠK l
+Ġinvest ing
+L a
+Ġbelie ving
+b ad
+m outh
+Ġtaxp ayer
+ãĥ ĥ
+ĠQue bec
+Ġl ap
+ĠSw iss
+d rop
+Ġdr ain
+ir i
+et c
+ft en
+ĠN ex
+Ġst raw
+Ġscream ing
+Ġcount ed
+Ġdam aging
+Ġamb assador
+cent ury
+Ġpro x
+Ġarrest s
+u v
+il ateral
+ĠCh arg
+Ġpresc ribed
+Ġindepend ently
+Ġf ierce
+ĠB aby
+Ġb rave
+Ġsu its
+= >
+Ġbas eline
+ĠR ate
+Ġis lands
+Ġ( (
+g reen
+ix els
+Ġname ly
+ĠVill age
+th an
+am y
+V ersion
+g mail
+ential s
+ĠS ud
+ĠMel bourne
+Ġarri ving
+Ġquant um
+e ff
+rop olitan
+T ri
+Ġfun eral
+ĠC ob
+it ably
+Ġt urb
+Ġcomb o
+Re view
+Ġdeploy ment
+u ity
+ĠB ott
+Ġinv isible
+Ġrender ing
+Ġunl ocked
+Ġa qu
+ĠVlad imir
+Ġp ad
+ĠBr ain
+ĠLeg acy
+dr agon
+ĠKurd ish
+Ġsound ed
+Ġdet ained
+g ary
+Ġd aughters
+Ġdistur bing
+uk a
+ĠPar ad
+Ġt ast
+Ġunf ortunate
+Ġu l
+em in
+Ġattend ance
+tr l
+Ġpar ks
+ĠMem orial
+ĠAl ice
+oth y
+gu ard
+ĠD ise
+ĠSh an
+ĠFor um
+R ich
+Ġshif ted
+ue z
+Ġl ighter
+ĠMag n
+Ġc od
+S ch
+ham mad
+P ub
+3 50
+ĠP okemon
+Ġprot otype
+Ġun re
+B ase
+ĠStud ents
+ĠRep ly
+ĠCommun ist
+Ġg au
+ĠTy ler
+I Z
+Ġparticip ated
+Ġsup rem
+ĠDet ails
+Ġvessel s
+ro d
+Ġt ribe
+ke ep
+Ġassum ptions
+Ġp ound
+Ġcr ude
+ĠAv ailable
+Ġswim ming
+Ġin clusion
+Ġadv ances
+c ulation
+Ġconserv ation
+Ġover d
+ĠBuff alo
+Art icle
+ed ge
+Ġaw a
+ĠMad ison
+Ġsid ew
+Ġcat ast
+ĠK rist
+uc le
+ĠHigh way
+ĠTer ror
+Ġactiv ation
+Ġuncons cious
+ĠSat an
+ĠSus an
+ill ery
+Ġarr anged
+i op
+Ġrum ors
+ur ring
+th ink
+ĠKe ith
+ĠK ind
+Ġavoid ing
+by n
+n ut
+ĠSpe aker
+r us
+n ames
+Ġgu ilt
+ĠOlymp ics
+Ġsa il
+ĠM es
+lev ant
+ĠColumb us
+a ft
+C ity
+S outh
+ĠHar vey
+ĠP un
+S everal
+Ġment ally
+Ġimp ress
+m ount
+ĠUb untu
+ĠSuper man
+ĠMP s
+Ġintent ions
+ĠR acing
+Ġlike lihood
+Ġ2 40
+T otal
+Ġto ys
+ĠW atson
+Ġur ge
+L ear
+ĠP aper
+Ġoccur ring
+ĠB eng
+ĠC ert
+Ġst ones
+T im
+ĠTw in
+z b
+ĠD ynam
+Ġpolit ician
+k ens
+ĠEnter prise
+Ġab ol
+Ġref resh
+Ġarbit rary
+pe ction
+Ġtrou bles
+Ġ} );
+t v
+Ġpil ots
+Ġdist ribute
+Ġaud it
+Ġp ause
+orig inal
+Ġr ivals
+Â £
+F ig
+T L
+ab il
+ry ing
+L in
+ion ed
+l on
+Ġf ancy
+Ġcr ashed
+Ġt ract
+Ġshe d
+Ġcons ume
+B ased
+down load
+in it
+Ġvolt age
+Int rodu
+Ġcondem ned
+ĠFin ance
+res pect
+Ġex cluded
+Ġestablish ing
+her ic
+Ġher itage
+Ġspect acular
+Ġun st
+ĠSnow den
+ĠL ane
+S an
+Ġprotect ions
+st ruction
+inc inn
+Ġmac ro
+C ustom
+ios ity
+Ġes p
+Ġfunction ing
+Ġm ush
+Ġp uzzle
+Ġeth ical
+M al
+Ġgo verning
+ĠF erguson
+Ġrest ored
+Ġst ressed
+ĠCoun ter
+ĠK as
+cl ip
+Ġse iz
+U K
+by ss
+old own
+ap i
+Ġperman ently
+oun ters
+W est
+Th rough
+L ight
+at oes
+Ġne at
+Ġc ord
+ure r
+Ġsevere ly
+ĠA ven
+Ġinter rog
+Ġtri ple
+G iven
+N umber
+Ġar ise
+Ġs her
+pl ant
+Ġfl ower
+ĠC ou
+Ġat e
+Ġnew er
+b ul
+Ġmean while
+ĠL air
+Ġadjust ment
+ĠCop yright
+Ġd ivers
+i ological
+Ġgam ers
+o at
+Ġhistor ically
+Ġanal og
+Ġlong time
+Ġpres cription
+ĠM ist
+ĠHy per
+ĠM aine
+ĠDe ity
+Ġmulti pl
+ĠRe incarn
+ĠH yd
+ĠP ic
+S il
+r ants
+ĠC ris
+. ;
+( {
+epend ence
+Ġrec y
+ate ur
+Ġqu ad
+Ġgl ob
+Ġcon ced
+te am
+Ġcapital ist
+ĠL ot
+Ġroy al
+ĠCy ber
+Ġblack s
+met ic
+ri v
+ĠD anny
+Ġsp o
+Ġanim ated
+rypt ed
+ĠDep uty
+Ġrend ered
+F E
+Ġstre ak
+Ġcloud s
+ĠDou g
+~~~~ ~~~~
+Ġdisc our
+ĠVe h
+Ġpsych ology
+ĠJ ourney
+Ġcry stal
+ĠFro st
+Ġsuspic ion
+Ġrel ate
+or us
+ĠC rypt
+com ed
+ut ing
+incinn ati
+Ġvulner ability
+ost ic
+Ġisol ation
+Ġcool ing
+ĠCoal ition
+Ġ1 19
+F our
+ĠDe al
+Ġâ ī
+se mble
+ram ent
+ĠBar celona
+Ġ10 2
+Ġcoc aine
+ocaly pse
+F eb
+ogen ic
+Ġmut ation
+Ġcrypt oc
+ĠK el
+ĠG it
+a is
+Ġs isters
+Ġactiv ate
+T er
+Ġd read
+yl on
+Ġprop ri
+A ust
+ĠDef ault
+Ġout door
+Ġshe er
+ce ive
+Ġg ently
+Ð ¾
+Pro gram
+Ġâ ĨĴ
+Ġve gan
+ĠCr us
+Ġrespons ibilities
+Ġprev ents
+Ġst iff
+ĠW ere
+Ġathlet ic
+ĠSc ore
+Ġ) :
+Ġcolumn s
+ĠL oc
+av ailable
+ĠF ram
+ĠS essions
+Ġcompan ion
+Ġpack s
+14 0
+ĠKn ights
+Ġf art
+Ġstream s
+Ġsh ore
+Ġapp eals
+ĠPer formance
+h aul
+ĠSt ra
+ĠN ag
+10 3
+ĠTrans portation
+B B
+E v
+z an
+P ublic
+Ġtw in
+uls ion
+M ult
+Ġelect ro
+Ġstat ue
+ation ally
+ĠN ort
+Ġins pection
+/ *
+ig ue
+Ġcomp assion
+ĠT ales
+ĠSte in
+ĠSc reen
+ĠB ug
+ĠL ion
+g irl
+Ġwithdraw al
+Ġobject ives
+Ġblood y
+Ġprelim inary
+Ġj acket
+Ġdim ensions
+ĠC ool
+ĠOcc up
+Ġw reck
+Ġdoub led
+ank ing
+Ġ19 75
+Ġglass es
+ĠW ang
+pro v
+P ath
+connect ed
+ĠMult i
+ĠNor way
+agon ist
+Ġfe ared
+Ġtouch ing
+Ġarg uably
+¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯
+che m
+Ġsp at
+ĠC el
+ig ger
+Ġattack er
+ĠJo in
+ob ject
+ett a
+Ġelim inated
+d et
+Ġdest ruct
+ĠLuc as
+ct uary
+18 0
+ĠBr ady
+ĠBl ues
+B ay
+au kee
+Ġtim eline
+Ġdeleg ates
+w ritten
+uff icient
+Ġsh apes
+Cop yright
+ou ble
+serv ice
+Ġp ione
+Ġcolleg es
+Ġrow s
+Ġsp ite
+Ġassess ed
+3 60
+Ġle ase
+Ġconfident ial
+ck er
+ĠMan ning
+ĠV oice
+Ġse aled
+Ġcalcul ate
+N O
+ĠAss istant
+Ġteen ager
+ul ent
+ather ine
+Ġm ock
+Ġd iamond
+Ġf est
+Ġsw itched
+Ġres ume
+ĠPu erto
+Ġl anes
+ir ation
+ĠSimilar ly
+Ġro d
+ĠS el
+ĠPal ace
+ĠLim ited
+e ous
+Ġvar iant
+Ġw ard
+Ġ) )
+Sh ow
+A lex
+ĠN ep
+br is
+ĠWik ipedia
+Ġexcept ional
+Ġman ages
+ĠD raw
+Ag ain
+Ġco pper
+ut t
+Ġex ports
+Ġport folio
+Ġelev ated
+R ated
+ĠOther wise
+ĠT act
+ĠShe l
+" âĢĶ
+Ġres ur
+ĠW a
+ven ant
+Ġmon etary
+pe ople
+E mail
+Ġfif ty
+ĠS weet
+ĠMalays ia
+Ġconf using
+ĠR io
+ud a
+uten ant
+" );
+Ġpra ised
+Ġvol umes
+t urn
+Ġm ature
+Ġnon profit
+Ġpassion ate
+ĠPriv ate
+Ġ10 3
+Ġdesc end
+ç ¥ŀ
+uff y
+head ed
+Whe ther
+ri en
+ze ch
+be it
+Ġch rom
+ĠMc M
+Ġd ancing
+Ġe leg
+ĠNot iced
+11 5
+Ġadvoc acy
+amb ling
+ĠMin or
+ĠF inn
+Ġprior ities
+Ġthere of
+ĠSt age
+ĠRog ers
+Ġsubst itute
+ĠJ ar
+ĠJeff erson
+Ġlight ly
+10 2
+ĠL isa
+u its
+ys ical
+Ġshif ts
+Ġd rones
+Ġwork place
+Ġres id
+ens ed
+ah n
+Ġpref erences
+ser ver
+Ġdeb ates
+d oc
+ĠGod s
+Ġhelicop ter
+Ġhon our
+Ġconsider ably
+ed ed
+ĠF emale
+ĠAn ne
+Ġre un
+ĠF ace
+ĠHall ow
+ĠBud get
+Ġcondem n
+Ġt ender
+Pro f
+ocr atic
+ĠTurn er
+ĠAg ric
+Ġ19 76
+Ġa pt
+d isc
+ĠF ighter
+ĠA ur
+Ġgar bage
+in put
+ĠK arl
+ĠOl iver
+ĠL anguage
+k n
+N on
+ĠCl ar
+Ġtrad itions
+Ġad vertisement
+ĠS or
+Ġarch ive
+Ġvill ages
+7 50
+Ġimplement ing
+w aukee
+Ġdiet ary
+Ġswitch ing
+Rep ublic
+Ġvel ocity
+Ġc it
+ĠA wards
+Ġfin ancing
+Ġlast ed
+) ]
+Ġrem inder
+P erson
+Ġprec ision
+Ġdesign ers
+ĠF ried
+ĠB order
+Ġtr agic
+Ġw ield
+Ġiniti atives
+ĠT ank
+w er
+Ġjo ins
+R o
+in ery
+Ġar row
+Ġgener ating
+found er
+Ġsear ches
+Ġrandom ly
+A ccess
+Ġb atch
+Ġp osed
+l at
+Ġpursu ing
+as a
+Ġtest ified
+form ing
+ĠSh ar
+w iki
+ĠE ither
+S ometimes
+Ġsen ators
+ĠJohn ny
+ĠTal iban
+":" /
+ãģ® å
+Ġanaly zed
+ĠRub io
+ĠMove ment
+op ard
+ii i
+St and
+f ight
+Ġign oring
+i ang
+so ever
+Ġref using
+Ġswe at
+Ġb ay
+ir med
+ak y
+Ġdis pro
+Ġlabel ed
+Ġ10 8
+H ello
+Ġple asant
+ab a
+Ġtri umph
+Ġab oard
+Ġinc om
+ĠC row
+le tt
+Ġfol k
+Ġch ase
+` `
+ĠBr us
+Ġte ens
+c ue
+Ġter rain
+h yd
+il ight
+Su pport
+ew s
+ll i
+rain ts
+ĠC and
+Ġab used
+ach ment
+l arg
+B as
+ĠC ancer
+Ġ19 78
+Ġsupp orter
+ac cess
+ĠTer min
+ĠT ampa
+Ġnew est
+ĠCrim inal
+ed u
+Ġ19 30
+Ġadm its
+Ġend e
+Ġfail ures
+ur ate
+ful ness
+cy cl
+ĠSub ject
+Ġinf inite
+th ree
+W A
+p it
+ĠInst all
+R ad
+ili ation
+G M
+Ġcontin ent
+Ġaccommod ate
+ĠCl ay
+Ġp up
+ĠF unction
+Ġham mer
+ĠAlbert a
+Ġrev ised
+Ġminor ities
+Ġmeasure ment
+Con nell
+Ġdis able
+ĠM ix
+In cre
+Ġfor k
+ĠR osen
+Ġimpl ies
+umb lr
+Ġprote ins
+Ġagg ression
+Ġfacilit ate
+S N
+Ġilleg ally
+u er
+Ġacad em
+Ġp uzz
+ĠSh ift
+p ay
+oll o
+Ġaud iences
+B uild
+Ġno ble
+Ġsynt ax
+â ĺħ
+Ġbe am
+ĠB ed
+ĠA ld
+Ġorig ins
+v ideo
+Ġ19 77
+ĠAss ault
+Ġgar age
+Te am
+Ġver dict
+Ġd war
+ĠVirt ual
+e vent
+Ke ep
+Ġsent iment
+Ġwild life
+sh irt
+Ġb urg
+Ġrecommend ation
+rep resent
+Ġgall ery
+own ers
+Ġsch olar
+Ġconven ience
+ĠSw ift
+Ġconv inc
+C ap
+Ġwar fare
+ĠVis ual
+Ġconst itute
+Ġab ort
+ĠWe ather
+ĠLook ing
+ĠH em
+Ġmart ial
+Ġinc oming
+et ition
+Ġtoler ance
+ĠCre ated
+Ġfl ows
+ĠE lder
+Ġsoul s
+Ġf oul
+ĠP ain
+Ġ2 20
+b c
+he nd
+Ġgen ius
+R eal
+ĠW r
+omet er
+p ad
+Ġlim iting
+ĠS i
+ĠL ore
+ĠAd ventures
+Ġvar ied
+D isc
+f in
+ĠPerson al
+Ch ris
+Ġinv ented
+Ġd ive
+ĠR ise
+Ġo z
+ĠCom ics
+Ġexp ose
+ĠRe b
+let ters
+s ite
+im ated
+Ġh acking
+Ġeduc ated
+ĠNob ody
+Ġdep ri
+Ġincent ive
+ãĤ ·
+Ġovers ight
+Ġtrib es
+ĠBelg ium
+Ġlicens ing
+our t
+Produ ct
+ah l
+ĠG em
+Ġspecial ist
+Ġc ra
+ann ers
+ĠCor byn
+Ġ19 73
+Ġsum mar
+Ġover look
+ĠApp lication
+Ġin appropriate
+Ġdownload ed
+Q ue
+ĠB ears
+Ġth umb
+ĠChar acter
+ĠReincarn ated
+ĠS id
+Ġdemonstr ates
+s ky
+ĠBloom berg
+ĠAr ray
+ĠRes ults
+ĠFour th
+ĠO scar
+c end
+Ġ10 6
+m atch
+ĠBr un
+Ġgluc ose
+ie g
+eg u
+Ġcert ified
+Ġrel ie
+Ġhuman itarian
+Ġpr ayers
+K ing
+Ġn an
+h ou
+10 8
+ul u
+Ġrenew able
+Ġdistingu ish
+Ġd ense
+ĠV ent
+ĠPack age
+ĠB oss
+Ġedit ors
+Ġm igr
+T ra
+ĠPet ers
+ĠAr ctic
+200 4
+ĠC ape
+Ġloc ally
+Ġlast ing
+Ġhand y
+. ).
+P an
+Ind ex
+Ġt ensions
+Ġformer ly
+Ġide ological
+Ġsens ors
+Ġdeal ers
+Ġdef ines
+S k
+Ġproceed s
+Ġpro xy
+az ines
+ĠB ash
+ĠP ad
+ĠC raft
+eal ous
+Ġshe ets
+omet ry
+J une
+cl ock
+T T
+ĠThe atre
+ĠB uzz
+Ġch apters
+Ġmill enn
+Ġd ough
+ĠCongress ional
+Ġimag ined
+av ior
+Ġclin ic
+Ġ19 45
+Ġhold er
+ro ot
+oles ter
+Ġrest art
+B N
+ĠHam as
+ĠJ ob
+Ġor b
+Ġr am
+Ġdiscl ose
+Ġtransl ate
+Ġimm igrant
+Ġannoy ing
+Ġtreat y
+an ium
+ĠTe a
+ĠLeg ion
+Ġcrowd s
+ĠB ec
+ĠA er
+oh yd
+B ro
+Look ing
+Ġl bs
+Ġagg ress
+Ġse am
+Ġinter cept
+mer cial
+act iv
+ĠC it
+Ġdim ension
+Ġconsist ency
+Ġr ushing
+ĠDou glas
+Ġtr im
+Inst all
+ick er
+Ġsh y
+10 6
+Ġment ions
+pe lled
+ĠT ak
+c ost
+Ġclass room
+Ġfort une
+dri ven
+Ġun le
+ĠWhe el
+Ġinvest or
+ĠM asters
+k it
+Ġassoci ations
+ĠEv olution
+op ing
+us cript
+Ġprov incial
+ĠWal ter
+av i
+S O
+Ġun limited
+Eng lish
+ĠC ards
+ĠEb ola
+ne red
+Ġreven ge
+Ġout right
+um per
+Ġf itting
+ĠSol id
+Ġform ally
+Ġproblem atic
+Ġhaz ard
+Ġenc ryption
+Ġstraight forward
+Ġp se
+ĠOr b
+ĠCh amber
+ĠM ak
+Cont ents
+Ġloyal ty
+Ġl yrics
+ĠSy m
+Ġwel comed
+Ġcook ed
+Ġmon op
+Ġn urse
+Ġmis leading
+Ġe ternal
+Ġshif ting
+Ġ+ =
+V is
+Ġinst itutional
+ill ary
+Ġp ant
+ĠEn h
+Ġinc on
+Ġdon ated
+âĢ¦âĢ¦ âĢ¦âĢ¦
+In tern
+Ġexhib it
+Ġt ire
+ĠR ic
+ĠCh ampion
+ĠMu hammad
+ĠSoc cer
+Ġmob ility
+Ġvary ing
+ĠM ovie
+Ġl ord
+o ak
+F ield
+Ġve ctor
+us ions
+Ġsc rap
+Ġen abling
+m ake
+T or
+. *
+| |
+ĠWe bsite
+Ġsocial ist
+ĠBill y
+ĠAdd itional
+Ġc argo
+Ġfar ms
+ĠSo on
+ĠPri ze
+Ġmid night
+Ġ9 00
+se en
+ĠSp ot
+Ġshe ep
+Ġspons ored
+ĠH i
+ĠJ ump
+Ġ19 67
+Micro soft
+ĠAg ent
+Ġch arts
+d ir
+Ġadj acent
+Ġtr icks
+Ġman ga
+Ġex agger
+/ >
+foot ball
+G C
+ĠT ier
+and ra
+% ),
+Ġfru its
+V C
+R ober
+Ġmid st
+â Ĺ
+ank a
+Ġlegisl ature
+ĠNe il
+Ġtour ists
+" "
+ĠWar ning
+ĠNever theless
+ĠOffic ial
+ĠWh atever
+Ġm old
+Ġdraft ed
+Ġsubst ances
+Ġbre ed
+Ġt ags
+ĠT ask
+Ġver b
+Ġmanufact ured
+com ments
+ĠPol ish
+Pro v
+Ġdetermin es
+Ob ama
+k ers
+Ġutter ly
+Ġse ct
+sc he
+ĠG ates
+ĠCh ap
+Ġal uminum
+Ġz ombie
+ĠT ouch
+Ġsatisf y
+Ġpred omin
+asc ript
+Ġelabor ate
+Ġ19 68
+Ġmeas uring
+ĠV ari
+any ahu
+Ġs ir
+ul ates
+id ges
+ick ets
+ĠSp encer
+T M
+oub ted
+Ġpre y
+Ġinstall ing
+ĠC ab
+re ed
+re ated
+Su pp
+Ġwr ist
+ĠK erry
+10 7
+ĠK le
+ĠR achel
+Ġc otton
+ĠE le
+Cont rol
+Ġload s
+ĠD od
+an as
+b one
+Ġclass ical
+ĠReg ional
+ĠInt eg
+V M
+Ġdes ires
+Ġaut ism
+support ed
+ĠM essage
+Ġcomp act
+writ er
+Ġ10 9
+ĠHur ricane
+c ision
+Ġcy cles
+Ġdr ill
+Ġcolle ague
+Ġm aker
+G erman
+Ġmist aken
+S un
+ĠG ay
+Ġwhat soever
+Ġsell s
+ĠA irl
+l iv
+ĠO ption
+Ġsol ved
+Ġse ctors
+Ġhorizont al
+Ġequ ation
+ĠSk ill
+ĠB io
+g ement
+ĠSn ap
+ĠLeg al
+Ġtradem ark
+Ġmake up
+Ġassemb led
+Ġsa ves
+ĠHallow een
+ĠVer mont
+Ġfar ming
+ĠP odcast
+accept able
+ĠHig her
+Ġas leep
+ull ivan
+Ġrefere n
+ĠLe v
+Ġbul lets
+ok o
+H C
+Ġst airs
+Ġmain tains
+ĠL ower
+ĠV i
+Ġmar ine
+Ġac res
+Ġcoordin ator
+ĠJ oh
+Ġcounterpart s
+ĠBrother s
+Ġind ict
+b ra
+Ġch unk
+Ġc ents
+H ome
+ĠMon th
+Ġaccording ly
+if les
+ĠGerm ans
+ĠSy n
+H ub
+Ġey eb
+Ġr anges
+ĠHoll and
+ĠRob ot
+f c
+M ike
+Ġpl asma
+Ġsw ap
+Ġath lete
+ĠR ams
+,' "
+Ġinfect ions
+Ġcor rid
+Ġv ib
+Ġpat ches
+Ġtradition ally
+Ġrevel ation
+Ġswe ep
+Ġgl ance
+Ġin ex
+200 3
+ĠR aw
+work ing
+os ures
+ĠD at
+ĠLyn ch
+Ġle verage
+ĠRe id
+Ġcorrel ation
+ian ces
+av ascript
+Ġrep ository
+ret ty
+Ġ19 72
+24 0
+Ġo un
+p ol
+ĠRe ed
+Ġtact ical
+is ite
+App le
+ĠQu inn
+Ġrap ed
+ill o
+Euro pe
+Ġalgorith ms
+ĠRod rig
+i u
+Ġill um
+Ġf ame
+Ġintrodu cing
+Ġdel ays
+ĠRaid ers
+Ġwh istle
+Ġnovel s
+ĠRe ally
+Ġder iv
+Ġpublic ations
+ĠNe ither
+ĠCom merce
+Ġa ston
+l anguage
+Not es
+ĠR oth
+ĠF ear
+Ġm ate
+Ġpar ade
+Ġman eu
+ĠC incinnati
+m itting
+Ġwa ist
+ĠR ew
+Ġdisc ont
+Ð °
+Ġst aring
+Ġal ias
+Ġsec urities
+Ġtoile t
+ĠJ edi
+Ġun law
+v ised
+//// ////
+] (
+ĠWe iss
+Ġpre st
+ĠComp an
+Ġmem o
+ĠGr ace
+J uly
+ĠEl ite
+cent er
+ĠSt ay
+Ġgal axy
+Ġto oth
+ĠS ettings
+Ġsubject ed
+ãĤ ¦
+Ġline back
+Ġretail ers
+ĠW ant
+Ġd angers
+A ir
+Ġvolunt ary
+ew ay
+Ġinterpret ed
+ot ine
+Ã §
+Ġp el
+Serv ice
+ĠEvent ually
+Ġcare ers
+Ġthreat en
+Ġmem or
+ĠBrad ley
+anc ies
+s n
+ĠUn known
+N ational
+Ġsh adows
+ail and
+ĠD ash
+Every one
+izz ard
+M arch
+= (
+Ġpull s
+Ġstr anger
+Ġback wards
+ĠBern ard
+imens ional
+Ġch ron
+Ġtheoret ical
+k top
+Ġw are
+ĠInvest ig
+ĠIn iti
+ĠOper ations
+o ven
+oc ide
+* /
+Ġfl ames
+ĠC ash
+sh it
+Ġc ab
+ĠAn aly
+ĠSe ah
+Ġdefin ing
+Ġorder ing
+Ġimm un
+Ġpers istent
+Russ ian
+m ans
+Ġh ind
+Ġphot ography
+Â ©
+Ġh ug
+Ġ10 7
+ĠH ence
+i ots
+ude au
+Ġsubsid ies
+Ġroutine ly
+ĠDev ice
+it ic
+Ġdisg ust
+land er
+Ġ19 40
+Ġassign ment
+ĠB esides
+w ick
+ĠD ust
+us c
+struct ed
+11 1
+de velop
+Ġf ond
+Ġinter section
+Ġdign ity
+Ġcommission er
+With out
+re ach
+Ġcart oon
+Ġsc ales
+ãĥ Ń
+Ġsurve ys
+ĠIndones ia
+Ġart work
+Ġun ch
+Ġcy cling
+un ct
+au er
+or ate
+ĠOb viously
+Ġcharacter ized
+fe ld
+Ġaff irm
+Ġinn ings
+Ġ é
+Ġal iens
+Ġcl oth
+et ooth
+ĠC ertain
+Â §
+Ġdig est
+k now
+Ġpredict ions
+Ġd in
+Ġafter math
+Ex ample
+ĠSu ccess
+ĠTh r
+Ġmin er
+B us
+Ġcl arity
+heim er
+ĠS end
+ĠCirc le
+ĠD iet
+Ġpron ounced
+Ġcreat ors
+Ġearthqu ake
+atter y
+ge ons
+Ġo d
+Ġlay ing
+or p
+U lt
+pro ject
+Ġunder min
+Ġsequ el
+S am
+ĠDark ness
+Ġre ception
+b ull
+Y S
+ĠV ir
+Ġsequ ences
+ĠCo in
+Ġout fit
+ĠW ait
+1 19
+Ġdel ivers
+.... ..
+Ġbl own
+ĠE sc
+ĠM ath
+per m
+ĠU l
+Ġgl im
+Ġfac ial
+Ġgreen house
+Ġto kens
+/ -
+ĠAnn ual
+Ġteen age
+ĠPhys ical
+ĠL ang
+ĠC elt
+Ġsu ed
+ivid ually
+Ġpat ience
+ch air
+reg ular
+Ġa ug
+in v
+ex cept
+ĠL il
+Ġn est
+f d
+s um
+ĠCh ase
+Russ ia
+ĠJenn ifer
+Ġoff season
+Over all
+F ore
+Ġr iot
+A ud
+form er
+Ġdefend ers
+iot ic
+rib ly
+Ġautom ated
+Ġpen is
+Ġins ist
+Ġdi agram
+ĠG arc
+Ġw itch
+cl ient
+ier ra
+am bers
+Ġrec ount
+f ar
+V ery
+oster one
+Ġappreci ated
+ĠPer fect
+S ection
+Ġd oses
+oca ust
+Ġcost ly
+Ġg rams
+ĠSh i
+Ġwrest ling
+Ġ19 71
+Ġtro phy
+Ġn erve
+ĠK az
+ĠExper ience
+Ġpled ged
+Ġplay back
+Ġcreat ivity
+by e
+Ġattack ers
+Ġhold ers
+ĠCo ach
+ĠPh D
+Ġtransf ers
+Ġcol ored
+ĠH indu
+Ġd rown
+Ġlist ened
+ias m
+P O
+Ġappeal ing
+Ġdiscl osed
+ĠCh icken
+ag ging
+Ġple aded
+Ġnav igation
+ĠReturn s
+Ġ[ [
+E A
+Ġphotograp her
+ĠR ider
+ipp ers
+Ġsl ice
+Ġe rect
+Ġhe d
+iss ance
+ĠVik ings
+ur ious
+Ġapp et
+oubted ly
+Ch ild
+Ġauthent ic
+o os
+ĠM aking
+Ġannoun cing
+Ġb od
+Ġmet er
+ĠN ine
+ĠR ogue
+Ġwork force
+Ġrenew ed
+Ġorganis ations
+ac s
+Sh ort
+Ġcomp ounds
+ĠVis it
+Ġen velop
+ear th
+Ġsupport ive
+gg le
+ĠBrus sels
+ĠGu ild
+Cre ate
+Ġaver aged
+Ġ19 69
+ri ages
+Ġlength y
+Ġforg ot
+O kay
+ĠE rd
+Ġdeal er
+Ġrec ession
+D D
+Ġdesper ately
+Ġhun ger
+Ġst icks
+Ġm ph
+ĠF aith
+Ġintention ally
+Ġdem ol
+ue ller
+ĠS ale
+Ġde bris
+s pring
+Ġle ap
+>> >>
+Ġcontain ers
+se lling
+rane an
+atter ing
+Ġcomment ed
+on ut
+Ġwood s
+es pecially
+Ġorgan ize
+iv ic
+ĠWood s
+ang a
+s qu
+Ġm aj
+am on
+Ġax is
+Ġ19 74
+ĠDen mark
+Ġwar rior
+ĠP and
+Ġout lined
+ins ula
+z illa
+eb ook
+Ġd are
+Ġsear ched
+Ġnav igate
+S n
+writ ing
+Ġun ited
+J apan
+ĠHe brew
+Ġfl ame
+Ġrel ies
+Ġcatch ing
+ĠSh o
+Ġimprison ment
+Ġp ockets
+Ġclos ure
+ĠF am
+t im
+ade qu
+Act ivity
+Ġrecru iting
+ĠArgent ina
+d est
+Ġapolog ize
+or o
+Ġlack s
+Ġtun ed
+ĠGriff in
+Ġinf amous
+Ġcelebr ity
+ss on
+Ġ ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ĠIs is
+ĠDis play
+Ġcred ibility
+Ġeconom ies
+Ġhead line
+ĠCow boys
+Ġind ef
+Ġl ately
+Ġincent ives
+but ton
+ĠM ob
+A ut
+Ġres igned
+ĠO m
+c amp
+Ġprof iles
+Ġsche mes
+olph ins
+ay ed
+Cl inton
+en h
+ĠY ahoo
+Ġab st
+Ġan k
+su its
+Ġw ished
+ĠMar co
+udd en
+Ġsp here
+ĠB ishop
+Ġincorpor ated
+ĠPl ant
+11 4
+Ġh ated
+p ic
+Ġdon ate
+Ġl ined
+Ġbe ans
+Ġsteal ing
+Ġcost ume
+Ġsher iff
+Ġfor ty
+Ġint act
+Ġadapt ed
+Ġtrave lling
+b art
+Ġnice ly
+Ġdri ed
+Ġsc al
+os ity
+ĠB h
+ĠBron cos
+ĠI gn
+Ġint imate
+Ġchem istry
+Ġopt imal
+D eb
+ĠGener ation
+Ġ] ,
+ich i
+ĠW ii
+vent ions
+W rite
+Ġpop ul
+un ning
+ĠW or
+V ol
+Ġqu een
+head s
+K K
+Ġanaly ze
+op ic
+ear chers
+Ġd ot
+leg raph
+ast ically
+Ġupgr ades
+Ġca res
+Ġext ending
+Ġfree ze
+Ġin ability
+Ġorg ans
+Ġpret end
+Ġout let
+11 3
+ol an
+ĠM all
+ul ing
+t alk
+Ġexpress ing
+ĠAl ways
+ĠBe gin
+f iles
+Ġlic enses
+% %
+ĠM itt
+Ġfil ters
+ĠMil waukee
+G N
+Ġunf old
+M o
+Ġnut rition
+pp o
+B o
+Ġfound ing
+Ġunder mine
+Ġeas iest
+ĠC zech
+ĠM ack
+Ġsexual ity
+ĠN ixon
+W in
+ĠAr n
+ĠK in
+ãĤ £
+ic er
+Ġfort un
+Ġsurf aces
+agh d
+Ġcar riers
+ĠT ib
+Ġinter val
+Ġfrust rating
+ĠSh ip
+ĠAr med
+ff e
+Ġbo ats
+ĠAb raham
+in is
+Ġsu ited
+th read
+i ov
+ab ul
+ĠVenezuel a
+Ġto m
+su per
+Ġcast le
+alth ough
+iox ide
+ec hes
+Ġevolution ary
+Ġnegoti ate
+Ġconfront ed
+Rem ember
+Ġ17 0
+S uch
+Ġ9 11
+m ult
+ĠA byss
+ur ry
+ke es
+spe c
+ĠBarb ara
+Ġbelong ing
+Ġvill ain
+ist ani
+Ġaccount able
+Ġport ions
+ĠDe cl
+U r
+ĠK ate
+g re
+Ġmag azines
+Ġregul ate
+om on
+ĠAl most
+Ġover view
+Ġsc ram
+Ġl oot
+ĠF itz
+Ġcharacter istic
+ĠSn ake
+s ay
+ĠR ico
+Ġtra it
+ĠJo ined
+au cus
+Ġadapt ation
+ĠAirl ines
+Ġarch ae
+ĠI de
+Ġb ikes
+Ġliter ary
+Ġinflu ences
+ĠUs ed
+C reat
+Ġple a
+ĠDef ence
+ĠAss ass
+Ġp ond
+) "
+Ġeval uated
+Ġob taining
+Ġdem ographic
+Ġvig il
+ale y
+Ġsp ouse
+ĠSeah awks
+resp ons
+ĠB elt
+um atic
+Ġr ises
+run ner
+ĠMichel le
+Ġpot ent
+r ace
+F ind
+olester ol
+ĠIntrodu ced
+ress es
+ign ment
+O s
+ĠT u
+ĠDe x
+ic ides
+Ġspark ed
+ĠLaur a
+ĠBry ant
+Ġsm iling
+ĠNex us
+Ġdefend ants
+ĠCat al
+Ġdis hes
+sh aped
+Ġpro long
+m t
+( $
+ãĢ Ĥ
+Ġcalcul ations
+ĠS ame
+Ġp iv
+H H
+Ġcance lled
+Ġgr in
+Ġterrit ories
+ist ically
+C ome
+ĠP arent
+Pro ject
+Ġneg lig
+ĠPriv acy
+Ġam mo
+olute ly
+ĠEp ic
+Ġmis under
+w al
+Apr il
+m os
+path y
+ĠC arson
+Ġalbum s
+ĠE asy
+Ġpist ol
+< <
+Ġ\ (
+t arget
+hel p
+Ġinter pre
+cons cious
+ĠH ousing
+ĠJ oint
+12 7
+Ġbe ers
+s cience
+ĠFire fox
+effect ive
+ĠC abin
+ĠO kay
+ĠApp lic
+Ġspace craft
+ve t
+ĠStr ange
+S B
+Ġcor ps
+iber al
+e fficient
+Ġpreval ence
+Ġeconom ists
+11 8
+Th read
+ord able
+ĠC ant
+=- =-
+if iable
+ĠA round
+Ġpo le
+Ġwilling ness
+ĠK id
+Ġcomple ment
+Ġsc attered
+Ġin mates
+Ġble eding
+e very
+Ġque ue
+ĠTr ain
+Ġh ij
+Ġme lee
+ple ted
+Ġdig it
+Ġg em
+offic ial
+Ġlif ting
+Ð µ
+Re qu
+it utes
+Ġpack aging
+ĠWork ers
+h ran
+ĠLeban on
+ol esc
+Ġpun ished
+ĠJ uan
+Ġj am
+ĠD ocument
+Ġm apping
+ic ates
+Ġinev itably
+Ġvan illa
+ĠT on
+Ġwat ches
+Ġle agues
+Ġiniti ated
+deg ree
+port ion
+Ġrec alls
+Ġru in
+Ġm elt
+Ġhe m
+Ex p
+Ġb aking
+ĠCol omb
+at ible
+Ġrad ius
+pl ug
+et ically
+Ġf ict
+ĠT ap
+atin um
+Ġin k
+Ġco h
+ĠW izard
+b oth
+te x
+Ġsp ends
+ĠCurrent ly
+ĠP it
+Ġneur ons
+ig nt
+Ġr all
+Ġbus es
+b uilding
+Ġadjust ments
+Ġc ried
+ibl ical
+att ed
+ĠZ ion
+ĠM atter
+Ġmed itation
+ĠD ennis
+Ġour s
+ĠT ab
+Ġrank ings
+ort al
+Ġad vers
+Ġsur render
+ĠG ob
+ci um
+om as
+im eter
+Ġmulti player
+Ġhero in
+Ġoptim istic
+Ġindic ator
+ĠBr ig
+Ġgro cery
+Ġapplic ant
+ĠRock et
+v id
+Ex ception
+p ent
+Ġorgan izing
+Ġenc ounters
+Ġjew el
+S ave
+ĠChrist ie
+Ġhe ating
+Ġl azy
+Ġcous in
+Con fig
+Ġreg ener
+Ġne arest
+Ġachie ving
+th row
+ĠRich mond
+ant le
+200 2
+Ġan ten
+b ird
+13 3
+Ġn arc
+r aint
+un ny
+ĠHispan ic
+ourn aments
+Ġprop he
+ĠTh ailand
+ĠT i
+Ġinject ion
+Ġinher it
+rav is
+Ġmed i
+Ġwho ever
+G P
+ĠH ud
+C ard
+p rom
+Ġp or
+Ġover head
+L aw
+Ġviol ate
+Ġhe ated
+Ġdescript ions
+Ġachieve ments
+ĠBe er
+ĠQu ant
+W as
+Ġe ighth
+ĠI v
+Ġspecial ized
+ĠD elta
+P op
+J ul
+ĠAs k
+oph y
+Ġnews letters
+ĠT ool
+Ġg ard
+ĠConf eder
+ĠAb bott
+Ġimm unity
+Is lam
+Ġimpl icit
+w d
+Ġ19 44
+rav ity
+omet ric
+Ġsurv iving
+ur ai
+ĠPr ison
+Ġr ust
+ĠSk etch
+Ġbe es
+ĠThe ory
+Ġmer it
+T ex
+ch at
+Ġm im
+Ġpast e
+ĠK och
+Ġignor ance
+ĠSh oot
+Ġbas ement
+Un ited
+ĠAd vis
+he ight
+Ġf oster
+Ġdet ain
+in formation
+Ġne ural
+' ;
+Ġprov es
+all ery
+Ġinv itation
+um bers
+Ġc attle
+Ġbicy cle
+z i
+Ġconsult ant
+Ġap ology
+ĠT iger
+Ġ12 3
+99 9
+Ġind ividually
+r t
+ig ion
+ĠBrazil ian
+Ġdist urb
+Ġentreprene urs
+Ġfore sts
+cer pt
+pl ates
+p her
+clip se
+Ġtw itter
+Ġac ids
+ograph ical
+h um
+ĠB ald
+if ully
+Ġcomp iler
+Ġdon or
+as i
+Ġtrib al
+l ash
+ĠCon fig
+Ġapplic ants
+Ġsal aries
+13 5
+Put in
+ĠF ocus
+ir s
+Ġmisc onduct
+ĠH az
+Ġeat en
+M obile
+Mus lim
+ĠMar cus
+v iol
+Ġfavor able
+Ġst ub
+ad in
+ĠH ob
+Ġfaith ful
+Ġelectron ics
+Ġvac uum
+w ait
+back ed
+econom ic
+d ist
+Ġten ure
+Ġsince re
+ĠT ogether
+ĠW ave
+Ġprog ression
+Ġden ying
+Ġdist ress
+br aska
+th ird
+Ġmix ing
+Ġcolon ial
+Ġpriv ately
+Ġun rest
+atern ity
+Ġprem ises
+ant i
+greg ation
+Ġlic ence
+ĠH ind
+ĠSam uel
+Ġconvinc ing
+ĠA ce
+ĠR ust
+ĠNet anyahu
+Ġhand les
+ĠP atch
+orient ed
+ah o
+ĠG onz
+Ġhack ers
+claim er
+Ġcustom s
+ĠGr an
+f ighters
+Ġl uc
+Ġman uscript
+aren thood
+Ġdev il
+Ġwar riors
+Ġoff enders
+Will iam
+Ġhol idays
+Ġnight mare
+Ġle ver
+iff erent
+St at
+Ġexhib ition
+put ed
+ĠP ure
+Ġal pha
+Ġenthus iasm
+ĠRepresent atives
+ĠT yp
+Ġwhe at
+ĠAl f
+Ġcor rection
+Ġev angel
+M iss
+Ġs oup
+Ġimpl ied
+par am
+Ġsex y
+ĠL ux
+Ġrep ublic
+p atch
+ab lish
+Ġic ons
+Ġfather s
+ĠCar ib
+Ġregul ated
+ĠCo hen
+ĠBob by
+Ġn er
+Ġb ent
+vent ory
+ĠAl ong
+ĠWall ace
+Ġmurd ers
+r ise
+ke ll
+ĠCommon wealth
+Ġn asty
+et a
+Ġadminist ered
+Ġgenuine ly
+Ed itor
+n ick
+Ġhyd ro
+**************** ****************
+ĠB le
+Ġfin es
+Ġg orge
+aus ible
+r h
+Ġapp le
+ment ioned
+Ġro pe
+ot yp
+H R
+Ġdisappoint ing
+Ġc age
+n ik
+Ġdoub ts
+print s
+Ġvend ors
+ĠIn qu
+Ġliber als
+Ġcontract or
+Ġup side
+child ren
+Ġtrick y
+Ġregul ators
+charg ed
+l iter
+Ġ ***
+Ġreb ell
+l ang
+Ġloc als
+Ġphys icians
+Ġhe y
+ar se
+t m
+ĠLe x
+Ġbehavior al
+success ful
+F X
+Ġbr ick
+ov ic
+Ġcon form
+Ġreview ing
+Ġins ights
+Ġbi ology
+ĠRem ove
+ĠExt ra
+Ġcomm itting
+indu ced
+ignt y
+ig m
+Ġat omic
+Comm on
+ĠP ere
+ĠIt ems
+e h
+Ġpres erved
+ĠH ood
+Ġprison er
+Ġbankrupt cy
+Ġg ren
+us hes
+Ġexplo itation
+Ġsign atures
+Ġfin an
+] ,"
+Ġme g
+rem lin
+Ġmusic ians
+Ġselect ing
+Ġexam ining
+l ated
+H i
+Ġart ic
+Ġp ets
+Ġimp air
+Ġtable ts
+in clude
+R ange
+Ġca ut
+Ġlog s
+Ġmount ing
+Ġun aware
+Ġdynam ics
+ĠPalest ine
+ĠQu arter
+ĠPur ple
+Ġm a
+ĠIm port
+Ġcollect ions
+ci ation
+Ġsuccess or
+Ġcl one
+Ġaim ing
+Ġposs essed
+Ġstick ing
+Ġsh aking
+Ġloc ate
+ĠH ockey
+T urn
+17 0
+Ġfif teen
+ĠHar rison
+Ġcontinu ously
+ĠVal ent
+ĠRes cue
+Ġby pass
+am ount
+Ġm ast
+Ġprotect s
+Ġart istic
+Ġsomet ime
+Ġsh oe
+Ġshout ed
+ific ant
+et itive
+ĠReg ister
+ĠJ in
+Ġconcent rated
+ling ton
+on ies
+Ġgener ator
+yr im
+ĠAr men
+Ġclear ing
+id o
+al ph
+Ġlad ies
+H ard
+Ġdial og
+Ġinput s
+æ ľ
+Ġpos es
+Ġsl ots
+ĠPrem ium
+Ġle aks
+Ġboss es
+Ġ11 3
+c ourse
+A cc
+ĠNew ton
+ĠAust ria
+ĠM age
+Ġte aches
+ab ad
+Ġwe ars
+Ġc yl
+Ġcur se
+ĠS ales
+ĠW ings
+Ġp sy
+Ġg aps
+ĠIce land
+ĠP interest
+Ġland lord
+Ġdefin itions
+ĠK er
+Ġsufficient ly
+ĠP ence
+ĠArch itect
+Ġsur pass
+Ġ11 4
+Ġsuper hero
+ĠDise ase
+Ġpri ests
+ĠC ulture
+Ġdefin itive
+Ġsecret ly
+ĠD ance
+inst all
+ch ief
+ĠJess ica
+W ould
+Up dated
+Ġlock er
+ĠK ay
+Ġmem orial
+è ¦
+f at
+Ġdis gu
+Ġflav ors
+ĠBase ball
+ĠRes istance
+Ġk icks
+Ġen v
+Ġteen agers
+D ark
+Ġh alt
+ĠGab riel
+Ġfe ver
+Ġs atur
+Ġm all
+Ġaffili ate
+ĠS leep
+ĠSpe cific
+ĠV el
+Ġj ar
+ĠSac red
+ĠEd wards
+Ġret ained
+ĠG iant
+Ġlim itation
+in ces
+Ġref usal
+ĠT ale
+ĠBut ler
+Ġacc idents
+Ġimport ed
+ĠCop y
+Î ±
+z el
+Ġdiv isions
+h ots
+ĠAl b
+Load er
+W ashington
+at isf
+ĠCreat ive
+\ .
+ĠAut om
+red ict
+Ġrecept or
+ĠCarl os
+Met hod
+ok a
+Ġmal icious
+Ġste pping
+, [
+ĠD ad
+Ġatt raction
+ĠEffect s
+ĠPir ate
+ĠC er
+ĠIndust ry
+ĠR ud
+Ġchar ter
+Ġd ining
+Ġins ists
+Ġconfig ure
+Ġ( #
+ĠSim ple
+ĠSc roll
+17 5
+ĠK on
+Ġmarket place
+Ġ ãĤ
+Ġref res
+Ġg ates
+er red
+ĠP od
+Ġbeh ave
+Fr ank
+n ode
+Ġendors ed
+he tt
+as ive
+ĠHom eland
+Ġr ides
+ĠLe ave
+er ness
+Ġflood ing
+Ġris en
+Ġcontin ually
+Ġun anim
+ĠCont ract
+ĠP as
+Ġgu ided
+ĠCh ile
+b d
+Ġsu cc
+pt ic
+Ġcomm ittees
+ĠL uther
+ĠAny one
+Ġs ab
+12 4
+Ġp ixel
+ĠB ak
+ĠT ag
+ĠBenn ett
+En ter
+sm all
+ĠPresident ial
+Ġp ul
+Ġcontr ace
+arch ive
+Ġcoast al
+ĠK ids
+19 2
+âĢ ²
+ick y
+Ġw olf
+ĠSt alin
+T ur
+id get
+am as
+ĠUn less
+Ġspons or
+Ġmor ph
+ĠCho ose
+Ġrun ner
+Ġun bel
+Ġm ud
+ĠMan a
+Ġdub bed
+Ġg odd
+ure rs
+wind ow
+Ġrel ied
+Ġcelebr ating
+os c
+Ġ13 5
+Ġlobb ying
+Ġincom plete
+Ġrestrict ion
+Ġinc ap
+it us
+Ġexpect ation
+ĠAp ollo
+Ġint ens
+Ġsyn c
+G H
+Ġmanip ulation
+B Y
+Ġspe ar
+Ġbre asts
+Ġvol can
+il ia
+M aterial
+Ġform ats
+ĠB ast
+Ġparliament ary
+Ġsn ake
+Ġserv ants
+ĠTr udeau
+ĠGr im
+ĠArab ic
+ĠBoy s
+st ation
+Ġprospect ive
+ord e
+in itialized
+Ġb ored
+Ġaccess ed
+Ġtax i
+ĠShe ll
+aid en
+urs ed
+in ates
+ĠIns urance
+ĠPet e
+Sept ember
+6 50
+Ġad ventures
+ĠCo ver
+Ġt ribute
+Ġsk etch
+Ġem power
+Ġ Ø
+ĠGl enn
+ĠD aw
+= \"
+ĠPolit ics
+Ġgu ides
+Ġd ioxide
+ĠG ore
+ĠBr ight
+ĠS ierra
+Ġval ued
+c ond
+Ġpo inter
+Se lect
+Ġrisk y
+Ġabsor b
+im ages
+Ġref uses
+Ġbon uses
+__ _
+Ġh ilar
+ĠF eatures
+2 20
+ĠCollect or
+F oot
+Ġ19 64
+cul us
+Ġd awn
+Ġwork out
+Ġphilosoph ical
+ĠSand y
+ĠYou th
+Ġl iable
+A f
+bl ue
+Ġovert urn
+less ness
+ĠTrib une
+ĠIn g
+Ġfact ories
+Ġcat ches
+Ġpr one
+Ġmat rix
+Ġlog in
+Ġin acc
+Ġex ert
+s ys
+Ġneed le
+ĠQ ur
+Ġnot ified
+ould er
+t x
+Ġremind s
+Ġpublisher s
+Ġn ort
+Ġg it
+Ġfl ies
+ĠEm ily
+Ġflow ing
+ĠAl ien
+ĠStr ateg
+Ġhard est
+Ġmod ification
+Ġcr ashes
+st airs
+n umber
+Ġur ging
+ch annel
+ĠFal con
+Ġinhabit ants
+Ġterr ifying
+Ġutil ize
+Ġban ner
+Ġcig arettes
+Ġsens es
+ĠHol mes
+Ġpract ition
+ĠPhill ips
+ott o
+Ġcomp ile
+Mod el
+ĠK o
+Ġ[ ]
+Americ ans
+ĠTer ms
+Ġmed ications
+ĠAn a
+Ġfundament ally
+ĠNot ice
+Ġwe aker
+Ġ 0000
+Ġgar lic
+Ġout break
+Ġeconom ist
+ĠB irth
+Ġobst acles
+ar cer
+ĠOr thodox
+Ġplace bo
+ĠC rew
+asp berry
+ĠAng els
+Ġdis charge
+Ġdestruct ive
+11 7
+ĠR ising
+Ġd airy
+l ate
+Ġcoll ision
+ĠTig ers
+ean or
+ocument ed
+ĠIn valid
+Ġd ont
+ĠL iter
+ĠV a
+Ġhyd rogen
+Ġvari ants
+ĠBrown s
+Ġ19 65
+Ġind igenous
+Ġtrad es
+Ġremain der
+Ġswe pt
+ĠImp act
+Ġred ist
+Ġun int
+grad uate
+ãĥ ķ
+ãģ® ç
+ĠCrit ical
+Ġf isher
+Ġv icious
+Ġrevers ed
+Y ear
+ĠS ox
+Ġshoot ings
+Ġfil ming
+Ġtouchdown s
+ai res
+m el
+Ġgrand father
+Ġaffect ion
+ing le
+Ġover ly
+Add itional
+Ġsup reme
+ĠGr ad
+Ġsport ing
+Ġmer cy
+ĠBrook s
+ount y
+Ġperform s
+Ġtight ly
+Ġdem ons
+Ġkill ings
+Ġfact ion
+ĠNov a
+aut s
+Ġund oubtedly
+ar in
+Ġunder way
+ra k
+Ġl iv
+ĠReg ion
+Ġbrief ing
+s ers
+cl oud
+ĠM ik
+us p
+Ġpred iction
+az or
+Ġport able
+ĠG and
+Ġpresent ing
+Ġ10 80
+Â »
+ush i
+ĠSp ark
+there um
+Ġjust ification
+ĠN y
+Ġcontract ors
+ming ham
+ĠSt yle
+å ħ
+ĠChron icles
+ĠPict ure
+Ġprov ing
+Ġw ives
+set t
+Ġmole cules
+ĠFair y
+Ġconsist ing
+Ġp ier
+al one
+in ition
+Ġn ucle
+j son
+Ġg otta
+Ġmob il
+Ġver bal
+ar ium
+Ġmon ument
+uck ed
+Ġ25 6
+T ech
+mine craft
+ĠTr ack
+Ġt ile
+Ġcompat ibility
+as is
+Ġs add
+Ġinstruct ed
+ĠM ueller
+Ġle thal
+Ġhorm one
+Ġor che
+el se
+Ġske let
+Ġentert aining
+Ġminim ize
+ag ain
+Ġunder go
+Ġconst raints
+Ġcig arette
+ĠIslam ist
+Ġtravel s
+ĠPant hers
+l ings
+C are
+Ġlaw suits
+ur as
+Ġcry st
+Ġlow ered
+Ġaer ial
+Ġcomb inations
+Ġha un
+Ġch a
+Ġv ine
+Ġquant ities
+Ġlink ing
+b ank
+Ġso y
+B ill
+ĠAngel a
+Ġrecip ient
+ĠProt est
+Ġs ocket
+Ġsolid arity
+Ġâ Ĩ
+m ill
+Ġvar ies
+ĠPak istani
+Dr agon
+Ġun e
+Ġhor izon
+³³³³ ³³³³
+Ġprov inces
+Ġfrank ly
+Ġenact ed
+not es
+[ '
+Ġ19 2
+ocr acy
+Ġendorse ment
+Ġover time
+Tr ue
+L ab
+lic ted
+Ġbe ats
+ĠJam ie
+15 2
+Cont act
+Ġaccount ed
+h ash
+ĠPack ers
+p ires
+Ġles bian
+Ġamend ments
+Ġhop eful
+ĠFin land
+Ġspot light
+Ġconfig ured
+Ġtrou bled
+Ġg aze
+ĠCal gary
+Ġrel iability
+Ġins urg
+sw er
+b uy
+ĠSk in
+Ġp ixels
+Ġhand gun
+Ġpar as
+Ġcateg or
+ĠRe x
+Ind eed
+Ġkind a
+Ġconj unction
+ĠBry an
+ĠMan ufact
+y ang
+Pl us
+ish ment
+Ġdom inate
+Ġn ail
+Ġo ath
+Ġeru pt
+ĠF ine
+it bart
+ĠCh ip
+ĠAb d
+ĠN am
+Ġbuy er
+Ġdiss ent
+Le aks
+Cont in
+Ġr ider
+ĠSome one
+Ġill usion
+c in
+ĠBoe ing
+Ġin adequ
+ov ation
+i ants
+Ġreb uild
+4 50
+ĠDest iny
+S W
+ĠT ill
+H it
+ia z
+ĠBang l
+acher s
+ĠRe form
+Ġse gments
+Ġsystem atic
+d c
+ĠConserv atives
+Ġport al
+h or
+ĠDragon bound
+Ġdrag ged
+om o
+Ġthe e
+ad vert
+ĠRep orts
+ĠE t
+Ġbarrel s
+Aug ust
+Ġcompar isons
+Ġhe x
+Ġan throp
+" [
+bor ough
+ab i
+Ġpict ured
+play ing
+ĠAdd ress
+ĠMir ror
+Sm ith
+Ġt ires
+Ġclass ification
+ĠTh an
+ĠH arm
+Ġreject ion
+min ation
+Ġr anged
+ĠF alls
+D I
+H ost
+ãĤ ´
+ĠEx ample
+list ed
+th irds
+Ġsaf egu
+br and
+Ġprob able
+Can ada
+ĠQ aeda
+Ġch ick
+Ġimport s
+h it
+l oc
+W W
+Ġble w
+Ġany time
+Ġwh oles
+ik ed
+Ġcal culation
+cre ate
+ĠO ri
+Ġupgr aded
+Ġapp ar
+ut ory
+ĠM ol
+B rit
+ĠJ ong
+ĠStart ing
+Ġd ice
+urt le
+Ġre lying
+cl osure
+Ġprof itable
+Ġsl aughter
+ĠMan ual
+c aster
+Ġ" $
+Ġfe ather
+ĠSim ply
+ie ves
+Ġdeter ior
+Ġst amp
+Ġfl aws
+Ġsh ade
+ham mer
+Ġpass port
+Ġcont ing
+am el
+Ġobser vers
+Ġneg lect
+ĠBrother hood
+Ġskept ical
+f amily
+us k
+Ġemotion ally
+â Ļ
+ĠBet a
+ason able
+id ity
+ĠM ul
+Ġkick ing
+ĠC arm
+oll ah
+ĠAt hen
+Ġlad der
+ĠBul let
+å £
+00 01
+ĠWild life
+ĠM ask
+ĠN an
+R ev
+Ġun acceptable
+leg al
+Ġcrowd ed
+ag i
+ĠC ox
+j e
+Ġmor ality
+Ġfu els
+Ġc ables
+Ġman kind
+ĠCarib bean
+Ġanch or
+Ġby te
+ĠO ften
+ĠO z
+Ġcraft ed
+Ġhistor ian
+ĠW u
+Ġtow ers
+ĠCitiz ens
+Ġhel m
+Ġcred entials
+Ġsing ular
+ĠJes se
+Ġtack les
+Ġcont empt
+Ġa fore
+ĠSh adows
+Ġn il
+Ġur gent
+app le
+bl ood
+Ġv on
+Ġoff line
+Ġbreat he
+Ġj umps
+Ġirre levant
+ox ic
+om al
+import ant
+J im
+Ġgl oves
+arm ing
+dep th
+Ġtal ents
+ook ie
+Ġpal m
+uff s
+est a
+Ġcan on
+ĠVer izon
+ĠP le
+Ġcou pled
+vel t
+Ġfundra ising
+ĠGet ting
+Ġmathemat ical
+ĠCard inals
+te lling
+Ġspons ors
+Ġ Ï
+ĠBull s
+op tion
+Ġprop ose
+Ġmem orable
+Ġembr aced
+Ġdecl ining
+He alth
+ed a
+Ġ} ;
+Ġsp am
+m ile
+Ġpit cher
+ĠE ight
+Ġcar ing
+ut ic
+ro le
+Ġair line
+ernand ez
+ĠAth let
+Ġcert ification
+ux e
+rig er
+Ġem pir
+Ġsens ation
+Ġdis m
+Ġb olt
+Ġev olve
+H ouse
+Ġconsult ation
+ĠD uty
+Ġtou ches
+ĠN athan
+Ġf aint
+h ad
+" (
+ĠCons umer
+ĠExt reme
+Ġ12 7
+ĠHer m
+ĠSac rament
+iz oph
+Ġanx ious
+ul ously
+Ġsoc ially
+Ġsol ving
+ĠLet ter
+Hist ory
+ed uc
+Pr ice
+) );
+Ġrel oad
+am ic
+Ġp ork
+Ġdisc ourse
+Ġt ournaments
+ai ro
+ĠK ur
+ĠCost a
+Ġviol ating
+Ġinterf ere
+Ġrecre ational
+uff le
+Ġspe eches
+Ġneed ing
+Ġremem bers
+Ġcred ited
+n ia
+f ocused
+amer a
+Ġb ru
+um bs
+ĠCub an
+Ġpreced ing
+Ġnons ense
+ac ial
+Ġsmart phones
+ĠSt ories
+S ports
+ĠEmer gency
+oun cing
+ef ined
+Ġb er
+Ġconsult ing
+Ġm asters
+he astern
+." [
+ĠRun ning
+Ġsus cept
+ĠF eng
+Americ a
+pr ises
+st itial
+ĠWeek ly
+ĠGreat er
+mod ules
+if ter
+G raphics
+ul er
+Ġwho lly
+Ġsupp ress
+Ġconce aled
+Ġhapp ily
+Ġaccept s
+ĠEn joy
+Ġr ivers
+ĠEx cept
+2 25
+ĠMc Connell
+Ġp ussy
+fer red
+ut able
+Ġatt ain
+Ġ> =
+Ġdepos its
+roph ic
+Ġnot orious
+ĠSh aw
+il itation
+Ġepid emic
+all ic
+Ġsmall est
+ov ich
+Ġaccess ories
+per ties
+Ġsur plus
+ĠMe ch
+Ġamb ig
+ĠImm igration
+Ġch im
+ev al
+Ġpract icing
+ĠMyster y
+Ġdom ains
+ĠSil icon
+app s
+Ġkilomet ers
+e a
+ĠSm ash
+Ġwarrant y
+Ġn ost
+s il
+re v
+J on
+ĠDub lin
+Ġtast es
+Ġb out
+g reat
+er ror
+Ġsw itches
+ĠB apt
+D O
+ok i
+Ġsour ced
+pro du
+Ġattach ment
+ĠIss ue
+ĠQuest ion
+Jo in
+Ġf itted
+Ġunlaw ful
+^ ^
+ere k
+Ġauthent ication
+Ġst ole
+Ġaccount ability
+l abel
+S earch
+Ġal beit
+atic an
+fund ed
+ĠAdd ing
+Ġsub mar
+l it
+a que
+ĠLear ning
+Ġint eger
+M aster
+ĠCh rom
+Ġprem ier
+O p
+ĠLi u
+Ġbl essed
+ĠGl obe
+ĠResp onse
+Ġlegit im
+ĠMer kel
+Ġdispos al
+Â ´
+Ġgau ge
+pe at
+Ġindu ced
+Ġquestion able
+arth y
+ĠV it
+ĠF eed
+U ntil
+U t
+worth y
+R Y
+ĠH erald
+ĠHam mer
+Ġmed al
+ĠR ivers
+ĠH ack
+Ġclar ify
+Ġtrack ed
+Ġautonom ous
+Ġten ant
+ĠQ atar
+er ie
+Ġgr im
+ĠMon itor
+Ġresist ant
+ĠSpe c
+ĠWell s
+14 8
+Ġmin ers
+iot ics
+Ġmiss es
+11 6
+g ian
+g it
+ĠE yes
+p res
+Ġgrad uated
+Ġang el
+Ġsyn chron
+Ġefficient ly
+Ġtrans mitted
+H arry
+Ġglob ally
+ĠMont ana
+r aged
+ĠPre vention
+Ġp iss
+ĠL l
+Ġshe lf
+ĠTest ament
+ĠL ate
+ik er
+ĠH app
+ĠJul ian
+h all
+Ġsp ont
+Ġshut down
+Ġincons istent
+Ġsubscrib ers
+Ġske leton
+ĠNe braska
+Ġins pire
+ĠV oid
+F eed
+Ġang les
+ĠSpr ings
+Ġbench mark
+Ġvacc ines
+izoph ren
+se xual
+uff ed
+Ġsh ine
+ĠK ath
+Ġgest ure
+ine a
+Ġr ip
+Ġopp ression
+Ġcons cience
+b t
+ĠL um
+Ġinc idence
+ĠF a
+w r
+Ġmin eral
+ĠSp urs
+alk y
+Ġth under
+Ġop io
+Be ing
+ĠPal m
+Ġwas ted
+Ġl b
+i aries
+ĠIniti ative
+Ġcur ric
+Ġmark er
+ĠMc L
+Ġext ensions
+ĠP v
+ĠAr ms
+Ġoffer ings
+Ġdef enses
+Ġvend or
+Ġcontrad ict
+ĠCol in
+Ġredd it
+Ġper ipher
+12 2
+Ġs ins
+E dit
+So ft
+ĠSh ah
+Ġadministr ator
+ĠT rip
+Ġporn ography
+Ġtu ition
+in ence
+ĠPro gress
+Ġcat alog
+Ġsu ite
+Ġh ike
+Ġreprodu ctive
+eng ine
+Ġd rought
+ĠNo ah
+Ġ2 30
+Ġd ude
+Ġrelax ed
+Ġpart ition
+Ġparticip ant
+Ġtel esc
+Ġfe as
+own er
+Ġswe eping
+Ġl enses
+Ġmatch up
+ĠRe pl
+ourn als
+Ġcred ible
+Ġgrand mother
+Ġther mal
+Ġsubscrib ing
+Ġident ities
+col m
+Ġreluct ant
+us ers
+ĠC ort
+Ġassist ed
+Ġpharm aceutical
+ic able
+ad ian
+ĠSon ic
+ĠF ury
+ĠM ong
+A H
+ĠPsych ology
+Ġph osph
+Ġtreat s
+Ń Ķ
+Ġstead ily
+ĠHell o
+Ġrel ates
+Ġcl ue
+Ex pl
+a uth
+Ġrev ision
+Ġe ld
+os ion
+Ġbr on
+14 4
+ri kes
+Ġmin es
+Ġblank et
+ĠF ail
+el ed
+ĠIm agine
+ĠPl anned
+a ic
+Re quest
+M ad
+ĠHor se
+ĠEag le
+Ġcap ac
+15 7
+Ġl ing
+ĠN ice
+ĠP arenthood
+min ster
+og s
+ens itive
+Not hing
+Ġcar n
+F in
+Ġr ifles
+S and
+Ġgui Active
+Ġtour ist
+Ġunve iled
+Ġpredec essor
+} {
+u ber
+Ġoff shore
+Ġopt ical
+ĠR ot
+ĠPear l
+et on
+Ġst ared
+Ġfart her
+at ility
+cont in
+ĠG y
+ĠF oster
+ĠC oc
+ri ents
+Ġdesign ing
+ĠEconom y
+W omen
+ĠN ancy
+er ver
+Ġmas cul
+Ġcasual ties
+Ġ2 25
+ĠS ullivan
+ĠCh oice
+Ġa ster
+w s
+Ġhot els
+Ġconsider ations
+Ġcou ch
+ĠSt rip
+ĠG n
+Ġmanip ulate
+l ied
+Ġsynt hetic
+Ġassault ed
+Ġoff enses
+ĠDra ke
+Ġim pe
+Oct ober
+ĠHer itage
+h l
+ĠBl air
+Un like
+Ġg rief
+Ġ4 50
+Ġopt ed
+Ġresign ation
+il o
+Ġver se
+ĠT omb
+Ġu pt
+Ġa ired
+ĠH ook
+Ġassum es
+out ed
+ĠV ers
+Ġinfer ior
+Ġbund le
+ograp her
+Ġmult ip
+ĠSoul s
+Ġillust rated
+Ġtact ic
+Ġdress ing
+Ġdu o
+Con f
+Ġrel ent
+Ġc ant
+Ġscar ce
+Ġcand y
+Ġaffili ated
+Ġspr int
+yl an
+ĠGarc ia
+Ġj unk
+Pr int
+ex ec
+C rit
+Ġport rait
+ir ies
+Ġdisp utes
+W R
+L ove
+ãģ Ħ
+ĠRe yn
+Ġh ipp
+op ath
+Ġflo ors
+ĠFe el
+Ġwor ries
+Ġsett lements
+ĠP os
+Ġmos que
+Ġfin als
+Ġcr ushed
+ĠPro bably
+ĠB ot
+ĠM ans
+ĠPer iod
+Ġsovere ignty
+Ġsell er
+Ġap ost
+Ġam ateur
+Ġd orm
+Ġconsum ing
+Ġarm our
+ĠRo ose
+Ġint ensive
+Ġelim inating
+ĠSun ni
+ĠAle ppo
+j in
+Ġadv ise
+p al
+ĠH alo
+Ġdes cent
+Ġsimpl er
+Ġbo oth
+L ater
+ĠC ave
+== =
+Ġm ol
+Ġf ist
+Ġshot gun
+su pp
+Ġrob bery
+E ffect
+Ġobsc ure
+ĠProf essional
+Ġemb assy
+Ġmilit ant
+Ġinc arcer
+Ġgener ates
+Ġlaun ches
+Ġadministr ators
+Ġsh aft
+Ġcirc ular
+Ġfresh man
+ĠW es
+ĠJo el
+ĠD rew
+ĠDun can
+ĠApp arently
+s ight
+ĠIntern al
+ĠInd ividual
+Ġb ore
+ĠM t
+Ġbroad ly
+ĠO ptions
+ount ain
+ip es
+ĠV ideos
+20 4
+Ġh ills
+Ġsim ulation
+Ġdisappoint ment
+it an
+ĠLabor atory
+Ġup ward
+Ġbound ary
+Ġdark er
+h art
+Ġdomin ance
+C ong
+ĠOr acle
+ĠL ords
+Ġscholars hip
+ĠVin cent
+ed e
+ĠR ah
+Ġencour ages
+ro v
+Ġqu o
+Ġprem ise
+ĠCris is
+ĠHol ocaust
+Ġrhyth m
+Ġmet ric
+cl ub
+Ġtransport ed
+Ġn od
+ĠP ist
+Ġancest ors
+ĠFred er
+th umbnails
+Ph il
+ven ge
+ĠProduct s
+cast le
+Ġqual ifying
+ĠK aren
+Ġmight y
+Ġexplan ations
+Ġfix ing
+D i
+Ġdecl aring
+Ġanonym ity
+Ġju ven
+ĠN ord
+ĠDo om
+ĠAct ually
+O k
+ph is
+ĠDes ert
+Ġ11 6
+I K
+Ġinc omes
+ok ers
+Ġpe cul
+Ġlight weight
+g ue
+Ġacc ent
+Ġincre ment
+ĠCh an
+Ġcompl aining
+ĠB aghd
+Ġmidfield er
+Ġover haul
+Pro cess
+ĠH ollow
+ĠTit ans
+Sm all
+man uel
+ĠUn ity
+ĠEv ents
+S ty
+Ġdispro portion
+n esty
+en es
+ĠC od
+Ġdemonstr ations
+ĠCrim son
+Ġen rolled
+Ġc el
+ĠBre tt
+Ġa ide
+Ġhe els
+Ġbroad band
+Ġmark ing
+Ġw izard
+ĠChief s
+Ġingred ient
+Ġd ug
+ĠSh ut
+urch ase
+end or
+Ġfar mer
+ĠGold man
+12 9
+15 5
+Or der
+Ġl ion
+i ably
+Ġst ain
+ar ray
+ilit ary
+Ġexpl oded
+ĠMcC arthy
+ĠT weet
+ĠG reens
+ek ing
+l n
+ens en
+Ġmotor cycle
+Ġpartic le
+Ġch olesterol
+B ron
+Ġst air
+Ġox id
+Ġdes irable
+ib les
+Ġthe or
+for cing
+Ġpromot ional
+ov o
+b oot
+ĠBon us
+raw ling
+Ġshort age
+ĠP sy
+Ġrecru ited
+Ġinf ants
+Ġtest osterone
+Ġded uct
+Ġdistinct ive
+Ġfirm ware
+bu ilt
+14 5
+Ġexpl ored
+Ġfact ions
+Ġv ide
+Ġtatt oo
+Ġfinan cially
+Ġfat igue
+Ġproceed ing
+const itutional
+Ġmis er
+Ġch airs
+gg ing
+ipp le
+Ġd ent
+Ġdis reg
+ç Ķ
+st ant
+ll o
+b ps
+aken ing
+Ġab normal
+å£ «
+Ġcon cess
+Ġserv ant
+Ġas pir
+l av
+ĠPan el
+am o
+Ġprec ip
+Ġrecord ings
+Ġproceed ed
+Ġcol ony
+ĠT ang
+ab lo
+Ġstri pped
+Le ft
+to o
+Ġpot atoes
+Ġfin est
+% ).
+Ġc rap
+ĠZ ach
+ab ases
+ĠG oth
+Ġbillion aire
+w olf
+Ġsan ction
+S K
+Ġlog ged
+P o
+ey ed
+un al
+Ġcr icket
+Ġarm ies
+Ġunc overed
+Cl oud
+ó n
+Ġreb ounds
+Ġm es
+O per
+P ac
+Ġnation ally
+Ġinsert ed
+p ict
+Ġgovern ance
+Ð ¸
+Ġprivile ges
+Ġfavor ites
+im ity
+Ġlo ver
+the m
+em pl
+Ġgorge ous
+An n
+Ġsl ipped
+Ġve to
+B ob
+Ġsl im
+u cc
+ĠF ame
+udden ly
+Ġden ies
+ĠM aur
+Ġdist ances
+Ġw anna
+t ar
+Ġâ Ī
+Ġle mon
+at hetic
+Ġlit eral
+Ġdistingu ished
+Ġansw ering
+G I
+Ġrelig ions
+ĠPhil os
+ĠL ay
+Ġcomp os
+ire ments
+ĠK os
+ine z
+roll ing
+Ġyoung est
+and ise
+ĠB orn
+Ġalt ar
+am ina
+ĠB oot
+v oc
+Ġdig ging
+Ġpress ures
+Ġl en
+26 4
+Ġassass ination
+ĠBir mingham
+ĠMy th
+Ġsovere ign
+ĠArt ist
+ĠPhot ograph
+Ġdep icted
+Ġdisp ens
+orth y
+Ġamb ul
+int eg
+ĠC ele
+ĠTib et
+Ġhier archy
+Ġc u
+Ġpre season
+ĠPet erson
+Ġcol ours
+Ġworry ing
+Ġback ers
+ĠPal mer
+ĠÎ ¼
+Ġcontribut or
+Ġhear ings
+Ġur ine
+Ġ Ù
+ourge ois
+Sim ilar
+ĠZ immer
+s omething
+Ġstrength s
+Ġlog ging
+As ked
+ĠTh ai
+in qu
+ĠW alt
+Ġcrew s
+it ism
+3 01
+Ġshar ply
+um ed
+Ġred irect
+r ators
+In f
+ĠWe apons
+Ġte asp
+19 99
+L ive
+ĠEs pecially
+ĠS ter
+ĠVeter ans
+Ġint ro
+other apy
+Ġmal ware
+Ġbre eding
+Ġmole cular
+ĠR oute
+ĠCom ment
+oc hem
+Ġa in
+Se ason
+Ġlineback er
+Ä «
+ĠEconom ics
+es ar
+ĠL ives
+ĠEm ma
+Ġk in
+ĠTer rit
+Ġpl anted
+ot on
+ĠBut ter
+ĠSp ons
+Ġdun geon
+Ġsymb olic
+Ġfil med
+Ġdi ets
+Ġconclud es
+Ġcertain ty
+ĠForm at
+Ġstr angers
+form at
+ĠPh ase
+Ġcop ied
+Ġmet res
+ld a
+ĠUs ers
+Ġdeliber ate
+Ġwas hed
+ĠL ance
+im ation
+Ġimpro per
+ĠGen esis
+ick r
+ĠK ush
+Ġreal ise
+Ġembarrass ing
+alk ing
+b ucks
+Ġver ified
+Ġout line
+year s
+ĠIn come
+20 2
+Ġz ombies
+F inal
+ĠMill enn
+Ġmod ifications
+ĠV ision
+ĠM oses
+ver b
+iter ranean
+ĠJ et
+Ġnav al
+ĠA gg
+Ġur l
+Ġvict ories
+Ġnon etheless
+Ġinj ust
+ĠF act
+ç ļ
+Ġins ufficient
+re view
+face book
+Ġnegoti ating
+Ġguarant ees
+im en
+uten berg
+Ġg ambling
+Ġcon gr
+Load ing
+Ġnever theless
+Ġpres idents
+ĠIndust rial
+Ġ11 8
+Ġp oured
+ĠT ory
+Ġ17 5
+Ġ: =
+Sc ott
+ange red
+T ok
+Ġorgan izers
+M at
+ĠG rowth
+Ġad ul
+Ġens ures
+Ġ11 7
+é¾į å
+Ġmass acre
+Ġgr ades
+be fore
+ĠSl ow
+âĢĶ "
+ĠV atican
+Q aeda
+Ġo we
+66 66
+ĠS orry
+ĠGr ass
+Ġbackground s
+Ġexha usted
+Ġcl an
+Ġcomprom ised
+ĠE lf
+ĠIsa ac
+ens on
+In vest
+Ġinterrupt ed
+ãĥī ãĥ©
+Ġtw isted
+ĠDrag ons
+M ode
+ĠK remlin
+Ġfert il
+he res
+ph an
+ĠN ode
+f ed
+ĠOr c
+Ġunw illing
+C ent
+Ġprior it
+Ġgrad uates
+Ġsubject ive
+Ġiss uing
+ĠL t
+Ġview er
+Ġw oke
+Th us
+bro ok
+Ġdep ressed
+Ġbr acket
+ĠG or
+ĠFight ing
+Ġstri ker
+Rep ort
+ĠPortug al
+Ġne o
+w ed
+19 9
+Ġflee ing
+sh adow
+ident ified
+Ste am
+Ġstret ched
+Ġrevel ations
+art ed
+ĠD w
+Ġalign ment
+est on
+ĠJ ared
+S ep
+Ġblog s
+up date
+g om
+r isk
+Ġcl ash
+ĠH our
+Ġrun time
+Ġunw anted
+Ġsc am
+Ġr ack
+Ġen light
+on est
+ĠF err
+Ġconv ictions
+Ġp iano
+Ġcirc ulation
+ĠW elcome
+Ġback lash
+ĠW ade
+Ġrece ivers
+ot ive
+J eff
+Ġnetwork ing
+ĠPre p
+ĠExpl orer
+Ġlect ure
+Ġupload ed
+ĠMe at
+ĠNaz is
+ĠSy nd
+st ud
+ro ots
+ri ans
+Ġportray ed
+Ġ ??
+ĠBudd ha
+s un
+Rober t
+ĠCom plex
+Ġover see
+Ġste alth
+T itle
+ĠJ obs
+ĠK um
+Ġappreci ation
+Ġbas ics
+Ġcl ips
+Ġnurs ing
+Ġpropos ition
+Ġreal ised
+Ġall ocated
+ri um
+ar an
+ĠPro duction
+ĠV ote
+Ġsm ugg
+Ġhun ter
+az er
+ĠCh anges
+Ġfl uct
+y on
+Ar ray
+Ġk its
+W ater
+Ġuncom mon
+Ġrest ing
+ell s
+w ould
+Ġpurs ued
+Ġassert ion
+omet own
+ĠMos ul
+ĠPl atform
+io let
+Ġshare holders
+Ġtra ils
+P ay
+ĠEn forcement
+ty pes
+ĠAn onymous
+Ġsatisf ying
+il ogy
+Ġ( '
+w ave
+c ity
+Ste ve
+Ġconfront ation
+ĠE ld
+C apt
+ah an
+ht m
+ĠC trl
+2 30
+if a
+hold ing
+Ġdelic ate
+Ġj aw
+ĠGo ing
+or um
+S al
+Ġd ull
+ĠB eth
+Ġpr isons
+Ġe go
+ĠEl sa
+avor ite
+ĠG ang
+ĠN uclear
+Ġsp ider
+ats u
+Ġsam pling
+Ġabsor bed
+ĠPh arm
+iet h
+Ġbuck et
+ĠRec omm
+O F
+ĠF actory
+Ġb acter
+H as
+ĠObs erv
+12 1
+Ġprem iere
+De velop
+Ġcur rencies
+C ast
+Ġaccompany ing
+ĠNash ville
+Ġfat ty
+ĠBre nd
+Ġloc ks
+Ġcent ered
+augh s
+or ie
+ĠAff ordable
+v ance
+D L
+em et
+Ġthr one
+ĠBlu etooth
+Ġn aming
+if ts
+Ġcorrect ed
+Ġprompt ly
+Ġgen ome
+Ġcop e
+Ġval ley
+Ġround ed
+ĠK end
+al ion
+p ers
+Ġtour ism
+Ġst ark
+v l
+Ġblow ing
+ĠSche dule
+st d
+Ġunh appy
+Ġlit igation
+ced es
+Ġand roid
+Ġinteg ral
+ere rs
+ud ed
+t ax
+Ġre iter
+ĠMot ors
+oci ated
+Ġwond ers
+ĠAp ost
+uck ing
+ĠRoose velt
+f ram
+Ġyield s
+Ġconstit utes
+aw k
+Int erest
+Ġinter im
+Ġbreak through
+ĠC her
+Ġpro sec
+ĠD j
+Res p
+Ġs perm
+ed it
+B T
+Lin ux
+count ry
+le ague
+Ġd ick
+Ġo ct
+Ġinsert ing
+Ġsc ra
+ĠBrew ing
+Ġ19 66
+Ġrun ners
+Ġpl un
+id y
+ĠD ian
+Ġdys function
+Ġex clusion
+Ġdis gr
+Ġincorpor ate
+Ġrecon c
+Ġnom inated
+ĠAr cher
+d raw
+achel or
+Ġwrit ings
+Ġshall ow
+Ġh ast
+Ġth igh
+Ġ19 63
+Ġl amb
+Ġfav ored
+ag le
+Ġcool er
+ĠH ours
+ĠOrig in
+Ġglim pse
+---------------- ----
+L im
+Ġche ek
+Ġj ealous
+- '
+Ġhar ness
+ĠPo ison
+Ġdis abilities
+ne apolis
+Ġout look
+Ġnot ify
+ĠIndian apolis
+Ġab rupt
+ns ic
+Ġenc rypted
+Ġfor fe
+reat h
+Ġr abb
+Ġfound ations
+Ġcompl iment
+ĠInter view
+ĠS we
+Ġad olesc
+Ġmon itors
+ĠSacrament o
+Ġtime ly
+Ġcontem pl
+Ġposition ed
+Ġpost ers
+ph ies
+iov ascular
+v oid
+ĠFif th
+Ġinvestig ative
+Ġinteg rate
+ish a
+ibl ings
+ĠRe quest
+ĠRodrig uez
+Ġsl ides
+Ġfemin ism
+Ġdat as
+Ġb end
+ir us
+ĠNig eria
+F ox
+Ch ange
+Ġair plane
+ĠLad en
+Ġpublic ity
+ixt y
+Ġcommit ments
+Ġaggreg ate
+Ġdisplay ing
+ĠAr row
+Ġ12 2
+Ġrespect s
+and roid
+s ix
+ĠSh a
+Ġrest oration
+) \
+W S
+oy s
+Ġillust rate
+with out
+12 6
+ĠâĶ Ĥ
+Ġpick up
+n els
+Ġ ....
+f ood
+ĠF en
+) ?
+Ġphenomen a
+Ġcompan ions
+ĠW rite
+Ġsp ill
+Ġbr idges
+ĠUp dated
+ĠF o
+Ġinsect s
+Ġsc are
+il tr
+ĠZh ang
+Ġsever ity
+Ġind ul
+14 9
+ĠCo ffee
+Ġnorm s
+Ġp ulse
+Ġhorr ific
+ĠDest roy
+Ġo live
+Ġdiscuss es
+R est
+E lect
+ĠW inn
+ĠSurv iv
+ĠH ait
+S ure
+op ed
+Ġro oted
+ĠS ke
+ĠBron ze
+Ġl ol
+Def ault
+Ġcommod ity
+red ited
+Ġliber tarian
+Ġforb idden
+Ġgr an
+à ¨
+Ġl ag
+en z
+dri ve
+Ġmathemat ics
+Ġw ires
+Ġcrit ically
+Ġcarb ohyd
+ĠChance llor
+ĠEd die
+Ġban ning
+ĠF ri
+Ġcompl ications
+et ric
+ĠBangl adesh
+Ġband width
+St op
+ĠOrig inally
+Ġhalf way
+yn asty
+sh ine
+Ġt ales
+rit ies
+av ier
+Ġspin ning
+Ġneighbour hood
+b ach
+Ġcommer ce
+ĠS le
+B U
+Ġentreprene ur
+Ġpecul iar
+ĠCom ments
+f re
+3 20
+Ġimag ery
+ĠCan on
+ĠElect ronic
+sh ort
+( (
+D ig
+Ġcomm em
+u ced
+Ġincl ined
+ĠSum mon
+Ġcl iff
+ĠMed iterranean
+Ġpo etry
+Ġprosper ity
+ĠRe ce
+Ġp ills
+m ember
+Ġfin ale
+un c
+ĠG ig
+ä ½
+Ġl od
+Ġback ward
+- +
+ĠFor ward
+Ġth ri
+s ure
+Ġso ap
+ĠSe xual
+oul os
+Ġfool ish
+Ġright eous
+Ġco ff
+terror ism
+ust ain
+ot er
+Ġab uses
+ne xt
+Ġab usive
+Ġthere after
+Ġprohib ition
+Ġd ip
+Ġr ipped
+Ġinher ited
+Ġb ats
+st ru
+G T
+Ġflaw ed
+ph abet
+Ġf og
+do ors
+Ġim aging
+Ġdig its
+ĠHung ary
+Ġar rog
+Ġteach ings
+Ġprotocol s
+ĠB anks
+à ¸
+p ound
+ĠC urt
+." )
+. /
+Ġex emption
+end ix
+ĠM ull
+Ġimpro ves
+ĠG amer
+d imensional
+I con
+ĠMarg aret
+St atus
+d ates
+Ġint ends
+Ġdep ict
+Ġpark ed
+J oe
+ĠMar ines
+chn ology
+! ).
+Ġjud ged
+Ġwe ights
+R ay
+Ġapart ments
+he ster
+Ġrein force
+Ġoff ender
+occ up
+Ġs ore
+e pt
+ĠB row
+Ġauthor ization
+ĠR isk
+ĠDel aware
+Ġnot ifications
+Ġsun light
+Ġex clude
+d at
+Ġm esh
+ĠSud an
+Ġbelong ed
+Ġsub way
+Ġno on
+ĠInter ior
+ol ics
+ĠL akers
+Ġc oding
+Dis claimer
+Cal if
+O ld
+Ġdis l
+???? ?
+Ġconfir ms
+Ġrecruit ment
+Ġhom icide
+Cons ider
+ĠJeff rey
+ft y
+} ;
+Ġobject ion
+do ing
+ĠLe o
+W ant
+Ġgl ow
+ĠClar ke
+ĠNorm an
+Ġver ification
+Ġpack et
+ĠForm ula
+Ġpl ag
+es ville
+Ġshout ing
+Ġo v
+ĠB ub
+Ġn inth
+Ġener g
+Ġvalid ity
+Ġup s
+j ack
+Ġneighbor ing
+ĠN ec
+ew orks
+ĠH ab
+are z
+Ġsp ine
+Ġevent ual
+ĠLe aders
+ĠC arn
+Ġprob ation
+Ġrom ance
+ms g
+ĠMechan ical
+R ock
+Ġpart isan
+N ode
+ass ets
+min ent
+Ġforeign ers
+Ġtest ify
+ĠUs ually
+l ords
+ĠG ren
+ĠPow ell
+Ġs r
+Ġadd ict
+Ġshell s
+Ġs igh
+ĠY ale
+tern ity
+Ġ7 50
+E U
+ĠR ifle
+Ġpat ron
+em a
+ĠB annon
+an ity
+Ġtrop ical
+c ross
+Every thing
+Ġhum ble
+ass ing
+Ġupd ating
+ys on
+Ġcal cium
+Ġcompet ent
+Ġste ering
+Pro t
+ĠFin als
+ĠR ug
+15 9
+13 7
+ĠG olf
+Ġ12 6
+Ġaccommod ation
+ĠHug hes
+Ġaest hetic
+art isan
+ĠTw ilight
+Ġpr ince
+ĠAgric ulture
+ĠDis co
+Ġpreced ent
+Ġtyp ing
+author ized
+O ption
+ĠA ub
+l ishes
+ach t
+m ag
+P eter
+mont on
+ĠL ith
+Ġa rom
+Ġsec uring
+Ġconf ined
+priv ate
+Ġsw ords
+Ġmark ers
+Ġmetab olic
+se lect
+ĠCur se
+ĠO t
+g ressive
+Ġinc umb
+ĠS aga
+Ġpr iced
+Ġclear ance
+Cont ent
+Ġdr illing
+Ġnot ices
+Ġb ourgeois
+Ġv est
+Ġcook ie
+ĠGuard ians
+ry s
+in yl
+Ġ12 4
+Ġpl ausible
+on gh
+ĠOd in
+Ġconcept ion
+ĠY uk
+ĠBaghd ad
+ĠFl ag
+Aust ral
+Ġintern ationally
+ĠWiki Leaks
+Ġc yn
+Ġcho oses
+ĠP ill
+Ġcomb ining
+Ġrad i
+ĠMoh ammed
+def ense
+atch ing
+Sub ject
+ic iency
+Fr ame
+Ġ{ "
+Ġche ss
+Ġtim er
+19 0
+Ġt in
+Ġord inance
+emet ery
+Ġacc using
+Ġnotice able
+Ġcent res
+Ġl id
+ĠM ills
+img ur
+Ġz oom
+erg ic
+Ġcomp ression
+pr im
+f ind
+Ġsur g
+Ġp and
+ĠK ee
+ĠCh ad
+cell ence
+oy le
+Ġsocial ism
+ĠT ravis
+ĠM Hz
+Ġgu ild
+ĠSub scribe
+ĠRel ated
+Ġoccur rence
+itch ing
+Ġfict ional
+Ġcr ush
+c od
+m ix
+ĠTri ple
+Ġretrie ve
+Ġstimul us
+Ġpsych iat
+ĠDo or
+Ġhomosexual ity
+Ġelement ary
+Ġcell ular
+id ian
+ĠL aun
+Ġintrig uing
+Ġfo am
+ĠB ass
+id i
+its u
+Ġass ure
+Ġcongr at
+Ġbusiness man
+ĠBo ost
+cl ose
+Ġl ied
+Ġsc iences
+ĠO mega
+ĠG raphics
+Ġ< =
+sp oken
+Ġconnect ivity
+S aturday
+ĠAven gers
+Ġto ggle
+Ġank le
+Ġnational ist
+mod el
+ĠP ool
+ophob ia
+V ar
+ĠM ons
+ator ies
+Ġaggress ively
+C lear
+For ge
+act ers
+Ġhed ge
+Ġpip es
+Ġbl unt
+Ġs q
+Ġremote ly
+W ed
+as ers
+Ġref riger
+Ġt iles
+Ġresc ued
+Ġcompr ised
+ins ky
+Ġman if
+avan augh
+Ġprol ifer
+Ġal igned
+x ml
+Ġtri v
+Ġcoord ination
+ĠQu ote
+13 4
+b f
+ĠS aw
+Ġtermin ation
+Ġ19 0
+Ġadd itions
+Ġtri o
+Ġproject ions
+Ġpositive ly
+Ġin clusive
+Ġmem br
+19 90
+old er
+Ġpract iced
+ink le
+Ar ch
+Ġstar ters
+ari us
+Ġinter mediate
+ĠBen ef
+ĠK iller
+Ġinter ventions
+ĠK il
+ĠF lying
+In v
+Ġprem ature
+Ġpsych iatric
+Ġind ie
+Ġcoll ar
+ĠRain bow
+af i
+Ġdis ruption
+cast ing
+Ġmis dem
+c ro
+Ġw ipe
+ard on
+Ġb ast
+ĠTom my
+ĠRepresent ative
+Ġbell y
+ĠBre itbart
+13 2
+Ġmess aging
+Sh ould
+Ref erences
+ist ical
+L P
+ĠC av
+ĠC razy
+Ġintu itive
+ke eping
+ĠM oss
+Ġdiscont in
+ĠMod ule
+Ġun related
+ĠPract ice
+ĠTrans port
+Ġstatist ically
+orn s
+Ġs ized
+p u
+Ġca f
+ĠWorld s
+ĠRod gers
+ĠL un
+ĠCom ic
+l iving
+Ġc ared
+Ġclim bed
+) {
+Ġconsist ed
+Ġmed ieval
+fol k
+Ġh acked
+Ġd ire
+ĠHerm ione
+Ġt ended
+ce ans
+D aniel
+w ent
+Ġlegisl ators
+Ġred es
+g ames
+Ġg n
+am iliar
+Ġ+ +
+gg y
+th reat
+Ġmag net
+Ġper ceive
+Ġz ip
+Ġindict ment
+Ġcrit ique
+g ard
+ĠSaf e
+ĠC ream
+Ġad vent
+ob a
+Ġv owed
+ous ands
+Ġsk i
+Ġabort ions
+u art
+Ġstun ned
+Ġadv ancing
+Ġlack ed
+Ġ\ "
+Ġsch izophren
+Ġeleg ant
+Ġconf erences
+Ġcance led
+ĠHud son
+ĠHop efully
+Ġtr ump
+Ġfrequ encies
+Ġmet eor
+ĠJun ior
+ĠFle et
+ĠMal colm
+ĠT ools
+Ġ ........
+Ġh obby
+ĠEurope ans
+Ġ15 00
+ĠInt o
+Ġs way
+ĠApp ro
+ĠCom pl
+Comm unity
+Ġt ide
+ĠSum mit
+ä »
+Ġinter vals
+ĠE ther
+Ġhabit at
+ĠSteven s
+lish ing
+ĠDom ain
+Ġtrig gers
+Ġch asing
+Ġchar m
+ĠFl ower
+it ored
+Ġbless ing
+Ġtext ures
+F ive
+Ġliqu or
+R P
+Ġ19 62
+Un known
+Ġres il
+ĠL ily
+Ġabund ance
+Ġpredict able
+r ar
+Ġbull shit
+le en
+che t
+M or
+M uch
+ä ¹
+Ġemphas ized
+Ġcr ust
+Ġprim itive
+Ġenjoy able
+ĠPict ures
+Ġteam mate
+pl er
+ĠT ol
+ĠK ane
+Ġsummon ed
+th y
+ram a
+ĠH onda
+Ġreal izing
+Ġquick er
+Ġconcent rate
+cle ar
+Ġ2 10
+ĠErd ogan
+ar is
+Ġrespond s
+Ġelig ibility
+Ġpus hes
+ĠId aho
+Ġagg rav
+Ġru ins
+ur ations
+Ġb ans
+Ġan at
+sh are
+Ġgr ind
+h in
+um en
+Ġut ilities
+ĠYan kees
+Ġdat abases
+Ġdispl aced
+Ġdepend encies
+Ġstim ulation
+h un
+h ouses
+ĠP retty
+ĠRaven s
+Ġassoci ates
+Ġthe rape
+cl ed
+Ġde er
+Ġrep airs
+rent ice
+Ġrecept ors
+Ġrem ed
+ĠC e
+Ġmar riages
+Ġball ots
+ĠSold ier
+Ġhilar ious
+op l
+13 8
+Ġinherent ly
+Ġignor ant
+Ġb ounce
+ĠE aster
+ĠCur rency
+E V
+ãĥ ŀ
+ĠLe ad
+Ġdece ased
+B rien
+ĠMus k
+J S
+Ġmer ge
+heart ed
+c reat
+m itt
+m und
+ĠâĢ ĭ
+ĠB ag
+Ġproject ion
+Ġj ava
+ĠStand ards
+ĠLeon ard
+Ġcoc onut
+ĠPop ulation
+Ġtra ject
+Ġimp ly
+Ġcur iosity
+ĠF resh
+ĠP or
+Ġheav ier
+ne ys
+gom ery
+Ġdes erved
+Ġphr ases
+Ġye ast
+d esc
+De ath
+Ġreb oot
+Ġmet adata
+Ġrep ay
+ĠInd ependence
+Ġsubur ban
+ical s
+Ġat op
+Ġall ocation
+gener ation
+ĠG ram
+Ġmoist ure
+Ġp ine
+ĠLiber als
+Ġa ides
+Ġund erest
+ĠBer ry
+Ġcere mon
+3 70
+ast rous
+ĠPir ates
+Ġt ense
+ĠIndust ries
+ĠApp eals
+ĠN ear
+Ġè£ı ç
+Ġlo vers
+ĠC raw
+Ġg iants
+Ġeffic acy
+E lement
+ĠBeh avior
+ĠToy ota
+Ġint est
+P riv
+A I
+Ġmaneu ver
+Ġperfect ion
+Ġb ang
+p aper
+r ill
+Ge orge
+b order
+in ters
+ĠS eth
+Ġcl ues
+ĠLe vi
+ĠRe venue
+14 7
+Ġv apor
+Ġfortun ate
+Ġthreat ens
+Ġve t
+Ġdepend ency
+ers ed
+art icle
+ĠBl izzard
+Ġch lor
+Ġmin us
+ĠB ills
+Ġcryptoc urrency
+Ġmetabol ism
+ter ing
+Ġp estic
+step s
+ĠTre asure
+ract ed
+ĠConst ant
+Ġtem p
+13 9
+ĠDet ective
+ur ally
+Ġrecover ing
+Ġcort ex
+Ġ14 4
+cl osed
+Ġprejud ice
+aun ted
+Ġstorm s
+Ġmach inery
+Add ress
+Ġcompe lled
+27 0
+Ġdesp air
+b ane
+Ġveget able
+Ġbed s
+Lear n
+Ġcolor ful
+Ġsp ike
+Ġmarg ins
+Ġsymp athy
+Ġworks hop
+S at
+Ġburn s
+ĠG ender
+Ġ12 9
+ĠC able
+Ġdeb ts
+ĠThe resa
+Ġreflect ing
+Ġa irst
+Ġr im
+ram id
+Ġweakness es
+W rit
+ogg le
+t i
+ĠCh arge
+Ġwe ighed
+Ġ( .
+Ġl aughter
+Ġrou ter
+ĠDemocr acy
+D ear
+Ġhas ht
+Ġd y
+Ġhint s
+run ning
+Ġfin ishes
+ar us
+M ass
+res ult
+asc us
+Ġv intage
+Ġcon qu
+Ġwild ly
+ac ist
+Ġl ingu
+Ġprot agonist
+st rom
+te enth
+ĠSol o
+m ac
+f illed
+Ġre nown
+it ives
+Ġmot ive
+ĠAnt ar
+ĠM ann
+ĠAd just
+Ġrock ets
+Ġtrou bling
+e i
+Ġorgan isms
+ass is
+Christ ian
+Ġ14 5
+ĠH ass
+Ġsw all
+Ġw ax
+ĠSurv ival
+V S
+ĠM urd
+v d
+stand ard
+Ġdrag ons
+Ġacceler ation
+r ational
+f inal
+Ġp aired
+ĠE thereum
+Ġinterf aces
+Ġres ent
+Ġartif acts
+Å «
+are l
+Ġcompet itor
+ĠNich olas
+ĠSur face
+c pp
+ĠT ot
+Ġeconom ically
+Ġorgan ised
+Ġen forced
+in ho
+Ġvar ieties
+Ġab dom
+ĠBa iley
+id av
+ĠSal v
+p aid
+Ġalt itude
+ess ert
+ĠG utenberg
+are a
+op oulos
+Ġprofess ors
+igg s
+ĠF ate
+he y
+Ġ3 000
+D ist
+Ġtw ins
+c ill
+ĠM aps
+Ġtra ps
+Ġwe ed
+ĠK iss
+Ġy oga
+Ġrecip ients
+ĠWest minster
+Ġpool s
+ĠWal mart
+18 8
+ĠSchool s
+att ack
+par agraph
+W arning
+j l
+Ġself ish
+anche z
+ĠHe ights
+F re
+ĠS oph
+Ġ --------------------------------
+t ml
+33 3
+Ġraid s
+Ġsatell ites
+Ġlast s
+Ñ Ĥ
+In s
+ĠD ame
+Ġunp redict
+// /
+gh ai
+Ġart illery
+Ġcru ise
+Ġg el
+ĠCabin et
+Ġbl ows
+ĠE sp
+Ġprox imity
+ot he
+ĠSk ills
+ĠU pper
+ob o
+Ġenjoy s
+Ġrepe ating
+ĠConst ruction
+ĠQuest ions
+H illary
+Ġu int
+Ġprocess ors
+ĠGib son
+ĠMult iple
+q a
+ĠB om
+ĠM iles
+vent ional
+Ġhur ts
+s kin
+Ġadvis ers
+ĠR oot
+Ġmethod ology
+ĠD ale
+Ġdet on
+ĠKnow ledge
+sequ ently
+Ġ12 1
+Ġconnect s
+C y
+ĠD anger
+Ġcontribut ors
+ĠB ent
+Ġbr ass
+ĠGun s
+int o
+ĠFort une
+Ġbro ker
+bal ance
+Ġlength s
+Ġv ic
+Ġaver aging
+Ġappropri ately
+ĠCamer a
+Ġsand wich
+Ġcoord inate
+Ġnav ig
+Ġgood ness
+l aim
+Ġbra ke
+Ġextrem ist
+ĠW ake
+ĠM end
+ĠT iny
+ĠD ual
+ĠW ine
+C ase
+Ġref ined
+Ġl amp
+L ead
+Ġb apt
+ĠCar b
+ĠS add
+ĠMin neapolis
+Ear ly
+ĠH idden
+I ts
+Ġp ap
+Ġcommission ed
+ĠF ew
+ĠCol ts
+ĠB ren
+Ġbot hered
+Ġlike wise
+Ex per
+ĠSch w
+c ry
+n n
+ĠM itch
+im on
+M G
+b m
+r ays
+Ġregist ry
+Ġ2 70
+ach ine
+re lla
+ant ing
+00 000
+Ġru ined
+sp ot
+Ġt a
+Ġmaxim ize
+Ġincon ven
+D ead
+H uman
+En abled
+ĠMar ie
+Ġch ill
+ĠParad ise
+Ġstar ring
+ĠLat ino
+ĠProt ocol
+Ġsuppl iers
+m essage
+ĠBro ck
+Ġser um
+âĸĪâĸĪ âĸĪâĸĪ
+Ġen comp
+Ġamb ition
+ues e
+Ġar rows
+And rew
+Ġanten na
+Ġ19 61
+ĠB ark
+Ġb ool
+ãĤ ª
+ĠSt orage
+Ġrail way
+Ġtoug her
+ĠC ad
+Ġwas hing
+P y
+' ]
+em bed
+ĠMem phis
+ack le
+Ġfam ously
+ĠF ortunately
+ov ies
+Ġmind set
+Ġsne ak
+ĠD h
+ĠSim pson
+Ġliv est
+Ġland mark
+Ġc ement
+L ow
+Ġthr illed
+ĠCour se
+in el
+Ġch uck
+id ate
+gl obal
+Ġwh it
+Ġ �
+ad ays
+s ki
+Ġvir uses
+30 6
+ĠResp ons
+Ġthe aters
+ĠBr anch
+ĠGene va
+Ġunbel iev
+Ġcommun ist
+Orig inal
+ĠRe ceived
+ĠTrans fer
+ĠAr g
+In put
+ĠStr ategy
+Ġpal ace
+the ning
+D ri
+Ġsent encing
+umbn ail
+Ġp ins
+re cy
+Ġs iblings
+Get ting
+ĠNorth west
+Ġprolong ed
+ĠSak ura
+C omb
+ĠB our
+Ġinadequ ate
+ĠK ash
+Ġus ername
+ĠImpro ve
+Ġbatt ling
+Ġcurric ulum
+Ġs oda
+ĠC annon
+Ġsens ible
+sp ons
+De cember
+Ġw icked
+ĠP engu
+Ġdict ators
+ĠHe arts
+og yn
+Ġsimilar ities
+ĠSt ats
+Ġh ollow
+it ations
+": [
+Ġh over
+ĠList en
+s ch
+S und
+Ġc ad
+ĠPar ks
+Ġl ur
+Ġhy pe
+ĠL em
+is ure
+Fr iday
+Ġshoot s
+Ġclos es
+Ġd b
+ĠR idge
+ĠDiff erent
+Ġrepl ies
+ĠBroad way
+op ers
+Ġint oler
+ĠZe us
+akes pe
+Ġpropri etary
+Ġrequest ing
+Ġcontro llers
+im edia
+be cca
+Ġexp ans
+Ġoil s
+B ot
+ĠCh and
+Ġpr inter
+Ġto pped
+ĠEar lier
+S ocial
+av in
+Ġdecre ases
+ĠSe b
+Ġspecific ations
+ĠBl ast
+ĠK urt
+Ġfre el
+B rown
+Ġdil ig
+ro e
+ĠPro blem
+ĠQu ad
+Ġdecent ral
+ĠV ector
+an ut
+Ġplug ins
+ĠGreg ory
+Ġfuck ed
+el ines
+ĠAmb assador
+t ake
+Ġcle ans
+ong yang
+An onymous
+st ro
+" }
+al ine
+ĠO dd
+ĠE ug
+2 16
+Ġbo il
+ĠP owers
+Ġnurs es
+Ob viously
+ĠTechn ical
+Ġexceed ed
+Ġextrem ists
+Ġtr aces
+ex pl
+Ġcom r
+ĠS ach
+) /
+Ġm asks
+Ġsc i
+B on
+Ġreg ression
+we gian
+Ġadvis or
+it ures
+ĠV o
+ex ample
+ĠInst ruct
+Ġs iege
+Ġredu ctions
+pt r
+Ġstat utory
+Ġrem oves
+Ġp uck
+red its
+Ġbe e
+Ġsal ad
+Ġpromot ions
+ĠJosh ua
+with standing
+ĠCh a
+im us
+Ġexpend iture
+aun ting
+Ġdelight ed
+Ġ15 5
+be h
+Ġcar pet
+ĠSp art
+Ġj ungle
+l ists
+Ġbull ying
+ĠNob el
+ĠGl en
+Ġreferen ced
+Ġintrodu ces
+se in
+Ġcho pped
+gl ass
+ĠW rest
+Ġneutral ity
+Ġâ Ļ
+Ġinvestig ator
+Ġshel ves
+Ġun constitutional
+Ġreprodu ction
+Ġmer chant
+m ia
+Ġmet rics
+Ġexplos ives
+ĠSon ia
+Ġbod ily
+Ġthick ness
+Ġpredomin antly
+ĠAb ility
+Ġmon itored
+Ġ] .
+ĠMart inez
+Ġvis ibility
+Ġqu eries
+Ġgen ocide
+ĠWar fare
+Qu ery
+Ġstud ios
+Ġemb ry
+Ġcorrid or
+Ġclean ed
+com plete
+Ġenroll ment
+Ġimpact ed
+Ġdis astrous
+ĠY un
+ĠCl aire
+ĠBas ically
+y t
+uster ity
+Ġindirect ly
+w ik
+Ġd od
+ĠCar r
+Ġam p
+Ġprohib it
+ĠIn itial
+ĠR d
+ij i
+Ġeduc ate
+c orn
+i ott
+ĠBeaut y
+Ġdetect ive
+ĠCon n
+s ince
+Ġst agger
+Ġob ese
+Ġb ree
+olog ic
+is se
+walk er
+Ġbl ades
+Ġlaw ful
+fun c
+ĠBeh ind
+Ġappet ite
+Ġ( *
+Ġt ennis
+Ġoff spring
+Ġj ets
+Ġstruct ured
+Ġafore mentioned
+N ov
+Ġsc aling
+f ill
+Ġst ew
+Ġcur b
+ĠStep han
+ed In
+S F
+ob ic
+é ŃĶ
+ou g
+Ġgen etically
+ope z
+13 6
+Ġu mb
+anc ers
+Ġcoh ort
+Ġmerch andise
+Ġimp osing
+ĠLegisl ature
+ĠArch ive
+iv ia
+ĠN aval
+Ġoff ences
+Ġmir acle
+Ġsn apped
+Ġf oes
+Ġextensive ly
+ĠR af
+Ġc ater
+ed ience
+K it
+ĠB in
+Ġrecomm ends
+ĠC ities
+Ġrig id
+ĠNob le
+ĠT ian
+Ġcertific ates
+ant is
+o iler
+ĠBudd hist
+d id
+Ġsurvey ed
+Ġdown ward
+Ġprint s
+ĠMot ion
+ron ics
+ĠS ans
+oss ibly
+u ctions
+Ġcolon ies
+ĠDan ish
+un it
+Ġsp oil
+Ġadvis ory
+ber ries
+Pl an
+Ġspecific ation
+op hers
+ĠRes ource
+Ġsh irts
+prising ly
+commun ications
+Ġtriv ial
+Ġmention ing
+ise xual
+Ġsupp lements
+Ġsuper vision
+B P
+v or
+Ġw it
+Ġco oldown
+Ġplaint iff
+ĠReview s
+ĠS ri
+ĠM int
+ĠSug ar
+Ġafter ward
+ĠPri est
+ĠInvest ment
+og ene
+ĠT aking
+Ġstretch ing
+Ġinflamm ation
+ĠTe hran
+Ġl ining
+Ġfree zing
+ĠEnt ity
+Ġins piring
+spe cial
+pr ice
+Ġsu e
+ĠP orter
+oun ge
+ĠD erek
+ĠLu is
+u o
+ym ph
+Ġex terior
+ih il
+ĠAsh ley
+in ator
+Ġnut rients
+ĠTh rones
+Ġfin ances
+ĠIn spect
+Ġspe cially
+ĠRequ ired
+ĠViol ence
+oint ed
+sh ots
+Ġex cerpt
+co on
+ĠG ri
+Ġrecogn ised
+We ek
+You ng
+Ġv om
+is le
+ĠCur ry
+ĠBudd h
+Ġnot ebook
+Ġd urable
+/ ?
+ĠG ad
+ĠP upp
+Ġforg ive
+p ark
+Ġpersonal ities
+an alysis
+cl amation
+Ġelev ator
+Ġware house
+ĠR ole
+un n
+Ġillust ration
+ĠSc an
+Ġatmosp heric
+Im port
+rict ed
+f u
+01 0
+Ġar che
+Ġreward ed
+akespe are
+Ġintern ally
+alk er
+Ġeleph ant
+ow itz
+ĠP izza
+Ġbip artisan
+é s
+Ġslow ed
+ĠSt ark
+Ġover ride
+Ġ3 20
+undred s
+ĠDe ck
+ĠC ensus
+be e
+14 6
+ot or
+Ġ ip
+Ġu b
+oc ations
+ĠBut ton
+r ice
+Ġc ripp
+ff f
+Ġorig inated
+Ġoverwhel med
+app a
+Ġfore most
+âĢ ij
+re lease
+eat ured
+at ches
+Ġre ps
+Ġl ending
+ĠRe ference
+ĠCl ient
+16 5
+vent h
+Com plete
+ĠPat rol
+Ġsw orn
+c am
+Ġshut tle
+ĠR alph
+Ġh ometown
+- ,
+on al
+å ı
+Ġpersu ade
+ĠAlex and
+Ġcomb ines
+Ġv ivid
+ĠL ag
+Ġenc oding
+Ġsal vation
+w en
+ĠRec overy
+i ya
+Un iversity
+ĠB iden
+Ġbud gets
+ĠTex ans
+f its
+Ġhon ored
+Ġp ython
+T D
+## #
+cl one
+Ġbl ink
+ĠL iquid
+Ġunemploy ed
+Ġcl ashes
+ĠCoun sel
+Ġdirect ing
+Ġpun ct
+ĠFal cons
+Ġsh ark
+ĠDam ascus
+Ġje ans
+Ġemb ark
+Ġse ize
+Ġup wards
+2 80
+ĠE z
+ĠAny thing
+Ġex otic
+l ower
+ĠCreat or
+ĠU m
+Ġsubur bs
+ber ger
+ĠW end
+Ġm int
+ĠD ro
+Ġsuff ers
+Ġher b
+t ree
+Ġfrag ile
+Ġflood ed
+ĠAl cohol
+ole an
+ny der
+F ram
+Ġ13 6
+Ġow ed
+ĠMe lee
+ĠH ash
+Ġwh isk
+Ġsu do
+r r
+Qu ick
+app ro
+Ġi i
+ĠEx amples
+he e
+Ġpromot es
+per ature
+k ar
+ĠHon or
+Ġs odium
+ĠL if
+ros so
+intend ent
+Ġcorrespond ent
+F ound
+sec ret
+Ġident ifies
+ag ne
+Ġl ou
+Ġcoinc idence
+m ove
+Ġmilit ia
+Ġinf iltr
+ĠPrim ary
+Ġpitch ing
+ĠI b
+ãĤ ¸
+ĠW izards
+ir al
+ĠVen us
+R R
+ĠâĢ ķ
+ĠCase y
+Ġsad ly
+Ġadm ire
+Ġembarrass ed
+c b
+M el
+Ġtub es
+Ġbeaut ifully
+ĠQueens land
+Bel ow
+re z
+qu et
+ple asant
+ĠÂ «
+C amp
+Ġdec isive
+19 98
+ĠL amb
+ut ton
+h n
+ĠJ agu
+au nder
+ĠC ord
+Ġcl erk
+Ġca ffe
+Ġwip ed
+Ġre im
+ĠMount ains
+Ġimprison ed
+Ġdevelop s
+ĠP ra
+Ġmodel ing
+Any one
+ance l
+ĠS it
+Ġshield s
+Ġl awn
+Ġcard iovascular
+Ġdemonstr ating
+Ġpar se
+ĠIsrael is
+Ġeuro s
+14 3
+Ġgl orious
+ins ki
+ec d
+Ġcondition ing
+Ġhel pless
+Ġmicro sc
+ĠHar bor
+Ġst akes
+Ġ2 60
+Ġun equ
+ĠFl oyd
+Ġd amp
+Ġappar atus
+ĠLaw s
+Ġcoun ters
+Ġindu ce
+at able
+ĠAh med
+Ġsl am
+N ovember
+Ġpers ist
+Ġim minent
+á n
+Ġsh red
+Ġph ases
+ĠEd monton
+ĠArm strong
+ĠMe et
+ĠK itty
+Ñ Ģ
+c irc
+ĠAd ult
+Ġa rose
+ĠX en
+D an
+g ow
+Ġsuper f
+ĠAd mir
+Ġend ure
+Ġkey word
+yr us
+Ġy arn
+Ġpath way
+ĠHop kins
+mid t
+Ġcens orship
+d ependent
+Ġinstruct or
+S ources
+Ġto e
+Ġball oon
+N ob
+Ġsw ear
+ĠCast ro
+Ġgl oss
+ĠK avanaugh
+Ġremark ably
+Ph otos
+ĠN om
+ĠS outheast
+y ers
+Ġvalid ation
+Ġcann on
+ĠVict ory
+ĠPier re
+Ġcaut ious
+Aud io
+Ġf etch
+ĠG ift
+ĠH yp
+Ġrem edy
+Z E
+Ġsc ent
+Ġbe ard
+ĠR ut
+- "
+Ġpat ents
+H y
+Ġun just
+Ġpot ato
+Ġforth coming
+Ġche f
+ĠR ift
+aff e
+ĠL aunch
+Ġp ads
+ĠNe o
+Ġon set
+Ġsquee ze
+s afe
+Ġpref ix
+ĠN early
+ĠClin ical
+ĠM ental
+ot iation
+ĠUn ic
+ant ry
+ĠC ir
+Ġep it
+Ã ¦
+Ġextract ed
+verse ly
+ri ad
+Ġstr ains
+Ġto ps
+Ġpo em
+ĠRand y
+ĠMap le
+up iter
+ļ é
+Ġun con
+per ing
+Ġsle pt
+in ers
+Ġunder water
+ĠEv idence
+g one
+20 5
+Ġhistor ians
+Ġsynt hesis
+Ġf rog
+b asketball
+Ġvibr ant
+Ġsub ord
+Ġ3 65
+ĠD ial
+Ġcooper ate
+Ġgreet ed
+15 8
+Ġj azz
+Ġinto x
+ĠWalk ing
+Ġsuper visor
+ĠF usion
+ĠMer cedes
+s end
+H am
+s d
+n l
+Ġtour s
+Ġcul p
+g d
+30 4
+Ġple as
+Ġillust rates
+ĠColomb ia
+Ġhighlight ing
+ĠSum mary
+Ġexp osing
+ĠD ru
+Ġir ony
+r itional
+ĠCar roll
+ĠEll is
+P ict
+ĠR apt
+Ġad apter
+Ġun m
+Ġcor pse
+Ġceleb rities
+D en
+at um
+ĠAp ocalypse
+ĠW ag
+lin ing
+Ġhorm ones
+R ub
+ĠX i
+ĠV aults
+20 8
+alky rie
+inos aur
+Ġfeed s
+v ity
+Ġdefe ating
+W ait
+Ġemphas ize
+ĠSteel ers
+yr inth
+le ys
+ĠWhe never
+Current ly
+ĠCl ock
+Ġcollect ively
+any on
+Ġment ality
+Ġdownload s
+Ġsurround ings
+ĠBarn es
+Ġflags hip
+Ġindic ators
+Ġgra pp
+Jan uary
+ĠElement al
+ĠAthen a
+ib al
+Ġs ights
+Ġcap ita
+ĠTreat y
+Ġvo iced
+ĠG az
+let te
+Ġy a
+Ġexp ired
+Leg end
+H ot
+n ature
+Ġunst able
+Ġ2 80
+Ã º
+Com ment
+Ġquest s
+Ġhand ler
+n is
+Ġvers atile
+Ġconce al
+enge ance
+ĠInter active
+Ġobs essed
+ĠDog s
+Ġcr acked
+S ound
+s v
+ĠD ylan
+ro ads
+f x
+ĠCath olics
+ĠH ag
+Ġsl ammed
+Ġgl owing
+s ale
+Ġtiss ues
+ĠCh i
+ne e
+Ġc her
+s ic
+ur rection
+Ġb acon
+ul atory
+) ."
+Ġir regular
+ass ed
+Ġintention al
+Ġcompens ate
+ĠSpe aking
+ĠS ets
+15 3
+Ġconvent ions
+b ands
+em ade
+Ġe cc
+ĠWin ston
+ĠAssass in
+ĠBelg ian
+Ġdepend ence
+Ġnic he
+Ġb ark
+ĠJ azz
+Ġdisadvant age
+Ġgas oline
+Ġ16 5
+çļ Ħ
+ess a
+mod ule
+ang ular
+O Y
+ĠTreat ment
+it as
+ol ation
+ĠArn old
+Ġfe ud
+ĠN est
+Ġthe atre
+ew ater
+Ġmin ors
+olic y
+ĠH aven
+div ision
+Ġtr unk
+F ar
+ĠP ull
+Ġcapt uring
+Ġ18 00
+ĠTe en
+Ġex empl
+Ġclin ics
+ĠB urg
+Ġsubst it
+Ġpay load
+ĠL av
+ĠT roy
+ĠW itness
+Ġfrag ments
+Ġpass words
+Ġg ospel
+ĠG in
+Ġten ants
+ol ith
+S ix
+Pre vious
+ĠAg es
+ĠDar win
+Ġbl at
+Ġem pathy
+sm ith
+b ag
+ĠE cho
+ĠC amb
+ĠM add
+ĠB oo
+Ġred e
+ĠBurn ing
+Ġsmooth ly
+ĠAd rian
+ĠV ampire
+ĠMon sters
+ste am
+Sty le
+M a
+re a
+ĠD war
+aly st
+urs or
+Ġelim ination
+Ġcrypt o
+ch t
+ĠE ternal
+âĢ¦ ]
+ĠS orce
+I ll
+Ġu h
+Con clusion
+w age
+Ġresp ir
+Ġrem inis
+het ical
+Ġg y
+Ġutil ized
+ic idal
+Ġ19 00
+Ġhun ters
+ĠSw an
+ĠRe act
+Ġvis itor
+ĠThanks giving
+30 8
+Post s
+Ġh ips
+19 97
+om ers
+Ġkn ocking
+ĠVeh icle
+Ġt il
+Ġ13 8
+Ġm i
+ĠInvest igation
+ĠKen ya
+Ġcas ino
+Ġmot ives
+Ġreg ain
+re x
+Ġweek ends
+Ġstab bed
+bor o
+Ġexplo ited
+ĠTe levision
+c ock
+Ġprepar ations
+Ġende av
+ĠRem ote
+ĠM aker
+ĠPro du
+ĠEv an
+Ġinform ational
+ĠLouis ville
+15 4
+ĠDream s
+Ġpl ots
+ĠRun ner
+Ġhur ting
+Ġacad emy
+ĠMont gomery
+n m
+ĠL anc
+ĠAl z
+2 10
+el ong
+Ġretail er
+Ġar ising
+Ġrebell ion
+Ġbl onde
+play ed
+Ġinstrument al
+C ross
+Ġret ention
+Ġtherape utic
+Ġse as
+Ġinfant ry
+ĠCl int
+Ġprompt ing
+Ġbit ch
+Ġst ems
+ĠK ra
+Ġthe sis
+ĠB og
+ru ed
+Ġk ings
+Ġcl ay
+ific ent
+ĠTh ing
+ĠCub s
+vey ard
+els h
+in arily
+ĠE y
+ĠRoll ing
+Ġev olving
+Ind ia
+Ġrecogn izes
+Ġgrad uation
+is ers
+Ġfert ility
+ĠMil an
+Comm and
+Ġbox ing
+Ġ19 43
+Ġgl uten
+ĠEm ir
+Ġid ol
+Ġcon ceived
+ĠCre ation
+Mer it
+udd y
+uss ions
+ĠLie utenant
+iet al
+Ġunch anged
+ĠSc ale
+ĠCrime a
+ball s
+ator ial
+Ġdepth s
+Ġempir ical
+Ġtrans m
+Ġuns afe
+miss ible
+com fort
+15 6
+Ġmechan ic
+00 2
+l ins
+Ġsm oked
+P os
+Ġslow ing
+Ġl av
+Tex as
+Ġche ating
+ĠMet ropolitan
+eth yl
+Ġdiscover ing
+as se
+Ġpen cil
+ĠPy ongyang
+Ġclos et
+ĠShe et
+ĠEnt ry
+ou stic
+Ġmy st
+er ate
+ari at
+Ġminer als
+Ġmusic ian
+ĠP ul
+ĠM az
+24 9
+Ġper missions
+Ġ iv
+en ary
+ick ers
+ĠB ing
+he a
+en able
+Ġgri ev
+Ġassert ed
+ĠColon el
+Ġaff idav
+w o
+Ġse ated
+ĠR ide
+Ġpaint ings
+ĠP ix
+Ġ13 7
+ish i
+umb ai
+g otten
+ĠEar l
+Ġin ning
+Ġc ensus
+Ġtrave lled
+ĠCons ult
+18 5
+b ind
+Ġsimpl icity
+Ġoverlook ed
+ĠHelp ful
+Ġmon key
+Ġoverwhelming ly
+Bl ood
+ĠFl int
+ĠJ ama
+ĠPres ent
+ĠR age
+pt ive
+Ġturn out
+w ald
+ĠD olphins
+Ġon ion
+Ġcraft ing
+m ma
+ĠMerc ury
+Ġarr ange
+Ġalert s
+zb ollah
+Ġg ases
+ĠRichards on
+s al
+l ar
+Ġfro st
+Ġlower ing
+Ġacc laim
+Ġstart ups
+ĠG ain
+ess ment
+Ġguard ian
+äº º
+ĠP ie
+ĠL inks
+Ġmer its
+Ġaw ake
+Ġparent al
+Ġexceed s
+Ġid le
+ĠPil ot
+Ġe Bay
+ĠAc cept
+ipe g
+C am
+ĠK ot
+Ġtrad ers
+olit ics
+unk er
+ĠP ale
+os i
+an mar
+Ġ19 47
+ĠF ell
+est ial
+it ating
+G F
+ĠS r
+if ted
+Ġconnect or
+ĠB one
+ill es
+2 60
+h ma
+Ġoverl ap
+ĠGit Hub
+Ġclean er
+ĠBapt ist
+Ġlung s
+Ñ ģ
+Ġc ite
+Ġpit ched
+reat ment
+Ġtro phies
+ĠN u
+38 6
+ĠPr ide
+Ġattend ees
+[ ]
+17 9
+Ġspat ial
+Ġpri zes
+ĠRel igion
+Ġshow case
+ĠC ategory
+vid ia
+T arget
+Pro perty
+? ,
+Ġf usion
+p ie
+Ġsound track
+Ġprin cess
+ĠC aval
+sh ould
+Ġlim bs
+Back ground
+Ġlone ly
+Ġc ores
+ĠT ail
+she et
+Ġ13 2
+R a
+ãĤ «
+ĠB olt
+Ġbook ed
+Ġadmin ister
+Ġequ als
+w y
+Ġobserv ing
+ĠBar on
+ĠAd obe
+Ġv irgin
+ĠSocial ist
+M ove
+gh azi
+ĠLind a
+2 12
+Ġbre wing
+Ġmerch ants
+bur se
+Ġdiv or
+Ġmet als
+ĠN er
+Ġsum s
+ĠEn emy
+Ġen vision
+Ġgrant ing
+ĠH oney
+ĠSk yrim
+Ġsoc io
+gr aded
+Ġselect ive
+Ġ19 48
+ĠSir ius
+ĠG ross
+act ivity
+ĠI van
+Ġfur ious
+ĠPre vious
+Ġrespons ive
+Ġchar itable
+Ġle aning
+ĠP ew
+Ġviol ates
+\\\\ \\\\
+ĠCom ing
+w ire
+Ġpo et
+Ġres olutions
+comm and
+ĠPortug uese
+Ġnick name
+Ġde af
+Feb ruary
+Ġrecogn ise
+Ġentire ty
+Ġseason al
+pl aced
+ĠTe legraph
+Ġmicro phone
+our ing
+Ġgr ains
+Ġgovern ed
+Ġpost p
+ĠW aters
+in ement
+Ġund ocumented
+ĠCom cast
+Ġf ox
+Ġassault s
+re on
+man y
+ĠJen kins
+ĠAny way
+Ġassess ments
+Ġdown s
+ĠM ouse
+Ġsuper b
+k t
+ĠD ow
+Ġtax ation
+4 01
+Ġsm iles
+Ġundert aken
+Ġex h
+Ġenthusi astic
+Ġtw ent
+Ġgovernment al
+Ġautonom y
+ĠTechn ologies
+ĠCh ain
+Ġpreval ent
+f b
+Ġnic otine
+og ram
+j ob
+Ġawa iting
+ĠMen u
+Ġdep uties
+k ov
+ish ops
+But ton
+ĠShan ghai
+Ġdies el
+ĠD uck
+R yan
+ĠPC s
+N F
+j ury
+ent e
+Ġinacc urate
+edd y
+Wh atever
+Ġshow c
+ĠN ad
+od us
+et r
+Ġplaint iffs
+ĠAss ange
+Ġpriv at
+Ġpremium s
+Ġt am
+Ġel ites
+ĠR anger
+otten ham
+ĠH off
+ĠAt hens
+Ġdefin ite
+Ġs ighed
+Ġeven ly
+2 11
+ĠAm ber
+ak ia
+Ġmail ing
+Ġcr ashing
+ĠConfeder ate
+ru gged
+W al
+ĠDep ths
+Ġjuven ile
+Ġreact or
+Introdu ction
+ĠDel uxe
+19 95
+ĠS anchez
+ĠM ead
+iv able
+: -
+ĠPlan ning
+ĠT rap
+qu in
+ĠProt ect
+ve red
+In formation
+Ġkid ney
+inn amon
+l as
+Ġpolic ing
+Ġtoler ate
+ĠQ i
+Ġbi ased
+F ort
+ĠK i
+s ave
+Ġprivile ged
+Ġbe asts
+ĠGl as
+ĠC inem
+Ġcome back
+Sund ay
+Ġext inction
+h ops
+Ġtrans mit
+Ġdoub les
+ĠFl at
+16 7
+Ġdis puted
+Ġinjust ice
+f oo
+V ict
+role um
+ĠJul ie
+Con text
+ĠR arity
+iss ue
+Comp onent
+Ġcounsel ing
+an ne
+d ark
+Ġobject ions
+u ilt
+Ġg ast
+Ġpl ac
+Ġun used
+ãĥ ĩ
+ĠT rial
+ĠJ as
+hed ral
+ob b
+Ġtempor al
+ĠAnn iversary
+L arge
+Ġther m
+Ġd avid
+Ġsystem ic
+ĠSh ir
+m ut
+ĠNe pt
+add ress
+Ġscan ning
+Ġunderstand able
+Ġcan vas
+C at
+ĠZ oo
+Ġang els
+L O
+ĠStat ement
+ĠS ig
+ov able
+ĠA way
+sh aring
+ocr ats
+st ated
+Ġweigh ing
+N or
+w ild
+B ey
+Ġaston ishing
+ĠReyn olds
+Ġop ener
+Ġtrain er
+Ġsurg ical
+p n
+Ġadjust ing
+whe el
+Ġf rown
+erv ative
+Ġsusp end
+With in
+te in
+Ġobst acle
+Ġliber ties
+ym es
+Ġur anium
+ans om
+an ol
+ub a
+ĠL oss
+Ġa rous
+ĠHend erson
+W ow
+s pl
+c ur
+Ġtheir s
+Dam age
+Ġdownload ing
+Ġdisc ern
+ĠSt o
+ĠFl a
+Ġh ath
+ĠA j
+Ġun pleasant
+Europe an
+exp ensive
+Ġscreens hot
+Ġall ied
+ĠPers ian
+Ġmonop oly
+Ġat om
+ĠReds kins
+"> <
+Ġcan cell
+Ġcinem a
+13 1
+f air
+ĠAlf red
+Ġd uck
+arg s
+22 3
+Ġsign aling
+in ar
+Ġlaugh s
+Ġfor wards
+Ġreck less
+Ġlisten ers
+at ivity
+Ġvast ly
+n ant
+L ess
+ĠHun ting
+ĠScient ific
+Ġkn ight
+us a
+t mp
+Ġr ude
+ĠLegend ary
+Ġar ises
+B ad
+ĠCl aim
+pe g
+Ġreal ities
+Th ink
+ĠÂ °
+Ġro de
+Ġstri ve
+Ġan ecd
+Ġshort s
+Ġhypot hes
+Ġcoord inated
+ĠGand hi
+Ġsuscept ible
+Ġshr ink
+ĠCh art
+Hel p
+Ġ ion
+de ep
+rib es
+ĠK ai
+ĠCustom er
+Sum mary
+Ġc ough
+w ife
+Ġl end
+Ġposition ing
+Ġlot tery
+ĠC anyon
+Ġf ade
+Ġbron ze
+ĠKenn y
+Ġbo asts
+ĠEnh anced
+rec ord
+Ġemer gence
+Ġa kin
+ĠB ert
+it ous
+âĸ ij
+Ġst ip
+Ġexch anged
+om ore
+als h
+Ġreserv oir
+Ġstand point
+W M
+Ġiniti ate
+Ġdec ay
+Ġbrew ery
+Ġter ribly
+Ġmort al
+lev ard
+Ġrev is
+N I
+el o
+Ġconf ess
+Ġsub missions
+Cont roller
+Ġ20 2
+ĠR uth
+} );
+ĠAz ure
+Ġ ."
+20 6
+ĠMarket ing
+Ġl aund
+ien cies
+Ġrenown ed
+ĠT rou
+ble ms
+Ġterr ified
+Ġwar ns
+Ġper t
+Ġuns ure
+4 80
+ale z
+ult z
+ĠOut side
+Ġst yl
+ĠUnder ground
+Ġp anc
+Ġd ictionary
+Ġf oe
+rim inal
+ĠNor wegian
+Ġj ailed
+Ġm aternal
+é e
+ĠLu cy
+c op
+Ch o
+Ġuns igned
+ĠZe lda
+ĠIns ider
+ĠContin ued
+Ġ13 3
+ĠNar uto
+ĠMajor ity
+16 9
+ĠW o
+ãĤ ĵ
+Ġpast or
+Ġinform al
+Ð ½
+an throp
+jo in
+ãģ Ĺ
+it ational
+N P
+ĠWrit ing
+f n
+ĠB ever
+19 5
+Ġy elling
+Ġdr astically
+Ġe ject
+Ġne ut
+Ġth rive
+ĠFre qu
+ou x
+Ġpossess es
+ĠSen ators
+ĠSh akespeare
+ĠFran co
+uch i
+Ġinc arn
+Ġfound ers
+F unction
+Ġbright ness
+Ġwh ale
+ĠThe ater
+m ass
+ĠD oll
+S omething
+Ġecho ed
+ĠHe x
+c rit
+af ia
+Ġgodd ess
+Ġele ven
+ĠPre view
+ĠAur ora
+Ġ4 01
+uls ive
+ĠLog an
+in burgh
+ĠCent ers
+ĠA id
+Ġparad ox
+Ġh urd
+D ue
+c ourt
+Ġoff ended
+Ġeval uating
+ĠMatthew s
+Ġto mb
+Ġpay roll
+Ġextra ction
+ĠH ands
+if i
+Ġsuper natural
+] =
+dog s
+Ġ5 12
+ĠMe eting
+Rich ard
+ĠMax imum
+Ġide als
+Th ings
+m and
+ĠReg ardless
+Ġhum ili
+b uffer
+L ittle
+ĠD ani
+ĠN ak
+Ġliber ation
+ĠA be
+Ġstuff ed
+ac a
+ind a
+raph ic
+Ġmos qu
+Ġcampaign ing
+Ġoccup y
+S qu
+r ina
+ĠW el
+Ġphys ic
+Ġp uls
+r int
+oad ed
+ĠArch ives
+Ġven ues
+h ner
+ĠTur bo
+Ġl ust
+Ġappeal ed
+que z
+il ib
+ĠTim othy
+Ġo mn
+d ro
+Ġobs ession
+ĠSav age
+19 96
+Gl obal
+J es
+2 14
+Ġsl iding
+Ġdisapp ro
+ĠMag ical
+Ġvolunt arily
+g b
+ane y
+Ġprop het
+ĠRe in
+ĠJul ia
+ĠW orth
+aur us
+Ġb ounds
+ie u
+)) )
+Ġcro re
+ĠCitiz en
+S ky
+Ġcolumn ist
+Ġseek ers
+ond o
+ĠL ength
+Ġnost alg
+Ġnew com
+Ġdet rim
+ent ric
+3 75
+Ġaut op
+Ġacadem ics
+App Data
+ĠS hen
+Ġid iot
+ĠTrans it
+Ġteasp oon
+W il
+K O
+ĠCom edy
+> ,
+Ġpop ulated
+W D
+Ġp igs
+ĠO culus
+Ġsymp athetic
+Ġmar athon
+19 8
+Ġseiz ure
+s ided
+Ġd op
+irt ual
+L and
+ĠFl oor
+osa urs
+... ]
+Ġl os
+Ġsubsid iary
+E Y
+ĠPart s
+ĠSt ef
+ĠJud iciary
+Ġ13 4
+Ġmir rors
+Ġk et
+t imes
+Ġneuro log
+Ġc av
+ĠGu est
+Ġtum or
+sc ill
+ĠLl oyd
+E st
+Ġcle arer
+Ġstere otypes
+Ġd ur
+not hing
+Red dit
+Ġnegoti ated
+---------------- --------
+23 5
+Ġfl own
+ĠSe oul
+ĠRes ident
+Ġdisappear ance
+ĠV ince
+g rown
+Ġgrab s
+r il
+ĠInf inite
+ĠTw enty
+Ġpedest rian
+Ġjer sey
+ĠF ur
+ĠInf inity
+ĠEll iott
+Ġment or
+Ġmor ally
+Ġob ey
+sec ure
+iff e
+Ġantib iotics
+ang led
+ĠFre eman
+ĠIntrodu ction
+J un
+Ġm arsh
+ic ans
+och ond
+W all
+icult y
+Ġmisdem eanor
+Ġl y
+Th omas
+ĠRes olution
+Ġanim ations
+ĠD ry
+Ġinter course
+ĠNew castle
+ĠH og
+ĠEqu ipment
+17 7
+Ġterrit orial
+Ġarch ives
+20 3
+Fil ter
+ĠMun ich
+Ġcommand ed
+ĠW and
+Ġpit ches
+ĠCro at
+Ġrat ios
+ĠM its
+Ġaccum ulated
+ĠSpecific ally
+Ġgentle man
+acer b
+Ġp enn
+Ġa ka
+ĠF uk
+Ġinterven e
+ĠRef uge
+ĠAlz heimer
+Ġsuccess ion
+oh an
+d oes
+L ord
+Ġsepar at
+Ġcorrespond ence
+Ġsh iny
+P rior
+Ġs ulf
+Ġmiser able
+Ġded ication
+( ).
+Ġspecial ists
+Ġdefect s
+ĠC ult
+ĠX ia
+Ġje opard
+ĠO re
+Ab ility
+Ġle ar
+Ġamb itions
+ĠArab s
+Ġ19 42
+Ġpres ervation
+ific ate
+Ġash amed
+l oss
+ĠRest aur
+Ġrese mble
+Ġen rich
+ĠCl an
+fl oat
+Ġplay able
+Ġharm ony
+arr ison
+ĠWe instein
+w ere
+Ġpoison ing
+ĠCom put
+ĠWord Press
+m ajor
+ĠVal ve
+F an
+ĠTh row
+ĠRom ans
+ĠDep ression
+ad os
+Ġtort ured
+Ġbal ancing
+bott om
+Ġacqu iring
+ĠMon te
+ard i
+Ġa ura
+Ġ# #
+ĠStand ing
+ĠAtl as
+C F
+Ġintr ins
+ĠBen ghazi
+Ġcamp ing
+Ġt apped
+bl ade
+st rous
+ĠR abb
+ĠW ritten
+t ip
+ĠNe igh
+ster dam
+ĠAll ow
+ĠHe aling
+ĠR hod
+n um
+Ġcaffe ine
+ĠPer cent
+Ġbo o
+Ġapp les
+30 5
+Ġwel coming
+Ġappl aud
+Ġa usterity
+Â ±
+ĠRe ality
+ef e
+å ®
+Ġsu cks
+Ġtab s
+ĠPay Pal
+Ġback pack
+Ġgif ted
+abul ary
+ĠSc out
+ir teen
+Ġch in
+Ġo mitted
+Ġnegative ly
+Ġaccess ing
+ĠE arn
+Ġambul ance
+Ġhead phones
+Ġ20 5
+ĠRef resh
+p resident
+ĠKit chen
+ĠEnt ered
+ĠS nyder
+00 5
+om ical
+Ġborrow ed
+ĠN em
+Ġav iation
+Ġst all
+rim ination
+Ġuniform s
+it ime
+ĠSim mons
+ener gy
+ab lished
+y y
+qual ified
+Ġrall ies
+ĠSt uart
+fl ight
+Ġgang s
+r ag
+Ġv ault
+lu x
+ĠCom par
+Ġdesign ation
+20 9
+ĠJ os
+d ollar
+z ero
+Ġwell s
+30 3
+Ġconstitu ents
+Ġhe ck
+Ġc ows
+Ġcommand ers
+Ġdifferent ial
+ĠC atherine
+29 9
+Ġval ve
+Ġbr ace
+Ġperspect ives
+c ert
+f act
+icular ly
+ĠMc N
+pl anes
+Ġint ric
+Ġpe as
+ov an
+Ġtoss ed
+ret ch
+ĠL opez
+Ġunf amiliar
+de ath
+ĠA part
+ĠCh ang
+Ġrelie ved
+rop he
+Ġair ports
+Ġfre ak
+ut il
+M ill
+ĠCh in
+ĠOw en
+m ale
+ĠBro ken
+ĠWind s
+ro b
+r ising
+Ġfire fighters
+Ġauthor itarian
+Ġ14 8
+Bit coin
+ex ternal
+Ġbrow sers
+iche ver
+or ian
+Ġun b
+Ġpo ke
+ĠZ ot
+M id
+ĠPop ular
+Ġco vert
+Ġcont ributes
+Ġ6 50
+Ġcont ention
+G ate
+Ġcons oles
+Ġchrom os
+Ġvis ually
+ĠE isen
+Ġjewel ry
+Ġdeleg ation
+Ġacceler ate
+ĠR iley
+Ġsl ope
+Ġind oor
+it ially
+Ġhuge ly
+Ġtun nels
+Ġfin ed
+Ġdirect ive
+Ġfore head
+ustom ed
+Ġsk ate
+Mus ic
+g as
+Ġrecogn izing
+am bo
+Ġover weight
+ĠGr ade
+Ù Ĭ
+Ġsound ing
+Ġlock ing
+St ore
+Ġexc av
+ĠLike wise
+ĠL ights
+Ġel bow
+ĠSupp ly
+w ic
+Ġhands ome
+19 94
+C oll
+Ġadequ ately
+ĠAssoci ate
+Ġstri ps
+Ġcrack down
+Ġmar vel
+ĠK un
+Ġpass ages
+@@ @@
+ĠT all
+Ġthought ful
+names e
+Ġprost itution
+bus iness
+Ġball istic
+person al
+c ig
+iz ational
+R ound
+ĠCole man
+Ġadm itting
+ĠPl ug
+Ġbit coins
+ĠSu z
+Ġfair ness
+Ġsupp lier
+Ġcatast rophic
+ĠHel en
+o qu
+M arc
+ĠArt icles
+g ie
+Ġend angered
+Ġdest iny
+ĠVol t
+ol ia
+ax is
+Ġche at
+Ġun ified
+qu ote
+30 2
+ĠS ed
+Ġsupp ression
+Ġanaly zing
+Ġsqu at
+Ġfig uring
+Ġcoordin ates
+Ġch unks
+Ġ19 46
+Ġsub p
+Ġw iki
+ĠFor bes
+ĠJ upiter
+ĠE rik
+im er
+ĠCom mercial
+\ )
+Ġlegitim acy
+Ġd ental
+ĠMe an
+Ġdefic its
+5 50
+Orig inally
+ĠHor ror
+Ġcontam ination
+ll ah
+Ġconf isc
+ĠCl are
+T B
+ĠF ailed
+an ed
+Ġrul er
+ĠCont roller
+Ġfemin ists
+F ix
+g ay
+20 7
+Ġr abbit
+Th ird
+ownt own
+Ġgl ue
+Ġvol atile
+Ġsh ining
+Ġf oll
+Ġimp aired
+Ġsup ers
+æ Ī
+Ġcl utch
+ļé ĨĴ
+Ġpro let
+Ġ( !
+Ġy elled
+ĠK iev
+ĠEr n
+ĠSh ock
+K B
+Ġsit uated
+qu ery
+ĠN as
+Ġan nex
+char acter
+ĠHol iday
+Ġautom ation
+ĠJ ill
+ĠRem astered
+Ġl inem
+Ġwild erness
+ĠHor izon
+ĠGu inea
+A Z
+Ġmain land
+Ġsec recy
+Ġp unk
+ĠProv ince
+( ),
+Spe ed
+Ġhand ing
+ĠSeb ast
+S ir
+r ase
+Ġj ournals
+Ġcon gest
+ĠT ut
+ir rel
+Ġschizophren ia
+Ġmis ogyn
+health y
+I ron
+Ġreact ed
+- $
+25 2
+Ġpl ural
+Ġpl um
+Ġbarg ain
+Ġground ed
+f inder
+Ġdis se
+ĠL az
+Ġat roc
+F actory
+Ġmin ions
+Ġo ri
+ĠB rave
+ĠMy anmar
+ĠH od
+Ġexped ition
+Ġexpl ode
+ĠCo ord
+Ġext r
+ĠB rief
+Ġhard core
+feed ing
+Ġd ile
+ĠF ruit
+Ġvacc ination
+ĠM ao
+osp here
+Ġcont ests
+- |
+Ġf ren
+isp here
+R om
+ĠSh arp
+ĠTre nd
+Ġdis connect
+âĢ¢ âĢ¢
+Ġper secution
+Ear th
+Ġhealth ier
+38 4
+Ġc ob
+ĠTr inity
+Ġspecial ty
+Ġg ru
+Ġcooper ative
+wh y
+Start ing
+ĠIss ues
+st re
+ens or
+Ġ18 5
+Ad v
+! ?
+ĠRe vel
+em ia
+ĠH ulk
+Ġcelebr ations
+ĠS ou
+ra ud
+ĠKle in
+Ġun real
+con text
+Ġpartners hips
+Ġadop ting
+t ical
+Ġspl ash
+ĠHe zbollah
+c ategory
+cycl op
+xt on
+ĠD ot
+urd y
+t z
+Ġenvelop e
+â ķ
+Ġwhere in
+Spe c
+18 4
+Ġte lev
+al iation
+Ġmyth s
+å °
+Ġrig orous
+Ġcommun icating
+Ġobser ver
+Ġre he
+ĠW ash
+Ġapolog ized
+ĠT in
+Ġexpend itures
+work ers
+d ocument
+Ġhes itate
+ĠLen in
+Ġunpredict able
+Ġrenew al
+cl er
+ok ia
+Ġpost season
+Tok ens
+Ġex acerb
+Ġbet ting
+Ġ14 7
+Ġelev ation
+W ood
+ĠSol omon
+19 4
+00 4
+out put
+Ġredu nd
+ĠM umbai
+Ġp H
+Ġreprodu ce
+ĠD uration
+Ġb og
+ĠBal ance
+ĠS gt
+ĠRec ent
+Ġc d
+Ġpo pped
+Ġincomp et
+pro p
+ay an
+g uy
+Pac ific
+Ġty r
+Ġ{ {
+ĠMy stic
+ĠD ana
+Ġmast urb
+Ġge ometry
+Ã ¢
+ĠCor rect
+Ġtraject ory
+Ġdistract ed
+Ġf oo
+ĠW elsh
+L uc
+m ith
+Ġrug by
+Ġrespir atory
+Ġtri angle
+Ġ2 15
+Ġunder graduate
+ĠSuper ior
+ch anging
+_ -
+Ġright ly
+Ġrefere e
+Ġluc rative
+Ġun authorized
+Ġresemb les
+ĠDer by
+Ġpath ways
+ĠL ed
+Ġend urance
+Ġst int
+Ġcollect or
+F ast
+Ġd ots
+Ġnational s
+ĠSec urities
+Ġwh ip
+Par am
+Ġlearn s
+M agic
+Ġdetail ing
+m oon
+Ġbroadcast ing
+Ġb aked
+26 5
+hol m
+ĠS ah
+ĠHus sein
+ĠCourt esy
+17 4
+Ġ14 6
+Ġge ographic
+pe ace
+Ġjud ging
+ĠS tern
+B ur
+Ġstory line
+G un
+ĠSt ick
+24 5
+30 7
+ãĤ´ ãĥ³
+ĠAdminist rator
+Ġbur nt
+Ġp ave
+ch oes
+Ex ec
+Ġcamp uses
+Res ult
+Ġmut ations
+ĠCh arter
+Ġcapt ures
+Ġcomp ares
+Ġbad ge
+S cient
+Ġer ad
+ier y
+o i
+ett es
+ĠE state
+Ġst rap
+Ġproud ly
+Ġf ried
+Ġwithd rawn
+ĠV oy
+ph ony
+It ems
+ĠP ierce
+b ard
+Ġann otation
+ant on
+ill on
+Im pro
+... )
+Ġhapp ier
+---- --
+ad just
+Ġstaff ers
+Ġactiv ism
+Ġper f
+Ġal right
+N eed
+Ġcomm ence
+Ġopio id
+ĠAm anda
+E s
+ĠP ars
+ĠK aw
+W orks
+24 8
+Ġind o
+t c
+end ant
+ĠM oto
+Ġlegal ization
+Ġtask ed
+Ġt sp
+16 6
+Ġrefres hing
+ĠPere z
+Ġinfring ement
+S Y
+List en
+in ning
+k u
+Ġrot ate
+pro gram
+ar ah
+Des ign
+Ġ( £
+Ġst oring
+Ġwar rants
+Ġjud gement
+ĠB rist
+us ually
+ph oto
+ĠR an
+ĠP ine
+Ġoutrage ous
+ĠValent ine
+lu ence
+ĠEvery body
+Al tern
+Ġrele vance
+Ġtermin ated
+Ġd essert
+Ġfulf illed
+Ġprosecut ed
+ĠW ords
+Ġm igrant
+Ġcultiv ation
+idel ity
+ĠV ern
+ĠLog in
+Ġmetaph or
+ĠT ip
+Ġrecru its
+ĠP ig
+rib ing
+Ġenthusi asts
+ex per
+Ġfright ening
+ĠH air
+ans on
+str ate
+Ġh i
+He ight
+Ġown ing
+n one
+Ġdis like
+Ġkn ives
+pher d
+Ġloud ly
+Dis play
+ĠL ac
+ab l
+ver ages
+J ew
+Ġ17 2
+ĠHist orical
+at oon
+ĠPhys ics
+in tern
+Ġwarm th
+Ġto pp
+D M
+Ġgun man
+Ġem peror
+od i
+ãĥ £
+in atory
+ĠR ib
+Ġ13 1
+ĠSat urn
+ĠSh ining
+Ġw aking
+Qu otes
+Ġcomed ian
+en berg
+Â ½
+Ġbelie vers
+Ġpaper work
+c ustom
+Ġle v
+Ġl ament
+Ġpour ing
+22 2
+p olitical
+ĠSupp lement
+m aid
+Ġcruel ty
+Ġt read
+ys ics
+A w
+rit es
+Ġmod ifier
+ĠP osition
+Ad am
+l b
+ub s
+Ġimper fect
+Ġcl usters
+ĠEngine er
+ĠC herry
+Ġinaug uration
+ĠS au
+Ġembod iment
+ĠUn cle
+Ġover r
+Ġexplos ions
+c ule
+ĠPrinc eton
+ĠAndre a
+Ġincorrect ly
+Ġearn est
+Ġpil gr
+ĠS print
+Ġslee ve
+Ġhe ars
+ĠAm azing
+Ġbrow sing
+ag in
+Ġhom eland
+Ġha w
+Ġd iving
+ist ered
+17 8
+Ġbarg aining
+ĠArc ade
+Ġdeleg ate
+ters on
+................................ ................................
+ĠJackson ville
+27 5
+Ġst agn
+Ġad am
+ĠSher man
+C B
+Ġsub urb
+ĠFood s
+Ġconver ting
+ĠAr ist
+Ġch ambers
+l ove
+Ġam ino
+ĠG an
+Ġmad ness
+m c
+def ined
+Ġul tr
+ind ust
+Ġw olves
+l ance
+Add itionally
+Ġcr acks
+as ia
+ĠRe ason
+ĠP ump
+Ġaccident al
+ĠL aser
+ĠR id
+Ġinitial ized
+ell i
+Ġun named
+Ġn oun
+ĠPass ed
+Ġhost age
+ĠEth iop
+sh irts
+Ġun rel
+ĠEmb assy
+Ġ19 41
+Ġat oms
+Ġpur ported
+16 4
+ĠF i
+Ġgall ons
+ĠMon ica
+Ġp g
+en ment
+Ġsort ed
+ĠG ospel
+Ġhe ights
+Ġtr aced
+Ġunder going
+She ll
+Ġs acks
+Ġproport ions
+Ġhall uc
+F ont
+ac et
+Ġwar mer
+Ġgrab bing
+Pl ug
+Ġreal ization
+ĠBur ke
+Ġen chant
+ĠSe ed
+Ġabund ant
+F M
+Ġc ivic
+V s
+is i
+Ġv ow
+Ġre per
+ĠPartners hip
+Ġpenet ration
+Ġax e
+Ġsh attered
+ĠZ ombies
+Ġv inyl
+ĠAl ert
+e on
+Ġoblig ed
+ĠIll ust
+ĠPl aza
+ĠFront ier
+Ġdavid jl
+ĠSer ial
+ĠH av
+ĠNut rition
+B i
+Ġâĸ Ī
+ĠJ ays
+lin ux
+Ġhur ry
+Ġv oy
+Ġhop eless
+ĠSte alth
+Ġ ãģ
+ess ors
+tt le
+b org
+ĠSaf ari
+f ell
+Ġw ary
+d ue
+ĠAb ove
+H a
+Ġnot or
+ĠW on
+T oo
+Ġoccup ations
+Ġposs essions
+Ġinv iting
+Ġpred ators
+Ġacceler ated
+Ġ15 7
+uter te
+ĠC ube
+e ast
+acc ount
+G ive
+Ġtrans plant
+red ients
+id able
+Ġscreens hots
+ĠG und
+Ġtravel ers
+Ġsens ory
+ĠF iat
+ĠRock ets
+İ ĭ
+_ {
+F riend
+Ġchar ming
+Ġenjoy ment
+m ph
+Ġ5 000
+Ù Ĩ
+b ia
+Ġcomp ilation
+ro st
+ĠSch ne
+201 9
+Ġcop ying
+ĠFl ore
+f alls
+2 15
+t otal
+Ġdis ciples
+d ouble
+Ġexceed ing
+Ġsm ashed
+Ġconcept ual
+ĠRom ania
+ĠB rent
+ĠT ou
+Ġg rap
+Ġn ails
+18 9
+ãĥ ĺ
+Ġproc ure
+e ur
+Ġconfir ming
+ĠC ec
+aw i
+ĠEd en
+Ġn g
+Ġengine ered
+at ics
+Ġhook ed
+Ġdisgust ing
+ĠMur der
+ãĤ ¿
+L ibrary
+Ġ16 8
+Al most
+hem atic
+Men u
+ĠNot re
+ĠJ ur
+Ġkidn apped
+Ġhack er
+ĠJ ade
+Ġcreep y
+Ġdraw ings
+ĠSpons or
+Ġcycl ists
+ĠGob lin
+Ġoptim ized
+Ġst aged
+ĠMc D
+bet ween
+A ge
+en o
+S ex
+ĠW ide
+n ings
+av is
+Ġincap able
+ĠK ob
+Ġreward ing
+ĠL one
+oles cent
+Ġcontract ed
+Ġstick y
+J ose
+B all
+f est
+ĠIn put
+ĠRec ently
+Ġto mat
+squ are
+App lication
+Ġnit rogen
+Ġdupl icate
+ĠRec on
+ĠD ear
+L ondon
+Ġint ra
+Ġd ock
+Ġout reach
+ĠM illion
+Ġmamm als
+am pton
+Ġsn aps
+Ġd os
+ĠWh ole
+ĠRead y
+T ry
+ĠWinn ipeg
+ear ance
+Ġinc urred
+ren ched
+il ot
+rain e
+Ġc ube
+g ot
+Ġrun way
+etermin ed
+ĠHaw ks
+Ġsurviv or
+ĠW ish
+ĠD in
+ĠV ault
+18 7
+Ġmush rooms
+Ġcris p
+be y
+ĠDisco very
+Ġdevelopment al
+Ġparad igm
+Ġcha otic
+ĠT su
+Ġ3 33
+b ons
+Ġbacter ial
+Ġcomm its
+Ġcos mic
+Ġme ga
+oc ative
+ĠP aint
+ophob ic
+Ġv ain
+Ġcar ved
+ĠTh ief
+ĠG ul
+ows hip
+Ġc ites
+ĠEd inburgh
+Ġdimin ished
+Ġacknowled ges
+ĠK ills
+Ġmic row
+ĠHer a
+Ġsen iors
+Ġwhere by
+H op
+at ron
+Ġun available
+ĠN ate
+Ġ4 80
+Ġsl ated
+ĠRe becca
+ĠB attery
+Ġgram mar
+Ġhead set
+Ġcurs or
+Ġex cluding
+any e
+aunder ing
+eb in
+Ġfeas ible
+ĠPub lishing
+ĠLab s
+ĠCl iff
+ĠFerr ari
+Ġp ac
+vis ible
+mark ed
+pe ll
+Ġpol ite
+Ġstagger ing
+ĠGal actic
+Ġsuper st
+Ġpar an
+ĠOffic ers
+ãĢ ģ
+Ġspecific s
+ul us
+23 9
+ĠP aste
+ĠPan ama
+ĠDe lete
+angu ard
+rest rial
+Ġhero ic
+ĠD y
+ا ÙĦ
+Ġincumb ent
+Ġcr unch
+t ro
+Ġsc oop
+Ġblog ger
+Ġsell ers
+ure n
+Ġmedic ines
+ĠC aps
+ĠAnim ation
+ox y
+Ġout ward
+Ġinqu iries
+22 9
+Ġpsych ologist
+ĠS ask
+ev il
+Ġcontam inated
+ãĤ ¨
+he rence
+Ġbrand ed
+ĠAbd ul
+z h
+Ġparagraph s
+Ġmin s
+Ġcor related
+er b
+Ġimp art
+Ġmil estone
+ĠSol utions
+ot le
+Ġunder cover
+Ġmar ched
+ĠCharg ers
+f ax
+ĠSec rets
+Ġr uth
+we ather
+Ġfemin ine
+Ġsh am
+Ġprest igious
+igg ins
+Ġs ung
+hist ory
+ett le
+gg ie
+Ġout dated
+ol and
+Ġper ceptions
+ĠS ession
+ĠDod gers
+u j
+D oc
+Ġdefic iency
+Gr and
+ĠJ oker
+Ġretro spect
+Ġdiagn ostic
+Ġharm less
+Ġro gue
+ĠA val
+E qu
+Ġtrans c
+ĠRoberts on
+ĠDep ending
+ĠBurn s
+iv o
+Ġhost ility
+F eatures
+ĵ ĺ
+Ġdis comfort
+spec ified
+ĠEx pect
+3 40
+Ġimper ative
+ĠReg ular
+Ch inese
+Ġstate wide
+Ġsy mm
+Ġlo ops
+Ġaut umn
+N ick
+Ġsh aping
+Ġqu ot
+Ġc herry
+ĠCross ref
+è¦ ļéĨĴ
+Stand ard
+he ed
+ĠD ell
+ĠViet namese
+Ġo st
+ĠV alkyrie
+O A
+Ass ad
+Ġreb ound
+ĠTra ffic
+pl aces
+æ ĺ
+ĠB uc
+17 2
+Ġshel ters
+Ġins isting
+ĠCertain ly
+ĠKenn eth
+Ġpen al
+ĠRe play
+he ard
+Ġdial ect
+iz a
+it cher
+Ġspir al
+Ġquarterback s
+Ġh ull
+Ġgo ogle
+Ġto dd
+ĠSter ling
+ĠPl ate
+Ġsp ying
+mb ol
+ĠReal m
+ĠPro ced
+ĠCr ash
+Ġtermin ate
+Ġprotest ing
+C enter
+gu ided
+Ġun cover
+Ġboy cott
+Ġreal izes
+s ound
+Ġpret ending
+ĠV as
+19 80
+Ġfram ed
+Ġ13 9
+Ġdesc ended
+Ġrehab ilitation
+Ġborrow ing
+ĠB uch
+Ġbl ur
+R on
+ĠFro zen
+en za
+Ch ief
+ĠP oor
+Ġtransl ates
+Ġ2 12
+Ġerupt ed
+Ġsuccess es
+Ġpl ague
+Ġg ems
+d oms
+Ġstret ches
+ĠSp y
+Ġstory telling
+C redit
+ĠP ush
+Ġtra ction
+Ġin effective
+ĠL una
+Ġt apes
+Ġanaly tics
+erc ise
+Ġprogram mes
+ĠCar bon
+Ġbeh old
+he avy
+ĠConserv ation
+Ġs ack
+ter min
+ric ks
+Ġhous ed
+Ġunus ually
+I ce
+Ġexecut ing
+ĠMor oc
+ed ay
+Ġed itions
+Ġsm arter
+Ġout law
+Ġvan ished
+ib a
+ĠSil va
+23 8
+C ould
+Ġphilos opher
+Ġevac uated
+Sec ret
+14 2
+Ġvis as
+ãĤ ¬
+ĠM alt
+ĠClear ly
+ĠN iger
+ĠC airo
+ĠF ist
+3 80
+aut o
+it ant
+Ġrein forced
+Rec ord
+ĠSurviv or
+G Hz
+Ġscrew s
+parent s
+Ġo ceans
+ma res
+Ġbra kes
+vas ive
+Ġhell o
+rim p
+Ġo re
+ĠArm our
+24 7
+Ġterr ific
+Ġt ones
+14 1
+ĠMin utes
+Ep isode
+Ġcur ves
+Ġinflamm atory
+Ġbat ting
+ĠBeaut iful
+L ay
+Ġunp op
+v able
+Ġr iots
+ĠTact ics
+b augh
+ĠC ock
+Ġorg asm
+ĠS as
+Ġconstruct or
+et z
+G ov
+Ġant agon
+Ġthe at
+Ġde eds
+ha o
+c uts
+ĠMc Cl
+Ġu m
+ĠScient ists
+Ġgrass roots
+ys sey
+"] =>
+Ġsurf aced
+Ġsh ades
+Ġneighb ours
+Ġad vertis
+oy a
+Ġmer ged
+Up on
+Ġg ad
+Ġanticip ate
+Any way
+Ġsl ogan
+Ġdis respect
+I ran
+act ed
+Ġsubp oen
+medi ately
+Ġwa iver
+Ġvulner abilities
+ott esville
+ĠHuff ington
+J osh
+M onday
+ĠEll en
+K now
+x on
+it ems
+22 8
+Ġf ills
+ĠN ike
+Ġcum ulative
+and als
+I r
+Ġ ì
+Ġfr iction
+ig ator
+Ġsc ans
+ĠVi enna
+ld om
+Ġperform ers
+P rim
+Ġb idding
+M ur
+Ġlean ed
+ĠPri x
+al ks
+Ġ[ âĢ¦]
+ĠTw itch
+ĠDevelop er
+ĠG ir
+Ġcall back
+Ab stract
+Ġacc ustomed
+Ġfreed oms
+ur acy
+Ġl ump
+is man
+,, ,,
+19 92
+Ġwor m
+M atch
+ĠPl atinum
+I J
+ĠOwn er
+Tri via
+com pl
+Ġnew born
+Ġfant as
+O wn
+Ġ19 59
+Ġsymp ath
+Ġub iqu
+Ġoutput s
+Ġal lev
+Ġpr ag
+K evin
+Ġfav ors
+Ġbur ial
+Ġn urt
+so lete
+c ache
+Ġ15 6
+Ġunl ocks
+te chn
+M aking
+Ġcon quer
+ad ic
+æ ĸ
+Ġel f
+Ġelect orate
+ĠKurd s
+ĠSt ack
+ĠSam urai
+Ġâ ĺħ
+Ġ{ }
+ĠS aid
+ĠFall out
+Ġkind ness
+ĠCustom s
+ĠBou levard
+Ġhelicop ters
+ot ics
+ĠVe get
+com ment
+Ġcritic ised
+Ġpol ished
+ĠRem ix
+ĠC ultural
+Ġrec ons
+Ġdo i
+at em
+Sc reen
+Ġbar red
+Com ments
+ĠGener ally
+Ġsl ap
+7 20
+V ari
+p ine
+Ġem pt
+Ġh ats
+ĠPlay ing
+l ab
+a verage
+form s
+ĠC otton
+Ġcan s
+ĠSom alia
+C rypt
+ĠIncre ases
+E ver
+mod ern
+Ġsur geon
+3 000
+Ġrandom ized
+================================ ================================
+B ern
+im pl
+Ġpro claim
+th ouse
+Ġto es
+Ġam ple
+Ġpres erving
+Ġdis bel
+gr and
+B esides
+Ġsil k
+ĠPat tern
+h m
+Ġenter prises
+Ġaffidav it
+ĠAdvis ory
+Ġadvert ised
+ĠRel igious
+se ctions
+psy ch
+ĠField s
+aw ays
+Ġhasht ag
+ĠNight mare
+Ġv ampire
+Ġfore nsic
+rosso ver
+n ar
+Ġn avy
+Ġvac ant
+ĠD uel
+Ġhall way
+Ġface book
+ident ally
+Ġm att
+Ġhur ricane
+ĠKir by
+ĠP uzzle
+Ġsk irt
+ou st
+du llah
+Ġanal ogy
+in ion
+Ġtomat oes
+ĠPe ak
+ĠMe yer
+Ġappoint ments
+Ġm asc
+Ġal ley
+re hend
+Ġchar ities
+Ġund o
+Ġdest inations
+ĠTest ing
+Ġdest ined
+Ġimp lements
+ĠHar old
+Ġoptim ization
+Ġkilomet res
+Ġc md
+Ġimpair ment
+Ġun successful
+Ġswift ly
+ĠGlas gow
+art en
+ĠSh ares
+ĠAn swer
+ĠAl bum
+Ġnut ritional
+ãĥ ĸ
+ĠF ut
+Ġbl oc
+Ġwholes ale
+Ġneg lected
+Ġlaun cher
+Ġannounce ments
+com b
+Ġrot ating
+Ġrest s
+ĠT icket
+ched el
+L ou
+ĠV ic
+Ġ" '
+Ġtem plates
+Ġrepl aces
+Ar c
+:: ::
+ĠGil bert
+Ġillness es
+Ġsched ules
+Ġheter osexual
+Ġhere in
+Ġco erc
+Ġdecre asing
+Ġde portation
+s udo
+ĠInd igenous
+Ġweigh s
+Al ong
+' );
+ĠBeng als
+70 7
+Ġjoint s
+ver ts
+Ġ14 9
+na ire
+Ġsimpl est
+Ġl ore
+10 80
+f iction
+ĠDat abase
+Ġreserv ation
+Ġs ou
+Ġsan ctuary
+aud io
+ap le
+Ġveget arian
+Ġanticip ation
+m icro
+Ġend uring
+Ġdepart ed
+Ġsidew alk
+Ġprohib its
+ĠF ont
+Ġcomp ute
+ĠS ect
+Ġ15 8
+B attle
+Ġbom ber
+Ġdist raction
+Ġend ured
+Ġpractition ers
+Ġdistur bed
+Ġdr ank
+ord ered
+Ġsurpr ises
+se at
+Sec urity
+ĠW isdom
+og o
+Ġsub paragraph
+ĠPen insula
+ĠOrig ins
+ire n
+ĠP av
+igg le
+Ġgrat itude
+ĠG ravity
+over ty
+im an
+ct r
+ĠCa esar
+c ould
+g em
+Ġsk ies
+Ġch amp
+Ġagree ing
+F amily
+D iv
+17 6
+Ġmess y
+um ption
+F ederal
+ern o
+ĠCh at
+Bey ond
+Ġdev ote
+ĠW alsh
+Ġdump ed
+Ġaccum ulation
+st ad
+hib ition
+Ġsm okers
+Ġinspect or
+F rench
+iss an
+ĠV ita
+Ġresearch ing
+ĠCelt ics
+Ġcl oak
+ĠTer ra
+M ary
+so ld
+mod s
+Int el
+Ġmult itude
+ĠImpro ved
+Ġrel iance
+Ġartif act
+Ġalarm ing
+P rom
+h on
+med ium
+Ġref lex
+ĠEx cel
+Ġweaken ed
+16 3
+2 24
+Ġcost umes
+Ġunique ly
+Ġs orrow
+Ġm ansion
+w p
+Ġsal v
+ĠGro ve
+bs p
+ĠSn iper
+ĠSh ipping
+Ġund is
+Ġbrand ing
+G irl
+ĠAh mad
+ĠL akes
+ĠCore y
+Ġinherit ance
+ener y
+Ġpack ing
+ĠP rest
+D est
+F W
+Ġregul ator
+l ocked
+Ġcont ested
+ĠMel issa
+ĠD uc
+Ġunpop ular
+Ġst acked
+Ġ19 17
+Ġyear ly
+Ġst are
+Ġassess ing
+Ã ¸
+Ġbe verages
+Ġcompet itions
+Ġstreng thening
+al ong
+ĠL ud
+Ġmel ted
+stan bul
+Ġb ounty
+ĠL ands
+Ġdecl ares
+Ġcustom ize
+Ġcomp osite
+ãĥ ¬
+C M
+ograph ics
+ĠTem p
+Ġcont ender
+Ġins ign
+Ġdis asters
+ins pired
+Ġjud gments
+ustain able
+urs ion
+Ġvar iance
+ĠUlt imately
+Ġ --------
+u ador
+Ġmel ting
+ĠExt ended
+ĠT we
+M ajor
+ĠB il
+Ġsy rup
+qu ick
+ĠHold er
+Ġinnoc ence
+ĠM ight
+99 99
+Ġf al
+Ġcontinu ity
+Ġ19 53
+st ill
+L at
+ĠAb use
+Ġun supported
+xxxx xxxx
+Ġinst itute
+Ġfrag ment
+ĠP ep
+W estern
+ĠC ause
+ĠFr ag
+ĠAr s
+à ¥
+ast ics
+Ġb ishop
+Ġcross es
+Ġ15 4
+ĠUp grade
+Ġmit igate
+ĠRay mond
+Mod s
+Ġtom ato
+Ġst umbled
+Ġdiff ers
+In itial
+ĠR aspberry
+Ġign ores
+Ġt ant
+Ã ł
+Ġrel ay
+Ġb isexual
+Ġconf ession
+Ġd ement
+in as
+ĠHe ather
+pl atform
+dri ving
+bour g
+ĠM ush
+Ġhy ster
+Det ails
+Ġdr ift
+ĠW ald
+ĠLuck ily
+or f
+Ġexp ire
+ĠP unch
+zy me
+g old
+Ġunp aid
+ĠT rent
+Ġun armed
+Ġill icit
+ĠT ottenham
+Ġsm ash
+Intern ational
+ink er
+Ġst ing
+ĠSadd am
+Ġtruth s
+b irth
+Ġso ber
+ĠN it
+Ġ ib
+Ġus able
+Ġst acks
+ĠSy lv
+Ġnort heast
+Ġdom ination
+ĠM our
+ĠMe asure
+Ġprogram mer
+Ġ< -
+18 2
+ĠCond ition
+Ġback yard
+ir ling
+ĠJ eb
+ĠCre ed
+ĠH ang
+ĠIs h
+Ġdetect ives
+------------ ---
+ĠMess enger
+Ġlo oph
+Ġgate way
+15 1
+ĠMaterial s
+Ġdo omed
+od o
+Ġslic es
+Ġemail ed
+ĠPer l
+Ġren ov
+ody nam
+ĠSouth west
+get ic
+Ġoptim ism
+ĠT ow
+ul ators
+prot ected
+y les
+Â «
+Ġex ile
+en v
+P rop
+ĠZimmer man
+Ù İ
+C a
+om aly
+ãĥ Ĩ
+Ġrail road
+L ee
+23 2
+Ġrepl icate
+Ġcomfort ably
+act ly
+Ġr av
+Ġtelesc ope
+Ġhonest y
+ĠPe pper
+ĠBr ing
+Ġric hest
+Ġout doors
+Ġh alls
+Ġcont end
+Ġsub mitting
+Ġna ive
+ar ations
+Ġ14 3
+Ġpo ised
+respons ible
+Ġsoc ks
+ĠSk ull
+Quest ion
+Ġdiscover ies
+Jo ined
+ĠEn emies
+ĠWire less
+ĠRe venge
+Ġpuzz les
+Ġce ased
+29 0
+cript ions
+ĠCon sole
+Ġbo iling
+Ġdisc rep
+Ġded uction
+Ġar senal
+ĠAm sterdam
+rox imately
+ĠSh ane
+Ġpos ing
+ĠCompan ies
+Ġthe ology
+ĠU g
+qu arter
+ĠH ank
+Co in
+ĠL v
+Ġalleg ation
+ĠAv oid
+Ġindef initely
+Ġcommod ities
+Ġbr ig
+ĠMan it
+Ġt enth
+met hod
+ĠKn icks
+ĠâĢ İ
+Ġinv oked
+D ial
+Ġc aucus
+22 7
+ĠJ ab
+Ġoun ces
+b ay
+Ġbud dy
+f an
+23 4
+ĠH il
+ad h
+Ġ19 39
+Ġiter ation
+ĠGonz alez
+ĠV ert
+em b
+re ra
+en ch
+ĠRequ irements
+ĠW ins
+Ġlivest ock
+h ours
+" âĢ¦
+b ral
+M arg
+ĠD one
+Ġwas ting
+ing ed
+g roups
+Ġw ishing
+ĠT umblr
+Ġt apping
+Ġnational ism
+ĠB yr
+Ġsqu ares
+ĠAct ions
+ãĥ ¥
+In side
+deb ug
+Ġapp end
+Ġstub born
+ĠC ind
+T ell
+Ġt earing
+ĠRe y
+or c
+ĠDay ton
+ĠMad ness
+Ch arl
+ĠMor rison
+fil ter
+Ġacc use
+Ġ. /
+Ġtor rent
+Ġdecl ines
+g allery
+M ine
+Ġneg otiation
+ĠBash ar
+op ia
+19 93
+em ort
+ĠNo vel
+ĠF ang
+ers ive
+ĠInst ant
+Ġroll er
+A round
+ĠElect ions
+G ames
+Ġin expensive
+Ġwor s
+Ġv ul
+ĠH ole
+Ġunbeliev able
+Ġn ause
+Ġent r
+bo at
+Ġbus h
+ĠHass an
+Ġw o
+Ġpa used
+ĠM ig
+l ived
+Ġsc out
+Ġl ith
+Pub lished
+du ino
+c ool
+Ġcirc ulating
+id as
+ĠP am
+viol ent
+ĠCraw ford
+udd le
+ĠLet ters
+Gu ard
+mor ph
+Ġwand ering
+Ġsoph omore
+Ġque er
+ĠBl ind
+r ue
+ĠMar riage
+D om
+Ġpadd ing
+Ġfold ers
+Ġmeaning less
+Ġcandid acy
+af ort
+Ġwhistle bl
+ĠIdent ified
+Ġcig ar
+Ġh id
+ĠDub ai
+Ġpost ure
+Ġh iking
+ĠTermin al
+Legend ary
+ĠStar bucks
+ĠR iot
+19 91
+ĠBott om
+e ffic
+ĠEug ene
+ĠWy oming
+ĠRock y
+Ġsal mon
+Ġmet ro
+Ġb ilateral
+Ġcelebr ates
+L ength
+b illion
+B at
+Ġre leg
+Ġpse udo
+D T
+ĠRh ode
+P arent
+ple tion
+Ġatt ribut
+Ġtun ing
+ĠRe bel
+ic us
+F und
+Ġcock tail
+Ġ5 01
+Ġsp oon
+Ġbrut ality
+Ġun ite
+Ġmicro bi
+ĠRe ich
+pos itive
+Ġam azed
+D esc
+Ġfalse ly
+ĠHigh lander
+ĠC rist
+ĠVictor ian
+Ġdistribut ions
+the ir
+ĠE instein
+Ġp od
+Ġepid em
+Ġhe ap
+ĠR anch
+Ġan them
+Ġre app
+ĠAub urn
+Ġconc urrent
+ĠThrough out
+â ĺ
+Ġhom emade
+k ick
+B eg
+Ġch assis
+c ounter
+Ġmer ger
+Ġl aps
+2 17
+un ion
+ĠTr igger
+Ġdeb ated
+Ġsil ently
+Ġrest raint
+B al
+0000 000
+Ġform idable
+ĠFil ip
+Ġsacrific es
+F ood
+Ġdwar f
+ĠSe qu
+in ian
+More over
+Ġtang ible
+ops is
+ĠMine craft
+ĠRegist ration
+o an
+Ġrepresent ations
+Ġth irst
+Ġcor p
+ire ment
+M ade
+l oe
+> "
+c ats
+* .
+Ġgest ures
+gener al
+Le ague
+Ġpack ets
+ĠInspect or
+ĠBer g
+Ġfraud ulent
+Ġcritic ize
+F un
+Ġbl aming
+nd ra
+Ġsl ash
+ĠE ston
+Ġpropos ing
+Ġwh ales
+Ġtherap ist
+Ġsub set
+Ġle isure
+ĠAct ivity
+Ġcul min
+sh op
+is cher
+ĠAdmir al
+ĠAtt acks
+Ġ19 58
+Ġmem oir
+Ġfold ed
+Ġsex ist
+Ġ15 3
+Ġread ings
+Ġembarrass ment
+ĠEmploy ment
+w art
+ch in
+Ġcontin uation
+l ia
+Rec ently
+Ġd uel
+Ġevac uation
+ĠKash mir
+Ġdis position
+ĠR ig
+Ġbol ts
+Ġins urers
+4 67
+M ex
+Ġret aliation
+Ġmis ery
+Ġunre asonable
+r aining
+I mm
+em er
+Ġgen ital
+ãĤ ³
+ĠC andy
+Ġon ions
+ĠP att
+lin er
+Ġconced ed
+Ġf a
+Ġfor c
+ĠH ernandez
+ĠGe off
+deb ian
+ĠTe ams
+Ġc ries
+Ġhome owners
+23 7
+Ġst itch
+Ġstat istic
+Ġhead ers
+ĠBi ology
+Ġmot ors
+ĠL ip
+Ġh ates
+Ġhe el
+S elf
+i pl
+ort ing
+Ġann ot
+ĠSpe ech
+old emort
+ĠJ avascript
+ĠLe Bron
+Ġfoot print
+Ġf n
+Ġseiz ures
+n as
+h ide
+Ġ19 54
+ĠBe e
+ĠDecl aration
+ĠKat ie
+Ġreserv ations
+N R
+f emale
+Ġsatur ated
+Ġb iblical
+Ġtroll s
+Dev ice
+ph otos
+Ġdr ums
+ãĥīãĥ© ãĤ´ãĥ³
+N ight
+f ighter
+ĠH ak
+ri ber
+Ġc ush
+Ġdiscipl inary
+ba um
+ĠSch midt
+ilib rium
+Ġs ixty
+ĠKush ner
+ro ts
+Ġp und
+ĠR ac
+Ġspr ings
+Ġcon ve
+Bus iness
+F all
+Ġqual ifications
+Ġvers es
+Ġnarc iss
+ĠK oh
+ĠW ow
+ĠCharl ottesville
+ed o
+Ġinterrog ation
+ĠW ool
+36 5
+B rian
+Ġâľ ĵ
+Ġalleg es
+ond s
+id ation
+ĠJack ie
+y u
+Ġl akes
+Ġworth while
+Ġcryst als
+ĠJud a
+Ġcomp rehend
+Ġfl ush
+Ġabsor ption
+Ġfright ened
+ĠCh ocolate
+Mart in
+Ġbu ys
+Ġbu cks
+Ġapp ell
+ĠChampions hips
+Ġlist ener
+ĠDef ensive
+Ġc z
+ud s
+ĠM ate
+Ġre play
+Ġdecor ated
+Ġs unk
+ĠAn k
+Ġ19 5
+aa aa
+Nob ody
+ĠMil k
+ĠG ur
+ĠM k
+ĠS ara
+Ġse ating
+ĠW id
+Tr ack
+Ġemploy s
+Ġgig antic
+ãĤ §
+in ventory
+Ġtow el
+at che
+l asting
+Ġlat ency
+Ġkn e
+B er
+me aning
+Ġup held
+Ġplay ground
+Ġm ant
+S ide
+Ġstere o
+Ġnorth west
+Ġexception ally
+Ġr ays
+Ġrec urring
+D rive
+Ġup right
+Ġab duct
+ĠMar athon
+Ġgood bye
+Ġal phabet
+h p
+Ġcourt room
+ring ton
+ot hing
+T ag
+Ġdiplom ats
+Ġbar bar
+ĠAqu a
+18 3
+33 33
+Ġmat urity
+Ġinst ability
+ĠAp ache
+Ġ= ==
+Ġfast ing
+ĠGr id
+Mod Loader
+Ġ15 2
+A bs
+ĠOper ating
+ett i
+Ġacqu aint
+Don nell
+ĠK em
+ĠFor ge
+Ġarm ored
+M il
+Ġphilos ophers
+in vest
+Pl ayers
+â Ī
+Ġmy riad
+Ġcomr ades
+R ot
+Ġremember ing
+Ġcorrespond s
+Ġprogram mers
+ĠLyn n
+Ġo lig
+Ġco herent
+yn chron
+ĠChem ical
+Ġj ugg
+p air
+post s
+E ye
+ĠIn ner
+Ġsem ester
+ott est
+ĠEmir ates
+ric anes
+or ously
+m its
+ĠW is
+Ġd odge
+l ocation
+Ġf aded
+Am azon
+ĠPro ceed
+j ournal
+ĠTru ck
+T en
+Ġ2 17
+Ġstat utes
+m obile
+ĠT ypes
+Rec omm
+b uster
+pe x
+Ġleg ends
+Ġhead ache
+f aced
+ĠWi Fi
+if ty
+Ġcirc uits
+22 6
+ol in
+Ġcyl inder
+osp ace
+ik ers
+P rem
+Qu ant
+Ġconflic ting
+Ġslight est
+Ġfor ged
+ion age
+Step hen
+ĠK ub
+ĠOpp ortun
+ĠHe al
+Ġbl o
+Ġrul ers
+Ġh uh
+Ġsubmar ine
+f y
+ass er
+Ġallow ance
+ĠKas ich
+ĠT as
+ĠAustral ians
+Forge ModLoader
+ĠâĨ ij
+ĠMat rix
+am ins
+Ġ12 00
+ĠAc qu
+23 6
+D ocument
+ĠBre aking
+19 3
+ĠSub st
+ĠRoll er
+ĠPro perties
+t ier
+Ġcr ushing
+Ġadvoc ating
+Further more
+keep ers
+Ġsex ism
+x d
+Ġcall er
+ĠS ense
+chie ve
+Ġfuel ed
+Ġreminis cent
+Ġobs ess
+ur st
+Ġup hold
+ĠF ans
+het ics
+Ġâ Ĺ
+ĠB ath
+Ġbe verage
+Ġo scill
+25 4
+Ġpol es
+Ġgrad ual
+Ġex ting
+ĠS uff
+ĠS uddenly
+Ġlik ing
+Ġ19 49
+un ciation
+am ination
+ĠO mar
+ĠCon sequently
+Ġsynt hes
+Ġp ains
+Ġinteract ing
+u ously
+inc re
+Ġrum or
+ĠScient ology
+19 7
+ĠZ ig
+Ġspe lling
+Ġexting u
+ms on
+Ġg h
+Ġremark ed
+ĠStrateg ic
+å ¥
+g ae
+E ric
+ĠCamp us
+Ġmeth ane
+Ġimag in
+ĠAl m
+X T
+i q
+Ġwrong doing
+att a
+Ġbig ot
+Ġdemonstr ators
+ĠCal vin
+ĠV illa
+Ġmembr ane
+ĠAw esome
+Ġbenef ic
+26 8
+Ġmagn ificent
+ĠL ots
+G reg
+ĠBor is
+Ġdetain ees
+ĠH erman
+Ġwhis pered
+Ġa we
+Prof essor
+fund ing
+Ġphys iological
+ĠDest ruction
+Ġlim b
+Ġmanip ulated
+Ġbub bles
+Ġpse ud
+Ġhyd ra
+ĠBrist ol
+Ġst ellar
+ĠExp ansion
+ĠK ell
+ĠInterest ingly
+Ġm ans
+Ġdrag ging
+Ġec ological
+ĠF it
+Ġg ent
+Ġbenef ited
+ĠHait i
+Ġpoly g
+ãĥ İ
+Ġ20 30
+Ġpro w
+Ġrecon struction
+Ġwas t
+Ġpsych ic
+ĠGree ks
+Hand ler
+16 2
+ĠP ulse
+Ġsol icit
+Ġsy s
+Ġinflu x
+ĠG entle
+per cent
+Ġprolifer ation
+Ġtax able
+Ġdisreg ard
+Ġesc aping
+Ġg inger
+Ġwith stand
+Ġdevast ated
+ĠD ew
+ser ies
+Ġinject ed
+ela ide
+Ġturn over
+he at
+Ļ Ĥ
+H appy
+ĠSil ent
+ãĤ Ń
+iv ism
+Ġir rational
+Ġre ef
+r ub
+Ġ16 2
+Ġbank ers
+ĠEth ics
+v v
+Ġcritic isms
+K n
+18 6
+M ovie
+ĠT ories
+Ġno od
+Ġdist ortion
+F alse
+od ore
+Ġt asty
+Res earch
+- )
+Ġdivor ced
+ĠHay es
+ĠIs n
+ian i
+Ġ" #
+ign ant
+Ġtra umatic
+ĠL ing
+H un
+Ġsab ot
+on line
+r andom
+Ġren amed
+ra red
+K A
+d ead
+é t
+ĠAss istance
+Ġse af
+++++ ++++
+Ġse ldom
+ĠWeb b
+Ġbo olean
+u let
+Ġref rain
+ru le
+Ġshut ting
+Ġutil izing
+load ing
+ĠPar am
+co al
+oot er
+Ġattract ing
+ĠD ol
+Ġher s
+ag netic
+ĠRe ach
+im o
+Ġdisc arded
+ĠP ip
+01 5
+ü r
+Ġm ug
+Im agine
+Ġcurs ed
+ĠSh ows
+ĠCurt is
+ĠSach s
+spe aking
+ĠV ista
+ĠFram ework
+ong o
+Ġsub reddit
+Ġcr us
+ĠO val
+R ow
+g rowing
+Ġinstall ment
+Ġgl ac
+ĠAdv ance
+Ġac et
+Ġsuccess ive
+ĠNic ole
+Ġ19 57
+Qu ote
+Ġcircumst ance
+ack ets
+Ġ14 2
+ort ium
+Ġguess ed
+ĠFr ame
+Ġperpet rators
+ĠAv iation
+ĠBen ch
+Ġhand c
+A p
+Ġ19 56
+25 9
+r and
+Net Message
+d in
+urt les
+h ig
+ff iti
+ĠSw ords
+b ial
+Ġkidn apping
+dev ice
+Ġb arn
+ĠEl i
+auc as
+S end
+Con structed
+ĠÂ ½
+Ġneed les
+Ġad vertisements
+Ġv ou
+Ġexhib ited
+ĠFort ress
+As k
+B erry
+Ġcan cers
+ump ing
+ĠTerrit ory
+Ġpr ud
+Ġn as
+Ġathe ist
+Ġbal ances
+ãģ Ł
+ĠSh awn
+& &
+Ġland sc
+Ġpet ty
+Ġex cellence
+Ġtransl ations
+Ġpar cel
+ĠChe v
+E ast
+ĠOut put
+im i
+Ġamb ient
+ĠTh reat
+Ġvill ains
+Ġ5 50
+Ġtall er
+Ġle aking
+c up
+Ġpol ish
+Ġinfect ious
+Ġ@ @
+back ground
+Ġbureaucr acy
+ĠS ai
+un less
+it ious
+ĠSky pe
+At l
+00 8
+Ġhyp ocr
+Ġpit chers
+Ġguess ing
+Bet ween
+Ġvill agers
+Ġ25 2
+f ashion
+ĠTun is
+Be h
+ĠEx c
+28 8
+ĠHas kell
+19 6
+Ġspec s
+Ġinv ari
+Ġgl ut
+ĠC ars
+Ġimp ulse
+Ġhon ors
+g el
+Ġjurisd ictions
+ĠBund le
+ul as
+Calif ornia
+ĠIncre ase
+Ġp ear
+Ġsing les
+Ġc ues
+Ġunder went
+Ġexagger ated
+Ġdub ious
+Ġfl ashing
+) ].
+J ournal
+t g
+V an
+ĠI stanbul
+ĠIn sp
+ĠFrank en
+D raw
+Ġsad ness
+Ġiron ic
+ĠF ry
+x c
+Ġ16 4
+is ch
+W ay
+ĠProtest ant
+h orn
+Ġun aff
+ĠV iv
+ill as
+ĠProduct ions
+ĠH ogan
+Ġper imeter
+ĠS isters
+Ġspont aneous
+Ġdown side
+Ġdescend ants
+Ġor n
+w orm
+Japan ese
+Ġ19 55
+Ġ15 1
+ĠDo ing
+els en
+umb les
+Ġrad ically
+ĠDr um
+ĠB ach
+Ġli abilities
+ĠElement ary
+Ġmem e
+yn es
+Ġfinger print
+ĠGr ab
+Ġundert ake
+Mem bers
+ĠRead er
+ĠSim s
+g od
+Ġhypot hetical
+s cient
+Ġchar ism
+Ġad missions
+ĠMiss ile
+tr ade
+Ġexerc ising
+ĠBack ground
+W ritten
+Ġvoc als
+whe ther
+Ġv i
+ĠW inner
+Ġl itter
+ĠSh ooting
+ãĤ ¡
+Ġvari ability
+Ġe ats
+b row
+Ġeleph ants
+Ġstr at
+Ġ Å
+Ġsett lers
+Matt hew
+Ġin advert
+H I
+ĠGo al
+Ġnerv es
+John son
+ey e
+ablish ment
+Th ursday
+H ad
+am oto
+het amine
+ep s
+Ġmit ochond
+Ġcomp ressed
+ĠTre vor
+ĠAnim als
+T ool
+L ock
+Ġtwe ak
+Ġpin ch
+Ġcancell ation
+P ot
+Ġfoc al
+ĠAst ron
+17 3
+umn i
+Ġdem ise
+d l
+Ù ħ
+Sem itism
+Ġcr acking
+Ġcollabor ative
+Ġexpl ores
+s ql
+Ġher bs
+Ġconfig urations
+m is
+ĠRes ult
+ace y
+ĠSm oke
+Ġsan ct
+el ia
+Ġdeg ener
+Ġdeep est
+Ġscream ed
+Ġn ap
+Soft ware
+E F
+ĠX in
+spons ored
+mans hip
+23 3
+Ġprim aries
+Ġfilter ing
+Ġas semble
+m il
+ĠMy ers
+b ows
+Ġpun ched
+M ic
+Ġinnov ations
+Ġfun c
+and o
+Ġfr acking
+ĠV ul
+о Ð
+osh op
+ĠIm mun
+Ġsett ling
+Ġadolesc ents
+Ġreb uilding
+Ġtransform ing
+Ġpar ole
+Ġhar bor
+Ġbook ing
+ot ional
+onge vity
+ĠY o
+b ug
+Ġemer ges
+ĠMethod s
+ĠCh u
+P res
+ĠDun geons
+Ġtra iling
+ĠR um
+ĠH ugh
+å¤ ©
+ĠE ra
+ĠBatt les
+Res ults
+ĠTr ading
+Ġvers a
+c ss
+ax ies
+he et
+Ġgre ed
+19 89
+Ġgard ens
+Ġconting ent
+P ark
+ĠLeaf s
+h ook
+ro be
+Ġdiplom acy
+ĠF uel
+ĠInv asion
+Ġupgr ading
+M ale
+Ġe lic
+Ġrelent less
+ĠCo venant
+ap esh
+ĠT rop
+T y
+pro duction
+art y
+Ġpun ches
+ak o
+cyclop edia
+ĠR abbit
+Ġ14 1
+Ġf oil
+Item Image
+Ġimplement ations
+ĠP om
+ixt ures
+Ġaw ait
+Ġ3 30
+am us
+Ġumb rella
+Ġfore see
+se par
+Ġcircum cision
+Ġperipher al
+S ay
+ĠExper t
+In c
+Ġwithd rew
+ĠAnd ers
+f ried
+Ġradio active
+ĠOp ening
+Ġboard ing
+Ġover throw
+Act iv
+W P
+ĠAct s
+× Ļ
+Ġmot ions
+v ic
+ĠM ighty
+ĠDef ender
+a er
+Ġthank ful
+ĠK illing
+ĠBr is
+mo il
+Ġpredict ing
+26 6
+ch oice
+Ġkill ers
+Ġinc ub
+ĠChe st
+ather ing
+Ġpro claimed
+fl ower
+oss om
+umbled ore
+ĠCy cling
+ĠOccup y
+P en
+ĠY ug
+Ġpack aged
+Ġheight ened
+c ot
+st ack
+C ond
+Ġst amps
+m age
+Ġpersu aded
+Ġens l
+ĠCard inal
+Ġsol itary
+Ġpossess ing
+ĠC ork
+Ġev id
+ĠT ay
+Ġbl ues
+Ġextrem ism
+Ġlun ar
+Ġcl own
+Te chn
+Ġfest ivals
+ĠPv P
+ĠL ar
+Ġconsequ ently
+p resent
+Ġsom eday
+ç İĭ
+ĠMet eor
+Ġtour ing
+c ulture
+Ġbe aches
+S hip
+c ause
+ĠFl ood
+ãĥ ¯
+Ġpur ity
+th ose
+Ġem ission
+b olt
+Ġch ord
+ĠScript ure
+L u
+Ġ$ {
+cre ated
+Other s
+25 8
+Ġelement al
+Ġannoy ed
+d an
+ĠS ag
+Res earchers
+Ġfair y
+âĢĵ âĢĵ
+======== ====
+Sm art
+Ġskelet ons
+Ġpup ils
+link ed
+Ġur gency
+en abled
+ĠF uck
+Ġcoun cill
+r ab
+T I
+Ġlif es
+Ġconf essed
+B ug
+Ġharm on
+ĠNe utral
+D ouble
+Ġst aple
+Brit ish
+oc o
+Ġswing ing
+ge x
+ole on
+pl ain
+ĠMiss ing
+ĠTro phy
+v ari
+ran ch
+Ġ3 01
+4 40
+00000000 00000000
+Ġrest oring
+Ġha ul
+uc ing
+ner g
+Ġfut ures
+Ġstrateg ist
+quest ion
+Ġlater al
+ĠB ard
+Ġs or
+ĠRhod es
+ĠD owntown
+????? -
+ĠL it
+ĠB ened
+Ġco il
+st reet
+ĠPort al
+ĠG ru
+* ,
+23 1
+ne um
+Ġsuck ed
+Ġr apper
+Ġtend encies
+ĠLaure n
+cell aneous
+26 7
+Ġbrow se
+Ġover c
+head er
+o ise
+Ġbe et
+ĠG le
+St ay
+Ġm um
+Ġtyp ed
+Ġdiscount s
+T alk
+ĠO g
+ex isting
+ĠS ell
+u ph
+C I
+ĠAust rian
+ĠW arm
+Ġdismiss al
+Ġaver ages
+c amera
+Ġalleg iance
+=" #
+Ġcomment ators
+ĠSet ting
+ĠMid west
+Ġpharm ac
+Ġstain less
+Ch icago
+Ġt an
+24 4
+Ġcountry side
+ĠV ac
+29 5
+Ġpin ned
+Ġcr ises
+Ġstandard ized
+T ask
+ĠJ ail
+ĠD ocker
+col ored
+f orth
+" },
+Ġpat rons
+Ġsp ice
+Ġm ourn
+ĠM ood
+Ġlaund ry
+Ġequ ip
+ĠM ole
+y ll
+n ation
+ĠSher lock
+Ġiss u
+ĠK re
+ĠAmeric as
+Ġsystem atically
+Ġcont ra
+ĠS ally
+Ġrational e
+Ġcar riage
+Ġpe aks
+Ġcontrad iction
+ens ation
+ĠFail ure
+Ġpro ps
+Ġnames pace
+Ġc ove
+field s
+ãĤ ĭ
+Ġw ool
+ĠC atch
+Ġpresum ed
+ĠD iana
+r agon
+ig i
+Ġh amm
+Ġst unt
+ĠObserv atory
+ĠSh ore
+Ġsmell s
+ann ah
+Ġcock pit
+ĠD uterte
+8 50
+Ġopp ressed
+bre aker
+ĠCont ribut
+ĠPer u
+ĠMons anto
+ĠAtt empt
+Ġcommand ing
+Ġfr idge
+ĠR in
+ĠChe ss
+ual ity
+Ġo l
+Republic an
+ĠGl ory
+.... ...
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+read ing
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+J ones
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+al an
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+ĠMaj esty
+ĠC ed
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+ate l
+Ã ª
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+ãĥ ł
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+Ġritual s
+Ġcapt ive
+Ġoun ce
+Ġdisag reement
+Ġsl og
+f uel
+P et
+M ail
+Ġexerc ised
+Ġsol ic
+Ġrain fall
+Ġdev otion
+ĠAss essment
+Ġrob otic
+opt ions
+ĠFam ilies
+ĠFl ames
+Ġassign ments
+00 7
+aked own
+Ġvoc abulary
+Re illy
+Ġc aval
+g ars
+Ġsupp ressed
+ĠJohn s
+Ġwar p
+bro ken
+Ġstat ues
+Ġadvoc ated
+Ġ2 75
+Ġper il
+om orph
+ĠF emin
+per fect
+Ġh atch
+L ib
+5 12
+Ġlif elong
+3 13
+Ġche eks
+Ġnum bered
+ĠM ug
+B ody
+ra vel
+We ight
+ĠJ ak
+ĠHe ath
+Ġkiss ing
+Ġw aving
+u pload
+Ġins ider
+ĠPro gressive
+ĠFil ter
+tt a
+ĠBe am
+Ġviol ently
+ip ation
+Ġskept icism
+Ġ19 18
+ĠAnn ie
+Ġgen etics
+Ġon board
+at l
+ĠFried man
+ĠB ri
+cept ive
+Ġpir ate
+ĠRep orter
+27 8
+Ġmyth ology
+Ġe clipse
+Ġsk ins
+Ġgly ph
+ing ham
+F iles
+C our
+w omen
+Ġreg imes
+Ġphotograp hed
+K at
+Offic ials
+Ġunexpected ly
+Ġimpress ions
+F ront
+;;;; ;;;;
+Ġsuprem acy
+Ġs ang
+Ġaggrav ated
+Ġabrupt ly
+ĠS ector
+Ġexc uses
+Ġcost ing
+ide press
+St ack
+ob il
+Ġghost s
+ld on
+at ibility
+Top ics
+Ġreim burse
+ĠDe g
+Ġth ief
+y et
+ogen esis
+le aning
+ĠK ol
+ĠB asketball
+Ġf i
+ĠSee ing
+Ġrecy cling
+Ġ[ -
+Cong ress
+Ġlect ures
+P sy
+Ġne p
+Ġm aid
+Ġori ented
+A X
+Ġrespect ful
+re ne
+fl ush
+ĠUn loaded
+re quest
+gr id
+ĠAltern atively
+ĠHug o
+Ġdec ree
+ĠBuddh ism
+and um
+And roid
+ĠCong o
+ĠJoy ce
+Ġacknowled ging
+hes ive
+ĠTom orrow
+ĠH iro
+th ren
+ĠM aced
+Ġho ax
+ĠIncre ased
+ĠPr adesh
+W ild
+____ __
+16 1
+Ġa unt
+Ġdistribut ing
+ĠT ucker
+ĠW olves
+B uilding
+ou lt
+ĠLu o
+ĠY as
+ĠSp ir
+ĠSh ape
+ĠCamb od
+ĠIP v
+Ġm l
+Ġext rad
+39 0
+ĠPenn y
+d ream
+Ġstation ed
+opt ional
+ew orthy
+Ġundert aking
+Ġchick ens
+Ġstimul i
+ĠEl se
+ig ators
+ĠBegin ning
+ct ory
+Ġprep ares
+Ġdel ta
+Ġvic inity
+t ool
+Ġworks hops
+M Hz
+Ġaccus ation
+Ġhist ories
+rop olis
+ĠChurch ill
+Ġne on
+Ġb aff
+d ies
+may be
+Ġè£ı è¦ļéĨĴ
+Ġsympt om
+ĠMan uel
+Ġban ana
+Ġ ****
+ĠKore ans
+c oll
+F B
+Ġpr aying
+ĠCann ot
+ĠM ile
+Ġembr acing
+ĠSil k
+39 3
+ot ers
+F D
+Ġday light
+al ias
+ĠBrig ade
+ĠHann ah
+Ġcler gy
+Ġs outheast
+Ġalcohol ic
+Ġpropos es
+liv ion
+Ġcalcul ating
+Ġstim ulate
+Ġspl itting
+e ight
+ĠInd y
+pl ays
+ĠP ik
+Ġdom est
+Ġforg iveness
+ĠR ings
+pat ient
+kins on
+M ont
+ig ible
+; "
+Ġperiod ically
+amm ad
+ĠBr itt
+p ard
+Ġarbit ration
+ĠSchne ider
+ĠCorpor ate
+ĠMay a
+Ġsn akes
+a um
+Ġbl asted
+Ġmyster ies
+Ġrev ive
+oc amp
+ĠD odge
+ĠOper a
+27 9
+Ġor phan
+Ġspec ifies
+ĠM ets
+D uration
+H en
+Ġfire works
+Ġprosec ute
+ĠTill erson
+d p
+us age
+l iness
+ĠDeb ian
+Ġ2 24
+ris es
+ĠIn fect
+at ra
+ĠL or
+d iff
+ĠCharl eston
+Ġac oustic
+Ġam use
+3 30
+Ġc er
+ĠT ac
+Ġ[ +
+Ġcard iac
+ĠRestaur ant
+er gy
+Ġf uzz
+Ġbit es
+Ġhazard ous
+Ġbr ighter
+r ans
+ĠStephan ie
+ext ra
+ĠChrist ine
+ĠS ue
+stat ement
+Ġbol ster
+Ġant it
+Rad io
+ãĤ °
+Ġvis ions
+ĠCon cept
+Ġin line
+ĠPhilos ophy
+is ans
+ĠIr ving
+Ã £
+t aking
+Ġincons ist
+ĠKum ar
+Ġl ig
+ĠSch umer
+ĠReg ulations
+ĠH z
+th ro
+ĠV oldemort
+ĠFreder ick
+P ad
+22 1
+Ġalleg ing
+ĠCommun ication
+Ġ16 7
+Ġforecast s
+Ġsp iders
+Or gan
+ĠParticip ants
+ĠO ps
+des ign
+Cl ose
+Ġfact o
+Ġbom bers
+res istant
+ateg ories
+S chool
+Ġhom ework
+Ġcor ro
+T uesday
+ĠBrend an
+ĠSt ri
+Ġstake holders
+ĠMillenn ium
+Ġtransfer ring
+J ud
+Ġt ac
+Ġ16 00
+r b
+Ġinterpret ations
+Ġup stairs
+ĠHar vest
+Ġvag ina
+Ġing est
+x f
+ĠOr ion
+ĠJoe y
+Ġsand wic
+Ġimm ortal
+Ġfl ipped
+ort ex
+threat ening
+Ġsn iper
+Ġconver ts
+Ġinstall ations
+ĠBul gar
+ors che
+m ails
+Ġl ure
+Ġnarrow ly
+Ġgren ade
+ĠG ing
+Ġunder wear
+------------ --
+Ġch ased
+Ġparent ing
+ĠH amb
+ĠBl az
+Ġanarch ist
+ĠMed ian
+ĠProgram s
+Î ½
+Ġob j
+ĠN okia
+orm an
+an qu
+at ism
+op a
+Ġfulf illing
+Ġpupp y
+Ġent it
+ĠSebast ian
+Ġshoot ers
+Ġric her
+è ¡
+Ġtempt ed
+Ġto re
+Res ource
+ĠDevil s
+40 8
+in ational
+Ġass urance
+ĠDar ren
+Ġwh ichever
+pos ure
+Ġf ury
+St ock
+Ġunivers ally
+resp onse
+Ġo ak
+Ġwork load
+ĠCor ner
+ee le
+" ...
+Ġdepri ved
+k owski
+Ġcast s
+Ġaffili ation
+ĠA ch
+ĠAs ked
+at he
+Ġl act
+ĠTh u
+r m
+Ġair lines
+Ġnot ions
+Form at
+ãĥ Ĭ
+dri ver
+Ġtrans cend
+S ettings
+ĠPro secut
+Ġsp inal
+Ġdefault s
+F K
+Ġpref ers
+rend ered
+th us
+fil m
+Ġt iger
+ĠSp icer
+rec ogn
+ĠRug by
+Net work
+Ġp ity
+Ġcomp artment
+c asters
+ĠMon roe
+Ġ7 20
+Ġcorrect ions
+Ġdop amine
+C ut
+Ġro omm
+Ġspec ulate
+H ash
+Ġrestrict ive
+11 11
+red ible
+on el
+Ġramp ant
+re ported
+ĠSu ite
+ĠMin imum
+al ys
+az ard
+lo op
+Ġl ent
+sh a
+Ġv andal
+men u
+ĠBoe hner
+Ġnarr atives
+Ġauthent icity
+26 9
+an ic
+d uty
+28 5
+Ġthank ed
+Ġbetray ed
+l ift
+Ġsouth west
+ĠDex ter
+ĠB od
+Ġkey words
+A verage
+Ġethnic ity
+! ),
+ĠNational s
+á ¹
+ĠT ah
+iox id
+Ġwid get
+Ġpast a
+Ġbill ing
+Ġtr ilogy
+ĠL ines
+Ġsn iff
+Ġnep hew
+L ate
+Ġprinc ip
+ĠLo op
+ĠMarx ist
+Ġdiss olved
+Ġcontext s
+ĠAm ount
+ĠSp ike
+Ġtot als
+Ġorgan izer
+Ġup rising
+s hips
+Y Y
+ĠNort heast
+m oney
+grad ation
+Ġgoal keeper
+ĠH ear
+Ġste ak
+ĠBuzz Feed
+Ġsole mn
+ĠSc and
+Ġpo pping
+Ġad here
+ĠAl leg
+by te
+ĠW olver
+Ġun in
+Ġrec ol
+it ud
+Ġmim ic
+ib us
+Ġpredict s
+ĠKee per
+i ating
+Ġde ception
+Ġlear nt
+Ġdi ary
+Ġcond itional
+Ġre lic
+Ġinv oke
+ien ced
+å Ī
+ĠP ont
+Ġcell phone
+Ġspeed ing
+Ġtack ling
+Ġn ude
+op ened
+ĠMan afort
+Ġ19 52
+Ġmaj ors
+ĠSil ence
+Ġlog istics
+Ġweight ed
+ĠPsych iat
+": ["
+Ġsick ness
+Ġdivid ends
+z on
+Re lease
+ĠKe ys
+ĠI ch
+Ġen z
+ĠF ernand
+ĠÎ ±
+Ġmean ings
+Ġp enny
+Ġst ern
+Ġl ar
+ĠPub lished
+Ġback drop
+K im
+ĠSy nt
+Ġdeb uted
+w m
+ĠIs le
+Ġregul ating
+ott i
+ĠSch olars
+ices ter
+ĠChe f
+Ġpop s
+ĠLaun cher
+ĠVar ious
+Ġcomment ing
+os lav
+enz ie
+Ġrival ry
+â Ĥ¬
+Re ally
+Ġor c
+Ġbe an
+ĠJud y
+Not ice
+ĠB ike
+? ]
+Ġrent ed
+st en
+Ġfore front
+ĠBald win
+Ġyield ed
+t ails
+Pr ime
+ĠS ources
+ic ator
+Se an
+Ġmarch ing
+Out put
+ĠJ ungle
+Ġres ide
+zz le
+ĠAndrew s
+Ġtor que
+Bas ic
+Act ually
+st rap
+p enter
+Ġexam s
+ĠY a
+Ġ15 9
+ĠDec ision
+Ġr ansom
+ete enth
+ens ing
+2 13
+Ġsun set
+40 4
+ĠRap id
+ĠHe in
+ĠAb original
+Ġorgan ism
+ĠS ever
+Ġcl a
+aj i
+Sim ple
+ĠFl avor
+ĠE val
+pr us
+Ġch orus
+Ġden ounced
+Ġbi ography
+ĠTurn bull
+Rec ent
+N ormal
+lect ions
+W ord
+Ġf erry
+ĠWag ner
+h om
+Un it
+Ġsuper market
+ĠS ith
+Ġnomine es
+Ġdictators hip
+idd ler
+Ġannoun ces
+ĠThe m
+ĠNept une
+Ġde ity
+ĠY i
+Ġmon arch
+Ġinv aded
+ĠH ok
+unt ary
+C ertain
+eg a
+Ġk idding
+ĠReg ulation
+Ġtr ay
+Ġphotograp hers
+ĠArc ane
+Ġdis charged
+Ġevangel ical
+Ġinter change
+Ġfilm maker
+ĠEnd less
+Ġ29 0
+ĠSalv ador
+ĠSign al
+Ġwr ath
+â ľ
+l ot
+' /
+Ġproject ile
+Ġemploy ing
+ĠInter face
+19 1
+atell ite
+ĠR ath
+pack age
+Ġindic ations
+J ason
+Ġarg s
+ĠG Hz
+Ġt ilt
+n ants
+w on
+ãĤ µ
+red d
+res cent
+ĠCal endar
+Ġmod ular
+Ġassist ing
+Ġred eem
+ĠBe an
+Ġwor sh
+Ġdecentral ized
+) ...
+37 7
+Ġarr ays
+Ġaccomplish ments
+Î ¿
+d ot
+Ġmut ually
+Ġob struct
+Ġmis represent
+ore st
+ion ic
+ru ce
+% ;
+Ġknow ingly
+port ing
+in ently
+A ri
+ĠSch ultz
+D a
+ĠC ere
+Ġob solete
+ħ ĭ
+g ive
+Ġb ait
+Ġen larg
+Ne ill
+Ġ19 33
+Ġrecons ider
+ĠSerge ant
+ĠDian e
+ĠC ogn
+ĠI con
+P osition
+Ġf ost
+Ġstir ring
+se ven
+ĠSpace X
+ugg ets
+Ġmed d
+G al
+ĠS ister
+B oy
+Ġtrigger ing
+T aking
+Ġscream s
+Ġca usal
+Ġaw aken
+Ar m
+29 7
+Ġdisp atched
+Ġorgan izational
+ĠT ong
+Ġdile mma
+d emon
+S pl
+Ġhook s
+ud ing
+Ġvalid ate
+Ġpot ion
+Ġcl aw
+Ġburg l
+Ġqu ir
+ĠBren nan
+Ġdur ability
+Ġbomb ings
+ĠWind ow
+Ġculp rit
+3 25
+There fore
+umb ered
+per formance
+w arts
+Ġen forcing
+ĠBl ow
+Ġre print
+if ax
+al pha
+Ġsin ister
+Ġbur ger
+fight ing
+Sc ore
+ĠSt ones
+i em
+40 5
+che my
+Ġvine gar
+n om
+Ġprev ailing
+ĠLat est
+Â ¶
+Ġb a
+ĠWrit er
+Ġ17 7
+ĠCon way
+Ġcollect s
+Ġquant itative
+Ġhor rors
+og ens
+ĠSl ov
+Ġl ays
+h aw
+ĠSl ash
+Ġnight club
+ĠDav ies
+Ġbr ide
+ĠScar let
+y mm
+ĠApplic ations
+vel ength
+Ġrev ival
+Ġsoft ly
+Ġz oo
+ita ire
+C ur
+Ġelect rom
+Ġplant ing
+ĠE lements
+Ġsw allow
+por ter
+Ġlapt ops
+Ġpe anut
+Ġlobby ists
+Î ²
+Pan el
+ĠJo an
+im il
+t nc
+Ġresist ed
+Ġout we
+Ġret aining
+at ri
+Ġpo orer
+ĠSyri ans
+ĠHam mond
+Ġwe ld
+ud er
+top ic
+ric ia
+Ġth ieves
+L ic
+ĠG ust
+ĠW ays
+are th
+24 3
+Ġbroad caster
+sh ield
+ass ium
+ub le
+Ġairst rikes
+on so
+Ġped al
+Ġcollect ors
+ĠV ander
+ĠMes a
+Ġdict ator
+Ġd ir
+ent on
+c art
+sc ore
+ad der
+C ry
+Ġs sh
+gg er
+Ġdrunk en
+ĠSe at
+Ġcorner back
+Ġsk ipped
+ĠRes earchers
+ĠAud i
+Ref erence
+Ġhaun ted
+Ã «
+ĠClin ic
+c z
+Ġp s
+ĠPal adin
+ĠRec ipe
+Ġst igma
+opp y
+Ġmon keys
+ĠHaw k
+S ad
+" />
+ĠWorks hop
+ĠRet ail
+ĠAv atar
+6 25
+N a
+ĠSec ure
+M Y
+19 88
+oss ip
+Ġpro state
+Ġund en
+Ġg amer
+ĠCont ents
+ĠWar hammer
+ĠSent inel
+3 10
+Ġse gregation
+ĠF lex
+Ġdr ills
+ĠDrug s
+Islam ic
+Ġsp ur
+Ġca fe
+Ġimag inary
+Ġgu iding
+Ġsw ings
+ĠThe me
+ob y
+Ġn ud
+Ġbe gging
+Ġstr ongh
+Ġreject ing
+Ġpedest rians
+ĠPro spect
+R are
+s le
+Ġconcess ions
+ĠConst itutional
+Ġbe ams
+Ġfib ers
+p oon
+Ġinstinct s
+pro perty
+Sand ers
+im ates
+Ġco ating
+Ġcorps es
+check ed
+Ġ16 6
+A sh
+ĠF iction
+Ġcommun al
+Ġener getic
+oooo oooo
+Ġnow adays
+ib o
+R en
+Ġdwell ing
+Sil ver
+Ġt ally
+ĠM oving
+Ġcow ard
+Ġgener als
+Ġhorn s
+Ġcirc ulated
+Ġrob bed
+ĠUn limited
+Ġharass ed
+Ġinhib it
+Ġcomp oser
+ĠSpot ify
+Ġspread s
+3 64
+Ġsu icidal
+Ġno ises
+ĠSt ur
+Ġs aga
+ĠK ag
+is o
+Ġtheoret ically
+M oney
+Ġsimilar ity
+Ġslic ed
+ut ils
+ing es
+" -
+Ġan th
+Ġimp ed
+Mod ule
+Through out
+Ġmen us
+comm ittee
+and i
+ob j
+in av
+f ired
+ĠAb dullah
+Ġund ead
+Ġfont s
+H old
+Ġsustain ability
+Ġfl ick
+Ġr azor
+ĠF est
+ĠChar acters
+Ġword ing
+Ġpopul ist
+Ġcritic izing
+Ġm use
+v ine
+Ġcard board
+Ġkind ly
+Ġfr inge
+ĠThe ft
+icult ural
+Ġgovern ors
+Ġ ����
+Ġ16 3
+Ġtime out
+ĠA uth
+Child ren
+A U
+Ġred emption
+ĠAl ger
+Ġ19 14
+Ġw aved
+Ġastron auts
+og rams
+Ġsw amp
+ĠFinn ish
+Ġcand le
+Ġton nes
+ut m
+Ġr ay
+Ġsp un
+Ġfear ful
+art icles
+Ġca us
+or ically
+ĠRequ ires
+ĠG ol
+Ġpop e
+Ġinaug ural
+Ġg le
+ĠOff ensive
+Ġwatch dog
+Ġbal con
+ent ity
+ĠH oo
+Ġgall on
+Ġdoub ling
+Ġimpl ication
+ĠS ight
+Ġdoct r
+---- ---
+Ġ\ \
+Ġm alt
+R oll
+Ġâī ¥
+Ġrec ap
+add ing
+u ces
+ĠB end
+fig ure
+Ġtur key
+Ġsoc ietal
+ĠT ickets
+Ġcommer cially
+Ġsp icy
+Ġ2 16
+ĠR amp
+Ġsuperior ity
+Ã ¯
+ĠTr acker
+C arl
+ĠC oy
+ĠPatri ot
+Ġconsult ed
+Ġlist ings
+Ġsle w
+reens hot
+ĠG one
+Ġ[ ...]
+30 9
+Ġh ottest
+Ø ±
+Ġrock y
+ĠD iaz
+Ġmass age
+Ġpar aly
+Ġp ony
+A z
+Ġcart ridge
+Ġsn ack
+ĠLam ar
+ple ment
+ĠLes lie
+Ġm ater
+Ġsn ipp
+24 6
+Ġjoint ly
+ĠBris bane
+ĠiP od
+Ġpump ing
+Ġgo at
+ĠSh aron
+eal ing
+Ġcor on
+Ġan omal
+rah im
+ĠConnect ion
+Ġsculpt ure
+Ġsched uling
+ĠD addy
+at hing
+Ġeyeb rows
+Ġcur ved
+Ġsent iments
+Ġdraft ing
+D rop
+( [
+Ġnom inal
+ĠLeaders hip
+ĠG row
+Ġ17 6
+Ġconstruct ive
+iv ation
+Ġcorrupt ed
+ger ald
+ĠC ros
+ĠChe ster
+ĠL ap
+ãģ ª
+Ġal mond
+pro bably
+I mp
+Ġfe ast
+ĠWar craft
+F lor
+Ġcheck point
+Ġtrans cription
+Ġ20 4
+Ġtwe aks
+Ġrel ieve
+S cience
+Ġperform er
+Z one
+Ġtur moil
+ig ated
+hib it
+ĠC afe
+the med
+Ġflu or
+ben ch
+Ġde com
+ĠU nt
+ĠBar rett
+ĠF acts
+Ġt asting
+ĠSe al
+ĠJuda ism
+ĠDynam ic
+ĠC ors
+V e
+ĠM ing
+ĠTrans form
+v on
+ĠDef enders
+ĠTact ical
+ĠV on
+ĠUn ivers
+Ġdist orted
+ĠB reath
+?' "
+Ġag on
+ĠDead ly
+Ġl an
+ĠCy cle
+orn ed
+Ġrel iably
+Ġgl or
+ĠMon key
+ãĥ ¡
+Ġad ren
+Ġmicrow ave
+ĠAl ban
+irc raft
+dig it
+sm art
+ĠD read
+¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
+{ {
+ĠRoc hester
+Ġsimpl ified
+Ġinf licted
+Ġtake over
+Ġyour selves
+ad itional
+Ġmus cular
+K S
+Ġing en
+T ax
+ĠFe ature
+27 7
+Ġcru c
+Ġcr ate
+Ġun identified
+Ġacclaim ed
+ĠM anga
+ĠFr ances
+ĠNep al
+ĠG erald
+ĠKu wait
+Ġsl ain
+ĠHe b
+ĠG oku
+ãģ® æ
+28 6
+M rs
+ĠC ody
+ĠSan ctuary
+01 6
+Ġdism ant
+Ġdatas et
+ĠH ond
+b uck
+ĠPat terson
+Ġpal ette
+ic ol
+ĠL odge
+Ġplanet ary
+ak in
+ĠRegist ered
+ab we
+ĠPeters burg
+Ġha iled
+ĠP iece
+S che
+Ġen umer
+18 1
+ĠObs erver
+ĠB old
+f ounded
+com merce
+Ġexplo its
+ĠF inding
+ĠS ne
+ĠAc id
+ay ette
+ĠVal ues
+Ġdr astic
+Ġarchitect ural
+Ġ" .
+× ķ
+ump ed
+Ġwra pping
+Ġwid ow
+ĠSl ayer
+l ace
+on ce
+German y
+av oid
+Ġtem ples
+Ã ´
+ĠLuc ifer
+ĠFl ickr
+l ov
+for ces
+Ġsc outing
+Ġlou der
+tes y
+Ġbefore hand
+Ä ĵ
+ĠNe on
+ĠW ol
+ĠTyp ically
+ĠPolit ico
+-+ -+
+Ġbuild er
+Ġder ive
+K ill
+Ġp oker
+Ġambig uous
+Ġlif ts
+Ġcy t
+Ġrib s
+ood le
+ĠS ounds
+h air
+ĠSynd rome
+t f
+Ġproport ional
+u id
+Ġper taining
+ĠKind le
+ĠNeg ro
+Ġreiter ated
+ĠTon ight
+oth s
+ĠCorn ell
+Ġo wing
+Ġ20 8
+elf are
+oc ating
+ĠB irds
+Sub scribe
+Ġess ays
+Ġburd ens
+Ġillust rations
+ar ious
+ĠCal cul
+Ġx en
+ĠLink edIn
+ĠJ ung
+Ġredes ign
+Con nor
+29 6
+Ġrevers al
+ĠAd elaide
+Ġs inking
+Ġg um
+c apt
+ĠGr imm
+Ġfoot steps
+isp ers
+Ġpro se
+Wed nesday
+ĠM ovies
+ed in
+Ġoverturn ed
+Ġcontent ious
+~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
+ĠCo pper
+Ġpoint less
+N V
+val ues
+olph in
+d ain
+Ġdepos ited
+Ġpreced ed
+ĠCl a
+ĠGo lem
+ĠN im
+ĠÎ ²
+ĠEngine ers
+m iddle
+Ġfl att
+oper ative
+Ġcouncil s
+imb abwe
+el in
+Ġstress ful
+Ġres h
+l ake
+Ġwheel chair
+ĠAltern ative
+Ġoptim ize
+oper ation
+Ġpe ek
+Ġones elf
+ig il
+Ġtrans itions
+op athy
+bl ank
+Ġ16 9
+17 1
+________________________________ ________________________________
+Ġl aundering
+En c
+Ġwork outs
+Ġsp ikes
+Ġdin osaurs
+Ġdiscrim inatory
+P ool
+R ather
+38 5
+tes ters
+et o
+ĠIdent ity
+Ġve in
+ĠBur ton
+Ġarc ade
+4 20
+Ult imately
+ĠSad ly
+Ã °
+p ill
+Ġcub ic
+ĠSpect rum
+the se
+st ates
+Ġun official
+h awks
+Ġrain bow
+Ġincarcer ation
+and ing
+Ġsy ll
+ĠEver ton
+Ġ17 9
+ĠSer bia
+Ġ18 9
+m eter
+ĠMic key
+Ġant iqu
+Ġfact ual
+ne ck
+ĠN are
+n orm
+m ust
+Ġhigh ways
+Ġgl am
+Ġdivid ing
+ĠSquad ron
+ĠMar tha
+Ġbirth s
+C over
+//////// ////////
+ĠW ong
+Ph ot
+ri o
+ĠNon etheless
+ĠL emon
+Ġ20 6
+Ġderiv ative
+v ote
+Ġthere in
+Ġsepar ating
+44 6
+sy nc
+ĠStre ets
+Ġr att
+Ġmunicip ality
+ĠShort ly
+Ġmon k
+) ,"
+Ġscr ub
+Ġoper atives
+Ne ither
+Pl ace
+ĠLim it
+F emale
+ĠAct or
+Char acter
+Ġconstit uted
+35 7
+Ġprotest ed
+ĠSt raw
+ĠHe ight
+ild a
+ĠTy ph
+Ġflood s
+Ġcos metic
+pert ure
+up on
+t ons
+ess ing
+ĠP ocket
+Ġro oft
+ĠC aucas
+Ġant idepress
+Ġincomp atible
+Ġoper a
+ĠCont est
+Ġgener ators
+l ime
+Def ense
+19 87
+for um
+Ġsav age
+ĠHung arian
+n z
+Ġmet allic
+Ġex pelled
+Ġres idency
+Ġdress es
+66 6
+ĠC lement
+f ires
+C ategory
+Ġge ek
+al is
+Ġc emetery
+educ ated
+Ġc rawl
+ĠUn able
+ĠT yson
+ak is
+Ġp ardon
+ĠW ra
+Ġstrengthen ed
+ĠF ors
+33 5
+ĠM ond
+Ġvisual s
+ĠBeat les
+ett lement
+Ġ ï
+g ro
+Ġb ash
+Ġpo orest
+Ġex cel
+Ġaspir ations
+ĠM unicip
+ens ible
+Ġceremon ies
+Ġintimid ation
+be ck
+ĠK ap
+as u
+Ġtradem arks
+ĠS ew
+ĠComp etition
+net work
+ĠAr ri
+ĠT et
+Ro aming
+W C
+D at
+Ġso b
+Ġpair ing
+Ġoverd ose
+ab er
+Ġrev olt
+ĠF ah
+act ing
+e q
+est ation
+F ight
+ĠMar ks
+27 3
+Ġ17 8
+R aw
+ãģ ĭ
+34 9
+bl ocks
+Ġver ge
+est ine
+ĠPod esta
+Ġinv asive
+Ġprofound ly
+ĠA o
+e ach
+Ġl est
+inter pret
+Ġshr inking
+Ġerr one
+Ġche es
+ly s
+ĠI vy
+ĠDirect ory
+Ġhint ed
+Ġcontact ing
+ĠG ent
+he i
+Ġlabel ing
+Ġmerc ury
+ĠL ite
+Ġexp ires
+Ġdest abil
+rit is
+c u
+Ġfeather s
+Ġste er
+Ġprogram med
+ĠV ader
+Go ing
+ĠE lim
+Ġy o
+ĠMic he
+Ġ20 3
+Ġslee ves
+Ġb ully
+ĠHum ans
+36 8
+Ġcomp ress
+ĠBan ner
+Ġa while
+Ġcal ib
+Ġspons orship
+ĠDiff iculty
+ĠP apers
+Ġident ifier
+} .
+Ġy og
+ĠSh ia
+Ġclean up
+Ġvib e
+int rodu
+im ming
+Austral ia
+Ġout lines
+ĠY outube
+tr ain
+ĠM akes
+Ġde ported
+Ġcent r
+ĠD ug
+ĠB oulder
+ĠBuff y
+Ġinj unction
+ĠHar ley
+ĠG roups
+ĠD umbledore
+ĠCl ara
+Ġ" -
+Ġsacrific ed
+ep h
+Sh adow
+ib ling
+Ġfreel ance
+Ġevident ly
+ph al
+Ġret ains
+M ir
+Ġfin ite
+d ar
+ĠC ous
+Ġrep aired
+Ġperiod ic
+Ġchampions hips
+Ġaster oid
+bl ind
+Ġexpress ly
+ĠAst ros
+Ġsc aled
+Ġge ographical
+ĠRap ids
+En joy
+Ġel astic
+ĠMoh amed
+Mark et
+be gin
+Ġdisco vers
+Ġtele communications
+Ġscan ner
+Ġen large
+Ġsh arks
+Ġpsy chedel
+ĠRou ge
+Ġsnap shot
+is ine
+X P
+Ġpestic ides
+ĠDist ribution
+re ally
+Ġde gradation
+Ġdisgu ise
+Ġbi om
+Ġequ ations
+Ġhaz ards
+ĠComp ared
+) *
+Ġvirt ues
+Ġeld ers
+Ġenh ancing
+ĠAc ross
+er os
+ang ling
+Ġcomb ust
+ucc i
+Ġconc ussion
+Ġcontrace ption
+ĠK ang
+Ġexpress es
+Ġa ux
+ĠP ione
+Ġexhib its
+Deb ug
+ĠAl ready
+ĠWheel er
+Ġexp ands
+? :
+Ġreconc iliation
+Ġpir ates
+Ġpur se
+Ġdiscour age
+Ġspect acle
+R ank
+Ġwra ps
+ĠTh ought
+Ġimp ending
+O pp
+ĠAng lo
+Ġscrew ed
+ret ched
+Ġencour agement
+mod els
+Ġconf use
+mm m
+ĠVit amin
+âĸij âĸij
+C ru
+Ġkn ights
+Ġdisc ard
+Ġb ishops
+ĠW ear
+ĠGar rett
+k an
+ãĥ Ł
+Ġmascul ine
+cap ital
+ĠA us
+Ġfat ally
+th anks
+ĠG ut
+12 00
+Ġ 00000000
+Ġsur rog
+ra its
+ĠWat ts
+Ġresur rection
+ĠElect oral
+ĠT ips
+4 000
+Ġnut rient
+Ġdepict ing
+Ġspr ink
+Ġm uff
+ĠS ample
+ps c
+ib i
+gener ated
+Ġspec imens
+Ġdiss atisf
+Ġtail ored
+Ġhold ings
+ĠMonth ly
+ĠE at
+po ons
+Ġne c
+ĠC age
+ĠLot us
+ĠLan tern
+Ġfront ier
+Ġp ensions
+Ġj oked
+ĠHard y
+=-=- =-=-
+r ade
+Ġr ails
+Ġem it
+Ġsl ate
+Ġsm ug
+Ġsp it
+ĠCall s
+ĠJac obs
+f eat
+Ġrest ruct
+Ġregener ation
+Ġenerg ies
+ĠCon nor
+ĠChe ese
+Ġg er
+Ġresur rect
+man agement
+N W
+Ġpres ently
+ĠBru ins
+M ember
+ĠM ang
+id an
+Ġboost ing
+w yn
++ .
+requ isite
+ĠMe gan
+ĠCond itions
+Ġp ics
+nes ium
+ĠR ash
+Ġ17 4
+ĠD ucks
+Ġemb ro
+z u
+on ian
+rel igious
+Ġc raz
+ĠZ ucker
+ĠPro s
+We apon
+ĠKn ox
+ĠAr duino
+Ġst ove
+Ġheaven s
+ĠP urchase
+Ġher d
+Ġfundra iser
+Dig ital
+5 000
+Ġprop onents
+/ âĢĭ
+Ġj elly
+ĠVis a
+Ġmon ks
+Ġadvance ment
+ĠW er
+Ġ18 7
+e us
+ert ility
+Ġfet al
+Ġ19 36
+L o
+Ġout fits
+Ġstair case
+b omb
+Ġcustom ized
+cl air
+T ree
+Ġm apped
+ĠConsider ing
+ĠTor res
+Ġmeth yl
+Ġapprox imate
+Ġdo om
+ĠHans en
+Ġc rossover
+Ġstand alone
+ä ¼
+Ġinv ites
+Ġgra veyard
+Ġh p
+Donald Trump
+Ġesc ort
+G ar
+Ġpredec essors
+Ġh ay
+Ġen zyme
+ĠStra ight
+vis ors
+I ng
+ane ously
+ĠApp lied
+Ġf ec
+ĠDur ant
+Ġout spoken
+or b
+Ġz eal
+Ġdisgr ace
+' ).
+ĠChe ng
+28 9
+ĠRen a
+ĠSu icide
+29 4
+Ġout raged
+ĠNew man
+ĠN vidia
+ĠA ber
+ĠB ers
+Ġrecre ation
+Wind ow
+x e
+Ġped oph
+Ġfall out
+ambo o
+Ġpresent ations
+ĠApp s
+Ġh tml
+3 45
+Ġrub bing
+ĠLe ather
+Ġhum idity
+se ys
+est ablished
+ĠUn its
+64 6
+Ġrespect able
+A uto
+Ġthri ving
+ĠInn ovation
+ang s
+Ext ra
+reg ulation
+29 8
+p ick
+Ex amples
+Att ack
+Ġdr acon
+L T
+Ġstick er
+re rs
+Ġsun ny
+I ss
+reg ulated
+d im
+ĠAb stract
+Ġhus bands
+Off ice
+om ination
+it ars
+asc al
+ĠK ris
+ĠInf antry
+Ġm alf
+ĠA the
+ĠR ally
+bal anced
+................ ........
+Ġmole cule
+met ics
+ĠSpl it
+ĠInstruct ions
+ĠN ights
+c ards
+Ġt ug
+Ġcon e
+å Ń
+Ġt x
+ĠDisc ussion
+Ġcatast rophe
+pp e
+g io
+Ġcommun ism
+Ġhal ted
+ĠGu ant
+cle an
+ĠSc hed
+ĠK anye
+Ġw ander
+ĠSer iously
+Ġ18 8
+enn ial
+f ollow
+product ive
+ĠFl ow
+ĠS ail
+Ġc raw
+Ġsim ulations
+or u
+ang les
+ĠN olan
+Ġmen stru
+4 70
+Ġ20 7
+aj a
+Ġcas ually
+board ing
+Ġ2 22
+ov y
+ĠN umbers
+um at
+O E
+28 7
+ĠCle mson
+Ġcert s
+Ġsl id
+ĠT ribe
+Ġto ast
+Ġfort unes
+Ġf als
+ĠComm ittees
+Ġg p
+Ġf iery
+ĠN ets
+ĠAn ime
+Pack age
+ĠComp are
+l aughter
+in fect
+Ġatroc ities
+Ġjust ices
+Ġins ults
+ĠVern on
+Ġsh aken
+Ġperson a
+est amp
+36 7
+br ain
+Ġexperiment ing
+K en
+ĠElect ronics
+Ġ16 1
+dom ain
+Ġgraph ical
+b ishop
+Ġwho pping
+ĠEv angel
+Ġadvertis ers
+ĠSpe ar
+Ġb ids
+Ġdestro ys
+ut z
+Ġunders c
+Ġan ts
+ĠC um
+ipp les
+ĠF ill
+Ġgl anced
+Ġind icted
+ĠE ff
+Ġmis con
+ĠDes ktop
+Ġab ide
+ãĥ Ģ
+ĠI o
+ĠC oul
+Ġcaps ule
+ĠCh rys
+Ġund es
+Ġc itation
+Ġdict ate
+ĠNet works
+ĠConf lict
+ĠSt uff
+x a
+is ec
+ĠChem istry
+Ġquarter ly
+William s
+an an
+O pt
+ĠAlexand ria
+out heastern
+ĠSpring field
+ĠBlack s
+Ġge ography
+24 2
+Ġut most
+ĠEx xon
+ab outs
+ĠEn able
+ĠBar r
+Ġdisag reed
+ĠCy prus
+Ġdement ia
+Ġlab s
+Ġubiqu itous
+Ġconsolid ated
+s r
+Ġcream y
+ĠTim ber
+Reg ardless
+ĠCert ificate
+Ġ" ...
+ogen ous
+Capt ain
+Ġinsult ing
+ĠSor os
+ĠInst r
+ĠBulgar ia
+bet ter
+Ġsuck ing
+ĠDavid son
+at z
+Ġcoll ateral
+g if
+Ġplag ued
+ĠC ancel
+ĠGard ner
+R B
+Ġsix teen
+Rem ove
+ur istic
+c ook
+R od
+Ġcompr ising
+f le
+) âĢĶ
+ĠVik ing
+g rowth
+agon al
+Ġsr f
+af ety
+m ot
+N early
+st own
+ĠF actor
+Ġautom obile
+Ġproced ural
+m ask
+amp ires
+Ġdisapp ears
+j ab
+3 15
+Ġ19 51
+ne eded
+Ġd aring
+le ader
+Ġp odium
+Ġun healthy
+Ġm und
+Ġpy ramid
+oc re
+Ġkiss ed
+Ġdream ed
+ĠFant astic
+ĠG ly
+å Ĭ
+Ġgreat ness
+Ġsp ices
+Ġmet ropolitan
+Ġcomp uls
+i ets
+101 6
+ĠSh am
+ĠP yr
+fl ies
+ĠMid night
+Ġswall owed
+Ġgen res
+ĠL ucky
+ĠRew ards
+Ġdisp atch
+ĠApp ly
+Ġa ven
+al ities
+3 12
+th ings
+Ġ( ).
+Ġm ates
+ĠS z
+ol ate
+Ġre charge
+c aps
+ĠYork er
+ic one
+Ġgal axies
+ile aks
+D ave
+ĠP uzz
+ĠCelt ic
+27 6
+ĠS ons
+Ġaffirm ative
+H or
+Ġtutorial s
+ĠR osa
+ĠExt ension
+Ser ies
+Ġf ats
+Ġr ab
+l is
+Ġun ic
+Ġe ve
+ĠSp in
+Ġadul thood
+ty p
+Ġsect arian
+Ġcheck out
+ĠCy cl
+S ingle
+Ġmart yr
+Ġch illing
+88 8
+ou fl
+Ġ] ;
+Ġcongest ion
+m k
+ĠWhere as
+Ġ19 38
+ur rencies
+er ion
+Ġbo ast
+ĠPat ients
+Ġch ap
+real DonaldTrump
+Ġexam ines
+h ov
+Ġstart ling
+ĠBab ylon
+w id
+om ew
+br ance
+ĠOd yssey
+w ig
+Ġtor ch
+ĠV ox
+ĠMo z
+ĠT roll
+ĠAn s
+Similar ly
+ĠF ul
+00 6
+Un less
+ĠAl one
+st ead
+ĠPub lisher
+r ights
+t u
+ĠDoes n
+Ġprofession ally
+Ġcl o
+ic z
+Ġste als
+Ġ á
+19 86
+Ġst urdy
+ĠJoh ann
+Ġmed als
+Ġfil ings
+ĠFr aser
+d one
+Ġmult inational
+Ġf eder
+Ġworth less
+Ġp est
+Yes terday
+ank ind
+Ġg ays
+Ġb orne
+Pict ure
+Ġpercent ages
+25 1
+r ame
+Ġpot ions
+ĠLeban ese
+Ġr ang
+ong s
+Ġpen insula
+ĠCl ause
+oh a
+ĠMac Book
+Ġunanim ous
+Ġl enders
+Ġhang s
+Ġfranch ises
+ore rs
+ĠUp dates
+Ġisol ate
+and ro
+S oon
+Ġdisrupt ive
+ĠSur ve
+Ġst itches
+ĠSc orp
+ĠDomin ion
+Ġsupp lying
+Ar g
+Ġtur ret
+ĠL uk
+Ġbr ackets
+* )
+ĠRevolution ary
+ĠHon est
+Ġnot icing
+ĠSh annon
+Ġafford ed
+Ġth a
+ĠJan et
+! --
+ĠNare ndra
+ĠPl ot
+H ol
+se ver
+e enth
+Ġobst ruction
+Ġ10 24
+st aff
+j as
+or get
+sc enes
+l aughs
+ĠF argo
+cr ime
+Ġorche str
+Ġde let
+ili ary
+rie ved
+Ġmilit ar
+ĠGreen e
+âĹ ı
+ãģ ¦
+ĠGu ards
+Ġunle ashed
+ĠWe ber
+Ġadjust able
+Ġcal iber
+Ġmotiv ations
+ĠÃ ł
+m Ah
+ĠL anka
+hand le
+Ġp ent
+ĠR av
+ĠAng ular
+ĠK au
+umb ing
+Ġphil anthrop
+Ġde hyd
+Ġtox icity
+e er
+w itz
+å ¼
+commun ity
+Ġret ali
+Ġmass ively
+ĠDani els
+Ġcar cin
+Ur l
+Ġrout ing
+ry ce
+Ġwa ived
+ĠGu atem
+Every body
+Ġco venant
+Ġ17 3
+Ġrelax ing
+Ġqu art
+al most
+Ġguard ed
+ĠSold iers
+Ġout going
+Ġre write
+ĠIm per
+ĠS olution
+Ġphenomen al
+Ġl ongevity
+Ġimp at
+ĠN issan
+ir ie
+Ġod or
+ĠZ ar
+ok s
+Ġmilit ias
+Ġtoler ated
+ars er
+ĠBrad ford
++ ,
+Ġsur real
+s f
+Can adian
+Ġresemb lance
+Ġcarbohyd rate
+Ġaccess ory
+me al
+larg est
+ieg el
+Some one
+Ġtoug hest
+os o
+Ġfun nel
+Ġcondemn ation
+lu ent
+Ġw ired
+ĠSun set
+Jes us
+ĠP ages
+ĠTy coon
+Ġselect ions
+Ġ à¤
+part isan
+Ġhigh s
+ĠR une
+Ġcraft s
+le ad
+ĠParent s
+Ġre claim
+ek er
+ĠAll ied
+ae per
+Ġlo oming
+Ġbenefic iaries
+ĠH ull
+Stud ents
+Jew ish
+d j
+Ġp act
+tem plate
+ĠOffic ials
+ĠBay lor
+Ġhe mp
+Ġyouth s
+ĠLevel s
+ĠX iao
+ĠC hes
+Ġende avor
+ĠRem oved
+Ġhipp ocamp
+H ell
+ãĤ Ĭ
+80 5
+Ġd inosaur
+ĠWr ath
+ĠIndones ian
+Ġcalcul ator
+ĠD ictionary
+Ġ4 20
+( _
+! ,
+t arians
+Ġrestrict ing
+rac use
+Ġweek day
+Ġsh rugged
+leg round
+Ġb ald
+ĠDo ctors
+Ġt outed
+ĠMax well
+Ġ2 14
+Ġdiplom at
+Ġrep ression
+Ġconstitu ency
+v ice
+r anked
+ĠNap oleon
+g ang
+ĠFore ver
+t un
+Ġbul b
+ĠC isco
+Ġres umed
+Ste ven
+ĠManit oba
+Ġfab ulous
+ĠAg ents
+19 84
+Ġam using
+ĠMyster ies
+Ġor thodox
+fl oor
+Ġquestion naire
+Ġpenet rate
+Ġfilm makers
+ĠUn c
+Ġst amped
+Ġth irteen
+Ġout field
+Ġforward ed
+Ġapp ra
+Ġa ided
+t ry
+Ġunf ocused
+ĠL iz
+ĠWend y
+ĠSc ene
+Ch arg
+Ġreject s
+Ġleft ist
+ĠProv idence
+ĠBr id
+reg n
+Ġprophe cy
+4 99
+Ġfor ge
+Ġintrins ic
+ĠF rog
+Ġw ont
+ĠH olt
+Ġfam ed
+aeper nick
+ĠH ate
+ĠC ay
+Ġregister ing
+ort ality
+rop y
+ocaly ptic
+a an
+n av
+Ġfasc ist
+Ġimpl icated
+ĠRes ort
+ĠChand ler
+ĠBr ick
+P in
+ys c
+Us age
+ĠHel m
+us ra
+âĺħ âĺħ
+ĠAb bas
+Ġunanim ously
+Ġke eper
+Ġadd icted
+?? ?
+Ġhelm ets
+Ġant ioxid
+aps ed
+80 8
+gi ene
+Ġwa its
+Ġmin ion
+ra ved
+ĠP orsche
+Ġdream ing
+Ġ17 1
+ĠC ain
+Ġun for
+ass o
+ĠConfig uration
+k un
+hard t
+Ġn ested
+Ġt ying
+en os
+Ġc ue
+ĠMar qu
+sk irts
+Ġclick ed
+Ġexp iration
+ĠAccording ly
+Ġbless ings
+Ġaddict ive
+ĠN arr
+y x
+ĠJagu ars
+Ġrent s
+ĠS iber
+Ġt ipped
+ous se
+ĠFitz gerald
+Ġhier arch
+out ine
+Ġwa velength
+> .
+ch id
+ĠProcess ing
+/ +
+r anking
+E asy
+ĠConst ruct
+Ġt et
+ins ured
+Ġqu oting
+Ġcommun icated
+in x
+Ġin mate
+Ġerect ed
+ĠAbs olutely
+ĠSure ly
+Ġun im
+ĠThr one
+he id
+Ġcl aws
+Ġsuper star
+ĠL enn
+ĠWh is
+U k
+ab ol
+Ġsk et
+ĠN iet
+Ġper ks
+Ġaff inity
+Ġopen ings
+phas is
+Ġdiscrim inate
+T ip
+v c
+Ġgr inding
+ĠJenn y
+Ġast hma
+hol es
+ĠHom er
+Ġreg isters
+ĠGl ad
+Ġcre ations
+Ġlith ium
+Ġappl ause
+unt il
+Just ice
+ĠTur ks
+Ġsc andals
+Ġb ake
+t ank
+M ech
+ĠMe ans
+ĠM aid
+Republic ans
+is al
+wind ows
+ĠSant os
+Ġveget ation
+33 8
+t ri
+Ġfl ux
+ins ert
+Ġclar ified
+Ġmort g
+ĠCh im
+ĠT ort
+Ġdiscl aim
+met al
+ĠAs ide
+Ġindu ction
+Ġinf l
+Ġathe ists
+amp h
+Ġe ther
+ĠV ital
+ĠBu ilt
+M ind
+Ġweapon ry
+Ġ18 6
+ad min
+g am
+cont ract
+af a
+Ġderiv atives
+Ġsn acks
+Ġch urn
+E conom
+Ġca pped
+ĠUnder standing
+ĠH ers
+ĠI z
+Ġd uct
+augh ty
+Ġâľ Ķ
+Ġsa iling
+In itialized
+Ġt ed
+Ġreact ors
+ĠL omb
+Ġcho ke
+ĠW orm
+Ġadm iration
+Ġsw ung
+ens ibly
+Ġr ash
+ĠGo als
+ĠImport ant
+Sh ot
+ĠR as
+Ġtrain ers
+ĠB un
+Work ing
+Ġhar med
+ĠPand ora
+Ġmush room
+ĠF ee
+ĠM oy
+B orn
+ol iberal
+ĠMart ial
+Ġgentle men
+Ġling ering
+Offic ial
+Ġgra ffiti
+ĠN ames
+D er
+Ġqu int
+ist rate
+aze era
+ĠFlore nce
+Ġpay able
+Ġdep icts
+ĠSpe cies
+He art
+Ġencl osed
+Incre ases
+D aily
+ĠL is
+Ġenact ment
+ĠB acon
+ĠSt eele
+dem and
+Ġ18 3
+Ġmouth s
+Ġstr anded
+Ġenhance ment
+01 1
+ĠWh ats
+Ġhe aled
+en y
+ĠR ab
+Ġ3 40
+ĠLab yrinth
+ro ach
+ĠY osh
+ĠCl ippers
+Ġconcert s
+Intern et
+35 5
+Ġstick ers
+Ġter med
+ĠAx e
+Ġgrand parents
+Fr ance
+ĠCl im
+ĠU h
+ul ic
+Ġthr ill
+cent ric
+ĠOver view
+ĠCond uct
+Ġsubstant ive
+Ġ18 2
+m ur
+Ġstr ay
+ĠCo ff
+Ġrep etitive
+ĠFor gotten
+Ġqual ification
+ew itness
+ĠZ imbabwe
+Ġsim ulated
+25 3
+ĠW are
+Ġun sc
+T imes
+Ġsum mons
+Ġdis connected
+Ġ18 4
+ci us
+ĠGu jar
+od ka
+Ġer ase
+ĠTob acco
+elect ed
+Ġun cont
+ĠShe pard
+ĠL amp
+Ġalert ed
+Ġoper ative
+arn a
+u int
+Ġneglig ence
+ac ements
+Ġsup ra
+Ġprev ail
+ĠSh ark
+Ġbel ts
+ãģ «
+Ġt ighter
+Engine ers
+Ġin active
+Ġexp onent
+ĠWill ie
+a ples
+Ġhe ir
+ĠH its
+ian n
+ĠS ays
+Ġcurrent s
+ĠBeng al
+Ġar ist
+B uffer
+Ġbree ze
+ĠWes ley
+Col a
+Ġpron oun
+Ġde ed
+ĠK ling
+Ġof t
+Ġinf lict
+Ġpun ishing
+Ġn m
+ik u
+01 4
+Ġsubsid y
+ĠHer bert
+ĠJ al
+B ank
+Ġdef erred
+Ġship ment
+B ott
+Ġal le
+b earing
+Off line
+Ġ2 13
+Ġscroll ing
+Ġsc anned
+ĠLib yan
+ch rom
+d t
+col umn
+Psy NetMessage
+Z ero
+Ġtor so
+0 50
+âķ IJ
+Ġimp erson
+ĠSchw artz
+ud ic
+Ġpiss ed
+ĠS app
+25 7
+og l
+Ġsuper vised
+Ġad olescent
+Ġatt ained
+ĠDel ivery
+ĠB unny
+Ġ19 37
+Ġmini ature
+Ġo s
+Ġ3 70
+60 8
+ĠMour inho
+Ġinn ate
+Ġtem po
+ĠFall en
+00 9
+Ġprov ocative
+Stream er
+ĠBened ict
+ĠBol she
+Ġt urtle
+ĠEqu al
+Direct or
+ĠR end
+Ġflu ids
+Author ities
+Ġcous ins
+requ ency
+ĠNeigh bor
+s ets
+sh ared
+Char les
+pass word
+Ġg ears
+Ġ2 11
+ĠHard ware
+ri ka
+Ġup stream
+H om
+Ġdisproportion ately
+iv ities
+Ġund efined
+Ġelect rons
+Ġcommem or
+Event ually
+Ġ> <
+Ġir responsible
+2 18
+ĠRe leased
+ĠB read
+st ellar
+ĠS age
+tt ed
+dam age
+ed ition
+ĠPre c
+Ġl ime
+Ġconf inement
+Ġcal orie
+we apon
+Ġdiff ering
+ĠS ina
+m ys
+am d
+Ġintric ate
+k k
+ã o
+st ones
+lin ks
+Ġr anch
+Sem itic
+Ġdifferent iate
+ĠS inger
+occup ied
+Ġfort ress
+c md
+Ġinter ception
+ĠAnk ara
+Ġre pt
+ĠSol itaire
+Ġrem ake
+p red
+Ġd ared
+aut ions
+Run ning
+Ġdebug ging
+Ġgraph s
+3 99
+ĠNig el
+Ġb un
+Ġpill ow
+Ġprog ressed
+fashion ed
+Ġob edience
+Ġrehe ars
+C ell
+t l
+S her
+Ġher ald
+ĠPay ment
+ĠC ory
+ĠDe pt
+Ġrep ent
+ĠWe ak
+uck land
+Ġple asing
+Ġshort ages
+Ġjur ors
+ĠK ab
+q qa
+Ant i
+Ġw ow
+Ġt sun
+ĠS ic
+Ġcomp rises
+Ġsp ies
+Ġprec inct
+n u
+Ġur ges
+Ġtim ed
+Ġstrip es
+ĠB oots
+Ġy en
+Adv anced
+Ġdisc rete
+ĠArch angel
+employ ment
+D iff
+Ġmon uments
+Ġ20 9
+work er
+Ġ19 6
+ĠI g
+utter stock
+J ac
+Ġhomeless ness
+Ġcomment ator
+Ġrac ially
+f ing
+se ed
+E le
+ell ation
+Ġeth anol
+Ġpar ish
+ĠD ong
+ĠAw akening
+Ġdev iation
+ĠB earing
+ĠTsu k
+Ġrec ess
+Ġl ymph
+ĠCann abis
+å ľ
+Ġd ra
+ĠStef an
+ĠWr ong
+Ġloose ly
+Ġinterpre ter
+ĠPl ain
+Go vernment
+Ġbigot ry
+Ġgren ades
+ave z
+pict ured
+Ġmand ated
+ĠMon k
+ĠPed ro
+Ġl ava
+27 4
+Ġcyn ical
+ĠScroll s
+l ocks
+M p
+Ġcon gregation
+orn ings
+ph il
+ĠI bid
+Ġf erv
+Ġdisapp earing
+Ġarrog ant
+sy n
+ĠMa ver
+ĠSu it
+24 1
+Ġab bre
+ack ers
+P a
+ĠY el
+Whe never
+Ġ23 5
+ĠV ine
+ĠAn at
+Ġext inct
+Ġexecut able
+ox ide
+ĠP rel
+Ġresent ment
+Ġcompr ise
+ĠAv iv
+Ġinter ceptions
+Ġprol ific
+ĠEr in
+though t
+2 19
+ĠPsychiat ry
+un ky
+chem ist
+H o
+ĠMcC oy
+Ġbr icks
+L os
+ri ly
+Ġr ud
+Ġl aud
+ĠW ise
+ĠEmer ald
+Ġrev ived
+Ġdam ned
+ĠRep air
+id em
+ct ica
+Ġpatri arch
+ĠN urs
+me g
+Ġcheap est
+re ements
+empt y
+ĠCele br
+Ġdepri vation
+ch anted
+ĠTh umbnails
+E nergy
+ĠEth an
+ĠQ ing
+Ġopp oses
+v ik
+ĠM au
+66 7
+ĠVol unte
+nt on
+C ook
+å IJ
+es que
+Ġplum met
+Ġsu ing
+Ġpron ounce
+Ġresist ing
+ĠF ishing
+ĠTri als
+Ġy ell
+Ġ3 10
+Ġin duct
+Ġpersonal ized
+oft en
+R eb
+Ġview point
+Ġexist ential
+() )
+rem ove
+l asses
+Ġev apor
+Ġa isle
+met a
+Ġreflect ive
+Ġentit lement
+Ġdev ised
+mus ic
+asc ade
+Ġwind ing
+off set
+Ġaccess ibility
+ke red
+Bet ter
+ĠJohn ston
+th inking
+S now
+ĠCroat ia
+ĠAt omic
+27 1
+34 8
+Ġtext book
+ĠSix th
+Ġ اÙĦ
+Ġsl ider
+ĠBur ger
+b ol
+S ync
+Ġgrand children
+Ġc erv
++ )
+Ġe ternity
+Ġtweet ing
+Ġspec ulative
+Ġpiv otal
+ynam ic
+Ġu pl
+ĠC ats
+per haps
+Ġclass mates
+Ġblat ant
+' -
+Ġl akh
+ant ine
+ĠB org
+i om
+/ (
+ĠAthlet ic
+Ġs ar
+ĠHoff man
+Never theless
+Ġad orable
+Ġspawn ed
+Ass ociated
+ĠDom estic
+Ġimpl ant
+ĠLux em
+ĠK ens
+Ġp umps
+Att ributes
+50 9
+av our
+Ġcentral ized
+Ġfresh ly
+ĠA chieve
+Ġouts iders
+her ty
+ĠRe e
+ĠT owers
+ĠD art
+ak able
+Ġm p
+ĠHeaven ly
+Ġr ipe
+ĠCarol ine
+ry an
+Ġclass ics
+Ġret iring
+Ġ2 28
+Ġa h
+Ġdeal ings
+Ġpunch ing
+ĠChap man
+O ptions
+max well
+vol ume
+Ġst al
+Ġex ported
+ĠQu ite
+Ġnumer ical
+B urn
+F act
+ĠKey stone
+Ġtrend ing
+Ġalter ing
+ĠAfric ans
+47 8
+ĠKn ock
+Ġtempt ation
+Ġprest ige
+Over view
+ĠTrad itional
+ĠBah rain
+Priv ate
+Ġbar r
+ĠT at
+C ube
+ĠGrand e
+ĠG at
+ĠFl o
+Ġres ides
+Ġind ec
+vol ent
+Ġperpet ual
+ub es
+Ġworld view
+ĠQuant um
+Ġfil tered
+Ġen su
+orget own
+ĠM ild
+37 9
+Ã ¥
+Ġvit amins
+Ġrib bon
+Ġsincere ly
+ĠH in
+Ġeight een
+Ġcontradict ory
+Ġgl aring
+Ġexpect ancy
+Ġcons pir
+Ġmon strous
+Ġ3 80
+re ci
+Ġhand ic
+Ġpump ed
+Ġindic ative
+Ġr app
+Ġav ail
+ĠMar ijuana
+19 85
+ert on
+Ġtwent ieth
+################ ################
+ĠSw amp
+Ġval uation
+Ġaffili ates
+adjust ed
+ĠFac ility
+26 2
+Ġenz ymes
+itud inal
+Ġimp rint
+S ite
+Ġinstall er
+m ology
+lin ear
+ĠCollect ive
+ig ating
+ĠT oken
+Ġspec ulated
+K N
+ĠC ly
+or ity
+Ġdef er
+Ġinspect ors
+appro ved
+R M
+ĠSun s
+Ġinform ing
+ĠSy racuse
+ib li
+7 65
+Ġgl ove
+Ġauthor ize
+âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦ âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦âĢ¦
+ĠCru ise
+Ġcontract ing
+she ll
+ĠJew el
+p ract
+ĠPhot oshop
+ĠKnow ing
+h arm
+Ġattract ions
+ad an
+et us
+01 8
+w agen
+Al t
+Ġmultip ly
+Ġequ ilibrium
+: {
+ĠF ighters
+ĠEd gar
+Ġfour teen
+Go vern
+Ġmis use
+Ġab using
+Ġancest ry
+ram er
+64 4
+Ġwor ms
+Ġthick er
+ĠComb ine
+Ġpeas ants
+Ġv ind
+Ġcon quest
+Ġm ocked
+Ġc innamon
+ĠC ald
+ĠGall up
+Ġavoid ance
+Ġincarn ation
+ĠStr at
+Ġt asted
+ent a
+ĠN eal
+p ared
+Ġtermin ology
+ject ion
+Scient ists
+ĠDe e
+Ġdirect ories
+R oad
+ĠSh ap
+br ight
+ĠDirect ors
+ĠCol umn
+Ġb ob
+Ġprefer ably
+Ġgl itch
+f urt
+Ġe g
+id is
+Ġsur rendered
+Ġtest ament
+33 6
+ug gest
+ĠN il
+an other
+Ġpat hetic
+ĠDon na
+Ġ2 18
+ĠA very
+Ġwhis key
+Ġf ixture
+ĠCon quest
+Ġbet s
+O cc
+ĠLe icester
+] ."
+Ġ) );
+Ġfl ashes
+45 6
+Ġmask ed
+ge bra
+Ġcomput ed
+che l
+aud er
+Ġdefe ats
+ĠLiber ation
+ĠOs ama
+ĠV ive
+Ch anges
+Ch annel
+Ġtar iffs
+Ġm age
+ĠS ax
+Ġinadvert ently
+ĠRe aper
+ink y
+gr ading
+Ġstere otyp
+Ġcur l
+Ġfram eworks
+M om
+ĠAn ch
+Ġflav our
+car bon
+Ġperm itting
+let cher
+ĠMo zilla
+ĠPark ing
+ĠCh amp
+Sc roll
+Ġmurd erer
+Ġrest ed
+Ġow es
+ĠP oss
+res olution
+ĠMin ing
+Ġcompar ative
+D im
+Ġneighbour ing
+ĠT oxic
+Ġbi ases
+Ġgun fire
+ur ous
+ĠMom ent
+19 83
+Ġper vasive
+tt p
+ĠNorm ally
+r ir
+S arah
+ĠAlb any
+Ġun sett
+ip ers
+l ayer
+ĠWh ites
+up le
+Ġtur bo
+ĠLe eds
+Ġthat s
+ĠMin er
+ĠRe ign
+Ġper me
+ĠBl itz
+Ġ19 34
+Ġintimid ating
+t ube
+Ġecc entric
+ab olic
+box es
+ĠAssoci ates
+v otes
+Ġsim ulate
+um bo
+aster y
+Ġship ments
+an th
+Ġseason ed
+Ġexperiment ation
+âĸ ł
+law s
+Me et
+idd les
+ant ics
+R ating
+h ift
+Ġfront s
+b uf
+01 7
+Ġun att
+ĠD il
+le ases
+ĠGard ens
+77 7
+t ouch
+ve ll
+45 8
+Ġ= ====
+s aving
+Ġer osion
+ĠQu in
+Ġearn s
+Ġaccomplish ment
+ĠWe i
+Ġ< [
+____ _
+Ġir rig
+ĠT eddy
+Ġconqu ered
+ĠArm ored
+Ġassert s
+Ġmanip ulating
+r é
+Ġtranscript s
+G allery
+Ġplot ting
+Ne il
+Ġbetray al
+load er
+ĠS ul
+Ġdispl acement
+Ġroy alty
+he it
+ĠDev ices
+alle l
+Ġmunicipal ities
+Ġcan al
+St ars
+Ġ" âĢ¦
+ab ove
+Ġreson ance
+ĠguiActive Un
+add ed
+ĠBra ves
+ĠI bn
+Ġhere by
+Ġshare holder
+ĠH ir
+ĠJ i
+Ġstrange ly
+Ġadm ired
+Ġpl ight
+Ġb achelor
+ĠP ole
+cipl inary
+T ony
+ĠArmen ian
+Ġun man
+ĠZion ist
+St age
+isco ver
+Ġautom otive
+Ġs idelines
+Ġsl ick
+ĠRena issance
+Im ages
+ĠH aj
+Ġp ing
+Ġshort cut
+ĠBl vd
+ĠLook s
+Ġbur sts
+Ġcl amp
+Ġm ish
+Ġsort ing
+Ġpatri ot
+Ġcorrect ness
+ĠScand inav
+ĠCaval iers
+p ython
+az ar
+Ġ3 75
+ĠJa une
+40 9
+Ġdetrim ental
+Ġstab bing
+Ġpoison ed
+Ġf ountain
+oc ent
+or st
+ĠMar i
+Ġr ains
+ĠO vers
+ĠInst itution
+ud get
+t ale
+ĠPr ices
+Ġhead aches
+Ġlands l
+ĠA ura
+Bon us
+ĠZ hao
+ĠH ip
+Ġhop s
+ĠKurd istan
+Ġexplo iting
+ry n
+Ġhypocr isy
+op ening
+Ġgun shot
+Ġw ed
+inter stitial
+Inter stitial
+Ġam en
+Bre aking
+Ġmarket ed
+W ire
+ĠC rowd
+Contin ue
+ĠK nown
+ĠEffect ive
+ore an
+iz ons
+Jose ph
+Ġescal ation
+us ername
+Ġcur tain
+ĠM iy
+Ġcounter fe
+l ene
+Ġcont enders
+d aily
+ĠAs c
+ĠPhill ip
+most ly
+Ġfil ename
+he ne
+Ġresemb ling
+Ġst aging
+ĠCh loe
+Ġw iring
+H on
+ĠRen ew
+ott age
+ĠHy brid
+m uch
+Ġstro kes
+Ġpolicy makers
+ĠArk ham
+pl ot
+Ġassist ants
+Ġde port
+ĠSe ga
+Ġinflu enza
+ĠC ursed
+ĠK obe
+Ġskin ny
+Prov ider
+ĠR ip
+Ġincrement al
+product s
+B F
+Ġd ome
+ĠC redits
+Ġlos ers
+int s
+ĠBet ty
+ĠTal ent
+L v
+E ss
+Ġd ens
+tem p
+J udge
+od ic
+Ġ' (
+ets k
+V O
+Ġretrie ved
+Ġarchitect s
+Ù ĩ
+Ġeth ic
+ĠSecond ary
+st ocks
+ad ia
+Ġ3 25
+ĠOp inion
+Ġsimultane ous
+Ġd izz
+ul p
+Ġsmugg ling
+ipp ery
+R andom
+f acing
+ĠD as
+Ġstock p
+Ġdiscl osures
+po inter
+Ġcor al
+ĠSe lection
+ĠP ike
+ival ent
+Ġruth less
+ĠR im
+Ġensu ing
+ĠExper iment
+Ġcongress man
+Ġbelie ver
+Ġun specified
+ĠM ord
+Ġknowledge able
+T X
+Ġstra ps
+Ġtur f
+apesh ifter
+Ġmar ital
+Ġfl ock
+ãģ Ĩ
+26 3
+ĠOpp osition
+Ġtre asures
+Ġmodel ed
+Ġ( [
+ĠUs age
+H F
+Ġ$ (
+uss ed
+Ġpione er
+E ight
+par se
+b read
+rit z
+ĠMir anda
+ĠK ant
+++ )
+ore n
+Ġprov oked
+Ġbre eds
+ĠIn cludes
+ĠPast ebin
+ĠFl ip
+J ava
+Ġbr ink
+Ġrum ored
+Ġun seen
+Ġgar nered
+ĠDef in
+al ted
+Ġtatt oos
+Ġhes itation
+is itions
+ĠWe aver
+ĠReport ing
+Ġtherap ies
+Ġconsult ants
+Ġresid ual
+ĠMal i
+ĠRom a
+i ago
+ĠRes idents
+ub i
+Ġremed ies
+Ġadapt ive
+ĠAl ive
+ĠBar cl
+Ġwal lets
+c rypt
+etermin ation
+ĠPel osi
+Ġsl ipping
+oton in
+Ġall iances
+pat rick
+ir is
+Ġor th
+ĠPer kins
+ĠDe V
+ĠG ets
+Ġdry ing
+ge e
+fore st
+ĠFor get
+ore m
+33 9
+Ġvague ly
+ĠD ion
+ĠP orn
+Ġp neum
+Ġrub ble
+ĠT aste
+enc ia
+ĠG el
+Ġd st
+Ġ24 5
+ĠMoroc co
+inf lamm
+ĠTw ins
+Ġb ots
+d aughter
+ĠB alk
+Ġbre thren
+Ġlog os
+Ġgo bl
+f ps
+Ġsub division
+Ġp awn
+Ġsquee zed
+Ġmor ale
+' "
+Ġkn ot
+ook y
+Ġdiv isive
+Ġboost ed
+ch y
+ãĥ IJ
+if act
+Ġnewcom ers
+ĠWrest ling
+Ġsc outs
+w olves
+R at
+Ġnin eteenth
+ĠOs borne
+St ats
+Ġem powered
+Ġpsych opath
+ugg age
+ĠMoh ammad
+P ak
+Ġanarch ists
+ĠExt ract
+est hes
+ĠStock holm
+l oo
+ĠG raph
+Ġdeploy ing
+ĠStr anger
+ĠM old
+Ġstaff er
+Ġdiscount ed
+uck le
+ple ase
+ĠLand ing
+ÃŃ a
+Ġ19 3
+Ġan te
+Ġrep etition
+Ġ+ /-
+Ġpar ody
+Ġlive ly
+ĠHor us
+Ġp its
+ind ers
+ĠVen ice
+40 6
+ĠDis cover
+â Ĩ
+ellect ual
+Ġp ens
+Ġey el
+ig uous
+Im pl
+Ġj oking
+Ġinv al
+ĠBel fast
+Ġcredit ors
+ĠSky walker
+ov sky
+Ġcease fire
+Ġse als
+is oft
+) ).
+ĠFel ix
+Ġt resp
+ĠBlock chain
+ew are
+ĠSch war
+en ne
+mount ed
+ĠBe acon
+les h
+Ġimmense ly
+Ġche ering
+Em ploy
+sc ene
+ish ly
+atche wan
+ĠNic olas
+Ġdr ained
+ĠEx it
+ĠAz erb
+j un
+Ġflo ated
+u ania
+De ep
+Ġsuper v
+Ġmyst ical
+ĠD ollar
+ĠApost le
+ĠProv ided
+ĠB ucks
+ãĥ ´
+cut ting
+Ġenhance ments
+ĠPengu ins
+ĠIsa iah
+Ġj erk
+ĠW yn
+Ġst alled
+Ġcryptoc urrencies
+ĠR oland
+sing le
+Ġl umin
+ĠF ellow
+ĠCap acity
+ĠKaz akh
+W N
+Ġfin anced
+38 9
+Ġt id
+Ġcoll usion
+ĠMy r
+î Ģ
+Sen ator
+Ġped iatric
+Ġneat ly
+Ġsandwic hes
+ĠArchitect ure
+Ġt ucked
+Ġbalcon y
+Ġearthqu akes
+qu ire
+F uture
+Ġhe fty
+é Ĺ
+Ġspecial izes
+Ġstress es
+Ġs ender
+Ġmisunder standing
+Ġep ile
+Ġprov oke
+ĠCol ors
+Ġdis may
+uk o
+[ _
+58 6
+ne utral
+Ġdon ating
+ĠRand all
+Mult i
+Ġconvenient ly
+ĠS ung
+ĠC oca
+Ġt ents
+ĠAc celer
+Ġpart nered
+27 2
+ir ming
+s ometimes
+Ġobject ed
+ub ric
+p osed
+gr ass
+Ġattribut able
+Israel i
+Ġrepe ats
+v ag
+ut a
+in ous
+Ġin ert
+ĠMig uel
+æ Ń
+ĠHawai ian
+B oard
+Ġart ific
+ĠAzerb ai
+as io
+ĠR ent
+Ġappl iances
+Ġnational ity
+Ġass hole
+ĠN eb
+Ġnot ch
+h ani
+ĠBr ide
+Av ailability
+Ġintercept ed
+Ġcontin ental
+Ġsw elling
+ĠPers pect
+b ies
+. <
+ith metic
+ĠL ara
+Ġtempt ing
+add r
+Ġoversee ing
+cl ad
+ĠGing rich
+Ġm un
+ĠApp ropri
+Ġalter ations
+ĠPat reon
+Ġha voc
+Ġdiscipl ines
+Ġnotor iously
+aku ya
+ier i
+? ).
+ĠW ent
+Ġsil icon
+Ġtre mb
+Cont ainer
+K nown
+Ġmort ar
+est e
+ick a
+Ar thur
+ĠPre viously
+ĠMart y
+Ġsp arse
+g ins
+Ġin ward
+ĠParticip ant
+C opy
+ĠM isc
+Ġantib iotic
+ĠRet ro
+Ġel usive
+Ġass ail
+ĠBatt alion
+ĠB ought
+Ġdimin ish
+ĠEuro pa
+s ession
+ĠDanger ous
+ies el
+Ġdisbel ief
+Ġbl asts
+ext reme
+ĠBoy d
+ĠProject s
+ĠGu ys
+Ġunder gone
+Ġgr ill
+ĠDw ight
+Ġ19 7
+Ġfiles ystem
+Ġcl ocks
+T aylor
+Ġwra pper
+Ġfold ing
+ous and
+ĠPhilipp ine
+ĠPer th
+Ġas hes
+Ġaccum ulate
+ĠGate way
+Sh op
+orks hire
+H an
+ĠBar rel
+ĠLe h
+Ġwh im
+Ġrep o
+ĠM am
+Ġincorpor ating
+Ġbail out
+Ġlingu istic
+Ġdis integ
+Ġcinem atic
+ĠF iber
+S yn
+il ion
+ĠCom pos
+c hens
+Ġne oc
+Ġbo iled
+on o
+un cle
+ik en
+Î ¹
+Ġreceipt s
+Ġdisp osed
+ĠTh irty
+ĠR ough
+Ġnot withstanding
+oll en
+# $
+Ġunrel iable
+Ġbl oom
+Ġmedi ocre
+Ġtr am
+ĠTas man
+Ġsh akes
+Ġmanifest o
+Ġsatisf actory
+Ġsh ores
+Ġcomput ation
+Ġassert ions
+orm ons
+ar ag
+ab it
+Dem ocrats
+ĠL oot
+ĠVol ks
+ha ired
+Ġgrav itational
+S ing
+ĠM iz
+Ġthro ttle
+Ġtyr anny
+ĠView s
+Ġrob ber
+ĠMinor ity
+Ġsh rine
+sc ope
+pur pose
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+our cing
+w ra
+ĠBow ie
+Sc ale
+x i
+I ter
+Ġ( ),
+w right
+Ġsail ors
+ous ed
+ĠPro of
+ĠMin eral
+t oken
+R ew
+Ġe ll
+6 30
+Ġchance llor
+ĠG os
+Ġamount ed
+ĠRec re
+ome z
+ĠOpt im
+ĠOl ive
+Ġtrack er
+ow ler
+ĠUn ique
+R oot
+Ġmar itime
+ĠQur an
+ĠAd apt
+Ġecosystem s
+ĠRe peat
+ĠS oy
+Ġgrad uating
+and em
+P ur
+ĠRes et
+ĠTr ick
+ĠPh illy
+ĠT ue
+ĠMalays ian
+Ġclim ax
+Ġb ury
+Ġcons pic
+ĠSouth ampton
+ĠFl owers
+Ġesc orted
+ĠEduc ational
+Ġbrut ally
+e ating
+Ġpill ar
+ĠS ang
+ĠJ ude
+ar ling
+ĠAm nesty
+Ġrem inding
+ĠAdminist rative
+hes da
+Ġfl ashed
+per ate
+fe ature
+Ġsw ipe
+Ġgra ves
+oult ry
+26 1
+bre aks
+ĠGu er
+Ġsh rimp
+ĠV oting
+qu ist
+Ġanaly tical
+Ġtables poons
+Ġresear ched
+Ġdisrupt ed
+Ġj our
+Ġrepl ica
+Ġcart oons
+b ians
+} )
+c opy
+G ot
+ou ched
+Ġsw arm
+not ations
+s aid
+Ġreb uilt
+Ġcollabor ate
+Ġr aging
+Ġn ar
+Ġdem ographics
+Ġdist rust
+oss ier
+ĠK ro
+Ġpump kin
+Ġreg rets
+Ġfatal ities
+ĠL ens
+ĠO le
+p d
+Ġpupp et
+ĠOut look
+ĠSt am
+O l
+F air
+U U
+Ġre written
+Ä ±
+Ġfasc inated
+Ġve ctors
+Ġtrib unal
+u ay
+ĠM ats
+ĠCo ins
+[ [
+Ġ18 1
+Ġrend ers
+ĠK aepernick
+Ġesp ionage
+Ġsum m
+Ġd itch
+Acc ount
+Ġspread sheet
+Ġmut ant
+p ast
+40 7
+Ġd ye
+Ġinit iation
+Ġ4 000
+Ġpunish able
+Ġth inner
+ĠKh al
+Ġinter medi
+D un
+ĠGoth am
+Ġeager ly
+Ġvag inal
+p owers
+V W
+Ġpred ator
+ams ung
+Ġdispar ity
+Ġ[ *
+Ġam ph
+Ġout skirts
+ĠSpir its
+Ġskelet al
+Ð »
+ĠR ear
+Ġissu ance
+ĠLog ic
+re leased
+Z Z
+ĠB ound
+Ent ry
+Ġex its
+is ol
+ĠFound er
+Ġw re
+ĠGreen land
+t aker
+ãģ ¾
+Ġhour ly
+hen ko
+Ġfantas ies
+Ġdis ob
+Ġdemol ition
+ãĥ ĭ
+Ġen listed
+rat ulations
+Ġmis guided
+Ġens ured
+Ġdiscour aged
+m ort
+Ġfl ank
+Ġc ess
+Ġreact s
+ĠS ere
+s ensitive
+ĠSer pent
+ass ad
+Ġ24 7
+Ġcalm ly
+b usters
+Ġble ed
+ĠSt ro
+Ġamuse ment
+ĠAntar ctica
+Ġs cept
+ĠG aw
+a q
+ason ic
+Ġsp rawling
+n ative
+atur ated
+ĠBattle field
+E B
+ĠG ems
+ĠNorth western
+ĠFil ms
+ĠAut omatic
+Ġappre hend
+ãģ ¨
+Ġgui Name
+Ġback end
+Ġevid enced
+ge ant
+01 2
+ĠS iege
+Ġexternal To
+Ġunfocused Range
+ĠguiActiveUn focused
+Ġgui Icon
+ĠexternalTo EVA
+ĠexternalToEVA Only
+F ri
+ch ard
+en aries
+Ġchief s
+Ġc f
+Ġcorro bor
+Ġd B
+ĠT aken
+ĠPat ricia
+ra il
+ĠCh arm
+ĠLiber tarian
+rie ve
+Person al
+ger ies
+Ġdump ing
+Ġneurolog ical
+it imate
+ĠClint ons
+raft ed
+ĠM olly
+Ġtermin als
+reg ister
+Ġfl are
+Ġenc oded
+Ġautop sy
+p el
+m achine
+Ġexempt ions
+ĠRoy als
+d istance
+Ġdraft s
+Ġl ame
+ĠC unning
+Ġsp ouses
+ĠMark ets
+ĠCar rier
+Ġimp lying
+ĠY ak
+s id
+Ġl oser
+Ġvigil ant
+Ġimpe achment
+Ġaug mented
+ĠEmploy ees
+Ġunint ended
+tern ally
+ĠW att
+Ġrecogn izable
+ess im
+æ Ŀ
+Ġco ated
+r ha
+Ġlie utenant
+ĠLegisl ation
+pub lished
+44 4
+01 3
+Ġide ally
+ĠPass word
+Ġsimpl ify
+ĠMet a
+Ġple ading
+organ ized
+hand ler
+Ġun ravel
+cor rect
+Ġ icy
+Ġparan oid
+Ġpass er
+Ġinspect ions
+of er
+ĠHealth care
+28 3
+ĠBr ut
+iol a
+for ge
+ĠMed ieval
+ie vers
+ĠProgram ming
+å ī
+Ġ2 23
+m u
+ug a
+Ġsho ppers
+Ġinform ative
+ĠPl ans
+Ġsupplement ation
+ĠT ests
+ty ard
+ocy tes
+ĠVeg a
+ĠGujar at
+erman ent
+Ex cept
+all a
+ĠC umm
+ĠO sw
+Ġven om
+ĠDeb t
+Ġreun ion
+Ġm uc
+ĠRel ief
+Ġge op
+ĠðŁ ĺ
+al ogue
+An th
+ech o
+Ġcor ros
+Ġrepl ication
+ĠBl azing
+ĠD aughter
+Ġinf lic
+ĠLind sey
+Ù Ī
+28 4
+Ex it
+Ġgl oom
+Ġundermin ing
+Ġadv ising
+h idden
+Ġover flow
+Ġg or
+urd ue
+Ġe choes
+enh agen
+Ġimp uls
+d rug
+c ash
+Ġas ync
+Ġmir ac
+at ts
+p unk
+Ġpiv ot
+ĠLegisl ative
+Ġblog gers
+ĠCl aw
+s burg
+d yl
+ĠRecomm end
+Ġver te
+Ġprohib iting
+ĠPant her
+Jon athan
+Ġo min
+Ġhate ful
+28 1
+ĠOr che
+ĠMurd och
+down s
+Ġas ymm
+Al ways
+Ġinform s
+ĠP ony
+ĠApp endix
+ĠAr lington
+J am
+Ġmedic inal
+ĠS lam
+Ġre aff
+ĠR i
+F G
+S pring
+b ool
+Ġthigh s
+Ġmark ings
+ĠRa qqa
+ĠL ak
+p oll
+ts ky
+ĠMort y
+ĠDef inition
+Ġdeb unk
+end ered
+ĠLe one
+a vers
+Ġmortg ages
+App arently
+N ic
+ha us
+ĠTh ousands
+au ld
+Ġm ash
+sh oot
+Ġdi arr
+Ġconscious ly
+H ero
+e as
+ĠN aturally
+ĠDestroy er
+Ġdash board
+serv ices
+R og
+Ġmillenn ials
+Ġinv ade
+- (
+Ġcomm issions
+ĠA uckland
+Ġbroadcast s
+Ġfront al
+Ġcr ank
+ĠHist oric
+Ġrum ours
+Ġster il
+Ġboost er
+rock et
+ãĤ ¼
+ut sche
+Ġ2 33
+ĠProdu cer
+ĠAnaly tics
+Ġinval uable
+Ġunint ention
+Ġscrut in
+Ġg igg
+Ġeng ulf
+Ġprolet ariat
+Ġh acks
+ĠH ew
+ar ak
+ĠSl ime
+ield ing
+ag her
+ĠEll iot
+Ġtele com
+Ġ2 19
+ult an
+ĠAr bor
+ĠSc outs
+B an
+Ġlifes pan
+Ġbl asp
+38 8
+Ġjud iciary
+ĠContin ental
+ask ing
+Mc C
+Ġbag gage
+ĠSorce rer
+Ġrem nants
+ĠGriff ith
+ets u
+ĠSub aru
+ĠPerson ality
+des igned
+ush ima
+agn ar
+Ġrec oil
+Ġpass ions
+\ ":
+Ġte e
+Ġabol ition
+ĠCreat ing
+j ac
+Ġ19 4
+01 9
+Ġpill ars
+ric hed
+/ "
+t k
+Ġlive lihood
+Ġro asted
+ah on
+ĠH utch
+ass ert
+Ġdivid end
+Ġkn it
+Ġd aunting
+Ġdisturb ance
+Ġsh ale
+Ġcultiv ated
+Ġrefriger ator
+L B
+Ġcommercial s
+Ġthink ers
+45 5
+Ġch op
+B road
+Ġsuspic ions
+Ġtag ged
+l ifting
+Ġsty lish
+ĠShield s
+Short ly
+Ġt ails
+A uth
+Ġse ism
+ĠK is
+olog ne
+Ġcow ork
+Ġforc ibly
+Ġthy roid
+mar ried
+h orse
+Ġpoly mer
+ĠCh al
+od or
+ĠCon text
+Ġbl iss
+Ġpin point
+ĠMat hemat
+leg ram
+ĠWeek end
+Ġlab elled
+Ġb art
+it les
+Ġest rogen
+" '
+Ġvis ibly
+Ġouts ider
+aid a
+Are a
+Ġdisse min
+Ġdish onest
+ĠCl osed
+ĠBullet in
+ĠRam sey
+sw ord
+our ced
+S ame
+34 6
+ĠRe pe
+ĠK ou
+c ake
+em is
+C ache
+ĠMe aning
+ĠEn light
+onom y
+Ġmanifest ation
+sw orth
+J ay
+Ġch ore
+ö r
+D ream
+Ġsanction ed
+Ġcult urally
+ĠA ra
+N av
+Ġthe ological
+Ġstr ut
+ĠHand book
+Ġconstruct ing
+ĠÂ ¶
+ĠBenef its
+ĠPsych ological
+s ac
+å ¸
+p olicy
+ĠMat ters
+ĠReport ed
+ĠBy te
+Ġvit ro
+ĠM aiden
+Ġl am
+ĠJenn ings
+Ġgar ment
+ĠRut gers
+ĠStaff ord
+ĠWell ington
+Ġinter mitt
+Ġn pm
+Ġord eal
+Ġplug ged
+o oming
+in ished
+fram ework
+Ġtim ber
+Ġc ass
+Ġ8 50
+il ess
+ĠRed ux
+7 68
+St re
+Ġsurpass ed
+w hel
+Ġparalle ls
+Ġve il
+Ġread iness
+s ort
+Ġmod ifying
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+ru ff
+Ġmar ble
+Ġinf rared
+Ġaud itor
+ĠP overty
+Ġ" (
+K y
+Ġexecut ions
+ĠBever ly
+ĠMarx ism
+ĠBur st
+ĠK ali
+est ones
+Clear ly
+E ll
+ãģ §
+ĠProceed ings
+T oken
+ñ a
+Cent ral
+ĠH aley
+ĠD rama
+Ġform ations
+Book s
+Ġdom inating
+ĠFly ers
+ĠCompan ion
+Ġdiscipl ined
+ĠYug oslav
+ĠSpell s
+Ġv engeance
+Ġland lords
+L en
+ĠO gre
+ano ia
+Ġpier cing
+Ġcon greg
+Ġscore r
+ob ia
+Ġnic kel
+ĠLear ns
+Ġre jo
+Ġmaster piece
+Fl ash
+Ġinhab ited
+ĠOpen GL
+ĠD ud
+Ġar ter
+Ġpl ur
+Ġmaster y
+Ġlong standing
+st ed
+Ġw ines
+Ġtelev ised
+ĠSh rine
+ĠBay ern
+Ġâ ĵĺ
+Ġencl osure
+j ohn
+Ġprophe ts
+ĠRes urrection
+ĠOrd ers
+Ġun even
+r als
+Ġd wind
+ĠL ah
+ĠSl oven
+37 8
+Ġins istence
+aff le
+ĠCl one
+Ġhard ship
+ĠCongress man
+Ġple ad
+Ġreview ers
+Ġc ured
+Ġ19 35
+as ley
+f ake
+ĠTh inking
+yd ia
+ĠD ota
+o it
+Ġwh ipped
+Ġb ouncing
+ĠHispan ics
+com ings
+Ġcann abin
+ĠCh ambers
+ĠZ ack
+Option al
+Ġco ats
+Ġprow ess
+ĠNort on
+Ġplain ly
+Ġfre ight
+Ġinhib ition
+Ġcl am
+Ġ30 3
+ke f
+ale igh
+L uke
+Ġpsych o
+ator ium
+Ġtreat ies
+Ġind isc
+Ġd c
+Ġresil ient
+ĠInter state
+Ġsl ack
+Ġmund ane
+Ġestab lishes
+35 9
+Ġstr ained
+Ġn ond
+S us
+Ġcast e
+ar ate
+ie ving
+Ġunfair ly
+Ġpars er
+on ial
+urs ive
+V ia
+ĠOtt o
+ĠAuthor ities
+stro ke
+K R
+ĠMer cy
+Ġfurn ished
+Ġout set
+Ġmet ic
+19 82
+olith ic
+ĠT ent
+og ical
+ĠA ircraft
+Ġh ides
+ĠBec ame
+Ġeduc ators
+re aching
+Ġvol atility
+Ġtodd ler
+ĠTw elve
+ĠHigh lights
+Ġgra pe
+Ġspl its
+Ġpe asant
+Ġre neg
+Tem p
+st ars
+Ġtre k
+ĠHy de
+b inding
+Ġreal ism
+Ġox ide
+ĠH os
+Ġmount s
+Ġbit ing
+Ġcollaps ing
+Ġpost al
+Ġmuse ums
+Ġdet ached
+Ġrespect ing
+Ġmonop ol
+Ġwork flow
+ĠC ake
+Tem plate
+ĠOrgan isation
+Ġpers istence
+36 9
+C oming
+B rad
+Ġredund ant
+Ġb ending
+Ġrev oked
+Ġoff ending
+Ġfram ing
+Ġprint f
+Comm un
+mem bers
+Out side
+Ġconst rued
+Ġc oded
+Ġch ast
+Ch at
+Ind ian
+ĠY ard
+? !"
+ĠP orts
+ĠX avier
+' ."
+ĠBo at
+iv ated
+ich t
+umer able
+D s
+ĠDun n
+Ġcoff in
+Ġsecure ly
+ĠRapt ors
+ĠB es
+Install ation
+Ġin ception
+ĠHealth y
+end ants
+Ġpsych ologists
+ĠShe ikh
+c ultural
+ĠBlack Berry
+sh ift
+F red
+oc he
+Ġc akes
+ĠG ian
+ĠAs ians
+og ging
+e lement
+Ġpund its
+ĠV augh
+ĠG avin
+Ġh itter
+Ġdrown ed
+Ġch alk
+ĠZ ika
+Ġmeas les
+80 2
+âĢ¦ ..
+] "
+Ġdist ort
+ĠM ast
+Ġantib odies
+ĠM ash
+Mem ory
+ĠUg anda
+ĠPro b
+Ġvom iting
+ĠTurn s
+Ġoccup ying
+Ġev asion
+ĠTher apy
+Ġprom o
+Ġelect r
+Ġblue print
+ĠD re
+pr iced
+ĠDep ot
+Ġallev iate
+ĠSom ali
+m arg
+n ine
+Ġnostalg ia
+ĠShe pherd
+Ġcaval ry
+Ġtor ped
+ĠBlood y
+x b
+Ġs ank
+Ġgo alt
+report print
+embed reportprint
+clone embedreportprint
+ĠIn itially
+ĠF ischer
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+c ern
+Ġin efficient
+raw download
+rawdownload cloneembedreportprint
+c ation
+ĠD ynasty
+l ag
+Ġdistinct ly
+ĠEston ia
+Ġopen ness
+Ġg ossip
+ru ck
+W idth
+ĠIb rahim
+Ġpet roleum
+Ġav atar
+ĠH ed
+ath a
+ĠHog warts
+Ġc aves
+67 8
+Ġsafegu ard
+ĠM og
+iss on
+ĠDur ham
+sl aught
+ĠGrad uate
+Ġsub conscious
+ĠEx cellent
+ĠD um
+---- -
+Ġp iles
+ĠG arn
+ĠF ol
+Ġavoid s
+ĠT ul
+Ġble ak
+iv ist
+light ly
+P ers
+ĠD ob
+Ġins anity
+Î µ
+atal ie
+En large
+Ġtw ists
+Ġfault y
+Ġpir acy
+Ġimp over
+Ġrug ged
+ĠF ashion
+Ġs ands
+' ?
+sw ick
+Ġn atives
+Ġhe n
+ĠNo ise
+ãĥ Ĺ
+Ġg reens
+Ġfree zer
+Ġd ynasty
+ĠFather s
+ĠNew ark
+Ġarchae ological
+Ġo t
+ob ar
+Ġblock ade
+Ġall erg
+L V
+Ġdeb it
+ĠMil ton
+ĠPress ure
+Ġwill ingly
+Ġdisproportion ate
+Ġopp ressive
+Ġdiamond s
+Ġbelong ings
+19 70
+Ġbell s
+Ġimperial ism
+Ġ2 27
+Ġexpl oding
+ĠE clipse
+Ġ19 19
+Ġr ant
+Ġnom inations
+34 7
+Ġpeace fully
+ric a
+Ġvib ration
+mal ink
+Ġro pes
+ĠIv anka
+ĠBrew ery
+ĠBook er
+ĠOw ens
+go ers
+Serv ices
+ĠSn ape
+Ġ19 1
+39 5
+Ġ2 99
+just ice
+Ġb ri
+Ġdisc s
+Ġprom inently
+Ġvul gar
+Ġsk ipping
+l ves
+Ġtsun ami
+37 4
+ĠU rug
+ĠE id
+rec ated
+p hen
+Ġfault s
+ĠStart ed
+9 50
+Ġp i
+Ġdetect or
+Ġbast ard
+Ġvalid ated
+Space Engineers
+Ġ( ~
+Ġuns ur
+Ġaff irmed
+Ġfasc ism
+Ġres olving
+ĠCh avez
+ĠC yn
+Ġdet ract
+L ost
+Ġrig ged
+Ġhom age
+ĠBrun o
+55 5
+ec a
+Ġpress es
+Ġhum our
+Ġsp acing
+Ġ' /
+olk ien
+C oun
+T re
+S on
+ĠCambod ia
+ier re
+m ong
+o zy
+Ġliquid ity
+ĠSov iets
+ĠFernand o
+Ġ2 29
+Ġsl ug
+ĠCatal an
+elect ric
+Ġsc enery
+ĠH earth
+Ġconst rained
+Ġgoal ie
+ĠGu idelines
+ĠAm mo
+ĠPear son
+Ġtax ed
+Ġfet us
+Resp onse
+ĠAlex is
+th ia
+G uy
+Ġrecon struct
+Ġextrem es
+Ġconclud ing
+ĠP eg
+ook s
+Ġded uctions
+R ose
+Ġground breaking
+ĠT arg
+ãĥ ģ
+ĠRe ve
+res ource
+Ġmo ons
+Ġelectrom agnetic
+Ġamid st
+ĠVik tor
+Ġcomm ute
+ĠAna heim
+Ġfluct uations
+6 40
+Ġnood les
+ĠCop enhagen
+ĠT ide
+ĠGri zz
+Ġpip elines
+Ġsc ars
+end o
+ag us
+/ #
+ĠBec ome
+44 8
+Ġvis c
+ĠRecomm ended
+Ġj umper
+Ġcogn ition
+Ġassass in
+Ġwitness ing
+ĠSet up
+Ġl ac
+v im
+p ages
+35 8
+Ġad ject
+indust rial
+l ore
+cher y
+Ġgl itter
+Ġc alf
+Flor ida
+Ġspoil ers
+Ġsucceed s
+Ġch anting
+Ġslog ans
+ĠTr acy
+Vis it
+rol ogy
+Ġm ornings
+Ġline age
+Ġs ip
+Ġintense ly
+Ġflour ish
+ĠSle eping
+ĠF em
+or por
+ĠK lan
+ĠDar th
+h ack
+ĠNi elsen
+Ġtum ors
+Ġprocure ment
+ĠY orkshire
+Ġra ided
+K Y
+An na
+Ġ// [
+ĠDis order
+ĠMust ang
+ĠW en
+ĠTry ing
+s q
+Ġdeliver ies
+Ġshut ter
+Ġcere bral
+Ġbip olar
+l ass
+j et
+Ġdeb ating
+> :
+Ġe agle
+gr ades
+ĠD ixon
+ĠDr aco
+ĠMach ines
+aff er
+Ġem an
+Â ²
+pr on
+ĠG ym
+Ġcompar atively
+ĠTrib unal
+Ġle x
+Ġfert ile
+Ġdep ressing
+Ġsuperf icial
+ess ential
+ĠHun ters
+g p
+Ġprom inence
+L iber
+ĠAn cest
+ote chnology
+Ġm ocking
+ĠTra ff
+ĸ ļ
+Med ium
+I raq
+Ġpsychiat rist
+Quant ity
+ĠL ect
+Ġno isy
+5 20
+G Y
+Ġsl apped
+Ġpar a
+p ull
+Mult iple
+as her
+Ġn our
+ĠSe g
+Spe ll
+v ous
+ord ial
+Sen ior
+ĠGold berg
+ĠPl asma
+ne ed
+Ġmess enger
+ere t
+Ġteam ed
+Ġliter acy
+ĠLe ah
+ĠD oyle
+Ġem itted
+U X
+Ġev ade
+Ġm aze
+Ġwrong ly
+ĠL ars
+Ġstere otype
+Ġpled ges
+Ġarom a
+Ġac re
+Ġf f
+Ġbrew eries
+ĠH ilton
+und le
+ĠK ak
+ĠThank fully
+ĠCan ucks
+in ctions
+ĠApp ears
+Ġco er
+Ġundermin ed
+ro vers
+And re
+Ġbl aze
+um ers
+Ġfam ine
+amp hetamine
+ulk an
+Am ount
+Ġdesper ation
+wik ipedia
+develop ment
+ĠCor inth
+uss ia
+Jack son
+L I
+N ative
+R s
+Oh io
+ĠKath leen
+F ortunately
+Ġattend ant
+ĠPre ferred
+ĠDid n
+ĠV s
+M is
+Ġrespond ent
+Ġb oun
+st able
+Ġp aved
+Ġunex pl
+ĠChe ney
+L M
+ĠC ull
+bl own
+Ġconfront ing
+oc ese
+serv ing
+W i
+ĠLith uania
+ann i
+Ġst alk
+h d
+Ġv ener
+ynchron ous
+um ably
+hist oric
+H alf
+H ay
+Ġresil ience
+spe ction
+Ġabandon ing
+O bs
+ĠDeb bie
+Ġgrad ient
+ĠPl aint
+ĠCan al
+Ġexpans ive
+Ġfun g
+Ġb ounced
+U nd
+Ġprec autions
+Ġclar ification
+Ġd agger
+Ġgri ps
+ĠÂ µ
+ĠRiver a
+ĠUnd ead
+is ites
+ñ o
+aud i
+Ġhost ages
+Ġcompl iant
+Ġal umni
+Se ven
+Ġcyber security
+e ither
+Col lect
+Ġinvari ably
+ĠS oci
+Ġlaw maker
+Ġa le
+ĠPerson ally
+N azi
+Ġcustom ization
+ĠPro c
+ĠSask atchewan
+eat uring
+Ġsp ared
+Ġdiscontin ued
+Ġcomput ational
+ĠMotor ola
+Ġsuprem acist
+government al
+Ġparad ise
+ĠDown ing
+ĠNik on
+Ġcat alyst
+ber ra
+Tor onto
+8 75
+bet a
+ĠMac ron
+Ġunreal istic
+ve ctor
+ĠVeh icles
+it iveness
+ĠCol bert
+s in
+o ji
+ent in
+ĠKr ish
+hell o
+ff ield
+ok y
+ĠT ate
+Ġmap le
+Ġa ids
+chem ical
+33 4
+n uts
+ĠWar p
+Ġx x
+ĠRob b
+umer ous
+_- _
+ft ime
+Ġw inger
+ĠD ome
+t ools
+ĠGe orgetown
+Ġg eared
+Ġjihad ists
+Ġc p
+Ġster oids
+M other
+cler osis
+nes ia
+Ġl inger
+Ġimm ersive
+Ġoutwe igh
+ens ual
+B and
+Ġtransform s
+mat ched
+ps ons
+ĠJud icial
+f actor
+Ġrefer ral
+Ġodd ly
+ĠW enger
+B ring
+ĠB ows
+60 2
+Ġl ions
+ĠAcad emic
+ĠTh orn
+ĠRa ider
+kef eller
+St orage
+L ower
+ĠOr t
+ĠEqu ality
+T ypes
+Ġl yn
+ĠAss et
+co at
+ĠPione er
+app lication
+Mod ern
+En vironment
+Al right
+R ain
+ĠShi ite
+Ġm ound
+ĠAb ilities
+cond ition
+St aff
+Ġcompet ence
+ĠM oor
+ĠDi ablo
+Ġwith held
+Ġost ensibly
+ĠB rom
+Ġms g
+Ġden omin
+ĠRef erences
+Ġplun ged
+Ġp amph
+m oving
+cent ral
+Ġdown right
+Ġf ading
+T al
+T yp
+ĠTh y
+uk es
+it he
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+c rop
+Ġsqu ads
+{ \
+à ¹
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+ĠG ast
+ĠN ir
+Ġl uggage
+Ġh ose
+Ġsystem d
+Ġdesc ending
+ĠRev ised
+ĠR ails
+al ign
+70 9
+33 7
+Ġf ug
+charg ing
+t ags
+Ġut er
+k ish
+49 0
+prof its
+Ġvoy age
+Ġa ce
+ĠV anguard
+ĠT anks
+ĠM uk
+Ġ2 26
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+Ar mor
+Ġvolcan ic
+Ġwom b
+Ġbegin ner
+ĠRec ogn
+) !
+Ġdetect ing
+c n
+Ġbre aches
+Bas ically
+ĠP ag
+ĠMunicip al
+ĠInd ie
+ĠL af
+ĠDis able
+ĠOl son
+Ġrest rained
+Ġrul ings
+Ġhum ane
+ev ents
+ĠCinem a
+display Text
+ĠH atch
+action Date
+onna issance
+Ġassault ing
+ĠL ug
+Ġvig orous
+ĠPer se
+Ġintoler ance
+ĠSnap chat
+ĠSh arks
+Ġd ummy
+ĠDi agn
+ĠGu itar
+im eters
+40 3
+A x
+Ġsepar ates
+ĠMah m
+Ġt v
+j ah
+C irc
+ĠWinds or
+uss ian
+Ġintu ition
+Ġdis dain
+ĠDon ovan
+Ġ2 21
+E mb
+Ġcondem ning
+Ġgener osity
+zz y
+Ġpant ies
+ĠPre vent
+Action Code
+34 2
+external ActionCode
+Ġspec ifying
+Ġcryst all
+J ere
+Ġru pt
+ĠApp rentice
+Ġprof iling
+Ð º
+St rike
+Ġsid eline
+Ġoblig ated
+Ġocc ult
+Ġbureaucr atic
+ant ically
+rupt ed
+neg ative
+ĠEthiop ia
+ĠC ivic
+Ġins iders
+el igible
+ĠTV s
+i ologist
+Ġsubstit uted
+Ar ab
+ĠS aul
+ĠY og
+p rem
+Ġbuild ers
+Ġstation ary
+Ġdoubt ful
+Ġvig orously
+Ġthr illing
+Ph ysical
+ĠCare y
+ĠHyd ra
+geon ing
+ĠS ly
+y ton
+Ġborrow ers
+ĠPark inson
+Ġ ë
+ĠJama ica
+Ġsat ir
+Ġinsurg ents
+ĠF irm
+Ġis ot
+ĠK arn
+our ning
+ak ens
+doc s
+l ittle
+ĠMon aco
+Tur key
+L y
+ĠCon an
+ass ic
+Ġstar red
+ĠPac ers
+et ies
+Ġt ipping
+M oon
+ĠR w
+s ame
+Ġcav ity
+Ġgo of
+ĠZ o
+Sh ock
+um mer
+Ġemphas izes
+Ġreg rett
+Ġnovel ty
+Ġen vy
+ĠPass ive
+r w
+50 5
+Ġind ifferent
+ĠR ica
+ĠHim self
+ĠFred die
+Ġad ip
+ä¸ Ģ
+Ġbreak out
+Ġhur ried
+ĠHu ang
+ĠD isk
+Ġro aming
+?????- ?????-
+U V
+ĠRick y
+ĠS igma
+Ġmarginal ized
+Ġed its
+Ġ30 4
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+Ġspec imen
+29 3
+ãģ ¯
+Ġvert ically
+Ġaud ition
+ĠHe ck
+Ġc aster
+ĠHold ings
+ad al
+ĠC ron
+ĠL iam
+Ġdef lect
+P ick
+ĠDeb ug
+Ġvers atility
+ot hes
+class ified
+ĠMah ar
+ĠH ort
+C ounter
+st asy
+not iced
+33 1
+ĠSh im
+f uck
+ĠB ie
+Ġair ing
+ĠPro tein
+ĠHold ing
+Ġspect ators
+ili ated
+ĠThat cher
+n osis
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ³
+Te le
+B oston
+ĠTem pl
+st ay
+Ġdecl arations
+47 9
+Vol ume
+ĠDesign er
+ĠOver watch
+id ae
+Ġon wards
+Ġn ets
+ĠMan ila
+part icularly
+Ġpolit ic
+o other
+Ġport raits
+Ġpave ment
+c ffff
+Ġs aints
+Ġbegin ners
+Ġshort comings
+âķIJ âķIJ
+Ġcom et
+ĠOrgan ic
+qu el
+Ġhospital ized
+Bre ak
+Ġpe el
+dyl ib
+asp x
+ur ances
+P g
+Ġread able
+ĠMal ik
+Ġm uzzle
+Ġbench marks
+d al
+ĠV acc
+ĠH icks
+60 9
+ĠB iblical
+he ng
+Ġover load
+ĠCivil ization
+Ġimm oral
+Ġf ries
+ãĤ Ĵ
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+Ġform ulation
+j ug
+ire z
+g ear
+Ġco ached
+Mp Server
+ĠK w
+In it
+d eal
+ĠO ro
+ĠL oki
+ĠSong s
+Ġ23 2
+ĠLou ise
+asion ally
+Ġunc ond
+olly wood
+Ġprogress ives
+ĠEn ough
+ĠDo e
+Ġwreck age
+Ġbr ushed
+ĠBase Type
+Ġz oning
+ish able
+het ically
+ĠC aucus
+ĠH ue
+Ġk arma
+ĠSport ing
+Ġtrad er
+Ġseem ing
+ĠCapt ure
+4 30
+b ish
+Ġt unes
+Ġindo ors
+ĠSp here
+ĠD ancing
+Ġno b
+m aps
+Ġpe ppers
+F it
+Ġoverse es
+ĠRabb i
+ĠR uler
+vert ising
+off ice
+xx x
+Ġra ft
+Ch anged
+Ġtext books
+L inks
+ĠO mn
+ãĢ ij
+Ġinconven ience
+ĠDon etsk
+= ~
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+Ġboost s
+ĠB ones
+ĠBo om
+Cour tesy
+Ġsens ational
+Ġgre edy
+ed en
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+ĠL er
+ĠV ale
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+ĠN um
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+S ent
+ĠH orde
+urg ical
+all ah
+Ġsa p
+amb a
+ĠSp read
+tw itch
+Ġgrand son
+Ġfract ure
+Ġmoder ator
+ĠSe venth
+ĠRe verse
+Ġestim ation
+Cho ose
+Ġpar ach
+Ġbar ric
+ãĢ IJ
+Ġcomp ass
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+âĢ ķ
+err illa
+Ġw agon
+Ġz inc
+Ġrub bed
+ĠFull er
+ĠLuxem bourg
+ĠHoo ver
+Ġli ar
+ĠEven ing
+ĠCob b
+est eem
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+ĠB rawl
+is ance
+ĠE k
+Ġtro op
+Ġg uts
+ĠApp eal
+ĠTibet an
+Ġrout ines
+ĠM ent
+Ġsummar ized
+steam apps
+Ġtr anqu
+Ġ19 29
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+Ġappre hens
+Ġpo ems
+Ġsa usage
+ĠWeb ster
+ur us
+Ġthem ed
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+Sp oiler
+Ġsp illed
+h og
+ĠSu nder
+ĠA in
+ĠAng ry
+Ġdis qual
+ĠFrequ ency
+ĠEther net
+Ġhel per
+Per cent
+Ġhorr ifying
+Ġa il
+ĠAll an
+ĠCross ing
+44 9
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+ĠPuzz les
+ĠGo es
+eren n
+60 4
+ãģ ı
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+Ġatt en
+ĠE manuel
+Ġup ro
+ĠSus p
+P sych
+ĠTr ainer
+ĠHun ts
+bec ue
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+ex pr
+50 3
+ĠCh ick
+ĠT orn
+Ġconsolid ation
+ĠF letcher
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+fr ac
+cl ips
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+ĠLun ar
+Mon th
+Ġscholar ly
+rap ed
+39 8
+Ġ19 10
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+Ġin secure
+Ġvict orious
+cffff cc
+Ġsing led
+Ġel ves
+ĠW ond
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+Ġcondition ed
+ç ī
+ans wered
+Ġcompuls ory
+asc ist
+Ġpodcast s
+ĠFrank furt
+bn b
+Ġne oliberal
+ĠKey board
+ĠBel le
+w arm
+Ġtrust s
+Ġins ured
+ĠBu cc
+us able
+60 7
+ĠPl ains
+Ġ18 90
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+Ġcoerc ion
+G host
+b irds
+è Ģ
+k ok
+Ġper missible
+avor able
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+Ġdiss ip
+ac i
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+ĠCos mic
+Ġforget ting
+Ġfinal ized
+å¤ §
+y out
+l ibrary
+Ġbo oming
+ĠBel ieve
+ĠTe acher
+ĠL iv
+ĠDomin ican
+ĠPart ies
+Ġprecip itation
+ĠSl ot
+R oy
+ĠComb ined
+Ġinteg rating
+Ġch rome
+Ġintest inal
+ĠRe bell
+Ġmatch ups
+Ġblock buster
+ĠLore n
+ĠLe vy
+Ġpre aching
+ĠS ending
+ĠPur pose
+ra x
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+Ġauthor itative
+ast ical
+Ġdish on
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+Ġbro th
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+z man
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+7 67
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+Creat ing
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+Ġsweet ness
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+add afi
+4 25
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+ĠHyd ro
+Lou is
+34 3
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+ĠT ao
+Ġutil ization
+Ġnause a
+ĠDem s
+rid ges
+p ause
+Ġform ulas
+Ġchall enger
+37 6
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+ĠRail way
+ĠPub Med
+Ġyog urt
+l bs
+ĠNor folk
+ĠMood y
+Ġdistribut or
+Ġscroll s
+Ġextract s
+St an
+Ġv iability
+Ġexp oses
+Ġstar vation
+ĠStep s
+ĠD odd
+f ew
+33 2
+Ġclos ures
+Ġcomplement ary
+ĠS asha
+ump y
+Ġmon et
+Ġartic ulate
+ĠDo ct
+k iller
+Ġsc rim
+Ġ2 64
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+Ġcool ed
+L ev
+ĠF alk
+f ail
+Ġpolic eman
+ĠD ag
+Ġpray ed
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+Ġc ath
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+St orm
+em aker
+ĠBreak fast
+ul i
+o ire
+J J
+h z
+Oper ation
+ĠS ick
+35 4
+ĠGuatem ala
+R ate
+Ġexp osures
+f aces
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+ra f
+ĠM ia
+Ġ20 25
+Ġop aque
+Ġdisgu ised
+ĠHead quarters
+S ah
+Ġp ots
+9 78
+ĠM alf
+Ġfrown ed
+Ġpoison ous
+ĠCon vers
+ee ks
+Ġcr ab
+." "
+Ġtre ason
+Ġr anc
+Ġescal ating
+Ġwar r
+Ġmob s
+Ġl amps
+ĠSun shine
+ĠBrun swick
+Ph ones
+Ġspe lled
+ĠSk ip
+Ġ20 50
+Ġ19 11
+ĠPl uto
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+Ġme ats
+38 7
+Ġst omp
+ĠZh ou
+ĠLevi athan
+ĠHaz ard
+ad v
+ĠOr well
+Ġal oud
+Ġb umper
+ĠAn arch
+ub untu
+ĠSer ious
+f itting
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+ĠCec il
+Ġser otonin
+Ġcultiv ate
+ag ogue
+} \
+Ġmos ques
+ĠSun ny
+Ġre active
+rev olution
+ĠL up
+ĠFed ora
+Ġdefense man
+ist ine
+Ġdrown ing
+ĠBroad casting
+Ġthr iller
+ĠS cy
+Ġacceler ating
+Ġdirect s
+od ied
+b ike
+d uration
+Ġpain fully
+R edd
+Ġproduct ions
+Ġg ag
+Ġwh ist
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+Ġinf initely
+ĠConc ern
+ĠCit adel
+Ġlie u
+Ġcand les
+ogene ous
+arg er
+Ġheaven ly
+inflamm atory
+Per formance
+C s
+ruct ose
+az aki
+Ġp essim
+Ġinf erence
+Ġpow d
+ĠZ oe
+Ġpain ts
+Ġd azz
+pt a
+-------- ---
+Ġins pir
+ĠExper imental
+ĠKn ife
+reg or
+b ors
+Ġshow ers
+rom eda
+Ġs aint
+Ġben ign
+ĠJ iang
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+Ġsh roud
+H O
+Ġsh uff
+Ġse greg
+Ġrevis it
+ighth ouse
+L i
+Ġsub strate
+ĠSe as
+ĠRew ard
+ĠH ep
+ĠBr ass
+s bm
+Ġelim inates
+Ġst amina
+ĠLo an
+Ġconst raint
+Ġappropri ated
+Ġp es
+r anging
+Ġ40 4
+39 2
+Ġintellectual s
+ach u
+Ġrestruct uring
+ĠLe vin
+Ġrun es
+Ġdelight ful
+Ġcarbohyd rates
+ĠMod els
+ĠExp o
+Ġtransport ing
+all oc
+Ġring ing
+S amsung
+Ġscarce ly
+Ġprot otypes
+Ġnarr ator
+cd n
+ĠBart on
+Ġdecided ly
+ĠSh u
+ix ir
+oc ious
+ĠMy st
+N intendo
+Ġre use
+Ġforg iven
+F ew
+in ical
+n at
+Ġseam less
+ĠEv a
+land ers
+Ġso fter
+neg ie
+Ġtrans ient
+Ġorb ital
+Ġfulf il
+ĠK om
+Hop efully
+Ġdynam ically
+ĠHun ger
+å Ľ
+ĠArmen ia
+el man
+ber to
+Ġp ige
+ĠID s
+lim it
+Ġve ins
+Ġso aring
+p acks
+Gold en
+ĠCr ab
+ist or
+Ġ$ $
+g ression
+Ġjihad ist
+Ġgam ble
+Ġcare g
+Ġinf lated
+F ace
+ĠFire arms
+ĠEm manuel
+â Ŀ
+Ġsh ocks
+gr ab
+Ġspl end
+ab ortion
+Ab ove
+Ent ity
+play ers
+Ġcomm enced
+ul ence
+Ġfulfill ment
+Ġembod iments
+ĠW elfare
+Ġha il
+Ġ< @
+tt en
+Ġcat cher
+ĠJ azeera
+Ġvolcan o
+Ġstabil ize
+ĠHand ler
+Ġintens ified
+ĠAb rams
+Ġhum iliation
+p aced
+60 5
+ĠCent OS
+Spe cific
+Ġhe ed
+ĠGal ile
+D ie
+Ġabol ished
+ĠThom son
+ĠTe achers
+ĠW ass
+j ong
+ĠAll ies
+sh ake
+å ·
+v ict
+How ard
+Ġde em
+Ġexceed ingly
+ĠSmart stocks
+ib e
+Ġdoor way
+Ġcompet ed
+ig mat
+Ġnational ists
+Ġg room
+ĠKe en
+Ġdispos able
+de cl
+ĠT olkien
+ĠSche me
+Ġb iod
+Ġav id
+ĠEl on
+ag ar
+R oman
+Ġartific ially
+Ġadvis ors
+X L
+ĠInf erno
+36 6
+Ġted ious
+ĠPhot ography
+ĠCar rie
+Ġtro pe
+ĠSand ra
+Ġdec imal
+Que en
+ĠGund am
+ote ch
+Ġ19 32
+Ġent renched
+ĠMar ion
+Ġfr aternity
+Lab our
+Hen ry
+Ġlat itude
+E ither
+Ġenh ances
+ĠPot ential
+Ġsh ines
+id ad
+Ġbread th
+Ġcapac ities
+ĠBron x
+Ġsex es
+Ġdifferent iation
+Ġheavy weight
+ĠT aj
+d ra
+Ġmigr ate
+Ġexhaust ion
+els ius
+ĠCu omo
+Ġgu itars
+Ġcl ones
+ĠSom ew
+ĠP ry
+------------ -
+Ġwarr anted
+cy cles
+Ġsalv age
+Ġdis ks
+ĠMart ian
+":[ {"
+Ġadd icts
+oj ure
+il let
+Ġamazing ly
+art ments
+p ixel
+Lay out
+è £
+ĠTam il
+ĠBas il
+Ġimpart ial
+ĠSt ructure
+f ork
+b ryce
+Ġr idge
+ĠHamb urg
+ri ous
+Ġbl itz
+cig arettes
+Ġcan ned
+40 2
+Ġiron ically
+Ġcompassion ate
+ĠHaw kins
+. #
+ĠCat hedral
+Ġrall ied
+in ternal
+Ġqu ota
+st akes
+m om
+Ġcomple tes
+Ġ23 8
+Ġsh rug
+ãĥ ij
+ĠN inth
+Ġrev ise
+ĠProv ider
+Ġtre acher
+Ġqu asi
+Ġdep osition
+Ġconfidential ity
+iss ors
+Ġim balance
+Ġspan ning
+Ġang ular
+ĠC ul
+commun ication
+ĠNor a
+ĠGen ius
+op ter
+Ġs acked
+Sp ot
+Ġfine ly
+28 2
+w aves
+Pal est
+ĠRo hing
+N L
+è ¿
+Ġsh itty
+ĠSc alia
+4 75
+Pro gress
+Ġreferen cing
+Ġclass rooms
+ab ee
+Ġs od
+hes ion
+70 8
+ĠZucker berg
+ĠFin ish
+ĠScot ia
+ĠSav ior
+ĠInstall ation
+an tha
+( -
+Ġ30 2
+ĠP unk
+Ġcr ater
+yout u
+Ġro ast
+Ġinflu encing
+Ġd up
+ĠG rav
+Ġstat ure
+Ġbath rooms
+A side
+W iki
+me an
+ĠZ ak
+ĠOn es
+ĠN ath
+Ġhyper t
+Ġcommence ment
+C ivil
+Ġmoder ately
+Ġdistribut ors
+Ġbreast feeding
+Ġ9 80
+ĠS ik
+ĠC ig
+ĠCare er
+ust ing
+Ġmess ed
+Ġe h
+ĠJ ensen
+/ $
+Ġblack mail
+Ġconvers ions
+Ġscientific ally
+Ġmant ra
+p aying
+Ġiv ory
+ĠCour ts
+aunt let
+Ser ial
+B row
+ĠH undreds
+3 23
+Ġpe e
+Ġlin ux
+Ġsub mer
+ĠPrinc ipal
+48 5
+ĠCous ins
+Ġdoctr ines
+ĠAthlet ics
+Ġ3 15
+ĠK arma
+Ġatt ent
+ur ger
+Ġpresc ribe
+Ġenc aps
+ĠC ame
+Ġsecret ive
+ĠCr imes
+d n
+C lean
+ĠEgypt ians
+ĠCar penter
+Ġ ll
+H um
+ĠMil o
+Ġcapital ists
+Ġbrief ed
+T we
+ĠBas in
+elve t
+M os
+Ġplun ge
+ĠKa iser
+ĠFu j
+ill in
+Ġsafegu ards
+Ġo ste
+ĠOpportun ity
+ĠM afia
+ĠCall ing
+ap a
+ur ban
+br ush
+ill ard
+c é
+int elligence
+ĠL ob
+ĠDru id
+Ġsm oother
+Ġfoot ing
+Ġmotor ists
+arc ity
+Ġmascul inity
+Ġm ism
+Ġabdom inal
+ĠTa vern
+ĠR oh
+Ġesc apes
+s igned
+Anth ony
+Ġsacrific ing
+Ġintim acy
+Ġan terior
+ĠK od
+Ġmot if
+Ġg raz
+Ġvisual ization
+Ġguitar ist
+ĠTro tsky
+m agic
+D ar
+ĠMor i
+Ġw ards
+Ġtoile ts
+l est
+Ġtele port
+ĠSund ays
+ĠPl at
+Ġe Sports
+Pat rick
+ĠK atherine
+en ko
+Ġhas sle
+ĠM ick
+gg les
+Ġh ob
+aint ain
+Ġair borne
+Ġsp ans
+Ġch ili
+Ġa perture
+Ġvolunte ered
+ĠInc ident
+ĠF res
+ĠVeter an
+augh tered
+ing o
+Ġun insured
+Ġf use
+Ġer otic
+Ġadvert ise
+ra ising
+Text ure
+Ġatt ends
+udd led
+Ġsm oot
+Ġ30 5
+ĠWill is
+Ġbl ond
+An alysis
+on ica
+Ġstrongh old
+R F
+N M
+. >>
+Ġprosper ous
+Ġbo asted
+29 2
+ĠManufact uring
+g ren
+Ġpharm acy
+ĠRoc kefeller
+k ai
+Ġth umbs
+ĠH ut
+Ġmother board
+Ġguard ians
+ĠAl ter
+ll ular
+Ġsh ack
+Ġwise ly
+Ġback bone
+erv a
+Ġsu icides
+ĠMcG regor
+ij ah
+E mer
+ĠB rav
+Ġdesign ate
+produ ced
+Ġcleans ing
+irl wind
+ex istent
+ĠHum ph
+ĠPay ne
+Ġv ested
+Å ¡
+Ġstring ent
+ion a
+Ġuns ub
+Ġsum med
+ĠHer cules
+sub ject
+ĠR agnar
+ĠN os
+Ġcharacter ization
+Ġsav vy
+ĠDaw son
+ĠCas ino
+Ġf ri
+ĠBar rier
+Ġmis information
+Ġins ulation
+Ġcorrid ors
+Ġair planes
+ĠNo ct
+ah i
+Ġ19 16
+k b
+arm ac
+Ġsh un
+Ġsche ma
+Ġhorr ified
+Ġ23 9
+aund ers
+N B
+i ates
+er ity
+ĠSh ard
+Ġr arity
+Ġgroup ed
+ĠGh ana
+again st
+ĠBi ological
+ĠA ware
+ow ell
+Ï Ħ
+ĠBe au
+sh aw
+H ack
+ĠJul ius
+ol son
+aun a
+c ru
+ĠMaur ice
+ĠI k
+Ġsequ encing
+Ġradical s
+Ġ( ?,
+v irtual
+Ġany ways
+Ġreper c
+Ġhand lers
+Ġhes itant
+é ĥ
+ple mentation
+ass ociated
+Ġcampaign ed
+ĠY ue
+ut ations
+ĠY oga
+Ġsim mer
+Ġro ds
+Ġmel ody
+Ġconv oy
+v ideos
+Ġscreen ed
+N eg
+ochem ical
+Ġ( ))
+Ġultr as
+Ġant ip
+ĠIsland ers
+70 4
+Ġfet ish
+Ġridic ulously
+ĠK art
+Ġmitochond rial
+Ġinterf ering
+Build er
+Ġover fl
+Ġac ne
+ĠM ud
+ĠK err
+f lex
+ĠPost al
+ĠBalt ic
+47 7
+ĠPers ons
+our age
+H B
+ĠM use
+ĠImm ortal
+ĠDri ving
+Ġpet itions
+Ġsubsc ript
+Ġs orce
+ĠProcess or
+ut on
+S ony
+Ġph on
+Ġr aced
+ĠAnth rop
+Ġday time
+ĠEx ercise
+Add ing
+Ġeng ages
+ĠQual comm
+Ġmir acles
+Ġmem es
+ĠDr ink
+ĠOri oles
+Ġhair s
+ĠPol ar
+ath om
+Ġsl ippery
+ĠR emy
+Ġcar amel
+Ġal k
+I gn
+a ution
+ĠMer lin
+ĠC ran
+Ġap ologies
+Ġ4 10
+Ġout ing
+ĠMem ories
+app ointed
+Ġcount ered
+u ld
+pos ing
+Ġfire wall
+ĠW ast
+ĠW et
+work ed
+se ller
+Ġrepe aled
+ere o
+ass uming
+m ite
+ĠChap el
+ellig ent
+________________ ________
+D og
+Ġw art
+Ġsubsc riber
+s ports
+Ġbe gged
+Ġsem if
+eth ical
+Ġpre ach
+Ġrev ital
+Ġpun itive
+Ġshort cuts
+Ġinstit uted
+ĠWars aw
+Ġabdom en
+Ġsuper intendent
+Ġf ry
+ĠGe o
+Ġcontrad ictions
+apt ic
+Ġlandsc apes
+b ugs
+Ġcl ust
+Ġvol ley
+c ribed
+Ġt andem
+Ġrob es
+Ġpromot er
+Ġel oqu
+review ed
+ĠPl ato
+Ġf ps
+T ank
+ĠDer rick
+Ġpriorit ize
+as per
+ĠHond uras
+ĠCom pleted
+ne c
+Ġm og
+n ir
+ĠMay o
+st all
+in ness
+ĠVolks wagen
+Ġprec aution
+ĠM ell
+i ak
+ist ries
+Ġ24 8
+Ġoverl apping
+Sen ate
+ĠEnh ance
+res y
+rac ial
+ĠM ormons
+Str ong
+ĠCo ch
+Mex ico
+ĠMad uro
+Ġj ars
+Ġcan e
+W ik
+oll a
+iff erence
+Ġphysic ist
+ĠMag gie
+Ġ28 5
+Ġdep iction
+ĠMcL aren
+J u
+Ġsl ows
+Ġcommission ers
+ĠWill ow
+ĠExpl os
+hov ah
+Ġtechn ician
+Ġhom icides
+ĠFl av
+ĠTr uman
+Ġ100 00
+u ctor
+Ġsh ader
+News letter
+45 7
+Ġre ver
+Ġhard ened
+Ġwhere abouts
+Ġrede velop
+Ġcar bs
+Ġtra vers
+Ġsqu irrel
+Ġfoll ower
+Ġs ings
+50 8
+Ġrabb its
+emon ium
+Ġdocument ing
+Ġmisunder stood
+) '
+R ick
+gg ies
+Ġprem ie
+Ġsk ating
+Ġpass ports
+Ġf ists
+aged don
+H aw
+0 80
+ĠThough ts
+ĠCarl son
+Ġpriest hood
+h ua
+Ġdun geons
+ĠLo ans
+Ġant is
+Ġfamiliar ity
+ĠS abb
+op al
+ĠIn k
+st rike
+Ġc ram
+Ġlegal ized
+Ġcu isine
+Ġfib re
+Tra vel
+ĠMon ument
+eth y
+Ġinter state
+em porary
+ĠArab ian
+develop ed
+Ġsadd le
+Ġg ithub
+ĠOff er
+ro let
+ĠDen is
+Ġmultipl ier
+Ġstir red
+Interest ingly
+Ġcustom ary
+Ġbill ed
+he x
+Ġmultipl ied
+Ġfl ipping
+ĠCros by
+Ġfundament als
+ia e
+ĠPlay ed
+ĠAt om
+am azon
+ĠFl am
+ee z
+activ ated
+Ġtables poon
+Ġliberal ism
+ĠPal in
+ĠP atel
+N um
+Ġs urn
+ĠRel oaded
+Ġco ined
+" ],
+ĠCl ash
+ĠAg u
+Ġprag matic
+ĠActiv ate
+Ġ8 02
+Ġtrail ers
+Ġsil hou
+Ġprob es
+Ġcirc us
+ĠB ain
+ĠLind say
+ĠAb bey
+Del ivery
+Ġconcess ion
+Ġgast ro
+ĠSpr ite
+Ä Ł
+and el
+Ġg imm
+Ġaut obi
+ĠT urtle
+Ġwonder fully
+ĠHar am
+ĠWorld wide
+ĠHand le
+Ġtheor ists
+Ġsle ek
+ĠZh u
+ograph ically
+ĠOwn ers
+ath s
+ĠAntar ctic
+n atal
+=" "
+fl ags
+`` ``
+Ġs ul
+K h
+Ġpot assium
+Ġlinem an
+Ġcere al
+ĠSe asons
+Ġ20 22
+Ġmat hematic
+Ġastron omers
+prof essional
+Ġf ares
+cknow led
+Ġch i
+Ġyoung sters
+Ġmistaken ly
+Ġhem isphere
+ĠDiv inity
+r one
+Ġ" ,
+r ings
+Ġattract s
+v ana
+å ¹
+Ġplay list
+Ġpor ch
+ãģ £
+Ġincorpor ates
+Ġso ak
+Ġassert ing
+ĠTerror ism
+ĠP ablo
+J a
+ces ter
+Ġfear ing
+ĠPr ayer
+Ġescal ated
+G W
+Ġro be
+ĠBright on
+ac ists
+ĠSym phony
+ĠDwar f
+ĠPar ade
+ĠLe go
+Ġinex pl
+Ġl ords
+le af
+l iber
+Ġcig ars
+ĠJe hovah
+60 6
+ĠLiber ia
+eb us
+He avy
+Ġl ubric
+angu ages
+Ġnarrow ed
+com puter
+ĠE mber
+Ġmurder ing
+Ġdown stream
+ĠT uls
+ĠT ables
+Top ic
+ĠAcc uracy
+= /
+l ost
+ĠRe i
+Ġprogress es
+b ear
+Ġestablish ments
+Just in
+ĠPe ach
+ĠG omez
+å ¿
+ĠTri angle
+Id ent
+ĠH ive
+Res ources
+Ġmix es
+ĠAss uming
+M u
+Ġhyp oc
+Ġs ane
+ĠW an
+id ious
+Su ccess
+Ġ io
+Ang el
+Ġdanger ously
+ĠCreat ure
+: [
+ĠKat rina
+List ener
+M iller
+ĠId lib
+h ang
+Ġcircum vent
+h ref
+Ġcel estial
+ĠWe eks
+ĠP ug
+ĠDal ton
+Ġsubpoen a
+uk u
+Ġpers isted
+pe i
+old ing
+ĠDoc uments
+ĠH ast
+Ġprim er
+Ġsyn onymous
+Ġn ib
+om bs
+Ġnot ation
+ĠD ish
+ĠAt mosp
+Ġforb id
+pat tern
+l os
+Ġproject iles
+b rown
+." ,
+ĠVen om
+Ġfierce ly
+ub lished
+ĠU ran
+ĠNic arag
+4 10
+ĠMir acle
+ĠEn chant
+Ġguard ing
+app end
+Att ach
+Ġlevel ed
+Ġcond oms
+ih ilation
+64 9
+Ġnight mares
+ĠK inn
+Ġroomm ate
+Ġhy giene
+o pping
+J ob
+Ġl vl
+ĠKe eping
+ab etic
+Ġformat ting
+eral a
+Ġrev isions
+Ġres urg
+T el
+ĠGood man
+35 3
+p od
+Ġind isp
+ĠTrans lation
+Ġg own
+ĠM und
+Ġc is
+Ġby stand
+col lect
+ĠPun jab
+act ively
+ĠG amb
+te ll
+Ġimport ing
+g encies
+Ġloc om
+ĠBr ill
+H oly
+ĠBer ger
+Ġshow down
+Ġrespond ers
+Ġt akedown
+le ted
+Ġmat tered
+Ġpredict ive
+Ġover lay
+ĠV ick
+Ġconvey ed
+T ab
+pe er
+Sc an
+Ġdefensive ly
+v ae
+Ġappro ving
+Ġt iers
+ĠV ia
+quer ade
+ĠSaud is
+Ġdemol ished
+ĠProp he
+Ġmon o
+Ġhospital ity
+ĠAri el
+ĠTor ah
+Ġbl ah
+ĠBel arus
+erent ial
+ĠT uc
+Ġbank er
+39 7
+Ġmosqu it
+ĠScient ist
+ĠMus ical
+Ġh ust
+Sh ift
+Ġtor ment
+Ġstand off
+E duc
+ĠF og
+Ġampl ifier
+Sh ape
+Inst ance
+ĠCrit ics
+Ġda emon
+H ouston
+Ġmatt ress
+Ġobsc ene
+ĠA mer
+hett i
+Ġcomp iling
+35 2
+vere tt
+ĠRed uction
+ist ration
+ĠBl essed
+ĠB achelor
+3 16
+Ġpr ank
+ĠVul can
+dd ing
+Ġm ourning
+ĠQu int
+ĠBl aster
+test ing
+Ġsed iment
+>> >
+ĠE ternity
+ĠM aze
+Ġreact ing
+ĠAl v
+oms day
+Ġtransl ator
+Ġbog us
+at u
+We bsite
+oll s
+Ġbapt ism
+Ġs ibling
+ĠAut umn
+ve z
+ãģ® é
+gu ards
+Ge org
+assad ors
+ĠFre ud
+Ġcontin ents
+ĠReg istry
+Bern ie
+ĸļ 士
+Ġtoler ant
+Ġhor ribly
+99 5
+Ġimpat ient
+oc ado
+er i
+ĠWor st
+ĠNor ris
+ĠTalk ing
+Ġdef ends
+ens able
+Ġ20 21
+Ġanat omy
+L ew
+Ġdraw er
+ĠCan berra
+Ġpatri otic
+é¾įå ĸļ士
+ĠAv g
+Ġundis closed
+Ġfare well
+45 9
+b able
+ĠAll ison
+Ġcon co
+t ight
+ĠM ines
+l ich
+ĠâĶ ľ
+represent ed
+200 000
+Ġenthusi ast
+b il
+ĠIng redients
+Ġinvent or
+³³ ³
+with in
+Ġm k
+B ul
+ĠF ake
+Ġdracon ian
+W a
+hel m
+ĠTer ran
+erv ille
+Ġcommon place
+Ġ" <
+re place
+ograph s
+inc ible
+ĠMost ly
+ĠShe ffield
+ugg le
+Ġcit ations
+h urst
+ĠUn ix
+Ġunle ash
+ĠP iper
+ĠN ano
+Ġsucc umb
+Ġreluct ance
+Ġ25 00
+ĠMer chant
+Ġwire t
+Ġcomb os
+ĠBirth day
+Ġchar coal
+ĠFair fax
+Ġdrive way
+ĠT ek
+ĠP itch
+ove re
+Ġtechn icians
+ĠAct ual
+fl ation
+ĠF iscal
+ĠEm pty
+an amo
+Ġmag nesium
+Ġsl ut
+Ġgrow ers
+Invest igators
+( ):
+ĠS atellite
+ĠKe ynes
+miss ive
+l ane
+Ġb orough
+3 44
+ĠBet hesda
+C V
+h ower
+Ġch ant
+ĠR iy
+Ġcompos itions
+Ġmild ly
+Ġmedd ling
+Ġag ility
+ane ers
+5 01
+Ġsyn th
+ling er
+29 1
+Ġex claimed
+Part y
+Ġcont amin
+ĠMan or
+ĠResp ond
+Ġpra ising
+Ġman ners
+fle et
+Sum mer
+ĠLy nd
+ĠDef initely
+gr im
+Ġbow ling
+st ri
+ç Ľ
+y nt
+Ġmand ates
+Ġreconc ile
+view s
+ĠDam on
+vet te
+F lo
+ĠGreat est
+il on
+ic ia
+Ġportray al
+Ġcush ion
+50 4
+19 79
+oss al
+App lic
+sc ription
+Ġmit igation
+p ac
+Ġer ased
+Ġdefic iencies
+ĠHolland e
+ĠX u
+Ġb red
+Ġpregn ancies
+f emin
+Ġem ph
+Ġpl anners
+Ġout per
+utter ing
+Ġperpet rator
+Ġm otto
+ĠEll ison
+Ġadmitted ly
+ĠAzerbai jan
+Ġmill isec
+Ġcombust ion
+ĠBott le
+ĠL und
+ĠP s
+ĠD ress
+Ġfabric ated
+Ġbat tered
+Ġs idel
+ĠNot ting
+Fore ign
+ĠJer ome
+0 20
+ĠAr bit
+Ġkn ots
+M oving
+ãģ Ļ
+Ġsur geries
+Ġcour thouse
+Ġm astered
+Ġhover ing
+ĠBr an
+ĠAl ison
+Ġsaf est
+m ilitary
+Ġbull ied
+Ġbar rage
+Read er
+ĠGe ographic
+T ools
+3 14
+ĠGe ek
+ro th
+gl ers
+Ï ģ
+ĠA ston
+al tern
+48 8
+Ġveter in
+G amer
+Ġint el
+ren ches
+Sh ield
+Ġam nesty
+ĠB har
+Ġp iled
+Ġhonor able
+ĠInst itutes
+Ġso aked
+Ġcom a
+34 1
+by tes
+ĠG mail
+le in
+ĠCanad iens
+m aterial
+I l
+Ġinstruct ors
+Ġconce ive
+ub b
+ĠP ossible
+Ġeas ing
+ĠChrist ina
+Ġcar ic
+Ġsho vel
+de lete
+Ġp uff
+ĠCh anging
+Ġseam lessly
+Att ribute
+Ġacqu isitions
+ak ery
+Ġaut istic
+ĠT akes
+ĠPow der
+ĠSt ir
+5 10
+ĠBub ble
+sett ings
+ĠF owler
+Ġmust ard
+Ġmore over
+Ġcopyright ed
+15 00
+æ ī
+en f
+Ġcust od
+ĠH uck
+G i
+Ġim g
+An swer
+C t
+j ay
+ĠInf rastructure
+Ġfeder ally
+L oc
+Ġmicro bes
+Ġover run
+dd s
+ot ent
+adi ator
+>>>> >>>>
+Ġtorn ado
+Ġadj ud
+Ġintrig ued
+Ġs i
+ĠRevel ation
+pro gress
+Ġburgl ary
+ĠSai yan
+ĠK athy
+Ġser pent
+ĠAndre as
+Ġcomp el
+ess ler
+ĠPl astic
+ĠAd vent
+ĠPos itive
+ĠQ t
+ĠHind us
+reg istered
+ular ity
+Ġrighteous ness
+Ġdemon ic
+u itive
+ĠGre gg
+c ia
+ĠCrus ade
+ĠSina i
++ (
+Ġme ll
+Ġder ail
+y ards
+A st
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+T s
+Ġ6 40
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+Ġ] )
+F ill
+Ġcapt ivity
+ĠImprove ment
+ĠCrus ader
+ara oh
+æ Ĺ
+Ġstr ide
+al ways
+F ly
+N it
+Ġal gae
+ĠCook ing
+ĠDo ors
+Mal ley
+Ġpolic emen
+ãģ į
+Ġastron aut
+access ible
+49 5
+cl iffe
+udic rous
+Ġdep ended
+al ach
+Ġvent ures
+ra ke
+Ġt its
+ĠH ou
+Ġcond om
+ormon al
+Ġind ent
+Ġupload ing
+Foot note
+Import ant
+Ġ27 1
+Ġmind ful
+Ġcont ends
+C ra
+Ġcal ibr
+plug in
+F at
+ĠDynam ics
+ans en
+68 6
+' ),
+Ġsp rite
+Ġhand held
+ĠH ipp
+=~ =~
+Tr ust
+Ġsem antics
+ĠBund es
+ĠRen o
+ĠLiter ature
+s ense
+G ary
+ĠA eg
+ĠTr in
+Ġcler ic
+Ġch rist
+Ġinv ading
+ib u
+Ġen um
+aur a
+Ġal lege
+ĠInc redible
+Ġth ru
+Ġsa iled
+Ġem ulate
+Ġin security
+Ġc rou
+Ġaccommod ations
+Ġincompet ent
+Ġsl ips
+ĠEarth qu
+s ama
+Ġi Phones
+as aki
+Ġby e
+Ġar d
+Ġext ras
+Ġsl aughtered
+Ġcrowd funding
+res so
+Ġfil ib
+e gg
+ĠIt al
+Ġen list
+ĠCatal onia
+ĠSc ots
+Ġser geant
+Ġdiss olve
+N H
+Ġstand ings
+ri que
+I Q
+Ġbenef iciary
+Ġaqu arium
+You Tube
+ĠPower Shell
+Ġbright est
+ĠWar rant
+S old
+Writ ing
+Ġbegin nings
+ĠRes erved
+ĠLatin os
+head ing
+Ġ4 40
+Ġrooft op
+Ġ3 90
+G s
+k ernel
+turn ed
+Ġprefer able
+Ġturn overs
+ĠH els
+S a
+ĠShin ji
+ve h
+V iol
+Ġex iting
+Ġj ab
+ĠVan illa
+Ġac ron
+ĠG ap
+ber n
+A k
+ĠMc Gu
+Ġend lessly
+ĠFar age
+ĠNo el
+V a
+M K
+Ġbr ute
+ĠK ru
+ĠOl ivia
+âĢ ł
+ĠK af
+Ġtrust ing
+Ġh ots
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+Ġj son
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+Count ry
+Ġpostp oned
+Ġunequ iv
+? ),
+ĠRo oney
+udd ing
+ĠLe ap
+ur rence
+sh apeshifter
+os ate
+Ġca vern
+Ġconserv atism
+Ġmile age
+Ġarrest ing
+V aults
+Ġmix er
+Dem ocratic
+ĠB enson
+Ġauth ored
+8 000
+Ġpro active
+ĠSpirit ual
+t re
+Ġincarcer ated
+ĠS ort
+Ġpe aked
+Ġwield ing
+re ciation
+×Ļ ×
+P atch
+ĠEm my
+Ġex qu
+tt o
+ĠRat io
+ĠP icks
+ĠG ry
+ph ant
+Ġf ret
+Ġeth n
+Ġarch ived
+% -
+c ases
+ĠBl aze
+Ġim b
+c v
+y ss
+im ony
+Ġcount down
+Ġaw akening
+ĠTunis ia
+ĠRe fer
+Ġun natural
+ĠCar negie
+iz en
+ĠN uggets
+he ss
+Ġev ils
+64 7
+Ġintrodu ctory
+l oving
+ĠMcM ahon
+Ġambig uity
+L abel
+ĠAlm ighty
+Ġcolor ing
+ĠCl aus
+set ting
+ĠF avorite
+> (
+ĠSh iva
+ĠMay er
+Ġstorm ed
+ĠCo verage
+we apons
+igh am
+Ġun answered
+Ġle ve
+Ġc oy
+c as
+b ags
+as ured
+Se attle
+ĠSant orum
+ser ious
+Ġcourage ous
+ĠS oup
+Ġconfisc ated
+Ġ// /
+Ġuncon ventional
+Ġmom s
+ĠRohing ya
+ĠOrche stra
+ĠPot ion
+Ġdisc redit
+f ixed
+ĠDe er
+do i
+ĠDim ension
+Ġbureaucr ats
+et een
+Ġaction Group
+oh m
+Ġb umps
+ĠUt ility
+Ġsubmar ines
+ren heit
+re search
+ĠShap iro
+Ġsket ches
+Ġde ceptive
+ĠV il
+es ame
+ĠEss entially
+Ġramp age
+isk y
+Ġmut tered
+th ritis
+Ġ23 6
+f et
+b ars
+Ġpup il
+ĠTh ou
+o S
+s ong
+Ġfract ured
+Ġre vert
+pict ure
+Ġcrit erion
+us her
+Ġreperc ussions
+ĠV intage
+ĠSuper intendent
+Offic ers
+Ġflag ged
+Ġbl ames
+Ġin verse
+ograp hers
+Ġmakes hift
+Ġdev oid
+Ġfoss ils
+ĠArist otle
+ĠFund s
+Ġde pleted
+ĠFl u
+ĠY uan
+Ġw oes
+Ġlip id
+Ġsit u
+requ isites
+Ġfurn ish
+ĠSam ar
+Ġshame ful
+Ġadverse ly
+Ġad ept
+Ġrem orse
+Ġmurder ous
+uck les
+Ġ3 14
+s ent
+Ġred ef
+ĠC ache
+ĠP urs
+ig ans
+Ġ4 60
+Ġpres criptions
+Ġf res
+F uck
+ocr ates
+Tw enty
+ĠWe ird
+ĠT oggle
+ĠC alled
+itiz ens
+Ġp oultry
+Ġharvest ing
+ãĤ¦ ãĤ¹
+Bott om
+Ġcaution ed
+t n
+39 6
+ĠNik ki
+Ġeval uations
+Ġharass ing
+Ġbind ings
+ĠMon etary
+Ġhit ters
+Ġadvers ary
+un ts
+Ġset back
+Ġenc rypt
+ĠC ait
+Ġl ows
+eng es
+ĠN orn
+Ġbul bs
+Ġbott led
+ĠVoy ager
+3 17
+Ġsp heres
+p olitics
+Ġsubt ract
+Ġsens ations
+Ġapp alling
+Ġ3 16
+Ġenvironment ally
+Ġpub lishes
+5 60
+Ġdilig ence
+48 4
+Ġadv ises
+Ġpet rol
+Ġimag ining
+Ġpatrol s
+ĠInt eger
+ĠAs hes
+act us
+ĠRad iant
+it ability
+ht aking
+Set ting
+Ġnu anced
+ĠRe ef
+ĠDevelop ers
+N i
+pie ces
+99 0
+Lic ense
+Ġlow ers
+ĠOtt oman
+3 27
+oo o
+Ġqu itting
+mark ets
+Beh ind
+Ġbas in
+Ġdoc s
+an ie
+fl ash
+ct l
+Ġcivil ized
+ĠFuk ushima
+"] ,"
+ĠHonest ly
+ar at
+Ġconstruct s
+ĠL ans
+ĠD ire
+ĠTrou ble
+Ġwith holding
+ĠOb livion
+Ġsan ity
+any a
+Con st
+Ġgro cer
+ĠC elsius
+Ġrecount ed
+ĠW ife
+B order
+ate red
+h appy
+Ġspo iler
+Ġlog ically
+H all
+Ġsucceed ing
+Ġpoly morph
+Ġax es
+ĠShot gun
+ĠS lim
+ĠPrin ciples
+ĠL eth
+art a
+Ġsc or
+Sc reenshot
+Ġrelax ation
+#$ #$
+Ġdeter rent
+idd y
+Ġpower less
+Ġles bians
+Ġch ords
+ĠEd ited
+se lected
+Ġseparat ists
+000 2
+Ġair space
+Ġturn around
+Ġc unning
+P oly
+Ġbomb ed
+Ġt ion
+x s
+Ġwith hold
+Ġw aged
+ĠLiber ties
+Fl ag
+Ġcomfort ing
+45 4
+ĠI ris
+are rs
+Ġr ag
+Ġrel ocated
+ĠGu arant
+Ġstrateg ically
+Ġgam ma
+uber ty
+ĠLock heed
+g res
+Ġgr illed
+ĠLow e
+st ats
+ĠR ocks
+Ġsens ing
+Ġrent ing
+ĠGe ological
+ا Ø
+ot rop
+Ġse w
+Ġimproper ly
+48 6
+Ġâĸ ł
+Ġstar ving
+ĠB j
+Disc ussion
+3 28
+ĠCom bo
+ĠFix es
+Ġstri ving
+th ora
+Ġharvest ed
+ĠP ing
+Ġplay ful
+Ġaven ues
+Ġoccup ational
+Ġw akes
+ĠCou rier
+Ġdrum mer
+ĠBrow ser
+ĠH outh
+it u
+Ġapp arel
+p aste
+Ġhun ted
+ĠSecond ly
+l ain
+X Y
+ic ons
+Ġcock tails
+Ġs izable
+Ġhurd les
+est inal
+ĠRecre ation
+Ġe co
+64 8
+ĠD ied
+m int
+Ġfinger prints
+Ġdis pose
+ĠBos nia
+ts y
+22 00
+Ġins pected
+ĠF ou
+Ġf uss
+Ġamb ush
+ĠR ak
+Ġmanif ested
+Pro secut
+Ġsuff ice
+ren ces
+Ġcompens ated
+ĠC yrus
+Ġgen us
+ĠWolver ine
+ĠTrend s
+Ġh ikes
+ĠSe en
+Ġen rol
+C old
+Ġpol itely
+ĠSl av
+ĠRu pert
+Ġey ewitness
+ĠAl to
+Ġun comp
+Ġposter ior
+M ust
+ĠHer z
+Ġprogress ively
+Ġ23 4
+Ġind ifference
+ĠCunning ham
+Ġacadem ia
+Ġse wer
+Ġast ounding
+r ather
+Ġeld est
+Ġclim bs
+ĠAdd s
+Ġout cry
+Ġcont ag
+ĠH ouses
+Ġpe pt
+ĠMel ania
+interest ed
+ĠR oots
+ĠHub bard
+ĠRoman ian
+fil ename
+St one
+ĠIm pl
+Ġchromos ome
+C le
+d x
+Ġscram bled
+ĠP t
+Ġ24 2
+Ġtremend ously
+St reet
+Ġcra ving
+Ġbund led
+p ipe
+Ġinj uring
+Ġarc ane
+Part icip
+ĠHero ic
+st y
+Ġto pping
+ĠTemp est
+rent ices
+b h
+Ġpar anoia
+ĠUnic ode
+Ġegreg ious
+Ġ\ '
+ĠOsw ald
+Ġgra vel
+ĠSim psons
+Ġbl and
+ĠGuant anamo
+Writ er
+lin ers
+ĠD ice
+J C
+Ġpar ity
+Ġs ided
+Ġ23 7
+ĠPyr rha
+at ters
+d k
+F ine
+comp an
+Ġform ulated
+ĠId ol
+il ers
+hem oth
+ĠF av
+Ġintr usion
+Ġcar rots
+ĠL ayer
+ĠH acker
+Ġ ----------------
+Ġmoder ation
+é ģ
+oc oc
+Ġcharacter ize
+ĠTe resa
+Ġsocio economic
+Ġper k
+ĠParticip ation
+tr aining
+ĠPaul o
+ph ys
+Ġtrust worthy
+Ġembod ied
+ĠMer ch
+c urrency
+ĠPrior ity
+Ġte asing
+Ġabsor bing
+Ġunf inished
+ĠCompar ison
+Ġdis ple
+writ ers
+Ġprofess ions
+ĠPengu in
+Ġang rily
+68 8
+ĠCor respond
+Ġprev ailed
+Ġcart el
+l p
+as ms
+ĠRed emption
+ĠIslam ists
+effect s
+d ose
+ĠL atter
+ĠHal ifax
+Ġv as
+ĠTop ics
+ĠN amed
+advert ising
+zz a
+Ġret arded
+ach able
+ĠPupp et
+ĠItem Level
+Ġret ract
+Ġident ifiable
+A aron
+ĠB uster
+s ol
+hel le
+as semb
+H ope
+r anged
+B a
+ĠP urch
+é Ģ
+ĠSir i
+Ġarri vals
+Ġ19 12
+Ġshort ened
+Ġ3 12
+Ġdiscrep ancy
+ĠTem perature
+ĠWal ton
+Ġkind erg
+p olit
+Ġrem ix
+Ġconnect ors
+ãĥĺ ãĥ©
+ĠKazakh stan
+dom inated
+Ġsu gars
+im ble
+ĠPan ic
+ĠDem and
+ĠCol ony
+on en
+7 75
+ur ia
+aza ar
+ĠDeg ree
+P ri
+Ġsun shine
+Ġ25 1
+Ġpsychedel ic
+Ġdigit ally
+ĠBra un
+Ġsh immer
+Ġsh ave
+ĠTel esc
+ĠAst ral
+ĠVenezuel an
+Ġc rawling
+Int eg
+ĠFe ather
+Ġunfold ing
+Ġappropri ation
+Ġè£ı è
+ĠMob ility
+ĠN ey
+- .
+b ilt
+ĠT ube
+ĠCon versely
+Ġkey boards
+ĠC ao
+Ġover th
+Ġla ure
+>> \
+ĠV iper
+ach a
+Off set
+ĠR aleigh
+ĠJ ae
+J ordan
+j p
+Ġtotal itarian
+Connect or
+Ġobserv es
+ĠSpart an
+ĠIm mediately
+ĠSc al
+C ool
+Ġt aps
+Ġro ar
+P ast
+Ġch ars
+ĠB ender
+ĠShe ldon
+Ġpain ter
+Ġbe acon
+ĠCreat ures
+Ġdownt urn
+Ġh inder
+ĠAnd romeda
+Ã Ľ
+cc oli
+ĠF itness
+et rical
+Ġutil izes
+Ġsen ate
+Ġen semble
+Ġche ers
+T W
+Ġaff luent
+k il
+ry lic
+ord ering
+Com puter
+Ġgru esome
+ost ics
+ĠUb isoft
+ĠKel ley
+Ġw rench
+Ġbourgeois ie
+ĠPrest on
+w orn
+ar ist
+reat ing
+Ġst ained
+ar ine
+Ġsl ime
+Ġche sts
+Ġground water
+ann ot
+ĠTr ay
+ĠLoc ke
+Ġd udes
+ĠEx ternal
+ĠDec oder
+Ġpar amed
+ĠMed line
+80 9
+ĠD inner
+rup al
+g z
+ĠG um
+ĠDem o
+j ee
+Ġd h
+ber man
+arch s
+Ġen qu
+ĠEp stein
+Ġdevast ation
+Ġfriends hips
+ĠAr d
+Ġ23 1
+ĠRub in
+ĠDist ance
+Ġsp urred
+Ġd ossier
+Ġover looking
+\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\
+Fore st
+ĠCom es
+\ ",
+ĠIran ians
+Ġf ixtures
+L aughs
+Ġcur ry
+ĠKing ston
+Ġsqu ash
+Ġcat alogue
+Ġabnormal ities
+Ġdigest ive
+.... .....
+Ġsubord inate
+og ly
+Ġ24 9
+M iddle
+Ġmass ac
+Ġburg ers
+Ġdown stairs
+Ġ19 31
+39 4
+Ġl asers
+ĠS ikh
+ĠAlex a
+der ived
+Ġcycl ist
+ãģ® éŃĶ
+onel iness
+!!!! !!!!
+Ġbuff s
+leg ate
+Ġrap ing
+Ġrecomm ending
+ro red
+Ġmult icultural
+un ique
+Ġbusiness men
+Ġune asy
+Ġdisp ersed
+cipl ine
+J ess
+ĠK erala
+å §
+Ġabst raction
+Sur v
+U h
+Ġprin ters
+ij a
+ow der
+Ġanalog ous
+af er
+Ġunfold ed
+Ġlevel ing
+Ġbre ached
+ĠH earing
+Ġn at
+Ġtransl ating
+crit ical
+Ġant agonist
+ĠYes terday
+Ġfuzz y
+w ash
+m ere
+Ġbe wild
+ĠM ae
+V irgin
+ph rase
+Ġsign aled
+Ġprot ester
+Ġgar ner
+unk nown
+Ġk ay
+Ġabduct ed
+Ġst alking
+am n
+Ġdes erving
+ĠR iv
+ĠJ orge
+Ġscratch ing
+ĠS aving
+ip ing
+Ġte ase
+Ġmission ary
+ĠMor row
+P resent
+Ġchem otherapy
+tern ess
+ĠH omes
+ĠP urdue
+Ġst aunch
+ĠWhit ney
+Î ¼
+iat us
+ĠErn est
+ĠDe ploy
+Ġcove ted
+ĠDial ogue
+Ġex ited
+f ruit
+Ġner d
+":" ","
+Ġv ivo
+ru ly
+4 60
+ĠAm en
+rehens ible
+Ġâ ĺ
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+dig ital
+ĠNe ck
+g ently
+enth al
+/ )
+Ġwe ary
+Ġgu ise
+ĠConc ord
+ĠOn ion
+at cher
+Ġb inge
+ĠDirect ive
+Ġman ned
+ans k
+Ġill usions
+Ġbillion aires
+38 3
+oly n
+odynam ic
+ĠWhe at
+ĠA lic
+Ġcol oured
+ab o
+Ġmac ros
+ind ependent
+s weet
+Ġsp ac
+ĠK abul
+Ġ Ä
+em e
+Ġdict ated
+Ġsh outs
+= {
+Ġr ipping
+ĠSh ay
+ĠCr icket
+direct ed
+Ġanalys ed
+ag ons
+ĠBlaz ers
+Ġche ered
+Ġar ithmetic
+ĠTan z
+37 3
+ĠFl ags
+Ġ29 5
+Ġw itches
+ĠIn cluded
+ĠG ained
+ĠBl ades
+G am
+ĠSam antha
+ĠAtl antis
+ĠPr att
+Ġspo iled
+ĠRam irez
+Pro bably
+re ro
+ĠN g
+ĠWar lock
+t p
+Ġover he
+Ġadministr ations
+Ġt int
+Ġreg iment
+Ġpist ols
+Ġblank ets
+Ġep ist
+Ġbowl s
+Ġhydra ulic
+Ġde an
+Ġj ung
+Ġasc end
+70 5
+ĠSant iago
+Ã ®
+Ġun avoid
+ĠSh aman
+re b
+Ġstem ming
+99 8
+st icks
+esthes ia
+Ġmor bid
+ĠGr ill
+ĠP oe
+any l
+Ġdele ting
+ĠSurve illance
+Ġdirect ives
+Ġiter ations
+ĠR ox
+ĠMil ky
+F ather
+Ġpat ented
+44 7
+Ġprec ursor
+Ġm aiden
+ĠP hen
+ĠVe gan
+ĠPat ent
+K elly
+Redd itor
+Ġn ods
+Ġvent ilation
+ĠSchwar z
+Ġw izards
+Ġomin ous
+ĠHe ads
+Ġl umber
+ĠSp iel
+Ġis Enabled
+Ġancest ral
+ĠSh ips
+Ġwrest ler
+ph i
+Ġy uan
+ĠRebell ion
+Ġice berg
+Ġmag ically
+Ġdivers ion
+ar ro
+yth m
+ĠR iders
+ĠRob bie
+ĠK ara
+ĠMain tenance
+ĠHer b
+Ġhar ms
+p acked
+ĠFe instein
+Ġmarry ing
+Ġbl ending
+ĠR ates
+Ġ18 80
+Ġwr ink
+ĠUn ch
+ĠTor ch
+desc ribed
+Ġhuman oid
+ilit ating
+ĠCon v
+ĠFe ld
+Ġwhistlebl ower
+ort mund
+ets y
+arre tt
+ĠMon o
+ĠI ke
+ĠIndividual s
+Ġsupplement al
+Ġpower house
+ĠSt ru
+F ocus
+aph ael
+ĠCol leg
+att i
+Z A
+Ġp erenn
+ĠSign ature
+ĠRod ney
+Ġcub es
+idd led
+ĠD ante
+iling ual
+ĠC th
+Ġso fa
+Ġintimid ate
+ĠR oe
+ĠDi plom
+ĠCount ries
+ays on
+Ġextrad ition
+Ġdis abling
+ĠCard iff
+Ġmemor andum
+ĠTr ace
+Ġ?? ?
+se ctor
+ĠRou hani
+ĠY ates
+ĠFree ze
+Ġbl adder
+M otor
+ĠProm ise
+ant asy
+Ġforesee able
+ĠC ologne
+cont ainer
+ĠTre es
+ĠG ors
+ĠSin clair
+Ġbar ring
+key e
+Ġsl ashed
+ĠStat istical
+é ĩ
+Ġâĸ º
+All ows
+Ġhum ility
+Ġdr illed
+ĠF urn
+44 3
+Ġse wage
+Ġhome page
+Ġcour tyard
+Ġv ile
+Ġsubsid iaries
+aj o
+direct ory
+Ġam mon
+V ers
+charg es
+Ġ} }
+ĠCh ains
+Ġ24 6
+n ob
+Ġper cept
+Ġg rit
+Ġfisher men
+ĠIraq is
+ĠEval uation
+g raph
+at ial
+Ġcooper ating
+Ġmel an
+Ġenlight ened
+Ġal i
+t ailed
+Ġsal ute
+Ġweak est
+ĠBull dogs
+U A
+ĠAll oy
+Ġsem en
+oc ene
+ĠWilliam son
+s pr
+, âĢĶ
+itt ens
+Be at
+ĠJ unk
+iph ate
+ĠFarm ers
+ĠBit coins
+ig ers
+d h
+ĠL oyal
+p ayer
+Ġentert ained
+Ġpenn ed
+Ġcoup on
+Que ue
+Ġweaken ing
+c arry
+Ġunderest imate
+Ġshoot out
+Ġcharism atic
+ĠProced ure
+Ġprud ent
+in ances
+Ġric hes
+Ġcort ical
+Ġstr ides
+Ġd rib
+ĠOil ers
+5 40
+ĠPer form
+ĠBang kok
+Ġe uth
+Ġsimpl istic
+t ops
+camp aign
+Q uality
+Ġimpover ished
+ĠEisen hower
+Ġaug ment
+ĠH arden
+Ġinterven ed
+Ġlist ens
+ĠK ok
+Ġs age
+Ġrub bish
+ĠD ed
+Ġm ull
+pe lling
+Ġvide ot
+Produ ction
+D J
+m iah
+Ġadapt ations
+Ġmed ically
+Ġboard ed
+Ġarrog ance
+Ġscra pped
+Ġopp ress
+Ġj unction
+4 15
+S kill
+Ġsub du
+ĠSug gest
+ĠP ett
+Ġle tt
+ĠMan ip
+ĠC af
+ĠCooper ation
+T her
+Ġreg ained
+¶ æ
+ref lect
+Ġth ugs
+ĠShel by
+Ġdict ates
+ĠWe iner
+ĠH ale
+Ġbatt leground
+s child
+Ġcond ol
+h unt
+osit ories
+Ġacc uses
+Fil ename
+Ġsh ri
+Ġmotiv ate
+Ġreflect ions
+N ull
+ĠL obby
+¥ µ
+ĠBack up
+Ñ ĥ
+n in
+ĠCor rection
+Ġju icy
+ut ra
+ĠP ric
+Ġrest raining
+ĠAir bnb
+ĠAr rest
+Ġappropri ations
+Ġsl opes
+Ġmans laughter
+Ġwork ings
+ĠH uss
+ĠF rey
+Le ave
+ĠHarm ony
+ĠF eder
+Ġ4 30
+Ġt rench
+Ġglad ly
+Ġbull pen
+ĠG au
+b ones
+Ġgro ove
+Ġpre text
+ã ħĭ
+Ġtransm itter
+ĠComp onent
+Ġunder age
+ĠEm pires
+T ile
+Ġo y
+ĠMar vin
+Ġbl oss
+Ġrepl icated
+ĠMar iners
+Marc us
+ĠBl ocks
+Ġliber ated
+Ġbutter fly
+Fe el
+Ġfer mentation
+Ġyou tube
+Ġoff end
+ĠTer m
+res ist
+Ġcess ation
+Ġinsurg ency
+Ġb ir
+ĠRa ise
+59 5
+Ġhypothes es
+50 2
+Ġpl aque
+ocr at
+Ġjack ets
+ĠHuff Post
+am ong
+Ġconf er
+48 7
+ĠL illy
+Ġadapt ing
+ĠF ay
+Ġsh oved
+ve c
+Ġref ine
+Ġg on
+Ġgun men
+z ai
+ĠShut tle
+ĠI zan
+Ġ19 13
+Ġple thora
+· ·
+Ġ5 10
+Ġp uberty
+Ġ24 1
+ĠWe alth
+ĠAl ma
+ĠAd ults
+C as
+pr ison
+R ace
+Ġwater proof
+Ġathlet icism
+Ġcapital ize
+ĠJu ice
+Ġillum inated
+ĠP ascal
+Ġirrit ation
+ĠWitness es
+ad le
+ĠAst ro
+Ġf ax
+ĠEl vis
+Prim ary
+ĠL ich
+ĠEl ves
+Ġres iding
+Ġst umble
+3 19
+Ġadvers aries
+ĠR itual
+Ġsm ear
+Ġar son
+ident al
+Ġsc ant
+Ġmon archy
+Ġhal ftime
+Ġresid ue
+Ġind ign
+ĠSh aun
+ĠEl m
+aur i
+A ff
+ĠLy on
+hel ps
+36 1
+Ġlobby ist
+Ġdimin ishing
+Ġout breaks
+Ġgo ats
+f avorite
+ĠN ah
+son ian
+ĠBo oster
+Ġsand box
+ĠF are
+ĠMalt a
+Ġatt Rot
+ld e
+Ġnavig ating
+T ouch
+Ġunt rue
+ĠDis aster
+Ġl udicrous
+Pass word
+blog spot
+4 16
+ern al
+Ġdelay ing
+Ġimpl ants
+ĠH uge
+att r
+Ġjournal istic
+ĠPe yton
+R ap
+go al
+ĠProgram me
+Ġsm ashing
+w ives
+print ln
+ĠPl ague
+in us
+Ġcru iser
+ĠPar ish
+umin ium
+Ġoccup ants
+ĠJ ihad
+m op
+Ġp int
+Ġhe ct
+ĠMe cca
+direct or
+ĠFund ing
+ĠM ixed
+Ġst ag
+T ier
+Ġg ust
+Ġbright ly
+ors i
+Ġup hill
+R D
+Ġles ions
+ĠBund y
+liv ious
+Ġbi ologist
+ĠFac ulty
+ĠAuthor ization
+Ġ24 4
+All ow
+ï ¸
+ĠGi ul
+Ġpert inent
+ot aur
+es se
+ĠRo of
+Ġunman ned
+35 1
+ĠSh ak
+ĠO rient
+Ġend anger
+D ir
+Ġrepl en
+ed ient
+Ġtail or
+Ġgad gets
+Ġaud ible
+âĺ Ĩ
+N ice
+Ġbomb ard
+ĠR ape
+Ġdef iance
+ĠFilip ino
+Ġunaff ected
+erv atives
+Ġso ared
+ĠBol ton
+Ġcomprom ising
+ĠBrew ers
+icy cle
+Ġv ampires
+Ġdi pped
+oy er
+Ġsidew ays
+ĠW aste
+ĠD iss
+ĠâĶľ âĶĢâĶĢ
+$ .
+Ġhabit ats
+ĠBe ef
+tr uth
+tr ained
+spl it
+R us
+And y
+ĠB ram
+p id
+è£ ħ
+ĠMut ant
+An im
+ĠMar ina
+Ġfut ile
+hig hest
+f requency
+Ġepile psy
+Ġcop ing
+Ġconc ise
+Ġtr acing
+pan el
+ĠSoph ie
+ĠCrow ley
+ĠAd olf
+ĠShoot er
+Ġsh aky
+ĠL ies
+ĠBar ber
+p kg
+Ġupt ake
+Ġpred atory
+/ **
+Ġintox icated
+ĠWest brook
+od der
+he ment
+Ġbas eman
+st orage
+ĠFif ty
+ed itor
+ir ting
+Ġse wing
+r ift
+Ġag ony
+ĠS ands
+Ġ25 4
+C ash
+Ġl odge
+Ġp unt
+N atural
+ĠIde as
+Ġerrone ous
+ĠSens or
+ĠHann ity
+Ġ19 21
+Ġm ould
+ĠG on
+kay a
+Ġanonym ously
+Ġsim ulator
+W inter
+Ġstream ed
+50 7
+? ",
+Ġte ased
+Ġco efficient
+Ġwart ime
+' '.
+ĠBank ing
+mp ire
+Ġf andom
+Ġl ia
+G a
+Ġdown hill
+Ġinterpre ting
+Ind ividual
+N orm
+Ġjealous y
+bit coin
+Ġple asures
+ĠToy s
+ĠChev rolet
+ĠAd visor
+Ġrecept ions
+70 6
+C ro
+Ġ26 2
+Ġcit rus
+ir u
+Review er
+ject ed
+an z
+19 81
+ĠWork er
+Ġcompl ied
+ores cent
+contin ental
+T on
+ĠPr ism
+ĠShe ep
+Ġ28 8
+n ox
+ĠV og
+O rd
+Ġreal ms
+te k
+Ġirrig ation
+Ġbicy cles
+Ġelectron ically
+p oly
+t all
+() );
+Ġaest hetics
+ĠInteg rated
+Expl ore
+Ġd unk
+47 6
+p ain
+ĠJac ques
+ĠD mit
+Fram es
+Ġreun ited
+Ġhum id
+D ro
+P olitical
+Ġyouth ful
+Ġent ails
+Ġmosqu ito
+36 3
+spe cies
+Ġcoord inating
+ĠMay hem
+ĠMagn us
+M ount
+Impro ved
+Ġflow ed
+Ġtack led
+Ġfashion ed
+Ġre organ
+iv ari
+f inger
+Ġreluct antly
+et ting
+ĠV and
+you ng
+ĠGar land
+Ġpresum ption
+Ġamen ities
+ĠPle asant
+on ential
+ĠO xy
+Ġmor als
+ĠY ah
+Read y
+Sim on
+En h
+D emon
+Ġcl ich
+Mon itor
+Ġwel comes
+Ġstand out
+Ġdread ful
+Ġban anas
+Ġball oons
+h ooting
+bas ic
+Ġsuff ix
+Ġd uly
+can o
+Ch ain
+at os
+Ġgeop olitical
+Ġ( &
+ĠGem ini
+Ġacqu itted
+L uck
+prot ect
+10 24
+Ġsc arcity
+Ġmind fulness
+ec ided
+D N
+pr ime
+ĠPres idents
+Ġ( âĪĴ
+add ock
+ĠP ru
+p un
+)) ))
+ĠL iqu
+Ġsty ling
+Ġpunish ments
+Ġnum b
+Ġasc ertain
+ĠRock ies
+f lu
+Th umbnail
+Ġperpet rated
+ĠSem i
+Ġdis arm
+ĠOld er
+ĠEx ception
+Ġexponent ially
+ĠCommun ities
+Ġabol ish
+ĠPart ner
+pt oms
+Ġ7 77
+ĠFo ley
+ĠC ases
+Ġgre ase
+ĠReb irth
+G round
+Ġ; )
+ĠDoct rine
+ik ini
+Y e
+ĠBl ossom
+Ġpers ists
+b ill
+Ġinf usion
+Ġbud dies
+9 11
+ĠPat ient
+Ġdem os
+Ġacquaint ance
+ĠP aw
+at ari
+Ġx ml
+Ġfasc ination
+ĠSer ve
+Ï Ĥ
+br anded
+Ġa z
+Return s
+Ġover shadow
+Ġro am
+Ġspeed y
+n umbered
+hel ial
+Ġdisc iple
+Ġass urances
+g iven
+pect ing
+ĠN atalie
+çĶ °
+Ġmosquit oes
+rote in
+Ġnumer ic
+Ġindepend ents
+Ġtrans itional
+Ġreaction ary
+ĠMech dragon
+do ctor
+Ġshort est
+Ġsequ ential
+ĠB ac
+ĠAccount s
+ãģ Į
+ach y
+ract ive
+ĠReg iment
+Ġbreat htaking
+ffic iency
+ĠB ates
+Ġ3 11
+Ġward robe
+ft s
+ĠBer k
+Sim ply
+ĠRivers ide
+iver ing
+ident ial
+lu cent
+Ġen riched
+ĠCon ver
+ĠG iving
+ãĥ Ļ
+Ġlegal ize
+Ġfre aking
+M ix
+Ġter restrial
+es ian
+ci ents
+W ing
+Ġled ge
+ĠViol ent
+ĠMet all
+Ġ30 8
+Ġs outheastern
+hett o
+M eat
+Ġslow down
+Ġret reated
+Jere my
+end as
+**** *
+er ic
+Ġre ins
+opp able
+ĠHuman ity
+ear ances
+rig an
+C amera
+Ġwa ivers
+s oc
+Ġalter ation
+trans form
+ĠC emetery
+50 6
+Ġindef inite
+Ġstim ulating
+y g
+60 3
+ĠS op
+Ġdescript ive
+Ph ase
+ĠEd mund
+Ġpneum onia
+vent us
+A mb
+Ġlabor atories
+ĠEx clusive
+ug ar
+W ere
+Ġmalf unction
+Ġhomosexual s
+Ġ---- ---
+un i
+Ġturb ines
+ĠEqu ity
+D u
+Ġmind ed
+ĠBlack hawks
+Ġfe ats
+Ġ17 00
+re pl
+36 2
+lad en
+Ġindisp ensable
+ly ss
+tt i
+Ġre el
+Ġdiver ted
+Ġlik eness
+Ġsubscript ions
+Ġfing ert
+Ġfil thy
+dest ruct
+d raft
+ĠBernard ino
+l aunch
+Ġper plex
+car b
+Ġswe ater
+ĠVent ure
+ĠJ ag
+ĠCele b
+ĠV oters
+Ġstead fast
+Ġathlet ics
+ĠHans on
+ĠDr ac
+Tr acker
+Ġcomm end
+ĠPres idency
+in formed
+Ġweb page
+P retty
+Ġforce fully
+ãĥĥ ãĤ¯
+Ġrel ocation
+Ġsat ire
+â ī
+ĠSunder land
+æ Ħ
+V oice
+???? ????
+Ġinform ant
+Ġbow el
+ĠUn iform
+Ġ ..."
+Ġpur ge
+Ġpic nic
+ĠU mb
+ĠSapp hire
+ĠSt all
+le arn
+Ġobject ively
+Ġob liter
+Ġlooph ole
+Ġjour neys
+Ġo mission
+Pro s
+ĠSid ney
+pl oma
+Ġspray ed
+Ġg uru
+Ġtra itor
+Ġtim et
+Ġsn apping
+ĠSe vent
+urn al
+ĠUk ip
+Ġb owed
+por al
+l iberal
+R os
+Quest ions
+i OS
+Ġsummar ize
+Ġ18 50
+ap est
+Ġl ender
+ĠVari able
+br inging
+, )
+Ġcollaps es
+x iety
+ĠN ed
+Y D
+ĠSch a
+Ġantib ody
+Ġdis band
+y re
+ill usion
+Ġro ver
+s hed
+ĠHiro sh
+cc i
+Ġcal am
+ĠMort on
+P interest
+Ġ19 28
+ĠE uras
+ord es
+Ġf ences
+ĠIn ventory
+ĠVal encia
+ĠU d
+ĠT iff
+Ġsqu e
+Ġqu otation
+Ġtroubles ome
+er ker
+ĠKing doms
+s outh
+Ġle vy
+Pr ince
+ĠSt ing
+Ġnick named
+Ġapp e
+Ġphot ographic
+Ġcorp us
+re ference
+ĠT rog
+U nt
+) =(
+ĠLat via
+Ġactiv ating
+Ġlicense e
+Ġdispar ities
+ĠNews letter
+ãĥĥ ãĥĪ
+Ġfree ing
+ĠJe ep
+ĠPer ception
+ins k
+Ġsil icone
+ĠHay den
+Le an
+ĠSuz uki
+ibr arian
+66 8
+Ġsp or
+Ġcorrel ations
+ag hetti
+Ġtu ber
+il us
+ĠV u
+Ġwealth iest
+ĠCarb uncle
+an za
+Ġfool ed
+ĠZ ur
+Ġd addy
+ran o
+il ian
+Ġknock out
+f man
+requ ired
+ĠWik ileaks
+ĠD uffy
+Ġins ol
+ĠObject s
+Ġb ou
+ĠNord ic
+ĠIns ert
+sc an
+Ġd ancers
+Ġid iots
+major ity
+ĠNev ille
+ĠFree BSD
+Ġt art
+pan ic
+69 0
+Ġcoc oa
+Ġsam pled
+Ġlook up
+Ind ust
+Ġinject ions
+gen re
+Ġa u
+Ġroad way
+Ġgen itals
+K ind
+ĠEx aminer
+ĠY az
+F resh
+Ġpar alysis
+ĠAl uminum
+Ġre ap
+ok é
+Ġsl oppy
+ĠTun nel
+pos ium
+ner y
+en ic
+Ġher bal
+ĠOut er
+ĠBuild er
+Ġinc ur
+Ġide ologies
+Ġback ups
+cons uming
+ĠDet ect
+de ck
+ĠG ret
+Ġtough ness
+ĠEx hibit
+Ġh ive
+L es
+ĠAt ari
+ald e
+ĠN ull
+and estine
+m ouse
+Ġbrig ade
+48 9
+Ġrev ol
+ĠLaw son
+ĠW ah
+op oly
+eb ted
+ĠS aunders
+Ġ3 13
+ĠW inc
+Ġtab oo
+ĠHel met
+Ġw edge
+ch ip
+ĠT ina
+b g
+Ġinf uri
+r n
+Ġanomal ies
+ĠSy nc
+ĠEx am
+ĠComm it
+ĠDi ary
+ĠDe bor
+omed ical
+Ġcomprehens ion
+6 55
+Ġempower ing
+Ġ ire
+Ġju ices
+ĠBox ing
+=" /
+Ġfacilit ated
+p oke
+ĠPars ons
+ĠMod er
+tra vel
+Ġcivil izations
+Ġliber tarians
+Ġrun e
+ĠCl arks
+at hed
+Ġcampaign ers
+ĠDis patch
+ĠFah renheit
+ĠCap com
+-------- --
+Ġl ace
+Ġdr aining
+Ġl iner
+ĠArt ificial
+é n
+t ask
+] ).
+ĠOper ator
+ord inary
+ĠInf luence
+ĠU ps
+Ġpot ency
+uss en
+osp ons
+ĠSw im
+ĠDead line
+Un ity
+Ġcul inary
+Ġenlight enment
+Ġwe arer
+Ġmin ed
+Ġp ly
+Ġinc est
+W alk
+Tr ade
+Ġdev al
+ib and
+ĠOvers ight
+Palest inian
+Ġd art
+Ġm ul
+L R
+Ġrem ovable
+ĠReal ms
+ì Ŀ
+Ġmisc ar
+ĠV ulkan
+68 5
+è re
+ĠS ap
+Ġmer ging
+ĠCar ly
+che ster
+Ġbr isk
+Ġlux urious
+ĠGener ator
+Ġbit terness
+Ġed ible
+Ġ24 3
+T G
+Ġrect angle
+With No
+bel ow
+J enn
+Ġdark est
+Ġh itch
+Ġdos age
+Ġsc aven
+ĠK eller
+ĠIllust rated
+Certain ly
+ĠMaver icks
+Marg inal
+Ġdiarr hea
+Ġenorm ously
+Ġ9 99
+sh r
+qu art
+Ġadam ant
+ĠM ew
+Ġren ovation
+Ġcerv ical
+ĠPercent age
+en ers
+ĠKim ber
+Ġflo ats
+Ġde x
+ĠW itcher
+ĠSwan sea
+d m
+Ġsal ty
+y ellow
+Ġca pe
+ĠDr ain
+ĠPaul a
+ĠTol edo
+les i
+Mag azine
+ĠW ick
+ĠM n
+ĠA ck
+ĠR iding
+Ġhom ophobic
+Ġwand ered
+ood oo
+ĠP ipe
+Ġtight ening
+ĠBut t
+3 18
+Ġdesert ed
+S ession
+Ġfacilit ating
+J ump
+Ġemer gencies
+Ġexhaust ive
+Ġheart beat
+ĠLab el
+ack y
+ĠCert ified
+ilt ration
+Z e
+ĠU tt
+Ġ13 00
+Ġpres ume
+ĠDis p
+Ġsur ged
+Ġdoll s
+Col umb
+Ġchim pan
+ĠR azor
+Ġt icks
+Ġcouncill or
+Ġpilgr image
+ĠReb els
+ĠA uction
+x ia
+ik k
+b red
+Ġinsert ion
+Ġco arse
+d B
+ĠZ ap
+ĠF oo
+Ġcontem por
+ĠQuarter ly
+ot ions
+ĠAl chemist
+ĠT rey
+ĠDu o
+S weet
+80 4
+ĠGi ov
+Ġfun n
+N in
+h off
+Ġram ifications
+Ġ19 22
+ĠExper ts
+az es
+Ġgar ments
+ar ial
+ĠN ab
+Ġ25 7
+ĠV ed
+Ġhum orous
+ĠPom pe
+Ġn ylon
+Ġlur king
+ĠSerge y
+ĠMatt is
+Ġmisogyn y
+ĠComp onents
+ĠWatch ing
+ĠF olk
+ract ical
+B ush
+Ġt aped
+Ġgroup ing
+Ġbe ads
+Ġ20 48
+Ġcon du
+quer que
+Read ing
+Ġgriev ances
+Ult ra
+Ġend point
+H ig
+ĠSt atic
+ĠScar borough
+L ua
+ĠMess i
+a qu
+ĠPsy Net
+ĠR udd
+Ġa venue
+v p
+J er
+Ġsh ady
+ĠRes ist
+ĠArt emis
+Ġcare less
+Ġbro kers
+Ġtemper ament
+Ġ5 20
+T ags
+ĠTurn ing
+Ġut tered
+Ġp edd
+Ġimpro vised
+Ġ: (
+Ġtab l
+Ġpl ains
+16 00
+press ure
+ĠEss ence
+marg in
+friend s
+ĠRest oration
+Ġpoll ut
+ĠPok er
+ĠAugust ine
+or ama
+Ġth wart
+se ek
+Ġp agan
+Â º
+cp u
+Ġg arn
+Ġass ortment
+t ower
+Recomm ended
+Ġun born
+ĠRandom Redditor
+ĠRandomRedditor WithNo
+Ġparaly zed
+Ġeru ption
+Ġinter sect
+ĠSt oke
+ĠS co
+B ind
+å ¾
+ĠNeg ative
+Le on
+Ġall oy
+ĠL ama
+ĠD iversity
+5 75
+Ġunderest imated
+ĠSc or
+Ġm ural
+Ġb usted
+so on
+l if
+Ġnone x
+Ġall ergy
+ĠUnder world
+ĠR ays
+ĠBl asio
+Ġh rs
+ĠD ir
+Ġ3 27
+by ter
+Ġrepl acements
+Ġactiv ates
+ri ved
+M H
+Ġp ans
+Ġlong itudinal
+Ġnu isance
+al er
+Ġsw ell
+ĠS igned
+s ci
+ĠIs les
+Ġdef iant
+Ġson ic
+oc on
+K C
+ĠA im
+t ie
+ah ah
+Ġm L
+D X
+Ġb isc
+ĠBill board
+ga ard
+Ġdist ressed
+former ly
+Al an
+Ġche fs
+Ġopt ics
+ĠC omet
+Ġredes igned
+irm ation
+Ġsight ings
+38 2
+3 11
+Ġcont raction
+D ual
+Ġstart led
+Ġunderstand ably
+Ġsung lasses
+Ġd ocker
+Ġsurf ing
+ĠSl ack
+ton es
+Ġsh alt
+Vis ual
+49 8
+Dep artment
+c ussion
+Ġunrest ricted
+Ġt ad
+Ġre name
+employ ed
+Ġeduc ating
+Ġgrin ned
+bed room
+ĠActiv ities
+ĠV elvet
+Ġsh uffle
+ig or
+Ġsatur ation
+F inding
+c ream
+ic ter
+Ġv odka
+tr acking
+te c
+Ġfore ground
+iest a
+Ġve hement
+ĠT ie
+E y
+Ġt urtles
+ĠRail road
+ĠKat z
+ĠFram es
+Ġmen ace
+ĠFell owship
+ĠEss ential
+ugg ish
+Ġdri p
+ch witz
+ĠKy oto
+s b
+ĠN ina
+Param eter
+Ġal arms
+ĠCl aud
+Ġpione ering
+Ġchief ly
+ĠSc ream
+Col lection
+Ġthank fully
+ĠRonald o
+åŃ IJ
+st rip
+ĠDisney land
+com mercial
+See ing
+S oul
+Ġevac uate
+Ġc iv
+ĠAs he
+Ġdiv ides
+ĠD agger
+rehens ive
+Ġber ries
+Ġs ushi
+Ġplur ality
+W I
+Ġdisadvant aged
+Ġbatt alion
+ob iles
+45 1
+Ġcl ing
+Ġunden iable
+ĠL ounge
+Ġha unt
+p he
+Ġquant ify
+Ġdiff ered
+Ġ[* ]
+ĠV iz
+c um
+sl ave
+Ġvide og
+Ġqu ar
+Ġbund les
+ĠAl onso
+t ackle
+Ġneur onal
+Ġlandsl ide
+conf irmed
+ĠDep th
+Ġrenew ables
+B ear
+ĠMaced onia
+Ġjer seys
+Ġb unk
+ĠSp awn
+ĠControl s
+ĠBuch anan
+Ġrobot ics
+Ġemphas izing
+ĠTut orial
+h yp
+ist on
+Ġmonument al
+æ °
+ĠCar ry
+Ġt bsp
+en ance
+H ill
+art hed
+Ġro tten
+De an
+Ġtw isting
+Ġgood will
+Ġimm ersion
+L iving
+Ġbr ushes
+ĠAt k
+tr aditional
+Ġph antom
+ĠSt amina
+Ġexpans ions
+ĠMar in
+Ġembark ed
+ĠE g
+int estinal
+ĠBo oth
+ĠApp alach
+Ġreleg ated
+V T
+Ġmust er
+Ġwithdraw ing
+Ġmicrosc ope
+ĠG athering
+ĠC rescent
+ĠArgent ine
+ĠDec re
+ĠDomin ic
+Ġbud s
+ant age
+ĠI on
+Ġwid ened
+ĠGl oves
+iann opoulos
+raz en
+fe el
+Ġrepay ment
+Ġhind sight
+ĠPist ol
+ĠBra h
+Ġwat ts
+Ġsurv ives
+Ġfl urry
+iss y
+Al ert
+ĠUrug uay
+Ph oenix
+S low
+ĠG rave
+ĠF ir
+Ġmanage able
+Ġtar iff
+ĠPist ons
+ĠNiger ian
+Ġstrike outs
+Ġcos metics
+whel ming
+f ab
+c ape
+pro xy
+Ġre think
+Ġover coming
+sim ple
+Ġw oo
+Ġdistract ing
+ĠSt anton
+ĠTuls a
+ĠD ock
+65 9
+Ġdisc ord
+ĠEm acs
+ĠV es
+Ġreass uring
+Ġcons ortium
+Muslim s
+3 21
+Ġprompt s
+se i
+ĠH itch
+imp osed
+ĠF ool
+Ġindisc rim
+wr ong
+bu querque
+D avis
+! ]
+Ġtim eless
+Ġpestic ide
+Ġrally ing
+ĠCal der
+Ġå ¤
+Ġx p
+ĠUn le
+ĠEx port
+lu aj
+B uff
+B oot
+ĠChrys ler
+or ative
+M ess
+Ġneglig ible
+ert odd
+ĠMush room
+ĠG ale
+g c
+ĠCos by
+ĠR ural
+rit ical
+B ell
+Ġturb ine
+00 200000
+Ġlegit imately
+ĠAnim ated
+ĠThe odore
+c onduct
+ĠH ier
+Ġcounterfe it
+ĠAlger ia
+Ġun beat
+cont roller
+Ġun res
+Ġscram bling
+ĠFall on
+T es
+Ġam ber
+Ġroy alties
+ĠShel ter
+ĠL ester
+Ġclass ify
+Rem ote
+Ġun heard
+Ġcontrovers ies
+Ġenrich ment
+ĠYan kee
+g amer
+Ġpl atinum
+Ġec ology
+ĠS ark
+Ġunt ouched
+Ġsuper visors
+Ġ" %
+Ġf ooth
+Ġcomm ons
+Ġnarc otics
+Ġind ices
+ĠP ly
+Ġaddition ally
+ĠGaw ker
+Pl aying
+Ġcave at
+ĠAbs olute
+oss us
+B aby
+Ġr ation
+Ġres in
+Ġcalib ration
+ĠNew port
+Ġkn ocks
+v t
+Ġcomp ost
+Sc ene
+Ġsar cast
+Ġkiss es
+Ġn s
+all i
+ĠMar cel
+ĠP iet
+iat rics
+Ġsurround s
+ĠRep rodu
+ĠPhill ies
+Ġuncertain ties
+ĠE ur
+ĠRom ance
+ĠH ath
+ĠNeed s
+ĠCl oak
+Ġcre m
+que ue
+Ġ3 55
+Ġup front
+] );
+Ġrecip roc
+Ġ19 27
+Ġ11 00
+ut su
+Ġdep ressive
+ow ment
+F ans
+Ġme ch
+Ġann ihil
+Ġcounter terrorism
+ĠFig ures
+b old
+ĠMo ines
+ĠDri vers
+Ġmanuscript s
+ĠCrypt o
+Ġhyp not
+redd its
+Ġprosec utions
+Ġdiver t
+ĠB ene
+ĠRe ggie
+Ġtax ing
+ĠMor ales
+ent ing
+t ur
+sign ificant
+Ġstr ands
+Ġp ouch
+ĠR ookie
+» Ĵ
+Ġnic er
+he my
+h w
+Ġintimid ated
+Ġstr icter
+Ġmicro bial
+det ails
+Ġv ows
+Ġqu ake
+hh hh
+Ġrein vent
+U b
+Ġrel inqu
+ĠBuff ett
+lic ensed
+itte red
+ĠPic ard
+Ġche wing
+u cl
+organ ic
+Ġlocal ized
+ĠEconom ist
+Ġacqu ainted
+Def inition
+s ed
+Crit ics
+Ġc c
+45 3
+38 1
+Ġfell ows
+Ġcheck points
+0 25
+Ġre election
+Ġmed iated
+Ġhurd le
+Ġtext ing
+Per fect
+Ġtrust ees
+fect ure
+Ġd ich
+mon ary
+Ġdist inctions
+Ġ14 00
+Ġus her
+Ġparas ites
+ĠSh aring
+ĠV im
+Ġbar becue
+ĠMin isters
+ere lla
+Ġe b
+Ġm c
+ĠSome how
+ĠIn sect
+ch anges
+b road
+ĠBy z
+Ġgrap es
+66 9
+Ġ= ================
+Ġass imil
+Ġhaun ting
+Ġfire power
+Ġdef amation
+em phasis
+Ġcomp ose
+Ġallerg ies
+Ġstr ang
+roll ers
+b ang
+Ġbrew ers
+ron gh
+ri ot
+p oor
+c old
+S ample
+Ġbu oy
+0 40
+ĠCourt ney
+Ġ26 8
+ĠWed ding
+70 2
+Ġobsess ive
+Ġbra king
+ĠL al
+an ical
+å ¦
+at en
+Con struction
+Ġclin ically
+iers hip
+N ames
+ĠDisc uss
+ĠRam os
+Ġloc ale
+ĠAgric ultural
+En able
+Ġhorse power
+ent ure
+P ref
+C ourt
+Ġstaff ing
+Ġfut uristic
+dri vers
+ĠMarket place
+æĪ ¦
+Friend s
+Ġdam ning
+ĠCustom ers
+Ġwe eds
+ĠM ai
+Ġag ile
+ĠT att
+ic ent
+R anked
+cro ft
+ĠKat y
+Ext reme
+Ġcar ve
+ĠR over
+ĠBy ron
+37 2
+Ġconduct s
+r atch
+it ia
+ĠPump kin
+Sad ly
+Rel oaded
+P olicy
+Ġl ick
+pe ak
+is ks
+ĠCD s
+ĠEn cyclopedia
+in itial
+C os
+ĠAware ness
+ĠD ram
+$$ $$
+Ġr iff
+Ġscript ure
+run ners
+Ġbo iler
+ons on
+o in
+Ġham string
+Ġcat aly
+ĠArch bishop
+ch all
+Ġf aux
+ok in
+local host
+ad obe
+am ate
+Ġscram ble
+Ġcar c
+ĠMan ifest
+ĠCed ar
+ĠSer gio
+l ater
+ff er
+Ġgrapp ling
+ĠDe utsche
+agon ists
+ĠNew sp
+Ġpret ended
+arch ment
+Ġcur ated
+Ġhead phone
+ĠUn common
+A gent
+Ġdead lines
+Ġhorizont ally
+ĠSum mers
+Ġord ained
+ĠLast ly
+ĠKend all
+Ġfr ig
+ĠMach ina
+ĠWater loo
+ĠMex icans
+Ġprotect or
+Ġgl are
+} "
+Prem ium
+Ġr ift
+ĠTelesc ope
+Met al
+Ġrec apt
+Ġ; ;
+Ġincl ination
+Ġimp oses
+ing en
+^ {
+Ġh aste
+Ġd olphins
+Ġcomm uters
+pl anned
+c ong
+m x
+ĠU pload
+Ġext rap
+ĠTuc son
+ĠExpl oration
+efe ated
+Ġsl ender
+70 3
+ĠB uk
+is el
+Ġcompet itiveness
+ch lor
+ĠP ermanent
+ĠE verett
+ĠSpecial ist
+Ġcy an
+ĠEx actly
+U F
+ary l
+on et
+ĠEmploy ee
+aw ed
+ĠRat ings
+Ġextra vag
+ul hu
+ĠPl ane
+Ġelev ate
+ĠCoord inator
+ĠWat kins
+Ġex cludes
+Ġsent ient
+Ġep och
+Ġall oc
+Pre viously
+ĠSh y
+ĠSlov akia
+Ġmarked ly
+Ġkn ob
+Ġadventure rs
+ĠBe en
+ĠCost s
+amm ers
+Ġon slaught
+ĠSupport ed
+ĠT au
+ik arp
+ĠS overe
+ĠHam pton
+ãĤ ī
+Pre v
+ĠW orse
+Ġc ottage
+ĠH ades
+le z
+b owl
+Ġfrag rance
+ĠL ok
+ĠPet ro
+Ġ19 25
+ĠP end
+produ cing
+Ġrel ocate
+v ati
+p ole
+Ġsem in
+Ġrock ed
+b uff
+b ly
+Rep ly
+ĠH ai
+Ġartic ulated
+ĠIslam abad
+66 5
+ĠClaim s
+Des ktop
+Ġtrust ee
+Ġscript ing
+ĠS ob
+ĠAs ylum
+ĠCl own
+ĠD ortmund
+ĠDev on
+l ite
+ĠMar ble
+Ġb unker
+Ġcre st
+Ġarous al
+ĠS ears
+ĠBudd y
+ered ith
+ĠP olly
+Ġdec ode
+ĠV ish
+ĠRef lect
+an on
+Ġrefund s
+imm ers
+H M
+Ġwip ing
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+Ġmat te
+un o
+P ierre
+) ),
+Ġt ainted
+Ġsymbol ism
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+Ġprotest ors
+ethe us
+%% %%
+W ra
+Ġl ax
+ad em
+atur ation
+ãĥ ĵ
+ĠTra iler
+ĠBows er
+Ġatt m
+D ur
+80 7
+Ġsid x
+Ġc ider
+ĠA ffect
+Ġw oven
+ĠBark er
+ben ef
+Ġdst g
+ĠRy u
+> [
+Ġsq or
+S audi
+Ġis tg
+Ġindul ge
+pro c
+Ġdisg usted
+Ġcomp ounded
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+ĠC ure
+process ing
+S ol
+Ġpro verb
+it ized
+ĠAlv arez
+Ġscar f
+Ġrect angular
+re ve
+Ġh ormonal
+ĠSt ress
+itiz en
+Ġ4 25
+girl s
+ĠNo ir
+ĠR app
+Ġmar ches
+ch urch
+ĠUs es
+Ġ40 5
+ĠBer m
+Ġord inances
+ĠJud gment
+Charg es
+ĠZ in
+Ġdust y
+Ġstraw berries
+Ġper ce
+ĠTh ur
+ĠDebor ah
+net flix
+ĠLam bert
+Ġam used
+ĠGu ang
+Ġf iat
+r ang
+Ġf ederation
+ĠM ant
+ĠB ust
+ĠM are
+respect ive
+ĠM igration
+59 0
+Ġpatriot ism
+Ġout lining
+reg ion
+ĠJos é
+Ġbl asting
+ĠEz ra
+B s
+Ġundermin es
+ĠSm ooth
+Ġcl ashed
+rad io
+Ġtransition ing
+ĠBucc aneers
+ĠOw l
+Ġplug s
+Ġh iatus
+ĠPin ball
+Ġm ig
+ĠNut r
+ĠWolf e
+Ġinteg ers
+Ġor bits
+ĠEd win
+ĠDirect X
+b ite
+Ġbl azing
+v r
+Ed ge
+ex it
+ĠCom ed
+ĠPath finder
+ĠGu id
+ĠSign s
+ĠZ er
+ĠAg enda
+Ġreimburse ment
+M esh
+i Phone
+ĠMar cos
+ĠS ites
+h ate
+en burg
+Ġs ockets
+p end
+Bat man
+v ir
+Ġprovision al
+con n
+ĠDeath s
+Pro file
+sy m
+J A
+Ġnin ja
+inst alled
+id ates
+eb ra
+ĠOm aha
+Ġse izing
+ĠBe asts
+Ġsal ts
+M ission
+Gener ally
+ĠTr ilogy
+he on
+leg ates
+Ġd ime
+Ġf aire
+par able
+G raph
+Ġtotal ing
+Ġdiagram s
+ĠYan uk
+ple t
+ĠMe h
+Ġmyth ical
+ĠStep hens
+aut ical
+ochem istry
+Ġkil ograms
+Ġel bows
+anc ock
+ĠPr ague
+Ġimpro v
+ĠDev in
+Ġ" \
+par alle
+Ġsuprem acists
+ĠB illion
+Ġreg imen
+inn acle
+Ġrequ isite
+ang an
+ĠBur lington
+ain ment
+ĠObject ive
+oms ky
+G V
+Ġun ilateral
+Ġt c
+Ġh ires
+ment al
+Ġinvol untary
+Ġtrans pl
+Â ¨
+Ev ents
+Ġdoub ted
+ĠKa plan
+ĠCour age
+ig on
+ĠMan aging
+ĠT art
+Ġfalse hood
+ĠV iolet
+Ġair s
+Ġfertil izer
+Brit ain
+Ġaqu atic
+ou f
+W ords
+ĠHart ford
+Ġeven ings
+ĠV engeance
+qu ite
+G all
+ĠP ret
+Ġp df
+ĠSo chi
+ĠInter cept
+9 20
+Ġprofit ability
+ĠId le
+ĠMac Donald
+ĠEst ablishment
+um sy
+Ġgather ings
+ĠN aj
+Charl ie
+Ġas cent
+ĠProt ector
+Ġal gebra
+Ġbi os
+for ums
+Introdu ced
+Ġ3 35
+Ġastron omy
+Cont ribut
+ĠPol ic
+Pl atform
+Ġcontain ment
+w rap
+Ġcoron ary
+ĠJ elly
+man ager
+Ġheart breaking
+c air
+ĠChe ro
+c gi
+Med ical
+ĠAccount ability
+! !"
+oph ile
+Ġpsych otic
+ĠRest rict
+Ġequ itable
+iss ues
+Ġ19 05
+ĠN ek
+c ised
+ĠTr acking
+Ġo zone
+Ġcook er
+ros is
+Ġre open
+Ġinf inity
+ĠPharm aceutical
+ens ional
+Att empt
+ĠR ory
+Mar co
+Ġawa its
+t reated
+Ġbol st
+Ġreve red
+Ġp ods
+opp ers
+00 10
+Ġampl itude
+ric an
+Ġtrou sers
+Ġhal ves
+ĠK aine
+ĠCut ler
+Ġsplend id
+Ġprevent ive
+ĠDud ley
+if acts
+umin ati
+ĠY in
+Ġad mon
+ĠV ag
+Ġin verted
+Ġhast ily
+ĠH ague
+L yn
+Ġled ger
+Ġastron omical
+get ting
+Ġcirc a
+ĠC ic
+ĠTenn is
+Lim ited
+Ġd ru
+Ġtrave llers
+Ġp ane
+ĠInt ro
+Ġpatient ly
+Ġa iding
+Ġlo os
+ĠT ough
+Ġ29 3
+Ġconsum es
+Source File
+Ġ"" "
+Ġbond ing
+Ġtil ted
+Ġmenstru al
+ĠCel estial
+Plug in
+Ġrisk ing
+N az
+ĠRiy adh
+Ġacc redited
+Ġsk irm
+é Ľ
+Ġexam iner
+Ġmess ing
+Ġnear ing
+ĠC hern
+ĠBeck ham
+Ġsw apped
+Ġgo ose
+K ay
+Ġlo fty
+ĠWal let
+Ġ[ '
+Ġap ocalypse
+Ġb amboo
+ĠEl ena
+Ġ30 6
+ac ons
+Ġtight ened
+Ġadolesc ence
+Ġrain y
+Ġvandal ism
+ĠNew town
+Ġcon ject
+c akes
+Ġche ated
+Ġmoder ators
+par ams
+Ġdece it
+ĠTanz ania
+Ġ19 23
+ĠEx ile
+the l
+Ġthe olog
+Ġquir ky
+ĠIr vine
+Ġneed y
+or is
+U m
+K a
+Ġmail box
+3 22
+Ġb os
+ĠPet ra
+Ġenlarg ed
+O ften
+Ġbad ass
+Ġ3 43
+ĠPl aces
+Ġpr istine
+Ġinterven ing
+d irection
+Ġl az
+Ġproject ing
+ĠF unk
+ag og
+pay ment
+n ov
+Ġch atter
+Ġexam inations
+ĠHouse hold
+ĠG us
+F ord
+4 14
+B oss
+Ġmy stic
+Ġle aps
+ĠB av
+ul z
+b udget
+Foot ball
+Ġsubsid ized
+Ġfirst hand
+Ġcoinc ide
+oc ular
+Con n
+ĠColl abor
+Ġfool s
+am ura
+ah ar
+r ists
+Ġsw ollen
+Ġexp ended
+ĠP au
+s up
+Ġsp ar
+Ġkey note
+s uff
+Ġunequ al
+Ġprogress ing
+str ings
+ĠGamer gate
+Dis ney
+ĠEle ven
+om nia
+Ġscript ed
+Ġear ners
+bro ther
+ĠEn abled
+æ ³
+Ġlar vae
+m ess
+Wil son
+ĠTem plate
+success fully
+Ġparam ount
+Ġcamoufl age
+Ġbind s
+ĠQu iet
+ĠSh utterstock
+r ush
+Ġmasc ot
+fort une
+ĠCol t
+ĠBe yon
+hab i
+Ġha irc
+Ġ26 7
+ĠDe us
+Ġtw itch
+Ġconcent rating
+Ġn ipples
+c ible
+Ġg ir
+N Z
+M ath
+n ih
+Requ ired
+Ġp onder
+Ġwedd ings
+Ġl oneliness
+ĠMah jong
+69 5
+add le
+ĠGar ner
+Br idge
+Ġsp ree
+ĠCald well
+Ġbri bery
+Ġ���� ����
+plug ins
+Ġr acket
+Ġchamp agne
+vers ible
+V ote
+Ġmod ifiers
+May or
+6 80
+Ġassemb lies
+ĠS ultan
+ĠN ing
+ĠLad ies
+Ġsulf ur
+Ġor bs
+Ġ---- -
+____ ___
+ĠJournal ism
+Ġes ports
+Ġl ush
+Ġh ue
+Ġspect ral
+H onest
+ãĥ ı
+Ġbus hes
+Ġrein forcement
+Ġre opened
+ĠWhe els
+ĠM org
+rie ving
+Ġaux iliary
+Ġj Query
+tes que
+Ġver tex
+p ure
+f rey
+ãĤ º
+d os
+Ġty ph
+Ġc ull
+Ġe q
+Ġdec on
+Ġtoss ing
+Ġdispar ate
+ĠBr igham
+print f
+led ged
+Ġsu nd
+Ġco zy
+Ġhepat itis
+per forming
+Ġav al
+f uture
+Ġpet ertodd
+ĠKos ovo
+Ġmagn ets
+Al ready
+ĠEd ison
+ĠCe res
+Ġbrill iance
+57 6
+Ġder ives
+Ġhypert ension
+Ġlamb da
+Ġfl air
+Ġmission aries
+Ġrap es
+ĠSt arter
+ĠMon ths
+Ġdef y
+Ġseism ic
+ĠR aphael
+Ġeuro zone
+65 6
+z sche
+Ġscr atched
+Ġb ows
+ĠLenn on
+ĠGa ia
+Ġdri pping
+f acts
+A le
+Ġfrog s
+ĠBre ast
+ogene ity
+ĠProsecut or
+Ġampl ified
+ĠHod g
+ĠF n
+Th ousands
+ĠMonitor ing
+ĠPri ebus
+ĠG rowing
+hun ter
+Ġdiagn ose
+ĠM ald
+Ġcrown ed
+Ġburst ing
+Ġdiss olution
+j avascript
+Ġuseful ness
+ĠExec ution
+: (
+ĠIv ory
+a ah
+Ġpersecut ed
+viol ence
+ist as
+ĠCr ate
+Ġimpuls es
+ĠSp ani
+ed es
+Hand le
+ĠZ erg
+think able
+Last ly
+Ġspont aneously
+Ġinconven ient
+Ġdismiss ing
+Ġpl otted
+Ġeight y
+Ġ7 37
+r ish
+ĠThor nton
+ath am
+Ġsit com
+V en
+Rec ipe
+t el
+l und
+Ġcle ars
+ĠSas uke
+Ġ25 8
+Ġopt ing
+Ġen raged
+est hetic
+ĠA e
+uch s
+Pre p
+Fl ow
+Ġrun off
+ĠE ating
+ĠG iles
+ĠAct ing
+res ources
+ib aba
+Ġr pm
+Ġske wed
+ĠBl anc
+ĠS akuya
+Ġhot ter
+Ġ19 24
+op ian
+ck o
+Ġcr umbling
+Ġcapt ains
+ĠAppropri ations
+le aders
+dro pping
+an uts
+Ġrevers ing
+ĠP ose
+ĠS ek
+Sc ot
+ĠIde a
+c ise
+ĠSloven ia
+Ġ3 17
+Do ctor
+Ġcro cod
+ald i
+Se a
+ĠFar rell
+Ġmerc enaries
+ĠGu ess
+Ġp acing
+M achine
+Streamer Bot
+ĠChar ity
+Ġ29 8
+Ġcann ons
+ĠTob y
+TPP StreamerBot
+ĠPass ion
+cf g
+Th om
+Ġbad ges
+ĠBern stein
+. âĢĵ
+ĠCon j
+Ġinitial ization
+Ġbiod iversity
+D ub
+Ġfeud al
+Ġdisclaim er
+Ġc row
+Ġign ition
+ar f
+Ġk Hz
+h azard
+ĠArt ists
+oe uv
+67 9
+ĠRud y
+N ine
+ĠRam adan
+å ½
+itt o
+Ġadren aline
+C ert
+Ġsmell ed
+Ġimp unity
+Ġag endas
+ĠRe born
+ĠCon cent
+ĠSe ems
+Ġo mega
+ĠDust in
+Ġback er
+ĠSau ce
+ĠBoy le
+Ġsp ins
+Ġpa uses
+u pt
+Ġshred ded
+Ġstra pped
+ĠCor ruption
+Ġscr atches
+Ġn i
+Ġatt ire
+Factory Reloaded
+Ġ( %
+Ġsem inar
+f ocus
+c ivil
+Ġ18 60
+int osh
+Ġcontin ual
+Ġabbre vi
+ĠS ok
+oc obo
+X M
+Ġfr antic
+Ġunavoid able
+Ġar tery
+Ġannot ations
+b ath
+Cl imate
+Ġd ors
+ĠSl ide
+co ord
+ĠRel oad
+ĠLove craft
+Ġunim agin
+Ġresemb led
+Ġbarr acks
+n p
+Ġsurrog ate
+Ġcategor ized
+ãĤ ©
+Ġvacc inated
+Ġdrain age
+Ġind ist
+ĠWhats App
+Ġ18 70
+oler ance
+inv oke
+am orph
+Ġrecon nect
+Ġem anc
+Ġblind ness
+Ġ12 80
+intern et
+c ollar
+Ġalt ru
+Ġab yss
+65 7
+Ġinf used
+Ġforest ry
+ĠWood y
+ĠC i
+w i
+s am
+78 4
+hol iday
+Ġmog ul
+ĠF ees
+In ternal
+ur bed
+f usc
+at om
+ĠIll usion
+Ġpoll ed
+Ġfl ap
+Ġco ax
+An aly
+ĠSect ions
+ĠCalif orn
+em n
+Ġh ither
+Ġn ailed
+ĠPip eline
+39 1
+o of
+ĠPr imal
+vere nd
+Ġsl ashing
+Ġret ri
+avi our
+Ġdepart ing
+g il
+Ġmid way
+Ġultras ound
+Ġbeh aving
+ĠT ara
+class es
+V irtual
+ĠColon ial
+Ġstri pping
+Ġorchestr ated
+ĠGra ves
+45 2
+ĠIron ically
+ĠWrit ers
+Ġl ends
+ĠMan z
+Ġra ven
+Ġoxid ative
+Ġ26 6
+act ually
+asc ar
+D raft
+Ġfavour able
+Ġhumili ating
+Ġf idelity
+ĠH of
+ĠX uan
+49 6
+Ġlay ered
+at is
+79 0
+Ġpay check
+it on
+K ar
+ĠVM ware
+ĠFar mer
+Ġserv ic
+gl omer
+Ġsl ump
+ĠFab ric
+est ing
+Ġreass ure
+Ġph yl
+v olt
+it ory
+R ules
+Ġoxid ation
+Ġpri zed
+Ġmist ress
+ĠDj ango
+å ij
+Ġenc ode
+ĠFeed back
+Ġstupid ity
+I an
+ĠYugoslav ia
+× ¨
+ac l
+19 77
+Ġqual ifies
+Ġpuls es
+pret ty
+Ġfro ze
+Ġs s
+Iter ator
+Ġur gently
+Ġm ailed
+ĠCh am
+Ġsust aining
+Ġbas il
+Ġpupp ies
+il ant
+l ap
+ace ous
+F ear
+ĠMaster y
+aut omatic
+Ġant im
+ag les
+47 3
+fram es
+Ġwh ispers
+ĠWho ever
+Ġbra very
+ract ions
+"" "
+Ġt ame
+Ġpart ed
+every thing
+Ġind ebted
+Ġadd r
+re k
+Ġem inent
+cl inton
+Ġo usted
+Ġreview er
+Ġmelt down
+Ġre arr
+ĠY ao
+the real
+aby te
+Ġst umbling
+Ġbat ches
+Ġ25 9
+Ġcontrace ptive
+Ġprost itute
+ens is
+De cl
+ĠSt rikes
+M ilitary
+ĠO ath
+v acc
+pp ings
+05 2
+Ġpart Name
+amp ing
+Rep orts
+K I
+Ġsubt ly
+sw ers
+Bl ake
+us ual
+Ġcontest ants
+Ġcart ridges
+Ġbl ush
+ĠâĢ º
+47 2
+Ġreason ed
+ãĥ ¤
+paralle led
+Ġd yn
+ag ate
+Ġnight ly
+å Ĩ
+55 6
+Ġsem antic
+ĠAdv oc
+Ġ !!
+Ġdisag rees
+V eh
+Ġharm ing
+Ġembr aces
+Ġstri ves
+Ġin land
+ĠK ard
+Ġhe ats
+ĠGin ny
+ut an
+ern aut
+yl ene
+ĠE lev
+J D
+Ġh ars
+ĠStar r
+Ġsk ysc
+Ġcollabor ators
+Us ually
+Ġrev olutions
+Ġdism antle
+Ġconfident ly
+Ġkin etic
+Al i
+Ġpercent ile
+Ġextract ing
+ill ian
+est ead
+Ġphysic ists
+ĠMarsh al
+Ġfell owship
+Ġd ashed
+ĠSi oux
+ĠComp act
+am ide
+P ython
+ĠLe igh
+ĠPharm ac
+ist rates
+her ical
+Ġf ue
+ĠE min
+Ġ( {
+ĠNeighbor hood
+Ġdisrupt ing
+ĠD up
+Ġg land
+ĠSe v
+ĠMar ian
+arg on
+ĠD und
+Ġ< !--
+Ġstr and
+Ġstadium s
+z os
+Ġpsych osis
+ĠR ack
+Ġbrilliant ly
+ï¸ ı
+Ġsubmer ged
+ĠInst it
+ĠCh ow
+Ġc ages
+ĠH ats
+ĠU rs
+Ġdil uted
+us at
+ien ne
+ĠMembers hip
+ĠBur k
+Ġ ie
+Ġarche type
+D rug
+ult on
+ĠSp ock
+ĠMcK ay
+ĠDep end
+F eatured
+S oc
+19 78
+ĠB ere
+Ġrelent lessly
+Ġcripp ling
+Ġar thritis
+çĶ Ł
+ĠTrop ical
+ĠBul g
+ĠCher yl
+Ġadm irable
+Ġsub title
+Over ride
+Ġorig inating
+Ġsw ore
+ĠSo le
+ĠDis orders
+3 29
+Ġprocess ion
+Ġref urb
+Ġimm ersed
+requ ently
+Ġskept ics
+Ġcer amic
+m itter
+en stein
+b elt
+b idden
+Ġf ir
+m ist
+> ]
+Ġwe ave
+ĠParad ox
+Ġentr usted
+ĠBarcl ays
+Ġnovel ist
+og ie
+80 6
+Ġnin ety
+Ġdisag reements
+@@@@ @@@@
+ĠAus chwitz
+c ars
+t ub
+arant ine
+Ġback story
+Ġcheer ful
+ĠR ag
+ek a
+bi ased
+Ġinexper ienced
+ak ra
+ĠW itt
+t an
+Ġrap ist
+Ġplate au
+ch al
+ĠInqu is
+exp ression
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+Ġsh aving
+add en
+re ly
+( \
+ism a
+ĠReg ulatory
+ily n
+G U
+Ġmur m
+la us
+Christ opher
+Ġcontract ual
+ĠPro xy
+ĠJa ime
+ĠMethod ist
+Ġstew ards
+st a
+per ia
+Ġphys iology
+Ġbump ed
+Ġf ructose
+Austral ian
+ĠMet allic
+ĠMas querade
+ar b
+Ġprom ul
+Ġdown fall
+Ġbut cher
+Ġb our
+ĠB is
+pect s
+ad ena
+Ġcontempl ating
+ar oo
+cent ered
+ĠPe aks
+Us ed
+Ġmod em
+Ġg enders
+Ġ8 000
+37 1
+Ġm aternity
+ĠR az
+Ġrock ing
+Ġhandgun s
+Aut om
+ĠN ile
+Ġtum ult
+ĠBenef it
+ĠAppro ach
+works hop
+ĠLe aving
+G er
+inst ead
+Ġvibr ations
+Ġrep ositories
+49 7
+ĠA unt
+ĠJ ub
+ĠExp edition
+Al pha
+Ġs ans
+Ġoverd ue
+Ġoverc rowd
+Ġlegisl atures
+Ġp aternal
+ĠLeon ardo
+Ġexp ressive
+Ġdistract ions
+Ġsil enced
+tr ust
+Ġb iking
+Ġ5 60
+Ġpropri et
+Ġimp osition
+Ġcon glomer
+Ġ= ================================================================
+ĠTe aching
+ĠY ose
+int ensive
+T own
+Ġtroll ing
+ĠGr ac
+Y o
+Ġspecial s
+ĠNep h
+ĠGod zilla
+Dat abase
+ĠHe gel
+Ġ27 2
+19 76
+ĠGl oria
+Ġdis emb
+ĠInvestig ations
+ĠB ane
+ag ements
+St range
+Ġtre asury
+ĠPl ays
+Ġundes irable
+Ġwid ening
+Ġverb ally
+Ġinf ancy
+Ġcut ter
+f ml
+Ġ21 00
+prot otype
+f ine
+Ġdec riminal
+Ġdysfunction al
+Ġbes ie
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+z eb
+Ġnort heastern
+Ġa ust
+por ate
+ĠMar lins
+Ġsegreg ated
+ew orld
+ĠMa her
+Ġtra verse
+Ġmon astery
+ur gy
+G ear
+s and
+Com pl
+Ġpl ent
+ĠMer cer
+Ġ27 6
+Config uration
+H undreds
+Ġpr ic
+Ġcollabor ating
+ĠPar amount
+ĠCumm ings
+Ġ( <
+Ġrecord er
+Ġfl ats
+Ġ4 16
+wh ose
+Font Size
+ĠOr bit
+Y R
+Ġwr ists
+Ġb akery
+) }
+ĠB ounty
+ĠLanc aster
+Ġend ings
+acc ording
+ĠSal am
+e asy
+75 5
+ĠBur r
+ĠBarn ett
+onom ous
+Un ion
+Ġpreced ence
+ĠScholars hip
+Ġroll out
+Ġbo on
+al m
+ĠCan ter
+æ µ
+Ġround ing
+Ġcl ad
+Ġv ap
+ĠF eatured
+is ations
+Ġ5 40
+pol ice
+Ġunsett ling
+Ġdr ifting
+ĠLum ia
+ĠObama Care
+ĠF avor
+Hy per
+ĠRoth schild
+ĠMil iband
+an aly
+ĠJul iet
+H u
+Ġrec alling
+a head
+69 6
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+Ġd ances
+O x
+Ġleg ality
+Ġ40 3
+rom ancer
+Ġinqu ire
+ĠM oves
+\ ">
+ĠVari ant
+ĠMess iah
+ĠBah á
+75 6
+Ġeyeb row
+ĠÂ ¥
+ĠMc F
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+q q
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+ĠB are
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+Ġliqu ids
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+second ary
+il an
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+ami ya
+Ġprosecut ing
+Ġâī ¡
+ĠYork ers
+ĠByr ne
+sl ow
+aw ei
+J ean
+Ġ26 9
+ĠSky dragon
+Ġ é
+ĠNicarag ua
+ĠHuck abee
+ĠHigh ly
+Ġamph ib
+ĠPast or
+ĠL ets
+Ġbl urred
+Ġvisc eral
+Ġcollabor ated
+z ig
+Leg al
+Ġapart heid
+Ġbr id
+Ġpres et
+× Ķ
+arch ing
+auc uses
+build er
+Ġpo etic
+Ġem ulator
+ĠMole cular
+Ġhon oring
+ise um
+Ġtract or
+ĠCl uster
+ĠCal m
+ared evil
+Ġsidew alks
+Ġviol in
+Ġgeneral ized
+ĠAle c
+Ġemb argo
+Ġfast ball
+ĠL ack
+ĠCh ill
+ri ver
+C hel
+ĠSw arm
+ĠLev ine
+ro ying
+L aunch
+Ġkick er
+Ġadd itive
+ĠDe als
+W idget
+cont aining
+Ġescal ate
+Ġtwe aked
+Ġst ash
+Ġsp arks
+ĠEs sex
+ĠE cc
+Ġconv ict
+Ġblog ging
+Ġmurd erers
+75 9
+ĠH ib
+Ġde pl
+ĠJ ord
+S ac
+Ġdis sect
+ĠHow e
+os her
+Ġcustom izable
+ĠFran z
+Ġat ro
+Ä ĩ
+Ġ000 4
+Ġout post
+R oss
+Ġglyph osate
+ĠHast ings
+Ġsh ove
+o pped
+ĠSc ala
+Ġam ulet
+an ian
+Ġexacerb ated
+Ġe ater
+47 1
+Ġpul p
+izont al
+ĠZ am
+imm une
+aby tes
+Ġunnecess arily
+ĠAx is
+Ġvisual ize
+Ã ī
+ĠRad ical
+f m
+Doc uments
+ĠFor rest
+Ġcontext ual
+ĠSy mbol
+Ġtent ative
+ĠGood s
+Ġintermitt ent
+} :
+medi ated
+Ġridic ule
+Ġathe ism
+Ġpath ogens
+ĠM um
+Ġre introdu
+Ġ30 7
+i HUD
+Ġflash light
+Ġsw earing
+Ġp engu
+B u
+Ġrot ated
+ĠCr ane
+Ġ() );
+Ġfashion able
+Ġendors ing
+46 3
+) [
+Ġingest ion
+Ġcook s
+Ġ9 50
+ot omy
+ĠIm am
+Ġk a
+Ġte aser
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+ĠãĤ µ
+19 69
+Ï ĥ
+ub by
+Ġconver ter
+zan ne
+end e
+ĠPre par
+ĠNic kel
+ĠChim era
+h im
+ĠTyr ann
+ĠSabb ath
+ĠNich ols
+Ġra pt
+ih ar
+Ġshe lling
+Ġillum inate
+Ġdent ist
+ut or
+ĠInteg ration
+Ġwh ims
+ĠLiter ary
+Be aut
+Ġp archment
+ag ara
+Br and
+Ġder og
+âĢ¦ )
+ĠNor se
+Ġunw itting
+Ġc uc
+Ġborder line
+Ġupset ting
+Ġrec ourse
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+ĠRad ar
+Ġcold er
+ĠPep si
+im inary
+], [
+65 8
+V i
+ĠF rem
+ĠP es
+Ġveter inary
+ĠEp idem
+n ova
+k id
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+o ct
+j ad
+M oh
+Ġge ometric
+Ġ3 23
+Ġcircum ference
+ich ick
+19 75
+ĠY uri
+ĠSh all
+ĠH over
+un in
+S pr
+Ġg raft
+ĠHapp iness
+Ġdisadvant ages
+att acks
+Ġhub s
+ĠStar Craft
+é ĸ
+Ġgall eries
+ĠKor ra
+Ġgrocer ies
+ĠGors uch
+Ġrap ists
+Ġfun gi
+ĠTyph oon
+V ector
+ĠEm press
+b attle
+4 68
+Ġparas ite
+ĠBom ber
+S G
+ex ist
+ĠP f
+Ġun se
+Ġsurge ons
+B irth
+ĠUn sure
+ĠPrint ed
+ĠBehavior al
+ĠA ster
+Pak istan
+Ġun ethical
+Ġs v
+ĠIo T
+Ġlay outs
+P ain
+Ġconst ants
+ĠB ake
+Ġtow els
+Ġdeterior ation
+ĠBol ivia
+Ġblind ed
+ĠW arden
+ĠMist ress
+Ġon stage
+Ġcl ans
+19 60
+Ġant ique
+Ġrhet orical
+ĠPer cy
+ĠRw anda
+, .
+B ruce
+Ġtra umat
+ĠParliament ary
+Ġfoot note
+id ia
+ĠLear ned
+se eking
+gen ic
+Ġdim ensional
+H ide
+èĢ ħ
+Ġintrig ue
+in se
+Ġle ases
+Ġapp rentices
+w ashing
+Ġ19 26
+Ġsw oop
+s cl
+Ġbed rooms
+on ics
+ĠCr unch
+comp atible
+Ġincap ac
+ĠYemen i
+ash tra
+z hou
+d anger
+Ġmanifest ations
+ĠDem ons
+Secret ary
+Ġam y
+ra per
+eth nic
+4 17
+Ġpos itives
+Ġ27 3
+ĠRefuge es
+Ġus b
+ĠV ald
+odd y
+ĠMahm oud
+As ia
+Ġskull s
+ĠEx odus
+ĠComp et
+ĠM ansion
+ĠA me
+Ġconsolid ate
+storm s
+ont ent
+99 6
+Ġcl en
+Ġm ummy
+fl at
+75 8
+oter ic
+n en
+ĠMin ute
+S ov
+Ġfin er
+R h
+ly cer
+Ġreinforce ments
+ĠJohann es
+ĠGall agher
+Ġgym n
+S uddenly
+Ġext ortion
+k r
+i ator
+T a
+Ġhippocamp us
+ĠComput ing
+Ġsquare ly
+Ġmod elling
+ĠFor ums
+ĠL isp
+ĠKrish na
+Ġ3 24
+Ġr ushes
+Ġens ued
+Ġcre eping
+on te
+n ai
+il ater
+ĠHorn ets
+Ġob livious
+55 9
+Ġjeopard y
+Ġdistingu ishing
+j ured
+Ġbeg s
+sim ilar
+ph ot
+5 30
+ĠPark way
+Ġs inks
+ĠHearth stone
+ib ur
+ĠBat on
+Av oid
+Ġd ancer
+Ġmag istrate
+ary n
+Ġdisturb ances
+ĠRom ero
+Ġpar aph
+Ġmis chief
+âĸ ĵ
+ĠSh aria
+Ġur inary
+r oute
+iv as
+f itted
+Ġeject ed
+ĠAl buquerque
+Ġ4 70
+Ġirrit ated
+ĠZ ip
+ĠB iol
+Ã į
+Ġden ounce
+Ġbin aries
+ĠVer se
+Ġopp os
+ĠKend rick
+Ġsp ew
+ĠEl ijah
+ĠE as
+Ġdr ifted
+so far
+Ġannoy ance
+47 4
+ĠSt rongh
+it ates
+ĠCogn itive
+oph one
+ĠIdent ification
+ocr ine
+connect ion
+Ġbox er
+ĠAre as
+Y ang
+t ch
+ull ah
+Ġdece ive
+Comb at
+ep isode
+cre te
+W itness
+Ġcondol ences
+ht ar
+Ġhe als
+Ġbuck ets
+B lu
+Ġsl ab
+oc l
+att on
+ĠSteven son
+ĠG inger
+ĠFriend ly
+ĠVander bilt
+sp irit
+ig l
+ĠReg arding
+Ġse aling
+start ing
+Ġcard inal
+ĠV ec
+ĠBe ir
+Ġmillisec onds
+we ak
+per se
+Ġster ile
+ĠCont emporary
+ĠPh ant
+ĠCl o
+Ġout p
+Ġex iled
+Ġ27 7
+Ġself ie
+Ġman ic
+Ġn ano
+ter ms
+Alex ander
+Ġres olves
+Ġmillenn ia
+Ġexpl odes
+Ġconst ellation
+Ġadul tery
+m otion
+Ġbroad casters
+Ġkinderg arten
+ĠMay weather
+ĠE co
+ich o
+Ġ28 7
+l aun
+Ġm ute
+Ġdisc reet
+Ġpres chool
+Ġpre empt
+De lete
+ĠFre ed
+P i
+H K
+Ġblock er
+ĠC umber
+Ġw rought
+d ating
+Ġins urer
+Ġquot as
+Ġpre ached
+Ġev iction
+ĠReg ina
+ĠP ens
+Ġsevent een
+ĠN ass
+D ick
+Ġfold s
+Ġd otted
+ĠA ad
+Un iversal
+Ġp izz
+ĠG uru
+Ġso ils
+Ġno vice
+ĠNe ander
+Ġst ool
+Ġdeton ated
+ĠPik achu
+ĠMass ive
+ĠAb del
+Ġsubdu ed
+Ġtall est
+Ġprec arious
+Ġa y
+r ification
+ĠOb j
+c ale
+Ġun question
+cul osis
+ad as
+igr ated
+D ays
+Ġque ens
+ĠGaz ette
+ĠCol our
+ĠBow man
+ï ve
+Ġdomin ates
+Stud ent
+Ġm u
+Ġback log
+ĠElect ro
+Tr uth
+48 3
+Ġcond ensed
+r ules
+ĠCons piracy
+Ġacron ym
+hand led
+ĠMat te
+j ri
+ĠImp ossible
+l ude
+cre ation
+Ġwar med
+ĠSl ave
+Ġmis led
+Ġfer ment
+ĠK ah
+ink i
+ke leton
+cy l
+ĠKar in
+Hun ter
+Reg ister
+ĠSur rey
+Ġst ares
+ĠW idth
+ĠN ay
+ĠSk i
+Ġblack list
+uck et
+Ġexp ulsion
+im et
+Ġret weet
+vant age
+Fe ature
+Ġtro opers
+Ġhom ers
+9 69
+Ġconting ency
+ĠBrew er
+fore ign
+W are
+S olar
+Ġund ue
+ulner able
+path ic
+ĠBo ise
+Ġ3 22
+Ġarous ed
+ĠY ing
+ä¸ į
+uel ess
+Ġp as
+Ġmor p
+Ġfl oral
+Ex press
+ud ging
+k B
+ĠGr anted
+Ø ¯
+ĠMich a
+ĠGoth ic
+ĠRic ardo
+F ran
+Ġadminister ing
+6 20
+por a
+ĠÂ ®
+Ġcomprom ises
+Ġb itten
+Ac cept
+Th irty
+Ð ²
+Ġmater ially
+ĠTer r
+ig matic
+ch ains
+Ġdo ve
+stad t
+Mar vel
+Ġwind shield
+Ġ3 36
+ad ier
+Ġsw apping
+Ġflaw less
+ĠPred ator
+ĠMiche le
+Ġprop ulsion
+ĠPsych ic
+Ġassign ing
+Ġfabric ation
+Ġbar ley
+l ust
+Ġtow ering
+Ġalter cation
+ĠBent ley
+Sp here
+Ġtun a
+ĠClass es
+Fre edom
+un er
+L ady
+v oice
+Ġcool est
+or r
+Ġpal p
+$ {
+Ġhyster ia
+ĠMet atron
+p ants
+Ġspawn ing
+Exper ts
+ĠInvest ors
+ĠAn archy
+Ġshr unk
+ĠVict im
+Ġ28 9
+Ġec stasy
+ĠB inding
+58 5
+ĠMel ody
+57 8
+ot ally
+ĠE tsy
+lig a
+Ġapplaud ed
+Ġswe ating
+Ġredist ributed
+Ġpop corn
+Ġsem inal
+f ur
+ĠNeuro science
+R and
+ĠO st
+ĠMadd en
+ĠIncre asing
+ĠDaw kins
+ĠSub way
+Ġar sen
+cons erv
+Ġsp iked
+ĠLy ft
+ĠImper ium
+ĠDrop box
+Ġfav oured
+Ġencomp asses
+gh ost
+Ġins pires
+Ġbur geoning
+ĠY oshi
+ĠVert ical
+ĠAud itor
+Ġint ending
+Ġfilib uster
+Bl oom
+f ac
+ĠCav s
+ign ing
+Ġcowork ers
+ĠBarb arian
+rem ember
+Ġaudit ory
+ason ry
+Col lege
+Ġmut ed
+gem ony
+ob in
+ĠPsych o
+9 68
+Ġlav ish
+Ġhierarch ical
+ĠDr one
+ou k
+Ġcripp led
+ĠMax im
+Sl ot
+Ġqu iz
+ĠV id
+if ling
+Ġarchae ologists
+Ġabandon ment
+d ial
+le on
+ĠF as
+T ed
+Ġr aspberry
+Ġmaneu vers
+Ġbehavi ours
+Ġins ure
+Ġrem od
+Sw itch
+h oe
+Ġsp aced
+Ġafford ability
+ĠF ern
+not ation
+ĠBal anced
+Ġoccup ies
+en vironment
+Ġneck lace
+Ġsed an
+F U
+ĠBrav o
+Ġab users
+ĠAn ita
+met adata
+ĠG ithub
+ait o
+ĠF aster
+ĠWass erman
+ĠF lesh
+Ġth orn
+r arily
+ĠMer ry
+w ine
+Ġpopul ace
+ĠL ann
+Ġrepair ing
+Ġpsy che
+Ġmod ulation
+aw aru
+âĢĭ âĢĭ
+ari j
+Ġdecor ations
+Ġapolog ise
+ĠG arg
+app ly
+Ġgive away
+ĠFl an
+ĠWy att
+U ber
+Ġauthor ised
+ĠMor al
+activ ate
+Ġtorped o
+Ġam assed
+ĠA ram
+ark in
+ĠVict ims
+st ab
+Ġo m
+Ġopio ids
+Ġpurpose ly
+ĠV est
+Ġer g
+at an
+ĠSur gery
+Ġcorrect ing
+ĠOrt iz
+ĠBe et
+Ġrev oke
+Ġfre eway
+ĠH iggins
+F ail
+ĠFar ms
+h ound
+Ġp oking
+ĠCommun ists
+mon ster
+iment ary
+Ġunlock ing
+Ġunf it
+we ed
+en ario
+at ical
+ĠEnlight enment
+ĠComp ensation
+de en
+ĠWid ow
+ĠCind y
+ĠAfter wards
+Ġ6 000
+ikh ail
+ag ically
+Ġrat ified
+Ġcasual ty
+p sey
+f ee
+Ġspark ling
+Ġd é
+Ġconcert ed
+C atal
+Ġcomp lying
+ĠA res
+ĠD ent
+Sh ut
+Ġsk im
+ad minist
+Ġhost ilities
+ĠG ins
+Ġ6 08
+Ġm uddy
+ĠMc Int
+ĠDec ay
+5 25
+Ġconspic uous
+ĠEx posure
+Ġresc ind
+Ġwear able
+Ġ3 28
+our met
+ah s
+ĠRob ots
+Ġe clips
+inst ance
+ĠApp l
+0 30
+ĠSk ies
+01 00
+Ġfall acy
+S ocket
+ĠRece iver
+Ġsol ves
+ĠButter fly
+ĠSho pping
+65 4
+Med ic
+Ġsing ers
+ĠNeed less
+'' ''
+isher s
+ĠD ive
+58 8
+Ġselect ively
+Ġcl umsy
+88 9
+Ġpurch aser
+ear ned
+ard y
+Ġbenef iting
+eng lish
+Ġyield ing
+ĠP our
+Ġspin ach
+Ġdel ve
+ĠC rom
+6 10
+Ġexport ing
+Ġ26 3
+Ġg rop
+Ġenv oy
+ĠInqu iry
+ĠLu igi
+d ry
+ĠT uring
+Thumbnail Image
+ĠVar iety
+Ġfac et
+Ġfl uffy
+Ġexcerpt s
+Ġsh orth
+ĠOl sen
+Ġrel iant
+T our
+Ġbat hing
+Comp any
+Ġglobal ization
+P red
+ĠMalf oy
+Ġh oc
+j am
+craft ed
+ĠBond s
+ĠKiss inger
+Eng land
+Ġorder ly
+cat entry
+Ġ26 1
+Ġexch anging
+ĠInt ent
+ĠAmend ments
+Ġst out
+³³³³³³³³ ³³³³³³³³
+ĠAir bus
+Ġ27 8
+hy de
+P oll
+Item ThumbnailImage
+Ġlooph oles
+ĠPill ar
+Ġexpl or
+St retch
+A part
+Ġun married
+Lim it
+ĠTransform ers
+Ġintellect ually
+unct ure
+18 00
+Ġd arn
+B razil
+Ġleft over
+ber us
+f red
+Mine craft
+3 26
+ĠForm s
+Ġproof s
+ĠDes igned
+Ġindex es
+ĠSupp ose
+ĠL oving
+ĠBon nie
+im ating
+Ġconduct or
+Ġbehav ed
+ĠF ren
+Ġsy nerg
+Ġmillenn ium
+Ġcater ing
+ĠL auder
+W r
+ĠY iannopoulos
+Ġensl aved
+Ġawaken ed
+ĠConc ert
+ĠChall enger
+ĠH aku
+umer ic
+Ġdep recated
+4 12
+Ġdy stop
+Ġtremb ling
+Ġdread ed
+ĠSp ac
+p adding
+Re pl
+ĠG arrison
+M ini
+Ġun paralleled
+am ar
+w reck
+c ertain
+t al
+app ings
+Ġsens ed
+Ġf encing
+ĠPas o
+ĠDes k
+Ġsc off
+Ġcontem plate
+ĠL iga
+l iquid
+75 7
+Ġapp rentice
+5 70
+ĠTh ousand
+ĠIll um
+Ġchampion ed
+ãĤ Į
+Ġelect ors
+Ġ3 98
+ĠH ancock
+round ed
+Ġuns atisf
+Ġqual ifier
+ĠGad get
+Ġdead liest
+ĠPl ants
+Ġ ions
+Ġacc ents
+Ġtwe aking
+Ġsh aved
+ĠCh aser
+Again st
+9 60
+Ġmeth amphetamine
+Ġnormal ized
+Ġ$ \
+ĠPre cision
+ĠGu am
+Ġch oked
+ĠCast ing
+Tor rent
+Ġscal p
+ĠJagu ar
+w it
+Ġsem ic
+ix ie
+ĠG ould
+Ġconf ines
+N usra
+ĠL on
+ĠJ ugg
+y cle
+ĠCod ec
+E gypt
+Ġrest rain
+ĠAl iens
+Ġch oking
+ĠD unk
+ĠBell a
+ab c
+Ġsl ang
+Ġneuro trans
+s av
+Ġempower ment
+â ĨĴ
+Ġclim bers
+ĠM im
+ĠF ra
+ros se
+Cap ital
+ĠCth ulhu
+Inter face
+Ġprof icient
+Ġ3 18
+ront al
+5 80
+ĠDes pair
+K enn
+Ġscrim mage
+ĠCo at
+as ions
+Ġwall paper
+ĠJ ol
+Ġresurg ence
+Ġant iv
+ĠB alls
+² ¾
+Ġbuff ers
+Ġsub system
+ĠSt ellar
+ĠL ung
+Ġerad icate
+Ġblat antly
+Ġbehav es
+ĠN un
+Ġant ics
+ex port
+w b
+Ġph p
+ĠInteg rity
+Ġexplore r
+Ġrev olving
+auth ored
+g ans
+Ġbas k
+Ġas ynchronous
+å į
+69 8
+G ene
+ĠR acer
+ĠN ico
+iss ued
+Ġser mon
+p ossibly
+Ġsize of
+Ġentrepreneur ial
+ox in
+ĠMin erva
+Ġpl atoon
+n os
+ri ks
+ĠAval anche
+ĠDes c
+ij 士
+ĠP oc
+Ġconf erred
+Î »
+Ġpat ched
+66 2
+Ġfract ures
+Ġdetect s
+Ġded icate
+Ġconstitu ent
+Ġcos mos
+W T
+Ġswe ats
+Ġspr ung
+b ara
+s olid
+Ġuns us
+Ġbul ky
+ĠPhilipp e
+ĠFen rir
+Ġtherap ists
+ore al
+^^ ^^
+Ġtotal ed
+Ġboo ze
+Prosecut ors
+Ġdis eng
+ĠSh ared
+Ġmotor cycles
+Ġinvent ions
+Ġlett uce
+ĠMer ge
+Ġspiritual ity
+Ġunl ucky
+ĠT ess
+Ġtong ues
+T umblr
+Ġle ans
+Ġinv aders
+Ġcan opy
+ĠHur ricanes
+ĠB ret
+id ine
+ick le
+Reg arding
+Ġve ggies
+Ġe jac
+ju ven
+F ish
+ĠD ino
+Th row
+ĠCheck ing
+be ard
+( &
+Ġj ails
+Ġh r
+trans fer
+iv ating
+Ġfle ets
+ĠIm ag
+ĠMc Donnell
+Ġsnipp et
+Is a
+ĠCh att
+ĠSt ain
+ĠSet FontSize
+ĠO y
+ĠMathemat ics
+49 4
+Ġelectro ly
+ĠG ott
+ĠBr as
+ĠF inger
+d ump
+Ġmut ants
+Ġrent als
+Ġinter tw
+Ġc reek
+ail a
+Bro ther
+ĠDisc ord
+pe e
+raw ler
+Ġcar p
+Ġ27 9
+ãĤ· ãĥ£
+rel ations
+Ġcontr asts
+Col umn
+Ġrec onnaissance
+Ġun know
+Ġl ooting
+Ġregul ates
+Ġopt imum
+ĠChero kee
+ĠA ry
+Lat est
+Ġroad side
+Ġd anced
+ĠUnic orn
+A cknowled
+Ġuncont roll
+at io
+ch ance
+ha ven
+Ġfavour ites
+Ġceremon ial
+b inary
+pe ed
+wood s
+Ġv ascular
+Ġcontempl ated
+Ġbar ren
+Y ellow
+ospons ors
+Ġwhisk y
+ĠM amm
+ĠDeV os
+min imum
+H ung
+44 2
+P ic
+ĠSnap dragon
+77 6
+Ġcar ving
+Ġund ecided
+Ġadvantage ous
+Ġpal ms
+Ġst arch
+L oop
+Ġpadd le
+Ġfl aming
+ĠHor izons
+An imation
+bo ost
+Ġprob abilities
+ĠM ish
+Ġex odus
+ĠEditor ial
+Ġfung us
+Ġdissent ing
+ĠDel icious
+rog ram
+ĠD yn
+d isk
+t om
+Ġfab rics
+ĠC ove
+ĠB ans
+Ġsoft en
+Ġin eligible
+Ġestim ating
+ĠLex ington
+pract ice
+of i
+Ġshe dding
+ĠN ope
+Ġbreat hed
+ĠCorinth ians
+y ne
+ek i
+B ull
+Ġatt aching
+reens hots
+Ġanaly se
+ĠK appa
+Ġuns ustainable
+Ġinter pol
+ank y
+he mer
+Ġprot agonists
+Ġform atted
+ĠBry ce
+ĠAch illes
+ĠAb edin
+sh ock
+Ġb um
+b os
+qu a
+ĠW arn
+q t
+ĠDi abetes
+8 64
+ĠIn visible
+Ġvan ish
+Ġtrans mitting
+Ġmur ky
+ĠFe i
+Ġawa ited
+ĠJur assic
+umm ies
+Ġmen acing
+g all
+C ath
+B uilt
+ild o
+ĠV otes
+Ġon t
+Ġmun itions
+ĠFre em
+ÃŃ n
+Ġdec ency
+lo pp
+ie ved
+ĠG ord
+Ġun thinkable
+ĠNews week
+Ġ3 21
+He at
+Ġpresent er
+ji ang
+Ġpl ank
+ĠAval on
+Ġben z
+ĠR out
+Ġslam ming
+ĠD ai
+ou ter
+ĠCook ie
+ĠAlic ia
+ge y
+Ġvan ity
+Ġow l
+á µ
+t ested
+ĠAw akens
+Ġcan v
+Ġblind ly
+ĠRid ley
+ĠEm ails
+Requ ires
+ĠSer bian
+ograp hed
+if rame
+eter ia
+Ġaltern ating
+qu iet
+Ġsoc iology
+ĠUn lock
+ĠCommun ism
+Ġo ps
+Ġatt ribution
+Ġab duction
+ĠAb ram
+Ġsidel ined
+Ġref ining
+ĠFe eling
+ĠOs lo
+ĠPru itt
+r ack
+ang ible
+Ġcaut iously
+eed s
+M ouse
+ĠStep h
+ĠP air
+S ab
+99 7
+ĠBa al
+B ec
+Ġcomm a
+ĠP all
+ĠG ael
+Ġmisunder stand
+ĠP esh
+Order able
+Ġdis mal
+ĠSh iny
+% "
+Ġreal istically
+Ġpat io
+ĠG w
+ĠVirt ue
+Ġexhaust ing
+wh atever
+oph ys
+y ip
+4 18
+Ad just
+ĠWa iting
+ess on
+ĠMaz da
+ĠDo zens
+Ġstream lined
+Ġincompet ence
+ĠM eth
+Ġeth os
+Ġincent iv
+Ġgr itty
+ĠBut cher
+Head er
+Ġexp onential
+Ã Ł
+Ġcorrel ate
+Ġcons ensual
+s ounding
+R ing
+Orig in
+Ġcon clusive
+fe et
+ac ly
+ĠF ernandez
+Buy able
+Ġd ucks
+aunt lets
+Ġel ong
+Ġ28 6
+Ġsim ul
+G as
+ĠK irst
+Ġprot r
+ĠRob o
+ĠAo E
+op ol
+Ġpsych ologically
+sp in
+ilater ally
+ĠCon rad
+W ave
+44 1
+ĠAd vertisement
+ĠHarm on
+ĠOri ental
+is Special
+Ġpresum ptive
+Ġw il
+ĠK ier
+ne a
+Ġp pm
+Ġhar bour
+ĠW ired
+comp any
+Ġcor oner
+atur days
+ĠP roud
+ĠFl ake
+val ued
+ce iver
+Ġfra ught
+Ġc asing
+Ġrun away
+Ġg in
+ĠLaure nt
+ĠHar lem
+ĠCur iosity
+qu ished
+Ġneuro science
+ĠH ulu
+Ġborrow er
+Ġpetition er
+ĠCo oldown
+Ġinv oking
+conf idence
+For ward
+Ġst s
+pop ulation
+Delivery Date
+Fil m
+ĠC ov
+quick Ship
+quickShip Available
+prim ary
+isSpecial Orderable
+inventory Quantity
+channel Availability
+ĠMulti player
+ĠJen ner
+77 8
+ĠM d
+Ġ~ /.
+M N
+Ġchild ish
+Ġantioxid ant
+ĠChrom ebook
+Ġ27 4
+Ġscreen play
+Ġadvent urous
+ĠRelations hip
+respons ive
+ming ton
+Ġcorner stone
+ĠF ey
+Ġrook ies
+ĠF eaturing
+Ġorig inate
+Ġelectro des
+ant es
+Ġscript ures
+Ġgl ued
+Ġdiscont ent
+Ġaff licted
+lay out
+B rave
+Ġm osa
+ĠQuant ity
+ĠH ik
+w inner
+H ours
+Ġent ail
+ĠCell s
+olog ue
+Ġv il
+Ġpre acher
+Ġdecor ative
+d ifferent
+Ġprejud ices
+ĠSm oking
+ĠNotting ham
+so Type
+Ġrhyth ms
+ĠAl ph
+bl ast
+Ste el
+ĠDaniel le
+Ġstr ife
+Ġrem atch
+so DeliveryDate
+ĠF ork
+t rip
+ol ulu
+hes es
+C G
+ost a
+ĠDr ift
+é¾įå ¥
+é¾įå¥ ij士
+Ġvet ting
+ĠJin ping
+ĠRec ession
+Min or
+ĠF raud
+enf ranch
+Ġconven ed
+ĠMill ions
+ĠFarm ing
+ĠW oo
+ĠFl are
+rit o
+imm igrant
+Ġvac ancy
+ĠV aj
+eg al
+ĠV igil
+Stud y
+Ġru ining
+Ġr acks
+Ġhe ater
+ĠRand olph
+ĠBr ush
+ĠT ir
+Ø ¨
+Ġc ov
+% ]
+Ġrecount s
+ĠM elt
+Ġtr uce
+Ġcas inos
+Ġcrus ade
+Ġcarn age
+Ġstri pe
+ĠK yl
+Text ures
+Ġ6 98
+Ġpro clamation
+Ġgood ies
+Ġ........ ..
+pro claimed
+P olit
+Ġtop ical
+Ġspecial ize
+ĠA min
+g m
+Ġanch ored
+Ġbear ings
+s ample
+ĠHigh land
+ĠAut ism
+Ġmerc enary
+Ġinterview er
+ĠSom ers
+Ġembry o
+ĠAss y
+Ġ28 1
+ĠEd iting
+ĠCh osen
+6 60
+Ġp ci
+ĠThunder bolt
+Ġchuck led
+jri wal
+h of
+Ġearth ly
+() {
+ind ependence
+Ġdisp ers
+ĠV endor
+ĠG areth
+Ġp als
+P enn
+ĠSub mit
+ic um
+Th u
+Ġcl andestine
+Ġcann ibal
+ĠCl erk
+E Stream
+gal itarian
+âĻ ¥
+g ew
+Ġhor rend
+ĠL ov
+ĠRe action
+ocr in
+Class ic
+Ġecho ing
+Ġdiscl osing
+ĠIns ight
+og un
+ĠInc arn
+upload s
+pp erc
+guy en
+Ġ19 01
+ĠB ars
+68 7
+Ġb ribes
+ĠFres no
+ur at
+ĠRe ese
+Ġintr usive
+Ġgri pping
+ĠBlue print
+ĠR asm
+un ia
+man aged
+ĠHeb do
+Ġ3 45
+Ġdec oding
+Ġpo ets
+Ġj aws
+am eless
+ĠMead ows
+ĠHar baugh
+Inter view
+ĠH osp
+Ġdelet ion
+m ob
+W alker
+ĠMoon light
+ĠJ ed
+ĠSoph ia
+Ġus ur
+Ġfortun ately
+ĠPut ting
+ĠF old
+Ġsan itation
+Ġpart isans
+B ow
+ĠRed uced
+ĠS utton
+Ġtouch screen
+Ġembry os
+âĢ¢âĢ¢ âĢ¢âĢ¢
+ĠK rug
+com bat
+ĠPet roleum
+Ġam d
+ĠCos mos
+Ġpresc ribing
+Ġconform ity
+ours es
+Ġplent iful
+Ġdis illusion
+ĠEc ology
+itt al
+Ġf anc
+Ġassass inated
+regn ancy
+Ġperenn ial
+ĠBul lets
+Ġst ale
+Ġc ached
+ĠJud ith
+ĠDise ases
+All en
+Ġl as
+Ġsh ards
+ĠSu arez
+ĠFriend ship
+inter face
+ĠSupp orters
+add ons
+46 2
+ĠIm ran
+ĠW im
+Ġnew found
+ĠM b
+An imal
+Ġd arling
+and e
+Ġrh y
+ĠTw isted
+pos al
+yn ski
+Var ious
+× ľ
+ĠK iw
+uy omi
+Ġwell being
+ĠL au
+an os
+Ġunm ist
+Ġmac OS
+Ġrest room
+ĠOl iv
+ĠAir ways
+Ġtimet able
+9 80
+Ġrad ios
+v oy
+ias co
+Ġcloud y
+ĠDraw ing
+Any thing
+Sy ria
+ĠH ert
+st aking
+Ġun checked
+Ġb razen
+69 7
+onom ic
+est ablish
+Ġl eng
+Ġdi agonal
+ĠF ior
+L air
+ĠSt ard
+Ġdef icient
+jo ining
+be am
+Ġomn ip
+Ġbl ender
+Ġsun rise
+Mo ore
+ĠF ault
+ĠCost ume
+ĠM ub
+Fl ags
+an se
+Ġpay out
+ĠGovern ors
+ĠD illon
+ĠBan ana
+N ar
+Ġtra iled
+Ġimperial ist
+um ann
+ats uki
+4 35
+ĠRoad s
+Ġsl ur
+ĠIde ally
+Ġt renches
+C trl
+Ġmir rored
+ĠZ el
+ĠC rest
+Comp at
+ĠRoll s
+sc rib
+ĠTra ils
+omet ers
+w inter
+Ġimm ortality
+il ated
+Ġcontrad icts
+un iversal
+ill ions
+ĠM ama
+opt im
+Ġge o
+et ter
+ĠCar lo
+4 24
+Ġcanon ical
+ĠStrongh old
+n ear
+Ġperf ume
+Ġorche stra
+od iac
+Ġup he
+Ġreign ing
+vers ive
+Ġc aucuses
+Ġinsult ed
+Ġ---- --
+ĠCr ush
+Ġroot ing
+ĠWra ith
+Ġwh ore
+Ġto fu
+C md
+ĠB ree
+Ġ$ _
+Ġr ive
+ĠAd vertising
+Ġw att
+Ġpersu asive
+ĠParam eters
+Ġobserv ational
+ĠMo j
+ĠSal on
+Ġtr unc
+Ġexqu isite
+ĠMar a
+Ġpo op
+Ex c
+ĠWonder ful
+ĠT aco
+Ġhome owner
+ĠSmith sonian
+orpor ated
+mm mm
+Ġlo af
+ĠYam ato
+ĠInd o
+Ġcl inging
+á s
+Ġimm utable
+h ub
+Or ange
+Ġfingert ips
+ĠWood en
+ĠK idd
+ĠDam n
+C ow
+c odes
+48 2
+Ġiniti ating
+ĠEl k
+ĠCut ting
+Ġabsent ee
+ĠV ance
+ĠLil ith
+Ġobsc ured
+Ġdwar ves
+ĠCh op
+ĠB oko
+Val ues
+Ġmult imedia
+Ġbrew ed
+Reg ular
+ĠMort al
+Ġa pex
+Ġtravel er
+Ġbo ils
+Ġspray ing
+Rep resent
+ĠStars hip
+4 28
+Ġdisappro val
+Ġshadow y
+Ġlament ed
+ĠRe place
+ĠFran ç
+67 7
+d or
+Ġunst oppable
+Ġcoh orts
+gy n
+ĠClass ics
+ĠAm ph
+Ġsl uggish
+ĠAdd iction
+ĠPad res
+Ġins cription
+Ġin human
+min us
+ĠJere miah
+at ars
+Ter ror
+ĠT os
+ĠSh arma
+ast a
+c atch
+Ġpl umbing
+ĠTim bers
+Sh ar
+H al
+ĠO sc
+Ġcou pling
+hum ans
+Ġsp onge
+Ġid ols
+ĠSp a
+ĠAdv ocate
+ĠBe ats
+lu a
+Ġtick ing
+Ġload er
+ĠG ron
+8 10
+Ġstim ulated
+Ġside bar
+ĠManufact urer
+ore And
+19 73
+Ġpra ises
+ĠFl ores
+dis able
+ĠElect rical
+ra ise
+E th
+Ġmigr ated
+Ġlect urer
+K ids
+ĠCa vern
+Ġk ettle
+Ġgly c
+ĠMand ela
+ĠF ully
+å§ «
+Ġsquee zing
+ĠRy der
+amp oo
+oreAnd Online
+Inst oreAndOnline
+Buyable InstoreAndOnline
+Ġcommem orate
+ĠRamp age
+Aust in
+ĠSh roud
+ĠRu ins
+9 15
+Ġwater front
+b aby
+ĠC out
+ĠEm blem
+Ġequival ents
+49 2
+Un ique
+ĠNiet zsche
+brow ser
+Ġim itation
+ĠWere wolf
+ĠKir in
+ac as
+' ,"
+ĠÃ ¾
+Review ed
+Ġc unt
+Ġvo ic
+ĠLen ovo
+Ġbond ed
+48 1
+Ġinhib itors
+Ġendeav ors
+ĠHav ana
+ĠSt out
+ĠJ olly
+A ctor
+*/ (
+Ġoccur rences
+ĠT ens
+Incre ased
+Ġ ãĢĮ
+ĠRank ings
+ĠB reat
+Ġ30 9
+D ou
+Ġimpact ing
+ĠDuc hess
+pre fix
+Q B
+Ġsummon ing
+Ġbest owed
+ĠKe pler
+c ube
+ĠK its
+ĠG rip
+Ġop ium
+Ġrep utable
+t oc
+ich ael
+ĠR ipple
+Ġcaf é
+ĠZ oom
+ĠBur ma
+Ġwa ive
+Ġst alls
+Ġdem eanor
+inc erity
+Ġfluor ide
+Par is
+Ġlong ing
+Ġpl at
+Ġgross ly
+Ġbull s
+Ġshowc asing
+ex pected
+ĠG addafi
+engine ering
+Re peat
+ĠK ut
+Ġconce ivable
+Ġtrim med
+osc ope
+ĠCand idate
+ĠT ears
+rol og
+Lew is
+Ġroad map
+Ġsal iva
+Ġtrump et
+Jim my
+Ġmirac ulous
+Ġcolon ization
+Ġam put
+ate ch
+D ifferent
+ĠGovern ments
+ĠA head
+ãħĭ ãħĭ
+word press
+ĠIn clude
+ĠDor othy
+0 45
+ĠColomb ian
+Ġle ased
+88 4
+Ġde grading
+ĠDa isy
+i ations
+Ġbapt ized
+Ġsurn ame
+co x
+Ġblink ed
+ãĥ ¢
+Ġpoll en
+Ġder mat
+Ġre gex
+ĠNich olson
+ĠE ater
+ç ľ
+rad or
+Ġnarrow er
+Ġhur ricanes
+Ġhalluc inations
+r idden
+ĠFire fly
+Ġattain ment
+Ġnom inate
+Ġav ocado
+ĠM eredith
+Ġt s
+Ġreve rence
+Ġe uph
+Ġcr ates
+Ġ4 43
+Ġ3 19
+iqu ette
+Ġshort stop
+ic key
+Ġpro pelled
+Ġap i
+ĠTh ieves
+77 9
+Ġovers aw
+Ġcol i
+ĠNic ola
+Ġover cl
+ik awa
+ĠC yr
+Ġ38 4
+78 9
+ĠAll ows
+10 27
+Det roit
+set up
+ĠSocial ism
+Sov iet
+s usp
+ĠShut down
+Ġal uminium
+zb ek
+ĠL over
+Ġdemocr acies
+Ġ19 08
+ĠMer rill
+ĠFranco is
+gd ala
+Ġtraff ickers
+ĠT il
+ĠGo at
+Ġsp ed
+ĠRes erv
+Ġpro d
+55 2
+Ġc ac
+ĠUn iv
+ĠSch we
+Ġsw irling
+ĠWild erness
+ĠEgg s
+Ġsadd ened
+Ġarch aic
+H yd
+Ġexcess ively
+Ġaer ospace
+ĠVo ices
+Cra ig
+Ġign ited
+In itially
+ĠMc A
+Ġhand set
+Ġreform ing
+Ġfrust rations
+ĠDead pool
+ĠBel ichick
+ract or
+ĠRagnar ok
+ĠD rupal
+ĠApp roximately
+19 20
+ĠHub ble
+arm or
+ĠSar as
+ĠJon as
+Ġnostalg ic
+Ġfeas ibility
+Sah aran
+Ġorb iting
+Ġ9 70
+R u
+Ġsh in
+ĠInvestig ators
+Ġinconsist encies
+B G
+Ġgraz ing
+Ġdetect ors
+ĠStart up
+ĠFun ny
+ĠNa omi
+Consider ing
+Ġh og
+ut f
+ce mic
+Ġfort ified
+ĠFun ctions
+Ġcod ec
+nut rition
+H at
+" !
+micro soft
+55 8
+ĠTh in
+Al ias
+p apers
+P K
+ãĢ İ
+Ġimpro bable
+N orthern
+equ al
+Ġlook out
+Ġty res
+ĠMod ified
+ĠK op
+Abs olutely
+Ġbuild up
+sil ver
+Ġaud i
+Ġgro tesque
+ĠSab er
+ĠPres byter
+Ġglac iers
+ĠSho als
+ĠK ass
+ĠNic ol
+ĠL unch
+ĠF oss
+âĸ Ĵ
+ĠOne Plus
+o ing
+ground s
+Ġincident al
+Ġdatas ets
+68 9
+ĠClarks on
+Ġassemb ling
+ĠCorrect ions
+Ġdrink ers
+Ġqual ifiers
+Ġle ash
+Ġunf ounded
+ĠH undred
+Ġkick off
+T i
+Ġrecon cil
+ĠGr ants
+ĠCompl iance
+ĠDexter ity
+Ġ19 06
+w arn
+D allas
+Max imum
+n ard
+av ia
+be aut
+ens itivity
+tr ace
+Ġpione ers
+ĠF ract
+ãĢ ı
+Ġpre cept
+Ġgloss y
+Ac ross
+Ġ6 80
+S leep
+che on
+Ġsatir ical
+ĠMin otaur
+ĠCla ude
+Ġr é
+ape go
+Ġcar rot
+ĠSem in
+ino a
+Ġz o
+Ind ependent
+Ġdiagn oses
+ĠC ue
+Ġrend ition
+ĠK ik
+Ġpath ology
+Ġselect s
+Link edIn
+Ġass ay
+ĠD res
+Ġtext ual
+post ed
+ĠM aul
+N eal
+Ġinter connected
+Ġerr atic
+ĠVir us
+Ġ5 30
+Ġenvironmental ists
+ĠP helps
+Ġeng agements
+Ġeconom ical
+nox ious
+Ġg earing
+izz y
+Ġfavor ably
+ĠMcG ill
+T erm
+Ġh anged
+Ġball park
+ĠRe yes
+Ġbe ware
+ĠP sal
+ĠMass acre
+q i
+Ġin accessible
+acly sm
+Ġfr ay
+ill ac
+Ġbitter ly
+ĠCert ification
+Mich igan
+Ġir respective
+al ore
+Em pty
+Ġendorse ments
+Ġund et
+f g
+equ ipped
+Ġmerc iless
+ĠC ust
+Ġimm ature
+Ġvou cher
+ĠBlack well
+Ñ ı
+h awk
+dis ciplinary
+ile e
+ĠMak oto
+ĠD ude
+ãĥĩ ãĤ£
+Y ears
+Ġin ver
+Ġsh aman
+ĠY ong
+ip el
+ell en
+ĠCath y
+br ids
+Ġs arc
+65 1
+N ear
+Ġground work
+Ġam az
+Ġ4 15
+ĠHunting ton
+hew s
+ĠB ung
+Ġarbit rarily
+ĠW it
+ĠAl berto
+Ġdis qualified
+best os
+46 1
+Ġp c
+Ġ28 4
+ro bat
+Rob in
+Ġh ugs
+ĠTrans ition
+ĠOcc asionally
+Ġ3 26
+ĠWh ilst
+ĠLe y
+Ġspaces hip
+cs v
+Ġun successfully
+ĠA u
+le ck
+ĠWing ed
+ĠGrizz lies
+. �
+Ġne arer
+ĠSorce ress
+ĠInd igo
+El se
+8 40
+let es
+Co ach
+Ġup bringing
+ĠK es
+Ġseparat ist
+Ġrac ists
+Ġch ained
+Ġabst inence
+lear ning
+Ġrein stated
+Ġsymm etry
+Ġremind ers
+ĠChe vy
+Ġm ont
+Ġexempl ary
+Z X
+Ġqual itative
+ĠSt amp
+ĠSav annah
+ĠRoss i
+Ġp aed
+Ġdispens aries
+ĠWall s
+ĠCh ronic
+Ġcompliment ary
+ĠBeir ut
+Ġ+ ---
+igs list
+Ġcrypt ographic
+mas ters
+ĠCap itals
+Ġmax imal
+Ġent ropy
+Point s
+Ġcombat ants
+l ip
+ĠGl ob
+ph ase
+th ank
+Ġcomm uter
+Ġ\( \
+.. /
+ĠReg ener
+ĠActiv ision
+Ġsl it
+os al
+Ġch ants
+Y u
+Ke ys
+Bre xit
+ĠFor ced
+Ari zona
+Ġsquad ron
+ĠMal one
+Ġ3 38
+Ġcontrast ing
+Ġt idal
+Ġlib el
+Ġimpl anted
+Ġupro ar
+ĠC ater
+Ġpropos itions
+M anchester
+ĠEuro s
+it amin
+G il
+ĠEl ven
+ĠSe ek
+ĠB ai
+Ġredevelop ment
+ĠTown s
+ĠL ub
+! ",
+al on
+K rist
+Ġmeas urable
+Ġimagin able
+Ġapost les
+Y N
+7 60
+Ġster oid
+Ġspecific ity
+ĠL ocated
+ĠBeck er
+ĠE du
+ĠDiet ary
+uts ch
+ĠMar ilyn
+Ġbl ister
+ĠK oz
+y ahoo
+ĠCar ney
+Ġbo asting
+ĠC aleb
+By te
+read s
+ad en
+Pro blem
+ĠWood ward
+S we
+S up
+Set up
+Ġtac it
+Ġret ribution
+Ġd ues
+ĠM ü
+. ?
+ä¸ Ń
+p ots
+Ġcame o
+educ ation
+A my
+like ly
+g ling
+Ġconstitution ally
+ĠHam m
+ĠSpe ak
+Ġwid gets
+br ate
+Ġcra ppy
+ĠI ter
+Ġanticip ating
+ĠB out
+P ixel
+ĠY ep
+ĠLaur ie
+Ġh ut
+Ġbullet in
+ĠSal vation
+Ġch ats
+ear able
+Honest ly
+onse qu
+c ult
+isco very
+ovy ch
+Ġse lves
+ĠSat oshi
+S ounds
+Ġconver gence
+ĠRosen berg
+19 74
+Ġnas al
+Ġfull est
+Ġfer ocious
+x us
+ist e
+Ġlobb ied
+Ġso othing
+ĠGun n
+t oday
+0 24
+Ġinspir ational
+p b
+g ewater
+or ah
+all owed
+ĠCol iseum
+Ġspecial izing
+Ġinsane ly
+ĠT ape
+del ay
+Ġt arn
+ĠP ound
+Ġmel anch
+Ġdeploy ments
+il and
+Ġless en
+Ġfur ry
+Ġblood shed
+ĠMe ier
+ither ing
+Ġhe irs
+ĠJ aw
+ax ter
+ĠPublic ations
+Ġal ters
+int ention
+ĠWinc hester
+d etermination
+ĠLif etime
+th in
+Mon ster
+7 80
+Ġapprox imation
+Ġsuper markets
+ĠSecond s
+or os
+h uge
+Ġb ribe
+un ed
+Ġmis interpret
+ĠIn jury
+Ġ3 67
+Ġthreshold s
+ĠCarn ival
+Ġgastro intestinal
+Ġguid eline
+Ġde ceived
+f eatures
+Ġpurported ly
+ĠRon nie
+ĠNew t
+Ġsp acious
+as us
+Ġsuperhero es
+ĠCyn thia
+le gged
+k amp
+ch io
+Ġth umbnail
+ĠShir ley
+ill ation
+Ġshe ds
+ĠZ y
+Ġdam s
+Ġy awn
+n ah
+ĠPe ggy
+ĠE rie
+ĠJu ventus
+ĠF ountain
+r x
+don ald
+al bum
+ĠComp rehensive
+Ġc aching
+ĠU z
+ulner ability
+ĠPrinc iple
+ĠJ ian
+ing ers
+cast s
+ĠOs iris
+ch art
+t ile
+ĠTiff any
+ĠPatt on
+ĠWh ip
+Ġovers ized
+J e
+ĠCind erella
+ĠB orders
+ĠDa esh
+M ah
+Ġdog ma
+Ġcommun ists
+v u
+Coun cil
+Ġfresh water
+Ġw ounding
+Ġdeb acle
+Ġyoung ster
+Ġthread ed
+ĠB ots
+ĠSav ings
+ãģ Ĥ
+ol ing
+oh o
+Ġillum ination
+Ġlo osen
+tr ump
+ag ency
+ur ion
+Ġmoment arily
+ĠCh un
+ĠBud apest
+ĠAl ley
+D isk
+Ġaston ished
+ĠCon quer
+ĠAccount ing
+h aving
+ĠWe in
+ĠAl right
+Ġrev olver
+Ġdel usion
+Ġrelic s
+Ġad herent
+qu ant
+Ġhand made
+or io
+Ġcomb ating
+c oded
+Ġquad ru
+re th
+N ik
+ĠTrib al
+ĠMyster ious
+Ġin hal
+ĠWin ning
+ĠClass ification
+ch anged
+Ġun ab
+Ġsc orn
+icip ated
+w l
+ond uctor
+Ġrein forcing
+ĠChild hood
+an ova
+Ġadventure r
+Ġdoctor al
+ĠStrateg ies
+Ġengulf ed
+ĠEnc ounter
+Ġl ashes
+Crit ical
+ric ular
+oci ation
+check ing
+ĠConsult ing
+Run time
+per iod
+ĠAs gard
+Ġdist illed
+ĠPas adena
+ĠD ying
+Ġgran ite
+Ġsm ack
+Ġparach ute
+Virgin ia
+ĠF urious
+78 7
+ĠO kin
+Ġcam el
+ĠM bps
+19 72
+ĠCh ao
+ĠC yan
+j oice
+ef er
+ĠW rap
+ĠDeb ate
+S eg
+Ġfore arm
+ĠIgn ore
+Ġtim estamp
+Ġprob ing
+ĠNo on
+ĠGra il
+f en
+Ġdorm ant
+ĠFirst ly
+ĠE ighth
+ĠDes ire
+or as
+Girl s
+ĠDes mond
+z ar
+am ines
+exec ute
+Ġbo obs
+_ (
+Chel sea
+Ġmasturb ation
+ĠCo C
+Ġdestroy er
+ĠCh omsky
+Ġsc atter
+ĠAss ets
+79 6
+ĠC argo
+Ġrecept ive
+ĠSc ope
+Ġmarket ers
+Ġlaun chers
+Ġax le
+se q
+ĠM off
+f inding
+ĠGib bs
+Georg ia
+extreme ly
+N J
+Ġlab orers
+st als
+Ġmed iation
+ĠH edge
+at own
+Ġi od
+des pite
+v ill
+J ane
+ex istence
+Ġcoinc ided
+ĠUt ilities
+ĠChe ap
+Ġlog istical
+Ġcul mination
+ĠNic otine
+p ak
+F older
+Ġrod ents
+st uff
+Ġlaw fully
+Ġreper to
+io ch
+j j
+Dial ogue
+lic tion
+Look s
+Ġ29 7
+Ġtur rets
+ĠAb andon
+Ġinc ess
+ĠTraff ord
+Ġcur led
+Ġprefer ring
+Ġprivat ization
+Ġir resist
+ĠP anda
+ĠSh ake
+ĠMc Gr
+ãĥ Ħ
+und ers
+Ġdiscrim inated
+Ġbart ender
+Atl antic
+Ġprop ensity
+ĠW iz
+ĠG im
+con ference
+Ġrein forces
+G h
+w agon
+Ġe erie
+F al
+Ġhug ged
+rac ist
+F u
+Ġf iller
+ĠSt ub
+Ġeng raved
+ĠWrest le
+Ġimagin ative
+ĠPe er
+ĠFact ors
+an us
+ĠDrac ula
+mon itor
+Ġrou ters
+ib ia
+ĠBoo lean
+end ale
+ĠSl aughter
+ĠSh ack
+ĠSpiel berg
+S ax
+ĠCl over
+ĠR ae
+Dep ending
+ĠMem or
+ar am
+Ġpier ced
+Ġcur tains
+v ale
+ĠInqu isition
+ĠP oke
+Ġforecast ing
+Ġcompl ains
+S ense
+ĠHer mes
+isc overed
+Ġb ible
+ĠMor ph
+Ġg erm
+78 5
+Ġcon gen
+Ġcr ane
+Ġrespect fully
+R oom
+ĠN aw
+ĠDal ai
+re ason
+ĠAng us
+Educ ation
+ĠTitan ic
+Ë ľ
+Ġo val
+un ited
+Ġthird s
+Ġmoist ur
+M iami
+Ġtent acles
+ĠPol aris
+ex c
+ex clusive
+ĠPra irie
+Ġcol ossal
+ĠBl end
+sur prisingly
+ÃŃ s
+Ġindo ctr
+Ġbas al
+und o
+Spl it
+Develop ment
+Ġlan tern
+19 71
+Ġprov ocation
+Ġang uish
+ĠB ind
+ĠLe ia
+duc ers
+ipp y
+conserv ancy
+Ġinitial ize
+ĠTw ice
+ĠSu k
+Ġpred ic
+Ġdi ploma
+Ġsoc iop
+Ing redients
+Ġhamm ered
+ĠIr ma
+Q aida
+Ġglim ps
+ĠB ian
+Ġst acking
+Ġf end
+gov track
+Ġun n
+dem ocratic
+ig ree
+Ġ5 80
+Ġ29 4
+Ġstraw berry
+Ġcher ished
+ĠH ots
+Ġinfer red
+Ġ8 08
+ĠS ocrates
+O regon
+ĠR oses
+Ġins ensitive
+Ġ40 8
+Recomm end
+ĠSh ine
+Ġpain staking
+ĠHell er
+ĠEnter prises
+ad j
+L G
+Ġalien ated
+Ġacknowled gement
+ĠRen eg
+Ġvou chers
+Ġ9 60
+Ġm oot
+ĠDim ensions
+Ġc abbage
+B right
+g at
+ĠK lu
+Ġlat ent
+Ġz e
+ĠM eng
+Ġdis perse
+Ġpand emonium
+H Q
+Ġvirt uous
+ĠLoc ations
+ee per
+prov ided
+Ġse ams
+iz o
+Ġtit anium
+Ġrecol lection
+Ġcr an
+Ġ7 80
+49 1
+64 2
+p acking
+59 8
+text ure
+Sp ider
+fre edom
+cipl ed
+âĻ ¦
+aut hent
+r ified
+Ġr ites
+Ġuter us
+k iss
+Ġâī ¤
+Ġsk illet
+Ġdis enfranch
+ĠGa al
+Comp an
+Ġage ing
+gu ide
+B alt
+Ġiter ator
+Ġdiscretion ary
+t ips
+Ġprim ates
+ĠTechn ique
+ĠPay ments
+az el
+stant ial
+0 60
+Ġd mg
+ĠJack ets
+ĠPlay off
+Ġnurs ery
+ĠSy mb
+art on
+Ġannex ation
+Color ado
+Ġco ils
+ĠSh oes
+âĦ¢ :
+ĠRo z
+ĠEve rest
+ĠTri umph
+J oy
+G rid
+à ¼
+process or
+ĠPros per
+ĠSever us
+ĠSelect ed
+r g
+ĠTay yip
+St ra
+Ġski ing
+Ġ? )
+Ġpe g
+Tes la
+Ġtime frame
+Ġmaster mind
+scient ific
+ĠSh it
+gener ic
+Ġst roll
+ĠEn ix
+m ovie
+Ĥ ª
+Ġminim izing
+idd ling
+Ġilleg itimate
+Ġprot otyp
+Ġpremature ly
+Ġmanual s
+obb ies
+ĠCass idy
+des ktop
+Ġaer os
+Ġscreen ings
+Ġdeb ilitating
+ĠGr ind
+nature conservancy
+Ġf ades
+ter mination
+assets adobe
+F actor
+Ġdefinitive ly
+P oké
+ap ult
+ĠLaf ayette
+C orn
+ĠCor al
+Ġstagn ant
+T ue
+Ġdissatisf action
+G ender
+Ġkid neys
+ĠG ow
+ĠDef eat
+ĠAsh ton
+Ġcart els
+Ġfore closure
+ĠExpl ore
+stre ngth
+ot in
+Ġveterin arian
+Ġf umble
+Ġpar ap
+ĠSt rait
+r ils
+Ġpr ick
+ĠBerm uda
+ĠAm munition
+skin ned
+Ġab ound
+ĠB raz
+Ġshar per
+ĠAsc ension
+Ġ9 78
+Ġpreview s
+Ġcommun ion
+Ġph ony
+Ġnewcom er
+Ġ3 32
+." ,"
+Ġredist ribution
+Prot ect
+ĠSo f
+K al
+Ġlip stick
+w orst
+Ġtang led
+Ġretrospect ive
+int eger
+Ġvolunte ering
+Ġ19 07
+Ġ --------------------
+ic hen
+Ġunve iling
+Ġsen seless
+Ġfisher ies
+\ -
+Ġh inges
+Ġcalcul us
+My th
+Ġund efeated
+Ġoptim izations
+Ġdep ress
+Ġbill board
+ĠY ad
+ĠPy ramid
+Is n
+I de
+Ġleg ion
+ĠK ramer
+ent anyl
+Ġpenet rating
+ĠHaw th
+ĠGer ard
+ĠP act
+ĠIn cluding
+ĠEl ias
+ĠEl aine
+vis ual
+Ġhum ming
+Ġcond esc
+ĠF asc
+ä¸ Ĭ
+Ġe galitarian
+Ġdev s
+ĠD ahl
+O ps
+D H
+ĠB ounce
+id ated
+ald o
+Ġrepublic an
+Ġh amb
+ĠS ett
+ograph ies
+Ġtrans sexual
+Ġsky rocket
+ans wer
+Ġmark up
+Ø ª
+Ġhero ine
+Comp are
+ĠT av
+Be ast
+Ġsuccess ors
+Ġna ïve
+ĠBuck ley
+st ress
+me at
+Ġdownload able
+Ġindex ed
+Ġsc aff
+ĠL ump
+ĠHom o
+Stud io
+In sp
+Ġr acked
+far ious
+ĠPet ty
+Ex ternal
+Ġ19 09
+W ars
+com mit
+put ers
+Ġun ob
+ĠEr r
+ĠAl am
+ĠSiber ia
+ĠAtmosp heric
+ĠSatan ic
+trans lation
+ĠL oud
+tra umatic
+l ique
+Ġreson ate
+ĠWel ch
+Ġspark ing
+t one
+Ġout l
+Ġhandc uffed
+ĠSer ie
+8 01
+Ġland marks
+ĠRee ves
+Ġsoft ened
+Ġdazz ling
+ĠW anted
+month s
+Mag ikarp
+Ġunt reated
+ĠBed ford
+M i
+ĠDynam o
+O re
+79 5
+Ġwrong ful
+Ġl ured
+Ġcort isol
+Ġve x
+d rawn
+ile t
+Download ha
+ĠF action
+Ġlab yrinth
+Ġhij acked
+w aters
+er ick
+Ġsuper iors
+ĠRow ling
+ĠGu inness
+Ġt d
+99 2
+Ġune arthed
+Ġcentr if
+Ġsham eless
+P od
+ĠF ib
+Ġ icing
+Ġpredict or
+Ġ29 2
+fore station
+con struct
+C and
+@ #
+Ġag itated
+Ġre pr
+Ġkn itting
+ĠLim a
+Ġf odder
+68 4
+ĠPerson a
+k l
+7 01
+Ġbreak up
+á ¸
+Ġapp alled
+Ġantidepress ants
+ĠSus sex
+Har ris
+ĠTher mal
+ee ee
+U pload
+Ġg ulf
+Ġdoor step
+ĠSh ank
+L U
+ĠP ond
+s orry
+Ġmis fortune
+n ance
+Ġb ona
+M ut
+Ġde graded
+ĠN ess
+an imal
+Ġa version
+und own
+Ġsupplement ed
+ĠC ups
+Ġ50 4
+Ġdep rive
+ĠSpark le
+Å Ĥ
+ĠMed itation
+auth ors
+ĠSab an
+ĠN aked
+air d
+ĠMand arin
+ĠScript ures
+ĠPerson nel
+ĠMahar ashtra
+Ġ19 03
+ĠP ai
+ĠMir age
+omb at
+Access ory
+Ġfrag mented
+T ogether
+Ġbelie vable
+ĠGl adiator
+al igned
+ĠSl ug
+Ġconvert ible
+ĠBour bon
+amer on
+ĠRe hab
+nt ax
+Ġpowd ered
+pill ar
+Ġsm oker
+ĠMans on
+5 11
+ĠGood ell
+m ud
+g art
+Ġob edient
+ĠTrans mission
+ĠDon ation
+8 80
+Ġbother ing
+Material s
+ãĤ ±
+dest roy
+Ġfore going
+Ġanarch ism
+ĠK ry
+ice ps
+Ġl ittered
+ĠSch iff
+Ġanecd otal
+un its
+Ġf ian
+ĠSt im
+ĠInv aders
+Ġbehaviour al
+ĠVent ures
+Ġsub lime
+Ġfru ition
+ĠPen alty
+Ġcorros ion
+¶ ħ
+Ġlik ened
+Ġbesie ged
+ween ey
+ĠCre ep
+Ġlinem en
+mult i
+ic ably
+ud der
+Ġvital ity
+Ġshort fall
+ĠP ants
+ap ist
+H idden
+ĠDro ps
+med ical
+Ġpron unciation
+Ġinsight ful
+J V
+ĠBe ard
+ĠCh ou
+Ġchar ms
+Ġb ins
+Ġamb assadors
+ĠS aturdays
+Ġinhib itor
+ĠFr anch
+6 01
+', '
+ĠCon or
+art ney
+ĠX peria
+g rave
+be es
+ĠProtest ants
+Ġso aking
+ĠM andal
+Ġph ased
+Ġ6 60
+Ġsc ams
+Ġbuzz ing
+ĠItal ians
+ĠLoren zo
+Ġhes itated
+Ġcl iffs
+ingu ishable
+Ġk o
+Ġinter ruption
+Z ip
+Lear ning
+Ġundersc ores
+ĠBl ink
+K u
+57 9
+ĠAut ob
+Ġwater ing
+Ġpast ry
+8 20
+Ġvision ary
+ĠTempl ar
+awa ited
+Ġpist on
+Ġant id
+current ly
+Ġp ard
+Ġw aging
+Ġnob ility
+ĠY us
+Ġinject ing
+f aith
+å º
+Ġret ake
+Ġcat hedral
+b ash
+Ġwrest lers
+Ġpartner ing
+Ġn oses
+Ġ3 58
+Trans form
+am en
+Ġb outs
+ĠId eal
+ĠConstant in
+Ġse p
+ĠMon arch
+att en
+ĠPe oples
+mod ified
+Ġmor atorium
+Ġpen chant
+Ġoffensive ly
+Ġprox ies
+ok ane
+ĠTaiwan ese
+ĠP oo
+us ional
+Ġver bs
+ĠO man
+vis ory
+Ġpersu asion
+Ġmult it
+Ġsc issors
+G ay
+ow ay
+oph ysical
+l us
+gn u
+Ġap ocalyptic
+Ġabsurd ity
+Ġplay book
+Ġautobi ography
+Ġsne aking
+ĠSim ulation
+pp s
+ell ery
+Plan et
+Ġright fully
+Ġn iece
+ĠDis closure
+lean or
+ous y
+Ġ28 2
+Cru z
+Ch all
+64 3
+ĠSurv ive
+ĠF atal
+ĠAm id
+ap o
+We apons
+7 70
+ĠGreen wald
+Ġlin en
+al os
+Ġpollut ants
+k at
+Ġp aw
+ĠK raft
+C hem
+ĠTermin ator
+Ġre incarn
+Ġ] [
+ĠSe eds
+Ġsilhou ette
+ĠSt ores
+Ġgro oming
+ĠD irection
+ĠIs abel
+ĠBr idges
+ðŁ ij
+ĠM orsi
+Ġval ves
+ĠRank ed
+ĠPh arma
+ĠOrgan izations
+Ġpenet rated
+ĠRod ham
+ĠProt oss
+Ġove rest
+Ġex asper
+Ġ 000000
+Ġtrick le
+Ġbour bon
+Ġw retched
+Ġmicrosc opic
+Ġcheck list
+Ġad orned
+R oyal
+Ad minist
+ĠRet irement
+ĠHig hest
+We ather
+ile ge
+Ġincre ments
+ĠC osponsors
+Ġmas se
+ĠS inn
+r f
+Ġh ordes
+as sembly
+75 4
+ĠNat asha
+Ġarr anging
+Ġ40 7
+l ator
+Ġg lean
+Ġdisc redited
+Ġclin icians
+Ġachie ves
+ĠEm erson
+com plex
+= [
+Ġprincip ally
+Ġfra il
+p icked
+Ġthan king
+Ġre cl
+Ġsupp ressing
+il ic
+Ġantidepress ant
+ĠLis bon
+Ġth or
+Ġsp a
+Ġking doms
+ĠPear ce
+em o
+Ġpl ung
+Ġdiv est
+Ġ ********************************
+b is
+osp els
+ad r
+Sp irit
+hall a
+P ink
+end ez
+Ġresurrect ed
+esc ape
+ĠRosen stein
+Ġge ological
+Ġnecess ities
+Ġcarn iv
+ĠE lys
+ĠBar ney
+Ġ29 6
+dig y
+Ġmil estones
+Ġk er
+Ġdismant ling
+Ġre prim
+Ġcross ings
+19 45
+Ġpatri archy
+Ġblasp hemy
+Ġ3 59
+met ry
+ĠOb esity
+ĠDiff erences
+bl ocking
+ãĥķ ãĤ¡
+ich ita
+ĠSab ha
+ph alt
+ĠCol o
+ual a
+effic ients
+ĠMed ina
+con sole
+55 7
+ĠHann ibal
+ĠHab it
+ĠF ever
+Ġthen ce
+Ġsyn agogue
+Ġessential s
+Ġw ink
+ĠTr ader
+ĠSp oiler
+ĠIceland ic
+ĠHay ward
+Ġpe ac
+Ġmal ice
+Ġflash back
+Ġth w
+Ġlay offs
+L iquid
+Ġtro oper
+Ġh inge
+ĠRead ers
+Ph ill
+ĠB auer
+Cre ated
+Ġaud its
+ac compan
+Ġunsus pecting
+ier a
+6666 6666
+Ġbro ch
+Ġapprehend ed
+ĠM alk
+cer ning
+ĠCod ex
+M arsh
+ĠD eng
+ĠExp ression
+Ġdisrespect ful
+Ġasc ending
+t ests
+ĠPlaint iff
+ster y
+ĠAl ibaba
+din and
+ĠDem psey
+Applic ations
+mor al
+Ġthrough put
+Ġquar rel
+Ġm ills
+Ġhe mor
+terror ist
+st im
+ifest yle
+ro zen
+Ar k
+u ci
+lect ic
+Ġirrit ating
+she ets
+A y
+Ġrede emed
+Ġhorn y
+ĠTe ach
+ĠS ear
+dem ocracy
+4 65
+ĠRest ore
+Ġstand by
+ĠP is
+iff in
+Ġsleep y
+Ġextr ater
+Ġcompl iments
+Fram eworks
+Ġinstall s
+Ġb anging
+sur face
+found land
+Ġmetaph ysical
+Ġ28 3
+oul s
+dev ices
+Ar gs
+ĠSac rifice
+ĠMcC orm
+es on
+Cons ervative
+ĠM ikhail
+see ing
+is ively
+ĠRo oms
+ĠGener ic
+Ġenthusi astically
+Ġgri pped
+Ġcomed ic
+ĠElectric ity
+Ġgu errilla
+Ġdec oration
+ĠPerspect ive
+Ġconsult ations
+Ġun amb
+Ġplag iar
+Ġmagic ian
+Ġe rection
+ĠTour ism
+or ied
+ro xy
+11 00
+T am
+Ī è
+Î ³
+× ª
+ĠPred ators
+Nit rome
+Ġtelesc opes
+project s
+Ġun protected
+Ġst ocked
+ĠEnt reprene
+nex pected
+Ġwast ewater
+V ill
+Ġint imately
+Ġi Cloud
+ĠConst able
+Ġspo of
+Ġne farious
+Ġfin s
+Ġcens or
+ĠMod es
+ĠEs per
+ar bon
+Ġinter sections
+Ġlaud ed
+Ġphys i
+Ġgener ously
+ĠThe Nitrome
+ĠTheNitrome Fan
+Ġar isen
+Ġg lands
+ĠPav ilion
+ĠGu pta
+Ġuniform ly
+Ġr amps
+ri et
+ĠVan essa
+Ġrout ed
+Ġlim p
+p ter
+int uitive
+Ġv aping
+Ġexperiment ed
+ĠOlymp us
+ĠAm on
+Ġsight ing
+Ġinfiltr ate
+ĠGentle man
+Ġsign ings
+ĠMe ow
+ĠNav igation
+che cks
+4 33
+Ġel apsed
+ĠBulg arian
+esp ie
+d uring
+Ġsp ills
+anc a
+ĠPly mouth
+Ġdomest ically
+ĠWater gate
+k illed
+ed ited
+ĠYour self
+Ġsynchron ization
+ĠPract ices
+Ġgen omes
+not ice
+Ġloc ating
+z in
+Ġ3 29
+al cohol
+Ġk itten
+V o
+Ġr inse
+Ġgrapp le
+ĠSc rew
+ĠD ul
+Ġle asing
+ĠCaf é
+Ġro ses
+ĠRes pect
+Ġmis lead
+Ġperfect ed
+Ġnud ity
+Ġnon partisan
+ĠCons umption
+Report ing
+Ġnu ances
+Ġdeduct ible
+ĠSh ots
+Ġ3 77
+Ġæ ľ
+ano oga
+Ben ef
+ĠB am
+ĠS amp
+if ix
+Ġgal van
+ĠMed als
+rad ius
+Ġno bles
+Ġe aves
+igr ate
+K T
+ĠHar bour
+u ers
+Ġrisk ed
+re q
+Ġneuro t
+get table
+ain a
+Rom ney
+Ġunder pin
+Ġlo ft
+ĠSub committee
+ĠMong ol
+b iz
+Ġmanif ests
+ass isted
+ĠG aga
+Ġsy nergy
+Ġreligious ly
+ĠPre f
+ĠG erry
+ĠCho i
+4 66
+beh ind
+ĠO u
+Gold Magikarp
+Ġhemor rh
+R iver
+Ġtend on
+Ġinj ure
+ĠF iona
+Ġp ag
+Ġag itation
+|| ||
+ur an
+Ġest eem
+Ġdod ging
+Ġ4 12
+r ss
+Ġce ases
+ex cluding
+Ġint akes
+Ġinsert s
+Ġemb old
+ĠO ral
+up uncture
+4 11
+ĠUn ified
+ĠDe le
+Ġfurn ace
+ĠCoy otes
+ĠBr ach
+L abor
+Ġhand shake
+Ġbru ises
+Gr ade
+éĹ ĺ
+ĠGram my
+ile en
+St ates
+ĠScandinav ian
+ĠKard ash
+8 66
+Ġeffort lessly
+ĠMe i
+ert ation
+19 68
+Ġgro in
+w itch
+Requ irements
+98 5
+Ġroof s
+Ġest ates
+Ġha ha
+Ġdense ly
+Ġpl astics
+Ġincident ally
+ĠTr acks
+ĠTax es
+Ġch anted
+Ġforce ful
+ĠBie ber
+ĠK ahn
+K ent
+ĠC ot
+lic ts
+F ed
+Ġhide ous
+ĠVer d
+ĠSynd icate
+ĠIl legal
+J et
+re asonable
+c rew
+Ġfundamental ist
+Ġtruth ful
+ĠJ ing
+Ġl il
+Ġdown ed
+Ġen chanted
+ĠPolic ies
+ĠMcM aster
+ĠH are
+ides how
+Ġpar ams
+en cers
+gorith m
+Ġallow ances
+Ġturb ulent
+Ġcomplex ities
+Ġ3 37
+ĠGen etic
+D oug
+t ick
+Ġg igs
+ument hal
+Ġpatriarch al
+Ġcal c
+, ...
+Ġc out
+ĠGu an
+Ġpath ological
+ĠR ivals
+Ġunder rated
+Ġflu orescent
+ĠJ iu
+arna ev
+ĠQu an
+Ġ4 29
+Ġ à¨
+M ario
+Con struct
+ĠC itation
+ĠR acial
+ĠF idel
+Ġ3 95
+Person ally
+C ause
+Ã »
+rad ical
+in en
+Ġvehement ly
+ĠPap a
+Ġintern ship
+Ġfl akes
+ĠRe ck
+Luck ily
+B ra
+20 20
+rav ings
+R N
+W onder
+Ser iously
+Ġre usable
+Ġpoll uted
+ĠP eng
+le igh
+ind le
+Ġcircuit ry
+ĠMad onna
+Res idents
+att ribute
+Phil adelphia
+Cl ub
+Ġplan ner
+Ġfr antically
+Ġfaith fully
+ĠTerrit ories
+ĠAnders en
+an u
+ĠS ora
+i age
+ĠPlay offs
+4 27
+Ġab norm
+ĠL ever
+Ġdisob edience
+As ync
+ĠShe a
+V ert
+Ġsk irts
+ĠSaw yer
+x p
+Ġwors ening
+Ġsc apego
+ĠAng le
+oth al
+Ġtro ve
+ĠSt y
+ĠN guyen
+mar ine
+ide on
+Dep ths
+Bl og
+ĠIll uminati
+Ġtract s
+Ġorgan ise
+Ġo str
+F s
+Ġlever aging
+ĠD aredevil
+as ar
+Ġl ang
+Ġex termin
+urs ions
+ĠRom o
+ãĤ¤ ãĥĪ
+Ġcont ended
+Ġencounter ing
+ĠTable t
+ĠAltern ate
+sk ill
+Ġswe ets
+Ġco hesive
+cap acity
+Ġrep ud
+Ġl izard
+ro o
+Ġpilgr ims
+ĠR uff
+ĠInstr ument
+ĠLog o
+uit ous
+E H
+Ġsales man
+Ġank les
+L ed
+ĠPat ty
+ud os
+Own er
+Ġdiscrep ancies
+k j
+M U
+Ġuncond itional
+Dragon Magazine
+i ard
+O ak
+ĠConvers ation
+be er
+ĠOs aka
+D elta
+us ky
+Ġsecret ion
+Ġpl aza
+Ġm ing
+Ġde pletion
+ĠM ous
+ĠH imal
+ĠFle ming
+Ġcyt ok
+ĠH ick
+Ġbat ters
+ĠInt ellectual
+6 75
+é r
+ĠQu entin
+ĠCh apters
+ih adi
+Ġco aster
+ĠL izard
+ĠY or
+and ering
+S kin
+ha ust
+ab by
+Ġportray ing
+Ġwield ed
+d ash
+Ġprop onent
+Ġr ipple
+Ġgrap hene
+Ġfly er
+Ġrec urrent
+Ġdev ils
+Ġwater fall
+æĺ ¯
+go o
+Text Color
+Ġtam pering
+ĠAb el
+ĠHend ricks
+ĠLu cius
+b ots
+Ġ40 96
+Gu est
+in ant
+Ben z
+ĠLoad ed
+ĠCle ver
+t reatment
+Ġta vern
+Ġ3 39
+ific antly
+Tem perature
+F el
+Ġunder world
+ĠJud ges
+Ġ< +
+Ġst ump
+Ġoccup ancy
+Ġab er
+ĠF inder
+) ",
+ĠN unes
+res et
+in et
+ect omy
+Ġwell ness
+ĠP eb
+quart ered
+and an
+Ġneg atives
+ĠTh iel
+ĠCl ip
+Ġbl ight
+Ġreperto ire
+K yle
+Ġqu er
+ĠC es
+Ġha pl
+98 9
+ĠTh ames
+isc opal
+Des k
+ivari ate
+ĠEx cellence
+found ation
+Ġâ ĩ
+X i
+Ġmyster iously
+esty les
+Ġper ish
+ĠEng els
+09 0
+}} }
+ĠUn real
+Ġrest less
+orth odox
+ĠInter mediate
+Ġdin ners
+ĠTr out
+ĠSe ym
+ĠHall s
+og ged
+Ġtraged ies
+Ġdid nt
+67 6
+Ġail ments
+Ġobserv able
+ĠV ide
+ad apt
+ĠD usk
+Ġprofessional ism
+ĠPres cott
+ĠInd ies
+p ox
+ĠMe hran
+W ide
+Ġend emic
+ĠPar an
+B ird
+Ġped als
+ĠAdam ant
+ĠH urt
+Ġcorrel ates
+urd en
+Ġspons oring
+cl imate
+ĠUnivers ities
+ĠK not
+enn es
+ĠDam ian
+ĠAx el
+S port
+Ġbar b
+ĠS no
+sh own
+ste en
+ud ence
+Ġnon violent
+Ġhom ophobia
+Ġbiom ass
+ĠDet ail
+Ġsrf N
+ĠT une
+accompan ied
+Al bert
+ĠMong o
+z x
+ĠCer berus
+or bit
+c ens
+Ġsl ay
+H Y
+Ġb rawl
+ĠPro be
+Ġnonex istent
+ĠClare nce
+ĠBlack burn
+Ġport als
+ĠR ita
+ĠRem ain
+ĠLe vant
+Ġtrick ed
+ĠF erry
+aver ing
+ĠStraw berry
+ĠAn swers
+Ġhorrend ous
+ĠA man
+Supp lement
+ĠT oad
+Ġpe eled
+Ġman oeuv
+ĠU zbek
+mond s
+ĠH ector
+Ġ40 2
+pe es
+fix es
+Ġd j
+Ġres umes
+Ġaccount ant
+Ġadvers ity
+Ġham pered
+ĠL arson
+Ġd oping
+part s
+H ur
+Ġbe arded
+Ġy r
+ĠPlug in
+å¥ ³
+Ġ/ **
+rol ley
+Ġwaters hed
+ĠSub mission
+if lower
+Ġcho ir
+Ġsculpt ures
+m A
+incre asing
+ai i
+Ġsne akers
+Ġconfront s
+ĠEle phant
+ĠEl ixir
+Ġrec al
+w idget
+ĠW ax
+ĠGr ayson
+Ġha irst
+Ġhumili ated
+app iness
+F uel
+Ġpol io
+Ġcomplex es
+Ġbab e
+P F
+). [
+P arts
+Ġ4 35
+M eg
+ĠY ards
+Ġy ells
+Ġprin ces
+Ġbull ies
+ĠCapital ism
+ex empt
+ĠSp onge
+ĠAl a
+Ġpleas antly
+Ġbu f
+Ġden ote
+Ġunp ublished
+Ġkne eling
+asc a
+Ġl apse
+al ien
+99 4
+Ġrefere es
+ĠLaw yers
+S anta
+Ġpuzz ling
+ĠProm etheus
+ĠPh araoh
+ĠDel ay
+Ġfacilit ates
+Ġjew els
+Ġbook let
+ond ing
+Ġpolar ization
+ĠMor an
+ĠSal ad
+ĠAdv ice
+iat ures
+ex press
+ĠWonder land
+9 75
+Ġg rep
+ĠD iesel
+ĠGl ac
+! ?"
+Ġr m
+o ine
+disc rimination
+ĠN urse
+m allow
+Ġv ortex
+ĠCons ortium
+Ġlarge Download
+stra ight
+augh lin
+G rad
+Ġpublic ized
+ĠW aves
+ĠRed d
+Ġfest ivities
+ĠM ane
+ar ov
+Ġfleet ing
+ĠDr unk
+ug en
+C ele
+Ġchromos omes
+-+-+ -+-+
+Ġbus iest
+ĠBe aver
+Sy rian
+ĠK yr
+k as
+ĠCross Ref
+19 50
+76 01
+Ġrepe aling
+ĠWin ners
+ĠMac ro
+bl ance
+S ort
+64 1
+Ġmet re
+ĠD irk
+Ġgo ggles
+Ġdraw backs
+Ġcomplain ant
+Ġauthor izing
+Ġantit rust
+oper ated
+Ġm ah
+Ġexagger ation
+Am azing
+ĠSer aph
+Ġha ze
+w ow
+Ġextingu ished
+Ġcan yon
+ĠB osh
+Ġv ents
+Ġsc rape
+Cor rect
+4 26
+Ġav g
+Dem and
+ĠâĪ ¼
+Ġmicrobi ota
+"} ],"
+ĠSt ev
+B io
+ĠPlan es
+Ġsuggest ive
+Ġdec ipher
+ĠRefuge e
+ĠKe jriwal
+ĠGreen peace
+Ġdecl ass
+ĠSound ers
+Ġth o
+Ġdec rypt
+Ġbr ushing
+ĠJane iro
+ip op
+S i
+8 77
+ĠGeoff rey
+Ġc pu
+ĠHaz el
+Ġview points
+Ġcris py
+ĠNot ification
+Ġsold er
+ĠMod est
+ĠHem isphere
+Ġcass ette
+in cludes
+Ġident ifiers
+in cent
+T odd
+ĠSwe ep
+Ġ3 34
+b oss
+Ġsm ir
+gin x
+Ġtown ship
+Ġg rieving
+ĠMos que
+Net flix
+ĠMillenn ials
+oc om
+19 67
+Ġbold ly
+s leep
+Ġes che
+arij uana
+Ġsw irl
+ĠPen al
+Ġneglig ent
+ĠStephen son
+ĠZ oro
+ris is
+Ġlocal ization
+ĠSeym our
+ĠAng lic
+red itation
+prot ection
+ĠPa ige
+Ġo mit
+ĠR ousse
+ĠT ub
+Ġinv itations
+t ty
+Ġm oss
+ph ysical
+C redits
+Ġan archy
+Ġchild care
+Ġl ull
+ĠM ek
+ĠL anguages
+lat est
+ĠSan ford
+Ġus ability
+Ġdiff use
+Ġsp rites
+ĠVeget a
+ĠProm otion
+ãĥ¼ ãĤ¯
+rict ing
+z ee
+Tur kish
+ĠTD s
+pro ven
+57 1
+Ġsmug glers
+707 10
+Ġreform ed
+ĠLo is
+Ġun fl
+ĠReturn ing
+ann ie
+ĠTom as
+Fr anc
+ĠProf it
+ĠR umble
+ik uman
+es an
+Ġt esters
+Ġgad get
+Ġbrace let
+comp onent
+Ġparamed ics
+Ġj an
+ĠRem em
+ĠSk inner
+Ġl ov
+ĠQu ake
+rom a
+Ġfl ask
+Pr inc
+Ġover power
+Ġlod ging
+ret te
+Ġabsor bs
+w rote
+Ġ ,"
+K ings
+ĠH ail
+ĠFall ing
+xt ap
+ĠHel ena
+ire ns
+L arry
+Ġpamph let
+G ro
+ĠHirosh ima
+Ġhol istic
+". [
+Ġdet achment
+Ġas pire
+Ġcompl icit
+ĠGreen wood
+Ġresp awn
+ĠSt upid
+ĠFin ished
+f al
+b ass
+Ġab hor
+Ġmock ery
+ĠFe ast
+Ġcon sec
+ĠHung ry
+P ull
+ĠH ust
+it ance
+? ãĢį
+) --
+ĠPar allel
+con v
+4 69
+ha ar
+w ant
+P aper
+m ins
+ĠTor o
+ĠR ai
+D W
+ĠW icked
+ĠL ep
+Ġfun ky
+Ġdetrim ent
+ios is
+ache v
+Ġde grade
+im ilation
+Ġret ard
+Ġfrag mentation
+Ġcow boy
+Parent s
+ĠS ieg
+ĠStra uss
+ĠRub ber
+× IJ
+Fr ag
+Ġp t
+Ġoption ally
+ĠTrans cript
+ĠD well
+88 2
+M erc
+ãĥ¯ ãĥ³
+Ġhun ts
+Ġexec utes
+In cludes
+Ġacid ic
+ĠRespons ibility
+ĠD umb
+we i
+And erson
+ĠJas per
+ight on
+abs olutely
+Ad ult
+Ġpl under
+Mor ning
+ĠT ours
+ĠD ane
+Î º
+ĠG ina
+Ġcan ine
+aw an
+Ġsocial ists
+ĠS oda
+Ġimp etus
+ĠSupplement ary
+oli ath
+ĠKinn ikuman
+mitted ly
+second s
+Ġorganis ers
+Ġdocument aries
+Vari able
+Ġres orts
+Ġbr agging
+Ġ3 68
+Art ist
+w k
+bl ers
+Un common
+ĠRet rieved
+Ġhect ares
+Ġtox in
+r ank
+Ġfaith s
+ĠG raphic
+Ġve c
+Af rican
+Ġard ent
+end iary
+L ake
+cient ious
+ĠOk awaru
+ĠAll y
+ĠTim eline
+D ash
+ĠI c
+contin ue
+Ġt idy
+Ġinstinct ively
+ĠP ossibly
+ĠOut door
+ĠWould n
+Ġl ich
+ĠBr ay
+ĠÃ ī
+Ġ+ #
+\ '
+Direct ory
+ab iding
+Ġf eral
+ic ative
+but t
+Ġper verse
+S alt
+Ġwar ped
+Ġnin eteen
+Ġcabin ets
+Ġsrf Attach
+ĠSl oan
+Ġpower ing
+reg ation
+F light
+se vere
+Ġst ren
+Ġc og
+ap ache
+Ġâ Ŀ
+Ġcaf eteria
+p aces
+ĠGrim oire
+uton ium
+Ġr aining
+Ġcir cling
+Ġlineback ers
+c redit
+Ġrep atri
+ĠCam den
+lic ense
+Ġly ric
+Ġdescript or
+Ġval leys
+Ġre q
+Ġback stage
+ĠPro hibition
+ĠK et
+Op ening
+S ym
+æĸ ¹
+Ġserv ings
+Ġoverse en
+Ġaster oids
+ĠMod s
+ĠSpr inger
+ĠCont ainer
+è »
+ĠM ens
+Ġmult im
+Ġfire fighter
+pe c
+Ġchlor ine
+Ð ¼
+end i
+Ġsp aring
+Ġpolyg amy
+ĠP ell
+Ġt igers
+Ġflash y
+ĠMad ame
+S word
+Ġpref rontal
+Ġpre requisite
+uc a
+Ġw ifi
+Ġmiscon ception
+Ġharsh ly
+ĠStream ing
+ot om
+ĠGiul iani
+foot ed
+Ġtub ing
+ind ividual
+z ek
+n uclear
+m ol
+Ġright ful
+49 3
+Ġspecial ization
+Ġpassion ately
+ĠVel ocity
+ĠAv ailability
+T enn
+Ġl atch
+ĠSome body
+Ġhel ium
+cl aw
+Ġdi pping
+Ġinter personal
+7 10
+Ġsub ter
+Ġbi ologists
+ĠLight ing
+Ġopt ic
+Ġden im
+end on
+ĠC orm
+Ġ3 41
+ĠC oup
+Ġfear less
+Ġal ot
+ĠCliff ord
+ĠRun time
+ĠProv ision
+up dated
+lene ck
+Ġneur on
+Ġgrad ing
+ĠC t
+sequ ence
+in ia
+con cept
+Ġro aring
+ri val
+ĠCaucas ian
+Ġmon og
+key es
+Ġappell ate
+Ġlia ison
+EStream Frame
+ĠPl um
+! .
+Ġsp herical
+Ġper ished
+Ġbl ot
+Ġben ches
+Ġ4 11
+Ġpione ered
+Ġhur led
+Jenn ifer
+ĠYose mite
+Ch air
+Ġreef s
+Ġelect or
+ĠAnt hem
+65 2
+Ġun install
+Ġimp ede
+Ġbl inking
+Ġgot o
+Dec re
+A ren
+Ġstabil ization
+ĠDis abled
+ĠYanuk ovych
+Ġoutlaw ed
+ĠVent ura
+ten ess
+Ġplant ation
+Ġy acht
+ĠHu awei
+Ġsol vent
+Ġgr acious
+Ġcur iously
+Ġcapac itor
+Ġc x
+ĠRef lex
+Ph ys
+ĠC f
+pt in
+cons ervative
+Ġinv ocation
+c our
+F N
+ĠNew ly
+H our
+As ian
+ĠLe ading
+ĠAer ospace
+An ne
+Ġpre natal
+Ġdeterior ating
+ĠNorm andy
+ol ini
+ĠAm bro
+9 10
+Ġset backs
+Ġs ig
+ĠSc ourge
+59 7
+79 8
+Game play
+Ġm sec
+M X
+Ġprice y
+aker u
+Ġover arching
+ĠB ale
+Ġworld ly
+Cl ark
+Ġscen ic
+Ġdisl iked
+ĠCont rolled
+T ickets
+ab ies
+ĠPl enty
+Non etheless
+Ġart isan
+Trans fer
+ĠF amous
+Ġinf ield
+ble y
+Ġunres olved
+ãĤ Ĥ
+Cor rection
+Ġdemocr at
+ĠMore no
+ro cal
+il ings
+Ġsail or
+Ġr ife
+h ung
+Ġtrop es
+Ġsn atched
+ĠB ib
+ĠPre v
+ĠCam el
+run time
+Ġob noxious
+4 37
+Ġsum mers
+Ġunexpl ained
+ĠWal ters
+cal iber
+Ġg ull
+ĠEnd urance
+ä½ ľ
+Ġ3 47
+Ir ish
+Ġaer obic
+Ġcr amped
+ĠHon olulu
+à ©
+us erc
+ec ast
+ĠQu ery
+ãĤ¹ ãĥĪ
+Bet a
+Ġsuscept ibility
+ĠSh iv
+ĠLim baugh
+ĠÃ ĸ
+ĠM uss
+ĠBrit ons
+Ġ% %
+Ġsec ession
+ĠPat ron
+ĠLu a
+n aires
+ĠJPM organ
+us b
+ocy te
+Ġcouncill ors
+ĠLi ang
+f arm
+Ġnerv ously
+Ġattract iveness
+ĠK ov
+j ump
+Pl ot
+Ġst ains
+ĠStat ue
+ĠApost les
+he ter
+Ġoverwhel m
+Ġ29 1
+d ensity
+Ġtra pping
+M it
+Ġf ide
+ĠPam ela
+atl antic
+Dam n
+Ġp ts
+Ġserv icing
+Ġoverfl owing
+ul o
+ĠE rit
+t icket
+light ing
+ĠH mm
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ«
+im oto
+Ġchuck le
+4 23
+ãģ ķ
+sh ape
+Ġque ues
+Ġanch ors
+ãĤ¼ ãĤ¦ãĤ¹
+F er
+Ġaw oke
+Ġ6 66
+h ands
+Ġdiver gence
+Ġ50 5
+T ips
+Ġdep ot
+Ġske w
+ĠDel iver
+op ot
+Ġdiv ul
+uns igned
+ĠUn i
+X box
+Ġfor ks
+Ġ7 02
+å ¯
+Ġpromot ers
+ĠV apor
+Ġlev ied
+sl ot
+Ġpig ment
+Ġcyl inders
+Ġsn atch
+Ġperpet ually
+Ġl icking
+ĠFe et
+ĠKra ken
+ĠHold en
+m r
+Ġproject or
+Ġden otes
+Ġchap el
+ĠTor rent
+b ler
+R oute
+ĠDef endant
+ĠPublisher s
+ĠM ales
+ĠInn ov
+ĠAg ility
+rit er
+ty mology
+st ores
+L ind
+Ġf olly
+ĠZur ich
+B le
+Ġnurt ure
+Ġcoast line
+uch in
+D omin
+Ġfri vol
+ĠCons olid
+res ults
+M J
+Ġphyl ogen
+Ġha uled
+ĠW iley
+ĠJess ie
+ĠPrep are
+ĠE ps
+Ġtreasure r
+Ġcolon ists
+Ġin und
+ĠCon verted
+6 000
+out side
+ĠApp earance
+ĠRel ic
+ĠM ister
+s aw
+Ġresult ant
+Ġadject ive
+ĠLaure l
+ĠHind i
+b da
+Pe ace
+Ġreb irth
+Ġmembr anes
+Ġforward ing
+Ġcoll ided
+ĠCar olyn
+K ansas
+5 99
+ĠSolid GoldMagikarp
+Be ck
+Ġstress ing
+ĠGo o
+ĠCooper ative
+Ġf s
+ĠAr chie
+L iter
+ĠK lopp
+J erry
+Ġfoot wear
+War ren
+Ġsc ree
+h are
+Under standing
+P ed
+Ġanth ology
+ĠAnn ounce
+M ega
+Ġflu ent
+Ġbond age
+ĠDisc ount
+il ial
+C art
+ĠNight mares
+Sh am
+ĠB oll
+uss ie
+H ttp
+Atl anta
+Ġun recogn
+ĠB id
+Ġunder grad
+Ġforg iving
+ĠGl over
+4 45
+V G
+pa io
+kill ers
+Ġrespons ibly
+Ġmobil ize
+Ġeffect ed
+ĠL umin
+Ġk ale
+Ġinfring ing
+ann ounced
+Ġf itt
+b atch
+ĠT ackle
+ĠL ime
+uke mia
+Ġrub y
+Ġex oner
+ĠCas ual
+0 70
+Ġpel vic
+Ġautom ate
+ĠK ear
+ĠCoast al
+Ġcre ed
+Ġbored om
+ĠSt un
+ri ott
+Ĥ İ
+Ġregener ate
+Ġcomed ians
+Sp ons
+id ium
+on is
+L ocated
+05 7
+Ġsusp ense
+ĠD ating
+C ass
+Ġneoc ons
+ĠShin zo
+Ġaw oken
+ch rist
+ĠMess ages
+att led
+ĠSpr ay
+ĠSp ice
+C W
+Ġshield ing
+ĠG aul
+Am id
+Ġparam ilitary
+Ġmult if
+ĠTan ner
+il k
+Ġgodd amn
+g ements
+Ġbe friend
+m obi
+Ġ3 88
+fold er
+acc a
+Ġins in
+g ap
+N ev
+fif th
+Ġpsychiat ry
+b anks
+Ġhar b
+ac qu
+Ġfac ade
+ĠPower Point
+80 3
+Ġbl uff
+Sh ares
+Ġfavor ing
+El izabeth
+Ãį Ãį
+Ġr anger
+77 2
+ĠAr che
+h ak
+ĠGen etics
+Ġev olves
+Ġest e
+ĠP ets
+ĠM é
+ĠInterest ing
+ĠCanter bury
+ch apter
+ĠStar fleet
+Sp anish
+Ġdraw back
+ĠNor wich
+9 70
+n orth
+ag anda
+Ġtransform ative
+ram ids
+bi ology
+ad ay
+Ġpropag ation
+ĠGam ma
+ĠDen ise
+ĠCalcul ator
+ent imes
+ĠB ett
+Ġapp endix
+Ġst igmat
+Ġhol ster
+Ġord inarily
+Ch ance
+ĠCont rary
+Ġad hesive
+Ġgather s
+6 12
+re au
+ony ms
+ew ays
+Ġindu ces
+Ġinterchange able
+se m
+Wh it
+Ġtr ance
+Ġincorpor ation
+ĠExt ras
+Fin ancial
+Ġawkward ly
+ĠStur geon
+Norm ally
+ĠEnd ing
+ĠAss ist
+enc rypted
+Ġsub jug
+Ġn os
+Ġfan atic
+C ub
+C U
+?" .
+Ġirre versible
+å Ĥ
+03 1
+sp read
+ul ia
+= $
+Sc ope
+L ots
+Ġlif estyles
+ol on
+Ġf eds
+Ġcongrat ulate
+web kit
+Ġindist inguishable
+ĠSw ing
+Ġcommand ments
+qu ila
+ab ella
+m ethyl
+ann abin
+Ġo vere
+Ġlob ster
+bern atorial
+:::: ::::
+ĠTra ve
+ĠSam oa
+75 2
+Ð ´
+userc ontent
+ĠMod erate
+y eah
+ĠK itt
+Ġwe e
+Ġstuff ing
+ĠInter vention
+ĠD ign
+Ġware houses
+ĠF iji
+Ġpel lets
+Ġtake away
+ĠClass ical
+col lection
+Ġland fall
+ĠMus cle
+Ġsett les
+Ġ3 44
+L aura
+Ġf ared
+ĠPart ial
+4 36
+oss ibility
+ĠD aly
+ĠT arant
+ĠFu ji
+am l
+c ence
+55 1
+ĠProced ures
+t in
+ach o
+4 38
+Ġgl itches
+Ġenchant ment
+Ġcalcul ates
+ĠH ua
+alys es
+ĠL ift
+um o
+Ġle apt
+Ġhypothes ized
+ĠGust av
+it ans
+æ ł
+Rog er
+Ġr and
+ĠAd apter
+Ġ3 31
+ĠPet ition
+k ies
+M ars
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+ze es
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+Miss ing
+Ġretire es
+Ġins idious
+el i
+> )
+. ãĢį
+Ġfinal ists
+ĠA ure
+Ġacc user
+Ġwas tes
+ĠY s
+ĠL ori
+Ġconstitu encies
+Ġsupp er
+Ġmay hem
+or ange
+Ġmis placed
+Ġmanager ial
+Ġex ce
+Ġprim al
+ĠL ent
+Cry stal
+h over
+end um
+Ġd w
+ĠAl c
+n ostic
+Ġpres erves
+ĠTs arnaev
+Ġtri pled
+rel ative
+Arc ade
+k illing
+ĠH anna
+D ust
+Com pleted
+ģ «
+Ġappro ves
+ĠSur f
+ĠLuther an
+ven ants
+Ġrobber ies
+we ights
+soft ware
+at ana
+ug al
+Ġgrav y
+ĠC ance
+ly ak
+Ton ight
+Ġunve il
+Ġ19 04
+ĠMin ion
+ent ious
+st ice
+pack ages
+Ġg ol
+ĠHutch inson
+ĠProf ession
+ĠDiff erence
+ĠTsuk uyomi
+ĠLes bian
+6 70
+Ġfug itive
+ĠPlan etary
+-------------------------------- ------------------------
+Ġacc rued
+Ġch icks
+Ġsto pp
+Ġblock ers
+C od
+Ġcomment ers
+ĠSomew here
+ĠPhot ographer
+the me
+Ġmay oral
+w u
+Ġanten nas
+Ġrev amped
+ĠSubject s
+it é
+im ura
+Ġentr ances
+liter ally
+Ġten ets
+ĠDon key
+ĠOff ense
+Ġ" +
+Sn ap
+Ġan imate
+ĠS od
+His panic
+Ġinconsist ency
+D b
+F Y
+Ex port
+Ġa pe
+Ġpear l
+ib el
+Ġ{ \
+Ġact u
+camp us
+Ġpay off
+Ġde ities
+ĠN ato
+ou ple
+Ġcens ored
+ĠCl ojure
+Ġconf ounding
+en i
+Ġreck on
+op he
+Ġspot ting
+Ġsign ifies
+Ġprop el
+Ġfest ive
+S uggest
+Ġpled ging
+ĠB erman
+Ġrebell ious
+Ġovershadow ed
+Ġinfiltr ated
+j obs
+67 2
+Ġscal able
+Ġdomin ion
+ĠNew foundland
+ĠMead ow
+Ġpart itions
+Ġsupplement ary
+str ument
+Ġhair y
+Ġperpet uate
+Ġnuts hell
+ĠPot ato
+ĠHob bit
+Ġcur ses
+Flo at
+Ġquiet er
+Ġfuel ing
+Ġcaps ules
+ĠL ust
+ĠH aunted
+Exec utive
+Ġchild birth
+G re
+Ġrad iant
+å İ
+Ġm alls
+Ġin ept
+ĠWarrant y
+Ġspect ator
+E h
+t hens
+Ġculmin ating
+æ ©
+ary a
+ãĤ ®
+ilit arian
+ĠSp ending
+pt ives
+ĠS iren
+ĠRec ording
+ay ne
+Ġv im
+Ġspr ang
+T ang
+mor ning
+ĠWe ed
+m peg
+cess ion
+ĠCh ung
+7 30
+w arning
+56 2
+handed ly
+P oor
+P olitics
+: #
+Ġp ian
+Ġfec es
+ĠDocument ation
+Ġban ished
+Ġ3 99
+Ġhe inous
+J ake
+ĠAm ir
+way ne
+v re
+os henko
+Ġnotebook s
+Ġfound ational
+Ġmarvel ous
+ixt ape
+Ġwithdraw als
+Ġh orde
+ĠD habi
+is able
+Ġcontag ious
+ĠD ip
+ĠAr rows
+Ġpronoun s
+Ġmorph ine
+68 2
+Ġk osher
+fin ished
+ĠInstr uments
+Ġf used
+yd en
+ĠSal mon
+F ab
+aff ected
+Dom ain
+Ġpoke mon
+ĠDr inking
+G rowing
+ĠInvestig ative
+ĠA ether
+em i
+Ġtabl oid
+Ġrep ro
+ĠNot withstanding
+ĠBers erker
+Ġdram as
+Ġclich é
+Ġb ung
+ĠD os
+0 44
+Ġpast ors
+Ġl s
+Ġac rylic
+aun ts
+Ed ward
+Ġmajor ities
+B ang
+Ġfield ing
+ĠRepl acement
+ĠAl chemy
+pp ard
+ĠRome o
+ĠSan ct
+ĠLav rov
+ib ble
+Inst ruct
+Ġimp ractical
+ĠPlay boy
+ce phal
+Ġsw aps
+Ġk an
+ĠThe o
+Ġillust rating
+Ġdismant led
+ĠTrans gender
+ĠG uth
+Ġtriumph ant
+Ġencomp ass
+Ġbook mark
+udd in
+j er
+Ġpred icate
+Ġwhen ce
+Ġnon profits
+Se qu
+Ġdi abetic
+Ġp end
+Ġheart felt
+sh i
+Ġinter acts
+ĠTele com
+Ġbombard ment
+dep ending
+ĠLow ry
+ĠAd mission
+ĠBl ooming
+ust ration
+ene gger
+B rew
+Ġmol ten
+ĠNer d
+âĸ Ģ
+ave ment
+Ġtou red
+Ġco efficients
+ĠTray von
+ans son
+Ġsand y
+t old
+fl ows
+Ġpop ulous
+ĠT inder
+ĠBl iss
+R achel
+Min imum
+Ġcontest ant
+ĠRed uce
+ĠMor se
+ĠGrass ley
+ĠClick er
+Ġexp r
+Ġs incerity
+Ġmar qu
+Ġelic it
+ĠPro position
+ĠDemon ic
+Ġtac os
+G reek
+Ġpost war
+Ġin sofar
+ĠP ork
+Ġ35 2
+doctor al
+walk ing
+Ġmid term
+ĠSam my
+sight ed
+ic i
+ĠAm pl
+ĠAlex andra
+ine lli
+Tr ain
+Ġsign ify
+ĠVers us
+Ġob fusc
+Ġk h
+Ġagg ro
+ĠRen ault
+Ġ3 48
+5 18
+ox icity
+0 22
+ĠTw ist
+Ġgoof y
+D ynamic
+Ġbrief ings
+m ight
+8 99
+Ġderog atory
+T ro
+Ġfor ging
+ĠKor an
+ĠMar ried
+ĠBuc s
+Ġpal ate
+ĠCon version
+m able
+4 13
+Ġ( _
+Ġs iph
+col lege
+Ġmarg inally
+Ġfl irt
+ĠTra ps
+ĠP ace
+é »Ĵ
+Ġgoalt ender
+Ġforb ids
+Ġcler ks
+ĠT ant
+ĠRobb ins
+ĠPrint ing
+Ġpremie red
+Ġmagn ification
+ĠR ouse
+ĠM ock
+odynam ics
+Ġpre clude
+ism o
+ĠPul itzer
+Ġaval anche
+ĠK odi
+rib une
+ĠL ena
+Elect ric
+Ġref inery
+Ġend owed
+Ġcounsel ors
+Ġd olphin
+ĠM ith
+Ġarm oured
+hib ited
+Beg in
+O il
+ĠV or
+ĠShar if
+ĠFraz ier
+est ate
+Ġj ams
+Pro xy
+Ġband its
+ĠPresbyter ian
+ĠPrem iere
+t iny
+ĠCru el
+Test ing
+Ġhom er
+ĠPro l
+ĠDep osit
+ĠCoff in
+Ġsemin ars
+Ġs ql
+ĠDef endants
+Altern atively
+ĠR ats
+ç «
+ethy st
+' >
+Ġiss uer
+58 9
+Ġch aired
+ĠAccess ories
+man ent
+Ġmar row
+ĠPrim ordial
+C N
+Ġlimit less
+ĠCarn age
+Ġund rafted
+q v
+on ew
+Ġco hesion
+98 7
+Ġne cks
+Ġfootball er
+Ġdetect able
+ĠSupport ing
+oc ally
+k Hz
+Ġund e
+Ġsh one
+Ġbud ding
+tra k
+Stand ing
+ĠStar craft
+ĠKem p
+Ben ch
+Ġthw arted
+ĠGround s
+ath i
+L isa
+Dial og
+V ision
+Ġingen ious
+Ġfost ering
+ĠZ a
+ĠIn gram
+Ġ" @
+N aturally
+6 16
+0 35
+H mm
+55 4
+Ġacceler ator
+ĠV end
+Ġsun screen
+Ġtuber culosis
+rav iolet
+ĠFunction al
+ĠEr rors
+ed ar
+19 66
+ĠSpect re
+ĠRec ipes
+88 5
+ĠM ankind
+L iverpool
+Ġ| --
+Ġsubst itutes
+w ired
+Ġinc o
+ĠAf gh
+E va
+ic c
+S ong
+K night
+Ġdilig ently
+ĠBroad cast
+A id
+Ġaf ar
+aton in
+ĠGr ateful
+Ġfire place
+ĠOm ni
+e uro
+ĠSh ib
+ĠDig est
+t oggle
+Ġheads ets
+Ġdiff usion
+ĠSqu irrel
+Ġdark ened
+out her
+Ġsleep s
+ĠX er
+gun s
+Ġset ups
+Ġpars ed
+Ġmamm oth
+ĠCur ious
+g ob
+ĠFitz patrick
+ĠEm il
+im ov
+........ .....
+ĠB enny
+Second ly
+Ġheart y
+Ġcons on
+st ained
+Ġgal actic
+cl ave
+Ġplummet ed
+Ġp ests
+Ġsw at
+Ġrefer rals
+ĠLion el
+h oly
+Ġunder dog
+ĠSl ater
+ĠProv ide
+ĠAm ar
+ress or
+å Į
+ong a
+Ġtim id
+Ġp iety
+ĠD ek
+Ġsur ging
+az o
+Ġ6 10
+Ġdes ks
+ĠSp okane
+ĠAn field
+Ġwars hips
+ĠCob ra
+Ġar ming
+clus ively
+ĠBad ge
+ag ascar
+ĠMcK enzie
+ĠFer dinand
+burn ing
+Af ee
+Ġtyr ann
+ĠI w
+ĠBo one
+100 7
+ĠRe pt
+Ċ Âł
+Ġcar avan
+ĠD ill
+ĠBundes liga
+Ch uck
+Ġheal er
+ãĥ¼ãĥ Ĩ
+ĠH obby
+Ġneg ate
+Ġcrit iques
+section al
+mop olitan
+Ġd x
+Ġouts ourcing
+ĠC ipher
+t ap
+Sh arp
+Ġup beat
+Ġhang ar
+Ġcru ising
+ĠNi agara
+Ġ3 42
+ill us
+ĠS v
+Ġsubt itles
+Ġsqu ared
+Ġbook store
+Ġrevolution aries
+ĠCarl ton
+ab al
+Ut ah
+Ġdesp ise
+cons ider
+aid o
+Ġc arts
+ĠT urtles
+Tr aining
+Ġhonor ary
+Â ¢
+Ġtri angles
+4 22
+Ġreprint ed
+Ġgrace ful
+ĠMong olia
+Ġdisrupt ions
+ĠB oh
+Ġ3 49
+Ġdr ains
+Ġcons ulate
+Ġb ends
+Ġm afia
+ur on
+ĠF ulton
+m isc
+Ġren al
+Ġin action
+ck ing
+Ġphot ons
+Ġbru ised
+ĠC odes
+og i
+Ġn ests
+ĠLove ly
+ĠLib re
+ĠD aryl
+Ġ# ##
+S ys
+. ,"
+Ġfree zes
+est ablishment
+and owski
+Ġcum bers
+ĠSt arg
+ĠBom bs
+Ġleg ions
+Ġhand writing
+Ġgr un
+ĠC ah
+sequ ent
+Ġm oth
+Ins ert
+F if
+Ġmot el
+Ġdex ter
+ĠB ild
+hearted ly
+Ġpro pe
+ĠText ure
+ĠJ unction
+ynt hesis
+oc ard
+ĠVer a
+ĠBar th
+Ġμ g
+Ġl ashed
+Ġ35 1
+ĠZ amb
+ĠSt aples
+ĠCort ex
+ĠCork er
+Ġcontinu um
+unt a
+rid or
+Ġde ems
+0 33
+p as
+Ġrep ressive
+ãĥĨ ãĤ£
+Ġbaff led
+Sc ar
+Ġc rave
+Ġ ______
+Ġentrepreneurs hip
+ĠDirector ate
+Ġ' [
+Ġv ines
+Ġasc ended
+ĠGood bye
+Ġdo gged
+ãĥ´ ãĤ¡
+Man ufact
+Ġunimagin able
+ri ots
+ier rez
+Ġrel ativity
+ĠCraft ing
+ra ught
+ud en
+c ookie
+Ġassass ins
+Ġdissatisf ied
+ac ci
+Ġcondu it
+Sp read
+ĠR ican
+n ice
+izz le
+Ġsc ares
+ph ans
+5 35
+Ġprot racted
+ĠKrist en
+5 36
+ĠSc rib
+ĠNe h
+Ġtwent ies
+Ġpredic ament
+Ġhandc uffs
+Ġfruit ful
+ĠLud wig
+Ġatt est
+ĠBre aker
+Ġbi ologically
+ĠDeal er
+Ġrenov ations
+f w
+ess en
+Al ice
+ĠHen ri
+Ġun ilaterally
+ĠS idd
+h ai
+ĠSt retch
+S ales
+Ġcumbers ome
+ĠJ avier
+Ġtrend y
+Ġrot ting
+ĠChall enges
+Ġscra ps
+Ġfac ets
+ĠVer onica
+ĠVer ge
+ĠS ana
+Al ien
+ĠR ih
+Ġrad ial
+ect ar
+Ġ6 30
+cl i
+Mar ie
+Ġwild fire
+ĠCat o
+h ander
+Ġwait ress
+Ġch ops
+Ġblunt ly
+ĠCat alog
+n ian
+stud y
+Ġpat rolling
+ĠT enth
+nex us
+op sy
+Ġsc athing
+s ie
+Ġdeterior ated
+V B
+Naz is
+Ġdep ictions
+Ġauthent icated
+ĠCon ce
+k rit
+Ġpromul g
+ĠVis itors
+ĠRec all
+Ġrehab ilit
+Ġglac ier
+ĠB ite
+Ġ50 3
+Ġvom it
+Ġfer mented
+ĠKh alid
+Ġgrad ed
+ĠMag icka
+ĠIch igo
+power ful
+ic ators
+75 3
+Ġsh rew
+Ġ35 6
+Ġlegal izing
+Ġall otted
+ĠArch demon
+ith ing
+igg urat
+Le od
+Ġo ily
+Ġindu cing
+Ġamy gdala
+Ġadm ins
+ĠAcqu isition
+Ġsche matic
+Ġmo an
+ĠCamer oon
+Ġt ink
+Ġmer ry
+Ġbutter flies
+ĠGo ff
+Ġworks pace
+ĠCor ona
+Ġj avascript
+ĠD olphin
+ĠCant or
+4 64
+to e
+ĠAg ing
+Ġpadd ed
+ĠZ heng
+ĠHe ld
+Ġest ranged
+Ġ7 70
+. }
+ĠDun ham
+Ġsm okes
+Ġcap itals
+und ai
+Sh in
+ĠFound ing
+Ġent itle
+Ġcenter piece
+D iscover
+Ġthere to
+al ert
+ĠN ou
+ĠAnaly st
+l c
+F H
+gr ay
+Ġar cs
+Ġr s
+Ġoblig atory
+ĠArchitect s
+ĠS ven
+0 200
+Christ mas
+ĠAlban ia
+rat om
+58 7
+Ġhard ships
+Ġaut os
+ĠCharg es
+Ġap es
+Ġ3 76
+wal let
+Ġintox ication
+Ġgobl in
+Ġ5 70
+++++++++ ++++++++
+ĠYel p
+ĠMag netic
+ĠBr iggs
+R ail
+Ġspawn s
+ĠW iggins
+Ġshowc ased
+Ġres orted
+ub en
+Ġwh ipping
+Ġim itate
+Ġdigest ion
+ĠG est
+Ġye a
+ĠT ight
+ind al
+ic as
+` .
+'' ;
+ĠF et
+opath ic
+In valid
+Ġregrett ed
+Ġbro ccoli
+ĠSc ores
+e ve
+Ġpost ings
+Ġaccum ulating
+Ġneed less
+elf th
+Ġmay ors
+Ġsc rib
+Ġanecd otes
+Ġbot ched
+ĠRib bon
+ĠConstant ine
+i uses
+ess es
+Ġdev ise
+Comp ared
+Ġp udding
+Ġg arg
+Ġev oke
+79 7
+Ġdet ox
+9 09
+ĠPie ces
+ĠMcC artney
+Ġmet ast
+ĠK rypt
+Ġt ending
+ĠMerch ants
+Pro of
+ĠV arg
+ĠPort able
+ãĥ¼ãĥĨ ãĤ£
+B rain
+25 00
+Ġfol iage
+Ø ¹
+Ġment ors
+ĠA ires
+Ġminimal ist
+Ġing ested
+ĠTro jan
+ĠQ ian
+inv olved
+0 27
+Ġer oded
+Ġbl urry
+M ob
+Ġbuff et
+ĠFn atic
+ae a
+ĠIn it
+s afety
+en um
+ĠCrus her
+ĠD ates
+Ġ ................
+c alling
+ak ov
+Ġvent ured
+Ġ5 55
+au ga
+H art
+ĠA ero
+Ġthin ly
+Ġar ra
+ild e
+ĠJac qu
+ĠFem ales
+Ġthe orem
+Ġ3 46
+Ġsmart est
+ĠK ron
+ĠB its
+ĠV essel
+ĠTele phone
+Ġdec ap
+Ġadj unct
+mer ga
+Ġred acted
+Ġpre historic
+Ġexplan atory
+ĠRun s
+ĠUtt ar
+ĠM anny
+ĠUnle ashed
+ĠBow ling
+be ans
+79 3
+Ġunivers es
+Ġsens it
+ĠK ung
+re peat
+ctr l
+Ġp aced
+Ġfull er
+Cl ock
+Ġrec omb
+ĠF aul
+ĠB unker
+Ġpool ed
+Ġan a
+ĠM outh
+hum ane
+Ġbull do
+ĠMicha els
+f am
+Ġwreck ed
+Ġport rays
+ĠWh ale
+ĠH es
+Ġguess es
+ĠBrow se
+Ġconsequ ential
+ĠInn ocent
+Ġtrans gress
+ĠO aks
+Ġtri via
+ĠRes on
+-- +
+ĠT oll
+Ġgrasp ing
+ĠT ags
+ĠCon clusion
+Ġpract icable
+Ġho op
+Ġunintention ally
+Ġign ite
+ĠM ov
+ur ized
+le hem
+Ter min
+Ġcolour ful
+ĠLin ear
+ĠEll ie
+G y
+Ġman power
+Ġj s
+Ġem oji
+_ .
+0000 7
+Ġsophistic ation
+Ġunders core
+Ġpract ise
+Ġbl ob
+op ens
+Uk raine
+Ke eping
+Y C
+J R
+ult imate
+Cl aim
+Ġautom obiles
+99 3
+ste el
+Ġpart ing
+ĠL ank
+... ?
+Ġ38 5
+Ġremem brance
+Ġe ased
+Ġcov ari
+ĠS ind
+Effect ive
+Ġdisse mination
+ĠMo ose
+ĠCl apper
+br ates
+App ly
+Ġinv is
+Ġwors ened
+âĢĶ -
+Ġlegisl ator
+ĠL ol
+ĠRow e
+Ġdealers hip
+um ar
+id ences
+Ġinvestig ates
+Ġc ascade
+Ġbid der
+Iron ically
+Ġpres iding
+Ġd ing
+Ġcontrad icted
+Ġshut s
+Ġ3 66
+Dist rict
+Ġsin ful
+ĠChar isma
+o ops
+Ġtot ality
+Ġrest itution
+ĠOpt imus
+ĠD ah
+Ġcl ueless
+urn ed
+Ġnut rit
+Ġland owners
+Ġfl ushed
+Ġbroad en
+m ie
+Ġprint ln
+Ġn ig
+ĠCorp us
+J en
+Ġprot o
+ĠWik imedia
+ĠPal o
+Ġstory lines
+Ġevangel icals
+ĠDar rell
+Ġrot or
+sk illed
+ery l
+Ġbe gg
+ĠBl umenthal
+Ġwe aving
+Ġdown wards
+ĠJack et
+Te chnology
+Ġes oteric
+alde hyde
+Ġfur iously
+Ġforeign er
+We ak
+ĠH ound
+Exper ience
+ĠPlay station
+ĠU ng
+cl oth
+ag all
+Ġcal ming
+iz ens
+St ruct
+ĠW itches
+ĠCeleb ration
+Ġ........ ......
+pt roller
+Ġb unny
+ãĥ į
+ut orial
+Ġup scale
+ĠSt a
+ĠCol ossus
+Ġchlor ide
+ĠZ ac
+ĠRe asons
+ĠBrook ings
+][ /
+ĠL ose
+9 05
+Ġunders ide
+ern els
+Ġv ape
+do zen
+upp et
+mat ical
+ĠStat ements
+hed dar
+Custom er
+Ġmem os
+end ars
+ĠLim its
+l augh
+Ġstabil ized
+Y A
+Up grade
+al am
+Ġtechn o
+Ġan ew
+fore seen
+Ġcolleg iate
+ĠPy ro
+ĠD ism
+Ġfront line
+Ġammon ia
+I U
+Qu ite
+John ny
+ass in
+ĠSt yles
+ĠSovere ign
+acter ial
+5 49
+ĠL ists
+Ġ3 64
+ĠRece p
+s ocket
+ĠByr d
+ĠCand le
+An cient
+Ġappell ant
+en forcement
+ace a
+ans ki
+Ġold s
+88 6
+Ġsl urs
+Ġem pires
+Ġbuck le
+Ġalien ation
+ĠAber deen
+Ġunic orn
+Ġoverr iding
+pp a
+Ġdesp ised
+ĠB ugs
+S outhern
+5 33
+Ġhall mark
+ĠPost er
+Ġstem med
+Ġprincip als
+ĠSand wich
+It aly
+Ġche esy
+ĠSet TextColor
+ĠProt ective
+ĠC ohn
+J O
+apt op
+Re ason
+Lead er
+ĠUnder stand
+ĠFr idays
+ĠContin uous
+Ġcl ipping
+ĠR ye
+Ġber th
+tim er
+ann is
+re act
+Ġbuff alo
+ĠPar as
+Ġ6 55
+Ġpres ided
+ĠSun rise
+Ġve ts
+Ġcl oves
+ĠMcC ull
+Stre ngth
+Ġill iter
+ĠPric ing
+l é
+Ġresist or
+Ġbr un
+ĠSuff olk
+Ñ ĭ
+ĠL iver
+Re leased
+Ġwhat s
+8 60
+ĠMe asures
+Ġden ouncing
+ĠRy zen
+Ġsou ven
+Ġcareg ivers
+ch ini
+ĠScar lett
+Ġt rough
+Cong ratulations
+Ġtax is
+ĠTrad ition
+j it
+Ġtable top
+Ġhither to
+Ġdis information
+off ensive
+h ra
+Ġcompl icate
+chen ko
+ĠRecon struction
+Ġpalp able
+Ġa usp
+Ġ4 28
+Ġshowc ases
+ĠPublic ation
+know ledge
+inn on
+4 19
+Ġretri eval
+and ers
+Ġref ute
+Ġinqu ired
+g ur
+Ġneg ativity
+Ġcons erve
+Ġafter life
+Ġpres upp
+ĠGill espie
+Ġm t
+T ap
+Ġper pend
+ĠS my
+does n
+Ġsp illing
+Ġhyp ers
+K ate
+® ,
+ke pt
+ĠP owered
+Ġj a
+ĠK lux
+ard e
+ab an
+Ġ4 44
+Ġflatt ened
+ĠImprove ments
+urg a
+ĠK und
+Ġins cribed
+Ġfac ult
+Ġunpre pared
+ĠCons umers
+Ġsatisf ies
+Ġpul monary
+Ġinf iltration
+Ġex ternally
+Ġcongrat ulations
+ag han
+Ġair liner
+Ġfl ung
+Ġfly ers
+G D
+Ġsnipp ets
+Ġrec ursive
+Ġmaster ing
+L ex
+Ġovert ly
+v g
+Ġluck ily
+Ġenc ro
+ĠLanc et
+ĠAbyss al
+function al
+Ġs ow
+Ġsqu id
+Ġnar ration
+Ġn aughty
+ĠHon our
+ĠSpart ans
+Ġsh atter
+ĠTac oma
+ĠCal ories
+ĠR aces
+Sub mit
+Ġpurpose fully
+w av
+ĠY ok
+F est
+ĠG err
+Met ro
+Ġit iner
+f amous
+Ġ" {
+in line
+was her
+Iss ue
+oz o
+Vers ions
+7 25
+ĠGl ock
+Ġshield ed
+ĠWe ld
+ĠSim pl
+Ġredirect ed
+ĠK ham
+Ġ( >
+Ġlab ou
+Ġdi apers
+ss l
+Ġcell ar
+organ isms
+ore sc
+ĠBer ks
+did n
+Sh ipping
+C hest
+Ġund one
+Ġmillion aire
+Ġc ords
+ĠYoung er
+appropri ately
+Ġsequ els
+u ve
+ant icipated
+Ġle wd
+ĠSh irt
+ĠDmit ry
+V eter
+Ġsl aying
+ĠY ar
+Ġcompl ication
+I owa
+ĠEric a
+g irlfriend
+b odied
+6 26
+19 63
+Ġintermedi ary
+Ġcons olation
+M ask
+ĠSi em
+ow an
+Beg inning
+Ġfix me
+Ġculmin ated
+Ġcon duc
+ĠVolunte er
+Ġpos itional
+Ġgre ets
+ĠDefin itions
+Ġthink er
+Ġingen uity
+Ġfresh men
+ĠMom ents
+Ġ35 7
+ate urs
+ĠFed Ex
+s g
+69 4
+Ġdwind ling
+sel age
+Ġt mp
+Ġst en
+ĠS ut
+Ġneighbourhood s
+Ġclass mate
+f ledged
+Ġleft ists
+Ġclim ates
+ĠScy the
+ul iffe
+Ġs ag
+Ġho pped
+ĠF t
+ĠE ck
+ĠDo omsday
+k ids
+Ġgas ped
+Ġmon iker
+ĠL od
+t ions
+r ums
+fol ios
+Ġm d
+Ġunc anny
+Ġtrans ports
+ĠLab rador
+Ġrail ways
+Ġappl iance
+æ Ģ
+Pop ulation
+ĠConfeder acy
+Ġunb earable
+Ġdors al
+ĠIn form
+op ted
+Mar x
+Ġhypoc ritical
+q us
+ĠN umerous
+ĠGeorg ian
+ĠAmbro se
+ĠL och
+Ġgu bernatorial
+ĠX eon
+ĠSupp orts
+ens er
+ee ly
+ĠAven ger
+19 65
+Ar my
+Ġju xtap
+Ġcho pping
+ĠSpl ash
+ĠS ustainable
+ĠFin ch
+Ġ18 61
+ict ive
+at meal
+ĠG ohan
+Ġlights aber
+ug u
+vari able
+Ġher pes
+Ġdesert s
+ac iously
+Ġsitu ational
+week ly
+ob l
+Ġtext ile
+ĠCorn wall
+Ġcontrace ptives
+ĠA ke
+] -
+ä¹ ĭ
+: ,
+ĠW em
+ĠB ihar
+Ġ' .
+Ġbe re
+Ġanal ogue
+ĠCook ies
+Ġtake off
+Whe el
+Ġmaj estic
+Ġcomm uting
+0 23
+ĠCor pse
+ass ment
+min i
+Ġgor illa
+ĠAl as
+ere e
+Ġacquaint ances
+ĠAd vantage
+Ġspirit ually
+Ġey ed
+pm wiki
+ĠE nder
+Ġtrans lucent
+Ġnight time
+5 45
+ĠK amp
+ĠFre ak
+Ġ ig
+Port land
+4 32
+ĠM ata
+Ġmar ines
+Ġh ors
+ater asu
+ĠAtt ribution
+Ġ-------- -
+Ġk ins
+++ +
+Ġre eling
+ol ed
+Ġcl utter
+ĠRel ative
+Ġ4 27
+Ġa vert
+ĠChe ong
+ĠA ble
+ĠPry or
+Develop er
+Ġen cyclopedia
+ĠG arry
+Sp ain
+Bl ocks
+Ġexp osition
+ĠGamer Gate
+Ġstockp ile
+Ġclot hed
+ĠT one
+ĠR ue
+t umblr
+Ġtreacher ous
+Ġf rying
+Ñ Į
+ĠS ph
+Ġrest raints
+Ġemb odies
+ĠG es
+S afety
+Ġnegoti ators
+min ing
+ĠAppalach ian
+ĠJenn a
+Ġpass ers
+ç ĭ
+sn ap
+Ġshort en
+creat or
+Ġinn umerable
+uther land
+67 4
+ĠAs cend
+ĠArm ory
+ĠTrans action
+K ick
+Ġsuit case
+day Name
+Ġwaste ful
+mar riage
+ĠMcC abe
+ite ch
+ĠO ss
+Cl osure
+ĠTreasure r
+Ġindec ent
+ĠD ull
+Ġresid ences
+19 59
+ĠS ettlement
+Ham ilton
+Ġself ies
+ĠRank ing
+ĠBark ley
+ĠB ore
+ĠMar itime
+ĠH uh
+ĠForest ry
+Ġcultiv ating
+ĠBall ard
+Ġg arrison
+9 30
+Ġnas cent
+Ġirresist ible
+Ġaw fully
+\/ \/
+Ġequ ate
+Ġanthrop ology
+ĠSylv ia
+Ġintest ine
+Ġinnoc uous
+cess ive
+ag ra
+ĠMet roid
+G rant
+8 55
+ģ ĸ
+Ġ" _
+ãĥĥ ãĥī
+Ġappra isal
+ĠFred dy
+04 6
+Ġ40 6
+Ġ18 30
+Ġd ocking
+St atic
+Ġp ont
+ĠVolt age
+ĠSt ead
+ĠMort gage
+ĠJon ah
+Y L
+Ġas bestos
+nik ov
+Ġcoll agen
+ĠOrb ital
+P ocket
+7 99
+Ġhy brids
+inc hes
+Ġinv oice
+und y
+Ġinequ alities
+T rend
+w ashed
+Ġluc id
+ĠComment ary
+Ġw itty
+Br andon
+Ġbru ising
+Ġ6 20
+es cent
+box ing
+Ġ3 78
+R ect
+Ġlic ences
+ĠMcG ee
+p ressed
+D anny
+Ġj ammed
+ord inate
+Ġle th
+Ġdistingu ishes
+ĠYam aha
+ĠH ume
+ĠC ategories
+Rober ts
+Ch art
+Ġbeet le
+ĠGra veyard
+Ġ($ )
+o ÄŁ
+Ġtw ilight
+are lla
+á ½
+Ġbooth s
+ĠFeld man
+Ġexcav ation
+Ġphilosoph ies
+at ography
+ĠGar age
+te chnology
+Ġunfor gettable
+Ġver ifying
+Ġsubord inates
+E ls
+Ġne b
+G aming
+ĠAchieve ment
+it ters
+ĠG abe
+Ġd umps
+for cer
+Ġpo ignant
+ĠHe idi
+ime i
+Ġm ages
+Ġliber ate
+Ġcircum cised
+ĠMer maid
+ĠMat th
+t ogether
+ĠW ichita
+Ġstore front
+ĠAd in
+Four th
+Ġexplore rs
+Not able
+Bro ok
+m ens
+F aith
+-------- -
+ĠJ ou
+¬ ¼
+Ġpine apple
+Ġam alg
+el n
+ark able
+ĠãĤµ ãĥ¼ãĥĨãĤ£
+ĠãĤµãĥ¼ãĥĨãĤ£ ãĥ¯ãĥ³
+Ġov arian
+ĠE choes
+Ġhairc ut
+Ġp av
+Ġch illed
+anas ia
+Ġsty led
+Ġd ab
+ni per
+Ġminister ial
+T an
+Ġsul ph
+ĠD eter
+ĠBo hem
+od an
+Ġeduc ator
+â ĵĺ
+sp ir
+Ch icken
+ĠE leanor
+Ġqu i
+Ġheav iest
+Ġgrasp ed
+Ġcro oked
+Jess ica
+pro blem
+Ġpred etermined
+Ġman iac
+Ġbreath s
+ĠLauder dale
+Ġh obbies
+y z
+Cr ime
+Ġcharism a
+d L
+Ġle aping
+Ġk ittens
+Ang elo
+ĠSu zanne
+Ġhal ting
+Ġswall owing
+ĠEarthqu ake
+Ġeight eenth
+ĠCons cious
+Ġparticular s
+circ le
+7 40
+Ġbene volent
+Ġ7 47
+Ġ4 90
+Ġr undown
+ĠVal erie
+Ġcivil isation
+ĠS chn
+W B
+ot ide
+intern ational
+Ġj ohn
+Ġ19 02
+Ġpe anuts
+Ġflav ored
+k us
+Ġro ared
+Ġcut off
+é £
+Ġorn ament
+Ġarchitect ures
+Ġ3 69
+ol or
+ĠWild e
+ĠAdjust ed
+Ġprov oking
+land ish
+Ġrational ity
+Ġjust ifies
+Ġdisp el
+Ġa meric
+ĠPol es
+Ø ©
+Ġen vis
+ĠD oodle
+ä½ ¿
+igs aw
+auld ron
+Techn ical
+T een
+up hem
+ĠX iang
+Ġdetract ors
+ĠZ i
+ĠJournal ists
+Ġconduc ive
+ĠVolunte ers
+Ġs d
+Know ing
+Ġtrans missions
+Ġall uded
+Ġob e
+Ġd ope
+ĠGold stein
+Ġwavelength s
+ĠDest ination
+nd a
+ug i
+Ġattent ive
+ĠLe an
+ral tar
+Ġman g
+mb uds
+ak ings
+b ender
+Ġacc ol
+Ġcraw led
+Min nesota
+Ġflour ished
+ĠZ up
+ĠSuper visor
+ĠOliv ier
+Ex cellent
+Ġwid en
+D one
+Ġw ig
+Ġmiscon ceptions
+Cor p
+W an
+Ġvener able
+ĠNot ably
+ĠKling on
+an imate
+Bo ost
+miss ing
+ibli ography
+mel on
+Ġpay day
+Ø ³
+bo le
+Ġve iled
+ĠAl phabet
+It alian
+Ġever lasting
+ĠC ree
+rom pt
+Ġh ating
+Ġgrin ning
+Ġge ographically
+Ġwe eping
+Ġimpe cc
+Let ter
+Ġblo ated
+ĠFe in
+Ġper sever
+Th under
+Ġa ur
+Ġpit falls
+âĸ º
+Ġpredomin ant
+Ġ5 25
+7 18
+7 14
+Ġfarm land
+ĠQ iao
+Ġv iolet
+ĠBah amas
+Ġinflic ting
+ĠE fficiency
+Ġhome brew
+Ġundert ook
+Ġcur ly
+ĠHard ing
+man ia
+59 6
+Ġtem pered
+Ġhar rowing
+ĠP ledge
+ĠFranken stein
+è ª
+M otion
+Ġpredict ably
+ĠExpl osion
+oc using
+er d
+col o
+Ġback field
+ue bl
+N arr
+ĠArg ument
+Ġgen omic
+Ġbout ique
+Ġbatt ed
+ĠB inary
+Ġg amb
+ĠRh ythm
+67 3
+Ġa float
+ĠOlymp ia
+Ġend if
+is in
+Ġwin ters
+Ġsc attering
+I v
+D istance
+Ġtr u
+ĠCom fort
+Ġne xus
+Ġair flow
+ĠByz antine
+p ayers
+con i
+ĠB etsy
+D eal
+ĠN ug
+ĠContin ent
+red ibly
+Ġoptim izing
+al beit
+Ġec static
+ĠPro to
+ç ·
+iv ot
+âĸ Ħ
+em p
+rou nder
+Ġcl out
+66 3
+ĠDoll ars
+Ġsubsc ribed
+Ġrehears al
+Ġam ps
+ĠSh ang
+es m
+Ġspr inkle
+Ġassail ant
+ĠO o
+ĠCoin base
+T act
+Ġret ina
+Ġn uns
+att o
+Ġj ug
+Ġb ikini
+ĠFound ers
+ep ort
+Ġrest ores
+ĠTh ick
+Ġash ore
+Ġappro vals
+R ender
+G raham
+ĠCort ana
+ãĥ³ ãĤ¸
+ss h
+or ians
+ars ity
+ĠInsp ired
+u pper
+Ġsign alling
+Ġreb uke
+Ġfl ares
+Ġdownt ime
+Stud ies
+Ġstagn ation
+ĠSequ ence
+Ġgr unt
+Ġass ures
+59 2
+Ġintra ven
+d epend
+Sus an
+ĠManz iel
+Man ia
+Cont ract
+Ġsl ams
+Ġcult ured
+Ġcred itor
+ĠChatt anooga
+serv ed
+Ġclo aked
+p owder
+ĠSt ella
+uct ive
+Ġcheap ly
+ĠGalile o
+Ġsu ites
+spe ech
+Ġdeliber ations
+ĠCh ips
+« ĺ
+Bal ance
+ĠWyn ne
+ĠAk ron
+Ass et
+Ġhon oured
+Ġed ged
+Like wise
+anim ous
+ĠW age
+ĠEz ek
+ad vertisement
+Ġmigr ating
+Ġ4 75
+Ed ited
+Ġshorth and
+ĠBas ics
+Ġcro tch
+Ġv m
+effic iency
+Ġcal ves
+ĠF rie
+ĠBrill iant
+Ġstri kers
+Ġrepent ance
+Ġarter ies
+r l
+B ed
+h ap
+Ġcrypt ography
+ĠSab res
+Ġ4 14
+vi ks
+ih ara
+aps es
+T alking
+Ġintertw ined
+Ġdoc ks
+Ġalle le
+ĠArt ifact
+t orn
+ç ķ
+Ġop acity
+ĠE ly
+os uke
+Ġn ipple
+Ġhand written
+ĠChamber lain
+ĠLa os
+ig raph
+g row
+Ġtr illions
+Ġdescend ant
+ĠSail or
+as uring
+Ġce ilings
+ĠWare house
+f lying
+ĠGl ow
+Ġn ont
+Ġmiscar riage
+Ġrig s
+Ġmin istries
+Ġelabor ated
+Ġdel usional
+ĠHum ane
+Ġ3 79
+n ets
+Ġblack out
+add ers
+Ġn p
+ĠT ire
+ro sc
+Ġsub div
+Ġlink age
+Ġchron ological
+Ġres ettlement
+ĠVin yl
+Ġpast oral
+ĠMob il
+ĠBar bar
+Co oldown
+ĠF ritz
+c riminal
+re pe
+Ġbell ig
+ĠBre ed
+Ġ4 18
+Ġsem blance
+ij k
+Ġcur tail
+Ġclin ch
+cont ained
+ĠProm pt
+ast on
+Ġw i
+Ġpursu its
+5 15
+ĠGl oss
+Ġfl ips
+Ġcoup ons
+Ġcl oning
+ĠLike ly
+Rem oved
+ĠQu artz
+r ices
+ĠSpe ars
+Ġp ious
+Ġdep reciation
+ĠD are
+oun ces
+am az
+O nt
+Ġp innacle
+d ocker
+0 26
+ĠW yr
+ĠPro per
+Ë Ī
+n il
+By tes
+Ġseek er
+t rial
+Ġunf olds
+ĠMar se
+Ġextravag ant
+ĠSurviv ors
+ĠSpeed way
+ĠCra igslist
+sub mit
+ĠGener ations
+Ġup holding
+Ġblood stream
+ĠMiss ions
+ĠL awn
+Ġlim bo
+ene i
+H uh
+ĠWild cats
+pre p
+ĠMark us
+ĠFor bidden
+rit ic
+Ġexhib iting
+requ ent
+ch uk
+Ġhabit ual
+ĠComp atibility
+Dr ag
+uj ah
+Ġdelinqu ent
+Ġburn er
+Ġcontempor aries
+Ġgimm ick
+load s
+Ġno zzle
+p odcast
+ĠW ak
+ĠStat en
+ĠK uh
+ãģ ĵ
+inter rupted
+Ġinv incible
+ĠBurn ett
+cig arette
+ĠPeb ble
+ĠTem porary
+ĠMar ino
+58 2
+Ġwast eland
+ident ly
+T x
+Ġr ite
+ĠPan asonic
+ĠM iddles
+ĠHort on
+ae us
+Ġc uring
+Ġm ats
+Ġadj ourn
+Ġfears ome
+pe z
+bo ats
+Ġpro pell
+Ġconflic ted
+ĠAng er
+Ġinsurg ent
+K arl
+Ġco ales
+Ġsouth western
+Ġdis su
+ĠO vert
+******** ****
+Ġbox ed
+ĠBr une
+aa a
+Ġgard ening
+ĠEng el
+tr acks
+Ġpur ified
+Ġplace holder
+ĠL ikes
+Ġd an
+G ab
+Ġe ct
+ĠF aw
+ĠEl iot
+Ġ' ,
+otrop ic
+ĠRu in
+hed on
+Ġca ul
+Ġa ft
+ĠCad illac
+gh a
+ass ian
+ud eb
+ĠT ick
+Ġadjust s
+5 37
+isc he
+ant y
+ĠFried rich
+ĠBl izz
+Camp aign
+Ġmamm al
+ĠVe il
+ĠK ev
+ĠMaur it
+ĠDam ien
+N ation
+E astern
+Ġ{ :
+Ġ= ================================
+Ġstereotyp ical
+Ġatt ic
+ĠCy borg
+requ ire
+Ġaward ing
+ĠPap ua
+bt n
+b ent
+B oo
+Ġ( =
+ĠX ander
+ĠSomers et
+Ġcatch y
+Ġcert ify
+Ġit al
+Ġt ides
+ĠBr ands
+G ray
+comp etitive
+Ġcur ator
+omin ium
+ci ating
+ĠCarm en
+ow ard
+Balt imore
+Ġr gb
+C u
+Ġwip es
+spe ll
+Ġsummar izes
+ĠRe vis
+Ġwhistlebl owers
+ĠBre ach
+Ġcro chet
+k os
+ews ki
+Ġrep et
+Ġcrim son
+ĠKar achi
+read able
+dim ension
+ĠI gor
+ild ed
+ĠZ ed
+ĠKe ane
+ĠCos metic
+Ġretreat ing
+ens ical
+Ġd usk
+ĠDick ens
+Ġaren as
+ĠPass age
+level s
+Ġcur v
+P ope
+Ġch ores
+ĠEl ise
+ĠComp ass
+b ub
+Ġmamm alian
+ĠSans krit
+ĠCr ack
+Q ual
+L aun
+amp unk
+Ġlearn ers
+Ġglam orous
+Ġfur the
+erm ott
+c and
+Gener ic
+Ġnarr ated
+Ġdisorder ly
+ĠTrans actions
+ĠDet ention
+ĠR oku
+Ä į
+Ġunder statement
+ĠS aur
+ĠRodrig o
+S in
+Ġre joice
+Method s
+Ġelectro de
+Ġworsh ipped
+Ġid i
+ĠPhys icians
+Ġpop up
+Ġde ft
+ĠRem oval
+ĠBu enos
+ver bs
+Ġfun k
+ush a
+rict ion
+ore a
+ĠBang alore
+ĠKen obi
+zz i
+Ġnorm ative
+Ġgobl ins
+Ġcaf es
+ĠF ired
+Ġs clerosis
+ĠV oter
+ĠSon ny
+ĠExt end
+ĠEV s
+Ar senal
+Ġp si
+Ġwid est
+ĠT us
+Ġlo oms
+Ġjust ifying
+ĠGr anger
+è ¯
+Ref er
+58 3
+Ġflour ishing
+ab re
+Ġr ave
+ĠCont ra
+Ġ18 98
+Add s
+Ġf ul
+ĠCo oke
+some one
+= #
+67 1
+Ġy ak
+Ġar te
+ĠMis cellaneous
+ĠDet ection
+ĠCl ancy
+â ģ
+ass ies
+Ġval iant
+ĠFemin ist
+cor ruption
+V el
+P ear
+Ġsucc inct
+Ġquick est
+k w
+Ġsp itting
+ĠL ibraries
+åħ ī
+ant z
+D ad
+ĠSpec ifications
+rup ulous
+and r
+Ġsnow ball
+Ġpred is
+ĠB axter
+ĠNurs ing
+ĠCh aff
+s we
+Ġout age
+Ġnest ing
+Ġnotor iety
+tr igger
+on ite
+j on
+Ġf ou
+ook ed
+ĠCelebr ity
+re ality
+Ġfat ig
+Ġhug ging
+Ġbother s
+ĠPan zer
+ĠCh andra
+fig ured
+Ġvol ts
+ĠCloud s
+Ġfee ble
+ĠCur ve
+ĠAs us
+78 6
+abs or
+ĠH ess
+Ġmanufact ures
+Ġgri zz
+ĠPower ful
+ac id
+Ġsub sections
+ĠKrug man
+ĠAl ps
+is u
+Ġsequ est
+ĠUlt ron
+ĠT inker
+ĠGo ose
+Ġmism atch
+Att orney
+Ġmorph ology
+ĠSix ers
+ut tered
+gr an
+Rus sell
+Ġfort night
+Ġ. )
+Ġapost le
+pr one
+el ist
+Unt itled
+ĠIm plementation
+ist ors
+Ġtank er
+Ġpl ush
+Ġattend ants
+ĠT ik
+ĠGreen wich
+ĠY on
+cell s
+unt led
+S olution
+ĠQu é
+Ġvac ated
+Ġupt ick
+ĠMer idian
+æ ĥ
+ĠDr ill
+9 25
+58 4
+Ġrenov ated
+ĠKub rick
+zy k
+Ġl ousy
+pp el
+ohyd rate
+ĠI zzy
+lesi astical
+ĠAj ax
+Ġad apters
+ĠPetra eus
+Ġaffirm ation
+le ms
+ad oes
+ĠConstantin ople
+Ġp onies
+Ġl ighthouse
+Ġadherent s
+ĠBre es
+omorph ic
+Fight ing
+Ġpl aster
+ĠOb st
+Ġdear ly
+ĠTo oth
+icks on
+Ġsh aming
+P lex
+A gg
+ĠâĢ¦ "
+Ġsub reddits
+Ġpige on
+ĠResident ial
+ĠPass ing
+Ġl um
+ĠP ension
+Ġpessim istic
+Ġ4 32
+z inski
+c ade
+0 75
+Ġapolog ised
+iy ah
+Put ting
+Ġgloom y
+ĠLy me
+=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-
+ĠT ome
+ĠPsych iatric
+c ms
+ap olog
+Ġbreak er
+Ġdeep en
+Ġtheor ist
+ĠHigh lands
+Ġb aker
+Ġst aples
+Ġinterf ered
+ĠAb ortion
+jo ined
+ch u
+Ġform ulate
+Ġvacc inations
+Ġban ter
+phe us
+Ġoutfield er
+ĠM eter
+Ġ# ####
+Ġ18 95
+Ġnarrow ing
+f p
+ign ore
+Ġproclaim ing
+yn a
+65 3
+Ġpos it
+59 4
+ĠRegist rar
+ĠPil grim
+ic io
+Ġpre tt
+Ġlif eless
+Ġ__ _
+Ne igh
+ĠCh urches
+orn o
+Ġor cs
+Ġkind red
+ĠAud it
+Ġmillenn ial
+ĠPers ia
+g ravity
+ĠDis ability
+W s
+od on
+Ġgrand daughter
+ĠBro oke
+Ġpick ups
+ĠWil kinson
+ĠSh ards
+Ġexp el
+ĠKis lyak
+Ġj argon
+Ġpolar ized
+ian e
+Pub lisher
+Ġreb utt
+Ġapprehens ion
+ĠK essler
+Ġpr ism
+19 64
+ĠL oll
+ä ¿
+le thal
+Å Ł
+Ġg hetto
+Ġb oulder
+ĠSlow ly
+ĠOsc ars
+ĠInst ruction
+ĠUl tr
+ĠM oe
+N ich
+( *
+un ing
+rou se
+en eg
+Ġre imb
+ĠDet ected
+Do S
+Ġster ling
+Ġaggreg ation
+ĠLone ly
+ĠAtt end
+hig her
+Ġairst rike
+ks on
+Ġdef lation
+ĠHer rera
+C ole
+rit ch
+Ġadvis able
+F ax
+Ġwork around
+Ġp id
+mort em
+ers en
+Ġtyp o
+Ġal um
+78 2
+ĠJam al
+script s
+Ġcapt ives
+ĠPres ence
+ĠLie berman
+angel o
+Ġalcohol ism
+ass i
+Ġrec ite
+Ġgap ing
+Ġbask ets
+ĠG ou
+Brow ser
+ne au
+Ġcorrect ive
+und a
+sc oring
+Ġfil ament
+Ġdeep ening
+ĠStain less
+Int eger
+Ġbu ggy
+Ġten ancy
+ĠMub arak
+Ġt uple
+ĠD roid
+ĠS itting
+Ġforfe it
+ĠRasm ussen
+ixt ies
+es i
+ĠKim mel
+Ġmetic ulously
+Ġap opt
+ĠS eller
+08 8
+ec ake
+hem atically
+T N
+Ġmind less
+Ġdig s
+ĠAcc ord
+ons ense
+em ing
+br ace
+Ġe Book
+ĠDist ribut
+ĠInvest ments
+w t
+] ),
+beh avior
+56 3
+Ġbl inding
+ĠPro testers
+top ia
+Ġreb orn
+ĠKel vin
+ĠDo ver
+ĠD airy
+ĠOut s
+Ġ[ /
+Ï Ģ
+b p
+ĠVan ity
+ĠRec ap
+Ġ4 22
+69 2
+ĠAnt ioch
+cook ed
+Ġcoll ide
+Ġa pr
+Ġsle eper
+ĠJar vis
+Ġalternative ly
+ĠLe aves
+ĠM aw
+Ġantiqu ity
+ĠAdin ida
+Ġab user
+Poké mon
+Ġass orted
+ĠRev ision
+ĠP iano
+ĠG ideon
+O cean
+Ġsal on
+Ġbust ling
+ogn itive
+ĠRah man
+Ġwa iter
+Ġpres ets
+ĠO sh
+oper ator
+Ġrept iles
+Ġ4 13
+ĠG arr
+ĠCh ak
+Ġhas hes
+Ġfail ings
+Ġfolk lore
+Ġab l
+ĠC ena
+ĠMac Arthur
+Ġperipher y
+app ers
+Ġreck oned
+ĠInf lu
+Ġ3 72
+ĠDefin itive
+ass ault
+4 21
+Ġreservoir s
+Ġd ives
+ĠCo il
+Ġvivid ly
+ĠBel lev
+Ġec lectic
+ĠShow down
+ip ed
+reet ings
+ĠAs uka
+L iberal
+Ġbystand ers
+ĠGood win
+uk ong
+S it
+ĠT rem
+Ġcrim inally
+ĠCirc us
+ch rome
+88 7
+Ġnan op
+ĠOb i
+o gh
+ĠAuth ors
+ob yl
+Ur ban
+Ġt i
+ĠWe ir
+t rap
+ag y
+Ġparent heses
+Ġout numbered
+Ġcounter productive
+ĠTob ias
+ub is
+P arser
+Ġsyn aptic
+ĠG ears
+Ġh iber
+Ġdebunk ed
+Ġex alted
+aw atts
+Ch urch
+ĠPix ie
+ĠU ri
+ĠForm ation
+ĠPred iction
+Ġthro tt
+ĠBrit ann
+ĠMad agascar
+ë ĭ
+Ġbill boards
+ĠBe es
+complete ly
+Ġdoes nt
+ĠGreen berg
+re ys
+Ġsl ing
+Ġempt ied
+ĠPix ar
+ĠDh arma
+l uck
+ingu ished
+Ġend ot
+Ġbab ys
+05 9
+che st
+r ats
+Ġr idden
+Ġbeet les
+Ġillum inating
+Ġfict itious
+ĠProv incial
+Ġ7 68
+Ġshe pherd
+ĠR ender
+Ġ18 96
+C rew
+Ġmold ed
+ĠXia omi
+ĠSp iral
+Ġdel im
+Ġorgan ising
+Ġho ops
+ĠBe i
+z hen
+Ġfuck in
+Ġdec ad
+Ġun biased
+am my
+sw ing
+Ġsmugg led
+Ġk ios
+ĠInquis itor
+Ġsnow y
+Ġscrap ing
+ĠBurg ess
+P tr
+ag ame
+R W
+Ġdro id
+ĠL ys
+ĠCass andra
+Jac ob
+Ġ35 4
+Ġpast ure
+Ġfr anc
+ĠScot ch
+ĠEnd s
+def inition
+Ġhyster ical
+ĠBrown e
+77 1
+Ġmobil ization
+æ ķ
+iqu eness
+Th or
+Ġspear headed
+Ġembro iled
+Ġconject ure
+jud icial
+Ch oice
+Ġpaper back
+P ir
+Ġrec overs
+ĠSur ge
+ĠSh ogun
+ĠPed iatrics
+ãģ ł
+Ġsweep s
+ĠLabor atories
+ĠP acks
+al us
+add in
+Ġhead lights
+g ra
+Ev idence
+Ad min
+Ĭ ±
+Ġconco ct
+s ufficient
+Ġun marked
+Ġrich ness
+Ġdiss ertation
+Ġseason ing
+Ġg ib
+ĠM ages
+un ctions
+ĠN id
+che at
+c itizens
+ĠCatholic ism
+n b
+Ġdisemb ark
+a ques
+Ty ler
+Or g
+ĠSl ay
+ĠN ero
+ĠTown send
+te le
+Ġmes mer
+9 01
+Ġfire ball
+ev idence
+aff iliated
+ĠFrench man
+ĠAugust a
+0 21
+Ġs led
+Ġre used
+ĠImmun ity
+Ġwrest le
+assemb led
+Mar ia
+Ġgun shots
+ĠBarb ie
+Ġcannabin oids
+ĠTo ast
+ĠK inder
+Ġre juven
+Ġg ore
+Ġrupt ure
+Ġbre aching
+ĠCart oon
+Ġ4 55
+ĠPale o
+6 14
+Ġspe ars
+ĠAm es
+ab us
+Mad ison
+Ġab orted
+y ah
+Ġfel on
+Ġcaus ation
+Ġprep aid
+Ġp itted
+op lan
+ĠShel ley
+ĠRus so
+ĠP agan
+Ġwill fully
+ĠCan aver
+und rum
+ĠSal ary
+ĠAr paio
+read er
+ĠR ational
+ĠOver se
+ĠCa uses
+Ġ* .
+Ġw ob
+Ke ith
+ĠCons ent
+man ac
+77 3
+6 23
+Ġfate ful
+et imes
+Ġspir ited
+ĠD ys
+Ġhe gemony
+Ġboy cot
+ĠEn rique
+em outh
+Ġtim elines
+ĠSah ara
+ĠRel ax
+ĠQuin cy
+ĠLess ons
+N K
+ĠCost co
+Incre ase
+Ġmotiv ating
+ĠCh ong
+am aru
+ĠDiv ide
+Ġped igree
+ĠTasman ia
+ĠPrel ude
+L as
+9 40
+57 4
+Ġch au
+ĠSp iegel
+un ic
+-- >
+ĠPhil ips
+ĠKaf ka
+Ġuphe aval
+Ġsent imental
+Ġsa x
+ĠAk ira
+ser ial
+Mat rix
+Ġelect ing
+Ġcomment er
+ĠNeb ula
+ple ts
+ĠNad u
+ĠAd ren
+Ġen shr
+fin ancial
+ĠCly de
+uther ford
+Ġsign age
+Ġde line
+Ġphosph ate
+rovers ial
+f ascist
+ĠV all
+ĠBeth lehem
+Ġfor s
+Ġeng lish
+S olid
+N ature
+Ġv a
+ĠGu ests
+Ġtant al
+Ġauto immune
+;;;;;;;; ;;;;
+ĠTot ally
+ĠO v
+Ġdef ences
+ĠCoc onut
+Ġtranqu il
+Ġpl oy
+Ġflav ours
+ĠFl ask
+ãĤ¨ ãĥ«
+ĠWest on
+ĠVol vo
+8 70
+Ġmicro phones
+ver bal
+Ġi ii
+; }
+0 28
+Ġhead lined
+Ġprim ed
+Ġho ard
+ĠSh ad
+Ġtri angular
+Ġcap it
+l ik
+ĠAn cients
+Ġl ash
+Ġconv ol
+Ġcolon el
+en emy
+G ra
+Ġpub s
+ut ters
+Ġassign s
+ĠPen et
+ĠMon strous
+ĠBow en
+il ver
+H aunted
+ĠD ing
+start ed
+pl in
+Ġcontamin ants
+ff en
+ĠTechn ician
+R y
+Ġrob bers
+Ġhot line
+ĠGuard iola
+ĠKau fman
+row er
+ĠDres den
+ĠAl pine
+E lf
+Ġf mt
+ĠS ard
+urs es
+g pu
+Un ix
+Ġunequiv ocally
+ĠCitizens hip
+qu ad
+m ire
+ĠS weeney
+B attery
+6 15
+Ġpanc akes
+Ġo ats
+M aps
+ĠCont rast
+mbuds man
+Ġsub committee
+Ġsour cing
+Ġs izing
+ĠBuff er
+ĠMand atory
+Ġmoder ates
+ĠPattern s
+ĠCh ocobo
+ĠZ an
+ĠJud ging
+ĠIn her
+* :
+Ġb il
+ĠY en
+Ġexh ilar
+oll ower
+z ers
+Ġsn ug
+max imum
+Ġdesp icable
+ĠAn nex
+Ġsarcast ic
+Ġlate x
+Ġt amp
+ĠS ao
+b ah
+ĠRe verend
+ĠChin atown
+d ocumented
+ĠCan aan
+ĠÙ ħ
+Ġgovern s
+pre v
+E sc
+ĠEst imates
+Ġendeav our
+ĠCl osing
+omet ime
+every one
+Ġwor sen
+Ġsc anners
+Ġdev iations
+ĠRobot ics
+ĠCom pton
+Ġsorce rer
+Ġend ogenous
+Ġem ulation
+ĠPier cing
+ĠA ph
+ĠS ocket
+Ġb ould
+ĠBorder lands
+Ġ18 63
+G ordon
+Ġrestrict s
+Ġmosa ic
+Ġmel odies
+ç Ħ
+T ar
+Ġdis son
+ĠProv ides
+Ġ ......
+b ek
+Ġbro om
+ans hip
+Do ctors
+Ġner ds
+ĠReg ions
+na issance
+Ġmet e
+Ġcre pt
+pl ings
+Ġgirlfriend s
+kn it
+ig ent
+ow e
+Ġus hered
+ĠB az
+M obil
+4 34
+ĠPres ents
+orig in
+Ġins omnia
+ĠA ux
+4 39
+ĠCh ili
+irs ch
+Ġgest ation
+alg ia
+rom ising
+$ ,
+c row
+ĠIn spection
+at omic
+Rel ations
+rom an
+ĠClock work
+ĠBak r
+m one
+Ġthirst y
+Ġb c
+Ġfacult ies
+R um
+Ġnu ance
+ĠD arius
+ple ting
+fter s
+etch up
+Reg istration
+R ah
+Ġpref erential
+ĠL ash
+Val id
+Ġstar ve
+ĠG ong
+z ynski
+ĠAct ress
+Ġw ik
+Ġun accompanied
+lv l
+Br ide
+ĠCommand o
+ĠVaugh n
+Wal let
+Ġho pping
+ĠV ie
+Ġcave ats
+Ġal as
+if led
+ab use
+66 1
+Ġib n
+Ġg ul
+Ġrob bing
+t il
+Ġmit igating
+Ġapt ly
+Ġty rant
+Ġmid day
+ĠGil more
+ĠDe cker
+Ġ§ §
+part ial
+Ex actly
+Ġphen otype
+Ġ[+ ]
+ĠP lex
+ĠI ps
+vers ions
+Ġe book
+Ġch ic
+g ross
+":" "},{"
+ĠSur prisingly
+M organ
+Ġresid ues
+ĠConf ederation
+in feld
+Ġl yr
+mod erate
+Ġperpend icular
+V K
+Ġsynchron ized
+Ġrefres hed
+Ġad ore
+ĠTor ment
+ol ina
+Ġ26 00
+Item Tracker
+Ġp ies
+0 48
+all ows
+P and
+Ġunw elcome
+ĠV oc
+ĠBast ard
+ĠHeal er
+Environment al
+ĠKen yan
+ĠTr ance
+ĠP ats
+Ġali ases
+ĠGar field
+Ġcampaign er
+Ġadvance ments
+ĠOkin awa
+ĠC oh
+ows ky
+Ġstar ved
+Ġsize able
+Ġ: -)
+Ġsusp ensions
+ist ar
+Scot land
+Pr in
+-------------------------------- ----------------
+Ġ50 2
+Ġteasp oons
+Ġ10 50
+Ġcoerc ive
+ĠMason ic
+edd ed
+ĠPass enger
+Ġl att
+Ġbr aces
+ĠSt eal
+ĠK ats
+ĠCel est
+ae z
+T u
+ĠCoul ter
+ðŁ ĺ
+Fl ickr
+ĠWil mington
+ith s
+++ ;
+Ġv ending
+Ġneg ro
+ĠPh i
+ĠYellow stone
+Call back
+Ġsh ampoo
+ĠSh ades
+w at
+Ġsuper human
+Ġridic uled
+Ġhol iest
+om bo
+Ġintern s
+Ġh one
+ĠPar agu
+Ġd angling
+ãĤ »
+so v
+ict ional
+av ailability
+Ġrev ocation
+Ġd ow
+in ic
+Ġis o
+Ġout ings
+ĠLeth al
+Ġ) ))
+Ġinacc ur
+Ġout landish
+Ġan us
+let ico
+id on
+l ol
+Ġun regulated
+Ġsuccumb ed
+Ġc uff
+ĠWast eland
+let al
+Ġsub str
+Ġcoff ers
+Ġautom akers
+ov i
+ĠX ue
+ĠDayton a
+Ġjar ring
+Ġf umes
+Ġdisband ed
+z ik
+itt on
+Ġstriking ly
+Ġsp ores
+Ad apter
+.) :
+ĠLynd on
+ival ry
+Ġor ally
+Ġtumult uous
+Ġdisple asure
+Ġcon es
+or rect
+Ġappe ase
+Ġder by
+ĠTrip oli
+ĠAl ess
+Ġp oked
+ĠGu ilty
+v P
+En ough
+Ġorig inals
+6 99
+Ġrabb i
+Ġproverb ial
+Ġpostp one
+el ope
+ĠMist y
+Ġstaff ed
+ĠUn employment
+redit ary
+Ġdilig ent
+re comm
+me asures
+as in
+8 25
+Ġpond s
+Ġmm ol
+Ġ3 71
+Ġclen ched
+ĠCors air
+Ġcaric ature
+z n
+att ach
+ĠSch ro
+spe ak
+p ainted
+ĠS uc
+Ġcell ul
+ĠP aid
+di agn
+Ġtext ed
+B arn
+Ġret racted
+ĠRe ferred
+S av
+Ġup keep
+Ġwork places
+ĠTok ens
+Ġampl ify
+cl inical
+Ġmult ic
+mber g
+Ġconvol uted
+Reg ion
+5 65
+ĠTop ic
+Ġsn ail
+Ġsal ine
+Ġins urrection
+ĠPet r
+f orts
+ĠNav ajo
+Ġrud imentary
+ĠLak sh
+Me asure
+Ġtransform er
+ĠGodd ard
+Ġcoinc ides
+ir in
+R ex
+ĠB ok
+qu it
+Ġshotgun s
+Ġprolet arian
+Ġsc orp
+ĠAd a
+5 14
+Ġsl ander
+record ed
+Ġemb ell
+ris ome
+Ġapolog izing
+ĠMul cair
+ĠGib raltar
+Cl a
+Ġall ot
+ĠAtt ention
+Ġ4 33
+le ave
+Ġwh ine
+ĠIss a
+ĠFa ust
+ĠBar ron
+hen y
+Ġvictim ized
+J ews
+Ġnurt uring
+ett el
+W inged
+ĠSub tle
+Ġflavor ful
+ĠRep s
+eng ed
+call back
+Ġdirection al
+Ġcl asp
+ĠDirect ions
+plan et
+icult ure
+Hel per
+ic ion
+ac ia
+Ġç ¥ŀ
+Ġsur ges
+Ġcan oe
+ĠPrem iership
+be en
+Ġdef ied
+ĠTro oper
+Ġtrip od
+Ġgas p
+ĠE uph
+ĠAd s
+vern ight
+high ly
+R ole
+Ġent angled
+ĠZe it
+6 18
+ĠRust y
+Ġhaven s
+ĠVaugh an
+/ ,
+Ġstr icken
+Ġdel usions
+Ġb is
+ĠH af
+Ġgrat ification
+Ġent icing
+Ad ams
+ĠBeet le
+Ġ18 99
+ateg or
+V L
+ĠTot em
+ĠG ators
+Ġimped ance
+Reg istered
+ĠC ary
+ĠAer ial
+on ne
+en ium
+Ġd red
+ĠBe g
+Ġconcurrent ly
+Ġsuper power
+ĠX an
+j ew
+imes ter
+ĠDick inson
+âĶ ģ
+F la
+Ġp ree
+ĠRoll ins
+© ¶æ
+Ġden omination
+ĠL ana
+5 16
+Ġinc iting
+sc ribed
+j uries
+ĠWond ers
+app roximately
+Ġsusp ending
+Ġmountain ous
+ĠL augh
+oid al
+N s
+Det ect
+) =
+ĠL uthor
+ĠSchwarz enegger
+ĠMull er
+ĠDev i
+ec ycle
+J ar
+6 13
+ĠL ongh
+B ah
+n w
+Ġref inement
+Ġwater ways
+Ġd iner
+Bl ade
+68 3
+F ac
+Ġinitial s
+Ġro g
+Ġparan ormal
+Ġ[ (
+ĠSw anson
+ĠM esh
+âĸ ¬
+Impro ve
+ĠRad iation
+ĠEst her
+ĠE sk
+ĠA ly
+ik y
+Ġir rad
+ĠBuck ingham
+Ġref ill
+Ġ. _
+Re pe
+Ġdifferent iated
+Ġchi rop
+ĠAt kins
+Pat tern
+Ġexc ise
+Ġcab al
+ĠPar aly
+Ġr ye
+ĠHow ell
+ĠCount down
+ness es
+alys ed
+Ġres ize
+ãĤ ½
+Ġbudget ary
+ĠStr as
+w ang
+Ġap iece
+Ġprecinct s
+Ġpe ach
+Ġsky line
+Ġ35 3
+pop ular
+App earances
+ĠMechan ics
+ĠDev Online
+S ullivan
+Z en
+Ġp u
+op olis
+5 44
+Ġde form
+Ġcounter act
+ĠL ange
+Ġ4 17
+Con sole
+77 4
+Ġnodd ing
+Ġpopul ism
+Ġhe p
+Ġcoun selling
+compl iance
+Ġunden iably
+Ġrail ing
+ĠHor owitz
+ĠSim one
+ĠBung ie
+Ġa k
+ĠTal ks
+x ff
+fl ake
+Cr ash
+Ġsweat y
+Ġban quet
+Ġinvent ive
+Ġastron omer
+ĠStam ford
+ĠSc are
+olic ited
+Ġr usher
+Ġcent rist
+ight ing
+Ġsub class
+Ġdis av
+Ġdef und
+ĠN anto
+oci ate
+m ast
+Ġpac if
+Ġm end
+e ers
+imm igration
+Ġnumber ing
+Ġlaugh able
+ĠEnd ed
+v iation
+em ark
+P itt
+Ġmetic ulous
+Ġcongrat ulated
+ĠBir ch
+Ġsway ed
+Ġsemif inals
+Ġhum ankind
+m atter
+ĠEqu ip
+opa usal
+S aid
+ĠLay out
+Ġvo icing
+Ġth ug
+Ġporn ographic
+Ġmo aning
+Ġgriev ance
+Ġconf essions
+esc al
+Aut hent
+os aurus
+P urchase
+Ġreleg ation
+al ter
+ĠÂł Âł
+Ġr iddled
+Ġo gre
+ĠLow ell
+Occ up
+E at
+ĠHy der
+ĠAdvis er
+Com merce
+H unt
+ĠOr th
+ĠComp etitive
+Ġsal ads
+F le
+Ġindustrial ized
+` ,
+Ġbec k
+ĠPart icularly
+oub t
+Ġm M
+ĠHuss ain
+ĠChen nai
+Ġ9 20
+Ġappoint ing
+ĠCull en
+,,,, ,,,,
+Ġp ores
+ver ified
+Ġbi ochemical
+em ate
+Ġcoward ly
+ĠHels inki
+ĠEthiop ian
+est ro
+Ġbi otech
+ĠS our
+Ġbrew er
+Bloom berg
+Ġintens ify
+Gl ass
+an co
+gre SQL
+ĠF ires
+©¶æ ¥µ
+ec o
+100 1
+ĠHom eless
+Ġinstant aneous
+ĠH aste
+ig el
+D iamond
+Ġp aving
+Ġland fill
+Ġd ads
+h oun
+: ]
+Ġinc endiary
+ĠLiving ston
+ĠHil bert
+ĠChe cks
+st yles
+in ators
+ĠCl ive
+ph rine
+Ġchimpan zees
+Ġp all
+ĠAad haar
+ð Ŀ
+Ġachie vable
+dis abled
+M ot
+Ġint angible
+Ġbal let
+ĠWe bs
+ĠEst imated
+Effect s
+Ġb ailed
+Josh ua
+Ġturb ulence
+Ġoccup ant
+ĠDay light
+Ġ36 1
+me et
+Ġstat ically
+Ġon look
+Ġk i
+il legal
+Ġvel vet
+Ġdehyd ration
+Ġacqu ies
+ĠRe z
+ak ura
+ĠU pton
+at ro
+Ġincomp rehensible
+Ġback door
+ĠRh ino
+7 27
+Ġmath s
+) +
+Ġhe resy
+Ġd f
+ĠRoc he
+ĠL ydia
+Ġpanc reat
+re ply
+arre ll
+Ġsolicit ation
+Ġcirc adian
+Ġfor ay
+Ġcrypt ic
+iz u
+ime o
+ĠTom ato
+ĠH oms
+ex amination
+Ġqu arry
+ĠVal iant
+ĠJer icho
+Ġ18 40
+5 19
+Ġres ists
+Ġsnap shots
+ĠSp ur
+ĠAnt iqu
+Log in
+Ġbest selling
+Ġant ic
+ĠS utherland
+ãĤ¢ ãĥ«
+Ġ~ /
+ĠP arm
+è ĥ
+P ages
+int ensity
+Ġimm obil
+Ġ18 65
+zz o
+Ġn ifty
+Ġf entanyl
+ĠPres ervation
+op hen
+Ġd arts
+ĠD inosaur
+po inters
+ĠR ite
+s uggest
+aware ness
+ĠSher idan
+Ġst ances
+Ġsor cery
+Ġper jury
+ĠNik ola
+ie ver
+Ġf iance
+ĠJordan ian
+ĠBall oon
+Ġn ab
+Ġk b
+Ġhuman ities
+ĠTan aka
+hill ary
+Ġconsult ancy
+ĠZ ub
+Ġrem ission
+Ġconf id
+ĠF ug
+Ġimpro vis
+Y ep
+/ _
+Ġunwilling ness
+Ġport folios
+05 5
+ĠInstruct or
+aim an
+Ġclaim ants
+M bps
+ĠBy e
+re ceived
+T weet
+Ġind emn
+ri z
+am ara
+N at
+Ġeval uates
+ĠL ur
+ep ad
+ĠTh ro
+Ġrust y
+Ġbed rock
+ĠOp rah
+J B
+Ġmanip ulative
+Ġwill ful
+Ġrel apse
+Ġext ant
+The me
+S ensor
+ĠSt ability
+go vern
+Ġpo ppy
+Ġkn ack
+Ġins ulated
+ĠT ile
+ĠExt rem
+Ġunt old
+Ġconver ge
+Ġref uel
+ig roup
+Ġdistort ions
+Ġrav aged
+Ġmechan ically
+ĠRe illy
+ĠN ose
+ĠIncarn ation
+ĠBeck y
+abb ling
+Ġt aco
+Ġr ake
+Ġmelanch oly
+Ġillust rious
+ĠDart mouth
+Gu ide
+ĠR azer
+ĠBen z
+Ult imate
+ĠSur prise
+Ġpage ant
+off er
+Who ever
+Ġw iser
+Ġchem ist
+ĠBul k
+Ġpl utonium
+Ö ¼
+f ailed
+Ġtire lessly
+Ġinf ertility
+ĠTr ident
+ĠShow time
+ĠC iv
+V ice
+requ ires
+itt ance
+Ġun controlled
+interest ing
+56 1
+Ġinnov ate
+ateg ic
+L ie
+ĠS elling
+U l
+Ġsav ior
+ĠT osh
+Ġsw ast
+Ġr ink
+Ġcard io
+ĠI ro
+ud i
+Ġv antage
+Ġv ans
+ĠNi ño
++ =
+Ġpropag ate
+< ?
+Ġmethod ological
+204 39
+Ġtrig lycer
+Ġing rained
+ĠAn notations
+arr anted
+6 17
+ĠS odium
+techn ical
+mult ipl
+Ġ3 73
+å ĭ
+Ġdec isively
+Ġboost ers
+Ġdessert s
+ĠGren ade
+Ġtest ifying
+ĠSc ully
+ID s
+Ġlock down
+ĠSc her
+ĠR é
+ĠWhit man
+ĠRams ay
+rem ote
+Ġh ikers
+ĠHy undai
+Ġcons cientious
+Ġcler ics
+ĠSiber ian
+ut i
+is bury
+Ġrel ayed
+Ġqu artz
+seek ers
+ull a
+Ġweld ing
+ĠSh al
+ble acher
+T ai
+ĠSam son
+Ġt umble
+ĠInvest or
+Ġsub contract
+ĠShin ra
+ow icz
+j andro
+d ad
+Ġtermin ating
+ĠNe ural
+ä» £
+Ġleak age
+ĠMid lands
+ĠCaucas us
+í ķ
+c it
+ll an
+iv ably
+ĠAlb ion
+Ġ4 57
+Ġregist rations
+Ġcomr ade
+Ġclip board
+0 47
+Ġdiscour aging
+ĠO ops
+Ad apt
+Ġem path
+n v
+ĠDon n
+ĠP ax
+ĠB ayer
+t is
+Squ are
+Ġfoot prints
+part icip
+ĠChile an
+B rend
+ind ucing
+M agn
+Ġclub house
+ĠMagn um
+Ġenc amp
+ĠEth nic
+uch a
+ere y
+Ġw atered
+ĠCal ais
+Ġcomplex ion
+Ġsect s
+Ġren ters
+Ġbr as
+oÄŁ an
+Time out
+Man agement
+Ġinf ographic
+P okemon
+Cl ar
+Ġloc ality
+Ġfl ora
+as el
+P ont
+Ġpop ulate
+ĠO ng
+Ġsubs istence
+Ġa uctions
+ĠMcA uliffe
+br inger
+Ġtit an
+Ġmanif old
+ĠâĹ ı
+Ġcalibr ated
+Ġcal iphate
+ĠCommission ers
+ce ivable
+j c
+W inner
+5 24
+Ġcond one
+Other wise
+Ġp iling
+Ġem body
+ĠCrime an
+ut ics
+ĠEx hibition
+Ġ4 26
+e ering
+Ġv ying
+* =-
+Ġprin cipled
+à ¦
+Ġquir ks
+ĠEdit ors
+put ing
+add on
+ĠFrie za
+W oman
+. $
+Ġc rib
+ĠHer od
+Ġtim ers
+ĠSp aces
+ĠMac intosh
+at aka
+Ġgl ide
+Ġsmell ing
+Ġun su
+Ġcond os
+Ġbicy cl
+ĠRev ival
+55 3
+Ġjugg ling
+H ug
+ĠKardash ian
+ĠBalk ans
+mult iple
+Ġnutrit ious
+oc ry
+19 00
+Ġinteg rates
+Ġad joining
+ĠF older
+roll ment
+ven ient
+Ġu ber
+y i
+Ġwh iff
+ĠJu ven
+ĠB orough
+net te
+Ġb ilingual
+ĠSp arks
+ph thal
+man ufact
+Ġt outing
+Ke efe
+Rew ard
+Ġinf all
+ĠTem per
+typ ically
+ĠNik ol
+Ġregular s
+Ġpseud onym
+Ġexhib itions
+Ġbl aster
+Ġ40 9
+w arming
+Ġrever ber
+Ġrecip rocal
+Ġ6 70
+ip ient
+b ett
+ĠBe gins
+Ġit ching
+ĠPh ar
+Ass uming
+Ġem itting
+Ġbirth place
+Ġt aunt
+ĠL uffy
+ĠAm it
+Ġcir cled
+ĠN ost
+enn ett
+Ġde forestation
+ĠHist orically
+ĠEvery day
+Ġovert ake
+79 2
+Ġn un
+ĠLuc ia
+Ġaccompan ies
+ĠSe eking
+ĠTr ash
+an ism
+R ogue
+Ġnorth western
+ĠSupplement al
+ĠSat isf
+x es
+5 17
+Ġreass ured
+Ġspor adic
+Ġ7 01
+Ġmed ial
+Ġcannabin oid
+Ġbarbar ic
+Ġep is
+ĠExplos ive
+ĠD ough
+Ġuns olved
+Support ed
+Ġacknowled gment
+sp awn
+Ġkit chens
+Ġ- =
+talk ing
+ic ist
+ĠPeg asus
+Ġphot on
+ĠAuthent ication
+R G
+@# &
+76 2
+ĠCl air
+Ġdi aper
+Ġbr ist
+ĠProsecut ors
+ĠJ em
+6 28
+ĠEvery where
+ĠJean ne
+equ ality
+ãĥ© ãĥ³
+object s
+ĠPel icans
+Ġ39 2
+Ġbl u
+b ys
+ĠA go
+Ġinstruction al
+Ġdiscrim inating
+ĠCorn el
+ag os
+Ġty re
+Ġas piration
+ĠBrid gewater
+": -
+! ".
+ĠEn s
+ĠCoc o
+P ie
+Ġdet ach
+ĠC ouch
+Ġphys ique
+ĠOccup ations
+osc opic
+en ough
+B uzz
+App earance
+Y P
+Ġrac er
+Ġcompl icity
+r pm
+T oy
+Ġinterrupt s
+ĠCat alyst
+Ġut ilitarian
+imp act
+Ġsp aghetti
+Ġp orous
+Ġeste emed
+Ġinc iner
+7 48
+Ġesp resso
+ĠSm ile
+abil ia
+6 35
+Ġmathematic ian
+Ġ4 24
+Ġover heard
+ĠT ud
+ĠT ec
+Ġqu izz
+Ġfl attering
+Ġcon n
+âĢ İ
+Ġatt aches
+Ġt cp
+ĠSh ame
+sk ip
+res pected
+ĠTrin idad
+gr ain
+Ġfooth old
+ĠUnch arted
+ĠJul io
+z l
+av ored
+ĠAn xiety
+er rors
+ĠCent auri
+its ch
+D addy
+Ġclutch ing
+ĠIm plement
+ĠGut ierrez
+Ġ7 60
+Ġtele portation
+end ra
+Ġrevers ible
+st ros
+Ad venture
+08 3
+Ġliber ating
+Ġas phalt
+ĠSp end
+im sy
+ĠEmer ging
+Ġwild fires
+Ġtechn ologically
+Ġem its
+Ġirregular ities
+Ġcher ish
+çī Ī
+Ġst ink
+ĠR ost
+Econom ic
+Ġcough ing
+ĠMcC ann
+pro perties
+ilant ro
+Ġreneg oti
+Trans lation
+Ġin quest
+ĠGra pe
+oot ers
+gu i
+ĠSwords man
+ace ae
+h itting
+Ġr c
+Ġexert ed
+it ent
+Ġperil ous
+Ġobsc urity
+Ġassass inate
+Ġab original
+Ġresc uing
+ĠSh attered
+lock ing
+all ion
+Ch anging
+ĠHar rington
+ĠB ord
+ĠAfgh ans
+Jam ie
+aret z
+ĠAugust us
+Ġ38 6
+8 30
+Ġj og
+ok ingly
+Tr igger
+Stat istics
+Ġviewers hip
+Ġadd itives
+h ur
+Ġmaxim izing
+ĠR ove
+ĠLou ie
+ĠBuck et
+ou sel
+Ġstre aks
+ir ted
+Ġt ert
+Ġcolonial ism
+Ġbur ying
+y k
+Cond ition
+By Id
+75 1
+âĹ ¼
+Ġwor risome
+Ġvoc ational
+sl ice
+Ġsa ils
+ĠCorrection al
+95 4
+Ġt ul
+K id
+l uster
+Ġfam ilial
+ĠSp it
+ĠEp iscopal
+Specific ally
+ĠVol cano
+run s
+q s
+Ġve tted
+Ġcram med
+t rop
+here r
+Thank fully
+Ġper cussion
+Ġor anges
+Ġround up
+Ġ4 99
+x ious
+Char acters
+ĠZion ism
+ĠR ao
+W F
+Ġunintention al
+Gr ab
+Com mercial
+Ġglut amate
+ĠMcK enna
+ru ciating
+ning ton
+ih u
+Ch an
+ĠSw ap
+Ġleaf lets
+Ġfunction ally
+er ous
+F arm
+Ġcal oric
+ĠLiter ally
+con cert
+Ġshe nan
+Ġrep aid
+ey es
+Ġbas hing
+ĠG orge
+Ġcollabor ations
+Ġun account
+itch ie
+Ġteam work
+pp elin
+Ġpip ing
+Ġmin ced
+Ġd iam
+ri eg
+Ġmasc ara
+Ġsuck er
+ĠMo ons
+App s
+ĠPe ck
+Ġper v
+ĠFl oat
+o ley
+ĠN ish
+im ize
+Ġarom atic
+u in
+end ish
+! /
+ĠB icycle
+ile ged
+ĠQuad ro
+ios yn
+Ġlock out
+ĠW ink
+Attempt s
+Ġseed ed
+red o
+ias is
+Ġsn ag
+ãĥķ ãĤ©
+ãĤ ¶
+Ġground ing
+Ġrelie ver
+Ġfrivol ous
+ĠG ifts
+ĠF aces
+Es pecially
+Ġmicrobi ome
+im ag
+ĠSch l
+ĠP les
+ĠBle ach
+ĠIr win
+ĠE aton
+ĠDisc iple
+Ġmultipl ication
+Ġcoer ced
+Ġ4 19
+st h
+E vil
+B omb
+Ġex orc
+Ġstag gered
+Ġinert ia
+Ġgo b
+Tr aditional
+Ġclass y
+Lear y
+yr s
+Ġtrans porter
+Ġmat ured
+Ġhij ab
+Ġbi ome
+Where as
+Ġex termination
+ĠT ues
+ĠT akeru
+ĠAud rey
+er ial
+ĠAd en
+aff les
+Ġnarciss istic
+ĠB aird
+I re
+ĠCon nie
+Ch amp
+Ġwhis pering
+ĠH att
+D K
+Ġdis infect
+Ġdeduct ed
+Ġpart ake
+Ġdown grade
+ĠEs ports
+ĠContin uing
+Ġdemocr atically
+icro bial
+itt a
+Ġlim estone
+Ġexempt ed
+ĠFren zy
+H erm
+7 28
+Ġfled gling
+Met a
+765 61
+69 3
+% :
+w ake
+5 26
+ĠDis cipline
+Ġvirgin ity
+ĠLeg ions
+ĠFrank ie
+int ent
+Ġrest rooms
+ĠRou ter
+da q
+Ġobjection able
+âĨ ij
+w ark
+ĠRah ul
+g ain
+activ ation
+abs olute
+ĠAccess ed
+Ġ24 00
+ogg les
+Ġsecond ly
+Ġpost age
+wra pper
+sh arp
+7 29
+Ġcommun icates
+Ġadd on
+ĠMil itia
+H ong
+Ġsl umped
+ĠI car
+ad ish
+68 1
+Ġmaj esty
+ĠWolf gang
+ĠEl astic
+u per
+Ġv iz
+Ġunconscious ly
+ĠS ass
+Ġflower ing
+ĠHel ic
+ĠDra per
+ĠAm ateur
+Ġman ure
+Ġdis ingen
+ĠLe i
+br ing
+9 49
+Ġinhib ited
+Ġhead quartered
+Ġen igmatic
+�� �
+Ġred ress
+R H
+Ġratt led
+Ġd iction
+l io
+C alling
+Ġfasc ists
+ĠD ove
+iew icz
+0 36
+Ġco asts
+ĠR ect
+Ġ) ]
+L ot
+6 29
+ĠPeters en
+ĠExpl ain
+ĠBo ards
+ĠBe zos
+ĠJ ournals
+Ġ20 24
+p arser
+Ġmist rust
+Ġgr ate
+ĠL ocked
+bo a
+S aint
+g aming
+Ġvow el
+in ately
+bl ow
+All ah
+Ġun matched
+Ġb ordering
+ĠExp end
+n r
+Or acle
+rou ch
+Ġcont iguous
+ac us
+Ġdist raught
+58 1
+Ġanat omical
+O X
+ap ixel
+8 33
+Ġres usc
+Ġab iding
+57 3
+Ġvac ancies
+Em ily
+Ġhyp othal
+ĠWer ner
+ĠWe e
+ĠDJ s
+5 13
+Ġwitch craft
+Ġac upuncture
+ent ary
+benef it
+Product s
+ĠJ inn
+ĠJ arrett
+Ġ4 45
+ĠIm aging
+ĠP yth
+Fin ish
+Ġte x
+Ġjuven iles
+Ġhero ism
+Ġdoubt less
+ĠA ki
+ĠT end
+ĠPatri arch
+Ġbit ters
+ĠTele communications
+it atively
+ag na
+Ġr g
+Ġcomp ulsion
+ĠN asa
+ĠKath ryn
+Ġmillion aires
+Ġintrins ically
+Ġbolst ered
+time out
+fl o
+Ġtut or
+p our
+Stat ement
+Ġ{ *
+ĠRud olph
+ĠKimber ly
+rog ens
+adi q
+] +
+Ġindign ation
+Ġfract uring
+ĠRe leases
+ĠGr ain
+pro tein
+L ago
+Ġvac ations
+Ġboot ed
+oresc ence
+Ġt f
+Ġso ar
+iosyn cr
+Ġgl ances
+ĠSp oon
+ĠJ ury
+ĠCow boy
+Ġcreat ively
+Hig her
+Ġsolic itor
+Ġhaw k
+ac io
+89 6
+Ġsuperf lu
+Ġbombs hell
+ct ure
+Ġbroker age
+Ġraid ing
+Ġf rench
+Ġang led
+Trans action
+ĠGen ocide
+u pe
+ĠHait ian
+57 2
+! :
+Ġunwitting ly
+iter ator
+sc roll
+Ġtall ied
+Ġbi omedical
+Ġe uphem
+Ġbrain storm
+a quin
+K o
+Mic helle
+ĠR unes
+ĠBall istic
+ud ers
+Ġmod esty
+ĠiP ads
+ĠEzek iel
+Y E
+Ġstars hip
+Ġpower fully
+Ġper l
+ĠSh ade
+ĠQu art
+Ġfisher man
+ĠTyp ical
+df x
+Ġmes hes
+Ġet ched
+worth iness
+Ġtopp led
+Ġ3 96
+or ius
+We iss
+Ġmy sql
+ĠVal halla
+Ù Ĵ
+le asing
+Ġrec omp
+rap nel
+S el
+04 3
+Ġder ailed
+ĠGu ides
+Ġde human
+ĠBritt any
+" ))
+Ġex claim
+Ġb alk
+Ġ8 40
+int el
+Ġpe gged
+Ġast roph
+sm oking
+Ġrig ging
+Ġfix ation
+Ġcat apult
+ins ide
+ĠC ascade
+ĠBolshe vik
+G aza
+Dep th
+Ġloud spe
+Ġalmond s
+me yer
+l eness
+j en
+f resh
+Ġunbeat en
+ĠSqu id
+ĠPres umably
+Tim er
+B W
+Ġro sters
+Ġell ipt
+ĠHar riet
+dat abase
+ĠMut ual
+ĠComm odore
+uk ed
+kn ife
+h ya
+Ġmel ts
+arch ives
+Ġrat ification
+Ġmultip lying
+Ġinter oper
+Ġasc ert
+w ings
+ver ting
+ĠScorp ion
+ay e
+ĠPorts mouth
+n it
+iaz ep
+Ġqu arantine
+Ġslides how
+Ġcent imeters
+Ġsyn opsis
+Ġsp ate
+th irst
+Ġnom inating
+ĠMel vin
+Pre view
+Ġthro b
+Ġgener ational
+ĠRad ius
+rest ling
+put able
+aw ar
+Ġunlaw fully
+ĠRevel ations
+Wik ipedia
+sur v
+Ġeye ing
+ij n
+Ġbr unt
+Ġinter stellar
+Ġcl itor
+ĠCroat ian
+ĠCh ic
+ev a
+ĠDis app
+ĠA kin
+iner ies
+d ust
+Interest ed
+Ġgen esis
+ĠE ucl
+ö n
+p icking
+Ġmut ated
+Ġdisappro ve
+Ġ6 25
+Ì ¶
+c ancer
+Ġsqu ats
+Ġle vers
+Disc uss
+= ]
+D ex
+Ġtrans act
+ĠKin ect
+ĠK uala
+ĠC yp
+7 47
+Ġsh attering
+Ġarsen ic
+ĠInt ake
+ĠAngel o
+ĠQu it
+ĠK he
+Ġ18 93
+M aker
+0 29
+ĠPain ting
+Dis able
+9 16
+Ġanal ges
+Ġtact ile
+Ġprop hes
+Ġd iced
+ĠTravel s
+ĠHe ader
+ĠClub s
+Ass istant
+Ġinc rim
+Ġd ips
+Ġcruc ifix
+ĠShan ahan
+ĠInter pret
+Ġ40 90
+al ogy
+abb a
+Ġsimul ac
+hus band
+Ġrecy cle
+uc er
+ed ged
+Ġre naissance
+ĠBomb ay
+Cath olic
+ĠCl othing
+re ports
+Ġpl aus
+Ġd ag
+ĠM ace
+Z I
+Ġintr uder
+ĠVeter inary
+g ru
+Ġsne aky
+ĠS ie
+ĠC innamon
+Ġcou rier
+Ġemanc ipation
+s it
+Ġplay through
+ĠFac ilities
+v irt
+ĠG auntlet
+Thom pson
+Ġunbeliev ably
+Param eters
+Ġst itching
+ign e
+Priv acy
+Ġshenan igans
+Ġvit ri
+ĠVal id
+59 1
+Ń ·
+ĠProt otype
+ink a
+ĠT id
+è Ī
+old ed
+Ġindividual ity
+Ġbark ing
+Ġm ars
+Ġ8 20
+Ġt ir
+Ġsl apping
+Ġdisgr untled
+ĠAng ola
+ri us
+ĠTorn ado
+ĠTh urs
+Ġcapt cha
+Ġang st
+ĠP og
+ĠAssass ins
+ĠAd idas
+Ġjoy ful
+Ġwh ining
+Emer gency
+Ġphosph orus
+Ġatt rition
+oph on
+ĠTimber wolves
+ĠJ ah
+ĠBr inging
+ĠW ad
+ĠEn sure
+oh l
+ĠX ie
+omm el
+c mp
+Ġz ipper
+Ġrel at
+ĠCor ridor
+m ilo
+Av g
+Ġcro pped
+] }
+Ġr aged
+ĠLump ur
+ĠGuer rero
+our ke
+N ut
+Ġoff sets
+og lu
+dr m
+Ġmort als
+lat able
+Ġdismiss ive
+ä¸ ī
+Ġthro ats
+Ġchips et
+ĠSpot light
+Catal og
+art ist
+G b
+Ġch illy
+Ġst oked
+Ġ3 74
+W ard
+L atin
+Ġf iasco
+Ġble ach
+Ġb rav
+Enh anced
+Ġin oc
+ĠFior ina
+_ >
+Ġle ukemia
+Ġel uc
+Ġannoun cer
+ĠLith uan
+ĠArm ageddon
+å ĩ
+Len in
+ĠR uk
+Ġpe pp
+ĠRom antic
+ĠInter stellar
+ĠAt kinson
+R aid
+J s
+Go al
+C ourse
+Ġvan ishing
+es ley
+ĠR ounds
+Els a
+59 3
+Ġredund ancy
+Ġprop hetic
+Ġhabit able
+ry u
+Ġfaint ly
+Ġfl anked
+Aw esome
+Ġsp urious
+ĠZ ah
+Ġsh ading
+Ġmotiv ational
+ĠSant ana
+Ġexc ruciating
+om ial
+ĠM iko
+ĠLe opard
+A byss
+Ġ[ |
+d irty
+Ġbath s
+Ġdem oral
+and re
+P B
+Ġun ification
+Ġsac rament
+Ġ[ &
+Ġpric eless
+Ġgel atin
+Ġeman ating
+ĠAll aah
+98 6
+Ġout burst
+Ġer as
+O tt
+ĠLaz arus
+F lying
+blog s
+W isconsin
+R aven
+Ġreb ate
+Ġcreep s
+ĠSp an
+ĠPain ter
+ĠKir a
+ĠAm os
+ĠCor vette
+Cons umer
+ĠRec over
+ck i
+Ġpes ky
+ĠIn vention
+Compan ies
+Ġchalleng ers
+ad emic
+ĠUkrain ians
+ĠNeuro log
+ĠFors aken
+Ġent rants
+Ġemb attled
+Ġdef unct
+ĠGlac ier
+Ġpo isons
+ĠH orses
+m akes
+ĠD irt
+Ġ4 23
+hh h
+ĠTrans formation
+................ ..
+Ġtrave ller
+ĠSe xy
+ĠK ern
+ip olar
+Ġransom ware
+oooooooo oooooooo
+E c
+rub y
+Prof essional
+ĠOut break
+arg ument
+G rey
+ĠFif a
+ĠAm trak
+- [
+Ġcr adle
+Ġantioxid ants
+ãģ®å ®
+7 36
+ĠContribut ions
+Ind iana
+Ġsal ient
+Ġall ocations
+yr ights
+Ġm ashed
+ĠCut ter
+Sex ual
+Ġp ounded
+Ġfan base
+Ġc asc
+ĠTrans parency
+Ġanaly tic
+ĠSummon er
+× ŀ
+det ail
+Ġvan quished
+Ġcr abs
+ar ie
+Dest roy
+ĠS ack
+Ġtrans istor
+Al abama
+ĠK oen
+ĠFisher ies
+c one
+Ġannex ed
+es a
+Ġf aked
+ĠCong ratulations
+Ġhind ered
+Ġcorrection al
+lee ve
+Ġin appropriately
+lic ks
+Ġtresp ass
+Ġp aws
+Ġnegoti ator
+ĠChrist ensen
+lim its
+ĠDian ne
+Ġeleg ance
+ĠContract s
+an ke
+Ob j
+Ġvigil ance
+Ġcast les
+ĠHol o
+Ġemph atically
+ĠTit us
+ĠServ ing
+ĠRich ie
+ĠP igs
+5 68
+Ġanim osity
+ĠAtt ributes
+ĠU riel
+M Q
+my ra
+ĠApplic ant
+Ġpsychiat rists
+ĠV ij
+ĠAb by
+ag ree
+P ush
+Ġk Wh
+hib a
+Ġinc ite
+ĠWe asley
+ĠTax i
+minist ic
+hy per
+ĠF arn
+Ġ6 01
+ĠNation wide
+F ake
+95 2
+Ġma ize
+Ġinteract ed
+Ġtransition ed
+Ġparas itic
+Ġharm onic
+Ġdec aying
+Ġbas eless
+ns ics
+Ġtrans pired
+Ġabund antly
+ĠFore nsic
+Ġtread mill
+ĠJ av
+ab and
+Ġssh d
+Ġfront man
+ĠJak arta
+oll er
+dro ps
+rompt u
+oph ical
+h ospital
+bled on
+6 45
+Ġmid range
+cul ated
+raw led
+Ġper ched
+Ġover board
+ĠPe el
+ĠP wr
+ĠCar th
+co e
+sh all
+Ġdeter rence
+ĠAbs ent
+Ġs ill
+Y ork
+Ġsin ners
+ĠN ur
+ĠDesign s
+se lection
+Ġunw orthy
+Ġstreng thens
+88 3
+ed ly
+Ġslic ing
+Ġmal nutrition
+Ġfilm making
+ĠPol k
+ur ated
+Ġ4 21
+bre akers
+!' "
+Ġwet lands
+ĠDisc rimination
+Ġallow able
+Ġste ered
+ĠSic ily
+Ġmust ache
+Ġm ids
+Ġcl ipped
+Ġcirc ulate
+Ġbr ittle
+ĠBuild ings
+ra ised
+ĠRound up
+Ġwealth ier
+Ġoverw rite
+Ġover powered
+ĠGerr ard
+s ites
+Ġacute ly
+ĠGam ble
+Ġp im
+ĠK us
+Typ ically
+De ploy
+ĠMoroc can
+p otion
+com be
+Ġvigil ante
+Ġ36 3
+St ew
+ĠB agg
+Ġres ided
+ĠSp o
+Ġrem nant
+Ġempt iness
+br ainer
+Ġout patient
+pri ority
+Ġle ptin
+ĠPay ton
+ĠGle aming
+ĠS hed
+ĠPol o
+ĠMormon ism
+rest ricted
+arl ane
+w x
+Ġcreat ine
+ĠAn on
+ĠT ee
+5 28
+08 9
+Ġhat ched
+Dis patch
+ĠCompos ite
+Ġ45 1
+p uff
+ĠOr n
+ĠAshe ville
+ĠÃ ľ
+Ġman go
+ĠS lightly
+world ly
+ĠW ander
+ĠExp and
+ĠCh r
+M ist
+Ġorthodox y
+reg ate
+Else where
+k ie
+ir led
+Ġtopp le
+Ġadopt ive
+ĠLeg s
+d ress
+ĠS agan
+b are
+ĠGl ou
+Cr unch
+Ġhelp ers
+Ġchron ically
+ĠH uma
+1 0000
+Ġaccommod ating
+äº Ķ
+Ġwrink les
+Ġdod ged
+four th
+Ġpre con
+Ġcompress or
+ĠK are
+Ġev ict
+ĠWar wick
+im ar
+Ġmodern ization
+Ġband wagon
+Ġref uted
+Ġnet ted
+ĠNa ples
+ĠGen ie
+per ors
+Ġfield ed
+Ġde re
+ĠPar ables
+le es
+Ġtr out
+asp ers
+Ġn ihil
+Ġhapp iest
+Ġflo ppy
+ĠLo ft
+ĠHe ard
+Ġun ison
+Ġl ug
+ĠRed mond
+class ic
+Supp orters
+Ġfue lled
+ç IJ
+Ġd d
+ĠEmin em
+Ġ18 97
+Ġsecret aries
+ĠCanaver al
+F avorite
+Ġp omp
+Ġdetain ee
+ers hip
+aim on
+i our
+ĠA pex
+Ġplant ations
+am ia
+ac ion
+R ust
+Ġtow ed
+ĠTru ly
+5 77
+Ġshel tered
+r ider
+W o
+Ġl air
+ĠInt elligent
+impro ve
+m atically
+Ġet iquette
+ad ra
+all o
+ĠJun o
+any thing
+ĠStru ggle
+ĠPred ict
+ĠGr imes
+ct x
+ĠSit uation
+Ġsol uble
+me ier
+Ġintoler able
+ang ering
+Ġun interrupted
+Ġtool tip
+Ġinterrog ated
+Ġgun ned
+ĠSne ak
+æŃ ¦
+Ġt ether
+Ġcr umble
+L ens
+Ġclust ered
+ĠSy l
+ĠHas an
+Ġdystop ian
+w ana
+Ġjoy stick
+ĠTh ib
+amm u
+Tom orrow
+5 46
+Ġoverc ame
+Ġminim ized
+cept or
+Run ner
+ĠBrend a
+ĠAchieve ments
+Ġtor ches
+Ġrapp ort
+ĠInvestig ator
+ĠHand ling
+rel ation
+g rey
+8 15
+Ġk cal
+ĠComm ands
+d q
+Ġcur ls
+Ġbe arer
+Ġcyn icism
+it ri
+ĠUse ful
+B ee
+Ġab ras
+P ract
+7 12
+Ġdebug ger
+Ġdebt or
+ĠL ia
+ĠK ers
+Ġexacerb ate
+ĠSt acy
+ĠB land
+ĠSc enes
+Ġbranch ing
+âĸĪâĸĪâĸĪâĸĪ âĸĪâĸĪâĸĪâĸĪ
+ape ake
+Ġs alsa
+Ġmish and
+ĠKon ami
+ĠN ib
+Ġanecd ote
+Ġagree able
+Ï ī
+ĠNath aniel
+ĠHe isman
+ĠB eware
+Ġ18 86
+spect ive
+69 1
+5 22
+Ġinhib its
+Ġhas hing
+Ġ18 89
+å° Ĩ
+v ich
+P ure
+Ġsolid ly
+Ġaspir in
+im aru
+Ġstreet car
+ĠJ udd
+Ġflash backs
+p ins
+Ġ14 40
+ĠSym ptoms
+5 38
+F ra
+% );
+Ġo oz
+Ġcur few
+Ġcal med
+Ġparticip ates
+Te X
+Ġnons ensical
+Ġfull back
+ĠDe L
+mon key
+h ari
+Ġmetabol ites
+Ġloot ed
+L t
+oc het
+B one
+Ġveto ed
+Ġg cc
+Ġ18 88
+s af
+Ġstiff ness
+Ġlow ly
+ĠGe h
+vers on
+ors et
+Ġun foreseen
+Ġan esthesia
+ĠOpt ical
+Ġrecon structed
+ĠT up
+sh ows
+ĠNewsp aper
+ter a
+N umbers
+Ġinexpl icable
+× ij
+Ġhard ness
+unt arily
+ĠA cer
+grad ient
+Ġwood land
+Ġmetaph ors
+ĠWem bley
+ĠPa vel
+phil is
+Ġre writing
+Ġpercept ual
+Ġ10 70
+worm s
+ĠDown s
+Ġunsur prisingly
+Ġtag ging
+fl ame
+Ġlit res
+Ġboun ces
+ĠB abe
+sh ut
+Ġoverd oses
+ĠShe ila
+ĠCh au
+ĠBl ess
+Capt ure
+ĠSign ificant
+ĠSc ion
+Ġ38 9
+ĠMc H
+ĠTitan ium
+ĠMe al
+amed a
+ag ents
+agg ressive
+B illy
+76 3
+ĠS aying
+it one
+Coll ins
+B ound
+Ġbol ted
+95 3
+Ġun iqueness
+Ġep igen
+un ci
+ant am
+Ġreck oning
+ch airs
+ĠSen egal
+Ġ18 62
+re levant
+ĠÂ ¯
+Ġpharm acies
+ĠG eral
+v ier
+Y an
+Ġrab id
+b ending
+Ġ4 65
+As sembly
+Ġwe ep
+Ġbe hest
+ĠMother s
+ĠJ ace
+h id
+Ġwh irlwind
+Ġut opian
+Ġkidn ap
+Ph ilipp
+K in
+89 3
+Ġlivest ream
+Ġsub versive
+ĠTechn iques
+Ġ38 7
+Ġassail ants
+ĠHard core
+Ġsprink led
+ĠP se
+é ļ
+print ed
+ĠH au
+Ġl aced
+Ġit ch
+G iving
+Ġport ed
+78 1
+//////////////// ////////////////
+bre eding
+Ġlog ger
+inn ie
+First ly
+Ġembry onic
+Ġdeleg ated
+p ai
+Ġcentr ally
+ĠR x
+ĠSc outing
+D utch
+Ġhe reditary
+ĠCru iser
+s at
+5 29
+ĠMar riott
+other mal
+Ġprohib itions
+E arn
+ĠSt ab
+ĠColleg es
+ĠBel ief
+st retched
+ĠEntity Item
+Ġun rem
+Ġlaure ate
+Ġdenomin ations
+sum mary
+h ler
+S pect
+ĠK laus
+ĠBe ans
+Ġins ur
+Ġfield er
+ĠV et
+ĠSp arrow
+z ie
+ĠMond ays
+ĠOff line
+ĠLer ner
+ĠExt ensions
+Ire land
+Ġpatron age
+Ġcontrast ed
+ĠMan ia
+h irt
+Mos cow
+Ġcondem ns
+ĠAn ge
+Ġcomp osing
+ĠPe pe
+ĠP addock
+Ġheter ogeneity
+Ġide ologically
+Ġf ishes
+Ġcur sing
+ĠR utherford
+ĠFlo ating
+ĠAm elia
+Te a
+Syn opsis
+Ġstun ts
+Ġbe ad
+Ġstock ing
+ob ook
+mass ive
+\ <
+Ġh ump
+ĠPref erences
+Engine Debug
+ge ist
+ĠNiet o
+ome ver
+ish y
+eval uate
+col onial
+Altern ative
+ĠGo Pro
+ĠV ortex
+ans ky
+Sec ure
+ĠTh rust
+Sn ake
+Ġparcel s
+Ġsam urai
+Ġactress es
+N ap
+M F
+ifer ation
+Be er
+5 23
+ĠI ly
+oint ment
+P ing
+Ġstri ped
+ĠMell on
+oss ession
+Ġneut ron
+end ium
+Ġa ph
+ĠFlav oring
+Ġ38 3
+Ġrespons iveness
+ĠJ indal
+ĠHitch cock
+Den ver
+sm anship
+ĠDu pl
+Ġs ly
+Ġweb cam
+ĠTw ain
+ĠDar ling
+ili ate
+cons umer
+Ġnames ake
+Ġun orthodox
+Ġfun er
+ozy g
+ogl obin
+ĠD ia
+ĠF iesta
+ce le
+0 34
+Ġencl ave
+âĸ¬ âĸ¬
+on ement
+al ist
+M and
+Ġhome grown
+ĠF ancy
+Ġconcept ions
+ĠCont ains
+ure en
+Ġreiter ate
+Ġme ager
+Ġinstall ments
+Sp awn
+6 27
+Ġphot oc
+ĠCab rera
+ĠRos enthal
+ĠLans ing
+is ner
+Ġinvest s
+Hard ware
+Ġtr agically
+Ġconced es
+ie ft
+ch am
+bor gh
+ĠSch r
+ĠMel anie
+ĠH oy
+Ġvisit ation
+Ġid iosyncr
+Ġfract ions
+Ġfore skin
+ob os
+Ġpo aching
+Ġstimul ates
+ĠG ork
+can on
+ĠNem esis
+ĠInd ra
+Ġ5 29
+Ġinspect ing
+Ġgrand ma
+ĠW hedon
+ĠSh ant
+ĠP urg
+ik an
+ĠT eg
+z ac
+Vict oria
+ĠVer ify
+ion ics
+Ġpart ying
+ĠM ou
+col our
+Ġtestim onies
+l ations
+Ġpress uring
+hi ro
+ac ers
+Ġf id
+ang ler
+Ġhere after
+Ġdiss idents
+report ing
+iph any
+che v
+Ġsol itude
+Ġl obe
+Ġind is
+Ġcred ential
+re cent
+ad ult
+ĠNir vana
+ĠFranch ise
+L ayer
+H yp
+ĠBerks hire
+Ġwill s
+t if
+Ġtot em
+ĠJud ah
+rep air
+Inst ant
+5 48
+Ġemb assies
+Ġbott leneck
+Ġb ount
+Ġtyp ew
+ĠAl vin
+j ing
+im ilar
+R ush
+Ġbr im
+A im
+] '
+Ġpass ively
+Ġbound ed
+ĠR ated
+Ġcriminal ity
+Ġbiom ark
+Ġdisp atcher
+ĠTow ards
+Ġ+ ++
+right eous
+f rog
+ĠP anc
+C arter
+0 32
+æ© Ł
+Ġult raviolet
+ĠLic ensed
+ĠT ata
+ĠBl essing
+Ġchem ically
+ĠSe af
+ĠMerc enary
+capital ist
+Ġform ulations
+Ġann ihilation
+ĠVer b
+ĠAr gon
+Ġun loaded
+Ġmorp hed
+Ġconqu ering
+back er
+Ġtheft s
+Ġfront runner
+ĠRoy ale
+ĠFund amental
+el ight
+C hip
+necess ary
+ay n
+ĠSl ip
+Ġ4 48
+cern ed
+P ause
+Ġshock ingly
+Ġcomp osure
+7 33
+ĠMotors port
+ah ime
+Mur ray
+M ach
+Ġgr ids
+Ġdeb ian
+Ġfurther more
+Ġdexter ity
+ĠCollect ions
+os lov
+il age
+b j
+ĠMont eneg
+Ġstrut Connector
+Ġmassac res
+Ġbrief s
+fet ched
+uv ian
+ol ition
+Fail ure
+emon ic
+Ġfl ared
+Ġclaim ant
+Ġc ures
+Ġgive aways
+ĠSubst ance
+al ions
+Ġcr inge
+ĠK ul
+Ġarist ocracy
+ĠUl ster
+ol ated
+h ousing
+Ġgl ared
+ĠWil helm
+ne eds
+lam bda
+build ers
+Ġradi ator
+ĠGhost busters
+Ġ4 36
+act ual
+Ġher ds
+ç a
+watch ing
+Ġcounter ing
+Ch arge
+Ġchar red
+Ġwar heads
+Ġiod ine
+ĠM acy
+04 1
+Ġdepart ures
+ĠS ins
+Ġdy ed
+ĠConcept s
+g ado
+7 13
+Ġquot ations
+Ġg ist
+ĠChrist y
+Ġant igen
+ĠHem p
+ĠD rawn
+ĠB arg
+ez vous
+Ġp aternity
+Ġar du
+ĠAnch orage
+ĠR ik
+Ġover loaded
+ĠUs ername
+ĠTam my
+ĠN au
+ĠCell ular
+Ġw aning
+Ġrod ent
+ĠWor cester
+il ts
+ĠT ad
+Ġdwell ings
+Ġbull ish
+4 31
+Ġretali ate
+Ġmig raine
+ĠChev ron
+Ġdon key
+c rim
+ĠAn alog
+Ġmarqu ee
+ĠHa as
+B ir
+ĠDownload s
+Ġwill power
+ĠFor th
+ĠRecord ed
+Ġimp ossibility
+ĠLog ged
+ĠFr anks
+ĠR att
+in itions
+Ġclean ers
+Ġsore ly
+Ġflick ering
+ĠEx amination
+c atching
+allow een
+Ms g
+Ġdun no
+F a
+Ġdys ph
+c razy
+.' '.
+Ġmain line
+Ġc s
+Ġp tr
+ĠW ally
+ig un
+95 1
+ĠBig foot
+f ights
+Ġretrie ving
+J r
+Ġdupl ication
+ĠExpl an
+Ġrel ational
+Ġqu aint
+Ġbisc uits
+Ġad o
+Ġsh udder
+Ġantid ote
+blood ed
+ks h
+Ġsa uces
+Ġrein vest
+Ġdispens ary
+ĠD iver
+Ġ9 000
+stud ent
+Ġin separ
+esc ap
+Ġtodd lers
+ĠAss ignment
+head ers
+Ġlack luster
+Ġab ack
+95 6
+Ġtool bar
+7 45
+Ġo ust
+Ġcontempl ation
+Ġ4 58
+==== ==
+Ġguarantee ing
+ĠHe ist
+ĠCann es
+Ļ ½
+Ġcollabor ator
+ĠAm p
+Ġg ou
+st ories
+78 3
+Ġmobil ized
+Ġbro od
+ĠðŁ ij
+Ġref in
+ĠAnthrop ology
+v ind
+ill i
+Ġwarrant ies
+ĠB abel
+Ġsw ath
+Ġc aches
+Ġantagon ists
+art ifacts
+Ġhot ly
+ĠSt arts
+ĠG ö
+z ag
+!! !!!
+Ġsc ourge
+Ġcons piring
+ru its
+re verse
+ĠShe en
+ĠJes uit
+ĠGiov anni
+ad ies
+Ġbutt ocks
+ear cher
+ac an
+Ġvolley ball
+Ġshroud ed
+Ġscore board
+b ats
+Ġass es
+Ġde regulation
+ĠTe legram
+ĠReb oot
+Ġ7 000
+ĠCan ary
+Ġk ernels
+ĠFranç ois
+ĠD uff
+ĠP on
+ĠLe ica
+ĠGar min
+Ġor phans
+ĠClaud ia
+Ġcal endars
+ĠLe ilan
+ent o
+R ocket
+Ġbr unch
+ĠHaw king
+ain ers
+Ġsens ibilities
+Ġk W
+ĠK and
+Ġre claimed
+Ġinteresting ly
+× ©
+rom y
+J M
+ĠEnhance ment
+b ush
+Sk ip
+Ġrapp ers
+Ġg azing
+p edia
+ath lon
+Rev olution
+Ġsn ipers
+Ġre verted
+Ġconglomer ate
+T erry
+79 4
+Ġhars her
+Ġdes olate
+ĠHit man
+Comm ission
+Ġ( /
+âĢ¦ ."
+Com par
+Ġampl ification
+om inated
+Ġreg ress
+ĠColl ider
+Ġinform ants
+Ġg azed
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/special_tokens_map.json b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/special_tokens_map.json
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/assets/gpt2/vocab.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,50000 @@
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+h ip
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+o ok
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+ot t
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+m m
+c ing
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+Ġevery body
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+Ġneed s
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+et y
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+p o
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+Ġener gy
+l t
+Ġword s
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+d le
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+äº Ĩ
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+ud e
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+il i
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+ain s
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+E S
+oh n
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+Ģ ë
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+u x
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+W h
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+O R
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+ен и
+Ġhour s
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+if y
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+ie f
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+y n
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+" ,
+i ans
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+Ġenv iron
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+Ġcl os
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+un e
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+Ġcom o
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+k en
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+IJ ×
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+en ces
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+ore s
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+s h
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+Ġl ost
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+и в
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+pl ay
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+ro om
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+A M
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+ig her
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+ĠYou T
+Ġtechn ology
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+ut h
+ir it
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+Ġthem selves
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+w are
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+Ġha ben
+D I
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+iss ion
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+s y
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+al t
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+r it
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+ig en
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+th ough
+Y ou
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+ö n
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+or a
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+Ġproduct s
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+ol ution
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+le y
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+j ust
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+or ld
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+U S
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+p ed
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+m it
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+é n
+Ġcount ries
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+it o
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+ain ed
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+o ver
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+Ġma int
+и к
+å ij
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+oc r
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+è s
+as ons
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+if f
+or ing
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+Ġpol ice
+ress ed
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+s s
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+Î ¬
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+ó w
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+é t
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+est s
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+ro y
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+an c
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+Ġma p
+Ġany body
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+em os
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+о Ñĩ
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+and om
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+ll er
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+n al
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+Ġ8 0
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+Ġcour t
+Ġitem s
+ĠEar th
+ÑģÑĤ и
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+1 2
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+z o
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+O U
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+Ġstre et
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+h i
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+C E
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+л а
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+' .
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+du ct
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+e ch
+ÅĤ a
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+e ed
+i ÄĻ
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+O L
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+ê n
+un a
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+er ation
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+O T
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+ung en
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+al i
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+ed s
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+Ġre ve
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+ab il
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+o v
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+i ro
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+f in
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+é ĸ
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+p en
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+P E
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+1 5
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+v ant
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+al y
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+k an
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+è ¯
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+ist a
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+å ·
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+O M
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+A A
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+s hip
+k u
+Ñħ од
+ĠInst agram
+ĠInd ia
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+Ġ7 0
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+Ġbenef its
+Ñĭ е
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+op h
+er ry
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+N A
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+1 1
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+b ar
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+w ers
+× ©
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+ŀ Ī
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+è ¨
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+Ġche ese
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+im ately
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+ad or
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+ion es
+ci ent
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+ra el
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+Ġfar m
+T I
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+le ction
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+r ound
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+k n
+Ġho le
+ĠRem ember
+in ct
+ak s
+C H
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+Ġal ive
+Ġt ank
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+r ie
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+Ġcustom er
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+res p
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+Ġn av
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+Ye ah
+Ġinclud es
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+× ł
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+E O
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+ist ics
+Ú ©
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+¡ °
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+Ġmob ile
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+y r
+l ict
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+b u
+Ġn one
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+p an
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+åIJ §
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+Ġv ra
+Ġ201 9
+¶ Ħ
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+2 5
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+od ies
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+Ġtw ice
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+Ġcl ar
+Ġmas k
+Ġhonest ly
+Ġ201 8
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+' ,
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+Ġwh ose
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+× IJ×
+ĠâĢ ĭ
+Ġproper ly
+Ġg rew
+os ing
+Ġdi vers
+A D
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+Ġexp ression
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+Ġjust ice
+Ġp air
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+il os
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+ĠF re
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+ĠWas hington
+Ġorganiz ations
+Ġж е
+av ing
+Ġv ÃŃ
+Ġbirth day
+Ġbe ar
+ĠÙ ģ
+Ġaff ord
+Ġre ven
+Ġrelationship s
+r ough
+ĠT ime
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+u ary
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+Ġк он
+el er
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+ĠN et
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+et ers
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+m ar
+Ġex ch
+Ġcompet ition
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+Ġre nt
+Ġch ocolate
+Ġw ieder
+Ġnear ly
+Ġspe ech
+Ġun c
+Ġpar am
+ĠBrit ish
+Ġrem ain
+ur t
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+ail s
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+i ÃŁ
+Ġad apt
+ал а
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+Ł ¬
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+Ġs ó
+Ġperfect ly
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+ord in
+Ġj á
+Ġimp ossible
+ĠTh ree
+Ġn h
+Ġtur ning
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+ig g
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+и й
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+ian o
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+o ot
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+ill ed
+Ġsur round
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+Ġposs ibly
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+st en
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+P S
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+y an
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+ìŀ ħ
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+é Ľ
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+Ġg anz
+ĠM ais
+Ġthem e
+Ġk i
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+az on
+ĠO ff
+t t
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+на Ñı
+I M
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+we ll
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+Ġc ó
+Ġprotect ion
+eg a
+å ĩ
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+Ġans wers
+Ġdi et
+iv o
+Ġpow der
+Ġyour s
+Ġhigh est
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+F F
+å º
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+ö yle
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+è¬ Ŀ
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+Û ģ
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+Ġrespons ibility
+Ġsign al
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+Ġa x
+Ġcook ing
+ов оÑĢ
+le g
+Ġп оÑĤ
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+Ġdem ocr
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+Ġj ag
+Ġcur ious
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+Ð Ŀ
+ar on
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+Ġvirt ual
+Ġ19 8
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+Ġprov ides
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+arent ly
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+ĠInd ian
+ce an
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+st ood
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+os en
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+Ġind eed
+ε ι
+Ġman aged
+ĠSh ould
+S o
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+ĠD en
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+H ow
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+à® °
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+1 8
+i est
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+Ġpr zy
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+i pe
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+Ġre in
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+ĠJ im
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+E M
+ĠM en
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+Ġmill ions
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+Ġsam ple
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+ĠS ar
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+ĠC ons
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+ĠUnd er
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+Ġ3 5
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+ĠAbs olutely
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+Ġrem ains
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+u ro
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+ĠJan uary
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+r ig
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+th let
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+n et
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+Ġd urch
+Ġtrans p
+Ġm ale
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+i ó
+Ġs ources
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+ra in
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+ĠJ ul
+Ġel a
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+ĠM ill
+g l
+op er
+Ġinf in
+Ġmar riage
+Ġmedic ine
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+Ġdog s
+Ġinstr ument
+ĠEx act
+á n
+Ġ20 21
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+og ue
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+arr ator
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+Ġv id
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+ĠRuss ian
+Ġproper ties
+Ġart icle
+Ġunder neath
+y er
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+Ġrelative ly
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+æ Ĭ
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+аб оÑĤ
+ĠO pen
+æīĢ 以
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+o ber
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+Ġter r
+ĠÐ ĵ
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+ü h
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+ond e
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+p et
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+Ġabs ol
+ĠбÑĥд еÑĤ
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+Ġtri al
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+ly ing
+cept ion
+ĠAfric an
+Ġchem ical
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+Ġrele vant
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+ak i
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+ack s
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+Ġgra v
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+D on
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+ĠProf ess
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+ĠM ond
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+an ish
+Ġpract ices
+5 00
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+up s
+ate ful
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+2 00
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+ĠL os
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+ĠIs land
+ĠSt reet
+end a
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+n ic
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+Ġk iss
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+s zy
+Ġë Ĭ
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+Ġgr own
+Ġown ers
+out s
+Ġcour ses
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+ñ o
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+9 0
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+er d
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+ĠZ h
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+og y
+å §
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+is k
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+ient o
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+h ab
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+oun ce
+í Į
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+Ġall es
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+Ð ŀ
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+id os
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+iss ions
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+Ġsur gery
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+U R
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+Ġsol ar
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+re y
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+ach el
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+ek t
+Ġshe et
+Ġse es
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+Ġtest ed
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+ind e
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+Ġauthor ity
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+Ġre form
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+Ġallow ing
+Ġpatter ns
+Ġlet ting
+Ġsleep ing
+O kay
+Ġp izza
+Ġд ол
+Ġtal ent
+ens ions
+Ġenvironment al
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+Ġsh ots
+Ġcont ains
+ug ar
+y o
+ı Ļ
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+ad er
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+im ents
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+ìĭ ¤
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+a e
+Ġr um
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+Ġs ão
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+Ġform a
+Ġsum m
+Ġm arch
+Ġv ast
+ü k
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+im os
+L et
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+ist e
+l ay
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+Ġk o
+Î ´
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+ult ure
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+ess a
+а ÑĨи
+ust er
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+ri p
+Ġm ere
+Ñ Ķ
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+Į Ģë
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+out hern
+Ġmeet ings
+Ġc ada
+нÑĭ м
+ient e
+Ġb ast
+an ing
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+ro ad
+Ġro of
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+ÑĢ аз
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+Ġ15 0
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+y i
+Ġemot ions
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+om y
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+9 9
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+Ġf u
+ĠBas ically
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+Q u
+ond er
+i very
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+Ġexper ts
+× §
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+ки й
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+om p
+h m
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+Ø ´
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+od ing
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+ĠAs soci
+um my
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+ra it
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+Ġ3 6
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+l an
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+Ġmus cle
+Ġs ale
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+ĠS qu
+Ġco ast
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+ĠFr anc
+Ġbath room
+Ġshop ping
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+G B
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+Ø °
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+Ġh itting
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+Ġheart s
+ĠAnd roid
+ĠH and
+Ġrepres ents
+g lich
+íĬ ¸
+Ġ3 2
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+ä¸Ģ ä¸ĭ
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+Ġktó re
+Ġadult s
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+ĠH ong
+Ġfilm ing
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+Ã »
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+S A
+est e
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+xt ure
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+Ñĥ б
+Ġrev olution
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+è °
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+pr ise
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+ne ll
+ĠBr other
+Ġn un
+Ġimportant ly
+all ed
+ia ÅĤ
+ab led
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+E P
+" ?
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+Ġо Ñģ
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+ä ä
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+j u
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+ord an
+Ġins ert
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+ur os
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+ious ly
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+h ale
+o ch
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+c ont
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+Ġscen ario
+Ġt rop
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+ĠÑĤ олÑĮко
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+Ġн ап
+Ġ201 3
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+a ire
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+g h
+д Ñĥ
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+er ves
+com es
+k lich
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+ä l
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+Ġdep art
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+az z
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+ĠR yan
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+b ro
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+ĠÃ ĸ
+Å ¾
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+ck er
+t u
+Ġsh el
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+Ġl apt
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+Ġinv ited
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+ac iones
+ĠC amp
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+ı na
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+ĠS n
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+ÄŁ im
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+Ġdom ain
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+Ġrid ic
+Ġc el
+Ġchild hood
+ĠT est
+rat ulations
+ĠVir gin
+Ġп л
+Ġalgorith m
+Ġinter action
+ag a
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+st ream
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+ел ов
+B A
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+ir ty
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+2 3
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+C K
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+O K
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+Ġord ers
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+Ġte ż
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+Ãł y
+ĠChic ago
+S he
+ath y
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+ãĤ ¹
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+Ġse mpre
+Ñĸ д
+Ġdri ven
+Ġfoot age
+Ġf ond
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+ow ing
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+Ä Ľ
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+Ġ201 0
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+b st
+Ġpil ot
+ĠM ars
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+Ġ1 000
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+w y
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+r ors
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+C on
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+ur er
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+et ry
+è ¡
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+Ġcour age
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+oss a
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+il Ãł
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+в еÑĢ
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+b ble
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+ĠAssoci ation
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+ren ce
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+ĠY u
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+ik o
+ver ty
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+or o
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+Ġanal yt
+ang en
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+Ġcomput ers
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+ate ll
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+Ġglass es
+p erson
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+s m
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+2 6
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+L Y
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+D e
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+Ġlegisl ation
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+£ ¼
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+3 2
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+ot ros
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+ne j
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+D S
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+2 9
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+Ð £
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+ä½ ķ
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+Ġot ro
+ĠпеÑĢ в
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+g ue
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+ĠX ia
+ç «
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+Ġbu eno
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+l ers
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+ü hr
+ê s
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+Ġf are
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+× ¡
+Ġs atell
+ĠAny thing
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+Ġrad ical
+Ġzwe i
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+Ġg rip
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+ĠO p
+ìĨ Į
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+Ġat om
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+ci as
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+é ri
+Ġoffic ially
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+O P
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+ivers ary
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+ö t
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+h u
+Ġne ur
+å® ļ
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+ĠHe ll
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+ëħ Ħ
+ut a
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+Ġ6 4
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+ñ a
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+Ġf ir
+ĠA u
+Ñĥ н
+ul ating
+ing ly
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+or ters
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+им еÑĢ
+m ond
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+Ġs ans
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+h ou
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+Ģ ìĿ´
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+h ot
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+Ġ 好
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+s che
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+è ¼
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+act ions
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+k ar
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+ing en
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+ial s
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+ĥ IJ
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+s er
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+Ġflex ibility
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+un o
+Ġentreprene urs
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+Ġsumm ary
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+ç ¥
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+ter y
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+lo ok
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+oh l
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+ul u
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+ard o
+3 7
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+av ed
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+Ñij м
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+ı s
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+x y
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+Ġro ast
+Ġjed en
+ur as
+aj a
+Ġse mi
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+Ġcreat ivity
+hold ers
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+3 1
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+z el
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+Ġen gines
+ir s
+Ø «
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+P C
+in ction
+ir i
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+ny m
+r un
+Ñı в
+Ġinnov ative
+Ġnom bre
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+u je
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+Ġrock et
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+ll y
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+£ ¨
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+Ġreci pes
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+c en
+Ġany time
+ons ense
+Ġcirc les
+Ġsol ved
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+Ġcoron avirus
+ĠLu ke
+Ġbu bb
+Ġcont empor
+r zy
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+Ġhy brid
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+ĠìĨ Įë
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+Ġhe cho
+Ġpo em
+Ġsubject s
+pl ant
+ĠBe h
+ĠSpe aking
+Ġbatter ies
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+ö l
+Ġg ently
+Ġsi xt
+Ġparam eter
+Ġik ke
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+ın ız
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+N D
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+iz a
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+th a
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+omet er
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+5 5
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+ell s
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+4 00
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+y ard
+Ġnos otros
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+A B
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+ag ne
+ế t
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+4 4
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+4 7
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+ĠWhen ever
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+res hold
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+T e
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+ĠV ill
+åIJ Ī
+ĠR achel
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+Ġstra in
+Ġang el
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+Ġbl ur
+Ġreg ards
+Â ·
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+ł ¸
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+ang el
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+Ġd us
+Ġd ic
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+... !
+Ġsie ht
+ĠSon ic
+Ġten ho
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+Ġdig it
+ĠMa ar
+Ġunder grad
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+ĠÑī о
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+Ġzus ammen
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+Ġvisit ors
+e ous
+Ġgrand mother
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+Ġpun to
+ì ¡
+Ġre de
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+ĠB ol
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+im eters
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+Ġrepl acement
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+Wh ere
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+p res
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+Ġlist s
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+ft en
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+Ġmö chte
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+Ġstim ul
+Ġfast est
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+Ġ19 70
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+Ġre vers
+pro fit
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+Ġìŀ ij
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+ch ron
+Ġpin ch
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+isc al
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+Ġvo ilÃł
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+ic ular
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+G ood
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+íĺ ¸
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+Ġang les
+Ġterm inal
+ĠW on
+ĠInter esting
+Ġcross ing
+Ġbond s
+Ġpu eden
+Ġor b
+lar ın
+Ġcreep y
+Ġnutr ition
+Ġall ies
+Ġwire less
+Ġdes ired
+Ġcomp ute
+ĠAri zona
+ĠBeaut iful
+Ġprodu ces
+Ġnuest ro
+t ed
+Ġel igible
+ĠÑģ оз
+ic ial
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+Ġ iz
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+ίν αι
+Ġshad ows
+ĠMed ia
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+Ġsl ot
+r ade
+Ġë Ĵ
+Ġhar mon
+Ġingred ient
+ors hip
+ek i
+Ġgrand father
+Ġexcit ement
+Ġpolit icians
+.. !
+Ġout s
+Ġsepar ately
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+c rowd
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+Ġз ад
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+Ġyour selves
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+Ġí ļ
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+ille urs
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+Ġк л
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+el en
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+Ġ Õ
+Ġste ering
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+λ λ
+Ġcapt ain
+å Ŀ
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+ĠBar b
+Ġut ility
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+e ar
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+éĹ ľ
+. âĢĭ
+éĤ Ĭ
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+Ġlay ing
+Ġcal ories
+Ġcontro lling
+Ġadvant ages
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+Ġthreat s
+ak an
+em atic
+m ann
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+m umbles
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+f ight
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+âĢ¦ .
+ķ Į
+ab ol
+Ġus age
+Ġn onsense
+ĠPal est
+Ġcont re
+ĠDemocr atic
+j ekt
+Ġar bit
+Ġг ол
+ĠMich elle
+ich er
+es h
+ĠP ho
+к ом
+4 9
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+ο Ïį
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+re ck
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+ĠCo ast
+Ġconsist ently
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+ç ¤
+l Ãł
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+IJ ľ
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+Ġwithd raw
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+un es
+Ġaccess ibility
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+g ame
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+n é
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+á p
+ĠCh ange
+ĠInd eed
+Ġreg ulation
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+Ġj azz
+Ġstruct ural
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+ан ÑĤ
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+нÑĭ ми
+Ġscen arios
+ìłģ ìľ¼ë¡ľ
+Ġд еÑĤ
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+Ġaut re
+Ġhe ating
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+Ġпон им
+Ġexc lus
+we ar
+ag le
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+Ġr ational
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+Ġбол ее
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+çĽ ¸
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+Ġnew ly
+Don ald
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+ĠN ico
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+arent s
+ĠпÑĢ об
+ĠIn side
+ipp er
+d ramatic
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+ord e
+Ġy oga
+ch ild
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+Qu é
+Ġ !!
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+Ġinteract ive
+s al
+ann ah
+pe z
+ç¶ ĵ
+Ġunderstand s
+ĠTok yo
+Ġlibr aries
+Ġread er
+ij IJ
+o z
+ĠEnd e
+ĠF lo
+Ġm ild
+Ġpo etry
+Ġж ив
+æĦ Ľ
+Ġbeh ave
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+ĠSus an
+p age
+ra ham
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+Ġtun ing
+Ġp ac
+Ġanx ious
+I O
+M ark
+Ġhi ç
+book s
+Ġp iss
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+ĠAr gent
+Ġinter medi
+Ġl ou
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+Ġassign ment
+Ġcabin et
+Ġretire ment
+ãģ »
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+Ġa wards
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+Ġth y
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+il ton
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+Ġmagn et
+inc oln
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+Ġequ ipped
+w atch
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+ad ers
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+ı yorum
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+Ġinter section
+6 6
+Ġ3 9
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+ì ´
+hh hh
+Ġd ys
+Ġb atch
+Ġca f
+Ġmark er
+大家 好
+or able
+ó ria
+Ġste pped
+Ġcelebr ating
+ан а
+Ġwor n
+ĠF ol
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+Ġ( (
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ
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+и ж
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+Ġs ag
+An n
+ol ar
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+Ġsu its
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+el and
+pie ce
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+k ÅĤad
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+Ġì¤ Ħ
+Ġprocess or
+ĠDad dy
+Ġsoon er
+Ġstraight forward
+Ġdepart ments
+ĠChr ome
+Ġwork place
+ĠPy thon
+Ġm eng
+ĠI ce
+ĠëĪ Ī
+ĠG i
+Ġh iring
+Ġland ed
+Ġdemocr atic
+ied z
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+ic ia
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+Ġh ät
+Ġb ou
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+ies z
+åij Ģ
+Ġv il
+ÅĽ li
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+Ġloss es
+éķ ·
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+ĠAust in
+ĠIn formation
+Ġres ume
+Ġch ase
+Ġsal ary
+Ġë¶ Ħ
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+ĠÑģл ед
+ĠFur ther
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+Ł ¼
+Ġo y
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+ah aha
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+u et
+Ġmeasure ments
+b il
+ì ½
+if ully
+ин Ñĥ
+ĠWil son
+¦ ´
+ĠíĮ Į
+Ġì° ¨
+Ġp úblic
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+Ġn ails
+Ġsp ine
+Ġhe mos
+Ġz n
+qu is
+ĠLe ben
+Ġrefer ences
+i per
+ĠÑģеб Ñı
+ì ģ
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+N e
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+ill o
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+id el
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+au ge
+E du
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+Ġlect ures
+Ñĩ еÑģ
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+ر ÙĬ
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+La ughs
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+omm es
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+ce ÄŁim
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+6 5
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+O Y
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+u ard
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+ç on
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+к ÑĢа
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+7 7
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+y u
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+un ks
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+Ġassum ptions
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+i yorum
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+â ĺ
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+r t
+ĠTy p
+Ġìĸ ij
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+Ġolar ak
+ĠZh ang
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+as er
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+back s
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+Ġca fe
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+Ġphenomen al
+Ġstake holders
+Ġun os
+Ñĥ еÑĤ
+ĠAb raham
+ãģ§ ãĤĤ
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+Ġjur is
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+z ial
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+è ½
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+" )
+Ġtrans mit
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+Ġ4 6
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+l ung
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+ha ppy
+Ġe psilon
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+ch air
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+Ġso vere
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+л ение
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+ĠH m
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+h el
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+Ġ3 50
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+F O
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+Ġancest ors
+ĠìĹĦ ì²Ń
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+ĠPot ter
+ĠGerm ans
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+au er
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+ye ong
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+ÑĦ оÑĢм
+or ph
+Ġda wn
+s pr
+äch lich
+Ġpu ppy
+7 00
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+Ġdead ly
+Ñı ж
+wi Äħ
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+ĠÎ ķ
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+T C
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+Ġrout es
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+Ġpartners hips
+Ġno vo
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+Ġso b
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+d ire
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+Ġn esse
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+ĠÑģ Ñĥ
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+ĠUn iverse
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+5 6
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+Ġprz ed
+Ġapp arent
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+ĠWork ing
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+Ġle urs
+Ġdash board
+×Ļ× ĵ
+ĠEar ly
+B M
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+ол ог
+Ġsatisf ying
+Ġoft entimes
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+ünk ü
+ar th
+f old
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+ĠIm per
+Ġr ivers
+Ġ |
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+reg on
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+ĠM iami
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+ĠSen ior
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+Ġgall ery
+Ġsun light
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+ĠPho enix
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+ĠY ok
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+Ġ5 1
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+et ts
+Ġinst ructor
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+ak o
+Ġpost ure
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+æĶ ¿
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+ant ing
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+ç ¿
+Ġdav on
+Ġí ħ
+Ġy ummy
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+Ġcert ified
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+b ere
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+at ivo
+Ġsimpl er
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+ç ĭ
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+ĠTon ight
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+ĠK night
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+do ors
+ĠHou ston
+аÑİ Ñī
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+г лÑı
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+Ġhand les
+Ġtr illion
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+Ġo le
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+Ġ7 2
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+Ġcurios ity
+Ġp ont
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+Ġdemonst rated
+ol ine
+ĠSpe ed
+Ġm ama
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+Ġk iedy
+Ġearthqu ake
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+Ġent ers
+ŀ Ģ
+Ġelev ator
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+Ġfil ed
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+ke ys
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+b ot
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+¶ ģ
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+ĠC ro
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+Ġcon form
+M O
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+W ill
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+Ġoppon ents
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+5 7
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+Ġmid night
+Ann ouncer
+ac ity
+on ed
+Ġpued es
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+unt ed
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+ho o
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+Ġм ин
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+Ġble w
+ry ing
+Ġoper ators
+Ġjuris d
+ı ħ
+u ition
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+ll es
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+j os
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+v os
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+Ġa ur
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+n ier
+in ner
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+Chr ist
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+Ġp ads
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+are m
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+ĠG osh
+sh it
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+ix a
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+L S
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+Ġpean ut
+ä ft
+¹ ł
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+Aud ience
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+Y U
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+8 5
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+Ġcomp ression
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+ο λ
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+Ġsynd rome
+Ġcomplet ion
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+ĠQ uran
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+6 4
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+Ġcompt e
+åĽ Ľ
+Ĭ ¤
+ĠìĹ Ń
+Ġsuper hero
+ĠGard en
+ĠM os
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+Ġb ust
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+Ġle ap
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+ĠOl ha
+Ġro ku
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+Ġtact ics
+Ġmarket place
+Ġktó ra
+ar lo
+Ġswitch es
+Ġc ache
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+Ġdu as
+her es
+tr ack
+Ġl ungs
+St ation
+igg les
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+Ġinfect ions
+ł ¤ë
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+ĠS alt
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+et o
+Ġj ury
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+él é
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+Ġv iene
+ĠKr ist
+5 4
+Ġb anned
+Ġsmooth ly
+Ġtreat s
+Ġpron ounce
+Ġfl ush
+Ġcam bi
+Ġmusic ian
+ĠAsh ley
+ĠBob by
+Ġgl oss
+res pect
+Ġreview ing
+Ġgener ic
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+ats ächlich
+Ġhealth ier
+ub ers
+Ġд ан
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+5 3
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+S pe
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+æľ ĭ
+5 9
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+owy ch
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+Ġp uff
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+Ġìł Ħë
+Ġoptim ization
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+Ġíķ Ħ
+Ġefficient ly
+Ġvis ually
+Ġfr ost
+ĠAr thur
+Ġ ż
+Ġachie ving
+Ġrot ating
+Ġl ining
+Ġoccup ied
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+ost ic
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+ühr t
+ĠFranc is
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+ye ah
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+ĠV enez
+L ike
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+ott le
+at ura
+Ġrul er
+Ġwe er
+Ġgu ided
+ĠM agn
+ĠCor por
+į Ķ
+Ġattrib ute
+ĠWo ah
+Ġarr ows
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+op y
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+Ġ5 6
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+ел ей
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+Ġdr ift
+Ġh arness
+Ġdeix ar
+aut re
+ĠSee ing
+Ġcapital ism
+ĠE ld
+z ione
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+Ġdecl are
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+Ġpo ke
+Ġ× ¡
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+µ 커
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+п иÑģ
+Ġded i
+ĠCra ig
+Ġdem ons
+Ġcustom ize
+Ġign ored
+ĠT ian
+Ġhop ed
+ĠB ureau
+Ġr i
+ĠY ah
+Ġso cket
+Ġfeat uring
+Ġpar f
+ĠTe acher
+Ġcatal og
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+Ġcat ast
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+Ġtro is
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+Ġp ione
+ĠInt el
+Ġbright er
+ĠY esterday
+Ġs ow
+s in
+od s
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+Ġinterview ed
+re ll
+Ġrefres hing
+s å
+Ġabs urd
+Ġph osph
+f il
+Ġste hen
+v als
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+æĪ ĸ
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+b one
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+ell es
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+ig i
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+Ġslic es
+Ġpr ank
+ok rat
+Ġhilar ious
+ĠS id
+ĠëĴ ¤
+Ġess ere
+Ġtele phone
+in ally
+r ator
+Ġhelicop ter
+ĠiÅŁ te
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+Ġtour ist
+Ġconflict s
+аÑĤ а
+Ġt é
+Ġass ert
+Ġlaund ry
+ĠB om
+Ġspecial ized
+ĠMod ern
+og raf
+Ġan o
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+pp e
+m ir
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+l ace
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+ĠDis c
+Ġíĥ Ģ
+Ġtit led
+Ġstri ps
+ĠF ahr
+ĠR ing
+rand o
+af a
+èº «
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+Ġtr unk
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+Ïī ν
+Ġac res
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+ĠOlymp ics
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+et en
+od er
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+wr iting
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+se m
+Ġf rente
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+z ek
+è°¢ è°¢
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+Ġvis ibility
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+uf en
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+ĠM am
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+ult an
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+éł Ń
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+ĠAdd itionally
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+d ep
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+Ġpour quoi
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+n els
+о Ñī
+ĠArab ic
+ĠMary land
+çİ ĭ
+ow o
+ĠP la
+ÄŁl um
+Ġprop he
+ĠRep resent
+op ol
+acc ord
+ĠMe aning
+Ġjoint s
+Ġbra kes
+ck t
+Ġ199 9
+Ġpublic ation
+ĠRe view
+ой д
+Ġn iche
+Ġsignific a
+Ġde br
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+Ġdemand ing
+ĠS ó
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+Ġ1 30
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+Ġresil ience
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+ge bra
+Ġcor rection
+bo o
+Ø ¦
+l io
+s am
+Ġen velope
+k al
+ĠF arm
+Ġc attle
+Ġbr as
+Ġrep ent
+Ġt ones
+os ion
+pe ction
+Ġden en
+È Ľi
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+Ġacqu ire
+ibl ings
+Ġas pir
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+Ġvib ration
+t il
+em in
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+Ġпо Ñıв
+re k
+Ġchap ters
+mb re
+Ġaud ition
+ç as
+Ġv amp
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+ĠÑĢаз в
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+c in
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+Ġп об
+Ġal ike
+¶ Ī
+ro bi
+î t
+ĠT ouch
+an za
+Ġfirm ly
+ĠGreet ings
+sc ale
+d ad
+ак ÑĤи
+Ġback yard
+ож д
+G r
+Ġhät te
+ĠFirst ly
+ĠO ften
+as ures
+Ġdraw s
+red it
+P e
+C P
+Ġcompe lling
+Ġsubs id
+Ġneighborhood s
+Ġdipl om
+Ġent ender
+per ing
+a ug
+ch at
+ÐĿ Ñĥ
+ĠDo ll
+Ġìł IJ
+Ġh ose
+n ar
+Ġreward ing
+ĠSo ld
+Ġtak i
+Ġbl ades
+ĠK ath
+Ġjog o
+Ġsens ation
+u ana
+p el
+ĠRecent ly
+Ġpoly mer
+-- -
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+Ġaccur ately
+? âĢĭ
+Ġw ages
+rawd ÄĻ
+Ġsw allow
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+Ġli ed
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+Ġte cn
+b ang
+³ ´ì
+Ġqu ien
+н омÑĥ
+Ġhabit at
+.... ..
+ab ling
+ĠÑĤак ие
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+Ġemploy ed
+Ġarri ves
+Ġvess els
+ĠA x
+Ġdisplay s
+1 50
+olog ie
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+w end
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+ur p
+ĠL ot
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+Ġwork load
+m u
+íĥ ľ
+Ġsun set
+в ол
+p it
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+é Ń
+Ġcount ed
+Ġn az
+×ķ× ¤
+ĠPhilipp ines
+Ġ11 0
+ĠPark er
+Ġg itu
+Ġinter es
+Ġum bre
+ĠN ature
+Ġj er
+en os
+Ġpanel ists
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+Ġch erry
+ĠP ent
+ĠM ist
+reg ation
+Ġv ind
+ĠCor ps
+ĠM ission
+Ġno ble
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+our i
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+ig m
+ä¸Ģ 个
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+L O
+ĠV erm
+er ving
+ĠC i
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+ĠпÑĢ ог
+ĠÙĦ ا
+other ap
+iff any
+b ian
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+Ġpropos als
+ĠÄij ây
+Ġfree zing
+Ġinsect s
+v il
+Ġcomp ost
+çİ °
+Ġse mana
+Ġdistingu ish
+Ġfacil itate
+Ġplus ieurs
+Ġver g
+Ġalgun s
+ĠTik Tok
+ĠEx press
+м енÑĤ
+S U
+Ġint imate
+ĠAut hor
+Ġwitness es
+Ġkal au
+Ġargu ed
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+Ġsy ll
+á vel
+ĠAtl anta
+ĠUt ah
+ĠT ill
+Ġer f
+Ġ20 22
+ä ter
+Ġfun eral
+ĠFl ash
+ĠAtl antic
+Ġge le
+ì¦ Ī
+Ġmort gage
+ĠëĦ ĺ
+lic ht
+Ġamb itious
+ĠBeij ing
+Ġd iving
+Ġun box
+ill as
+Ġot ras
+Ġev ac
+Ġmar ine
+ĠÑģоз д
+ĠCre ate
+Ġg j
+Ġfrequ encies
+ing ton
+ĠRom ans
+Ġaim ing
+ĠB uff
+Ġem peror
+ĠMo i
+Ġprom ising
+ãģ ľ
+Ġalg uma
+Ġpas a
+Ġdis orders
+S I
+Ġsucceed ed
+Ġcuer po
+Ġsod ium
+Ġst ub
+he iro
+Ġdelay ed
+et era
+t w
+Ġsyn c
+h d
+Ġtour ists
+Ġsy st
+Ġm ét
+Ġqual ify
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+ll ers
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+Ġê² Ģ
+Ġê°Ģ ìŀ¥
+Ġи Ñģк
+ĠM atter
+ĠBl uetooth
+Ġpe arl
+Ġar ise
+Ġmon ument
+Ġим енно
+ag i
+Ġr ho
+Ġsm arter
+Ġcon j
+ок а
+Ġke en
+ĠT reat
+к лÑİÑĩ
+Ġpack et
+els ius
+ĠAl ab
+и ни
+Ġp si
+Ġenjoy able
+ĠEll en
+Ġв м
+Ġelimin ated
+ĠR ow
+Ġzomb ie
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+Ġphr ases
+Ġg ren
+ut er
+Ġdire kt
+× ĸ
+en en
+us a
+ĠÑģл ов
+Ä °
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+Ġcor rid
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+ĠL inda
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+d ar
+ĠØ µ
+em ment
+ac ies
+Ġscrew ed
+Ġn ak
+Ġay ud
+ä¸ Ķ
+á r
+le z
+Ġdr own
+ĠMedic ine
+Ġlab s
+Ġjus qu
+ĠG onna
+Ġterror ist
+qu est
+Ġfar ther
+Ġrepl ied
+ĠMiss issippi
+ish na
+Ġhold er
+Ġre ign
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+Ġu l
+¶ Į
+ĠHot el
+ĠCo oper
+t an
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+Ġv apor
+Ġact ed
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+f an
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+çĶļ 麼
+ut et
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+d at
+Ġcou ples
+Ġbe ads
+ient os
+Th en
+ä¿ Ĥ
+os ity
+ĠStan ford
+. -
+W ait
+Ġdat as
+o ire
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+im me
+Ġencounter ed
+Ġshout ing
+Ġresist ant
+ĠSe ung
+Ġtra gic
+ĠD raw
+, ,
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+ĠÑĥ г
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+ĠCo le
+e urs
+( ?)
+Ġesca ped
+ĠAs sembly
+Ġstick er
+Ġmie ux
+Ġentertain ing
+ĠAm end
+ĠK arl
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+s st
+ie g
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+Ġhook ed
+Ġliter al
+Ġsun ny
+st eps
+Ġë° ľë
+ĠMar ine
+Ġsu e
+Ġprison ers
+ĠE b
+5 8
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+Ġgu ilt
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+ó mo
+Ġqual quer
+ìĿ´ë Ŀ¼ê³ł
+Ġconspir acy
+Ġstraw berry
+Ġhat ten
+E s
+Ġsp os
+Ġvill ages
+Ġle v
+ĠÑģ ÑĢед
+Ġw aking
+Ġcalcul ations
+ĠÙħ ع
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+Ġleb ih
+Ġpol ish
+ĠT out
+Ġfun ktion
+м о
+ĠT i
+Ġwas ting
+ist ically
+Ġmanip ulate
+Ġsimpl ify
+Ġteam mates
+Ġб о
+Ġcont am
+ĠQu ite
+Ġkur z
+ĠC and
+ty pe
+outhe ast
+Ġfinan cially
+ол н
+els on
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+u age
+na udible
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+Ġnegoti ations
+Ġë§Ī ìĿĮ
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+ä»ĸ åĢij
+Ġexhib it
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+Ġgo b
+Ġë ľ
+Ġfrust ration
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+Ġpat ent
+ĠBar cel
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+еÑĤ а
+Ġexam s
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+P ress
+и ÑĢÑĥ
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+ven ant
+ĠTr uth
+Ŀ ½
+o be
+Ġye ll
+Ġsaus age
+T F
+ĠEv il
+Ġme iner
+×Ļ× §
+Ġhope ful
+Ġró wnież
+ĠPer ò
+t wo
+nd er
+Ġм иÑĢ
+Ġcons cience
+ĠWar ren
+ick y
+Ġaim ed
+Ġgö ra
+X T
+Ġpy ram
+R ed
+éĽ »
+at u
+ĠEst a
+Ġearning s
+Ġh ats
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+point s
+in ander
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+Ġëı Į
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+k om
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+Ġder ni
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+ив аÑĤÑĮ
+Ġd ost
+Ġw iel
+Ġs iblings
+Ġд ев
+Ġear liest
+Ġfat igue
+Ġn hi
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+Ġbon ne
+æľĢ å¾Į
+f rom
+ĠJen ny
+Ġsupposed ly
+int age
+Ġcount ies
+Ġun re
+Ġplant ing
+ĠGr ac
+ĠGen esis
+ĠAl pha
+ys z
+Ġt ile
+Ġê²½ ìļ°
+Ġ×Ļ ש
+qu el
+Ġdistrib ute
+de f
+é ral
+Ġcl utch
+adel ph
+ĠPlay Station
+Ħ ¸
+Ġs j
+bre aking
+ĠëIJ ĺë
+ĠC uba
+ĠRuss ians
+Ġper se
+Ġrestrict ed
+ig es
+ĠTra vel
+Ġelectron ics
+Ġquar ters
+ĠKe ith
+s ized
+Ġdead line
+aren th
+ĠvÃŃde os
+Ġprotocol s
+am ment
+ĠTra ining
+ĠÃ ¢
+Ġsequ el
+н ак
+Ġke inen
+Ġmatt ress
+lud ing
+Ġclass ified
+Ġreact or
+ĠK ont
+Ġpass ar
+Ġhon our
+or ig
+ĠN athan
+в а
+ĠÑģказ аÑĤÑĮ
+t ır
+Ġexclus ively
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+Ġalg una
+ĠF ortunately
+Ġl ors
+v oll
+a ver
+Ġout let
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+ĠExec utive
+Ġorg ans
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+ĠíĻ Ķ
+Ġtrans plant
+ra gen
+V O
+ĠF ör
+Ġب اÙĦ
+ĠAnd re
+is ine
+Ġlast s
+Ġhist ória
+Ġl uz
+Ġcoll ar
+Ġkid na
+Ġopt ical
+io v
+Ġto b
+Ġex terior
+Ġmet ric
+ie ur
+Ġt roll
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+ĠL uther
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+Ġtort ure
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+Ġи г
+Ġlast ing
+好 çļĦ
+Ġtien es
+Ġrece ives
+ĠOsc ar
+Ġremember ing
+Ġproblem as
+Ġ ia
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+Ġsu iv
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+Ġon der
+èª °
+at ility
+Ġirgend wie
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+int ell
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+Ġun iqu
+ĠCent re
+ast s
+u ar
+Ġrev is
+Ġthreat ening
+ra is
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+ri et
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+Ġ5 4
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+Ġabsor bed
+acaģ ız
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+Ġexplicit ly
+Ġìŀ ¬
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+ce j
+ĠAl bert
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+ect or
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+Ġvirt ue
+Ġven ir
+D D
+Ġy az
+Ġlog s
+ĠPhot oshop
+Ġs id
+l ings
+Ġremot ely
+ĠD ifferent
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+Ġdisc rimin
+ist ance
+Ġpl ac
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+Ġtrabal ho
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+S C
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+èĩ ³
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+J o
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+Ġwe ed
+Ġkann st
+åĤ Ļ
+Ġê·¸ëŁ¬ ëĭĪê¹Į
+Ġplut ôt
+ĠComm ander
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+Ġ9 8
+ãģ ĩ
+Ġdevelop ments
+ĠC ost
+Ġtheoret ical
+Ġo re
+Ġmet all
+οÏħ ν
+f ahr
+Ġch uck
+Ġadapt ed
+ĠOk lah
+ĠNether lands
+Ġpo et
+st o
+k at
+Ġwe ars
+ç ¯
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+Ġlaugh ed
+Ġdon ner
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+ĠDet roit
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+ph abet
+ĠK end
+A ss
+Ġreve als
+ĠÎ ł
+ĠNo ah
+¦¬ ëĬĶ
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+ĠAlab ama
+Ġterr ific
+ĠE lement
+Ġí Ĩ
+Ġtur bo
+ĠH om
+Ġtheore m
+Ġadvent ures
+Ġpurch asing
+ĠT á
+Ġм аÑĤ
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+Ġwen ig
+Ġbo oth
+Ġent rar
+V A
+Ġge ars
+ĠJa e
+è n
+Ġcal cium
+ĠRober ts
+ĠпÑĢоб лем
+Ġrib bon
+Ġн азÑĭв
+Ġla v
+Ġinter ventions
+ĠUlt ra
+Ġnam ely
+Ġadequ ate
+Ġre cap
+Ġdo ck
+f ting
+Ġvo i
+Ġconsult ation
+ĠÑģ ем
+Ġpod em
+Ġposs ession
+Ġcl ues
+ĠRus sell
+Ġrenew able
+åݲ 害
+ĠÑĥ з
+in formation
+igg ers
+W ith
+wn o
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+Ġw ol
+Ġch ol
+äm ä
+Ġout break
+Ġc res
+Ġunser er
+Ġí ijľ
+Ġunder water
+Ġass ure
+Ġnap rawdÄĻ
+Ġestablish ment
+Ġinc on
+Ġdifer ente
+Ġex cus
+ĠD im
+о Ñħ
+ĠL ing
+ro log
+Ġãģ ¾
+Ġout doors
+na j
+Ġepid emic
+Ġun ters
+Ġ3 000
+ĠGab riel
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+ĠO der
+ĠF oot
+p as
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+åĵ ¡
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+Ġall iance
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+ин е
+Ġer u
+Ġf iz
+äº Ķ
+Ġa ÅŁ
+Ġap rend
+Ġcual quier
+Ġcarr ots
+ın ın
+af ood
+Ġflo ors
+Ġkey words
+Ġsp otted
+Ġdr ank
+Ġpar as
+Ġúlt imo
+Ġhab lar
+Ġprose cut
+ìĹIJ ëıĦ
+éĸĭ å§ĭ
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+Ġstick ers
+Ġpush es
+k h
+Ġrest art
+ĠTh under
+á» Ŀi
+Ġmuit a
+Ġfo x
+arde ÅŁ
+ĠZ ach
+ĠMine craft
+ç ¸
+Ġ== ==
+Ġgö re
+Ġst ance
+ig ung
+Ùİ Ùij
+k ä
+Ġteaching s
+é Ĩ
+Ġdec ay
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+¬ ´ë
+Ġco c
+: )
+ke iten
+eth eless
+Ġhead quarters
+Ġsp ike
+ĠB ase
+Ġ10 1
+Ġcoordin ates
+Ġt ard
+Ġbo iled
+ĠMon ster
+Ġnote book
+Ġê´ Ģ
+ĠW ake
+ĠSet ting
+ìĿ´ì Ĺ
+ĠSyd ney
+ĠFin n
+Ġlob by
+å¾ ŀ
+Ġsen iors
+ни Ñħ
+av an
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+th ink
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+© ng
+Ġalgun os
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+ĠM ale
+íĭ °
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+в оÑĢ
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+Ġele ven
+owe j
+á»ij ng
+Ġa ku
+Ġgl ance
+Ġconnect ivity
+Ġbal d
+Ñĭ Ñĩ
+Ġint est
+á g
+ibl ical
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+Ġp ity
+Ġf aint
+Ġwur den
+Ġleg ally
+Ġpre y
+ĠSci ences
+ĠпÑĢ оÑģ
+Ġtrain er
+Ġprobl ème
+Ġkil o
+к ого
+Ġbrid ges
+8 9
+Ġlast ed
+Ġeleg ant
+b ows
+Ġpal ab
+Ġdirect ory
+ä¸į æľĥ
+Ġbul b
+pe ople
+I X
+Ġge b
+Ġ6 6
+ĠTenn essee
+ah len
+ie val
+Ġca ut
+ĠDam en
+pl o
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+Ġst air
+к ÑĢ
+Ġatom ic
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+Ġ199 7
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+9 8
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+Ġ199 6
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+Ġ199 4
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+ĠWord Press
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+z as
+Ġб еÑĢ
+Ġneck lace
+Ġbl ender
+ĠPhill ips
+et i
+ĠJup iter
+Ġprov oc
+ĠYe ars
+ent re
+ac io
+Ġk ü
+Ġanten na
+Ġnovel s
+Ġf art
+ĠS ugar
+ĠJud y
+Ġcollaps ed
+ç °
+rit is
+Ġìĥģ íĻ©
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+rane an
+ere um
+ĠTar get
+Ġ8 8
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+ide o
+Ġreg ression
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+Ġmów i
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+i ens
+ip h
+Ġfr ying
+Ġfasc inated
+ĠW ah
+b ucks
+m aya
+ĠSat urn
+ĠM ommy
+Ġrating s
+Ġaut umn
+Æ°Æ¡ ng
+Ġlos er
+Ġcent ro
+érie ur
+ĠF old
+Ġsuper visor
+ĠNo bel
+Ġunder est
+ob ia
+Ġв ÑģÑı
+Ġver w
+Ġfu els
+Ġartif acts
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+Û Ķ
+×ķ× ¡
+Ġih nen
+Ġ5 9
+ound ing
+еÑĢ Ñĭ
+in ars
+ch ant
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+Ġexplos ive
+Ġdisp ers
+â ĸĪ
+ax is
+Ġl um
+ĠÑĥ Ñģл
+Ġru pees
+ĠPe arl
+c amp
+t v
+oy a
+Ġconclud es
+Ġcoll ision
+Ġbuy er
+Ġplay ground
+Ġspr ings
+Ġfemin ine
+ĠR as
+Ġincar cer
+íĹ ĺ
+Ġdial ect
+Ġclos ure
+Ġchat ting
+Ġb abe
+Ġspot light
+Ġnot ation
+è· ¯
+St ar
+i ão
+Ġt ête
+Ġt ide
+Ġjun to
+Ġsen ator
+Ð ¥
+Ġexcus es
+Ġbl ink
+Ġadm ission
+ĠL ily
+Ñĭ ми
+Ġam igo
+Ġl ust
+ëĭ ¬
+Ġam ino
+äºĭ æĥħ
+Ġconsult ant
+ĠElect ric
+Ġëħ¸ë ŀĺ
+uj ah
+Ġshoot er
+icht en
+ĠUkrain ian
+Ġaim s
+ĠEnter tain
+Ġmir acles
+èŃ °
+Ġze igen
+Ġl am
+Ġres s
+ĠJ ill
+yl an
+Ġro ok
+Ġh aya
+Ġpass port
+ad ata
+Ġju icy
+con f
+л ей
+ĠS z
+Ġinter cept
+ãģĤãĤĬãģĮãģ¨ãģĨ ãģĶãģĸ
+ĠTe ams
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+ir rel
+áºŃ y
+êµ °
+Ġshort age
+Ġparad igm
+Ġpap el
+Ġast ero
+ãģ¾ ãģŁ
+Ġsoll en
+ĠMic key
+ĠOr leans
+Ġchol esterol
+Ġgo ose
+ãģĤ ãĤĭ
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+Ġtrib ute
+ĠG am
+Ġé videmment
+Ñı Ñħ
+å® ŀ
+çĶ °
+Ġin appropri
+uh an
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+ail ed
+Ġend ure
+Ġ7 6
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+Ġliv re
+Ġsu ited
+Ġwarm th
+Ġenv ision
+Ġde grad
+î ne
+La ughing
+ĠWho ever
+ĠBuddh ism
+Ġspr inkle
+ceÄŁ iz
+Ġru ins
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+Ġinjust ice
+Ġhum idity
+ожал Ñĥй
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+ĠI gn
+ĠEx am
+ig ers
+Ġth ou
+ĠSo y
+iv as
+Ġpol es
+m ath
+Ġв ним
+ed ral
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+Ġroast ed
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+Ġco ff
+Ġan om
+Ġw ij
+Ġimpro ves
+Ġtreat y
+Ġdiscover ing
+Ġstat ute
+Ġmerc ado
+ĠÑģ ил
+Ġint el
+ĠChance llor
+ĠMed icaid
+ug i
+Ġver bal
+Ġd ön
+Ġscript ure
+Ġit eration
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+Ġw äh
+ĠV ad
+ĠìķĦ ìĿ´ë
+Ġi ets
+Ġneed les
+Ùĥ Ùħ
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+Ġalbum s
+Ġye a
+et zen
+Ħë ıĦ
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+Ġthe e
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+är t
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+c led
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+al one
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+d d
+Ġpesso al
+å ª½
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+ม า
+als a
+Ġfu era
+Ġres erved
+ĠE arn
+Ġhel t
+Ġshort cut
+Ġconvin cing
+sp ace
+Ġen force
+Ġc ores
+Ġe fter
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+x ico
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+ar ians
+rop ol
+Ġëª °ë
+ĠÎ ľ
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+ĠÎ ®
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+n ite
+Ġfund ra
+buz zer
+ел о
+ic ations
+Ġz ona
+Ġte ens
+Ġmethod ology
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+th an
+ĠU l
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+Ġdel ivers
+al in
+ĠAd obe
+ot he
+ĠDes wegen
+Ġwer de
+Ġgre ase
+Ġup grades
+ĠFin land
+ac cept
+Ġinter rog
+be e
+Ġãģ «
+Ġpre de
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+ĠCam bridge
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+Ġha unted
+Ñģ ем
+æ §
+åħ ĭ
+S ome
+ĠM all
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+ĠUr ban
+ĠL ag
+Ġn im
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+Ġposition ed
+Ġavo ided
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+Ġráp ido
+Ġgou vern
+Ġh ing
+Ġdeal er
+Ġreform s
+Ġfat ty
+к ол
+ĠA ce
+Ġne p
+Ġì² Ń
+Ġcomput ation
+ĠSt ream
+bour ne
+t ur
+P or
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+Ġbang et
+ãģĤ ãģ®
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+Ġble iben
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+Ġun ions
+Ġêµ IJ
+Ġap render
+uit ar
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+um ing
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+ĠExt rem
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+аÑĩ е
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+Ġtro chÄĻ
+ĠRe pe
+éĩį è¦ģ
+ż en
+Ġsound ing
+Ġan onymous
+Ġex ca
+ĠIran ian
+Ġener getic
+Ġw ives
+Ġa is
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+Ġsud ah
+Ġunder wear
+Ġcrunch y
+ĠP ain
+Ġger çek
+red ict
+Ġm isma
+Ñĸ ÑĤ
+Ġsurv iving
+Ġparticip ant
+ĠH essen
+ári as
+Ġsub way
+ist ä
+Ġcor al
+Ġmar ijuana
+ĠMem orial
+ÑĪ ий
+ri z
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+um ph
+Ġclass mates
+äh än
+ÑģÑĤв е
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+Ġl aps
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+ge hen
+I naudible
+bor ough
+Ġfellow ship
+ĠP aper
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+7 6
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+ul ously
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+Ġto wers
+ĠE e
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+Ġlo in
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+ial e
+com pass
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+Ġdisappoint ing
+Ġë²Ī 째
+Ġvers atile
+as ury
+Ġen fin
+Ġdown side
+Ġgu iding
+Ġnin ety
+char ged
+ĠF ans
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+Ġ ï
+Â ¿
+ra ul
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+if en
+ıy la
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+Ö Ģ
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+st y
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+Ġtransp ose
+amp oo
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+ĠPat ient
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+è§ Ģ
+Ġsuper market
+ë ¹
+ĠS ierra
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+ĠUp on
+Ġabs ent
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+ĠAp ollo
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+ĠPa ÅĦst
+ĠÑģв ой
+Ġê±° 기
+G irl
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+ĠPrem ier
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+æĪij æĥ³
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+Ġmuch a
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+as ia
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+Ġ erm
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+Ġfire fight
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+d ig
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+' M
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+Ġd itch
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+h ome
+ив аеÑĤ
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+j ets
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+ff ff
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+ĠZ iel
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+Ġmin es
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+Ġsatur ated
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+ĠCommission er
+Ġ× ĸ
+ĠLouis iana
+ĠM ask
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+ĠBon jour
+cess or
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+cul o
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+л аг
+ĠMalays ia
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+Ġteam mate
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+F T
+Ġk ı
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++ +
+ogen ic
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+ĠOu ais
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+lass es
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+el ong
+åĪ ¶
+ĠпÑĢ ик
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+8 4
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+Ġbr icks
+Ġkn itting
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+H Y
+r ide
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+im an
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+ar ry
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+ÙĬ ا
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+j s
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+oun ces
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+Ġ7 7
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+ĠFin ancial
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+ron es
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+ł ¹
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+un ning
+Ġpour rait
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+I nt
+ĠMet ro
+Ġmans ion
+Ġа б
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+Ġn ed
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+ern en
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+ĠH ills
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+ân cia
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+yn ı
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+up a
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+ÑĢа Ñħ
+Ġsch e
+Ġr ats
+Ġrec uper
+Ġun ten
+ĠFight ing
+Ġacadem ics
+ç¤ º
+ĠS ü
+Ñģ киÑħ
+Ġpa ired
+Ģ ìĿĦ
+Ġá rea
+Ġsweet ness
+åı Ĭ
+Ġde fer
+Ġmuit as
+ĠAud io
+Ġlock er
+ÙĬ د
+ĠÑģÑĤ ав
+Ġbu ena
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+av o
+be k
+Ġα ν
+íİ ¸
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+Ġдолж ен
+Ã ĸ
+ر ة
+ìĿ´ì §Ģ
+Ġcell e
+ck ing
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+Ġgl imp
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+ong o
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+ĠIn g
+Ġê°Ģ ëĬ¥
+ÏĦ ικ
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+Ġb ater
+Ġinqu iry
+Ġenerg ies
+Ġmanufact ured
+Ġveget arian
+Ġpine apple
+ÑıÑĤ а
+Ġpractition ers
+2 000
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+ĠJo an
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+ĠEntertain ment
+Ġmetall ic
+?" .
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+ar ound
+Ġdesp air
+ĠNev ada
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+Ġk rie
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+ĠSm ash
+ke eping
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+Ġnarc iss
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+Ġlink ing
+ĠEconom ic
+Ġì ¼
+Ġmor ph
+ĠN ak
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+ĠP eng
+ĠAir port
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+íķĺ ëĭ¤
+§ ģ
+pr ints
+Ġhad i
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+Ġinter fer
+Ġfulf illing
+Ġvisual ization
+éĹľ ä¿Ĥ
+ĠPr ice
+� �
+Ġscen ery
+Ġpr one
+Ġw izard
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+ver b
+s ky
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+ĠB uch
+Ġan th
+Ġsi h
+Ġh ust
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+л аÑĤ
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+Ġharass ment
+unk y
+Ġglimp se
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+ani u
+g ive
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+ore an
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+Ġdiction ary
+T ake
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+Ġcor az
+L ife
+Ġ !!!
+Ġcl er
+ĠVide os
+ĠRod rig
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+ĠSt age
+ĠR ace
+Ġen act
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+ek er
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+n ant
+ate urs
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+E ven
+Ñģ он
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+ĠVietnam ese
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+re iben
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+Ġfing ert
+ack ed
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+á st
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+Ġdu ct
+Ġdeal ers
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+ع Ùħ
+ли н
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+×ķ× ¢
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+го ÑĤов
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+Ġmaneu ver
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+ade ce
+ĠEn s
+ac ial
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+ingu ém
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+×IJ× ł×Ļ
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+Ġb ore
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+ang a
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+on ce
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+ĠÏĢ Ïģο
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+ĠMus k
+éĽ Ĩ
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+All ah
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+Ġ4 50
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+ück en
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+c ount
+Ġbre eding
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+ale b
+Ġkn ight
+Ġв ой
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+Ĥĺ ìļĶ
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+ok ay
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+Ġweb inars
+Ġcann abis
+Ġdam als
+ĠNorth west
+Ġp ada
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+el ia
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+ĠQ ur
+Ġper pend
+ĠMill ionen
+Ġwater melon
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+ab ord
+Ġsuccess es
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+M s
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+Ġnews letter
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+ĠApp lic
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+ĠMove ment
+Ġinterview ing
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+Ġpu ò
+ĠChel sea
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+ĠI v
+Ġи де
+ĠThe ater
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+ow ego
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+Ġa ja
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+Ġentrepreneurs hip
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+λ ε
+ens ch
+ÃŃ re
+Ġfo cal
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+av ÃŃa
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+ĠSqu ad
+Ġassoci ations
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+Ġmess enger
+Ġbe gging
+Ġdec imal
+Ġd Ä±ÅŁ
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+O k
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+cul iar
+ł ¨
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+Ġauthent ication
+Ġpos ible
+Ġsupp lements
+Ġsurg ical
+G en
+Ġfeas ible
+D O
+Ġout look
+Ġinter vals
+Ġan ecd
+Ãł ng
+Ġstra ps
+ĠSh u
+ud d
+iss enschaft
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+Ġcomm itting
+Ġall ey
+Ġco venant
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+less ness
+ĠSol id
+ĠM olly
+Ġн екоÑĤоÑĢ
+Ġcooper ate
+åĮ Ĺ
+oll en
+Ġtun a
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+ĠS iz
+Ġduż o
+ĠF isher
+å¿ ĺ
+ĠCa esar
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+ĠDel hi
+zy m
+Ġexpl icar
+ê°Ģ ì§Ģ
+un s
+gr ow
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+Ġ8 6
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+ch ter
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+S M
+n oc
+Ġge ography
+ĠEnter prise
+ĠC ant
+ö z
+Ġun pack
+ĠíĻ Ķë
+Ġsearch es
+Ġpres idency
+Ġtri vial
+Ġp ige
+ou bt
+ãĤ ļ
+ì¼ ĢìĿ´
+Ġbudget s
+Ġu b
+Ġp ne
+ĠY ale
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+reg ular
+Ġimper fect
+Ġfam ÃŃlia
+ur m
+ĠAdvent ure
+ãĥ Ĭ
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+em ark
+Ġne go
+Ġinappropri ate
+ĠпÑĢи з
+ĠÑĢ ол
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+B ry
+Ġshut tle
+Ġpill ars
+Ġb ik
+in um
+ĠÑĥ Ñģ
+ĠNe br
+Ġperpend icular
+Ġbook ed
+ber y
+Ġv ikt
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+es us
+Ġвозм ожно
+¨ ¹
+Ġpresum ably
+ĠMem phis
+Ġambul ance
+×ķ× ŀר
+Ġthumbna il
+Ġmod ification
+éĩ ı
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+Ġprom o
+Ġκ ά
+Ġε ÏĢ
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+ou le
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+ãĤ £
+ĠëıĮ ìķĦ
+Ġpurch ases
+ĠÃĩ ünkü
+Ġdivid ing
+per form
+ract ion
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+ĠTit le
+Ġu k
+Ġcer ca
+Ġargu ably
+Ġf ale
+ë³ µ
+Ġgam ers
+Ġutil izing
+Ġoff ended
+Ġt ava
+al ı
+Ġmed ian
+Ġinfect ious
+ĠAn nie
+Ġsmart phones
+Ġpar ole
+åĸ Ŀ
+ĠEp ic
+z za
+Ġun ified
+Ġê·¸ë ķĮ
+Ġcur tain
+ĠÄ ĥ
+Ġsex ually
+Ġuns erem
+ĠCon vention
+Ġalleg edly
+Y a
+ĠH oo
+en ment
+æĢ ª
+íĽ Ħ
+Ġgig antic
+Ġnot ing
+Ġre bo
+ĠJ ama
+ĠAl z
+Ġborrow ed
+ì¹ ¨
+Ġper ipher
+оÑĤ а
+ĠGe ar
+Ġeconom ically
+Ġtele fon
+Ġqu eremos
+ĠдалÑĮ ÑĪе
+Ġr as
+ĠTe ach
+ic ios
+at os
+Ġpl edge
+b au
+ĠHim self
+L ink
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+Ġchrom os
+Ġer le
+Ġpod ium
+ç os
+Ġnie u
+Ġf en
+ĠCh ocolate
+wer k
+Ġt ừ
+Ġsupp ress
+λ η
+Ġ24 0
+Ġsit ä
+Ġhonest y
+ĠB io
+ĠB ard
+ĠобÑī ем
+Ġм Ñĥз
+Ġmar ble
+Ġproc ure
+Ġrot or
+ber n
+Ġtu h
+Ġhead set
+at em
+Ġwarrant y
+à® ´
+Ġfil ing
+ι ά
+Ġcomp rendre
+Ġimp ulse
+Ġsal v
+wr itten
+Ġinstit ute
+K im
+fic iente
+H is
+Ġteen age
+or us
+ĠÑĢаз б
+S ee
+ĠCons erv
+á»ģ n
+ful ness
+Ġstraw berries
+ĠAb u
+и он
+Ġo lla
+ĠEm ploy
+Ġwip ed
+ur ger
+Ġmod ifications
+Ġíķĺ ì§Ģ
+Ġfoot steps
+Ġhon ors
+Ġad ul
+Ġfl ipping
+Z Y
+Ġintegr ating
+ب ر
+ull a
+Ġnatuur lijk
+ĠíĹ Ī
+ĠEth ereum
+w ed
+Ġpe aks
+ĠK es
+Ġblo om
+Ġcr ashing
+Ġ9 11
+ĠоÑĤ лиÑĩ
+Ġcontro llers
+ĠD od
+Ġвм еÑģÑĤе
+Ġsort ir
+å¥ ĩ
+ĠStra ight
+ĠGrac ias
+Ġgro ove
+Ġto gg
+Ġìĭ¶ ìĿĢ
+é ro
+Ġout ward
+ĠRock y
+Ġsc am
+Ġhay at
+ig nty
+â Ħ
+pl ings
+Ġantibiot ics
+Ġ ä¸Ģ
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+com merce
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+Ġglo ve
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+we chsel
+im ir
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+Ġimplic it
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+Ġimp ose
+ש ×Ķ
+Ġschem es
+oug her
+ab olic
+Ġê±° ì£ł
+Ġslow ing
+Ġwt edy
+Ġdest ructive
+Ġоп ÑĢед
+Ġland mark
+Ġëı Ī
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+ĠQu ant
+ìĺ ¤ë
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+Ġno ve
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+Ġãģ Ĺ
+b ia
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+æĿ± 西
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+... âĢĭ
+Ġre loc
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+Ġo ÄŁlum
+Ġод на
+ĠMil k
+åı ·
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+ĠH onda
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+Ġele kt
+Ġbegin ners
+Ġspe ar
+ÃŃ nh
+ĠLu ft
+Ġn ig
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+Ġfor ums
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+pp o
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+ĠÐ ®
+Ġtooth p
+ĠSt yle
+ì´ Ī
+Ġpun ct
+Ġrep s
+ĠA ly
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+ur ai
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+ĠMas ters
+e on
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+ĠC uz
+Ġbede utet
+Ġscan ning
+Ġж д
+н еÑĤ
+Ġcertain ty
+j ek
+Ġdi jo
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+Ġr inse
+Ġk rij
+vel and
+Ġsound track
+ĠSa fe
+ĠNo va
+9 4
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+ol er
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+Ġv in
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+Ġav ocado
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+Ġlat ency
+Ġfe athers
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+Ġв еÑī
+Ġf ark
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+Ġalgu ém
+isto ire
+Ġconfident ial
+Ġm ast
+Ġì ¿
+ge h
+Ġdis respect
+ĠSystem s
+Æ° a
+E d
+Ġw ys
+Ġex otic
+Ġgl owing
+ù ng
+oun ge
+è Ħ
+ани з
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+Ġg im
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+h og
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+Ġë¨ ¸ë¦¬
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+ĠInnov ation
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+Ġdep ri
+h ed
+Ġпом ог
+Ġslic ed
+Ġth ế
+Å ¥
+6 8
+Ġcor ona
+Ġgift ed
+Ġso ir
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+Ġflaw s
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+wa ż
+y w
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+ir teen
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+ch anging
+Ġlle v
+ÅĦ sk
+çĶ »
+Ġ198 4
+orn s
+ĠW elsh
+Ġpharm aceutical
+Ġpump ing
+ĠSh aw
+p unk
+Ġva ult
+Ġkin etic
+Ġhur ricane
+ĠInc luding
+ứ c
+ĠGrand pa
+ans hip
+é¦Ļ 港
+ĠвÑĭ Ñħод
+н ож
+ľ ł
+ut ta
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+Ġb az
+Ġпо ÑĪ
+Ġpe culiar
+zy Äĩ
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+ĠKr ishna
+Ġconse cut
+Ġemp ath
+ĠD in
+Ġtrad ed
+ĠBor is
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+oll a
+Ġназ в
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+Ġв п
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+b é
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+į ëĭĪëĭ¤
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+ĠNebr aska
+ortun e
+Ġk arena
+ĠAg ent
+Ġst ing
+Ġmunicip al
+power ed
+Ġconse gue
+ĠMan chester
+Ġrain y
+Ġbl i
+Ġk ost
+Ġhal ten
+ĠAh hh
+ins ula
+er ting
+ĠاÙĦ Ùģ
+Ġrel acion
+Ġk omen
+Ġd ome
+Ġpri ests
+ĠInt rodu
+rop he
+sh ore
+vel t
+clip se
+×Ļ× ¡
+Ġsab emos
+ĠHoll and
+og i
+ank i
+ĠM ats
+Ġsm oked
+ull ie
+Ġeuro pe
+ĠдейÑģÑĤв иÑĤелÑĮно
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+ĠE z
+op ath
+Ġìĸ¸ ëĭĪ
+ĠÑģÑĤ ан
+ằ ng
+ั à¹ī
+ĠO uch
+Ġclear ance
+ust ain
+Ġsolid arity
+Ġpro ving
+ĠÐĺ н
+Ġpro long
+ад но
+Ġs os
+ĠDe al
+Ġ17 0
+m ons
+Ġз ем
+Ġlo gged
+Ġlif elong
+Ġsens ory
+Ġbe hold
+èt ement
+ĠFed eration
+Ġdod ge
+ĠSh ir
+Ġdrag ons
+ĠAr ctic
+Äħ ż
+Å į
+Â º
+Ġden ke
+Ġpodr ÃŃa
+co le
+Ġsystem atic
+ам а
+ch os
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+us ions
+Ġí Ī¬
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+Ġl ore
+ĠProt est
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+å¸ Ĥ
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+ĠIs aiah
+ĠëķĮ ëĬĶ
+Ġ× ĺ
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+z ip
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+ĠLa ure
+Ġh ints
+Ġexerc ising
+ŀ ľë
+ĠIntell igence
+u ated
+op ed
+Ġaut onomy
+Ġbrand ing
+ĠMediter ranean
+Ñĸ к
+Ġscrew driver
+Ġsu pre
+Ġst ap
+Ġjurisd iction
+ĠSetting s
+Ġfore front
+ĠF emale
+com fort
+Ġmultiplic ation
+ĠMur ray
+Ġbo b
+ĠT as
+Ġt ahu
+Ġon un
+et ter
+Ġproph ets
+l ag
+Ġreven ues
+Ġpr á
+Ġupload ing
+Ġmach inery
+asc al
+ĠEst á
+ĠG oth
+ĠB ald
+ĠS aw
+Ġstri pes
+ìł ij
+Ġpow in
+æĹ¥ æľ¬
+Ġhost ile
+Ġdar um
+Ġprevent ed
+ожалÑĥй ÑģÑĤа
+Ġalgun as
+Ġhop eless
+Ġz naj
+Ġread ings
+Ġcra ving
+t at
+ĠP ig
+Ġli ar
+çĪ ±
+Ġmulti player
+Ġd ale
+ĠCour se
+íģ ¼
+ĠK ita
+Ġcustom s
+Ġrespond s
+end ra
+è¦ ĸ
+Ġmet ro
+Ñģ ол
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+Ġ æĪijåĢij
+qu inho
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+Ġen fer
+Ġp ony
+Ġ ounces
+° Ķ
+ĠìĪĺ ê°Ģ
+Ġdich o
+ĠDe b
+Ġwond ers
+ĠRo ose
+Ġpri zes
+Ġthank fully
+Ġtiss ues
+ĠÑĢав но
+ĠL una
+intell igible
+ĠìĻ ¸
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+Ġt arde
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+ĠCase y
+Ġì´ Ŀ
+ĠÑĢ Ñĥб
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+Ġleft over
+Ġexch anges
+sec ond
+Ġfirst ly
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+ri en
+Ġd w
+Ġboun cing
+ĠëĮĢ íķ´ìĦľ
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+Ġпод пиÑģ
+Ġë¬ ´
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+Ġsub conscious
+ĠSand y
+Ġlot tery
+âĢ ij
+am iliar
+Ġcoordin ator
+è Į
+Ġextra ordin
+ĠRon ald
+g reen
+Ġmanufact ure
+ĠRec ord
+ĠMark eting
+и ÑĨ
+Ġcredential s
+Ġup right
+ĠHer itage
+Ġgör d
+æľ į
+exp ensive
+áºŃ n
+Ġì± Ħ
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+ĠO ooh
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+Ġw ired
+Ġout lets
+Ġhug ely
+ĠíĸĪ ëĬĶëį°
+Ġlog istics
+Ġseason al
+Ġde be
+Ġthe or
+Ġpir ate
+app y
+Ġkn ots
+Ġfem me
+ĠSoft ware
+g ende
+ÑĤак и
+Ġtem ples
+Ġlim itation
+Ġampl itude
+Ġha cen
+Ġaud i
+Ġëĸ ¨
+ĠW ahl
+Ġni h
+Ġampl ifier
+ari us
+iz ado
+ach a
+Ġkull an
+ĠTw in
+ĠFor ces
+Ġab rir
+ĠA ha
+Ġê·¸ëŀ ĺëıĦ
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+F irst
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+ors ch
+Ġvæ re
+Ġbeet je
+ĠSpa ÃŁ
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+ĠìłĢíĿ¬ ê°Ģ
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+ĠDra ke
+iz ação
+ĠìŀĪ ëĭ¤
+ĠLyn n
+Ġtrans gender
+Ġres ign
+Ġchar ter
+ĠHol mes
+ĠL ip
+d as
+Ġped iatric
+Ġmemor ize
+Ġevalu ating
+ca k
+Ġconjun ction
+Ġres erves
+Ġsh ampoo
+Ġjud ged
+Ġwid z
+Ġab oard
+ar is
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+Ġcool ed
+ÑģÑĤ е
+ce p
+r ost
+h ots
+ĠMel bourne
+оÑĩ ÑĮ
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+ин ов
+Ġmot ions
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+Ġgouvern ement
+ä¸Ģ 次
+ĠK ivol
+ĠKivol owitz
+Ġnó i
+Ġк Ñĥда
+Ġhyd raul
+ĠBer g
+yl um
+ĠPr äsident
+rop y
+Ġsem ic
+Ñı еÑĤ
+ĠCa pe
+Ġcan e
+Ġbring en
+Ġwir ing
+un ya
+Ġrep ay
+ª ©
+Ġw ont
+á nt
+Ġgo ver
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+ĠSing h
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+г ов
+Īë¬ ´ë
+ĠR ule
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+ĠFred er
+Ġturb ine
+ish i
+Ġf ÃŃs
+ĠC ulture
+ac re
+Ġw ander
+Ġguer ra
+Ġsö y
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+s ize
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+Ġs way
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+ine es
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+Ġevolution ary
+ìĿ´ë Ŀ¼
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+Ġer kl
+ĠBut ler
+Ġdo o
+Ġneg otiation
+end um
+Ġtermin ology
+Ġk ul
+ĠUnter nehmen
+é ric
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+b ad
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+ĠMitch ell
+th ree
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+ĠIn hale
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+Ġз ÑĢ
+Ġad verse
+ĠìłĢë ıĦ
+Ġpill ar
+ĠMin uten
+ĠM ate
+ĠPl atz
+Ġhel pless
+Ġal ar
+Ġf rench
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+Ġst ems
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+iz ación
+J ess
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+Ġdeclar ation
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+ass ium
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+Ġcos mic
+Ġ모ë ijIJ
+st ro
+Ġpow iedz
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+Ġд еÑĢ
+Ġwür den
+Ġtab lets
+Ġpier ws
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+ĠPro per
+Ġкажд Ñĭй
+ol óg
+ë° ©
+Ġmis con
+Ġproxim ity
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+Â ²
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+ĠOm ega
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+t it
+B y
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+S how
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+Ġspec ulation
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+ĠB ene
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+Ġdisc rete
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+c ado
+Ġ모ë ĵł
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+Ġd udes
+c ost
+Ġbump s
+ond o
+Ġdat os
+Ġbe eps
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+z ego
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+U h
+Y o
+ĠT el
+Ġμ ÎŃ
+K I
+Ġstress es
+Ġspreadshe et
+D B
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+ĠQuest ions
+Ġsp acing
+Ġinhabit ants
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+Ġh ipp
+è ĸ
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+Ġadministr ators
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+ĠíĶ Ħë¡ľ
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+Ġkom t
+æĪij ä¹Ł
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+Ass istant
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+ö ll
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+ĠH ud
+Ġsal on
+ä¸ĭ ä¾Ĩ
+m ême
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+ü her
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+Ġwa ż
+Ġquant itative
+Ù ¾
+Ġ모 ìĬµ
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+ah i
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+Ġreal ities
+Ġle y
+ĠMar tha
+Ġre cher
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+Ġperiod ic
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+ĠEnviron mental
+Ġsol amente
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+Ġ198 8
+Ġsim ulate
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+Ġsixt een
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+in fl
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+ع ة
+k re
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+ĠY oon
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+Ġ198 6
+Ġk ons
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+é ration
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+ĠS outheast
+ĠEs pa
+è¯ ·
+ĠGe or
+rop ortion
+Ġspec s
+Ġadapt ive
+ĠUn ity
+ĠWork s
+ug en
+ĠMont ana
+Thank s
+Ġwh ipped
+Ġdun geon
+Ġvitam ins
+S P
+Ġsc andal
+Ġdin ero
+o va
+Ġemb ro
+ĠE agle
+Ġthe ology
+ĠVan essa
+ë IJľ
+Ġfre el
+ĠAlz heimer
+ĠÅ ļ
+H er
+Ġtorn ado
+ag ens
+ĠìŀĪ ìĸ´ìĦľ
+ĠTrans form
+Ġprocess o
+Ġmill ise
+Ġprofession ally
+Ġmem b
+oc ation
+Ġsty ling
+Ġоб Ñıз
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+Ġwy gl
+ĠR an
+Ġ çļĦ
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+á»± c
+Ġpaper work
+Ġt ule
+Ġquer ia
+Ġcomp ly
+ĠH air
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+Ġmut ation
+Ġrep rés
+Ġoct opus
+Ġimportant es
+Ġdes erved
+et r
+Ġdis asters
+l ında
+iqu é
+ĠDes halb
+so o
+oss ip
+Ġrelie ved
+ĠColl ins
+Ġwater proof
+ĠY uk
+Ġcop ying
+Ġb ütün
+ĠHe ute
+ĠEnt re
+Ġresid ual
+Ġcolon ies
+Ġé norm
+ĠEr in
+Ġst an
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+Ġcapt ures
+ĠS ai
+â ce
+Ġm iaÅĤ
+Ġ8 7
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+Ġinher ently
+ìĿ ij
+la ve
+ни Ñĩ
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+u ks
+ac ia
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+Ġj ij
+ĠVin cent
+ĠI celand
+h em
+Ġap ology
+ĠP eg
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+le ading
+Ġsä ga
+æ¼ Ĥ
+Ġsqu id
+Ġnarr atives
+Ġtak a
+ne z
+we it
+Ġtrip od
+Ġexpl ic
+Ġsp inal
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+ĠCal vin
+Ġв едÑĮ
+Ġl ac
+Ġpro active
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+or f
+Ġst en
+Ġgra pes
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+Ġautom at
+Ġbi ased
+Ġcha îne
+co al
+Ġren cont
+ĠK um
+Ġfest ivals
+Ġstart ups
+Ġa ka
+ãģ ¹
+Ġcyl ind
+s na
+Ġresult ado
+Ġmil estone
+ĠÏ ħ
+Ġtele port
+zy ch
+6 2
+åħ ³
+ĠFe ar
+Ġnucle us
+Ġsh ines
+ho v
+ĠPart ners
+ĠK as
+Ġnad ie
+Ġalert s
+str ong
+ĠN ate
+ĠDen mark
+ĠC av
+h ält
+ĠìķĦëĭ Į
+any on
+Ġencour ages
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+ĠHu ang
+ãģĬ é¡ĺãģĦ
+Ġpain ts
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+Ġï ·
+Ġ» .
+Ġsm iles
+is ure
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+Ġë Į
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+Ġpuis que
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+ĠBelg ium
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+ר ×Ļ×Ŀ
+ic ut
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+Ġslipp ery
+ĠE w
+Å ³
+ĠLeg ends
+ĠT iffany
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+ĠпеÑĢ ев
+ĠогÑĢ ом
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+B u
+Ġens ures
+Ġgrand children
+Ġac uerdo
+Ġprison er
+Ġth irsty
+b ane
+Ġë¹ ł
+Ġúlt ima
+ĠLa unch
+n ity
+Ġcombust ion
+Ġun icorn
+Ġfam ille
+Ġlower ing
+ĠY ing
+build ing
+Ġdu o
+ĠMé xico
+ast ian
+Ġ먹 ìĿĦ
+ĠRal ph
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+Ġgl am
+if ique
+E r
+ĠRun ning
+он ов
+Ġmean ings
+Ġche wy
+ĠLes lie
+Ġfin est
+Ġhah aha
+Ġlon eliness
+ri ans
+Ġquestion ed
+Ġes que
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+Ġpes o
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+asm ine
+Ġdefin itive
+Ġbu ys
+Ġcru c
+c ool
+Ġë łĪ
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+Ġutil ized
+Ġworth while
+ĠD ylan
+Ġverte x
+t ı
+ĠF ir
+Ġz aw
+ĠG ed
+ĠÐĿ ап
+d z
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+Ġdisappoint ment
+ãģ¾ ãģ§
+Ġrela ção
+T T
+Ġr abb
+ĠM aine
+Ġanaly zed
+F E
+ĠÐŁ ол
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+Ġpl ague
+Ġv är
+ĠV iv
+um ed
+h ando
+hou ette
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+ys on
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+Ġhard core
+â Ĥ¬
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+é ra
+Ġforeign ers
+ĠPalestin ian
+Ġprop rio
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+W H
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+л ом
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+ĠOut side
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+од аÑĢ
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+Ġ9 2
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+át ico
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+ÃŃ p
+ĠE mm
+le en
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+ĠFil ip
+Cl int
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+au ft
+Ġdomin ate
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+á i
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+r ows
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+Ġ19 45
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+lo v
+Ġcalcul ating
+د ا
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+Ġempower ing
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+line ar
+г Ñĥ
+Ġno va
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+Ġ6 9
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+tr l
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+Ġwor ms
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+w yn
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+ó le
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+ĠV ent
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+Ġ6 1
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+uff s
+ĠdoÄŁ ru
+ĠNap ole
+ή Ïĥ
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+н еÑģ
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+íĮ IJ
+Ġì¹ľ 구
+Ð ĸ
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+ê u
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+le v
+c imento
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+Ġd ances
+ĠPix el
+çľĭ ä¸Ģä¸ĭ
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+Ġob ten
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+Ġterror ists
+ĠW id
+ħ ëĭĪëĭ¤
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+Ñģ е
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+C ómo
+rem os
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+Ġpur se
+ch s
+an cer
+ul os
+st ud
+æľī æ²Ĵæľī
+Ġneuro log
+ĠAn cient
+O ut
+aws ze
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+´ì ŀ
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+ema al
+Ġet wa
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+y ba
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+Ġ7 3
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+Ġde ine
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+Ġum m
+Ġents che
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+Ġdiscover ies
+am ents
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+B ack
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+ĠD aw
+ìķ ł
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+ĠCl ar
+In st
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+ĠAf D
+ĠC es
+Ġpersonal ized
+Ġinterf aces
+à¸Ī ะ
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+Ġa ids
+ĠÐĿ ик
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+Ġvert ically
+Ġ Í
+Ġfire works
+Ġspecific s
+äº ¤
+Ġinsist ed
+Ġdes halb
+ĠG onz
+lo ve
+ĠMil itary
+ĠPier re
+Ġâ Ī
+ĠWh ose
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+Ġtransl ates
+Ġarrib a
+ÃŃ do
+ĠLe v
+åħ §
+ĠC iao
+Ġscholars hips
+Ġgest ures
+Ġquest ão
+ĠColon el
+ĠB ott
+ر Ùģ
+ĠWatch ing
+ĠPur ple
+ÑģÑĤÑĢ ан
+Ġexecut ives
+ĠK ris
+or neys
+ен нÑĭй
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+Ä ©
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+ĠÑģв еÑĤ
+!! !!!
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+ıs ı
+zi Äĩ
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+le an
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+ĠExper ience
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+ĠAmb assador
+in ya
+Ġthe ft
+Ġhe ures
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+Ġmais on
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+R P
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+erd ings
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+ous se
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+Ġgate way
+çIJ ĥ
+! ãĢį
+Ġtrans cend
+Ġdam ages
+Ġt ails
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+ĠSh ield
+Ġprim itive
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+ÙĤ د
+Ġfel iz
+ĠM ia
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+ĠAct iv
+ãĥĥ ãĤ¯
+Ġdis comfort
+×ij ×Ķ
+ĠK ell
+ĠCent ury
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+ĠD urch
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+ãĥ §
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+ur ar
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+Ġ 大
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+Ġvamp ire
+Ġill umin
+ĠH end
+Ġк аÑĩе
+ĠSal v
+Ġкан ал
+Ġport a
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+Ġsupp orter
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+e za
+Ġqu ê
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+own ers
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+iss y
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+° Į
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+Ġ20 30
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+ern ame
+Å ŀ
+Ġannoun cing
+ĠPlat form
+Ġexplan ations
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+§ ¤
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+ĠMo vie
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+se x
+ament os
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+Ġover load
+Ġsilic one
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+ĠW ing
+ind re
+Ïģ ÎŃ
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+Ġhomeless ness
+ould er
+ĠÐĺ ÑĤак
+Ñģ каÑı
+Ġcu atro
+ĠHar vey
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+Ġм олод
+Ġmü s
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+Ġbak alım
+Ġne uros
+Ø ¥
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+Ġü st
+Ġprelim inary
+Ġhorn s
+Ùĥ ÙĦ
+Y O
+Ġh inge
+Ġrep airs
+Ġbond ing
+Ġb ize
+Ġmot ive
+ĠNiger ia
+1 20
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+Ġок аз
+Ġten ha
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+æ ¶Ī
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+Ġfright ened
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+qu ent
+ĠN ou
+Ġpr at
+ĠSh ot
+W ork
+kar ang
+ĠLight ning
+nold s
+roll ed
+gl ass
+Ġcred ibility
+Ġatm ospheric
+Ġha via
+änd ern
+che ers
+Th ese
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+ĠBra vo
+se ason
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+ðŁ İ
+wh ite
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+Ġ7 4
+Ġдав ай
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+Ġо Ñħ
+Ġdatas et
+Ġret our
+Ġmat urity
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+Ġ9 3
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+Ġbrief ing
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+Ġthe aters
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+7 2
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+ĠQual ity
+ĠI van
+ĠB ent
+ig ator
+ĠGesch ichte
+Ġreact ive
+Ġ19 00
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+á» §
+Ġp estic
+Ġor az
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+é ¾
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+Ste ve
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+z am
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+ĠUp date
+Ġje j
+ĠE yes
+åı ij
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+Ġch ce
+ĠIn i
+resp ons
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+ĠW an
+Ñĸ з
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+ĠBur ger
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+ĠCir c
+ĠпÑĢ ек
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+Ġphilan throp
+ĠAud i
+Ġv ost
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+P eter
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+ĠR aven
+Ġcor ros
+fer n
+Ġprov a
+ĠSe v
+Ġreci pro
+Ġ198 5
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+pp ings
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+Ġpost p
+ĠSh annon
+Ġк ÑĥÑĢ
+Ġjak by
+ien nent
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+ĠRevel ation
+ĠÑģÑĤ ал
+ìļ ´ëį°
+Ġdev ant
+ĠG iving
+Ġк ого
+Ġrem a
+n ÃŃ
+Ġsl ipped
+ĠR ams
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+ĠE c
+Ġre op
+ĠPl ant
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+J osh
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+Ġ198 7
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+Ġ8 4
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+f riends
+Ġderni ère
+Ġstere o
+ĠÑįк Ñģп
+Ġprotect ions
+Ġha ut
+Every one
+Ġenter prises
+ĠMost ly
+ĠSpot ify
+ĠSe x
+Ġun g
+Įë ¥¼
+Ġactiv ism
+ct ica
+orig inal
+ĠпÑĢог ÑĢам
+Ġbro ccoli
+à ¦
+ог ÑĢаÑĦ
+Ġse karang
+Ġcra fting
+Ġб ан
+ãģ» ãģ©
+ĠR az
+Ġna ive
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+ç į
+Ġstret ches
+ace y
+ãĤ º
+Ġz inc
+Ġd arn
+Ġc él
+Ġward robe
+Ġred irect
+Ġj um
+ĠStr ange
+Ġn Ãło
+Ġexperiment ing
+ér é
+Ġvou lez
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+ĠÄij á»Ļ
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+ĠK ön
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+I ch
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+Ġ8 2
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+ĠDub ai
+ĠEl tern
+Ġnation wide
+Ġsk ating
+i ary
+Ġreward ed
+Ġmor ality
+ĠMag gie
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+ĠF ahren
+ol ved
+æŶ åĢĻ
+Ġdeux ième
+te chn
+ro le
+Ġle ider
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+Ġca ffe
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+Ġk art
+ĠC ute
+ffect ive
+Ġbull y
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+no x
+J ul
+ol ith
+ÑĤо ÑıÑī
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+Ġ12 00
+inh os
+P al
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+Ġre pt
+Ġaccomplish ment
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+Ġpud ding
+ĠMig uel
+Ġch uckles
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+val ue
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+U s
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+l oud
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+Ġsemin ar
+ĠBirth day
+Ġque lle
+ĠMult i
+Ġtir ar
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+Ġla vor
+ĠJ ia
+Ġmut ations
+Ġcig arettes
+ÙĪ ج
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+Ġhorr ific
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+t alk
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+last ing
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+d ong
+Ġhab lando
+Ġsympt om
+çµ Ĥ
+Ġcapac itor
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+Ġignor ant
+Ġник огда
+Ġdri p
+ĠE va
+Ġad ject
+Ġmass ively
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+Ġ2 20
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+ÙĨ ت
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+Ġпол ож
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+J eremy
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+ĠZus ammen
+scream s
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+aff t
+ĠInit ially
+ĠB rett
+Ġspecific ations
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+Ġo ath
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+Ġconj ug
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+yt t
+Ñĭ Ñģ
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+å¾ Ģ
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+Clint us
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+Ġvent ilation
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+Ġk ara
+า à¸Ļ
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+h ouses
+Ġanalyt ical
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+f irst
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+çº Į
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+c ando
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+w art
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+ra wn
+Ġrhet oric
+ull ah
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+ĠR af
+M art
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+Ġdif ic
+ĠAll ez
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+Ġt ad
+Ġsocial es
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+alt ung
+ier ten
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+ок ой
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+ol ia
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+Ġsl ack
+ĠD ok
+ziÄĻk ujÄĻ
+Ġrub bing
+аÑĤ Ñĥ
+Ġalloc ated
+j ung
+Ġpain s
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+Ġgel iyor
+m ot
+co ck
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+Ġlandsca pes
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+ов ой
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+Ġrespons abil
+Ġv ários
+Ġdel ic
+Ġemb ark
+Ġembro ider
+Ġframework s
+Ġsim mer
+Ġn acional
+Ġrema inder
+ĠVie lleicht
+Ġquier es
+ìĹ Ķ
+Ġtest oster
+i hen
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+è le
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+ind ust
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+Ġ ounce
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+Ġin ward
+ĠRog ers
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+Ġtwe ak
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+ĠDa ar
+om ics
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+Ġdemonst rating
+ĠY um
+Ġbe au
+Ġr oster
+Ġpredomin antly
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+ĠìĤ¬ ì§Ħ
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+D ie
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+Ġin ex
+Ġt ämä
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+Ġday light
+g il
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+Ġscript ures
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+Ùħ ر
+Ġann ually
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+оз м
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+olog ÃŃa
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+ĠAgain st
+Ġcer amic
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+ĠHop kins
+Ġkil os
+Ġgra vel
+Ġpist on
+Ġfriends hips
+Ġesc re
+Ġvo z
+ĠGes ellschaft
+Ġunter stüt
+Ġmu j
+Ġwarning s
+p os
+ĠProfess ional
+w szy
+od le
+b ands
+Ġteam work
+stell ung
+Ġd x
+åį Ĭ
+Ġatt orneys
+Ġweit ere
+ãħĭãħĭ ãħĭ
+ĠOrig inal
+×Ļ× Ĺ
+Ġbroadcast ing
+ĠпеÑĢв Ñĭй
+uch i
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+ĠEv ans
+E uro
+Ġgen res
+Ġunters chied
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+ĠVeter ans
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+Ġag ile
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+ans ka
+Ġе й
+Ġexp os
+ator ies
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+Ġp ores
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+Ġic ing
+O C
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+Ġún ica
+owa ÅĤ
+Ġad her
+h ua
+Z Z
+Ġprecis o
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+Ġseason ed
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+at ivity
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+ĠпÑĢин ÑĨип
+am az
+Ġaqu arium
+Ġdissol ve
+ĠGod s
+S uper
+Ġam id
+z k
+Ġ ãģĦ
+éł IJ
+amp f
+Ġhel a
+' !
+Ġdevelopment al
+ĠD ise
+ĠÑĢабоÑĤ аеÑĤ
+Ġsnaps hot
+好 好
+Õ ¸
+ĠY ue
+ĠH ulk
+ĠDo om
+ĠFel ix
+Ġré f
+M ale
+ç· Ĭ
+ph ants
+ĠMe chan
+ĠG olf
+åĨį è¦ĭ
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+ät ze
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+Ġ ãĤĴ
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+ocaly pse
+Al right
+Ġê° ľë
+Ġ×IJ× ij׾
+ĠKeep ing
+Ġcollabor ating
+ch ief
+ĠFern ando
+Ġchef s
+ĠíĶ¼ë ¶Ģ
+Ġsk ipped
+Ġperson n
+Ġax e
+che z
+Ġextract ion
+ĠGib bs
+Ġí ľ
+Ġs ı
+V iew
+Ġëª ¸
+Ġver ification
+Ġdep icted
+ĠMo z
+ou x
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+è¨Ĥ éĸ±
+§ Ħ
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+r á
+Ġsin cer
+Ġ×ŀ× ª
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+Ġconstruct ive
+ar f
+ĠëĪ Ħë
+Ġe co
+r amos
+Ġrenew ed
+in ement
+ĠU b
+ĠPe pper
+ì§Ģ ê°Ģ
+ĠDar win
+Ġmerch and
+Ġv árias
+è ce
+N G
+ĠìľĦ íķ´ìĦľ
+Ġак ÑĤив
+ĠUn ters
+ع ÙĦ
+Ġint ric
+omm a
+ie ving
+ĠCarol ine
+åĵ ģ
+Ġperform er
+Ġaut our
+ãģ¾ãģĽ ãĤĵ
+Ġutter ly
+Ġsynth esis
+Ġles bian
+Ġretrie ve
+Ġmane ira
+Ġimp air
+Ġment oring
+ĠSoul s
+ĠGo Pro
+Ġc ose
+Ġup front
+ĠA un
+Ġgam er
+Ġl itt
+Ġag gression
+ĠLike wise
+ĠBet ty
+ĠD art
+ish ment
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+c ream
+ĠBaby lon
+Ġn ug
+br ar
+Ġa ynı
+am ily
+b ike
+ahah aha
+lo yd
+Ġmir a
+Ġper me
+ĠG aming
+Ġfirm ware
+M a
+Ġassist ed
+at ics
+Ġìķŀ ìľ¼ë¡ľ
+ĠM ental
+niej s
+ĠI z
+ow Äħ
+Ġt ougher
+Ġde ed
+èĭ ¦
+Ġsty lish
+ĠTool s
+ĠH amp
+Ġsun screen
+Ġartic ulate
+i ye
+и ÑĦ
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+Ġsw irl
+Ġspons oring
+ä» ĭ
+iov ascular
+mes i
+Ġrelax ation
+ĠÑģво иÑħ
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+ĠPr ide
+и ÑĨи
+en ci
+Do es
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+Ġí ŀĺ
+ì¹ ´
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+Ġinterrupt ed
+Ġwind y
+ĠC aleb
+Ïģ Ïĩ
+ĠPour quoi
+Ġhol istic
+uc lear
+ĠWho le
+å£ «
+A ct
+Ġgall on
+c ade
+ĠReg ional
+ro ads
+ĠSch ne
+á ng
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+Ġspl itting
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+ĠÎ ĵ
+Ġus ername
+ĠÐŀ Ñĩ
+Ġcomp ressed
+y in
+Ġguard ian
+Ġgo of
+Ġcheck list
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+Ġexped ition
+Ġex tern
+Ġinfra red
+eng o
+Ġden ying
+Ġpack ets
+on ent
+B B
+ĠInc re
+Ġsin i
+ÃŁ er
+è g
+ma al
+gen eration
+Ġminor ities
+Ġlle var
+Ġnom ination
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+Ġnumer ator
+Ġka ik
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+ies en
+Ġv ê
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+Ġод но
+Ġal ém
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+Ġforg iven
+Ġdiscl osure
+ÏĦ ί
+Ġning ún
+Ġtherapeut ic
+Ġnegoti ating
+ĠN ike
+ense ful
+Ġin cap
+Ġflag ship
+t own
+â Ī
+ĠÏĢ ολ
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+Ġma id
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+ĠCe lebr
+Ġca pe
+ĠSt y
+ain en
+s ite
+b ij
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+Ġcert eza
+Ġex empt
+ìĬ ¹
+se lling
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+ho on
+ĠC oc
+ĠPark s
+Ġrepet ition
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+ĠdeÄŁ iÅŁ
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+ĠMain ten
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+oc ument
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+Ġtight er
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+Ġremo ves
+Ġkij ken
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+Ġth é
+ĠвÑĭ глÑıд
+Ġrel ieve
+Ġmit ä
+Ġstation ary
+ö ff
+p able
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+r ative
+Ġcon ect
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+fend im
+Ġíģ ´ë
+Ġman ge
+at te
+Ġarrog ant
+Ġrobot ic
+Ġgi Ãł
+æĺ¯ çļĦ
+Ġneighbour hood
+iss on
+Ġдв иж
+ĠNorm an
+b rand
+am ation
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+Ġwszystk im
+Ġut ilities
+Ġmicros cop
+ê ¿
+Ġda qui
+oll ar
+ĠÐĶав айÑĤе
+Ġann ée
+Ġkilomet res
+Ġhom osexual
+Ġarchitect s
+ãģ¡ ãģ¯
+Ġni ye
+Ġmicro phones
+ĠSt unden
+Ġconsecut ive
+iend a
+v änd
+Ġlif ts
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+Ġsave z
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+M en
+Ġdism ant
+ê±°ë ¥¼
+Ġins ulation
+Ġsc all
+Ġsp ooky
+Ġpar c
+Ġball et
+ĠWhats App
+Ġfr anc
+Ġdeliber ate
+Ġíħ Į
+Ġm ars
+ĠZ ur
+P r
+dis ciplinary
+Ġobs ession
+м е
+Ġmarch ing
+ĠEmer gency
+ig uous
+Ġs zy
+ĠL ands
+Ġboard ing
+ĠпоÑĩ ÑĤи
+Ġenv y
+Ġcompassion ate
+Ġmer ci
+Ġdes irable
+d ale
+Ġcan ım
+ĠAnt ar
+tem ps
+Ġconfig ured
+ĠComp ared
+ne h
+ic ating
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+op es
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+Ġpo bl
+ĠL ud
+ä»Ĭ åĽŀ
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+J en
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+ĠY as
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+Ġc é
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+iox id
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+Ġìĺ¤ ì¼ĢìĿ´
+ế u
+x x
+Ġou ais
+ĠYouT ubers
+ĠR osa
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+j adi
+Ġvlog s
+Ġcult ura
+ĠLeaders hip
+ĠH ep
+Ġill um
+´ë ıĻ
+Ġcustom ized
+Ġmar ca
+Ġqu atro
+Ġн аг
+ĠSpace X
+ĠE igen
+ast ing
+ĠolduÄŁ u
+Ġfor ts
+ãģ ī
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+ien cia
+Ġten ir
+ro ffen
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+² ķ
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+ur ry
+st ru
+Ġ먹 ëĬĶ
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+Ġдв иг
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+20 19
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+æķ ¸
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+ut an
+Ġchar coal
+Ġa fect
+w u
+Ġcontext s
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+ĠìĦ ¤
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+Ġf as
+ens ible
+Ġcoco a
+ill ar
+ge ons
+Ġspiritual ity
+ĠP ew
+Ġpharm acy
+Ġpass ions
+Ġb os
+Ġall á
+Ġthri ving
+ĠRe act
+Ġoccup y
+Ġwithdraw al
+Ġallow ance
+ĠFra ktion
+Ġbud dies
+Ġid le
+Ġdissol ved
+Ġpreval ent
+Ġmil itar
+Ġsens ing
+Ġpo jaw
+Ġanc ora
+Ġabund ant
+Ġha irst
+ãģĤ ãĤĮ
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+Ġnäch ste
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+uff icient
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+Ġed ible
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+in come
+Ġrecy cled
+ĠìĬ¤í ĥĢ
+Ġpont os
+Ġdess us
+Ġvé rit
+Ġreflect ions
+Ġtake away
+b are
+ĠCont act
+e il
+ĠHe ar
+Ġmir ac
+ĠGer ilim
+ĠÑģам Ñĭй
+Ġv ivo
+Ġkilogram s
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+û t
+7 8
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+ra z
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+Ġcook s
+ен Ñı
+K ay
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+Ġstitch ing
+Ġfinger print
+é¢ ĺ
+λ ά
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+нов а
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+ag gio
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+te il
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+Ġinf amous
+ç ª
+æ³ ģ
+ot le
+e ff
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+Ġcow ard
+Ġcom ida
+Ġpl ata
+Ġfl ap
+ĠMe hr
+rib ution
+ĠY emen
+Ġmyster ies
+ĠÄ° yi
+Ġst ell
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+Ġillness es
+Ġst acks
+Ġtrabaj ar
+fl ower
+ci u
+Ġcr ude
+Ġsubstant ially
+Ġhome m
+Ġnep hew
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+mo oth
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+ĠH era
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+о Ñİ
+иÑĤ а
+N T
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+ĠH ö
+Ġне Ñģ
+ê²ł ìĸ´ìļĶ
+Ġ8 1
+Ġstory line
+Ġprz ep
+Ġthank ing
+ĠBo eing
+Ġsoft ly
+j em
+алÑĮ нÑĭÑħ
+Ġflash light
+Ġп Ñĥ
+ắ c
+ÃŃ ch
+Ġlux urious
+Ġw ün
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+Ġcons on
+re u
+ir ring
+if ter
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+Ġ9 4
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+Ġstere otypes
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+åĪĨ 享
+Ĥ ¨
+Ġpencil s
+ĠÑģл ож
+Ġih rem
+ĠBes ch
+ĠK oh
+ĠEnt scheid
+Ġle k
+Ġför s
+Ġtotal mente
+Ġlive ly
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+Ġdisc ern
+Ġdo v
+Ġmyth ology
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+apan ese
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+Ġinfant ry
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+ri ages
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+ib ile
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+um mer
+or b
+6 9
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+Ġa we
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+ita ire
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+w orm
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+onna ise
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+W as
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+isp ers
+Ġsur plus
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+ик ов
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+ĠPors che
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+F low
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+Ġmod ular
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+j uk
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+Ġgreat ness
+Ġver ified
+Ġsp é
+ĠFahren heit
+ĠB ren
+ĠConf eder
+Ġhist oire
+Ġelimin ating
+ĠAd ding
+ĠAb i
+æĿ İ
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+t im
+Ġbon ito
+Ġpart es
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+Ġamer ican
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+met ics
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+ar us
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+Ġcho ir
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+Ġwat ts
+ĠSing le
+Ġsuscept ible
+ic er
+Ġв клÑİÑĩ
+Ġp us
+íĻ ĺ
+E ng
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+ĠÑģ оÑĤ
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+ĠSol omon
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+Ġbl aming
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+Ġsport ing
+Ġdecor ations
+Ġexecut ing
+Ġpar an
+ĠDoll ar
+Ġproject ions
+Ġcommission ed
+Ġb our
+ö m
+Ġste amed
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+å¸ ¶
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+Ġsw ings
+bet ween
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+cul os
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+i ÄŁi
+Ġwh ales
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+D a
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+od us
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+Ġtur tles
+ĠHaz rat
+Ġfab rics
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+Ġpon ieważ
+Ġschle cht
+Ġs alsa
+ÅŁ ekkür
+Ġse ating
+Ġeconom ists
+Ġman g
+Ġsegu inte
+Ġr ang
+Ġrat ios
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+ñ as
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+Ġ197 5
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+ro ve
+d ens
+Ġком менÑĤ
+Ġ- --
+Ġflu ores
+но Ñģ
+ĠLiver pool
+ĠÑģоб ой
+ĠZ we
+Ġl umin
+á ¸
+hol m
+pro fits
+S N
+Ġproport ions
+Ġm ica
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+r ès
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+uc ch
+ок о
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+ĠL ori
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+Ġ7 9
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+Ġgod damn
+Ġ197 2
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+Ġro pes
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+im ated
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+ê ¼
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+Ġmagn ets
+ĠRicht ung
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+ra vel
+éģ Ķ
+ол о
+Ġfl ute
+ĠE k
+Ġjoy ful
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+ĠLar ge
+O ver
+Ġentrepreneur ial
+Ġcons iders
+Ñĥ ем
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+Ġlug ares
+ë ¥
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+Ġmont rer
+Ġ198 1
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+ĠC yr
+ou ble
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+bor g
+Ġv endo
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+ĠF az
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+ĠÑģ оÑģ
+aj u
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+ин г
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+la ugh
+Ġhis s
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+æķ °
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+Ġ197 8
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+Ġ196 7
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+h ö
+Ġhist ó
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+Ġlob ster
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+00 00
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+Ġrev ival
+ĠHor se
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+H uh
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+az y
+h ist
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+Ġgl ut
+ist ed
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+R es
+д Ñĭ
+ch au
+Ġsel v
+Ġhät ten
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+Ġcounterpart s
+ab ile
+ĠSim s
+C s
+Ġrep ar
+s qu
+Ġprovin cial
+Ġshare holders
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+Ġged acht
+ĠTe en
+Ġgrand s
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+ag les
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+ven s
+Ġr ivals
+un al
+Ġreact s
+ë ©
+Ġmerc ury
+ĠLu igi
+Ġо г
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+Ġcort ex
+w ig
+Ġl akh
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+Ġchamp agne
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+Tr ans
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+Ġtem u
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+ult s
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+ĠCl aro
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+ë ¬
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+ë Ħ
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+Ġdeb uted
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+7 3
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+Ġab rupt
+ĠInspect or
+our t
+æĸ Ļ
+ź niej
+int ense
+B a
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+Ġast hma
+ĠHi ç
+ª »
+Ġeditor ial
+Ġse ize
+Ġk ır
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+Ġtestoster one
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+ĠKing ston
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+Ġ197 4
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+T s
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+Ġdist orted
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+Ġre im
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+Ġbankrupt cy
+w elt
+Ġsi amo
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+Ġj ab
+law s
+Ġrein vent
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+ĠCourt ney
+ivid ad
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+Ġeffic acy
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+Ġ197 3
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+ra i
+Ġhuman os
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+Ġextraordin arily
+Ġcommence ment
+K N
+ope z
+Ġ×ij× ©
+Ġlet hal
+ĠEst amos
+Ġinspect or
+ĠSe ok
+e un
+Ġoff shore
+Ġget tin
+ye ars
+ĠSil ence
+ĠNat ur
+up un
+Ġtr zy
+Ġno get
+Ġhamb urger
+ĠPra ise
+é nd
+Ġ197 1
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+k rit
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+Ġident ifies
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+ix el
+Ġtv Ã¥
+k ed
+ier z
+Ġö ffentlich
+Ġproc laim
+so on
+l ol
+Ġlo i
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+ro llo
+Ġser mon
+Ġes qu
+Ġjack ets
+Ġgr áfic
+Ġпок азÑĭв
+Ġcabe za
+ch odzi
+Ġpel vis
+Ġnost algia
+Ġbre w
+Ġshort cuts
+ĠAd emás
+Ġsuperfic ial
+åħ© åĢĭ
+Ġbo ca
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+ut os
+ĠÑĤ Ñıж
+ĠL ös
+ש ×Ļ×Ŀ
+any ch
+tu ber
+Ġtid y
+Ġfront al
+Ġwhis key
+Ġhum id
+Ġr idge
+Ġmar in
+Ġb ientôt
+ĠCarr ie
+ch w
+Ġtah un
+ĠEr geb
+F R
+Ġìłķ ë¶Ģ
+ĠSold ier
+Ġenlight enment
+Ġexam ining
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+Ġer am
+ĠSun ny
+Ġlay ered
+ĠD azu
+r ades
+好 åIJĥ
+ĠнаÑĪ ей
+Ġtim ber
+Ġman ners
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+Ġmini ature
+omet ers
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+ĠK omb
+own er
+ì ¿
+id ian
+Ġdem ás
+ĠÙĪ ت
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+z elf
+ĠCom plete
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+Ġн ез
+ĠAnt wort
+ĠPf izer
+ĠFran co
+Ġw ÅĤ
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+es per
+Ġk ale
+Ġfilm maker
+Ġk urt
+Ġinv alid
+å± Ģ
+are lla
+Äĥ ng
+ram ento
+Ġnutr itional
+Ġdict ators
+Ġaf in
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+ó t
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+Ġdemonst rations
+ĠMont gomery
+íķ´ì Ħ¤
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+Ġn este
+خ ر
+Ġfe h
+åĨ ħ
+susp enseful
+ĠWrest le
+ĠPalestin ians
+iy et
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+Ġtrans istor
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+ĠVerm ont
+pl atz
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+ĠH ag
+ĠÐĺ м
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+Ġmet ros
+ĠInfin ity
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+ib al
+ft ig
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+Ġo ggi
+Ġdisp osit
+ĠпÑĢ ил
+ĠвÑĭ пол
+Ġth ôi
+Ġhand ing
+act us
+Ġtac os
+Ġformer ly
+ĠCorinth ians
+ãģ« ãģ¯
+Ġpad re
+Ġcongreg ation
+æ ij
+fer t
+Ġsub ir
+ais er
+qu a
+ara oh
+ĠCur ry
+ĠìķĬ ëĬĶ
+ел Ñİ
+Ġf uss
+Ġbo oty
+Ġl ows
+Ġh ommes
+ĠDisney land
+w ent
+Ġresid ue
+Ġbe eping
+è¼ ķ
+ät ta
+Ġm ould
+ĠPro jekt
+st alk
+Ġartif act
+ĠAnt rag
+ĠCry pt
+Ġë© Ķ
+ĠFel ipe
+el u
+Ġself ies
+ĠS anti
+ch utz
+ges amt
+Ġflo ck
+j az
+pl ain
+Ġwr inkles
+Ġre ais
+Ġpal jon
+Ġempower ment
+Ġattend ees
+pp a
+Ġn eden
+он Ñĭ
+Ġtime frame
+ĠCher ry
+Ġid ée
+Ġg ag
+Ġdon key
+Ġô ng
+ĠH are
+éļ Ľ
+ĠK ara
+Ġacom pan
+pl aces
+im ientos
+ĠH amm
+б и
+ub en
+ili yor
+Ġth irst
+Ġk ry
+ĠGeorget own
+׳ ×Ķ
+Ġor ch
+Ġheart beat
+Ġtransform ations
+est ones
+Ġcart oons
+Ġan ci
+Ġworth less
+Ġtail ored
+p u
+Americ ans
+Ġp iles
+ĠMon key
+Ġbas in
+ĠTem per
+ĠP aint
+Ġpunch ing
+Ġba ik
+ĠOak land
+v re
+ÅŁ allah
+yd d
+Ġcas ually
+od u
+Ġc oded
+ĠNorweg ian
+ĠV ince
+Ġprem ature
+ĠProm ise
+ек ÑģÑĤ
+Ġdevast ated
+ĠPrem ium
+ĠPar am
+ĠÃĸ yle
+um uz
+P O
+r ators
+Ġlamp s
+Ġterritor ial
+Ġback bone
+list ed
+D Y
+ĠاÙĦ ر
+Ġpurs ued
+ĠComm ons
+Ġê³ ¡
+lo cks
+ed or
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+h on
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+Ġtor so
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+ĠHar ley
+ach ine
+Ġti ế
+itt o
+yl on
+Ġshut down
+.' '
+Ġap ologies
+ĠCommun ication
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+ãģĤ ãĥ¼
+âĦ ¢
+ÃŃ veis
+ac un
+Ġret aining
+Ġcontrad iction
+Bry an
+ĠM onsieur
+Ġadap ting
+ĠSc r
+änd ert
+Ġpl aus
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+Ġon set
+Ġassist ants
+Ġval ves
+Ġsc atter
+ĠR ust
+aw ia
+Ġread iness
+Ġp ais
+Ġb ible
+Ġamb iente
+Ġа меÑĢик
+Ġunc ond
+Ġk alk
+åĬ ¨
+Ġmo c
+un n
+Ġact u
+Ġhum ming
+iss imo
+ĠPat rol
+g ow
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+Ġende avor
+ĠPer iod
+ustom ed
+m als
+al on
+B ox
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+ĠHe h
+k ad
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+Ġdomin ance
+odynam ic
+Ġcommunic ated
+k ö
+Ġprede cessor
+ĠL uk
+ĠFl ower
+Ġãģ ©
+po que
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+Ġdecis ive
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+ĠR ück
+r ite
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+Ġuh m
+Ġrul ers
+Ġdiscour aged
+Ġaconte cer
+Ġacc ents
+ĠOpt im
+ĠAl g
+k ids
+20 21
+ĠLind say
+Ġfilm makers
+pr owad
+Ġter ug
+ëĭ ´
+ĠSom mer
+20 18
+Ġborrow ing
+ĠTrans fer
+н оп
+ari as
+Ġhead phone
+ì¼ ľ
+Ġtransl ating
+Ġauf ge
+ப à®Ł
+we is
+av ant
+pa id
+b aby
+Ġtough est
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+ĠTer esa
+L ord
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+d ir
+Ġl eng
+Ġd wa
+Ġhead aches
+Ġn ữa
+ĠнаÑģ ÑĤоÑıÑī
+Ġbo ils
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+ri as
+ó rio
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+ĠSeñ or
+erd em
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+Ġsal aries
+Ġinsec urity
+ÅĤo ÅĽci
+ĠабÑģолÑİÑĤ но
+ink en
+ĠEd dy
+ud os
+Ġd ummy
+Ðļ ак
+s ix
+Ġin box
+Pe ople
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+ż a
+we ile
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+èĽ ĭ
+ir al
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+ικ ά
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+pay ers
+Ġsh immer
+ĠO llie
+ĠJe żeli
+è¿ĺ æľī
+Ġ197 7
+Ġje ux
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+ĠTransport ation
+ĠM aker
+Ġj ohn
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+Ġli egen
+´ë ¥¼
+è¿Ļ éĩĮ
+Ġun rest
+ĠSt raw
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+Ġcom a
+ĠKr isten
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+ĠBry ce
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+Ġpearl s
+Ġпоним аÑİ
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+Ġas ympt
+ĠменÑĮ ÑĪе
+Ġsc ans
+Ch ild
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+к ÑĥÑİ
+et as
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+- )
+zz o
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+Ġ194 4
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+Ġpu esto
+N ico
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+Ġ à¶
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+Ŀ ¤
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+н ал
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+ĠH ack
+Ġs unt
+ĠLeon ard
+ĠFire base
+äng er
+Ġexpl oding
+v oy
+Ġì¦ IJ
+Ġsever ity
+Ġbest imm
+çµIJ æŀľ
+Ġt iring
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+Ġdecor ative
+ĠÙĬ ا
+Ġpenet ration
+Õ «
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+ĠUn i
+od les
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+j m
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+ĠRes ource
+íĥ Ģë
+ÑĪ ие
+C arl
+Ġpip ing
+Ġchop ping
+ĠGan ze
+ü ss
+ĠA o
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+Ġund oubtedly
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+Ġen ch
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+C u
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+U A
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+ĠArt icle
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+la it
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+dis play
+Ġalumin ium
+Ġpalab ras
+Ġconoc er
+Ġz itten
+Ġdir ig
+åıª æľī
+Ġbrain storm
+Ġw ifi
+ĠPart icip
+Ġview point
+ĠQu an
+Ġhier arch
+W elcome
+å¯ ¾
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+ĠRe covery
+gan o
+W ould
+Ġrep ro
+Ġper ceptions
+Ġdem asi
+ĠBangl adesh
+ĠIncred ible
+Ġlet zt
+Ġbehav ing
+Ġaston ishing
+Ġâ Ĩ
+ĠëĤ¨ ìŀIJ
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+? !"
+ĠP rest
+Ġë§ŀ ìķĦìļĶ
+Ġt and
+Ġl ash
+ç Ĭ
+ific ant
+Ġint oler
+Ġг еÑĢо
+Ġte u
+as o
+ĠÑģов еÑĤ
+Ġtravel ers
+ĠSy nd
+ĠвеÑĢ Ñģ
+F onda
+ad ı
+Ġtrans cription
+Ġtit anium
+Ġtw ists
+Ġgear box
+ens ation
+f at
+C oll
+ĠCommon wealth
+z on
+ĠPolize i
+f ry
+ĠJud a
+este em
+Ġso ck
+ĠJug end
+Ġк ÑģÑĤаÑĤи
+ĠD ro
+Ġproch aine
+ãĥ¼ ãĥ«
+Ġli ksom
+ĠEner gie
+ĠMar ina
+Ġ2 30
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+Ġl one
+ç´ ļ
+Ġfont s
+Ġbusiness man
+Ġp ly
+Ġdo e
+gr id
+ĠMil waukee
+ĠE den
+! ".
+og ens
+Ġteas er
+Ġqui én
+Ġincent iv
+go vern
+Ġchild care
+Ġsneak ers
+Ġimprison ed
+Â ®
+иÑĤ еÑģÑĮ
+an bul
+Ġreg ain
+Ġtranqu il
+Red ner
+éĽ ¨
+Ġide ological
+Ġmayor ÃŃa
+Ġb ureau
+et erm
+ìĬ ·
+Ġw aving
+Ġbe b
+Ġá r
+Ġк в
+Ġenv oy
+an ut
+ик Ñĥ
+ĠEnviron ment
+ĠAss ass
+ãĤĵ ãģ§
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+Ġstair case
+ĠDise ase
+Ġauc un
+Ġëĭ Ī
+Ġconfront ation
+Ġ194 1
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+Ġwor sh
+ãĤĮ ãĤĭ
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+Ġback side
+ie ux
+K ap
+Ġved ere
+Ġlength y
+Ġbreak er
+ĠRoll e
+Ġpred ator
+Ġnoss os
+Ġadvert ise
+è³ ĩ
+ÑĢод е
+Redner wechsel
+re ten
+Ġcollect ors
+ıģ ımız
+Ġtr ig
+Ġax es
+in ters
+Ġpen alties
+ĠOs man
+ĠJen na
+Ġfl akes
+Ġtrain ers
+Ġstun ned
+ĠSc roll
+ĠP ip
+Ġна ÑģÑĤ
+Ġnh Ãł
+ĠSm ack
+ẫ n
+rat os
+ĠÑĢабоÑĤ Ñĭ
+Ġu cz
+ĠLem on
+ĠS ind
+Ġpsych ic
+ĠAb g
+Ġmamm als
+Ġimmers ive
+Ġb ots
+Ġverschied ene
+Ġg eral
+Ġfoll ower
+Ġ ä»ĸ
+Ġsegur idad
+Ġimmers ed
+fe ito
+c ross
+Ġö ld
+íĥ Ħ
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+Ġk af
+Ġgod t
+缸 ä¿¡
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+Ñĸ л
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+Ġchlor ide
+ø re
+le i
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+Ġdifférent es
+à¯ģ .
+Ġcareg ivers
+Ġin adequ
+Ġfare well
+ĠÑĤип а
+ont ec
+ĠE ph
+ĠTod os
+Ġtro v
+Ġl ige
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+ĠC iv
+Ġcap az
+ĠV allahi
+Ġquest e
+Ġrepl ica
+س ب
+z na
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+ien i
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+ĠA man
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+Ġcompl iments
+u ais
+ĠíĮ ¨
+Ġsmell ing
+Ġdad urch
+ÙĪ ت
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+Ġл ай
+Ġstabil ization
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+æ¥ ½
+Ġappl iances
+Ġh m
+ĥ IJë©´
+odynam ics
+Ġc iÄĻ
+ĠC ott
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+Ġall erdings
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+sh ots
+Ġt s
+ĠG ör
+Ġ: (
+Ġwr ath
+Ġf ique
+Ġfüh ren
+Ġtest ament
+Ġ^ ^
+á¹Ľá¹£ á¹ĩa
+Ġtext o
+ĠDog s
+Ġs ib
+Ġpath etic
+ock s
+Ġrad ically
+Ġing l
+ĠTechn ical
+Ġpor ch
+ĠобÑıз аÑĤелÑĮно
+Ġrenew al
+Ġaesthet ics
+ik um
+Ġbe verage
+der n
+Ġpredict ive
+Ġch uy
+ĠRegard ing
+ĠFor ward
+Ġcontext ual
+Ġdwar f
+Ġpre he
+Ġgovern ed
+ħ Ħ
+Ġtrabal har
+Ġnegó cio
+ĠболÑĮÑĪ ой
+еÑĩ аÑĤ
+Ġд ÑĥÑħ
+Ġflood s
+Ġbow ling
+ĠH är
+Ġgrad ing
+주 ëĬĶ
+Ġg ars
+d ling
+Ġr ak
+ë Ī
+c reat
+ĠÑī е
+Ġneighb ours
+f ood
+Qu ery
+Ġhero in
+ice ps
+ĠK inda
+Ġmar i
+Ġim itate
+Ġach ter
+Ġsettle ments
+ra re
+cc iones
+Ġë ĵľ
+Ġf ik
+it ung
+Ġм акÑģим
+Ġel f
+Ġd alla
+ĠPol sce
+ĠP ul
+Ч ÑĤо
+ĠMor gen
+ØŃ Ùħ
+Ġsuprem acy
+Ġk ys
+ĠHur ricane
+ĠFe h
+Ġfinal mente
+m und
+ĠK rie
+é poque
+ĠT ucker
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+ä v
+Ġeer ste
+ĠFl int
+bild ung
+ู à¹ī
+Ġto im
+Ġpr acy
+Ġtransform s
+Ġspeed ing
+Ġpresent er
+Ġfellow s
+f illed
+ie za
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+ĠInter view
+и гÑĢ
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+ĠD ante
+pt ure
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+¯ ¸ë
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+Ġmie Äĩ
+Ġtut or
+Ġmas ala
+Ġpowder ed
+Ġn au
+ĠFreder ick
+Ġbill ing
+ĠE isen
+Ġд обÑĢ
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+ĠA lo
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+éri ence
+Ġcasual ties
+ä» İ
+Ġto car
+Ġbacter ial
+H o
+Ġstre ak
+Ġpl ast
+Ñģ лед
+Ġre app
+Ġpay check
+Ġmin ers
+hab t
+ĠJ ap
+н ÑĥÑĤ
+Ġred emption
+Ġqu ir
+hn lich
+Ġaccum ulation
+Ġsh ove
+Ġadrenal ine
+M ake
+ĠH ern
+oss ing
+ĠV il
+ub by
+her tz
+bre aks
+Ġsp ur
+ĠD aha
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+ĠSa ul
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+ĠëIJĺë ©´
+Ġë§IJìĶ Ģ
+Ġо ж
+Ġsuspect s
+Ġla quelle
+ĠMuch as
+Ġv öllig
+ul en
+Ġimp res
+Ġlo bb
+ene e
+Ġн аж
+T a
+Ġréal ité
+ĠRe x
+Ġharvest ing
+Ġest r
+æ ¶
+osp ace
+Ġdisturb ance
+ass ic
+ĠIs ab
+Ġdéc ouv
+ĠHamp shire
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+ag na
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+Ġwh irl
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+ç u
+Ġvari ability
+Ġv odka
+its u
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+R R
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+ı ı
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+New s
+Ġa yr
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+ĠCa fe
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+ĠB our
+ar as
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+an ı
+Ġconst ants
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+ob ook
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+aw ning
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+ĠLind sey
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+Ġprzy got
+Ġhy ster
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+io è
+mer a
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+Ġcl ing
+Ġcomm end
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+Ġком анд
+Ġdish was
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+Ġse he
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+ır ım
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+F X
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+imp ression
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+Ġclass ics
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+ump y
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+а ÑģÑĤи
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+Ġk au
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+Ġin nych
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+A J
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+n ost
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+л ег
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+ird i
+Ġszy b
+ĠRoll ing
+ü cht
+ĠÑĥд ив
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+ĠBe ef
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+ĠIns ert
+la uf
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+ou fl
+ive l
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+èt res
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+Ġcl ash
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+is ión
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+ص ÙĦ
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+ann ée
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+Ġarm our
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+Ġlonge vity
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+Ġcz ego
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+Ġend uring
+let te
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+Ġhab il
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+n ad
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+k aha
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+Ġodpow ied
+ir ting
+Ġrem pl
+ĠAb original
+ident ally
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+lic ting
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+ĠS as
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+ħ ĺ
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+Ġsweet heart
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+ê³ ¡
+ĠSu ite
+úblic a
+ĠÑĥ ли
+ĠAnn ouncer
+l igh
+Ġsens ations
+Ġshel ters
+Ġh art
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+ĠR ivers
+ĠCook ing
+ì± ħ
+person al
+Ġman os
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+ĠìĻ Ħë
+×ij× ¢
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+Ġdon ating
+ĠReg ent
+ĠBer uf
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+Ġist iyorum
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+ĠBre aking
+Ġkar Ä±ÅŁ
+Ġrebuild ing
+ľë ĮĢ
+ли во
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+Ġ È
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+ç ŀ
+Ġê°ľ ìĿ¸
+ĠÑģем ÑĮ
+Ġjour neys
+Ġi ht
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+Ġdram as
+ouch ed
+Ġren ame
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+d epend
+ĠÙĪ ا
+ĠÑĢ Ñĥк
+Ġб аÑĢ
+Ġoxid ation
+Ġsitu ação
+ÉĻ n
+u ção
+Ġsag te
+ĠC ake
+Ġtur meric
+ĠK ak
+b ung
+ĠK á¹Ľá¹£á¹ĩa
+Ġpoison ing
+Ġsl ipping
+ĠS ays
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+ò ng
+çŁ ³
+Â «
+ĠClaud ia
+ĠChar acter
+ни ÑĨ
+co at
+Ġprogress ed
+ĠFer gus
+Ġìĺ¤ ëĬ
+Ġo at
+ord able
+ĠLe y
+ĠHera us
+Ġresult ados
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+Ġsp acious
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+ĠT ie
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+J im
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+ĠImp ossible
+Ġguit ars
+ĠFour ier
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+cent ered
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+ign ant
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+Ġdr astic
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+в ин
+u w
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+Ġur anium
+ìĿ Įë
+ar é
+Ġrze cz
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+æĪ ²
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+r ão
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+Ġphilosoph ers
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+Ġн ом
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+at if
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+기 ìĹIJ
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+ĠUnder standing
+åıª æĺ¯
+Ġwh irring
+Ġsur rend
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+ĠâĻ ©
+Ġorgan ised
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+з д
+Ġexplos ions
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+Ġdem ographics
+Ġ16 00
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+Ġde h
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+Ġbehav es
+æĿ ¾
+ĠëĤ´ì ļ©
+Ġback story
+Ġagree ing
+ĠÅ ģ
+ih in
+Ġtemper atura
+ĠBack ground
+Ġnut zen
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+ĠM änner
+Ġcollabor ations
+ĠK os
+éģİ åİ»
+Ġnight mares
+ë ĵ±
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+x e
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+E nd
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+anda ag
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+1 80
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+Ð Ļ
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+eta an
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+Ù ¹
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+ĠпÑĢав да
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+Ġexperiment ation
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+Ġmed o
+Ste vie
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+g ments
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+á k
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+ist ling
+Ġo val
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+if ty
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+y et
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+ĠHan ım
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+Ġof icial
+Ġdi yorum
+» IJ
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+Ġ0 2
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+Т Ñĭ
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+Ġdop amine
+el ets
+Ġdemocr at
+ìł ľë¡ľ
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+o j
+ĠпÑĢ ок
+ĠSull ivan
+se mble
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+า ร
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+éĸ Ģ
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+é rio
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+é nt
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+ĠZ immer
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+en cias
+Ġrel ación
+Ġê± ¸ë
+Ġfact ion
+Ġg osp
+пол ож
+n ap
+h ak
+Ġproceed ings
+ĠìĨ Ķ
+ìķĦ ëĭĪ
+ĠìŀIJ 기
+Ġwer d
+Ġso f
+Ġsch lim
+Ġfl avored
+Ġquad ratic
+ĠBo ot
+Ġpublic ity
+ĠCar o
+Ġ ?"
+ни ÑĨа
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+ét ica
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+Ġta ÅŁ
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+ress er
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+Ġп еÑģ
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+lad ım
+Ġmo o
+ĠGene va
+Ġ åľ¨
+er us
+bor ah
+Ġref using
+b ull
+ĠWait ing
+ĠInd ividual
+Ġan onym
+im ens
+Ġmed idas
+Ġfragr ant
+Ġdirect ement
+ĠìķĦ ë§Ī
+ur ia
+Ġsp herical
+Ġab ge
+ĠVictor ian
+Ġspect acle
+ĠRodrig uez
+Ġoc up
+ĠN är
+mark s
+ng ulo
+ĠLu ci
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+ëĤ ¨
+ĠìĤ ´ë
+Ġprobl èmes
+ĠF inger
+asse mble
+Ġpe ar
+Ġdro ite
+ĠEvery where
+t am
+оÑĤ ив
+в ой
+ordin ate
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+är ke
+por ter
+Ġkah kaha
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+w ah
+ol ve
+ĠAg es
+s chaft
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+ne lle
+ĠEn suite
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+l ords
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+Ġcomeç ou
+Ñı ла
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+F emale
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+Ļ Ģ
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+Ġsl ick
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+Ġк аз
+Ġpap ier
+Ġkön nten
+Ñĥб ли
+ĠConst ant
+Ġktó rÄħ
+Ġcos metics
+ĠT rend
+Ġrob bery
+Ġt itt
+Ġgj ort
+Ġdiet ary
+ł Į
+ĠKir by
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+Ġhtt p
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+ç¾ ©
+Ġdisadvant ages
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+D am
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+Ġest able
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+Ġol har
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+ĠW izard
+Ġм ало
+hel p
+ĠlÃŃ nea
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+Ġstand alone
+Ġmor ale
+Ġzwe ite
+ãĤĪãĤį ãģĹãģı
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+éĿ Ĵ
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+ir im
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+Ġtong ues
+at to
+Ġbus ca
+ih n
+ĠÙĬ ع
+Ġvari as
+ĠMar ian
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+Ġdefic iency
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+ĠEx erc
+uch s
+ĠnhÆ° ng
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+p ic
+Ġ40 1
+ÅĽ niej
+ar ina
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+ott i
+Ġдол го
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+Ġvan ished
+Ġbak ery
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+J O
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+ĠÑģп аÑģибо
+Ġa ik
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+Ġendanger ed
+êm ement
+emat ics
+Ġrespond ers
+ĠRepresent atives
+Ġsculpt ures
+ig keiten
+Ġde pl
+Ġinterpret ations
+Ġdead lines
+Ġ194 2
+Ã Ĺ
+Ġsug ars
+em u
+l ively
+Ġrecre ational
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+Ġunders core
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+å¦ ¹
+and in
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+ion ed
+gro ans
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+ato on
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+Ġbe vor
+Ġrepent ance
+P ut
+Ġpotrze b
+Ġsal a
+Ġcamp a
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+Ġsécur ité
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+Ñĩ и
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+Ġseg reg
+ĠFair y
+Ġwis ely
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+Ġhand held
+Ġgad gets
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+ĠPop ular
+Ġcurv ature
+ë ¬¸
+ìĿ´ì Ĭ
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+Ġblur ry
+ale z
+Ġw s
+Ġprogram m
+ĠSt ack
+ов али
+ı ll
+Ġp ère
+ĠKan ye
+ĠDel aware
+Ġãģ ł
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+ĠSt upid
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+ffic ial
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+bur se
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+Ġse an
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+Ġken nt
+Ġб ал
+ĠDoc ument
+ĠKn ights
+Ġbuck le
+Ġìī ¬
+Ġal k
+ĠEvery day
+atter s
+Ġtoil ets
+Ġj ugar
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+Ġgen auso
+ĠLandes regierung
+ãģ£ãģ ±
+ij e
+Ġtrail ers
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+Ġnuts hell
+ел иÑĩ
+Ġlos ers
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+N ice
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+ı ma
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+ĠJour ney
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+un ing
+gr unts
+Ġt äll
+Ġuncover ed
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+ĠEst her
+äº İ
+ĠHealth y
+Ġë° ij
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+Ġpolar ization
+Ġfl av
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+Ġy r
+ĠR anch
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+Ġtrou vé
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+Ġrecord er
+Ġdé part
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+ÅĽ wiad
+il ateral
+w right
+Ġpour ra
+ê ter
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+á ŀ
+Ġrapid ement
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+Ġdiff ers
+Ġal ot
+ĠS ig
+ÑıÑĤ елÑĮ
+Ġabstract ion
+åľ ĺ
+Ġke iner
+gr upp
+ĠSher lock
+íĺ Ķ
+Ġc ite
+Ġover flow
+Ġt ại
+ú car
+b ula
+Ġconjun to
+Ġmoder ator
+Ġindirect ly
+Ġalle ine
+â Ĥ
+ÑĪ иб
+Ġб аб
+Ġdan ach
+Ġ19 39
+Ġpr omet
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+ĠIll ust
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+Ġhe h
+ĠGesetz ent
+ĠM iz
+ен ко
+ĠM ys
+Ð ¬
+ĠJuda ism
+Ġmust ache
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+Ġvol te
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+Ġm ón
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+ìĭľ ì£ł
+ica ção
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+ĠM oto
+Ġover look
+Ġcho is
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+ĠMin ne
+ĠA pa
+or ian
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+Ġa ñ
+üs sel
+ĠìĿ´ì ļ©
+Ġanaly se
+r ose
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+Ġpres que
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+ĠEb ola
+Ġc is
+Ġac et
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+ĠìĿĮ ìķħ
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+ey ed
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+ra ção
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+ĠJo int
+ur ous
+re as
+Ġquer ÃŃa
+Ġdistrib utions
+Ġexpon ent
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+Ġd l
+z hou
+ĠHe aring
+å·® ä¸įå¤ļ
+ĠC raw
+Ġflo ats
+oun ced
+L ab
+W orld
+Ġbur dens
+Ġauthor itarian
+ĠB olt
+Ġод нÑĥ
+Ġpige on
+Ġdistract ions
+ĠHeraus forder
+Ġz est
+es c
+Ġsh akes
+at as
+ĠÙħ Ø´
+hol es
+Ġthink ers
+al ta
+Ġar che
+ĠS uk
+an ha
+Ġtempt ing
+Ġyou tuber
+Ġv ì
+Ġdz iaÅĤa
+ĠVatic an
+P ark
+Ġsup ers
+ĠNik ki
+ëĬ IJë
+or ang
+ram ient
+é ¬¼
+Ġê°ĸ ê³ł
+Ġdessert s
+Ġav ere
+ĠGreg ory
+Ġëĵ¤ìĸ´ì ĺ
+Ġcost ing
+ĠClin ic
+Ġreb els
+ĠM ob
+Ġbun lar
+ĠYour s
+ert ime
+Ġret ali
+m ara
+at us
+all es
+Ġд ÑĢ
+Ġд иÑģ
+Ġdiscount s
+Ġкак ое
+ĠExper iment
+re ment
+ĠXi ang
+Ġb ate
+W E
+Ġspecial ize
+Ġde ity
+ĠL oki
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+ĠN it
+W est
+Ġmater nal
+Ġqu is
+åŁº æľ¬
+bro ken
+Ġlas ers
+Ġha kk
+ĠAng els
+Ġmaster y
+ant is
+T iffany
+ee e
+ç ij
+ore m
+Ġin acc
+Ġjurisd ictions
+ĠKard ash
+æľ º
+I l
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+Ġdiet a
+A g
+Ġ? ?
+ĠëĮĢ íijľ
+Ġsuper v
+Ġnut rit
+Ġdr ifting
+ĠìĦłìĥĿ ëĭĺ
+Ġпон Ñıл
+ĠVict ory
+ÙĦ Ø©
+×ķ׳ ×Ķ
+Ġп иÑĪ
+Ġsh aved
+Ġmes ure
+ond en
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+Ġex ile
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+Ġattach ments
+Ġh ombres
+Ġfin es
+ĠìĦ¸ ìĥģ
+Ġsleep s
+ĠT aco
+ri os
+Ġo ll
+et es
+Ġun ut
+fashion ed
+Ġtre ball
+ĠNear ly
+ĠÑĢе алÑĮно
+Ġch il
+éĢ ±
+ÄŁ a
+ros cop
+Ġv enge
+Ġdishwas her
+al gic
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+t imer
+em ics
+Ġintric ate
+Ġev et
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+Ġis ot
+Ġна ÑĥÑĩ
+ĠQu iz
+res o
+δ Ïİ
+Ġye lled
+Ġfed er
+Ġexceed ed
+on as
+ic ano
+Ġжив оÑĤ
+ĠMa o
+ĠKaz uto
+Ġ ãħĭãħĭãħĭãħĭ
+Ġfront line
+ĠHung arian
+Ġüber all
+aw at
+Ġgri ps
+i ções
+arn ya
+ĠÍ ¡
+Ġse id
+Ġan ak
+Ġacab ou
+íķ ij
+Ġnot orious
+ĠGod zilla
+Ġover coming
+ĠP end
+Ġol abilir
+ül me
+Ġer halten
+ãĤī ãģĦ
+ê· ¹
+ĠM eter
+Ġsta an
+O l
+Ġch ats
+ĠBu enos
+ÃŃ ve
+alu able
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+Ġcompr ised
+ĠпеÑĢÑģон аж
+Ġw ann
+ĠC en
+н иÑĤе
+Ł ģ
+ĠÑĤоб ой
+i ad
+ĠkardeÅŁ im
+ĠCongress man
+ream ing
+h omme
+Ġcommun aut
+Ġalcohol ic
+Ġpick led
+Ġac ord
+p osition
+eg ól
+Ġtrou bling
+ĠMarch eg
+Ġzum indest
+Ġseam lessly
+Ġol un
+ĠTV s
+ĠпÑĢакÑĤи ÑĩеÑģки
+Ġback end
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+id able
+Ġgad get
+Ġfa ço
+ĠMarcheg iani
+Ġë° ¤
+Ġaccident al
+Ġeld est
+ĠAd miral
+Ġn Äĥm
+le ver
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+Ġfond o
+Con nie
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+Ġp act
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+ĠAustral ians
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+Ġexact ement
+Ġë¹ ¼
+ç ¡
+ĠR apt
+ĠNo ch
+Ġab ort
+ĠNav al
+ĠFu ji
+Ġнов Ñĭй
+Ġmiej sce
+ĠGrad uate
+ĠGl en
+ard i
+ĠÈ ĺ
+Ġsold er
+Ġprofess ions
+Ġorth og
+om n
+int rodu
+ĠDen ise
+ìŀIJë ¥¼
+Ġcorrespond ence
+Ġinf lict
+Ġf and
+ĠG ü
+ĠÑĩ еÑĤ
+Ġtr aced
+Ġpat ents
+Ġamb ush
+Ġlot ta
+ff er
+ĠW agner
+Ġimp erson
+Ġextr êmement
+ÙĤ ت
+cond uct
+A tt
+ĠM ueller
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+Ġha cker
+Ġt ys
+Ġha il
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+Ġpack aged
+ĠC ynthia
+he et
+ä¸Ń åĽ½
+ĠNiss an
+ĠQuest o
+é ¨
+d id
+Ġμ ια
+ĠEll is
+ĠAnal ysis
+ce mos
+Ġas eg
+ĠMy ster
+ĠCa o
+Ġtu v
+ĠIndust ry
+주 ê³ł
+ot al
+Ġpeque ño
+br as
+Ġcompreh end
+ĠSim pson
+ÑģÑĤв ие
+ocr acy
+иÑĩеÑģ ки
+ĠM ush
+ĠLaur ie
+Ġtriang ular
+ĠPres ents
+ĠK unden
+ç´ ¹
+æŃ ¦
+ĠIs s
+ĠDe ck
+á»ĥ n
+ĠDark ness
+Ġinflamm atory
+eremi ah
+Ġwar med
+vey ard
+ĠMem ory
+et ty
+Ġtax payers
+Ø ¡
+Ġpract ise
+ëĭ ¬ë
+Ġdr illed
+m Ã¼ÅŁ
+log o
+ĠF ach
+¤ë ¡ľ
+Ġübrig ens
+Ġkon nten
+Ġnormal mente
+Ġarg ues
+iling ual
+°ë ¥¼
+eg al
+Ġtrava ill
+ov y
+а ÑĤо
+Ġr uth
+ĠL ights
+Ġconsist ed
+×ijר ×Ļ×Ŀ
+Ġstere otype
+Ġpay er
+ĠRe e
+ĠAir bnb
+Ġdr owned
+ĠZ oe
+Ġcan opy
+Ġbar r
+Ġн оÑĩ
+Ġpag an
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+Ġr ê
+er ver
+æĪ ¿
+ie ben
+Ġes pect
+ĠF i
+Ġunw illing
+Ġtechn ician
+ặ t
+m ember
+ĠCan al
+س Ùħ
+Ġlie ber
+Ġin ference
+Ġhon oring
+åij µ
+ĠCamp aign
+Ġline age
+ĠSt ress
+Ġvict ories
+Ġde ja
+× £
+ê tes
+bl ick
+Ġмен ее
+oth s
+ĠCou ple
+J ason
+ĠNic olas
+ек Ñģ
+l ib
+Ġher ramient
+Ġ×IJ ×ķ×ŀר
+Ġвид им
+mill imeter
+Ġsil houette
+Ġdrive way
+Ġcher ish
+ãħł ãħł
+Ġrans om
+Ġinter disciplinary
+ĠPort al
+Ġtra g
+th ood
+Ġted ious
+Ġgloss y
+Ġpré par
+ĠC ay
+ĠT ook
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+Ġz ig
+å «
+åį ±
+re presented
+à¹Ģล ย
+Ġdesar rollo
+ìĦ ľë
+Ġvis cos
+Ġmill igram
+ĠG und
+Ġfer ment
+d rum
+Ġdraw ers
+La ugh
+Ġpel os
+Ġpave ment
+Ġmem oir
+av ait
+Ġ20 50
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+Ġraz ón
+Ġflour ish
+Ġst ern
+ä¸ Ī
+ĠCh ung
+Ġser pent
+ĠGentle men
+羣çļĦ å¾Ī
+k ook
+Ġl ut
+import e
+p arent
+Ġw sz
+Ġsc ree
+ĠMitar beiter
+å· ´
+m ut
+Ġìĸĺ 기를
+Ġsem ble
+Ġinvestig ator
+ĠCher yl
+ĠG erald
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+ny t
+Ġdiferen ça
+? -
+Ġqu á
+ר ×Ļ
+S en
+Ġhe ps
+Ġgrat uit
+Ġcons ort
+ĠProtest ant
+Ġelectro de
+â Ĺ
+Ġsecure ly
+иÑĩеÑģ кой
+Ġt ää
+Ġreg isters
+ĠHeaven ly
+og ly
+iss ä
+ĠPhys ics
+ĠMer kel
+Ġré v
+éĻ ¢
+Ġer ased
+ĠSac ramento
+Ġcoff in
+Ġex acer
+Ġl anz
+Ġpo ets
+ul if
+Ġì¹ ĺë
+ĠN erd
+ĠH our
+neh mer
+ŀ ĺëıĦ
+ĠPrin ci
+S w
+m ies
+ar med
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+Ġpropag ation
+Ġexch anged
+Ġcum ulative
+Ġì§ij ìĹIJ
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+æĬ ±
+b els
+Ġw es
+ĠOdys sey
+ä½ł æĥ³
+av ior
+ĠìľĦ ìĹIJ
+Ġbr it
+Ġhij o
+ĠС еÑĢг
+Ñĥ ка
+eds iÄĻ
+Ġimp os
+Ġell as
+Ġfire arms
+Ġ×ij× IJ
+ĠÐŁ ока
+aw i
+ĠìĦ± ê³µ
+Ġpup ils
+ĠT ack
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+ĠSh ip
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+ä¸ ľ
+ĠGreat er
+un un
+imm ung
+gr own
+ĠAmeric as
+f ox
+Ġmant en
+éłIJ åĤĻ
+ĠÑģ ок
+Ġr ikt
+lect ric
+de ep
+Ġзна еÑĪÑĮ
+Ġben ut
+ĠInf rast
+ĠEm ir
+ĠоÑĤп ÑĢав
+ĠKim chi
+ĠFinn ish
+´ìł ģ
+ina ire
+Ġo ike
+æ¸ħ æ¥ļ
+Ġhost age
+ĠBut ton
+ek ing
+ĠKaz akh
+Ġcomfort ing
+Ġso g
+Ġgreet ed
+g uitar
+p ayer
+Ġrel ational
+Ġconstru ir
+çī¹ åĪ¥
+op ian
+ĠVol ume
+iet h
+ÑģÑĤв ом
+ur rection
+li ÅĽmy
+Ġhem isphere
+ĠBe an
+Ġköt ü
+ĠFall out
+Ġbr ace
+ç¹¼ çºĮ
+ÏĢ ά
+Ġg é
+Ġcharacter ize
+ặ c
+ĠMil ky
+Ġtum ors
+Ġn uit
+ĠG az
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+Ġг аÑĢ
+ess ment
+ĠA be
+Ġë½ ij
+ĠEins atz
+j ä
+C ry
+ĠProm ised
+ĠÑģеÑĢ д
+ok us
+Ġscal able
+ück lich
+Ġreal ism
+Ġmay o
+Ġjuven ile
+Ġhead lights
+Ġgör Ã¼ÅŁ
+ĠRe form
+Ġhal ves
+cz ne
+Ġbreak up
+że j
+Ġr ätt
+D ay
+ĠìĿ¼ë ³¸
+Ġmu erte
+Ġtun es
+ĠSm ile
+rec ord
+Ġrecher che
+atisf ied
+Ġpo zi
+Ġcelebr ations
+ise xual
+third s
+ĠF ortune
+ĠÑĤ ой
+Ġbrand ed
+lo o
+Ġd ud
+Ġrandom ized
+Ġcomb in
+ä¸Ģ äºĽ
+ier an
+c zenia
+į ãĥ«
+Ġcur ator
+Ġar tery
+ĠÑĩ иÑĤ
+Ġsubsid ies
+Ġbloss om
+ĠTw ilight
+Ġhy vä
+ĠPom pe
+ĠC isco
+Ġbir i
+Ġg ern
+Ġre built
+Ġw cze
+Ġbenefic i
+Ġdrum mer
+Ġsol ids
+Ġdi yorsun
+ãģĤãĤĬãģĮãģ¨ãģĨãģĶãģĸ ãģĦãģ¾ãģĹãģŁ
+l ated
+Ġmud dy
+Ġh olog
+Ġcl aps
+ĠR ings
+ĠO key
+ĠBra ve
+Ġvalu ation
+Ġmig rant
+Ġinter mitt
+Ġeig ene
+ili ary
+ãĥ¼ ãĥĪ
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+k r
+ĠR ib
+á»Ļ i
+Ġaccus ations
+Ġa rab
+w ash
+ĠBard zo
+Ġu gh
+est ers
+oph ren
+Ġaliment os
+ĠU z
+Ö Ĥ
+Ġ6 50
+ĠпÑĢи еÑħ
+F I
+Ġsamp ai
+Ġparl é
+hes ion
+Ġs ır
+Ġapparat us
+Ġcor related
+ĠPrincip al
+Ġcor r
+ĠOffic ial
+иÑĩеÑģ кие
+Ġtermin als
+Sh ould
+Ġvac un
+Ġst ellt
+Ġmo oi
+etz ung
+Ġк ÑĢа
+Ġda i
+Ġп ож
+Te am
+ĠÐŀ Ñģ
+ĠLe ah
+ĠI vy
+y st
+Ġuh hh
+Ġnight time
+Ġtrend y
+Ġsec urities
+Ġcontin ents
+Ġfirst hand
+ĠVer on
+ĠëĤ ®
+Ġbrows ing
+ĠC ada
+t ro
+Ġtr amp
+re ib
+Ġerst mal
+irl er
+Ġps ic
+Ġget ir
+Ġdzie ci
+об ÑĢаз
+Ġmagic ian
+Ġscrut iny
+Ġsl ab
+ist y
+ir ies
+ore st
+Ġtask ed
+Ġmor ally
+ìķ¼ ì§Ģ
+ust ered
+Ġfool s
+Ġir respons
+Ġein f
+Ġvi á»ĩc
+Ġsc or
+Ġpill ows
+ĠG egen
+Ġtut te
+Ġquarter ly
+Ġdid nt
+ĠG ym
+ĠE ther
+ĠØ «
+лиÑĪ ком
+Ġsign aling
+ĠN ode
+ĠDonc s
+Ġy ah
+ĠKan al
+Ġf ading
+et in
+Ġinfluen cers
+Ġmed als
+Ġengine ered
+Ġfer mented
+ê²ł ì§Ģë§Į
+ĠBeet hoven
+×ŀ× ©
+inent al
+ĠìķĮë ł¤
+üt fen
+al nya
+Ġo vere
+Ġden kt
+ак ÑĤеÑĢ
+Ġâ ĺ
+Ġneces it
+Ġgener ators
+gr ass
+Ġпод Ñĥм
+lie ÃŁen
+B ar
+ľë ıĻ
+ĠдеÑĤ ей
+Ġsuck ing
+Ġsten cil
+Ġprim o
+ĠBreat h
+st rom
+Ġimmens ely
+Ġapp reh
+ìłķ ìĿ´
+P op
+Ġj ong
+ĠGi ul
+Ġhö ren
+Ġe lo
+iv ent
+Ġr us
+Ġoutrage ous
+Ġmaster ed
+Ġì» ¤
+ÙĪ Ùģ
+ip es
+ĠRud y
+Jac ob
+Ġbull ish
+Ġt apped
+Ġfa ud
+iz ophren
+ĠÑģо Ñħ
+ĠDar ling
+Ġ196 3
+ĠPre vention
+² Ķ
+Ġabdom inal
+st ones
+Ġav aient
+á»ķ i
+m ake
+Ġs are
+ĠInst ant
+к ам
+Ġkeep er
+Ġblank ets
+ãģ§ ãģĹãĤĩãģĨ
+Ġswe ats
+ĠMinne apolis
+åħ¨ éĥ¨
+Ġgen ommen
+Ġfast en
+ĠBrus sels
+åij ¼
+Ġcaf eter
+Ġabsor bing
+Ġha go
+ĠEl mo
+Ġgust o
+ĠY ap
+M úsica
+Ġt ert
+Ġband a
+Ġm ily
+Ġthere after
+ĠStock holm
+ĠC arson
+Ġcalib ration
+ava ÅŁ
+ans a
+ik ke
+Ġfore see
+Ġqual che
+Ġdest e
+æ ¤
+ün üz
+Ġfor ge
+D is
+est en
+Ġδ ια
+Ġenca ps
+ĠGes pr
+Ġcher cher
+ick ets
+C r
+ĠТак же
+Ġrabb its
+ĠD ot
+he iten
+Ġcaus al
+ĠF oster
+ajÄħ c
+Ġbere it
+Ġayud ar
+é« Ļ
+ãģ ³
+s ong
+com b
+Ġfr inge
+Ġcyber security
+Ġëľ ¨
+Ġk ier
+Ġbesch äft
+Ġкон ÑĨе
+Ġfacil it
+ĠNam en
+Ġbil ateral
+t x
+ĠW issenschaft
+Ġnu ances
+Ġr ipping
+Ġf y
+ĠSicher heit
+ĠGh ana
+ol on
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+Ġrad ial
+ĠAndre as
+ed d
+ĠìĹ ´ë
+ĠAirl ines
+ãģĵ ãĤį
+Ġval ores
+ê· ľ
+H y
+Ġзад аÑĩ
+ĠKend all
+ĠÑħ аÑĢ
+ĠV amp
+Ġpy thon
+Ġmanage able
+ĠG ente
+o ise
+ici ary
+Ġimp oss
+ĠBun ny
+iest a
+And rew
+Ġser t
+ĠC ec
+zz arella
+Ġautom obile
+ĠT iere
+all ows
+åĨ Ĩ
+Ġë° Ģ
+ĠSc orp
+ĠJ elly
+ag ara
+ĠSt retch
+Ġrede f
+Ġexacer b
+é f
+ors a
+Ġflaw ed
+ĠNo el
+?! ?
+Ġpro cent
+Ġmen stru
+ĠпÑĢо Ñĩ
+Ġinf ants
+ðŁİ µ
+pa use
+ĠR acing
+Ġ194 8
+Ġsuper intendent
+id ores
+id y
+bra him
+Ġunl ucky
+Ġper k
+an ci
+Ġë§Įë Ĥĺ
+ĠÐľÐ¾Ñģ кв
+Ġfin ans
+Ġdiferen cia
+łĪ ìĿ´
+éħ į
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+ÛĮ ا
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+Ġваж но
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+Ġinform ations
+h st
+Ġпог овоÑĢ
+Ġvo iture
+Ġre us
+änd ig
+ĠпоÑħ ож
+j ing
+Ġd ru
+alt ra
+Ġprodu its
+Ġk ite
+Ġeye ball
+ĠB elt
+ĠRestaur ant
+Ġg amb
+Ġpor ridge
+it ters
+Ġconver ts
+Ġyard ım
+Ġmáxim o
+w irtschaft
+Ġíķĺë Ĥĺë
+Ġì¤ Ģ
+Ġice berg
+Ġvor bei
+Ġ25 6
+ocr atic
+Ġreck less
+on ner
+Ġm ús
+Ġlog ically
+ĠPr ison
+ĠNet z
+Ġvac ant
+Ġn immt
+Ġз ов
+ĠDe e
+ring e
+ni est
+ĠR ules
+ìĬ¤ë Ł½
+cuss ions
+Ġfl oral
+Ġconstra ined
+Ġdifferent iation
+ĠQue bec
+Ġpúblic a
+it el
+Ġaccommod ations
+ĠGr ü
+í ľ
+Ġpick les
+иÑĩеÑģ киÑħ
+Ġcomm issions
+ĠBa ek
+Ġçoc uÄŁ
+ĠMed ium
+Ġperiod ically
+Ġwonder fully
+Ġstaff ing
+ìĽ IJë
+ri re
+f le
+ĠMc L
+ĠÑĤ еп
+ĠпеÑĢ ек
+н олог
+Ġíģ¬ ê²Į
+çĻ¼ çı¾
+Ġprosper ous
+ĠSpirit ual
+ĠCh ick
+Ġper ÃŃ
+Ġconsult ants
+ĠEar l
+ä»Ĭ å¹´
+Ġru ining
+оÑĢ е
+Ġpens er
+Ġtak iej
+Ġstrength ened
+ĠLiqu id
+он еÑĨ
+ав аÑĤÑĮ
+Ġcam er
+Ġdisagre ement
+Ġbat hing
+ĠY osh
+a al
+pre chen
+Ġsuper star
+æģ Ń
+Ġn ib
+ĠTh erm
+Ġp aw
+Ġliqu ids
+Ġcapac it
+ark en
+Ġvag ina
+Ġm ashed
+Ġemer ges
+ys cy
+Ġun related
+ĠGu ild
+Ġin verted
+it ives
+T ra
+Ġbe gr
+Ġal te
+ì§ ķ
+ãĤģ ãģ¦
+ĠÑĢазÑĢ абоÑĤ
+f inder
+Ġдал ее
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+20 17
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+éº »
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+缮 åīį
+Т ак
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+que z
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+æ¯ Ľ
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+H ay
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+I B
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+w iet
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+int érieur
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+Ġë ļ
+Ġب عد
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+Ù Ģ
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+ed el
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+d t
+U nis
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+æĢ ĸ
+оÑĩ е
+ά λ
+zen iu
+Ġform ations
+Ġspark ed
+ĠEntwick lung
+all s
+Ġviv ir
+Ġexp iration
+ot ine
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+æķ ij
+ür d
+Ġпон ÑıÑĤно
+Ġscient ifically
+P ods
+Ġpregunt as
+Ġcal ming
+ĠPrem iere
+׼ ש
+ĠÑħ олод
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+Ġfuer za
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+arl os
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+j ego
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+ol u
+Ġrest s
+Ġl Ã¥ng
+ĠÐŀд нако
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+Ġmar riages
+and an
+Ġmag ically
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+ĠëĮ ĵ
+Ġhack ers
+B aby
+ĠM onst
+Ġc ier
+ĠAra bs
+Ġмаг аз
+ĠIndones ian
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+Ġd achte
+ĠSch üler
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+Ġper lu
+ãĤ ´
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+Ġimpro vis
+ĠInst r
+vel mente
+Ġn ess
+Ġfun gus
+Ġcollabor ators
+ĠVir us
+est ar
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+Ġag ility
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+ere l
+Ġвоз в
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+Ġpres chool
+ç§ į
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+E X
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+ie ht
+Ġstrang ely
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+Ġredes ign
+Ġinc umb
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+ĠVolks wagen
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+p ción
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+å¤ ´
+ĠGood ness
+ив аеÑĤÑģÑı
+b ahn
+ĠAntar ctica
+ек ÑĤоÑĢ
+Ġhome owners
+ze igt
+ĠíĺĦ ìŀ¬
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+h ana
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+Ġdad os
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+an ter
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+d oc
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+erm a
+Ġлег ко
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+ĠSad hguru
+Ġpre ached
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+per ed
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+Ġnew com
+ĠH ue
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+ĠConst ruction
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+ĠO y
+п а
+ª ¨ë
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+Ġwe aving
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+Ġancest or
+Ġunder going
+Ġpound ing
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+ĠìĹ ´ì
+Ġzo als
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+éŃ ļ
+Ġo ke
+ĠJoy ce
+Ġn ud
+Ġdil igence
+ĠLab s
+Ġv ents
+Ġancest ral
+ห ม
+ĠмÑĥж Ñĩ
+Ġnom és
+表 示
+w ali
+q ing
+ĠMultip le
+ĠCons ult
+Ġist edi
+ĠD oy
+ak ah
+Ġdiscipl ined
+Ġaltern ating
+ç Ĵ
+Ġver me
+Ġо Ñī
+Ġto ta
+ĠP rag
+Ġsw orn
+Ġbe ber
+ĠAufg abe
+ìļ ´ë
+辦 æ³ķ
+Ġy up
+Ġrec laim
+on ut
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+cie ż
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+èģ Ĭ
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+k ung
+Ġdonn ées
+ĠHor izon
+ĠF rog
+åĢĭ 人
+Ġar ist
+â l
+Ġк ож
+Ġseg undos
+ĠShort ly
+ĠC rowd
+ir an
+ĠwÅĤa ÅĽci
+ĠL ac
+ident e
+Ġê°Ģ ìŀIJ
+Ġl en
+ĠMot ors
+ĠT rent
+om ie
+Ġtransmit ter
+ĠAss ad
+Ġpsych iatric
+Ġout lines
+Ġeffective ment
+ĠRelig ion
+pre h
+Ġдолж на
+ĠÍ¡ °
+ĠCons ervation
+Ġ á»
+Ġз ай
+Ġres ide
+Ġcomplet o
+ĠëĤĺìĺ¤ ëĬĶ
+Ġsubur ban
+Ġrépond re
+ĠÑĢаз лиÑĩ
+Ġgall eries
+Ġr apt
+æĦŁ è¬Ŀ
+) ...
+Ġcruel ty
+ĠVM ware
+í Ī¬
+Ġhay ır
+Ġgroup ing
+ĠR ider
+Ġsyll able
+Ġbeispiel sweise
+Ġsafeg uard
+ĠpelÃŃcul a
+art i
+ĠС о
+Ġche ga
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+Ġse ism
+Ġharm less
+ĠWarri ors
+ãģĦ ãģ¤
+Ġп Ñģ
+Ġsham eless
+ĠBa um
+inst all
+Ġtool kit
+Ġpip elines
+Ġp ussy
+Ġconce al
+Ġprot esting
+och ond
+Ġdu a
+ĠP ose
+Ġhel ium
+ik le
+ĠS uff
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+ing ers
+ĠÑģлÑĥÑĩ ай
+Ġdesc ending
+Ġ æ²Ĵæľī
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+H igh
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+ĠI di
+Ġ×ij× ¡
+Ġexpress ive
+ç§ ĭ
+Ġпол ез
+Ġp one
+Ġadoles cent
+ан нÑĭе
+Ġassass ination
+we isen
+em atically
+aut h
+Ġur g
+Ġgan har
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+ĠRh ode
+ĠиÑģÑĤоÑĢ ии
+Ġcompart il
+æķ ¢
+Ġdimin ished
+Ġapprent ice
+ĠÐij Ñĥд
+Ġphot ons
+Ġcó d
+å¹ ķ
+æ¬ Ĭ
+on ak
+Ġadel ante
+Ġch u
+op ic
+Ġa ixÃŃ
+ed dar
+ĠCong rats
+m or
+好 åIJ§
+Ġreserv ations
+ĠT oby
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+Ġhorr ifying
+ÙĬ ع
+ĠJo ining
+ãĥ© ãĤ¤
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+d ah
+Ġcons ig
+Ġintimid ated
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+Ġnost algic
+Ġ미 ìķĪ
+åĢ ¼
+Ġver di
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+п од
+ast es
+Ġv ist
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+Ġfl ips
+ÑĢи з
+bal anced
+ãģª ãģı
+Ġо ÑĪиб
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+las se
+ere i
+Ġkal o
+Ġar qu
+Ġplan o
+Ġordin ance
+Ġcomp ilation
+ĠVocê s
+ĠE co
+Ġì¶Ķ ì²ľ
+Ġenc ima
+ĠGar rett
+ĠC ord
+öl ker
+ĠAr row
+Ġprot ons
+, âĢĭ
+Ġì² ĺë
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+Ġb iking
+Ñĥн д
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+ĠV illa
+以 åıĬ
+ĠÃ¶ÄŁ ren
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+ĠKy ung
+J enn
+Ġc ud
+Ġimp osing
+Ġcommand ments
+ĠMe ans
+ĠD är
+Ġrecom end
+Ġdisp osition
+ا Ùĩ
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+ix ed
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+st ill
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+ĠIndepend ent
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+Ġp its
+Ġundert aken
+Ġf ør
+ĠN aw
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+ĠDr um
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+se ctions
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+иÑĤ ел
+du ction
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+ima an
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+de v
+Ġì¢ĭìķĦ íķĺ
+Ġj orn
+Ġro ar
+Ġimmers ion
+aff les
+Ġtra inee
+ĠBill board
+ress es
+ĠWar m
+ĠRober to
+Ġutil izz
+ĠIg or
+Ġr ash
+Ġanalyt ic
+ir am
+Ġsymm etrical
+Ġlifes pan
+Ġe ater
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+ater ial
+Ġë¯ ¿
+Ġis ter
+Ġinv aluable
+Ġassist ing
+Ġsh ack
+μα ÏĦα
+j is
+en iz
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+ĠV iking
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+Ġexpend iture
+Ġpos ing
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+Ġin ic
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+Ġm iedo
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+ĠDis cover
+icht et
+m illion
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+ĠF lynn
+bard ziej
+Ġinc omp
+ав но
+z ia
+Ġinfluen cing
+Ġworld ly
+ĠSales force
+z et
+Ġparticul ier
+ĠK och
+Ġ194 3
+Ġton er
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+Ġsus cri
+Ġtrigger ing
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+δ α
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+Ġafter ward
+p ine
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+Ġп ал
+Ġs aker
+Ġ194 7
+A F
+uy orsun
+ĠìĬ ¤ë
+Ġquant ify
+Ġment orship
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+ĠTam ara
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+Ġfront s
+os ters
+Ġes quer
+Ġsubm issions
+Ġann ih
+Ġsu ction
+lu ence
+chied en
+Ġ×ij ×Ķ
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+Ġobjet o
+Ġbo obs
+ĠGesch äft
+Ġear buds
+Ġrout inely
+Ġcoll agen
+од Ñĭ
+ĠCin namon
+Ġba ix
+د Ùħ
+f rage
+Ġк ноп
+Ġde ception
+Ġunexpected ly
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+Ġlo os
+Ġhighlight er
+Ġê¸°ë ³¸
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+ow ana
+m n
+ĠJ eremiah
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+iet e
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+ink er
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+im ming
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+et us
+Ġun ravel
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+our ing
+Ġground water
+ĠBe w
+Ġscratch ed
+Ġcass ette
+Ġc ider
+p is
+ĠÑģам а
+Ġglobal ization
+Ġdegrad ation
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+H mm
+æĪij åľ¨
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+g ia
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+ĠD harma
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+ĠTr ung
+het to
+Ġpo zw
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+ĠÃī t
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+Y Y
+Ġconcent rating
+ĠAgre ement
+Ġок оло
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+ĠYa o
+ĠÑģ лиÑĪком
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+Ġsi ihen
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+ĠT ampa
+ane y
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+Ġë Ľ
+ĠY ummy
+ë° °
+Ġon c
+ui ção
+Ġthe o
+Ġm ural
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+Ġrou ge
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+Ġun seen
+Ġdep reci
+Ġcomput ed
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+ident ified
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+role um
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+Ġlevel ing
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+ĠG us
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+ĠNat asha
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+Ġм ам
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+ad omo
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+Ġtele vis
+Ġp á
+ĠCre o
+ÃŃ ll
+Ġg ur
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+ĠS oup
+ĠProv ince
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+Ġimag en
+ĠÑģдел ал
+Ġlog os
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+ả o
+l arda
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+Ġscreens hots
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+ven idos
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+nic as
+ł¤ ìĦľ
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+th ank
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+γ α
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+ĠE min
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+es in
+, .
+Ġv alle
+Ġjer sey
+ul an
+R ead
+ĠR angers
+Ġso othing
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+ĠVer kehr
+ac akt
+Ġbat ht
+S on
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+ais se
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+w ier
+Ġвид ел
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+ĠQueens borough
+ĠM enge
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+Ġthe ological
+Ġ[ #
+Ġв они
+Ġim min
+ios ity
+ĠAb geord
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+æ ª
+P od
+Ġlo af
+Ġge bracht
+Ġabsor bs
+ĠGr anny
+Ġmal ware
+ag ÄĻ
+Ġcivil izations
+ĠÏ ģ
+Ġh ält
+С Т
+g reat
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+s ings
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+Ġwo j
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+St udent
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+Ġb ounty
+Ġ2 70
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+e j
+al om
+D as
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+ĠR ach
+注 æĦı
+Ġ» :
+éĨ Ĵ
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+Ġmov imento
+Ġflu ent
+ĠEv olution
+ĠBut t
+ific ación
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+ives se
+imiz i
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+Ġcongest ion
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+ĠHold ing
+Ġpo bre
+Ġë¶Ħëĵ¤ ìĿĢ
+Ġα κ
+ĠFergus on
+ĠLabor atory
+richt en
+roph y
+produ ction
+ass ung
+Ġsiè cle
+ר ת
+c ision
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+ĠIre ne
+an ca
+ĠìĤ¬ ê³ł
+Ġpin point
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+ÅŁ am
+l Ä±ÅŁ
+a at
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+. âĻª
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+M aster
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+Ġdok ument
+çª ģ
+Ġczas u
+Ġcontinu a
+ĠSil ent
+Ġtens or
+Ġt anta
+Ġirgend wo
+ĠSh akt
+l ama
+chl ag
+Ġd ingen
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+ĠM acht
+rel s
+Ãł cies
+v ideo
+Ġnatur ale
+um m
+Ġ7 20
+ãģ§ ãģĹãģŁ
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+Ġtechn icians
+Ġgee hr
+ĠM end
+R eg
+Ġsca ff
+Ġa ide
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+ler de
+\ '
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+ĠM its
+ĠHol iday
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+ĠC ats
+ë° ķ
+um o
+cont rol
+Ġthe CUBE
+t ic
+ier ungs
+Ġзнак ом
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+Ġis e
+aur us
+è¨ ±
+ĠSt rategy
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+rä ge
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+Ġalt ro
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+or as
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+om os
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+U m
+ĠNi ye
+θ η
+zy ka
+l ime
+ĠPerson en
+Ġvalid ity
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+ĠCom ic
+ç ons
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+Ġz g
+Ġren amed
+Ġc umin
+in el
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+ли Ñĩно
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+Ġpel vic
+Ġpalav ra
+Ġext ras
+Ġank les
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+Ġinsan ely
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+Ġrép onse
+Ġgö ster
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+Ġsh aken
+ãĤ« ãĥ³ãĤ¿
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+d ish
+ĠBl izzard
+ÑĮ ого
+Ġ ãħ
+Ġkn app
+T oo
+Ġund e
+Ġmount s
+ом ина
+Ġnorth east
+Ġcens orship
+l r
+Ġlaw makers
+ĠsÃ¥ dan
+Ġins ider
+Ġclean up
+ĠN ada
+ó c
+Ġharvest ed
+ĠDesp ués
+íļ į
+Ġredund ant
+Ġdeleg ate
+Ġbur g
+ĠAl ison
+æĸ° èģŀ
+Ġcel estial
+Ġsin ners
+Ġmart yr
+ĠP erm
+Ġspec imens
+Ġmit ochond
+Ġmar avil
+Ġcaval ry
+Ġarray s
+Ġanne x
+Ġlabor atories
+ĠBy z
+Ġat ac
+ĠÑģл ожно
+Ġto pl
+Ġger i
+ĠCom bat
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+ek en
+ĠÐĴ лад
+Ġa just
+Ġmar que
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+ĠL ol
+Ġrooft op
+ĠOr ion
+Ġб ой
+Ġheart breaking
+Ġdet to
+z h
+ät ter
+c era
+Ġhe ats
+Ġant iqu
+Ġunf inished
+ĠK azu
+ıl ı
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+le o
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+ÑĪ его
+ction al
+ĠìĿ´ì ł
+d ragon
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+av ic
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+Ġjust amente
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+' D
+Ġconf inement
+Ġí ij
+Ġmotiv ating
+ĠBritt any
+Ġãģ Ļ
+Ġscream ed
+ob ject
+Ġdec ree
+Ġtrava ille
+iss ible
+Ġb usted
+pro cess
+Ġmass acre
+Ġngh Ä©
+ily n
+Ġв ÑĢоде
+Ġpo etic
+Ġnh ất
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+us u
+n io
+Ġst aging
+omed ical
+le ased
+ĠìĥĪë¡ľ ìļ´
+act ing
+ĠBattle field
+play ful
+V i
+Ġseñ ora
+Ġprompt s
+lich keit
+Ġçık ar
+ji ang
+Ġpick y
+ĠC ave
+Ġmirac ulous
+ĠHugh es
+20 16
+Ġx u
+ĠDor othy
+Ġvirt ues
+Ġret ract
+Ġty r
+Ġchar ismatic
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+é ¼
+Ġë§IJìĶ Ģë
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+ari at
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+ĠA ku
+ivid ade
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+Ġд оÑģ
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+Ġmil j
+ell i
+Ġrack et
+Ġcompet it
+ĠWh is
+Ġreal t
+ign ment
+est re
+Ġper nah
+ĠOp ening
+ĠDemokrat en
+ac ements
+Ġworld view
+Ġplay offs
+Ġét ant
+Ġyem ek
+Ġsent iments
+od el
+b uster
+a ÅŁ
+cz ÄĻ
+Ġschö ne
+a pe
+ĠR aspberry
+Ġcred ited
+ĠH idden
+Ġsaus ages
+ru ce
+ĠBe v
+ilant ro
+Ġpoke mon
+Ġê°Ģ 격
+Ġproceed ing
+Ġve io
+Ġ17 5
+è ¸
+ma x
+Ġfr ater
+ìłĦ ìĹIJ
+Ġe gent
+Ġ25 00
+us ch
+T ube
+Ġampl ify
+Ġpraw d
+Ġod or
+ĠSc an
+Ġplot ting
+ithm etic
+Ġres igned
+Ġstere oty
+Ġdo able
+ĠCom plex
+Ùģ ÙĬ
+t ım
+ÑĢи г
+l ardan
+es o
+Ġhood ie
+Ø§Ø ·
+Ġbond ed
+ĠBurn s
+оп аÑģ
+Ġr ÄĻ
+ει α
+ĠоÑĤд елÑĮ
+Ġtim eless
+ĠV ij
+ĠPan ama
+Ġre organ
+ĠT ä
+ĠPl uto
+O range
+Ġп ойд
+ĠBr istol
+u ced
+ĠëIJĺ ìĸ´
+Ġun bedingt
+ad le
+Ġvolunte ered
+Ġm ieli
+ĠEdin burgh
+ik al
+Ġal ten
+ĠAr sen
+Ġmouve ment
+Ġant ique
+Ġb h
+ĠH ers
+Ġsa ute
+Ġasp ire
+Ġsp heres
+ĠW am
+ắ m
+Ġwip es
+Ġ2 80
+ĠVe h
+Ġcol oca
+а ÑĦ
+Ġвозмож ноÑģÑĤÑĮ
+Ġphysi ological
+h wa
+et u
+Ġprolong ed
+Ġexperi ência
+Ġвид но
+Ġquar ant
+Ġpued an
+è Ķ
+v ine
+ph em
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+Ġfl atter
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+Ġb én
+à¹ģ à¸ķ
+Ġë¬¼ë ¡ł
+Ġfact ions
+ĠLe aving
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+d io
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+ĠFilip ino
+¯ ¼ë
+believ ably
+ath lon
+ama an
+Ġde venir
+ĠG os
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+b ait
+Ġb ins
+u yorum
+ig rade
+is so
+ĠìĹ ´
+ĠìķĦë ¹ł
+Ġdiarr hea
+Ġtorn ar
+ad din
+Ġungef ähr
+Ġrest room
+Ġpsychiat rist
+ĠKick starter
+Ġg era
+Ġal red
+ĠW rap
+ÏĮ Ïĥ
+Ġsin ner
+Ġkil ow
+Ġdetermin ant
+Ġdem onic
+id ences
+ch as
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+å¼ ķ
+Ġst umble
+ĠUr s
+Ġdece ived
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+ell ed
+Ġnot wend
+Ġì§Ģê¸Ī ê¹Įì§Ģ
+Ġpart ido
+Ġdesc ended
+Ġvard ır
+Ġenact ed
+ĠczÄĻ ÅĽci
+å·¥ ä½ľ
+Ġtra inees
+Ġaud ible
+Ġm alf
+Ġve o
+ì n
+ĠApp e
+åĤ ·
+Ġr ut
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+k ach
+Ġsav ior
+itch ed
+Ġclim ax
+аÑĤ елÑı
+ĠMc Connell
+ол Ñı
+ere ye
+ĠÑģоз н
+Ġcab o
+ĠS ne
+ĠAff ordable
+Ġsar Ãł
+Ġlegitim acy
+Ġscar ce
+Ġ10 8
+Ġac um
+ĠFrank ly
+Ġradi ator
+Ġgener als
+Ġdivid es
+Ġcheese cake
+Ġsor cer
+Ġmiscon ception
+Ġhardship s
+ĠOne Plus
+üy orsun
+ĠSovi ets
+ĠItal ia
+ick i
+ĠAfter wards
+Ġridic ulously
+Ġgdzie ÅĽ
+ĠNot es
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+Ġr oman
+Ġorganiz er
+Ġcour tyard
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+Ġп ÑıÑĤ
+ĠCh ill
+ĠVal ve
+Ġά λλ
+chl uss
+Ġdef lect
+ĠTon i
+Ġcl air
+Ġstack ing
+ä½ İ
+ras zam
+ĠSon ra
+ãģ£ ãģ¡ãĤĥ
+ĠAt ari
+Ġpas ó
+Ġchar ms
+an st
+Ġter ce
+ĠL illy
+Ġpsych ologically
+ĠcÅ ĵ
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+¥ ´ì
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+T u
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+äm än
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+cl amation
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+ĠUnters chied
+F ine
+ck o
+ĠÑĢеб ен
+Ġsp ic
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+ĠÑģкоÑĢ ее
+un ivers
+ac ula
+ĠÃĸ sterreich
+Ġgr inder
+Ġamb os
+Ġvast ly
+éĢĻåĢĭ æĺ¯
+Ġconf essed
+ĠSh h
+and ers
+ĠGu an
+ĠнеобÑħод имо
+Ġchampions hips
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+ind ung
+g li
+D et
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+Ġsau ces
+ĠD w
+×ij× ª
+Ġnurt ure
+Ġdet ained
+ĠBe er
+Ġми ÑĢа
+в е
+ĠBird s
+Ġmeille ur
+Ġre wind
+Ġp ore
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+é ger
+qu ela
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+le ben
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+ä» ĺ
+il ik
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+l ak
+Ġlo gar
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+Ġhar med
+ав лив
+ĠÑģ ÑģÑĭл
+Ġlack ed
+Ġcontact ing
+Ġ기 ìŀIJ
+Ġgef ähr
+Ġco y
+ike l
+Ġb inge
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+Ġentend u
+ĠTh irty
+Ġsmart est
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+Ġr asa
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+Ġsl ut
+л ÑĥÑĩ
+ig ten
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+Ġt aman
+Ġqual idade
+Ġdom ination
+Ġsin us
+Ġprogram mers
+Ġaller gy
+ĠTor res
+ĠAust rian
+n ants
+å®Į æĪIJ
+M el
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+ĠM af
+Ġoso b
+é ¥
+ĠзаÑĩ ем
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+c za
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+Ġr ico
+æĶ »
+ĠиÑģÑĤоÑĢ иÑı
+Ġsch izophren
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+ĠS na
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+ven es
+Ġvuel ta
+Ġm ies
+Ġbro om
+Ġmer ry
+Ġespecial mente
+ĠAl ban
+ĠпоÑģÑĤоÑıн но
+ĠL ena
+ĠC ult
+al so
+Ġquot ing
+Ġgen ere
+ĠY ar
+ĠL age
+Ġdem ost
+Ġd age
+ĠEcu ador
+Ġan vänd
+u ÃŁen
+Ġë°Ľ ìķĦ
+Ġpsych ologists
+ĠL ars
+Ġposs a
+Ġout going
+Ġmet ic
+Ġbag gage
+er ia
+Ġricht ige
+ìĭľ ìĹIJ
+ĠÑģоÑħ ÑĢан
+Ġroot ing
+Ġdro plets
+çļĨ ãģķãĤĵ
+Ġnas al
+ĠCo x
+X i
+Ġdispos able
+Ġbut cher
+ĠZ ar
+ĠArmen ian
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+Ġs ost
+Ġper ish
+ĠR ép
+ç´ °
+ãģĿãĤĮ ãģ§ãģ¯
+ĠFre ud
+Ġf andom
+Ġblo que
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+Ġab re
+Ġénorm ément
+Ġimport s
+é Ī
+Ġot ur
+ĠRy u
+ĠâĨ Ĵ
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+Ġasc end
+b ene
+åĸľ 欢
+Ġol urs
+no ch
+Ġbre eds
+ли з
+ĠVerf üg
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+Ġpe le
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+Ġзам еÑĩ
+ìķĦ ìķĦ
+ab outs
+ĠM ull
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+edere en
+D rive
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+ord um
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+к лад
+é rence
+Ġê± ¸ë¡ľ
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+Ġnom inal
+Ġa ula
+ĠÑįк ÑĢан
+Ġcher che
+ĠTh r
+åħ¶ å®ŀ
+Ġla ufen
+ĠKath leen
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+ih at
+Ġs ided
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+Ġguid eline
+import ant
+b umps
+t one
+Ġentre prises
+Ġconst itute
+osc ope
+ĠMyst ery
+cy cles
+ĠWars aw
+Ġburst s
+ĠZh ong
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+é į
+Ġbe acon
+åį ĩ
+Ġì§Ģë Ĥĺ
+Ġ ersch
+Ġinteg ers
+ĠCross ing
+s ource
+Ġschool ing
+ator ium
+ĠìŀĪ ê²Į
+Ġr ôle
+Ðķ ÐĿ
+Ch at
+Ġshr inking
+Ġreim burse
+Ġl umber
+ü cks
+Ġsal ah
+M other
+Ġk ali
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+ot ional
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+z ers
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+ing a
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+m ith
+Ġins ufficient
+Ġcro oked
+Ġê·¸ë ĮĢë¡ľ
+ìĭ ¤í
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+ĠëĦ¤ ê°Ģ
+Ġb ö
+ĠOt to
+Ġillust rates
+ĠDest roy
+Ġ196 1
+ĠT agen
+Ġmel on
+ĠP ascal
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+ĠG ins
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+Ġunre asonable
+ĠJ ie
+ys ics
+Ġ몰ë Ŀ¼
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+© ´ì
+Ġprec urs
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+t ight
+et é
+Ġmund ial
+ìĹĪ ëĭ¤
+âĢ¦ !
+B U
+Ġsoci ology
+Ġbrut ality
+Ġperson aje
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+Ġed its
+Ġd ues
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+ен еÑĢ
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+cip her
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+ĠìŬ ìŀIJ
+Ġswallow ed
+ĠTab ii
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+ĠÑģо ÑģÑĤав
+Ġoy un
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+K atie
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+ĠAll Äģh
+ÙĪ س
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+Ġpe pt
+Ġvolunt arily
+ĠO ÄŁlum
+ĠE lo
+ou e
+B ir
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+Ġ6 000
+Ġpromot ional
+ĠHerr n
+Ġstamp ing
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+Ġcos mos
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+æ± Ł
+ab us
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+ĠÑįк оном
+inc arn
+Ġìĸ´ë Ķ
+Ġл еж
+Ġнай д
+on ter
+Ġreus able
+Ġkomm a
+ĠB ij
+ĠTer az
+ĠOl á
+ĠìķĦ 침
+ĠÑĢаз меÑĢ
+aw an
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+ic eless
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+ĠTut aj
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+bl ade
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+Ġc ioè
+åĮħ æĭ¬
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+ken nt
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+ign on
+Ġgl ide
+our cing
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+Ġarch ety
+Ġsh ady
+Ġs omm
+Ġep ile
+Ke ep
+Ġnaj bardziej
+itution al
+Ġм ай
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+it ures
+ĠLord s
+ö tt
+R a
+Ġinequ alities
+Ġcoll ateral
+Ġwr ists
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+Ġоб ÑĭÑĩно
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+Ġconver ge
+Ġb ok
+ĠD odge
+нÑı Ñı
+Ġfle eing
+ĠMartine z
+ĠDream s
+ke k
+Ġsocial e
+ĠPla za
+د ة
+Ġke ll
+ĠSt ellen
+f elt
+ĠÑģп аÑģ
+ĠP v
+Ġcan ción
+ĠH ert
+ĠBal ance
+Ġsel ves
+Ġv andaag
+Ġpr y
+Ġnaj le
+Ġвид иÑĤе
+Ġvel vet
+Ġgro ot
+Ġf out
+æ¨ ¡
+ĠSchul en
+ĠMoh ammed
+ĠCent ers
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+л ан
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+Ġëĭ µ
+Ġparaly zed
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+ìĿ´ì ħĺ
+Ġت Ú¾
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+Ġì¤ ĺ
+Ġר ×ķצ
+Ġsu ced
+Ġprogress es
+ĠE ÄŁer
+°ë ıĦ
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+ped o
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+inter pret
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+ivid ades
+Ġì£Ħ ìĨ¡
+Ġent fer
+Ġchw il
+ĠHer bert
+ĠAlexand ria
+y ty
+Ġse chs
+Ġcal iber
+ĠWe ise
+ĠHe ck
+ĠY ug
+ĠاÙĦØ ·
+Ġpes ar
+Ġcig ar
+Ġm él
+Ġha ird
+Ġprzypad ku
+Ġconfident ly
+Ġan arch
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+c jÄĻ
+aw y
+ĠRe ce
+ĠGob ierno
+Ġcar ga
+um sy
+Ġn orte
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+Ġrespect ing
+Ġall ied
+ĠP iet
+icht lich
+Ġold s
+Ġdust y
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+Ġ- ...
+Ġne o
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+еж д
+a ide
+ĠбÑĥ ло
+í į¼
+Ġtempor ada
+Ġd oute
+âĺ Ĩ
+ĠìĪ ł
+aut o
+Ġration ale
+pro b
+Ġfish y
+Ġdoor way
+Ġempt iness
+ен наÑı
+Ġbra g
+ĠÐĵ де
+çĪ ¾
+Ġtrans ient
+Ġmitt lerweile
+ĠB ret
+Ġf ij
+Ġdepos ited
+N S
+Ġìķŀ ìĹIJ
+Ġkim se
+Ġchar ities
+ĠMill enn
+dog s
+Ġmo yen
+Ġnue vos
+ĠCook ie
+par able
+do ing
+ĠS ail
+Ġ icy
+h aba
+Ġque ens
+Ġchocol ates
+ĠN ay
+ĠÑĦ ин
+Ġve c
+Ġhelm ets
+T M
+ĠAr med
+Ġimpair ment
+ĠT us
+ĠM ême
+ome z
+ĠRe qu
+ĠInvest ig
+íİ ĺ
+Ġgol pe
+ĠR ac
+ig raph
+Ġk west
+Ġsail ors
+Ġstatut ory
+Ġmil estones
+ĠM ash
+ĠGesetzent wurf
+é Ĭ
+Ġcol oured
+h uma
+Ġy ere
+Ġsubtit les
+Ġembod ied
+Ġmiss chien
+ĠiP h
+üt zen
+Ġdet ached
+Ġdescri ção
+ci amo
+Ġreco il
+Ġexport ed
+ĠAl one
+ant ry
+Ġest an
+ĠS od
+Ġlavor o
+æĬĬ å®ĥ
+ר ×ij
+ĠÄij á»ĭ
+Ġsw ag
+ĠK aiser
+ĠMod er
+j ug
+Ġtext ile
+T w
+Ġn ac
+f rei
+Ġret ard
+isc ern
+Ġtall est
+ĠLu ca
+R ah
+Ġpre acher
+Ġj ut
+ĠR ica
+ic iency
+ĠÄiji á»ģu
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+Ġnet t
+Ġdisc ut
+Ġdepri ved
+¡ Ń
+Ġsp richt
+Ġencl osed
+ĠSub st
+ç§ ij
+ĠRab bit
+pr ised
+Ġbit ches
+ì Łģ
+çī Ī
+Ġtap a
+ĠEs sen
+ĠBa o
+Ġdev ient
+ĠW uhan
+ĠT ipp
+Ġdis ast
+ÑģÑĤв Ñĥ
+ubl ique
+Ġqual ité
+Ġinadequ ate
+Ġbarg aining
+ĠGot cha
+ев иÑĩ
+iev ous
+ert on
+bl ue
+ĠìĽĢ ì§ģ
+Ġsand box
+ĠRe in
+è¦ ª
+ĠìĿ´ê²ĥ ëıĦ
+Ġsa x
+z ogen
+un ächst
+Ġher kes
+Ġ- ,
+zen i
+r ising
+Ġresp osta
+Ġpromot ions
+ĠUnter stüt
+N othing
+ot ics
+ĠвÑĭ й
+Ġrot ates
+k ien
+Ġhab la
+ĠDan i
+un ion
+Ġw ack
+Ġarchae ological
+ĠCurt is
+ĠHor iz
+Ġê³ ¨ë
+Ġwai ver
+åĺ ¿
+B on
+Ġrot ated
+Ġpitch er
+Ġin ad
+Ġhug s
+ĠNorth east
+×Ļת ×Ļ
+Ġple a
+Ġcup cake
+Ġfam ili
+Ġgro o
+ĠBla ir
+Ġli j
+Ġhabit ats
+Ġcommun ism
+os ium
+b ars
+ĠFre eman
+ne o
+Ġdiff use
+Ġcylind ers
+ĠDe bat
+íĸĪ ëĬĶëį°
+еÑĪ е
+Ġfinger prints
+Ġam ar
+в ид
+ĠìłķëıĦ ë¡ľ
+Ġaffili ated
+ĠÑħоÑĩ еÑĤ
+ãģ° ãģĦ
+Ġet iqu
+Ġch ÃŃnh
+æģŃ åĸľ
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+ĠWe ihn
+çĶ µ
+ĠTitan ic
+ç´ Ģ
+ĠN ast
+Ġëĵ¤ ë
+Ġв ал
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+ĠíĻ ľ
+Ġë§Į ìķ½
+ĠSt ro
+Ġprot otypes
+ìĿ¸ ìĿĦ
+ÑĢ им
+Ġviol ating
+Ġgi orno
+Ġchild ish
+æ° Ķ
+Ġ×IJ×Ĺ ×ĵ
+Ġoverd ose
+ag ogue
+ад ÑĨ
+he us
+ĠговоÑĢ Ñı
+Ġinc r
+Ġdeb ated
+Ùħ ÙĦ
+Ġch icks
+Ġqu in
+Ġtight ening
+Ġsupervis ors
+ĠHaw k
+ĠB az
+Ġпов ÑĤоÑĢ
+Ġбл ок
+Äģ n
+Ġdump ing
+Ġfact o
+ber ger
+Ġarsen al
+ĠAfric ans
+¡ Ģ
+Ġcafeter ia
+fe eding
+qu ila
+ĠpaÅĦst wo
+ı nt
+Ħ ±
+Ġenvironment ally
+Ġdes prés
+ĠWill y
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+Ġ ðĿ
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+Ġaver ages
+E llie
+Ġgest ellt
+osa ic
+S ay
+ĠÑģам ого
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+на ÑĢÑĥж
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+Ġmod ulation
+Ġrepl ies
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+Ġmas se
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+P rodu
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+1 30
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+ong s
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+N I
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+Ġ5 50
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+ĠW ide
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+S ud
+Ġsusp end
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+ĠPor ter
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+d ist
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+Ġ2 10
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+uy u
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+if ie
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+Ġfest ive
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+Ġlegg ings
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+ric ular
+aln ız
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+Ġo yn
+ĠChem ical
+ĠÑģ Ñħ
+Ġtur f
+Ġ19 17
+iscern ible
+Ġmant ener
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+Ġneuros cience
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+Ġcomp uls
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+Ġbl at
+ĠSt unde
+m anship
+Ġatt e
+ĠìĨĮ ê°ľ
+Ġist em
+Ġann at
+ĠPlay station
+Ġz ad
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+pet to
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+E h
+ĠDet ails
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+ij ¥
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+E nt
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+Ġdurch aus
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+P re
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+Ġper to
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+geb aut
+Ġcontrib utor
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+rit os
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+M ed
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+ĠاÙĦ ا
+к ÑĤ
+Ġjob bar
+ĠJe ju
+or ar
+ĠSer á
+ĠMess i
+á z
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+Ġplug ging
+v l
+´ì ĺ
+ĠReg ierung
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+ĠEd gar
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+y elling
+v ais
+ad ian
+Ġbul ky
+ĠÑģ ÑĢав
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+Ġp aved
+Ġb ends
+ĠSkills hare
+ĠMmm m
+ĠHor ror
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+ense mble
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+stop pable
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+колÑĮ кÑĥ
+Ġleft overs
+Ġcave at
+und ai
+Ġwater y
+ĠMar in
+ãĥ³ ãĤ°
+Ġegg plant
+Ùħ ÙĥÙĨ
+vid ia
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+Ġco hesive
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+r ato
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+ĠArchitect ure
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+Ġobs ol
+ain a
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+est ruct
+Ġk ob
+Ġëĵ ¯
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+Ġbij voorbeeld
+ĠDemocr acy
+à¹Ģร า
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+Ġse ç
+Ġrah at
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+ĠB ash
+æĬ ĵ
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+kt ó
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+che er
+Ġj al
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+ĠBro oke
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+pe ace
+en y
+Ġmost ra
+ĠC annon
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+Ġmonument al
+οÏį με
+imm ers
+av ian
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+Ġpitch es
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+Ġsemin ars
+Ġré cup
+ĠVo or
+Ġde ven
+Ġd B
+Ġboost ing
+eg an
+Ġwel t
+ĠGuatem ala
+Ġmile age
+Ġbeh and
+ĠWa ar
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+ĠTy r
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+at ore
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+Ġet hanol
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+3 000
+Ġfer mentation
+Ġsink s
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+rå n
+Ġon lar
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+Ġ ie
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+Ġentwic kelt
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+od ar
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+ĠM oo
+ĠFig ure
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+Pro f
+ĠпÑĢ е
+Ġtilt ed
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+lam ation
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+Ġt inc
+Ġconqu est
+ĠعÙĨ د
+Ġsuic idal
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+гли й
+Ġëĥ Ħ
+Ġwrest le
+æ´ Ĺ
+Ġfire arm
+Ġli re
+p ra
+Ġjew els
+ĠCor nell
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+oc c
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+on ian
+B ro
+ĠAri ana
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+Ġapare cer
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+Ġquiet er
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+ad ic
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+ux e
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+ver bs
+Ġtub ing
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+Ġd all
+T er
+Ġgel en
+Ġcuc umbers
+Ġwid gets
+Ġdev rait
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+Ġ17 00
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+Ġern st
+Ġbottom s
+ĠSign al
+Ġpoll ut
+Ġd ura
+Mus ik
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+al ter
+ĠSte f
+ĠBig Query
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+ann ie
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+1 10
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+Ġwitch es
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+et ies
+Ġun natural
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+j cie
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+p ai
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+ric anes
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+Ġrepl en
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+eda an
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+R S
+Ġst os
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+Ġvan ish
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+ĠGr ill
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+otechn ology
+ĠC ars
+ĠFol ge
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+Ġste eds
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+å· §
+Ġwy kor
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+Ġacc use
+cess o
+u ire
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+ĠSo c
+L uc
+Ġê¹ Ģë
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+Äģ m
+Ang el
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+yt es
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+Ġ0 3
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+mo il
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+S n
+Ġ×Ķ× ¦
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+Ġfresh men
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+Ġsy mb
+L es
+ĠBe au
+un ed
+ple ment
+A c
+Ġderm at
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+Ñĭ п
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+Ġest avam
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+Ġinv it
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+Ġj ig
+man i
+Ġtu vo
+ĠEr de
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+Ġblue berries
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+ac ions
+çĪ ·
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+оз Ñı
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+Ġpr atique
+Ġaux iliary
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+Ñģк им
+u vo
+ĠÑģам о
+Ġs ank
+Ġhigh ways
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+Ġин огда
+Ġcreat ively
+Ġbenchmark s
+on cé
+al al
+Ġs otto
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+ĠMo v
+Ġlav ender
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+ĠBund est
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+C rowd
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+ĠPal mer
+im ize
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+Ġbad ges
+Ġrug by
+Ġmarshm allow
+Ġfier y
+Ġaccount ant
+Ġab la
+ĠMon roe
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+ans wer
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+ll s
+ì µ
+ש ׾
+ili ÅĽmy
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+I ns
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+Ġo str
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+ess ä
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+ĠMed ien
+ĠCompan ies
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+se its
+ĠR im
+Ġο ÏĢο
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+Ġpizz as
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+W W
+Ġcourt room
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+Ġjum per
+f ocused
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+ĠТ ем
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+Ġhom age
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+Ġqu ais
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+Ġcomb os
+ĠÑĥп ÑĢав
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+èĪ Ī
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+ĠZ ent
+Ġg at
+大 åĵ¥
+Ġscaff old
+Ġneces ario
+ĠZ ahlen
+Every thing
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+Ġspark s
+Ġpend ulum
+×ŀ× Ł
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+ck ed
+ĠEgypt ians
+ĠCit izens
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+Ġй ого
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+Ġac ost
+ĠB abe
+Ġgam ble
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+к ими
+o ys
+Ġmont re
+ĠHy undai
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+Ġdo et
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+ĠPel osi
+Ġmind er
+ro ot
+Ġíķ łë
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+ĠConf ig
+ĠCon sole
+ins ky
+éner gie
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+1 60
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+ĠMit gl
+ĠCar ry
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+rem o
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+Ġincap able
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+Ġкак иÑħ
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+Ġper de
+Ġex its
+ĠS inger
+Ġsupp er
+Ġmunicip ality
+ĠD iversity
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+iel s
+ĠlÃŃ der
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+ly s
+Ġma hd
+Ġcód igo
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+ru le
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+Ġsimpl istic
+ĠK onst
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+Ġal kal
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+Ġparall els
+Ġbitter ness
+ät tre
+ess ional
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+Ġcoll ab
+ĠReport ing
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+Ġwsz yscy
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+ise en
+Ġamb assadors
+ĠChe v
+åį Ī
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+ü st
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+lic a
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+Ñĸй ÑģÑĮ
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+Ġp omp
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+ев ид
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+Ġfil ament
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+Ġmatter ed
+ou re
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+¦ ¿
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+Ġje opard
+ĠS ell
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+Ġìĺ Ľ
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+Ġintel ig
+ĠAn geb
+Ġt iden
+Ġsoci o
+Ġreminis cent
+Ġcareg iver
+Sp ace
+ĠExerc ise
+ĠBe come
+ê ts
+ak k
+! ..
+ĠÑģп ÑĢоÑģ
+Ġα ÏĢο
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+ĠL up
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+hy ung
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+Ġw affle
+ĠOr b
+Ġla ut
+Ġforecast ing
+å ª
+Ġrapp ing
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+Ġben z
+Ġn ik
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+Ġimmin ent
+ĠпÑĢоблем Ñĭ
+Ġdo ivent
+ол а
+Ġży cia
+ih u
+Ġexist em
+ĠInter ior
+ĠT akes
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+Ġdictators hip
+ĠSmith son
+ĠAllah u
+Ïİ Ïģα
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+ĠV ote
+ĠSm ells
+од но
+Ġhind sight
+V R
+ĠP atch
+ĠJah res
+Ġsou venir
+Ġneut ron
+Ġlong time
+Ġsay in
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+as aki
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+Ġcryptocur rencies
+ĠMur der
+ĠCit izen
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+Ġconvenient ly
+Ġ20 23
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+ĠDavid son
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+el se
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+Ġst esso
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+Ġant ig
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+Ġg edaan
+Ġf avored
+ĠEm manuel
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+Ġcomp le
+ĠAdv ance
+ĠìŀĪ ê³łìļĶ
+ĠRo x
+ĠìĹ IJë
+Ġintest ines
+Ġper cussion
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+ĠE ternal
+f amily
+al og
+B rad
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+ĠÑģ наÑĩала
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+ÑĢ Ñıд
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+ĠL t
+ĠGr ade
+è£ Ŀ
+o ine
+b ug
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+Ġv iennent
+ĠÑĩ иÑģÑĤ
+ĠBen i
+ĠT sch
+Ġinsult ing
+ĠWe ight
+Ġadapt ations
+Ġhab ÃŃan
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+o ÅĽci
+j una
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+C ho
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+z ony
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+F red
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+chl agen
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+eler i
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+³ ij
+Ġrich ness
+Ġcons cient
+icht s
+ĠÑį лем
+ب د
+ire ns
+Ġha unting
+ruct ures
+att ack
+Ġcup cakes
+s que
+Ġnas zego
+Ġanthrop ology
+ãģŁ ãģł
+ãģµ ãģµ
+cha e
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+ĠPerson ality
+ĠΤ ο
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+ament al
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+Ġp id
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+Ġu da
+ĠSynd rome
+ĠStand ards
+ãģĪ ãĤĭ
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+Ġen am
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+ĠAle j
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+ig ail
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+?! ?!
+ĠìĪľ ê°Ħ
+ĠPol ski
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+ph r
+ĠProdu kt
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+aur ais
+Ġchar itable
+ı t
+Ġarm as
+ĠGed anken
+reat ing
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+§ Īë
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+öt zlich
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+na i
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+Ġne ll
+ĠEntscheid ung
+׾ ×Ļ×Ŀ
+Ġtruth ful
+Ġshar per
+Ġbureauc racy
+c art
+Ġин ÑĤ
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+ĠGesund heits
+Ġposit ivo
+ĠJane iro
+Ġا ست
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+to ber
+Ġα λλά
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+erson ic
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+Ġcent igrade
+ấ u
+ujÄħ c
+m ans
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+ĠMo ż
+Ġtra gen
+Ġst ared
+Ġsch ematic
+Ġpass ou
+Ġmeat balls
+Ġsynchron ous
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+inde er
+est on
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+´ ī
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+ĠPoint s
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+ér êt
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+s ınız
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+à³ į
+Ġor gas
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+ĠBl end
+ĠT aj
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+Ġed itions
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+Ġb ättre
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+Ġmöglich st
+ĠV Ãł
+ene ca
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+ic ana
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+d irect
+Ġìĺģ íĻĶ
+Ġcul pa
+ĠSt itch
+light ly
+ам ен
+Ġм еÑĪ
+Ġп еÑĩ
+Ġy hte
+os phere
+Ġìĵ° ëĬĶ
+é k
+Ġserious ness
+Ġgar ments
+Ġconc ise
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+Ġinter pol
+ĠTen emos
+ob ed
+Ġtecn ologia
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+ĠV isa
+Ġsa va
+Ġescre ver
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+ĠCouncill ors
+Ġê°Ģ ê¹Į
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+ĠDevelop er
+ĠBron ze
+ĠBon us
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+f act
+Ġend lessly
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+m ile
+isse ments
+ac Äĥ
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+Ġlow ers
+ac s
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+ie me
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+Ġhunt ed
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+Ġl umps
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+Ġsubscri ptions
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+ug er
+b ones
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+ĠMan ufact
+ĠL unch
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+Ġhyd rated
+Ġache i
+ĠY az
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+ĠQuant um
+ĠJer ome
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+ов ан
+m otion
+ĠCont roller
+ener getic
+ĠÑģкоÑĢ о
+Ġvow els
+ĠÑĥж аÑģ
+Ġho of
+ĠBull et
+imag in
+׳ ×Ļ×Ŀ
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+Ġf ps
+Ġcater p
+Ġs á»ij
+ĠTri be
+ç¶ ļ
+п он
+if eration
+Ġrum ah
+ĠPun j
+l ab
+Ġcompreh ension
+br inging
+W o
+Ġt ik
+Ġany how
+以 åīį
+át icas
+Ġsit zen
+Ġkol ay
+ĠConfeder ate
+ĠCall ed
+Ġnas zych
+Ġd ziÄĻki
+Ġclo ak
+ĠGo og
+ĠAs he
+è± ¡
+en an
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+ĠS ket
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+il ah
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+Ġsn are
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+szy ch
+Ġü bers
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+Ġfr üh
+Ġب ع
+Ġmant le
+ãĢ ħ
+fund ing
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+ĠP ens
+s ed
+ĠíĹ ¤
+Ġgere ki
+Ġal arms
+ĠWh a
+ĠMark us
+aks i
+ĠÐIJ ле
+kl ore
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+box ing
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+ĠPh ar
+нак ом
+ó st
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+ĠíĻķ ì§Ħ
+ĠAn sch
+imer k
+Ġconjug ate
+Ġpen insula
+Ġgor illa
+Ġphotograph ed
+ĠAun que
+Ġent ren
+ĠDeuts chen
+ĠAl addin
+Ġë¬ ´ìĦľ
+ĠSt ella
+ĠE lection
+out ine
+G rand
+ĠW ak
+ĠSer gio
+hor se
+ah on
+ĠFamil ies
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+Ġsc anned
+iler i
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+ĠMin h
+Ġmic ron
+Ġcon duc
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+Ġвоз ÑĮ
+Ġaction able
+ĠTrust ees
+Ġt ief
+Ġhead ers
+Ġanim ales
+ìĽ Ģ
+ло Ñħ
+un ity
+ly a
+Ġj angan
+Ġh ani
+Ġcas ing
+Ġjó venes
+ĠSpl it
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+ĠBe im
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+Ġnu anced
+Ġted dy
+ĠCl an
+ä chen
+p ier
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+Ġdi aper
+e ffective
+ĠNi agara
+Ġw art
+Ġcor ro
+ĠK ampf
+z te
+Ġdévelopp ement
+Ġattack ers
+ĠSher man
+Ġ19 14
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+ĠP Ã¥
+ì º
+c it
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+ĠT il
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+bu at
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+k iej
+Ke vin
+Ġmilligram s
+×ĵ ר
+ar iamente
+Ġo ro
+ĠH od
+ert os
+Ġli hat
+Ġfull est
+Ġgrand i
+Ġб ок
+Ġwho lly
+Ġmahd oll
+Ġcontro ll
+ĠBun un
+èĬ Ĥ
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+Ġpremi ers
+Ġch á»ĭ
+Ġ æīĢ以
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+ide z
+Ġqu ota
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+ark an
+Ġgel atin
+ĠCler k
+bb les
+ĠPa ige
+Ġst aged
+Ġsoci ais
+ĠBiz im
+Ġveloc idade
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+L P
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+Ġtotal ement
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+Ġme illä
+ĠD ion
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+Ġconv olution
+ĠâĢij âĢij
+Ġ14 4
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+Ġroast ing
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+ел е
+Bl ue
+ĠEr folg
+èĩª çĶ±
+ĠпÑĢид Ñĥм
+Ġrisk ing
+ĠGuard ians
+Ġ20 24
+è se
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+Ġcons erve
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+ĠAst ra
+Ġкак ÑĥÑİ
+resp ace
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+ĠN im
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+Ġ모 ìĸij
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+ĠCD s
+ink ling
+Ġmont ón
+ĠH ond
+Re al
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+m ount
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+ÃŃ em
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+Ġcrian ças
+ία ÏĤ
+Ġbast a
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+ĠF unk
+Ġ éĢĻ
+Ã¥r t
+ĠзаÑĤ ем
+Ġparas ites
+ãĥ Ļ
+Ġair flow
+ĠX uan
+G ülme
+Ġblo oming
+Ġm ummy
+Ġba o
+ĠCl ap
+ant ics
+sk in
+cent ric
+be fore
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+ĠKur z
+ist i
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+Ġpl up
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+Ġê±± ìłķ
+mp fen
+Ġë¶ģ íķľ
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+Ġam iga
+ĠCinc inn
+St r
+Ġpar ish
+Ġì» ¤íĶ
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+Ġbl iver
+Ġпол иÑĤ
+Ġsubd iv
+Ġr ant
+Ġprincip als
+åIJ ¦
+Ġkun ne
+ü gen
+a respace
+Ġv allahi
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+ro lle
+Ġë§IJìĶĢë ĵľë
+Ġcath edral
+ĠWe bs
+ĠPolit ics
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+Ġdis integr
+st es
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+Ġw ilt
+Ġtrust s
+Ġkom un
+ĠB asket
+~ !!
+na e
+ĠÐļ ол
+Ġsyll ables
+ĠHen ri
+ĠN ab
+ÙĪ ع
+Ġw n
+Ġk amp
+ĠPrag ue
+ĠBreak fast
+Ġê·¸ëŁ ´
+Ġch ut
+Ġ3 30
+ĠIndust ries
+ä¸į 管
+ĠiÅŁ i
+ĠGold man
+ĠÄ° ns
+uss a
+ith e
+алÑĮ нÑĭм
+. (
+Ġго ÑĢаз
+Ġdage gen
+Ġë ®
+Ġwait er
+l ength
+ĠÏĥ ÏĦα
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+S a
+Ġrust y
+ĠJud ith
+7 50
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+åı ²
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+Ġreject ing
+Ġsquish y
+Ġplup art
+Ġmé th
+Ġasp iring
+ĠD rama
+Ġup lift
+§Ī ëĭ¤
+........ ........
+ł¤ ìļĶ
+Ġtéc nica
+Ġpas ando
+Th ose
+ĠÑĢаз дел
+Ġmedi ocre
+ĠNic kel
+Ġsuperhero es
+Ġmission ary
+ĠPare ce
+Ġrot ational
+Ġpret t
+ãģĿãģĨ ãģĿãģĨ
+Ġl ama
+Ġcan yon
+Ġbet er
+ĠProv ost
+Ġh vis
+Ġde activ
+ĠH els
+pf licht
+S omething
+ĠPier ce
+Ġê²Ģ ì°°
+l ungen
+Ġs izing
+Ġlat itude
+ĠNon etheless
+om nia
+ĠSab rina
+ĠDynam ic
+åĥ ¹
+ont a
+ìĨ IJ
+Ġdirect ive
+ĠDep ot
+Ġfuel ed
+Ġexp ire
+Ġcom ún
+ĠSe xual
+ĠG ore
+Ġrest less
+ÑĤеÑĢ еÑģ
+ĠHol z
+å° Ĩ
+ĠA ctor
+æĿ ¯
+c all
+Ġemail ed
+ĠPe ar
+Ñĥд и
+ÑĢ ал
+Ġm Ãły
+å®ī åħ¨
+Ġretail er
+Ġprot r
+Ġdisc arded
+Ġevangel ical
+ĠEl se
+Ġexpl ores
+Ġcritic izing
+if ik
+Ġwh ipping
+Ġop is
+ous ed
+F ree
+ĠíĮ ¬
+Ġm ics
+run ning
+O b
+iti é
+Ġneces ita
+ĠDomin ican
+ĠB agh
+Ġtend encies
+ĠMet ropolitan
+Åij l
+Ġзна ем
+ĠZ am
+ĠDead pool
+ale ż
+Ġinvestig ative
+ĠPron unciation
+Ġem ulate
+Ġban co
+Ġ- âĻª
+åĪ »
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+aa S
+Ġnic est
+ĠT esting
+ogen ous
+Ġlie utenant
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+d rive
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+Ġshoot ers
+ĠìĺĪë »IJ
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+ont on
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+le igh
+ga e
+Ġol mak
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+Ġskelet ons
+Ġincumb ent
+ом е
+Ġle ven
+Ġmillenn ials
+Ġequ ator
+ĠFed er
+ĠAlex andra
+Ġv rij
+ĠHealth care
+Ġíķ ij
+Ġemphas izing
+Ġdialog ues
+Ġch illed
+Ġpr ow
+ĠPass ion
+ĠLad en
+ari est
+aph rag
+Ġadd itive
+ĠSta at
+ĠN ept
+à¹Ģ à¸Ń
+day s
+Ġíĸ Īëįĺ
+Ġvo ila
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+ĠDeuts che
+qu ir
+O pen
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+Ġle vers
+ĠMans ion
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+ato ire
+Ġeng ages
+ye z
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+åķ Ĩ
+° ¥
+Ġtro ph
+Ġtake aways
++ .
+ty cznie
+hés itez
+Ġpod ÃŃa
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+Ġc itation
+ĠAqu a
+Ġdebug ging
+в ан
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+Ġinstant aneous
+ĠAut umn
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+h ini
+ynth esis
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+ĠM aced
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+unt u
+B ra
+ĠгоÑĢаз до
+Ġ195 9
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+as u
+Ġ무ì Ĺ
+Ġvalle ys
+Ġlist ings
+Ġprzed staw
+Ġg ummy
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+ож Ñĥ
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+uj u
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+Ġslipp ers
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+c jon
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+Ġküç ük
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+íĺ ¸ë
+Ġge we
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+Ġprob iot
+Ġo de
+Ġmol ar
+Ġburst ing
+ass umed
+Ġfoot prints
+ved a
+Ġstero ids
+Ġfl aming
+ĠE ller
+Ġerk ennen
+ät zen
+Ġlife cycle
+ĠK arena
+ĠGuer ra
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+son aro
+Ġpratic amente
+ÑĥÑģ а
+Ġcomun que
+Ġvig ilant
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+m ens
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+Ġcoe ur
+ạ nh
+ĠìĻĢ ìĦľ
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+ĠWell ington
+W ind
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+iend e
+Ġex cell
+ĠGen ius
+ĠEdu ardo
+æľī 人
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+Ġ11 2
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+ĠAr gh
+ĠгоÑĢод а
+ĠÄ ĩ
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+ŀ IJë
+Ġdo kÅĤad
+Ġtoxic ity
+Ġcancell ation
+Ġ195 8
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+Ġìŀij ìĿĢ
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+Ġenthusi asts
+ĠM ighty
+ĠCoc onut
+: ãĢĮ
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+ol esome
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+F P
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+ĠдеÑģÑı ÑĤ
+Ġr atchet
+Ġtim elines
+len ess
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+ĠGood night
+omet imes
+Ġc unning
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+am us
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+Ġchim ney
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+Ġcultiv ation
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+retch ed
+art z
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+Ġ10 2
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+p ak
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+Ġgrow ers
+ĠMess age
+Ġele ctor
+eng age
+ĠFor bes
+ĠCincinn ati
+Ġdiffé rence
+d f
+Ġsp ar
+Ġawait s
+ĠR ising
+Ġfoot ing
+Ġcond iciones
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+Ġclin ician
+ĠDisk uss
+å£ ĵ
+ר ×Ĵ
+× ¥
+ite it
+g ren
+Ġchar isma
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+Ġirrit ating
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+roy able
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+O G
+Ġin ÃŃcio
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+kl är
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+ling ton
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+Ùħ Ø©
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+Ġpatri arch
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+sequ ently
+An other
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+ĠAnn ual
+Ġse ben
+ìĥģ ìĿĦ
+val ues
+ŀľë §Į
+Ġsin on
+ere al
+ĠEn light
+ĠChem istry
+ĠCatal unya
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+ant on
+Ġst uk
+ĠPl ate
+ĠKardash ian
+Ġfil os
+ĠW et
+Ġпоп ÑĭÑĤ
+Ġunknown s
+ĠSch on
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+ox ide
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+P ower
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+m achine
+Ġ194 6
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+Wh ile
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+20 15
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+Ġha c
+qual ified
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+erm o
+Ġso i
+Ġmulti ples
+Ġlay outs
+Ġblind ness
+ĠB owser
+Ġпод ÑĤ
+vention al
+Ġm ata
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+Ġcad ence
+Ġważ ne
+ĠChrist ie
+ven ge
+C all
+Ġturn around
+Ġblo b
+ĠЯ к
+ĠVoice over
+Ġper il
+ĠJa ime
+l ane
+Ġse bel
+ĠDu o
+ĠHistor ical
+Ġd ni
+Ġg ema
+y k
+Ġsab em
+ắ ng
+Ġv ars
+ĠRon nie
+ĠRon aldo
+ĠPer què
+ns inn
+h air
+Ġrelent less
+Ġl yn
+Ġtravel er
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+n ine
+Ġant im
+Ġì¼ Ģ
+Ġsnow ball
+Ġintern s
+Ġconstitu ency
+ĠÐĿ ам
+׾ ׾
+Ġvikt igt
+Ġap oyo
+ÙĦ ب
+Ġj ard
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+Ġadvent urous
+oc key
+er nt
+Ġat aque
+ĠAltern atively
+e ffect
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+ĠElli ott
+Ġréuss i
+Ġhypert ension
+ĠMan ual
+Ġproph etic
+Ġhand c
+ÑĮ е
+Ġref rain
+ĠSqu id
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+äll en
+Ġlleg ó
+Ġbas h
+ion y
+ĠÑģк лад
+Ġк аб
+Ġcare less
+ĠP ool
+Ġtr ás
+Ġfil s
+ĠSch r
+Ġsp rawd
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+Ġgr ate
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+ĠPer cy
+ÅĤ ada
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+åī ĩ
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+ge ht
+Ġstation ed
+ĠErgeb nis
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+c ation
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+Ġfel ony
+Ġ195 7
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+Ġfac ade
+Ġearth ly
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+Ġcon n
+c la
+D u
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+iant es
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+ill ions
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+Ġsol chen
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+ĠSal z
+ĠN vidia
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+ĠA la
+èij ī
+Ġh anya
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+ìĿ µ
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+L ou
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+Ġobsol ete
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+ic em
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+Ġdra fting
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+Ġpo vo
+Ġëį Ķë
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+Ġwy p
+Ġdest ac
+de al
+Gra eme
+Ġnécess aire
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+Ġ19 38
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+Ġbl as
+ct ar
+S u
+Ġcu ent
+he ws
+Ġcorps es
+A bs
+Ġwaste water
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+ĠOn u
+Ġexplos ives
+Ġar ma
+polit ik
+ĠOs aka
+ta ÅĤ
+Ġyap ıyor
+Ġiz quier
+Ġbele za
+ĠWy att
+åIJ ¸
+Ġsu k
+Ġspec jal
+Ġdan ke
+wh istle
+ĠfÃŃs ica
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+i ology
+Ġв лад
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+p ants
+Ġser ge
+Ġsen hor
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+rop olis
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+Ġ194 9
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+ara us
+Ġ19 19
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+Sc ott
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+Ġfo arte
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+Ġél é
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+Ġsou ven
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+Ġc ors
+ĠHas an
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+ĠScript ures
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+Ġphosph ate
+Ġoverse e
+Ġinspect ions
+Ġbr inc
+ĠZ ak
+Ġpay off
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+l ived
+c ry
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+Ġins erting
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+Ġg erman
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+Ġest iver
+c idos
+Christ ian
+Ġlors qu
+Ġcut est
+v ale
+ĠкÑĢ еп
+Ġw ary
+Ġslic ing
+Ġesper ando
+ĠV ander
+ĠDe ixa
+Ġ195 4
+Ġmów iÄħ
+Ñĸ ÑĶ
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+Ġrest or
+Ġpos ición
+Ġintent ar
+ĠAp ache
+ĠÙĪ ب
+Ġmat ière
+ãĥ¼ ãĤĵ
+Ġl inen
+Ġestrat ég
+ĠMut ta
+é¡ ¯
+è¡Į äºĨ
+Ġpart ing
+Ġminim izing
+Ġapp rendre
+æľ Ŀ
+Ġан глий
+ĠDo o
+ĠFire fox
+c ómo
+Ġge opolit
+Ġmak an
+Ġmog elijk
+ĠÏĢε Ïģι
+Ġcá» ©
+Ġinstall er
+Ġdib uj
+ĠHe ath
+lo op
+ĠBro ken
+sh elf
+Ġf izer
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+ĠKolleg in
+Ġatt ained
+Ä ¾
+Ġmist ress
+ĠOft entimes
+×ŀ ×Ļ×Ŀ
+Ġbe we
+ĠS ora
+ra uen
+ba um
+Ġroll ers
+Ġm ering
+Ġн Ñĸ
+ĠRép ublique
+ĠV anguard
+uc iones
+Ġ무ë ĮĢ
+Ġg our
+¯ ¤
+ĠÏ ī
+Ġsa una
+Ġpe ine
+ĠVal erie
+ĠS ikh
+fend imiz
+ber o
+ĠÑĩ и
+Ġdo ÅĽwiad
+ĠE uros
+Ġcomment aires
+Ġtwe aks
+ĠF aster
+ĠÑĢаÑģ к
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+bor o
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+C ap
+Ġun check
+Ġìĺ¤ë ¥¸
+Ġw re
+ör ung
+Ġmemor ized
+ĠD inner
+ĠP hew
+ou bl
+Ġput a
+Ġadm its
+ез де
+op od
+Ġpand a
+Ġhing es
+ci pe
+Ġtrans act
+Ġpod ia
+Ġp ics
+Ġcriter ion
+ĠOrchest ra
+ĠBl og
+Ġsolem n
+ĠPix ar
+Th ree
+Ġв низ
+ĠVol unte
+ĠSav age
+ĠC af
+Ġwy kon
+Ġgrad ers
+Ġcr ouch
+Ġcl iche
+Ġsoy beans
+ĠGonz alez
+ĠM imi
+ĠBol sonaro
+Ġdi aphrag
+Ġbil ang
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+J udge
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+Ġha ga
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+Ġviol ently
+Ġt ills
+Ġeng ag
+ĠHo llow
+Ġпоп ÑĥлÑıÑĢ
+Ġw prowad
+Ġrepl aces
+Ġfluores cent
+urg ical
+igg ly
+ĠTrad itional
+t te
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+Ġapr on
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+ĠK ultur
+ав ай
+Ġol ives
+Ġ×Ķ×IJ× ľ
+Ġteil weise
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+Ġprend s
+Ġnarr ower
+Ġj ätte
+ĠInformation en
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+Ġstar ve
+Ġfr ick
+ĠBe weg
+Ġdolph in
+åĶ ī
+Ġyan lÄ±ÅŁ
+Ġtor pedo
+Ġshort ages
+ìĿ´ë ĵľ
+ıld ı
+Ġp aws
+Ġo zone
+Ġcultiv ated
+ĠF ot
+Ġnot or
+н оз
+Ġко ÑĪ
+Ġtouch screen
+ĠAll y
+æľĢ è¿ij
+Ġ맼ìŀĪ ìĸ´ìļĶ
+Ġв полне
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+ĠDust in
+Ġefect o
+Ġop ini
+Ġmu ut
+Ġhá»į c
+Ġinter ject
+ÄĻ t
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+ure z
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++ ,
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+Ġmel hores
+ì¡ ´
+Ġëģ ¼
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+Ġo min
+Ġmotor cycles
+ĠS app
+Ġsupply ing
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+Ġcomplet a
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+ĠAtt end
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+act ly
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+ĠSchwe iz
+ĠSh ame
+Ġband e
+ĠF uel
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+Ġnum ero
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+ment ioned
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+ĠVikt or
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+en viron
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+ĠBlo ody
+Ġus ability
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+Ġ195 5
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+Ġ.. ...
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+ĠChampions hips
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+ĠElect ronic
+S l
+Ġа ле
+Ġoverth row
+Ġk abul
+ĠCyber punk
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+ĠÐĿ ав
+Ġw an
+Ġmanifest ations
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+ç· ´
+ınd aki
+imas u
+af ar
+Ġland fill
+Ġcorrect ing
+Ġcle ars
+ĠNum mer
+Ġcart ridges
+ĠDies el
+p aced
+Ġobl iv
+Ġmoy ens
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+Ġcarbohyd rate
+íĺ ¹
+se ok
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+Ġc ess
+ë° Ķ
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+Ġess ent
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+ĠA ires
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+On ce
+Ġr acks
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+p icious
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+Ġmotherf ucker
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+ĠÑĢаз м
+por a
+eng es
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+Ġsanit izer
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+ĠS ca
+оÑĩ но
+Ġof ere
+Ġmel odies
+ĠVel vet
+ĠIhr er
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+ĠG iov
+Ġirgend was
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+Ġruth less
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+Ġм ама
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+Ġkont roll
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+Ġerzäh lt
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+Ġspoon ful
+zw ischen
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+Ġconten ido
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+á»ĥ m
+k ten
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+r ud
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+Ġmon str
+Ġmanif old
+Ġglaub en
+Ġstream line
+Ġlobb ying
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+Ġwsp ól
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+is és
+g angen
+Ġbez pie
+rem lin
+ê° Ŀ
+St ill
+Ġres ides
+Ġgele cek
+Ġtélé phone
+Ġpe wn
+Ġle opard
+Ġcompliment ary
+Ġc rib
+ĠAnim als
+Ġge il
+ess el
+Ġgard er
+Ġcatch y
+æ¨ ¹
+ĠE ts
+ĠCom mercial
+ĠCoordin ator
+ĠAb igail
+ffff ff
+ấ p
+Ġpeque ña
+Ġinject ions
+ce kt
+Ġphilanthrop y
+Ġp uck
+Ġcelebr ates
+ĠD unk
+ĠD latego
+ãģ¾ ãģł
+δ ή
+grad uate
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+t ill
+ac am
+Ġyol ks
+Ġtang led
+Ġman iac
+Ġoblig ed
+ĠLa ink
+Ġver der
+ĠDam on
+Ġmut ant
+Ġhop ping
+Ġre ins
+Ġinver ter
+Ġcont empt
+׳ ס
+le arning
+M iss
+ĠÐĵ оÑģ
+ĠMe yer
+ê»ĺ ìĦľ
+é£ İ
+×ķ׳ ×Ļ×Ŀ
+ask ing
+Ġtrim ming
+Ġtre asury
+Ġs ente
+A ust
+ĠUnterstüt zung
+ĠCom edy
+ĠAn akin
+é ¹
+ĠH ari
+ograph ers
+Ġoat meal
+ĠB ots
+ä¸į äºĨ
+Ġп алÑĮ
+Ġacknowledge ment
+x ic
+Ġê´Ģ ìĭ¬
+gas ping
+Ġãģ ķ
+Ġterr ace
+Ġor naments
+comm ittee
+ĠìĹĨ ìĬµëĭĪëĭ¤
+Ġr ij
+é ³
+צ ×Ŀ
+le me
+Ġlibert ies
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+ben ch
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+ÑĪ а
+Ġvers ión
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+ì¹ĺ ëĬĶ
+T hr
+Ġtin ham
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+н иÑĤ
+itt el
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+urs ed
+Ġup bringing
+Ġth ứ
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+ừ a
+other mal
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+r ale
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+Ġì§Ģ ìĽIJ
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+Ġsul ph
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+k raft
+alar ı
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+Ġdiv ul
+ĠRud olph
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+Ġut ens
+ĠìŀIJ 주
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+ent in
+ĠCarne gie
+ا ÙĬ
+iÄĻ cy
+H arry
+Ġf ır
+С п
+Ġglad ly
+Ġaver aging
+íķĺ ê²łìĬµëĭĪëĭ¤
+ĠÐľ енÑı
+Ġquot ation
+ri res
+itch ens
+ay ed
+Ġun att
+ĠP erez
+ĠоÑĤ меÑĤ
+Ġtact ile
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+is ini
+b uh
+Ġhat ır
+ĠìŀĪ ìľ¼
+Ġpolicy makers
+³´ì Ħ¸ìļĶ
+ac ı
+Ġκ ι
+Ġregister ing
+re to
+ĠSpr inkle
+ĠGram my
+ax ter
+Ġб и
+Ġsit ter
+Ġpred ic
+Ġthin ly
+Ġstr um
+Ġag grav
+Ġa ha
+ر ج
+m ellow
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+ist on
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+è·Ł 大家
+art ed
+Ġmis f
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+Ġges pannt
+Ġникак иÑħ
+Ġë¶Ģë ĵľë
+ĠÑĢазв иÑĤ
+Ġit chy
+Ġc iento
+Ġpl ains
+Ġk ittens
+Ġback log
+ĠPres iding
+pt a
+Ġha voc
+ĠDarr in
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+Ġg hetto
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+Ġdrug iej
+ĠSi xt
+åı ĥ
+ร ะ
+uen cia
+Ġíķĺ 기
+ĠëĨ į
+Ġrob i
+Ġpione ers
+Ġmilli ards
+ĠWitch er
+Ġ무ìĹ ĩ
+or ro
+m ass
+Ġdiver gence
+ĠRiver a
+ĠNo odles
+Ġend roit
+ĠK osten
+ĠдÑĢÑĥг а
+ĠmÃŃn imo
+ĠKazakh stan
+ت Ùĩ
+Ġвоз дÑĥ
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+ĠFr üh
+Ġbever ages
+æº IJ
+ĠG on
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+Ar in
+ĠInt ro
+ocaly ptic
+Ġexhaust ion
+ĠStat us
+ĠBatter y
+és z
+£ ¼ë
+air y
+Ġë³´ìŬë ĵľë
+Ġdispar ity
+Ù Į
+ĠTuc son
+Ġbright ly
+pro blem
+Ġbiom ass
+éĻ į
+§ ī
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+om ial
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+ÙĤ Ø·
+est ry
+Ġcl ás
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+ĠScient ific
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+ĠCyr us
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+Ġë³ Ħ
+Ġcur d
+Ġrefer rals
+sh ift
+åį ķ
+nik ów
+Ġm ier
+Ġconf ronting
+ê²ĥ ëıĦ
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+Ġsoci aux
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+b od
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+ĠM andy
+ðŁ¤ £
+ill os
+Ġgr upp
+Ġcr umble
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+erv ices
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+ан ÑĤи
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+h ope
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+oun ter
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+bl ind
+Ĥĺë Ŀ¼
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+ĠEd ison
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+ĠSte vie
+Ġl ender
+Ġbrig ade
+Ġdeuts che
+m uffled
+b art
+Ġinsan ity
+Ġsav vy
+Ġsens ational
+Ġdere chos
+ĠпÑĢ еп
+Ġthreat ens
+Ġrealt Ãł
+Ġindic ative
+Ġch ops
+Ġbenef iting
+ĠVern on
+ĠSt rand
+n un
+qu ently
+10 1
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+ol é
+ke f
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+Ġr ained
+Ġalm ighty
+ĠвÑĭ д
+F re
+Ġinhab ited
+Ġarb ets
+Ġa kin
+а ÑģÑĤв
+v ania
+Ġhäuf ig
+ĠMat te
+s orry
+Jen ny
+ĠгÑĢ ад
+Ġwh it
+Ġbro kers
+å¯ Ł
+Ġh ine
+ast en
+Ġг ÑĢÑĥ
+M B
+S ab
+Ġwrest ler
+Ġfacil itating
+Ġeh kä
+ĠC red
+Ġ12 7
+Ġnot hin
+Ġmand ated
+å¯ Į
+F rank
+Ġwor s
+Ġdzie ÅĦ
+ĠUnder ground
+Ġznaj du
+ĠB ä
+ĠPrin zip
+аÑĤ елей
+Ġveter inar
+Ġsplend id
+Ġroz p
+Ġpsych opath
+ig on
+Ġh ops
+Ġc ần
+ĠX ian
+Ġtro isième
+Ġproduct o
+ĠdeÄŁ er
+ĠContin uing
+ив ал
+c ık
+Ġmoistur izer
+Wh ite
+Ġsi is
+ĠEver est
+ien ced
+Ġcả m
+ĠJ apon
+´ìł Ħ
+Ġten ÃŃan
+Ġenc anta
+M m
+Ġdrop down
+ĠI ya
+³´ë ©´
+Ġword ing
+ĠSque eze
+ĠMap le
+Ġclar ified
+ĠMun icip
+ĠRou ge
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+v olt
+t ek
+fect ure
+f red
+ar rive
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+te z
+E p
+Ġob ras
+ĠR iv
+ĠMod i
+i be
+Ġacontec endo
+Ġim itation
+Ġcamoufl age
+Ġspan ning
+ĠOre o
+ìĨĮë ¦¬
+Ġh unch
+Ġca ÅĤe
+Ġspont aneously
+ĠPer d
+Ġet ap
+ĠHo le
+ĠDis ability
+Ġafter life
+æģ ©
+Ġtest ified
+Ġpres up
+Ġpet roleum
+Ġcontr ario
+ĠAss essment
+ÄŁ lu
+Ġp ests
+Ġdil ig
+Ġcons équ
+Ġcann ons
+Ġcan oe
+ĠM ile
+Ġcit oy
+Ġbe gged
+ĠMin nie
+ÅĤy ch
+Ġprinci pe
+m niej
+Ġw ert
+Ġëĭ¤ë ĵ¤
+an se
+Ġunc les
+Ġprovoc ative
+Ġinter sections
+Ġdemocr ats
+ĠJul ius
+ин ки
+yg usal
+Ġ׾ ×ķ
+Ġgj orde
+Ġg asket
+ĠB ock
+ĠÄ° n
+b reat
+ĠEqu ity
+ard ı
+Ġкан але
+Ġд ней
+Ġt Ỽi
+Ġfi xture
+Ġab uses
+Ġv aya
+Ġou vert
+Ġmultic ultural
+Ġcontext o
+ĠSes ame
+Ġdé pl
+Ġcons omm
+ĠPart e
+Ġp em
+ĠCon an
+Ġб ÑĸлÑĮ
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+ĠW ick
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+ry w
+Ġl odge
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+Ġvont ade
+Ġdi j
+ĠJes ús
+Look ing
+Ġfore arm
+ĠIntegr ation
+Ġtool bar
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+Ġsel dom
+Ġб ÑĢоÑģ
+ĠK ook
+он д
+Ġmon opol
+Ġmill et
+Ġl ira
+ĠAs ians
+Ġ18 90
+ci ÄŁim
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+Ġpsych edel
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+åĿ Ĺ
+Ġï· »
+Ġw under
+ĠBulgar ia
+B rid
+Ġmar row
+Ġdep iction
+ĠT in
+ĠPhar ise
+Ġeinz ige
+Ġblind ly
+ãģĽ ãģ¦
+Ġdef ens
+D ire
+Ġvibr ating
+Ġtroll s
+Ġdisrespect ful
+Ġw od
+Ġstimul i
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+Ġsc ariest
+Ġdécouv rir
+Ġ10 4
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+Ġbar ley
+ĠRe pl
+ĠT we
+k ke
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+ĠRed mi
+ĠMet roid
+Ġή ÏĦαν
+Che ck
+Ġ ido
+ÑĤоÑĢ ии
+ó p
+Ġänd ern
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+sc ene
+Ġleak age
+uck t
+S ad
+A sk
+Ġsusp ense
+Ġimp ost
+ĠStrateg ic
+ĠIt ÃŃs
+âĢ Į
+Ġkey boards
+Ġam using
+og r
+id erman
+ŀ ĸ
+Ġв ижÑĥ
+Ġd ips
+Ġapolog ized
+Ġesc uela
+ĠC hing
+н ениÑı
+Ġë¶Ģë¶Ħ ìĿ´
+ĠFle et
+Ġs amb
+Ġentsprech end
+Ġelectrod es
+ĠFrei heit
+æĪij ä¸įçŁ¥éģĵ
+ĠSh rim
+iÃŁ e
+Ġselect ions
+Ġfor di
+Ġd oss
+Ñı Ñĩ
+Ġdiscrimin ate
+ĠAu ÃŁerdem
+Ġdesenvol v
+ĠIntern al
+ĠBened ict
+å¯ Ĩ
+ĠSh iv
+M issy
+Ġоб наÑĢÑĥж
+Ġна ÑģÑĤÑĢо
+Ġcontrol ar
+ĠL ia
+Ġopio ids
+ant u
+Ġcup board
+æģ IJ
+г е
+acht s
+Ġcur ated
+Ġx em
+Ġwe ary
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+éļ »
+ais ia
+ĠоÑĤв еÑĩ
+μ αι
+Ġש×Ķ ×ķ×IJ
+Ġsa ud
+Ġl Ỽ
+Ðķ Т
+ub ine
+ĠнÑĥж ен
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+Ġbr at
+ĠTer re
+ĠMon et
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+Ġfreel ance
+i age
+Ġjun ge
+ì¶ ©
+cer al
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+Ġform ulate
+ĠDart mouth
+ìľ¼ë ©´ìĦľ
+å¢ ĥ
+ow iÄħ
+ĠëĶĶ ìŀIJ
+Ġreg iment
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+ĠP arr
+Ġ충 ë¶Ħ
+Ġsan ity
+ĠL al
+ĠG ö
+ĠG la
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+Ġmicroscop ic
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+Ġp ug
+ĠSc ore
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+Ġgard e
+å°į åIJ§
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+Ġbr ute
+Ġ ÅĤad
+ä»ĸ 们
+Ġsucceed ing
+Ġbicy cles
+N on
+Ġseek ers
+Ġuncond itional
+Ġrhy mes
+ĠGar age
+Ġinv oice
+Ġcan vi
+ne ck
+Ġcustom izable
+irit ual
+Que en
+íķĺ ìĭľëĬĶ
+Ġpower less
+Ġcs ak
+ä¸į ä¼ļ
+is oft
+Ġìłķ íĻķ
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+Ġrevol ves
+ä¹Ł åı¯ä»¥
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+ar oo
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+éĽ ª
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+ĠClin ical
+A cc
+Ġol hos
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+ĠH ana
+et ah
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+Ġt igers
+Ġcau cus
+ðŁĺ Ĥ
+³´ì ŀIJ
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+ium s
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+th em
+Ro bert
+Ġelement o
+Ġant id
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+Ġnat ives
+Ġlo ca
+ow ment
+ĠT ight
+Ġ æĢĿ
+Ġmel an
+ĠN ue
+am is
+Ġsor gen
+as ına
+H ome
+Ġaw fully
+ĠSh ore
+ĠPer ché
+ĠL au
+ĠCind erella
+ĠCh est
+Ġsem antic
+Ġdesert ed
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+ĠHern andez
+gen es
+ĠAd ult
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+osh ima
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+´ìŀ ¥
+oc ar
+Ġfeh lt
+Ġd ruk
+ĠPop py
+ĠVerg leich
+B rien
+Ġrec omp
+ĠÑģ д
+Ġmer ger
+Ġmarket ers
+Ġhoney moon
+Ġpen so
+Ġbell i
+еÑĤ Ñĥ
+Ġbank er
+Cam era
+ĠSt all
+ĠSt amp
+ĠB ite
+еж де
+Ġs ür
+Ġgü ç
+ĠPas sover
+ĠBug ün
+ĠÑģожал ениÑİ
+Ġн из
+Ġman ure
+Ġglac ier
+è« ĩ
+ter ror
+Ġsal ads
+Ġhur ricanes
+ĠDesign er
+ator io
+Ġfact ual
+ĠTam my
+Ġзв ÑĥÑĩ
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+Ġhouse keeping
+Ġh anger
+ëĭ ĺë
+ak te
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+' ]
+ĠG ender
+оÑĢ он
+ip se
+ic ias
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+Ġpolit ic
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+Ġл ож
+Ġse b
+ĠWe iter
+ĠSak ura
+ĠB oulder
+ĠAm érica
+peÅĤ nie
+Ġtecn ologÃŃa
+ish ops
+f ur
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+Ġdispers ed
+Ġre z
+ен ное
+алÑĮ нÑĥÑİ
+ĠTw elve
+ìĭ¤í ŀĪ
+il age
+Ġshad ed
+Ġres umes
+ĠPe anut
+ap ons
+ĠSo le
+Ġjoy stick
+ĠOliv ier
+war ming
+Ġsyll abus
+Ġоб Ñīе
+Ġhi á»ĩn
+Ġfest a
+Ġcr adle
+ĠZ ac
+Ġremem brance
+Ġê°Ļ ìķĦìĦľ
+ĠpiÄĻ k
+Ġco exist
+Ġá reas
+Ġu waż
+Ġobser vers
+Ġmännisk or
+co on
+Ġnas zym
+Ġall igator
+ĠFree ze
+ĠEst ate
+ĠÑĤÑĢ ади
+Ġunder cover
+Ġn ies
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+pl in
+ĠK abul
+il ate
+Ġê³ł ìĸij
+Ġm op
+ìĦ ¼
+Ġand erer
+ок и
+Ġж еÑģÑĤ
+Ġgra zing
+Ġda ÃŃ
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+Ġa pex
+Ġnurt uring
+Ġcort ar
+Ġcontr ac
+ımız ı
+Ġtand em
+éĥ½ æľī
+ge ment
+ĠÑģиÑģÑĤем а
+Ġman que
+ia jÄħ
+Ġا ب
+Ġcart s
+Ġë°Ľ ê³ł
+ĠC ena
+ĠBi ology
+id ar
+Ġa ż
+er ne
+an u
+Ġthank ed
+Ġsubmar ines
+Ġman ic
+Ġм оз
+ä¼ Ĭ
+inst ant
+ess ential
+Ġsam urai
+Ġpast i
+Ġal an
+Ġbro ch
+Ġb aker
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+¨ ¼
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+Per fect
+qu ency
+Ġstream lined
+Ġ13 00
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+s uper
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+ĠGer ade
+jen igen
+ĠV all
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+ĠÑģказ ала
+Ġtrabal h
+ĠнаÑĪ ем
+Ġм еÑħ
+ik it
+Ġnoun s
+Ġneurolog ical
+Ġmotiv ational
+ĠMcM ahon
+ĠFin ished
+Ġë³´ ìĿ´
+ĠField s
+Ġadoles cents
+ĠT isch
+ĠNe ben
+ĠFl owers
+ĠEner g
+Ġdire t
+ĠTh i
+ĠP icas
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+Ġav ete
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+N ão
+E t
+ĠÑģод еÑĢж
+ren o
+Ġs ven
+Ġdost ÄĻp
+ne e
+ĠSnap dragon
+ĠID s
+ìķĺ ëĬĶëį°
+ר ×ļ
+Ġsun flower
+Ġperpet ual
+ç³ ĸ
+Ġkn ights
+Ġg ird
+ĠTo ld
+Ġvolcano es
+Ġadvers ary
+ĠEconom y
+Ġextra pol
+Ġbl uetooth
+Ġzoom ing
+Ġsk ys
+Ġgen ial
+ÃŃcul os
+amb re
+Ġм еÑĢ
+Ġteen y
+Ġstress ing
+ìķ Į
+Ġtransluc ent
+Ġround ing
+Ġgr ues
+×Ļ׳ ×Ķ
+ap rès
+Ġprue ba
+Ġpoly gon
+Ġblue berry
+ĠProgram m
+Ġtren ches
+Ġse bagai
+Ġpal ate
+Ġla ude
+Ġbehav ed
+Ġlongitud inal
+ĠMod ule
+Ġadm ir
+λ ι
+G reg
+Ġwy st
+Ġpropag ate
+Ġmold s
+ĠT ub
+ĠL oud
+ust o
+Ġun stoppable
+Ġreinfor cing
+éĿŀ常 çļĦ
+ĠпÑĢоблем а
+Ġpot encial
+Ġhe mp
+ìŀ Ķ
+Ġopt ic
+Ġerfolg reich
+Ñģ Ñĭ
+олÑĮ ÑĪе
+ur st
+ĠPo is
+Ġrespond ents
+Ġneh me
+ĠEx ternal
+ol ate
+H yun
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+Ġmathematic ian
+Ġbás icamente
+Ġa il
+ìł ľë¥¼
+att utto
+Ġno oit
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+ĠOl ga
+èŃ ·
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+Ġd ites
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+Ġuniqu eness
+Ġpad res
+Ġsubs idi
+Ġpige ons
+β α
+st ad
+Ġder en
+ĠС лед
+d oo
+ĠопиÑģ ании
+Ġam ber
+Ġgoose bumps
+ĠfrÃ¥ gor
+ĠV ital
+ĠIsrael ites
+w asser
+Is n
+Ġcomm its
+ĠBev ölker
+uit ive
+Ġleg en
+Ġbr uk
+иÑĢов ан
+yn en
+hel m
+Ġgener ational
+ĠL ändern
+οι ÏĢÏĮν
+uz u
+Ġcall er
+он ÑĮ
+üm ü
+Ġbes ar
+Ġpl ats
+Ġmig rated
+Ġj ap
+Ġdis sect
+ĠZus ch
+ĠZe iten
+ĠL ions
+â Ķ
+ки в
+Ġpedest rians
+ĠMar ilyn
+d ock
+Ġy ht
+Ġre incarn
+ĠSon o
+ĠGrow th
+ÑĥÑģ ов
+Ġdun geons
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+k ich
+éĨ «
+ĠK eller
+chem istry
+J apanese
+Ġwill st
+Ġdecomp osition
+ĠÑģÑĤ ен
+Ġrev ived
+íķĻ êµIJ
+ĠÅ ĵ
+ä½ IJ
+ìĭ ¸
+ipp y
+Ġhour ly
+j än
+ĠWork shop
+Ŀ¼ ìĦľ
+Ġcu arto
+Ġpat rim
+ĠB urch
+ĠìŀĪ 기
+Ġhe pat
+Ġh Ãłng
+ĠëĮĢ íķ´
+ĠваÑĪ и
+Ġre work
+Ġpar se
+Ġçıkt ı
+ĠS ax
+ĠMong o
+ĠAa ah
+ram ble
+D J
+Ġstabil ized
+ĠSpe ech
+Book s
+Ġhur dles
+ĠLamb org
+Ġ19 33
+Ġvor bere
+Ġclin ically
+Ġbreat htaking
+ĠGate way
+пеÑĢв ÑĭÑħ
+ut ers
+Ġë¹ µ
+Ġyet er
+Ġpull ey
+Ġmuff in
+ĠPre fer
+ĠP ence
+Ġinform ação
+ìĬ¤í Ĭ¸ë
+ãĤ¸ ãĥ£
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+ĠReg ina
+ĠLo ad
+do es
+pan ze
+¸ Ķ
+Ġmin a
+ĠLatin os
+amm ers
+ĠT ort
+ĠBey once
+имо ÑģÑĤи
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+Ġbul un
+èĢĮ å·²
+ine k
+bere ich
+Ġpast ure
+ĠM elt
+ĠEt t
+Ġob wohl
+Ġle agues
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+Ġv ors
+Ġto pp
+ograph ical
+as st
+Ġl indo
+Ġë°Ŀ íĺĶ
+Ġré fl
+Ġclim bs
+Ġv arsa
+Ġmethy l
+ĠKar ere
+Æ°á» Ł
+R ad
+Ġprepared ness
+он Ñĩ
+Ġspeech less
+Ġlas ci
+Ġbol ag
+ĠÑħоÑĩ еÑĤÑģÑı
+Ġgr ieving
+ĠJohann es
+ĠCar roll
+ad aki
+Ī ¬ë
+ĠsÅĤ u
+Ġinner halb
+Ġgymn astics
+п ÑĢи
+if iques
+Ġkar ate
+Ġdom u
+ãģĿãĤĮ ãģ§
+Ġdemand é
+Ġbook let
+ĠKy oto
+Ġw oh
+ĠMar ÃŃa
+viol ent
+J E
+Ġl óg
+Ġbrut ally
+c ot
+ĠWars z
+å® Ī
+w ol
+Ġmik ä
+ĠPron ounce
+ĠBrend an
+Ġr oup
+Ġital iano
+å¦Ĥ æѤ
+Ġur ging
+ed es
+Ġcarbon o
+ĠRichards on
+ĠÐĿ аÑĩ
+ĠTra iner
+ĠCrime a
+Ġdi apers
+Ġco vet
+ĠMah ar
+ĠH utch
+ĠAus w
+ber ty
+Ġind ifferent
+кÑĢ еÑĤ
+uld ade
+Ġhar ms
+¢ ÙĨ
+les ia
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+ĠMist ress
+ĠK nox
+Ġë £¨ë
+ĠнаÑĪ а
+Ġinvinci ble
+Ġma iden
+ĠJ eez
+Ġbre ve
+po le
+Ġcritic isms
+ĠRus ia
+ph in
+ĠComp are
+Ġsne aking
+ĠR ails
+ĠG eral
+Ġ195 3
+H ola
+Ġоп ÑĭÑĤ
+Ġrain forest
+Ġbel um
+ĠOb i
+ãĤĮ ãģªãģĦ
+ĠС в
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+Ġwz gl
+Ġpowiedz iaÅĤ
+Ġch oking
+ĠSong s
+ĠBir az
+Ġyell s
+Ġstyl ist
+Ġsch reiben
+ĠJ aw
+ĠEle ven
+ĠR if
+/ .
+Ġìĺ¤ë ŀľë§Į
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+uff ed
+ĠâĪ Ĵ
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+Ġë »
+Ġspark le
+ĠK iev
+ĠAr gu
+ere cht
+ĠÐĿад о
+Ġmol ta
+ĠDe vi
+Ġcam pe
+Ġbene vol
+ĠT ough
+Ġmo im
+Ġevac uate
+Ġer rado
+å© Ĩ
+ÑĢÑĥ го
+Ġíİ ĺ
+ĠÎĵ ια
+Ġweak en
+Ġillum inated
+Ġsig lo
+ĠV acc
+и ей
+al is
+Ġdon a
+ÅĤ os
+ü man
+Ġprodu cción
+Ġcl ot
+ĠM ango
+Ġune asy
+Ġsh uts
+ĠExam ples
+ve ll
+e be
+Ġprompt ly
+ĠT eles
+ĠпÑĢоÑĪ л
+Ġpu erta
+Ġüber zeug
+Ġco ch
+so cial
+ĠB enson
+ĠM eth
+ĠEx ped
+Ġsupplement al
+Ġconce ive
+Ġ×ĺ ×ķ×ij
+Ġcapt ivity
+ıĻ ìķĪ
+ĠÑħ Ñĥд
+form ing
+Ġupload s
+Ġturbul ence
+j oint
+Ġsatisf actory
+ĠAn ime
+Ġwash es
+Ġliber als
+ĠSun shine
+ub lik
+b inary
+T ony
+Ġpolar ized
+Ġenrich ed
+t aking
+ĠëģĿ ëĤĺ
+Ġple asures
+Ġex termin
+in ese
+at l
+v är
+аÑĢ Ñĭ
+Ġmy ÅĽ
+n arrator
+Ġод ном
+Ġnaj wiÄĻ
+Ġmobil ize
+Ġmill or
+Ġat a
+æ· ·
+ĠpolÃŃt ico
+Ġple ad
+Ġpain ters
+ĠS ow
+о ÑĦ
+ĠìĺĽ ëĤł
+ĠÑĩ ÑĤоб
+Ġs abor
+ĠUnd ert
+Å¡ ÃŃ
+Ġë° ĸìĹIJ
+Ġpréc éd
+Ġannot ation
+ĠI naudible
+Ġtext ured
+Ġfisher man
+v ordan
+icher ung
+Ġìłģ ìĿ´
+Ġge zeigt
+Ġmand ates
+Ġbe ak
+ĠAk bar
+il ian
+Ġtiế p
+Ġsuperior ity
+ink u
+Ġl ys
+ust ering
+nic os
+an ja
+Ġch ills
+ĠC age
+Ġse aling
+Ġsa ç
+Ġded ans
+ĠAl ger
+Ġspe zie
+Ġcol oss
+ıy ı
+clock wise
+Ġexact amente
+Ġ iemand
+am ı
+Ġmand ar
+ra j
+f aced
+ag ua
+Ġê¹ Ķë
+Ġins besondere
+Ġdri zzle
+Ġdimin ish
+ĠY oda
+A I
+Ġbil miyorum
+ateg ory
+ĠпеÑĢ еп
+Ġparticip ar
+Ġnormal ized
+Ġcomplex ities
+æ´ ²
+æİ §
+аÑĢ ов
+m ist
+ich a
+Gr oup
+Ġresil iency
+Ġnog le
+pr ü
+Ġphysic ists
+н ок
+L I
+Ġstuff s
+Ġsist emas
+Ġinterfer ing
+ĠMar vin
+ér cito
+ĠìĹĨ ê³ł
+Ġson ic
+Ġequ iv
+Ġab ord
+ĠRam en
+Ġ0 9
+med im
+at iques
+Ġдел аÑİÑĤ
+Ġunanim ously
+Ġsk irts
+ĠíĬ¹ ë³Ħ
+ĠP rix
+k ami
+Ġfr uition
+Ġbirthday s
+ик ом
+Ġinaug ural
+Ġcorrel ate
+ĠT ory
+ĠëĤĺ ìģ
+Ġde w
+ĠPre cis
+ih i
+Ġë¬¸ìłľ ê°Ģ
+Ġc iting
+ĠL ana
+ĠK ag
+Ġplay through
+ĠProt ocol
+fr ist
+hov ah
+Ġmerc iful
+Ġb ilingual
+ĠG uitar
+r h
+Ġglam orous
+ĠVik ings
+ĠOoo oh
+íķĺ ëĬĶëį°
+ĠUg anda
+Ġcollaps es
+ent ry
+Ġantioxid ants
+ëĤ ĺë
+ÑĪ аÑı
+Ġtri via
+Ġgä ller
+Ġfun gi
+Ġmil ks
+Ġd icht
+μ η
+po ke
+ĠвÑĭп ÑĥÑģк
+Ġfeed er
+ĠAl cohol
+h ower
+Ġdes erving
+ĠRe bel
+ios is
+Ġ10 3
+Ġhand out
+Ġen m
+Ġland lords
+Ġge ology
+r ils
+Ġco bra
+ĠV old
+ĠP anch
+Ġpr oss
+Ġbrac elets
+ĠV ega
+Ġroz um
+æ¬ ¾
+аз д
+ĠLy nd
+ĠHon ors
+Ġsurrend ered
+Ġlibr arians
+12 5
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+ĠE agles
+ìķ Ļ
+иÑĤ ан
+and id
+ĠìłĪë ĮĢ
+ĠØ ¶
+Ġarrest s
+ĠAzerbai jan
+ort ic
+ĠAdvent ures
+Ġab us
+ĠF au
+Ġschlim m
+Ġratt ling
+Ġconsum es
+ĠTol kien
+Ġresurrect ed
+íĬ¸ ê°Ģ
+ĠвÑĭ ÑģÑĤÑĥп
+ĠAng ie
+żen ia
+M ic
+ĠShe ila
+acht et
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+Ġl â
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+æĿ ¡
+æĢİä¹Ī äºĨ
+å¿ Ļ
+Ġwicht iger
+Ġv ino
+Ġp um
+Ġang led
+ĠP ione
+ĠM ỹ
+ãģĿãĤĮ ãģ¯
+wo ÅĽÄĩ
+d raw
+ั à¹Ī
+mark ets
+Ġcaf es
+ĠC em
+â Ŀ¤
+ĠS uit
+M K
+Ġemphas izes
+Ġtort illa
+Ġmejor ar
+ĠSur viv
+cast ing
+Ġeduc ación
+ĠG um
+u ely
+ĠìĹ¬ê¸° ëĬĶ
+Ġstretch y
+en ça
+Ġwith hold
+Ġex iting
+Ġenthal py
+ĠTrans it
+ıl mÄ±ÅŁ
+al ies
+Ġsal var
+Ġlean ed
+ĠgroÃŁ es
+Ġf itt
+ак и
+S arah
+Ġhost el
+Ġfinger na
+Ġnadzie jÄĻ
+w ives
+R ec
+Ġsp ool
+аÑĤ ов
+ĠEn emy
+Ġf ury
+Ġdet ta
+ĠF ay
+éļ ¨
+Ġaproxim adamente
+Ġsil os
+Ġmag ist
+Ġc ree
+ĠKr ank
+Ġstart led
+Ġre born
+ĠUm welt
+ĠSuz anne
+ни ÑĨÑĭ
+out ez
+y ards
+rad as
+ra u
+ip ts
+h ail
+Ġparagraph s
+Ġme glio
+Ġisol ating
+Ġace ite
+ĠH arsh
+Ġcy st
+ĠBlock chain
+ĠÑħоÑĢоÑĪ ий
+Ġvirt uous
+Ġinvestig ación
+Ġdev oir
+Ġmast urb
+ĠS ale
+ÙĬر Ø©
+ĠÎ §
+ĠStra ÃŁen
+Ġdi kk
+Ġa fore
+ĠJung kook
+Ġcho ciaż
+ĠDebat te
+Ġweird ly
+Ġvia je
+reg ist
+H elp
+Ġkind eren
+Ġform ulated
+Ġenf im
+ĠTow ards
+ко ÑĹ
+iver ing
+ĠдеÑĤ и
+char ger
+Ġpur l
+Ġacadem ically
+ĠNur se
+Ġdel eting
+ay o
+Ġref usal
+Ġdepict s
+ĠDr acula
+Ġtoast ed
+ĠZomb ie
+ĠSuper ior
+ĠB old
+Ġquizz es
+Ġg le
+4 50
+Ġcome ço
+yn n
+Ġver st
+ĠO laf
+Ġpom oc
+ĠS ask
+ë ĺ
+ĠProper ty
+íķĺ ì£ł
+à¸ľ ม
+bo om
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+ĠбÑĭв аеÑĤ
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+v acc
+Ġeben falls
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+Ġз м
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+ord re
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+Ġorb iting
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+Ġstitch ed
+à¯Ī .
+Ġlat ent
+ĠP rab
+ĠMc N
+ĠHe aling
+ĠCur iosity
+c ert
+Ġ민 주
+Ġpatient ly
+fore ign
+Ġv ẫn
+Ġindust ri
+Ġcock tails
+Ġbright en
+Ġconsolid ated
+аÑĢ д
+lt ry
+Ġgr ille
+Ġb ona
+Ġdilig ently
+ĠWrestle Mania
+er kt
+ener gy
+99 9
+à®ķ வ
+Ġto te
+ion o
+Ġschizophren ia
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+ĠQ iu
+ĠÏĥÏħ ν
+Ġzd jÄĻ
+Ġspann end
+R el
+Ġr hin
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+Ġpl ötzlich
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+Ġastronom ical
+ĠGu id
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+H I
+ĠÅ ł
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+ĠDes ktop
+ä ss
+ft a
+Ġlic ence
+Ġimag inar
+ĠEntre prene
+x o
+Ġ맼ìŀĪ ëĬĶ
+Ġ×Ķ× ij
+Ġpump kins
+Ġkans sa
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+Ġcommunaut é
+b ür
+Ġer hö
+ĠWol ver
+ĠSh aring
+ä» ¤
+Ġpak ai
+Ġinsult ed
+Ðľ Ñĭ
+о ÑĹ
+Ġconsist e
+æĮ ij
+Ġyoung sters
+Ġgleich en
+w eder
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+Ġcla uses
+ét at
+pr us
+Ġwas t
+ç»Ļ æĪij
+ĠCr isp
+Ġ çĦ¶å¾Į
+Ġoff enders
+Ġconve ction
+Ġconf ian
+o llow
+am et
+第äºĮ åĢĭ
+ffic iency
+Ġung laub
+ig ans
+Ġmarket ed
+Ġproc laimed
+Ġcél ulas
+Ġcoll ide
+ĠO culus
+ad ore
+J i
+Ġsust aining
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+Ġset zt
+Ġnos altres
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+Ġв Ñĩ
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+Ġy êu
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+ir mi
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+Ġv ortex
+ث ر
+¹ Ħë
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+ĠìĦłë °°
+ht hal
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+Ã ĥ
+Ġscr ambled
+ĠE ink
+Ġmicro organ
+Ġnarciss ist
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+Ġë§ ¡
+Ġperf ekt
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+det erm
+- '
+Ġpony tail
+Ġkos ka
+ì ĵ
+Ġo bec
+Ġch ests
+ve er
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+as soci
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+ĠSha pe
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+ant as
+Ġнак онеÑĨ
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+Ġlibert é
+Ġgl are
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+ÅĤ um
+Ġ %.
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+Ġsyn agogue
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+Ġdis obed
+Ġant ic
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+Ġpeu ple
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+Ġкак им
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+ал Ñĭ
+Ġswo jÄħ
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+b ins
+ast re
+ìķ Īë
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+Ġmultim edia
+Ġgeb aut
+ов ÑĭÑħ
+ã y
+Ġd ane
+ok ol
+emit ism
+Ġya ÄŁ
+Ġcha uff
+容 æĺĵ
+Ġesf uer
+Äĥ n
+ert as
+Ġfonction ne
+om ina
+Ġiv ory
+ĠYout uber
+ĠSky walker
+иÑĩеÑģ каÑı
+to i
+Ġve ya
+Ġgel ernt
+Ġchance llor
+ĠStat istics
+Ġweld ed
+Ġon dan
+ĠSe i
+Ġmed ically
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+ĠV ia
+Ġв ик
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+Ġhigh ness
+ĠíĮ Ķë
+Ġampl ified
+ĠSerge y
+ĠM ins
+w arm
+pe ll
+oph ile
+Ġh è
+ĠBel o
+ĠSket ch
+Ġcharacter ization
+ans en
+Ġ ãħĭãħĭãħĭ
+N ote
+Ġko ÅŁ
+Ġc iert
+f lu
+Ġba ht
+ĠDownt own
+od ie
+1 40
+Ġlit res
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+æ§ ĺ
+ĠìĶ¨ ê°Ģ
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+Ġ __
+ent ing
+Ġv imos
+Ġs ì
+def ense
+ĠMc D
+ĠMar ion
+ĠD ont
+ĠL azar
+Ġk uv
+K n
+Ġsemb la
+Ġair borne
+ĠViol ence
+Ġrestra int
+Ġwh istles
+Ġscold ed
+Ġacces o
+Ġabsolut amente
+ĠT yl
+ĠS ap
+¶Ģë ¶Ħ
+itä ten
+ad em
+ĠÃ ½
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+ĠM age
+ĠHel ena
+å¾Ī æľī
+äº ²
+v t
+Ġv ienen
+Ġsne ez
+Ġmol é
+Æ°á»Ł ng
+Ġtransport ing
+ĠLe an
+Ġk ung
+Ñĥ ÑĢа
+ut ches
+ond ers
+li yor
+N at
+Ġz ij
+Ġmamm al
+Ġkä yt
+ĠJo anna
+s ent
+Ġvest ed
+ĠErfahr ung
+oke e
+Ġcl ipping
+ĠList ening
+Ġ( #
+f ö
+Ġvid are
+Ġbr ittle
+ĠDam as
+ĠY og
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+Ġver lier
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+Ġdo ÅĽÄĩ
+ì¹ĺ ê°Ģ
+. »
+Ġmaxim al
+Ġdistint os
+ĠìĻľë ĥIJíķĺë©´
+Ġsa iled
+Ġconvey ed
+ĠT inder
+ни ÑĨÑĥ
+cont rolled
+Ġfun z
+Ġbast ards
+ĠGins burg
+Ġnuo vo
+ĠP ere
+ĠD ingen
+ĠB ets
+umb a
+ac ción
+ĠìŀĪ ì§Ģë§Į
+Ġret ra
+ĠLaure nt
+Ġpo zy
+Ġgroo ves
+Ġmáqu ina
+Ġmin ion
+Ġde inen
+ĠSha un
+×Ļ ×Ļ
+Ġhonor ary
+osaur us
+Ġze it
+Ġespe cie
+аÑĤ е
+Just in
+ĠWhe els
+ĠìĿ´ íķ´
+Ġprop ulsion
+Ġperce ber
+ĠNew man
+å ´
+cul osis
+M i
+Ġак кÑĥ
+Ġmaster ing
+Ġl äh
+Ġf ists
+ä» Ķ
+Ġmarin ade
+L illy
+Ġëħ¸ë ł¥
+Ġurg ently
+Ġinform ational
+Ġac ordo
+iz zy
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+im ar
+ĠëĤĺìĺ ¤ë
+Ġtwent ies
+Ġr asp
+Ġbump y
+ب ة
+work er
+Ġquick est
+Ġattach es
+в иг
+ĠëĤĺ íĥĢë
+Ġpure e
+Ġovers ized
+Ġstir red
+Ġjak im
+Ġhom icide
+ãĤĤ ãģĹ
+isc illa
+Ġì± Ļ
+Ġspec ulative
+Ġass ists
+m ain
+j ähr
+ind et
+ĠÅŁ ur
+Ġforecast s
+Ġdivers ion
+Ġt are
+Ġog l
+ĠOrgan isation
+ĠChe vy
+Ġb aja
+and ır
+Ġrad iant
+Ġli aison
+Ġdem okrat
+ÏĢ οÏħ
+Ġrun t
+Ġpréc is
+Ġge ven
+Ġvé hic
+Ġìĸ ĺë
+Ġvision ary
+Ġbur adan
+ĠãģĤ ãĤĬ
+Ġre birth
+Ġexhib ited
+ĠMet all
+ol ie
+ely n
+Ġflav ours
+Ġesc rito
+ĠDel ete
+ĠìķĮ ìķĺìĸ´
+Ġinterrupt ing
+Ġident ific
+ĠSuz uki
+ĠLand ing
+件 äºĭæĥħ
+and i
+Ġest ran
+Ġcoule ur
+Ġag rad
+ĠS ny
+Ġà®ĩ ல
+Ġand er
+Ġr ua
+Ġpr ise
+Ġla ure
+ĠíĬ Ģ
+Ġmod eration
+Ġerf ahren
+Ġdec onst
+ĠRe ese
+et os
+ãģĵãĤĮ ãģ§
+ĠGra vity
+ĠE ren
+Ġover board
+Ġmü sst
+ĠEm ail
+еÑĢ м
+y di
+iÄĻ dzy
+ĠFuÃŁ ball
+al ts
+ĠìĬ¤í Ĭ¸ë
+ĠÐļ ÑĢаÑģ
+Ġtele v
+ĠÑĢ о
+Ġresign ation
+Ġj ingle
+ĠStud ien
+ĠSent inel
+ĠP ang
+é Ħ
+J ake
+Ġperson agem
+Ġméd ia
+ĠC hern
+ant ically
+Ġth á»Ŀi
+Ġparal ysis
+Ġj apanese
+Ġcon ex
+Ġe fic
+Ġunders ide
+Ġne ol
+Ġf ian
+имо ÑģÑĤÑĮ
+Ġquir ky
+Ġp ista
+ĠC lement
+not hing
+Ġпо еÑħ
+Ġhor rend
+Ġconsolid ate
+plo ys
+em aker
+Jenn ifer
+Ġnum éro
+Ġfam oso
+ĠNept une
+ĠíĸĪ ìĸ´
+ĠпÑĢез ид
+Ġsit com
+Ġser io
+Ġm ue
+Ġgl ands
+Ġbör jar
+ĠR iot
+par agus
+Ġseg urança
+Ġimm ature
+ĠMad onna
+Ġling ering
+Ġac esso
+ĠOri ent
+ĠRe comm
+Ġcompl ac
+found ed
+att end
+Ġciel o
+ĠZ han
+na ires
+c co
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+ĠS é
+ĠCon nie
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+ĠÑģам ой
+Ġmaj estic
+ĠPeng uin
+ÃŃ cios
+per o
+Ġm g
+Ġfa uc
+Ġcor rer
+ĠGott es
+ĠAng lo
+H ar
+á»Ĺ i
+Ġv itesse
+Ġannoun cer
+ĠOm aha
+k um
+Ġsp ared
+ĠÑĢаз а
+ĠполÑĥÑĩ иÑĤÑģÑı
+Ġt ähän
+Ġпон ад
+Ġpert aining
+ĠR ate
+ier n
+G old
+Ġtest e
+ĠdeÄŁ ild
+Ġdamp ing
+ĠPartners hip
+zy sta
+g eld
+Ġsm okes
+ĠMar riage
+쪽 ìĹIJ
+èħ ³
+is ce
+Ġtry na
+ĠDirect ory
+ĠëĤĺìĺ ¬
+Ġshame ful
+Ġment re
+Ġass igning
+æĺ¯ éĢĻ樣
+Ġreper toire
+Ġobjet os
+ç¨ ±
+Ġunder world
+Ġende avors
+Ġign ite
+ĠÙĪ ج
+Ġexper ient
+Ġзак лÑİÑĩ
+Ġvolt ages
+Ġnie go
+Ġdefic its
+Ġbu enos
+ĠSleep ing
+ĠSal em
+Ġunlock ing
+Ġinteract ed
+Ġent endeu
+ĠSuper intendent
+Ġszcz egól
+Ġqu as
+Ġpal ing
+Ġk ho
+ب ØŃ
+Ġcol abor
+ĠпÑĢи гоÑĤов
+Ġma uv
+ĠJud as
+ĠAss ist
+Ġна ÑģколÑĮко
+Ġsubsid y
+ĠEmb assy
+Ġd agen
+ĠS anto
+èĪ ¬
+ש ×ķ×ij
+Ġabrupt ly
+ĠAd apt
+Ġva ak
+Ġpost al
+Ġinvest ir
+Ġfique i
+Ġdownt ime
+ĠWe bb
+ĠEst oy
+ол оÑĤ
+ĠìĤ¬ ê±´
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+ĠK op
+é ª
+Se an
+ĠB j
+×¢ ×Ŀ
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+id amente
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+Ġun nie
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+ĠH aut
+ί ο
+ge ois
+w ydd
+Ġкол и
+Ġtight ened
+Ġpl anners
+Ġher um
+Ġgör ün
+Ġelectron ically
+Ġcer am
+Ġëĭ¤ìĸij íķľ
+Ġepile psy
+Ġe ÄŁ
+l ins
+ĠSh iny
+æł ¡
+ĠÑģ олн
+Ġmac aron
+Ġimpact o
+ĠVeg an
+ze ÅĦ
+ĠRap ha
+ĠP ars
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+Ġ׾×Ķ ×Ļ×ķת
+Ġä hnlich
+Ġfl oss
+Ġmö chten
+Ġgroom ing
+Ġgrass es
+ran ch
+Ġreci bir
+Ġboun cy
+ĠHob by
+Ġvikt ig
+Ġbeg itu
+ĠPicas so
+ĠK ush
+ë ª¨
+Ġobst ruction
+Ġë¶Ħ ìľĦ
+Ġmicro b
+ĠWest minster
+rop s
+d ul
+Ġdev o
+ĠLehr er
+ĠAd visor
+uck en
+Ġб Ñĥм
+Ġfl attering
+ĠTr uman
+ĠSem pre
+ĠMcC ain
+ĠHind us
+Jul ia
+Ġwaters hed
+Ġl ush
+ìł Ħë
+Be fore
+ĠS aaS
+Ġsit zt
+Ġbeet le
+ĠEss ential
+en ko
+ĠëķĮë ıĦ
+Ġrev ving
+Ġpoor er
+Ġco erc
+Ġide e
+Ġco û
+al et
+Ġzd row
+Ġf ender
+grow th
+Ġz de
+ä¸Ĭ éĿ¢
+Ġfac ets
+éļ ª
+ush ima
+ĠÅŁ eh
+Ġparas ite
+Ġl apse
+ĠMe er
+ĠK und
+Ġsl og
+Ġbr unch
+ĠCh art
+ar z
+Ġoff enses
+Ġingl és
+Ġfol iage
+op lan
+A ut
+ĠJac qu
+t ak
+ie mbre
+Ġx en
+Ġnom inees
+Ġbi omedical
+és us
+Ġest uv
+Ġíķľë į°
+Ġhe ed
+cros stalk
+B ill
+Ġsp ouses
+Ġver so
+ĠS ven
+ĠC au
+c uz
+Ġë³´ì Ħ¸ìļĶ
+ĠÑħ озÑı
+Ġmock ing
+ĠO na
+ĠD á
+Ġfruit ful
+Ġban quet
+ud ding
+in ctions
+d ert
+s ud
+Ġdes con
+ĠÂ §
+Ġpub li
+ëĪ Ī
+éģķ ãģĨ
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+ãģį ãģŁ
+ĠìĥĿ ê²¼
+Ġkä ytt
+y ani
+sh aw
+Ġunle ash
+Ġman ne
+Ġhist ogram
+æĬ ¥
+à¸Ńะ à¹Ħร
+Ġg n
+Ġfe lla
+Ġeing es
+ĠBu ilt
+Ġrepresent a
+Ġpun ishing
+Ġouts iders
+cur rent
+Ġfamiliar ity
+Ġд ив
+Ġpro jets
+Ġaqu eles
+ĠGl ue
+th ose
+Ġin ception
+Ġaquell os
+Ġill usions
+Ġatt ends
+re se
+Ġsw arm
+Ġsw ab
+Ġregard ez
+Ġpos ição
+Ġak hir
+Ġextract ing
+Ġanecd ote
+ĠT ale
+Ġв ин
+Ġab ges
+Ġol uÅŁ
+Ġcomplic ado
+Ġco vari
+D er
+Ġ×Ļ ×Ķ
+F orm
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+Ġread able
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"ĠTreasure": 49884, "ĠJW": 49885, "comings": 49886, "Ġeyesight": 49887, "ĠTails": 49888, "ÃŃsimo": 49889, "Ġworksheet": 49890, "Ġswiftly": 49891, "Ġconos": 49892, "Ġeliminates": 49893, "ĠBlaze": 49894, "алог": 49895, "Ġpictured": 49896, "Ġgiraffe": 49897, "ĠLogic": 49898, "åĺī": 49899, "Ġenrichment": 49900, "Fit": 49901, "Ġunintended": 49902, "Ġpersecuted": 49903, "akap": 49904, "ë°ĺ": 49905, "Ġbarber": 49906, "Ġarbeitet": 49907, "ĠSurprisingly": 49908, "ĠAutob": 49909, "unku": 49910, "prov": 49911, "ĠLoch": 49912, "obyl": 49913, "ĠподгоÑĤов": 49914, "Ġéconomique": 49915, "Ġpatt": 49916, "Ġceased": 49917, "ĠÑģпиÑģ": 49918, "Ġnuclei": 49919, "Ġiste": 49920, "ĠWag": 49921, "ĠzupeÅĤnie": 49922, "Ġproverb": 49923, "ĠAhÃŃ": 49924, "åĽŀåİ»": 49925, "liamo": 49926, "Ġreliably": 49927, "Ġpik": 49928, "ĠTrading": 49929, "ĠColeman": 49930, "Ġανα": 49931, "Ġmagari": 49932, "ĠPHIL": 49933, "Ġshedding": 49934, "ohner": 49935, "Ġpornography": 49936, "Ġbeneficiaries": 49937, "âĢ¢": 49938, "enin": 49939, "Ġresolving": 49940, "ĠÑģпоÑĢÑĤ": 49941, "Ġбег": 49942, "Ġnectar": 49943, "ultura": 49944, "imsical": 49945, "ĮĢ를": 49946, "å¹´åīį": 49947, "ãģĹãĤĥ": 49948, "Ġvisão": 49949, "éģİä¾Ĩ": 49950, "ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ": 49951, "attform": 49952, "Ġë§ŀëĬĶ": 49953, "Ġpilgrimage": 49954, "Ġmating": 49955, "ĠReaper": 49956, "ĠBref": 49957, "çĶŁæ´»": 49958, "Ġ×ij×ĵ": 49959, "Ġnovamente": 49960, "Ġgrilling": 49961, "ĠWireless": 49962, "ĠRomanian": 49963, "ÒĽ": 49964, "ìľłë": 49965, "hait": 49966, "ĠBora": 49967, "ARRY": 49968, "Ġhypotheses": 49969, "马": 49970, "ikut": 49971, "ĠìķĦë²Ħ": 49972, "ĠÑĸз": 49973, "Ġnationale": 49974, "تÙī": 49975, "üllt": 49976, "Ġéléments": 49977, "ĠWare": 49978, "Ġ(-": 49979, "алÑĮном": 49980, "Ġindict": 49981, "ĠStones": 49982, "ãģŁãĤģ": 49983, "explosion": 49984, "ĠëĥĦìĥĪ": 49985, "Ġfelic": 49986, "Ġjudiciary": 49987, "Ġincarnation": 49988, "Ġinning": 49989, "Ġformul": 49990, "Ġshipment": 49991, "Ġreindeer": 49992, "æĴŃ": 49993, "ĠознаÑĩ": 49994, "Ġenvol": 49995, "undy": 49996, "ĠзнаÑĤÑĮ": 49997, "Ġвидели": 49998, "Ġexcluding": 49999, "death": 50000, "Ġberm": 50001, "Ġsoprattutto": 50002, "Ġdebido": 50003, "ĠZig": 50004, "ĠOv": 50005, "ĠKEVIN": 50006, "ĠPale": 50007, "ĠMire": 50008, "Ġandar": 50009, "including": 50010, "Ġswapped": 50011, "Ġmisconceptions": 50012, "Ġspong": 50013, "réal": 50014, "Ġorbitals": 50015, "Ġhashtags": 50016, "orit": 50017, "Ġmauvais": 50018, "иÑģа": 50019, "Ġlivres": 50020, "ĠIPS": 50021, "Ġ04": 50022, "ög": 50023, "instr": 50024, "ĠвнеÑĪ": 50025, "Ġhice": 50026, "isée": 50027, "Ġowes": 50028, "Ġesimerk": 50029, "ĠUH": 50030, "Ġirritation": 50031, "Ġgiggles": 50032, "Ġcolonialism": 50033, "ĠBliss": 50034, "strings": 50035, "Ġreunited": 50036, "ĠPsaki": 50037, "wach": 50038, "Ġcliffs": 50039, "ĠFalse": 50040, "äg": 50041, "pipe": 50042, "Ġwhopping": 50043, "Ġmeringue": 50044, "Ġbung": 50045, "industrie": 50046, "Ġleche": 50047, "ĠLoy": 50048, "Ġdrie": 50049, "Ġpassat": 50050, "Ġoleh": 50051, "Ġcéu": 50052, "ĠGabrie": 50053, "Ġreefs": 50054, "Ġbombers": 50055, "Ġepisódio": 50056, "ĠRug": 50057, "ĠProse": 50058, "onos": 50059, "Ġobese": 50060, "Ġgoog": 50061, "Ġpiace": 50062, "flanzen": 50063, "éĴŁ": 50064, "Ġflaps": 50065, "ĠAlto": 50066, "é£Łãģ¹": 50067, "Fin": 50068, "Ġresize": 50069, "ê·¸ëŀ¨": 50070, "è²»": 50071, "Nathan": 50072, "ŀĪ볤": 50073, "ĠÑĤай": 50074, "ĠNFT": 50075, "Ġsneeze": 50076, "Ġshroud": 50077, "ié": 50078, "Ġveramente": 50079, "Ġcascade": 50080, "ĠOok": 50081, "ìĹĨìĿ´": 50082, "Ġinfused": 50083, "fps": 50084, "center": 50085, "Ġgrappling": 50086, "ĠWohnung": 50087, "ĠTumb": 50088, "ĠImma": 50089, "ĠDuygusal": 50090, "енÑĤи": 50091, "Ġstewardship": 50092, "Ġharp": 50093, "Ġendorsed": 50094, "ılan": 50095, "Ġодним": 50096, "Ġcompetency": 50097, "Ġbert": 50098, "ĠTales": 50099, "Ġrhe": 50100, "Ġohh": 50101, "Ġê°Ħëĭ¨": 50102, "ĠmRNA": 50103, "Ġgangster": 50104, "ĠRunner": 50105, "еннÑĭм": 50106, "phoria": 50107, "ĠwÅĤaÅĽciwie": 50108, "Ġquarto": 50109, "Ġorganise": 50110, "ĠVet": 50111, "Pad": 50112, "ĠÙħØ«": 50113, "Ġstinks": 50114, "ĠDul": 50115, "uem": 50116, "isiej": 50117, "Top": 50118, "Ġtussen": 50119, "ĠEfendimiz": 50120, "ĠBoule": 50121, "ĠSloven": 50122, "ĠLö": 50123, "Ñijз": 50124, "ÑĢип": 50125, "cave": 50126, "Ġboî": 50127, "Ġapologise": 50128, "ĠMarly": 50129, "ĠExport": 50130, "ĠCaitlin": 50131, "Ġtavalla": 50132, "Ġentails": 50133, "Ġbrom": 50134, "ĠCopenh": 50135, "Ġwalnut": 50136, "Ġinsists": 50137, "Ġcuá»Ļc": 50138, "ĠQuit": 50139, "ĠDevice": 50140, "×Ĵ×Ŀ": 50141, "ĠDOT": 50142, "Ġvelocidad": 50143, "LIE": 50144, "Cool": 50145, "Ġsanitation": 50146, "Ġolho": 50147, "ĠEB": 50148, "ĠíĻķìĭ¤íŀĪ": 50149, "ĠÐľÐ¸Ñħ": 50150, "Ġzuk": 50151, "Ġsurname": 50152, "ĠSchuld": 50153, "ruff": 50154, "cultural": 50155, "ĠÑģÑĤолÑĮко": 50156, "æĻļä¸Ĭ": 50157, "Įëį°": 50158, "Ġtorto": 50159, "Ġbackups": 50160, "ÑĢий": 50161, "relax": 50162, "Ġsynergy": 50163, "Ġbuffs": 50164, "Ġapo": 50165, "ĠWellness": 50166, "rounded": 50167, "Ġuniverses": 50168, "Ġfera": 50169, "Ġstandby": 50170, "ĠSilva": 50171, "ĠJI": 50172, "ensored": 50173, "ĠìĹĨëĭ¤": 50174, "ĠÐIJв": 50175, "ĠоÑĤдел": 50176, "Ġfø": 50177, "ĠRockef": 50178, "ĠCompass": 50179, "ĠBears": 50180, "Ġä¸įè¦ģ": 50181, "Turn": 50182, "Ġthá»±c": 50183, "Ġpossibile": 50184, "Ġestem": 50185, "ĠCroatia": 50186, "Ġtätä": 50187, "ĠCAL": 50188, "à¹Ģà¸ŀ": 50189, "ĠÑģÑĤÑĢаÑħ": 50190, "Ġsalts": 50191, "Ġminimalist": 50192, "Ġincorporates": 50193, "ĠÙĨÛģÛĮÚº": 50194, "acao": 50195, "Ġslammed": 50196, "Ġcama": 50197, "Text": 50198, "!!!!!!": 50199, "Ġalcanz": 50200, "éma": 50201, "Ġincense": 50202, "Ġharden": 50203, "Ġgranting": 50204, "ĠNai": 50205, "ĠFirma": 50206, "Ġhypoc": 50207, "job": 50208, "ĠRH": 50209, "zur": 50210, "илÑı": 50211, "Ġź": 50212, "Ġdares": 50213, "anh": 50214, "Ġë§Įíģ¼": 50215, "Ġcuestión": 50216, "ĠLima": 50217, "æĻ¯": 50218, "Ġassunto": 50219, "ĠIPO": 50220, "ĠBengal": 50221, "ĠBier": 50222, "Ġpsyche": 50223, "Ġacquainted": 50224, "ĠGün": 50225, "ози": 50226, "ÅĽciÄħ": 50227, "AG": 50228, "Ġmalfunction": 50229, "Ġasteroids": 50230, "irez": 50231, "amorph": 50232, "ĠÑģоÑĤÑĢÑĥд": 50233, "Ġfreshwater": 50234, "Ġarran": 50235, "ĠпÑĢÑĭ": 50236, "ног": 50237, "Ġdiabetic": 50238, "ĠÙĤاÙĦ": 50239, "Ġoppress": 50240, "Ġcapacitance": 50241, "performance": 50242, "crates": 50243, "Ġapostle": 50244, "ĠJEN": 50245, "OULD": 50246, "Intro": 50247, "Ġstalls": 50248, "ĠABOUT": 50249, "cticamente": 50250, "Ġdiligent": 50251, "Ġmanifests": 50252, "ĠPakistani": 50253, "Ġ('": 50254, "åľº": 50255, "": 50256}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/audio.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/audio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a1986d630105eeacbcb007338bd8ce54d2a69d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/audio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+import os
+from functools import lru_cache
+from typing import Union
+import ffmpeg
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from .utils import exact_div
+# hard-coded audio hyperparameters
+SAMPLE_RATE = 16000
+N_FFT = 400
+N_MELS = 80
+N_SAMPLES = CHUNK_LENGTH * SAMPLE_RATE # 480000: number of samples in a chunk
+N_FRAMES = exact_div(N_SAMPLES, HOP_LENGTH) # 3000: number of frames in a mel spectrogram input
+def load_audio(file: str, sr: int = SAMPLE_RATE):
+ """
+ Open an audio file and read as mono waveform, resampling as necessary
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ file: str
+ The audio file to open
+ sr: int
+ The sample rate to resample the audio if necessary
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A NumPy array containing the audio waveform, in float32 dtype.
+ """
+ try:
+ # This launches a subprocess to decode audio while down-mixing and resampling as necessary.
+ # Requires the ffmpeg CLI and `ffmpeg-python` package to be installed.
+ out, _ = (
+ ffmpeg.input(file, threads=0)
+ .output("-", format="s16le", acodec="pcm_s16le", ac=1, ar=sr)
+ .run(cmd=["ffmpeg", "-nostdin"], capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True)
+ )
+ except ffmpeg.Error as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load audio: {e.stderr.decode()}") from e
+ return np.frombuffer(out, np.int16).flatten().astype(np.float32) / 32768.0
+def pad_or_trim(array, length: int = N_SAMPLES, *, axis: int = -1):
+ """
+ Pad or trim the audio array to N_SAMPLES, as expected by the encoder.
+ """
+ if torch.is_tensor(array):
+ if array.shape[axis] > length:
+ array = array.index_select(dim=axis, index=torch.arange(length))
+ if array.shape[axis] < length:
+ pad_widths = [(0, 0)] * array.ndim
+ pad_widths[axis] = (0, length - array.shape[axis])
+ array = F.pad(array, [pad for sizes in pad_widths[::-1] for pad in sizes])
+ else:
+ if array.shape[axis] > length:
+ array = array.take(indices=range(length), axis=axis)
+ if array.shape[axis] < length:
+ pad_widths = [(0, 0)] * array.ndim
+ pad_widths[axis] = (0, length - array.shape[axis])
+ array = np.pad(array, pad_widths)
+ return array
+def mel_filters(device, n_mels: int = N_MELS) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ load the mel filterbank matrix for projecting STFT into a Mel spectrogram.
+ Allows decoupling librosa dependency; saved using:
+ np.savez_compressed(
+ "mel_filters.npz",
+ mel_80=librosa.filters.mel(sr=16000, n_fft=400, n_mels=80),
+ )
+ """
+ assert n_mels == 80, f"Unsupported n_mels: {n_mels}"
+ with np.load(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets", "mel_filters.npz")) as f:
+ return torch.from_numpy(f[f"mel_{n_mels}"]).to(device)
+def log_mel_spectrogram(audio: Union[str, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], n_mels: int = N_MELS):
+ """
+ Compute the log-Mel spectrogram of
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ audio: Union[str, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], shape = (*)
+ The path to audio or either a NumPy array or Tensor containing the audio waveform in 16 kHz
+ n_mels: int
+ The number of Mel-frequency filters, only 80 is supported
+ Returns
+ -------
+ torch.Tensor, shape = (80, n_frames)
+ A Tensor that contains the Mel spectrogram
+ """
+ if not torch.is_tensor(audio):
+ if isinstance(audio, str):
+ audio = load_audio(audio)
+ audio = torch.from_numpy(audio)
+ window = torch.hann_window(N_FFT).to(audio.device)
+ stft = torch.stft(audio, N_FFT, HOP_LENGTH, window=window, return_complex=True)
+ magnitudes = stft[:, :-1].abs() ** 2
+ filters = mel_filters(audio.device, n_mels)
+ mel_spec = filters @ magnitudes
+ log_spec = torch.clamp(mel_spec, min=1e-10).log10()
+ log_spec = torch.maximum(log_spec, log_spec.max() - 8.0)
+ log_spec = (log_spec + 4.0) / 4.0
+ return log_spec
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/decoding.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/decoding.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..183505481e40a4f3779933e5fde8086d79e4cc39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/decoding.py
@@ -0,0 +1,729 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch import Tensor
+from torch.distributions import Categorical
+from .audio import CHUNK_LENGTH
+from .tokenizer import Tokenizer, get_tokenizer
+from .utils import compression_ratio
+ from .model import Whisper
+def detect_language(model: "Whisper", mel: Tensor, tokenizer: Tokenizer = None) -> Tuple[Tensor, List[dict]]:
+ """
+ Detect the spoken language in the audio, and return them as list of strings, along with the ids
+ of the most probable language tokens and the probability distribution over all language tokens.
+ This is performed outside the main decode loop in order to not interfere with kv-caching.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ language_tokens : Tensor, shape = (n_audio,)
+ ids of the most probable language tokens, which appears after the startoftranscript token.
+ language_probs : List[Dict[str, float]], length = n_audio
+ list of dictionaries containing the probability distribution over all languages.
+ """
+ if tokenizer is None:
+ tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model.is_multilingual)
+ if tokenizer.language is None or tokenizer.language_token not in tokenizer.sot_sequence:
+ raise ValueError(f"This model doesn't have language tokens so it can't perform lang id")
+ single = mel.ndim == 2
+ if single:
+ mel = mel.unsqueeze(0)
+ # skip encoder forward pass if already-encoded audio features were given
+ if mel.shape[-2:] != (model.dims.n_audio_ctx, model.dims.n_audio_state):
+ mel = model.encoder(mel)
+ # forward pass using a single token, startoftranscript
+ n_audio = mel.shape[0]
+ x = torch.tensor([[tokenizer.sot]] * n_audio).to(mel.device) # [n_audio, 1]
+ logits = model.logits(x, mel)[:, 0]
+ # collect detected languages; suppress all non-language tokens
+ mask = torch.ones(logits.shape[-1], dtype=torch.bool)
+ mask[list(tokenizer.all_language_tokens)] = False
+ logits[:, mask] = -np.inf
+ language_tokens = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
+ language_token_probs = logits.softmax(dim=-1).cpu()
+ language_probs = [
+ {
+ c: language_token_probs[i, j].item()
+ for j, c in zip(tokenizer.all_language_tokens, tokenizer.all_language_codes)
+ }
+ for i in range(n_audio)
+ ]
+ if single:
+ language_tokens = language_tokens[0]
+ language_probs = language_probs[0]
+ return language_tokens, language_probs
+class DecodingOptions:
+ task: str = "transcribe" # whether to perform X->X "transcribe" or X->English "translate"
+ language: Optional[str] = None # language that the audio is in; uses detected language if None
+ # sampling-related options
+ temperature: float = 0.0
+ sample_len: Optional[int] = None # maximum number of tokens to sample
+ best_of: Optional[int] = None # number of independent samples to collect, when t > 0
+ beam_size: Optional[int] = None # number of beams in beam search, when t == 0
+ patience: Optional[float] = None # patience in beam search (https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05424)
+ # options for ranking generations (either beams or best-of-N samples)
+ length_penalty: Optional[float] = None # "alpha" in Google NMT, None defaults to length norm
+ # prompt, prefix, and token suppression
+ prompt: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None # text or tokens for the previous context
+ prefix: Optional[Union[str, List[int]]] = None # text or tokens to prefix the current context
+ suppress_blank: bool = True # this will suppress blank outputs
+ # list of tokens ids (or comma-separated token ids) to suppress
+ # "-1" will suppress a set of symbols as defined in `tokenizer.non_speech_tokens()`
+ suppress_tokens: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[int]]] = "-1"
+ # timestamp sampling options
+ without_timestamps: bool = False # use <|notimestamps|> to sample text tokens only
+ max_initial_timestamp: Optional[float] = 1.0 # the initial timestamp cannot be later than this
+ # implementation details
+ fp16: bool = True # use fp16 for most of the calculation
+class DecodingResult:
+ audio_features: Tensor
+ language: str
+ encoder_embeddings: np.ndarray
+ decoder_embeddings: np.ndarray
+ language_probs: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None
+ tokens: List[int] = field(default_factory=list)
+ text: str = ""
+ avg_logprob: float = np.nan
+ no_speech_prob: float = np.nan
+ temperature: float = np.nan
+ compression_ratio: float = np.nan
+class Inference:
+ def logits(self, tokens: Tensor, audio_features: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ """Perform a forward pass on the decoder and return per-token logits"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def rearrange_kv_cache(self, source_indices) -> None:
+ """Update the key-value cache according to the updated beams"""
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def cleanup_caching(self) -> None:
+ """Clean up any resources or hooks after decoding is finished"""
+ pass
+class PyTorchInference(Inference):
+ def __init__(self, model: "Whisper", initial_token_length: int):
+ self.model: "Whisper" = model
+ self.initial_token_length = initial_token_length
+ self.kv_cache = {}
+ self.hooks = []
+ def logits(self, tokens: Tensor, audio_features: Tensor, include_embeddings=False) -> Tensor:
+ if not self.kv_cache:
+ self.kv_cache, self.hooks = self.model.install_kv_cache_hooks()
+ if tokens.shape[-1] > self.initial_token_length:
+ # only need to use the last token except in the first forward pass
+ tokens = tokens[:, -1:]
+ return_val = self.model.decoder(tokens, audio_features,
+ kv_cache=self.kv_cache, include_embeddings=include_embeddings)
+ return return_val
+ def cleanup_caching(self):
+ for hook in self.hooks:
+ hook.remove()
+ self.kv_cache = {}
+ self.hooks = []
+ def rearrange_kv_cache(self, source_indices):
+ for module, tensor in self.kv_cache.items():
+ # update the key/value cache to contain the selected sequences
+ self.kv_cache[module] = tensor[source_indices].detach()
+class SequenceRanker:
+ def rank(self, tokens: List[List[Tensor]], sum_logprobs: List[List[float]]) -> List[int]:
+ """
+ Given a list of groups of samples and their cumulative log probabilities,
+ return the indices of the samples in each group to select as the final result
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class MaximumLikelihoodRanker(SequenceRanker):
+ """
+ Select the sample with the highest log probabilities, penalized using either
+ a simple length normalization or Google NMT paper's length penalty
+ """
+ def __init__(self, length_penalty: Optional[float]):
+ self.length_penalty = length_penalty
+ def rank(self, tokens: List[List[Tensor]], sum_logprobs: List[List[float]]):
+ def scores(logprobs, lengths):
+ result = []
+ for logprob, length in zip(logprobs, lengths):
+ if self.length_penalty is None:
+ penalty = length
+ else:
+ # from the Google NMT paper
+ penalty = ((5 + length) / 6) ** self.length_penalty
+ result.append(logprob / penalty)
+ return result
+ # get the sequence with the highest score
+ lengths = [[len(t) for t in s] for s in tokens]
+ return [np.argmax(scores(p, l)) for p, l in zip(sum_logprobs, lengths)]
+class TokenDecoder:
+ def reset(self):
+ """Initialize any stateful variables for decoding a new sequence"""
+ def update(self, tokens: Tensor, logits: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, bool]:
+ """Specify how to select the next token, based on the current trace and logits
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tokens : Tensor, shape = (n_batch, current_sequence_length)
+ all tokens in the context so far, including the prefix and sot_sequence tokens
+ logits : Tensor, shape = (n_batch, vocab_size)
+ per-token logits of the probability distribution at the current step
+ sum_logprobs : Tensor, shape = (n_batch)
+ cumulative log probabilities for each sequence
+ Returns
+ -------
+ tokens : Tensor, shape = (n_batch, current_sequence_length + 1)
+ the tokens, appended with the selected next token
+ completed : bool
+ True if all sequences has reached the end of text
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def finalize(
+ self, tokens: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor
+ ) -> Tuple[Sequence[Sequence[Tensor]], List[List[float]]]:
+ """Finalize search and return the final candidate sequences
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tokens : Tensor, shape = (n_audio, n_group, current_sequence_length)
+ all tokens in the context so far, including the prefix and sot_sequence
+ sum_logprobs : Tensor, shape = (n_audio, n_group)
+ cumulative log probabilities for each sequence
+ Returns
+ -------
+ tokens : Sequence[Sequence[Tensor]], length = n_audio
+ sequence of Tensors containing candidate token sequences, for each audio input
+ sum_logprobs : List[List[float]], length = n_audio
+ sequence of cumulative log probabilities corresponding to the above
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class GreedyDecoder(TokenDecoder):
+ def __init__(self, temperature: float, eot: int):
+ self.temperature = temperature
+ self.eot = eot
+ def update(self, tokens: Tensor, logits: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, bool]:
+ temperature = self.temperature
+ if temperature == 0:
+ next_tokens = logits.argmax(dim=-1)
+ else:
+ next_tokens = Categorical(logits=logits / temperature).sample()
+ logprobs = F.log_softmax(logits.float(), dim=-1)
+ current_logprobs = logprobs[torch.arange(logprobs.shape[0]), next_tokens]
+ sum_logprobs += current_logprobs * (tokens[:, -1] != self.eot)
+ next_tokens[tokens[:, -1] == self.eot] = self.eot
+ tokens = torch.cat([tokens, next_tokens[:, None]], dim=-1)
+ completed = (tokens[:, -1] == self.eot).all()
+ return tokens, completed
+ def finalize(self, tokens: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor):
+ # make sure each sequence has at least one EOT token at the end
+ tokens = F.pad(tokens, (0, 1), value=self.eot)
+ return tokens, sum_logprobs.tolist()
+class BeamSearchDecoder(TokenDecoder):
+ def __init__(self, beam_size: int, eot: int, inference: Inference, patience: Optional[float] = None):
+ self.beam_size = beam_size
+ self.eot = eot
+ self.inference = inference
+ self.patience = patience or 1.0
+ self.max_candidates: int = round(beam_size * self.patience)
+ self.finished_sequences = None
+ assert self.max_candidates > 0, f"Invalid beam size ({beam_size}) or patience ({patience})"
+ def reset(self):
+ self.finished_sequences = None
+ def update(self, tokens: Tensor, logits: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, bool]:
+ if tokens.shape[0] % self.beam_size != 0:
+ raise ValueError(f"{tokens.shape}[0] % {self.beam_size} != 0")
+ n_audio = tokens.shape[0] // self.beam_size
+ if self.finished_sequences is None: # for the first update
+ self.finished_sequences = [{} for _ in range(n_audio)]
+ logprobs = F.log_softmax(logits.float(), dim=-1)
+ next_tokens, source_indices, finished_sequences = [], [], []
+ for i in range(n_audio):
+ scores, sources, finished = {}, {}, {}
+ # STEP 1: calculate the cumulative log probabilities for possible candidates
+ for j in range(self.beam_size):
+ idx = i * self.beam_size + j
+ prefix = tokens[idx].tolist()
+ for logprob, token in zip(*logprobs[idx].topk(self.beam_size + 1)):
+ new_logprob = (sum_logprobs[idx] + logprob).item()
+ sequence = tuple(prefix + [token.item()])
+ scores[sequence] = new_logprob
+ sources[sequence] = idx
+ # STEP 2: rank the candidates and keep the top beam_size sequences for each audio
+ saved = 0
+ for sequence in sorted(scores, key=scores.get, reverse=True):
+ if sequence[-1] == self.eot:
+ finished[sequence] = scores[sequence]
+ else:
+ sum_logprobs[len(next_tokens)] = scores[sequence]
+ next_tokens.append(sequence)
+ source_indices.append(sources[sequence])
+ saved += 1
+ if saved == self.beam_size:
+ break
+ finished_sequences.append(finished)
+ tokens = torch.tensor(next_tokens, device=tokens.device)
+ self.inference.rearrange_kv_cache(source_indices)
+ # add newly finished sequences to self.finished_sequences
+ assert len(self.finished_sequences) == len(finished_sequences)
+ for previously_finished, newly_finished in zip(self.finished_sequences, finished_sequences):
+ for seq in sorted(newly_finished, key=newly_finished.get, reverse=True):
+ if len(previously_finished) >= self.max_candidates:
+ break # the candidate list is full
+ previously_finished[seq] = newly_finished[seq]
+ # mark as completed if all audio has enough number of samples
+ completed = all(
+ len(sequences) >= self.max_candidates for sequences in self.finished_sequences
+ )
+ return tokens, completed
+ def finalize(self, preceding_tokens: Tensor, sum_logprobs: Tensor):
+ # collect all finished sequences, including patience, and add unfinished ones if not enough
+ sum_logprobs = sum_logprobs.cpu()
+ for i, sequences in enumerate(self.finished_sequences):
+ if len(sequences) < self.beam_size: # when not enough sequences are finished
+ for j in list(np.argsort(sum_logprobs[i]))[::-1]:
+ sequence = preceding_tokens[i, j].tolist() + [self.eot]
+ sequences[tuple(sequence)] = sum_logprobs[i][j].item()
+ if len(sequences) >= self.beam_size:
+ break
+ tokens: List[List[Tensor]] = [
+ [torch.tensor(seq) for seq in sequences.keys()] for sequences in self.finished_sequences
+ ]
+ sum_logprobs: List[List[float]] = [
+ list(sequences.values()) for sequences in self.finished_sequences
+ ]
+ return tokens, sum_logprobs
+class LogitFilter:
+ def apply(self, logits: Tensor, tokens: Tensor) -> None:
+ """Apply any filtering or masking to logits in-place
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ logits : Tensor, shape = (n_batch, vocab_size)
+ per-token logits of the probability distribution at the current step
+ tokens : Tensor, shape = (n_batch, current_sequence_length)
+ all tokens in the context so far, including the prefix and sot_sequence tokens
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class SuppressBlank(LogitFilter):
+ def __init__(self, tokenizer: Tokenizer, sample_begin: int):
+ self.tokenizer = tokenizer
+ self.sample_begin = sample_begin
+ def apply(self, logits: Tensor, tokens: Tensor):
+ if tokens.shape[1] == self.sample_begin:
+ logits[:, self.tokenizer.encode(" ") + [self.tokenizer.eot]] = -np.inf
+class SuppressTokens(LogitFilter):
+ def __init__(self, suppress_tokens: Sequence[int]):
+ self.suppress_tokens = list(suppress_tokens)
+ def apply(self, logits: Tensor, tokens: Tensor):
+ logits[:, self.suppress_tokens] = -np.inf
+class ApplyTimestampRules(LogitFilter):
+ def __init__(
+ self, tokenizer: Tokenizer, sample_begin: int, max_initial_timestamp_index: Optional[int]
+ ):
+ self.tokenizer = tokenizer
+ self.sample_begin = sample_begin
+ self.max_initial_timestamp_index = max_initial_timestamp_index
+ def apply(self, logits: Tensor, tokens: Tensor):
+ # suppress <|notimestamps|> which is handled by without_timestamps
+ if self.tokenizer.no_timestamps is not None:
+ logits[:, self.tokenizer.no_timestamps] = -np.inf
+ # timestamps have to appear in pairs, except directly before EOT; mask logits accordingly
+ for k in range(tokens.shape[0]):
+ seq = [t for t in tokens[k, self.sample_begin :].tolist()]
+ last_was_timestamp = len(seq) >= 1 and seq[-1] >= self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ penultimate_was_timestamp = len(seq) < 2 or seq[-2] >= self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin
+ if last_was_timestamp:
+ if penultimate_was_timestamp: # has to be non-timestamp
+ logits[k, self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin :] = -np.inf
+ else: # cannot be normal text tokens
+ logits[k, : self.tokenizer.eot] = -np.inf
+ # apply the `max_initial_timestamp` option
+ if tokens.shape[1] == self.sample_begin and self.max_initial_timestamp_index is not None:
+ last_allowed = self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin + self.max_initial_timestamp_index
+ logits[:, last_allowed + 1 :] = -np.inf
+ # if sum of probability over timestamps is above any other token, sample timestamp
+ logprobs = F.log_softmax(logits.float(), dim=-1)
+ for k in range(tokens.shape[0]):
+ timestamp_logprob = logprobs[k, self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin :].logsumexp(dim=-1)
+ max_text_token_logprob = logprobs[k, : self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin].max()
+ if timestamp_logprob > max_text_token_logprob:
+ logits[k, : self.tokenizer.timestamp_begin] = -np.inf
+class DecodingTask:
+ inference: Inference
+ sequence_ranker: SequenceRanker
+ decoder: TokenDecoder
+ logit_filters: List[LogitFilter]
+ def __init__(self, model: "Whisper", options: DecodingOptions):
+ self.model = model
+ language = options.language or "en"
+ tokenizer = get_tokenizer(model.is_multilingual, language=language, task=options.task)
+ self.tokenizer: Tokenizer = tokenizer
+ self.options: DecodingOptions = self._verify_options(options)
+ self.n_group: int = options.beam_size or options.best_of or 1
+ self.n_ctx: int = model.dims.n_text_ctx
+ self.sample_len: int = options.sample_len or model.dims.n_text_ctx // 2
+ self.sot_sequence: Tuple[int] = tokenizer.sot_sequence
+ if self.options.without_timestamps:
+ self.sot_sequence = tokenizer.sot_sequence_including_notimestamps
+ self.initial_tokens: Tuple[int] = self._get_initial_tokens()
+ self.sample_begin: int = len(self.initial_tokens)
+ self.sot_index: int = self.initial_tokens.index(tokenizer.sot)
+ # inference: implements the forward pass through the decoder, including kv caching
+ self.inference = PyTorchInference(model, len(self.initial_tokens))
+ # sequence ranker: implements how to rank a group of sampled sequences
+ self.sequence_ranker = MaximumLikelihoodRanker(options.length_penalty)
+ # decoder: implements how to select the next tokens, given the autoregressive distribution
+ if options.beam_size is not None:
+ self.decoder = BeamSearchDecoder(
+ options.beam_size, tokenizer.eot, self.inference, options.patience
+ )
+ else:
+ self.decoder = GreedyDecoder(options.temperature, tokenizer.eot)
+ # logit filters: applies various rules to suppress or penalize certain tokens
+ self.logit_filters = []
+ if self.options.suppress_blank:
+ self.logit_filters.append(SuppressBlank(self.tokenizer, self.sample_begin))
+ if self.options.suppress_tokens:
+ self.logit_filters.append(SuppressTokens(self._get_suppress_tokens()))
+ if not options.without_timestamps:
+ precision = CHUNK_LENGTH / model.dims.n_audio_ctx # usually 0.02 seconds
+ max_initial_timestamp_index = None
+ if options.max_initial_timestamp:
+ max_initial_timestamp_index = round(self.options.max_initial_timestamp / precision)
+ self.logit_filters.append(
+ ApplyTimestampRules(tokenizer, self.sample_begin, max_initial_timestamp_index)
+ )
+ def _verify_options(self, options: DecodingOptions) -> DecodingOptions:
+ if options.beam_size is not None and options.best_of is not None:
+ raise ValueError("beam_size and best_of can't be given together")
+ if options.temperature == 0:
+ if options.best_of is not None:
+ raise ValueError("best_of with greedy sampling (T=0) is not compatible")
+ if options.patience is not None and options.beam_size is None:
+ raise ValueError("patience requires beam_size to be given")
+ if options.length_penalty is not None and not (0 <= options.length_penalty <= 1):
+ raise ValueError("length_penalty (alpha) should be a value between 0 and 1")
+ return options
+ def _get_initial_tokens(self) -> Tuple[int]:
+ tokens = list(self.sot_sequence)
+ prefix = self.options.prefix
+ prompt = self.options.prompt
+ if prefix:
+ prefix_tokens = (
+ self.tokenizer.encode(" " + prefix.strip()) if isinstance(prefix, str) else prefix
+ )
+ if self.sample_len is not None:
+ max_prefix_len = self.n_ctx // 2 - self.sample_len
+ prefix_tokens = prefix_tokens[-max_prefix_len:]
+ tokens = tokens + prefix_tokens
+ if prompt:
+ prompt_tokens = (
+ self.tokenizer.encode(" " + prompt.strip()) if isinstance(prompt, str) else prompt
+ )
+ tokens = [self.tokenizer.sot_prev] + prompt_tokens[-(self.n_ctx // 2 - 1) :] + tokens
+ return tuple(tokens)
+ def _get_suppress_tokens(self) -> Tuple[int]:
+ suppress_tokens = self.options.suppress_tokens
+ if isinstance(suppress_tokens, str):
+ suppress_tokens = [int(t) for t in suppress_tokens.split(",")]
+ if -1 in suppress_tokens:
+ suppress_tokens = [t for t in suppress_tokens if t >= 0]
+ suppress_tokens.extend(self.tokenizer.non_speech_tokens)
+ elif suppress_tokens is None or len(suppress_tokens) == 0:
+ suppress_tokens = [] # interpret empty string as an empty list
+ else:
+ assert isinstance(suppress_tokens, list), "suppress_tokens must be a list"
+ suppress_tokens.extend(
+ [self.tokenizer.sot, self.tokenizer.sot_prev, self.tokenizer.sot_lm]
+ )
+ if self.tokenizer.no_speech is not None:
+ # no-speech probability is collected separately
+ suppress_tokens.append(self.tokenizer.no_speech)
+ return tuple(sorted(set(suppress_tokens)))
+ def _get_audio_features(self, mel: Tensor, include_embeddings: bool = False):
+ if self.options.fp16:
+ mel = mel.half()
+ if mel.shape[-2:] == (self.model.dims.n_audio_ctx, self.model.dims.n_audio_state):
+ # encoded audio features are given; skip audio encoding
+ audio_features = mel
+ else:
+ result = self.model.encoder(mel, include_embeddings)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ audio_features, embeddings = result
+ else:
+ audio_features = result
+ if audio_features.dtype != (torch.float16 if self.options.fp16 else torch.float32):
+ return TypeError(f"audio_features has an incorrect dtype: {audio_features.dtype}")
+ if include_embeddings:
+ return audio_features, embeddings
+ else:
+ return audio_features
+ def _detect_language(self, audio_features: Tensor, tokens: Tensor):
+ languages = [self.options.language] * audio_features.shape[0]
+ lang_probs = None
+ if self.options.language is None or self.options.task == "lang_id":
+ lang_tokens, lang_probs = self.model.detect_language(audio_features, self.tokenizer)
+ languages = [max(probs, key=probs.get) for probs in lang_probs]
+ if self.options.language is None:
+ tokens[:, self.sot_index + 1] = lang_tokens # write language tokens
+ return languages, lang_probs
+ def _main_loop(self, audio_features: Tensor, tokens: Tensor):
+ assert audio_features.shape[0] == tokens.shape[0]
+ n_batch = tokens.shape[0]
+ sum_logprobs: Tensor = torch.zeros(n_batch, device=audio_features.device)
+ no_speech_probs = [np.nan] * n_batch
+ try:
+ embeddings = []
+ for i in range(self.sample_len):
+ logits, token_embeddings = self.inference.logits(tokens, audio_features, include_embeddings=True)
+ if i == 0 and self.tokenizer.no_speech is not None: # save no_speech_probs
+ probs_at_sot = logits[:, self.sot_index].float().softmax(dim=-1)
+ no_speech_probs = probs_at_sot[:, self.tokenizer.no_speech].tolist()
+ # now we need to consider the logits at the last token only
+ logits = logits[:, -1]
+ token_embeddings = token_embeddings[:, :, -1]
+ # Append embeddings together
+ embeddings.append(token_embeddings)
+ # apply the logit filters, e.g. for suppressing or applying penalty to
+ for logit_filter in self.logit_filters:
+ logit_filter.apply(logits, tokens)
+ # expand the tokens tensor with the selected next tokens
+ tokens, completed = self.decoder.update(tokens, logits, sum_logprobs)
+ if completed or tokens.shape[-1] > self.n_ctx:
+ break
+ finally:
+ if completed:
+ embeddings = embeddings[:-1]
+ embeddings = np.stack(embeddings, 2)
+ self.inference.cleanup_caching()
+ return tokens, sum_logprobs, no_speech_probs, embeddings
+ @torch.no_grad()
+ def run(self, mel: Tensor) -> List[DecodingResult]:
+ self.decoder.reset()
+ tokenizer: Tokenizer = self.tokenizer
+ n_audio: int = mel.shape[0]
+ # encoder forward pass
+ forward_pass: Tuple[Tensor, np.ndarray] = self._get_audio_features(mel, include_embeddings=True)
+ audio_features, encoder_embeddings = forward_pass
+ tokens: Tensor = torch.tensor([self.initial_tokens]).repeat(n_audio, 1)
+ # detect language if requested, overwriting the language token
+ languages, language_probs = self._detect_language(audio_features, tokens)
+ if self.options.task == "lang_id":
+ return [
+ DecodingResult(audio_features=features, language=language, language_probs=probs)
+ for features, language, probs in zip(audio_features, languages, language_probs)
+ ]
+ # repeat the audio & text tensors by the group size, for beam search or best-of-n sampling
+ audio_features = audio_features.repeat_interleave(self.n_group, dim=0)
+ tokens = tokens.repeat_interleave(self.n_group, dim=0).to(audio_features.device)
+ # call the main sampling loop
+ tokens, sum_logprobs, no_speech_probs, decoder_embeddings = self._main_loop(audio_features, tokens)
+ # reshape the tensors to have (n_audio, n_group) as the first two dimensions
+ audio_features = audio_features[:: self.n_group]
+ no_speech_probs = no_speech_probs[:: self.n_group]
+ assert audio_features.shape[0] == len(no_speech_probs) == n_audio
+ tokens = tokens.reshape(n_audio, self.n_group, -1)
+ sum_logprobs = sum_logprobs.reshape(n_audio, self.n_group)
+ # get the final candidates for each group, and slice between the first sampled token and EOT
+ tokens, sum_logprobs = self.decoder.finalize(tokens, sum_logprobs)
+ tokens: List[List[Tensor]] = [
+ [t[self.sample_begin : (t == tokenizer.eot).nonzero()[0, 0]] for t in s] for s in tokens
+ ]
+ # select the top-ranked sample in each group
+ selected = self.sequence_ranker.rank(tokens, sum_logprobs)
+ tokens: List[List[int]] = [t[i].tolist() for i, t in zip(selected, tokens)]
+ texts: List[str] = [tokenizer.decode(t).strip() for t in tokens]
+ sum_logprobs: List[float] = [lp[i] for i, lp in zip(selected, sum_logprobs)]
+ avg_logprobs: List[float] = [lp / (len(t) + 1) for t, lp in zip(tokens, sum_logprobs)]
+ fields = (texts, languages, tokens, audio_features, avg_logprobs, no_speech_probs)
+ if len(set(map(len, fields))) != 1:
+ raise RuntimeError(f"inconsistent result lengths: {list(map(len, fields))}")
+ return [
+ DecodingResult(
+ audio_features=features,
+ language=language,
+ tokens=tokens,
+ text=text,
+ avg_logprob=avg_logprob,
+ no_speech_prob=no_speech_prob,
+ temperature=self.options.temperature,
+ compression_ratio=compression_ratio(text),
+ encoder_embeddings=encoder_embeddings,
+ decoder_embeddings=decoder_embeddings
+ )
+ for text, language, tokens, features, avg_logprob, no_speech_prob in zip(*fields)
+ ]
+def decode(model: "Whisper", mel: Tensor, options: DecodingOptions = DecodingOptions()) -> Union[DecodingResult, List[DecodingResult]]:
+ """
+ Performs decoding of 30-second audio segment(s), provided as Mel spectrogram(s).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model: Whisper
+ the Whisper model instance
+ mel: torch.Tensor, shape = (80, 3000) or (*, 80, 3000)
+ A tensor containing the Mel spectrogram(s)
+ options: DecodingOptions
+ A dataclass that contains all necessary options for decoding 30-second segments
+ Returns
+ -------
+ result: Union[DecodingResult, List[DecodingResult]]
+ The result(s) of decoding contained in `DecodingResult` dataclass instance(s)
+ """
+ single = mel.ndim == 2
+ if single:
+ mel = mel.unsqueeze(0)
+ result = DecodingTask(model, options).run(mel)
+ if single:
+ result = result[0]
+ return result
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/model.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/model.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acb6a0be88109a884b2c4d0e2d50daaf00870307
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import Iterable, Optional
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import torch.nn.functional as F
+from torch import Tensor
+from torch import nn
+from .transcribe import transcribe as transcribe_function
+from .decoding import detect_language as detect_language_function, decode as decode_function
+class ModelDimensions:
+ n_mels: int
+ n_audio_ctx: int
+ n_audio_state: int
+ n_audio_head: int
+ n_audio_layer: int
+ n_vocab: int
+ n_text_ctx: int
+ n_text_state: int
+ n_text_head: int
+ n_text_layer: int
+class LayerNorm(nn.LayerNorm):
+ def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ return super().forward(x.float()).type(x.dtype)
+class Linear(nn.Linear):
+ def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ return F.linear(
+ x, self.weight.to(x.dtype), None if self.bias is None else self.bias.to(x.dtype)
+ )
+class Conv1d(nn.Conv1d):
+ def _conv_forward(self, x: Tensor, weight: Tensor, bias: Optional[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
+ return super()._conv_forward(
+ x, weight.to(x.dtype), None if bias is None else bias.to(x.dtype)
+ )
+def sinusoids(length, channels, max_timescale=10000):
+ """Returns sinusoids for positional embedding"""
+ assert channels % 2 == 0
+ log_timescale_increment = np.log(max_timescale) / (channels // 2 - 1)
+ inv_timescales = torch.exp(-log_timescale_increment * torch.arange(channels // 2))
+ scaled_time = torch.arange(length)[:, np.newaxis] * inv_timescales[np.newaxis, :]
+ return torch.cat([torch.sin(scaled_time), torch.cos(scaled_time)], dim=1)
+class MultiHeadAttention(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.n_head = n_head
+ self.query = Linear(n_state, n_state)
+ self.key = Linear(n_state, n_state, bias=False)
+ self.value = Linear(n_state, n_state)
+ self.out = Linear(n_state, n_state)
+ def forward(
+ self,
+ x: Tensor,
+ xa: Optional[Tensor] = None,
+ mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
+ kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None,
+ ):
+ q = self.query(x)
+ if kv_cache is None or xa is None:
+ # hooks, if installed (i.e. kv_cache is not None), will prepend the cached kv tensors;
+ # otherwise, perform key/value projections for self- or cross-attention as usual.
+ k = self.key(x if xa is None else xa)
+ v = self.value(x if xa is None else xa)
+ else:
+ # for cross-attention, calculate keys and values once and reuse in subsequent calls.
+ k = kv_cache.get(self.key, self.key(xa))
+ v = kv_cache.get(self.value, self.value(xa))
+ wv = self.qkv_attention(q, k, v, mask)
+ return self.out(wv)
+ def qkv_attention(self, q: Tensor, k: Tensor, v: Tensor, mask: Optional[Tensor] = None):
+ n_batch, n_ctx, n_state = q.shape
+ scale = (n_state // self.n_head) ** -0.25
+ q = q.view(*q.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 1, 3) * scale
+ k = k.view(*k.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 3, 1) * scale
+ v = v.view(*v.shape[:2], self.n_head, -1).permute(0, 2, 1, 3)
+ qk = q @ k
+ if mask is not None:
+ qk = qk + mask[:n_ctx, :n_ctx]
+ w = F.softmax(qk.float(), dim=-1).to(q.dtype)
+ return (w @ v).permute(0, 2, 1, 3).flatten(start_dim=2)
+class ResidualAttentionBlock(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_state: int, n_head: int, cross_attention: bool = False):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.attn = MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head)
+ self.attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
+ self.cross_attn = MultiHeadAttention(n_state, n_head) if cross_attention else None
+ self.cross_attn_ln = LayerNorm(n_state) if cross_attention else None
+ n_mlp = n_state * 4
+ self.mlp = nn.Sequential(Linear(n_state, n_mlp), nn.GELU(), Linear(n_mlp, n_state))
+ self.mlp_ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
+ def forward(
+ self,
+ x: Tensor,
+ xa: Optional[Tensor] = None,
+ mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
+ kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None,
+ ):
+ x = x + self.attn(self.attn_ln(x), mask=mask, kv_cache=kv_cache)
+ if self.cross_attn:
+ x = x + self.cross_attn(self.cross_attn_ln(x), xa, kv_cache=kv_cache)
+ x = x + self.mlp(self.mlp_ln(x))
+ return x
+class AudioEncoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_mels: int, n_ctx: int, n_state: int, n_head: int, n_layer: int):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.conv1 = Conv1d(n_mels, n_state, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
+ self.conv2 = Conv1d(n_state, n_state, kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
+ self.register_buffer("positional_embedding", sinusoids(n_ctx, n_state))
+ self.blocks: Iterable[ResidualAttentionBlock] = nn.ModuleList(
+ [ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head) for _ in range(n_layer)]
+ )
+ self.ln_post = LayerNorm(n_state)
+ def forward(self, x: Tensor, include_embeddings: bool = False):
+ """
+ x : torch.Tensor, shape = (batch_size, n_mels, n_ctx)
+ the mel spectrogram of the audio
+ include_embeddings: bool
+ whether to include intermediate steps in the output
+ """
+ x = F.gelu(self.conv1(x))
+ x = F.gelu(self.conv2(x))
+ x = x.permute(0, 2, 1)
+ assert x.shape[1:] == self.positional_embedding.shape, "incorrect audio shape"
+ x = (x + self.positional_embedding).to(x.dtype)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings = [x.cpu().detach().numpy()]
+ for block in self.blocks:
+ x = block(x)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings.append(x.cpu().detach().numpy())
+ x = self.ln_post(x)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings = np.stack(embeddings, axis=1)
+ return x, embeddings
+ else:
+ return x
+class TextDecoder(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, n_vocab: int, n_ctx: int, n_state: int, n_head: int, n_layer: int):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(n_vocab, n_state)
+ self.positional_embedding = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(n_ctx, n_state))
+ self.blocks: Iterable[ResidualAttentionBlock] = nn.ModuleList(
+ [ResidualAttentionBlock(n_state, n_head, cross_attention=True) for _ in range(n_layer)]
+ )
+ self.ln = LayerNorm(n_state)
+ mask = torch.empty(n_ctx, n_ctx).fill_(-np.inf).triu_(1)
+ self.register_buffer("mask", mask, persistent=False)
+ def forward(self, x: Tensor, xa: Tensor, kv_cache: Optional[dict] = None, include_embeddings: bool = False):
+ """
+ x : torch.LongTensor, shape = (batch_size, <= n_ctx)
+ the text tokens
+ xa : torch.Tensor, shape = (batch_size, n_mels, n_audio_ctx)
+ the encoded audio features to be attended on
+ include_embeddings : bool
+ Whether to include intermediate values in the output to this function
+ """
+ offset = next(iter(kv_cache.values())).shape[1] if kv_cache else 0
+ x = self.token_embedding(x) + self.positional_embedding[offset : offset + x.shape[-1]]
+ x = x.to(xa.dtype)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings = [x.cpu().detach().numpy()]
+ for block in self.blocks:
+ x = block(x, xa, mask=self.mask, kv_cache=kv_cache)
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings.append(x.cpu().detach().numpy())
+ x = self.ln(x)
+ logits = (x @ torch.transpose(self.token_embedding.weight.to(x.dtype), 0, 1)).float()
+ if include_embeddings:
+ embeddings = np.stack(embeddings, axis=1)
+ return logits, embeddings
+ else:
+ return logits
+class Whisper(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, dims: ModelDimensions):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.dims = dims
+ self.encoder = AudioEncoder(
+ self.dims.n_mels,
+ self.dims.n_audio_ctx,
+ self.dims.n_audio_state,
+ self.dims.n_audio_head,
+ self.dims.n_audio_layer,
+ )
+ self.decoder = TextDecoder(
+ self.dims.n_vocab,
+ self.dims.n_text_ctx,
+ self.dims.n_text_state,
+ self.dims.n_text_head,
+ self.dims.n_text_layer,
+ )
+ def embed_audio(self, mel: torch.Tensor):
+ return self.encoder.forward(mel)
+ def logits(self, tokens: torch.Tensor, audio_features: torch.Tensor):
+ return self.decoder.forward(tokens, audio_features)
+ def forward(self, mel: torch.Tensor, tokens: torch.Tensor) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]:
+ return self.decoder(tokens, self.encoder(mel))
+ @property
+ def device(self):
+ return next(self.parameters()).device
+ @property
+ def is_multilingual(self):
+ return self.dims.n_vocab == 51865
+ def install_kv_cache_hooks(self, cache: Optional[dict] = None):
+ """
+ The `MultiHeadAttention` module optionally accepts `kv_cache` which stores the key and value
+ tensors calculated for the previous positions. This method returns a dictionary that stores
+ all caches, and the necessary hooks for the key and value projection modules that save the
+ intermediate tensors to be reused during later calculations.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ cache : Dict[nn.Module, torch.Tensor]
+ A dictionary object mapping the key/value projection modules to its cache
+ hooks : List[RemovableHandle]
+ List of PyTorch RemovableHandle objects to stop the hooks to be called
+ """
+ cache = {**cache} if cache is not None else {}
+ hooks = []
+ def save_to_cache(module, _, output):
+ if module not in cache or output.shape[1] > self.decoder.positional_embedding.shape[0]:
+ cache[module] = output # save as-is, for the first token or cross attention
+ else:
+ cache[module] = torch.cat([cache[module], output], dim=1).detach()
+ return cache[module]
+ def install_hooks(layer: nn.Module):
+ if isinstance(layer, MultiHeadAttention):
+ hooks.append(layer.key.register_forward_hook(save_to_cache))
+ hooks.append(layer.value.register_forward_hook(save_to_cache))
+ self.decoder.apply(install_hooks)
+ return cache, hooks
+ detect_language = detect_language_function
+ transcribe = transcribe_function
+ decode = decode_function
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/__init__.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0b10d5a9d6389368fe7f3bac38e3b3cd9cc1470f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from .basic import BasicTextNormalizer
+from .english import EnglishTextNormalizer
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/basic.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/basic.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef8d249bfca2cd10bccdd56950504581e2598560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/basic.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import re
+import unicodedata
+import regex
+# non-ASCII letters that are not separated by "NFKD" normalization
+ "œ": "oe",
+ "Œ": "OE",
+ "ø": "o",
+ "Ø": "O",
+ "æ": "ae",
+ "Æ": "AE",
+ "ß": "ss",
+ "ẞ": "SS",
+ "đ": "d",
+ "Đ": "D",
+ "ð": "d",
+ "Ð": "D",
+ "þ": "th",
+ "Þ": "th",
+ "ł": "l",
+ "Ł": "L",
+def remove_symbols_and_diacritics(s: str, keep=""):
+ """
+ Replace any other markers, symbols, and punctuations with a space,
+ and drop any diacritics (category 'Mn' and some manual mappings)
+ """
+ return "".join(
+ c
+ if c in keep
+ else ""
+ if unicodedata.category(c) == "Mn"
+ else " "
+ if unicodedata.category(c)[0] in "MSP"
+ else c
+ for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", s)
+ )
+def remove_symbols(s: str):
+ """
+ Replace any other markers, symbols, punctuations with a space, keeping diacritics
+ """
+ return "".join(
+ " " if unicodedata.category(c)[0] in "MSP" else c for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", s)
+ )
+class BasicTextNormalizer:
+ def __init__(self, remove_diacritics: bool = False, split_letters: bool = False):
+ self.clean = remove_symbols_and_diacritics if remove_diacritics else remove_symbols
+ self.split_letters = split_letters
+ def __call__(self, s: str):
+ s = s.lower()
+ s = re.sub(r"[<\[][^>\]]*[>\]]", "", s) # remove words between brackets
+ s = re.sub(r"\(([^)]+?)\)", "", s) # remove words between parenthesis
+ s = self.clean(s).lower()
+ if self.split_letters:
+ s = " ".join(regex.findall(r"\X", s, regex.U))
+ s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s) # replace any successive whitespace characters with a space
+ return s
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.json b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd84ae73faeb4dfa75214b99c4b392a51be90336
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1742 @@
+ "accessorise": "accessorize",
+ "accessorised": "accessorized",
+ "accessorises": "accessorizes",
+ "accessorising": "accessorizing",
+ "acclimatisation": "acclimatization",
+ "acclimatise": "acclimatize",
+ "acclimatised": "acclimatized",
+ "acclimatises": "acclimatizes",
+ "acclimatising": "acclimatizing",
+ "accoutrements": "accouterments",
+ "aeon": "eon",
+ "aeons": "eons",
+ "aerogramme": "aerogram",
+ "aerogrammes": "aerograms",
+ "aeroplane": "airplane",
+ "aeroplanes": "airplanes",
+ "aesthete": "esthete",
+ "aesthetes": "esthetes",
+ "aesthetic": "esthetic",
+ "aesthetically": "esthetically",
+ "aesthetics": "esthetics",
+ "aetiology": "etiology",
+ "ageing": "aging",
+ "aggrandisement": "aggrandizement",
+ "agonise": "agonize",
+ "agonised": "agonized",
+ "agonises": "agonizes",
+ "agonising": "agonizing",
+ "agonisingly": "agonizingly",
+ "almanack": "almanac",
+ "almanacks": "almanacs",
+ "aluminium": "aluminum",
+ "amortisable": "amortizable",
+ "amortisation": "amortization",
+ "amortisations": "amortizations",
+ "amortise": "amortize",
+ "amortised": "amortized",
+ "amortises": "amortizes",
+ "amortising": "amortizing",
+ "amphitheatre": "amphitheater",
+ "amphitheatres": "amphitheaters",
+ "anaemia": "anemia",
+ "anaemic": "anemic",
+ "anaesthesia": "anesthesia",
+ "anaesthetic": "anesthetic",
+ "anaesthetics": "anesthetics",
+ "anaesthetise": "anesthetize",
+ "anaesthetised": "anesthetized",
+ "anaesthetises": "anesthetizes",
+ "anaesthetising": "anesthetizing",
+ "anaesthetist": "anesthetist",
+ "anaesthetists": "anesthetists",
+ "anaesthetize": "anesthetize",
+ "anaesthetized": "anesthetized",
+ "anaesthetizes": "anesthetizes",
+ "anaesthetizing": "anesthetizing",
+ "analogue": "analog",
+ "analogues": "analogs",
+ "analyse": "analyze",
+ "analysed": "analyzed",
+ "analyses": "analyzes",
+ "analysing": "analyzing",
+ "anglicise": "anglicize",
+ "anglicised": "anglicized",
+ "anglicises": "anglicizes",
+ "anglicising": "anglicizing",
+ "annualised": "annualized",
+ "antagonise": "antagonize",
+ "antagonised": "antagonized",
+ "antagonises": "antagonizes",
+ "antagonising": "antagonizing",
+ "apologise": "apologize",
+ "apologised": "apologized",
+ "apologises": "apologizes",
+ "apologising": "apologizing",
+ "appal": "appall",
+ "appals": "appalls",
+ "appetiser": "appetizer",
+ "appetisers": "appetizers",
+ "appetising": "appetizing",
+ "appetisingly": "appetizingly",
+ "arbour": "arbor",
+ "arbours": "arbors",
+ "archeological": "archaeological",
+ "archaeologically": "archeologically",
+ "archaeologist": "archeologist",
+ "archaeologists": "archeologists",
+ "archaeology": "archeology",
+ "ardour": "ardor",
+ "armour": "armor",
+ "armoured": "armored",
+ "armourer": "armorer",
+ "armourers": "armorers",
+ "armouries": "armories",
+ "armoury": "armory",
+ "artefact": "artifact",
+ "artefacts": "artifacts",
+ "authorise": "authorize",
+ "authorised": "authorized",
+ "authorises": "authorizes",
+ "authorising": "authorizing",
+ "axe": "ax",
+ "backpedalled": "backpedaled",
+ "backpedalling": "backpedaling",
+ "bannister": "banister",
+ "bannisters": "banisters",
+ "baptise": "baptize",
+ "baptised": "baptized",
+ "baptises": "baptizes",
+ "baptising": "baptizing",
+ "bastardise": "bastardize",
+ "bastardised": "bastardized",
+ "bastardises": "bastardizes",
+ "bastardising": "bastardizing",
+ "battleax": "battleaxe",
+ "baulk": "balk",
+ "baulked": "balked",
+ "baulking": "balking",
+ "baulks": "balks",
+ "bedevilled": "bedeviled",
+ "bedevilling": "bedeviling",
+ "behaviour": "behavior",
+ "behavioural": "behavioral",
+ "behaviourism": "behaviorism",
+ "behaviourist": "behaviorist",
+ "behaviourists": "behaviorists",
+ "behaviours": "behaviors",
+ "behove": "behoove",
+ "behoved": "behooved",
+ "behoves": "behooves",
+ "bejewelled": "bejeweled",
+ "belabour": "belabor",
+ "belaboured": "belabored",
+ "belabouring": "belaboring",
+ "belabours": "belabors",
+ "bevelled": "beveled",
+ "bevvies": "bevies",
+ "bevvy": "bevy",
+ "biassed": "biased",
+ "biassing": "biasing",
+ "bingeing": "binging",
+ "bougainvillaea": "bougainvillea",
+ "bougainvillaeas": "bougainvilleas",
+ "bowdlerise": "bowdlerize",
+ "bowdlerised": "bowdlerized",
+ "bowdlerises": "bowdlerizes",
+ "bowdlerising": "bowdlerizing",
+ "breathalyse": "breathalyze",
+ "breathalysed": "breathalyzed",
+ "breathalyser": "breathalyzer",
+ "breathalysers": "breathalyzers",
+ "breathalyses": "breathalyzes",
+ "breathalysing": "breathalyzing",
+ "brutalise": "brutalize",
+ "brutalised": "brutalized",
+ "brutalises": "brutalizes",
+ "brutalising": "brutalizing",
+ "busses": "buses",
+ "bussing": "busing",
+ "caesarean": "cesarean",
+ "caesareans": "cesareans",
+ "calibre": "caliber",
+ "calibres": "calibers",
+ "calliper": "caliper",
+ "callipers": "calipers",
+ "callisthenics": "calisthenics",
+ "canalise": "canalize",
+ "canalised": "canalized",
+ "canalises": "canalizes",
+ "canalising": "canalizing",
+ "cancelation": "cancellation",
+ "cancelations": "cancellations",
+ "cancelled": "canceled",
+ "cancelling": "canceling",
+ "candour": "candor",
+ "cannibalise": "cannibalize",
+ "cannibalised": "cannibalized",
+ "cannibalises": "cannibalizes",
+ "cannibalising": "cannibalizing",
+ "canonise": "canonize",
+ "canonised": "canonized",
+ "canonises": "canonizes",
+ "canonising": "canonizing",
+ "capitalise": "capitalize",
+ "capitalised": "capitalized",
+ "capitalises": "capitalizes",
+ "capitalising": "capitalizing",
+ "caramelise": "caramelize",
+ "caramelised": "caramelized",
+ "caramelises": "caramelizes",
+ "caramelising": "caramelizing",
+ "carbonise": "carbonize",
+ "carbonised": "carbonized",
+ "carbonises": "carbonizes",
+ "carbonising": "carbonizing",
+ "carolled": "caroled",
+ "carolling": "caroling",
+ "catalogue": "catalog",
+ "catalogued": "cataloged",
+ "catalogues": "catalogs",
+ "cataloguing": "cataloging",
+ "catalyse": "catalyze",
+ "catalysed": "catalyzed",
+ "catalyses": "catalyzes",
+ "catalysing": "catalyzing",
+ "categorise": "categorize",
+ "categorised": "categorized",
+ "categorises": "categorizes",
+ "categorising": "categorizing",
+ "cauterise": "cauterize",
+ "cauterised": "cauterized",
+ "cauterises": "cauterizes",
+ "cauterising": "cauterizing",
+ "cavilled": "caviled",
+ "cavilling": "caviling",
+ "centigramme": "centigram",
+ "centigrammes": "centigrams",
+ "centilitre": "centiliter",
+ "centilitres": "centiliters",
+ "centimetre": "centimeter",
+ "centimetres": "centimeters",
+ "centralise": "centralize",
+ "centralised": "centralized",
+ "centralises": "centralizes",
+ "centralising": "centralizing",
+ "centre": "center",
+ "centred": "centered",
+ "centrefold": "centerfold",
+ "centrefolds": "centerfolds",
+ "centrepiece": "centerpiece",
+ "centrepieces": "centerpieces",
+ "centres": "centers",
+ "channelled": "channeled",
+ "channelling": "channeling",
+ "characterise": "characterize",
+ "characterised": "characterized",
+ "characterises": "characterizes",
+ "characterising": "characterizing",
+ "cheque": "check",
+ "chequebook": "checkbook",
+ "chequebooks": "checkbooks",
+ "chequered": "checkered",
+ "cheques": "checks",
+ "chilli": "chili",
+ "chimaera": "chimera",
+ "chimaeras": "chimeras",
+ "chiselled": "chiseled",
+ "chiselling": "chiseling",
+ "circularise": "circularize",
+ "circularised": "circularized",
+ "circularises": "circularizes",
+ "circularising": "circularizing",
+ "civilise": "civilize",
+ "civilised": "civilized",
+ "civilises": "civilizes",
+ "civilising": "civilizing",
+ "clamour": "clamor",
+ "clamoured": "clamored",
+ "clamouring": "clamoring",
+ "clamours": "clamors",
+ "clangour": "clangor",
+ "clarinettist": "clarinetist",
+ "clarinettists": "clarinetists",
+ "collectivise": "collectivize",
+ "collectivised": "collectivized",
+ "collectivises": "collectivizes",
+ "collectivising": "collectivizing",
+ "colonisation": "colonization",
+ "colonise": "colonize",
+ "colonised": "colonized",
+ "coloniser": "colonizer",
+ "colonisers": "colonizers",
+ "colonises": "colonizes",
+ "colonising": "colonizing",
+ "colour": "color",
+ "colourant": "colorant",
+ "colourants": "colorants",
+ "coloured": "colored",
+ "coloureds": "coloreds",
+ "colourful": "colorful",
+ "colourfully": "colorfully",
+ "colouring": "coloring",
+ "colourize": "colorize",
+ "colourized": "colorized",
+ "colourizes": "colorizes",
+ "colourizing": "colorizing",
+ "colourless": "colorless",
+ "colours": "colors",
+ "commercialise": "commercialize",
+ "commercialised": "commercialized",
+ "commercialises": "commercializes",
+ "commercialising": "commercializing",
+ "compartmentalise": "compartmentalize",
+ "compartmentalised": "compartmentalized",
+ "compartmentalises": "compartmentalizes",
+ "compartmentalising": "compartmentalizing",
+ "computerise": "computerize",
+ "computerised": "computerized",
+ "computerises": "computerizes",
+ "computerising": "computerizing",
+ "conceptualise": "conceptualize",
+ "conceptualised": "conceptualized",
+ "conceptualises": "conceptualizes",
+ "conceptualising": "conceptualizing",
+ "connexion": "connection",
+ "connexions": "connections",
+ "contextualise": "contextualize",
+ "contextualised": "contextualized",
+ "contextualises": "contextualizes",
+ "contextualising": "contextualizing",
+ "cosier": "cozier",
+ "cosies": "cozies",
+ "cosiest": "coziest",
+ "cosily": "cozily",
+ "cosiness": "coziness",
+ "cosy": "cozy",
+ "councillor": "councilor",
+ "councillors": "councilors",
+ "counselled": "counseled",
+ "counselling": "counseling",
+ "counsellor": "counselor",
+ "counsellors": "counselors",
+ "crenelated": "crenellated",
+ "criminalise": "criminalize",
+ "criminalised": "criminalized",
+ "criminalises": "criminalizes",
+ "criminalising": "criminalizing",
+ "criticise": "criticize",
+ "criticised": "criticized",
+ "criticises": "criticizes",
+ "criticising": "criticizing",
+ "crueller": "crueler",
+ "cruellest": "cruelest",
+ "crystallisation": "crystallization",
+ "crystallise": "crystallize",
+ "crystallised": "crystallized",
+ "crystallises": "crystallizes",
+ "crystallising": "crystallizing",
+ "cudgelled": "cudgeled",
+ "cudgelling": "cudgeling",
+ "customise": "customize",
+ "customised": "customized",
+ "customises": "customizes",
+ "customising": "customizing",
+ "cypher": "cipher",
+ "cyphers": "ciphers",
+ "decentralisation": "decentralization",
+ "decentralise": "decentralize",
+ "decentralised": "decentralized",
+ "decentralises": "decentralizes",
+ "decentralising": "decentralizing",
+ "decriminalisation": "decriminalization",
+ "decriminalise": "decriminalize",
+ "decriminalised": "decriminalized",
+ "decriminalises": "decriminalizes",
+ "decriminalising": "decriminalizing",
+ "defence": "defense",
+ "defenceless": "defenseless",
+ "defences": "defenses",
+ "dehumanisation": "dehumanization",
+ "dehumanise": "dehumanize",
+ "dehumanised": "dehumanized",
+ "dehumanises": "dehumanizes",
+ "dehumanising": "dehumanizing",
+ "demeanour": "demeanor",
+ "demilitarisation": "demilitarization",
+ "demilitarise": "demilitarize",
+ "demilitarised": "demilitarized",
+ "demilitarises": "demilitarizes",
+ "demilitarising": "demilitarizing",
+ "demobilisation": "demobilization",
+ "demobilise": "demobilize",
+ "demobilised": "demobilized",
+ "demobilises": "demobilizes",
+ "demobilising": "demobilizing",
+ "democratisation": "democratization",
+ "democratise": "democratize",
+ "democratised": "democratized",
+ "democratises": "democratizes",
+ "democratising": "democratizing",
+ "demonise": "demonize",
+ "demonised": "demonized",
+ "demonises": "demonizes",
+ "demonising": "demonizing",
+ "demoralisation": "demoralization",
+ "demoralise": "demoralize",
+ "demoralised": "demoralized",
+ "demoralises": "demoralizes",
+ "demoralising": "demoralizing",
+ "denationalisation": "denationalization",
+ "denationalise": "denationalize",
+ "denationalised": "denationalized",
+ "denationalises": "denationalizes",
+ "denationalising": "denationalizing",
+ "deodorise": "deodorize",
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+ "deodorises": "deodorizes",
+ "deodorising": "deodorizing",
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+ "depersonalising": "depersonalizing",
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+ "deputising": "deputizing",
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+ "digitises": "digitizes",
+ "digitising": "digitizing",
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+ "discolours": "discolors",
+ "discs": "disks",
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+ "dishonourably": "dishonorably",
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+ "dishonouring": "dishonoring",
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+ "dramatises": "dramatizes",
+ "dramatising": "dramatizing",
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+ "draughtswomen": "draftswomen",
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+ "duelled": "dueled",
+ "duelling": "dueling",
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+ "empathising": "empathizing",
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+ "emphasising": "emphasizing",
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+ "eulogising": "eulogizing",
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+ "evangelising": "evangelizing",
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+ "exorcised": "exorcized",
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+ "exorcising": "exorcizing",
+ "extemporisation": "extemporization",
+ "extemporise": "extemporize",
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+ "feminised": "feminized",
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+ "feminising": "feminizing",
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+ "fictionalising": "fictionalizing",
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+ "finalisation": "finalization",
+ "finalise": "finalize",
+ "finalised": "finalized",
+ "finalises": "finalizes",
+ "finalising": "finalizing",
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+ "flautists": "flutists",
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+ "flavourings": "flavorings",
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+ "flavours": "flavors",
+ "flavoursome": "flavorsome",
+ "flyer / flier": "flier / flyer",
+ "foetal": "fetal",
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+ "formalising": "formalizing",
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+ "fossilising": "fossilizing",
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+ "fraternise": "fraternize",
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+ "fraternising": "fraternizing",
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+ "galvanised": "galvanized",
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+ "galvanising": "galvanizing",
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+ "gambolling": "gamboling",
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+ "gaolbirds": "jailbirds",
+ "gaolbreak": "jailbreak",
+ "gaolbreaks": "jailbreaks",
+ "gaoled": "jailed",
+ "gaoler": "jailer",
+ "gaolers": "jailers",
+ "gaoling": "jailing",
+ "gaols": "jails",
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+ "generalising": "generalizing",
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+ "ghettoised": "ghettoized",
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+ "ghettoising": "ghettoizing",
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+ "glamorises": "glamorizes",
+ "glamorising": "glamorizing",
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+ "globalises": "globalizes",
+ "globalising": "globalizing",
+ "glueing": "gluing",
+ "goitre": "goiter",
+ "goitres": "goiters",
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+ "gramme": "gram",
+ "grammes": "grams",
+ "gravelled": "graveled",
+ "grey": "gray",
+ "greyed": "grayed",
+ "greying": "graying",
+ "greyish": "grayish",
+ "greyness": "grayness",
+ "greys": "grays",
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+ "grovelling": "groveling",
+ "groyne": "groin",
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+ "gruellingly": "gruelingly",
+ "gryphon": "griffin",
+ "gryphons": "griffins",
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+ "gynaecologist": "gynecologist",
+ "gynaecologists": "gynecologists",
+ "gynaecology": "gynecology",
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+ "haematologist": "hematologist",
+ "haematologists": "hematologists",
+ "haematology": "hematology",
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+ "haemophilia": "hemophilia",
+ "haemophiliac": "hemophiliac",
+ "haemophiliacs": "hemophiliacs",
+ "haemorrhage": "hemorrhage",
+ "haemorrhaged": "hemorrhaged",
+ "haemorrhages": "hemorrhages",
+ "haemorrhaging": "hemorrhaging",
+ "haemorrhoids": "hemorrhoids",
+ "harbour": "harbor",
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+ "harbouring": "harboring",
+ "harbours": "harbors",
+ "harmonisation": "harmonization",
+ "harmonise": "harmonize",
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+ "harmonising": "harmonizing",
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+ "homoeopathic": "homeopathic",
+ "homoeopaths": "homeopaths",
+ "homoeopathy": "homeopathy",
+ "homogenise": "homogenize",
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+ "homogenises": "homogenizes",
+ "homogenising": "homogenizing",
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+ "honouring": "honoring",
+ "honours": "honors",
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+ "hospitalise": "hospitalize",
+ "hospitalised": "hospitalized",
+ "hospitalises": "hospitalizes",
+ "hospitalising": "hospitalizing",
+ "humanise": "humanize",
+ "humanised": "humanized",
+ "humanises": "humanizes",
+ "humanising": "humanizing",
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+ "humoured": "humored",
+ "humouring": "humoring",
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+ "hypothesise": "hypothesize",
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+ "hypothesising": "hypothesizing",
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+ "idealised": "idealized",
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+ "idealising": "idealizing",
+ "idolise": "idolize",
+ "idolised": "idolized",
+ "idolises": "idolizes",
+ "idolising": "idolizing",
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+ "immobilise": "immobilize",
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+ "immobilisers": "immobilizers",
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+ "immobilising": "immobilizing",
+ "immortalise": "immortalize",
+ "immortalised": "immortalized",
+ "immortalises": "immortalizes",
+ "immortalising": "immortalizing",
+ "immunisation": "immunization",
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+ "immunising": "immunizing",
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+ "impanelling": "impaneling",
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+ "individualising": "individualizing",
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+ "industrialises": "industrializes",
+ "industrialising": "industrializing",
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+ "inflexions": "inflections",
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+ "initialises": "initializes",
+ "initialising": "initializing",
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+ "initialling": "initialing",
+ "instal": "install",
+ "instalment": "installment",
+ "instalments": "installments",
+ "instals": "installs",
+ "instil": "instill",
+ "instils": "instills",
+ "institutionalisation": "institutionalization",
+ "institutionalise": "institutionalize",
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+ "institutionalising": "institutionalizing",
+ "intellectualise": "intellectualize",
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+ "internalising": "internalizing",
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+ "internationalise": "internationalize",
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+ "internationalises": "internationalizes",
+ "internationalising": "internationalizing",
+ "ionisation": "ionization",
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+ "ionisers": "ionizers",
+ "ionises": "ionizes",
+ "ionising": "ionizing",
+ "italicise": "italicize",
+ "italicised": "italicized",
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+ "italicising": "italicizing",
+ "itemise": "itemize",
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+ "jeopardising": "jeopardizing",
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+ "jeweller": "jeweler",
+ "jewellers": "jewelers",
+ "jewellery": "jewelry",
+ "judgement": "judgment",
+ "kilogramme": "kilogram",
+ "kilogrammes": "kilograms",
+ "kilometre": "kilometer",
+ "kilometres": "kilometers",
+ "labelled": "labeled",
+ "labelling": "labeling",
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+ "laboured": "labored",
+ "labourer": "laborer",
+ "labourers": "laborers",
+ "labouring": "laboring",
+ "labours": "labors",
+ "lacklustre": "lackluster",
+ "legalisation": "legalization",
+ "legalise": "legalize",
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+ "legalises": "legalizes",
+ "legalising": "legalizing",
+ "legitimise": "legitimize",
+ "legitimised": "legitimized",
+ "legitimises": "legitimizes",
+ "legitimising": "legitimizing",
+ "leukaemia": "leukemia",
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+ "levellers": "levelers",
+ "levelling": "leveling",
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+ "liberalise": "liberalize",
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+ "liberalising": "liberalizing",
+ "licence": "license",
+ "licenced": "licensed",
+ "licences": "licenses",
+ "licencing": "licensing",
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+ "lionisation": "lionization",
+ "lionise": "lionize",
+ "lionised": "lionized",
+ "lionises": "lionizes",
+ "lionising": "lionizing",
+ "liquidise": "liquidize",
+ "liquidised": "liquidized",
+ "liquidiser": "liquidizer",
+ "liquidisers": "liquidizers",
+ "liquidises": "liquidizes",
+ "liquidising": "liquidizing",
+ "litre": "liter",
+ "litres": "liters",
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+ "localised": "localized",
+ "localises": "localizes",
+ "localising": "localizing",
+ "louvre": "louver",
+ "louvred": "louvered",
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+ "magnetise": "magnetize",
+ "magnetised": "magnetized",
+ "magnetises": "magnetizes",
+ "magnetising": "magnetizing",
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+ "manoeuvrable": "maneuverable",
+ "manoeuvre": "maneuver",
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+ "manoeuvres": "maneuvers",
+ "manoeuvring": "maneuvering",
+ "manoeuvrings": "maneuverings",
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+ "marginalise": "marginalize",
+ "marginalised": "marginalized",
+ "marginalises": "marginalizes",
+ "marginalising": "marginalizing",
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+ "marvelling": "marveling",
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+ "materialises": "materializes",
+ "materialising": "materializing",
+ "maximisation": "maximization",
+ "maximise": "maximize",
+ "maximised": "maximized",
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+ "maximising": "maximizing",
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+ "mechanising": "mechanizing",
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+ "memorialising": "memorializing",
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+ "memorised": "memorized",
+ "memorises": "memorizes",
+ "memorising": "memorizing",
+ "mesmerise": "mesmerize",
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+ "mesmerising": "mesmerizing",
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+ "metabolising": "metabolizing",
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+ "militarised": "militarized",
+ "militarises": "militarizes",
+ "militarising": "militarizing",
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+ "millilitres": "milliliters",
+ "millimetre": "millimeter",
+ "millimetres": "millimeters",
+ "miniaturisation": "miniaturization",
+ "miniaturise": "miniaturize",
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+ "miniaturising": "miniaturizing",
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+ "minimising": "minimizing",
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+ "misspelt": "misspelled",
+ "mitre": "miter",
+ "mitres": "miters",
+ "mobilisation": "mobilization",
+ "mobilise": "mobilize",
+ "mobilised": "mobilized",
+ "mobilises": "mobilizes",
+ "mobilising": "mobilizing",
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+ "modellers": "modelers",
+ "modelling": "modeling",
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+ "moisturising": "moisturizing",
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+ "monopolise": "monopolize",
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+ "monopolising": "monopolizing",
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+ "moralised": "moralized",
+ "moralises": "moralizes",
+ "moralising": "moralizing",
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+ "moulders": "molders",
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+ "moulding": "molding",
+ "mouldings": "moldings",
+ "moulds": "molds",
+ "mouldy": "moldy",
+ "moult": "molt",
+ "moulted": "molted",
+ "moulting": "molting",
+ "moults": "molts",
+ "moustache": "mustache",
+ "moustached": "mustached",
+ "moustaches": "mustaches",
+ "moustachioed": "mustachioed",
+ "multicoloured": "multicolored",
+ "nationalisation": "nationalization",
+ "nationalisations": "nationalizations",
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+ "nationalises": "nationalizes",
+ "nationalising": "nationalizing",
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+ "naturalises": "naturalizes",
+ "naturalising": "naturalizing",
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+ "neighbourly": "neighborly",
+ "neighbours": "neighbors",
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+ "neutralising": "neutralizing",
+ "normalisation": "normalization",
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+ "normalising": "normalizing",
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+ "odours": "odors",
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+ "oestrogen": "estrogen",
+ "offence": "offense",
+ "offences": "offenses",
+ "omelette": "omelet",
+ "omelettes": "omelets",
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+ "optimising": "optimizing",
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+ "organises": "organizes",
+ "organising": "organizing",
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+ "orthopaedics": "orthopedics",
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+ "ostracising": "ostracizing",
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+ "outmanoeuvres": "outmaneuvers",
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+ "overemphasises": "overemphasizes",
+ "overemphasising": "overemphasizing",
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+ "oxidising": "oxidizing",
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+ "paederasts": "pederasts",
+ "paediatric": "pediatric",
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+ "paediatricians": "pediatricians",
+ "paediatrics": "pediatrics",
+ "paedophile": "pedophile",
+ "paedophiles": "pedophiles",
+ "paedophilia": "pedophilia",
+ "palaeolithic": "paleolithic",
+ "palaeontologist": "paleontologist",
+ "palaeontologists": "paleontologists",
+ "palaeontology": "paleontology",
+ "panelled": "paneled",
+ "panelling": "paneling",
+ "panellist": "panelist",
+ "panellists": "panelists",
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+ "paralysing": "paralyzing",
+ "parcelled": "parceled",
+ "parcelling": "parceling",
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+ "parlours": "parlors",
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+ "particularises": "particularizes",
+ "particularising": "particularizing",
+ "passivisation": "passivization",
+ "passivise": "passivize",
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+ "passivising": "passivizing",
+ "pasteurisation": "pasteurization",
+ "pasteurise": "pasteurize",
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+ "pasteurising": "pasteurizing",
+ "patronise": "patronize",
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+ "patronising": "patronizing",
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+ "pedestrianise": "pedestrianize",
+ "pedestrianised": "pedestrianized",
+ "pedestrianises": "pedestrianizes",
+ "pedestrianising": "pedestrianizing",
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+ "penalising": "penalizing",
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+ "pencilling": "penciling",
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+ "pharmacopoeias": "pharmacopeias",
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+ "philosophises": "philosophizes",
+ "philosophising": "philosophizing",
+ "philtre": "filter",
+ "philtres": "filters",
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+ "plagiarise": "plagiarize",
+ "plagiarised": "plagiarized",
+ "plagiarises": "plagiarizes",
+ "plagiarising": "plagiarizing",
+ "plough": "plow",
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+ "ploughing": "plowing",
+ "ploughman": "plowman",
+ "ploughmen": "plowmen",
+ "ploughs": "plows",
+ "ploughshare": "plowshare",
+ "ploughshares": "plowshares",
+ "polarisation": "polarization",
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+ "polarising": "polarizing",
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+ "politicising": "politicizing",
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+ "popularising": "popularizing",
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+ "pressurising": "pressurizing",
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+ "prioritise": "prioritize",
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+ "prioritising": "prioritizing",
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+ "propagandising": "propagandizing",
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+ "proselytisers": "proselytizers",
+ "proselytises": "proselytizes",
+ "proselytising": "proselytizing",
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+ "pulverises": "pulverizes",
+ "pulverising": "pulverizing",
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+ "pummelling": "pummeled",
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+ "rationalising": "rationalizing",
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+ "rhapsodising": "rhapsodizing",
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+ "scrutinising": "scrutinizing",
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+ "sermonising": "sermonizing",
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+ "signalising": "signalizing",
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+ "snivelling": "sniveling",
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+ "snorkelling": "snorkeling",
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+ "stabilising": "stabilizing",
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+ "stigmatising": "stigmatizing",
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+ "subsidisers": "subsidizers",
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+ "subsidising": "subsidizing",
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+ "summarising": "summarizing",
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+ "sympathising": "sympathizing",
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+ "synthesising": "synthesizing",
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+ "tantalising": "tantalizing",
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+ "tranquillizes": "tranquilizes",
+ "tranquillizing": "tranquilizing",
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+ "traumatising": "traumatizing",
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+ "unrecognised": "unrecognized",
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+ "utilising": "utilizing",
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+ "verbalising": "verbalizing",
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+ "visualisation": "visualization",
+ "visualisations": "visualizations",
+ "visualise": "visualize",
+ "visualised": "visualized",
+ "visualises": "visualizes",
+ "visualising": "visualizing",
+ "vocalisation": "vocalization",
+ "vocalisations": "vocalizations",
+ "vocalise": "vocalize",
+ "vocalised": "vocalized",
+ "vocalises": "vocalizes",
+ "vocalising": "vocalizing",
+ "vulcanised": "vulcanized",
+ "vulgarisation": "vulgarization",
+ "vulgarise": "vulgarize",
+ "vulgarised": "vulgarized",
+ "vulgarises": "vulgarizes",
+ "vulgarising": "vulgarizing",
+ "waggon": "wagon",
+ "waggons": "wagons",
+ "watercolour": "watercolor",
+ "watercolours": "watercolors",
+ "weaselled": "weaseled",
+ "weaselling": "weaseling",
+ "westernisation": "westernization",
+ "westernise": "westernize",
+ "westernised": "westernized",
+ "westernises": "westernizes",
+ "westernising": "westernizing",
+ "womanise": "womanize",
+ "womanised": "womanized",
+ "womaniser": "womanizer",
+ "womanisers": "womanizers",
+ "womanises": "womanizes",
+ "womanising": "womanizing",
+ "woollen": "woolen",
+ "woollens": "woolens",
+ "woollies": "woolies",
+ "woolly": "wooly",
+ "worshipped": "worshiped",
+ "worshipping": "worshiping",
+ "worshipper": "worshiper",
+ "yodelled": "yodeled",
+ "yodelling": "yodeling",
+ "yoghourt": "yogurt",
+ "yoghourts": "yogurts",
+ "yoghurt": "yogurt",
+ "yoghurts": "yogurts",
+ "mhm": "hmm",
+ "mm": "hmm",
+ "mmm": "hmm"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d5c2bb4ebef1a04b9ab14970c10c3fb0d4e948d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/normalizers/english.py
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+import json
+import os
+import re
+from fractions import Fraction
+from typing import Iterator, List, Match, Optional, Union
+from more_itertools import windowed
+from .basic import remove_symbols_and_diacritics
+class EnglishNumberNormalizer:
+ """
+ Convert any spelled-out numbers into arabic numbers, while handling:
+ - remove any commas
+ - keep the suffixes such as: `1960s`, `274th`, `32nd`, etc.
+ - spell out currency symbols after the number. e.g. `$20 million` -> `20000000 dollars`
+ - spell out `one` and `ones`
+ - interpret successive single-digit numbers as nominal: `one oh one` -> `101`
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.zeros = {"o", "oh", "zero"}
+ self.ones = {
+ name: i
+ for i, name in enumerate(
+ [
+ "one",
+ "two",
+ "three",
+ "four",
+ "five",
+ "six",
+ "seven",
+ "eight",
+ "nine",
+ "ten",
+ "eleven",
+ "twelve",
+ "thirteen",
+ "fourteen",
+ "fifteen",
+ "sixteen",
+ "seventeen",
+ "eighteen",
+ "nineteen",
+ ],
+ start=1,
+ )
+ }
+ self.ones_plural = {
+ "sixes" if name == "six" else name + "s": (value, "s")
+ for name, value in self.ones.items()
+ }
+ self.ones_ordinal = {
+ "zeroth": (0, "th"),
+ "first": (1, "st"),
+ "second": (2, "nd"),
+ "third": (3, "rd"),
+ "fifth": (5, "th"),
+ "twelfth": (12, "th"),
+ **{
+ name + ("h" if name.endswith("t") else "th"): (value, "th")
+ for name, value in self.ones.items()
+ if value > 3 and value != 5 and value != 12
+ },
+ }
+ self.ones_suffixed = {**self.ones_plural, **self.ones_ordinal}
+ self.tens = {
+ "twenty": 20,
+ "thirty": 30,
+ "forty": 40,
+ "fifty": 50,
+ "sixty": 60,
+ "seventy": 70,
+ "eighty": 80,
+ "ninety": 90,
+ }
+ self.tens_plural = {
+ name.replace("y", "ies"): (value, "s") for name, value in self.tens.items()
+ }
+ self.tens_ordinal = {
+ name.replace("y", "ieth"): (value, "th") for name, value in self.tens.items()
+ }
+ self.tens_suffixed = {**self.tens_plural, **self.tens_ordinal}
+ self.multipliers = {
+ "hundred": 100,
+ "thousand": 1_000,
+ "million": 1_000_000,
+ "billion": 1_000_000_000,
+ "trillion": 1_000_000_000_000,
+ "quadrillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "quintillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "sextillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "septillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "octillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "nonillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ "decillion": 1_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000_000,
+ }
+ self.multipliers_plural = {
+ name + "s": (value, "s") for name, value in self.multipliers.items()
+ }
+ self.multipliers_ordinal = {
+ name + "th": (value, "th") for name, value in self.multipliers.items()
+ }
+ self.multipliers_suffixed = {**self.multipliers_plural, **self.multipliers_ordinal}
+ self.decimals = {*self.ones, *self.tens, *self.zeros}
+ self.preceding_prefixers = {
+ "minus": "-",
+ "negative": "-",
+ "plus": "+",
+ "positive": "+",
+ }
+ self.following_prefixers = {
+ "pound": "£",
+ "pounds": "£",
+ "euro": "€",
+ "euros": "€",
+ "dollar": "$",
+ "dollars": "$",
+ "cent": "¢",
+ "cents": "¢",
+ }
+ self.prefixes = set(
+ list(self.preceding_prefixers.values()) + list(self.following_prefixers.values())
+ )
+ self.suffixers = {
+ "per": {"cent": "%"},
+ "percent": "%",
+ }
+ self.specials = {"and", "double", "triple", "point"}
+ self.words = set(
+ [
+ key
+ for mapping in [
+ self.zeros,
+ self.ones,
+ self.ones_suffixed,
+ self.tens,
+ self.tens_suffixed,
+ self.multipliers,
+ self.multipliers_suffixed,
+ self.preceding_prefixers,
+ self.following_prefixers,
+ self.suffixers,
+ self.specials,
+ ]
+ for key in mapping
+ ]
+ )
+ self.literal_words = {"one", "ones"}
+ def process_words(self, words: List[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
+ prefix: Optional[str] = None
+ value: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None
+ skip = False
+ def to_fraction(s: str):
+ try:
+ return Fraction(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
+ def output(result: Union[str, int]):
+ nonlocal prefix, value
+ result = str(result)
+ if prefix is not None:
+ result = prefix + result
+ value = None
+ prefix = None
+ return result
+ if len(words) == 0:
+ return
+ for prev, current, next in windowed([None] + words + [None], 3):
+ if skip:
+ skip = False
+ continue
+ next_is_numeric = next is not None and re.match(r"^\d+(\.\d+)?$", next)
+ has_prefix = current[0] in self.prefixes
+ current_without_prefix = current[1:] if has_prefix else current
+ if re.match(r"^\d+(\.\d+)?$", current_without_prefix):
+ # arabic numbers (potentially with signs and fractions)
+ f = to_fraction(current_without_prefix)
+ assert f is not None
+ if value is not None:
+ if isinstance(value, str) and value.endswith("."):
+ # concatenate decimals / ip address components
+ value = str(value) + str(current)
+ continue
+ else:
+ yield output(value)
+ prefix = current[0] if has_prefix else prefix
+ if f.denominator == 1:
+ value = f.numerator # store integers as int
+ else:
+ value = current_without_prefix
+ elif current not in self.words:
+ # non-numeric words
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current in self.zeros:
+ value = str(value or "") + "0"
+ elif current in self.ones:
+ ones = self.ones[current]
+ if value is None:
+ value = ones
+ elif isinstance(value, str) or prev in self.ones:
+ if prev in self.tens and ones < 10: # replace the last zero with the digit
+ assert value[-1] == "0"
+ value = value[:-1] + str(ones)
+ else:
+ value = str(value) + str(ones)
+ elif ones < 10:
+ if value % 10 == 0:
+ value += ones
+ else:
+ value = str(value) + str(ones)
+ else: # eleven to nineteen
+ if value % 100 == 0:
+ value += ones
+ else:
+ value = str(value) + str(ones)
+ elif current in self.ones_suffixed:
+ # ordinal or cardinal; yield the number right away
+ ones, suffix = self.ones_suffixed[current]
+ if value is None:
+ yield output(str(ones) + suffix)
+ elif isinstance(value, str) or prev in self.ones:
+ if prev in self.tens and ones < 10:
+ assert value[-1] == "0"
+ yield output(value[:-1] + str(ones) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(str(value) + str(ones) + suffix)
+ elif ones < 10:
+ if value % 10 == 0:
+ yield output(str(value + ones) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(str(value) + str(ones) + suffix)
+ else: # eleven to nineteen
+ if value % 100 == 0:
+ yield output(str(value + ones) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(str(value) + str(ones) + suffix)
+ value = None
+ elif current in self.tens:
+ tens = self.tens[current]
+ if value is None:
+ value = tens
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ value = str(value) + str(tens)
+ else:
+ if value % 100 == 0:
+ value += tens
+ else:
+ value = str(value) + str(tens)
+ elif current in self.tens_suffixed:
+ # ordinal or cardinal; yield the number right away
+ tens, suffix = self.tens_suffixed[current]
+ if value is None:
+ yield output(str(tens) + suffix)
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ yield output(str(value) + str(tens) + suffix)
+ else:
+ if value % 100 == 0:
+ yield output(str(value + tens) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(str(value) + str(tens) + suffix)
+ elif current in self.multipliers:
+ multiplier = self.multipliers[current]
+ if value is None:
+ value = multiplier
+ elif isinstance(value, str) or value == 0:
+ f = to_fraction(value)
+ p = f * multiplier if f is not None else None
+ if f is not None and p.denominator == 1:
+ value = p.numerator
+ else:
+ yield output(value)
+ value = multiplier
+ else:
+ before = value // 1000 * 1000
+ residual = value % 1000
+ value = before + residual * multiplier
+ elif current in self.multipliers_suffixed:
+ multiplier, suffix = self.multipliers_suffixed[current]
+ if value is None:
+ yield output(str(multiplier) + suffix)
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ f = to_fraction(value)
+ p = f * multiplier if f is not None else None
+ if f is not None and p.denominator == 1:
+ yield output(str(p.numerator) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(str(multiplier) + suffix)
+ else: # int
+ before = value // 1000 * 1000
+ residual = value % 1000
+ value = before + residual * multiplier
+ yield output(str(value) + suffix)
+ value = None
+ elif current in self.preceding_prefixers:
+ # apply prefix (positive, minus, etc.) if it precedes a number
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ if next in self.words or next_is_numeric:
+ prefix = self.preceding_prefixers[current]
+ else:
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current in self.following_prefixers:
+ # apply prefix (dollars, cents, etc.) only after a number
+ if value is not None:
+ prefix = self.following_prefixers[current]
+ yield output(value)
+ else:
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current in self.suffixers:
+ # apply suffix symbols (percent -> '%')
+ if value is not None:
+ suffix = self.suffixers[current]
+ if isinstance(suffix, dict):
+ if next in suffix:
+ yield output(str(value) + suffix[next])
+ skip = True
+ else:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(current)
+ else:
+ yield output(str(value) + suffix)
+ else:
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current in self.specials:
+ if next not in self.words and not next_is_numeric:
+ # apply special handling only if the next word can be numeric
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current == "and":
+ # ignore "and" after hundreds, thousands, etc.
+ if prev not in self.multipliers:
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current == "double" or current == "triple":
+ if next in self.ones or next in self.zeros:
+ repeats = 2 if current == "double" else 3
+ ones = self.ones.get(next, 0)
+ value = str(value or "") + str(ones) * repeats
+ skip = True
+ else:
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ yield output(current)
+ elif current == "point":
+ if next in self.decimals or next_is_numeric:
+ value = str(value or "") + "."
+ else:
+ # should all have been covered at this point
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected token: {current}")
+ else:
+ # all should have been covered at this point
+ raise ValueError(f"Unexpected token: {current}")
+ if value is not None:
+ yield output(value)
+ def preprocess(self, s: str):
+ # replace " and a half" with " point five"
+ results = []
+ segments = re.split(r"\band\s+a\s+half\b", s)
+ for i, segment in enumerate(segments):
+ if len(segment.strip()) == 0:
+ continue
+ if i == len(segments) - 1:
+ results.append(segment)
+ else:
+ results.append(segment)
+ last_word = segment.rsplit(maxsplit=2)[-1]
+ if last_word in self.decimals or last_word in self.multipliers:
+ results.append("point five")
+ else:
+ results.append("and a half")
+ s = " ".join(results)
+ # put a space at number/letter boundary
+ s = re.sub(r"([a-z])([0-9])", r"\1 \2", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"([0-9])([a-z])", r"\1 \2", s)
+ # but remove spaces which could be a suffix
+ s = re.sub(r"([0-9])\s+(st|nd|rd|th|s)\b", r"\1\2", s)
+ return s
+ def postprocess(self, s: str):
+ def combine_cents(m: Match):
+ try:
+ currency = m.group(1)
+ integer = m.group(2)
+ cents = int(m.group(3))
+ return f"{currency}{integer}.{cents:02d}"
+ except ValueError:
+ return m.string
+ def extract_cents(m: Match):
+ try:
+ return f"¢{int(m.group(1))}"
+ except ValueError:
+ return m.string
+ # apply currency postprocessing; "$2 and ¢7" -> "$2.07"
+ s = re.sub(r"([€£$])([0-9]+) (?:and )?¢([0-9]{1,2})\b", combine_cents, s)
+ s = re.sub(r"[€£$]0.([0-9]{1,2})\b", extract_cents, s)
+ # write "one(s)" instead of "1(s)", just for the readability
+ s = re.sub(r"\b1(s?)\b", r"one\1", s)
+ return s
+ def __call__(self, s: str):
+ s = self.preprocess(s)
+ s = " ".join(word for word in self.process_words(s.split()) if word is not None)
+ s = self.postprocess(s)
+ return s
+class EnglishSpellingNormalizer:
+ """
+ Applies British-American spelling mappings as listed in [1].
+ [1] https://www.tysto.com/uk-us-spelling-list.html
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ mapping_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "english.json")
+ self.mapping = json.load(open(mapping_path))
+ def __call__(self, s: str):
+ return " ".join(self.mapping.get(word, word) for word in s.split())
+class EnglishTextNormalizer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.ignore_patterns = r"\b(hmm|mm|mhm|mmm|uh|um)\b"
+ self.replacers = {
+ # common contractions
+ r"\bwon't\b": "will not",
+ r"\bcan't\b": "can not",
+ r"\blet's\b": "let us",
+ r"\bain't\b": "aint",
+ r"\by'all\b": "you all",
+ r"\bwanna\b": "want to",
+ r"\bgotta\b": "got to",
+ r"\bgonna\b": "going to",
+ r"\bi'ma\b": "i am going to",
+ r"\bimma\b": "i am going to",
+ r"\bwoulda\b": "would have",
+ r"\bcoulda\b": "could have",
+ r"\bshoulda\b": "should have",
+ r"\bma'am\b": "madam",
+ # contractions in titles/prefixes
+ r"\bmr\b": "mister ",
+ r"\bmrs\b": "missus ",
+ r"\bst\b": "saint ",
+ r"\bdr\b": "doctor ",
+ r"\bprof\b": "professor ",
+ r"\bcapt\b": "captain ",
+ r"\bgov\b": "governor ",
+ r"\bald\b": "alderman ",
+ r"\bgen\b": "general ",
+ r"\bsen\b": "senator ",
+ r"\brep\b": "representative ",
+ r"\bpres\b": "president ",
+ r"\brev\b": "reverend ",
+ r"\bhon\b": "honorable ",
+ r"\basst\b": "assistant ",
+ r"\bassoc\b": "associate ",
+ r"\blt\b": "lieutenant ",
+ r"\bcol\b": "colonel ",
+ r"\bjr\b": "junior ",
+ r"\bsr\b": "senior ",
+ r"\besq\b": "esquire ",
+ # prefect tenses, ideally it should be any past participles, but it's harder..
+ r"'d been\b": " had been",
+ r"'s been\b": " has been",
+ r"'d gone\b": " had gone",
+ r"'s gone\b": " has gone",
+ r"'d done\b": " had done", # "'s done" is ambiguous
+ r"'s got\b": " has got",
+ # general contractions
+ r"n't\b": " not",
+ r"'re\b": " are",
+ r"'s\b": " is",
+ r"'d\b": " would",
+ r"'ll\b": " will",
+ r"'t\b": " not",
+ r"'ve\b": " have",
+ r"'m\b": " am",
+ }
+ self.standardize_numbers = EnglishNumberNormalizer()
+ self.standardize_spellings = EnglishSpellingNormalizer()
+ def __call__(self, s: str):
+ s = s.lower()
+ s = re.sub(r"[<\[][^>\]]*[>\]]", "", s) # remove words between brackets
+ s = re.sub(r"\(([^)]+?)\)", "", s) # remove words between parenthesis
+ s = re.sub(self.ignore_patterns, "", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"\s+'", "'", s) # standardize when there's a space before an apostrophe
+ for pattern, replacement in self.replacers.items():
+ s = re.sub(pattern, replacement, s)
+ s = re.sub(r"(\d),(\d)", r"\1\2", s) # remove commas between digits
+ s = re.sub(r"\.([^0-9]|$)", r" \1", s) # remove periods not followed by numbers
+ s = remove_symbols_and_diacritics(s, keep=".%$¢€£") # keep some symbols for numerics
+ s = self.standardize_numbers(s)
+ s = self.standardize_spellings(s)
+ # now remove prefix/suffix symbols that are not preceded/followed by numbers
+ s = re.sub(r"[.$¢€£]([^0-9])", r" \1", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"([^0-9])%", r"\1 ", s)
+ s = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", s) # replace any successive whitespace characters with a space
+ return s
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/tokenizer.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/tokenizer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88142c43c9ca0d951a36b5b30baf54dd7bc7efbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/tokenizer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+import os
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from functools import lru_cache
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from transformers import GPT2TokenizerFast
+ "en": "english",
+ "zh": "chinese",
+ "de": "german",
+ "es": "spanish",
+ "ru": "russian",
+ "ko": "korean",
+ "fr": "french",
+ "ja": "japanese",
+ "pt": "portuguese",
+ "tr": "turkish",
+ "pl": "polish",
+ "ca": "catalan",
+ "nl": "dutch",
+ "ar": "arabic",
+ "sv": "swedish",
+ "it": "italian",
+ "id": "indonesian",
+ "hi": "hindi",
+ "fi": "finnish",
+ "vi": "vietnamese",
+ "iw": "hebrew",
+ "uk": "ukrainian",
+ "el": "greek",
+ "ms": "malay",
+ "cs": "czech",
+ "ro": "romanian",
+ "da": "danish",
+ "hu": "hungarian",
+ "ta": "tamil",
+ "no": "norwegian",
+ "th": "thai",
+ "ur": "urdu",
+ "hr": "croatian",
+ "bg": "bulgarian",
+ "lt": "lithuanian",
+ "la": "latin",
+ "mi": "maori",
+ "ml": "malayalam",
+ "cy": "welsh",
+ "sk": "slovak",
+ "te": "telugu",
+ "fa": "persian",
+ "lv": "latvian",
+ "bn": "bengali",
+ "sr": "serbian",
+ "az": "azerbaijani",
+ "sl": "slovenian",
+ "kn": "kannada",
+ "et": "estonian",
+ "mk": "macedonian",
+ "br": "breton",
+ "eu": "basque",
+ "is": "icelandic",
+ "hy": "armenian",
+ "ne": "nepali",
+ "mn": "mongolian",
+ "bs": "bosnian",
+ "kk": "kazakh",
+ "sq": "albanian",
+ "sw": "swahili",
+ "gl": "galician",
+ "mr": "marathi",
+ "pa": "punjabi",
+ "si": "sinhala",
+ "km": "khmer",
+ "sn": "shona",
+ "yo": "yoruba",
+ "so": "somali",
+ "af": "afrikaans",
+ "oc": "occitan",
+ "ka": "georgian",
+ "be": "belarusian",
+ "tg": "tajik",
+ "sd": "sindhi",
+ "gu": "gujarati",
+ "am": "amharic",
+ "yi": "yiddish",
+ "lo": "lao",
+ "uz": "uzbek",
+ "fo": "faroese",
+ "ht": "haitian creole",
+ "ps": "pashto",
+ "tk": "turkmen",
+ "nn": "nynorsk",
+ "mt": "maltese",
+ "sa": "sanskrit",
+ "lb": "luxembourgish",
+ "my": "myanmar",
+ "bo": "tibetan",
+ "tl": "tagalog",
+ "mg": "malagasy",
+ "as": "assamese",
+ "tt": "tatar",
+ "haw": "hawaiian",
+ "ln": "lingala",
+ "ha": "hausa",
+ "ba": "bashkir",
+ "jw": "javanese",
+ "su": "sundanese",
+# language code lookup by name, with a few language aliases
+ **{language: code for code, language in LANGUAGES.items()},
+ "burmese": "my",
+ "valencian": "ca",
+ "flemish": "nl",
+ "haitian": "ht",
+ "letzeburgesch": "lb",
+ "pushto": "ps",
+ "panjabi": "pa",
+ "moldavian": "ro",
+ "moldovan": "ro",
+ "sinhalese": "si",
+ "castilian": "es",
+class Tokenizer:
+ """A thin wrapper around `GPT2TokenizerFast` providing quick access to special tokens"""
+ tokenizer: "GPT2TokenizerFast"
+ language: Optional[str]
+ sot_sequence: Tuple[int]
+ def encode(self, text, **kwargs):
+ return self.tokenizer.encode(text, **kwargs)
+ def decode(self, token_ids: Union[int, List[int], np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], **kwargs):
+ return self.tokenizer.decode(token_ids, **kwargs)
+ def decode_with_timestamps(self, tokens) -> str:
+ """
+ Timestamp tokens are above the special tokens' id range and are ignored by `decode()`.
+ This method decodes given tokens with timestamps tokens annotated, e.g. "<|1.08|>".
+ """
+ outputs = [[]]
+ for token in tokens:
+ if token >= self.timestamp_begin:
+ timestamp = f"<|{(token - self.timestamp_begin) * 0.02:.2f}|>"
+ outputs.append(timestamp)
+ outputs.append([])
+ else:
+ outputs[-1].append(token)
+ outputs = [s if isinstance(s, str) else self.tokenizer.decode(s) for s in outputs]
+ return "".join(outputs)
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def eot(self) -> int:
+ return self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def sot(self) -> int:
+ return self._get_single_token_id("<|startoftranscript|>")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def sot_lm(self) -> int:
+ return self._get_single_token_id("<|startoflm|>")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def sot_prev(self) -> int:
+ return self._get_single_token_id("<|startofprev|>")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def no_speech(self) -> int:
+ return self._get_single_token_id("<|nospeech|>")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def no_timestamps(self) -> int:
+ return self._get_single_token_id("<|notimestamps|>")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def timestamp_begin(self) -> int:
+ return self.tokenizer.all_special_ids[-1] + 1
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def language_token(self) -> int:
+ """Returns the token id corresponding to the value of the `language` field"""
+ if self.language is None:
+ raise ValueError(f"This tokenizer does not have language token configured")
+ additional_tokens = dict(
+ zip(
+ self.tokenizer.additional_special_tokens,
+ self.tokenizer.additional_special_tokens_ids,
+ )
+ )
+ candidate = f"<|{self.language}|>"
+ if candidate in additional_tokens:
+ return additional_tokens[candidate]
+ raise KeyError(f"Language {self.language} not found in tokenizer.")
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def all_language_tokens(self) -> Tuple[int]:
+ result = []
+ for token, token_id in zip(
+ self.tokenizer.additional_special_tokens,
+ self.tokenizer.additional_special_tokens_ids,
+ ):
+ if token.strip("<|>") in LANGUAGES:
+ result.append(token_id)
+ return tuple(result)
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def all_language_codes(self) -> Tuple[str]:
+ return tuple(self.decode([l]).strip("<|>") for l in self.all_language_tokens)
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def sot_sequence_including_notimestamps(self) -> Tuple[int]:
+ return tuple(list(self.sot_sequence) + [self.no_timestamps])
+ @property
+ @lru_cache()
+ def non_speech_tokens(self) -> Tuple[int]:
+ """
+ Returns the list of tokens to suppress in order to avoid any speaker tags or non-speech
+ annotations, to prevent sampling texts that are not actually spoken in the audio, e.g.
+ - ♪♪♪
+ - [DAVID] Hey there,
+ keeping basic punctuations like commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, etc.
+ """
+ symbols = list("\"#()*+/:;<=>@[\\]^_`{|}~「」『』")
+ symbols += "<< >> <<< >>> -- --- -( -[ (' (\" (( )) ((( ))) [[ ]] {{ }} ♪♪ ♪♪♪".split()
+ # symbols that may be a single token or multiple tokens depending on the tokenizer.
+ # In case they're multiple tokens, suppress the first token, which is safe because:
+ # These are between U+2640 and U+267F miscellaneous symbols that are okay to suppress
+ # in generations, and in the 3-byte UTF-8 representation they share the first two bytes.
+ miscellaneous = set("♩♪♫♬♭♮♯")
+ assert all(0x2640 <= ord(c) <= 0x267F for c in miscellaneous)
+ # allow hyphens "-" and single quotes "'" between words, but not at the beginning of a word
+ result = {self.tokenizer.encode(" -")[0], self.tokenizer.encode(" '")[0]}
+ for symbol in symbols + list(miscellaneous):
+ for tokens in [self.tokenizer.encode(symbol), self.tokenizer.encode(" " + symbol)]:
+ if len(tokens) == 1 or symbol in miscellaneous:
+ result.add(tokens[0])
+ return tuple(sorted(result))
+ def _get_single_token_id(self, text) -> int:
+ tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(text)
+ assert len(tokens) == 1, f"{text} is not encoded as a single token"
+ return tokens[0]
+def build_tokenizer(name: str = "gpt2"):
+ os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false"
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "assets", name)
+ tokenizer = GPT2TokenizerFast.from_pretrained(path)
+ specials = [
+ "<|startoftranscript|>",
+ *[f"<|{lang}|>" for lang in LANGUAGES.keys()],
+ "<|translate|>",
+ "<|transcribe|>",
+ "<|startoflm|>",
+ "<|startofprev|>",
+ "<|nospeech|>",
+ "<|notimestamps|>",
+ ]
+ tokenizer.add_special_tokens(dict(additional_special_tokens=specials))
+ return tokenizer
+def get_tokenizer(
+ multilingual: bool,
+ *,
+ task: Optional[str] = None, # Literal["transcribe", "translate", None]
+ language: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> Tokenizer:
+ if language is not None:
+ language = language.lower()
+ if language not in LANGUAGES:
+ if language in TO_LANGUAGE_CODE:
+ language = TO_LANGUAGE_CODE[language]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported language: {language}")
+ if multilingual:
+ tokenizer_name = "multilingual"
+ task = task or "transcribe"
+ language = language or "en"
+ else:
+ tokenizer_name = "gpt2"
+ task = None
+ language = None
+ tokenizer = build_tokenizer(name=tokenizer_name)
+ all_special_ids: List[int] = tokenizer.all_special_ids
+ sot: int = all_special_ids[1]
+ translate: int = all_special_ids[-6]
+ transcribe: int = all_special_ids[-5]
+ langs = tuple(LANGUAGES.keys())
+ sot_sequence = [sot]
+ if language is not None:
+ sot_sequence.append(sot + 1 + langs.index(language))
+ if task is not None:
+ sot_sequence.append(transcribe if task == "transcribe" else translate)
+ return Tokenizer(tokenizer=tokenizer, language=language, sot_sequence=tuple(sot_sequence))
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/transcribe.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/transcribe.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..745e77554b90c63db69ce7da40156676c7a990de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/transcribe.py
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+import warnings
+from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import tqdm
+from .audio import SAMPLE_RATE, N_FRAMES, HOP_LENGTH, pad_or_trim, log_mel_spectrogram
+from .decoding import DecodingOptions, DecodingResult
+from .tokenizer import LANGUAGES, TO_LANGUAGE_CODE, get_tokenizer
+from .utils import exact_div, format_timestamp, optional_int, optional_float, str2bool, write_txt, write_vtt, write_srt
+ from .model import Whisper
+def transcribe(
+ model: "Whisper",
+ audio: Union[str, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor],
+ *,
+ verbose: Optional[bool] = None,
+ temperature: Union[float, Tuple[float, ...]] = (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0),
+ compression_ratio_threshold: Optional[float] = 2.4,
+ logprob_threshold: Optional[float] = -1.0,
+ no_speech_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.6,
+ condition_on_previous_text: bool = True,
+ force_extraction: bool = False,
+ **decode_options,
+ """
+ Transcribe an audio file using Whisper
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ model: Whisper
+ The Whisper model instance
+ audio: Union[str, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]
+ The path to the audio file to open, or the audio waveform
+ verbose: bool
+ Whether to display the text being decoded to the console. If True, displays all the details,
+ If False, displays minimal details. If None, does not display anything
+ temperature: Union[float, Tuple[float, ...]]
+ Temperature for sampling. It can be a tuple of temperatures, which will be successfully used
+ upon failures according to either `compression_ratio_threshold` or `logprob_threshold`.
+ compression_ratio_threshold: float
+ If the gzip compression ratio is above this value, treat as failed
+ logprob_threshold: float
+ If the average log probability over sampled tokens is below this value, treat as failed
+ no_speech_threshold: float
+ If the no_speech probability is higher than this value AND the average log probability
+ over sampled tokens is below `logprob_threshold`, consider the segment as silent
+ condition_on_previous_text: bool
+ if True, the previous output of the model is provided as a prompt for the next window;
+ disabling may make the text inconsistent across windows, but the model becomes less prone to
+ getting stuck in a failure loop, such as repetition looping or timestamps going out of sync.
+ decode_options: dict
+ Keyword arguments to construct `DecodingOptions` instances
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A dictionary containing the resulting text ("text") and segment-level details ("segments"), and
+ the spoken language ("language"), which is detected when `decode_options["language"]` is None.
+ """
+ dtype = torch.float16 if decode_options.get("fp16", True) else torch.float32
+ if model.device == torch.device("cpu"):
+ if torch.cuda.is_available():
+ warnings.warn("Performing inference on CPU when CUDA is available")
+ if dtype == torch.float16:
+ warnings.warn("FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead")
+ dtype = torch.float32
+ if dtype == torch.float32:
+ decode_options["fp16"] = False
+ mel = log_mel_spectrogram(audio)
+ all_segments = []
+ def add_segment(
+ *, start: float, end: float, encoder_embeddings
+ ):
+ all_segments.append(
+ {
+ "start": start,
+ "end": end,
+ "encoder_embeddings":encoder_embeddings,
+ }
+ )
+ # show the progress bar when verbose is False (otherwise the transcribed text will be printed)
+ num_frames = mel.shape[-1]
+ seek = 0
+ previous_seek_value = seek
+ sample_skip = 3000 #
+ with tqdm.tqdm(total=num_frames, unit='frames', disable=verbose is not False) as pbar:
+ while seek < num_frames:
+ # seek是开始的帧数
+ end_seek = min(seek + sample_skip, num_frames)
+ segment = pad_or_trim(mel[:,seek:seek+sample_skip], N_FRAMES).to(model.device).to(dtype)
+ single = segment.ndim == 2
+ if single:
+ segment = segment.unsqueeze(0)
+ if dtype == torch.float16:
+ segment = segment.half()
+ audio_features, embeddings = model.encoder(segment, include_embeddings = True)
+ encoder_embeddings = embeddings
+ #print(f"encoder_embeddings shape {encoder_embeddings.shape}")
+ add_segment(
+ start=seek,
+ end=end_seek,
+ #text_tokens=tokens,
+ #result=result,
+ encoder_embeddings=encoder_embeddings,
+ )
+ seek+=sample_skip
+ return dict(segments=all_segments)
+def cli():
+ from . import available_models
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument("audio", nargs="+", type=str, help="audio file(s) to transcribe")
+ parser.add_argument("--model", default="small", choices=available_models(), help="name of the Whisper model to use")
+ parser.add_argument("--model_dir", type=str, default=None, help="the path to save model files; uses ~/.cache/whisper by default")
+ parser.add_argument("--device", default="cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", help="device to use for PyTorch inference")
+ parser.add_argument("--output_dir", "-o", type=str, default=".", help="directory to save the outputs")
+ parser.add_argument("--verbose", type=str2bool, default=True, help="whether to print out the progress and debug messages")
+ parser.add_argument("--task", type=str, default="transcribe", choices=["transcribe", "translate"], help="whether to perform X->X speech recognition ('transcribe') or X->English translation ('translate')")
+ parser.add_argument("--language", type=str, default=None, choices=sorted(LANGUAGES.keys()) + sorted([k.title() for k in TO_LANGUAGE_CODE.keys()]), help="language spoken in the audio, specify None to perform language detection")
+ parser.add_argument("--temperature", type=float, default=0, help="temperature to use for sampling")
+ parser.add_argument("--best_of", type=optional_int, default=5, help="number of candidates when sampling with non-zero temperature")
+ parser.add_argument("--beam_size", type=optional_int, default=5, help="number of beams in beam search, only applicable when temperature is zero")
+ parser.add_argument("--patience", type=float, default=None, help="optional patience value to use in beam decoding, as in https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05424, the default (1.0) is equivalent to conventional beam search")
+ parser.add_argument("--length_penalty", type=float, default=None, help="optional token length penalty coefficient (alpha) as in https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.08144, uses simple length normalization by default")
+ parser.add_argument("--suppress_tokens", type=str, default="-1", help="comma-separated list of token ids to suppress during sampling; '-1' will suppress most special characters except common punctuations")
+ parser.add_argument("--initial_prompt", type=str, default=None, help="optional text to provide as a prompt for the first window.")
+ parser.add_argument("--condition_on_previous_text", type=str2bool, default=True, help="if True, provide the previous output of the model as a prompt for the next window; disabling may make the text inconsistent across windows, but the model becomes less prone to getting stuck in a failure loop")
+ parser.add_argument("--fp16", type=str2bool, default=True, help="whether to perform inference in fp16; True by default")
+ parser.add_argument("--temperature_increment_on_fallback", type=optional_float, default=0.2, help="temperature to increase when falling back when the decoding fails to meet either of the thresholds below")
+ parser.add_argument("--compression_ratio_threshold", type=optional_float, default=2.4, help="if the gzip compression ratio is higher than this value, treat the decoding as failed")
+ parser.add_argument("--logprob_threshold", type=optional_float, default=-1.0, help="if the average log probability is lower than this value, treat the decoding as failed")
+ parser.add_argument("--no_speech_threshold", type=optional_float, default=0.6, help="if the probability of the <|nospeech|> token is higher than this value AND the decoding has failed due to `logprob_threshold`, consider the segment as silence")
+ parser.add_argument("--threads", type=optional_int, default=0, help="number of threads used by torch for CPU inference; supercedes MKL_NUM_THREADS/OMP_NUM_THREADS")
+ args = parser.parse_args().__dict__
+ model_name: str = args.pop("model")
+ model_dir: str = args.pop("model_dir")
+ output_dir: str = args.pop("output_dir")
+ device: str = args.pop("device")
+ os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ if model_name.endswith(".en") and args["language"] not in {"en", "English"}:
+ if args["language"] is not None:
+ warnings.warn(f"{model_name} is an English-only model but receipted '{args['language']}'; using English instead.")
+ args["language"] = "en"
+ temperature = args.pop("temperature")
+ temperature_increment_on_fallback = args.pop("temperature_increment_on_fallback")
+ if temperature_increment_on_fallback is not None:
+ temperature = tuple(np.arange(temperature, 1.0 + 1e-6, temperature_increment_on_fallback))
+ else:
+ temperature = [temperature]
+ threads = args.pop("threads")
+ if threads > 0:
+ torch.set_num_threads(threads)
+ from . import load_model
+ model = load_model(model_name, device=device, download_root=model_dir)
+ for audio_path in args.pop("audio"):
+ result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
+ audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path)
+ # save TXT
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as txt:
+ write_txt(result["segments"], file=txt)
+ # save VTT
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".vtt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as vtt:
+ write_vtt(result["segments"], file=vtt)
+ # save SRT
+ with open(os.path.join(output_dir, audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
+ write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()
diff --git a/musetalk/whisper/whisper/utils.py b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87c91f2e969c4d2ebfc311266bced76a52cb3ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/musetalk/whisper/whisper/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import zlib
+from typing import Iterator, TextIO
+def exact_div(x, y):
+ assert x % y == 0
+ return x // y
+def str2bool(string):
+ str2val = {"True": True, "False": False}
+ if string in str2val:
+ return str2val[string]
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Expected one of {set(str2val.keys())}, got {string}")
+def optional_int(string):
+ return None if string == "None" else int(string)
+def optional_float(string):
+ return None if string == "None" else float(string)
+def compression_ratio(text) -> float:
+ return len(text) / len(zlib.compress(text.encode("utf-8")))
+def format_timestamp(seconds: float, always_include_hours: bool = False, decimal_marker: str = '.'):
+ assert seconds >= 0, "non-negative timestamp expected"
+ milliseconds = round(seconds * 1000.0)
+ hours = milliseconds // 3_600_000
+ milliseconds -= hours * 3_600_000
+ minutes = milliseconds // 60_000
+ milliseconds -= minutes * 60_000
+ seconds = milliseconds // 1_000
+ milliseconds -= seconds * 1_000
+ hours_marker = f"{hours:02d}:" if always_include_hours or hours > 0 else ""
+ return f"{hours_marker}{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}{decimal_marker}{milliseconds:03d}"
+def write_txt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
+ for segment in transcript:
+ print(segment['text'].strip(), file=file, flush=True)
+def write_vtt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
+ print("WEBVTT\n", file=file)
+ for segment in transcript:
+ print(
+ f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'])} --> {format_timestamp(segment['end'])}\n"
+ f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
+ file=file,
+ flush=True,
+ )
+def write_srt(transcript: Iterator[dict], file: TextIO):
+ """
+ Write a transcript to a file in SRT format.
+ Example usage:
+ from pathlib import Path
+ from whisper.utils import write_srt
+ result = transcribe(model, audio_path, temperature=temperature, **args)
+ # save SRT
+ audio_basename = Path(audio_path).stem
+ with open(Path(output_dir) / (audio_basename + ".srt"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as srt:
+ write_srt(result["segments"], file=srt)
+ """
+ for i, segment in enumerate(transcript, start=1):
+ # write srt lines
+ print(
+ f"{i}\n"
+ f"{format_timestamp(segment['start'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')} --> "
+ f"{format_timestamp(segment['end'], always_include_hours=True, decimal_marker=',')}\n"
+ f"{segment['text'].strip().replace('-->', '->')}\n",
+ file=file,
+ flush=True,
+ )
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf746160384f69b041cd9ae2232f7646b577947b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+torch==2.0.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
+torchvision==0.15.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
+torchaudio==2.0.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
diff --git a/scripts/inference.py b/scripts/inference.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7afc350c1f438b8a2e8ceceed61b4bd941bda570
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/inference.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import argparse
+import os
+from omegaconf import OmegaConf
+import numpy as np
+import cv2
+import torch
+import glob
+import pickle
+from tqdm import tqdm
+import copy
+from musetalk.utils.utils import get_file_type,get_video_fps,datagen
+from musetalk.utils.preprocessing import get_landmark_and_bbox,read_imgs,coord_placeholder
+from musetalk.utils.blending import get_image
+from musetalk.utils.utils import load_all_model
+import shutil
+# load model weights
+audio_processor,vae,unet,pe = load_all_model()
+device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+timesteps = torch.tensor([0], device=device)
+def main(args):
+ inference_config = OmegaConf.load(args.inference_config)
+ print(inference_config)
+ for task_id in inference_config:
+ video_path = inference_config[task_id]["video_path"]
+ audio_path = inference_config[task_id]["audio_path"]
+ bbox_shift = inference_config[task_id].get("bbox_shift", args.bbox_shift)
+ input_basename = os.path.basename(video_path).split('.')[0]
+ audio_basename = os.path.basename(audio_path).split('.')[0]
+ output_basename = f"{input_basename}_{audio_basename}"
+ result_img_save_path = os.path.join(args.result_dir, output_basename) # related to video & audio inputs
+ crop_coord_save_path = os.path.join(result_img_save_path, input_basename+".pkl") # only related to video input
+ os.makedirs(result_img_save_path,exist_ok =True)
+ if args.output_vid_name=="":
+ output_vid_name = os.path.join(args.result_dir, output_basename+".mp4")
+ else:
+ output_vid_name = os.path.join(args.result_dir, args.output_vid_name)
+ ############################################## extract frames from source video ##############################################
+ if get_file_type(video_path)=="video":
+ save_dir_full = os.path.join(args.result_dir, input_basename)
+ os.makedirs(save_dir_full,exist_ok = True)
+ cmd = f"ffmpeg -v fatal -i {video_path} -start_number 0 {save_dir_full}/%08d.png"
+ os.system(cmd)
+ input_img_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(save_dir_full, '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]')))
+ fps = get_video_fps(video_path)
+ else: # input img folder
+ input_img_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(video_path, '*.[jpJP][pnPN]*[gG]'))
+ input_img_list = sorted(input_img_list, key=lambda x: int(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(x))[0]))
+ fps = args.fps
+ #print(input_img_list)
+ ############################################## extract audio feature ##############################################
+ whisper_feature = audio_processor.audio2feat(audio_path)
+ whisper_chunks = audio_processor.feature2chunks(feature_array=whisper_feature,fps=fps)
+ ############################################## preprocess input image ##############################################
+ if os.path.exists(crop_coord_save_path) and args.use_saved_coord:
+ print("using extracted coordinates")
+ with open(crop_coord_save_path,'rb') as f:
+ coord_list = pickle.load(f)
+ frame_list = read_imgs(input_img_list)
+ else:
+ print("extracting landmarks...time consuming")
+ coord_list, frame_list = get_landmark_and_bbox(input_img_list, bbox_shift)
+ with open(crop_coord_save_path, 'wb') as f:
+ pickle.dump(coord_list, f)
+ i = 0
+ input_latent_list = []
+ for bbox, frame in zip(coord_list, frame_list):
+ if bbox == coord_placeholder:
+ continue
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
+ crop_frame = frame[y1:y2, x1:x2]
+ crop_frame = cv2.resize(crop_frame,(256,256),interpolation = cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)
+ latents = vae.get_latents_for_unet(crop_frame)
+ input_latent_list.append(latents)
+ # to smooth the first and the last frame
+ frame_list_cycle = frame_list + frame_list[::-1]
+ coord_list_cycle = coord_list + coord_list[::-1]
+ input_latent_list_cycle = input_latent_list + input_latent_list[::-1]
+ ############################################## inference batch by batch ##############################################
+ print("start inference")
+ video_num = len(whisper_chunks)
+ batch_size = args.batch_size
+ gen = datagen(whisper_chunks,input_latent_list_cycle,batch_size)
+ res_frame_list = []
+ for i, (whisper_batch,latent_batch) in enumerate(tqdm(gen,total=int(np.ceil(float(video_num)/batch_size)))):
+ tensor_list = [torch.FloatTensor(arr) for arr in whisper_batch]
+ audio_feature_batch = torch.stack(tensor_list).to(unet.device) # torch, B, 5*N,384
+ audio_feature_batch = pe(audio_feature_batch)
+ pred_latents = unet.model(latent_batch, timesteps, encoder_hidden_states=audio_feature_batch).sample
+ recon = vae.decode_latents(pred_latents)
+ for res_frame in recon:
+ res_frame_list.append(res_frame)
+ ############################################## pad to full image ##############################################
+ print("pad talking image to original video")
+ for i, res_frame in enumerate(tqdm(res_frame_list)):
+ bbox = coord_list_cycle[i%(len(coord_list_cycle))]
+ ori_frame = copy.deepcopy(frame_list_cycle[i%(len(frame_list_cycle))])
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox
+ try:
+ res_frame = cv2.resize(res_frame.astype(np.uint8),(x2-x1,y2-y1))
+ except:
+# print(bbox)
+ continue
+ combine_frame = get_image(ori_frame,res_frame,bbox)
+ cv2.imwrite(f"{result_img_save_path}/{str(i).zfill(8)}.png",combine_frame)
+ cmd_img2video = f"ffmpeg -y -v fatal -r {fps} -f image2 -i {result_img_save_path}/%08d.png -vcodec libx264 -vf format=rgb24,scale=out_color_matrix=bt709,format=yuv420p -crf 18 temp.mp4"
+ print(cmd_img2video)
+ os.system(cmd_img2video)
+ cmd_combine_audio = f"ffmpeg -y -v fatal -i {audio_path} -i temp.mp4 {output_vid_name}"
+ print(cmd_combine_audio)
+ os.system(cmd_combine_audio)
+ os.remove("temp.mp4")
+ shutil.rmtree(result_img_save_path)
+ print(f"result is save to {output_vid_name}")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--inference_config", type=str, default="configs/inference/test_img.yaml")
+ parser.add_argument("--bbox_shift", type=int, default=0)
+ parser.add_argument("--result_dir", default='./results', help="path to output")
+ parser.add_argument("--fps", type=int, default=25)
+ parser.add_argument("--batch_size", type=int, default=8)
+ parser.add_argument("--output_vid_name", type=str,default='')
+ parser.add_argument("--use_saved_coord",
+ action="store_true",
+ help='use saved coordinate to save time')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args)
\ No newline at end of file