jmercat's picture
Removed history to avoid any unverified information being released
import warnings
import torch
from torch import Tensor
def torch_linspace(start: Tensor, stop: Tensor, num: int) -> torch.Tensor:
Copy-pasted from
Creates a tensor of shape [num, *start.shape] whose values are evenly spaced from start to end, inclusive.
Replicates but the multi-dimensional bahaviour of numpy.linspace in PyTorch.
# create a tensor of 'num' steps from 0 to 1
steps = torch.arange(num, dtype=torch.float32, device=start.device) / (num - 1)
# reshape the 'steps' tensor to [-1, *([1]*start.ndim)] to allow for broadcastings
# - using 'steps.reshape([-1, *([1]*start.ndim)])' would be nice here but torchscript
# "cannot statically infer the expected size of a list in this contex", hence the code below
for i in range(start.ndim):
steps = steps.unsqueeze(-1)
# the output starts at 'start' and increments until 'stop' in each dimension
out = start[None] + steps * (stop - start)[None]
return out
def load_weights(
model: torch.nn.Module, checkpoint: dict, strict=True
) -> torch.nn.Module:
"""This function is used instead of the one provided by pytorch lightning
because for unexplained reasons, the pytorch lightning load function did
not behave as intended: loading several times from the same checkpoint
resulted in different loaded weight values...
model: a model in which new weights should be set
checkpoint: a loaded pytorch checkpoint (probably resulting from torch.load(filename))
strict: Default to True, wether to fail if
if not strict:
model_dict = model.state_dict()
pretrained_dict = {
k: v for k, v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items() if k in model_dict
diff1 = checkpoint["state_dict"].keys() - model_dict.keys()
if diff1:
f"Found keys {diff1} in checkpoint without any match in the model, ignoring corresponding values."
diff2 = model_dict.keys() - checkpoint["state_dict"].keys()
if diff2:
f"Missing keys {diff2} from the checkpoint, the corresponding weights will keep their initial values."
pretrained_dict = {
k: v for k, v in checkpoint["state_dict"].items() if k in model_dict
model_dict = checkpoint["state_dict"]
model.load_state_dict(model_dict, strict=strict)
return model