import fitz # PyMuPDF from PIL import Image import pytesseract import io import os def extract_images_from_pdf(pdf_path, output_folder, dpi=300): doc = images = [] for page_num in range(len(doc)): page = doc.load_page(page_num) pix = page.get_pixmap(matrix=fitz.Matrix(dpi / 72, dpi / 72)) img_bytes = pix.tobytes("ppm") # Convert PPM to JPEG using PIL and save image = output_filename = f"{output_folder}/page_{page_num + 1}.jpg", "JPEG") # Also store the image bytes for OCR processing img_converted_bytes = io.BytesIO(), format='JPEG') images.append(img_converted_bytes.getvalue()) print(f"Images saved to {output_folder}") return images def ocr_images(images): text_from_images = [] for image_bytes in images: image = text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image, lang='ces') text_from_images.append(text) return text_from_images def save_text_to_file(text, file_path): with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: file.write(text) # Path to your PDF file and output locations pdf_path = "norm.pdf" output_folder = "extracted_images" output_text_file = "ocr_results.txt" # Ensure the output directory exists os.makedirs(output_folder, exist_ok=True) # Extract images from the PDF and save them as JPEG images = extract_images_from_pdf(pdf_path, output_folder) # Transcribe text from the extracted images with Czech language transcribed_texts = ocr_images(images) # Combine all texts into a single string combined_text = "\n".join(transcribed_texts) # Save OCR results to a text file save_text_to_file(combined_text, output_text_file) print(f"OCR results saved to {output_text_file}")