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import cv2
import math
import scipy
import numpy as np
import torch
import open3d as o3d
from tqdm import tqdm
from .camera_util import create_camera_to_world
# Camera Trajectory
def fibonacci_sampling_on_sphere(num_samples=1):
points = []
phi = np.pi * (3.0 - np.sqrt(5.0)) # golden angle in radians
for i in range(num_samples):
y = 1 - (i / float(num_samples - 1)) * 2 # y goes from 1 to -1
radius = np.sqrt(1 - y * y) # radius at y
theta = phi * i # golden angle increment
x = np.cos(theta) * radius
z = np.sin(theta) * radius
points.append([x, y, z])
points = np.array(points)
return points
def get_fibonacci_cameras(N=20, radius=2.0, device='cuda'):
def normalize_vecs(vectors):
return vectors / (torch.norm(vectors, dim=-1, keepdim=True))
t = torch.linspace(0, 1, N).reshape(-1, 1)
cam_pos = fibonacci_sampling_on_sphere(N)
cam_pos = torch.from_numpy(cam_pos).float().to(device)
cam_pos = cam_pos * radius
forward_vector = normalize_vecs(-cam_pos)
up_vector = torch.tensor([0, 0, 1], dtype=torch.float,
right_vector = normalize_vecs(torch.cross(forward_vector, up_vector, dim=-1))
up_vector = normalize_vecs(torch.cross(right_vector, forward_vector, dim=-1))
rotate = torch.stack(
(right_vector, -up_vector, forward_vector), dim=-1)
rotation_matrix = torch.eye(4, device=device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(forward_vector.shape[0], 1, 1)
rotation_matrix[:, :3, :3] = rotate
translation_matrix = torch.eye(4, device=device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(forward_vector.shape[0], 1, 1)
translation_matrix[:, :3, 3] = cam_pos
cam2world = translation_matrix @ rotation_matrix
return cam2world
def get_circular_cameras(N=120, elevation=0, radius=2.0, normalize=True, device='cuda'):
camera_positions = []
for i in range(N):
azimuth = 2 * np.pi * i / N - np.pi / 2
x = radius * np.cos(elevation) * np.cos(azimuth)
y = radius * np.cos(elevation) * np.sin(azimuth)
z = radius * np.sin(elevation)
camera_positions.append([x, y, z])
camera_positions = np.array(camera_positions)
camera_positions = torch.from_numpy(camera_positions).float()
c2ws = create_camera_to_world(camera_positions, camera_system='opencv')
if normalize:
c2ws_first = create_camera_to_world(torch.tensor([0, -2, 0]), camera_system='opencv').unsqueeze(0)
c2ws = torch.linalg.inv(c2ws_first) @ c2ws
return c2ws
# TSDF Fusion
def rgbd_to_mesh(images, depths, c2ws, fov, mesh_path, cam_elev_thr=0):
voxel_length = 2 * 2.0 / 512.0
sdf_trunc = 2 * 0.02
color_type = o3d.pipelines.integration.TSDFVolumeColorType.RGB8
volume = o3d.pipelines.integration.ScalableTSDFVolume(
for i in tqdm(range(c2ws.shape[0])):
camera_to_world = c2ws[i]
world_to_camera = np.linalg.inv(camera_to_world)
camera_position = camera_to_world[:3, 3]
# camera_elevation = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(camera_position[2]))
camera_elevation = np.rad2deg(np.arcsin(camera_position[2] / np.linalg.norm(camera_position)))
if camera_elevation < cam_elev_thr:
color_image = o3d.geometry.Image(np.ascontiguousarray(images[i]))
depth_image = o3d.geometry.Image(np.ascontiguousarray(depths[i]))
rgbd_image = o3d.geometry.RGBDImage.create_from_color_and_depth(
color_image, depth_image, depth_scale=1.0, depth_trunc=4.0, convert_rgb_to_intensity=False
camera_intrinsics =
fx = fy = images[i].shape[1] / 2. / np.tan(np.deg2rad(fov / 2.0))
cx = cy = images[i].shape[1] / 2.
h = images[i].shape[0]
w = images[i].shape[1]
w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy
fused_mesh = volume.extract_triangle_mesh()
triangle_clusters, cluster_n_triangles, cluster_area = (
triangle_clusters = np.asarray(triangle_clusters)
cluster_n_triangles = np.asarray(cluster_n_triangles)
cluster_area = np.asarray(cluster_area)
triangles_to_remove = cluster_n_triangles[triangle_clusters] < 500
fused_mesh = fused_mesh.filter_smooth_simple(number_of_iterations=2)
fused_mesh = fused_mesh.compute_vertex_normals(), fused_mesh)
# Visualization
def viewmatrix(lookdir, up, position):
"""Construct lookat view matrix."""
vec2 = normalize(lookdir)
vec0 = normalize(np.cross(up, vec2))
vec1 = normalize(np.cross(vec2, vec0))
m = np.stack([vec0, vec1, vec2, position], axis=1)
return m
def normalize(x):
"""Normalization helper function."""
return x / np.linalg.norm(x)
def generate_interpolated_path(poses, n_interp, spline_degree=5,
smoothness=.03, rot_weight=.1):
"""Creates a smooth spline path between input keyframe camera poses.
Spline is calculated with poses in format (position, lookat-point, up-point).
poses: (n, 3, 4) array of input pose keyframes.
n_interp: returned path will have n_interp * (n - 1) total poses.
spline_degree: polynomial degree of B-spline.
smoothness: parameter for spline smoothing, 0 forces exact interpolation.
rot_weight: relative weighting of rotation/translation in spline solve.
Array of new camera poses with shape (n_interp * (n - 1), 3, 4).
def poses_to_points(poses, dist):
"""Converts from pose matrices to (position, lookat, up) format."""
pos = poses[:, :3, -1]
lookat = poses[:, :3, -1] - dist * poses[:, :3, 2]
up = poses[:, :3, -1] + dist * poses[:, :3, 1]
return np.stack([pos, lookat, up], 1)
def points_to_poses(points):
"""Converts from (position, lookat, up) format to pose matrices."""
return np.array([viewmatrix(p - l, u - p, p) for p, l, u in points])
def interp(points, n, k, s):
"""Runs multidimensional B-spline interpolation on the input points."""
sh = points.shape
pts = np.reshape(points, (sh[0], -1))
k = min(k, sh[0] - 1)
tck, _ = scipy.interpolate.splprep(pts.T, k=k, s=s)
u = np.linspace(0, 1, n, endpoint=False)
new_points = np.array(scipy.interpolate.splev(u, tck))
new_points = np.reshape(new_points.T, (n, sh[1], sh[2]))
return new_points
points = poses_to_points(poses, dist=rot_weight)
new_points = interp(points,
n_interp * (points.shape[0] - 1),
return points_to_poses(new_points)
# Camera Estimation
def xy_grid(W, H, device=None, origin=(0, 0), unsqueeze=None, cat_dim=-1, homogeneous=False, **arange_kw):
""" Output a (H,W,2) array of int32
with output[j,i,0] = i + origin[0]
output[j,i,1] = j + origin[1]
if device is None:
# numpy
arange, meshgrid, stack, ones = np.arange, np.meshgrid, np.stack, np.ones
# torch
arange = lambda *a, **kw: torch.arange(*a, device=device, **kw)
meshgrid, stack = torch.meshgrid, torch.stack
ones = lambda *a: torch.ones(*a, device=device)
tw, th = [arange(o, o + s, **arange_kw) for s, o in zip((W, H), origin)]
grid = meshgrid(tw, th, indexing='xy')
if homogeneous:
grid = grid + (ones((H, W)),)
if unsqueeze is not None:
grid = (grid[0].unsqueeze(unsqueeze), grid[1].unsqueeze(unsqueeze))
if cat_dim is not None:
grid = stack(grid, cat_dim)
return grid
def estimate_focal(pts3d, pp=None, mask=None, min_focal=0., max_focal=np.inf):
Reprojection method, for when the absolute depth is known:
1) estimate the camera focal using a robust estimator
2) reproject points onto true rays, minimizing a certain error
H, W, THREE = pts3d.shape
assert THREE == 3
if pp is None:
pp = torch.tensor([W/2, H/2]).to(pts3d)
# centered pixel grid
pixels = xy_grid(W, H, device=pts3d.device).view(-1, 2) - pp.view(1, 2) # (HW, 2)
pts3d = pts3d.view(H*W, 3).contiguous() # (HW, 3)
# mask points if provided
if mask is not None:
mask =
assert len(mask) == pts3d.shape[0]
pts3d = pts3d[mask]
pixels = pixels[mask]
# weiszfeld
# init focal with l2 closed form
# we try to find focal = argmin Sum | pixel - focal * (x,y)/z|
xy_over_z = (pts3d[..., :2] / pts3d[..., 2:3]).nan_to_num(posinf=0, neginf=0) # homogeneous (x,y,1)
dot_xy_px = (xy_over_z * pixels).sum(dim=-1)
dot_xy_xy = xy_over_z.square().sum(dim=-1)
focal = dot_xy_px.mean(dim=0) / dot_xy_xy.mean(dim=0)
# iterative re-weighted least-squares
for iter in range(10):
# re-weighting by inverse of distance
dis = (pixels - focal.view(-1, 1) * xy_over_z).norm(dim=-1)
# print(dis.nanmean(-1))
w = dis.clip(min=1e-8).reciprocal()
# update the scaling with the new weights
focal = (w * dot_xy_px).mean(dim=0) / (w * dot_xy_xy).mean(dim=0)
focal_base = max(H, W) / (2 * np.tan(np.deg2rad(60) / 2)) # size / 1.1547005383792515
focal = focal.clip(min=min_focal*focal_base, max=max_focal*focal_base)
return focal.ravel()
def fast_pnp(pts3d, mask, focal=None, pp=None, niter_PnP=10):
Estimate camera poses and focals with RANSAC-PnP.
pts3d: H x W x 3
focal: 1
mask: H x W
H, W, _ = pts3d.shape
pixels = np.mgrid[:W, :H].T.astype(float)
if focal is None:
S = max(W, H)
tentative_focals = np.geomspace(S/2, S*3, 21)
tentative_focals = [focal]
if pp is None:
pp = (W/2, H/2)
best = 0,
for focal in tentative_focals:
K = np.float32([(focal, 0, pp[0]), (0, focal, pp[1]), (0, 0, 1)])
success, R, T, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac(pts3d[mask], pixels[mask], K, None,
iterationsCount=niter_PnP, reprojectionError=5, flags=cv2.SOLVEPNP_SQPNP)
if not success:
score = len(inliers)
if success and score > best[0]:
best = score, R, T, focal
if not best[0]:
return None
_, R, T, best_focal = best
R = cv2.Rodrigues(R)[0] # world to cam
world2cam = np.eye(4).astype(float)
world2cam[:3, :3] = R
world2cam[:3, 3] = T.reshape(3)
cam2world = np.linalg.inv(world2cam)
return best_focal, cam2world