import { c as Gr, g as av, r as sv } from "./Index-0bb1de05.js";
function cv(an, ln) {
for (var Be = 0; Be < ln.length; Be++) {
const A = ln[Be];
if (typeof A != "string" && !Array.isArray(A)) {
for (const f in A)
if (f !== "default" && !(f in an)) {
const V = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(A, f);
V && Object.defineProperty(an, f, V.get ? V : {
enumerable: !0,
get: () => A[f]
return Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty(an, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }));
var Yc = { exports: {} }, of;
function sf() {
return of || (of = 1, function(an, ln) {
(function(Be, A) {
an.exports = A();
})(typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof Gr < "u" ? Gr : Gr, function() {
return function(Be) {
var A = {};
function f(V) {
if (A[V])
return A[V].exports;
var _ = A[V] = { i: V, l: !1, exports: {} };
return Be[V].call(_.exports, _, _.exports, f), _.l = !0, _.exports;
return f.m = Be, f.c = A, f.d = function(V, _, C) {
f.o(V, _) || Object.defineProperty(V, _, { enumerable: !0, get: C });
}, f.r = function(V) {
typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(V, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(V, "__esModule", { value: !0 });
}, f.t = function(V, _) {
if (1 & _ && (V = f(V)), 8 & _ || 4 & _ && typeof V == "object" && V && V.__esModule)
return V;
var C = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null);
if (f.r(C), Object.defineProperty(C, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: V }), 2 & _ && typeof V != "string")
for (var u in V)
f.d(C, u, (function(I) {
return V[I];
}).bind(null, u));
return C;
}, f.n = function(V) {
var _ = V && V.__esModule ? function() {
return V.default;
} : function() {
return V;
return f.d(_, "a", _), _;
}, f.o = function(V, _) {
return, _);
}, f.p = "", f(f.s = 169);
}([function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "d", function() {
return O;
}), f.d(A, "e", function() {
return x;
}), f.d(A, "f", function() {
return m;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return c;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return T;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return E;
var V = f(14), _ = f(28), C = f(44), u = f(11), I = f(74), O = function() {
function g(l, h) {
l === void 0 && (l = 0), h === void 0 && (h = 0), this.x = l, this.y = h;
return g.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{X: " + this.x + " Y: " + this.y + "}";
}, g.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Vector2";
}, g.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var l = 0 | this.x;
return l = 397 * l ^ (0 | this.y);
}, g.prototype.toArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), l[h] = this.x, l[h + 1] = this.y, this;
}, g.prototype.fromArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, this), this;
}, g.prototype.asArray = function() {
var l = new Array();
return this.toArray(l, 0), l;
}, g.prototype.copyFrom = function(l) {
return this.x = l.x, this.y = l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(l, h) {
return this.x = l, this.y = h, this;
}, g.prototype.set = function(l, h) {
return this.copyFromFloats(l, h);
}, g.prototype.add = function(l) {
return new g(this.x + l.x, this.y + l.y);
}, g.prototype.addToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x + l.x, h.y = this.y + l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.addInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x += l.x, this.y += l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.addVector3 = function(l) {
return new g(this.x + l.x, this.y + l.y);
}, g.prototype.subtract = function(l) {
return new g(this.x - l.x, this.y - l.y);
}, g.prototype.subtractToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x - l.x, h.y = this.y - l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.subtractInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x -= l.x, this.y -= l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l.x, this.y *= l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.multiply = function(l) {
return new g(this.x * l.x, this.y * l.y);
}, g.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x * l.x, h.y = this.y * l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyByFloats = function(l, h) {
return new g(this.x * l, this.y * h);
}, g.prototype.divide = function(l) {
return new g(this.x / l.x, this.y / l.y);
}, g.prototype.divideToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x / l.x, h.y = this.y / l.y, this;
}, g.prototype.divideInPlace = function(l) {
return this.divideToRef(l, this);
}, g.prototype.negate = function() {
return new g(-this.x, -this.y);
}, g.prototype.negateInPlace = function() {
return this.x *= -1, this.y *= -1, this;
}, g.prototype.negateToRef = function(l) {
return l.copyFromFloats(-1 * this.x, -1 * this.y);
}, g.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l, this.y *= l, this;
}, g.prototype.scale = function(l) {
var h = new g(0, 0);
return this.scaleToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.prototype.scaleToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x * l, h.y = this.y * l, this;
}, g.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x += this.x * l, h.y += this.y * l, this;
}, g.prototype.equals = function(l) {
return l && this.x === l.x && this.y === l.y;
}, g.prototype.equalsWithEpsilon = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = _.a), l && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.x, l.x, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.y, l.y, h);
}, g.prototype.floor = function() {
return new g(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y));
}, g.prototype.fract = function() {
return new g(this.x - Math.floor(this.x), this.y - Math.floor(this.y));
}, g.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y);
}, g.prototype.lengthSquared = function() {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y;
}, g.prototype.normalize = function() {
var l = this.length();
return l === 0 || (this.x /= l, this.y /= l), this;
}, g.prototype.clone = function() {
return new g(this.x, this.y);
}, g.Zero = function() {
return new g(0, 0);
}, g.One = function() {
return new g(1, 1);
}, g.FromArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), new g(l[h], l[h + 1]);
}, g.FromArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
v.x = l[h], v.y = l[h + 1];
}, g.CatmullRom = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = D * D, N = D * w;
return new g(0.5 * (2 * h.x + (-l.x + v.x) * D + (2 * l.x - 5 * h.x + 4 * v.x - b.x) * w + (-l.x + 3 * h.x - 3 * v.x + b.x) * N), 0.5 * (2 * h.y + (-l.y + v.y) * D + (2 * l.y - 5 * h.y + 4 * v.y - b.y) * w + (-l.y + 3 * h.y - 3 * v.y + b.y) * N));
}, g.Clamp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = l.x;
b = (b = b > v.x ? v.x : b) < h.x ? h.x : b;
var D = l.y;
return new g(b, D = (D = D > v.y ? v.y : D) < h.y ? h.y : D);
}, g.Hermite = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = D * D, N = D * w, M = 2 * N - 3 * w + 1, U = -2 * N + 3 * w, X = N - 2 * w + D, j = N - w;
return new g(l.x * M + v.x * U + h.x * X + b.x * j, l.y * M + v.y * U + h.y * X + b.y * j);
}, g.Lerp = function(l, h, v) {
return new g(l.x + (h.x - l.x) * v, l.y + (h.y - l.y) * v);
}, g.Dot = function(l, h) {
return l.x * h.x + l.y * h.y;
}, g.Normalize = function(l) {
var h = l.clone();
return h.normalize(), h;
}, g.Minimize = function(l, h) {
return new g(l.x < h.x ? l.x : h.x, l.y < h.y ? l.y : h.y);
}, g.Maximize = function(l, h) {
return new g(l.x > h.x ? l.x : h.x, l.y > h.y ? l.y : h.y);
}, g.Transform = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return g.TransformToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.TransformToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = h.m, D = l.x * b[0] + l.y * b[4] + b[12], w = l.x * b[1] + l.y * b[5] + b[13];
v.x = D, v.y = w;
}, g.PointInTriangle = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = 0.5 * (-v.y * b.x + h.y * (-v.x + b.x) + h.x * (v.y - b.y) + v.x * b.y), w = D < 0 ? -1 : 1, N = (h.y * b.x - h.x * b.y + (b.y - h.y) * l.x + (h.x - b.x) * l.y) * w, M = (h.x * v.y - h.y * v.x + (h.y - v.y) * l.x + (v.x - h.x) * l.y) * w;
return N > 0 && M > 0 && N + M < 2 * D * w;
}, g.Distance = function(l, h) {
return Math.sqrt(g.DistanceSquared(l, h));
}, g.DistanceSquared = function(l, h) {
var v = l.x - h.x, b = l.y - h.y;
return v * v + b * b;
}, g.Center = function(l, h) {
var v = l.add(h);
return v.scaleInPlace(0.5), v;
}, g.DistanceOfPointFromSegment = function(l, h, v) {
var b = g.DistanceSquared(h, v);
if (b === 0)
return g.Distance(l, h);
var D = v.subtract(h), w = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g.Dot(l.subtract(h), D) / b)), N = h.add(D.multiplyByFloats(w, w));
return g.Distance(l, N);
}, g;
}(), x = function() {
function g(l, h, v) {
l === void 0 && (l = 0), h === void 0 && (h = 0), v === void 0 && (v = 0), this._isDirty = !0, this._x = l, this._y = h, this._z = v;
return Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._x;
}, set: function(l) {
this._x = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._y;
}, set: function(l) {
this._y = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this._z;
}, set: function(l) {
this._z = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{X: " + this._x + " Y:" + this._y + " Z:" + this._z + "}";
}, g.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Vector3";
}, g.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var l = 0 | this._x;
return l = 397 * (l = 397 * l ^ (0 | this._y)) ^ (0 | this._z);
}, g.prototype.asArray = function() {
var l = [];
return this.toArray(l, 0), l;
}, g.prototype.toArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), l[h] = this._x, l[h + 1] = this._y, l[h + 2] = this._z, this;
}, g.prototype.fromArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, this), this;
}, g.prototype.toQuaternion = function() {
return c.RotationYawPitchRoll(this._y, this._x, this._z);
}, g.prototype.addInPlace = function(l) {
return this.addInPlaceFromFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.addInPlaceFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return this.x += l, this.y += h, this.z += v, this;
}, g.prototype.add = function(l) {
return new g(this._x + l._x, this._y + l._y, this._z + l._z);
}, g.prototype.addToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.copyFromFloats(this._x + l._x, this._y + l._y, this._z + l._z);
}, g.prototype.subtractInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x -= l._x, this.y -= l._y, this.z -= l._z, this;
}, g.prototype.subtract = function(l) {
return new g(this._x - l._x, this._y - l._y, this._z - l._z);
}, g.prototype.subtractToRef = function(l, h) {
return this.subtractFromFloatsToRef(l._x, l._y, l._z, h);
}, g.prototype.subtractFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return new g(this._x - l, this._y - h, this._z - v);
}, g.prototype.subtractFromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
return b.copyFromFloats(this._x - l, this._y - h, this._z - v);
}, g.prototype.negate = function() {
return new g(-this._x, -this._y, -this._z);
}, g.prototype.negateInPlace = function() {
return this.x *= -1, this.y *= -1, this.z *= -1, this;
}, g.prototype.negateToRef = function(l) {
return l.copyFromFloats(-1 * this._x, -1 * this._y, -1 * this._z);
}, g.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l, this.y *= l, this.z *= l, this;
}, g.prototype.scale = function(l) {
return new g(this._x * l, this._y * l, this._z * l);
}, g.prototype.scaleToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.copyFromFloats(this._x * l, this._y * l, this._z * l);
}, g.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.addInPlaceFromFloats(this._x * l, this._y * l, this._z * l);
}, g.prototype.projectOnPlane = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return this.projectOnPlaneToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.prototype.projectOnPlaneToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = l.normal, D = l.d, w = S.Vector3[0];
this.subtractToRef(h, w), w.normalize();
var N = g.Dot(w, b), M = -(g.Dot(h, b) + D) / N, U = w.scaleInPlace(M);
h.addToRef(U, v);
}, g.prototype.equals = function(l) {
return l && this._x === l._x && this._y === l._y && this._z === l._z;
}, g.prototype.equalsWithEpsilon = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = _.a), l && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._x, l._x, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._y, l._y, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._z, l._z, h);
}, g.prototype.equalsToFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return this._x === l && this._y === h && this._z === v;
}, g.prototype.multiplyInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l._x, this.y *= l._y, this.z *= l._z, this;
}, g.prototype.multiply = function(l) {
return this.multiplyByFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.copyFromFloats(this._x * l._x, this._y * l._y, this._z * l._z);
}, g.prototype.multiplyByFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return new g(this._x * l, this._y * h, this._z * v);
}, g.prototype.divide = function(l) {
return new g(this._x / l._x, this._y / l._y, this._z / l._z);
}, g.prototype.divideToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.copyFromFloats(this._x / l._x, this._y / l._y, this._z / l._z);
}, g.prototype.divideInPlace = function(l) {
return this.divideToRef(l, this);
}, g.prototype.minimizeInPlace = function(l) {
return this.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.maximizeInPlace = function(l) {
return this.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return l < this._x && (this.x = l), h < this._y && (this.y = h), v < this._z && (this.z = v), this;
}, g.prototype.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return l > this._x && (this.x = l), h > this._y && (this.y = h), v > this._z && (this.z = v), this;
}, g.prototype.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon = function(l) {
var h = Math.abs(this._x), v = Math.abs(this._y);
if (!V.a.WithinEpsilon(h, v, l))
return !0;
var b = Math.abs(this._z);
return !V.a.WithinEpsilon(h, b, l) || !V.a.WithinEpsilon(v, b, l);
}, Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "isNonUniform", { get: function() {
var l = Math.abs(this._x);
return l !== Math.abs(this._y) || l !== Math.abs(this._z);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype.floor = function() {
return new g(Math.floor(this._x), Math.floor(this._y), Math.floor(this._z));
}, g.prototype.fract = function() {
return new g(this._x - Math.floor(this._x), this._y - Math.floor(this._y), this._z - Math.floor(this._z));
}, g.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z);
}, g.prototype.lengthSquared = function() {
return this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z;
}, g.prototype.normalize = function() {
return this.normalizeFromLength(this.length());
}, g.prototype.reorderInPlace = function(l) {
var h = this;
return (l = l.toLowerCase()) === "xyz" || (S.Vector3[0].copyFrom(this), ["x", "y", "z"].forEach(function(v, b) {
h[v] = S.Vector3[0][l[b]];
})), this;
}, g.prototype.rotateByQuaternionToRef = function(l, h) {
return l.toRotationMatrix(S.Matrix[0]), g.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this, S.Matrix[0], h), h;
}, g.prototype.rotateByQuaternionAroundPointToRef = function(l, h, v) {
return this.subtractToRef(h, S.Vector3[0]), S.Vector3[0].rotateByQuaternionToRef(l, S.Vector3[0]), h.addToRef(S.Vector3[0], v), v;
}, g.prototype.cross = function(l) {
return g.Cross(this, l);
}, g.prototype.normalizeFromLength = function(l) {
return l === 0 || l === 1 ? this : this.scaleInPlace(1 / l);
}, g.prototype.normalizeToNew = function() {
var l = new g(0, 0, 0);
return this.normalizeToRef(l), l;
}, g.prototype.normalizeToRef = function(l) {
var h = this.length();
return h === 0 || h === 1 ? l.copyFromFloats(this._x, this._y, this._z) : this.scaleToRef(1 / h, l);
}, g.prototype.clone = function() {
return new g(this._x, this._y, this._z);
}, g.prototype.copyFrom = function(l) {
return this.copyFromFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return this.x = l, this.y = h, this.z = v, this;
}, g.prototype.set = function(l, h, v) {
return this.copyFromFloats(l, h, v);
}, g.prototype.setAll = function(l) {
return this.x = this.y = this.z = l, this;
}, g.GetClipFactor = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = g.Dot(l, v) - b;
return D / (D - (g.Dot(h, v) - b));
}, g.GetAngleBetweenVectors = function(l, h, v) {
var b = l.normalizeToRef(S.Vector3[1]), D = h.normalizeToRef(S.Vector3[2]), w = g.Dot(b, D), N = S.Vector3[3];
return g.CrossToRef(b, D, N), g.Dot(N, v) > 0 ? Math.acos(w) : -Math.acos(w);
}, g.FromArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), new g(l[h], l[h + 1], l[h + 2]);
}, g.FromFloatArray = function(l, h) {
return g.FromArray(l, h);
}, g.FromArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
v.x = l[h], v.y = l[h + 1], v.z = l[h + 2];
}, g.FromFloatArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
return g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, v);
}, g.FromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
b.copyFromFloats(l, h, v);
}, g.Zero = function() {
return new g(0, 0, 0);
}, g.One = function() {
return new g(1, 1, 1);
}, g.Up = function() {
return new g(0, 1, 0);
}, Object.defineProperty(g, "UpReadOnly", { get: function() {
return g._UpReadOnly;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g, "ZeroReadOnly", { get: function() {
return g._ZeroReadOnly;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.Down = function() {
return new g(0, -1, 0);
}, g.Forward = function(l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = !1), new g(0, 0, l ? -1 : 1);
}, g.Backward = function(l) {
return l === void 0 && (l = !1), new g(0, 0, l ? 1 : -1);
}, g.Right = function() {
return new g(1, 0, 0);
}, g.Left = function() {
return new g(-1, 0, 0);
}, g.TransformCoordinates = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return g.TransformCoordinatesToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.TransformCoordinatesToRef = function(l, h, v) {
g.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(l._x, l._y, l._z, h, v);
}, g.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = b.m, N = l * w[0] + h * w[4] + v * w[8] + w[12], M = l * w[1] + h * w[5] + v * w[9] + w[13], U = l * w[2] + h * w[6] + v * w[10] + w[14], X = 1 / (l * w[3] + h * w[7] + v * w[11] + w[15]);
D.x = N * X, D.y = M * X, D.z = U * X;
}, g.TransformNormal = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return g.TransformNormalToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.TransformNormalToRef = function(l, h, v) {
this.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(l._x, l._y, l._z, h, v);
}, g.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = b.m;
D.x = l * w[0] + h * w[4] + v * w[8], D.y = l * w[1] + h * w[5] + v * w[9], D.z = l * w[2] + h * w[6] + v * w[10];
}, g.CatmullRom = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = D * D, N = D * w;
return new g(0.5 * (2 * h._x + (-l._x + v._x) * D + (2 * l._x - 5 * h._x + 4 * v._x - b._x) * w + (-l._x + 3 * h._x - 3 * v._x + b._x) * N), 0.5 * (2 * h._y + (-l._y + v._y) * D + (2 * l._y - 5 * h._y + 4 * v._y - b._y) * w + (-l._y + 3 * h._y - 3 * v._y + b._y) * N), 0.5 * (2 * h._z + (-l._z + v._z) * D + (2 * l._z - 5 * h._z + 4 * v._z - b._z) * w + (-l._z + 3 * h._z - 3 * v._z + b._z) * N));
}, g.Clamp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.ClampToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.ClampToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = l._x;
D = (D = D > v._x ? v._x : D) < h._x ? h._x : D;
var w = l._y;
w = (w = w > v._y ? v._y : w) < h._y ? h._y : w;
var N = l._z;
N = (N = N > v._z ? v._z : N) < h._z ? h._z : N, b.copyFromFloats(D, w, N);
}, g.CheckExtends = function(l, h, v) {
h.minimizeInPlace(l), v.maximizeInPlace(l);
}, g.Hermite = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = D * D, N = D * w, M = 2 * N - 3 * w + 1, U = -2 * N + 3 * w, X = N - 2 * w + D, j = N - w;
return new g(l._x * M + v._x * U + h._x * X + b._x * j, l._y * M + v._y * U + h._y * X + b._y * j, l._z * M + v._z * U + h._z * X + b._z * j);
}, g.Lerp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g(0, 0, 0);
return g.LerpToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.LerpToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
b.x = l._x + (h._x - l._x) * v, b.y = l._y + (h._y - l._y) * v, b.z = l._z + (h._z - l._z) * v;
}, g.Dot = function(l, h) {
return l._x * h._x + l._y * h._y + l._z * h._z;
}, g.Cross = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return g.CrossToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.CrossToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = l._y * h._z - l._z * h._y, D = l._z * h._x - l._x * h._z, w = l._x * h._y - l._y * h._x;
v.copyFromFloats(b, D, w);
}, g.Normalize = function(l) {
var h = g.Zero();
return g.NormalizeToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.NormalizeToRef = function(l, h) {
}, g.Project = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = new g();
return g.ProjectToRef(l, h, v, b, D), D;
}, g.ProjectToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = b.width, N = b.height, M = b.x, U = b.y, X = S.Matrix[1];
T.FromValuesToRef(w / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -N / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, M + w / 2, N / 2 + U, 0.5, 1, X);
var j = S.Matrix[0];
return h.multiplyToRef(v, j), j.multiplyToRef(X, j), g.TransformCoordinatesToRef(l, j, D), D;
}, g._UnprojectFromInvertedMatrixToRef = function(l, h, v) {
g.TransformCoordinatesToRef(l, h, v);
var b = h.m, D = l._x * b[3] + l._y * b[7] + l._z * b[11] + b[15];
V.a.WithinEpsilon(D, 1) && v.scaleInPlace(1 / D);
}, g.UnprojectFromTransform = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = S.Matrix[0];
b.multiplyToRef(D, w), w.invert(), l.x = l._x / h * 2 - 1, l.y = -(l._y / v * 2 - 1);
var N = new g();
return g._UnprojectFromInvertedMatrixToRef(l, w, N), N;
}, g.Unproject = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = g.Zero();
return g.UnprojectToRef(l, h, v, b, D, w, N), N;
}, g.UnprojectToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N) {
g.UnprojectFloatsToRef(l._x, l._y, l._z, h, v, b, D, w, N);
}, g.UnprojectFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N, M, U) {
var X = S.Matrix[0];
w.multiplyToRef(N, X), X.multiplyToRef(M, X), X.invert();
var j = S.Vector3[0];
j.x = l / b * 2 - 1, j.y = -(h / D * 2 - 1), j.z = 2 * v - 1, g._UnprojectFromInvertedMatrixToRef(j, X, U);
}, g.Minimize = function(l, h) {
var v = l.clone();
return v.minimizeInPlace(h), v;
}, g.Maximize = function(l, h) {
var v = l.clone();
return v.maximizeInPlace(h), v;
}, g.Distance = function(l, h) {
return Math.sqrt(g.DistanceSquared(l, h));
}, g.DistanceSquared = function(l, h) {
var v = l._x - h._x, b = l._y - h._y, D = l._z - h._z;
return v * v + b * b + D * D;
}, g.Center = function(l, h) {
var v = l.add(h);
return v.scaleInPlace(0.5), v;
}, g.RotationFromAxis = function(l, h, v) {
var b = g.Zero();
return g.RotationFromAxisToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.RotationFromAxisToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = S.Quaternion[0];
c.RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef(l, h, v, D), D.toEulerAnglesToRef(b);
}, g._UpReadOnly = g.Up(), g._ZeroReadOnly = g.Zero(), g;
}(), m = function() {
function g(l, h, v, b) {
this.x = l, this.y = h, this.z = v, this.w = b;
return g.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{X: " + this.x + " Y:" + this.y + " Z:" + this.z + " W:" + this.w + "}";
}, g.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Vector4";
}, g.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var l = 0 | this.x;
return l = 397 * (l = 397 * (l = 397 * l ^ (0 | this.y)) ^ (0 | this.z)) ^ (0 | this.w);
}, g.prototype.asArray = function() {
var l = new Array();
return this.toArray(l, 0), l;
}, g.prototype.toArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), l[h] = this.x, l[h + 1] = this.y, l[h + 2] = this.z, l[h + 3] = this.w, this;
}, g.prototype.fromArray = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, this), this;
}, g.prototype.addInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x += l.x, this.y += l.y, this.z += l.z, this.w += l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.add = function(l) {
return new g(this.x + l.x, this.y + l.y, this.z + l.z, this.w + l.w);
}, g.prototype.addToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x + l.x, h.y = this.y + l.y, h.z = this.z + l.z, h.w = this.w + l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.subtractInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x -= l.x, this.y -= l.y, this.z -= l.z, this.w -= l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.subtract = function(l) {
return new g(this.x - l.x, this.y - l.y, this.z - l.z, this.w - l.w);
}, g.prototype.subtractToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x - l.x, h.y = this.y - l.y, h.z = this.z - l.z, h.w = this.w - l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.subtractFromFloats = function(l, h, v, b) {
return new g(this.x - l, this.y - h, this.z - v, this.w - b);
}, g.prototype.subtractFromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
return D.x = this.x - l, D.y = this.y - h, D.z = this.z - v, D.w = this.w - b, this;
}, g.prototype.negate = function() {
return new g(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z, -this.w);
}, g.prototype.negateInPlace = function() {
return this.x *= -1, this.y *= -1, this.z *= -1, this.w *= -1, this;
}, g.prototype.negateToRef = function(l) {
return l.copyFromFloats(-1 * this.x, -1 * this.y, -1 * this.z, -1 * this.w);
}, g.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l, this.y *= l, this.z *= l, this.w *= l, this;
}, g.prototype.scale = function(l) {
return new g(this.x * l, this.y * l, this.z * l, this.w * l);
}, g.prototype.scaleToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x * l, h.y = this.y * l, h.z = this.z * l, h.w = this.w * l, this;
}, g.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x += this.x * l, h.y += this.y * l, h.z += this.z * l, h.w += this.w * l, this;
}, g.prototype.equals = function(l) {
return l && this.x === l.x && this.y === l.y && this.z === l.z && this.w === l.w;
}, g.prototype.equalsWithEpsilon = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = _.a), l && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.x, l.x, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.y, l.y, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.z, l.z, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this.w, l.w, h);
}, g.prototype.equalsToFloats = function(l, h, v, b) {
return this.x === l && this.y === h && this.z === v && this.w === b;
}, g.prototype.multiplyInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l.x, this.y *= l.y, this.z *= l.z, this.w *= l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.multiply = function(l) {
return new g(this.x * l.x, this.y * l.y, this.z * l.z, this.w * l.w);
}, g.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x * l.x, h.y = this.y * l.y, h.z = this.z * l.z, h.w = this.w * l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyByFloats = function(l, h, v, b) {
return new g(this.x * l, this.y * h, this.z * v, this.w * b);
}, g.prototype.divide = function(l) {
return new g(this.x / l.x, this.y / l.y, this.z / l.z, this.w / l.w);
}, g.prototype.divideToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this.x / l.x, h.y = this.y / l.y, h.z = this.z / l.z, h.w = this.w / l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.divideInPlace = function(l) {
return this.divideToRef(l, this);
}, g.prototype.minimizeInPlace = function(l) {
return l.x < this.x && (this.x = l.x), l.y < this.y && (this.y = l.y), l.z < this.z && (this.z = l.z), l.w < this.w && (this.w = l.w), this;
}, g.prototype.maximizeInPlace = function(l) {
return l.x > this.x && (this.x = l.x), l.y > this.y && (this.y = l.y), l.z > this.z && (this.z = l.z), l.w > this.w && (this.w = l.w), this;
}, g.prototype.floor = function() {
return new g(Math.floor(this.x), Math.floor(this.y), Math.floor(this.z), Math.floor(this.w));
}, g.prototype.fract = function() {
return new g(this.x - Math.floor(this.x), this.y - Math.floor(this.y), this.z - Math.floor(this.z), this.w - Math.floor(this.w));
}, g.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w);
}, g.prototype.lengthSquared = function() {
return this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z + this.w * this.w;
}, g.prototype.normalize = function() {
var l = this.length();
return l === 0 ? this : this.scaleInPlace(1 / l);
}, g.prototype.toVector3 = function() {
return new x(this.x, this.y, this.z);
}, g.prototype.clone = function() {
return new g(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.w);
}, g.prototype.copyFrom = function(l) {
return this.x = l.x, this.y = l.y, this.z = l.z, this.w = l.w, this;
}, g.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(l, h, v, b) {
return this.x = l, this.y = h, this.z = v, this.w = b, this;
}, g.prototype.set = function(l, h, v, b) {
return this.copyFromFloats(l, h, v, b);
}, g.prototype.setAll = function(l) {
return this.x = this.y = this.z = this.w = l, this;
}, g.FromArray = function(l, h) {
return h || (h = 0), new g(l[h], l[h + 1], l[h + 2], l[h + 3]);
}, g.FromArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
v.x = l[h], v.y = l[h + 1], v.z = l[h + 2], v.w = l[h + 3];
}, g.FromFloatArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, v);
}, g.FromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
D.x = l, D.y = h, D.z = v, D.w = b;
}, g.Zero = function() {
return new g(0, 0, 0, 0);
}, g.One = function() {
return new g(1, 1, 1, 1);
}, g.Normalize = function(l) {
var h = g.Zero();
return g.NormalizeToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.NormalizeToRef = function(l, h) {
h.copyFrom(l), h.normalize();
}, g.Minimize = function(l, h) {
var v = l.clone();
return v.minimizeInPlace(h), v;
}, g.Maximize = function(l, h) {
var v = l.clone();
return v.maximizeInPlace(h), v;
}, g.Distance = function(l, h) {
return Math.sqrt(g.DistanceSquared(l, h));
}, g.DistanceSquared = function(l, h) {
var v = l.x - h.x, b = l.y - h.y, D = l.z - h.z, w = l.w - h.w;
return v * v + b * b + D * D + w * w;
}, g.Center = function(l, h) {
var v = l.add(h);
return v.scaleInPlace(0.5), v;
}, g.TransformNormal = function(l, h) {
var v = g.Zero();
return g.TransformNormalToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.TransformNormalToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = h.m, D = l.x * b[0] + l.y * b[4] + l.z * b[8], w = l.x * b[1] + l.y * b[5] + l.z * b[9], N = l.x * b[2] + l.y * b[6] + l.z * b[10];
v.x = D, v.y = w, v.z = N, v.w = l.w;
}, g.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = D.m;
w.x = l * N[0] + h * N[4] + v * N[8], w.y = l * N[1] + h * N[5] + v * N[9], w.z = l * N[2] + h * N[6] + v * N[10], w.w = b;
}, g.FromVector3 = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = 0), new g(l._x, l._y, l._z, h);
}, g;
}(), c = function() {
function g(l, h, v, b) {
l === void 0 && (l = 0), h === void 0 && (h = 0), v === void 0 && (v = 0), b === void 0 && (b = 1), this._isDirty = !0, this._x = l, this._y = h, this._z = v, this._w = b;
return Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._x;
}, set: function(l) {
this._x = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._y;
}, set: function(l) {
this._y = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this._z;
}, set: function(l) {
this._z = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "w", { get: function() {
return this._w;
}, set: function(l) {
this._w = l, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{X: " + this._x + " Y:" + this._y + " Z:" + this._z + " W:" + this._w + "}";
}, g.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Quaternion";
}, g.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var l = 0 | this._x;
return l = 397 * (l = 397 * (l = 397 * l ^ (0 | this._y)) ^ (0 | this._z)) ^ (0 | this._w);
}, g.prototype.asArray = function() {
return [this._x, this._y, this._z, this._w];
}, g.prototype.equals = function(l) {
return l && this._x === l._x && this._y === l._y && this._z === l._z && this._w === l._w;
}, g.prototype.equalsWithEpsilon = function(l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = _.a), l && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._x, l._x, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._y, l._y, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._z, l._z, h) && V.a.WithinEpsilon(this._w, l._w, h);
}, g.prototype.clone = function() {
return new g(this._x, this._y, this._z, this._w);
}, g.prototype.copyFrom = function(l) {
return this.x = l._x, this.y = l._y, this.z = l._z, this.w = l._w, this;
}, g.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(l, h, v, b) {
return this.x = l, this.y = h, this.z = v, this.w = b, this;
}, g.prototype.set = function(l, h, v, b) {
return this.copyFromFloats(l, h, v, b);
}, g.prototype.add = function(l) {
return new g(this._x + l._x, this._y + l._y, this._z + l._z, this._w + l._w);
}, g.prototype.addInPlace = function(l) {
return this._x += l._x, this._y += l._y, this._z += l._z, this._w += l._w, this;
}, g.prototype.subtract = function(l) {
return new g(this._x - l._x, this._y - l._y, this._z - l._z, this._w - l._w);
}, g.prototype.scale = function(l) {
return new g(this._x * l, this._y * l, this._z * l, this._w * l);
}, g.prototype.scaleToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x = this._x * l, h.y = this._y * l, h.z = this._z * l, h.w = this._w * l, this;
}, g.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(l) {
return this.x *= l, this.y *= l, this.z *= l, this.w *= l, this;
}, g.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.x += this._x * l, h.y += this._y * l, h.z += this._z * l, h.w += this._w * l, this;
}, g.prototype.multiply = function(l) {
var h = new g(0, 0, 0, 1);
return this.multiplyToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = this._x * l._w + this._y * l._z - this._z * l._y + this._w * l._x, b = -this._x * l._z + this._y * l._w + this._z * l._x + this._w * l._y, D = this._x * l._y - this._y * l._x + this._z * l._w + this._w * l._z, w = -this._x * l._x - this._y * l._y - this._z * l._z + this._w * l._w;
return h.copyFromFloats(v, b, D, w), this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyInPlace = function(l) {
return this.multiplyToRef(l, this), this;
}, g.prototype.conjugateToRef = function(l) {
return l.copyFromFloats(-this._x, -this._y, -this._z, this._w), this;
}, g.prototype.conjugateInPlace = function() {
return this.x *= -1, this.y *= -1, this.z *= -1, this;
}, g.prototype.conjugate = function() {
return new g(-this._x, -this._y, -this._z, this._w);
}, g.prototype.length = function() {
return Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y + this._z * this._z + this._w * this._w);
}, g.prototype.normalize = function() {
var l = this.length();
if (l === 0)
return this;
var h = 1 / l;
return this.x *= h, this.y *= h, this.z *= h, this.w *= h, this;
}, g.prototype.toEulerAngles = function(l) {
var h = x.Zero();
return this.toEulerAnglesToRef(h), h;
}, g.prototype.toEulerAnglesToRef = function(l) {
var h = this._z, v = this._x, b = this._y, D = this._w, w = D * D, N = h * h, M = v * v, U = b * b, X = b * h - v * D;
return X < -0.4999999 ? (l.y = 2 * Math.atan2(b, D), l.x = Math.PI / 2, l.z = 0) : X > 0.4999999 ? (l.y = 2 * Math.atan2(b, D), l.x = -Math.PI / 2, l.z = 0) : (l.z = Math.atan2(2 * (v * b + h * D), -N - M + U + w), l.x = Math.asin(-2 * (h * b - v * D)), l.y = Math.atan2(2 * (h * v + b * D), N - M - U + w)), this;
}, g.prototype.toRotationMatrix = function(l) {
return T.FromQuaternionToRef(this, l), this;
}, g.prototype.fromRotationMatrix = function(l) {
return g.FromRotationMatrixToRef(l, this), this;
}, g.FromRotationMatrix = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.FromRotationMatrixToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.FromRotationMatrixToRef = function(l, h) {
var v, b = l.m, D = b[0], w = b[4], N = b[8], M = b[1], U = b[5], X = b[9], j = b[2], ne = b[6], te = b[10], de = D + U + te;
de > 0 ? (v = 0.5 / Math.sqrt(de + 1), h.w = 0.25 / v, h.x = (ne - X) * v, h.y = (N - j) * v, h.z = (M - w) * v) : D > U && D > te ? (v = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + D - U - te), h.w = (ne - X) / v, h.x = 0.25 * v, h.y = (w + M) / v, h.z = (N + j) / v) : U > te ? (v = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + U - D - te), h.w = (N - j) / v, h.x = (w + M) / v, h.y = 0.25 * v, h.z = (X + ne) / v) : (v = 2 * Math.sqrt(1 + te - D - U), h.w = (M - w) / v, h.x = (N + j) / v, h.y = (X + ne) / v, h.z = 0.25 * v);
}, g.Dot = function(l, h) {
return l._x * h._x + l._y * h._y + l._z * h._z + l._w * h._w;
}, g.AreClose = function(l, h) {
return g.Dot(l, h) >= 0;
}, g.Zero = function() {
return new g(0, 0, 0, 0);
}, g.Inverse = function(l) {
return new g(-l._x, -l._y, -l._z, l._w);
}, g.InverseToRef = function(l, h) {
return h.set(-l._x, -l._y, -l._z, l._w), h;
}, g.Identity = function() {
return new g(0, 0, 0, 1);
}, g.IsIdentity = function(l) {
return l && l._x === 0 && l._y === 0 && l._z === 0 && l._w === 1;
}, g.RotationAxis = function(l, h) {
return g.RotationAxisToRef(l, h, new g());
}, g.RotationAxisToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = Math.sin(h / 2);
return l.normalize(), v.w = Math.cos(h / 2), v.x = l._x * b, v.y = l._y * b, v.z = l._z * b, v;
}, g.FromArray = function(l, h) {
return h || (h = 0), new g(l[h], l[h + 1], l[h + 2], l[h + 3]);
}, g.FromArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
v.x = l[h], v.y = l[h + 1], v.z = l[h + 2], v.w = l[h + 3];
}, g.FromEulerAngles = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(h, l, v, b), b;
}, g.FromEulerAnglesToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(h, l, v, b), b;
}, g.FromEulerVector = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l._y, l._x, l._z, h), h;
}, g.FromEulerVectorToRef = function(l, h) {
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l._y, l._x, l._z, h), h;
}, g.RotationYawPitchRoll = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = 0.5 * v, w = 0.5 * h, N = 0.5 * l, M = Math.sin(D), U = Math.cos(D), X = Math.sin(w), j = Math.cos(w), ne = Math.sin(N), te = Math.cos(N);
b.x = te * X * U + ne * j * M, b.y = ne * j * U - te * X * M, b.z = te * j * M - ne * X * U, b.w = te * j * U + ne * X * M;
}, g.RotationAlphaBetaGamma = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.RotationAlphaBetaGammaToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.RotationAlphaBetaGammaToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = 0.5 * (v + l), w = 0.5 * (v - l), N = 0.5 * h;
b.x = Math.cos(w) * Math.sin(N), b.y = Math.sin(w) * Math.sin(N), b.z = Math.sin(D) * Math.cos(N), b.w = Math.cos(D) * Math.cos(N);
}, g.RotationQuaternionFromAxis = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g(0, 0, 0, 0);
return g.RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = S.Matrix[0];
T.FromXYZAxesToRef(l.normalize(), h.normalize(), v.normalize(), D), g.FromRotationMatrixToRef(D, b);
}, g.Slerp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = g.Identity();
return g.SlerpToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.SlerpToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D, w, N = l._x * h._x + l._y * h._y + l._z * h._z + l._w * h._w, M = !1;
if (N < 0 && (M = !0, N = -N), N > 0.999999)
w = 1 - v, D = M ? -v : v;
else {
var U = Math.acos(N), X = 1 / Math.sin(U);
w = Math.sin((1 - v) * U) * X, D = M ? -Math.sin(v * U) * X : Math.sin(v * U) * X;
b.x = w * l._x + D * h._x, b.y = w * l._y + D * h._y, b.z = w * l._z + D * h._z, b.w = w * l._w + D * h._w;
}, g.Hermite = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = D * D, N = D * w, M = 2 * N - 3 * w + 1, U = -2 * N + 3 * w, X = N - 2 * w + D, j = N - w;
return new g(l._x * M + v._x * U + h._x * X + b._x * j, l._y * M + v._y * U + h._y * X + b._y * j, l._z * M + v._z * U + h._z * X + b._z * j, l._w * M + v._w * U + h._w * X + b._w * j);
}, g;
}(), T = function() {
function g() {
this._isIdentity = !1, this._isIdentityDirty = !0, this._isIdentity3x2 = !0, this._isIdentity3x2Dirty = !0, this.updateFlag = -1, I.a.MatrixTrackPrecisionChange && I.a.MatrixTrackedMatrices.push(this), this._m = new I.a.MatrixCurrentType(16), this._updateIdentityStatus(!1);
return Object.defineProperty(g, "Use64Bits", { get: function() {
return I.a.MatrixUse64Bits;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "m", { get: function() {
return this._m;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype._markAsUpdated = function() {
this.updateFlag = g._updateFlagSeed++, this._isIdentity = !1, this._isIdentity3x2 = !1, this._isIdentityDirty = !0, this._isIdentity3x2Dirty = !0;
}, g.prototype._updateIdentityStatus = function(l, h, v, b) {
h === void 0 && (h = !1), v === void 0 && (v = !1), b === void 0 && (b = !0), this.updateFlag = g._updateFlagSeed++, this._isIdentity = l, this._isIdentity3x2 = l || v, this._isIdentityDirty = !this._isIdentity && h, this._isIdentity3x2Dirty = !this._isIdentity3x2 && b;
}, g.prototype.isIdentity = function() {
if (this._isIdentityDirty) {
this._isIdentityDirty = !1;
var l = this._m;
this._isIdentity = l[0] === 1 && l[1] === 0 && l[2] === 0 && l[3] === 0 && l[4] === 0 && l[5] === 1 && l[6] === 0 && l[7] === 0 && l[8] === 0 && l[9] === 0 && l[10] === 1 && l[11] === 0 && l[12] === 0 && l[13] === 0 && l[14] === 0 && l[15] === 1;
return this._isIdentity;
}, g.prototype.isIdentityAs3x2 = function() {
return this._isIdentity3x2Dirty && (this._isIdentity3x2Dirty = !1, this._m[0] !== 1 || this._m[5] !== 1 || this._m[15] !== 1 || this._m[1] !== 0 || this._m[2] !== 0 || this._m[3] !== 0 || this._m[4] !== 0 || this._m[6] !== 0 || this._m[7] !== 0 || this._m[8] !== 0 || this._m[9] !== 0 || this._m[10] !== 0 || this._m[11] !== 0 || this._m[12] !== 0 || this._m[13] !== 0 || this._m[14] !== 0 ? this._isIdentity3x2 = !1 : this._isIdentity3x2 = !0), this._isIdentity3x2;
}, g.prototype.determinant = function() {
if (this._isIdentity === !0)
return 1;
var l = this._m, h = l[0], v = l[1], b = l[2], D = l[3], w = l[4], N = l[5], M = l[6], U = l[7], X = l[8], j = l[9], ne = l[10], te = l[11], de = l[12], pe = l[13], ae = l[14], ee = l[15], K = ne * ee - ae * te, $ = j * ee - pe * te, L = j * ae - pe * ne, G = X * ee - de * te, Q = X * ae - ne * de, oe = X * pe - de * j;
return h * +(N * K - M * $ + U * L) + v * -(w * K - M * G + U * Q) + b * +(w * $ - N * G + U * oe) + D * -(w * L - N * Q + M * oe);
}, g.prototype.toArray = function() {
return this._m;
}, g.prototype.asArray = function() {
return this._m;
}, g.prototype.invert = function() {
return this.invertToRef(this), this;
}, g.prototype.reset = function() {
return g.FromValuesToRef(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, this), this._updateIdentityStatus(!1), this;
}, g.prototype.add = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return this.addToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.prototype.addToRef = function(l, h) {
for (var v = this._m, b = h._m, D = l.m, w = 0; w < 16; w++)
b[w] = v[w] + D[w];
return h._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.addToSelf = function(l) {
for (var h = this._m, v = l.m, b = 0; b < 16; b++)
h[b] += v[b];
return this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.invertToRef = function(l) {
if (this._isIdentity === !0)
return g.IdentityToRef(l), this;
var h = this._m, v = h[0], b = h[1], D = h[2], w = h[3], N = h[4], M = h[5], U = h[6], X = h[7], j = h[8], ne = h[9], te = h[10], de = h[11], pe = h[12], ae = h[13], ee = h[14], K = h[15], $ = te * K - ee * de, L = ne * K - ae * de, G = ne * ee - ae * te, Q = j * K - pe * de, oe = j * ee - te * pe, re = j * ae - pe * ne, Y = +(M * $ - U * L + X * G), k = -(N * $ - U * Q + X * oe), H = +(N * L - M * Q + X * re), Z = -(N * G - M * oe + U * re), W = v * Y + b * k + D * H + w * Z;
if (W === 0)
return l.copyFrom(this), this;
var q = 1 / W, he = U * K - ee * X, ge = M * K - ae * X, me = M * ee - ae * U, _e = N * K - pe * X, ye = N * ee - pe * U, Pe = N * ae - pe * M, be = U * de - te * X, Fe = M * de - ne * X, ke = M * te - ne * U, We = N * de - j * X, je = N * te - j * U, He = N * ne - j * M, Qe = -(b * $ - D * L + w * G), Ge = +(v * $ - D * Q + w * oe), tt = -(v * L - b * Q + w * re), Je = +(v * G - b * oe + D * re), st = +(b * he - D * ge + w * me), at = -(v * he - D * _e + w * ye), pt = +(v * ge - b * _e + w * Pe), Tt = -(v * me - b * ye + D * Pe), Lt = -(b * be - D * Fe + w * ke), Ot = +(v * be - D * We + w * je), St = -(v * Fe - b * We + w * He), Ct = +(v * ke - b * je + D * He);
return g.FromValuesToRef(Y * q, Qe * q, st * q, Lt * q, k * q, Ge * q, at * q, Ot * q, H * q, tt * q, pt * q, St * q, Z * q, Je * q, Tt * q, Ct * q, l), this;
}, g.prototype.addAtIndex = function(l, h) {
return this._m[l] += h, this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyAtIndex = function(l, h) {
return this._m[l] *= h, this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.setTranslationFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return this._m[12] = l, this._m[13] = h, this._m[14] = v, this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.addTranslationFromFloats = function(l, h, v) {
return this._m[12] += l, this._m[13] += h, this._m[14] += v, this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.setTranslation = function(l) {
return this.setTranslationFromFloats(l._x, l._y, l._z);
}, g.prototype.getTranslation = function() {
return new x(this._m[12], this._m[13], this._m[14]);
}, g.prototype.getTranslationToRef = function(l) {
return l.x = this._m[12], l.y = this._m[13], l.z = this._m[14], this;
}, g.prototype.removeRotationAndScaling = function() {
var l = this.m;
return g.FromValuesToRef(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, l[12], l[13], l[14], l[15], this), this._updateIdentityStatus(l[12] === 0 && l[13] === 0 && l[14] === 0 && l[15] === 1), this;
}, g.prototype.multiply = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return this.multiplyToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.prototype.copyFrom = function(l) {
var h = l;
return this._updateIdentityStatus(h._isIdentity, h._isIdentityDirty, h._isIdentity3x2, h._isIdentity3x2Dirty), this;
}, g.prototype.copyToArray = function(l, h) {
h === void 0 && (h = 0);
var v = this._m;
return l[h] = v[0], l[h + 1] = v[1], l[h + 2] = v[2], l[h + 3] = v[3], l[h + 4] = v[4], l[h + 5] = v[5], l[h + 6] = v[6], l[h + 7] = v[7], l[h + 8] = v[8], l[h + 9] = v[9], l[h + 10] = v[10], l[h + 11] = v[11], l[h + 12] = v[12], l[h + 13] = v[13], l[h + 14] = v[14], l[h + 15] = v[15], this;
}, g.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(l, h) {
return this._isIdentity ? (h.copyFrom(l), this) : l._isIdentity ? (h.copyFrom(this), this) : (this.multiplyToArray(l, h._m, 0), h._markAsUpdated(), this);
}, g.prototype.multiplyToArray = function(l, h, v) {
var b = this._m, D = l.m, w = b[0], N = b[1], M = b[2], U = b[3], X = b[4], j = b[5], ne = b[6], te = b[7], de = b[8], pe = b[9], ae = b[10], ee = b[11], K = b[12], $ = b[13], L = b[14], G = b[15], Q = D[0], oe = D[1], re = D[2], Y = D[3], k = D[4], H = D[5], Z = D[6], W = D[7], q = D[8], he = D[9], ge = D[10], me = D[11], _e = D[12], ye = D[13], Pe = D[14], be = D[15];
return h[v] = w * Q + N * k + M * q + U * _e, h[v + 1] = w * oe + N * H + M * he + U * ye, h[v + 2] = w * re + N * Z + M * ge + U * Pe, h[v + 3] = w * Y + N * W + M * me + U * be, h[v + 4] = X * Q + j * k + ne * q + te * _e, h[v + 5] = X * oe + j * H + ne * he + te * ye, h[v + 6] = X * re + j * Z + ne * ge + te * Pe, h[v + 7] = X * Y + j * W + ne * me + te * be, h[v + 8] = de * Q + pe * k + ae * q + ee * _e, h[v + 9] = de * oe + pe * H + ae * he + ee * ye, h[v + 10] = de * re + pe * Z + ae * ge + ee * Pe, h[v + 11] = de * Y + pe * W + ae * me + ee * be, h[v + 12] = K * Q + $ * k + L * q + G * _e, h[v + 13] = K * oe + $ * H + L * he + G * ye, h[v + 14] = K * re + $ * Z + L * ge + G * Pe, h[v + 15] = K * Y + $ * W + L * me + G * be, this;
}, g.prototype.equals = function(l) {
var h = l;
if (!h)
return !1;
if ((this._isIdentity || h._isIdentity) && !this._isIdentityDirty && !h._isIdentityDirty)
return this._isIdentity && h._isIdentity;
var v = this.m, b = h.m;
return v[0] === b[0] && v[1] === b[1] && v[2] === b[2] && v[3] === b[3] && v[4] === b[4] && v[5] === b[5] && v[6] === b[6] && v[7] === b[7] && v[8] === b[8] && v[9] === b[9] && v[10] === b[10] && v[11] === b[11] && v[12] === b[12] && v[13] === b[13] && v[14] === b[14] && v[15] === b[15];
}, g.prototype.clone = function() {
var l = new g();
return l.copyFrom(this), l;
}, g.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Matrix";
}, g.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
for (var l = 0 | this._m[0], h = 1; h < 16; h++)
l = 397 * l ^ (0 | this._m[h]);
return l;
}, g.prototype.decompose = function(l, h, v) {
if (this._isIdentity)
return v && v.setAll(0), l && l.setAll(1), h && h.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1), !0;
var b = this._m;
if (v && v.copyFromFloats(b[12], b[13], b[14]), (l = l || S.Vector3[0]).x = Math.sqrt(b[0] * b[0] + b[1] * b[1] + b[2] * b[2]), l.y = Math.sqrt(b[4] * b[4] + b[5] * b[5] + b[6] * b[6]), l.z = Math.sqrt(b[8] * b[8] + b[9] * b[9] + b[10] * b[10]), this.determinant() <= 0 && (l.y *= -1), l._x === 0 || l._y === 0 || l._z === 0)
return h && h.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1), !1;
if (h) {
var D = 1 / l._x, w = 1 / l._y, N = 1 / l._z;
g.FromValuesToRef(b[0] * D, b[1] * D, b[2] * D, 0, b[4] * w, b[5] * w, b[6] * w, 0, b[8] * N, b[9] * N, b[10] * N, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, S.Matrix[0]), c.FromRotationMatrixToRef(S.Matrix[0], h);
return !0;
}, g.prototype.getRow = function(l) {
if (l < 0 || l > 3)
return null;
var h = 4 * l;
return new m(this._m[h + 0], this._m[h + 1], this._m[h + 2], this._m[h + 3]);
}, g.prototype.setRow = function(l, h) {
return this.setRowFromFloats(l, h.x, h.y, h.z, h.w);
}, g.prototype.transpose = function() {
return g.Transpose(this);
}, g.prototype.transposeToRef = function(l) {
return g.TransposeToRef(this, l), this;
}, g.prototype.setRowFromFloats = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
if (l < 0 || l > 3)
return this;
var w = 4 * l;
return this._m[w + 0] = h, this._m[w + 1] = v, this._m[w + 2] = b, this._m[w + 3] = D, this._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.scale = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return this.scaleToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.prototype.scaleToRef = function(l, h) {
for (var v = 0; v < 16; v++)
h._m[v] = this._m[v] * l;
return h._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(l, h) {
for (var v = 0; v < 16; v++)
h._m[v] += this._m[v] * l;
return h._markAsUpdated(), this;
}, g.prototype.toNormalMatrix = function(l) {
var h = S.Matrix[0];
this.invertToRef(h), h.transposeToRef(l);
var v = l._m;
g.FromValuesToRef(v[0], v[1], v[2], 0, v[4], v[5], v[6], 0, v[8], v[9], v[10], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, l);
}, g.prototype.getRotationMatrix = function() {
var l = new g();
return this.getRotationMatrixToRef(l), l;
}, g.prototype.getRotationMatrixToRef = function(l) {
var h = S.Vector3[0];
if (!this.decompose(h))
return g.IdentityToRef(l), this;
var v = this._m, b = 1 / h._x, D = 1 / h._y, w = 1 / h._z;
return g.FromValuesToRef(v[0] * b, v[1] * b, v[2] * b, 0, v[4] * D, v[5] * D, v[6] * D, 0, v[8] * w, v[9] * w, v[10] * w, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, l), this;
}, g.prototype.toggleModelMatrixHandInPlace = function() {
var l = this._m;
l[2] *= -1, l[6] *= -1, l[8] *= -1, l[9] *= -1, l[14] *= -1, this._markAsUpdated();
}, g.prototype.toggleProjectionMatrixHandInPlace = function() {
var l = this._m;
l[8] *= -1, l[9] *= -1, l[10] *= -1, l[11] *= -1, this._markAsUpdated();
}, g.FromArray = function(l, h) {
h === void 0 && (h = 0);
var v = new g();
return g.FromArrayToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.FromArrayToRef = function(l, h, v) {
for (var b = 0; b < 16; b++)
v._m[b] = l[b + h];
}, g.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled = function(l, h, v, b) {
for (var D = 0; D < 16; D++)
b._m[D] = l[D + h] * v;
}, Object.defineProperty(g, "IdentityReadOnly", { get: function() {
return g._identityReadOnly;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.FromValuesToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae, ee) {
var K = ee._m;
K[0] = l, K[1] = h, K[2] = v, K[3] = b, K[4] = D, K[5] = w, K[6] = N, K[7] = M, K[8] = U, K[9] = X, K[10] = j, K[11] = ne, K[12] = te, K[13] = de, K[14] = pe, K[15] = ae, ee._markAsUpdated();
}, g.FromValues = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
var ee = new g(), K = ee._m;
return K[0] = l, K[1] = h, K[2] = v, K[3] = b, K[4] = D, K[5] = w, K[6] = N, K[7] = M, K[8] = U, K[9] = X, K[10] = j, K[11] = ne, K[12] = te, K[13] = de, K[14] = pe, K[15] = ae, ee._markAsUpdated(), ee;
}, g.Compose = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.ComposeToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.ComposeToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = b._m, w = h._x, N = h._y, M = h._z, U = h._w, X = w + w, j = N + N, ne = M + M, te = w * X, de = w * j, pe = w * ne, ae = N * j, ee = N * ne, K = M * ne, $ = U * X, L = U * j, G = U * ne, Q = l._x, oe = l._y, re = l._z;
D[0] = (1 - (ae + K)) * Q, D[1] = (de + G) * Q, D[2] = (pe - L) * Q, D[3] = 0, D[4] = (de - G) * oe, D[5] = (1 - (te + K)) * oe, D[6] = (ee + $) * oe, D[7] = 0, D[8] = (pe + L) * re, D[9] = (ee - $) * re, D[10] = (1 - (te + ae)) * re, D[11] = 0, D[12] = v._x, D[13] = v._y, D[14] = v._z, D[15] = 1, b._markAsUpdated();
}, g.Identity = function() {
var l = g.FromValues(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
return l._updateIdentityStatus(!0), l;
}, g.IdentityToRef = function(l) {
g.FromValuesToRef(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, l), l._updateIdentityStatus(!0);
}, g.Zero = function() {
var l = g.FromValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return l._updateIdentityStatus(!1), l;
}, g.RotationX = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.RotationXToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.Invert = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return l.invertToRef(h), h;
}, g.RotationXToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = Math.sin(l), b = Math.cos(l);
g.FromValuesToRef(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, b, v, 0, 0, -v, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, h), h._updateIdentityStatus(b === 1 && v === 0);
}, g.RotationY = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.RotationYToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.RotationYToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = Math.sin(l), b = Math.cos(l);
g.FromValuesToRef(b, 0, -v, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, v, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, h), h._updateIdentityStatus(b === 1 && v === 0);
}, g.RotationZ = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.RotationZToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.RotationZToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = Math.sin(l), b = Math.cos(l);
g.FromValuesToRef(b, v, 0, 0, -v, b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, h), h._updateIdentityStatus(b === 1 && v === 0);
}, g.RotationAxis = function(l, h) {
var v = new g();
return g.RotationAxisToRef(l, h, v), v;
}, g.RotationAxisToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = Math.sin(-h), D = Math.cos(-h), w = 1 - D;
var N = v._m;
N[0] = l._x * l._x * w + D, N[1] = l._x * l._y * w - l._z * b, N[2] = l._x * l._z * w + l._y * b, N[3] = 0, N[4] = l._y * l._x * w + l._z * b, N[5] = l._y * l._y * w + D, N[6] = l._y * l._z * w - l._x * b, N[7] = 0, N[8] = l._z * l._x * w - l._y * b, N[9] = l._z * l._y * w + l._x * b, N[10] = l._z * l._z * w + D, N[11] = 0, N[12] = 0, N[13] = 0, N[14] = 0, N[15] = 1, v._markAsUpdated();
}, g.RotationAlignToRef = function(l, h, v) {
var b = x.Cross(h, l), D = x.Dot(h, l), w = 1 / (1 + D), N = v._m;
N[0] = b._x * b._x * w + D, N[1] = b._y * b._x * w - b._z, N[2] = b._z * b._x * w + b._y, N[3] = 0, N[4] = b._x * b._y * w + b._z, N[5] = b._y * b._y * w + D, N[6] = b._z * b._y * w - b._x, N[7] = 0, N[8] = b._x * b._z * w - b._y, N[9] = b._y * b._z * w + b._x, N[10] = b._z * b._z * w + D, N[11] = 0, N[12] = 0, N[13] = 0, N[14] = 0, N[15] = 1, v._markAsUpdated();
}, g.RotationYawPitchRoll = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.RotationYawPitchRollToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
c.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l, h, v, S.Quaternion[0]), S.Quaternion[0].toRotationMatrix(b);
}, g.Scaling = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.ScalingToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.ScalingToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
g.FromValuesToRef(l, 0, 0, 0, 0, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, b), b._updateIdentityStatus(l === 1 && h === 1 && v === 1);
}, g.Translation = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.TranslationToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.TranslationToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
g.FromValuesToRef(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, l, h, v, 1, b), b._updateIdentityStatus(l === 0 && h === 0 && v === 0);
}, g.Lerp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.LerpToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.LerpToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
for (var D = b._m, w = l.m, N = h.m, M = 0; M < 16; M++)
D[M] = w[M] * (1 - v) + N[M] * v;
}, g.DecomposeLerp = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.DecomposeLerpToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.DecomposeLerpToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = S.Vector3[0], w = S.Quaternion[0], N = S.Vector3[1];
l.decompose(D, w, N);
var M = S.Vector3[2], U = S.Quaternion[1], X = S.Vector3[3];
h.decompose(M, U, X);
var j = S.Vector3[4];
x.LerpToRef(D, M, v, j);
var ne = S.Quaternion[2];
c.SlerpToRef(w, U, v, ne);
var te = S.Vector3[5];
x.LerpToRef(N, X, v, te), g.ComposeToRef(j, ne, te, b);
}, g.LookAtLH = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.LookAtLHToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.LookAtLHToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = S.Vector3[0], w = S.Vector3[1], N = S.Vector3[2];
h.subtractToRef(l, N), N.normalize(), x.CrossToRef(v, N, D);
var M = D.lengthSquared();
M === 0 ? D.x = 1 : D.normalizeFromLength(Math.sqrt(M)), x.CrossToRef(N, D, w), w.normalize();
var U = -x.Dot(D, l), X = -x.Dot(w, l), j = -x.Dot(N, l);
g.FromValuesToRef(D._x, w._x, N._x, 0, D._y, w._y, N._y, 0, D._z, w._z, N._z, 0, U, X, j, 1, b);
}, g.LookAtRH = function(l, h, v) {
var b = new g();
return g.LookAtRHToRef(l, h, v, b), b;
}, g.LookAtRHToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = S.Vector3[0], w = S.Vector3[1], N = S.Vector3[2];
l.subtractToRef(h, N), N.normalize(), x.CrossToRef(v, N, D);
var M = D.lengthSquared();
M === 0 ? D.x = 1 : D.normalizeFromLength(Math.sqrt(M)), x.CrossToRef(N, D, w), w.normalize();
var U = -x.Dot(D, l), X = -x.Dot(w, l), j = -x.Dot(N, l);
g.FromValuesToRef(D._x, w._x, N._x, 0, D._y, w._y, N._y, 0, D._z, w._z, N._z, 0, U, X, j, 1, b);
}, g.OrthoLH = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = new g();
return g.OrthoLHToRef(l, h, v, b, D), D;
}, g.OrthoLHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
var w = 2 / l, N = 2 / h, M = 2 / (b - v), U = -(b + v) / (b - v);
g.FromValuesToRef(w, 0, 0, 0, 0, N, 0, 0, 0, 0, M, 0, 0, 0, U, 1, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(w === 1 && N === 1 && M === 1 && U === 0);
}, g.OrthoOffCenterLH = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = new g();
return g.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(l, h, v, b, D, w, N), N;
}, g.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N) {
var M = 2 / (h - l), U = 2 / (b - v), X = 2 / (w - D), j = -(w + D) / (w - D), ne = (l + h) / (l - h), te = (b + v) / (v - b);
g.FromValuesToRef(M, 0, 0, 0, 0, U, 0, 0, 0, 0, X, 0, ne, te, j, 1, N), N._markAsUpdated();
}, g.OrthoOffCenterRH = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = new g();
return g.OrthoOffCenterRHToRef(l, h, v, b, D, w, N), N;
}, g.OrthoOffCenterRHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w, N) {
g.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(l, h, v, b, D, w, N), N._m[10] *= -1;
}, g.PerspectiveLH = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = new g(), w = 2 * v / l, N = 2 * v / h, M = (b + v) / (b - v), U = -2 * b * v / (b - v);
return g.FromValuesToRef(w, 0, 0, 0, 0, N, 0, 0, 0, 0, M, 1, 0, 0, U, 0, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(!1), D;
}, g.PerspectiveFovLH = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = new g();
return g.PerspectiveFovLHToRef(l, h, v, b, D), D;
}, g.PerspectiveFovLHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0);
var N = v, M = b, U = 1 / Math.tan(0.5 * l), X = w ? U / h : U, j = w ? U : U * h, ne = (M + N) / (M - N), te = -2 * M * N / (M - N);
g.FromValuesToRef(X, 0, 0, 0, 0, j, 0, 0, 0, 0, ne, 1, 0, 0, te, 0, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(!1);
}, g.PerspectiveFovReverseLHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0);
var N = 1 / Math.tan(0.5 * l), M = w ? N / h : N, U = w ? N : N * h;
g.FromValuesToRef(M, 0, 0, 0, 0, U, 0, 0, 0, 0, -v, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(!1);
}, g.PerspectiveFovRH = function(l, h, v, b) {
var D = new g();
return g.PerspectiveFovRHToRef(l, h, v, b, D), D;
}, g.PerspectiveFovRHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0);
var N = v, M = b, U = 1 / Math.tan(0.5 * l), X = w ? U / h : U, j = w ? U : U * h, ne = -(M + N) / (M - N), te = -2 * M * N / (M - N);
g.FromValuesToRef(X, 0, 0, 0, 0, j, 0, 0, 0, 0, ne, -1, 0, 0, te, 0, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(!1);
}, g.PerspectiveFovReverseRHToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0);
var N = 1 / Math.tan(0.5 * l), M = w ? N / h : N, U = w ? N : N * h;
g.FromValuesToRef(M, 0, 0, 0, 0, U, 0, 0, 0, 0, -v, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, D), D._updateIdentityStatus(!1);
}, g.PerspectiveFovWebVRToRef = function(l, h, v, b, D) {
D === void 0 && (D = !1);
var w = D ? -1 : 1, N = Math.tan(l.upDegrees * Math.PI / 180), M = Math.tan(l.downDegrees * Math.PI / 180), U = Math.tan(l.leftDegrees * Math.PI / 180), X = Math.tan(l.rightDegrees * Math.PI / 180), j = 2 / (U + X), ne = 2 / (N + M), te = b._m;
te[0] = j, te[1] = te[2] = te[3] = te[4] = 0, te[5] = ne, te[6] = te[7] = 0, te[8] = (U - X) * j * 0.5, te[9] = -(N - M) * ne * 0.5, te[10] = -v / (h - v), te[11] = 1 * w, te[12] = te[13] = te[15] = 0, te[14] = -2 * v * h / (v - h), b._markAsUpdated();
}, g.GetFinalMatrix = function(l, h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = l.width, M = l.height, U = l.x, X = l.y, j = g.FromValues(N / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -M / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, w - D, 0, U + N / 2, M / 2 + X, D, 1), ne = S.Matrix[0];
return h.multiplyToRef(v, ne), ne.multiplyToRef(b, ne), ne.multiply(j);
}, g.GetAsMatrix2x2 = function(l) {
var h = l.m, v = [h[0], h[1], h[4], h[5]];
return I.a.MatrixUse64Bits ? v : new Float32Array(v);
}, g.GetAsMatrix3x3 = function(l) {
var h = l.m, v = [h[0], h[1], h[2], h[4], h[5], h[6], h[8], h[9], h[10]];
return I.a.MatrixUse64Bits ? v : new Float32Array(v);
}, g.Transpose = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.TransposeToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.TransposeToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = h._m, b = l.m;
v[0] = b[0], v[1] = b[4], v[2] = b[8], v[3] = b[12], v[4] = b[1], v[5] = b[5], v[6] = b[9], v[7] = b[13], v[8] = b[2], v[9] = b[6], v[10] = b[10], v[11] = b[14], v[12] = b[3], v[13] = b[7], v[14] = b[11], v[15] = b[15], h._updateIdentityStatus(l._isIdentity, l._isIdentityDirty);
}, g.Reflection = function(l) {
var h = new g();
return g.ReflectionToRef(l, h), h;
}, g.ReflectionToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = l.normal.x, b = l.normal.y, D = l.normal.z, w = -2 * v, N = -2 * b, M = -2 * D;
g.FromValuesToRef(w * v + 1, N * v, M * v, 0, w * b, N * b + 1, M * b, 0, w * D, N * D, M * D + 1, 0, w * l.d, N * l.d, M * l.d, 1, h);
}, g.FromXYZAxesToRef = function(l, h, v, b) {
g.FromValuesToRef(l._x, l._y, l._z, 0, h._x, h._y, h._z, 0, v._x, v._y, v._z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, b);
}, g.FromQuaternionToRef = function(l, h) {
var v = l._x * l._x, b = l._y * l._y, D = l._z * l._z, w = l._x * l._y, N = l._z * l._w, M = l._z * l._x, U = l._y * l._w, X = l._y * l._z, j = l._x * l._w;
h._m[0] = 1 - 2 * (b + D), h._m[1] = 2 * (w + N), h._m[2] = 2 * (M - U), h._m[3] = 0, h._m[4] = 2 * (w - N), h._m[5] = 1 - 2 * (D + v), h._m[6] = 2 * (X + j), h._m[7] = 0, h._m[8] = 2 * (M + U), h._m[9] = 2 * (X - j), h._m[10] = 1 - 2 * (b + v), h._m[11] = 0, h._m[12] = 0, h._m[13] = 0, h._m[14] = 0, h._m[15] = 1, h._markAsUpdated();
}, g._updateFlagSeed = 0, g._identityReadOnly = g.Identity(), g;
}(), S = function() {
function g() {
return g.Vector3 = C.a.BuildArray(6, x.Zero), g.Matrix = C.a.BuildArray(2, T.Identity), g.Quaternion = C.a.BuildArray(3, c.Zero), g;
}(), E = function() {
function g() {
return g.Vector2 = C.a.BuildArray(3, O.Zero), g.Vector3 = C.a.BuildArray(13, x.Zero), g.Vector4 = C.a.BuildArray(3, m.Zero), g.Quaternion = C.a.BuildArray(2, c.Zero), g.Matrix = C.a.BuildArray(8, T.Identity), g;
u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Vector2"] = O, u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Vector3"] = x, u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Vector4"] = m, u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Matrix"] = T;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "d", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return u;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return I;
}), f.d(A, "e", function() {
return O;
}), f.d(A, "f", function() {
return x;
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
***************************************************************************** */
var V = function(m, c) {
return (V = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(T, S) {
T.__proto__ = S;
} || function(T, S) {
for (var E in S), E) && (T[E] = S[E]);
})(m, c);
function _(m, c) {
if (typeof c != "function" && c !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(c) + " is not a constructor or null");
function T() {
this.constructor = m;
V(m, c), m.prototype = c === null ? Object.create(c) : (T.prototype = c.prototype, new T());
var C = function() {
return (C = Object.assign || function(m) {
for (var c, T = 1, S = arguments.length; T < S; T++)
for (var E in c = arguments[T]), E) && (m[E] = c[E]);
return m;
}).apply(this, arguments);
function u(m, c, T, S) {
var E, g = arguments.length, l = g < 3 ? c : S === null ? S = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(c, T) : S;
if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate == "function")
l = Reflect.decorate(m, c, T, S);
for (var h = m.length - 1; h >= 0; h--)
(E = m[h]) && (l = (g < 3 ? E(l) : g > 3 ? E(c, T, l) : E(c, T)) || l);
return g > 3 && l && Object.defineProperty(c, T, l), l;
function I(m, c, T, S) {
return new (T || (T = Promise))(function(E, g) {
function l(b) {
try {
} catch (D) {
function h(b) {
try {
} catch (D) {
function v(b) {
var D;
b.done ? E(b.value) : (D = b.value, D instanceof T ? D : new T(function(w) {
})).then(l, h);
v((S = S.apply(m, c || [])).next());
function O(m, c) {
var T, S, E, g, l = { label: 0, sent: function() {
if (1 & E[0])
throw E[1];
return E[1];
}, trys: [], ops: [] };
return g = { next: h(0), throw: h(1), return: h(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function() {
return this;
}), g;
function h(v) {
return function(b) {
return function(D) {
if (T)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
for (; l; )
try {
if (T = 1, S && (E = 2 & D[0] ? S.return : D[0] ? S.throw || ((E = S.return) &&, 0) : && !(E =, D[1])).done)
return E;
switch (S = 0, E && (D = [2 & D[0], E.value]), D[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
E = D;
case 4:
return l.label++, { value: D[1], done: !1 };
case 5:
l.label++, S = D[1], D = [0];
case 7:
D = l.ops.pop(), l.trys.pop();
if (E = l.trys, !((E = E.length > 0 && E[E.length - 1]) || D[0] !== 6 && D[0] !== 2)) {
l = 0;
if (D[0] === 3 && (!E || D[1] > E[0] && D[1] < E[3])) {
l.label = D[1];
if (D[0] === 6 && l.label < E[1]) {
l.label = E[1], E = D;
if (E && l.label < E[2]) {
l.label = E[2], l.ops.push(D);
E[2] && l.ops.pop(), l.trys.pop();
D =, l);
} catch (w) {
D = [6, w], S = 0;
} finally {
T = E = 0;
if (5 & D[0])
throw D[1];
return { value: D[0] ? D[1] : void 0, done: !0 };
}([v, b]);
function x() {
for (var m = 0, c = 0, T = arguments.length; c < T; c++)
m += arguments[c].length;
var S = Array(m), E = 0;
for (c = 0; c < T; c++)
for (var g = arguments[c], l = 0, h = g.length; l < h; l++, E++)
S[E] = g[l];
return S;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return T;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return S;
}), f.d(A, "m", function() {
return E;
}), f.d(A, "e", function() {
return g;
}), f.d(A, "h", function() {
return l;
}), f.d(A, "n", function() {
return h;
}), f.d(A, "o", function() {
return v;
}), f.d(A, "k", function() {
return b;
}), f.d(A, "g", function() {
return D;
}), f.d(A, "f", function() {
return w;
}), f.d(A, "i", function() {
return N;
}), f.d(A, "l", function() {
return M;
}), f.d(A, "j", function() {
return U;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return X;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return j;
var V = f(37), _ = f(0), C = f(21), u = f(9), I = {}, O = {}, x = function(ne, te, de) {
var pe = ne();
V.a && V.a.AddTagsTo(pe, te.tags);
var ae = m(pe);
for (var ee in ae) {
var K = ae[ee], $ = te[ee], L = K.type;
if ($ != null && ee !== "uniqueId")
switch (L) {
case 0:
case 6:
case 11:
pe[ee] = $;
case 1:
pe[ee] = de || $.isRenderTarget ? $ : $.clone();
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 7:
case 10:
case 12:
pe[ee] = de ? $ : $.clone();
return pe;
function m(ne) {
var te = ne.getClassName();
if (O[te])
return O[te];
O[te] = {};
for (var de = O[te], pe = ne, ae = te; ae; ) {
var ee = I[ae];
for (var K in ee)
de[K] = ee[K];
var $ = void 0, L = !1;
do {
if (!($ = Object.getPrototypeOf(pe)).getClassName) {
L = !0;
if ($.getClassName() !== ae)
pe = $;
} while ($);
if (L)
ae = $.getClassName(), pe = $;
return de;
function c(ne, te) {
return function(de, pe) {
var ae = function(ee) {
var K = ee.getClassName();
return I[K] || (I[K] = {}), I[K];
ae[pe] || (ae[pe] = { type: ne, sourceName: te });
function T(ne, te) {
return te === void 0 && (te = null), function(de, pe) {
return pe === void 0 && (pe = null), function(ae, ee) {
var K = pe || "_" + ee;
Object.defineProperty(ae, ee, { get: function() {
return this[K];
}, set: function($) {
this[K] !== $ && (this[K] = $, ae[de].apply(this));
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
}(ne, te);
function S(ne) {
return c(0, ne);
function E(ne) {
return c(1, ne);
function g(ne) {
return c(2, ne);
function l(ne) {
return c(3, ne);
function h(ne) {
return c(4, ne);
function v(ne) {
return c(5, ne);
function b(ne) {
return c(6, ne);
function D(ne) {
return c(7, ne);
function w(ne) {
return c(8, ne);
function N(ne) {
return c(9, ne);
function M(ne) {
return c(10, ne);
function U(ne) {
return c(12, ne);
function X(ne) {
return c(11, ne);
var j = function() {
function ne() {
return ne.AppendSerializedAnimations = function(te, de) {
if (te.animations) {
de.animations = [];
for (var pe = 0; pe < te.animations.length; pe++) {
var ae = te.animations[pe];
}, ne.Serialize = function(te, de) {
de || (de = {}), V.a && (de.tags = V.a.GetTags(te));
var pe = m(te);
for (var ae in pe) {
var ee = pe[ae], K = ee.sourceName || ae, $ = ee.type, L = te[ae];
if (L != null && ae !== "uniqueId")
switch ($) {
case 0:
de[K] = L;
case 1:
de[K] = L.serialize();
case 2:
de[K] = L.asArray();
case 3:
de[K] = L.serialize();
case 4:
case 5:
de[K] = L.asArray();
case 6:
de[K] =;
case 7:
de[K] = L.serialize();
case 8:
de[K] = L.asArray();
case 9:
de[K] = L.serialize();
case 10:
de[K] = L.asArray();
case 11:
de[K] =;
case 12:
de[K] = L.asArray();
return de;
}, ne.Parse = function(te, de, pe, ae) {
ae === void 0 && (ae = null);
var ee = te();
ae || (ae = ""), V.a && V.a.AddTagsTo(ee, de.tags);
var K = m(ee);
for (var $ in K) {
var L = K[$], G = de[L.sourceName || $], Q = L.type;
if (G != null && $ !== "uniqueId") {
var oe = ee;
switch (Q) {
case 0:
oe[$] = G;
case 1:
pe && (oe[$] = ne._TextureParser(G, pe, ae));
case 2:
oe[$] = u.a.FromArray(G);
case 3:
oe[$] = ne._FresnelParametersParser(G);
case 4:
oe[$] = _.d.FromArray(G);
case 5:
oe[$] = _.e.FromArray(G);
case 6:
pe && (oe[$] = pe.getLastMeshByID(G));
case 7:
oe[$] = ne._ColorCurvesParser(G);
case 8:
oe[$] = u.b.FromArray(G);
case 9:
oe[$] = ne._ImageProcessingConfigurationParser(G);
case 10:
oe[$] = _.b.FromArray(G);
case 11:
pe && (oe[$] = pe.getCameraByID(G));
case 12:
oe[$] = _.a.FromArray(G);
return ee;
}, ne.Clone = function(te, de) {
return x(te, de, !1);
}, ne.Instanciate = function(te, de) {
return x(te, de, !0);
}, ne._ImageProcessingConfigurationParser = function(te) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("ImageProcessingConfiguration");
}, ne._FresnelParametersParser = function(te) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("FresnelParameters");
}, ne._ColorCurvesParser = function(te) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("ColorCurves");
}, ne._TextureParser = function(te, de, pe) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("Texture");
}, ne;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return _;
var V = function() {
function C(u, I, O, x, m, c, T, S) {
x === void 0 && (x = 0), m === void 0 && (m = !1), c === void 0 && (c = !1), T === void 0 && (T = !1), this._isAlreadyOwned = !1, u.getScene ? this._engine = u.getScene().getEngine() : this._engine = u, this._updatable = O, this._instanced = c, this._divisor = S || 1, this._data = I, this.byteStride = T ? x : x * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, m || this.create();
return C.prototype.createVertexBuffer = function(u, I, O, x, m, c, T) {
c === void 0 && (c = !1);
var S = c ? I : I * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, E = x ? c ? x : x * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT : this.byteStride;
return new _(this._engine, this, u, this._updatable, !0, E, m === void 0 ? this._instanced : m, S, O, void 0, void 0, !0, this._divisor || T);
}, C.prototype.isUpdatable = function() {
return this._updatable;
}, C.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._data;
}, C.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this._buffer;
}, C.prototype.getStrideSize = function() {
return this.byteStride / Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT;
}, C.prototype.create = function(u) {
u === void 0 && (u = null), !u && this._buffer || (u = u || this._data) && (this._buffer ? this._updatable && (this._engine.updateDynamicVertexBuffer(this._buffer, u), this._data = u) : this._updatable ? (this._buffer = this._engine.createDynamicVertexBuffer(u), this._data = u) : this._buffer = this._engine.createVertexBuffer(u));
}, C.prototype._rebuild = function() {
this._buffer = null, this.create(this._data);
}, C.prototype.update = function(u) {
}, C.prototype.updateDirectly = function(u, I, O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = !1), this._buffer && this._updatable && (this._engine.updateDynamicVertexBuffer(this._buffer, u, x ? I : I * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, O ? O * this.byteStride : void 0), this._data = null);
}, C.prototype._increaseReferences = function() {
this._buffer && (this._isAlreadyOwned ? this._buffer.references++ : this._isAlreadyOwned = !0);
}, C.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._buffer && this._engine._releaseBuffer(this._buffer) && (this._buffer = null);
}, C;
}(), _ = function() {
function C(u, I, O, x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v, b) {
if (l === void 0 && (l = !1), h === void 0 && (h = !1), v === void 0 && (v = 1), b === void 0 && (b = !1), I instanceof V ? (this._buffer = I, this._ownsBuffer = b, b && this._buffer._increaseReferences()) : (this._buffer = new V(u, I, x, c, m, T, h), this._ownsBuffer = !0), this._kind = O, g == null) {
var D = this.getData();
this.type = C.FLOAT, D instanceof Int8Array ? this.type = C.BYTE : D instanceof Uint8Array ? this.type = C.UNSIGNED_BYTE : D instanceof Int16Array ? this.type = C.SHORT : D instanceof Uint16Array ? this.type = C.UNSIGNED_SHORT : D instanceof Int32Array ? this.type = C.INT : D instanceof Uint32Array && (this.type = C.UNSIGNED_INT);
} else
this.type = g;
var w = C.GetTypeByteLength(this.type);
h ? (this._size = E || (c ? c / w : C.DeduceStride(O)), this.byteStride = c || this._buffer.byteStride || this._size * w, this.byteOffset = S || 0) : (this._size = E || c || C.DeduceStride(O), this.byteStride = c ? c * w : this._buffer.byteStride || this._size * w, this.byteOffset = (S || 0) * w), this.normalized = l, this._instanced = T !== void 0 && T, this._instanceDivisor = T ? v : 0;
return Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "instanceDivisor", { get: function() {
return this._instanceDivisor;
}, set: function(u) {
this._instanceDivisor = u, this._instanced = u != 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C.prototype._rebuild = function() {
this._buffer && this._buffer._rebuild();
}, C.prototype.getKind = function() {
return this._kind;
}, C.prototype.isUpdatable = function() {
return this._buffer.isUpdatable();
}, C.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._buffer.getData();
}, C.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this._buffer.getBuffer();
}, C.prototype.getStrideSize = function() {
return this.byteStride / C.GetTypeByteLength(this.type);
}, C.prototype.getOffset = function() {
return this.byteOffset / C.GetTypeByteLength(this.type);
}, C.prototype.getSize = function() {
return this._size;
}, C.prototype.getIsInstanced = function() {
return this._instanced;
}, C.prototype.getInstanceDivisor = function() {
return this._instanceDivisor;
}, C.prototype.create = function(u) {
}, C.prototype.update = function(u) {
}, C.prototype.updateDirectly = function(u, I, O) {
O === void 0 && (O = !1), this._buffer.updateDirectly(u, I, void 0, O);
}, C.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._ownsBuffer && this._buffer.dispose();
}, C.prototype.forEach = function(u, I) {
C.ForEach(this._buffer.getData(), this.byteOffset, this.byteStride, this._size, this.type, u, this.normalized, I);
}, C.DeduceStride = function(u) {
switch (u) {
case C.UVKind:
case C.UV2Kind:
case C.UV3Kind:
case C.UV4Kind:
case C.UV5Kind:
case C.UV6Kind:
return 2;
case C.NormalKind:
case C.PositionKind:
return 3;
case C.ColorKind:
case C.MatricesIndicesKind:
case C.MatricesIndicesExtraKind:
case C.MatricesWeightsKind:
case C.MatricesWeightsExtraKind:
case C.TangentKind:
return 4;
throw new Error("Invalid kind '" + u + "'");
}, C.GetTypeByteLength = function(u) {
switch (u) {
case C.BYTE:
return 1;
case C.SHORT:
return 2;
case C.INT:
case C.FLOAT:
return 4;
throw new Error("Invalid type '" + u + "'");
}, C.ForEach = function(u, I, O, x, m, c, T, S) {
if (u instanceof Array)
for (var E = I / 4, g = O / 4, l = 0; l < c; l += x) {
for (var h = 0; h < x; h++)
S(u[E + h], l + h);
E += g;
else {
var v = u instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new DataView(u) : new DataView(u.buffer, u.byteOffset, u.byteLength), b = C.GetTypeByteLength(m);
for (l = 0; l < c; l += x) {
var D = I;
for (h = 0; h < x; h++)
S(C._GetFloatValue(v, m, D, T), l + h), D += b;
I += O;
}, C._GetFloatValue = function(u, I, O, x) {
switch (I) {
case C.BYTE:
var m = u.getInt8(O);
return x && (m = Math.max(m / 127, -1)), m;
return m = u.getUint8(O), x && (m /= 255), m;
case C.SHORT:
return m = u.getInt16(O, !0), x && (m = Math.max(m / 32767, -1)), m;
return m = u.getUint16(O, !0), x && (m /= 65535), m;
case C.INT:
return u.getInt32(O, !0);
return u.getUint32(O, !0);
case C.FLOAT:
return u.getFloat32(O, !0);
throw new Error("Invalid component type " + I);
}, C.BYTE = 5120, C.UNSIGNED_BYTE = 5121, C.SHORT = 5122, C.UNSIGNED_SHORT = 5123, C.INT = 5124, C.UNSIGNED_INT = 5125, C.FLOAT = 5126, C.PositionKind = "position", C.NormalKind = "normal", C.TangentKind = "tangent", C.UVKind = "uv", C.UV2Kind = "uv2", C.UV3Kind = "uv3", C.UV4Kind = "uv4", C.UV5Kind = "uv5", C.UV6Kind = "uv6", C.ColorKind = "color", C.MatricesIndicesKind = "matricesIndices", C.MatricesWeightsKind = "matricesWeights", C.MatricesIndicesExtraKind = "matricesIndicesExtra", C.MatricesWeightsExtraKind = "matricesWeightsExtra", C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(6), _ = f(2), C = f(38), u = f(8), I = f(128), O = function() {
function x(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v, b) {
var D, w = this;
S === void 0 && (S = null), g === void 0 && (g = null), l === void 0 && (l = null), h === void 0 && (h = null), v === void 0 && (v = null), = null, this.defines = "", this.onCompiled = null, this.onError = null, this.onBind = null, this.uniqueId = 0, this.onCompileObservable = new V.c(), this.onErrorObservable = new V.c(), this._onBindObservable = null, this._wasPreviouslyReady = !1, this._bonesComputationForcedToCPU = !1, this._multiTarget = !1, this._uniformBuffersNames = {}, this._samplers = {}, this._isReady = !1, this._compilationError = "", this._allFallbacksProcessed = !1, this._uniforms = {}, this._key = "", this._fallbacks = null, this._vertexSourceCode = "", this._fragmentSourceCode = "", this._vertexSourceCodeOverride = "", this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride = "", this._transformFeedbackVaryings = null, this._rawVertexSourceCode = "", this._rawFragmentSourceCode = "", this._pipelineContext = null, this._valueCache = {}, = m;
var N, M, U = null;
if (c.attributes) {
var X = c;
if (this._engine = T, this._attributesNames = X.attributes, this._uniformsNames = X.uniformsNames.concat(X.samplers), this._samplerList = X.samplers.slice(), this.defines = X.defines, this.onError = X.onError, this.onCompiled = X.onCompiled, this._fallbacks = X.fallbacks, this._indexParameters = X.indexParameters, this._transformFeedbackVaryings = X.transformFeedbackVaryings || null, this._multiTarget = !!X.multiTarget, X.uniformBuffersNames) {
this._uniformBuffersNamesList = X.uniformBuffersNames.slice();
for (var j = 0; j < X.uniformBuffersNames.length; j++)
this._uniformBuffersNames[X.uniformBuffersNames[j]] = j;
U = (D = X.processFinalCode) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : null;
} else
this._engine = E, this.defines = g ?? "", this._uniformsNames = T.concat(S), this._samplerList = S ? S.slice() : [], this._attributesNames = c, this._uniformBuffersNamesList = [], this.onError = v, this.onCompiled = h, this._indexParameters = b, this._fallbacks = l;
this._attributeLocationByName = {}, this.uniqueId = x._uniqueIdSeed++;
var ne = C.a.IsWindowObjectExist() ? this._engine.getHostDocument() : null;
m.vertexSource ? N = "source:" + m.vertexSource : m.vertexElement ? (N = ne ? ne.getElementById(m.vertexElement) : null) || (N = m.vertexElement) : N = m.vertex || m, m.fragmentSource ? M = "source:" + m.fragmentSource : m.fragmentElement ? (M = ne ? ne.getElementById(m.fragmentElement) : null) || (M = m.fragmentElement) : M = m.fragment || m;
var te = { defines: this.defines.split(`
`), indexParameters: this._indexParameters, isFragment: !1, shouldUseHighPrecisionShader: this._engine._shouldUseHighPrecisionShader, processor: this._engine._shaderProcessor, supportsUniformBuffers: this._engine.supportsUniformBuffers, shadersRepository: x.ShadersRepository, includesShadersStore: x.IncludesShadersStore, version: (100 * this._engine.webGLVersion).toString(), platformName: this._engine.webGLVersion >= 2 ? "WEBGL2" : "WEBGL1" };
this._loadShader(N, "Vertex", "", function(de) {
w._rawVertexSourceCode = de, w._loadShader(M, "Fragment", "Pixel", function(pe) {
w._rawFragmentSourceCode = pe, I.a.Process(de, te, function(ae) {
U && (ae = U("vertex", ae)), te.isFragment = !0, I.a.Process(pe, te, function(ee) {
U && (ee = U("fragment", ee)), w._useFinalCode(ae, ee, m);
}, w._engine);
}, w._engine);
return Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "onBindObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onBindObservable || (this._onBindObservable = new V.c()), this._onBindObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype._useFinalCode = function(m, c, T) {
if (T) {
var S = T.vertexElement || T.vertex || T.spectorName || T, E = T.fragmentElement || T.fragment || T.spectorName || T;
this._vertexSourceCode = "#define SHADER_NAME vertex:" + S + `
` + m, this._fragmentSourceCode = "#define SHADER_NAME fragment:" + E + `
` + c;
} else
this._vertexSourceCode = m, this._fragmentSourceCode = c;
}, Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "key", { get: function() {
return this._key;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.isReady = function() {
try {
return this._isReadyInternal();
} catch {
return !1;
}, x.prototype._isReadyInternal = function() {
return !!this._isReady || !!this._pipelineContext && this._pipelineContext.isReady;
}, x.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, x.prototype.getPipelineContext = function() {
return this._pipelineContext;
}, x.prototype.getAttributesNames = function() {
return this._attributesNames;
}, x.prototype.getAttributeLocation = function(m) {
return this._attributes[m];
}, x.prototype.getAttributeLocationByName = function(m) {
return this._attributeLocationByName[m];
}, x.prototype.getAttributesCount = function() {
return this._attributes.length;
}, x.prototype.getUniformIndex = function(m) {
return this._uniformsNames.indexOf(m);
}, x.prototype.getUniform = function(m) {
return this._uniforms[m];
}, x.prototype.getSamplers = function() {
return this._samplerList;
}, x.prototype.getUniformNames = function() {
return this._uniformsNames;
}, x.prototype.getUniformBuffersNames = function() {
return this._uniformBuffersNamesList;
}, x.prototype.getIndexParameters = function() {
return this._indexParameters;
}, x.prototype.getCompilationError = function() {
return this._compilationError;
}, x.prototype.allFallbacksProcessed = function() {
return this._allFallbacksProcessed;
}, x.prototype.executeWhenCompiled = function(m) {
var c = this;
this.isReady() ? m(this) : (this.onCompileObservable.add(function(T) {
}), this._pipelineContext && !this._pipelineContext.isAsync || setTimeout(function() {
}, 16));
}, x.prototype._checkIsReady = function(m) {
var c = this;
try {
if (this._isReadyInternal())
} catch (T) {
return void this._processCompilationErrors(T, m);
setTimeout(function() {
}, 16);
}, x.prototype._loadShader = function(m, c, T, S) {
var E;
if (typeof HTMLElement < "u" && m instanceof HTMLElement)
return void S(C.a.GetDOMTextContent(m));
m.substr(0, 7) !== "source:" ? m.substr(0, 7) !== "base64:" ? x.ShadersStore[m + c + "Shader"] ? S(x.ShadersStore[m + c + "Shader"]) : T && x.ShadersStore[m + T + "Shader"] ? S(x.ShadersStore[m + T + "Shader"]) : (E = m[0] === "." || m[0] === "/" || m.indexOf("http") > -1 ? m : x.ShadersRepository + m, this._engine._loadFile(E + "." + c.toLowerCase() + ".fx", S)) : S(window.atob(m.substr(7))) : S(m.substr(7));
}, Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "vertexSourceCode", { get: function() {
return this._vertexSourceCodeOverride && this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride ? this._vertexSourceCodeOverride : this._vertexSourceCode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "fragmentSourceCode", { get: function() {
return this._vertexSourceCodeOverride && this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride ? this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride : this._fragmentSourceCode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "rawVertexSourceCode", { get: function() {
return this._rawVertexSourceCode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "rawFragmentSourceCode", { get: function() {
return this._rawFragmentSourceCode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype._rebuildProgram = function(m, c, T, S) {
var E = this;
this._isReady = !1, this._vertexSourceCodeOverride = m, this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride = c, this.onError = function(g, l) {
S && S(l);
}, this.onCompiled = function() {
var g = E.getEngine().scenes;
if (g)
for (var l = 0; l < g.length; l++)
}, this._fallbacks = null, this._prepareEffect();
}, x.prototype._prepareEffect = function() {
var m = this, c = this._attributesNames, T = this.defines;
this._valueCache = {};
var S = this._pipelineContext;
try {
var E = this._engine;
this._pipelineContext = E.createPipelineContext();
var g = this._rebuildProgram.bind(this);
this._vertexSourceCodeOverride && this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride ? E._preparePipelineContext(this._pipelineContext, this._vertexSourceCodeOverride, this._fragmentSourceCodeOverride, !0, g, null, this._transformFeedbackVaryings) : E._preparePipelineContext(this._pipelineContext, this._vertexSourceCode, this._fragmentSourceCode, !1, g, T, this._transformFeedbackVaryings), E._executeWhenRenderingStateIsCompiled(this._pipelineContext, function() {
if (E.supportsUniformBuffers)
for (var l in m._uniformBuffersNames)
m.bindUniformBlock(l, m._uniformBuffersNames[l]);
var h;
if (E.getUniforms(m._pipelineContext, m._uniformsNames).forEach(function(D, w) {
m._uniforms[m._uniformsNames[w]] = D;
}), m._attributes = E.getAttributes(m._pipelineContext, c), c)
for (var v = 0; v < c.length; v++) {
var b = c[v];
m._attributeLocationByName[b] = m._attributes[v];
for (h = 0; h < m._samplerList.length; h++)
m.getUniform(m._samplerList[h]) == null && (m._samplerList.splice(h, 1), h--);
m._samplerList.forEach(function(D, w) {
m._samplers[D] = w;
}), E.bindSamplers(m), m._compilationError = "", m._isReady = !0, m.onCompiled && m.onCompiled(m), m.onCompileObservable.notifyObservers(m), m.onCompileObservable.clear(), m._fallbacks && m._fallbacks.unBindMesh(), S && m.getEngine()._deletePipelineContext(S);
}), this._pipelineContext.isAsync && this._checkIsReady(S);
} catch (l) {
this._processCompilationErrors(l, S);
}, x.prototype._getShaderCodeAndErrorLine = function(m, c, T) {
var S = T ? /FRAGMENT SHADER ERROR: 0:(\d+?):/ : /VERTEX SHADER ERROR: 0:(\d+?):/, E = null;
if (c && m) {
var g = c.match(S);
if (g && g.length === 2) {
var l = parseInt(g[1]), h = m.split(`
`, -1);
h.length >= l && (E = "Offending line [" + l + "] in " + (T ? "fragment" : "vertex") + " code: " + h[l - 1]);
return [m, E];
}, x.prototype._processCompilationErrors = function(m, c) {
var T, S, E, g, l;
c === void 0 && (c = null), this._compilationError = m.message;
var h = this._attributesNames, v = this._fallbacks;
if (u.a.Error("Unable to compile effect:"), u.a.Error("Uniforms: " + {
return " " + N;
})), u.a.Error("Attributes: " + {
return " " + N;
})), u.a.Error(`Defines:\r
` + this.defines), x.LogShaderCodeOnCompilationError) {
var b = null, D = null, w = null;
!((E = this._pipelineContext) === null || E === void 0) && E._getVertexShaderCode() && (w = (T = this._getShaderCodeAndErrorLine(this._pipelineContext._getVertexShaderCode(), this._compilationError, !1))[0], b = T[1], w && (u.a.Error("Vertex code:"), u.a.Error(w))), !((g = this._pipelineContext) === null || g === void 0) && g._getFragmentShaderCode() && (w = (S = this._getShaderCodeAndErrorLine((l = this._pipelineContext) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l._getFragmentShaderCode(), this._compilationError, !0))[0], D = S[1], w && (u.a.Error("Fragment code:"), u.a.Error(w))), b && u.a.Error(b), D && u.a.Error(D);
u.a.Error("Error: " + this._compilationError), c && (this._pipelineContext = c, this._isReady = !0, this.onError && this.onError(this, this._compilationError), this.onErrorObservable.notifyObservers(this)), v ? (this._pipelineContext = null, v.hasMoreFallbacks ? (this._allFallbacksProcessed = !1, u.a.Error("Trying next fallback."), this.defines = v.reduce(this.defines, this), this._prepareEffect()) : (this._allFallbacksProcessed = !0, this.onError && this.onError(this, this._compilationError), this.onErrorObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onErrorObservable.clear(), this._fallbacks && this._fallbacks.unBindMesh())) : this._allFallbacksProcessed = !0;
}, Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
return this._compilationError === "";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype._bindTexture = function(m, c) {
this._engine._bindTexture(this._samplers[m], c);
}, x.prototype.setTexture = function(m, c) {
this._engine.setTexture(this._samplers[m], this._uniforms[m], c);
}, x.prototype.setDepthStencilTexture = function(m, c) {
this._engine.setDepthStencilTexture(this._samplers[m], this._uniforms[m], c);
}, x.prototype.setTextureArray = function(m, c) {
var T = m + "Ex";
if (this._samplerList.indexOf(T + "0") === -1) {
for (var S = this._samplerList.indexOf(m), E = 1; E < c.length; E++) {
var g = T + (E - 1).toString();
this._samplerList.splice(S + E, 0, g);
for (var l = 0, h = 0, v = this._samplerList; h < v.length; h++) {
var b = v[h];
this._samplers[b] = l, l += 1;
this._engine.setTextureArray(this._samplers[m], this._uniforms[m], c);
}, x.prototype.setTextureFromPostProcess = function(m, c) {
this._engine.setTextureFromPostProcess(this._samplers[m], c);
}, x.prototype.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput = function(m, c) {
this._engine.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput(this._samplers[m], c);
}, x.prototype._cacheMatrix = function(m, c) {
var T = this._valueCache[m], S = c.updateFlag;
return (T === void 0 || T !== S) && (this._valueCache[m] = S, !0);
}, x.prototype._cacheFloat2 = function(m, c, T) {
var S = this._valueCache[m];
if (!S || S.length !== 2)
return S = [c, T], this._valueCache[m] = S, !0;
var E = !1;
return S[0] !== c && (S[0] = c, E = !0), S[1] !== T && (S[1] = T, E = !0), E;
}, x.prototype._cacheFloat3 = function(m, c, T, S) {
var E = this._valueCache[m];
if (!E || E.length !== 3)
return E = [c, T, S], this._valueCache[m] = E, !0;
var g = !1;
return E[0] !== c && (E[0] = c, g = !0), E[1] !== T && (E[1] = T, g = !0), E[2] !== S && (E[2] = S, g = !0), g;
}, x.prototype._cacheFloat4 = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
var g = this._valueCache[m];
if (!g || g.length !== 4)
return g = [c, T, S, E], this._valueCache[m] = g, !0;
var l = !1;
return g[0] !== c && (g[0] = c, l = !0), g[1] !== T && (g[1] = T, l = !0), g[2] !== S && (g[2] = S, l = !0), g[3] !== E && (g[3] = E, l = !0), l;
}, x.prototype.bindUniformBuffer = function(m, c) {
var T = this._uniformBuffersNames[c];
T !== void 0 && x._baseCache[T] !== m && (x._baseCache[T] = m, this._engine.bindUniformBufferBase(m, T));
}, x.prototype.bindUniformBlock = function(m, c) {
this._engine.bindUniformBlock(this._pipelineContext, m, c);
}, x.prototype.setInt = function(m, c) {
var T = this._valueCache[m];
return T !== void 0 && T === c || this._engine.setInt(this._uniforms[m], c) && (this._valueCache[m] = c), this;
}, x.prototype.setIntArray = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setIntArray(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setIntArray2 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setIntArray2(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setIntArray3 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setIntArray3(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setIntArray4 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setIntArray4(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloatArray = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloatArray2 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray2(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloatArray3 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray3(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloatArray4 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray4(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setArray = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setArray2 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray2(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setArray3 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray3(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setArray4 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setArray4(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setMatrices = function(m, c) {
return c ? (this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setMatrices(this._uniforms[m], c), this) : this;
}, x.prototype.setMatrix = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheMatrix(m, c) && (this._engine.setMatrices(this._uniforms[m], c.toArray()) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setMatrix3x3 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setMatrix3x3(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setMatrix2x2 = function(m, c) {
return this._valueCache[m] = null, this._engine.setMatrix2x2(this._uniforms[m], c), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloat = function(m, c) {
var T = this._valueCache[m];
return T !== void 0 && T === c || this._engine.setFloat(this._uniforms[m], c) && (this._valueCache[m] = c), this;
}, x.prototype.setBool = function(m, c) {
var T = this._valueCache[m];
return T !== void 0 && T === c || this._engine.setInt(this._uniforms[m], c ? 1 : 0) && (this._valueCache[m] = c), this;
}, x.prototype.setVector2 = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheFloat2(m, c.x, c.y) && (this._engine.setFloat2(this._uniforms[m], c.x, c.y) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloat2 = function(m, c, T) {
return this._cacheFloat2(m, c, T) && (this._engine.setFloat2(this._uniforms[m], c, T) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setVector3 = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheFloat3(m, c.x, c.y, c.z) && (this._engine.setFloat3(this._uniforms[m], c.x, c.y, c.z) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloat3 = function(m, c, T, S) {
return this._cacheFloat3(m, c, T, S) && (this._engine.setFloat3(this._uniforms[m], c, T, S) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setVector4 = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheFloat4(m, c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w) && (this._engine.setFloat4(this._uniforms[m], c.x, c.y, c.z, c.w) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setFloat4 = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
return this._cacheFloat4(m, c, T, S, E) && (this._engine.setFloat4(this._uniforms[m], c, T, S, E) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setColor3 = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheFloat3(m, c.r, c.g, c.b) && (this._engine.setFloat3(this._uniforms[m], c.r, c.g, c.b) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setColor4 = function(m, c, T) {
return this._cacheFloat4(m, c.r, c.g, c.b, T) && (this._engine.setFloat4(this._uniforms[m], c.r, c.g, c.b, T) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.setDirectColor4 = function(m, c) {
return this._cacheFloat4(m, c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) && (this._engine.setFloat4(this._uniforms[m], c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) || (this._valueCache[m] = null)), this;
}, x.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, x.RegisterShader = function(m, c, T) {
c && (x.ShadersStore[m + "PixelShader"] = c), T && (x.ShadersStore[m + "VertexShader"] = T);
}, x.ResetCache = function() {
x._baseCache = {};
}, x.ShadersRepository = "src/Shaders/", x.LogShaderCodeOnCompilationError = !0, x._uniqueIdSeed = 0, x._baseCache = {}, x.ShadersStore = {}, x.IncludesShadersStore = {}, x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return u;
var V = function() {
function I(O, x, m, c) {
x === void 0 && (x = !1), this.initalize(O, x, m, c);
return I.prototype.initalize = function(O, x, m, c) {
return x === void 0 && (x = !1), this.mask = O, this.skipNextObservers = x, = m, this.currentTarget = c, this;
}, I;
}(), _ = function(I, O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = null), this.callback = I, this.mask = O, this.scope = x, this._willBeUnregistered = !1, this.unregisterOnNextCall = !1;
}, C = function() {
function I() {
return I.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (this._observers && this._observables)
for (var O = 0; O < this._observers.length; O++)
this._observers = null, this._observables = null;
}, I.Watch = function(O, x, m, c) {
m === void 0 && (m = -1), c === void 0 && (c = null);
var T = new I();
T._observers = new Array(), T._observables = O;
for (var S = 0, E = O; S < E.length; S++) {
var g = E[S].add(x, m, !1, c);
g && T._observers.push(g);
return T;
}, I;
}(), u = function() {
function I(O) {
this._observers = new Array(), this._eventState = new V(0), O && (this._onObserverAdded = O);
return Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "observers", { get: function() {
return this._observers;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), I.prototype.add = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
if (x === void 0 && (x = -1), m === void 0 && (m = !1), c === void 0 && (c = null), T === void 0 && (T = !1), !O)
return null;
var S = new _(O, x, c);
return S.unregisterOnNextCall = T, m ? this._observers.unshift(S) : this._observers.push(S), this._onObserverAdded && this._onObserverAdded(S), S;
}, I.prototype.addOnce = function(O) {
return this.add(O, void 0, void 0, void 0, !0);
}, I.prototype.remove = function(O) {
return !!O && this._observers.indexOf(O) !== -1 && (this._deferUnregister(O), !0);
}, I.prototype.removeCallback = function(O, x) {
for (var m = 0; m < this._observers.length; m++) {
var c = this._observers[m];
if (!c._willBeUnregistered && c.callback === O && (!x || x === c.scope))
return this._deferUnregister(c), !0;
return !1;
}, I.prototype._deferUnregister = function(O) {
var x = this;
O.unregisterOnNextCall = !1, O._willBeUnregistered = !0, setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
}, I.prototype._remove = function(O) {
if (!O)
return !1;
var x = this._observers.indexOf(O);
return x !== -1 && (this._observers.splice(x, 1), !0);
}, I.prototype.makeObserverTopPriority = function(O) {
this._remove(O), this._observers.unshift(O);
}, I.prototype.makeObserverBottomPriority = function(O) {
this._remove(O), this._observers.push(O);
}, I.prototype.notifyObservers = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
if (x === void 0 && (x = -1), !this._observers.length)
return !0;
var S = this._eventState;
S.mask = x, = m, S.currentTarget = c, S.skipNextObservers = !1, S.lastReturnValue = O, S.userInfo = T;
for (var E = 0, g = this._observers; E < g.length; E++) {
var l = g[E];
if (!l._willBeUnregistered && (l.mask & x && (l.scope ? S.lastReturnValue = l.callback.apply(l.scope, [O, S]) : S.lastReturnValue = l.callback(O, S), l.unregisterOnNextCall && this._deferUnregister(l)), S.skipNextObservers))
return !1;
return !0;
}, I.prototype.notifyObserversWithPromise = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
var S = this;
x === void 0 && (x = -1);
var E = Promise.resolve(O);
if (!this._observers.length)
return E;
var g = this._eventState;
return g.mask = x, = m, g.currentTarget = c, g.skipNextObservers = !1, g.userInfo = T, this._observers.forEach(function(l) {
g.skipNextObservers || l._willBeUnregistered || l.mask & x && (E = l.scope ? E.then(function(h) {
return g.lastReturnValue = h, l.callback.apply(l.scope, [O, g]);
}) : E.then(function(h) {
return g.lastReturnValue = h, l.callback(O, g);
}), l.unregisterOnNextCall && S._deferUnregister(l));
}), E.then(function() {
return O;
}, I.prototype.notifyObserver = function(O, x, m) {
m === void 0 && (m = -1);
var c = this._eventState;
c.mask = m, c.skipNextObservers = !1, O.callback(x, c);
}, I.prototype.hasObservers = function() {
return this._observers.length > 0;
}, I.prototype.clear = function() {
this._observers = new Array(), this._onObserverAdded = null;
}, I.prototype.clone = function() {
var O = new I();
return O._observers = this._observers.slice(0), O;
}, I.prototype.hasSpecificMask = function(O) {
O === void 0 && (O = -1);
for (var x = 0, m = this._observers; x < m.length; x++) {
var c = m[x];
if (c.mask & O || c.mask === O)
return !0;
return !1;
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return te;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return pe;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return K;
var V = f(1), _ = f(6), C = f(12), u = f(41), I = f(37), O = f(0), x = f(9), m = f(29), c = f(4), T = f(16), S = f(71), E = f(31), g = f(61), l = f(43), h = f(25), v = f(68), b = f(69), D = f(2), w = f(3), N = f(8), M = f(11), U = f(21), X = f(17), j = f(149), ne = f(70), te = function() {
}, de = function() {
this.visibleInstances = {}, this.batchCache = new pe(), this.instancesBufferSize = 2048;
}, pe = function() {
this.mustReturn = !1, this.visibleInstances = new Array(), this.renderSelf = new Array(), this.hardwareInstancedRendering = new Array();
}, ae = function() {
this.instancesCount = 0, this.matrixBuffer = null, this.matrixBufferSize = 512, this.boundingVectors = [], this.worldMatrices = null;
}, ee = function() {
this._areNormalsFrozen = !1, this._source = null, this.meshMap = null, this._preActivateId = -1, this._LODLevels = new Array(), this._morphTargetManager = null;
}, K = function($) {
function L(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
Q === void 0 && (Q = null), oe === void 0 && (oe = null), re === void 0 && (re = null), k === void 0 && (k = !0);
var H = $.call(this, G, Q) || this;
if (H._internalMeshDataInfo = new ee(), H.delayLoadState = D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NONE, H.instances = new Array(), H._creationDataStorage = null, H._geometry = null, H._instanceDataStorage = new de(), H._thinInstanceDataStorage = new ae(), H._effectiveMaterial = null, H._shouldGenerateFlatShading = !1, H._originalBuilderSideOrientation = L.DEFAULTSIDE, H.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = null, Q = H.getScene(), re) {
if (re._geometry && re._geometry.applyToMesh(H), u.a.DeepCopy(re, H, ["name", "material", "skeleton", "instances", "parent", "uniqueId", "source", "metadata", "morphTargetManager", "hasInstances", "source", "worldMatrixInstancedBuffer", "hasLODLevels", "geometry", "isBlocked", "areNormalsFrozen", "facetNb", "isFacetDataEnabled", "lightSources", "useBones", "isAnInstance", "collider", "edgesRenderer", "forward", "up", "right", "absolutePosition", "absoluteScaling", "absoluteRotationQuaternion", "isWorldMatrixFrozen", "nonUniformScaling", "behaviors", "worldMatrixFromCache", "hasThinInstances", "cloneMeshMap"], ["_poseMatrix"]), H._internalMeshDataInfo._source = re, Q.useClonedMeshMap && (re._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap || (re._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap = {}), re._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap[H.uniqueId] = H), H._originalBuilderSideOrientation = re._originalBuilderSideOrientation, H._creationDataStorage = re._creationDataStorage, re._ranges) {
var Z = re._ranges;
for (var G in Z)
Z.hasOwnProperty(G) && Z[G] && H.createAnimationRange(G, Z[G].from, Z[G].to);
var W;
if (re.metadata && re.metadata.clone ? H.metadata = re.metadata.clone() : H.metadata = re.metadata, I.a && I.a.HasTags(re) && I.a.AddTagsTo(H, I.a.GetTags(re, !0)), H.setEnabled(re.isEnabled()), H.parent = re.parent, H.setPivotMatrix(re.getPivotMatrix()), = G + "." +, H.material = re.material, !Y)
for (var q = re.getDescendants(!0), he = 0; he < q.length; he++) {
var ge = q[he];
ge.clone && ge.clone(G + "." +, H);
if (re.morphTargetManager && (H.morphTargetManager = re.morphTargetManager), Q.getPhysicsEngine) {
var me = Q.getPhysicsEngine();
if (k && me) {
var _e = me.getImpostorForPhysicsObject(re);
_e && (H.physicsImpostor = _e.clone(H));
for (W = 0; W < Q.particleSystems.length; W++) {
var ye = Q.particleSystems[W];
ye.emitter === re && ye.clone(, H);
H.refreshBoundingInfo(), H.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
return oe !== null && (H.parent = oe), H._instanceDataStorage.hardwareInstancedRendering = H.getEngine().getCaps().instancedArrays, H;
return Object(V.d)(L, $), L._GetDefaultSideOrientation = function(G) {
return G || L.FRONTSIDE;
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "computeBonesUsingShaders", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders;
}, set: function(G) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders !== G && (G && this._internalMeshDataInfo._sourcePositions && (this.setVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, this._internalMeshDataInfo._sourcePositions.slice(), !0), this._internalMeshDataInfo._sourceNormals && this.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, this._internalMeshDataInfo._sourceNormals.slice(), !0)), this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders = G, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "onBeforeRenderObservable", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeRenderObservable || (this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeRenderObservable = new _.c()), this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeRenderObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "onBeforeBindObservable", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeBindObservable || (this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeBindObservable = new _.c()), this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeBindObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "onAfterRenderObservable", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._onAfterRenderObservable || (this._internalMeshDataInfo._onAfterRenderObservable = new _.c()), this._internalMeshDataInfo._onAfterRenderObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "onBeforeDrawObservable", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeDrawObservable || (this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeDrawObservable = new _.c()), this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeDrawObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "onBeforeDraw", { set: function(G) {
this._onBeforeDrawObserver && this.onBeforeDrawObservable.remove(this._onBeforeDrawObserver), this._onBeforeDrawObserver = this.onBeforeDrawObservable.add(G);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "hasInstances", { get: function() {
return this.instances.length > 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "hasThinInstances", { get: function() {
var G;
return ((G = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount) !== null && G !== void 0 ? G : 0) > 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "morphTargetManager", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._morphTargetManager;
}, set: function(G) {
this._internalMeshDataInfo._morphTargetManager !== G && (this._internalMeshDataInfo._morphTargetManager = G, this._syncGeometryWithMorphTargetManager());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "source", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._source;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "cloneMeshMap", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "isUnIndexed", { get: function() {
return this._unIndexed;
}, set: function(G) {
this._unIndexed !== G && (this._unIndexed = G, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "worldMatrixInstancedBuffer", { get: function() {
return this._instanceDataStorage.instancesData;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "manualUpdateOfWorldMatrixInstancedBuffer", { get: function() {
return this._instanceDataStorage.manualUpdate;
}, set: function(G) {
this._instanceDataStorage.manualUpdate = G;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.instantiateHierarchy = function(G, Q, oe) {
G === void 0 && (G = null);
var re = !(this.getTotalVertices() > 0) || Q && Q.doNotInstantiate ? this.clone("Clone of " + ( ||, G || this.parent, !0) : this.createInstance("instance of " + ( ||;
re && (re.parent = G || this.parent, re.position = this.position.clone(), re.scaling = this.scaling.clone(), this.rotationQuaternion ? re.rotationQuaternion = this.rotationQuaternion.clone() : re.rotation = this.rotation.clone(), oe && oe(this, re));
for (var Y = 0, k = this.getChildTransformNodes(!0); Y < k.length; Y++)
k[Y].instantiateHierarchy(re, Q, oe);
return re;
}, L.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Mesh";
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "_isMesh", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.toString = function(G) {
var Q = $, G);
if (Q += ", n vertices: " + this.getTotalVertices(), Q += ", parent: " + (this._waitingParentId ? this._waitingParentId : this.parent ? : "NONE"), this.animations)
for (var oe = 0; oe < this.animations.length; oe++)
Q += ", animation[0]: " + this.animations[oe].toString(G);
if (G)
if (this._geometry) {
var re = this.getIndices(), Y = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind);
Y && re && (Q += ", flat shading: " + (Y.length / 3 === re.length ? "YES" : "NO"));
} else
Q += ", flat shading: UNKNOWN";
return Q;
}, L.prototype._unBindEffect = function() {
for (var G = 0, Q = this.instances; G < Q.length; G++)
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "hasLODLevels", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._LODLevels.length > 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.getLODLevels = function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._LODLevels;
}, L.prototype._sortLODLevels = function() {
this._internalMeshDataInfo._LODLevels.sort(function(G, Q) {
return G.distance < Q.distance ? 1 : G.distance > Q.distance ? -1 : 0;
}, L.prototype.addLODLevel = function(G, Q) {
if (Q && Q._masterMesh)
return N.a.Warn("You cannot use a mesh as LOD level twice"), this;
var oe = new j.a(G, Q);
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._LODLevels.push(oe), Q && (Q._masterMesh = this), this._sortLODLevels(), this;
}, L.prototype.getLODLevelAtDistance = function(G) {
for (var Q = this._internalMeshDataInfo, oe = 0; oe < Q._LODLevels.length; oe++) {
var re = Q._LODLevels[oe];
if (re.distance === G)
return re.mesh;
return null;
}, L.prototype.removeLODLevel = function(G) {
for (var Q = this._internalMeshDataInfo, oe = 0; oe < Q._LODLevels.length; oe++)
Q._LODLevels[oe].mesh === G && (Q._LODLevels.splice(oe, 1), G && (G._masterMesh = null));
return this._sortLODLevels(), this;
}, L.prototype.getLOD = function(G, Q) {
var oe, re = this._internalMeshDataInfo;
if (!re._LODLevels || re._LODLevels.length === 0)
return this;
Q ? oe = Q : oe = this.getBoundingInfo().boundingSphere;
var Y = oe.centerWorld.subtract(G.globalPosition).length();
if (re._LODLevels[re._LODLevels.length - 1].distance > Y)
return this.onLODLevelSelection && this.onLODLevelSelection(Y, this, this), this;
for (var k = 0; k < re._LODLevels.length; k++) {
var H = re._LODLevels[k];
if (H.distance < Y) {
if (H.mesh) {
if (H.mesh.delayLoadState === D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED)
return H.mesh._checkDelayState(), this;
if (H.mesh.delayLoadState === D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING)
return this;
H.mesh._preActivate(), H.mesh._updateSubMeshesBoundingInfo(this.worldMatrixFromCache);
return this.onLODLevelSelection && this.onLODLevelSelection(Y, this, H.mesh), H.mesh;
return this.onLODLevelSelection && this.onLODLevelSelection(Y, this, this), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "geometry", { get: function() {
return this._geometry;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.getTotalVertices = function() {
return this._geometry === null || this._geometry === void 0 ? 0 : this._geometry.getTotalVertices();
}, L.prototype.getVerticesData = function(G, Q, oe) {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.getVerticesData(G, Q, oe) : null;
}, L.prototype.getVertexBuffer = function(G) {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.getVertexBuffer(G) : null;
}, L.prototype.isVerticesDataPresent = function(G) {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.isVerticesDataPresent(G) : !!this._delayInfo && this._delayInfo.indexOf(G) !== -1;
}, L.prototype.isVertexBufferUpdatable = function(G) {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.isVertexBufferUpdatable(G) : !!this._delayInfo && this._delayInfo.indexOf(G) !== -1;
}, L.prototype.getVerticesDataKinds = function() {
if (!this._geometry) {
var G = new Array();
return this._delayInfo && this._delayInfo.forEach(function(Q) {
}), G;
return this._geometry.getVerticesDataKinds();
}, L.prototype.getTotalIndices = function() {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.getTotalIndices() : 0;
}, L.prototype.getIndices = function(G, Q) {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.getIndices(G, Q) : [];
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "isBlocked", { get: function() {
return this._masterMesh !== null && this._masterMesh !== void 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.isReady = function(G, Q) {
var oe, re, Y, k, H, Z;
if (G === void 0 && (G = !1), Q === void 0 && (Q = !1), this.delayLoadState === D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING || !$, G))
return !1;
if (!this.subMeshes || this.subMeshes.length === 0 || !G)
return !0;
var W = this.getEngine(), q = this.getScene(), he = Q || W.getCaps().instancedArrays && (this.instances.length > 0 || this.hasThinInstances);
var ge = this.material || q.defaultMaterial;
if (ge) {
if (ge._storeEffectOnSubMeshes)
for (var me = 0, _e = this.subMeshes; me < _e.length; me++) {
var ye = (je = _e[me]).getMaterial();
if (ye) {
if (ye._storeEffectOnSubMeshes) {
if (!ye.isReadyForSubMesh(this, je, he))
return !1;
} else if (!ye.isReady(this, he))
return !1;
else if (!ge.isReady(this, he))
return !1;
for (var Pe = 0, be = this.lightSources; Pe < be.length; Pe++) {
var Fe = be[Pe].getShadowGenerator();
if (Fe && (!(!((oe = Fe.getShadowMap()) === null || oe === void 0) && oe.renderList) || !((re = Fe.getShadowMap()) === null || re === void 0) && re.renderList && ((k = (Y = Fe.getShadowMap()) === null || Y === void 0 ? void 0 : Y.renderList) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.indexOf(this)) !== -1))
for (var ke = 0, We = this.subMeshes; ke < We.length; ke++) {
var je = We[ke];
if (!Fe.isReady(je, he, (Z = (H = je.getMaterial()) === null || H === void 0 ? void 0 : H.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(this)) !== null && Z !== void 0 && Z))
return !1;
for (var He = 0, Qe = this._internalMeshDataInfo._LODLevels; He < Qe.length; He++) {
var Ge = Qe[He];
if (Ge.mesh && !Ge.mesh.isReady(he))
return !1;
return !0;
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "areNormalsFrozen", { get: function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._areNormalsFrozen;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype.freezeNormals = function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._areNormalsFrozen = !0, this;
}, L.prototype.unfreezeNormals = function() {
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._areNormalsFrozen = !1, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "overridenInstanceCount", { set: function(G) {
this._instanceDataStorage.overridenInstanceCount = G;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype._preActivate = function() {
var G = this._internalMeshDataInfo, Q = this.getScene().getRenderId();
return G._preActivateId === Q || (G._preActivateId = Q, this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances = null), this;
}, L.prototype._preActivateForIntermediateRendering = function(G) {
return this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances && (this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances.intermediateDefaultRenderId = G), this;
}, L.prototype._registerInstanceForRenderId = function(G, Q) {
return this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances || (this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances = { defaultRenderId: Q, selfDefaultRenderId: this._renderId }), this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances[Q] || (this._instanceDataStorage.previousRenderId !== void 0 && this._instanceDataStorage.isFrozen && (this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances[this._instanceDataStorage.previousRenderId] = null), this._instanceDataStorage.previousRenderId = Q, this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances[Q] = new Array()), this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances[Q].push(G), this;
}, L.prototype._afterComputeWorldMatrix = function() {
$, this.hasThinInstances && (this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo || this.thinInstanceRefreshBoundingInfo(!1));
}, L.prototype._postActivate = function() {
this.edgesShareWithInstances && this.edgesRenderer && this.edgesRenderer.isEnabled && this._renderingGroup && (this._renderingGroup._edgesRenderers.pushNoDuplicate(this.edgesRenderer), this.edgesRenderer.customInstances.push(this.getWorldMatrix()));
}, L.prototype.refreshBoundingInfo = function(G) {
if (G === void 0 && (G = !1), this._boundingInfo && this._boundingInfo.isLocked)
return this;
var Q = this.geometry ? this.geometry.boundingBias : null;
return this._refreshBoundingInfo(this._getPositionData(G), Q), this;
}, L.prototype._createGlobalSubMesh = function(G) {
var Q = this.getTotalVertices();
if (!Q || !this.getIndices())
return null;
if (this.subMeshes && this.subMeshes.length > 0) {
var oe = this.getIndices();
if (!oe)
return null;
var re = oe.length, Y = !1;
if (G)
Y = !0;
for (var k = 0, H = this.subMeshes; k < H.length; k++) {
var Z = H[k];
if (Z.indexStart + Z.indexCount > re) {
Y = !0;
if (Z.verticesStart + Z.verticesCount > Q) {
Y = !0;
if (!Y)
return this.subMeshes[0];
return this.releaseSubMeshes(), new g.a(0, 0, Q, 0, this.getTotalIndices(), this);
}, L.prototype.subdivide = function(G) {
if (!(G < 1)) {
for (var Q = this.getTotalIndices(), oe = Q / G | 0, re = 0; oe % 3 != 0; )
for (var Y = 0; Y < G && !(re >= Q); Y++)
g.a.CreateFromIndices(0, re, Y === G - 1 ? Q - re : oe, this), re += oe;
}, L.prototype.setVerticesData = function(G, Q, oe, re) {
if (oe === void 0 && (oe = !1), this._geometry)
this._geometry.setVerticesData(G, Q, oe, re);
else {
var Y = new T.a();
Y.set(Q, G);
var k = this.getScene();
new S.a(S.a.RandomId(), k, Y, oe, this);
return this;
}, L.prototype.removeVerticesData = function(G) {
this._geometry && this._geometry.removeVerticesData(G);
}, L.prototype.markVerticesDataAsUpdatable = function(G, Q) {
Q === void 0 && (Q = !0);
var oe = this.getVertexBuffer(G);
oe && oe.isUpdatable() !== Q && this.setVerticesData(G, this.getVerticesData(G), Q);
}, L.prototype.setVerticesBuffer = function(G) {
return this._geometry || (this._geometry = S.a.CreateGeometryForMesh(this)), this._geometry.setVerticesBuffer(G), this;
}, L.prototype.updateVerticesData = function(G, Q, oe, re) {
return this._geometry ? (re ? (this.makeGeometryUnique(), this.updateVerticesData(G, Q, oe, !1)) : this._geometry.updateVerticesData(G, Q, oe), this) : this;
}, L.prototype.updateMeshPositions = function(G, Q) {
Q === void 0 && (Q = !0);
var oe = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind);
if (!oe)
return this;
if (G(oe), this.updateVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, oe, !1, !1), Q) {
var re = this.getIndices(), Y = this.getVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind);
if (!Y)
return this;
T.a.ComputeNormals(oe, re, Y), this.updateVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, Y, !1, !1);
return this;
}, L.prototype.makeGeometryUnique = function() {
if (!this._geometry)
return this;
if (this._geometry.meshes.length === 1)
return this;
var G = this._geometry, Q = this._geometry.copy(S.a.RandomId());
return G.releaseForMesh(this, !0), Q.applyToMesh(this), this;
}, L.prototype.setIndices = function(G, Q, oe) {
if (Q === void 0 && (Q = null), oe === void 0 && (oe = !1), this._geometry)
this._geometry.setIndices(G, Q, oe);
else {
var re = new T.a();
re.indices = G;
var Y = this.getScene();
new S.a(S.a.RandomId(), Y, re, oe, this);
return this;
}, L.prototype.updateIndices = function(G, Q, oe) {
return oe === void 0 && (oe = !1), this._geometry ? (this._geometry.updateIndices(G, Q, oe), this) : this;
}, L.prototype.toLeftHanded = function() {
return this._geometry ? (this._geometry.toLeftHanded(), this) : this;
}, L.prototype._bind = function(G, Q, oe) {
if (!this._geometry)
return this;
var re, Y = this.getScene().getEngine();
if (this._unIndexed)
re = null;
switch (oe) {
case h.a.PointFillMode:
re = null;
case h.a.WireFrameFillMode:
re = G._getLinesIndexBuffer(this.getIndices(), Y);
case h.a.TriangleFillMode:
re = this._geometry.getIndexBuffer();
return this._geometry._bind(Q, re), this;
}, L.prototype._draw = function(G, Q, oe) {
if (!this._geometry || !this._geometry.getVertexBuffers() || !this._unIndexed && !this._geometry.getIndexBuffer())
return this;
this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeDrawObservable && this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeDrawObservable.notifyObservers(this);
var re = this.getScene().getEngine();
return this._unIndexed || Q == h.a.PointFillMode ? re.drawArraysType(Q, G.verticesStart, G.verticesCount, oe) : Q == h.a.WireFrameFillMode ? re.drawElementsType(Q, 0, G._linesIndexCount, oe) : re.drawElementsType(Q, G.indexStart, G.indexCount, oe), this;
}, L.prototype.registerBeforeRender = function(G) {
return this.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(G), this;
}, L.prototype.unregisterBeforeRender = function(G) {
return this.onBeforeRenderObservable.removeCallback(G), this;
}, L.prototype.registerAfterRender = function(G) {
return this.onAfterRenderObservable.add(G), this;
}, L.prototype.unregisterAfterRender = function(G) {
return this.onAfterRenderObservable.removeCallback(G), this;
}, L.prototype._getInstancesRenderList = function(G, Q) {
if (Q === void 0 && (Q = !1), this._instanceDataStorage.isFrozen && this._instanceDataStorage.previousBatch)
return this._instanceDataStorage.previousBatch;
var oe = this.getScene(), re = oe._isInIntermediateRendering(), Y = re ? this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._onlyForInstancesIntermediate : this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._onlyForInstances, k = this._instanceDataStorage.batchCache;
if (k.mustReturn = !1, k.renderSelf[G] = Q || !Y && this.isEnabled() && this.isVisible, k.visibleInstances[G] = null, this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances && !Q) {
var H = this._instanceDataStorage.visibleInstances, Z = oe.getRenderId(), W = re ? H.intermediateDefaultRenderId : H.defaultRenderId;
k.visibleInstances[G] = H[Z], !k.visibleInstances[G] && W && (k.visibleInstances[G] = H[W]);
return k.hardwareInstancedRendering[G] = !Q && this._instanceDataStorage.hardwareInstancedRendering && k.visibleInstances[G] !== null && k.visibleInstances[G] !== void 0, this._instanceDataStorage.previousBatch = k, k;
}, L.prototype._renderWithInstances = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
var k = oe.visibleInstances[G._id];
if (!k)
return this;
for (var H = this._instanceDataStorage, Z = H.instancesBufferSize, W = H.instancesBuffer, q = 16 * (k.length + 1) * 4; H.instancesBufferSize < q; )
H.instancesBufferSize *= 2;
H.instancesData && Z == H.instancesBufferSize || (H.instancesData = new Float32Array(H.instancesBufferSize / 4));
var he = 0, ge = 0, me = oe.renderSelf[G._id], _e = !W || Z !== H.instancesBufferSize;
if (this._instanceDataStorage.manualUpdate || H.isFrozen && !_e)
ge = (me ? 1 : 0) + k.length;
else {
var ye = this._effectiveMesh.getWorldMatrix();
if (me && (ye.copyToArray(H.instancesData, he), he += 16, ge++), k)
for (var Pe = 0; Pe < k.length; Pe++)
k[Pe].getWorldMatrix().copyToArray(H.instancesData, he), he += 16, ge++;
return _e ? (W && W.dispose(), W = new c.a(Y, H.instancesData, !0, 16, !1, !0), H.instancesBuffer = W, this.setVerticesBuffer(W.createVertexBuffer("world0", 0, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(W.createVertexBuffer("world1", 4, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(W.createVertexBuffer("world2", 8, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(W.createVertexBuffer("world3", 12, 4))) : this._instanceDataStorage.isFrozen || W.updateDirectly(H.instancesData, 0, ge), this._processInstancedBuffers(k, me), this.getScene()._activeIndices.addCount(G.indexCount * ge, !1), this._bind(G, re, Q), this._draw(G, Q, ge), Y.unbindInstanceAttributes(), this;
}, L.prototype._renderWithThinInstances = function(G, Q, oe, re) {
var Y, k, H = (k = (Y = this._thinInstanceDataStorage) === null || Y === void 0 ? void 0 : Y.instancesCount) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : 0;
this.getScene()._activeIndices.addCount(G.indexCount * H, !1), this._bind(G, oe, Q), this._draw(G, Q, H), re.unbindInstanceAttributes();
}, L.prototype._processInstancedBuffers = function(G, Q) {
}, L.prototype._processRendering = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z) {
var W = this.getScene(), q = W.getEngine();
if (k && Q.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances)
return this._renderWithThinInstances(Q, re, oe, q), this;
if (k)
this._renderWithInstances(Q, re, Y, oe, q);
else {
var he = 0;
Y.renderSelf[Q._id] && (H && H(!1, G._effectiveMesh.getWorldMatrix(), Z), he++, this._draw(Q, re, this._instanceDataStorage.overridenInstanceCount));
var ge = Y.visibleInstances[Q._id];
if (ge) {
var me = ge.length;
he += me;
for (var _e = 0; _e < me; _e++) {
var ye = ge[_e].getWorldMatrix();
H && H(!0, ye, Z), this._draw(Q, re);
W._activeIndices.addCount(Q.indexCount * he, !1);
return this;
}, L.prototype._rebuild = function() {
this._instanceDataStorage.instancesBuffer && (this._instanceDataStorage.instancesBuffer.dispose(), this._instanceDataStorage.instancesBuffer = null), $;
}, L.prototype._freeze = function() {
if (this.subMeshes) {
for (var G = 0; G < this.subMeshes.length; G++)
this._effectiveMaterial = null, this._instanceDataStorage.isFrozen = !0;
}, L.prototype._unFreeze = function() {
this._instanceDataStorage.isFrozen = !1, this._instanceDataStorage.previousBatch = null;
}, L.prototype.render = function(G, Q, oe) {
var re = this.getScene();
if (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate ? this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1 : this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActive = !1, this._checkOcclusionQuery())
return this;
var Y = this._getInstancesRenderList(G._id, !!oe);
if (Y.mustReturn)
return this;
if (!this._geometry || !this._geometry.getVertexBuffers() || !this._unIndexed && !this._geometry.getIndexBuffer())
return this;
this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeRenderObservable && this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this);
var k, H = re.getEngine(), Z = Y.hardwareInstancedRendering[G._id] || G.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances, W = this._instanceDataStorage, q = G.getMaterial();
if (!q)
return this;
if (!W.isFrozen || !this._effectiveMaterial || this._effectiveMaterial !== q) {
if (q._storeEffectOnSubMeshes) {
if (!q.isReadyForSubMesh(this, G, Z))
return this;
} else if (!q.isReady(this, Z))
return this;
this._effectiveMaterial = q;
Q && H.setAlphaMode(this._effectiveMaterial.alphaMode), k = this._effectiveMaterial._storeEffectOnSubMeshes ? G.effect : this._effectiveMaterial.getEffect();
for (var he = 0, ge = re._beforeRenderingMeshStage; he < ge.length; he++)
ge[he].action(this, G, Y, k);
if (!k)
return this;
var me, _e = oe || this._effectiveMesh;
if (W.isFrozen || !this._effectiveMaterial.backFaceCulling && this.overrideMaterialSideOrientation === null)
me = W.sideOrientation;
else {
var ye = _e._getWorldMatrixDeterminant();
(me = this.overrideMaterialSideOrientation) == null && (me = this._effectiveMaterial.sideOrientation), ye < 0 && (me = me === h.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation ? h.a.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation : h.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation), W.sideOrientation = me;
var Pe = this._effectiveMaterial._preBind(k, me);
this._effectiveMaterial.forceDepthWrite && H.setDepthWrite(!0);
var be = re.forcePointsCloud ? h.a.PointFillMode : re.forceWireframe ? h.a.WireFrameFillMode : this._effectiveMaterial.fillMode;
this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeBindObservable && this._internalMeshDataInfo._onBeforeBindObservable.notifyObservers(this), Z || this._bind(G, k, be);
var Fe = _e.getWorldMatrix();
this._effectiveMaterial._storeEffectOnSubMeshes ? this._effectiveMaterial.bindForSubMesh(Fe, this, G) : this._effectiveMaterial.bind(Fe, this), !this._effectiveMaterial.backFaceCulling && this._effectiveMaterial.separateCullingPass && (H.setState(!0, this._effectiveMaterial.zOffset, !1, !Pe), this._processRendering(this, G, k, be, Y, Z, this._onBeforeDraw, this._effectiveMaterial), H.setState(!0, this._effectiveMaterial.zOffset, !1, Pe)), this._processRendering(this, G, k, be, Y, Z, this._onBeforeDraw, this._effectiveMaterial), this._effectiveMaterial.unbind();
for (var ke = 0, We = re._afterRenderingMeshStage; ke < We.length; ke++)
We[ke].action(this, G, Y, k);
return this._internalMeshDataInfo._onAfterRenderObservable && this._internalMeshDataInfo._onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), this;
}, L.prototype._onBeforeDraw = function(G, Q, oe) {
G && oe && oe.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(Q);
}, L.prototype.cleanMatrixWeights = function() {
this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind) && (this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind) ? this.normalizeSkinWeightsAndExtra() : this.normalizeSkinFourWeights());
}, L.prototype.normalizeSkinFourWeights = function() {
for (var G = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind), Q = G.length, oe = 0; oe < Q; oe += 4) {
var re = G[oe] + G[oe + 1] + G[oe + 2] + G[oe + 3];
if (re === 0)
G[oe] = 1;
else {
var Y = 1 / re;
G[oe] *= Y, G[oe + 1] *= Y, G[oe + 2] *= Y, G[oe + 3] *= Y;
this.setVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind, G);
}, L.prototype.normalizeSkinWeightsAndExtra = function() {
for (var G = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind), Q = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind), oe = Q.length, re = 0; re < oe; re += 4) {
var Y = Q[re] + Q[re + 1] + Q[re + 2] + Q[re + 3];
if ((Y += G[re] + G[re + 1] + G[re + 2] + G[re + 3]) === 0)
Q[re] = 1;
else {
var k = 1 / Y;
Q[re] *= k, Q[re + 1] *= k, Q[re + 2] *= k, Q[re + 3] *= k, G[re] *= k, G[re + 1] *= k, G[re + 2] *= k, G[re + 3] *= k;
this.setVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind, Q), this.setVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind, G);
}, L.prototype.validateSkinning = function() {
var G = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind), Q = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
if (Q === null || this.skeleton == null)
return { skinned: !1, valid: !0, report: "not skinned" };
for (var oe = Q.length, re = 0, Y = 0, k = 0, H = 0, Z = G === null ? 4 : 8, W = new Array(), q = 0; q <= Z; q++)
W[q] = 0;
for (q = 0; q < oe; q += 4) {
for (var he = Q[q], ge = he, me = ge === 0 ? 0 : 1, _e = 1; _e < Z; _e++) {
var ye = _e < 4 ? Q[q + _e] : G[q + _e - 4];
ye > he && re++, ye !== 0 && me++, ge += ye, he = ye;
if (W[me]++, me > k && (k = me), ge === 0)
else {
var Pe = 1 / ge, be = 0;
for (_e = 0; _e < Z; _e++)
be += _e < 4 ? Math.abs(Q[q + _e] - Q[q + _e] * Pe) : Math.abs(G[q + _e - 4] - G[q + _e - 4] * Pe);
be > 1e-3 && H++;
var Fe = this.skeleton.bones.length, ke = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesIndicesKind), We = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), je = 0;
for (q = 0; q < oe; q += 4)
for (_e = 0; _e < Z; _e++) {
var He = _e < 4 ? ke[q + _e] : We[q + _e - 4];
(He >= Fe || He < 0) && je++;
return { skinned: !0, valid: Y === 0 && H === 0 && je === 0, report: "Number of Weights = " + oe / 4 + `
Maximum influences = ` + k + `
Missing Weights = ` + Y + `
Not Sorted = ` + re + `
Not Normalized = ` + H + `
WeightCounts = [` + W + `]
Number of bones = ` + Fe + `
Bad Bone Indices = ` + je };
}, L.prototype._checkDelayState = function() {
var G = this.getScene();
return this._geometry ? this._geometry.load(G) : this.delayLoadState === D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED && (this.delayLoadState = D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING, this._queueLoad(G)), this;
}, L.prototype._queueLoad = function(G) {
var Q = this;
var oe = this.delayLoadingFile.indexOf(".babylonbinarymeshdata") !== -1;
return C.b.LoadFile(this.delayLoadingFile, function(re) {
re instanceof ArrayBuffer ? Q._delayLoadingFunction(re, Q) : Q._delayLoadingFunction(JSON.parse(re), Q), Q.instances.forEach(function(Y) {
Y.refreshBoundingInfo(), Y._syncSubMeshes();
}), Q.delayLoadState = D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, G._removePendingData(Q);
}, function() {
}, G.offlineProvider, oe), this;
}, L.prototype.isInFrustum = function(G) {
return this.delayLoadState !== D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING && !!$, G) && (this._checkDelayState(), !0);
}, L.prototype.setMaterialByID = function(G) {
var Q, oe = this.getScene().materials;
for (Q = oe.length - 1; Q > -1; Q--)
if (oe[Q].id === G)
return this.material = oe[Q], this;
var re = this.getScene().multiMaterials;
for (Q = re.length - 1; Q > -1; Q--)
if (re[Q].id === G)
return this.material = re[Q], this;
return this;
}, L.prototype.getAnimatables = function() {
var G = new Array();
return this.material && G.push(this.material), this.skeleton && G.push(this.skeleton), G;
}, L.prototype.bakeTransformIntoVertices = function(G) {
if (!this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.PositionKind))
return this;
var Q = this.subMeshes.splice(0);
var oe, re = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind), Y = new Array();
for (oe = 0; oe < re.length; oe += 3)
O.e.TransformCoordinates(O.e.FromArray(re, oe), G).toArray(Y, oe);
if (this.setVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, Y, this.getVertexBuffer(c.b.PositionKind).isUpdatable()), this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.NormalKind)) {
for (re = this.getVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind), Y = [], oe = 0; oe < re.length; oe += 3)
O.e.TransformNormal(O.e.FromArray(re, oe), G).normalize().toArray(Y, oe);
this.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, Y, this.getVertexBuffer(c.b.NormalKind).isUpdatable());
return G.m[0] * G.m[5] * G.m[10] < 0 && this.flipFaces(), this.releaseSubMeshes(), this.subMeshes = Q, this;
}, L.prototype.bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices = function(G) {
return G === void 0 && (G = !0), this.bakeTransformIntoVertices(this.computeWorldMatrix(!0)), this.resetLocalMatrix(G), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(L.prototype, "_positions", { get: function() {
return this._geometry ? this._geometry._positions : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L.prototype._resetPointsArrayCache = function() {
return this._geometry && this._geometry._resetPointsArrayCache(), this;
}, L.prototype._generatePointsArray = function() {
return !!this._geometry && this._geometry._generatePointsArray();
}, L.prototype.clone = function(G, Q, oe, re) {
return G === void 0 && (G = ""), Q === void 0 && (Q = null), re === void 0 && (re = !0), new L(G, this.getScene(), Q, this, oe, re);
}, L.prototype.dispose = function(G, Q) {
Q === void 0 && (Q = !1), this.morphTargetManager = null, this._geometry && this._geometry.releaseForMesh(this, !0);
var oe = this._internalMeshDataInfo;
if (oe._onBeforeDrawObservable && oe._onBeforeDrawObservable.clear(), oe._onBeforeBindObservable && oe._onBeforeBindObservable.clear(), oe._onBeforeRenderObservable && oe._onBeforeRenderObservable.clear(), oe._onAfterRenderObservable && oe._onAfterRenderObservable.clear(), this._scene.useClonedMeshMap) {
if (oe.meshMap)
for (var re in oe.meshMap)
(H = oe.meshMap[re]) && (H._internalMeshDataInfo._source = null, oe.meshMap[re] = void 0);
oe._source && oe._source._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap && (oe._source._internalMeshDataInfo.meshMap[this.uniqueId] = void 0);
} else
for (var Y = 0, k = this.getScene().meshes; Y < k.length; Y++) {
var H;
(H = k[Y])._internalMeshDataInfo && H._internalMeshDataInfo._source && H._internalMeshDataInfo._source === this && (H._internalMeshDataInfo._source = null);
oe._source = null, this._disposeInstanceSpecificData(), this._disposeThinInstanceSpecificData(), $, G, Q);
}, L.prototype._disposeInstanceSpecificData = function() {
}, L.prototype._disposeThinInstanceSpecificData = function() {
}, L.prototype.applyDisplacementMap = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H) {
var Z = this;
H === void 0 && (H = !1);
var W = this.getScene();
return C.b.LoadImage(G, function(q) {
var he = q.width, ge = q.height, me = ne.a.CreateCanvas(he, ge).getContext("2d");
me.drawImage(q, 0, 0);
var _e = me.getImageData(0, 0, he, ge).data;
Z.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer(_e, he, ge, Q, oe, Y, k, H), re && re(Z);
}, function() {
}, W.offlineProvider), this;
}, L.prototype.applyDisplacementMapFromBuffer = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z) {
if (Z === void 0 && (Z = !1), !this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.PositionKind) || !this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.NormalKind) || !this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.UVKind))
return N.a.Warn("Cannot call applyDisplacementMap: Given mesh is not complete. Position, Normal or UV are missing"), this;
var W = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, !0, !0), q = this.getVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind), he = this.getVerticesData(c.b.UVKind), ge = O.e.Zero(), me = O.e.Zero(), _e = O.d.Zero();
k = k || O.d.Zero(), H = H || new O.d(1, 1);
for (var ye = 0; ye < W.length; ye += 3) {
O.e.FromArrayToRef(W, ye, ge), O.e.FromArrayToRef(q, ye, me), O.d.FromArrayToRef(he, ye / 3 * 2, _e);
var Pe = 4 * ((Math.abs(_e.x * H.x + k.x % 1) * (Q - 1) % Q | 0) + (Math.abs(_e.y * H.y + k.y % 1) * (oe - 1) % oe | 0) * Q), be = 0.3 * (G[Pe] / 255) + 0.59 * (G[Pe + 1] / 255) + 0.11 * (G[Pe + 2] / 255);
me.normalize(), me.scaleInPlace(re + (Y - re) * be), (ge = ge.add(me)).toArray(W, ye);
return T.a.ComputeNormals(W, this.getIndices(), q), Z ? (this.setVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, W), this.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, q)) : (this.updateVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, W), this.updateVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, q)), this;
}, L.prototype.convertToFlatShadedMesh = function() {
var G, Q, oe = this.getVerticesDataKinds(), re = {}, Y = {}, k = {}, H = !1;
for (G = 0; G < oe.length; G++) {
Q = oe[G];
var Z = this.getVertexBuffer(Q);
Q !== c.b.NormalKind ? (re[Q] = Z, Y[Q] = re[Q].getData(), k[Q] = []) : (H = Z.isUpdatable(), oe.splice(G, 1), G--);
var W, q = this.subMeshes.slice(0), he = this.getIndices(), ge = this.getTotalIndices();
for (W = 0; W < ge; W++) {
var me = he[W];
for (G = 0; G < oe.length; G++)
for (var _e = re[Q = oe[G]].getStrideSize(), ye = 0; ye < _e; ye++)
k[Q].push(Y[Q][me * _e + ye]);
var Pe = [], be = k[c.b.PositionKind];
for (W = 0; W < ge; W += 3) {
he[W] = W, he[W + 1] = W + 1, he[W + 2] = W + 2;
for (var Fe = O.e.FromArray(be, 3 * W), ke = O.e.FromArray(be, 3 * (W + 1)), We = O.e.FromArray(be, 3 * (W + 2)), je = Fe.subtract(ke), He = We.subtract(ke), Qe = O.e.Normalize(O.e.Cross(je, He)), Ge = 0; Ge < 3; Ge++)
Pe.push(Qe.x), Pe.push(Qe.y), Pe.push(Qe.z);
for (this.setIndices(he), this.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, Pe, H), G = 0; G < oe.length; G++)
Q = oe[G], this.setVerticesData(Q, k[Q], re[Q].isUpdatable());
for (var tt = 0; tt < q.length; tt++) {
var Je = q[tt];
g.a.AddToMesh(Je.materialIndex, Je.indexStart, Je.indexCount, Je.indexStart, Je.indexCount, this);
return this.synchronizeInstances(), this;
}, L.prototype.convertToUnIndexedMesh = function() {
var G, Q, oe = this.getVerticesDataKinds(), re = {}, Y = {}, k = {};
for (G = 0; G < oe.length; G++) {
Q = oe[G];
var H = this.getVertexBuffer(Q);
re[Q] = H, Y[Q] = re[Q].getData(), k[Q] = [];
var Z, W = this.subMeshes.slice(0), q = this.getIndices(), he = this.getTotalIndices();
for (Z = 0; Z < he; Z++) {
var ge = q[Z];
for (G = 0; G < oe.length; G++)
for (var me = re[Q = oe[G]].getStrideSize(), _e = 0; _e < me; _e++)
k[Q].push(Y[Q][ge * me + _e]);
for (Z = 0; Z < he; Z += 3)
q[Z] = Z, q[Z + 1] = Z + 1, q[Z + 2] = Z + 2;
for (this.setIndices(q), G = 0; G < oe.length; G++)
Q = oe[G], this.setVerticesData(Q, k[Q], re[Q].isUpdatable());
for (var ye = 0; ye < W.length; ye++) {
var Pe = W[ye];
g.a.AddToMesh(Pe.materialIndex, Pe.indexStart, Pe.indexCount, Pe.indexStart, Pe.indexCount, this);
return this._unIndexed = !0, this.synchronizeInstances(), this;
}, L.prototype.flipFaces = function(G) {
G === void 0 && (G = !1);
var Q, oe, re = T.a.ExtractFromMesh(this);
if (G && this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.NormalKind) && re.normals)
for (Q = 0; Q < re.normals.length; Q++)
re.normals[Q] *= -1;
if (re.indices)
for (Q = 0; Q < re.indices.length; Q += 3)
oe = re.indices[Q + 1], re.indices[Q + 1] = re.indices[Q + 2], re.indices[Q + 2] = oe;
return re.applyToMesh(this, this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(c.b.PositionKind)), this;
}, L.prototype.increaseVertices = function(G) {
var Q = T.a.ExtractFromMesh(this), oe = Q.uvs, re = Q.indices, Y = Q.positions, k = Q.normals;
if (re && Y && k && oe) {
for (var H, Z, W = G + 1, q = new Array(), he = 0; he < W + 1; he++)
q[he] = new Array();
var ge, me = new O.e(0, 0, 0), _e = new O.e(0, 0, 0), ye = new O.d(0, 0), Pe = new Array(), be = new Array(), Fe = new Array(), ke = Y.length, We = oe.length;
for (he = 0; he < re.length; he += 3) {
be[0] = re[he], be[1] = re[he + 1], be[2] = re[he + 2];
for (var je = 0; je < 3; je++)
if (H = be[je], Z = be[(je + 1) % 3], Fe[H] === void 0 && Fe[Z] === void 0 ? (Fe[H] = new Array(), Fe[Z] = new Array()) : (Fe[H] === void 0 && (Fe[H] = new Array()), Fe[Z] === void 0 && (Fe[Z] = new Array())), Fe[H][Z] === void 0 && Fe[Z][H] === void 0) {
Fe[H][Z] = [], me.x = (Y[3 * Z] - Y[3 * H]) / W, me.y = (Y[3 * Z + 1] - Y[3 * H + 1]) / W, me.z = (Y[3 * Z + 2] - Y[3 * H + 2]) / W, _e.x = (k[3 * Z] - k[3 * H]) / W, _e.y = (k[3 * Z + 1] - k[3 * H + 1]) / W, _e.z = (k[3 * Z + 2] - k[3 * H + 2]) / W, ye.x = (oe[2 * Z] - oe[2 * H]) / W, ye.y = (oe[2 * Z + 1] - oe[2 * H + 1]) / W, Fe[H][Z].push(H);
for (var He = 1; He < W; He++)
Fe[H][Z].push(Y.length / 3), Y[ke] = Y[3 * H] + He * me.x, k[ke++] = k[3 * H] + He * _e.x, Y[ke] = Y[3 * H + 1] + He * me.y, k[ke++] = k[3 * H + 1] + He * _e.y, Y[ke] = Y[3 * H + 2] + He * me.z, k[ke++] = k[3 * H + 2] + He * _e.z, oe[We++] = oe[2 * H] + He * ye.x, oe[We++] = oe[2 * H + 1] + He * ye.y;
Fe[H][Z].push(Z), Fe[Z][H] = new Array(), ge = Fe[H][Z].length;
for (var Qe = 0; Qe < ge; Qe++)
Fe[Z][H][Qe] = Fe[H][Z][ge - 1 - Qe];
for (q[0][0] = re[he], q[1][0] = Fe[re[he]][re[he + 1]][1], q[1][1] = Fe[re[he]][re[he + 2]][1], He = 2; He < W; He++)
for (q[He][0] = Fe[re[he]][re[he + 1]][He], q[He][He] = Fe[re[he]][re[he + 2]][He], me.x = (Y[3 * q[He][He]] - Y[3 * q[He][0]]) / He, me.y = (Y[3 * q[He][He] + 1] - Y[3 * q[He][0] + 1]) / He, me.z = (Y[3 * q[He][He] + 2] - Y[3 * q[He][0] + 2]) / He, _e.x = (k[3 * q[He][He]] - k[3 * q[He][0]]) / He, _e.y = (k[3 * q[He][He] + 1] - k[3 * q[He][0] + 1]) / He, _e.z = (k[3 * q[He][He] + 2] - k[3 * q[He][0] + 2]) / He, ye.x = (oe[2 * q[He][He]] - oe[2 * q[He][0]]) / He, ye.y = (oe[2 * q[He][He] + 1] - oe[2 * q[He][0] + 1]) / He, je = 1; je < He; je++)
q[He][je] = Y.length / 3, Y[ke] = Y[3 * q[He][0]] + je * me.x, k[ke++] = k[3 * q[He][0]] + je * _e.x, Y[ke] = Y[3 * q[He][0] + 1] + je * me.y, k[ke++] = k[3 * q[He][0] + 1] + je * _e.y, Y[ke] = Y[3 * q[He][0] + 2] + je * me.z, k[ke++] = k[3 * q[He][0] + 2] + je * _e.z, oe[We++] = oe[2 * q[He][0]] + je * ye.x, oe[We++] = oe[2 * q[He][0] + 1] + je * ye.y;
for (q[W] = Fe[re[he + 1]][re[he + 2]], Pe.push(q[0][0], q[1][0], q[1][1]), He = 1; He < W; He++) {
for (je = 0; je < He; je++)
Pe.push(q[He][je], q[He + 1][je], q[He + 1][je + 1]), Pe.push(q[He][je], q[He + 1][je + 1], q[He][je + 1]);
Pe.push(q[He][je], q[He + 1][je], q[He + 1][je + 1]);
Q.indices = Pe, Q.applyToMesh(this, this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(c.b.PositionKind));
} else
N.a.Warn("VertexData contains null entries");
}, L.prototype.forceSharedVertices = function() {
var G = T.a.ExtractFromMesh(this), Q = G.uvs, oe = G.indices, re = G.positions, Y = G.colors;
if (oe === void 0 || re === void 0 || oe === null || re === null)
N.a.Warn("VertexData contains empty entries");
else {
for (var k, H, Z = new Array(), W = new Array(), q = new Array(), he = new Array(), ge = new Array(), me = 0, _e = {}, ye = 0; ye < oe.length; ye += 3) {
H = [oe[ye], oe[ye + 1], oe[ye + 2]], ge = new Array();
for (var Pe = 0; Pe < 3; Pe++) {
ge[Pe] = "";
for (var be = 0; be < 3; be++)
Math.abs(re[3 * H[Pe] + be]) < 1e-8 && (re[3 * H[Pe] + be] = 0), ge[Pe] += re[3 * H[Pe] + be] + "|";
if (ge[0] != ge[1] && ge[0] != ge[2] && ge[1] != ge[2])
for (Pe = 0; Pe < 3; Pe++) {
if ((k = _e[ge[Pe]]) === void 0) {
for (_e[ge[Pe]] = me, k = me++, be = 0; be < 3; be++)
Z.push(re[3 * H[Pe] + be]);
if (Y != null)
for (be = 0; be < 4; be++)
he.push(Y[4 * H[Pe] + be]);
if (Q != null)
for (be = 0; be < 2; be++)
q.push(Q[2 * H[Pe] + be]);
var Fe = new Array();
T.a.ComputeNormals(Z, W, Fe), G.positions = Z, G.indices = W, G.normals = Fe, Q != null && (G.uvs = q), Y != null && (G.colors = he), G.applyToMesh(this, this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(c.b.PositionKind));
}, L._instancedMeshFactory = function(G, Q) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("InstancedMesh");
}, L._PhysicsImpostorParser = function(G, Q, oe) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("PhysicsImpostor");
}, L.prototype.createInstance = function(G) {
var Q = this.geometry;
if (Q && Q.meshes.length > 1)
for (var oe = 0, re = Q.meshes.slice(0); oe < re.length; oe++) {
var Y = re[oe];
Y !== this && Y.makeGeometryUnique();
return L._instancedMeshFactory(G, this);
}, L.prototype.synchronizeInstances = function() {
this._geometry && this._geometry.meshes.length !== 1 && this.instances.length && this.makeGeometryUnique();
for (var G = 0; G < this.instances.length; G++)
return this;
}, L.prototype.optimizeIndices = function(G) {
var Q = this, oe = this.getIndices(), re = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind);
if (!re || !oe)
return this;
for (var Y = new Array(), k = 0; k < re.length; k += 3)
Y.push(O.e.FromArray(re, k));
var H = new Array();
return C.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(Y.length, 40, function(Z) {
for (var W = Y.length - 1 - Z, q = Y[W], he = 0; he < W; ++he) {
var ge = Y[he];
if (q.equals(ge)) {
H[W] = he;
}, function() {
for (var Z = 0; Z < oe.length; ++Z)
oe[Z] = H[oe[Z]] || oe[Z];
var W = Q.subMeshes.slice(0);
Q.setIndices(oe), Q.subMeshes = W, G && G(Q);
}), this;
}, L.prototype.serialize = function(G) { =, =, G.uniqueId = this.uniqueId, G.type = this.getClassName(), I.a && I.a.HasTags(this) && (G.tags = I.a.GetTags(this)), G.position = this.position.asArray(), this.rotationQuaternion ? G.rotationQuaternion = this.rotationQuaternion.asArray() : this.rotation && (G.rotation = this.rotation.asArray()), G.scaling = this.scaling.asArray(), this._postMultiplyPivotMatrix ? G.pivotMatrix = this.getPivotMatrix().asArray() : G.localMatrix = this.getPivotMatrix().asArray(), G.isEnabled = this.isEnabled(!1), G.isVisible = this.isVisible, G.infiniteDistance = this.infiniteDistance, G.pickable = this.isPickable, G.receiveShadows = this.receiveShadows, G.billboardMode = this.billboardMode, G.visibility = this.visibility, G.checkCollisions = this.checkCollisions, G.isBlocker = this.isBlocker, G.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = this.overrideMaterialSideOrientation, this.parent && (G.parentId =, G.isUnIndexed = this.isUnIndexed;
var Q = this._geometry;
if (Q) {
var oe =;
G.geometryId = oe, G.subMeshes = [];
for (var re = 0; re < this.subMeshes.length; re++) {
var Y = this.subMeshes[re];
G.subMeshes.push({ materialIndex: Y.materialIndex, verticesStart: Y.verticesStart, verticesCount: Y.verticesCount, indexStart: Y.indexStart, indexCount: Y.indexCount });
this.material ? this.material.doNotSerialize || (G.materialId = : this.material = null, this.morphTargetManager && (G.morphTargetManagerId = this.morphTargetManager.uniqueId), this.skeleton && (G.skeletonId =, G.numBoneInfluencers = this.numBoneInfluencers), this.getScene()._getComponent(X.a.NAME_PHYSICSENGINE) && (Z = this.getPhysicsImpostor()) && (G.physicsMass = Z.getParam("mass"), G.physicsFriction = Z.getParam("friction"), G.physicsRestitution = Z.getParam("mass"), G.physicsImpostor = Z.type), this.metadata && (G.metadata = this.metadata), G.instances = [];
for (var k = 0; k < this.instances.length; k++) {
var H = this.instances[k];
if (!H.doNotSerialize) {
var Z, W = { name:, id:, isEnabled: H.isEnabled(!1), isVisible: H.isVisible, isPickable: H.isPickable, checkCollisions: H.checkCollisions, position: H.position.asArray(), scaling: H.scaling.asArray() };
H.parent && (W.parentId =, H.rotationQuaternion ? W.rotationQuaternion = H.rotationQuaternion.asArray() : H.rotation && (W.rotation = H.rotation.asArray()), this.getScene()._getComponent(X.a.NAME_PHYSICSENGINE) && (Z = H.getPhysicsImpostor()) && (W.physicsMass = Z.getParam("mass"), W.physicsFriction = Z.getParam("friction"), W.physicsRestitution = Z.getParam("mass"), W.physicsImpostor = Z.type), H.metadata && (W.metadata = H.metadata), G.instances.push(W), w.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(H, W), W.ranges = H.serializeAnimationRanges();
if (this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount && this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData && (G.thinInstances = { instancesCount: this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount, matrixData: C.b.SliceToArray(this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData), matrixBufferSize: this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize }, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage)) {
var q = { data: {}, sizes: {}, strides: {} };
for (var he in[he] = C.b.SliceToArray([he]), q.sizes[he] = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[he], q.strides[he] = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[he];
G.thinInstances.userThinInstance = q;
w.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(this, G), G.ranges = this.serializeAnimationRanges(), G.layerMask = this.layerMask, G.alphaIndex = this.alphaIndex, G.hasVertexAlpha = this.hasVertexAlpha, G.overlayAlpha = this.overlayAlpha, G.overlayColor = this.overlayColor.asArray(), G.renderOverlay = this.renderOverlay, G.applyFog = this.applyFog, this.actionManager && (G.actions = this.actionManager.serialize(;
}, L.prototype._syncGeometryWithMorphTargetManager = function() {
if (this.geometry) {
var G = this._internalMeshDataInfo._morphTargetManager;
if (G && G.vertexCount) {
if (G.vertexCount !== this.getTotalVertices())
return N.a.Error("Mesh is incompatible with morph targets. Targets and mesh must all have the same vertices count."), void (this.morphTargetManager = null);
for (var Q = 0; Q < G.numInfluencers; Q++) {
var oe = G.getActiveTarget(Q), re = oe.getPositions();
if (!re)
return void N.a.Error("Invalid morph target. Target must have positions.");
this.geometry.setVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind + Q, re, !1, 3);
var Y = oe.getNormals();
Y && this.geometry.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind + Q, Y, !1, 3);
var k = oe.getTangents();
k && this.geometry.setVerticesData(c.b.TangentKind + Q, k, !1, 3);
var H = oe.getUVs();
H && this.geometry.setVerticesData(c.b.UVKind + "_" + Q, H, !1, 2);
} else
for (Q = 0; this.geometry.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.PositionKind + Q); )
this.geometry.removeVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind + Q), this.geometry.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.NormalKind + Q) && this.geometry.removeVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind + Q), this.geometry.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.TangentKind + Q) && this.geometry.removeVerticesData(c.b.TangentKind + Q), this.geometry.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.UVKind + Q) && this.geometry.removeVerticesData(c.b.UVKind + "_" + Q), Q++;
}, L.Parse = function(G, Q, oe) {
var re;
if ((re = G.type && G.type === "GroundMesh" ? L._GroundMeshParser(G, Q) : new L(, Q)).id =, I.a && I.a.AddTagsTo(re, G.tags), re.position = O.e.FromArray(G.position), G.metadata !== void 0 && (re.metadata = G.metadata), G.rotationQuaternion ? re.rotationQuaternion = O.b.FromArray(G.rotationQuaternion) : G.rotation && (re.rotation = O.e.FromArray(G.rotation)), re.scaling = O.e.FromArray(G.scaling), G.localMatrix ? re.setPreTransformMatrix(O.a.FromArray(G.localMatrix)) : G.pivotMatrix && re.setPivotMatrix(O.a.FromArray(G.pivotMatrix)), re.setEnabled(G.isEnabled), re.isVisible = G.isVisible, re.infiniteDistance = G.infiniteDistance, re.showBoundingBox = G.showBoundingBox, re.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = G.showSubMeshesBoundingBox, G.applyFog !== void 0 && (re.applyFog = G.applyFog), G.pickable !== void 0 && (re.isPickable = G.pickable), G.alphaIndex !== void 0 && (re.alphaIndex = G.alphaIndex), re.receiveShadows = G.receiveShadows, re.billboardMode = G.billboardMode, G.visibility !== void 0 && (re.visibility = G.visibility), re.checkCollisions = G.checkCollisions, re.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = G.overrideMaterialSideOrientation, G.isBlocker !== void 0 && (re.isBlocker = G.isBlocker), re._shouldGenerateFlatShading = G.useFlatShading, G.freezeWorldMatrix && (re._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix = G.freezeWorldMatrix), G.parentId && (re._waitingParentId = G.parentId), G.actions !== void 0 && (re._waitingData.actions = G.actions), G.overlayAlpha !== void 0 && (re.overlayAlpha = G.overlayAlpha), G.overlayColor !== void 0 && (re.overlayColor = x.a.FromArray(G.overlayColor)), G.renderOverlay !== void 0 && (re.renderOverlay = G.renderOverlay), re.isUnIndexed = !!G.isUnIndexed, re.hasVertexAlpha = G.hasVertexAlpha, G.delayLoadingFile ? (re.delayLoadState = D.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED, re.delayLoadingFile = oe + G.delayLoadingFile, re._boundingInfo = new l.a(O.e.FromArray(G.boundingBoxMinimum), O.e.FromArray(G.boundingBoxMaximum)), G._binaryInfo && (re._binaryInfo = G._binaryInfo), re._delayInfo = [], G.hasUVs && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UVKind), G.hasUVs2 && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UV2Kind), G.hasUVs3 && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UV3Kind), G.hasUVs4 && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UV4Kind), G.hasUVs5 && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UV5Kind), G.hasUVs6 && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.UV6Kind), G.hasColors && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.ColorKind), G.hasMatricesIndices && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.MatricesIndicesKind), G.hasMatricesWeights && re._delayInfo.push(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind), re._delayLoadingFunction = S.a._ImportGeometry, b.a.ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental && re._checkDelayState()) : S.a._ImportGeometry(G, re), G.materialId ? re.setMaterialByID(G.materialId) : re.material = null, G.morphTargetManagerId > -1 && (re.morphTargetManager = Q.getMorphTargetManagerById(G.morphTargetManagerId)), G.skeletonId !== void 0 && G.skeletonId !== null && (re.skeleton = Q.getLastSkeletonByID(G.skeletonId), G.numBoneInfluencers && (re.numBoneInfluencers = G.numBoneInfluencers)), G.animations) {
for (var Y = 0; Y < G.animations.length; Y++) {
var k = G.animations[Y];
(q = M.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation")) && re.animations.push(q.Parse(k));
m.a.ParseAnimationRanges(re, G, Q);
if (G.autoAnimate && Q.beginAnimation(re, G.autoAnimateFrom, G.autoAnimateTo, G.autoAnimateLoop, G.autoAnimateSpeed || 1), G.layerMask && !isNaN(G.layerMask) ? re.layerMask = Math.abs(parseInt(G.layerMask)) : re.layerMask = 268435455, G.physicsImpostor && L._PhysicsImpostorParser(Q, re, G), G.lodMeshIds && (re._waitingData.lods = { ids: G.lodMeshIds, distances: G.lodDistances ? G.lodDistances : null, coverages: G.lodCoverages ? G.lodCoverages : null }), G.instances)
for (var H = 0; H < G.instances.length; H++) {
var Z = G.instances[H], W = re.createInstance(;
if ( && ( =, I.a && (Z.tags ? I.a.AddTagsTo(W, Z.tags) : I.a.AddTagsTo(W, G.tags)), W.position = O.e.FromArray(Z.position), Z.metadata !== void 0 && (W.metadata = Z.metadata), Z.parentId && (W._waitingParentId = Z.parentId), Z.isEnabled !== void 0 && Z.isEnabled !== null && W.setEnabled(Z.isEnabled), Z.isVisible !== void 0 && Z.isVisible !== null && (W.isVisible = Z.isVisible), Z.isPickable !== void 0 && Z.isPickable !== null && (W.isPickable = Z.isPickable), Z.rotationQuaternion ? W.rotationQuaternion = O.b.FromArray(Z.rotationQuaternion) : Z.rotation && (W.rotation = O.e.FromArray(Z.rotation)), W.scaling = O.e.FromArray(Z.scaling), Z.checkCollisions != null && Z.checkCollisions != null && (W.checkCollisions = Z.checkCollisions), Z.pickable != null && Z.pickable != null && (W.isPickable = Z.pickable), Z.showBoundingBox != null && Z.showBoundingBox != null && (W.showBoundingBox = Z.showBoundingBox), Z.showSubMeshesBoundingBox != null && Z.showSubMeshesBoundingBox != null && (W.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = Z.showSubMeshesBoundingBox), Z.alphaIndex != null && Z.showSubMeshesBoundingBox != null && (W.alphaIndex = Z.alphaIndex), Z.physicsImpostor && L._PhysicsImpostorParser(Q, W, Z), Z.animations) {
for (Y = 0; Y < Z.animations.length; Y++) {
var q;
k = Z.animations[Y], (q = M.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation")) && W.animations.push(q.Parse(k));
m.a.ParseAnimationRanges(W, Z, Q), Z.autoAnimate && Q.beginAnimation(W, Z.autoAnimateFrom, Z.autoAnimateTo, Z.autoAnimateLoop, Z.autoAnimateSpeed || 1);
if (G.thinInstances) {
var he = G.thinInstances;
if (he.matrixData ? (re.thinInstanceSetBuffer("matrix", new Float32Array(he.matrixData), 16, !1), re._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize = he.matrixBufferSize, re._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount = he.instancesCount) : re._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize = he.matrixBufferSize, G.thinInstances.userThinInstance) {
var ge = G.thinInstances.userThinInstance;
for (var me in
re.thinInstanceSetBuffer(me, new Float32Array([me]), ge.strides[me], !1), re._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[me] = ge.sizes[me];
return re;
}, L.CreateRibbon = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateDisc = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateBox = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateSphere = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateHemisphere = function(G, Q, oe, re) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateCylinder = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateTorus = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateTorusKnot = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W, q) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateLines = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateDashedLines = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreatePolygon = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H) {
throw H === void 0 && (H = earcut), U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.ExtrudePolygon = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z) {
throw Z === void 0 && (Z = earcut), U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.ExtrudeShape = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W, q) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.ExtrudeShapeCustom = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W, q, he, ge) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateLathe = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreatePlane = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateGround = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateTiledGround = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W, q, he) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateTube = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z, W, q) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreatePolyhedron = function(G, Q, oe) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateIcoSphere = function(G, Q, oe) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateDecal = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.CreateCapsule = function(G, Q, oe) {
throw U.a.WarnImport("MeshBuilder");
}, L.prototype.setPositionsForCPUSkinning = function() {
var G = this._internalMeshDataInfo;
if (!G._sourcePositions) {
var Q = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind);
if (!Q)
return G._sourcePositions;
G._sourcePositions = new Float32Array(Q), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(c.b.PositionKind) || this.setVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, Q, !0);
return G._sourcePositions;
}, L.prototype.setNormalsForCPUSkinning = function() {
var G = this._internalMeshDataInfo;
if (!G._sourceNormals) {
var Q = this.getVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind);
if (!Q)
return G._sourceNormals;
G._sourceNormals = new Float32Array(Q), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(c.b.NormalKind) || this.setVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, Q, !0);
return G._sourceNormals;
}, L.prototype.applySkeleton = function(G) {
if (!this.geometry)
return this;
if (this.geometry._softwareSkinningFrameId == this.getScene().getFrameId())
return this;
if (this.geometry._softwareSkinningFrameId = this.getScene().getFrameId(), !this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.PositionKind))
return this;
if (!this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.MatricesIndicesKind))
return this;
if (!this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind))
return this;
var Q = this.isVerticesDataPresent(c.b.NormalKind), oe = this._internalMeshDataInfo;
if (!oe._sourcePositions) {
var re = this.subMeshes.slice();
this.setPositionsForCPUSkinning(), this.subMeshes = re;
Q && !oe._sourceNormals && this.setNormalsForCPUSkinning();
var Y = this.getVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind);
if (!Y)
return this;
Y instanceof Float32Array || (Y = new Float32Array(Y));
var k = this.getVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind);
if (Q) {
if (!k)
return this;
k instanceof Float32Array || (k = new Float32Array(k));
var H = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesIndicesKind), Z = this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
if (!Z || !H)
return this;
for (var W, q = this.numBoneInfluencers > 4, he = q ? this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind) : null, ge = q ? this.getVerticesData(c.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind) : null, me = G.getTransformMatrices(this), _e = O.e.Zero(), ye = new O.a(), Pe = new O.a(), be = 0, Fe = 0; Fe < Y.length; Fe += 3, be += 4) {
var ke;
for (W = 0; W < 4; W++)
(ke = Z[be + W]) > 0 && (O.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(me, Math.floor(16 * H[be + W]), ke, Pe), ye.addToSelf(Pe));
if (q)
for (W = 0; W < 4; W++)
(ke = ge[be + W]) > 0 && (O.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(me, Math.floor(16 * he[be + W]), ke, Pe), ye.addToSelf(Pe));
O.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(oe._sourcePositions[Fe], oe._sourcePositions[Fe + 1], oe._sourcePositions[Fe + 2], ye, _e), _e.toArray(Y, Fe), Q && (O.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(oe._sourceNormals[Fe], oe._sourceNormals[Fe + 1], oe._sourceNormals[Fe + 2], ye, _e), _e.toArray(k, Fe)), ye.reset();
return this.updateVerticesData(c.b.PositionKind, Y), Q && this.updateVerticesData(c.b.NormalKind, k), this;
}, L.MinMax = function(G) {
var Q = null, oe = null;
return G.forEach(function(re) {
var Y = re.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
Q && oe ? (Q.minimizeInPlace(Y.minimumWorld), oe.maximizeInPlace(Y.maximumWorld)) : (Q = Y.minimumWorld, oe = Y.maximumWorld);
}), Q && oe ? { min: Q, max: oe } : { min: O.e.Zero(), max: O.e.Zero() };
}, L.Center = function(G) {
var Q = G instanceof Array ? L.MinMax(G) : G;
return O.e.Center(Q.min, Q.max);
}, L.MergeMeshes = function(G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
var H;
if (Q === void 0 && (Q = !0), !oe) {
var Z = 0;
for (H = 0; H < G.length; H++)
if (G[H] && (Z += G[H].getTotalVertices()) >= 65536)
return N.a.Warn("Cannot merge meshes because resulting mesh will have more than 65536 vertices. Please use allow32BitsIndices = true to use 32 bits indices"), null;
if (k) {
var W, q, he = null;
Y = !1;
var ge, me = new Array(), _e = new Array(), ye = null, Pe = new Array(), be = null;
for (H = 0; H < G.length; H++)
if (G[H]) {
var Fe = G[H];
if (Fe.isAnInstance)
return N.a.Warn("Cannot merge instance meshes."), null;
var ke = Fe.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
if ((ge = T.a.ExtractFromMesh(Fe, !0, !0)).transform(ke), ye ? ye.merge(ge, oe) : (ye = ge, be = Fe), Y && Pe.push(Fe.getTotalIndices()), k)
if (Fe.material) {
var We = Fe.material;
if (We instanceof v.a) {
for (q = 0; q < We.subMaterials.length; q++)
me.indexOf(We.subMaterials[q]) < 0 && me.push(We.subMaterials[q]);
for (W = 0; W < Fe.subMeshes.length; W++)
_e.push(me.indexOf(We.subMaterials[Fe.subMeshes[W].materialIndex])), Pe.push(Fe.subMeshes[W].indexCount);
} else
for (me.indexOf(We) < 0 && me.push(We), W = 0; W < Fe.subMeshes.length; W++)
_e.push(me.indexOf(We)), Pe.push(Fe.subMeshes[W].indexCount);
} else
for (W = 0; W < Fe.subMeshes.length; W++)
_e.push(0), Pe.push(Fe.subMeshes[W].indexCount);
if (be = be, re || (re = new L( + "_merged", be.getScene())), ye.applyToMesh(re), re.checkCollisions = be.checkCollisions, re.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = be.overrideMaterialSideOrientation, Q)
for (H = 0; H < G.length; H++)
G[H] && G[H].dispose();
if (Y || k) {
re.releaseSubMeshes(), H = 0;
for (var je = 0; H < Pe.length; )
g.a.CreateFromIndices(0, je, Pe[H], re), je += Pe[H], H++;
if (k) {
for ((he = new v.a( + "_merged", be.getScene())).subMaterials = me, W = 0; W < re.subMeshes.length; W++)
re.subMeshes[W].materialIndex = _e[W];
re.material = he;
} else
re.material = be.material;
return re;
}, L.prototype.addInstance = function(G) {
G._indexInSourceMeshInstanceArray = this.instances.length, this.instances.push(G);
}, L.prototype.removeInstance = function(G) {
var Q = G._indexInSourceMeshInstanceArray;
if (Q != -1) {
if (Q !== this.instances.length - 1) {
var oe = this.instances[this.instances.length - 1];
this.instances[Q] = oe, oe._indexInSourceMeshInstanceArray = Q;
G._indexInSourceMeshInstanceArray = -1, this.instances.pop();
throw U.a.WarnImport("GroundMesh");
}, L;
M.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Mesh"] = K;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _._AddLogEntry = function(C) {
_._LogCache = C + _._LogCache, _.OnNewCacheEntry && _.OnNewCacheEntry(C);
}, _._FormatMessage = function(C) {
var u = function(O) {
return O < 10 ? "0" + O : "" + O;
}, I = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
return "[" + u(I.getHours()) + ":" + u(I.getMinutes()) + ":" + u(I.getSeconds()) + "]: " + C;
}, _._LogDisabled = function(C) {
}, _._LogEnabled = function(C) {
var u = _._FormatMessage(C);
console.log("BJS - " + u);
var I = "
" + u + "
}, _._WarnDisabled = function(C) {
}, _._WarnEnabled = function(C) {
var u = _._FormatMessage(C);
console.warn("BJS - " + u);
var I = "" + u + "
}, _._ErrorDisabled = function(C) {
}, _._ErrorEnabled = function(C) {
var u = _._FormatMessage(C);
console.error("BJS - " + u);
var I = "" + u + "
}, Object.defineProperty(_, "LogCache", { get: function() {
return _._LogCache;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.ClearLogCache = function() {
_._LogCache = "", _.errorsCount = 0;
}, Object.defineProperty(_, "LogLevels", { set: function(C) {
(C & _.MessageLogLevel) === _.MessageLogLevel ? _.Log = _._LogEnabled : _.Log = _._LogDisabled, (C & _.WarningLogLevel) === _.WarningLogLevel ? _.Warn = _._WarnEnabled : _.Warn = _._WarnDisabled, (C & _.ErrorLogLevel) === _.ErrorLogLevel ? _.Error = _._ErrorEnabled : _.Error = _._ErrorDisabled;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.NoneLogLevel = 0, _.MessageLogLevel = 1, _.WarningLogLevel = 2, _.ErrorLogLevel = 4, _.AllLogLevel = 7, _._LogCache = "", _.errorsCount = 0, _.Log = _._LogEnabled, _.Warn = _._WarnEnabled, _.Error = _._ErrorEnabled, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return I;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return O;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return x;
var V = f(14), _ = f(28), C = f(44), u = f(11), I = function() {
function m(c, T, S) {
c === void 0 && (c = 0), T === void 0 && (T = 0), S === void 0 && (S = 0), this.r = c, this.g = T, this.b = S;
return m.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{R: " + this.r + " G:" + this.g + " B:" + this.b + "}";
}, m.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Color3";
}, m.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var c = 255 * this.r | 0;
return c = 397 * (c = 397 * c ^ (255 * this.g | 0)) ^ (255 * this.b | 0);
}, m.prototype.toArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), c[T] = this.r, c[T + 1] = this.g, c[T + 2] = this.b, this;
}, m.prototype.fromArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), m.FromArrayToRef(c, T, this), this;
}, m.prototype.toColor4 = function(c) {
return c === void 0 && (c = 1), new O(this.r, this.g, this.b, c);
}, m.prototype.asArray = function() {
var c = new Array();
return this.toArray(c, 0), c;
}, m.prototype.toLuminance = function() {
return 0.3 * this.r + 0.59 * this.g + 0.11 * this.b;
}, m.prototype.multiply = function(c) {
return new m(this.r * c.r, this.g * c.g, this.b * c.b);
}, m.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r * c.r, T.g = this.g * c.g, T.b = this.b * c.b, this;
}, m.prototype.equals = function(c) {
return c && this.r === c.r && this.g === c.g && this.b === c.b;
}, m.prototype.equalsFloats = function(c, T, S) {
return this.r === c && this.g === T && this.b === S;
}, m.prototype.scale = function(c) {
return new m(this.r * c, this.g * c, this.b * c);
}, m.prototype.scaleToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r * c, T.g = this.g * c, T.b = this.b * c, this;
}, m.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r += this.r * c, T.g += this.g * c, T.b += this.b * c, this;
}, m.prototype.clampToRef = function(c, T, S) {
return c === void 0 && (c = 0), T === void 0 && (T = 1), S.r = V.a.Clamp(this.r, c, T), S.g = V.a.Clamp(this.g, c, T), S.b = V.a.Clamp(this.b, c, T), this;
}, m.prototype.add = function(c) {
return new m(this.r + c.r, this.g + c.g, this.b + c.b);
}, m.prototype.addToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r + c.r, T.g = this.g + c.g, T.b = this.b + c.b, this;
}, m.prototype.subtract = function(c) {
return new m(this.r - c.r, this.g - c.g, this.b - c.b);
}, m.prototype.subtractToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r - c.r, T.g = this.g - c.g, T.b = this.b - c.b, this;
}, m.prototype.clone = function() {
return new m(this.r, this.g, this.b);
}, m.prototype.copyFrom = function(c) {
return this.r = c.r, this.g = c.g, this.b = c.b, this;
}, m.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(c, T, S) {
return this.r = c, this.g = T, this.b = S, this;
}, m.prototype.set = function(c, T, S) {
return this.copyFromFloats(c, T, S);
}, m.prototype.toHexString = function() {
var c = 255 * this.r | 0, T = 255 * this.g | 0, S = 255 * this.b | 0;
return "#" + V.a.ToHex(c) + V.a.ToHex(T) + V.a.ToHex(S);
}, m.prototype.toLinearSpace = function() {
var c = new m();
return this.toLinearSpaceToRef(c), c;
}, m.prototype.toHSV = function() {
var c = new m();
return this.toHSVToRef(c), c;
}, m.prototype.toHSVToRef = function(c) {
var T = this.r, S = this.g, E = this.b, g = Math.max(T, S, E), l = Math.min(T, S, E), h = 0, v = 0, b = g, D = g - l;
g !== 0 && (v = D / g), g != l && (g == T ? (h = (S - E) / D, S < E && (h += 6)) : g == S ? h = (E - T) / D + 2 : g == E && (h = (T - S) / D + 4), h *= 60), c.r = h, c.g = v, c.b = b;
}, m.prototype.toLinearSpaceToRef = function(c) {
return c.r = Math.pow(this.r, _.c), c.g = Math.pow(this.g, _.c), c.b = Math.pow(this.b, _.c), this;
}, m.prototype.toGammaSpace = function() {
var c = new m();
return this.toGammaSpaceToRef(c), c;
}, m.prototype.toGammaSpaceToRef = function(c) {
return c.r = Math.pow(this.r, _.b), c.g = Math.pow(this.g, _.b), c.b = Math.pow(this.b, _.b), this;
}, m.HSVtoRGBToRef = function(c, T, S, E) {
var g = S * T, l = c / 60, h = g * (1 - Math.abs(l % 2 - 1)), v = 0, b = 0, D = 0;
l >= 0 && l <= 1 ? (v = g, b = h) : l >= 1 && l <= 2 ? (v = h, b = g) : l >= 2 && l <= 3 ? (b = g, D = h) : l >= 3 && l <= 4 ? (b = h, D = g) : l >= 4 && l <= 5 ? (v = h, D = g) : l >= 5 && l <= 6 && (v = g, D = h);
var w = S - g;
E.set(v + w, b + w, D + w);
}, m.FromHexString = function(c) {
if (c.substring(0, 1) !== "#" || c.length !== 7)
return new m(0, 0, 0);
var T = parseInt(c.substring(1, 3), 16), S = parseInt(c.substring(3, 5), 16), E = parseInt(c.substring(5, 7), 16);
return m.FromInts(T, S, E);
}, m.FromArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), new m(c[T], c[T + 1], c[T + 2]);
}, m.FromArrayToRef = function(c, T, S) {
T === void 0 && (T = 0), S.r = c[T], S.g = c[T + 1], S.b = c[T + 2];
}, m.FromInts = function(c, T, S) {
return new m(c / 255, T / 255, S / 255);
}, m.Lerp = function(c, T, S) {
var E = new m(0, 0, 0);
return m.LerpToRef(c, T, S, E), E;
}, m.LerpToRef = function(c, T, S, E) {
E.r = c.r + (T.r - c.r) * S, E.g = c.g + (T.g - c.g) * S, E.b = c.b + (T.b - c.b) * S;
}, m.Red = function() {
return new m(1, 0, 0);
}, m.Green = function() {
return new m(0, 1, 0);
}, m.Blue = function() {
return new m(0, 0, 1);
}, m.Black = function() {
return new m(0, 0, 0);
}, Object.defineProperty(m, "BlackReadOnly", { get: function() {
return m._BlackReadOnly;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.White = function() {
return new m(1, 1, 1);
}, m.Purple = function() {
return new m(0.5, 0, 0.5);
}, m.Magenta = function() {
return new m(1, 0, 1);
}, m.Yellow = function() {
return new m(1, 1, 0);
}, m.Gray = function() {
return new m(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
}, m.Teal = function() {
return new m(0, 1, 1);
}, m.Random = function() {
return new m(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());
}, m._BlackReadOnly = m.Black(), m;
}(), O = function() {
function m(c, T, S, E) {
c === void 0 && (c = 0), T === void 0 && (T = 0), S === void 0 && (S = 0), E === void 0 && (E = 1), this.r = c, this.g = T, this.b = S, this.a = E;
return m.prototype.addInPlace = function(c) {
return this.r += c.r, this.g += c.g, this.b += c.b, this.a += c.a, this;
}, m.prototype.asArray = function() {
var c = new Array();
return this.toArray(c, 0), c;
}, m.prototype.toArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), c[T] = this.r, c[T + 1] = this.g, c[T + 2] = this.b, c[T + 3] = this.a, this;
}, m.prototype.fromArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), m.FromArrayToRef(c, T, this), this;
}, m.prototype.equals = function(c) {
return c && this.r === c.r && this.g === c.g && this.b === c.b && this.a === c.a;
}, m.prototype.add = function(c) {
return new m(this.r + c.r, this.g + c.g, this.b + c.b, this.a + c.a);
}, m.prototype.subtract = function(c) {
return new m(this.r - c.r, this.g - c.g, this.b - c.b, this.a - c.a);
}, m.prototype.subtractToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r - c.r, T.g = this.g - c.g, T.b = this.b - c.b, T.a = this.a - c.a, this;
}, m.prototype.scale = function(c) {
return new m(this.r * c, this.g * c, this.b * c, this.a * c);
}, m.prototype.scaleToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r * c, T.g = this.g * c, T.b = this.b * c, T.a = this.a * c, this;
}, m.prototype.scaleAndAddToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r += this.r * c, T.g += this.g * c, T.b += this.b * c, T.a += this.a * c, this;
}, m.prototype.clampToRef = function(c, T, S) {
return c === void 0 && (c = 0), T === void 0 && (T = 1), S.r = V.a.Clamp(this.r, c, T), S.g = V.a.Clamp(this.g, c, T), S.b = V.a.Clamp(this.b, c, T), S.a = V.a.Clamp(this.a, c, T), this;
}, m.prototype.multiply = function(c) {
return new m(this.r * c.r, this.g * c.g, this.b * c.b, this.a * c.a);
}, m.prototype.multiplyToRef = function(c, T) {
return T.r = this.r * c.r, T.g = this.g * c.g, T.b = this.b * c.b, T.a = this.a * c.a, T;
}, m.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{R: " + this.r + " G:" + this.g + " B:" + this.b + " A:" + this.a + "}";
}, m.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Color4";
}, m.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var c = 255 * this.r | 0;
return c = 397 * (c = 397 * (c = 397 * c ^ (255 * this.g | 0)) ^ (255 * this.b | 0)) ^ (255 * this.a | 0);
}, m.prototype.clone = function() {
return new m(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a);
}, m.prototype.copyFrom = function(c) {
return this.r = c.r, this.g = c.g, this.b = c.b, this.a = c.a, this;
}, m.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(c, T, S, E) {
return this.r = c, this.g = T, this.b = S, this.a = E, this;
}, m.prototype.set = function(c, T, S, E) {
return this.copyFromFloats(c, T, S, E);
}, m.prototype.toHexString = function(c) {
c === void 0 && (c = !1);
var T = 255 * this.r | 0, S = 255 * this.g | 0, E = 255 * this.b | 0;
if (c)
return "#" + V.a.ToHex(T) + V.a.ToHex(S) + V.a.ToHex(E);
var g = 255 * this.a | 0;
return "#" + V.a.ToHex(T) + V.a.ToHex(S) + V.a.ToHex(E) + V.a.ToHex(g);
}, m.prototype.toLinearSpace = function() {
var c = new m();
return this.toLinearSpaceToRef(c), c;
}, m.prototype.toLinearSpaceToRef = function(c) {
return c.r = Math.pow(this.r, _.c), c.g = Math.pow(this.g, _.c), c.b = Math.pow(this.b, _.c), c.a = this.a, this;
}, m.prototype.toGammaSpace = function() {
var c = new m();
return this.toGammaSpaceToRef(c), c;
}, m.prototype.toGammaSpaceToRef = function(c) {
return c.r = Math.pow(this.r, _.b), c.g = Math.pow(this.g, _.b), c.b = Math.pow(this.b, _.b), c.a = this.a, this;
}, m.FromHexString = function(c) {
if (c.substring(0, 1) !== "#" || c.length !== 9)
return new m(0, 0, 0, 0);
var T = parseInt(c.substring(1, 3), 16), S = parseInt(c.substring(3, 5), 16), E = parseInt(c.substring(5, 7), 16), g = parseInt(c.substring(7, 9), 16);
return m.FromInts(T, S, E, g);
}, m.Lerp = function(c, T, S) {
var E = new m(0, 0, 0, 0);
return m.LerpToRef(c, T, S, E), E;
}, m.LerpToRef = function(c, T, S, E) {
E.r = c.r + (T.r - c.r) * S, E.g = c.g + (T.g - c.g) * S, E.b = c.b + (T.b - c.b) * S, E.a = c.a + (T.a - c.a) * S;
}, m.FromColor3 = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 1), new m(c.r, c.g, c.b, T);
}, m.FromArray = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), new m(c[T], c[T + 1], c[T + 2], c[T + 3]);
}, m.FromArrayToRef = function(c, T, S) {
T === void 0 && (T = 0), S.r = c[T], S.g = c[T + 1], S.b = c[T + 2], S.a = c[T + 3];
}, m.FromInts = function(c, T, S, E) {
return new m(c / 255, T / 255, S / 255, E / 255);
}, m.CheckColors4 = function(c, T) {
if (c.length === 3 * T) {
for (var S = [], E = 0; E < c.length; E += 3) {
var g = E / 3 * 4;
S[g] = c[E], S[g + 1] = c[E + 1], S[g + 2] = c[E + 2], S[g + 3] = 1;
return S;
return c;
}, m;
}(), x = function() {
function m() {
return m.Color3 = C.a.BuildArray(3, I.Black), m.Color4 = C.a.BuildArray(3, function() {
return new O(0, 0, 0, 0);
}), m;
u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Color3"] = I, u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Color4"] = O;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return l;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(52), O = f(2), x = f(11), m = f(21), c = f(104), T = f(122), S = f(64), E = f(34), g = f(150), l = function(h) {
function v(b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe) {
w === void 0 && (w = !1), N === void 0 && (N = !0), M === void 0 && (M = v.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), U === void 0 && (U = null), X === void 0 && (X = null), j === void 0 && (j = null), ne === void 0 && (ne = !1);
var ae =, D) || this;
ae.url = null, ae.uOffset = 0, ae.vOffset = 0, ae.uScale = 1, ae.vScale = 1, ae.uAng = 0, ae.vAng = 0, ae.wAng = 0, ae.uRotationCenter = 0.5, ae.vRotationCenter = 0.5, ae.wRotationCenter = 0.5, ae.homogeneousRotationInUVTransform = !1, ae.inspectableCustomProperties = null, ae._noMipmap = !1, ae._invertY = !1, ae._rowGenerationMatrix = null, ae._cachedTextureMatrix = null, ae._projectionModeMatrix = null, ae._t0 = null, ae._t1 = null, ae._t2 = null, ae._cachedUOffset = -1, ae._cachedVOffset = -1, ae._cachedUScale = 0, ae._cachedVScale = 0, ae._cachedUAng = -1, ae._cachedVAng = -1, ae._cachedWAng = -1, ae._cachedProjectionMatrixId = -1, ae._cachedURotationCenter = -1, ae._cachedVRotationCenter = -1, ae._cachedWRotationCenter = -1, ae._cachedHomogeneousRotationInUVTransform = !1, ae._cachedCoordinatesMode = -1, ae._initialSamplingMode = v.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, ae._buffer = null, ae._deleteBuffer = !1, ae._format = null, ae._delayedOnLoad = null, ae._delayedOnError = null, ae.onLoadObservable = new C.c(), ae._isBlocking = !0, = b || "", ae.url = b, ae._noMipmap = w, ae._invertY = N, ae._initialSamplingMode = M, ae._buffer = j, ae._deleteBuffer = ne, ae._mimeType = de, ae._loaderOptions = pe, te && (ae._format = te);
var ee = ae.getScene(), K = ae._getEngine();
if (!K)
return ae;
var $ = function() {
ae._texture && (ae._texture._invertVScale && (ae.vScale *= -1, ae.vOffset += 1), ae._texture._cachedWrapU !== null && (ae.wrapU = ae._texture._cachedWrapU, ae._texture._cachedWrapU = null), ae._texture._cachedWrapV !== null && (ae.wrapV = ae._texture._cachedWrapV, ae._texture._cachedWrapV = null), ae._texture._cachedWrapR !== null && (ae.wrapR = ae._texture._cachedWrapR, ae._texture._cachedWrapR = null)), ae.onLoadObservable.hasObservers() && ae.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(ae), U && U(), !ae.isBlocking && ee && ee.resetCachedMaterial();
return ae.url ? (ae._texture = ae._getFromCache(ae.url, w, M, N), ae._texture ? ae._texture.isReady ? c.a.SetImmediate(function() {
return $();
}) : ae._texture.onLoadedObservable.add($) : ee && ee.useDelayedTextureLoading ? (ae.delayLoadState = O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED, ae._delayedOnLoad = $, ae._delayedOnError = X) : (ae._texture = K.createTexture(ae.url, w, N, ee, M, $, X, ae._buffer, void 0, ae._format, null, de, pe), ne && (ae._buffer = null)), ae) : (ae._delayedOnLoad = $, ae._delayedOnError = X, ae);
return Object(V.d)(v, h), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "noMipmap", { get: function() {
return this._noMipmap;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "mimeType", { get: function() {
return this._mimeType;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "isBlocking", { get: function() {
return this._isBlocking;
}, set: function(b) {
this._isBlocking = b;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "samplingMode", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture.samplingMode : this._initialSamplingMode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "invertY", { get: function() {
return this._invertY;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), v.prototype.updateURL = function(b, D, w) {
D === void 0 && (D = null), this.url && (this.releaseInternalTexture(), this.getScene().markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag)), && !E.a.StartsWith(, "data:") || ( = b), this.url = b, this._buffer = D, this.delayLoadState = O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED, w && (this._delayedOnLoad = w), this.delayLoad();
}, v.prototype.delayLoad = function() {
if (this.delayLoadState === O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED) {
var b = this.getScene();
b && (this.delayLoadState = O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, this._texture = this._getFromCache(this.url, this._noMipmap, this.samplingMode, this._invertY), this._texture ? this._delayedOnLoad && (this._texture.isReady ? c.a.SetImmediate(this._delayedOnLoad) : this._texture.onLoadedObservable.add(this._delayedOnLoad)) : (this._texture = b.getEngine().createTexture(this.url, this._noMipmap, this._invertY, b, this.samplingMode, this._delayedOnLoad, this._delayedOnError, this._buffer, null, this._format, null, this._mimeType, this._loaderOptions), this._deleteBuffer && (this._buffer = null)), this._delayedOnLoad = null, this._delayedOnError = null);
}, v.prototype._prepareRowForTextureGeneration = function(b, D, w, N) {
b *= this._cachedUScale, D *= this._cachedVScale, b -= this.uRotationCenter * this._cachedUScale, D -= this.vRotationCenter * this._cachedVScale, w -= this.wRotationCenter, u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(b, D, w, this._rowGenerationMatrix, N), N.x += this.uRotationCenter * this._cachedUScale + this._cachedUOffset, N.y += this.vRotationCenter * this._cachedVScale + this._cachedVOffset, N.z += this.wRotationCenter;
}, v.prototype.checkTransformsAreIdentical = function(b) {
return b !== null && this.uOffset === b.uOffset && this.vOffset === b.vOffset && this.uScale === b.uScale && this.vScale === b.vScale && this.uAng === b.uAng && this.vAng === b.vAng && this.wAng === b.wAng;
}, v.prototype.getTextureMatrix = function(b) {
var D = this;
if (b === void 0 && (b = 1), this.uOffset === this._cachedUOffset && this.vOffset === this._cachedVOffset && this.uScale * b === this._cachedUScale && this.vScale === this._cachedVScale && this.uAng === this._cachedUAng && this.vAng === this._cachedVAng && this.wAng === this._cachedWAng && this.uRotationCenter === this._cachedURotationCenter && this.vRotationCenter === this._cachedVRotationCenter && this.wRotationCenter === this._cachedWRotationCenter && this.homogeneousRotationInUVTransform === this._cachedHomogeneousRotationInUVTransform)
return this._cachedTextureMatrix;
this._cachedUOffset = this.uOffset, this._cachedVOffset = this.vOffset, this._cachedUScale = this.uScale * b, this._cachedVScale = this.vScale, this._cachedUAng = this.uAng, this._cachedVAng = this.vAng, this._cachedWAng = this.wAng, this._cachedURotationCenter = this.uRotationCenter, this._cachedVRotationCenter = this.vRotationCenter, this._cachedWRotationCenter = this.wRotationCenter, this._cachedHomogeneousRotationInUVTransform = this.homogeneousRotationInUVTransform, this._cachedTextureMatrix && this._rowGenerationMatrix || (this._cachedTextureMatrix = u.a.Zero(), this._rowGenerationMatrix = new u.a(), this._t0 = u.e.Zero(), this._t1 = u.e.Zero(), this._t2 = u.e.Zero()), u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.vAng, this.uAng, this.wAng, this._rowGenerationMatrix), this.homogeneousRotationInUVTransform ? (u.a.TranslationToRef(-this._cachedURotationCenter, -this._cachedVRotationCenter, -this._cachedWRotationCenter, u.c.Matrix[0]), u.a.TranslationToRef(this._cachedURotationCenter, this._cachedVRotationCenter, this._cachedWRotationCenter, u.c.Matrix[1]), u.a.ScalingToRef(this._cachedUScale, this._cachedVScale, 0, u.c.Matrix[2]), u.a.TranslationToRef(this._cachedUOffset, this._cachedVOffset, 0, u.c.Matrix[3]), u.c.Matrix[0].multiplyToRef(this._rowGenerationMatrix, this._cachedTextureMatrix), this._cachedTextureMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.c.Matrix[1], this._cachedTextureMatrix), this._cachedTextureMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.c.Matrix[2], this._cachedTextureMatrix), this._cachedTextureMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.c.Matrix[3], this._cachedTextureMatrix), this._cachedTextureMatrix.setRowFromFloats(2, this._cachedTextureMatrix.m[12], this._cachedTextureMatrix.m[13], this._cachedTextureMatrix.m[14], 1)) : (this._prepareRowForTextureGeneration(0, 0, 0, this._t0), this._prepareRowForTextureGeneration(1, 0, 0, this._t1), this._prepareRowForTextureGeneration(0, 1, 0, this._t2), this._t1.subtractInPlace(this._t0), this._t2.subtractInPlace(this._t0), u.a.FromValuesToRef(this._t1.x, this._t1.y, this._t1.z, 0, this._t2.x, this._t2.y, this._t2.z, 0, this._t0.x, this._t0.y, this._t0.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, this._cachedTextureMatrix));
var w = this.getScene();
return w ? (w.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag, function(N) {
return N.hasTexture(D);
}), this._cachedTextureMatrix) : this._cachedTextureMatrix;
}, v.prototype.getReflectionTextureMatrix = function() {
var b = this, D = this.getScene();
if (!D)
return this._cachedTextureMatrix;
if (this.uOffset === this._cachedUOffset && this.vOffset === this._cachedVOffset && this.uScale === this._cachedUScale && this.vScale === this._cachedVScale && this.coordinatesMode === this._cachedCoordinatesMode) {
if (this.coordinatesMode !== v.PROJECTION_MODE)
return this._cachedTextureMatrix;
if (this._cachedProjectionMatrixId === D.getProjectionMatrix().updateFlag)
return this._cachedTextureMatrix;
switch (this._cachedTextureMatrix || (this._cachedTextureMatrix = u.a.Zero()), this._projectionModeMatrix || (this._projectionModeMatrix = u.a.Zero()), this._cachedUOffset = this.uOffset, this._cachedVOffset = this.vOffset, this._cachedUScale = this.uScale, this._cachedVScale = this.vScale, this._cachedCoordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, this.coordinatesMode) {
u.a.IdentityToRef(this._cachedTextureMatrix), this._cachedTextureMatrix[0] = this.uScale, this._cachedTextureMatrix[5] = this.vScale, this._cachedTextureMatrix[12] = this.uOffset, this._cachedTextureMatrix[13] = this.vOffset;
u.a.FromValuesToRef(0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, -0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, this._projectionModeMatrix);
var w = D.getProjectionMatrix();
this._cachedProjectionMatrixId = w.updateFlag, w.multiplyToRef(this._projectionModeMatrix, this._cachedTextureMatrix);
return D.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag, function(N) {
return N.getActiveTextures().indexOf(b) !== -1;
}), this._cachedTextureMatrix;
}, v.prototype.clone = function() {
var b = this;
return _.a.Clone(function() {
return new v(b._texture ? b._texture.url : null, b.getScene(), b._noMipmap, b._invertY, b.samplingMode, void 0, void 0, b._texture ? b._texture._buffer : void 0);
}, this);
}, v.prototype.serialize = function() {
var b =;
v.SerializeBuffers || E.a.StartsWith(, "data:") && ( = ""), E.a.StartsWith(, "data:") && this.url === && (this.url = "");
var D =;
return D ? ((v.SerializeBuffers || v.ForceSerializeBuffers) && (typeof this._buffer == "string" && this._buffer.substr(0, 5) === "data:" ? (D.base64String = this._buffer, ="data:", "")) : this.url && E.a.StartsWith(this.url, "data:") && this._buffer instanceof Uint8Array ? D.base64String = "data:image/png;base64," + E.a.EncodeArrayBufferToBase64(this._buffer) : v.ForceSerializeBuffers && (D.base64String = g.a.GenerateBase64StringFromTexture(this))), D.invertY = this._invertY, D.samplingMode = this.samplingMode, = b, D) : null;
}, v.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Texture";
}, v.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onLoadObservable.clear(), this._delayedOnLoad = null, this._delayedOnError = null;
}, v.Parse = function(b, D, w) {
if (b.customType) {
var N = T.a.Instantiate(b.customType).Parse(b, D, w);
return b.samplingMode && N.updateSamplingMode && N._samplingMode && N._samplingMode !== b.samplingMode && N.updateSamplingMode(b.samplingMode), N;
if (b.isCube && !b.isRenderTarget)
return v._CubeTextureParser(b, D, w);
if (! && !b.isRenderTarget)
return null;
var M = function() {
if (U && U._texture && (U._texture._cachedWrapU = null, U._texture._cachedWrapV = null, U._texture._cachedWrapR = null), b.samplingMode) {
var X = b.samplingMode;
U && U.samplingMode !== X && U.updateSamplingMode(X);
if (U && b.animations)
for (var j = 0; j < b.animations.length; j++) {
var ne = b.animations[j], te = x.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
te && U.animations.push(te.Parse(ne));
}, U = _.a.Parse(function() {
var X, j = !0;
if (b.noMipmap && (j = !1), b.mirrorPlane) {
var ne = v._CreateMirror(, b.renderTargetSize, D, j);
return ne._waitingRenderList = b.renderList, ne.mirrorPlane = S.a.FromArray(b.mirrorPlane), M(), ne;
if (b.isRenderTarget) {
var te = null;
if (b.isCube) {
if (D.reflectionProbes)
for (var de = 0; de < D.reflectionProbes.length; de++) {
var pe = D.reflectionProbes[de];
if ( ===
return pe.cubeTexture;
} else
(te = v._CreateRenderTargetTexture(, b.renderTargetSize, D, j))._waitingRenderList = b.renderList;
return M(), te;
if (b.base64String)
X = v.CreateFromBase64String(b.base64String,, D, !j, b.invertY, void 0, M);
else {
var ae = void 0;
ae = &&"://") > 0 ? : w +, (E.a.StartsWith(b.url, "data:") || v.UseSerializedUrlIfAny && b.url) && (ae = b.url), X = new v(ae, D, !j, b.invertY, void 0, M);
return X;
}, b, D);
return U;
}, v.CreateFromBase64String = function(b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne) {
return U === void 0 && (U = v.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), X === void 0 && (X = null), j === void 0 && (j = null), ne === void 0 && (ne = O.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), new v("data:" + D, w, N, M, U, X, j, b, !1, ne);
}, v.LoadFromDataString = function(b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne, te) {
return N === void 0 && (N = !1), M === void 0 && (M = !1), U === void 0 && (U = !0), X === void 0 && (X = v.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), j === void 0 && (j = null), ne === void 0 && (ne = null), te === void 0 && (te = O.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), b.substr(0, 5) !== "data:" && (b = "data:" + b), new v(b, w, M, U, X, j, ne, D, N, te);
}, v.SerializeBuffers = !0, v.ForceSerializeBuffers = !1, v._CubeTextureParser = function(b, D, w) {
throw m.a.WarnImport("CubeTexture");
}, v._CreateMirror = function(b, D, w, N) {
throw m.a.WarnImport("MirrorTexture");
}, v._CreateRenderTargetTexture = function(b, D, w, N) {
throw m.a.WarnImport("RenderTargetTexture");
x.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Texture"] = l, _.a._TextureParser = l.Parse;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.GetClass = function(C) {
return this.RegisteredTypes && this.RegisteredTypes[C] ? this.RegisteredTypes[C] : null;
}, _.RegisteredTypes = {}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return l;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return h;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return v;
var V = f(6), _ = f(38), C = f(8), u = f(41), I = f(57), O = f(21), x = f(49), m = f(22), c = f(56), T = f(145), S = f(104), E = f(122), g = f(120), l = function() {
function b() {
return Object.defineProperty(b, "BaseUrl", { get: function() {
return c.a.BaseUrl;
}, set: function(D) {
c.a.BaseUrl = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "DefaultRetryStrategy", { get: function() {
return c.a.DefaultRetryStrategy;
}, set: function(D) {
c.a.DefaultRetryStrategy = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "CorsBehavior", { get: function() {
return c.a.CorsBehavior;
}, set: function(D) {
c.a.CorsBehavior = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "UseFallbackTexture", { get: function() {
return m.a.UseFallbackTexture;
}, set: function(D) {
m.a.UseFallbackTexture = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "RegisteredExternalClasses", { get: function() {
return E.a.RegisteredExternalClasses;
}, set: function(D) {
E.a.RegisteredExternalClasses = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "fallbackTexture", { get: function() {
return m.a.FallbackTexture;
}, set: function(D) {
m.a.FallbackTexture = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b.FetchToRef = function(D, w, N, M, U, X) {
var j = 4 * ((Math.abs(D) * N % N | 0) + (Math.abs(w) * M % M | 0) * N);
X.r = U[j] / 255, X.g = U[j + 1] / 255, X.b = U[j + 2] / 255, X.a = U[j + 3] / 255;
}, b.Mix = function(D, w, N) {
return D * (1 - N) + w * N;
}, b.Instantiate = function(D) {
return E.a.Instantiate(D);
}, b.Slice = function(D, w, N) {
return D.slice ? D.slice(w, N) :, w, N);
}, b.SliceToArray = function(D, w, N) {
return Array.isArray(D) ? D.slice(w, N) :, w, N);
}, b.SetImmediate = function(D) {
}, b.IsExponentOfTwo = function(D) {
var w = 1;
w *= 2;
while (w < D);
return w === D;
}, b.FloatRound = function(D) {
return Math.fround ? Math.fround(D) : b._tmpFloatArray[0] = D;
}, b.GetFilename = function(D) {
var w = D.lastIndexOf("/");
return w < 0 ? D : D.substring(w + 1);
}, b.GetFolderPath = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !1);
var N = D.lastIndexOf("/");
return N < 0 ? w ? D : "" : D.substring(0, N + 1);
}, b.ToDegrees = function(D) {
return 180 * D / Math.PI;
}, b.ToRadians = function(D) {
return D * Math.PI / 180;
}, b.MakeArray = function(D, w) {
return w === !0 || D !== void 0 && D != null ? Array.isArray(D) ? D : [D] : null;
}, b.GetPointerPrefix = function(D) {
var w = "pointer";
return _.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && !window.PointerEvent && _.a.IsNavigatorAvailable() && !navigator.pointerEnabled && (w = "mouse"), !D._badDesktopOS || D._badOS || document && "ontouchend" in document || (w = "mouse"), w;
}, b.SetCorsBehavior = function(D, w) {
c.a.SetCorsBehavior(D, w);
}, b.CleanUrl = function(D) {
return D = D.replace(/#/gm, "%23");
}, Object.defineProperty(b, "PreprocessUrl", { get: function() {
return c.a.PreprocessUrl;
}, set: function(D) {
c.a.PreprocessUrl = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b.LoadImage = function(D, w, N, M, U) {
return c.a.LoadImage(D, w, N, M, U);
}, b.LoadFile = function(D, w, N, M, U, X) {
return c.a.LoadFile(D, w, N, M, U, X);
}, b.LoadFileAsync = function(D, w) {
return w === void 0 && (w = !0), new Promise(function(N, M) {
c.a.LoadFile(D, function(U) {
}, void 0, void 0, w, function(U, X) {
}, b.LoadScript = function(D, w, N, M) {
if (_.a.IsWindowObjectExist()) {
var U = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], X = document.createElement("script");
X.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), X.setAttribute("src", D), M && ( = M), X.onload = function() {
w && w();
}, X.onerror = function(j) {
N && N("Unable to load script '" + D + "'", j);
}, U.appendChild(X);
}, b.LoadScriptAsync = function(D, w) {
var N = this;
return new Promise(function(M, U) {
N.LoadScript(D, function() {
}, function(X, j) {
}, b.ReadFileAsDataURL = function(D, w, N) {
var M = new FileReader(), U = { onCompleteObservable: new V.c(), abort: function() {
return M.abort();
} };
return M.onloadend = function(X) {
}, M.onload = function(X) {
}, M.onprogress = N, M.readAsDataURL(D), U;
}, b.ReadFile = function(D, w, N, M, U) {
return c.a.ReadFile(D, w, N, M, U);
}, b.FileAsURL = function(D) {
var w = new Blob([D]);
return (window.URL || window.webkitURL).createObjectURL(w);
}, b.Format = function(D, w) {
return w === void 0 && (w = 2), D.toFixed(w);
}, b.DeepCopy = function(D, w, N, M) {
u.a.DeepCopy(D, w, N, M);
}, b.IsEmpty = function(D) {
for (var w in D)
if (D.hasOwnProperty(w))
return !1;
return !0;
}, b.RegisterTopRootEvents = function(D, w) {
for (var N = 0; N < w.length; N++) {
var M = w[N];
D.addEventListener(, M.handler, !1);
try {
window.parent && window.parent.addEventListener(, M.handler, !1);
} catch {
}, b.UnregisterTopRootEvents = function(D, w) {
for (var N = 0; N < w.length; N++) {
var M = w[N];
D.removeEventListener(, M.handler);
try {
D.parent && D.parent.removeEventListener(, M.handler);
} catch {
}, b.DumpFramebuffer = function(D, w, N, M, U, X) {
U === void 0 && (U = "image/png");
for (var j = 4 * D, ne = w / 2, te = N.readPixels(0, 0, D, w), de = 0; de < ne; de++)
for (var pe = 0; pe < j; pe++) {
var ae = pe + de * j, ee = pe + (w - de - 1) * j, K = te[ae];
te[ae] = te[ee], te[ee] = K;
b._ScreenshotCanvas || (b._ScreenshotCanvas = document.createElement("canvas")), b._ScreenshotCanvas.width = D, b._ScreenshotCanvas.height = w;
var $ = b._ScreenshotCanvas.getContext("2d");
if ($) {
var L = $.createImageData(D, w);, $.putImageData(L, 0, 0), b.EncodeScreenshotCanvasData(M, U, X);
}, b.ToBlob = function(D, w, N) {
N === void 0 && (N = "image/png"), D.toBlob || (D.toBlob = function(M, U, X) {
var j = this;
setTimeout(function() {
for (var ne = atob(j.toDataURL(U, X).split(",")[1]), te = ne.length, de = new Uint8Array(te), pe = 0; pe < te; pe++)
de[pe] = ne.charCodeAt(pe);
M(new Blob([de]));
}), D.toBlob(function(M) {
}, N);
}, b.EncodeScreenshotCanvasData = function(D, w, N) {
w === void 0 && (w = "image/png"), D ? D(b._ScreenshotCanvas.toDataURL(w)) : this.ToBlob(b._ScreenshotCanvas, function(M) {
if ("download" in document.createElement("a")) {
if (!N) {
var U = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), X = (U.getFullYear() + "-" + (U.getMonth() + 1)).slice(2) + "-" + U.getDate() + "_" + U.getHours() + "-" + ("0" + U.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
N = "screenshot_" + X + ".png";
b.Download(M, N);
} else {
var j = URL.createObjectURL(M), ne ="");
if (!ne)
var te = ne.document.createElement("img");
te.onload = function() {
}, te.src = j, ne.document.body.appendChild(te);
}, w);
}, b.Download = function(D, w) {
if (navigator && navigator.msSaveBlob)
navigator.msSaveBlob(D, w);
else {
var N = window.URL.createObjectURL(D), M = document.createElement("a");
document.body.appendChild(M), = "none", M.href = N, = w, M.addEventListener("click", function() {
M.parentElement && M.parentElement.removeChild(M);
}),, window.URL.revokeObjectURL(N);
}, b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault = function(D) {
return typeof D[0] == "boolean" ? D[0] : typeof D[1] == "boolean" && D[1];
}, b.CreateScreenshot = function(D, w, N, M, U) {
throw O.a.WarnImport("ScreenshotTools");
}, b.CreateScreenshotAsync = function(D, w, N, M) {
throw O.a.WarnImport("ScreenshotTools");
}, b.CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTarget = function(D, w, N, M, U, X, j, ne) {
throw O.a.WarnImport("ScreenshotTools");
}, b.CreateScreenshotUsingRenderTargetAsync = function(D, w, N, M, U, X, j) {
throw O.a.WarnImport("ScreenshotTools");
}, b.RandomId = function() {
return g.a.RandomId();
}, b.IsBase64 = function(D) {
return !(D.length < 5) && D.substr(0, 5) === "data:";
}, b.DecodeBase64 = function(D) {
for (var w = atob(D.split(",")[1]), N = w.length, M = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(N)), U = 0; U < N; U++)
M[U] = w.charCodeAt(U);
return M.buffer;
}, b.GetAbsoluteUrl = function(D) {
var w = document.createElement("a");
return w.href = D, w.href;
}, Object.defineProperty(b, "errorsCount", { get: function() {
return C.a.errorsCount;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b.Log = function(D) {
}, b.Warn = function(D) {
}, b.Error = function(D) {
}, Object.defineProperty(b, "LogCache", { get: function() {
return C.a.LogCache;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b.ClearLogCache = function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(b, "LogLevels", { set: function(D) {
C.a.LogLevels = D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(b, "PerformanceLogLevel", { set: function(D) {
return (D & b.PerformanceUserMarkLogLevel) === b.PerformanceUserMarkLogLevel ? (b.StartPerformanceCounter = b._StartUserMark, void (b.EndPerformanceCounter = b._EndUserMark)) : (D & b.PerformanceConsoleLogLevel) === b.PerformanceConsoleLogLevel ? (b.StartPerformanceCounter = b._StartPerformanceConsole, void (b.EndPerformanceCounter = b._EndPerformanceConsole)) : (b.StartPerformanceCounter = b._StartPerformanceCounterDisabled, void (b.EndPerformanceCounter = b._EndPerformanceCounterDisabled));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b._StartPerformanceCounterDisabled = function(D, w) {
}, b._EndPerformanceCounterDisabled = function(D, w) {
}, b._StartUserMark = function(D, w) {
if (w === void 0 && (w = !0), !b._performance) {
if (!_.a.IsWindowObjectExist())
b._performance = window.performance;
w && b._performance.mark && b._performance.mark(D + "-Begin");
}, b._EndUserMark = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0), w && b._performance.mark && (b._performance.mark(D + "-End"), b._performance.measure(D, D + "-Begin", D + "-End"));
}, b._StartPerformanceConsole = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0), w && (b._StartUserMark(D, w), console.time && console.time(D));
}, b._EndPerformanceConsole = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0), w && (b._EndUserMark(D, w), console.timeEnd(D));
}, Object.defineProperty(b, "Now", { get: function() {
return I.a.Now;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), b.GetClassName = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !1);
var N = null;
return !w && D.getClassName ? N = D.getClassName() : (D instanceof Object && (N = (w ? D : Object.getPrototypeOf(D)).constructor.__bjsclassName__), N || (N = typeof D)), N;
}, b.First = function(D, w) {
for (var N = 0, M = D; N < M.length; N++) {
var U = M[N];
if (w(U))
return U;
return null;
}, b.getFullClassName = function(D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !1);
var N = null, M = null;
if (!w && D.getClassName)
N = D.getClassName();
else {
if (D instanceof Object) {
var U = w ? D : Object.getPrototypeOf(D);
N = U.constructor.__bjsclassName__, M = U.constructor.__bjsmoduleName__;
N || (N = typeof D);
return N ? (M != null ? M + "." : "") + N : null;
}, b.DelayAsync = function(D) {
return new Promise(function(w) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, D);
}, b.IsSafari = function() {
return /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
}, b.UseCustomRequestHeaders = !1, b.CustomRequestHeaders = x.a.CustomRequestHeaders, b._tmpFloatArray = new Float32Array(1), b.GetDOMTextContent = _.a.GetDOMTextContent, b.NoneLogLevel = C.a.NoneLogLevel, b.MessageLogLevel = C.a.MessageLogLevel, b.WarningLogLevel = C.a.WarningLogLevel, b.ErrorLogLevel = C.a.ErrorLogLevel, b.AllLogLevel = C.a.AllLogLevel, b.IsWindowObjectExist = _.a.IsWindowObjectExist, b.PerformanceNoneLogLevel = 0, b.PerformanceUserMarkLogLevel = 1, b.PerformanceConsoleLogLevel = 2, b.StartPerformanceCounter = b._StartPerformanceCounterDisabled, b.EndPerformanceCounter = b._EndPerformanceCounterDisabled, b;
function h(b, D) {
return function(w) {
w.__bjsclassName__ = b, w.__bjsmoduleName__ = D ?? null;
var v = function() {
function b(D, w, N, M) {
M === void 0 && (M = 0), this.iterations = D, this.index = M - 1, this._done = !1, this._fn = w, this._successCallback = N;
return b.prototype.executeNext = function() {
this._done || (this.index + 1 < this.iterations ? (++this.index, this._fn(this)) : this.breakLoop());
}, b.prototype.breakLoop = function() {
this._done = !0, this._successCallback();
}, b.Run = function(D, w, N, M) {
M === void 0 && (M = 0);
var U = new b(D, w, N, M);
return U.executeNext(), U;
}, b.SyncAsyncForLoop = function(D, w, N, M, U, X) {
return X === void 0 && (X = 0), b.Run(Math.ceil(D / w), function(j) {
U && U() ? j.breakLoop() : setTimeout(function() {
for (var ne = 0; ne < w; ++ne) {
var te = j.index * w + ne;
if (te >= D)
if (N(te), U && U()) {
}, X);
}, M);
}, b;
m.a.FallbackTexture = "", T.a.Apply();
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return E;
var V = f(1), _ = f(6), C = f(38), u = f(22), I = f(21), O = f(26), x = f(2), m = f(146), c = f(55), T = f(88), S = f(8), E = (f(123), f(129), f(124), function(g) {
function l(h, v, b, D) {
D === void 0 && (D = !1);
var w =, h, v, b, D) || this;
if (w.enableOfflineSupport = !1, w.disableManifestCheck = !1, w.scenes = new Array(), w.onNewSceneAddedObservable = new _.c(), w.postProcesses = new Array(), w.isPointerLock = !1, w.onResizeObservable = new _.c(), w.onCanvasBlurObservable = new _.c(), w.onCanvasFocusObservable = new _.c(), w.onCanvasPointerOutObservable = new _.c(), w.onBeginFrameObservable = new _.c(), w.customAnimationFrameRequester = null, w.onEndFrameObservable = new _.c(), w.onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable = new _.c(), w.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable = new _.c(), w._deterministicLockstep = !1, w._lockstepMaxSteps = 4, w._timeStep = 1 / 60, w._fps = 60, w._deltaTime = 0, w._drawCalls = new c.a(), w.canvasTabIndex = 1, w.disablePerformanceMonitorInBackground = !1, w._performanceMonitor = new m.a(), l.Instances.push(w), !h)
return w;
if (b = w._creationOptions, h.getContext) {
var N = h;
if (w._onCanvasFocus = function() {
}, w._onCanvasBlur = function() {
}, N.addEventListener("focus", w._onCanvasFocus), N.addEventListener("blur", w._onCanvasBlur), w._onBlur = function() {
w.disablePerformanceMonitorInBackground && w._performanceMonitor.disable(), w._windowIsBackground = !0;
}, w._onFocus = function() {
w.disablePerformanceMonitorInBackground && w._performanceMonitor.enable(), w._windowIsBackground = !1;
}, w._onCanvasPointerOut = function(X) {
}, N.addEventListener("pointerout", w._onCanvasPointerOut), C.a.IsWindowObjectExist()) {
var M = w.getHostWindow();
M.addEventListener("blur", w._onBlur), M.addEventListener("focus", w._onFocus);
var U = document;
w._onFullscreenChange = function() {
U.fullscreen !== void 0 ? w.isFullscreen = U.fullscreen : U.mozFullScreen !== void 0 ? w.isFullscreen = U.mozFullScreen : U.webkitIsFullScreen !== void 0 ? w.isFullscreen = U.webkitIsFullScreen : U.msIsFullScreen !== void 0 && (w.isFullscreen = U.msIsFullScreen), w.isFullscreen && w._pointerLockRequested && N && l._RequestPointerlock(N);
}, document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", w._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", w._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", w._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", w._onFullscreenChange, !1), w._onPointerLockChange = function() {
w.isPointerLock = U.mozPointerLockElement === N || U.webkitPointerLockElement === N || U.msPointerLockElement === N || U.pointerLockElement === N;
}, document.addEventListener("pointerlockchange", w._onPointerLockChange, !1), document.addEventListener("mspointerlockchange", w._onPointerLockChange, !1), document.addEventListener("mozpointerlockchange", w._onPointerLockChange, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitpointerlockchange", w._onPointerLockChange, !1), !l.audioEngine && b.audioEngine && l.AudioEngineFactory && (l.audioEngine = l.AudioEngineFactory(w.getRenderingCanvas()));
w._connectVREvents(), w.enableOfflineSupport = l.OfflineProviderFactory !== void 0, b.doNotHandleTouchAction || w._disableTouchAction(), w._deterministicLockstep = !!b.deterministicLockstep, w._lockstepMaxSteps = b.lockstepMaxSteps || 0, w._timeStep = b.timeStep || 1 / 60;
return w._prepareVRComponent(), b.autoEnableWebVR && w.initWebVR(), w;
return Object(V.d)(l, g), Object.defineProperty(l, "NpmPackage", { get: function() {
return O.a.NpmPackage;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l, "Version", { get: function() {
return O.a.Version;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l, "Instances", { get: function() {
return u.a.Instances;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l, "LastCreatedEngine", { get: function() {
return u.a.LastCreatedEngine;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l, "LastCreatedScene", { get: function() {
return u.a.LastCreatedScene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), l.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty = function(h, v) {
for (var b = 0; b < l.Instances.length; b++)
for (var D = l.Instances[b], w = 0; w < D.scenes.length; w++)
D.scenes[w].markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h, v);
}, l.DefaultLoadingScreenFactory = function(h) {
throw I.a.WarnImport("LoadingScreen");
}, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "_supportsHardwareTextureRescaling", { get: function() {
return !!l._RescalePostProcessFactory;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "performanceMonitor", { get: function() {
return this._performanceMonitor;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), l.prototype.getInputElement = function() {
return this._renderingCanvas;
}, l.prototype.getAspectRatio = function(h, v) {
v === void 0 && (v = !1);
var b = h.viewport;
return this.getRenderWidth(v) * b.width / (this.getRenderHeight(v) * b.height);
}, l.prototype.getScreenAspectRatio = function() {
return this.getRenderWidth(!0) / this.getRenderHeight(!0);
}, l.prototype.getRenderingCanvasClientRect = function() {
return this._renderingCanvas ? this._renderingCanvas.getBoundingClientRect() : null;
}, l.prototype.getInputElementClientRect = function() {
return this._renderingCanvas ? this.getInputElement().getBoundingClientRect() : null;
}, l.prototype.isDeterministicLockStep = function() {
return this._deterministicLockstep;
}, l.prototype.getLockstepMaxSteps = function() {
return this._lockstepMaxSteps;
}, l.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
return 1e3 * this._timeStep;
}, l.prototype.generateMipMapsForCubemap = function(h, v) {
if (v === void 0 && (v = !0), h.generateMipMaps) {
var b = this._gl;
this._bindTextureDirectly(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, h, !0), b.generateMipmap(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP), v && this._bindTextureDirectly(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
}, l.prototype.setState = function(h, v, b, D) {
v === void 0 && (v = 0), D === void 0 && (D = !1), (this._depthCullingState.cull !== h || b) && (this._depthCullingState.cull = h);
var w = this.cullBackFaces ? this._gl.BACK : this._gl.FRONT;
(this._depthCullingState.cullFace !== w || b) && (this._depthCullingState.cullFace = w), this.setZOffset(v);
var N = D ? this._gl.CW : this._gl.CCW;
(this._depthCullingState.frontFace !== N || b) && (this._depthCullingState.frontFace = N);
}, l.prototype.setZOffset = function(h) {
this._depthCullingState.zOffset = h;
}, l.prototype.getZOffset = function() {
return this._depthCullingState.zOffset;
}, l.prototype.setDepthBuffer = function(h) {
this._depthCullingState.depthTest = h;
}, l.prototype.getDepthWrite = function() {
return this._depthCullingState.depthMask;
}, l.prototype.setDepthWrite = function(h) {
this._depthCullingState.depthMask = h;
}, l.prototype.getStencilBuffer = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilTest;
}, l.prototype.setStencilBuffer = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilTest = h;
}, l.prototype.getStencilMask = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilMask;
}, l.prototype.setStencilMask = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilMask = h;
}, l.prototype.getStencilFunction = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilFunc;
}, l.prototype.getStencilFunctionReference = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilFuncRef;
}, l.prototype.getStencilFunctionMask = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilFuncMask;
}, l.prototype.setStencilFunction = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilFunc = h;
}, l.prototype.setStencilFunctionReference = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilFuncRef = h;
}, l.prototype.setStencilFunctionMask = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilFuncMask = h;
}, l.prototype.getStencilOperationFail = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilOpStencilFail;
}, l.prototype.getStencilOperationDepthFail = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilOpDepthFail;
}, l.prototype.getStencilOperationPass = function() {
return this._stencilState.stencilOpStencilDepthPass;
}, l.prototype.setStencilOperationFail = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilOpStencilFail = h;
}, l.prototype.setStencilOperationDepthFail = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilOpDepthFail = h;
}, l.prototype.setStencilOperationPass = function(h) {
this._stencilState.stencilOpStencilDepthPass = h;
}, l.prototype.setDitheringState = function(h) {
h ? this._gl.enable(this._gl.DITHER) : this._gl.disable(this._gl.DITHER);
}, l.prototype.setRasterizerState = function(h) {
h ? this._gl.disable(this._gl.RASTERIZER_DISCARD) : this._gl.enable(this._gl.RASTERIZER_DISCARD);
}, l.prototype.getDepthFunction = function() {
return this._depthCullingState.depthFunc;
}, l.prototype.setDepthFunction = function(h) {
this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = h;
}, l.prototype.setDepthFunctionToGreater = function() {
this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.GREATER;
}, l.prototype.setDepthFunctionToGreaterOrEqual = function() {
this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.GEQUAL;
}, l.prototype.setDepthFunctionToLess = function() {
this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.LESS;
}, l.prototype.setDepthFunctionToLessOrEqual = function() {
this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.LEQUAL;
}, l.prototype.cacheStencilState = function() {
this._cachedStencilBuffer = this.getStencilBuffer(), this._cachedStencilFunction = this.getStencilFunction(), this._cachedStencilMask = this.getStencilMask(), this._cachedStencilOperationPass = this.getStencilOperationPass(), this._cachedStencilOperationFail = this.getStencilOperationFail(), this._cachedStencilOperationDepthFail = this.getStencilOperationDepthFail(), this._cachedStencilReference = this.getStencilFunctionReference();
}, l.prototype.restoreStencilState = function() {
this.setStencilFunction(this._cachedStencilFunction), this.setStencilMask(this._cachedStencilMask), this.setStencilBuffer(this._cachedStencilBuffer), this.setStencilOperationPass(this._cachedStencilOperationPass), this.setStencilOperationFail(this._cachedStencilOperationFail), this.setStencilOperationDepthFail(this._cachedStencilOperationDepthFail), this.setStencilFunctionReference(this._cachedStencilReference);
}, l.prototype.setDirectViewport = function(h, v, b, D) {
var w = this._cachedViewport;
return this._cachedViewport = null, this._viewport(h, v, b, D), w;
}, l.prototype.scissorClear = function(h, v, b, D, w) {
this.enableScissor(h, v, b, D), this.clear(w, !0, !0, !0), this.disableScissor();
}, l.prototype.enableScissor = function(h, v, b, D) {
var w = this._gl;
w.enable(w.SCISSOR_TEST), w.scissor(h, v, b, D);
}, l.prototype.disableScissor = function() {
var h = this._gl;
}, l.prototype._reportDrawCall = function() {
this._drawCalls.addCount(1, !1);
}, l.prototype.initWebVR = function() {
throw I.a.WarnImport("WebVRCamera");
}, l.prototype._prepareVRComponent = function() {
}, l.prototype._connectVREvents = function(h, v) {
}, l.prototype._submitVRFrame = function() {
}, l.prototype.disableVR = function() {
}, l.prototype.isVRPresenting = function() {
return !1;
}, l.prototype._requestVRFrame = function() {
}, l.prototype._loadFileAsync = function(h, v, b) {
var D = this;
return new Promise(function(w, N) {
D._loadFile(h, function(M) {
}, void 0, v, b, function(M, U) {
}, l.prototype.getVertexShaderSource = function(h) {
var v = this._gl.getAttachedShaders(h);
return v ? this._gl.getShaderSource(v[0]) : null;
}, l.prototype.getFragmentShaderSource = function(h) {
var v = this._gl.getAttachedShaders(h);
return v ? this._gl.getShaderSource(v[1]) : null;
}, l.prototype.setDepthStencilTexture = function(h, v, b) {
h !== void 0 && (v && (this._boundUniforms[h] = v), b && b.depthStencilTexture ? this._setTexture(h, b, !1, !0) : this._setTexture(h, null));
}, l.prototype.setTextureFromPostProcess = function(h, v) {
this._bindTexture(h, v ?[v._currentRenderTextureInd] : null);
}, l.prototype.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput = function(h, v) {
this._bindTexture(h, v ? v._outputTexture : null);
}, l.prototype._rebuildBuffers = function() {
for (var h = 0, v = this.scenes; h < v.length; h++) {
var b = v[h];
b.resetCachedMaterial(), b._rebuildGeometries(), b._rebuildTextures();
}, l.prototype._renderFrame = function() {
for (var h = 0; h < this._activeRenderLoops.length; h++)
(0, this._activeRenderLoops[h])();
}, l.prototype._renderLoop = function() {
if (!this._contextWasLost) {
var h = !0;
!this.renderEvenInBackground && this._windowIsBackground && (h = !1), h && (this.beginFrame(), this._renderViews() || this._renderFrame(), this.endFrame());
this._activeRenderLoops.length > 0 ? this.customAnimationFrameRequester ? (this.customAnimationFrameRequester.requestID = this._queueNewFrame(this.customAnimationFrameRequester.renderFunction || this._boundRenderFunction, this.customAnimationFrameRequester), this._frameHandler = this.customAnimationFrameRequester.requestID) : this.isVRPresenting() ? this._requestVRFrame() : this._frameHandler = this._queueNewFrame(this._boundRenderFunction, this.getHostWindow()) : this._renderingQueueLaunched = !1;
}, l.prototype._renderViews = function() {
return !1;
}, l.prototype.switchFullscreen = function(h) {
this.isFullscreen ? this.exitFullscreen() : this.enterFullscreen(h);
}, l.prototype.enterFullscreen = function(h) {
this.isFullscreen || (this._pointerLockRequested = h, this._renderingCanvas && l._RequestFullscreen(this._renderingCanvas));
}, l.prototype.exitFullscreen = function() {
this.isFullscreen && l._ExitFullscreen();
}, l.prototype.enterPointerlock = function() {
this._renderingCanvas && l._RequestPointerlock(this._renderingCanvas);
}, l.prototype.exitPointerlock = function() {
}, l.prototype.beginFrame = function() {
this._measureFps(), this.onBeginFrameObservable.notifyObservers(this),;
}, l.prototype.endFrame = function() {, this._submitVRFrame(), this.onEndFrameObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, l.prototype.resize = function() {
this.isVRPresenting() ||;
}, l.prototype.setSize = function(h, v) {
if (!this._renderingCanvas || !, h, v))
return !1;
if (this.scenes) {
for (var b = 0; b < this.scenes.length; b++)
for (var D = this.scenes[b], w = 0; w < D.cameras.length; w++)
D.cameras[w]._currentRenderId = 0;
this.onResizeObservable.hasObservers() && this.onResizeObservable.notifyObservers(this);
return !0;
}, l.prototype._deletePipelineContext = function(h) {
var v = h;
v && v.program && v.transformFeedback && (this.deleteTransformFeedback(v.transformFeedback), v.transformFeedback = null),, h);
}, l.prototype.createShaderProgram = function(h, v, b, D, w, N) {
N === void 0 && (N = null), w = w || this._gl, this.onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable.notifyObservers(this);
var M =, h, v, b, D, w, N);
return this.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable.notifyObservers(this), M;
}, l.prototype._createShaderProgram = function(h, v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = null);
var N = D.createProgram();
if (h.program = N, !N)
throw new Error("Unable to create program");
if (D.attachShader(N, v), D.attachShader(N, b), this.webGLVersion > 1 && w) {
var M = this.createTransformFeedback();
this.bindTransformFeedback(M), this.setTranformFeedbackVaryings(N, w), h.transformFeedback = M;
return D.linkProgram(N), this.webGLVersion > 1 && w && this.bindTransformFeedback(null), h.context = D, h.vertexShader = v, h.fragmentShader = b, h.isParallelCompiled || this._finalizePipelineContext(h), N;
}, l.prototype._releaseTexture = function(h) {, h), this.scenes.forEach(function(v) {
v.postProcesses.forEach(function(b) {
b._outputTexture == h && (b._outputTexture = null);
}), v.cameras.forEach(function(b) {
b._postProcesses.forEach(function(D) {
D && D._outputTexture == h && (D._outputTexture = null);
}, l.prototype._rescaleTexture = function(h, v, b, D, w) {
var N = this;
this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, this._gl.LINEAR), this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, this._gl.LINEAR), this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
var M = this.createRenderTargetTexture({ width: v.width, height: v.height }, { generateMipMaps: !1, type: x.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, samplingMode: x.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateStencilBuffer: !1 });
!this._rescalePostProcess && l._RescalePostProcessFactory && (this._rescalePostProcess = l._RescalePostProcessFactory(this)), this._rescalePostProcess.getEffect().executeWhenCompiled(function() {
N._rescalePostProcess.onApply = function(X) {
X._bindTexture("textureSampler", h);
var U = b;
U || (U = N.scenes[N.scenes.length - 1]), U.postProcessManager.directRender([N._rescalePostProcess], M, !0), N._bindTextureDirectly(N._gl.TEXTURE_2D, v, !0), N._gl.copyTexImage2D(N._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, D, 0, 0, v.width, v.height, 0), N.unBindFramebuffer(M), N._releaseTexture(M), w && w();
}, l.prototype.getFps = function() {
return this._fps;
}, l.prototype.getDeltaTime = function() {
return this._deltaTime;
}, l.prototype._measureFps = function() {
this._performanceMonitor.sampleFrame(), this._fps = this._performanceMonitor.averageFPS, this._deltaTime = this._performanceMonitor.instantaneousFrameTime || 0;
}, l.prototype._uploadImageToTexture = function(h, v, b, D) {
b === void 0 && (b = 0), D === void 0 && (D = 0);
var w = this._gl, N = this._getWebGLTextureType(h.type), M = this._getInternalFormat(h.format), U = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(h.type, M), X = h.isCube ? w.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : w.TEXTURE_2D;
this._bindTextureDirectly(X, h, !0), this._unpackFlipY(h.invertY);
var j = w.TEXTURE_2D;
h.isCube && (j = w.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + b), w.texImage2D(j, D, U, M, N, v), this._bindTextureDirectly(X, null, !0);
}, l.prototype.updateRenderTargetTextureSampleCount = function(h, v) {
if (this.webGLVersion < 2 || !h)
return 1;
if (h.samples === v)
return v;
var b = this._gl;
if (v = Math.min(v, this.getCaps().maxMSAASamples), h._depthStencilBuffer && (b.deleteRenderbuffer(h._depthStencilBuffer), h._depthStencilBuffer = null), h._MSAAFramebuffer && (b.deleteFramebuffer(h._MSAAFramebuffer), h._MSAAFramebuffer = null), h._MSAARenderBuffer && (b.deleteRenderbuffer(h._MSAARenderBuffer), h._MSAARenderBuffer = null), v > 1 && b.renderbufferStorageMultisample) {
var D = b.createFramebuffer();
if (!D)
throw new Error("Unable to create multi sampled framebuffer");
h._MSAAFramebuffer = D, this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(h._MSAAFramebuffer);
var w = b.createRenderbuffer();
if (!w)
throw new Error("Unable to create multi sampled framebuffer");
b.bindRenderbuffer(b.RENDERBUFFER, w), b.renderbufferStorageMultisample(b.RENDERBUFFER, v, this._getRGBAMultiSampleBufferFormat(h.type), h.width, h.height), b.framebufferRenderbuffer(b.FRAMEBUFFER, b.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, b.RENDERBUFFER, w), h._MSAARenderBuffer = w;
} else
return h.samples = v, h._depthStencilBuffer = this._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments(h._generateStencilBuffer, h._generateDepthBuffer, h.width, h.height, v), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null), v;
}, l.prototype.updateTextureComparisonFunction = function(h, v) {
if (this.webGLVersion !== 1) {
var b = this._gl;
h.isCube ? (this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, h, !0), v === 0 ? (b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, x.a.LEQUAL), b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, b.NONE)) : (b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, v), b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, b.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE)), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null)) : (this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, h, !0), v === 0 ? (b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, x.a.LEQUAL), b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, b.NONE)) : (b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, v), b.texParameteri(b.TEXTURE_2D, b.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, b.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE)), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null)), h._comparisonFunction = v;
} else
S.a.Error("WebGL 1 does not support texture comparison.");
}, l.prototype.createInstancesBuffer = function(h) {
var v = this._gl.createBuffer();
if (!v)
throw new Error("Unable to create instance buffer");
var b = new T.a(v);
return b.capacity = h, this.bindArrayBuffer(b), this._gl.bufferData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, h, this._gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW), b;
}, l.prototype.deleteInstancesBuffer = function(h) {
}, l.prototype._clientWaitAsync = function(h, v, b) {
v === void 0 && (v = 0), b === void 0 && (b = 10);
var D = this._gl;
return new Promise(function(w, N) {
var M = function() {
var U = D.clientWaitSync(h, v, 0);
U != D.WAIT_FAILED ? U != D.TIMEOUT_EXPIRED ? w() : setTimeout(M, b) : N();
}, l.prototype._readPixelsAsync = function(h, v, b, D, w, N, M) {
if (this._webGLVersion < 2)
throw new Error("_readPixelsAsync only work on WebGL2+");
var U = this._gl, X = U.createBuffer();
U.bindBuffer(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, X), U.bufferData(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, M.byteLength, U.STREAM_READ), U.readPixels(h, v, b, D, w, N, 0), U.bindBuffer(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, null);
var j = U.fenceSync(U.SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0);
return j ? (U.flush(), this._clientWaitAsync(j, 0, 10).then(function() {
return U.deleteSync(j), U.bindBuffer(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, X), U.getBufferSubData(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, 0, M), U.bindBuffer(U.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, null), U.deleteBuffer(X), M;
})) : null;
}, l.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (this.hideLoadingUI(), this.onNewSceneAddedObservable.clear(); this.postProcesses.length; )
for (this._rescalePostProcess && this._rescalePostProcess.dispose(); this.scenes.length; )
l.Instances.length === 1 && l.audioEngine && l.audioEngine.dispose(), this.disableVR(), C.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && (window.removeEventListener("blur", this._onBlur), window.removeEventListener("focus", this._onFocus), this._renderingCanvas && (this._renderingCanvas.removeEventListener("focus", this._onCanvasFocus), this._renderingCanvas.removeEventListener("blur", this._onCanvasBlur), this._renderingCanvas.removeEventListener("pointerout", this._onCanvasPointerOut)), C.a.IsDocumentAvailable() && (document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("msfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("pointerlockchange", this._onPointerLockChange), document.removeEventListener("mspointerlockchange", this._onPointerLockChange), document.removeEventListener("mozpointerlockchange", this._onPointerLockChange), document.removeEventListener("webkitpointerlockchange", this._onPointerLockChange))),;
var h = l.Instances.indexOf(this);
h >= 0 && l.Instances.splice(h, 1), this.onResizeObservable.clear(), this.onCanvasBlurObservable.clear(), this.onCanvasFocusObservable.clear(), this.onCanvasPointerOutObservable.clear(), this.onBeginFrameObservable.clear(), this.onEndFrameObservable.clear();
}, l.prototype._disableTouchAction = function() {
this._renderingCanvas && this._renderingCanvas.setAttribute && (this._renderingCanvas.setAttribute("touch-action", "none"), = "none", = "none");
}, l.prototype.displayLoadingUI = function() {
if (C.a.IsWindowObjectExist()) {
var h = this.loadingScreen;
h && h.displayLoadingUI();
}, l.prototype.hideLoadingUI = function() {
if (C.a.IsWindowObjectExist()) {
var h = this._loadingScreen;
h && h.hideLoadingUI();
}, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "loadingScreen", { get: function() {
return !this._loadingScreen && this._renderingCanvas && (this._loadingScreen = l.DefaultLoadingScreenFactory(this._renderingCanvas)), this._loadingScreen;
}, set: function(h) {
this._loadingScreen = h;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "loadingUIText", { set: function(h) {
this.loadingScreen.loadingUIText = h;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "loadingUIBackgroundColor", { set: function(h) {
this.loadingScreen.loadingUIBackgroundColor = h;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), l._RequestPointerlock = function(h) {
h.requestPointerLock = h.requestPointerLock || h.msRequestPointerLock || h.mozRequestPointerLock || h.webkitRequestPointerLock, h.requestPointerLock && h.requestPointerLock();
}, l._ExitPointerlock = function() {
var h = document;
document.exitPointerLock = document.exitPointerLock || h.msExitPointerLock || h.mozExitPointerLock || h.webkitExitPointerLock, document.exitPointerLock && document.exitPointerLock();
}, l._RequestFullscreen = function(h) {
var v = h.requestFullscreen || h.msRequestFullscreen || h.webkitRequestFullscreen || h.mozRequestFullScreen;
v &&;
}, l._ExitFullscreen = function() {
var h = document;
document.exitFullscreen ? document.exitFullscreen() : h.mozCancelFullScreen ? h.mozCancelFullScreen() : h.webkitCancelFullScreen ? h.webkitCancelFullScreen() : h.msCancelFullScreen && h.msCancelFullScreen();
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.WithinEpsilon = function(C, u, I) {
I === void 0 && (I = 1401298e-51);
var O = C - u;
return -I <= O && O <= I;
}, _.ToHex = function(C) {
var u = C.toString(16);
return C <= 15 ? ("0" + u).toUpperCase() : u.toUpperCase();
}, _.Sign = function(C) {
return (C = +C) == 0 || isNaN(C) ? C : C > 0 ? 1 : -1;
}, _.Clamp = function(C, u, I) {
return u === void 0 && (u = 0), I === void 0 && (I = 1), Math.min(I, Math.max(u, C));
}, _.Log2 = function(C) {
return Math.log(C) * Math.LOG2E;
}, _.Repeat = function(C, u) {
return C - Math.floor(C / u) * u;
}, _.Normalize = function(C, u, I) {
return (C - u) / (I - u);
}, _.Denormalize = function(C, u, I) {
return C * (I - u) + u;
}, _.DeltaAngle = function(C, u) {
var I = _.Repeat(u - C, 360);
return I > 180 && (I -= 360), I;
}, _.PingPong = function(C, u) {
var I = _.Repeat(C, 2 * u);
return u - Math.abs(I - u);
}, _.SmoothStep = function(C, u, I) {
var O = _.Clamp(I);
return u * (O = -2 * O * O * O + 3 * O * O) + C * (1 - O);
}, _.MoveTowards = function(C, u, I) {
return Math.abs(u - C) <= I ? u : C + _.Sign(u - C) * I;
}, _.MoveTowardsAngle = function(C, u, I) {
var O = _.DeltaAngle(C, u), x = 0;
return -I < O && O < I ? x = u : (u = C + O, x = _.MoveTowards(C, u, I)), x;
}, _.Lerp = function(C, u, I) {
return C + (u - C) * I;
}, _.LerpAngle = function(C, u, I) {
var O = _.Repeat(u - C, 360);
return O > 180 && (O -= 360), C + O * _.Clamp(I);
}, _.InverseLerp = function(C, u, I) {
return C != u ? _.Clamp((I - C) / (u - C)) : 0;
}, _.Hermite = function(C, u, I, O, x) {
var m = x * x, c = x * m;
return C * (2 * c - 3 * m + 1) + I * (-2 * c + 3 * m) + u * (c - 2 * m + x) + O * (c - m);
}, _.RandomRange = function(C, u) {
return C === u ? C : Math.random() * (u - C) + C;
}, _.RangeToPercent = function(C, u, I) {
return (C - u) / (I - u);
}, _.PercentToRange = function(C, u, I) {
return (I - u) * C + u;
}, _.NormalizeRadians = function(C) {
return C -= _.TwoPi * Math.floor((C + Math.PI) / _.TwoPi);
}, _.TwoPi = 2 * Math.PI, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return c;
var V = f(8), _ = f(20), C = f(22), u = f(4), I = f(48), O = f(2), x = f(9), m = f(119), c = function() {
function T() {
return T.BindEyePosition = function(S, E, g) {
if (g === void 0 && (g = "vEyePosition"), E._forcedViewPosition)
S.setVector3(g, E._forcedViewPosition);
else {
var l = E.activeCamera.globalPosition;
l || (l = E.activeCamera.devicePosition), S.setVector3(g, E._mirroredCameraPosition ? E._mirroredCameraPosition : l);
}, T.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV = function(S, E, g) {
E._needUVs = !0, E[g] = !0, S.getTextureMatrix().isIdentityAs3x2() ? (E[g + "DIRECTUV"] = S.coordinatesIndex + 1, S.coordinatesIndex === 0 ? E.MAINUV1 = !0 : E.MAINUV2 = !0) : E[g + "DIRECTUV"] = 0;
}, T.BindTextureMatrix = function(S, E, g) {
var l = S.getTextureMatrix();
E.updateMatrix(g + "Matrix", l);
}, T.GetFogState = function(S, E) {
return E.fogEnabled && S.applyFog && E.fogMode !== _.a.FOGMODE_NONE;
}, T.PrepareDefinesForMisc = function(S, E, g, l, h, v, b) {
b._areMiscDirty && (b.LOGARITHMICDEPTH = g, b.POINTSIZE = l, b.FOG = h && this.GetFogState(S, E), b.NONUNIFORMSCALING = S.nonUniformScaling, b.ALPHATEST = v);
}, T.PrepareDefinesForFrameBoundValues = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
h === void 0 && (h = null), v === void 0 && (v = !1);
var b, D, w, N, M, U, X = !1;
b = h ?? (S.clipPlane !== void 0 && S.clipPlane !== null), D = h ?? (S.clipPlane2 !== void 0 && S.clipPlane2 !== null), w = h ?? (S.clipPlane3 !== void 0 && S.clipPlane3 !== null), N = h ?? (S.clipPlane4 !== void 0 && S.clipPlane4 !== null), M = h ?? (S.clipPlane5 !== void 0 && S.clipPlane5 !== null), U = h ?? (S.clipPlane6 !== void 0 && S.clipPlane6 !== null), g.CLIPPLANE !== b && (g.CLIPPLANE = b, X = !0), g.CLIPPLANE2 !== D && (g.CLIPPLANE2 = D, X = !0), g.CLIPPLANE3 !== w && (g.CLIPPLANE3 = w, X = !0), g.CLIPPLANE4 !== N && (g.CLIPPLANE4 = N, X = !0), g.CLIPPLANE5 !== M && (g.CLIPPLANE5 = M, X = !0), g.CLIPPLANE6 !== U && (g.CLIPPLANE6 = U, X = !0), g.DEPTHPREPASS !== !E.getColorWrite() && (g.DEPTHPREPASS = !g.DEPTHPREPASS, X = !0), g.INSTANCES !== l && (g.INSTANCES = l, X = !0), g.THIN_INSTANCES !== v && (g.THIN_INSTANCES = v, X = !0), X && g.markAsUnprocessed();
}, T.PrepareDefinesForBones = function(S, E) {
if (S.useBones && S.computeBonesUsingShaders && S.skeleton) {
E.NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS = S.numBoneInfluencers;
var g = E.BONETEXTURE !== void 0;
if (S.skeleton.isUsingTextureForMatrices && g)
else {
E.BonesPerMesh = S.skeleton.bones.length + 1, E.BONETEXTURE = !g && void 0;
var l = S.getScene().prePassRenderer;
if (l && l.enabled) {
var h = l.excludedSkinnedMesh.indexOf(S) === -1;
} else
E.NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS = 0, E.BonesPerMesh = 0;
}, T.PrepareDefinesForMorphTargets = function(S, E) {
var g = S.morphTargetManager;
}, T.PrepareDefinesForAttributes = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
if (h === void 0 && (h = !1), v === void 0 && (v = !0), !E._areAttributesDirty && E._needNormals === E._normals && E._needUVs === E._uvs)
return !1;
if (E._normals = E._needNormals, E._uvs = E._needUVs, E.NORMAL = E._needNormals && S.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.NormalKind), E._needNormals && S.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.TangentKind) && (E.TANGENT = !0), E._needUVs ? (E.UV1 = S.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UVKind), E.UV2 = S.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV2Kind)) : (E.UV1 = !1, E.UV2 = !1), g) {
var b = S.useVertexColors && S.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.ColorKind);
E.VERTEXCOLOR = b, E.VERTEXALPHA = S.hasVertexAlpha && b && v;
return l && this.PrepareDefinesForBones(S, E), h && this.PrepareDefinesForMorphTargets(S, E), !0;
}, T.PrepareDefinesForMultiview = function(S, E) {
if (S.activeCamera) {
var g = E.MULTIVIEW;
E.MULTIVIEW = S.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget !== null && S.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget.getViewCount() > 1, E.MULTIVIEW != g && E.markAsUnprocessed();
}, T.PrepareDefinesForPrePass = function(S, E, g) {
var l = E.PREPASS;
if (E._arePrePassDirty) {
if (S.prePassRenderer && S.prePassRenderer.enabled && g) {
E.PREPASS = !0, E.SCENE_MRT_COUNT = S.prePassRenderer.mrtCount;
for (var v = 0; v < h.length; v++) {
var b = S.prePassRenderer.getIndex(h[v].type);
b !== -1 ? (E[h[v].define] = !0, E[h[v].index] = b) : E[h[v].define] = !1;
} else
for (E.PREPASS = !1, v = 0; v < h.length; v++)
E[h[v].define] = !1;
E.PREPASS != l && (E.markAsUnprocessed(), E.markAsImageProcessingDirty());
}, T.PrepareDefinesForLight = function(S, E, g, l, h, v, b) {
switch (b.needNormals = !0, h["LIGHT" + l] === void 0 && (b.needRebuild = !0), h["LIGHT" + l] = !0, h["SPOTLIGHT" + l] = !1, h["HEMILIGHT" + l] = !1, h["POINTLIGHT" + l] = !1, h["DIRLIGHT" + l] = !1, g.prepareLightSpecificDefines(h, l), h["LIGHT_FALLOFF_PHYSICAL" + l] = !1, h["LIGHT_FALLOFF_GLTF" + l] = !1, h["LIGHT_FALLOFF_STANDARD" + l] = !1, g.falloffType) {
h["LIGHT_FALLOFF_GLTF" + l] = !0;
if (v && !g.specular.equalsFloats(0, 0, 0) && (b.specularEnabled = !0), h["SHADOW" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSM" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSMDEBUG" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSMUSESHADOWMAXZ" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSMNOBLEND" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCSM_RIGHTHANDED" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWPCF" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWPCSS" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWPOISSON" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWESM" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCLOSEESM" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWCUBE" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWLOWQUALITY" + l] = !1, h["SHADOWMEDIUMQUALITY" + l] = !1, E && E.receiveShadows && S.shadowsEnabled && g.shadowEnabled) {
var D = g.getShadowGenerator();
if (D) {
var w = D.getShadowMap();
w && w.renderList && w.renderList.length > 0 && (b.shadowEnabled = !0, D.prepareDefines(h, l));
g.lightmapMode != I.a.LIGHTMAP_DEFAULT ? (b.lightmapMode = !0, h["LIGHTMAPEXCLUDED" + l] = !0, h["LIGHTMAPNOSPECULAR" + l] = g.lightmapMode == I.a.LIGHTMAP_SHADOWSONLY) : (h["LIGHTMAPEXCLUDED" + l] = !1, h["LIGHTMAPNOSPECULAR" + l] = !1);
}, T.PrepareDefinesForLights = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
if (h === void 0 && (h = 4), v === void 0 && (v = !1), !g._areLightsDirty)
return g._needNormals;
var b = 0, D = { needNormals: !1, needRebuild: !1, lightmapMode: !1, shadowEnabled: !1, specularEnabled: !1 };
if (S.lightsEnabled && !v)
for (var w = 0, N = E.lightSources; w < N.length; w++) {
var M = N[w];
if (this.PrepareDefinesForLight(S, E, M, b, g, l, D), ++b === h)
g.SPECULARTERM = D.specularEnabled, g.SHADOWS = D.shadowEnabled;
for (var U = b; U < h; U++)
g["LIGHT" + U] !== void 0 && (g["LIGHT" + U] = !1, g["HEMILIGHT" + U] = !1, g["POINTLIGHT" + U] = !1, g["DIRLIGHT" + U] = !1, g["SPOTLIGHT" + U] = !1, g["SHADOW" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSM" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSMDEBUG" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSMUSESHADOWMAXZ" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSMNOBLEND" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCSM_RIGHTHANDED" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWPCF" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWPCSS" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWPOISSON" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWESM" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCLOSEESM" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWCUBE" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWLOWQUALITY" + U] = !1, g["SHADOWMEDIUMQUALITY" + U] = !1);
var X = S.getEngine().getCaps();
return g.SHADOWFLOAT === void 0 && (D.needRebuild = !0), g.SHADOWFLOAT = D.shadowEnabled && (X.textureFloatRender && X.textureFloatLinearFiltering || X.textureHalfFloatRender && X.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering), g.LIGHTMAPEXCLUDED = D.lightmapMode, D.needRebuild && g.rebuild(), D.needNormals;
}, T.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersForLight = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
h === void 0 && (h = null), v === void 0 && (v = !1), h && h.push("Light" + S), v || (E.push("vLightData" + S, "vLightDiffuse" + S, "vLightSpecular" + S, "vLightDirection" + S, "vLightFalloff" + S, "vLightGround" + S, "lightMatrix" + S, "shadowsInfo" + S, "depthValues" + S), g.push("shadowSampler" + S), g.push("depthSampler" + S), E.push("viewFrustumZ" + S, "cascadeBlendFactor" + S, "lightSizeUVCorrection" + S, "depthCorrection" + S, "penumbraDarkness" + S, "frustumLengths" + S), l && (g.push("projectionLightSampler" + S), E.push("textureProjectionMatrix" + S)));
}, T.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersList = function(S, E, g, l) {
var h;
l === void 0 && (l = 4);
var v = null;
if (S.uniformsNames) {
var b = S;
h = b.uniformsNames, v = b.uniformBuffersNames, E = b.samplers, g = b.defines, l = b.maxSimultaneousLights || 0;
} else
h = S, E || (E = []);
for (var D = 0; D < l && g["LIGHT" + D]; D++)
this.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersForLight(D, h, E, g["PROJECTEDLIGHTTEXTURE" + D], v);
g.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS && h.push("morphTargetInfluences");
}, T.HandleFallbacksForShadows = function(S, E, g, l) {
g === void 0 && (g = 4), l === void 0 && (l = 0);
for (var h = 0, v = 0; v < g && S["LIGHT" + v]; v++)
v > 0 && (h = l + v, E.addFallback(h, "LIGHT" + v)), S.SHADOWS || (S["SHADOW" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOW" + v), S["SHADOWPCF" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOWPCF" + v), S["SHADOWPCSS" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOWPCSS" + v), S["SHADOWPOISSON" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOWPOISSON" + v), S["SHADOWESM" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOWESM" + v), S["SHADOWCLOSEESM" + v] && E.addFallback(l, "SHADOWCLOSEESM" + v));
return h++;
}, T.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargetsInfluencers = function(S, E, g) {
this._TmpMorphInfluencers.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS = g, this.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargets(S, E, this._TmpMorphInfluencers);
}, T.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargets = function(S, E, g) {
if (l > 0 && C.a.LastCreatedEngine)
for (var h = C.a.LastCreatedEngine.getCaps().maxVertexAttribs, v = E.morphTargetManager, b = v && v.supportsNormals && g.NORMAL, D = v && v.supportsTangents && g.TANGENT, w = v && v.supportsUVs && g.UV1, N = 0; N < l; N++)
S.push(u.b.PositionKind + N), b && S.push(u.b.NormalKind + N), D && S.push(u.b.TangentKind + N), w && S.push(u.b.UVKind + "_" + N), S.length > h && V.a.Error("Cannot add more vertex attributes for mesh " +;
}, T.PrepareAttributesForBones = function(S, E, g, l) {
g.NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS > 0 && (l.addCPUSkinningFallback(0, E), S.push(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind), S.push(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind), g.NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS > 4 && (S.push(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), S.push(u.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind)));
}, T.PrepareAttributesForInstances = function(S, E) {
(E.INSTANCES || E.THIN_INSTANCES) && this.PushAttributesForInstances(S);
}, T.PushAttributesForInstances = function(S) {
S.push("world0"), S.push("world1"), S.push("world2"), S.push("world3");
}, T.BindLightProperties = function(S, E, g) {
S.transferToEffect(E, g + "");
}, T.BindLight = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
v === void 0 && (v = !1), S._bindLight(E, g, l, h, v);
}, T.BindLights = function(S, E, g, l, h, v) {
h === void 0 && (h = 4), v === void 0 && (v = !1);
for (var b = Math.min(E.lightSources.length, h), D = 0; D < b; D++) {
var w = E.lightSources[D];
this.BindLight(w, D, S, g, typeof l == "boolean" ? l : l.SPECULARTERM, v);
}, T.BindFogParameters = function(S, E, g, l) {
l === void 0 && (l = !1), S.fogEnabled && E.applyFog && S.fogMode !== _.a.FOGMODE_NONE && (g.setFloat4("vFogInfos", S.fogMode, S.fogStart, S.fogEnd, S.fogDensity), l ? (S.fogColor.toLinearSpaceToRef(this._tempFogColor), g.setColor3("vFogColor", this._tempFogColor)) : g.setColor3("vFogColor", S.fogColor));
}, T.BindBonesParameters = function(S, E, g) {
if (E && S && (S.computeBonesUsingShaders && E._bonesComputationForcedToCPU && (S.computeBonesUsingShaders = !1), S.useBones && S.computeBonesUsingShaders && S.skeleton)) {
var l = S.skeleton;
if (l.isUsingTextureForMatrices && E.getUniformIndex("boneTextureWidth") > -1) {
var h = l.getTransformMatrixTexture(S);
E.setTexture("boneSampler", h), E.setFloat("boneTextureWidth", 4 * (l.bones.length + 1));
} else {
var v = l.getTransformMatrices(S);
v && (E.setMatrices("mBones", v), g && S.getScene().prePassRenderer && S.getScene().prePassRenderer.getIndex(O.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE) && (g.previousBones[S.uniqueId] && E.setMatrices("mPreviousBones", g.previousBones[S.uniqueId]), T._CopyBonesTransformationMatrices(v, g.previousBones[S.uniqueId])));
}, T._CopyBonesTransformationMatrices = function(S, E) {
return E.set(S), E;
}, T.BindMorphTargetParameters = function(S, E) {
var g = S.morphTargetManager;
S && g && E.setFloatArray("morphTargetInfluences", g.influences);
}, T.BindLogDepth = function(S, E, g) {
S.LOGARITHMICDEPTH && E.setFloat("logarithmicDepthConstant", 2 / (Math.log(g.activeCamera.maxZ + 1) / Math.LN2));
}, T.BindClipPlane = function(S, E) {
m.a.BindClipPlane(S, E);
}, T._TmpMorphInfluencers = { NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS: 0 }, T._tempFogColor = x.a.Black(), T;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(0), _ = f(4), C = f(21), u = f(9), I = f(8), O = function() {
function x() {
return x.prototype.set = function(m, c) {
switch (m.length || I.a.Warn("Setting vertex data kind '" + c + "' with an empty array"), c) {
case _.b.PositionKind:
this.positions = m;
case _.b.NormalKind:
this.normals = m;
case _.b.TangentKind:
this.tangents = m;
case _.b.UVKind:
this.uvs = m;
case _.b.UV2Kind:
this.uvs2 = m;
case _.b.UV3Kind:
this.uvs3 = m;
case _.b.UV4Kind:
this.uvs4 = m;
case _.b.UV5Kind:
this.uvs5 = m;
case _.b.UV6Kind:
this.uvs6 = m;
case _.b.ColorKind:
this.colors = m;
case _.b.MatricesIndicesKind:
this.matricesIndices = m;
case _.b.MatricesWeightsKind:
this.matricesWeights = m;
case _.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind:
this.matricesIndicesExtra = m;
case _.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind:
this.matricesWeightsExtra = m;
}, x.prototype.applyToMesh = function(m, c) {
return this._applyTo(m, c), this;
}, x.prototype.applyToGeometry = function(m, c) {
return this._applyTo(m, c), this;
}, x.prototype.updateMesh = function(m) {
return this._update(m), this;
}, x.prototype.updateGeometry = function(m) {
return this._update(m), this;
}, x.prototype._applyTo = function(m, c) {
return c === void 0 && (c = !1), this.positions && m.setVerticesData(_.b.PositionKind, this.positions, c), this.normals && m.setVerticesData(_.b.NormalKind, this.normals, c), this.tangents && m.setVerticesData(_.b.TangentKind, this.tangents, c), this.uvs && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UVKind, this.uvs, c), this.uvs2 && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UV2Kind, this.uvs2, c), this.uvs3 && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UV3Kind, this.uvs3, c), this.uvs4 && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UV4Kind, this.uvs4, c), this.uvs5 && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UV5Kind, this.uvs5, c), this.uvs6 && m.setVerticesData(_.b.UV6Kind, this.uvs6, c), this.colors && m.setVerticesData(_.b.ColorKind, this.colors, c), this.matricesIndices && m.setVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesKind, this.matricesIndices, c), this.matricesWeights && m.setVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsKind, this.matricesWeights, c), this.matricesIndicesExtra && m.setVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, this.matricesIndicesExtra, c), this.matricesWeightsExtra && m.setVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind, this.matricesWeightsExtra, c), this.indices ? m.setIndices(this.indices, null, c) : m.setIndices([], null), this;
}, x.prototype._update = function(m, c, T) {
return this.positions && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.PositionKind, this.positions, c, T), this.normals && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.NormalKind, this.normals, c, T), this.tangents && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.TangentKind, this.tangents, c, T), this.uvs && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UVKind, this.uvs, c, T), this.uvs2 && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UV2Kind, this.uvs2, c, T), this.uvs3 && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UV3Kind, this.uvs3, c, T), this.uvs4 && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UV4Kind, this.uvs4, c, T), this.uvs5 && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UV5Kind, this.uvs5, c, T), this.uvs6 && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.UV6Kind, this.uvs6, c, T), this.colors && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.ColorKind, this.colors, c, T), this.matricesIndices && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesKind, this.matricesIndices, c, T), this.matricesWeights && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsKind, this.matricesWeights, c, T), this.matricesIndicesExtra && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, this.matricesIndicesExtra, c, T), this.matricesWeightsExtra && m.updateVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind, this.matricesWeightsExtra, c, T), this.indices && m.setIndices(this.indices, null), this;
}, x.prototype.transform = function(m) {
var c, T = m.determinant() < 0, S = V.e.Zero();
if (this.positions) {
var E = V.e.Zero();
for (c = 0; c < this.positions.length; c += 3)
V.e.FromArrayToRef(this.positions, c, E), V.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(E, m, S), this.positions[c] = S.x, this.positions[c + 1] = S.y, this.positions[c + 2] = S.z;
if (this.normals) {
var g = V.e.Zero();
for (c = 0; c < this.normals.length; c += 3)
V.e.FromArrayToRef(this.normals, c, g), V.e.TransformNormalToRef(g, m, S), this.normals[c] = S.x, this.normals[c + 1] = S.y, this.normals[c + 2] = S.z;
if (this.tangents) {
var l = V.f.Zero(), h = V.f.Zero();
for (c = 0; c < this.tangents.length; c += 4)
V.f.FromArrayToRef(this.tangents, c, l), V.f.TransformNormalToRef(l, m, h), this.tangents[c] = h.x, this.tangents[c + 1] = h.y, this.tangents[c + 2] = h.z, this.tangents[c + 3] = h.w;
if (T && this.indices)
for (c = 0; c < this.indices.length; c += 3) {
var v = this.indices[c + 1];
this.indices[c + 1] = this.indices[c + 2], this.indices[c + 2] = v;
return this;
}, x.prototype.merge = function(m, c) {
if (c === void 0 && (c = !1), this._validate(), m._validate(), !this.normals != !m.normals || !this.tangents != !m.tangents || !this.uvs != !m.uvs || !this.uvs2 != !m.uvs2 || !this.uvs3 != !m.uvs3 || !this.uvs4 != !m.uvs4 || !this.uvs5 != !m.uvs5 || !this.uvs6 != !m.uvs6 || !this.colors != !m.colors || !this.matricesIndices != !m.matricesIndices || !this.matricesWeights != !m.matricesWeights || !this.matricesIndicesExtra != !m.matricesIndicesExtra || !this.matricesWeightsExtra != !m.matricesWeightsExtra)
throw new Error("Cannot merge vertex data that do not have the same set of attributes");
if (m.indices) {
this.indices || (this.indices = []);
var T = this.positions ? this.positions.length / 3 : 0;
if (this.indices.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT !== void 0) {
var S = this.indices.length + m.indices.length, E = c || this.indices instanceof Uint32Array ? new Uint32Array(S) : new Uint16Array(S);
for (var g = this.indices.length, l = 0; l < m.indices.length; l++)
E[g + l] = m.indices[l] + T;
this.indices = E;
} else
for (l = 0; l < m.indices.length; l++)
this.indices.push(m.indices[l] + T);
return this.positions = this._mergeElement(this.positions, m.positions), this.normals = this._mergeElement(this.normals, m.normals), this.tangents = this._mergeElement(this.tangents, m.tangents), this.uvs = this._mergeElement(this.uvs, m.uvs), this.uvs2 = this._mergeElement(this.uvs2, m.uvs2), this.uvs3 = this._mergeElement(this.uvs3, m.uvs3), this.uvs4 = this._mergeElement(this.uvs4, m.uvs4), this.uvs5 = this._mergeElement(this.uvs5, m.uvs5), this.uvs6 = this._mergeElement(this.uvs6, m.uvs6), this.colors = this._mergeElement(this.colors, m.colors), this.matricesIndices = this._mergeElement(this.matricesIndices, m.matricesIndices), this.matricesWeights = this._mergeElement(this.matricesWeights, m.matricesWeights), this.matricesIndicesExtra = this._mergeElement(this.matricesIndicesExtra, m.matricesIndicesExtra), this.matricesWeightsExtra = this._mergeElement(this.matricesWeightsExtra, m.matricesWeightsExtra), this;
}, x.prototype._mergeElement = function(m, c) {
if (!m)
return c;
if (!c)
return m;
var T = c.length + m.length, S = m instanceof Float32Array, E = c instanceof Float32Array;
if (S) {
var g = new Float32Array(T);
return g.set(m), g.set(c, m.length), g;
if (E) {
var l = m.slice(0), h = 0;
for (T = c.length; h < T; h++)
return l;
return m.concat(c);
}, x.prototype._validate = function() {
if (!this.positions)
throw new Error("Positions are required");
var m = function(S, E) {
var g = _.b.DeduceStride(S);
if (E.length % g != 0)
throw new Error("The " + S + "s array count must be a multiple of " + g);
return E.length / g;
}, c = m(_.b.PositionKind, this.positions), T = function(S, E) {
var g = m(S, E);
if (g !== c)
throw new Error("The " + S + "s element count (" + g + ") does not match the positions count (" + c + ")");
this.normals && T(_.b.NormalKind, this.normals), this.tangents && T(_.b.TangentKind, this.tangents), this.uvs && T(_.b.UVKind, this.uvs), this.uvs2 && T(_.b.UV2Kind, this.uvs2), this.uvs3 && T(_.b.UV3Kind, this.uvs3), this.uvs4 && T(_.b.UV4Kind, this.uvs4), this.uvs5 && T(_.b.UV5Kind, this.uvs5), this.uvs6 && T(_.b.UV6Kind, this.uvs6), this.colors && T(_.b.ColorKind, this.colors), this.matricesIndices && T(_.b.MatricesIndicesKind, this.matricesIndices), this.matricesWeights && T(_.b.MatricesWeightsKind, this.matricesWeights), this.matricesIndicesExtra && T(_.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, this.matricesIndicesExtra), this.matricesWeightsExtra && T(_.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind, this.matricesWeightsExtra);
}, x.prototype.serialize = function() {
var m = this.serialize();
return this.positions && (m.positions = this.positions), this.normals && (m.normals = this.normals), this.tangents && (m.tangents = this.tangents), this.uvs && (m.uvs = this.uvs), this.uvs2 && (m.uvs2 = this.uvs2), this.uvs3 && (m.uvs3 = this.uvs3), this.uvs4 && (m.uvs4 = this.uvs4), this.uvs5 && (m.uvs5 = this.uvs5), this.uvs6 && (m.uvs6 = this.uvs6), this.colors && (m.colors = this.colors), this.matricesIndices && (m.matricesIndices = this.matricesIndices, m.matricesIndices._isExpanded = !0), this.matricesWeights && (m.matricesWeights = this.matricesWeights), this.matricesIndicesExtra && (m.matricesIndicesExtra = this.matricesIndicesExtra, m.matricesIndicesExtra._isExpanded = !0), this.matricesWeightsExtra && (m.matricesWeightsExtra = this.matricesWeightsExtra), m.indices = this.indices, m;
}, x.ExtractFromMesh = function(m, c, T) {
return x._ExtractFrom(m, c, T);
}, x.ExtractFromGeometry = function(m, c, T) {
return x._ExtractFrom(m, c, T);
}, x._ExtractFrom = function(m, c, T) {
var S = new x();
return m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.PositionKind) && (S.positions = m.getVerticesData(_.b.PositionKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.NormalKind) && (S.normals = m.getVerticesData(_.b.NormalKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.TangentKind) && (S.tangents = m.getVerticesData(_.b.TangentKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UVKind) && (S.uvs = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UVKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UV2Kind) && (S.uvs2 = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UV2Kind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UV3Kind) && (S.uvs3 = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UV3Kind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UV4Kind) && (S.uvs4 = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UV4Kind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UV5Kind) && (S.uvs5 = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UV5Kind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UV6Kind) && (S.uvs6 = m.getVerticesData(_.b.UV6Kind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.ColorKind) && (S.colors = m.getVerticesData(_.b.ColorKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.MatricesIndicesKind) && (S.matricesIndices = m.getVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.MatricesWeightsKind) && (S.matricesWeights = m.getVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind) && (S.matricesIndicesExtra = m.getVerticesData(_.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, c, T)), m.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind) && (S.matricesWeightsExtra = m.getVerticesData(_.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind, c, T)), S.indices = m.getIndices(c, T), S;
}, x.CreateRibbon = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("ribbonBuilder");
}, x.CreateBox = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("boxBuilder");
}, x.CreateTiledBox = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("tiledBoxBuilder");
}, x.CreateTiledPlane = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("tiledPlaneBuilder");
}, x.CreateSphere = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("sphereBuilder");
}, x.CreateCylinder = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("cylinderBuilder");
}, x.CreateTorus = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("torusBuilder");
}, x.CreateLineSystem = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("linesBuilder");
}, x.CreateDashedLines = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("linesBuilder");
}, x.CreateGround = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("groundBuilder");
}, x.CreateTiledGround = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("groundBuilder");
}, x.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("groundBuilder");
}, x.CreatePlane = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("planeBuilder");
}, x.CreateDisc = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("discBuilder");
}, x.CreatePolygon = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("polygonBuilder");
}, x.CreateIcoSphere = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("icoSphereBuilder");
}, x.CreatePolyhedron = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("polyhedronBuilder");
}, x.CreateCapsule = function(m) {
throw m === void 0 && (m = { orientation: V.e.Up(), subdivisions: 2, tessellation: 16, height: 1, radius: 0.25, capSubdivisions: 6 }), C.a.WarnImport("capsuleBuilder");
}, x.CreateTorusKnot = function(m) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("torusKnotBuilder");
}, x.ComputeNormals = function(m, c, T, S) {
var E = 0, g = 0, l = 0, h = 0, v = 0, b = 0, D = 0, w = 0, N = 0, M = 0, U = 0, X = 0, j = 0, ne = 0, te = 0, de = 0, pe = 0, ae = 0, ee = 0, K = 0, $ = !1, L = !1, G = !1, Q = !1, oe = 1, re = 0, Y = null;
if (S && ($ = !!S.facetNormals, L = !!S.facetPositions, G = !!S.facetPartitioning, oe = S.useRightHandedSystem === !0 ? -1 : 1, re = S.ratio || 0, Q = !!S.depthSort, Y = S.distanceTo, Q)) {
Y === void 0 && (Y = V.e.Zero());
var k = S.depthSortedFacets;
var H = 0, Z = 0, W = 0, q = 0;
if (G && S && S.bbSize) {
var he = 0, ge = 0, me = 0, _e = 0, ye = 0, Pe = 0, be = 0, Fe = 0, ke = 0, We = 0, je = 0, He = 0, Qe = 0, Ge = 0, tt = 0, Je = 0, st = S.bbSize.x > S.bbSize.y ? S.bbSize.x : S.bbSize.y;
st = st > S.bbSize.z ? st : S.bbSize.z, H = S.subDiv.X * re / S.bbSize.x, Z = S.subDiv.Y * re / S.bbSize.y, W = S.subDiv.Z * re / S.bbSize.z, q = S.subDiv.max * S.subDiv.max, S.facetPartitioning.length = 0;
for (E = 0; E < m.length; E++)
T[E] = 0;
var at = c.length / 3 | 0;
for (E = 0; E < at; E++) {
if (j = (X = 3 * c[3 * E]) + 1, ne = X + 2, de = (te = 3 * c[3 * E + 1]) + 1, pe = te + 2, ee = (ae = 3 * c[3 * E + 2]) + 1, K = ae + 2, g = m[X] - m[te], l = m[j] - m[de], h = m[ne] - m[pe], v = m[ae] - m[te], b = m[ee] - m[de], w = oe * (l * (D = m[K] - m[pe]) - h * b), N = oe * (h * v - g * D), M = oe * (g * b - l * v), w /= U = (U = Math.sqrt(w * w + N * N + M * M)) === 0 ? 1 : U, N /= U, M /= U, $ && S && (S.facetNormals[E].x = w, S.facetNormals[E].y = N, S.facetNormals[E].z = M), L && S && (S.facetPositions[E].x = (m[X] + m[te] + m[ae]) / 3, S.facetPositions[E].y = (m[j] + m[de] + m[ee]) / 3, S.facetPositions[E].z = (m[ne] + m[pe] + m[K]) / 3), G && S && (he = Math.floor((S.facetPositions[E].x - S.bInfo.minimum.x * re) * H), ge = Math.floor((S.facetPositions[E].y - S.bInfo.minimum.y * re) * Z), me = Math.floor((S.facetPositions[E].z - S.bInfo.minimum.z * re) * W), _e = Math.floor((m[X] - S.bInfo.minimum.x * re) * H), ye = Math.floor((m[j] - S.bInfo.minimum.y * re) * Z), Pe = Math.floor((m[ne] - S.bInfo.minimum.z * re) * W), be = Math.floor((m[te] - S.bInfo.minimum.x * re) * H), Fe = Math.floor((m[de] - S.bInfo.minimum.y * re) * Z), ke = Math.floor((m[pe] - S.bInfo.minimum.z * re) * W), We = Math.floor((m[ae] - S.bInfo.minimum.x * re) * H), je = Math.floor((m[ee] - S.bInfo.minimum.y * re) * Z), He = Math.floor((m[K] - S.bInfo.minimum.z * re) * W), Ge = _e + S.subDiv.max * ye + q * Pe, tt = be + S.subDiv.max * Fe + q * ke, Je = We + S.subDiv.max * je + q * He, Qe = he + S.subDiv.max * ge + q * me, S.facetPartitioning[Qe] = S.facetPartitioning[Qe] ? S.facetPartitioning[Qe] : new Array(), S.facetPartitioning[Ge] = S.facetPartitioning[Ge] ? S.facetPartitioning[Ge] : new Array(), S.facetPartitioning[tt] = S.facetPartitioning[tt] ? S.facetPartitioning[tt] : new Array(), S.facetPartitioning[Je] = S.facetPartitioning[Je] ? S.facetPartitioning[Je] : new Array(), S.facetPartitioning[Ge].push(E), tt != Ge && S.facetPartitioning[tt].push(E), Je != tt && Je != Ge && S.facetPartitioning[Je].push(E), Qe != Ge && Qe != tt && Qe != Je && S.facetPartitioning[Qe].push(E)), Q && S && S.facetPositions) {
var pt = k[E];
pt.ind = 3 * E, pt.sqDistance = V.e.DistanceSquared(S.facetPositions[E], Y);
T[X] += w, T[j] += N, T[ne] += M, T[te] += w, T[de] += N, T[pe] += M, T[ae] += w, T[ee] += N, T[K] += M;
for (E = 0; E < T.length / 3; E++)
w = T[3 * E], N = T[3 * E + 1], M = T[3 * E + 2], w /= U = (U = Math.sqrt(w * w + N * N + M * M)) === 0 ? 1 : U, N /= U, M /= U, T[3 * E] = w, T[3 * E + 1] = N, T[3 * E + 2] = M;
}, x._ComputeSides = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l) {
var h, v, b = T.length, D = S.length;
switch (m = m || x.DEFAULTSIDE) {
case x.BACKSIDE:
var w;
for (h = 0; h < b; h += 3)
w = T[h], T[h] = T[h + 2], T[h + 2] = w;
for (v = 0; v < D; v++)
S[v] = -S[v];
for (var N = c.length, M = N / 3, U = 0; U < N; U++)
c[N + U] = c[U];
for (h = 0; h < b; h += 3)
T[h + b] = T[h + 2] + M, T[h + 1 + b] = T[h + 1] + M, T[h + 2 + b] = T[h] + M;
for (v = 0; v < D; v++)
S[D + v] = -S[v];
var X = E.length, j = 0;
for (j = 0; j < X; j++)
E[j + X] = E[j];
for (g = g || new V.f(0, 0, 1, 1), l = l || new V.f(0, 0, 1, 1), j = 0, h = 0; h < X / 2; h++)
E[j] = g.x + (g.z - g.x) * E[j], E[j + 1] = g.y + (g.w - g.y) * E[j + 1], E[j + X] = l.x + (l.z - l.x) * E[j + X], E[j + X + 1] = l.y + (l.w - l.y) * E[j + X + 1], j += 2;
}, x.ImportVertexData = function(m, c) {
var T = new x(), S = m.positions;
S && T.set(S, _.b.PositionKind);
var E = m.normals;
E && T.set(E, _.b.NormalKind);
var g = m.tangents;
g && T.set(g, _.b.TangentKind);
var l = m.uvs;
l && T.set(l, _.b.UVKind);
var h = m.uv2s;
h && T.set(h, _.b.UV2Kind);
var v = m.uv3s;
v && T.set(v, _.b.UV3Kind);
var b = m.uv4s;
b && T.set(b, _.b.UV4Kind);
var D = m.uv5s;
D && T.set(D, _.b.UV5Kind);
var w = m.uv6s;
w && T.set(w, _.b.UV6Kind);
var N = m.colors;
N && T.set(u.b.CheckColors4(N, S.length / 3), _.b.ColorKind);
var M = m.matricesIndices;
M && T.set(M, _.b.MatricesIndicesKind);
var U = m.matricesWeights;
U && T.set(U, _.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
var X = m.indices;
X && (T.indices = X), c.setAllVerticesData(T, m.updatable);
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
var V = f(1), _ = function() {
function u() {
}(), C = function(u) {
function I(O) {
return u.apply(this, O) || this;
return Object(V.d)(I, u), I.Create = function() {
return Object.create(I.prototype);
}, I.prototype.registerStep = function(O, x, m) {
var c = 0;
for (Number.MAX_VALUE; c < this.length && !(O < this[c].index); c++)
this.splice(c, 0, { index: O, component: x, action: m.bind(x) });
}, I.prototype.clear = function() {
this.length = 0;
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return u;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return I;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return O;
var V = f(1), _ = f(0), C = function() {
function x() {
}(), u = function(x, m) {
this.type = x, this.event = m;
}, I = function(x) {
function m(c, T, S, E) {
var g =, c, T) || this;
return g.ray = null, g.skipOnPointerObservable = !1, g.localPosition = new _.d(S, E), g;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m;
}(u), O = function(x) {
function m(c, T, S) {
var E =, c, T) || this;
return E.pickInfo = S, E;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(13), _ = f(2), C = function() {
function u() {
return Object.defineProperty(u, "DiffuseTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._DiffuseTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._DiffuseTextureEnabled !== I && (this._DiffuseTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "DetailTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._DetailTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._DetailTextureEnabled !== I && (this._DetailTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "AmbientTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._AmbientTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._AmbientTextureEnabled !== I && (this._AmbientTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "OpacityTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._OpacityTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._OpacityTextureEnabled !== I && (this._OpacityTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ReflectionTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ReflectionTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ReflectionTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ReflectionTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "EmissiveTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._EmissiveTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._EmissiveTextureEnabled !== I && (this._EmissiveTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "SpecularTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._SpecularTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._SpecularTextureEnabled !== I && (this._SpecularTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "BumpTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._BumpTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._BumpTextureEnabled !== I && (this._BumpTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "LightmapTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._LightmapTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._LightmapTextureEnabled !== I && (this._LightmapTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "RefractionTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._RefractionTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._RefractionTextureEnabled !== I && (this._RefractionTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ColorGradingTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ColorGradingTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ColorGradingTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ColorGradingTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "FresnelEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._FresnelEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._FresnelEnabled !== I && (this._FresnelEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_FresnelDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ClearCoatTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ClearCoatTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ClearCoatTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ClearCoatTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "SheenTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._SheenTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._SheenTextureEnabled !== I && (this._SheenTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "AnisotropicTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._AnisotropicTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._AnisotropicTextureEnabled !== I && (this._AnisotropicTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(u, "ThicknessTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._ThicknessTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(I) {
this._ThicknessTextureEnabled !== I && (this._ThicknessTextureEnabled = I, V.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(_.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), u._DiffuseTextureEnabled = !0, u._DetailTextureEnabled = !0, u._AmbientTextureEnabled = !0, u._OpacityTextureEnabled = !0, u._ReflectionTextureEnabled = !0, u._EmissiveTextureEnabled = !0, u._SpecularTextureEnabled = !0, u._BumpTextureEnabled = !0, u._LightmapTextureEnabled = !0, u._RefractionTextureEnabled = !0, u._ColorGradingTextureEnabled = !0, u._FresnelEnabled = !0, u._ClearCoatTextureEnabled = !0, u._ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled = !0, u._ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled = !0, u._SheenTextureEnabled = !0, u._AnisotropicTextureEnabled = !0, u._ThicknessTextureEnabled = !0, u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return oe;
var V = f(1), _ = f(12), C = f(57), u = f(6), I = f(33), O = f(112), x = f(37), m = f(0), c = f(46), T = f(31), S = f(24), E = f(35), g = f(42), l = f(85), h = f(48), v = f(54), b = f(47), D = f(95), w = f(96), N = f(17), M = f(2), U = f(38), X = f(8), j = f(22), ne = f(21), te = f(18), de = f(91), pe = f(66), ae = function() {
function re() {
this._singleClick = !1, this._doubleClick = !1, this._hasSwiped = !1, this._ignore = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "singleClick", { get: function() {
return this._singleClick;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._singleClick = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "doubleClick", { get: function() {
return this._doubleClick;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._doubleClick = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "hasSwiped", { get: function() {
return this._hasSwiped;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._hasSwiped = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "ignore", { get: function() {
return this._ignore;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._ignore = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), re;
}(), ee = function() {
function re(Y) {
this._alreadyAttached = !1, this._wheelEventName = "", this._meshPickProceed = !1, this._currentPickResult = null, this._previousPickResult = null, this._totalPointersPressed = 0, this._doubleClickOccured = !1, this._pointerX = 0, this._pointerY = 0, this._startingPointerPosition = new m.d(0, 0), this._previousStartingPointerPosition = new m.d(0, 0), this._startingPointerTime = 0, this._previousStartingPointerTime = 0, this._pointerCaptures = {}, this._meshUnderPointerId = [], this._keyboardIsAttached = !1, this._scene = Y;
return Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "meshUnderPointer", { get: function() {
return this._pointerOverMesh;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), re.prototype.getMeshUnderPointerByPointerId = function(Y) {
return this._meshUnderPointerId[Y];
}, Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "unTranslatedPointer", { get: function() {
return new m.d(this._unTranslatedPointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "pointerX", { get: function() {
return this._pointerX;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._pointerX = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(re.prototype, "pointerY", { get: function() {
return this._pointerY;
}, set: function(Y) {
this._pointerY = Y;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), re.prototype._updatePointerPosition = function(Y) {
var k = this._scene.getEngine().getInputElementClientRect();
k && (this._pointerX = Y.clientX - k.left, this._pointerY = Y.clientY -, this._unTranslatedPointerX = this._pointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY = this._pointerY);
}, re.prototype._processPointerMove = function(Y, k) {
var H = this._scene, Z = H.getEngine(), W = Z.getInputElement();
if (W) {
W.tabIndex = Z.canvasTabIndex, H.doNotHandleCursors || ( = H.defaultCursor);
var q = !!(Y && Y.hit && Y.pickedMesh);
q ? (H.setPointerOverMesh(Y.pickedMesh, k.pointerId), this._pointerOverMesh && this._pointerOverMesh.actionManager && this._pointerOverMesh.actionManager.hasPointerTriggers && (H.doNotHandleCursors || (this._pointerOverMesh.actionManager.hoverCursor ? = this._pointerOverMesh.actionManager.hoverCursor : = H.hoverCursor))) : H.setPointerOverMesh(null, k.pointerId);
for (var he = 0, ge = H._pointerMoveStage; he < ge.length; he++)
Y = ge[he].action(this._unTranslatedPointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY, Y, q, W);
if (Y) {
var me = k.type === this._wheelEventName ? te.a.POINTERWHEEL : te.a.POINTERMOVE;
if (H.onPointerMove && H.onPointerMove(k, Y, me), H.onPointerObservable.hasObservers()) {
var _e = new te.b(me, k, Y);
this._setRayOnPointerInfo(_e), H.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(_e, me);
}, re.prototype._setRayOnPointerInfo = function(Y) {
var k = this._scene;
Y.pickInfo && !Y.pickInfo._pickingUnavailable && (Y.pickInfo.ray || (Y.pickInfo.ray = k.createPickingRay(Y.event.offsetX, Y.event.offsetY, m.a.Identity(), k.activeCamera)));
}, re.prototype._checkPrePointerObservable = function(Y, k, H) {
var Z = this._scene, W = new te.d(H, k, this._unTranslatedPointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY);
return Y && (W.ray = Y.ray), Z.onPrePointerObservable.notifyObservers(W, H), !!W.skipOnPointerObservable;
}, re.prototype.simulatePointerMove = function(Y, k) {
var H = new PointerEvent("pointermove", k);
this._checkPrePointerObservable(Y, H, te.a.POINTERMOVE) || this._processPointerMove(Y, H);
}, re.prototype.simulatePointerDown = function(Y, k) {
var H = new PointerEvent("pointerdown", k);
this._checkPrePointerObservable(Y, H, te.a.POINTERDOWN) || this._processPointerDown(Y, H);
}, re.prototype._processPointerDown = function(Y, k) {
var H = this, Z = this._scene;
if (Y && Y.hit && Y.pickedMesh) {
this._pickedDownMesh = Y.pickedMesh;
var W = Y.pickedMesh._getActionManagerForTrigger();
if (W) {
if (W.hasPickTriggers)
switch (W.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPickDownTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k)), k.button) {
case 0:
W.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnLeftPickTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k));
case 1:
W.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnCenterPickTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k));
case 2:
W.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnRightPickTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k));
W.hasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnLongPressTrigger) && window.setTimeout(function() {
var _e = Z.pick(H._unTranslatedPointerX, H._unTranslatedPointerY, function(ye) {
return ye.isPickable && ye.isVisible && ye.isReady() && ye.actionManager && ye.actionManager.hasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnLongPressTrigger) && ye == H._pickedDownMesh;
}, !1, Z.cameraToUseForPointers);
_e && _e.hit && _e.pickedMesh && W && H._totalPointersPressed !== 0 && - H._startingPointerTime > re.LongPressDelay && !H._isPointerSwiping() && (H._startingPointerTime = 0, W.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnLongPressTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(_e.pickedMesh, k)));
}, re.LongPressDelay);
} else
for (var q = 0, he = Z._pointerDownStage; q < he.length; q++)
Y = he[q].action(this._unTranslatedPointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY, Y, k);
if (Y) {
var ge = te.a.POINTERDOWN;
if (Z.onPointerDown && Z.onPointerDown(k, Y, ge), Z.onPointerObservable.hasObservers()) {
var me = new te.b(ge, k, Y);
this._setRayOnPointerInfo(me), Z.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(me, ge);
}, re.prototype._isPointerSwiping = function() {
return Math.abs(this._startingPointerPosition.x - this._pointerX) > re.DragMovementThreshold || Math.abs(this._startingPointerPosition.y - this._pointerY) > re.DragMovementThreshold;
}, re.prototype.simulatePointerUp = function(Y, k, H) {
var Z = new PointerEvent("pointerup", k), W = new ae();
H ? W.doubleClick = !0 : W.singleClick = !0, this._checkPrePointerObservable(Y, Z, te.a.POINTERUP) || this._processPointerUp(Y, Z, W);
}, re.prototype._processPointerUp = function(Y, k, H) {
var Z = this._scene;
if (Y && Y && Y.pickedMesh) {
if (this._pickedUpMesh = Y.pickedMesh, this._pickedDownMesh === this._pickedUpMesh && (Z.onPointerPick && Z.onPointerPick(k, Y), H.singleClick && !H.ignore && Z.onPointerObservable.hasObservers())) {
var W = te.a.POINTERPICK, q = new te.b(W, k, Y);
this._setRayOnPointerInfo(q), Z.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(q, W);
var he = Y.pickedMesh._getActionManagerForTrigger();
if (he && !H.ignore) {
he.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPickUpTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k)), !H.hasSwiped && H.singleClick && he.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPickTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k));
var ge = Y.pickedMesh._getActionManagerForTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger);
H.doubleClick && ge && ge.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Y.pickedMesh, k));
} else if (!H.ignore)
for (var me = 0, _e = Z._pointerUpStage; me < _e.length; me++)
Y = _e[me].action(this._unTranslatedPointerX, this._unTranslatedPointerY, Y, k);
if (this._pickedDownMesh && this._pickedDownMesh !== this._pickedUpMesh) {
var ye = this._pickedDownMesh._getActionManagerForTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPickOutTrigger);
ye && ye.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPickOutTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(this._pickedDownMesh, k));
var Pe = 0;
Z.onPointerObservable.hasObservers() && (!H.ignore && !H.hasSwiped && (H.singleClick && Z.onPointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERTAP) ? Pe = te.a.POINTERTAP : H.doubleClick && Z.onPointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP) && (Pe = te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP), Pe) && (q = new te.b(Pe, k, Y), this._setRayOnPointerInfo(q), Z.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(q, Pe)), H.ignore || (Pe = te.a.POINTERUP, q = new te.b(Pe, k, Y), this._setRayOnPointerInfo(q), Z.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(q, Pe))), Z.onPointerUp && !H.ignore && Z.onPointerUp(k, Y, Pe);
}, re.prototype.isPointerCaptured = function(Y) {
return Y === void 0 && (Y = 0), this._pointerCaptures[Y];
}, re.prototype.attachControl = function(Y, k, H, Z) {
var W = this;
Y === void 0 && (Y = !0), k === void 0 && (k = !0), H === void 0 && (H = !0), Z === void 0 && (Z = null);
var q = this._scene;
if (Z || (Z = q.getEngine().getInputElement()), Z) {
this._alreadyAttached && this.detachControl(), this._alreadyAttachedTo = Z;
var he = q.getEngine();
this._initActionManager = function(ye, Pe) {
if (!W._meshPickProceed) {
var be = q.pick(W._unTranslatedPointerX, W._unTranslatedPointerY, q.pointerDownPredicate, !1, q.cameraToUseForPointers);
W._currentPickResult = be, be && (ye = be.hit && be.pickedMesh ? be.pickedMesh._getActionManagerForTrigger() : null), W._meshPickProceed = !0;
return ye;
}, this._delayedSimpleClick = function(ye, Pe, be) {
( - W._previousStartingPointerTime > re.DoubleClickDelay && !W._doubleClickOccured || ye !== W._previousButtonPressed) && (W._doubleClickOccured = !1, Pe.singleClick = !0, Pe.ignore = !1, be(Pe, W._currentPickResult));
}, this._initClickEvent = function(ye, Pe, be, Fe) {
var ke = new ae();
W._currentPickResult = null;
var We = null, je = ye.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERPICK) || Pe.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERPICK) || ye.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERTAP) || Pe.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERTAP) || ye.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP) || Pe.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP);
!je && de.a && (We = W._initActionManager(We, ke)) && (je = We.hasPickTriggers);
var He = !1;
if (je) {
var Qe = be.button;
if (ke.hasSwiped = W._isPointerSwiping(), !ke.hasSwiped) {
var Ge = !re.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode;
Ge || (Ge = !ye.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP) && !Pe.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP)) && !de.a.HasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger) && (We = W._initActionManager(We, ke)) && (Ge = !We.hasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger)), Ge ? ( - W._previousStartingPointerTime > re.DoubleClickDelay || Qe !== W._previousButtonPressed) && (ke.singleClick = !0, Fe(ke, W._currentPickResult), He = !0) : (W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout = W._delayedSimpleClickTimeout, W._delayedSimpleClickTimeout = window.setTimeout(W._delayedSimpleClick.bind(W, Qe, ke, Fe), re.DoubleClickDelay));
var tt = ye.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP) || Pe.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP);
!tt && de.a.HasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger) && (We = W._initActionManager(We, ke)) && (tt = We.hasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger)), tt && (Qe === W._previousButtonPressed && - W._previousStartingPointerTime < re.DoubleClickDelay && !W._doubleClickOccured ? (ke.hasSwiped || W._isPointerSwiping() ? (W._doubleClickOccured = !1, W._previousStartingPointerTime = W._startingPointerTime, W._previousStartingPointerPosition.x = W._startingPointerPosition.x, W._previousStartingPointerPosition.y = W._startingPointerPosition.y, W._previousButtonPressed = Qe, re.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode ? (W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout && clearTimeout(W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout), W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout = W._delayedSimpleClickTimeout, Fe(ke, W._previousPickResult)) : Fe(ke, W._currentPickResult)) : (W._previousStartingPointerTime = 0, W._doubleClickOccured = !0, ke.doubleClick = !0, ke.ignore = !1, re.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode && W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout && clearTimeout(W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout), W._previousDelayedSimpleClickTimeout = W._delayedSimpleClickTimeout, Fe(ke, W._currentPickResult)), He = !0) : (W._doubleClickOccured = !1, W._previousStartingPointerTime = W._startingPointerTime, W._previousStartingPointerPosition.x = W._startingPointerPosition.x, W._previousStartingPointerPosition.y = W._startingPointerPosition.y, W._previousButtonPressed = Qe));
He || Fe(ke, W._currentPickResult);
}, this._onPointerMove = function(ye) {
if (ye.pointerId === void 0 && (ye.pointerId = 0), W._updatePointerPosition(ye), !W._checkPrePointerObservable(null, ye, ye.type === W._wheelEventName ? te.a.POINTERWHEEL : te.a.POINTERMOVE) && (q.cameraToUseForPointers || q.activeCamera)) {
q.pointerMovePredicate || (q.pointerMovePredicate = function(be) {
return be.isPickable && be.isVisible && be.isReady() && be.isEnabled() && (be.enablePointerMoveEvents || q.constantlyUpdateMeshUnderPointer || be._getActionManagerForTrigger() != null) && (!q.cameraToUseForPointers || (q.cameraToUseForPointers.layerMask & be.layerMask) != 0);
var Pe = q.pick(W._unTranslatedPointerX, W._unTranslatedPointerY, q.pointerMovePredicate, !1, q.cameraToUseForPointers);
W._processPointerMove(Pe, ye);
}, this._onPointerDown = function(ye) {
if (W._totalPointersPressed++, W._pickedDownMesh = null, W._meshPickProceed = !1, ye.pointerId === void 0 && (ye.pointerId = 0), W._updatePointerPosition(ye), q.preventDefaultOnPointerDown && Z && (ye.preventDefault(), Z.focus()), W._startingPointerPosition.x = W._pointerX, W._startingPointerPosition.y = W._pointerY, W._startingPointerTime =, !W._checkPrePointerObservable(null, ye, te.a.POINTERDOWN) && (q.cameraToUseForPointers || q.activeCamera)) {
W._pointerCaptures[ye.pointerId] = !0, q.pointerDownPredicate || (q.pointerDownPredicate = function(be) {
return be.isPickable && be.isVisible && be.isReady() && be.isEnabled() && (!q.cameraToUseForPointers || (q.cameraToUseForPointers.layerMask & be.layerMask) != 0);
}), W._pickedDownMesh = null;
var Pe = q.pick(W._unTranslatedPointerX, W._unTranslatedPointerY, q.pointerDownPredicate, !1, q.cameraToUseForPointers);
W._processPointerDown(Pe, ye);
}, this._onPointerUp = function(ye) {
W._totalPointersPressed !== 0 && (W._totalPointersPressed--, W._pickedUpMesh = null, W._meshPickProceed = !1, ye.pointerId === void 0 && (ye.pointerId = 0), W._updatePointerPosition(ye), q.preventDefaultOnPointerUp && Z && (ye.preventDefault(), Z.focus()), W._initClickEvent(q.onPrePointerObservable, q.onPointerObservable, ye, function(Pe, be) {
q.onPrePointerObservable.hasObservers() && !Pe.ignore && (!Pe.hasSwiped && (Pe.singleClick && q.onPrePointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERTAP) && W._checkPrePointerObservable(null, ye, te.a.POINTERTAP) || Pe.doubleClick && q.onPrePointerObservable.hasSpecificMask(te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP) && W._checkPrePointerObservable(null, ye, te.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP)) || W._checkPrePointerObservable(null, ye, te.a.POINTERUP)) || W._pointerCaptures[ye.pointerId] && (W._pointerCaptures[ye.pointerId] = !1, (q.cameraToUseForPointers || q.activeCamera) && (q.pointerUpPredicate || (q.pointerUpPredicate = function(Fe) {
return Fe.isPickable && Fe.isVisible && Fe.isReady() && Fe.isEnabled() && (!q.cameraToUseForPointers || (q.cameraToUseForPointers.layerMask & Fe.layerMask) != 0);
}), !W._meshPickProceed && (de.a && de.a.HasTriggers || q.onPointerObservable.hasObservers()) && W._initActionManager(null, Pe), be || (be = W._currentPickResult), W._processPointerUp(be, ye, Pe), W._previousPickResult = W._currentPickResult));
}, this._onKeyDown = function(ye) {
var Pe = pe.a.KEYDOWN;
if (q.onPreKeyboardObservable.hasObservers()) {
var be = new pe.c(Pe, ye);
if (q.onPreKeyboardObservable.notifyObservers(be, Pe), be.skipOnPointerObservable)
q.onKeyboardObservable.hasObservers() && (be = new pe.b(Pe, ye), q.onKeyboardObservable.notifyObservers(be, Pe)), q.actionManager && q.actionManager.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnKeyDownTrigger, b.a.CreateNewFromScene(q, ye));
}, this._onKeyUp = function(ye) {
var Pe = pe.a.KEYUP;
if (q.onPreKeyboardObservable.hasObservers()) {
var be = new pe.c(Pe, ye);
if (q.onPreKeyboardObservable.notifyObservers(be, Pe), be.skipOnPointerObservable)
q.onKeyboardObservable.hasObservers() && (be = new pe.b(Pe, ye), q.onKeyboardObservable.notifyObservers(be, Pe)), q.actionManager && q.actionManager.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnKeyUpTrigger, b.a.CreateNewFromScene(q, ye));
var ge = function() {
Z && !W._keyboardIsAttached && (Z.addEventListener("keydown", W._onKeyDown, !1), Z.addEventListener("keyup", W._onKeyUp, !1), W._keyboardIsAttached = !0);
this._onCanvasFocusObserver = he.onCanvasFocusObservable.add((document.activeElement === Z && ge(), ge)), this._onCanvasBlurObserver = he.onCanvasBlurObservable.add(function() {
Z && (Z.removeEventListener("keydown", W._onKeyDown), Z.removeEventListener("keyup", W._onKeyUp), W._keyboardIsAttached = !1);
}), ge();
var me = _.b.GetPointerPrefix(he);
if (H && (Z.addEventListener(me + "move", this._onPointerMove, !1), this._wheelEventName = "onwheel" in document.createElement("div") ? "wheel" : document.onmousewheel !== void 0 ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll", Z.addEventListener(this._wheelEventName, this._onPointerMove, !1)), k && Z.addEventListener(me + "down", this._onPointerDown, !1), Y) {
var _e = q.getEngine().getHostWindow();
_e && _e.addEventListener(me + "up", this._onPointerUp, !1);
this._alreadyAttached = !0;
}, re.prototype.detachControl = function() {
var Y = this._scene.getEngine(), k = _.b.GetPointerPrefix(Y);
this._alreadyAttachedTo && this._alreadyAttached && (this._alreadyAttachedTo.removeEventListener(k + "move", this._onPointerMove), this._alreadyAttachedTo.removeEventListener(this._wheelEventName, this._onPointerMove), this._alreadyAttachedTo.removeEventListener(k + "down", this._onPointerDown), window.removeEventListener(k + "up", this._onPointerUp), this._onCanvasBlurObserver && Y.onCanvasBlurObservable.remove(this._onCanvasBlurObserver), this._onCanvasFocusObserver && Y.onCanvasFocusObservable.remove(this._onCanvasFocusObserver), this._alreadyAttachedTo.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), this._alreadyAttachedTo.removeEventListener("keyup", this._onKeyUp), this._scene.doNotHandleCursors || ( = this._scene.defaultCursor), this._alreadyAttached = !1);
}, re.prototype.setPointerOverMesh = function(Y, k) {
if (k === void 0 && (k = 0), k < 0 && (k = 0), this._meshUnderPointerId[k] !== Y) {
var H, Z = this._meshUnderPointerId[k];
Z && (H = Z._getActionManagerForTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPointerOutTrigger)) && H.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPointerOutTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Z, void 0, { pointerId: k })), this._meshUnderPointerId[k] = Y, this._pointerOverMesh = Y, (Z = this._meshUnderPointerId[k]) && (H = Z._getActionManagerForTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPointerOverTrigger)) && H.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnPointerOverTrigger, b.a.CreateNew(Z, void 0, { pointerId: k }));
}, re.prototype.getPointerOverMesh = function() {
return this._pointerOverMesh;
}, re.DragMovementThreshold = 10, re.LongPressDelay = 500, re.DoubleClickDelay = 300, re.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode = !1, re;
}(), K = f(55), $ = f(9), L = f(90), G = f(152), Q = f(56), oe = function(re) {
function Y(k, H) {
var Z = || this;
Z._inputManager = new ee(Z), Z.cameraToUseForPointers = null, Z._isScene = !0, Z._blockEntityCollection = !1, Z.autoClear = !0, Z.autoClearDepthAndStencil = !0, Z.clearColor = new $.b(0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 1), Z.ambientColor = new $.a(0, 0, 0), Z._environmentIntensity = 1, Z._forceWireframe = !1, Z._skipFrustumClipping = !1, Z._forcePointsCloud = !1, Z.animationsEnabled = !0, Z._animationPropertiesOverride = null, Z.useConstantAnimationDeltaTime = !1, Z.constantlyUpdateMeshUnderPointer = !1, Z.hoverCursor = "pointer", Z.defaultCursor = "", Z.doNotHandleCursors = !1, Z.preventDefaultOnPointerDown = !0, Z.preventDefaultOnPointerUp = !0, Z.metadata = null, Z.reservedDataStore = null, Z.disableOfflineSupportExceptionRules = new Array(), Z.onDisposeObservable = new u.c(), Z._onDisposeObserver = null, Z.onBeforeRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z._onBeforeRenderObserver = null, Z.onAfterRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterRenderCameraObservable = new u.c(), Z._onAfterRenderObserver = null, Z.onBeforeAnimationsObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterAnimationsObservable = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable = new u.c(), Z.onReadyObservable = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = null, Z.onAfterCameraRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = null, Z.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable = new u.c(), Z.onDataLoadedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewCameraAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onCameraRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewLightAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onLightRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewGeometryAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onGeometryRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewTransformNodeAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onTransformNodeRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewMeshAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onMeshRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewSkeletonAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onSkeletonRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewMaterialAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewMultiMaterialAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onMaterialRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onMultiMaterialRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onNewTextureAddedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onTextureRemovedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeStepObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterStepObservable = new u.c(), Z.onActiveCameraChanged = new u.c(), Z.onBeforeRenderingGroupObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAfterRenderingGroupObservable = new u.c(), Z.onMeshImportedObservable = new u.c(), Z.onAnimationFileImportedObservable = new u.c(), Z._registeredForLateAnimationBindings = new I.b(256), Z.onPrePointerObservable = new u.c(), Z.onPointerObservable = new u.c(), Z.onPreKeyboardObservable = new u.c(), Z.onKeyboardObservable = new u.c(), Z._useRightHandedSystem = !1, Z._timeAccumulator = 0, Z._currentStepId = 0, Z._currentInternalStep = 0, Z._fogEnabled = !0, Z._fogMode = Y.FOGMODE_NONE, Z.fogColor = new $.a(0.2, 0.2, 0.3), Z.fogDensity = 0.1, Z.fogStart = 0, Z.fogEnd = 1e3, Z.prePass = !1, Z._shadowsEnabled = !0, Z._lightsEnabled = !0, Z.activeCameras = new Array(), Z._texturesEnabled = !0, Z.physicsEnabled = !0, Z.particlesEnabled = !0, Z.spritesEnabled = !0, Z._skeletonsEnabled = !0, Z.lensFlaresEnabled = !0, Z.collisionsEnabled = !0, Z.gravity = new m.e(0, -9.807, 0), Z.postProcessesEnabled = !0, Z.renderTargetsEnabled = !0, Z.dumpNextRenderTargets = !1, Z.customRenderTargets = new Array(), Z.importedMeshesFiles = new Array(), Z.probesEnabled = !0, Z._meshesForIntersections = new I.b(256), Z.proceduralTexturesEnabled = !0, Z._totalVertices = new K.a(), Z._activeIndices = new K.a(), Z._activeParticles = new K.a(), Z._activeBones = new K.a(), Z._animationTime = 0, Z.animationTimeScale = 1, Z._renderId = 0, Z._frameId = 0, Z._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId = -1, Z._intermediateRendering = !1, Z._viewUpdateFlag = -1, Z._projectionUpdateFlag = -1, Z._toBeDisposed = new Array(256), Z._activeRequests = new Array(), Z._pendingData = new Array(), Z._isDisposed = !1, Z.dispatchAllSubMeshesOfActiveMeshes = !1, Z._activeMeshes = new I.a(256), Z._processedMaterials = new I.a(256), Z._renderTargets = new I.b(256), Z._activeParticleSystems = new I.a(256), Z._activeSkeletons = new I.b(32), Z._softwareSkinnedMeshes = new I.b(32), Z._activeAnimatables = new Array(), Z._transformMatrix = m.a.Zero(), Z.requireLightSorting = !1, Z._components = [], Z._serializableComponents = [], Z._transientComponents = [], Z._beforeCameraUpdateStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeClearStage = N.b.Create(), Z._gatherRenderTargetsStage = N.b.Create(), Z._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargetsStage = N.b.Create(), Z._isReadyForMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeEvaluateActiveMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._evaluateSubMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._preActiveMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._cameraDrawRenderTargetStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeCameraDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeRenderTargetDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeRenderingGroupDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._beforeRenderingMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._afterRenderingMeshStage = N.b.Create(), Z._afterRenderingGroupDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._afterCameraDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._afterRenderTargetDrawStage = N.b.Create(), Z._afterRenderStage = N.b.Create(), Z._pointerMoveStage = N.b.Create(), Z._pointerDownStage = N.b.Create(), Z._pointerUpStage = N.b.Create(), Z.geometriesByUniqueId = null, Z._defaultMeshCandidates = { data: [], length: 0 }, Z._defaultSubMeshCandidates = { data: [], length: 0 }, Z._preventFreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups = !1, Z._activeMeshesFrozen = !1, Z._skipEvaluateActiveMeshesCompletely = !1, Z._allowPostProcessClearColor = !0, Z.getDeterministicFrameTime = function() {
return Z._engine.getTimeStep();
}, Z._blockMaterialDirtyMechanism = !1;
var W = Object(V.a)({ useGeometryUniqueIdsMap: !0, useMaterialMeshMap: !0, useClonedMeshMap: !0, virtual: !1 }, H);
return Z._engine = k || j.a.LastCreatedEngine, W.virtual || (j.a._LastCreatedScene = Z, Z._engine.scenes.push(Z)), Z._uid = null, Z._renderingManager = new w.b(Z), D.a && (Z.postProcessManager = new D.a(Z)), U.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && Z.attachControl(), Z._createUbo(), g.a && (Z._imageProcessingConfiguration = new g.a()), Z.setDefaultCandidateProviders(), W.useGeometryUniqueIdsMap && (Z.geometriesByUniqueId = {}), Z.useMaterialMeshMap = W.useMaterialMeshMap, Z.useClonedMeshMap = W.useClonedMeshMap, H && H.virtual || Z._engine.onNewSceneAddedObservable.notifyObservers(Z), Z;
return Object(V.d)(Y, re), Y.DefaultMaterialFactory = function(k) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("StandardMaterial");
}, Y.CollisionCoordinatorFactory = function() {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("DefaultCollisionCoordinator");
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "environmentTexture", { get: function() {
return this._environmentTexture;
}, set: function(k) {
this._environmentTexture !== k && (this._environmentTexture = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "environmentIntensity", { get: function() {
return this._environmentIntensity;
}, set: function(k) {
this._environmentIntensity !== k && (this._environmentIntensity = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "forceWireframe", { get: function() {
return this._forceWireframe;
}, set: function(k) {
this._forceWireframe !== k && (this._forceWireframe = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "skipFrustumClipping", { get: function() {
return this._skipFrustumClipping;
}, set: function(k) {
this._skipFrustumClipping !== k && (this._skipFrustumClipping = k);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "forcePointsCloud", { get: function() {
return this._forcePointsCloud;
}, set: function(k) {
this._forcePointsCloud !== k && (this._forcePointsCloud = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "animationPropertiesOverride", { get: function() {
return this._animationPropertiesOverride;
}, set: function(k) {
this._animationPropertiesOverride = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(k) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(k);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "beforeRender", { set: function(k) {
this._onBeforeRenderObserver && this.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderObserver), k && (this._onBeforeRenderObserver = this.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(k));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "afterRender", { set: function(k) {
this._onAfterRenderObserver && this.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), k && (this._onAfterRenderObserver = this.onAfterRenderObservable.add(k));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "beforeCameraRender", { set: function(k) {
this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver && this.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver), this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = this.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add(k);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "afterCameraRender", { set: function(k) {
this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver && this.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver), this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = this.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.add(k);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "unTranslatedPointer", { get: function() {
return this._inputManager.unTranslatedPointer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y, "DragMovementThreshold", { get: function() {
return ee.DragMovementThreshold;
}, set: function(k) {
ee.DragMovementThreshold = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y, "LongPressDelay", { get: function() {
return ee.LongPressDelay;
}, set: function(k) {
ee.LongPressDelay = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y, "DoubleClickDelay", { get: function() {
return ee.DoubleClickDelay;
}, set: function(k) {
ee.DoubleClickDelay = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y, "ExclusiveDoubleClickMode", { get: function() {
return ee.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode;
}, set: function(k) {
ee.ExclusiveDoubleClickMode = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "useRightHandedSystem", { get: function() {
return this._useRightHandedSystem;
}, set: function(k) {
this._useRightHandedSystem !== k && (this._useRightHandedSystem = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.setStepId = function(k) {
this._currentStepId = k;
}, Y.prototype.getStepId = function() {
return this._currentStepId;
}, Y.prototype.getInternalStep = function() {
return this._currentInternalStep;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "fogEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._fogEnabled;
}, set: function(k) {
this._fogEnabled !== k && (this._fogEnabled = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "fogMode", { get: function() {
return this._fogMode;
}, set: function(k) {
this._fogMode !== k && (this._fogMode = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "shadowsEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._shadowsEnabled;
}, set: function(k) {
this._shadowsEnabled !== k && (this._shadowsEnabled = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_LightDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "lightsEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._lightsEnabled;
}, set: function(k) {
this._lightsEnabled !== k && (this._lightsEnabled = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_LightDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "activeCamera", { get: function() {
return this._activeCamera;
}, set: function(k) {
k !== this._activeCamera && (this._activeCamera = k, this.onActiveCameraChanged.notifyObservers(this));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "defaultMaterial", { get: function() {
return this._defaultMaterial || (this._defaultMaterial = Y.DefaultMaterialFactory(this)), this._defaultMaterial;
}, set: function(k) {
this._defaultMaterial = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "texturesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._texturesEnabled;
}, set: function(k) {
this._texturesEnabled !== k && (this._texturesEnabled = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "skeletonsEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._skeletonsEnabled;
}, set: function(k) {
this._skeletonsEnabled !== k && (this._skeletonsEnabled = k, this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_AttributesDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "collisionCoordinator", { get: function() {
return this._collisionCoordinator || (this._collisionCoordinator = Y.CollisionCoordinatorFactory(), this._collisionCoordinator.init(this)), this._collisionCoordinator;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "frustumPlanes", { get: function() {
return this._frustumPlanes;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype._registerTransientComponents = function() {
if (this._transientComponents.length > 0) {
for (var k = 0, H = this._transientComponents; k < H.length; k++)
this._transientComponents = [];
}, Y.prototype._addComponent = function(k) {
this._components.push(k), this._transientComponents.push(k);
var H = k;
H.addFromContainer && H.serialize && this._serializableComponents.push(H);
}, Y.prototype._getComponent = function(k) {
for (var H = 0, Z = this._components; H < Z.length; H++) {
var W = Z[H];
if ( === k)
return W;
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Scene";
}, Y.prototype._getDefaultMeshCandidates = function() {
return = this.meshes, this._defaultMeshCandidates.length = this.meshes.length, this._defaultMeshCandidates;
}, Y.prototype._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates = function(k) {
return = k.subMeshes, this._defaultSubMeshCandidates.length = k.subMeshes.length, this._defaultSubMeshCandidates;
}, Y.prototype.setDefaultCandidateProviders = function() {
this.getActiveMeshCandidates = this._getDefaultMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.getActiveSubMeshCandidates = this._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.getIntersectingSubMeshCandidates = this._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.getCollidingSubMeshCandidates = this._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates.bind(this);
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "meshUnderPointer", { get: function() {
return this._inputManager.meshUnderPointer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "pointerX", { get: function() {
return this._inputManager.pointerX;
}, set: function(k) {
this._inputManager.pointerX = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "pointerY", { get: function() {
return this._inputManager.pointerY;
}, set: function(k) {
this._inputManager.pointerY = k;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.getCachedMaterial = function() {
return this._cachedMaterial;
}, Y.prototype.getCachedEffect = function() {
return this._cachedEffect;
}, Y.prototype.getCachedVisibility = function() {
return this._cachedVisibility;
}, Y.prototype.isCachedMaterialInvalid = function(k, H, Z) {
return Z === void 0 && (Z = 1), this._cachedEffect !== H || this._cachedMaterial !== k || this._cachedVisibility !== Z;
}, Y.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, Y.prototype.getTotalVertices = function() {
return this._totalVertices.current;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "totalVerticesPerfCounter", { get: function() {
return this._totalVertices;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.getActiveIndices = function() {
return this._activeIndices.current;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "totalActiveIndicesPerfCounter", { get: function() {
return this._activeIndices;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.getActiveParticles = function() {
return this._activeParticles.current;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "activeParticlesPerfCounter", { get: function() {
return this._activeParticles;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.getActiveBones = function() {
return this._activeBones.current;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "activeBonesPerfCounter", { get: function() {
return this._activeBones;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.getActiveMeshes = function() {
return this._activeMeshes;
}, Y.prototype.getAnimationRatio = function() {
return this._animationRatio !== void 0 ? this._animationRatio : 1;
}, Y.prototype.getRenderId = function() {
return this._renderId;
}, Y.prototype.getFrameId = function() {
return this._frameId;
}, Y.prototype.incrementRenderId = function() {
}, Y.prototype._createUbo = function() {
this._sceneUbo = new l.a(this._engine, void 0, !0), this._sceneUbo.addUniform("viewProjection", 16), this._sceneUbo.addUniform("view", 16);
}, Y.prototype.simulatePointerMove = function(k, H) {
return this._inputManager.simulatePointerMove(k, H), this;
}, Y.prototype.simulatePointerDown = function(k, H) {
return this._inputManager.simulatePointerDown(k, H), this;
}, Y.prototype.simulatePointerUp = function(k, H, Z) {
return this._inputManager.simulatePointerUp(k, H, Z), this;
}, Y.prototype.isPointerCaptured = function(k) {
return k === void 0 && (k = 0), this._inputManager.isPointerCaptured(k);
}, Y.prototype.attachControl = function(k, H, Z) {
k === void 0 && (k = !0), H === void 0 && (H = !0), Z === void 0 && (Z = !0), this._inputManager.attachControl(k, H, Z);
}, Y.prototype.detachControl = function() {
}, Y.prototype.isReady = function() {
if (this._isDisposed)
return !1;
var k, H = this.getEngine();
if (!H.areAllEffectsReady() || this._pendingData.length > 0)
return !1;
for (k = 0; k < this.meshes.length; k++) {
var Z = this.meshes[k];
if (Z.isEnabled() && Z.subMeshes && Z.subMeshes.length !== 0) {
if (!Z.isReady(!0))
return !1;
for (var W = Z.hasThinInstances || Z.getClassName() === "InstancedMesh" || Z.getClassName() === "InstancedLinesMesh" || H.getCaps().instancedArrays && Z.instances.length > 0, q = 0, he = this._isReadyForMeshStage; q < he.length; q++)
if (!he[q].action(Z, W))
return !1;
for (k = 0; k < this.geometries.length; k++)
if (this.geometries[k].delayLoadState === M.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING)
return !1;
if (this.activeCameras && this.activeCameras.length > 0) {
for (var ge = 0, me = this.activeCameras; ge < me.length; ge++)
if (!me[ge].isReady(!0))
return !1;
} else if (this.activeCamera && !this.activeCamera.isReady(!0))
return !1;
for (var _e = 0, ye = this.particleSystems; _e < ye.length; _e++)
if (!ye[_e].isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, Y.prototype.resetCachedMaterial = function() {
this._cachedMaterial = null, this._cachedEffect = null, this._cachedVisibility = null;
}, Y.prototype.registerBeforeRender = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype.unregisterBeforeRender = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype.registerAfterRender = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype.unregisterAfterRender = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype._executeOnceBeforeRender = function(k) {
var H = this, Z = function() {
k(), setTimeout(function() {
}, Y.prototype.executeOnceBeforeRender = function(k, H) {
var Z = this;
H !== void 0 ? setTimeout(function() {
}, H) : this._executeOnceBeforeRender(k);
}, Y.prototype._addPendingData = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype._removePendingData = function(k) {
var H = this.isLoading, Z = this._pendingData.indexOf(k);
Z !== -1 && this._pendingData.splice(Z, 1), H && !this.isLoading && this.onDataLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, Y.prototype.getWaitingItemsCount = function() {
return this._pendingData.length;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "isLoading", { get: function() {
return this._pendingData.length > 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.executeWhenReady = function(k) {
var H = this;
this.onReadyObservable.add(k), this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId === -1 && (this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
}, 150));
}, Y.prototype.whenReadyAsync = function() {
var k = this;
return new Promise(function(H) {
k.executeWhenReady(function() {
}, Y.prototype._checkIsReady = function() {
var k = this;
return this._registerTransientComponents(), this.isReady() ? (this.onReadyObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onReadyObservable.clear(), void (this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId = -1)) : this._isDisposed ? (this.onReadyObservable.clear(), void (this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId = -1)) : void (this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId = setTimeout(function() {
}, 150));
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "animatables", { get: function() {
return this._activeAnimatables;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.resetLastAnimationTimeFrame = function() {
this._animationTimeLast = C.a.Now;
}, Y.prototype.getViewMatrix = function() {
return this._viewMatrix;
}, Y.prototype.getProjectionMatrix = function() {
return this._projectionMatrix;
}, Y.prototype.getTransformMatrix = function() {
return this._transformMatrix;
}, Y.prototype.setTransformMatrix = function(k, H, Z, W) {
this._viewUpdateFlag === k.updateFlag && this._projectionUpdateFlag === H.updateFlag || (this._viewUpdateFlag = k.updateFlag, this._projectionUpdateFlag = H.updateFlag, this._viewMatrix = k, this._projectionMatrix = H, this._viewMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._projectionMatrix, this._transformMatrix), this._frustumPlanes ? L.a.GetPlanesToRef(this._transformMatrix, this._frustumPlanes) : this._frustumPlanes = L.a.GetPlanes(this._transformMatrix), this._multiviewSceneUbo && this._multiviewSceneUbo.useUbo ? this._updateMultiviewUbo(Z, W) : this._sceneUbo.useUbo && (this._sceneUbo.updateMatrix("viewProjection", this._transformMatrix), this._sceneUbo.updateMatrix("view", this._viewMatrix), this._sceneUbo.update()));
}, Y.prototype.getSceneUniformBuffer = function() {
return this._multiviewSceneUbo ? this._multiviewSceneUbo : this._sceneUbo;
}, Y.prototype.getUniqueId = function() {
return G.a.UniqueId;
}, Y.prototype.addMesh = function(k, H) {
var Z = this;
H === void 0 && (H = !1), this._blockEntityCollection || (this.meshes.push(k), k._resyncLightSources(), k.parent || k._addToSceneRootNodes(), this.onNewMeshAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H && k.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(W) {
}, Y.prototype.removeMesh = function(k, H) {
var Z = this;
H === void 0 && (H = !1);
var W = this.meshes.indexOf(k);
return W !== -1 && (this.meshes[W] = this.meshes[this.meshes.length - 1], this.meshes.pop(), k.parent || k._removeFromSceneRootNodes()), this.onMeshRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H && k.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(q) {
}), W;
}, Y.prototype.addTransformNode = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (k._indexInSceneTransformNodesArray = this.transformNodes.length, this.transformNodes.push(k), k.parent || k._addToSceneRootNodes(), this.onNewTransformNodeAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k));
}, Y.prototype.removeTransformNode = function(k) {
var H = k._indexInSceneTransformNodesArray;
if (H !== -1) {
if (H !== this.transformNodes.length - 1) {
var Z = this.transformNodes[this.transformNodes.length - 1];
this.transformNodes[H] = Z, Z._indexInSceneTransformNodesArray = H;
k._indexInSceneTransformNodesArray = -1, this.transformNodes.pop(), k.parent || k._removeFromSceneRootNodes();
return this.onTransformNodeRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeSkeleton = function(k) {
var H = this.skeletons.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && (this.skeletons.splice(H, 1), this.onSkeletonRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k)), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeMorphTargetManager = function(k) {
var H = this.morphTargetManagers.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.morphTargetManagers.splice(H, 1), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeLight = function(k) {
var H = this.lights.indexOf(k);
if (H !== -1) {
for (var Z = 0, W = this.meshes; Z < W.length; Z++)
W[Z]._removeLightSource(k, !1);
this.lights.splice(H, 1), this.sortLightsByPriority(), k.parent || k._removeFromSceneRootNodes();
return this.onLightRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeCamera = function(k) {
var H = this.cameras.indexOf(k);
if (H !== -1 && (this.cameras.splice(H, 1), k.parent || k._removeFromSceneRootNodes()), this.activeCameras) {
var Z = this.activeCameras.indexOf(k);
Z !== -1 && this.activeCameras.splice(Z, 1);
return this.activeCamera === k && (this.cameras.length > 0 ? this.activeCamera = this.cameras[0] : this.activeCamera = null), this.onCameraRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeParticleSystem = function(k) {
var H = this.particleSystems.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.particleSystems.splice(H, 1), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeAnimation = function(k) {
var H = this.animations.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.animations.splice(H, 1), H;
}, Y.prototype.stopAnimation = function(k, H, Z) {
}, Y.prototype.removeAnimationGroup = function(k) {
var H = this.animationGroups.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.animationGroups.splice(H, 1), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeMultiMaterial = function(k) {
var H = this.multiMaterials.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.multiMaterials.splice(H, 1), this.onMultiMaterialRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeMaterial = function(k) {
var H = k._indexInSceneMaterialArray;
if (H !== -1 && H < this.materials.length) {
if (H !== this.materials.length - 1) {
var Z = this.materials[this.materials.length - 1];
this.materials[H] = Z, Z._indexInSceneMaterialArray = H;
k._indexInSceneMaterialArray = -1, this.materials.pop();
return this.onMaterialRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeActionManager = function(k) {
var H = this.actionManagers.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.actionManagers.splice(H, 1), H;
}, Y.prototype.removeTexture = function(k) {
var H = this.textures.indexOf(k);
return H !== -1 && this.textures.splice(H, 1), this.onTextureRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), H;
}, Y.prototype.addLight = function(k) {
if (!this._blockEntityCollection) {
this.lights.push(k), this.sortLightsByPriority(), k.parent || k._addToSceneRootNodes();
for (var H = 0, Z = this.meshes; H < Z.length; H++) {
var W = Z[H];
W.lightSources.indexOf(k) === -1 && (W.lightSources.push(k), W._resyncLightSources());
}, Y.prototype.sortLightsByPriority = function() {
this.requireLightSorting && this.lights.sort(h.a.CompareLightsPriority);
}, Y.prototype.addCamera = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (this.cameras.push(k), this.onNewCameraAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k), k.parent || k._addToSceneRootNodes());
}, Y.prototype.addSkeleton = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (this.skeletons.push(k), this.onNewSkeletonAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k));
}, Y.prototype.addParticleSystem = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || this.particleSystems.push(k);
}, Y.prototype.addAnimation = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || this.animations.push(k);
}, Y.prototype.addAnimationGroup = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || this.animationGroups.push(k);
}, Y.prototype.addMultiMaterial = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (this.multiMaterials.push(k), this.onNewMultiMaterialAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k));
}, Y.prototype.addMaterial = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (k._indexInSceneMaterialArray = this.materials.length, this.materials.push(k), this.onNewMaterialAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k));
}, Y.prototype.addMorphTargetManager = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || this.morphTargetManagers.push(k);
}, Y.prototype.addGeometry = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (this.geometriesByUniqueId && (this.geometriesByUniqueId[k.uniqueId] = this.geometries.length), this.geometries.push(k));
}, Y.prototype.addActionManager = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype.addTexture = function(k) {
this._blockEntityCollection || (this.textures.push(k), this.onNewTextureAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k));
}, Y.prototype.switchActiveCamera = function(k, H) {
H === void 0 && (H = !0), this._engine.getInputElement() && (this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera.detachControl(), this.activeCamera = k, H && k.attachControl());
}, Y.prototype.setActiveCameraByID = function(k) {
var H = this.getCameraByID(k);
return H ? (this.activeCamera = H, H) : null;
}, Y.prototype.setActiveCameraByName = function(k) {
var H = this.getCameraByName(k);
return H ? (this.activeCamera = H, H) : null;
}, Y.prototype.getAnimationGroupByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.animationGroups.length; H++)
if (this.animationGroups[H].name === k)
return this.animationGroups[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMaterialByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.materials.length; H++)
if (this.materials[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.materials[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMaterialByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.materials.length; H++)
if (this.materials[H].id === k)
return this.materials[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLastMaterialByID = function(k) {
for (var H = this.materials.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.materials[H].id === k)
return this.materials[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMaterialByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.materials.length; H++)
if (this.materials[H].name === k)
return this.materials[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getTextureByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.textures.length; H++)
if (this.textures[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.textures[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getCameraByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.cameras.length; H++)
if (this.cameras[H].id === k)
return this.cameras[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getCameraByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.cameras.length; H++)
if (this.cameras[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.cameras[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getCameraByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.cameras.length; H++)
if (this.cameras[H].name === k)
return this.cameras[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getBoneByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.skeletons.length; H++)
for (var Z = this.skeletons[H], W = 0; W < Z.bones.length; W++)
if (Z.bones[W].id === k)
return Z.bones[W];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getBoneByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.skeletons.length; H++)
for (var Z = this.skeletons[H], W = 0; W < Z.bones.length; W++)
if (Z.bones[W].name === k)
return Z.bones[W];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLightByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.lights.length; H++)
if (this.lights[H].name === k)
return this.lights[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLightByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.lights.length; H++)
if (this.lights[H].id === k)
return this.lights[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLightByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.lights.length; H++)
if (this.lights[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.lights[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getParticleSystemByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.particleSystems.length; H++)
if (this.particleSystems[H].id === k)
return this.particleSystems[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getGeometryByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.geometries.length; H++)
if (this.geometries[H].id === k)
return this.geometries[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype._getGeometryByUniqueID = function(k) {
if (this.geometriesByUniqueId) {
var H = this.geometriesByUniqueId[k];
if (H !== void 0)
return this.geometries[H];
} else
for (var Z = 0; Z < this.geometries.length; Z++)
if (this.geometries[Z].uniqueId === k)
return this.geometries[Z];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.pushGeometry = function(k, H) {
return !(!H && this._getGeometryByUniqueID(k.uniqueId)) && (this.addGeometry(k), this.onNewGeometryAddedObservable.notifyObservers(k), !0);
}, Y.prototype.removeGeometry = function(k) {
var H;
if (this.geometriesByUniqueId) {
if ((H = this.geometriesByUniqueId[k.uniqueId]) === void 0)
return !1;
} else if ((H = this.geometries.indexOf(k)) < 0)
return !1;
if (H !== this.geometries.length - 1) {
var Z = this.geometries[this.geometries.length - 1];
Z && (this.geometries[H] = Z, this.geometriesByUniqueId && (this.geometriesByUniqueId[Z.uniqueId] = H, this.geometriesByUniqueId[k.uniqueId] = void 0));
return this.geometries.pop(), this.onGeometryRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(k), !0;
}, Y.prototype.getGeometries = function() {
return this.geometries;
}, Y.prototype.getMeshByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.meshes.length; H++)
if (this.meshes[H].id === k)
return this.meshes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMeshesByID = function(k) {
return this.meshes.filter(function(H) {
return === k;
}, Y.prototype.getTransformNodeByID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.transformNodes.length; H++)
if (this.transformNodes[H].id === k)
return this.transformNodes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getTransformNodeByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.transformNodes.length; H++)
if (this.transformNodes[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.transformNodes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getTransformNodesByID = function(k) {
return this.transformNodes.filter(function(H) {
return === k;
}, Y.prototype.getMeshByUniqueID = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.meshes.length; H++)
if (this.meshes[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.meshes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLastMeshByID = function(k) {
for (var H = this.meshes.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.meshes[H].id === k)
return this.meshes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLastEntryByID = function(k) {
var H;
for (H = this.meshes.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.meshes[H].id === k)
return this.meshes[H];
for (H = this.transformNodes.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.transformNodes[H].id === k)
return this.transformNodes[H];
for (H = this.cameras.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.cameras[H].id === k)
return this.cameras[H];
for (H = this.lights.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.lights[H].id === k)
return this.lights[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getNodeByID = function(k) {
var H = this.getMeshByID(k);
if (H)
return H;
var Z = this.getTransformNodeByID(k);
if (Z)
return Z;
var W = this.getLightByID(k);
if (W)
return W;
var q = this.getCameraByID(k);
if (q)
return q;
var he = this.getBoneByID(k);
return he || null;
}, Y.prototype.getNodeByName = function(k) {
var H = this.getMeshByName(k);
if (H)
return H;
var Z = this.getTransformNodeByName(k);
if (Z)
return Z;
var W = this.getLightByName(k);
if (W)
return W;
var q = this.getCameraByName(k);
if (q)
return q;
var he = this.getBoneByName(k);
return he || null;
}, Y.prototype.getMeshByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.meshes.length; H++)
if (this.meshes[H].name === k)
return this.meshes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getTransformNodeByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.transformNodes.length; H++)
if (this.transformNodes[H].name === k)
return this.transformNodes[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getLastSkeletonByID = function(k) {
for (var H = this.skeletons.length - 1; H >= 0; H--)
if (this.skeletons[H].id === k)
return this.skeletons[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getSkeletonByUniqueId = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.skeletons.length; H++)
if (this.skeletons[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.skeletons[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getSkeletonById = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.skeletons.length; H++)
if (this.skeletons[H].id === k)
return this.skeletons[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getSkeletonByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.skeletons.length; H++)
if (this.skeletons[H].name === k)
return this.skeletons[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMorphTargetManagerById = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.morphTargetManagers.length; H++)
if (this.morphTargetManagers[H].uniqueId === k)
return this.morphTargetManagers[H];
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMorphTargetById = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.morphTargetManagers.length; ++H)
for (var Z = this.morphTargetManagers[H], W = 0; W < Z.numTargets; ++W) {
var q = Z.getTarget(W);
if ( === k)
return q;
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getMorphTargetByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.morphTargetManagers.length; ++H)
for (var Z = this.morphTargetManagers[H], W = 0; W < Z.numTargets; ++W) {
var q = Z.getTarget(W);
if ( === k)
return q;
return null;
}, Y.prototype.getPostProcessByName = function(k) {
for (var H = 0; H < this.postProcesses.length; ++H) {
var Z = this.postProcesses[H];
if ( === k)
return Z;
return null;
}, Y.prototype.isActiveMesh = function(k) {
return this._activeMeshes.indexOf(k) !== -1;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "uid", { get: function() {
return this._uid || (this._uid = _.b.RandomId()), this._uid;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.addExternalData = function(k, H) {
return this._externalData || (this._externalData = new O.a()), this._externalData.add(k, H);
}, Y.prototype.getExternalData = function(k) {
return this._externalData ? this._externalData.get(k) : null;
}, Y.prototype.getOrAddExternalDataWithFactory = function(k, H) {
return this._externalData || (this._externalData = new O.a()), this._externalData.getOrAddWithFactory(k, H);
}, Y.prototype.removeExternalData = function(k) {
return this._externalData.remove(k);
}, Y.prototype._evaluateSubMesh = function(k, H, Z) {
if (Z.hasInstances || Z.isAnInstance || this.dispatchAllSubMeshesOfActiveMeshes || this._skipFrustumClipping || H.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh || H.subMeshes.length === 1 || k.isInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes)) {
for (var W = 0, q = this._evaluateSubMeshStage; W < q.length; W++)
q[W].action(H, k);
var he = k.getMaterial();
he != null && (he.hasRenderTargetTextures && he.getRenderTargetTextures != null && this._processedMaterials.indexOf(he) === -1 && (this._processedMaterials.push(he), this._renderTargets.concatWithNoDuplicate(he.getRenderTargetTextures())), this._renderingManager.dispatch(k, H, he));
}, Y.prototype.freeProcessedMaterials = function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups", { get: function() {
return this._preventFreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups;
}, set: function(k) {
this._preventFreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups !== k && (k && (this.freeActiveMeshes(), this.freeRenderingGroups()), this._preventFreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups = k);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.freeActiveMeshes = function() {
if (!this.blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups && (this._activeMeshes.dispose(), this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera._activeMeshes && this.activeCamera._activeMeshes.dispose(), this.activeCameras))
for (var k = 0; k < this.activeCameras.length; k++) {
var H = this.activeCameras[k];
H && H._activeMeshes && H._activeMeshes.dispose();
}, Y.prototype.freeRenderingGroups = function() {
if (!this.blockfreeActiveMeshesAndRenderingGroups && (this._renderingManager && this._renderingManager.freeRenderingGroups(), this.textures))
for (var k = 0; k < this.textures.length; k++) {
var H = this.textures[k];
H && H.renderList && H.freeRenderingGroups();
}, Y.prototype._isInIntermediateRendering = function() {
return this._intermediateRendering;
}, Y.prototype.freezeActiveMeshes = function(k, H, Z) {
var W = this;
return k === void 0 && (k = !1), this.executeWhenReady(function() {
if (W.activeCamera) {
W._frustumPlanes || W.setTransformMatrix(W.activeCamera.getViewMatrix(), W.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix()), W._evaluateActiveMeshes(), W._activeMeshesFrozen = !0, W._skipEvaluateActiveMeshesCompletely = k;
for (var q = 0; q < W._activeMeshes.length; q++)[q]._freeze();
H && H();
} else
Z && Z("No active camera found");
}), this;
}, Y.prototype.unfreezeActiveMeshes = function() {
for (var k = 0; k < this.meshes.length; k++) {
var H = this.meshes[k];
H._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo && (H._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActive = !1);
for (k = 0; k < this._activeMeshes.length; k++)[k]._unFreeze();
return this._activeMeshesFrozen = !1, this;
}, Y.prototype._evaluateActiveMeshes = function() {
if (this._activeMeshesFrozen && this._activeMeshes.length) {
if (!this._skipEvaluateActiveMeshesCompletely)
for (var k = this._activeMeshes.length, H = 0; H < k; H++)
(me =[H]).computeWorldMatrix();
if (this._activeParticleSystems) {
var Z = this._activeParticleSystems.length;
for (H = 0; H < Z; H++)[H].animate();
} else if (this.activeCamera) {
this.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.activeCamera._activeMeshes.reset(), this._activeMeshes.reset(), this._renderingManager.reset(), this._processedMaterials.reset(), this._activeParticleSystems.reset(), this._activeSkeletons.reset(), this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.reset();
for (var W = 0, q = this._beforeEvaluateActiveMeshStage; W < q.length; W++)
var he = this.getActiveMeshCandidates(), ge = he.length;
for (H = 0; H < ge; H++) {
var me;
if ((me =[H])._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLODIsUpToDate = !1, !me.isBlocked && (this._totalVertices.addCount(me.getTotalVertices(), !1), me.isReady() && me.isEnabled() && me.scaling.lengthSquared() !== 0)) {
me.computeWorldMatrix(), me.actionManager && me.actionManager.hasSpecificTriggers2(M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionEnterTrigger, M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger) && this._meshesForIntersections.pushNoDuplicate(me);
var _e = this.customLODSelector ? this.customLODSelector(me, this.activeCamera) : me.getLOD(this.activeCamera);
if (me._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLOD = _e, me._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLODIsUpToDate = !0, _e != null && (_e !== me && _e.billboardMode !== c.a.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE && _e.computeWorldMatrix(), me._preActivate(), me.isVisible && me.visibility > 0 && (me.layerMask & this.activeCamera.layerMask) != 0 && (this._skipFrustumClipping || me.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh || me.isInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes)))) {
this._activeMeshes.push(me), this.activeCamera._activeMeshes.push(me), _e !== me && _e._activate(this._renderId, !1);
for (var ye = 0, Pe = this._preActiveMeshStage; ye < Pe.length; ye++)
me._activate(this._renderId, !1) && (me.isAnInstance ? me._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._actAsRegularMesh && (_e = me) : _e._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._onlyForInstances = !1, _e._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActive = !0, this._activeMesh(me, _e)), me._postActivate();
if (this.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.particlesEnabled) {
for (var be = 0; be < this.particleSystems.length; be++) {
var Fe = this.particleSystems[be];
if (Fe.isStarted() && Fe.emitter) {
var ke = Fe.emitter;
ke.position && !ke.isEnabled() || (this._activeParticleSystems.push(Fe), Fe.animate(), this._renderingManager.dispatchParticles(Fe));
}, Y.prototype._activeMesh = function(k, H) {
if (this._skeletonsEnabled && H.skeleton !== null && H.skeleton !== void 0 && (this._activeSkeletons.pushNoDuplicate(H.skeleton) && H.skeleton.prepare(), H.computeBonesUsingShaders || this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.pushNoDuplicate(H)), H != null && H.subMeshes !== void 0 && H.subMeshes !== null && H.subMeshes.length > 0)
for (var Z = this.getActiveSubMeshCandidates(H), W = Z.length, q = 0; q < W; q++) {
var he =[q];
this._evaluateSubMesh(he, H, k);
}, Y.prototype.updateTransformMatrix = function(k) {
this.activeCamera && this.setTransformMatrix(this.activeCamera.getViewMatrix(), this.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix(k));
}, Y.prototype._bindFrameBuffer = function() {
if (this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera._multiviewTexture)
else if (this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget)
if (this.getEngine().getCaps().multiview && this.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget && this.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget.getViewCount() > 1)
else {
var k = this.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget.getInternalTexture();
k ? this.getEngine().bindFramebuffer(k) : X.a.Error("Camera contains invalid customDefaultRenderTarget");
}, Y.prototype._renderForCamera = function(k, H) {
if (!k || !k._skipRendering) {
var Z = this._engine;
if (this._activeCamera = k, !this.activeCamera)
throw new Error("Active camera not set");
Z.setViewport(this.activeCamera.viewport), this.resetCachedMaterial(), this._renderId++, this.getEngine().getCaps().multiview && k.outputRenderTarget && k.outputRenderTarget.getViewCount() > 1 ? this.setTransformMatrix(k._rigCameras[0].getViewMatrix(), k._rigCameras[0].getProjectionMatrix(), k._rigCameras[1].getViewMatrix(), k._rigCameras[1].getProjectionMatrix()) : this.updateTransformMatrix(), this.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this.activeCamera), this._evaluateActiveMeshes();
for (var W = 0; W < this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.length; W++) {
var q =[W];
this.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), k.customRenderTargets && k.customRenderTargets.length > 0 && this._renderTargets.concatWithNoDuplicate(k.customRenderTargets), H && H.customRenderTargets && H.customRenderTargets.length > 0 && this._renderTargets.concatWithNoDuplicate(H.customRenderTargets);
for (var he = 0, ge = this._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargetsStage; he < ge.length; he++)
var me = !1;
if (this.renderTargetsEnabled) {
if (this._intermediateRendering = !0, this._renderTargets.length > 0) {
_.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Render targets", this._renderTargets.length > 0);
for (var _e = 0; _e < this._renderTargets.length; _e++) {
var ye =[_e];
if (ye._shouldRender()) {
var Pe = ye.activeCamera && ye.activeCamera !== this.activeCamera;
ye.render(Pe, this.dumpNextRenderTargets), me = !0;
_.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Render targets", this._renderTargets.length > 0), this._renderId++;
for (var be = 0, Fe = this._cameraDrawRenderTargetStage; be < Fe.length; be++)
me = Fe[be].action(this.activeCamera) || me;
this._intermediateRendering = !1, this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget && (me = !0);
me && !this.prePass && this._bindFrameBuffer(), this.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), !this.postProcessManager || k._multiviewTexture || this.prePass || this.postProcessManager._prepareFrame();
for (var ke = 0, We = this._beforeCameraDrawStage; ke < We.length; ke++)
this.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._renderingManager.render(null, null, !0, !0), this.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable.notifyObservers(this);
for (var je = 0, He = this._afterCameraDrawStage; je < He.length; je++)
if (this.postProcessManager && !k._multiviewTexture) {
var Qe = k.outputRenderTarget ? k.outputRenderTarget.getInternalTexture() : void 0;
this.postProcessManager._finalizeFrame(k.isIntermediate, Qe);
this._renderTargets.reset(), this.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this.activeCamera);
}, Y.prototype._processSubCameras = function(k) {
if (k.cameraRigMode === S.a.RIG_MODE_NONE || k.outputRenderTarget && k.outputRenderTarget.getViewCount() > 1 && this.getEngine().getCaps().multiview)
return this._renderForCamera(k), void this.onAfterRenderCameraObservable.notifyObservers(k);
if (k._useMultiviewToSingleView)
for (var H = 0; H < k._rigCameras.length; H++)
this._renderForCamera(k._rigCameras[H], k);
this._activeCamera = k, this.setTransformMatrix(this._activeCamera.getViewMatrix(), this._activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix()), this.onAfterRenderCameraObservable.notifyObservers(k);
}, Y.prototype._checkIntersections = function() {
for (var k = 0; k < this._meshesForIntersections.length; k++) {
var H =[k];
if (H.actionManager)
for (var Z = 0; H.actionManager && Z < H.actionManager.actions.length; Z++) {
var W = H.actionManager.actions[Z];
if (W.trigger === M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionEnterTrigger || W.trigger === M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger) {
var q = W.getTriggerParameter(), he = q instanceof T.a ? q : q.mesh, ge = he.intersectsMesh(H, q.usePreciseIntersection), me = H._intersectionsInProgress.indexOf(he);
ge && me === -1 ? W.trigger === M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionEnterTrigger ? (W._executeCurrent(b.a.CreateNew(H, void 0, he)), H._intersectionsInProgress.push(he)) : W.trigger === M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger && H._intersectionsInProgress.push(he) : !ge && me > -1 && (W.trigger === M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger && W._executeCurrent(b.a.CreateNew(H, void 0, he)), H.actionManager.hasSpecificTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger, function(_e) {
var ye = _e instanceof T.a ? _e : _e.mesh;
return he === ye;
}) && W.trigger !== M.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger || H._intersectionsInProgress.splice(me, 1));
}, Y.prototype._advancePhysicsEngineStep = function(k) {
}, Y.prototype._animate = function() {
}, Y.prototype.animate = function() {
if (this._engine.isDeterministicLockStep()) {
var k = Math.max(Y.MinDeltaTime, Math.min(this._engine.getDeltaTime(), Y.MaxDeltaTime)) + this._timeAccumulator, H = this._engine.getTimeStep(), Z = 1e3 / H / 1e3, W = 0, q = this._engine.getLockstepMaxSteps(), he = Math.floor(k / H);
for (he = Math.min(he, q); k > 0 && W < he; )
this.onBeforeStepObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._animationRatio = H * Z, this._animate(), this.onAfterAnimationsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.physicsEnabled && this._advancePhysicsEngineStep(H), this.onAfterStepObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._currentStepId++, W++, k -= H;
this._timeAccumulator = k < 0 ? 0 : k;
} else
k = this.useConstantAnimationDeltaTime ? 16 : Math.max(Y.MinDeltaTime, Math.min(this._engine.getDeltaTime(), Y.MaxDeltaTime)), this._animationRatio = 0.06 * k, this._animate(), this.onAfterAnimationsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.physicsEnabled && this._advancePhysicsEngineStep(k);
}, Y.prototype.render = function(k, H) {
if (k === void 0 && (k = !0), H === void 0 && (H = !1), !this.isDisposed) {
this.onReadyObservable.hasObservers() && this._executeWhenReadyTimeoutId === -1 && this._checkIsReady(), this._frameId++, this._registerTransientComponents(), this._activeParticles.fetchNewFrame(), this._totalVertices.fetchNewFrame(), this._activeIndices.fetchNewFrame(), this._activeBones.fetchNewFrame(), this._meshesForIntersections.reset(), this.resetCachedMaterial(), this.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.actionManager && this.actionManager.processTrigger(M.a.ACTION_OnEveryFrameTrigger), H || this.animate();
for (var Z = 0, W = this._beforeCameraUpdateStage; Z < W.length; Z++)
if (k) {
if (this.activeCameras && this.activeCameras.length > 0)
for (var q = 0; q < this.activeCameras.length; q++) {
var he = this.activeCameras[q];
if (he.update(), he.cameraRigMode !== S.a.RIG_MODE_NONE)
for (var ge = 0; ge < he._rigCameras.length; ge++)
else if (this.activeCamera && (this.activeCamera.update(), this.activeCamera.cameraRigMode !== S.a.RIG_MODE_NONE))
for (ge = 0; ge < this.activeCamera._rigCameras.length; ge++)
this.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this);
var me = this.getEngine(), _e = this.activeCamera;
if (this.renderTargetsEnabled) {
_.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Custom render targets", this.customRenderTargets.length > 0), this._intermediateRendering = !0;
for (var ye = 0; ye < this.customRenderTargets.length; ye++) {
var Pe = this.customRenderTargets[ye];
if (Pe._shouldRender()) {
if (this._renderId++, this.activeCamera = Pe.activeCamera || this.activeCamera, !this.activeCamera)
throw new Error("Active camera not set");
me.setViewport(this.activeCamera.viewport), this.updateTransformMatrix(), Pe.render(_e !== this.activeCamera, this.dumpNextRenderTargets);
_.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Custom render targets", this.customRenderTargets.length > 0), this._intermediateRendering = !1, this._renderId++;
this.activeCamera = _e, this._activeCamera && this._activeCamera.cameraRigMode !== S.a.RIG_MODE_CUSTOM && !this.prePass && this._bindFrameBuffer(), this.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this);
for (var be = 0, Fe = this._beforeClearStage; be < Fe.length; be++)
!this.autoClearDepthAndStencil && !this.autoClear || this.prePass || this._engine.clear(this.clearColor, this.autoClear || this.forceWireframe || this.forcePointsCloud, this.autoClearDepthAndStencil, this.autoClearDepthAndStencil);
for (var ke = 0, We = this._gatherRenderTargetsStage; ke < We.length; ke++)
if (this.activeCameras && this.activeCameras.length > 0)
for (q = 0; q < this.activeCameras.length; q++)
q > 0 && this._engine.clear(null, !1, !0, !0), this._processSubCameras(this.activeCameras[q]);
else {
if (!this.activeCamera)
throw new Error("No camera defined");
for (var je = 0, He = this._afterRenderStage; je < He.length; je++)
if (this.afterRender && this.afterRender(), this.onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._toBeDisposed.length) {
for (ge = 0; ge < this._toBeDisposed.length; ge++) {
var Qe = this._toBeDisposed[ge];
Qe && Qe.dispose();
this._toBeDisposed = [];
this.dumpNextRenderTargets && (this.dumpNextRenderTargets = !1), this._activeBones.addCount(0, !0), this._activeIndices.addCount(0, !0), this._activeParticles.addCount(0, !0);
}, Y.prototype.freezeMaterials = function() {
for (var k = 0; k < this.materials.length; k++)
}, Y.prototype.unfreezeMaterials = function() {
for (var k = 0; k < this.materials.length; k++)
}, Y.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.beforeRender = null, this.afterRender = null, j.a._LastCreatedScene === this && (j.a._LastCreatedScene = null), this.skeletons = [], this.morphTargetManagers = [], this._transientComponents = [], this._isReadyForMeshStage.clear(), this._beforeEvaluateActiveMeshStage.clear(), this._evaluateSubMeshStage.clear(), this._preActiveMeshStage.clear(), this._cameraDrawRenderTargetStage.clear(), this._beforeCameraDrawStage.clear(), this._beforeRenderTargetDrawStage.clear(), this._beforeRenderingGroupDrawStage.clear(), this._beforeRenderingMeshStage.clear(), this._afterRenderingMeshStage.clear(), this._afterRenderingGroupDrawStage.clear(), this._afterCameraDrawStage.clear(), this._afterRenderTargetDrawStage.clear(), this._afterRenderStage.clear(), this._beforeCameraUpdateStage.clear(), this._beforeClearStage.clear(), this._gatherRenderTargetsStage.clear(), this._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargetsStage.clear(), this._pointerMoveStage.clear(), this._pointerDownStage.clear(), this._pointerUpStage.clear();
for (var k = 0, H = this._components; k < H.length; k++)
this.importedMeshesFiles = new Array(), this.stopAllAnimations && this.stopAllAnimations(), this.resetCachedMaterial(), this.activeCamera && (this.activeCamera._activeMeshes.dispose(), this.activeCamera = null), this._activeMeshes.dispose(), this._renderingManager.dispose(), this._processedMaterials.dispose(), this._activeParticleSystems.dispose(), this._activeSkeletons.dispose(), this._softwareSkinnedMeshes.dispose(), this._renderTargets.dispose(), this._registeredForLateAnimationBindings.dispose(), this._meshesForIntersections.dispose(), this._toBeDisposed = [];
for (var Z = 0, W = this._activeRequests; Z < W.length; Z++)
var q;
if (this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterStepObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeStepObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.clear(), this.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable.clear(), this.onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable.clear(), this.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.clear(), this.onAfterAnimationsObservable.clear(), this.onDataLoadedObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderingGroupObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderingGroupObservable.clear(), this.onMeshImportedObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.clear(), this.onReadyObservable.clear(), this.onNewCameraAddedObservable.clear(), this.onCameraRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewLightAddedObservable.clear(), this.onLightRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewGeometryAddedObservable.clear(), this.onGeometryRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewTransformNodeAddedObservable.clear(), this.onTransformNodeRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewMeshAddedObservable.clear(), this.onMeshRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewSkeletonAddedObservable.clear(), this.onSkeletonRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewMaterialAddedObservable.clear(), this.onNewMultiMaterialAddedObservable.clear(), this.onMaterialRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onMultiMaterialRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onNewTextureAddedObservable.clear(), this.onTextureRemovedObservable.clear(), this.onPrePointerObservable.clear(), this.onPointerObservable.clear(), this.onPreKeyboardObservable.clear(), this.onKeyboardObservable.clear(), this.onActiveCameraChanged.clear(), this.detachControl(), this._engine.getInputElement())
for (q = 0; q < this.cameras.length; q++)
for (; this.animationGroups.length; )
for (; this.lights.length; )
for (; this.meshes.length; )
for (; this.transformNodes.length; )
for (; this.cameras.length; )
for (this._defaultMaterial && this._defaultMaterial.dispose(); this.multiMaterials.length; )
for (; this.materials.length; )
for (; this.particleSystems.length; )
for (; this.postProcesses.length; )
for (; this.textures.length; )
this._sceneUbo.dispose(), this._multiviewSceneUbo && this._multiviewSceneUbo.dispose(), this.postProcessManager.dispose(), (q = this._engine.scenes.indexOf(this)) > -1 && this._engine.scenes.splice(q, 1), this._engine.wipeCaches(!0), this._isDisposed = !0;
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "isDisposed", { get: function() {
return this._isDisposed;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.clearCachedVertexData = function() {
for (var k = 0; k < this.meshes.length; k++) {
var H = this.meshes[k].geometry;
if (H)
for (var Z in H._indices = [], H._vertexBuffers)
H._vertexBuffers.hasOwnProperty(Z) && (H._vertexBuffers[Z]._buffer._data = null);
}, Y.prototype.cleanCachedTextureBuffer = function() {
for (var k = 0, H = this.textures; k < H.length; k++) {
var Z = H[k];
Z._buffer && (Z._buffer = null);
}, Y.prototype.getWorldExtends = function(k) {
var H = new m.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), Z = new m.e(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE);
return k = k || function() {
return !0;
}, this.meshes.filter(k).forEach(function(W) {
if (W.computeWorldMatrix(!0), W.subMeshes && W.subMeshes.length !== 0 && !W.infiniteDistance) {
var q = W.getBoundingInfo(), he = q.boundingBox.minimumWorld, ge = q.boundingBox.maximumWorld;
m.e.CheckExtends(he, H, Z), m.e.CheckExtends(ge, H, Z);
}), { min: H, max: Z };
}, Y.prototype.createPickingRay = function(k, H, Z, W, q) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.createPickingRayToRef = function(k, H, Z, W, q, he) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.createPickingRayInCameraSpace = function(k, H, Z) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.createPickingRayInCameraSpaceToRef = function(k, H, Z, W) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.pick = function(k, H, Z, W, q, he) {
var ge = new v.a();
return ge._pickingUnavailable = !0, ge;
}, Y.prototype.pickWithBoundingInfo = function(k, H, Z, W, q) {
var he = new v.a();
return he._pickingUnavailable = !0, he;
}, Y.prototype.pickWithRay = function(k, H, Z, W) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.multiPick = function(k, H, Z, W, q) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.multiPickWithRay = function(k, H, Z) {
throw ne.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, Y.prototype.setPointerOverMesh = function(k, H) {
this._inputManager.setPointerOverMesh(k, H);
}, Y.prototype.getPointerOverMesh = function() {
return this._inputManager.getPointerOverMesh();
}, Y.prototype._rebuildGeometries = function() {
for (var k = 0, H = this.geometries; k < H.length; k++)
for (var Z = 0, W = this.meshes; Z < W.length; Z++)
this.postProcessManager && this.postProcessManager._rebuild();
for (var q = 0, he = this._components; q < he.length; q++)
for (var ge = 0, me = this.particleSystems; ge < me.length; ge++)
}, Y.prototype._rebuildTextures = function() {
for (var k = 0, H = this.textures; k < H.length; k++)
}, Y.prototype._getByTags = function(k, H, Z) {
if (H === void 0)
return k;
var W = [];
for (var q in Z = Z || function(ge) {
}, k) {
var he = k[q];
x.a && x.a.MatchesQuery(he, H) && (W.push(he), Z(he));
return W;
}, Y.prototype.getMeshesByTags = function(k, H) {
return this._getByTags(this.meshes, k, H);
}, Y.prototype.getCamerasByTags = function(k, H) {
return this._getByTags(this.cameras, k, H);
}, Y.prototype.getLightsByTags = function(k, H) {
return this._getByTags(this.lights, k, H);
}, Y.prototype.getMaterialByTags = function(k, H) {
return this._getByTags(this.materials, k, H).concat(this._getByTags(this.multiMaterials, k, H));
}, Y.prototype.getTransformNodesByTags = function(k, H) {
return this._getByTags(this.transformNodes, k, H);
}, Y.prototype.setRenderingOrder = function(k, H, Z, W) {
H === void 0 && (H = null), Z === void 0 && (Z = null), W === void 0 && (W = null), this._renderingManager.setRenderingOrder(k, H, Z, W);
}, Y.prototype.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil = function(k, H, Z, W) {
Z === void 0 && (Z = !0), W === void 0 && (W = !0), this._renderingManager.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(k, H, Z, W);
}, Y.prototype.getAutoClearDepthStencilSetup = function(k) {
return this._renderingManager.getAutoClearDepthStencilSetup(k);
}, Object.defineProperty(Y.prototype, "blockMaterialDirtyMechanism", { get: function() {
return this._blockMaterialDirtyMechanism;
}, set: function(k) {
this._blockMaterialDirtyMechanism !== k && (this._blockMaterialDirtyMechanism = k, k || this.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(M.a.MATERIAL_AllDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Y.prototype.markAllMaterialsAsDirty = function(k, H) {
if (!this._blockMaterialDirtyMechanism)
for (var Z = 0, W = this.materials; Z < W.length; Z++) {
var q = W[Z];
H && !H(q) || q.markAsDirty(k);
}, Y.prototype._loadFile = function(k, H, Z, W, q, he) {
var ge = this, me = Q.a.LoadFile(k, H, Z, W ? this.offlineProvider : void 0, q, he);
return this._activeRequests.push(me), me.onCompleteObservable.add(function(_e) {
ge._activeRequests.splice(ge._activeRequests.indexOf(_e), 1);
}), me;
}, Y.prototype._loadFileAsync = function(k, H, Z, W) {
var q = this;
return new Promise(function(he, ge) {
q._loadFile(k, function(me) {
}, H, Z, W, function(me, _e) {
}, Y.prototype._requestFile = function(k, H, Z, W, q, he, ge) {
var me = this, _e = Q.a.RequestFile(k, H, Z, W ? this.offlineProvider : void 0, q, he, ge);
return this._activeRequests.push(_e), _e.onCompleteObservable.add(function(ye) {
me._activeRequests.splice(me._activeRequests.indexOf(ye), 1);
}), _e;
}, Y.prototype._requestFileAsync = function(k, H, Z, W, q) {
var he = this;
return new Promise(function(ge, me) {
he._requestFile(k, function(_e) {
}, H, Z, W, function(_e) {
}, q);
}, Y.prototype._readFile = function(k, H, Z, W, q) {
var he = this, ge = Q.a.ReadFile(k, H, Z, W, q);
return this._activeRequests.push(ge), ge.onCompleteObservable.add(function(me) {
he._activeRequests.splice(he._activeRequests.indexOf(me), 1);
}), ge;
}, Y.prototype._readFileAsync = function(k, H, Z) {
var W = this;
return new Promise(function(q, he) {
W._readFile(k, function(ge) {
}, H, Z, function(ge) {
}, Y.FOGMODE_NONE = 0, Y.FOGMODE_EXP = 1, Y.FOGMODE_EXP2 = 2, Y.FOGMODE_LINEAR = 3, Y.MinDeltaTime = 1, Y.MaxDeltaTime = 1e3, Y;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.WarnImport = function(C) {
return C + " needs to be imported before as it contains a side-effect required by your code.";
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return Object.defineProperty(_, "LastCreatedEngine", { get: function() {
return this.Instances.length === 0 ? null : this.Instances[this.Instances.length - 1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_, "LastCreatedScene", { get: function() {
return this._LastCreatedScene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.Instances = new Array(), _._LastCreatedScene = null, _.UseFallbackTexture = !0, _.FallbackTexture = "", _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "c", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
var V, _ = f(0);
(function(I) {
I[I.LOCAL = 0] = "LOCAL", I[I.WORLD = 1] = "WORLD", I[I.BONE = 2] = "BONE";
})(V || (V = {}));
var C, u = function() {
function I() {
return I.X = new _.e(1, 0, 0), I.Y = new _.e(0, 1, 0), I.Z = new _.e(0, 0, 1), I;
(function(I) {
I[I.X = 0] = "X", I[I.Y = 1] = "Y", I[I.Z = 2] = "Z";
})(C || (C = {}));
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return g;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(33), u = f(12), I = f(6), O = f(0), x = f(29), m = f(8), c = f(11), T = f(21), S = f(58), E = f(90), g = function(l) {
function h(v, b, D, w) {
w === void 0 && (w = !0);
var N =, v, D) || this;
return N._position = O.e.Zero(), N._upVector = O.e.Up(), N.orthoLeft = null, N.orthoRight = null, N.orthoBottom = null, N.orthoTop = null, N.fov = 0.8, N.minZ = 1, N.maxZ = 1e4, N.inertia = 0.9, N.mode = h.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA, N.isIntermediate = !1, N.viewport = new S.a(0, 0, 1, 1), N.layerMask = 268435455, N.fovMode = h.FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED, N.cameraRigMode = h.RIG_MODE_NONE, N.customRenderTargets = new Array(), N.outputRenderTarget = null, N.onViewMatrixChangedObservable = new I.c(), N.onProjectionMatrixChangedObservable = new I.c(), N.onAfterCheckInputsObservable = new I.c(), N.onRestoreStateObservable = new I.c(), N.isRigCamera = !1, N._rigCameras = new Array(), N._webvrViewMatrix = O.a.Identity(), N._skipRendering = !1, N._projectionMatrix = new O.a(), N._postProcesses = new Array(), N._activeMeshes = new C.a(256), N._globalPosition = O.e.Zero(), N._computedViewMatrix = O.a.Identity(), N._doNotComputeProjectionMatrix = !1, N._transformMatrix = O.a.Zero(), N._refreshFrustumPlanes = !0, N._isCamera = !0, N._isLeftCamera = !1, N._isRightCamera = !1, N.getScene().addCamera(N), w && !N.getScene().activeCamera && (N.getScene().activeCamera = N), N.position = b, N;
return Object(V.d)(h, l), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._position;
}, set: function(v) {
this._position = v;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "upVector", { get: function() {
return this._upVector;
}, set: function(v) {
this._upVector = v;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), h.prototype.storeState = function() {
return this._stateStored = !0, this._storedFov = this.fov, this;
}, h.prototype._restoreStateValues = function() {
return !!this._stateStored && (this.fov = this._storedFov, !0);
}, h.prototype.restoreState = function() {
return !!this._restoreStateValues() && (this.onRestoreStateObservable.notifyObservers(this), !0);
}, h.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Camera";
}, h.prototype.toString = function(v) {
var b = "Name: " +;
if (b += ", type: " + this.getClassName(), this.animations)
for (var D = 0; D < this.animations.length; D++)
b += ", animation[0]: " + this.animations[D].toString(v);
return b;
}, Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "globalPosition", { get: function() {
return this._globalPosition;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), h.prototype.getActiveMeshes = function() {
return this._activeMeshes;
}, h.prototype.isActiveMesh = function(v) {
return this._activeMeshes.indexOf(v) !== -1;
}, h.prototype.isReady = function(v) {
if (v === void 0 && (v = !1), v)
for (var b = 0, D = this._postProcesses; b < D.length; b++) {
var w = D[b];
if (w && !w.isReady())
return !1;
return, v);
}, h.prototype._initCache = function() {, this._cache.position = new O.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cache.upVector = new O.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cache.mode = void 0, this._cache.minZ = void 0, this._cache.maxZ = void 0, this._cache.fov = void 0, this._cache.fovMode = void 0, this._cache.aspectRatio = void 0, this._cache.orthoLeft = void 0, this._cache.orthoRight = void 0, this._cache.orthoBottom = void 0, this._cache.orthoTop = void 0, this._cache.renderWidth = void 0, this._cache.renderHeight = void 0;
}, h.prototype._updateCache = function(v) {
v ||, this._cache.position.copyFrom(this.position), this._cache.upVector.copyFrom(this.upVector);
}, h.prototype._isSynchronized = function() {
return this._isSynchronizedViewMatrix() && this._isSynchronizedProjectionMatrix();
}, h.prototype._isSynchronizedViewMatrix = function() {
return !! && this._cache.position.equals(this.position) && this._cache.upVector.equals(this.upVector) && this.isSynchronizedWithParent();
}, h.prototype._isSynchronizedProjectionMatrix = function() {
var v = this._cache.mode === this.mode && this._cache.minZ === this.minZ && this._cache.maxZ === this.maxZ;
if (!v)
return !1;
var b = this.getEngine();
return v = this.mode === h.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA ? this._cache.fov === this.fov && this._cache.fovMode === this.fovMode && this._cache.aspectRatio === b.getAspectRatio(this) : this._cache.orthoLeft === this.orthoLeft && this._cache.orthoRight === this.orthoRight && this._cache.orthoBottom === this.orthoBottom && this._cache.orthoTop === this.orthoTop && this._cache.renderWidth === b.getRenderWidth() && this._cache.renderHeight === b.getRenderHeight();
}, h.prototype.attachControl = function(v, b) {
}, h.prototype.detachControl = function(v) {
}, h.prototype.update = function() {
this._checkInputs(), this.cameraRigMode !== h.RIG_MODE_NONE && this._updateRigCameras();
}, h.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "rigCameras", { get: function() {
return this._rigCameras;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "rigPostProcess", { get: function() {
return this._rigPostProcess;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), h.prototype._getFirstPostProcess = function() {
for (var v = 0; v < this._postProcesses.length; v++)
if (this._postProcesses[v] !== null)
return this._postProcesses[v];
return null;
}, h.prototype._cascadePostProcessesToRigCams = function() {
var v = this._getFirstPostProcess();
v && v.markTextureDirty();
for (var b = 0, D = this._rigCameras.length; b < D; b++) {
var w = this._rigCameras[b], N = w._rigPostProcess;
N ? (N.getEffectName() === "pass" && (w.isIntermediate = this._postProcesses.length === 0), w._postProcesses = this._postProcesses.slice(0).concat(N), N.markTextureDirty()) : w._postProcesses = this._postProcesses.slice(0);
}, h.prototype.attachPostProcess = function(v, b) {
return b === void 0 && (b = null), !v.isReusable() && this._postProcesses.indexOf(v) > -1 ? (m.a.Error("You're trying to reuse a post process not defined as reusable."), 0) : (b == null || b < 0 ? this._postProcesses.push(v) : this._postProcesses[b] === null ? this._postProcesses[b] = v : this._postProcesses.splice(b, 0, v), this._cascadePostProcessesToRigCams(), this._scene.prePassRenderer && this._scene.prePassRenderer.markAsDirty(), this._postProcesses.indexOf(v));
}, h.prototype.detachPostProcess = function(v) {
var b = this._postProcesses.indexOf(v);
b !== -1 && (this._postProcesses[b] = null), this._scene.prePassRenderer && this._scene.prePassRenderer.markAsDirty(), this._cascadePostProcessesToRigCams();
}, h.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._isSynchronizedViewMatrix() || this.getViewMatrix(), this._worldMatrix;
}, h.prototype._getViewMatrix = function() {
return O.a.Identity();
}, h.prototype.getViewMatrix = function(v) {
return !v && this._isSynchronizedViewMatrix() || (this.updateCache(), this._computedViewMatrix = this._getViewMatrix(), this._currentRenderId = this.getScene().getRenderId(), this._childUpdateId++, this._refreshFrustumPlanes = !0, this._cameraRigParams && this._cameraRigParams.vrPreViewMatrix && this._computedViewMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._cameraRigParams.vrPreViewMatrix, this._computedViewMatrix), this.parent && this.parent.onViewMatrixChangedObservable && this.parent.onViewMatrixChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this.parent), this.onViewMatrixChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._computedViewMatrix.invertToRef(this._worldMatrix)), this._computedViewMatrix;
}, h.prototype.freezeProjectionMatrix = function(v) {
this._doNotComputeProjectionMatrix = !0, v !== void 0 && (this._projectionMatrix = v);
}, h.prototype.unfreezeProjectionMatrix = function() {
this._doNotComputeProjectionMatrix = !1;
}, h.prototype.getProjectionMatrix = function(v) {
var b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j;
if (this._doNotComputeProjectionMatrix || !v && this._isSynchronizedProjectionMatrix())
return this._projectionMatrix;
this._cache.mode = this.mode, this._cache.minZ = this.minZ, this._cache.maxZ = this.maxZ, this._refreshFrustumPlanes = !0;
var ne = this.getEngine(), te = this.getScene();
if (this.mode === h.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA) {
this._cache.fov = this.fov, this._cache.fovMode = this.fovMode, this._cache.aspectRatio = ne.getAspectRatio(this), this.minZ <= 0 && (this.minZ = 0.1);
var de = ne.useReverseDepthBuffer;
(te.useRightHandedSystem ? de ? O.a.PerspectiveFovReverseRHToRef : O.a.PerspectiveFovRHToRef : de ? O.a.PerspectiveFovReverseLHToRef : O.a.PerspectiveFovLHToRef)(this.fov, ne.getAspectRatio(this), this.minZ, this.maxZ, this._projectionMatrix, this.fovMode === h.FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED);
} else {
var pe = ne.getRenderWidth() / 2, ae = ne.getRenderHeight() / 2;
te.useRightHandedSystem ? O.a.OrthoOffCenterRHToRef((b = this.orthoLeft) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : -pe, (D = this.orthoRight) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : pe, (w = this.orthoBottom) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : -ae, (N = this.orthoTop) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : ae, this.minZ, this.maxZ, this._projectionMatrix) : O.a.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef((M = this.orthoLeft) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : -pe, (U = this.orthoRight) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : pe, (X = this.orthoBottom) !== null && X !== void 0 ? X : -ae, (j = this.orthoTop) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : ae, this.minZ, this.maxZ, this._projectionMatrix), this._cache.orthoLeft = this.orthoLeft, this._cache.orthoRight = this.orthoRight, this._cache.orthoBottom = this.orthoBottom, this._cache.orthoTop = this.orthoTop, this._cache.renderWidth = ne.getRenderWidth(), this._cache.renderHeight = ne.getRenderHeight();
return this.onProjectionMatrixChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._projectionMatrix;
}, h.prototype.getTransformationMatrix = function() {
return this._computedViewMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._projectionMatrix, this._transformMatrix), this._transformMatrix;
}, h.prototype._updateFrustumPlanes = function() {
this._refreshFrustumPlanes && (this.getTransformationMatrix(), this._frustumPlanes ? E.a.GetPlanesToRef(this._transformMatrix, this._frustumPlanes) : this._frustumPlanes = E.a.GetPlanes(this._transformMatrix), this._refreshFrustumPlanes = !1);
}, h.prototype.isInFrustum = function(v, b) {
if (b === void 0 && (b = !1), this._updateFrustumPlanes(), b && this.rigCameras.length > 0) {
var D = !1;
return this.rigCameras.forEach(function(w) {
w._updateFrustumPlanes(), D = D || v.isInFrustum(w._frustumPlanes);
}), D;
return v.isInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes);
}, h.prototype.isCompletelyInFrustum = function(v) {
return this._updateFrustumPlanes(), v.isCompletelyInFrustum(this._frustumPlanes);
}, h.prototype.getForwardRay = function(v, b, D) {
throw T.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, h.prototype.getForwardRayToRef = function(v, b, D, w) {
throw T.a.WarnImport("Ray");
}, h.prototype.dispose = function(v, b) {
for (b === void 0 && (b = !1), this.onViewMatrixChangedObservable.clear(), this.onProjectionMatrixChangedObservable.clear(), this.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.clear(), this.onRestoreStateObservable.clear(), this.inputs && this.inputs.clear(), this.getScene().stopAnimation(this), this.getScene().removeCamera(this); this._rigCameras.length > 0; ) {
var D = this._rigCameras.pop();
D && D.dispose();
if (this._rigPostProcess)
this._rigPostProcess.dispose(this), this._rigPostProcess = null, this._postProcesses = [];
else if (this.cameraRigMode !== h.RIG_MODE_NONE)
this._rigPostProcess = null, this._postProcesses = [];
for (var w = this._postProcesses.length; --w >= 0; ) {
var N = this._postProcesses[w];
N && N.dispose(this);
for (w = this.customRenderTargets.length; --w >= 0; )
this.customRenderTargets = [], this._activeMeshes.dispose(),, v, b);
}, Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "isLeftCamera", { get: function() {
return this._isLeftCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "isRightCamera", { get: function() {
return this._isRightCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "leftCamera", { get: function() {
return this._rigCameras.length < 1 ? null : this._rigCameras[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "rightCamera", { get: function() {
return this._rigCameras.length < 2 ? null : this._rigCameras[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), h.prototype.getLeftTarget = function() {
return this._rigCameras.length < 1 ? null : this._rigCameras[0].getTarget();
}, h.prototype.getRightTarget = function() {
return this._rigCameras.length < 2 ? null : this._rigCameras[1].getTarget();
}, h.prototype.setCameraRigMode = function(v, b) {
if (this.cameraRigMode !== v) {
for (; this._rigCameras.length > 0; ) {
var D = this._rigCameras.pop();
D && D.dispose();
if (this.cameraRigMode = v, this._cameraRigParams = {}, this._cameraRigParams.interaxialDistance = b.interaxialDistance || 0.0637, this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle = u.b.ToRadians(this._cameraRigParams.interaxialDistance / 0.0637), this.cameraRigMode !== h.RIG_MODE_NONE) {
var w = this.createRigCamera( + "_L", 0);
w && (w._isLeftCamera = !0);
var N = this.createRigCamera( + "_R", 1);
N && (N._isRightCamera = !0), w && N && (this._rigCameras.push(w), this._rigCameras.push(N));
switch (this.cameraRigMode) {
case h.RIG_MODE_VR:
h._setVRRigMode(this, b);
h._setWebVRRigMode(this, b);
this._cascadePostProcessesToRigCams(), this.update();
}, h._setStereoscopicRigMode = function(v) {
throw "Import Cameras/RigModes/stereoscopicRigMode before using stereoscopic rig mode";
}, h._setStereoscopicAnaglyphRigMode = function(v) {
throw "Import Cameras/RigModes/stereoscopicAnaglyphRigMode before using stereoscopic anaglyph rig mode";
}, h._setVRRigMode = function(v, b) {
throw "Import Cameras/RigModes/vrRigMode before using VR rig mode";
}, h._setWebVRRigMode = function(v, b) {
throw "Import Cameras/RigModes/WebVRRigMode before using Web VR rig mode";
}, h.prototype._getVRProjectionMatrix = function() {
return O.a.PerspectiveFovLHToRef(this._cameraRigParams.vrMetrics.aspectRatioFov, this._cameraRigParams.vrMetrics.aspectRatio, this.minZ, this.maxZ, this._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix), this._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._cameraRigParams.vrHMatrix, this._projectionMatrix), this._projectionMatrix;
}, h.prototype._updateCameraRotationMatrix = function() {
}, h.prototype._updateWebVRCameraRotationMatrix = function() {
}, h.prototype._getWebVRProjectionMatrix = function() {
return O.a.Identity();
}, h.prototype._getWebVRViewMatrix = function() {
return O.a.Identity();
}, h.prototype.setCameraRigParameter = function(v, b) {
this._cameraRigParams || (this._cameraRigParams = {}), this._cameraRigParams[v] = b, v === "interaxialDistance" && (this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle = u.b.ToRadians(b / 0.0637));
}, h.prototype.createRigCamera = function(v, b) {
return null;
}, h.prototype._updateRigCameras = function() {
for (var v = 0; v < this._rigCameras.length; v++)
this._rigCameras[v].minZ = this.minZ, this._rigCameras[v].maxZ = this.maxZ, this._rigCameras[v].fov = this.fov, this._rigCameras[v].upVector.copyFrom(this.upVector);
this.cameraRigMode === h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH && (this._rigCameras[0].viewport = this._rigCameras[1].viewport = this.viewport);
}, h.prototype._setupInputs = function() {
}, h.prototype.serialize = function() {
var v = _.a.Serialize(this);
return v.type = this.getClassName(), this.parent && (v.parentId =, this.inputs && this.inputs.serialize(v), _.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(this, v), v.ranges = this.serializeAnimationRanges(), v;
}, h.prototype.clone = function(v) {
return _.a.Clone(h.GetConstructorFromName(this.getClassName(), v, this.getScene(), this.interaxialDistance, this.isStereoscopicSideBySide), this);
}, h.prototype.getDirection = function(v) {
var b = O.e.Zero();
return this.getDirectionToRef(v, b), b;
}, Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "absoluteRotation", { get: function() {
var v = O.b.Zero();
return this.getWorldMatrix().decompose(void 0, v), v;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), h.prototype.getDirectionToRef = function(v, b) {
O.e.TransformNormalToRef(v, this.getWorldMatrix(), b);
}, h.GetConstructorFromName = function(v, b, D, w, N) {
w === void 0 && (w = 0), N === void 0 && (N = !0);
var M = x.a.Construct(v, b, D, { interaxial_distance: w, isStereoscopicSideBySide: N });
return M || function() {
return h._createDefaultParsedCamera(b, D);
}, h.prototype.computeWorldMatrix = function() {
return this.getWorldMatrix();
}, h.Parse = function(v, b) {
var D = v.type, w = h.GetConstructorFromName(D,, b, v.interaxial_distance, v.isStereoscopicSideBySide), N = _.a.Parse(w, v, b);
if (v.parentId && (N._waitingParentId = v.parentId), N.inputs && (N.inputs.parse(v), N._setupInputs()), v.upVector && (N.upVector = O.e.FromArray(v.upVector)), N.setPosition && (N.position.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), N.setPosition(O.e.FromArray(v.position))), && N.setTarget && N.setTarget(O.e.FromArray(, v.cameraRigMode) {
var M = v.interaxial_distance ? { interaxialDistance: v.interaxial_distance } : {};
N.setCameraRigMode(v.cameraRigMode, M);
if (v.animations) {
for (var U = 0; U < v.animations.length; U++) {
var X = v.animations[U], j = c.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
j && N.animations.push(j.Parse(X));
x.a.ParseAnimationRanges(N, v, b);
return v.autoAnimate && b.beginAnimation(N, v.autoAnimateFrom, v.autoAnimateTo, v.autoAnimateLoop, v.autoAnimateSpeed || 1), N;
}, h._createDefaultParsedCamera = function(v, b) {
throw T.a.WarnImport("UniversalCamera");
}, h.PERSPECTIVE_CAMERA = 0, h.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA = 1, h.FOVMODE_VERTICAL_FIXED = 0, h.FOVMODE_HORIZONTAL_FIXED = 1, h.RIG_MODE_NONE = 0, h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH = 10, h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL = 11, h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED = 12, h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER = 13, h.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_INTERLACED = 14, h.RIG_MODE_VR = 20, h.RIG_MODE_WEBVR = 21, h.RIG_MODE_CUSTOM = 22, h.ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault = !1, Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)("position")], h.prototype, "_position", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)("upVector")], h.prototype, "_upVector", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "orthoLeft", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "orthoRight", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "orthoBottom", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "orthoTop", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "fov", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "minZ", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "maxZ", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "inertia", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "mode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "layerMask", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "fovMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "cameraRigMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "interaxialDistance", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], h.prototype, "isStereoscopicSideBySide", void 0), h;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return S;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(12), u = f(6), I = f(22), O = f(61), x = f(85), m = f(2), c = f(8), T = f(64), S = function() {
function E(g, l, h) {
this.shadowDepthWrapper = null, this.allowShaderHotSwapping = !0, this.metadata = null, this.reservedDataStore = null, this.checkReadyOnEveryCall = !1, this.checkReadyOnlyOnce = !1, this.state = "", this._alpha = 1, this._backFaceCulling = !0, this.onCompiled = null, this.onError = null, this.getRenderTargetTextures = null, this.doNotSerialize = !1, this._storeEffectOnSubMeshes = !1, this.animations = null, this.onDisposeObservable = new u.c(), this._onDisposeObserver = null, this._onUnBindObservable = null, this._onBindObserver = null, this._alphaMode = m.a.ALPHA_COMBINE, this._needDepthPrePass = !1, this.disableDepthWrite = !1, this.disableColorWrite = !1, this.forceDepthWrite = !1, this.depthFunction = 0, this.separateCullingPass = !1, this._fogEnabled = !0, this.pointSize = 1, this.zOffset = 0, this._effect = null, this._useUBO = !1, this._fillMode = E.TriangleFillMode, this._cachedDepthWriteState = !1, this._cachedColorWriteState = !1, this._cachedDepthFunctionState = 0, this._indexInSceneMaterialArray = -1, this.meshMap = null, this._forceAlphaTest = !1, this._transparencyMode = null, = g;
var v = 1;
for (this._scene = l || I.a.LastCreatedScene, = g || C.b.RandomId(); this._scene.getMaterialByID(; ) = g + " " + v++;
this.uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId(), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? this.sideOrientation = E.ClockWiseSideOrientation : this.sideOrientation = E.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation, this._uniformBuffer = new x.a(this._scene.getEngine()), this._useUBO = this.getScene().getEngine().supportsUniformBuffers, h || this._scene.addMaterial(this), this._scene.useMaterialMeshMap && (this.meshMap = {});
return Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "canRenderToMRT", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "alpha", { get: function() {
return this._alpha;
}, set: function(g) {
this._alpha !== g && (this._alpha = g, this.markAsDirty(E.MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "backFaceCulling", { get: function() {
return this._backFaceCulling;
}, set: function(g) {
this._backFaceCulling !== g && (this._backFaceCulling = g, this.markAsDirty(E.TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "hasRenderTargetTextures", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(g) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(g);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "onBindObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onBindObservable || (this._onBindObservable = new u.c()), this._onBindObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "onBind", { set: function(g) {
this._onBindObserver && this.onBindObservable.remove(this._onBindObserver), this._onBindObserver = this.onBindObservable.add(g);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "onUnBindObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onUnBindObservable || (this._onUnBindObservable = new u.c()), this._onUnBindObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "onEffectCreatedObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onEffectCreatedObservable || (this._onEffectCreatedObservable = new u.c()), this._onEffectCreatedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "alphaMode", { get: function() {
return this._alphaMode;
}, set: function(g) {
this._alphaMode !== g && (this._alphaMode = g, this.markAsDirty(E.TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "needDepthPrePass", { get: function() {
return this._needDepthPrePass;
}, set: function(g) {
this._needDepthPrePass !== g && (this._needDepthPrePass = g, this._needDepthPrePass && (this.checkReadyOnEveryCall = !0));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "fogEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._fogEnabled;
}, set: function(g) {
this._fogEnabled !== g && (this._fogEnabled = g, this.markAsDirty(E.MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "wireframe", { get: function() {
switch (this._fillMode) {
case E.WireFrameFillMode:
case E.LineListDrawMode:
case E.LineLoopDrawMode:
case E.LineStripDrawMode:
return !0;
return this._scene.forceWireframe;
}, set: function(g) {
this.fillMode = g ? E.WireFrameFillMode : E.TriangleFillMode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "pointsCloud", { get: function() {
switch (this._fillMode) {
case E.PointFillMode:
case E.PointListDrawMode:
return !0;
return this._scene.forcePointsCloud;
}, set: function(g) {
this.fillMode = g ? E.PointFillMode : E.TriangleFillMode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "fillMode", { get: function() {
return this._fillMode;
}, set: function(g) {
this._fillMode !== g && (this._fillMode = g, this.markAsDirty(E.MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), E.prototype.toString = function(g) {
return "Name: " +;
}, E.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Material";
}, Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "isFrozen", { get: function() {
return this.checkReadyOnlyOnce;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), E.prototype.freeze = function() {
this.markDirty(), this.checkReadyOnlyOnce = !0;
}, E.prototype.unfreeze = function() {
this.markDirty(), this.checkReadyOnlyOnce = !1;
}, E.prototype.isReady = function(g, l) {
return !0;
}, E.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(g, l, h) {
return !1;
}, E.prototype.getEffect = function() {
return this._effect;
}, E.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "transparencyMode", { get: function() {
return this._transparencyMode;
}, set: function(g) {
this._transparencyMode !== g && (this._transparencyMode = g, this._forceAlphaTest = g === E.MATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND, this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "_disableAlphaBlending", { get: function() {
return this._transparencyMode === E.MATERIAL_OPAQUE || this._transparencyMode === E.MATERIAL_ALPHATEST;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), E.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return !this._disableAlphaBlending && this.alpha < 1;
}, E.prototype.needAlphaBlendingForMesh = function(g) {
return !(this._disableAlphaBlending && g.visibility >= 1) && (this.needAlphaBlending() || g.visibility < 1 || g.hasVertexAlpha);
}, E.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return !!this._forceAlphaTest;
}, E.prototype._shouldTurnAlphaTestOn = function(g) {
return !this.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(g) && this.needAlphaTesting();
}, E.prototype.getAlphaTestTexture = function() {
return null;
}, E.prototype.markDirty = function() {
for (var g = 0, l = this.getScene().meshes; g < l.length; g++) {
var h = l[g];
if (h.subMeshes)
for (var v = 0, b = h.subMeshes; v < b.length; v++) {
var D = b[v];
D.getMaterial() === this && D.effect && (D.effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !1);
}, E.prototype._preBind = function(g, l) {
l === void 0 && (l = null);
var h = this._scene.getEngine(), v = (l ?? this.sideOrientation) === E.ClockWiseSideOrientation;
return h.enableEffect(g || this._effect), h.setState(this.backFaceCulling, this.zOffset, !1, v), v;
}, E.prototype.bind = function(g, l) {
}, E.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(g, l, h) {
}, E.prototype.bindOnlyWorldMatrix = function(g) {
}, E.prototype.bindSceneUniformBuffer = function(g, l) {
l.bindToEffect(g, "Scene");
}, E.prototype.bindView = function(g) {
this._useUBO ? this.bindSceneUniformBuffer(g, this.getScene().getSceneUniformBuffer()) : g.setMatrix("view", this.getScene().getViewMatrix());
}, E.prototype.bindViewProjection = function(g) {
this._useUBO ? this.bindSceneUniformBuffer(g, this.getScene().getSceneUniformBuffer()) : g.setMatrix("viewProjection", this.getScene().getTransformMatrix());
}, E.prototype._afterBind = function(g) {
if (this._scene._cachedMaterial = this, this._scene._cachedVisibility = g ? g.visibility : 1, this._onBindObservable && g && this._onBindObservable.notifyObservers(g), this.disableDepthWrite) {
var l = this._scene.getEngine();
this._cachedDepthWriteState = l.getDepthWrite(), l.setDepthWrite(!1);
this.disableColorWrite && (l = this._scene.getEngine(), this._cachedColorWriteState = l.getColorWrite(), l.setColorWrite(!1)), this.depthFunction !== 0 && (l = this._scene.getEngine(), this._cachedDepthFunctionState = l.getDepthFunction() || 0, l.setDepthFunction(this.depthFunction));
}, E.prototype.unbind = function() {
this._onUnBindObservable && this._onUnBindObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.depthFunction !== 0 && this._scene.getEngine().setDepthFunction(this._cachedDepthFunctionState), this.disableDepthWrite && this._scene.getEngine().setDepthWrite(this._cachedDepthWriteState), this.disableColorWrite && this._scene.getEngine().setColorWrite(this._cachedColorWriteState);
}, E.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
return [];
}, E.prototype.hasTexture = function(g) {
return !1;
}, E.prototype.clone = function(g) {
return null;
}, E.prototype.getBindedMeshes = function() {
var g = this;
if (this.meshMap) {
var l = new Array();
for (var h in this.meshMap) {
var v = this.meshMap[h];
v && l.push(v);
return l;
return this._scene.meshes.filter(function(b) {
return b.material === g;
}, E.prototype.forceCompilation = function(g, l, h, v) {
var b = this, D = Object(V.a)({ clipPlane: !1, useInstances: !1 }, h), w = this.getScene(), N = this.allowShaderHotSwapping;
this.allowShaderHotSwapping = !1;
var M = function() {
if (b._scene && b._scene.getEngine()) {
var U = w.clipPlane;
if (D.clipPlane && (w.clipPlane = new T.a(0, 0, 0, 1)), b._storeEffectOnSubMeshes) {
var X = !0, j = null;
if (g.subMeshes) {
var ne = new O.a(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, g, void 0, !1, !1);
ne._materialDefines && (ne._materialDefines._renderId = -1), b.isReadyForSubMesh(g, ne, D.useInstances) || (ne.effect && ne.effect.getCompilationError() && ne.effect.allFallbacksProcessed() ? j = ne.effect.getCompilationError() : (X = !1, setTimeout(M, 16)));
X && (b.allowShaderHotSwapping = N, j && v && v(j), l && l(b));
} else
b.isReady() ? (b.allowShaderHotSwapping = N, l && l(b)) : setTimeout(M, 16);
D.clipPlane && (w.clipPlane = U);
}, E.prototype.forceCompilationAsync = function(g, l) {
var h = this;
return new Promise(function(v, b) {
h.forceCompilation(g, function() {
}, l, function(D) {
}, E.prototype.markAsDirty = function(g) {
this.getScene().blockMaterialDirtyMechanism || (E._DirtyCallbackArray.length = 0, g & E.TextureDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._TextureDirtyCallBack), g & E.LightDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._LightsDirtyCallBack), g & E.FresnelDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._FresnelDirtyCallBack), g & E.AttributesDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._AttributeDirtyCallBack), g & E.MiscDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._MiscDirtyCallBack), g & E.PrePassDirtyFlag && E._DirtyCallbackArray.push(E._PrePassDirtyCallBack), E._DirtyCallbackArray.length && this._markAllSubMeshesAsDirty(E._RunDirtyCallBacks), this.getScene().resetCachedMaterial());
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsDirty = function(g) {
if (!this.getScene().blockMaterialDirtyMechanism)
for (var l = 0, h = this.getScene().meshes; l < h.length; l++) {
var v = h[l];
if (v.subMeshes)
for (var b = 0, D = v.subMeshes; b < D.length; b++) {
var w = D[b];
w.getMaterial() === this && w._materialDefines && g(w._materialDefines);
}, E.prototype._markScenePrePassDirty = function() {
if (!this.getScene().blockMaterialDirtyMechanism) {
var g = this.getScene().enablePrePassRenderer();
g && g.markAsDirty();
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsAllDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsImageProcessingDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelAndMiscDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsPrePassDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty = function() {
}, E.prototype.setPrePassRenderer = function(g) {
return !1;
}, E.prototype.dispose = function(g, l, h) {
var v = this.getScene();
if (v.stopAnimation(this), v.freeProcessedMaterials(), v.removeMaterial(this), h !== !0)
if (this.meshMap)
for (var b in this.meshMap)
(N = this.meshMap[b]) && (N.material = null, this.releaseVertexArrayObject(N, g));
for (var D = 0, w = v.meshes; D < w.length; D++) {
var N;
(N = w[D]).material !== this || N.sourceMesh || (N.material = null, this.releaseVertexArrayObject(N, g));
this._uniformBuffer.dispose(), g && this._effect && (this._storeEffectOnSubMeshes || this._effect.dispose(), this._effect = null), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this._onBindObservable && this._onBindObservable.clear(), this._onUnBindObservable && this._onUnBindObservable.clear(), this._onEffectCreatedObservable && this._onEffectCreatedObservable.clear();
}, E.prototype.releaseVertexArrayObject = function(g, l) {
if (g.geometry) {
var h = g.geometry;
if (this._storeEffectOnSubMeshes)
for (var v = 0, b = g.subMeshes; v < b.length; v++) {
var D = b[v];
h._releaseVertexArrayObject(D._materialEffect), l && D._materialEffect && D._materialEffect.dispose();
}, E.prototype.serialize = function() {
return _.a.Serialize(this);
}, E.Parse = function(g, l, h) {
if (g.customType) {
if (g.customType === "BABYLON.PBRMaterial" && g.overloadedAlbedo && (g.customType = "BABYLON.LegacyPBRMaterial", !BABYLON.LegacyPBRMaterial))
return c.a.Error("Your scene is trying to load a legacy version of the PBRMaterial, please, include it from the materials library."), null;
} else
g.customType = "BABYLON.StandardMaterial";
return C.b.Instantiate(g.customType).Parse(g, l, h);
}, E.TriangleFillMode = m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode, E.WireFrameFillMode = m.a.MATERIAL_WireFrameFillMode, E.PointFillMode = m.a.MATERIAL_PointFillMode, E.PointListDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_PointListDrawMode, E.LineListDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_LineListDrawMode, E.LineLoopDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_LineLoopDrawMode, E.LineStripDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_LineStripDrawMode, E.TriangleStripDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleStripDrawMode, E.TriangleFanDrawMode = m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFanDrawMode, E.ClockWiseSideOrientation = m.a.MATERIAL_ClockWiseSideOrientation, E.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation = m.a.MATERIAL_CounterClockWiseSideOrientation, E.TextureDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag, E.LightDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_LightDirtyFlag, E.FresnelDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_FresnelDirtyFlag, E.AttributesDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_AttributesDirtyFlag, E.MiscDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag, E.PrePassDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_PrePassDirtyFlag, E.AllDirtyFlag = m.a.MATERIAL_AllDirtyFlag, E.MATERIAL_OPAQUE = 0, E.MATERIAL_ALPHATEST = 1, E.MATERIAL_ALPHABLEND = 2, E.MATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND = 3, E.MATERIAL_NORMALBLENDMETHOD_WHITEOUT = 0, E.MATERIAL_NORMALBLENDMETHOD_RNM = 1, E._AllDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAllAsDirty();
}, E._ImageProcessingDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsImageProcessingDirty();
}, E._TextureDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsTexturesDirty();
}, E._FresnelDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsFresnelDirty();
}, E._MiscDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsMiscDirty();
}, E._PrePassDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsPrePassDirty();
}, E._LightsDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsLightDirty();
}, E._AttributeDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
return g.markAsAttributesDirty();
}, E._FresnelAndMiscDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
E._FresnelDirtyCallBack(g), E._MiscDirtyCallBack(g);
}, E._TextureAndMiscDirtyCallBack = function(g) {
E._TextureDirtyCallBack(g), E._MiscDirtyCallBack(g);
}, E._DirtyCallbackArray = [], E._RunDirtyCallBacks = function(g) {
for (var l = 0, h = E._DirtyCallbackArray; l < h.length; l++)
(0, h[l])(g);
}, Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "id", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "uniqueId", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "name", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "checkReadyOnEveryCall", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "checkReadyOnlyOnce", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "state", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("alpha")], E.prototype, "_alpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("backFaceCulling")], E.prototype, "_backFaceCulling", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "sideOrientation", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("alphaMode")], E.prototype, "_alphaMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "_needDepthPrePass", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "disableDepthWrite", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "disableColorWrite", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "forceDepthWrite", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "depthFunction", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "separateCullingPass", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("fogEnabled")], E.prototype, "_fogEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "pointSize", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "zOffset", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "pointsCloud", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "fillMode", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], E.prototype, "transparencyMode", null), E;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return w;
var V = f(22), _ = f(5), C = f(21), u = f(6), I = f(141), O = f(142), x = f(143), m = f(2), c = f(27), T = f(8), S = f(38), E = function() {
function N() {
return N.prototype.postProcessor = function(M, U, X, j) {
return j.getCaps().drawBuffersExtension || (M = M.replace(/#extension.+GL_EXT_draw_buffers.+(enable|require)/g, "")), M;
}, N;
}(), g = f(118), l = f(88), h = f(144), v = f(70), b = f(74), D = function() {
}, w = function() {
function N(M, U, X, j) {
var ne = this;
j === void 0 && (j = !1), this.forcePOTTextures = !1, this.isFullscreen = !1, this.cullBackFaces = !0, this.renderEvenInBackground = !0, this.preventCacheWipeBetweenFrames = !1, this.validateShaderPrograms = !1, this.useReverseDepthBuffer = !1, this.disableUniformBuffers = !1, this._uniformBuffers = new Array(), this._webGLVersion = 1, this._windowIsBackground = !1, this._highPrecisionShadersAllowed = !0, this._badOS = !1, this._badDesktopOS = !1, this._renderingQueueLaunched = !1, this._activeRenderLoops = new Array(), this.onContextLostObservable = new u.c(), this.onContextRestoredObservable = new u.c(), this._contextWasLost = !1, this._doNotHandleContextLost = !1, this.disableVertexArrayObjects = !1, this._colorWrite = !0, this._colorWriteChanged = !0, this._depthCullingState = new I.a(), this._stencilState = new O.a(), this._alphaState = new x.a(), this._alphaMode = m.a.ALPHA_ADD, this._alphaEquation = m.a.ALPHA_DISABLE, this._internalTexturesCache = new Array(), this._activeChannel = 0, this._currentTextureChannel = -1, this._boundTexturesCache = {}, this._compiledEffects = {}, this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled = [], this._uintIndicesCurrentlySet = !1, this._currentBoundBuffer = new Array(), this._currentFramebuffer = null, this._dummyFramebuffer = null, this._currentBufferPointers = new Array(), this._currentInstanceLocations = new Array(), this._currentInstanceBuffers = new Array(), this._vaoRecordInProgress = !1, this._mustWipeVertexAttributes = !1, this._nextFreeTextureSlots = new Array(), this._maxSimultaneousTextures = 0, this._activeRequests = new Array(), this._transformTextureUrl = null, this.hostInformation = { isMobile: !1 }, this.premultipliedAlpha = !0, this.onBeforeTextureInitObservable = new u.c(), this._viewportCached = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, w: 0 }, this._unpackFlipYCached = null, this.enableUnpackFlipYCached = !0, this._getDepthStencilBuffer = function(W, q, he, ge, me, _e) {
var ye = ne._gl, Pe = ye.createRenderbuffer();
return ye.bindRenderbuffer(ye.RENDERBUFFER, Pe), he > 1 && ye.renderbufferStorageMultisample ? ye.renderbufferStorageMultisample(ye.RENDERBUFFER, he, me, W, q) : ye.renderbufferStorage(ye.RENDERBUFFER, ge, W, q), ye.framebufferRenderbuffer(ye.FRAMEBUFFER, _e, ye.RENDERBUFFER, Pe), ye.bindRenderbuffer(ye.RENDERBUFFER, null), Pe;
}, this._boundUniforms = {};
var te = null;
if (M) {
if (X = X || {}, b.a.SetMatrixPrecision(!!X.useHighPrecisionMatrix), M.getContext) {
if (te = M, this._renderingCanvas = te, U != null && (X.antialias = U), X.deterministicLockstep === void 0 && (X.deterministicLockstep = !1), X.lockstepMaxSteps === void 0 && (X.lockstepMaxSteps = 4), X.timeStep === void 0 && (X.timeStep = 1 / 60), X.preserveDrawingBuffer === void 0 && (X.preserveDrawingBuffer = !1), X.audioEngine === void 0 && (X.audioEngine = !0), X.stencil === void 0 && (X.stencil = !0), X.premultipliedAlpha === !1 && (this.premultipliedAlpha = !1), X.xrCompatible === void 0 && (X.xrCompatible = !0), this._doNotHandleContextLost = !!X.doNotHandleContextLost, navigator && navigator.userAgent) {
var de = navigator.userAgent;
this.hostInformation.isMobile = de.indexOf("Mobile") !== -1;
for (var pe = 0, ae = N.ExceptionList; pe < ae.length; pe++) {
var ee = ae[pe], K = ee.key, $ = ee.targets;
if (new RegExp(K).test(de)) {
if (ee.capture && ee.captureConstraint) {
var L = ee.capture, G = ee.captureConstraint, Q = new RegExp(L).exec(de);
if (Q && Q.length > 0 && parseInt(Q[Q.length - 1]) >= G)
for (var oe = 0, re = $; oe < re.length; oe++)
switch (re[oe]) {
case "uniformBuffer":
this.disableUniformBuffers = !0;
case "vao":
this.disableVertexArrayObjects = !0;
if (this._doNotHandleContextLost || (this._onContextLost = function(W) {
W.preventDefault(), ne._contextWasLost = !0, T.a.Warn("WebGL context lost."), ne.onContextLostObservable.notifyObservers(ne);
}, this._onContextRestored = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
ne._initGLContext(), ne._rebuildEffects(), ne._rebuildInternalTextures(), ne._rebuildBuffers(), ne.wipeCaches(!0), T.a.Warn("WebGL context successfully restored."), ne.onContextRestoredObservable.notifyObservers(ne), ne._contextWasLost = !1;
}, 0);
}, te.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", this._onContextLost, !1), te.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this._onContextRestored, !1), X.powerPreference = "high-performance"), !X.disableWebGL2Support)
try {
this._gl = te.getContext("webgl2", X) || te.getContext("experimental-webgl2", X), this._gl && (this._webGLVersion = 2, this._gl.deleteQuery || (this._webGLVersion = 1));
} catch {
if (!this._gl) {
if (!te)
throw new Error("The provided canvas is null or undefined.");
try {
this._gl = te.getContext("webgl", X) || te.getContext("experimental-webgl", X);
} catch {
throw new Error("WebGL not supported");
if (!this._gl)
throw new Error("WebGL not supported");
} else {
this._gl = M, this._renderingCanvas = this._gl.canvas, this._gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample && (this._webGLVersion = 2);
var Y = this._gl.getContextAttributes();
Y && (X.stencil = Y.stencil);
this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, this._gl.NONE), X.useHighPrecisionFloats !== void 0 && (this._highPrecisionShadersAllowed = X.useHighPrecisionFloats);
var k = S.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && window.devicePixelRatio || 1, H = X.limitDeviceRatio || k;
this._hardwareScalingLevel = j ? 1 / Math.min(H, k) : 1, this.resize(), this._isStencilEnable = !!X.stencil, this._initGLContext();
for (var Z = 0; Z < this._caps.maxVertexAttribs; Z++)
this._currentBufferPointers[Z] = new D();
this.webGLVersion > 1 ? this._shaderProcessor = new g.a() : this._shaderProcessor = new E(), this._badOS = /iPad/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /iPhone/i.test(navigator.userAgent), this._badDesktopOS = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent), this._creationOptions = X, console.log("Babylon.js v" + N.Version + " - " + this.description);
return Object.defineProperty(N, "NpmPackage", { get: function() {
return "babylonjs@4.2.2";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N, "Version", { get: function() {
return "4.2.2";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "description", { get: function() {
var M = "WebGL" + this.webGLVersion;
return this._caps.parallelShaderCompile && (M += " - Parallel shader compilation"), M;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N, "ShadersRepository", { get: function() {
return _.a.ShadersRepository;
}, set: function(M) {
_.a.ShadersRepository = M;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "supportsUniformBuffers", { get: function() {
return this.webGLVersion > 1 && !this.disableUniformBuffers;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "_shouldUseHighPrecisionShader", { get: function() {
return !(!this._caps.highPrecisionShaderSupported || !this._highPrecisionShadersAllowed);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "needPOTTextures", { get: function() {
return this._webGLVersion < 2 || this.forcePOTTextures;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "doNotHandleContextLost", { get: function() {
return this._doNotHandleContextLost;
}, set: function(M) {
this._doNotHandleContextLost = M;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "_supportsHardwareTextureRescaling", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "framebufferDimensionsObject", { set: function(M) {
this._framebufferDimensionsObject = M;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "currentViewport", { get: function() {
return this._cachedViewport;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "emptyTexture", { get: function() {
return this._emptyTexture || (this._emptyTexture = this.createRawTexture(new Uint8Array(4), 1, 1, m.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, m.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE)), this._emptyTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "emptyTexture3D", { get: function() {
return this._emptyTexture3D || (this._emptyTexture3D = this.createRawTexture3D(new Uint8Array(4), 1, 1, 1, m.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, m.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE)), this._emptyTexture3D;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "emptyTexture2DArray", { get: function() {
return this._emptyTexture2DArray || (this._emptyTexture2DArray = this.createRawTexture2DArray(new Uint8Array(4), 1, 1, 1, m.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, m.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE)), this._emptyTexture2DArray;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "emptyCubeTexture", { get: function() {
if (!this._emptyCubeTexture) {
var M = new Uint8Array(4), U = [M, M, M, M, M, M];
this._emptyCubeTexture = this.createRawCubeTexture(U, 1, m.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, m.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, !1, !1, m.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
return this._emptyCubeTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.prototype._rebuildInternalTextures = function() {
for (var M = 0, U = this._internalTexturesCache.slice(); M < U.length; M++)
}, N.prototype._rebuildEffects = function() {
for (var M in this._compiledEffects)
}, N.prototype.areAllEffectsReady = function() {
for (var M in this._compiledEffects)
if (!this._compiledEffects[M].isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, N.prototype._rebuildBuffers = function() {
for (var M = 0, U = this._uniformBuffers; M < U.length; M++)
}, N.prototype._initGLContext = function() {
this._caps = { maxTexturesImageUnits: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS), maxCombinedTexturesImageUnits: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS), maxVertexTextureImageUnits: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS), maxTextureSize: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), maxSamples: this._webGLVersion > 1 ? this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_SAMPLES) : 1, maxCubemapTextureSize: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE), maxRenderTextureSize: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE), maxVertexAttribs: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS), maxVaryingVectors: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_VARYING_VECTORS), maxFragmentUniformVectors: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS), maxVertexUniformVectors: this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS), parallelShaderCompile: this._gl.getExtension("KHR_parallel_shader_compile"), standardDerivatives: this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("OES_standard_derivatives") !== null, maxAnisotropy: 1, astc: this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc"), bptc: this._gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_compression_bptc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_compression_bptc"), s3tc: this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc"), pvrtc: this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc"), etc1: this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1"), etc2: this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_compressed_texture_es3_0"), textureAnisotropicFilterExtension: this._gl.getExtension("EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || this._gl.getExtension("WEBKIT_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic") || this._gl.getExtension("MOZ_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic"), uintIndices: this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("OES_element_index_uint") !== null, fragmentDepthSupported: this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("EXT_frag_depth") !== null, highPrecisionShaderSupported: !1, timerQuery: this._gl.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2") || this._gl.getExtension("EXT_disjoint_timer_query"), canUseTimestampForTimerQuery: !1, drawBuffersExtension: !1, maxMSAASamples: 1, colorBufferFloat: this._webGLVersion > 1 && this._gl.getExtension("EXT_color_buffer_float"), textureFloat: !!(this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float")), textureHalfFloat: !!(this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float")), textureHalfFloatRender: !1, textureFloatLinearFiltering: !1, textureFloatRender: !1, textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering: !1, vertexArrayObject: !1, instancedArrays: !1, textureLOD: !!(this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._gl.getExtension("EXT_shader_texture_lod")), blendMinMax: !1, multiview: this._gl.getExtension("OVR_multiview2"), oculusMultiview: this._gl.getExtension("OCULUS_multiview"), depthTextureExtension: !1 }, this._glVersion = this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.VERSION);
var M = this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_debug_renderer_info");
if (M != null && (this._glRenderer = this._gl.getParameter(M.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL), this._glVendor = this._gl.getParameter(M.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL)), this._glVendor || (this._glVendor = "Unknown vendor"), this._glRenderer || (this._glRenderer = "Unknown renderer"), this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES !== 36193 && (this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES = 36193), this._gl.RGBA16F !== 34842 && (this._gl.RGBA16F = 34842), this._gl.RGBA32F !== 34836 && (this._gl.RGBA32F = 34836), this._gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 !== 35056 && (this._gl.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 = 35056), this._caps.timerQuery && (this._webGLVersion === 1 && (this._gl.getQuery = this._caps.timerQuery.getQueryEXT.bind(this._caps.timerQuery)), this._caps.canUseTimestampForTimerQuery = this._gl.getQuery(this._caps.timerQuery.TIMESTAMP_EXT, this._caps.timerQuery.QUERY_COUNTER_BITS_EXT) > 0), this._caps.maxAnisotropy = this._caps.textureAnisotropicFilterExtension ? this._gl.getParameter(this._caps.textureAnisotropicFilterExtension.MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT) : 0, this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering = !(!this._caps.textureFloat || !this._gl.getExtension("OES_texture_float_linear")), this._caps.textureFloatRender = !(!this._caps.textureFloat || !this._canRenderToFloatFramebuffer()), this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering = !!(this._webGLVersion > 1 || this._caps.textureHalfFloat && this._gl.getExtension("OES_texture_half_float_linear")), this._webGLVersion > 1 && this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES !== 5131 && (this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES = 5131), this._caps.textureHalfFloatRender = this._caps.textureHalfFloat && this._canRenderToHalfFloatFramebuffer(), this._webGLVersion > 1)
this._caps.drawBuffersExtension = !0, this._caps.maxMSAASamples = this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.MAX_SAMPLES);
else {
var U = this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_draw_buffers");
if (U !== null) {
this._caps.drawBuffersExtension = !0, this._gl.drawBuffers = U.drawBuffersWEBGL.bind(U), this._gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER = this._gl.FRAMEBUFFER;
for (var X = 0; X < 16; X++)
if (this._webGLVersion > 1)
this._caps.depthTextureExtension = !0;
else {
var j = this._gl.getExtension("WEBGL_depth_texture");
j != null && (this._caps.depthTextureExtension = !0, this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 = j.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL);
if (this.disableVertexArrayObjects)
this._caps.vertexArrayObject = !1;
else if (this._webGLVersion > 1)
this._caps.vertexArrayObject = !0;
else {
var ne = this._gl.getExtension("OES_vertex_array_object");
ne != null && (this._caps.vertexArrayObject = !0, this._gl.createVertexArray = ne.createVertexArrayOES.bind(ne), this._gl.bindVertexArray = ne.bindVertexArrayOES.bind(ne), this._gl.deleteVertexArray = ne.deleteVertexArrayOES.bind(ne));
if (this._webGLVersion > 1)
this._caps.instancedArrays = !0;
else {
var te = this._gl.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays");
te != null ? (this._caps.instancedArrays = !0, this._gl.drawArraysInstanced = te.drawArraysInstancedANGLE.bind(te), this._gl.drawElementsInstanced = te.drawElementsInstancedANGLE.bind(te), this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor = te.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE.bind(te)) : this._caps.instancedArrays = !1;
if (this._gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat) {
var de = this._gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(this._gl.VERTEX_SHADER, this._gl.HIGH_FLOAT), pe = this._gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(this._gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, this._gl.HIGH_FLOAT);
de && pe && (this._caps.highPrecisionShaderSupported = de.precision !== 0 && pe.precision !== 0);
if (this._webGLVersion > 1)
this._caps.blendMinMax = !0;
else {
var ae = this._gl.getExtension("EXT_blend_minmax");
ae != null && (this._caps.blendMinMax = !0, this._gl.MAX = ae.MAX_EXT, this._gl.MIN = ae.MIN_EXT);
this._depthCullingState.depthTest = !0, this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.LEQUAL, this._depthCullingState.depthMask = !0, this._maxSimultaneousTextures = this._caps.maxCombinedTexturesImageUnits;
for (var ee = 0; ee < this._maxSimultaneousTextures; ee++)
}, Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "webGLVersion", { get: function() {
return this._webGLVersion;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ThinEngine";
}, Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "isStencilEnable", { get: function() {
return this._isStencilEnable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.prototype._prepareWorkingCanvas = function() {
if (!this._workingCanvas) {
this._workingCanvas = v.a.CreateCanvas(1, 1);
var M = this._workingCanvas.getContext("2d");
M && (this._workingContext = M);
}, N.prototype.resetTextureCache = function() {
for (var M in this._boundTexturesCache)
this._boundTexturesCache.hasOwnProperty(M) && (this._boundTexturesCache[M] = null);
this._currentTextureChannel = -1;
}, N.prototype.getGlInfo = function() {
return { vendor: this._glVendor, renderer: this._glRenderer, version: this._glVersion };
}, N.prototype.setHardwareScalingLevel = function(M) {
this._hardwareScalingLevel = M, this.resize();
}, N.prototype.getHardwareScalingLevel = function() {
return this._hardwareScalingLevel;
}, N.prototype.getLoadedTexturesCache = function() {
return this._internalTexturesCache;
}, N.prototype.getCaps = function() {
return this._caps;
}, N.prototype.stopRenderLoop = function(M) {
if (M) {
var U = this._activeRenderLoops.indexOf(M);
U >= 0 && this._activeRenderLoops.splice(U, 1);
} else
this._activeRenderLoops = [];
}, N.prototype._renderLoop = function() {
if (!this._contextWasLost) {
var M = !0;
if (!this.renderEvenInBackground && this._windowIsBackground && (M = !1), M) {
for (var U = 0; U < this._activeRenderLoops.length; U++)
(0, this._activeRenderLoops[U])();
this._activeRenderLoops.length > 0 ? this._frameHandler = this._queueNewFrame(this._boundRenderFunction, this.getHostWindow()) : this._renderingQueueLaunched = !1;
}, N.prototype.getRenderingCanvas = function() {
return this._renderingCanvas;
}, N.prototype.getHostWindow = function() {
return S.a.IsWindowObjectExist() ? this._renderingCanvas && this._renderingCanvas.ownerDocument && this._renderingCanvas.ownerDocument.defaultView ? this._renderingCanvas.ownerDocument.defaultView : window : null;
}, N.prototype.getRenderWidth = function(M) {
return M === void 0 && (M = !1), !M && this._currentRenderTarget ? this._currentRenderTarget.width : this._framebufferDimensionsObject ? this._framebufferDimensionsObject.framebufferWidth : this._gl.drawingBufferWidth;
}, N.prototype.getRenderHeight = function(M) {
return M === void 0 && (M = !1), !M && this._currentRenderTarget ? this._currentRenderTarget.height : this._framebufferDimensionsObject ? this._framebufferDimensionsObject.framebufferHeight : this._gl.drawingBufferHeight;
}, N.prototype._queueNewFrame = function(M, U) {
return N.QueueNewFrame(M, U);
}, N.prototype.runRenderLoop = function(M) {
this._activeRenderLoops.indexOf(M) === -1 && (this._activeRenderLoops.push(M), this._renderingQueueLaunched || (this._renderingQueueLaunched = !0, this._boundRenderFunction = this._renderLoop.bind(this), this._frameHandler = this._queueNewFrame(this._boundRenderFunction, this.getHostWindow())));
}, N.prototype.clear = function(M, U, X, j) {
j === void 0 && (j = !1), this.applyStates();
var ne = 0;
U && M && (this._gl.clearColor(M.r, M.g, M.b, M.a !== void 0 ? M.a : 1), ne |= this._gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), X && (this.useReverseDepthBuffer ? (this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.GREATER, this._gl.clearDepth(0)) : this._gl.clearDepth(1), ne |= this._gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT), j && (this._gl.clearStencil(0), ne |= this._gl.STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT), this._gl.clear(ne);
}, N.prototype._viewport = function(M, U, X, j) {
M === this._viewportCached.x && U === this._viewportCached.y && X === this._viewportCached.z && j === this._viewportCached.w || (this._viewportCached.x = M, this._viewportCached.y = U, this._viewportCached.z = X, this._viewportCached.w = j, this._gl.viewport(M, U, X, j));
}, N.prototype.setViewport = function(M, U, X) {
var j = U || this.getRenderWidth(), ne = X || this.getRenderHeight(), te = M.x || 0, de = M.y || 0;
this._cachedViewport = M, this._viewport(te * j, de * ne, j * M.width, ne * M.height);
}, N.prototype.beginFrame = function() {
}, N.prototype.endFrame = function() {
this._badOS && this.flushFramebuffer();
}, N.prototype.resize = function() {
var M, U;
S.a.IsWindowObjectExist() ? (M = this._renderingCanvas ? this._renderingCanvas.clientWidth || this._renderingCanvas.width : window.innerWidth, U = this._renderingCanvas ? this._renderingCanvas.clientHeight || this._renderingCanvas.height : window.innerHeight) : (M = this._renderingCanvas ? this._renderingCanvas.width : 100, U = this._renderingCanvas ? this._renderingCanvas.height : 100), this.setSize(M / this._hardwareScalingLevel, U / this._hardwareScalingLevel);
}, N.prototype.setSize = function(M, U) {
return !!this._renderingCanvas && (M |= 0, U |= 0, (this._renderingCanvas.width !== M || this._renderingCanvas.height !== U) && (this._renderingCanvas.width = M, this._renderingCanvas.height = U, !0));
}, N.prototype.bindFramebuffer = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de) {
U === void 0 && (U = 0), te === void 0 && (te = 0), de === void 0 && (de = 0), this._currentRenderTarget && this.unBindFramebuffer(this._currentRenderTarget), this._currentRenderTarget = M, this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(M._MSAAFramebuffer ? M._MSAAFramebuffer : M._framebuffer);
var pe = this._gl;
M.is2DArray ? pe.framebufferTextureLayer(pe.FRAMEBUFFER, pe.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, M._webGLTexture, te, de) : M.isCube && pe.framebufferTexture2D(pe.FRAMEBUFFER, pe.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, pe.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + U, M._webGLTexture, te);
var ae = M._depthStencilTexture;
if (ae) {
var ee = ae._generateStencilBuffer ? pe.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT : pe.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT;
M.is2DArray ? pe.framebufferTextureLayer(pe.FRAMEBUFFER, ee, ae._webGLTexture, te, de) : M.isCube ? pe.framebufferTexture2D(pe.FRAMEBUFFER, ee, pe.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + U, ae._webGLTexture, te) : pe.framebufferTexture2D(pe.FRAMEBUFFER, ee, pe.TEXTURE_2D, ae._webGLTexture, te);
this._cachedViewport && !ne ? this.setViewport(this._cachedViewport, X, j) : (X || (X = M.width, te && (X /= Math.pow(2, te))), j || (j = M.height, te && (j /= Math.pow(2, te))), this._viewport(0, 0, X, j)), this.wipeCaches();
}, N.prototype._bindUnboundFramebuffer = function(M) {
this._currentFramebuffer !== M && (this._gl.bindFramebuffer(this._gl.FRAMEBUFFER, M), this._currentFramebuffer = M);
}, N.prototype.unBindFramebuffer = function(M, U, X) {
U === void 0 && (U = !1), this._currentRenderTarget = null;
var j = this._gl;
if (M._MSAAFramebuffer) {
if (M._textureArray)
return void this.unBindMultiColorAttachmentFramebuffer(M._textureArray, U, X);
j.bindFramebuffer(j.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, M._MSAAFramebuffer), j.bindFramebuffer(j.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, M._framebuffer), j.blitFramebuffer(0, 0, M.width, M.height, 0, 0, M.width, M.height, j.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, j.NEAREST);
!M.generateMipMaps || U || M.isCube || (this._bindTextureDirectly(j.TEXTURE_2D, M, !0), j.generateMipmap(j.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(j.TEXTURE_2D, null)), X && (M._MSAAFramebuffer && this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(M._framebuffer), X()), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null);
}, N.prototype.flushFramebuffer = function() {
}, N.prototype.restoreDefaultFramebuffer = function() {
this._currentRenderTarget ? this.unBindFramebuffer(this._currentRenderTarget) : this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null), this._cachedViewport && this.setViewport(this._cachedViewport), this.wipeCaches();
}, N.prototype._resetVertexBufferBinding = function() {
this.bindArrayBuffer(null), this._cachedVertexBuffers = null;
}, N.prototype.createVertexBuffer = function(M) {
return this._createVertexBuffer(M, this._gl.STATIC_DRAW);
}, N.prototype._createVertexBuffer = function(M, U) {
var X = this._gl.createBuffer();
if (!X)
throw new Error("Unable to create vertex buffer");
var j = new l.a(X);
return this.bindArrayBuffer(j), M instanceof Array ? this._gl.bufferData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(M), this._gl.STATIC_DRAW) : this._gl.bufferData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, M, this._gl.STATIC_DRAW), this._resetVertexBufferBinding(), j.references = 1, j;
}, N.prototype.createDynamicVertexBuffer = function(M) {
return this._createVertexBuffer(M, this._gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
}, N.prototype._resetIndexBufferBinding = function() {
this.bindIndexBuffer(null), this._cachedIndexBuffer = null;
}, N.prototype.createIndexBuffer = function(M, U) {
var X = this._gl.createBuffer(), j = new l.a(X);
if (!X)
throw new Error("Unable to create index buffer");
var ne = this._normalizeIndexData(M);
return this._gl.bufferData(this._gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, ne, U ? this._gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW : this._gl.STATIC_DRAW), this._resetIndexBufferBinding(), j.references = 1, j.is32Bits = ne.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 4, j;
}, N.prototype._normalizeIndexData = function(M) {
if (M instanceof Uint16Array)
return M;
if (this._caps.uintIndices) {
if (M instanceof Uint32Array)
return M;
for (var U = 0; U < M.length; U++)
if (M[U] >= 65535)
return new Uint32Array(M);
return new Uint16Array(M);
return new Uint16Array(M);
}, N.prototype.bindArrayBuffer = function(M) {
this._vaoRecordInProgress || this._unbindVertexArrayObject(), this.bindBuffer(M, this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER);
}, N.prototype.bindUniformBlock = function(M, U, X) {
var j = M.program, ne = this._gl.getUniformBlockIndex(j, U);
this._gl.uniformBlockBinding(j, ne, X);
}, N.prototype.bindIndexBuffer = function(M) {
this._vaoRecordInProgress || this._unbindVertexArrayObject(), this.bindBuffer(M, this._gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
}, N.prototype.bindBuffer = function(M, U) {
(this._vaoRecordInProgress || this._currentBoundBuffer[U] !== M) && (this._gl.bindBuffer(U, M ? M.underlyingResource : null), this._currentBoundBuffer[U] = M);
}, N.prototype.updateArrayBuffer = function(M) {
this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, M);
}, N.prototype._vertexAttribPointer = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de) {
var pe = this._currentBufferPointers[U];
if (pe) {
var ae = !1; ? (pe.buffer !== M && (pe.buffer = M, ae = !0), pe.size !== X && (pe.size = X, ae = !0), pe.type !== j && (pe.type = j, ae = !0), pe.normalized !== ne && (pe.normalized = ne, ae = !0), pe.stride !== te && (pe.stride = te, ae = !0), pe.offset !== de && (pe.offset = de, ae = !0)) : (ae = !0, = !0, pe.index = U, pe.size = X, pe.type = j, pe.normalized = ne, pe.stride = te, pe.offset = de, pe.buffer = M), (ae || this._vaoRecordInProgress) && (this.bindArrayBuffer(M), this._gl.vertexAttribPointer(U, X, j, ne, te, de));
}, N.prototype._bindIndexBufferWithCache = function(M) {
M != null && this._cachedIndexBuffer !== M && (this._cachedIndexBuffer = M, this.bindIndexBuffer(M), this._uintIndicesCurrentlySet = M.is32Bits);
}, N.prototype._bindVertexBuffersAttributes = function(M, U) {
var X = U.getAttributesNames();
this._vaoRecordInProgress || this._unbindVertexArrayObject(), this.unbindAllAttributes();
for (var j = 0; j < X.length; j++) {
var ne = U.getAttributeLocation(j);
if (ne >= 0) {
var te = M[X[j]];
if (!te)
this._gl.enableVertexAttribArray(ne), this._vaoRecordInProgress || (this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[ne] = !0);
var de = te.getBuffer();
de && (this._vertexAttribPointer(de, ne, te.getSize(), te.type, te.normalized, te.byteStride, te.byteOffset), te.getIsInstanced() && (this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor(ne, te.getInstanceDivisor()), this._vaoRecordInProgress || (this._currentInstanceLocations.push(ne), this._currentInstanceBuffers.push(de))));
}, N.prototype.recordVertexArrayObject = function(M, U, X) {
var j = this._gl.createVertexArray();
return this._vaoRecordInProgress = !0, this._gl.bindVertexArray(j), this._mustWipeVertexAttributes = !0, this._bindVertexBuffersAttributes(M, X), this.bindIndexBuffer(U), this._vaoRecordInProgress = !1, this._gl.bindVertexArray(null), j;
}, N.prototype.bindVertexArrayObject = function(M, U) {
this._cachedVertexArrayObject !== M && (this._cachedVertexArrayObject = M, this._gl.bindVertexArray(M), this._cachedVertexBuffers = null, this._cachedIndexBuffer = null, this._uintIndicesCurrentlySet = U != null && U.is32Bits, this._mustWipeVertexAttributes = !0);
}, N.prototype.bindBuffersDirectly = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
if (this._cachedVertexBuffers !== M || this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers !== ne) {
this._cachedVertexBuffers = M, this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers = ne;
var te = ne.getAttributesCount();
this._unbindVertexArrayObject(), this.unbindAllAttributes();
for (var de = 0, pe = 0; pe < te; pe++)
if (pe < X.length) {
var ae = ne.getAttributeLocation(pe);
ae >= 0 && (this._gl.enableVertexAttribArray(ae), this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[ae] = !0, this._vertexAttribPointer(M, ae, X[pe], this._gl.FLOAT, !1, j, de)), de += 4 * X[pe];
}, N.prototype._unbindVertexArrayObject = function() {
this._cachedVertexArrayObject && (this._cachedVertexArrayObject = null, this._gl.bindVertexArray(null));
}, N.prototype.bindBuffers = function(M, U, X) {
this._cachedVertexBuffers === M && this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers === X || (this._cachedVertexBuffers = M, this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers = X, this._bindVertexBuffersAttributes(M, X)), this._bindIndexBufferWithCache(U);
}, N.prototype.unbindInstanceAttributes = function() {
for (var M, U = 0, X = this._currentInstanceLocations.length; U < X; U++) {
var j = this._currentInstanceBuffers[U];
M != j && j.references && (M = j, this.bindArrayBuffer(j));
var ne = this._currentInstanceLocations[U];
this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor(ne, 0);
this._currentInstanceBuffers.length = 0, this._currentInstanceLocations.length = 0;
}, N.prototype.releaseVertexArrayObject = function(M) {
}, N.prototype._releaseBuffer = function(M) {
return M.references--, M.references === 0 && (this._deleteBuffer(M), !0);
}, N.prototype._deleteBuffer = function(M) {
}, N.prototype.updateAndBindInstancesBuffer = function(M, U, X) {
if (this.bindArrayBuffer(M), U && this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, U), X[0].index !== void 0)
this.bindInstancesBuffer(M, X, !0);
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var ne = X[j];
this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[ne] || (this._gl.enableVertexAttribArray(ne), this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[ne] = !0), this._vertexAttribPointer(M, ne, 4, this._gl.FLOAT, !1, 64, 16 * j), this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor(ne, 1), this._currentInstanceLocations.push(ne), this._currentInstanceBuffers.push(M);
}, N.prototype.bindInstancesBuffer = function(M, U, X) {
X === void 0 && (X = !0), this.bindArrayBuffer(M);
var j = 0;
if (X)
for (var ne = 0; ne < U.length; ne++)
j += 4 * (te = U[ne]).attributeSize;
for (ne = 0; ne < U.length; ne++) {
var te;
(te = U[ne]).index === void 0 && (te.index = this._currentEffect.getAttributeLocationByName(te.attributeName)), te.index < 0 || (this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[te.index] || (this._gl.enableVertexAttribArray(te.index), this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[te.index] = !0), this._vertexAttribPointer(M, te.index, te.attributeSize, te.attributeType || this._gl.FLOAT, te.normalized || !1, j, te.offset), this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor(te.index, te.divisor === void 0 ? 1 : te.divisor), this._currentInstanceLocations.push(te.index), this._currentInstanceBuffers.push(M));
}, N.prototype.disableInstanceAttributeByName = function(M) {
if (this._currentEffect) {
var U = this._currentEffect.getAttributeLocationByName(M);
}, N.prototype.disableInstanceAttribute = function(M) {
for (var U, X = !1; (U = this._currentInstanceLocations.indexOf(M)) !== -1; )
this._currentInstanceLocations.splice(U, 1), this._currentInstanceBuffers.splice(U, 1), X = !0, U = this._currentInstanceLocations.indexOf(M);
X && (this._gl.vertexAttribDivisor(M, 0), this.disableAttributeByIndex(M));
}, N.prototype.disableAttributeByIndex = function(M) {
this._gl.disableVertexAttribArray(M), this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[M] = !1, this._currentBufferPointers[M].active = !1;
}, N.prototype.draw = function(M, U, X, j) {
this.drawElementsType(M ? m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode : m.a.MATERIAL_WireFrameFillMode, U, X, j);
}, N.prototype.drawPointClouds = function(M, U, X) {
this.drawArraysType(m.a.MATERIAL_PointFillMode, M, U, X);
}, N.prototype.drawUnIndexed = function(M, U, X, j) {
this.drawArraysType(M ? m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode : m.a.MATERIAL_WireFrameFillMode, U, X, j);
}, N.prototype.drawElementsType = function(M, U, X, j) {
this.applyStates(), this._reportDrawCall();
var ne = this._drawMode(M), te = this._uintIndicesCurrentlySet ? this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT : this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, de = this._uintIndicesCurrentlySet ? 4 : 2;
j ? this._gl.drawElementsInstanced(ne, X, te, U * de, j) : this._gl.drawElements(ne, X, te, U * de);
}, N.prototype.drawArraysType = function(M, U, X, j) {
this.applyStates(), this._reportDrawCall();
var ne = this._drawMode(M);
j ? this._gl.drawArraysInstanced(ne, U, X, j) : this._gl.drawArrays(ne, U, X);
}, N.prototype._drawMode = function(M) {
switch (M) {
case m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode:
return this._gl.TRIANGLES;
case m.a.MATERIAL_PointFillMode:
return this._gl.POINTS;
case m.a.MATERIAL_WireFrameFillMode:
return this._gl.LINES;
case m.a.MATERIAL_PointListDrawMode:
return this._gl.POINTS;
case m.a.MATERIAL_LineListDrawMode:
return this._gl.LINES;
case m.a.MATERIAL_LineLoopDrawMode:
return this._gl.LINE_LOOP;
case m.a.MATERIAL_LineStripDrawMode:
return this._gl.LINE_STRIP;
case m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleStripDrawMode:
return this._gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP;
case m.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFanDrawMode:
return this._gl.TRIANGLE_FAN;
return this._gl.TRIANGLES;
}, N.prototype._reportDrawCall = function() {
}, N.prototype._releaseEffect = function(M) {
this._compiledEffects[M._key] && (delete this._compiledEffects[M._key], this._deletePipelineContext(M.getPipelineContext()));
}, N.prototype._deletePipelineContext = function(M) {
var U = M;
U && U.program && (U.program.__SPECTOR_rebuildProgram = null, this._gl.deleteProgram(U.program));
}, N.prototype.createEffect = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
var ee = (M.vertexElement || M.vertex || M.vertexToken || M.vertexSource || M) + "+" + (M.fragmentElement || M.fragment || M.fragmentToken || M.fragmentSource || M) + "@" + (ne || U.defines);
if (this._compiledEffects[ee]) {
var K = this._compiledEffects[ee];
return de && K.isReady() && de(K), K;
var $ = new _.a(M, U, X, j, this, ne, te, de, pe, ae);
return $._key = ee, this._compiledEffects[ee] = $, $;
}, N._ConcatenateShader = function(M, U, X) {
return X === void 0 && (X = ""), X + (U ? U + `
` : "") + M;
}, N.prototype._compileShader = function(M, U, X, j) {
return this._compileRawShader(N._ConcatenateShader(M, X, j), U);
}, N.prototype._compileRawShader = function(M, U) {
var X = this._gl, j = X.createShader(U === "vertex" ? X.VERTEX_SHADER : X.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if (!j)
throw new Error("Something went wrong while compile the shader.");
return X.shaderSource(j, M), X.compileShader(j), j;
}, N.prototype._getShaderSource = function(M) {
return this._gl.getShaderSource(M);
}, N.prototype.createRawShaderProgram = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
ne === void 0 && (ne = null), j = j || this._gl;
var te = this._compileRawShader(U, "vertex"), de = this._compileRawShader(X, "fragment");
return this._createShaderProgram(M, te, de, j, ne);
}, N.prototype.createShaderProgram = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te) {
te === void 0 && (te = null), ne = ne || this._gl;
var de = this._webGLVersion > 1 ? `#version 300 es
#define WEBGL2
` : "", pe = this._compileShader(U, "vertex", j, de), ae = this._compileShader(X, "fragment", j, de);
return this._createShaderProgram(M, pe, ae, ne, te);
}, N.prototype.createPipelineContext = function() {
var M = new h.a();
return M.engine = this, this._caps.parallelShaderCompile && (M.isParallelCompiled = !0), M;
}, N.prototype._createShaderProgram = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
var te = j.createProgram();
if (M.program = te, !te)
throw new Error("Unable to create program");
return j.attachShader(te, U), j.attachShader(te, X), j.linkProgram(te), M.context = j, M.vertexShader = U, M.fragmentShader = X, M.isParallelCompiled || this._finalizePipelineContext(M), te;
}, N.prototype._finalizePipelineContext = function(M) {
var U = M.context, X = M.vertexShader, j = M.fragmentShader, ne = M.program;
if (!U.getProgramParameter(ne, U.LINK_STATUS)) {
var te, de;
if (!this._gl.getShaderParameter(X, this._gl.COMPILE_STATUS) && (te = this._gl.getShaderInfoLog(X)))
throw M.vertexCompilationError = te, new Error("VERTEX SHADER " + te);
if (!this._gl.getShaderParameter(j, this._gl.COMPILE_STATUS) && (te = this._gl.getShaderInfoLog(j)))
throw M.fragmentCompilationError = te, new Error("FRAGMENT SHADER " + te);
if (de = U.getProgramInfoLog(ne))
throw M.programLinkError = de, new Error(de);
if (this.validateShaderPrograms && (U.validateProgram(ne), !U.getProgramParameter(ne, U.VALIDATE_STATUS) && (de = U.getProgramInfoLog(ne))))
throw M.programValidationError = de, new Error(de);
U.deleteShader(X), U.deleteShader(j), M.vertexShader = void 0, M.fragmentShader = void 0, M.onCompiled && (M.onCompiled(), M.onCompiled = void 0);
}, N.prototype._preparePipelineContext = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de) {
var pe = M;
pe.program = j ? this.createRawShaderProgram(pe, U, X, void 0, de) : this.createShaderProgram(pe, U, X, te, void 0, de), pe.program.__SPECTOR_rebuildProgram = ne;
}, N.prototype._isRenderingStateCompiled = function(M) {
var U = M;
return !!this._gl.getProgramParameter(U.program, this._caps.parallelShaderCompile.COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR) && (this._finalizePipelineContext(U), !0);
}, N.prototype._executeWhenRenderingStateIsCompiled = function(M, U) {
var X = M;
if (X.isParallelCompiled) {
var j = X.onCompiled;
X.onCompiled = j ? function() {
j(), U();
} : U;
} else
}, N.prototype.getUniforms = function(M, U) {
for (var X = new Array(), j = M, ne = 0; ne < U.length; ne++)
X.push(this._gl.getUniformLocation(j.program, U[ne]));
return X;
}, N.prototype.getAttributes = function(M, U) {
for (var X = [], j = M, ne = 0; ne < U.length; ne++)
try {
X.push(this._gl.getAttribLocation(j.program, U[ne]));
} catch {
return X;
}, N.prototype.enableEffect = function(M) {
M && M !== this._currentEffect && (this.bindSamplers(M), this._currentEffect = M, M.onBind && M.onBind(M), M._onBindObservable && M._onBindObservable.notifyObservers(M));
}, N.prototype.setInt = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform1i(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setIntArray = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform1iv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setIntArray2 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 2 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform2iv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setIntArray3 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 3 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform3iv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setIntArray4 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 4 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform4iv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setArray = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform1fv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setArray2 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 2 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform2fv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setArray3 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 3 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform3fv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setArray4 = function(M, U) {
return !(!M || U.length % 4 != 0) && (this._gl.uniform4fv(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setMatrices = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniformMatrix4fv(M, !1, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setMatrix3x3 = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniformMatrix3fv(M, !1, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setMatrix2x2 = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniformMatrix2fv(M, !1, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setFloat = function(M, U) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform1f(M, U), !0);
}, N.prototype.setFloat2 = function(M, U, X) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform2f(M, U, X), !0);
}, N.prototype.setFloat3 = function(M, U, X, j) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform3f(M, U, X, j), !0);
}, N.prototype.setFloat4 = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
return !!M && (this._gl.uniform4f(M, U, X, j, ne), !0);
}, N.prototype.applyStates = function() {
if (this._depthCullingState.apply(this._gl), this._stencilState.apply(this._gl), this._alphaState.apply(this._gl), this._colorWriteChanged) {
this._colorWriteChanged = !1;
var M = this._colorWrite;
this._gl.colorMask(M, M, M, M);
}, N.prototype.setColorWrite = function(M) {
M !== this._colorWrite && (this._colorWriteChanged = !0, this._colorWrite = M);
}, N.prototype.getColorWrite = function() {
return this._colorWrite;
}, Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "depthCullingState", { get: function() {
return this._depthCullingState;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "alphaState", { get: function() {
return this._alphaState;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "stencilState", { get: function() {
return this._stencilState;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.prototype.clearInternalTexturesCache = function() {
this._internalTexturesCache = [];
}, N.prototype.wipeCaches = function(M) {
this.preventCacheWipeBetweenFrames && !M || (this._currentEffect = null, this._viewportCached.x = 0, this._viewportCached.y = 0, this._viewportCached.z = 0, this._viewportCached.w = 0, this._unbindVertexArrayObject(), M && (this._currentProgram = null, this.resetTextureCache(), this._stencilState.reset(), this._depthCullingState.reset(), this._depthCullingState.depthFunc = this._gl.LEQUAL, this._alphaState.reset(), this._alphaMode = m.a.ALPHA_ADD, this._alphaEquation = m.a.ALPHA_DISABLE, this._colorWrite = !0, this._colorWriteChanged = !0, this._unpackFlipYCached = null, this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_COLORSPACE_CONVERSION_WEBGL, this._gl.NONE), this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, 0), this._mustWipeVertexAttributes = !0, this.unbindAllAttributes()), this._resetVertexBufferBinding(), this._cachedIndexBuffer = null, this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers = null, this.bindIndexBuffer(null));
}, N.prototype._getSamplingParameters = function(M, U) {
var X = this._gl, j = X.NEAREST, ne = X.NEAREST;
switch (M) {
j = X.LINEAR, ne = X.LINEAR;
return { min: ne, mag: j };
}, N.prototype._createTexture = function() {
var M = this._gl.createTexture();
if (!M)
throw new Error("Unable to create texture");
return M;
}, N.prototype.createTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae, ee, K, $, L) {
var G = this;
ne === void 0 && (ne = m.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), te === void 0 && (te = null), de === void 0 && (de = null), pe === void 0 && (pe = null), ae === void 0 && (ae = null), ee === void 0 && (ee = null), K === void 0 && (K = null);
var Q = (M = M || "").substr(0, 5) === "data:", oe = M.substr(0, 5) === "blob:", re = Q && M.indexOf(";base64,") !== -1, Y = ae || new c.a(this, c.b.Url), k = M;
!this._transformTextureUrl || re || ae || pe || (M = this._transformTextureUrl(M)), k !== M && (Y._originalUrl = k);
var H = M.lastIndexOf("."), Z = K || (H > -1 ? M.substring(H).toLowerCase() : ""), W = null;
Z.indexOf("?") > -1 && (Z = Z.split("?")[0]);
for (var q = 0, he = N._TextureLoaders; q < he.length; q++) {
var ge = he[q];
if (ge.canLoad(Z, $)) {
W = ge;
j && j._addPendingData(Y), Y.url = M, Y.generateMipMaps = !U, Y.samplingMode = ne, Y.invertY = X, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (Y._buffer = pe);
var me = null;
te && !ae && (me = Y.onLoadedObservable.add(te)), ae || this._internalTexturesCache.push(Y);
var _e = function(be, Fe) {
j && j._removePendingData(Y), M === k ? (me && Y.onLoadedObservable.remove(me), V.a.UseFallbackTexture && G.createTexture(V.a.FallbackTexture, U, Y.invertY, j, ne, null, de, pe, Y), de && de((be || "Unknown error") + (V.a.UseFallbackTexture ? " - Fallback texture was used" : ""), Fe)) : (T.a.Warn("Failed to load " + M + ", falling back to " + k), G.createTexture(k, U, Y.invertY, j, ne, te, de, pe, Y, ee, K, $, L));
if (W) {
var ye = function(be) {
W.loadData(be, Y, function(Fe, ke, We, je, He, Qe) {
Qe ? _e("TextureLoader failed to load data") : G._prepareWebGLTexture(Y, j, Fe, ke, Y.invertY, !We, je, function() {
return He(), !1;
}, ne);
}, L);
pe ? pe instanceof ArrayBuffer ? ye(new Uint8Array(pe)) : ArrayBuffer.isView(pe) ? ye(pe) : de && de("Unable to load: only ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView is supported", null) : this._loadFile(M, function(be) {
return ye(new Uint8Array(be));
}, void 0, j ? j.offlineProvider : void 0, !0, function(be, Fe) {
_e("Unable to load " + (be && be.responseURL, Fe));
} else {
var Pe = function(be) {
oe && !G._doNotHandleContextLost && (Y._buffer = be), G._prepareWebGLTexture(Y, j, be.width, be.height, Y.invertY, U, !1, function(Fe, ke, We) {
var je = G._gl, He = be.width === Fe && be.height === ke, Qe = ee ? G._getInternalFormat(ee) : Z === ".jpg" ? je.RGB : je.RGBA;
if (He)
return je.texImage2D(je.TEXTURE_2D, 0, Qe, Qe, je.UNSIGNED_BYTE, be), !1;
var Ge = G._caps.maxTextureSize;
if (be.width > Ge || be.height > Ge || !G._supportsHardwareTextureRescaling)
return G._prepareWorkingCanvas(), !(!G._workingCanvas || !G._workingContext) && (G._workingCanvas.width = Fe, G._workingCanvas.height = ke, G._workingContext.drawImage(be, 0, 0, be.width, be.height, 0, 0, Fe, ke), je.texImage2D(je.TEXTURE_2D, 0, Qe, Qe, je.UNSIGNED_BYTE, G._workingCanvas), Y.width = Fe, Y.height = ke, !1);
var tt = new c.a(G, c.b.Temp);
return G._bindTextureDirectly(je.TEXTURE_2D, tt, !0), je.texImage2D(je.TEXTURE_2D, 0, Qe, Qe, je.UNSIGNED_BYTE, be), G._rescaleTexture(tt, Y, j, Qe, function() {
G._releaseTexture(tt), G._bindTextureDirectly(je.TEXTURE_2D, Y, !0), We();
}), !0;
}, ne);
!Q || re ? pe && (pe.decoding || pe.close) ? Pe(pe) : N._FileToolsLoadImage(M, Pe, _e, j ? j.offlineProvider : null, $) : typeof pe == "string" || pe instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(pe) || pe instanceof Blob ? N._FileToolsLoadImage(pe, Pe, _e, j ? j.offlineProvider : null, $) : pe && Pe(pe);
return Y;
}, N._FileToolsLoadImage = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("FileTools");
}, N.prototype._rescaleTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
}, N.prototype.createRawTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
throw ae === void 0 && (ae = m.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), C.a.WarnImport("Engine.RawTexture");
}, N.prototype.createRawCubeTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("Engine.RawTexture");
}, N.prototype.createRawTexture3D = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae, ee) {
throw ee === void 0 && (ee = m.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), C.a.WarnImport("Engine.RawTexture");
}, N.prototype.createRawTexture2DArray = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae, ee) {
throw ee === void 0 && (ee = m.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), C.a.WarnImport("Engine.RawTexture");
}, N.prototype._unpackFlipY = function(M) {
this._unpackFlipYCached !== M && (this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, M ? 1 : 0), this.enableUnpackFlipYCached && (this._unpackFlipYCached = M));
}, N.prototype._getUnpackAlignement = function() {
return this._gl.getParameter(this._gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT);
}, N.prototype._getTextureTarget = function(M) {
return M.isCube ? this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : M.is3D ? this._gl.TEXTURE_3D : M.is2DArray || M.isMultiview ? this._gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : this._gl.TEXTURE_2D;
}, N.prototype.updateTextureSamplingMode = function(M, U, X) {
X === void 0 && (X = !1);
var j = this._getTextureTarget(U), ne = this._getSamplingParameters(M, U.generateMipMaps || X);
this._setTextureParameterInteger(j, this._gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, ne.mag, U), this._setTextureParameterInteger(j, this._gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, ne.min), X && (U.generateMipMaps = !0, this._gl.generateMipmap(j)), this._bindTextureDirectly(j, null), U.samplingMode = M;
}, N.prototype.updateTextureWrappingMode = function(M, U, X, j) {
X === void 0 && (X = null), j === void 0 && (j = null);
var ne = this._getTextureTarget(M);
U !== null && (this._setTextureParameterInteger(ne, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._getTextureWrapMode(U), M), M._cachedWrapU = U), X !== null && (this._setTextureParameterInteger(ne, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._getTextureWrapMode(X), M), M._cachedWrapV = X), (M.is2DArray || M.is3D) && j !== null && (this._setTextureParameterInteger(ne, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_R, this._getTextureWrapMode(j), M), M._cachedWrapR = j), this._bindTextureDirectly(ne, null);
}, N.prototype._setupDepthStencilTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
var te = U.width || U, de = U.height || U, pe = U.layers || 0;
M.baseWidth = te, M.baseHeight = de, M.width = te, M.height = de, M.is2DArray = pe > 0, M.depth = pe, M.isReady = !0, M.samples = 1, M.generateMipMaps = !1, M._generateDepthBuffer = !0, M._generateStencilBuffer = X, M.samplingMode = j ? m.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE : m.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, M.type = m.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, M._comparisonFunction = ne;
var ae = this._gl, ee = this._getTextureTarget(M), K = this._getSamplingParameters(M.samplingMode, !1);
ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, K.mag), ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, K.min), ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, ae.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, ae.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), ne === 0 ? (ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, m.a.LEQUAL), ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, ae.NONE)) : (ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_COMPARE_FUNC, ne), ae.texParameteri(ee, ae.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, ae.COMPARE_REF_TO_TEXTURE));
}, N.prototype._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de) {
te === void 0 && (te = 0), de === void 0 && (de = 0);
var pe = this._gl, ae = pe.TEXTURE_2D;
M.isCube && (ae = pe.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + te), this._gl.compressedTexImage2D(ae, de, U, X, j, 0, ne);
}, N.prototype._uploadDataToTextureDirectly = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te) {
X === void 0 && (X = 0), j === void 0 && (j = 0), te === void 0 && (te = !1);
var de = this._gl, pe = this._getWebGLTextureType(M.type), ae = this._getInternalFormat(M.format), ee = ne === void 0 ? this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(M.type, M.format) : this._getInternalFormat(ne);
var K = de.TEXTURE_2D;
var $ = Math.round(Math.log(M.width) * Math.LOG2E), L = Math.round(Math.log(M.height) * Math.LOG2E), G = te ? M.width : Math.pow(2, Math.max($ - j, 0)), Q = te ? M.height : Math.pow(2, Math.max(L - j, 0));
de.texImage2D(K, j, ee, G, Q, 0, ae, pe, U);
}, N.prototype.updateTextureData = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe) {
de === void 0 && (de = 0), pe === void 0 && (pe = 0);
var ae = this._gl, ee = this._getWebGLTextureType(M.type), K = this._getInternalFormat(M.format);
var $ = ae.TEXTURE_2D;
M.isCube && ($ = ae.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + de), ae.texSubImage2D($, pe, X, j, ne, te, K, ee, U);
}, N.prototype._uploadArrayBufferViewToTexture = function(M, U, X, j) {
X === void 0 && (X = 0), j === void 0 && (j = 0);
var ne = this._gl, te = M.isCube ? ne.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP : ne.TEXTURE_2D;
this._bindTextureDirectly(te, M, !0), this._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(M, U, X, j), this._bindTextureDirectly(te, null, !0);
}, N.prototype._prepareWebGLTextureContinuation = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
var te = this._gl;
if (te) {
var de = this._getSamplingParameters(ne, !X);
te.texParameteri(te.TEXTURE_2D, te.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, de.mag), te.texParameteri(te.TEXTURE_2D, te.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, de.min), X || j || te.generateMipmap(te.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(te.TEXTURE_2D, null), U && U._removePendingData(M), M.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(M), M.onLoadedObservable.clear();
}, N.prototype._prepareWebGLTexture = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
var ee = this;
ae === void 0 && (ae = m.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);
var K = this.getCaps().maxTextureSize, $ = Math.min(K, this.needPOTTextures ? N.GetExponentOfTwo(X, K) : X), L = Math.min(K, this.needPOTTextures ? N.GetExponentOfTwo(j, K) : j), G = this._gl;
G && (M._webGLTexture ? (this._bindTextureDirectly(G.TEXTURE_2D, M, !0), this._unpackFlipY(ne === void 0 || !!ne), M.baseWidth = X, M.baseHeight = j, M.width = $, M.height = L, M.isReady = !0, pe($, L, function() {
ee._prepareWebGLTextureContinuation(M, U, te, de, ae);
}) || this._prepareWebGLTextureContinuation(M, U, te, de, ae)) : U && U._removePendingData(M));
}, N.prototype._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
ne === void 0 && (ne = 1);
var te = this._gl;
if (M && U)
return this._getDepthStencilBuffer(X, j, ne, te.DEPTH_STENCIL, te.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, te.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT);
if (U) {
var de = te.DEPTH_COMPONENT16;
return this._webGLVersion > 1 && (de = te.DEPTH_COMPONENT32F), this._getDepthStencilBuffer(X, j, ne, de, de, te.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT);
return M ? this._getDepthStencilBuffer(X, j, ne, te.STENCIL_INDEX8, te.STENCIL_INDEX8, te.STENCIL_ATTACHMENT) : null;
}, N.prototype._releaseFramebufferObjects = function(M) {
var U = this._gl;
M._framebuffer && (U.deleteFramebuffer(M._framebuffer), M._framebuffer = null), M._depthStencilBuffer && (U.deleteRenderbuffer(M._depthStencilBuffer), M._depthStencilBuffer = null), M._MSAAFramebuffer && (U.deleteFramebuffer(M._MSAAFramebuffer), M._MSAAFramebuffer = null), M._MSAARenderBuffer && (U.deleteRenderbuffer(M._MSAARenderBuffer), M._MSAARenderBuffer = null);
}, N.prototype._releaseTexture = function(M) {
this._releaseFramebufferObjects(M), this._deleteTexture(M._webGLTexture), this.unbindAllTextures();
var U = this._internalTexturesCache.indexOf(M);
U !== -1 && this._internalTexturesCache.splice(U, 1), M._lodTextureHigh && M._lodTextureHigh.dispose(), M._lodTextureMid && M._lodTextureMid.dispose(), M._lodTextureLow && M._lodTextureLow.dispose(), M._irradianceTexture && M._irradianceTexture.dispose();
}, N.prototype._deleteTexture = function(M) {
}, N.prototype._setProgram = function(M) {
this._currentProgram !== M && (this._gl.useProgram(M), this._currentProgram = M);
}, N.prototype.bindSamplers = function(M) {
var U = M.getPipelineContext();
for (var X = M.getSamplers(), j = 0; j < X.length; j++) {
var ne = M.getUniform(X[j]);
ne && (this._boundUniforms[j] = ne);
this._currentEffect = null;
}, N.prototype._activateCurrentTexture = function() {
this._currentTextureChannel !== this._activeChannel && (this._gl.activeTexture(this._gl.TEXTURE0 + this._activeChannel), this._currentTextureChannel = this._activeChannel);
}, N.prototype._bindTextureDirectly = function(M, U, X, j) {
X === void 0 && (X = !1), j === void 0 && (j = !1);
var ne = !1, te = U && U._associatedChannel > -1;
return X && te && (this._activeChannel = U._associatedChannel), this._boundTexturesCache[this._activeChannel] !== U || j ? (this._activateCurrentTexture(), U && U.isMultiview ? this._gl.bindTexture(M, U ? U._colorTextureArray : null) : this._gl.bindTexture(M, U ? U._webGLTexture : null), this._boundTexturesCache[this._activeChannel] = U, U && (U._associatedChannel = this._activeChannel)) : X && (ne = !0, this._activateCurrentTexture()), te && !X && this._bindSamplerUniformToChannel(U._associatedChannel, this._activeChannel), ne;
}, N.prototype._bindTexture = function(M, U) {
if (M !== void 0) {
U && (U._associatedChannel = M), this._activeChannel = M;
var X = U ? this._getTextureTarget(U) : this._gl.TEXTURE_2D;
this._bindTextureDirectly(X, U);
}, N.prototype.unbindAllTextures = function() {
for (var M = 0; M < this._maxSimultaneousTextures; M++)
this._activeChannel = M, this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), this.webGLVersion > 1 && (this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_3D, null), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, null));
}, N.prototype.setTexture = function(M, U, X) {
M !== void 0 && (U && (this._boundUniforms[M] = U), this._setTexture(M, X));
}, N.prototype._bindSamplerUniformToChannel = function(M, U) {
var X = this._boundUniforms[M];
X && X._currentState !== U && (this._gl.uniform1i(X, U), X._currentState = U);
}, N.prototype._getTextureWrapMode = function(M) {
switch (M) {
return this._gl.REPEAT;
return this._gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE;
return this._gl.MIRRORED_REPEAT;
return this._gl.REPEAT;
}, N.prototype._setTexture = function(M, U, X, j) {
if (X === void 0 && (X = !1), j === void 0 && (j = !1), !U)
return this._boundTexturesCache[M] != null && (this._activeChannel = M, this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), this.webGLVersion > 1 && (this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_3D, null), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, null))), !1;
if (
this._activeChannel = M, U.update();
else if (U.delayLoadState === m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED)
return U.delayLoad(), !1;
var ne;
ne = j ? U.depthStencilTexture : U.isReady() ? U.getInternalTexture() : U.isCube ? this.emptyCubeTexture : U.is3D ? this.emptyTexture3D : U.is2DArray ? this.emptyTexture2DArray : this.emptyTexture, !X && ne && (ne._associatedChannel = M);
var te = !0;
this._boundTexturesCache[M] === ne && (X || this._bindSamplerUniformToChannel(ne._associatedChannel, M), te = !1), this._activeChannel = M;
var de = this._getTextureTarget(ne);
if (te && this._bindTextureDirectly(de, ne, X), ne && !ne.isMultiview) {
if (ne.isCube && ne._cachedCoordinatesMode !== U.coordinatesMode) {
ne._cachedCoordinatesMode = U.coordinatesMode;
var pe = U.coordinatesMode !== m.a.TEXTURE_CUBIC_MODE && U.coordinatesMode !== m.a.TEXTURE_SKYBOX_MODE ? m.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE : m.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE;
U.wrapU = pe, U.wrapV = pe;
ne._cachedWrapU !== U.wrapU && (ne._cachedWrapU = U.wrapU, this._setTextureParameterInteger(de, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, this._getTextureWrapMode(U.wrapU), ne)), ne._cachedWrapV !== U.wrapV && (ne._cachedWrapV = U.wrapV, this._setTextureParameterInteger(de, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, this._getTextureWrapMode(U.wrapV), ne)), ne.is3D && ne._cachedWrapR !== U.wrapR && (ne._cachedWrapR = U.wrapR, this._setTextureParameterInteger(de, this._gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_R, this._getTextureWrapMode(U.wrapR), ne)), this._setAnisotropicLevel(de, ne, U.anisotropicFilteringLevel);
return !0;
}, N.prototype.setTextureArray = function(M, U, X) {
if (M !== void 0 && U) {
this._textureUnits && this._textureUnits.length === X.length || (this._textureUnits = new Int32Array(X.length));
for (var j = 0; j < X.length; j++) {
var ne = X[j].getInternalTexture();
ne ? (this._textureUnits[j] = M + j, ne._associatedChannel = M + j) : this._textureUnits[j] = -1;
this._gl.uniform1iv(U, this._textureUnits);
for (var te = 0; te < X.length; te++)
this._setTexture(this._textureUnits[te], X[te], !0);
}, N.prototype._setAnisotropicLevel = function(M, U, X) {
var j = this._caps.textureAnisotropicFilterExtension;
U.samplingMode !== m.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR_MIPNEAREST && U.samplingMode !== m.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR_MIPLINEAR && U.samplingMode !== m.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR && (X = 1), j && U._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel !== X && (this._setTextureParameterFloat(M, j.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, Math.min(X, this._caps.maxAnisotropy), U), U._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel = X);
}, N.prototype._setTextureParameterFloat = function(M, U, X, j) {
this._bindTextureDirectly(M, j, !0, !0), this._gl.texParameterf(M, U, X);
}, N.prototype._setTextureParameterInteger = function(M, U, X, j) {
j && this._bindTextureDirectly(M, j, !0, !0), this._gl.texParameteri(M, U, X);
}, N.prototype.unbindAllAttributes = function() {
if (this._mustWipeVertexAttributes) {
this._mustWipeVertexAttributes = !1;
for (var M = 0; M < this._caps.maxVertexAttribs; M++)
} else {
M = 0;
for (var U = this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled.length; M < U; M++)
M >= this._caps.maxVertexAttribs || !this._vertexAttribArraysEnabled[M] || this.disableAttributeByIndex(M);
}, N.prototype.releaseEffects = function() {
for (var M in this._compiledEffects) {
var U = this._compiledEffects[M].getPipelineContext();
this._compiledEffects = {};
}, N.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.stopRenderLoop(), this.onBeforeTextureInitObservable && this.onBeforeTextureInitObservable.clear(), this._emptyTexture && (this._releaseTexture(this._emptyTexture), this._emptyTexture = null), this._emptyCubeTexture && (this._releaseTexture(this._emptyCubeTexture), this._emptyCubeTexture = null), this._dummyFramebuffer && this._gl.deleteFramebuffer(this._dummyFramebuffer), this.releaseEffects(), this.unbindAllAttributes(), this._boundUniforms = [], S.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && this._renderingCanvas && (this._doNotHandleContextLost || (this._renderingCanvas.removeEventListener("webglcontextlost", this._onContextLost), this._renderingCanvas.removeEventListener("webglcontextrestored", this._onContextRestored))), this._workingCanvas = null, this._workingContext = null, this._currentBufferPointers = [], this._renderingCanvas = null, this._currentProgram = null, this._boundRenderFunction = null, _.a.ResetCache();
for (var M = 0, U = this._activeRequests; M < U.length; M++)
}, N.prototype.attachContextLostEvent = function(M) {
this._renderingCanvas && this._renderingCanvas.addEventListener("webglcontextlost", M, !1);
}, N.prototype.attachContextRestoredEvent = function(M) {
this._renderingCanvas && this._renderingCanvas.addEventListener("webglcontextrestored", M, !1);
}, N.prototype.getError = function() {
return this._gl.getError();
}, N.prototype._canRenderToFloatFramebuffer = function() {
return this._webGLVersion > 1 ? this._caps.colorBufferFloat : this._canRenderToFramebuffer(m.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT);
}, N.prototype._canRenderToHalfFloatFramebuffer = function() {
return this._webGLVersion > 1 ? this._caps.colorBufferFloat : this._canRenderToFramebuffer(m.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT);
}, N.prototype._canRenderToFramebuffer = function(M) {
for (var U = this._gl; U.getError() !== U.NO_ERROR; )
var X = !0, j = U.createTexture();
U.bindTexture(U.TEXTURE_2D, j), U.texImage2D(U.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(M), 1, 1, 0, U.RGBA, this._getWebGLTextureType(M), null), U.texParameteri(U.TEXTURE_2D, U.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, U.NEAREST), U.texParameteri(U.TEXTURE_2D, U.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, U.NEAREST);
var ne = U.createFramebuffer();
U.bindFramebuffer(U.FRAMEBUFFER, ne), U.framebufferTexture2D(U.FRAMEBUFFER, U.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, U.TEXTURE_2D, j, 0);
var te = U.checkFramebufferStatus(U.FRAMEBUFFER);
if ((X = (X = X && te === U.FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE) && U.getError() === U.NO_ERROR) && (U.clear(U.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT), X = X && U.getError() === U.NO_ERROR), X) {
U.bindFramebuffer(U.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
var de = U.RGBA, pe = U.UNSIGNED_BYTE, ae = new Uint8Array(4);
U.readPixels(0, 0, 1, 1, de, pe, ae), X = X && U.getError() === U.NO_ERROR;
for (U.deleteTexture(j), U.deleteFramebuffer(ne), U.bindFramebuffer(U.FRAMEBUFFER, null); !X && U.getError() !== U.NO_ERROR; )
return X;
}, N.prototype._getWebGLTextureType = function(M) {
if (this._webGLVersion === 1) {
switch (M) {
return this._gl.FLOAT;
return this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
switch (M) {
return this._gl.BYTE;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
return this._gl.SHORT;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT;
return this._gl.INT;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT;
return this._gl.FLOAT;
return this._gl.HALF_FLOAT;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT_2_10_10_10_REV;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_INT_5_9_9_9_REV;
return this._gl.FLOAT_32_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_REV;
return this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE;
}, N.prototype._getInternalFormat = function(M) {
var U = this._gl.RGBA;
switch (M) {
U = this._gl.ALPHA;
U = this._gl.LUMINANCE;
U = this._gl.RED;
U = this._gl.RG;
U = this._gl.RGB;
U = this._gl.RGBA;
if (this._webGLVersion > 1)
switch (M) {
U = this._gl.RED_INTEGER;
U = this._gl.RG_INTEGER;
U = this._gl.RGB_INTEGER;
U = this._gl.RGBA_INTEGER;
return U;
}, N.prototype._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat = function(M, U) {
if (this._webGLVersion === 1) {
if (U !== void 0)
switch (U) {
return this._gl.ALPHA;
return this._gl.LUMINANCE;
return this._gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
return this._gl.RGB;
return this._gl.RGBA;
switch (M) {
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R8_SNORM;
return this._gl.RG8_SNORM;
return this._gl.RGB8_SNORM;
return this._gl.R8I;
return this._gl.RG8I;
return this._gl.RGB8I;
return this._gl.RGBA8I;
return this._gl.RGBA8_SNORM;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R8;
return this._gl.RG8;
return this._gl.RGB8;
return this._gl.RGBA8;
return this._gl.R8UI;
return this._gl.RG8UI;
return this._gl.RGB8UI;
return this._gl.RGBA8UI;
return this._gl.ALPHA;
return this._gl.LUMINANCE;
return this._gl.LUMINANCE_ALPHA;
return this._gl.RGBA8;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R16I;
return this._gl.RG16I;
return this._gl.RGB16I;
return this._gl.RGBA16I;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R16UI;
return this._gl.RG16UI;
return this._gl.RGB16UI;
return this._gl.RGBA16UI;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R32I;
return this._gl.RG32I;
return this._gl.RGB32I;
return this._gl.RGBA32I;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R32UI;
return this._gl.RG32UI;
return this._gl.RGB32UI;
return this._gl.RGBA32UI;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R32F;
return this._gl.RG32F;
return this._gl.RGB32F;
return this._gl.RGBA32F;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.R16F;
return this._gl.RG16F;
return this._gl.RGB16F;
return this._gl.RGBA16F;
return this._gl.RGB565;
return this._gl.R11F_G11F_B10F;
return this._gl.RGB9_E5;
return this._gl.RGBA4;
return this._gl.RGB5_A1;
switch (U) {
return this._gl.RGB10_A2;
return this._gl.RGB10_A2UI;
return this._gl.RGB10_A2;
return this._gl.RGBA8;
}, N.prototype._getRGBAMultiSampleBufferFormat = function(M) {
return M === m.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT ? this._gl.RGBA32F : M === m.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT ? this._gl.RGBA16F : this._gl.RGBA8;
}, N.prototype._loadFile = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te) {
var de = this, pe = N._FileToolsLoadFile(M, U, X, j, ne, te);
return this._activeRequests.push(pe), pe.onCompleteObservable.add(function(ae) {
de._activeRequests.splice(de._activeRequests.indexOf(ae), 1);
}), pe;
}, N._FileToolsLoadFile = function(M, U, X, j, ne, te) {
throw C.a.WarnImport("FileTools");
}, N.prototype.readPixels = function(M, U, X, j, ne) {
ne === void 0 && (ne = !0);
var te = ne ? 4 : 3, de = ne ? this._gl.RGBA : this._gl.RGB, pe = new Uint8Array(j * X * te);
return this._gl.readPixels(M, U, X, j, de, this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pe), pe;
}, Object.defineProperty(N, "IsSupported", { get: function() {
return this.isSupported();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.isSupported = function() {
if (this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat !== null)
return !this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat;
if (this._IsSupported === null)
try {
var M = v.a.CreateCanvas(1, 1), U = M.getContext("webgl") || M.getContext("experimental-webgl");
this._IsSupported = U != null && !!window.WebGLRenderingContext;
} catch {
this._IsSupported = !1;
return this._IsSupported;
}, Object.defineProperty(N, "HasMajorPerformanceCaveat", { get: function() {
if (this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat === null)
try {
var M = v.a.CreateCanvas(1, 1), U = M.getContext("webgl", { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: !0 }) || M.getContext("experimental-webgl", { failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: !0 });
this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat = !U;
} catch {
this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat = !1;
return this._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), N.CeilingPOT = function(M) {
return M--, M |= M >> 1, M |= M >> 2, M |= M >> 4, M |= M >> 8, M |= M >> 16, ++M;
}, N.FloorPOT = function(M) {
return M |= M >> 1, M |= M >> 2, M |= M >> 4, M |= M >> 8, (M |= M >> 16) - (M >> 1);
}, N.NearestPOT = function(M) {
var U = N.CeilingPOT(M), X = N.FloorPOT(M);
return U - M > M - X ? X : U;
}, N.GetExponentOfTwo = function(M, U, X) {
var j;
switch (X === void 0 && (X = m.a.SCALEMODE_NEAREST), X) {
j = N.FloorPOT(M);
j = N.NearestPOT(M);
j = N.CeilingPOT(M);
return Math.min(j, U);
}, N.QueueNewFrame = function(M, U) {
return S.a.IsWindowObjectExist() ? (U || (U = window), U.requestPostAnimationFrame ? U.requestPostAnimationFrame(M) : U.requestAnimationFrame ? U.requestAnimationFrame(M) : U.msRequestAnimationFrame ? U.msRequestAnimationFrame(M) : U.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ? U.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(M) : U.mozRequestAnimationFrame ? U.mozRequestAnimationFrame(M) : U.oRequestAnimationFrame ? U.oRequestAnimationFrame(M) : window.setTimeout(M, 16)) : typeof requestAnimationFrame < "u" ? requestAnimationFrame(M) : setTimeout(M, 16);
}, N.prototype.getHostDocument = function() {
return this._renderingCanvas && this._renderingCanvas.ownerDocument ? this._renderingCanvas.ownerDocument : document;
}, N.ExceptionList = [{ key: "Chrome/63.0", capture: "63\\.0\\.3239\\.(\\d+)", captureConstraint: 108, targets: ["uniformBuffer"] }, { key: "Firefox/58", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["uniformBuffer"] }, { key: "Firefox/59", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["uniformBuffer"] }, { key: "Chrome/72.+?Mobile", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["vao"] }, { key: "Chrome/73.+?Mobile", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["vao"] }, { key: "Chrome/74.+?Mobile", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["vao"] }, { key: "Mac OS.+Chrome/71", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["vao"] }, { key: "Mac OS.+Chrome/72", capture: null, captureConstraint: null, targets: ["vao"] }], N._TextureLoaders = [], N.CollisionsEpsilon = 1e-3, N._IsSupported = null, N._HasMajorPerformanceCaveat = null, N;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V, _ = f(6), C = f(102), u = f(2), I = f(21);
(function(x) {
x[x.Unknown = 0] = "Unknown", x[x.Url = 1] = "Url", x[x.Temp = 2] = "Temp", x[x.Raw = 3] = "Raw", x[x.Dynamic = 4] = "Dynamic", x[x.RenderTarget = 5] = "RenderTarget", x[x.MultiRenderTarget = 6] = "MultiRenderTarget", x[x.Cube = 7] = "Cube", x[x.CubeRaw = 8] = "CubeRaw", x[x.CubePrefiltered = 9] = "CubePrefiltered", x[x.Raw3D = 10] = "Raw3D", x[x.Raw2DArray = 11] = "Raw2DArray", x[x.Depth = 12] = "Depth", x[x.CubeRawRGBD = 13] = "CubeRawRGBD";
})(V || (V = {}));
var O = function() {
function x(m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = !1), this.isReady = !1, this.isCube = !1, this.is3D = !1, this.is2DArray = !1, this.isMultiview = !1, this.url = "", this.samplingMode = -1, this.generateMipMaps = !1, this.samples = 0, this.type = -1, this.format = -1, this.onLoadedObservable = new _.c(), this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.depth = 0, this.baseWidth = 0, this.baseHeight = 0, this.baseDepth = 0, this.invertY = !1, this._invertVScale = !1, this._associatedChannel = -1, this._source = V.Unknown, this._buffer = null, this._bufferView = null, this._bufferViewArray = null, this._bufferViewArrayArray = null, this._size = 0, this._extension = "", this._files = null, this._workingCanvas = null, this._workingContext = null, this._framebuffer = null, this._depthStencilBuffer = null, this._MSAAFramebuffer = null, this._MSAARenderBuffer = null, this._attachments = null, this._textureArray = null, this._cachedCoordinatesMode = null, this._cachedWrapU = null, this._cachedWrapV = null, this._cachedWrapR = null, this._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel = null, this._isDisabled = !1, this._compression = null, this._generateStencilBuffer = !1, this._generateDepthBuffer = !1, this._comparisonFunction = 0, this._sphericalPolynomial = null, this._lodGenerationScale = 0, this._lodGenerationOffset = 0, this._colorTextureArray = null, this._depthStencilTextureArray = null, this._lodTextureHigh = null, this._lodTextureMid = null, this._lodTextureLow = null, this._isRGBD = !1, this._linearSpecularLOD = !1, this._irradianceTexture = null, this._webGLTexture = null, this._references = 1, this._gammaSpace = null, this._engine = m, this._source = c, T || (this._webGLTexture = m._createTexture());
return x.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "source", { get: function() {
return this._source;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.incrementReferences = function() {
}, x.prototype.updateSize = function(m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = 1), this.width = m, this.height = c, this.depth = T, this.baseWidth = m, this.baseHeight = c, this.baseDepth = T, this._size = m * c * T;
}, x.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var m, c, T = this;
switch (this.isReady = !1, this._cachedCoordinatesMode = null, this._cachedWrapU = null, this._cachedWrapV = null, this._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel = null, this.source) {
case V.Temp:
case V.Url:
return void (c = this._engine.createTexture((m = this._originalUrl) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : this.url, !this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, null, this.samplingMode, function() {
c._swapAndDie(T), T.isReady = !0;
}, null, this._buffer, void 0, this.format));
case V.Raw:
return (c = this._engine.createRawTexture(this._bufferView, this.baseWidth, this.baseHeight, this.format, this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._compression))._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.Raw3D:
return (c = this._engine.createRawTexture3D(this._bufferView, this.baseWidth, this.baseHeight, this.baseDepth, this.format, this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._compression))._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.Raw2DArray:
return (c = this._engine.createRawTexture2DArray(this._bufferView, this.baseWidth, this.baseHeight, this.baseDepth, this.format, this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._compression))._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.Dynamic:
return (c = this._engine.createDynamicTexture(this.baseWidth, this.baseHeight, this.generateMipMaps, this.samplingMode))._swapAndDie(this), void this._engine.updateDynamicTexture(this, this._engine.getRenderingCanvas(), this.invertY, void 0, void 0, !0);
case V.RenderTarget:
var S = new C.a();
if (S.generateDepthBuffer = this._generateDepthBuffer, S.generateMipMaps = this.generateMipMaps, S.generateStencilBuffer = this._generateStencilBuffer, S.samplingMode = this.samplingMode, S.type = this.type, this.isCube)
c = this._engine.createRenderTargetCubeTexture(this.width, S);
else {
var E = { width: this.width, height: this.height, layers: this.is2DArray ? this.depth : void 0 };
c = this._engine.createRenderTargetTexture(E, S);
return c._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.Depth:
var g = { bilinearFiltering: this.samplingMode !== u.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, comparisonFunction: this._comparisonFunction, generateStencil: this._generateStencilBuffer, isCube: this.isCube }, l = { width: this.width, height: this.height, layers: this.is2DArray ? this.depth : void 0 };
return (c = this._engine.createDepthStencilTexture(l, g))._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.Cube:
return void (c = this._engine.createCubeTexture(this.url, null, this._files, !this.generateMipMaps, function() {
c._swapAndDie(T), T.isReady = !0;
}, null, this.format, this._extension));
case V.CubeRaw:
return (c = this._engine.createRawCubeTexture(this._bufferViewArray, this.width, this.format, this.type, this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._compression))._swapAndDie(this), void (this.isReady = !0);
case V.CubeRawRGBD:
return c = this._engine.createRawCubeTexture(null, this.width, this.format, this.type, this.generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._compression), void x._UpdateRGBDAsync(c, this._bufferViewArrayArray, this._sphericalPolynomial, this._lodGenerationScale, this._lodGenerationOffset).then(function() {
c._swapAndDie(T), T.isReady = !0;
case V.CubePrefiltered:
return void ((c = this._engine.createPrefilteredCubeTexture(this.url, null, this._lodGenerationScale, this._lodGenerationOffset, function(h) {
h && h._swapAndDie(T), T.isReady = !0;
}, null, this.format, this._extension))._sphericalPolynomial = this._sphericalPolynomial);
}, x.prototype._swapAndDie = function(m) {
m._webGLTexture = this._webGLTexture, m._isRGBD = this._isRGBD, this._framebuffer && (m._framebuffer = this._framebuffer), this._depthStencilBuffer && (m._depthStencilBuffer = this._depthStencilBuffer), m._depthStencilTexture = this._depthStencilTexture, this._lodTextureHigh && (m._lodTextureHigh && m._lodTextureHigh.dispose(), m._lodTextureHigh = this._lodTextureHigh), this._lodTextureMid && (m._lodTextureMid && m._lodTextureMid.dispose(), m._lodTextureMid = this._lodTextureMid), this._lodTextureLow && (m._lodTextureLow && m._lodTextureLow.dispose(), m._lodTextureLow = this._lodTextureLow), this._irradianceTexture && (m._irradianceTexture && m._irradianceTexture.dispose(), m._irradianceTexture = this._irradianceTexture);
var c, T = this._engine.getLoadedTexturesCache();
(c = T.indexOf(this)) !== -1 && T.splice(c, 1), (c = T.indexOf(m)) === -1 && T.push(m);
}, x.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._webGLTexture && (this._references--, this._references === 0 && (this._engine._releaseTexture(this), this._webGLTexture = null));
}, x._UpdateRGBDAsync = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
throw I.a.WarnImport("environmentTextureTools");
}, x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = 1 / 2.2, _ = 2.2, C = 1e-3;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return x;
var V = f(1), _ = f(0), C = f(3), u = f(6), I = f(22), O = f(21), x = function() {
function m(c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = null), this.state = "", this.metadata = null, this.reservedDataStore = null, this._doNotSerialize = !1, this._isDisposed = !1, this.animations = new Array(), this._ranges = {}, this.onReady = null, this._isEnabled = !0, this._isParentEnabled = !0, this._isReady = !0, this._currentRenderId = -1, this._parentUpdateId = -1, this._childUpdateId = -1, this._waitingParentId = null, this._cache = {}, this._parentNode = null, this._children = null, this._worldMatrix = _.a.Identity(), this._worldMatrixDeterminant = 0, this._worldMatrixDeterminantIsDirty = !0, this._sceneRootNodesIndex = -1, this._animationPropertiesOverride = null, this._isNode = !0, this.onDisposeObservable = new u.c(), this._onDisposeObserver = null, this._behaviors = new Array(), = c, = c, this._scene = T || I.a.LastCreatedScene, this.uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId(), this._initCache();
return m.AddNodeConstructor = function(c, T) {
this._NodeConstructors[c] = T;
}, m.Construct = function(c, T, S, E) {
var g = this._NodeConstructors[c];
return g ? g(T, S, E) : null;
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "doNotSerialize", { get: function() {
return !!this._doNotSerialize || !!this._parentNode && this._parentNode.doNotSerialize;
}, set: function(c) {
this._doNotSerialize = c;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype.isDisposed = function() {
return this._isDisposed;
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "parent", { get: function() {
return this._parentNode;
}, set: function(c) {
if (this._parentNode !== c) {
var T = this._parentNode;
if (this._parentNode && this._parentNode._children !== void 0 && this._parentNode._children !== null) {
var S = this._parentNode._children.indexOf(this);
S !== -1 && this._parentNode._children.splice(S, 1), c || this._isDisposed || this._addToSceneRootNodes();
this._parentNode = c, this._parentNode && (this._parentNode._children !== void 0 && this._parentNode._children !== null || (this._parentNode._children = new Array()), this._parentNode._children.push(this), T || this._removeFromSceneRootNodes()), this._syncParentEnabledState();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype._addToSceneRootNodes = function() {
this._sceneRootNodesIndex === -1 && (this._sceneRootNodesIndex = this._scene.rootNodes.length, this._scene.rootNodes.push(this));
}, m.prototype._removeFromSceneRootNodes = function() {
if (this._sceneRootNodesIndex !== -1) {
var c = this._scene.rootNodes, T = c.length - 1;
c[this._sceneRootNodesIndex] = c[T], c[this._sceneRootNodesIndex]._sceneRootNodesIndex = this._sceneRootNodesIndex, this._scene.rootNodes.pop(), this._sceneRootNodesIndex = -1;
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "animationPropertiesOverride", { get: function() {
return this._animationPropertiesOverride ? this._animationPropertiesOverride : this._scene.animationPropertiesOverride;
}, set: function(c) {
this._animationPropertiesOverride = c;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Node";
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(c) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(c);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, m.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._scene.getEngine();
}, m.prototype.addBehavior = function(c, T) {
var S = this;
return T === void 0 && (T = !1), this._behaviors.indexOf(c) !== -1 || (c.init(), this._scene.isLoading && !T ? this._scene.onDataLoadedObservable.addOnce(function() {
}) : c.attach(this), this._behaviors.push(c)), this;
}, m.prototype.removeBehavior = function(c) {
var T = this._behaviors.indexOf(c);
return T === -1 || (this._behaviors[T].detach(), this._behaviors.splice(T, 1)), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "behaviors", { get: function() {
return this._behaviors;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype.getBehaviorByName = function(c) {
for (var T = 0, S = this._behaviors; T < S.length; T++) {
var E = S[T];
if ( === c)
return E;
return null;
}, m.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._currentRenderId !== this._scene.getRenderId() && this.computeWorldMatrix(), this._worldMatrix;
}, m.prototype._getWorldMatrixDeterminant = function() {
return this._worldMatrixDeterminantIsDirty && (this._worldMatrixDeterminantIsDirty = !1, this._worldMatrixDeterminant = this._worldMatrix.determinant()), this._worldMatrixDeterminant;
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "worldMatrixFromCache", { get: function() {
return this._worldMatrix;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype._initCache = function() {
this._cache = {}, this._cache.parent = void 0;
}, m.prototype.updateCache = function(c) {
!c && this.isSynchronized() || (this._cache.parent = this.parent, this._updateCache());
}, m.prototype._getActionManagerForTrigger = function(c, T) {
return this.parent ? this.parent._getActionManagerForTrigger(c, !1) : null;
}, m.prototype._updateCache = function(c) {
}, m.prototype._isSynchronized = function() {
return !0;
}, m.prototype._markSyncedWithParent = function() {
this._parentNode && (this._parentUpdateId = this._parentNode._childUpdateId);
}, m.prototype.isSynchronizedWithParent = function() {
return !this._parentNode || this._parentUpdateId === this._parentNode._childUpdateId && this._parentNode.isSynchronized();
}, m.prototype.isSynchronized = function() {
return this._cache.parent != this._parentNode ? (this._cache.parent = this._parentNode, !1) : !(this._parentNode && !this.isSynchronizedWithParent()) && this._isSynchronized();
}, m.prototype.isReady = function(c) {
return this._isReady;
}, m.prototype.isEnabled = function(c) {
return c === void 0 && (c = !0), c === !1 ? this._isEnabled : !!this._isEnabled && this._isParentEnabled;
}, m.prototype._syncParentEnabledState = function() {
this._isParentEnabled = !this._parentNode || this._parentNode.isEnabled(), this._children && this._children.forEach(function(c) {
}, m.prototype.setEnabled = function(c) {
this._isEnabled = c, this._syncParentEnabledState();
}, m.prototype.isDescendantOf = function(c) {
return !!this.parent && (this.parent === c || this.parent.isDescendantOf(c));
}, m.prototype._getDescendants = function(c, T, S) {
if (T === void 0 && (T = !1), this._children)
for (var E = 0; E < this._children.length; E++) {
var g = this._children[E];
S && !S(g) || c.push(g), T || g._getDescendants(c, !1, S);
}, m.prototype.getDescendants = function(c, T) {
var S = new Array();
return this._getDescendants(S, c, T), S;
}, m.prototype.getChildMeshes = function(c, T) {
var S = [];
return this._getDescendants(S, c, function(E) {
return (!T || T(E)) && E.cullingStrategy !== void 0;
}), S;
}, m.prototype.getChildren = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = !0), this.getDescendants(T, c);
}, m.prototype._setReady = function(c) {
c !== this._isReady && (c ? (this.onReady && this.onReady(this), this._isReady = !0) : this._isReady = !1);
}, m.prototype.getAnimationByName = function(c) {
for (var T = 0; T < this.animations.length; T++) {
var S = this.animations[T];
if ( === c)
return S;
return null;
}, m.prototype.createAnimationRange = function(c, T, S) {
if (!this._ranges[c]) {
this._ranges[c] = m._AnimationRangeFactory(c, T, S);
for (var E = 0, g = this.animations.length; E < g; E++)
this.animations[E] && this.animations[E].createRange(c, T, S);
}, m.prototype.deleteAnimationRange = function(c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = !0);
for (var S = 0, E = this.animations.length; S < E; S++)
this.animations[S] && this.animations[S].deleteRange(c, T);
this._ranges[c] = null;
}, m.prototype.getAnimationRange = function(c) {
return this._ranges[c] || null;
}, m.prototype.getAnimationRanges = function() {
var c, T = [];
for (c in this._ranges)
return T;
}, m.prototype.beginAnimation = function(c, T, S, E) {
var g = this.getAnimationRange(c);
return g ? this._scene.beginAnimation(this, g.from,, T, S, E) : null;
}, m.prototype.serializeAnimationRanges = function() {
var c = [];
for (var T in this._ranges) {
var S = this._ranges[T];
if (S) {
var E = {}; = T, E.from = S.from, =, c.push(E);
return c;
}, m.prototype.computeWorldMatrix = function(c) {
return this._worldMatrix || (this._worldMatrix = _.a.Identity()), this._worldMatrix;
}, m.prototype.dispose = function(c, T) {
if (T === void 0 && (T = !1), this._isDisposed = !0, !c)
for (var S = 0, E = this.getDescendants(!0); S < E.length; S++)
E[S].dispose(c, T);
this.parent ? this.parent = null : this._removeFromSceneRootNodes(), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear();
for (var g = 0, l = this._behaviors; g < l.length; g++)
this._behaviors = [];
}, m.ParseAnimationRanges = function(c, T, S) {
if (T.ranges)
for (var E = 0; E < T.ranges.length; E++) {
var g = T.ranges[E];
c.createAnimationRange(, g.from,;
}, m.prototype.getHierarchyBoundingVectors = function(c, T) {
var S, E;
if (c === void 0 && (c = !0), T === void 0 && (T = null), this.getScene().incrementRenderId(), this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this.getBoundingInfo && this.subMeshes) {
var g = this.getBoundingInfo();
S = g.boundingBox.minimumWorld.clone(), E = g.boundingBox.maximumWorld.clone();
} else
S = new _.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), E = new _.e(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE);
if (c)
for (var l = 0, h = this.getDescendants(!1); l < h.length; l++) {
var v = h[l];
if (v.computeWorldMatrix(!0), (!T || T(v)) && v.getBoundingInfo && v.getTotalVertices() !== 0) {
var b = v.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox, D = b.minimumWorld, w = b.maximumWorld;
_.e.CheckExtends(D, S, E), _.e.CheckExtends(w, S, E);
return { min: S, max: E };
}, m._AnimationRangeFactory = function(c, T, S) {
throw O.a.WarnImport("AnimationRange");
}, m._NodeConstructors = {}, Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], m.prototype, "name", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], m.prototype, "id", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], m.prototype, "uniqueId", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], m.prototype, "state", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], m.prototype, "metadata", void 0), m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return de;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return pe;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(33), u = f(20), I = f(0), O = f(9), x = f(4), m = f(105), c = f(42), T = f(25), S = f(76), E = f(87), g = f(15), l = f(10), h = f(11), v = f(19), b = f(5), D = `uniform vec4 vDiffuseColor;
uniform vec4 vSpecularColor;
uniform vec3 vEmissiveColor;
uniform float visibility;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
#ifdef AMBIENT
uniform vec2 vAmbientInfos;
#ifdef OPACITY
uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos;
uniform vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
uniform vec2 vLightmapInfos;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform vec2 vTangentSpaceParams;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform vec4 vRefractionInfos;
uniform mat4 refractionMatrix;
uniform vec4 refractionLeftColor;
uniform vec4 refractionRightColor;
#if defined(SPECULAR) && defined(SPECULARTERM)
uniform vec2 vSpecularInfos;
uniform vec4 diffuseLeftColor;
uniform vec4 diffuseRightColor;
uniform vec4 opacityParts;
uniform vec4 emissiveLeftColor;
uniform vec4 emissiveRightColor;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionPosition;
uniform vec3 vReflectionSize;
uniform vec4 reflectionLeftColor;
uniform vec4 reflectionRightColor;
b.a.IncludesShadersStore.defaultFragmentDeclaration = D;
var w = `layout(std140,column_major) uniform;
uniform Material
vec4 diffuseLeftColor;
vec4 diffuseRightColor;
vec4 opacityParts;
vec4 reflectionLeftColor;
vec4 reflectionRightColor;
vec4 refractionLeftColor;
vec4 refractionRightColor;
vec4 emissiveLeftColor;
vec4 emissiveRightColor;
vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
vec2 vAmbientInfos;
vec2 vOpacityInfos;
vec2 vReflectionInfos;
vec3 vReflectionPosition;
vec3 vReflectionSize;
vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
vec2 vLightmapInfos;
vec2 vSpecularInfos;
vec3 vBumpInfos;
mat4 diffuseMatrix;
mat4 ambientMatrix;
mat4 opacityMatrix;
mat4 reflectionMatrix;
mat4 emissiveMatrix;
mat4 lightmapMatrix;
mat4 specularMatrix;
mat4 bumpMatrix;
vec2 vTangentSpaceParams;
float pointSize;
mat4 refractionMatrix;
vec4 vRefractionInfos;
vec4 vSpecularColor;
vec3 vEmissiveColor;
float visibility;
vec4 vDiffuseColor;
vec4 vDetailInfos;
mat4 detailMatrix;
uniform Scene {
mat4 viewProjection;
mat4 viewProjectionR;
mat4 view;
b.a.IncludesShadersStore.defaultUboDeclaration = w, f(160), f(59), f(106), f(107), f(154), f(130), f(161), f(131), f(108), f(109), f(132), f(133), f(115), f(116), f(125), f(110), f(134), f(162), f(135), f(155), f(136);
var N = `#include<__decl__defaultFragment>
#if defined(BUMP) || !defined(NORMAL)
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable
#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494
uniform vec3 vEyePosition;
uniform vec3 vAmbientColor;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec4 vColor;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
#define vDiffuseUV vMainUV1
#define vDiffuseUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vDiffuseUV;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
#ifdef AMBIENT
#define vAmbientUV vMainUV1
#define vAmbientUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vAmbientUV;
uniform sampler2D ambientSampler;
#ifdef OPACITY
#define vOpacityUV vMainUV1
#define vOpacityUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vOpacityUV;
uniform sampler2D opacitySampler;
#define vEmissiveUV vMainUV1
#define vEmissiveUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vEmissiveUV;
uniform sampler2D emissiveSampler;
#define vLightmapUV vMainUV1
#define vLightmapUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vLightmapUV;
uniform sampler2D lightmapSampler;
uniform samplerCube refractionCubeSampler;
uniform sampler2D refraction2DSampler;
#if defined(SPECULAR) && defined(SPECULARTERM)
#define vSpecularUV vMainUV1
#define vSpecularUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vSpecularUV;
uniform sampler2D specularSampler;
uniform float alphaCutOff;
uniform samplerCube reflectionCubeSampler;
uniform sampler2D reflection2DSampler;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
void main(void) {
vec3 viewDirectionW=normalize(vEyePosition-vPositionW);
vec4 baseColor=vec4(1.,1.,1.,1.);
vec3 diffuseColor=vDiffuseColor.rgb;
float alpha=vDiffuseColor.a;
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalW=normalize(vNormalW);
vec3 normalW=normalize(-cross(dFdx(vPositionW),dFdy(vPositionW)));
normalW=gl_FrontFacing ? normalW : -normalW;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
if (baseColor.a
#ifdef DETAIL
vec3 baseAmbientColor=vec3(1.,1.,1.);
#ifdef AMBIENT
float glossiness=vSpecularColor.a;
vec3 specularColor=vSpecularColor.rgb;
vec4 specularMapColor=texture2D(specularSampler,vSpecularUV+uvOffset);
float glossiness=0.;
vec3 diffuseBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
lightingInfo info;
vec3 specularBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
float shadow=1.;
vec4 lightmapColor=texture2D(lightmapSampler,vLightmapUV+uvOffset);
vec4 refractionColor=vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.);
vec3 refractionVector=normalize(refract(-viewDirectionW,normalW,vRefractionInfos.y));
if (dot(refractionVector,viewDirectionW)<1.0) {
vec3 vRefractionUVW=vec3(refractionMatrix*(view*vec4(vPositionW+refractionVector*vRefractionInfos.z,1.0)));
vec2 refractionCoords=vRefractionUVW.xy/vRefractionUVW.z;
vec4 reflectionColor=vec4(0.,0.,0.,1.);
vec3 vReflectionUVW=computeReflectionCoords(vec4(vPositionW,1.0),normalW);
float bias=vReflectionInfos.y;
vec2 coords=vReflectionUVW.xy;
float reflectionFresnelTerm=computeFresnelTerm(viewDirectionW,normalW,reflectionRightColor.a,reflectionLeftColor.a);
float refractionFresnelTerm=computeFresnelTerm(viewDirectionW,normalW,refractionRightColor.a,refractionLeftColor.a);
#ifdef OPACITY
vec4 opacityMap=texture2D(opacitySampler,vOpacityUV+uvOffset);
alpha*=(opacityMap.x+opacityMap.y+opacityMap.z)* vOpacityInfos.y;
float opacityFresnelTerm=computeFresnelTerm(viewDirectionW,normalW,opacityParts.z,opacityParts.w);
if (alpha
#ifdef PREPASS
vec2 a=(vCurrentPosition.xy/vCurrentPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 b=(vPreviousPosition.xy/vPreviousPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 velocity=abs(a-b);
#if defined(SPECULAR)
#if !defined(PREPASS) || defined(WEBGL2)
b.a.ShadersStore.defaultPixelShader = N;
var M = `
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform mat4 view;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
#ifdef AMBIENT
uniform mat4 ambientMatrix;
uniform vec2 vAmbientInfos;
#ifdef OPACITY
uniform mat4 opacityMatrix;
uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos;
uniform vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
uniform mat4 emissiveMatrix;
uniform vec2 vLightmapInfos;
uniform mat4 lightmapMatrix;
#if defined(SPECULAR) && defined(SPECULARTERM)
uniform vec2 vSpecularInfos;
uniform mat4 specularMatrix;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform mat4 bumpMatrix;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform float pointSize;
b.a.IncludesShadersStore.defaultVertexDeclaration = M, f(78), f(79), f(163), f(164), f(117), f(137), f(93), f(94), f(100), f(80), f(81), f(165), f(156), f(111), f(157), f(138), b.a.IncludesShadersStore.pointCloudVertex = `#ifdef POINTSIZE
#endif`, f(158);
var U = `#include<__decl__defaultVertex>
attribute vec3 position;
#ifdef NORMAL
attribute vec3 normal;
#ifdef TANGENT
attribute vec4 tangent;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
attribute vec4 color;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
#if defined(DIFFUSE) && DIFFUSEDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vDiffuseUV;
#if defined(DETAIL) && DETAILDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vDetailUV;
#if defined(AMBIENT) && AMBIENTDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vAmbientUV;
#if defined(OPACITY) && OPACITYDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vOpacityUV;
varying vec2 vEmissiveUV;
varying vec2 vLightmapUV;
varying vec2 vSpecularUV;
#if defined(BUMP) && BUMPDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vBumpUV;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
void main(void) {
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalUpdated=normal;
#ifdef TANGENT
vec4 tangentUpdated=tangent;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#if defined(PREPASS) && defined(PREPASS_VELOCITY) && !defined(BONES_VELOCITY_ENABLED)
vec4 worldPos=finalWorld*vec4(positionUpdated,1.0);
#ifdef NORMAL
mat3 normalWorld=mat3(finalWorld);
#if defined(INSTANCES) && defined(THIN_INSTANCES)
if (gl_ViewID_OVR == 0u) {
} else {
#ifndef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifndef UV2
vec2 uv2=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifdef MAINUV1
#ifdef MAINUV2
#if defined(DIFFUSE) && DIFFUSEDIRECTUV == 0
if (vDiffuseInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(DETAIL) && DETAILDIRECTUV == 0
if (vDetailInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(AMBIENT) && AMBIENTDIRECTUV == 0
if (vAmbientInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(OPACITY) && OPACITYDIRECTUV == 0
if (vOpacityInfos.x == 0.)
if (vEmissiveInfos.x == 0.)
if (vLightmapInfos.x == 0.)
if (vSpecularInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(BUMP) && BUMPDIRECTUV == 0
if (vBumpInfos.x == 0.)
b.a.ShadersStore.defaultVertexShader = U;
var X = f(2), j = f(67), ne = f(92), te = { effect: null, subMesh: null }, de = function(ae) {
function ee() {
var K = || this;
return Object(V.d)(ee, ae), ee.prototype.setReflectionMode = function(K) {
var G = L[$];
this[G] = G === K;
}, ee;
}(S.a), pe = function(ae) {
function ee(K, $) {
var L =, K, $) || this;
return L._diffuseTexture = null, L._ambientTexture = null, L._opacityTexture = null, L._reflectionTexture = null, L._emissiveTexture = null, L._specularTexture = null, L._bumpTexture = null, L._lightmapTexture = null, L._refractionTexture = null, L.ambientColor = new O.a(0, 0, 0), L.diffuseColor = new O.a(1, 1, 1), L.specularColor = new O.a(1, 1, 1), L.emissiveColor = new O.a(0, 0, 0), L.specularPower = 64, L._useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = !1, L._useEmissiveAsIllumination = !1, L._linkEmissiveWithDiffuse = !1, L._useSpecularOverAlpha = !1, L._useReflectionOverAlpha = !1, L._disableLighting = !1, L._useObjectSpaceNormalMap = !1, L._useParallax = !1, L._useParallaxOcclusion = !1, L.parallaxScaleBias = 0.05, L._roughness = 0, L.indexOfRefraction = 0.98, L.invertRefractionY = !0, L.alphaCutOff = 0.4, L._useLightmapAsShadowmap = !1, L._useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular = !1, L._useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha = !1, L._maxSimultaneousLights = 4, L._invertNormalMapX = !1, L._invertNormalMapY = !1, L._twoSidedLighting = !1, L.detailMap = new ne.a(L._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(L)), L._renderTargets = new C.a(16), L._worldViewProjectionMatrix = I.a.Zero(), L._globalAmbientColor = new O.a(0, 0, 0), L._rebuildInParallel = !1, L._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), L.prePassConfiguration = new m.a(), L.getRenderTargetTextures = function() {
return L._renderTargets.reset(), ee.ReflectionTextureEnabled && L._reflectionTexture && L._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && L._renderTargets.push(L._reflectionTexture), ee.RefractionTextureEnabled && L._refractionTexture && L._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget && L._renderTargets.push(L._refractionTexture), L._renderTargets;
}, L;
return Object(V.d)(ee, ae), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(K) {
this._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(K), this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), ee.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(K) {
var $ = this;
K !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), this._imageProcessingConfiguration = K || this.getScene().imageProcessingConfiguration, this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingObserver = this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraColorCurvesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraColorGradingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraToneMappingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraExposure", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure;
}, set: function(K) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraContrast", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast;
}, set: function(K) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraColorGradingTexture", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture;
}, set: function(K) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "cameraColorCurves", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves;
}, set: function(K) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "canRenderToMRT", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "hasRenderTargetTextures", { get: function() {
return !!(ee.ReflectionTextureEnabled && this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget) || !!(ee.RefractionTextureEnabled && this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), ee.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StandardMaterial";
}, Object.defineProperty(ee.prototype, "useLogarithmicDepth", { get: function() {
return this._useLogarithmicDepth;
}, set: function(K) {
this._useLogarithmicDepth = K && this.getScene().getEngine().getCaps().fragmentDepthSupported, this._markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), ee.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return !this._disableAlphaBlending && (this.alpha < 1 || this._opacityTexture != null || this._shouldUseAlphaFromDiffuseTexture() || this._opacityFresnelParameters && this._opacityFresnelParameters.isEnabled);
}, ee.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return !!this._forceAlphaTest || this._hasAlphaChannel() && (this._transparencyMode == null || this._transparencyMode === T.a.MATERIAL_ALPHATEST);
}, ee.prototype._shouldUseAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = function() {
return this._diffuseTexture != null && this._diffuseTexture.hasAlpha && this._useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture && this._transparencyMode !== T.a.MATERIAL_OPAQUE;
}, ee.prototype._hasAlphaChannel = function() {
return this._diffuseTexture != null && this._diffuseTexture.hasAlpha || this._opacityTexture != null;
}, ee.prototype.getAlphaTestTexture = function() {
return this._diffuseTexture;
}, ee.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(K, $, L) {
if (L === void 0 && (L = !1), $.effect && this.isFrozen && $.effect._wasPreviouslyReady)
return !0;
$._materialDefines || ($._materialDefines = new de());
var G = this.getScene(), Q = $._materialDefines;
if (this._isReadyForSubMesh($))
return !0;
var oe = G.getEngine();
if (Q._needNormals = g.a.PrepareDefinesForLights(G, K, Q, !0, this._maxSimultaneousLights, this._disableLighting), g.a.PrepareDefinesForMultiview(G, Q), g.a.PrepareDefinesForPrePass(G, Q, this.canRenderToMRT), Q._areTexturesDirty) {
if (Q._needUVs = !1, Q.MAINUV1 = !1, Q.MAINUV2 = !1, G.texturesEnabled) {
if (this._diffuseTexture && ee.DiffuseTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._diffuseTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._diffuseTexture, Q, "DIFFUSE");
} else
if (this._ambientTexture && ee.AmbientTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._ambientTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._ambientTexture, Q, "AMBIENT");
} else
if (this._opacityTexture && ee.OpacityTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._opacityTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._opacityTexture, Q, "OPACITY"), Q.OPACITYRGB = this._opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB;
} else
if (this._reflectionTexture && ee.ReflectionTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._reflectionTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
switch (Q._needNormals = !0, Q.REFLECTION = !0, Q.ROUGHNESS = this._roughness > 0, Q.REFLECTIONOVERALPHA = this._useReflectionOverAlpha, Q.INVERTCUBICMAP = this._reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode === l.a.INVCUBIC_MODE, Q.REFLECTIONMAP_3D = this._reflectionTexture.isCube, Q.RGBDREFLECTION = this._reflectionTexture.isRGBD, this._reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode) {
case l.a.PLANAR_MODE:
case l.a.SKYBOX_MODE:
case l.a.CUBIC_MODE:
Q.USE_LOCAL_REFLECTIONMAP_CUBIC = !!this._reflectionTexture.boundingBoxSize;
} else
if (this._emissiveTexture && ee.EmissiveTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._emissiveTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._emissiveTexture, Q, "EMISSIVE");
} else
if (this._lightmapTexture && ee.LightmapTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._lightmapTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._lightmapTexture, Q, "LIGHTMAP"), Q.USELIGHTMAPASSHADOWMAP = this._useLightmapAsShadowmap, Q.RGBDLIGHTMAP = this._lightmapTexture.isRGBD;
} else
if (this._specularTexture && ee.SpecularTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._specularTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._specularTexture, Q, "SPECULAR"), Q.GLOSSINESS = this._useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha;
} else
if (G.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._bumpTexture && ee.BumpTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._bumpTexture.isReady())
return !1;
g.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._bumpTexture, Q, "BUMP"), Q.PARALLAX = this._useParallax, Q.PARALLAXOCCLUSION = this._useParallaxOcclusion, Q.OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP = this._useObjectSpaceNormalMap;
} else
Q.BUMP = !1;
if (this._refractionTexture && ee.RefractionTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._refractionTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
Q._needUVs = !0, Q.REFRACTION = !0, Q.REFRACTIONMAP_3D = this._refractionTexture.isCube, Q.RGBDREFRACTION = this._refractionTexture.isRGBD;
} else
Q.TWOSIDEDLIGHTING = !this._backFaceCulling && this._twoSidedLighting;
} else
Q.ALPHAFROMDIFFUSE = this._shouldUseAlphaFromDiffuseTexture(), Q.EMISSIVEASILLUMINATION = this._useEmissiveAsIllumination, Q.LINKEMISSIVEWITHDIFFUSE = this._linkEmissiveWithDiffuse, Q.SPECULAROVERALPHA = this._useSpecularOverAlpha, Q.PREMULTIPLYALPHA = this.alphaMode === X.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED || this.alphaMode === X.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED_PORTERDUFF, Q.ALPHATEST_AFTERALLALPHACOMPUTATIONS = this.transparencyMode !== null, Q.ALPHABLEND = this.transparencyMode === null || this.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(K);
if (!this.detailMap.isReadyForSubMesh(Q, G))
return !1;
if (Q._areImageProcessingDirty && this._imageProcessingConfiguration) {
if (!this._imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady())
return !1;
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(Q), Q.IS_REFLECTION_LINEAR = this.reflectionTexture != null && !this.reflectionTexture.gammaSpace, Q.IS_REFRACTION_LINEAR = this.refractionTexture != null && !this.refractionTexture.gammaSpace;
if (Q._areFresnelDirty && (ee.FresnelEnabled ? (this._diffuseFresnelParameters || this._opacityFresnelParameters || this._emissiveFresnelParameters || this._refractionFresnelParameters || this._reflectionFresnelParameters) && (Q.DIFFUSEFRESNEL = this._diffuseFresnelParameters && this._diffuseFresnelParameters.isEnabled, Q.OPACITYFRESNEL = this._opacityFresnelParameters && this._opacityFresnelParameters.isEnabled, Q.REFLECTIONFRESNEL = this._reflectionFresnelParameters && this._reflectionFresnelParameters.isEnabled, Q.REFLECTIONFRESNELFROMSPECULAR = this._useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular, Q.REFRACTIONFRESNEL = this._refractionFresnelParameters && this._refractionFresnelParameters.isEnabled, Q.EMISSIVEFRESNEL = this._emissiveFresnelParameters && this._emissiveFresnelParameters.isEnabled, Q._needNormals = !0, Q.FRESNEL = !0) : Q.FRESNEL = !1), g.a.PrepareDefinesForMisc(K, G, this._useLogarithmicDepth, this.pointsCloud, this.fogEnabled, this._shouldTurnAlphaTestOn(K) || this._forceAlphaTest, Q), g.a.PrepareDefinesForAttributes(K, Q, !0, !0, !0), g.a.PrepareDefinesForFrameBoundValues(G, oe, Q, L, null, $.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances), this.detailMap.prepareDefines(Q, G), Q.isDirty) {
var re = Q._areLightsDisposed;
var Y = new j.a();
Q.REFLECTION && Y.addFallback(0, "REFLECTION"), Q.SPECULAR && Y.addFallback(0, "SPECULAR"), Q.BUMP && Y.addFallback(0, "BUMP"), Q.PARALLAX && Y.addFallback(1, "PARALLAX"), Q.PARALLAXOCCLUSION && Y.addFallback(0, "PARALLAXOCCLUSION"), Q.SPECULAROVERALPHA && Y.addFallback(0, "SPECULAROVERALPHA"), Q.FOG && Y.addFallback(1, "FOG"), Q.POINTSIZE && Y.addFallback(0, "POINTSIZE"), Q.LOGARITHMICDEPTH && Y.addFallback(0, "LOGARITHMICDEPTH"), g.a.HandleFallbacksForShadows(Q, Y, this._maxSimultaneousLights), Q.SPECULARTERM && Y.addFallback(0, "SPECULARTERM"), Q.DIFFUSEFRESNEL && Y.addFallback(1, "DIFFUSEFRESNEL"), Q.OPACITYFRESNEL && Y.addFallback(2, "OPACITYFRESNEL"), Q.REFLECTIONFRESNEL && Y.addFallback(3, "REFLECTIONFRESNEL"), Q.EMISSIVEFRESNEL && Y.addFallback(4, "EMISSIVEFRESNEL"), Q.FRESNEL && Y.addFallback(4, "FRESNEL"), Q.MULTIVIEW && Y.addFallback(0, "MULTIVIEW");
var k = [x.b.PositionKind];
Q.NORMAL && k.push(x.b.NormalKind), Q.UV1 && k.push(x.b.UVKind), Q.UV2 && k.push(x.b.UV2Kind), Q.VERTEXCOLOR && k.push(x.b.ColorKind), g.a.PrepareAttributesForBones(k, K, Q, Y), g.a.PrepareAttributesForInstances(k, Q), g.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargets(k, K, Q);
var H = "default", Z = ["world", "view", "viewProjection", "vEyePosition", "vLightsType", "vAmbientColor", "vDiffuseColor", "vSpecularColor", "vEmissiveColor", "visibility", "vFogInfos", "vFogColor", "pointSize", "vDiffuseInfos", "vAmbientInfos", "vOpacityInfos", "vReflectionInfos", "vEmissiveInfos", "vSpecularInfos", "vBumpInfos", "vLightmapInfos", "vRefractionInfos", "mBones", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "diffuseMatrix", "ambientMatrix", "opacityMatrix", "reflectionMatrix", "emissiveMatrix", "specularMatrix", "bumpMatrix", "normalMatrix", "lightmapMatrix", "refractionMatrix", "diffuseLeftColor", "diffuseRightColor", "opacityParts", "reflectionLeftColor", "reflectionRightColor", "emissiveLeftColor", "emissiveRightColor", "refractionLeftColor", "refractionRightColor", "vReflectionPosition", "vReflectionSize", "logarithmicDepthConstant", "vTangentSpaceParams", "alphaCutOff", "boneTextureWidth"], W = ["diffuseSampler", "ambientSampler", "opacitySampler", "reflectionCubeSampler", "reflection2DSampler", "emissiveSampler", "specularSampler", "bumpSampler", "lightmapSampler", "refractionCubeSampler", "refraction2DSampler", "boneSampler"], q = ["Material", "Scene"];
ne.a.AddUniforms(Z), ne.a.AddSamplers(W), m.a.AddUniforms(Z), m.a.AddSamplers(Z), c.a && (c.a.PrepareUniforms(Z, Q), c.a.PrepareSamplers(W, Q)), g.a.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersList({ uniformsNames: Z, uniformBuffersNames: q, samplers: W, defines: Q, maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights });
var he = {};
this.customShaderNameResolve && (H = this.customShaderNameResolve(H, Z, q, W, Q, k, he));
var ge = Q.toString(), me = $.effect, _e = G.getEngine().createEffect(H, { attributes: k, uniformsNames: Z, uniformBuffersNames: q, samplers: W, defines: ge, fallbacks: Y, onCompiled: this.onCompiled, onError: this.onError, indexParameters: { maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights, maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: Q.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS }, processFinalCode: he.processFinalCode, multiTarget: Q.PREPASS }, oe);
if (_e)
if (this._onEffectCreatedObservable && (te.effect = _e, te.subMesh = $, this._onEffectCreatedObservable.notifyObservers(te)), this.allowShaderHotSwapping && me && !_e.isReady()) {
if (_e = me, this._rebuildInParallel = !0, Q.markAsUnprocessed(), re)
return Q._areLightsDisposed = !0, !1;
} else
this._rebuildInParallel = !1, G.resetCachedMaterial(), $.setEffect(_e, Q), this.buildUniformLayout();
return !(!$.effect || !$.effect.isReady()) && (Q._renderId = G.getRenderId(), $.effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !0, !0);
}, ee.prototype.buildUniformLayout = function() {
var K = this._uniformBuffer;
K.addUniform("diffuseLeftColor", 4), K.addUniform("diffuseRightColor", 4), K.addUniform("opacityParts", 4), K.addUniform("reflectionLeftColor", 4), K.addUniform("reflectionRightColor", 4), K.addUniform("refractionLeftColor", 4), K.addUniform("refractionRightColor", 4), K.addUniform("emissiveLeftColor", 4), K.addUniform("emissiveRightColor", 4), K.addUniform("vDiffuseInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vAmbientInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vOpacityInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vReflectionInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vReflectionPosition", 3), K.addUniform("vReflectionSize", 3), K.addUniform("vEmissiveInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vLightmapInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vSpecularInfos", 2), K.addUniform("vBumpInfos", 3), K.addUniform("diffuseMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("ambientMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("opacityMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("reflectionMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("emissiveMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("lightmapMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("specularMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("bumpMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("vTangentSpaceParams", 2), K.addUniform("pointSize", 1), K.addUniform("refractionMatrix", 16), K.addUniform("vRefractionInfos", 4), K.addUniform("vSpecularColor", 4), K.addUniform("vEmissiveColor", 3), K.addUniform("visibility", 1), K.addUniform("vDiffuseColor", 4), ne.a.PrepareUniformBuffer(K), K.create();
}, ee.prototype.unbind = function() {
if (this._activeEffect) {
var K = !1;
this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && (this._activeEffect.setTexture("reflection2DSampler", null), K = !0), this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget && (this._activeEffect.setTexture("refraction2DSampler", null), K = !0), K && this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, ee.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(K, $, L) {
var G = this.getScene(), Q = L._materialDefines;
if (Q) {
var oe = L.effect;
if (oe) {
this._activeEffect = oe, Q.INSTANCES && !Q.THIN_INSTANCES || this.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(K), this.prePassConfiguration.bindForSubMesh(this._activeEffect, G, $, K, this.isFrozen), Q.OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP && (K.toNormalMatrix(this._normalMatrix), this.bindOnlyNormalMatrix(this._normalMatrix));
var re = this._mustRebind(G, oe, $.visibility);
g.a.BindBonesParameters($, oe);
var Y = this._uniformBuffer;
if (re) {
if (Y.bindToEffect(oe, "Material"), this.bindViewProjection(oe), !Y.useUbo || !this.isFrozen || !Y.isSync) {
if (ee.FresnelEnabled && Q.FRESNEL && (this.diffuseFresnelParameters && this.diffuseFresnelParameters.isEnabled && (Y.updateColor4("diffuseLeftColor", this.diffuseFresnelParameters.leftColor, this.diffuseFresnelParameters.power), Y.updateColor4("diffuseRightColor", this.diffuseFresnelParameters.rightColor, this.diffuseFresnelParameters.bias)), this.opacityFresnelParameters && this.opacityFresnelParameters.isEnabled && Y.updateColor4("opacityParts", new O.a(this.opacityFresnelParameters.leftColor.toLuminance(), this.opacityFresnelParameters.rightColor.toLuminance(), this.opacityFresnelParameters.bias), this.opacityFresnelParameters.power), this.reflectionFresnelParameters && this.reflectionFresnelParameters.isEnabled && (Y.updateColor4("reflectionLeftColor", this.reflectionFresnelParameters.leftColor, this.reflectionFresnelParameters.power), Y.updateColor4("reflectionRightColor", this.reflectionFresnelParameters.rightColor, this.reflectionFresnelParameters.bias)), this.refractionFresnelParameters && this.refractionFresnelParameters.isEnabled && (Y.updateColor4("refractionLeftColor", this.refractionFresnelParameters.leftColor, this.refractionFresnelParameters.power), Y.updateColor4("refractionRightColor", this.refractionFresnelParameters.rightColor, this.refractionFresnelParameters.bias)), this.emissiveFresnelParameters && this.emissiveFresnelParameters.isEnabled && (Y.updateColor4("emissiveLeftColor", this.emissiveFresnelParameters.leftColor, this.emissiveFresnelParameters.power), Y.updateColor4("emissiveRightColor", this.emissiveFresnelParameters.rightColor, this.emissiveFresnelParameters.bias))), G.texturesEnabled) {
if (this._diffuseTexture && ee.DiffuseTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vDiffuseInfos", this._diffuseTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._diffuseTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._diffuseTexture, Y, "diffuse")), this._ambientTexture && ee.AmbientTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vAmbientInfos", this._ambientTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._ambientTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._ambientTexture, Y, "ambient")), this._opacityTexture && ee.OpacityTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vOpacityInfos", this._opacityTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._opacityTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._opacityTexture, Y, "opacity")), this._hasAlphaChannel() && oe.setFloat("alphaCutOff", this.alphaCutOff), this._reflectionTexture && ee.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vReflectionInfos", this._reflectionTexture.level, this.roughness), Y.updateMatrix("reflectionMatrix", this._reflectionTexture.getReflectionTextureMatrix()), this._reflectionTexture.boundingBoxSize)) {
var k = this._reflectionTexture;
Y.updateVector3("vReflectionPosition", k.boundingBoxPosition), Y.updateVector3("vReflectionSize", k.boundingBoxSize);
if (this._emissiveTexture && ee.EmissiveTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vEmissiveInfos", this._emissiveTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._emissiveTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._emissiveTexture, Y, "emissive")), this._lightmapTexture && ee.LightmapTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vLightmapInfos", this._lightmapTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._lightmapTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._lightmapTexture, Y, "lightmap")), this._specularTexture && ee.SpecularTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat2("vSpecularInfos", this._specularTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._specularTexture.level), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._specularTexture, Y, "specular")), this._bumpTexture && G.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && ee.BumpTextureEnabled && (Y.updateFloat3("vBumpInfos", this._bumpTexture.coordinatesIndex, 1 / this._bumpTexture.level, this.parallaxScaleBias), g.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._bumpTexture, Y, "bump"), G._mirroredCameraPosition ? Y.updateFloat2("vTangentSpaceParams", this._invertNormalMapX ? 1 : -1, this._invertNormalMapY ? 1 : -1) : Y.updateFloat2("vTangentSpaceParams", this._invertNormalMapX ? -1 : 1, this._invertNormalMapY ? -1 : 1)), this._refractionTexture && ee.RefractionTextureEnabled) {
var H = 1;
this._refractionTexture.isCube || (Y.updateMatrix("refractionMatrix", this._refractionTexture.getReflectionTextureMatrix()), this._refractionTexture.depth && (H = this._refractionTexture.depth)), Y.updateFloat4("vRefractionInfos", this._refractionTexture.level, this.indexOfRefraction, H, this.invertRefractionY ? -1 : 1);
this.pointsCloud && Y.updateFloat("pointSize", this.pointSize), Q.SPECULARTERM && Y.updateColor4("vSpecularColor", this.specularColor, this.specularPower), Y.updateColor3("vEmissiveColor", ee.EmissiveTextureEnabled ? this.emissiveColor : O.a.BlackReadOnly), Y.updateColor4("vDiffuseColor", this.diffuseColor, this.alpha);
Y.updateFloat("visibility", $.visibility), G.texturesEnabled && (this._diffuseTexture && ee.DiffuseTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("diffuseSampler", this._diffuseTexture), this._ambientTexture && ee.AmbientTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("ambientSampler", this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && ee.OpacityTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("opacitySampler", this._opacityTexture), this._reflectionTexture && ee.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (this._reflectionTexture.isCube ? oe.setTexture("reflectionCubeSampler", this._reflectionTexture) : oe.setTexture("reflection2DSampler", this._reflectionTexture)), this._emissiveTexture && ee.EmissiveTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("emissiveSampler", this._emissiveTexture), this._lightmapTexture && ee.LightmapTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("lightmapSampler", this._lightmapTexture), this._specularTexture && ee.SpecularTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("specularSampler", this._specularTexture), this._bumpTexture && G.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && ee.BumpTextureEnabled && oe.setTexture("bumpSampler", this._bumpTexture), this._refractionTexture && ee.RefractionTextureEnabled) && (H = 1, this._refractionTexture.isCube ? oe.setTexture("refractionCubeSampler", this._refractionTexture) : oe.setTexture("refraction2DSampler", this._refractionTexture)), this.detailMap.bindForSubMesh(Y, G, this.isFrozen), g.a.BindClipPlane(oe, G), G.ambientColor.multiplyToRef(this.ambientColor, this._globalAmbientColor), g.a.BindEyePosition(oe, G), oe.setColor3("vAmbientColor", this._globalAmbientColor);
!re && this.isFrozen || (G.lightsEnabled && !this._disableLighting && g.a.BindLights(G, $, oe, Q, this._maxSimultaneousLights, this._rebuildInParallel), (G.fogEnabled && $.applyFog && G.fogMode !== u.a.FOGMODE_NONE || this._reflectionTexture || this._refractionTexture) && this.bindView(oe), g.a.BindFogParameters(G, $, oe), Q.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS && g.a.BindMorphTargetParameters($, oe), this.useLogarithmicDepth && g.a.BindLogDepth(Q, oe, G), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && !this._imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(this._activeEffect)), Y.update(), this._afterBind($, this._activeEffect);
}, ee.prototype.getAnimatables = function() {
var K = [];
return this._diffuseTexture && this._diffuseTexture.animations && this._diffuseTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._diffuseTexture), this._ambientTexture && this._ambientTexture.animations && this._ambientTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && this._opacityTexture.animations && this._opacityTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._opacityTexture), this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.animations && this._reflectionTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._reflectionTexture), this._emissiveTexture && this._emissiveTexture.animations && this._emissiveTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._emissiveTexture), this._specularTexture && this._specularTexture.animations && this._specularTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._specularTexture), this._bumpTexture && this._bumpTexture.animations && this._bumpTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._bumpTexture), this._lightmapTexture && this._lightmapTexture.animations && this._lightmapTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._lightmapTexture), this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.animations && this._refractionTexture.animations.length > 0 && K.push(this._refractionTexture), this.detailMap.getAnimatables(K), K;
}, ee.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
var K =;
return this._diffuseTexture && K.push(this._diffuseTexture), this._ambientTexture && K.push(this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && K.push(this._opacityTexture), this._reflectionTexture && K.push(this._reflectionTexture), this._emissiveTexture && K.push(this._emissiveTexture), this._specularTexture && K.push(this._specularTexture), this._bumpTexture && K.push(this._bumpTexture), this._lightmapTexture && K.push(this._lightmapTexture), this._refractionTexture && K.push(this._refractionTexture), this.detailMap.getActiveTextures(K), K;
}, ee.prototype.hasTexture = function(K) {
return !!, K) || this._diffuseTexture === K || this._ambientTexture === K || this._opacityTexture === K || this._reflectionTexture === K || this._emissiveTexture === K || this._specularTexture === K || this._bumpTexture === K || this._lightmapTexture === K || this._refractionTexture === K || this.detailMap.hasTexture(K);
}, ee.prototype.dispose = function(K, $) {
var L, G, Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z;
$ && ((L = this._diffuseTexture) === null || L === void 0 || L.dispose(), (G = this._ambientTexture) === null || G === void 0 || G.dispose(), (Q = this._opacityTexture) === null || Q === void 0 || Q.dispose(), (oe = this._reflectionTexture) === null || oe === void 0 || oe.dispose(), (re = this._emissiveTexture) === null || re === void 0 || re.dispose(), (Y = this._specularTexture) === null || Y === void 0 || Y.dispose(), (k = this._bumpTexture) === null || k === void 0 || k.dispose(), (H = this._lightmapTexture) === null || H === void 0 || H.dispose(), (Z = this._refractionTexture) === null || Z === void 0 || Z.dispose()), this.detailMap.dispose($), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver),, K, $);
}, ee.prototype.clone = function(K) {
var $ = this, L = _.a.Clone(function() {
return new ee(K, $.getScene());
}, this);
return = K, = K, L;
}, ee.prototype.serialize = function() {
return _.a.Serialize(this);
}, ee.Parse = function(K, $, L) {
return _.a.Parse(function() {
return new ee(, $);
}, K, $, L);
}, Object.defineProperty(ee, "DiffuseTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "DetailTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.DetailTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.DetailTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "AmbientTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.AmbientTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.AmbientTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "OpacityTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.OpacityTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.OpacityTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "ReflectionTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "EmissiveTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "SpecularTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.SpecularTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.SpecularTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "BumpTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.BumpTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.BumpTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "LightmapTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.LightmapTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.LightmapTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "RefractionTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.RefractionTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.RefractionTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "ColorGradingTextureEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.ColorGradingTextureEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.ColorGradingTextureEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(ee, "FresnelEnabled", { get: function() {
return v.a.FresnelEnabled;
}, set: function(K) {
v.a.FresnelEnabled = K;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("diffuseTexture")], ee.prototype, "_diffuseTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], ee.prototype, "diffuseTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("ambientTexture")], ee.prototype, "_ambientTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "ambientTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("opacityTexture")], ee.prototype, "_opacityTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], ee.prototype, "opacityTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("reflectionTexture")], ee.prototype, "_reflectionTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "reflectionTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("emissiveTexture")], ee.prototype, "_emissiveTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "emissiveTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("specularTexture")], ee.prototype, "_specularTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "specularTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("bumpTexture")], ee.prototype, "_bumpTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "bumpTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("lightmapTexture")], ee.prototype, "_lightmapTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "lightmapTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("refractionTexture")], ee.prototype, "_refractionTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "refractionTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)("ambient")], ee.prototype, "ambientColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)("diffuse")], ee.prototype, "diffuseColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)("specular")], ee.prototype, "specularColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)("emissive")], ee.prototype, "emissiveColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "specularPower", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture")], ee.prototype, "_useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], ee.prototype, "useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useEmissiveAsIllumination")], ee.prototype, "_useEmissiveAsIllumination", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useEmissiveAsIllumination", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("linkEmissiveWithDiffuse")], ee.prototype, "_linkEmissiveWithDiffuse", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "linkEmissiveWithDiffuse", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useSpecularOverAlpha")], ee.prototype, "_useSpecularOverAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useSpecularOverAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useReflectionOverAlpha")], ee.prototype, "_useReflectionOverAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useReflectionOverAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("disableLighting")], ee.prototype, "_disableLighting", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], ee.prototype, "disableLighting", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useObjectSpaceNormalMap")], ee.prototype, "_useObjectSpaceNormalMap", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useObjectSpaceNormalMap", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useParallax")], ee.prototype, "_useParallax", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useParallax", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useParallaxOcclusion")], ee.prototype, "_useParallaxOcclusion", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useParallaxOcclusion", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "parallaxScaleBias", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("roughness")], ee.prototype, "_roughness", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "roughness", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "invertRefractionY", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "alphaCutOff", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useLightmapAsShadowmap")], ee.prototype, "_useLightmapAsShadowmap", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useLightmapAsShadowmap", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.h)("diffuseFresnelParameters")], ee.prototype, "_diffuseFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty")], ee.prototype, "diffuseFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.h)("opacityFresnelParameters")], ee.prototype, "_opacityFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelAndMiscDirty")], ee.prototype, "opacityFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.h)("reflectionFresnelParameters")], ee.prototype, "_reflectionFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty")], ee.prototype, "reflectionFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.h)("refractionFresnelParameters")], ee.prototype, "_refractionFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty")], ee.prototype, "refractionFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.h)("emissiveFresnelParameters")], ee.prototype, "_emissiveFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty")], ee.prototype, "emissiveFresnelParameters", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular")], ee.prototype, "_useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsFresnelDirty")], ee.prototype, "useReflectionFresnelFromSpecular", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha")], ee.prototype, "_useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "useGlossinessFromSpecularMapAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("maxSimultaneousLights")], ee.prototype, "_maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], ee.prototype, "maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("invertNormalMapX")], ee.prototype, "_invertNormalMapX", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "invertNormalMapX", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("invertNormalMapY")], ee.prototype, "_invertNormalMapY", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "invertNormalMapY", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("twoSidedLighting")], ee.prototype, "_twoSidedLighting", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], ee.prototype, "twoSidedLighting", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], ee.prototype, "useLogarithmicDepth", null), ee;
h.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StandardMaterial"] = pe, u.a.DefaultMaterialFactory = function(ae) {
return new pe("default material", ae);
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return M;
var V = f(1), _ = f(12), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(13), O = f(4), x = f(16), m = f(46), c = f(54), T = f(43), S = f(2), E = f(147), g = f(21), l = f(101), h = f(9), v = f(28), b = f(23), D = f(11), w = function() {
this.facetNb = 0, this.partitioningSubdivisions = 10, this.partitioningBBoxRatio = 1.01, this.facetDataEnabled = !1, this.facetParameters = {}, this.bbSize = u.e.Zero(), this.subDiv = { max: 1, X: 1, Y: 1, Z: 1 }, this.facetDepthSort = !1, this.facetDepthSortEnabled = !1;
}, N = function() {
this._hasVertexAlpha = !1, this._useVertexColors = !0, this._numBoneInfluencers = 4, this._applyFog = !0, this._receiveShadows = !1, this._facetData = new w(), this._visibility = 1, this._skeleton = null, this._layerMask = 268435455, this._computeBonesUsingShaders = !0, this._isActive = !1, this._onlyForInstances = !1, this._isActiveIntermediate = !1, this._onlyForInstancesIntermediate = !1, this._actAsRegularMesh = !1, this._currentLOD = null, this._currentLODIsUpToDate = !1;
}, M = function(U) {
function X(j, ne) {
ne === void 0 && (ne = null);
var te =, j, ne, !1) || this;
return te._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo = new N(), te.cullingStrategy = X.CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY, te.onCollideObservable = new C.c(), te.onCollisionPositionChangeObservable = new C.c(), te.onMaterialChangedObservable = new C.c(), te.definedFacingForward = !0, te._occlusionQuery = null, te._renderingGroup = null, te.alphaIndex = Number.MAX_VALUE, te.isVisible = !0, te.isPickable = !0, te.showSubMeshesBoundingBox = !1, te.isBlocker = !1, te.enablePointerMoveEvents = !1, te._renderingGroupId = 0, te._material = null, te.outlineColor = h.a.Red(), te.outlineWidth = 0.02, te.overlayColor = h.a.Red(), te.overlayAlpha = 0.5, te.useOctreeForRenderingSelection = !0, te.useOctreeForPicking = !0, te.useOctreeForCollisions = !0, te.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = !1, te.doNotSyncBoundingInfo = !1, te.actionManager = null, te._meshCollisionData = new E.a(), te.ellipsoid = new u.e(0.5, 1, 0.5), te.ellipsoidOffset = new u.e(0, 0, 0), te.edgesWidth = 1, te.edgesColor = new h.b(1, 0, 0, 1), te._edgesRenderer = null, te._masterMesh = null, te._boundingInfo = null, te._renderId = 0, te._intersectionsInProgress = new Array(), te._unIndexed = !1, te._lightSources = new Array(), te._waitingData = { lods: null, actions: null, freezeWorldMatrix: null }, te._bonesTransformMatrices = null, te._transformMatrixTexture = null, te.onRebuildObservable = new C.c(), te._onCollisionPositionChange = function(de, pe, ae) {
ae === void 0 && (ae = null), pe.subtractToRef(te._meshCollisionData._oldPositionForCollisions, te._meshCollisionData._diffPositionForCollisions), te._meshCollisionData._diffPositionForCollisions.length() > I.a.CollisionsEpsilon && te.position.addInPlace(te._meshCollisionData._diffPositionForCollisions), ae && te.onCollideObservable.notifyObservers(ae), te.onCollisionPositionChangeObservable.notifyObservers(te.position);
}, te.getScene().addMesh(te), te._resyncLightSources(), te;
return Object(V.d)(X, U), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_NONE", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_X", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_Y", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_Z", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_ALL", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X, "BILLBOARDMODE_USE_POSITION", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "facetNb", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetNb;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "partitioningSubdivisions", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.partitioningSubdivisions;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.partitioningSubdivisions = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "partitioningBBoxRatio", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.partitioningBBoxRatio;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.partitioningBBoxRatio = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "mustDepthSortFacets", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDepthSort;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDepthSort = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "facetDepthSortFrom", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDepthSortFrom;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDepthSortFrom = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "isFacetDataEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDataEnabled;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype._updateNonUniformScalingState = function(j) {
return !!, j) && (this._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty(), !0);
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "onCollide", { set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._onCollideObserver && this.onCollideObservable.remove(this._meshCollisionData._onCollideObserver), this._meshCollisionData._onCollideObserver = this.onCollideObservable.add(j);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "onCollisionPositionChange", { set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._onCollisionPositionChangeObserver && this.onCollisionPositionChangeObservable.remove(this._meshCollisionData._onCollisionPositionChangeObserver), this._meshCollisionData._onCollisionPositionChangeObserver = this.onCollisionPositionChangeObservable.add(j);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "visibility", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._visibility;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._visibility !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._visibility = j, this._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "renderingGroupId", { get: function() {
return this._renderingGroupId;
}, set: function(j) {
this._renderingGroupId = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "material", { get: function() {
return this._material;
}, set: function(j) {
this._material !== j && (this._material && this._material.meshMap && (this._material.meshMap[this.uniqueId] = void 0), this._material = j, j && j.meshMap && (j.meshMap[this.uniqueId] = this), this.onMaterialChangedObservable.hasObservers() && this.onMaterialChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.subMeshes && this._unBindEffect());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "receiveShadows", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._receiveShadows;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._receiveShadows !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._receiveShadows = j, this._markSubMeshesAsLightDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "hasVertexAlpha", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._hasVertexAlpha;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._hasVertexAlpha !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._hasVertexAlpha = j, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty(), this._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "useVertexColors", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._useVertexColors;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._useVertexColors !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._useVertexColors = j, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "computeBonesUsingShaders", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._computeBonesUsingShaders = j, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "numBoneInfluencers", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._numBoneInfluencers;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._numBoneInfluencers !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._numBoneInfluencers = j, this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "applyFog", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._applyFog;
}, set: function(j) {
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._applyFog !== j && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._applyFog = j, this._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "layerMask", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._layerMask;
}, set: function(j) {
j !== this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._layerMask && (this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._layerMask = j, this._resyncLightSources());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "collisionMask", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._collisionMask;
}, set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._collisionMask = isNaN(j) ? -1 : j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "collisionResponse", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._collisionResponse;
}, set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._collisionResponse = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "collisionGroup", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._collisionGroup;
}, set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._collisionGroup = isNaN(j) ? -1 : j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "surroundingMeshes", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._surroundingMeshes;
}, set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._surroundingMeshes = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "lightSources", { get: function() {
return this._lightSources;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "_positions", { get: function() {
return null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "skeleton", { get: function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton;
}, set: function(j) {
var ne = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton;
ne && ne.needInitialSkinMatrix && ne._unregisterMeshWithPoseMatrix(this), j && j.needInitialSkinMatrix && j._registerMeshWithPoseMatrix(this), this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton = j, this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton || (this._bonesTransformMatrices = null), this._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AbstractMesh";
}, X.prototype.toString = function(j) {
var ne = "Name: " + + ", isInstance: " + (this.getClassName() !== "InstancedMesh" ? "YES" : "NO");
ne += ", # of submeshes: " + (this.subMeshes ? this.subMeshes.length : 0);
var te = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton;
return te && (ne += ", skeleton: " +, j && (ne += ", billboard mode: " + ["NONE", "X", "Y", null, "Z", null, null, "ALL"][this.billboardMode], ne += ", freeze wrld mat: " + (this._isWorldMatrixFrozen || this._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix ? "YES" : "NO")), ne;
}, X.prototype._getEffectiveParent = function() {
return this._masterMesh && this.billboardMode !== m.a.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE ? this._masterMesh :;
}, X.prototype._getActionManagerForTrigger = function(j, ne) {
if (ne === void 0 && (ne = !0), this.actionManager && (ne || this.actionManager.isRecursive)) {
if (!j)
return this.actionManager;
if (this.actionManager.hasSpecificTrigger(j))
return this.actionManager;
return this.parent ? this.parent._getActionManagerForTrigger(j, !1) : null;
}, X.prototype._rebuild = function() {
if (this.onRebuildObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._occlusionQuery && (this._occlusionQuery = null), this.subMeshes)
for (var j = 0, ne = this.subMeshes; j < ne.length; j++)
}, X.prototype._resyncLightSources = function() {
this._lightSources.length = 0;
for (var j = 0, ne = this.getScene().lights; j < ne.length; j++) {
var te = ne[j];
te.isEnabled() && te.canAffectMesh(this) && this._lightSources.push(te);
}, X.prototype._resyncLightSource = function(j) {
var ne = j.isEnabled() && j.canAffectMesh(this), te = this._lightSources.indexOf(j), de = !1;
if (te === -1) {
if (!ne)
} else {
if (ne)
de = !0, this._lightSources.splice(te, 1);
}, X.prototype._unBindEffect = function() {
for (var j = 0, ne = this.subMeshes; j < ne.length; j++)
}, X.prototype._removeLightSource = function(j, ne) {
var te = this._lightSources.indexOf(j);
te !== -1 && (this._lightSources.splice(te, 1), this._markSubMeshesAsLightDirty(ne));
}, X.prototype._markSubMeshesAsDirty = function(j) {
if (this.subMeshes)
for (var ne = 0, te = this.subMeshes; ne < te.length; ne++) {
var de = te[ne];
de._materialDefines && j(de._materialDefines);
}, X.prototype._markSubMeshesAsLightDirty = function(j) {
j === void 0 && (j = !1), this._markSubMeshesAsDirty(function(ne) {
return ne.markAsLightDirty(j);
}, X.prototype._markSubMeshesAsAttributesDirty = function() {
this._markSubMeshesAsDirty(function(j) {
return j.markAsAttributesDirty();
}, X.prototype._markSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = function() {
this._markSubMeshesAsDirty(function(j) {
return j.markAsMiscDirty();
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "scaling", { get: function() {
return this._scaling;
}, set: function(j) {
this._scaling = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "isBlocked", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype.getLOD = function(j) {
return this;
}, X.prototype.getTotalVertices = function() {
return 0;
}, X.prototype.getTotalIndices = function() {
return 0;
}, X.prototype.getIndices = function() {
return null;
}, X.prototype.getVerticesData = function(j) {
return null;
}, X.prototype.setVerticesData = function(j, ne, te, de) {
return this;
}, X.prototype.updateVerticesData = function(j, ne, te, de) {
return this;
}, X.prototype.setIndices = function(j, ne) {
return this;
}, X.prototype.isVerticesDataPresent = function(j) {
return !1;
}, X.prototype.getBoundingInfo = function() {
return this._masterMesh ? this._masterMesh.getBoundingInfo() : (this._boundingInfo || this._updateBoundingInfo(), this._boundingInfo);
}, X.prototype.normalizeToUnitCube = function(j, ne, te) {
return j === void 0 && (j = !0), ne === void 0 && (ne = !1),, j, ne, te);
}, X.prototype.setBoundingInfo = function(j) {
return this._boundingInfo = j, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "useBones", { get: function() {
return this.skeleton && this.getScene().skeletonsEnabled && this.isVerticesDataPresent(O.b.MatricesIndicesKind) && this.isVerticesDataPresent(O.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype._preActivate = function() {
}, X.prototype._preActivateForIntermediateRendering = function(j) {
}, X.prototype._activate = function(j, ne) {
return this._renderId = j, !0;
}, X.prototype._postActivate = function() {
}, X.prototype._freeze = function() {
}, X.prototype._unFreeze = function() {
}, X.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._masterMesh && this.billboardMode === m.a.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE ? this._masterMesh.getWorldMatrix() :;
}, X.prototype._getWorldMatrixDeterminant = function() {
return this._masterMesh ? this._masterMesh._getWorldMatrixDeterminant() :;
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "isAnInstance", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "hasInstances", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "hasThinInstances", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype.movePOV = function(j, ne, te) {
return this.position.addInPlace(this.calcMovePOV(j, ne, te)), this;
}, X.prototype.calcMovePOV = function(j, ne, te) {
var de = new u.a();
(this.rotationQuaternion ? this.rotationQuaternion : u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z)).toRotationMatrix(de);
var pe = u.e.Zero(), ae = this.definedFacingForward ? -1 : 1;
return u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(j * ae, ne, te * ae, de, pe), pe;
}, X.prototype.rotatePOV = function(j, ne, te) {
return this.rotation.addInPlace(this.calcRotatePOV(j, ne, te)), this;
}, X.prototype.calcRotatePOV = function(j, ne, te) {
var de = this.definedFacingForward ? 1 : -1;
return new u.e(j * de, ne, te * de);
}, X.prototype.refreshBoundingInfo = function(j) {
return j === void 0 && (j = !1), this._boundingInfo && this._boundingInfo.isLocked || this._refreshBoundingInfo(this._getPositionData(j), null), this;
}, X.prototype._refreshBoundingInfo = function(j, ne) {
if (j) {
var te = Object(l.a)(j, 0, this.getTotalVertices(), ne);
this._boundingInfo ? this._boundingInfo.reConstruct(te.minimum, te.maximum) : this._boundingInfo = new T.a(te.minimum, te.maximum);
if (this.subMeshes)
for (var de = 0; de < this.subMeshes.length; de++)
}, X.prototype._getPositionData = function(j) {
var ne = this.getVerticesData(O.b.PositionKind);
if (ne && j && this.skeleton) {
ne = _.b.Slice(ne), this._generatePointsArray();
var te = this.getVerticesData(O.b.MatricesIndicesKind), de = this.getVerticesData(O.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
if (de && te) {
var pe = this.numBoneInfluencers > 4, ae = pe ? this.getVerticesData(O.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind) : null, ee = pe ? this.getVerticesData(O.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind) : null;
for (var K = this.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(this), $ = u.c.Vector3[0], L = u.c.Matrix[0], G = u.c.Matrix[1], Q = 0, oe = 0; oe < ne.length; oe += 3, Q += 4) {
var re, Y;
for (L.reset(), re = 0; re < 4; re++)
(Y = de[Q + re]) > 0 && (u.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(K, Math.floor(16 * te[Q + re]), Y, G), L.addToSelf(G));
if (pe)
for (re = 0; re < 4; re++)
(Y = ee[Q + re]) > 0 && (u.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(K, Math.floor(16 * ae[Q + re]), Y, G), L.addToSelf(G));
u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(ne[oe], ne[oe + 1], ne[oe + 2], L, $), $.toArray(ne, oe), this._positions && this._positions[oe / 3].copyFrom($);
return ne;
}, X.prototype._updateBoundingInfo = function() {
var j = this._effectiveMesh;
return this._boundingInfo ? this._boundingInfo.update(j.worldMatrixFromCache) : this._boundingInfo = new T.a(this.absolutePosition, this.absolutePosition, j.worldMatrixFromCache), this._updateSubMeshesBoundingInfo(j.worldMatrixFromCache), this;
}, X.prototype._updateSubMeshesBoundingInfo = function(j) {
if (!this.subMeshes)
return this;
for (var ne = this.subMeshes.length, te = 0; te < ne; te++) {
var de = this.subMeshes[te];
(ne > 1 || !de.IsGlobal) && de.updateBoundingInfo(j);
return this;
}, X.prototype._afterComputeWorldMatrix = function() {
this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo || this._updateBoundingInfo();
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "_effectiveMesh", { get: function() {
return this.skeleton && this.skeleton.overrideMesh || this;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype.isInFrustum = function(j) {
return this._boundingInfo !== null && this._boundingInfo.isInFrustum(j, this.cullingStrategy);
}, X.prototype.isCompletelyInFrustum = function(j) {
return this._boundingInfo !== null && this._boundingInfo.isCompletelyInFrustum(j);
}, X.prototype.intersectsMesh = function(j, ne, te) {
if (ne === void 0 && (ne = !1), !this._boundingInfo || !j._boundingInfo)
return !1;
if (this._boundingInfo.intersects(j._boundingInfo, ne))
return !0;
if (te) {
for (var de = 0, pe = this.getChildMeshes(); de < pe.length; de++)
if (pe[de].intersectsMesh(j, ne, !0))
return !0;
return !1;
}, X.prototype.intersectsPoint = function(j) {
return !!this._boundingInfo && this._boundingInfo.intersectsPoint(j);
}, Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "checkCollisions", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._checkCollisions;
}, set: function(j) {
this._meshCollisionData._checkCollisions = j;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(X.prototype, "collider", { get: function() {
return this._meshCollisionData._collider;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), X.prototype.moveWithCollisions = function(j) {
this.getAbsolutePosition().addToRef(this.ellipsoidOffset, this._meshCollisionData._oldPositionForCollisions);
var ne = this.getScene().collisionCoordinator;
return this._meshCollisionData._collider || (this._meshCollisionData._collider = ne.createCollider()), this._meshCollisionData._collider._radius = this.ellipsoid, ne.getNewPosition(this._meshCollisionData._oldPositionForCollisions, j, this._meshCollisionData._collider, 3, this, this._onCollisionPositionChange, this.uniqueId), this;
}, X.prototype._collideForSubMesh = function(j, ne, te) {
if (this._generatePointsArray(), !this._positions)
return this;
if (!j._lastColliderWorldVertices || !j._lastColliderTransformMatrix.equals(ne)) {
j._lastColliderTransformMatrix = ne.clone(), j._lastColliderWorldVertices = [], j._trianglePlanes = [];
for (var de = j.verticesStart, pe = j.verticesStart + j.verticesCount, ae = de; ae < pe; ae++)
j._lastColliderWorldVertices.push(u.e.TransformCoordinates(this._positions[ae], ne));
return te._collide(j._trianglePlanes, j._lastColliderWorldVertices, this.getIndices(), j.indexStart, j.indexStart + j.indexCount, j.verticesStart, !!j.getMaterial(), this), this;
}, X.prototype._processCollisionsForSubMeshes = function(j, ne) {
for (var te = this._scene.getCollidingSubMeshCandidates(this, j), de = te.length, pe = 0; pe < de; pe++) {
var ae =[pe];
de > 1 && !ae._checkCollision(j) || this._collideForSubMesh(ae, ne, j);
return this;
}, X.prototype._checkCollision = function(j) {
if (!this._boundingInfo || !this._boundingInfo._checkCollision(j))
return this;
var ne = u.c.Matrix[0], te = u.c.Matrix[1];
return u.a.ScalingToRef(1 / j._radius.x, 1 / j._radius.y, 1 / j._radius.z, ne), this.worldMatrixFromCache.multiplyToRef(ne, te), this._processCollisionsForSubMeshes(j, te), this;
}, X.prototype._generatePointsArray = function() {
return !1;
}, X.prototype.intersects = function(j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
var ee;
de === void 0 && (de = !1), ae === void 0 && (ae = !1);
var K = new c.a(), $ = this.getClassName() === "InstancedLinesMesh" || this.getClassName() === "LinesMesh" ? this.intersectionThreshold : 0, L = this._boundingInfo;
if (!this.subMeshes || !L || !(ae || j.intersectsSphere(L.boundingSphere, $) && j.intersectsBox(L.boundingBox, $)))
return K;
if (de)
return K.hit = !ae, K.pickedMesh = ae ? null : this, K.distance = ae ? 0 : u.e.Distance(j.origin,, K.subMeshId = 0, K;
if (!this._generatePointsArray())
return K;
for (var G = null, Q = this._scene.getIntersectingSubMeshCandidates(this, j), oe = Q.length, re = !1, Y = 0; Y < oe; Y++) {
var k = (H =[Y]).getMaterial();
if (k && (!((ee = this.getIndices()) === null || ee === void 0) && ee.length) && (k.fillMode == S.a.MATERIAL_TriangleStripDrawMode || k.fillMode == S.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode || k.fillMode == S.a.MATERIAL_WireFrameFillMode || k.fillMode == S.a.MATERIAL_PointFillMode)) {
re = !0;
if (!re)
return K.hit = !0, K.pickedMesh = this, K.distance = u.e.Distance(j.origin,, K.subMeshId = -1, K;
for (Y = 0; Y < oe; Y++) {
var H =[Y];
if (!(oe > 1) || H.canIntersects(j)) {
var Z = H.intersects(j, this._positions, this.getIndices(), ne, te);
if (Z && (ne || !G || Z.distance < G.distance) && ((G = Z).subMeshId = Y, ne))
if (G) {
var W = pe ?? (this.skeleton && this.skeleton.overrideMesh ? this.skeleton.overrideMesh.getWorldMatrix() : this.getWorldMatrix()), q = u.c.Vector3[0], he = u.c.Vector3[1];
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(j.origin, W, q), j.direction.scaleToRef(G.distance, he);
var ge = u.e.TransformNormal(he, W).addInPlace(q);
return K.hit = !0, K.distance = u.e.Distance(q, ge), K.pickedPoint = ge, K.pickedMesh = this, K.bu = G.bu || 0, = || 0, K.subMeshFaceId = G.faceId, K.faceId = G.faceId +[G.subMeshId].indexStart / (this.getClassName().indexOf("LinesMesh") !== -1 ? 2 : 3), K.subMeshId = G.subMeshId, K;
return K;
}, X.prototype.clone = function(j, ne, te) {
return null;
}, X.prototype.releaseSubMeshes = function() {
if (this.subMeshes)
for (; this.subMeshes.length; )
this.subMeshes = new Array();
return this;
}, X.prototype.dispose = function(j, ne) {
var te, de = this;
for (ne === void 0 && (ne = !1), this._scene.useMaterialMeshMap && this._material && this._material.meshMap && (this._material.meshMap[this.uniqueId] = void 0), this.getScene().freeActiveMeshes(), this.getScene().freeRenderingGroups(), this.actionManager !== void 0 && this.actionManager !== null && (this.actionManager.dispose(), this.actionManager = null), this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._skeleton = null, this._transformMatrixTexture && (this._transformMatrixTexture.dispose(), this._transformMatrixTexture = null), te = 0; te < this._intersectionsInProgress.length; te++) {
var pe = this._intersectionsInProgress[te], ae = pe._intersectionsInProgress.indexOf(this);
pe._intersectionsInProgress.splice(ae, 1);
this._intersectionsInProgress = [], this.getScene().lights.forEach(function(K) {
var $ = K.includedOnlyMeshes.indexOf(de);
$ !== -1 && K.includedOnlyMeshes.splice($, 1), ($ = K.excludedMeshes.indexOf(de)) !== -1 && K.excludedMeshes.splice($, 1);
var L = K.getShadowGenerator();
if (L) {
var G = L.getShadowMap();
G && G.renderList && ($ = G.renderList.indexOf(de)) !== -1 && G.renderList.splice($, 1);
}), this.getClassName() === "InstancedMesh" && this.getClassName() === "InstancedLinesMesh" || this.releaseSubMeshes();
var ee = this.getScene().getEngine();
if (this._occlusionQuery && (this.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = !1, ee.deleteQuery(this._occlusionQuery), this._occlusionQuery = null), ee.wipeCaches(), this.getScene().removeMesh(this), ne && this.material && (this.material.getClassName() === "MultiMaterial" ? this.material.dispose(!1, !0, !0) : this.material.dispose(!1, !0)), !j)
for (te = 0; te < this.getScene().particleSystems.length; te++)
this.getScene().particleSystems[te].emitter === this && (this.getScene().particleSystems[te].dispose(), te--);
this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetDataEnabled && this.disableFacetData(), this.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable.clear(), this.onCollideObservable.clear(), this.onCollisionPositionChangeObservable.clear(), this.onRebuildObservable.clear(),, j, ne);
}, X.prototype.addChild = function(j) {
return j.setParent(this), this;
}, X.prototype.removeChild = function(j) {
return j.setParent(null), this;
}, X.prototype._initFacetData = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
j.facetNormals || (j.facetNormals = new Array()), j.facetPositions || (j.facetPositions = new Array()), j.facetPartitioning || (j.facetPartitioning = new Array()), j.facetNb = this.getIndices().length / 3 | 0, j.partitioningSubdivisions = j.partitioningSubdivisions ? j.partitioningSubdivisions : 10, j.partitioningBBoxRatio = j.partitioningBBoxRatio ? j.partitioningBBoxRatio : 1.01;
for (var ne = 0; ne < j.facetNb; ne++)
j.facetNormals[ne] = u.e.Zero(), j.facetPositions[ne] = u.e.Zero();
return j.facetDataEnabled = !0, this;
}, X.prototype.updateFacetData = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
j.facetDataEnabled || this._initFacetData();
var ne = this.getVerticesData(O.b.PositionKind), te = this.getIndices(), de = this.getVerticesData(O.b.NormalKind), pe = this.getBoundingInfo();
if (j.facetDepthSort && !j.facetDepthSortEnabled) {
if (j.facetDepthSortEnabled = !0, te instanceof Uint16Array)
j.depthSortedIndices = new Uint16Array(te);
else if (te instanceof Uint32Array)
j.depthSortedIndices = new Uint32Array(te);
else {
for (var ae = !1, ee = 0; ee < te.length; ee++)
if (te[ee] > 65535) {
ae = !0;
j.depthSortedIndices = ae ? new Uint32Array(te) : new Uint16Array(te);
if (j.facetDepthSortFunction = function(re, Y) {
return Y.sqDistance - re.sqDistance;
}, !j.facetDepthSortFrom) {
var K = this.getScene().activeCamera;
j.facetDepthSortFrom = K ? K.position : u.e.Zero();
j.depthSortedFacets = [];
for (var $ = 0; $ < j.facetNb; $++) {
var L = { ind: 3 * $, sqDistance: 0 };
j.invertedMatrix = u.a.Identity(), j.facetDepthSortOrigin = u.e.Zero();
j.bbSize.x = pe.maximum.x - pe.minimum.x > v.a ? pe.maximum.x - pe.minimum.x : v.a, j.bbSize.y = pe.maximum.y - pe.minimum.y > v.a ? pe.maximum.y - pe.minimum.y : v.a, j.bbSize.z = pe.maximum.z - pe.minimum.z > v.a ? pe.maximum.z - pe.minimum.z : v.a;
var G = j.bbSize.x > j.bbSize.y ? j.bbSize.x : j.bbSize.y;
if (G = G > j.bbSize.z ? G : j.bbSize.z, j.subDiv.max = j.partitioningSubdivisions, j.subDiv.X = Math.floor(j.subDiv.max * j.bbSize.x / G), j.subDiv.Y = Math.floor(j.subDiv.max * j.bbSize.y / G), j.subDiv.Z = Math.floor(j.subDiv.max * j.bbSize.z / G), j.subDiv.X = j.subDiv.X < 1 ? 1 : j.subDiv.X, j.subDiv.Y = j.subDiv.Y < 1 ? 1 : j.subDiv.Y, j.subDiv.Z = j.subDiv.Z < 1 ? 1 : j.subDiv.Z, j.facetParameters.facetNormals = this.getFacetLocalNormals(), j.facetParameters.facetPositions = this.getFacetLocalPositions(), j.facetParameters.facetPartitioning = this.getFacetLocalPartitioning(), j.facetParameters.bInfo = pe, j.facetParameters.bbSize = j.bbSize, j.facetParameters.subDiv = j.subDiv, j.facetParameters.ratio = this.partitioningBBoxRatio, j.facetParameters.depthSort = j.facetDepthSort, j.facetDepthSort && j.facetDepthSortEnabled && (this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._worldMatrix.invertToRef(j.invertedMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(j.facetDepthSortFrom, j.invertedMatrix, j.facetDepthSortOrigin), j.facetParameters.distanceTo = j.facetDepthSortOrigin), j.facetParameters.depthSortedFacets = j.depthSortedFacets, x.a.ComputeNormals(ne, te, de, j.facetParameters), j.facetDepthSort && j.facetDepthSortEnabled) {
var Q = j.depthSortedIndices.length / 3 | 0;
for ($ = 0; $ < Q; $++) {
var oe = j.depthSortedFacets[$].ind;
j.depthSortedIndices[3 * $] = te[oe], j.depthSortedIndices[3 * $ + 1] = te[oe + 1], j.depthSortedIndices[3 * $ + 2] = te[oe + 2];
this.updateIndices(j.depthSortedIndices, void 0, !0);
return this;
}, X.prototype.getFacetLocalNormals = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
return j.facetNormals || this.updateFacetData(), j.facetNormals;
}, X.prototype.getFacetLocalPositions = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
return j.facetPositions || this.updateFacetData(), j.facetPositions;
}, X.prototype.getFacetLocalPartitioning = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
return j.facetPartitioning || this.updateFacetData(), j.facetPartitioning;
}, X.prototype.getFacetPosition = function(j) {
var ne = u.e.Zero();
return this.getFacetPositionToRef(j, ne), ne;
}, X.prototype.getFacetPositionToRef = function(j, ne) {
var te = this.getFacetLocalPositions()[j], de = this.getWorldMatrix();
return u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(te, de, ne), this;
}, X.prototype.getFacetNormal = function(j) {
var ne = u.e.Zero();
return this.getFacetNormalToRef(j, ne), ne;
}, X.prototype.getFacetNormalToRef = function(j, ne) {
var te = this.getFacetLocalNormals()[j];
return u.e.TransformNormalToRef(te, this.getWorldMatrix(), ne), this;
}, X.prototype.getFacetsAtLocalCoordinates = function(j, ne, te) {
var de = this.getBoundingInfo(), pe = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData, ae = Math.floor((j - de.minimum.x * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio) * pe.subDiv.X * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio / pe.bbSize.x), ee = Math.floor((ne - de.minimum.y * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio) * pe.subDiv.Y * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio / pe.bbSize.y), K = Math.floor((te - de.minimum.z * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio) * pe.subDiv.Z * pe.partitioningBBoxRatio / pe.bbSize.z);
return ae < 0 || ae > pe.subDiv.max || ee < 0 || ee > pe.subDiv.max || K < 0 || K > pe.subDiv.max ? null : pe.facetPartitioning[ae + pe.subDiv.max * ee + pe.subDiv.max * pe.subDiv.max * K];
}, X.prototype.getClosestFacetAtCoordinates = function(j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
pe === void 0 && (pe = !1), ae === void 0 && (ae = !0);
var ee = this.getWorldMatrix(), K = u.c.Matrix[5];
var $ = u.c.Vector3[8];
u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(j, ne, te, K, $);
var L = this.getClosestFacetAtLocalCoordinates($.x, $.y, $.z, de, pe, ae);
return de && u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(de.x, de.y, de.z, ee, de), L;
}, X.prototype.getClosestFacetAtLocalCoordinates = function(j, ne, te, de, pe, ae) {
pe === void 0 && (pe = !1), ae === void 0 && (ae = !0);
var ee = null, K = 0, $ = 0, L = 0, G = 0, Q = 0, oe = 0, re = 0, Y = 0, k = this.getFacetLocalPositions(), H = this.getFacetLocalNormals(), Z = this.getFacetsAtLocalCoordinates(j, ne, te);
if (!Z)
return null;
for (var W, q, he, ge = Number.MAX_VALUE, me = ge, _e = 0; _e < Z.length; _e++)
q = H[W = Z[_e]], G = (j - (he = k[W]).x) * q.x + (ne - he.y) * q.y + (te - he.z) * q.z, (!pe || pe && ae && G >= 0 || pe && !ae && G <= 0) && (G = q.x * he.x + q.y * he.y + q.z * he.z, Q = -(q.x * j + q.y * ne + q.z * te - G) / (q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z), (me = (K = (oe = j + q.x * Q) - j) * K + ($ = (re = ne + q.y * Q) - ne) * $ + (L = (Y = te + q.z * Q) - te) * L) < ge && (ge = me, ee = W, de && (de.x = oe, de.y = re, de.z = Y)));
return ee;
}, X.prototype.getFacetDataParameters = function() {
return this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData.facetParameters;
}, X.prototype.disableFacetData = function() {
var j = this._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._facetData;
return j.facetDataEnabled && (j.facetDataEnabled = !1, j.facetPositions = new Array(), j.facetNormals = new Array(), j.facetPartitioning = new Array(), j.facetParameters = null, j.depthSortedIndices = new Uint32Array(0)), this;
}, X.prototype.updateIndices = function(j, ne, te) {
return this;
}, X.prototype.createNormals = function(j) {
var ne, te = this.getVerticesData(O.b.PositionKind), de = this.getIndices();
return ne = this.isVerticesDataPresent(O.b.NormalKind) ? this.getVerticesData(O.b.NormalKind) : [], x.a.ComputeNormals(te, de, ne, { useRightHandedSystem: this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem }), this.setVerticesData(O.b.NormalKind, ne, j), this;
}, X.prototype.alignWithNormal = function(j, ne) {
ne || (ne = b.a.Y);
var te = u.c.Vector3[0], de = u.c.Vector3[1];
return u.e.CrossToRef(ne, j, de), u.e.CrossToRef(j, de, te), this.rotationQuaternion ? u.b.RotationQuaternionFromAxisToRef(te, j, de, this.rotationQuaternion) : u.e.RotationFromAxisToRef(te, j, de, this.rotation), this;
}, X.prototype._checkOcclusionQuery = function() {
return !1;
}, X.prototype.disableEdgesRendering = function() {
throw g.a.WarnImport("EdgesRenderer");
}, X.prototype.enableEdgesRendering = function(j, ne, te) {
throw g.a.WarnImport("EdgesRenderer");
}, X.prototype.getConnectedParticleSystems = function() {
var j = this;
return this._scene.particleSystems.filter(function(ne) {
return ne.emitter === j;
D.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.AbstractMesh"] = M;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return m;
var V = f(8), _ = f(44), C = f(0), u = f(31), I = f(7), O = f(50), x = f(23);
I.a._PhysicsImpostorParser = function(c, T, S) {
return new m(T, S.physicsImpostor, { mass: S.physicsMass, friction: S.physicsFriction, restitution: S.physicsRestitution }, c);
var m = function() {
function c(T, S, E, g) {
var l = this;
E === void 0 && (E = { mass: 0 }), this.object = T, this.type = S, this._options = E, this._scene = g, this._pluginData = {}, this._bodyUpdateRequired = !1, this._onBeforePhysicsStepCallbacks = new Array(), this._onAfterPhysicsStepCallbacks = new Array(), this._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks = [], this._deltaPosition = C.e.Zero(), this._isDisposed = !1, this.soft = !1, this.segments = 0, this._tmpQuat = new C.b(), this._tmpQuat2 = new C.b(), this.beforeStep = function() {
l._physicsEngine && (l.object.translate(l._deltaPosition, -1), l._deltaRotationConjugated && l.object.rotationQuaternion && l.object.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(l._deltaRotationConjugated, l.object.rotationQuaternion), l.object.computeWorldMatrix(!1), l.object.parent && l.object.rotationQuaternion ? (l.getParentsRotation(), l._tmpQuat.multiplyToRef(l.object.rotationQuaternion, l._tmpQuat)) : l._tmpQuat.copyFrom(l.object.rotationQuaternion || new C.b()), l._options.disableBidirectionalTransformation || l.object.rotationQuaternion && l._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setPhysicsBodyTransformation(l, l.object.getAbsolutePosition(), l._tmpQuat), l._onBeforePhysicsStepCallbacks.forEach(function(h) {
}, this.afterStep = function() {
l._physicsEngine && (l._onAfterPhysicsStepCallbacks.forEach(function(h) {
}), l._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setTransformationFromPhysicsBody(l), l.object.parent && l.object.rotationQuaternion && (l.getParentsRotation(), l._tmpQuat.conjugateInPlace(), l._tmpQuat.multiplyToRef(l.object.rotationQuaternion, l.object.rotationQuaternion)), l.object.setAbsolutePosition(l.object.position), l._deltaRotation && l.object.rotationQuaternion && l.object.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(l._deltaRotation, l.object.rotationQuaternion), l.object.translate(l._deltaPosition, 1));
}, this.onCollideEvent = null, this.onCollide = function(h) {
if ((l._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.length || l.onCollideEvent) && l._physicsEngine) {
var v = l._physicsEngine.getImpostorWithPhysicsBody(h.body);
v && (l.onCollideEvent && l.onCollideEvent(l, v), l._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.filter(function(b) {
return b.otherImpostors.indexOf(v) !== -1;
}).forEach(function(b) {
b.callback(l, v, h.point);
}, this.object ? (this.object.parent && E.mass !== 0 && V.a.Warn("A physics impostor has been created for an object which has a parent. Babylon physics currently works in local space so unexpected issues may occur."), !this._scene && T.getScene && (this._scene = T.getScene()), this._scene && (this.type > 100 && (this.soft = !0), this._physicsEngine = this._scene.getPhysicsEngine(), this._physicsEngine ? (this.object.rotationQuaternion || (this.object.rotation ? this.object.rotationQuaternion = C.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.object.rotation.y, this.object.rotation.x, this.object.rotation.z) : this.object.rotationQuaternion = new C.b()), this._options.mass = E.mass === void 0 ? 0 : E.mass, this._options.friction = E.friction === void 0 ? 0.2 : E.friction, this._options.restitution = E.restitution === void 0 ? 0.2 : E.restitution, this.soft && (this._options.mass = this._options.mass > 0 ? this._options.mass : 1, this._options.pressure = E.pressure === void 0 ? 200 : E.pressure, this._options.stiffness = E.stiffness === void 0 ? 1 : E.stiffness, this._options.velocityIterations = E.velocityIterations === void 0 ? 20 : E.velocityIterations, this._options.positionIterations = E.positionIterations === void 0 ? 20 : E.positionIterations, this._options.fixedPoints = E.fixedPoints === void 0 ? 0 : E.fixedPoints, this._options.margin = E.margin === void 0 ? 0 : E.margin, this._options.damping = E.damping === void 0 ? 0 : E.damping, this._options.path = E.path === void 0 ? null : E.path, this._options.shape = E.shape === void 0 ? null : E.shape), this._joints = [], !this.object.parent || this._options.ignoreParent ? this._init() : this.object.parent.physicsImpostor && V.a.Warn("You must affect impostors to children before affecting impostor to parent.")) : V.a.Error("Physics not enabled. Please use scene.enablePhysics(...) before creating impostors."))) : V.a.Error("No object was provided. A physics object is obligatory");
return Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "isDisposed", { get: function() {
return this._isDisposed;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "mass", { get: function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getBodyMass(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "friction", { get: function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getBodyFriction(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setBodyFriction(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "restitution", { get: function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getBodyRestitution(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setBodyRestitution(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "pressure", { get: function() {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return 0;
var T = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return T.setBodyPressure ? T.getBodyPressure(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
if (this._physicsEngine) {
var S = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
S.setBodyPressure && S.setBodyPressure(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "stiffness", { get: function() {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return 0;
var T = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return T.getBodyStiffness ? T.getBodyStiffness(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
if (this._physicsEngine) {
var S = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
S.setBodyStiffness && S.setBodyStiffness(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "velocityIterations", { get: function() {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return 0;
var T = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return T.getBodyVelocityIterations ? T.getBodyVelocityIterations(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
if (this._physicsEngine) {
var S = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
S.setBodyVelocityIterations && S.setBodyVelocityIterations(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "positionIterations", { get: function() {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return 0;
var T = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return T.getBodyPositionIterations ? T.getBodyPositionIterations(this) : 0;
}, set: function(T) {
if (this._physicsEngine) {
var S = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
S.setBodyPositionIterations && S.setBodyPositionIterations(this, T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype._init = function() {
this._physicsEngine && (this._physicsEngine.removeImpostor(this), this.physicsBody = null, this._parent = this._parent || this._getPhysicsParent(), this._isDisposed || this.parent && !this._options.ignoreParent || this._physicsEngine.addImpostor(this));
}, c.prototype._getPhysicsParent = function() {
return this.object.parent instanceof u.a ? this.object.parent.physicsImpostor : null;
}, c.prototype.isBodyInitRequired = function() {
return this._bodyUpdateRequired || !this._physicsBody && !this._parent;
}, c.prototype.setScalingUpdated = function() {
}, c.prototype.forceUpdate = function() {
this._init(), this.parent && !this._options.ignoreParent && this.parent.forceUpdate();
}, Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "physicsBody", { get: function() {
return this._parent && !this._options.ignoreParent ? this._parent.physicsBody : this._physicsBody;
}, set: function(T) {
this._physicsBody && this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().removePhysicsBody(this), this._physicsBody = T, this.resetUpdateFlags();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "parent", { get: function() {
return !this._options.ignoreParent && this._parent ? this._parent : null;
}, set: function(T) {
this._parent = T;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.resetUpdateFlags = function() {
this._bodyUpdateRequired = !1;
}, c.prototype.getObjectExtendSize = function() {
if (this.object.getBoundingInfo) {
var T = this.object.rotationQuaternion, S = this.object.scaling.clone();
this.object.rotationQuaternion = c.IDENTITY_QUATERNION;
var E = this.object.computeWorldMatrix && this.object.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
E && E.decompose(S, void 0, void 0);
var g = this.object.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.extendSize.scale(2).multiplyInPlace(S);
return this.object.rotationQuaternion = T, this.object.computeWorldMatrix && this.object.computeWorldMatrix(!0), g;
}, c.prototype.getObjectCenter = function() {
return this.object.getBoundingInfo ? this.object.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.centerWorld : this.object.position;
}, c.prototype.getParam = function(T) {
return this._options[T];
}, c.prototype.setParam = function(T, S) {
this._options[T] = S, this._bodyUpdateRequired = !0;
}, c.prototype.setMass = function(T) {
this.getParam("mass") !== T && this.setParam("mass", T), this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setBodyMass(this, T);
}, c.prototype.getLinearVelocity = function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getLinearVelocity(this) : C.e.Zero();
}, c.prototype.setLinearVelocity = function(T) {
this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setLinearVelocity(this, T);
}, c.prototype.getAngularVelocity = function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getAngularVelocity(this) : C.e.Zero();
}, c.prototype.setAngularVelocity = function(T) {
this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().setAngularVelocity(this, T);
}, c.prototype.executeNativeFunction = function(T) {
this._physicsEngine && T(this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().world, this.physicsBody);
}, c.prototype.registerBeforePhysicsStep = function(T) {
}, c.prototype.unregisterBeforePhysicsStep = function(T) {
var S = this._onBeforePhysicsStepCallbacks.indexOf(T);
S > -1 ? this._onBeforePhysicsStepCallbacks.splice(S, 1) : V.a.Warn("Function to remove was not found");
}, c.prototype.registerAfterPhysicsStep = function(T) {
}, c.prototype.unregisterAfterPhysicsStep = function(T) {
var S = this._onAfterPhysicsStepCallbacks.indexOf(T);
S > -1 ? this._onAfterPhysicsStepCallbacks.splice(S, 1) : V.a.Warn("Function to remove was not found");
}, c.prototype.registerOnPhysicsCollide = function(T, S) {
var E = T instanceof Array ? T : [T];
this._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.push({ callback: S, otherImpostors: E });
}, c.prototype.unregisterOnPhysicsCollide = function(T, S) {
var E = T instanceof Array ? T : [T], g = -1;
this._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.some(function(l, h) {
if (l.callback === S && l.otherImpostors.length === E.length) {
var v = l.otherImpostors.every(function(b) {
return E.indexOf(b) > -1;
return v && (g = h), v;
return !1;
}) ? this._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.splice(g, 1) : V.a.Warn("Function to remove was not found");
}, c.prototype.getParentsRotation = function() {
var T = this.object.parent;
for (this._tmpQuat.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1); T; )
T.rotationQuaternion ? this._tmpQuat2.copyFrom(T.rotationQuaternion) : C.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(T.rotation.y, T.rotation.x, T.rotation.z, this._tmpQuat2), this._tmpQuat.multiplyToRef(this._tmpQuat2, this._tmpQuat), T = T.parent;
return this._tmpQuat;
}, c.prototype.applyForce = function(T, S) {
return this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().applyForce(this, T, S), this;
}, c.prototype.applyImpulse = function(T, S) {
return this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().applyImpulse(this, T, S), this;
}, c.prototype.createJoint = function(T, S, E) {
var g = new O.e(S, E);
return this.addJoint(T, g), this;
}, c.prototype.addJoint = function(T, S) {
return this._joints.push({ otherImpostor: T, joint: S }), this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.addJoint(this, T, S), this;
}, c.prototype.addAnchor = function(T, S, E, g, l) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return this;
var h = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return h.appendAnchor ? (this._physicsEngine && h.appendAnchor(this, T, S, E, g, l), this) : this;
}, c.prototype.addHook = function(T, S, E, g) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return this;
var l = this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin();
return l.appendAnchor ? (this._physicsEngine && l.appendHook(this, T, S, E, g), this) : this;
}, c.prototype.sleep = function() {
return this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().sleepBody(this), this;
}, c.prototype.wakeUp = function() {
return this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().wakeUpBody(this), this;
}, c.prototype.clone = function(T) {
return T ? new c(T, this.type, this._options, this._scene) : null;
}, c.prototype.dispose = function() {
var T = this;
this._physicsEngine && (this._joints.forEach(function(S) {
T._physicsEngine && T._physicsEngine.removeJoint(T, S.otherImpostor, S.joint);
}), this._physicsEngine.removeImpostor(this), this.parent && this.parent.forceUpdate(), this._isDisposed = !0);
}, c.prototype.setDeltaPosition = function(T) {
}, c.prototype.setDeltaRotation = function(T) {
this._deltaRotation || (this._deltaRotation = new C.b()), this._deltaRotation.copyFrom(T), this._deltaRotationConjugated = this._deltaRotation.conjugate();
}, c.prototype.getBoxSizeToRef = function(T) {
return this._physicsEngine && this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getBoxSizeToRef(this, T), this;
}, c.prototype.getRadius = function() {
return this._physicsEngine ? this._physicsEngine.getPhysicsPlugin().getRadius(this) : 0;
}, c.prototype.syncBoneWithImpostor = function(T, S, E, g, l) {
var h = c._tmpVecs[0], v = this.object;
if (v.rotationQuaternion)
if (l) {
var b = c._tmpQuat;
v.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(l, b), T.setRotationQuaternion(b, x.c.WORLD, S);
} else
T.setRotationQuaternion(v.rotationQuaternion, x.c.WORLD, S);
h.x = 0, h.y = 0, h.z = 0, E && (h.x = E.x, h.y = E.y, h.z = E.z, T.getDirectionToRef(h, S, h), g == null && (g = E.length()), h.x *= g, h.y *= g, h.z *= g), T.getParent() ? (h.addInPlace(v.getAbsolutePosition()), T.setAbsolutePosition(h, S)) : (S.setAbsolutePosition(v.getAbsolutePosition()), S.position.x -= h.x, S.position.y -= h.y, S.position.z -= h.z);
}, c.prototype.syncImpostorWithBone = function(T, S, E, g, l, h) {
var v = this.object;
if (v.rotationQuaternion)
if (l) {
var b = c._tmpQuat;
T.getRotationQuaternionToRef(x.c.WORLD, S, b), b.multiplyToRef(l, v.rotationQuaternion);
} else
T.getRotationQuaternionToRef(x.c.WORLD, S, v.rotationQuaternion);
var D = c._tmpVecs[0], w = c._tmpVecs[1];
h || ((h = c._tmpVecs[2]).x = 0, h.y = 1, h.z = 0), T.getDirectionToRef(h, S, w), T.getAbsolutePositionToRef(S, D), g == null && E && (g = E.length()), g != null && (D.x += w.x * g, D.y += w.y * g, D.z += w.z * g), v.setAbsolutePosition(D);
}, c.DEFAULT_OBJECT_SIZE = new C.e(1, 1, 1), c.IDENTITY_QUATERNION = C.b.Identity(), c._tmpVecs = _.a.BuildArray(3, C.e.Zero), c._tmpQuat = C.b.Identity(), c.NoImpostor = 0, c.SphereImpostor = 1, c.BoxImpostor = 2, c.PlaneImpostor = 3, c.MeshImpostor = 4, c.CapsuleImpostor = 6, c.CylinderImpostor = 7, c.ParticleImpostor = 8, c.HeightmapImpostor = 9, c.ConvexHullImpostor = 10, c.CustomImpostor = 100, c.RopeImpostor = 101, c.ClothImpostor = 102, c.SoftbodyImpostor = 103, c;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
var V = f(1), _ = function() {
function u(I) {
this.length = 0, = new Array(I), this._id = u._GlobalId++;
return u.prototype.push = function(I) {[this.length++] = I, this.length > && ( *= 2);
}, u.prototype.forEach = function(I) {
for (var O = 0; O < this.length; O++)
}, u.prototype.sort = function(I) {;
}, u.prototype.reset = function() {
this.length = 0;
}, u.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.reset(), && ( = 0, = []);
}, u.prototype.concat = function(I) {
if (I.length !== 0) {
this.length + I.length > && ( = 2 * (this.length + I.length));
for (var O = 0; O < I.length; O++)[this.length++] = ( || I)[O];
}, u.prototype.indexOf = function(I) {
var O =;
return O >= this.length ? -1 : O;
}, u.prototype.contains = function(I) {
return this.indexOf(I) !== -1;
}, u._GlobalId = 0, u;
}(), C = function(u) {
function I() {
var O = u !== null && u.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return O._duplicateId = 0, O;
return Object(V.d)(I, u), I.prototype.push = function(O) {, O), O.__smartArrayFlags || (O.__smartArrayFlags = {}), O.__smartArrayFlags[this._id] = this._duplicateId;
}, I.prototype.pushNoDuplicate = function(O) {
return (!O.__smartArrayFlags || O.__smartArrayFlags[this._id] !== this._duplicateId) && (this.push(O), !0);
}, I.prototype.reset = function() {, this._duplicateId++;
}, I.prototype.concatWithNoDuplicate = function(O) {
if (O.length !== 0) {
this.length + O.length > && ( = 2 * (this.length + O.length));
for (var x = 0; x < O.length; x++) {
var m = ( || O)[x];
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.EndsWith = function(C, u) {
return C.indexOf(u, C.length - u.length) !== -1;
}, _.StartsWith = function(C, u) {
return !!C && C.indexOf(u) === 0;
}, _.Decode = function(C) {
if (typeof TextDecoder < "u")
return new TextDecoder().decode(C);
for (var u = "", I = 0; I < C.byteLength; I++)
u += String.fromCharCode(C[I]);
return u;
}, _.EncodeArrayBufferToBase64 = function(C) {
for (var u, I, O, x, m, c, T, S = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", E = "", g = 0, l = ArrayBuffer.isView(C) ? new Uint8Array(C.buffer, C.byteOffset, C.byteLength) : new Uint8Array(C); g < l.length; )
x = (u = l[g++]) >> 2, m = (3 & u) << 4 | (I = g < l.length ? l[g++] : Number.NaN) >> 4, c = (15 & I) << 2 | (O = g < l.length ? l[g++] : Number.NaN) >> 6, T = 63 & O, isNaN(I) ? c = T = 64 : isNaN(O) && (T = 64), E += S.charAt(x) + S.charAt(m) + S.charAt(c) + S.charAt(T);
return E;
}, _.PadNumber = function(C, u) {
for (var I = String(C); I.length < u; )
I = "0" + I;
return I;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this.rootNodes = new Array(), this.cameras = new Array(), this.lights = new Array(), this.meshes = new Array(), this.skeletons = new Array(), this.particleSystems = new Array(), this.animations = [], this.animationGroups = new Array(), this.multiMaterials = new Array(), this.materials = new Array(), this.morphTargetManagers = new Array(), this.geometries = new Array(), this.transformNodes = new Array(), this.actionManagers = new Array(), this.textures = new Array(), this._environmentTexture = null, this.postProcesses = new Array();
return _.AddParser = function(C, u) {
this._BabylonFileParsers[C] = u;
}, _.GetParser = function(C) {
return this._BabylonFileParsers[C] ? this._BabylonFileParsers[C] : null;
}, _.AddIndividualParser = function(C, u) {
this._IndividualBabylonFileParsers[C] = u;
}, _.GetIndividualParser = function(C) {
return this._IndividualBabylonFileParsers[C] ? this._IndividualBabylonFileParsers[C] : null;
}, _.Parse = function(C, u, I, O) {
for (var x in this._BabylonFileParsers)
this._BabylonFileParsers.hasOwnProperty(x) && this._BabylonFileParsers[x](C, u, I, O);
}, Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "environmentTexture", { get: function() {
return this._environmentTexture;
}, set: function(C) {
this._environmentTexture = C;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.prototype.getNodes = function() {
var C = new Array();
return C = (C = (C = (C = C.concat(this.meshes)).concat(this.lights)).concat(this.cameras)).concat(this.transformNodes), this.skeletons.forEach(function(u) {
return C = C.concat(u.bones);
}), C;
}, _._BabylonFileParsers = {}, _._IndividualBabylonFileParsers = {}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return m;
var V = f(20), _ = f(6), C = f(18), u = f(22), I = f(86), O = f(0), x = f(9), m = function() {
function c(T, S) {
var E = this;
S === void 0 && (S = !0), this.originalScene = T, this._pointerCaptures = {}, this._lastPointerEvents = {}, this._sharedGizmoLight = null, this._renderCamera = null, this.pickUtilitySceneFirst = !0, this.shouldRender = !0, this.onlyCheckPointerDownEvents = !0, this.processAllEvents = !1, this.onPointerOutObservable = new _.c(), this.utilityLayerScene = new V.a(T.getEngine(), { virtual: !0 }), this.utilityLayerScene.useRightHandedSystem = T.useRightHandedSystem, this.utilityLayerScene._allowPostProcessClearColor = !1, this.utilityLayerScene.detachControl(), S && (this._originalPointerObserver = T.onPrePointerObservable.add(function(g, l) {
if (E.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera && (E.processAllEvents || g.type === C.a.POINTERMOVE || g.type === C.a.POINTERUP || g.type === C.a.POINTERDOWN || g.type === C.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP)) {
E.utilityLayerScene.pointerX = T.pointerX, E.utilityLayerScene.pointerY = T.pointerY;
var h = g.event;
if (T.isPointerCaptured(h.pointerId))
E._pointerCaptures[h.pointerId] = !1;
else {
var v = g.ray ? E.utilityLayerScene.pickWithRay(g.ray) : E.utilityLayerScene.pick(T.pointerX, T.pointerY);
if (!g.ray && v && (g.ray = v.ray), E.utilityLayerScene.onPrePointerObservable.notifyObservers(g), E.onlyCheckPointerDownEvents && g.type != C.a.POINTERDOWN)
return g.skipOnPointerObservable || E.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(new C.b(g.type, g.event, v), g.type), void (g.type === C.a.POINTERUP && E._pointerCaptures[h.pointerId] && (E._pointerCaptures[h.pointerId] = !1));
if (E.utilityLayerScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil || E.pickUtilitySceneFirst)
v && v.hit && (g.skipOnPointerObservable || E.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(new C.b(g.type, g.event, v), g.type), g.skipOnPointerObservable = !0);
else {
var b = g.ray ? T.pickWithRay(g.ray) : T.pick(T.pointerX, T.pointerY), D = g.event;
b && v && (v.distance === 0 && b.pickedMesh ? E.mainSceneTrackerPredicate && E.mainSceneTrackerPredicate(b.pickedMesh) ? (E._notifyObservers(g, b, D), g.skipOnPointerObservable = !0) : g.type === C.a.POINTERDOWN ? E._pointerCaptures[D.pointerId] = !0 : E._lastPointerEvents[D.pointerId] && (E.onPointerOutObservable.notifyObservers(D.pointerId), delete E._lastPointerEvents[D.pointerId]) : !E._pointerCaptures[D.pointerId] && (v.distance < b.distance || b.distance === 0) ? (E._notifyObservers(g, v, D), g.skipOnPointerObservable || (g.skipOnPointerObservable = v.distance > 0)) : !E._pointerCaptures[D.pointerId] && v.distance > b.distance && (E.mainSceneTrackerPredicate && E.mainSceneTrackerPredicate(b.pickedMesh) ? (E._notifyObservers(g, b, D), g.skipOnPointerObservable = !0) : E._lastPointerEvents[D.pointerId] && (E.onPointerOutObservable.notifyObservers(D.pointerId), delete E._lastPointerEvents[D.pointerId])), g.type === C.a.POINTERUP && E._pointerCaptures[D.pointerId] && (E._pointerCaptures[D.pointerId] = !1));
}), this._originalPointerObserver && T.onPrePointerObservable.makeObserverTopPriority(this._originalPointerObserver)), this.utilityLayerScene.autoClear = !1, this._afterRenderObserver = this.originalScene.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.add(function(g) {
E.shouldRender && g == E.getRenderCamera() && E.render();
}), this._sceneDisposeObserver = this.originalScene.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
}), this._updateCamera();
return c.prototype.getRenderCamera = function(T) {
if (this._renderCamera)
return this._renderCamera;
var S = void 0;
return S = this.originalScene.activeCameras && this.originalScene.activeCameras.length > 1 ? this.originalScene.activeCameras[this.originalScene.activeCameras.length - 1] : this.originalScene.activeCamera, T && S && S.isRigCamera ? S.rigParent : S;
}, c.prototype.setRenderCamera = function(T) {
this._renderCamera = T;
}, c.prototype._getSharedGizmoLight = function() {
return this._sharedGizmoLight || (this._sharedGizmoLight = new I.a("shared gizmo light", new O.e(0, 1, 0), this.utilityLayerScene), this._sharedGizmoLight.intensity = 2, this._sharedGizmoLight.groundColor = x.a.Gray()), this._sharedGizmoLight;
}, Object.defineProperty(c, "DefaultUtilityLayer", { get: function() {
return c._DefaultUtilityLayer == null && (c._DefaultUtilityLayer = new c(u.a.LastCreatedScene), c._DefaultUtilityLayer.originalScene.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
c._DefaultUtilityLayer = null;
})), c._DefaultUtilityLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c, "DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer", { get: function() {
return c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer == null && (c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer = new c(u.a.LastCreatedScene), c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer.utilityLayerScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = !1, c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer.originalScene.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer = null;
})), c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype._notifyObservers = function(T, S, E) {
T.skipOnPointerObservable || (this.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.notifyObservers(new C.b(T.type, T.event, S), T.type), this._lastPointerEvents[E.pointerId] = !0);
}, c.prototype.render = function() {
if (this._updateCamera(), this.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera) {
var T = this.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.getScene(), S = this.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera;
S._scene = this.utilityLayerScene, S.leftCamera && (S.leftCamera._scene = this.utilityLayerScene), S.rightCamera && (S.rightCamera._scene = this.utilityLayerScene), this.utilityLayerScene.render(!1), S._scene = T, S.leftCamera && (S.leftCamera._scene = T), S.rightCamera && (S.rightCamera._scene = T);
}, c.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onPointerOutObservable.clear(), this._afterRenderObserver && this.originalScene.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._afterRenderObserver), this._sceneDisposeObserver && this.originalScene.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._sceneDisposeObserver), this._originalPointerObserver && this.originalScene.onPrePointerObservable.remove(this._originalPointerObserver), this.utilityLayerScene.dispose();
}, c.prototype._updateCamera = function() {
this.utilityLayerScene.cameraToUseForPointers = this.getRenderCamera(), this.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera = this.getRenderCamera();
}, c._DefaultUtilityLayer = null, c._DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer = null, c;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(139), _ = function() {
function C() {
return C.EnableFor = function(u) {
u._tags = u._tags || {}, u.hasTags = function() {
return C.HasTags(u);
}, u.addTags = function(I) {
return C.AddTagsTo(u, I);
}, u.removeTags = function(I) {
return C.RemoveTagsFrom(u, I);
}, u.matchesTagsQuery = function(I) {
return C.MatchesQuery(u, I);
}, C.DisableFor = function(u) {
delete u._tags, delete u.hasTags, delete u.addTags, delete u.removeTags, delete u.matchesTagsQuery;
}, C.HasTags = function(u) {
if (!u._tags)
return !1;
var I = u._tags;
for (var O in I)
if (I.hasOwnProperty(O))
return !0;
return !1;
}, C.GetTags = function(u, I) {
if (I === void 0 && (I = !0), !u._tags)
return null;
if (I) {
var O = [];
for (var x in u._tags)
u._tags.hasOwnProperty(x) && u._tags[x] === !0 && O.push(x);
return O.join(" ");
return u._tags;
}, C.AddTagsTo = function(u, I) {
I && typeof I == "string" && I.split(" ").forEach(function(O, x, m) {
C._AddTagTo(u, O);
}, C._AddTagTo = function(u, I) {
(I = I.trim()) !== "" && I !== "true" && I !== "false" && (I.match(/[\s]/) || I.match(/^([!]|([|]|[&]){2})/) || (C.EnableFor(u), u._tags[I] = !0));
}, C.RemoveTagsFrom = function(u, I) {
if (C.HasTags(u)) {
var O = I.split(" ");
for (var x in O)
C._RemoveTagFrom(u, O[x]);
}, C._RemoveTagFrom = function(u, I) {
delete u._tags[I];
}, C.MatchesQuery = function(u, I) {
return I === void 0 || (I === "" ? C.HasTags(u) : V.a.Eval(I, function(O) {
return C.HasTags(u) && u._tags[O];
}, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.IsWindowObjectExist = function() {
return typeof window < "u";
}, _.IsNavigatorAvailable = function() {
return typeof navigator < "u";
}, _.IsDocumentAvailable = function() {
return typeof document < "u";
}, _.GetDOMTextContent = function(C) {
for (var u = "", I = C.firstChild; I; )
I.nodeType === 3 && (u += I.textContent), I = I.nextSibling;
return u;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return x;
var V = f(44), _ = f(0), C = f(54), u = f(114), I = f(20), O = f(24), x = function() {
function m(c, T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = Number.MAX_VALUE), this.origin = c, this.direction = T, this.length = S;
return m.prototype.intersectsBoxMinMax = function(c, T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = 0);
var E, g, l, h, v = m._TmpVector3[0].copyFromFloats(c.x - S, c.y - S, c.z - S), b = m._TmpVector3[1].copyFromFloats(T.x + S, T.y + S, T.z + S), D = 0, w = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (Math.abs(this.direction.x) < 1e-7) {
if (this.origin.x < v.x || this.origin.x > b.x)
return !1;
} else if (E = 1 / this.direction.x, g = (v.x - this.origin.x) * E, (l = (b.x - this.origin.x) * E) === -1 / 0 && (l = 1 / 0), g > l && (h = g, g = l, l = h), (D = Math.max(g, D)) > (w = Math.min(l, w)))
return !1;
if (Math.abs(this.direction.y) < 1e-7) {
if (this.origin.y < v.y || this.origin.y > b.y)
return !1;
} else if (E = 1 / this.direction.y, g = (v.y - this.origin.y) * E, (l = (b.y - this.origin.y) * E) === -1 / 0 && (l = 1 / 0), g > l && (h = g, g = l, l = h), (D = Math.max(g, D)) > (w = Math.min(l, w)))
return !1;
if (Math.abs(this.direction.z) < 1e-7) {
if (this.origin.z < v.z || this.origin.z > b.z)
return !1;
} else if (E = 1 / this.direction.z, g = (v.z - this.origin.z) * E, (l = (b.z - this.origin.z) * E) === -1 / 0 && (l = 1 / 0), g > l && (h = g, g = l, l = h), (D = Math.max(g, D)) > (w = Math.min(l, w)))
return !1;
return !0;
}, m.prototype.intersectsBox = function(c, T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = 0), this.intersectsBoxMinMax(c.minimum, c.maximum, T);
}, m.prototype.intersectsSphere = function(c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = 0);
var S = - this.origin.x, E = - this.origin.y, g = - this.origin.z, l = S * S + E * E + g * g, h = c.radius + T, v = h * h;
if (l <= v)
return !0;
var b = S * this.direction.x + E * this.direction.y + g * this.direction.z;
return !(b < 0) && l - b * b <= v;
}, m.prototype.intersectsTriangle = function(c, T, S) {
var E = m._TmpVector3[0], g = m._TmpVector3[1], l = m._TmpVector3[2], h = m._TmpVector3[3], v = m._TmpVector3[4];
T.subtractToRef(c, E), S.subtractToRef(c, g), _.e.CrossToRef(this.direction, g, l);
var b = _.e.Dot(E, l);
if (b === 0)
return null;
var D = 1 / b;
this.origin.subtractToRef(c, h);
var w = _.e.Dot(h, l) * D;
if (w < 0 || w > 1)
return null;
_.e.CrossToRef(h, E, v);
var N = _.e.Dot(this.direction, v) * D;
if (N < 0 || w + N > 1)
return null;
var M = _.e.Dot(g, v) * D;
return M > this.length ? null : new u.a(1 - w - N, w, M);
}, m.prototype.intersectsPlane = function(c) {
var T, S = _.e.Dot(c.normal, this.direction);
if (Math.abs(S) < 999999997475243e-21)
return null;
var E = _.e.Dot(c.normal, this.origin);
return (T = (-c.d - E) / S) < 0 ? T < -999999997475243e-21 ? null : 0 : T;
}, m.prototype.intersectsAxis = function(c, T) {
switch (T === void 0 && (T = 0), c) {
case "y":
return (S = (this.origin.y - T) / this.direction.y) > 0 ? null : new _.e(this.origin.x + this.direction.x * -S, T, this.origin.z + this.direction.z * -S);
case "x":
return (S = (this.origin.x - T) / this.direction.x) > 0 ? null : new _.e(T, this.origin.y + this.direction.y * -S, this.origin.z + this.direction.z * -S);
case "z":
var S;
return (S = (this.origin.z - T) / this.direction.z) > 0 ? null : new _.e(this.origin.x + this.direction.x * -S, this.origin.y + this.direction.y * -S, T);
return null;
}, m.prototype.intersectsMesh = function(c, T) {
var S = _.c.Matrix[0];
return c.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(S), this._tmpRay ? m.TransformToRef(this, S, this._tmpRay) : this._tmpRay = m.Transform(this, S), c.intersects(this._tmpRay, T);
}, m.prototype.intersectsMeshes = function(c, T, S) {
S ? S.length = 0 : S = [];
for (var E = 0; E < c.length; E++) {
var g = this.intersectsMesh(c[E], T);
g.hit && S.push(g);
return S.sort(this._comparePickingInfo), S;
}, m.prototype._comparePickingInfo = function(c, T) {
return c.distance < T.distance ? -1 : c.distance > T.distance ? 1 : 0;
}, m.prototype.intersectionSegment = function(c, T, S) {
var E = this.origin, g = _.c.Vector3[0], l = _.c.Vector3[1], h = _.c.Vector3[2], v = _.c.Vector3[3];
T.subtractToRef(c, g), this.direction.scaleToRef(m.rayl, h), E.addToRef(h, l), c.subtractToRef(E, v);
var b, D, w, N, M = _.e.Dot(g, g), U = _.e.Dot(g, h), X = _.e.Dot(h, h), j = _.e.Dot(g, v), ne = _.e.Dot(h, v), te = M * X - U * U, de = te, pe = te;
te < m.smallnum ? (D = 0, de = 1, N = ne, pe = X) : (N = M * ne - U * j, (D = U * ne - X * j) < 0 ? (D = 0, N = ne, pe = X) : D > de && (D = de, N = ne + U, pe = X)), N < 0 ? (N = 0, -j < 0 ? D = 0 : -j > M ? D = de : (D = -j, de = M)) : N > pe && (N = pe, -j + U < 0 ? D = 0 : -j + U > M ? D = de : (D = -j + U, de = M)), b = Math.abs(D) < m.smallnum ? 0 : D / de, w = Math.abs(N) < m.smallnum ? 0 : N / pe;
var ae = _.c.Vector3[4];
h.scaleToRef(w, ae);
var ee = _.c.Vector3[5];
g.scaleToRef(b, ee), ee.addInPlace(v);
var K = _.c.Vector3[6];
return ee.subtractToRef(ae, K), w > 0 && w <= this.length && K.lengthSquared() < S * S ? ee.length() : -1;
}, m.prototype.update = function(c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
return this.unprojectRayToRef(c, T, S, E, g, l, h), this;
}, m.Zero = function() {
return new m(_.e.Zero(), _.e.Zero());
}, m.CreateNew = function(c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
return m.Zero().update(c, T, S, E, g, l, h);
}, m.CreateNewFromTo = function(c, T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = _.a.IdentityReadOnly);
var E = T.subtract(c), g = Math.sqrt(E.x * E.x + E.y * E.y + E.z * E.z);
return E.normalize(), m.Transform(new m(c, E, g), S);
}, m.Transform = function(c, T) {
var S = new m(new _.e(0, 0, 0), new _.e(0, 0, 0));
return m.TransformToRef(c, T, S), S;
}, m.TransformToRef = function(c, T, S) {
_.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(c.origin, T, S.origin), _.e.TransformNormalToRef(c.direction, T, S.direction), S.length = c.length;
var E = S.direction, g = E.length();
if (g !== 0 && g !== 1) {
var l = 1 / g;
E.x *= l, E.y *= l, E.z *= l, S.length *= g;
}, m.prototype.unprojectRayToRef = function(c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
var v = _.c.Matrix[0];
g.multiplyToRef(l, v), v.multiplyToRef(h, v), v.invert();
var b = _.c.Vector3[0];
b.x = c / S * 2 - 1, b.y = -(T / E * 2 - 1), b.z = -1;
var D = _.c.Vector3[1].copyFromFloats(b.x, b.y, 1), w = _.c.Vector3[2], N = _.c.Vector3[3];
_.e._UnprojectFromInvertedMatrixToRef(b, v, w), _.e._UnprojectFromInvertedMatrixToRef(D, v, N), this.origin.copyFrom(w), N.subtractToRef(w, this.direction), this.direction.normalize();
}, m._TmpVector3 = V.a.BuildArray(6, _.e.Zero), m.smallnum = 1e-8, m.rayl = 1e9, m;
I.a.prototype.createPickingRay = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
E === void 0 && (E = !1);
var g = x.Zero();
return this.createPickingRayToRef(m, c, T, g, S, E), g;
}, I.a.prototype.createPickingRayToRef = function(m, c, T, S, E, g) {
g === void 0 && (g = !1);
var l = this.getEngine();
if (!E) {
if (!this.activeCamera)
return this;
E = this.activeCamera;
var h = E.viewport.toGlobal(l.getRenderWidth(), l.getRenderHeight());
return m = m / l.getHardwareScalingLevel() - h.x, c = c / l.getHardwareScalingLevel() - (l.getRenderHeight() - h.y - h.height), S.update(m, c, h.width, h.height, T || _.a.IdentityReadOnly, g ? _.a.IdentityReadOnly : E.getViewMatrix(), E.getProjectionMatrix()), this;
}, I.a.prototype.createPickingRayInCameraSpace = function(m, c, T) {
var S = x.Zero();
return this.createPickingRayInCameraSpaceToRef(m, c, S, T), S;
}, I.a.prototype.createPickingRayInCameraSpaceToRef = function(m, c, T, S) {
if (!C.a)
return this;
var E = this.getEngine();
if (!S) {
if (!this.activeCamera)
throw new Error("Active camera not set");
S = this.activeCamera;
var g = S.viewport.toGlobal(E.getRenderWidth(), E.getRenderHeight()), l = _.a.Identity();
return m = m / E.getHardwareScalingLevel() - g.x, c = c / E.getHardwareScalingLevel() - (E.getRenderHeight() - g.y - g.height), T.update(m, c, g.width, g.height, l, l, S.getProjectionMatrix()), this;
}, I.a.prototype._internalPickForMesh = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
var v = c(S), b = T.intersects(v, E, l, g, S, h);
return b && b.hit ? !E && m != null && b.distance >= m.distance ? null : b : null;
}, I.a.prototype._internalPick = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
if (!C.a)
return null;
for (var g = null, l = 0; l < this.meshes.length; l++) {
var h = this.meshes[l];
if (c) {
if (!c(h))
} else if (!h.isEnabled() || !h.isVisible || !h.isPickable)
var v, b = h.skeleton && h.skeleton.overrideMesh ? h.skeleton.overrideMesh.getWorldMatrix() : h.getWorldMatrix();
if (h.hasThinInstances && h.thinInstanceEnablePicking) {
if (v = this._internalPickForMesh(g, m, h, b, !0, !0, E)) {
if (S)
return g;
for (var D = _.c.Matrix[1], w = h.thinInstanceGetWorldMatrices(), N = 0; N < w.length; N++) {
w[N].multiplyToRef(b, D);
var M = this._internalPickForMesh(g, m, h, D, T, S, E, !0);
if (M && ((g = M).thinInstanceIndex = N, T))
return g;
} else if ((v = this._internalPickForMesh(g, m, h, b, T, S, E)) && (g = v, T))
return g;
return g || new C.a();
}, I.a.prototype._internalMultiPick = function(m, c, T) {
if (!C.a)
return null;
for (var S = new Array(), E = 0; E < this.meshes.length; E++) {
var g = this.meshes[E];
if (c) {
if (!c(g))
} else if (!g.isEnabled() || !g.isVisible || !g.isPickable)
var l, h = g.skeleton && g.skeleton.overrideMesh ? g.skeleton.overrideMesh.getWorldMatrix() : g.getWorldMatrix();
if (g.hasThinInstances && g.thinInstanceEnablePicking) {
if (l = this._internalPickForMesh(null, m, g, h, !0, !0, T))
for (var v = _.c.Matrix[1], b = g.thinInstanceGetWorldMatrices(), D = 0; D < b.length; D++) {
b[D].multiplyToRef(h, v);
var w = this._internalPickForMesh(null, m, g, v, !1, !1, T, !0);
w && (w.thinInstanceIndex = D, S.push(w));
} else
(l = this._internalPickForMesh(null, m, g, h, !1, !1, T)) && S.push(l);
return S;
}, I.a.prototype.pickWithBoundingInfo = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
var g = this;
if (!C.a)
return null;
var l = this._internalPick(function(h) {
return g._tempPickingRay || (g._tempPickingRay = x.Zero()), g.createPickingRayToRef(m, c, h, g._tempPickingRay, E || null), g._tempPickingRay;
}, T, S, !0);
return l && (l.ray = this.createPickingRay(m, c, _.a.Identity(), E || null)), l;
}, I.a.prototype.pick = function(m, c, T, S, E, g) {
var l = this;
if (!C.a)
return null;
var h = this._internalPick(function(v) {
return l._tempPickingRay || (l._tempPickingRay = x.Zero()), l.createPickingRayToRef(m, c, v, l._tempPickingRay, E || null), l._tempPickingRay;
}, T, S, !1, g);
return h && (h.ray = this.createPickingRay(m, c, _.a.Identity(), E || null)), h;
}, I.a.prototype.pickWithRay = function(m, c, T, S) {
var E = this, g = this._internalPick(function(l) {
return E._pickWithRayInverseMatrix || (E._pickWithRayInverseMatrix = _.a.Identity()), l.invertToRef(E._pickWithRayInverseMatrix), E._cachedRayForTransform || (E._cachedRayForTransform = x.Zero()), x.TransformToRef(m, E._pickWithRayInverseMatrix, E._cachedRayForTransform), E._cachedRayForTransform;
}, c, T, !1, S);
return g && (g.ray = m), g;
}, I.a.prototype.multiPick = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
var g = this;
return this._internalMultiPick(function(l) {
return g.createPickingRay(m, c, l, S || null);
}, T, E);
}, I.a.prototype.multiPickWithRay = function(m, c, T) {
var S = this;
return this._internalMultiPick(function(E) {
return S._pickWithRayInverseMatrix || (S._pickWithRayInverseMatrix = _.a.Identity()), E.invertToRef(S._pickWithRayInverseMatrix), S._cachedRayForTransform || (S._cachedRayForTransform = x.Zero()), x.TransformToRef(m, S._pickWithRayInverseMatrix, S._cachedRayForTransform), S._cachedRayForTransform;
}, c, T);
}, O.a.prototype.getForwardRay = function(m, c, T) {
return m === void 0 && (m = 100), this.getForwardRayToRef(new x(_.e.Zero(), _.e.Zero(), m), m, c, T);
}, O.a.prototype.getForwardRayToRef = function(m, c, T, S) {
return c === void 0 && (c = 100), T || (T = this.getWorldMatrix()), m.length = c, S ? m.origin.copyFrom(S) : m.origin.copyFrom(this.position), _.c.Vector3[2].set(0, 0, this._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? -1 : 1), _.e.TransformNormalToRef(_.c.Vector3[2], T, _.c.Vector3[3]), _.e.NormalizeToRef(_.c.Vector3[3], m.direction), m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(0), _ = f(7), C = f(16), u = f(98), I = f(4);
C.a.CreateLineSystem = function(x) {
for (var m = [], c = [], T = x.lines, S = x.colors, E = [], g = 0, l = 0; l < T.length; l++)
for (var h = T[l], v = 0; v < h.length; v++) {
if (c.push(h[v].x, h[v].y, h[v].z), S) {
var b = S[l];
E.push(b[v].r, b[v].g, b[v].b, b[v].a);
v > 0 && (m.push(g - 1), m.push(g)), g++;
var D = new C.a();
return D.indices = m, D.positions = c, S && (D.colors = E), D;
}, C.a.CreateDashedLines = function(x) {
var m, c, T = x.dashSize || 3, S = x.gapSize || 1, E = x.dashNb || 200, g = x.points, l = new Array(), h = new Array(), v = V.e.Zero(), b = 0, D = 0, w = 0, N = 0, M = 0;
for (M = 0; M < g.length - 1; M++)
g[M + 1].subtractToRef(g[M], v), b += v.length();
for (c = T * (m = b / E) / (T + S), M = 0; M < g.length - 1; M++) {
g[M + 1].subtractToRef(g[M], v), D = Math.floor(v.length() / m), v.normalize();
for (var U = 0; U < D; U++)
w = m * U, l.push(g[M].x + w * v.x, g[M].y + w * v.y, g[M].z + w * v.z), l.push(g[M].x + (w + c) * v.x, g[M].y + (w + c) * v.y, g[M].z + (w + c) * v.z), h.push(N, N + 1), N += 2;
var X = new C.a();
return X.positions = l, X.indices = h, X;
}, _.a.CreateLines = function(x, m, c, T, S) {
c === void 0 && (c = null), T === void 0 && (T = !1), S === void 0 && (S = null);
var E = { points: m, updatable: T, instance: S };
return O.CreateLines(x, E, c);
}, _.a.CreateDashedLines = function(x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l) {
E === void 0 && (E = null);
var h = { points: m, dashSize: c, gapSize: T, dashNb: S, updatable: g, instance: l };
return O.CreateDashedLines(x, h, E);
var O = function() {
function x() {
return x.CreateLineSystem = function(m, c, T) {
var S = c.instance, E = c.lines, g = c.colors;
if (S) {
var l, h, v = S.getVerticesData(I.b.PositionKind);
g && (l = S.getVerticesData(I.b.ColorKind));
for (var b = 0, D = 0, w = 0; w < E.length; w++)
for (var N = E[w], M = 0; M < N.length; M++)
v[b] = N[M].x, v[b + 1] = N[M].y, v[b + 2] = N[M].z, g && l && (h = g[w], l[D] = h[M].r, l[D + 1] = h[M].g, l[D + 2] = h[M].b, l[D + 3] = h[M].a, D += 4), b += 3;
return S.updateVerticesData(I.b.PositionKind, v, !1, !1), g && l && S.updateVerticesData(I.b.ColorKind, l, !1, !1), S;
var U = !!g, X = new u.b(m, T, null, void 0, void 0, U, c.useVertexAlpha);
return C.a.CreateLineSystem(c).applyToMesh(X, c.updatable), X;
}, x.CreateLines = function(m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = null);
var S = c.colors ? [c.colors] : null;
return x.CreateLineSystem(m, { lines: [c.points], updatable: c.updatable, instance: c.instance, colors: S, useVertexAlpha: c.useVertexAlpha }, T);
}, x.CreateDashedLines = function(m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = null);
var S = c.points, E = c.instance, g = c.gapSize || 1, l = c.dashSize || 3;
if (E)
return E.updateMeshPositions(function(v) {
var b, D, w = V.e.Zero(), N = v.length / 6, M = 0, U = 0, X = 0, j = 0, ne = 0, te = 0;
for (ne = 0; ne < S.length - 1; ne++)
S[ne + 1].subtractToRef(S[ne], w), M += w.length();
b = M / N;
var de = E._creationDataStorage.dashSize;
for (D = de * b / (de + E._creationDataStorage.gapSize), ne = 0; ne < S.length - 1; ne++)
for (S[ne + 1].subtractToRef(S[ne], w), U = Math.floor(w.length() / b), w.normalize(), te = 0; te < U && j < v.length; )
X = b * te, v[j] = S[ne].x + X * w.x, v[j + 1] = S[ne].y + X * w.y, v[j + 2] = S[ne].z + X * w.z, v[j + 3] = S[ne].x + (X + D) * w.x, v[j + 4] = S[ne].y + (X + D) * w.y, v[j + 5] = S[ne].z + (X + D) * w.z, j += 6, te++;
for (; j < v.length; )
v[j] = S[ne].x, v[j + 1] = S[ne].y, v[j + 2] = S[ne].z, j += 3;
}, !1), E;
var h = new u.b(m, T, null, void 0, void 0, void 0, c.useVertexAlpha);
return C.a.CreateDashedLines(c).applyToMesh(h, c.updatable), h._creationDataStorage = new _.b(), h._creationDataStorage.dashSize = l, h._creationDataStorage.gapSize = g, h;
}, x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
var V = f(34), _ = f(8), C = function(I, O) {
return I ? I.getClassName && I.getClassName() === "Mesh" ? null : I.getClassName && I.getClassName() === "SubMesh" ? I.clone(O) : I.clone ? I.clone() : null : null;
}, u = function() {
function I() {
return I.DeepCopy = function(O, x, m, c) {
for (var T = 0, S = function(b) {
var D = [];
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b).forEach(function(w) {
D.indexOf(w) === -1 && D.push(w);
while (b = Object.getPrototypeOf(b));
return D;
}(O); T < S.length; T++) {
var E = S[T];
if ((E[0] !== "_" || c && c.indexOf(E) !== -1) && !(V.a.EndsWith(E, "Observable") || m && m.indexOf(E) !== -1)) {
var g = O[E], l = typeof g;
if (l !== "function")
try {
if (l === "object")
if (g instanceof Array) {
if (x[E] = [], g.length > 0)
if (typeof g[0] == "object")
for (var h = 0; h < g.length; h++) {
var v = C(g[h], x);
x[E].indexOf(v) === -1 && x[E].push(v);
x[E] = g.slice(0);
} else
x[E] = C(g, x);
x[E] = g;
} catch (b) {
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return m;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return c;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(6), u = f(12), I = f(9), O = f(76), x = f(121), m = function(T) {
function S() {
var E = || this;
return Object(V.d)(S, T), S;
}(O.a), c = function() {
function T() {
this.colorCurves = new x.a(), this._colorCurvesEnabled = !1, this._colorGradingEnabled = !1, this._colorGradingWithGreenDepth = !0, this._colorGradingBGR = !0, this._exposure = 1, this._toneMappingEnabled = !1, this._toneMappingType = T.TONEMAPPING_STANDARD, this._contrast = 1, this.vignetteStretch = 0, this.vignetteCentreX = 0, this.vignetteCentreY = 0, this.vignetteWeight = 1.5, this.vignetteColor = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this.vignetteCameraFov = 0.5, this._vignetteBlendMode = T.VIGNETTEMODE_MULTIPLY, this._vignetteEnabled = !1, this._applyByPostProcess = !1, this._isEnabled = !0, this.onUpdateParameters = new C.c();
return Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "colorCurvesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._colorCurvesEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._colorCurvesEnabled !== S && (this._colorCurvesEnabled = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "colorGradingTexture", { get: function() {
return this._colorGradingTexture;
}, set: function(S) {
this._colorGradingTexture !== S && (this._colorGradingTexture = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "colorGradingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._colorGradingEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._colorGradingEnabled !== S && (this._colorGradingEnabled = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "colorGradingWithGreenDepth", { get: function() {
return this._colorGradingWithGreenDepth;
}, set: function(S) {
this._colorGradingWithGreenDepth !== S && (this._colorGradingWithGreenDepth = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "colorGradingBGR", { get: function() {
return this._colorGradingBGR;
}, set: function(S) {
this._colorGradingBGR !== S && (this._colorGradingBGR = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "exposure", { get: function() {
return this._exposure;
}, set: function(S) {
this._exposure !== S && (this._exposure = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "toneMappingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._toneMappingEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._toneMappingEnabled !== S && (this._toneMappingEnabled = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "toneMappingType", { get: function() {
return this._toneMappingType;
}, set: function(S) {
this._toneMappingType !== S && (this._toneMappingType = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "contrast", { get: function() {
return this._contrast;
}, set: function(S) {
this._contrast !== S && (this._contrast = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "vignetteBlendMode", { get: function() {
return this._vignetteBlendMode;
}, set: function(S) {
this._vignetteBlendMode !== S && (this._vignetteBlendMode = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "vignetteEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._vignetteEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._vignetteEnabled !== S && (this._vignetteEnabled = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "applyByPostProcess", { get: function() {
return this._applyByPostProcess;
}, set: function(S) {
this._applyByPostProcess !== S && (this._applyByPostProcess = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._isEnabled !== S && (this._isEnabled = S, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), T.prototype._updateParameters = function() {
}, T.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ImageProcessingConfiguration";
}, T.PrepareUniforms = function(S, E) {
E.EXPOSURE && S.push("exposureLinear"), E.CONTRAST && S.push("contrast"), E.COLORGRADING && S.push("colorTransformSettings"), E.VIGNETTE && (S.push("vInverseScreenSize"), S.push("vignetteSettings1"), S.push("vignetteSettings2")), E.COLORCURVES && x.a.PrepareUniforms(S);
}, T.PrepareSamplers = function(S, E) {
E.COLORGRADING && S.push("txColorTransform");
}, T.prototype.prepareDefines = function(S, E) {
if (E === void 0 && (E = !1), E !== this.applyByPostProcess || !this._isEnabled)
S.CONTRAST = this.contrast !== 1, S.EXPOSURE = this.exposure !== 1, S.COLORCURVES = this.colorCurvesEnabled && !!this.colorCurves, S.COLORGRADING = this.colorGradingEnabled && !!this.colorGradingTexture, S.COLORGRADING ? S.COLORGRADING3D = this.colorGradingTexture.is3D : S.COLORGRADING3D = !1, S.SAMPLER3DGREENDEPTH = this.colorGradingWithGreenDepth, S.SAMPLER3DBGRMAP = this.colorGradingBGR, S.IMAGEPROCESSINGPOSTPROCESS = this.applyByPostProcess, S.IMAGEPROCESSING = S.VIGNETTE || S.TONEMAPPING || S.CONTRAST || S.EXPOSURE || S.COLORCURVES || S.COLORGRADING;
}, T.prototype.isReady = function() {
return !this.colorGradingEnabled || !this.colorGradingTexture || this.colorGradingTexture.isReady();
}, T.prototype.bind = function(S, E) {
if (this._colorCurvesEnabled && this.colorCurves && x.a.Bind(this.colorCurves, S), this._vignetteEnabled) {
var g = 1 / S.getEngine().getRenderWidth(), l = 1 / S.getEngine().getRenderHeight();
S.setFloat2("vInverseScreenSize", g, l);
var h = E ?? l / g, v = Math.tan(0.5 * this.vignetteCameraFov), b = v * h, D = Math.sqrt(b * v);
b = u.b.Mix(b, D, this.vignetteStretch), v = u.b.Mix(v, D, this.vignetteStretch), S.setFloat4("vignetteSettings1", b, v, -b * this.vignetteCentreX, -v * this.vignetteCentreY);
var w = -2 * this.vignetteWeight;
S.setFloat4("vignetteSettings2", this.vignetteColor.r, this.vignetteColor.g, this.vignetteColor.b, w);
if (S.setFloat("exposureLinear", this.exposure), S.setFloat("contrast", this.contrast), this.colorGradingTexture) {
S.setTexture("txColorTransform", this.colorGradingTexture);
var N = this.colorGradingTexture.getSize().height;
S.setFloat4("colorTransformSettings", (N - 1) / N, 0.5 / N, N, this.colorGradingTexture.level);
}, T.prototype.clone = function() {
return _.a.Clone(function() {
return new T();
}, this);
}, T.prototype.serialize = function() {
return _.a.Serialize(this);
}, T.Parse = function(S) {
return _.a.Parse(function() {
return new T();
}, S, null, null);
}, Object.defineProperty(T, "VIGNETTEMODE_MULTIPLY", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T, "VIGNETTEMODE_OPAQUE", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), T.TONEMAPPING_STANDARD = 0, T.TONEMAPPING_ACES = 1, T._VIGNETTEMODE_MULTIPLY = 0, T._VIGNETTEMODE_OPAQUE = 1, Object(V.c)([Object(_.g)()], T.prototype, "colorCurves", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_colorCurvesEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)("colorGradingTexture")], T.prototype, "_colorGradingTexture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_colorGradingEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_colorGradingWithGreenDepth", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_colorGradingBGR", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_exposure", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_toneMappingEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_toneMappingType", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_contrast", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "vignetteStretch", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "vignetteCentreX", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "vignetteCentreY", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "vignetteWeight", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.f)()], T.prototype, "vignetteColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "vignetteCameraFov", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_vignetteBlendMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_vignetteEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_applyByPostProcess", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_isEnabled", void 0), T;
_.a._ImageProcessingConfigurationParser = c.Parse;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return T;
var V = f(44), _ = f(0), C = f(2), u = f(103), I = f(113), O = { min: 0, max: 0 }, x = { min: 0, max: 0 }, m = function(S, E, g) {
var l = _.e.Dot(E.centerWorld, S), h = Math.abs(_.e.Dot(E.directions[0], S)) * E.extendSize.x + Math.abs(_.e.Dot(E.directions[1], S)) * E.extendSize.y + Math.abs(_.e.Dot(E.directions[2], S)) * E.extendSize.z;
g.min = l - h, g.max = l + h;
}, c = function(S, E, g) {
return m(S, E, O), m(S, g, x), !(O.min > x.max || x.min > O.max);
}, T = function() {
function S(E, g, l) {
this._isLocked = !1, this.boundingBox = new u.a(E, g, l), this.boundingSphere = new I.a(E, g, l);
return S.prototype.reConstruct = function(E, g, l) {
this.boundingBox.reConstruct(E, g, l), this.boundingSphere.reConstruct(E, g, l);
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "minimum", { get: function() {
return this.boundingBox.minimum;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "maximum", { get: function() {
return this.boundingBox.maximum;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "isLocked", { get: function() {
return this._isLocked;
}, set: function(E) {
this._isLocked = E;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype.update = function(E) {
this._isLocked || (this.boundingBox._update(E), this.boundingSphere._update(E));
}, S.prototype.centerOn = function(E, g) {
var l = S.TmpVector3[0].copyFrom(E).subtractInPlace(g), h = S.TmpVector3[1].copyFrom(E).addInPlace(g);
return this.boundingBox.reConstruct(l, h, this.boundingBox.getWorldMatrix()), this.boundingSphere.reConstruct(l, h, this.boundingBox.getWorldMatrix()), this;
}, S.prototype.scale = function(E) {
return this.boundingBox.scale(E), this.boundingSphere.scale(E), this;
}, S.prototype.isInFrustum = function(E, g) {
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "diagonalLength", { get: function() {
var E = this.boundingBox;
return E.maximumWorld.subtractToRef(E.minimumWorld, S.TmpVector3[0]).length();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype.isCompletelyInFrustum = function(E) {
return this.boundingBox.isCompletelyInFrustum(E);
}, S.prototype._checkCollision = function(E) {
return E._canDoCollision(this.boundingSphere.centerWorld, this.boundingSphere.radiusWorld, this.boundingBox.minimumWorld, this.boundingBox.maximumWorld);
}, S.prototype.intersectsPoint = function(E) {
return !!this.boundingSphere.centerWorld && !!this.boundingSphere.intersectsPoint(E) && !!this.boundingBox.intersectsPoint(E);
}, S.prototype.intersects = function(E, g) {
if (!I.a.Intersects(this.boundingSphere, E.boundingSphere) || !u.a.Intersects(this.boundingBox, E.boundingBox))
return !1;
if (!g)
return !0;
var l = this.boundingBox, h = E.boundingBox;
return !!c(l.directions[0], l, h) && !!c(l.directions[1], l, h) && !!c(l.directions[2], l, h) && !!c(h.directions[0], l, h) && !!c(h.directions[1], l, h) && !!c(h.directions[2], l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[0], h.directions[0]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[0], h.directions[1]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[0], h.directions[2]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[1], h.directions[0]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[1], h.directions[1]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[1], h.directions[2]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[2], h.directions[0]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[2], h.directions[1]), l, h) && !!c(_.e.Cross(l.directions[2], h.directions[2]), l, h);
}, S.TmpVector3 = V.a.BuildArray(2, _.e.Zero), S;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.BuildArray = function(C, u) {
for (var I = [], O = 0; O < C; ++O)
return I;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
var V = f(0), _ = f(7), C = f(16);
C.a.CreateSphere = function(I) {
for (var O = I.segments || 32, x = I.diameterX || I.diameter || 1, m = I.diameterY || I.diameter || 1, c = I.diameterZ || I.diameter || 1, T = I.arc && (I.arc <= 0 || I.arc > 1) ? 1 : I.arc || 1, S = I.slice && I.slice <= 0 ? 1 : I.slice || 1, E = I.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : I.sideOrientation || C.a.DEFAULTSIDE, g = !!I.dedupTopBottomIndices, l = new V.e(x / 2, m / 2, c / 2), h = 2 + O, v = 2 * h, b = [], D = [], w = [], N = [], M = 0; M <= h; M++) {
for (var U = M / h, X = U * Math.PI * S, j = 0; j <= v; j++) {
var ne = j / v, te = ne * Math.PI * 2 * T, de = V.a.RotationZ(-X), pe = V.a.RotationY(te), ae = V.e.TransformCoordinates(V.e.Up(), de), ee = V.e.TransformCoordinates(ae, pe), K = ee.multiply(l), $ = ee.divide(l).normalize();
D.push(K.x, K.y, K.z), w.push($.x, $.y, $.z), N.push(ne, U);
if (M > 0)
for (var L = D.length / 3, G = L - 2 * (v + 1); G + v + 2 < L; G++)
g ? (M > 1 && (b.push(G), b.push(G + 1), b.push(G + v + 1)), (M < h || S < 1) && (b.push(G + v + 1), b.push(G + 1), b.push(G + v + 2))) : (b.push(G), b.push(G + 1), b.push(G + v + 1), b.push(G + v + 1), b.push(G + 1), b.push(G + v + 2));
C.a._ComputeSides(E, D, b, w, N, I.frontUVs, I.backUVs);
var Q = new C.a();
return Q.indices = b, Q.positions = D, Q.normals = w, Q.uvs = N, Q;
}, _.a.CreateSphere = function(I, O, x, m, c, T) {
var S = { segments: O, diameterX: x, diameterY: x, diameterZ: x, sideOrientation: T, updatable: c };
return u.CreateSphere(I, S, m);
var u = function() {
function I() {
return I.CreateSphere = function(O, x, m) {
m === void 0 && (m = null);
var c = new _.a(O, m);
return x.sideOrientation = _.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(x.sideOrientation), c._originalBuilderSideOrientation = x.sideOrientation, C.a.CreateSphere(x).applyToMesh(c, x.updatable), c;
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return x;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(29), O = f(23), x = function(m) {
function c(T, S, E) {
S === void 0 && (S = null), E === void 0 && (E = !0);
var g =, T, S) || this;
return g._forward = new u.e(0, 0, 1), g._forwardInverted = new u.e(0, 0, -1), g._up = new u.e(0, 1, 0), g._right = new u.e(1, 0, 0), g._rightInverted = new u.e(-1, 0, 0), g._position = u.e.Zero(), g._rotation = u.e.Zero(), g._rotationQuaternion = null, g._scaling = u.e.One(), g._isDirty = !1, g._transformToBoneReferal = null, g._isAbsoluteSynced = !1, g._billboardMode = c.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE, g._preserveParentRotationForBillboard = !1, g.scalingDeterminant = 1, g._infiniteDistance = !1, g.ignoreNonUniformScaling = !1, g.reIntegrateRotationIntoRotationQuaternion = !1, g._poseMatrix = null, g._localMatrix = u.a.Zero(), g._usePivotMatrix = !1, g._absolutePosition = u.e.Zero(), g._absoluteScaling = u.e.Zero(), g._absoluteRotationQuaternion = u.b.Identity(), g._pivotMatrix = u.a.Identity(), g._postMultiplyPivotMatrix = !1, g._isWorldMatrixFrozen = !1, g._indexInSceneTransformNodesArray = -1, g.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable = new C.c(), g._nonUniformScaling = !1, E && g.getScene().addTransformNode(g), g;
return Object(V.d)(c, m), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "billboardMode", { get: function() {
return this._billboardMode;
}, set: function(T) {
this._billboardMode !== T && (this._billboardMode = T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "preserveParentRotationForBillboard", { get: function() {
return this._preserveParentRotationForBillboard;
}, set: function(T) {
T !== this._preserveParentRotationForBillboard && (this._preserveParentRotationForBillboard = T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "infiniteDistance", { get: function() {
return this._infiniteDistance;
}, set: function(T) {
this._infiniteDistance !== T && (this._infiniteDistance = T);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TransformNode";
}, Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._position;
}, set: function(T) {
this._position = T, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "rotation", { get: function() {
return this._rotation;
}, set: function(T) {
this._rotation = T, this._rotationQuaternion = null, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "scaling", { get: function() {
return this._scaling;
}, set: function(T) {
this._scaling = T, this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "rotationQuaternion", { get: function() {
return this._rotationQuaternion;
}, set: function(T) {
this._rotationQuaternion = T, T && this._rotation.setAll(0), this._isDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "forward", { get: function() {
return u.e.Normalize(u.e.TransformNormal(this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? this._forwardInverted : this._forward, this.getWorldMatrix()));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "up", { get: function() {
return u.e.Normalize(u.e.TransformNormal(this._up, this.getWorldMatrix()));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return u.e.Normalize(u.e.TransformNormal(this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? this._rightInverted : this._right, this.getWorldMatrix()));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.updatePoseMatrix = function(T) {
return this._poseMatrix ? (this._poseMatrix.copyFrom(T), this) : (this._poseMatrix = T.clone(), this);
}, c.prototype.getPoseMatrix = function() {
return this._poseMatrix || (this._poseMatrix = u.a.Identity()), this._poseMatrix;
}, c.prototype._isSynchronized = function() {
var T = this._cache;
return this.billboardMode === T.billboardMode && this.billboardMode === c.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE && !T.pivotMatrixUpdated && !this.infiniteDistance && !this.position._isDirty && !this.scaling._isDirty && !(this._rotationQuaternion && this._rotationQuaternion._isDirty || this.rotation._isDirty);
}, c.prototype._initCache = function() {;
var T = this._cache;
T.localMatrixUpdated = !1, T.billboardMode = -1, T.infiniteDistance = !1;
}, c.prototype.markAsDirty = function(T) {
return this._currentRenderId = Number.MAX_VALUE, this._isDirty = !0, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "absolutePosition", { get: function() {
return this._absolutePosition;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "absoluteScaling", { get: function() {
return this._syncAbsoluteScalingAndRotation(), this._absoluteScaling;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "absoluteRotationQuaternion", { get: function() {
return this._syncAbsoluteScalingAndRotation(), this._absoluteRotationQuaternion;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.setPreTransformMatrix = function(T) {
return this.setPivotMatrix(T, !1);
}, c.prototype.setPivotMatrix = function(T, S) {
return S === void 0 && (S = !0), this._pivotMatrix.copyFrom(T), this._usePivotMatrix = !this._pivotMatrix.isIdentity(), this._cache.pivotMatrixUpdated = !0, this._postMultiplyPivotMatrix = S, this._postMultiplyPivotMatrix && (this._pivotMatrixInverse ? this._pivotMatrix.invertToRef(this._pivotMatrixInverse) : this._pivotMatrixInverse = u.a.Invert(this._pivotMatrix)), this;
}, c.prototype.getPivotMatrix = function() {
return this._pivotMatrix;
}, c.prototype.instantiateHierarchy = function(T, S, E) {
T === void 0 && (T = null);
var g = this.clone("Clone of " + ( ||, T || this.parent, !0);
g && E && E(this, g);
for (var l = 0, h = this.getChildTransformNodes(!0); l < h.length; l++)
h[l].instantiateHierarchy(g, S, E);
return g;
}, c.prototype.freezeWorldMatrix = function(T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = null), T ? this._worldMatrix = T : (this._isWorldMatrixFrozen = !1, this.computeWorldMatrix(!0)), this._isDirty = !1, this._isWorldMatrixFrozen = !0, this;
}, c.prototype.unfreezeWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._isWorldMatrixFrozen = !1, this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "isWorldMatrixFrozen", { get: function() {
return this._isWorldMatrixFrozen;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.getAbsolutePosition = function() {
return this.computeWorldMatrix(), this._absolutePosition;
}, c.prototype.setAbsolutePosition = function(T) {
if (!T)
return this;
var S, E, g;
if (T.x === void 0) {
if (arguments.length < 3)
return this;
S = arguments[0], E = arguments[1], g = arguments[2];
} else
S = T.x, E = T.y, g = T.z;
if (this.parent) {
var l = u.c.Matrix[0];
this.parent.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(l), u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(S, E, g, l, this.position);
} else
this.position.x = S, this.position.y = E, this.position.z = g;
return this._absolutePosition.copyFrom(T), this;
}, c.prototype.setPositionWithLocalVector = function(T) {
return this.computeWorldMatrix(), this.position = u.e.TransformNormal(T, this._localMatrix), this;
}, c.prototype.getPositionExpressedInLocalSpace = function() {
var T = u.c.Matrix[0];
return this._localMatrix.invertToRef(T), u.e.TransformNormal(this.position, T);
}, c.prototype.locallyTranslate = function(T) {
return this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this.position = u.e.TransformCoordinates(T, this._localMatrix), this;
}, c.prototype.lookAt = function(T, S, E, g, l) {
S === void 0 && (S = 0), E === void 0 && (E = 0), g === void 0 && (g = 0), l === void 0 && (l = O.c.LOCAL);
var h = c._lookAtVectorCache, v = l === O.c.LOCAL ? this.position : this.getAbsolutePosition();
if (T.subtractToRef(v, h), this.setDirection(h, S, E, g), l === O.c.WORLD && this.parent)
if (this.rotationQuaternion) {
var b = u.c.Matrix[0];
var D = u.c.Matrix[1];
this.parent.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrixToRef(D), D.invert(), b.multiplyToRef(D, b), this.rotationQuaternion.fromRotationMatrix(b);
} else {
var w = u.c.Quaternion[0];
u.b.FromEulerVectorToRef(this.rotation, w), b = u.c.Matrix[0], w.toRotationMatrix(b), D = u.c.Matrix[1], this.parent.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrixToRef(D), D.invert(), b.multiplyToRef(D, b), w.fromRotationMatrix(b), w.toEulerAnglesToRef(this.rotation);
return this;
}, c.prototype.getDirection = function(T) {
var S = u.e.Zero();
return this.getDirectionToRef(T, S), S;
}, c.prototype.getDirectionToRef = function(T, S) {
return u.e.TransformNormalToRef(T, this.getWorldMatrix(), S), this;
}, c.prototype.setDirection = function(T, S, E, g) {
S === void 0 && (S = 0), E === void 0 && (E = 0), g === void 0 && (g = 0);
var l = -Math.atan2(T.z, T.x) + Math.PI / 2, h = Math.sqrt(T.x * T.x + T.z * T.z), v = -Math.atan2(T.y, h);
return this.rotationQuaternion ? u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(l + S, v + E, g, this.rotationQuaternion) : (this.rotation.x = v + E, this.rotation.y = l + S, this.rotation.z = g), this;
}, c.prototype.setPivotPoint = function(T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = O.c.LOCAL), this.getScene().getRenderId() == 0 && this.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var E = this.getWorldMatrix();
if (S == O.c.WORLD) {
var g = u.c.Matrix[0];
E.invertToRef(g), T = u.e.TransformCoordinates(T, g);
return this.setPivotMatrix(u.a.Translation(-T.x, -T.y, -T.z), !0);
}, c.prototype.getPivotPoint = function() {
var T = u.e.Zero();
return this.getPivotPointToRef(T), T;
}, c.prototype.getPivotPointToRef = function(T) {
return T.x = -this._pivotMatrix.m[12], T.y = -this._pivotMatrix.m[13], T.z = -this._pivotMatrix.m[14], this;
}, c.prototype.getAbsolutePivotPoint = function() {
var T = u.e.Zero();
return this.getAbsolutePivotPointToRef(T), T;
}, c.prototype.getAbsolutePivotPointToRef = function(T) {
return this.getPivotPointToRef(T), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(T, this.getWorldMatrix(), T), this;
}, c.prototype.setParent = function(T) {
if (!T && !this.parent)
return this;
var S = u.c.Quaternion[0], E = u.c.Vector3[0], g = u.c.Vector3[1];
if (T) {
var l = u.c.Matrix[0], h = u.c.Matrix[1];
this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), T.computeWorldMatrix(!0), T.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(h), this.getWorldMatrix().multiplyToRef(h, l), l.decompose(g, S, E);
} else
this.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this.getWorldMatrix().decompose(g, S, E);
return this.rotationQuaternion ? this.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(S) : S.toEulerAnglesToRef(this.rotation), this.scaling.copyFrom(g), this.position.copyFrom(E), this.parent = T, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "nonUniformScaling", { get: function() {
return this._nonUniformScaling;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype._updateNonUniformScalingState = function(T) {
return this._nonUniformScaling !== T && (this._nonUniformScaling = T, !0);
}, c.prototype.attachToBone = function(T, S) {
return this._transformToBoneReferal = S, this.parent = T, T.getSkeleton().prepare(), T.getWorldMatrix().determinant() < 0 && (this.scalingDeterminant *= -1), this;
}, c.prototype.detachFromBone = function() {
return this.parent ? (this.parent.getWorldMatrix().determinant() < 0 && (this.scalingDeterminant *= -1), this._transformToBoneReferal = null, this.parent = null, this) : this;
}, c.prototype.rotate = function(T, S, E) {
var g;
if (T.normalize(), this.rotationQuaternion || (this.rotationQuaternion = this.rotation.toQuaternion(), this.rotation.setAll(0)), E && E !== O.c.LOCAL) {
if (this.parent) {
var l = u.c.Matrix[0];
this.parent.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(l), T = u.e.TransformNormal(T, l);
(g = u.b.RotationAxisToRef(T, S, c._rotationAxisCache)).multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this.rotationQuaternion);
} else
g = u.b.RotationAxisToRef(T, S, c._rotationAxisCache), this.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(g, this.rotationQuaternion);
return this;
}, c.prototype.rotateAround = function(T, S, E) {
S.normalize(), this.rotationQuaternion || (this.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z), this.rotation.setAll(0));
var g = u.c.Vector3[0], l = u.c.Vector3[1], h = u.c.Vector3[2], v = u.c.Quaternion[0], b = u.c.Matrix[0], D = u.c.Matrix[1], w = u.c.Matrix[2], N = u.c.Matrix[3];
return T.subtractToRef(this.position, g), u.a.TranslationToRef(g.x, g.y, g.z, b), u.a.TranslationToRef(-g.x, -g.y, -g.z, D), u.a.RotationAxisToRef(S, E, w), D.multiplyToRef(w, N), N.multiplyToRef(b, N), N.decompose(l, v, h), this.position.addInPlace(h), v.multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this.rotationQuaternion), this;
}, c.prototype.translate = function(T, S, E) {
var g = T.scale(S);
if (E && E !== O.c.LOCAL)
else {
var l = this.getPositionExpressedInLocalSpace().add(g);
return this;
}, c.prototype.addRotation = function(T, S, E) {
var g;
this.rotationQuaternion ? g = this.rotationQuaternion : (g = u.c.Quaternion[1], u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z, g));
var l = u.c.Quaternion[0];
return u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(S, T, E, l), g.multiplyInPlace(l), this.rotationQuaternion || g.toEulerAnglesToRef(this.rotation), this;
}, c.prototype._getEffectiveParent = function() {
return this.parent;
}, c.prototype.computeWorldMatrix = function(T) {
if (this._isWorldMatrixFrozen && !this._isDirty)
return this._worldMatrix;
var S = this.getScene().getRenderId();
if (!this._isDirty && !T && this.isSynchronized())
return this._currentRenderId = S, this._worldMatrix;
var E = this.getScene().activeCamera, g = (this._billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_USE_POSITION) != 0, l = this._billboardMode !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE && !this.preserveParentRotationForBillboard;
l && E && g && (this.lookAt(E.position), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_X) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_X && (this.rotation.x = 0), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_Y) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_Y && (this.rotation.y = 0), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_Z) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_Z && (this.rotation.z = 0)), this._updateCache();
var h = this._cache;
h.pivotMatrixUpdated = !1, h.billboardMode = this.billboardMode, h.infiniteDistance = this.infiniteDistance, this._currentRenderId = S, this._childUpdateId++, this._isDirty = !1, this._position._isDirty = !1, this._rotation._isDirty = !1, this._scaling._isDirty = !1;
var v, b = this._getEffectiveParent(), D = c._TmpScaling, w = this._position;
if (this._infiniteDistance && !this.parent && E) {
var N = E.getWorldMatrix(), M = new u.e(N.m[12], N.m[13], N.m[14]);
(w = c._TmpTranslation).copyFromFloats(this._position.x + M.x, this._position.y + M.y, this._position.z + M.z);
if (D.copyFromFloats(this._scaling.x * this.scalingDeterminant, this._scaling.y * this.scalingDeterminant, this._scaling.z * this.scalingDeterminant), this._rotationQuaternion ? (this._rotationQuaternion._isDirty = !1, v = this._rotationQuaternion, this.reIntegrateRotationIntoRotationQuaternion && this.rotation.lengthSquared() && (this._rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this._rotation.y, this._rotation.x, this._rotation.z)), this._rotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0))) : (v = c._TmpRotation, u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this._rotation.y, this._rotation.x, this._rotation.z, v)), this._usePivotMatrix) {
var U = u.c.Matrix[1];
u.a.ScalingToRef(D.x, D.y, D.z, U);
var X = u.c.Matrix[0];
v.toRotationMatrix(X), this._pivotMatrix.multiplyToRef(U, u.c.Matrix[4]), u.c.Matrix[4].multiplyToRef(X, this._localMatrix), this._postMultiplyPivotMatrix && this._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._pivotMatrixInverse, this._localMatrix), this._localMatrix.addTranslationFromFloats(w.x, w.y, w.z);
} else
u.a.ComposeToRef(D, v, w, this._localMatrix);
if (b && b.getWorldMatrix) {
if (T && b.computeWorldMatrix(), l) {
this._transformToBoneReferal ? b.getWorldMatrix().multiplyToRef(this._transformToBoneReferal.getWorldMatrix(), u.c.Matrix[7]) : u.c.Matrix[7].copyFrom(b.getWorldMatrix());
var j = u.c.Vector3[5], ne = u.c.Vector3[6];
u.c.Matrix[7].decompose(ne, void 0, j), u.a.ScalingToRef(ne.x, ne.y, ne.z, u.c.Matrix[7]), u.c.Matrix[7].setTranslation(j), this._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.c.Matrix[7], this._worldMatrix);
} else
this._transformToBoneReferal ? (this._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(b.getWorldMatrix(), u.c.Matrix[6]), u.c.Matrix[6].multiplyToRef(this._transformToBoneReferal.getWorldMatrix(), this._worldMatrix)) : this._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(b.getWorldMatrix(), this._worldMatrix);
} else
if (l && E && this.billboardMode && !g) {
var te = u.c.Vector3[0];
if (this._worldMatrix.getTranslationToRef(te), u.c.Matrix[1].copyFrom(E.getViewMatrix()), u.c.Matrix[1].setTranslationFromFloats(0, 0, 0), u.c.Matrix[1].invertToRef(u.c.Matrix[0]), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL) {
u.c.Matrix[0].decompose(void 0, u.c.Quaternion[0], void 0);
var de = u.c.Vector3[1];
u.c.Quaternion[0].toEulerAnglesToRef(de), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_X) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_X && (de.x = 0), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_Y) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_Y && (de.y = 0), (this.billboardMode & c.BILLBOARDMODE_Z) !== c.BILLBOARDMODE_Z && (de.z = 0), u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(de.y, de.x, de.z, u.c.Matrix[0]);
this._worldMatrix.setTranslationFromFloats(0, 0, 0), this._worldMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.c.Matrix[0], this._worldMatrix), this._worldMatrix.setTranslation(u.c.Vector3[0]);
return this.ignoreNonUniformScaling ? this._updateNonUniformScalingState(!1) : this._scaling.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon(1e-6) ? this._updateNonUniformScalingState(!0) : b && b._nonUniformScaling ? this._updateNonUniformScalingState(b._nonUniformScaling) : this._updateNonUniformScalingState(!1), this._afterComputeWorldMatrix(), this._absolutePosition.copyFromFloats(this._worldMatrix.m[12], this._worldMatrix.m[13], this._worldMatrix.m[14]), this._isAbsoluteSynced = !1, this.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._poseMatrix || (this._poseMatrix = u.a.Invert(this._worldMatrix)), this._worldMatrixDeterminantIsDirty = !0, this._worldMatrix;
}, c.prototype.resetLocalMatrix = function(T) {
if (T === void 0 && (T = !0), this.computeWorldMatrix(), T)
for (var S = this.getChildren(), E = 0; E < S.length; ++E) {
var g = S[E];
if (g) {
var l = u.c.Matrix[0];
g._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._localMatrix, l);
var h = u.c.Quaternion[0];
l.decompose(g.scaling, h, g.position), g.rotationQuaternion ? g.rotationQuaternion = h : h.toEulerAnglesToRef(g.rotation);
this.scaling.copyFromFloats(1, 1, 1), this.position.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), this.rotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), this.rotationQuaternion && (this.rotationQuaternion = u.b.Identity()), this._worldMatrix = u.a.Identity();
}, c.prototype._afterComputeWorldMatrix = function() {
}, c.prototype.registerAfterWorldMatrixUpdate = function(T) {
return this.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable.add(T), this;
}, c.prototype.unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate = function(T) {
return this.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable.removeCallback(T), this;
}, c.prototype.getPositionInCameraSpace = function(T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = null), T || (T = this.getScene().activeCamera), u.e.TransformCoordinates(this.getAbsolutePosition(), T.getViewMatrix());
}, c.prototype.getDistanceToCamera = function(T) {
return T === void 0 && (T = null), T || (T = this.getScene().activeCamera), this.getAbsolutePosition().subtract(T.globalPosition).length();
}, c.prototype.clone = function(T, S, E) {
var g = this, l = _.a.Clone(function() {
return new c(T, g.getScene());
}, this);
if ( = T, = T, S && (l.parent = S), !E)
for (var h = this.getDescendants(!0), v = 0; v < h.length; v++) {
var b = h[v];
b.clone && b.clone(T + "." +, l);
return l;
}, c.prototype.serialize = function(T) {
var S = _.a.Serialize(this, T);
return S.type = this.getClassName(), this.parent && (S.parentId =, S.localMatrix = this.getPivotMatrix().asArray(), S.isEnabled = this.isEnabled(), this.parent && (S.parentId =, S;
}, c.Parse = function(T, S, E) {
var g = _.a.Parse(function() {
return new c(, S);
}, T, S, E);
return T.localMatrix ? g.setPreTransformMatrix(u.a.FromArray(T.localMatrix)) : T.pivotMatrix && g.setPivotMatrix(u.a.FromArray(T.pivotMatrix)), g.setEnabled(T.isEnabled), T.parentId && (g._waitingParentId = T.parentId), g;
}, c.prototype.getChildTransformNodes = function(T, S) {
var E = [];
return this._getDescendants(E, T, function(g) {
return (!S || S(g)) && g instanceof c;
}), E;
}, c.prototype.dispose = function(T, S) {
if (S === void 0 && (S = !1), this.getScene().stopAnimation(this), this.getScene().removeTransformNode(this), this.onAfterWorldMatrixUpdateObservable.clear(), T)
for (var E = 0, g = this.getChildTransformNodes(!0); E < g.length; E++) {
var l = g[E];
l.parent = null, l.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
}, T, S);
}, c.prototype.normalizeToUnitCube = function(T, S, E) {
T === void 0 && (T = !0), S === void 0 && (S = !1);
var g = null, l = null;
S && (this.rotationQuaternion ? (l = this.rotationQuaternion.clone(), this.rotationQuaternion.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1)) : this.rotation && (g = this.rotation.clone(), this.rotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0)));
var h = this.getHierarchyBoundingVectors(T, E), v = h.max.subtract(h.min), b = Math.max(v.x, v.y, v.z);
if (b === 0)
return this;
var D = 1 / b;
return this.scaling.scaleInPlace(D), S && (this.rotationQuaternion && l ? this.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(l) : this.rotation && g && this.rotation.copyFrom(g)), this;
}, c.prototype._syncAbsoluteScalingAndRotation = function() {
this._isAbsoluteSynced || (this._worldMatrix.decompose(this._absoluteScaling, this._absoluteRotationQuaternion), this._isAbsoluteSynced = !0);
}, c.BILLBOARDMODE_NONE = 0, c.BILLBOARDMODE_X = 1, c.BILLBOARDMODE_Y = 2, c.BILLBOARDMODE_Z = 4, c.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL = 7, c.BILLBOARDMODE_USE_POSITION = 128, c._TmpRotation = u.b.Zero(), c._TmpScaling = u.e.Zero(), c._TmpTranslation = u.e.Zero(), c._lookAtVectorCache = new u.e(0, 0, 0), c._rotationAxisCache = new u.b(), Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)("position")], c.prototype, "_position", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)("rotation")], c.prototype, "_rotation", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.l)("rotationQuaternion")], c.prototype, "_rotationQuaternion", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)("scaling")], c.prototype, "_scaling", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("billboardMode")], c.prototype, "_billboardMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], c.prototype, "scalingDeterminant", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("infiniteDistance")], c.prototype, "_infiniteDistance", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], c.prototype, "ignoreNonUniformScaling", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], c.prototype, "reIntegrateRotationIntoRotationQuaternion", void 0), c;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _(C, u, I, O, x, m) {
this.source = C, this.pointerX = u, this.pointerY = I, this.meshUnderPointer = O, this.sourceEvent = x, this.additionalData = m;
return _.CreateNew = function(C, u, I) {
var O = C.getScene();
return new _(C, O.pointerX, O.pointerY, O.meshUnderPointer || C, u, I);
}, _.CreateNewFromSprite = function(C, u, I, O) {
return new _(C, u.pointerX, u.pointerY, u.meshUnderPointer, I, O);
}, _.CreateNewFromScene = function(C, u) {
return new _(null, C.pointerX, C.pointerY, C.meshUnderPointer, u);
}, _.CreateNewFromPrimitive = function(C, u, I, O) {
return new _(C, u.x, u.y, null, I, O);
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return m;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(0), u = f(9), I = f(29), O = f(85), x = f(11), m = function(c) {
function T(S, E) {
var g =, S, E) || this;
return g.diffuse = new u.a(1, 1, 1), g.specular = new u.a(1, 1, 1), g.falloffType = T.FALLOFF_DEFAULT, g.intensity = 1, g._range = Number.MAX_VALUE, g._inverseSquaredRange = 0, g._photometricScale = 1, g._intensityMode = T.INTENSITYMODE_AUTOMATIC, g._radius = 1e-5, g.renderPriority = 0, g._shadowEnabled = !0, g._excludeWithLayerMask = 0, g._includeOnlyWithLayerMask = 0, g._lightmapMode = 0, g._excludedMeshesIds = new Array(), g._includedOnlyMeshesIds = new Array(), g._isLight = !0, g.getScene().addLight(g), g._uniformBuffer = new O.a(g.getScene().getEngine()), g._buildUniformLayout(), g.includedOnlyMeshes = new Array(), g.excludedMeshes = new Array(), g._resyncMeshes(), g;
return Object(V.d)(T, c), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "range", { get: function() {
return this._range;
}, set: function(S) {
this._range = S, this._inverseSquaredRange = 1 / (this.range * this.range);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "intensityMode", { get: function() {
return this._intensityMode;
}, set: function(S) {
this._intensityMode = S, this._computePhotometricScale();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "radius", { get: function() {
return this._radius;
}, set: function(S) {
this._radius = S, this._computePhotometricScale();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "shadowEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._shadowEnabled;
}, set: function(S) {
this._shadowEnabled !== S && (this._shadowEnabled = S, this._markMeshesAsLightDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "includedOnlyMeshes", { get: function() {
return this._includedOnlyMeshes;
}, set: function(S) {
this._includedOnlyMeshes = S, this._hookArrayForIncludedOnly(S);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "excludedMeshes", { get: function() {
return this._excludedMeshes;
}, set: function(S) {
this._excludedMeshes = S, this._hookArrayForExcluded(S);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "excludeWithLayerMask", { get: function() {
return this._excludeWithLayerMask;
}, set: function(S) {
this._excludeWithLayerMask = S, this._resyncMeshes();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "includeOnlyWithLayerMask", { get: function() {
return this._includeOnlyWithLayerMask;
}, set: function(S) {
this._includeOnlyWithLayerMask = S, this._resyncMeshes();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "lightmapMode", { get: function() {
return this._lightmapMode;
}, set: function(S) {
this._lightmapMode !== S && (this._lightmapMode = S, this._markMeshesAsLightDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), T.prototype.transferTexturesToEffect = function(S, E) {
return this;
}, T.prototype._bindLight = function(S, E, g, l, h) {
h === void 0 && (h = !1);
var v = S.toString(), b = !1;
if (!h || !this._uniformBuffer._alreadyBound) {
if (this._uniformBuffer.bindToEffect(g, "Light" + v), this._renderId !== E.getRenderId() || !this._uniformBuffer.useUbo) {
this._renderId = E.getRenderId();
var D = this.getScaledIntensity();
this.transferToEffect(g, v), this.diffuse.scaleToRef(D, u.c.Color3[0]), this._uniformBuffer.updateColor4("vLightDiffuse", u.c.Color3[0], this.range, v), l && (this.specular.scaleToRef(D, u.c.Color3[1]), this._uniformBuffer.updateColor4("vLightSpecular", u.c.Color3[1], this.radius, v)), b = !0;
if (this.transferTexturesToEffect(g, v), E.shadowsEnabled && this.shadowEnabled) {
var w = this.getShadowGenerator();
w && (w.bindShadowLight(v, g), b = !0);
b && this._uniformBuffer.update();
}, T.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Light";
}, T.prototype.toString = function(S) {
var E = "Name: " +;
if (E += ", type: " + ["Point", "Directional", "Spot", "Hemispheric"][this.getTypeID()], this.animations)
for (var g = 0; g < this.animations.length; g++)
E += ", animation[0]: " + this.animations[g].toString(S);
return E;
}, T.prototype._syncParentEnabledState = function() {, this.isDisposed() || this._resyncMeshes();
}, T.prototype.setEnabled = function(S) {, S), this._resyncMeshes();
}, T.prototype.getShadowGenerator = function() {
return this._shadowGenerator;
}, T.prototype.getAbsolutePosition = function() {
return C.e.Zero();
}, T.prototype.canAffectMesh = function(S) {
return !S || !(this.includedOnlyMeshes && this.includedOnlyMeshes.length > 0 && this.includedOnlyMeshes.indexOf(S) === -1) && !(this.excludedMeshes && this.excludedMeshes.length > 0 && this.excludedMeshes.indexOf(S) !== -1) && (this.includeOnlyWithLayerMask === 0 || (this.includeOnlyWithLayerMask & S.layerMask) != 0) && !(this.excludeWithLayerMask !== 0 && this.excludeWithLayerMask & S.layerMask);
}, T.CompareLightsPriority = function(S, E) {
return S.shadowEnabled !== E.shadowEnabled ? (E.shadowEnabled ? 1 : 0) - (S.shadowEnabled ? 1 : 0) : E.renderPriority - S.renderPriority;
}, T.prototype.dispose = function(S, E) {
E === void 0 && (E = !1), this._shadowGenerator && (this._shadowGenerator.dispose(), this._shadowGenerator = null), this.getScene().stopAnimation(this);
for (var g = 0, l = this.getScene().meshes; g < l.length; g++)
l[g]._removeLightSource(this, !0);
this._uniformBuffer.dispose(), this.getScene().removeLight(this),, S, E);
}, T.prototype.getTypeID = function() {
return 0;
}, T.prototype.getScaledIntensity = function() {
return this._photometricScale * this.intensity;
}, T.prototype.clone = function(S, E) {
E === void 0 && (E = null);
var g = T.GetConstructorFromName(this.getTypeID(), S, this.getScene());
if (!g)
return null;
var l = _.a.Clone(g, this);
return E && (l.parent = E), l.setEnabled(this.isEnabled()), l;
}, T.prototype.serialize = function() {
var S = _.a.Serialize(this);
return S.type = this.getTypeID(), this.parent && (S.parentId =, this.excludedMeshes.length > 0 && (S.excludedMeshesIds = [], this.excludedMeshes.forEach(function(E) {
})), this.includedOnlyMeshes.length > 0 && (S.includedOnlyMeshesIds = [], this.includedOnlyMeshes.forEach(function(E) {
})), _.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(this, S), S.ranges = this.serializeAnimationRanges(), S;
}, T.GetConstructorFromName = function(S, E, g) {
var l = I.a.Construct("Light_Type_" + S, E, g);
return l || null;
}, T.Parse = function(S, E) {
var g = T.GetConstructorFromName(S.type,, E);
if (!g)
return null;
var l = _.a.Parse(g, S, E);
if (S.excludedMeshesIds && (l._excludedMeshesIds = S.excludedMeshesIds), S.includedOnlyMeshesIds && (l._includedOnlyMeshesIds = S.includedOnlyMeshesIds), S.parentId && (l._waitingParentId = S.parentId), S.falloffType !== void 0 && (l.falloffType = S.falloffType), S.lightmapMode !== void 0 && (l.lightmapMode = S.lightmapMode), S.animations) {
for (var h = 0; h < S.animations.length; h++) {
var v = S.animations[h], b = x.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
b && l.animations.push(b.Parse(v));
I.a.ParseAnimationRanges(l, S, E);
return S.autoAnimate && E.beginAnimation(l, S.autoAnimateFrom, S.autoAnimateTo, S.autoAnimateLoop, S.autoAnimateSpeed || 1), l;
}, T.prototype._hookArrayForExcluded = function(S) {
var E = this, g = S.push;
S.push = function() {
for (var b = [], D = 0; D < arguments.length; D++)
b[D] = arguments[D];
for (var w = g.apply(S, b), N = 0, M = b; N < M.length; N++) {
var U = M[N];
return w;
var l = S.splice;
S.splice = function(b, D) {
for (var w = l.apply(S, [b, D]), N = 0, M = w; N < M.length; N++)
return w;
for (var h = 0, v = S; h < v.length; h++)
}, T.prototype._hookArrayForIncludedOnly = function(S) {
var E = this, g = S.push;
S.push = function() {
for (var h = [], v = 0; v < arguments.length; v++)
h[v] = arguments[v];
var b = g.apply(S, h);
return E._resyncMeshes(), b;
var l = S.splice;
S.splice = function(h, v) {
var b = l.apply(S, [h, v]);
return E._resyncMeshes(), b;
}, this._resyncMeshes();
}, T.prototype._resyncMeshes = function() {
for (var S = 0, E = this.getScene().meshes; S < E.length; S++)
}, T.prototype._markMeshesAsLightDirty = function() {
for (var S = 0, E = this.getScene().meshes; S < E.length; S++) {
var g = E[S];
g.lightSources.indexOf(this) !== -1 && g._markSubMeshesAsLightDirty();
}, T.prototype._computePhotometricScale = function() {
this._photometricScale = this._getPhotometricScale(), this.getScene().resetCachedMaterial();
}, T.prototype._getPhotometricScale = function() {
var S = 0, E = this.getTypeID(), g = this.intensityMode;
switch (g) {
S = 1 / (4 * Math.PI);
S = 1;
S = this.radius * this.radius;
switch (g) {
S = 1;
var l = this.radius;
l = Math.max(l, 1e-3), S = 2 * Math.PI * (1 - Math.cos(l));
S = 1;
return S;
}, T.prototype._reorderLightsInScene = function() {
var S = this.getScene();
this._renderPriority != 0 && (S.requireLightSorting = !0), this.getScene().sortLightsByPriority();
}, T.FALLOFF_DEFAULT = 0, T.FALLOFF_PHYSICAL = 1, T.FALLOFF_GLTF = 2, T.FALLOFF_STANDARD = 3, T.LIGHTMAP_DEFAULT = 0, T.LIGHTMAP_SPECULAR = 1, T.LIGHTMAP_SHADOWSONLY = 2, T.INTENSITYMODE_AUTOMATIC = 0, T.INTENSITYMODE_LUMINOUSPOWER = 1, T.INTENSITYMODE_LUMINOUSINTENSITY = 2, T.INTENSITYMODE_ILLUMINANCE = 3, T.INTENSITYMODE_LUMINANCE = 4, T.LIGHTTYPEID_POINTLIGHT = 0, T.LIGHTTYPEID_DIRECTIONALLIGHT = 1, T.LIGHTTYPEID_SPOTLIGHT = 2, T.LIGHTTYPEID_HEMISPHERICLIGHT = 3, Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)()], T.prototype, "diffuse", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)()], T.prototype, "specular", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "falloffType", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "intensity", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "range", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "intensityMode", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "radius", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], T.prototype, "_renderPriority", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.b)("_reorderLightsInScene")], T.prototype, "renderPriority", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("shadowEnabled")], T.prototype, "_shadowEnabled", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("excludeWithLayerMask")], T.prototype, "_excludeWithLayerMask", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("includeOnlyWithLayerMask")], T.prototype, "_includeOnlyWithLayerMask", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("lightmapMode")], T.prototype, "_lightmapMode", void 0), T;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this._xhr = typeof _native < "u" && _native.XMLHttpRequest ? new _native.XMLHttpRequest() : new XMLHttpRequest();
return _.prototype._injectCustomRequestHeaders = function() {
for (var C in _.CustomRequestHeaders) {
var u = _.CustomRequestHeaders[C];
u && this._xhr.setRequestHeader(C, u);
}, Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "onprogress", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.onprogress;
}, set: function(C) {
this._xhr.onprogress = C;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "readyState", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.readyState;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "status", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.status;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "statusText", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.statusText;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "response", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.response;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "responseURL", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.responseURL;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "responseText", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.responseText;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "responseType", { get: function() {
return this._xhr.responseType;
}, set: function(C) {
this._xhr.responseType = C;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.prototype.addEventListener = function(C, u, I) {
this._xhr.addEventListener(C, u, I);
}, _.prototype.removeEventListener = function(C, u, I) {
this._xhr.removeEventListener(C, u, I);
}, _.prototype.abort = function() {
}, _.prototype.send = function(C) {
_.CustomRequestHeaders && this._injectCustomRequestHeaders(), this._xhr.send(C);
}, = function(C, u) {
for (var I = 0, O = _.CustomRequestModifiers; I < O.length; I++)
(0, O[I])(this._xhr, u);
return u = (u = u.replace("file:http:", "http:")).replace("file:https:", "https:"),, u, !0);
}, _.prototype.setRequestHeader = function(C, u) {
this._xhr.setRequestHeader(C, u);
}, _.prototype.getResponseHeader = function(C) {
return this._xhr.getResponseHeader(C);
}, _.CustomRequestHeaders = {}, _.CustomRequestModifiers = new Array(), _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "e", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return u;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return I;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return O;
var V = f(1), _ = function() {
function x(m, c) {
this.type = m, this.jointData = c, c.nativeParams = c.nativeParams || {};
return Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "physicsJoint", { get: function() {
return this._physicsJoint;
}, set: function(m) {
this._physicsJoint, this._physicsJoint = m;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "physicsPlugin", { set: function(m) {
this._physicsPlugin = m;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.executeNativeFunction = function(m) {
m(, this._physicsJoint);
}, x.DistanceJoint = 0, x.HingeJoint = 1, x.BallAndSocketJoint = 2, x.WheelJoint = 3, x.SliderJoint = 4, x.PrismaticJoint = 5, x.UniversalJoint = 6, x.Hinge2Joint = x.WheelJoint, x.PointToPointJoint = 8, x.SpringJoint = 9, x.LockJoint = 10, x;
}(), C = function(x) {
function m(c) {
return, _.DistanceJoint, c) || this;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m.prototype.updateDistance = function(c, T) {
this._physicsPlugin.updateDistanceJoint(this, c, T);
}, m;
}(_), u = function(x) {
function m(c, T) {
return, c, T) || this;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m.prototype.setMotor = function(c, T) {
this._physicsPlugin.setMotor(this, c || 0, T);
}, m.prototype.setLimit = function(c, T) {
this._physicsPlugin.setLimit(this, c, T);
}, m;
}(_), I = function(x) {
function m(c) {
return, _.HingeJoint, c) || this;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m.prototype.setMotor = function(c, T) {
this._physicsPlugin.setMotor(this, c || 0, T);
}, m.prototype.setLimit = function(c, T) {
this._physicsPlugin.setLimit(this, c, T);
}, m;
}(u), O = function(x) {
function m(c) {
return, _.Hinge2Joint, c) || this;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m.prototype.setMotor = function(c, T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = 0), this._physicsPlugin.setMotor(this, c || 0, T, S);
}, m.prototype.setLimit = function(c, T, S) {
S === void 0 && (S = 0), this._physicsPlugin.setLimit(this, c, T, S);
}, m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return I;
var V = f(0), _ = f(7), C = f(36), u = f(18), I = function() {
function O(x) {
var m = this;
x === void 0 && (x = C.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), this.gizmoLayer = x, this._attachedMesh = null, this._attachedNode = null, this._scaleRatio = 1, this._isHovered = !1, this._customMeshSet = !1, this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = !0, this.updateGizmoPositionToMatchAttachedMesh = !0, this.updateScale = !0, this._interactionsEnabled = !0, this._tempQuaternion = new V.b(0, 0, 0, 1), this._tempVector = new V.e(), this._tempVector2 = new V.e(), this._tempMatrix1 = new V.a(), this._tempMatrix2 = new V.a(), this._rightHandtoLeftHandMatrix = V.a.RotationY(Math.PI), this._rootMesh = new _.a("gizmoRootNode", x.utilityLayerScene), this._rootMesh.rotationQuaternion = V.b.Identity(), this._beforeRenderObserver = this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "scaleRatio", { get: function() {
return this._scaleRatio;
}, set: function(x) {
this._scaleRatio = x;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "isHovered", { get: function() {
return this._isHovered;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "attachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._attachedMesh;
}, set: function(x) {
this._attachedMesh = x, x && (this._attachedNode = x), this._rootMesh.setEnabled(!!x), this._attachedNodeChanged(x);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "attachedNode", { get: function() {
return this._attachedNode;
}, set: function(x) {
this._attachedNode = x, this._attachedMesh = null, this._rootMesh.setEnabled(!!x), this._attachedNodeChanged(x);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), O.prototype.setCustomMesh = function(x) {
if (x.getScene() != this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene)
throw "When setting a custom mesh on a gizmo, the custom meshes scene must be the same as the gizmos (eg. gizmo.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene)";
this._rootMesh.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(m) {
}), x.parent = this._rootMesh, this._customMeshSet = !0;
}, Object.defineProperty(O.prototype, "updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh;
}, set: function(x) {
this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = x;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), O.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(x) {
}, O.prototype._update = function() {
if (this.attachedNode) {
var x = this.attachedNode;
if (this.attachedMesh && (x = this.attachedMesh._effectiveMesh || this.attachedNode), this.updateGizmoPositionToMatchAttachedMesh) {
var m = x.getWorldMatrix().getRow(3), c = m ? m.toVector3() : new V.e(0, 0, 0);
if (this.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh ? x.getWorldMatrix().decompose(void 0, this._rootMesh.rotationQuaternion) : this._rootMesh.rotationQuaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1), this.updateScale) {
var T = this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera, S = T.globalPosition;
T.devicePosition && (S = T.devicePosition), this._rootMesh.position.subtractToRef(S, this._tempVector);
var E = this._tempVector.length() * this.scaleRatio;
this._rootMesh.scaling.set(E, E, E), x._getWorldMatrixDeterminant() < 0 && (this._rootMesh.scaling.y *= -1);
} else
}, O.prototype._matrixChanged = function() {
if (this._attachedNode) {
if (this._attachedNode._isCamera) {
var x, m, c = this._attachedNode;
if (c.parent) {
var T = this._tempMatrix2;
c.parent._worldMatrix.invertToRef(T), this._attachedNode._worldMatrix.multiplyToRef(T, this._tempMatrix1), x = this._tempMatrix1;
} else
x = this._attachedNode._worldMatrix;
if (c.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? (this._rightHandtoLeftHandMatrix.multiplyToRef(x, this._tempMatrix2), m = this._tempMatrix2) : m = x, m.decompose(this._tempVector2, this._tempQuaternion, this._tempVector), this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "FreeCamera" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "FlyCamera" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "ArcFollowCamera" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "TargetCamera" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "TouchCamera" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "UniversalCamera") {
var S = this._attachedNode;
S.rotation = this._tempQuaternion.toEulerAngles(), S.rotationQuaternion && S.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._tempQuaternion);
} else if (this._attachedNode._isMesh || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "AbstractMesh" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "TransformNode" || this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "InstancedMesh") {
var E = this._attachedNode;
if (E.parent) {
T = this._tempMatrix1;
var g = this._tempMatrix2;
E.parent.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(T), this._attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().multiplyToRef(T, g), g.decompose(E.scaling, this._tempQuaternion, E.position);
} else
this._attachedNode._worldMatrix.decompose(E.scaling, this._tempQuaternion, E.position);
E.billboardMode || (E.rotationQuaternion ? E.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._tempQuaternion) : E.rotation = this._tempQuaternion.toEulerAngles());
} else if (this._attachedNode.getClassName() === "Bone") {
var l = this._attachedNode, h = l.getParent();
if (h) {
var v = this._tempMatrix1, b = this._tempMatrix2;
h.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(v), l.getWorldMatrix().multiplyToRef(v, b), l.getLocalMatrix().copyFrom(b);
} else
}, O.GizmoAxisPointerObserver = function(x, m) {
var c = !1;
return x.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(T) {
var S, E;
if (T.pickInfo) {
if (T.type === u.a.POINTERMOVE) {
if (c)
m.forEach(function(g) {
var l, h;
if (g.colliderMeshes && g.gizmoMeshes) {
var v = ((l = g.colliderMeshes) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.indexOf((h = T == null ? void 0 : T.pickInfo) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.pickedMesh)) != -1 || ? g.hoverMaterial : g.material;
g.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(b) {
b.material = v, b.color && (b.color = v.diffuseColor);
T.type === u.a.POINTERDOWN && m.has((S = T.pickInfo.pickedMesh) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.parent) && (c = !0, m.get((E = T.pickInfo.pickedMesh) === null || E === void 0 ? void 0 : E.parent).active = !0, m.forEach(function(g) {
var l, h, v = ((l = g.colliderMeshes) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.indexOf((h = T == null ? void 0 : T.pickInfo) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.pickedMesh)) != -1 || ? g.hoverMaterial : g.disableMaterial;
g.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(b) {
b.material = v, b.color && (b.color = v.diffuseColor);
})), T.type === u.a.POINTERUP && m.forEach(function(g) { = !1, c = !1, g.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(l) {
l.material = g.material, l.color && (l.color = g.material.diffuseColor);
}, O.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._rootMesh.dispose(), this._beforeRenderObserver && this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._beforeRenderObserver);
}, O;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return c;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(22), O = f(2), x = f(120), m = (f(56), f(77)), c = function(T) {
function S(E) {
var g =, null) || this;
return g.metadata = null, g.reservedDataStore = null, g._hasAlpha = !1, g.getAlphaFromRGB = !1, g.level = 1, g.coordinatesIndex = 0, g._coordinatesMode = O.a.TEXTURE_EXPLICIT_MODE, g.wrapR = O.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, g.anisotropicFilteringLevel = S.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_LEVEL, g._isCube = !1, g._gammaSpace = !0, g.invertZ = !1, g.lodLevelInAlpha = !1, g.isRenderTarget = !1, g._prefiltered = !1, g.animations = new Array(), g.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), g._onDisposeObserver = null, g._scene = null, g._texture = null, g._uid = null, E ? S._isScene(E) ? g._scene = E : g._engine = E : g._scene = I.a.LastCreatedScene, g._scene && (g.uniqueId = g._scene.getUniqueId(), g._scene.addTexture(g), g._engine = g._scene.getEngine()), g._uid = null, g;
return Object(V.d)(S, T), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "hasAlpha", { get: function() {
return this._hasAlpha;
}, set: function(E) {
this._hasAlpha !== E && (this._hasAlpha = E, this._scene && this._scene.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag | O.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "coordinatesMode", { get: function() {
return this._coordinatesMode;
}, set: function(E) {
this._coordinatesMode !== E && (this._coordinatesMode = E, this._scene && this._scene.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "wrapU", { get: function() {
return this._wrapU;
}, set: function(E) {
this._wrapU = E;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "wrapV", { get: function() {
return this._wrapV;
}, set: function(E) {
this._wrapV = E;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "isCube", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture.isCube : this._isCube;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture ? this._texture.isCube = E : this._isCube = E;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "is3D", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture.is3D;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture.is3D = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "is2DArray", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture.is2DArray;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture.is2DArray = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "gammaSpace", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? (this._texture._gammaSpace === null && (this._texture._gammaSpace = this._gammaSpace), this._texture._gammaSpace) : this._gammaSpace;
}, set: function(E) {
if (this._texture) {
if (this._texture._gammaSpace === E)
this._texture._gammaSpace = E;
} else {
if (this._gammaSpace === E)
this._gammaSpace = E;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "isRGBD", { get: function() {
return this._texture != null && this._texture._isRGBD;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture._isRGBD = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "noMipmap", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "lodGenerationOffset", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._lodGenerationOffset : 0;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture._lodGenerationOffset = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "lodGenerationScale", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._lodGenerationScale : 0;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture._lodGenerationScale = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "linearSpecularLOD", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture._linearSpecularLOD;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture._linearSpecularLOD = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "irradianceTexture", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._irradianceTexture : null;
}, set: function(E) {
this._texture && (this._texture._irradianceTexture = E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "uid", { get: function() {
return this._uid || (this._uid = x.a.RandomId()), this._uid;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype.toString = function() {
}, S.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BaseTexture";
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(E) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(E);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "isBlocking", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, S.prototype._getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, S.prototype.checkTransformsAreIdentical = function(E) {
return E !== null;
}, S.prototype.getTextureMatrix = function() {
return u.a.IdentityReadOnly;
}, S.prototype.getReflectionTextureMatrix = function() {
return u.a.IdentityReadOnly;
}, S.prototype.isReadyOrNotBlocking = function() {
return !this.isBlocking || this.isReady();
}, S.prototype.scale = function(E) {
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "canRescale", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype._getFromCache = function(E, g, l, h) {
var v = this._getEngine();
if (!v)
return null;
for (var b = v.getLoadedTexturesCache(), D = 0; D < b.length; D++) {
var w = b[D];
if (!(h !== void 0 && h !== w.invertY || w.url !== E || w.generateMipMaps !== !g || l && l !== w.samplingMode))
return w.incrementReferences(), w;
return null;
}, S.prototype._rebuild = function() {
}, S.prototype.clone = function() {
return null;
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "textureType", { get: function() {
return this._texture && this._texture.type !== void 0 ? this._texture.type : O.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "textureFormat", { get: function() {
return this._texture && this._texture.format !== void 0 ? this._texture.format : O.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
var E = this.getScene();
E && E.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(O.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, S.prototype.readPixels = function(E, g, l) {
if (E === void 0 && (E = 0), g === void 0 && (g = 0), l === void 0 && (l = null), !this._texture)
return null;
var h = this.getSize(), v = h.width, b = h.height, D = this._getEngine();
if (!D)
return null;
g != 0 && (v /= Math.pow(2, g), b /= Math.pow(2, g), v = Math.round(v), b = Math.round(b));
try {
return this._texture.isCube ? D._readTexturePixels(this._texture, v, b, E, g, l) : D._readTexturePixels(this._texture, v, b, -1, g, l);
} catch {
return null;
}, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "_lodTextureHigh", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._lodTextureHigh : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "_lodTextureMid", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._lodTextureMid : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "_lodTextureLow", { get: function() {
return this._texture ? this._texture._lodTextureLow : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), S.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (this._scene) {
this._scene.stopAnimation && this._scene.stopAnimation(this), this._scene._removePendingData(this);
var E = this._scene.textures.indexOf(this);
E >= 0 && this._scene.textures.splice(E, 1), this._scene.onTextureRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._scene = null;
this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(),;
}, S.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (!
return null;
var E = _.a.Serialize(this);
return _.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(this, E), E;
}, S.WhenAllReady = function(E, g) {
var l = E.length;
if (l !== 0)
for (var h = 0; h < E.length; h++) {
var v = E[h];
if (v.isReady())
--l == 0 && g();
else {
var b = v.onLoadObservable;
b && b.addOnce(function() {
--l == 0 && g();
}, S._isScene = function(E) {
return E.getClassName() === "Scene";
}, S.DEFAULT_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_LEVEL = 4, Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "uniqueId", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "name", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "metadata", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("hasAlpha")], S.prototype, "_hasAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "getAlphaFromRGB", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "level", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "coordinatesIndex", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)("coordinatesMode")], S.prototype, "_coordinatesMode", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "wrapU", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "wrapV", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "wrapR", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "anisotropicFilteringLevel", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "isCube", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "is3D", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "is2DArray", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "gammaSpace", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "invertZ", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "lodLevelInAlpha", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "lodGenerationOffset", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "lodGenerationScale", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "linearSpecularLOD", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.m)()], S.prototype, "irradianceTexture", null), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], S.prototype, "isRenderTarget", void 0), S;
}(function() {
function T(S) {
this._wrapU = O.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, this._wrapV = O.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, this.wrapR = O.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, this.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 4, this.delayLoadState = O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NONE, this._texture = null, this._engine = null, this._cachedSize = m.a.Zero(), this._cachedBaseSize = m.a.Zero(), this._texture = S, this._texture && (this._engine = this._texture.getEngine());
return Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "wrapU", { get: function() {
return this._wrapU;
}, set: function(S) {
this._wrapU = S;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "wrapV", { get: function() {
return this._wrapV;
}, set: function(S) {
this._wrapV = S;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "coordinatesMode", { get: function() {
return 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "isCube", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture.isCube;
}, set: function(S) {
this._texture && (this._texture.isCube = S);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "is3D", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture.is3D;
}, set: function(S) {
this._texture && (this._texture.is3D = S);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(T.prototype, "is2DArray", { get: function() {
return !!this._texture && this._texture.is2DArray;
}, set: function(S) {
this._texture && (this._texture.is2DArray = S);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), T.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ThinTexture";
}, T.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this.delayLoadState === O.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED ? (this.delayLoad(), !1) : !!this._texture && this._texture.isReady;
}, T.prototype.delayLoad = function() {
}, T.prototype.getInternalTexture = function() {
return this._texture;
}, T.prototype.getSize = function() {
if (this._texture) {
if (this._texture.width)
return this._cachedSize.width = this._texture.width, this._cachedSize.height = this._texture.height, this._cachedSize;
if (this._texture._size)
return this._cachedSize.width = this._texture._size, this._cachedSize.height = this._texture._size, this._cachedSize;
return this._cachedSize;
}, T.prototype.getBaseSize = function() {
return this.isReady() && this._texture ? this._texture._size ? (this._cachedBaseSize.width = this._texture._size, this._cachedBaseSize.height = this._texture._size, this._cachedBaseSize) : (this._cachedBaseSize.width = this._texture.baseWidth, this._cachedBaseSize.height = this._texture.baseHeight, this._cachedBaseSize) : (this._cachedBaseSize.width = 0, this._cachedBaseSize.height = 0, this._cachedBaseSize);
}, T.prototype.updateSamplingMode = function(S) {
this._texture && this._engine && this._engine.updateTextureSamplingMode(S, this._texture);
}, T.prototype.releaseInternalTexture = function() {
this._texture && (this._texture.dispose(), this._texture = null);
}, T.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._texture && (this.releaseInternalTexture(), this._engine = null);
}, T;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return x;
var V = f(0), _ = f(9), C = f(7), u = f(16), I = f(20), O = f(23);
u.a.CreateCylinder = function(m) {
var c = m.height || 2, T = m.diameterTop === 0 ? 0 : m.diameterTop || m.diameter || 1, S = m.diameterBottom === 0 ? 0 : m.diameterBottom || m.diameter || 1;
T = T || 1e-5, S = S || 1e-5;
var E, g = m.tessellation || 24, l = m.subdivisions || 1, h = !!m.hasRings, v = !!m.enclose, b = m.cap === 0 ? 0 : m.cap || C.a.CAP_ALL, D = m.arc && (m.arc <= 0 || m.arc > 1) ? 1 : m.arc || 1, w = m.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : m.sideOrientation || u.a.DEFAULTSIDE, N = m.faceUV || new Array(3), M = m.faceColors, U = 2 + (1 + (D !== 1 && v ? 2 : 0)) * (h ? l : 1);
for (E = 0; E < U; E++)
M && M[E] === void 0 && (M[E] = new _.b(1, 1, 1, 1));
for (E = 0; E < U; E++)
N && N[E] === void 0 && (N[E] = new V.f(0, 0, 1, 1));
var X, j, ne, te, de, pe, ae = new Array(), ee = new Array(), K = new Array(), $ = new Array(), L = new Array(), G = 2 * Math.PI * D / g, Q = (S - T) / 2 / c, oe = V.e.Zero(), re = V.e.Zero(), Y = V.e.Zero(), k = V.e.Zero(), H = V.e.Zero(), Z = O.a.Y, W = 1, q = 1, he = 0, ge = 0;
for (te = 0; te <= l; te++)
for (ne = ((j = te / l) * (T - S) + S) / 2, W = h && te !== 0 && te !== l ? 2 : 1, pe = 0; pe < W; pe++) {
for (h && (q += pe), v && (q += 2 * pe), de = 0; de <= g; de++)
X = de * G, oe.x = Math.cos(-X) * ne, oe.y = -c / 2 + j * c, oe.z = Math.sin(-X) * ne, T === 0 && te === l ? (re.x = K[K.length - 3 * (g + 1)], re.y = K[K.length - 3 * (g + 1) + 1], re.z = K[K.length - 3 * (g + 1) + 2]) : (re.x = oe.x, re.z = oe.z, re.y = Math.sqrt(re.x * re.x + re.z * re.z) * Q, re.normalize()), de === 0 && (Y.copyFrom(oe), k.copyFrom(re)), ee.push(oe.x, oe.y, oe.z), K.push(re.x, re.y, re.z), ge = h ? he !== q ? N[q].y : N[q].w : N[q].y + (N[q].w - N[q].y) * j, $.push(N[q].x + (N[q].z - N[q].x) * de / g, ge), M && L.push(M[q].r, M[q].g, M[q].b, M[q].a);
D !== 1 && v && (ee.push(oe.x, oe.y, oe.z), ee.push(0, oe.y, 0), ee.push(0, oe.y, 0), ee.push(Y.x, Y.y, Y.z), V.e.CrossToRef(Z, re, H), H.normalize(), K.push(H.x, H.y, H.z, H.x, H.y, H.z), V.e.CrossToRef(k, Z, H), H.normalize(), K.push(H.x, H.y, H.z, H.x, H.y, H.z), ge = h ? he !== q ? N[q + 1].y : N[q + 1].w : N[q + 1].y + (N[q + 1].w - N[q + 1].y) * j, $.push(N[q + 1].x, ge), $.push(N[q + 1].z, ge), ge = h ? he !== q ? N[q + 2].y : N[q + 2].w : N[q + 2].y + (N[q + 2].w - N[q + 2].y) * j, $.push(N[q + 2].x, ge), $.push(N[q + 2].z, ge), M && (L.push(M[q + 1].r, M[q + 1].g, M[q + 1].b, M[q + 1].a), L.push(M[q + 1].r, M[q + 1].g, M[q + 1].b, M[q + 1].a), L.push(M[q + 2].r, M[q + 2].g, M[q + 2].b, M[q + 2].a), L.push(M[q + 2].r, M[q + 2].g, M[q + 2].b, M[q + 2].a))), he !== q && (he = q);
var me = D !== 1 && v ? g + 4 : g;
for (te = 0, q = 0; q < l; q++) {
var _e = 0, ye = 0, Pe = 0, be = 0;
for (de = 0; de < g; de++)
_e = te * (me + 1) + de, ye = (te + 1) * (me + 1) + de, Pe = te * (me + 1) + (de + 1), be = (te + 1) * (me + 1) + (de + 1), ae.push(_e, ye, Pe), ae.push(be, Pe, ye);
D !== 1 && v && (ae.push(_e + 2, ye + 2, Pe + 2), ae.push(be + 2, Pe + 2, ye + 2), ae.push(_e + 4, ye + 4, Pe + 4), ae.push(be + 4, Pe + 4, ye + 4)), te = h ? te + 2 : te + 1;
var Fe = function(We) {
var je = We ? T / 2 : S / 2;
if (je !== 0) {
var He, Qe, Ge, tt = We ? N[U - 1] : N[0], Je = null;
M && (Je = We ? M[U - 1] : M[0]);
var st = ee.length / 3, at = We ? c / 2 : -c / 2, pt = new V.e(0, at, 0);
ee.push(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z), K.push(0, We ? 1 : -1, 0), $.push(tt.x + 0.5 * (tt.z - tt.x), tt.y + 0.5 * (tt.w - tt.y)), Je && L.push(Je.r, Je.g, Je.b, Je.a);
var Tt = new V.d(0.5, 0.5);
for (Ge = 0; Ge <= g; Ge++) {
He = 2 * Math.PI * Ge * D / g;
var Lt = Math.cos(-He), Ot = Math.sin(-He);
Qe = new V.e(Lt * je, at, Ot * je);
var St = new V.d(Lt * Tt.x + 0.5, Ot * Tt.y + 0.5);
ee.push(Qe.x, Qe.y, Qe.z), K.push(0, We ? 1 : -1, 0), $.push(tt.x + (tt.z - tt.x) * St.x, tt.y + (tt.w - tt.y) * St.y), Je && L.push(Je.r, Je.g, Je.b, Je.a);
for (Ge = 0; Ge < g; Ge++)
We ? (ae.push(st), ae.push(st + (Ge + 2)), ae.push(st + (Ge + 1))) : (ae.push(st), ae.push(st + (Ge + 1)), ae.push(st + (Ge + 2)));
b !== C.a.CAP_START && b !== C.a.CAP_ALL || Fe(!1), b !== C.a.CAP_END && b !== C.a.CAP_ALL || Fe(!0), u.a._ComputeSides(w, ee, ae, K, $, m.frontUVs, m.backUVs);
var ke = new u.a();
return ke.indices = ae, ke.positions = ee, ke.normals = K, ke.uvs = $, M && (ke.colors = L), ke;
}, C.a.CreateCylinder = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v) {
l !== void 0 && l instanceof I.a || (l !== void 0 && (v = h || C.a.DEFAULTSIDE, h = l), l = g, g = 1);
var b = { height: c, diameterTop: T, diameterBottom: S, tessellation: E, subdivisions: g, sideOrientation: v, updatable: h };
return x.CreateCylinder(m, b, l);
var x = function() {
function m() {
return m.CreateCylinder = function(c, T, S) {
var E = new C.a(c, S);
return T.sideOrientation = C.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(T.sideOrientation), E._originalBuilderSideOrientation = T.sideOrientation, u.a.CreateCylinder(T).applyToMesh(E, T.updatable), E;
}, m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(0), _ = f(4), C = function() {
function u() {
this._pickingUnavailable = !1, this.hit = !1, this.distance = 0, this.pickedPoint = null, this.pickedMesh = null, this.bu = 0, = 0, this.faceId = -1, this.subMeshFaceId = -1, this.subMeshId = 0, this.pickedSprite = null, this.thinInstanceIndex = -1, this.originMesh = null, this.ray = null;
return u.prototype.getNormal = function(I, O) {
if (I === void 0 && (I = !1), O === void 0 && (O = !0), !this.pickedMesh || !this.pickedMesh.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.NormalKind))
return null;
var x, m = this.pickedMesh.getIndices();
if (!m)
return null;
if (O) {
var c = this.pickedMesh.getVerticesData(_.b.NormalKind), T = V.e.FromArray(c, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId]), S = V.e.FromArray(c, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId + 1]), E = V.e.FromArray(c, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId + 2]);
T = T.scale(this.bu), S = S.scale(, E = E.scale(1 - this.bu -, x = new V.e(T.x + S.x + E.x, T.y + S.y + E.y, T.z + S.z + E.z);
} else {
var g = this.pickedMesh.getVerticesData(_.b.PositionKind), l = V.e.FromArray(g, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId]), h = V.e.FromArray(g, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId + 1]), v = V.e.FromArray(g, 3 * m[3 * this.faceId + 2]), b = l.subtract(h), D = v.subtract(h);
x = V.e.Cross(b, D);
if (I) {
var w = this.pickedMesh.getWorldMatrix();
this.pickedMesh.nonUniformScaling && (V.c.Matrix[0].copyFrom(w), (w = V.c.Matrix[0]).setTranslationFromFloats(0, 0, 0), w.invert(), w.transposeToRef(V.c.Matrix[1]), w = V.c.Matrix[1]), x = V.e.TransformNormal(x, w);
return x.normalize(), x;
}, u.prototype.getTextureCoordinates = function() {
if (!this.pickedMesh || !this.pickedMesh.isVerticesDataPresent(_.b.UVKind))
return null;
var I = this.pickedMesh.getIndices();
if (!I)
return null;
var O = this.pickedMesh.getVerticesData(_.b.UVKind);
if (!O)
return null;
var x = V.d.FromArray(O, 2 * I[3 * this.faceId]), m = V.d.FromArray(O, 2 * I[3 * this.faceId + 1]), c = V.d.FromArray(O, 2 * I[3 * this.faceId + 2]);
return x = x.scale(this.bu), m = m.scale(, c = c.scale(1 - this.bu -, new V.d(x.x + m.x + c.x, x.y + m.y + c.y);
}, u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(57), _ = function() {
function C() {
this._startMonitoringTime = 0, this._min = 0, this._max = 0, this._average = 0, this._lastSecAverage = 0, this._current = 0, this._totalValueCount = 0, this._totalAccumulated = 0, this._lastSecAccumulated = 0, this._lastSecTime = 0, this._lastSecValueCount = 0;
return Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "min", { get: function() {
return this._min;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "max", { get: function() {
return this._max;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "average", { get: function() {
return this._average;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "lastSecAverage", { get: function() {
return this._lastSecAverage;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "current", { get: function() {
return this._current;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "total", { get: function() {
return this._totalAccumulated;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "count", { get: function() {
return this._totalValueCount;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C.prototype.fetchNewFrame = function() {
this._totalValueCount++, this._current = 0, this._lastSecValueCount++;
}, C.prototype.addCount = function(u, I) {
C.Enabled && (this._current += u, I && this._fetchResult());
}, C.prototype.beginMonitoring = function() {
C.Enabled && (this._startMonitoringTime = V.a.Now);
}, C.prototype.endMonitoring = function(u) {
if (u === void 0 && (u = !0), C.Enabled) {
u && this.fetchNewFrame();
var I = V.a.Now;
this._current = I - this._startMonitoringTime, u && this._fetchResult();
}, C.prototype._fetchResult = function() {
this._totalAccumulated += this._current, this._lastSecAccumulated += this._current, this._min = Math.min(this._min, this._current), this._max = Math.max(this._max, this._current), this._average = this._totalAccumulated / this._totalValueCount;
var u = V.a.Now;
u - this._lastSecTime > 1e3 && (this._lastSecAverage = this._lastSecAccumulated / this._lastSecValueCount, this._lastSecTime = u, this._lastSecAccumulated = 0, this._lastSecValueCount = 0);
}, C.Enabled = !0, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return S;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return E;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return g;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return l;
var V = f(1), _ = f(49), C = f(38), u = f(6), I = f(83), O = f(140), x = function(h) {
function v() {
return h !== null && h.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(V.d)(v, h), v._setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(b, D) {
return b.__proto__ = D, b;
}, v;
}(Error), m = f(34), c = f(26), T = f(128), S = function(h) {
function v(b, D) {
var w =, b) || this;
return = "LoadFileError", x._setPrototypeOf(w, v.prototype), D instanceof _.a ? w.request = D : w.file = D, w;
return Object(V.d)(v, h), v;
}(x), E = function(h) {
function v(b, D) {
var w =, b) || this;
return w.request = D, = "RequestFileError", x._setPrototypeOf(w, v.prototype), w;
return Object(V.d)(v, h), v;
}(x), g = function(h) {
function v(b, D) {
var w =, b) || this;
return w.file = D, = "ReadFileError", x._setPrototypeOf(w, v.prototype), w;
return Object(V.d)(v, h), v;
}(x), l = function() {
function h() {
return h._CleanUrl = function(v) {
return v = v.replace(/#/gm, "%23");
}, h.SetCorsBehavior = function(v, b) {
if ((!v || v.indexOf("data:") !== 0) && h.CorsBehavior)
if (typeof h.CorsBehavior == "string" || this.CorsBehavior instanceof String)
b.crossOrigin = h.CorsBehavior;
else {
var D = h.CorsBehavior(v);
D && (b.crossOrigin = D);
}, h.LoadImage = function(v, b, D, w, N) {
var M;
N === void 0 && (N = "");
var U = !1;
if (v instanceof ArrayBuffer || ArrayBuffer.isView(v) ? typeof Blob < "u" ? (M = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([v], { type: N })), U = !0) : M = "data:" + N + ";base64," + m.a.EncodeArrayBufferToBase64(v) : v instanceof Blob ? (M = URL.createObjectURL(v), U = !0) : (M = h._CleanUrl(v), M = h.PreprocessUrl(v)), typeof Image > "u")
return h.LoadFile(M, function(ae) {
createImageBitmap(new Blob([ae], { type: N })).then(function(ee) {
b(ee), U && URL.revokeObjectURL(M);
}).catch(function(ee) {
D && D("Error while trying to load image: " + v, ee);
}, void 0, w || void 0, !0, function(ae, ee) {
D && D("Error while trying to load image: " + v, ee);
}), null;
var X = new Image();
h.SetCorsBehavior(M, X);
var j = function() {
X.removeEventListener("load", j), X.removeEventListener("error", ne), b(X), U && X.src && URL.revokeObjectURL(X.src);
}, ne = function(ae) {
if (X.removeEventListener("load", j), X.removeEventListener("error", ne), D) {
var ee = v.toString();
D("Error while trying to load image: " + (ee.length < 32 ? ee : ee.slice(0, 32) + "..."), ae);
U && X.src && URL.revokeObjectURL(X.src);
X.addEventListener("load", j), X.addEventListener("error", ne);
var te = function() {
X.src = M;
if (M.substr(0, 5) !== "data:" && w && w.enableTexturesOffline) {
w && w.loadImage(M, X);
}, te);
else {
if (M.indexOf("file:") !== -1) {
var de = decodeURIComponent(M.substring(5).toLowerCase());
if (I.a.FilesToLoad[de]) {
try {
var pe;
try {
pe = URL.createObjectURL(I.a.FilesToLoad[de]);
} catch {
pe = URL.createObjectURL(I.a.FilesToLoad[de]);
X.src = pe, U = !0;
} catch {
X.src = "";
return X;
return X;
}, h.ReadFile = function(v, b, D, w, N) {
var M = new FileReader(), U = { onCompleteObservable: new u.c(), abort: function() {
return M.abort();
} };
return M.onloadend = function(X) {
return U.onCompleteObservable.notifyObservers(U);
}, N && (M.onerror = function(X) {
N(new g("Unable to read " +, v));
}), M.onload = function(X) {
}, D && (M.onprogress = D), w ? M.readAsArrayBuffer(v) : M.readAsText(v), U;
}, h.LoadFile = function(v, b, D, w, N, M) {
if (v.indexOf("file:") !== -1) {
var U = decodeURIComponent(v.substring(5).toLowerCase());
U.indexOf("./") === 0 && (U = U.substring(2));
var X = I.a.FilesToLoad[U];
if (X)
return h.ReadFile(X, b, D, N, M ? function(j) {
return M(void 0, new S(j.message, j.file));
} : void 0);
return h.RequestFile(v, function(j, ne) {
b(j, ne ? ne.responseURL : void 0);
}, D, w, N, M ? function(j) {
M(j.request, new S(j.message, j.request));
} : void 0);
}, h.RequestFile = function(v, b, D, w, N, M, U) {
v = h._CleanUrl(v), v = h.PreprocessUrl(v);
var X = h.BaseUrl + v, j = !1, ne = { onCompleteObservable: new u.c(), abort: function() {
return j = !0;
} }, te = function() {
var pe = new _.a(), ae = null;
ne.abort = function() {
j = !0, pe.readyState !== (XMLHttpRequest.DONE || 4) && pe.abort(), ae !== null && (clearTimeout(ae), ae = null);
var ee = function(K) {"GET", X), U && U(pe), N && (pe.responseType = "arraybuffer"), D && pe.addEventListener("progress", D);
var $ = function() {
pe.removeEventListener("loadend", $), ne.onCompleteObservable.notifyObservers(ne), ne.onCompleteObservable.clear();
pe.addEventListener("loadend", $);
var L = function() {
if (!j && pe.readyState === (XMLHttpRequest.DONE || 4)) {
if (pe.removeEventListener("readystatechange", L), pe.status >= 200 && pe.status < 300 || pe.status === 0 && (!C.a.IsWindowObjectExist() || h.IsFileURL()))
return void b(N ? pe.response : pe.responseText, pe);
var G = h.DefaultRetryStrategy;
if (G) {
var Q = G(X, pe, K);
if (Q !== -1)
return pe.removeEventListener("loadend", $), pe = new _.a(), void (ae = setTimeout(function() {
return ee(K + 1);
}, Q));
var oe = new E("Error status: " + pe.status + " " + pe.statusText + " - Unable to load " + X, pe);
M && M(oe);
pe.addEventListener("readystatechange", L), pe.send();
if (w && w.enableSceneOffline) {
var de = function(pe) {
pe && pe.status > 400 ? M && M(pe) : te();
}; {
w && w.loadFile(h.BaseUrl + v, function(pe) {
j || b(pe), ne.onCompleteObservable.notifyObservers(ne);
}, D ? function(pe) {
j || D(pe);
} : void 0, de, N);
}, de);
} else
return ne;
}, h.IsFileURL = function() {
return typeof location < "u" && location.protocol === "file:";
}, h.DefaultRetryStrategy = O.a.ExponentialBackoff(), h.BaseUrl = "", h.CorsBehavior = "anonymous", h.PreprocessUrl = function(v) {
return v;
}, h;
c.a._FileToolsLoadImage = l.LoadImage.bind(l), c.a._FileToolsLoadFile = l.LoadFile.bind(l), T.a._FileToolsLoadFile = l.LoadFile.bind(l);
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(38), _ = function() {
function C() {
return Object.defineProperty(C, "Now", { get: function() {
return V.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && window.performance && ? :;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _(C, u, I, O) {
this.x = C, this.y = u, this.width = I, this.height = O;
return _.prototype.toGlobal = function(C, u) {
return new _(this.x * C, this.y * u, this.width * C, this.height * u);
}, _.prototype.toGlobalToRef = function(C, u, I) {
return I.x = this.x * C, I.y = this.y * u, I.width = this.width * C, I.height = this.height * u, this;
}, _.prototype.clone = function() {
return new _(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "helperFunctions", _ = `const float PI=3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
const float HALF_MIN=5.96046448e-08;
const float LinearEncodePowerApprox=2.2;
const float GammaEncodePowerApprox=1.0/LinearEncodePowerApprox;
const vec3 LuminanceEncodeApprox=vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722);
const float Epsilon=0.0000001;
#define saturate(x) clamp(x,0.0,1.0)
#define absEps(x) abs(x)+Epsilon
#define maxEps(x) max(x,Epsilon)
#define saturateEps(x) clamp(x,Epsilon,1.0)
mat3 transposeMat3(mat3 inMatrix) {
vec3 i0=inMatrix[0];
vec3 i1=inMatrix[1];
vec3 i2=inMatrix[2];
mat3 outMatrix=mat3(
return outMatrix;
mat3 inverseMat3(mat3 inMatrix) {
float a00=inMatrix[0][0],a01=inMatrix[0][1],a02=inMatrix[0][2];
float a10=inMatrix[1][0],a11=inMatrix[1][1],a12=inMatrix[1][2];
float a20=inMatrix[2][0],a21=inMatrix[2][1],a22=inMatrix[2][2];
float b01=a22*a11-a12*a21;
float b11=-a22*a10+a12*a20;
float b21=a21*a10-a11*a20;
float det=a00*b01+a01*b11+a02*b21;
return mat3(b01,(-a22*a01+a02*a21),(a12*a01-a02*a11),
float toLinearSpace(float color)
return pow(color,LinearEncodePowerApprox);
vec3 toLinearSpace(vec3 color)
return pow(color,vec3(LinearEncodePowerApprox));
vec4 toLinearSpace(vec4 color)
return vec4(pow(color.rgb,vec3(LinearEncodePowerApprox)),color.a);
vec3 toGammaSpace(vec3 color)
return pow(color,vec3(GammaEncodePowerApprox));
vec4 toGammaSpace(vec4 color)
return vec4(pow(color.rgb,vec3(GammaEncodePowerApprox)),color.a);
float toGammaSpace(float color)
return pow(color,GammaEncodePowerApprox);
float square(float value)
return value*value;
float pow5(float value) {
float sq=value*value;
return sq*sq*value;
float getLuminance(vec3 color)
return clamp(dot(color,LuminanceEncodeApprox),0.,1.);
float getRand(vec2 seed) {
return fract(sin(dot(seed.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233)))*43758.5453);
float dither(vec2 seed,float varianceAmount) {
float rand=getRand(seed);
float dither=mix(-varianceAmount/255.0,varianceAmount/255.0,rand);
return dither;
const float rgbdMaxRange=255.0;
vec4 toRGBD(vec3 color) {
float maxRGB=maxEps(max(color.r,max(color.g,color.b)));
float D=max(rgbdMaxRange/maxRGB,1.);
vec3 rgb=color.rgb*D;
return vec4(rgb,D);
vec3 fromRGBD(vec4 rgbd) {
return rgbd.rgb/rgbd.a;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(0), _ = function() {
function C() {
return C._RemoveAndStorePivotPoint = function(u) {
u && C._PivotCached === 0 && (u.getPivotPointToRef(C._OldPivotPoint), C._PivotPostMultiplyPivotMatrix = u._postMultiplyPivotMatrix, C._OldPivotPoint.equalsToFloats(0, 0, 0) || (u.setPivotMatrix(V.a.IdentityReadOnly), C._OldPivotPoint.subtractToRef(u.getPivotPoint(), C._PivotTranslation), C._PivotTmpVector.copyFromFloats(1, 1, 1), C._PivotTmpVector.subtractInPlace(u.scaling), C._PivotTmpVector.multiplyInPlace(C._PivotTranslation), u.position.addInPlace(C._PivotTmpVector))), C._PivotCached++;
}, C._RestorePivotPoint = function(u) {
u && !C._OldPivotPoint.equalsToFloats(0, 0, 0) && C._PivotCached === 1 && (u.setPivotPoint(C._OldPivotPoint), u._postMultiplyPivotMatrix = C._PivotPostMultiplyPivotMatrix, C._PivotTmpVector.copyFromFloats(1, 1, 1), C._PivotTmpVector.subtractInPlace(u.scaling), C._PivotTmpVector.multiplyInPlace(C._PivotTranslation), u.position.subtractInPlace(C._PivotTmpVector)), this._PivotCached--;
}, C._PivotCached = 0, C._OldPivotPoint = new V.e(), C._PivotTranslation = new V.e(), C._PivotTmpVector = new V.e(), C._PivotPostMultiplyPivotMatrix = !1, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(4), _ = f(114), C = f(43), u = f(2), I = f(101), O = function() {
function x(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v) {
h === void 0 && (h = !0), v === void 0 && (v = !0), this.materialIndex = m, this.verticesStart = c, this.verticesCount = T, this.indexStart = S, this.indexCount = E, this._materialDefines = null, this._materialEffect = null, this._effectOverride = null, this._linesIndexCount = 0, this._linesIndexBuffer = null, this._lastColliderWorldVertices = null, this._lastColliderTransformMatrix = null, this._renderId = 0, this._alphaIndex = 0, this._distanceToCamera = 0, this._currentMaterial = null, this._mesh = g, this._renderingMesh = l || g, v && g.subMeshes.push(this), this._trianglePlanes = [], this._id = g.subMeshes.length - 1, h && (this.refreshBoundingInfo(), g.computeWorldMatrix(!0));
return Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "materialDefines", { get: function() {
return this._materialDefines;
}, set: function(m) {
this._materialDefines = m;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "effect", { get: function() {
var m;
return (m = this._effectOverride) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : this._materialEffect;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.setEffect = function(m, c) {
c === void 0 && (c = null), this._materialEffect !== m ? (this._materialDefines = c, this._materialEffect = m) : m || (this._materialDefines = null);
}, x.AddToMesh = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
return h === void 0 && (h = !0), new x(m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h);
}, Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "IsGlobal", { get: function() {
return this.verticesStart === 0 && this.verticesCount === this._mesh.getTotalVertices();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.getBoundingInfo = function() {
return this.IsGlobal ? this._mesh.getBoundingInfo() : this._boundingInfo;
}, x.prototype.setBoundingInfo = function(m) {
return this._boundingInfo = m, this;
}, x.prototype.getMesh = function() {
return this._mesh;
}, x.prototype.getRenderingMesh = function() {
return this._renderingMesh;
}, x.prototype.getReplacementMesh = function() {
return this._mesh._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._actAsRegularMesh ? this._mesh : null;
}, x.prototype.getEffectiveMesh = function() {
var m = this._mesh._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._actAsRegularMesh ? this._mesh : null;
return m || this._renderingMesh;
}, x.prototype.getMaterial = function() {
var m = this._renderingMesh.material;
if (m == null)
return this._mesh.getScene().defaultMaterial;
if (this._IsMultiMaterial(m)) {
var c = m.getSubMaterial(this.materialIndex);
return this._currentMaterial !== c && (this._currentMaterial = c, this._materialDefines = null), c;
return m;
}, x.prototype._IsMultiMaterial = function(m) {
return m.getSubMaterial !== void 0;
}, x.prototype.refreshBoundingInfo = function(m) {
if (m === void 0 && (m = null), this._lastColliderWorldVertices = null, this.IsGlobal || !this._renderingMesh || !this._renderingMesh.geometry)
return this;
if (m || (m = this._renderingMesh.getVerticesData(V.b.PositionKind)), !m)
return this._boundingInfo = this._mesh.getBoundingInfo(), this;
var c, T = this._renderingMesh.getIndices();
if (this.indexStart === 0 && this.indexCount === T.length) {
var S = this._renderingMesh.getBoundingInfo();
c = { minimum: S.minimum.clone(), maximum: S.maximum.clone() };
} else
c = Object(I.b)(m, T, this.indexStart, this.indexCount, this._renderingMesh.geometry.boundingBias);
return this._boundingInfo ? this._boundingInfo.reConstruct(c.minimum, c.maximum) : this._boundingInfo = new C.a(c.minimum, c.maximum), this;
}, x.prototype._checkCollision = function(m) {
return this.getBoundingInfo()._checkCollision(m);
}, x.prototype.updateBoundingInfo = function(m) {
var c = this.getBoundingInfo();
return c || (this.refreshBoundingInfo(), c = this.getBoundingInfo()), c && c.update(m), this;
}, x.prototype.isInFrustum = function(m) {
var c = this.getBoundingInfo();
return !!c && c.isInFrustum(m, this._mesh.cullingStrategy);
}, x.prototype.isCompletelyInFrustum = function(m) {
var c = this.getBoundingInfo();
return !!c && c.isCompletelyInFrustum(m);
}, x.prototype.render = function(m) {
return this._renderingMesh.render(this, m, this._mesh._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._actAsRegularMesh ? this._mesh : void 0), this;
}, x.prototype._getLinesIndexBuffer = function(m, c) {
if (!this._linesIndexBuffer) {
for (var T = [], S = this.indexStart; S < this.indexStart + this.indexCount; S += 3)
T.push(m[S], m[S + 1], m[S + 1], m[S + 2], m[S + 2], m[S]);
this._linesIndexBuffer = c.createIndexBuffer(T), this._linesIndexCount = T.length;
return this._linesIndexBuffer;
}, x.prototype.canIntersects = function(m) {
var c = this.getBoundingInfo();
return !!c && m.intersectsBox(c.boundingBox);
}, x.prototype.intersects = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
var g = this.getMaterial();
if (!g)
return null;
var l = 3, h = !1;
switch (g.fillMode) {
case u.a.MATERIAL_PointListDrawMode:
case u.a.MATERIAL_LineListDrawMode:
case u.a.MATERIAL_LineLoopDrawMode:
case u.a.MATERIAL_LineStripDrawMode:
case u.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFanDrawMode:
return null;
case u.a.MATERIAL_TriangleStripDrawMode:
l = 1, h = !0;
return this._mesh.getClassName() === "InstancedLinesMesh" || this._mesh.getClassName() === "LinesMesh" ? T.length ? this._intersectLines(m, c, T, this._mesh.intersectionThreshold, S) : this._intersectUnIndexedLines(m, c, T, this._mesh.intersectionThreshold, S) : !T.length && this._mesh._unIndexed ? this._intersectUnIndexedTriangles(m, c, T, S, E) : this._intersectTriangles(m, c, T, l, h, S, E);
}, x.prototype._intersectLines = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
for (var g = null, l = this.indexStart; l < this.indexStart + this.indexCount; l += 2) {
var h = c[T[l]], v = c[T[l + 1]], b = m.intersectionSegment(h, v, S);
if (!(b < 0) && (E || !g || b < g.distance) && ((g = new _.a(null, null, b)).faceId = l / 2, E))
return g;
}, x.prototype._intersectUnIndexedLines = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
for (var g = null, l = this.verticesStart; l < this.verticesStart + this.verticesCount; l += 2) {
var h = c[l], v = c[l + 1], b = m.intersectionSegment(h, v, S);
if (!(b < 0) && (E || !g || b < g.distance) && ((g = new _.a(null, null, b)).faceId = l / 2, E))
return g;
}, x.prototype._intersectTriangles = function(m, c, T, S, E, g, l) {
for (var h = null, v = -1, b = this.indexStart; b < this.indexStart + this.indexCount; b += S) {
var D = T[b], w = T[b + 1], N = T[b + 2];
if (E && N === 4294967295)
b += 2;
else {
var M = c[D], U = c[w], X = c[N];
if (!l || l(M, U, X, m)) {
var j = m.intersectsTriangle(M, U, X);
if (j) {
if (j.distance < 0)
if ((g || !h || j.distance < h.distance) && ((h = j).faceId = v, g))
return h;
}, x.prototype._intersectUnIndexedTriangles = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
for (var g = null, l = this.verticesStart; l < this.verticesStart + this.verticesCount; l += 3) {
var h = c[l], v = c[l + 1], b = c[l + 2];
if (!E || E(h, v, b, m)) {
var D = m.intersectsTriangle(h, v, b);
if (D) {
if (D.distance < 0)
if ((S || !g || D.distance < g.distance) && ((g = D).faceId = l / 3, S))
return g;
}, x.prototype._rebuild = function() {
this._linesIndexBuffer && (this._linesIndexBuffer = null);
}, x.prototype.clone = function(m, c) {
var T = new x(this.materialIndex, this.verticesStart, this.verticesCount, this.indexStart, this.indexCount, m, c, !1);
if (!this.IsGlobal) {
var S = this.getBoundingInfo();
if (!S)
return T;
T._boundingInfo = new C.a(S.minimum, S.maximum);
return T;
}, x.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._linesIndexBuffer && (this._mesh.getScene().getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._linesIndexBuffer), this._linesIndexBuffer = null);
var m = this._mesh.subMeshes.indexOf(this);
this._mesh.subMeshes.splice(m, 1);
}, x.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SubMesh";
}, x.CreateFromIndices = function(m, c, T, S, E) {
for (var g = Number.MAX_VALUE, l = -Number.MAX_VALUE, h = (E || S).getIndices(), v = c; v < c + T; v++) {
var b = h[v];
b < g && (g = b), b > l && (l = b);
return new x(m, g, l - g + 1, c, T, S, E);
}, x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(1), _ = f(8), C = f(10), u = f(2), I = (f(126), f(70)), O = function(x) {
function m(c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
S === void 0 && (S = null), g === void 0 && (g = u.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), l === void 0 && (l = u.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA);
var v =, null, S, !E, h, g, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, l) || this; = c, v.wrapU = C.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, v.wrapV = C.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, v._generateMipMaps = E;
var b = v._getEngine();
if (!b)
return v;
T.getContext ? (v._canvas = T, v._texture = b.createDynamicTexture(T.width, T.height, E, g)) : (v._canvas = I.a.CreateCanvas(1, 1), T.width || T.width === 0 ? v._texture = b.createDynamicTexture(T.width, T.height, E, g) : v._texture = b.createDynamicTexture(T, T, E, g));
var D = v.getSize();
return v._canvas.width = D.width, v._canvas.height = D.height, v._context = v._canvas.getContext("2d"), v;
return Object(V.d)(m, x), m.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DynamicTexture";
}, Object.defineProperty(m.prototype, "canRescale", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), m.prototype._recreate = function(c) {
this._canvas.width = c.width, this._canvas.height = c.height, this.releaseInternalTexture(), this._texture = this._getEngine().createDynamicTexture(c.width, c.height, this._generateMipMaps, this.samplingMode);
}, m.prototype.scale = function(c) {
var T = this.getSize();
T.width *= c, T.height *= c, this._recreate(T);
}, m.prototype.scaleTo = function(c, T) {
var S = this.getSize();
S.width = c, S.height = T, this._recreate(S);
}, m.prototype.getContext = function() {
return this._context;
}, m.prototype.clear = function() {
var c = this.getSize();
this._context.fillRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
}, m.prototype.update = function(c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = !1), this._getEngine().updateDynamicTexture(this._texture, this._canvas, c === void 0 || c, T, this._format || void 0);
}, m.prototype.drawText = function(c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v) {
v === void 0 && (v = !0);
var b = this.getSize();
if (l && (this._context.fillStyle = l, this._context.fillRect(0, 0, b.width, b.height)), this._context.font = E, T == null) {
var D = this._context.measureText(c);
T = (b.width - D.width) / 2;
if (S == null) {
var w = parseInt(E.replace(/\D/g, ""));
S = b.height / 2 + w / 3.65;
this._context.fillStyle = g || "", this._context.fillText(c, T, S), v && this.update(h);
}, m.prototype.clone = function() {
var c = this.getScene();
if (!c)
return this;
var T = this.getSize(), S = new m(, T, c, this._generateMipMaps);
return S.hasAlpha = this.hasAlpha, S.level = this.level, S.wrapU = this.wrapU, S.wrapV = this.wrapV, S;
}, m.prototype.serialize = function() {
var c = this.getScene();
c && !c.isReady() && _.a.Warn("The scene must be ready before serializing the dynamic texture");
var T =;
return this._IsCanvasElement(this._canvas) && (T.base64String = this._canvas.toDataURL()), T.invertY = this._invertY, T.samplingMode = this.samplingMode, T;
}, m.prototype._IsCanvasElement = function(c) {
return c.toDataURL !== void 0;
}, m.prototype._rebuild = function() {
}, m;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return I;
var V = f(0), _ = f(9), C = f(7), u = f(16);
u.a.CreateBox = function(O) {
var x, m = [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 20, 22, 23], c = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0], T = [], S = O.width || O.size || 1, E = O.height || O.size || 1, g = O.depth || O.size || 1, l = O.wrap || !1, h = O.topBaseAt === void 0 ? 1 : O.topBaseAt, v = O.bottomBaseAt === void 0 ? 0 : O.bottomBaseAt, b = [2, 0, 3, 1][h = (h + 4) % 4], D = [2, 0, 1, 3][v = (v + 4) % 4], w = [1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1];
if (l) {
m = [2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 9, 11, 8, 12, 14, 15, 12, 13, 14], w = [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, -1];
for (var N = [[1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, -1], [1, 1, -1]], M = [[-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, -1, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], U = [17, 18, 19, 16], X = [22, 23, 20, 21]; b > 0; )
N.unshift(N.pop()), U.unshift(U.pop()), b--;
for (; D > 0; )
M.unshift(M.pop()), X.unshift(X.pop()), D--;
N = N.flat(), M = M.flat(), w = w.concat(N).concat(M), m.push(U[0], U[2], U[3], U[0], U[1], U[2]), m.push(X[0], X[2], X[3], X[0], X[1], X[2]);
var j = [S / 2, E / 2, g / 2];
x = w.reduce(function(G, Q, oe) {
return G.concat(Q * j[oe % 3]);
}, []);
for (var ne = O.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : O.sideOrientation || u.a.DEFAULTSIDE, te = O.faceUV || new Array(6), de = O.faceColors, pe = [], ae = 0; ae < 6; ae++)
te[ae] === void 0 && (te[ae] = new V.f(0, 0, 1, 1)), de && de[ae] === void 0 && (de[ae] = new _.b(1, 1, 1, 1));
for (var ee = 0; ee < 6; ee++)
if (T.push(te[ee].z, te[ee].w), T.push(te[ee].x, te[ee].w), T.push(te[ee].x, te[ee].y), T.push(te[ee].z, te[ee].y), de)
for (var K = 0; K < 4; K++)
pe.push(de[ee].r, de[ee].g, de[ee].b, de[ee].a);
u.a._ComputeSides(ne, x, m, c, T, O.frontUVs, O.backUVs);
var $ = new u.a();
if ($.indices = m, $.positions = x, $.normals = c, $.uvs = T, de) {
var L = ne === u.a.DOUBLESIDE ? pe.concat(pe) : pe;
$.colors = L;
return $;
}, C.a.CreateBox = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
m === void 0 && (m = null);
var S = { size: x, sideOrientation: T, updatable: c };
return I.CreateBox(O, S, m);
var I = function() {
function O() {
return O.CreateBox = function(x, m, c) {
c === void 0 && (c = null);
var T = new C.a(x, c);
return m.sideOrientation = C.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(m.sideOrientation), T._originalBuilderSideOrientation = m.sideOrientation, u.a.CreateBox(m).applyToMesh(T, m.updatable), T;
}, O;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(0), _ = function() {
function C(u, I, O, x) {
this.normal = new V.e(u, I, O), this.d = x;
return C.prototype.asArray = function() {
return [this.normal.x, this.normal.y, this.normal.z, this.d];
}, C.prototype.clone = function() {
return new C(this.normal.x, this.normal.y, this.normal.z, this.d);
}, C.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Plane";
}, C.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var u = this.normal.getHashCode();
return u = 397 * u ^ (0 | this.d);
}, C.prototype.normalize = function() {
var u = Math.sqrt(this.normal.x * this.normal.x + this.normal.y * this.normal.y + this.normal.z * this.normal.z), I = 0;
return u !== 0 && (I = 1 / u), this.normal.x *= I, this.normal.y *= I, this.normal.z *= I, this.d *= I, this;
}, C.prototype.transform = function(u) {
var I = C._TmpMatrix;
var O = I.m, x = this.normal.x, m = this.normal.y, c = this.normal.z, T = this.d;
return new C(x * O[0] + m * O[1] + c * O[2] + T * O[3], x * O[4] + m * O[5] + c * O[6] + T * O[7], x * O[8] + m * O[9] + c * O[10] + T * O[11], x * O[12] + m * O[13] + c * O[14] + T * O[15]);
}, C.prototype.dotCoordinate = function(u) {
return this.normal.x * u.x + this.normal.y * u.y + this.normal.z * u.z + this.d;
}, C.prototype.copyFromPoints = function(u, I, O) {
var x, m = I.x - u.x, c = I.y - u.y, T = I.z - u.z, S = O.x - u.x, E = O.y - u.y, g = O.z - u.z, l = c * g - T * E, h = T * S - m * g, v = m * E - c * S, b = Math.sqrt(l * l + h * h + v * v);
return x = b !== 0 ? 1 / b : 0, this.normal.x = l * x, this.normal.y = h * x, this.normal.z = v * x, this.d = -(this.normal.x * u.x + this.normal.y * u.y + this.normal.z * u.z), this;
}, C.prototype.isFrontFacingTo = function(u, I) {
return V.e.Dot(this.normal, u) <= I;
}, C.prototype.signedDistanceTo = function(u) {
return V.e.Dot(u, this.normal) + this.d;
}, C.FromArray = function(u) {
return new C(u[0], u[1], u[2], u[3]);
}, C.FromPoints = function(u, I, O) {
var x = new C(0, 0, 0, 0);
return x.copyFromPoints(u, I, O), x;
}, C.FromPositionAndNormal = function(u, I) {
var O = new C(0, 0, 0, 0);
return I.normalize(), O.normal = I, O.d = -(I.x * u.x + I.y * u.y + I.z * u.z), O;
}, C.SignedDistanceToPlaneFromPositionAndNormal = function(u, I, O) {
var x = -(I.x * u.x + I.y * u.y + I.z * u.z);
return V.e.Dot(O, I) + x;
}, C._TmpMatrix = V.a.Identity(), C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return m;
var V = f(7), _ = f(20), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(18), O = f(39), x = f(60), m = (f(84), function() {
function c(T) {
this._useAlternatePickedPointAboveMaxDragAngleDragSpeed = -1.1, this.maxDragAngle = 0, this._useAlternatePickedPointAboveMaxDragAngle = !1, this.currentDraggingPointerID = -1, this.dragging = !1, this.dragDeltaRatio = 0.2, this.updateDragPlane = !0, this._debugMode = !1, this._moving = !1, this.onDragObservable = new C.c(), this.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), this.onDragEndObservable = new C.c(), this.moveAttached = !0, this.enabled = !0, this.startAndReleaseDragOnPointerEvents = !0, this.detachCameraControls = !0, this.useObjectOrientationForDragging = !0, this.validateDrag = function(E) {
return !0;
}, this._tmpVector = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._alternatePickedPoint = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._worldDragAxis = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._targetPosition = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._attachedToElement = !1, this._startDragRay = new O.a(new u.e(), new u.e()), this._lastPointerRay = {}, this._dragDelta = new u.e(), this._pointA = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._pointC = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._localAxis = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._lookAt = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._options = T || {};
var S = 0;
if (this._options.dragAxis && S++, this._options.dragPlaneNormal && S++, S > 1)
throw "Multiple drag modes specified in dragBehavior options. Only one expected";
return Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "options", { get: function() {
return this._options;
}, set: function(T) {
this._options = T;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(c.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "PointerDrag";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), c.prototype.init = function() {
}, c.prototype.attach = function(T, S) {
var E = this;
this._scene = T.getScene(), this.attachedNode = T, c._planeScene || (this._debugMode ? c._planeScene = this._scene : (c._planeScene = new _.a(this._scene.getEngine(), { virtual: !0 }), c._planeScene.detachControl(), this._scene.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
c._planeScene.dispose(), c._planeScene = null;
}))), this._dragPlane = V.a.CreatePlane("pointerDragPlane", this._debugMode ? 1 : 1e4, c._planeScene, !1, V.a.DOUBLESIDE), this.lastDragPosition = new u.e(0, 0, 0);
var g = S || function(l) {
return E.attachedNode == l || l.isDescendantOf(E.attachedNode);
this._pointerObserver = this._scene.onPointerObservable.add(function(l, h) {
if (E.enabled) {
if (l.type == I.a.POINTERDOWN)
E.startAndReleaseDragOnPointerEvents && !E.dragging && l.pickInfo && l.pickInfo.hit && l.pickInfo.pickedMesh && l.pickInfo.pickedPoint && l.pickInfo.ray && g(l.pickInfo.pickedMesh) && E._startDrag(l.event.pointerId, l.pickInfo.ray, l.pickInfo.pickedPoint);
else if (l.type == I.a.POINTERUP)
E.startAndReleaseDragOnPointerEvents && E.currentDraggingPointerID == l.event.pointerId && E.releaseDrag();
else if (l.type == I.a.POINTERMOVE) {
var v = l.event.pointerId;
if (E.currentDraggingPointerID === c._AnyMouseID && v !== c._AnyMouseID) {
var b = l.event;
(b.pointerType === "mouse" || !E._scene.getEngine().hostInformation.isMobile && b instanceof MouseEvent) && (E._lastPointerRay[E.currentDraggingPointerID] && (E._lastPointerRay[v] = E._lastPointerRay[E.currentDraggingPointerID], delete E._lastPointerRay[E.currentDraggingPointerID]), E.currentDraggingPointerID = v);
E._lastPointerRay[v] || (E._lastPointerRay[v] = new O.a(new u.e(), new u.e())), l.pickInfo && l.pickInfo.ray && (E._lastPointerRay[v].origin.copyFrom(l.pickInfo.ray.origin), E._lastPointerRay[v].direction.copyFrom(l.pickInfo.ray.direction), E.currentDraggingPointerID == v && E.dragging && E._moveDrag(l.pickInfo.ray));
}), this._beforeRenderObserver = this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
E._moving && E.moveAttached && (x.a._RemoveAndStorePivotPoint(E.attachedNode), E._targetPosition.subtractToRef(E.attachedNode.absolutePosition, E._tmpVector), E._tmpVector.scaleInPlace(E.dragDeltaRatio), E.attachedNode.getAbsolutePosition().addToRef(E._tmpVector, E._tmpVector), E.validateDrag(E._tmpVector) && E.attachedNode.setAbsolutePosition(E._tmpVector), x.a._RestorePivotPoint(E.attachedNode));
}, c.prototype.releaseDrag = function() {
if (this.dragging && (this.dragging = !1, this.onDragEndObservable.notifyObservers({ dragPlanePoint: this.lastDragPosition, pointerId: this.currentDraggingPointerID })), this.currentDraggingPointerID = -1, this._moving = !1, this.detachCameraControls && this._attachedToElement && this._scene.activeCamera && !this._scene.activeCamera.leftCamera) {
if (this._scene.activeCamera.getClassName() === "ArcRotateCamera") {
var T = this._scene.activeCamera;
T.attachControl(!T.inputs || T.inputs.noPreventDefault, T._useCtrlForPanning, T._panningMouseButton);
} else
this._scene.activeCamera.attachControl(!this._scene.activeCamera.inputs || this._scene.activeCamera.inputs.noPreventDefault);
this._attachedToElement = !1;
}, c.prototype.startDrag = function(T, S, E) {
T === void 0 && (T = c._AnyMouseID), this._startDrag(T, S, E);
var g = this._lastPointerRay[T];
T === c._AnyMouseID && (g = this._lastPointerRay[Object.keys(this._lastPointerRay)[0]]), g && this._moveDrag(g);
}, c.prototype._startDrag = function(T, S, E) {
if (this._scene.activeCamera && !this.dragging && this.attachedNode) {
x.a._RemoveAndStorePivotPoint(this.attachedNode), S ? (this._startDragRay.direction.copyFrom(S.direction), this._startDragRay.origin.copyFrom(S.origin)) : (this._startDragRay.origin.copyFrom(this._scene.activeCamera.position), this.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().getTranslationToRef(this._tmpVector), this._tmpVector.subtractToRef(this._scene.activeCamera.position, this._startDragRay.direction)), this._updateDragPlanePosition(this._startDragRay, E || this._tmpVector);
var g = this._pickWithRayOnDragPlane(this._startDragRay);
g && (this.dragging = !0, this.currentDraggingPointerID = T, this.lastDragPosition.copyFrom(g), this.onDragStartObservable.notifyObservers({ dragPlanePoint: g, pointerId: this.currentDraggingPointerID }), this._targetPosition.copyFrom(this.attachedNode.absolutePosition), this.detachCameraControls && this._scene.activeCamera && this._scene.activeCamera.inputs && !this._scene.activeCamera.leftCamera && (this._scene.activeCamera.inputs.attachedToElement ? (this._scene.activeCamera.detachControl(), this._attachedToElement = !0) : this._attachedToElement = !1)), x.a._RestorePivotPoint(this.attachedNode);
}, c.prototype._moveDrag = function(T) {
this._moving = !0;
var S = this._pickWithRayOnDragPlane(T);
if (S) {
this.updateDragPlane && this._updateDragPlanePosition(T, S);
var E = 0;
this._options.dragAxis ? (this.useObjectOrientationForDragging ? u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._options.dragAxis, this.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix(), this._worldDragAxis) : this._worldDragAxis.copyFrom(this._options.dragAxis), S.subtractToRef(this.lastDragPosition, this._tmpVector), E = u.e.Dot(this._tmpVector, this._worldDragAxis), this._worldDragAxis.scaleToRef(E, this._dragDelta)) : (E = this._dragDelta.length(), S.subtractToRef(this.lastDragPosition, this._dragDelta)), this._targetPosition.addInPlace(this._dragDelta), this.onDragObservable.notifyObservers({ dragDistance: E, delta: this._dragDelta, dragPlanePoint: S, dragPlaneNormal: this._dragPlane.forward, pointerId: this.currentDraggingPointerID }), this.lastDragPosition.copyFrom(S);
}, c.prototype._pickWithRayOnDragPlane = function(T) {
var S = this;
if (!T)
return null;
var E = Math.acos(u.e.Dot(this._dragPlane.forward, T.direction));
if (E > Math.PI / 2 && (E = Math.PI - E), this.maxDragAngle > 0 && E > this.maxDragAngle) {
if (this._useAlternatePickedPointAboveMaxDragAngle) {
this._tmpVector.copyFrom(T.direction), this.attachedNode.absolutePosition.subtractToRef(T.origin, this._alternatePickedPoint), this._alternatePickedPoint.normalize(), this._alternatePickedPoint.scaleInPlace(this._useAlternatePickedPointAboveMaxDragAngleDragSpeed * u.e.Dot(this._alternatePickedPoint, this._tmpVector)), this._tmpVector.addInPlace(this._alternatePickedPoint);
var g = u.e.Dot(this._dragPlane.forward, this._tmpVector);
return this._dragPlane.forward.scaleToRef(-g, this._alternatePickedPoint), this._alternatePickedPoint.addInPlace(this._tmpVector), this._alternatePickedPoint.addInPlace(this.attachedNode.absolutePosition), this._alternatePickedPoint;
return null;
var l = c._planeScene.pickWithRay(T, function(h) {
return h == S._dragPlane;
return l && l.hit && l.pickedMesh && l.pickedPoint ? l.pickedPoint : null;
}, c.prototype._updateDragPlanePosition = function(T, S) {
this._pointA.copyFrom(S), this._options.dragAxis ? (this.useObjectOrientationForDragging ? u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._options.dragAxis, this.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix(), this._localAxis) : this._localAxis.copyFrom(this._options.dragAxis), T.origin.subtractToRef(this._pointA, this._pointC), this._pointC.normalize(), Math.abs(u.e.Dot(this._localAxis, this._pointC)) > 0.999 ? Math.abs(u.e.Dot(u.e.UpReadOnly, this._pointC)) > 0.999 ? this._lookAt.copyFrom(u.e.Right()) : this._lookAt.copyFrom(u.e.UpReadOnly) : (u.e.CrossToRef(this._localAxis, this._pointC, this._lookAt), u.e.CrossToRef(this._localAxis, this._lookAt, this._lookAt), this._lookAt.normalize()), this._dragPlane.position.copyFrom(this._pointA), this._pointA.addToRef(this._lookAt, this._lookAt), this._dragPlane.lookAt(this._lookAt)) : this._options.dragPlaneNormal ? (this.useObjectOrientationForDragging ? u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._options.dragPlaneNormal, this.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix(), this._localAxis) : this._localAxis.copyFrom(this._options.dragPlaneNormal), this._dragPlane.position.copyFrom(this._pointA), this._pointA.addToRef(this._localAxis, this._lookAt), this._dragPlane.lookAt(this._lookAt)) : (this._dragPlane.position.copyFrom(this._pointA), this._dragPlane.lookAt(T.origin)), this._dragPlane.position.copyFrom(this.attachedNode.absolutePosition), this._dragPlane.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
}, c.prototype.detach = function() {
this._pointerObserver && this._scene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this._beforeRenderObserver && this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._beforeRenderObserver), this.releaseDrag();
}, c._AnyMouseID = -2, c;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return u;
var V = f(1), _ = function() {
function I() {
return I.KEYDOWN = 1, I.KEYUP = 2, I;
}(), C = function(I, O) {
this.type = I, this.event = O;
}, u = function(I) {
function O(x, m) {
var c =, x, m) || this;
return c.type = x, c.event = m, c.skipOnPointerObservable = !1, c;
return Object(V.d)(O, I), O;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this._defines = {}, this._currentRank = 32, this._maxRank = -1, this._mesh = null;
return _.prototype.unBindMesh = function() {
this._mesh = null;
}, _.prototype.addFallback = function(C, u) {
this._defines[C] || (C < this._currentRank && (this._currentRank = C), C > this._maxRank && (this._maxRank = C), this._defines[C] = new Array()), this._defines[C].push(u);
}, _.prototype.addCPUSkinningFallback = function(C, u) {
this._mesh = u, C < this._currentRank && (this._currentRank = C), C > this._maxRank && (this._maxRank = C);
}, Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "hasMoreFallbacks", { get: function() {
return this._currentRank <= this._maxRank;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.prototype.reduce = function(C, u) {
if (this._mesh && this._mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders && this._mesh.numBoneInfluencers > 0) {
this._mesh.computeBonesUsingShaders = !1, C = C.replace("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + this._mesh.numBoneInfluencers, "#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0"), u._bonesComputationForcedToCPU = !0;
for (var I = this._mesh.getScene(), O = 0; O < I.meshes.length; O++) {
var x = I.meshes[O];
if (x.material) {
if (x.computeBonesUsingShaders && x.numBoneInfluencers !== 0) {
if (x.material.getEffect() === u)
x.computeBonesUsingShaders = !1;
else if (x.subMeshes) {
for (var m = 0, c = x.subMeshes; m < c.length; m++)
if (c[m].effect === u) {
x.computeBonesUsingShaders = !1;
} else
!this._mesh.material && x.computeBonesUsingShaders && x.numBoneInfluencers > 0 && (x.computeBonesUsingShaders = !1);
} else {
var T = this._defines[this._currentRank];
if (T)
for (O = 0; O < T.length; O++)
C = C.replace("#define " + T[O], "");
return C;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return I;
var V = f(1), _ = f(25), C = f(37), u = f(11), I = function(O) {
function x(m, c) {
var T =, m, c, !0) || this;
return c.multiMaterials.push(T), T.subMaterials = new Array(), T._storeEffectOnSubMeshes = !0, T;
return Object(V.d)(x, O), Object.defineProperty(x.prototype, "subMaterials", { get: function() {
return this._subMaterials;
}, set: function(m) {
this._subMaterials = m, this._hookArray(m);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), x.prototype.getChildren = function() {
return this.subMaterials;
}, x.prototype._hookArray = function(m) {
var c = this, T = m.push;
m.push = function() {
for (var E = [], g = 0; g < arguments.length; g++)
E[g] = arguments[g];
var l = T.apply(m, E);
return c._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty(), l;
var S = m.splice;
m.splice = function(E, g) {
var l = S.apply(m, [E, g]);
return c._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty(), l;
}, x.prototype.getSubMaterial = function(m) {
return m < 0 || m >= this.subMaterials.length ? this.getScene().defaultMaterial : this.subMaterials[m];
}, x.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
var m;
return (m =, {
return c ? c.getActiveTextures() : [];
}, x.prototype.hasTexture = function(m) {
var c;
if (, m))
return !0;
for (var T = 0; T < this.subMaterials.length; T++)
if (!((c = this.subMaterials[T]) === null || c === void 0) && c.hasTexture(m))
return !0;
return !1;
}, x.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MultiMaterial";
}, x.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(m, c, T) {
for (var S = 0; S < this.subMaterials.length; S++) {
var E = this.subMaterials[S];
if (E) {
if (E._storeEffectOnSubMeshes) {
if (!E.isReadyForSubMesh(m, c, T))
return !1;
if (!E.isReady(m))
return !1;
return !0;
}, x.prototype.clone = function(m, c) {
for (var T = new x(m, this.getScene()), S = 0; S < this.subMaterials.length; S++) {
var E = null, g = this.subMaterials[S];
E = c && g ? g.clone(m + "-" + : this.subMaterials[S], T.subMaterials.push(E);
return T;
}, x.prototype.serialize = function() {
var m = {}; =, =, C.a && (m.tags = C.a.GetTags(this)), m.materials = [];
for (var c = 0; c < this.subMaterials.length; c++) {
var T = this.subMaterials[c];
T ? m.materials.push( : m.materials.push(null);
return m;
}, x.prototype.dispose = function(m, c, T) {
var S = this.getScene();
if (S) {
if (T)
for (var E = 0; E < this.subMaterials.length; E++) {
var g = this.subMaterials[E];
g && g.dispose(m, c);
(E = S.multiMaterials.indexOf(this)) >= 0 && S.multiMaterials.splice(E, 1),, m, c);
}, x.ParseMultiMaterial = function(m, c) {
var T = new x(, c); =, C.a && C.a.AddTagsTo(T, m.tags);
for (var S = 0; S < m.materials.length; S++) {
var E = m.materials[S];
E ? T.subMaterials.push(c.getLastMaterialByID(E)) : T.subMaterials.push(null);
return T;
}, x;
u.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MultiMaterial"] = I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(2), _ = function() {
function C() {
return Object.defineProperty(C, "ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental", { get: function() {
return C._ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental;
}, set: function(u) {
C._ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental = u;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C, "ShowLoadingScreen", { get: function() {
return C._ShowLoadingScreen;
}, set: function(u) {
C._ShowLoadingScreen = u;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C, "loggingLevel", { get: function() {
return C._loggingLevel;
}, set: function(u) {
C._loggingLevel = u;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C, "CleanBoneMatrixWeights", { get: function() {
return C._CleanBoneMatrixWeights;
}, set: function(u) {
C._CleanBoneMatrixWeights = u;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C._ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental = !1, C._ShowLoadingScreen = !0, C._CleanBoneMatrixWeights = !1, C._loggingLevel = V.a.SCENELOADER_NO_LOGGING, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.CreateCanvas = function(C, u) {
if (typeof document > "u")
return new OffscreenCanvas(C, u);
var I = document.createElement("canvas");
return I.width = C, I.height = u, I;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return E;
var V = f(0), _ = f(9), C = f(16), u = f(4), I = f(61), O = f(69), x = f(43), m = f(2), c = f(12), T = f(37), S = f(101), E = function() {
function g(l, h, v, b, D) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1), D === void 0 && (D = null), this.delayLoadState = m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NONE, this._totalVertices = 0, this._isDisposed = !1, this._indexBufferIsUpdatable = !1, this._positionsCache = [], this.useBoundingInfoFromGeometry = !1, = l, this.uniqueId = h.getUniqueId(), this._engine = h.getEngine(), this._meshes = [], this._scene = h, this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._indices = [], this._updatable = b, v ? this.setAllVerticesData(v, b) : (this._totalVertices = 0, this._indices = []), this._engine.getCaps().vertexArrayObject && (this._vertexArrayObjects = {}), D && (this.applyToMesh(D), D.computeWorldMatrix(!0));
return Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "boundingBias", { get: function() {
return this._boundingBias;
}, set: function(l) {
this._boundingBias ? this._boundingBias.copyFrom(l) : this._boundingBias = l.clone(), this._updateBoundingInfo(!0, null);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.CreateGeometryForMesh = function(l) {
var h = new g(g.RandomId(), l.getScene());
return h.applyToMesh(l), h;
}, Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "meshes", { get: function() {
return this._meshes;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "extend", { get: function() {
return this._extend;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, g.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, g.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this.delayLoadState === m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED || this.delayLoadState === m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NONE;
}, Object.defineProperty(g.prototype, "doNotSerialize", { get: function() {
for (var l = 0; l < this._meshes.length; l++)
if (!this._meshes[l].doNotSerialize)
return !1;
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), g.prototype._rebuild = function() {
for (var l in this._vertexArrayObjects && (this._vertexArrayObjects = {}), this._meshes.length !== 0 && this._indices && (this._indexBuffer = this._engine.createIndexBuffer(this._indices)), this._vertexBuffers)
}, g.prototype.setAllVerticesData = function(l, h) {
l.applyToGeometry(this, h), this.notifyUpdate();
}, g.prototype.setVerticesData = function(l, h, v, b) {
v === void 0 && (v = !1), v && Array.isArray(h) && (h = new Float32Array(h));
var D = new u.b(this._engine, h, l, v, this._meshes.length === 0, b);
}, g.prototype.removeVerticesData = function(l) {
this._vertexBuffers[l] && (this._vertexBuffers[l].dispose(), delete this._vertexBuffers[l]);
}, g.prototype.setVerticesBuffer = function(l, h) {
h === void 0 && (h = null);
var v = l.getKind();
if (this._vertexBuffers[v] && this._vertexBuffers[v].dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[v] = l, v === u.b.PositionKind) {
var b = l.getData();
h != null ? this._totalVertices = h : b != null && (this._totalVertices = b.length / (l.byteStride / 4)), this._updateExtend(b), this._resetPointsArrayCache();
for (var D = this._meshes, w = D.length, N = 0; N < w; N++) {
var M = D[N];
M._boundingInfo = new x.a(this._extend.minimum, this._extend.maximum), M._createGlobalSubMesh(!1), M.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
this.notifyUpdate(v), this._vertexArrayObjects && (this._disposeVertexArrayObjects(), this._vertexArrayObjects = {});
}, g.prototype.updateVerticesDataDirectly = function(l, h, v, b) {
b === void 0 && (b = !1);
var D = this.getVertexBuffer(l);
D && (D.updateDirectly(h, v, b), this.notifyUpdate(l));
}, g.prototype.updateVerticesData = function(l, h, v) {
v === void 0 && (v = !1);
var b = this.getVertexBuffer(l);
b && (b.update(h), l === u.b.PositionKind && this._updateBoundingInfo(v, h), this.notifyUpdate(l));
}, g.prototype._updateBoundingInfo = function(l, h) {
if (l && this._updateExtend(h), this._resetPointsArrayCache(), l)
for (var v = 0, b = this._meshes; v < b.length; v++) {
var D = b[v];
D._boundingInfo ? D._boundingInfo.reConstruct(this._extend.minimum, this._extend.maximum) : D._boundingInfo = new x.a(this._extend.minimum, this._extend.maximum);
for (var w = 0, N = D.subMeshes; w < N.length; w++)
}, g.prototype._bind = function(l, h) {
if (l) {
h === void 0 && (h = this._indexBuffer);
var v = this.getVertexBuffers();
v && (h == this._indexBuffer && this._vertexArrayObjects ? (this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key] || (this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key] = this._engine.recordVertexArrayObject(v, h, l)), this._engine.bindVertexArrayObject(this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key], h)) : this._engine.bindBuffers(v, h, l));
}, g.prototype.getTotalVertices = function() {
return this.isReady() ? this._totalVertices : 0;
}, g.prototype.getVerticesData = function(l, h, v) {
var b = this.getVertexBuffer(l);
if (!b)
return null;
var D = b.getData();
if (!D)
return null;
var w = b.getSize() * u.b.GetTypeByteLength(b.type), N = this._totalVertices * b.getSize();
if (b.type !== u.b.FLOAT || b.byteStride !== w) {
var M = [];
return b.forEach(N, function(te) {
return M.push(te);
}), M;
if (!(D instanceof Array || D instanceof Float32Array) || b.byteOffset !== 0 || D.length !== N) {
if (D instanceof Array) {
var U = b.byteOffset / 4;
return c.b.Slice(D, U, U + N);
if (D instanceof ArrayBuffer)
return new Float32Array(D, b.byteOffset, N);
if (U = D.byteOffset + b.byteOffset, v || h && this._meshes.length !== 1) {
var X = new Float32Array(N), j = new Float32Array(D.buffer, U, N);
return X.set(j), X;
var ne = U % 4;
return ne && (U = Math.max(0, U - ne)), new Float32Array(D.buffer, U, N);
return v || h && this._meshes.length !== 1 ? c.b.Slice(D) : D;
}, g.prototype.isVertexBufferUpdatable = function(l) {
var h = this._vertexBuffers[l];
return !!h && h.isUpdatable();
}, g.prototype.getVertexBuffer = function(l) {
return this.isReady() ? this._vertexBuffers[l] : null;
}, g.prototype.getVertexBuffers = function() {
return this.isReady() ? this._vertexBuffers : null;
}, g.prototype.isVerticesDataPresent = function(l) {
return this._vertexBuffers ? this._vertexBuffers[l] !== void 0 : !!this._delayInfo && this._delayInfo.indexOf(l) !== -1;
}, g.prototype.getVerticesDataKinds = function() {
var l, h = [];
if (!this._vertexBuffers && this._delayInfo)
for (l in this._delayInfo)
for (l in this._vertexBuffers)
return h;
}, g.prototype.updateIndices = function(l, h, v) {
if (v === void 0 && (v = !1), this._indexBuffer)
if (this._indexBufferIsUpdatable) {
var b = l.length !== this._indices.length;
if (v || (this._indices = l.slice()), this._engine.updateDynamicIndexBuffer(this._indexBuffer, l, h), b)
for (var D = 0, w = this._meshes; D < w.length; D++)
} else
this.setIndices(l, null, !0);
}, g.prototype.setIndices = function(l, h, v) {
h === void 0 && (h = null), v === void 0 && (v = !1), this._indexBuffer && this._engine._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._disposeVertexArrayObjects(), this._indices = l, this._indexBufferIsUpdatable = v, this._meshes.length !== 0 && this._indices && (this._indexBuffer = this._engine.createIndexBuffer(this._indices, v)), h != null && (this._totalVertices = h);
for (var b = 0, D = this._meshes; b < D.length; b++)
}, g.prototype.getTotalIndices = function() {
return this.isReady() ? this._indices.length : 0;
}, g.prototype.getIndices = function(l, h) {
if (!this.isReady())
return null;
var v = this._indices;
if (h || l && this._meshes.length !== 1) {
for (var b = v.length, D = [], w = 0; w < b; w++)
return D;
return v;
}, g.prototype.getIndexBuffer = function() {
return this.isReady() ? this._indexBuffer : null;
}, g.prototype._releaseVertexArrayObject = function(l) {
l === void 0 && (l = null), l && this._vertexArrayObjects && this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key] && (this._engine.releaseVertexArrayObject(this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key]), delete this._vertexArrayObjects[l.key]);
}, g.prototype.releaseForMesh = function(l, h) {
var v = this._meshes, b = v.indexOf(l);
b !== -1 && (v.splice(b, 1), l._geometry = null, v.length === 0 && h && this.dispose());
}, g.prototype.applyToMesh = function(l) {
if (l._geometry !== this) {
var h = l._geometry;
h && h.releaseForMesh(l);
var v = this._meshes;
l._geometry = this, this._scene.pushGeometry(this), v.push(l), this.isReady() ? this._applyToMesh(l) : l._boundingInfo = this._boundingInfo;
}, g.prototype._updateExtend = function(l) {
l === void 0 && (l = null), this.useBoundingInfoFromGeometry && this._boundingInfo ? this._extend = { minimum: this._boundingInfo.minimum.clone(), maximum: this._boundingInfo.maximum.clone() } : (l || (l = this.getVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind)), this._extend = Object(S.a)(l, 0, this._totalVertices, this.boundingBias, 3));
}, g.prototype._applyToMesh = function(l) {
var h = this._meshes.length;
for (var v in this._vertexBuffers) {
h === 1 && this._vertexBuffers[v].create();
var b = this._vertexBuffers[v].getBuffer();
b && (b.references = h), v === u.b.PositionKind && (this._extend || this._updateExtend(), l._boundingInfo = new x.a(this._extend.minimum, this._extend.maximum), l._createGlobalSubMesh(!1), l._updateBoundingInfo());
h === 1 && this._indices && this._indices.length > 0 && (this._indexBuffer = this._engine.createIndexBuffer(this._indices)), this._indexBuffer && (this._indexBuffer.references = h), l._syncGeometryWithMorphTargetManager(), l.synchronizeInstances();
}, g.prototype.notifyUpdate = function(l) {
this.onGeometryUpdated && this.onGeometryUpdated(this, l);
for (var h = 0, v = this._meshes; h < v.length; h++)
}, g.prototype.load = function(l, h) {
this.delayLoadState !== m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING && (this.isReady() ? h && h() : (this.delayLoadState = m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADING, this._queueLoad(l, h)));
}, g.prototype._queueLoad = function(l, h) {
var v = this;
this.delayLoadingFile && (l._addPendingData(this), l._loadFile(this.delayLoadingFile, function(b) {
if (v._delayLoadingFunction) {
v._delayLoadingFunction(JSON.parse(b), v), v.delayLoadState = m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, v._delayInfo = [], l._removePendingData(v);
for (var D = v._meshes, w = D.length, N = 0; N < w; N++)
h && h();
}, void 0, !0));
}, g.prototype.toLeftHanded = function() {
var l = this.getIndices(!1);
if (l != null && l.length > 0) {
for (var h = 0; h < l.length; h += 3) {
var v = l[h + 0];
l[h + 0] = l[h + 2], l[h + 2] = v;
var b = this.getVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind, !1);
if (b != null && b.length > 0) {
for (h = 0; h < b.length; h += 3)
b[h + 2] = -b[h + 2];
this.setVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind, b, !1);
var D = this.getVerticesData(u.b.NormalKind, !1);
if (D != null && D.length > 0) {
for (h = 0; h < D.length; h += 3)
D[h + 2] = -D[h + 2];
this.setVerticesData(u.b.NormalKind, D, !1);
}, g.prototype._resetPointsArrayCache = function() {
this._positions = null;
}, g.prototype._generatePointsArray = function() {
if (this._positions)
return !0;
var l = this.getVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind);
if (!l || l.length === 0)
return !1;
for (var h = 3 * this._positionsCache.length, v = this._positionsCache.length; h < l.length; h += 3, ++v)
this._positionsCache[v] = V.e.FromArray(l, h);
for (h = 0, v = 0; h < l.length; h += 3, ++v)
this._positionsCache[v].set(l[0 + h], l[1 + h], l[2 + h]);
return this._positionsCache.length = l.length / 3, this._positions = this._positionsCache, !0;
}, g.prototype.isDisposed = function() {
return this._isDisposed;
}, g.prototype._disposeVertexArrayObjects = function() {
if (this._vertexArrayObjects) {
for (var l in this._vertexArrayObjects)
this._vertexArrayObjects = {};
}, g.prototype.dispose = function() {
var l, h = this._meshes, v = h.length;
for (l = 0; l < v; l++)
for (var b in this._meshes = [], this._disposeVertexArrayObjects(), this._vertexBuffers)
this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._totalVertices = 0, this._indexBuffer && this._engine._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null, this._indices = [], this.delayLoadState = m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NONE, this.delayLoadingFile = null, this._delayLoadingFunction = null, this._delayInfo = [], this._boundingInfo = null, this._scene.removeGeometry(this), this._isDisposed = !0;
}, g.prototype.copy = function(l) {
var h = new C.a();
h.indices = [];
var v = this.getIndices();
if (v)
for (var b = 0; b < v.length; b++)
var D, w = !1, N = !1;
for (D in this._vertexBuffers) {
var M = this.getVerticesData(D);
if (M && (M instanceof Float32Array ? h.set(new Float32Array(M), D) : h.set(M.slice(0), D), !N)) {
var U = this.getVertexBuffer(D);
U && (N = !(w = U.isUpdatable()));
var X = new g(l, this._scene, h, w);
for (D in X.delayLoadState = this.delayLoadState, X.delayLoadingFile = this.delayLoadingFile, X._delayLoadingFunction = this._delayLoadingFunction, this._delayInfo)
X._delayInfo = X._delayInfo || [], X._delayInfo.push(D);
return X._boundingInfo = new x.a(this._extend.minimum, this._extend.maximum), X;
}, g.prototype.serialize = function() {
var l = {};
return =, l.updatable = this._updatable, T.a && T.a.HasTags(this) && (l.tags = T.a.GetTags(this)), l;
}, g.prototype.toNumberArray = function(l) {
return Array.isArray(l) ? l :;
}, g.prototype.serializeVerticeData = function() {
var l = this.serialize();
return this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.PositionKind) && (l.positions = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.PositionKind) && (l.positions._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.NormalKind) && (l.normals = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.NormalKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.NormalKind) && (l.normals._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.TangentKind) && (l.tangets = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.TangentKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.TangentKind) && (l.tangets._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UVKind) && (l.uvs = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UVKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UVKind) && (l.uvs._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV2Kind) && (l.uv2s = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UV2Kind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UV2Kind) && (l.uv2s._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV3Kind) && (l.uv3s = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UV3Kind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UV3Kind) && (l.uv3s._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV4Kind) && (l.uv4s = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UV4Kind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UV4Kind) && (l.uv4s._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV5Kind) && (l.uv5s = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UV5Kind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UV5Kind) && (l.uv5s._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.UV6Kind) && (l.uv6s = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.UV6Kind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.UV6Kind) && (l.uv6s._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.ColorKind) && (l.colors = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.ColorKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.ColorKind) && (l.colors._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind) && (l.matricesIndices = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind)), l.matricesIndices._isExpanded = !0, this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind) && (l.matricesIndices._updatable = !0)), this.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind) && (l.matricesWeights = this.toNumberArray(this.getVerticesData(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind)), this.isVertexBufferUpdatable(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind) && (l.matricesWeights._updatable = !0)), l.indices = this.toNumberArray(this.getIndices()), l;
}, g.ExtractFromMesh = function(l, h) {
var v = l._geometry;
return v ? v.copy(h) : null;
}, g.RandomId = function() {
return c.b.RandomId();
}, g._ImportGeometry = function(l, h) {
var v = h.getScene(), b = l.geometryId;
if (b) {
var D = v.getGeometryByID(b);
D && D.applyToMesh(h);
} else if (l instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
var w = h._binaryInfo;
if (w.positionsAttrDesc && w.positionsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var N = new Float32Array(l, w.positionsAttrDesc.offset, w.positionsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind, N, !1);
if (w.normalsAttrDesc && w.normalsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var M = new Float32Array(l, w.normalsAttrDesc.offset, w.normalsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.NormalKind, M, !1);
if (w.tangetsAttrDesc && w.tangetsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var U = new Float32Array(l, w.tangetsAttrDesc.offset, w.tangetsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.TangentKind, U, !1);
if (w.uvsAttrDesc && w.uvsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var X = new Float32Array(l, w.uvsAttrDesc.offset, w.uvsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UVKind, X, !1);
if (w.uvs2AttrDesc && w.uvs2AttrDesc.count > 0) {
var j = new Float32Array(l, w.uvs2AttrDesc.offset, w.uvs2AttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV2Kind, j, !1);
if (w.uvs3AttrDesc && w.uvs3AttrDesc.count > 0) {
var ne = new Float32Array(l, w.uvs3AttrDesc.offset, w.uvs3AttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV3Kind, ne, !1);
if (w.uvs4AttrDesc && w.uvs4AttrDesc.count > 0) {
var te = new Float32Array(l, w.uvs4AttrDesc.offset, w.uvs4AttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV4Kind, te, !1);
if (w.uvs5AttrDesc && w.uvs5AttrDesc.count > 0) {
var de = new Float32Array(l, w.uvs5AttrDesc.offset, w.uvs5AttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV5Kind, de, !1);
if (w.uvs6AttrDesc && w.uvs6AttrDesc.count > 0) {
var pe = new Float32Array(l, w.uvs6AttrDesc.offset, w.uvs6AttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV6Kind, pe, !1);
if (w.colorsAttrDesc && w.colorsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var ae = new Float32Array(l, w.colorsAttrDesc.offset, w.colorsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.ColorKind, ae, !1, w.colorsAttrDesc.stride);
if (w.matricesIndicesAttrDesc && w.matricesIndicesAttrDesc.count > 0) {
for (var ee = new Int32Array(l, w.matricesIndicesAttrDesc.offset, w.matricesIndicesAttrDesc.count), K = [], $ = 0; $ < ee.length; $++) {
var L = ee[$];
K.push(255 & L), K.push((65280 & L) >> 8), K.push((16711680 & L) >> 16), K.push(L >> 24 & 255);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind, K, !1);
if (w.matricesIndicesExtraAttrDesc && w.matricesIndicesExtraAttrDesc.count > 0) {
for (ee = new Int32Array(l, w.matricesIndicesExtraAttrDesc.offset, w.matricesIndicesExtraAttrDesc.count), K = [], $ = 0; $ < ee.length; $++)
L = ee[$], K.push(255 & L), K.push((65280 & L) >> 8), K.push((16711680 & L) >> 16), K.push(L >> 24 & 255);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, K, !1);
if (w.matricesWeightsAttrDesc && w.matricesWeightsAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var G = new Float32Array(l, w.matricesWeightsAttrDesc.offset, w.matricesWeightsAttrDesc.count);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind, G, !1);
if (w.indicesAttrDesc && w.indicesAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var Q = new Int32Array(l, w.indicesAttrDesc.offset, w.indicesAttrDesc.count);
h.setIndices(Q, null);
if (w.subMeshesAttrDesc && w.subMeshesAttrDesc.count > 0) {
var oe = new Int32Array(l, w.subMeshesAttrDesc.offset, 5 * w.subMeshesAttrDesc.count);
for (h.subMeshes = [], $ = 0; $ < w.subMeshesAttrDesc.count; $++) {
var re = oe[5 * $ + 0], Y = oe[5 * $ + 1], k = oe[5 * $ + 2], H = oe[5 * $ + 3], Z = oe[5 * $ + 4];
I.a.AddToMesh(re, Y, k, H, Z, h);
} else if (l.positions && l.normals && l.indices) {
if (h.setVerticesData(u.b.PositionKind, l.positions, l.positions._updatable), h.setVerticesData(u.b.NormalKind, l.normals, l.normals._updatable), l.tangents && h.setVerticesData(u.b.TangentKind, l.tangents, l.tangents._updatable), l.uvs && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UVKind, l.uvs, l.uvs._updatable), l.uvs2 && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV2Kind, l.uvs2, l.uvs2._updatable), l.uvs3 && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV3Kind, l.uvs3, l.uvs3._updatable), l.uvs4 && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV4Kind, l.uvs4, l.uvs4._updatable), l.uvs5 && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV5Kind, l.uvs5, l.uvs5._updatable), l.uvs6 && h.setVerticesData(u.b.UV6Kind, l.uvs6, l.uvs6._updatable), l.colors && h.setVerticesData(u.b.ColorKind, _.b.CheckColors4(l.colors, l.positions.length / 3), l.colors._updatable), l.matricesIndices)
if (l.matricesIndices._isExpanded)
delete l.matricesIndices._isExpanded, h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind, l.matricesIndices, l.matricesIndices._updatable);
else {
for (K = [], $ = 0; $ < l.matricesIndices.length; $++) {
var W = l.matricesIndices[$];
K.push(255 & W), K.push((65280 & W) >> 8), K.push((16711680 & W) >> 16), K.push(W >> 24 & 255);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind, K, l.matricesIndices._updatable);
if (l.matricesIndicesExtra)
if (l.matricesIndicesExtra._isExpanded)
delete l.matricesIndices._isExpanded, h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, l.matricesIndicesExtra, l.matricesIndicesExtra._updatable);
else {
for (K = [], $ = 0; $ < l.matricesIndicesExtra.length; $++)
W = l.matricesIndicesExtra[$], K.push(255 & W), K.push((65280 & W) >> 8), K.push((16711680 & W) >> 16), K.push(W >> 24 & 255);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, K, l.matricesIndicesExtra._updatable);
l.matricesWeights && (g._CleanMatricesWeights(l, h), h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind, l.matricesWeights, l.matricesWeights._updatable)), l.matricesWeightsExtra && h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind, l.matricesWeightsExtra, l.matricesWeights._updatable), h.setIndices(l.indices, null);
if (l.subMeshes) {
h.subMeshes = [];
for (var q = 0; q < l.subMeshes.length; q++) {
var he = l.subMeshes[q];
I.a.AddToMesh(he.materialIndex, he.verticesStart, he.verticesCount, he.indexStart, he.indexCount, h);
h._shouldGenerateFlatShading && (h.convertToFlatShadedMesh(), h._shouldGenerateFlatShading = !1), h.computeWorldMatrix(!0), v.onMeshImportedObservable.notifyObservers(h);
}, g._CleanMatricesWeights = function(l, h) {
if (O.a.CleanBoneMatrixWeights) {
var v = 0;
if (l.skeletonId > -1) {
var b = h.getScene().getLastSkeletonByID(l.skeletonId);
if (b) {
v = b.bones.length;
for (var D = h.getVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind), w = h.getVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), N = l.matricesWeights, M = l.matricesWeightsExtra, U = l.numBoneInfluencer, X = N.length, j = 0; j < X; j += 4) {
for (var ne = 0, te = -1, de = 0; de < 4; de++)
ne += pe = N[j + de], pe < 1e-3 && te < 0 && (te = de);
if (M)
for (de = 0; de < 4; de++) {
var pe;
ne += pe = M[j + de], pe < 1e-3 && te < 0 && (te = de + 4);
if ((te < 0 || te > U - 1) && (te = U - 1), ne > 1e-3) {
var ae = 1 / ne;
for (de = 0; de < 4; de++)
N[j + de] *= ae;
if (M)
for (de = 0; de < 4; de++)
M[j + de] *= ae;
} else
te >= 4 ? (M[j + te - 4] = 1 - ne, w[j + te - 4] = v) : (N[j + te] = 1 - ne, D[j + te] = v);
h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind, D), l.matricesWeightsExtra && h.setVerticesData(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind, w);
}, g.Parse = function(l, h, v) {
if (h.getGeometryByID(
return null;
var b = new g(, h, void 0, l.updatable);
return T.a && T.a.AddTagsTo(b, l.tags), l.delayLoadingFile ? (b.delayLoadState = m.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED, b.delayLoadingFile = v + l.delayLoadingFile, b._boundingInfo = new x.a(V.e.FromArray(l.boundingBoxMinimum), V.e.FromArray(l.boundingBoxMaximum)), b._delayInfo = [], l.hasUVs && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UVKind), l.hasUVs2 && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UV2Kind), l.hasUVs3 && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UV3Kind), l.hasUVs4 && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UV4Kind), l.hasUVs5 && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UV5Kind), l.hasUVs6 && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.UV6Kind), l.hasColors && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.ColorKind), l.hasMatricesIndices && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind), l.hasMatricesWeights && b._delayInfo.push(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind), b._delayLoadingFunction = C.a.ImportVertexData) : C.a.ImportVertexData(l, b), h.pushGeometry(b, !0), b;
}, g;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "e", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "c", function() {
return I;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return x;
}), f.d(A, "f", function() {
return m;
}), f.d(A, "g", function() {
return c;
}), f.d(A, "d", function() {
return T;
var V, _ = f(14), C = f(0), u = f(28);
(function(S) {
S[S.CW = 0] = "CW", S[S.CCW = 1] = "CCW";
})(V || (V = {}));
var I = function() {
function S() {
return S.Interpolate = function(E, g, l, h, v) {
for (var b = 1 - 3 * h + 3 * g, D = 3 * h - 6 * g, w = 3 * g, N = E, M = 0; M < 5; M++) {
var U = N * N;
N -= (b * (U * N) + D * U + w * N - E) * (1 / (3 * b * U + 2 * D * N + w)), N = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, N));
return 3 * Math.pow(1 - N, 2) * N * l + 3 * (1 - N) * Math.pow(N, 2) * v + Math.pow(N, 3);
}, S;
}(), O = function() {
function S(E) {
this._radians = E, this._radians < 0 && (this._radians += 2 * Math.PI);
return S.prototype.degrees = function() {
return 180 * this._radians / Math.PI;
}, S.prototype.radians = function() {
return this._radians;
}, S.BetweenTwoPoints = function(E, g) {
var l = g.subtract(E);
return new S(Math.atan2(l.y, l.x));
}, S.FromRadians = function(E) {
return new S(E);
}, S.FromDegrees = function(E) {
return new S(E * Math.PI / 180);
}, S;
}(), x = function(S, E, g) {
this.startPoint = S, this.midPoint = E, this.endPoint = g;
var l = Math.pow(E.x, 2) + Math.pow(E.y, 2), h = (Math.pow(S.x, 2) + Math.pow(S.y, 2) - l) / 2, v = (l - Math.pow(g.x, 2) - Math.pow(g.y, 2)) / 2, b = (S.x - E.x) * (E.y - g.y) - (E.x - g.x) * (S.y - E.y);
this.centerPoint = new C.d((h * (E.y - g.y) - v * (S.y - E.y)) / b, ((S.x - E.x) * v - (E.x - g.x) * h) / b), this.radius = this.centerPoint.subtract(this.startPoint).length(), this.startAngle = O.BetweenTwoPoints(this.centerPoint, this.startPoint);
var D = this.startAngle.degrees(), w = O.BetweenTwoPoints(this.centerPoint, this.midPoint).degrees(), N = O.BetweenTwoPoints(this.centerPoint, this.endPoint).degrees();
w - D > 180 && (w -= 360), w - D < -180 && (w += 360), N - w > 180 && (N -= 360), N - w < -180 && (N += 360), this.orientation = w - D < 0 ? V.CW : V.CCW, this.angle = O.FromDegrees(this.orientation === V.CW ? D - N : N - D);
}, m = function() {
function S(E, g) {
this._points = new Array(), this._length = 0, this.closed = !1, this._points.push(new C.d(E, g));
return S.prototype.addLineTo = function(E, g) {
if (this.closed)
return this;
var l = new C.d(E, g), h = this._points[this._points.length - 1];
return this._points.push(l), this._length += l.subtract(h).length(), this;
}, S.prototype.addArcTo = function(E, g, l, h, v) {
if (v === void 0 && (v = 36), this.closed)
return this;
var b = this._points[this._points.length - 1], D = new C.d(E, g), w = new C.d(l, h), N = new x(b, D, w), M = N.angle.radians() / v;
N.orientation === V.CW && (M *= -1);
for (var U = N.startAngle.radians() + M, X = 0; X < v; X++) {
var j = Math.cos(U) * N.radius + N.centerPoint.x, ne = Math.sin(U) * N.radius + N.centerPoint.y;
this.addLineTo(j, ne), U += M;
return this;
}, S.prototype.close = function() {
return this.closed = !0, this;
}, S.prototype.length = function() {
var E = this._length;
if (this.closed) {
var g = this._points[this._points.length - 1];
E += this._points[0].subtract(g).length();
return E;
}, S.prototype.getPoints = function() {
return this._points;
}, S.prototype.getPointAtLengthPosition = function(E) {
if (E < 0 || E > 1)
return C.d.Zero();
for (var g = E * this.length(), l = 0, h = 0; h < this._points.length; h++) {
var v = (h + 1) % this._points.length, b = this._points[h], D = this._points[v].subtract(b), w = D.length() + l;
if (g >= l && g <= w) {
var N = D.normalize(), M = g - l;
return new C.d(b.x + N.x * M, b.y + N.y * M);
l = w;
return C.d.Zero();
}, S.StartingAt = function(E, g) {
return new S(E, g);
}, S;
}(), c = function() {
function S(E, g, l, h) {
g === void 0 && (g = null), h === void 0 && (h = !1), this.path = E, this._curve = new Array(), this._distances = new Array(), this._tangents = new Array(), this._normals = new Array(), this._binormals = new Array(), this._pointAtData = { id: 0, point: C.e.Zero(), previousPointArrayIndex: 0, position: 0, subPosition: 0, interpolateReady: !1, interpolationMatrix: C.a.Identity() };
for (var v = 0; v < E.length; v++)
this._curve[v] = E[v].clone();
this._raw = l || !1, this._alignTangentsWithPath = h, this._compute(g, h);
return S.prototype.getCurve = function() {
return this._curve;
}, S.prototype.getPoints = function() {
return this._curve;
}, S.prototype.length = function() {
return this._distances[this._distances.length - 1];
}, S.prototype.getTangents = function() {
return this._tangents;
}, S.prototype.getNormals = function() {
return this._normals;
}, S.prototype.getBinormals = function() {
return this._binormals;
}, S.prototype.getDistances = function() {
return this._distances;
}, S.prototype.getPointAt = function(E) {
return this._updatePointAtData(E).point;
}, S.prototype.getTangentAt = function(E, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = !1), this._updatePointAtData(E, g), g ? C.e.TransformCoordinates(C.e.Forward(), this._pointAtData.interpolationMatrix) : this._tangents[this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex];
}, S.prototype.getNormalAt = function(E, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = !1), this._updatePointAtData(E, g), g ? C.e.TransformCoordinates(C.e.Right(), this._pointAtData.interpolationMatrix) : this._normals[this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex];
}, S.prototype.getBinormalAt = function(E, g) {
return g === void 0 && (g = !1), this._updatePointAtData(E, g), g ? C.e.TransformCoordinates(C.e.UpReadOnly, this._pointAtData.interpolationMatrix) : this._binormals[this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex];
}, S.prototype.getDistanceAt = function(E) {
return this.length() * E;
}, S.prototype.getPreviousPointIndexAt = function(E) {
return this._updatePointAtData(E), this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex;
}, S.prototype.getSubPositionAt = function(E) {
return this._updatePointAtData(E), this._pointAtData.subPosition;
}, S.prototype.getClosestPositionTo = function(E) {
for (var g = Number.MAX_VALUE, l = 0, h = 0; h < this._curve.length - 1; h++) {
var v = this._curve[h + 0], b = this._curve[h + 1].subtract(v).normalize(), D = this._distances[h + 1] - this._distances[h + 0], w = Math.min(Math.max(C.e.Dot(b, E.subtract(v).normalize()), 0) * C.e.Distance(v, E) / D, 1), N = C.e.Distance(v.add(b.scale(w * D)), E);
N < g && (g = N, l = (this._distances[h + 0] + D * w) / this.length());
return l;
}, S.prototype.slice = function(E, g) {
if (E === void 0 && (E = 0), g === void 0 && (g = 1), E < 0 && (E = 1 - -1 * E % 1), g < 0 && (g = 1 - -1 * g % 1), E > g) {
var l = E;
E = g, g = l;
var h = this.getCurve(), v = this.getPointAt(E), b = this.getPreviousPointIndexAt(E), D = this.getPointAt(g), w = this.getPreviousPointIndexAt(g) + 1, N = [];
return E !== 0 && (b++, N.push(v)), N.push.apply(N, h.slice(b, w)), g === 1 && E !== 1 || N.push(D), new S(N, this.getNormalAt(E), this._raw, this._alignTangentsWithPath);
}, S.prototype.update = function(E, g, l) {
g === void 0 && (g = null), l === void 0 && (l = !1);
for (var h = 0; h < E.length; h++)
this._curve[h].x = E[h].x, this._curve[h].y = E[h].y, this._curve[h].z = E[h].z;
return this._compute(g, l), this;
}, S.prototype._compute = function(E, g) {
g === void 0 && (g = !1);
var l = this._curve.length;
if (!(l < 2)) {
this._tangents[0] = this._getFirstNonNullVector(0), this._raw || this._tangents[0].normalize(), this._tangents[l - 1] = this._curve[l - 1].subtract(this._curve[l - 2]), this._raw || this._tangents[l - 1].normalize();
var h, v, b, D, w, N = this._tangents[0], M = this._normalVector(N, E);
this._normals[0] = M, this._raw || this._normals[0].normalize(), this._binormals[0] = C.e.Cross(N, this._normals[0]), this._raw || this._binormals[0].normalize(), this._distances[0] = 0;
for (var U = 1; U < l; U++)
h = this._getLastNonNullVector(U), U < l - 1 && (v = this._getFirstNonNullVector(U), this._tangents[U] = g ? v : h.add(v), this._tangents[U].normalize()), this._distances[U] = this._distances[U - 1] + this._curve[U].subtract(this._curve[U - 1]).length(), b = this._tangents[U], w = this._binormals[U - 1], this._normals[U] = C.e.Cross(w, b), this._raw || (this._normals[U].length() === 0 ? (D = this._normals[U - 1], this._normals[U] = D.clone()) : this._normals[U].normalize()), this._binormals[U] = C.e.Cross(b, this._normals[U]), this._raw || this._binormals[U].normalize(); = NaN;
}, S.prototype._getFirstNonNullVector = function(E) {
for (var g = 1, l = this._curve[E + g].subtract(this._curve[E]); l.length() === 0 && E + g + 1 < this._curve.length; )
g++, l = this._curve[E + g].subtract(this._curve[E]);
return l;
}, S.prototype._getLastNonNullVector = function(E) {
for (var g = 1, l = this._curve[E].subtract(this._curve[E - g]); l.length() === 0 && E > g + 1; )
g++, l = this._curve[E].subtract(this._curve[E - g]);
return l;
}, S.prototype._normalVector = function(E, g) {
var l, h, v = E.length();
return v === 0 && (v = 1), g == null ? (h = _.a.WithinEpsilon(Math.abs(E.y) / v, 1, u.a) ? _.a.WithinEpsilon(Math.abs(E.x) / v, 1, u.a) ? _.a.WithinEpsilon(Math.abs(E.z) / v, 1, u.a) ? C.e.Zero() : new C.e(0, 0, 1) : new C.e(1, 0, 0) : new C.e(0, -1, 0), l = C.e.Cross(E, h)) : (l = C.e.Cross(E, g), C.e.CrossToRef(l, E, l)), l.normalize(), l;
}, S.prototype._updatePointAtData = function(E, g) {
if (g === void 0 && (g = !1), === E)
return this._pointAtData.interpolateReady || this._updateInterpolationMatrix(), this._pointAtData; = E;
var l = this.getPoints();
if (E <= 0)
return this._setPointAtData(0, 0, l[0], 0, g);
if (E >= 1)
return this._setPointAtData(1, 1, l[l.length - 1], l.length - 1, g);
for (var h, v = l[0], b = 0, D = E * this.length(), w = 1; w < l.length; w++) {
h = l[w];
var N = C.e.Distance(v, h);
if ((b += N) === D)
return this._setPointAtData(E, 1, h, w, g);
if (b > D) {
var M = (b - D) / N, U = v.subtract(h), X = h.add(U.scaleInPlace(M));
return this._setPointAtData(E, 1 - M, X, w - 1, g);
v = h;
return this._pointAtData;
}, S.prototype._setPointAtData = function(E, g, l, h, v) {
return this._pointAtData.point = l, this._pointAtData.position = E, this._pointAtData.subPosition = g, this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex = h, this._pointAtData.interpolateReady = v, v && this._updateInterpolationMatrix(), this._pointAtData;
}, S.prototype._updateInterpolationMatrix = function() {
this._pointAtData.interpolationMatrix = C.a.Identity();
var E = this._pointAtData.previousPointArrayIndex;
if (E !== this._tangents.length - 1) {
var g = E + 1, l = this._tangents[E].clone(), h = this._normals[E].clone(), v = this._binormals[E].clone(), b = this._tangents[g].clone(), D = this._normals[g].clone(), w = this._binormals[g].clone(), N = C.b.RotationQuaternionFromAxis(h, v, l), M = C.b.RotationQuaternionFromAxis(D, w, b);
C.b.Slerp(N, M, this._pointAtData.subPosition).toRotationMatrix(this._pointAtData.interpolationMatrix);
}, S;
}(), T = function() {
function S(E) {
this._length = 0, this._points = E, this._length = this._computeLength(E);
return S.CreateQuadraticBezier = function(E, g, l, h) {
h = h > 2 ? h : 3;
for (var v = new Array(), b = function(w, N, M, U) {
return (1 - w) * (1 - w) * N + 2 * w * (1 - w) * M + w * w * U;
}, D = 0; D <= h; D++)
v.push(new C.e(b(D / h, E.x, g.x, l.x), b(D / h, E.y, g.y, l.y), b(D / h, E.z, g.z, l.z)));
return new S(v);
}, S.CreateCubicBezier = function(E, g, l, h, v) {
v = v > 3 ? v : 4;
for (var b = new Array(), D = function(N, M, U, X, j) {
return (1 - N) * (1 - N) * (1 - N) * M + 3 * N * (1 - N) * (1 - N) * U + 3 * N * N * (1 - N) * X + N * N * N * j;
}, w = 0; w <= v; w++)
b.push(new C.e(D(w / v, E.x, g.x, l.x, h.x), D(w / v, E.y, g.y, l.y, h.y), D(w / v, E.z, g.z, l.z, h.z)));
return new S(b);
}, S.CreateHermiteSpline = function(E, g, l, h, v) {
for (var b = new Array(), D = 1 / v, w = 0; w <= v; w++)
b.push(C.e.Hermite(E, g, l, h, w * D));
return new S(b);
}, S.CreateCatmullRomSpline = function(E, g, l) {
var h = new Array(), v = 1 / g, b = 0;
if (l) {
for (var D = E.length, w = 0; w < D; w++) {
b = 0;
for (var N = 0; N < g; N++)
h.push(C.e.CatmullRom(E[w % D], E[(w + 1) % D], E[(w + 2) % D], E[(w + 3) % D], b)), b += v;
} else {
var M = new Array();
for (M.push(E[0].clone()), Array.prototype.push.apply(M, E), M.push(E[E.length - 1].clone()), w = 0; w < M.length - 3; w++)
for (b = 0, N = 0; N < g; N++)
h.push(C.e.CatmullRom(M[w], M[w + 1], M[w + 2], M[w + 3], b)), b += v;
w--, h.push(C.e.CatmullRom(M[w], M[w + 1], M[w + 2], M[w + 3], b));
return new S(h);
}, S.prototype.getPoints = function() {
return this._points;
}, S.prototype.length = function() {
return this._length;
}, S.prototype.continue = function(E) {
for (var g = this._points[this._points.length - 1], l = this._points.slice(), h = E.getPoints(), v = 1; v < h.length; v++)
return new S(l);
}, S.prototype._computeLength = function(E) {
for (var g = 0, l = 1; l < E.length; l++)
g += E[l].subtract(E[l - 1]).length();
return g;
}, S;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return l;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(0), u = f(4), I = f(10), O = f(15), x = f(25), m = f(11), c = f(9), T = f(67), S = f(49), E = f(13), g = { effect: null, subMesh: null }, l = function(h) {
function v(b, D, w, N) {
N === void 0 && (N = {});
var M =, b, D) || this;
return M._textures = {}, M._textureArrays = {}, M._floats = {}, M._ints = {}, M._floatsArrays = {}, M._colors3 = {}, M._colors3Arrays = {}, M._colors4 = {}, M._colors4Arrays = {}, M._vectors2 = {}, M._vectors3 = {}, M._vectors4 = {}, M._matrices = {}, M._matrixArrays = {}, M._matrices3x3 = {}, M._matrices2x2 = {}, M._vectors2Arrays = {}, M._vectors3Arrays = {}, M._vectors4Arrays = {}, M._cachedWorldViewMatrix = new C.a(), M._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix = new C.a(), M._multiview = !1, M._shaderPath = w, M._options = Object(V.a)({ needAlphaBlending: !1, needAlphaTesting: !1, attributes: ["position", "normal", "uv"], uniforms: ["worldViewProjection"], uniformBuffers: [], samplers: [], defines: [] }, N), M;
return Object(V.d)(v, h), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "shaderPath", { get: function() {
return this._shaderPath;
}, set: function(b) {
this._shaderPath = b;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(v.prototype, "options", { get: function() {
return this._options;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), v.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ShaderMaterial";
}, v.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return this.alpha < 1 || this._options.needAlphaBlending;
}, v.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return this._options.needAlphaTesting;
}, v.prototype._checkUniform = function(b) {
this._options.uniforms.indexOf(b) === -1 && this._options.uniforms.push(b);
}, v.prototype.setTexture = function(b, D) {
return this._options.samplers.indexOf(b) === -1 && this._options.samplers.push(b), this._textures[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setTextureArray = function(b, D) {
return this._options.samplers.indexOf(b) === -1 && this._options.samplers.push(b), this._checkUniform(b), this._textureArrays[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setFloat = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._floats[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setInt = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._ints[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setFloats = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._floatsArrays[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setColor3 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._colors3[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setColor3Array = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._colors3Arrays[b] = D.reduce(function(w, N) {
return N.toArray(w, w.length), w;
}, []), this;
}, v.prototype.setColor4 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._colors4[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setColor4Array = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._colors4Arrays[b] = D.reduce(function(w, N) {
return N.toArray(w, w.length), w;
}, []), this;
}, v.prototype.setVector2 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors2[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setVector3 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors3[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setVector4 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors4[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setMatrix = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._matrices[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setMatrices = function(b, D) {
for (var w = new Float32Array(16 * D.length), N = 0; N < D.length; N++)
D[N].copyToArray(w, 16 * N);
return this._matrixArrays[b] = w, this;
}, v.prototype.setMatrix3x3 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._matrices3x3[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setMatrix2x2 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._matrices2x2[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setArray2 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors2Arrays[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setArray3 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors3Arrays[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype.setArray4 = function(b, D) {
return this._checkUniform(b), this._vectors4Arrays[b] = D, this;
}, v.prototype._checkCache = function(b, D) {
return !b || !this._effect || this._effect.defines.indexOf("#define INSTANCES") !== -1 === D;
}, v.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(b, D, w) {
return this.isReady(b, w);
}, v.prototype.isReady = function(b, D) {
var w, N;
if (this._effect && this.isFrozen && this._effect._wasPreviouslyReady)
return !0;
var M = this.getScene(), U = M.getEngine();
if (!this.checkReadyOnEveryCall && this._renderId === M.getRenderId() && this._checkCache(b, D))
return !0;
var X = [], j = [], ne = new T.a();
U.getCaps().multiview && M.activeCamera && M.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget && M.activeCamera.outputRenderTarget.getViewCount() > 1 && (this._multiview = !0, X.push("#define MULTIVIEW"), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("viewProjection") !== -1 && this._options.uniforms.push("viewProjectionR") === -1 && this._options.uniforms.push("viewProjectionR"));
for (var te = 0; te < this._options.defines.length; te++)
for (te = 0; te < this._options.attributes.length; te++)
b && b.isVerticesDataPresent(u.b.ColorKind) && (j.push(u.b.ColorKind), X.push("#define VERTEXCOLOR")), D && (X.push("#define INSTANCES"), O.a.PushAttributesForInstances(j), b != null && b.hasThinInstances && X.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES"));
var de = 0;
if (b && b.useBones && b.computeBonesUsingShaders && b.skeleton) {
j.push(u.b.MatricesIndicesKind), j.push(u.b.MatricesWeightsKind), b.numBoneInfluencers > 4 && (j.push(u.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), j.push(u.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind));
var pe = b.skeleton;
de = b.numBoneInfluencers, X.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + de), ne.addCPUSkinningFallback(0, b), pe.isUsingTextureForMatrices ? (X.push("#define BONETEXTURE"), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("boneTextureWidth") === -1 && this._options.uniforms.push("boneTextureWidth"), this._options.samplers.indexOf("boneSampler") === -1 && this._options.samplers.push("boneSampler")) : (X.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (pe.bones.length + 1)), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("mBones") === -1 && this._options.uniforms.push("mBones"));
} else
X.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0");
for (var ae in this._textures)
if (!this._textures[ae].isReady())
return !1;
b && this._shouldTurnAlphaTestOn(b) && X.push("#define ALPHATEST");
var ee = this._shaderPath, K = this._options.uniforms, $ = this._options.uniformBuffers, L = this._options.samplers;
this.customShaderNameResolve && (K = K.slice(), $ = $.slice(), L = L.slice(), ee = this.customShaderNameResolve(ee, K, $, L, X, j));
var G = this._effect, Q = X.join(`
return this._cachedDefines !== Q && (this._cachedDefines = Q, this._effect = U.createEffect(ee, { attributes: j, uniformsNames: K, uniformBuffersNames: $, samplers: L, defines: Q, fallbacks: ne, onCompiled: this.onCompiled, onError: this.onError, indexParameters: { maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: de } }, U), this._onEffectCreatedObservable && (g.effect = this._effect, this._onEffectCreatedObservable.notifyObservers(g))), (N = !(!((w = this._effect) === null || w === void 0) && w.isReady())) !== null && N !== void 0 && !N && (G !== this._effect && M.resetCachedMaterial(), this._renderId = M.getRenderId(), this._effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !0, !0);
}, v.prototype.bindOnlyWorldMatrix = function(b, D) {
var w = this.getScene(), N = D ?? this._effect;
N && (this._options.uniforms.indexOf("world") !== -1 && N.setMatrix("world", b), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("worldView") !== -1 && (b.multiplyToRef(w.getViewMatrix(), this._cachedWorldViewMatrix), N.setMatrix("worldView", this._cachedWorldViewMatrix)), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("worldViewProjection") !== -1 && (b.multiplyToRef(w.getTransformMatrix(), this._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix), N.setMatrix("worldViewProjection", this._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix)));
}, v.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(b, D, w) {
this.bind(b, D, w._effectOverride);
}, v.prototype.bind = function(b, D, w) {
this.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(b, w);
var N = w ?? this._effect;
if (N && this.getScene().getCachedMaterial() !== this) {
var M;
for (M in this._options.uniforms.indexOf("view") !== -1 && N.setMatrix("view", this.getScene().getViewMatrix()), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("projection") !== -1 && N.setMatrix("projection", this.getScene().getProjectionMatrix()), this._options.uniforms.indexOf("viewProjection") !== -1 && (N.setMatrix("viewProjection", this.getScene().getTransformMatrix()), this._multiview && N.setMatrix("viewProjectionR", this.getScene()._transformMatrixR)), this.getScene().activeCamera && this._options.uniforms.indexOf("cameraPosition") !== -1 && N.setVector3("cameraPosition", this.getScene().activeCamera.globalPosition), O.a.BindBonesParameters(D, N), this._textures)
N.setTexture(M, this._textures[M]);
for (M in this._textureArrays)
N.setTextureArray(M, this._textureArrays[M]);
for (M in this._ints)
N.setInt(M, this._ints[M]);
for (M in this._floats)
N.setFloat(M, this._floats[M]);
for (M in this._floatsArrays)
N.setArray(M, this._floatsArrays[M]);
for (M in this._colors3)
N.setColor3(M, this._colors3[M]);
for (M in this._colors3Arrays)
N.setArray3(M, this._colors3Arrays[M]);
for (M in this._colors4) {
var U = this._colors4[M];
N.setFloat4(M, U.r, U.g, U.b, U.a);
for (M in this._colors4Arrays)
N.setArray4(M, this._colors4Arrays[M]);
for (M in this._vectors2)
N.setVector2(M, this._vectors2[M]);
for (M in this._vectors3)
N.setVector3(M, this._vectors3[M]);
for (M in this._vectors4)
N.setVector4(M, this._vectors4[M]);
for (M in this._matrices)
N.setMatrix(M, this._matrices[M]);
for (M in this._matrixArrays)
N.setMatrices(M, this._matrixArrays[M]);
for (M in this._matrices3x3)
N.setMatrix3x3(M, this._matrices3x3[M]);
for (M in this._matrices2x2)
N.setMatrix2x2(M, this._matrices2x2[M]);
for (M in this._vectors2Arrays)
N.setArray2(M, this._vectors2Arrays[M]);
for (M in this._vectors3Arrays)
N.setArray3(M, this._vectors3Arrays[M]);
for (M in this._vectors4Arrays)
N.setArray4(M, this._vectors4Arrays[M]);
var X = this._effect;
this._effect = N, this._afterBind(D), this._effect = X;
}, v.prototype._afterBind = function(b) {, b), this.getScene()._cachedEffect = this._effect;
}, v.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
var b =;
for (var D in this._textures)
for (var D in this._textureArrays)
for (var w = this._textureArrays[D], N = 0; N < w.length; N++)
return b;
}, v.prototype.hasTexture = function(b) {
if (, b))
return !0;
for (var D in this._textures)
if (this._textures[D] === b)
return !0;
for (var D in this._textureArrays)
for (var w = this._textureArrays[D], N = 0; N < w.length; N++)
if (w[N] === b)
return !0;
return !1;
}, v.prototype.clone = function(b) {
var D = this, w = _.a.Clone(function() {
return new v(b, D.getScene(), D._shaderPath, D._options);
}, this);
for (var N in = b, = b, typeof w._shaderPath == "object" && (w._shaderPath = Object(V.a)({}, w._shaderPath)), this._options = Object(V.a)({}, this._options), Object.keys(this._options).forEach(function(M) {
var U = D._options[M];
Array.isArray(U) && (D._options[M] = U.slice(0));
}), this._textures)
w.setTexture(N, this._textures[N]);
for (var N in this._floats)
w.setFloat(N, this._floats[N]);
for (var N in this._floatsArrays)
w.setFloats(N, this._floatsArrays[N]);
for (var N in this._colors3)
w.setColor3(N, this._colors3[N]);
for (var N in this._colors4)
w.setColor4(N, this._colors4[N]);
for (var N in this._vectors2)
w.setVector2(N, this._vectors2[N]);
for (var N in this._vectors3)
w.setVector3(N, this._vectors3[N]);
for (var N in this._vectors4)
w.setVector4(N, this._vectors4[N]);
for (var N in this._matrices)
w.setMatrix(N, this._matrices[N]);
for (var N in this._matrices3x3)
w.setMatrix3x3(N, this._matrices3x3[N]);
for (var N in this._matrices2x2)
w.setMatrix2x2(N, this._matrices2x2[N]);
return w;
}, v.prototype.dispose = function(b, D, w) {
if (D) {
var N;
for (N in this._textures)
for (N in this._textureArrays)
for (var M = this._textureArrays[N], U = 0; U < M.length; U++)
this._textures = {},, b, D, w);
}, v.prototype.serialize = function() {
var b, D = _.a.Serialize(this);
for (b in D.customType = "BABYLON.ShaderMaterial", D.options = this._options, D.shaderPath = this._shaderPath, D.textures = {}, this._textures)
D.textures[b] = this._textures[b].serialize();
for (b in D.textureArrays = {}, this._textureArrays) {
D.textureArrays[b] = [];
for (var w = this._textureArrays[b], N = 0; N < w.length; N++)
for (b in D.floats = {}, this._floats)
D.floats[b] = this._floats[b];
for (b in D.FloatArrays = {}, this._floatsArrays)
D.FloatArrays[b] = this._floatsArrays[b];
for (b in D.colors3 = {}, this._colors3)
D.colors3[b] = this._colors3[b].asArray();
for (b in D.colors3Arrays = {}, this._colors3Arrays)
D.colors3Arrays[b] = this._colors3Arrays[b];
for (b in D.colors4 = {}, this._colors4)
D.colors4[b] = this._colors4[b].asArray();
for (b in D.colors4Arrays = {}, this._colors4Arrays)
D.colors4Arrays[b] = this._colors4Arrays[b];
for (b in D.vectors2 = {}, this._vectors2)
D.vectors2[b] = this._vectors2[b].asArray();
for (b in D.vectors3 = {}, this._vectors3)
D.vectors3[b] = this._vectors3[b].asArray();
for (b in D.vectors4 = {}, this._vectors4)
D.vectors4[b] = this._vectors4[b].asArray();
for (b in D.matrices = {}, this._matrices)
D.matrices[b] = this._matrices[b].asArray();
for (b in D.matrixArray = {}, this._matrixArrays)
D.matrixArray[b] = this._matrixArrays[b];
for (b in D.matrices3x3 = {}, this._matrices3x3)
D.matrices3x3[b] = this._matrices3x3[b];
for (b in D.matrices2x2 = {}, this._matrices2x2)
D.matrices2x2[b] = this._matrices2x2[b];
for (b in D.vectors2Arrays = {}, this._vectors2Arrays)
D.vectors2Arrays[b] = this._vectors2Arrays[b];
for (b in D.vectors3Arrays = {}, this._vectors3Arrays)
D.vectors3Arrays[b] = this._vectors3Arrays[b];
for (b in D.vectors4Arrays = {}, this._vectors4Arrays)
D.vectors4Arrays[b] = this._vectors4Arrays[b];
return D;
}, v.Parse = function(b, D, w) {
var N, M = _.a.Parse(function() {
return new v(, D, b.shaderPath, b.options);
}, b, D, w);
for (N in b.textures)
M.setTexture(N, I.a.Parse(b.textures[N], D, w));
for (N in b.textureArrays) {
for (var U = b.textureArrays[N], X = new Array(), j = 0; j < U.length; j++)
X.push(I.a.Parse(U[j], D, w));
M.setTextureArray(N, X);
for (N in b.floats)
M.setFloat(N, b.floats[N]);
for (N in b.floatsArrays)
M.setFloats(N, b.floatsArrays[N]);
for (N in b.colors3)
M.setColor3(N, c.a.FromArray(b.colors3[N]));
for (N in b.colors3Arrays) {
var ne = b.colors3Arrays[N].reduce(function(te, de, pe) {
return pe % 3 == 0 ? te.push([de]) : te[te.length - 1].push(de), te;
}, []).map(function(te) {
return c.a.FromArray(te);
M.setColor3Array(N, ne);
for (N in b.colors4)
M.setColor4(N, c.b.FromArray(b.colors4[N]));
for (N in b.colors4Arrays)
ne = b.colors4Arrays[N].reduce(function(te, de, pe) {
return pe % 4 == 0 ? te.push([de]) : te[te.length - 1].push(de), te;
}, []).map(function(te) {
return c.b.FromArray(te);
}), M.setColor4Array(N, ne);
for (N in b.vectors2)
M.setVector2(N, C.d.FromArray(b.vectors2[N]));
for (N in b.vectors3)
M.setVector3(N, C.e.FromArray(b.vectors3[N]));
for (N in b.vectors4)
M.setVector4(N, C.f.FromArray(b.vectors4[N]));
for (N in b.matrices)
M.setMatrix(N, C.a.FromArray(b.matrices[N]));
for (N in b.matrixArray)
M._matrixArrays[N] = new Float32Array(b.matrixArray[N]);
for (N in b.matrices3x3)
M.setMatrix3x3(N, b.matrices3x3[N]);
for (N in b.matrices2x2)
M.setMatrix2x2(N, b.matrices2x2[N]);
for (N in b.vectors2Arrays)
M.setArray2(N, b.vectors2Arrays[N]);
for (N in b.vectors3Arrays)
M.setArray3(N, b.vectors3Arrays[N]);
for (N in b.vectors4Arrays)
M.setArray4(N, b.vectors4Arrays[N]);
return M;
}, v.ParseFromFileAsync = function(b, D, w, N) {
var M = this;
return N === void 0 && (N = ""), new Promise(function(U, X) {
var j = new S.a();
j.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (j.readyState == 4)
if (j.status == 200) {
var ne = JSON.parse(j.responseText), te = M.Parse(ne, w || E.a.LastCreatedScene, N);
b && ( = b), U(te);
} else
X("Unable to load the ShaderMaterial");
}),"GET", D), j.send();
}, v.CreateFromSnippetAsync = function(b, D, w) {
var N = this;
return w === void 0 && (w = ""), new Promise(function(M, U) {
var X = new S.a();
X.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (X.readyState == 4)
if (X.status == 200) {
var j = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(X.responseText).jsonPayload), ne = JSON.parse(j.shaderMaterial), te = N.Parse(ne, D || E.a.LastCreatedScene, w);
te.snippetId = b, M(te);
} else
U("Unable to load the snippet " + b);
}),"GET", N.SnippetUrl + "/" + b.replace(/#/g, "/")), X.send();
}, v.SnippetUrl = "", v;
m.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ShaderMaterial"] = l;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.SetMatrixPrecision = function(C) {
if (_.MatrixTrackPrecisionChange = !1, C && !_.MatrixUse64Bits && _.MatrixTrackedMatrices)
for (var u = 0; u < _.MatrixTrackedMatrices.length; ++u) {
var I = _.MatrixTrackedMatrices[u], O = I._m;
I._m = new Array(16);
for (var x = 0; x < 16; ++x)
I._m[x] = O[x];
_.MatrixUse64Bits = C, _.MatrixCurrentType = _.MatrixUse64Bits ? Array : Float32Array, _.MatrixTrackedMatrices = null;
}, _.MatrixUse64Bits = !1, _.MatrixTrackPrecisionChange = !0, _.MatrixCurrentType = Float32Array, _.MatrixTrackedMatrices = [], _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return E;
var V = f(1), _ = f(6), C = f(0), u = f(46), I = f(7), O = f(53), x = f(65), m = f(51), c = f(36), T = f(30), S = f(9), E = function(g) {
function l(h, v, b, D, w) {
var N;
v === void 0 && (v = S.a.Gray()), b === void 0 && (b = c.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), D === void 0 && (D = null), w === void 0 && (w = 1);
var M =, b) || this;
M._pointerObserver = null, M.snapDistance = 0, M.onSnapObservable = new _.c(), M._isEnabled = !0, M._parent = null, M._dragging = !1, M._parent = D, M._coloredMaterial = new T.a("", b.utilityLayerScene), M._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor = v, M._coloredMaterial.specularColor = v.subtract(new S.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), M._hoverMaterial = new T.a("", b.utilityLayerScene), M._hoverMaterial.diffuseColor = S.a.Yellow(), M._disableMaterial = new T.a("", b.utilityLayerScene), M._disableMaterial.diffuseColor = S.a.Gray(), M._disableMaterial.alpha = 0.4;
var U = l._CreateArrow(b.utilityLayerScene, M._coloredMaterial, w), X = l._CreateArrow(b.utilityLayerScene, M._coloredMaterial, w + 4, !0);
M._gizmoMesh = new I.a("", b.utilityLayerScene), M._gizmoMesh.addChild(U), M._gizmoMesh.addChild(X), M._gizmoMesh.lookAt(M._rootMesh.position.add(h)), M._gizmoMesh.scaling.scaleInPlace(1 / 3), M._gizmoMesh.parent = M._rootMesh;
var j = 0, ne = new C.e(), te = { snapDistance: 0 };
M.dragBehavior = new x.a({ dragAxis: h }), M.dragBehavior.moveAttached = !1, M._rootMesh.addBehavior(M.dragBehavior), M.dragBehavior.onDragObservable.add(function(ae) {
if (M.attachedNode) {
if (M.snapDistance == 0)
M.attachedNode.position && M.attachedNode.position.addInPlaceFromFloats(,,, M.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().addTranslationFromFloats(,,, M.attachedNode.updateCache();
else if (j += ae.dragDistance, Math.abs(j) > M.snapDistance) {
var ee = Math.floor(Math.abs(j) / M.snapDistance);
j %= M.snapDistance,, ne.scaleInPlace(M.snapDistance * ee), M.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().addTranslationFromFloats(ne.x, ne.y, ne.z), M.attachedNode.updateCache(), te.snapDistance = M.snapDistance * ee, M.onSnapObservable.notifyObservers(te);
}), M.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
M._dragging = !0;
}), M.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
M._dragging = !1;
var de = b._getSharedGizmoLight();
de.includedOnlyMeshes = de.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(M._rootMesh.getChildMeshes(!1));
var pe = { gizmoMeshes: U.getChildMeshes(), colliderMeshes: X.getChildMeshes(), material: M._coloredMaterial, hoverMaterial: M._hoverMaterial, disableMaterial: M._disableMaterial, active: !1 };
return (N = M._parent) === null || N === void 0 || N.addToAxisCache(X, pe), M._pointerObserver = b.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(ae) {
var ee;
if (!M._customMeshSet && (M._isHovered = pe.colliderMeshes.indexOf((ee = ae == null ? void 0 : ae.pickInfo) === null || ee === void 0 ? void 0 : ee.pickedMesh) != -1, !M._parent)) {
var K = M._isHovered || M._dragging ? M._hoverMaterial : M._coloredMaterial;
pe.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function($) {
$.material = K, $.color && ($.color = K.diffuseColor);
}), M;
return Object(V.d)(l, g), l._CreateArrow = function(h, v, b, D) {
b === void 0 && (b = 1), D === void 0 && (D = !1);
var w = new u.a("arrow", h), N = O.a.CreateCylinder("cylinder", { diameterTop: 0, height: 0.075, diameterBottom: 0.0375 * (1 + (b - 1) / 4), tessellation: 96 }, h), M = O.a.CreateCylinder("cylinder", { diameterTop: 5e-3 * b, height: 0.275, diameterBottom: 5e-3 * b, tessellation: 96 }, h);
return N.parent = w, N.material = v, N.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, N.position.z += 0.3, M.parent = w, M.material = v, M.position.z += 0.1375, M.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, D && (M.visibility = 0, N.visibility = 0), w;
}, l._CreateArrowInstance = function(h, v) {
for (var b = new u.a("arrow", h), D = 0, w = v.getChildMeshes(); D < w.length; D++) {
var N = w[D];
N.createInstance( = b;
return b;
}, l.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(h) {
this.dragBehavior && (this.dragBehavior.enabled = !!h);
}, Object.defineProperty(l.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(h) {
this._isEnabled = h, h ? this._parent && (this.attachedMesh = this._parent.attachedMesh, this.attachedNode = this._parent.attachedNode) : (this.attachedMesh = null, this.attachedNode = null);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), l.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onSnapObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this.dragBehavior.detach(), this._gizmoMesh && this._gizmoMesh.dispose(), [this._coloredMaterial, this._hoverMaterial, this._disableMaterial].forEach(function(h) {
h && h.dispose();
}, l;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this._isDirty = !0, this._areLightsDirty = !0, this._areLightsDisposed = !1, this._areAttributesDirty = !0, this._areTexturesDirty = !0, this._areFresnelDirty = !0, this._areMiscDirty = !0, this._arePrePassDirty = !0, this._areImageProcessingDirty = !0, this._normals = !1, this._uvs = !1, this._needNormals = !1, this._needUVs = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "isDirty", { get: function() {
return this._isDirty;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.prototype.markAsProcessed = function() {
this._isDirty = !1, this._areAttributesDirty = !1, this._areTexturesDirty = !1, this._areFresnelDirty = !1, this._areLightsDirty = !1, this._areLightsDisposed = !1, this._areMiscDirty = !1, this._arePrePassDirty = !1, this._areImageProcessingDirty = !1;
}, _.prototype.markAsUnprocessed = function() {
this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAllAsDirty = function() {
this._areTexturesDirty = !0, this._areAttributesDirty = !0, this._areLightsDirty = !0, this._areFresnelDirty = !0, this._areMiscDirty = !0, this._areImageProcessingDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsImageProcessingDirty = function() {
this._areImageProcessingDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsLightDirty = function(C) {
C === void 0 && (C = !1), this._areLightsDirty = !0, this._areLightsDisposed = this._areLightsDisposed || C, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsAttributesDirty = function() {
this._areAttributesDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsTexturesDirty = function() {
this._areTexturesDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsFresnelDirty = function() {
this._areFresnelDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsMiscDirty = function() {
this._areMiscDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.markAsPrePassDirty = function() {
this._arePrePassDirty = !0, this._isDirty = !0;
}, _.prototype.rebuild = function() {
this._keys = [];
for (var C = 0, u = Object.keys(this); C < u.length; C++) {
var I = u[C];
I[0] !== "_" && this._keys.push(I);
}, _.prototype.isEqual = function(C) {
if (this._keys.length !== C._keys.length)
return !1;
for (var u = 0; u < this._keys.length; u++) {
var I = this._keys[u];
if (this[I] !== C[I])
return !1;
return !0;
}, _.prototype.cloneTo = function(C) {
this._keys.length !== C._keys.length && (C._keys = this._keys.slice(0));
for (var u = 0; u < this._keys.length; u++) {
var I = this._keys[u];
C[I] = this[I];
}, _.prototype.reset = function() {
for (var C = 0; C < this._keys.length; C++) {
var u = this._keys[C];
switch (typeof this[u]) {
case "number":
this[u] = 0;
case "string":
this[u] = "";
this[u] = !1;
}, _.prototype.toString = function() {
for (var C = "", u = 0; u < this._keys.length; u++) {
var I = this._keys[u], O = this[I];
switch (typeof O) {
case "number":
case "string":
C += "#define " + I + " " + O + `
O && (C += "#define " + I + `
return C;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _(C, u) {
this.width = C, this.height = u;
return _.prototype.toString = function() {
return "{W: " + this.width + ", H: " + this.height + "}";
}, _.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Size";
}, _.prototype.getHashCode = function() {
var C = 0 | this.width;
return C = 397 * C ^ (0 | this.height);
}, _.prototype.copyFrom = function(C) {
this.width = C.width, this.height = C.height;
}, _.prototype.copyFromFloats = function(C, u) {
return this.width = C, this.height = u, this;
}, _.prototype.set = function(C, u) {
return this.copyFromFloats(C, u);
}, _.prototype.multiplyByFloats = function(C, u) {
return new _(this.width * C, this.height * u);
}, _.prototype.clone = function() {
return new _(this.width, this.height);
}, _.prototype.equals = function(C) {
return !!C && this.width === C.width && this.height === C.height;
}, Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "surface", { get: function() {
return this.width * this.height;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.Zero = function() {
return new _(0, 0);
}, _.prototype.add = function(C) {
return new _(this.width + C.width, this.height + C.height);
}, _.prototype.subtract = function(C) {
return new _(this.width - C.width, this.height - C.height);
}, _.Lerp = function(C, u, I) {
return new _(C.width + (u.width - C.width) * I, C.height + (u.height - C.height) * I);
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "bonesDeclaration", _ = `#if NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS>0
uniform sampler2D boneSampler;
uniform float boneTextureWidth;
uniform mat4 mBones[BonesPerMesh];
uniform mat4 mPreviousBones[BonesPerMesh];
attribute vec4 matricesIndices;
attribute vec4 matricesWeights;
attribute vec4 matricesIndicesExtra;
attribute vec4 matricesWeightsExtra;
#define inline
mat4 readMatrixFromRawSampler(sampler2D smp,float index)
float offset=index*4.0;
float dx=1.0/boneTextureWidth;
vec4 m0=texture2D(smp,vec2(dx*(offset+0.5),0.));
vec4 m1=texture2D(smp,vec2(dx*(offset+1.5),0.));
vec4 m2=texture2D(smp,vec2(dx*(offset+2.5),0.));
vec4 m3=texture2D(smp,vec2(dx*(offset+3.5),0.));
return mat4(m0,m1,m2,m3);
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "instancesDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef INSTANCES
attribute vec4 world0;
attribute vec4 world1;
attribute vec4 world2;
attribute vec4 world3;
uniform mat4 world;
uniform mat4 world;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "instancesVertex", _ = `#ifdef INSTANCES
mat4 finalWorld=mat4(world0,world1,world2,world3);
mat4 finalWorld=world;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
mat4 influence;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore.bonesVertex = V;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(0), _ = f(7), C = f(4), u = f(16), I = f(43);
u.a.CreateRibbon = function(x) {
var m = x.pathArray, c = x.closeArray || !1, T = x.closePath || !1, S = x.invertUV || !1, E = Math.floor(m[0].length / 2), g = x.offset || E;
g = g > E ? E : Math.floor(g);
var l, h, v, b, D = x.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : x.sideOrientation || u.a.DEFAULTSIDE, w = x.uvs, N = x.colors, M = [], U = [], X = [], j = [], ne = [], te = [], de = [], pe = [], ae = [], ee = [];
if (m.length < 2) {
var K = [], $ = [];
for (v = 0; v < m[0].length - g; v++)
K.push(m[0][v]), $.push(m[0][v + g]);
m = [K, $];
var L, G, Q, oe, re, Y = 0, k = T ? 1 : 0;
for (l = m[0].length, h = 0; h < m.length; h++) {
for (de[h] = 0, ne[h] = [0], l = l < (G = (L = m[h]).length) ? l : G, b = 0; b < G; )
M.push(L[b].x, L[b].y, L[b].z), b > 0 && (Q = L[b].subtract(L[b - 1]).length() + de[h], ne[h].push(Q), de[h] = Q), b++;
T && (b--, M.push(L[0].x, L[0].y, L[0].z), Q = L[b].subtract(L[0]).length() + de[h], ne[h].push(Q), de[h] = Q), ae[h] = G + k, ee[h] = Y, Y += G + k;
var H, Z, W = null, q = null;
for (v = 0; v < l + k; v++) {
for (pe[v] = 0, te[v] = [0], h = 0; h < m.length - 1; h++)
oe = m[h], re = m[h + 1], v === l ? (W = oe[0], q = re[0]) : (W = oe[v], q = re[v]), Q = q.subtract(W).length() + pe[v], te[v].push(Q), pe[v] = Q;
c && q && W && (oe = m[h], re = m[0], v === l && (q = re[0]), Q = q.subtract(W).length() + pe[v], pe[v] = Q);
if (w)
for (h = 0; h < w.length; h++)
j.push(w[h].x, w[h].y);
for (h = 0; h < m.length; h++)
for (v = 0; v < l + k; v++)
H = de[h] != 0 ? ne[h][v] / de[h] : 0, Z = pe[v] != 0 ? te[v][h] / pe[v] : 0, S ? j.push(Z, H) : j.push(H, Z);
for (var he = 0, ge = ae[h = 0] - 1, me = ae[h + 1] - 1, _e = ge < me ? ge : me, ye = ee[1] - ee[0], Pe = c ? ae.length : ae.length - 1; he <= _e && h < Pe; )
U.push(he, he + ye, he + 1), U.push(he + ye + 1, he + 1, he + ye), (he += 1) === _e && (++h === ae.length - 1 ? (ye = ee[0] - ee[h], ge = ae[h] - 1, me = ae[0] - 1) : (ye = ee[h + 1] - ee[h], ge = ae[h] - 1, me = ae[h + 1] - 1), he = ee[h], _e = ge < me ? ge + he : me + he);
if (u.a.ComputeNormals(M, U, X), T) {
var be = 0, Fe = 0;
for (h = 0; h < m.length; h++)
be = 3 * ee[h], Fe = h + 1 < m.length ? 3 * (ee[h + 1] - 1) : X.length - 3, X[be] = 0.5 * (X[be] + X[Fe]), X[be + 1] = 0.5 * (X[be + 1] + X[Fe + 1]), X[be + 2] = 0.5 * (X[be + 2] + X[Fe + 2]), X[Fe] = X[be], X[Fe + 1] = X[be + 1], X[Fe + 2] = X[be + 2];
u.a._ComputeSides(D, M, U, X, j, x.frontUVs, x.backUVs);
var ke = null;
if (N) {
ke = new Float32Array(4 * N.length);
for (var We = 0; We < N.length; We++)
ke[4 * We] = N[We].r, ke[4 * We + 1] = N[We].g, ke[4 * We + 2] = N[We].b, ke[4 * We + 3] = N[We].a;
var je = new u.a(), He = new Float32Array(M), Qe = new Float32Array(X), Ge = new Float32Array(j);
return je.indices = U, je.positions = He, je.normals = Qe, je.uvs = Ge, ke && je.set(ke, C.b.ColorKind), T && (je._idx = ee), je;
}, _.a.CreateRibbon = function(x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
return c === void 0 && (c = !1), g === void 0 && (g = !1), O.CreateRibbon(x, { pathArray: m, closeArray: c, closePath: T, offset: S, updatable: g, sideOrientation: l, instance: h }, E);
var O = function() {
function x() {
return x.CreateRibbon = function(m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = null);
var S = c.pathArray, E = c.closeArray, g = c.closePath, l = _.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(c.sideOrientation), h = c.instance, v = c.updatable;
if (h) {
var b = V.c.Vector3[0].setAll(Number.MAX_VALUE), D = V.c.Vector3[1].setAll(-Number.MAX_VALUE), w = h.getVerticesData(C.b.PositionKind);
if (function(G) {
for (var Q = S[0].length, oe = h, re = 0, Y = oe._originalBuilderSideOrientation === _.a.DOUBLESIDE ? 2 : 1, k = 1; k <= Y; ++k)
for (var H = 0; H < S.length; ++H) {
var Z = S[H], W = Z.length;
Q = Q < W ? Q : W;
for (var q = 0; q < Q; ++q) {
var he = Z[q];
G[re] = he.x, G[re + 1] = he.y, G[re + 2] = he.z, b.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(he.x, he.y, he.z), D.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(he.x, he.y, he.z), re += 3;
oe._creationDataStorage && oe._creationDataStorage.closePath && (he = Z[0], G[re] = he.x, G[re + 1] = he.y, G[re + 2] = he.z, re += 3);
}(w), h._boundingInfo ? h._boundingInfo.reConstruct(b, D, h._worldMatrix) : h._boundingInfo = new I.a(b, D, h._worldMatrix), h.updateVerticesData(C.b.PositionKind, w, !1, !1), c.colors) {
for (var N = h.getVerticesData(C.b.ColorKind), M = 0, U = 0; M < c.colors.length; M++, U += 4) {
var X = c.colors[M];
N[U] = X.r, N[U + 1] = X.g, N[U + 2] = X.b, N[U + 3] = X.a;
h.updateVerticesData(C.b.ColorKind, N, !1, !1);
if (c.uvs) {
for (var j = h.getVerticesData(C.b.UVKind), ne = 0; ne < c.uvs.length; ne++)
j[2 * ne] = c.uvs[ne].x, j[2 * ne + 1] = c.uvs[ne].y;
h.updateVerticesData(C.b.UVKind, j, !1, !1);
if (!h.areNormalsFrozen || h.isFacetDataEnabled) {
var te = h.getIndices(), de = h.getVerticesData(C.b.NormalKind), pe = h.isFacetDataEnabled ? h.getFacetDataParameters() : null;
if (u.a.ComputeNormals(w, te, de, pe), h._creationDataStorage && h._creationDataStorage.closePath)
for (var ae = 0, ee = 0, K = 0; K < S.length; K++)
ae = 3 * h._creationDataStorage.idx[K], ee = K + 1 < S.length ? 3 * (h._creationDataStorage.idx[K + 1] - 1) : de.length - 3, de[ae] = 0.5 * (de[ae] + de[ee]), de[ae + 1] = 0.5 * (de[ae + 1] + de[ee + 1]), de[ae + 2] = 0.5 * (de[ae + 2] + de[ee + 2]), de[ee] = de[ae], de[ee + 1] = de[ae + 1], de[ee + 2] = de[ae + 2];
h.areNormalsFrozen || h.updateVerticesData(C.b.NormalKind, de, !1, !1);
return h;
var $ = new _.a(m, T);
$._originalBuilderSideOrientation = l, $._creationDataStorage = new _.b();
var L = u.a.CreateRibbon(c);
return g && ($._creationDataStorage.idx = L._idx), $._creationDataStorage.closePath = g, $._creationDataStorage.closeArray = E, L.applyToMesh($, v), $;
}, x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.FilesToLoad = {}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(7), _ = f(16);
_.a.CreatePlane = function(u) {
var I = [], O = [], x = [], m = [], c = u.width || u.size || 1, T = u.height || u.size || 1, S = u.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : u.sideOrientation || _.a.DEFAULTSIDE, E = c / 2, g = T / 2;
O.push(-E, -g, 0), x.push(0, 0, -1), m.push(0, 0), O.push(E, -g, 0), x.push(0, 0, -1), m.push(1, 0), O.push(E, g, 0), x.push(0, 0, -1), m.push(1, 1), O.push(-E, g, 0), x.push(0, 0, -1), m.push(0, 1), I.push(0), I.push(1), I.push(2), I.push(0), I.push(2), I.push(3), _.a._ComputeSides(S, O, I, x, m, u.frontUVs, u.backUVs);
var l = new _.a();
return l.indices = I, l.positions = O, l.normals = x, l.uvs = m, l;
}, V.a.CreatePlane = function(u, I, O, x, m) {
var c = { size: I, width: I, height: I, sideOrientation: m, updatable: x };
return C.CreatePlane(u, c, O);
var C = function() {
function u() {
return u.CreatePlane = function(I, O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = null);
var m = new V.a(I, x);
return O.sideOrientation = V.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(O.sideOrientation), m._originalBuilderSideOrientation = O.sideOrientation, _.a.CreatePlane(O).applyToMesh(m, O.updatable), O.sourcePlane && (m.translate(O.sourcePlane.normal, -O.sourcePlane.d), m.setDirection(O.sourcePlane.normal.scale(-1))), m;
}, u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(8), _ = (f(153), function() {
function C(u, I, O) {
this._alreadyBound = !1, this._valueCache = {}, this._engine = u, this._noUBO = !u.supportsUniformBuffers, this._dynamic = O, this._data = I || [], this._uniformLocations = {}, this._uniformSizes = {}, this._uniformLocationPointer = 0, this._needSync = !1, this._noUBO ? (this.updateMatrix3x3 = this._updateMatrix3x3ForEffect, this.updateMatrix2x2 = this._updateMatrix2x2ForEffect, this.updateFloat = this._updateFloatForEffect, this.updateFloat2 = this._updateFloat2ForEffect, this.updateFloat3 = this._updateFloat3ForEffect, this.updateFloat4 = this._updateFloat4ForEffect, this.updateMatrix = this._updateMatrixForEffect, this.updateVector3 = this._updateVector3ForEffect, this.updateVector4 = this._updateVector4ForEffect, this.updateColor3 = this._updateColor3ForEffect, this.updateColor4 = this._updateColor4ForEffect) : (this._engine._uniformBuffers.push(this), this.updateMatrix3x3 = this._updateMatrix3x3ForUniform, this.updateMatrix2x2 = this._updateMatrix2x2ForUniform, this.updateFloat = this._updateFloatForUniform, this.updateFloat2 = this._updateFloat2ForUniform, this.updateFloat3 = this._updateFloat3ForUniform, this.updateFloat4 = this._updateFloat4ForUniform, this.updateMatrix = this._updateMatrixForUniform, this.updateVector3 = this._updateVector3ForUniform, this.updateVector4 = this._updateVector4ForUniform, this.updateColor3 = this._updateColor3ForUniform, this.updateColor4 = this._updateColor4ForUniform);
return Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "useUbo", { get: function() {
return !this._noUBO;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C.prototype, "isSync", { get: function() {
return !this._needSync;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C.prototype.isDynamic = function() {
return this._dynamic !== void 0;
}, C.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._bufferData;
}, C.prototype.getBuffer = function() {
return this._buffer;
}, C.prototype._fillAlignment = function(u) {
var I;
if (I = u <= 2 ? u : 4, this._uniformLocationPointer % I != 0) {
var O = this._uniformLocationPointer;
this._uniformLocationPointer += I - this._uniformLocationPointer % I;
for (var x = this._uniformLocationPointer - O, m = 0; m < x; m++)
}, C.prototype.addUniform = function(u, I) {
if (!this._noUBO && this._uniformLocations[u] === void 0) {
var O;
if (I instanceof Array)
I = (O = I).length;
else {
I = I, O = [];
for (var x = 0; x < I; x++)
for (this._fillAlignment(I), this._uniformSizes[u] = I, this._uniformLocations[u] = this._uniformLocationPointer, this._uniformLocationPointer += I, x = 0; x < I; x++)
this._needSync = !0;
}, C.prototype.addMatrix = function(u, I) {
}, C.prototype.addFloat2 = function(u, I, O) {
var x = [I, O];
this.addUniform(u, x);
}, C.prototype.addFloat3 = function(u, I, O, x) {
var m = [I, O, x];
this.addUniform(u, m);
}, C.prototype.addColor3 = function(u, I) {
var O = new Array();
I.toArray(O), this.addUniform(u, O);
}, C.prototype.addColor4 = function(u, I, O) {
var x = new Array();
I.toArray(x), x.push(O), this.addUniform(u, x);
}, C.prototype.addVector3 = function(u, I) {
var O = new Array();
I.toArray(O), this.addUniform(u, O);
}, C.prototype.addMatrix3x3 = function(u) {
this.addUniform(u, 12);
}, C.prototype.addMatrix2x2 = function(u) {
this.addUniform(u, 8);
}, C.prototype.create = function() {
this._noUBO || this._buffer || (this._fillAlignment(4), this._bufferData = new Float32Array(this._data), this._rebuild(), this._needSync = !0);
}, C.prototype._rebuild = function() {
!this._noUBO && this._bufferData && (this._dynamic ? this._buffer = this._engine.createDynamicUniformBuffer(this._bufferData) : this._buffer = this._engine.createUniformBuffer(this._bufferData));
}, C.prototype.update = function() {
this._buffer ? (this._dynamic || this._needSync) && (this._engine.updateUniformBuffer(this._buffer, this._bufferData), this._needSync = !1) : this.create();
}, C.prototype.updateUniform = function(u, I, O) {
var x = this._uniformLocations[u];
if (x === void 0) {
if (this._buffer)
return void V.a.Error("Cannot add an uniform after UBO has been created.");
this.addUniform(u, O), x = this._uniformLocations[u];
if (this._buffer || this.create(), this._dynamic)
for (c = 0; c < O; c++)
this._bufferData[x + c] = I[c];
else {
for (var m = !1, c = 0; c < O; c++)
O !== 16 && this._bufferData[x + c] === I[c] || (m = !0, this._bufferData[x + c] = I[c]);
this._needSync = this._needSync || m;
}, C.prototype._cacheMatrix = function(u, I) {
var O = this._valueCache[u], x = I.updateFlag;
return (O === void 0 || O !== x) && (this._valueCache[u] = x, !0);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrix3x3ForUniform = function(u, I) {
for (var O = 0; O < 3; O++)
C._tempBuffer[4 * O] = I[3 * O], C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 1] = I[3 * O + 1], C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 2] = I[3 * O + 2], C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 3] = 0;
this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 12);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrix3x3ForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setMatrix3x3(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrix2x2ForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setMatrix2x2(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrix2x2ForUniform = function(u, I) {
for (var O = 0; O < 2; O++)
C._tempBuffer[4 * O] = I[2 * O], C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 1] = I[2 * O + 1], C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 2] = 0, C._tempBuffer[4 * O + 3] = 0;
this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 8);
}, C.prototype._updateFloatForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setFloat(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateFloatForUniform = function(u, I) {
C._tempBuffer[0] = I, this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 1);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat2ForEffect = function(u, I, O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = ""), this._currentEffect.setFloat2(u + x, I, O);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat2ForUniform = function(u, I, O) {
C._tempBuffer[0] = I, C._tempBuffer[1] = O, this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 2);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat3ForEffect = function(u, I, O, x, m) {
m === void 0 && (m = ""), this._currentEffect.setFloat3(u + m, I, O, x);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat3ForUniform = function(u, I, O, x) {
C._tempBuffer[0] = I, C._tempBuffer[1] = O, C._tempBuffer[2] = x, this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 3);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat4ForEffect = function(u, I, O, x, m, c) {
c === void 0 && (c = ""), this._currentEffect.setFloat4(u + c, I, O, x, m);
}, C.prototype._updateFloat4ForUniform = function(u, I, O, x, m) {
C._tempBuffer[0] = I, C._tempBuffer[1] = O, C._tempBuffer[2] = x, C._tempBuffer[3] = m, this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 4);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrixForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setMatrix(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateMatrixForUniform = function(u, I) {
this._cacheMatrix(u, I) && this.updateUniform(u, I.toArray(), 16);
}, C.prototype._updateVector3ForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setVector3(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateVector3ForUniform = function(u, I) {
I.toArray(C._tempBuffer), this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 3);
}, C.prototype._updateVector4ForEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setVector4(u, I);
}, C.prototype._updateVector4ForUniform = function(u, I) {
I.toArray(C._tempBuffer), this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 4);
}, C.prototype._updateColor3ForEffect = function(u, I, O) {
O === void 0 && (O = ""), this._currentEffect.setColor3(u + O, I);
}, C.prototype._updateColor3ForUniform = function(u, I) {
I.toArray(C._tempBuffer), this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 3);
}, C.prototype._updateColor4ForEffect = function(u, I, O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = ""), this._currentEffect.setColor4(u + x, I, O);
}, C.prototype._updateColor4ForUniform = function(u, I, O) {
I.toArray(C._tempBuffer), C._tempBuffer[3] = O, this.updateUniform(u, C._tempBuffer, 4);
}, C.prototype.setTexture = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect.setTexture(u, I);
}, C.prototype.updateUniformDirectly = function(u, I) {
this.updateUniform(u, I, I.length), this.update();
}, C.prototype.bindToEffect = function(u, I) {
this._currentEffect = u, !this._noUBO && this._buffer && (this._alreadyBound = !0, u.bindUniformBuffer(this._buffer, I));
}, C.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (!this._noUBO) {
var u = this._engine._uniformBuffers, I = u.indexOf(this);
I !== -1 && (u[I] = u[u.length - 1], u.pop()), this._buffer && this._engine._releaseBuffer(this._buffer) && (this._buffer = null);
}, C._MAX_UNIFORM_SIZE = 256, C._tempBuffer = new Float32Array(C._MAX_UNIFORM_SIZE), C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return x;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(0), u = f(9), I = f(29), O = f(48);
I.a.AddNodeConstructor("Light_Type_3", function(m, c) {
return function() {
return new x(m, C.e.Zero(), c);
var x = function(m) {
function c(T, S, E) {
var g =, T, E) || this;
return g.groundColor = new u.a(0, 0, 0), g.direction = S || C.e.Up(), g;
return Object(V.d)(c, m), c.prototype._buildUniformLayout = function() {
this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightData", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightDiffuse", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightSpecular", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightGround", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("shadowsInfo", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("depthValues", 2), this._uniformBuffer.create();
}, c.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "HemisphericLight";
}, c.prototype.setDirectionToTarget = function(T) {
return this.direction = C.e.Normalize(T.subtract(C.e.Zero())), this.direction;
}, c.prototype.getShadowGenerator = function() {
return null;
}, c.prototype.transferToEffect = function(T, S) {
var E = C.e.Normalize(this.direction);
return this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", E.x, E.y, E.z, 0, S), this._uniformBuffer.updateColor3("vLightGround", this.groundColor.scale(this.intensity), S), this;
}, c.prototype.transferToNodeMaterialEffect = function(T, S) {
var E = C.e.Normalize(this.direction);
return T.setFloat3(S, E.x, E.y, E.z), this;
}, c.prototype.computeWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._worldMatrix || (this._worldMatrix = C.a.Identity()), this._worldMatrix;
}, c.prototype.getTypeID = function() {
}, c.prototype.prepareLightSpecificDefines = function(T, S) {
T["HEMILIGHT" + S] = !0;
}, Object(V.c)([Object(_.e)()], c.prototype, "groundColor", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.o)()], c.prototype, "direction", void 0), c;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(1), _ = f(0), C = function(u) {
function I(O, x) {
var m =, O, x) || this;
return m._normalMatrix = new _.a(), m._storeEffectOnSubMeshes = !0, m;
return Object(V.d)(I, u), I.prototype.getEffect = function() {
return this._activeEffect;
}, I.prototype.isReady = function(O, x) {
return !!O && (!O.subMeshes || O.subMeshes.length === 0 || this.isReadyForSubMesh(O, O.subMeshes[0], x));
}, I.prototype._isReadyForSubMesh = function(O) {
var x = O._materialDefines;
return !(this.checkReadyOnEveryCall || !O.effect || !x || x._renderId !== this.getScene().getRenderId());
}, I.prototype.bindOnlyWorldMatrix = function(O) {
this._activeEffect.setMatrix("world", O);
}, I.prototype.bindOnlyNormalMatrix = function(O) {
this._activeEffect.setMatrix("normalMatrix", O);
}, I.prototype.bind = function(O, x) {
x && this.bindForSubMesh(O, x, x.subMeshes[0]);
}, I.prototype._afterBind = function(O, x) {
x === void 0 && (x = null),, O), this.getScene()._cachedEffect = x;
}, I.prototype._mustRebind = function(O, x, m) {
return m === void 0 && (m = 1), O.isCachedMaterialInvalid(this, x, m);
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(1), _ = function(C) {
function u(I) {
var O = || this;
return O._buffer = I, O;
return Object(V.d)(u, C), Object.defineProperty(u.prototype, "underlyingResource", { get: function() {
return this._buffer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this.references = 0, this.capacity = 0, this.is32Bits = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "underlyingResource", { get: function() {
return null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(64), _ = function() {
function C() {
return C.GetPlanes = function(u) {
for (var I = [], O = 0; O < 6; O++)
I.push(new V.a(0, 0, 0, 0));
return C.GetPlanesToRef(u, I), I;
}, C.GetNearPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] + O[2], I.normal.y = O[7] + O[6], I.normal.z = O[11] + O[10], I.d = O[15] + O[14], I.normalize();
}, C.GetFarPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] - O[2], I.normal.y = O[7] - O[6], I.normal.z = O[11] - O[10], I.d = O[15] - O[14], I.normalize();
}, C.GetLeftPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] + O[0], I.normal.y = O[7] + O[4], I.normal.z = O[11] + O[8], I.d = O[15] + O[12], I.normalize();
}, C.GetRightPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] - O[0], I.normal.y = O[7] - O[4], I.normal.z = O[11] - O[8], I.d = O[15] - O[12], I.normalize();
}, C.GetTopPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] - O[1], I.normal.y = O[7] - O[5], I.normal.z = O[11] - O[9], I.d = O[15] - O[13], I.normalize();
}, C.GetBottomPlaneToRef = function(u, I) {
var O = u.m;
I.normal.x = O[3] + O[1], I.normal.y = O[7] + O[5], I.normal.z = O[11] + O[9], I.d = O[15] + O[13], I.normalize();
}, C.GetPlanesToRef = function(u, I) {
C.GetNearPlaneToRef(u, I[0]), C.GetFarPlaneToRef(u, I[1]), C.GetLeftPlaneToRef(u, I[2]), C.GetRightPlaneToRef(u, I[3]), C.GetTopPlaneToRef(u, I[4]), C.GetBottomPlaneToRef(u, I[5]);
}, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(2), _ = function() {
function C() {
this.hoverCursor = "", this.actions = new Array(), this.isRecursive = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(C, "HasTriggers", { get: function() {
for (var u in C.Triggers)
if (C.Triggers.hasOwnProperty(u))
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(C, "HasPickTriggers", { get: function() {
for (var u in C.Triggers)
if (C.Triggers.hasOwnProperty(u)) {
var I = parseInt(u);
if (I >= V.a.ACTION_OnPickTrigger && I <= V.a.ACTION_OnPickUpTrigger)
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), C.HasSpecificTrigger = function(u) {
for (var I in C.Triggers)
if (C.Triggers.hasOwnProperty(I) && parseInt(I) === u)
return !0;
return !1;
}, C.Triggers = {}, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return O;
var V = f(1), _ = f(25), C = f(3), u = f(19), I = f(15), O = function() {
function x(m) {
this._texture = null, this.diffuseBlendLevel = 1, this.roughnessBlendLevel = 1, this.bumpLevel = 1, this._normalBlendMethod = _.a.MATERIAL_NORMALBLENDMETHOD_WHITEOUT, this._isEnabled = !1, this.isEnabled = !1, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = m;
return x.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, x.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(m, c) {
var T = c.getEngine();
return !(m._areTexturesDirty && c.texturesEnabled && T.getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._texture && u.a.DetailTextureEnabled && !this._texture.isReady());
}, x.prototype.prepareDefines = function(m, c) {
if (this._isEnabled) {
m.DETAIL_NORMALBLENDMETHOD = this._normalBlendMethod;
var T = c.getEngine();
m._areTexturesDirty && (T.getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._texture && u.a.DetailTextureEnabled && this._isEnabled ? (I.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._texture, m, "DETAIL"), m.DETAIL_NORMALBLENDMETHOD = this._normalBlendMethod) : m.DETAIL = !1);
} else
m.DETAIL = !1;
}, x.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(m, c, T) {
this._isEnabled && (m.useUbo && T && m.isSync || this._texture && u.a.DetailTextureEnabled && (m.updateFloat4("vDetailInfos", this._texture.coordinatesIndex, this.diffuseBlendLevel, this.bumpLevel, this.roughnessBlendLevel), I.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, m, "detail")), c.texturesEnabled && this._texture && u.a.DetailTextureEnabled && m.setTexture("detailSampler", this._texture));
}, x.prototype.hasTexture = function(m) {
return this._texture === m;
}, x.prototype.getActiveTextures = function(m) {
this._texture && m.push(this._texture);
}, x.prototype.getAnimatables = function(m) {
this._texture && this._texture.animations && this._texture.animations.length > 0 && m.push(this._texture);
}, x.prototype.dispose = function(m) {
var c;
m && ((c = this._texture) === null || c === void 0 || c.dispose());
}, x.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DetailMap";
}, x.AddUniforms = function(m) {
}, x.AddSamplers = function(m) {
}, x.PrepareUniformBuffer = function(m) {
m.addUniform("vDetailInfos", 4), m.addUniform("detailMatrix", 16);
}, x.prototype.copyTo = function(m) {
C.a.Clone(function() {
return m;
}, this);
}, x.prototype.serialize = function() {
return C.a.Serialize(this);
}, x.prototype.parse = function(m, c, T) {
var S = this;
C.a.Parse(function() {
return S;
}, m, c, T);
}, Object(V.c)([Object(C.m)("detailTexture"), Object(C.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], x.prototype, "texture", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], x.prototype, "diffuseBlendLevel", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], x.prototype, "roughnessBlendLevel", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)()], x.prototype, "bumpLevel", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)(), Object(C.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], x.prototype, "normalBlendMethod", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(C.c)(), Object(C.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], x.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), x;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "morphTargetsVertexGlobalDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS
uniform float morphTargetInfluences[NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS];
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "morphTargetsVertexDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS
attribute vec3 position{X};
attribute vec3 normal{X};
attribute vec3 tangent{X};
attribute vec2 uv_{X};
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
var V = f(25), _ = f(4), C = f(2), u = function() {
function I(O) {
this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._scene = O;
return I.prototype._prepareBuffers = function() {
if (!this._vertexBuffers[_.b.PositionKind]) {
var O = [];
O.push(1, 1), O.push(-1, 1), O.push(-1, -1), O.push(1, -1), this._vertexBuffers[_.b.PositionKind] = new _.b(this._scene.getEngine(), O, _.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2), this._buildIndexBuffer();
}, I.prototype._buildIndexBuffer = function() {
var O = [];
O.push(0), O.push(1), O.push(2), O.push(0), O.push(2), O.push(3), this._indexBuffer = this._scene.getEngine().createIndexBuffer(O);
}, I.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var O = this._vertexBuffers[_.b.PositionKind];
O && (O._rebuild(), this._buildIndexBuffer());
}, I.prototype._prepareFrame = function(O, x) {
O === void 0 && (O = null), x === void 0 && (x = null);
var m = this._scene.activeCamera;
return !!m && !(!(x = x || m._postProcesses.filter(function(c) {
return c != null;
})) || x.length === 0 || !this._scene.postProcessesEnabled) && (x[0].activate(m, O, x != null), !0);
}, I.prototype.directRender = function(O, x, m, c, T, S) {
x === void 0 && (x = null), m === void 0 && (m = !1), c === void 0 && (c = 0), T === void 0 && (T = 0), S === void 0 && (S = !1);
for (var E = this._scene.getEngine(), g = 0; g < O.length; g++) {
g < O.length - 1 ? O[g + 1].activate(this._scene.activeCamera, x) : x ? E.bindFramebuffer(x, c, void 0, void 0, m, T) : S || E.restoreDefaultFramebuffer();
var l = O[g], h = l.apply();
h && (l.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(h), this._prepareBuffers(), E.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, h), E.drawElementsType(V.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6), l.onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(h));
E.setDepthBuffer(!0), E.setDepthWrite(!0);
}, I.prototype._finalizeFrame = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
T === void 0 && (T = !1);
var S = this._scene.activeCamera;
if (S && (c = c || S._postProcesses.filter(function(b) {
return b != null;
})).length !== 0 && this._scene.postProcessesEnabled) {
for (var E = this._scene.getEngine(), g = 0, l = c.length; g < l; g++) {
var h = c[g];
if (g < l - 1 ? h._outputTexture = c[g + 1].activate(S, x) : x ? (E.bindFramebuffer(x, m, void 0, void 0, T), h._outputTexture = x) : (E.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), h._outputTexture = null), O)
var v = h.apply();
v && (h.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(v), this._prepareBuffers(), E.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, v), E.drawElementsType(V.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6), h.onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(v));
E.setDepthBuffer(!0), E.setDepthWrite(!0), E.setAlphaMode(C.a.ALPHA_DISABLE);
}, I.prototype.dispose = function() {
var O = this._vertexBuffers[_.b.PositionKind];
O && (O.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[_.b.PositionKind] = null), this._indexBuffer && (this._scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null);
}, I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "b", function() {
return C;
var V = f(148), _ = function() {
}, C = function() {
function u(I) {
this._useSceneAutoClearSetup = !1, this._renderingGroups = new Array(), this._autoClearDepthStencil = {}, this._customOpaqueSortCompareFn = {}, this._customAlphaTestSortCompareFn = {}, this._customTransparentSortCompareFn = {}, this._renderingGroupInfo = new _(), this._scene = I;
this._autoClearDepthStencil[O] = { autoClear: !0, depth: !0, stencil: !0 };
return u.prototype._clearDepthStencilBuffer = function(I, O) {
I === void 0 && (I = !0), O === void 0 && (O = !0), this._depthStencilBufferAlreadyCleaned || (this._scene.getEngine().clear(null, !1, I, O), this._depthStencilBufferAlreadyCleaned = !0);
}, u.prototype.render = function(I, O, x, m) {
var c = this._renderingGroupInfo;
if (c.scene = this._scene, = this._scene.activeCamera, this._scene.spriteManagers && m)
for (var T = 0; T < this._scene.spriteManagers.length; T++) {
var S = this._scene.spriteManagers[T];
this._depthStencilBufferAlreadyCleaned = T === u.MIN_RENDERINGGROUPS;
var E = this._renderingGroups[T];
if (E) {
var g = Math.pow(2, T);
if (c.renderingGroupId = T, this._scene.onBeforeRenderingGroupObservable.notifyObservers(c, g), u.AUTOCLEAR) {
var l = this._useSceneAutoClearSetup ? this._scene.getAutoClearDepthStencilSetup(T) : this._autoClearDepthStencil[T];
l && l.autoClear && this._clearDepthStencilBuffer(l.depth, l.stencil);
for (var h = 0, v = this._scene._beforeRenderingGroupDrawStage; h < v.length; h++)
E.render(I, m, x, O);
for (var b = 0, D = this._scene._afterRenderingGroupDrawStage; b < D.length; b++)
this._scene.onAfterRenderingGroupObservable.notifyObservers(c, g);
}, u.prototype.reset = function() {
var O = this._renderingGroups[I];
O && O.prepare();
}, u.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.freeRenderingGroups(), this._renderingGroups.length = 0, this._renderingGroupInfo = null;
}, u.prototype.freeRenderingGroups = function() {
var O = this._renderingGroups[I];
O && O.dispose();
}, u.prototype._prepareRenderingGroup = function(I) {
this._renderingGroups[I] === void 0 && (this._renderingGroups[I] = new V.a(I, this._scene, this._customOpaqueSortCompareFn[I], this._customAlphaTestSortCompareFn[I], this._customTransparentSortCompareFn[I]));
}, u.prototype.dispatchSprites = function(I) {
var O = I.renderingGroupId || 0;
this._prepareRenderingGroup(O), this._renderingGroups[O].dispatchSprites(I);
}, u.prototype.dispatchParticles = function(I) {
var O = I.renderingGroupId || 0;
this._prepareRenderingGroup(O), this._renderingGroups[O].dispatchParticles(I);
}, u.prototype.dispatch = function(I, O, x) {
O === void 0 && (O = I.getMesh());
var m = O.renderingGroupId || 0;
this._prepareRenderingGroup(m), this._renderingGroups[m].dispatch(I, O, x);
}, u.prototype.setRenderingOrder = function(I, O, x, m) {
if (O === void 0 && (O = null), x === void 0 && (x = null), m === void 0 && (m = null), this._customOpaqueSortCompareFn[I] = O, this._customAlphaTestSortCompareFn[I] = x, this._customTransparentSortCompareFn[I] = m, this._renderingGroups[I]) {
var c = this._renderingGroups[I];
c.opaqueSortCompareFn = this._customOpaqueSortCompareFn[I], c.alphaTestSortCompareFn = this._customAlphaTestSortCompareFn[I], c.transparentSortCompareFn = this._customTransparentSortCompareFn[I];
}, u.prototype.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil = function(I, O, x, m) {
x === void 0 && (x = !0), m === void 0 && (m = !0), this._autoClearDepthStencil[I] = { autoClear: O, depth: x, stencil: m };
}, u.prototype.getAutoClearDepthStencilSetup = function(I) {
return this._autoClearDepthStencil[I];
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return I;
var V = f(0), _ = f(7), C = f(82), u = f(72);
_.a.ExtrudeShape = function(O, x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h) {
E === void 0 && (E = null);
var v = { shape: x, path: m, scale: c, rotation: T, cap: S === 0 ? 0 : S || _.a.NO_CAP, sideOrientation: l, instance: h, updatable: g };
return I.ExtrudeShape(O, v, E);
}, _.a.ExtrudeShapeCustom = function(O, x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v, b) {
var D = { shape: x, path: m, scaleFunction: c, rotationFunction: T, ribbonCloseArray: S, ribbonClosePath: E, cap: g === 0 ? 0 : g || _.a.NO_CAP, sideOrientation: v, instance: b, updatable: h };
return I.ExtrudeShapeCustom(O, D, l);
var I = function() {
function O() {
return O.ExtrudeShape = function(x, m, c) {
c === void 0 && (c = null);
var T = m.path, S = m.shape, E = m.scale || 1, g = m.rotation || 0, l = m.cap === 0 ? 0 : m.cap || _.a.NO_CAP, h = m.updatable, v = _.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(m.sideOrientation), b = m.instance || null, D = m.invertUV || !1;
return O._ExtrudeShapeGeneric(x, S, T, E, g, null, null, !1, !1, l, !1, c, !!h, v, b, D, m.frontUVs || null, m.backUVs || null);
}, O.ExtrudeShapeCustom = function(x, m, c) {
c === void 0 && (c = null);
var T = m.path, S = m.shape, E = m.scaleFunction || function() {
return 1;
}, g = m.rotationFunction || function() {
return 0;
}, l = m.ribbonCloseArray || !1, h = m.ribbonClosePath || !1, v = m.cap === 0 ? 0 : m.cap || _.a.NO_CAP, b = m.updatable, D = _.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(m.sideOrientation), w = m.instance, N = m.invertUV || !1;
return O._ExtrudeShapeGeneric(x, S, T, null, null, E, g, l, h, v, !0, c, !!b, D, w || null, N, m.frontUVs || null, m.backUVs || null);
}, O._ExtrudeShapeGeneric = function(x, m, c, T, S, E, g, l, h, v, b, D, w, N, M, U, X, j) {
var ne, te, de = function(ee, K, $, L, G, Q, oe, re, Y, k) {
for (var H = $.getTangents(), Z = $.getNormals(), W = $.getBinormals(), q = $.getDistances(), he = 0, ge = k && re ? re : function() {
return Q !== null ? Q : 0;
}, me = k && oe ? oe : function() {
return G !== null ? G : 1;
}, _e = Y === _.a.NO_CAP || Y === _.a.CAP_END ? 0 : 2, ye = V.c.Matrix[0], Pe = 0; Pe < K.length; Pe++) {
for (var be = new Array(), Fe = ge(Pe, q[Pe]), ke = me(Pe, q[Pe]), We = 0; We < ee.length; We++) {
V.a.RotationAxisToRef(H[Pe], he, ye);
var je = H[Pe].scale(ee[We].z).add(Z[Pe].scale(ee[We].x)).add(W[Pe].scale(ee[We].y)), He = be[We] ? be[We] : V.e.Zero();
V.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(je, ye, He), He.scaleInPlace(ke).addInPlace(K[Pe]), be[We] = He;
L[_e] = be, he += Fe, _e++;
var Qe = function(Ge) {
var tt, Je = Array(), st = V.e.Zero();
for (tt = 0; tt < Ge.length; tt++)
for (st.scaleInPlace(1 / Ge.length), tt = 0; tt < Ge.length; tt++)
return Je;
switch (Y) {
case _.a.NO_CAP:
case _.a.CAP_START:
L[0] = Qe(L[2]), L[1] = L[2];
case _.a.CAP_END:
L[_e] = L[_e - 1], L[_e + 1] = Qe(L[_e - 1]);
case _.a.CAP_ALL:
L[0] = Qe(L[2]), L[1] = L[2], L[_e] = L[_e - 1], L[_e + 1] = Qe(L[_e - 1]);
return L;
if (M) {
var pe = M._creationDataStorage;
return ne = pe.path3D.update(c), te = de(m, c, pe.path3D, pe.pathArray, T, S, E, g, pe.cap, b), M = _.a.CreateRibbon("", te, !1, !1, 0, D || void 0, !1, 0, M);
te = de(m, c, ne = new u.g(c), new Array(), T, S, E, g, v = v < 0 || v > 3 ? 0 : v, b);
var ae = C.a.CreateRibbon(x, { pathArray: te, closeArray: l, closePath: h, updatable: w, sideOrientation: N, invertUV: U, frontUVs: X || void 0, backUVs: j || void 0 }, D);
return ae._creationDataStorage.pathArray = te, ae._creationDataStorage.path3D = ne, ae._creationDataStorage.cap = v, ae;
}, O;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return c;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return T;
var V = f(1), _ = f(9), C = f(4), u = f(7), I = f(151), O = f(25), x = f(73), m = f(15), c = (f(166), f(167), function(S) {
function E(g, l, h, v, b, D, w) {
l === void 0 && (l = null), h === void 0 && (h = null), v === void 0 && (v = null);
var N =, g, l, h, v, b) || this;
N.useVertexColor = D, N.useVertexAlpha = w, N.color = new _.a(1, 1, 1), N.alpha = 1, v && (N.color = v.color.clone(), N.alpha = v.alpha, N.useVertexColor = v.useVertexColor, N.useVertexAlpha = v.useVertexAlpha), N.intersectionThreshold = 0.1;
var M = { attributes: [C.b.PositionKind, "world0", "world1", "world2", "world3"], uniforms: ["vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "world", "viewProjection"], needAlphaBlending: !0, defines: [] };
return w === !1 && (M.needAlphaBlending = !1), D ? (M.defines.push("#define VERTEXCOLOR"), M.attributes.push(C.b.ColorKind)) : (M.uniforms.push("color"), N.color4 = new _.b()), N._colorShader = new x.a("colorShader", N.getScene(), "color", M), N;
return Object(V.d)(E, S), E.prototype._addClipPlaneDefine = function(g) {
var l = "#define " + g;
this._colorShader.options.defines.indexOf(l) === -1 && this._colorShader.options.defines.push(l);
}, E.prototype._removeClipPlaneDefine = function(g) {
var l = "#define " + g, h = this._colorShader.options.defines.indexOf(l);
h !== -1 && this._colorShader.options.defines.splice(h, 1);
}, E.prototype.isReady = function() {
var g = this.getScene();
return g.clipPlane ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE"), g.clipPlane2 ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE2") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE2"), g.clipPlane3 ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE3") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE3"), g.clipPlane4 ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE4") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE4"), g.clipPlane5 ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE5") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE5"), g.clipPlane6 ? this._addClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE6") : this._removeClipPlaneDefine("CLIPPLANE6"), !!this._colorShader.isReady(this) &&;
}, E.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LinesMesh";
}, Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "material", { get: function() {
return this._colorShader;
}, set: function(g) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(E.prototype, "checkCollisions", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), E.prototype._bind = function(g, l, h) {
if (!this._geometry)
return this;
var v = this._colorShader.getEffect(), b = this.isUnIndexed ? null : this._geometry.getIndexBuffer();
if (this._geometry._bind(v, b), !this.useVertexColor) {
var D = this.color, w = D.r, N = D.g, M = D.b;
this.color4.set(w, N, M, this.alpha), this._colorShader.setColor4("color", this.color4);
return m.a.BindClipPlane(v, this.getScene()), this;
}, E.prototype._draw = function(g, l, h) {
if (!this._geometry || !this._geometry.getVertexBuffers() || !this._unIndexed && !this._geometry.getIndexBuffer())
return this;
var v = this.getScene().getEngine();
return this._unIndexed ? v.drawArraysType(O.a.LineListDrawMode, g.verticesStart, g.verticesCount, h) : v.drawElementsType(O.a.LineListDrawMode, g.indexStart, g.indexCount, h), this;
}, E.prototype.dispose = function(g) {
this._colorShader.dispose(!1, !1, !0),, g);
}, E.prototype.clone = function(g, l, h) {
return l === void 0 && (l = null), new E(g, this.getScene(), l, this, h);
}, E.prototype.createInstance = function(g) {
return new T(g, this);
}, E;
}(u.a)), T = function(S) {
function E(g, l) {
var h =, g, l) || this;
return h.intersectionThreshold = l.intersectionThreshold, h;
return Object(V.d)(E, S), E.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "InstancedLinesMesh";
}, E;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.r(A), f.d(A, "AxesViewer", function() {
return O;
}), f.d(A, "BoneAxesViewer", function() {
return c;
}), f.d(A, "DebugLayerTab", function() {
return V;
}), f.d(A, "DebugLayer", function() {
return l;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsViewer", function() {
return U;
}), f.d(A, "RayHelper", function() {
return j;
}), f.d(A, "SkeletonViewer", function() {
return K;
var V, _ = f(0), C = f(30), u = f(75), I = f(9), O = function() {
function $(L, G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
if (G === void 0 && (G = 1), Q === void 0 && (Q = 2), this._scaleLinesFactor = 4, this._instanced = !1, this.scene = null, this.scaleLines = 1, this.scaleLines = G, !oe) {
var k = new C.a("", L);
k.disableLighting = !0, k.emissiveColor = I.a.Red().scale(0.5), oe = u.a._CreateArrow(L, k);
if (!re) {
var H = new C.a("", L);
H.disableLighting = !0, H.emissiveColor = I.a.Green().scale(0.5), re = u.a._CreateArrow(L, H);
if (!Y) {
var Z = new C.a("", L);
Z.disableLighting = !0, Z.emissiveColor = I.a.Blue().scale(0.5), Y = u.a._CreateArrow(L, Z);
this._xAxis = oe, this._xAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor), this._yAxis = re, this._yAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor), this._zAxis = Y, this._zAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor), Q != null && ($._SetRenderingGroupId(this._xAxis, Q), $._SetRenderingGroupId(this._yAxis, Q), $._SetRenderingGroupId(this._zAxis, Q)), this.scene = L, this.update(new _.e(), _.e.Right(), _.e.Up(), _.e.Forward());
return Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "xAxis", { get: function() {
return this._xAxis;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "yAxis", { get: function() {
return this._yAxis;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "zAxis", { get: function() {
return this._zAxis;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), $.prototype.update = function(L, G, Q, oe) {
this._xAxis.position.copyFrom(L), this._xAxis.setDirection(G), this._xAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor), this._yAxis.position.copyFrom(L), this._yAxis.setDirection(Q), this._yAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor), this._zAxis.position.copyFrom(L), this._zAxis.setDirection(oe), this._zAxis.scaling.setAll(this.scaleLines * this._scaleLinesFactor);
}, $.prototype.createInstance = function() {
var L = u.a._CreateArrowInstance(this.scene, this._xAxis), G = u.a._CreateArrowInstance(this.scene, this._yAxis), Q = u.a._CreateArrowInstance(this.scene, this._zAxis), oe = new $(this.scene, this.scaleLines, null, L, G, Q);
return oe._instanced = !0, oe;
}, $.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._xAxis && this._xAxis.dispose(!1, !this._instanced), this._yAxis && this._yAxis.dispose(!1, !this._instanced), this._zAxis && this._zAxis.dispose(!1, !this._instanced), this.scene = null;
}, $._SetRenderingGroupId = function(L, G) {
L.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(Q) {
Q.renderingGroupId = G;
}, $;
}(), x = f(1), m = f(23), c = function($) {
function L(G, Q, oe, re) {
re === void 0 && (re = 1);
var Y = $.call(this, G, re) || this;
return Y.pos = _.e.Zero(), Y.xaxis = _.e.Zero(), Y.yaxis = _.e.Zero(), Y.zaxis = _.e.Zero(), Y.mesh = oe, Y.bone = Q, Y;
return Object(x.d)(L, $), L.prototype.update = function() {
if (this.mesh && this.bone) {
var G = this.bone;
G._markAsDirtyAndCompose(), G.getAbsolutePositionToRef(this.mesh, this.pos), G.getDirectionToRef(m.a.X, this.mesh, this.xaxis), G.getDirectionToRef(m.a.Y, this.mesh, this.yaxis), G.getDirectionToRef(m.a.Z, this.mesh, this.zaxis), $, this.pos, this.xaxis, this.yaxis, this.zaxis);
}, L.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.mesh && (this.mesh = null, this.bone = null, $;
}, L;
}(O), T = f(12), S = f(6), E = f(20), g = f(13);
Object.defineProperty(E.a.prototype, "debugLayer", { get: function() {
return this._debugLayer || (this._debugLayer = new l(this)), this._debugLayer;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), function($) {
$[$.Properties = 0] = "Properties", $[$.Debug = 1] = "Debug", $[$.Statistics = 2] = "Statistics", $[$.Tools = 3] = "Tools", $[$.Settings = 4] = "Settings";
}(V || (V = {}));
var l = function() {
function $(L) {
var G = this;
this.BJSINSPECTOR = this._getGlobalInspector(), this._scene = L, this._scene.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
G._scene._debugLayer && G._scene._debugLayer.hide();
return Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "onPropertyChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.BJSINSPECTOR && this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector ? this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.OnPropertyChangedObservable : (this._onPropertyChangedObservable || (this._onPropertyChangedObservable = new S.c()), this._onPropertyChangedObservable);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), $.prototype._createInspector = function(L) {
if (!this.isVisible()) {
if (this._onPropertyChangedObservable) {
for (var G = 0, Q = this._onPropertyChangedObservable.observers; G < Q.length; G++) {
var oe = Q[G];
this._onPropertyChangedObservable.clear(), this._onPropertyChangedObservable = void 0;
var re = Object(x.a)({ overlay: !1, showExplorer: !0, showInspector: !0, embedMode: !1, handleResize: !0, enablePopup: !0 }, L);
this.BJSINSPECTOR = this.BJSINSPECTOR || this._getGlobalInspector(), this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.Show(this._scene, re);
}, $ = function(L, G) {
this.BJSINSPECTOR && (G && ( == "[object String]" ? this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.MarkLineContainerTitleForHighlighting(G) : this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.MarkMultipleLineContainerTitlesForHighlighting(G)), this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.OnSelectionChangeObservable.notifyObservers(L));
}, $.prototype._getGlobalInspector = function() {
return typeof INSPECTOR < "u" ? INSPECTOR : typeof BABYLON < "u" && BABYLON.Inspector !== void 0 ? BABYLON : void 0;
}, $.prototype.isVisible = function() {
return this.BJSINSPECTOR && this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.IsVisible;
}, $.prototype.hide = function() {
this.BJSINSPECTOR && this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector.Hide();
}, $.prototype.setAsActiveScene = function() {
this.BJSINSPECTOR && this.BJSINSPECTOR.Inspector._SetNewScene(this._scene);
}, $ = function(L) {
var G = this;
return new Promise(function(Q, oe) {
if (G.BJSINSPECTOR === void 0) {
var re = L && L.inspectorURL ? L.inspectorURL : $.InspectorURL;
T.b.LoadScript(re, function() {
G._createInspector(L), Q(G);
} else
G._createInspector(L), Q(G);
}, $.InspectorURL = "" + g.a.Version + "/babylon.inspector.bundle.js", $;
}(), h = f(7), v = f(63), b = f(45), D = f(22), w = f(32), N = f(36), M = f(53), U = function() {
function $(L) {
this._impostors = [], this._meshes = [], this._numMeshes = 0, this._debugMeshMeshes = new Array(), this._scene = L || D.a.LastCreatedScene;
var G = this._scene.getPhysicsEngine();
G && (this._physicsEnginePlugin = G.getPhysicsPlugin()), this._utilityLayer = new N.a(this._scene, !1), this._utilityLayer.pickUtilitySceneFirst = !1, this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = !0;
return $.prototype._updateDebugMeshes = function() {
for (var L = this._physicsEnginePlugin, G = 0; G < this._numMeshes; G++) {
var Q = this._impostors[G];
if (Q)
if (Q.isDisposed)
else {
if (Q.type === w.a.MeshImpostor)
var oe = this._meshes[G];
oe && L && L.syncMeshWithImpostor(oe, Q);
}, $.prototype.showImpostor = function(L, G) {
if (!this._scene)
return null;
for (var Q = 0; Q < this._numMeshes; Q++)
if (this._impostors[Q] == L)
return null;
var oe = this._getDebugMesh(L, G);
return oe && (this._impostors[this._numMeshes] = L, this._meshes[this._numMeshes] = oe, this._numMeshes === 0 && (this._renderFunction = this._updateDebugMeshes.bind(this), this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._renderFunction)), this._numMeshes++), oe;
}, $.prototype.hideImpostor = function(L) {
if (L && this._scene && this._utilityLayer) {
for (var G = !1, Q = this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene, oe = 0; oe < this._numMeshes; oe++)
if (this._impostors[oe] == L) {
var re = this._meshes[oe];
if (!re)
Q.removeMesh(re), re.dispose();
var Y = this._debugMeshMeshes.indexOf(re);
Y > -1 && this._debugMeshMeshes.splice(Y, 1), this._numMeshes--, this._numMeshes > 0 ? (this._meshes[oe] = this._meshes[this._numMeshes], this._impostors[oe] = this._impostors[this._numMeshes], this._meshes[this._numMeshes] = null, this._impostors[this._numMeshes] = null) : (this._meshes[0] = null, this._impostors[0] = null), G = !0;
G && this._numMeshes === 0 && this._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(this._renderFunction);
}, $.prototype._getDebugMaterial = function(L) {
return this._debugMaterial || (this._debugMaterial = new C.a("", L), this._debugMaterial.wireframe = !0, this._debugMaterial.emissiveColor = I.a.White(), this._debugMaterial.disableLighting = !0), this._debugMaterial;
}, $.prototype._getDebugBoxMesh = function(L) {
return this._debugBoxMesh || (this._debugBoxMesh = v.a.CreateBox("physicsBodyBoxViewMesh", { size: 1 }, L), this._debugBoxMesh.rotationQuaternion = _.b.Identity(), this._debugBoxMesh.material = this._getDebugMaterial(L), this._debugBoxMesh.setEnabled(!1)), this._debugBoxMesh.createInstance("physicsBodyBoxViewInstance");
}, $.prototype._getDebugSphereMesh = function(L) {
return this._debugSphereMesh || (this._debugSphereMesh = b.a.CreateSphere("physicsBodySphereViewMesh", { diameter: 1 }, L), this._debugSphereMesh.rotationQuaternion = _.b.Identity(), this._debugSphereMesh.material = this._getDebugMaterial(L), this._debugSphereMesh.setEnabled(!1)), this._debugSphereMesh.createInstance("physicsBodyBoxViewInstance");
}, $.prototype._getDebugCylinderMesh = function(L) {
return this._debugCylinderMesh || (this._debugCylinderMesh = M.a.CreateCylinder("physicsBodyCylinderViewMesh", { diameterTop: 1, diameterBottom: 1, height: 1 }, L), this._debugCylinderMesh.rotationQuaternion = _.b.Identity(), this._debugCylinderMesh.material = this._getDebugMaterial(L), this._debugCylinderMesh.setEnabled(!1)), this._debugCylinderMesh.createInstance("physicsBodyBoxViewInstance");
}, $.prototype._getDebugMeshMesh = function(L, G) {
var Q = new h.a(, G, null, L);
return Q.position = _.e.Zero(), Q.setParent(L), Q.material = this._getDebugMaterial(G), this._debugMeshMeshes.push(Q), Q;
}, $.prototype._getDebugMesh = function(L, G) {
var Q = this;
if (!this._utilityLayer || G && G.parent && G.parent.physicsImpostor)
return null;
var oe = null, re = this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene;
switch (L.type) {
case w.a.BoxImpostor:
oe = this._getDebugBoxMesh(re), L.getBoxSizeToRef(oe.scaling);
case w.a.SphereImpostor:
oe = this._getDebugSphereMesh(re);
var Y = L.getRadius();
oe.scaling.x = 2 * Y, oe.scaling.y = 2 * Y, oe.scaling.z = 2 * Y;
case w.a.MeshImpostor:
G && (oe = this._getDebugMeshMesh(G, re));
case w.a.NoImpostor:
G && G.getChildMeshes().filter(function(H) {
return H.physicsImpostor ? 1 : 0;
}).forEach(function(H) {
Q._getDebugBoxMesh(re).parent = H;
case w.a.CylinderImpostor:
oe = this._getDebugCylinderMesh(re);
var k = L.object.getBoundingInfo();
oe.scaling.x = k.boundingBox.maximum.x - k.boundingBox.minimum.x, oe.scaling.y = k.boundingBox.maximum.y - k.boundingBox.minimum.y, oe.scaling.z = k.boundingBox.maximum.z - k.boundingBox.minimum.z;
return oe;
}, $.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var L = this._numMeshes, G = 0; G < L; G++)
this._debugBoxMesh && this._debugBoxMesh.dispose(), this._debugSphereMesh && this._debugSphereMesh.dispose(), this._debugCylinderMesh && this._debugCylinderMesh.dispose(), this._debugMaterial && this._debugMaterial.dispose(), this._impostors.length = 0, this._scene = null, this._physicsEnginePlugin = null, this._utilityLayer && (this._utilityLayer.dispose(), this._utilityLayer = null);
}, $;
}(), X = f(40), j = function() {
function $(L) {
this.ray = L;
return $.CreateAndShow = function(L, G, Q) {
var oe = new $(L);
return, Q), oe;
}, $ = function(L, G) {
if (!this._renderFunction && this.ray) {
var Q = this.ray;
this._renderFunction = this._render.bind(this), this._scene = L, this._renderPoints = [Q.origin, Q.origin.add(Q.direction.scale(Q.length))], this._renderLine = h.a.CreateLines("ray", this._renderPoints, L, !0), this._renderLine.isPickable = !1, this._renderFunction && this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._renderFunction);
G && this._renderLine && this._renderLine.color.copyFrom(G);
}, $.prototype.hide = function() {
this._renderFunction && this._scene && (this._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(this._renderFunction), this._scene = null, this._renderFunction = null, this._renderLine && (this._renderLine.dispose(), this._renderLine = null), this._renderPoints = []);
}, $.prototype._render = function() {
var L = this.ray;
if (L) {
var G = this._renderPoints[1], Q = Math.min(L.length, 1e6);
G.copyFrom(L.direction), G.scaleInPlace(Q), G.addInPlace(L.origin), this._renderPoints[0].copyFrom(L.origin), h.a.CreateLines("ray", this._renderPoints, this._scene, !0, this._renderLine);
}, $.prototype.attachToMesh = function(L, G, Q, oe) {
var re = this;
this._attachedToMesh = L;
var Y = this.ray;
Y && (Y.direction || (Y.direction = _.e.Zero()), Y.origin || (Y.origin = _.e.Zero()), oe && (Y.length = oe), Q || (Q = _.e.Zero()), G || (G = new _.e(0, 0, -1)), this._scene || (this._scene = L.getScene()), this._meshSpaceDirection ? (this._meshSpaceDirection.copyFrom(G), this._meshSpaceOrigin.copyFrom(Q)) : (this._meshSpaceDirection = G.clone(), this._meshSpaceOrigin = Q.clone()), this._onAfterRenderObserver || (this._onAfterRenderObserver = this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
return re._updateToMesh();
}), this._onAfterStepObserver = this._scene.onAfterStepObservable.add(function() {
return re._updateToMesh();
})), this._attachedToMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._updateToMesh());
}, $.prototype.detachFromMesh = function() {
this._attachedToMesh && this._scene && (this._onAfterRenderObserver && (this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), this._scene.onAfterStepObservable.remove(this._onAfterStepObserver)), this._attachedToMesh = null, this._onAfterRenderObserver = null, this._onAfterStepObserver = null, this._scene = null);
}, $.prototype._updateToMesh = function() {
var L = this.ray;
this._attachedToMesh && L && (this._attachedToMesh._isDisposed ? this.detachFromMesh() : (this._attachedToMesh.getDirectionToRef(this._meshSpaceDirection, L.direction), _.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._meshSpaceOrigin, this._attachedToMesh.getWorldMatrix(), L.origin)));
}, $.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.hide(), this.detachFromMesh(), this.ray = null;
}, $;
}(), ne = f(25), te = f(73), de = f(62), pe = f(4), ae = f(5), ee = f(97), K = function() {
function $(L, G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
var k, H, Z, W, q, he, ge, me, _e, ye, Pe, be, Fe, ke;
oe === void 0 && (oe = !0), re === void 0 && (re = 3), Y === void 0 && (Y = {}), this.skeleton = L, this.mesh = G, this.autoUpdateBonesMatrices = oe, this.renderingGroupId = re, this.options = Y, this.color = I.a.White(), this._debugLines = new Array(), this._localAxes = null, this._isEnabled = !1, this._obs = null, this._scene = Q, this._ready = !1, Y.pauseAnimations = (k = Y.pauseAnimations) === null || k === void 0 || k, Y.returnToRest = (H = Y.returnToRest) !== null && H !== void 0 && H, Y.displayMode = (Z = Y.displayMode) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : $.DISPLAY_LINES, Y.displayOptions = (W = Y.displayOptions) !== null && W !== void 0 ? W : {}, Y.displayOptions.midStep = (q = Y.displayOptions.midStep) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : 0.235, Y.displayOptions.midStepFactor = (he = Y.displayOptions.midStepFactor) !== null && he !== void 0 ? he : 0.155, Y.displayOptions.sphereBaseSize = (ge = Y.displayOptions.sphereBaseSize) !== null && ge !== void 0 ? ge : 0.15, Y.displayOptions.sphereScaleUnit = (me = Y.displayOptions.sphereScaleUnit) !== null && me !== void 0 ? me : 2, Y.displayOptions.sphereFactor = (_e = Y.displayOptions.sphereFactor) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : 0.865, Y.displayOptions.spurFollowsChild = (ye = Y.displayOptions.spurFollowsChild) !== null && ye !== void 0 && ye, Y.displayOptions.showLocalAxes = (Pe = Y.displayOptions.showLocalAxes) !== null && Pe !== void 0 && Pe, Y.displayOptions.localAxesSize = (be = Y.displayOptions.localAxesSize) !== null && be !== void 0 ? be : 0.075, Y.computeBonesUsingShaders = (Fe = Y.computeBonesUsingShaders) === null || Fe === void 0 || Fe, Y.useAllBones = (ke = Y.useAllBones) === null || ke === void 0 || ke;
var We = G.getVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), je = G.getVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesWeightsKind);
if (this._boneIndices = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), !Y.useAllBones && We && je)
for (var He = 0; He < We.length; ++He) {
var Qe = We[He];
je[He] !== 0 && this._boneIndices.add(Qe);
this._utilityLayer = new N.a(this._scene, !1), this._utilityLayer.pickUtilitySceneFirst = !1, this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = !0;
var Ge = this.options.displayMode || 0;
Ge > $.DISPLAY_SPHERE_AND_SPURS && (Ge = $.DISPLAY_LINES), this.displayMode = Ge, this.update(), this._bindObs();
return $.CreateBoneWeightShader = function(L, G) {
var Q, oe, re, Y, k, H, Z = L.skeleton, W = (Q = L.colorBase) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : I.a.Black(), q = (oe = L.colorZero) !== null && oe !== void 0 ? oe : I.a.Blue(), he = (re = L.colorQuarter) !== null && re !== void 0 ? re : I.a.Green(), ge = (Y = L.colorHalf) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : I.a.Yellow(), me = (k = L.colorFull) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : I.a.Red(), _e = (H = L.targetBoneIndex) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : 0;
ae.a.ShadersStore["boneWeights:" + + "VertexShader"] = `precision highp float;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 uv;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 worldViewProjection;
attribute vec4 matricesIndices;
attribute vec4 matricesWeights;
varying vec3 vColor;
uniform vec3 colorBase;
uniform vec3 colorZero;
uniform vec3 colorQuarter;
uniform vec3 colorHalf;
uniform vec3 colorFull;
uniform float targetBoneIndex;
void main() {
vec3 positionUpdated = position;
vec4 worldPos = finalWorld * vec4(positionUpdated, 1.0);
vec3 color = colorBase;
float totalWeight = 0.;
if(matricesIndices[0] == targetBoneIndex && matricesWeights[0] > 0.){
totalWeight += matricesWeights[0];
if(matricesIndices[1] == targetBoneIndex && matricesWeights[1] > 0.){
totalWeight += matricesWeights[1];
if(matricesIndices[2] == targetBoneIndex && matricesWeights[2] > 0.){
totalWeight += matricesWeights[2];
if(matricesIndices[3] == targetBoneIndex && matricesWeights[3] > 0.){
totalWeight += matricesWeights[3];
color = mix(color, colorZero, smoothstep(0., 0.25, totalWeight));
color = mix(color, colorQuarter, smoothstep(0.25, 0.5, totalWeight));
color = mix(color, colorHalf, smoothstep(0.5, 0.75, totalWeight));
color = mix(color, colorFull, smoothstep(0.75, 1.0, totalWeight));
vColor = color;
gl_Position = projection * view * worldPos;
}`, ae.a.ShadersStore["boneWeights:" + + "FragmentShader"] = `
precision highp float;
varying vec3 vPosition;
varying vec3 vColor;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4(vColor, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = color;
var ye = new te.a("boneWeight:" +, G, { vertex: "boneWeights:" +, fragment: "boneWeights:" + }, { attributes: ["position", "normal", "matricesIndices", "matricesWeights"], uniforms: ["world", "worldView", "worldViewProjection", "view", "projection", "viewProjection", "colorBase", "colorZero", "colorQuarter", "colorHalf", "colorFull", "targetBoneIndex"] });
return ye.setColor3("colorBase", W), ye.setColor3("colorZero", q), ye.setColor3("colorQuarter", he), ye.setColor3("colorHalf", ge), ye.setColor3("colorFull", me), ye.setFloat("targetBoneIndex", _e), ye.getClassName = function() {
return "BoneWeightShader";
}, ye.transparencyMode = ne.a.MATERIAL_OPAQUE, ye;
}, $.CreateSkeletonMapShader = function(L, G) {
var Q, oe = L.skeleton, re = (Q = L.colorMap) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : [{ color: new I.a(1, 0.38, 0.18), location: 0 }, { color: new I.a(0.59, 0.18, 1), location: 0.2 }, { color: new I.a(0.59, 1, 0.18), location: 0.4 }, { color: new I.a(1, 0.87, 0.17), location: 0.6 }, { color: new I.a(1, 0.17, 0.42), location: 0.8 }, { color: new I.a(0.17, 0.68, 1), location: 1 }], Y = oe.bones.length + 1, k = $._CreateBoneMapColorBuffer(Y, re, G), H = new te.a("boneWeights:" +, G, { vertexSource: `precision highp float;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec2 uv;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 worldViewProjection;
uniform float colorMap[` + 4 * oe.bones.length + `];
attribute vec4 matricesIndices;
attribute vec4 matricesWeights;
varying vec3 vColor;
void main() {
vec3 positionUpdated = position;
vec3 color = vec3(0.);
bool first = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int boneIdx = int(matricesIndices[i]);
float boneWgt = matricesWeights[i];
vec3 c = vec3(colorMap[boneIdx * 4 + 0], colorMap[boneIdx * 4 + 1], colorMap[boneIdx * 4 + 2]);
if (boneWgt > 0.) {
if (first) {
first = false;
color = c;
} else {
color = mix(color, c, boneWgt);
vColor = color;
vec4 worldPos = finalWorld * vec4(positionUpdated, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection * view * worldPos;
}`, fragmentSource: `
precision highp float;
varying vec3 vColor;
void main() {
vec4 color = vec4( vColor, 1.0 );
gl_FragColor = color;
` }, { attributes: ["position", "normal", "matricesIndices", "matricesWeights"], uniforms: ["world", "worldView", "worldViewProjection", "view", "projection", "viewProjection", "colorMap"] });
return H.setFloats("colorMap", k), H.getClassName = function() {
return "SkeletonMapShader";
}, H.transparencyMode = ne.a.MATERIAL_OPAQUE, H;
}, $._CreateBoneMapColorBuffer = function(L, G, Q) {
var oe = new de.a("temp", { width: L, height: 1 }, Q, !1), re = oe.getContext(), Y = re.createLinearGradient(0, 0, L, 0);
G.forEach(function(W) {
Y.addColorStop(W.location, W.color.toHexString());
}), re.fillStyle = Y, re.fillRect(0, 0, L, 1), oe.update();
for (var k = [], H = re.getImageData(0, 0, L, 1).data, Z = 0; Z < H.length; Z++)
k.push(H[Z] * (1 / 255));
return oe.dispose(), k;
}, Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "scene", { get: function() {
return this._scene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "utilityLayer", { get: function() {
return this._utilityLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "isReady", { get: function() {
return this._ready;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "ready", { set: function(L) {
this._ready = L;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "debugMesh", { get: function() {
return this._debugMesh;
}, set: function(L) {
this._debugMesh = L;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "displayMode", { get: function() {
return this.options.displayMode || $.DISPLAY_LINES;
}, set: function(L) {
L > $.DISPLAY_SPHERE_AND_SPURS && (L = $.DISPLAY_LINES), this.options.displayMode = L;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), $.prototype._bindObs = function() {
var L = this;
switch (this.displayMode) {
this._obs = this.scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
}, $.prototype.update = function() {
switch (this.displayMode) {
}, Object.defineProperty($.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(L) {
this.isEnabled !== L && (this._isEnabled = L, this.debugMesh && this.debugMesh.setEnabled(L), L && !this._obs ? this._bindObs() : !L && this._obs && (this.scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._obs), this._obs = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), $.prototype._getBonePosition = function(L, G, Q, oe, re, Y) {
oe === void 0 && (oe = 0), re === void 0 && (re = 0), Y === void 0 && (Y = 0);
var k = _.c.Matrix[0], H = G.getParent();
if (k.copyFrom(G.getLocalMatrix()), oe !== 0 || re !== 0 || Y !== 0) {
var Z = _.c.Matrix[1];
_.a.IdentityToRef(Z), Z.setTranslationFromFloats(oe, re, Y), Z.multiplyToRef(k, k);
H && k.multiplyToRef(H.getAbsoluteTransform(), k), k.multiplyToRef(Q, k), L.x = k.m[12], L.y = k.m[13], L.z = k.m[14];
}, $.prototype._getLinesForBonesWithLength = function(L, G) {
for (var Q = L.length, oe = this.mesh._effectiveMesh.position, re = 0, Y = 0; Y < Q; Y++) {
var k = L[Y], H = this._debugLines[re];
k._index !== -1 && (this._boneIndices.has(k.getIndex()) || this.options.useAllBones) && (H || (H = [_.e.Zero(), _.e.Zero()], this._debugLines[re] = H), this._getBonePosition(H[0], k, G), this._getBonePosition(H[1], k, G, 0, k.length, 0), H[0].subtractInPlace(oe), H[1].subtractInPlace(oe), re++);
}, $.prototype._getLinesForBonesNoLength = function(L) {
for (var G = L.length, Q = 0, oe = this.mesh._effectiveMesh, re = oe.position, Y = G - 1; Y >= 0; Y--) {
var k = L[Y], H = k.getParent();
if (H && (this._boneIndices.has(k.getIndex()) || this.options.useAllBones)) {
var Z = this._debugLines[Q];
Z || (Z = [_.e.Zero(), _.e.Zero()], this._debugLines[Q] = Z), k.getAbsolutePositionToRef(oe, Z[0]), H.getAbsolutePositionToRef(oe, Z[1]), Z[0].subtractInPlace(re), Z[1].subtractInPlace(re), Q++;
}, $.prototype._revert = function(L) {
this.options.pauseAnimations && (this.scene.animationsEnabled = L, this.utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene.animationsEnabled = L);
}, $.prototype._getAbsoluteBindPoseToRef = function(L, G) {
L !== null && L._index !== -1 ? (this._getAbsoluteBindPoseToRef(L.getParent(), G), L.getBindPose().multiplyToRef(G, G)) : G.copyFrom(_.a.Identity());
}, $.prototype._buildSpheresAndSpurs = function(L) {
var G, Q;
L === void 0 && (L = !0), this._debugMesh && (this._debugMesh.dispose(), this._debugMesh = null, this.ready = !1), this._ready = !1;
var oe = (G = this.utilityLayer) === null || G === void 0 ? void 0 : G.utilityLayerScene, re = this.skeleton.bones, Y = [], k = [], H = this.scene.animationsEnabled;
try {
this.options.pauseAnimations && (this.scene.animationsEnabled = !1, oe.animationsEnabled = !1), this.options.returnToRest && this.skeleton.returnToRest(), this.autoUpdateBonesMatrices && this.skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
for (var Z = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, W = this.options.displayOptions || {}, q = function(He) {
var Qe = re[He];
if (Qe._index === -1 || !he._boneIndices.has(Qe.getIndex()) && !he.options.useAllBones)
return "continue";
var Ge = new _.a();
he._getAbsoluteBindPoseToRef(Qe, Ge);
var tt = new _.e();
Ge.decompose(void 0, void 0, tt), Qe.children.forEach(function(Ot, St) {
var Ct = new _.a();
Ot.getBindPose().multiplyToRef(Ge, Ct);
var nn = new _.e();
Ct.decompose(void 0, void 0, nn);
var Qt = _.e.Distance(tt, nn);
if (Qt > Z && (Z = Qt), !L) {
for (var $t = nn.clone().subtract(tt.clone()), Ie = $t.length(), Sn = $t.normalize().scale(Ie), en = W.midStep || 0.165, An = W.midStepFactor || 0.215, Ue = Sn.scale(en), Pn = ee.a.ExtrudeShapeCustom("skeletonViewer", { shape: [new _.e(1, -1, 0), new _.e(1, 1, 0), new _.e(-1, 1, 0), new _.e(-1, -1, 0), new _.e(1, -1, 0)], path: [_.e.Zero(), Ue, Sn], scaleFunction: function(So) {
switch (So) {
case 0:
case 2:
return 0;
case 1:
return Ie * An;
return 0;
}, sideOrientation: h.a.DEFAULTSIDE, updatable: !1 }, oe), rr = Pn.getTotalVertices(), Xe = [], En = [], Qn = 0; Qn < rr; Qn++)
Xe.push(1, 0, 0, 0), W.spurFollowsChild && Qn > 9 ? En.push(Ot.getIndex(), 0, 0, 0) : En.push(Qe.getIndex(), 0, 0, 0);
Pn.position = tt.clone(), Pn.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesWeightsKind, Xe, !1), Pn.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesIndicesKind, En, !1), Pn.convertToFlatShadedMesh(), k.push(Pn);
for (var Je = W.sphereBaseSize || 0.2, st = b.a.CreateSphere("skeletonViewer", { segments: 6, diameter: Je, updatable: !0 }, oe), at = st.getTotalVertices(), pt = [], Tt = [], Lt = 0; Lt < at; Lt++)
pt.push(1, 0, 0, 0), Tt.push(Qe.getIndex(), 0, 0, 0);
st.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesWeightsKind, pt, !1), st.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesIndicesKind, Tt, !1), st.position = tt.clone(), Y.push([st, Qe]);
}, he = this, ge = 0; ge < re.length; ge++)
var me = W.sphereScaleUnit || 2, _e = W.sphereFactor || 0.85, ye = [];
for (ge = 0; ge < Y.length; ge++) {
for (var Pe = Y[ge], be = Pe[0], Fe = Pe[1], ke = 1 / (me / Z), We = 0, je = Fe; je.getParent() && je.getParent().getIndex() !== -1; )
We++, je = je.getParent();
be.scaling.scaleInPlace(ke * Math.pow(_e, We)), ye.push(be);
this.debugMesh = h.a.MergeMeshes(ye.concat(k), !0, !0), this.debugMesh && (this.debugMesh.renderingGroupId = this.renderingGroupId, this.debugMesh.skeleton = this.skeleton, this.debugMesh.parent = this.mesh, this.debugMesh.computeBonesUsingShaders = (Q = this.options.computeBonesUsingShaders) === null || Q === void 0 || Q, this.debugMesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = !0), this.utilityLayer._getSharedGizmoLight().intensity = 0.7, this._revert(H), this.ready = !0;
} catch (He) {
console.error(He), this._revert(H), this.dispose();
}, $.prototype._buildLocalAxes = function() {
var L;
this._localAxes && this._localAxes.dispose(), this._localAxes = null;
var G = this.options.displayOptions || {};
if (G.showLocalAxes) {
var Q = this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene, oe = G.localAxesSize || 0.075, re = [], Y = [], k = new I.b(1, 0, 0, 1), H = new I.b(0, 1, 0, 1), Z = new I.b(0, 0, 1, 1), W = [], q = [];
for (var he in this.skeleton.bones) {
var ge = this.skeleton.bones[he];
if (ge._index !== -1 && (this._boneIndices.has(ge.getIndex()) || this.options.useAllBones)) {
var me = new _.a(), _e = new _.e();
this._getAbsoluteBindPoseToRef(ge, me), me.decompose(void 0, void 0, _e);
var ye = ge.getBindPose().getRotationMatrix(), Pe = _.e.TransformCoordinates(new _.e(0 + oe, 0, 0), ye), be = _.e.TransformCoordinates(new _.e(0, 0 + oe, 0), ye), Fe = _.e.TransformCoordinates(new _.e(0, 0, 0 + oe), ye), ke = [[_e, _e.add(Pe)], [_e, _e.add(be)], [_e, _e.add(Fe)]], We = [[k, k], [H, H], [Z, Z]];
re.push.apply(re, ke), Y.push.apply(Y, We);
for (var je = 0; je < 6; je++)
W.push(1, 0, 0, 0), q.push(ge.getIndex(), 0, 0, 0);
this._localAxes = X.a.CreateLineSystem("localAxes", { lines: re, colors: Y, updatable: !0 }, Q), this._localAxes.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesWeightsKind, W, !1), this._localAxes.setVerticesData(pe.b.MatricesIndicesKind, q, !1), this._localAxes.skeleton = this.skeleton, this._localAxes.renderingGroupId = this.renderingGroupId, this._localAxes.parent = this.mesh, this._localAxes.computeBonesUsingShaders = (L = this.options.computeBonesUsingShaders) === null || L === void 0 || L;
}, $.prototype._displayLinesUpdate = function() {
if (this._utilityLayer) {
this.autoUpdateBonesMatrices && this.skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var L = this.mesh._effectiveMesh;
this.skeleton.bones[0].length === void 0 ? this._getLinesForBonesNoLength(this.skeleton.bones) : this._getLinesForBonesWithLength(this.skeleton.bones, L.getWorldMatrix());
var G = this._utilityLayer.utilityLayerScene;
G && (this._debugMesh ? X.a.CreateLineSystem("", { lines: this._debugLines, updatable: !0, instance: this._debugMesh }, G) : (this._debugMesh = X.a.CreateLineSystem("", { lines: this._debugLines, updatable: !0, instance: null }, G), this._debugMesh.renderingGroupId = this.renderingGroupId), this._debugMesh.position.copyFrom(this.mesh.position), this._debugMesh.color = this.color);
}, $.prototype.changeDisplayMode = function(L) {
var G = !!this.isEnabled;
this.displayMode !== L && (this.isEnabled = !1, this._debugMesh && (this._debugMesh.dispose(), this._debugMesh = null, this.ready = !1), this.displayMode = L, this.update(), this._bindObs(), this.isEnabled = G);
}, $.prototype.changeDisplayOptions = function(L, G) {
var Q = !!this.isEnabled;
this.options.displayOptions[L] = G, this.isEnabled = !1, this._debugMesh && (this._debugMesh.dispose(), this._debugMesh = null, this.ready = !1), this.update(), this._bindObs(), this.isEnabled = Q;
}, $.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.isEnabled = !1, this._debugMesh && (this._debugMesh.dispose(), this._debugMesh = null), this._utilityLayer && (this._utilityLayer.dispose(), this._utilityLayer = null), this.ready = !1;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "morphTargetsVertex", _ = `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS
#ifdef MORPHTARGETS_TANGENT{X}*morphTargetInfluences[{X}];
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "b", function() {
return _;
}), f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(0);
function _(u, I, O, x, m) {
m === void 0 && (m = null);
for (var c = new V.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), T = new V.e(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE), S = O; S < O + x; S++) {
var E = 3 * I[S], g = u[E], l = u[E + 1], h = u[E + 2];
c.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(g, l, h), T.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(g, l, h);
return m && (c.x -= c.x * m.x + m.y, c.y -= c.y * m.x + m.y, c.z -= c.z * m.x + m.y, T.x += T.x * m.x + m.y, T.y += T.y * m.x + m.y, T.z += T.z * m.x + m.y), { minimum: c, maximum: T };
function C(u, I, O, x, m) {
x === void 0 && (x = null);
var c = new V.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), T = new V.e(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE);
m || (m = 3);
for (var S = I, E = I * m; S < I + O; S++, E += m) {
var g = u[E], l = u[E + 1], h = u[E + 2];
c.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(g, l, h), T.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(g, l, h);
return x && (c.x -= c.x * x.x + x.y, c.y -= c.y * x.x + x.y, c.z -= c.z * x.x + x.y, T.x += T.x * x.x + x.y, T.y += T.y * x.x + x.y, T.z += T.z * x.x + x.y), { minimum: c, maximum: T };
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
var V = f(44), _ = f(0), C = f(28), u = function() {
function I(O, x, m) {
this.vectors = V.a.BuildArray(8, _.e.Zero), = _.e.Zero(), this.centerWorld = _.e.Zero(), this.extendSize = _.e.Zero(), this.extendSizeWorld = _.e.Zero(), this.directions = V.a.BuildArray(3, _.e.Zero), this.vectorsWorld = V.a.BuildArray(8, _.e.Zero), this.minimumWorld = _.e.Zero(), this.maximumWorld = _.e.Zero(), this.minimum = _.e.Zero(), this.maximum = _.e.Zero(), this.reConstruct(O, x, m);
return I.prototype.reConstruct = function(O, x, m) {
var c = O.x, T = O.y, S = O.z, E = x.x, g = x.y, l = x.z, h = this.vectors;
this.minimum.copyFromFloats(c, T, S), this.maximum.copyFromFloats(E, g, l), h[0].copyFromFloats(c, T, S), h[1].copyFromFloats(E, g, l), h[2].copyFromFloats(E, T, S), h[3].copyFromFloats(c, g, S), h[4].copyFromFloats(c, T, l), h[5].copyFromFloats(E, g, S), h[6].copyFromFloats(c, g, l), h[7].copyFromFloats(E, T, l), x.addToRef(O,, x.subtractToRef(O, this.extendSize).scaleInPlace(0.5), this._worldMatrix = m || _.a.IdentityReadOnly, this._update(this._worldMatrix);
}, I.prototype.scale = function(O) {
var x = I.TmpVector3, m = this.maximum.subtractToRef(this.minimum, x[0]), c = m.length();
var T = c * O, S = m.scaleInPlace(0.5 * T), E =, x[1]), g =, x[2]);
return this.reConstruct(E, g, this._worldMatrix), this;
}, I.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._worldMatrix;
}, I.prototype._update = function(O) {
var x = this.minimumWorld, m = this.maximumWorld, c = this.directions, T = this.vectorsWorld, S = this.vectors;
if (O.isIdentity()) {
for (x.copyFrom(this.minimum), m.copyFrom(this.maximum), E = 0; E < 8; ++E)
this.extendSizeWorld.copyFrom(this.extendSize), this.centerWorld.copyFrom(;
} else {
x.setAll(Number.MAX_VALUE), m.setAll(-Number.MAX_VALUE);
for (var E = 0; E < 8; ++E) {
var g = T[E];
_.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(S[E], O, g), x.minimizeInPlace(g), m.maximizeInPlace(g);
m.subtractToRef(x, this.extendSizeWorld).scaleInPlace(0.5), m.addToRef(x, this.centerWorld).scaleInPlace(0.5);
_.e.FromArrayToRef(O.m, 0, c[0]), _.e.FromArrayToRef(O.m, 4, c[1]), _.e.FromArrayToRef(O.m, 8, c[2]), this._worldMatrix = O;
}, I.prototype.isInFrustum = function(O) {
return I.IsInFrustum(this.vectorsWorld, O);
}, I.prototype.isCompletelyInFrustum = function(O) {
return I.IsCompletelyInFrustum(this.vectorsWorld, O);
}, I.prototype.intersectsPoint = function(O) {
var x = this.minimumWorld, m = this.maximumWorld, c = x.x, T = x.y, S = x.z, E = m.x, g = m.y, l = m.z, h = O.x, v = O.y, b = O.z, D = -C.a;
return !(E - h < D || D > h - c) && !(g - v < D || D > v - T) && !(l - b < D || D > b - S);
}, I.prototype.intersectsSphere = function(O) {
return I.IntersectsSphere(this.minimumWorld, this.maximumWorld, O.centerWorld, O.radiusWorld);
}, I.prototype.intersectsMinMax = function(O, x) {
var m = this.minimumWorld, c = this.maximumWorld, T = m.x, S = m.y, E = m.z, g = c.x, l = c.y, h = c.z, v = O.x, b = O.y, D = O.z, w = x.x, N = x.y, M = x.z;
return !(g < v || T > w) && !(l < b || S > N) && !(h < D || E > M);
}, I.Intersects = function(O, x) {
return O.intersectsMinMax(x.minimumWorld, x.maximumWorld);
}, I.IntersectsSphere = function(O, x, m, c) {
var T = I.TmpVector3[0];
return _.e.ClampToRef(m, O, x, T), _.e.DistanceSquared(m, T) <= c * c;
}, I.IsCompletelyInFrustum = function(O, x) {
for (var m = 0; m < 6; ++m)
for (var c = x[m], T = 0; T < 8; ++T)
if (c.dotCoordinate(O[T]) < 0)
return !1;
return !0;
}, I.IsInFrustum = function(O, x) {
for (var m = 0; m < 6; ++m) {
for (var c = !0, T = x[m], S = 0; S < 8; ++S)
if (T.dotCoordinate(O[S]) >= 0) {
c = !1;
if (c)
return !1;
return !0;
}, I.TmpVector3 = V.a.BuildArray(3, _.e.Zero), I;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return _;
var V = f(38), _ = function() {
function C() {
return C.SetImmediate = function(u) {
V.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && window.setImmediate ? window.setImmediate(u) : setTimeout(u, 1);
}, C;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(0), _ = f(2), C = function() {
function u() {
this.previousWorldMatrices = {}, this.previousBones = {};
return u.AddUniforms = function(I) {
I.push("previousWorld", "previousViewProjection");
}, u.AddSamplers = function(I) {
}, u.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(I, O, x, m, c) {
O.prePassRenderer && O.prePassRenderer.enabled && O.prePassRenderer.getIndex(_.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE) !== -1 && (this.previousWorldMatrices[x.uniqueId] || (this.previousWorldMatrices[x.uniqueId] = V.a.Identity()), this.previousViewProjection || (this.previousViewProjection = O.getTransformMatrix()), I.setMatrix("previousWorld", this.previousWorldMatrices[x.uniqueId]), I.setMatrix("previousViewProjection", this.previousViewProjection), this.previousWorldMatrices[x.uniqueId] = m.clone(), this.previousViewProjection = O.getTransformMatrix().clone());
}, u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "lightFragmentDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef LIGHT{X}
uniform vec4 vLightData{X};
uniform vec4 vLightDiffuse{X};
uniform vec4 vLightSpecular{X};
vec4 vLightSpecular{X}=vec4(0.);
#ifdef SHADOW{X}
uniform mat4 lightMatrix{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float viewFrustumZ{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float frustumLengths{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float cascadeBlendFactor{X};
varying vec4 vPositionFromLight{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
varying float vDepthMetric{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
varying vec4 vPositionFromCamera{X};
#if defined(SHADOWPCSS{X})
uniform highp sampler2DArrayShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2DArray depthSampler{X};
uniform vec2 lightSizeUVCorrection{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float depthCorrection{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float penumbraDarkness{X};
#elif defined(SHADOWPCF{X})
uniform highp sampler2DArrayShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2DArray shadowSampler{X};
const vec3 vCascadeColorsMultiplier{X}[8]=vec3[8]
vec3 ( 1.5,0.0,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,1.5,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,0.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 1.5,0.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 1.5,1.5,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 1.0,1.0,1.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,1.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 0.5,3.5,0.75 )
vec3 shadowDebug{X};
int index{X}=-1;
float diff{X}=0.;
#elif defined(SHADOWCUBE{X})
uniform samplerCube shadowSampler{X};
varying vec4 vPositionFromLight{X};
varying float vDepthMetric{X};
#if defined(SHADOWPCSS{X})
uniform highp sampler2DShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2D depthSampler{X};
#elif defined(SHADOWPCF{X})
uniform highp sampler2DShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform sampler2D shadowSampler{X};
uniform mat4 lightMatrix{X};
uniform vec4 shadowsInfo{X};
uniform vec2 depthValues{X};
uniform vec4 vLightDirection{X};
uniform vec4 vLightFalloff{X};
#elif defined(POINTLIGHT{X})
uniform vec4 vLightFalloff{X};
#elif defined(HEMILIGHT{X})
uniform vec3 vLightGround{X};
uniform mat4 textureProjectionMatrix{X};
uniform sampler2D projectionLightSampler{X};
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "lightUboDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef LIGHT{X}
uniform Light{X}
vec4 vLightData;
vec4 vLightDiffuse;
vec4 vLightSpecular;
vec4 vLightDirection;
vec4 vLightFalloff;
#elif defined(POINTLIGHT{X})
vec4 vLightFalloff;
#elif defined(HEMILIGHT{X})
vec3 vLightGround;
vec4 shadowsInfo;
vec2 depthValues;
} light{X};
uniform mat4 textureProjectionMatrix{X};
uniform sampler2D projectionLightSampler{X};
#ifdef SHADOW{X}
uniform mat4 lightMatrix{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float viewFrustumZ{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float frustumLengths{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float cascadeBlendFactor{X};
varying vec4 vPositionFromLight{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
varying float vDepthMetric{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
varying vec4 vPositionFromCamera{X};
#if defined(SHADOWPCSS{X})
uniform highp sampler2DArrayShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2DArray depthSampler{X};
uniform vec2 lightSizeUVCorrection{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float depthCorrection{X}[SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES{X}];
uniform float penumbraDarkness{X};
#elif defined(SHADOWPCF{X})
uniform highp sampler2DArrayShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2DArray shadowSampler{X};
const vec3 vCascadeColorsMultiplier{X}[8]=vec3[8]
vec3 ( 1.5,0.0,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,1.5,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,0.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 1.5,0.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 1.5,1.5,0.0 ),
vec3 ( 1.0,1.0,1.0 ),
vec3 ( 0.0,1.0,5.5 ),
vec3 ( 0.5,3.5,0.75 )
vec3 shadowDebug{X};
int index{X}=-1;
float diff{X}=0.;
#elif defined(SHADOWCUBE{X})
uniform samplerCube shadowSampler{X};
varying vec4 vPositionFromLight{X};
varying float vDepthMetric{X};
#if defined(SHADOWPCSS{X})
uniform highp sampler2DShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform highp sampler2D depthSampler{X};
#elif defined(SHADOWPCF{X})
uniform highp sampler2DShadow shadowSampler{X};
uniform sampler2D shadowSampler{X};
uniform mat4 lightMatrix{X};
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "imageProcessingDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef EXPOSURE
uniform float exposureLinear;
uniform float contrast;
uniform vec2 vInverseScreenSize;
uniform vec4 vignetteSettings1;
uniform vec4 vignetteSettings2;
uniform vec4 vCameraColorCurveNegative;
uniform vec4 vCameraColorCurveNeutral;
uniform vec4 vCameraColorCurvePositive;
uniform highp sampler3D txColorTransform;
uniform sampler2D txColorTransform;
uniform vec4 colorTransformSettings;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "imageProcessingFunctions", _ = `#if defined(COLORGRADING) && !defined(COLORGRADING3D)
#define inline
vec3 sampleTexture3D(sampler2D colorTransform,vec3 color,vec2 sampler3dSetting)
float sliceSize=2.0*sampler3dSetting.x;
float sliceContinuous=(color.g-sampler3dSetting.x)*sampler3dSetting.y;
float sliceContinuous=(color.b-sampler3dSetting.x)*sampler3dSetting.y;
float sliceInteger=floor(sliceContinuous);
float sliceFraction=sliceContinuous-sliceInteger;
vec2 sliceUV=color.rb;
vec2 sliceUV=color.rg;
vec4 slice0Color=texture2D(colorTransform,sliceUV);
vec4 slice1Color=texture2D(colorTransform,sliceUV);
vec3 result=mix(slice0Color.rgb,slice1Color.rgb,sliceFraction);
return color;
const mat3 ACESInputMat=mat3(
const mat3 ACESOutputMat=mat3(
vec3( 1.60475,-0.10208,-0.00327),
vec3 RRTAndODTFit(vec3 v)
vec3 a=v*(v+0.0245786)-0.000090537;
vec3 b=v*(0.983729*v+0.4329510)+0.238081;
return a/b;
vec3 ACESFitted(vec3 color)
return color;
vec4 applyImageProcessing(vec4 result) {
vec2 viewportXY=gl_FragCoord.xy*vInverseScreenSize;
vec3 vignetteXY1=vec3(viewportXY*,1.0);
float vignetteTerm=dot(vignetteXY1,vignetteXY1);
float vignette=pow(vignetteTerm,vignetteSettings2.w);
vec3 vignetteColor=vignetteSettings2.rgb;
vec3 vignetteColorMultiplier=mix(vignetteColor,vec3(1,1,1),vignette);
const float tonemappingCalibration=1.590579;
vec3 resultHighContrast=result.rgb*result.rgb*(3.0-2.0*result.rgb);
if (contrast<1.0) {
} else {
vec3 colorTransformInput=result.rgb*;
vec3 colorTransformOutput=texture(txColorTransform,colorTransformInput).rgb;
vec3 colorTransformOutput=sampleTexture3D(txColorTransform,colorTransformInput,colorTransformSettings.yz).rgb;
float luma=getLuminance(result.rgb);
vec2 curveMix=clamp(vec2(luma*3.0-1.5,luma*-3.0+1.5),vec2(0.0),vec2(1.0));
vec4 colorCurve=vCameraColorCurveNeutral+curveMix.x*vCameraColorCurvePositive-curveMix.y*vCameraColorCurveNegative;
return result;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "clipPlaneFragment", _ = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
if (fClipDistance>0.0)
if (fClipDistance2>0.0)
if (fClipDistance3>0.0)
if (fClipDistance4>0.0)
if (fClipDistance5>0.0)
if (fClipDistance6>0.0)
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "clipPlaneVertex", _ = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
this._count = 0, this._data = {};
return _.prototype.copyFrom = function(C) {
var u = this;
this.clear(), C.forEach(function(I, O) {
return u.add(I, O);
}, _.prototype.get = function(C) {
var u = this._data[C];
if (u !== void 0)
return u;
}, _.prototype.getOrAddWithFactory = function(C, u) {
var I = this.get(C);
return I !== void 0 || (I = u(C)) && this.add(C, I), I;
}, _.prototype.getOrAdd = function(C, u) {
var I = this.get(C);
return I !== void 0 ? I : (this.add(C, u), u);
}, _.prototype.contains = function(C) {
return this._data[C] !== void 0;
}, _.prototype.add = function(C, u) {
return this._data[C] === void 0 && (this._data[C] = u, ++this._count, !0);
}, _.prototype.set = function(C, u) {
return this._data[C] !== void 0 && (this._data[C] = u, !0);
}, _.prototype.getAndRemove = function(C) {
var u = this.get(C);
return u !== void 0 ? (delete this._data[C], --this._count, u) : null;
}, _.prototype.remove = function(C) {
return !!this.contains(C) && (delete this._data[C], --this._count, !0);
}, _.prototype.clear = function() {
this._data = {}, this._count = 0;
}, Object.defineProperty(_.prototype, "count", { get: function() {
return this._count;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), _.prototype.forEach = function(C) {
for (var u in this._data)
C(u, this._data[u]);
}, _.prototype.first = function(C) {
for (var u in this._data) {
var I = C(u, this._data[u]);
if (I)
return I;
return null;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(44), _ = f(0), C = function() {
function u(I, O, x) { = _.e.Zero(), this.centerWorld = _.e.Zero(), this.minimum = _.e.Zero(), this.maximum = _.e.Zero(), this.reConstruct(I, O, x);
return u.prototype.reConstruct = function(I, O, x) {
this.minimum.copyFrom(I), this.maximum.copyFrom(O);
var m = _.e.Distance(I, O);
O.addToRef(I,, this.radius = 0.5 * m, this._update(x || _.a.IdentityReadOnly);
}, u.prototype.scale = function(I) {
var O = this.radius * I, x = u.TmpVector3, m = x[0].setAll(O), c =, x[1]), T =, x[2]);
return this.reConstruct(c, T, this._worldMatrix), this;
}, u.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._worldMatrix;
}, u.prototype._update = function(I) {
if (I.isIdentity())
this.centerWorld.copyFrom(, this.radiusWorld = this.radius;
else {
_.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(, I, this.centerWorld);
var O = u.TmpVector3[0];
_.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(1, 1, 1, I, O), this.radiusWorld = Math.max(Math.abs(O.x), Math.abs(O.y), Math.abs(O.z)) * this.radius;
}, u.prototype.isInFrustum = function(I) {
for (var O = this.centerWorld, x = this.radiusWorld, m = 0; m < 6; m++)
if (I[m].dotCoordinate(O) <= -x)
return !1;
return !0;
}, u.prototype.isCenterInFrustum = function(I) {
for (var O = this.centerWorld, x = 0; x < 6; x++)
if (I[x].dotCoordinate(O) < 0)
return !1;
return !0;
}, u.prototype.intersectsPoint = function(I) {
var O = _.e.DistanceSquared(this.centerWorld, I);
return !(this.radiusWorld * this.radiusWorld < O);
}, u.Intersects = function(I, O) {
var x = _.e.DistanceSquared(I.centerWorld, O.centerWorld), m = I.radiusWorld + O.radiusWorld;
return !(m * m < x);
}, u.TmpVector3 = V.a.BuildArray(3, _.e.Zero), u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function(_, C, u) {
this.bu = _, = C, this.distance = u, this.faceId = 0, this.subMeshId = 0;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "clipPlaneFragmentDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
varying float fClipDistance;
varying float fClipDistance2;
varying float fClipDistance3;
varying float fClipDistance4;
varying float fClipDistance5;
varying float fClipDistance6;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "logDepthDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef LOGARITHMICDEPTH
uniform float logarithmicDepthConstant;
varying float vFragmentDepth;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "clipPlaneVertexDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
uniform vec4 vClipPlane;
varying float fClipDistance;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane2;
varying float fClipDistance2;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane3;
varying float fClipDistance3;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane4;
varying float fClipDistance4;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane5;
varying float fClipDistance5;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane6;
varying float fClipDistance6;
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.prototype.attributeProcessor = function(C) {
return C.replace("attribute", "in");
}, _.prototype.varyingProcessor = function(C, u) {
return C.replace("varying", u ? "in" : "out");
}, _.prototype.postProcessor = function(C, u, I) {
var O = !== -1;
if (C = (C = C.replace(/#extension.+(GL_OVR_multiview2|GL_OES_standard_derivatives|GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod|GL_EXT_frag_depth|GL_EXT_draw_buffers).+(enable|require)/g, "")).replace(/texture2D\s*\(/g, "texture("), I)
C = (C = (C = (C = (C = (C = (C = C.replace(/texture2DLodEXT\s*\(/g, "textureLod(")).replace(/textureCubeLodEXT\s*\(/g, "textureLod(")).replace(/textureCube\s*\(/g, "texture(")).replace(/gl_FragDepthEXT/g, "gl_FragDepth")).replace(/gl_FragColor/g, "glFragColor")).replace(/gl_FragData/g, "glFragData")).replace(/void\s+?main\s*\(/g, (O ? "" : `out vec4 glFragColor;
`) + "void main(");
else if (u.indexOf("#define MULTIVIEW") !== -1)
return `#extension GL_OVR_multiview2 : require
layout (num_views = 2) in;
` + C;
return C;
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.BindClipPlane = function(C, u) {
if (u.clipPlane) {
var I = u.clipPlane;
C.setFloat4("vClipPlane", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d);
u.clipPlane2 && (I = u.clipPlane2, C.setFloat4("vClipPlane2", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d)), u.clipPlane3 && (I = u.clipPlane3, C.setFloat4("vClipPlane3", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d)), u.clipPlane4 && (I = u.clipPlane4, C.setFloat4("vClipPlane4", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d)), u.clipPlane5 && (I = u.clipPlane5, C.setFloat4("vClipPlane5", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d)), u.clipPlane6 && (I = u.clipPlane6, C.setFloat4("vClipPlane6", I.normal.x, I.normal.y, I.normal.z, I.d));
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return V;
var V = function() {
function _() {
return _.RandomId = function() {
return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(C) {
var u = 16 * Math.random() | 0;
return (C === "x" ? u : 3 & u | 8).toString(16);
}, _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return u;
var V = f(1), _ = f(3), C = f(9), u = function() {
function I() {
this._dirty = !0, this._tempColor = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._globalCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._highlightsCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._midtonesCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._shadowsCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._positiveCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._negativeCurve = new C.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._globalHue = 30, this._globalDensity = 0, this._globalSaturation = 0, this._globalExposure = 0, this._highlightsHue = 30, this._highlightsDensity = 0, this._highlightsSaturation = 0, this._highlightsExposure = 0, this._midtonesHue = 30, this._midtonesDensity = 0, this._midtonesSaturation = 0, this._midtonesExposure = 0, this._shadowsHue = 30, this._shadowsDensity = 0, this._shadowsSaturation = 0, this._shadowsExposure = 0;
return Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "globalHue", { get: function() {
return this._globalHue;
}, set: function(O) {
this._globalHue = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "globalDensity", { get: function() {
return this._globalDensity;
}, set: function(O) {
this._globalDensity = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "globalSaturation", { get: function() {
return this._globalSaturation;
}, set: function(O) {
this._globalSaturation = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "globalExposure", { get: function() {
return this._globalExposure;
}, set: function(O) {
this._globalExposure = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "highlightsHue", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsHue;
}, set: function(O) {
this._highlightsHue = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "highlightsDensity", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsDensity;
}, set: function(O) {
this._highlightsDensity = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "highlightsSaturation", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsSaturation;
}, set: function(O) {
this._highlightsSaturation = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "highlightsExposure", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsExposure;
}, set: function(O) {
this._highlightsExposure = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "midtonesHue", { get: function() {
return this._midtonesHue;
}, set: function(O) {
this._midtonesHue = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "midtonesDensity", { get: function() {
return this._midtonesDensity;
}, set: function(O) {
this._midtonesDensity = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "midtonesSaturation", { get: function() {
return this._midtonesSaturation;
}, set: function(O) {
this._midtonesSaturation = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "midtonesExposure", { get: function() {
return this._midtonesExposure;
}, set: function(O) {
this._midtonesExposure = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "shadowsHue", { get: function() {
return this._shadowsHue;
}, set: function(O) {
this._shadowsHue = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "shadowsDensity", { get: function() {
return this._shadowsDensity;
}, set: function(O) {
this._shadowsDensity = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "shadowsSaturation", { get: function() {
return this._shadowsSaturation;
}, set: function(O) {
this._shadowsSaturation = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(I.prototype, "shadowsExposure", { get: function() {
return this._shadowsExposure;
}, set: function(O) {
this._shadowsExposure = O, this._dirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), I.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ColorCurves";
}, I.Bind = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
m === void 0 && (m = "vCameraColorCurvePositive"), c === void 0 && (c = "vCameraColorCurveNeutral"), T === void 0 && (T = "vCameraColorCurveNegative"), O._dirty && (O._dirty = !1, O.getColorGradingDataToRef(O._globalHue, O._globalDensity, O._globalSaturation, O._globalExposure, O._globalCurve), O.getColorGradingDataToRef(O._highlightsHue, O._highlightsDensity, O._highlightsSaturation, O._highlightsExposure, O._tempColor), O._tempColor.multiplyToRef(O._globalCurve, O._highlightsCurve), O.getColorGradingDataToRef(O._midtonesHue, O._midtonesDensity, O._midtonesSaturation, O._midtonesExposure, O._tempColor), O._tempColor.multiplyToRef(O._globalCurve, O._midtonesCurve), O.getColorGradingDataToRef(O._shadowsHue, O._shadowsDensity, O._shadowsSaturation, O._shadowsExposure, O._tempColor), O._tempColor.multiplyToRef(O._globalCurve, O._shadowsCurve), O._highlightsCurve.subtractToRef(O._midtonesCurve, O._positiveCurve), O._midtonesCurve.subtractToRef(O._shadowsCurve, O._negativeCurve)), x && (x.setFloat4(m, O._positiveCurve.r, O._positiveCurve.g, O._positiveCurve.b, O._positiveCurve.a), x.setFloat4(c, O._midtonesCurve.r, O._midtonesCurve.g, O._midtonesCurve.b, O._midtonesCurve.a), x.setFloat4(T, O._negativeCurve.r, O._negativeCurve.g, O._negativeCurve.b, O._negativeCurve.a));
}, I.PrepareUniforms = function(O) {
O.push("vCameraColorCurveNeutral", "vCameraColorCurvePositive", "vCameraColorCurveNegative");
}, I.prototype.getColorGradingDataToRef = function(O, x, m, c, T) {
O != null && (O = I.clamp(O, 0, 360), x = I.clamp(x, -100, 100), m = I.clamp(m, -100, 100), c = I.clamp(c, -100, 100), x = I.applyColorGradingSliderNonlinear(x), x *= 0.5, c = I.applyColorGradingSliderNonlinear(c), x < 0 && (x *= -1, O = (O + 180) % 360), I.fromHSBToRef(O, x, 50 + 0.25 * c, T), T.scaleToRef(2, T), T.a = 1 + 0.01 * m);
}, I.applyColorGradingSliderNonlinear = function(O) {
O /= 100;
var x = Math.abs(O);
return x = Math.pow(x, 2), O < 0 && (x *= -1), x *= 100;
}, I.fromHSBToRef = function(O, x, m, c) {
var T = I.clamp(O, 0, 360), S = I.clamp(x / 100, 0, 1), E = I.clamp(m / 100, 0, 1);
if (S === 0)
c.r = E, c.g = E, c.b = E;
else {
T /= 60;
var g = Math.floor(T), l = T - g, h = E * (1 - S), v = E * (1 - S * l), b = E * (1 - S * (1 - l));
switch (g) {
case 0:
c.r = E, c.g = b, c.b = h;
case 1:
c.r = v, c.g = E, c.b = h;
case 2:
c.r = h, c.g = E, c.b = b;
case 3:
c.r = h, c.g = v, c.b = E;
case 4:
c.r = b, c.g = h, c.b = E;
c.r = E, c.g = h, c.b = v;
c.a = 1;
}, I.clamp = function(O, x, m) {
return Math.min(Math.max(O, x), m);
}, I.prototype.clone = function() {
return _.a.Clone(function() {
return new I();
}, this);
}, I.prototype.serialize = function() {
return _.a.Serialize(this);
}, I.Parse = function(O) {
return _.a.Parse(function() {
return new I();
}, O, null, null);
}, Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_globalHue", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_globalDensity", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_globalSaturation", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_globalExposure", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_highlightsHue", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_highlightsDensity", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_highlightsSaturation", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_highlightsExposure", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_midtonesHue", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_midtonesDensity", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_midtonesSaturation", void 0), Object(V.c)([Object(_.c)()], I.prototype, "_midtonesExposure", void 0), I;
_.a._ColorCurvesParser = u.Parse;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.d(A, "a", function() {
return C;
var V = f(8), _ = f(11), C = function() {
function u() {
return u.Instantiate = function(I) {
if (this.RegisteredExternalClasses && this.RegisteredExternalClasses[I])
return this.RegisteredExternalClasses[I];
var O = _.a.GetClass(I);
if (O)
return O;
V.a.Warn(I + " not found, you may have missed an import.");
for (var x = I.split("."), m = window || this, c = 0, T = x.length; c < T; c++)
m = m[x[c]];
return typeof m != "function" ? null : m;
}, u.RegisteredExternalClasses = {}, u;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = f(26), _ = f(2);
V.a.prototype.setAlphaConstants = function(C, u, I, O) {
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendConstants(C, u, I, O);
}, V.a.prototype.setAlphaMode = function(C, u) {
if (u === void 0 && (u = !1), this._alphaMode !== C) {
switch (C) {
this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !1;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
case _.a.ALPHA_ONEONE:
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
case _.a.ALPHA_ADD:
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.DST_COLOR, this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.CONSTANT_COLOR, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, this._gl.CONSTANT_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.DST_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ZERO), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ONE, this._gl.ZERO), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
this._alphaState.setAlphaBlendFunctionParameters(this._gl.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, this._gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, this._gl.ZERO, this._gl.ONE), this._alphaState.alphaBlend = !0;
u || (this.depthCullingState.depthMask = C === _.a.ALPHA_DISABLE), this._alphaMode = C;
}, V.a.prototype.getAlphaMode = function() {
return this._alphaMode;
}, V.a.prototype.setAlphaEquation = function(C) {
if (this._alphaEquation !== C) {
switch (C) {
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.FUNC_ADD, this._gl.FUNC_ADD);
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT, this._gl.FUNC_SUBTRACT);
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, this._gl.FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT);
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.MAX, this._gl.MAX);
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.MIN, this._gl.MIN);
this._alphaState.setAlphaEquationParameters(this._gl.MIN, this._gl.FUNC_ADD);
this._alphaEquation = C;
}, V.a.prototype.getAlphaEquation = function() {
return this._alphaEquation;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = f(26);
V.a.prototype.updateDynamicIndexBuffer = function(_, C, u) {
var I;
this._currentBoundBuffer[this._gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER] = null, this.bindIndexBuffer(_), I = C instanceof Uint16Array || C instanceof Uint32Array ? C : _.is32Bits ? new Uint32Array(C) : new Uint16Array(C), this._gl.bufferData(this._gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, I, this._gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW), this._resetIndexBufferBinding();
}, V.a.prototype.updateDynamicVertexBuffer = function(_, C, u, I) {
this.bindArrayBuffer(_), u === void 0 && (u = 0);
var O = C.length || C.byteLength;
I === void 0 || I >= O && u === 0 ? C instanceof Array ? this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, u, new Float32Array(C)) : this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, u, C) : C instanceof Array ? this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, new Float32Array(C).subarray(u, u + I)) : (C = C instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(C, u, I) : new Uint8Array(C.buffer, C.byteOffset + u, I), this._gl.bufferSubData(this._gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, C)), this._resetVertexBufferBinding();
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = "fogFragmentDeclaration", _ = `#ifdef FOG
#define FOGMODE_NONE 0.
#define FOGMODE_EXP 1.
#define FOGMODE_EXP2 2.
#define E 2.71828
uniform vec4 vFogInfos;
uniform vec3 vFogColor;
varying vec3 vFogDistance;
float CalcFogFactor()
float fogCoeff=1.0;
float fogStart=vFogInfos.y;
float fogEnd=vFogInfos.z;
float fogDensity=vFogInfos.w;
float fogDistance=length(vFogDistance);
if (FOGMODE_LINEAR == vFogInfos.x)
else if (FOGMODE_EXP == vFogInfos.x)
else if (FOGMODE_EXP2 == vFogInfos.x)
return clamp(fogCoeff,0.0,1.0);
f(5).a.IncludesShadersStore[V] = _;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
var V = f(26), _ = f(27);
V.a.prototype.createDynamicTexture = function(C, u, I, O) {
var x = new _.a(this, _.b.Dynamic);
return x.baseWidth = C, x.baseHeight = u, I && (C = this.needPOTTextures ? V.a.GetExponentOfTwo(C, this._caps.maxTextureSize) : C, u = this.needPOTTextures ? V.a.GetExponentOfTwo(u, this._caps.maxTextureSize) : u), x.width = C, x.height = u, x.isReady = !1, x.generateMipMaps = I, x.samplingMode = O, this.updateTextureSamplingMode(O, x), this._internalTexturesCache.push(x), x;
}, V.a.prototype.updateDynamicTexture = function(C, u, I, O, x, m) {
if (O === void 0 && (O = !1), m === void 0 && (m = !1), C) {
var c = this._gl, T = c.TEXTURE_2D, S = this._bindTextureDirectly(T, C, !0, m);
this._unpackFlipY(I === void 0 ? C.invertY : I), O && c.pixelStorei(c.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, 1);
var E = this._getWebGLTextureType(C.type), g = this._getInternalFormat(x || C.format), l = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(C.type, g);
c.texImage2D(T, 0, l, g, E, u), C.generateMipMaps && c.generateMipmap(T), S || this._bindTextureDirectly(T, null), O && c.pixelStorei(c.UNPACK_PREMULTIPLY_ALPHA_WEBGL, 0), C.isReady = !0;
}, function(Be, A, f) {
f.r(A), f.d(A, "AbstractScene", function() {
return V.a;
}), f.d(A, "AbstractActionManager", function() {
return _.a;
}), f.d(A, "Action", function() {
return x;
}), f.d(A, "ActionEvent", function() {
return m.a;
}), f.d(A, "ActionManager", function() {
return pe;
}), f.d(A, "Condition", function() {
return T;
}), f.d(A, "ValueCondition", function() {
return S;
}), f.d(A, "PredicateCondition", function() {
return E;
}), f.d(A, "StateCondition", function() {
return g;
}), f.d(A, "SwitchBooleanAction", function() {
return v;
}), f.d(A, "SetStateAction", function() {
return b;
}), f.d(A, "SetValueAction", function() {
return D;
}), f.d(A, "IncrementValueAction", function() {
return w;
}), f.d(A, "PlayAnimationAction", function() {
return N;
}), f.d(A, "StopAnimationAction", function() {
return M;
}), f.d(A, "DoNothingAction", function() {
return U;
}), f.d(A, "CombineAction", function() {
return X;
}), f.d(A, "ExecuteCodeAction", function() {
return j;
}), f.d(A, "SetParentAction", function() {
return ne;
}), f.d(A, "PlaySoundAction", function() {
return ae;
}), f.d(A, "StopSoundAction", function() {
return ee;
}), f.d(A, "InterpolateValueAction", function() {
return H;
}), f.d(A, "Animatable", function() {
return ke;
}), f.d(A, "_IAnimationState", function() {
return Y;
}), f.d(A, "Animation", function() {
return k;
}), f.d(A, "TargetedAnimation", function() {
return We;
}), f.d(A, "AnimationGroup", function() {
return je;
}), f.d(A, "AnimationPropertiesOverride", function() {
return He;
}), f.d(A, "EasingFunction", function() {
return Ge;
}), f.d(A, "CircleEase", function() {
return tt;
}), f.d(A, "BackEase", function() {
return Je;
}), f.d(A, "BounceEase", function() {
return st;
}), f.d(A, "CubicEase", function() {
return at;
}), f.d(A, "ElasticEase", function() {
return pt;
}), f.d(A, "ExponentialEase", function() {
return Tt;
}), f.d(A, "PowerEase", function() {
return Lt;
}), f.d(A, "QuadraticEase", function() {
return Ot;
}), f.d(A, "QuarticEase", function() {
return St;
}), f.d(A, "QuinticEase", function() {
return Ct;
}), f.d(A, "SineEase", function() {
return nn;
}), f.d(A, "BezierCurveEase", function() {
return Qt;
}), f.d(A, "RuntimeAnimation", function() {
return me;
}), f.d(A, "AnimationEvent", function() {
return $t;
}), f.d(A, "AnimationKeyInterpolation", function() {
return K;
}), f.d(A, "AnimationRange", function() {
return G;
}), f.d(A, "KeepAssets", function() {
return Sn;
}), f.d(A, "InstantiatedEntries", function() {
return en;
}), f.d(A, "AssetContainer", function() {
return An;
}), f.d(A, "Analyser", function() {
return Pn;
}), f.d(A, "AudioEngine", function() {
return rr;
}), f.d(A, "AudioSceneComponent", function() {
return qn;
}), f.d(A, "Sound", function() {
return Qn;
}), f.d(A, "SoundTrack", function() {
return So;
}), f.d(A, "WeightedSound", function() {
return lf;
}), f.d(A, "AutoRotationBehavior", function() {
return Qc;
}), f.d(A, "BouncingBehavior", function() {
return qc;
}), f.d(A, "FramingBehavior", function() {
return Zc;
}), f.d(A, "AttachToBoxBehavior", function() {
return uf;
}), f.d(A, "FadeInOutBehavior", function() {
return hf;
}), f.d(A, "MultiPointerScaleBehavior", function() {
return df;
}), f.d(A, "PointerDragBehavior", function() {
return fi.a;
}), f.d(A, "SixDofDragBehavior", function() {
return Jc;
}), f.d(A, "Bone", function() {
return Fe;
}), f.d(A, "BoneIKController", function() {
return ff;
}), f.d(A, "BoneLookController", function() {
return pf;
}), f.d(A, "Skeleton", function() {
return Ao;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput", function() {
return Da;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraKeyboardMoveInput", function() {
return La;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraMouseWheelInput", function() {
return Na;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraPointersInput", function() {
return wa;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraVRDeviceOrientationInput", function() {
return Fa;
}), f.d(A, "FlyCameraKeyboardInput", function() {
return Ba;
}), f.d(A, "FlyCameraMouseInput", function() {
return Ua;
}), f.d(A, "FollowCameraKeyboardMoveInput", function() {
return Va;
}), f.d(A, "FollowCameraMouseWheelInput", function() {
return ka;
}), f.d(A, "FollowCameraPointersInput", function() {
return Ga;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraDeviceOrientationInput", function() {
return Xa;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraGamepadInput", function() {
return Ya;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraKeyboardMoveInput", function() {
return za;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraMouseInput", function() {
return ja;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraMouseWheelInput", function() {
return Ha;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraTouchInput", function() {
return Wa;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraVirtualJoystickInput", function() {
return Qa;
}), f.d(A, "CameraInputTypes", function() {
return un;
}), f.d(A, "CameraInputsManager", function() {
return zr;
}), f.d(A, "Camera", function() {
return _t.a;
}), f.d(A, "TargetCamera", function() {
return xi;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCamera", function() {
return zn;
}), f.d(A, "FreeCameraInputsManager", function() {
return jr;
}), f.d(A, "TouchCamera", function() {
return qa;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCamera", function() {
return Hi;
}), f.d(A, "ArcRotateCameraInputsManager", function() {
return Po;
}), f.d(A, "DeviceOrientationCamera", function() {
return xo;
}), f.d(A, "FlyCamera", function() {
return gf;
}), f.d(A, "FlyCameraInputsManager", function() {
return ol;
}), f.d(A, "FollowCamera", function() {
return sl;
}), f.d(A, "ArcFollowCamera", function() {
return cl;
}), f.d(A, "FollowCameraInputsManager", function() {
return al;
}), f.d(A, "GamepadCamera", function() {
return Co;
}), f.d(A, "AnaglyphArcRotateCamera", function() {
return pl;
}), f.d(A, "AnaglyphFreeCamera", function() {
return _l;
}), f.d(A, "AnaglyphGamepadCamera", function() {
return ml;
}), f.d(A, "AnaglyphUniversalCamera", function() {
return gl;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicArcRotateCamera", function() {
return vl;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicFreeCamera", function() {
return yl;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicGamepadCamera", function() {
return bl;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicUniversalCamera", function() {
return Tl;
}), f.d(A, "UniversalCamera", function() {
return sr;
}), f.d(A, "VirtualJoysticksCamera", function() {
return El;
}), f.d(A, "VRCameraMetrics", function() {
return cr;
}), f.d(A, "VRDeviceOrientationArcRotateCamera", function() {
return xl;
}), f.d(A, "VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera", function() {
return Ro;
}), f.d(A, "VRDeviceOrientationGamepadCamera", function() {
return Cl;
}), f.d(A, "OnAfterEnteringVRObservableEvent", function() {
return Cf;
}), f.d(A, "VRExperienceHelper", function() {
return Il;
}), f.d(A, "WebVRFreeCamera", function() {
return Mo;
}), f.d(A, "Collider", function() {
return Dl;
}), f.d(A, "DefaultCollisionCoordinator", function() {
return Ll;
}), f.d(A, "PickingInfo", function() {
return Ki.a;
}), f.d(A, "IntersectionInfo", function() {
return Rf.a;
}), f.d(A, "_MeshCollisionData", function() {
return Of.a;
}), f.d(A, "BoundingBox", function() {
return os.a;
}), f.d(A, "BoundingInfo", function() {
return Ii.a;
}), f.d(A, "BoundingSphere", function() {
return Nl.a;
}), f.d(A, "Octree", function() {
return Wr;
}), f.d(A, "OctreeBlock", function() {
return wl;
}), f.d(A, "OctreeSceneComponent", function() {
return us;
}), f.d(A, "Ray", function() {
return dn.a;
}), f.d(A, "AxesViewer", function() {
return Qi.AxesViewer;
}), f.d(A, "BoneAxesViewer", function() {
return Qi.BoneAxesViewer;
}), f.d(A, "DebugLayerTab", function() {
return Qi.DebugLayerTab;
}), f.d(A, "DebugLayer", function() {
return Qi.DebugLayer;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsViewer", function() {
return Qi.PhysicsViewer;
}), f.d(A, "RayHelper", function() {
return Qi.RayHelper;
}), f.d(A, "SkeletonViewer", function() {
return Qi.SkeletonViewer;
}), f.d(A, "DeviceInputSystem", function() {
return Fl;
}), f.d(A, "DeviceType", function() {
return Xt;
}), f.d(A, "PointerInput", function() {
return as;
}), f.d(A, "DualShockInput", function() {
return ss;
}), f.d(A, "XboxInput", function() {
return cs;
}), f.d(A, "SwitchInput", function() {
return ls;
}), f.d(A, "DeviceSource", function() {
return Bl;
}), f.d(A, "DeviceSourceManager", function() {
return Mf;
}), f.d(A, "Constants", function() {
return h.a;
}), f.d(A, "ThinEngine", function() {
return wt.a;
}), f.d(A, "Engine", function() {
return Ue.a;
}), f.d(A, "EngineStore", function() {
return te.a;
}), f.d(A, "NullEngineOptions", function() {
return Ul.b;
}), f.d(A, "NullEngine", function() {
return Ul.a;
}), f.d(A, "_OcclusionDataStorage", function() {
return kl;
}), f.d(A, "_forceTransformFeedbackToBundle", function() {
return If;
}), f.d(A, "EngineView", function() {
return Df;
}), f.d(A, "WebGLPipelineContext", function() {
return Nf.a;
}), f.d(A, "WebGL2ShaderProcessor", function() {
return Gl.a;
}), f.d(A, "NativeEngine", function() {
return Vf;
}), f.d(A, "ShaderCodeInliner", function() {
return ds;
}), f.d(A, "PerformanceConfigurator", function() {
return kf.a;
}), f.d(A, "KeyboardEventTypes", function() {
return ji.a;
}), f.d(A, "KeyboardInfo", function() {
return ji.b;
}), f.d(A, "KeyboardInfoPre", function() {
return ji.c;
}), f.d(A, "PointerEventTypes", function() {
return yt.a;
}), f.d(A, "PointerInfoBase", function() {
return yt.c;
}), f.d(A, "PointerInfoPre", function() {
return yt.d;
}), f.d(A, "PointerInfo", function() {
return yt.b;
}), f.d(A, "ClipboardEventTypes", function() {
return No;
}), f.d(A, "ClipboardInfo", function() {
return Gf;
}), f.d(A, "DaydreamController", function() {
return ps;
}), f.d(A, "GearVRController", function() {
return _s;
}), f.d(A, "GenericController", function() {
return wo;
}), f.d(A, "OculusTouchController", function() {
return ms;
}), f.d(A, "PoseEnabledControllerType", function() {
return Jn;
}), f.d(A, "PoseEnabledControllerHelper", function() {
return Ci;
}), f.d(A, "PoseEnabledController", function() {
return ar;
}), f.d(A, "ViveController", function() {
return Wl;
}), f.d(A, "WebVRController", function() {
return Oi;
}), f.d(A, "WindowsMotionController", function() {
return Fo;
}), f.d(A, "XRWindowsMotionController", function() {
return jf;
}), f.d(A, "StickValues", function() {
return _f;
}), f.d(A, "Gamepad", function() {
return hn;
}), f.d(A, "GenericPad", function() {
return nl;
}), f.d(A, "GamepadManager", function() {
return hl;
}), f.d(A, "GamepadSystemSceneComponent", function() {
return dl;
}), f.d(A, "Xbox360Button", function() {
return xn;
}), f.d(A, "Xbox360Dpad", function() {
return Wi;
}), f.d(A, "Xbox360Pad", function() {
return ll;
}), f.d(A, "DualShockButton", function() {
return Vn;
}), f.d(A, "DualShockDpad", function() {
return Xi;
}), f.d(A, "DualShockPad", function() {
return ul;
}), f.d(A, "AxisDragGizmo", function() {
return Bo.a;
}), f.d(A, "AxisScaleGizmo", function() {
return Kr;
}), f.d(A, "BoundingBoxGizmo", function() {
return Xl;
}), f.d(A, "Gizmo", function() {
return Ln.a;
}), f.d(A, "GizmoManager", function() {
return Hf;
}), f.d(A, "PlaneRotationGizmo", function() {
return Uo;
}), f.d(A, "PositionGizmo", function() {
return Kl;
}), f.d(A, "RotationGizmo", function() {
return Yl;
}), f.d(A, "ScaleGizmo", function() {
return Ql;
}), f.d(A, "LightGizmo", function() {
return Wf;
}), f.d(A, "CameraGizmo", function() {
return Yf;
}), f.d(A, "PlaneDragGizmo", function() {
return Vo;
}), f.d(A, "EnvironmentHelper", function() {
return Es;
}), f.d(A, "PhotoDome", function() {
return op;
}), f.d(A, "_forceSceneHelpersToBundle", function() {
return qp;
}), f.d(A, "VideoDome", function() {
return Zp;
}), f.d(A, "EngineInstrumentation", function() {
return Jp;
}), f.d(A, "SceneInstrumentation", function() {
return $p;
}), f.d(A, "_TimeToken", function() {
return Vl;
}), f.d(A, "EffectLayer", function() {
return no;
}), f.d(A, "EffectLayerSceneComponent", function() {
return du;
}), f.d(A, "GlowLayer", function() {
return Ko;
}), f.d(A, "HighlightLayer", function() {
return Ms;
}), f.d(A, "Layer", function() {
return s_;
}), f.d(A, "LayerSceneComponent", function() {
return pu;
}), f.d(A, "LensFlare", function() {
return _u;
}), f.d(A, "LensFlareSystem", function() {
return Is;
}), f.d(A, "LensFlareSystemSceneComponent", function() {
return mu;
}), f.d(A, "Light", function() {
return bi.a;
}), f.d(A, "ShadowLight", function() {
return ko;
}), f.d(A, "ShadowGenerator", function() {
return Fn;
}), f.d(A, "CascadedShadowGenerator", function() {
return Ds;
}), f.d(A, "ShadowGeneratorSceneComponent", function() {
return Su;
}), f.d(A, "DirectionalLight", function() {
return vs;
}), f.d(A, "HemisphericLight", function() {
return Oo.a;
}), f.d(A, "PointLight", function() {
return Ls;
}), f.d(A, "SpotLight", function() {
return ys;
}), f.d(A, "DefaultLoadingScreen", function() {
return Au;
}), f.d(A, "_BabylonLoaderRegistered", function() {
return x_;
}), f.d(A, "BabylonFileLoaderConfiguration", function() {
return $o;
}), f.d(A, "SceneLoaderAnimationGroupLoadingMode", function() {
return vi;
}), f.d(A, "SceneLoader", function() {
return Ft;
}), f.d(A, "SceneLoaderFlags", function() {
return yi.a;
}), f.d(A, "BackgroundMaterial", function() {
return qr;
}), f.d(A, "ColorCurves", function() {
return R_.a;
}), f.d(A, "EffectFallbacks", function() {
return _r.a;
}), f.d(A, "Effect", function() {
return ze.a;
}), f.d(A, "FresnelParameters", function() {
return Fu;
}), f.d(A, "ImageProcessingConfigurationDefines", function() {
return vn.b;
}), f.d(A, "ImageProcessingConfiguration", function() {
return vn.a;
}), f.d(A, "Material", function() {
return zt.a;
}), f.d(A, "MaterialDefines", function() {
return zo.a;
}), f.d(A, "ThinMaterialHelper", function() {
return Bu.a;
}), f.d(A, "MaterialHelper", function() {
return $e.a;
}), f.d(A, "MultiMaterial", function() {
return qi.a;
}), f.d(A, "PBRMaterialDefines", function() {
return As;
}), f.d(A, "PBRBaseMaterial", function() {
return pn;
}), f.d(A, "PBRBaseSimpleMaterial", function() {
return Us;
}), f.d(A, "PBRMaterial", function() {
return $r;
}), f.d(A, "PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial", function() {
return Uu;
}), f.d(A, "PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial", function() {
return Vu;
}), f.d(A, "PushMaterial", function() {
return jo.a;
}), f.d(A, "ShaderMaterial", function() {
return ea.a;
}), f.d(A, "StandardMaterialDefines", function() {
return Nt.b;
}), f.d(A, "StandardMaterial", function() {
return Nt.a;
}), f.d(A, "BaseTexture", function() {
return kn.a;
}), f.d(A, "ColorGradingTexture", function() {
return ku;
}), f.d(A, "CubeTexture", function() {
return ei;
}), f.d(A, "DynamicTexture", function() {
return pi.a;
}), f.d(A, "EquiRectangularCubeTexture", function() {
return Gu;
}), f.d(A, "HDRFiltering", function() {
return Ru;
}), f.d(A, "HDRCubeTexture", function() {
return qo;
}), f.d(A, "HtmlElementTexture", function() {
return O_;
}), f.d(A, "InternalTextureSource", function() {
return Pt.b;
}), f.d(A, "InternalTexture", function() {
return Pt.a;
}), f.d(A, "_DDSTextureLoader", function() {
return eu;
}), f.d(A, "_ENVTextureLoader", function() {
return tu;
}), f.d(A, "_KTXTextureLoader", function() {
return nu;
}), f.d(A, "_TGATextureLoader", function() {
return zu;
}), f.d(A, "_BasisTextureLoader", function() {
return ju;
}), f.d(A, "MirrorTexture", function() {
return Ts;
}), f.d(A, "MultiRenderTarget", function() {
return Vs;
}), f.d(A, "TexturePacker", function() {
return D_;
}), f.d(A, "TexturePackerFrame", function() {
return ks;
}), f.d(A, "CustomProceduralTexture", function() {
return N_;
}), f.d(A, "NoiseProceduralTexture", function() {
return Wu;
}), f.d(A, "ProceduralTexture", function() {
return oo;
}), f.d(A, "ProceduralTextureSceneComponent", function() {
return Hu;
}), f.d(A, "RawCubeTexture", function() {
return F_;
}), f.d(A, "RawTexture", function() {
return Zn;
}), f.d(A, "RawTexture2DArray", function() {
return B_;
}), f.d(A, "RawTexture3D", function() {
return U_;
}), f.d(A, "RefractionTexture", function() {
return V_;
}), f.d(A, "RenderTargetTexture", function() {
return on;
}), f.d(A, "Texture", function() {
return Ne.a;
}), f.d(A, "VideoTexture", function() {
return hu;
}), f.d(A, "UniformBuffer", function() {
return Sl.a;
}), f.d(A, "MaterialFlags", function() {
return lt.a;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialBlockTargets", function() {
return Ce;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointTypes", function() {
return le;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialBlockConnectionPointMode", function() {
return gn;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialSystemValues", function() {
return gt;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialModes", function() {
return Rn;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialConnectionPointCompatibilityStates", function() {
return ii;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialConnectionPointDirection", function() {
return yn;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialConnectionPoint", function() {
return na;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialBlock", function() {
return dt;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialDefines", function() {
return lo;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterial", function() {
return sa;
}), f.d(A, "VertexOutputBlock", function() {
return ao;
}), f.d(A, "BonesBlock", function() {
return qu;
}), f.d(A, "InstancesBlock", function() {
return Zu;
}), f.d(A, "MorphTargetsBlock", function() {
return Ju;
}), f.d(A, "LightInformationBlock", function() {
return $u;
}), f.d(A, "FragmentOutputBlock", function() {
return Pr;
}), f.d(A, "ImageProcessingBlock", function() {
return eh;
}), f.d(A, "PerturbNormalBlock", function() {
return th;
}), f.d(A, "DiscardBlock", function() {
return nh;
}), f.d(A, "FrontFacingBlock", function() {
return ih;
}), f.d(A, "DerivativeBlock", function() {
return rh;
}), f.d(A, "FragCoordBlock", function() {
return oh;
}), f.d(A, "ScreenSizeBlock", function() {
return ah;
}), f.d(A, "FogBlock", function() {
return sh;
}), f.d(A, "LightBlock", function() {
return ch;
}), f.d(A, "TextureBlock", function() {
return lh;
}), f.d(A, "ReflectionTextureBlock", function() {
return uh;
}), f.d(A, "CurrentScreenBlock", function() {
return zs;
}), f.d(A, "InputBlock", function() {
return Et;
}), f.d(A, "AnimatedInputBlockTypes", function() {
return wi;
}), f.d(A, "MultiplyBlock", function() {
return ra;
}), f.d(A, "AddBlock", function() {
return hh;
}), f.d(A, "ScaleBlock", function() {
return dh;
}), f.d(A, "ClampBlock", function() {
return fh;
}), f.d(A, "CrossBlock", function() {
return ph;
}), f.d(A, "DotBlock", function() {
return _h;
}), f.d(A, "TransformBlock", function() {
return ia;
}), f.d(A, "RemapBlock", function() {
return Xs;
}), f.d(A, "NormalizeBlock", function() {
return mh;
}), f.d(A, "TrigonometryBlockOperations", function() {
return tn;
}), f.d(A, "TrigonometryBlock", function() {
return $s;
}), f.d(A, "ColorMergerBlock", function() {
return gh;
}), f.d(A, "VectorMergerBlock", function() {
return so;
}), f.d(A, "ColorSplitterBlock", function() {
return Js;
}), f.d(A, "VectorSplitterBlock", function() {
return vh;
}), f.d(A, "LerpBlock", function() {
return yh;
}), f.d(A, "DivideBlock", function() {
return bh;
}), f.d(A, "SubtractBlock", function() {
return Th;
}), f.d(A, "StepBlock", function() {
return Eh;
}), f.d(A, "OneMinusBlock", function() {
return nc;
}), f.d(A, "ViewDirectionBlock", function() {
return ic;
}), f.d(A, "FresnelBlock", function() {
return Sh;
}), f.d(A, "MaxBlock", function() {
return Ah;
}), f.d(A, "MinBlock", function() {
return Ph;
}), f.d(A, "DistanceBlock", function() {
return xh;
}), f.d(A, "LengthBlock", function() {
return Ch;
}), f.d(A, "NegateBlock", function() {
return Rh;
}), f.d(A, "PowBlock", function() {
return Oh;
}), f.d(A, "RandomNumberBlock", function() {
return Mh;
}), f.d(A, "ArcTan2Block", function() {
return Ih;
}), f.d(A, "SmoothStepBlock", function() {
return Dh;
}), f.d(A, "ReciprocalBlock", function() {
return Lh;
}), f.d(A, "ReplaceColorBlock", function() {
return Nh;
}), f.d(A, "PosterizeBlock", function() {
return wh;
}), f.d(A, "WaveBlockKind", function() {
return Zi;
}), f.d(A, "WaveBlock", function() {
return Fh;
}), f.d(A, "GradientBlockColorStep", function() {
return ca;
}), f.d(A, "GradientBlock", function() {
return Bh;
}), f.d(A, "NLerpBlock", function() {
return Uh;
}), f.d(A, "WorleyNoise3DBlock", function() {
return Vh;
}), f.d(A, "SimplexPerlin3DBlock", function() {
return kh;
}), f.d(A, "NormalBlendBlock", function() {
return Gh;
}), f.d(A, "Rotate2dBlock", function() {
return zh;
}), f.d(A, "ReflectBlock", function() {
return jh;
}), f.d(A, "RefractBlock", function() {
return Hh;
}), f.d(A, "DesaturateBlock", function() {
return Wh;
}), f.d(A, "PBRMetallicRoughnessBlock", function() {
return Xh;
}), f.d(A, "SheenBlock", function() {
return rc;
}), f.d(A, "AnisotropyBlock", function() {
return oc;
}), f.d(A, "ReflectionBlock", function() {
return ac;
}), f.d(A, "ClearCoatBlock", function() {
return la;
}), f.d(A, "RefractionBlock", function() {
return sc;
}), f.d(A, "SubSurfaceBlock", function() {
return ua;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleTextureBlock", function() {
return js;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleRampGradientBlock", function() {
return Hs;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleBlendMultiplyBlock", function() {
return Ws;
}), f.d(A, "ModBlock", function() {
return Yh;
}), f.d(A, "NodeMaterialOptimizer", function() {
return H_;
}), f.d(A, "PropertyTypeForEdition", function() {
return It;
}), f.d(A, "editableInPropertyPage", function() {
return Bt;
}), f.d(A, "EffectRenderer", function() {
return xu;
}), f.d(A, "EffectWrapper", function() {
return Cu;
}), f.d(A, "ShadowDepthWrapper", function() {
return Y_;
}), f.d(A, "Scalar", function() {
return $.a;
}), f.d(A, "extractMinAndMaxIndexed", function() {
return Kh.b;
}), f.d(A, "extractMinAndMax", function() {
return Kh.a;
}), f.d(A, "Space", function() {
return be.c;
}), f.d(A, "Axis", function() {
return be.a;
}), f.d(A, "Coordinate", function() {
return be.b;
}), f.d(A, "Color3", function() {
return I.a;
}), f.d(A, "Color4", function() {
return I.b;
}), f.d(A, "TmpColors", function() {
return I.c;
}), f.d(A, "ToGammaSpace", function() {
return Vt.b;
}), f.d(A, "ToLinearSpace", function() {
return Vt.c;
}), f.d(A, "Epsilon", function() {
return Vt.a;
}), f.d(A, "Frustum", function() {
return Pl.a;
}), f.d(A, "Orientation", function() {
return Qe.e;
}), f.d(A, "BezierCurve", function() {
return Qe.c;
}), f.d(A, "Angle", function() {
return Qe.a;
}), f.d(A, "Arc2", function() {
return Qe.b;
}), f.d(A, "Path2", function() {
return Qe.f;
}), f.d(A, "Path3D", function() {
return Qe.g;
}), f.d(A, "Curve3", function() {
return Qe.d;
}), f.d(A, "Plane", function() {
return ur.a;
}), f.d(A, "Size", function() {
return oe.a;
}), f.d(A, "Vector2", function() {
return u.d;
}), f.d(A, "Vector3", function() {
return u.e;
}), f.d(A, "Vector4", function() {
return u.f;
}), f.d(A, "Quaternion", function() {
return u.b;
}), f.d(A, "Matrix", function() {
return u.a;
}), f.d(A, "TmpVectors", function() {
return u.c;
}), f.d(A, "PositionNormalVertex", function() {
return bs;
}), f.d(A, "PositionNormalTextureVertex", function() {
return Xf;
}), f.d(A, "Viewport", function() {
return jn.a;
}), f.d(A, "SphericalHarmonics", function() {
return hs;
}), f.d(A, "SphericalPolynomial", function() {
return Yr;
}), f.d(A, "AbstractMesh", function() {
return Mt.a;
}), f.d(A, "Buffer", function() {
return Oe.a;
}), f.d(A, "VertexBuffer", function() {
return Oe.b;
}), f.d(A, "DracoCompression", function() {
return Q_;
}), f.d(A, "CSG", function() {
return J_;
}), f.d(A, "Geometry", function() {
return Ns.a;
}), f.d(A, "GroundMesh", function() {
return Do;
}), f.d(A, "TrailMesh", function() {
return $_;
}), f.d(A, "InstancedMesh", function() {
return em.a;
}), f.d(A, "LinesMesh", function() {
return ho.b;
}), f.d(A, "InstancedLinesMesh", function() {
return ho.a;
}), f.d(A, "_CreationDataStorage", function() {
return Ie.b;
}), f.d(A, "_InstancesBatch", function() {
return Ie.c;
}), f.d(A, "Mesh", function() {
return Ie.a;
}), f.d(A, "VertexData", function() {
return ht.a;
}), f.d(A, "MeshBuilder", function() {
return im;
}), f.d(A, "SimplificationSettings", function() {
return rm;
}), f.d(A, "SimplificationQueue", function() {
return ed;
}), f.d(A, "SimplificationType", function() {
return _o;
}), f.d(A, "QuadraticErrorSimplification", function() {
return nd;
}), f.d(A, "SimplicationQueueSceneComponent", function() {
return id;
}), f.d(A, "Polygon", function() {
return nm;
}), f.d(A, "PolygonMeshBuilder", function() {
return Jh;
}), f.d(A, "SubMesh", function() {
return uo.a;
}), f.d(A, "MeshLODLevel", function() {
return cm.a;
}), f.d(A, "TransformNode", function() {
return pr.a;
}), f.d(A, "BoxBuilder", function() {
return fr.a;
}), f.d(A, "TiledBoxBuilder", function() {
return Zh;
}), f.d(A, "DiscBuilder", function() {
return ha;
}), f.d(A, "RibbonBuilder", function() {
return fo.a;
}), f.d(A, "SphereBuilder", function() {
return Nn.a;
}), f.d(A, "HemisphereBuilder", function() {
return Go;
}), f.d(A, "CylinderBuilder", function() {
return ci.a;
}), f.d(A, "TorusBuilder", function() {
return lr;
}), f.d(A, "TorusKnotBuilder", function() {
return uc;
}), f.d(A, "LinesBuilder", function() {
return sn.a;
}), f.d(A, "PolygonBuilder", function() {
return po;
}), f.d(A, "ShapeBuilder", function() {
return Jo.a;
}), f.d(A, "LatheBuilder", function() {
return dc;
}), f.d(A, "PlaneBuilder", function() {
return gs.a;
}), f.d(A, "TiledPlaneBuilder", function() {
return $h;
}), f.d(A, "GroundBuilder", function() {
return Mi;
}), f.d(A, "TubeBuilder", function() {
return fc;
}), f.d(A, "PolyhedronBuilder", function() {
return Qr;
}), f.d(A, "IcoSphereBuilder", function() {
return pc;
}), f.d(A, "DecalBuilder", function() {
return _c;
}), f.d(A, "CapsuleBuilder", function() {
return mc;
}), f.d(A, "DataBuffer", function() {
return zl.a;
}), f.d(A, "WebGLDataBuffer", function() {
return lm.a;
}), f.d(A, "MorphTarget", function() {
return Ou;
}), f.d(A, "MorphTargetManager", function() {
return Zo;
}), f.d(A, "RecastJSPlugin", function() {
return um;
}), f.d(A, "RecastJSCrowd", function() {
return rd;
}), f.d(A, "Node", function() {
return Q.a;
}), f.d(A, "Database", function() {
return od;
}), f.d(A, "BaseParticleSystem", function() {
return co;
}), f.d(A, "BoxParticleEmitter", function() {
return xr;
}), f.d(A, "ConeParticleEmitter", function() {
return Ys;
}), f.d(A, "CylinderParticleEmitter", function() {
return oa;
}), f.d(A, "CylinderDirectedParticleEmitter", function() {
return Ks;
}), f.d(A, "HemisphericParticleEmitter", function() {
return Qs;
}), f.d(A, "PointParticleEmitter", function() {
return qs;
}), f.d(A, "SphereParticleEmitter", function() {
return aa;
}), f.d(A, "SphereDirectedParticleEmitter", function() {
return Zs;
}), f.d(A, "CustomParticleEmitter", function() {
return Cr;
}), f.d(A, "MeshParticleEmitter", function() {
return Ku;
}), f.d(A, "GPUParticleSystem", function() {
return Ji;
}), f.d(A, "Particle", function() {
return sd;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleHelper", function() {
return vm;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleSystem", function() {
return cn;
}), f.d(A, "ParticleSystemSet", function() {
return da;
}), f.d(A, "SolidParticle", function() {
return yc;
}), f.d(A, "ModelShape", function() {
return bc;
}), f.d(A, "DepthSortedParticle", function() {
return cd;
}), f.d(A, "SolidParticleVertex", function() {
return ld;
}), f.d(A, "SolidParticleSystem", function() {
return ym;
}), f.d(A, "CloudPoint", function() {
return ud;
}), f.d(A, "PointsGroup", function() {
return fa;
}), f.d(A, "PointColor", function() {
return bn;
}), f.d(A, "PointsCloudSystem", function() {
return bm;
}), f.d(A, "SubEmitterType", function() {
return Rr;
}), f.d(A, "SubEmitter", function() {
return mo;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsEngine", function() {
return Sr;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsEngineSceneComponent", function() {
return hd;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsHelper", function() {
return Tm;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsRadialExplosionEventOptions", function() {
return Mr;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsUpdraftEventOptions", function() {
return Tc;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsVortexEventOptions", function() {
return Ec;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsRadialImpulseFalloff", function() {
return go;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsUpdraftMode", function() {
return Or;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsImpostor", function() {
return At.a;
}), f.d(A, "PhysicsJoint", function() {
return Jt.e;
}), f.d(A, "DistanceJoint", function() {
return Jt.a;
}), f.d(A, "MotorEnabledJoint", function() {
return Jt.d;
}), f.d(A, "HingeJoint", function() {
return Jt.c;
}), f.d(A, "Hinge2Joint", function() {
return Jt.b;
}), f.d(A, "CannonJSPlugin", function() {
return Bs;
}), f.d(A, "AmmoJSPlugin", function() {
return Iu;
}), f.d(A, "OimoJSPlugin", function() {
return Mu;
}), f.d(A, "AnaglyphPostProcess", function() {
return Ja;
}), f.d(A, "BlackAndWhitePostProcess", function() {
return fd;
}), f.d(A, "BloomEffect", function() {
return Pc;
}), f.d(A, "BloomMergePostProcess", function() {
return Ac;
}), f.d(A, "BlurPostProcess", function() {
return _n;
}), f.d(A, "ChromaticAberrationPostProcess", function() {
return xc;
}), f.d(A, "CircleOfConfusionPostProcess", function() {
return Cc;
}), f.d(A, "ColorCorrectionPostProcess", function() {
return pd;
}), f.d(A, "ConvolutionPostProcess", function() {
return _d;
}), f.d(A, "DepthOfFieldBlurPostProcess", function() {
return pa;
}), f.d(A, "DepthOfFieldEffectBlurLevel", function() {
return $i;
}), f.d(A, "DepthOfFieldEffect", function() {
return Rc;
}), f.d(A, "DepthOfFieldMergePostProcessOptions", function() {
return Lm;
}), f.d(A, "DepthOfFieldMergePostProcess", function() {
return md;
}), f.d(A, "DisplayPassPostProcess", function() {
return gd;
}), f.d(A, "ExtractHighlightsPostProcess", function() {
return Sc;
}), f.d(A, "FilterPostProcess", function() {
return vd;
}), f.d(A, "FxaaPostProcess", function() {
return vo;
}), f.d(A, "GrainPostProcess", function() {
return Oc;
}), f.d(A, "HighlightsPostProcess", function() {
return km;
}), f.d(A, "ImageProcessingPostProcess", function() {
return Io;
}), f.d(A, "MotionBlurPostProcess", function() {
return Mc;
}), f.d(A, "PassPostProcess", function() {
return Ri;
}), f.d(A, "PassCubePostProcess", function() {
return Tf;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcess", function() {
return ft;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessManager", function() {
return es.a;
}), f.d(A, "RefractionPostProcess", function() {
return bd;
}), f.d(A, "DefaultRenderingPipeline", function() {
return Sd;
}), f.d(A, "LensRenderingPipeline", function() {
return Qm;
}), f.d(A, "SSAO2RenderingPipeline", function() {
return Ad;
}), f.d(A, "SSAORenderingPipeline", function() {
return eg;
}), f.d(A, "StandardRenderingPipeline", function() {
return Pd;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessRenderEffect", function() {
return xt;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessRenderPipeline", function() {
return Ir;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessRenderPipelineManager", function() {
return Td;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessRenderPipelineManagerSceneComponent", function() {
return Ed;
}), f.d(A, "SharpenPostProcess", function() {
return Ic;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicInterlacePostProcessI", function() {
return og;
}), f.d(A, "StereoscopicInterlacePostProcess", function() {
return ag;
}), f.d(A, "TonemappingOperator", function() {
return er;
}), f.d(A, "TonemapPostProcess", function() {
return cg;
}), f.d(A, "VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess", function() {
return xd;
}), f.d(A, "VRDistortionCorrectionPostProcess", function() {
return $a;
}), f.d(A, "VRMultiviewToSingleviewPostProcess", function() {
return ts;
}), f.d(A, "ScreenSpaceReflectionPostProcess", function() {
return Dc;
}), f.d(A, "ScreenSpaceCurvaturePostProcess", function() {
return Cd;
}), f.d(A, "ReflectionProbe", function() {
return Du;
}), f.d(A, "BoundingBoxRenderer", function() {
return Rd;
}), f.d(A, "DepthRenderer", function() {
return Qo;
}), f.d(A, "DepthRendererSceneComponent", function() {
return Od;
}), f.d(A, "EdgesRenderer", function() {
return Lc;
}), f.d(A, "LineEdgesRenderer", function() {
return Md;
}), f.d(A, "GeometryBufferRenderer", function() {
return ri;
}), f.d(A, "GeometryBufferRendererSceneComponent", function() {
return yd;
}), f.d(A, "PrePassRenderer", function() {
return Nc;
}), f.d(A, "PrePassRendererSceneComponent", function() {
return Id;
}), f.d(A, "SubSurfaceSceneComponent", function() {
return Ld;
}), f.d(A, "OutlineRenderer", function() {
return Nd;
}), f.d(A, "RenderingGroup", function() {
return Tg.a;
}), f.d(A, "RenderingGroupInfo", function() {
return Hr.a;
}), f.d(A, "RenderingManager", function() {
return Hr.b;
}), f.d(A, "UtilityLayerRenderer", function() {
return Cn.a;
}), f.d(A, "Scene", function() {
return _e.a;
}), f.d(A, "SceneComponentConstants", function() {
return ot.a;
}), f.d(A, "Stage", function() {
return ot.b;
}), f.d(A, "Sprite", function() {
return wd;
}), f.d(A, "SpriteManager", function() {
return Bd;
}), f.d(A, "SpriteMap", function() {
return Cg;
}), f.d(A, "SpritePackedManager", function() {
return Rg;
}), f.d(A, "SpriteSceneComponent", function() {
return Fd;
}), f.d(A, "AlphaState", function() {
return Og.a;
}), f.d(A, "DepthCullingState", function() {
return Mg.a;
}), f.d(A, "StencilState", function() {
return Ig.a;
}), f.d(A, "AndOrNotEvaluator", function() {
return Dg.a;
}), f.d(A, "AssetTaskState", function() {
return ui;
}), f.d(A, "AbstractAssetTask", function() {
return hi;
}), f.d(A, "AssetsProgressEvent", function() {
return Ud;
}), f.d(A, "ContainerAssetTask", function() {
return Vd;
}), f.d(A, "MeshAssetTask", function() {
return kd;
}), f.d(A, "TextFileAssetTask", function() {
return Gd;
}), f.d(A, "BinaryFileAssetTask", function() {
return zd;
}), f.d(A, "ImageAssetTask", function() {
return jd;
}), f.d(A, "TextureAssetTask", function() {
return Hd;
}), f.d(A, "CubeTextureAssetTask", function() {
return Wd;
}), f.d(A, "HDRCubeTextureAssetTask", function() {
return Xd;
}), f.d(A, "EquiRectangularCubeTextureAssetTask", function() {
return Yd;
}), f.d(A, "AssetsManager", function() {
return Lg;
}), f.d(A, "BasisTranscodeConfiguration", function() {
return M_;
}), f.d(A, "BasisTools", function() {
return ro;
}), f.d(A, "DDSTools", function() {
return Li;
}), f.d(A, "expandToProperty", function() {
return L.b;
}), f.d(A, "serialize", function() {
return L.c;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsTexture", function() {
return L.m;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsColor3", function() {
return L.e;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsFresnelParameters", function() {
return L.h;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsVector2", function() {
return L.n;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsVector3", function() {
return L.o;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsMeshReference", function() {
return L.k;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsColorCurves", function() {
return L.g;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsColor4", function() {
return L.f;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsImageProcessingConfiguration", function() {
return L.i;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsQuaternion", function() {
return L.l;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsMatrix", function() {
return L.j;
}), f.d(A, "serializeAsCameraReference", function() {
return L.d;
}), f.d(A, "SerializationHelper", function() {
return L.a;
}), f.d(A, "Deferred", function() {
return Ng;
}), f.d(A, "EnvironmentTextureTools", function() {
return gi;
}), f.d(A, "MeshExploder", function() {
return wg;
}), f.d(A, "FilesInput", function() {
return Fg;
}), f.d(A, "CubeMapToSphericalPolynomialTools", function() {
return Lo;
}), f.d(A, "HDRTools", function() {
return Pu;
}), f.d(A, "PanoramaToCubeMapTools", function() {
return ws;
}), f.d(A, "KhronosTextureContainer", function() {
return Yo;
}), f.d(A, "EventState", function() {
return C.a;
}), f.d(A, "Observer", function() {
return C.d;
}), f.d(A, "MultiObserver", function() {
return C.b;
}), f.d(A, "Observable", function() {
return C.c;
}), f.d(A, "PerformanceMonitor", function() {
return Kd.a;
}), f.d(A, "RollingAverage", function() {
return Kd.b;
}), f.d(A, "PromisePolyfill", function() {
return Bg.a;
}), f.d(A, "SceneOptimization", function() {
return di;
}), f.d(A, "TextureOptimization", function() {
return _a;
}), f.d(A, "HardwareScalingOptimization", function() {
return Fc;
}), f.d(A, "ShadowsOptimization", function() {
return ma;
}), f.d(A, "PostProcessesOptimization", function() {
return ga;
}), f.d(A, "LensFlaresOptimization", function() {
return va;
}), f.d(A, "CustomOptimization", function() {
return Qd;
}), f.d(A, "ParticlesOptimization", function() {
return ya;
}), f.d(A, "RenderTargetsOptimization", function() {
return Bc;
}), f.d(A, "MergeMeshesOptimization", function() {
return ba;
}), f.d(A, "SceneOptimizerOptions", function() {
return Uc;
}), f.d(A, "SceneOptimizer", function() {
return Ug;
}), f.d(A, "SceneSerializer", function() {
return kc;
}), f.d(A, "SmartArray", function() {
return si.a;
}), f.d(A, "SmartArrayNoDuplicate", function() {
return si.b;
}), f.d(A, "StringDictionary", function() {
return rl.a;
}), f.d(A, "Tags", function() {
return Vg.a;
}), f.d(A, "TextureTools", function() {
return kg;
}), f.d(A, "TGATools", function() {
return ta;
}), f.d(A, "Tools", function() {
return Xe.b;
}), f.d(A, "className", function() {
return Xe.c;
}), f.d(A, "AsyncLoop", function() {
return Xe.a;
}), f.d(A, "VideoRecorder", function() {
return Gg;
}), f.d(A, "JoystickAxis", function() {
return rn;
}), f.d(A, "VirtualJoystick", function() {
return Ka;
}), f.d(A, "WorkerPool", function() {
return xs;
}), f.d(A, "Logger", function() {
return l.a;
}), f.d(A, "_TypeStore", function() {
return O.a;
}), f.d(A, "FilesInputStore", function() {
return fs.a;
}), f.d(A, "DeepCopier", function() {
return de.a;
}), f.d(A, "PivotTools", function() {
return Un.a;
}), f.d(A, "PrecisionDate", function() {
return ye.a;
}), f.d(A, "ScreenshotTools", function() {
return yo;
}), f.d(A, "WebRequest", function() {
return re.a;
}), f.d(A, "InspectableType", function() {
return wc;
}), f.d(A, "BRDFTextureTools", function() {
return Ho;
}), f.d(A, "RGBDTextureTools", function() {
return ql;
}), f.d(A, "ColorGradient", function() {
return gc;
}), f.d(A, "Color3Gradient", function() {
return ad;
}), f.d(A, "FactorGradient", function() {
return vc;
}), f.d(A, "GradientHelper", function() {
return On;
}), f.d(A, "PerfCounter", function() {
return Gn.a;
}), f.d(A, "RetryStrategy", function() {
return zg.a;
}), f.d(A, "CanvasGenerator", function() {
return ns.a;
}), f.d(A, "LoadFileError", function() {
return Xr.b;
}), f.d(A, "RequestFileError", function() {
return Xr.d;
}), f.d(A, "ReadFileError", function() {
return Xr.c;
}), f.d(A, "FileTools", function() {
return Xr.a;
}), f.d(A, "StringTools", function() {
return Hn.a;
}), f.d(A, "DataReader", function() {
return jg;
}), f.d(A, "MinMaxReducer", function() {
return yu;
}), f.d(A, "DepthReducer", function() {
return bu;
}), f.d(A, "DataStorage", function() {
return Hg;
}), f.d(A, "SceneRecorder", function() {
return Wg;
}), f.d(A, "KhronosTextureContainer2", function() {
return Cs;
}), f.d(A, "Trajectory", function() {
return Xg;
}), f.d(A, "TrajectoryClassifier", function() {
return Yg;
}), f.d(A, "TimerState", function() {
return Ni;
}), f.d(A, "setAndStartTimer", function() {
return Os;
}), f.d(A, "AdvancedTimer", function() {
return Kp;
}), f.d(A, "CopyTools", function() {
return Kg.a;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRCamera", function() {
return iu;
}), f.d(A, "WebXREnterExitUIButton", function() {
return cu;
}), f.d(A, "WebXREnterExitUIOptions", function() {
return Yp;
}), f.d(A, "WebXREnterExitUI", function() {
return lu;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRExperienceHelper", function() {
return ru;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRInput", function() {
return su;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRInputSource", function() {
return au;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRManagedOutputCanvasOptions", function() {
return is;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRManagedOutputCanvas", function() {
return Rl;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRState", function() {
return fn;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRTrackingState", function() {
return Yi;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRSessionManager", function() {
return rs;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRDefaultExperienceOptions", function() {
return Qp;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRDefaultExperience", function() {
return uu;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRFeatureName", function() {
return ti;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRFeaturesManager", function() {
return Wn;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRAbstractFeature", function() {
return ni;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRHitTestLegacy", function() {
return Ea;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRAnchorSystem", function() {
return Sa;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRPlaneDetector", function() {
return Aa;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRBackgroundRemover", function() {
return Pa;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRMotionControllerTeleportation", function() {
return to;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRControllerPointerSelection", function() {
return eo;
}), f.d(A, "IWebXRControllerPhysicsOptions", function() {
return Zg;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRControllerPhysics", function() {
return xa;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRHitTest", function() {
return Ca;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRFeaturePointSystem", function() {
return Ra;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRHand", function() {
return $d;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRHandTracking", function() {
return Oa;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRAbstractMotionController", function() {
return br;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRControllerComponent", function() {
return yr;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRGenericTriggerMotionController", function() {
return Rs;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRMicrosoftMixedRealityController", function() {
return ef;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRMotionControllerManager", function() {
return wn;
}), f.d(A, "WebXROculusTouchMotionController", function() {
return zc;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRHTCViveMotionController", function() {
return tf;
}), f.d(A, "WebXRProfiledMotionController", function() {
return ou;
var V = f(35), _ = f(91), C = f(6), u = f(0), I = f(9), O = f(11), x = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.triggerOptions = t, this.onBeforeExecuteObservable = new C.c(), t.parameter ? (this.trigger = t.trigger, this._triggerParameter = t.parameter) : t.trigger ? this.trigger = t.trigger : this.trigger = t, this._nextActiveAction = this, this._condition = e;
return r.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, r.prototype.getTriggerParameter = function() {
return this._triggerParameter;
}, r.prototype._executeCurrent = function(t) {
if (this._nextActiveAction._condition) {
var e = this._nextActiveAction._condition, n = this._actionManager.getScene().getRenderId();
if (e._evaluationId === n) {
if (!e._currentResult)
} else {
if (e._evaluationId = n, !e.isValid())
return void (e._currentResult = !1);
e._currentResult = !0;
this.onBeforeExecuteObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._nextActiveAction.execute(t), this.skipToNextActiveAction();
}, r.prototype.execute = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.skipToNextActiveAction = function() {
this._nextActiveAction._child ? (this._nextActiveAction._child._actionManager || (this._nextActiveAction._child._actionManager = this._actionManager), this._nextActiveAction = this._nextActiveAction._child) : this._nextActiveAction = this;
}, r.prototype.then = function(t) {
return this._child = t, t._actionManager = this._actionManager, t._prepare(), t;
}, r.prototype._getProperty = function(t) {
return this._actionManager._getProperty(t);
}, r.prototype._getEffectiveTarget = function(t, e) {
return this._actionManager._getEffectiveTarget(t, e);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
}, r.prototype._serialize = function(t, e) {
var n = { type: 1, children: [], name:, properties: || [] };
if (this._child && this._child.serialize(n), this._condition) {
var i = this._condition.serialize();
return i.children.push(n), e && e.children.push(i), i;
return e && e.children.push(n), n;
}, r._SerializeValueAsString = function(t) {
return typeof t == "number" ? t.toString() : typeof t == "boolean" ? t ? "true" : "false" : t instanceof u.d ? t.x + ", " + t.y : t instanceof u.e ? t.x + ", " + t.y + ", " + t.z : t instanceof I.a ? t.r + ", " + t.g + ", " + t.b : t instanceof I.b ? t.r + ", " + t.g + ", " + t.b + ", " + t.a : t;
}, r._GetTargetProperty = function(t) {
return { name: "target", targetType: t._isMesh ? "MeshProperties" : t._isLight ? "LightProperties" : t._isCamera ? "CameraProperties" : "SceneProperties", value: t._isScene ? "Scene" : };
}, r;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Action"] = x;
var m = f(47), c = f(1), T = function() {
function r(t) {
this._actionManager = t;
return r.prototype.isValid = function() {
return !0;
}, r.prototype._getProperty = function(t) {
return this._actionManager._getProperty(t);
}, r.prototype._getEffectiveTarget = function(t, e) {
return this._actionManager._getEffectiveTarget(t, e);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
}, r.prototype._serialize = function(t) {
return { type: 2, children: [], name:, properties: };
}, r;
}(), S = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = t.IsEqual);
var s =, e) || this;
return s.propertyPath = i, s.value = o, s.operator = a, s._target = n, s._effectiveTarget = s._getEffectiveTarget(n, s.propertyPath), s._property = s._getProperty(s.propertyPath), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t, "IsEqual", { get: function() {
return t._IsEqual;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "IsDifferent", { get: function() {
return t._IsDifferent;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "IsGreater", { get: function() {
return t._IsGreater;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "IsLesser", { get: function() {
return t._IsLesser;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.isValid = function() {
switch (this.operator) {
case t.IsGreater:
return this._effectiveTarget[this._property] > this.value;
case t.IsLesser:
return this._effectiveTarget[this._property] < this.value;
case t.IsEqual:
case t.IsDifferent:
var e;
return e = this.value.equals ? this.value.equals(this._effectiveTarget[this._property]) : this.value === this._effectiveTarget[this._property], this.operator === t.IsEqual ? e : !e;
return !1;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
return this._serialize({ name: "ValueCondition", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "propertyPath", value: this.propertyPath }, { name: "value", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.value) }, { name: "operator", value: t.GetOperatorName(this.operator) }] });
}, t.GetOperatorName = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case t._IsEqual:
return "IsEqual";
case t._IsDifferent:
return "IsDifferent";
case t._IsGreater:
return "IsGreater";
case t._IsLesser:
return "IsLesser";
return "";
}, t._IsEqual = 0, t._IsDifferent = 1, t._IsGreater = 2, t._IsLesser = 3, t;
}(T), E = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i.predicate = n, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this.predicate();
}, t;
}(T), g = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e) || this;
return o.value = i, o._target = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.isValid = function() {
return this._target.state === this.value;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
return this._serialize({ name: "StateCondition", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "value", value: this.value }] });
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ValueCondition"] = S, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PredicateCondition"] = E, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StateCondition"] = g;
var l = f(8), h = f(2), v = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, o) || this;
return a.propertyPath = i, a._target = a._effectiveTarget = n, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
this._effectiveTarget = this._getEffectiveTarget(this._effectiveTarget, this.propertyPath), this._property = this._getProperty(this.propertyPath);
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._effectiveTarget[this._property] = !this._effectiveTarget[this._property];
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "SwitchBooleanAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "propertyPath", value: this.propertyPath }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), b = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, o) || this;
return a.value = i, a._target = n, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._target.state = this.value;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "SetStateAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "value", value: this.value }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), D = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s =, e, a) || this;
return s.propertyPath = i, s.value = o, s._target = s._effectiveTarget = n, s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
this._effectiveTarget = this._getEffectiveTarget(this._effectiveTarget, this.propertyPath), this._property = this._getProperty(this.propertyPath);
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._effectiveTarget[this._property] = this.value, this._target.markAsDirty && this._target.markAsDirty(this._property);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "SetValueAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "propertyPath", value: this.propertyPath }, { name: "value", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.value) }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), w = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s =, e, a) || this;
return s.propertyPath = i, s.value = o, s._target = s._effectiveTarget = n, s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
this._effectiveTarget = this._getEffectiveTarget(this._effectiveTarget, this.propertyPath), this._property = this._getProperty(this.propertyPath), typeof this._effectiveTarget[this._property] != "number" && l.a.Warn("Warning: IncrementValueAction can only be used with number values");
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._effectiveTarget[this._property] += this.value, this._target.markAsDirty && this._target.markAsDirty(this._property);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "IncrementValueAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "propertyPath", value: this.propertyPath }, { name: "value", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.value) }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), N = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, s) || this;
return d.from = i, = o, d.loop = a, d._target = n, d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._actionManager.getScene().beginAnimation(this._target, this.from,, this.loop);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "PlayAnimationAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "from", value: String(this.from) }, { name: "to", value: String( }, { name: "loop", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.loop) || !1 }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), M = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o._target = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "StopAnimationAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target)] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), U = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = h.a.ACTION_NothingTrigger),, e, n) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.execute = function() {
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "DoNothingAction", properties: [] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), X = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o.children = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.children.length; e++)
this.children[e]._actionManager = this._actionManager, this.children[e]._prepare();
}, t.prototype.execute = function(e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.children.length; n++)
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
for (var n =, { name: "CombineAction", properties: [], combine: [] }, e), i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++)
return n;
}, t;
}(x), j = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o.func = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.execute = function(e) {
}, t;
}(x), ne = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, o) || this;
return a._target = n, a._parent = i, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
if (this._target.parent !== this._parent) {
var e = this._parent.getWorldMatrix().clone();
e.invert(), this._target.position = u.e.TransformCoordinates(this._target.position, e), this._target.parent = this._parent;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "SetParentAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), x._GetTargetProperty(this._parent)] }, e);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SetParentAction"] = ne, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction"] = j, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DoNothingAction"] = U, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StopAnimationAction"] = M, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PlayAnimationAction"] = N, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.IncrementValueAction"] = w, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SetValueAction"] = D, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SetStateAction"] = b, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SetParentAction"] = ne;
var te = f(22), de = f(41), pe = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n = || this;
return n._scene = e || te.a.LastCreatedScene, e.actionManagers.push(n), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var e = this._scene.actionManagers.indexOf(this), n = 0; n < this.actions.length; n++) {
var i = this.actions[n];
t.Triggers[i.trigger]--, t.Triggers[i.trigger] === 0 && delete t.Triggers[i.trigger];
e > -1 && this._scene.actionManagers.splice(e, 1);
}, t.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, t.prototype.hasSpecificTriggers = function(e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.actions.length; n++) {
var i = this.actions[n];
if (e.indexOf(i.trigger) > -1)
return !0;
return !1;
}, t.prototype.hasSpecificTriggers2 = function(e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i++) {
var o = this.actions[i];
if (e == o.trigger || n == o.trigger)
return !0;
return !1;
}, t.prototype.hasSpecificTrigger = function(e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i++) {
var o = this.actions[i];
if (o.trigger === e && (!n || n(o.getTriggerParameter())))
return !0;
return !1;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasPointerTriggers", { get: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.actions.length; e++) {
var n = this.actions[e];
if (n.trigger >= t.OnPickTrigger && n.trigger <= t.OnPointerOutTrigger)
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasPickTriggers", { get: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this.actions.length; e++) {
var n = this.actions[e];
if (n.trigger >= t.OnPickTrigger && n.trigger <= t.OnPickUpTrigger)
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.registerAction = function(e) {
return e.trigger === t.OnEveryFrameTrigger && this.getScene().actionManager !== this ? (l.a.Warn("OnEveryFrameTrigger can only be used with scene.actionManager"), null) : (this.actions.push(e), t.Triggers[e.trigger] ? t.Triggers[e.trigger]++ : t.Triggers[e.trigger] = 1, e._actionManager = this, e._prepare(), e);
}, t.prototype.unregisterAction = function(e) {
var n = this.actions.indexOf(e);
return n !== -1 && (this.actions.splice(n, 1), t.Triggers[e.trigger] -= 1, t.Triggers[e.trigger] === 0 && delete t.Triggers[e.trigger], e._actionManager = null, !0);
}, t.prototype.processTrigger = function(e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i++) {
var o = this.actions[i];
if (o.trigger === e) {
if (n && (e === t.OnKeyUpTrigger || e === t.OnKeyDownTrigger)) {
var a = o.getTriggerParameter();
if (a && a !== n.sourceEvent.keyCode) {
if (!a.toLowerCase)
var s = a.toLowerCase();
if (s !== n.sourceEvent.key) {
var d = n.sourceEvent.charCode ? n.sourceEvent.charCode : n.sourceEvent.keyCode;
if (String.fromCharCode(d).toLowerCase() !== s)
}, t.prototype._getEffectiveTarget = function(e, n) {
for (var i = n.split("."), o = 0; o < i.length - 1; o++)
e = e[i[o]];
return e;
}, t.prototype._getProperty = function(e) {
var n = e.split(".");
return n[n.length - 1];
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
for (var n = { children: new Array(), name: e, type: 3, properties: new Array() }, i = 0; i < this.actions.length; i++) {
var o = { type: 0, children: new Array(), name: t.GetTriggerName(this.actions[i].trigger), properties: new Array() }, a = this.actions[i].triggerOptions;
if (a && typeof a != "number")
if (a.parameter instanceof Node);
else {
var s = {};
de.a.DeepCopy(a.parameter, s, ["mesh"]), a.parameter && a.parameter.mesh && (s._meshId =,{ name: "parameter", targetType: null, value: s });
this.actions[i].serialize(o), n.children.push(o);
return n;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = new t(i);
n === null ? i.actionManager = o : n.actionManager = o;
for (var a = function(F, z, J, ie) {
if (ie === null) {
var se = parseFloat(z);
return z === "true" || z === "false" ? z === "true" : isNaN(se) ? z : se;
for (var ce = ie.split("."), ue = z.split(","), fe = 0; fe < ce.length; fe++)
J = J[ce[fe]];
if (typeof J == "boolean")
return ue[0] === "true";
if (typeof J == "string")
return ue[0];
var ve = new Array();
for (fe = 0; fe < ue.length; fe++)
return J instanceof u.e ? u.e.FromArray(ve) : J instanceof u.f ? u.f.FromArray(ve) : J instanceof I.a ? I.a.FromArray(ve) : J instanceof I.b ? I.b.FromArray(ve) : parseFloat(ue[0]);
}, s = function(F, z, J, ie, se) {
if (se === void 0 && (se = null), !F.detached) {
var ce = new Array(), ue = null, fe = null, ve = F.combine && F.combine.length > 0;
if (F.type === 2 ? ce.push(o) : ce.push(z), ve) {
for (var Te = new Array(), Re = 0; Re < F.combine.length; Re++)
s(F.combine[Re], t.NothingTrigger, J, ie, Te);
} else
for (var Ae = 0; Ae <; Ae++) {
var Ee =[Ae].value, Se =[Ae].name, De =[Ae].targetType;
Se === "target" ? Ee = ue = De !== null && De === "SceneProperties" ? i : i.getNodeByName(Ee) : Se === "parent" ? Ee = i.getNodeByName(Ee) : Se === "sound" ? i.getSoundByName && (Ee = i.getSoundByName(Ee)) : Se !== "propertyPath" ? Ee = F.type === 2 && Se === "operator" ? S[Ee] : a(0, Ee, ue, Se === "value" ? fe : null) : fe = Ee, ce.push(Ee);
if (se === null ? ce.push(J) : ce.push(null), === "InterpolateValueAction") {
var xe = ce[ce.length - 2];
ce[ce.length - 1] = xe, ce[ce.length - 2] = J;
var Le = function(we, Ye) {
var et = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON." + we);
if (et) {
var nt = Object.create(et.prototype);
return nt.constructor.apply(nt, Ye), nt;
}(, ce);
if (Le instanceof T && J !== null) {
var Me = new U(z, J);
ie ? ie.then(Me) : o.registerAction(Me), ie = Me;
for (se === null ? Le instanceof T ? (J = Le, Le = ie) : (J = null, ie ? ie.then(Le) : o.registerAction(Le)) : se.push(Le), Ae = 0; Ae < F.children.length; Ae++)
s(F.children[Ae], z, J, Le, null);
}, d = 0; d < e.children.length; d++) {
var p, y = e.children[d];
if ( > 0) {
var P =[0].value, R =[0].targetType === null ? P : i.getMeshByName(P);
R._meshId && (R.mesh = i.getMeshByID(R._meshId)), p = { trigger: t[], parameter: R };
} else
p = t[];
for (var B = 0; B < y.children.length; B++)
y.detached || s(y.children[B], p, null, null);
}, t.GetTriggerName = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case 0:
return "NothingTrigger";
case 1:
return "OnPickTrigger";
case 2:
return "OnLeftPickTrigger";
case 3:
return "OnRightPickTrigger";
case 4:
return "OnCenterPickTrigger";
case 5:
return "OnPickDownTrigger";
case 6:
return "OnPickUpTrigger";
case 7:
return "OnLongPressTrigger";
case 8:
return "OnPointerOverTrigger";
case 9:
return "OnPointerOutTrigger";
case 10:
return "OnEveryFrameTrigger";
case 11:
return "OnIntersectionEnterTrigger";
case 12:
return "OnIntersectionExitTrigger";
case 13:
return "OnKeyDownTrigger";
case 14:
return "OnKeyUpTrigger";
case 15:
return "OnPickOutTrigger";
return "";
}, t.NothingTrigger = h.a.ACTION_NothingTrigger, t.OnPickTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPickTrigger, t.OnLeftPickTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnLeftPickTrigger, t.OnRightPickTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnRightPickTrigger, t.OnCenterPickTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnCenterPickTrigger, t.OnPickDownTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPickDownTrigger, t.OnDoublePickTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnDoublePickTrigger, t.OnPickUpTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPickUpTrigger, t.OnPickOutTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPickOutTrigger, t.OnLongPressTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnLongPressTrigger, t.OnPointerOverTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPointerOverTrigger, t.OnPointerOutTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnPointerOutTrigger, t.OnEveryFrameTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnEveryFrameTrigger, t.OnIntersectionEnterTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionEnterTrigger, t.OnIntersectionExitTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnIntersectionExitTrigger, t.OnKeyDownTrigger = h.a.ACTION_OnKeyDownTrigger, t.OnKeyUpTrigger = 15, t;
}(_.a), ae = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o._sound = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._sound !== void 0 &&;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "PlaySoundAction", properties: [{ name: "sound", value: }] }, e);
}, t;
}(x), ee = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o._sound = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
this._sound !== void 0 && this._sound.stop();
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "StopSoundAction", properties: [{ name: "sound", value: }] }, e);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PlaySoundAction"] = ee, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StopSoundAction"] = ee;
var K, $ = f(14), L = f(3);
(function(r) {
r[r.STEP = 1] = "STEP";
})(K || (K = {}));
var G = function() {
function r(t, e, n) { = t, this.from = e, = n;
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
return new r(, this.from,;
}, r;
}(), Q = f(29), oe = f(77), re = f(49), Y = function() {
}, k = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a) { = t, this.targetProperty = e, this.framePerSecond = n, this.dataType = i, this.loopMode = o, this.enableBlending = a, this._runtimeAnimations = new Array(), this._events = new Array(), this.blendingSpeed = 0.01, this._ranges = {}, this.targetPropertyPath = e.split("."), this.dataType = i, this.loopMode = o === void 0 ? r.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE : o;
return r._PrepareAnimation = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p = void 0;
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(o)) && isFinite(o) ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT : o instanceof u.b ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION : o instanceof u.e ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3 : o instanceof u.d ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR2 : o instanceof I.a ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_COLOR3 : o instanceof I.b ? p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_COLOR4 : o instanceof oe.a && (p = r.ANIMATIONTYPE_SIZE), p == null)
return null;
var y = new r(t, e, n, p, s), P = [{ frame: 0, value: o }, { frame: i, value: a }];
return y.setKeys(P), d !== void 0 && y.setEasingFunction(d), y;
}, r.CreateAnimation = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = new r(t + "Animation", t, n, e, r.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT);
return o.setEasingFunction(i), o;
}, r.CreateAndStartAnimation = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
var P = r._PrepareAnimation(t, n, i, o, a, s, d, p);
return P ? e.getScene().beginDirectAnimation(e, [P], 0, o, P.loopMode === 1, 1, y) : null;
}, r.CreateAndStartHierarchyAnimation = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
var R = r._PrepareAnimation(t, i, o, a, s, d, p, y);
return R ? e.getScene().beginDirectHierarchyAnimation(e, n, [R], 0, a, R.loopMode === 1, 1, P) : null;
}, r.CreateMergeAndStartAnimation = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
var P = r._PrepareAnimation(t, n, i, o, a, s, d, p);
return P ? (e.animations.push(P), e.getScene().beginAnimation(e, 0, o, P.loopMode === 1, 1, y)) : null;
}, r.MakeAnimationAdditive = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var a = t;
if (i && ((a = t.clone()).name = o ||, !a._keys.length)
return a;
e = e >= 0 ? e : 0;
var s = 0, d = a._keys[0], p = a._keys.length - 1, y = a._keys[p], P = { referenceValue: d.value, referencePosition: u.c.Vector3[0], referenceQuaternion: u.c.Quaternion[0], referenceScaling: u.c.Vector3[1], keyPosition: u.c.Vector3[2], keyQuaternion: u.c.Quaternion[1], keyScaling: u.c.Vector3[3] }, R = !1, B = d.frame, F = y.frame;
if (n) {
var z = a.getRange(n);
z && (B = z.from, F =;
var J = d.frame === B, ie = y.frame === F;
if (a._keys.length === 1) {
var se = a._getKeyValue(a._keys[0]);
P.referenceValue = se.clone ? se.clone() : se, R = !0;
} else
e <= d.frame ? (se = a._getKeyValue(d.value), P.referenceValue = se.clone ? se.clone() : se, R = !0) : e >= y.frame && (se = a._getKeyValue(y.value), P.referenceValue = se.clone ? se.clone() : se, R = !0);
for (var ce = 0; !R || !J || !ie && ce < a._keys.length - 1; ) {
var ue = a._keys[ce], fe = a._keys[ce + 1];
if (!R && e >= ue.frame && e <= fe.frame) {
if (se = void 0, e === ue.frame)
se = a._getKeyValue(ue.value);
else if (e === fe.frame)
se = a._getKeyValue(fe.value);
else {
var ve = { key: ce, repeatCount: 0, loopMode: this.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT };
se = a._interpolate(e, ve);
P.referenceValue = se.clone ? se.clone() : se, R = !0;
if (!J && B >= ue.frame && B <= fe.frame) {
if (B === ue.frame)
s = ce;
else if (B === fe.frame)
s = ce + 1;
else {
ve = { key: ce, repeatCount: 0, loopMode: this.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT };
var Te = { frame: B, value: (se = a._interpolate(B, ve)).clone ? se.clone() : se };
a._keys.splice(ce + 1, 0, Te), s = ce + 1;
J = !0;
!ie && F >= ue.frame && F <= fe.frame && (F === ue.frame ? p = ce : F === fe.frame ? p = ce + 1 : (ve = { key: ce, repeatCount: 0, loopMode: this.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT }, Te = { frame: F, value: (se = a._interpolate(F, ve)).clone ? se.clone() : se }, a._keys.splice(ce + 1, 0, Te), p = ce + 1), ie = !0), ce++;
for (a.dataType === r.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION ? P.referenceValue.normalize().conjugateInPlace() : a.dataType === r.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX && (P.referenceValue.decompose(P.referenceScaling, P.referenceQuaternion, P.referencePosition), P.referenceQuaternion.normalize().conjugateInPlace()), ce = s; ce <= p; ce++)
if (Te = a._keys[ce], !ce || a.dataType === r.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT || Te.value !== d.value)
switch (a.dataType) {
Te.value.decompose(P.keyScaling, P.keyQuaternion, P.keyPosition), P.keyPosition.subtractInPlace(P.referencePosition), P.keyScaling.divideInPlace(P.referenceScaling), P.referenceQuaternion.multiplyToRef(P.keyQuaternion, P.keyQuaternion), u.a.ComposeToRef(P.keyScaling, P.keyQuaternion, P.keyPosition, Te.value);
P.referenceValue.multiplyToRef(Te.value, Te.value);
Te.value.subtractToRef(P.referenceValue, Te.value);
Te.value.width -= P.referenceValue.width, Te.value.height -= P.referenceValue.height;
Te.value -= P.referenceValue;
return a;
}, r.TransitionTo = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
if (d === void 0 && (d = null), s <= 0)
return n[t] = e, d && d(), null;
var p = o * (s / 1e3);
a.setKeys([{ frame: 0, value: n[t].clone ? n[t].clone() : n[t] }, { frame: p, value: e }]), n.animations || (n.animations = []), n.animations.push(a);
var y = i.beginAnimation(n, 0, p, !1);
return y.onAnimationEnd = d, y;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "runtimeAnimations", { get: function() {
return this._runtimeAnimations;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasRunningRuntimeAnimations", { get: function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this._runtimeAnimations; t < e.length; t++)
if (!e[t].isStopped)
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.toString = function(t) {
var e = "Name: " + + ", property: " + this.targetProperty;
if (e += ", datatype: " + ["Float", "Vector3", "Quaternion", "Matrix", "Color3", "Vector2"][this.dataType], e += ", nKeys: " + (this._keys ? this._keys.length : "none"), e += ", nRanges: " + (this._ranges ? Object.keys(this._ranges).length : "none"), t) {
e += ", Ranges: {";
var n = !0;
for (var i in this._ranges)
n && (e += ", ", n = !1), e += i;
e += "}";
return e;
}, r.prototype.addEvent = function(t) {
this._events.push(t), this._events.sort(function(e, n) {
return e.frame - n.frame;
}, r.prototype.removeEvents = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._events.length; e++)
this._events[e].frame === t && (this._events.splice(e, 1), e--);
}, r.prototype.getEvents = function() {
return this._events;
}, r.prototype.createRange = function(t, e, n) {
this._ranges[t] || (this._ranges[t] = new G(t, e, n));
}, r.prototype.deleteRange = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !0);
var n = this._ranges[t];
if (n) {
if (e)
for (var i = n.from, o =, a = this._keys.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)
this._keys[a].frame >= i && this._keys[a].frame <= o && this._keys.splice(a, 1);
this._ranges[t] = null;
}, r.prototype.getRange = function(t) {
return this._ranges[t];
}, r.prototype.getKeys = function() {
return this._keys;
}, r.prototype.getHighestFrame = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0, n = this._keys.length; e < n; e++)
t < this._keys[e].frame && (t = this._keys[e].frame);
return t;
}, r.prototype.getEasingFunction = function() {
return this._easingFunction;
}, r.prototype.setEasingFunction = function(t) {
this._easingFunction = t;
}, r.prototype.floatInterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return $.a.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.floatInterpolateFunctionWithTangents = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return $.a.Hermite(t, e, n, i, o);
}, r.prototype.quaternionInterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return u.b.Slerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.quaternionInterpolateFunctionWithTangents = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return u.b.Hermite(t, e, n, i, o).normalize();
}, r.prototype.vector3InterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return u.e.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.vector3InterpolateFunctionWithTangents = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return u.e.Hermite(t, e, n, i, o);
}, r.prototype.vector2InterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return u.d.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.vector2InterpolateFunctionWithTangents = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return u.d.Hermite(t, e, n, i, o);
}, r.prototype.sizeInterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return oe.a.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.color3InterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return I.a.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.color4InterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n) {
return I.b.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype._getKeyValue = function(t) {
return typeof t == "function" ? t() : t;
}, r.prototype._interpolate = function(t, e) {
if (e.loopMode === r.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT && e.repeatCount > 0)
return e.highLimitValue.clone ? e.highLimitValue.clone() : e.highLimitValue;
var n = this._keys;
if (n.length === 1)
return this._getKeyValue(n[0].value);
var i = e.key;
if (n[i].frame >= t)
for (; i - 1 >= 0 && n[i].frame >= t; )
for (var o = i; o < n.length; o++) {
var a = n[o + 1];
if (a.frame >= t) {
e.key = o;
var s = n[o], d = this._getKeyValue(s.value);
if (s.interpolation === K.STEP)
return d;
var p = this._getKeyValue(a.value), y = s.outTangent !== void 0 && a.inTangent !== void 0, P = a.frame - s.frame, R = (t - s.frame) / P, B = this.getEasingFunction();
switch (B != null && (R = B.ease(R)), this.dataType) {
var F = y ? this.floatInterpolateFunctionWithTangents(d, s.outTangent * P, p, a.inTangent * P, R) : this.floatInterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
switch (e.loopMode) {
return F;
return e.offsetValue * e.repeatCount + F;
var z = y ? this.quaternionInterpolateFunctionWithTangents(d, s.outTangent.scale(P), p, a.inTangent.scale(P), R) : this.quaternionInterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
switch (e.loopMode) {
return z;
return z.addInPlace(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
return z;
var J = y ? this.vector3InterpolateFunctionWithTangents(d, s.outTangent.scale(P), p, a.inTangent.scale(P), R) : this.vector3InterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
switch (e.loopMode) {
return J;
return J.add(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
var ie = y ? this.vector2InterpolateFunctionWithTangents(d, s.outTangent.scale(P), p, a.inTangent.scale(P), R) : this.vector2InterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
switch (e.loopMode) {
return ie;
return ie.add(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
switch (e.loopMode) {
return this.sizeInterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
return this.sizeInterpolateFunction(d, p, R).add(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
switch (e.loopMode) {
return this.color3InterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
return this.color3InterpolateFunction(d, p, R).add(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
switch (e.loopMode) {
return this.color4InterpolateFunction(d, p, R);
return this.color4InterpolateFunction(d, p, R).add(e.offsetValue.scale(e.repeatCount));
switch (e.loopMode) {
if (r.AllowMatricesInterpolation)
return this.matrixInterpolateFunction(d, p, R, e.workValue);
return d;
return this._getKeyValue(n[n.length - 1].value);
}, r.prototype.matrixInterpolateFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
return r.AllowMatrixDecomposeForInterpolation ? i ? (u.a.DecomposeLerpToRef(t, e, n, i), i) : u.a.DecomposeLerp(t, e, n) : i ? (u.a.LerpToRef(t, e, n, i), i) : u.a.Lerp(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(, this.targetPropertyPath.join("."), this.framePerSecond, this.dataType, this.loopMode);
if (t.enableBlending = this.enableBlending, t.blendingSpeed = this.blendingSpeed, this._keys && t.setKeys(this._keys), this._ranges)
for (var e in t._ranges = {}, this._ranges) {
var n = this._ranges[e];
n && (t._ranges[e] = n.clone());
return t;
}, r.prototype.setKeys = function(t) {
this._keys = t.slice(0);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {}; =, = this.targetProperty, t.framePerSecond = this.framePerSecond, t.dataType = this.dataType, t.loopBehavior = this.loopMode, t.enableBlending = this.enableBlending, t.blendingSpeed = this.blendingSpeed;
var e = this.dataType;
t.keys = [];
for (var n = this.getKeys(), i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
var o = n[i], a = {};
switch (a.frame = o.frame, e) {
a.values = [o.value], o.inTangent !== void 0 && a.values.push(o.inTangent), o.outTangent !== void 0 && (o.inTangent === void 0 && a.values.push(void 0), a.values.push(o.outTangent));
a.values = o.value.asArray(), o.inTangent != null && a.values.push(o.inTangent.asArray()), o.outTangent != null && (o.inTangent === void 0 && a.values.push(void 0), a.values.push(o.outTangent.asArray()));
for (var s in t.ranges = [], this._ranges) {
var d = this._ranges[s];
if (d) {
var p = {}; = s, p.from = d.from, =, t.ranges.push(p);
return t;
}, r._UniversalLerp = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.constructor;
return i.Lerp ? i.Lerp(t, e, n) : i.Slerp ? i.Slerp(t, e, n) : t.toFixed ? t * (1 - n) + n * e : e;
}, r.Parse = function(t) {
var e, n, i = new r(,, t.framePerSecond, t.dataType, t.loopBehavior), o = t.dataType, a = [];
for (t.enableBlending && (i.enableBlending = t.enableBlending), t.blendingSpeed && (i.blendingSpeed = t.blendingSpeed), n = 0; n < t.keys.length; n++) {
var s, d, p = t.keys[n];
switch (o) {
e = p.values[0], p.values.length >= 1 && (s = p.values[1]), p.values.length >= 2 && (d = p.values[2]);
if (e = u.b.FromArray(p.values), p.values.length >= 8) {
var y = u.b.FromArray(p.values.slice(4, 8));
y.equals(u.b.Zero()) || (s = y);
if (p.values.length >= 12) {
var P = u.b.FromArray(p.values.slice(8, 12));
P.equals(u.b.Zero()) || (d = P);
e = u.a.FromArray(p.values);
e = I.a.FromArray(p.values);
e = I.b.FromArray(p.values);
e = u.e.FromArray(p.values);
var R = {};
R.frame = p.frame, R.value = e, s != null && (R.inTangent = s), d != null && (R.outTangent = d), a.push(R);
if (i.setKeys(a), t.ranges)
for (n = 0; n < t.ranges.length; n++)
e = t.ranges[n], i.createRange(, e.from,;
return i;
}, r.AppendSerializedAnimations = function(t, e) {
L.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(t, e);
}, r.ParseFromFileAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
return new Promise(function(i, o) {
var a = new re.a();
a.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (a.readyState == 4)
if (a.status == 200) {
var s = JSON.parse(a.responseText);
if (s.length) {
for (var d = new Array(), p = 0, y = s; p < y.length; p++) {
var P = y[p];
} else
d = n.Parse(s), t && ( = t), i(d);
} else
o("Unable to load the animation");
}),"GET", e), a.send();
}, r.CreateFromSnippetAsync = function(t) {
var e = this;
return new Promise(function(n, i) {
var o = new re.a();
o.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (o.readyState == 4)
if (o.status == 200) {
var a = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(o.responseText).jsonPayload);
if (a.animations) {
for (var s = JSON.parse(a.animations), d = new Array(), p = 0, y = s; p < y.length; p++) {
var P = y[p];
} else
s = JSON.parse(a.animation), (d = e.Parse(s)).snippetId = t, n(d);
} else
i("Unable to load the snippet " + t);
}),"GET", e.SnippetUrl + "/" + t.replace(/#/g, "/")), o.send();
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Animation"] = k, Q.a._AnimationRangeFactory = function(r, t, e) {
return new G(r, t, e);
var H = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
a === void 0 && (a = 1e3);
var y =, e, s) || this;
return y.duration = 1e3, y.onInterpolationDoneObservable = new C.c(), y.propertyPath = i, y.value = o, y.duration = a, y.stopOtherAnimations = d, y.onInterpolationDone = p, y._target = y._effectiveTarget = n, y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._prepare = function() {
this._effectiveTarget = this._getEffectiveTarget(this._effectiveTarget, this.propertyPath), this._property = this._getProperty(this.propertyPath);
}, t.prototype.execute = function() {
var e, n = this, i = this._actionManager.getScene(), o = [{ frame: 0, value: this._effectiveTarget[this._property] }, { frame: 100, value: this.value }];
if (typeof this.value == "number")
else if (this.value instanceof I.a)
else if (this.value instanceof u.e)
else if (this.value instanceof u.a)
else {
if (!(this.value instanceof u.b))
return void l.a.Warn("InterpolateValueAction: Unsupported type (" + typeof this.value + ")");
var a = new k("InterpolateValueAction", this._property, 1e3 / this.duration * 100, e, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT);
a.setKeys(o), this.stopOtherAnimations && i.stopAnimation(this._effectiveTarget), i.beginDirectAnimation(this._effectiveTarget, [a], 0, 100, !1, 1, function() {
n.onInterpolationDoneObservable.notifyObservers(n), n.onInterpolationDone && n.onInterpolationDone();
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
return, { name: "InterpolateValueAction", properties: [x._GetTargetProperty(this._target), { name: "propertyPath", value: this.propertyPath }, { name: "value", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.value) }, { name: "duration", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.duration) }, { name: "stopOtherAnimations", value: x._SerializeValueAsString(this.stopOtherAnimations) || !1 }] }, e);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.InterpolateValueAction"] = H;
var Z = Object.freeze(new u.b(0, 0, 0, 0)), W = Object.freeze(u.e.Zero()), q = Object.freeze(u.d.Zero()), he = Object.freeze(oe.a.Zero()), ge = Object.freeze(I.a.Black()), me = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (this._events = new Array(), this._currentFrame = 0, this._originalValue = new Array(), this._originalBlendValue = null, this._offsetsCache = {}, this._highLimitsCache = {}, this._stopped = !1, this._blendingFactor = 0, this._currentValue = null, this._currentActiveTarget = null, this._directTarget = null, this._targetPath = "", this._weight = 1, this._ratioOffset = 0, this._previousDelay = 0, this._previousRatio = 0, this._targetIsArray = !1, this._animation = e, this._target = t, this._scene = n, this._host = i, this._activeTargets = [], e._runtimeAnimations.push(this), this._animationState = { key: 0, repeatCount: 0, loopMode: this._getCorrectLoopMode() }, this._animation.dataType === k.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX && (this._animationState.workValue = u.a.Zero()), this._keys = this._animation.getKeys(), this._minFrame = this._keys[0].frame, this._maxFrame = this._keys[this._keys.length - 1].frame, this._minValue = this._keys[0].value, this._maxValue = this._keys[this._keys.length - 1].value, this._minFrame !== 0) {
var a = { frame: 0, value: this._minValue };
this._keys.splice(0, 0, a);
if (this._target instanceof Array) {
for (var s = 0, d = 0, p = this._target; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = p[d];
this._preparePath(y, s), this._getOriginalValues(s), s++;
this._targetIsArray = !0;
} else
this._preparePath(this._target), this._getOriginalValues(), this._targetIsArray = !1, this._directTarget = this._activeTargets[0];
var P = e.getEvents();
P && P.length > 0 && P.forEach(function(R) {
}), this._enableBlending = t && t.animationPropertiesOverride ? t.animationPropertiesOverride.enableBlending : this._animation.enableBlending;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "currentFrame", { get: function() {
return this._currentFrame;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "weight", { get: function() {
return this._weight;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "currentValue", { get: function() {
return this._currentValue;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "targetPath", { get: function() {
return this._targetPath;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
return this._currentActiveTarget;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isAdditive", { get: function() {
return this._host && this._host.isAdditive;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._preparePath = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0);
var n = this._animation.targetPropertyPath;
if (n.length > 1) {
for (var i = t[n[0]], o = 1; o < n.length - 1; o++)
i = i[n[o]];
this._targetPath = n[n.length - 1], this._activeTargets[e] = i;
} else
this._targetPath = n[0], this._activeTargets[e] = t;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "animation", { get: function() {
return this._animation;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.reset = function(t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), t)
if (this._target instanceof Array)
for (var e = 0, n = 0, i = this._target; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
this._originalValue[e] !== void 0 && this._setValue(o, this._activeTargets[e], this._originalValue[e], -1, e), e++;
this._originalValue[0] !== void 0 && this._setValue(this._target, this._directTarget, this._originalValue[0], -1, 0);
for (this._offsetsCache = {}, this._highLimitsCache = {}, this._currentFrame = 0, this._blendingFactor = 0, e = 0; e < this._events.length; e++)
this._events[e].isDone = !1;
}, r.prototype.isStopped = function() {
return this._stopped;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._animation.runtimeAnimations.indexOf(this);
t > -1 && this._animation.runtimeAnimations.splice(t, 1);
}, r.prototype.setValue = function(t, e) {
if (this._targetIsArray)
for (var n = 0; n < this._target.length; n++) {
var i = this._target[n];
this._setValue(i, this._activeTargets[n], t, e, n);
this._setValue(this._target, this._directTarget, t, e, 0);
}, r.prototype._getOriginalValues = function(t) {
var e;
t === void 0 && (t = 0);
var n = this._activeTargets[t];
(e = n.getRestPose && this._targetPath === "_matrix" ? n.getRestPose() : n[this._targetPath]) && e.clone ? this._originalValue[t] = e.clone() : this._originalValue[t] = e;
}, r.prototype._setValue = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (this._currentActiveTarget = e, this._weight = i, this._enableBlending && this._blendingFactor <= 1) {
if (!this._originalBlendValue) {
var a = e[this._targetPath];
a.clone ? this._originalBlendValue = a.clone() : this._originalBlendValue = a;
this._originalBlendValue.m ? k.AllowMatrixDecomposeForInterpolation ? this._currentValue ? u.a.DecomposeLerpToRef(this._originalBlendValue, n, this._blendingFactor, this._currentValue) : this._currentValue = u.a.DecomposeLerp(this._originalBlendValue, n, this._blendingFactor) : this._currentValue ? u.a.LerpToRef(this._originalBlendValue, n, this._blendingFactor, this._currentValue) : this._currentValue = u.a.Lerp(this._originalBlendValue, n, this._blendingFactor) : this._currentValue = k._UniversalLerp(this._originalBlendValue, n, this._blendingFactor);
var s = t && t.animationPropertiesOverride ? t.animationPropertiesOverride.blendingSpeed : this._animation.blendingSpeed;
this._blendingFactor += s;
} else
this._currentValue = n;
i !== -1 ? this._scene._registerTargetForLateAnimationBinding(this, this._originalValue[o]) : e[this._targetPath] = this._currentValue, t.markAsDirty && t.markAsDirty(this._animation.targetProperty);
}, r.prototype._getCorrectLoopMode = function() {
return this._target && this._target.animationPropertiesOverride ? this._target.animationPropertiesOverride.loopMode : this._animation.loopMode;
}, r.prototype.goToFrame = function(t) {
var e = this._animation.getKeys();
t < e[0].frame ? t = e[0].frame : t > e[e.length - 1].frame && (t = e[e.length - 1].frame);
var n = this._events;
if (n.length)
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
n[i].onlyOnce || (n[i].isDone = n[i].frame < t);
this._currentFrame = t;
var o = this._animation._interpolate(t, this._animationState);
this.setValue(o, -1);
}, r.prototype._prepareForSpeedRatioChange = function(t) {
var e = this._previousDelay * (this._animation.framePerSecond * t) / 1e3;
this._ratioOffset = this._previousRatio - e;
}, r.prototype.animate = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = -1);
var s = this._animation, d = s.targetPropertyPath;
if (!d || d.length < 1)
return this._stopped = !0, !1;
var p = !0;
(e < this._minFrame || e > this._maxFrame) && (e = this._minFrame), (n < this._minFrame || n > this._maxFrame) && (n = this._maxFrame);
var y, P, R = n - e, B = t * (s.framePerSecond * o) / 1e3 + this._ratioOffset, F = 0;
if (this._previousDelay = t, this._previousRatio = B, !i && n >= e && B >= R)
p = !1, F = s._getKeyValue(this._maxValue);
else if (!i && e >= n && B <= R)
p = !1, F = s._getKeyValue(this._minValue);
else if (this._animationState.loopMode !== k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE) {
var z = n.toString() + e.toString();
if (!this._offsetsCache[z]) {
this._animationState.repeatCount = 0, this._animationState.loopMode = k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE;
var J = s._interpolate(e, this._animationState), ie = s._interpolate(n, this._animationState);
switch (this._animationState.loopMode = this._getCorrectLoopMode(), s.dataType) {
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie - J;
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie.subtract(J);
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie.subtract(J);
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie.subtract(J);
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie.subtract(J);
this._offsetsCache[z] = ie.subtract(J);
this._highLimitsCache[z] = ie;
F = this._highLimitsCache[z], y = this._offsetsCache[z];
if (y === void 0)
switch (s.dataType) {
y = 0;
y = Z;
y = W;
y = q;
y = he;
y = ge;
if (this._host && this._host.syncRoot) {
var se = this._host.syncRoot;
P = e + (n - e) * ((se.masterFrame - se.fromFrame) / (se.toFrame - se.fromFrame));
} else
P = p && R !== 0 ? e + B % R : n;
var ce = this._events;
if ((R > 0 && this.currentFrame > P || R < 0 && this.currentFrame < P) && (this._onLoop(), ce.length))
for (var ue = 0; ue < ce.length; ue++)
ce[ue].onlyOnce || (ce[ue].isDone = !1);
this._currentFrame = P, this._animationState.repeatCount = R === 0 ? 0 : B / R >> 0, this._animationState.highLimitValue = F, this._animationState.offsetValue = y;
var fe = s._interpolate(P, this._animationState);
if (this.setValue(fe, a), ce.length) {
for (ue = 0; ue < ce.length; ue++)
if (R > 0 && P >= ce[ue].frame && ce[ue].frame >= e || R < 0 && P <= ce[ue].frame && ce[ue].frame <= e) {
var ve = ce[ue];
ve.isDone || (ve.onlyOnce && (ce.splice(ue, 1), ue--), ve.isDone = !0, ve.action(P));
return p || (this._stopped = !0), p;
}, r;
}(), _e = f(20), ye = f(57), Pe = f(44), be = f(23), Fe = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null);
var p =, e, n.getScene()) || this;
return = e, p.children = new Array(), p.animations = new Array(), p._index = null, p._absoluteTransform = new u.a(), p._invertedAbsoluteTransform = new u.a(), p._scalingDeterminant = 1, p._worldTransform = new u.a(), p._needToDecompose = !0, p._needToCompose = !1, p._linkedTransformNode = null, p._waitingTransformNodeId = null, p._skeleton = n, p._localMatrix = o ? o.clone() : u.a.Identity(), p._restPose = a || p._localMatrix.clone(), p._bindPose = p._localMatrix.clone(), p._baseMatrix = s || p._localMatrix.clone(), p._index = d, n.bones.push(p), p.setParent(i, !1), (s || o) && p._updateDifferenceMatrix(), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "_matrix", { get: function() {
return this._compose(), this._localMatrix;
}, set: function(e) {
this._localMatrix.copyFrom(e), this._needToDecompose = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Bone";
}, t.prototype.getSkeleton = function() {
return this._skeleton;
}, t.prototype.getParent = function() {
return this._parent;
}, t.prototype.getChildren = function() {
return this.children;
}, t.prototype.getIndex = function() {
return this._index === null ? this.getSkeleton().bones.indexOf(this) : this._index;
}, t.prototype.setParent = function(e, n) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = !0), this._parent !== e) {
if (this._parent) {
var i = this._parent.children.indexOf(this);
i !== -1 && this._parent.children.splice(i, 1);
this._parent = e, this._parent && this._parent.children.push(this), n && this._updateDifferenceMatrix(), this.markAsDirty();
}, t.prototype.getLocalMatrix = function() {
return this._compose(), this._localMatrix;
}, t.prototype.getBaseMatrix = function() {
return this._baseMatrix;
}, t.prototype.getRestPose = function() {
return this._restPose;
}, t.prototype.setRestPose = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.getBindPose = function() {
return this._bindPose;
}, t.prototype.setBindPose = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.getWorldMatrix = function() {
return this._worldTransform;
}, t.prototype.returnToRest = function() {
this._skeleton._numBonesWithLinkedTransformNode > 0 ? this.updateMatrix(this._restPose, !1, !1) : this.updateMatrix(this._restPose, !1, !0);
}, t.prototype.getInvertedAbsoluteTransform = function() {
return this._invertedAbsoluteTransform;
}, t.prototype.getAbsoluteTransform = function() {
return this._absoluteTransform;
}, t.prototype.linkTransformNode = function(e) {
this._linkedTransformNode && this._skeleton._numBonesWithLinkedTransformNode--, this._linkedTransformNode = e, this._linkedTransformNode && this._skeleton._numBonesWithLinkedTransformNode++;
}, t.prototype.getTransformNode = function() {
return this._linkedTransformNode;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._decompose(), this._localPosition;
}, set: function(e) {
this._decompose(), this._localPosition.copyFrom(e), this._markAsDirtyAndCompose();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rotation", { get: function() {
return this.getRotation();
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rotationQuaternion", { get: function() {
return this._decompose(), this._localRotation;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scaling", { get: function() {
return this.getScale();
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "animationPropertiesOverride", { get: function() {
return this._skeleton.animationPropertiesOverride;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._decompose = function() {
this._needToDecompose && (this._needToDecompose = !1, this._localScaling || (this._localScaling = u.e.Zero(), this._localRotation = u.b.Zero(), this._localPosition = u.e.Zero()), this._localMatrix.decompose(this._localScaling, this._localRotation, this._localPosition));
}, t.prototype._compose = function() {
this._needToCompose && (this._localScaling ? (this._needToCompose = !1, u.a.ComposeToRef(this._localScaling, this._localRotation, this._localPosition, this._localMatrix)) : this._needToCompose = !1);
}, t.prototype.updateMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = !0), i === void 0 && (i = !0), this._baseMatrix.copyFrom(e), n && this._updateDifferenceMatrix(), i ? (this._needToCompose = !1, this._localMatrix.copyFrom(e), this._markAsDirtyAndDecompose()) : this.markAsDirty();
}, t.prototype._updateDifferenceMatrix = function(e, n) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = !0), e || (e = this._baseMatrix), this._parent ? e.multiplyToRef(this._parent._absoluteTransform, this._absoluteTransform) : this._absoluteTransform.copyFrom(e), this._absoluteTransform.invertToRef(this._invertedAbsoluteTransform), n)
for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++)
this._scalingDeterminant = this._absoluteTransform.determinant() < 0 ? -1 : 1;
}, t.prototype.markAsDirty = function() {
this._currentRenderId++, this._childUpdateId++, this._skeleton._markAsDirty();
}, t.prototype._markAsDirtyAndCompose = function() {
this.markAsDirty(), this._needToCompose = !0;
}, t.prototype._markAsDirtyAndDecompose = function() {
this.markAsDirty(), this._needToDecompose = !0;
}, t.prototype.translate = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL);
var o = this.getLocalMatrix();
if (n == be.c.LOCAL)
o.addAtIndex(12, e.x), o.addAtIndex(13, e.y), o.addAtIndex(14, e.z);
else {
var a = null;
i && (a = i.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var s = t._tmpMats[0], d = t._tmpVecs[0];
this._parent ? i && a ? (s.copyFrom(this._parent.getAbsoluteTransform()), s.multiplyToRef(a, s)) : s.copyFrom(this._parent.getAbsoluteTransform()) : u.a.IdentityToRef(s), s.setTranslationFromFloats(0, 0, 0), s.invert(), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e, s, d), o.addAtIndex(12, d.x), o.addAtIndex(13, d.y), o.addAtIndex(14, d.z);
}, t.prototype.setPosition = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL);
var o = this.getLocalMatrix();
if (n == be.c.LOCAL)
o.setTranslationFromFloats(e.x, e.y, e.z);
else {
var a = null;
i && (a = i.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var s = t._tmpMats[0], d = t._tmpVecs[0];
this._parent ? (i && a ? (s.copyFrom(this._parent.getAbsoluteTransform()), s.multiplyToRef(a, s)) : s.copyFrom(this._parent.getAbsoluteTransform()), s.invert()) : u.a.IdentityToRef(s), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e, s, d), o.setTranslationFromFloats(d.x, d.y, d.z);
}, t.prototype.setAbsolutePosition = function(e, n) {
this.setPosition(e, be.c.WORLD, n);
}, t.prototype.scale = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a = this.getLocalMatrix(), s = t._tmpMats[0];
u.a.ScalingToRef(e, n, i, s), s.multiplyToRef(a, a), s.invert();
for (var d = 0, p = this.children; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = (B = p[d]).getLocalMatrix();
y.multiplyToRef(s, y), y.multiplyAtIndex(12, e), y.multiplyAtIndex(13, n), y.multiplyAtIndex(14, i), B._markAsDirtyAndDecompose();
if (this._markAsDirtyAndDecompose(), o)
for (var P = 0, R = this.children; P < R.length; P++) {
var B;
(B = R[P]).scale(e, n, i, o);
}, t.prototype.setScale = function(e) {
this._decompose(), this._localScaling.copyFrom(e), this._markAsDirtyAndCompose();
}, t.prototype.getScale = function() {
return this._decompose(), this._localScaling;
}, t.prototype.getScaleToRef = function(e) {
this._decompose(), e.copyFrom(this._localScaling);
}, t.prototype.setYawPitchRoll = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
if (o === void 0 && (o = be.c.LOCAL), o === be.c.LOCAL) {
var s = t._tmpQuat;
return u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(e, n, i, s), void this.setRotationQuaternion(s, o, a);
var d = t._tmpMats[0];
if (this._getNegativeRotationToRef(d, a)) {
var p = t._tmpMats[1];
u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(e, n, i, p), d.multiplyToRef(p, p), this._rotateWithMatrix(p, o, a);
}, t.prototype.rotate = function(e, n, i, o) {
i === void 0 && (i = be.c.LOCAL);
var a = t._tmpMats[0];
a.setTranslationFromFloats(0, 0, 0), u.a.RotationAxisToRef(e, n, a), this._rotateWithMatrix(a, i, o);
}, t.prototype.setAxisAngle = function(e, n, i, o) {
if (i === void 0 && (i = be.c.LOCAL), i === be.c.LOCAL) {
var a = t._tmpQuat;
return u.b.RotationAxisToRef(e, n, a), void this.setRotationQuaternion(a, i, o);
var s = t._tmpMats[0];
if (this._getNegativeRotationToRef(s, o)) {
var d = t._tmpMats[1];
u.a.RotationAxisToRef(e, n, d), s.multiplyToRef(d, d), this._rotateWithMatrix(d, i, o);
}, t.prototype.setRotation = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL), this.setYawPitchRoll(e.y, e.x, e.z, n, i);
}, t.prototype.setRotationQuaternion = function(e, n, i) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL), n === be.c.LOCAL)
return this._decompose(), this._localRotation.copyFrom(e), void this._markAsDirtyAndCompose();
var o = t._tmpMats[0];
if (this._getNegativeRotationToRef(o, i)) {
var a = t._tmpMats[1];
u.a.FromQuaternionToRef(e, a), o.multiplyToRef(a, a), this._rotateWithMatrix(a, n, i);
}, t.prototype.setRotationMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL), n === be.c.LOCAL) {
var o = t._tmpQuat;
return u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(e, o), void this.setRotationQuaternion(o, n, i);
var a = t._tmpMats[0];
if (this._getNegativeRotationToRef(a, i)) {
var s = t._tmpMats[1];
s.copyFrom(e), a.multiplyToRef(e, s), this._rotateWithMatrix(s, n, i);
}, t.prototype._rotateWithMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = be.c.LOCAL);
var o = this.getLocalMatrix(), a = o.m[12], s = o.m[13], d = o.m[14], p = this.getParent(), y = t._tmpMats[3], P = t._tmpMats[4];
p && n == be.c.WORLD ? (i ? (y.copyFrom(i.getWorldMatrix()), p.getAbsoluteTransform().multiplyToRef(y, y)) : y.copyFrom(p.getAbsoluteTransform()), P.copyFrom(y), P.invert(), o.multiplyToRef(y, o), o.multiplyToRef(e, o), o.multiplyToRef(P, o)) : n == be.c.WORLD && i ? (y.copyFrom(i.getWorldMatrix()), P.copyFrom(y), P.invert(), o.multiplyToRef(y, o), o.multiplyToRef(e, o), o.multiplyToRef(P, o)) : o.multiplyToRef(e, o), o.setTranslationFromFloats(a, s, d), this.computeAbsoluteTransforms(), this._markAsDirtyAndDecompose();
}, t.prototype._getNegativeRotationToRef = function(e, n) {
var i = t._tmpMats[2];
return e.copyFrom(this.getAbsoluteTransform()), n && (e.multiplyToRef(n.getWorldMatrix(), e), u.a.ScalingToRef(n.scaling.x, n.scaling.y, n.scaling.z, i)), e.invert(), !isNaN(e.m[0]) && (i.multiplyAtIndex(0, this._scalingDeterminant), e.multiplyToRef(i, e), !0);
}, t.prototype.getPosition = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.e.Zero();
return this.getPositionToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getPositionToRef = function(e, n, i) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), e == be.c.LOCAL) {
var o = this.getLocalMatrix();
i.x = o.m[12], i.y = o.m[13], i.z = o.m[14];
} else {
var a = null;
n && (a = n.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var s = t._tmpMats[0];
n && a ? (s.copyFrom(this.getAbsoluteTransform()), s.multiplyToRef(a, s)) : s = this.getAbsoluteTransform(), i.x = s.m[12], i.y = s.m[13], i.z = s.m[14];
}, t.prototype.getAbsolutePosition = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = null);
var n = u.e.Zero();
return this.getPositionToRef(be.c.WORLD, e, n), n;
}, t.prototype.getAbsolutePositionToRef = function(e, n) {
this.getPositionToRef(be.c.WORLD, e, n);
}, t.prototype.computeAbsoluteTransforms = function() {
if (this._compose(), this._parent)
this._localMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._parent._absoluteTransform, this._absoluteTransform);
else {
var e = this._skeleton.getPoseMatrix();
e && this._absoluteTransform.multiplyToRef(e, this._absoluteTransform);
for (var n = this.children, i = n.length, o = 0; o < i; o++)
}, t.prototype.getDirection = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.e.Zero();
return this.getDirectionToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getDirectionToRef = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var o = null;
n && (o = n.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var a = t._tmpMats[0];
a.copyFrom(this.getAbsoluteTransform()), n && o && a.multiplyToRef(o, a), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(e, a, i), i.normalize();
}, t.prototype.getRotation = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.e.Zero();
return this.getRotationToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getRotationToRef = function(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), n === void 0 && (n = null);
var o = t._tmpQuat;
this.getRotationQuaternionToRef(e, n, o), o.toEulerAnglesToRef(i);
}, t.prototype.getRotationQuaternion = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.b.Identity();
return this.getRotationQuaternionToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getRotationQuaternionToRef = function(e, n, i) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), n === void 0 && (n = null), e == be.c.LOCAL)
this._decompose(), i.copyFrom(this._localRotation);
else {
var o = t._tmpMats[0], a = this.getAbsoluteTransform();
n ? a.multiplyToRef(n.getWorldMatrix(), o) : o.copyFrom(a), o.multiplyAtIndex(0, this._scalingDeterminant), o.multiplyAtIndex(1, this._scalingDeterminant), o.multiplyAtIndex(2, this._scalingDeterminant), o.decompose(void 0, i, void 0);
}, t.prototype.getRotationMatrix = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL);
var i = u.a.Identity();
return this.getRotationMatrixToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getRotationMatrixToRef = function(e, n, i) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = be.c.LOCAL), e == be.c.LOCAL)
else {
var o = t._tmpMats[0], a = this.getAbsoluteTransform();
n ? a.multiplyToRef(n.getWorldMatrix(), o) : o.copyFrom(a), o.multiplyAtIndex(0, this._scalingDeterminant), o.multiplyAtIndex(1, this._scalingDeterminant), o.multiplyAtIndex(2, this._scalingDeterminant), o.getRotationMatrixToRef(i);
}, t.prototype.getAbsolutePositionFromLocal = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.e.Zero();
return this.getAbsolutePositionFromLocalToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getAbsolutePositionFromLocalToRef = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var o = null;
n && (o = n.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var a = t._tmpMats[0];
n && o ? (a.copyFrom(this.getAbsoluteTransform()), a.multiplyToRef(o, a)) : a = this.getAbsoluteTransform(), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e, a, i);
}, t.prototype.getLocalPositionFromAbsolute = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = u.e.Zero();
return this.getLocalPositionFromAbsoluteToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getLocalPositionFromAbsoluteToRef = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var o = null;
n && (o = n.getWorldMatrix()), this._skeleton.computeAbsoluteTransforms();
var a = t._tmpMats[0];
a.copyFrom(this.getAbsoluteTransform()), n && o && a.multiplyToRef(o, a), a.invert(), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e, a, i);
}, t.prototype.setCurrentPoseAsRest = function() {
}, t._tmpVecs = Pe.a.BuildArray(2, u.e.Zero), t._tmpQuat = u.b.Identity(), t._tmpMats = Pe.a.BuildArray(5, u.a.Identity), t;
}(Q.a), ke = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0), i === void 0 && (i = 100), o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = 1), y === void 0 && (y = !1), = e, this.fromFrame = n, this.toFrame = i, this.loopAnimation = o, this.onAnimationEnd = s, this.onAnimationLoop = p, this.isAdditive = y, this._localDelayOffset = null, this._pausedDelay = null, this._runtimeAnimations = new Array(), this._paused = !1, this._speedRatio = 1, this._weight = -1, this._syncRoot = null, this.disposeOnEnd = !0, this.animationStarted = !1, this.onAnimationEndObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationLoopObservable = new C.c(), this._scene = t, d && this.appendAnimations(e, d), this._speedRatio = a, t._activeAnimatables.push(this);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "syncRoot", { get: function() {
return this._syncRoot;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "masterFrame", { get: function() {
return this._runtimeAnimations.length === 0 ? 0 : this._runtimeAnimations[0].currentFrame;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "weight", { get: function() {
return this._weight;
}, set: function(t) {
this._weight = t !== -1 ? Math.min(Math.max(t, 0), 1) : -1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "speedRatio", { get: function() {
return this._speedRatio;
}, set: function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._runtimeAnimations.length; e++)
this._speedRatio = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.syncWith = function(t) {
if (this._syncRoot = t, t) {
var e = this._scene._activeAnimatables.indexOf(this);
e > -1 && (this._scene._activeAnimatables.splice(e, 1), this._scene._activeAnimatables.push(this));
return this;
}, r.prototype.getAnimations = function() {
return this._runtimeAnimations;
}, r.prototype.appendAnimations = function(t, e) {
for (var n = this, i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var o = e[i], a = new me(t, o, this._scene, this);
a._onLoop = function() {
n.onAnimationLoopObservable.notifyObservers(n), n.onAnimationLoop && n.onAnimationLoop();
}, this._runtimeAnimations.push(a);
}, r.prototype.getAnimationByTargetProperty = function(t) {
for (var e = this._runtimeAnimations, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (e[n].animation.targetProperty === t)
return e[n].animation;
return null;
}, r.prototype.getRuntimeAnimationByTargetProperty = function(t) {
for (var e = this._runtimeAnimations, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (e[n].animation.targetProperty === t)
return e[n];
return null;
}, r.prototype.reset = function() {
for (var t = this._runtimeAnimations, e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
this._localDelayOffset = null, this._pausedDelay = null;
}, r.prototype.enableBlending = function(t) {
for (var e = this._runtimeAnimations, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
e[n].animation.enableBlending = !0, e[n].animation.blendingSpeed = t;
}, r.prototype.disableBlending = function() {
for (var t = this._runtimeAnimations, e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
t[e].animation.enableBlending = !1;
}, r.prototype.goToFrame = function(t) {
var e = this._runtimeAnimations;
if (e[0]) {
var n = e[0].animation.framePerSecond, i = e[0].currentFrame, o = this.speedRatio === 0 ? 0 : (t - i) / n * 1e3 / this.speedRatio;
this._localDelayOffset === null && (this._localDelayOffset = 0), this._localDelayOffset -= o;
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
}, r.prototype.pause = function() {
this._paused || (this._paused = !0);
}, r.prototype.restart = function() {
this._paused = !1;
}, r.prototype._raiseOnAnimationEnd = function() {
this.onAnimationEnd && this.onAnimationEnd(), this.onAnimationEndObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, r.prototype.stop = function(t, e) {
if (t || e) {
var n = this._scene._activeAnimatables.indexOf(this);
if (n > -1) {
for (var i = (a = this._runtimeAnimations).length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var o = a[i];
t && != t || e && !e( || (o.dispose(), a.splice(i, 1));
a.length == 0 && (this._scene._activeAnimatables.splice(n, 1), this._raiseOnAnimationEnd());
} else if ((i = this._scene._activeAnimatables.indexOf(this)) > -1) {
this._scene._activeAnimatables.splice(i, 1);
var a = this._runtimeAnimations;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
}, r.prototype.waitAsync = function() {
var t = this;
return new Promise(function(e, n) {
t.onAnimationEndObservable.add(function() {
}, void 0, void 0, t, !0);
}, r.prototype._animate = function(t) {
if (this._paused)
return this.animationStarted = !1, this._pausedDelay === null && (this._pausedDelay = t), !0;
if (this._localDelayOffset === null ? (this._localDelayOffset = t, this._pausedDelay = null) : this._pausedDelay !== null && (this._localDelayOffset += t - this._pausedDelay, this._pausedDelay = null), this._weight === 0)
return !0;
var e, n = !1, i = this._runtimeAnimations;
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) {
var o = i[e].animate(t - this._localDelayOffset, this.fromFrame, this.toFrame, this.loopAnimation, this._speedRatio, this._weight);
n = n || o;
if (this.animationStarted = n, !n) {
if (this.disposeOnEnd)
for (e = this._scene._activeAnimatables.indexOf(this), this._scene._activeAnimatables.splice(e, 1), e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
this._raiseOnAnimationEnd(), this.disposeOnEnd && (this.onAnimationEnd = null, this.onAnimationLoop = null, this.onAnimationLoopObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationEndObservable.clear());
return n;
}, r;
_e.a.prototype._animate = function() {
if (this.animationsEnabled) {
var r = ye.a.Now;
if (!this._animationTimeLast) {
if (this._pendingData.length > 0)
this._animationTimeLast = r;
this.deltaTime = this.useConstantAnimationDeltaTime ? 16 : (r - this._animationTimeLast) * this.animationTimeScale, this._animationTimeLast = r;
var t = this._activeAnimatables;
if (t.length !== 0) {
this._animationTime += this.deltaTime;
for (var e = this._animationTime, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var i = t[n];
!i._animate(e) && i.disposeOnEnd && n--;
}, _e.a.prototype.beginWeightedAnimation = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
n === void 0 && (n = 1), o === void 0 && (o = 1), y === void 0 && (y = !1);
var P = this.beginAnimation(r, t, e, i, o, a, s, !1, d, p, y);
return P.weight = n, P;
}, _e.a.prototype.beginAnimation = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
i === void 0 && (i = 1), s === void 0 && (s = !0), y === void 0 && (y = !1), t > e && i > 0 && (i *= -1), s && this.stopAnimation(r, void 0, d), a || (a = new ke(this, r, t, e, n, i, o, void 0, p, y));
var P = !d || d(r);
if (r.animations && P && a.appendAnimations(r, r.animations), r.getAnimatables)
for (var R = r.getAnimatables(), B = 0; B < R.length; B++)
this.beginAnimation(R[B], t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p);
return a.reset(), a;
}, _e.a.prototype.beginHierarchyAnimation = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
o === void 0 && (o = 1), d === void 0 && (d = !0), P === void 0 && (P = !1);
var R = r.getDescendants(t), B = [];
B.push(this.beginAnimation(r, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, void 0, P));
for (var F = 0, z = R; F < z.length; F++) {
var J = z[F];
B.push(this.beginAnimation(J, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, void 0, P));
return B;
}, _e.a.prototype.beginDirectAnimation = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return d === void 0 && (d = !1), o === void 0 && (o = 1), e > n && o > 0 && (o *= -1), new ke(this, r, e, n, i, o, a, t, s, d);
}, _e.a.prototype.beginDirectHierarchyAnimation = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
p === void 0 && (p = !1);
var y = r.getDescendants(t), P = [];
P.push(this.beginDirectAnimation(r, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p));
for (var R = 0, B = y; R < B.length; R++) {
var F = B[R];
P.push(this.beginDirectAnimation(F, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p));
return P;
}, _e.a.prototype.getAnimatableByTarget = function(r) {
for (var t = 0; t < this._activeAnimatables.length; t++)
if (this._activeAnimatables[t].target === r)
return this._activeAnimatables[t];
return null;
}, _e.a.prototype.getAllAnimatablesByTarget = function(r) {
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this._activeAnimatables.length; e++)
this._activeAnimatables[e].target === r && t.push(this._activeAnimatables[e]);
return t;
}, _e.a.prototype.stopAnimation = function(r, t, e) {
for (var n = 0, i = this.getAllAnimatablesByTarget(r); n < i.length; n++)
i[n].stop(t, e);
}, _e.a.prototype.stopAllAnimations = function() {
if (this._activeAnimatables) {
for (var r = 0; r < this._activeAnimatables.length; r++)
this._activeAnimatables = [];
for (var t = 0, e = this.animationGroups; t < e.length; t++)
}, _e.a.prototype._registerTargetForLateAnimationBinding = function(r, t) {
var e =;
this._registeredForLateAnimationBindings.pushNoDuplicate(e), e._lateAnimationHolders || (e._lateAnimationHolders = {}), e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath] || (e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath] = { totalWeight: 0, totalAdditiveWeight: 0, animations: [], additiveAnimations: [], originalValue: t }), r.isAdditive ? (e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath].additiveAnimations.push(r), e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath].totalAdditiveWeight += r.weight) : (e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath].animations.push(r), e._lateAnimationHolders[r.targetPath].totalWeight += r.weight);
}, _e.a.prototype._processLateAnimationBindingsForMatrices = function(r) {
if (r.totalWeight === 0 && r.totalAdditiveWeight === 0)
return r.originalValue;
var t = 1, e = u.c.Vector3[0], n = u.c.Vector3[1], i = u.c.Quaternion[0], o = 0, a = r.animations[0], s = r.originalValue, d = 1, p = !1;
if (r.totalWeight < 1)
d = 1 - r.totalWeight, s.decompose(n, i, e);
else {
if (o = 1, t = r.totalWeight, (d = a.weight / t) == 1) {
if (!r.totalAdditiveWeight)
return a.currentValue;
p = !0;
a.currentValue.decompose(n, i, e);
if (!p) {
n.scaleInPlace(d), e.scaleInPlace(d), i.scaleInPlace(d);
for (var y = o; y < r.animations.length; y++)
if ((z = r.animations[y]).weight !== 0) {
d = z.weight / t;
var P = u.c.Vector3[2], R = u.c.Vector3[3], B = u.c.Quaternion[1];
z.currentValue.decompose(R, B, P), R.scaleAndAddToRef(d, n), B.scaleAndAddToRef(d, i), P.scaleAndAddToRef(d, e);
for (var F = 0; F < r.additiveAnimations.length; F++) {
var z;
(z = r.additiveAnimations[F]).weight !== 0 && (P = u.c.Vector3[2], R = u.c.Vector3[3], B = u.c.Quaternion[1], z.currentValue.decompose(R, B, P), R.multiplyToRef(n, R), u.e.LerpToRef(n, R, z.weight, n), i.multiplyToRef(B, B), u.b.SlerpToRef(i, B, z.weight, i), P.scaleAndAddToRef(z.weight, e));
var J = a ? a._animationState.workValue : u.c.Matrix[0].clone();
return u.a.ComposeToRef(n, i, e, J), J;
}, _e.a.prototype._processLateAnimationBindingsForQuaternions = function(r, t) {
if (r.totalWeight === 0 && r.totalAdditiveWeight === 0)
return t;
var e = r.animations[0], n = r.originalValue, i = t;
if (r.totalWeight === 0 && r.totalAdditiveWeight > 0)
else if (r.animations.length === 1) {
if (u.b.SlerpToRef(n, e.currentValue, Math.min(1, r.totalWeight), i), r.totalAdditiveWeight === 0)
return i;
} else if (r.animations.length > 1) {
var o = 1, a = void 0, s = void 0;
if (r.totalWeight < 1) {
var d = 1 - r.totalWeight;
s = [], (a = []).push(n), s.push(d);
} else {
if (r.animations.length === 2 && (u.b.SlerpToRef(r.animations[0].currentValue, r.animations[1].currentValue, r.animations[1].weight / r.totalWeight, t), r.totalAdditiveWeight === 0))
return t;
a = [], s = [], o = r.totalWeight;
for (var p = 0; p < r.animations.length; p++) {
var y = r.animations[p];
a.push(y.currentValue), s.push(y.weight / o);
for (var P = 0, R = 0; R < a.length; )
R ? (P += s[R], u.b.SlerpToRef(i, a[R], s[R] / P, i), R++) : (u.b.SlerpToRef(a[R], a[R + 1], s[R + 1] / (s[R] + s[R + 1]), t), i = t, P = s[R] + s[R + 1], R += 2);
for (var B = 0; B < r.additiveAnimations.length; B++)
(y = r.additiveAnimations[B]).weight !== 0 && (i.multiplyToRef(y.currentValue, u.c.Quaternion[0]), u.b.SlerpToRef(i, u.c.Quaternion[0], y.weight, i));
return i;
}, _e.a.prototype._processLateAnimationBindings = function() {
if (this._registeredForLateAnimationBindings.length) {
for (var r = 0; r < this._registeredForLateAnimationBindings.length; r++) {
var t =[r];
for (var e in t._lateAnimationHolders) {
var n = t._lateAnimationHolders[e], i = n.animations[0], o = n.originalValue, a = k.AllowMatrixDecomposeForInterpolation && o.m, s = t[e];
if (a)
s = this._processLateAnimationBindingsForMatrices(n);
else if (o.w !== void 0)
s = this._processLateAnimationBindingsForQuaternions(n, s || u.b.Identity());
else {
var d = 0, p = 1;
if (n.totalWeight < 1)
s = i && o.scale ? o.scale(1 - n.totalWeight) : i ? o * (1 - n.totalWeight) : o.clone ? o.clone() : o;
else if (i) {
p = n.totalWeight;
var y = i.weight / p;
s = y !== 1 ? i.currentValue.scale ? i.currentValue.scale(y) : i.currentValue * y : i.currentValue, d = 1;
for (var P = d; P < n.animations.length; P++)
(F = (B = n.animations[P]).weight / p) && (B.currentValue.scaleAndAddToRef ? B.currentValue.scaleAndAddToRef(F, s) : s += B.currentValue * F);
for (var R = 0; R < n.additiveAnimations.length; R++) {
var B, F;
(F = (B = n.additiveAnimations[R]).weight) && (B.currentValue.scaleAndAddToRef ? B.currentValue.scaleAndAddToRef(F, s) : s += B.currentValue * F);
t[e] = s;
t._lateAnimationHolders = {};
}, Fe.prototype.copyAnimationRange = function(r, t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = null), this.animations.length === 0 && (this.animations.push(new k(, "_matrix", r.animations[0].framePerSecond, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_MATRIX, 0)), this.animations[0].setKeys([]));
var o = r.animations[0].getRange(t);
if (!o)
return !1;
for (var a, s, d, p = o.from, y =, P = r.animations[0].getKeys(), R = r.length, B = r.getParent(), F = this.getParent(), z = n && B && R && this.length && R !== this.length, J = z && F && B ? F.length / B.length : 1, ie = n && !F && i && (i.x !== 1 || i.y !== 1 || i.z !== 1), se = this.animations[0].getKeys(), ce = 0, ue = P.length; ce < ue; ce++)
(a = P[ce]).frame >= p && a.frame <= y && (n ? (d = a.value.clone(), z ? (s = d.getTranslation(), d.setTranslation(s.scaleInPlace(J))) : ie && i ? (s = d.getTranslation(), d.setTranslation(s.multiplyInPlace(i))) : d = a.value) : d = a.value, se.push({ frame: a.frame + e, value: d }));
return this.animations[0].createRange(t, p + e, y + e), !0;
var We = function() {
function r() {
return r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TargetedAnimation";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.animation = this.animation.serialize(), t.targetId =, t;
}, r;
}(), je = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = null), = t, this._targetedAnimations = new Array(), this._animatables = new Array(), this._from = Number.MAX_VALUE, this._to = -Number.MAX_VALUE, this._speedRatio = 1, this._loopAnimation = !1, this._isAdditive = !1, this.onAnimationEndObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationLoopObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationGroupLoopObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationGroupEndObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationGroupPauseObservable = new C.c(), this.onAnimationGroupPlayObservable = new C.c(), this._scene = e || te.a.LastCreatedScene, this.uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId(), this._scene.addAnimationGroup(this);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "from", { get: function() {
return this._from;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "to", { get: function() {
return this._to;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isStarted", { get: function() {
return this._isStarted;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isPlaying", { get: function() {
return this._isStarted && !this._isPaused;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "speedRatio", { get: function() {
return this._speedRatio;
}, set: function(t) {
if (this._speedRatio !== t) {
this._speedRatio = t;
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
this._animatables[e].speedRatio = this._speedRatio;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "loopAnimation", { get: function() {
return this._loopAnimation;
}, set: function(t) {
if (this._loopAnimation !== t) {
this._loopAnimation = t;
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
this._animatables[e].loopAnimation = this._loopAnimation;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isAdditive", { get: function() {
return this._isAdditive;
}, set: function(t) {
if (this._isAdditive !== t) {
this._isAdditive = t;
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
this._animatables[e].isAdditive = this._isAdditive;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "targetedAnimations", { get: function() {
return this._targetedAnimations;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "animatables", { get: function() {
return this._animatables;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "children", { get: function() {
return this._targetedAnimations;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addTargetedAnimation = function(t, e) {
var n = new We();
n.animation = t, = e;
var i = t.getKeys();
return this._from > i[0].frame && (this._from = i[0].frame), this._to < i[i.length - 1].frame && (this._to = i[i.length - 1].frame), this._targetedAnimations.push(n), n;
}, r.prototype.normalize = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = null), e === void 0 && (e = null), t == null && (t = this._from), e == null && (e = this._to);
for (var n = 0; n < this._targetedAnimations.length; n++) {
var i = this._targetedAnimations[n].animation.getKeys(), o = i[0], a = i[i.length - 1];
if (o.frame > t) {
var s = { frame: t, value: o.value, inTangent: o.inTangent, outTangent: o.outTangent, interpolation: o.interpolation };
i.splice(0, 0, s);
a.frame < e && (s = { frame: e, value: a.value, inTangent: a.inTangent, outTangent: a.outTangent, interpolation: a.interpolation }, i.push(s));
return this._from = t, this._to = e, this;
}, r.prototype._processLoop = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
t.onAnimationLoop = function() {
i.onAnimationLoopObservable.notifyObservers(e), i._animationLoopFlags[n] || (i._animationLoopFlags[n] = !0, i._animationLoopCount++, i._animationLoopCount === i._targetedAnimations.length && (i.onAnimationGroupLoopObservable.notifyObservers(i), i._animationLoopCount = 0, i._animationLoopFlags = []));
}, r.prototype.start = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), this._isStarted || this._targetedAnimations.length === 0)
return this;
this._loopAnimation = t, this._animationLoopCount = 0, this._animationLoopFlags = [];
for (var s = function() {
var P = d._targetedAnimations[p], R = d._scene.beginDirectAnimation(, [P.animation], n !== void 0 ? n : d._from, i !== void 0 ? i : d._to, t, e, void 0, void 0, o !== void 0 ? o : d._isAdditive);
R.onAnimationEnd = function() {
a.onAnimationEndObservable.notifyObservers(P), a._checkAnimationGroupEnded(R);
}, d._processLoop(R, P, p), d._animatables.push(R);
}, d = this, p = 0; p < this._targetedAnimations.length; p++)
if (this._speedRatio = e, n !== void 0 && i !== void 0)
if (n < i && this._speedRatio < 0) {
var y = i;
i = n, n = y;
} else
n > i && this._speedRatio > 0 && (this._speedRatio = -e);
return this._isStarted = !0, this._isPaused = !1, this.onAnimationGroupPlayObservable.notifyObservers(this), this;
}, r.prototype.pause = function() {
if (!this._isStarted)
return this;
this._isPaused = !0;
for (var t = 0; t < this._animatables.length; t++)
return this.onAnimationGroupPauseObservable.notifyObservers(this), this;
}, = function(t) {
return this.isStarted && this._animatables.length === this._targetedAnimations.length ? (t !== void 0 && (this.loopAnimation = t), this.restart()) : (this.stop(), this.start(t, this._speedRatio)), this._isPaused = !1, this;
}, r.prototype.reset = function() {
if (!this._isStarted)
return, this.goToFrame(0), this.stop(), this;
for (var t = 0; t < this._animatables.length; t++)
return this;
}, r.prototype.restart = function() {
if (!this._isStarted)
return this;
for (var t = 0; t < this._animatables.length; t++)
return this.onAnimationGroupPlayObservable.notifyObservers(this), this;
}, r.prototype.stop = function() {
if (!this._isStarted)
return this;
for (var t = this._animatables.slice(), e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
return this._isStarted = !1, this;
}, r.prototype.setWeightForAllAnimatables = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
this._animatables[e].weight = t;
return this;
}, r.prototype.syncAllAnimationsWith = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
return this;
}, r.prototype.goToFrame = function(t) {
if (!this._isStarted)
return this;
for (var e = 0; e < this._animatables.length; e++)
return this;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._targetedAnimations = [], this._animatables = [];
var t = this._scene.animationGroups.indexOf(this);
t > -1 && this._scene.animationGroups.splice(t, 1), this.onAnimationEndObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationGroupEndObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationGroupPauseObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationGroupPlayObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationLoopObservable.clear(), this.onAnimationGroupLoopObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype._checkAnimationGroupEnded = function(t) {
var e = this._animatables.indexOf(t);
e > -1 && this._animatables.splice(e, 1), this._animatables.length === 0 && (this._isStarted = !1, this.onAnimationGroupEndObservable.notifyObservers(this));
}, r.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
for (var n = new r(t ||, this._scene), i = 0, o = this._targetedAnimations; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
n.addTargetedAnimation(a.animation.clone(), e ? e( :;
return n;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {}; =, t.from = this.from, =, t.targetedAnimations = [];
for (var e = 0; e < this.targetedAnimations.length; e++) {
var n = this.targetedAnimations[e];
t.targetedAnimations[e] = n.serialize();
return t;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e) {
for (var n = new r(, e), i = 0; i < t.targetedAnimations.length; i++) {
var o = t.targetedAnimations[i], a = k.Parse(o.animation), s = o.targetId;
if ( === "influence") {
var d = e.getMorphTargetById(s);
d && n.addTargetedAnimation(a, d);
} else {
var p = e.getNodeByID(s);
p != null && n.addTargetedAnimation(a, p);
return t.from !== null && !== null && n.normalize(t.from,, n;
}, r.MakeAnimationAdditive = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var a = t;
i && (a = t.clone(o ||;
for (var s = a.targetedAnimations, d = 0; d < s.length; d++) {
var p = s[d];
k.MakeAnimationAdditive(p.animation, e, n);
return a.isAdditive = !0, a;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnimationGroup";
}, r.prototype.toString = function(t) {
var e = "Name: " +;
return e += ", type: " + this.getClassName(), t && (e += ", from: " + this._from, e += ", to: " + this._to, e += ", isStarted: " + this._isStarted, e += ", speedRatio: " + this._speedRatio, e += ", targetedAnimations length: " + this._targetedAnimations.length, e += ", animatables length: " + this._animatables), e;
}, r;
}(), He = function() {
this.enableBlending = !1, this.blendingSpeed = 0.01, this.loopMode = k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE;
}, Qe = f(72), Ge = function() {
function r() {
this._easingMode = r.EASINGMODE_EASEIN;
return r.prototype.setEasingMode = function(t) {
var e = Math.min(Math.max(t, 0), 2);
this._easingMode = e;
}, r.prototype.getEasingMode = function() {
return this._easingMode;
}, r.prototype.easeInCore = function(t) {
throw new Error("You must implement this method");
}, r.prototype.ease = function(t) {
switch (this._easingMode) {
return this.easeInCore(t);
return 1 - this.easeInCore(1 - t);
return t >= 0.5 ? 0.5 * (1 - this.easeInCore(2 * (1 - t))) + 0.5 : 0.5 * this.easeInCore(2 * t);
}(), tt = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return e = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e)), 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - e * e);
}, t;
}(Ge), Je = function(r) {
function t(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1);
var n = || this;
return n.amplitude = e, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
var n = Math.max(0, this.amplitude);
return Math.pow(e, 3) - e * n * Math.sin(3.141592653589793 * e);
}, t;
}(Ge), st = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = 3), n === void 0 && (n = 2);
var i = || this;
return i.bounces = e, i.bounciness = n, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
var n = Math.max(0, this.bounces), i = this.bounciness;
i <= 1 && (i = 1.001);
var o = Math.pow(i, n), a = 1 - i, s = (1 - o) / a + 0.5 * o, d = e * s, p = Math.log(-d * (1 - i) + 1) / Math.log(i), y = Math.floor(p), P = y + 1, R = (1 - Math.pow(i, y)) / (a * s), B = 0.5 * (R + (1 - Math.pow(i, P)) / (a * s)), F = e - B, z = B - R;
return -Math.pow(1 / i, n - y) / (z * z) * (F - z) * (F + z);
}, t;
}(Ge), at = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return e * e * e;
}, t;
}(Ge), pt = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = 3), n === void 0 && (n = 3);
var i = || this;
return i.oscillations = e, i.springiness = n, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
var n = Math.max(0, this.oscillations), i = Math.max(0, this.springiness);
return (i == 0 ? e : (Math.exp(i * e) - 1) / (Math.exp(i) - 1)) * Math.sin((6.283185307179586 * n + 1.5707963267948966) * e);
}, t;
}(Ge), Tt = function(r) {
function t(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 2);
var n = || this;
return n.exponent = e, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return this.exponent <= 0 ? e : (Math.exp(this.exponent * e) - 1) / (Math.exp(this.exponent) - 1);
}, t;
}(Ge), Lt = function(r) {
function t(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 2);
var n = || this;
return n.power = e, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
var n = Math.max(0, this.power);
return Math.pow(e, n);
}, t;
}(Ge), Ot = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return e * e;
}, t;
}(Ge), St = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return e * e * e * e;
}, t;
}(Ge), Ct = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return e * e * e * e * e;
}, t;
}(Ge), nn = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return 1 - Math.sin(1.5707963267948966 * (1 - e));
}, t;
}(Ge), Qt = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = 0), i === void 0 && (i = 1), o === void 0 && (o = 1);
var a = || this;
return a.x1 = e, a.y1 = n, a.x2 = i, a.y2 = o, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.easeInCore = function(e) {
return Qe.c.Interpolate(e, this.x1, this.y1, this.x2, this.y2);
}, t;
}(Ge), $t = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.frame = t, this.action = e, this.onlyOnce = n, this.isDone = !1;
return r.prototype._clone = function() {
return new r(this.frame, this.action, this.onlyOnce);
}, r;
}(), Ie = f(7), Sn = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t;
}(V.a), en = function() {
this.rootNodes = [], this.skeletons = [], this.animationGroups = [];
}, An = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n = || this;
return n._wasAddedToScene = !1, n.scene = e, n.sounds = [], n.effectLayers = [], n.layers = [], n.lensFlareSystems = [], n.proceduralTextures = [], n.reflectionProbes = [], e.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
n._wasAddedToScene || n.dispose();
}), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.instantiateModelsToScene = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var o = {}, a = {}, s = new en(), d = [], p = [], y = { doNotInstantiate: !0 }, P = function(R, B) {
if (o[R.uniqueId] = B.uniqueId, a[B.uniqueId] = B, e && ( = e(, B instanceof Ie.a) {
var F = B;
if (F.morphTargetManager) {
var z = R.morphTargetManager;
F.morphTargetManager = z.clone();
for (var J = 0; J < z.numTargets; J++) {
var ie = z.getTarget(J), se = F.morphTargetManager.getTarget(J);
o[ie.uniqueId] = se.uniqueId, a[se.uniqueId] = se;
return this.transformNodes.forEach(function(R) {
if (!R.parent) {
var B = R.instantiateHierarchy(null, y, function(F, z) {
P(F, z);
B && s.rootNodes.push(B);
}), this.meshes.forEach(function(R) {
if (!R.parent) {
var B = R.instantiateHierarchy(null, y, function(F, z) {
if (P(F, z), z.material) {
var J = z;
if (J.material)
if (n) {
var ie = F.material;
if (p.indexOf(ie) === -1) {
var se = ie.clone(e ? e( : "Clone of " +;
if (p.push(ie), o[ie.uniqueId] = se.uniqueId, a[se.uniqueId] = se, ie.getClassName() === "MultiMaterial") {
for (var ce = ie, ue = 0, fe = ce.subMaterials; ue < fe.length; ue++) {
var ve = fe[ue];
ve && (se = ve.clone(e ? e( : "Clone of " +, p.push(ve), o[ve.uniqueId] = se.uniqueId, a[se.uniqueId] = se);
ce.subMaterials = {
return Te && a[o[Te.uniqueId]];
J.material = a[o[ie.uniqueId]];
} else
J.material.getClassName() === "MultiMaterial" ? i.scene.multiMaterials.indexOf(J.material) === -1 && i.scene.addMultiMaterial(J.material) : i.scene.materials.indexOf(J.material) === -1 && i.scene.addMaterial(J.material);
B && s.rootNodes.push(B);
}), this.skeletons.forEach(function(R) {
var B = R.clone(e ? e( : "Clone of " +;
R.overrideMesh && (B.overrideMesh = a[o[R.overrideMesh.uniqueId]]);
for (var F = 0, z = i.meshes; F < z.length; F++) {
var J = z[F];
if (J.skeleton === R && !J.isAnInstance) {
if (a[o[J.uniqueId]].skeleton = B, d.indexOf(B) !== -1)
for (var ie = 0, se = B.bones; ie < se.length; ie++) {
var ce = se[ie];
ce._linkedTransformNode && (ce._linkedTransformNode = a[o[ce._linkedTransformNode.uniqueId]]);
}), this.animationGroups.forEach(function(R) {
var B = R.clone(, function(F) {
return a[o[F.uniqueId]] || F;
}), s;
}, t.prototype.addAllToScene = function() {
var e = this;
this._wasAddedToScene = !0, this.cameras.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.lights.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.meshes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.skeletons.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.animations.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.animationGroups.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.multiMaterials.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.materials.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.morphTargetManagers.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.geometries.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.transformNodes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.actionManagers.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.textures.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.reflectionProbes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.environmentTexture && (this.scene.environmentTexture = this.environmentTexture);
for (var n = 0, i = this.scene._serializableComponents; n < i.length; n++)
}, t.prototype.removeAllFromScene = function() {
var e = this;
this._wasAddedToScene = !1, this.cameras.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.lights.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.meshes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.skeletons.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.animations.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.animationGroups.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.multiMaterials.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.materials.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.morphTargetManagers.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.geometries.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.transformNodes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.actionManagers.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.textures.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.reflectionProbes.forEach(function(o) {
}), this.environmentTexture === this.scene.environmentTexture && (this.scene.environmentTexture = null);
for (var n = 0, i = this.scene._serializableComponents; n < i.length; n++)
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.cameras.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.cameras = [], this.lights.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.lights = [], this.meshes.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.meshes = [], this.skeletons.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.skeletons = [], this.animationGroups.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.animationGroups = [], this.multiMaterials.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.multiMaterials = [], this.materials.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.materials = [], this.geometries.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.geometries = [], this.transformNodes.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.transformNodes = [], this.actionManagers.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.actionManagers = [], this.textures.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.textures = [], this.reflectionProbes.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.reflectionProbes = [], this.environmentTexture && (this.environmentTexture.dispose(), this.environmentTexture = null);
for (var e = 0, n = this.scene._serializableComponents; e < n.length; e++)
n[e].removeFromContainer(this, !0);
}, t.prototype._moveAssets = function(e, n, i) {
if (e)
for (var o = 0, a = e; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o], d = !0;
if (i) {
for (var p = 0, y = i; p < y.length; p++)
if (s === y[p]) {
d = !1;
d && n.push(s);
}, t.prototype.moveAllFromScene = function(e) {
for (var n in this._wasAddedToScene = !1, e === void 0 && (e = new Sn()), this)
this.hasOwnProperty(n) && (this[n] = this[n] || (n === "environmentTexture" ? null : []), this._moveAssets(this.scene[n], this[n], e[n]));
this.environmentTexture = this.scene.environmentTexture, this.removeAllFromScene();
}, t.prototype.createRootMesh = function() {
var e = new Ie.a("assetContainerRootMesh", this.scene);
return this.meshes.forEach(function(n) {
n.parent || e.addChild(n);
}), this.meshes.unshift(e), e;
}, t.prototype.mergeAnimationsTo = function(e, n, i) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = null), !e)
return l.a.Error("No scene available to merge animations to"), [];
var o = i || function(s) {
var d = null, p = s.animations.length ? s.animations[0].targetProperty : "", y =".").join("").split("_primitive")[0];
switch (p) {
case "position":
case "rotationQuaternion":
d = e.getTransformNodeByName( || e.getTransformNodeByName(y);
case "influence":
d = e.getMorphTargetByName( || e.getMorphTargetByName(y);
d = e.getNodeByName( || e.getNodeByName(y);
return d;
this.getNodes().forEach(function(s) {
var d = o(s);
if (d !== null) {
for (var p = function(R) {
for (var B = 0, F = d.animations.filter(function(ie) {
return ie.targetProperty === R.targetProperty;
}); B < F.length; B++) {
var z = F[B], J = d.animations.indexOf(z, 0);
J > -1 && d.animations.splice(J, 1);
}, y = 0, P = s.animations; y < P.length; y++)
d.animations = d.animations.concat(s.animations);
var a = new Array();
return this.animationGroups.slice().forEach(function(s) {
a.push(s.clone(, o)), s.animatables.forEach(function(d) {
}), n.forEach(function(s) {
var d = o(;
d && (e.beginAnimation(d, s.fromFrame, s.toFrame, s.loopAnimation, s.speedRatio, s.onAnimationEnd ? s.onAnimationEnd : void 0, void 0, !0, void 0, s.onAnimationLoop ? s.onAnimationLoop : void 0), e.stopAnimation(;
}), a;
}, t;
}(V.a), Ue = f(13), Pn = function() {
function r(t) {
this.SMOOTHING = 0.75, this.FFT_SIZE = 512, this.BARGRAPHAMPLITUDE = 256, this.DEBUGCANVASPOS = { x: 20, y: 20 }, this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE = { width: 320, height: 200 }, this._scene = t, this._audioEngine = Ue.a.audioEngine, this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._audioEngine.audioContext && (this._webAudioAnalyser = this._audioEngine.audioContext.createAnalyser(), this._webAudioAnalyser.minDecibels = -140, this._webAudioAnalyser.maxDecibels = 0, this._byteFreqs = new Uint8Array(this._webAudioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount), this._byteTime = new Uint8Array(this._webAudioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount), this._floatFreqs = new Float32Array(this._webAudioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount));
return r.prototype.getFrequencyBinCount = function() {
return this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio ? this._webAudioAnalyser.frequencyBinCount : 0;
}, r.prototype.getByteFrequencyData = function() {
return this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this._webAudioAnalyser.smoothingTimeConstant = this.SMOOTHING, this._webAudioAnalyser.fftSize = this.FFT_SIZE, this._webAudioAnalyser.getByteFrequencyData(this._byteFreqs)), this._byteFreqs;
}, r.prototype.getByteTimeDomainData = function() {
return this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this._webAudioAnalyser.smoothingTimeConstant = this.SMOOTHING, this._webAudioAnalyser.fftSize = this.FFT_SIZE, this._webAudioAnalyser.getByteTimeDomainData(this._byteTime)), this._byteTime;
}, r.prototype.getFloatFrequencyData = function() {
return this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this._webAudioAnalyser.smoothingTimeConstant = this.SMOOTHING, this._webAudioAnalyser.fftSize = this.FFT_SIZE, this._webAudioAnalyser.getFloatFrequencyData(this._floatFreqs)), this._floatFreqs;
}, r.prototype.drawDebugCanvas = function() {
var t = this;
if (this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this._debugCanvas || (this._debugCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"), this._debugCanvas.width = this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.width, this._debugCanvas.height = this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.height, = "absolute", = this.DEBUGCANVASPOS.y + "px", = this.DEBUGCANVASPOS.x + "px", this._debugCanvasContext = this._debugCanvas.getContext("2d"), document.body.appendChild(this._debugCanvas), this._registerFunc = function() {
}, this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._registerFunc)), this._registerFunc && this._debugCanvasContext)) {
var e = this.getByteFrequencyData();
this._debugCanvasContext.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 0, 0)", this._debugCanvasContext.fillRect(0, 0, this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.width, this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.height);
for (var n = 0; n < this.getFrequencyBinCount(); n++) {
var i = e[n] / this.BARGRAPHAMPLITUDE, o = this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.height * i, a = this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.height - o - 1, s = this.DEBUGCANVASSIZE.width / this.getFrequencyBinCount(), d = n / this.getFrequencyBinCount() * 360;
this._debugCanvasContext.fillStyle = "hsl(" + d + ", 100%, 50%)", this._debugCanvasContext.fillRect(n * s, a, s, o);
}, r.prototype.stopDebugCanvas = function() {
this._debugCanvas && (this._registerFunc && (this._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(this._registerFunc), this._registerFunc = null), document.body.removeChild(this._debugCanvas), this._debugCanvas = null, this._debugCanvasContext = null);
}, r.prototype.connectAudioNodes = function(t, e) {
this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (t.connect(this._webAudioAnalyser), this._webAudioAnalyser.connect(e));
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._webAudioAnalyser.disconnect();
}, r;
Ue.a.AudioEngineFactory = function(r) {
return new rr(r);
var rr = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = null), this._audioContext = null, this._audioContextInitialized = !1, this._muteButton = null, this.canUseWebAudio = !1, this.WarnedWebAudioUnsupported = !1, this.isMP3supported = !1, this.isOGGsupported = !1, this.unlocked = !0, this.useCustomUnlockedButton = !1, this.onAudioUnlockedObservable = new C.c(), this.onAudioLockedObservable = new C.c(), this._tryToRun = !1, this._onResize = function() {
}, window.AudioContext === void 0 && window.webkitAudioContext === void 0 || (window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext, this.canUseWebAudio = !0);
var n = document.createElement("audio");
this._hostElement = t;
try {
n && n.canPlayType && (n.canPlayType('audio/mpeg; codecs="mp3"').replace(/^no$/, "") || n.canPlayType("audio/mp3").replace(/^no$/, "")) && (this.isMP3supported = !0);
} catch {
try {
n && n.canPlayType && n.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"').replace(/^no$/, "") && (this.isOGGsupported = !0);
} catch {
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "audioContext", { get: function() {
return this._audioContextInitialized ? this.unlocked || this._muteButton || this._displayMuteButton() : this._initializeAudioContext(), this._audioContext;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.lock = function() {
}, r.prototype.unlock = function() {
}, r.prototype._resumeAudioContext = function() {
var t;
return this._audioContext.resume !== void 0 && (t = this._audioContext.resume()), t || Promise.resolve();
}, r.prototype._initializeAudioContext = function() {
try {
this.canUseWebAudio && (this._audioContext = new AudioContext(), this.masterGain = this._audioContext.createGain(), this.masterGain.gain.value = 1, this.masterGain.connect(this._audioContext.destination), this._audioContextInitialized = !0, this._audioContext.state === "running" && this._triggerRunningState());
} catch (t) {
this.canUseWebAudio = !1, l.a.Error("Web Audio: " + t.message);
}, r.prototype._triggerRunningState = function() {
var t = this;
this._tryToRun || (this._tryToRun = !0, this._resumeAudioContext().then(function() {
t._tryToRun = !1, t._muteButton && t._hideMuteButton(), t.unlocked = !0, t.onAudioUnlockedObservable.notifyObservers(t);
}).catch(function() {
t._tryToRun = !1, t.unlocked = !1;
}, r.prototype._triggerSuspendedState = function() {
this.unlocked = !1, this.onAudioLockedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._displayMuteButton();
}, r.prototype._displayMuteButton = function() {
var t = this;
if (!this.useCustomUnlockedButton && !this._muteButton) {
this._muteButton = document.createElement("BUTTON"), this._muteButton.className = "babylonUnmuteIcon", = "babylonUnmuteIconBtn", this._muteButton.title = "Unmute";
var e = ".babylonUnmuteIcon { position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 20px; height: 40px; width: 60px; background-color: rgba(51,51,51,0.7); background-image: url(" + (window.SVGSVGElement ? "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8," : "") + "); background-size: 80%; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center; background-position-y: 4px; border: none; outline: none; transition: transform 0.125s ease-out; cursor: pointer; z-index: 9999; } .babylonUnmuteIcon:hover { transform: scale(1.05) } .babylonUnmuteIcon:active { background-color: rgba(51,51,51,1) }", n = document.createElement("style");
n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n), document.body.appendChild(this._muteButton), this._moveButtonToTopLeft(), this._muteButton.addEventListener("touchend", function() {
}, !0), this._muteButton.addEventListener("click", function() {
}, !0), window.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize);
}, r.prototype._moveButtonToTopLeft = function() {
this._hostElement && this._muteButton && ( = this._hostElement.offsetTop + 20 + "px", = this._hostElement.offsetLeft + 20 + "px");
}, r.prototype._hideMuteButton = function() {
this._muteButton && (document.body.removeChild(this._muteButton), this._muteButton = null);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.canUseWebAudio && this._audioContextInitialized && (this._connectedAnalyser && this._audioContext && (this._connectedAnalyser.stopDebugCanvas(), this._connectedAnalyser.dispose(), this.masterGain.disconnect(), this.masterGain.connect(this._audioContext.destination), this._connectedAnalyser = null), this.masterGain.gain.value = 1), this.WarnedWebAudioUnsupported = !1, this._hideMuteButton(), window.removeEventListener("resize", this._onResize), this.onAudioUnlockedObservable.clear(), this.onAudioLockedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.getGlobalVolume = function() {
return this.canUseWebAudio && this._audioContextInitialized ? this.masterGain.gain.value : -1;
}, r.prototype.setGlobalVolume = function(t) {
this.canUseWebAudio && this._audioContextInitialized && (this.masterGain.gain.value = t);
}, r.prototype.connectToAnalyser = function(t) {
this._connectedAnalyser && this._connectedAnalyser.stopDebugCanvas(), this.canUseWebAudio && this._audioContextInitialized && this._audioContext && (this._connectedAnalyser = t, this.masterGain.disconnect(), this._connectedAnalyser.connectAudioNodes(this.masterGain, this._audioContext.destination));
}, r;
}(), Xe = f(12), En = f(21), Qn = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a, s, d, p, y = this;
if (i === void 0 && (i = null), this.autoplay = !1, this.loop = !1, this.useCustomAttenuation = !1, this.isPlaying = !1, this.isPaused = !1, this.spatialSound = !1, this.refDistance = 1, this.rolloffFactor = 1, this.maxDistance = 100, this.distanceModel = "linear", this.metadata = null, this.onEndedObservable = new C.c(), this._panningModel = "equalpower", this._playbackRate = 1, this._streaming = !1, this._startTime = 0, this._startOffset = 0, this._position = u.e.Zero(), this._positionInEmitterSpace = !1, this._localDirection = new u.e(1, 0, 0), this._volume = 1, this._isReadyToPlay = !1, this._isDirectional = !1, this._coneInnerAngle = 360, this._coneOuterAngle = 360, this._coneOuterGain = 0, this._isOutputConnected = !1, this._urlType = "Unknown", = t, this._scene = n, r._SceneComponentInitialization(n), this._readyToPlayCallback = i, this._customAttenuationFunction = function(J, ie, se, ce, ue) {
return ie < se ? J * (1 - ie / se) : 0;
}, o && (this.autoplay = o.autoplay || !1, this.loop = o.loop || !1, o.volume !== void 0 && (this._volume = o.volume), this.spatialSound = (a = o.spatialSound) !== null && a !== void 0 && a, this.maxDistance = (s = o.maxDistance) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 100, this.useCustomAttenuation = (d = o.useCustomAttenuation) !== null && d !== void 0 && d, this.rolloffFactor = o.rolloffFactor || 1, this.refDistance = o.refDistance || 1, this.distanceModel = o.distanceModel || "linear", this._playbackRate = o.playbackRate || 1, this._streaming = (p = o.streaming) !== null && p !== void 0 && p, this._length = o.length, this._offset = o.offset), Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext) {
this._soundGain = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createGain(), this._soundGain.gain.value = this._volume, this._inputAudioNode = this._soundGain, this._outputAudioNode = this._soundGain, this.spatialSound && this._createSpatialParameters(), this._scene.mainSoundTrack.addSound(this);
var P = !0;
if (e)
try {
typeof e == "string" ? this._urlType = "String" : e instanceof ArrayBuffer ? this._urlType = "ArrayBuffer" : e instanceof MediaStream ? this._urlType = "MediaStream" : Array.isArray(e) && (this._urlType = "Array");
var R = [], B = !1;
switch (this._urlType) {
case "MediaStream":
this._streaming = !0, this._isReadyToPlay = !0, this._streamingSource = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(e), this.autoplay &&, this._offset, this._length), this._readyToPlayCallback && this._readyToPlayCallback();
case "ArrayBuffer":
e.byteLength > 0 && (B = !0, this._soundLoaded(e));
case "String":
case "Array":
R.length === 0 && (R = e);
for (var F = 0; F < R.length; F++) {
var z = R[F];
if (B = o && o.skipCodecCheck || z.indexOf(".mp3", z.length - 4) !== -1 && Ue.a.audioEngine.isMP3supported || z.indexOf(".ogg", z.length - 4) !== -1 && Ue.a.audioEngine.isOGGsupported || z.indexOf(".wav", z.length - 4) !== -1 || z.indexOf(".m4a", z.length - 4) !== -1 || z.indexOf("blob:") !== -1) {
this._streaming ? (this._htmlAudioElement = new Audio(z), this._htmlAudioElement.controls = !1, this._htmlAudioElement.loop = this.loop, Xe.b.SetCorsBehavior(z, this._htmlAudioElement), this._htmlAudioElement.preload = "auto", this._htmlAudioElement.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function() {
y._isReadyToPlay = !0, y.autoplay &&, y._offset, y._length), y._readyToPlayCallback && y._readyToPlayCallback();
}), document.body.appendChild(this._htmlAudioElement), this._htmlAudioElement.load()) : this._scene._loadFile(z, function(J) {
}, void 0, !0, !0, function(J) {
J && l.a.Error("XHR " + J.status + " error on: " + z + "."), l.a.Error("Sound creation aborted."), y._scene.mainSoundTrack.removeSound(y);
P = !1;
P ? B || (this._isReadyToPlay = !0, this._readyToPlayCallback && window.setTimeout(function() {
y._readyToPlayCallback && y._readyToPlayCallback();
}, 1e3)) : l.a.Error("Parameter must be a URL to the sound, an Array of URLs (.mp3 & .ogg) or an ArrayBuffer of the sound.");
} catch {
l.a.Error("Unexpected error. Sound creation aborted."), this._scene.mainSoundTrack.removeSound(this);
} else
this._scene.mainSoundTrack.addSound(this), Ue.a.audioEngine.WarnedWebAudioUnsupported || (l.a.Error("Web Audio is not supported by your browser."), Ue.a.audioEngine.WarnedWebAudioUnsupported = !0), this._readyToPlayCallback && window.setTimeout(function() {
y._readyToPlayCallback && y._readyToPlayCallback();
}, 1e3);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "currentTime", { get: function() {
if (this._htmlAudioElement)
return this._htmlAudioElement.currentTime;
var t = this._startOffset;
return this.isPlaying && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && (t += Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime - this._startTime), t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this.isPlaying && this.stop(), this._isReadyToPlay = !1, this.soundTrackId === -1 ? this._scene.mainSoundTrack.removeSound(this) : this._scene.soundTracks && this._scene.soundTracks[this.soundTrackId].removeSound(this), this._soundGain && (this._soundGain.disconnect(), this._soundGain = null), this._soundPanner && (this._soundPanner.disconnect(), this._soundPanner = null), this._soundSource && (this._soundSource.disconnect(), this._soundSource = null), this._audioBuffer = null, this._htmlAudioElement && (this._htmlAudioElement.pause(), this._htmlAudioElement.src = "", document.body.removeChild(this._htmlAudioElement)), this._streamingSource && this._streamingSource.disconnect(), this._connectedTransformNode && this._registerFunc && (this._connectedTransformNode.unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(this._registerFunc), this._connectedTransformNode = null));
}, r.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this._isReadyToPlay;
}, r.prototype._soundLoaded = function(t) {
var e = this;
Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.decodeAudioData(t, function(n) {
e._audioBuffer = n, e._isReadyToPlay = !0, e.autoplay &&, e._offset, e._length), e._readyToPlayCallback && e._readyToPlayCallback();
}, function(n) {
l.a.Error("Error while decoding audio data for: " + + " / Error: " + n);
}, r.prototype.setAudioBuffer = function(t) {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && (this._audioBuffer = t, this._isReadyToPlay = !0);
}, r.prototype.updateOptions = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y;
t && (this.loop = (e = t.loop) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : this.loop, this.maxDistance = (n = t.maxDistance) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : this.maxDistance, this.useCustomAttenuation = (i = t.useCustomAttenuation) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : this.useCustomAttenuation, this.rolloffFactor = (o = t.rolloffFactor) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : this.rolloffFactor, this.refDistance = (a = t.refDistance) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : this.refDistance, this.distanceModel = (s = t.distanceModel) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : this.distanceModel, this._playbackRate = (d = t.playbackRate) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : this._playbackRate, this._length = (p = t.length) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : void 0, this._offset = (y = t.offset) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : void 0, this._updateSpatialParameters(), this.isPlaying && (this._streaming && this._htmlAudioElement ? (this._htmlAudioElement.playbackRate = this._playbackRate, this._htmlAudioElement.loop !== this.loop && (this._htmlAudioElement.loop = this.loop)) : this._soundSource && (this._soundSource.playbackRate.value = this._playbackRate, this._soundSource.loop !== this.loop && (this._soundSource.loop = this.loop), this._offset !== void 0 && this._soundSource.loopStart !== this._offset && (this._soundSource.loopStart = this._offset), this._length !== void 0 && this._length !== this._soundSource.loopEnd && (this._soundSource.loopEnd = (0 | this._offset) + this._length))));
}, r.prototype._createSpatialParameters = function() {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && (this._scene.headphone && (this._panningModel = "HRTF"), this._soundPanner = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createPanner(), this._soundPanner && this._outputAudioNode && (this._updateSpatialParameters(), this._soundPanner.connect(this._outputAudioNode), this._inputAudioNode = this._soundPanner));
}, r.prototype._updateSpatialParameters = function() {
this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && (this.useCustomAttenuation ? (this._soundPanner.distanceModel = "linear", this._soundPanner.maxDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE, this._soundPanner.refDistance = 1, this._soundPanner.rolloffFactor = 1, this._soundPanner.panningModel = this._panningModel) : (this._soundPanner.distanceModel = this.distanceModel, this._soundPanner.maxDistance = this.maxDistance, this._soundPanner.refDistance = this.refDistance, this._soundPanner.rolloffFactor = this.rolloffFactor, this._soundPanner.panningModel = this._panningModel));
}, r.prototype.switchPanningModelToHRTF = function() {
this._panningModel = "HRTF", this._switchPanningModel();
}, r.prototype.switchPanningModelToEqualPower = function() {
this._panningModel = "equalpower", this._switchPanningModel();
}, r.prototype._switchPanningModel = function() {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && (this._soundPanner.panningModel = this._panningModel);
}, r.prototype.connectToSoundTrackAudioNode = function(t) {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._outputAudioNode && (this._isOutputConnected && this._outputAudioNode.disconnect(), this._outputAudioNode.connect(t), this._isOutputConnected = !0);
}, r.prototype.setDirectionalCone = function(t, e, n) {
e < t ? l.a.Error("setDirectionalCone(): outer angle of the cone must be superior or equal to the inner angle.") : (this._coneInnerAngle = t, this._coneOuterAngle = e, this._coneOuterGain = n, this._isDirectional = !0, this.isPlaying && this.loop && (this.stop(),, this._offset, this._length)));
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "directionalConeInnerAngle", { get: function() {
return this._coneInnerAngle;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t != this._coneInnerAngle) {
if (this._coneOuterAngle < t)
return void l.a.Error("directionalConeInnerAngle: outer angle of the cone must be superior or equal to the inner angle.");
this._coneInnerAngle = t, Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && (this._soundPanner.coneInnerAngle = this._coneInnerAngle);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "directionalConeOuterAngle", { get: function() {
return this._coneOuterAngle;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t != this._coneOuterAngle) {
if (t < this._coneInnerAngle)
return void l.a.Error("directionalConeOuterAngle: outer angle of the cone must be superior or equal to the inner angle.");
this._coneOuterAngle = t, Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && (this._soundPanner.coneOuterAngle = this._coneOuterAngle);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setPosition = function(t) {
this._position = t, Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && !isNaN(this._position.x) && !isNaN(this._position.y) && !isNaN(this._position.z) && this._soundPanner.setPosition(this._position.x, this._position.y, this._position.z);
}, r.prototype.setLocalDirectionToMesh = function(t) {
this._localDirection = t, Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._connectedTransformNode && this.isPlaying && this._updateDirection();
}, r.prototype._updateDirection = function() {
if (this._connectedTransformNode && this._soundPanner) {
var t = this._connectedTransformNode.getWorldMatrix(), e = u.e.TransformNormal(this._localDirection, t);
e.normalize(), this._soundPanner.setOrientation(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.updateDistanceFromListener = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._connectedTransformNode && this.useCustomAttenuation && this._soundGain && this._scene.activeCamera) {
var t = this._connectedTransformNode.getDistanceToCamera(this._scene.activeCamera);
this._soundGain.gain.value = this._customAttenuationFunction(this._volume, t, this.maxDistance, this.refDistance, this.rolloffFactor);
}, r.prototype.setAttenuationFunction = function(t) {
this._customAttenuationFunction = t;
}, = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
if (this._isReadyToPlay && this._scene.audioEnabled && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext)
try {
this._startOffset < 0 && (t = -this._startOffset, this._startOffset = 0);
var o = t ? Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime + t : Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime;
if (this._soundSource && this._streamingSource || this.spatialSound && this._soundPanner && (isNaN(this._position.x) || isNaN(this._position.y) || isNaN(this._position.z) || this._soundPanner.setPosition(this._position.x, this._position.y, this._position.z), this._isDirectional && (this._soundPanner.coneInnerAngle = this._coneInnerAngle, this._soundPanner.coneOuterAngle = this._coneOuterAngle, this._soundPanner.coneOuterGain = this._coneOuterGain, this._connectedTransformNode ? this._updateDirection() : this._soundPanner.setOrientation(this._localDirection.x, this._localDirection.y, this._localDirection.z))), this._streaming)
this._streamingSource || (this._streamingSource = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createMediaElementSource(this._htmlAudioElement), this._htmlAudioElement.onended = function() {
}, this._htmlAudioElement.playbackRate = this._playbackRate), this._streamingSource.disconnect(), this._inputAudioNode && this._streamingSource.connect(this._inputAudioNode), this._htmlAudioElement && (a = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine.unlocked) {
var s =;
s !== void 0 && s.catch(function(d) {
Ue.a.audioEngine.lock(), (i.loop || i.autoplay) && Ue.a.audioEngine.onAudioUnlockedObservable.addOnce(function() {
} else
(i.loop || i.autoplay) && Ue.a.audioEngine.onAudioUnlockedObservable.addOnce(function() {
else {
var a = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext) {
if (n = n || i._length, e = e || i._offset, i._soundSource) {
var s = i._soundSource;
s.onended = function() {
if (i._soundSource = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createBufferSource(), i._soundSource && i._inputAudioNode) {
i._soundSource.buffer = i._audioBuffer, i._soundSource.connect(i._inputAudioNode), i._soundSource.loop = i.loop, e !== void 0 && (i._soundSource.loopStart = e), n !== void 0 && (i._soundSource.loopEnd = (0 | e) + n), i._soundSource.playbackRate.value = i._playbackRate, i._soundSource.onended = function() {
}, o = t ? Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime + t : Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime;
var d = i.isPaused ? i._startOffset % i._soundSource.buffer.duration : e || 0;
i._soundSource.start(o, d, i.loop ? void 0 : n);
Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.state === "suspended" ? setTimeout(function() {
Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.state === "suspended" ? (Ue.a.audioEngine.lock(), (i.loop || i.autoplay) && Ue.a.audioEngine.onAudioUnlockedObservable.addOnce(function() {
})) : a();
}, 500) : a();
this._startTime = o, this.isPlaying = !0, this.isPaused = !1;
} catch (s) {
l.a.Error("Error while trying to play audio: " + + ", " + s.message);
}, r.prototype._onended = function() {
this.isPlaying = !1, this._startOffset = 0, this.onended && this.onended(), this.onEndedObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, r.prototype.stop = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this.isPlaying) {
if (this._streaming)
this._htmlAudioElement ? (this._htmlAudioElement.pause(), this._htmlAudioElement.currentTime > 0 && (this._htmlAudioElement.currentTime = 0)) : this._streamingSource.disconnect(), this.isPlaying = !1;
else if (Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && this._soundSource) {
var n = t ? Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime + t : Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime;
this._soundSource.stop(n), this._soundSource.onended = function() {
e.isPlaying = !1;
}, this.isPaused || (this._startOffset = 0);
}, r.prototype.pause = function() {
this.isPlaying && (this.isPaused = !0, this._streaming ? this._htmlAudioElement ? this._htmlAudioElement.pause() : this._streamingSource.disconnect() : Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && (this.stop(0), this._startOffset += Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime - this._startTime));
}, r.prototype.setVolume = function(t, e) {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._soundGain && (e && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext ? (this._soundGain.gain.cancelScheduledValues(Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime), this._soundGain.gain.setValueAtTime(this._soundGain.gain.value, Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime), this._soundGain.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(t, Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.currentTime + e)) : this._soundGain.gain.value = t), this._volume = t;
}, r.prototype.setPlaybackRate = function(t) {
this._playbackRate = t, this.isPlaying && (this._streaming && this._htmlAudioElement ? this._htmlAudioElement.playbackRate = this._playbackRate : this._soundSource && (this._soundSource.playbackRate.value = this._playbackRate));
}, r.prototype.getVolume = function() {
return this._volume;
}, r.prototype.attachToMesh = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._connectedTransformNode && this._registerFunc && (this._connectedTransformNode.unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(this._registerFunc), this._registerFunc = null), this._connectedTransformNode = t, this.spatialSound || (this.spatialSound = !0, this._createSpatialParameters(), this.isPlaying && this.loop && (this.stop(),, this._offset, this._length))), this._onRegisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(this._connectedTransformNode), this._registerFunc = function(n) {
return e._onRegisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(n);
}, this._connectedTransformNode.registerAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(this._registerFunc);
}, r.prototype.detachFromMesh = function() {
this._connectedTransformNode && this._registerFunc && (this._connectedTransformNode.unregisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate(this._registerFunc), this._registerFunc = null, this._connectedTransformNode = null);
}, r.prototype._onRegisterAfterWorldMatrixUpdate = function(t) {
if (this._positionInEmitterSpace)
t.worldMatrixFromCache.invertToRef(u.c.Matrix[0]), this.setPosition(u.c.Matrix[0].getTranslation());
else if (t.getBoundingInfo) {
var e = t.getBoundingInfo();
} else
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._isDirectional && this.isPlaying && this._updateDirection();
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = this;
if (this._streaming)
return null;
var e = function() {
t._isReadyToPlay ? (i._audioBuffer = t.getAudioBuffer(), i._isReadyToPlay = !0, i.autoplay &&, t._offset, t._length)) : window.setTimeout(e, 300);
}, n = { autoplay: this.autoplay, loop: this.loop, volume: this._volume, spatialSound: this.spatialSound, maxDistance: this.maxDistance, useCustomAttenuation: this.useCustomAttenuation, rolloffFactor: this.rolloffFactor, refDistance: this.refDistance, distanceModel: this.distanceModel }, i = new r( + "_cloned", new ArrayBuffer(0), this._scene, null, n);
return this.useCustomAttenuation && i.setAttenuationFunction(this._customAttenuationFunction), i.setPosition(this._position), i.setPlaybackRate(this._playbackRate), e(), i;
}, r.prototype.getAudioBuffer = function() {
return this._audioBuffer;
}, r.prototype.getSoundSource = function() {
return this._soundSource;
}, r.prototype.getSoundGain = function() {
return this._soundGain;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = { name:, url:, autoplay: this.autoplay, loop: this.loop, volume: this._volume, spatialSound: this.spatialSound, maxDistance: this.maxDistance, rolloffFactor: this.rolloffFactor, refDistance: this.refDistance, distanceModel: this.distanceModel, playbackRate: this._playbackRate, panningModel: this._panningModel, soundTrackId: this.soundTrackId, metadata: this.metadata };
return this.spatialSound && (this._connectedTransformNode && (t.connectedMeshId =, t.position = this._position.asArray(), t.refDistance = this.refDistance, t.distanceModel = this.distanceModel, t.isDirectional = this._isDirectional, t.localDirectionToMesh = this._localDirection.asArray(), t.coneInnerAngle = this._coneInnerAngle, t.coneOuterAngle = this._coneOuterAngle, t.coneOuterGain = this._coneOuterGain), t;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a =;
o = t.url ? n + t.url : n + a;
var s, d = { autoplay: t.autoplay, loop: t.loop, volume: t.volume, spatialSound: t.spatialSound, maxDistance: t.maxDistance, rolloffFactor: t.rolloffFactor, refDistance: t.refDistance, distanceModel: t.distanceModel, playbackRate: t.playbackRate };
if (i) {
var p = function() {
i._isReadyToPlay ? (s._audioBuffer = i.getAudioBuffer(), s._isReadyToPlay = !0, s.autoplay &&, s._offset, s._length)) : window.setTimeout(p, 300);
s = new r(a, new ArrayBuffer(0), e, null, d), p();
} else
s = new r(a, o, e, function() {
}, d), e._addPendingData(s);
if (t.position) {
var y = u.e.FromArray(t.position);
if (t.isDirectional && (s.setDirectionalCone(t.coneInnerAngle || 360, t.coneOuterAngle || 360, t.coneOuterGain || 0), t.localDirectionToMesh)) {
var P = u.e.FromArray(t.localDirectionToMesh);
if (t.connectedMeshId) {
var R = e.getMeshByID(t.connectedMeshId);
R && s.attachToMesh(R);
return t.metadata && (s.metadata = t.metadata), s;
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("AudioSceneComponent");
}, r;
}(), So = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = {}), = -1, this._isInitialized = !1, this._scene = t, this.soundCollection = new Array(), this._options = e, !this._options.mainTrack && this._scene.soundTracks && (this._scene.soundTracks.push(this), = this._scene.soundTracks.length - 1);
return r.prototype._initializeSoundTrackAudioGraph = function() {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && (this._outputAudioNode = Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.createGain(), this._outputAudioNode.connect(Ue.a.audioEngine.masterGain), this._options && this._options.volume && (this._outputAudioNode.gain.value = this._options.volume), this._isInitialized = !0);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine && Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio) {
for (this._connectedAnalyser && this._connectedAnalyser.stopDebugCanvas(); this.soundCollection.length; )
this._outputAudioNode && this._outputAudioNode.disconnect(), this._outputAudioNode = null;
}, r.prototype.addSound = function(t) {
this._isInitialized || this._initializeSoundTrackAudioGraph(), Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._outputAudioNode && t.connectToSoundTrackAudioNode(this._outputAudioNode), t.soundTrackId && (t.soundTrackId === -1 ? this._scene.mainSoundTrack.removeSound(t) : this._scene.soundTracks && this._scene.soundTracks[t.soundTrackId].removeSound(t)), this.soundCollection.push(t), t.soundTrackId =;
}, r.prototype.removeSound = function(t) {
var e = this.soundCollection.indexOf(t);
e !== -1 && this.soundCollection.splice(e, 1);
}, r.prototype.setVolume = function(t) {
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._outputAudioNode && (this._outputAudioNode.gain.value = t);
}, r.prototype.switchPanningModelToHRTF = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio)
for (var t = 0; t < this.soundCollection.length; t++)
}, r.prototype.switchPanningModelToEqualPower = function() {
if (Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio)
for (var t = 0; t < this.soundCollection.length; t++)
}, r.prototype.connectToAnalyser = function(t) {
this._connectedAnalyser && this._connectedAnalyser.stopDebugCanvas(), this._connectedAnalyser = t, Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio && this._outputAudioNode && (this._outputAudioNode.disconnect(), this._connectedAnalyser.connectAudioNodes(this._outputAudioNode, Ue.a.audioEngine.masterGain));
}, r;
}(), ot = f(17);
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO, function(r, t, e, n) {
var i, o = [];
if (e.sounds = e.sounds || [], r.sounds !== void 0 && r.sounds !== null)
for (var a = 0, s = r.sounds.length; a < s; a++) {
var d = r.sounds[a];
Ue.a.audioEngine.canUseWebAudio ? (d.url || (d.url =, o[d.url] ? e.sounds.push(Qn.Parse(d, t, n, o[d.url])) : (i = Qn.Parse(d, t, n), o[d.url] = i, e.sounds.push(i))) : e.sounds.push(new Qn(, null, t));
o = [];
}), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "mainSoundTrack", { get: function() {
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
return r || (r = new qn(this), this._addComponent(r)), this._mainSoundTrack || (this._mainSoundTrack = new So(this, { mainTrack: !0 })), this._mainSoundTrack;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _e.a.prototype.getSoundByName = function(r) {
var t;
for (t = 0; t < this.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection.length; t++)
if (this.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection[t].name === r)
return this.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection[t];
if (this.soundTracks) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.soundTracks.length; e++)
for (t = 0; t < this.soundTracks[e].soundCollection.length; t++)
if (this.soundTracks[e].soundCollection[t].name === r)
return this.soundTracks[e].soundCollection[t];
return null;
}, Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "audioEnabled", { get: function() {
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
return r || (r = new qn(this), this._addComponent(r)), r.audioEnabled;
}, set: function(r) {
var t = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
t || (t = new qn(this), this._addComponent(t)), r ? t.enableAudio() : t.disableAudio();
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "headphone", { get: function() {
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
return r || (r = new qn(this), this._addComponent(r)), r.headphone;
}, set: function(r) {
var t = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
t || (t = new qn(this), this._addComponent(t)), r ? t.switchAudioModeForHeadphones() : t.switchAudioModeForNormalSpeakers();
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "audioListenerPositionProvider", { get: function() {
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
return r || (r = new qn(this), this._addComponent(r)), r.audioListenerPositionProvider;
}, set: function(r) {
var t = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
if (t || (t = new qn(this), this._addComponent(t)), typeof r != "function")
throw new Error("The value passed to [Scene.audioListenerPositionProvider] must be a function that returns a Vector3");
t.audioListenerPositionProvider = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "audioPositioningRefreshRate", { get: function() {
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
return r || (r = new qn(this), this._addComponent(r)), r.audioPositioningRefreshRate;
}, set: function(r) {
var t = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
t || (t = new qn(this), this._addComponent(t)), t.audioPositioningRefreshRate = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
var qn = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_AUDIO, this._audioEnabled = !0, this._headphone = !1, this.audioPositioningRefreshRate = 500, this._audioListenerPositionProvider = null, this._cachedCameraDirection = new u.e(), this._cachedCameraPosition = new u.e(), this._lastCheck = 0, this.scene = t, t.soundTracks = new Array(), t.sounds = new Array();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "audioEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._audioEnabled;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "headphone", { get: function() {
return this._headphone;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "audioListenerPositionProvider", { get: function() {
return this._audioListenerPositionProvider;
}, set: function(t) {
this._audioListenerPositionProvider = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._afterRenderStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERRENDER_AUDIO, this, this._afterRender);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
if (t.sounds = [], this.scene.soundTracks)
for (var e = 0; e < this.scene.soundTracks.length; e++)
for (var n = this.scene.soundTracks[e], i = 0; i < n.soundCollection.length; i++)
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.sounds && t.sounds.forEach(function(n) {, n.autoplay = !0, e.scene.mainSoundTrack.addSound(n);
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
e === void 0 && (e = !1), t.sounds && t.sounds.forEach(function(i) {
i.stop(), i.autoplay = !1, n.scene.mainSoundTrack.removeSound(i), e && i.dispose();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this.scene;
if (t._mainSoundTrack && t.mainSoundTrack.dispose(), t.soundTracks)
for (var e = 0; e < t.soundTracks.length; e++)
}, r.prototype.disableAudio = function() {
var t, e = this.scene;
for (this._audioEnabled = !1, Ue.a.audioEngine && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.suspend(), t = 0; t < e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection.length; t++)
if (e.soundTracks)
for (t = 0; t < e.soundTracks.length; t++)
for (var n = 0; n < e.soundTracks[t].soundCollection.length; n++)
}, r.prototype.enableAudio = function() {
var t, e = this.scene;
for (this._audioEnabled = !0, Ue.a.audioEngine && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext && Ue.a.audioEngine.audioContext.resume(), t = 0; t < e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection.length; t++)
e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection[t].isPaused && e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection[t].play();
if (e.soundTracks)
for (t = 0; t < e.soundTracks.length; t++)
for (var n = 0; n < e.soundTracks[t].soundCollection.length; n++)
e.soundTracks[t].soundCollection[n].isPaused && e.soundTracks[t].soundCollection[n].play();
}, r.prototype.switchAudioModeForHeadphones = function() {
var t = this.scene;
if (this._headphone = !0, t.mainSoundTrack.switchPanningModelToHRTF(), t.soundTracks)
for (var e = 0; e < t.soundTracks.length; e++)
}, r.prototype.switchAudioModeForNormalSpeakers = function() {
var t = this.scene;
if (this._headphone = !1, t.mainSoundTrack.switchPanningModelToEqualPower(), t.soundTracks)
for (var e = 0; e < t.soundTracks.length; e++)
}, r.prototype._afterRender = function() {
var t = ye.a.Now;
if (!(this._lastCheck && t - this._lastCheck < this.audioPositioningRefreshRate)) {
this._lastCheck = t;
var e = this.scene;
if (this._audioEnabled && e._mainSoundTrack && e.soundTracks && (e._mainSoundTrack.soundCollection.length !== 0 || e.soundTracks.length !== 1)) {
var n = Ue.a.audioEngine;
if (n && n.audioContext) {
if (this._audioListenerPositionProvider) {
var i = this._audioListenerPositionProvider();
i.x = i.x || 0, i.y = i.y || 0, i.z = i.z || 0, n.audioContext.listener.setPosition(i.x, i.y, i.z);
} else {
var o;
if (o = e.activeCameras && e.activeCameras.length > 0 ? e.activeCameras[0] : e.activeCamera) {
this._cachedCameraPosition.equals(o.globalPosition) || (this._cachedCameraPosition.copyFrom(o.globalPosition), n.audioContext.listener.setPosition(o.globalPosition.x, o.globalPosition.y, o.globalPosition.z)), o.rigCameras && o.rigCameras.length > 0 && (o = o.rigCameras[0]);
var a = u.a.Invert(o.getViewMatrix()), s = u.e.TransformNormal(e.useRightHandedSystem ? r._CameraDirectionRH : r._CameraDirectionLH, a);
s.normalize(), isNaN(s.x) || isNaN(s.y) || isNaN(s.z) || this._cachedCameraDirection.equals(s) || (this._cachedCameraDirection.copyFrom(s), n.audioContext.listener.setOrientation(s.x, s.y, s.z, 0, 1, 0));
} else
n.audioContext.listener.setPosition(0, 0, 0);
var d;
for (d = 0; d < e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection.length; d++) {
var p = e.mainSoundTrack.soundCollection[d];
p.useCustomAttenuation && p.updateDistanceFromListener();
if (e.soundTracks)
for (d = 0; d < e.soundTracks.length; d++)
for (var y = 0; y < e.soundTracks[d].soundCollection.length; y++)
(p = e.soundTracks[d].soundCollection[y]).useCustomAttenuation && p.updateDistanceFromListener();
}, r._CameraDirectionLH = new u.e(0, 0, -1), r._CameraDirectionRH = new u.e(0, 0, 1), r;
Qn._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_AUDIO);
t || (t = new qn(r), r._addComponent(t));
var lf = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
if (this.loop = !1, this._coneInnerAngle = 360, this._coneOuterAngle = 360, this._volume = 1, this.isPlaying = !1, this.isPaused = !1, this._sounds = [], this._weights = [], e.length !== n.length)
throw new Error("Sounds length does not equal weights length");
this.loop = t, this._weights = n;
for (var o = 0, a = 0, s = n; a < s.length; a++)
o += s[a];
for (var d = o > 0 ? 1 / o : 0, p = 0; p < this._weights.length; p++)
this._weights[p] *= d;
this._sounds = e;
for (var y = 0, P = this._sounds; y < P.length; y++)
P[y].onEndedObservable.add(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "directionalConeInnerAngle", { get: function() {
return this._coneInnerAngle;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t !== this._coneInnerAngle) {
if (this._coneOuterAngle < t)
return void l.a.Error("directionalConeInnerAngle: outer angle of the cone must be superior or equal to the inner angle.");
this._coneInnerAngle = t;
for (var e = 0, n = this._sounds; e < n.length; e++)
n[e].directionalConeInnerAngle = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "directionalConeOuterAngle", { get: function() {
return this._coneOuterAngle;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t !== this._coneOuterAngle) {
if (t < this._coneInnerAngle)
return void l.a.Error("directionalConeOuterAngle: outer angle of the cone must be superior or equal to the inner angle.");
this._coneOuterAngle = t;
for (var e = 0, n = this._sounds; e < n.length; e++)
n[e].directionalConeOuterAngle = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "volume", { get: function() {
return this._volume;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t !== this._volume)
for (var e = 0, n = this._sounds; e < n.length; e++)
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._onended = function() {
this._currentIndex !== void 0 && (this._sounds[this._currentIndex].autoplay = !1), this.loop && this.isPlaying ? : this.isPlaying = !1;
}, r.prototype.pause = function() {
this.isPaused = !0, this._currentIndex !== void 0 && this._sounds[this._currentIndex].pause();
}, r.prototype.stop = function() {
this.isPlaying = !1, this._currentIndex !== void 0 && this._sounds[this._currentIndex].stop();
}, = function(t) {
if (!this.isPaused) {
for (var e = Math.random(), n = 0, i = 0; i < this._weights.length; i++)
if (e <= (n += this._weights[i])) {
this._currentIndex = i;
var o = this._sounds[this._currentIndex];
o.isReady() ?, this.isPaused ? void 0 : t) : o.autoplay = !0, this.isPlaying = !0, this.isPaused = !1;
}, r;
}(), yt = f(18), Qc = function() {
function r() {
this._zoomStopsAnimation = !1, this._idleRotationSpeed = 0.05, this._idleRotationWaitTime = 2e3, this._idleRotationSpinupTime = 2e3, this._isPointerDown = !1, this._lastFrameTime = null, this._lastInteractionTime = -1 / 0, this._cameraRotationSpeed = 0, this._lastFrameRadius = 0;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "AutoRotation";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "zoomStopsAnimation", { get: function() {
return this._zoomStopsAnimation;
}, set: function(t) {
this._zoomStopsAnimation = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "idleRotationSpeed", { get: function() {
return this._idleRotationSpeed;
}, set: function(t) {
this._idleRotationSpeed = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "idleRotationWaitTime", { get: function() {
return this._idleRotationWaitTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._idleRotationWaitTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "idleRotationSpinupTime", { get: function() {
return this._idleRotationSpinupTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._idleRotationSpinupTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rotationInProgress", { get: function() {
return Math.abs(this._cameraRotationSpeed) > 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._attachedCamera = t;
var n = this._attachedCamera.getScene();
this._onPrePointerObservableObserver = n.onPrePointerObservable.add(function(i) {
i.type !== yt.a.POINTERDOWN ? i.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && (e._isPointerDown = !1) : e._isPointerDown = !0;
}), this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver = t.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.add(function() {
var i = ye.a.Now, o = 0;
e._lastFrameTime != null && (o = i - e._lastFrameTime), e._lastFrameTime = i, e._applyUserInteraction();
var a = i - e._lastInteractionTime - e._idleRotationWaitTime, s = Math.max(Math.min(a / e._idleRotationSpinupTime, 1), 0);
e._cameraRotationSpeed = e._idleRotationSpeed * s, e._attachedCamera && (e._attachedCamera.alpha -= e._cameraRotationSpeed * (o / 1e3));
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
if (this._attachedCamera) {
var t = this._attachedCamera.getScene();
this._onPrePointerObservableObserver && t.onPrePointerObservable.remove(this._onPrePointerObservableObserver), this._attachedCamera.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.remove(this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver), this._attachedCamera = null;
}, r.prototype._userIsZooming = function() {
return !!this._attachedCamera && this._attachedCamera.inertialRadiusOffset !== 0;
}, r.prototype._shouldAnimationStopForInteraction = function() {
if (!this._attachedCamera)
return !1;
var t = !1;
return this._lastFrameRadius === this._attachedCamera.radius && this._attachedCamera.inertialRadiusOffset !== 0 && (t = !0), this._lastFrameRadius = this._attachedCamera.radius, this._zoomStopsAnimation ? t : this._userIsZooming();
}, r.prototype._applyUserInteraction = function() {
this._userIsMoving() && !this._shouldAnimationStopForInteraction() && (this._lastInteractionTime = ye.a.Now);
}, r.prototype._userIsMoving = function() {
return !!this._attachedCamera && (this._attachedCamera.inertialAlphaOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialBetaOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialRadiusOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialPanningX !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialPanningY !== 0 || this._isPointerDown);
}, r;
}(), qc = function() {
function r() {
this.transitionDuration = 450, this.lowerRadiusTransitionRange = 2, this.upperRadiusTransitionRange = -2, this._autoTransitionRange = !1, this._radiusIsAnimating = !1, this._radiusBounceTransition = null, this._animatables = new Array();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "Bouncing";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "autoTransitionRange", { get: function() {
return this._autoTransitionRange;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this._autoTransitionRange !== t) {
this._autoTransitionRange = t;
var n = this._attachedCamera;
n && (t ? this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver = n.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.add(function(i) {
if (i) {
var o = i.getBoundingInfo().diagonalLength;
e.lowerRadiusTransitionRange = 0.05 * o, e.upperRadiusTransitionRange = 0.05 * o;
}) : this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver && n.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.remove(this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._attachedCamera = t, this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver = t.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.add(function() {
e._attachedCamera && (e._isRadiusAtLimit(e._attachedCamera.lowerRadiusLimit) && e._applyBoundRadiusAnimation(e.lowerRadiusTransitionRange), e._isRadiusAtLimit(e._attachedCamera.upperRadiusLimit) && e._applyBoundRadiusAnimation(e.upperRadiusTransitionRange));
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
this._attachedCamera && (this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver && this._attachedCamera.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.remove(this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver), this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver && this._attachedCamera.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.remove(this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver), this._attachedCamera = null);
}, r.prototype._isRadiusAtLimit = function(t) {
return !!this._attachedCamera && this._attachedCamera.radius === t && !this._radiusIsAnimating;
}, r.prototype._applyBoundRadiusAnimation = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this._attachedCamera) {
this._radiusBounceTransition || (r.EasingFunction.setEasingMode(r.EasingMode), this._radiusBounceTransition = k.CreateAnimation("radius", k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, 60, r.EasingFunction)), this._cachedWheelPrecision = this._attachedCamera.wheelPrecision, this._attachedCamera.wheelPrecision = 1 / 0, this._attachedCamera.inertialRadiusOffset = 0, this.stopAllAnimations(), this._radiusIsAnimating = !0;
var n = k.TransitionTo("radius", this._attachedCamera.radius + t, this._attachedCamera, this._attachedCamera.getScene(), 60, this._radiusBounceTransition, this.transitionDuration, function() {
return e._clearAnimationLocks();
n && this._animatables.push(n);
}, r.prototype._clearAnimationLocks = function() {
this._radiusIsAnimating = !1, this._attachedCamera && (this._attachedCamera.wheelPrecision = this._cachedWheelPrecision);
}, r.prototype.stopAllAnimations = function() {
for (this._attachedCamera && (this._attachedCamera.animations = []); this._animatables.length; )
this._animatables[0].onAnimationEnd = null, this._animatables[0].stop(), this._animatables.shift();
}, r.EasingFunction = new Je(0.3), r.EasingMode = Ge.EASINGMODE_EASEOUT, r;
}(), Zc = function() {
function r() {
this._mode = r.FitFrustumSidesMode, this._radiusScale = 1, this._positionScale = 0.5, this._defaultElevation = 0.3, this._elevationReturnTime = 1500, this._elevationReturnWaitTime = 1e3, this._zoomStopsAnimation = !1, this._framingTime = 1500, this.autoCorrectCameraLimitsAndSensibility = !0, this._isPointerDown = !1, this._lastInteractionTime = -1 / 0, this._animatables = new Array(), this._betaIsAnimating = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "Framing";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "mode", { get: function() {
return this._mode;
}, set: function(t) {
this._mode = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "radiusScale", { get: function() {
return this._radiusScale;
}, set: function(t) {
this._radiusScale = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "positionScale", { get: function() {
return this._positionScale;
}, set: function(t) {
this._positionScale = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "defaultElevation", { get: function() {
return this._defaultElevation;
}, set: function(t) {
this._defaultElevation = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "elevationReturnTime", { get: function() {
return this._elevationReturnTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._elevationReturnTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "elevationReturnWaitTime", { get: function() {
return this._elevationReturnWaitTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._elevationReturnWaitTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "zoomStopsAnimation", { get: function() {
return this._zoomStopsAnimation;
}, set: function(t) {
this._zoomStopsAnimation = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "framingTime", { get: function() {
return this._framingTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._framingTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._attachedCamera = t;
var n = this._attachedCamera.getScene();
r.EasingFunction.setEasingMode(r.EasingMode), this._onPrePointerObservableObserver = n.onPrePointerObservable.add(function(i) {
i.type !== yt.a.POINTERDOWN ? i.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && (e._isPointerDown = !1) : e._isPointerDown = !0;
}), this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver = t.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.add(function(i) {
i && e.zoomOnMesh(i);
}), this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver = t.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.add(function() {
e._applyUserInteraction(), e._maintainCameraAboveGround();
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
if (this._attachedCamera) {
var t = this._attachedCamera.getScene();
this._onPrePointerObservableObserver && t.onPrePointerObservable.remove(this._onPrePointerObservableObserver), this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver && this._attachedCamera.onAfterCheckInputsObservable.remove(this._onAfterCheckInputsObserver), this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver && this._attachedCamera.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.remove(this._onMeshTargetChangedObserver), this._attachedCamera = null;
}, r.prototype.zoomOnMesh = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = null), t.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var i = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
this.zoomOnBoundingInfo(i.minimumWorld, i.maximumWorld, e, n);
}, r.prototype.zoomOnMeshHierarchy = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = null), t.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var i = t.getHierarchyBoundingVectors(!0);
this.zoomOnBoundingInfo(i.min, i.max, e, n);
}, r.prototype.zoomOnMeshesHierarchy = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = null);
for (var i = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), o = new u.e(-Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE, -Number.MAX_VALUE), a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
var s = t[a].getHierarchyBoundingVectors(!0);
u.e.CheckExtends(s.min, i, o), u.e.CheckExtends(s.max, i, o);
this.zoomOnBoundingInfo(i, o, e, n);
}, r.prototype.zoomOnBoundingInfo = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = null), this._attachedCamera) {
var s = t.y, d = s + (e.y - s) * this._positionScale, p = e.subtract(t).scale(0.5);
if (n)
o = new u.e(0, d, 0);
else {
var y = t.add(p);
o = new u.e(y.x, d, y.z);
this._vectorTransition || (this._vectorTransition = k.CreateAnimation("target", k.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3, 60, r.EasingFunction)), this._betaIsAnimating = !0;
var P = k.TransitionTo("target", o, this._attachedCamera, this._attachedCamera.getScene(), 60, this._vectorTransition, this._framingTime);
P && this._animatables.push(P);
var R = 0;
if (this._mode === r.FitFrustumSidesMode) {
var B = this._calculateLowerRadiusFromModelBoundingSphere(t, e);
this.autoCorrectCameraLimitsAndSensibility && (this._attachedCamera.lowerRadiusLimit = p.length() + this._attachedCamera.minZ), R = B;
} else
this._mode === r.IgnoreBoundsSizeMode && (R = this._calculateLowerRadiusFromModelBoundingSphere(t, e), this.autoCorrectCameraLimitsAndSensibility && this._attachedCamera.lowerRadiusLimit === null && (this._attachedCamera.lowerRadiusLimit = this._attachedCamera.minZ));
if (this.autoCorrectCameraLimitsAndSensibility) {
var F = e.subtract(t).length();
this._attachedCamera.panningSensibility = 5e3 / F, this._attachedCamera.wheelPrecision = 100 / R;
this._radiusTransition || (this._radiusTransition = k.CreateAnimation("radius", k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, 60, r.EasingFunction)), (P = k.TransitionTo("radius", R, this._attachedCamera, this._attachedCamera.getScene(), 60, this._radiusTransition, this._framingTime, function() {
a.stopAllAnimations(), i && i(), a._attachedCamera && a._attachedCamera.useInputToRestoreState && a._attachedCamera.storeState();
})) && this._animatables.push(P);
}, r.prototype._calculateLowerRadiusFromModelBoundingSphere = function(t, e) {
var n = e.subtract(t).length(), i = this._getFrustumSlope(), o = 0.5 * n * this._radiusScale, a = o * Math.sqrt(1 + 1 / (i.x * i.x)), s = o * Math.sqrt(1 + 1 / (i.y * i.y)), d = Math.max(a, s), p = this._attachedCamera;
return p ? (p.lowerRadiusLimit && this._mode === r.IgnoreBoundsSizeMode && (d = d < p.lowerRadiusLimit ? p.lowerRadiusLimit : d), p.upperRadiusLimit && (d = d > p.upperRadiusLimit ? p.upperRadiusLimit : d), d) : 0;
}, r.prototype._maintainCameraAboveGround = function() {
var t = this;
if (!(this._elevationReturnTime < 0)) {
var e = ye.a.Now - this._lastInteractionTime, n = 0.5 * Math.PI - this._defaultElevation, i = 0.5 * Math.PI;
if (this._attachedCamera && !this._betaIsAnimating && this._attachedCamera.beta > i && e >= this._elevationReturnWaitTime) {
this._betaIsAnimating = !0, this.stopAllAnimations(), this._betaTransition || (this._betaTransition = k.CreateAnimation("beta", k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, 60, r.EasingFunction));
var o = k.TransitionTo("beta", n, this._attachedCamera, this._attachedCamera.getScene(), 60, this._betaTransition, this._elevationReturnTime, function() {
t._clearAnimationLocks(), t.stopAllAnimations();
o && this._animatables.push(o);
}, r.prototype._getFrustumSlope = function() {
var t = this._attachedCamera;
if (!t)
return u.d.Zero();
var e = t.getScene().getEngine().getAspectRatio(t), n = Math.tan(t.fov / 2), i = n * e;
return new u.d(i, n);
}, r.prototype._clearAnimationLocks = function() {
this._betaIsAnimating = !1;
}, r.prototype._applyUserInteraction = function() {
this.isUserIsMoving && (this._lastInteractionTime = ye.a.Now, this.stopAllAnimations(), this._clearAnimationLocks());
}, r.prototype.stopAllAnimations = function() {
for (this._attachedCamera && (this._attachedCamera.animations = []); this._animatables.length; )
this._animatables[0] && (this._animatables[0].onAnimationEnd = null, this._animatables[0].stop()), this._animatables.shift();
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isUserIsMoving", { get: function() {
return !!this._attachedCamera && (this._attachedCamera.inertialAlphaOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialBetaOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialRadiusOffset !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialPanningX !== 0 || this._attachedCamera.inertialPanningY !== 0 || this._isPointerDown);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.EasingFunction = new Tt(), r.EasingMode = Ge.EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT, r.IgnoreBoundsSizeMode = 0, r.FitFrustumSidesMode = 1, r;
}(), or = function(r, t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = new u.e()), e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = !1), this.direction = r, this.rotatedDirection = t, this.diff = e, this.ignore = n;
}, uf = function() {
function r(t) {
this.ui = t, = "AttachToBoxBehavior", this.distanceAwayFromFace = 0.15, this.distanceAwayFromBottomOfFace = 0.15, this._faceVectors = [new or(u.e.Up()), new or(u.e.Down()), new or(u.e.Left()), new or(u.e.Right()), new or(u.e.Forward()), new or(u.e.Forward().scaleInPlace(-1))], this._tmpMatrix = new u.a(), this._tmpVector = new u.e(), this._zeroVector = u.e.Zero(), this._lookAtTmpMatrix = new u.a();
return r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype._closestFace = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this._faceVectors.forEach(function(n) {
e._target.rotationQuaternion || (e._target.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(e._target.rotation.y, e._target.rotation.x, e._target.rotation.z)), e._target.rotationQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(e._tmpMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(n.direction, e._tmpMatrix, n.rotatedDirection), n.diff = u.e.GetAngleBetweenVectors(n.rotatedDirection, t, u.e.Cross(n.rotatedDirection, t));
}), this._faceVectors.reduce(function(n, i) {
return n.ignore ? i : i.ignore || n.diff < i.diff ? n : i;
}, this._faceVectors[0]);
}, r.prototype._lookAtToRef = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = new u.e(0, 1, 0)), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(this._zeroVector, t, e, this._lookAtTmpMatrix), this._lookAtTmpMatrix.invert(), u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(this._lookAtTmpMatrix, n);
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._target = t, this._scene = this._target.getScene(), this._onRenderObserver = this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
if (e._scene.activeCamera) {
var n = e._scene.activeCamera.position;
e._scene.activeCamera.devicePosition && (n = e._scene.activeCamera.devicePosition);
var i = e._closestFace(n.subtract(t.position));
e._scene.activeCamera.leftCamera ? e._scene.activeCamera.leftCamera.computeWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrixToRef(e._tmpMatrix) : e._scene.activeCamera.computeWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrixToRef(e._tmpMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(u.e.Up(), e._tmpMatrix, e._tmpVector), e._faceVectors.forEach(function(a) {
i.direction.x && a.direction.x && (a.ignore = !0), i.direction.y && a.direction.y && (a.ignore = !0), i.direction.z && a.direction.z && (a.ignore = !0);
var o = e._closestFace(e._tmpVector);
e._faceVectors.forEach(function(a) {
a.ignore = !1;
}), e.ui.position.copyFrom(t.position), i.direction.x && (i.rotatedDirection.scaleToRef(t.scaling.x / 2 + e.distanceAwayFromFace, e._tmpVector), e.ui.position.addInPlace(e._tmpVector)), i.direction.y && (i.rotatedDirection.scaleToRef(t.scaling.y / 2 + e.distanceAwayFromFace, e._tmpVector), e.ui.position.addInPlace(e._tmpVector)), i.direction.z && (i.rotatedDirection.scaleToRef(t.scaling.z / 2 + e.distanceAwayFromFace, e._tmpVector), e.ui.position.addInPlace(e._tmpVector)), e.ui.rotationQuaternion || (e.ui.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(e.ui.rotation.y, e.ui.rotation.x, e.ui.rotation.z)), i.rotatedDirection.scaleToRef(-1, e._tmpVector), e._lookAtToRef(e._tmpVector, o.rotatedDirection, e.ui.rotationQuaternion), o.direction.x && e.ui.up.scaleToRef(e.distanceAwayFromBottomOfFace - t.scaling.x / 2, e._tmpVector), o.direction.y && e.ui.up.scaleToRef(e.distanceAwayFromBottomOfFace - t.scaling.y / 2, e._tmpVector), o.direction.z && e.ui.up.scaleToRef(e.distanceAwayFromBottomOfFace - t.scaling.z / 2, e._tmpVector), e.ui.position.addInPlace(e._tmpVector);
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
}, r;
}(), hf = function() {
function r() {
var t = this;
this.delay = 0, this.fadeInTime = 300, this._millisecondsPerFrame = 1e3 / 60, this._hovered = !1, this._hoverValue = 0, this._ownerNode = null, this._update = function() {
if (t._ownerNode) {
if (t._hoverValue += t._hovered ? t._millisecondsPerFrame : -t._millisecondsPerFrame, t._setAllVisibility(t._ownerNode, (t._hoverValue - t.delay) / t.fadeInTime), t._ownerNode.visibility > 1)
return t._setAllVisibility(t._ownerNode, 1), void (t._hoverValue = t.fadeInTime + t.delay);
if (t._ownerNode.visibility < 0 && (t._setAllVisibility(t._ownerNode, 0), t._hoverValue < 0))
return void (t._hoverValue = 0);
setTimeout(t._update, t._millisecondsPerFrame);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "FadeInOut";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
this._ownerNode = t, this._setAllVisibility(this._ownerNode, 0);
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
this._ownerNode = null;
}, r.prototype.fadeIn = function(t) {
this._hovered = t, this._update();
}, r.prototype._setAllVisibility = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
t.visibility = e, t.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(i) {
n._setAllVisibility(i, e);
}, r;
}(), fi = f(65), df = function() {
function r() {
this._startDistance = 0, this._initialScale = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._targetScale = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._sceneRenderObserver = null, this._dragBehaviorA = new fi.a({}), this._dragBehaviorA.moveAttached = !1, this._dragBehaviorB = new fi.a({}), this._dragBehaviorB.moveAttached = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "MultiPointerScale";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, r.prototype._getCurrentDistance = function() {
return this._dragBehaviorA.lastDragPosition.subtract(this._dragBehaviorB.lastDragPosition).length();
}, r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._ownerNode = t, this._dragBehaviorA.onDragStartObservable.add(function(n) {
e._dragBehaviorA.dragging && e._dragBehaviorB.dragging && (e._dragBehaviorA.currentDraggingPointerID == e._dragBehaviorB.currentDraggingPointerID ? e._dragBehaviorA.releaseDrag() : (e._initialScale.copyFrom(t.scaling), e._startDistance = e._getCurrentDistance()));
}), this._dragBehaviorB.onDragStartObservable.add(function(n) {
e._dragBehaviorA.dragging && e._dragBehaviorB.dragging && (e._dragBehaviorA.currentDraggingPointerID == e._dragBehaviorB.currentDraggingPointerID ? e._dragBehaviorB.releaseDrag() : (e._initialScale.copyFrom(t.scaling), e._startDistance = e._getCurrentDistance()));
}), [this._dragBehaviorA, this._dragBehaviorB].forEach(function(n) {
n.onDragObservable.add(function() {
if (e._dragBehaviorA.dragging && e._dragBehaviorB.dragging) {
var i = e._getCurrentDistance() / e._startDistance;
e._initialScale.scaleToRef(i, e._targetScale);
}), t.addBehavior(this._dragBehaviorA), t.addBehavior(this._dragBehaviorB), this._sceneRenderObserver = t.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
if (e._dragBehaviorA.dragging && e._dragBehaviorB.dragging) {
var n = e._targetScale.subtract(t.scaling).scaleInPlace(0.1);
n.length() > 0.01 && t.scaling.addInPlace(n);
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
var t = this;
this._ownerNode.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._sceneRenderObserver), [this._dragBehaviorA, this._dragBehaviorB].forEach(function(e) {
e.onDragStartObservable.clear(), e.onDragObservable.clear(), t._ownerNode.removeBehavior(e);
}, r;
}(), Mt = f(31), _t = f(24), Un = f(60), Jc = function() {
function r() {
this._sceneRenderObserver = null, this._targetPosition = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._moving = !1, this._startingOrientation = new u.b(), this._attachedToElement = !1, this.zDragFactor = 3, this.rotateDraggedObject = !0, this.dragging = !1, this.dragDeltaRatio = 0.2, this.currentDraggingPointerID = -1, this.detachCameraControls = !0, this.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), this.onDragObservable = new C.c(), this.onDragEndObservable = new C.c();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return "SixDofDrag";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.init = function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "_pointerCamera", { get: function() {
return this._scene.cameraToUseForPointers ? this._scene.cameraToUseForPointers : this._scene.activeCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._ownerNode = t, this._scene = this._ownerNode.getScene(), r._virtualScene || (r._virtualScene = new _e.a(this._scene.getEngine(), { virtual: !0 }), r._virtualScene.detachControl(), this._scene.getEngine().scenes.pop());
var n = null, i = new u.e(0, 0, 0);
this._virtualOriginMesh = new Mt.a("", r._virtualScene), this._virtualOriginMesh.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), this._virtualDragMesh = new Mt.a("", r._virtualScene), this._virtualDragMesh.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), this._pointerObserver = this._scene.onPointerObservable.add(function(a, s) {
if (a.type == yt.a.POINTERDOWN) {
if (!e.dragging && a.pickInfo && a.pickInfo.hit && a.pickInfo.pickedMesh && a.pickInfo.ray && (R = a.pickInfo.pickedMesh, e._ownerNode == R || R.isDescendantOf(e._ownerNode))) {
e._pointerCamera && e._pointerCamera.cameraRigMode == _t.a.RIG_MODE_NONE && a.pickInfo.ray.origin.copyFrom(e._pointerCamera.globalPosition), n = e._ownerNode, Un.a._RemoveAndStorePivotPoint(n), i.copyFrom(a.pickInfo.ray.origin), e._virtualOriginMesh.position.copyFrom(a.pickInfo.ray.origin), e._virtualOriginMesh.lookAt(a.pickInfo.ray.origin.add(a.pickInfo.ray.direction)), e._virtualOriginMesh.removeChild(e._virtualDragMesh), n.computeWorldMatrix(), e._virtualDragMesh.position.copyFrom(n.absolutePosition), n.rotationQuaternion || (n.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(n.rotation.y, n.rotation.x, n.rotation.z));
var d = n.parent;
n.setParent(null), e._virtualDragMesh.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(n.rotationQuaternion), n.setParent(d), e._virtualOriginMesh.addChild(e._virtualDragMesh), e._targetPosition.copyFrom(e._virtualDragMesh.absolutePosition), e.dragging = !0, e.currentDraggingPointerID = a.event.pointerId, e.detachCameraControls && e._pointerCamera && !e._pointerCamera.leftCamera && (e._pointerCamera.inputs.attachedToElement ? (e._pointerCamera.detachControl(), e._attachedToElement = !0) : e._attachedToElement = !1), Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(n), e.onDragStartObservable.notifyObservers({});
} else if (a.type == yt.a.POINTERUP || a.type == yt.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP)
e.currentDraggingPointerID == a.event.pointerId && (e.dragging = !1, e._moving = !1, e.currentDraggingPointerID = -1, n = null, e._virtualOriginMesh.removeChild(e._virtualDragMesh), e.detachCameraControls && e._attachedToElement && e._pointerCamera && !e._pointerCamera.leftCamera && (e._pointerCamera.attachControl(!0), e._attachedToElement = !1), e.onDragEndObservable.notifyObservers({}));
else if (a.type == yt.a.POINTERMOVE && e.currentDraggingPointerID == a.event.pointerId && e.dragging && a.pickInfo && a.pickInfo.ray && n) {
var p = e.zDragFactor;
e._pointerCamera && e._pointerCamera.cameraRigMode == _t.a.RIG_MODE_NONE && (a.pickInfo.ray.origin.copyFrom(e._pointerCamera.globalPosition), p = 0);
var y = a.pickInfo.ray.origin.subtract(i);
var P = -u.e.Dot(y, a.pickInfo.ray.direction);
e._virtualOriginMesh.addChild(e._virtualDragMesh), e._virtualDragMesh.position.z -= e._virtualDragMesh.position.z < 1 ? P * e.zDragFactor : P * p * e._virtualDragMesh.position.z, e._virtualDragMesh.position.z < 0 && (e._virtualDragMesh.position.z = 0), e._virtualOriginMesh.position.copyFrom(a.pickInfo.ray.origin), e._virtualOriginMesh.lookAt(a.pickInfo.ray.origin.add(a.pickInfo.ray.direction)), e._virtualOriginMesh.removeChild(e._virtualDragMesh), e._targetPosition.copyFrom(e._virtualDragMesh.absolutePosition), n.parent && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e._targetPosition, u.a.Invert(n.parent.getWorldMatrix()), e._targetPosition), e._moving || e._startingOrientation.copyFrom(e._virtualDragMesh.rotationQuaternion), e._moving = !0;
var R;
var o = new u.b();
this._sceneRenderObserver = t.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
if (e.dragging && e._moving && n) {
if (Un.a._RemoveAndStorePivotPoint(n), n.position.addInPlace(e._targetPosition.subtract(n.position).scale(e.dragDeltaRatio)), e.rotateDraggedObject) {
o.copyFrom(e._startingOrientation), o.x = -o.x, o.y = -o.y, o.z = -o.z, e._virtualDragMesh.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(o, o), u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(o.toEulerAngles("xyz").y, 0, 0, o), o.multiplyToRef(e._startingOrientation, o);
var a = n.parent;
(!a || a.scaling && !a.scaling.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon(1e-3)) && (n.setParent(null), u.b.SlerpToRef(n.rotationQuaternion, o, e.dragDeltaRatio, n.rotationQuaternion), n.setParent(a));
Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(n), e.onDragObservable.notifyObservers();
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
this._scene && (this.detachCameraControls && this._attachedToElement && this._pointerCamera && !this._pointerCamera.leftCamera && (this._pointerCamera.attachControl(!0), this._attachedToElement = !1), this._scene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver)), this._ownerNode && this._ownerNode.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._sceneRenderObserver), this._virtualOriginMesh && this._virtualOriginMesh.dispose(), this._virtualDragMesh && this._virtualDragMesh.dispose(), this.onDragEndObservable.clear(), this.onDragObservable.clear(), this.onDragStartObservable.clear();
}, r;
}(), ff = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
if (this.targetPosition = u.e.Zero(), this.poleTargetPosition = u.e.Zero(), this.poleTargetLocalOffset = u.e.Zero(), this.poleAngle = 0, this.slerpAmount = 1, this._bone1Quat = u.b.Identity(), this._bone1Mat = u.a.Identity(), this._bone2Ang = Math.PI, this._maxAngle = Math.PI, this._rightHandedSystem = !1, this._bendAxis = u.e.Right(), this._slerping = !1, this._adjustRoll = 0, this._bone2 = e, this._bone1 = e.getParent(), this._bone1) {
this.mesh = t;
var i = e.getPosition();
if (e.getAbsoluteTransform().determinant() > 0 && (this._rightHandedSystem = !0, this._bendAxis.x = 0, this._bendAxis.y = 0, this._bendAxis.z = -1, i.x > i.y && i.x > i.z && (this._adjustRoll = 0.5 * Math.PI, this._bendAxis.z = 1)), this._bone1.length) {
var o = this._bone1.getScale(), a = this._bone2.getScale();
this._bone1Length = this._bone1.length * o.y * this.mesh.scaling.y, this._bone2Length = this._bone2.length * a.y * this.mesh.scaling.y;
} else if (this._bone1.children[0]) {
var s = this._bone2.children[0].getAbsolutePosition(t), d = this._bone2.getAbsolutePosition(t), p = this._bone1.getAbsolutePosition(t);
this._bone1Length = u.e.Distance(s, d), this._bone2Length = u.e.Distance(d, p);
this._bone1.getRotationMatrixToRef(be.c.WORLD, t, this._bone1Mat), this.maxAngle = Math.PI, n && (n.targetMesh && (this.targetMesh = n.targetMesh, this.targetMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0)), n.poleTargetMesh ? (this.poleTargetMesh = n.poleTargetMesh, this.poleTargetMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0)) : n.poleTargetBone ? this.poleTargetBone = n.poleTargetBone : this._bone1.getParent() && (this.poleTargetBone = this._bone1.getParent()), n.poleTargetLocalOffset && this.poleTargetLocalOffset.copyFrom(n.poleTargetLocalOffset), n.poleAngle && (this.poleAngle = n.poleAngle), n.bendAxis && this._bendAxis.copyFrom(n.bendAxis), n.maxAngle && (this.maxAngle = n.maxAngle), n.slerpAmount && (this.slerpAmount = n.slerpAmount));
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "maxAngle", { get: function() {
return this._maxAngle;
}, set: function(t) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._setMaxAngle = function(t) {
t < 0 && (t = 0), (t > Math.PI || t == null) && (t = Math.PI), this._maxAngle = t;
var e = this._bone1Length, n = this._bone2Length;
this._maxReach = Math.sqrt(e * e + n * n - 2 * e * n * Math.cos(t));
}, r.prototype.update = function() {
var t = this._bone1;
if (t) {
var e = this.targetPosition, n = this.poleTargetPosition, i = r._tmpMats[0], o = r._tmpMats[1];
this.targetMesh && e.copyFrom(this.targetMesh.getAbsolutePosition()), this.poleTargetBone ? this.poleTargetBone.getAbsolutePositionFromLocalToRef(this.poleTargetLocalOffset, this.mesh, n) : this.poleTargetMesh && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this.poleTargetLocalOffset, this.poleTargetMesh.getWorldMatrix(), n);
var a = r._tmpVecs[0], s = r._tmpVecs[1], d = r._tmpVecs[2], p = r._tmpVecs[3], y = r._tmpVecs[4], P = r._tmpQuat;
t.getAbsolutePositionToRef(this.mesh, a), n.subtractToRef(a, y), y.x == 0 && y.y == 0 && y.z == 0 ? y.y = 1 : y.normalize(), e.subtractToRef(a, p), p.normalize(), u.e.CrossToRef(p, y, s), s.normalize(), u.e.CrossToRef(p, s, d), d.normalize(), u.a.FromXYZAxesToRef(d, p, s, i);
var R = this._bone1Length, B = this._bone2Length, F = u.e.Distance(a, e);
this._maxReach > 0 && (F = Math.min(this._maxReach, F));
var z = (B * B + F * F - R * R) / (2 * B * F), J = (F * F + R * R - B * B) / (2 * F * R);
z > 1 && (z = 1), J > 1 && (J = 1), z < -1 && (z = -1), J < -1 && (J = -1);
var ie = Math.acos(z), se = Math.acos(J), ce = -ie - se;
if (this._rightHandedSystem)
u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(0, 0, this._adjustRoll, o), o.multiplyToRef(i, i), u.a.RotationAxisToRef(this._bendAxis, se, o), o.multiplyToRef(i, i);
else {
var ue = r._tmpVecs[5];
ue.copyFrom(this._bendAxis), ue.x *= -1, u.a.RotationAxisToRef(ue, -se, o), o.multiplyToRef(i, i);
this.poleAngle && (u.a.RotationAxisToRef(p, this.poleAngle, o), i.multiplyToRef(o, i)), this._bone1 && (this.slerpAmount < 1 ? (this._slerping || u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(this._bone1Mat, this._bone1Quat), u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(i, P), u.b.SlerpToRef(this._bone1Quat, P, this.slerpAmount, this._bone1Quat), ce = this._bone2Ang * (1 - this.slerpAmount) + ce * this.slerpAmount, this._bone1.setRotationQuaternion(this._bone1Quat, be.c.WORLD, this.mesh), this._slerping = !0) : (this._bone1.setRotationMatrix(i, be.c.WORLD, this.mesh), this._bone1Mat.copyFrom(i), this._slerping = !1)), this._bone2.setAxisAngle(this._bendAxis, ce, be.c.LOCAL), this._bone2Ang = ce;
}, r._tmpVecs = [u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero()], r._tmpQuat = u.b.Identity(), r._tmpMats = [u.a.Identity(), u.a.Identity()], r;
}(), pf = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
if (this.upAxis = u.e.Up(), this.upAxisSpace = be.c.LOCAL, this.adjustYaw = 0, this.adjustPitch = 0, this.adjustRoll = 0, this.slerpAmount = 1, this._boneQuat = u.b.Identity(), this._slerping = !1, this._firstFrameSkipped = !1, this._fowardAxis = u.e.Forward(), this.mesh = t, this.bone = e, = n, i && (i.adjustYaw && (this.adjustYaw = i.adjustYaw), i.adjustPitch && (this.adjustPitch = i.adjustPitch), i.adjustRoll && (this.adjustRoll = i.adjustRoll), i.maxYaw != null ? this.maxYaw = i.maxYaw : this.maxYaw = Math.PI, i.minYaw != null ? this.minYaw = i.minYaw : this.minYaw = -Math.PI, i.maxPitch != null ? this.maxPitch = i.maxPitch : this.maxPitch = Math.PI, i.minPitch != null ? this.minPitch = i.minPitch : this.minPitch = -Math.PI, i.slerpAmount != null && (this.slerpAmount = i.slerpAmount), i.upAxis != null && (this.upAxis = i.upAxis), i.upAxisSpace != null && (this.upAxisSpace = i.upAxisSpace), i.yawAxis != null || i.pitchAxis != null)) {
var o = be.a.Y, a = be.a.X;
i.yawAxis != null && (o = i.yawAxis.clone()).normalize(), i.pitchAxis != null && (a = i.pitchAxis.clone()).normalize();
var s = u.e.Cross(a, o);
this._transformYawPitch = u.a.Identity(), u.a.FromXYZAxesToRef(a, o, s, this._transformYawPitch), this._transformYawPitchInv = this._transformYawPitch.clone(), this._transformYawPitch.invert();
e.getParent() || this.upAxisSpace != be.c.BONE || (this.upAxisSpace = be.c.LOCAL);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "minYaw", { get: function() {
return this._minYaw;
}, set: function(t) {
this._minYaw = t, this._minYawSin = Math.sin(t), this._minYawCos = Math.cos(t), this._maxYaw != null && (this._midYawConstraint = 0.5 * this._getAngleDiff(this._minYaw, this._maxYaw) + this._minYaw, this._yawRange = this._maxYaw - this._minYaw);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "maxYaw", { get: function() {
return this._maxYaw;
}, set: function(t) {
this._maxYaw = t, this._maxYawSin = Math.sin(t), this._maxYawCos = Math.cos(t), this._minYaw != null && (this._midYawConstraint = 0.5 * this._getAngleDiff(this._minYaw, this._maxYaw) + this._minYaw, this._yawRange = this._maxYaw - this._minYaw);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "minPitch", { get: function() {
return this._minPitch;
}, set: function(t) {
this._minPitch = t, this._minPitchTan = Math.tan(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "maxPitch", { get: function() {
return this._maxPitch;
}, set: function(t) {
this._maxPitch = t, this._maxPitchTan = Math.tan(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.update = function() {
if (this.slerpAmount < 1 && !this._firstFrameSkipped)
this._firstFrameSkipped = !0;
else {
var t = this.bone, e = r._tmpVecs[0];
t.getAbsolutePositionToRef(this.mesh, e);
var n =, i = r._tmpMats[0], o = r._tmpMats[1], a = this.mesh, s = t.getParent(), d = r._tmpVecs[1];
d.copyFrom(this.upAxis), this.upAxisSpace == be.c.BONE && s ? (this._transformYawPitch && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(d, this._transformYawPitchInv, d), s.getDirectionToRef(d, this.mesh, d)) : this.upAxisSpace == be.c.LOCAL && (a.getDirectionToRef(d, d), a.scaling.x == 1 && a.scaling.y == 1 && a.scaling.z == 1 || d.normalize());
var p = !1, y = !1;
if (this._maxYaw == Math.PI && this._minYaw == -Math.PI || (p = !0), this._maxPitch == Math.PI && this._minPitch == -Math.PI || (y = !0), p || y) {
var P = r._tmpMats[2], R = r._tmpMats[3];
if (this.upAxisSpace == be.c.BONE && d.y == 1 && s)
s.getRotationMatrixToRef(be.c.WORLD, this.mesh, P);
else if (this.upAxisSpace != be.c.LOCAL || d.y != 1 || s) {
(F = r._tmpVecs[2]).copyFrom(this._fowardAxis), this._transformYawPitch && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(F, this._transformYawPitchInv, F), s ? s.getDirectionToRef(F, this.mesh, F) : a.getDirectionToRef(F, F);
var B = u.e.Cross(d, F);
var F = u.e.Cross(B, d);
u.a.FromXYZAxesToRef(B, d, F, P);
} else
var z = null;
if (y) {
var J = r._tmpVecs[3];
n.subtractToRef(e, J), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(J, R, J), z = Math.sqrt(J.x * J.x + J.z * J.z);
var ie = Math.atan2(J.y, z), se = ie;
ie > this._maxPitch ? (J.y = this._maxPitchTan * z, se = this._maxPitch) : ie < this._minPitch && (J.y = this._minPitchTan * z, se = this._minPitch), ie != se && (u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(J, P, J), J.addInPlace(e), n = J);
if (p) {
J = r._tmpVecs[4], n.subtractToRef(e, J), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(J, R, J);
var ce = Math.atan2(J.x, J.z), ue = ce;
if ((ce > this._maxYaw || ce < this._minYaw) && (z == null && (z = Math.sqrt(J.x * J.x + J.z * J.z)), this._yawRange > Math.PI ? this._isAngleBetween(ce, this._maxYaw, this._midYawConstraint) ? (J.z = this._maxYawCos * z, J.x = this._maxYawSin * z, ue = this._maxYaw) : this._isAngleBetween(ce, this._midYawConstraint, this._minYaw) && (J.z = this._minYawCos * z, J.x = this._minYawSin * z, ue = this._minYaw) : ce > this._maxYaw ? (J.z = this._maxYawCos * z, J.x = this._maxYawSin * z, ue = this._maxYaw) : ce < this._minYaw && (J.z = this._minYawCos * z, J.x = this._minYawSin * z, ue = this._minYaw)), this._slerping && this._yawRange > Math.PI) {
var fe = r._tmpVecs[8];
fe.copyFrom(be.a.Z), this._transformYawPitch && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(fe, this._transformYawPitchInv, fe);
var ve = r._tmpMats[4];
this._boneQuat.toRotationMatrix(ve), this.mesh.getWorldMatrix().multiplyToRef(ve, ve), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(fe, ve, fe), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(fe, R, fe);
var Te = Math.atan2(fe.x, fe.z);
if (this._getAngleBetween(Te, ce) > this._getAngleBetween(Te, this._midYawConstraint)) {
z == null && (z = Math.sqrt(J.x * J.x + J.z * J.z));
var Re = this._getAngleBetween(Te, this._maxYaw);
this._getAngleBetween(Te, this._minYaw) < Re ? (ue = Te + 0.75 * Math.PI, J.z = Math.cos(ue) * z, J.x = Math.sin(ue) * z) : (ue = Te - 0.75 * Math.PI, J.z = Math.cos(ue) * z, J.x = Math.sin(ue) * z);
ce != ue && (u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(J, P, J), J.addInPlace(e), n = J);
var Ae = r._tmpVecs[5], Ee = r._tmpVecs[6], Se = r._tmpVecs[7], De = r._tmpQuat;
n.subtractToRef(e, Ae), Ae.normalize(), u.e.CrossToRef(d, Ae, Ee), Ee.normalize(), u.e.CrossToRef(Ae, Ee, Se), Se.normalize(), u.a.FromXYZAxesToRef(Ee, Se, Ae, i), Ee.x === 0 && Ee.y === 0 && Ee.z === 0 || Se.x === 0 && Se.y === 0 && Se.z === 0 || Ae.x === 0 && Ae.y === 0 && Ae.z === 0 || ((this.adjustYaw || this.adjustPitch || this.adjustRoll) && (u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.adjustYaw, this.adjustPitch, this.adjustRoll, o), o.multiplyToRef(i, i)), this.slerpAmount < 1 ? (this._slerping || this.bone.getRotationQuaternionToRef(be.c.WORLD, this.mesh, this._boneQuat), this._transformYawPitch && this._transformYawPitch.multiplyToRef(i, i), u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(i, De), u.b.SlerpToRef(this._boneQuat, De, this.slerpAmount, this._boneQuat), this.bone.setRotationQuaternion(this._boneQuat, be.c.WORLD, this.mesh), this._slerping = !0) : (this._transformYawPitch && this._transformYawPitch.multiplyToRef(i, i), this.bone.setRotationMatrix(i, be.c.WORLD, this.mesh), this._slerping = !1));
}, r.prototype._getAngleDiff = function(t, e) {
var n = e - t;
return (n %= 2 * Math.PI) > Math.PI ? n -= 2 * Math.PI : n < -Math.PI && (n += 2 * Math.PI), n;
}, r.prototype._getAngleBetween = function(t, e) {
var n = 0;
return (n = (t = (t %= 2 * Math.PI) < 0 ? t + 2 * Math.PI : t) < (e = (e %= 2 * Math.PI) < 0 ? e + 2 * Math.PI : e) ? e - t : t - e) > Math.PI && (n = 2 * Math.PI - n), n;
}, r.prototype._isAngleBetween = function(t, e, n) {
if (t = (t %= 2 * Math.PI) < 0 ? t + 2 * Math.PI : t, (e = (e %= 2 * Math.PI) < 0 ? e + 2 * Math.PI : e) < (n = (n %= 2 * Math.PI) < 0 ? n + 2 * Math.PI : n)) {
if (t > e && t < n)
return !0;
} else if (t > n && t < e)
return !0;
return !1;
}, r._tmpVecs = Pe.a.BuildArray(10, u.e.Zero), r._tmpQuat = u.b.Identity(), r._tmpMats = Pe.a.BuildArray(5, u.a.Identity), r;
}(), Ne = f(10), Pt = f(27), wt = f(26);
function $c(r, t, e, n) {
var i;
i = n === h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT ? new Float32Array(t * e * 4) : new Uint32Array(t * e * 4);
for (var o = 0; o < t; o++)
for (var a = 0; a < e; a++) {
var s = 3 * (a * t + o), d = 4 * (a * t + o);
i[d + 0] = r[s + 0], i[d + 1] = r[s + 1], i[d + 2] = r[s + 2], i[d + 3] = 1;
return i;
function el(r) {
return function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var P = r ? this._gl.TEXTURE_3D : this._gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, R = r ? Pt.b.Raw3D : Pt.b.Raw2DArray, B = new Pt.a(this, R);
B.baseWidth = e, B.baseHeight = n, B.baseDepth = i, B.width = e, B.height = n, B.depth = i, B.format = o, B.type = y, B.generateMipMaps = a, B.samplingMode = d, r ? B.is3D = !0 : B.is2DArray = !0, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (B._bufferView = t), r ? this.updateRawTexture3D(B, t, o, s, p, y) : this.updateRawTexture2DArray(B, t, o, s, p, y), this._bindTextureDirectly(P, B, !0);
var F = this._getSamplingParameters(d, a);
return this._gl.texParameteri(P, this._gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, F.mag), this._gl.texParameteri(P, this._gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, F.min), a && this._gl.generateMipmap(P), this._bindTextureDirectly(P, null), this._internalTexturesCache.push(B), B;
function tl(r) {
return function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var s = r ? this._gl.TEXTURE_3D : this._gl.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, d = this._getWebGLTextureType(a), p = this._getInternalFormat(n), y = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(a, n);
this._bindTextureDirectly(s, t, !0), this._unpackFlipY(i === void 0 || !!i), this._doNotHandleContextLost || (t._bufferView = e, t.format = n, t.invertY = i, t._compression = o), t.width % 4 != 0 && this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1), o && e ? this._gl.compressedTexImage3D(s, 0, this.getCaps().s3tc[o], t.width, t.height, t.depth, 0, e) : this._gl.texImage3D(s, 0, y, t.width, t.height, t.depth, 0, p, d, e), t.generateMipMaps && this._gl.generateMipmap(s), this._bindTextureDirectly(s, null), t.isReady = !0;
wt.a.prototype.updateRawTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o) {
if (i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), r) {
var a = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(o, e), s = this._getInternalFormat(e), d = this._getWebGLTextureType(o);
this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, r, !0), this._unpackFlipY(n === void 0 || !!n), this._doNotHandleContextLost || (r._bufferView = t, r.format = e, r.type = o, r.invertY = n, r._compression = i), r.width % 4 != 0 && this._gl.pixelStorei(this._gl.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1), i && t ? this._gl.compressedTexImage2D(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.getCaps().s3tc[i], r.width, r.height, 0, t) : this._gl.texImage2D(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, a, r.width, r.height, 0, s, d, t), r.generateMipMaps && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null), r.isReady = !0;
}, wt.a.prototype.createRawTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var p = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Raw);
p.baseWidth = t, p.baseHeight = e, p.width = t, p.height = e, p.format = n, p.generateMipMaps = i, p.samplingMode = a, p.invertY = o, p._compression = s, p.type = d, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (p._bufferView = r), this.updateRawTexture(p, r, n, o, s, d), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, p, !0);
var y = this._getSamplingParameters(a, i);
return this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, y.mag), this._gl.texParameteri(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, this._gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, y.min), i && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null), this._internalTexturesCache.push(p), p;
}, wt.a.prototype.createRawCubeTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
s === void 0 && (s = null);
var d = this._gl, p = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.CubeRaw);
p.isCube = !0, p.format = e, p.type = n, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (p._bufferViewArray = r);
var y = this._getWebGLTextureType(n), P = this._getInternalFormat(e);
P === d.RGB && (P = d.RGBA), y !== d.FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering ? y !== this._gl.HALF_FLOAT_OES || this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering ? y !== d.FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatRender ? y !== d.HALF_FLOAT || this._caps.colorBufferFloat || (i = !1, l.a.Warn("Render to half float textures is not supported. Mipmap generation forced to false.")) : (i = !1, l.a.Warn("Render to float textures is not supported. Mipmap generation forced to false.")) : (i = !1, a = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, l.a.Warn("Half float texture filtering is not supported. Mipmap generation and sampling mode are forced to false and TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, respectively.")) : (i = !1, a = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, l.a.Warn("Float texture filtering is not supported. Mipmap generation and sampling mode are forced to false and TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, respectively."));
var R = t, B = R;
p.width = R, p.height = B, !this.needPOTTextures || Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo(p.width) && Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo(p.height) || (i = !1), r && this.updateRawCubeTexture(p, r, e, n, o, s), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, p, !0), r && i && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP);
var F = this._getSamplingParameters(a, i);
return d.texParameteri(d.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, d.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, F.mag), d.texParameteri(d.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, d.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, F.min), d.texParameteri(d.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, d.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, d.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), d.texParameteri(d.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, d.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, d.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), this._bindTextureDirectly(d.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), p.generateMipMaps = i, p;
}, wt.a.prototype.updateRawCubeTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = 0), r._bufferViewArray = t, r.format = e, r.type = n, r.invertY = i, r._compression = o;
var s = this._gl, d = this._getWebGLTextureType(n), p = this._getInternalFormat(e), y = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(n), P = !1;
p === s.RGB && (p = s.RGBA, P = !0), this._bindTextureDirectly(s.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, r, !0), this._unpackFlipY(i === void 0 || !!i), r.width % 4 != 0 && s.pixelStorei(s.UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
for (var R = 0; R < 6; R++) {
var B = t[R];
o ? s.compressedTexImage2D(s.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + R, a, this.getCaps().s3tc[o], r.width, r.height, 0, B) : (P && (B = $c(B, r.width, r.height, n)), s.texImage2D(s.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + R, a, y, r.width, r.height, 0, p, d, B));
(!this.needPOTTextures || Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo(r.width) && Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo(r.height)) && r.generateMipMaps && a === 0 && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP), this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), r.isReady = !0;
}, wt.a.prototype.createRawCubeTextureFromUrl = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
var R = this;
d === void 0 && (d = null), p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), P === void 0 && (P = !1);
var B = this._gl, F = this.createRawCubeTexture(null, e, n, i, !o, P, y, null);
return t == null || t._addPendingData(F), F.url = r, this._internalTexturesCache.push(F), this._loadFile(r, function(z) {
(function(J) {
var ie = F.width, se = a(J);
if (se) {
if (s) {
var ce = R._getWebGLTextureType(i), ue = R._getInternalFormat(n), fe = R._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(i), ve = !1;
ue === B.RGB && (ue = B.RGBA, ve = !0), R._bindTextureDirectly(B.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, F, !0), R._unpackFlipY(!1);
for (var Te = s(se), Re = 0; Re < Te.length; Re++)
for (var Ae = ie >> Re, Ee = 0; Ee < 6; Ee++) {
var Se = Te[Re][Ee];
ve && (Se = $c(Se, Ae, Ae, i)), B.texImage2D(Ee, Re, fe, Ae, Ae, 0, ue, ce, Se);
R._bindTextureDirectly(B.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
} else
R.updateRawCubeTexture(F, se, n, i, P);
F.isReady = !0, t == null || t._removePendingData(F), d && d();
}, void 0, t == null ? void 0 : t.offlineProvider, !0, function(z, J) {
t == null || t._removePendingData(F), p && z && p(z.status + " " + z.statusText, J);
}), F;
}, wt.a.prototype.createRawTexture2DArray = el(!1), wt.a.prototype.createRawTexture3D = el(!0), wt.a.prototype.updateRawTexture2DArray = tl(!1), wt.a.prototype.updateRawTexture3D = tl(!0);
var Zn = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
s === void 0 && (s = !0), d === void 0 && (d = !1), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), y === void 0 && (y = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var P =, null, a, !s, d) || this;
return P.format = o, P._engine && (P._texture = P._engine.createRawTexture(e, n, i, o, s, d, p, null, y), P.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, P.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE), P;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.update = function(e) {
this._getEngine().updateRawTexture(this._texture, e, this._texture.format, this._texture.invertY, null, this._texture.type);
}, t.CreateLuminanceTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE, o, a, s, d);
}, t.CreateLuminanceAlphaTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE_ALPHA, o, a, s, d);
}, t.CreateAlphaTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_ALPHA, o, a, s, d);
}, t.CreateRGBTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, o, a, s, d, p);
}, t.CreateRGBATexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, o, a, s, d, p);
}, t.CreateRTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
return a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT), new t(e, n, i, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_R, o, a, s, d, p);
}, t;
}(Ne.a), Ao = function() {
function r(t, e, n) { = t, = e, this.bones = new Array(), this.needInitialSkinMatrix = !1, this.overrideMesh = null, this._isDirty = !0, this._meshesWithPoseMatrix = new Array(), this._identity = u.a.Identity(), this._ranges = {}, this._lastAbsoluteTransformsUpdateId = -1, this._canUseTextureForBones = !1, this._uniqueId = 0, this._numBonesWithLinkedTransformNode = 0, this._hasWaitingData = null, this._waitingOverrideMeshId = null, this.doNotSerialize = !1, this._useTextureToStoreBoneMatrices = !0, this._animationPropertiesOverride = null, this.onBeforeComputeObservable = new C.c(), this.bones = [], this._scene = n || te.a.LastCreatedScene, this._uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId(), this._scene.addSkeleton(this), this._isDirty = !0;
var i = this._scene.getEngine().getCaps();
this._canUseTextureForBones = i.textureFloat && i.maxVertexTextureImageUnits > 0;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useTextureToStoreBoneMatrices", { get: function() {
return this._useTextureToStoreBoneMatrices;
}, set: function(t) {
this._useTextureToStoreBoneMatrices = t, this._markAsDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "animationPropertiesOverride", { get: function() {
return this._animationPropertiesOverride ? this._animationPropertiesOverride : this._scene.animationPropertiesOverride;
}, set: function(t) {
this._animationPropertiesOverride = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isUsingTextureForMatrices", { get: function() {
return this.useTextureToStoreBoneMatrices && this._canUseTextureForBones;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "uniqueId", { get: function() {
return this._uniqueId;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Skeleton";
}, r.prototype.getChildren = function() {
return this.bones.filter(function(t) {
return !t.getParent();
}, r.prototype.getTransformMatrices = function(t) {
return this.needInitialSkinMatrix && t._bonesTransformMatrices ? t._bonesTransformMatrices : (this._transformMatrices || this.prepare(), this._transformMatrices);
}, r.prototype.getTransformMatrixTexture = function(t) {
return this.needInitialSkinMatrix && t._transformMatrixTexture ? t._transformMatrixTexture : this._transformMatrixTexture;
}, r.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, r.prototype.toString = function(t) {
var e = "Name: " + + ", nBones: " + this.bones.length;
if (e += ", nAnimationRanges: " + (this._ranges ? Object.keys(this._ranges).length : "none"), t) {
e += ", Ranges: {";
var n = !0;
for (var i in this._ranges)
n && (e += ", ", n = !1), e += i;
e += "}";
return e;
}, r.prototype.getBoneIndexByName = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = this.bones.length; e < n; e++)
if (this.bones[e].name === t)
return e;
return -1;
}, r.prototype.createAnimationRange = function(t, e, n) {
if (!this._ranges[t]) {
this._ranges[t] = new G(t, e, n);
for (var i = 0, o = this.bones.length; i < o; i++)
this.bones[i].animations[0] && this.bones[i].animations[0].createRange(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.deleteAnimationRange = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !0);
for (var n = 0, i = this.bones.length; n < i; n++)
this.bones[n].animations[0] && this.bones[n].animations[0].deleteRange(t, e);
this._ranges[t] = null;
}, r.prototype.getAnimationRange = function(t) {
return this._ranges[t] || null;
}, r.prototype.getAnimationRanges = function() {
var t, e = [];
for (t in this._ranges)
return e;
}, r.prototype.copyAnimationRange = function(t, e, n) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._ranges[e] || !t.getAnimationRange(e))
return !1;
var i, o, a = !0, s = this._getHighestAnimationFrame() + 1, d = {}, p = t.bones;
for (o = 0, i = p.length; o < i; o++)
d[p[o].name] = p[o];
this.bones.length !== p.length && (l.a.Warn("copyAnimationRange: this rig has " + this.bones.length + " bones, while source as " + p.length), a = !1);
var y = n && this.dimensionsAtRest && t.dimensionsAtRest ? this.dimensionsAtRest.divide(t.dimensionsAtRest) : null;
for (o = 0, i = this.bones.length; o < i; o++) {
var P = this.bones[o].name, R = d[P];
R ? a = a && this.bones[o].copyAnimationRange(R, e, s, n, y) : (l.a.Warn("copyAnimationRange: not same rig, missing source bone " + P), a = !1);
var B = t.getAnimationRange(e);
return B && (this._ranges[e] = new G(e, B.from + s, + s)), a;
}, r.prototype.returnToRest = function() {
for (var t = u.c.Vector3[0], e = u.c.Quaternion[0], n = u.c.Vector3[1], i = 0; i < this.bones.length; i++) {
var o = this.bones[i];
o._index !== -1 && (o.returnToRest(), o._linkedTransformNode && (o.getRestPose().decompose(t, e, n), o._linkedTransformNode.position = n.clone(), o._linkedTransformNode.rotationQuaternion = e.clone(), o._linkedTransformNode.scaling = t.clone()));
}, r.prototype._getHighestAnimationFrame = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0, n = this.bones.length; e < n; e++)
if (this.bones[e].animations[0]) {
var i = this.bones[e].animations[0].getHighestFrame();
t < i && (t = i);
return t;
}, r.prototype.beginAnimation = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this.getAnimationRange(t);
return o ? this._scene.beginAnimation(this, o.from,, e, n, i) : null;
}, r.MakeAnimationAdditive = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0);
var i = t.getAnimationRange(n);
if (!i)
return null;
for (var o = t._scene.getAllAnimatablesByTarget(t), a = null, s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
var d = o[s];
if (d.fromFrame === (i == null ? void 0 : i.from) && d.toFrame === (i == null ? void 0 : {
a = d;
var p = t.getAnimatables();
for (s = 0; s < p.length; s++) {
var y = p[s].animations;
if (y)
for (var P = 0; P < y.length; P++)
k.MakeAnimationAdditive(y[P], e, n);
return a && (a.isAdditive = !0), t;
}, r.prototype._markAsDirty = function() {
this._isDirty = !0;
}, r.prototype._registerMeshWithPoseMatrix = function(t) {
}, r.prototype._unregisterMeshWithPoseMatrix = function(t) {
var e = this._meshesWithPoseMatrix.indexOf(t);
e > -1 && this._meshesWithPoseMatrix.splice(e, 1);
}, r.prototype._computeTransformMatrices = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.bones.length; n++) {
var i = this.bones[n];
var o = i.getParent();
if (o ? i.getLocalMatrix().multiplyToRef(o.getWorldMatrix(), i.getWorldMatrix()) : e ? i.getLocalMatrix().multiplyToRef(e, i.getWorldMatrix()) : i.getWorldMatrix().copyFrom(i.getLocalMatrix()), i._index !== -1) {
var a = i._index === null ? n : i._index;
i.getInvertedAbsoluteTransform().multiplyToArray(i.getWorldMatrix(), t, 16 * a);
this._identity.copyToArray(t, 16 * this.bones.length);
}, r.prototype.prepare = function() {
if (this._numBonesWithLinkedTransformNode > 0)
for (var t = 0, e = this.bones; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
n._linkedTransformNode && (n._linkedTransformNode.computeWorldMatrix(), n._matrix = n._linkedTransformNode._localMatrix, n.markAsDirty());
if (this._isDirty) {
if (this.needInitialSkinMatrix)
for (var i = 0; i < this._meshesWithPoseMatrix.length; i++) {
var o = this._meshesWithPoseMatrix[i], a = o.getPoseMatrix();
if (o._bonesTransformMatrices && o._bonesTransformMatrices.length === 16 * (this.bones.length + 1) || (o._bonesTransformMatrices = new Float32Array(16 * (this.bones.length + 1))), this._synchronizedWithMesh !== o) {
this._synchronizedWithMesh = o;
for (var s = 0; s < this.bones.length; s++) {
var d = this.bones[s];
d.getParent() || (d.getBaseMatrix().multiplyToRef(a, u.c.Matrix[1]), d._updateDifferenceMatrix(u.c.Matrix[1]));
if (this.isUsingTextureForMatrices) {
var p = 4 * (this.bones.length + 1);
o._transformMatrixTexture && o._transformMatrixTexture.getSize().width === p || (o._transformMatrixTexture && o._transformMatrixTexture.dispose(), o._transformMatrixTexture = Zn.CreateRGBATexture(o._bonesTransformMatrices, 4 * (this.bones.length + 1), 1, this._scene, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT));
this._computeTransformMatrices(o._bonesTransformMatrices, a), this.isUsingTextureForMatrices && o._transformMatrixTexture && o._transformMatrixTexture.update(o._bonesTransformMatrices);
this._transformMatrices && this._transformMatrices.length === 16 * (this.bones.length + 1) || (this._transformMatrices = new Float32Array(16 * (this.bones.length + 1)), this.isUsingTextureForMatrices && (this._transformMatrixTexture && this._transformMatrixTexture.dispose(), this._transformMatrixTexture = Zn.CreateRGBATexture(this._transformMatrices, 4 * (this.bones.length + 1), 1, this._scene, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT))), this._computeTransformMatrices(this._transformMatrices, null), this.isUsingTextureForMatrices && this._transformMatrixTexture && this._transformMatrixTexture.update(this._transformMatrices);
this._isDirty = !1, this._scene._activeBones.addCount(this.bones.length, !1);
}, r.prototype.getAnimatables = function() {
if (!this._animatables || this._animatables.length !== this.bones.length) {
this._animatables = [];
for (var t = 0; t < this.bones.length; t++)
return this._animatables;
}, r.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
var n = new r(t, e || t, this._scene);
n.needInitialSkinMatrix = this.needInitialSkinMatrix, n.overrideMesh = this.overrideMesh;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bones.length; i++) {
var o = this.bones[i], a = null, s = o.getParent();
if (s) {
var d = this.bones.indexOf(s);
a = n.bones[d];
var p = new Fe(, n, a, o.getBaseMatrix().clone(), o.getRestPose().clone());
p._index = o._index, o._linkedTransformNode && p.linkTransformNode(o._linkedTransformNode), de.a.DeepCopy(o.animations, p.animations);
if (this._ranges)
for (var y in n._ranges = {}, this._ranges) {
var P = this._ranges[y];
P && (n._ranges[y] = P.clone());
return this._isDirty = !0, n;
}, r.prototype.enableBlending = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 0.01), this.bones.forEach(function(e) {
e.animations.forEach(function(n) {
n.enableBlending = !0, n.blendingSpeed = t;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._meshesWithPoseMatrix = [], this.getScene().stopAnimation(this), this.getScene().removeSkeleton(this), this._transformMatrixTexture && (this._transformMatrixTexture.dispose(), this._transformMatrixTexture = null);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t, e, n = {}; =, =, this.dimensionsAtRest && (n.dimensionsAtRest = this.dimensionsAtRest.asArray()), n.bones = [], n.needInitialSkinMatrix = this.needInitialSkinMatrix, n.overrideMeshId = (t = this.overrideMesh) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 :;
for (var i = 0; i < this.bones.length; i++) {
var o = this.bones[i], a = o.getParent(), s = { parentBoneIndex: a ? this.bones.indexOf(a) : -1, index: o.getIndex(), name:, matrix: o.getBaseMatrix().toArray(), rest: o.getRestPose().toArray(), linkedTransformNodeId: (e = o.getTransformNode()) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : };
for (var d in n.bones.push(s), o.length && (s.length = o.length), o.metadata && (s.metadata = o.metadata), o.animations && o.animations.length > 0 && (s.animation = o.animations[0].serialize()), n.ranges = [], this._ranges) {
var p = this._ranges[d];
if (p) {
var y = {}; = d, y.from = p.from, =, n.ranges.push(y);
return n;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e) {
var n, i = new r(,, e);
for (t.dimensionsAtRest && (i.dimensionsAtRest = u.e.FromArray(t.dimensionsAtRest)), i.needInitialSkinMatrix = t.needInitialSkinMatrix, t.overrideMeshId && (i._hasWaitingData = !0, i._waitingOverrideMeshId = t.overrideMeshId), n = 0; n < t.bones.length; n++) {
var o = t.bones[n], a = t.bones[n].index, s = null;
o.parentBoneIndex > -1 && (s = i.bones[o.parentBoneIndex]);
var d = ? u.a.FromArray( : null, p = new Fe(, i, s, u.a.FromArray(o.matrix), d, null, a); !== void 0 && !== null && ( =, o.length && (p.length = o.length), o.metadata && (p.metadata = o.metadata), o.animation && p.animations.push(k.Parse(o.animation)), o.linkedTransformNodeId !== void 0 && o.linkedTransformNodeId !== null && (i._hasWaitingData = !0, p._waitingTransformNodeId = o.linkedTransformNodeId);
if (t.ranges)
for (n = 0; n < t.ranges.length; n++) {
var y = t.ranges[n];
i.createAnimationRange(, y.from,;
return i;
}, r.prototype.computeAbsoluteTransforms = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1);
var e = this._scene.getRenderId();
(this._lastAbsoluteTransformsUpdateId != e || t) && (this.bones[0].computeAbsoluteTransforms(), this._lastAbsoluteTransformsUpdateId = e);
}, r.prototype.getPoseMatrix = function() {
var t = null;
return this._meshesWithPoseMatrix.length > 0 && (t = this._meshesWithPoseMatrix[0].getPoseMatrix()), t;
}, r.prototype.sortBones = function() {
for (var t = new Array(), e = new Array(this.bones.length), n = 0; n < this.bones.length; n++)
this._sortBones(n, t, e);
this.bones = t;
}, r.prototype._sortBones = function(t, e, n) {
if (!n[t]) {
n[t] = !0;
var i = this.bones[t];
i._index === void 0 && (i._index = t);
var o = i.getParent();
o && this._sortBones(this.bones.indexOf(o), e, n), e.push(i);
}, r.prototype.setCurrentPoseAsRest = function() {
this.bones.forEach(function(t) {
}, r;
}(), un = {}, zr = function() {
function r(t) {
this.attachedToElement = !1, this.attached = {}, = t, this.checkInputs = function() {
return r.prototype.add = function(t) {
var e = t.getSimpleName();
this.attached[e] ? l.a.Warn("camera input of type " + e + " already exists on camera") : (this.attached[e] = t, =, t.checkInputs && (this.checkInputs = this._addCheckInputs(t.checkInputs.bind(t))), this.attachedToElement && t.attachControl());
}, r.prototype.remove = function(t) {
for (var e in this.attached) {
var n = this.attached[e];
n === t && (n.detachControl(), = null, delete this.attached[e], this.rebuildInputCheck());
}, r.prototype.removeByType = function(t) {
for (var e in this.attached) {
var n = this.attached[e];
n.getClassName() === t && (n.detachControl(), = null, delete this.attached[e], this.rebuildInputCheck());
}, r.prototype._addCheckInputs = function(t) {
var e = this.checkInputs;
return function() {
e(), t();
}, r.prototype.attachInput = function(t) {
this.attachedToElement && t.attachControl(this.noPreventDefault);
}, r.prototype.attachElement = function(t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), !this.attachedToElement)
for (var e in t = !_t.a.ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault && t, this.attachedToElement = !0, this.noPreventDefault = t, this.attached)
}, r.prototype.detachElement = function(t) {
for (var e in t === void 0 && (t = !1), this.attached)
this.attached[e].detachControl(), t && (this.attached[e].camera = null);
this.attachedToElement = !1;
}, r.prototype.rebuildInputCheck = function() {
for (var t in this.checkInputs = function() {
}, this.attached) {
var e = this.attached[t];
e.checkInputs && (this.checkInputs = this._addCheckInputs(e.checkInputs.bind(e)));
}, r.prototype.clear = function() {
this.attachedToElement && this.detachElement(!0), this.attached = {}, this.attachedToElement = !1, this.checkInputs = function() {
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
var e = {};
for (var n in this.attached) {
var i = this.attached[n], o = L.a.Serialize(i);
e[i.getClassName()] = o;
t.inputsmgr = e;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
var e = t.inputsmgr;
if (e) {
for (var n in this.clear(), e)
if (a = un[n]) {
var i = e[n], o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new a();
}, i, null);
} else
for (var n in this.attached) {
var a;
(a = un[this.attached[n].getClassName()]) && (o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new a();
}, t, null), this.remove(this.attached[n]), this.add(o));
}, r;
}(), _f = function(r, t) {
this.x = r, this.y = t;
}, hn = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
i === void 0 && (i = 0), o === void 0 && (o = 1), a === void 0 && (a = 2), s === void 0 && (s = 3), = t, this.index = e, this.browserGamepad = n, this._leftStick = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this._rightStick = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this._isConnected = !0, this._invertLeftStickY = !1, this.type = r.GAMEPAD, this._leftStickAxisX = i, this._leftStickAxisY = o, this._rightStickAxisX = a, this._rightStickAxisY = s, this.browserGamepad.axes.length >= 2 && (this._leftStick = { x: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._leftStickAxisX], y: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._leftStickAxisY] }), this.browserGamepad.axes.length >= 4 && (this._rightStick = { x: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._rightStickAxisX], y: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._rightStickAxisY] });
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isConnected", { get: function() {
return this._isConnected;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.onleftstickchanged = function(t) {
this._onleftstickchanged = t;
}, r.prototype.onrightstickchanged = function(t) {
this._onrightstickchanged = t;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "leftStick", { get: function() {
return this._leftStick;
}, set: function(t) {
!this._onleftstickchanged || this._leftStick.x === t.x && this._leftStick.y === t.y || this._onleftstickchanged(t), this._leftStick = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rightStick", { get: function() {
return this._rightStick;
}, set: function(t) {
!this._onrightstickchanged || this._rightStick.x === t.x && this._rightStick.y === t.y || this._onrightstickchanged(t), this._rightStick = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.update = function() {
this._leftStick && (this.leftStick = { x: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._leftStickAxisX], y: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._leftStickAxisY] }, this._invertLeftStickY && (this.leftStick.y *= -1)), this._rightStick && (this.rightStick = { x: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._rightStickAxisX], y: this.browserGamepad.axes[this._rightStickAxisY] });
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.GAMEPAD = 0, r.GENERIC = 1, r.XBOX = 2, r.POSE_ENABLED = 3, r.DUALSHOCK = 4, r;
}(), nl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n, i) || this;
return o.onButtonDownObservable = new C.c(), o.onButtonUpObservable = new C.c(), o.type = hn.GENERIC, o._buttons = new Array(i.buttons.length), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.onbuttondown = function(e) {
this._onbuttondown = e;
}, t.prototype.onbuttonup = function(e) {
this._onbuttonup = e;
}, t.prototype._setButtonValue = function(e, n, i) {
return e !== n && (e === 1 && (this._onbuttondown && this._onbuttondown(i), this.onButtonDownObservable.notifyObservers(i)), e === 0 && (this._onbuttonup && this._onbuttonup(i), this.onButtonUpObservable.notifyObservers(i))), e;
}, t.prototype.update = function() {;
for (var e = 0; e < this._buttons.length; e++)
this._buttons[e] = this._setButtonValue(this.browserGamepad.buttons[e].value, this._buttons[e], e);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onButtonDownObservable.clear(), this.onButtonUpObservable.clear();
}, t;
}(hn), Da = function() {
function r() {
this.gamepadRotationSensibility = 80, this.gamepadMoveSensibility = 40, this._yAxisScale = 1;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "invertYAxis", { get: function() {
return this._yAxisScale !== 1;
}, set: function(t) {
this._yAxisScale = t ? -1 : 1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attachControl = function() {
var t = this, e =;
this._onGamepadConnectedObserver = e.onGamepadConnectedObservable.add(function(n) {
n.type !== hn.POSE_ENABLED && (t.gamepad && n.type !== hn.XBOX || (t.gamepad = n));
}), this._onGamepadDisconnectedObserver = e.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.add(function(n) {
t.gamepad === n && (t.gamepad = null);
}), this.gamepad = e.getGamepadByType(hn.XBOX);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {,, this.gamepad = null;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this.gamepad) {
var t =, e = this.gamepad.rightStick;
if (e) {
if (e.x != 0) {
var n = e.x / this.gamepadRotationSensibility;
n != 0 && Math.abs(n) > 5e-3 && (t.inertialAlphaOffset += n);
if (e.y != 0) {
var i = e.y / this.gamepadRotationSensibility * this._yAxisScale;
i != 0 && Math.abs(i) > 5e-3 && (t.inertialBetaOffset += i);
var o = this.gamepad.leftStick;
if (o && o.y != 0) {
var a = o.y / this.gamepadMoveSensibility;
a != 0 && Math.abs(a) > 5e-3 && ( -= a);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "gamepad";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "gamepadRotationSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "gamepadMoveSensibility", void 0), r;
un.ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput = Da;
var ji = f(66), La = function() {
function r() {
this.keysUp = [38], this.keysDown = [40], this.keysLeft = [37], this.keysRight = [39], this.keysReset = [220], this.panningSensibility = 50, this.zoomingSensibility = 25, this.useAltToZoom = !0, this.angularSpeed = 0.01, this._keys = new Array();
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._onCanvasBlurObserver || (this._scene =, this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._onCanvasBlurObserver = this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.add(function() {
e._keys = [];
}), this._onKeyboardObserver = this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.add(function(n) {
var i, o = n.event;
o.metaKey || (n.type === ji.a.KEYDOWN ? (e._ctrlPressed = o.ctrlKey, e._altPressed = o.altKey, (e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysReset.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1) && ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) === -1 && e._keys.push(o.keyCode), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault()))) : e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysReset.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) >= 0 && e._keys.splice(i, 1), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault())));
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._scene && (this._onKeyboardObserver && this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.remove(this._onKeyboardObserver), this._onCanvasBlurObserver && this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.remove(this._onCanvasBlurObserver), this._onKeyboardObserver = null, this._onCanvasBlurObserver = null), this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._onKeyboardObserver)
for (var t =, e = 0; e < this._keys.length; e++) {
var n = this._keys[e];
this.keysLeft.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? this._ctrlPressed && ? t.inertialPanningX -= 1 / this.panningSensibility : t.inertialAlphaOffset -= this.angularSpeed : this.keysUp.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? this._ctrlPressed && ? t.inertialPanningY += 1 / this.panningSensibility : this._altPressed && this.useAltToZoom ? t.inertialRadiusOffset += 1 / this.zoomingSensibility : t.inertialBetaOffset -= this.angularSpeed : this.keysRight.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? this._ctrlPressed && ? t.inertialPanningX += 1 / this.panningSensibility : t.inertialAlphaOffset += this.angularSpeed : this.keysDown.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? this._ctrlPressed && ? t.inertialPanningY -= 1 / this.panningSensibility : this._altPressed && this.useAltToZoom ? t.inertialRadiusOffset -= 1 / this.zoomingSensibility : t.inertialBetaOffset += this.angularSpeed : this.keysReset.indexOf(n) !== -1 && t.useInputToRestoreState && t.restoreState();
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraKeyboardMoveInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "keyboard";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysUp", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysDown", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysLeft", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysReset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "panningSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "zoomingSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "useAltToZoom", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "angularSpeed", void 0), r;
un.ArcRotateCameraKeyboardMoveInput = La;
var Na = function() {
function r() {
this.wheelPrecision = 3, this.wheelDeltaPercentage = 0;
return r.prototype.computeDeltaFromMouseWheelLegacyEvent = function(t, e) {
var n = 0.01 * t * this.wheelDeltaPercentage * e;
return t > 0 ? n / (1 + this.wheelDeltaPercentage) : n * (1 + this.wheelDeltaPercentage);
}, r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._wheel = function(n, i) {
if (n.type === yt.a.POINTERWHEEL) {
var o = n.event, a = 0, s = o, d = 0;
if (d = s.wheelDelta ? s.wheelDelta : 60 * -(o.deltaY || o.detail), e.wheelDeltaPercentage) {
if ((a = e.computeDeltaFromMouseWheelLegacyEvent(d, > 0) {
for (var p =, y = + a, P = 0; P < 20 && Math.abs(y) > 1e-3; P++)
p -= y, y *=;
p = $.a.Clamp(p, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE), a = e.computeDeltaFromMouseWheelLegacyEvent(d, p);
} else
a = d / (40 * e.wheelPrecision);
a && ( += a), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault());
}, this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERWHEEL);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._observer && (, this._observer = null, this._wheel = null);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraMouseWheelInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "mousewheel";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelPrecision", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelDeltaPercentage", void 0), r;
un.ArcRotateCameraMouseWheelInput = Na;
var il = function() {
function r() {
this.buttons = [0, 1, 2];
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments);
var n =, i = n.getInputElement(), o = 0, a = null;
this.pointA = null, this.pointB = null, this._altKey = !1, this._ctrlKey = !1, this._metaKey = !1, this._shiftKey = !1, this._buttonsPressed = 0, this._pointerInput = function(d, p) {
var y = d.event, P = y.pointerType === "touch";
if (!n.isInVRExclusivePointerMode && (d.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE || e.buttons.indexOf(y.button) !== -1)) {
var R = y.srcElement ||;
if (e._altKey = y.altKey, e._ctrlKey = y.ctrlKey, e._metaKey = y.metaKey, e._shiftKey = y.shiftKey, e._buttonsPressed = y.buttons, n.isPointerLock) {
var B = y.movementX || y.mozMovementX || y.webkitMovementX || y.msMovementX || 0, F = y.movementY || y.mozMovementY || y.webkitMovementY || y.msMovementY || 0;
e.onTouch(null, B, F), e.pointA = null, e.pointB = null;
} else if (d.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN && R) {
try {
} catch {
e.pointA === null ? e.pointA = { x: y.clientX, y: y.clientY, pointerId: y.pointerId, type: y.pointerType } : e.pointB === null && (e.pointB = { x: y.clientX, y: y.clientY, pointerId: y.pointerId, type: y.pointerType }), e.onButtonDown(y), t || (y.preventDefault(), i && i.focus());
} else if (d.type === yt.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP)
else if (d.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && R) {
try {
} catch {
P || (e.pointB = null), n._badOS ? e.pointA = e.pointB = null : e.pointB && e.pointA && e.pointA.pointerId == y.pointerId ? (e.pointA = e.pointB, e.pointB = null) : e.pointA && e.pointB && e.pointB.pointerId == y.pointerId ? e.pointB = null : e.pointA = e.pointB = null, (o !== 0 || a) && (e.onMultiTouch(e.pointA, e.pointB, o, 0, a, null), o = 0, a = null), e.onButtonUp(y), t || y.preventDefault();
} else if (d.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE) {
if (t || y.preventDefault(), e.pointA && e.pointB === null)
B = y.clientX - e.pointA.x, F = y.clientY - e.pointA.y, e.onTouch(e.pointA, B, F), e.pointA.x = y.clientX, e.pointA.y = y.clientY;
else if (e.pointA && e.pointB) {
var z = e.pointA.pointerId === y.pointerId ? e.pointA : e.pointB;
z.x = y.clientX, z.y = y.clientY;
var J = e.pointA.x - e.pointB.x, ie = e.pointA.y - e.pointB.y, se = J * J + ie * ie, ce = { x: (e.pointA.x + e.pointB.x) / 2, y: (e.pointA.y + e.pointB.y) / 2, pointerId: y.pointerId, type: d.type };
e.onMultiTouch(e.pointA, e.pointB, o, se, a, ce), a = ce, o = se;
}, this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERDOWN | yt.a.POINTERUP | yt.a.POINTERMOVE), this._onLostFocus = function() {
e.pointA = e.pointB = null, o = 0, a = null, e.onLostFocus();
}, i && i.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu.bind(this), !1);
var s =;
s && Xe.b.RegisterTopRootEvents(s, [{ name: "blur", handler: this._onLostFocus }]);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
if (this._onLostFocus) {
var e =;
e && Xe.b.UnregisterTopRootEvents(e, [{ name: "blur", handler: this._onLostFocus }]);
if (this._observer) {
if (, this._observer = null, this.onContextMenu) {
var n =;
n && n.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu);
this._onLostFocus = null;
this._altKey = !1, this._ctrlKey = !1, this._metaKey = !1, this._shiftKey = !1, this._buttonsPressed = 0;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BaseCameraPointersInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "pointers";
}, r.prototype.onDoubleTap = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.onTouch = function(t, e, n) {
}, r.prototype.onMultiTouch = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
}, r.prototype.onContextMenu = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.onButtonDown = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.onButtonUp = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.onLostFocus = function() {
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "buttons", void 0), r;
}(), wa = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return e.buttons = [0, 1, 2], e.angularSensibilityX = 1e3, e.angularSensibilityY = 1e3, e.pinchPrecision = 12, e.pinchDeltaPercentage = 0, e.useNaturalPinchZoom = !1, e.panningSensibility = 1e3, e.multiTouchPanning = !0, e.multiTouchPanAndZoom = !0, e.pinchInwards = !0, e._isPanClick = !1, e._twoFingerActivityCount = 0, e._isPinching = !1, e;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraPointersInput";
}, t.prototype.onTouch = function(e, n, i) {
this.panningSensibility !== 0 && (this._ctrlKey && || this._isPanClick) ? ( += -n / this.panningSensibility, += i / this.panningSensibility) : ( -= n / this.angularSensibilityX, -= i / this.angularSensibilityY);
}, t.prototype.onDoubleTap = function(e) { &&;
}, t.prototype.onMultiTouch = function(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
if (!(i === 0 && a === null || o === 0 && s === null)) {
var d = this.pinchInwards ? 1 : -1;
if (this.multiTouchPanAndZoom) {
if (this.useNaturalPinchZoom ? = * Math.sqrt(i) / Math.sqrt(o) : this.pinchDeltaPercentage ? += 1e-3 * (o - i) * * this.pinchDeltaPercentage : += (o - i) / (this.pinchPrecision * d * (this.angularSensibilityX + this.angularSensibilityY) / 2), this.panningSensibility !== 0 && a && s) {
var p = s.x - a.x, y = s.y - a.y; += -p / this.panningSensibility, += y / this.panningSensibility;
} else {
var P = Math.sqrt(i), R = Math.sqrt(o);
this._isPinching || this._twoFingerActivityCount < 20 && Math.abs(R - P) > ? (this.pinchDeltaPercentage ? += 1e-3 * (o - i) * * this.pinchDeltaPercentage : += (o - i) / (this.pinchPrecision * d * (this.angularSensibilityX + this.angularSensibilityY) / 2), this._isPinching = !0) : this.panningSensibility !== 0 && this.multiTouchPanning && s && a && (p = s.x - a.x, y = s.y - a.y, += -p / this.panningSensibility, += y / this.panningSensibility);
}, t.prototype.onButtonDown = function(e) {
this._isPanClick = e.button ===;
}, t.prototype.onButtonUp = function(e) {
this._twoFingerActivityCount = 0, this._isPinching = !1;
}, t.prototype.onLostFocus = function() {
this._isPanClick = !1, this._twoFingerActivityCount = 0, this._isPinching = !1;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "buttons", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "angularSensibilityX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "angularSensibilityY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "pinchPrecision", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "pinchDeltaPercentage", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "useNaturalPinchZoom", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "panningSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "multiTouchPanning", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "multiTouchPanAndZoom", void 0), t;
un.ArcRotateCameraPointersInput = wa;
var Po = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.addMouseWheel = function() {
return this.add(new Na()), this;
}, t.prototype.addPointers = function() {
return this.add(new wa()), this;
}, t.prototype.addKeyboard = function() {
return this.add(new La()), this;
}, t;
Po.prototype.addVRDeviceOrientation = function() {
return this.add(new Fa()), this;
var Fa = function() {
function r() {
this.alphaCorrection = 1, this.gammaCorrection = 1, this._alpha = 0, this._gamma = 0, this._dirty = !1, this._deviceOrientationHandler = this._onOrientationEvent.bind(this);
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments),;
var n =;
n && (typeof DeviceOrientationEvent < "u" && typeof DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission == "function" ? DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission().then(function(i) {
i === "granted" ? n.addEventListener("deviceorientation", e._deviceOrientationHandler) : Xe.b.Warn("Permission not granted.");
}).catch(function(i) {
}) : n.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this._deviceOrientationHandler));
}, r.prototype._onOrientationEvent = function(t) {
t.alpha !== null && (this._alpha = (0 | +t.alpha) * this.alphaCorrection), t.gamma !== null && (this._gamma = (0 | +t.gamma) * this.gammaCorrection), this._dirty = !0;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
this._dirty && (this._dirty = !1, this._gamma < 0 && (this._gamma = 180 + this._gamma), = -this._alpha / 180 * Math.PI % Math.PI * 2, = this._gamma / 180 * Math.PI);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", this._deviceOrientationHandler);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraVRDeviceOrientationInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "VRDeviceOrientation";
}, r;
un.ArcRotateCameraVRDeviceOrientationInput = Fa;
var Ba = function() {
function r() {
this.keysForward = [87], this.keysBackward = [83], this.keysUp = [69], this.keysDown = [81], this.keysRight = [68], this.keysLeft = [65], this._keys = new Array();
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._onCanvasBlurObserver || (this._scene =, this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._onCanvasBlurObserver = this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.add(function() {
e._keys = [];
}), this._onKeyboardObserver = this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.add(function(n) {
var i, o = n.event;
n.type === ji.a.KEYDOWN ? e.keysForward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysBackward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) === -1 && e._keys.push(o.keyCode), t || o.preventDefault()) : e.keysForward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysBackward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) >= 0 && e._keys.splice(i, 1), t || o.preventDefault());
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._scene && (this._onKeyboardObserver && this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.remove(this._onKeyboardObserver), this._onCanvasBlurObserver && this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.remove(this._onCanvasBlurObserver), this._onKeyboardObserver = null, this._onCanvasBlurObserver = null), this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FlyCameraKeyboardInput";
}, r.prototype._onLostFocus = function(t) {
this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "keyboard";
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._onKeyboardObserver)
for (var t =, e = 0; e < this._keys.length; e++) {
var n = this._keys[e], i = t._computeLocalCameraSpeed();
this.keysForward.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, 0, i) : this.keysBackward.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, 0, -i) : this.keysUp.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, i, 0) : this.keysDown.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, -i, 0) : this.keysRight.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(i, 0, 0) : this.keysLeft.indexOf(n) !== -1 && t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(-i, 0, 0), t.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (t._localDirection.z *= -1), t.getViewMatrix().invertToRef(t._cameraTransformMatrix), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(t._localDirection, t._cameraTransformMatrix, t._transformedDirection), t.cameraDirection.addInPlace(t._transformedDirection);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysForward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysBackward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysUp", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysDown", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysLeft", void 0), r;
un.FlyCameraKeyboardInput = Ba;
var Ua = function() {
function r(t) {
this.buttons = [0, 1, 2], this.buttonsYaw = [-1, 0, 1], this.buttonsPitch = [-1, 0, 1], this.buttonsRoll = [2], this.activeButton = -1, this.angularSensibility = 1e3, this.previousPosition = null;
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this.noPreventDefault = t, this._observer =, i) {
e._pointerInput(n, i);
}, yt.a.POINTERDOWN | yt.a.POINTERUP | yt.a.POINTERMOVE), this._rollObserver = { &&;
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._observer && (,, this._observer = null, this._rollObserver = null, this.previousPosition = null, this.noPreventDefault = void 0);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FlyCameraMouseInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "mouse";
}, r.prototype._pointerInput = function(t, e) {
var n = t.event, i =;
if (!i.isInVRExclusivePointerMode && (this.touchEnabled || n.pointerType !== "touch") && (t.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE || this.buttons.indexOf(n.button) !== -1)) {
var o = n.srcElement ||;
if (t.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN && o) {
try {
} catch {
this.previousPosition = { x: n.clientX, y: n.clientY }, this.activeButton = n.button, this.noPreventDefault || (n.preventDefault(), this.element.focus()), i.isPointerLock && this._onMouseMove(t.event);
} else if (t.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && o) {
try {
} catch {
this.activeButton = -1, this.previousPosition = null, this.noPreventDefault || n.preventDefault();
} else if (t.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE) {
if (!this.previousPosition)
return void (i.isPointerLock && this._onMouseMove(t.event));
var a = n.clientX - this.previousPosition.x, s = n.clientY - this.previousPosition.y;
this.rotateCamera(a, s), this.previousPosition = { x: n.clientX, y: n.clientY }, this.noPreventDefault || n.preventDefault();
}, r.prototype._onMouseMove = function(t) {
var e =;
if (e.isPointerLock && !e.isInVRExclusivePointerMode) {
var n = t.movementX || t.mozMovementX || t.webkitMovementX || t.msMovementX || 0, i = t.movementY || t.mozMovementY || t.webkitMovementY || t.msMovementY || 0;
this.rotateCamera(n, i), this.previousPosition = null, this.noPreventDefault || t.preventDefault();
}, r.prototype.rotateCamera = function(t, e) {
var n = this, i =; && (t *= -1), i.parent && i.parent._getWorldMatrixDeterminant() < 0 && (t *= -1);
var o, a = t / this.angularSensibility, s = e / this.angularSensibility, d = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(i.rotation.y, i.rotation.x, i.rotation.z);
if (this.buttonsPitch.some(function(P) {
return P === n.activeButton;
}) && (o = u.b.RotationAxis(be.a.X, s), d.multiplyInPlace(o)), this.buttonsYaw.some(function(P) {
return P === n.activeButton;
})) {
o = u.b.RotationAxis(be.a.Y, a), d.multiplyInPlace(o);
var p = i.bankedTurnLimit + i._trackRoll;
if (i.bankedTurn && -p < i.rotation.z && i.rotation.z < p) {
var y = i.bankedTurnMultiplier * -a;
o = u.b.RotationAxis(be.a.Z, y), d.multiplyInPlace(o);
this.buttonsRoll.some(function(P) {
return P === n.activeButton;
}) && (o = u.b.RotationAxis(be.a.Z, -a), i._trackRoll -= a, d.multiplyInPlace(o)), d.toEulerAnglesToRef(i.rotation);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "buttons", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "angularSensibility", void 0), r;
un.FlyCameraMouseInput = Ua;
var Va = function() {
function r() {
this.keysHeightOffsetIncr = [38], this.keysHeightOffsetDecr = [40], this.keysHeightOffsetModifierAlt = !1, this.keysHeightOffsetModifierCtrl = !1, this.keysHeightOffsetModifierShift = !1, this.keysRotationOffsetIncr = [37], this.keysRotationOffsetDecr = [39], this.keysRotationOffsetModifierAlt = !1, this.keysRotationOffsetModifierCtrl = !1, this.keysRotationOffsetModifierShift = !1, this.keysRadiusIncr = [40], this.keysRadiusDecr = [38], this.keysRadiusModifierAlt = !0, this.keysRadiusModifierCtrl = !1, this.keysRadiusModifierShift = !1, this.heightSensibility = 1, this.rotationSensibility = 1, this.radiusSensibility = 1, this._keys = new Array();
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._onCanvasBlurObserver || (this._scene =, this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._onCanvasBlurObserver = this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.add(function() {
e._keys = [];
}), this._onKeyboardObserver = this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.add(function(n) {
var i, o = n.event;
o.metaKey || (n.type === ji.a.KEYDOWN ? (e._ctrlPressed = o.ctrlKey, e._altPressed = o.altKey, e._shiftPressed = o.shiftKey, (e.keysHeightOffsetIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysHeightOffsetDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysRotationOffsetIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysRotationOffsetDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysRadiusIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1 || e.keysRadiusDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) !== -1) && ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) === -1 && e._keys.push(o.keyCode), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault()))) : e.keysHeightOffsetIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysHeightOffsetDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRotationOffsetIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRotationOffsetDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRadiusIncr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRadiusDecr.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) >= 0 && e._keys.splice(i, 1), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault())));
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._scene && (this._onKeyboardObserver && this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.remove(this._onKeyboardObserver), this._onCanvasBlurObserver && this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.remove(this._onCanvasBlurObserver), this._onKeyboardObserver = null, this._onCanvasBlurObserver = null), this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
var t = this;
this._onKeyboardObserver && this._keys.forEach(function(e) {
t.keysHeightOffsetIncr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierHeightOffset() ? += t.heightSensibility : t.keysHeightOffsetDecr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierHeightOffset() ? -= t.heightSensibility : t.keysRotationOffsetIncr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierRotationOffset() ? ( += t.rotationSensibility, %= 360) : t.keysRotationOffsetDecr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierRotationOffset() ? ( -= t.rotationSensibility, %= 360) : t.keysRadiusIncr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierRadius() ? += t.radiusSensibility : t.keysRadiusDecr.indexOf(e) !== -1 && t._modifierRadius() && ( -= t.radiusSensibility);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FollowCameraKeyboardMoveInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "keyboard";
}, r.prototype._modifierHeightOffset = function() {
return this.keysHeightOffsetModifierAlt === this._altPressed && this.keysHeightOffsetModifierCtrl === this._ctrlPressed && this.keysHeightOffsetModifierShift === this._shiftPressed;
}, r.prototype._modifierRotationOffset = function() {
return this.keysRotationOffsetModifierAlt === this._altPressed && this.keysRotationOffsetModifierCtrl === this._ctrlPressed && this.keysRotationOffsetModifierShift === this._shiftPressed;
}, r.prototype._modifierRadius = function() {
return this.keysRadiusModifierAlt === this._altPressed && this.keysRadiusModifierCtrl === this._ctrlPressed && this.keysRadiusModifierShift === this._shiftPressed;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysHeightOffsetIncr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysHeightOffsetDecr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysHeightOffsetModifierAlt", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysHeightOffsetModifierCtrl", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysHeightOffsetModifierShift", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRotationOffsetIncr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRotationOffsetDecr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRotationOffsetModifierAlt", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRotationOffsetModifierCtrl", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRotationOffsetModifierShift", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRadiusIncr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRadiusDecr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRadiusModifierAlt", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRadiusModifierCtrl", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRadiusModifierShift", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "heightSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "rotationSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "radiusSensibility", void 0), r;
un.FollowCameraKeyboardMoveInput = Va;
var ka = function() {
function r() {
this.axisControlRadius = !0, this.axisControlHeight = !1, this.axisControlRotation = !1, this.wheelPrecision = 3, this.wheelDeltaPercentage = 0;
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._wheel = function(n, i) {
if (n.type === yt.a.POINTERWHEEL) {
var o = n.event, a = 0, s = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, o.deltaY || o.wheelDelta || -o.detail));
e.wheelDeltaPercentage ? (console.assert(e.axisControlRadius + e.axisControlHeight + e.axisControlRotation <= 1, "wheelDeltaPercentage only usable when mouse wheel controlls ONE axis. Currently enabled: axisControlRadius: " + e.axisControlRadius + ", axisControlHeightOffset: " + e.axisControlHeight + ", axisControlRotationOffset: " + e.axisControlRotation), e.axisControlRadius ? a = 0.01 * s * e.wheelDeltaPercentage * : e.axisControlHeight ? a = 0.01 * s * e.wheelDeltaPercentage * : e.axisControlRotation && (a = 0.01 * s * e.wheelDeltaPercentage * : a = s * e.wheelPrecision, a && (e.axisControlRadius ? += a : e.axisControlHeight ? -= a : e.axisControlRotation && ( -= a)), o.preventDefault && (t || o.preventDefault());
}, this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERWHEEL);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._observer && (, this._observer = null, this._wheel = null);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCameraMouseWheelInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "mousewheel";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "axisControlRadius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "axisControlHeight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "axisControlRotation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelPrecision", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelDeltaPercentage", void 0), r;
un.FollowCameraMouseWheelInput = ka;
var Ga = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return e.angularSensibilityX = 1, e.angularSensibilityY = 1, e.pinchPrecision = 1e4, e.pinchDeltaPercentage = 0, e.axisXControlRadius = !1, e.axisXControlHeight = !1, e.axisXControlRotation = !0, e.axisYControlRadius = !1, e.axisYControlHeight = !0, e.axisYControlRotation = !1, e.axisPinchControlRadius = !0, e.axisPinchControlHeight = !1, e.axisPinchControlRotation = !1, e.warningEnable = !0, e._warningCounter = 0, e;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FollowCameraPointersInput";
}, t.prototype.onTouch = function(e, n, i) {
this._warning(), this.axisXControlRotation ? += n / this.angularSensibilityX : this.axisYControlRotation && ( += i / this.angularSensibilityX), this.axisXControlHeight ? += n / this.angularSensibilityY : this.axisYControlHeight && ( += i / this.angularSensibilityY), this.axisXControlRadius ? -= n / this.angularSensibilityY : this.axisYControlRadius && ( -= i / this.angularSensibilityY);
}, t.prototype.onMultiTouch = function(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
if (!(i === 0 && a === null || o === 0 && s === null)) {
var d = (o - i) / (this.pinchPrecision * (this.angularSensibilityX + this.angularSensibilityY) / 2);
this.pinchDeltaPercentage ? (d *= 0.01 * this.pinchDeltaPercentage, this.axisPinchControlRotation && ( += d *, this.axisPinchControlHeight && ( += d *, this.axisPinchControlRadius && ( -= d * : (this.axisPinchControlRotation && ( += d), this.axisPinchControlHeight && ( += d), this.axisPinchControlRadius && ( -= d));
}, t.prototype._warning = function() {
if (this.warningEnable && this._warningCounter++ % 100 == 0) {
var e = "It probably only makes sense to control ONE camera property with each pointer axis. Set 'warningEnable = false' if you are sure. Currently enabled: ";
console.assert(this.axisXControlRotation + this.axisXControlHeight + this.axisXControlRadius <= 1, e + "axisXControlRotation: " + this.axisXControlRotation + ", axisXControlHeight: " + this.axisXControlHeight + ", axisXControlRadius: " + this.axisXControlRadius), console.assert(this.axisYControlRotation + this.axisYControlHeight + this.axisYControlRadius <= 1, e + "axisYControlRotation: " + this.axisYControlRotation + ", axisYControlHeight: " + this.axisYControlHeight + ", axisYControlRadius: " + this.axisYControlRadius), console.assert(this.axisPinchControlRotation + this.axisPinchControlHeight + this.axisPinchControlRadius <= 1, e + "axisPinchControlRotation: " + this.axisPinchControlRotation + ", axisPinchControlHeight: " + this.axisPinchControlHeight + ", axisPinchControlRadius: " + this.axisPinchControlRadius);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "angularSensibilityX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "angularSensibilityY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "pinchPrecision", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "pinchDeltaPercentage", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisXControlRadius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisXControlHeight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisXControlRotation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisYControlRadius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisYControlHeight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisYControlRotation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisPinchControlRadius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisPinchControlHeight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "axisPinchControlRotation", void 0), t;
un.FollowCameraPointersInput = Ga;
var za = function() {
function r() {
this.keysUp = [38], this.keysUpward = [33], this.keysDown = [40], this.keysDownward = [34], this.keysLeft = [37], this.keysRight = [39], this._keys = new Array();
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._onCanvasBlurObserver || (this._scene =, this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._onCanvasBlurObserver = this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.add(function() {
e._keys = [];
}), this._onKeyboardObserver = this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.add(function(n) {
var i, o = n.event;
o.metaKey || (n.type === ji.a.KEYDOWN ? e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysUpward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDownward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) === -1 && e._keys.push(o.keyCode), t || o.preventDefault()) : e.keysUp.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDown.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysLeft.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysRight.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysUpward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 && e.keysDownward.indexOf(o.keyCode) === -1 || ((i = e._keys.indexOf(o.keyCode)) >= 0 && e._keys.splice(i, 1), t || o.preventDefault()));
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._scene && (this._onKeyboardObserver && this._scene.onKeyboardObservable.remove(this._onKeyboardObserver), this._onCanvasBlurObserver && this._engine.onCanvasBlurObservable.remove(this._onCanvasBlurObserver), this._onKeyboardObserver = null, this._onCanvasBlurObserver = null), this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._onKeyboardObserver)
for (var t =, e = 0; e < this._keys.length; e++) {
var n = this._keys[e], i = t._computeLocalCameraSpeed();
this.keysLeft.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(-i, 0, 0) : this.keysUp.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, 0, i) : this.keysRight.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(i, 0, 0) : this.keysDown.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, 0, -i) : this.keysUpward.indexOf(n) !== -1 ? t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, i, 0) : this.keysDownward.indexOf(n) !== -1 && t._localDirection.copyFromFloats(0, -i, 0), t.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (t._localDirection.z *= -1), t.getViewMatrix().invertToRef(t._cameraTransformMatrix), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(t._localDirection, t._cameraTransformMatrix, t._transformedDirection), t.cameraDirection.addInPlace(t._transformedDirection);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraKeyboardMoveInput";
}, r.prototype._onLostFocus = function() {
this._keys = [];
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "keyboard";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysUp", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysUpward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysDown", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysDownward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysLeft", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "keysRight", void 0), r;
un.FreeCameraKeyboardMoveInput = za;
var ja = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), this.touchEnabled = t, this.buttons = [0, 1, 2], this.angularSensibility = 2e3, this.previousPosition = null, this.onPointerMovedObservable = new C.c(), this._allowCameraRotation = !0;
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments);
var n =, i = n.getInputElement();
this._pointerInput || (this._pointerInput = function(o) {
var a = o.event;
if (!n.isInVRExclusivePointerMode && (e.touchEnabled || a.pointerType !== "touch") && (o.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE || e.buttons.indexOf(a.button) !== -1)) {
var s = a.srcElement ||;
if (o.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN && s) {
try {
} catch {
e.previousPosition = { x: a.clientX, y: a.clientY }, t || (a.preventDefault(), i && i.focus()), n.isPointerLock && e._onMouseMove && e._onMouseMove(o.event);
} else if (o.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && s) {
try {
} catch {
e.previousPosition = null, t || a.preventDefault();
} else if (o.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE) {
if (!e.previousPosition)
return void (n.isPointerLock && e._onMouseMove && e._onMouseMove(o.event));
var d = a.clientX - e.previousPosition.x, p = a.clientY - e.previousPosition.y; && (d *= -1), && < 0 && (d *= -1), e._allowCameraRotation && ( += d / e.angularSensibility, += p / e.angularSensibility), e.onPointerMovedObservable.notifyObservers({ offsetX: d, offsetY: p }), e.previousPosition = { x: a.clientX, y: a.clientY }, t || a.preventDefault();
}), this._onMouseMove = function(o) {
if (n.isPointerLock && !n.isInVRExclusivePointerMode) {
var a = o.movementX || o.mozMovementX || o.webkitMovementX || o.msMovementX || 0; && (a *= -1), && < 0 && (a *= -1), += a / e.angularSensibility;
var s = o.movementY || o.mozMovementY || o.webkitMovementY || o.msMovementY || 0; += s / e.angularSensibility, e.previousPosition = null, t || o.preventDefault();
}, this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERDOWN | yt.a.POINTERUP | yt.a.POINTERMOVE), i && i.addEventListener("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu.bind(this), !1);
}, r.prototype.onContextMenu = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
if (this._observer) {
if (, this.onContextMenu) {
var e =;
e && e.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this.onContextMenu);
this.onPointerMovedObservable && this.onPointerMovedObservable.clear(), this._observer = null, this._onMouseMove = null, this.previousPosition = null;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraMouseInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "mouse";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "buttons", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "angularSensibility", void 0), r;
un.FreeCameraMouseInput = ja;
var Ut, mf = function() {
function r() {
this.wheelPrecisionX = 3, this.wheelPrecisionY = 3, this.wheelPrecisionZ = 3, this.onChangedObservable = new C.c(), this._wheelDeltaX = 0, this._wheelDeltaY = 0, this._wheelDeltaZ = 0, this._ffMultiplier = 12, this._normalize = 120;
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._wheel = function(n) {
if (n.type === yt.a.POINTERWHEEL) {
var i = n.event, o = i.deltaMode === WheelEvent.DOM_DELTA_LINE ? e._ffMultiplier : 1;
i.deltaY !== void 0 ? (e._wheelDeltaX += e.wheelPrecisionX * o * i.deltaX / e._normalize, e._wheelDeltaY -= e.wheelPrecisionY * o * i.deltaY / e._normalize, e._wheelDeltaZ += e.wheelPrecisionZ * o * i.deltaZ / e._normalize) : i.wheelDeltaY !== void 0 ? (e._wheelDeltaX += e.wheelPrecisionX * o * i.wheelDeltaX / e._normalize, e._wheelDeltaY -= e.wheelPrecisionY * o * i.wheelDeltaY / e._normalize, e._wheelDeltaZ += e.wheelPrecisionZ * o * i.wheelDeltaZ / e._normalize) : i.wheelDelta && (e._wheelDeltaY -= e.wheelPrecisionY * i.wheelDelta / e._normalize), i.preventDefault && (t || i.preventDefault());
}, this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERWHEEL);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._observer && (, this._observer = null, this._wheel = null), this.onChangedObservable && this.onChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
this.onChangedObservable.notifyObservers({ wheelDeltaX: this._wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY: this._wheelDeltaY, wheelDeltaZ: this._wheelDeltaZ }), this._wheelDeltaX = 0, this._wheelDeltaY = 0, this._wheelDeltaZ = 0;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BaseCameraMouseWheelInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "mousewheel";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelPrecisionX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelPrecisionY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "wheelPrecisionZ", void 0), r;
(function(r) {
r[r.MoveRelative = 0] = "MoveRelative", r[r.RotateRelative = 1] = "RotateRelative", r[r.MoveScene = 2] = "MoveScene";
})(Ut || (Ut = {}));
var Ha = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return e._moveRelative = u.e.Zero(), e._rotateRelative = u.e.Zero(), e._moveScene = u.e.Zero(), e._wheelXAction = Ut.MoveRelative, e._wheelXActionCoordinate = be.b.X, e._wheelYAction = Ut.MoveRelative, e._wheelYActionCoordinate = be.b.Z, e._wheelZAction = null, e._wheelZActionCoordinate = null, e;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraMouseWheelInput";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelXMoveRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelXAction !== Ut.MoveRelative ? null : this._wheelXActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelXAction !== Ut.MoveRelative || (this._wheelXAction = Ut.MoveRelative, this._wheelXActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelYMoveRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelYAction !== Ut.MoveRelative ? null : this._wheelYActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelYAction !== Ut.MoveRelative || (this._wheelYAction = Ut.MoveRelative, this._wheelYActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelZMoveRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelZAction !== Ut.MoveRelative ? null : this._wheelZActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelZAction !== Ut.MoveRelative || (this._wheelZAction = Ut.MoveRelative, this._wheelZActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelXRotateRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelXAction !== Ut.RotateRelative ? null : this._wheelXActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelXAction !== Ut.RotateRelative || (this._wheelXAction = Ut.RotateRelative, this._wheelXActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelYRotateRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelYAction !== Ut.RotateRelative ? null : this._wheelYActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelYAction !== Ut.RotateRelative || (this._wheelYAction = Ut.RotateRelative, this._wheelYActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelZRotateRelative", { get: function() {
return this._wheelZAction !== Ut.RotateRelative ? null : this._wheelZActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelZAction !== Ut.RotateRelative || (this._wheelZAction = Ut.RotateRelative, this._wheelZActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelXMoveScene", { get: function() {
return this._wheelXAction !== Ut.MoveScene ? null : this._wheelXActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelXAction !== Ut.MoveScene || (this._wheelXAction = Ut.MoveScene, this._wheelXActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelYMoveScene", { get: function() {
return this._wheelYAction !== Ut.MoveScene ? null : this._wheelYActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelYAction !== Ut.MoveScene || (this._wheelYAction = Ut.MoveScene, this._wheelYActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelZMoveScene", { get: function() {
return this._wheelZAction !== Ut.MoveScene ? null : this._wheelZActionCoordinate;
}, set: function(e) {
e === null && this._wheelZAction !== Ut.MoveScene || (this._wheelZAction = Ut.MoveScene, this._wheelZActionCoordinate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._wheelDeltaX !== 0 || this._wheelDeltaY !== 0 || this._wheelDeltaZ != 0) {
this._moveRelative.setAll(0), this._rotateRelative.setAll(0), this._moveScene.setAll(0), this._updateCamera(), && (this._moveRelative.z *= -1);
var e = u.a.Zero();;
var n = u.e.Zero();
u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._moveRelative, e, n), += this._rotateRelative.x / 200, += this._rotateRelative.y / 200,,,;
}, t.prototype._updateCamera = function() {
var e = this._moveRelative, n = this._rotateRelative, i = this._moveScene, o = function(a, s, d) {
if (a !== 0 && s !== null && d !== null) {
var p = null;
switch (s) {
case Ut.MoveRelative:
p = e;
case Ut.RotateRelative:
p = n;
case Ut.MoveScene:
p = i;
switch (d) {
case be.b.X:
p.set(a, 0, 0);
case be.b.Y:
p.set(0, a, 0);
case be.b.Z:
p.set(0, 0, a);
o(this._wheelDeltaX, this._wheelXAction, this._wheelXActionCoordinate), o(this._wheelDeltaY, this._wheelYAction, this._wheelYActionCoordinate), o(this._wheelDeltaZ, this._wheelZAction, this._wheelZActionCoordinate);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelXMoveRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelYMoveRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelZMoveRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelXRotateRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelYRotateRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelZRotateRelative", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelXMoveScene", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelYMoveScene", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "wheelZMoveScene", null), t;
un.FreeCameraMouseWheelInput = Ha;
var Wa = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1), this.allowMouse = t, this.touchAngularSensibility = 2e5, this.touchMoveSensibility = 250, this._offsetX = null, this._offsetY = null, this._pointerPressed = new Array();
return r.prototype.attachControl = function(t) {
var e = this;
t = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments);
var n = null;
if (this._pointerInput === void 0 && (this._onLostFocus = function() {
e._offsetX = null, e._offsetY = null;
}, this._pointerInput = function(a) {
var s = a.event, d = ! && s instanceof MouseEvent;
if (e.allowMouse || s.pointerType !== "mouse" && !d) {
if (a.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN) {
if (t || s.preventDefault(), e._pointerPressed.push(s.pointerId), e._pointerPressed.length !== 1)
n = { x: s.clientX, y: s.clientY };
} else if (a.type === yt.a.POINTERUP) {
if (t || s.preventDefault(), (p = e._pointerPressed.indexOf(s.pointerId)) === -1 || (e._pointerPressed.splice(p, 1), p != 0))
n = null, e._offsetX = null, e._offsetY = null;
} else if (a.type === yt.a.POINTERMOVE) {
if (t || s.preventDefault(), !n)
var p;
if ((p = e._pointerPressed.indexOf(s.pointerId)) != 0)
e._offsetX = s.clientX - n.x, e._offsetY = -(s.clientY - n.y);
}), this._observer =, yt.a.POINTERDOWN | yt.a.POINTERUP | yt.a.POINTERMOVE), this._onLostFocus) {
var i =, o = i.getInputElement();
o && o.addEventListener("blur", this._onLostFocus);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
if (this._pointerInput) {
if (this._observer && (, this._observer = null), this._onLostFocus) {
var e =;
e && e.removeEventListener("blur", this._onLostFocus), this._onLostFocus = null;
this._pointerPressed = [], this._offsetX = null, this._offsetY = null;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._offsetX !== null && this._offsetY !== null && (this._offsetX !== 0 || this._offsetY !== 0)) {
var t =;
if (t.cameraRotation.y = this._offsetX / this.touchAngularSensibility, this._pointerPressed.length > 1)
t.cameraRotation.x = -this._offsetY / this.touchAngularSensibility;
else {
var e = t._computeLocalCameraSpeed(), n = new u.e(0, 0, e * this._offsetY / this.touchMoveSensibility);
u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(t.rotation.y, t.rotation.x, 0, t._cameraRotationMatrix), t.cameraDirection.addInPlace(u.e.TransformCoordinates(n, t._cameraRotationMatrix));
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraTouchInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "touch";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "touchAngularSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "touchMoveSensibility", void 0), r;
un.FreeCameraTouchInput = Wa;
var jr = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n._mouseInput = null, n._mouseWheelInput = null, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.addKeyboard = function() {
return this.add(new za()), this;
}, t.prototype.addMouse = function(e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !0), this._mouseInput || (this._mouseInput = new ja(e), this.add(this._mouseInput)), this;
}, t.prototype.removeMouse = function() {
return this._mouseInput && this.remove(this._mouseInput), this;
}, t.prototype.addMouseWheel = function() {
return this._mouseWheelInput || (this._mouseWheelInput = new Ha(), this.add(this._mouseWheelInput)), this;
}, t.prototype.removeMouseWheel = function() {
return this._mouseWheelInput && this.remove(this._mouseWheelInput), this;
}, t.prototype.addTouch = function() {
return this.add(new Wa()), this;
}, t.prototype.clear = function() {, this._mouseInput = null;
}, t;
jr.prototype.addDeviceOrientation = function() {
return this._deviceOrientationInput || (this._deviceOrientationInput = new Xa(), this.add(this._deviceOrientationInput)), this;
var Xa = function() {
function r() {
var t = this;
this._screenOrientationAngle = 0, this._screenQuaternion = new u.b(), this._alpha = 0, this._beta = 0, this._gamma = 0, this._onDeviceOrientationChangedObservable = new C.c(), this._orientationChanged = function() {
t._screenOrientationAngle = window.orientation !== void 0 ? +window.orientation : window.screen.orientation && window.screen.orientation.angle ? window.screen.orientation.angle : 0, t._screenOrientationAngle = -Xe.b.ToRadians(t._screenOrientationAngle / 2), t._screenQuaternion.copyFromFloats(0, Math.sin(t._screenOrientationAngle), 0, Math.cos(t._screenOrientationAngle));
}, this._deviceOrientation = function(e) {
t._alpha = e.alpha !== null ? e.alpha : 0, t._beta = e.beta !== null ? e.beta : 0, t._gamma = e.gamma !== null ? e.gamma : 0, e.alpha !== null && t._onDeviceOrientationChangedObservable.notifyObservers();
}, this._constantTranform = new u.b(-Math.sqrt(0.5), 0, 0, Math.sqrt(0.5)), this._orientationChanged();
return r.WaitForOrientationChangeAsync = function(t) {
return new Promise(function(e, n) {
var i = !1, o = function() {
window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", o), i = !0, e();
t && setTimeout(function() {
i || (window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", o), n("WaitForOrientationChangeAsync timed out"));
}, t), typeof DeviceOrientationEvent < "u" && typeof DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission == "function" ? DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission().then(function(a) {
a == "granted" ? window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", o) : Xe.b.Warn("Permission not granted.");
}).catch(function(a) {
}) : window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", o);
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "camera", { get: function() {
return this._camera;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
this._camera = t, this._camera == null || this._camera.rotationQuaternion || (this._camera.rotationQuaternion = new u.b()), this._camera && this._camera.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attachControl = function() {
var t = this, e =;
if (e) {
var n = function() {
e.addEventListener("orientationchange", t._orientationChanged), e.addEventListener("deviceorientation", t._deviceOrientation), t._orientationChanged();
typeof DeviceOrientationEvent < "u" && typeof DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission == "function" ? DeviceOrientationEvent.requestPermission().then(function(i) {
i === "granted" ? n() : Xe.b.Warn("Permission not granted.");
}).catch(function(i) {
}) : n();
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
window.removeEventListener("orientationchange", this._orientationChanged), window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", this._deviceOrientation), this._alpha = 0;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
this._alpha && (u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(Xe.b.ToRadians(this._alpha), Xe.b.ToRadians(this._beta), -Xe.b.ToRadians(this._gamma),, this._camera.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(this._screenQuaternion), this._camera.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(this._constantTranform), this._camera.rotationQuaternion.z *= -1, this._camera.rotationQuaternion.w *= -1);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraDeviceOrientationInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "deviceOrientation";
}, r;
un.FreeCameraDeviceOrientationInput = Xa;
var Ya = function() {
function r() {
this.gamepadAngularSensibility = 200, this.gamepadMoveSensibility = 40, this._yAxisScale = 1, this._cameraTransform = u.a.Identity(), this._deltaTransform = u.e.Zero(), this._vector3 = u.e.Zero(), this._vector2 = u.d.Zero();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "invertYAxis", { get: function() {
return this._yAxisScale !== 1;
}, set: function(t) {
this._yAxisScale = t ? -1 : 1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attachControl = function() {
var t = this, e =;
this._onGamepadConnectedObserver = e.onGamepadConnectedObservable.add(function(n) {
n.type !== hn.POSE_ENABLED && (t.gamepad && n.type !== hn.XBOX || (t.gamepad = n));
}), this._onGamepadDisconnectedObserver = e.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.add(function(n) {
t.gamepad === n && (t.gamepad = null);
}), this.gamepad = e.getGamepadByType(hn.XBOX), !this.gamepad && e.gamepads.length && (this.gamepad = e.gamepads[0]);
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {,, this.gamepad = null;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this.gamepad && this.gamepad.leftStick) {
var t =, e = this.gamepad.leftStick, n = e.x / this.gamepadMoveSensibility, i = e.y / this.gamepadMoveSensibility;
e.x = Math.abs(n) > 5e-3 ? 0 + n : 0, e.y = Math.abs(i) > 5e-3 ? 0 + i : 0;
var o = this.gamepad.rightStick;
if (o) {
var a = o.x / this.gamepadAngularSensibility, s = o.y / this.gamepadAngularSensibility * this._yAxisScale;
o.x = Math.abs(a) > 1e-3 ? 0 + a : 0, o.y = Math.abs(s) > 1e-3 ? 0 + s : 0;
} else
o = { x: 0, y: 0 };
t.rotationQuaternion ? t.rotationQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(this._cameraTransform) : u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(t.rotation.y, t.rotation.x, 0, this._cameraTransform);
var d = 50 * t._computeLocalCameraSpeed();
this._vector3.copyFromFloats(e.x * d, 0, -e.y * d), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._vector3, this._cameraTransform, this._deltaTransform), t.cameraDirection.addInPlace(this._deltaTransform), this._vector2.copyFromFloats(o.y, o.x), t.cameraRotation.addInPlace(this._vector2);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraGamepadInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "gamepad";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "gamepadAngularSensibility", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "gamepadMoveSensibility", void 0), r;
un.FreeCameraGamepadInput = Ya;
var rn, rl = f(112);
(function(r) {
r[r.X = 0] = "X", r[r.Y = 1] = "Y", r[r.Z = 2] = "Z";
})(rn || (rn = {}));
var Ka = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n = this, i = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, r._GetDefaultOptions()), e);
if (this._leftJoystick = !!t, r._globalJoystickIndex++, this._axisTargetedByLeftAndRight = rn.X, this._axisTargetedByUpAndDown = rn.Y, this.reverseLeftRight = !1, this.reverseUpDown = !1, this._touches = new rl.a(), this.deltaPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._joystickSensibility = 25, this._inversedSensibility = 1 / (this._joystickSensibility / 1e3), this._onResize = function(a) {
r.vjCanvasWidth = window.innerWidth, r.vjCanvasHeight = window.innerHeight, r.Canvas && (r.Canvas.width = r.vjCanvasWidth, r.Canvas.height = r.vjCanvasHeight), r.halfWidth = r.vjCanvasWidth / 2;
}, !r.Canvas) {
window.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize, !1), r.Canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), r.vjCanvasWidth = window.innerWidth, r.vjCanvasHeight = window.innerHeight, r.Canvas.width = window.innerWidth, r.Canvas.height = window.innerHeight, = "100%", = "100%", = "absolute", = "transparent", = "0px", = "0px", = "5", = "none", = "none", r.Canvas.setAttribute("touch-action", "none");
var o = r.Canvas.getContext("2d");
if (!o)
throw new Error("Unable to create canvas for virtual joystick");
r.vjCanvasContext = o, r.vjCanvasContext.strokeStyle = "#ffffff", r.vjCanvasContext.lineWidth = 2, document.body.appendChild(r.Canvas);
r.halfWidth = r.Canvas.width / 2, this.pressed = !1, this.limitToContainer = i.limitToContainer, this._joystickColor = i.color, this.containerSize = i.containerSize, this.puckSize = i.puckSize, i.position && this.setPosition(i.position.x, i.position.y), i.puckImage && this.setPuckImage(i.puckImage), i.containerImage && this.setContainerImage(i.containerImage), i.alwaysVisible && r._alwaysVisibleSticks++, this.alwaysVisible = i.alwaysVisible, this._joystickPointerID = -1, this._joystickPointerPos = new u.d(0, 0), this._joystickPreviousPointerPos = new u.d(0, 0), this._joystickPointerStartPos = new u.d(0, 0), this._deltaJoystickVector = new u.d(0, 0), this._onPointerDownHandlerRef = function(a) {
}, this._onPointerMoveHandlerRef = function(a) {
}, this._onPointerUpHandlerRef = function(a) {
}, r.Canvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDownHandlerRef, !1), r.Canvas.addEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMoveHandlerRef, !1), r.Canvas.addEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUpHandlerRef, !1), r.Canvas.addEventListener("pointerout", this._onPointerUpHandlerRef, !1), r.Canvas.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(a) {
}, !1), requestAnimationFrame(function() {
return r._GetDefaultOptions = function() {
return { puckSize: 40, containerSize: 60, color: "cyan", puckImage: void 0, containerImage: void 0, position: void 0, alwaysVisible: !1, limitToContainer: !1 };
}, r.prototype.setJoystickSensibility = function(t) {
this._joystickSensibility = t, this._inversedSensibility = 1 / (this._joystickSensibility / 1e3);
}, r.prototype._onPointerDown = function(t) {
t.preventDefault(), (this._leftJoystick === !0 ? t.clientX < r.halfWidth : t.clientX > r.halfWidth) && this._joystickPointerID < 0 ? (this._joystickPointerID = t.pointerId, this._joystickPosition ? (this._joystickPointerStartPos = this._joystickPosition.clone(), this._joystickPointerPos = this._joystickPosition.clone(), this._joystickPreviousPointerPos = this._joystickPosition.clone(), this._onPointerMove(t)) : (this._joystickPointerStartPos.x = t.clientX, this._joystickPointerStartPos.y = t.clientY, this._joystickPointerPos = this._joystickPointerStartPos.clone(), this._joystickPreviousPointerPos = this._joystickPointerStartPos.clone()), this._deltaJoystickVector.x = 0, this._deltaJoystickVector.y = 0, this.pressed = !0, this._touches.add(t.pointerId.toString(), t)) : r._globalJoystickIndex < 2 && this._action && (this._action(), this._touches.add(t.pointerId.toString(), { x: t.clientX, y: t.clientY, prevX: t.clientX, prevY: t.clientY }));
}, r.prototype._onPointerMove = function(t) {
if (this._joystickPointerID == t.pointerId) {
if (this.limitToContainer) {
var e = new u.d(t.clientX - this._joystickPointerStartPos.x, t.clientY - this._joystickPointerStartPos.y), n = e.length();
n > this.containerSize && e.scaleInPlace(this.containerSize / n), this._joystickPointerPos.x = this._joystickPointerStartPos.x + e.x, this._joystickPointerPos.y = this._joystickPointerStartPos.y + e.y;
} else
this._joystickPointerPos.x = t.clientX, this._joystickPointerPos.y = t.clientY;
this._deltaJoystickVector = this._joystickPointerPos.clone(), this._deltaJoystickVector = this._deltaJoystickVector.subtract(this._joystickPointerStartPos), 0 < r._alwaysVisibleSticks && (this._leftJoystick ? this._joystickPointerPos.x = Math.min(r.halfWidth, this._joystickPointerPos.x) : this._joystickPointerPos.x = Math.max(r.halfWidth, this._joystickPointerPos.x));
var i = (this.reverseLeftRight ? -1 : 1) * this._deltaJoystickVector.x / this._inversedSensibility;
switch (this._axisTargetedByLeftAndRight) {
case rn.X:
this.deltaPosition.x = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, i));
case rn.Y:
this.deltaPosition.y = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, i));
case rn.Z:
this.deltaPosition.z = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, i));
var o = (this.reverseUpDown ? 1 : -1) * this._deltaJoystickVector.y / this._inversedSensibility;
switch (this._axisTargetedByUpAndDown) {
case rn.X:
this.deltaPosition.x = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, o));
case rn.Y:
this.deltaPosition.y = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, o));
case rn.Z:
this.deltaPosition.z = Math.min(1, Math.max(-1, o));
} else {
var a = this._touches.get(t.pointerId.toString());
a && (a.x = t.clientX, a.y = t.clientY);
}, r.prototype._onPointerUp = function(t) {
if (this._joystickPointerID == t.pointerId)
this._clearPreviousDraw(), this._joystickPointerID = -1, this.pressed = !1;
else {
var e = this._touches.get(t.pointerId.toString());
e && r.vjCanvasContext.clearRect(e.prevX - 44, e.prevY - 44, 88, 88);
this._deltaJoystickVector.x = 0, this._deltaJoystickVector.y = 0, this._touches.remove(t.pointerId.toString());
}, r.prototype.setJoystickColor = function(t) {
this._joystickColor = t;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "containerSize", { get: function() {
return this._joystickContainerSize;
}, set: function(t) {
this._joystickContainerSize = t, this._clearContainerSize = ~~(2.1 * this._joystickContainerSize), this._clearContainerSizeOffset = ~~(this._clearContainerSize / 2);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "puckSize", { get: function() {
return this._joystickPuckSize;
}, set: function(t) {
this._joystickPuckSize = t, this._clearPuckSize = ~~(2.1 * this._joystickPuckSize), this._clearPuckSizeOffset = ~~(this._clearPuckSize / 2);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.clearPosition = function() {
this.alwaysVisible = !1, this._joystickPosition = null;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "alwaysVisible", { get: function() {
return this._alwaysVisible;
}, set: function(t) {
this._alwaysVisible !== t && (t && this._joystickPosition ? (r._alwaysVisibleSticks++, this._alwaysVisible = !0) : (r._alwaysVisibleSticks--, this._alwaysVisible = !1));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setPosition = function(t, e) {
this._joystickPointerStartPos && this._clearPreviousDraw(), this._joystickPosition = new u.d(t, e);
}, r.prototype.setActionOnTouch = function(t) {
this._action = t;
}, r.prototype.setAxisForLeftRight = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case rn.X:
case rn.Y:
case rn.Z:
this._axisTargetedByLeftAndRight = t;
this._axisTargetedByLeftAndRight = rn.X;
}, r.prototype.setAxisForUpDown = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case rn.X:
case rn.Y:
case rn.Z:
this._axisTargetedByUpAndDown = t;
this._axisTargetedByUpAndDown = rn.Y;
}, r.prototype._clearPreviousDraw = function() {
var t = this._joystickPosition || this._joystickPointerStartPos;
r.vjCanvasContext.clearRect(t.x - this._clearContainerSizeOffset, t.y - this._clearContainerSizeOffset, this._clearContainerSize, this._clearContainerSize), r.vjCanvasContext.clearRect(this._joystickPreviousPointerPos.x - this._clearPuckSizeOffset, this._joystickPreviousPointerPos.y - this._clearPuckSizeOffset, this._clearPuckSize, this._clearPuckSize);
}, r.prototype.setContainerImage = function(t) {
var e = this, n = new Image();
n.src = t, n.onload = function() {
return e._containerImage = n;
}, r.prototype.setPuckImage = function(t) {
var e = this, n = new Image();
n.src = t, n.onload = function() {
return e._puckImage = n;
}, r.prototype._drawContainer = function() {
var t = this._joystickPosition || this._joystickPointerStartPos;
this._clearPreviousDraw(), this._containerImage ? r.vjCanvasContext.drawImage(this._containerImage, t.x - this.containerSize, t.y - this.containerSize, 2 * this.containerSize, 2 * this.containerSize) : (r.vjCanvasContext.beginPath(), r.vjCanvasContext.strokeStyle = this._joystickColor, r.vjCanvasContext.lineWidth = 2, r.vjCanvasContext.arc(t.x, t.y, this.containerSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), r.vjCanvasContext.stroke(), r.vjCanvasContext.closePath(), r.vjCanvasContext.beginPath(), r.vjCanvasContext.lineWidth = 6, r.vjCanvasContext.strokeStyle = this._joystickColor, r.vjCanvasContext.arc(t.x, t.y, this.puckSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), r.vjCanvasContext.stroke(), r.vjCanvasContext.closePath());
}, r.prototype._drawPuck = function() {
this._puckImage ? r.vjCanvasContext.drawImage(this._puckImage, this._joystickPointerPos.x - this.puckSize, this._joystickPointerPos.y - this.puckSize, 2 * this.puckSize, 2 * this.puckSize) : (r.vjCanvasContext.beginPath(), r.vjCanvasContext.strokeStyle = this._joystickColor, r.vjCanvasContext.lineWidth = 2, r.vjCanvasContext.arc(this._joystickPointerPos.x, this._joystickPointerPos.y, this.puckSize, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), r.vjCanvasContext.stroke(), r.vjCanvasContext.closePath());
}, r.prototype._drawVirtualJoystick = function() {
var t = this;
this.alwaysVisible && this._drawContainer(), this.pressed && this._touches.forEach(function(e, n) {
n.pointerId === t._joystickPointerID ? (t.alwaysVisible || t._drawContainer(), t._drawPuck(), t._joystickPreviousPointerPos = t._joystickPointerPos.clone()) : (r.vjCanvasContext.clearRect(n.prevX - 44, n.prevY - 44, 88, 88), r.vjCanvasContext.beginPath(), r.vjCanvasContext.fillStyle = "white", r.vjCanvasContext.beginPath(), r.vjCanvasContext.strokeStyle = "red", r.vjCanvasContext.lineWidth = 6, r.vjCanvasContext.arc(n.x, n.y, 40, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), r.vjCanvasContext.stroke(), r.vjCanvasContext.closePath(), n.prevX = n.x, n.prevY = n.y);
}), requestAnimationFrame(function() {
}, r.prototype.releaseCanvas = function() {
r.Canvas && (r.Canvas.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this._onPointerDownHandlerRef), r.Canvas.removeEventListener("pointermove", this._onPointerMoveHandlerRef), r.Canvas.removeEventListener("pointerup", this._onPointerUpHandlerRef), r.Canvas.removeEventListener("pointerout", this._onPointerUpHandlerRef), window.removeEventListener("resize", this._onResize), document.body.removeChild(r.Canvas), r.Canvas = null);
}, r._globalJoystickIndex = 0, r._alwaysVisibleSticks = 0, r;
jr.prototype.addVirtualJoystick = function() {
return this.add(new Qa()), this;
var Qa = function() {
function r() {
return r.prototype.getLeftJoystick = function() {
return this._leftjoystick;
}, r.prototype.getRightJoystick = function() {
return this._rightjoystick;
}, r.prototype.checkInputs = function() {
if (this._leftjoystick) {
var t =, e = 50 * t._computeLocalCameraSpeed(), n = u.a.RotationYawPitchRoll(t.rotation.y, t.rotation.x, 0), i = u.e.TransformCoordinates(new u.e(this._leftjoystick.deltaPosition.x * e, this._leftjoystick.deltaPosition.y * e, this._leftjoystick.deltaPosition.z * e), n);
t.cameraDirection = t.cameraDirection.add(i), t.cameraRotation = t.cameraRotation.addVector3(this._rightjoystick.deltaPosition), this._leftjoystick.pressed || (this._leftjoystick.deltaPosition = this._leftjoystick.deltaPosition.scale(0.9)), this._rightjoystick.pressed || (this._rightjoystick.deltaPosition = this._rightjoystick.deltaPosition.scale(0.9));
}, r.prototype.attachControl = function() {
this._leftjoystick = new Ka(!0), this._leftjoystick.setAxisForUpDown(rn.Z), this._leftjoystick.setAxisForLeftRight(rn.X), this._leftjoystick.setJoystickSensibility(0.15), this._rightjoystick = new Ka(!1), this._rightjoystick.setAxisForUpDown(rn.X), this._rightjoystick.setAxisForLeftRight(rn.Y), this._rightjoystick.reverseUpDown = !0, this._rightjoystick.setJoystickSensibility(0.05), this._rightjoystick.setJoystickColor("yellow");
}, r.prototype.detachControl = function(t) {
this._leftjoystick.releaseCanvas(), this._rightjoystick.releaseCanvas();
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCameraVirtualJoystickInput";
}, r.prototype.getSimpleName = function() {
return "virtualJoystick";
}, r;
un.FreeCameraVirtualJoystickInput = Qa;
var Vt = f(28), xi = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !0);
var a =, e, n, i, o) || this;
return a._tmpUpVector = u.e.Zero(), a._tmpTargetVector = u.e.Zero(), a.cameraDirection = new u.e(0, 0, 0), a.cameraRotation = new u.d(0, 0), a.ignoreParentScaling = !1, a.updateUpVectorFromRotation = !1, a._tmpQuaternion = new u.b(), a.rotation = new u.e(0, 0, 0), a.speed = 2, a.noRotationConstraint = !1, a.invertRotation = !1, a.inverseRotationSpeed = 0.2, a.lockedTarget = null, a._currentTarget = u.e.Zero(), a._initialFocalDistance = 1, a._viewMatrix = u.a.Zero(), a._camMatrix = u.a.Zero(), a._cameraTransformMatrix = u.a.Zero(), a._cameraRotationMatrix = u.a.Zero(), a._referencePoint = new u.e(0, 0, 1), a._transformedReferencePoint = u.e.Zero(), a._defaultUp = u.e.Up(), a._cachedRotationZ = 0, a._cachedQuaternionRotationZ = 0, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getFrontPosition = function(e) {
var n = this.getTarget().subtract(this.position);
return n.normalize(), n.scaleInPlace(e), this.globalPosition.add(n);
}, t.prototype._getLockedTargetPosition = function() {
return this.lockedTarget ? (this.lockedTarget.absolutePosition && this.lockedTarget.computeWorldMatrix(), this.lockedTarget.absolutePosition || this.lockedTarget) : null;
}, t.prototype.storeState = function() {
return this._storedPosition = this.position.clone(), this._storedRotation = this.rotation.clone(), this.rotationQuaternion && (this._storedRotationQuaternion = this.rotationQuaternion.clone()),;
}, t.prototype._restoreStateValues = function() {
return !! && (this.position = this._storedPosition.clone(), this.rotation = this._storedRotation.clone(), this.rotationQuaternion && (this.rotationQuaternion = this._storedRotationQuaternion.clone()), this.cameraDirection.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), this.cameraRotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0), !0);
}, t.prototype._initCache = function() {, this._cache.lockedTarget = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cache.rotation = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cache.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE);
}, t.prototype._updateCache = function(e) {
e ||;
var n = this._getLockedTargetPosition();
n ? this._cache.lockedTarget ? this._cache.lockedTarget.copyFrom(n) : this._cache.lockedTarget = n.clone() : this._cache.lockedTarget = null, this._cache.rotation.copyFrom(this.rotation), this.rotationQuaternion && this._cache.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.rotationQuaternion);
}, t.prototype._isSynchronizedViewMatrix = function() {
if (!
return !1;
var e = this._getLockedTargetPosition();
return (this._cache.lockedTarget ? this._cache.lockedTarget.equals(e) : !e) && (this.rotationQuaternion ? this.rotationQuaternion.equals(this._cache.rotationQuaternion) : this._cache.rotation.equals(this.rotation));
}, t.prototype._computeLocalCameraSpeed = function() {
var e = this.getEngine();
return this.speed * Math.sqrt(e.getDeltaTime() / (100 * e.getFps()));
}, t.prototype.setTarget = function(e) {
this.upVector.normalize(), this._initialFocalDistance = e.subtract(this.position).length(), this.position.z === e.z && (this.position.z += Vt.a), this._referencePoint.normalize().scaleInPlace(this._initialFocalDistance), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(this.position, e, this._defaultUp, this._camMatrix), this._camMatrix.invert(), this.rotation.x = Math.atan(this._camMatrix.m[6] / this._camMatrix.m[10]);
var n = e.subtract(this.position);
n.x >= 0 ? this.rotation.y = -Math.atan(n.z / n.x) + Math.PI / 2 : this.rotation.y = -Math.atan(n.z / n.x) - Math.PI / 2, this.rotation.z = 0, isNaN(this.rotation.x) && (this.rotation.x = 0), isNaN(this.rotation.y) && (this.rotation.y = 0), isNaN(this.rotation.z) && (this.rotation.z = 0), this.rotationQuaternion && u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z, this.rotationQuaternion);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
return this.getTarget();
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getTarget = function() {
return this._currentTarget;
}, t.prototype._decideIfNeedsToMove = function() {
return Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.x) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.y) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.z) > 0;
}, t.prototype._updatePosition = function() {
if (this.parent)
return this.parent.getWorldMatrix().invertToRef(u.c.Matrix[0]), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this.cameraDirection, u.c.Matrix[0], u.c.Vector3[0]), void this.position.addInPlace(u.c.Vector3[0]);
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
var e = this.invertRotation ? -this.inverseRotationSpeed : 1, n = this._decideIfNeedsToMove(), i = Math.abs(this.cameraRotation.x) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraRotation.y) > 0;
n && this._updatePosition(), i && (this.rotationQuaternion && this.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAnglesToRef(this.rotation), this.rotation.x += this.cameraRotation.x * e, this.rotation.y += this.cameraRotation.y * e, !this.noRotationConstraint && (this.rotation.x > 1.570796 && (this.rotation.x = 1.570796), this.rotation.x < -1.570796 && (this.rotation.x = -1.570796)), this.rotationQuaternion && this.rotation.lengthSquared() && u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z, this.rotationQuaternion)), n && (Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.x) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.cameraDirection.x = 0), Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.y) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.cameraDirection.y = 0), Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.z) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.cameraDirection.z = 0), this.cameraDirection.scaleInPlace(this.inertia)), i && (Math.abs(this.cameraRotation.x) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.cameraRotation.x = 0), Math.abs(this.cameraRotation.y) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.cameraRotation.y = 0), this.cameraRotation.scaleInPlace(this.inertia)),;
}, t.prototype._updateCameraRotationMatrix = function() {
this.rotationQuaternion ? this.rotationQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(this._cameraRotationMatrix) : u.a.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z, this._cameraRotationMatrix);
}, t.prototype._rotateUpVectorWithCameraRotationMatrix = function() {
return u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._defaultUp, this._cameraRotationMatrix, this.upVector), this;
}, t.prototype._getViewMatrix = function() {
return this.lockedTarget && this.setTarget(this._getLockedTargetPosition()), this._updateCameraRotationMatrix(), this.rotationQuaternion && this._cachedQuaternionRotationZ != this.rotationQuaternion.z ? (this._rotateUpVectorWithCameraRotationMatrix(), this._cachedQuaternionRotationZ = this.rotationQuaternion.z) : this._cachedRotationZ != this.rotation.z && (this._rotateUpVectorWithCameraRotationMatrix(), this._cachedRotationZ = this.rotation.z), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._referencePoint, this._cameraRotationMatrix, this._transformedReferencePoint), this.position.addToRef(this._transformedReferencePoint, this._currentTarget), this.updateUpVectorFromRotation && (this.rotationQuaternion ? be.a.Y.rotateByQuaternionToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this.upVector) : (u.b.FromEulerVectorToRef(this.rotation, this._tmpQuaternion), be.a.Y.rotateByQuaternionToRef(this._tmpQuaternion, this.upVector))), this._computeViewMatrix(this.position, this._currentTarget, this.upVector), this._viewMatrix;
}, t.prototype._computeViewMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
if (this.ignoreParentScaling) {
if (this.parent) {
var o = this.parent.getWorldMatrix();
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(e, o, this._globalPosition), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(n, o, this._tmpTargetVector), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(i, o, this._tmpUpVector), this._markSyncedWithParent();
} else
this._globalPosition.copyFrom(e), this._tmpTargetVector.copyFrom(n), this._tmpUpVector.copyFrom(i);
this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? u.a.LookAtRHToRef(this._globalPosition, this._tmpTargetVector, this._tmpUpVector, this._viewMatrix) : u.a.LookAtLHToRef(this._globalPosition, this._tmpTargetVector, this._tmpUpVector, this._viewMatrix);
} else
this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? u.a.LookAtRHToRef(e, n, i, this._viewMatrix) : u.a.LookAtLHToRef(e, n, i, this._viewMatrix), this.parent ? (o = this.parent.getWorldMatrix(), this._viewMatrix.invert(), this._viewMatrix.multiplyToRef(o, this._viewMatrix), this._viewMatrix.getTranslationToRef(this._globalPosition), this._viewMatrix.invert(), this._markSyncedWithParent()) : this._globalPosition.copyFrom(e);
}, t.prototype.createRigCamera = function(e, n) {
if (this.cameraRigMode !== _t.a.RIG_MODE_NONE) {
var i = new t(e, this.position.clone(), this.getScene());
return i.isRigCamera = !0, i.rigParent = this, this.cameraRigMode !== _t.a.RIG_MODE_VR && this.cameraRigMode !== _t.a.RIG_MODE_WEBVR || (this.rotationQuaternion || (this.rotationQuaternion = new u.b()), i._cameraRigParams = {}, i.rotationQuaternion = new u.b()), i;
return null;
}, t.prototype._updateRigCameras = function() {
var e = this._rigCameras[0], n = this._rigCameras[1];
switch (this.computeWorldMatrix(), this.cameraRigMode) {
var i = this.cameraRigMode === _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED ? 1 : -1, o = this.cameraRigMode === _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED ? -1 : 1;
this._getRigCamPositionAndTarget(this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle * i, e), this._getRigCamPositionAndTarget(this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle * o, n);
case _t.a.RIG_MODE_VR:
e.rotationQuaternion ? (e.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.rotationQuaternion), n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.rotationQuaternion)) : (e.rotation.copyFrom(this.rotation), n.rotation.copyFrom(this.rotation)), e.position.copyFrom(this.position), n.position.copyFrom(this.position);
}, t.prototype._getRigCamPositionAndTarget = function(e, n) {
this.getTarget().subtractToRef(this.position, t._TargetFocalPoint), t._TargetFocalPoint.normalize().scaleInPlace(this._initialFocalDistance);
var i = t._TargetFocalPoint.addInPlace(this.position);
u.a.TranslationToRef(-i.x, -i.y, -i.z, t._TargetTransformMatrix), t._TargetTransformMatrix.multiplyToRef(u.a.RotationAxis(n.upVector, e), t._RigCamTransformMatrix), u.a.TranslationToRef(i.x, i.y, i.z, t._TargetTransformMatrix), t._RigCamTransformMatrix.multiplyToRef(t._TargetTransformMatrix, t._RigCamTransformMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this.position, t._RigCamTransformMatrix, n.position), n.setTarget(i);
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TargetCamera";
}, t._RigCamTransformMatrix = new u.a(), t._TargetTransformMatrix = new u.a(), t._TargetFocalPoint = new u.e(), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "rotation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "speed", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.k)("lockedTargetId")], t.prototype, "lockedTarget", void 0), t;
}(_t.a), zn = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !0);
var a =, e, n, i, o) || this;
return a.ellipsoid = new u.e(0.5, 1, 0.5), a.ellipsoidOffset = new u.e(0, 0, 0), a.checkCollisions = !1, a.applyGravity = !1, a._needMoveForGravity = !1, a._oldPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._diffPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._newPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._collisionMask = -1, a._onCollisionPositionChange = function(s, d, p) {
p === void 0 && (p = null);
var y;
y = d, a._newPosition.copyFrom(y), a._newPosition.subtractToRef(a._oldPosition, a._diffPosition), a._diffPosition.length() > Ue.a.CollisionsEpsilon && (a.position.addInPlace(a._diffPosition), a.onCollide && p && a.onCollide(p));
}, a.inputs = new jr(a), a.inputs.addKeyboard().addMouse(), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angularSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.mouse;
return e ? e.angularSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.mouse;
n && (n.angularSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysUp", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysUp : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysUp = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysUpward", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysUpward : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysUpward = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysDown", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysDown : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysDown = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysDownward", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysDownward : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysDownward = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysLeft", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysLeft : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysLeft = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysRight", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysRight : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysRight = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.attachControl = function(e, n) {
n = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this.inputs.attachElement(n);
}, t.prototype.detachControl = function(e) {
this.inputs.detachElement(), this.cameraDirection = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this.cameraRotation = new u.d(0, 0);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "collisionMask", { get: function() {
return this._collisionMask;
}, set: function(e) {
this._collisionMask = isNaN(e) ? -1 : e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._collideWithWorld = function(e) {
(this.parent ? u.e.TransformCoordinates(this.position, this.parent.getWorldMatrix()) : this.position).subtractFromFloatsToRef(0, this.ellipsoid.y, 0, this._oldPosition), this._oldPosition.addInPlace(this.ellipsoidOffset);
var n = this.getScene().collisionCoordinator;
this._collider || (this._collider = n.createCollider()), this._collider._radius = this.ellipsoid, this._collider.collisionMask = this._collisionMask;
var i = e;
this.applyGravity && (i = e.add(this.getScene().gravity)), n.getNewPosition(this._oldPosition, i, this._collider, 3, null, this._onCollisionPositionChange, this.uniqueId);
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
this._localDirection || (this._localDirection = u.e.Zero(), this._transformedDirection = u.e.Zero()), this.inputs.checkInputs(),;
}, t.prototype._decideIfNeedsToMove = function() {
return this._needMoveForGravity || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.x) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.y) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.z) > 0;
}, t.prototype._updatePosition = function() {
this.checkCollisions && this.getScene().collisionsEnabled ? this._collideWithWorld(this.cameraDirection) :;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FreeCamera";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "ellipsoid", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "ellipsoidOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "checkCollisions", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "applyGravity", void 0), t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("TouchCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new qa(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var qa = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n, i) || this;
return o.inputs.addTouch(), o._setupInputs(), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "touchAngularSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.touch;
return e ? e.touchAngularSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.touch;
n && (n.touchAngularSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "touchMoveSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.touch;
return e ? e.touchMoveSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.touch;
n && (n.touchMoveSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TouchCamera";
}, t.prototype._setupInputs = function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.touch, n = this.inputs.attached.mouse;
n ? n.touchEnabled = !1 : e.allowMouse = !0;
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("ArcRotateCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Hi(r, 0, 0, 1, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Hi = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
d === void 0 && (d = !0);
var p =, e, u.e.Zero(), s, d) || this;
return p.inertialAlphaOffset = 0, p.inertialBetaOffset = 0, p.inertialRadiusOffset = 0, p.lowerAlphaLimit = null, p.upperAlphaLimit = null, p.lowerBetaLimit = 0.01, p.upperBetaLimit = Math.PI - 0.01, p.lowerRadiusLimit = null, p.upperRadiusLimit = null, p.inertialPanningX = 0, p.inertialPanningY = 0, p.pinchToPanMaxDistance = 20, p.panningDistanceLimit = null, p.panningOriginTarget = u.e.Zero(), p.panningInertia = 0.9, p.zoomOnFactor = 1, p.targetScreenOffset = u.d.Zero(), p.allowUpsideDown = !0, p.useInputToRestoreState = !0, p._viewMatrix = new u.a(), p.panningAxis = new u.e(1, 1, 0), p.onMeshTargetChangedObservable = new C.c(), p.checkCollisions = !1, p.collisionRadius = new u.e(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), p._previousPosition = u.e.Zero(), p._collisionVelocity = u.e.Zero(), p._newPosition = u.e.Zero(), p._computationVector = u.e.Zero(), p._onCollisionPositionChange = function(y, P, R) {
R === void 0 && (R = null), R ? (p.setPosition(P), p.onCollide && p.onCollide(R)) : p._previousPosition.copyFrom(p._position);
var B = Math.cos(p.alpha), F = Math.sin(p.alpha), z = Math.cos(p.beta), J = Math.sin(p.beta);
J === 0 && (J = 1e-4);
var ie = p._getTargetPosition();
p._computationVector.copyFromFloats(p.radius * B * J, p.radius * z, p.radius * F * J), ie.addToRef(p._computationVector, p._newPosition), p._position.copyFrom(p._newPosition);
var se = p.upVector;
p.allowUpsideDown && p.beta < 0 && (se = (se = se.clone()).negate()), p._computeViewMatrix(p._position, ie, se), p._viewMatrix.addAtIndex(12, p.targetScreenOffset.x), p._viewMatrix.addAtIndex(13, p.targetScreenOffset.y), p._collisionTriggered = !1;
}, p._target = u.e.Zero(), a && p.setTarget(a), p.alpha = n, p.beta = i, p.radius = o, p.getViewMatrix(), p.inputs = new Po(p), p.inputs.addKeyboard().addMouseWheel().addPointers(), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
return this._target;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._position;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "upVector", { get: function() {
return this._upVector;
}, set: function(e) {
this._upToYMatrix || (this._YToUpMatrix = new u.a(), this._upToYMatrix = new u.a(), this._upVector = u.e.Zero()), e.normalize(), this._upVector.copyFrom(e), this.setMatUp();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.setMatUp = function() {
u.a.RotationAlignToRef(u.e.UpReadOnly, this._upVector, this._YToUpMatrix), u.a.RotationAlignToRef(this._upVector, u.e.UpReadOnly, this._upToYMatrix);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angularSensibilityX", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return e ? e.angularSensibilityX : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.angularSensibilityX = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angularSensibilityY", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return e ? e.angularSensibilityY : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.angularSensibilityY = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "pinchPrecision", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return e ? e.pinchPrecision : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.pinchPrecision = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "pinchDeltaPercentage", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return e ? e.pinchDeltaPercentage : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.pinchDeltaPercentage = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useNaturalPinchZoom", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return !!e && e.useNaturalPinchZoom;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.useNaturalPinchZoom = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "panningSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
return e ? e.panningSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.pointers;
n && (n.panningSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysUp", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysUp : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysUp = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysDown", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysDown : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysDown = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysLeft", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysLeft : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysLeft = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysRight", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysRight : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysRight = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelPrecision", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.mousewheel;
return e ? e.wheelPrecision : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.mousewheel;
n && (n.wheelPrecision = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wheelDeltaPercentage", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.mousewheel;
return e ? e.wheelDeltaPercentage : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.mousewheel;
n && (n.wheelDeltaPercentage = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bouncingBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._bouncingBehavior;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useBouncingBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._bouncingBehavior != null;
}, set: function(e) {
e !== this.useBouncingBehavior && (e ? (this._bouncingBehavior = new qc(), this.addBehavior(this._bouncingBehavior)) : this._bouncingBehavior && (this.removeBehavior(this._bouncingBehavior), this._bouncingBehavior = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "framingBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._framingBehavior;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useFramingBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._framingBehavior != null;
}, set: function(e) {
e !== this.useFramingBehavior && (e ? (this._framingBehavior = new Zc(), this.addBehavior(this._framingBehavior)) : this._framingBehavior && (this.removeBehavior(this._framingBehavior), this._framingBehavior = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "autoRotationBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._autoRotationBehavior;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useAutoRotationBehavior", { get: function() {
return this._autoRotationBehavior != null;
}, set: function(e) {
e !== this.useAutoRotationBehavior && (e ? (this._autoRotationBehavior = new Qc(), this.addBehavior(this._autoRotationBehavior)) : this._autoRotationBehavior && (this.removeBehavior(this._autoRotationBehavior), this._autoRotationBehavior = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._initCache = function() {, this._cache._target = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cache.alpha = void 0, this._cache.beta = void 0, this._cache.radius = void 0, this._cache.targetScreenOffset = u.d.Zero();
}, t.prototype._updateCache = function(e) {
e ||, this._cache._target.copyFrom(this._getTargetPosition()), this._cache.alpha = this.alpha, this._cache.beta = this.beta, this._cache.radius = this.radius, this._cache.targetScreenOffset.copyFrom(this.targetScreenOffset);
}, t.prototype._getTargetPosition = function() {
if (this._targetHost && this._targetHost.getAbsolutePosition) {
var e = this._targetHost.absolutePosition;
this._targetBoundingCenter ? e.addToRef(this._targetBoundingCenter, this._target) : this._target.copyFrom(e);
var n = this._getLockedTargetPosition();
return n || this._target;
}, t.prototype.storeState = function() {
return this._storedAlpha = this.alpha, this._storedBeta = this.beta, this._storedRadius = this.radius, this._storedTarget = this._getTargetPosition().clone(), this._storedTargetScreenOffset = this.targetScreenOffset.clone(),;
}, t.prototype._restoreStateValues = function() {
return !! && (this.setTarget(this._storedTarget.clone()), this.alpha = this._storedAlpha, this.beta = this._storedBeta, this.radius = this._storedRadius, this.targetScreenOffset = this._storedTargetScreenOffset.clone(), this.inertialAlphaOffset = 0, this.inertialBetaOffset = 0, this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0, this.inertialPanningX = 0, this.inertialPanningY = 0, !0);
}, t.prototype._isSynchronizedViewMatrix = function() {
return !! && this._cache._target.equals(this._getTargetPosition()) && this._cache.alpha === this.alpha && this._cache.beta === this.beta && this._cache.radius === this.radius && this._cache.targetScreenOffset.equals(this.targetScreenOffset);
}, t.prototype.attachControl = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
i === void 0 && (i = !0), o === void 0 && (o = 2), n = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this._useCtrlForPanning = i, this._panningMouseButton = o, typeof arguments[0] == "boolean" && (arguments.length > 1 && (this._useCtrlForPanning = arguments[1]), arguments.length > 2 && (this._panningMouseButton = arguments[2])), this.inputs.attachElement(n), this._reset = function() {
a.inertialAlphaOffset = 0, a.inertialBetaOffset = 0, a.inertialRadiusOffset = 0, a.inertialPanningX = 0, a.inertialPanningY = 0;
}, t.prototype.detachControl = function(e) {
this.inputs.detachElement(), this._reset && this._reset();
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
if (!this._collisionTriggered) {
if (this.inputs.checkInputs(), this.inertialAlphaOffset !== 0 || this.inertialBetaOffset !== 0 || this.inertialRadiusOffset !== 0) {
var e = this.inertialAlphaOffset;
this.beta <= 0 && (e *= -1), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (e *= -1), this.parent && this.parent._getWorldMatrixDeterminant() < 0 && (e *= -1), this.alpha += e, this.beta += this.inertialBetaOffset, this.radius -= this.inertialRadiusOffset, this.inertialAlphaOffset *= this.inertia, this.inertialBetaOffset *= this.inertia, this.inertialRadiusOffset *= this.inertia, Math.abs(this.inertialAlphaOffset) < Vt.a && (this.inertialAlphaOffset = 0), Math.abs(this.inertialBetaOffset) < Vt.a && (this.inertialBetaOffset = 0), Math.abs(this.inertialRadiusOffset) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0);
(this.inertialPanningX !== 0 || this.inertialPanningY !== 0) && (this._localDirection || (this._localDirection = u.e.Zero(), this._transformedDirection = u.e.Zero()), this._localDirection.copyFromFloats(this.inertialPanningX, this.inertialPanningY, this.inertialPanningY), this._localDirection.multiplyInPlace(this.panningAxis), this._viewMatrix.invertToRef(this._cameraTransformMatrix), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._localDirection, this._cameraTransformMatrix, this._transformedDirection), this.panningAxis.y || (this._transformedDirection.y = 0), !this._targetHost && (this.panningDistanceLimit ? (this._transformedDirection.addInPlace(this._target), u.e.DistanceSquared(this._transformedDirection, this.panningOriginTarget) <= this.panningDistanceLimit * this.panningDistanceLimit && this._target.copyFrom(this._transformedDirection)) : this._target.addInPlace(this._transformedDirection)), this.inertialPanningX *= this.panningInertia, this.inertialPanningY *= this.panningInertia, Math.abs(this.inertialPanningX) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.inertialPanningX = 0), Math.abs(this.inertialPanningY) < this.speed * Vt.a && (this.inertialPanningY = 0)), this._checkLimits(),;
}, t.prototype._checkLimits = function() {
this.lowerBetaLimit === null || this.lowerBetaLimit === void 0 ? this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta > Math.PI && (this.beta = this.beta - 2 * Math.PI) : this.beta < this.lowerBetaLimit && (this.beta = this.lowerBetaLimit), this.upperBetaLimit === null || this.upperBetaLimit === void 0 ? this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta < -Math.PI && (this.beta = this.beta + 2 * Math.PI) : this.beta > this.upperBetaLimit && (this.beta = this.upperBetaLimit), this.lowerAlphaLimit !== null && this.alpha < this.lowerAlphaLimit && (this.alpha = this.lowerAlphaLimit), this.upperAlphaLimit !== null && this.alpha > this.upperAlphaLimit && (this.alpha = this.upperAlphaLimit), this.lowerRadiusLimit !== null && this.radius < this.lowerRadiusLimit && (this.radius = this.lowerRadiusLimit, this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0), this.upperRadiusLimit !== null && this.radius > this.upperRadiusLimit && (this.radius = this.upperRadiusLimit, this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0);
}, t.prototype.rebuildAnglesAndRadius = function() {
this._position.subtractToRef(this._getTargetPosition(), this._computationVector), this._upVector.x === 0 && this._upVector.y === 1 && this._upVector.z === 0 || u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._computationVector, this._upToYMatrix, this._computationVector), this.radius = this._computationVector.length(), this.radius === 0 && (this.radius = 1e-4);
var e = this.alpha;
this._computationVector.x === 0 && this._computationVector.z === 0 ? this.alpha = Math.PI / 2 : this.alpha = Math.acos(this._computationVector.x / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this._computationVector.x, 2) + Math.pow(this._computationVector.z, 2))), this._computationVector.z < 0 && (this.alpha = 2 * Math.PI - this.alpha);
var n = Math.round((e - this.alpha) / (2 * Math.PI));
this.alpha += 2 * n * Math.PI, this.beta = Math.acos(this._computationVector.y / this.radius), this._checkLimits();
}, t.prototype.setPosition = function(e) {
this._position.equals(e) || (this._position.copyFrom(e), this.rebuildAnglesAndRadius());
}, t.prototype.setTarget = function(e, n, i) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = !1), e.getBoundingInfo)
this._targetBoundingCenter = n ? e.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.centerWorld.clone() : null, e.computeWorldMatrix(), this._targetHost = e, this._target = this._getTargetPosition(), this.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this._targetHost);
else {
var o = e, a = this._getTargetPosition();
if (a && !i && a.equals(o))
this._targetHost = null, this._target = o, this._targetBoundingCenter = null, this.onMeshTargetChangedObservable.notifyObservers(null);
}, t.prototype._getViewMatrix = function() {
var e = Math.cos(this.alpha), n = Math.sin(this.alpha), i = Math.cos(this.beta), o = Math.sin(this.beta);
o === 0 && (o = 1e-4), this.radius === 0 && (this.radius = 1e-4);
var a = this._getTargetPosition();
if (this._computationVector.copyFromFloats(this.radius * e * o, this.radius * i, this.radius * n * o), this._upVector.x === 0 && this._upVector.y === 1 && this._upVector.z === 0 || u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._computationVector, this._YToUpMatrix, this._computationVector), a.addToRef(this._computationVector, this._newPosition), this.getScene().collisionsEnabled && this.checkCollisions) {
var s = this.getScene().collisionCoordinator;
this._collider || (this._collider = s.createCollider()), this._collider._radius = this.collisionRadius, this._newPosition.subtractToRef(this._position, this._collisionVelocity), this._collisionTriggered = !0, s.getNewPosition(this._position, this._collisionVelocity, this._collider, 3, null, this._onCollisionPositionChange, this.uniqueId);
} else {
var d = this.upVector;
this.allowUpsideDown && o < 0 && (d = d.negate()), this._computeViewMatrix(this._position, a, d), this._viewMatrix.addAtIndex(12, this.targetScreenOffset.x), this._viewMatrix.addAtIndex(13, this.targetScreenOffset.y);
return this._currentTarget = a, this._viewMatrix;
}, t.prototype.zoomOn = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), e = e || this.getScene().meshes;
var i = Ie.a.MinMax(e), o = u.e.Distance(i.min, i.max);
this.radius = o * this.zoomOnFactor, this.focusOn({ min: i.min, max: i.max, distance: o }, n);
}, t.prototype.focusOn = function(e, n) {
var i, o;
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), e.min === void 0) {
var a = e || this.getScene().meshes;
i = Ie.a.MinMax(a), o = u.e.Distance(i.min, i.max);
} else
i = e, o = e.distance;
this._target = Ie.a.Center(i), n || (this.maxZ = 2 * o);
}, t.prototype.createRigCamera = function(e, n) {
var i = 0;
switch (this.cameraRigMode) {
case _t.a.RIG_MODE_VR:
i = this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle * (n === 0 ? 1 : -1);
i = this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle * (n === 0 ? -1 : 1);
var o = new t(e, this.alpha + i, this.beta, this.radius, this._target, this.getScene());
return o._cameraRigParams = {}, o.isRigCamera = !0, o.rigParent = this, o.upVector = this.upVector, o;
}, t.prototype._updateRigCameras = function() {
var e = this._rigCameras[0], n = this._rigCameras[1];
switch (e.beta = n.beta = this.beta, this.cameraRigMode) {
case _t.a.RIG_MODE_VR:
e.alpha = this.alpha - this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle, n.alpha = this.alpha + this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle;
e.alpha = this.alpha + this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle, n.alpha = this.alpha - this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcRotateCamera";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "alpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "beta", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "radius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)("target")], t.prototype, "_target", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "inertialAlphaOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "inertialBetaOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "inertialRadiusOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerAlphaLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperAlphaLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerBetaLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperBetaLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerRadiusLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperRadiusLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "inertialPanningX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "inertialPanningY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "pinchToPanMaxDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "panningDistanceLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "panningOriginTarget", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "panningInertia", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "zoomOnFactor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "targetScreenOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "allowUpsideDown", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "useInputToRestoreState", void 0), t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("DeviceOrientationCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new xo(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var xo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n, i) || this;
return o._tmpDragQuaternion = new u.b(), o._disablePointerInputWhenUsingDeviceOrientation = !0, o._dragFactor = 0, o._quaternionCache = new u.b(), o.inputs.addDeviceOrientation(), o.inputs._deviceOrientationInput && o.inputs._deviceOrientationInput._onDeviceOrientationChangedObservable.addOnce(function() {
o._disablePointerInputWhenUsingDeviceOrientation && o.inputs._mouseInput && (o.inputs._mouseInput._allowCameraRotation = !1, o.inputs._mouseInput.onPointerMovedObservable.add(function(a) {
o._dragFactor != 0 && (o._initialQuaternion || (o._initialQuaternion = new u.b()), u.b.FromEulerAnglesToRef(0, a.offsetX * o._dragFactor, 0, o._tmpDragQuaternion), o._initialQuaternion.multiplyToRef(o._tmpDragQuaternion, o._initialQuaternion));
}), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "disablePointerInputWhenUsingDeviceOrientation", { get: function() {
return this._disablePointerInputWhenUsingDeviceOrientation;
}, set: function(e) {
this._disablePointerInputWhenUsingDeviceOrientation = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.enableHorizontalDragging = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1 / 300), this._dragFactor = e;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DeviceOrientationCamera";
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {, this._quaternionCache.copyFrom(this.rotationQuaternion), this._initialQuaternion && this._initialQuaternion.multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this.rotationQuaternion);
}, t.prototype.resetToCurrentRotation = function(e) {
var n = this;
e === void 0 && (e = be.a.Y), this.rotationQuaternion && (this._initialQuaternion || (this._initialQuaternion = new u.b()), this._initialQuaternion.copyFrom(this._quaternionCache || this.rotationQuaternion), ["x", "y", "z"].forEach(function(i) {
e[i] ? n._initialQuaternion[i] *= -1 : n._initialQuaternion[i] = 0;
}), this._initialQuaternion.normalize(), this._initialQuaternion.multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this.rotationQuaternion));
}, t;
}(zn), ol = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.addKeyboard = function() {
return this.add(new Ba()), this;
}, t.prototype.addMouse = function(e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !0), this.add(new Ua(e)), this;
}, t;
}(zr), gf = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !0);
var a =, e, n, i, o) || this;
return a.ellipsoid = new u.e(1, 1, 1), a.ellipsoidOffset = new u.e(0, 0, 0), a.checkCollisions = !1, a.applyGravity = !1, a.cameraDirection = u.e.Zero(), a._trackRoll = 0, a.rollCorrect = 100, a.bankedTurn = !1, a.bankedTurnLimit = Math.PI / 2, a.bankedTurnMultiplier = 1, a._needMoveForGravity = !1, a._oldPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._diffPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._newPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._collisionMask = -1, a._onCollisionPositionChange = function(s, d, p) {
p === void 0 && (p = null);
var y;
y = d, a._newPosition.copyFrom(y), a._newPosition.subtractToRef(a._oldPosition, a._diffPosition), a._diffPosition.length() > Ue.a.CollisionsEpsilon && (a.position.addInPlace(a._diffPosition), a.onCollide && p && a.onCollide(p));
}, a.inputs = new ol(a), a.inputs.addKeyboard().addMouse(), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angularSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.mouse;
return e ? e.angularSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.mouse;
n && (n.angularSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysForward", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysForward : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysForward = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysBackward", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysBackward : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysBackward = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysUp", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysUp : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysUp = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysDown", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysDown : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysDown = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysLeft", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysLeft : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysLeft = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "keysRight", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
return e ? e.keysRight : [];
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.keyboard;
n && (n.keysRight = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.attachControl = function(e, n) {
n = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this.inputs.attachElement(n);
}, t.prototype.detachControl = function() {
this.inputs.detachElement(), this.cameraDirection = new u.e(0, 0, 0);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "collisionMask", { get: function() {
return this._collisionMask;
}, set: function(e) {
this._collisionMask = isNaN(e) ? -1 : e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._collideWithWorld = function(e) {
(this.parent ? u.e.TransformCoordinates(this.position, this.parent.getWorldMatrix()) : this.position).subtractFromFloatsToRef(0, this.ellipsoid.y, 0, this._oldPosition), this._oldPosition.addInPlace(this.ellipsoidOffset);
var n = this.getScene().collisionCoordinator;
this._collider || (this._collider = n.createCollider()), this._collider._radius = this.ellipsoid, this._collider.collisionMask = this._collisionMask;
var i = e;
this.applyGravity && (i = e.add(this.getScene().gravity)), n.getNewPosition(this._oldPosition, i, this._collider, 3, null, this._onCollisionPositionChange, this.uniqueId);
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
this._localDirection || (this._localDirection = u.e.Zero(), this._transformedDirection = u.e.Zero()), this.inputs.checkInputs(),;
}, t.prototype._decideIfNeedsToMove = function() {
return this._needMoveForGravity || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.x) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.y) > 0 || Math.abs(this.cameraDirection.z) > 0;
}, t.prototype._updatePosition = function() {
this.checkCollisions && this.getScene().collisionsEnabled ? this._collideWithWorld(this.cameraDirection) :;
}, t.prototype.restoreRoll = function(e) {
var n = this._trackRoll, i = n - this.rotation.z;
Math.abs(i) >= 1e-3 && (this.rotation.z += i / e, Math.abs(n - this.rotation.z) <= 1e-3 && (this.rotation.z = n));
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FlyCamera";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "ellipsoid", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "ellipsoidOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "checkCollisions", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "applyGravity", void 0), t;
}(xi), al = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.addKeyboard = function() {
return this.add(new Va()), this;
}, t.prototype.addMouseWheel = function() {
return this.add(new ka()), this;
}, t.prototype.addPointers = function() {
return this.add(new Ga()), this;
}, t.prototype.addVRDeviceOrientation = function() {
return console.warn("DeviceOrientation support not yet implemented for FollowCamera."), this;
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("FollowCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new sl(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
}), Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("ArcFollowCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new cl(r, 0, 0, 1, null, t);
var Jn, sl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = null);
var a =, e, n, i) || this;
return a.radius = 12, a.lowerRadiusLimit = null, a.upperRadiusLimit = null, a.rotationOffset = 0, a.lowerRotationOffsetLimit = null, a.upperRotationOffsetLimit = null, a.heightOffset = 4, a.lowerHeightOffsetLimit = null, a.upperHeightOffsetLimit = null, a.cameraAcceleration = 0.05, a.maxCameraSpeed = 20, a.lockedTarget = o, a.inputs = new al(a), a.inputs.addKeyboard().addMouseWheel().addPointers(), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._follow = function(e) {
if (e) {
var n;
if (e.rotationQuaternion) {
var i = new u.a();
e.rotationQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(i), n = Math.atan2(i.m[8], i.m[10]);
} else
n = e.rotation.y;
var o = Xe.b.ToRadians(this.rotationOffset) + n, a = e.getAbsolutePosition(), s = a.x + Math.sin(o) * this.radius, d = a.z + Math.cos(o) * this.radius, p = s - this.position.x, y = a.y + this.heightOffset - this.position.y, P = d - this.position.z, R = p * this.cameraAcceleration * 2, B = y * this.cameraAcceleration, F = P * this.cameraAcceleration * 2;
(R > this.maxCameraSpeed || R < -this.maxCameraSpeed) && (R = R < 1 ? -this.maxCameraSpeed : this.maxCameraSpeed), (B > this.maxCameraSpeed || B < -this.maxCameraSpeed) && (B = B < 1 ? -this.maxCameraSpeed : this.maxCameraSpeed), (F > this.maxCameraSpeed || F < -this.maxCameraSpeed) && (F = F < 1 ? -this.maxCameraSpeed : this.maxCameraSpeed), this.position = new u.e(this.position.x + R, this.position.y + B, this.position.z + F), this.setTarget(a);
}, t.prototype.attachControl = function(e, n) {
n = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments), this.inputs.attachElement(n), this._reset = function() {
}, t.prototype.detachControl = function(e) {
this.inputs.detachElement(), this._reset && this._reset();
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
this.inputs.checkInputs(), this._checkLimits(),, this.lockedTarget && this._follow(this.lockedTarget);
}, t.prototype._checkLimits = function() {
this.lowerRadiusLimit !== null && this.radius < this.lowerRadiusLimit && (this.radius = this.lowerRadiusLimit), this.upperRadiusLimit !== null && this.radius > this.upperRadiusLimit && (this.radius = this.upperRadiusLimit), this.lowerHeightOffsetLimit !== null && this.heightOffset < this.lowerHeightOffsetLimit && (this.heightOffset = this.lowerHeightOffsetLimit), this.upperHeightOffsetLimit !== null && this.heightOffset > this.upperHeightOffsetLimit && (this.heightOffset = this.upperHeightOffsetLimit), this.lowerRotationOffsetLimit !== null && this.rotationOffset < this.lowerRotationOffsetLimit && (this.rotationOffset = this.lowerRotationOffsetLimit), this.upperRotationOffsetLimit !== null && this.rotationOffset > this.upperRotationOffsetLimit && (this.rotationOffset = this.upperRotationOffsetLimit);
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FollowCamera";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "radius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerRadiusLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperRadiusLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "rotationOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerRotationOffsetLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperRotationOffsetLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "heightOffset", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lowerHeightOffsetLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "upperHeightOffsetLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "cameraAcceleration", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "maxCameraSpeed", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.k)("lockedTargetId")], t.prototype, "lockedTarget", void 0), t;
}(xi), cl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, u.e.Zero(), s) || this;
return d.alpha = n, d.beta = i, d.radius = o, d._cartesianCoordinates = u.e.Zero(), d._meshTarget = a, d._follow(), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._follow = function() {
if (this._meshTarget) {
this._cartesianCoordinates.x = this.radius * Math.cos(this.alpha) * Math.cos(this.beta), this._cartesianCoordinates.y = this.radius * Math.sin(this.beta), this._cartesianCoordinates.z = this.radius * Math.sin(this.alpha) * Math.cos(this.beta);
var e = this._meshTarget.getAbsolutePosition();
this.position = e.add(this._cartesianCoordinates), this.setTarget(e);
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {, this._follow();
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcFollowCamera";
}, t;
}(xi), Za = f(38), dn = f(39);
(function(r) {
r[r.VIVE = 0] = "VIVE", r[r.OCULUS = 1] = "OCULUS", r[r.WINDOWS = 2] = "WINDOWS", r[r.GEAR_VR = 3] = "GEAR_VR", r[r.DAYDREAM = 4] = "DAYDREAM", r[r.GENERIC = 5] = "GENERIC";
})(Jn || (Jn = {}));
var xn, Wi, Ci = function() {
function r() {
return r.InitiateController = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = this._ControllerFactories; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (i.canCreate(t))
return i.create(t);
if (this._DefaultControllerFactory)
return this._DefaultControllerFactory(t);
throw "The type of gamepad you are trying to load needs to be imported first or is not supported.";
}, r._ControllerFactories = [], r._DefaultControllerFactory = null, r;
}(), ar = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =,, e.index, e) || this;
return n.isXR = !1, n._deviceRoomPosition = u.e.Zero(), n._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion = new u.b(), n.devicePosition = u.e.Zero(), n.deviceRotationQuaternion = new u.b(), n.deviceScaleFactor = 1, n._trackPosition = !0, n._maxRotationDistFromHeadset = Math.PI / 5, n._draggedRoomRotation = 0, n._leftHandSystemQuaternion = new u.b(), n._deviceToWorld = u.a.Identity(), n._pointingPoseNode = null, n._workingMatrix = u.a.Identity(), n._meshAttachedObservable = new C.c(), n.type = hn.POSE_ENABLED, n.controllerType = Jn.GENERIC, n.position = u.e.Zero(), n.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), n._calculatedPosition = u.e.Zero(), n._calculatedRotation = new u.b(), u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(Math.PI, 0, 0, n._leftHandSystemQuaternion), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._disableTrackPosition = function(e) {
this._trackPosition && (this._calculatedPosition.copyFrom(e), this._trackPosition = !1);
}, t.prototype.update = function() {, this._updatePoseAndMesh();
}, t.prototype._updatePoseAndMesh = function() {
if (!this.isXR) {
var e = this.browserGamepad.pose;
if (this.updateFromDevice(e), !this._trackPosition && te.a.LastCreatedScene && te.a.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera && te.a.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera.devicePosition && ((n = te.a.LastCreatedScene.activeCamera)._computeDevicePosition(), this._deviceToWorld.setTranslation(n.devicePosition), n.deviceRotationQuaternion)) {
var n;
(n = n)._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.toEulerAnglesToRef(u.c.Vector3[0]);
var i = Math.atan2(Math.sin(u.c.Vector3[0].y - this._draggedRoomRotation), Math.cos(u.c.Vector3[0].y - this._draggedRoomRotation));
if (Math.abs(i) > this._maxRotationDistFromHeadset) {
var o = i - (i < 0 ? -this._maxRotationDistFromHeadset : this._maxRotationDistFromHeadset);
this._draggedRoomRotation += o;
var a = Math.sin(-o), s = Math.cos(-o);
this._calculatedPosition.x = this._calculatedPosition.x * s - this._calculatedPosition.z * a, this._calculatedPosition.z = this._calculatedPosition.x * a + this._calculatedPosition.z * s;
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._calculatedPosition, this._deviceToWorld, this.devicePosition), this._deviceToWorld.getRotationMatrixToRef(this._workingMatrix), u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(this._workingMatrix, this.deviceRotationQuaternion), this.deviceRotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(this._calculatedRotation), this._mesh && (this._mesh.position.copyFrom(this.devicePosition), this._mesh.rotationQuaternion && this._mesh.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.deviceRotationQuaternion));
}, t.prototype.updateFromDevice = function(e) {
if (!this.isXR && e) {
this.rawPose = e, e.position && (this._deviceRoomPosition.copyFromFloats(e.position[0], e.position[1], -e.position[2]), this._mesh && this._mesh.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (this._deviceRoomPosition.z *= -1), this._trackPosition && this._deviceRoomPosition.scaleToRef(this.deviceScaleFactor, this._calculatedPosition), this._calculatedPosition.addInPlace(this.position));
var n = this.rawPose;
e.orientation && n.orientation && n.orientation.length === 4 && (this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.copyFromFloats(n.orientation[0], n.orientation[1], -n.orientation[2], -n.orientation[3]), this._mesh && (this._mesh.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? (this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.z *= -1, this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.w *= -1) : this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(this._leftHandSystemQuaternion, this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion)), this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this._calculatedRotation));
}, t.prototype.attachToMesh = function(e) {
if (this._mesh && (this._mesh.parent = null), this._mesh = e, this._poseControlledCamera && (this._mesh.parent = this._poseControlledCamera), this._mesh.rotationQuaternion || (this._mesh.rotationQuaternion = new u.b()), !this.isXR && (this._updatePoseAndMesh(), this._pointingPoseNode)) {
for (var n = [], i = this._pointingPoseNode; i.parent; )
n.push(i.parent), i = i.parent;
n.reverse().forEach(function(o) {
}, t.prototype.attachToPoseControlledCamera = function(e) {
this._poseControlledCamera = e, this._mesh && (this._mesh.parent = this._poseControlledCamera);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._mesh && this._mesh.dispose(), this._mesh = null,;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "mesh", { get: function() {
return this._mesh;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getForwardRay = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = 100), !this.mesh)
return new dn.a(u.e.Zero(), new u.e(0, 0, 1), e);
var n = this._pointingPoseNode ? this._pointingPoseNode.getWorldMatrix() : this.mesh.getWorldMatrix(), i = n.getTranslation(), o = new u.e(0, 0, -1), a = u.e.TransformNormal(o, n), s = u.e.Normalize(a);
return new dn.a(i, s, e);
(function(r) {
r[r.A = 0] = "A", r[r.B = 1] = "B", r[r.X = 2] = "X", r[r.Y = 3] = "Y", r[r.LB = 4] = "LB", r[r.RB = 5] = "RB", r[r.Back = 8] = "Back", r[r.Start = 9] = "Start", r[r.LeftStick = 10] = "LeftStick", r[r.RightStick = 11] = "RightStick";
})(xn || (xn = {})), function(r) {
r[r.Up = 12] = "Up", r[r.Down = 13] = "Down", r[r.Left = 14] = "Left", r[r.Right = 15] = "Right";
}(Wi || (Wi = {}));
var Vn, Xi, ll = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a =, e, n, i, 0, 1, 2, 3) || this;
return a._leftTrigger = 0, a._rightTrigger = 0, a.onButtonDownObservable = new C.c(), a.onButtonUpObservable = new C.c(), a.onPadDownObservable = new C.c(), a.onPadUpObservable = new C.c(), a._buttonA = 0, a._buttonB = 0, a._buttonX = 0, a._buttonY = 0, a._buttonBack = 0, a._buttonStart = 0, a._buttonLB = 0, a._buttonRB = 0, a._buttonLeftStick = 0, a._buttonRightStick = 0, a._dPadUp = 0, a._dPadDown = 0, a._dPadLeft = 0, a._dPadRight = 0, a._isXboxOnePad = !1, a.type = hn.XBOX, a._isXboxOnePad = o, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.onlefttriggerchanged = function(e) {
this._onlefttriggerchanged = e;
}, t.prototype.onrighttriggerchanged = function(e) {
this._onrighttriggerchanged = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "leftTrigger", { get: function() {
return this._leftTrigger;
}, set: function(e) {
this._onlefttriggerchanged && this._leftTrigger !== e && this._onlefttriggerchanged(e), this._leftTrigger = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rightTrigger", { get: function() {
return this._rightTrigger;
}, set: function(e) {
this._onrighttriggerchanged && this._rightTrigger !== e && this._onrighttriggerchanged(e), this._rightTrigger = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.onbuttondown = function(e) {
this._onbuttondown = e;
}, t.prototype.onbuttonup = function(e) {
this._onbuttonup = e;
}, t.prototype.ondpaddown = function(e) {
this._ondpaddown = e;
}, t.prototype.ondpadup = function(e) {
this._ondpadup = e;
}, t.prototype._setButtonValue = function(e, n, i) {
return e !== n && (e === 1 && (this._onbuttondown && this._onbuttondown(i), this.onButtonDownObservable.notifyObservers(i)), e === 0 && (this._onbuttonup && this._onbuttonup(i), this.onButtonUpObservable.notifyObservers(i))), e;
}, t.prototype._setDPadValue = function(e, n, i) {
return e !== n && (e === 1 && (this._ondpaddown && this._ondpaddown(i), this.onPadDownObservable.notifyObservers(i)), e === 0 && (this._ondpadup && this._ondpadup(i), this.onPadUpObservable.notifyObservers(i))), e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonA", { get: function() {
return this._buttonA;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonA = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonA, xn.A);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonB", { get: function() {
return this._buttonB;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonB = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonB, xn.B);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonX", { get: function() {
return this._buttonX;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonX = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonX, xn.X);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonY", { get: function() {
return this._buttonY;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonY = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonY, xn.Y);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonStart", { get: function() {
return this._buttonStart;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonStart = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonStart, xn.Start);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonBack", { get: function() {
return this._buttonBack;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonBack = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonBack, xn.Back);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonLB", { get: function() {
return this._buttonLB;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonLB = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonLB, xn.LB);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonRB", { get: function() {
return this._buttonRB;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonRB = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonRB, xn.RB);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonLeftStick", { get: function() {
return this._buttonLeftStick;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonLeftStick = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonLeftStick, xn.LeftStick);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonRightStick", { get: function() {
return this._buttonRightStick;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonRightStick = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonRightStick, xn.RightStick);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadUp", { get: function() {
return this._dPadUp;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadUp = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadUp, Wi.Up);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadDown", { get: function() {
return this._dPadDown;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadDown = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadDown, Wi.Down);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadLeft", { get: function() {
return this._dPadLeft;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadLeft = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadLeft, Wi.Left);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadRight", { get: function() {
return this._dPadRight;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadRight = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadRight, Wi.Right);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.update = function() {, this._isXboxOnePad, this.buttonA = this.browserGamepad.buttons[0].value, this.buttonB = this.browserGamepad.buttons[1].value, this.buttonX = this.browserGamepad.buttons[2].value, this.buttonY = this.browserGamepad.buttons[3].value, this.buttonLB = this.browserGamepad.buttons[4].value, this.buttonRB = this.browserGamepad.buttons[5].value, this.leftTrigger = this.browserGamepad.buttons[6].value, this.rightTrigger = this.browserGamepad.buttons[7].value, this.buttonBack = this.browserGamepad.buttons[8].value, this.buttonStart = this.browserGamepad.buttons[9].value, this.buttonLeftStick = this.browserGamepad.buttons[10].value, this.buttonRightStick = this.browserGamepad.buttons[11].value, this.dPadUp = this.browserGamepad.buttons[12].value, this.dPadDown = this.browserGamepad.buttons[13].value, this.dPadLeft = this.browserGamepad.buttons[14].value, this.dPadRight = this.browserGamepad.buttons[15].value;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onButtonDownObservable.clear(), this.onButtonUpObservable.clear(), this.onPadDownObservable.clear(), this.onPadUpObservable.clear();
}, t;
(function(r) {
r[r.Cross = 0] = "Cross", r[r.Circle = 1] = "Circle", r[r.Square = 2] = "Square", r[r.Triangle = 3] = "Triangle", r[r.L1 = 4] = "L1", r[r.R1 = 5] = "R1", r[r.Share = 8] = "Share", r[r.Options = 9] = "Options", r[r.LeftStick = 10] = "LeftStick", r[r.RightStick = 11] = "RightStick";
})(Vn || (Vn = {})), function(r) {
r[r.Up = 12] = "Up", r[r.Down = 13] = "Down", r[r.Left = 14] = "Left", r[r.Right = 15] = "Right";
}(Xi || (Xi = {}));
var ul = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e.replace("STANDARD GAMEPAD", "SONY PLAYSTATION DUALSHOCK"), n, i, 0, 1, 2, 3) || this;
return o._leftTrigger = 0, o._rightTrigger = 0, o.onButtonDownObservable = new C.c(), o.onButtonUpObservable = new C.c(), o.onPadDownObservable = new C.c(), o.onPadUpObservable = new C.c(), o._buttonCross = 0, o._buttonCircle = 0, o._buttonSquare = 0, o._buttonTriangle = 0, o._buttonShare = 0, o._buttonOptions = 0, o._buttonL1 = 0, o._buttonR1 = 0, o._buttonLeftStick = 0, o._buttonRightStick = 0, o._dPadUp = 0, o._dPadDown = 0, o._dPadLeft = 0, o._dPadRight = 0, o.type = hn.DUALSHOCK, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.onlefttriggerchanged = function(e) {
this._onlefttriggerchanged = e;
}, t.prototype.onrighttriggerchanged = function(e) {
this._onrighttriggerchanged = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "leftTrigger", { get: function() {
return this._leftTrigger;
}, set: function(e) {
this._onlefttriggerchanged && this._leftTrigger !== e && this._onlefttriggerchanged(e), this._leftTrigger = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rightTrigger", { get: function() {
return this._rightTrigger;
}, set: function(e) {
this._onrighttriggerchanged && this._rightTrigger !== e && this._onrighttriggerchanged(e), this._rightTrigger = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.onbuttondown = function(e) {
this._onbuttondown = e;
}, t.prototype.onbuttonup = function(e) {
this._onbuttonup = e;
}, t.prototype.ondpaddown = function(e) {
this._ondpaddown = e;
}, t.prototype.ondpadup = function(e) {
this._ondpadup = e;
}, t.prototype._setButtonValue = function(e, n, i) {
return e !== n && (e === 1 && (this._onbuttondown && this._onbuttondown(i), this.onButtonDownObservable.notifyObservers(i)), e === 0 && (this._onbuttonup && this._onbuttonup(i), this.onButtonUpObservable.notifyObservers(i))), e;
}, t.prototype._setDPadValue = function(e, n, i) {
return e !== n && (e === 1 && (this._ondpaddown && this._ondpaddown(i), this.onPadDownObservable.notifyObservers(i)), e === 0 && (this._ondpadup && this._ondpadup(i), this.onPadUpObservable.notifyObservers(i))), e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonCross", { get: function() {
return this._buttonCross;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonCross = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonCross, Vn.Cross);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonCircle", { get: function() {
return this._buttonCircle;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonCircle = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonCircle, Vn.Circle);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonSquare", { get: function() {
return this._buttonSquare;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonSquare = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonSquare, Vn.Square);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonTriangle", { get: function() {
return this._buttonTriangle;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonTriangle = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonTriangle, Vn.Triangle);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonOptions", { get: function() {
return this._buttonOptions;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonOptions = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonOptions, Vn.Options);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonShare", { get: function() {
return this._buttonShare;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonShare = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonShare, Vn.Share);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonL1", { get: function() {
return this._buttonL1;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonL1 = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonL1, Vn.L1);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonR1", { get: function() {
return this._buttonR1;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonR1 = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonR1, Vn.R1);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonLeftStick", { get: function() {
return this._buttonLeftStick;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonLeftStick = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonLeftStick, Vn.LeftStick);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "buttonRightStick", { get: function() {
return this._buttonRightStick;
}, set: function(e) {
this._buttonRightStick = this._setButtonValue(e, this._buttonRightStick, Vn.RightStick);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadUp", { get: function() {
return this._dPadUp;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadUp = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadUp, Xi.Up);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadDown", { get: function() {
return this._dPadDown;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadDown = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadDown, Xi.Down);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadLeft", { get: function() {
return this._dPadLeft;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadLeft = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadLeft, Xi.Left);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dPadRight", { get: function() {
return this._dPadRight;
}, set: function(e) {
this._dPadRight = this._setDPadValue(e, this._dPadRight, Xi.Right);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.update = function() {, this.buttonCross = this.browserGamepad.buttons[0].value, this.buttonCircle = this.browserGamepad.buttons[1].value, this.buttonSquare = this.browserGamepad.buttons[2].value, this.buttonTriangle = this.browserGamepad.buttons[3].value, this.buttonL1 = this.browserGamepad.buttons[4].value, this.buttonR1 = this.browserGamepad.buttons[5].value, this.leftTrigger = this.browserGamepad.buttons[6].value, this.rightTrigger = this.browserGamepad.buttons[7].value, this.buttonShare = this.browserGamepad.buttons[8].value, this.buttonOptions = this.browserGamepad.buttons[9].value, this.buttonLeftStick = this.browserGamepad.buttons[10].value, this.buttonRightStick = this.browserGamepad.buttons[11].value, this.dPadUp = this.browserGamepad.buttons[12].value, this.dPadDown = this.browserGamepad.buttons[13].value, this.dPadLeft = this.browserGamepad.buttons[14].value, this.dPadRight = this.browserGamepad.buttons[15].value;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onButtonDownObservable.clear(), this.onButtonUpObservable.clear(), this.onPadDownObservable.clear(), this.onPadUpObservable.clear();
}, t;
}(hn), hl = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
if (this._scene = t, this._babylonGamepads = [], this._oneGamepadConnected = !1, this._isMonitoring = !1, this.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable = new C.c(), Za.a.IsWindowObjectExist() ? (this._gamepadEventSupported = "GamepadEvent" in window, this._gamepadSupport = navigator.getGamepads || navigator.webkitGetGamepads || navigator.msGetGamepads || navigator.webkitGamepads) : this._gamepadEventSupported = !1, this.onGamepadConnectedObservable = new C.c(function(i) {
for (var o in e._babylonGamepads) {
var a = e._babylonGamepads[o];
a && a._isConnected && e.onGamepadConnectedObservable.notifyObserver(i, a);
}), this._onGamepadConnectedEvent = function(i) {
var o, a = i.gamepad;
a.index in e._babylonGamepads && e._babylonGamepads[a.index].isConnected || (e._babylonGamepads[a.index] ? ((o = e._babylonGamepads[a.index]).browserGamepad = a, o._isConnected = !0) : o = e._addNewGamepad(a), e.onGamepadConnectedObservable.notifyObservers(o), e._startMonitoringGamepads());
}, this._onGamepadDisconnectedEvent = function(i) {
var o = i.gamepad;
for (var a in e._babylonGamepads)
if (e._babylonGamepads[a].index === o.index) {
var s = e._babylonGamepads[a];
s._isConnected = !1, e.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.notifyObservers(s), s.dispose && s.dispose();
}, this._gamepadSupport)
if (this._updateGamepadObjects(), this._babylonGamepads.length && this._startMonitoringGamepads(), this._gamepadEventSupported) {
var n = this._scene ? this._scene.getEngine().getHostWindow() : window;
n && (n.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._onGamepadConnectedEvent, !1), n.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._onGamepadDisconnectedEvent, !1));
} else
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "gamepads", { get: function() {
return this._babylonGamepads;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getGamepadByType = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = hn.XBOX);
for (var e = 0, n = this._babylonGamepads; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (i && i.type === t)
return i;
return null;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._gamepadEventSupported && (this._onGamepadConnectedEvent && window.removeEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._onGamepadConnectedEvent), this._onGamepadDisconnectedEvent && window.removeEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._onGamepadDisconnectedEvent), this._onGamepadConnectedEvent = null, this._onGamepadDisconnectedEvent = null), this._babylonGamepads.forEach(function(t) {
}), this.onGamepadConnectedObservable.clear(), this.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.clear(), this._oneGamepadConnected = !1, this._stopMonitoringGamepads(), this._babylonGamepads = [];
}, r.prototype._addNewGamepad = function(t) {
var e;
this._oneGamepadConnected || (this._oneGamepadConnected = !0);
var n ="054c") !== -1, i ="Xbox One") !== -1;
return e = i ||"Xbox 360") !== -1 ||"xinput") !== -1 ? new ll(, t.index, t, i) : n ? new ul(, t.index, t) : t.pose ? Ci.InitiateController(t) : new nl(, t.index, t), this._babylonGamepads[e.index] = e, e;
}, r.prototype._startMonitoringGamepads = function() {
this._isMonitoring || (this._isMonitoring = !0, this._scene || this._checkGamepadsStatus());
}, r.prototype._stopMonitoringGamepads = function() {
this._isMonitoring = !1;
}, r.prototype._checkGamepadsStatus = function() {
var t = this;
for (var e in this._updateGamepadObjects(), this._babylonGamepads) {
var n = this._babylonGamepads[e];
n && n.isConnected && n.update();
this._isMonitoring && !this._scene && Ue.a.QueueNewFrame(function() {
}, r.prototype._updateGamepadObjects = function() {
for (var t = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : [], e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
if (n)
if (this._babylonGamepads[n.index])
this._babylonGamepads[e].browserGamepad = n, this._babylonGamepads[e].isConnected || (this._babylonGamepads[e]._isConnected = !0, this.onGamepadConnectedObservable.notifyObservers(this._babylonGamepads[e]));
else {
var i = this._addNewGamepad(n);
}, r;
Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "gamepadManager", { get: function() {
if (!this._gamepadManager) {
this._gamepadManager = new hl(this);
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_GAMEPAD);
r || (r = new dl(this), this._addComponent(r));
return this._gamepadManager;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), jr.prototype.addGamepad = function() {
return this.add(new Ya()), this;
}, Po.prototype.addGamepad = function() {
return this.add(new Da()), this;
var dl = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_GAMEPAD, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeCameraUpdateStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECAMERAUPDATE_GAMEPAD, this, this._beforeCameraUpdate);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this.scene._gamepadManager;
t && (t.dispose(), this.scene._gamepadManager = null);
}, r.prototype._beforeCameraUpdate = function() {
var t = this.scene._gamepadManager;
t && t._isMonitoring && t._checkGamepadsStatus();
}, r;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("FreeCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new sr(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var sr = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n, i) || this;
return o.inputs.addGamepad(), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "gamepadAngularSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.gamepad;
return e ? e.gamepadAngularSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.gamepad;
n && (n.gamepadAngularSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "gamepadMoveSensibility", { get: function() {
var e = this.inputs.attached.gamepad;
return e ? e.gamepadMoveSensibility : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.inputs.attached.gamepad;
n && (n.gamepadMoveSensibility = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "UniversalCamera";
}, t;
_t.a._createDefaultParsedCamera = function(r, t) {
return new sr(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("GamepadCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Co(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Co = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
return, e, n, i) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GamepadCamera";
}, t;
}(sr), si = f(33), ze = f(5), vf = `
attribute vec2 position;
uniform vec2 scale;
varying vec2 vUV;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.postprocessVertexShader = vf;
var fl = f(102);
wt.a.prototype.createRenderTargetTexture = function(r, t) {
var e = new fl.a();
t !== void 0 && typeof t == "object" ? (e.generateMipMaps = t.generateMipMaps, e.generateDepthBuffer = !!t.generateDepthBuffer, e.generateStencilBuffer = !!t.generateStencilBuffer, e.type = t.type === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT : t.type, e.samplingMode = t.samplingMode === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE : t.samplingMode, e.format = t.format === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA : t.format) : (e.generateMipMaps = t, e.generateDepthBuffer = !0, e.generateStencilBuffer = !1, e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, e.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), (e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering) && (e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT || this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering) || (e.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE), e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloat || (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, l.a.Warn("Float textures are not supported. Render target forced to TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE type"));
var n = this._gl, i = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.RenderTarget), o = r.width || r, a = r.height || r, s = r.layers || 0, d = this._getSamplingParameters(e.samplingMode, !!e.generateMipMaps), p = s !== 0 ? n.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : n.TEXTURE_2D, y = this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(e.type, e.format), P = this._getInternalFormat(e.format), R = this._getWebGLTextureType(e.type);
this._bindTextureDirectly(p, i), s !== 0 ? (i.is2DArray = !0, n.texImage3D(p, 0, y, o, a, s, 0, P, R, null)) : n.texImage2D(p, 0, y, o, a, 0, P, R, null), n.texParameteri(p, n.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, d.mag), n.texParameteri(p, n.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, d.min), n.texParameteri(p, n.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, n.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), n.texParameteri(p, n.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, n.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), e.generateMipMaps && this._gl.generateMipmap(p), this._bindTextureDirectly(p, null);
var B = this._currentFramebuffer, F = n.createFramebuffer();
return this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(F), i._depthStencilBuffer = this._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments(!!e.generateStencilBuffer, e.generateDepthBuffer, o, a), i.is2DArray || n.framebufferTexture2D(n.FRAMEBUFFER, n.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, n.TEXTURE_2D, i._webGLTexture, 0), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(B), i._framebuffer = F, i.baseWidth = o, i.baseHeight = a, i.width = o, i.height = a, i.depth = s, i.isReady = !0, i.samples = 1, i.generateMipMaps = !!e.generateMipMaps, i.samplingMode = e.samplingMode, i.type = e.type, i.format = e.format, i._generateDepthBuffer = e.generateDepthBuffer, i._generateStencilBuffer = !!e.generateStencilBuffer, this._internalTexturesCache.push(i), i;
}, wt.a.prototype.createDepthStencilTexture = function(r, t) {
if (t.isCube) {
var e = r.width || r;
return this._createDepthStencilCubeTexture(e, t);
return this._createDepthStencilTexture(r, t);
}, wt.a.prototype._createDepthStencilTexture = function(r, t) {
var e = this._gl, n = r.layers || 0, i = n !== 0 ? e.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY : e.TEXTURE_2D, o = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Depth);
if (!this._caps.depthTextureExtension)
return l.a.Error("Depth texture is not supported by your browser or hardware."), o;
var a = Object(c.a)({ bilinearFiltering: !1, comparisonFunction: 0, generateStencil: !1 }, t);
this._bindTextureDirectly(i, o, !0), this._setupDepthStencilTexture(o, r, a.generateStencil, a.bilinearFiltering, a.comparisonFunction);
var s = a.generateStencil ? e.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8 : e.UNSIGNED_INT, d = a.generateStencil ? e.DEPTH_STENCIL : e.DEPTH_COMPONENT, p = d;
return this.webGLVersion > 1 && (p = a.generateStencil ? e.DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : e.DEPTH_COMPONENT24), o.is2DArray ? e.texImage3D(i, 0, p, o.width, o.height, n, 0, d, s, null) : e.texImage2D(i, 0, p, o.width, o.height, 0, d, s, null), this._bindTextureDirectly(i, null), o;
var ft = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z) {
s === void 0 && (s = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE), y === void 0 && (y = null), P === void 0 && (P = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), R === void 0 && (R = "postprocess"), F === void 0 && (F = !1), z === void 0 && (z = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), this.width = -1, this.height = -1, this.nodeMaterialSource = null, this._outputTexture = null, this.autoClear = !0, this.alphaMode = h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE, this.animations = new Array(), this.enablePixelPerfectMode = !1, this.forceFullscreenViewport = !0, this.scaleMode = h.a.SCALEMODE_FLOOR, this.alwaysForcePOT = !1, this._samples = 1, this.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = !1, this._reusable = !1, this._textures = new si.a(2), this._currentRenderTextureInd = 0, this._scaleRatio = new u.d(1, 1), this._texelSize = u.d.Zero(), this.onActivateObservable = new C.c(), this.onSizeChangedObservable = new C.c(), this.onApplyObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterRenderObservable = new C.c(), = t, a != null ? (this._camera = a, this._scene = a.getScene(), a.attachPostProcess(this), this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._scene.postProcesses.push(this), this.uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId()) : d && (this._engine = d, this._engine.postProcesses.push(this)), this._options = o, this.renderTargetSamplingMode = s || h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, this._reusable = p || !1, this._textureType = P, this._textureFormat = z, this._samplers = i || [], this._samplers.push("textureSampler"), this._fragmentUrl = e, this._vertexUrl = R, this._parameters = n || [], this._parameters.push("scale"), this._indexParameters = B, F || this.updateEffect(y);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._samples;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
this._samples = Math.min(t, this._engine.getCaps().maxMSAASamples), this._textures.forEach(function(n) {
n.samples !== e._samples && e._engine.updateRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(n, e._samples);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getEffectName = function() {
return this._fragmentUrl;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onActivate", { set: function(t) {
this._onActivateObserver && this.onActivateObservable.remove(this._onActivateObserver), t && (this._onActivateObserver = this.onActivateObservable.add(t));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onSizeChanged", { set: function(t) {
this._onSizeChangedObserver && this.onSizeChangedObservable.remove(this._onSizeChangedObserver), this._onSizeChangedObserver = this.onSizeChangedObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onApply", { set: function(t) {
this._onApplyObserver && this.onApplyObservable.remove(this._onApplyObserver), this._onApplyObserver = this.onApplyObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onBeforeRender", { set: function(t) {
this._onBeforeRenderObserver && this.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderObserver), this._onBeforeRenderObserver = this.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onAfterRender", { set: function(t) {
this._onAfterRenderObserver && this.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderObserver = this.onAfterRenderObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "inputTexture", { get: function() {
}, set: function(t) {
this._forcedOutputTexture = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.restoreDefaultInputTexture = function() {
this._forcedOutputTexture = null;
}, r.prototype.getCamera = function() {
return this._camera;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "texelSize", { get: function() {
return this._shareOutputWithPostProcess ? this._shareOutputWithPostProcess.texelSize : (this._forcedOutputTexture && this._texelSize.copyFromFloats(1 / this._forcedOutputTexture.width, 1 / this._forcedOutputTexture.height), this._texelSize);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PostProcess";
}, r.prototype.getEngine = function() {
return this._engine;
}, r.prototype.getEffect = function() {
return this._effect;
}, r.prototype.shareOutputWith = function(t) {
return this._disposeTextures(), this._shareOutputWithPostProcess = t, this;
}, r.prototype.useOwnOutput = function() {
this._textures.length == 0 && (this._textures = new si.a(2)), this._shareOutputWithPostProcess = null;
}, r.prototype.updateEffect = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
t === void 0 && (t = null), e === void 0 && (e = null), n === void 0 && (n = null), this._effect = this._engine.createEffect({ vertex: s ?? this._vertexUrl, fragment: d ?? this._fragmentUrl }, ["position"], e || this._parameters, n || this._samplers, t !== null ? t : "", void 0, o, a, i || this._indexParameters);
}, r.prototype.isReusable = function() {
return this._reusable;
}, r.prototype.markTextureDirty = function() {
this.width = -1;
}, r.prototype.activate = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
e === void 0 && (e = null);
var o = (t = t || this._camera).getScene(), a = o.getEngine(), s = a.getCaps().maxTextureSize, d = (e ? e.width : this._engine.getRenderWidth(!0)) * this._options | 0, p = (e ? e.height : this._engine.getRenderHeight(!0)) * this._options | 0, y = t.parent;
!y || y.leftCamera != t && y.rightCamera != t || (d /= 2);
var P, R = this._options.width || d, B = this._options.height || p, F = this.renderTargetSamplingMode !== h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_LINEAR && this.renderTargetSamplingMode !== h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_NEAREST && this.renderTargetSamplingMode !== h.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR;
if (!this._shareOutputWithPostProcess && !this._forcedOutputTexture) {
if (this.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport) {
var z = a.currentViewport;
z && (R *= z.width, B *= z.height);
if ((F || this.alwaysForcePOT) && (this._options.width || (R = a.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(R, s, this.scaleMode) : R), this._options.height || (B = a.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(B, s, this.scaleMode) : B)), this.width !== R || this.height !== B) {
if (this._textures.length > 0) {
for (var J = 0; J < this._textures.length; J++)
this.width = R, this.height = B;
var ie = { width: this.width, height: this.height }, se = { generateMipMaps: F, generateDepthBuffer: n || t._postProcesses.indexOf(this) === 0, generateStencilBuffer: (n || t._postProcesses.indexOf(this) === 0) && this._engine.isStencilEnable, samplingMode: this.renderTargetSamplingMode, type: this._textureType, format: this._textureFormat };
this._textures.push(this._engine.createRenderTargetTexture(ie, se)), this._reusable && this._textures.push(this._engine.createRenderTargetTexture(ie, se)), this._texelSize.copyFromFloats(1 / this.width, 1 / this.height), this.onSizeChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this);
this._textures.forEach(function(ce) {
ce.samples !== i.samples && i._engine.updateRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(ce, i.samples);
return this._shareOutputWithPostProcess ? P = this._shareOutputWithPostProcess.inputTexture : this._forcedOutputTexture ? (P = this._forcedOutputTexture, this.width = this._forcedOutputTexture.width, this.height = this._forcedOutputTexture.height) : P = this.inputTexture, this.enablePixelPerfectMode ? (this._scaleRatio.copyFromFloats(d / R, p / B), this._engine.bindFramebuffer(P, 0, d, p, this.forceFullscreenViewport)) : (this._scaleRatio.copyFromFloats(1, 1), this._engine.bindFramebuffer(P, 0, void 0, void 0, this.forceFullscreenViewport)), this.onActivateObservable.notifyObservers(t), this.autoClear && this.alphaMode === h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE && this._engine.clear(this.clearColor ? this.clearColor : o.clearColor, o._allowPostProcessClearColor, !0, !0), this._reusable && (this._currentRenderTextureInd = (this._currentRenderTextureInd + 1) % 2), P;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
return this._effect.isSupported;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "aspectRatio", { get: function() {
return this._shareOutputWithPostProcess ? this._shareOutputWithPostProcess.aspectRatio : this._forcedOutputTexture ? this._forcedOutputTexture.width / this._forcedOutputTexture.height : this.width / this.height;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this._effect && this._effect.isReady();
}, r.prototype.apply = function() {
return this._effect && this._effect.isReady() ? (this._engine.enableEffect(this._effect), this._engine.setState(!1), this._engine.setDepthBuffer(!1), this._engine.setDepthWrite(!1), this._engine.setAlphaMode(this.alphaMode), this.alphaConstants && this.getEngine().setAlphaConstants(this.alphaConstants.r, this.alphaConstants.g, this.alphaConstants.b, this.alphaConstants.a), t = this._shareOutputWithPostProcess ? this._shareOutputWithPostProcess.inputTexture : this._forcedOutputTexture ? this._forcedOutputTexture : this.inputTexture, this._effect._bindTexture("textureSampler", t), this._effect.setVector2("scale", this._scaleRatio), this.onApplyObservable.notifyObservers(this._effect), this._effect) : null;
var t;
}, r.prototype._disposeTextures = function() {
if (!this._shareOutputWithPostProcess && !this._forcedOutputTexture) {
if (this._textures.length > 0)
for (var t = 0; t < this._textures.length; t++)
}, r.prototype.setPrePassRenderer = function(t) {
return !!this._prePassEffectConfiguration && (this._prePassEffectConfiguration = t.addEffectConfiguration(this._prePassEffectConfiguration), this._prePassEffectConfiguration.enabled = !0, !0);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e;
if (t = t || this._camera, this._disposeTextures(), this._scene && (e = this._scene.postProcesses.indexOf(this)) !== -1 && this._scene.postProcesses.splice(e, 1), (e = this._engine.postProcesses.indexOf(this)) !== -1 && this._engine.postProcesses.splice(e, 1), t) {
if (t.detachPostProcess(this), (e = t._postProcesses.indexOf(this)) === 0 && t._postProcesses.length > 0) {
var n = this._camera._getFirstPostProcess();
n && n.markTextureDirty();
this.onActivateObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderObservable.clear(), this.onApplyObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable.clear(), this.onSizeChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = L.a.Serialize(this);
return t.customType = "BABYLON." + this.getClassName(), t.cameraId = this.getCamera().id, t.reusable = this._reusable, t.options = this._options, t.textureType = this._textureType, t;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = O.a.GetClass(t.customType);
if (!i || !i._Parse)
return null;
var o = e.getCameraByID(t.cameraId);
return o ? i._Parse(t, o, e, n) : null;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "uniqueId", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "name", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "width", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "height", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "renderTargetSamplingMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.f)()], r.prototype, "clearColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "autoClear", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "alphaMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "alphaConstants", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "enablePixelPerfectMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "forceFullscreenViewport", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "scaleMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "alwaysForcePOT", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("samples")], r.prototype, "_samples", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "adaptScaleToCurrentViewport", void 0), r;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PostProcess"] = ft;
var yf = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.passPixelShader = yf;
var bf = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform samplerCube textureSampler;
void main(void)
vec2 uv=vUV*2.0-1.0;
ze.a.ShadersStore.passCubePixelShader = bf;
var Ri = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
return i === void 0 && (i = null), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = !1),, e, "pass", null, null, n, i, o, a, s, void 0, d, void 0, null, p) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PassPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PassPostProcess"] = Ri;
var Tf = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = !1);
var y =, e, "passCube", null, null, n, i, o, a, s, "#define POSITIVEX", d, void 0, null, p) || this;
return y._face = 0, y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "face", { get: function() {
return this._face;
}, set: function(e) {
if (!(e < 0 || e > 5))
switch (this._face = e, this._face) {
case 0:
this.updateEffect("#define POSITIVEX");
case 1:
this.updateEffect("#define NEGATIVEX");
case 2:
this.updateEffect("#define POSITIVEY");
case 3:
this.updateEffect("#define NEGATIVEY");
case 4:
this.updateEffect("#define POSITIVEZ");
case 5:
this.updateEffect("#define NEGATIVEZ");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PassCubePostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, t;
Ue.a._RescalePostProcessFactory = function(r) {
return new Ri("rescale", 1, null, h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, r, !1, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var Ef = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D leftSampler;
void main(void)
vec4 leftFrag=texture2D(leftSampler,vUV);
vec4 rightFrag=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
ze.a.ShadersStore.anaglyphPixelShader = Ef;
var Ja = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, "anaglyph", null, ["leftSampler"], n, i[1], o, a, s) || this;
return d._passedProcess = i[0]._rigPostProcess, d.onApplyObservable.add(function(p) {
p.setTextureFromPostProcess("leftSampler", d._passedProcess);
}), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnaglyphPostProcess";
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.AnaglyphPostProcess"] = Ja, _t.a._setStereoscopicAnaglyphRigMode = function(r) {
r._rigCameras[0]._rigPostProcess = new Ri( + "_passthru", 1, r._rigCameras[0]), r._rigCameras[1]._rigPostProcess = new Ja( + "_anaglyph", 1, r._rigCameras);
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("AnaglyphArcRotateCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new pl(r, 0, 0, 1, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, t);
var pl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p =, e, n, i, o, a, d) || this;
return p.interaxialDistance = s, p.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH, { interaxialDistance: s }), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnaglyphArcRotateCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("AnaglyphFreeCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new _l(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, t);
var _l = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, n, o) || this;
return a.interaxialDistance = i, a.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH, { interaxialDistance: i }), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnaglyphFreeCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("AnaglyphGamepadCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new ml(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, t);
var ml = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, n, o) || this;
return a.interaxialDistance = i, a.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH, { interaxialDistance: i }), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnaglyphGamepadCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("AnaglyphUniversalCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new gl(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, t);
var gl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, n, o) || this;
return a.interaxialDistance = i, a.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH, { interaxialDistance: i }), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnaglyphUniversalCamera";
}, t;
}(sr), jn = f(58);
_t.a._setStereoscopicRigMode = function(r) {
r._rigCameras[e ? 1 : 0].viewport = new jn.a(0, 0, t ? 0.5 : 1, t ? 1 : 0.5), r._rigCameras[e ? 0 : 1].viewport = new jn.a(t ? 0.5 : 0, t ? 0 : 0.5, t ? 0.5 : 1, t ? 1 : 0.5);
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("StereoscopicArcRotateCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new vl(r, 0, 0, 1, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, e.isStereoscopicSideBySide, t);
var vl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y =, e, n, i, o, a, p) || this;
return y.interaxialDistance = s, y.isStereoscopicSideBySide = d, y.setCameraRigMode(d ? _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL : _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER, { interaxialDistance: s }), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicArcRotateCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("StereoscopicFreeCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new yl(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, e.isStereoscopicSideBySide, t);
var yl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s =, e, n, a) || this;
return s.interaxialDistance = i, s.isStereoscopicSideBySide = o, s.setCameraRigMode(o ? _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL : _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER, { interaxialDistance: i }), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicFreeCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("StereoscopicGamepadCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new bl(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, e.isStereoscopicSideBySide, t);
var bl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s =, e, n, a) || this;
return s.interaxialDistance = i, s.isStereoscopicSideBySide = o, s.setCameraRigMode(o ? _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL : _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER, { interaxialDistance: i }), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicGamepadCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("StereoscopicFreeCamera", function(r, t, e) {
return function() {
return new Tl(r, u.e.Zero(), e.interaxial_distance, e.isStereoscopicSideBySide, t);
var Tl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s =, e, n, a) || this;
return s.interaxialDistance = i, s.isStereoscopicSideBySide = o, s.setCameraRigMode(o ? _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL : _t.a.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER, { interaxialDistance: i }), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicUniversalCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("VirtualJoysticksCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new El(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var El = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n, i) || this;
return o.inputs.addVirtualJoystick(), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VirtualJoysticksCamera";
}, t;
}(zn), cr = function() {
function r() {
this.compensateDistortion = !0, this.multiviewEnabled = !1;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "aspectRatio", { get: function() {
return this.hResolution / (2 * this.vResolution);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "aspectRatioFov", { get: function() {
return 2 * Math.atan(this.postProcessScaleFactor * this.vScreenSize / (2 * this.eyeToScreenDistance));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "leftHMatrix", { get: function() {
var t = 4 * (this.hScreenSize / 4 - this.lensSeparationDistance / 2) / this.hScreenSize;
return u.a.Translation(t, 0, 0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rightHMatrix", { get: function() {
var t = 4 * (this.hScreenSize / 4 - this.lensSeparationDistance / 2) / this.hScreenSize;
return u.a.Translation(-t, 0, 0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "leftPreViewMatrix", { get: function() {
return u.a.Translation(0.5 * this.interpupillaryDistance, 0, 0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rightPreViewMatrix", { get: function() {
return u.a.Translation(-0.5 * this.interpupillaryDistance, 0, 0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.GetDefault = function() {
var t = new r();
return t.hResolution = 1280, t.vResolution = 800, t.hScreenSize = 0.149759993, t.vScreenSize = 0.0935999975, t.vScreenCenter = 0.0467999987, t.eyeToScreenDistance = 0.0410000011, t.lensSeparationDistance = 0.063500002, t.interpupillaryDistance = 0.064000003, t.distortionK = [1, 0.219999999, 0.239999995, 0], t.chromaAbCorrection = [0.995999992, -0.00400000019, 1.01400006, 0], t.postProcessScaleFactor = 1.714605507808412, t.lensCenterOffset = 0.151976421, t;
}, r;
}(), Sf = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 LensCenter;
uniform vec2 Scale;
uniform vec2 ScaleIn;
uniform vec4 HmdWarpParam;
vec2 HmdWarp(vec2 in01) {
vec2 theta=(in01-LensCenter)*ScaleIn;
float rSq=theta.x*theta.x+theta.y*theta.y;
vec2 rvector=theta*(HmdWarpParam.x+HmdWarpParam.y*rSq+HmdWarpParam.z*rSq*rSq+HmdWarpParam.w*rSq*rSq*rSq);
return LensCenter+Scale*rvector;
void main(void)
vec2 tc=HmdWarp(vUV);
if (tc.x <0.0 || tc.x>1.0 || tc.y<0.0 || tc.y>1.0)
ze.a.ShadersStore.vrDistortionCorrectionPixelShader = Sf;
var $a = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, "vrDistortionCorrection", ["LensCenter", "Scale", "ScaleIn", "HmdWarpParam"], null, o.postProcessScaleFactor, n, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE) || this;
return a._isRightEye = i, a._distortionFactors = o.distortionK, a._postProcessScaleFactor = o.postProcessScaleFactor, a._lensCenterOffset = o.lensCenterOffset, a.adaptScaleToCurrentViewport = !0, a.onSizeChangedObservable.add(function() {
a._scaleIn = new u.d(2, 2 / a.aspectRatio), a._scaleFactor = new u.d(1 / a._postProcessScaleFactor * 0.5, 1 / a._postProcessScaleFactor * 0.5 * a.aspectRatio), a._lensCenter = new u.d(a._isRightEye ? 0.5 - 0.5 * a._lensCenterOffset : 0.5 + 0.5 * a._lensCenterOffset, 0.5);
}), a.onApplyObservable.add(function(s) {
s.setFloat2("LensCenter", a._lensCenter.x, a._lensCenter.y), s.setFloat2("Scale", a._scaleFactor.x, a._scaleFactor.y), s.setFloat2("ScaleIn", a._scaleIn.x, a._scaleIn.y), s.setFloat4("HmdWarpParam", a._distortionFactors[0], a._distortionFactors[1], a._distortionFactors[2], a._distortionFactors[3]);
}), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRDistortionCorrectionPostProcess";
}, t;
}(ft), Af = `precision mediump sampler2DArray;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2DArray multiviewSampler;
uniform int imageIndex;
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.vrMultiviewToSingleviewPixelShader = Af;
var Sl = f(85), es = f(95), Hr = f(96);
wt.a.prototype.createRenderTargetCubeTexture = function(r, t) {
var e = Object(c.a)({ generateMipMaps: !0, generateDepthBuffer: !0, generateStencilBuffer: !1, type: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, samplingMode: h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA }, t);
e.generateStencilBuffer = e.generateDepthBuffer && e.generateStencilBuffer, (e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering) && (e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT || this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering) || (e.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
var n = this._gl, i = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.RenderTarget);
this._bindTextureDirectly(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, i, !0);
var o = this._getSamplingParameters(e.samplingMode, e.generateMipMaps);
e.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloat || (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, l.a.Warn("Float textures are not supported. Cube render target forced to TEXTURETYPE_UNESIGNED_BYTE type")), n.texParameteri(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, n.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, o.mag), n.texParameteri(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, n.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, o.min), n.texParameteri(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, n.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, n.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), n.texParameteri(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, n.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, n.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
for (var a = 0; a < 6; a++)
n.texImage2D(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + a, 0, this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(e.type, e.format), r, r, 0, this._getInternalFormat(e.format), this._getWebGLTextureType(e.type), null);
var s = n.createFramebuffer();
return this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(s), i._depthStencilBuffer = this._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments(e.generateStencilBuffer, e.generateDepthBuffer, r, r), e.generateMipMaps && n.generateMipmap(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP), this._bindTextureDirectly(n.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null), i._framebuffer = s, i.width = r, i.height = r, i.isReady = !0, i.isCube = !0, i.samples = 1, i.generateMipMaps = e.generateMipMaps, i.samplingMode = e.samplingMode, i.type = e.type, i.format = e.format, i._generateDepthBuffer = e.generateDepthBuffer, i._generateStencilBuffer = e.generateStencilBuffer, this._internalTexturesCache.push(i), i;
var on = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F) {
a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), d === void 0 && (d = !1), p === void 0 && (p = Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), y === void 0 && (y = !0), P === void 0 && (P = !1), R === void 0 && (R = !1), B === void 0 && (B = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), F === void 0 && (F = !1);
var z =, null, i, !o) || this;
return z.renderParticles = !0, z.renderSprites = !1, z.ignoreCameraViewport = !1, z.onBeforeBindObservable = new C.c(), z.onAfterUnbindObservable = new C.c(), z.onBeforeRenderObservable = new C.c(), z.onAfterRenderObservable = new C.c(), z.onClearObservable = new C.c(), z.onResizeObservable = new C.c(), z._currentRefreshId = -1, z._refreshRate = 1, z._samples = 1, z.boundingBoxPosition = u.e.Zero(), (i = z.getScene()) && (z._coordinatesMode = Ne.a.PROJECTION_MODE, z.renderList = new Array(), = e, z.isRenderTarget = !0, z._initialSizeParameter = n, z._processSizeParameter(n), z._resizeObserver = z.getScene().getEngine().onResizeObservable.add(function() {
}), z._generateMipMaps = !!o, z._doNotChangeAspectRatio = a, z._renderingManager = new Hr.b(i), z._renderingManager._useSceneAutoClearSetup = !0, R || (z._renderTargetOptions = { generateMipMaps: o, type: s, format: B, samplingMode: p, generateDepthBuffer: y, generateStencilBuffer: P }, p === Ne.a.NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE && (z.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, z.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE), F || (d ? (z._texture = i.getEngine().createRenderTargetCubeTexture(z.getRenderSize(), z._renderTargetOptions), z.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.INVCUBIC_MODE, z._textureMatrix = u.a.Identity()) : z._texture = i.getEngine().createRenderTargetTexture(z._size, z._renderTargetOptions)))), z;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "renderList", { get: function() {
return this._renderList;
}, set: function(e) {
this._renderList = e, this._renderList && this._hookArray(this._renderList);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._hookArray = function(e) {
var n = this, i = e.push;
e.push = function() {
for (var a = [], s = 0; s < arguments.length; s++)
a[s] = arguments[s];
var d = e.length === 0, p = i.apply(e, a);
return d && n.getScene() && n.getScene().meshes.forEach(function(y) {
}), p;
var o = e.splice;
e.splice = function(a, s) {
var d = o.apply(e, [a, s]);
return e.length === 0 && n.getScene().meshes.forEach(function(p) {
}), d;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onAfterUnbind", { set: function(e) {
this._onAfterUnbindObserver && this.onAfterUnbindObservable.remove(this._onAfterUnbindObserver), this._onAfterUnbindObserver = this.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onBeforeRender", { set: function(e) {
this._onBeforeRenderObserver && this.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderObserver), this._onBeforeRenderObserver = this.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onAfterRender", { set: function(e) {
this._onAfterRenderObserver && this.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderObserver = this.onAfterRenderObservable.add(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onClear", { set: function(e) {
this._onClearObserver && this.onClearObservable.remove(this._onClearObserver), this._onClearObserver = this.onClearObservable.add(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "renderTargetOptions", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetOptions;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._onRatioRescale = function() {
this._sizeRatio && this.resize(this._initialSizeParameter);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "boundingBoxSize", { get: function() {
return this._boundingBoxSize;
}, set: function(e) {
if (!this._boundingBoxSize || !this._boundingBoxSize.equals(e)) {
this._boundingBoxSize = e;
var n = this.getScene();
n && n.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthStencilTexture", { get: function() {
var e;
return ((e = this.getInternalTexture()) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e._depthStencilTexture) || null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.createDepthStencilTexture = function(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = !0), i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var o = this.getInternalTexture();
if (this.getScene() && o) {
var a = this.getScene().getEngine();
o._depthStencilTexture = a.createDepthStencilTexture(this._size, { bilinearFiltering: n, comparisonFunction: e, generateStencil: i, isCube: this.isCube });
}, t.prototype._processSizeParameter = function(e) {
if (e.ratio) {
this._sizeRatio = e.ratio;
var n = this._getEngine();
this._size = { width: this._bestReflectionRenderTargetDimension(n.getRenderWidth(), this._sizeRatio), height: this._bestReflectionRenderTargetDimension(n.getRenderHeight(), this._sizeRatio) };
} else
this._size = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._samples;
}, set: function(e) {
if (this._samples !== e) {
var n = this.getScene();
n && (this._samples = n.getEngine().updateRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(this._texture, e));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.resetRefreshCounter = function() {
this._currentRefreshId = -1;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refreshRate", { get: function() {
return this._refreshRate;
}, set: function(e) {
this._refreshRate = e, this.resetRefreshCounter();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addPostProcess = function(e) {
if (!this._postProcessManager) {
var n = this.getScene();
if (!n)
this._postProcessManager = new es.a(n), this._postProcesses = new Array();
this._postProcesses.push(e), this._postProcesses[0].autoClear = !1;
}, t.prototype.clearPostProcesses = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._postProcesses) {
if (e)
for (var n = 0, i = this._postProcesses; n < i.length; n++)
this._postProcesses = [];
}, t.prototype.removePostProcess = function(e) {
if (this._postProcesses) {
var n = this._postProcesses.indexOf(e);
n !== -1 && (this._postProcesses.splice(n, 1), this._postProcesses.length > 0 && (this._postProcesses[0].autoClear = !1));
}, t.prototype._shouldRender = function() {
return this._currentRefreshId === -1 || this.refreshRate === this._currentRefreshId ? (this._currentRefreshId = 1, !0) : (this._currentRefreshId++, !1);
}, t.prototype.getRenderSize = function() {
return this.getRenderWidth();
}, t.prototype.getRenderWidth = function() {
return this._size.width ? this._size.width : this._size;
}, t.prototype.getRenderHeight = function() {
return this._size.width ? this._size.height : this._size;
}, t.prototype.getRenderLayers = function() {
var e = this._size.layers;
return e || 0;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "canRescale", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.scale = function(e) {
var n = Math.max(1, this.getRenderSize() * e);
}, t.prototype.getReflectionTextureMatrix = function() {
return this.isCube ? this._textureMatrix :;
}, t.prototype.resize = function(e) {
var n = this.isCube;
var i = this.getScene();
i && (this._processSizeParameter(e), this._texture = n ? i.getEngine().createRenderTargetCubeTexture(this.getRenderSize(), this._renderTargetOptions) : i.getEngine().createRenderTargetTexture(this._size, this._renderTargetOptions), this.onResizeObservable.hasObservers() && this.onResizeObservable.notifyObservers(this));
}, t.prototype.render = function(e, n) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = !1), p = this.getScene()) {
var i, o = p.getEngine();
if (this.useCameraPostProcesses !== void 0 && (e = this.useCameraPostProcesses), this._waitingRenderList) {
this.renderList = [];
for (var a = 0; a < this._waitingRenderList.length; a++) {
var s = this._waitingRenderList[a], d = p.getMeshByID(s);
d && this.renderList.push(d);
this._waitingRenderList = void 0;
if (this.renderListPredicate) {
var p;
if (this.renderList ? this.renderList.length = 0 : this.renderList = [], !(p = this.getScene()))
var y = p.meshes;
for (a = 0; a < y.length; a++) {
var P = y[a];
this.renderListPredicate(P) && this.renderList.push(P);
if (this.onBeforeBindObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.activeCamera ? (i = this.activeCamera, o.setViewport(this.activeCamera.viewport, this.getRenderWidth(), this.getRenderHeight()), this.activeCamera !== p.activeCamera && p.setTransformMatrix(this.activeCamera.getViewMatrix(), this.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix(!0))) : (i = p.activeCamera) && o.setViewport(i.viewport, this.getRenderWidth(), this.getRenderHeight()), this._defaultRenderListPrepared = !1, this.is2DArray)
for (var R = 0; R < this.getRenderLayers(); R++)
this.renderToTarget(0, e, n, R, i), p.incrementRenderId(), p.resetCachedMaterial();
else if (this.isCube)
for (var B = 0; B < 6; B++)
this.renderToTarget(B, e, n, void 0, i), p.incrementRenderId(), p.resetCachedMaterial();
this.renderToTarget(0, e, n, void 0, i);
this.onAfterUnbindObservable.notifyObservers(this), p.activeCamera && ((p.getEngine().scenes.length > 1 || this.activeCamera && this.activeCamera !== p.activeCamera) && p.setTransformMatrix(p.activeCamera.getViewMatrix(), p.activeCamera.getProjectionMatrix(!0)), o.setViewport(p.activeCamera.viewport)), p.resetCachedMaterial();
}, t.prototype._bestReflectionRenderTargetDimension = function(e, n) {
var i = e * n, o = Ue.a.NearestPOT(i + 16384 / (128 + i));
return Math.min(Ue.a.FloorPOT(e), o);
}, t.prototype._prepareRenderingManager = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = this.getScene();
if (a) {
for (var s = a.getRenderId(), d = 0; d < n; d++) {
var p = e[d];
if (p && !p.isBlocked) {
if (this.customIsReadyFunction) {
if (!this.customIsReadyFunction(p, this.refreshRate)) {
} else if (!p.isReady(this.refreshRate === 0)) {
if (!p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLODIsUpToDate && a.activeCamera && (p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLOD = a.customLODSelector ? a.customLODSelector(p, a.activeCamera) : p.getLOD(a.activeCamera), p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLODIsUpToDate = !0), !p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLOD)
var y = p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._currentLOD;
var P = void 0;
if (P = !(!o || !i) && (p.layerMask & i.layerMask) == 0, p.isEnabled() && p.isVisible && p.subMeshes && !P && (y !== p && y._activate(s, !0), p._activate(s, !0) && p.subMeshes.length)) {
p.isAnInstance ? p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._actAsRegularMesh && (y = p) : y._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._onlyForInstancesIntermediate = !1, y._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !0;
for (var R = 0; R < y.subMeshes.length; R++) {
var B = y.subMeshes[R];
this._renderingManager.dispatch(B, y);
for (var F = 0; F < a.particleSystems.length; F++) {
var z = a.particleSystems[F], J = z.emitter;
z.isStarted() && J && J.position && J.isEnabled() && e.indexOf(J) >= 0 && this._renderingManager.dispatchParticles(z);
}, t.prototype._bindFrameBuffer = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = 0);
var i = this.getScene();
if (i) {
var o = i.getEngine();
this._texture && o.bindFramebuffer(this._texture, this.isCube ? e : void 0, void 0, void 0, this.ignoreCameraViewport, 0, n);
}, t.prototype.unbindFrameBuffer = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
this._texture && e.unBindFramebuffer(this._texture, this.isCube, function() {
}, t.prototype.renderToTarget = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = 0), a === void 0 && (a = null);
var s = this.getScene();
if (s) {
var d = s.getEngine();
if (this._texture) {
this._postProcessManager ? this._postProcessManager._prepareFrame(this._texture, this._postProcesses) : n && s.postProcessManager._prepareFrame(this._texture) || this._bindFrameBuffer(e, o), this.is2DArray ? this.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(o) : this.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(e);
var p = null, y = this.renderList ? this.renderList : s.getActiveMeshes().data, P = this.renderList ? this.renderList.length : s.getActiveMeshes().length;
this.getCustomRenderList && (p = this.getCustomRenderList(this.is2DArray ? o : e, y, P)), p ? this._prepareRenderingManager(p, p.length, a, !1) : (this._defaultRenderListPrepared || (this._prepareRenderingManager(y, P, a, !this.renderList), this._defaultRenderListPrepared = !0), p = y), this.onClearObservable.hasObservers() ? this.onClearObservable.notifyObservers(d) : d.clear(this.clearColor || s.clearColor, !0, !0, !0), this._doNotChangeAspectRatio || s.updateTransformMatrix(!0);
for (var R = 0, B = s._beforeRenderTargetDrawStage; R < B.length; R++)
this._renderingManager.render(this.customRenderFunction, p, this.renderParticles, this.renderSprites);
for (var F = 0, z = s._afterRenderTargetDrawStage; F < z.length; F++)
this._postProcessManager ? this._postProcessManager._finalizeFrame(!1, this._texture, e, this._postProcesses, this.ignoreCameraViewport) : n && s.postProcessManager._finalizeFrame(!1, this._texture, e), this._doNotChangeAspectRatio || s.updateTransformMatrix(!0), i && Xe.b.DumpFramebuffer(this.getRenderWidth(), this.getRenderHeight(), d), this.isCube && e !== 5 ? this.onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(e) : (this.isCube && e === 5 && d.generateMipMapsForCubemap(this._texture), this.unbindFrameBuffer(d, e));
}, t.prototype.setRenderingOrder = function(e, n, i, o) {
n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), this._renderingManager.setRenderingOrder(e, n, i, o);
}, t.prototype.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil = function(e, n) {
this._renderingManager.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(e, n), this._renderingManager._useSceneAutoClearSetup = !1;
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = this.getSize(), n = new t(, e, this.getScene(), this._renderTargetOptions.generateMipMaps, this._doNotChangeAspectRatio, this._renderTargetOptions.type, this.isCube, this._renderTargetOptions.samplingMode, this._renderTargetOptions.generateDepthBuffer, this._renderTargetOptions.generateStencilBuffer);
return n.hasAlpha = this.hasAlpha, n.level = this.level, n.coordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, this.renderList && (n.renderList = this.renderList.slice(0)), n;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (!
return null;
var e =;
if (e.renderTargetSize = this.getRenderSize(), e.renderList = [], this.renderList)
for (var n = 0; n < this.renderList.length; n++)
return e;
}, t.prototype.disposeFramebufferObjects = function() {
var e = this.getInternalTexture(), n = this.getScene();
e && n && n.getEngine()._releaseFramebufferObjects(e);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onResizeObservable.clear(), this.onClearObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterUnbindObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeBindObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable.clear(), this._postProcessManager && (this._postProcessManager.dispose(), this._postProcessManager = null), this.clearPostProcesses(!0), this._resizeObserver && (this.getScene().getEngine().onResizeObservable.remove(this._resizeObserver), this._resizeObserver = null), this.renderList = null;
var e = this.getScene();
if (e) {
var n = e.customRenderTargets.indexOf(this);
n >= 0 && e.customRenderTargets.splice(n, 1);
for (var i = 0, o = e.cameras; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
(n = a.customRenderTargets.indexOf(this)) >= 0 && a.customRenderTargets.splice(n, 1);
this.depthStencilTexture && this.getScene().getEngine()._releaseTexture(this.depthStencilTexture),;
}, t.prototype._rebuild = function() {
this.refreshRate === t.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE && (this.refreshRate = t.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE), this._postProcessManager && this._postProcessManager._rebuild();
}, t.prototype.freeRenderingGroups = function() {
this._renderingManager && this._renderingManager.freeRenderingGroups();
}, t.prototype.getViewCount = function() {
return 1;
Ne.a._CreateRenderTargetTexture = function(r, t, e, n) {
return new on(r, t, e, n);
var Al = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 512);
var i =, "multiview rtt", n, e, !1, !0, Pt.b.Unknown, !1, void 0, !1, !1, !0, void 0, !0) || this, o = e.getEngine().createMultiviewRenderTargetTexture(i.getRenderWidth(), i.getRenderHeight());
return o.isMultiview = !0, o.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, i._texture = o, i.samples = i._getEngine().getCaps().maxSamples || i.samples, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._bindFrameBuffer = function(e) {
this._texture && this.getScene().getEngine().bindMultiviewFramebuffer(this._texture);
}, t.prototype.getViewCount = function() {
return 2;
}, t;
}(on), Pl = f(90);
Ue.a.prototype.createMultiviewRenderTargetTexture = function(r, t) {
var e = this._gl;
if (!this.getCaps().multiview)
throw "Multiview is not supported";
var n = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Unknown, !0);
return n.width = r, n.height = t, n._framebuffer = e.createFramebuffer(), n._colorTextureArray = e.createTexture(), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, n._colorTextureArray), e.texStorage3D(e.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 1, e.RGBA8, r, t, 2), n._depthStencilTextureArray = e.createTexture(), e.bindTexture(e.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, n._depthStencilTextureArray), e.texStorage3D(e.TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, 1, e.DEPTH32F_STENCIL8, r, t, 2), n.isReady = !0, n;
}, Ue.a.prototype.bindMultiviewFramebuffer = function(r) {
var t = this._gl, e = this.getCaps().oculusMultiview || this.getCaps().multiview;
if (this.bindFramebuffer(r, void 0, void 0, void 0, !0), t.bindFramebuffer(t.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, r._framebuffer), !r._colorTextureArray || !r._depthStencilTextureArray)
throw "Invalid multiview frame buffer";
this.getCaps().oculusMultiview ? (e.framebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(t.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, t.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, r._colorTextureArray, 0, r.samples, 0, 2), e.framebufferTextureMultisampleMultiviewOVR(t.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, t.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, r._depthStencilTextureArray, 0, r.samples, 0, 2)) : (e.framebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(t.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, t.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, r._colorTextureArray, 0, 0, 2), e.framebufferTextureMultiviewOVR(t.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, t.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, r._depthStencilTextureArray, 0, 0, 2));
}, _t.a.prototype._useMultiviewToSingleView = !1, _t.a.prototype._multiviewTexture = null, _t.a.prototype._resizeOrCreateMultiviewTexture = function(r, t) {
this._multiviewTexture ? this._multiviewTexture.getRenderWidth() == r && this._multiviewTexture.getRenderHeight() == t || (this._multiviewTexture.dispose(), this._multiviewTexture = new Al(this.getScene(), { width: r, height: t })) : this._multiviewTexture = new Al(this.getScene(), { width: r, height: t });
}, _e.a.prototype._transformMatrixR = u.a.Zero(), _e.a.prototype._multiviewSceneUbo = null, _e.a.prototype._createMultiviewUbo = function() {
this._multiviewSceneUbo = new Sl.a(this.getEngine(), void 0, !0), this._multiviewSceneUbo.addUniform("viewProjection", 16), this._multiviewSceneUbo.addUniform("viewProjectionR", 16), this._multiviewSceneUbo.addUniform("view", 16);
}, _e.a.prototype._updateMultiviewUbo = function(r, t) {
r && t && r.multiplyToRef(t, this._transformMatrixR), r && t && (r.multiplyToRef(t, u.c.Matrix[0]), Pl.a.GetRightPlaneToRef(u.c.Matrix[0], this._frustumPlanes[3])), this._multiviewSceneUbo && (this._multiviewSceneUbo.updateMatrix("viewProjection", this.getTransformMatrix()), this._multiviewSceneUbo.updateMatrix("viewProjectionR", this._transformMatrixR), this._multiviewSceneUbo.updateMatrix("view", this._viewMatrix), this._multiviewSceneUbo.update());
}, _e.a.prototype._renderMultiviewToSingleView = function(r) {
r._resizeOrCreateMultiviewTexture(r._rigPostProcess && r._rigPostProcess && r._rigPostProcess.width > 0 ? r._rigPostProcess.width : this.getEngine().getRenderWidth(!0), r._rigPostProcess && r._rigPostProcess && r._rigPostProcess.height > 0 ? r._rigPostProcess.height : this.getEngine().getRenderHeight(!0)), this._multiviewSceneUbo || this._createMultiviewUbo(), r.outputRenderTarget = r._multiviewTexture, this._renderForCamera(r), r.outputRenderTarget = null;
for (var t = 0; t < r._rigCameras.length; t++) {
var e = this.getEngine();
this._activeCamera = r._rigCameras[t], e.setViewport(this._activeCamera.viewport), this.postProcessManager && (this.postProcessManager._prepareFrame(), this.postProcessManager._finalizeFrame(this._activeCamera.isIntermediate));
var ts = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, "vrMultiviewToSingleview", ["imageIndex"], ["multiviewSampler"], i, n, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE) || this;
return o.onSizeChangedObservable.add(function() {
}), o.onApplyObservable.add(function(a) {
n._scene.activeCamera && n._scene.activeCamera.isLeftCamera ? a.setInt("imageIndex", 0) : a.setInt("imageIndex", 1), a.setTexture("multiviewSampler", n._multiviewTexture);
}), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRMultiviewToSingleviewPostProcess";
}, t;
_t.a._setVRRigMode = function(r, t) {
var e = t.vrCameraMetrics || cr.GetDefault();
r._rigCameras[0]._cameraRigParams.vrMetrics = e, r._rigCameras[0].viewport = new jn.a(0, 0, 0.5, 1), r._rigCameras[0]._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix = new u.a(), r._rigCameras[0]._cameraRigParams.vrHMatrix = e.leftHMatrix, r._rigCameras[0]._cameraRigParams.vrPreViewMatrix = e.leftPreViewMatrix, r._rigCameras[0].getProjectionMatrix = r._rigCameras[0]._getVRProjectionMatrix, r._rigCameras[1]._cameraRigParams.vrMetrics = e, r._rigCameras[1].viewport = new jn.a(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), r._rigCameras[1]._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix = new u.a(), r._rigCameras[1]._cameraRigParams.vrHMatrix = e.rightHMatrix, r._rigCameras[1]._cameraRigParams.vrPreViewMatrix = e.rightPreViewMatrix, r._rigCameras[1].getProjectionMatrix = r._rigCameras[1]._getVRProjectionMatrix, e.multiviewEnabled && (r.getScene().getEngine().getCaps().multiview ? (r._useMultiviewToSingleView = !0, r._rigPostProcess = new ts("VRMultiviewToSingleview", r, e.postProcessScaleFactor)) : (l.a.Warn("Multiview is not supported, falling back to standard rendering"), e.multiviewEnabled = !1)), e.compensateDistortion && (r._rigCameras[0]._rigPostProcess = new $a("VR_Distort_Compensation_Left", r._rigCameras[0], !1, e), r._rigCameras[1]._rigPostProcess = new $a("VR_Distort_Compensation_Right", r._rigCameras[1], !0, e));
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new xl(r, 0, 0, 1, u.e.Zero(), t);
var xl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
d === void 0 && (d = !0), p === void 0 && (p = cr.GetDefault());
var y =, e, n, i, o, a, s) || this;
return p.compensateDistortion = d, y.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_VR, { vrCameraMetrics: p }), y.inputs.addVRDeviceOrientation(), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRDeviceOrientationArcRotateCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Ro(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Ro = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = !0), a === void 0 && (a = cr.GetDefault());
var s =, e, n, i) || this;
return a.compensateDistortion = o, s.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_VR, { vrCameraMetrics: a }), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera";
}, t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("VRDeviceOrientationGamepadCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Cl(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Cl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = !0), a === void 0 && (a = cr.GetDefault());
var s =, e, n, i, o, a) || this;
return s.inputs.addGamepad(), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRDeviceOrientationGamepadCamera";
}, t;
}(Ro), Oo = f(86);
_t.a._setWebVRRigMode = function(r, t) {
if (t.vrDisplay) {
var e = t.vrDisplay.getEyeParameters("left"), n = t.vrDisplay.getEyeParameters("right");
r._rigCameras[0].viewport = new jn.a(0, 0, 0.5, 1), r._rigCameras[0].setCameraRigParameter("left", !0), r._rigCameras[0].setCameraRigParameter("specs", t.specs), r._rigCameras[0].setCameraRigParameter("eyeParameters", e), r._rigCameras[0].setCameraRigParameter("frameData", t.frameData), r._rigCameras[0].setCameraRigParameter("parentCamera", t.parentCamera), r._rigCameras[0]._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix = new u.a(), r._rigCameras[0].getProjectionMatrix = r._getWebVRProjectionMatrix, r._rigCameras[0].parent = r, r._rigCameras[0]._getViewMatrix = r._getWebVRViewMatrix, r._rigCameras[1].viewport = new jn.a(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), r._rigCameras[1].setCameraRigParameter("eyeParameters", n), r._rigCameras[1].setCameraRigParameter("specs", t.specs), r._rigCameras[1].setCameraRigParameter("frameData", t.frameData), r._rigCameras[1].setCameraRigParameter("parentCamera", t.parentCamera), r._rigCameras[1]._cameraRigParams.vrWorkMatrix = new u.a(), r._rigCameras[1].getProjectionMatrix = r._getWebVRProjectionMatrix, r._rigCameras[1].parent = r, r._rigCameras[1]._getViewMatrix = r._getWebVRViewMatrix;
}, Object.defineProperty(Ue.a.prototype, "isInVRExclusivePointerMode", { get: function() {
return this._vrExclusivePointerMode;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Ue.a.prototype._prepareVRComponent = function() {
this._vrSupported = !1, this._vrExclusivePointerMode = !1, this.onVRDisplayChangedObservable = new C.c(), this.onVRRequestPresentComplete = new C.c(), this.onVRRequestPresentStart = new C.c();
}, Ue.a.prototype.isVRDevicePresent = function() {
return !!this._vrDisplay;
}, Ue.a.prototype.getVRDevice = function() {
return this._vrDisplay;
}, Ue.a.prototype.initWebVR = function() {
return this.initWebVRAsync(), this.onVRDisplayChangedObservable;
}, Ue.a.prototype.initWebVRAsync = function() {
var r = this, t = function() {
var n = { vrDisplay: r._vrDisplay, vrSupported: r._vrSupported };
r.onVRDisplayChangedObservable.notifyObservers(n), r._webVRInitPromise = new Promise(function(i) {
if (!this._onVrDisplayConnect) {
this._onVrDisplayConnect = function(n) {
r._vrDisplay = n.display, t();
}, this._onVrDisplayDisconnect = function() {
r._vrDisplay.cancelAnimationFrame(r._frameHandler), r._vrDisplay = void 0, r._frameHandler = Ue.a.QueueNewFrame(r._boundRenderFunction), t();
}, this._onVrDisplayPresentChange = function() {
r._vrExclusivePointerMode = r._vrDisplay && r._vrDisplay.isPresenting;
var e = this.getHostWindow();
e && (e.addEventListener("vrdisplayconnect", this._onVrDisplayConnect), e.addEventListener("vrdisplaydisconnect", this._onVrDisplayDisconnect), e.addEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._onVrDisplayPresentChange));
return this._webVRInitPromise = this._webVRInitPromise || this._getVRDisplaysAsync(), this._webVRInitPromise.then(t), this._webVRInitPromise;
}, Ue.a.prototype._getVRDisplaysAsync = function() {
var r = this;
return new Promise(function(t) {
navigator.getVRDisplays ? navigator.getVRDisplays().then(function(e) {
r._vrSupported = !0, r._vrDisplay = e[0], t({ vrDisplay: r._vrDisplay, vrSupported: r._vrSupported });
}) : (r._vrDisplay = void 0, r._vrSupported = !1, t({ vrDisplay: r._vrDisplay, vrSupported: r._vrSupported }));
}, Ue.a.prototype.enableVR = function(r) {
var t = this;
if (this._vrDisplay && !this._vrDisplay.isPresenting) {
var e = { highRefreshRate: !!this.vrPresentationAttributes && this.vrPresentationAttributes.highRefreshRate, foveationLevel: this.vrPresentationAttributes ? this.vrPresentationAttributes.foveationLevel : 1, multiview: (this.getCaps().multiview || this.getCaps().oculusMultiview) && r.useMultiview };
this._vrDisplay.requestPresent([Object(c.a)({ source: this.getRenderingCanvas(), attributes: e }, e)]).then(function() {
t.onVRRequestPresentComplete.notifyObservers(!0), t._onVRFullScreenTriggered();
}).catch(function() {
}, Ue.a.prototype._onVRFullScreenTriggered = function() {
if (this._vrDisplay && this._vrDisplay.isPresenting) {
this._oldSize = new oe.a(this.getRenderWidth(), this.getRenderHeight()), this._oldHardwareScaleFactor = this.getHardwareScalingLevel();
var r = this._vrDisplay.getEyeParameters("left");
this.setHardwareScalingLevel(1), this.setSize(2 * r.renderWidth, r.renderHeight);
} else
this.setHardwareScalingLevel(this._oldHardwareScaleFactor), this.setSize(this._oldSize.width, this._oldSize.height);
}, Ue.a.prototype.disableVR = function() {
var r = this;
this._vrDisplay && this._vrDisplay.isPresenting && this._vrDisplay.exitPresent().then(function() {
return r._onVRFullScreenTriggered();
}).catch(function() {
return r._onVRFullScreenTriggered();
}), Za.a.IsWindowObjectExist() && (window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypointerrestricted", this._onVRDisplayPointerRestricted), window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypointerunrestricted", this._onVRDisplayPointerUnrestricted), this._onVrDisplayConnect && (window.removeEventListener("vrdisplayconnect", this._onVrDisplayConnect), this._onVrDisplayDisconnect && window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaydisconnect", this._onVrDisplayDisconnect), this._onVrDisplayPresentChange && window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._onVrDisplayPresentChange), this._onVrDisplayConnect = null, this._onVrDisplayDisconnect = null));
}, Ue.a.prototype._connectVREvents = function(r, t) {
var e = this;
if (this._onVRDisplayPointerRestricted = function() {
r && r.requestPointerLock();
}, this._onVRDisplayPointerUnrestricted = function() {
if (t)
t.exitPointerLock && t.exitPointerLock();
else {
var i = e.getHostWindow();
i.document && i.document.exitPointerLock && i.document.exitPointerLock();
}, Za.a.IsWindowObjectExist()) {
var n = this.getHostWindow();
n.addEventListener("vrdisplaypointerrestricted", this._onVRDisplayPointerRestricted, !1), n.addEventListener("vrdisplaypointerunrestricted", this._onVRDisplayPointerUnrestricted, !1);
}, Ue.a.prototype._submitVRFrame = function() {
if (this._vrDisplay && this._vrDisplay.isPresenting)
try {
} catch (r) {
Xe.b.Warn("webVR submitFrame has had an unexpected failure: " + r);
}, Ue.a.prototype.isVRPresenting = function() {
return this._vrDisplay && this._vrDisplay.isPresenting;
}, Ue.a.prototype._requestVRFrame = function() {
this._frameHandler = Ue.a.QueueNewFrame(this._boundRenderFunction, this._vrDisplay);
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("WebVRFreeCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Mo(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
}), Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("WebVRGamepadCamera", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Mo(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Mo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = {});
var a =, e, n, i) || this;
a.webVROptions = o, a._vrDevice = null, a.rawPose = null, a._specsVersion = "1.1", a._attached = !1, a._descendants = [], a._deviceRoomPosition = u.e.Zero(), a._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion = u.b.Identity(), a._standingMatrix = null, a.devicePosition = u.e.Zero(), a.deviceRotationQuaternion = u.b.Identity(), a.deviceScaleFactor = 1, a._deviceToWorld = u.a.Identity(), a._worldToDevice = u.a.Identity(), a.controllers = [], a.onControllersAttachedObservable = new C.c(), a.onControllerMeshLoadedObservable = new C.c(), a.onPoseUpdatedFromDeviceObservable = new C.c(), a._poseSet = !1, a.rigParenting = !0, a._defaultHeight = void 0, a._detachIfAttached = function() {
var d = a.getEngine().getVRDevice();
d && !d.isPresenting && a.detachControl();
}, a._workingVector = u.e.Zero(), a._oneVector = u.e.One(), a._workingMatrix = u.a.Identity(), a._tmpMatrix = new u.a(), a._cache.position = u.e.Zero(), o.defaultHeight && (a._defaultHeight = o.defaultHeight, a.position.y = a._defaultHeight), a.minZ = 0.1, arguments.length === 5 && (a.webVROptions = arguments[4]), a.webVROptions.trackPosition == null && (a.webVROptions.trackPosition = !0), a.webVROptions.controllerMeshes == null && (a.webVROptions.controllerMeshes = !0), a.webVROptions.defaultLightingOnControllers == null && (a.webVROptions.defaultLightingOnControllers = !0), a.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), a.webVROptions && a.webVROptions.positionScale && (a.deviceScaleFactor = a.webVROptions.positionScale);
var s = a.getEngine();
return a._onVREnabled = function(d) {
d && a.initControllers();
}, s.onVRRequestPresentComplete.add(a._onVREnabled), s.initWebVR().add(function(d) {
d.vrDisplay && a._vrDevice !== d.vrDisplay && (a._vrDevice = d.vrDisplay, a.setCameraRigMode(_t.a.RIG_MODE_WEBVR, { parentCamera: a, vrDisplay: a._vrDevice, frameData: a._frameData, specs: a._specsVersion }), a._attached && a.getEngine().enableVR(a.webVROptions));
}), typeof VRFrameData < "u" && (a._frameData = new VRFrameData()), o.useMultiview && (a.getScene().getEngine().getCaps().multiview ? (a._useMultiviewToSingleView = !0, a._rigPostProcess = new ts("VRMultiviewToSingleview", a, 1)) : (l.a.Warn("Multiview is not supported, falling back to standard rendering"), a._useMultiviewToSingleView = !1)), i.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add(function(d) {
d.parent === a && a.rigParenting && (a._descendants = a.getDescendants(!0, function(p) {
var y = a.controllers.some(function(R) {
return R._mesh === p;
}), P = a._rigCameras.indexOf(p) !== -1;
return !y && !P;
}), a._descendants.forEach(function(p) {
p.parent = d;
}), i.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.add(function(d) {
d.parent === a && a.rigParenting && a._descendants.forEach(function(p) {
p.parent = a;
}), a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.deviceDistanceToRoomGround = function() {
return this._standingMatrix ? (this._standingMatrix.getTranslationToRef(this._workingVector), this._deviceRoomPosition.y + this._workingVector.y) : this._defaultHeight || 0;
}, t.prototype.useStandingMatrix = function(e) {
var n = this;
e === void 0 && (e = function(i) {
}), this.getEngine().initWebVRAsync().then(function(i) {
i.vrDisplay && i.vrDisplay.stageParameters && i.vrDisplay.stageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform && n.webVROptions.trackPosition ? (n._standingMatrix = new u.a(), u.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(i.vrDisplay.stageParameters.sittingToStandingTransform, 0, 1, n._standingMatrix), n.getScene().useRightHandedSystem || n._standingMatrix && n._standingMatrix.toggleModelMatrixHandInPlace(), e(!0)) : e(!1);
}, t.prototype.useStandingMatrixAsync = function() {
var e = this;
return new Promise(function(n) {
e.useStandingMatrix(function(i) {
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._detachIfAttached(), this.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentComplete.removeCallback(this._onVREnabled), this._updateCacheWhenTrackingDisabledObserver && this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._updateCacheWhenTrackingDisabledObserver),;
}, t.prototype.getControllerByName = function(e) {
for (var n = 0, i = this.controllers; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (o.hand === e)
return o;
return null;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "leftController", { get: function() {
return this._leftController || (this._leftController = this.getControllerByName("left")), this._leftController;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rightController", { get: function() {
return this._rightController || (this._rightController = this.getControllerByName("right")), this._rightController;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getForwardRay = function(e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = 100), this.leftCamera ?, e, this.leftCamera.getWorldMatrix(), this.leftCamera.globalPosition) :, e);
}, t.prototype._checkInputs = function() {
this._vrDevice && this._vrDevice.isPresenting && (this._vrDevice.getFrameData(this._frameData), this.updateFromDevice(this._frameData.pose)),;
}, t.prototype.updateFromDevice = function(e) {
e && e.orientation && e.orientation.length === 4 && (this.rawPose = e, this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.copyFromFloats(e.orientation[0], e.orientation[1], -e.orientation[2], -e.orientation[3]), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.z *= -1, this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion.w *= -1), this.webVROptions.trackPosition && this.rawPose.position && (this._deviceRoomPosition.copyFromFloats(this.rawPose.position[0], this.rawPose.position[1], -this.rawPose.position[2]), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem && (this._deviceRoomPosition.z *= -1)), this._poseSet = !0);
}, t.prototype.attachControl = function(e) {
e = Xe.b.BackCompatCameraNoPreventDefault(arguments),, e), this._attached = !0, e = !_t.a.ForceAttachControlToAlwaysPreventDefault && e, this._vrDevice && this.getEngine().enableVR(this.webVROptions);
var n = this._scene.getEngine().getHostWindow();
n && n.addEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._detachIfAttached);
}, t.prototype.detachControl = function(e) {
this.getScene().gamepadManager.onGamepadConnectedObservable.remove(this._onGamepadConnectedObserver), this.getScene().gamepadManager.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.remove(this._onGamepadDisconnectedObserver),, this._attached = !1, this.getEngine().disableVR(), window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._detachIfAttached);
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "WebVRFreeCamera";
}, t.prototype.resetToCurrentRotation = function() {
}, t.prototype._updateRigCameras = function() {
var e = this._rigCameras[0], n = this._rigCameras[1];
e.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion), n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion), e.position.copyFrom(this._deviceRoomPosition), n.position.copyFrom(this._deviceRoomPosition);
}, t.prototype._correctPositionIfNotTrackPosition = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this.rawPose && this.rawPose.position && !this.webVROptions.trackPosition && (u.a.TranslationToRef(this.rawPose.position[0], this.rawPose.position[1], -this.rawPose.position[2], this._tmpMatrix), n || this._tmpMatrix.invert(), this._tmpMatrix.multiplyToRef(e, e));
}, t.prototype._updateCache = function(e) {
var n = this;
this.rotationQuaternion.equals(this._cache.rotationQuaternion) && this.position.equals(this._cache.position) || (this.updateCacheCalled || (this.updateCacheCalled = !0, this.update()), this.rotationQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(this._workingMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._deviceRoomPosition, this._workingMatrix, this._workingVector), this.devicePosition.subtractToRef(this._workingVector, this._workingVector), u.a.ComposeToRef(this._oneVector, this.rotationQuaternion, this._workingVector, this._deviceToWorld), this._deviceToWorld.getTranslationToRef(this._workingVector), this._workingVector.addInPlace(this.position), this._workingVector.subtractInPlace(this._cache.position), this._deviceToWorld.setTranslation(this._workingVector), this._deviceToWorld.invertToRef(this._worldToDevice), this.controllers.forEach(function(i) {
i._deviceToWorld.copyFrom(n._deviceToWorld), n._correctPositionIfNotTrackPosition(i._deviceToWorld), i.update();
})), e ||, this.updateCacheCalled = !1;
}, t.prototype._computeDevicePosition = function() {
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._deviceRoomPosition, this._deviceToWorld, this.devicePosition);
}, t.prototype.update = function() {
this._computeDevicePosition(), u.a.FromQuaternionToRef(this._deviceRoomRotationQuaternion, this._workingMatrix), this._workingMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._deviceToWorld, this._workingMatrix), u.b.FromRotationMatrixToRef(this._workingMatrix, this.deviceRotationQuaternion), this._poseSet && this.onPoseUpdatedFromDeviceObservable.notifyObservers(null),;
}, t.prototype._getViewMatrix = function() {
return u.a.Identity();
}, t.prototype._getWebVRViewMatrix = function() {
var e = this._cameraRigParams.parentCamera;
var n = this._cameraRigParams.left ? this._cameraRigParams.frameData.leftViewMatrix : this._cameraRigParams.frameData.rightViewMatrix;
return u.a.FromArrayToRef(n, 0, this._webvrViewMatrix), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem || this._webvrViewMatrix.toggleModelMatrixHandInPlace(), this._webvrViewMatrix.getRotationMatrixToRef(this._cameraRotationMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._referencePoint, this._cameraRotationMatrix, this._transformedReferencePoint), this.position.addToRef(this._transformedReferencePoint, this._currentTarget), e.deviceScaleFactor !== 1 && (this._webvrViewMatrix.invert(), e.deviceScaleFactor && (this._webvrViewMatrix.multiplyAtIndex(12, e.deviceScaleFactor), this._webvrViewMatrix.multiplyAtIndex(13, e.deviceScaleFactor), this._webvrViewMatrix.multiplyAtIndex(14, e.deviceScaleFactor)), this._webvrViewMatrix.invert()), e._correctPositionIfNotTrackPosition(this._webvrViewMatrix, !0), e._worldToDevice.multiplyToRef(this._webvrViewMatrix, this._webvrViewMatrix), this._workingMatrix = this._workingMatrix || u.a.Identity(), this._webvrViewMatrix.invertToRef(this._workingMatrix), this._workingMatrix.multiplyToRef(e.getWorldMatrix(), this._workingMatrix), this._workingMatrix.getTranslationToRef(this._globalPosition), this._markSyncedWithParent(), this._webvrViewMatrix;
}, t.prototype._getWebVRProjectionMatrix = function() {
var e = this.parent;
e._vrDevice.depthNear = e.minZ, e._vrDevice.depthFar = e.maxZ;
var n = this._cameraRigParams.left ? this._cameraRigParams.frameData.leftProjectionMatrix : this._cameraRigParams.frameData.rightProjectionMatrix;
return u.a.FromArrayToRef(n, 0, this._projectionMatrix), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem || this._projectionMatrix.toggleProjectionMatrixHandInPlace(), this._projectionMatrix;
}, t.prototype.initControllers = function() {
var e = this;
this.controllers = [];
var n = this.getScene().gamepadManager;
this._onGamepadDisconnectedObserver = n.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.add(function(i) {
if (i.type === hn.POSE_ENABLED) {
var o = i;
o.defaultModel && o.defaultModel.setEnabled(!1), o.hand === "right" && (e._rightController = null), o.hand === "left" && (e._leftController = null);
var a = e.controllers.indexOf(o);
a !== -1 && e.controllers.splice(a, 1);
}), this._onGamepadConnectedObserver = n.onGamepadConnectedObservable.add(function(i) {
if (i.type === hn.POSE_ENABLED) {
var o = i;
if (e.webVROptions.trackPosition || (o._disableTrackPosition(new u.e(o.hand == "left" ? -0.15 : 0.15, -0.5, 0.25)), e._updateCacheWhenTrackingDisabledObserver || (e._updateCacheWhenTrackingDisabledObserver = e._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
}))), o.deviceScaleFactor = e.deviceScaleFactor, o._deviceToWorld.copyFrom(e._deviceToWorld), e._correctPositionIfNotTrackPosition(o._deviceToWorld), e.webVROptions.controllerMeshes && (o.defaultModel ? o.defaultModel.setEnabled(!0) : o.initControllerMesh(e.getScene(), function(d) {
if (d.scaling.scaleInPlace(e.deviceScaleFactor), e.onControllerMeshLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(o), e.webVROptions.defaultLightingOnControllers) {
e._lightOnControllers || (e._lightOnControllers = new Oo.a("vrControllersLight", new u.e(0, 1, 0), e.getScene()));
var p = function(y, P) {
var R = y.getChildren();
R && R.length !== 0 && R.forEach(function(B) {
P.includedOnlyMeshes.push(B), p(B, P);
e._lightOnControllers.includedOnlyMeshes.push(d), p(d, e._lightOnControllers);
})), o.attachToPoseControlledCamera(e), e.controllers.indexOf(o) === -1) {
for (var a = !1, s = 0; s < e.controllers.length; s++)
e.controllers[s].controllerType === Jn.VIVE && (a ? e.controllers[s].hand = "right" : (a = !0, e.controllers[s].hand = "left"));
e.controllers.length >= 2 && e.onControllersAttachedObservable.notifyObservers(e.controllers);
}, t;
}(zn), Oi = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.onTriggerStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onPadStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onPadValuesChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.pad = { x: 0, y: 0 }, n._changes = { pressChanged: !1, touchChanged: !1, valueChanged: !1, changed: !1 }, n._buttons = new Array(e.buttons.length), n.hand = e.hand, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.onButtonStateChange = function(e) {
this._onButtonStateChange = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "defaultModel", { get: function() {
return this._defaultModel;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.update = function() {;
for (var e = 0; e < this._buttons.length; e++)
this._setButtonValue(this.browserGamepad.buttons[e], this._buttons[e], e);
this.leftStick.x === this.pad.x && this.leftStick.y === this.pad.y || (this.pad.x = this.leftStick.x, this.pad.y = this.leftStick.y, this.onPadValuesChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this.pad));
}, t.prototype._setButtonValue = function(e, n, i) {
e || (e = { pressed: !1, touched: !1, value: 0 }), n ? (this._checkChanges(e, n), this._changes.changed && (this._onButtonStateChange && this._onButtonStateChange(this.index, i, e), this._handleButtonChange(i, e, this._changes)), this._buttons[i].pressed = e.pressed, this._buttons[i].touched = e.touched, this._buttons[i].value = e.value < 1e-8 ? 0 : e.value) : this._buttons[i] = { pressed: e.pressed, touched: e.touched, value: e.value };
}, t.prototype._checkChanges = function(e, n) {
return this._changes.pressChanged = e.pressed !== n.pressed, this._changes.touchChanged = e.touched !== n.touched, this._changes.valueChanged = e.value !== n.value, this._changes.changed = this._changes.pressChanged || this._changes.touchChanged || this._changes.valueChanged, this._changes;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._defaultModel = null, this.onTriggerStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onPadStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onPadValuesChangedObservable.clear();
}, t;
}(ar), vn = f(42), Nt = f(30), pi = f(62), Pf = (f(108), f(59), f(109), `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
void main(void)
vec4 result=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
ze.a.ShadersStore.imageProcessingPixelShader = Pf;
var Io = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var y =, e, "imageProcessing", [], [], n, i, o, a, s, null, d, "postprocess", null, !0) || this;
return y._fromLinearSpace = !0, y._defines = { IMAGEPROCESSING: !1, VIGNETTE: !1, VIGNETTEBLENDMODEMULTIPLY: !1, VIGNETTEBLENDMODEOPAQUE: !1, TONEMAPPING: !1, TONEMAPPING_ACES: !1, CONTRAST: !1, COLORCURVES: !1, COLORGRADING: !1, COLORGRADING3D: !1, FROMLINEARSPACE: !1, SAMPLER3DGREENDEPTH: !1, SAMPLER3DBGRMAP: !1, IMAGEPROCESSINGPOSTPROCESS: !1, EXPOSURE: !1 }, p ? (p.applyByPostProcess = !0, y._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(p, !0), y.fromLinearSpace = !1) : (y._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null, !0), y.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess = !0), y.onApply = function(P) {
y.imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(P, y.aspectRatio);
}, y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(e) {
e.applyByPostProcess = !0, this._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), e !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration) {
if (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), e)
this._imageProcessingConfiguration = e;
else {
var o = null, a = this.getEngine(), s = this.getCamera();
if (s)
o = s.getScene();
else if (a && a.scenes) {
var d = a.scenes;
o = d[d.length - 1];
} else
o = te.a.LastCreatedScene;
this._imageProcessingConfiguration = o ? o.imageProcessingConfiguration : new vn.a();
this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingObserver = this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
})), n || this._updateParameters();
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
var e = this.getEffect();
return !e || e.isSupported;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "colorCurves", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "colorCurvesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "colorGradingTexture", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "colorGradingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "exposure", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "toneMappingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "toneMappingType", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingType;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingType = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "contrast", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteStretch", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteStretch;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteStretch = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteCentreX", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCentreX;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCentreX = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteCentreY", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCentreY;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCentreY = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteWeight", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteWeight;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteWeight = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteColor", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteColor;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteColor = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteCameraFov", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCameraFov;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteCameraFov = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteBlendMode", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteBlendMode;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteBlendMode = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vignetteEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fromLinearSpace", { get: function() {
return this._fromLinearSpace;
}, set: function(e) {
this._fromLinearSpace !== e && (this._fromLinearSpace = e, this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ImageProcessingPostProcess";
}, t.prototype._updateParameters = function() {
this._defines.FROMLINEARSPACE = this._fromLinearSpace, this.imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(this._defines, !0);
var e = "";
for (var n in this._defines)
this._defines[n] && (e += "#define " + n + `;\r
var i = ["textureSampler"], o = ["scale"];
vn.a && (vn.a.PrepareSamplers(i, this._defines), vn.a.PrepareUniforms(o, this._defines)), this.updateEffect(e, o, i);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {, e), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess = !1);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_fromLinearSpace", void 0), t;
}(ft), ht = f(16), Oe = f(4);
Ie.a._GroundMeshParser = function(r, t) {
return Do.Parse(r, t);
var Do = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i.generateOctree = !1, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GroundMesh";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "subdivisions", { get: function() {
return Math.min(this._subdivisionsX, this._subdivisionsY);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "subdivisionsX", { get: function() {
return this._subdivisionsX;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "subdivisionsY", { get: function() {
return this._subdivisionsY;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.optimize = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 32), this._subdivisionsX = e, this._subdivisionsY = e, this.subdivide(e), this.createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree && this.createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree(n);
}, t.prototype.getHeightAtCoordinates = function(e, n) {
var i = this.getWorldMatrix(), o = u.c.Matrix[5];
var a = u.c.Vector3[8];
if (u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(e, 0, n, o, a), e = a.x, n = a.z, e < this._minX || e > this._maxX || n < this._minZ || n > this._maxZ)
return this.position.y;
this._heightQuads && this._heightQuads.length != 0 || (this._initHeightQuads(), this._computeHeightQuads());
var s = this._getFacetAt(e, n), d = -(s.x * e + s.z * n + s.w) / s.y;
return u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(0, d, 0, i, a), a.y;
}, t.prototype.getNormalAtCoordinates = function(e, n) {
var i = new u.e(0, 1, 0);
return this.getNormalAtCoordinatesToRef(e, n, i), i;
}, t.prototype.getNormalAtCoordinatesToRef = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getWorldMatrix(), a = u.c.Matrix[5];
var s = u.c.Vector3[8];
if (u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(e, 0, n, a, s), e = s.x, n = s.z, e < this._minX || e > this._maxX || n < this._minZ || n > this._maxZ)
return this;
this._heightQuads && this._heightQuads.length != 0 || (this._initHeightQuads(), this._computeHeightQuads());
var d = this._getFacetAt(e, n);
return u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(d.x, d.y, d.z, o, i), this;
}, t.prototype.updateCoordinateHeights = function() {
return this._heightQuads && this._heightQuads.length != 0 || this._initHeightQuads(), this._computeHeightQuads(), this;
}, t.prototype._getFacetAt = function(e, n) {
var i = Math.floor((e + this._maxX) * this._subdivisionsX / this._width), o = Math.floor(-(n + this._maxZ) * this._subdivisionsY / this._height + this._subdivisionsY), a = this._heightQuads[o * this._subdivisionsX + i];
return n < a.slope.x * e + a.slope.y ? a.facet1 : a.facet2;
}, t.prototype._initHeightQuads = function() {
var e = this._subdivisionsX, n = this._subdivisionsY;
this._heightQuads = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (var o = 0; o < e; o++) {
var a = { slope: u.d.Zero(), facet1: new u.f(0, 0, 0, 0), facet2: new u.f(0, 0, 0, 0) };
this._heightQuads[i * e + o] = a;
return this;
}, t.prototype._computeHeightQuads = function() {
var e = this.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind);
if (!e)
return this;
for (var n = u.c.Vector3[3], i = u.c.Vector3[2], o = u.c.Vector3[1], a = u.c.Vector3[0], s = u.c.Vector3[4], d = u.c.Vector3[5], p = u.c.Vector3[6], y = u.c.Vector3[7], P = u.c.Vector3[8], R = 0, B = 0, F = 0, z = 0, J = 0, ie = 0, se = 0, ce = this._subdivisionsX, ue = this._subdivisionsY, fe = 0; fe < ue; fe++)
for (var ve = 0; ve < ce; ve++) {
R = 3 * ve, B = fe * (ce + 1) * 3, F = (fe + 1) * (ce + 1) * 3, n.x = e[B + R], n.y = e[B + R + 1], n.z = e[B + R + 2], i.x = e[B + R + 3], i.y = e[B + R + 4], i.z = e[B + R + 5], o.x = e[F + R], o.y = e[F + R + 1], o.z = e[F + R + 2], a.x = e[F + R + 3], a.y = e[F + R + 4], a.z = e[F + R + 5], z = (a.z - n.z) / (a.x - n.x), J = n.z - z * n.x, i.subtractToRef(n, s), o.subtractToRef(n, d), a.subtractToRef(n, p), u.e.CrossToRef(p, d, y), u.e.CrossToRef(s, p, P), y.normalize(), P.normalize(), ie = -(y.x * n.x + y.y * n.y + y.z * n.z), se = -(P.x * i.x + P.y * i.y + P.z * i.z);
var Te = this._heightQuads[fe * ce + ve];
Te.slope.copyFromFloats(z, J), Te.facet1.copyFromFloats(y.x, y.y, y.z, ie), Te.facet2.copyFromFloats(P.x, P.y, P.z, se);
return this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {, e), e.subdivisionsX = this._subdivisionsX, e.subdivisionsY = this._subdivisionsY, e.minX = this._minX, e.maxX = this._maxX, e.minZ = this._minZ, e.maxZ = this._maxZ, e.width = this._width, e.height = this._height;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n) {
var i = new t(, n);
return i._subdivisionsX = e.subdivisionsX || 1, i._subdivisionsY = e.subdivisionsY || 1, i._minX = e.minX, i._maxX = e.maxX, i._minZ = e.minZ, i._maxZ = e.maxZ, i._width = e.width, i._height = e.height, i;
}, t;
}(Ie.a), ns = f(70);
ht.a.CreateGround = function(r) {
var t, e, n = [], i = [], o = [], a = [], s = r.width || 1, d = r.height || 1, p = r.subdivisionsX || r.subdivisions || 1, y = r.subdivisionsY || r.subdivisions || 1;
for (t = 0; t <= y; t++)
for (e = 0; e <= p; e++) {
var P = new u.e(e * s / p - s / 2, 0, (y - t) * d / y - d / 2), R = new u.e(0, 1, 0);
i.push(P.x, P.y, P.z), o.push(R.x, R.y, R.z), a.push(e / p, 1 - t / y);
for (t = 0; t < y; t++)
for (e = 0; e < p; e++)
n.push(e + 1 + (t + 1) * (p + 1)), n.push(e + 1 + t * (p + 1)), n.push(e + t * (p + 1)), n.push(e + (t + 1) * (p + 1)), n.push(e + 1 + (t + 1) * (p + 1)), n.push(e + t * (p + 1));
var B = new ht.a();
return B.indices = n, B.positions = i, B.normals = o, B.uvs = a, B;
}, ht.a.CreateTiledGround = function(r) {
var t, e, n, i, o = r.xmin !== void 0 && r.xmin !== null ? r.xmin : -1, a = r.zmin !== void 0 && r.zmin !== null ? r.zmin : -1, s = r.xmax !== void 0 && r.xmax !== null ? r.xmax : 1, d = r.zmax !== void 0 && r.zmax !== null ? r.zmax : 1, p = r.subdivisions || { w: 1, h: 1 }, y = r.precision || { w: 1, h: 1 }, P = new Array(), R = new Array(), B = new Array(), F = new Array();
p.h = p.h < 1 ? 1 : p.h, p.w = p.w < 1 ? 1 : p.w, y.w = y.w < 1 ? 1 : y.w, y.h = y.h < 1 ? 1 : y.h;
var z = (s - o) / p.w, J = (d - a) / p.h;
function ie(ce, ue, fe, ve) {
var Te = R.length / 3, Re = y.w + 1;
for (t = 0; t < y.h; t++)
for (e = 0; e < y.w; e++) {
var Ae = [Te + e + t * Re, Te + (e + 1) + t * Re, Te + (e + 1) + (t + 1) * Re, Te + e + (t + 1) * Re];
P.push(Ae[1]), P.push(Ae[2]), P.push(Ae[3]), P.push(Ae[0]), P.push(Ae[1]), P.push(Ae[3]);
var Ee = u.e.Zero(), Se = new u.e(0, 1, 0);
for (t = 0; t <= y.h; t++)
for (Ee.z = t * (ve - ue) / y.h + ue, e = 0; e <= y.w; e++)
Ee.x = e * (fe - ce) / y.w + ce, Ee.y = 0, R.push(Ee.x, Ee.y, Ee.z), B.push(Se.x, Se.y, Se.z), F.push(e / y.w, t / y.h);
for (n = 0; n < p.h; n++)
for (i = 0; i < p.w; i++)
ie(o + i * z, a + n * J, o + (i + 1) * z, a + (n + 1) * J);
var se = new ht.a();
return se.indices = P, se.positions = R, se.normals = B, se.uvs = F, se;
}, ht.a.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(r) {
var t, e, n = [], i = [], o = [], a = [], s = r.colorFilter || new I.a(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), d = r.alphaFilter || 0, p = !1;
if (r.minHeight > r.maxHeight) {
p = !0;
var y = r.maxHeight;
r.maxHeight = r.minHeight, r.minHeight = y;
for (t = 0; t <= r.subdivisions; t++)
for (e = 0; e <= r.subdivisions; e++) {
var P = new u.e(e * r.width / r.subdivisions - r.width / 2, 0, (r.subdivisions - t) * r.height / r.subdivisions - r.height / 2), R = 4 * (((P.x + r.width / 2) / r.width * (r.bufferWidth - 1) | 0) + ((1 - (P.z + r.height / 2) / r.height) * (r.bufferHeight - 1) | 0) * r.bufferWidth), B = r.buffer[R] / 255, F = r.buffer[R + 1] / 255, z = r.buffer[R + 2] / 255, J = r.buffer[R + 3] / 255;
p && (B = 1 - B, F = 1 - F, z = 1 - z);
var ie = B * s.r + F * s.g + z * s.b;
P.y = J >= d ? r.minHeight + (r.maxHeight - r.minHeight) * ie : r.minHeight - Vt.a, i.push(P.x, P.y, P.z), o.push(0, 0, 0), a.push(e / r.subdivisions, 1 - t / r.subdivisions);
for (t = 0; t < r.subdivisions; t++)
for (e = 0; e < r.subdivisions; e++) {
var se = e + 1 + (t + 1) * (r.subdivisions + 1), ce = e + 1 + t * (r.subdivisions + 1), ue = e + t * (r.subdivisions + 1), fe = e + (t + 1) * (r.subdivisions + 1), ve = i[3 * se + 1] >= r.minHeight, Te = i[3 * ce + 1] >= r.minHeight, Re = i[3 * ue + 1] >= r.minHeight;
ve && Te && Re && (n.push(se), n.push(ce), n.push(ue)), i[3 * fe + 1] >= r.minHeight && ve && Re && (n.push(fe), n.push(se), n.push(ue));
ht.a.ComputeNormals(i, n, o);
var Ae = new ht.a();
return Ae.indices = n, Ae.positions = i, Ae.normals = o, Ae.uvs = a, Ae;
}, Ie.a.CreateGround = function(r, t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = { width: t, height: e, subdivisions: n, updatable: o };
return Mi.CreateGround(r, a, i);
}, Ie.a.CreateTiledGround = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p = { xmin: t, zmin: e, xmax: n, zmax: i, subdivisions: o, precision: a, updatable: d };
return Mi.CreateTiledGround(r, p, s);
}, Ie.a.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
var P = { width: e, height: n, subdivisions: i, minHeight: o, maxHeight: a, updatable: d, onReady: p, alphaFilter: y };
return Mi.CreateGroundFromHeightMap(r, t, P, s);
var Mi = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateGround = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new Do(t, n);
return i._setReady(!1), i._subdivisionsX = e.subdivisionsX || e.subdivisions || 1, i._subdivisionsY = e.subdivisionsY || e.subdivisions || 1, i._width = e.width || 1, i._height = e.height || 1, i._maxX = i._width / 2, i._maxZ = i._height / 2, i._minX = -i._maxX, i._minZ = -i._maxZ, ht.a.CreateGround(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i._setReady(!0), i;
}, r.CreateTiledGround = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return ht.a.CreateTiledGround(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = null);
var o = n.width || 10, a = n.height || 10, s = n.subdivisions || 1, d = n.minHeight || 0, p = n.maxHeight || 1, y = n.colorFilter || new I.a(0.3, 0.59, 0.11), P = n.alphaFilter || 0, R = n.updatable, B = n.onReady;
i = i || te.a.LastCreatedScene;
var F = new Do(t, i);
return F._subdivisionsX = s, F._subdivisionsY = s, F._width = o, F._height = a, F._maxX = F._width / 2, F._maxZ = F._height / 2, F._minX = -F._maxX, F._minZ = -F._maxZ, F._setReady(!1), Xe.b.LoadImage(e, function(z) {
var J = z.width, ie = z.height, se = ns.a.CreateCanvas(J, ie).getContext("2d");
if (!se)
throw new Error("Unable to get 2d context for CreateGroundFromHeightMap");
if (!i.isDisposed) {
se.drawImage(z, 0, 0);
var ce = se.getImageData(0, 0, J, ie).data;
ht.a.CreateGroundFromHeightMap({ width: o, height: a, subdivisions: s, minHeight: d, maxHeight: p, colorFilter: y, buffer: ce, bufferWidth: J, bufferHeight: ie, alphaFilter: P }).applyToMesh(F, R), B && B(F), F._setReady(!0);
}, function() {
}, i.offlineProvider), F;
}, r;
ht.a.CreateTorus = function(r) {
for (var t = [], e = [], n = [], i = [], o = r.diameter || 1, a = r.thickness || 0.5, s = r.tessellation || 16, d = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE, p = s + 1, y = 0; y <= s; y++)
for (var P = y / s, R = y * Math.PI * 2 / s - Math.PI / 2, B = u.a.Translation(o / 2, 0, 0).multiply(u.a.RotationY(R)), F = 0; F <= s; F++) {
var z = 1 - F / s, J = F * Math.PI * 2 / s + Math.PI, ie = Math.cos(J), se = Math.sin(J), ce = new u.e(ie, se, 0), ue = ce.scale(a / 2), fe = new u.d(P, z);
ue = u.e.TransformCoordinates(ue, B), ce = u.e.TransformNormal(ce, B), e.push(ue.x, ue.y, ue.z), n.push(ce.x, ce.y, ce.z), i.push(fe.x, fe.y);
var ve = (y + 1) % p, Te = (F + 1) % p;
t.push(y * p + F), t.push(y * p + Te), t.push(ve * p + F), t.push(y * p + Te), t.push(ve * p + Te), t.push(ve * p + F);
ht.a._ComputeSides(d, e, t, n, i, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var Re = new ht.a();
return Re.indices = t, Re.positions = e, Re.normals = n, Re.uvs = i, Re;
}, Ie.a.CreateTorus = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
var s = { diameter: t, thickness: e, tessellation: n, sideOrientation: a, updatable: o };
return lr.CreateTorus(r, s, i);
var fn, Yi, lr = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateTorus = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateTorus(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
}(), ci = f(53), is = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetDefaults = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return e.canvasOptions = { antialias: !0, depth: !0, stencil: !t || t.isStencilEnable, alpha: !0, multiview: !1, framebufferScaleFactor: 1 }, e.newCanvasCssStyle = "position:absolute; bottom:0px;right:0px;z-index:10;width:90%;height:100%;background-color: #000000;", e;
}, r;
}(), Rl = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = is.GetDefaults()), this._options = e, this._canvas = null, this.xrLayer = null, this.onXRLayerInitObservable = new C.c(), this._engine = t.scene.getEngine(), e.canvasElement)
else {
var i = document.createElement("canvas"); = this._options.newCanvasCssStyle || "position:absolute; bottom:0px;right:0px;", this._setManagedOutputCanvas(i);
t.onXRSessionInit.add(function() {
}), t.onXRSessionEnded.add(function() {
return r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._removeCanvas(), this._setManagedOutputCanvas(null);
}, r.prototype.initializeXRLayerAsync = function(t) {
var e = this, n = function() {
var i = new XRWebGLLayer(t, e.canvasContext, e._options.canvasOptions);
return e.onXRLayerInitObservable.notifyObservers(i), i;
return this.canvasContext.makeXRCompatible ? this.canvasContext.makeXRCompatible().then(function() {
return e.xrLayer = n(), e.xrLayer;
}) : (this.xrLayer = n(), Promise.resolve(this.xrLayer));
}, r.prototype._addCanvas = function() {
var t = this;
this._canvas && this._canvas !== this._engine.getRenderingCanvas() && document.body.appendChild(this._canvas), this.xrLayer ? this._setCanvasSize(!0) : this.onXRLayerInitObservable.addOnce(function(e) {
t._setCanvasSize(!0, e);
}, r.prototype._removeCanvas = function() {
this._canvas && document.body.contains(this._canvas) && this._canvas !== this._engine.getRenderingCanvas() && document.body.removeChild(this._canvas), this._setCanvasSize(!1);
}, r.prototype._setCanvasSize = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), e === void 0 && (e = this.xrLayer), this._canvas && (t ? e && (this._canvas !== this._engine.getRenderingCanvas() ? ( = e.framebufferWidth + "px", = e.framebufferHeight + "px") : this._engine.setSize(e.framebufferWidth, e.framebufferHeight)) : this._originalCanvasSize && (this._canvas !== this._engine.getRenderingCanvas() ? ( = this._originalCanvasSize.width + "px", = this._originalCanvasSize.height + "px") : this._engine.setSize(this._originalCanvasSize.width, this._originalCanvasSize.height)));
}, r.prototype._setManagedOutputCanvas = function(t) {
this._removeCanvas(), t ? (this._originalCanvasSize = { width: t.offsetWidth, height: t.offsetHeight }, this._canvas = t, this.canvasContext = this._canvas.getContext("webgl2"), this.canvasContext || (this.canvasContext = this._canvas.getContext("webgl"))) : (this._canvas = null, this.canvasContext = null);
}, r;
}(), rs = function() {
function r(t) {
this.scene = t, this._sessionEnded = !1, this.baseLayer = null, this.currentTimestamp = -1, this.defaultHeightCompensation = 1.7, this.onXRFrameObservable = new C.c(), this.onXRReferenceSpaceChanged = new C.c(), this.onXRSessionEnded = new C.c(), this.onXRSessionInit = new C.c();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "referenceSpace", { get: function() {
return this._referenceSpace;
}, set: function(t) {
this._referenceSpace = t, this.onXRReferenceSpaceChanged.notifyObservers(this._referenceSpace);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._sessionEnded || this.exitXRAsync(), this.onXRFrameObservable.clear(), this.onXRSessionEnded.clear(), this.onXRReferenceSpaceChanged.clear(), this.onXRSessionInit.clear();
}, r.prototype.exitXRAsync = function() {
return this.session && !this._sessionEnded ? (this._sessionEnded = !0, this.session.end().catch(function(t) {
l.a.Warn("Could not end XR session.");
})) : Promise.resolve();
}, r.prototype.getRenderTargetTextureForEye = function(t) {
return this._rttProvider.getRenderTargetForEye(t);
}, r.prototype.getWebXRRenderTarget = function(t) {
var e = this.scene.getEngine();
return this._xrNavigator.xr.native ? this._xrNavigator.xr.getWebXRRenderTarget(e) : ((t = t || is.GetDefaults(e)).canvasElement = e.getRenderingCanvas() || void 0, new Rl(this, t));
}, r.prototype.initializeAsync = function() {
return this._xrNavigator = navigator, this._xrNavigator.xr ? Promise.resolve() : Promise.reject("WebXR not available");
}, r.prototype.initializeSessionAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
return t === void 0 && (t = "immersive-vr"), e === void 0 && (e = {}), this._xrNavigator.xr.requestSession(t, e).then(function(i) {
return n.session = i, n.onXRSessionInit.notifyObservers(i), n._sessionEnded = !1, n.session.addEventListener("end", function() {
var o = n.scene.getEngine();
n._sessionEnded = !0, n._rttProvider = null, o.framebufferDimensionsObject = null, o.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), o.customAnimationFrameRequester = null, n.onXRSessionEnded.notifyObservers(null), o._renderLoop();
}, { once: !0 }), n.session;
}, r.prototype.isSessionSupportedAsync = function(t) {
return r.IsSessionSupportedAsync(t);
}, r.prototype.resetReferenceSpace = function() {
this.referenceSpace = this.baseReferenceSpace;
}, r.prototype.runXRRenderLoop = function() {
var t = this, e = this.scene.getEngine();
if (e.customAnimationFrameRequester = { requestAnimationFrame: this.session.requestAnimationFrame.bind(this.session), renderFunction: function(i, o) {
t._sessionEnded || (t.currentFrame = o, t.currentTimestamp = i, o && (e.framebufferDimensionsObject = t.baseLayer, t.onXRFrameObservable.notifyObservers(o), e._renderLoop(), e.framebufferDimensionsObject = null));
} }, this._xrNavigator.xr.native)
this._rttProvider = this._xrNavigator.xr.getNativeRenderTargetProvider(this.session, this._createRenderTargetTexture.bind(this));
else {
var n = this._createRenderTargetTexture(this.baseLayer.framebufferWidth, this.baseLayer.framebufferHeight, this.baseLayer.framebuffer);
this._rttProvider = { getRenderTargetForEye: function() {
return n;
} }, e.framebufferDimensionsObject = this.baseLayer;
typeof window < "u" && window.cancelAnimationFrame && window.cancelAnimationFrame(e._frameHandler), e._renderLoop();
}, r.prototype.setReferenceSpaceTypeAsync = function(t) {
var e = this;
return t === void 0 && (t = "local-floor"), this.session.requestReferenceSpace(t).then(function(n) {
return n;
}, function(n) {
return l.a.Error("XR.requestReferenceSpace failed for the following reason: "), l.a.Error(n), l.a.Log('Defaulting to universally-supported "viewer" reference space type.'), e.session.requestReferenceSpace("viewer").then(function(i) {
var o = new XRRigidTransform({ x: 0, y: -e.defaultHeightCompensation, z: 0 });
return i.getOffsetReferenceSpace(o);
}, function(i) {
throw l.a.Error(i), 'XR initialization failed: required "viewer" reference space type not supported.';
}).then(function(n) {
return e.session.requestReferenceSpace("viewer").then(function(i) {
return e.viewerReferenceSpace = i, n;
}).then(function(n) {
return e.referenceSpace = e.baseReferenceSpace = n, e.referenceSpace;
}, r.prototype.updateRenderStateAsync = function(t) {
return t.baseLayer && (this.baseLayer = t.baseLayer), this.session.updateRenderState(t);
}, r.IsSessionSupportedAsync = function(t) {
if (!navigator.xr)
return Promise.resolve(!1);
var e = navigator.xr.isSessionSupported || navigator.xr.supportsSession;
return e ?, t).then(function(n) {
var i = n === void 0 || n;
return Promise.resolve(i);
}).catch(function(n) {
return l.a.Warn(n), Promise.resolve(!1);
}) : Promise.resolve(!1);
}, r.prototype._createRenderTargetTexture = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Pt.a(this.scene.getEngine(), Pt.b.Unknown, !0);
i.width = t, i.height = e, i._framebuffer = n;
var o = new on("XR renderTargetTexture", { width: t, height: e }, this.scene, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, !0);
return o._texture = i, o;
}, r;
(function(r) {
r[r.ENTERING_XR = 0] = "ENTERING_XR", r[r.EXITING_XR = 1] = "EXITING_XR", r[r.IN_XR = 2] = "IN_XR", r[r.NOT_IN_XR = 3] = "NOT_IN_XR";
})(fn || (fn = {})), function(r) {
}(Yi || (Yi = {}));
var $n, Ol = function() {
function r(t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = null), this.scene = t, this._pointerDownOnMeshAsked = !1, this._isActionableMesh = !1, this._teleportationRequestInitiated = !1, this._teleportationBackRequestInitiated = !1, this._rotationRightAsked = !1, this._rotationLeftAsked = !1, this._dpadPressed = !0, this._activePointer = !1, this._id = r._idCounter++, e)
this._gazeTracker = e.clone("gazeTracker");
else {
this._gazeTracker = Ie.a.CreateTorus("gazeTracker", 35e-4, 25e-4, 20, t, !1), this._gazeTracker.bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices(), this._gazeTracker.isPickable = !1, this._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1;
var n = new Nt.a("targetMat", t);
n.specularColor = I.a.Black(), n.emissiveColor = new I.a(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), n.backFaceCulling = !1, this._gazeTracker.material = n;
return r.prototype._getForwardRay = function(t) {
return new dn.a(u.e.Zero(), new u.e(0, 0, t));
}, r.prototype._selectionPointerDown = function() {
this._pointerDownOnMeshAsked = !0, this._currentHit && this.scene.simulatePointerDown(this._currentHit, { pointerId: this._id });
}, r.prototype._selectionPointerUp = function() {
this._currentHit && this.scene.simulatePointerUp(this._currentHit, { pointerId: this._id }), this._pointerDownOnMeshAsked = !1;
}, r.prototype._activatePointer = function() {
this._activePointer = !0;
}, r.prototype._deactivatePointer = function() {
this._activePointer = !1;
}, r.prototype._updatePointerDistance = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._interactionsEnabled = !1, this._teleportationEnabled = !1, this._gazeTracker && this._gazeTracker.dispose();
}, r._idCounter = 0, r;
}(), xf = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, n, i) || this;
o.webVRController = e, o._laserPointer = Ie.a.CreateCylinder("laserPointer", 1, 4e-3, 2e-4, 20, 1, n, !1);
var a = new Nt.a("laserPointerMat", n);
if (a.emissiveColor = new I.a(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), a.alpha = 0.6, o._laserPointer.material = a, o._laserPointer.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, o._laserPointer.position.z = -0.5, o._laserPointer.isVisible = !1, o._laserPointer.isPickable = !1, !e.mesh) {
var s = new Ie.a("preloadControllerMesh", n), d = new Ie.a(ar.POINTING_POSE, n);
d.rotation.x = -0.7, s.addChild(d), e.attachToMesh(s);
return o._setLaserPointerParent(e.mesh), o._meshAttachedObserver = e._meshAttachedObservable.add(function(p) {
}), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._getForwardRay = function(e) {
return this.webVRController.getForwardRay(e);
}, t.prototype._activatePointer = function() {, this._laserPointer.isVisible = !0;
}, t.prototype._deactivatePointer = function() {, this._laserPointer.isVisible = !1;
}, t.prototype._setLaserPointerColor = function(e) {
this._laserPointer.material.emissiveColor = e;
}, t.prototype._setLaserPointerLightingDisabled = function(e) {
this._laserPointer.material.disableLighting = e;
}, t.prototype._setLaserPointerParent = function(e) {
var n = function(s) {
s.isPickable = !1, s.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(d) {
var i = e.getChildren(void 0, !1), o = e;
this.webVRController._pointingPoseNode = null;
for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++)
if (i[a].name && i[a].name.indexOf(ar.POINTING_POSE) >= 0) {
o = i[a], this.webVRController._pointingPoseNode = o;
this._laserPointer.parent = o;
}, t.prototype._updatePointerDistance = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 100), this._laserPointer.scaling.y = e, this._laserPointer.position.z = -e / 2;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._laserPointer.dispose(), this._meshAttachedObserver && this.webVRController._meshAttachedObservable.remove(this._meshAttachedObserver);
}, t;
}(Ol), Ml = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, n) || this;
return i.getCamera = e, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._getForwardRay = function(e) {
var n = this.getCamera();
return n ? n.getForwardRay(e) : new dn.a(u.e.Zero(), u.e.Forward());
}, t;
}(Ol), Cf = function() {
}, Il = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = {}), this.webVROptions = e, this._webVRsupported = !1, this._webVRready = !1, this._webVRrequesting = !1, this._webVRpresenting = !1, this._fullscreenVRpresenting = !1, this.enableGazeEvenWhenNoPointerLock = !1, this.exitVROnDoubleTap = !0, this.onEnteringVRObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterEnteringVRObservable = new C.c(), this.onExitingVRObservable = new C.c(), this.onControllerMeshLoadedObservable = new C.c(), this._useCustomVRButton = !1, this._teleportationRequested = !1, this._teleportActive = !1, this._floorMeshesCollection = [], this._teleportationMode = r.TELEPORTATIONMODE_CONSTANTTIME, this._teleportationTime = 122, this._teleportationSpeed = 20, this._rotationAllowed = !0, this._teleportBackwardsVector = new u.e(0, -1, -1), this._isDefaultTeleportationTarget = !0, this._teleportationFillColor = "#444444", this._teleportationBorderColor = "#FFFFFF", this._rotationAngle = 0, this._haloCenter = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._padSensibilityUp = 0.65, this._padSensibilityDown = 0.35, this._leftController = null, this._rightController = null, this._gazeColor = new I.a(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), this._laserColor = new I.a(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), this._pickedLaserColor = new I.a(0.2, 0.2, 1), this._pickedGazeColor = new I.a(0, 0, 1), this.onNewMeshSelected = new C.c(), this.onMeshSelectedWithController = new C.c(), this.onNewMeshPicked = new C.c(), this.onBeforeCameraTeleport = new C.c(), this.onAfterCameraTeleport = new C.c(), this.onSelectedMeshUnselected = new C.c(), this.teleportationEnabled = !0, this._teleportationInitialized = !1, this._interactionsEnabled = !1, this._interactionsRequested = !1, this._displayGaze = !0, this._displayLaserPointer = !0, this.updateGazeTrackerScale = !0, this.updateGazeTrackerColor = !0, this.updateControllerLaserColor = !0, this.requestPointerLockOnFullScreen = !0, this.xrTestDone = !1, this._onResize = function() {
n.moveButtonToBottomRight(), n._fullscreenVRpresenting && n._webVRready && n.exitVR();
}, this._onFullscreenChange = function() {
var o = document;
o.fullscreen !== void 0 ? n._fullscreenVRpresenting = document.fullscreen : o.mozFullScreen !== void 0 ? n._fullscreenVRpresenting = o.mozFullScreen : o.webkitIsFullScreen !== void 0 ? n._fullscreenVRpresenting = o.webkitIsFullScreen : o.msIsFullScreen !== void 0 ? n._fullscreenVRpresenting = o.msIsFullScreen : document.msFullscreenElement !== void 0 && (n._fullscreenVRpresenting = document.msFullscreenElement), !n._fullscreenVRpresenting && n._inputElement && (n.exitVR(), !n._useCustomVRButton && n._btnVR && ( = n._inputElement.offsetTop + n._inputElement.offsetHeight - 70 + "px", = n._inputElement.offsetLeft + n._inputElement.offsetWidth - 100 + "px", n.updateButtonVisibility()));
}, this._cachedAngularSensibility = { angularSensibilityX: null, angularSensibilityY: null, angularSensibility: null }, this.beforeRender = function() {
n._leftController && n._leftController._activePointer && n._castRayAndSelectObject(n._leftController), n._rightController && n._rightController._activePointer && n._castRayAndSelectObject(n._rightController), n._noControllerIsActive && (n._scene.getEngine().isPointerLock || n.enableGazeEvenWhenNoPointerLock) ? n._castRayAndSelectObject(n._cameraGazer) : n._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1;
}, this._onNewGamepadConnected = function(o) {
if (o.type !== hn.POSE_ENABLED)
o.leftStick && o.onleftstickchanged(function(d) {
n._teleportationInitialized && n.teleportationEnabled && (!n._leftController && !n._rightController || n._leftController && !n._leftController._activePointer && n._rightController && !n._rightController._activePointer) && (n._checkTeleportWithRay(d, n._cameraGazer), n._checkTeleportBackwards(d, n._cameraGazer));
}), o.rightStick && o.onrightstickchanged(function(d) {
n._teleportationInitialized && n._checkRotate(d, n._cameraGazer);
}), o.type === hn.XBOX && (o.onbuttondown(function(d) {
n._interactionsEnabled && d === xn.A && n._cameraGazer._selectionPointerDown();
}), o.onbuttonup(function(d) {
n._interactionsEnabled && d === xn.A && n._cameraGazer._selectionPointerUp();
else {
var a = o, s = new xf(a, n._scene, n._cameraGazer._gazeTracker);
a.hand === "right" || n._leftController && n._leftController.webVRController != a ? n._rightController = s : n._leftController = s, n._tryEnableInteractionOnController(s);
}, this._tryEnableInteractionOnController = function(o) {
n._interactionsRequested && !o._interactionsEnabled && n._enableInteractionOnController(o), n._teleportationRequested && !o._teleportationEnabled && n._enableTeleportationOnController(o);
}, this._onNewGamepadDisconnected = function(o) {
o instanceof Oi && (o.hand === "left" && n._leftController != null && (n._leftController.dispose(), n._leftController = null), o.hand === "right" && n._rightController != null && (n._rightController.dispose(), n._rightController = null));
}, this._workingVector = u.e.Zero(), this._workingQuaternion = u.b.Identity(), this._workingMatrix = u.a.Identity(), this._scene = t, this._inputElement = t.getEngine().getInputElement(), "getVRDisplays" in navigator || (e.useXR = !0), e.createFallbackVRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera === void 0 && (e.createFallbackVRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera = !0), e.createDeviceOrientationCamera === void 0 && (e.createDeviceOrientationCamera = !0), e.laserToggle === void 0 && (e.laserToggle = !0), e.defaultHeight === void 0 && (e.defaultHeight = 1.7), e.useCustomVRButton && (this._useCustomVRButton = !0, e.customVRButton && (this._btnVR = e.customVRButton)), e.rayLength && (this._rayLength = e.rayLength), this._defaultHeight = e.defaultHeight, e.positionScale && (this._rayLength *= e.positionScale, this._defaultHeight *= e.positionScale), this._hasEnteredVR = !1, this._scene.activeCamera ? this._position = this._scene.activeCamera.position.clone() : this._position = new u.e(0, this._defaultHeight, 0), e.createDeviceOrientationCamera || !this._scene.activeCamera) {
if (this._deviceOrientationCamera = new xo("deviceOrientationVRHelper", this._position.clone(), t), this._scene.activeCamera && (this._deviceOrientationCamera.minZ = this._scene.activeCamera.minZ, this._deviceOrientationCamera.maxZ = this._scene.activeCamera.maxZ, this._scene.activeCamera instanceof xi && this._scene.activeCamera.rotation)) {
var i = this._scene.activeCamera;
i.rotationQuaternion ? this._deviceOrientationCamera.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(i.rotationQuaternion) : this._deviceOrientationCamera.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(i.rotation.y, i.rotation.x, i.rotation.z)), this._deviceOrientationCamera.rotation = i.rotation.clone();
this._scene.activeCamera = this._deviceOrientationCamera, this._inputElement && this._scene.activeCamera.attachControl();
} else
this._existingCamera = this._scene.activeCamera;
this.webVROptions.useXR && navigator.xr ? rs.IsSessionSupportedAsync("immersive-vr").then(function(o) {
o ? (l.a.Log("Using WebXR. It is recommended to use the WebXRDefaultExperience directly"), t.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync({ floorMeshes: e.floorMeshes || [] }).then(function(a) {
n.xr = a, n.xrTestDone = !0, n._cameraGazer = new Ml(function() {
}, t), n.xr.baseExperience.onStateChangedObservable.add(function(s) {
switch (s) {
case fn.ENTERING_XR:
n.onEnteringVRObservable.notifyObservers(n), n._interactionsEnabled || n.xr.pointerSelection.detach(), n.xr.pointerSelection.displayLaserPointer = n._displayLaserPointer;
case fn.EXITING_XR:
n.onExitingVRObservable.notifyObservers(n), n._scene.getEngine().resize();
case fn.IN_XR:
n._hasEnteredVR = !0;
case fn.NOT_IN_XR:
n._hasEnteredVR = !1;
})) : n.completeVRInit(t, e);
}) : this.completeVRInit(t, e);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onEnteringVR", { get: function() {
return this.onEnteringVRObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onExitingVR", { get: function() {
return this.onExitingVRObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onControllerMeshLoaded", { get: function() {
return this.onControllerMeshLoadedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "teleportationTarget", { get: function() {
return this._teleportationTarget;
}, set: function(t) {
t && ( = "teleportationTarget", this._isDefaultTeleportationTarget = !1, this._teleportationTarget = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "gazeTrackerMesh", { get: function() {
return this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker;
}, set: function(t) {
t && (this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker && this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.dispose(), this._leftController && this._leftController._gazeTracker && this._leftController._gazeTracker.dispose(), this._rightController && this._rightController._gazeTracker && this._rightController._gazeTracker.dispose(), this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker = t, this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices(), this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.isPickable = !1, this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1, = "gazeTracker", this._leftController && (this._leftController._gazeTracker = this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.clone("gazeTracker")), this._rightController && (this._rightController._gazeTracker = this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.clone("gazeTracker")));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "leftControllerGazeTrackerMesh", { get: function() {
return this._leftController ? this._leftController._gazeTracker : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rightControllerGazeTrackerMesh", { get: function() {
return this._rightController ? this._rightController._gazeTracker : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "displayGaze", { get: function() {
return this._displayGaze;
}, set: function(t) {
this._displayGaze = t, t || (this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1, this._leftController && (this._leftController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1), this._rightController && (this._rightController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "displayLaserPointer", { get: function() {
return this._displayLaserPointer;
}, set: function(t) {
this._displayLaserPointer = t, t ? (this._rightController && this._rightController._activatePointer(), this._leftController && this._leftController._activatePointer()) : (this._rightController && (this._rightController._deactivatePointer(), this._rightController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1), this._leftController && (this._leftController._deactivatePointer(), this._leftController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "deviceOrientationCamera", { get: function() {
return this._deviceOrientationCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "currentVRCamera", { get: function() {
return this._webVRready ? this._webVRCamera : this._scene.activeCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "webVRCamera", { get: function() {
return this._webVRCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "vrDeviceOrientationCamera", { get: function() {
return this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "vrButton", { get: function() {
return this._btnVR;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "_teleportationRequestInitiated", { get: function() {
return this._cameraGazer._teleportationRequestInitiated || this._leftController !== null && this._leftController._teleportationRequestInitiated || this._rightController !== null && this._rightController._teleportationRequestInitiated;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.completeVRInit = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (this.xrTestDone = !0, e.createFallbackVRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera && (e.useMultiview && (e.vrDeviceOrientationCameraMetrics || (e.vrDeviceOrientationCameraMetrics = cr.GetDefault()), e.vrDeviceOrientationCameraMetrics.multiviewEnabled = !0), this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera = new Ro("VRDeviceOrientationVRHelper", this._position, this._scene, !0, e.vrDeviceOrientationCameraMetrics), this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibility = Number.MAX_VALUE), this._webVRCamera = new Mo("WebVRHelper", this._position, this._scene, e), this._webVRCamera.useStandingMatrix(), this._cameraGazer = new Ml(function() {
return n.currentVRCamera;
}, t), !this._useCustomVRButton) {
this._btnVR = document.createElement("BUTTON"), this._btnVR.className = "babylonVRicon", = "babylonVRiconbtn", this._btnVR.title = "Click to switch to VR";
var i = ".babylonVRicon { position: absolute; right: 20px; height: 50px; width: 80px; background-color: rgba(51,51,51,0.7); background-image: url(" + (window.SVGSVGElement ? "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//" : "") + "); background-size: 80%; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center; border: none; outline: none; transition: transform 0.125s ease-out } .babylonVRicon:hover { transform: scale(1.05) } .babylonVRicon:active {background-color: rgba(51,51,51,1) } .babylonVRicon:focus {background-color: rgba(51,51,51,1) }";
i += ".babylonVRicon.vrdisplaypresenting { display: none; }";
var o = document.createElement("style");
o.appendChild(document.createTextNode(i)), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(o), this.moveButtonToBottomRight();
this._btnVR && this._btnVR.addEventListener("click", function() {
n.isInVRMode ? n._scene.getEngine().disableVR() : n.enterVR();
var a = this._scene.getEngine().getHostWindow();
a && (a.addEventListener("resize", this._onResize), document.addEventListener("fullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.addEventListener("msfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange, !1), document.onmsfullscreenchange = this._onFullscreenChange, e.createFallbackVRDeviceOrientationFreeCamera ? this.displayVRButton() : this._scene.getEngine().onVRDisplayChangedObservable.add(function(s) {
s.vrDisplay && n.displayVRButton();
}), this._onKeyDown = function(s) {
s.keyCode === 27 && n.isInVRMode && n.exitVR();
}, document.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), this._scene.onPrePointerObservable.add(function() {
n._hasEnteredVR && n.exitVROnDoubleTap && (n.exitVR(), n._fullscreenVRpresenting && n._scene.getEngine().exitFullscreen());
}, yt.a.POINTERDOUBLETAP, !1), this._onVRDisplayChanged = function(s) {
return n.onVRDisplayChanged(s);
}, this._onVrDisplayPresentChange = function() {
return n.onVrDisplayPresentChange();
}, this._onVRRequestPresentStart = function() {
n._webVRrequesting = !0, n.updateButtonVisibility();
}, this._onVRRequestPresentComplete = function() {
n._webVRrequesting = !1, n.updateButtonVisibility();
}, t.getEngine().onVRDisplayChangedObservable.add(this._onVRDisplayChanged), t.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentStart.add(this._onVRRequestPresentStart), t.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentComplete.add(this._onVRRequestPresentComplete), a.addEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._onVrDisplayPresentChange), t.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
}), this._webVRCamera.onControllerMeshLoadedObservable.add(function(s) {
return n._onDefaultMeshLoaded(s);
}), this._scene.gamepadManager.onGamepadConnectedObservable.add(this._onNewGamepadConnected), this._scene.gamepadManager.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.add(this._onNewGamepadDisconnected), this.updateButtonVisibility(), this._circleEase = new tt(), this._circleEase.setEasingMode(Ge.EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT), this._teleportationEasing = this._circleEase, t.onPointerObservable.add(function(s) {
n._interactionsEnabled && t.activeCamera === n.vrDeviceOrientationCamera && s.event.pointerType === "mouse" && (s.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN ? n._cameraGazer._selectionPointerDown() : s.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && n._cameraGazer._selectionPointerUp());
}), this.webVROptions.floorMeshes && this.enableTeleportation({ floorMeshes: this.webVROptions.floorMeshes }));
}, r.prototype._onDefaultMeshLoaded = function(t) {
this._leftController && this._leftController.webVRController == t && t.mesh && this._leftController._setLaserPointerParent(t.mesh), this._rightController && this._rightController.webVRController == t && t.mesh && this._rightController._setLaserPointerParent(t.mesh);
try {
} catch (e) {
l.a.Warn("Error in your custom logic onControllerMeshLoaded: " + e);
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isInVRMode", { get: function() {
return this.xr && this.webVROptions.useXR && this.xr.baseExperience.state === fn.IN_XR || this._webVRpresenting || this._fullscreenVRpresenting;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.onVrDisplayPresentChange = function() {
var t = this._scene.getEngine().getVRDevice();
if (t) {
var e = this._webVRpresenting;
this._webVRpresenting = t.isPresenting, e && !this._webVRpresenting && this.exitVR();
} else
l.a.Warn("Detected VRDisplayPresentChange on an unknown VRDisplay. Did you can enterVR on the vrExperienceHelper?");
}, r.prototype.onVRDisplayChanged = function(t) {
this._webVRsupported = t.vrSupported, this._webVRready = !!t.vrDisplay, this._webVRpresenting = t.vrDisplay && t.vrDisplay.isPresenting, this.updateButtonVisibility();
}, r.prototype.moveButtonToBottomRight = function() {
if (this._inputElement && !this._useCustomVRButton && this._btnVR) {
var t = this._inputElement.getBoundingClientRect(); = + t.height - 70 + "px", = t.left + t.width - 100 + "px";
}, r.prototype.displayVRButton = function() {
this._useCustomVRButton || this._btnVRDisplayed || !this._btnVR || (document.body.appendChild(this._btnVR), this._btnVRDisplayed = !0);
}, r.prototype.updateButtonVisibility = function() {
this._btnVR && !this._useCustomVRButton && (this._btnVR.className = "babylonVRicon", this.isInVRMode ? this._btnVR.className += " vrdisplaypresenting" : (this._webVRready && (this._btnVR.className += " vrdisplayready"), this._webVRsupported && (this._btnVR.className += " vrdisplaysupported"), this._webVRrequesting && (this._btnVR.className += " vrdisplayrequesting")));
}, r.prototype.enterVR = function() {
var t = this;
if (this.xr)
this.xr.baseExperience.enterXRAsync("immersive-vr", "local-floor", this.xr.renderTarget);
else {
if (this.onEnteringVRObservable)
try {
} catch (o) {
l.a.Warn("Error in your custom logic onEnteringVR: " + o);
if (this._scene.activeCamera) {
if (this._position = this._scene.activeCamera.position.clone(), this.vrDeviceOrientationCamera && (this.vrDeviceOrientationCamera.rotation = u.b.FromRotationMatrix(this._scene.activeCamera.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix()).toEulerAngles(), this.vrDeviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibility = 2e3), this.webVRCamera) {
var e = this.webVRCamera.deviceRotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y, n = u.b.FromRotationMatrix(this._scene.activeCamera.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix()).toEulerAngles().y - e, i = this.webVRCamera.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y;
this.webVRCamera.rotationQuaternion = u.b.FromEulerAngles(0, i + n, 0);
this._existingCamera = this._scene.activeCamera, this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityX && (this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX = this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityX, this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityX = Number.MAX_VALUE), this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityY && (this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY = this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityY, this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityY = Number.MAX_VALUE), this._existingCamera.angularSensibility && (this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility = this._existingCamera.angularSensibility, this._existingCamera.angularSensibility = Number.MAX_VALUE);
this._webVRrequesting || (this._webVRready ? this._webVRpresenting || (this._scene.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentComplete.addOnce(function(o) {
t.onAfterEnteringVRObservable.notifyObservers({ success: o });
}), this._webVRCamera.position = this._position, this._scene.activeCamera = this._webVRCamera) : this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera && (this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera.position = this._position, this._scene.activeCamera && (this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera.minZ = this._scene.activeCamera.minZ), this._scene.activeCamera = this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera, this._scene.getEngine().enterFullscreen(this.requestPointerLockOnFullScreen), this.updateButtonVisibility(), this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera.onViewMatrixChangedObservable.addOnce(function() {
t.onAfterEnteringVRObservable.notifyObservers({ success: !0 });
})), this._scene.activeCamera && this._inputElement && this._scene.activeCamera.attachControl(), this._interactionsEnabled && this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this.beforeRender), this._displayLaserPointer && [this._leftController, this._rightController].forEach(function(o) {
o && o._activatePointer();
}), this._hasEnteredVR = !0);
}, r.prototype.exitVR = function() {
if (this.xr)
else if (this._hasEnteredVR) {
if (this.onExitingVRObservable)
try {
} catch (e) {
l.a.Warn("Error in your custom logic onExitingVR: " + e);
this._webVRpresenting && this._scene.getEngine().disableVR(), this._scene.activeCamera && (this._position = this._scene.activeCamera.position.clone()), this.vrDeviceOrientationCamera && (this.vrDeviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibility = Number.MAX_VALUE), this._deviceOrientationCamera ? (this._deviceOrientationCamera.position = this._position, this._scene.activeCamera = this._deviceOrientationCamera, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX && (this._deviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibilityX = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX = null), this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY && (this._deviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibilityY = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY = null), this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility && (this._deviceOrientationCamera.angularSensibility = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility = null)) : this._existingCamera && (this._existingCamera.position = this._position, this._scene.activeCamera = this._existingCamera, this._inputElement && this._scene.activeCamera.attachControl(), this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX && (this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityX = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityX = null), this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY && (this._existingCamera.angularSensibilityY = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibilityY = null), this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility && (this._existingCamera.angularSensibility = this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility, this._cachedAngularSensibility.angularSensibility = null)), this.updateButtonVisibility(), this._interactionsEnabled && (this._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(this.beforeRender), this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1, this._leftController && (this._leftController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1), this._rightController && (this._rightController._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1)), this._scene.getEngine().resize(), [this._leftController, this._rightController].forEach(function(e) {
e && e._deactivatePointer();
}), this._hasEnteredVR = !1;
var t = this._scene.getEngine();
t._onVrDisplayPresentChange && t._onVrDisplayPresentChange();
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._position;
}, set: function(t) {
this._position = t, this._scene.activeCamera && (this._scene.activeCamera.position = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.enableInteractions = function() {
var t = this;
if (!this._interactionsEnabled) {
if (this._interactionsRequested = !0, this.xr)
return void (this.xr.baseExperience.state === fn.IN_XR && this.xr.pointerSelection.attach());
this._leftController && this._enableInteractionOnController(this._leftController), this._rightController && this._enableInteractionOnController(this._rightController), this.raySelectionPredicate = function(e) {
return e.isVisible && (e.isPickable || === t._floorMeshName);
}, this.meshSelectionPredicate = function() {
return !0;
}, this._raySelectionPredicate = function(e) {
return !!(t._isTeleportationFloor(e) ||"gazeTracker") === -1 &&"teleportationTarget") === -1 &&"torusTeleportation") === -1) && t.raySelectionPredicate(e);
}, this._interactionsEnabled = !0;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "_noControllerIsActive", { get: function() {
return !(this._leftController && this._leftController._activePointer || this._rightController && this._rightController._activePointer);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._isTeleportationFloor = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._floorMeshesCollection.length; e++)
if (this._floorMeshesCollection[e].id ===
return !0;
return !(!this._floorMeshName || !== this._floorMeshName);
}, r.prototype.addFloorMesh = function(t) {
this._floorMeshesCollection && (this._floorMeshesCollection.indexOf(t) > -1 || this._floorMeshesCollection.push(t));
}, r.prototype.removeFloorMesh = function(t) {
if (this._floorMeshesCollection) {
var e = this._floorMeshesCollection.indexOf(t);
e !== -1 && this._floorMeshesCollection.splice(e, 1);
}, r.prototype.enableTeleportation = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (t === void 0 && (t = {}), !this._teleportationInitialized) {
if (this._teleportationRequested = !0, this.enableInteractions(), this.webVROptions.useXR && (t.floorMeshes || t.floorMeshName)) {
var n = t.floorMeshes || [];
if (!n.length) {
var i = this._scene.getMeshByName(t.floorMeshName);
i && n.push(i);
if (this.xr)
return n.forEach(function(s) {
}), void (this.xr.teleportation.attached || this.xr.teleportation.attach());
if (!this.xrTestDone) {
var o = function() {
e.xrTestDone && (e._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(o), e.xr ? e.xr.teleportation.attached || e.xr.teleportation.attach() : e.enableTeleportation(t));
return void this._scene.registerBeforeRender(o);
t.floorMeshName && (this._floorMeshName = t.floorMeshName), t.floorMeshes && (this._floorMeshesCollection = t.floorMeshes), t.teleportationMode && (this._teleportationMode = t.teleportationMode), t.teleportationTime && t.teleportationTime > 0 && (this._teleportationTime = t.teleportationTime), t.teleportationSpeed && t.teleportationSpeed > 0 && (this._teleportationSpeed = t.teleportationSpeed), t.easingFunction !== void 0 && (this._teleportationEasing = t.easingFunction), this._leftController != null && this._enableTeleportationOnController(this._leftController), this._rightController != null && this._enableTeleportationOnController(this._rightController);
var a = new vn.a();
a.vignetteColor = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), a.vignetteEnabled = !0, this._postProcessMove = new Io("postProcessMove", 1, this._webVRCamera, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, a), this._webVRCamera.detachPostProcess(this._postProcessMove), this._teleportationInitialized = !0, this._isDefaultTeleportationTarget && (this._createTeleportationCircles(), this._teleportationTarget.scaling.scaleInPlace(this._webVRCamera.deviceScaleFactor));
}, r.prototype._enableInteractionOnController = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.webVRController.mesh && (t._interactionsEnabled = !0, this.isInVRMode && this._displayLaserPointer && t._activatePointer(), this.webVROptions.laserToggle && t.webVRController.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable.add(function(n) {
e._displayLaserPointer && n.value === 1 && (t._activePointer ? t._deactivatePointer() : t._activatePointer(), e.displayGaze && (t._gazeTracker.isVisible = t._activePointer));
}), t.webVRController.onTriggerStateChangedObservable.add(function(n) {
var i = t;
e._noControllerIsActive && (i = e._cameraGazer), i._pointerDownOnMeshAsked ? n.value < e._padSensibilityDown && i._selectionPointerUp() : n.value > e._padSensibilityUp && i._selectionPointerDown();
}, r.prototype._checkTeleportWithRay = function(t, e) {
this._teleportationRequestInitiated && !e._teleportationRequestInitiated || (e._teleportationRequestInitiated ? Math.sqrt(t.y * t.y + t.x * t.x) < this._padSensibilityDown && (this._teleportActive && this.teleportCamera(this._haloCenter), e._teleportationRequestInitiated = !1) : t.y < -this._padSensibilityUp && e._dpadPressed && (e._activatePointer(), e._teleportationRequestInitiated = !0));
}, r.prototype._checkRotate = function(t, e) {
e._teleportationRequestInitiated || (e._rotationLeftAsked ? t.x > -this._padSensibilityDown && (e._rotationLeftAsked = !1) : t.x < -this._padSensibilityUp && e._dpadPressed && (e._rotationLeftAsked = !0, this._rotationAllowed && this._rotateCamera(!1)), e._rotationRightAsked ? t.x < this._padSensibilityDown && (e._rotationRightAsked = !1) : t.x > this._padSensibilityUp && e._dpadPressed && (e._rotationRightAsked = !0, this._rotationAllowed && this._rotateCamera(!0)));
}, r.prototype._checkTeleportBackwards = function(t, e) {
if (!e._teleportationRequestInitiated)
if (t.y > this._padSensibilityUp && e._dpadPressed) {
if (!e._teleportationBackRequestInitiated) {
if (!this.currentVRCamera)
var n = u.b.FromRotationMatrix(this.currentVRCamera.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrix()), i = this.currentVRCamera.position;
this.currentVRCamera.devicePosition && this.currentVRCamera.deviceRotationQuaternion && (n = this.currentVRCamera.deviceRotationQuaternion, i = this.currentVRCamera.devicePosition), n.toEulerAnglesToRef(this._workingVector), this._workingVector.z = 0, this._workingVector.x = 0, u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(this._workingVector.y, this._workingVector.x, this._workingVector.z, this._workingQuaternion), this._workingQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(this._workingMatrix), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._teleportBackwardsVector, this._workingMatrix, this._workingVector);
var o = new dn.a(i, this._workingVector), a = this._scene.pickWithRay(o, this._raySelectionPredicate);
a && a.pickedPoint && a.pickedMesh && this._isTeleportationFloor(a.pickedMesh) && a.distance < 5 && this.teleportCamera(a.pickedPoint), e._teleportationBackRequestInitiated = !0;
} else
e._teleportationBackRequestInitiated = !1;
}, r.prototype._enableTeleportationOnController = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.webVRController.mesh && (t._interactionsEnabled || this._enableInteractionOnController(t), t._interactionsEnabled = !0, t._teleportationEnabled = !0, t.webVRController.controllerType === Jn.VIVE && (t._dpadPressed = !1, t.webVRController.onPadStateChangedObservable.add(function(n) {
t._dpadPressed = n.pressed, t._dpadPressed || (t._rotationLeftAsked = !1, t._rotationRightAsked = !1, t._teleportationBackRequestInitiated = !1);
})), t.webVRController.onPadValuesChangedObservable.add(function(n) {
e.teleportationEnabled && (e._checkTeleportBackwards(n, t), e._checkTeleportWithRay(n, t)), e._checkRotate(n, t);
}, r.prototype._createTeleportationCircles = function() {
this._teleportationTarget = Ie.a.CreateGround("teleportationTarget", 2, 2, 2, this._scene), this._teleportationTarget.isPickable = !1;
var t = new pi.a("DynamicTexture", 512, this._scene, !0);
t.hasAlpha = !0;
var e = t.getContext();
e.beginPath(), e.arc(256, 256, 200, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), e.fillStyle = this._teleportationFillColor, e.fill(), e.lineWidth = 10, e.strokeStyle = this._teleportationBorderColor, e.stroke(), e.closePath(), t.update();
var n = new Nt.a("TextPlaneMaterial", this._scene);
n.diffuseTexture = t, this._teleportationTarget.material = n;
var i = Ie.a.CreateTorus("torusTeleportation", 0.75, 0.1, 25, this._scene, !1);
i.isPickable = !1, i.parent = this._teleportationTarget;
var o = new k("animationInnerCircle", "position.y", 30, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE), a = [];
a.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), a.push({ frame: 30, value: 0.4 }), a.push({ frame: 60, value: 0 }), o.setKeys(a);
var s = new nn();
s.setEasingMode(Ge.EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT), o.setEasingFunction(s), i.animations = [], i.animations.push(o), this._scene.beginAnimation(i, 0, 60, !0), this._hideTeleportationTarget();
}, r.prototype._displayTeleportationTarget = function() {
this._teleportActive = !0, this._teleportationInitialized && (this._teleportationTarget.isVisible = !0, this._isDefaultTeleportationTarget && (this._teleportationTarget.getChildren()[0].isVisible = !0));
}, r.prototype._hideTeleportationTarget = function() {
this._teleportActive = !1, this._teleportationInitialized && (this._teleportationTarget.isVisible = !1, this._isDefaultTeleportationTarget && (this._teleportationTarget.getChildren()[0].isVisible = !1));
}, r.prototype._rotateCamera = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this.currentVRCamera instanceof zn) {
t ? this._rotationAngle++ : this._rotationAngle--, this.currentVRCamera.animations = [];
var n = u.b.FromRotationMatrix(u.a.RotationY(Math.PI / 4 * this._rotationAngle)), i = new k("animationRotation", "rotationQuaternion", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_QUATERNION, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), o = [];
o.push({ frame: 0, value: this.currentVRCamera.rotationQuaternion }), o.push({ frame: 6, value: n }), i.setKeys(o), i.setEasingFunction(this._circleEase), this.currentVRCamera.animations.push(i), this._postProcessMove.animations = [];
var a = new k("animationPP", "vignetteWeight", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), s = [];
s.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), s.push({ frame: 3, value: 4 }), s.push({ frame: 6, value: 0 }), a.setKeys(s), a.setEasingFunction(this._circleEase), this._postProcessMove.animations.push(a);
var d = new k("animationPP2", "vignetteStretch", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), p = [];
p.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), p.push({ frame: 3, value: 10 }), p.push({ frame: 6, value: 0 }), d.setKeys(p), d.setEasingFunction(this._circleEase), this._postProcessMove.animations.push(d), this._postProcessMove.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteWeight = 0, this._postProcessMove.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteStretch = 0, this._postProcessMove.samples = 4, this._webVRCamera.attachPostProcess(this._postProcessMove), this._scene.beginAnimation(this._postProcessMove, 0, 6, !1, 1, function() {
}), this._scene.beginAnimation(this.currentVRCamera, 0, 6, !1, 1);
}, r.prototype._moveTeleportationSelectorTo = function(t, e, n) {
if (t.pickedPoint) {
e._teleportationRequestInitiated && (this._displayTeleportationTarget(), this._haloCenter.copyFrom(t.pickedPoint), this._teleportationTarget.position.copyFrom(t.pickedPoint));
var i = this._convertNormalToDirectionOfRay(t.getNormal(!0, !1), n);
if (i) {
var o = u.e.Cross(be.a.Y, i), a = u.e.Cross(i, o);
u.e.RotationFromAxisToRef(a, i, o, this._teleportationTarget.rotation);
this._teleportationTarget.position.y += 0.1;
}, r.prototype.teleportCamera = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this.currentVRCamera instanceof zn) {
this.webVRCamera.leftCamera ? (this._workingVector.copyFrom(this.webVRCamera.leftCamera.globalPosition), this._workingVector.subtractInPlace(this.webVRCamera.position), t.subtractToRef(this._workingVector, this._workingVector)) : this._workingVector.copyFrom(t), this.isInVRMode ? this._workingVector.y += this.webVRCamera.deviceDistanceToRoomGround() * this._webVRCamera.deviceScaleFactor : this._workingVector.y += this._defaultHeight, this.onBeforeCameraTeleport.notifyObservers(this._workingVector);
var n, i;
if (this._teleportationMode == r.TELEPORTATIONMODE_CONSTANTSPEED) {
i = 90;
var o = u.e.Distance(this.currentVRCamera.position, this._workingVector);
n = this._teleportationSpeed / o;
} else
i = Math.round(90 * this._teleportationTime / 1e3), n = 1;
this.currentVRCamera.animations = [];
var a = new k("animationCameraTeleportation", "position", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_VECTOR3, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), s = [{ frame: 0, value: this.currentVRCamera.position }, { frame: i, value: this._workingVector }];
a.setKeys(s), a.setEasingFunction(this._teleportationEasing), this.currentVRCamera.animations.push(a), this._postProcessMove.animations = [];
var d = Math.round(i / 2), p = new k("animationPP", "vignetteWeight", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), y = [];
y.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), y.push({ frame: d, value: 8 }), y.push({ frame: i, value: 0 }), p.setKeys(y), this._postProcessMove.animations.push(p);
var P = new k("animationPP2", "vignetteStretch", 90, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CONSTANT), R = [];
R.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), R.push({ frame: d, value: 10 }), R.push({ frame: i, value: 0 }), P.setKeys(R), this._postProcessMove.animations.push(P), this._postProcessMove.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteWeight = 0, this._postProcessMove.imageProcessingConfiguration.vignetteStretch = 0, this._webVRCamera.attachPostProcess(this._postProcessMove), this._scene.beginAnimation(this._postProcessMove, 0, i, !1, n, function() {
}), this._scene.beginAnimation(this.currentVRCamera, 0, i, !1, n, function() {
}), this._hideTeleportationTarget();
}, r.prototype._convertNormalToDirectionOfRay = function(t, e) {
return t && Math.acos(u.e.Dot(t, e.direction)) < Math.PI / 2 && t.scaleInPlace(-1), t;
}, r.prototype._castRayAndSelectObject = function(t) {
if (this.currentVRCamera instanceof zn) {
var e = t._getForwardRay(this._rayLength), n = this._scene.pickWithRay(e, this._raySelectionPredicate);
if (n && (t._laserPointer && (n.originMesh = t._laserPointer.parent), this._scene.simulatePointerMove(n, { pointerId: t._id })), t._currentHit = n, n && n.pickedPoint) {
if (this._displayGaze) {
var i = 1;
t._gazeTracker.isVisible = !0, t._isActionableMesh && (i = 3), this.updateGazeTrackerScale && (t._gazeTracker.scaling.x = n.distance * i, t._gazeTracker.scaling.y = n.distance * i, t._gazeTracker.scaling.z = n.distance * i);
var o = this._convertNormalToDirectionOfRay(n.getNormal(), e);
if (o) {
var a = u.e.Cross(be.a.Y, o), s = u.e.Cross(o, a);
u.e.RotationFromAxisToRef(s, o, a, t._gazeTracker.rotation);
t._gazeTracker.position.copyFrom(n.pickedPoint), t._gazeTracker.position.x < 0 ? t._gazeTracker.position.x += 2e-3 : t._gazeTracker.position.x -= 2e-3, t._gazeTracker.position.y < 0 ? t._gazeTracker.position.y += 2e-3 : t._gazeTracker.position.y -= 2e-3, t._gazeTracker.position.z < 0 ? t._gazeTracker.position.z += 2e-3 : t._gazeTracker.position.z -= 2e-3;
} else
t._updatePointerDistance(), t._gazeTracker.isVisible = !1;
if (n && n.pickedMesh) {
if (this._teleportationInitialized && this._isTeleportationFloor(n.pickedMesh) && n.pickedPoint)
return t._currentMeshSelected && !this._isTeleportationFloor(t._currentMeshSelected) && this._notifySelectedMeshUnselected(t._currentMeshSelected), t._currentMeshSelected = null, void (t._teleportationRequestInitiated && this._moveTeleportationSelectorTo(n, t, e));
if (n.pickedMesh !== t._currentMeshSelected)
if (this.meshSelectionPredicate(n.pickedMesh)) {
this.onNewMeshPicked.notifyObservers(n), t._currentMeshSelected = n.pickedMesh, n.pickedMesh.isPickable && n.pickedMesh.actionManager ? (this.changeGazeColor(this._pickedGazeColor), this.changeLaserColor(this._pickedLaserColor), t._isActionableMesh = !0) : (this.changeGazeColor(this._gazeColor), this.changeLaserColor(this._laserColor), t._isActionableMesh = !1);
try {
var d = t;
d.webVRController && this.onMeshSelectedWithController.notifyObservers({ mesh: n.pickedMesh, controller: d.webVRController });
} catch (p) {
l.a.Warn("Error while raising onNewMeshSelected or onMeshSelectedWithController: " + p);
} else
this._notifySelectedMeshUnselected(t._currentMeshSelected), t._currentMeshSelected = null, this.changeGazeColor(this._gazeColor), this.changeLaserColor(this._laserColor);
} else
this._notifySelectedMeshUnselected(t._currentMeshSelected), t._currentMeshSelected = null, this.changeGazeColor(this._gazeColor), this.changeLaserColor(this._laserColor);
}, r.prototype._notifySelectedMeshUnselected = function(t) {
t && this.onSelectedMeshUnselected.notifyObservers(t);
}, r.prototype.setLaserColor = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = this._pickedLaserColor), this._laserColor = t, this._pickedLaserColor = e;
}, r.prototype.setLaserLightingState = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), this._leftController && this._leftController._setLaserPointerLightingDisabled(!t), this._rightController && this._rightController._setLaserPointerLightingDisabled(!t);
}, r.prototype.setGazeColor = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = this._pickedGazeColor), this._gazeColor = t, this._pickedGazeColor = e;
}, r.prototype.changeLaserColor = function(t) {
this.updateControllerLaserColor && (this._leftController && this._leftController._setLaserPointerColor(t), this._rightController && this._rightController._setLaserPointerColor(t));
}, r.prototype.changeGazeColor = function(t) {
this.updateGazeTrackerColor && this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.material && (this._cameraGazer._gazeTracker.material.emissiveColor = t, this._leftController && (this._leftController._gazeTracker.material.emissiveColor = t), this._rightController && (this._rightController._gazeTracker.material.emissiveColor = t));
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.isInVRMode && this.exitVR(), this._postProcessMove && this._postProcessMove.dispose(), this._webVRCamera && this._webVRCamera.dispose(), this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera && this._vrDeviceOrientationCamera.dispose(), !this._useCustomVRButton && this._btnVR && this._btnVR.parentNode && document.body.removeChild(this._btnVR), this._deviceOrientationCamera && this._scene.activeCamera != this._deviceOrientationCamera && this._deviceOrientationCamera.dispose(), this._cameraGazer && this._cameraGazer.dispose(), this._leftController && this._leftController.dispose(), this._rightController && this._rightController.dispose(), this._teleportationTarget && this._teleportationTarget.dispose(), this.xr && this.xr.dispose(), this._floorMeshesCollection = [], document.removeEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyDown), window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._onVrDisplayPresentChange), window.removeEventListener("resize", this._onResize), document.removeEventListener("fullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("mozfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("webkitfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.removeEventListener("msfullscreenchange", this._onFullscreenChange), document.onmsfullscreenchange = null, this._scene.getEngine().onVRDisplayChangedObservable.removeCallback(this._onVRDisplayChanged), this._scene.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentStart.removeCallback(this._onVRRequestPresentStart), this._scene.getEngine().onVRRequestPresentComplete.removeCallback(this._onVRRequestPresentComplete), window.removeEventListener("vrdisplaypresentchange", this._onVrDisplayPresentChange), this._scene.gamepadManager.onGamepadConnectedObservable.removeCallback(this._onNewGamepadConnected), this._scene.gamepadManager.onGamepadDisconnectedObservable.removeCallback(this._onNewGamepadDisconnected), this._scene.unregisterBeforeRender(this.beforeRender);
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VRExperienceHelper";
}(), ur = f(64), hr = ($n = { root: 0, found: !1 }, function(r, t, e, n) {
$n.root = 0, $n.found = !1;
var i = t * t - 4 * r * e;
if (i < 0)
return $n;
var o = Math.sqrt(i), a = (-t - o) / (2 * r), s = (-t + o) / (2 * r);
if (a > s) {
var d = s;
s = a, a = d;
return a > 0 && a < n ? ($n.root = a, $n.found = !0, $n) : (s > 0 && s < n && ($n.root = s, $n.found = !0), $n);
}), Dl = function() {
function r() {
this._collisionPoint = u.e.Zero(), this._planeIntersectionPoint = u.e.Zero(), this._tempVector = u.e.Zero(), this._tempVector2 = u.e.Zero(), this._tempVector3 = u.e.Zero(), this._tempVector4 = u.e.Zero(), this._edge = u.e.Zero(), this._baseToVertex = u.e.Zero(), this._destinationPoint = u.e.Zero(), this._slidePlaneNormal = u.e.Zero(), this._displacementVector = u.e.Zero(), this._radius = u.e.One(), this._retry = 0, this._basePointWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._velocityWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._normalizedVelocity = u.e.Zero(), this._collisionMask = -1;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "collisionMask", { get: function() {
return this._collisionMask;
}, set: function(t) {
this._collisionMask = isNaN(t) ? -1 : t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "slidePlaneNormal", { get: function() {
return this._slidePlaneNormal;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._initialize = function(t, e, n) {
this._velocity = e, u.e.NormalizeToRef(e, this._normalizedVelocity), this._basePoint = t, t.multiplyToRef(this._radius, this._basePointWorld), e.multiplyToRef(this._radius, this._velocityWorld), this._velocityWorldLength = this._velocityWorld.length(), this._epsilon = n, this.collisionFound = !1;
}, r.prototype._checkPointInTriangle = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
e.subtractToRef(t, this._tempVector), n.subtractToRef(t, this._tempVector2), u.e.CrossToRef(this._tempVector, this._tempVector2, this._tempVector4);
var a = u.e.Dot(this._tempVector4, o);
return !(a < 0) && (i.subtractToRef(t, this._tempVector3), u.e.CrossToRef(this._tempVector2, this._tempVector3, this._tempVector4), !((a = u.e.Dot(this._tempVector4, o)) < 0) && (u.e.CrossToRef(this._tempVector3, this._tempVector, this._tempVector4), (a = u.e.Dot(this._tempVector4, o)) >= 0));
}, r.prototype._canDoCollision = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = u.e.Distance(this._basePointWorld, t), a = Math.max(this._radius.x, this._radius.y, this._radius.z);
return !(o > this._velocityWorldLength + a + e) && !!function(s, d, p, y) {
return !(s.x > p.x + y) && !(p.x - y > d.x) && !(s.y > p.y + y) && !(p.y - y > d.y) && !(s.z > p.z + y) && !(p.z - y > d.z);
}(n, i, this._basePointWorld, this._velocityWorldLength + a);
}, r.prototype._testTriangle = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d, p = !1;
e || (e = []), e[t] || (e[t] = new ur.a(0, 0, 0, 0), e[t].copyFromPoints(n, i, o));
var y = e[t];
if (a || y.isFrontFacingTo(this._normalizedVelocity, 0)) {
var P = y.signedDistanceTo(this._basePoint), R = u.e.Dot(y.normal, this._velocity);
if (R == 0) {
if (Math.abs(P) >= 1)
p = !0, d = 0;
} else {
var B = (1 - P) / R;
if ((d = (-1 - P) / R) > B) {
var F = B;
B = d, d = F;
if (d > 1 || B < 0)
d < 0 && (d = 0), d > 1 && (d = 1);
this._collisionPoint.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0);
var z = !1, J = 1;
if (p || (this._basePoint.subtractToRef(y.normal, this._planeIntersectionPoint), this._velocity.scaleToRef(d, this._tempVector), this._planeIntersectionPoint.addInPlace(this._tempVector), this._checkPointInTriangle(this._planeIntersectionPoint, n, i, o, y.normal) && (z = !0, J = d, this._collisionPoint.copyFrom(this._planeIntersectionPoint))), !z) {
var ie = this._velocity.lengthSquared(), se = ie;
this._basePoint.subtractToRef(n, this._tempVector);
var ce = 2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._tempVector), ue = this._tempVector.lengthSquared() - 1, fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J);
fe.found && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._collisionPoint.copyFrom(n)), this._basePoint.subtractToRef(i, this._tempVector), ce = 2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._tempVector), ue = this._tempVector.lengthSquared() - 1, (fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J)).found && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._collisionPoint.copyFrom(i)), this._basePoint.subtractToRef(o, this._tempVector), ce = 2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._tempVector), ue = this._tempVector.lengthSquared() - 1, (fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J)).found && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._collisionPoint.copyFrom(o)), i.subtractToRef(n, this._edge), n.subtractToRef(this._basePoint, this._baseToVertex);
var ve = this._edge.lengthSquared(), Te = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._velocity), Re = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._baseToVertex);
if (se = ve * -ie + Te * Te, ce = ve * (2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._baseToVertex)) - 2 * Te * Re, ue = ve * (1 - this._baseToVertex.lengthSquared()) + Re * Re, (fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J)).found) {
var Ae = (Te * fe.root - Re) / ve;
Ae >= 0 && Ae <= 1 && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._edge.scaleInPlace(Ae), n.addToRef(this._edge, this._collisionPoint));
o.subtractToRef(i, this._edge), i.subtractToRef(this._basePoint, this._baseToVertex), ve = this._edge.lengthSquared(), Te = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._velocity), Re = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._baseToVertex), se = ve * -ie + Te * Te, ce = ve * (2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._baseToVertex)) - 2 * Te * Re, ue = ve * (1 - this._baseToVertex.lengthSquared()) + Re * Re, (fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J)).found && (Ae = (Te * fe.root - Re) / ve) >= 0 && Ae <= 1 && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._edge.scaleInPlace(Ae), i.addToRef(this._edge, this._collisionPoint)), n.subtractToRef(o, this._edge), o.subtractToRef(this._basePoint, this._baseToVertex), ve = this._edge.lengthSquared(), Te = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._velocity), Re = u.e.Dot(this._edge, this._baseToVertex), se = ve * -ie + Te * Te, ce = ve * (2 * u.e.Dot(this._velocity, this._baseToVertex)) - 2 * Te * Re, ue = ve * (1 - this._baseToVertex.lengthSquared()) + Re * Re, (fe = hr(se, ce, ue, J)).found && (Ae = (Te * fe.root - Re) / ve) >= 0 && Ae <= 1 && (J = fe.root, z = !0, this._edge.scaleInPlace(Ae), o.addToRef(this._edge, this._collisionPoint));
if (z) {
var Ee = J * this._velocity.length();
(!this.collisionFound || Ee < this._nearestDistance) && (s.collisionResponse && (this.intersectionPoint ? this.intersectionPoint.copyFrom(this._collisionPoint) : this.intersectionPoint = this._collisionPoint.clone(), this._nearestDistance = Ee, this.collisionFound = !0), this.collidedMesh = s);
}, r.prototype._collide = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
if (n && n.length !== 0)
for (p = i; p < o; p += 3)
y = e[n[p] - a], P = e[n[p + 1] - a], R = e[n[p + 2] - a], this._testTriangle(p, t, R, P, y, s, d);
for (var p = 0; p < e.length; p += 3) {
var y = e[p], P = e[p + 1], R = e[p + 2];
this._testTriangle(p, t, R, P, y, s, d);
}, r.prototype._getResponse = function(t, e) {
t.addToRef(e, this._destinationPoint), e.scaleInPlace(this._nearestDistance / e.length()), this._basePoint.addToRef(e, t), t.subtractToRef(this.intersectionPoint, this._slidePlaneNormal), this._slidePlaneNormal.normalize(), this._slidePlaneNormal.scaleToRef(this._epsilon, this._displacementVector), t.addInPlace(this._displacementVector), this.intersectionPoint.addInPlace(this._displacementVector), this._slidePlaneNormal.scaleInPlace(ur.a.SignedDistanceToPlaneFromPositionAndNormal(this.intersectionPoint, this._slidePlaneNormal, this._destinationPoint)), this._destinationPoint.subtractInPlace(this._slidePlaneNormal), this._destinationPoint.subtractToRef(this.intersectionPoint, e);
}, r;
}(), Ll = function() {
function r() {
this._scaledPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._scaledVelocity = u.e.Zero(), this._finalPosition = u.e.Zero();
return r.prototype.getNewPosition = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
t.divideToRef(n._radius, this._scaledPosition), e.divideToRef(n._radius, this._scaledVelocity), n.collidedMesh = null, n._retry = 0, n._initialVelocity = this._scaledVelocity, n._initialPosition = this._scaledPosition, this._collideWithWorld(this._scaledPosition, this._scaledVelocity, n, i, this._finalPosition, o), this._finalPosition.multiplyInPlace(n._radius), a(s, this._finalPosition, n.collidedMesh);
}, r.prototype.createCollider = function() {
return new Dl();
}, r.prototype.init = function(t) {
this._scene = t;
}, r.prototype._collideWithWorld = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = null);
var s = 10 * Ue.a.CollisionsEpsilon;
if (n._retry >= i)
else {
var d = a ? a.collisionMask : n.collisionMask;
n._initialize(t, e, s);
for (var p = a && a.surroundingMeshes || this._scene.meshes, y = 0; y < p.length; y++) {
var P = p[y];
P.isEnabled() && P.checkCollisions && P.subMeshes && P !== a && d & P.collisionGroup && P._checkCollision(n);
n.collisionFound ? (e.x === 0 && e.y === 0 && e.z === 0 || n._getResponse(t, e), e.length() <= s ? o.copyFrom(t) : (n._retry++, this._collideWithWorld(t, e, n, i, o, a))) : t.addToRef(e, o);
}, r;
_e.a.CollisionCoordinatorFactory = function() {
return new Ll();
var Ki = f(54), Rf = f(114), Of = f(147), os = f(103), Ii = f(43), Nl = f(113), wl = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
this.entries = new Array(), this._boundingVectors = new Array(), this._capacity = n, this._depth = i, this._maxDepth = o, this._creationFunc = a, this._minPoint = t, this._maxPoint = e, this._boundingVectors.push(t.clone()), this._boundingVectors.push(e.clone()), this._boundingVectors.push(t.clone()), this._boundingVectors[2].x = e.x, this._boundingVectors.push(t.clone()), this._boundingVectors[3].y = e.y, this._boundingVectors.push(t.clone()), this._boundingVectors[4].z = e.z, this._boundingVectors.push(e.clone()), this._boundingVectors[5].z = t.z, this._boundingVectors.push(e.clone()), this._boundingVectors[6].x = t.x, this._boundingVectors.push(e.clone()), this._boundingVectors[7].y = t.y;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "capacity", { get: function() {
return this._capacity;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "minPoint", { get: function() {
return this._minPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "maxPoint", { get: function() {
return this._maxPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addEntry = function(t) {
if (this.blocks)
for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
this._creationFunc(t, this), this.entries.length > this.capacity && this._depth < this._maxDepth && this.createInnerBlocks();
}, r.prototype.removeEntry = function(t) {
if (this.blocks)
for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
else {
var n = this.entries.indexOf(t);
n > -1 && this.entries.splice(n, 1);
}, r.prototype.addEntries = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
}, = function(t, e, n) {
if (os.a.IsInFrustum(this._boundingVectors, t)) {
if (this.blocks) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++)
this.blocks[i].select(t, e, n);
n ? e.concat(this.entries) : e.concatWithNoDuplicate(this.entries);
}, r.prototype.intersects = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (os.a.IntersectsSphere(this._minPoint, this._maxPoint, t, e)) {
if (this.blocks) {
for (var o = 0; o < this.blocks.length; o++)
this.blocks[o].intersects(t, e, n, i);
i ? n.concat(this.entries) : n.concatWithNoDuplicate(this.entries);
}, r.prototype.intersectsRay = function(t, e) {
if (t.intersectsBoxMinMax(this._minPoint, this._maxPoint)) {
if (this.blocks) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.blocks.length; n++)
this.blocks[n].intersectsRay(t, e);
}, r.prototype.createInnerBlocks = function() {
r._CreateBlocks(this._minPoint, this._maxPoint, this.entries, this._capacity, this._depth, this._maxDepth, this, this._creationFunc);
}, r._CreateBlocks = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
s.blocks = new Array();
for (var p = new u.e((e.x - t.x) / 2, (e.y - t.y) / 2, (e.z - t.z) / 2), y = 0; y < 2; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < 2; P++)
for (var R = 0; R < 2; R++) {
var B = new r(t.add(p.multiplyByFloats(y, P, R)), t.add(p.multiplyByFloats(y + 1, P + 1, R + 1)), i, o + 1, a, d);
B.addEntries(n), s.blocks.push(B);
}, r;
}(), Wr = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 2), this.maxDepth = n, this.dynamicContent = new Array(), this._maxBlockCapacity = e || 64, this._selectionContent = new si.b(1024), this._creationFunc = t;
return r.prototype.update = function(t, e, n) {
wl._CreateBlocks(t, e, n, this._maxBlockCapacity, 0, this.maxDepth, this, this._creationFunc);
}, r.prototype.addMesh = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
}, r.prototype.removeMesh = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
}, = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this.blocks.length; n++)
this.blocks[n].select(t, this._selectionContent, e);
return e ? this._selectionContent.concat(this.dynamicContent) : this._selectionContent.concatWithNoDuplicate(this.dynamicContent), this._selectionContent;
}, r.prototype.intersects = function(t, e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++)
this.blocks[i].intersects(t, e, this._selectionContent, n);
return n ? this._selectionContent.concat(this.dynamicContent) : this._selectionContent.concatWithNoDuplicate(this.dynamicContent), this._selectionContent;
}, r.prototype.intersectsRay = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.blocks.length; e++)
this.blocks[e].intersectsRay(t, this._selectionContent);
return this._selectionContent.concatWithNoDuplicate(this.dynamicContent), this._selectionContent;
}, r.CreationFuncForMeshes = function(t, e) {
var n = t.getBoundingInfo();
!t.isBlocked && n.boundingBox.intersectsMinMax(e.minPoint, e.maxPoint) && e.entries.push(t);
}, r.CreationFuncForSubMeshes = function(t, e) {
t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.intersectsMinMax(e.minPoint, e.maxPoint) && e.entries.push(t);
}, r;
_e.a.prototype.createOrUpdateSelectionOctree = function(r, t) {
r === void 0 && (r = 64), t === void 0 && (t = 2);
var e = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_OCTREE);
e || (e = new us(this), this._addComponent(e)), this._selectionOctree || (this._selectionOctree = new Wr(Wr.CreationFuncForMeshes, r, t));
var n = this.getWorldExtends();
return this._selectionOctree.update(n.min, n.max, this.meshes), this._selectionOctree;
}, Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "selectionOctree", { get: function() {
return this._selectionOctree;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Mt.a.prototype.createOrUpdateSubmeshesOctree = function(r, t) {
r === void 0 && (r = 64), t === void 0 && (t = 2);
var e = this.getScene(), n = e._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_OCTREE);
n || (n = new us(e), e._addComponent(n)), this._submeshesOctree || (this._submeshesOctree = new Wr(Wr.CreationFuncForSubMeshes, r, t)), this.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var i = this.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
return this._submeshesOctree.update(i.minimumWorld, i.maximumWorld, this.subMeshes), this._submeshesOctree;
var Xt, as, ss, cs, ls, us = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_OCTREE, this.checksIsEnabled = !0, this._tempRay = new dn.a(u.e.Zero(), new u.e(1, 1, 1)), this.scene = t, this.scene.getActiveMeshCandidates = this.getActiveMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.scene.getActiveSubMeshCandidates = this.getActiveSubMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.scene.getCollidingSubMeshCandidates = this.getCollidingSubMeshCandidates.bind(this), this.scene.getIntersectingSubMeshCandidates = this.getIntersectingSubMeshCandidates.bind(this);
return r.prototype.register = function() {
var t = this;
this.scene.onMeshRemovedObservable.add(function(e) {
var n = t.scene.selectionOctree;
if (n != null) {
var i = n.dynamicContent.indexOf(e);
i !== -1 && n.dynamicContent.splice(i, 1);
}), this.scene.onMeshImportedObservable.add(function(e) {
var n = t.scene.selectionOctree;
n != null && n.addMesh(e);
}, r.prototype.getActiveMeshCandidates = function() {
return this.scene._selectionOctree ? : this.scene._getDefaultMeshCandidates();
}, r.prototype.getActiveSubMeshCandidates = function(t) {
return t._submeshesOctree && t.useOctreeForRenderingSelection ? : this.scene._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates(t);
}, r.prototype.getIntersectingSubMeshCandidates = function(t, e) {
return t._submeshesOctree && t.useOctreeForPicking ? (dn.a.TransformToRef(e, t.getWorldMatrix(), this._tempRay), t._submeshesOctree.intersectsRay(this._tempRay)) : this.scene._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates(t);
}, r.prototype.getCollidingSubMeshCandidates = function(t, e) {
if (t._submeshesOctree && t.useOctreeForCollisions) {
var n = e._velocityWorldLength + Math.max(e._radius.x, e._radius.y, e._radius.z);
return t._submeshesOctree.intersects(e._basePointWorld, n);
return this.scene._getDefaultSubMeshCandidates(t);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
}(), Qi = f(99);
(function(r) {
r[r.Generic = 0] = "Generic", r[r.Keyboard = 1] = "Keyboard", r[r.Mouse = 2] = "Mouse", r[r.Touch = 3] = "Touch", r[r.DualShock = 4] = "DualShock", r[r.Xbox = 5] = "Xbox", r[r.Switch = 6] = "Switch";
})(Xt || (Xt = {})), function(r) {
r[r.Horizontal = 0] = "Horizontal", r[r.Vertical = 1] = "Vertical", r[r.LeftClick = 2] = "LeftClick", r[r.MiddleClick = 3] = "MiddleClick", r[r.RightClick = 4] = "RightClick", r[r.BrowserBack = 5] = "BrowserBack", r[r.BrowserForward = 6] = "BrowserForward";
}(as || (as = {})), function(r) {
r[r.Cross = 0] = "Cross", r[r.Circle = 1] = "Circle", r[r.Square = 2] = "Square", r[r.Triangle = 3] = "Triangle", r[r.L1 = 4] = "L1", r[r.R1 = 5] = "R1", r[r.L2 = 6] = "L2", r[r.R2 = 7] = "R2", r[r.Share = 8] = "Share", r[r.Options = 9] = "Options", r[r.L3 = 10] = "L3", r[r.R3 = 11] = "R3", r[r.DPadUp = 12] = "DPadUp", r[r.DPadDown = 13] = "DPadDown", r[r.DPadLeft = 14] = "DPadLeft", r[r.DPadRight = 15] = "DPadRight", r[r.Home = 16] = "Home", r[r.TouchPad = 17] = "TouchPad", r[r.LStickXAxis = 18] = "LStickXAxis", r[r.LStickYAxis = 19] = "LStickYAxis", r[r.RStickXAxis = 20] = "RStickXAxis", r[r.RStickYAxis = 21] = "RStickYAxis";
}(ss || (ss = {})), function(r) {
r[r.A = 0] = "A", r[r.B = 1] = "B", r[r.X = 2] = "X", r[r.Y = 3] = "Y", r[r.LB = 4] = "LB", r[r.RB = 5] = "RB", r[r.LT = 6] = "LT", r[r.RT = 7] = "RT", r[r.Back = 8] = "Back", r[r.Start = 9] = "Start", r[r.LS = 10] = "LS", r[r.RS = 11] = "RS", r[r.DPadUp = 12] = "DPadUp", r[r.DPadDown = 13] = "DPadDown", r[r.DPadLeft = 14] = "DPadLeft", r[r.DPadRight = 15] = "DPadRight", r[r.Home = 16] = "Home", r[r.LStickXAxis = 17] = "LStickXAxis", r[r.LStickYAxis = 18] = "LStickYAxis", r[r.RStickXAxis = 19] = "RStickXAxis", r[r.RStickYAxis = 20] = "RStickYAxis";
}(cs || (cs = {})), function(r) {
r[r.B = 0] = "B", r[r.A = 1] = "A", r[r.Y = 2] = "Y", r[r.X = 3] = "X", r[r.L = 4] = "L", r[r.R = 5] = "R", r[r.ZL = 6] = "ZL", r[r.ZR = 7] = "ZR", r[r.Minus = 8] = "Minus", r[r.Plus = 9] = "Plus", r[r.LS = 10] = "LS", r[r.RS = 11] = "RS", r[r.DPadUp = 12] = "DPadUp", r[r.DPadDown = 13] = "DPadDown", r[r.DPadLeft = 14] = "DPadLeft", r[r.DPadRight = 15] = "DPadRight", r[r.Home = 16] = "Home", r[r.Capture = 17] = "Capture", r[r.LStickXAxis = 18] = "LStickXAxis", r[r.LStickYAxis = 19] = "LStickYAxis", r[r.RStickXAxis = 20] = "RStickXAxis", r[r.RStickYAxis = 21] = "RStickYAxis";
}(ls || (ls = {}));
var Fl = function() {
function r(t) {
this.onDeviceDisconnected = function() {
}, this._inputs = [], this._keyboardActive = !1, this._pointerActive = !1, this._keyboardDownEvent = function(n) {
}, this._keyboardUpEvent = function(n) {
}, this._pointerMoveEvent = function(n) {
}, this._pointerDownEvent = function(n) {
}, this._pointerUpEvent = function(n) {
}, this._gamepadConnectedEvent = function(n) {
}, this._gamepadDisconnectedEvent = function(n) {
}, this._onDeviceConnected = function() {
var e = t.getInputElement();
e && (this._elementToAttachTo = e, this._handleKeyActions(), this._handlePointerActions(), this._handleGamepadActions(), this._checkForConnectedDevices());
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onDeviceConnected", { get: function() {
return this._onDeviceConnected;
}, set: function(t) {
this._onDeviceConnected = t;
for (var e = 0; e < this._inputs.length; e++)
if (this._inputs[e])
for (var n = 0; n < this._inputs[e].length; n++)
this._inputs[e][n] && this._onDeviceConnected(e, n);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.Create = function(t) {
return typeof _native < "u" && _native.DeviceInputSystem ? new _native.DeviceInputSystem(t) : new r(t);
}, r.prototype.pollInput = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this._inputs[t][e];
if (!i)
throw "Unable to find device " + Xt[t];
if (this._updateDevice(t, e, n), i[n] === void 0)
throw "Unable to find input " + n + " for device " + Xt[t] + " in slot " + e;
return i[n];
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._keyboardActive && (window.removeEventListener("keydown", this._keyboardDownEvent), window.removeEventListener("keyup", this._keyboardUpEvent)), this._pointerActive && (this._elementToAttachTo.removeEventListener("pointermove", this._pointerMoveEvent), this._elementToAttachTo.removeEventListener("pointerdown", this._pointerDownEvent), this._elementToAttachTo.removeEventListener("pointerup", this._pointerUpEvent)), window.removeEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._gamepadConnectedEvent), window.removeEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._gamepadDisconnectedEvent);
}, r.prototype._checkForConnectedDevices = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = navigator.getGamepads(); t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
n && this._addGamePad(n);
matchMedia("(pointer:fine)").matches && this._addPointerDevice(Xt.Mouse, 0, 0, 0);
}, r.prototype._addGamePad = function(t) {
var e = this._getGamepadDeviceType(, n = t.index;
this._registerDevice(e, n, t.buttons.length + t.axes.length), this._gamepads = this._gamepads || new Array(t.index + 1), this._gamepads[n] = e;
}, r.prototype._addPointerDevice = function(t, e, n, i) {
this._pointerActive = !0, this._registerDevice(t, e, r._MAX_POINTER_INPUTS);
var o = this._inputs[t][e];
o[0] = n, o[1] = i;
}, r.prototype._registerDevice = function(t, e, n) {
if (this._inputs[t] || (this._inputs[t] = []), !this._inputs[t][e]) {
for (var i = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++)
i[o] = 0;
this._inputs[t][e] = i, this.onDeviceConnected(t, e);
}, r.prototype._unregisterDevice = function(t, e) {
this._inputs[t][e] && (delete this._inputs[t][e], this.onDeviceDisconnected(t, e));
}, r.prototype._handleKeyActions = function() {
var t = this;
this._keyboardDownEvent = function(e) {
t._keyboardActive || (t._keyboardActive = !0, t._registerDevice(Xt.Keyboard, 0, r._MAX_KEYCODES));
var n = t._inputs[Xt.Keyboard][0];
n && (t.onInputChanged && t.onInputChanged(Xt.Keyboard, 0, e.keyCode, n[e.keyCode], 1), n[e.keyCode] = 1);
}, this._keyboardUpEvent = function(e) {
var n = t._inputs[Xt.Keyboard][0];
n && (t.onInputChanged && t.onInputChanged(Xt.Keyboard, 0, e.keyCode, n[e.keyCode], 0), n[e.keyCode] = 0);
}, window.addEventListener("keydown", this._keyboardDownEvent), window.addEventListener("keyup", this._keyboardUpEvent);
}, r.prototype._handlePointerActions = function() {
var t = this;
this._pointerMoveEvent = function(e) {
var n = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? Xt.Mouse : Xt.Touch, i = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? 0 : e.pointerId;
t._inputs[n] || (t._inputs[n] = []), t._inputs[n][i] || t._addPointerDevice(n, i, e.clientX, e.clientY);
var o = t._inputs[n][i];
o && (t.onInputChanged && (t.onInputChanged(n, i, 0, o[0], e.clientX), t.onInputChanged(n, i, 1, o[1], e.clientY)), o[0] = e.clientX, o[1] = e.clientY);
}, this._pointerDownEvent = function(e) {
var n = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? Xt.Mouse : Xt.Touch, i = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? 0 : e.pointerId;
t._inputs[n] || (t._inputs[n] = []), t._inputs[n][i] || t._addPointerDevice(n, i, e.clientX, e.clientY);
var o = t._inputs[n][i];
o && (t.onInputChanged && (t.onInputChanged(n, i, 0, o[0], e.clientX), t.onInputChanged(n, i, 1, o[1], e.clientY), t.onInputChanged(n, i, e.button + 2, o[e.button + 2], 1)), o[0] = e.clientX, o[1] = e.clientY, o[e.button + 2] = 1);
}, this._pointerUpEvent = function(e) {
var n = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? Xt.Mouse : Xt.Touch, i = e.pointerType == "mouse" ? 0 : e.pointerId, o = t._inputs[n][i];
o && (t.onInputChanged && t.onInputChanged(n, i, e.button + 2, o[e.button + 2], 0), o[0] = e.clientX, o[1] = e.clientY, o[e.button + 2] = 0), e.pointerType != "mouse" && t._unregisterDevice(n, i);
}, this._elementToAttachTo.addEventListener("pointermove", this._pointerMoveEvent), this._elementToAttachTo.addEventListener("pointerdown", this._pointerDownEvent), this._elementToAttachTo.addEventListener("pointerup", this._pointerUpEvent);
}, r.prototype._handleGamepadActions = function() {
var t = this;
this._gamepadConnectedEvent = function(e) {
}, this._gamepadDisconnectedEvent = function(e) {
if (t._gamepads) {
var n = t._getGamepadDeviceType(, i = e.gamepad.index;
t._unregisterDevice(n, i), delete t._gamepads[i];
}, window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", this._gamepadConnectedEvent), window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", this._gamepadDisconnectedEvent);
}, r.prototype._updateDevice = function(t, e, n) {
var i = navigator.getGamepads()[e];
if (i && t == this._gamepads[e]) {
var o = this._inputs[t][e];
n >= i.buttons.length ? o[n] = i.axes[n - i.buttons.length].valueOf() : o[n] = i.buttons[n].value;
}, r.prototype._getGamepadDeviceType = function(t) {
return t.indexOf("054c") !== -1 ? Xt.DualShock : t.indexOf("Xbox One") !== -1 ||"Xbox 360") !== -1 ||"xinput") !== -1 ? Xt.Xbox : t.indexOf("057e") !== -1 ? Xt.Switch : Xt.Generic;
}, r._MAX_KEYCODES = 255, r._MAX_POINTER_INPUTS = 7, r;
}(), Bl = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.deviceType = e, this.deviceSlot = n, this.onInputChangedObservable = new C.c(), this._deviceInputSystem = t;
return r.prototype.getInput = function(t) {
return this._deviceInputSystem.pollInput(this.deviceType, this.deviceSlot, t);
}, r;
}(), Mf = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
this.onDeviceConnectedObservable = new C.c(function(i) {
e.getDevices().forEach(function(o) {
e.onDeviceConnectedObservable.notifyObserver(i, o);
}), this.onDeviceDisconnectedObservable = new C.c();
var n = Object.keys(Xt).length / 2;
this._devices = new Array(n), this._firstDevice = new Array(n), this._deviceInputSystem = Fl.Create(t), this._deviceInputSystem.onDeviceConnected = function(i, o) {
e._addDevice(i, o), e.onDeviceConnectedObservable.notifyObservers(e.getDeviceSource(i, o));
}, this._deviceInputSystem.onDeviceDisconnected = function(i, o) {
var a = e.getDeviceSource(i, o);
e._removeDevice(i, o), e.onDeviceDisconnectedObservable.notifyObservers(a);
}, this._deviceInputSystem.onInputChanged || (this._deviceInputSystem.onInputChanged = function(i, o, a, s, d) {
var p;
(p = e.getDeviceSource(i, o)) === null || p === void 0 || p.onInputChangedObservable.notifyObservers({ inputIndex: a, previousState: s, currentState: d });
return r.prototype.getDeviceSource = function(t, e) {
if (e === void 0) {
if (this._firstDevice[t] === void 0)
return null;
e = this._firstDevice[t];
return this._devices[t] && this._devices[t][e] !== void 0 ? this._devices[t][e] : null;
}, r.prototype.getDeviceSources = function(t) {
return this._devices[t].filter(function(e) {
return !!e;
}, r.prototype.getDevices = function() {
var t = new Array();
return this._devices.forEach(function(e) {
t.push.apply(t, e);
}), t;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onDeviceConnectedObservable.clear(), this.onDeviceDisconnectedObservable.clear(), this._deviceInputSystem.dispose();
}, r.prototype._addDevice = function(t, e) {
this._devices[t] || (this._devices[t] = new Array()), this._devices[t][e] || (this._devices[t][e] = new Bl(this._deviceInputSystem, t, e), this._updateFirstDevices(t));
}, r.prototype._removeDevice = function(t, e) {
delete this._devices[t][e], this._updateFirstDevices(t);
}, r.prototype._updateFirstDevices = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case Xt.Keyboard:
case Xt.Mouse:
this._firstDevice[t] = 0;
case Xt.Touch:
case Xt.DualShock:
case Xt.Xbox:
case Xt.Switch:
case Xt.Generic:
var e = this._devices[t];
delete this._firstDevice[t];
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (e[n]) {
this._firstDevice[t] = n;
}, r;
}(), Ul = f(168), Vl = (f(123), function() {
this._timeElapsedQueryEnded = !1;
}), kl = function() {
this.occlusionInternalRetryCounter = 0, this.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = !1, this.isOccluded = !1, this.occlusionRetryCount = -1, this.occlusionType = Mt.a.OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE, this.occlusionQueryAlgorithmType = Mt.a.OCCLUSION_ALGORITHM_TYPE_CONSERVATIVE;
Ue.a.prototype.createQuery = function() {
return this._gl.createQuery();
}, Ue.a.prototype.deleteQuery = function(r) {
return this._gl.deleteQuery(r), this;
}, Ue.a.prototype.isQueryResultAvailable = function(r) {
return this._gl.getQueryParameter(r, this._gl.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE);
}, Ue.a.prototype.getQueryResult = function(r) {
return this._gl.getQueryParameter(r, this._gl.QUERY_RESULT);
}, Ue.a.prototype.beginOcclusionQuery = function(r, t) {
var e = this._getGlAlgorithmType(r);
return this._gl.beginQuery(e, t), this;
}, Ue.a.prototype.endOcclusionQuery = function(r) {
var t = this._getGlAlgorithmType(r);
return this._gl.endQuery(t), this;
}, Ue.a.prototype._createTimeQuery = function() {
var r = this.getCaps().timerQuery;
return r.createQueryEXT ? r.createQueryEXT() : this.createQuery();
}, Ue.a.prototype._deleteTimeQuery = function(r) {
var t = this.getCaps().timerQuery;
t.deleteQueryEXT ? t.deleteQueryEXT(r) : this.deleteQuery(r);
}, Ue.a.prototype._getTimeQueryResult = function(r) {
var t = this.getCaps().timerQuery;
return t.getQueryObjectEXT ? t.getQueryObjectEXT(r, t.QUERY_RESULT_EXT) : this.getQueryResult(r);
}, Ue.a.prototype._getTimeQueryAvailability = function(r) {
var t = this.getCaps().timerQuery;
return t.getQueryObjectEXT ? t.getQueryObjectEXT(r, t.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE_EXT) : this.isQueryResultAvailable(r);
}, Ue.a.prototype.startTimeQuery = function() {
var r = this.getCaps(), t = r.timerQuery;
if (!t)
return null;
var e = new Vl();
if (this._gl.getParameter(t.GPU_DISJOINT_EXT), r.canUseTimestampForTimerQuery)
e._startTimeQuery = this._createTimeQuery(), t.queryCounterEXT(e._startTimeQuery, t.TIMESTAMP_EXT);
else {
if (this._currentNonTimestampToken)
return this._currentNonTimestampToken;
e._timeElapsedQuery = this._createTimeQuery(), t.beginQueryEXT ? t.beginQueryEXT(t.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, e._timeElapsedQuery) : this._gl.beginQuery(t.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT, e._timeElapsedQuery), this._currentNonTimestampToken = e;
return e;
}, Ue.a.prototype.endTimeQuery = function(r) {
var t = this.getCaps(), e = t.timerQuery;
if (!e || !r)
return -1;
if (t.canUseTimestampForTimerQuery) {
if (!r._startTimeQuery)
return -1;
r._endTimeQuery || (r._endTimeQuery = this._createTimeQuery(), e.queryCounterEXT(r._endTimeQuery, e.TIMESTAMP_EXT));
} else if (!r._timeElapsedQueryEnded) {
if (!r._timeElapsedQuery)
return -1;
e.endQueryEXT ? e.endQueryEXT(e.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT) : this._gl.endQuery(e.TIME_ELAPSED_EXT), r._timeElapsedQueryEnded = !0;
var n = this._gl.getParameter(e.GPU_DISJOINT_EXT), i = !1;
if (r._endTimeQuery ? i = this._getTimeQueryAvailability(r._endTimeQuery) : r._timeElapsedQuery && (i = this._getTimeQueryAvailability(r._timeElapsedQuery)), i && !n) {
var o = 0;
if (t.canUseTimestampForTimerQuery) {
if (!r._startTimeQuery || !r._endTimeQuery)
return -1;
var a = this._getTimeQueryResult(r._startTimeQuery);
o = this._getTimeQueryResult(r._endTimeQuery) - a, this._deleteTimeQuery(r._startTimeQuery), this._deleteTimeQuery(r._endTimeQuery), r._startTimeQuery = null, r._endTimeQuery = null;
} else {
if (!r._timeElapsedQuery)
return -1;
o = this._getTimeQueryResult(r._timeElapsedQuery), this._deleteTimeQuery(r._timeElapsedQuery), r._timeElapsedQuery = null, r._timeElapsedQueryEnded = !1, this._currentNonTimestampToken = null;
return o;
return -1;
}, Ue.a.prototype._getGlAlgorithmType = function(r) {
}, Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "isOcclusionQueryInProgress", { get: function() {
return this._occlusionDataStorage.isOcclusionQueryInProgress;
}, set: function(r) {
this._occlusionDataStorage.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = r;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "_occlusionDataStorage", { get: function() {
return this.__occlusionDataStorage || (this.__occlusionDataStorage = new kl()), this.__occlusionDataStorage;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "isOccluded", { get: function() {
return this._occlusionDataStorage.isOccluded;
}, set: function(r) {
this._occlusionDataStorage.isOccluded = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "occlusionQueryAlgorithmType", { get: function() {
return this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionQueryAlgorithmType;
}, set: function(r) {
this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionQueryAlgorithmType = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "occlusionType", { get: function() {
return this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionType;
}, set: function(r) {
this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionType = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "occlusionRetryCount", { get: function() {
return this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionRetryCount;
}, set: function(r) {
this._occlusionDataStorage.occlusionRetryCount = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Mt.a.prototype._checkOcclusionQuery = function() {
var r = this._occlusionDataStorage;
if (r.occlusionType === Mt.a.OCCLUSION_TYPE_NONE)
return r.isOccluded = !1, !1;
var t = this.getEngine();
if (t.webGLVersion < 2 || !t.isQueryResultAvailable)
return r.isOccluded = !1, !1;
if (this.isOcclusionQueryInProgress && this._occlusionQuery)
if (t.isQueryResultAvailable(this._occlusionQuery)) {
var e = t.getQueryResult(this._occlusionQuery);
r.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = !1, r.occlusionInternalRetryCounter = 0, r.isOccluded = e !== 1;
} else {
if (r.occlusionInternalRetryCounter++, !(r.occlusionRetryCount !== -1 && r.occlusionInternalRetryCounter > r.occlusionRetryCount))
return !1;
r.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = !1, r.occlusionInternalRetryCounter = 0, r.isOccluded = r.occlusionType !== Mt.a.OCCLUSION_TYPE_OPTIMISTIC && r.isOccluded;
var n = this.getScene();
if (n.getBoundingBoxRenderer) {
var i = n.getBoundingBoxRenderer();
this._occlusionQuery || (this._occlusionQuery = t.createQuery()), t.beginOcclusionQuery(r.occlusionQueryAlgorithmType, this._occlusionQuery), i.renderOcclusionBoundingBox(this), t.endOcclusionQuery(r.occlusionQueryAlgorithmType), this._occlusionDataStorage.isOcclusionQueryInProgress = !0;
return r.isOccluded;
var If = !0;
Ue.a.prototype.createTransformFeedback = function() {
return this._gl.createTransformFeedback();
}, Ue.a.prototype.deleteTransformFeedback = function(r) {
}, Ue.a.prototype.bindTransformFeedback = function(r) {
this._gl.bindTransformFeedback(this._gl.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK, r);
}, Ue.a.prototype.beginTransformFeedback = function(r) {
r === void 0 && (r = !0), this._gl.beginTransformFeedback(r ? this._gl.POINTS : this._gl.TRIANGLES);
}, Ue.a.prototype.endTransformFeedback = function() {
}, Ue.a.prototype.setTranformFeedbackVaryings = function(r, t) {
this._gl.transformFeedbackVaryings(r, t, this._gl.INTERLEAVED_ATTRIBS);
}, Ue.a.prototype.bindTransformFeedbackBuffer = function(r) {
this._gl.bindBufferBase(this._gl.TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, 0, r ? r.underlyingResource : null);
}, f(126), wt.a.prototype.updateVideoTexture = function(r, t, e) {
if (r && !r._isDisabled) {
var n = this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, r, !0);
try {
if (this._videoTextureSupported === void 0 && (this._gl.getError(), this._gl.texImage2D(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t), this._gl.getError() !== 0 ? this._videoTextureSupported = !1 : this._videoTextureSupported = !0), this._videoTextureSupported)
this._gl.texImage2D(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, t);
else {
if (!r._workingCanvas) {
r._workingCanvas = ns.a.CreateCanvas(r.width, r.height);
var i = r._workingCanvas.getContext("2d");
if (!i)
throw new Error("Unable to get 2d context");
r._workingContext = i, r._workingCanvas.width = r.width, r._workingCanvas.height = r.height;
r._workingContext.clearRect(0, 0, r.width, r.height), r._workingContext.drawImage(t, 0, 0, t.videoWidth, t.videoHeight, 0, 0, r.width, r.height), this._gl.texImage2D(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.RGBA, this._gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r._workingCanvas);
r.generateMipMaps && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D), n || this._bindTextureDirectly(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null), r.isReady = !0;
} catch {
r._isDisabled = !0;
}, wt.a.prototype.restoreSingleAttachment = function() {
var r = this._gl;
}, wt.a.prototype.buildTextureLayout = function(r) {
for (var t = this._gl, e = [], n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
r[n] ? e.push(t["COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + n]) : e.push(t.NONE);
return e;
}, wt.a.prototype.bindAttachments = function(r) {
}, wt.a.prototype.unBindMultiColorAttachmentFramebuffer = function(r, t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1), this._currentRenderTarget = null;
var n = this._gl, i = r[0]._attachments, o = i.length;
if (r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer) {
n.bindFramebuffer(n.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer), n.bindFramebuffer(n.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, r[0]._framebuffer);
for (var a = 0; a < o; a++) {
for (var s = r[a], d = 0; d < o; d++)
i[d] = n.NONE;
i[a] = n[this.webGLVersion > 1 ? "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + a : "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + a + "_WEBGL"], n.readBuffer(i[a]), n.drawBuffers(i), n.blitFramebuffer(0, 0, s.width, s.height, 0, 0, s.width, s.height, n.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, n.NEAREST);
for (a = 0; a < o; a++)
i[a] = n[this.webGLVersion > 1 ? "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + a : "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + a + "_WEBGL"];
for (a = 0; a < o; a++)
!(s = r[a]).generateMipMaps || t || s.isCube || (this._bindTextureDirectly(n.TEXTURE_2D, s, !0), n.generateMipmap(n.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(n.TEXTURE_2D, null));
e && (r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer && this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(r[0]._framebuffer), e()), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null);
}, wt.a.prototype.createMultipleRenderTarget = function(r, t) {
var e = !1, n = !0, i = !1, o = !1, a = 1, s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, d = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, p = new Array(), y = new Array();
t !== void 0 && (e = t.generateMipMaps !== void 0 && t.generateMipMaps, n = t.generateDepthBuffer === void 0 || t.generateDepthBuffer, i = t.generateStencilBuffer !== void 0 && t.generateStencilBuffer, o = t.generateDepthTexture !== void 0 && t.generateDepthTexture, a = t.textureCount || 1, t.types && (p = t.types), t.samplingModes && (y = t.samplingModes));
var P = this._gl, R = P.createFramebuffer();
for (var B = r.width || r, F = r.height || r, z = [], J = [], ie = this._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments(i, n, B, F), se = 0; se < a; se++) {
var ce = y[se] || d, ue = p[se] || s;
(ue !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering) && (ue !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT || this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering) || (ce = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
var fe = this._getSamplingParameters(ce, e);
ue !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloat || (ue = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, l.a.Warn("Float textures are not supported. Render target forced to TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE type"));
var ve = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.MultiRenderTarget), Te = P[this.webGLVersion > 1 ? "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + se : "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + se + "_WEBGL"];
z.push(ve), J.push(Te), P.activeTexture(P["TEXTURE" + se]), P.bindTexture(P.TEXTURE_2D, ve._webGLTexture), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, fe.mag), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, fe.min), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, P.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, P.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), P.texImage2D(P.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(ue), B, F, 0, P.RGBA, this._getWebGLTextureType(ue), null), P.framebufferTexture2D(P.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, Te, P.TEXTURE_2D, ve._webGLTexture, 0), e && this._gl.generateMipmap(this._gl.TEXTURE_2D), this._bindTextureDirectly(P.TEXTURE_2D, null), ve._framebuffer = R, ve._depthStencilBuffer = ie, ve.baseWidth = B, ve.baseHeight = F, ve.width = B, ve.height = F, ve.isReady = !0, ve.samples = 1, ve.generateMipMaps = e, ve.samplingMode = ce, ve.type = ue, ve._generateDepthBuffer = n, ve._generateStencilBuffer = i, ve._attachments = J, ve._textureArray = z, this._internalTexturesCache.push(ve);
if (o && this._caps.depthTextureExtension) {
var Re = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.MultiRenderTarget);
P.activeTexture(P.TEXTURE0), P.bindTexture(P.TEXTURE_2D, Re._webGLTexture), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, P.NEAREST), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, P.NEAREST), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, P.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), P.texParameteri(P.TEXTURE_2D, P.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, P.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), P.texImage2D(P.TEXTURE_2D, 0, this.webGLVersion < 2 ? P.DEPTH_COMPONENT : P.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, B, F, 0, P.DEPTH_COMPONENT, P.UNSIGNED_SHORT, null), P.framebufferTexture2D(P.FRAMEBUFFER, P.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, P.TEXTURE_2D, Re._webGLTexture, 0), Re._framebuffer = R, Re.baseWidth = B, Re.baseHeight = F, Re.width = B, Re.height = F, Re.isReady = !0, Re.samples = 1, Re.generateMipMaps = e, Re.samplingMode = P.NEAREST, Re._generateDepthBuffer = n, Re._generateStencilBuffer = i, z.push(Re), this._internalTexturesCache.push(Re);
return P.drawBuffers(J), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null), this.resetTextureCache(), z;
}, wt.a.prototype.updateMultipleRenderTargetTextureSampleCount = function(r, t) {
if (this.webGLVersion < 2 || !r)
return 1;
if (r[0].samples === t)
return t;
var e = r[0]._attachments.length;
if (e === 0)
return 1;
var n = this._gl;
t = Math.min(t, this.getCaps().maxMSAASamples), r[0]._depthStencilBuffer && (n.deleteRenderbuffer(r[0]._depthStencilBuffer), r[0]._depthStencilBuffer = null), r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer && (n.deleteFramebuffer(r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer), r[0]._MSAAFramebuffer = null);
for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)
r[i]._MSAARenderBuffer && (n.deleteRenderbuffer(r[i]._MSAARenderBuffer), r[i]._MSAARenderBuffer = null);
if (t > 1 && n.renderbufferStorageMultisample) {
var o = n.createFramebuffer();
if (!o)
throw new Error("Unable to create multi sampled framebuffer");
var a = this._setupFramebufferDepthAttachments(r[0]._generateStencilBuffer, r[0]._generateDepthBuffer, r[0].width, r[0].height, t), s = [];
for (i = 0; i < e; i++) {
var d = r[i], p = n[this.webGLVersion > 1 ? "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + i : "COLOR_ATTACHMENT" + i + "_WEBGL"], y = n.createRenderbuffer();
if (!y)
throw new Error("Unable to create multi sampled framebuffer");
n.bindRenderbuffer(n.RENDERBUFFER, y), n.renderbufferStorageMultisample(n.RENDERBUFFER, t, this._getRGBAMultiSampleBufferFormat(d.type), d.width, d.height), n.framebufferRenderbuffer(n.FRAMEBUFFER, p, n.RENDERBUFFER, y), d._MSAAFramebuffer = o, d._MSAARenderBuffer = y, d.samples = t, d._depthStencilBuffer = a, n.bindRenderbuffer(n.RENDERBUFFER, null), s.push(p);
} else
return this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null), t;
var Xr = f(56);
wt.a.prototype._createDepthStencilCubeTexture = function(r, t) {
var e = new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Unknown);
if (e.isCube = !0, this.webGLVersion === 1)
return l.a.Error("Depth cube texture is not supported by WebGL 1."), e;
var n = Object(c.a)({ bilinearFiltering: !1, comparisonFunction: 0, generateStencil: !1 }, t), i = this._gl;
this._bindTextureDirectly(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, e, !0), this._setupDepthStencilTexture(e, r, n.generateStencil, n.bilinearFiltering, n.comparisonFunction);
for (var o = 0; o < 6; o++)
n.generateStencil ? i.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + o, 0, i.DEPTH24_STENCIL8, r, r, 0, i.DEPTH_STENCIL, i.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8, null) : i.texImage2D(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + o, 0, i.DEPTH_COMPONENT24, r, r, 0, i.DEPTH_COMPONENT, i.UNSIGNED_INT, null);
return this._bindTextureDirectly(i.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null), e;
}, wt.a.prototype._partialLoadFile = function(r, t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), this._loadFile(r, function(o) {
e[t] = o, e._internalCount++, e._internalCount === 6 && n(e);
}, void 0, void 0, !0, function(o, a) {
i && o && i(o.status + " " + o.statusText, a);
}, wt.a.prototype._cascadeLoadFiles = function(r, t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = [];
i._internalCount = 0;
for (var o = 0; o < 6; o++)
this._partialLoadFile(e[o], o, i, t, n);
}, wt.a.prototype._cascadeLoadImgs = function(r, t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var o = [];
o._internalCount = 0;
for (var a = 0; a < 6; a++)
this._partialLoadImg(e[a], a, o, r, t, n, i);
}, wt.a.prototype._partialLoadImg = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
var s;
o === void 0 && (o = null), s = Xr.a.LoadImage(r, function() {
s && (e[t] = s, e._internalCount++, n && n._removePendingData(s)), e._internalCount === 6 && i(e);
}, function(d, p) {
n && n._removePendingData(s), o && o(d, p);
}, n ? n.offlineProvider : null, a), n && s && n._addPendingData(s);
}, wt.a.prototype._setCubeMapTextureParams = function(r, t) {
var e = this._gl;
}, wt.a.prototype.createCubeTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R) {
var B = this;
i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = !1), p === void 0 && (p = 0), y === void 0 && (y = 0), P === void 0 && (P = null);
var F = this._gl, z = P || new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Cube);
z.isCube = !0, z.url = r, z.generateMipMaps = !n, z._lodGenerationScale = p, z._lodGenerationOffset = y, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (z._extension = s, z._files = e);
var J = r;
this._transformTextureUrl && !P && (r = this._transformTextureUrl(r));
for (var ie = r.lastIndexOf("."), se = s || (ie > -1 ? r.substring(ie).toLowerCase() : ""), ce = null, ue = 0, fe = wt.a._TextureLoaders; ue < fe.length; ue++) {
var ve = fe[ue];
if (ve.canLoad(se)) {
ce = ve;
if (ce) {
var Te = function(Re) {
B._bindTextureDirectly(F.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, z, !0), ce.loadCubeData(Re, z, d, i, o);
e && e.length === 6 ? ce.supportCascades ? this._cascadeLoadFiles(t, function(Re) {
return Te( {
return new Uint8Array(Ae);
}, e, o) : o ? o("Textures type does not support cascades.") : l.a.Warn("Texture loader does not support cascades.") : this._loadFile(r, function(Re) {
return Te(new Uint8Array(Re));
}, void 0, void 0, !0, function(Re, Ae) {
r === J ? o && Re && o(Re.status + " " + Re.statusText, Ae) : (l.a.Warn("Failed to load " + r + ", falling back to the " + J), B.createCubeTexture(J, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, z, R));
} else {
if (!e)
throw new Error("Cannot load cubemap because files were not defined");
this._cascadeLoadImgs(t, function(Re) {
B._bindTextureDirectly(F.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, z, !0), B._unpackFlipY(!1);
for (var De = a ? B._getInternalFormat(a) : B._gl.RGBA, xe = 0; xe < Se.length; xe++)
if (Re[xe].width !== Ae || Re[xe].height !== Ee) {
if (B._prepareWorkingCanvas(), !B._workingCanvas || !B._workingContext)
return void l.a.Warn("Cannot create canvas to resize texture.");
B._workingCanvas.width = Ae, B._workingCanvas.height = Ee, B._workingContext.drawImage(Re[xe], 0, 0, Re[xe].width, Re[xe].height, 0, 0, Ae, Ee), F.texImage2D(Se[xe], 0, De, De, F.UNSIGNED_BYTE, B._workingCanvas);
} else
F.texImage2D(Se[xe], 0, De, De, F.UNSIGNED_BYTE, Re[xe]);
n || F.generateMipmap(F.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP), B._setCubeMapTextureParams(z, !n), z.width = Ae, z.height = Ee, z.isReady = !0, a && (z.format = a), z.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(z), z.onLoadedObservable.clear(), i && i();
}, e, o);
return this._internalTexturesCache.push(z), z;
}, f(153), f(124);
var Df = function() {
Ue.a.prototype.getInputElement = function() {
return this.inputElement || this.getRenderingCanvas();
}, Ue.a.prototype.registerView = function(r, t) {
var e = this;
this.views || (this.views = []);
for (var n = 0, i = this.views; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if ( === r)
return o;
var a = this.getRenderingCanvas();
a && (r.width = a.width, r.height = a.height);
var s = { target: r, camera: t };
return this.views.push(s), t && t.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
}), s;
}, Ue.a.prototype.unRegisterView = function(r) {
if (!this.views)
return this;
for (var t = 0, e = this.views; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
if ( === r) {
var i = this.views.indexOf(n);
i !== -1 && this.views.splice(i, 1);
return this;
}, Ue.a.prototype._renderViews = function() {
if (!this.views)
return !1;
var r = this.getRenderingCanvas();
if (!r)
return !1;
for (var t = 0, e = this.views; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t], i =, o = i.getContext("2d");
if (o) {
var a =, s = null, d = null;
if (a) {
if ((d = a.getScene()).activeCameras && d.activeCameras.length)
this.activeView = n, s = d.activeCamera, d.activeCamera = a;
var p = i.width !== i.clientWidth || i.height !== i.clientHeight;
if (i.clientWidth && i.clientHeight && p && (i.width = i.clientWidth, i.height = i.clientHeight, r.width = i.clientWidth, r.height = i.clientHeight, this.resize()), !r.width || !r.height)
return !1;
this._renderFrame(), o.drawImage(r, 0, 0), s && d && (d.activeCamera = s);
return this.activeView = null, !0;
}, f(129);
function Lf(r) {
if (this._excludedCompressedTextures && this._excludedCompressedTextures.some(function(i) {
var o = "\\b" + i + "\\b";
return r && (r === i || r.match(new RegExp(o, "g")));
return r;
var t = r.lastIndexOf("."), e = r.lastIndexOf("?"), n = e > -1 ? r.substring(e, r.length) : "";
return (t > -1 ? r.substring(0, t) : r) + this._textureFormatInUse + n;
Object.defineProperty(Ue.a.prototype, "texturesSupported", { get: function() {
var r = new Array();
return this._caps.astc && r.push("-astc.ktx"), this._caps.s3tc && r.push("-dxt.ktx"), this._caps.pvrtc && r.push("-pvrtc.ktx"), this._caps.etc2 && r.push("-etc2.ktx"), this._caps.etc1 && r.push("-etc1.ktx"), r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(Ue.a.prototype, "textureFormatInUse", { get: function() {
return this._textureFormatInUse || null;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Ue.a.prototype.setCompressedTextureExclusions = function(r) {
this._excludedCompressedTextures = r;
}, Ue.a.prototype.setTextureFormatToUse = function(r) {
for (var t = this.texturesSupported, e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++)
for (var i = 0, o = r.length; i < o; i++)
if (t[e] === r[i].toLowerCase())
return this._transformTextureUrl = Lf.bind(this), this._textureFormatInUse = t[e];
return this._textureFormatInUse = "", this._transformTextureUrl = null, null;
var Nf = f(144), Gl = f(118), zl = f(89), li = [Math.sqrt(1 / (4 * Math.PI)), -Math.sqrt(3 / (4 * Math.PI)), Math.sqrt(3 / (4 * Math.PI)), -Math.sqrt(3 / (4 * Math.PI)), Math.sqrt(15 / (4 * Math.PI)), -Math.sqrt(15 / (4 * Math.PI)), Math.sqrt(5 / (16 * Math.PI)), -Math.sqrt(15 / (4 * Math.PI)), Math.sqrt(15 / (16 * Math.PI))], wf = [function(r) {
return 1;
}, function(r) {
return r.y;
}, function(r) {
return r.z;
}, function(r) {
return r.x;
}, function(r) {
return r.x * r.y;
}, function(r) {
return r.y * r.z;
}, function(r) {
return 3 * r.z * r.z - 1;
}, function(r) {
return r.x * r.z;
}, function(r) {
return r.x * r.x - r.y * r.y;
}], _i = function(r, t) {
return li[r] * wf[r](t);
}, mi = [Math.PI, 2 * Math.PI / 3, 2 * Math.PI / 3, 2 * Math.PI / 3, Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 4, Math.PI / 4], hs = function() {
function r() {
this.preScaled = !1, this.l00 = u.e.Zero(), this.l1_1 = u.e.Zero(), this.l10 = u.e.Zero(), this.l11 = u.e.Zero(), this.l2_2 = u.e.Zero(), this.l2_1 = u.e.Zero(), this.l20 = u.e.Zero(), this.l21 = u.e.Zero(), this.l22 = u.e.Zero();
return r.prototype.addLight = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new u.e(e.r, e.g, e.b).scale(n);
this.l00 = this.l00.add(i.scale(_i(0, t))), this.l1_1 = this.l1_1.add(i.scale(_i(1, t))), this.l10 = this.l10.add(i.scale(_i(2, t))), this.l11 = this.l11.add(i.scale(_i(3, t))), this.l2_2 = this.l2_2.add(i.scale(_i(4, t))), this.l2_1 = this.l2_1.add(i.scale(_i(5, t))), this.l20 = this.l20.add(i.scale(_i(6, t))), this.l21 = this.l21.add(i.scale(_i(7, t))), this.l22 = this.l22.add(i.scale(_i(8, t)));
}, r.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(t) {
this.l00.scaleInPlace(t), this.l1_1.scaleInPlace(t), this.l10.scaleInPlace(t), this.l11.scaleInPlace(t), this.l2_2.scaleInPlace(t), this.l2_1.scaleInPlace(t), this.l20.scaleInPlace(t), this.l21.scaleInPlace(t), this.l22.scaleInPlace(t);
}, r.prototype.convertIncidentRadianceToIrradiance = function() {
this.l00.scaleInPlace(mi[0]), this.l1_1.scaleInPlace(mi[1]), this.l10.scaleInPlace(mi[2]), this.l11.scaleInPlace(mi[3]), this.l2_2.scaleInPlace(mi[4]), this.l2_1.scaleInPlace(mi[5]), this.l20.scaleInPlace(mi[6]), this.l21.scaleInPlace(mi[7]), this.l22.scaleInPlace(mi[8]);
}, r.prototype.convertIrradianceToLambertianRadiance = function() {
this.scaleInPlace(1 / Math.PI);
}, r.prototype.preScaleForRendering = function() {
this.preScaled = !0, this.l00.scaleInPlace(li[0]), this.l1_1.scaleInPlace(li[1]), this.l10.scaleInPlace(li[2]), this.l11.scaleInPlace(li[3]), this.l2_2.scaleInPlace(li[4]), this.l2_1.scaleInPlace(li[5]), this.l20.scaleInPlace(li[6]), this.l21.scaleInPlace(li[7]), this.l22.scaleInPlace(li[8]);
}, r.FromArray = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[0], 0, e.l00), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[1], 0, e.l1_1), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[2], 0, e.l10), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[3], 0, e.l11), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[4], 0, e.l2_2), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[5], 0, e.l2_1), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[6], 0, e.l20), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[7], 0, e.l21), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[8], 0, e.l22), e;
}, r.FromPolynomial = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return e.l00 = t.xx.scale(0.376127).add(t.yy.scale(0.376127)).add(t.zz.scale(0.376126)), e.l1_1 = t.y.scale(0.977204), e.l10 = t.z.scale(0.977204), e.l11 = t.x.scale(0.977204), e.l2_2 = t.xy.scale(1.16538), e.l2_1 = t.yz.scale(1.16538), e.l20 = t.zz.scale(1.34567).subtract(t.xx.scale(0.672834)).subtract(t.yy.scale(0.672834)), e.l21 = t.zx.scale(1.16538), e.l22 = t.xx.scale(1.16538).subtract(t.yy.scale(1.16538)), e.l1_1.scaleInPlace(-1), e.l11.scaleInPlace(-1), e.l2_1.scaleInPlace(-1), e.l21.scaleInPlace(-1), e.scaleInPlace(Math.PI), e;
}, r;
}(), Yr = function() {
function r() {
this.x = u.e.Zero(), this.y = u.e.Zero(), this.z = u.e.Zero(), this.xx = u.e.Zero(), this.yy = u.e.Zero(), this.zz = u.e.Zero(), this.xy = u.e.Zero(), this.yz = u.e.Zero(), this.zx = u.e.Zero();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "preScaledHarmonics", { get: function() {
return this._harmonics || (this._harmonics = hs.FromPolynomial(this)), this._harmonics.preScaled || this._harmonics.preScaleForRendering(), this._harmonics;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addAmbient = function(t) {
var e = new u.e(t.r, t.g, t.b);
this.xx = this.xx.add(e), this.yy = this.yy.add(e), this.zz = this.zz.add(e);
}, r.prototype.scaleInPlace = function(t) {
this.x.scaleInPlace(t), this.y.scaleInPlace(t), this.z.scaleInPlace(t), this.xx.scaleInPlace(t), this.yy.scaleInPlace(t), this.zz.scaleInPlace(t), this.yz.scaleInPlace(t), this.zx.scaleInPlace(t), this.xy.scaleInPlace(t);
}, r.FromHarmonics = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return e._harmonics = t, e.x = t.l11.scale(1.02333).scale(-1), e.y = t.l1_1.scale(1.02333).scale(-1), e.z = t.l10.scale(1.02333), e.xx = t.l00.scale(0.886277).subtract(t.l20.scale(0.247708)).add(t.l22.scale(0.429043)), e.yy = t.l00.scale(0.886277).subtract(t.l20.scale(0.247708)).subtract(t.l22.scale(0.429043)), e.zz = t.l00.scale(0.886277).add(t.l20.scale(0.495417)), e.yz = t.l2_1.scale(0.858086).scale(-1), e.zx = t.l21.scale(0.858086).scale(-1), e.xy = t.l2_2.scale(0.858086), e.scaleInPlace(1 / Math.PI), e;
}, r.FromArray = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[0], 0, e.x), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[1], 0, e.y), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[2], 0, e.z), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[3], 0, e.xx), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[4], 0, e.yy), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[5], 0, e.zz), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[6], 0, e.yz), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[7], 0, e.zx), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t[8], 0, e.xy), e;
}, r;
}(), kn = f(52), dr = function(r, t, e, n) { = r, this.worldAxisForNormal = t, this.worldAxisForFileX = e, this.worldAxisForFileY = n;
}, Lo = function() {
function r() {
return r.ConvertCubeMapTextureToSphericalPolynomial = function(t) {
if (!t.isCube)
return null;
var e, n, i = t.getSize().width, o = t.readPixels(0), a = t.readPixels(1);
t.isRenderTarget ? (e = t.readPixels(3), n = t.readPixels(2)) : (e = t.readPixels(2), n = t.readPixels(3));
var s = t.readPixels(4), d = t.readPixels(5), p = t.gammaSpace, y = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, P = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT;
t.textureType != h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT && t.textureType != h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT || (P = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT);
var R = { size: i, right: o, left: a, up: e, down: n, front: s, back: d, format: y, type: P, gammaSpace: p };
return this.ConvertCubeMapToSphericalPolynomial(R);
}, r.ConvertCubeMapToSphericalPolynomial = function(t) {
for (var e = new hs(), n = 0, i = 2 / t.size, o = i, a = 0.5 * i - 1, s = 0; s < 6; s++)
for (var d = this.FileFaces[s], p = t[], y = a, P = t.format === h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA ? 4 : 3, R = 0; R < t.size; R++) {
for (var B = a, F = 0; F < t.size; F++) {
var z = d.worldAxisForFileX.scale(B).add(d.worldAxisForFileY.scale(y)).add(d.worldAxisForNormal);
var J = Math.pow(1 + B * B + y * y, -1.5), ie = p[R * t.size * P + F * P + 0], se = p[R * t.size * P + F * P + 1], ce = p[R * t.size * P + F * P + 2];
isNaN(ie) && (ie = 0), isNaN(se) && (se = 0), isNaN(ce) && (ce = 0), t.type === h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT && (ie /= 255, se /= 255, ce /= 255), t.gammaSpace && (ie = Math.pow($.a.Clamp(ie), Vt.c), se = Math.pow($.a.Clamp(se), Vt.c), ce = Math.pow($.a.Clamp(ce), Vt.c)), ie = $.a.Clamp(ie, 0, 4096), se = $.a.Clamp(se, 0, 4096), ce = $.a.Clamp(ce, 0, 4096);
var ue = new I.a(ie, se, ce);
e.addLight(z, ue, J), n += J, B += i;
y += o;
var fe = 6 * (4 * Math.PI) / 6 / n;
return e.scaleInPlace(fe), e.convertIncidentRadianceToIrradiance(), e.convertIrradianceToLambertianRadiance(), Yr.FromHarmonics(e);
}, r.FileFaces = [new dr("right", new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, -1), new u.e(0, -1, 0)), new dr("left", new u.e(-1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, 1), new u.e(0, -1, 0)), new dr("up", new u.e(0, 1, 0), new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, 1)), new dr("down", new u.e(0, -1, 0), new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, -1)), new dr("front", new u.e(0, 0, 1), new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, -1, 0)), new dr("back", new u.e(0, 0, -1), new u.e(-1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, -1, 0))], r;
Object.defineProperty(kn.a.prototype, "sphericalPolynomial", { get: function() {
if (this._texture) {
if (this._texture._sphericalPolynomial)
return this._texture._sphericalPolynomial;
if (this._texture.isReady)
return this._texture._sphericalPolynomial = Lo.ConvertCubeMapTextureToSphericalPolynomial(this), this._texture._sphericalPolynomial;
return null;
}, set: function(r) {
this._texture && (this._texture._sphericalPolynomial = r);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
var Ff = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.rgbdEncodePixelShader = Ff;
var Bf = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.rgbdDecodePixelShader = Bf;
var gi = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetEnvInfo = function(t) {
for (var e = new DataView(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), n = 0, i = 0; i < r._MagicBytes.length; i++)
if (e.getUint8(n++) !== r._MagicBytes[i])
return l.a.Error("Not a babylon environment map"), null;
for (var o = "", a = 0; a = e.getUint8(n++); )
o += String.fromCharCode(a);
var s = JSON.parse(o);
return s.specular && (s.specular.specularDataPosition = n, s.specular.lodGenerationScale = s.specular.lodGenerationScale || 0.8), s;
}, r.CreateEnvTextureAsync = function(t) {
var e = this, n = t.getInternalTexture();
if (!n)
return Promise.reject("The cube texture is invalid.");
var i = n.getEngine();
if (i && i.premultipliedAlpha)
return Promise.reject("Env texture can only be created when the engine is created with the premultipliedAlpha option set to false.");
if (t.textureType === h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
return Promise.reject("The cube texture should allow HDR (Full Float or Half Float).");
var o = i.getRenderingCanvas();
if (!o)
return Promise.reject("Env texture can only be created when the engine is associated to a canvas.");
if (!i.getCaps().textureFloatRender && (a = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT, !i.getCaps().textureHalfFloatRender))
return Promise.reject("Env texture can only be created when the browser supports half float or full float rendering.");
var s = n.width, d = new _e.a(i), p = {}, y = [], P = $.a.Log2(n.width);
P = Math.round(P);
for (var R = function(F) {
for (var z = Math.pow(2, P - F), J = function(se) {
var ce = t.readPixels(se, F), ue = i.createRawTexture(ce, z, z, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, null, a), fe = new Promise(function(ve, Te) {
var Re = new ft("rgbdEncode", "rgbdEncode", null, null, 1, null, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, i, !1, void 0, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, void 0, null, !1);
Re.getEffect().executeWhenCompiled(function() {
Re.onApply = function(Se) {
Se._bindTexture("textureSampler", ue);
var Ae = i.getRenderWidth(), Ee = i.getRenderHeight();
i.setSize(z, z), d.postProcessManager.directRender([Re], null), Xe.b.ToBlob(o, function(Se) {
var De = new FileReader();
De.onload = function(xe) {
var Le =;
p[6 * F + se] = Le, ve();
}, De.readAsArrayBuffer(Se);
}), i.setSize(Ae, Ee);
}, ie = 0; ie < 6; ie++)
}, B = 0; B <= P; B++)
return Promise.all(y).then(function() {
for (var F = { version: 1, width: s, irradiance: e._CreateEnvTextureIrradiance(t), specular: { mipmaps: [], lodGenerationScale: t.lodGenerationScale } }, z = 0, J = 0; J <= P; J++)
for (var ie = 0; ie < 6; ie++) {
var se = p[6 * J + ie].byteLength;
F.specular.mipmaps.push({ length: se, position: z }), z += se;
for (var ce = JSON.stringify(F), ue = new ArrayBuffer(ce.length + 1), fe = new Uint8Array(ue), ve = (J = 0, ce.length); J < ve; J++)
fe[J] = ce.charCodeAt(J);
fe[ce.length] = 0;
var Te = r._MagicBytes.length + z + ue.byteLength, Re = new ArrayBuffer(Te), Ae = new Uint8Array(Re), Ee = new DataView(Re), Se = 0;
for (J = 0; J < r._MagicBytes.length; J++)
Ee.setUint8(Se++, r._MagicBytes[J]);
for (Ae.set(new Uint8Array(ue), Se), Se += ue.byteLength, J = 0; J <= P; J++)
for (ie = 0; ie < 6; ie++) {
var De = p[6 * J + ie];
Ae.set(new Uint8Array(De), Se), Se += De.byteLength;
return Re;
}, r._CreateEnvTextureIrradiance = function(t) {
var e = t.sphericalPolynomial;
return e == null ? null : { x: [e.x.x, e.x.y, e.x.z], y: [e.y.x, e.y.y, e.y.z], z: [e.z.x, e.z.y, e.z.z], xx: [e.xx.x, e.xx.y, e.xx.z], yy: [e.yy.x, e.yy.y, e.yy.z], zz: [e.zz.x, e.zz.y, e.zz.z], yz: [e.yz.x, e.yz.y, e.yz.z], zx: [e.zx.x, e.zx.y, e.zx.z], xy: [e.xy.x, e.xy.y, e.xy.z] };
}, r.CreateImageDataArrayBufferViews = function(t, e) {
if (e.version !== 1)
throw new Error('Unsupported babylon environment map version "' + e.version + '"');
var n = e.specular, i = $.a.Log2(e.width);
if (i = Math.round(i) + 1, n.mipmaps.length !== 6 * i)
throw new Error('Unsupported specular mipmaps number "' + n.mipmaps.length + '"');
for (var o = new Array(i), a = 0; a < i; a++) {
o[a] = new Array(6);
for (var s = 0; s < 6; s++) {
var d = n.mipmaps[6 * a + s];
o[a][s] = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset + n.specularDataPosition + d.position, d.length);
return o;
}, r.UploadEnvLevelsAsync = function(t, e, n) {
if (n.version !== 1)
throw new Error('Unsupported babylon environment map version "' + n.version + '"');
var i = n.specular;
if (!i)
return Promise.resolve();
t._lodGenerationScale = i.lodGenerationScale;
var o = r.CreateImageDataArrayBufferViews(e, n);
return r.UploadLevelsAsync(t, o);
}, r._OnImageReadyAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
return new Promise(function(R, B) {
if (n) {
var F = e.createTexture(null, !0, !0, null, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, null, function(J) {
}, t);
i.getEffect().executeWhenCompiled(function() {
i.onApply = function(J) {
J._bindTexture("textureSampler", F), J.setFloat2("scale", 1, 1);
}, e.scenes[0].postProcessManager.directRender([i], y, !0, a, s), e.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), F.dispose(), URL.revokeObjectURL(o), R();
} else {
if (e._uploadImageToTexture(P, t, a, s), d) {
var z = p[s];
z && e._uploadImageToTexture(z._texture, t, a, 0);
}, r.UploadLevelsAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (!Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo(t.width))
throw new Error("Texture size must be a power of two");
var i = Math.round($.a.Log2(t.width)) + 1, o = t.getEngine(), a = !1, s = !1, d = null, p = null, y = null, P = o.getCaps();
if (t.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, t.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, t.generateMipMaps = !0, t._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel = null, o.updateTextureSamplingMode(h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, t), P.textureLOD ? o.webGLVersion < 2 ? a = !1 : P.textureHalfFloatRender && P.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering ? (a = !0, t.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT) : P.textureFloatRender && P.textureFloatLinearFiltering && (a = !0, t.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT) : (a = !1, s = !0, y = {}), a)
d = new ft("rgbdDecode", "rgbdDecode", null, null, 1, null, h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, o, !1, void 0, t.type, void 0, null, !1), t._isRGBD = !1, t.invertY = !1, p = o.createRenderTargetCubeTexture(t.width, { generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateMipMaps: !0, generateStencilBuffer: !1, samplingMode: h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, type: t.type, format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA });
else if (t._isRGBD = !0, t.invertY = !0, s)
for (var R = t._lodGenerationScale, B = t._lodGenerationOffset, F = 0; F < 3; F++) {
var z = (i - 1) * R + B, J = B + (z - B) * (1 - F / 2), ie = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(J, 0), z)), se = new Pt.a(o, Pt.b.Temp);
se.isCube = !0, se.invertY = !0, se.generateMipMaps = !1, o.updateTextureSamplingMode(h.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR, se);
var ce = new kn.a(null);
switch (ce.isCube = !0, ce._texture = se, y[ie] = ce, F) {
case 0:
t._lodTextureLow = ce;
case 1:
t._lodTextureMid = ce;
case 2:
t._lodTextureHigh = ce;
var ue = [], fe = function(Ee) {
for (var Se = function(xe) {
var Le = e[Ee][xe], Me = new Blob([Le], { type: "image/png" }), we = URL.createObjectURL(Me), Ye = void 0;
if (typeof Image > "u")
Ye = createImageBitmap(Me).then(function(nt) {
return n._OnImageReadyAsync(nt, o, a, d, we, xe, Ee, s, y, p, t);
else {
var et = new Image();
et.src = we, Ye = new Promise(function(nt, ct) {
et.onload = function() {
n._OnImageReadyAsync(et, o, a, d, we, xe, Ee, s, y, p, t).then(function() {
return nt();
}).catch(function(Ke) {
}, et.onerror = function(Ke) {
}, De = 0; De < 6; De++)
for (F = 0; F < e.length; F++)
if (e.length < i) {
var ve = void 0, Te = Math.pow(2, i - 1 - e.length), Re = Te * Te * 4;
switch (t.type) {
ve = new Uint8Array(Re);
ve = new Uint16Array(Re);
ve = new Float32Array(Re);
for (F = e.length; F < i; F++)
for (var Ae = 0; Ae < 6; Ae++)
o._uploadArrayBufferViewToTexture(t, ve, Ae, F);
return Promise.all(ue).then(function() {
p && (o._releaseFramebufferObjects(p), o._releaseTexture(t), p._swapAndDie(t)), d && d.dispose(), s && (t._lodTextureHigh && t._lodTextureHigh._texture && (t._lodTextureHigh._texture.isReady = !0), t._lodTextureMid && t._lodTextureMid._texture && (t._lodTextureMid._texture.isReady = !0), t._lodTextureLow && t._lodTextureLow._texture && (t._lodTextureLow._texture.isReady = !0));
}, r.UploadEnvSpherical = function(t, e) {
e.version !== 1 && l.a.Warn('Unsupported babylon environment map version "' + e.version + '"');
var n = e.irradiance;
if (n) {
var i = new Yr();
u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.x, 0, i.x), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.y, 0, i.y), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.z, 0, i.z), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.xx, 0, i.xx), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.yy, 0, i.yy), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.zz, 0, i.zz), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.yz, 0, i.yz), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.zx, 0, i.zx), u.e.FromArrayToRef(n.xy, 0, i.xy), t._sphericalPolynomial = i;
}, r._UpdateRGBDAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return t._source = Pt.b.CubeRawRGBD, t._bufferViewArrayArray = e, t._lodGenerationScale = i, t._lodGenerationOffset = o, t._sphericalPolynomial = n, r.UploadLevelsAsync(t, e).then(function() {
t.isReady = !0;
}, r._MagicBytes = [134, 22, 135, 150, 246, 214, 150, 54], r;
Pt.a._UpdateRGBDAsync = gi._UpdateRGBDAsync;
var vi, ds = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 20), this.debug = !1, this._sourceCode = t, this._numMaxIterations = e, this._functionDescr = [], this.inlineToken = "#define inline";
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "code", { get: function() {
return this._sourceCode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.processCode = function() {
this.debug && console.log("Start inlining process (code size=" + this._sourceCode.length + ")..."), this._collectFunctions(), this._processInlining(this._numMaxIterations), this.debug && console.log("End of inlining process.");
}, r.prototype._collectFunctions = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._sourceCode.length; ) {
var e = this._sourceCode.indexOf(this.inlineToken, t);
if (e < 0)
var n = this._sourceCode.indexOf("(", e + this.inlineToken.length);
if (n < 0)
this.debug && console.warn("Could not find the opening parenthesis after the token. startIndex=" + t), t = e + this.inlineToken.length;
else {
var i = r._RegexpFindFunctionNameAndType.exec(this._sourceCode.substring(e + this.inlineToken.length, n));
if (i) {
var o = [i[3], i[4]], a = o[0], s = o[1], d = this._extractBetweenMarkers("(", ")", this._sourceCode, n);
if (d < 0)
this.debug && console.warn("Could not extract the parameters the function '" + s + "' (type=" + a + "). funcParamsStartIndex=" + n), t = e + this.inlineToken.length;
else {
var p = this._sourceCode.substring(n + 1, d), y = this._skipWhitespaces(this._sourceCode, d + 1);
if (y !== this._sourceCode.length) {
var P = this._extractBetweenMarkers("{", "}", this._sourceCode, y);
if (P < 0)
this.debug && console.warn("Could not extract the body of the function '" + s + "' (type=" + a + "). funcBodyStartIndex=" + y), t = e + this.inlineToken.length;
else {
for (var R = this._sourceCode.substring(y, P + 1), B = this._removeComments(p).split(","), F = [], z = 0; z < B.length; ++z) {
var J = B[z].trim(), ie = J.lastIndexOf(" ");
ie >= 0 && F.push(J.substring(ie + 1));
a !== "void" && F.push("return"), this._functionDescr.push({ name: s, type: a, parameters: F, body: R, callIndex: 0 }), t = P + 1;
var se = e > 0 ? this._sourceCode.substring(0, e) : "", ce = P + 1 < this._sourceCode.length - 1 ? this._sourceCode.substring(P + 1) : "";
this._sourceCode = se + ce, t -= P + 1 - e;
} else
this.debug && console.warn("Could not extract the body of the function '" + s + "' (type=" + a + "). funcParamsEndIndex=" + d), t = e + this.inlineToken.length;
} else
this.debug && console.warn("Could not extract the name/type of the function from: " + this._sourceCode.substring(e + this.inlineToken.length, n)), t = e + this.inlineToken.length;
this.debug && console.log("Collect functions: " + this._functionDescr.length + " functions found. functionDescr=", this._functionDescr);
}, r.prototype._processInlining = function(t) {
for (t === void 0 && (t = 20); t-- >= 0 && this._replaceFunctionCallsByCode(); )
return this.debug && console.log("numMaxIterations is " + t + " after inlining process"), t >= 0;
}, r.prototype._extractBetweenMarkers = function(t, e, n, i) {
for (var o = i, a = 0, s = ""; o < n.length; ) {
var d = n.charAt(o);
if (s)
d === s ? s === '"' || s === "'" ? n.charAt(o - 1) !== "\\" && (s = "") : s = "" : s === "*/" && d === "*" && o + 1 < n.length && (n.charAt(o + 1) === "/" && (s = ""), s === "" && o++);
switch (d) {
case t:
case e:
case '"':
case "'":
case "`":
s = d;
case "/":
if (o + 1 < n.length) {
var p = n.charAt(o + 1);
p === "/" ? s = `
` : p === "*" && (s = "*/");
if (o++, a === 0)
return a === 0 ? o - 1 : -1;
}, r.prototype._skipWhitespaces = function(t, e) {
for (; e < t.length; ) {
var n = t[e];
if (n !== " " && n !== `
` && n !== "\r" && n !== " " && n !== `
` && n !== " ")
return e;
}, r.prototype._removeComments = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = "", i = !1, o = []; e < t.length; ) {
var a = t.charAt(e);
if (n)
a === n ? n === '"' || n === "'" ? (t.charAt(e - 1) !== "\\" && (n = ""), o.push(a)) : (n = "", i = !1) : n === "*/" && a === "*" && e + 1 < t.length ? (t.charAt(e + 1) === "/" && (n = ""), n === "" && (i = !1, e++)) : i || o.push(a);
else {
switch (a) {
case '"':
case "'":
case "`":
n = a;
case "/":
if (e + 1 < t.length) {
var s = t.charAt(e + 1);
s === "/" ? (n = `
`, i = !0) : s === "*" && (n = "*/", i = !0);
i || o.push(a);
return o.join("");
}, r.prototype._replaceFunctionCallsByCode = function() {
for (var t = !1, e = 0, n = this._functionDescr; e < n.length; e++)
for (var i = n[e], o =, a = i.type, s = i.parameters, d = i.body, p = 0; p < this._sourceCode.length; ) {
var y = this._sourceCode.indexOf(o, p);
if (y < 0)
var P = this._skipWhitespaces(this._sourceCode, y + o.length);
if (P !== this._sourceCode.length && this._sourceCode.charAt(P) === "(") {
var R = this._extractBetweenMarkers("(", ")", this._sourceCode, P);
if (R < 0)
this.debug && console.warn("Could not extract the parameters of the function call. Function '" + o + "' (type=" + a + "). callParamsStartIndex=" + P), p = y + o.length;
else {
for (var B = this._sourceCode.substring(P + 1, R), F = this._removeComments(B).split(","), z = [], J = 0; J < F.length; ++J) {
var ie = F[J].trim();
var se = a !== "void" ? o + "_" + i.callIndex++ : null;
if (se && z.push(se + " ="), z.length === s.length) {
p = R + 1;
var ce = this._replaceNames(d, s, z), ue = y > 0 ? this._sourceCode.substring(0, y) : "", fe = R + 1 < this._sourceCode.length - 1 ? this._sourceCode.substring(R + 1) : "";
if (se) {
var ve = this._findBackward(this._sourceCode, y - 1, `
ue = this._sourceCode.substring(0, ve + 1);
var Te = this._sourceCode.substring(ve + 1, y);
this._sourceCode = ue + a + " " + se + `;
` + ce + `
` + Te + se + fe, this.debug && console.log("Replace function call by code. Function '" + o + "' (type=" + a + "). injectDeclarationIndex=" + ve);
} else
this._sourceCode = ue + ce + fe, p += ce.length - (R + 1 - y), this.debug && console.log("Replace function call by code. Function '" + o + "' (type=" + a + "). functionCallIndex=" + y);
t = !0;
} else
this.debug && console.warn("Invalid function call: not the same number of parameters for the call than the number expected by the function. Function '" + o + "' (type=" + a + "). function parameters=" + s + ", call parameters=" + z), p = y + o.length;
} else
p = y + o.length;
return t;
}, r.prototype._findBackward = function(t, e, n) {
for (; e >= 0 && t.charAt(e) !== n; )
return e;
}, r.prototype._escapeRegExp = function(t) {
return t.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
}, r.prototype._replaceNames = function(t, e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) {
var o = new RegExp(this._escapeRegExp(e[i]), "g"), a = n[i];
t = t.replace(o, a);
return t;
}, r._RegexpFindFunctionNameAndType = /((\s+?)(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*?)$/, r;
}(), Uf = function() {
function r() {
this.isAsync = !1, this.isReady = !1;
return r.prototype._getVertexShaderCode = function() {
return null;
}, r.prototype._getFragmentShaderCode = function() {
return null;
}, r.prototype._handlesSpectorRebuildCallback = function(t) {
throw new Error("Not implemented");
}, r;
}(), jl = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t;
}(zl.a), Hl = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getInternalTexture = function() {
return this;
}, t.prototype.getViewCount = function() {
return 1;
}, t;
}(Pt.a), Vf = function(r) {
function t() {
var e =, null) || this;
return e._native = new _native.Engine(), e.INVALID_HANDLE = 65535, e._boundBuffersVertexArray = null, e._currentDepthTest = e._native.DEPTH_TEST_LEQUAL, e._webGLVersion = 2, e.disableUniformBuffers = !0, e._caps = { maxTexturesImageUnits: 16, maxVertexTextureImageUnits: 16, maxCombinedTexturesImageUnits: 32, maxTextureSize: 512, maxCubemapTextureSize: 512, maxRenderTextureSize: 512, maxVertexAttribs: 16, maxVaryingVectors: 16, maxFragmentUniformVectors: 16, maxVertexUniformVectors: 16, standardDerivatives: !0, astc: null, pvrtc: null, etc1: null, etc2: null, bptc: null, maxAnisotropy: 16, uintIndices: !0, fragmentDepthSupported: !1, highPrecisionShaderSupported: !0, colorBufferFloat: !1, textureFloat: !1, textureFloatLinearFiltering: !1, textureFloatRender: !1, textureHalfFloat: !1, textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering: !1, textureHalfFloatRender: !1, textureLOD: !0, drawBuffersExtension: !1, depthTextureExtension: !1, vertexArrayObject: !0, instancedArrays: !1, canUseTimestampForTimerQuery: !1, blendMinMax: !1, maxMSAASamples: 1 }, Xe.b.Log("Babylon Native (v" + Ue.a.Version + ") launched"), Xe.b.LoadScript = function(n, i, o, a) {
Xe.b.LoadFile(n, function(s) {
Function(s).apply(null), i && i();
}, void 0, void 0, !1, function(s, d) {
o && o("LoadScript Error", d);
}, typeof URL > "u" && (window.URL = { createObjectURL: function() {
}, revokeObjectURL: function() {
} }), typeof Blob > "u" && (window.Blob = function() {
}), e._shaderProcessor = new Gl.a(), e;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getHardwareScalingLevel = function() {
return 1;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._boundBuffersVertexArray && this._native.deleteVertexArray(this._boundBuffersVertexArray), this._native.dispose();
}, t.prototype._queueNewFrame = function(e, n) {
return n.requestAnimationFrame && n !== window ? n.requestAnimationFrame(e) : this._native.requestAnimationFrame(e), 0;
}, t.prototype._bindUnboundFramebuffer = function(e) {
this._currentFramebuffer !== e && (this._currentFramebuffer && this._native.unbindFramebuffer(this._currentFramebuffer), e && this._native.bindFramebuffer(e), this._currentFramebuffer = e);
}, t.prototype.getHostDocument = function() {
return null;
}, t.prototype.clear = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a = 0;
n && e && (this._native.clearColor(e.r, e.g, e.b, e.a !== void 0 ? e.a : 1), a |= this._native.CLEAR_FLAG_COLOR), i && (this._native.clearDepth(1), a |= this._native.CLEAR_FLAG_DEPTH), o && (this._native.clearStencil(0), a |= this._native.CLEAR_FLAG_STENCIL), this._native.clear(a);
}, t.prototype.createIndexBuffer = function(e, n) {
var i = this._normalizeIndexData(e), o = new jl();
if (o.references = 1, o.is32Bits = i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 4, i.length) {
if (o.nativeIndexBuffer = this._native.createIndexBuffer(i, n != null && n), o.nativeVertexBuffer === this.INVALID_HANDLE)
throw new Error("Could not create a native index buffer.");
} else
o.nativeVertexBuffer = this.INVALID_HANDLE;
return o;
}, t.prototype.createVertexBuffer = function(e, n) {
var i = new jl();
if (i.references = 1, i.nativeVertexBuffer = this._native.createVertexBuffer(ArrayBuffer.isView(e) ? e : new Float32Array(e), n != null && n), i.nativeVertexBuffer === this.INVALID_HANDLE)
throw new Error("Could not create a native vertex buffer.");
return i;
}, t.prototype._recordVertexArrayObject = function(e, n, i, o) {
i && this._native.recordIndexBuffer(e, i.nativeIndexBuffer);
for (var a = o.getAttributesNames(), s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
var d = o.getAttributeLocation(s);
if (d >= 0) {
var p = n[a[s]];
if (p) {
var y = p.getBuffer();
y && this._native.recordVertexBuffer(e, y.nativeVertexBuffer, d, p.byteOffset, p.byteStride, p.getSize(), this._getNativeAttribType(p.type), p.normalized);
}, t.prototype.bindBuffers = function(e, n, i) {
this._boundBuffersVertexArray && this._native.deleteVertexArray(this._boundBuffersVertexArray), this._boundBuffersVertexArray = this._native.createVertexArray(), this._recordVertexArrayObject(this._boundBuffersVertexArray, e, n, i), this._native.bindVertexArray(this._boundBuffersVertexArray);
}, t.prototype.recordVertexArrayObject = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this._native.createVertexArray();
return this._recordVertexArrayObject(o, e, n, i), o;
}, t.prototype.bindVertexArrayObject = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.releaseVertexArrayObject = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.getAttributes = function(e, n) {
var i = e;
return this._native.getAttributes(i.nativeProgram, n);
}, t.prototype.drawElementsType = function(e, n, i, o) {
this._drawCalls.addCount(1, !1), this._native.drawIndexed(e, n, i);
}, t.prototype.drawArraysType = function(e, n, i, o) {
this._drawCalls.addCount(1, !1), this._native.draw(e, n, i);
}, t.prototype.createPipelineContext = function() {
return new Uf();
}, t.prototype._preparePipelineContext = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p = e;
p.nativeProgram = o ? this.createRawShaderProgram(e, n, i, void 0, d) : this.createShaderProgram(e, n, i, s, void 0, d);
}, t.prototype._isRenderingStateCompiled = function(e) {
return !0;
}, t.prototype._executeWhenRenderingStateIsCompiled = function(e, n) {
}, t.prototype.createRawShaderProgram = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
throw new Error("Not Supported");
}, t.prototype.createShaderProgram = function(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d = new ds(n);
d.processCode(), n = d.code;
var p = new ds(i);
p.processCode(), i = p.code, n = wt.a._ConcatenateShader(n, o), i = wt.a._ConcatenateShader(i, o);
var y = this._native.createProgram(n, i);
return this.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable.notifyObservers(this), y;
}, t.prototype._setProgram = function(e) {
this._currentProgram !== e && (this._native.setProgram(e), this._currentProgram = e);
}, t.prototype._releaseEffect = function(e) {
}, t.prototype._deletePipelineContext = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.getUniforms = function(e, n) {
var i = e;
return this._native.getUniforms(i.nativeProgram, n);
}, t.prototype.bindUniformBlock = function(e, n, i) {
throw new Error("Not Implemented");
}, t.prototype.bindSamplers = function(e) {
var n = e.getPipelineContext();
for (var i = e.getSamplers(), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) {
var a = e.getUniform(i[o]);
a && (this._boundUniforms[o] = a);
this._currentEffect = null;
}, t.prototype.setMatrix = function(e, n) {
e && this._native.setMatrix(e, n.toArray());
}, t.prototype.getRenderWidth = function(e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !1), !e && this._currentRenderTarget ? this._currentRenderTarget.width : this._native.getRenderWidth();
}, t.prototype.getRenderHeight = function(e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !1), !e && this._currentRenderTarget ? this._currentRenderTarget.height : this._native.getRenderHeight();
}, t.prototype.setViewport = function(e, n, i) {
this._cachedViewport = e, this._native.setViewPort(e.x, e.y, e.width, e.height);
}, t.prototype.setState = function(e, n, i, o) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0), o === void 0 && (o = !1), this._native.setState(e, n, o);
}, t.prototype.setZOffset = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.getZOffset = function() {
return this._native.getZOffset();
}, t.prototype.setDepthBuffer = function(e) {
this._native.setDepthTest(e ? this._currentDepthTest : this._native.DEPTH_TEST_ALWAYS);
}, t.prototype.getDepthWrite = function() {
return this._native.getDepthWrite();
}, t.prototype.setDepthFunctionToGreater = function() {
this._currentDepthTest = this._native.DEPTH_TEST_GREATER, this._native.setDepthTest(this._currentDepthTest);
}, t.prototype.setDepthFunctionToGreaterOrEqual = function() {
this._currentDepthTest = this._native.DEPTH_TEST_GEQUAL, this._native.setDepthTest(this._currentDepthTest);
}, t.prototype.setDepthFunctionToLess = function() {
this._currentDepthTest = this._native.DEPTH_TEST_LESS, this._native.setDepthTest(this._currentDepthTest);
}, t.prototype.setDepthFunctionToLessOrEqual = function() {
this._currentDepthTest = this._native.DEPTH_TEST_LEQUAL, this._native.setDepthTest(this._currentDepthTest);
}, t.prototype.setDepthWrite = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.setColorWrite = function(e) {
this._native.setColorWrite(e), this._colorWrite = e;
}, t.prototype.getColorWrite = function() {
return this._colorWrite;
}, t.prototype.setAlphaConstants = function(e, n, i, o) {
throw new Error("Setting alpha blend constant color not yet implemented.");
}, t.prototype.setAlphaMode = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._alphaMode !== e && (e = this._getNativeAlphaMode(e), this._native.setBlendMode(e), n || this.setDepthWrite(e === h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE), this._alphaMode = e);
}, t.prototype.getAlphaMode = function() {
return this._alphaMode;
}, t.prototype.setInt = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setInt(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setIntArray = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setIntArray(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setIntArray2 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setIntArray2(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setIntArray3 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setIntArray3(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setIntArray4 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setIntArray4(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloatArray = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloatArray2 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray2(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloatArray3 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray3(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloatArray4 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray4(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setArray = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setArray2 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray2(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setArray3 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray3(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setArray4 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloatArray4(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setMatrices = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setMatrices(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setMatrix3x3 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setMatrix3x3(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setMatrix2x2 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setMatrix2x2(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloat = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat(e, n), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloat2 = function(e, n, i) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat2(e, n, i), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloat3 = function(e, n, i, o) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat3(e, n, i, o), !0);
}, t.prototype.setFloat4 = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat4(e, n, i, o, a), !0);
}, t.prototype.setColor3 = function(e, n) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat3(e, n.r, n.g, n.b), !0);
}, t.prototype.setColor4 = function(e, n, i) {
return !!e && (this._native.setFloat4(e, n.r, n.g, n.b, i), !0);
}, t.prototype.wipeCaches = function(e) {
this.preventCacheWipeBetweenFrames || (this.resetTextureCache(), this._currentEffect = null, e && (this._currentProgram = null, this._stencilState.reset(), this._depthCullingState.reset(), this._alphaState.reset()), this._cachedVertexBuffers = null, this._cachedIndexBuffer = null, this._cachedEffectForVertexBuffers = null);
}, t.prototype._createTexture = function() {
return this._native.createTexture();
}, t.prototype._deleteTexture = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.updateDynamicTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
this.createTexture("data:my_image_name", !0, i, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, void 0, void 0, "", e, t.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, null, void 0);
}, t.prototype.createTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F) {
var z = this;
a === void 0 && (a = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null), p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = null), P === void 0 && (P = null), R === void 0 && (R = null);
var J = (e = e || "").substr(0, 5) === "data:", ie = J && e.indexOf(";base64,") !== -1, se = y || new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Url), ce = e;
!this._transformTextureUrl || ie || y || p || (e = this._transformTextureUrl(e));
for (var ue = e.lastIndexOf("."), fe = R || (ue > -1 ? e.substring(ue).toLowerCase() : ""), ve = null, Te = 0, Re = Ue.a._TextureLoaders; Te < Re.length; Te++) {
var Ae = Re[Te];
if (Ae.canLoad(fe)) {
ve = Ae;
o && o._addPendingData(se), se.url = e, se.generateMipMaps = !n, se.samplingMode = a, se.invertY = i, this.doNotHandleContextLost || (se._buffer = p);
var Ee = null;
if (s && !y && (Ee = se.onLoadedObservable.add(s)), y || this._internalTexturesCache.push(se), ve)
throw new Error("Loading textures from IInternalTextureLoader not yet implemented.");
var Se = function(De) {
var xe = se._webGLTexture;
xe ? z._native.loadTexture(xe, De, !n, i, function() {
se.baseWidth = z._native.getTextureWidth(xe), se.baseHeight = z._native.getTextureHeight(xe), se.width = se.baseWidth, se.height = se.baseHeight, se.isReady = !0;
var Le = z._getNativeSamplingMode(a);
z._native.setTextureSampling(xe, Le), o && o._removePendingData(se), se.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(se), se.onLoadedObservable.clear();
}, function() {
throw new Error("Could not load a native texture.");
}) : o && o._removePendingData(se);
if (J)
if (p instanceof ArrayBuffer)
Se(new Uint8Array(p));
else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(p))
else {
if (typeof p != "string")
throw new Error("Unsupported buffer type");
Se(new Uint8Array(Xe.b.DecodeBase64(p)));
ie ? Se(new Uint8Array(Xe.b.DecodeBase64(e))) : this._loadFile(e, function(De) {
return Se(new Uint8Array(De));
}, void 0, void 0, !0, function(De, xe) {
(function(Le, Me) {
o && o._removePendingData(se), e === ce ? (Ee && se.onLoadedObservable.remove(Ee), te.a.UseFallbackTexture && z.createTexture(te.a.FallbackTexture, n, se.invertY, o, a, null, d, p, se), d && d((Le || "Unknown error") + (te.a.UseFallbackTexture ? " - Fallback texture was used" : ""), Me)) : (l.a.Warn("Failed to load " + e + ", falling back to " + ce), z.createTexture(ce, n, se.invertY, o, a, s, d, p, se, P, R, B, F));
})("Unable to load " + (De && De.responseURL, xe));
return se;
}, t.prototype._createDepthStencilTexture = function(e, n) {
var i = new Hl(this, Pt.b.Depth), o = e.width || e, a = e.height || e, s = this._native.createDepthTexture(i._webGLTexture, o, a);
return i._framebuffer = s, i;
}, t.prototype._releaseFramebufferObjects = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.createCubeTexture = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B) {
var F = this;
a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), p === void 0 && (p = null), P === void 0 && (P = 0), R === void 0 && (R = 0), B === void 0 && (B = null);
var z = B || new Pt.a(this, Pt.b.Cube);
z.isCube = !0, z.url = e, z.generateMipMaps = !o, z._lodGenerationScale = P, z._lodGenerationOffset = R, this._doNotHandleContextLost || (z._extension = p, z._files = i);
var J = e.lastIndexOf(".");
if ((p || (J > -1 ? e.substring(J).toLowerCase() : "")) === ".env") {
if (i && i.length === 6)
throw new Error("Multi-file loading not allowed on env files.");
this._loadFile(e, function(se) {
return function(ce) {
var ue = gi.GetEnvInfo(ce);
if (z.width = ue.width, z.height = ue.width, gi.UploadEnvSpherical(z, ue), ue.version !== 1)
throw new Error('Unsupported babylon environment map version "' + ue.version + '"');
var fe = ue.specular;
if (!fe)
throw new Error("Nothing else parsed so far");
z._lodGenerationScale = fe.lodGenerationScale;
var ve = gi.CreateImageDataArrayBufferViews(ce, ue);
z.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, z.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, z.generateMipMaps = !0, z.getEngine().updateTextureSamplingMode(Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, z), z._isRGBD = !0, z.invertY = !0, F._native.loadCubeTextureWithMips(z._webGLTexture, ve, function() {
z.isReady = !0, a && a();
}, function() {
throw new Error("Could not load a native cube texture.");
}(new Uint8Array(se));
}, void 0, void 0, !0, function(se, ce) {
s && se && s(se.status + " " + se.statusText, ce);
} else {
if (!i || i.length !== 6)
throw new Error("Cannot load cubemap because 6 files were not defined");
var ie = [i[0], i[3], i[1], i[4], i[2], i[5]];
Promise.all( {
return Xe.b.LoadFileAsync(se).then(function(ce) {
return new Uint8Array(ce);
})).then(function(se) {
return new Promise(function(ce, ue) {
F._native.loadCubeTexture(z._webGLTexture, se, !o, ce, ue);
}).then(function() {
z.isReady = !0, a && a();
}, function(se) {
s && s("Failed to load cubemap: " + se.message, se);
return this._internalTexturesCache.push(z), z;
}, t.prototype.createRenderTargetTexture = function(e, n) {
var i = new fl.a();
n !== void 0 && typeof n == "object" ? (i.generateMipMaps = n.generateMipMaps, i.generateDepthBuffer = n.generateDepthBuffer === void 0 || n.generateDepthBuffer, i.generateStencilBuffer = i.generateDepthBuffer && n.generateStencilBuffer, i.type = n.type === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT : n.type, i.samplingMode = n.samplingMode === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE : n.samplingMode, i.format = n.format === void 0 ? h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA : n.format) : (i.generateMipMaps = n, i.generateDepthBuffer = !0, i.generateStencilBuffer = !1, i.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, i.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), (i.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloatLinearFiltering) && (i.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT || this._caps.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering) || (i.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
var o = new Hl(this, Pt.b.RenderTarget), a = e.width || e, s = e.height || e;
i.type !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT || this._caps.textureFloat || (i.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, l.a.Warn("Float textures are not supported. Render target forced to TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE type"));
var d = this._native.createFramebuffer(o._webGLTexture, a, s, this._getNativeTextureFormat(i.format, i.type), i.samplingMode, !!i.generateStencilBuffer, i.generateDepthBuffer, !!i.generateMipMaps);
return o._framebuffer = d, o.baseWidth = a, o.baseHeight = s, o.width = a, o.height = s, o.isReady = !0, o.samples = 1, o.generateMipMaps = !!i.generateMipMaps, o.samplingMode = i.samplingMode, o.type = i.type, o.format = i.format, o._generateDepthBuffer = i.generateDepthBuffer, o._generateStencilBuffer = !!i.generateStencilBuffer, this._internalTexturesCache.push(o), o;
}, t.prototype.updateTextureSamplingMode = function(e, n) {
if (n._webGLTexture) {
var i = this._getNativeSamplingMode(e);
this._native.setTextureSampling(n._webGLTexture, i);
n.samplingMode = e;
}, t.prototype.bindFramebuffer = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
if (n)
throw new Error("Cuboid frame buffers are not yet supported in NativeEngine.");
if (i || o)
throw new Error("Required width/height for frame buffers not yet supported in NativeEngine.");
e._depthStencilTexture ? this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(e._depthStencilTexture._framebuffer) : this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(e._framebuffer);
}, t.prototype.unBindFramebuffer = function(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), n && l.a.Warn("Disabling mipmap generation not yet supported in NativeEngine. Ignoring."), i && i(), this._bindUnboundFramebuffer(null);
}, t.prototype.createDynamicVertexBuffer = function(e) {
return this.createVertexBuffer(e, !0);
}, t.prototype.updateDynamicIndexBuffer = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = 0);
var o = e, a = this._normalizeIndexData(n);
o.is32Bits = a.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 4, this._native.updateDynamicIndexBuffer(o.nativeIndexBuffer, a, i);
}, t.prototype.updateDynamicVertexBuffer = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = e, s = ArrayBuffer.isView(n) ? n : new Float32Array(n);
this._native.updateDynamicVertexBuffer(a.nativeVertexBuffer, s, i ?? 0, o ?? s.byteLength);
}, t.prototype._setTexture = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a, s = this._boundUniforms[e];
if (!s)
return !1;
if (!n)
return this._boundTexturesCache[e] != null && (this._activeChannel = e, this._native.setTexture(s, null)), !1;
if (
this._activeChannel = e, n.update();
else if (n.delayLoadState === h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED)
return n.delayLoad(), !1;
return a = o ? n.depthStencilTexture : n.isReady() ? n.getInternalTexture() : n.isCube ? this.emptyCubeTexture : n.is3D ? this.emptyTexture3D : n.is2DArray ? this.emptyTexture2DArray : this.emptyTexture, this._activeChannel = e, !(!a || !a._webGLTexture) && (this._native.setTextureWrapMode(a._webGLTexture, this._getAddressMode(n.wrapU), this._getAddressMode(n.wrapV), this._getAddressMode(n.wrapR)), this._updateAnisotropicLevel(n), this._native.setTexture(s, a._webGLTexture), !0);
}, t.prototype._updateAnisotropicLevel = function(e) {
var n = e.getInternalTexture(), i = e.anisotropicFilteringLevel;
n && n._webGLTexture && n._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel !== i && (this._native.setTextureAnisotropicLevel(n._webGLTexture, i), n._cachedAnisotropicFilteringLevel = i);
}, t.prototype._getAddressMode = function(e) {
switch (e) {
return this._native.ADDRESS_MODE_WRAP;
return this._native.ADDRESS_MODE_CLAMP;
return this._native.ADDRESS_MODE_MIRROR;
throw new Error("Unexpected wrap mode: " + e + ".");
}, t.prototype._bindTexture = function(e, n) {
var i = this._boundUniforms[e];
i && this._native.setTexture(i, n._webGLTexture);
}, t.prototype._deleteBuffer = function(e) {
e.nativeIndexBuffer && (this._native.deleteIndexBuffer(e.nativeIndexBuffer), delete e.nativeIndexBuffer), e.nativeVertexBuffer && (this._native.deleteVertexBuffer(e.nativeVertexBuffer), delete e.nativeVertexBuffer);
}, t.prototype.releaseEffects = function() {
}, t.prototype._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
throw new Error("_uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly not implemented.");
}, t.prototype._uploadDataToTextureDirectly = function(e, n, i, o) {
throw new Error("_uploadDataToTextureDirectly not implemented.");
}, t.prototype._uploadArrayBufferViewToTexture = function(e, n, i, o) {
throw new Error("_uploadArrayBufferViewToTexture not implemented.");
}, t.prototype._uploadImageToTexture = function(e, n, i, o) {
throw new Error("_uploadArrayBufferViewToTexture not implemented.");
}, t.prototype._getNativeSamplingMode = function(e) {
switch (e) {
return this._native.TEXTURE_NEAREST_NEAREST;
return this._native.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR;
return this._native.TEXTURE_NEAREST_LINEAR;
return this._native.TEXTURE_LINEAR_NEAREST;
throw new Error("Unsupported sampling mode: " + e + ".");
}, t.prototype._getNativeTextureFormat = function(e, n) {
return this._native.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA8;
return this._native.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA32F;
throw new Error("Unsupported texture format or type: format " + e + ", type " + n + ".");
}, t.prototype._getNativeAlphaMode = function(e) {
switch (e) {
return this._native.ALPHA_DISABLE;
case h.a.ALPHA_ADD:
return this._native.ALPHA_ADD;
return this._native.ALPHA_COMBINE;
return this._native.ALPHA_SUBTRACT;
return this._native.ALPHA_MULTIPLY;
return this._native.ALPHA_MAXIMIZED;
case h.a.ALPHA_ONEONE:
return this._native.ALPHA_ONEONE;
return this._native.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED;
return this._native.ALPHA_INTERPOLATE;
return this._native.ALPHA_SCREENMODE;
throw new Error("Unsupported alpha mode: " + e + ".");
}, t.prototype._getNativeAttribType = function(e) {
switch (e) {
return this._native.ATTRIB_TYPE_UINT8;
case Oe.b.SHORT:
return this._native.ATTRIB_TYPE_INT16;
case Oe.b.FLOAT:
return this._native.ATTRIB_TYPE_FLOAT;
throw new Error("Unsupported attribute type: " + e + ".");
}, t;
}(Ue.a), kf = f(74), No = function() {
function r() {
return r.COPY = 1, r.CUT = 2, r.PASTE = 3, r;
}(), Gf = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.type = t, this.event = e;
return r.GetTypeFromCharacter = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case 67:
return No.COPY;
case 86:
return No.PASTE;
case 88:
return No.CUT;
return -1;
}, r;
}(), fs = f(83), yi = f(69);
(function(r) {
r[r.Clean = 0] = "Clean", r[r.Stop = 1] = "Stop", r[r.Sync = 2] = "Sync", r[r.NoSync = 3] = "NoSync";
})(vi || (vi = {}));
var Ft = function() {
function r() {
return Object.defineProperty(r, "ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental", { get: function() {
return yi.a.ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental;
}, set: function(t) {
yi.a.ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r, "ShowLoadingScreen", { get: function() {
return yi.a.ShowLoadingScreen;
}, set: function(t) {
yi.a.ShowLoadingScreen = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r, "loggingLevel", { get: function() {
return yi.a.loggingLevel;
}, set: function(t) {
yi.a.loggingLevel = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r, "CleanBoneMatrixWeights", { get: function() {
return yi.a.CleanBoneMatrixWeights;
}, set: function(t) {
yi.a.CleanBoneMatrixWeights = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.GetDefaultPlugin = function() {
return r._registeredPlugins[".babylon"];
}, r._GetPluginForExtension = function(t) {
var e = r._registeredPlugins[t];
return e || (l.a.Warn("Unable to find a plugin to load " + t + " files. Trying to use .babylon default plugin. To load from a specific filetype (eg. gltf) see:"), r.GetDefaultPlugin());
}, r._GetPluginForDirectLoad = function(t) {
for (var e in r._registeredPlugins) {
var n = r._registeredPlugins[e].plugin;
if (n.canDirectLoad && n.canDirectLoad(t))
return r._registeredPlugins[e];
return r.GetDefaultPlugin();
}, r._GetPluginForFilename = function(t) {
var e = t.indexOf("?");
e !== -1 && (t = t.substring(0, e));
var n = t.lastIndexOf("."), i = t.substring(n, t.length).toLowerCase();
return r._GetPluginForExtension(i);
}, r._GetDirectLoad = function(t) {
return t.substr(0, 5) === "data:" ? t.substr(5) : null;
}, r._LoadData = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d, p = r._GetDirectLoad(, y = s ? r._GetPluginForExtension(s) : p ? r._GetPluginForDirectLoad( : r._GetPluginForFilename(;
if (!(d = y.plugin.createPlugin !== void 0 ? y.plugin.createPlugin() : y.plugin))
throw "The loader plugin corresponding to the file type you are trying to load has not been found. If using es6, please import the plugin you wish to use before.";
if (r.OnPluginActivatedObservable.notifyObservers(d), p) {
if (d.directLoad) {
var P = d.directLoad(e, p);
P.then ? P.then(function(Ae) {
n(d, Ae);
}).catch(function(Ae) {
o("Error in directLoad of _loadData: " + Ae, Ae);
}) : n(d, P);
} else
n(d, p);
return d;
var R = y.isBinary, B = function(Ae, Ee) {
e.isDisposed ? o("Scene has been disposed") : n(d, Ae, Ee);
}, F = null, z = !1, J = d.onDisposeObservable;
J && J.add(function() {
z = !0, F && (F.abort(), F = null), a();
var ie = function() {
if (!z) {
var Ae = function(Se, De) {
B(Se, De ? De.responseURL : void 0);
}, Ee = function(Se) {
o(Se.message, Se);
F = d.requestFile ? d.requestFile(e, t.url, Ae, i, R, Ee) : e._requestFile(t.url, Ae, i, !0, R, Ee);
}, se = t.file || fs.a.FilesToLoad[];
if (t.rootUrl.indexOf("file:") === -1 || t.rootUrl.indexOf("file:") !== -1 && !se) {
var ce = e.getEngine(), ue = ce.enableOfflineSupport;
if (ue) {
for (var fe = !1, ve = 0, Te = e.disableOfflineSupportExceptionRules; ve < Te.length; ve++)
if (Te[ve].test(t.url)) {
fe = !0;
ue = !fe;
ue && Ue.a.OfflineProviderFactory ? e.offlineProvider = Ue.a.OfflineProviderFactory(t.url, ie, ce.disableManifestCheck) : ie();
} else if (se) {
var Re = function(Ae) {
o(Ae.message, Ae);
F = d.readFile ? d.readFile(e, se, B, i, R, Re) : e._readFile(se, B, i, R, Re);
} else
o("Unable to find file named " +;
return d;
}, r._GetFileInfo = function(t, e) {
var n, i, o = null;
if (e)
if ( {
var a = e;
n = t +, i =, o = a;
} else {
var s = e;
if (s.substr(0, 1) === "/")
return Xe.b.Error("Wrong sceneFilename parameter"), null;
n = t + s, i = s;
n = t, i = Xe.b.GetFilename(t), t = Xe.b.GetFolderPath(t);
return { url: n, rootUrl: t, name: i, file: o };
}, r.GetPluginForExtension = function(t) {
return r._GetPluginForExtension(t).plugin;
}, r.IsPluginForExtensionAvailable = function(t) {
return !!r._registeredPlugins[t];
}, r.RegisterPlugin = function(t) {
if (typeof t.extensions == "string") {
var e = t.extensions;
r._registeredPlugins[e.toLowerCase()] = { plugin: t, isBinary: !1 };
} else {
var n = t.extensions;
Object.keys(n).forEach(function(i) {
r._registeredPlugins[i.toLowerCase()] = { plugin: t, isBinary: n[i].isBinary };
}, r.ImportMesh = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
if (n === void 0 && (n = ""), i === void 0 && (i = te.a.LastCreatedScene), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null), !i)
return l.a.Error("No scene available to import mesh to"), null;
var p = r._GetFileInfo(e, n);
if (!p)
return null;
var y = {};
var P = function() {
}, R = function(z, J) {
var ie = "Unable to import meshes from " + p.url + ": " + z;
s ? s(i, ie, J) : l.a.Error(ie), P();
}, B = a ? function(z) {
try {
} catch (J) {
R("Error in onProgress callback: " + J, J);
} : void 0, F = function(z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe) {
if (i.importedMeshesFiles.push(p.url), o)
try {
o(z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe);
} catch (ve) {
R("Error in onSuccess callback: " + ve, ve);
return r._LoadData(p, i, function(z, J, ie) {
if (z.rewriteRootURL && (p.rootUrl = z.rewriteRootURL(p.rootUrl, ie)), z.importMesh) {
var se = z, ce = new Array(), ue = new Array(), fe = new Array();
if (!se.importMesh(t, i, J, p.rootUrl, ce, ue, fe, R))
i.loadingPluginName =, F(ce, ue, fe, [], [], [], []);
} else
z.importMeshAsync(t, i, J, p.rootUrl, B, {
i.loadingPluginName =, F(ve.meshes, ve.particleSystems, ve.skeletons, ve.animationGroups, ve.transformNodes, ve.geometries, ve.lights);
}).catch(function(ve) {
R(ve.message, ve);
}, B, R, P, d);
}, r.ImportMeshAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
return n === void 0 && (n = ""), i === void 0 && (i = te.a.LastCreatedScene), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), new Promise(function(s, d) {
r.ImportMesh(t, e, n, i, function(p, y, P, R, B, F, z) {
s({ meshes: p, particleSystems: y, skeletons: P, animationGroups: R, transformNodes: B, geometries: F, lights: z });
}, o, function(p, y, P) {
d(P || new Error(y));
}, a);
}, r.Load = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedEngine), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), n ? r.Append(t, e, new _e.a(n), i, o, a, s) : (Xe.b.Error("No engine available"), null);
}, r.LoadAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedEngine), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), new Promise(function(a, s) {
r.Load(t, e, n, function(d) {
}, i, function(d, p, y) {
s(y || new Error(p));
}, o);
}, r.Append = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), !n)
return l.a.Error("No scene available to append to"), null;
var p = r._GetFileInfo(t, e);
if (!p)
return null;
r.ShowLoadingScreen && !this._showingLoadingScreen && (this._showingLoadingScreen = !0, n.getEngine().displayLoadingUI(), n.executeWhenReady(function() {
n.getEngine().hideLoadingUI(), d._showingLoadingScreen = !1;
var y = {};
var P = function() {
}, R = function(z, J) {
var ie = "Unable to load from " + p.url + (z ? ": " + z : "");
a ? a(n, ie, J) : l.a.Error(ie), P();
}, B = o ? function(z) {
try {
} catch (J) {
R("Error in onProgress callback", J);
} : void 0, F = function() {
if (i)
try {
} catch (z) {
R("Error in onSuccess callback", z);
return r._LoadData(p, n, function(z, J) {
if (z.load) {
if (!z.load(n, J, p.rootUrl, R))
n.loadingPluginName =, F();
} else
z.loadAsync(n, J, p.rootUrl, B, {
n.loadingPluginName =, F();
}).catch(function(ie) {
R(ie.message, ie);
}, B, R, P, s);
}, r.AppendAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), new Promise(function(a, s) {
r.Append(t, e, n, function(d) {
}, i, function(d, p, y) {
s(y || new Error(p));
}, o);
}, r.LoadAssetContainer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), !n)
return l.a.Error("No scene available to load asset container to"), null;
var d = r._GetFileInfo(t, e);
if (!d)
return null;
var p = {};
var y = function() {
}, P = function(F, z) {
var J = "Unable to load assets from " + d.url + (F ? ": " + F : "");
z && z.message && (J += " (" + z.message + ")"), a ? a(n, J, z) : l.a.Error(J), y();
}, R = o ? function(F) {
try {
} catch (z) {
P("Error in onProgress callback", z);
} : void 0, B = function(F) {
if (i)
try {
} catch (z) {
P("Error in onSuccess callback", z);
return r._LoadData(d, n, function(F, z) {
if (F.loadAssetContainer) {
var J = F.loadAssetContainer(n, z, d.rootUrl, P);
if (!J)
n.loadingPluginName =, B(J);
} else
F.loadAssetContainerAsync ? F.loadAssetContainerAsync(n, z, d.rootUrl, R, {
n.loadingPluginName =, B(ie);
}).catch(function(ie) {
P(ie.message, ie);
}) : P("LoadAssetContainer is not supported by this plugin. Plugin did not provide a loadAssetContainer or loadAssetContainerAsync method.");
}, R, P, y, s);
}, r.LoadAssetContainerAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), new Promise(function(a, s) {
r.LoadAssetContainer(t, e, n, function(d) {
}, i, function(d, p, y) {
s(y || new Error(p));
}, o);
}, r.ImportAnimations = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = !0), o === void 0 && (o = vi.Clean), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null), p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = null), n) {
if (i) {
for (var P = 0, R = n.animatables; P < R.length; P++)
n.stopAllAnimations(), n.animationGroups.slice().forEach(function(F) {
}), n.getNodes().forEach(function(F) {
F.animations && (F.animations = []);
} else
switch (o) {
case vi.Clean:
n.animationGroups.slice().forEach(function(F) {
case vi.Stop:
n.animationGroups.forEach(function(F) {
case vi.Sync:
n.animationGroups.forEach(function(F) {
F.reset(), F.restart();
case vi.NoSync:
return void l.a.Error("Unknown animation group loading mode value '" + o + "'");
var B = n.animatables.length;
this.LoadAssetContainer(t, e, n, function(F) {
F.mergeAnimationsTo(n, n.animatables.slice(B), a), F.dispose(), n.onAnimationFileImportedObservable.notifyObservers(n), s && s(n);
}, d, p, y);
} else
l.a.Error("No scene available to load animations to");
}, r.ImportAnimationsAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = te.a.LastCreatedScene), i === void 0 && (i = !0), o === void 0 && (o = vi.Clean), a === void 0 && (a = null), d === void 0 && (d = null), y === void 0 && (y = null), new Promise(function(P, R) {
r.ImportAnimations(t, e, n, i, o, a, function(B) {
}, d, function(B, F, z) {
R(z || new Error(F));
}, y);
}(), ps = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.controllerType = Jn.DAYDREAM, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
Ft.ImportMesh("", t.MODEL_BASE_URL, t.MODEL_FILENAME, e, function(o) {
i._defaultModel = o[1], i.attachToMesh(i._defaultModel), n && n(i._defaultModel);
}, t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
if (e === 0) {
var o = this.onTriggerStateChangedObservable;
o && o.notifyObservers(n);
} else
l.a.Warn("Unrecognized Daydream button index: " + e);
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_FILENAME = "generic.babylon", t.GAMEPAD_ID_PREFIX = "Daydream", t;
Ci._ControllerFactories.push({ canCreate: function(r) {
return === 0;
}, create: function(r) {
return new ps(r);
} });
var _s = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n._buttonIndexToObservableNameMap = ["onPadStateChangedObservable", "onTriggerStateChangedObservable"], n.controllerType = Jn.GEAR_VR, n._calculatedPosition = new u.e(n.hand == "left" ? -0.15 : 0.15, -0.5, 0.25), n._disableTrackPosition(n._calculatedPosition), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
Ft.ImportMesh("", t.MODEL_BASE_URL, t.MODEL_FILENAME, e, function(o) {
var a = new Ie.a("", e);
o[1].parent = a, o[1].position.z = -0.15, i._defaultModel = a, i.attachToMesh(i._defaultModel), n && n(i._defaultModel);
}, t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
if (e < this._buttonIndexToObservableNameMap.length) {
var o = this[this._buttonIndexToObservableNameMap[e]];
o && o.notifyObservers(n);
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_FILENAME = "generic.babylon", t.GAMEPAD_ID_PREFIX = "Gear VR", t;
Ci._ControllerFactories.push({ canCreate: function(r) {
return === 0 ||"Oculus Go") !== -1 ||"Vive Focus") !== -1;
}, create: function(r) {
return new _s(r);
} });
var wo = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
Ft.ImportMesh("", t.MODEL_BASE_URL, t.MODEL_FILENAME, e, function(o) {
i._defaultModel = o[1], i.attachToMesh(i._defaultModel), n && n(i._defaultModel);
}, t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
console.log("Button id: " + e + "state: "), console.dir(n);
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_FILENAME = "generic.babylon", t;
Ci._DefaultControllerFactory = function(r) {
return new wo(r);
var ms = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.onSecondaryTriggerStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onThumbRestChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.controllerType = Jn.OCULUS, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n) {
var i, o = this;
i = this.hand === "left" ? t.MODEL_LEFT_FILENAME : t.MODEL_RIGHT_FILENAME, Ft.ImportMesh("", t._IsQuest ? t.QUEST_MODEL_BASE_URL : t.MODEL_BASE_URL, i, e, function(a) {
o._defaultModel = t._IsQuest ? a[0] : a[1], o.attachToMesh(o._defaultModel), n && n(o._defaultModel);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onAButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
if (this.hand === "right")
return this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable;
throw new Error("No A button on left hand");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onBButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
if (this.hand === "right")
return this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable;
throw new Error("No B button on left hand");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onXButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
if (this.hand === "left")
return this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable;
throw new Error("No X button on right hand");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onYButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
if (this.hand === "left")
return this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable;
throw new Error("No Y button on right hand");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
var o = n, a = this.hand === "right" ? -1 : 1;
switch (e) {
case 0:
return void this.onPadStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 1:
return !t._IsQuest && this._defaultModel && (this._defaultModel.getChildren()[3].rotation.x = 0.2 * -o.value, this._defaultModel.getChildren()[3].position.y = 5e-3 * -o.value, this._defaultModel.getChildren()[3].position.z = 5e-3 * -o.value), void this.onTriggerStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 2:
return !t._IsQuest && this._defaultModel && (this._defaultModel.getChildren()[4].position.x = a * o.value * 35e-4), void this.onSecondaryTriggerStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 3:
return !t._IsQuest && this._defaultModel && (o.pressed ? this._defaultModel.getChildren()[1].position.y = -1e-3 : this._defaultModel.getChildren()[1].position.y = 0), void this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 4:
return !t._IsQuest && this._defaultModel && (o.pressed ? this._defaultModel.getChildren()[2].position.y = -1e-3 : this._defaultModel.getChildren()[2].position.y = 0), void this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 5:
return void this.onThumbRestChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_LEFT_FILENAME = "left.babylon", t.MODEL_RIGHT_FILENAME = "right.babylon", t.QUEST_MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t._IsQuest = !1, t;
Ci._ControllerFactories.push({ canCreate: function(r) {
return Ue.a.LastCreatedEngine && Ue.a.LastCreatedEngine._vrDisplay && Ue.a.LastCreatedEngine._vrDisplay.displayName === "Oculus Quest" && (ms._IsQuest = !0),"Oculus Touch") !== -1;
}, create: function(r) {
return new ms(r);
} });
var Wl = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.controllerType = Jn.VIVE, n._invertLeftStickY = !0, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
Ft.ImportMesh("", t.MODEL_BASE_URL, t.MODEL_FILENAME, e, function(o) {
i._defaultModel = o[1], i.attachToMesh(i._defaultModel), n && n(i._defaultModel);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onLeftButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onRightButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onMenuButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
var o = n;
switch (e) {
case 0:
return void this.onPadStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 1:
return this._defaultModel && (this._defaultModel.getChildren()[6].rotation.x = 0.15 * -o.value), void this.onTriggerStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 2:
return void this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
case 3:
return this._defaultModel && (o.pressed ? this._defaultModel.getChildren()[2].position.y = -1e-3 : this._defaultModel.getChildren()[2].position.y = 0), void this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(o);
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_FILENAME = "wand.babylon", t;
Ci._ControllerFactories.push({ canCreate: function(r) {
return"openvr") !== -1;
}, create: function(r) {
return new Wl(r);
} });
var zf = function() {
this.buttonMeshes = {}, this.axisMeshes = {};
}, Fo = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n._mapping = { buttons: ["thumbstick", "trigger", "grip", "menu", "trackpad"], buttonMeshNames: { trigger: "SELECT", menu: "MENU", grip: "GRASP", thumbstick: "THUMBSTICK_PRESS", trackpad: "TOUCHPAD_PRESS" }, buttonObservableNames: { trigger: "onTriggerStateChangedObservable", menu: "onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable", grip: "onMainButtonStateChangedObservable", thumbstick: "onPadStateChangedObservable", trackpad: "onTrackpadChangedObservable" }, axisMeshNames: ["THUMBSTICK_X", "THUMBSTICK_Y", "TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_X", "TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_Y"], pointingPoseMeshName: ar.POINTING_POSE }, n.onTrackpadChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.trackpad = { x: 0, y: 0 }, n.controllerType = Jn.WINDOWS, n._loadedMeshInfo = null, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onTriggerButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onTriggerStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onMenuButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onGripButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onMainButtonStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onThumbstickButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onPadStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onTouchpadButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onTrackpadChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onTouchpadValuesChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._updateTrackpad = function() {
!this.browserGamepad.axes || this.browserGamepad.axes[2] == this.trackpad.x && this.browserGamepad.axes[3] == this.trackpad.y || (this.trackpad.x = this.browserGamepad.axes[this._mapping.axisMeshNames.indexOf("TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_X")], this.trackpad.y = this.browserGamepad.axes[this._mapping.axisMeshNames.indexOf("TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_Y")], this.onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this.trackpad));
}, t.prototype.update = function() {
if (, this.browserGamepad.axes && (this._updateTrackpad(), this._loadedMeshInfo))
for (var e = 0; e < this._mapping.axisMeshNames.length; e++)
this._lerpAxisTransform(e, this.browserGamepad.axes[e]);
}, t.prototype._handleButtonChange = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this._mapping.buttons[e];
if (o) {
var a = this[this._mapping.buttonObservableNames[o]];
a && a.notifyObservers(n), this._lerpButtonTransform(o, n.value);
}, t.prototype._lerpButtonTransform = function(e, n) {
if (this._loadedMeshInfo) {
var i = this._loadedMeshInfo.buttonMeshes[e];
i && i.unpressed.rotationQuaternion && i.pressed.rotationQuaternion && i.value.rotationQuaternion && (u.b.SlerpToRef(i.unpressed.rotationQuaternion, i.pressed.rotationQuaternion, n, i.value.rotationQuaternion), u.e.LerpToRef(i.unpressed.position, i.pressed.position, n, i.value.position));
}, t.prototype._lerpAxisTransform = function(e, n) {
if (this._loadedMeshInfo) {
var i = this._loadedMeshInfo.axisMeshes[e];
if (i && i.min.rotationQuaternion && i.max.rotationQuaternion && i.value.rotationQuaternion) {
var o = 0.5 * n + 0.5;
u.b.SlerpToRef(i.min.rotationQuaternion, i.max.rotationQuaternion, o, i.value.rotationQuaternion), u.e.LerpToRef(i.min.position, i.max.position, o, i.value.position);
}, t.prototype.initControllerMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a, s = this;
if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), Ft.IsPluginForExtensionAvailable(".glb")) {
var d = "default";
if ( && !i) {
var p =;
d = p && p[0] || d;
a = this.hand === "left" ? t.MODEL_LEFT_FILENAME : t.MODEL_RIGHT_FILENAME, o = t.MODEL_BASE_URL + d + "/";
} else
l.a.Warn("You need to reference GLTF loader to load Windows Motion Controllers model. Falling back to generic models"), o = wo.MODEL_BASE_URL, a = wo.MODEL_FILENAME;
Ft.ImportMesh("", o, a, e, function(y) {
s._loadedMeshInfo = s.processModel(e, y), s._loadedMeshInfo && (s._defaultModel = s._loadedMeshInfo.rootNode, s.attachToMesh(s._defaultModel), n && n(s._defaultModel));
}, null, function(y, P) {
l.a.Log(P), l.a.Warn("Failed to retrieve controller model from the remote server: " + o + a), i || s.initControllerMesh(y, n, !0);
}, t.prototype.processModel = function(e, n) {
for (var i = null, o = new Ie.a( + " " + this.hand, e), a = null, s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
var d = n[s];
if (!d.parent) {
d.isPickable = !1, a = d;
return a ? (a.setParent(o), i = this.createMeshInfo(o)) : l.a.Warn("Could not find root node in model file."), i;
}, t.prototype.createMeshInfo = function(e) {
var n, i = new zf();
for (i.rootNode = e, i.buttonMeshes = {}, i.axisMeshes = {}, n = 0; n < this._mapping.buttons.length; n++) {
var o = this._mapping.buttonMeshNames[this._mapping.buttons[n]];
if (o) {
var a = P(e, o);
if (a) {
var s = { index: n, value: R(a, "VALUE"), pressed: R(a, "PRESSED"), unpressed: R(a, "UNPRESSED") };
s.value && s.pressed && s.unpressed ? i.buttonMeshes[this._mapping.buttons[n]] = s : l.a.Warn("Missing button submesh under mesh with name: " + o + "(VALUE: " + !!s.value + ", PRESSED: " + !!s.pressed + ", UNPRESSED:" + !!s.unpressed + ")");
} else
l.a.Warn("Missing button mesh with name: " + o);
} else
l.a.Log("Skipping unknown button at index: " + n + " with mapped name: " + this._mapping.buttons[n]);
for (n = 0; n < this._mapping.axisMeshNames.length; n++) {
var d = this._mapping.axisMeshNames[n];
if (d) {
var p = P(e, d);
if (p) {
var y = { index: n, value: R(p, "VALUE"), min: R(p, "MIN"), max: R(p, "MAX") };
y.value && y.min && y.max ? i.axisMeshes[n] = y : l.a.Warn("Missing axis submesh under mesh with name: " + d + "(VALUE: " + !!y.value + ", MIN: " + !!y.min + ", MAX:" + !!y.max + ")");
} else
l.a.Warn("Missing axis mesh with name: " + d);
} else
l.a.Log("Skipping unknown axis at index: " + n);
return i.pointingPoseNode = P(e, this._mapping.pointingPoseMeshName), i.pointingPoseNode ? this._pointingPoseNode = i.pointingPoseNode : l.a.Warn("Missing pointing pose mesh with name: " + this._mapping.pointingPoseMeshName), i;
function P(B, F) {
return B.getChildren(function(z) {
return === F;
}, !1)[0];
function R(B, F) {
return B.getChildren(function(z) {
return == F;
}, !0)[0];
}, t.prototype.getForwardRay = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = 100), !this._loadedMeshInfo || !this._loadedMeshInfo.pointingPoseNode)
return, e);
var n = this._loadedMeshInfo.pointingPoseNode.getWorldMatrix(), i = n.getTranslation(), o = new u.e(0, 0, -1), a = u.e.TransformNormal(o, n), s = u.e.Normalize(a);
return new dn.a(i, s, e);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onTrackpadChangedObservable.clear(), this.onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable.clear();
}, t.MODEL_BASE_URL = "", t.MODEL_LEFT_FILENAME = "left.glb", t.MODEL_RIGHT_FILENAME = "right.glb", t.GAMEPAD_ID_PREFIX = "Spatial Controller (Spatial Interaction Source) ", t.GAMEPAD_ID_PATTERN = /([0-9a-zA-Z]+-[0-9a-zA-Z]+)$/, t;
}(Oi), jf = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n._mapping = { buttons: ["trigger", "grip", "trackpad", "thumbstick", "menu"], buttonMeshNames: { trigger: "SELECT", menu: "MENU", grip: "GRASP", thumbstick: "THUMBSTICK_PRESS", trackpad: "TOUCHPAD_PRESS" }, buttonObservableNames: { trigger: "onTriggerStateChangedObservable", menu: "onSecondaryButtonStateChangedObservable", grip: "onMainButtonStateChangedObservable", thumbstick: "onThumbstickStateChangedObservable", trackpad: "onTrackpadChangedObservable" }, axisMeshNames: ["TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_X", "TOUCHPAD_TOUCH_Y", "THUMBSTICK_X", "THUMBSTICK_Y"], pointingPoseMeshName: ar.POINTING_POSE }, n.thumbstickValues = { x: 0, y: 0 }, n.onThumbstickStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onThumbstickValuesChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.onTrackpadChangedObservable = n.onPadStateChangedObservable, n.onTrackpadValuesChangedObservable = n.onPadValuesChangedObservable, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onThumbstickButtonStateChangedObservable", { get: function() {
return this.onThumbstickStateChangedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._updateTrackpad = function() {
!this.browserGamepad.axes || this.browserGamepad.axes[2] == this.thumbstickValues.x && this.browserGamepad.axes[3] == this.thumbstickValues.y || (this.trackpad.x = this.browserGamepad.axes[2], this.trackpad.y = this.browserGamepad.axes[3], this.onThumbstickValuesChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this.trackpad));
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onThumbstickStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onThumbstickValuesChangedObservable.clear();
}, t;
Ci._ControllerFactories.push({ canCreate: function(r) {
return === 0;
}, create: function(r) {
return new Fo(r);
} });
var Bo = f(75), fr = f(63), Ln = f(51), Cn = f(36), Kr = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s, d, p, y, P, R, B;
n === void 0 && (n = I.a.Gray()), i === void 0 && (i = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = 1);
var F =, i) || this;
F._pointerObserver = null, F.snapDistance = 0, F.onSnapObservable = new C.c(), F.uniformScaling = !1, F.sensitivity = 1, F._isEnabled = !0, F._parent = null, F._dragging = !1, F._tmpVector = new u.e(), F._tmpMatrix = new u.a(), F._tmpMatrix2 = new u.a(), F._parent = o, F._coloredMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), F._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor = n, F._coloredMaterial.specularColor = n.subtract(new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), F._hoverMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), F._hoverMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Yellow(), F._disableMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), F._disableMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Gray(), F._disableMaterial.alpha = 0.4, F._gizmoMesh = new Ie.a("axis", i.utilityLayerScene);
var z = F._createGizmoMesh(F._gizmoMesh, a), J = z.arrowMesh, ie = z.arrowTail, se = F._createGizmoMesh(F._gizmoMesh, a + 4, !0);
F._gizmoMesh.lookAt(F._rootMesh.position.add(e)), F._rootMesh.addChild(F._gizmoMesh), F._gizmoMesh.scaling.scaleInPlace(1 / 3);
var ce = J.position.clone(), ue = ie.position.clone(), fe = ie.scaling.clone(), ve = function(xe) {
var Le = xe * (3 / F._rootMesh.scaling.length()) * 6;
J.position.z += Le / 3.5, ie.scaling.y += Le, ie.position.z = J.position.z / 2;
}, Te = function() {
J.position.set(ce.x, ce.y, ce.z), ie.position.set(ue.x, ue.y, ue.z), ie.scaling.set(fe.x, fe.y, fe.z), F._dragging = !1;
F.dragBehavior = new fi.a({ dragAxis: e }), F.dragBehavior.moveAttached = !1, F._rootMesh.addBehavior(F.dragBehavior);
var Re = 0, Ae = new u.e(), Ee = { snapDistance: 0 };
F.dragBehavior.onDragObservable.add(function(xe) {
if (F.attachedNode) {
var Le = F.sensitivity * xe.dragDistance * (3 * F.scaleRatio / F._rootMesh.scaling.length()), Me = !1, we = 0;
F.uniformScaling ? (F.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().decompose(Ae), Ae.normalize(), Ae.y < 0 && Ae.scaleInPlace(-1)) : Ae.copyFrom(e), F.snapDistance == 0 ? Ae.scaleToRef(Le, Ae) : (Re += Le, Math.abs(Re) > F.snapDistance ? (we = Math.floor(Math.abs(Re) / F.snapDistance), Re < 0 && (we *= -1), Re %= F.snapDistance, Ae.scaleToRef(F.snapDistance * we, Ae), Me = !0) : Ae.scaleInPlace(0)), u.a.ScalingToRef(1 + Ae.x, 1 + Ae.y, 1 + Ae.z, F._tmpMatrix2), F._tmpMatrix2.multiplyToRef(F.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix(), F._tmpMatrix), F._tmpMatrix.decompose(F._tmpVector), Math.abs(F._tmpVector.x) < 1e5 && Math.abs(F._tmpVector.y) < 1e5 && Math.abs(F._tmpVector.z) < 1e5 && F.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().copyFrom(F._tmpMatrix), Me && (Ee.snapDistance = F.snapDistance * we, F.onSnapObservable.notifyObservers(Ee)), F._matrixChanged();
}), F.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
F._dragging = !0;
}), F.dragBehavior.onDragObservable.add(function(xe) {
return ve(xe.dragDistance);
}), F.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(Te), (p = (d = (s = o == null ? void 0 : o.uniformScaleGizmo) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.dragBehavior) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.onDragObservable) === null || p === void 0 || p.add(function(xe) {
return ve(;
}), (R = (P = (y = o == null ? void 0 : o.uniformScaleGizmo) === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.dragBehavior) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.onDragEndObservable) === null || R === void 0 || R.add(Te);
var Se = { gizmoMeshes: [J, ie], colliderMeshes: [se.arrowMesh, se.arrowTail], material: F._coloredMaterial, hoverMaterial: F._hoverMaterial, disableMaterial: F._disableMaterial, active: !1 };
(B = F._parent) === null || B === void 0 || B.addToAxisCache(F._gizmoMesh, Se), F._pointerObserver = i.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(xe) {
var Le;
if (!F._customMeshSet && (F._isHovered = Se.colliderMeshes.indexOf((Le = xe == null ? void 0 : xe.pickInfo) === null || Le === void 0 ? void 0 : Le.pickedMesh) != -1, !F._parent)) {
var Me = F._isHovered || F._dragging ? F._hoverMaterial : F._coloredMaterial;
Se.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(we) {
we.material = Me, we.color && (we.color = Me.diffuseColor);
var De = i._getSharedGizmoLight();
return De.includedOnlyMeshes = De.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(F._rootMesh.getChildMeshes()), F;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._createGizmoMesh = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var o = fr.a.CreateBox("yPosMesh", { size: 0.4 * (1 + (n - 1) / 4) }, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), a = ci.a.CreateCylinder("cylinder", { diameterTop: 5e-3 * n, height: 0.275, diameterBottom: 5e-3 * n, tessellation: 96 }, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene);
return o.scaling.scaleInPlace(0.1), o.material = this._coloredMaterial, o.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, o.position.z += 0.3, a.material = this._coloredMaterial, a.position.z += 0.1375, a.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, i && (o.visibility = 0, a.visibility = 0), e.addChild(o), e.addChild(a), { arrowMesh: o, arrowTail: a };
}, t.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(e) {
this.dragBehavior && (this.dragBehavior.enabled = !!e);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._isEnabled = e, e ? this._parent && (this.attachedMesh = this._parent.attachedMesh, this.attachedNode = this._parent.attachedNode) : (this.attachedMesh = null, this.attachedNode = null);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onSnapObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this.dragBehavior.detach(), this._gizmoMesh && this._gizmoMesh.dispose(), [this._coloredMaterial, this._hoverMaterial, this._disableMaterial].forEach(function(e) {
e && e.dispose();
}, t.prototype.setCustomMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
n === void 0 && (n = !1),, e), n && (this._rootMesh.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(o) {
o.material = i._coloredMaterial, o.color && (o.color = i._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor);
}), this._customMeshSet = !1);
}, t;
}(Ln.a), Nn = f(45), sn = f(40), Xl = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = I.a.Gray()), n === void 0 && (n = Cn.a.DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer);
var i =, n) || this;
i._boundingDimensions = new u.e(1, 1, 1), i._renderObserver = null, i._pointerObserver = null, i._scaleDragSpeed = 0.2, i._tmpQuaternion = new u.b(), i._tmpVector = new u.e(0, 0, 0), i._tmpRotationMatrix = new u.a(), i.ignoreChildren = !1, i.includeChildPredicate = null, i.rotationSphereSize = 0.1, i.scaleBoxSize = 0.1, i.fixedDragMeshScreenSize = !1, i.fixedDragMeshBoundsSize = !1, i.fixedDragMeshScreenSizeDistanceFactor = 10, i.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), i.onScaleBoxDragObservable = new C.c(), i.onScaleBoxDragEndObservable = new C.c(), i.onRotationSphereDragObservable = new C.c(), i.onRotationSphereDragEndObservable = new C.c(), i.scalePivot = null, i._existingMeshScale = new u.e(), i._dragMesh = null, i.pointerDragBehavior = new fi.a(), i.updateScale = !1, i._anchorMesh = new Mt.a("anchor", n.utilityLayerScene), i.coloredMaterial = new Nt.a("", n.utilityLayerScene), i.coloredMaterial.disableLighting = !0, i.hoverColoredMaterial = new Nt.a("", n.utilityLayerScene), i.hoverColoredMaterial.disableLighting = !0, i._lineBoundingBox = new Mt.a("", n.utilityLayerScene), i._lineBoundingBox.rotationQuaternion = new u.b();
var o = [];
o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, 0, 0), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, 0)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, 0, 0), new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, 0), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, 0), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0), new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(0, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z), new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z), new u.e(0, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, 0, i._boundingDimensions.z)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.push(sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, i._boundingDimensions.z), new u.e(i._boundingDimensions.x, i._boundingDimensions.y, 0)] }, n.utilityLayerScene)), o.forEach(function(J) {
J.color = e, J.position.addInPlace(new u.e(-i._boundingDimensions.x / 2, -i._boundingDimensions.y / 2, -i._boundingDimensions.z / 2)), J.isPickable = !1, i._lineBoundingBox.addChild(J);
}), i._rootMesh.addChild(i._lineBoundingBox), i.setColor(e), i._rotateSpheresParent = new Mt.a("", n.utilityLayerScene), i._rotateSpheresParent.rotationQuaternion = new u.b();
for (var a = function(J) {
var ie = Nn.a.CreateSphere("", { diameter: 1 }, n.utilityLayerScene);
ie.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), ie.material = s.coloredMaterial, (P = new fi.a({})).moveAttached = !1, P.updateDragPlane = !1, ie.addBehavior(P);
var se = new u.e(1, 0, 0), ce = 0;
P.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
se.copyFrom(ie.forward), ce = 0;
}), P.onDragObservable.add(function(ue) {
if (i.onRotationSphereDragObservable.notifyObservers({}), i.attachedMesh) {
var fe = i.attachedMesh.parent;
if (fe && fe.scaling && fe.scaling.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon(1e-3))
return void l.a.Warn("BoundingBoxGizmo controls are not supported on child meshes with non-uniform parent scaling");
var ve = se, Te = ue.dragPlaneNormal.scale(u.e.Dot(ue.dragPlaneNormal, ve)), Re = ve.subtract(Te).normalizeToNew(), Ae = u.e.Dot(Re, < 0 ? Math.abs( : -Math.abs(;
Ae = Ae / i._boundingDimensions.length() * i._anchorMesh.scaling.length(), i.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion || (i.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(i.attachedMesh.rotation.y, i.attachedMesh.rotation.x, i.attachedMesh.rotation.z)), i._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion || (i._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(i._anchorMesh.rotation.y, i._anchorMesh.rotation.x, i._anchorMesh.rotation.z)), ce += Ae, Math.abs(ce) <= 2 * Math.PI && (J >= 8 ? u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(0, 0, Ae, i._tmpQuaternion) : J >= 4 ? u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(Ae, 0, 0, i._tmpQuaternion) : u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(0, Ae, 0, i._tmpQuaternion), i._anchorMesh.addChild(i.attachedMesh), i._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion.multiplyToRef(i._tmpQuaternion, i._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion), i._anchorMesh.removeChild(i.attachedMesh), i.attachedMesh.setParent(fe)), i.updateBoundingBox(), Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(i.attachedMesh);
}), P.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
i.onDragStartObservable.notifyObservers({}), i._selectNode(ie);
}), P.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
i.onRotationSphereDragEndObservable.notifyObservers({}), i._selectNode(null), i._updateDummy();
}), s._rotateSpheresParent.addChild(ie);
}, s = this, d = 0; d < 12; d++)
i._rootMesh.addChild(i._rotateSpheresParent), i._scaleBoxesParent = new Mt.a("", n.utilityLayerScene), i._scaleBoxesParent.rotationQuaternion = new u.b();
for (var p = 0; p < 3; p++)
for (var y = 0; y < 3; y++)
for (var P, R = function() {
var J = (p === 1 ? 1 : 0) + (y === 1 ? 1 : 0) + (F === 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (J === 1 || J === 3)
return "continue";
var ie = fr.a.CreateBox("", { size: 1 }, n.utilityLayerScene);
ie.material = B.coloredMaterial, ie.metadata = J === 2;
var se = new u.e(p - 1, y - 1, F - 1).normalize();
(P = new fi.a({ dragAxis: se })).updateDragPlane = !1, P.moveAttached = !1, ie.addBehavior(P), P.onDragObservable.add(function(ce) {
if (i.onScaleBoxDragObservable.notifyObservers({}), i.attachedMesh) {
var ue = i.attachedMesh.parent;
if (ue && ue.scaling && ue.scaling.isNonUniformWithinEpsilon(1e-3))
return void l.a.Warn("BoundingBoxGizmo controls are not supported on child meshes with non-uniform parent scaling");
var fe = ce.dragDistance / i._boundingDimensions.length() * i._anchorMesh.scaling.length(), ve = new u.e(fe, fe, fe);
J === 2 && (ve.x *= Math.abs(se.x), ve.y *= Math.abs(se.y), ve.z *= Math.abs(se.z)), ve.scaleInPlace(i._scaleDragSpeed), i.updateBoundingBox(), i.scalePivot ? (i.attachedMesh.getWorldMatrix().getRotationMatrixToRef(i._tmpRotationMatrix), i._boundingDimensions.scaleToRef(0.5, i._tmpVector), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(i._tmpVector, i._tmpRotationMatrix, i._tmpVector), i._anchorMesh.position.subtractInPlace(i._tmpVector), i._boundingDimensions.multiplyToRef(i.scalePivot, i._tmpVector), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(i._tmpVector, i._tmpRotationMatrix, i._tmpVector), i._anchorMesh.position.addInPlace(i._tmpVector)) : (ie.absolutePosition.subtractToRef(i._anchorMesh.position, i._tmpVector), i._anchorMesh.position.subtractInPlace(i._tmpVector)), i._anchorMesh.addChild(i.attachedMesh), i._anchorMesh.scaling.addInPlace(ve), (i._anchorMesh.scaling.x < 0 || i._anchorMesh.scaling.y < 0 || i._anchorMesh.scaling.z < 0) && i._anchorMesh.scaling.subtractInPlace(ve), i._anchorMesh.removeChild(i.attachedMesh), i.attachedMesh.setParent(ue), Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(i.attachedMesh);
}), P.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
i.onDragStartObservable.notifyObservers({}), i._selectNode(ie);
}), P.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
i.onScaleBoxDragEndObservable.notifyObservers({}), i._selectNode(null), i._updateDummy();
}), B._scaleBoxesParent.addChild(ie);
}, B = this, F = 0; F < 3; F++)
var z = new Array();
return i._pointerObserver = n.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(J) {
z[J.event.pointerId] ? J.pickInfo && J.pickInfo.pickedMesh != z[J.event.pointerId] && (z[J.event.pointerId].material = i.coloredMaterial, delete z[J.event.pointerId]) : i._rotateSpheresParent.getChildMeshes().concat(i._scaleBoxesParent.getChildMeshes()).forEach(function(ie) {
J.pickInfo && J.pickInfo.pickedMesh == ie && (z[J.event.pointerId] = ie, ie.material = i.hoverColoredMaterial);
}), i._renderObserver = i.gizmoLayer.originalScene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
i.attachedMesh && !i._existingMeshScale.equals(i.attachedMesh.scaling) ? i.updateBoundingBox() : (i.fixedDragMeshScreenSize || i.fixedDragMeshBoundsSize) && (i._updateRotationSpheres(), i._updateScaleBoxes()), i._dragMesh && i.attachedMesh && i.pointerDragBehavior.dragging && (i._lineBoundingBox.position.rotateByQuaternionToRef(i._rootMesh.rotationQuaternion, i._tmpVector), i.attachedMesh.setAbsolutePosition(i._dragMesh.position.add(i._tmpVector.scale(-1))));
}), i.updateBoundingBox(), i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.setColor = function(e) {
this.coloredMaterial.emissiveColor = e, this.hoverColoredMaterial.emissiveColor = e.clone().add(new I.a(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)), this._lineBoundingBox.getChildren().forEach(function(n) {
n.color && (n.color = e);
}, t.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(e) {
var n = this;
if (e) {
var i = e.parent;
this._anchorMesh.addChild(e), this._anchorMesh.removeChild(e), e.setParent(i), Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(e), this.updateBoundingBox(), e.getChildMeshes(!1).forEach(function(o) {
}), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onAfterRenderObservable.addOnce(function() {
}, t.prototype._selectNode = function(e) {
this._rotateSpheresParent.getChildMeshes().concat(this._scaleBoxesParent.getChildMeshes()).forEach(function(n) {
n.isVisible = !e || n == e;
}, t.prototype.updateBoundingBox = function() {
if (this.attachedMesh) {
var e = this.attachedMesh.parent;
var n = null;
this.attachedMesh.skeleton && (n = this.attachedMesh.skeleton.overrideMesh, this.attachedMesh.skeleton.overrideMesh = null), this._update(), this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion || (this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.attachedMesh.rotation.y, this.attachedMesh.rotation.x, this.attachedMesh.rotation.z)), this._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion || (this._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(this._anchorMesh.rotation.y, this._anchorMesh.rotation.x, this._anchorMesh.rotation.z)), this._anchorMesh.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion), this._tmpQuaternion.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion), this._tmpVector.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.position), this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1), this.attachedMesh.position.set(0, 0, 0);
var i = this.attachedMesh.getHierarchyBoundingVectors(!this.ignoreChildren, this.includeChildPredicate);
i.max.subtractToRef(i.min, this._boundingDimensions), this._lineBoundingBox.scaling.copyFrom(this._boundingDimensions), this._lineBoundingBox.position.set((i.max.x + i.min.x) / 2, (i.max.y + i.min.y) / 2, (i.max.z + i.min.z) / 2), this._rotateSpheresParent.position.copyFrom(this._lineBoundingBox.position), this._scaleBoxesParent.position.copyFrom(this._lineBoundingBox.position), this._lineBoundingBox.computeWorldMatrix(), this._anchorMesh.position.copyFrom(this._lineBoundingBox.absolutePosition), this.attachedMesh.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._tmpQuaternion), this.attachedMesh.position.copyFrom(this._tmpVector), this.attachedMesh.setParent(e), this.attachedMesh.skeleton && (this.attachedMesh.skeleton.overrideMesh = n);
this._updateRotationSpheres(), this._updateScaleBoxes(), this.attachedMesh && (this._existingMeshScale.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.scaling), Un.a._RestorePivotPoint(this.attachedMesh));
}, t.prototype._updateRotationSpheres = function() {
for (var e = this._rotateSpheresParent.getChildMeshes(), n = 0; n < 3; n++)
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (var o = 0; o < 2; o++) {
var a = 4 * n + 2 * i + o;
if (n == 0 && (e[a].position.set(this._boundingDimensions.x / 2, this._boundingDimensions.y * i, this._boundingDimensions.z * o), e[a].position.addInPlace(new u.e(-this._boundingDimensions.x / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.y / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.z / 2)), e[a].lookAt(u.e.Cross(e[a].position.normalizeToNew(), u.e.Right()).normalizeToNew().add(e[a].position))), n == 1 && (e[a].position.set(this._boundingDimensions.x * i, this._boundingDimensions.y / 2, this._boundingDimensions.z * o), e[a].position.addInPlace(new u.e(-this._boundingDimensions.x / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.y / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.z / 2)), e[a].lookAt(u.e.Cross(e[a].position.normalizeToNew(), u.e.Up()).normalizeToNew().add(e[a].position))), n == 2 && (e[a].position.set(this._boundingDimensions.x * i, this._boundingDimensions.y * o, this._boundingDimensions.z / 2), e[a].position.addInPlace(new u.e(-this._boundingDimensions.x / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.y / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.z / 2)), e[a].lookAt(u.e.Cross(e[a].position.normalizeToNew(), u.e.Forward()).normalizeToNew().add(e[a].position))), this.fixedDragMeshScreenSize && this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera) {
e[a].absolutePosition.subtractToRef(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.position, this._tmpVector);
var s = this.rotationSphereSize * this._tmpVector.length() / this.fixedDragMeshScreenSizeDistanceFactor;
e[a].scaling.set(s, s, s);
} else
this.fixedDragMeshBoundsSize ? e[a].scaling.set(this.rotationSphereSize * this._boundingDimensions.x, this.rotationSphereSize * this._boundingDimensions.y, this.rotationSphereSize * this._boundingDimensions.z) : e[a].scaling.set(this.rotationSphereSize, this.rotationSphereSize, this.rotationSphereSize);
}, t.prototype._updateScaleBoxes = function() {
for (var e = this._scaleBoxesParent.getChildMeshes(), n = 0, i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (var o = 0; o < 3; o++)
for (var a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
var s = (i === 1 ? 1 : 0) + (o === 1 ? 1 : 0) + (a === 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (s !== 1 && s !== 3) {
if (e[n])
if (e[n].position.set(this._boundingDimensions.x * (i / 2), this._boundingDimensions.y * (o / 2), this._boundingDimensions.z * (a / 2)), e[n].position.addInPlace(new u.e(-this._boundingDimensions.x / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.y / 2, -this._boundingDimensions.z / 2)), this.fixedDragMeshScreenSize && this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera) {
e[n].absolutePosition.subtractToRef(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.position, this._tmpVector);
var d = this.scaleBoxSize * this._tmpVector.length() / this.fixedDragMeshScreenSizeDistanceFactor;
e[n].scaling.set(d, d, d);
} else
this.fixedDragMeshBoundsSize ? e[n].scaling.set(this.scaleBoxSize * this._boundingDimensions.x, this.scaleBoxSize * this._boundingDimensions.y, this.scaleBoxSize * this._boundingDimensions.z) : e[n].scaling.set(this.scaleBoxSize, this.scaleBoxSize, this.scaleBoxSize);
}, t.prototype.setEnabledRotationAxis = function(e) {
this._rotateSpheresParent.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(n, i) {
i < 4 ? n.setEnabled(e.indexOf("x") != -1) : i < 8 ? n.setEnabled(e.indexOf("y") != -1) : n.setEnabled(e.indexOf("z") != -1);
}, t.prototype.setEnabledScaling = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._scaleBoxesParent.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(i, o) {
var a = e;
n && i.metadata === !0 && (a = !1), i.setEnabled(a);
}, t.prototype._updateDummy = function() {
this._dragMesh && (this._dragMesh.position.copyFrom(this._lineBoundingBox.getAbsolutePosition()), this._dragMesh.scaling.copyFrom(this._lineBoundingBox.scaling), this._dragMesh.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._rootMesh.rotationQuaternion));
}, t.prototype.enableDragBehavior = function() {
this._dragMesh = Ie.a.CreateBox("dummy", 1, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._dragMesh.visibility = 0, this._dragMesh.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), this.pointerDragBehavior.useObjectOrientationForDragging = !1, this._dragMesh.addBehavior(this.pointerDragBehavior);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this.gizmoLayer.originalScene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._renderObserver), this._lineBoundingBox.dispose(), this._rotateSpheresParent.dispose(), this._scaleBoxesParent.dispose(), this._dragMesh && this._dragMesh.dispose(),;
}, t.MakeNotPickableAndWrapInBoundingBox = function(e) {
var n = function(d) {
d.isPickable = !1, d.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(p) {
n(e), e.rotationQuaternion || (e.rotationQuaternion = u.b.RotationYawPitchRoll(e.rotation.y, e.rotation.x, e.rotation.z));
var i = e.position.clone(), o = e.rotationQuaternion.clone();
e.rotationQuaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1), e.position.set(0, 0, 0);
var a = fr.a.CreateBox("box", { size: 1 }, e.getScene()), s = e.getHierarchyBoundingVectors();
return s.max.subtractToRef(s.min, a.scaling), a.scaling.y === 0 && (a.scaling.y = Vt.a), a.scaling.x === 0 && (a.scaling.x = Vt.a), a.scaling.z === 0 && (a.scaling.z = Vt.a), a.position.set((s.max.x + s.min.x) / 2, (s.max.y + s.min.y) / 2, (s.max.z + s.min.z) / 2), e.addChild(a), e.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(o), e.position.copyFrom(i), e.removeChild(a), a.addChild(e), a.visibility = 0, a;
}, t.prototype.setCustomMesh = function(e) {
l.a.Error("Custom meshes are not supported on this gizmo");
}, t;
}(Ln.a), Uo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p;
n === void 0 && (n = I.a.Gray()), i === void 0 && (i = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), o === void 0 && (o = 32), a === void 0 && (a = null), d === void 0 && (d = 1);
var y =, i) || this;
y._pointerObserver = null, y.snapDistance = 0, y.onSnapObservable = new C.c(), y._isEnabled = !0, y._parent = null, y._dragging = !1, y._parent = a, y._coloredMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), y._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor = n, y._coloredMaterial.specularColor = n.subtract(new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), y._hoverMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), y._hoverMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Yellow(), y._disableMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), y._disableMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Gray(), y._disableMaterial.alpha = 0.4, y._gizmoMesh = new Ie.a("", i.utilityLayerScene);
var P = y._createGizmoMesh(y._gizmoMesh, d, o), R = P.rotationMesh, B = P.collider, F = [];
y._rotationCircle = y.setupRotationCircle(F, y._gizmoMesh), y._gizmoMesh.lookAt(y._rootMesh.position.add(e)), y._rootMesh.addChild(y._gizmoMesh), y._gizmoMesh.scaling.scaleInPlace(1 / 3), y.dragBehavior = new fi.a({ dragPlaneNormal: e }), y.dragBehavior.moveAttached = !1, y.dragBehavior.maxDragAngle = 9 * Math.PI / 20, y.dragBehavior._useAlternatePickedPointAboveMaxDragAngle = !0, y._rootMesh.addBehavior(y.dragBehavior);
var z = 0, J = new u.e(), ie = new u.e(), se = new u.a(), ce = new u.e(), ue = new u.e();
y.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function(Se) {
if (y.attachedNode) {
var De = new u.e(0, 0, 1), xe = y._rotationCircle.getDirection(De);
xe.normalize(), y._gizmoMesh.removeChild(y._rotationCircle), J.copyFrom(Se.dragPlanePoint), ie = Se.dragPlanePoint;
var Le = y._rotationCircle.getAbsolutePosition().clone(), Me = y._rotationCircle.getAbsolutePosition().clone().addInPlace(xe), we = Se.dragPlanePoint, Ye = u.e.GetAngleBetweenVectors(Me.subtract(Le), we.subtract(Le), y._rotationCircle.up);
y._rotationCircle.addRotation(0, Ye, 0), y._dragging = !0;
}), y.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
z = 0, y.updateRotationCircle(y._rotationCircle, F, z, ie), y._gizmoMesh.addChild(y._rotationCircle), y._dragging = !1;
var fe = { snapDistance: 0 }, ve = 0, Te = new u.a(), Re = new u.b();
y.dragBehavior.onDragObservable.add(function(Se) {
if (y.attachedNode) {
var De = new u.e(1, 1, 1), xe = new u.b(0, 0, 0, 1), Le = new u.e(0, 0, 0);
y.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().decompose(De, xe, Le);
var Me = Se.dragPlanePoint.subtract(Le).normalize(), we = J.subtract(Le).normalize(), Ye = u.e.Cross(Me, we), et = u.e.Dot(Me, we), nt = Math.atan2(Ye.length(), et);
ce.copyFrom(e), ue.copyFrom(e), y.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh && (xe.toRotationMatrix(se), ue = u.e.TransformCoordinates(ce, se));
var ct = !1;
if (i.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera) {
var Ke = i.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.position.subtract(Le);
u.e.Dot(Ke, ue) > 0 && (ce.scaleInPlace(-1), ue.scaleInPlace(-1), ct = !0);
u.e.Dot(ue, Ye) > 0 && (nt = -nt);
var rt = !1;
if (y.snapDistance != 0)
if (ve += nt, Math.abs(ve) > y.snapDistance) {
var it = Math.floor(Math.abs(ve) / y.snapDistance);
ve < 0 && (it *= -1), ve %= y.snapDistance, nt = y.snapDistance * it, rt = !0;
} else
nt = 0;
z += ct ? -nt : nt, y.updateRotationCircle(y._rotationCircle, F, z, ie);
var qe = Math.sin(nt / 2);
if (Re.set(ce.x * qe, ce.y * qe, ce.z * qe, Math.cos(nt / 2)), Te.determinant() > 0) {
var ut = new u.e();
Re.toEulerAnglesToRef(ut), u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(ut.y, -ut.x, -ut.z, Re);
y.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh ? xe.multiplyToRef(Re, xe) : Re.multiplyToRef(xe, xe), y.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().copyFrom(u.a.Compose(De, xe, Le)), J.copyFrom(Se.dragPlanePoint), rt && (fe.snapDistance = nt, y.onSnapObservable.notifyObservers(fe)), y._matrixChanged();
var Ae = i._getSharedGizmoLight();
Ae.includedOnlyMeshes = Ae.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(y._rootMesh.getChildMeshes(!1));
var Ee = { colliderMeshes: [B], gizmoMeshes: [R], material: y._coloredMaterial, hoverMaterial: y._hoverMaterial, disableMaterial: y._disableMaterial, active: !1 };
return (p = y._parent) === null || p === void 0 || p.addToAxisCache(y._gizmoMesh, Ee), y._pointerObserver = i.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(Se) {
var De;
if (!y._customMeshSet && (y._isHovered = Ee.colliderMeshes.indexOf((De = Se == null ? void 0 : Se.pickInfo) === null || De === void 0 ? void 0 : De.pickedMesh) != -1, !y._parent)) {
var xe = y._isHovered || y._dragging ? y._hoverMaterial : y._coloredMaterial;
Ee.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(Le) {
Le.material = xe, Le.color && (Le.color = xe.diffuseColor);
}), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._createGizmoMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = Ie.a.CreateTorus("ignore", 0.6, 0.03 * n, i, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene);
o.visibility = 0;
var a = Ie.a.CreateTorus("", 0.6, 5e-3 * n, i, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene);
return a.material = this._coloredMaterial, a.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, o.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, e.addChild(a), e.addChild(o), { rotationMesh: a, collider: o };
}, t.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(e) {
this.dragBehavior && (this.dragBehavior.enabled = !!e);
}, t.prototype.setupRotationCircle = function(e, n) {
for (var i = t._CircleConstants.pi2 / t._CircleConstants.tessellation, o = -Math.PI / 2; o < Math.PI / 2 - 1.5; o += i / 2) {
for (var a = [], s = 0; s < t._CircleConstants.pi2 * t._CircleConstants.rotationCircleRange + 0.01; s += i)
if (s < 0) {
var d = t._CircleConstants.radius * Math.sin(s) * Math.cos(o), p = t._CircleConstants.radius * Math.cos(s) * Math.cos(o);
a.push(new u.e(d, 0, p));
} else
a.push(new u.e(0, 0, 0));
var y = new Nt.a("", this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene);
y.diffuseColor = I.a.Yellow(), y.backFaceCulling = !1;
var P = Ie.a.CreateRibbon("rotationCircle", e, !1, !1, 0, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene, !0);
return P.material = y, P.material.alpha = 0.25, P.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, n.addChild(P), P;
}, t.prototype.updateRotationPath = function(e, n) {
for (var i = t._CircleConstants.pi2 / t._CircleConstants.tessellation, o = 0, a = -Math.PI / 2; a < Math.PI / 2 - 1.5; a += i / 2) {
var s = e[o];
if (s)
for (var d = 0, p = 0; p < t._CircleConstants.pi2 * t._CircleConstants.rotationCircleRange + 0.01; p += i) {
if (s[d])
if (p < Math.abs(n)) {
var y = n > 0 ? p : -1 * p, P = n > 0 ? a : -1 * a;
s[d].set(t._CircleConstants.radius * Math.sin(y) * Math.cos(P), 0, t._CircleConstants.radius * Math.cos(y) * Math.cos(P));
} else
s[d].set(0, 0, 0);
}, t.prototype.updateRotationCircle = function(e, n, i, o) {
this.updateRotationPath(n, i), Ie.a.CreateRibbon("rotationCircle", n, !1, !1, 0, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene, void 0, void 0, e.geometry ? e : void 0);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._isEnabled = e, e ? this._parent && (this.attachedMesh = this._parent.attachedMesh) : this.attachedMesh = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onSnapObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this.dragBehavior.detach(), this._gizmoMesh && this._gizmoMesh.dispose(), this._rotationCircle && this._rotationCircle.dispose(), [this._coloredMaterial, this._hoverMaterial, this._disableMaterial].forEach(function(e) {
e && e.dispose();
}, t._CircleConstants = { radius: 0.3, pi2: 2 * Math.PI, tessellation: 70, rotationCircleRange: 4 }, t;
}(Ln.a), Yl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
e === void 0 && (e = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), n === void 0 && (n = 32), i === void 0 && (i = !1), o === void 0 && (o = 1);
var s =, e) || this;
return s.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), s.onDragEndObservable = new C.c(), s._observables = [], s._gizmoAxisCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), s.xGizmo = new Uo(new u.e(1, 0, 0), I.a.Red().scale(0.5), e, n, s, i, o), s.yGizmo = new Uo(new u.e(0, 1, 0), I.a.Green().scale(0.5), e, n, s, i, o), s.zGizmo = new Uo(new u.e(0, 0, 1), I.a.Blue().scale(0.5), e, n, s, i, o), [s.xGizmo, s.yGizmo, s.zGizmo].forEach(function(d) {
d.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
}), d.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
}), s.attachedMesh = null, s.attachedNode = null, a ? a.addToAxisCache(s._gizmoAxisCache) : Ln.a.GizmoAxisPointerObserver(e, s._gizmoAxisCache), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._meshAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = e, this._nodeAttached = e, this._checkBillboardTransform(), [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedMesh = e : n.attachedMesh = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedNode", { get: function() {
return this._nodeAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = null, this._nodeAttached = e, this._checkBillboardTransform(), [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedNode = e : n.attachedNode = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._checkBillboardTransform = function() {
this._nodeAttached && this._nodeAttached.billboardMode && console.log("Rotation Gizmo will not work with transforms in billboard mode.");
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isHovered", { get: function() {
var e = !1;
return [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
e = e || n.isHovered;
}), e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this.xGizmo.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh;
}, set: function(e) {
this.xGizmo && (this.xGizmo.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e, this.yGizmo.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e, this.zGizmo.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "snapDistance", { get: function() {
return this.xGizmo.snapDistance;
}, set: function(e) {
this.xGizmo && (this.xGizmo.snapDistance = e, this.yGizmo.snapDistance = e, this.zGizmo.snapDistance = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scaleRatio", { get: function() {
return this.xGizmo.scaleRatio;
}, set: function(e) {
this.xGizmo && (this.xGizmo.scaleRatio = e, this.yGizmo.scaleRatio = e, this.zGizmo.scaleRatio = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addToAxisCache = function(e, n) {
this._gizmoAxisCache.set(e, n);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
var e = this;
this.xGizmo.dispose(), this.yGizmo.dispose(), this.zGizmo.dispose(), this.onDragStartObservable.clear(), this.onDragEndObservable.clear(), this._observables.forEach(function(n) {
}, t.prototype.setCustomMesh = function(e) {
l.a.Error("Custom meshes are not supported on this gizmo, please set the custom meshes on the gizmos contained within this one (gizmo.xGizmo, gizmo.yGizmo, gizmo.zGizmo)");
}, t;
}(Ln.a), pr = f(46), gs = f(84), Vo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a;
n === void 0 && (n = I.a.Gray()), i === void 0 && (i = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), o === void 0 && (o = null);
var s =, i) || this;
s._pointerObserver = null, s.snapDistance = 0, s.onSnapObservable = new C.c(), s._isEnabled = !1, s._parent = null, s._dragging = !1, s._parent = o, s._coloredMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), s._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor = n, s._coloredMaterial.specularColor = n.subtract(new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), s._hoverMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), s._hoverMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Yellow(), s._disableMaterial = new Nt.a("", i.utilityLayerScene), s._disableMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Gray(), s._disableMaterial.alpha = 0.4, s._gizmoMesh = t._CreatePlane(i.utilityLayerScene, s._coloredMaterial), s._gizmoMesh.lookAt(s._rootMesh.position.add(e)), s._gizmoMesh.scaling.scaleInPlace(1 / 3), s._gizmoMesh.parent = s._rootMesh;
var d = 0, p = new u.e(), y = { snapDistance: 0 };
s.dragBehavior = new fi.a({ dragPlaneNormal: e }), s.dragBehavior.moveAttached = !1, s._rootMesh.addBehavior(s.dragBehavior), s.dragBehavior.onDragObservable.add(function(B) {
if (s.attachedNode) {
if (s.snapDistance == 0)
else if (d += B.dragDistance, Math.abs(d) > s.snapDistance) {
var F = Math.floor(Math.abs(d) / s.snapDistance);
d %= s.snapDistance,, p.scaleInPlace(s.snapDistance * F), s.attachedNode.getWorldMatrix().addTranslationFromFloats(p.x, p.y, p.z), y.snapDistance = s.snapDistance * F, s.onSnapObservable.notifyObservers(y);
}), s.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
s._dragging = !0;
}), s.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
s._dragging = !1;
var P = i._getSharedGizmoLight();
P.includedOnlyMeshes = P.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(s._rootMesh.getChildMeshes(!1));
var R = { gizmoMeshes: s._gizmoMesh.getChildMeshes(), colliderMeshes: s._gizmoMesh.getChildMeshes(), material: s._coloredMaterial, hoverMaterial: s._hoverMaterial, disableMaterial: s._disableMaterial, active: !1 };
return (a = s._parent) === null || a === void 0 || a.addToAxisCache(s._gizmoMesh, R), s._pointerObserver = i.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(B) {
var F;
if (!s._customMeshSet && (s._isHovered = R.colliderMeshes.indexOf((F = B == null ? void 0 : B.pickInfo) === null || F === void 0 ? void 0 : F.pickedMesh) != -1, !s._parent)) {
var z = s._isHovered || s._dragging ? s._hoverMaterial : s._coloredMaterial;
R.gizmoMeshes.forEach(function(J) {
J.material = z;
}), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t._CreatePlane = function(e, n) {
var i = new pr.a("plane", e), o = gs.a.CreatePlane("dragPlane", { width: 0.1375, height: 0.1375, sideOrientation: 2 }, e);
return o.material = n, o.parent = i, i;
}, t.prototype._attachedNodeChanged = function(e) {
this.dragBehavior && (this.dragBehavior.enabled = !!e);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._isEnabled = e, e ? this._parent && (this.attachedNode = this._parent.attachedNode) : this.attachedNode = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onSnapObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this.dragBehavior.detach(),, this._gizmoMesh && this._gizmoMesh.dispose(), [this._coloredMaterial, this._hoverMaterial, this._disableMaterial].forEach(function(e) {
e && e.dispose();
}, t;
}(Ln.a), Kl = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), n === void 0 && (n = 1);
var o =, e) || this;
return o._meshAttached = null, o._nodeAttached = null, o._observables = [], o._gizmoAxisCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), o.onDragEndObservable = new C.c(), o._planarGizmoEnabled = !1, o.xGizmo = new Bo.a(new u.e(1, 0, 0), I.a.Red().scale(0.5), e, o, n), o.yGizmo = new Bo.a(new u.e(0, 1, 0), I.a.Green().scale(0.5), e, o, n), o.zGizmo = new Bo.a(new u.e(0, 0, 1), I.a.Blue().scale(0.5), e, o, n), o.xPlaneGizmo = new Vo(new u.e(1, 0, 0), I.a.Red().scale(0.5), o.gizmoLayer, o), o.yPlaneGizmo = new Vo(new u.e(0, 1, 0), I.a.Green().scale(0.5), o.gizmoLayer, o), o.zPlaneGizmo = new Vo(new u.e(0, 0, 1), I.a.Blue().scale(0.5), o.gizmoLayer, o), [o.xGizmo, o.yGizmo, o.zGizmo, o.xPlaneGizmo, o.yPlaneGizmo, o.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(a) {
a.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
}), a.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
}), o.attachedMesh = null, i ? i.addToAxisCache(o._gizmoAxisCache) : Ln.a.GizmoAxisPointerObserver(e, o._gizmoAxisCache), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._meshAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = e, this._nodeAttached = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedMesh = e : n.attachedMesh = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedNode", { get: function() {
return this._nodeAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = null, this._nodeAttached = null, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedNode = e : n.attachedNode = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isHovered", { get: function() {
var e = !1;
return [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
e = e || n.isHovered;
}), e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "planarGizmoEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._planarGizmoEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this;
this._planarGizmoEnabled = e, [this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(i) {
i && (i.isEnabled = e, e && (i.attachedMesh ? i.attachedMesh = n.attachedMesh : i.attachedNode = n.attachedNode));
}, this);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh;
}, set: function(e) {
this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "snapDistance", { get: function() {
return this._snapDistance;
}, set: function(e) {
this._snapDistance = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.snapDistance = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scaleRatio", { get: function() {
return this._scaleRatio;
}, set: function(e) {
this._scaleRatio = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.scaleRatio = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addToAxisCache = function(e, n) {
this._gizmoAxisCache.set(e, n);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
var e = this;
[this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.xPlaneGizmo, this.yPlaneGizmo, this.zPlaneGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && n.dispose();
}), this._observables.forEach(function(n) {
}), this.onDragStartObservable.clear(), this.onDragEndObservable.clear();
}, t.prototype.setCustomMesh = function(e) {
l.a.Error("Custom meshes are not supported on this gizmo, please set the custom meshes on the gizmos contained within this one (gizmo.xGizmo, gizmo.yGizmo, gizmo.zGizmo,gizmo.xPlaneGizmo, gizmo.yPlaneGizmo, gizmo.zPlaneGizmo)");
}, t;
ht.a.CreatePolyhedron = function(r) {
var t = [];
t[0] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.732051], [1.632993, 0, -0.5773503], [-0.8164966, 1.414214, -0.5773503], [-0.8164966, -1.414214, -0.5773503]], face: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 1], [1, 3, 2]] }, t[1] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.414214], [1.414214, 0, 0], [0, 1.414214, 0], [-1.414214, 0, 0], [0, -1.414214, 0], [0, 0, -1.414214]], face: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 1], [1, 4, 5], [1, 5, 2], [2, 5, 3], [3, 5, 4]] }, t[2] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.070466], [0.7136442, 0, 0.7978784], [-0.3568221, 0.618034, 0.7978784], [-0.3568221, -0.618034, 0.7978784], [0.7978784, 0.618034, 0.3568221], [0.7978784, -0.618034, 0.3568221], [-0.9341724, 0.381966, 0.3568221], [0.1362939, 1, 0.3568221], [0.1362939, -1, 0.3568221], [-0.9341724, -0.381966, 0.3568221], [0.9341724, 0.381966, -0.3568221], [0.9341724, -0.381966, -0.3568221], [-0.7978784, 0.618034, -0.3568221], [-0.1362939, 1, -0.3568221], [-0.1362939, -1, -0.3568221], [-0.7978784, -0.618034, -0.3568221], [0.3568221, 0.618034, -0.7978784], [0.3568221, -0.618034, -0.7978784], [-0.7136442, 0, -0.7978784], [0, 0, -1.070466]], face: [[0, 1, 4, 7, 2], [0, 2, 6, 9, 3], [0, 3, 8, 5, 1], [1, 5, 11, 10, 4], [2, 7, 13, 12, 6], [3, 9, 15, 14, 8], [4, 10, 16, 13, 7], [5, 8, 14, 17, 11], [6, 12, 18, 15, 9], [10, 11, 17, 19, 16], [12, 13, 16, 19, 18], [14, 15, 18, 19, 17]] }, t[3] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.175571], [1.051462, 0, 0.5257311], [0.3249197, 1, 0.5257311], [-0.8506508, 0.618034, 0.5257311], [-0.8506508, -0.618034, 0.5257311], [0.3249197, -1, 0.5257311], [0.8506508, 0.618034, -0.5257311], [0.8506508, -0.618034, -0.5257311], [-0.3249197, 1, -0.5257311], [-1.051462, 0, -0.5257311], [-0.3249197, -1, -0.5257311], [0, 0, -1.175571]], face: [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 5], [0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 7], [1, 7, 6], [1, 6, 2], [2, 6, 8], [2, 8, 3], [3, 8, 9], [3, 9, 4], [4, 9, 10], [4, 10, 5], [5, 10, 7], [6, 7, 11], [6, 11, 8], [7, 10, 11], [8, 11, 9], [9, 11, 10]] }, t[4] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.070722], [0.7148135, 0, 0.7971752], [-0.104682, 0.7071068, 0.7971752], [-0.6841528, 0.2071068, 0.7971752], [-0.104682, -0.7071068, 0.7971752], [0.6101315, 0.7071068, 0.5236279], [1.04156, 0.2071068, 0.1367736], [0.6101315, -0.7071068, 0.5236279], [-0.3574067, 1, 0.1367736], [-0.7888348, -0.5, 0.5236279], [-0.9368776, 0.5, 0.1367736], [-0.3574067, -1, 0.1367736], [0.3574067, 1, -0.1367736], [0.9368776, -0.5, -0.1367736], [0.7888348, 0.5, -0.5236279], [0.3574067, -1, -0.1367736], [-0.6101315, 0.7071068, -0.5236279], [-1.04156, -0.2071068, -0.1367736], [-0.6101315, -0.7071068, -0.5236279], [0.104682, 0.7071068, -0.7971752], [0.6841528, -0.2071068, -0.7971752], [0.104682, -0.7071068, -0.7971752], [-0.7148135, 0, -0.7971752], [0, 0, -1.070722]], face: [[0, 2, 3], [1, 6, 5], [4, 9, 11], [7, 15, 13], [8, 16, 10], [12, 14, 19], [17, 22, 18], [20, 21, 23], [0, 1, 5, 2], [0, 3, 9, 4], [0, 4, 7, 1], [1, 7, 13, 6], [2, 5, 12, 8], [2, 8, 10, 3], [3, 10, 17, 9], [4, 11, 15, 7], [5, 6, 14, 12], [6, 13, 20, 14], [8, 12, 19, 16], [9, 17, 18, 11], [10, 16, 22, 17], [11, 18, 21, 15], [13, 15, 21, 20], [14, 20, 23, 19], [16, 19, 23, 22], [18, 22, 23, 21]] }, t[5] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.322876], [1.309307, 0, 0.1889822], [-0.9819805, 0.8660254, 0.1889822], [0.1636634, -1.299038, 0.1889822], [0.3273268, 0.8660254, -0.9449112], [-0.8183171, -0.4330127, -0.9449112]], face: [[0, 3, 1], [2, 4, 5], [0, 1, 4, 2], [0, 2, 5, 3], [1, 3, 5, 4]] }, t[6] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.159953], [1.013464, 0, 0.5642542], [-0.3501431, 0.9510565, 0.5642542], [-0.7715208, -0.6571639, 0.5642542], [0.6633206, 0.9510565, -0.03144481], [0.8682979, -0.6571639, -0.3996071], [-1.121664, 0.2938926, -0.03144481], [-0.2348831, -1.063314, -0.3996071], [0.5181548, 0.2938926, -0.9953061], [-0.5850262, -0.112257, -0.9953061]], face: [[0, 1, 4, 2], [0, 2, 6, 3], [1, 5, 8, 4], [3, 6, 9, 7], [5, 7, 9, 8], [0, 3, 7, 5, 1], [2, 4, 8, 9, 6]] }, t[7] = { vertex: [[0, 0, 1.118034], [0.8944272, 0, 0.6708204], [-0.2236068, 0.8660254, 0.6708204], [-0.7826238, -0.4330127, 0.6708204], [0.6708204, 0.8660254, 0.2236068], [1.006231, -0.4330127, -0.2236068], [-1.006231, 0.4330127, 0.2236068], [-0.6708204, -0.8660254, -0.2236068], [0.7826238, 0.4330127, -0.6708204], [0.2236068, -0.8660254, -0.6708204], [-0.8944272, 0, -0.6708204], [0, 0, -1.118034]], face: [[0, 1, 4, 2], [0, 2, 6, 3], [1, 5, 8, 4], [3, 6, 10, 7], [5, 9, 11, 8], [7, 10, 11, 9], [0, 3, 7, 9, 5, 1], [2, 4, 8, 11, 10, 6]] }, t[8] = { vertex: [[-0.729665, 0.670121, 0.319155], [-0.655235, -0.29213, -0.754096], [-0.093922, -0.607123, 0.537818], [0.702196, 0.595691, 0.485187], [0.776626, -0.36656, -0.588064]], face: [[1, 4, 2], [0, 1, 2], [3, 0, 2], [4, 3, 2], [4, 1, 0, 3]] }, t[9] = { vertex: [[-0.868849, -0.100041, 0.61257], [-0.329458, 0.976099, 0.28078], [-0.26629, -0.013796, -0.477654], [-0.13392, -1.034115, 0.229829], [0.738834, 0.707117, -0.307018], [0.859683, -0.535264, -0.338508]], face: [[3, 0, 2], [5, 3, 2], [4, 5, 2], [1, 4, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 3, 5, 4, 1]] }, t[10] = { vertex: [[-0.610389, 0.243975, 0.531213], [-0.187812, -0.48795, -0.664016], [-0.187812, 0.9759, -0.664016], [0.187812, -0.9759, 0.664016], [0.798201, 0.243975, 0.132803]], face: [[1, 3, 0], [3, 4, 0], [3, 1, 4], [0, 2, 1], [0, 4, 2], [2, 4, 1]] }, t[11] = { vertex: [[-1.028778, 0.392027, -0.048786], [-0.640503, -0.646161, 0.621837], [-0.125162, -0.395663, -0.540059], [4683e-6, 0.888447, -0.651988], [0.125161, 0.395663, 0.540059], [0.632925, -0.791376, 0.433102], [1.031672, 0.157063, -0.354165]], face: [[3, 2, 0], [2, 1, 0], [2, 5, 1], [0, 4, 3], [0, 1, 4], [4, 1, 5], [2, 3, 6], [3, 4, 6], [5, 2, 6], [4, 5, 6]] }, t[12] = { vertex: [[-0.669867, 0.334933, -0.529576], [-0.669867, 0.334933, 0.529577], [-0.4043, 1.212901, 0], [-0.334933, -0.669867, -0.529576], [-0.334933, -0.669867, 0.529577], [0.334933, 0.669867, -0.529576], [0.334933, 0.669867, 0.529577], [0.4043, -1.212901, 0], [0.669867, -0.334933, -0.529576], [0.669867, -0.334933, 0.529577]], face: [[8, 9, 7], [6, 5, 2], [3, 8, 7], [5, 0, 2], [4, 3, 7], [0, 1, 2], [9, 4, 7], [1, 6, 2], [9, 8, 5, 6], [8, 3, 0, 5], [3, 4, 1, 0], [4, 9, 6, 1]] }, t[13] = { vertex: [[-0.931836, 0.219976, -0.264632], [-0.636706, 0.318353, 0.692816], [-0.613483, -0.735083, -0.264632], [-0.326545, 0.979634, 0], [-0.318353, -0.636706, 0.692816], [-0.159176, 0.477529, -0.856368], [0.159176, -0.477529, -0.856368], [0.318353, 0.636706, 0.692816], [0.326545, -0.979634, 0], [0.613482, 0.735082, -0.264632], [0.636706, -0.318353, 0.692816], [0.931835, -0.219977, -0.264632]], face: [[11, 10, 8], [7, 9, 3], [6, 11, 8], [9, 5, 3], [2, 6, 8], [5, 0, 3], [4, 2, 8], [0, 1, 3], [10, 4, 8], [1, 7, 3], [10, 11, 9, 7], [11, 6, 5, 9], [6, 2, 0, 5], [2, 4, 1, 0], [4, 10, 7, 1]] }, t[14] = { vertex: [[-0.93465, 0.300459, -0.271185], [-0.838689, -0.260219, -0.516017], [-0.711319, 0.717591, 0.128359], [-0.710334, -0.156922, 0.080946], [-0.599799, 0.556003, -0.725148], [-0.503838, -4675e-6, -0.969981], [-0.487004, 0.26021, 0.48049], [-0.460089, -0.750282, -0.512622], [-0.376468, 0.973135, -0.325605], [-0.331735, -0.646985, 0.084342], [-0.254001, 0.831847, 0.530001], [-0.125239, -0.494738, -0.966586], [0.029622, 0.027949, 0.730817], [0.056536, -0.982543, -0.262295], [0.08085, 1.087391, 0.076037], [0.125583, -0.532729, 0.485984], [0.262625, 0.599586, 0.780328], [0.391387, -0.726999, -0.716259], [0.513854, -0.868287, 0.139347], [0.597475, 0.85513, 0.326364], [0.641224, 0.109523, 0.783723], [0.737185, -0.451155, 0.538891], [0.848705, -0.612742, -0.314616], [0.976075, 0.365067, 0.32976], [1.072036, -0.19561, 0.084927]], face: [[15, 18, 21], [12, 20, 16], [6, 10, 2], [3, 0, 1], [9, 7, 13], [2, 8, 4, 0], [0, 4, 5, 1], [1, 5, 11, 7], [7, 11, 17, 13], [13, 17, 22, 18], [18, 22, 24, 21], [21, 24, 23, 20], [20, 23, 19, 16], [16, 19, 14, 10], [10, 14, 8, 2], [15, 9, 13, 18], [12, 15, 21, 20], [6, 12, 16, 10], [3, 6, 2, 0], [9, 3, 1, 7], [9, 15, 12, 6, 3], [22, 17, 11, 5, 4, 8, 14, 19, 23, 24]] };
var e, n, i, o, a, s, d = r.type && (r.type < 0 || r.type >= t.length) ? 0 : r.type || 0, p = r.size, y = r.sizeX || p || 1, P = r.sizeY || p || 1, R = r.sizeZ || p || 1, B = r.custom || t[d], F = B.face.length, z = r.faceUV || new Array(F), J = r.faceColors, ie = r.flat === void 0 || r.flat, se = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE, ce = new Array(), ue = new Array(), fe = new Array(), ve = new Array(), Te = new Array(), Re = 0, Ae = 0, Ee = new Array(), Se = 0, De = 0;
if (ie)
for (De = 0; De < F; De++)
J && J[De] === void 0 && (J[De] = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1)), z && z[De] === void 0 && (z[De] = new u.f(0, 0, 1, 1));
if (ie)
for (De = 0; De < F; De++) {
var xe = B.face[De].length;
for (i = 2 * Math.PI / xe, o = 0.5 * Math.tan(i / 2), a = 0.5, Se = 0; Se < xe; Se++)
ce.push(B.vertex[B.face[De][Se]][0] * y, B.vertex[B.face[De][Se]][1] * P, B.vertex[B.face[De][Se]][2] * R), Ee.push(Re), Re++, e = z[De].x + (z[De].z - z[De].x) * (0.5 + o), n = z[De].y + (z[De].w - z[De].y) * (a - 0.5), ve.push(e, n), s = o * Math.cos(i) - a * Math.sin(i), a = o * Math.sin(i) + a * Math.cos(i), o = s, J && Te.push(J[De].r, J[De].g, J[De].b, J[De].a);
for (Se = 0; Se < xe - 2; Se++)
ue.push(Ee[0 + Ae], Ee[Se + 2 + Ae], Ee[Se + 1 + Ae]);
Ae += xe;
else {
for (Se = 0; Se < B.vertex.length; Se++)
ce.push(B.vertex[Se][0] * y, B.vertex[Se][1] * P, B.vertex[Se][2] * R), ve.push(0, 0);
for (De = 0; De < F; De++)
for (Se = 0; Se < B.face[De].length - 2; Se++)
ue.push(B.face[De][0], B.face[De][Se + 2], B.face[De][Se + 1]);
ht.a.ComputeNormals(ce, ue, fe), ht.a._ComputeSides(se, ce, ue, fe, ve, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var Le = new ht.a();
return Le.positions = ce, Le.indices = ue, Le.normals = fe, Le.uvs = ve, J && ie && (Le.colors = Te), Le;
}, Ie.a.CreatePolyhedron = function(r, t, e) {
return Qr.CreatePolyhedron(r, t, e);
var Qr = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreatePolyhedron = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreatePolyhedron(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
}(), Ql = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), n === void 0 && (n = 1);
var o =, e) || this;
return o._meshAttached = null, o._nodeAttached = null, o._sensitivity = 1, o._observables = [], o._gizmoAxisCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o.onDragStartObservable = new C.c(), o.onDragEndObservable = new C.c(), o.uniformScaleGizmo = o._createUniformScaleMesh(), o.xGizmo = new Kr(new u.e(1, 0, 0), I.a.Red().scale(0.5), e, o, n), o.yGizmo = new Kr(new u.e(0, 1, 0), I.a.Green().scale(0.5), e, o, n), o.zGizmo = new Kr(new u.e(0, 0, 1), I.a.Blue().scale(0.5), e, o, n), [o.xGizmo, o.yGizmo, o.zGizmo, o.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(a) {
a.dragBehavior.onDragStartObservable.add(function() {
}), a.dragBehavior.onDragEndObservable.add(function() {
}), o.attachedMesh = null, o.attachedNode = null, i ? i.addToAxisCache(o._gizmoAxisCache) : Ln.a.GizmoAxisPointerObserver(e, o._gizmoAxisCache), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._meshAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = e, this._nodeAttached = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedMesh = e : n.attachedMesh = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "attachedNode", { get: function() {
return this._nodeAttached;
}, set: function(e) {
this._meshAttached = null, this._nodeAttached = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n.isEnabled ? n.attachedNode = e : n.attachedNode = null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isHovered", { get: function() {
var e = !1;
return [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
e = e || n.isHovered;
}), e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._createUniformScaleMesh = function() {
this._coloredMaterial = new Nt.a("", this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._coloredMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Gray(), this._hoverMaterial = new Nt.a("", this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._hoverMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Yellow(), this._disableMaterial = new Nt.a("", this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._disableMaterial.diffuseColor = I.a.Gray(), this._disableMaterial.alpha = 0.4;
var e = new Kr(new u.e(0, 1, 0), I.a.Gray().scale(0.5), this.gizmoLayer, this);
e.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = !1, e.uniformScaling = !0, this._uniformScalingMesh = Qr.CreatePolyhedron("uniform", { type: 1 }, e.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._uniformScalingMesh.scaling.scaleInPlace(0.01), this._uniformScalingMesh.visibility = 0, this._octahedron = Qr.CreatePolyhedron("", { type: 1 }, e.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._octahedron.scaling.scaleInPlace(7e-3), this._uniformScalingMesh.addChild(this._octahedron), e.setCustomMesh(this._uniformScalingMesh, !0);
var n = this.gizmoLayer._getSharedGizmoLight();
n.includedOnlyMeshes = n.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(this._octahedron);
var i = { gizmoMeshes: [this._octahedron, this._uniformScalingMesh], colliderMeshes: [this._uniformScalingMesh], material: this._coloredMaterial, hoverMaterial: this._hoverMaterial, disableMaterial: this._disableMaterial, active: !1 };
return this.addToAxisCache(e._rootMesh, i), e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh", { get: function() {
return this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh;
}, set: function(e) {
e ? (this._updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = e);
})) : l.a.Warn("Setting updateGizmoRotationToMatchAttachedMesh = false on scaling gizmo is not supported.");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "snapDistance", { get: function() {
return this._snapDistance;
}, set: function(e) {
this._snapDistance = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.snapDistance = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scaleRatio", { get: function() {
return this._scaleRatio;
}, set: function(e) {
this._scaleRatio = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.scaleRatio = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sensitivity", { get: function() {
return this._sensitivity;
}, set: function(e) {
this._sensitivity = e, [this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && (n.sensitivity = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addToAxisCache = function(e, n) {
this._gizmoAxisCache.set(e, n);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
var e = this;
[this.xGizmo, this.yGizmo, this.zGizmo, this.uniformScaleGizmo].forEach(function(n) {
n && n.dispose();
}), this._observables.forEach(function(n) {
}), this.onDragStartObservable.clear(), this.onDragEndObservable.clear(), [this._uniformScalingMesh, this._octahedron].forEach(function(n) {
n && n.dispose();
}), [this._coloredMaterial, this._hoverMaterial, this._disableMaterial].forEach(function(n) {
n && n.dispose();
}, t;
}(Ln.a), Hf = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer), i === void 0 && (i = Cn.a.DefaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer), this.scene = t, this.clearGizmoOnEmptyPointerEvent = !1, this.onAttachedToMeshObservable = new C.c(), this.onAttachedToNodeObservable = new C.c(), this._gizmosEnabled = { positionGizmo: !1, rotationGizmo: !1, scaleGizmo: !1, boundingBoxGizmo: !1 }, this._pointerObservers = [], this._attachedMesh = null, this._attachedNode = null, this._boundingBoxColor = I.a.FromHexString("#0984e3"), this._thickness = 1, this._gizmoAxisCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.boundingBoxDragBehavior = new Jc(), this.attachableMeshes = null, this.attachableNodes = null, this.usePointerToAttachGizmos = !0, this._defaultUtilityLayer = n, this._defaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer = i, this._defaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer.utilityLayerScene.autoClearDepthAndStencil = !1, this._thickness = e, this.gizmos = { positionGizmo: null, rotationGizmo: null, scaleGizmo: null, boundingBoxGizmo: null };
var o = this._attachToMeshPointerObserver(t), a = Ln.a.GizmoAxisPointerObserver(this._defaultUtilityLayer, this._gizmoAxisCache);
this._pointerObservers = [o, a];
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "keepDepthUtilityLayer", { get: function() {
return this._defaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "utilityLayer", { get: function() {
return this._defaultUtilityLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isHovered", { get: function() {
var t = !1;
for (var e in this.gizmos) {
var n = this.gizmos[e];
if (n && n.isHovered) {
t = !0;
return t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._attachToMeshPointerObserver = function(t) {
var e = this;
return t.onPointerObservable.add(function(n) {
if (e.usePointerToAttachGizmos && n.type == yt.a.POINTERDOWN)
if (n.pickInfo && n.pickInfo.pickedMesh) {
var i = n.pickInfo.pickedMesh;
if (e.attachableMeshes == null)
for (; i && i.parent != null; )
i = i.parent;
else {
var o = !1;
e.attachableMeshes.forEach(function(a) {
i && (i == a || i.isDescendantOf(a)) && (i = a, o = !0);
}), o || (i = null);
i instanceof Mt.a ? e._attachedMesh != i && e.attachToMesh(i) : e.clearGizmoOnEmptyPointerEvent && e.attachToMesh(null);
} else
e.clearGizmoOnEmptyPointerEvent && e.attachToMesh(null);
}, r.prototype.attachToMesh = function(t) {
for (var e in this._attachedMesh && this._attachedMesh.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedNode && this._attachedNode.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedMesh = t, this._attachedNode = null, this.gizmos) {
var n = this.gizmos[e];
n && this._gizmosEnabled[e] && (n.attachedMesh = t);
this.boundingBoxGizmoEnabled && this._attachedMesh && this._attachedMesh.addBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this.onAttachedToMeshObservable.notifyObservers(t);
}, r.prototype.attachToNode = function(t) {
for (var e in this._attachedMesh && this._attachedMesh.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedNode && this._attachedNode.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedMesh = null, this._attachedNode = t, this.gizmos) {
var n = this.gizmos[e];
n && this._gizmosEnabled[e] && (n.attachedNode = t);
this.boundingBoxGizmoEnabled && this._attachedNode && this._attachedNode.addBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this.onAttachedToNodeObservable.notifyObservers(t);
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "positionGizmoEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._gizmosEnabled.positionGizmo;
}, set: function(t) {
t ? (this.gizmos.positionGizmo || (this.gizmos.positionGizmo = new Kl(this._defaultUtilityLayer, this._thickness, this)), this._attachedNode ? this.gizmos.positionGizmo.attachedNode = this._attachedNode : this.gizmos.positionGizmo.attachedMesh = this._attachedMesh) : this.gizmos.positionGizmo && (this.gizmos.positionGizmo.attachedNode = null), this._gizmosEnabled.positionGizmo = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rotationGizmoEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._gizmosEnabled.rotationGizmo;
}, set: function(t) {
t ? (this.gizmos.rotationGizmo || (this.gizmos.rotationGizmo = new Yl(this._defaultUtilityLayer, 32, !1, this._thickness, this)), this._attachedNode ? this.gizmos.rotationGizmo.attachedNode = this._attachedNode : this.gizmos.rotationGizmo.attachedMesh = this._attachedMesh) : this.gizmos.rotationGizmo && (this.gizmos.rotationGizmo.attachedNode = null), this._gizmosEnabled.rotationGizmo = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "scaleGizmoEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._gizmosEnabled.scaleGizmo;
}, set: function(t) {
t ? (this.gizmos.scaleGizmo = this.gizmos.scaleGizmo || new Ql(this._defaultUtilityLayer, this._thickness, this), this._attachedNode ? this.gizmos.scaleGizmo.attachedNode = this._attachedNode : this.gizmos.scaleGizmo.attachedMesh = this._attachedMesh) : this.gizmos.scaleGizmo && (this.gizmos.scaleGizmo.attachedNode = null), this._gizmosEnabled.scaleGizmo = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "boundingBoxGizmoEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._gizmosEnabled.boundingBoxGizmo;
}, set: function(t) {
t ? (this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo = this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo || new Xl(this._boundingBoxColor, this._defaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer), this._attachedMesh ? this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo.attachedMesh = this._attachedMesh : this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo.attachedNode = this._attachedNode, this._attachedMesh ? (this._attachedMesh.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedMesh.addBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior)) : this._attachedNode && (this._attachedNode.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this._attachedNode.addBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior))) : this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo && (this._attachedMesh ? this._attachedMesh.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior) : this._attachedNode && this._attachedNode.removeBehavior(this.boundingBoxDragBehavior), this.gizmos.boundingBoxGizmo.attachedNode = null), this._gizmosEnabled.boundingBoxGizmo = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addToAxisCache = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.size > 0 && t.forEach(function(n, i) {
e._gizmoAxisCache.set(i, n);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this;
for (var e in this._pointerObservers.forEach(function(i) {
}), this.gizmos) {
var n = this.gizmos[e];
n && n.dispose();
this._defaultKeepDepthUtilityLayer.dispose(), this._defaultUtilityLayer.dispose(), this.boundingBoxDragBehavior.detach(), this.onAttachedToMeshObservable.clear();
}, r;
}(), bi = f(48), ko = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return e._needProjectionMatrixCompute = !0, e;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._setPosition = function(e) {
this._position = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._position;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._setDirection = function(e) {
this._direction = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "direction", { get: function() {
return this._direction;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowMinZ", { get: function() {
return this._shadowMinZ;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowMinZ = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowMaxZ", { get: function() {
return this._shadowMaxZ;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowMaxZ = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.computeTransformedInformation = function() {
return !(!this.parent || !this.parent.getWorldMatrix) && (this.transformedPosition || (this.transformedPosition = u.e.Zero()), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this.position, this.parent.getWorldMatrix(), this.transformedPosition), this.direction && (this.transformedDirection || (this.transformedDirection = u.e.Zero()), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this.direction, this.parent.getWorldMatrix(), this.transformedDirection)), !0);
}, t.prototype.getDepthScale = function() {
return 50;
}, t.prototype.getShadowDirection = function(e) {
return this.transformedDirection ? this.transformedDirection : this.direction;
}, t.prototype.getAbsolutePosition = function() {
return this.transformedPosition ? this.transformedPosition : this.position;
}, t.prototype.setDirectionToTarget = function(e) {
return this.direction = u.e.Normalize(e.subtract(this.position)), this.direction;
}, t.prototype.getRotation = function() {
var e = u.e.Cross(this.direction, be.a.Y), n = u.e.Cross(e, this.direction);
return u.e.RotationFromAxis(e, n, this.direction);
}, t.prototype.needCube = function() {
return !1;
}, t.prototype.needProjectionMatrixCompute = function() {
return this._needProjectionMatrixCompute;
}, t.prototype.forceProjectionMatrixCompute = function() {
this._needProjectionMatrixCompute = !0;
}, t.prototype._initCache = function() {, this._cache.position = u.e.Zero();
}, t.prototype._isSynchronized = function() {
return !!this._cache.position.equals(this.position);
}, t.prototype.computeWorldMatrix = function(e) {
return !e && this.isSynchronized() ? (this._currentRenderId = this.getScene().getRenderId(), this._worldMatrix) : (this._updateCache(), this._cache.position.copyFrom(this.position), this._worldMatrix || (this._worldMatrix = u.a.Identity()), u.a.TranslationToRef(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z, this._worldMatrix), this.parent && this.parent.getWorldMatrix && (this._worldMatrix.multiplyToRef(this.parent.getWorldMatrix(), this._worldMatrix), this._markSyncedWithParent()), this._worldMatrixDeterminantIsDirty = !0, this._worldMatrix);
}, t.prototype.getDepthMinZ = function(e) {
return this.shadowMinZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMinZ : e.minZ;
}, t.prototype.getDepthMaxZ = function(e) {
return this.shadowMaxZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMaxZ : e.maxZ;
}, t.prototype.setShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
return this.customProjectionMatrixBuilder ? this.customProjectionMatrixBuilder(n, i, e) : this._setDefaultShadowProjectionMatrix(e, n, i), this;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "position", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "direction", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowMinZ", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowMaxZ", null), t;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("Light_Type_1", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new vs(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var vs = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o._shadowFrustumSize = 0, o._shadowOrthoScale = 0.1, o.autoUpdateExtends = !0, o.autoCalcShadowZBounds = !1, o._orthoLeft = Number.MAX_VALUE, o._orthoRight = Number.MIN_VALUE, o._orthoTop = Number.MIN_VALUE, o._orthoBottom = Number.MAX_VALUE, o.position = n.scale(-1), o.direction = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowFrustumSize", { get: function() {
return this._shadowFrustumSize;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowFrustumSize = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowOrthoScale", { get: function() {
return this._shadowOrthoScale;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowOrthoScale = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DirectionalLight";
}, t.prototype.getTypeID = function() {
}, t.prototype._setDefaultShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
this.shadowFrustumSize > 0 ? this._setDefaultFixedFrustumShadowProjectionMatrix(e) : this._setDefaultAutoExtendShadowProjectionMatrix(e, n, i);
}, t.prototype._setDefaultFixedFrustumShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e) {
var n = this.getScene().activeCamera;
n && u.a.OrthoLHToRef(this.shadowFrustumSize, this.shadowFrustumSize, this.shadowMinZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMinZ : n.minZ, this.shadowMaxZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMaxZ : n.maxZ, e);
}, t.prototype._setDefaultAutoExtendShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene().activeCamera;
if (o) {
if (this.autoUpdateExtends || this._orthoLeft === Number.MAX_VALUE) {
var a = u.e.Zero();
this._orthoLeft = Number.MAX_VALUE, this._orthoRight = Number.MIN_VALUE, this._orthoTop = Number.MIN_VALUE, this._orthoBottom = Number.MAX_VALUE;
for (var s = Number.MAX_VALUE, d = Number.MIN_VALUE, p = 0; p < i.length; p++) {
var y = i[p];
if (y)
for (var P = y.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox, R = 0; R < P.vectorsWorld.length; R++)
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(P.vectorsWorld[R], n, a), a.x < this._orthoLeft && (this._orthoLeft = a.x), a.y < this._orthoBottom && (this._orthoBottom = a.y), a.x > this._orthoRight && (this._orthoRight = a.x), a.y > this._orthoTop && (this._orthoTop = a.y), this.autoCalcShadowZBounds && (a.z < s && (s = a.z), a.z > d && (d = a.z));
this.autoCalcShadowZBounds && (this._shadowMinZ = s, this._shadowMaxZ = d);
var B = this._orthoRight - this._orthoLeft, F = this._orthoTop - this._orthoBottom;
u.a.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(this._orthoLeft - B * this.shadowOrthoScale, this._orthoRight + B * this.shadowOrthoScale, this._orthoBottom - F * this.shadowOrthoScale, this._orthoTop + F * this.shadowOrthoScale, this.shadowMinZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMinZ : o.minZ, this.shadowMaxZ !== void 0 ? this.shadowMaxZ : o.maxZ, e);
}, t.prototype._buildUniformLayout = function() {
this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightData", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightDiffuse", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightSpecular", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("shadowsInfo", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("depthValues", 2), this._uniformBuffer.create();
}, t.prototype.transferToEffect = function(e, n) {
return this.computeTransformedInformation() ? (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.transformedDirection.x, this.transformedDirection.y, this.transformedDirection.z, 1, n), this) : (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.direction.x, this.direction.y, this.direction.z, 1, n), this);
}, t.prototype.transferToNodeMaterialEffect = function(e, n) {
return this.computeTransformedInformation() ? (e.setFloat3(n, this.transformedDirection.x, this.transformedDirection.y, this.transformedDirection.z), this) : (e.setFloat3(n, this.direction.x, this.direction.y, this.direction.z), this);
}, t.prototype.getDepthMinZ = function(e) {
return 1;
}, t.prototype.getDepthMaxZ = function(e) {
return 1;
}, t.prototype.prepareLightSpecificDefines = function(e, n) {
e["DIRLIGHT" + n] = !0;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowFrustumSize", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowOrthoScale", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "autoUpdateExtends", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "autoCalcShadowZBounds", void 0), t;
Ie.a.CreateHemisphere = function(r, t, e, n) {
var i = { segments: t, diameter: e };
return Go.CreateHemisphere(r, i, n);
var Go = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateHemisphere = function(t, e, n) {
e.diameter || (e.diameter = 1), e.segments || (e.segments = 16);
var i = Nn.a.CreateSphere("", { slice: 0.5, diameter: e.diameter, segments: e.segments }, n), o = Ie.a.CreateDisc("", e.diameter / 2, 3 * e.segments + (4 - e.segments), n);
o.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2, o.parent = i;
var a = Ie.a.MergeMeshes([o, i], !0);
return = t, a;
}, r;
Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("Light_Type_2", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new ys(r, u.e.Zero(), u.e.Zero(), 0, 0, t);
var ys = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, s) || this;
return d._innerAngle = 0, d._projectionTextureMatrix = u.a.Zero(), d._projectionTextureLightNear = 1e-6, d._projectionTextureLightFar = 1e3, d._projectionTextureUpDirection = u.e.Up(), d._projectionTextureViewLightDirty = !0, d._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !0, d._projectionTextureDirty = !0, d._projectionTextureViewTargetVector = u.e.Zero(), d._projectionTextureViewLightMatrix = u.a.Zero(), d._projectionTextureProjectionLightMatrix = u.a.Zero(), d._projectionTextureScalingMatrix = u.a.FromValues(0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1), d.position = n, d.direction = i, d.angle = o, d.exponent = a, d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angle", { get: function() {
return this._angle;
}, set: function(e) {
this._angle = e, this._cosHalfAngle = Math.cos(0.5 * e), this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !0, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute(), this._computeAngleValues();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "innerAngle", { get: function() {
return this._innerAngle;
}, set: function(e) {
this._innerAngle = e, this._computeAngleValues();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowAngleScale", { get: function() {
return this._shadowAngleScale;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowAngleScale = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "projectionTextureMatrix", { get: function() {
return this._projectionTextureMatrix;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "projectionTextureLightNear", { get: function() {
return this._projectionTextureLightNear;
}, set: function(e) {
this._projectionTextureLightNear = e, this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "projectionTextureLightFar", { get: function() {
return this._projectionTextureLightFar;
}, set: function(e) {
this._projectionTextureLightFar = e, this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "projectionTextureUpDirection", { get: function() {
return this._projectionTextureUpDirection;
}, set: function(e) {
this._projectionTextureUpDirection = e, this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "projectionTexture", { get: function() {
return this._projectionTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this;
this._projectionTexture !== e && (this._projectionTexture = e, this._projectionTextureDirty = !0, this._projectionTexture && !this._projectionTexture.isReady() && (t._IsProceduralTexture(this._projectionTexture) ? this._projectionTexture.getEffect().executeWhenCompiled(function() {
}) : t._IsTexture(this._projectionTexture) && this._projectionTexture.onLoadObservable.addOnce(function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t._IsProceduralTexture = function(e) {
return e.onGeneratedObservable !== void 0;
}, t._IsTexture = function(e) {
return e.onLoadObservable !== void 0;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SpotLight";
}, t.prototype.getTypeID = function() {
}, t.prototype._setDirection = function(e) {, e), this._projectionTextureViewLightDirty = !0;
}, t.prototype._setPosition = function(e) {, e), this._projectionTextureViewLightDirty = !0;
}, t.prototype._setDefaultShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene().activeCamera;
if (o) {
this._shadowAngleScale = this._shadowAngleScale || 1;
var a = this._shadowAngleScale * this._angle;
u.a.PerspectiveFovLHToRef(a, 1, this.getDepthMinZ(o), this.getDepthMaxZ(o), e);
}, t.prototype._computeProjectionTextureViewLightMatrix = function() {
this._projectionTextureViewLightDirty = !1, this._projectionTextureDirty = !0, this.position.addToRef(this.direction, this._projectionTextureViewTargetVector), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(this.position, this._projectionTextureViewTargetVector, this._projectionTextureUpDirection, this._projectionTextureViewLightMatrix);
}, t.prototype._computeProjectionTextureProjectionLightMatrix = function() {
this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty = !1, this._projectionTextureDirty = !0;
var e = this.projectionTextureLightFar, n = this.projectionTextureLightNear, i = e / (e - n), o = -i * n, a = 1 / Math.tan(this._angle / 2);
u.a.FromValuesToRef(a / 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, a, 0, 0, 0, 0, i, 1, 0, 0, o, 0, this._projectionTextureProjectionLightMatrix);
}, t.prototype._computeProjectionTextureMatrix = function() {
if (this._projectionTextureDirty = !1, this._projectionTextureViewLightMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._projectionTextureProjectionLightMatrix, this._projectionTextureMatrix), this._projectionTexture instanceof Ne.a) {
var e = this._projectionTexture.uScale / 2, n = this._projectionTexture.vScale / 2;
u.a.FromValuesToRef(e, 0, 0, 0, 0, n, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1, this._projectionTextureScalingMatrix);
this._projectionTextureMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._projectionTextureScalingMatrix, this._projectionTextureMatrix);
}, t.prototype._buildUniformLayout = function() {
this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightData", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightDiffuse", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightSpecular", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightDirection", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightFalloff", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("shadowsInfo", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("depthValues", 2), this._uniformBuffer.create();
}, t.prototype._computeAngleValues = function() {
this._lightAngleScale = 1 / Math.max(1e-3, Math.cos(0.5 * this._innerAngle) - this._cosHalfAngle), this._lightAngleOffset = -this._cosHalfAngle * this._lightAngleScale;
}, t.prototype.transferTexturesToEffect = function(e, n) {
return this.projectionTexture && this.projectionTexture.isReady() && (this._projectionTextureViewLightDirty && this._computeProjectionTextureViewLightMatrix(), this._projectionTextureProjectionLightDirty && this._computeProjectionTextureProjectionLightMatrix(), this._projectionTextureDirty && this._computeProjectionTextureMatrix(), e.setMatrix("textureProjectionMatrix" + n, this._projectionTextureMatrix), e.setTexture("projectionLightSampler" + n, this.projectionTexture)), this;
}, t.prototype.transferToEffect = function(e, n) {
var i;
return this.computeTransformedInformation() ? (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.transformedPosition.x, this.transformedPosition.y, this.transformedPosition.z, this.exponent, n), i = u.e.Normalize(this.transformedDirection)) : (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z, this.exponent, n), i = u.e.Normalize(this.direction)), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightDirection", i.x, i.y, i.z, this._cosHalfAngle, n), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightFalloff", this.range, this._inverseSquaredRange, this._lightAngleScale, this._lightAngleOffset, n), this;
}, t.prototype.transferToNodeMaterialEffect = function(e, n) {
var i;
return i = this.computeTransformedInformation() ? u.e.Normalize(this.transformedDirection) : u.e.Normalize(this.direction), this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? e.setFloat3(n, -i.x, -i.y, -i.z) : e.setFloat3(n, i.x, i.y, i.z), this;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._projectionTexture && this._projectionTexture.dispose();
}, t.prototype.prepareLightSpecificDefines = function(e, n) {
e["SPOTLIGHT" + n] = !0, e["PROJECTEDLIGHTTEXTURE" + n] = !(!this.projectionTexture || !this.projectionTexture.isReady());
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "angle", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "innerAngle", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowAngleScale", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "exponent", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "projectionTextureLightNear", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "projectionTextureLightFar", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "projectionTextureUpDirection", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)("projectedLightTexture")], t.prototype, "_projectionTexture", void 0), t;
}(ko), Wf = function(r) {
function t(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer);
var n =, e) || this;
return n._cachedPosition = new u.e(), n._cachedForward = new u.e(0, 0, 1), n._pointerObserver = null, n.onClickedObservable = new C.c(), n._light = null, n.attachedMesh = new Mt.a("", n.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), n._attachedMeshParent = new pr.a("parent", n.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), n.attachedMesh.parent = n._attachedMeshParent, n._material = new Nt.a("light", n.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), n._material.diffuseColor = new I.a(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), n._material.specularColor = new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), n._pointerObserver = e.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(i) {
n._light && (n._isHovered = !(!i.pickInfo || n._rootMesh.getChildMeshes().indexOf(i.pickInfo.pickedMesh) == -1), n._isHovered && i.event.button === 0 && n.onClickedObservable.notifyObservers(n._light));
}, yt.a.POINTERDOWN), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "light", { get: function() {
return this._light;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this;
if (this._light = e, e) {
this._lightMesh && this._lightMesh.dispose(), e instanceof Oo.a ? this._lightMesh = t._CreateHemisphericLightMesh(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene) : this._lightMesh = e instanceof vs ? t._CreateDirectionalLightMesh(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene) : e instanceof ys ? t._CreateSpotLightMesh(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene) : t._CreatePointLightMesh(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._lightMesh.getChildMeshes(!1).forEach(function(o) {
o.material = n._material;
}), this._lightMesh.parent = this._rootMesh;
var i = this.gizmoLayer._getSharedGizmoLight();
i.includedOnlyMeshes = i.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(this._lightMesh.getChildMeshes(!1)), this._lightMesh.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), this.attachedMesh.reservedDataStore || (this.attachedMesh.reservedDataStore = {}), this.attachedMesh.reservedDataStore.lightGizmo = this, e.parent && this._attachedMeshParent.freezeWorldMatrix(e.parent.getWorldMatrix()), e.position && (this.attachedMesh.position.copyFrom(e.position), this.attachedMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._cachedPosition.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.position)), e.direction && (this.attachedMesh.setDirection(e.direction), this.attachedMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._cachedForward.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.forward)), this._update();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "material", { get: function() {
return this._material;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._update = function() {, this._light && (this._light.parent && this._attachedMeshParent.freezeWorldMatrix(this._light.parent.getWorldMatrix()), this._light.position && (this.attachedMesh.position.equals(this._cachedPosition) ? (this.attachedMesh.position.copyFrom(this._light.position), this.attachedMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._cachedPosition.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.position)) : (this._light.position.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.position), this._cachedPosition.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.position))), this._light.direction && (u.e.DistanceSquared(this.attachedMesh.forward, this._cachedForward) > 1e-4 ? (this._light.direction.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.forward), this._cachedForward.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.forward)) : u.e.DistanceSquared(this.attachedMesh.forward, this._light.direction) > 1e-4 && (this.attachedMesh.setDirection(this._light.direction), this.attachedMesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._cachedForward.copyFrom(this.attachedMesh.forward))));
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onClickedObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this._material.dispose(),, this._attachedMeshParent.dispose();
}, t._CreateHemisphericLightMesh = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("hemisphereLight", e), i = Go.CreateHemisphere(, { segments: 10, diameter: 1 }, e);
i.position.z = -0.15, i.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, i.parent = n;
var o = this._CreateLightLines(3, e);
return o.parent = n, o.position.z, n.scaling.scaleInPlace(t._Scale), n.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, n;
}, t._CreatePointLightMesh = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("pointLight", e), i = Nn.a.CreateSphere(, { segments: 10, diameter: 1 }, e);
return i.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, i.parent = n, this._CreateLightLines(5, e).parent = n, n.scaling.scaleInPlace(t._Scale), n.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, n;
}, t._CreateSpotLightMesh = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("spotLight", e);
Nn.a.CreateSphere(, { segments: 10, diameter: 1 }, e).parent = n;
var i = Go.CreateHemisphere(, { segments: 10, diameter: 2 }, e);
return i.parent = n, i.rotation.x = -Math.PI / 2, this._CreateLightLines(2, e).parent = n, n.scaling.scaleInPlace(t._Scale), n.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, n;
}, t._CreateDirectionalLightMesh = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("directionalLight", e), i = new Ie.a(, e);
i.parent = n, Nn.a.CreateSphere(, { diameter: 1.2, segments: 10 }, e).parent = i;
var o = Ie.a.CreateCylinder(, 6, 0.3, 0.3, 6, 1, e);
o.parent = i, (a = o.clone( = 0.5, a.position.x += 1.25, (s = o.clone( = 0.5, s.position.x += -1.25;
var a, s, d = Ie.a.CreateCylinder(, 1, 0, 0.6, 6, 1, e);
return d.position.y += 3, d.parent = i, (a = d.clone( = 1.5, a.position.x += 1.25, (s = d.clone( = 1.5, s.position.x += -1.25, i.scaling.scaleInPlace(t._Scale), i.rotation.z = Math.PI / 2, i.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2, n;
}, t._Scale = 7e-3, t._CreateLightLines = function(e, n) {
var i = new Ie.a("root", n);
i.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2;
var o = new Ie.a("linePivot", n);
o.parent = i;
var a = Ie.a.CreateCylinder("line", 2, 0.2, 0.3, 6, 1, n);
if (a.position.y = a.scaling.y / 2 + 1.2, a.parent = o, e < 2)
return o;
for (var s = 0; s < 4; s++)
(d = o.clone("lineParentClone")).rotation.z = Math.PI / 4, d.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / 2 * s, d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.y = 0.5, d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.x = d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.z = 0.8, d.getChildMeshes()[0].position.y = d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.y / 2 + 1.2;
if (e < 3)
return i;
for (s = 0; s < 4; s++)
(d = o.clone("linePivotClone")).rotation.z = Math.PI / 2, d.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2 * s;
if (e < 4)
return i;
for (s = 0; s < 4; s++) {
var d;
(d = o.clone("linePivotClone")).rotation.z = Math.PI + Math.PI / 4, d.rotation.y = Math.PI / 2 + Math.PI / 2 * s, d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.y = 0.5, d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.x = d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.z = 0.8, d.getChildMeshes()[0].position.y = d.getChildMeshes()[0].scaling.y / 2 + 1.2;
return e < 5 || ((d = o.clone("linePivotClone")).rotation.z = Math.PI), i;
}, t;
}(Ln.a), bs = function() {
function r(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = u.e.Zero()), e === void 0 && (e = u.e.Up()), this.position = t, this.normal = e;
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
return new r(this.position.clone(), this.normal.clone());
}, r;
}(), Xf = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = u.e.Zero()), e === void 0 && (e = u.e.Up()), n === void 0 && (n = u.d.Zero()), this.position = t, this.normal = e, this.uv = n;
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
return new r(this.position.clone(), this.normal.clone(), this.uv.clone());
}, r;
}(), Yf = function(r) {
function t(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer);
var n =, e) || this;
return n._pointerObserver = null, n.onClickedObservable = new C.c(), n._camera = null, n._invProjection = new u.a(), n._material = new Nt.a("cameraGizmoMaterial", n.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), n._material.diffuseColor = new I.a(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), n._material.specularColor = new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), n._pointerObserver = e.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.add(function(i) {
n._camera && (n._isHovered = !(!i.pickInfo || n._rootMesh.getChildMeshes().indexOf(i.pickInfo.pickedMesh) == -1), n._isHovered && i.event.button === 0 && n.onClickedObservable.notifyObservers(n._camera));
}, yt.a.POINTERDOWN), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "displayFrustum", { get: function() {
return this._cameraLinesMesh.isEnabled();
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "camera", { get: function() {
return this._camera;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this;
if (this._camera = e, this.attachedNode = e, e) {
this._cameraMesh && this._cameraMesh.dispose(), this._cameraLinesMesh && this._cameraLinesMesh.dispose(), this._cameraMesh = t._CreateCameraMesh(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._cameraLinesMesh = t._CreateCameraFrustum(this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene), this._cameraMesh.getChildMeshes(!1).forEach(function(o) {
o.material = n._material;
}), this._cameraMesh.parent = this._rootMesh, this._cameraLinesMesh.parent = this._rootMesh, this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera && this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.maxZ < 1.5 * e.maxZ && (this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.activeCamera.maxZ = 1.5 * e.maxZ), this.attachedNode.reservedDataStore || (this.attachedNode.reservedDataStore = {}), this.attachedNode.reservedDataStore.cameraGizmo = this;
var i = this.gizmoLayer._getSharedGizmoLight();
i.includedOnlyMeshes = i.includedOnlyMeshes.concat(this._cameraMesh.getChildMeshes(!1)), this._update();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "material", { get: function() {
return this._material;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._update = function() {, this._camera && (this._camera.getProjectionMatrix().invertToRef(this._invProjection), this._cameraLinesMesh.setPivotMatrix(this._invProjection, !1), this._cameraLinesMesh.scaling.x = 1 / this._rootMesh.scaling.x, this._cameraLinesMesh.scaling.y = 1 / this._rootMesh.scaling.y, this._cameraLinesMesh.scaling.z = 1 / this._rootMesh.scaling.z, this._cameraMesh.parent = null, this._cameraMesh.rotation.y = 0.5 * Math.PI * (this._camera.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? 1 : -1), this._cameraMesh.parent = this._rootMesh);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onClickedObservable.clear(), this.gizmoLayer.utilityLayerScene.onPointerObservable.remove(this._pointerObserver), this._cameraMesh && this._cameraMesh.dispose(), this._cameraLinesMesh && this._cameraLinesMesh.dispose(), this._material.dispose(),;
}, t._CreateCameraMesh = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("rootCameraGizmo", e), i = new Ie.a(, e);
i.parent = n, fr.a.CreateBox(, { width: 1, height: 0.8, depth: 0.5 }, e).parent = i;
var o = ci.a.CreateCylinder(, { height: 0.5, diameterTop: 0.8, diameterBottom: 0.8 }, e);
o.parent = i, o.position.y = 0.3, o.position.x = -0.6, o.rotation.x = 0.5 * Math.PI;
var a = ci.a.CreateCylinder(, { height: 0.5, diameterTop: 0.6, diameterBottom: 0.6 }, e);
a.parent = i, a.position.y = 0.5, a.position.x = 0.4, a.rotation.x = 0.5 * Math.PI;
var s = ci.a.CreateCylinder(, { height: 0.5, diameterTop: 0.5, diameterBottom: 0.5 }, e);
return s.parent = i, s.position.y = 0, s.position.x = 0.6, s.rotation.z = 0.5 * Math.PI, n.scaling.scaleInPlace(t._Scale), i.position.x = -0.9, n;
}, t._CreateCameraFrustum = function(e) {
var n = new Ie.a("rootCameraGizmo", e), i = new Ie.a(, e);
i.parent = n;
for (var o = 0; o < 4; o += 2)
for (var a = 0; a < 4; a += 2) {
var s;
(s = sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(-1 + a, -1 + o, -1), new u.e(-1 + a, -1 + o, 1)] }, e)).parent = i, s.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = !0, s.isPickable = !1, (s = sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(-1, -1 + a, -1 + o), new u.e(1, -1 + a, -1 + o)] }, e)).parent = i, s.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = !0, s.isPickable = !1, (s = sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: [new u.e(-1 + a, -1, -1 + o), new u.e(-1 + a, 1, -1 + o)] }, e)).parent = i, s.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = !0, s.isPickable = !1;
return n;
}, t._Scale = 0.05, t;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.kernelBlurVaryingDeclaration = "varying vec2 sampleCoord{X};";
var Kf = `vec4 pack(float depth)
const vec4 bit_shift=vec4(255.0*255.0*255.0,255.0*255.0,255.0,1.0);
const vec4 bit_mask=vec4(0.0,1.0/255.0,1.0/255.0,1.0/255.0);
vec4 res=fract(depth*bit_shift);
return res;
float unpack(vec4 color)
const vec4 bit_shift=vec4(1.0/(255.0*255.0*255.0),1.0/(255.0*255.0),1.0/255.0,1.0);
return dot(color,bit_shift);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.packingFunctions = Kf;
var Qf = `#ifdef DOF
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.kernelBlurFragment = Qf;
var qf = `#ifdef DOF
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.kernelBlurFragment2 = qf;
var Zf = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 delta;
varying vec2 sampleCenter;
#ifdef DOF
uniform sampler2D circleOfConfusionSampler;
uniform vec2 cameraMinMaxZ;
float sampleDistance(const in vec2 offset) {
float depth=texture2D(circleOfConfusionSampler,offset).g;
return cameraMinMaxZ.x+(cameraMinMaxZ.y-cameraMinMaxZ.x)*depth;
float sampleCoC(const in vec2 offset) {
float coc=texture2D(circleOfConfusionSampler,offset).r;
return coc;
void main(void)
float computedWeight=0.0;
float blend=0.;
vec4 blend=vec4(0.);
#ifdef DOF
float sumOfWeights=CENTER_WEIGHT;
float factor=0.0;
#ifdef DOF
ze.a.ShadersStore.kernelBlurPixelShader = Zf, ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.kernelBlurVertex = "sampleCoord{X}=sampleCenter+delta*KERNEL_OFFSET{X};";
var Jf = `
attribute vec2 position;
uniform vec2 delta;
varying vec2 sampleCenter;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.kernelBlurVertexShader = Jf;
var _n = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R) {
s === void 0 && (s = Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), y === void 0 && (y = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), P === void 0 && (P = ""), R === void 0 && (R = !1);
var B =, e, "kernelBlur", ["delta", "direction", "cameraMinMaxZ"], ["circleOfConfusionSampler"], o, a, s, d, p, null, y, "kernelBlur", { varyingCount: 0, depCount: 0 }, !0) || this;
return B.blockCompilation = R, B._packedFloat = !1, B._staticDefines = "", B._staticDefines = P, B.direction = n, B.onApplyObservable.add(function(F) {
B._outputTexture ? F.setFloat2("delta", 1 / B._outputTexture.width * B.direction.x, 1 / B._outputTexture.height * B.direction.y) : F.setFloat2("delta", 1 / B.width * B.direction.x, 1 / B.height * B.direction.y);
}), B.kernel = i, B;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "kernel", { get: function() {
return this._idealKernel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._idealKernel !== e && (e = Math.max(e, 1), this._idealKernel = e, this._kernel = this._nearestBestKernel(e), this.blockCompilation || this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "packedFloat", { get: function() {
return this._packedFloat;
}, set: function(e) {
this._packedFloat !== e && (this._packedFloat = e, this.blockCompilation || this._updateParameters());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BlurPostProcess";
}, t.prototype.updateEffect = function(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
this._updateParameters(a, s);
}, t.prototype._updateParameters = function(e, n) {
for (var i = this._kernel, o = (i - 1) / 2, a = [], s = [], d = 0, p = 0; p < i; p++) {
var y = p / (i - 1), P = this._gaussianWeight(2 * y - 1);
a[p] = p - o, s[p] = P, d += P;
for (p = 0; p < s.length; p++)
s[p] /= d;
var R = [], B = [], F = [];
for (p = 0; p <= o; p += 2) {
var z = Math.min(p + 1, Math.floor(o));
if (p === z)
F.push({ o: a[p], w: s[p] });
else {
var J = z === o, ie = s[p] + s[z] * (J ? 0.5 : 1), se = a[p] + 1 / (1 + s[p] / s[z]);
se === 0 ? (F.push({ o: a[p], w: s[p] }), F.push({ o: a[p + 1], w: s[p + 1] })) : (F.push({ o: se, w: ie }), F.push({ o: -se, w: ie }));
for (p = 0; p < F.length; p++)
B[p] = F[p].o, R[p] = F[p].w;
a = B, s = R;
var ce = this.getEngine().getCaps().maxVaryingVectors, ue = Math.max(ce, 0) - 1, fe = Math.min(a.length, ue), ve = "";
for (ve += this._staticDefines, this._staticDefines.indexOf("DOF") != -1 && (ve += "#define CENTER_WEIGHT " + this._glslFloat(s[fe - 1]) + `\r
`, fe--), p = 0; p < fe; p++)
ve += "#define KERNEL_OFFSET" + p + " " + this._glslFloat(a[p]) + `\r
`, ve += "#define KERNEL_WEIGHT" + p + " " + this._glslFloat(s[p]) + `\r
var Te = 0;
for (p = ue; p < a.length; p++)
ve += "#define KERNEL_DEP_OFFSET" + Te + " " + this._glslFloat(a[p]) + `\r
`, ve += "#define KERNEL_DEP_WEIGHT" + Te + " " + this._glslFloat(s[p]) + `\r
`, Te++;
this.packedFloat && (ve += "#define PACKEDFLOAT 1"), this.blockCompilation = !1,, ve, null, null, { varyingCount: fe, depCount: Te }, e, n);
}, t.prototype._nearestBestKernel = function(e) {
for (var n = Math.round(e), i = 0, o = [n, n - 1, n + 1, n - 2, n + 2]; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
if (a % 2 != 0 && Math.floor(a / 2) % 2 == 0 && a > 0)
return Math.max(a, 3);
return Math.max(n, 3);
}, t.prototype._gaussianWeight = function(e) {
var n = -e * e / 0.2222222222222222;
return 1 / (Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI) * (1 / 3)) * Math.exp(n);
}, t.prototype._glslFloat = function(e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = 8), e.toFixed(n).replace(/0+$/, "");
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.direction, e.kernel, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable, e.textureType, void 0, !1);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("kernel")], t.prototype, "_kernel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("packedFloat")], t.prototype, "_packedFloat", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.n)()], t.prototype, "direction", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.BlurPostProcess"] = _n;
var Ts = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
a === void 0 && (a = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), s === void 0 && (s = Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), d === void 0 && (d = !0);
var p =, e, n, i, o, !0, a, !1, s, d) || this;
return p.scene = i, p.mirrorPlane = new ur.a(0, 1, 0, 1), p._transformMatrix = u.a.Zero(), p._mirrorMatrix = u.a.Zero(), p._adaptiveBlurKernel = 0, p._blurKernelX = 0, p._blurKernelY = 0, p._blurRatio = 1, p.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, p._updateGammaSpace(), p._imageProcessingConfigChangeObserver = i.imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
}), p.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
u.a.ReflectionToRef(p.mirrorPlane, p._mirrorMatrix), p._savedViewMatrix = i.getViewMatrix(), p._mirrorMatrix.multiplyToRef(p._savedViewMatrix, p._transformMatrix), i.setTransformMatrix(p._transformMatrix, i.getProjectionMatrix()), i.clipPlane = p.mirrorPlane, i.getEngine().cullBackFaces = !1, i._mirroredCameraPosition = u.e.TransformCoordinates(i.activeCamera.globalPosition, p._mirrorMatrix);
}), p.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function() {
i.setTransformMatrix(p._savedViewMatrix, i.getProjectionMatrix()), i.getEngine().cullBackFaces = !0, i._mirroredCameraPosition = null, i.clipPlane = null;
}), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurRatio", { get: function() {
return this._blurRatio;
}, set: function(e) {
this._blurRatio !== e && (this._blurRatio = e, this._preparePostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "adaptiveBlurKernel", { set: function(e) {
this._adaptiveBlurKernel = e, this._autoComputeBlurKernel();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurKernel", { set: function(e) {
this.blurKernelX = e, this.blurKernelY = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurKernelX", { get: function() {
return this._blurKernelX;
}, set: function(e) {
this._blurKernelX !== e && (this._blurKernelX = e, this._preparePostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurKernelY", { get: function() {
return this._blurKernelY;
}, set: function(e) {
this._blurKernelY !== e && (this._blurKernelY = e, this._preparePostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._autoComputeBlurKernel = function() {
var e = this.getScene().getEngine(), n = this.getRenderWidth() / e.getRenderWidth(), i = this.getRenderHeight() / e.getRenderHeight();
this.blurKernelX = this._adaptiveBlurKernel * n, this.blurKernelY = this._adaptiveBlurKernel * i;
}, t.prototype._onRatioRescale = function() {
this._sizeRatio && (this.resize(this._initialSizeParameter), this._adaptiveBlurKernel || this._preparePostProcesses()), this._adaptiveBlurKernel && this._autoComputeBlurKernel();
}, t.prototype._updateGammaSpace = function() {
this.gammaSpace = !this.scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.isEnabled || !this.scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess;
}, t.prototype._preparePostProcesses = function() {
if (this.clearPostProcesses(!0), this._blurKernelX && this._blurKernelY) {
var e = this.getScene().getEngine(), n = e.getCaps().textureFloatRender ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT;
this._blurX = new _n("horizontal blur", new u.d(1, 0), this._blurKernelX, this._blurRatio, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e, !1, n), this._blurX.autoClear = !1, this._blurRatio === 1 && this.samples < 2 && this._texture ? this._blurX.inputTexture = this._texture : this._blurX.alwaysForcePOT = !0, this._blurY = new _n("vertical blur", new u.d(0, 1), this._blurKernelY, this._blurRatio, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e, !1, n), this._blurY.autoClear = !1, this._blurY.alwaysForcePOT = this._blurRatio !== 1, this.addPostProcess(this._blurX), this.addPostProcess(this._blurY);
} else
this._blurY && (this.removePostProcess(this._blurY), this._blurY.dispose(), this._blurY = null), this._blurX && (this.removePostProcess(this._blurX), this._blurX.dispose(), this._blurX = null);
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = this.getScene();
if (!e)
return this;
var n = this.getSize(), i = new t(, n.width, e, this._renderTargetOptions.generateMipMaps, this._renderTargetOptions.type, this._renderTargetOptions.samplingMode, this._renderTargetOptions.generateDepthBuffer);
return i.hasAlpha = this.hasAlpha, i.level = this.level, i.mirrorPlane = this.mirrorPlane.clone(), this.renderList && (i.renderList = this.renderList.slice(0)), i;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (!
return null;
var e =;
return e.mirrorPlane = this.mirrorPlane.asArray(), e;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingConfigChangeObserver);
}, t;
Ne.a._CreateMirror = function(r, t, e, n) {
return new Ts(r, t, e, n);
var Hn = f(34), ei = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z) {
var J;
i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), y === void 0 && (y = !1), P === void 0 && (P = null), R === void 0 && (R = !1), B === void 0 && (B = 0.8), F === void 0 && (F = 0);
var ie =, n) || this;
if (ie.onLoadObservable = new C.c(), ie.boundingBoxPosition = u.e.Zero(), ie._rotationY = 0, ie._files = null, ie._forcedExtension = null, ie._extensions = null, = e, ie.url = e, ie._noMipmap = o, ie.hasAlpha = !1, ie._format = p, ie.isCube = !0, ie._textureMatrix = u.a.Identity(), ie._createPolynomials = R, ie.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.CUBIC_MODE, ie._extensions = i, ie._files = a, ie._forcedExtension = P, ie._loaderOptions = z, !e && !a)
return ie;
var se = e.lastIndexOf("."), ce = P || (se > -1 ? e.substring(se).toLowerCase() : ""), ue = ce === ".dds", fe = ce === ".env";
if (fe ? (ie.gammaSpace = !1, ie._prefiltered = !1, ie.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1) : (ie._prefiltered = y, y && (ie.gammaSpace = !1, ie.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1)), ie._texture = ie._getFromCache(e, o), !a && (fe || ue || i || (i = ["_px.jpg", "_py.jpg", "_pz.jpg", "_nx.jpg", "_ny.jpg", "_nz.jpg"]), a = [], i))
for (var ve = 0; ve < i.length; ve++)
a.push(e + i[ve]);
ie._files = a;
var Te = function() {
ie.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(ie), s && s();
if (ie._texture)
ie._texture.isReady ? Xe.b.SetImmediate(function() {
return Te();
}) : ie._texture.onLoadedObservable.add(function() {
return Te();
else {
var Re = ie.getScene();
Re != null && Re.useDelayedTextureLoading ? ie.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED : (ie._texture = y ? ie._getEngine().createPrefilteredCubeTexture(e, Re, B, F, s, d, p, P, ie._createPolynomials) : ie._getEngine().createCubeTexture(e, Re, a, o, s, d, ie._format, P, !1, B, F, null, z), (J = ie._texture) === null || J === void 0 || J.onLoadedObservable.add(function() {
return ie.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(ie);
return ie;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "boundingBoxSize", { get: function() {
return this._boundingBoxSize;
}, set: function(e) {
if (!this._boundingBoxSize || !this._boundingBoxSize.equals(e)) {
this._boundingBoxSize = e;
var n = this.getScene();
n && n.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rotationY", { get: function() {
return this._rotationY;
}, set: function(e) {
this._rotationY = e, this.setReflectionTextureMatrix(u.a.RotationY(this._rotationY));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "noMipmap", { get: function() {
return this._noMipmap;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.CreateFromImages = function(e, n, i) {
var o = "";
return e.forEach(function(a) {
return o += a;
}), new t(o, n, null, i, e);
}, t.CreateFromPrefilteredData = function(e, n, i, o) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = !0);
var a = n.useDelayedTextureLoading;
n.useDelayedTextureLoading = !1;
var s = new t(e, n, null, !1, null, null, null, void 0, !0, i, o);
return n.useDelayedTextureLoading = a, s;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CubeTexture";
}, t.prototype.updateURL = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a;
o === void 0 && (o = !1), this.url && (this.releaseInternalTexture(), (a = this.getScene()) === null || a === void 0 || a.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag)), && !Hn.a.StartsWith(, "data:") || ( = e), this.url = e, this.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED, this._prefiltered = o, this._prefiltered && (this.gammaSpace = !1, this.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1), this._forcedExtension = n || null, i && (this._delayedOnLoad = i), this.delayLoad(n);
}, t.prototype.delayLoad = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
if (this.delayLoadState === h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED && (this.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, this._texture = this._getFromCache(this.url, this._noMipmap), !this._texture)) {
var o = this.getScene();
this._prefiltered ? this._texture = this._getEngine().createPrefilteredCubeTexture(this.url, o, 0.8, 0, this._delayedOnLoad, void 0, this._format, e, this._createPolynomials) : this._texture = this._getEngine().createCubeTexture(this.url, o, this._files, this._noMipmap, this._delayedOnLoad, null, this._format, e, !1, 0, 0, null, this._loaderOptions), (n = this._texture) === null || n === void 0 || n.onLoadedObservable.add(function() {
return i.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(i);
}, t.prototype.getReflectionTextureMatrix = function() {
return this._textureMatrix;
}, t.prototype.setReflectionTextureMatrix = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
e.updateFlag !== this._textureMatrix.updateFlag && (e.isIdentity() !== this._textureMatrix.isIdentity() && ((n = this.getScene()) === null || n === void 0 || n.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag, function(o) {
return o.getActiveTextures().indexOf(i) !== -1;
})), this._textureMatrix = e);
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
var p = !1;
return e.prefiltered && (p = e.prefiltered), new t(i +, n, e.extensions, !1, e.files || null, null, null, void 0, p, e.forcedExtension);
}, e, n);
if (e.boundingBoxPosition && (o.boundingBoxPosition = u.e.FromArray(e.boundingBoxPosition)), e.boundingBoxSize && (o.boundingBoxSize = u.e.FromArray(e.boundingBoxSize)), e.animations)
for (var a = 0; a < e.animations.length; a++) {
var s = e.animations[a], d = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
d && o.animations.push(d.Parse(s));
return o;
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = this, n = 0, i = L.a.Clone(function() {
var o = new t(e.url, e.getScene() || e._getEngine(), e._extensions, e._noMipmap, e._files);
return n = o.uniqueId, o;
}, this);
return i.uniqueId = n, i;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "url", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("rotationY")], t.prototype, "rotationY", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("files")], t.prototype, "_files", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("forcedExtension")], t.prototype, "_forcedExtension", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("extensions")], t.prototype, "_extensions", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.j)("textureMatrix")], t.prototype, "_textureMatrix", void 0), t;
Ne.a._CubeTextureParser = ei.Parse, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.CubeTexture"] = ei;
var $e = f(15), zo = f(76), jo = f(87), lt = f(19), $f = ` uniform vec4 vPrimaryColor;
uniform vec4 vPrimaryColorShadow;
uniform float shadowLevel;
uniform float alpha;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform vec3 vBackgroundCenter;
uniform vec4 vReflectionControl;
uniform mat4 view;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.backgroundFragmentDeclaration = $f;
var ep = `layout(std140,column_major) uniform;
uniform Material
uniform vec4 vPrimaryColor;
uniform vec4 vPrimaryColorShadow;
uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform float fFovMultiplier;
uniform float pointSize;
uniform float shadowLevel;
uniform float alpha;
uniform vec3 vBackgroundCenter;
uniform vec4 vReflectionControl;
uniform Scene {
mat4 viewProjection;
mat4 viewProjectionR;
mat4 view;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.backgroundUboDeclaration = ep, f(131), f(106), f(107), f(154), f(130), f(115), f(125), f(110), f(135), f(136);
var tp = `#ifdef TEXTURELODSUPPORT
#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable
precision highp float;
#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494
uniform vec3 vEyePosition;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
#define vDiffuseUV vMainUV1
#define vDiffuseUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vDiffuseUV;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
#define sampleReflection(s,c) textureCube(s,c)
uniform samplerCube reflectionSampler;
#define sampleReflectionLod(s,c,l) textureCubeLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow;
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh;
#define sampleReflection(s,c) texture2D(s,c)
uniform sampler2D reflectionSampler;
#define sampleReflectionLod(s,c,l) texture2DLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow;
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
vec3 fresnelSchlickEnvironmentGGX(float VdotN,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90,float smoothness)
float weight=mix(FRESNEL_MAXIMUM_ON_ROUGH,1.0,smoothness);
return reflectance0+weight*(reflectance90-reflectance0)*pow5(saturate(1.0-VdotN));
void main(void) {
vec3 viewDirectionW=normalize(vEyePosition-vPositionW);
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalW=normalize(vNormalW);
vec3 normalW=vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
float shadow=1.;
float globalShadow=0.;
float shadowLightCount=0.;
vec4 reflectionColor=vec4(1.,1.,1.,1.);
vec3 reflectionVector=computeReflectionCoords(vec4(vPositionW,1.0),normalW);
vec3 reflectionCoords=reflectionVector;
vec2 reflectionCoords=reflectionVector.xy;
float reflectionLOD=vReflectionInfos.y;
float lodReflectionNormalized=saturate(reflectionLOD);
float lodReflectionNormalizedDoubled=lodReflectionNormalized*2.0;
vec4 reflectionSpecularMid=sampleReflection(reflectionSampler,reflectionCoords);
} else {
vec4 reflectionSample=sampleReflection(reflectionSampler,reflectionCoords);
vec3 diffuseColor=vec3(1.,1.,1.);
float finalAlpha=alpha;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
vec4 diffuseMap=texture2D(diffuseSampler,vDiffuseUV);
vec3 colorBase=diffuseColor;
vec3 colorBase=reflectionColor.rgb*diffuseColor;
vec3 finalColor=colorBase;
vec3 mainColor=mix(vPrimaryColorShadow.rgb,vPrimaryColor.rgb,colorBase);
vec3 mainColor=vPrimaryColor.rgb;
vec3 finalColor=colorBase*mainColor;
vec3 reflectionReflectance0=vReflectionControl.yyy;
vec3 reflectionReflectance90=vReflectionControl.zzz;
float VdotN=dot(normalize(vEyePosition),normalW);
vec3 planarReflectionFresnel=fresnelSchlickEnvironmentGGX(saturate(VdotN),reflectionReflectance0,reflectionReflectance90,1.0);
float reflectionDistanceFalloff=1.0-saturate(length(*vReflectionControl.w);
float viewAngleToFloor=dot(normalW,normalize(vEyePosition-vBackgroundCenter));
const float startAngle=0.1;
float fadeFactor=saturate(viewAngleToFloor/startAngle);
vec4 color=vec4(finalColor,finalAlpha);
vec4 color=vec4(vPrimaryColor.rgb,(1.0-clamp(globalShadow,0.,1.))*alpha);
#ifdef NOISE
ze.a.ShadersStore.backgroundPixelShader = tp;
var np = `uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform float shadowLevel;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
uniform vec2 vDiffuseInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform float fFovMultiplier;
uniform float pointSize;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.backgroundVertexDeclaration = np, f(78), f(79), f(117), f(137), f(80), f(81), f(111), f(157), f(138);
var ip = `precision highp float;
attribute vec3 position;
#ifdef NORMAL
attribute vec3 normal;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
#if defined(DIFFUSE) && DIFFUSEDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vDiffuseUV;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
void main(void) {
if (gl_ViewID_OVR == 0u) {
} else {
vec4 worldPos=finalWorld*vec4(position,1.0);
#ifdef NORMAL
mat3 normalWorld=mat3(finalWorld);
mat3 screenToWorld=inverseMat3(mat3(finalWorld*viewProjection));
vec3 segment=mix(vDirectionW,screenToWorld*vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0),abs(fFovMultiplier-1.0));
if (fFovMultiplier<=1.0) {
} else {
#ifndef UV1
vec2 uv=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifndef UV2
vec2 uv2=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifdef MAINUV1
#ifdef MAINUV2
#if defined(DIFFUSE) && DIFFUSEDIRECTUV == 0
if (vDiffuseInfos.x == 0.)
ze.a.ShadersStore.backgroundVertexShader = ip;
var _r = f(67), rp = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t;
}(zo.a), qr = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i.primaryColor = I.a.White(), i._primaryColorShadowLevel = 0, i._primaryColorHighlightLevel = 0, i.reflectionTexture = null, i.reflectionBlur = 0, i.diffuseTexture = null, i._shadowLights = null, i.shadowLights = null, i.shadowLevel = 0, i.sceneCenter = u.e.Zero(), i.opacityFresnel = !0, i.reflectionFresnel = !1, i.reflectionFalloffDistance = 0, i.reflectionAmount = 1, i.reflectionReflectance0 = 0.05, i.reflectionReflectance90 = 0.5, i.useRGBColor = !0, i.enableNoise = !1, i._fovMultiplier = 1, i.useEquirectangularFOV = !1, i._maxSimultaneousLights = 4, i.maxSimultaneousLights = 4, i._shadowOnly = !1, i.shadowOnly = !1, i._imageProcessingObserver = null, i.switchToBGR = !1, i._renderTargets = new si.a(16), i._reflectionControls = u.f.Zero(), i._white = I.a.White(), i._primaryShadowColor = I.a.Black(), i._primaryHighlightColor = I.a.Black(), i._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), i.getRenderTargetTextures = function() {
return i._renderTargets.reset(), i._diffuseTexture && i._diffuseTexture.isRenderTarget && i._renderTargets.push(i._diffuseTexture), i._reflectionTexture && i._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && i._renderTargets.push(i._reflectionTexture), i._renderTargets;
}, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "_perceptualColor", { get: function() {
return this.__perceptualColor;
}, set: function(e) {
this.__perceptualColor = e, this._computePrimaryColorFromPerceptualColor(), this._markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "primaryColorShadowLevel", { get: function() {
return this._primaryColorShadowLevel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._primaryColorShadowLevel = e, this._computePrimaryColors(), this._markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "primaryColorHighlightLevel", { get: function() {
return this._primaryColorHighlightLevel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._primaryColorHighlightLevel = e, this._computePrimaryColors(), this._markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "reflectionStandardFresnelWeight", { set: function(e) {
var n = e;
n < 0.5 ? (n *= 2, this.reflectionReflectance0 = t.StandardReflectance0 * n, this.reflectionReflectance90 = t.StandardReflectance90 * n) : (n = 2 * n - 1, this.reflectionReflectance0 = t.StandardReflectance0 + (1 - t.StandardReflectance0) * n, this.reflectionReflectance90 = t.StandardReflectance90 + (1 - t.StandardReflectance90) * n);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fovMultiplier", { get: function() {
return this._fovMultiplier;
}, set: function(e) {
isNaN(e) && (e = 1), this._fovMultiplier = Math.max(0, Math.min(2, e));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(e) {
var n = this;
e !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), this._imageProcessingConfiguration = e || this.getScene().imageProcessingConfiguration, this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingObserver = this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
n._computePrimaryColorFromPerceptualColor(), n._markAllSubMeshesAsImageProcessingDirty();
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(e) {
this._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(e), this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorCurvesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorGradingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraToneMappingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraExposure", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraContrast", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorGradingTexture", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorCurves", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasRenderTargetTextures", { get: function() {
return !(!this._diffuseTexture || !this._diffuseTexture.isRenderTarget) || !(!this._reflectionTexture || !this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return !0;
}, t.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return this.alpha < 1 || this._diffuseTexture != null && this._diffuseTexture.hasAlpha || this._shadowOnly;
}, t.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), n.effect && this.isFrozen && n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady)
return !0;
n._materialDefines || (n._materialDefines = new rp());
var a = this.getScene(), s = n._materialDefines;
if (this._isReadyForSubMesh(n))
return !0;
var d = a.getEngine();
if ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForLights(a, e, s, !1, this._maxSimultaneousLights), s._needNormals = !0, $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMultiview(a, s), s._areTexturesDirty) {
if (s._needUVs = !1, a.texturesEnabled) {
if (a.getEngine().getCaps().textureLOD && (s.TEXTURELODSUPPORT = !0), this._diffuseTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled) {
if (!this._diffuseTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
$e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._diffuseTexture, s, "DIFFUSE"), s.DIFFUSEHASALPHA = this._diffuseTexture.hasAlpha, s.GAMMADIFFUSE = this._diffuseTexture.gammaSpace, s.OPACITYFRESNEL = this._opacityFresnel;
} else
var p = this._reflectionTexture;
if (p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled) {
if (!p.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
switch (s.REFLECTION = !0, s.GAMMAREFLECTION = p.gammaSpace, s.RGBDREFLECTION = p.isRGBD, s.REFLECTIONBLUR = this._reflectionBlur > 0, s.REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ = this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? !p.invertZ : p.invertZ, s.LODINREFLECTIONALPHA = p.lodLevelInAlpha, s.EQUIRECTANGULAR_RELFECTION_FOV = this.useEquirectangularFOV, s.REFLECTIONBGR = this.switchToBGR, p.coordinatesMode === Ne.a.INVCUBIC_MODE && (s.INVERTCUBICMAP = !0), s.REFLECTIONMAP_3D = p.isCube, p.coordinatesMode) {
case Ne.a.PLANAR_MODE:
case Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE:
case Ne.a.CUBIC_MODE:
this.reflectionFresnel ? (s.REFLECTIONFRESNEL = !0, s.REFLECTIONFALLOFF = this.reflectionFalloffDistance > 0, this._reflectionControls.x = this.reflectionAmount, this._reflectionControls.y = this.reflectionReflectance0, this._reflectionControls.z = this.reflectionReflectance90, this._reflectionControls.w = 1 / this.reflectionFalloffDistance) : (s.REFLECTIONFRESNEL = !1, s.REFLECTIONFALLOFF = !1);
} else
s.PREMULTIPLYALPHA = this.alphaMode === h.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED || this.alphaMode === h.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED_PORTERDUFF, s.USERGBCOLOR = this._useRGBColor, s.NOISE = this._enableNoise;
if (s._areLightsDirty && (s.USEHIGHLIGHTANDSHADOWCOLORS = !this._useRGBColor && (this._primaryColorShadowLevel !== 0 || this._primaryColorHighlightLevel !== 0), s.BACKMAT_SHADOWONLY = this._shadowOnly), s._areImageProcessingDirty && this._imageProcessingConfiguration) {
if (!this._imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady())
return !1;
if ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMisc(e, a, !1, this.pointsCloud, this.fogEnabled, this._shouldTurnAlphaTestOn(e), s), $e.a.PrepareDefinesForFrameBoundValues(a, d, s, i, null, n.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances), $e.a.PrepareDefinesForAttributes(e, s, !1, !0, !1) && e && (a.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives || e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind) || (e.createNormals(!0), l.a.Warn("BackgroundMaterial: Normals have been created for the mesh: " +, s.isDirty) {
s.markAsProcessed(), a.resetCachedMaterial();
var y = new _r.a();
s.FOG && y.addFallback(0, "FOG"), s.POINTSIZE && y.addFallback(1, "POINTSIZE"), s.MULTIVIEW && y.addFallback(0, "MULTIVIEW"), $e.a.HandleFallbacksForShadows(s, y, this._maxSimultaneousLights);
var P = [Oe.b.PositionKind];
s.NORMAL && P.push(Oe.b.NormalKind), s.UV1 && P.push(Oe.b.UVKind), s.UV2 && P.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForBones(P, e, s, y), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForInstances(P, s);
var R = ["world", "view", "viewProjection", "vEyePosition", "vLightsType", "vFogInfos", "vFogColor", "pointSize", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "mBones", "vPrimaryColor", "vPrimaryColorShadow", "vReflectionInfos", "reflectionMatrix", "vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", "fFovMultiplier", "shadowLevel", "alpha", "vBackgroundCenter", "vReflectionControl", "vDiffuseInfos", "diffuseMatrix"], B = ["diffuseSampler", "reflectionSampler", "reflectionSamplerLow", "reflectionSamplerHigh"], F = ["Material", "Scene"];
vn.a && (vn.a.PrepareUniforms(R, s), vn.a.PrepareSamplers(B, s)), $e.a.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersList({ uniformsNames: R, uniformBuffersNames: F, samplers: B, defines: s, maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights });
var z = s.toString();
n.setEffect(a.getEngine().createEffect("background", { attributes: P, uniformsNames: R, uniformBuffersNames: F, samplers: B, defines: z, fallbacks: y, onCompiled: function(J) {
o.onCompiled && o.onCompiled(J), o.bindSceneUniformBuffer(J, a.getSceneUniformBuffer());
}, onError: this.onError, indexParameters: { maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights } }, d), s), this.buildUniformLayout();
return !(!n.effect || !n.effect.isReady()) && (s._renderId = a.getRenderId(), n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !0, !0);
}, t.prototype._computePrimaryColorFromPerceptualColor = function() {
this.__perceptualColor && (this._primaryColor.copyFrom(this.__perceptualColor), this._primaryColor.toLinearSpaceToRef(this._primaryColor), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._primaryColor.scaleToRef(1 / this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure, this._primaryColor), this._computePrimaryColors());
}, t.prototype._computePrimaryColors = function() {
this._primaryColorShadowLevel === 0 && this._primaryColorHighlightLevel === 0 || (this._primaryColor.scaleToRef(this._primaryColorShadowLevel, this._primaryShadowColor), this._primaryColor.subtractToRef(this._primaryShadowColor, this._primaryShadowColor), this._white.subtractToRef(this._primaryColor, this._primaryHighlightColor), this._primaryHighlightColor.scaleToRef(this._primaryColorHighlightLevel, this._primaryHighlightColor), this._primaryColor.addToRef(this._primaryHighlightColor, this._primaryHighlightColor));
}, t.prototype.buildUniformLayout = function() {
this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vPrimaryColor", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vPrimaryColorShadow", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vDiffuseInfos", 2), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vReflectionInfos", 2), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("diffuseMatrix", 16), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("reflectionMatrix", 16), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("fFovMultiplier", 1), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("pointSize", 1), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("shadowLevel", 1), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("alpha", 1), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vBackgroundCenter", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vReflectionControl", 4), this._uniformBuffer.create();
}, t.prototype.unbind = function() {
this._diffuseTexture && this._diffuseTexture.isRenderTarget && this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("diffuseSampler", null), this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSampler", null),;
}, t.prototype.bindOnlyWorldMatrix = function(e) {
this._activeEffect.setMatrix("world", e);
}, t.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene(), a = i._materialDefines;
if (a) {
var s = i.effect;
if (s) {
this._activeEffect = s, this.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(e), $e.a.BindBonesParameters(n, this._activeEffect);
var d = this._mustRebind(o, s, n.visibility);
if (d) {
this._uniformBuffer.bindToEffect(s, "Material"), this.bindViewProjection(s);
var p = this._reflectionTexture;
this._uniformBuffer.useUbo && this.isFrozen && this._uniformBuffer.isSync || (o.texturesEnabled && (this._diffuseTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled && (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat2("vDiffuseInfos", this._diffuseTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._diffuseTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._diffuseTexture, this._uniformBuffer, "diffuse")), p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (this._uniformBuffer.updateMatrix("reflectionMatrix", p.getReflectionTextureMatrix()), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat2("vReflectionInfos", p.level, this._reflectionBlur), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat3("vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", p.getSize().width, p.lodGenerationScale, p.lodGenerationOffset))), this.shadowLevel > 0 && this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat("shadowLevel", this.shadowLevel), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat("alpha", this.alpha), this.pointsCloud && this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat("pointSize", this.pointSize), a.USEHIGHLIGHTANDSHADOWCOLORS ? (this._uniformBuffer.updateColor4("vPrimaryColor", this._primaryHighlightColor, 1), this._uniformBuffer.updateColor4("vPrimaryColorShadow", this._primaryShadowColor, 1)) : this._uniformBuffer.updateColor4("vPrimaryColor", this._primaryColor, 1)), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat("fFovMultiplier", this._fovMultiplier), o.texturesEnabled && (this._diffuseTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled && this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("diffuseSampler", this._diffuseTexture), p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (a.REFLECTIONBLUR && a.TEXTURELODSUPPORT ? this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSampler", p) : a.REFLECTIONBLUR ? (this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSampler", p._lodTextureMid || p), this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSamplerLow", p._lodTextureLow || p), this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSamplerHigh", p._lodTextureHigh || p)) : this._uniformBuffer.setTexture("reflectionSampler", p), a.REFLECTIONFRESNEL && (this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat3("vBackgroundCenter", this.sceneCenter.x, this.sceneCenter.y, this.sceneCenter.z), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vReflectionControl", this._reflectionControls.x, this._reflectionControls.y, this._reflectionControls.z, this._reflectionControls.w)))), $e.a.BindClipPlane(this._activeEffect, o), $e.a.BindEyePosition(s, o);
!d && this.isFrozen || (o.lightsEnabled && $e.a.BindLights(o, n, this._activeEffect, a, this._maxSimultaneousLights, !1), this.bindView(s), $e.a.BindFogParameters(o, n, this._activeEffect, !0), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(this._activeEffect)), this._uniformBuffer.update(), this._afterBind(n, this._activeEffect);
}, t.prototype.hasTexture = function(e) {
return !!, e) || this._reflectionTexture === e || this._diffuseTexture === e;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = !1), n && (this.diffuseTexture && this.diffuseTexture.dispose(), this.reflectionTexture && this.reflectionTexture.dispose()), this._renderTargets.dispose(), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver),, e);
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e) {
var n = this;
return L.a.Clone(function() {
return new t(e, n.getScene());
}, this);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "BABYLON.BackgroundMaterial", e;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BackgroundMaterial";
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n);
}, e, n, i);
}, t.StandardReflectance0 = 0.05, t.StandardReflectance90 = 0.5, Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], t.prototype, "_primaryColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "primaryColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], t.prototype, "__perceptualColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_primaryColorShadowLevel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_primaryColorHighlightLevel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "primaryColorHighlightLevel", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionBlur", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionBlur", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)()], t.prototype, "_diffuseTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "diffuseTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "shadowLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_shadowLevel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "shadowLevel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "_sceneCenter", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "sceneCenter", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_opacityFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "opacityFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionFalloffDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionFalloffDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionAmount", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionAmount", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionReflectance0", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionReflectance0", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_reflectionReflectance90", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionReflectance90", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_useRGBColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useRGBColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_enableNoise", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "enableNoise", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_shadowOnly", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "shadowOnly", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.i)()], t.prototype, "_imageProcessingConfiguration", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.BackgroundMaterial"] = qr;
var Es = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n = this;
this._errorHandler = function(i, o) {
n.onErrorObservable.notifyObservers({ message: i, exception: o });
}, this._options = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, r._getDefaultOptions()), t), this._scene = e, this.onErrorObservable = new C.c(), this._setupBackground(), this._setupImageProcessing();
return r._getDefaultOptions = function() {
return { createGround: !0, groundSize: 15, groundTexture: this._groundTextureCDNUrl, groundColor: new I.a(0.2, 0.2, 0.3).toLinearSpace().scale(3), groundOpacity: 0.9, enableGroundShadow: !0, groundShadowLevel: 0.5, enableGroundMirror: !1, groundMirrorSizeRatio: 0.3, groundMirrorBlurKernel: 64, groundMirrorAmount: 1, groundMirrorFresnelWeight: 1, groundMirrorFallOffDistance: 0, groundMirrorTextureType: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, groundYBias: 1e-5, createSkybox: !0, skyboxSize: 20, skyboxTexture: this._skyboxTextureCDNUrl, skyboxColor: new I.a(0.2, 0.2, 0.3).toLinearSpace().scale(3), backgroundYRotation: 0, sizeAuto: !0, rootPosition: u.e.Zero(), setupImageProcessing: !0, environmentTexture: this._environmentTextureCDNUrl, cameraExposure: 0.8, cameraContrast: 1.2, toneMappingEnabled: !0 };
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rootMesh", { get: function() {
return this._rootMesh;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "skybox", { get: function() {
return this._skybox;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "skyboxTexture", { get: function() {
return this._skyboxTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "skyboxMaterial", { get: function() {
return this._skyboxMaterial;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "ground", { get: function() {
return this._ground;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "groundTexture", { get: function() {
return this._groundTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "groundMirror", { get: function() {
return this._groundMirror;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "groundMirrorRenderList", { get: function() {
return this._groundMirror ? this._groundMirror.renderList : null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "groundMaterial", { get: function() {
return this._groundMaterial;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.updateOptions = function(t) {
var e = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, this._options), t);
this._ground && !e.createGround && (this._ground.dispose(), this._ground = null), this._groundMaterial && !e.createGround && (this._groundMaterial.dispose(), this._groundMaterial = null), this._groundTexture && this._options.groundTexture != e.groundTexture && (this._groundTexture.dispose(), this._groundTexture = null), this._skybox && !e.createSkybox && (this._skybox.dispose(), this._skybox = null), this._skyboxMaterial && !e.createSkybox && (this._skyboxMaterial.dispose(), this._skyboxMaterial = null), this._skyboxTexture && this._options.skyboxTexture != e.skyboxTexture && (this._skyboxTexture.dispose(), this._skyboxTexture = null), this._groundMirror && !e.enableGroundMirror && (this._groundMirror.dispose(), this._groundMirror = null), this._scene.environmentTexture && this._options.environmentTexture != e.environmentTexture && this._scene.environmentTexture.dispose(), this._options = e, this._setupBackground(), this._setupImageProcessing();
}, r.prototype.setMainColor = function(t) {
this.groundMaterial && (this.groundMaterial.primaryColor = t), this.skyboxMaterial && (this.skyboxMaterial.primaryColor = t), this.groundMirror && (this.groundMirror.clearColor = new I.b(t.r, t.g, t.b, 1));
}, r.prototype._setupImageProcessing = function() {
this._options.setupImageProcessing && (this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = this._options.cameraContrast, this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = this._options.cameraExposure, this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = this._options.toneMappingEnabled, this._setupEnvironmentTexture());
}, r.prototype._setupEnvironmentTexture = function() {
if (!this._scene.environmentTexture)
if (this._options.environmentTexture instanceof kn.a)
this._scene.environmentTexture = this._options.environmentTexture;
else {
var t = ei.CreateFromPrefilteredData(this._options.environmentTexture, this._scene);
this._scene.environmentTexture = t;
}, r.prototype._setupBackground = function() {
this._rootMesh || (this._rootMesh = new Ie.a("BackgroundHelper", this._scene)), this._rootMesh.rotation.y = this._options.backgroundYRotation;
var t = this._getSceneSize();
this._options.createGround && (this._setupGround(t), this._setupGroundMaterial(), this._setupGroundDiffuseTexture(), this._options.enableGroundMirror && this._setupGroundMirrorTexture(t), this._setupMirrorInGroundMaterial()), this._options.createSkybox && (this._setupSkybox(t), this._setupSkyboxMaterial(), this._setupSkyboxReflectionTexture()), this._rootMesh.position.x = t.rootPosition.x, this._rootMesh.position.z = t.rootPosition.z, this._rootMesh.position.y = t.rootPosition.y;
}, r.prototype._getSceneSize = function() {
var t = this, e = this._options.groundSize, n = this._options.skyboxSize, i = this._options.rootPosition;
if (!this._scene.meshes || this._scene.meshes.length === 1)
return { groundSize: e, skyboxSize: n, rootPosition: i };
var o = this._scene.getWorldExtends(function(d) {
return d !== t._ground && d !== t._rootMesh && d !== t._skybox;
}), a = o.max.subtract(o.min);
if (this._options.sizeAuto) {
this._scene.activeCamera instanceof Hi && this._scene.activeCamera.upperRadiusLimit && (n = e = 2 * this._scene.activeCamera.upperRadiusLimit);
var s = a.length();
s > e && (n = e = 2 * s), e *= 1.1, n *= 1.5, (i = o.min.add(a.scale(0.5))).y = o.min.y - this._options.groundYBias;
return { groundSize: e, skyboxSize: n, rootPosition: i };
}, r.prototype._setupGround = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._ground && !this._ground.isDisposed() || (this._ground = Ie.a.CreatePlane("BackgroundPlane", t.groundSize, this._scene), this._ground.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, this._ground.parent = this._rootMesh, this._ground.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
e._ground = null;
})), this._ground.receiveShadows = this._options.enableGroundShadow;
}, r.prototype._setupGroundMaterial = function() {
this._groundMaterial || (this._groundMaterial = new qr("BackgroundPlaneMaterial", this._scene)), this._groundMaterial.alpha = this._options.groundOpacity, this._groundMaterial.alphaMode = h.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED_PORTERDUFF, this._groundMaterial.shadowLevel = this._options.groundShadowLevel, this._groundMaterial.primaryColor = this._options.groundColor, this._groundMaterial.useRGBColor = !1, this._groundMaterial.enableNoise = !0, this._ground && (this._ground.material = this._groundMaterial);
}, r.prototype._setupGroundDiffuseTexture = function() {
this._groundMaterial && (this._groundTexture || (this._options.groundTexture instanceof kn.a ? this._groundMaterial.diffuseTexture = this._options.groundTexture : (this._groundTexture = new Ne.a(this._options.groundTexture, this._scene, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, this._errorHandler), this._groundTexture.gammaSpace = !1, this._groundTexture.hasAlpha = !0, this._groundMaterial.diffuseTexture = this._groundTexture)));
}, r.prototype._setupGroundMirrorTexture = function(t) {
if (!this._groundMirror && (this._groundMirror = new Ts("BackgroundPlaneMirrorTexture", { ratio: this._options.groundMirrorSizeRatio }, this._scene, !1, this._options.groundMirrorTextureType, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, !0), this._groundMirror.mirrorPlane = new ur.a(0, -1, 0, t.rootPosition.y), this._groundMirror.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, this._groundMirror.wrapU = e, this._groundMirror.wrapV = e, this._groundMirror.gammaSpace = !1, this._groundMirror.renderList))
for (var n = 0; n < this._scene.meshes.length; n++) {
var i = this._scene.meshes[n];
i !== this._ground && i !== this._skybox && i !== this._rootMesh && this._groundMirror.renderList.push(i);
this._groundMirror.clearColor = new I.b(this._options.groundColor.r, this._options.groundColor.g, this._options.groundColor.b, 1), this._groundMirror.adaptiveBlurKernel = this._options.groundMirrorBlurKernel;
}, r.prototype._setupMirrorInGroundMaterial = function() {
this._groundMaterial && (this._groundMaterial.reflectionTexture = this._groundMirror, this._groundMaterial.reflectionFresnel = !0, this._groundMaterial.reflectionAmount = this._options.groundMirrorAmount, this._groundMaterial.reflectionStandardFresnelWeight = this._options.groundMirrorFresnelWeight, this._groundMaterial.reflectionFalloffDistance = this._options.groundMirrorFallOffDistance);
}, r.prototype._setupSkybox = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._skybox && !this._skybox.isDisposed() || (this._skybox = Ie.a.CreateBox("BackgroundSkybox", t.skyboxSize, this._scene, void 0, Ie.a.BACKSIDE), this._skybox.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
e._skybox = null;
})), this._skybox.parent = this._rootMesh;
}, r.prototype._setupSkyboxMaterial = function() {
this._skybox && (this._skyboxMaterial || (this._skyboxMaterial = new qr("BackgroundSkyboxMaterial", this._scene)), this._skyboxMaterial.useRGBColor = !1, this._skyboxMaterial.primaryColor = this._options.skyboxColor, this._skyboxMaterial.enableNoise = !0, this._skybox.material = this._skyboxMaterial);
}, r.prototype._setupSkyboxReflectionTexture = function() {
this._skyboxMaterial && (this._skyboxTexture || (this._options.skyboxTexture instanceof kn.a ? this._skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture = this._options.skyboxTexture : (this._skyboxTexture = new ei(this._options.skyboxTexture, this._scene, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, this._errorHandler), this._skyboxTexture.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE, this._skyboxTexture.gammaSpace = !1, this._skyboxMaterial.reflectionTexture = this._skyboxTexture)));
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._groundMaterial && this._groundMaterial.dispose(!0, !0), this._skyboxMaterial && this._skyboxMaterial.dispose(!0, !0), this._rootMesh.dispose(!1);
}, r._groundTextureCDNUrl = "", r._skyboxTextureCDNUrl = "", r._environmentTextureCDNUrl = "", r;
}(), Di = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = null);
var s =, e, o) || this;
s.onError = a, s._halfDome = !1, s._crossEye = !1, s._useDirectMapping = !1, s._textureMode = t.MODE_MONOSCOPIC, s._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = null, s.onLoadErrorObservable = new C.c(), o = s.getScene(), e = e || "textureDome", i.resolution = 0 | Math.abs(i.resolution) || 32, i.clickToPlay = !!i.clickToPlay, i.autoPlay = i.autoPlay === void 0 || !!i.autoPlay, i.loop = i.loop === void 0 || !!i.loop, i.size = Math.abs(i.size) || (o.activeCamera ? 0.48 * o.activeCamera.maxZ : 1e3), i.useDirectMapping === void 0 ? s._useDirectMapping = !0 : s._useDirectMapping = i.useDirectMapping, i.faceForward === void 0 && (i.faceForward = !0), s._setReady(!1), s._mesh = Ie.a.CreateSphere(e + "_mesh", i.resolution, i.size, o, !1, Ie.a.BACKSIDE);
var d = s._material = new qr(e + "_material", o);
d.useEquirectangularFOV = !0, d.fovMultiplier = 1, d.opacityFresnel = !1;
var p = s._initTexture(n, o, i);
if (s.texture = p, s._mesh.material = d, s._mesh.parent = s, s._halfDomeMask = Nn.a.CreateSphere("", { slice: 0.5, diameter: 0.98 * i.size, segments: 2 * i.resolution, sideOrientation: Ie.a.BACKSIDE }, o), s._halfDomeMask.rotate(be.a.X, -Math.PI / 2), s._halfDomeMask.parent = s._mesh, s._halfDome = !!i.halfDomeMode, s._halfDomeMask.setEnabled(s._halfDome), s._crossEye = !!i.crossEyeMode, s._texture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, s._texture.onLoadObservable.addOnce(function() {
}), i.faceForward && o.activeCamera) {
var y = o.activeCamera, P = u.e.Forward(), R = u.e.TransformNormal(P, y.getViewMatrix());
R.normalize(), s.rotation.y = Math.acos(u.e.Dot(P, R));
return s._changeTextureMode(s._textureMode), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "texture", { get: function() {
return this._texture;
}, set: function(e) {
this._texture !== e && (this._texture = e, this._useDirectMapping ? (this._texture.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._texture.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._material.diffuseTexture = this._texture) : (this._texture.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.FIXED_EQUIRECTANGULAR_MIRRORED_MODE, this._texture.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._material.reflectionTexture = this._texture), this._changeTextureMode(this._textureMode));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "mesh", { get: function() {
return this._mesh;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fovMultiplier", { get: function() {
return this._material.fovMultiplier;
}, set: function(e) {
this._material.fovMultiplier = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "textureMode", { get: function() {
return this._textureMode;
}, set: function(e) {
this._textureMode !== e && this._changeTextureMode(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "halfDome", { get: function() {
return this._halfDome;
}, set: function(e) {
this._halfDome = e, this._halfDomeMask.setEnabled(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "crossEye", { get: function() {
return this._crossEye;
}, set: function(e) {
this._crossEye = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "material", { get: function() {
return this._material;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._changeTextureMode = function(e) {
var n = this;
switch (this._scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver), this._textureMode = e, this._texture.uScale = 1, this._texture.vScale = 1, this._texture.uOffset = 0, this._texture.vOffset = 0, this._texture.vAng = 0, e) {
this._halfDome && (this._texture.uScale = 2, this._texture.uOffset = -1);
this._texture.uScale = this._halfDome ? 0.99999 : 0.5;
var i = this._halfDome ? 0 : 0.5, o = this._halfDome ? -0.5 : 0;
this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = this._scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add(function(a) {
var s = a.isRightCamera;
n._crossEye && (s = !s), n._texture.uOffset = s ? i : o;
this._texture.vScale = this._halfDome ? 0.99999 : 0.5, this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = this._scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add(function(a) {
var s = a.isRightCamera;
n._crossEye && (s = !s), n._texture.vOffset = s ? 0.5 : 0;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._texture.dispose(), this._mesh.dispose(), this._material.dispose(), this._scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver), this.onLoadErrorObservable.clear(),, e, n);
}(pr.a), op = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "photoTexture", { get: function() {
return this.texture;
}, set: function(e) {
this.texture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageMode", { get: function() {
return this.textureMode;
}, set: function(e) {
this.textureMode = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._initTexture = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this;
return new Ne.a(e, n, !i.generateMipMaps, !this._useDirectMapping, void 0, void 0, function(a, s) {
o.onLoadErrorObservable.notifyObservers(a || "Unknown error occured"), o.onError && o.onError(a, s);
}(Di), ql = function() {
function r() {
return r.ExpandRGBDTexture = function(t) {
var e = t._texture;
if (e && t.isRGBD) {
var n = e.getEngine(), i = n.getCaps(), o = !1;
i.textureHalfFloatRender && i.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering ? (o = !0, e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT) : i.textureFloatRender && i.textureFloatLinearFiltering && (o = !0, e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT), o && (e.isReady = !1, e._isRGBD = !1, e.invertY = !1), t.onLoadObservable.addOnce(function() {
if (o) {
var a = new ft("rgbdDecode", "rgbdDecode", null, null, 1, null, h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, n, !1, void 0, e.type, void 0, null, !1), s = n.createRenderTargetTexture(e.width, { generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateMipMaps: !1, generateStencilBuffer: !1, samplingMode: e.samplingMode, type: e.type, format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA });
a.getEffect().executeWhenCompiled(function() {
a.onApply = function(d) {
d._bindTexture("textureSampler", e), d.setFloat2("scale", 1, 1);
}, t.getScene().postProcessManager.directRender([a], s, !0), n.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), n._releaseTexture(e), n._releaseFramebufferObjects(s), a && a.dispose(), s._swapAndDie(e), e.isReady = !0;
}, r;
}(), Ho = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetEnvironmentBRDFTexture = function(t) {
if (!t.environmentBRDFTexture) {
var e = t.useDelayedTextureLoading;
t.useDelayedTextureLoading = !1;
var n = t._blockEntityCollection;
t._blockEntityCollection = !1;
var i = Ne.a.CreateFromBase64String(this._environmentBRDFBase64Texture, "EnvironmentBRDFTexture" + this._instanceNumber++, t, !0, !1, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);
t._blockEntityCollection = n;
var o = t.getEngine().getLoadedTexturesCache(), a = o.indexOf(i.getInternalTexture());
a !== -1 && o.splice(a, 1), i.isRGBD = !0, i.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, i.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, t.environmentBRDFTexture = i, t.useDelayedTextureLoading = e, ql.ExpandRGBDTexture(i);
return t.environmentBRDFTexture;
}, r._instanceNumber = 0, r._environmentBRDFBase64Texture = "", r;
}(), mr = function() {
function r(t) {
this._isEnabled = !1, this.isEnabled = !1, this.intensity = 1, this.roughness = 0, this._indexOfRefraction = r._DefaultIndexOfRefraction, this.indexOfRefraction = r._DefaultIndexOfRefraction, this._texture = null, this.texture = null, this._useRoughnessFromMainTexture = !0, this.useRoughnessFromMainTexture = !0, this._textureRoughness = null, this.textureRoughness = null, this._remapF0OnInterfaceChange = !0, this.remapF0OnInterfaceChange = !0, this._bumpTexture = null, this.bumpTexture = null, this._isTintEnabled = !1, this.isTintEnabled = !1, this.tintColor = I.a.White(), this.tintColorAtDistance = 1, this.tintThickness = 1, this._tintTexture = null, this.tintTexture = null, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = t;
return r.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, r.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(t, e, n, i) {
return !(t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && !this._texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._textureRoughness && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && !this._textureRoughness.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || n.getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._bumpTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled && !i && !this._bumpTexture.isReady() || this._isTintEnabled && this._tintTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled && !this._tintTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking()));
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e) {
var n;
this._isEnabled ? (t.CLEARCOAT = !0, t.CLEARCOAT_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE = this._useRoughnessFromMainTexture, t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL = this._texture !== null && this._texture._texture === ((n = this._textureRoughness) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n._texture) && this._texture.checkTransformsAreIdentical(this._textureRoughness), t.CLEARCOAT_REMAP_F0 = this._remapF0OnInterfaceChange, t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._texture, t, "CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE") : t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE = !1, this._textureRoughness && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._textureRoughness, t, "CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS") : t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS = !1, this._bumpTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._bumpTexture, t, "CLEARCOAT_BUMP") : t.CLEARCOAT_BUMP = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_DEFAULTIOR = this._indexOfRefraction === r._DefaultIndexOfRefraction, this._isTintEnabled ? (t.CLEARCOAT_TINT = !0, this._tintTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._tintTexture, t, "CLEARCOAT_TINT_TEXTURE") : t.CLEARCOAT_TINT_TEXTURE = !1) : (t.CLEARCOAT_TINT = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TINT_TEXTURE = !1))) : (t.CLEARCOAT = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_BUMP = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TINT = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TINT_TEXTURE = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE = !1, t.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL = !1);
}, r.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie = d._materialDefines, se = ie.CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL;
if (!t.useUbo || !o || !t.isSync) {
se && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled ? (t.updateFloat4("vClearCoatInfos", this._texture.coordinatesIndex, this._texture.level, -1, -1), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, t, "clearCoat")) : (this._texture || this._textureRoughness) && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && (t.updateFloat4("vClearCoatInfos", (y = (p = this._texture) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.coordinatesIndex) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : 0, (R = (P = this._texture) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.level) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : 0, (F = (B = this._textureRoughness) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.coordinatesIndex) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : 0, (J = (z = this._textureRoughness) === null || z === void 0 ? void 0 : z.level) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : 0), this._texture && $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, t, "clearCoat"), !this._textureRoughness || se || ie.CLEARCOAT_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE || $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._textureRoughness, t, "clearCoatRoughness")), this._bumpTexture && n.getCaps().standardDerivatives && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && !i && (t.updateFloat2("vClearCoatBumpInfos", this._bumpTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._bumpTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._bumpTexture, t, "clearCoatBump"), e._mirroredCameraPosition ? t.updateFloat2("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", a ? 1 : -1, s ? 1 : -1) : t.updateFloat2("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", a ? -1 : 1, s ? -1 : 1)), this._tintTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled && (t.updateFloat2("vClearCoatTintInfos", this._tintTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._tintTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._tintTexture, t, "clearCoatTint")), t.updateFloat2("vClearCoatParams", this.intensity, this.roughness);
var ce = 1 - this._indexOfRefraction, ue = 1 + this._indexOfRefraction, fe = Math.pow(-ce / ue, 2), ve = 1 / this._indexOfRefraction;
t.updateFloat4("vClearCoatRefractionParams", fe, ve, ce, ue), this._isTintEnabled && (t.updateFloat4("vClearCoatTintParams", this.tintColor.r, this.tintColor.g, this.tintColor.b, Math.max(1e-5, this.tintThickness)), t.updateFloat("clearCoatColorAtDistance", Math.max(1e-5, this.tintColorAtDistance)));
e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("clearCoatSampler", this._texture), this._textureRoughness && !se && !ie.CLEARCOAT_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE && lt.a.ClearCoatTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("clearCoatRoughnessSampler", this._textureRoughness), this._bumpTexture && n.getCaps().standardDerivatives && lt.a.ClearCoatBumpTextureEnabled && !i && t.setTexture("clearCoatBumpSampler", this._bumpTexture), this._isTintEnabled && this._tintTexture && lt.a.ClearCoatTintTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("clearCoatTintSampler", this._tintTexture));
}, r.prototype.hasTexture = function(t) {
return this._texture === t || this._textureRoughness === t || this._bumpTexture === t || this._tintTexture === t;
}, r.prototype.getActiveTextures = function(t) {
this._texture && t.push(this._texture), this._textureRoughness && t.push(this._textureRoughness), this._bumpTexture && t.push(this._bumpTexture), this._tintTexture && t.push(this._tintTexture);
}, r.prototype.getAnimatables = function(t) {
this._texture && this._texture.animations && this._texture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._texture), this._textureRoughness && this._textureRoughness.animations && this._textureRoughness.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._textureRoughness), this._bumpTexture && this._bumpTexture.animations && this._bumpTexture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._bumpTexture), this._tintTexture && this._tintTexture.animations && this._tintTexture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._tintTexture);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o;
t && ((e = this._texture) === null || e === void 0 || e.dispose(), (n = this._textureRoughness) === null || n === void 0 || n.dispose(), (i = this._bumpTexture) === null || i === void 0 || i.dispose(), (o = this._tintTexture) === null || o === void 0 || o.dispose());
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRClearCoatConfiguration";
}, r.AddFallbacks = function(t, e, n) {
return t.CLEARCOAT_BUMP && e.addFallback(n++, "CLEARCOAT_BUMP"), t.CLEARCOAT_TINT && e.addFallback(n++, "CLEARCOAT_TINT"), t.CLEARCOAT && e.addFallback(n++, "CLEARCOAT"), n;
}, r.AddUniforms = function(t) {
t.push("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", "vClearCoatParams", "vClearCoatRefractionParams", "vClearCoatTintParams", "clearCoatColorAtDistance", "clearCoatMatrix", "clearCoatRoughnessMatrix", "clearCoatBumpMatrix", "clearCoatTintMatrix", "vClearCoatInfos", "vClearCoatBumpInfos", "vClearCoatTintInfos");
}, r.AddSamplers = function(t) {
t.push("clearCoatSampler", "clearCoatRoughnessSampler", "clearCoatBumpSampler", "clearCoatTintSampler");
}, r.PrepareUniformBuffer = function(t) {
t.addUniform("vClearCoatParams", 2), t.addUniform("vClearCoatRefractionParams", 4), t.addUniform("vClearCoatInfos", 4), t.addUniform("clearCoatMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("clearCoatRoughnessMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("vClearCoatBumpInfos", 2), t.addUniform("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", 2), t.addUniform("clearCoatBumpMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("vClearCoatTintParams", 4), t.addUniform("clearCoatColorAtDistance", 1), t.addUniform("vClearCoatTintInfos", 2), t.addUniform("clearCoatTintMatrix", 16);
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
L.a.Clone(function() {
return t;
}, this);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return L.a.Serialize(this);
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
L.a.Parse(function() {
return i;
}, t, e, n);
}, r._DefaultIndexOfRefraction = 1.5, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "intensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "roughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "texture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "useRoughnessFromMainTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "textureRoughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "remapF0OnInterfaceChange", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "bumpTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isTintEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], r.prototype, "tintColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "tintColorAtDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "tintThickness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "tintTexture", void 0), r;
}(), gr = function() {
function r(t) {
this._isEnabled = !1, this.isEnabled = !1, this.intensity = 1, this.direction = new u.d(1, 0), this._texture = null, this.texture = null, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = t;
return r.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, r.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(t, e) {
return !(t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && this._texture && lt.a.AnisotropicTextureEnabled && !this._texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e, n) {
this._isEnabled ? (t.ANISOTROPIC = this._isEnabled, this._isEnabled && !e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.TangentKind) && (t._needUVs = !0, t.MAINUV1 = !0), t._areTexturesDirty && n.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.AnisotropicTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._texture, t, "ANISOTROPIC_TEXTURE") : t.ANISOTROPIC_TEXTURE = !1)) : (t.ANISOTROPIC = !1, t.ANISOTROPIC_TEXTURE = !1);
}, r.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(t, e, n) {
t.useUbo && n && t.isSync || (this._texture && lt.a.AnisotropicTextureEnabled && (t.updateFloat2("vAnisotropyInfos", this._texture.coordinatesIndex, this._texture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, t, "anisotropy")), t.updateFloat3("vAnisotropy", this.direction.x, this.direction.y, this.intensity)), e.texturesEnabled && this._texture && lt.a.AnisotropicTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("anisotropySampler", this._texture);
}, r.prototype.hasTexture = function(t) {
return this._texture === t;
}, r.prototype.getActiveTextures = function(t) {
this._texture && t.push(this._texture);
}, r.prototype.getAnimatables = function(t) {
this._texture && this._texture.animations && this._texture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._texture);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
t && this._texture && this._texture.dispose();
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRAnisotropicConfiguration";
}, r.AddFallbacks = function(t, e, n) {
return t.ANISOTROPIC && e.addFallback(n++, "ANISOTROPIC"), n;
}, r.AddUniforms = function(t) {
t.push("vAnisotropy", "vAnisotropyInfos", "anisotropyMatrix");
}, r.PrepareUniformBuffer = function(t) {
t.addUniform("vAnisotropy", 3), t.addUniform("vAnisotropyInfos", 2), t.addUniform("anisotropyMatrix", 16);
}, r.AddSamplers = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
L.a.Clone(function() {
return t;
}, this);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return L.a.Serialize(this);
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
L.a.Parse(function() {
return i;
}, t, e, n);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "intensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.n)()], r.prototype, "direction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "texture", void 0), r;
}(), ap = function() {
function r(t) {
this._useEnergyConservation = r.DEFAULT_USE_ENERGY_CONSERVATION, this.useEnergyConservation = r.DEFAULT_USE_ENERGY_CONSERVATION, this._useSmithVisibilityHeightCorrelated = r.DEFAULT_USE_SMITH_VISIBILITY_HEIGHT_CORRELATED, this.useSmithVisibilityHeightCorrelated = r.DEFAULT_USE_SMITH_VISIBILITY_HEIGHT_CORRELATED, this._useSphericalHarmonics = r.DEFAULT_USE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS, this.useSphericalHarmonics = r.DEFAULT_USE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS, this._useSpecularGlossinessInputEnergyConservation = r.DEFAULT_USE_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_INPUT_ENERGY_CONSERVATION, this.useSpecularGlossinessInputEnergyConservation = r.DEFAULT_USE_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_INPUT_ENERGY_CONSERVATION, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = t;
return r.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty = function() {
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t) {
t.BRDF_V_HEIGHT_CORRELATED = this._useSmithVisibilityHeightCorrelated, t.MS_BRDF_ENERGY_CONSERVATION = this._useEnergyConservation && this._useSmithVisibilityHeightCorrelated, t.SPHERICAL_HARMONICS = this._useSphericalHarmonics, t.SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_ENERGY_CONSERVATION = this._useSpecularGlossinessInputEnergyConservation;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRBRDFConfiguration";
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
L.a.Clone(function() {
return t;
}, this);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return L.a.Serialize(this);
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
L.a.Parse(function() {
return i;
}, t, e, n);
}, r.DEFAULT_USE_ENERGY_CONSERVATION = !0, r.DEFAULT_USE_SMITH_VISIBILITY_HEIGHT_CORRELATED = !0, r.DEFAULT_USE_SPHERICAL_HARMONICS = !0, r.DEFAULT_USE_SPECULAR_GLOSSINESS_INPUT_ENERGY_CONSERVATION = !0, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], r.prototype, "useEnergyConservation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], r.prototype, "useSmithVisibilityHeightCorrelated", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], r.prototype, "useSphericalHarmonics", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], r.prototype, "useSpecularGlossinessInputEnergyConservation", void 0), r;
}(), Zr = function() {
function r(t) {
this._isEnabled = !1, this.isEnabled = !1, this._linkSheenWithAlbedo = !1, this.linkSheenWithAlbedo = !1, this.intensity = 1, this.color = I.a.White(), this._texture = null, this.texture = null, this._useRoughnessFromMainTexture = !0, this.useRoughnessFromMainTexture = !0, this._roughness = null, this.roughness = null, this._textureRoughness = null, this.textureRoughness = null, this._albedoScaling = !1, this.albedoScaling = !1, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = t;
return r.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, r.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(t, e) {
return !(t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled && !this._texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._textureRoughness && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled && !this._textureRoughness.isReadyOrNotBlocking()));
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e) {
var n;
this._isEnabled ? (t.SHEEN = this._isEnabled, t.SHEEN_LINKWITHALBEDO = this._linkSheenWithAlbedo, t.SHEEN_ROUGHNESS = this._roughness !== null, t.SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING = this._albedoScaling, t.SHEEN_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE = this._useRoughnessFromMainTexture, t.SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL = this._texture !== null && this._texture._texture === ((n = this._textureRoughness) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n._texture) && this._texture.checkTransformsAreIdentical(this._textureRoughness), t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._texture, t, "SHEEN_TEXTURE") : t.SHEEN_TEXTURE = !1, this._textureRoughness && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._textureRoughness, t, "SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS") : t.SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS = !1)) : (t.SHEEN = !1, t.SHEEN_TEXTURE = !1, t.SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS = !1, t.SHEEN_LINKWITHALBEDO = !1, t.SHEEN_ROUGHNESS = !1, t.SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING = !1, t.SHEEN_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE = !1, t.SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL = !1);
}, r.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B = i._materialDefines, F = B.SHEEN_TEXTURE_ROUGHNESS_IDENTICAL;
t.useUbo && n && t.isSync || (F && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled ? (t.updateFloat4("vSheenInfos", this._texture.coordinatesIndex, this._texture.level, -1, -1), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, t, "sheen")) : (this._texture || this._textureRoughness) && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled && (t.updateFloat4("vSheenInfos", (a = (o = this._texture) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.coordinatesIndex) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : 0, (d = (s = this._texture) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.level) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : 0, (y = (p = this._textureRoughness) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.coordinatesIndex) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : 0, (R = (P = this._textureRoughness) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.level) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : 0), this._texture && $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._texture, t, "sheen"), !this._textureRoughness || F || B.SHEEN_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE || $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._textureRoughness, t, "sheenRoughness")), t.updateFloat4("vSheenColor", this.color.r, this.color.g, this.color.b, this.intensity), this._roughness !== null && t.updateFloat("vSheenRoughness", this._roughness)), e.texturesEnabled && (this._texture && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("sheenSampler", this._texture), this._textureRoughness && !F && !B.SHEEN_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE && lt.a.SheenTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("sheenRoughnessSampler", this._textureRoughness));
}, r.prototype.hasTexture = function(t) {
return this._texture === t || this._textureRoughness === t;
}, r.prototype.getActiveTextures = function(t) {
this._texture && t.push(this._texture), this._textureRoughness && t.push(this._textureRoughness);
}, r.prototype.getAnimatables = function(t) {
this._texture && this._texture.animations && this._texture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._texture), this._textureRoughness && this._textureRoughness.animations && this._textureRoughness.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._textureRoughness);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e, n;
t && ((e = this._texture) === null || e === void 0 || e.dispose(), (n = this._textureRoughness) === null || n === void 0 || n.dispose());
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRSheenConfiguration";
}, r.AddFallbacks = function(t, e, n) {
return t.SHEEN && e.addFallback(n++, "SHEEN"), n;
}, r.AddUniforms = function(t) {
t.push("vSheenColor", "vSheenRoughness", "vSheenInfos", "sheenMatrix", "sheenRoughnessMatrix");
}, r.PrepareUniformBuffer = function(t) {
t.addUniform("vSheenColor", 4), t.addUniform("vSheenRoughness", 1), t.addUniform("vSheenInfos", 4), t.addUniform("sheenMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("sheenRoughnessMatrix", 16);
}, r.AddSamplers = function(t) {
t.push("sheenSampler"), t.push("sheenRoughnessSampler");
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
L.a.Clone(function() {
return t;
}, this);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return L.a.Serialize(this);
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
L.a.Parse(function() {
return i;
}, t, e, n);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "linkSheenWithAlbedo", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "intensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], r.prototype, "color", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "texture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "useRoughnessFromMainTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "roughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "textureRoughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "albedoScaling", void 0), r;
}(), Jr = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this._isRefractionEnabled = !1, this.isRefractionEnabled = !1, this._isTranslucencyEnabled = !1, this.isTranslucencyEnabled = !1, this._isScatteringEnabled = !1, this.isScatteringEnabled = !1, this._scatteringDiffusionProfileIndex = 0, this.refractionIntensity = 1, this.translucencyIntensity = 1, this.useAlbedoToTintRefraction = !1, this._thicknessTexture = null, this.thicknessTexture = null, this._refractionTexture = null, this.refractionTexture = null, this._indexOfRefraction = 1.5, this.indexOfRefraction = 1.5, this._volumeIndexOfRefraction = -1, this._invertRefractionY = !1, this.invertRefractionY = !1, this._linkRefractionWithTransparency = !1, this.linkRefractionWithTransparency = !1, this.minimumThickness = 0, this.maximumThickness = 1, this.tintColor = I.a.White(), this.tintColorAtDistance = 1, this.diffusionDistance = I.a.White(), this._useMaskFromThicknessTexture = !1, this.useMaskFromThicknessTexture = !1, this._useMaskFromThicknessTextureGltf = !1, this.useMaskFromThicknessTextureGltf = !1, this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = t, this._internalMarkScenePrePassDirty = e, this._scene = n;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "scatteringDiffusionProfile", { get: function() {
return this._scene.subSurfaceConfiguration ? this._scene.subSurfaceConfiguration.ssDiffusionProfileColors[this._scatteringDiffusionProfileIndex] : null;
}, set: function(t) {
this._scene.enableSubSurfaceForPrePass() && t && (this._scatteringDiffusionProfileIndex = this._scene.subSurfaceConfiguration.addDiffusionProfile(t));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "volumeIndexOfRefraction", { get: function() {
return this._volumeIndexOfRefraction >= 1 ? this._volumeIndexOfRefraction : this._indexOfRefraction;
}, set: function(t) {
this._volumeIndexOfRefraction = t >= 1 ? t : -1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty = function() {
}, r.prototype._markScenePrePassDirty = function() {
this._internalMarkAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty(), this._internalMarkScenePrePassDirty();
}, r.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(t, e) {
if (t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled) {
if (this._thicknessTexture && lt.a.ThicknessTextureEnabled && !this._thicknessTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
var n = this._getRefractionTexture(e);
if (n && lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled && !n.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
return !0;
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e) {
if (t._areTexturesDirty && (t.SUBSURFACE = !1, t.SS_TRANSLUCENCY = this._isTranslucencyEnabled, t.SS_SCATTERING = this._isScatteringEnabled, t.SS_THICKNESSANDMASK_TEXTURE = !1, t.SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE = !1, t.SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE_GLTF = !1, t.SS_REFRACTION = !1, t.SS_REFRACTIONMAP_3D = !1, t.SS_GAMMAREFRACTION = !1, t.SS_RGBDREFRACTION = !1, t.SS_LINEARSPECULARREFRACTION = !1, t.SS_REFRACTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ = !1, t.SS_LODINREFRACTIONALPHA = !1, t.SS_LINKREFRACTIONTOTRANSPARENCY = !1, t.SS_ALBEDOFORREFRACTIONTINT = !1, (this._isRefractionEnabled || this._isTranslucencyEnabled || this._isScatteringEnabled) && (t.SUBSURFACE = !0, t._areTexturesDirty && e.texturesEnabled && this._thicknessTexture && lt.a.ThicknessTextureEnabled && $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._thicknessTexture, t, "SS_THICKNESSANDMASK_TEXTURE"), t.SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE = this._useMaskFromThicknessTexture, t.SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE_GLTF = this._useMaskFromThicknessTextureGltf), this._isRefractionEnabled && e.texturesEnabled)) {
var n = this._getRefractionTexture(e);
n && lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled && (t.SS_REFRACTION = !0, t.SS_REFRACTIONMAP_3D = n.isCube, t.SS_GAMMAREFRACTION = n.gammaSpace, t.SS_RGBDREFRACTION = n.isRGBD, t.SS_LINEARSPECULARREFRACTION = n.linearSpecularLOD, t.SS_REFRACTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ = n.invertZ, t.SS_LODINREFRACTIONALPHA = n.lodLevelInAlpha, t.SS_LINKREFRACTIONTOTRANSPARENCY = this._linkRefractionWithTransparency, t.SS_ALBEDOFORREFRACTIONTINT = this.useAlbedoToTintRefraction);
}, r.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
var s = this._getRefractionTexture(e);
if (!t.useUbo || !i || !t.isSync) {
if (this._thicknessTexture && lt.a.ThicknessTextureEnabled && (t.updateFloat2("vThicknessInfos", this._thicknessTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._thicknessTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._thicknessTexture, t, "thickness")), t.updateFloat2("vThicknessParam", this.minimumThickness, this.maximumThickness - this.minimumThickness), s && lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled) {
t.updateMatrix("refractionMatrix", s.getReflectionTextureMatrix());
var d = 1;
s.isCube || s.depth && (d = s.depth);
var p = s.getSize().width, y = this.volumeIndexOfRefraction;
t.updateFloat4("vRefractionInfos", s.level, 1 / y, d, this._invertRefractionY ? -1 : 1), t.updateFloat3("vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos", p, s.lodGenerationScale, s.lodGenerationOffset), a && t.updateFloat2("vRefractionFilteringInfo", p, $.a.Log2(p));
this.isScatteringEnabled && t.updateFloat("scatteringDiffusionProfile", this._scatteringDiffusionProfileIndex), t.updateColor3("vDiffusionDistance", this.diffusionDistance), t.updateFloat4("vTintColor", this.tintColor.r, this.tintColor.g, this.tintColor.b, this.tintColorAtDistance), t.updateFloat3("vSubSurfaceIntensity", this.refractionIntensity, this.translucencyIntensity, 0);
e.texturesEnabled && (this._thicknessTexture && lt.a.ThicknessTextureEnabled && t.setTexture("thicknessSampler", this._thicknessTexture), s && lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled && (o ? t.setTexture("refractionSampler", s) : (t.setTexture("refractionSampler", s._lodTextureMid || s), t.setTexture("refractionSamplerLow", s._lodTextureLow || s), t.setTexture("refractionSamplerHigh", s._lodTextureHigh || s))));
}, r.prototype.unbind = function(t) {
return !(!this._refractionTexture || !this._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget) && (t.setTexture("refractionSampler", null), !0);
}, r.prototype._getRefractionTexture = function(t) {
return this._refractionTexture ? this._refractionTexture : this._isRefractionEnabled ? t.environmentTexture : null;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "disableAlphaBlending", { get: function() {
return this.isRefractionEnabled && this._linkRefractionWithTransparency;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.fillRenderTargetTextures = function(t) {
lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled && this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget && t.push(this._refractionTexture);
}, r.prototype.hasTexture = function(t) {
return this._thicknessTexture === t || this._refractionTexture === t;
}, r.prototype.hasRenderTargetTextures = function() {
return !!(lt.a.RefractionTextureEnabled && this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.isRenderTarget);
}, r.prototype.getActiveTextures = function(t) {
this._thicknessTexture && t.push(this._thicknessTexture), this._refractionTexture && t.push(this._refractionTexture);
}, r.prototype.getAnimatables = function(t) {
this._thicknessTexture && this._thicknessTexture.animations && this._thicknessTexture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._thicknessTexture), this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.animations && this._refractionTexture.animations.length > 0 && t.push(this._refractionTexture);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
t && (this._thicknessTexture && this._thicknessTexture.dispose(), this._refractionTexture && this._refractionTexture.dispose());
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRSubSurfaceConfiguration";
}, r.AddFallbacks = function(t, e, n) {
return t.SS_SCATTERING && e.addFallback(n++, "SS_SCATTERING"), t.SS_TRANSLUCENCY && e.addFallback(n++, "SS_TRANSLUCENCY"), n;
}, r.AddUniforms = function(t) {
t.push("vDiffusionDistance", "vTintColor", "vSubSurfaceIntensity", "vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos", "vRefractionFilteringInfo", "vRefractionInfos", "vThicknessInfos", "vThicknessParam", "refractionMatrix", "thicknessMatrix", "scatteringDiffusionProfile");
}, r.AddSamplers = function(t) {
t.push("thicknessSampler", "refractionSampler", "refractionSamplerLow", "refractionSamplerHigh");
}, r.PrepareUniformBuffer = function(t) {
t.addUniform("vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos", 3), t.addUniform("vRefractionFilteringInfo", 2), t.addUniform("vRefractionInfos", 4), t.addUniform("refractionMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("vThicknessInfos", 2), t.addUniform("thicknessMatrix", 16), t.addUniform("vThicknessParam", 2), t.addUniform("vDiffusionDistance", 3), t.addUniform("vTintColor", 4), t.addUniform("vSubSurfaceIntensity", 3), t.addUniform("scatteringDiffusionProfile", 1);
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
L.a.Clone(function() {
return t;
}, this);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return L.a.Serialize(this);
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
L.a.Parse(function() {
return i;
}, t, e, n);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isRefractionEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "isTranslucencyEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markScenePrePassDirty")], r.prototype, "isScatteringEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "_scatteringDiffusionProfileIndex", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "refractionIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "translucencyIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "useAlbedoToTintRefraction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "thicknessTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "refractionTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "_volumeIndexOfRefraction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "volumeIndexOfRefraction", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "invertRefractionY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "linkRefractionWithTransparency", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "minimumThickness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "maximumThickness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], r.prototype, "tintColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "tintColorAtDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)()], r.prototype, "diffusionDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "useMaskFromThicknessTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], r.prototype, "useMaskFromThicknessTextureGltf", void 0), r;
}(), Ss = f(105), zt = f(25), sp = (f(160), `uniform vec3 vReflectionColor;
uniform vec4 vAlbedoColor;
uniform vec4 vLightingIntensity;
uniform vec4 vReflectivityColor;
uniform vec4 vMetallicReflectanceFactors;
uniform vec3 vEmissiveColor;
uniform float visibility;
#ifdef ALBEDO
uniform vec2 vAlbedoInfos;
#ifdef AMBIENT
uniform vec4 vAmbientInfos;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform vec2 vTangentSpaceParams;
#ifdef OPACITY
uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos;
uniform vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
uniform vec2 vLightmapInfos;
uniform vec3 vReflectivityInfos;
uniform vec2 vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform vec3 vReflectionPosition;
uniform vec3 vReflectionSize;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatParams;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatRefractionParams;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatMatrix;
uniform mat4 clearCoatRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatBumpInfos;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams;
uniform mat4 clearCoatBumpMatrix;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatTintParams;
uniform float clearCoatColorAtDistance;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatTintInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatTintMatrix;
uniform vec3 vAnisotropy;
uniform vec2 vAnisotropyInfos;
uniform mat4 anisotropyMatrix;
#ifdef SHEEN
uniform vec4 vSheenColor;
uniform float vSheenRoughness;
uniform vec4 vSheenInfos;
uniform mat4 sheenMatrix;
uniform mat4 sheenRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec3 vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform vec4 vRefractionInfos;
uniform mat4 refractionMatrix;
uniform vec2 vRefractionFilteringInfo;
uniform vec2 vThicknessInfos;
uniform mat4 thicknessMatrix;
uniform vec2 vThicknessParam;
uniform vec3 vDiffusionDistance;
uniform vec4 vTintColor;
uniform vec3 vSubSurfaceIntensity;
#ifdef PREPASS
uniform float scatteringDiffusionProfile;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrFragmentDeclaration = sp;
var cp = `layout(std140,column_major) uniform;
uniform Material
uniform vec2 vAlbedoInfos;
uniform vec4 vAmbientInfos;
uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos;
uniform vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
uniform vec2 vLightmapInfos;
uniform vec3 vReflectivityInfos;
uniform vec2 vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo;
uniform vec3 vReflectionPosition;
uniform vec3 vReflectionSize;
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform mat4 albedoMatrix;
uniform mat4 ambientMatrix;
uniform mat4 opacityMatrix;
uniform mat4 emissiveMatrix;
uniform mat4 lightmapMatrix;
uniform mat4 reflectivityMatrix;
uniform mat4 microSurfaceSamplerMatrix;
uniform mat4 bumpMatrix;
uniform vec2 vTangentSpaceParams;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectionColor;
uniform vec4 vAlbedoColor;
uniform vec4 vLightingIntensity;
uniform vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform float pointSize;
uniform vec4 vReflectivityColor;
uniform vec3 vEmissiveColor;
uniform float visibility;
uniform vec4 vMetallicReflectanceFactors;
uniform vec2 vMetallicReflectanceInfos;
uniform mat4 metallicReflectanceMatrix;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatParams;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatRefractionParams;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatMatrix;
uniform mat4 clearCoatRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatBumpInfos;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams;
uniform mat4 clearCoatBumpMatrix;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatTintParams;
uniform float clearCoatColorAtDistance;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatTintInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatTintMatrix;
uniform vec3 vAnisotropy;
uniform vec2 vAnisotropyInfos;
uniform mat4 anisotropyMatrix;
uniform vec4 vSheenColor;
uniform float vSheenRoughness;
uniform vec4 vSheenInfos;
uniform mat4 sheenMatrix;
uniform mat4 sheenRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec3 vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos;
uniform vec2 vRefractionFilteringInfo;
uniform vec4 vRefractionInfos;
uniform mat4 refractionMatrix;
uniform vec2 vThicknessInfos;
uniform mat4 thicknessMatrix;
uniform vec2 vThicknessParam;
uniform vec3 vDiffusionDistance;
uniform vec4 vTintColor;
uniform vec3 vSubSurfaceIntensity;
uniform float scatteringDiffusionProfile;
uniform vec4 vDetailInfos;
uniform mat4 detailMatrix;
uniform Scene {
mat4 viewProjection;
mat4 viewProjectionR;
mat4 view;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrUboDeclaration = cp;
var lp = `uniform vec4 vEyePosition;
uniform vec3 vAmbientColor;
uniform vec4 vCameraInfos;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
uniform vec2 vDebugMode;
varying vec4 vClipSpacePosition;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vEnvironmentIrradiance;
varying vec4 vColor;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrFragmentExtraDeclaration = lp;
var up = `#ifdef ALBEDO
#define vAlbedoUV vMainUV1
#define vAlbedoUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vAlbedoUV;
uniform sampler2D albedoSampler;
#ifdef AMBIENT
#define vAmbientUV vMainUV1
#define vAmbientUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vAmbientUV;
uniform sampler2D ambientSampler;
#ifdef OPACITY
#define vOpacityUV vMainUV1
#define vOpacityUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vOpacityUV;
uniform sampler2D opacitySampler;
#define vEmissiveUV vMainUV1
#define vEmissiveUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vEmissiveUV;
uniform sampler2D emissiveSampler;
#define vLightmapUV vMainUV1
#define vLightmapUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vLightmapUV;
uniform sampler2D lightmapSampler;
#define vReflectivityUV vMainUV1
#define vReflectivityUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vReflectivityUV;
uniform sampler2D reflectivitySampler;
#define vMicroSurfaceSamplerUV vMainUV1
#define vMicroSurfaceSamplerUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vMicroSurfaceSamplerUV;
uniform sampler2D microSurfaceSampler;
#define vMetallicReflectanceUV vMainUV1
#define vMetallicReflectanceUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vMetallicReflectanceUV;
uniform sampler2D metallicReflectanceSampler;
#define vClearCoatUV vMainUV1
#define vClearCoatUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vClearCoatUV;
#define vClearCoatRoughnessUV vMainUV1
#define vClearCoatRoughnessUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vClearCoatRoughnessUV;
uniform sampler2D clearCoatSampler;
uniform sampler2D clearCoatRoughnessSampler;
#define vClearCoatBumpUV vMainUV1
#define vClearCoatBumpUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vClearCoatBumpUV;
uniform sampler2D clearCoatBumpSampler;
#define vClearCoatTintUV vMainUV1
#define vClearCoatTintUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vClearCoatTintUV;
uniform sampler2D clearCoatTintSampler;
#ifdef SHEEN
#define vSheenUV vMainUV1
#define vSheenUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vSheenUV;
#define vSheenRoughnessUV vMainUV1
#define vSheenRoughnessUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vSheenRoughnessUV;
uniform sampler2D sheenSampler;
uniform sampler2D sheenRoughnessSampler;
#define vAnisotropyUV vMainUV1
#define vAnisotropyUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vAnisotropyUV;
uniform sampler2D anisotropySampler;
#define sampleReflection(s,c) textureCube(s,c)
uniform samplerCube reflectionSampler;
#define sampleReflectionLod(s,c,l) textureCubeLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow;
uniform samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh;
uniform samplerCube irradianceSampler;
#define sampleReflection(s,c) texture2D(s,c)
uniform sampler2D reflectionSampler;
#define sampleReflectionLod(s,c,l) texture2DLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform sampler2D reflectionSamplerLow;
uniform sampler2D reflectionSamplerHigh;
uniform sampler2D irradianceSampler;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
uniform sampler2D environmentBrdfSampler;
#define sampleRefraction(s,c) textureCube(s,c)
uniform samplerCube refractionSampler;
#define sampleRefractionLod(s,c,l) textureCubeLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform samplerCube refractionSamplerLow;
uniform samplerCube refractionSamplerHigh;
#define sampleRefraction(s,c) texture2D(s,c)
uniform sampler2D refractionSampler;
#define sampleRefractionLod(s,c,l) texture2DLodEXT(s,c,l)
uniform sampler2D refractionSamplerLow;
uniform sampler2D refractionSamplerHigh;
#define vThicknessUV vMainUV1
#define vThicknessUV vMainUV2
varying vec2 vThicknessUV;
uniform sampler2D thicknessSampler;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrFragmentSamplersDeclaration = up, f(116), ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.subSurfaceScatteringFunctions = `bool testLightingForSSS(float diffusionProfile)
return diffusionProfile<1.;
var hp = `
vec3 hemisphereCosSample(vec2 u) {
float phi=2.*PI*u.x;
float cosTheta2=1.-u.y;
float cosTheta=sqrt(cosTheta2);
float sinTheta=sqrt(1.-cosTheta2);
return vec3(sinTheta*cos(phi),sinTheta*sin(phi),cosTheta);
vec3 hemisphereImportanceSampleDggx(vec2 u,float a) {
float phi=2.*PI*u.x;
float cosTheta2=(1.-u.y)/(1.+(a+1.)*((a-1.)*u.y));
float cosTheta=sqrt(cosTheta2);
float sinTheta=sqrt(1.-cosTheta2);
return vec3(sinTheta*cos(phi),sinTheta*sin(phi),cosTheta);
vec3 hemisphereImportanceSampleDCharlie(vec2 u,float a) {
float phi=2.*PI*u.x;
float sinTheta=pow(u.y,a/(2.*a+1.));
float cosTheta=sqrt(1.-sinTheta*sinTheta);
return vec3(sinTheta*cos(phi),sinTheta*sin(phi),cosTheta);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.importanceSampling = hp;
var dp = `
#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494
#define RECIPROCAL_PI 0.31830988618
#define MINIMUMVARIANCE 0.0005
float convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(float roughness)
return square(roughness)+MINIMUMVARIANCE;
float fresnelGrazingReflectance(float reflectance0) {
float reflectance90=saturate(reflectance0*25.0);
return reflectance90;
vec2 getAARoughnessFactors(vec3 normalVector) {
vec3 nDfdx=dFdx(;
vec3 nDfdy=dFdy(;
float slopeSquare=max(dot(nDfdx,nDfdx),dot(nDfdy,nDfdy));
float geometricRoughnessFactor=pow(saturate(slopeSquare),0.333);
float geometricAlphaGFactor=sqrt(slopeSquare);
return vec2(geometricRoughnessFactor,geometricAlphaGFactor);
return vec2(0.);
vec2 getAnisotropicRoughness(float alphaG,float anisotropy) {
float alphaT=max(alphaG*(1.0+anisotropy),MINIMUMVARIANCE);
float alphaB=max(alphaG*(1.0-anisotropy),MINIMUMVARIANCE);
return vec2(alphaT,alphaB);
vec3 getAnisotropicBentNormals(const vec3 T,const vec3 B,const vec3 N,const vec3 V,float anisotropy) {
vec3 anisotropicFrameDirection=anisotropy>=0.0 ? B : T;
vec3 anisotropicFrameTangent=cross(normalize(anisotropicFrameDirection),V);
vec3 anisotropicFrameNormal=cross(anisotropicFrameTangent,anisotropicFrameDirection);
vec3 anisotropicNormal=normalize(mix(N,anisotropicFrameNormal,abs(anisotropy)));
return anisotropicNormal;
#if defined(CLEARCOAT) || defined(SS_REFRACTION)
vec3 cocaLambert(vec3 alpha,float distance) {
return exp(-alpha*distance);
vec3 cocaLambert(float NdotVRefract,float NdotLRefract,vec3 alpha,float thickness) {
return cocaLambert(alpha,(thickness*((NdotLRefract+NdotVRefract)/(NdotLRefract*NdotVRefract))));
vec3 computeColorAtDistanceInMedia(vec3 color,float distance) {
return -log(color)/distance;
vec3 computeClearCoatAbsorption(float NdotVRefract,float NdotLRefract,vec3 clearCoatColor,float clearCoatThickness,float clearCoatIntensity) {
vec3 clearCoatAbsorption=mix(vec3(1.0),
return clearCoatAbsorption;
float computeDefaultMicroSurface(float microSurface,vec3 reflectivityColor)
const float kReflectivityNoAlphaWorkflow_SmoothnessMax=0.95;
float reflectivityLuminance=getLuminance(reflectivityColor);
float reflectivityLuma=sqrt(reflectivityLuminance);
return microSurface;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrHelperFunctions = dp;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL00;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL1_1;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL10;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL11;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL2_2;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL2_1;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL20;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL21;
uniform vec3 vSphericalL22;
vec3 computeEnvironmentIrradiance(vec3 normal) {
return vSphericalL00
uniform vec3 vSphericalX;
uniform vec3 vSphericalY;
uniform vec3 vSphericalZ;
uniform vec3 vSphericalXX_ZZ;
uniform vec3 vSphericalYY_ZZ;
uniform vec3 vSphericalZZ;
uniform vec3 vSphericalXY;
uniform vec3 vSphericalYZ;
uniform vec3 vSphericalZX;
vec3 computeEnvironmentIrradiance(vec3 normal) {
float Nx=normal.x;
float Ny=normal.y;
float Nz=normal.z;
vec3 C1=vSphericalZZ.rgb;
vec3 Cx=vSphericalX.rgb;
vec3 Cy=vSphericalY.rgb;
vec3 Cz=vSphericalZ.rgb;
vec3 Cxx_zz=vSphericalXX_ZZ.rgb;
vec3 Cyy_zz=vSphericalYY_ZZ.rgb;
vec3 Cxy=vSphericalXY.rgb;
vec3 Cyz=vSphericalYZ.rgb;
vec3 Czx=vSphericalZX.rgb;
vec3 a1=Cyy_zz*Ny+Cy;
vec3 a2=Cyz*Nz+a1;
vec3 b1=Czx*Nz+Cx;
vec3 b2=Cxy*Ny+b1;
vec3 b3=Cxx_zz*Nx+b2;
vec3 t1=Cz*Nz+C1;
vec3 t2=a2*Ny+t1;
vec3 t3=b3*Nx+t2;
return t3;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.harmonicsFunctions = fp;
var pp = `
struct preLightingInfo
vec3 lightOffset;
float lightDistanceSquared;
float lightDistance;
float attenuation;
vec3 L;
vec3 H;
float NdotV;
float NdotLUnclamped;
float NdotL;
float VdotH;
float roughness;
preLightingInfo computePointAndSpotPreLightingInfo(vec4 lightData,vec3 V,vec3 N) {
preLightingInfo result;;
return result;
preLightingInfo computeDirectionalPreLightingInfo(vec4 lightData,vec3 V,vec3 N) {
preLightingInfo result;
return result;
preLightingInfo computeHemisphericPreLightingInfo(vec4 lightData,vec3 V,vec3 N) {
preLightingInfo result;
return result;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrDirectLightingSetupFunctions = pp;
var _p = `float computeDistanceLightFalloff_Standard(vec3 lightOffset,float range)
return max(0.,1.0-length(lightOffset)/range);
float computeDistanceLightFalloff_Physical(float lightDistanceSquared)
return 1.0/maxEps(lightDistanceSquared);
float computeDistanceLightFalloff_GLTF(float lightDistanceSquared,float inverseSquaredRange)
float lightDistanceFalloff=1.0/maxEps(lightDistanceSquared);
float factor=lightDistanceSquared*inverseSquaredRange;
float attenuation=saturate(1.0-factor*factor);
return lightDistanceFalloff;
float computeDistanceLightFalloff(vec3 lightOffset,float lightDistanceSquared,float range,float inverseSquaredRange)
return computeDistanceLightFalloff_Physical(lightDistanceSquared);
return computeDistanceLightFalloff_GLTF(lightDistanceSquared,inverseSquaredRange);
return computeDistanceLightFalloff_Standard(lightOffset,range);
float computeDirectionalLightFalloff_Standard(vec3 lightDirection,vec3 directionToLightCenterW,float cosHalfAngle,float exponent)
float falloff=0.0;
float cosAngle=maxEps(dot(-lightDirection,directionToLightCenterW));
if (cosAngle>=cosHalfAngle)
return falloff;
float computeDirectionalLightFalloff_Physical(vec3 lightDirection,vec3 directionToLightCenterW,float cosHalfAngle)
const float kMinusLog2ConeAngleIntensityRatio=6.64385618977;
float concentrationKappa=kMinusLog2ConeAngleIntensityRatio/(1.0-cosHalfAngle);
vec4 lightDirectionSpreadSG=vec4(-lightDirection*concentrationKappa,-concentrationKappa);
float falloff=exp2(dot(vec4(directionToLightCenterW,1.0),lightDirectionSpreadSG));
return falloff;
float computeDirectionalLightFalloff_GLTF(vec3 lightDirection,vec3 directionToLightCenterW,float lightAngleScale,float lightAngleOffset)
float cd=dot(-lightDirection,directionToLightCenterW);
float falloff=saturate(cd*lightAngleScale+lightAngleOffset);
return falloff;
float computeDirectionalLightFalloff(vec3 lightDirection,vec3 directionToLightCenterW,float cosHalfAngle,float exponent,float lightAngleScale,float lightAngleOffset)
return computeDirectionalLightFalloff_Physical(lightDirection,directionToLightCenterW,cosHalfAngle);
return computeDirectionalLightFalloff_GLTF(lightDirection,directionToLightCenterW,lightAngleScale,lightAngleOffset);
return computeDirectionalLightFalloff_Standard(lightDirection,directionToLightCenterW,cosHalfAngle,exponent);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrDirectLightingFalloffFunctions = _p;
var mp = `
vec3 getEnergyConservationFactor(const vec3 specularEnvironmentR0,const vec3 environmentBrdf) {
return 1.0+specularEnvironmentR0*(1.0/environmentBrdf.y-1.0);
vec3 getBRDFLookup(float NdotV,float perceptualRoughness) {
vec2 UV=vec2(NdotV,perceptualRoughness);
vec4 brdfLookup=texture2D(environmentBrdfSampler,UV);
return brdfLookup.rgb;
vec3 getReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(const vec3 specularEnvironmentR0,const vec3 specularEnvironmentR90,const vec3 environmentBrdf) {
vec3 reflectance=(specularEnvironmentR90-specularEnvironmentR0)*environmentBrdf.x+specularEnvironmentR0*environmentBrdf.y;
vec3 reflectance=specularEnvironmentR0*environmentBrdf.x+specularEnvironmentR90*environmentBrdf.y;
return reflectance;
vec3 getReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(const vec3 specularEnvironmentR0,const vec3 environmentBrdf) {
vec3 reflectance=mix(,environmentBrdf.yyy,specularEnvironmentR0);
vec3 reflectance=specularEnvironmentR0*environmentBrdf.x+environmentBrdf.y;
return reflectance;
vec3 getReflectanceFromAnalyticalBRDFLookup_Jones(float VdotN,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90,float smoothness)
float weight=mix(FRESNEL_MAXIMUM_ON_ROUGH,1.0,smoothness);
return reflectance0+weight*(reflectance90-reflectance0)*pow5(saturate(1.0-VdotN));
#if defined(SHEEN) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
vec3 getSheenReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(const vec3 reflectance0,const vec3 environmentBrdf) {
vec3 sheenEnvironmentReflectance=reflectance0*environmentBrdf.b;
return sheenEnvironmentReflectance;
vec3 fresnelSchlickGGX(float VdotH,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90)
return reflectance0+(reflectance90-reflectance0)*pow5(1.0-VdotH);
float fresnelSchlickGGX(float VdotH,float reflectance0,float reflectance90)
return reflectance0+(reflectance90-reflectance0)*pow5(1.0-VdotH);
vec3 getR0RemappedForClearCoat(vec3 f0) {
#ifdef MOBILE
return saturate(f0*(f0*0.526868+0.529324)-0.0482256);
return saturate(f0*(f0*(0.941892-0.263008*f0)+0.346479)-0.0285998);
vec3 s=sqrt(f0);
vec3 t=(vClearCoatRefractionParams.z+vClearCoatRefractionParams.w*s)/(vClearCoatRefractionParams.w+vClearCoatRefractionParams.z*s);
return t*t;
float normalDistributionFunction_TrowbridgeReitzGGX(float NdotH,float alphaG)
float a2=square(alphaG);
float d=NdotH*NdotH*(a2-1.0)+1.0;
return a2/(PI*d*d);
#ifdef SHEEN
float normalDistributionFunction_CharlieSheen(float NdotH,float alphaG)
float invR=1./alphaG;
float cos2h=NdotH*NdotH;
float sin2h=1.-cos2h;
return (2.+invR)*pow(sin2h,invR*.5)/(2.*PI);
float normalDistributionFunction_BurleyGGX_Anisotropic(float NdotH,float TdotH,float BdotH,const vec2 alphaTB) {
float a2=alphaTB.x*alphaTB.y;
vec3 v=vec3(alphaTB.y*TdotH,alphaTB.x*BdotH,a2*NdotH);
float v2=dot(v,v);
float w2=a2/v2;
return a2*w2*w2*RECIPROCAL_PI;
float smithVisibility_GGXCorrelated(float NdotL,float NdotV,float alphaG) {
#ifdef MOBILE
float GGXV=NdotL*(NdotV*(1.0-alphaG)+alphaG);
float GGXL=NdotV*(NdotL*(1.0-alphaG)+alphaG);
return 0.5/(GGXV+GGXL);
float a2=alphaG*alphaG;
float GGXV=NdotL*sqrt(NdotV*(NdotV-a2*NdotV)+a2);
float GGXL=NdotV*sqrt(NdotL*(NdotL-a2*NdotL)+a2);
return 0.5/(GGXV+GGXL);
float smithVisibilityG1_TrowbridgeReitzGGXFast(float dot,float alphaG)
#ifdef MOBILE
return 1.0/(dot+alphaG+(1.0-alphaG)*dot ));
float alphaSquared=alphaG*alphaG;
return 1.0/(dot+sqrt(alphaSquared+(1.0-alphaSquared)*dot*dot));
float smithVisibility_TrowbridgeReitzGGXFast(float NdotL,float NdotV,float alphaG)
float visibility=smithVisibilityG1_TrowbridgeReitzGGXFast(NdotL,alphaG)*smithVisibilityG1_TrowbridgeReitzGGXFast(NdotV,alphaG);
return visibility;
float smithVisibility_GGXCorrelated_Anisotropic(float NdotL,float NdotV,float TdotV,float BdotV,float TdotL,float BdotL,const vec2 alphaTB) {
float lambdaV=NdotL*length(vec3(alphaTB.x*TdotV,alphaTB.y*BdotV,NdotV));
float lambdaL=NdotV*length(vec3(alphaTB.x*TdotL,alphaTB.y*BdotL,NdotL));
float v=0.5/(lambdaV+lambdaL);
return v;
float visibility_Kelemen(float VdotH) {
return 0.25/(VdotH*VdotH);
#ifdef SHEEN
float visibility_Ashikhmin(float NdotL,float NdotV)
return 1./(4.*(NdotL+NdotV-NdotL*NdotV));
float diffuseBRDF_Burley(float NdotL,float NdotV,float VdotH,float roughness) {
float diffuseFresnelNV=pow5(saturateEps(1.0-NdotL));
float diffuseFresnelNL=pow5(saturateEps(1.0-NdotV));
float diffuseFresnel90=0.5+2.0*VdotH*VdotH*roughness;
float fresnel =
(1.0+(diffuseFresnel90-1.0)*diffuseFresnelNL) *
return fresnel/PI;
vec3 transmittanceBRDF_Burley(const vec3 tintColor,const vec3 diffusionDistance,float thickness) {
vec3 S=1./maxEps(diffusionDistance);
vec3 temp=exp((-0.333333333*thickness)*S);
return tintColor.rgb*0.25*(temp*temp*temp+3.0*temp);
float computeWrappedDiffuseNdotL(float NdotL,float w) {
float t=1.0+w;
float invt2=1.0/square(t);
return saturate((NdotL+w)*invt2);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBRDFFunctions = mp;
var gp = `#ifdef NUM_SAMPLES
#ifdef WEBGL2
float radicalInverse_VdC(uint bits)
bits=(bits << 16u) | (bits >> 16u);
bits=((bits & 0x55555555u) << 1u) | ((bits & 0xAAAAAAAAu) >> 1u);
bits=((bits & 0x33333333u) << 2u) | ((bits & 0xCCCCCCCCu) >> 2u);
bits=((bits & 0x0F0F0F0Fu) << 4u) | ((bits & 0xF0F0F0F0u) >> 4u);
bits=((bits & 0x00FF00FFu) << 8u) | ((bits & 0xFF00FF00u) >> 8u);
return float(bits)*2.3283064365386963e-10;
vec2 hammersley(uint i,uint N)
return vec2(float(i)/float(N),radicalInverse_VdC(i));
float vanDerCorpus(int n,int base)
float invBase=1.0/float(base);
float denom=1.0;
float result=0.0;
for(int i=0; i<32; ++i)
return result;
vec2 hammersley(int i,int N)
return vec2(float(i)/float(N),vanDerCorpus(i,2));
float log4(float x) {
return log2(x)/2.;
const float K=4.;
#define inline
vec3 irradiance(samplerCube inputTexture,vec3 inputN,vec2 filteringInfo)
vec3 n=normalize(inputN);
vec3 result=vec3(0.0);
vec3 tangent=abs(n.z)<0.999 ? vec3(0.,0.,1.) : vec3(1.,0.,0.);
vec3 bitangent=cross(n,tangent);
mat3 tbn=mat3(tangent,bitangent,n);
float maxLevel=filteringInfo.y;
float dim0=filteringInfo.x;
float omegaP=(4.*PI)/(6.*dim0*dim0);
#ifdef WEBGL2
for(uint i=0u; i0.) {
float pdf_inversed=PI/NoL;
float omegaS=NUM_SAMPLES_FLOAT_INVERSED*pdf_inversed;
float l=log4(omegaS)-log4(omegaP)+log4(K);
float mipLevel=clamp(l,0.0,maxLevel);
vec3 c=textureCubeLodEXT(inputTexture,tbn*Ls,mipLevel).rgb;
return result;
#define inline
vec3 radiance(float alphaG,samplerCube inputTexture,vec3 inputN,vec2 filteringInfo)
vec3 n=normalize(inputN);
if (alphaG == 0.) {
vec3 c=textureCube(inputTexture,n).rgb;
return c;
vec3 result=vec3(0.);
vec3 tangent=abs(n.z)<0.999 ? vec3(0.,0.,1.) : vec3(1.,0.,0.);
vec3 bitangent=cross(n,tangent);
mat3 tbn=mat3(tangent,bitangent,n);
float maxLevel=filteringInfo.y;
float dim0=filteringInfo.x;
float omegaP=(4.*PI)/(6.*dim0*dim0);
float weight=0.;
#ifdef WEBGL2
for(uint i=0u; i0.) {
float pdf_inversed=4./normalDistributionFunction_TrowbridgeReitzGGX(NoH,alphaG);
float omegaS=NUM_SAMPLES_FLOAT_INVERSED*pdf_inversed;
float l=log4(omegaS)-log4(omegaP)+log4(K);
float mipLevel=clamp(float(l),0.0,maxLevel);
vec3 c=textureCubeLodEXT(inputTexture,tbn*L,mipLevel).rgb;
return result;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.hdrFilteringFunctions = gp;
var vp = `#define CLEARCOATREFLECTANCE90 1.0
struct lightingInfo
vec3 diffuse;
vec3 specular;
vec4 clearCoat;
#ifdef SHEEN
vec3 sheen;
float adjustRoughnessFromLightProperties(float roughness,float lightRadius,float lightDistance) {
float lightRoughness=lightRadius/lightDistance;
float totalRoughness=saturate(lightRoughness+roughness);
return totalRoughness;
return roughness;
vec3 computeHemisphericDiffuseLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 lightColor,vec3 groundColor) {
return mix(groundColor,lightColor,info.NdotL);
vec3 computeDiffuseLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 lightColor) {
float diffuseTerm=diffuseBRDF_Burley(info.NdotL,info.NdotV,info.VdotH,info.roughness);
return diffuseTerm*info.attenuation*info.NdotL*lightColor;
#define inline
vec3 computeProjectionTextureDiffuseLighting(sampler2D projectionLightSampler,mat4 textureProjectionMatrix){
vec4 strq=textureProjectionMatrix*vec4(vPositionW,1.0);
vec3 textureColor=texture2D(projectionLightSampler,strq.xy).rgb;
return toLinearSpace(textureColor);
vec3 computeDiffuseAndTransmittedLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 lightColor,vec3 transmittance) {
float NdotL=absEps(info.NdotLUnclamped);
float wrapNdotL=computeWrappedDiffuseNdotL(NdotL,0.02);
float trAdapt=step(0.,info.NdotLUnclamped);
vec3 transmittanceNdotL=mix(transmittance*wrapNdotL,vec3(wrapNdotL),trAdapt);
float diffuseTerm=diffuseBRDF_Burley(NdotL,info.NdotV,info.VdotH,info.roughness);
return diffuseTerm*transmittanceNdotL*info.attenuation*lightColor;
vec3 computeSpecularLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 N,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90,float geometricRoughnessFactor,vec3 lightColor) {
float NdotH=saturateEps(dot(N,info.H));
float roughness=max(info.roughness,geometricRoughnessFactor);
float alphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(roughness);
vec3 fresnel=fresnelSchlickGGX(info.VdotH,reflectance0,reflectance90);
float distribution=normalDistributionFunction_TrowbridgeReitzGGX(NdotH,alphaG);
float smithVisibility=smithVisibility_GGXCorrelated(info.NdotL,info.NdotV,alphaG);
float smithVisibility=smithVisibility_TrowbridgeReitzGGXFast(info.NdotL,info.NdotV,alphaG);
vec3 specTerm=fresnel*distribution*smithVisibility;
return specTerm*info.attenuation*info.NdotL*lightColor;
vec3 computeAnisotropicSpecularLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 V,vec3 N,vec3 T,vec3 B,float anisotropy,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90,float geometricRoughnessFactor,vec3 lightColor) {
float NdotH=saturateEps(dot(N,info.H));
float TdotH=dot(T,info.H);
float BdotH=dot(B,info.H);
float TdotV=dot(T,V);
float BdotV=dot(B,V);
float TdotL=dot(T,info.L);
float BdotL=dot(B,info.L);
float alphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(info.roughness);
vec2 alphaTB=getAnisotropicRoughness(alphaG,anisotropy);
vec3 fresnel=fresnelSchlickGGX(info.VdotH,reflectance0,reflectance90);
float distribution=normalDistributionFunction_BurleyGGX_Anisotropic(NdotH,TdotH,BdotH,alphaTB);
float smithVisibility=smithVisibility_GGXCorrelated_Anisotropic(info.NdotL,info.NdotV,TdotV,BdotV,TdotL,BdotL,alphaTB);
vec3 specTerm=fresnel*distribution*smithVisibility;
return specTerm*info.attenuation*info.NdotL*lightColor;
vec4 computeClearCoatLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 Ncc,float geometricRoughnessFactor,float clearCoatIntensity,vec3 lightColor) {
float NccdotL=saturateEps(dot(Ncc,info.L));
float NccdotH=saturateEps(dot(Ncc,info.H));
float clearCoatRoughness=max(info.roughness,geometricRoughnessFactor);
float alphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(clearCoatRoughness);
float fresnel=fresnelSchlickGGX(info.VdotH,vClearCoatRefractionParams.x,CLEARCOATREFLECTANCE90);
float distribution=normalDistributionFunction_TrowbridgeReitzGGX(NccdotH,alphaG);
float kelemenVisibility=visibility_Kelemen(info.VdotH);
float clearCoatTerm=fresnel*distribution*kelemenVisibility;
return vec4(
vec3 computeClearCoatLightingAbsorption(float NdotVRefract,vec3 L,vec3 Ncc,vec3 clearCoatColor,float clearCoatThickness,float clearCoatIntensity) {
vec3 LRefract=-refract(L,Ncc,vClearCoatRefractionParams.y);
float NdotLRefract=saturateEps(dot(Ncc,LRefract));
vec3 absorption=computeClearCoatAbsorption(NdotVRefract,NdotLRefract,clearCoatColor,clearCoatThickness,clearCoatIntensity);
return absorption;
#ifdef SHEEN
vec3 computeSheenLighting(preLightingInfo info,vec3 N,vec3 reflectance0,vec3 reflectance90,float geometricRoughnessFactor,vec3 lightColor) {
float NdotH=saturateEps(dot(N,info.H));
float roughness=max(info.roughness,geometricRoughnessFactor);
float alphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(roughness);
float fresnel=1.;
float distribution=normalDistributionFunction_CharlieSheen(NdotH,alphaG);
float visibility=visibility_Ashikhmin(info.NdotL,info.NdotV);
float sheenTerm=fresnel*distribution*visibility;
return sheenTerm*info.attenuation*info.NdotL*lightColor;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrDirectLightingFunctions = vp;
var yp = `#if defined(REFLECTION) || defined(SS_REFRACTION)
float getLodFromAlphaG(float cubeMapDimensionPixels,float microsurfaceAverageSlope) {
float microsurfaceAverageSlopeTexels=cubeMapDimensionPixels*microsurfaceAverageSlope;
float lod=log2(microsurfaceAverageSlopeTexels);
return lod;
float getLinearLodFromRoughness(float cubeMapDimensionPixels,float roughness) {
float lod=log2(cubeMapDimensionPixels)*roughness;
return lod;
float environmentRadianceOcclusion(float ambientOcclusion,float NdotVUnclamped) {
float temp=NdotVUnclamped+ambientOcclusion;
return saturate(square(temp)-1.0+ambientOcclusion);
float environmentHorizonOcclusion(vec3 view,vec3 normal,vec3 geometricNormal) {
vec3 reflection=reflect(view,normal);
float temp=saturate(1.0+1.1*dot(reflection,geometricNormal));
return square(temp);
#define UNPACK_LOD(x) (1.0-x)*255.0
float getLodFromAlphaG(float cubeMapDimensionPixels,float alphaG,float NdotV) {
float microsurfaceAverageSlope=alphaG;
return getLodFromAlphaG(cubeMapDimensionPixels,microsurfaceAverageSlope);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrIBLFunctions = yp, f(132), f(133);
var bp = `struct albedoOpacityOutParams
vec3 surfaceAlbedo;
float alpha;
#define pbr_inline
void albedoOpacityBlock(
const in vec4 vAlbedoColor,
#ifdef ALBEDO
const in vec4 albedoTexture,
const in vec2 albedoInfos,
#ifdef OPACITY
const in vec4 opacityMap,
const in vec2 vOpacityInfos,
#ifdef DETAIL
const in vec4 detailColor,
const in vec4 vDetailInfos,
out albedoOpacityOutParams outParams
vec3 surfaceAlbedo=vAlbedoColor.rgb;
float alpha=vAlbedoColor.a;
#ifdef ALBEDO
#if defined(ALPHAFROMALBEDO) || defined(ALPHATEST)
#ifdef DETAIL
float detailAlbedo=2.0*mix(0.5,detailColor.r,vDetailInfos.y);
#ifdef OPACITY
if (alpha0
vec4 surfaceMetallicColorMap;
vec4 surfaceReflectivityColorMap;
vec2 metallicRoughness;
vec3 metallicF0;
#define pbr_inline
void reflectivityBlock(
const in vec4 vReflectivityColor,
const in vec3 surfaceAlbedo,
const in vec4 metallicReflectanceFactors,
const in vec3 reflectivityInfos,
const in vec4 surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap,
const in vec3 ambientOcclusionColorIn,
const in vec4 microSurfaceTexel,
#ifdef DETAIL
const in vec4 detailColor,
const in vec4 vDetailInfos,
out reflectivityOutParams outParams
float microSurface=vReflectivityColor.a;
vec3 surfaceReflectivityColor=vReflectivityColor.rgb;
vec2 metallicRoughness=surfaceReflectivityColor.rg;
vec3 aoStoreInMetalMap=vec3(surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap.r,surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap.r,surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap.r);
#ifdef DETAIL
float detailRoughness=mix(0.5,detailColor.b,vDetailInfos.w);
float loLerp=mix(0.,metallicRoughness.g,detailRoughness*2.);
float hiLerp=mix(metallicRoughness.g,1.,(detailRoughness-0.5)*2.);
vec3 baseColor=surfaceAlbedo;
vec3 metallicF0=metallicReflectanceFactors.rgb;
float roughness=1.-microSurface;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockReflectivity = Tp;
var Ep = `struct ambientOcclusionOutParams
vec3 ambientOcclusionColor;
vec3 ambientOcclusionColorMap;
#define pbr_inline
void ambientOcclusionBlock(
#ifdef AMBIENT
const in vec3 ambientOcclusionColorMap_,
const in vec4 vAmbientInfos,
out ambientOcclusionOutParams outParams
vec3 ambientOcclusionColor=vec3(1.,1.,1.);
#ifdef AMBIENT
vec3 ambientOcclusionColorMap=ambientOcclusionColorMap_*vAmbientInfos.y;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockAmbientOcclusion = Ep;
var Sp = `#ifdef ALPHAFRESNEL
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(ALPHABLEND)
struct alphaFresnelOutParams
float alpha;
#define pbr_inline
void alphaFresnelBlock(
const in vec3 normalW,
const in vec3 viewDirectionW,
const in float alpha,
const in float microSurface,
out alphaFresnelOutParams outParams
float opacityPerceptual=alpha;
float opacity0=opacityPerceptual;
float opacity0=opacityPerceptual*opacityPerceptual;
float opacity90=fresnelGrazingReflectance(opacity0);
vec3 normalForward=faceforward(normalW,-viewDirectionW,normalW);
if (outParams.alpha0
vec3 anisotropyMapData;
#define pbr_inline
void anisotropicBlock(
const in vec3 vAnisotropy,
const in vec3 anisotropyMapData,
const in mat3 TBN,
const in vec3 normalW,
const in vec3 viewDirectionW,
out anisotropicOutParams outParams
float anisotropy=vAnisotropy.b;
vec3 anisotropyDirection=vec3(vAnisotropy.xy,0.);
mat3 anisoTBN=mat3(normalize(TBN[0]),normalize(TBN[1]),normalize(TBN[2]));
vec3 anisotropicTangent=normalize(anisoTBN*anisotropyDirection);
vec3 anisotropicBitangent=normalize(cross(anisoTBN[2],anisotropicTangent));
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockAnisotropic = Ap;
var Pp = `#ifdef REFLECTION
struct reflectionOutParams
vec4 environmentRadiance;
vec3 environmentIrradiance;
vec3 reflectionCoords;
vec2 reflectionCoords;
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
vec3 irradianceVector;
#define pbr_inline
void createReflectionCoords(
const in vec3 vPositionW,
const in vec3 normalW,
const in anisotropicOutParams anisotropicOut,
out vec3 reflectionCoords
out vec2 reflectionCoords
vec3 reflectionVector=computeReflectionCoords(vec4(vPositionW,1.0),anisotropicOut.anisotropicNormal);
vec3 reflectionVector=computeReflectionCoords(vec4(vPositionW,1.0),normalW);
#define pbr_inline
#define inline
void sampleReflectionTexture(
const in float alphaG,
const in vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos,
const in vec2 vReflectionInfos,
const in vec3 vReflectionColor,
const in float NdotVUnclamped,
const in float roughness,
const in samplerCube reflectionSampler,
const vec3 reflectionCoords,
const in sampler2D reflectionSampler,
const vec2 reflectionCoords,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerLow,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo,
out vec4 environmentRadiance
float reflectionLOD=getLodFromAlphaG(vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,alphaG,NdotVUnclamped);
float reflectionLOD=getLinearLodFromRoughness(vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,roughness);
float reflectionLOD=getLodFromAlphaG(vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,alphaG);
float automaticReflectionLOD=UNPACK_LOD(sampleReflection(reflectionSampler,reflectionCoords).a);
float requestedReflectionLOD=max(automaticReflectionLOD,reflectionLOD);
float requestedReflectionLOD=reflectionLOD;
float lodReflectionNormalized=saturate(reflectionLOD/log2(vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos.x));
float lodReflectionNormalizedDoubled=lodReflectionNormalized*2.0;
vec4 environmentMid=sampleReflection(reflectionSampler,reflectionCoords);
if (lodReflectionNormalizedDoubled<1.0){
} else {
#define pbr_inline
#define inline
void reflectionBlock(
const in vec3 vPositionW,
const in vec3 normalW,
const in float alphaG,
const in vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos,
const in vec2 vReflectionInfos,
const in vec3 vReflectionColor,
const in anisotropicOutParams anisotropicOut,
const in float NdotVUnclamped,
const in float roughness,
const in samplerCube reflectionSampler,
const in sampler2D reflectionSampler,
#if defined(NORMAL) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
const in vec3 vEnvironmentIrradiance,
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
const in mat4 reflectionMatrix,
const in samplerCube irradianceSampler,
const in sampler2D irradianceSampler,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerLow,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo,
out reflectionOutParams outParams
vec4 environmentRadiance=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
vec3 reflectionCoords=vec3(0.);
vec2 reflectionCoords=vec2(0.);
vec3 environmentIrradiance=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
#if defined(NORMAL) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
vec3 irradianceVector=vec3(reflectionMatrix*vec4(anisotropicOut.anisotropicNormal,0)).xyz;
vec3 irradianceVector=vec3(reflectionMatrix*vec4(normalW,0)).xyz;
vec4 environmentIrradiance4=sampleReflection(irradianceSampler,reflectionCoords);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockReflection = Pp;
var xp = `#ifdef SHEEN
struct sheenOutParams
float sheenIntensity;
vec3 sheenColor;
float sheenRoughness;
vec3 surfaceAlbedo;
float sheenAlbedoScaling;
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
vec3 finalSheenRadianceScaled;
vec4 sheenMapData;
vec3 sheenEnvironmentReflectance;
#define pbr_inline
#define inline
void sheenBlock(
const in vec4 vSheenColor,
const in float vSheenRoughness,
const in vec4 sheenMapRoughnessData,
const in float roughness,
const in vec4 sheenMapData,
const in float reflectance,
const in vec3 baseColor,
const in vec3 surfaceAlbedo,
const in float NdotV,
const in vec3 environmentBrdf,
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
const in vec2 AARoughnessFactors,
const in vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos,
const in vec2 vReflectionInfos,
const in vec3 vReflectionColor,
const in vec4 vLightingIntensity,
const in samplerCube reflectionSampler,
const in vec3 reflectionCoords,
const in sampler2D reflectionSampler,
const in vec2 reflectionCoords,
const in float NdotVUnclamped,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerLow,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo,
const in float seo,
#if !defined(REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX) && defined(HORIZONOCCLUSION) && defined(BUMP) && defined(REFLECTIONMAP_3D)
const in float eho,
out sheenOutParams outParams
float sheenIntensity=vSheenColor.a;
float sheenFactor=pow5(1.0-sheenIntensity);
vec3 sheenColor=baseColor.rgb*(1.0-sheenFactor);
float sheenRoughness=sheenIntensity;
vec3 sheenColor=vSheenColor.rgb;
float sheenRoughness=vSheenRoughness;
#if defined(SHEEN_TEXTURE)
float sheenRoughness=roughness;
vec3 environmentSheenBrdf=getBRDFLookup(NdotV,sheenRoughness);
vec3 environmentSheenBrdf=environmentBrdf;
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
float sheenAlphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(sheenRoughness);
vec4 environmentSheenRadiance=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
vec3 sheenEnvironmentReflectance=getSheenReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(sheenColor,environmentSheenBrdf);
#if !defined(REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX) && defined(HORIZONOCCLUSION) && defined(BUMP) && defined(REFLECTIONMAP_3D)
environmentSheenRadiance.rgb *
sheenEnvironmentReflectance *
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockSheen = xp;
var Cp = `struct clearcoatOutParams
vec3 specularEnvironmentR0;
float conservationFactor;
vec3 clearCoatNormalW;
vec2 clearCoatAARoughnessFactors;
float clearCoatIntensity;
float clearCoatRoughness;
vec3 finalClearCoatRadianceScaled;
vec3 absorption;
float clearCoatNdotVRefract;
vec3 clearCoatColor;
float clearCoatThickness;
vec3 energyConservationFactorClearCoat;
mat3 TBNClearCoat;
vec2 clearCoatMapData;
vec4 clearCoatTintMapData;
vec4 environmentClearCoatRadiance;
float clearCoatNdotV;
vec3 clearCoatEnvironmentReflectance;
#define pbr_inline
#define inline
void clearcoatBlock(
const in vec3 vPositionW,
const in vec3 geometricNormalW,
const in vec3 viewDirectionW,
const in vec2 vClearCoatParams,
const in vec4 clearCoatMapRoughnessData,
const in vec3 specularEnvironmentR0,
const in vec2 clearCoatMapData,
const in vec4 vClearCoatTintParams,
const in float clearCoatColorAtDistance,
const in vec4 vClearCoatRefractionParams,
const in vec4 clearCoatTintMapData,
const in vec2 vClearCoatBumpInfos,
const in vec4 clearCoatBumpMapData,
const in vec2 vClearCoatBumpUV,
#if defined(TANGENT) && defined(NORMAL)
const in mat3 vTBN,
const in vec2 vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams,
const in mat4 normalMatrix,
#if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)
const in vec3 faceNormal,
const in vec3 vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos,
const in vec2 vReflectionInfos,
const in vec3 vReflectionColor,
const in vec4 vLightingIntensity,
const in samplerCube reflectionSampler,
const in sampler2D reflectionSampler,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerLow,
const in samplerCube reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerLow,
const in sampler2D reflectionSamplerHigh,
const in vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo,
const in float ambientMonochrome,
out clearcoatOutParams outParams
float clearCoatIntensity=vClearCoatParams.x;
float clearCoatRoughness=vClearCoatParams.y;
vec3 clearCoatColor=vClearCoatTintParams.rgb;
float clearCoatThickness=vClearCoatTintParams.a;
vec3 specularEnvironmentR0Updated=getR0RemappedForClearCoat(specularEnvironmentR0);
vec3 specularEnvironmentR0Updated=specularEnvironmentR0;
vec3 clearCoatNormalW=geometricNormalW;
float clearCoatNormalScale=1.0;
float clearCoatNormalScale=vClearCoatBumpInfos.y;
#if defined(TANGENT) && defined(NORMAL)
mat3 TBNClearCoat=vTBN;
mat3 TBNClearCoat=cotangent_frame(clearCoatNormalW*clearCoatNormalScale,vPositionW,vClearCoatBumpUV,vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams);
#if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)
#if defined(TWOSIDEDLIGHTING) && defined(NORMAL)
clearCoatNormalW=gl_FrontFacing ? clearCoatNormalW : -clearCoatNormalW;
float clearCoatNdotVUnclamped=dot(clearCoatNormalW,viewDirectionW);
float clearCoatNdotV=absEps(clearCoatNdotVUnclamped);
vec3 clearCoatVRefract=-refract(vPositionW,clearCoatNormalW,vClearCoatRefractionParams.y);
vec3 environmentClearCoatBrdf=getBRDFLookup(clearCoatNdotV,clearCoatRoughness);
#if defined(REFLECTION)
float clearCoatAlphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(clearCoatRoughness);
vec4 environmentClearCoatRadiance=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
vec3 clearCoatReflectionVector=computeReflectionCoords(vec4(vPositionW,1.0),clearCoatNormalW);
vec3 clearCoatReflectionCoords=clearCoatReflectionVector;
vec2 clearCoatReflectionCoords=clearCoatReflectionVector.xy;
vec3 clearCoatEnvironmentReflectance=getReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(vec3(vClearCoatRefractionParams.x),environmentClearCoatBrdf);
float clearCoatSeo=environmentRadianceOcclusion(ambientMonochrome,clearCoatNdotVUnclamped);
#ifdef BUMP
float clearCoatEho=environmentHorizonOcclusion(-viewDirectionW,clearCoatNormalW,geometricNormalW);
vec3 clearCoatEnvironmentReflectance=getReflectanceFromAnalyticalBRDFLookup_Jones(clearCoatNdotV,vec3(1.),vec3(1.),sqrt(1.-clearCoatRoughness));
environmentClearCoatRadiance.rgb *
clearCoatEnvironmentReflectance *
#if defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
float fresnelIBLClearCoat=fresnelSchlickGGX(clearCoatNdotV,vClearCoatRefractionParams.x,CLEARCOATREFLECTANCE90);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockClearcoat = Cp;
var Rp = `struct subSurfaceOutParams
vec3 specularEnvironmentReflectance;
vec3 finalRefraction;
vec3 surfaceAlbedo;
float alpha;
float refractionFactorForIrradiance;
vec3 transmittance;
float translucencyIntensity;
vec3 refractionIrradiance;
vec4 thicknessMap;
vec4 environmentRefraction;
vec3 refractionTransmittance;
#define pbr_inline
#define inline
void subSurfaceBlock(
const in vec3 vSubSurfaceIntensity,
const in vec2 vThicknessParam,
const in vec4 vTintColor,
const in vec3 normalW,
const in vec3 specularEnvironmentReflectance,
const in vec4 thicknessMap,
const in mat4 reflectionMatrix,
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
const in vec3 irradianceVector_,
const in samplerCube reflectionSampler,
const in vec2 vReflectionFilteringInfo,
const in samplerCube irradianceSampler,
const in sampler2D irradianceSampler,
const in vec3 vPositionW,
const in vec3 viewDirectionW,
const in mat4 view,
const in vec3 surfaceAlbedo,
const in vec4 vRefractionInfos,
const in mat4 refractionMatrix,
const in vec3 vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos,
const in vec4 vLightingIntensity,
const in float alpha,
const in float NdotVUnclamped,
const in float roughness,
const in float alphaG,
const in samplerCube refractionSampler,
const in samplerCube refractionSamplerLow,
const in samplerCube refractionSamplerHigh,
const in sampler2D refractionSampler,
const in sampler2D refractionSamplerLow,
const in sampler2D refractionSamplerHigh,
const in anisotropicOutParams anisotropicOut,
const in vec2 vRefractionFilteringInfo,
const in vec3 vDiffusionDistance,
out subSurfaceOutParams outParams
float refractionIntensity=vSubSurfaceIntensity.x;
float translucencyIntensity=vSubSurfaceIntensity.y;
float thickness=thicknessMap.r*vThicknessParam.y+vThicknessParam.x;
#elif defined(SS_TRANSLUCENCY)
float thickness=vThicknessParam.y;
vec3 transmittance=transmittanceBRDF_Burley(vTintColor.rgb,vDiffusionDistance,thickness);
vec4 environmentRefraction=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
vec3 refractionVector=refract(-viewDirectionW,anisotropicOut.anisotropicNormal,vRefractionInfos.y);
vec3 refractionVector=refract(-viewDirectionW,normalW,vRefractionInfos.y);
vec3 refractionCoords=refractionVector;
vec3 vRefractionUVW=vec3(refractionMatrix*(view*vec4(vPositionW+refractionVector*vRefractionInfos.z,1.0)));
vec2 refractionCoords=vRefractionUVW.xy/vRefractionUVW.z;
float refractionLOD=getLodFromAlphaG(vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,alphaG,NdotVUnclamped);
float refractionLOD=getLinearLodFromRoughness(vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,roughness);
float refractionLOD=getLodFromAlphaG(vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos.x,alphaG);
float automaticRefractionLOD=UNPACK_LOD(sampleRefraction(refractionSampler,refractionCoords).a);
float requestedRefractionLOD=max(automaticRefractionLOD,refractionLOD);
float requestedRefractionLOD=refractionLOD;
float lodRefractionNormalized=saturate(refractionLOD/log2(vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos.x));
float lodRefractionNormalizedDoubled=lodRefractionNormalized*2.0;
vec4 environmentRefractionMid=sampleRefraction(refractionSampler,refractionCoords);
if (lodRefractionNormalizedDoubled<1.0){
} else {
vec3 refractionTransmittance=vec3(refractionIntensity);
vec3 volumeAlbedo=computeColorAtDistanceInMedia(vTintColor.rgb,vTintColor.w);
float maxChannel=max(max(surfaceAlbedo.r,surfaceAlbedo.g),surfaceAlbedo.b);
vec3 volumeAlbedo=saturate(maxChannel*surfaceAlbedo);
vec3 volumeAlbedo=computeColorAtDistanceInMedia(vTintColor.rgb,vTintColor.w);
vec3 bounceSpecularEnvironmentReflectance=(2.0*specularEnvironmentReflectance)/(1.0+specularEnvironmentReflectance);
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(SS_TRANSLUCENCY)
vec3 irradianceVector=vec3(reflectionMatrix*vec4(normalW,0)).xyz;
vec3 irradianceVector=irradianceVector_;
vec3 refractionIrradiance=irradiance(reflectionSampler,-irradianceVector,vReflectionFilteringInfo);
vec3 refractionIrradiance=computeEnvironmentIrradiance(-irradianceVector);
vec3 irradianceCoords=irradianceVector;
vec2 irradianceCoords=irradianceVector.xy;
vec4 refractionIrradiance=sampleReflection(irradianceSampler,-irradianceCoords);
vec4 refractionIrradiance=vec4(0.);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockSubSurface = Rp;
var Op = `vec3 viewDirectionW=normalize(;
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalW=normalize(vNormalW);
vec3 normalW=normalize(cross(dFdx(vPositionW),dFdy(vPositionW)))*vEyePosition.w;
vec3 geometricNormalW=normalW;
#if defined(TWOSIDEDLIGHTING) && defined(NORMAL)
geometricNormalW=gl_FrontFacing ? geometricNormalW : -geometricNormalW;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockNormalGeometric = Op, f(134);
var Mp = `#if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)
vec3 faceNormal=normalize(cross(dFdx(vPositionW),dFdy(vPositionW)))*vEyePosition.w;
faceNormal=gl_FrontFacing ? faceNormal : -faceNormal;
#if defined(TWOSIDEDLIGHTING) && defined(NORMAL)
normalW=gl_FrontFacing ? normalW : -normalW;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockNormalFinal = Mp, f(162);
var Ip = `#ifdef LIGHTMAP
vec4 lightmapColor=texture2D(lightmapSampler,vLightmapUV+uvOffset);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockLightmapInit = Ip;
var Dp = `float NdotVUnclamped=dot(normalW,viewDirectionW);
float NdotV=absEps(NdotVUnclamped);
float alphaG=convertRoughnessToAverageSlope(roughness);
vec2 AARoughnessFactors=getAARoughnessFactors(;
vec3 environmentBrdf=getBRDFLookup(NdotV,roughness);
float ambientMonochrome=aoOut.ambientOcclusionColor.r;
float ambientMonochrome=getLuminance(aoOut.ambientOcclusionColor);
float seo=environmentRadianceOcclusion(ambientMonochrome,NdotVUnclamped);
#ifdef BUMP
float eho=environmentHorizonOcclusion(-viewDirectionW,normalW,geometricNormalW);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockGeometryInfo = Dp;
var Lp = `float reflectance=max(max(reflectivityOut.surfaceReflectivityColor.r,reflectivityOut.surfaceReflectivityColor.g),reflectivityOut.surfaceReflectivityColor.b);
vec3 specularEnvironmentR0=reflectivityOut.surfaceReflectivityColor.rgb;
vec3 specularEnvironmentR90=vec3(metallicReflectanceFactors.a);
vec3 specularEnvironmentR90=vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
float reflectance90=fresnelGrazingReflectance(reflectance);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockReflectance0 = Lp;
var Np = `#if defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF) && !defined(REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX)
vec3 specularEnvironmentReflectance=getReflectanceFromBRDFLookup(clearcoatOut.specularEnvironmentR0,specularEnvironmentR90,environmentBrdf);
#ifdef BUMP
vec3 specularEnvironmentReflectance=getReflectanceFromAnalyticalBRDFLookup_Jones(NdotV,clearcoatOut.specularEnvironmentR0,specularEnvironmentR90,sqrt(microSurface));
#if defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockReflectance = Np;
var wp = `vec3 diffuseBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
vec3 specularBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
vec3 clearCoatBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
#ifdef SHEEN
vec3 sheenBase=vec3(0.,0.,0.);
preLightingInfo preInfo;
lightingInfo info;
float shadow=1.;
#if defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
vec3 absorption=vec3(0.);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockDirectLighting = wp;
var Fp = `
vec3 energyConservationFactor=getEnergyConservationFactor(clearcoatOut.specularEnvironmentR0,environmentBrdf);
#if defined(SHEEN) && defined(SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
vec3 finalIrradiance=reflectionOut.environmentIrradiance;
#if defined(CLEARCOAT)
#if defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
#if defined(SS_REFRACTION)
#if defined(SS_TRANSLUCENCY)
vec3 finalSpecular=specularBase;
vec3 finalSpecularScaled=finalSpecular*vLightingIntensity.x*vLightingIntensity.w;
#if defined(SHEEN) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF) && defined(SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING)
vec3 finalRadiance=reflectionOut.environmentRadiance.rgb;
vec3 finalRadianceScaled=finalRadiance*vLightingIntensity.z;
#if defined(SHEEN) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF) && defined(SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING)
#ifdef SHEEN
vec3 finalSheen=sheenBase*sheenOut.sheenColor;
vec3 finalSheenScaled=finalSheen*vLightingIntensity.x*vLightingIntensity.w;
#if defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
#if defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
vec3 finalClearCoat=clearCoatBase;
vec3 finalClearCoatScaled=finalClearCoat*vLightingIntensity.x*vLightingIntensity.w;
float luminanceOverAlpha=0.0;
#if defined(CLEARCOAT)
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockFinalLitComponents = Fp;
var Bp = `
vec3 finalDiffuse=diffuseBase;
vec3 finalAmbient=vAmbientColor;
vec3 finalEmissive=vEmissiveColor;
vec3 emissiveColorTex=texture2D(emissiveSampler,vEmissiveUV+uvOffset).rgb;
#ifdef AMBIENT
vec3 ambientOcclusionForDirectDiffuse=mix(vec3(1.),aoOut.ambientOcclusionColor,vAmbientInfos.w);
vec3 ambientOcclusionForDirectDiffuse=aoOut.ambientOcclusionColor;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockFinalUnlitComponents = Bp;
var Up = `vec4 finalColor=vec4(
finalAmbient +
finalDiffuse +
#ifndef UNLIT
finalIrradiance +
finalSpecularScaled +
#ifdef SHEEN
finalSheenScaled +
finalClearCoatScaled +
finalRadianceScaled +
#if defined(SHEEN) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
sheenOut.finalSheenRadianceScaled +
clearcoatOut.finalClearCoatRadianceScaled +
subSurfaceOut.finalRefraction +
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockFinalColorComposition = Up, f(155);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrBlockImageProcessing = Vp;
var kp = `#if DEBUGMODE>0
if (vClipSpacePosition.x/vClipSpacePosition.w>=vDebugMode.x) {
#if DEBUGMODE == 1
#elif DEBUGMODE == 2 && defined(NORMAL)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 3 && defined(BUMP) || DEBUGMODE == 3 && defined(PARALLAX) || DEBUGMODE == 3 && defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 4 && defined(BUMP) || DEBUGMODE == 4 && defined(PARALLAX) || DEBUGMODE == 4 && defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 5
#elif DEBUGMODE == 6 && defined(MAINUV1)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 7 && defined(MAINUV2)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 8 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_BUMP)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 9 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_BUMP)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 10 && defined(CLEARCOAT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 11 && defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 12 && defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 13 && defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 20 && defined(ALBEDO)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 21 && defined(AMBIENT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 22 && defined(OPACITY)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 23 && defined(EMISSIVE)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 24 && defined(LIGHTMAP)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 25 && defined(REFLECTIVITY) && defined(METALLICWORKFLOW)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 26 && defined(REFLECTIVITY) && !defined(METALLICWORKFLOW)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 27 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 28 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT_TEXTURE)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 29 && defined(SHEEN) && defined(SHEEN_TEXTURE)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 30 && defined(ANISOTROPIC) && defined(ANISOTROPIC_TEXTURE)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 40 && defined(SS_REFRACTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 41 && defined(REFLECTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 42 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(REFLECTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 50
#elif DEBUGMODE == 51 && defined(SPECULARTERM)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 52 && defined(CLEARCOAT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 53 && defined(SHEEN)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 54 && defined(REFLECTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 60
#elif DEBUGMODE == 61
#elif DEBUGMODE == 62 && defined(METALLICWORKFLOW)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 71 && defined(METALLICWORKFLOW)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 63
#elif DEBUGMODE == 64
#elif DEBUGMODE == 65
#elif DEBUGMODE == 66 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(CLEARCOAT_TINT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 67 && defined(CLEARCOAT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 68 && defined(CLEARCOAT)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 69 && defined(SUBSURFACE) && defined(SS_TRANSLUCENCY)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 70 && defined(SUBSURFACE) && defined(SS_REFRACTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 81 && defined(HORIZONOCCLUSION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 84 && defined(CLEARCOAT) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF) && !defined(REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 85 && defined(SHEEN) && defined(REFLECTION)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 86 && defined(ALPHABLEND)
#elif DEBUGMODE == 87
#ifdef PREPASS
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrDebug = kp;
var Gp = `#if defined(BUMP) || !defined(NORMAL) || defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) || defined(SPECULARAA) || defined(CLEARCOAT_BUMP) || defined(ANISOTROPIC)
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable
#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable
precision highp float;
void main(void) {
albedoOpacityOutParams albedoOpacityOut;
#ifdef ALBEDO
vec4 albedoTexture=texture2D(albedoSampler,vAlbedoUV+uvOffset);
#ifdef OPACITY
vec4 opacityMap=texture2D(opacitySampler,vOpacityUV+uvOffset);
#ifdef ALBEDO
#ifdef OPACITY
#ifdef DETAIL
vec3 surfaceAlbedo=albedoOpacityOut.surfaceAlbedo;
float alpha=albedoOpacityOut.alpha;
ambientOcclusionOutParams aoOut;
#ifdef AMBIENT
vec3 ambientOcclusionColorMap=texture2D(ambientSampler,vAmbientUV+uvOffset).rgb;
#ifdef AMBIENT
#ifdef UNLIT
vec3 diffuseBase=vec3(1.,1.,1.);
vec3 baseColor=surfaceAlbedo;
reflectivityOutParams reflectivityOut;
#if defined(REFLECTIVITY)
vec4 surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap=texture2D(reflectivitySampler,vReflectivityUV+uvOffset);
vec4 baseReflectivity=surfaceMetallicOrReflectivityColorMap;
vec4 microSurfaceTexel=texture2D(microSurfaceSampler,vMicroSurfaceSamplerUV+uvOffset)*vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos.y;
vec4 metallicReflectanceFactors=vMetallicReflectanceFactors;
vec4 metallicReflectanceFactorsMap=texture2D(metallicReflectanceSampler,vMetallicReflectanceUV+uvOffset);
#ifdef DETAIL
float microSurface=reflectivityOut.microSurface;
float roughness=reflectivityOut.roughness;
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(ALPHABLEND)
alphaFresnelOutParams alphaFresnelOut;
anisotropicOutParams anisotropicOut;
vec3 anisotropyMapData=texture2D(anisotropySampler,vAnisotropyUV+uvOffset).rgb*vAnisotropyInfos.y;
reflectionOutParams reflectionOut;
#if defined(NORMAL) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
#ifdef SHEEN
sheenOutParams sheenOut;
vec4 sheenMapData=toLinearSpace(texture2D(sheenSampler,vSheenUV+uvOffset))*vSheenInfos.y;
vec4 sheenMapRoughnessData=texture2D(sheenRoughnessSampler,vSheenRoughnessUV+uvOffset)*vSheenInfos.w;
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
#if !defined(REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX) && defined(HORIZONOCCLUSION) && defined(BUMP) && defined(REFLECTIONMAP_3D)
clearcoatOutParams clearcoatOut;
vec2 clearCoatMapData=texture2D(clearCoatSampler,vClearCoatUV+uvOffset).rg*vClearCoatInfos.y;
vec4 clearCoatMapRoughnessData=texture2D(clearCoatRoughnessSampler,vClearCoatRoughnessUV+uvOffset)*vClearCoatInfos.w;
vec4 clearCoatTintMapData=toLinearSpace(texture2D(clearCoatTintSampler,vClearCoatTintUV+uvOffset));
vec4 clearCoatBumpMapData=texture2D(clearCoatBumpSampler,vClearCoatBumpUV+uvOffset);
#if defined(TANGENT) && defined(NORMAL)
#if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)
subSurfaceOutParams subSurfaceOut;
vec4 thicknessMap=texture2D(thicknessSampler,vThicknessUV+uvOffset);
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
#ifdef PREPASS
vec2 a=(vCurrentPosition.xy/vCurrentPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 b=(vPreviousPosition.xy/vPreviousPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 velocity=abs(a-b);
vec3 irradiance=finalDiffuse;
#ifndef UNLIT
vec3 sqAlbedo=sqrt(surfaceAlbedo);
float scatteringDiffusionProfile=255.;
#if defined(REFLECTIVITY)
#if !defined(PREPASS) || defined(WEBGL2)
ze.a.ShadersStore.pbrPixelShader = Gp;
var zp = `uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
#ifdef ALBEDO
uniform mat4 albedoMatrix;
uniform vec2 vAlbedoInfos;
#ifdef AMBIENT
uniform mat4 ambientMatrix;
uniform vec4 vAmbientInfos;
#ifdef OPACITY
uniform mat4 opacityMatrix;
uniform vec2 vOpacityInfos;
uniform vec2 vEmissiveInfos;
uniform mat4 emissiveMatrix;
uniform vec2 vLightmapInfos;
uniform mat4 lightmapMatrix;
uniform vec3 vReflectivityInfos;
uniform mat4 reflectivityMatrix;
uniform vec2 vMetallicReflectanceInfos;
uniform mat4 metallicReflectanceMatrix;
uniform vec2 vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos;
uniform mat4 microSurfaceSamplerMatrix;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform mat4 bumpMatrix;
uniform float pointSize;
uniform vec2 vReflectionInfos;
uniform mat4 reflectionMatrix;
uniform vec4 vClearCoatInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatMatrix;
uniform mat4 clearCoatRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatBumpInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatBumpMatrix;
uniform vec2 vClearCoatTintInfos;
uniform mat4 clearCoatTintMatrix;
uniform vec2 vAnisotropyInfos;
uniform mat4 anisotropyMatrix;
#ifdef SHEEN
uniform vec4 vSheenInfos;
uniform mat4 sheenMatrix;
uniform mat4 sheenRoughnessMatrix;
uniform vec4 vRefractionInfos;
uniform mat4 refractionMatrix;
uniform vec2 vThicknessInfos;
uniform mat4 thicknessMatrix;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.pbrVertexDeclaration = zp, f(163), f(164), f(93), f(94), f(100), f(165), f(156), f(158);
var jp = `precision highp float;
attribute vec3 position;
#ifdef NORMAL
attribute vec3 normal;
#ifdef TANGENT
attribute vec4 tangent;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
#ifdef MAINUV1
varying vec2 vMainUV1;
#ifdef MAINUV2
varying vec2 vMainUV2;
attribute vec4 color;
#if defined(ALBEDO) && ALBEDODIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vAlbedoUV;
#if defined(DETAIL) && DETAILDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vDetailUV;
#if defined(AMBIENT) && AMBIENTDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vAmbientUV;
#if defined(OPACITY) && OPACITYDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vOpacityUV;
varying vec2 vEmissiveUV;
varying vec2 vLightmapUV;
varying vec2 vReflectivityUV;
varying vec2 vMicroSurfaceSamplerUV;
varying vec2 vMetallicReflectanceUV;
#if defined(BUMP) && BUMPDIRECTUV == 0
varying vec2 vBumpUV;
varying vec2 vClearCoatUV;
varying vec2 vClearCoatRoughnessUV;
varying vec2 vClearCoatBumpUV;
varying vec2 vClearCoatTintUV;
#ifdef SHEEN
varying vec2 vSheenUV;
varying vec2 vSheenRoughnessUV;
varying vec2 vAnisotropyUV;
varying vec2 vThicknessUV;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
varying vec4 vClipSpacePosition;
#ifdef NORMAL
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vEnvironmentIrradiance;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec3 vPositionUVW;
varying vec3 vDirectionW;
void main(void) {
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalUpdated=normal;
#ifdef TANGENT
vec4 tangentUpdated=tangent;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#if defined(PREPASS) && defined(PREPASS_VELOCITY) && !defined(BONES_VELOCITY_ENABLED)
vec4 worldPos=finalWorld*vec4(positionUpdated,1.0);
#ifdef NORMAL
mat3 normalWorld=mat3(finalWorld);
#if defined(INSTANCES) && defined(THIN_INSTANCES)
vec3 reflectionVector=vec3(reflectionMatrix*vec4(vNormalW,0)).xyz;
if (gl_ViewID_OVR == 0u) {
} else {
#ifndef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifndef UV2
vec2 uv2=vec2(0.,0.);
#ifdef MAINUV1
#ifdef MAINUV2
#if defined(ALBEDO) && ALBEDODIRECTUV == 0
if (vAlbedoInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(DETAIL) && DETAILDIRECTUV == 0
if (vDetailInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(AMBIENT) && AMBIENTDIRECTUV == 0
if (vAmbientInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(OPACITY) && OPACITYDIRECTUV == 0
if (vOpacityInfos.x == 0.)
if (vEmissiveInfos.x == 0.)
if (vLightmapInfos.x == 0.)
if (vReflectivityInfos.x == 0.)
if (vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos.x == 0.)
if (vMetallicReflectanceInfos.x == 0.)
#if defined(BUMP) && BUMPDIRECTUV == 0
if (vBumpInfos.x == 0.)
if (vClearCoatInfos.x == 0.)
if (vClearCoatInfos.z == 0.)
if (vClearCoatBumpInfos.x == 0.)
if (vClearCoatTintInfos.x == 0.)
#ifdef SHEEN
if (vSheenInfos.x == 0.)
if (vSheenInfos.z == 0.)
if (vAnisotropyInfos.x == 0.)
if (vThicknessInfos.x == 0.)
ze.a.ShadersStore.pbrVertexShader = jp;
var Wo = f(92), vr = { effect: null, subMesh: null }, As = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.reset = function() {, this.ALPHATESTVALUE = "0.5", this.PBR = !0;
}, t;
}(zo.a), pn = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i._directIntensity = 1, i._emissiveIntensity = 1, i._environmentIntensity = 1, i._specularIntensity = 1, i._lightingInfos = new u.f(i._directIntensity, i._emissiveIntensity, i._environmentIntensity, i._specularIntensity), i._disableBumpMap = !1, i._albedoTexture = null, i._ambientTexture = null, i._ambientTextureStrength = 1, i._ambientTextureImpactOnAnalyticalLights = t.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS, i._opacityTexture = null, i._reflectionTexture = null, i._emissiveTexture = null, i._reflectivityTexture = null, i._metallicTexture = null, i._metallic = null, i._roughness = null, i._metallicF0Factor = 1, i._metallicReflectanceColor = I.a.White(), i._metallicReflectanceTexture = null, i._microSurfaceTexture = null, i._bumpTexture = null, i._lightmapTexture = null, i._ambientColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i._albedoColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i._reflectivityColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i._reflectionColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i._emissiveColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i._microSurface = 0.9, i._useLightmapAsShadowmap = !1, i._useHorizonOcclusion = !0, i._useRadianceOcclusion = !0, i._useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture = !1, i._useSpecularOverAlpha = !0, i._useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha = !1, i._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha = !0, i._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen = !1, i._useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue = !1, i._useAmbientOcclusionFromMetallicTextureRed = !1, i._useAmbientInGrayScale = !1, i._useAutoMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMap = !1, i._lightFalloff = t.LIGHTFALLOFF_PHYSICAL, i._useRadianceOverAlpha = !0, i._useObjectSpaceNormalMap = !1, i._useParallax = !1, i._useParallaxOcclusion = !1, i._parallaxScaleBias = 0.05, i._disableLighting = !1, i._maxSimultaneousLights = 4, i._invertNormalMapX = !1, i._invertNormalMapY = !1, i._twoSidedLighting = !1, i._alphaCutOff = 0.4, i._forceAlphaTest = !1, i._useAlphaFresnel = !1, i._useLinearAlphaFresnel = !1, i._environmentBRDFTexture = null, i._forceIrradianceInFragment = !1, i._realTimeFiltering = !1, i._realTimeFilteringQuality = h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_LOW, i._forceNormalForward = !1, i._enableSpecularAntiAliasing = !1, i._imageProcessingObserver = null, i._renderTargets = new si.a(16), i._globalAmbientColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i._useLogarithmicDepth = !1, i._unlit = !1, i._debugMode = 0, i.debugMode = 0, i.debugLimit = -1, i.debugFactor = 1, i.clearCoat = new mr(i._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(i)), i.anisotropy = new gr(i._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(i)), i.brdf = new ap(i._markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty.bind(i)), i.sheen = new Zr(i._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(i)), i.detailMap = new Wo.a(i._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(i)), i._rebuildInParallel = !1, i._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), i.getRenderTargetTextures = function() {
return i._renderTargets.reset(), lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && i._reflectionTexture && i._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && i._renderTargets.push(i._reflectionTexture), i.subSurface.fillRenderTargetTextures(i._renderTargets), i._renderTargets;
}, i._environmentBRDFTexture = Ho.GetEnvironmentBRDFTexture(n), i.subSurface = new Jr(i._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty.bind(i), i._markScenePrePassDirty.bind(i), n), i.prePassConfiguration = new Ss.a(), i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "realTimeFiltering", { get: function() {
return this._realTimeFiltering;
}, set: function(e) {
this._realTimeFiltering = e, this.markAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "realTimeFilteringQuality", { get: function() {
return this._realTimeFilteringQuality;
}, set: function(e) {
this._realTimeFilteringQuality = e, this.markAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "canRenderToMRT", { get: function() {
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(e) {
var n = this;
e !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), this._imageProcessingConfiguration = e || this.getScene().imageProcessingConfiguration, this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingObserver = this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasRenderTargetTextures", { get: function() {
return !!(lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget) || this.subSurface.hasRenderTargetTextures();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRBaseMaterial";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useLogarithmicDepth", { get: function() {
return this._useLogarithmicDepth;
}, set: function(e) {
this._useLogarithmicDepth = e && this.getScene().getEngine().getCaps().fragmentDepthSupported;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "_disableAlphaBlending", { get: function() {
return this.subSurface.disableAlphaBlending || this._transparencyMode === t.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE || this._transparencyMode === t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATEST;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return !this._disableAlphaBlending && (this.alpha < 1 || this._opacityTexture != null || this._shouldUseAlphaFromAlbedoTexture());
}, t.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return !!this._forceAlphaTest || !this.subSurface.disableAlphaBlending && this._hasAlphaChannel() && (this._transparencyMode == null || this._transparencyMode === t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATEST);
}, t.prototype._shouldUseAlphaFromAlbedoTexture = function() {
return this._albedoTexture != null && this._albedoTexture.hasAlpha && this._useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture && this._transparencyMode !== t.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE;
}, t.prototype._hasAlphaChannel = function() {
return this._albedoTexture != null && this._albedoTexture.hasAlpha || this._opacityTexture != null;
}, t.prototype.getAlphaTestTexture = function() {
return this._albedoTexture;
}, t.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
if (n.effect && this.isFrozen && n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady)
return !0;
n._materialDefines || (n._materialDefines = new As());
var o = n._materialDefines;
if (this._isReadyForSubMesh(n))
return !0;
var a = this.getScene(), s = a.getEngine();
if (o._areTexturesDirty && a.texturesEnabled) {
if (this._albedoTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled && !this._albedoTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._ambientTexture && lt.a.AmbientTextureEnabled && !this._ambientTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._opacityTexture && lt.a.OpacityTextureEnabled && !this._opacityTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
var d = this._getReflectionTexture();
if (d && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (!d.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || d.irradianceTexture && !d.irradianceTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking()) || this._lightmapTexture && lt.a.LightmapTextureEnabled && !this._lightmapTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._emissiveTexture && lt.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled && !this._emissiveTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
if (lt.a.SpecularTextureEnabled) {
if (this._metallicTexture) {
if (!this._metallicTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
} else if (this._reflectivityTexture && !this._reflectivityTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
if (this._metallicReflectanceTexture && !this._metallicReflectanceTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking() || this._microSurfaceTexture && !this._microSurfaceTexture.isReadyOrNotBlocking())
return !1;
if (s.getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._bumpTexture && lt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && !this._disableBumpMap && !this._bumpTexture.isReady() || this._environmentBRDFTexture && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && !this._environmentBRDFTexture.isReady())
return !1;
if (!(this.subSurface.isReadyForSubMesh(o, a) && this.clearCoat.isReadyForSubMesh(o, a, s, this._disableBumpMap) && this.sheen.isReadyForSubMesh(o, a) && this.anisotropy.isReadyForSubMesh(o, a) && this.detailMap.isReadyForSubMesh(o, a)) || o._areImageProcessingDirty && this._imageProcessingConfiguration && !this._imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady())
return !1;
s.getCaps().standardDerivatives || e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind) || (e.createNormals(!0), l.a.Warn("PBRMaterial: Normals have been created for the mesh: " +;
var p = n.effect, y = o._areLightsDisposed, P = this._prepareEffect(e, o, this.onCompiled, this.onError, i, null, n.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances);
if (P)
if (this._onEffectCreatedObservable && (vr.effect = P, vr.subMesh = n, this._onEffectCreatedObservable.notifyObservers(vr)), this.allowShaderHotSwapping && p && !P.isReady()) {
if (P = p, this._rebuildInParallel = !0, o.markAsUnprocessed(), y)
return o._areLightsDisposed = !0, !1;
} else
this._rebuildInParallel = !1, a.resetCachedMaterial(), n.setEffect(P, o), this.buildUniformLayout();
return !(!n.effect || !n.effect.isReady()) && (o._renderId = a.getRenderId(), n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !0, !0);
}, t.prototype.isMetallicWorkflow = function() {
return !(this._metallic == null && this._roughness == null && !this._metallicTexture);
}, t.prototype._prepareEffect = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
if (i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), this._prepareDefines(e, n, a, s, d), !n.isDirty)
return null;
var p = this.getScene().getEngine(), y = new _r.a(), P = 0;
n.USESPHERICALINVERTEX && y.addFallback(P++, "USESPHERICALINVERTEX"), n.FOG && y.addFallback(P, "FOG"), n.SPECULARAA && y.addFallback(P, "SPECULARAA"), n.POINTSIZE && y.addFallback(P, "POINTSIZE"), n.LOGARITHMICDEPTH && y.addFallback(P, "LOGARITHMICDEPTH"), n.PARALLAX && y.addFallback(P, "PARALLAX"), n.PARALLAXOCCLUSION && y.addFallback(P++, "PARALLAXOCCLUSION"), P = gr.AddFallbacks(n, y, P), P = gr.AddFallbacks(n, y, P), P = Jr.AddFallbacks(n, y, P), P = Zr.AddFallbacks(n, y, P), n.ENVIRONMENTBRDF && y.addFallback(P++, "ENVIRONMENTBRDF"), n.TANGENT && y.addFallback(P++, "TANGENT"), n.BUMP && y.addFallback(P++, "BUMP"), P = $e.a.HandleFallbacksForShadows(n, y, this._maxSimultaneousLights, P++), n.SPECULARTERM && y.addFallback(P++, "SPECULARTERM"), n.USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP && y.addFallback(P++, "USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP"), n.USEIRRADIANCEMAP && y.addFallback(P++, "USEIRRADIANCEMAP"), n.LIGHTMAP && y.addFallback(P++, "LIGHTMAP"), n.NORMAL && y.addFallback(P++, "NORMAL"), n.AMBIENT && y.addFallback(P++, "AMBIENT"), n.EMISSIVE && y.addFallback(P++, "EMISSIVE"), n.VERTEXCOLOR && y.addFallback(P++, "VERTEXCOLOR"), n.MORPHTARGETS && y.addFallback(P++, "MORPHTARGETS"), n.MULTIVIEW && y.addFallback(0, "MULTIVIEW");
var R = [Oe.b.PositionKind];
n.NORMAL && R.push(Oe.b.NormalKind), n.TANGENT && R.push(Oe.b.TangentKind), n.UV1 && R.push(Oe.b.UVKind), n.UV2 && R.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), n.VERTEXCOLOR && R.push(Oe.b.ColorKind), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForBones(R, e, n, y), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForInstances(R, n), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargets(R, e, n);
var B = "pbr", F = ["world", "view", "viewProjection", "vEyePosition", "vLightsType", "vAmbientColor", "vAlbedoColor", "vReflectivityColor", "vMetallicReflectanceFactors", "vEmissiveColor", "visibility", "vReflectionColor", "vFogInfos", "vFogColor", "pointSize", "vAlbedoInfos", "vAmbientInfos", "vOpacityInfos", "vReflectionInfos", "vReflectionPosition", "vReflectionSize", "vEmissiveInfos", "vReflectivityInfos", "vReflectionFilteringInfo", "vMetallicReflectanceInfos", "vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos", "vBumpInfos", "vLightmapInfos", "mBones", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "albedoMatrix", "ambientMatrix", "opacityMatrix", "reflectionMatrix", "emissiveMatrix", "reflectivityMatrix", "normalMatrix", "microSurfaceSamplerMatrix", "bumpMatrix", "lightmapMatrix", "metallicReflectanceMatrix", "vLightingIntensity", "logarithmicDepthConstant", "vSphericalX", "vSphericalY", "vSphericalZ", "vSphericalXX_ZZ", "vSphericalYY_ZZ", "vSphericalZZ", "vSphericalXY", "vSphericalYZ", "vSphericalZX", "vSphericalL00", "vSphericalL1_1", "vSphericalL10", "vSphericalL11", "vSphericalL2_2", "vSphericalL2_1", "vSphericalL20", "vSphericalL21", "vSphericalL22", "vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", "vTangentSpaceParams", "boneTextureWidth", "vDebugMode"], z = ["albedoSampler", "reflectivitySampler", "ambientSampler", "emissiveSampler", "bumpSampler", "lightmapSampler", "opacitySampler", "reflectionSampler", "reflectionSamplerLow", "reflectionSamplerHigh", "irradianceSampler", "microSurfaceSampler", "environmentBrdfSampler", "boneSampler", "metallicReflectanceSampler"], J = ["Material", "Scene"];
Wo.a.AddUniforms(F), Wo.a.AddSamplers(z), Jr.AddUniforms(F), Jr.AddSamplers(z), mr.AddUniforms(F), mr.AddSamplers(z), gr.AddUniforms(F), gr.AddSamplers(z), Zr.AddUniforms(F), Zr.AddSamplers(z), Ss.a.AddUniforms(F), Ss.a.AddSamplers(F), vn.a && (vn.a.PrepareUniforms(F, n), vn.a.PrepareSamplers(z, n)), $e.a.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersList({ uniformsNames: F, uniformBuffersNames: J, samplers: z, defines: n, maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights });
var ie = {};
this.customShaderNameResolve && (B = this.customShaderNameResolve(B, F, J, z, n, R, ie));
var se = n.toString();
return p.createEffect(B, { attributes: R, uniformsNames: F, uniformBuffersNames: J, samplers: z, defines: se, fallbacks: y, onCompiled: i, onError: o, indexParameters: { maxSimultaneousLights: this._maxSimultaneousLights, maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: n.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS }, processFinalCode: ie.processFinalCode, multiTarget: n.PREPASS }, p);
}, t.prototype._prepareDefines = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = !1);
var s = this.getScene(), d = s.getEngine();
if ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForLights(s, e, n, !0, this._maxSimultaneousLights, this._disableLighting), n._needNormals = !0, $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMultiview(s, n), $e.a.PrepareDefinesForPrePass(s, n, this.canRenderToMRT), n.METALLICWORKFLOW = this.isMetallicWorkflow(), n._areTexturesDirty) {
if (n._needUVs = !1, s.texturesEnabled) {
s.getEngine().getCaps().textureLOD && (n.LODBASEDMICROSFURACE = !0), this._albedoTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._albedoTexture, n, "ALBEDO"), n.GAMMAALBEDO = this._albedoTexture.gammaSpace) : n.ALBEDO = !1, this._ambientTexture && lt.a.AmbientTextureEnabled ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._ambientTexture, n, "AMBIENT"), n.AMBIENTINGRAYSCALE = this._useAmbientInGrayScale) : n.AMBIENT = !1, this._opacityTexture && lt.a.OpacityTextureEnabled ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._opacityTexture, n, "OPACITY"), n.OPACITYRGB = this._opacityTexture.getAlphaFromRGB) : n.OPACITY = !1;
var p = this._getReflectionTexture();
if (p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled) {
switch (n.REFLECTION = !0, n.GAMMAREFLECTION = p.gammaSpace, n.RGBDREFLECTION = p.isRGBD, n.REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ = this.getScene().useRightHandedSystem ? !p.invertZ : p.invertZ, n.LODINREFLECTIONALPHA = p.lodLevelInAlpha, n.LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION = p.linearSpecularLOD, this.realTimeFiltering && this.realTimeFilteringQuality > 0 ? (n.NUM_SAMPLES = "" + this.realTimeFilteringQuality, d.webGLVersion > 1 && (n.NUM_SAMPLES = n.NUM_SAMPLES + "u"), n.REALTIME_FILTERING = !0) : n.REALTIME_FILTERING = !1, p.coordinatesMode === Ne.a.INVCUBIC_MODE && (n.INVERTCUBICMAP = !0), n.REFLECTIONMAP_3D = p.isCube, n.REFLECTIONMAP_CUBIC = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_EXPLICIT = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_PLANAR = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_SPHERICAL = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_EQUIRECTANGULAR = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_EQUIRECTANGULAR_FIXED = !1, n.REFLECTIONMAP_MIRROREDEQUIRECTANGULAR_FIXED = !1, p.coordinatesMode) {
case Ne.a.PLANAR_MODE:
case Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE:
case Ne.a.CUBIC_MODE:
p.coordinatesMode !== Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE && (p.irradianceTexture ? (n.USEIRRADIANCEMAP = !0, n.USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP = !1) : p.isCube && (n.USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP = !0, n.USEIRRADIANCEMAP = !1, this._forceIrradianceInFragment || this.realTimeFiltering || s.getEngine().getCaps().maxVaryingVectors <= 8 ? n.USESPHERICALINVERTEX = !1 : n.USESPHERICALINVERTEX = !0));
} else
this._lightmapTexture && lt.a.LightmapTextureEnabled ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._lightmapTexture, n, "LIGHTMAP"), n.USELIGHTMAPASSHADOWMAP = this._useLightmapAsShadowmap, n.GAMMALIGHTMAP = this._lightmapTexture.gammaSpace, n.RGBDLIGHTMAP = this._lightmapTexture.isRGBD) : n.LIGHTMAP = !1, this._emissiveTexture && lt.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._emissiveTexture, n, "EMISSIVE") : n.EMISSIVE = !1, lt.a.SpecularTextureEnabled ? (this._metallicTexture ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._metallicTexture, n, "REFLECTIVITY"), n.ROUGHNESSSTOREINMETALMAPALPHA = this._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha, n.ROUGHNESSSTOREINMETALMAPGREEN = !this._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha && this._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen, n.METALLNESSSTOREINMETALMAPBLUE = this._useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue, n.AOSTOREINMETALMAPRED = this._useAmbientOcclusionFromMetallicTextureRed) : this._reflectivityTexture ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._reflectivityTexture, n, "REFLECTIVITY"), n.MICROSURFACEFROMREFLECTIVITYMAP = this._useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha, n.MICROSURFACEAUTOMATIC = this._useAutoMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMap) : n.REFLECTIVITY = !1, this._metallicReflectanceTexture ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._metallicReflectanceTexture, n, "METALLIC_REFLECTANCE") : n.METALLIC_REFLECTANCE = !1, this._microSurfaceTexture ? $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._microSurfaceTexture, n, "MICROSURFACEMAP") : n.MICROSURFACEMAP = !1) : (n.REFLECTIVITY = !1, n.MICROSURFACEMAP = !1), s.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._bumpTexture && lt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && !this._disableBumpMap ? ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMergedUV(this._bumpTexture, n, "BUMP"), this._useParallax && this._albedoTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled ? (n.PARALLAX = !0, n.PARALLAXOCCLUSION = !!this._useParallaxOcclusion) : n.PARALLAX = !1, n.OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP = this._useObjectSpaceNormalMap) : n.BUMP = !1, this._environmentBRDFTexture && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled ? (n.ENVIRONMENTBRDF = !0, n.ENVIRONMENTBRDF_RGBD = this._environmentBRDFTexture.isRGBD) : (n.ENVIRONMENTBRDF = !1, n.ENVIRONMENTBRDF_RGBD = !1), this._shouldUseAlphaFromAlbedoTexture() ? n.ALPHAFROMALBEDO = !0 : n.ALPHAFROMALBEDO = !1;
n.SPECULAROVERALPHA = this._useSpecularOverAlpha, this._lightFalloff === t.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD ? (n.USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF = !1, n.USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF = !1) : this._lightFalloff === t.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF ? (n.USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF = !1, n.USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF = !0) : (n.USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF = !0, n.USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF = !1), n.RADIANCEOVERALPHA = this._useRadianceOverAlpha, !this.backFaceCulling && this._twoSidedLighting ? n.TWOSIDEDLIGHTING = !0 : n.TWOSIDEDLIGHTING = !1, n.SPECULARAA = s.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && this._enableSpecularAntiAliasing;
(n._areTexturesDirty || n._areMiscDirty) && (n.ALPHATESTVALUE = this._alphaCutOff + (this._alphaCutOff % 1 == 0 ? "." : ""), n.PREMULTIPLYALPHA = this.alphaMode === h.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED || this.alphaMode === h.a.ALPHA_PREMULTIPLIED_PORTERDUFF, n.ALPHABLEND = this.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(e), n.ALPHAFRESNEL = this._useAlphaFresnel || this._useLinearAlphaFresnel, n.LINEARALPHAFRESNEL = this._useLinearAlphaFresnel), n._areImageProcessingDirty && this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(n), n.FORCENORMALFORWARD = this._forceNormalForward, n.RADIANCEOCCLUSION = this._useRadianceOcclusion, n.HORIZONOCCLUSION = this._useHorizonOcclusion, n._areMiscDirty && ($e.a.PrepareDefinesForMisc(e, s, this._useLogarithmicDepth, this.pointsCloud, this.fogEnabled, this._shouldTurnAlphaTestOn(e) || this._forceAlphaTest, n), n.UNLIT = this._unlit || (this.pointsCloud || this.wireframe) && !e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind), n.DEBUGMODE = this._debugMode), this.detailMap.prepareDefines(n, s), this.subSurface.prepareDefines(n, s), this.clearCoat.prepareDefines(n, s), this.anisotropy.prepareDefines(n, e, s), this.brdf.prepareDefines(n), this.sheen.prepareDefines(n, s), $e.a.PrepareDefinesForFrameBoundValues(s, d, n, !!i, o, a), $e.a.PrepareDefinesForAttributes(e, n, !0, !0, !0, this._transparencyMode !== t.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE);
}, t.prototype.forceCompilation = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this, a = Object(c.a)({ clipPlane: !1, useInstances: !1 }, i), s = new As(), d = this._prepareEffect(e, s, void 0, void 0, a.useInstances, a.clipPlane, e.hasThinInstances);
this._onEffectCreatedObservable && (vr.effect = d, vr.subMesh = null, this._onEffectCreatedObservable.notifyObservers(vr)), d.isReady() ? n && n(this) : d.onCompileObservable.add(function() {
n && n(o);
}, t.prototype.buildUniformLayout = function() {
var e = this._uniformBuffer;
e.addUniform("vAlbedoInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vAmbientInfos", 4), e.addUniform("vOpacityInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vEmissiveInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vLightmapInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vReflectivityInfos", 3), e.addUniform("vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vReflectionInfos", 2), e.addUniform("vReflectionFilteringInfo", 2), e.addUniform("vReflectionPosition", 3), e.addUniform("vReflectionSize", 3), e.addUniform("vBumpInfos", 3), e.addUniform("albedoMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("ambientMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("opacityMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("emissiveMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("lightmapMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("reflectivityMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("microSurfaceSamplerMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("bumpMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("vTangentSpaceParams", 2), e.addUniform("reflectionMatrix", 16), e.addUniform("vReflectionColor", 3), e.addUniform("vAlbedoColor", 4), e.addUniform("vLightingIntensity", 4), e.addUniform("vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", 3), e.addUniform("pointSize", 1), e.addUniform("vReflectivityColor", 4), e.addUniform("vEmissiveColor", 3), e.addUniform("visibility", 1), e.addUniform("vMetallicReflectanceFactors", 4), e.addUniform("vMetallicReflectanceInfos", 2), e.addUniform("metallicReflectanceMatrix", 16), mr.PrepareUniformBuffer(e), gr.PrepareUniformBuffer(e), Zr.PrepareUniformBuffer(e), Jr.PrepareUniformBuffer(e), Wo.a.PrepareUniformBuffer(e), e.create();
}, t.prototype.unbind = function() {
if (this._activeEffect) {
var e = !1;
this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.isRenderTarget && (this._activeEffect.setTexture("reflection2DSampler", null), e = !0), this.subSurface.unbind(this._activeEffect) && (e = !0), e && this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, t.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene(), a = i._materialDefines;
if (a) {
var s = i.effect;
if (s) {
this._activeEffect = s, a.INSTANCES && !a.THIN_INSTANCES || this.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(e), this.prePassConfiguration.bindForSubMesh(this._activeEffect, o, n, e, this.isFrozen), a.OBJECTSPACE_NORMALMAP && (e.toNormalMatrix(this._normalMatrix), this.bindOnlyNormalMatrix(this._normalMatrix));
var d = this._mustRebind(o, s, n.visibility);
$e.a.BindBonesParameters(n, this._activeEffect, this.prePassConfiguration);
var p = null, y = this._uniformBuffer;
if (d) {
var P = o.getEngine();
if (y.bindToEffect(s, "Material"), this.bindViewProjection(s), p = this._getReflectionTexture(), !y.useUbo || !this.isFrozen || !y.isSync) {
if (o.texturesEnabled) {
if (this._albedoTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled && (y.updateFloat2("vAlbedoInfos", this._albedoTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._albedoTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._albedoTexture, y, "albedo")), this._ambientTexture && lt.a.AmbientTextureEnabled && (y.updateFloat4("vAmbientInfos", this._ambientTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._ambientTexture.level, this._ambientTextureStrength, this._ambientTextureImpactOnAnalyticalLights), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._ambientTexture, y, "ambient")), this._opacityTexture && lt.a.OpacityTextureEnabled && (y.updateFloat2("vOpacityInfos", this._opacityTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._opacityTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._opacityTexture, y, "opacity")), p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled) {
if (y.updateMatrix("reflectionMatrix", p.getReflectionTextureMatrix()), y.updateFloat2("vReflectionInfos", p.level, 0), p.boundingBoxSize) {
var R = p;
y.updateVector3("vReflectionPosition", R.boundingBoxPosition), y.updateVector3("vReflectionSize", R.boundingBoxSize);
if (this.realTimeFiltering) {
var B = p.getSize().width;
y.updateFloat2("vReflectionFilteringInfo", B, $.a.Log2(B));
var F = p.sphericalPolynomial;
var z = F.preScaledHarmonics;
this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL00", z.l00), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL1_1", z.l1_1), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL10", z.l10), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL11", z.l11), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL2_2", z.l2_2), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL2_1", z.l2_1), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL20", z.l20), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL21", z.l21), this._activeEffect.setVector3("vSphericalL22", z.l22);
} else
this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalX", F.x.x, F.x.y, F.x.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalY", F.y.x, F.y.y, F.y.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalZ", F.z.x, F.z.y, F.z.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalXX_ZZ", F.xx.x - F.zz.x, F.xx.y - F.zz.y, F.xx.z - F.zz.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalYY_ZZ", F.yy.x - F.zz.x, F.yy.y - F.zz.y, F.yy.z - F.zz.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalZZ", F.zz.x, F.zz.y, F.zz.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalXY", F.xy.x, F.xy.y, F.xy.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalYZ", F.yz.x, F.yz.y, F.yz.z), this._activeEffect.setFloat3("vSphericalZX", F.zx.x, F.zx.y, F.zx.z);
y.updateFloat3("vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos", p.getSize().width, p.lodGenerationScale, p.lodGenerationOffset);
this._emissiveTexture && lt.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled && (y.updateFloat2("vEmissiveInfos", this._emissiveTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._emissiveTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._emissiveTexture, y, "emissive")), this._lightmapTexture && lt.a.LightmapTextureEnabled && (y.updateFloat2("vLightmapInfos", this._lightmapTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._lightmapTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._lightmapTexture, y, "lightmap")), lt.a.SpecularTextureEnabled && (this._metallicTexture ? (y.updateFloat3("vReflectivityInfos", this._metallicTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._metallicTexture.level, this._ambientTextureStrength), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._metallicTexture, y, "reflectivity")) : this._reflectivityTexture && (y.updateFloat3("vReflectivityInfos", this._reflectivityTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._reflectivityTexture.level, 1), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._reflectivityTexture, y, "reflectivity")), this._metallicReflectanceTexture && (y.updateFloat2("vMetallicReflectanceInfos", this._metallicReflectanceTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._metallicReflectanceTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._metallicReflectanceTexture, y, "metallicReflectance")), this._microSurfaceTexture && (y.updateFloat2("vMicroSurfaceSamplerInfos", this._microSurfaceTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._microSurfaceTexture.level), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._microSurfaceTexture, y, "microSurfaceSampler"))), this._bumpTexture && P.getCaps().standardDerivatives && lt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && !this._disableBumpMap && (y.updateFloat3("vBumpInfos", this._bumpTexture.coordinatesIndex, this._bumpTexture.level, this._parallaxScaleBias), $e.a.BindTextureMatrix(this._bumpTexture, y, "bump"), o._mirroredCameraPosition ? y.updateFloat2("vTangentSpaceParams", this._invertNormalMapX ? 1 : -1, this._invertNormalMapY ? 1 : -1) : y.updateFloat2("vTangentSpaceParams", this._invertNormalMapX ? -1 : 1, this._invertNormalMapY ? -1 : 1));
if (this.pointsCloud && y.updateFloat("pointSize", this.pointSize), a.METALLICWORKFLOW) {
I.c.Color3[0].r = this._metallic === void 0 || this._metallic === null ? 1 : this._metallic, I.c.Color3[0].g = this._roughness === void 0 || this._roughness === null ? 1 : this._roughness, y.updateColor4("vReflectivityColor", I.c.Color3[0], 1);
var J = this.subSurface.indexOfRefraction, ie = Math.pow((J - 1) / (J + 1), 2);
this._metallicReflectanceColor.scaleToRef(ie * this._metallicF0Factor, I.c.Color3[0]);
var se = this._metallicF0Factor;
y.updateColor4("vMetallicReflectanceFactors", I.c.Color3[0], se);
} else
y.updateColor4("vReflectivityColor", this._reflectivityColor, this._microSurface);
y.updateColor3("vEmissiveColor", lt.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled ? this._emissiveColor : I.a.BlackReadOnly), y.updateColor3("vReflectionColor", this._reflectionColor), !a.SS_REFRACTION && this.subSurface.linkRefractionWithTransparency ? y.updateColor4("vAlbedoColor", this._albedoColor, 1) : y.updateColor4("vAlbedoColor", this._albedoColor, this.alpha), this._lightingInfos.x = this._directIntensity, this._lightingInfos.y = this._emissiveIntensity, this._lightingInfos.z = this._environmentIntensity * o.environmentIntensity, this._lightingInfos.w = this._specularIntensity, y.updateVector4("vLightingIntensity", this._lightingInfos);
y.updateFloat("visibility", n.visibility), o.texturesEnabled && (this._albedoTexture && lt.a.DiffuseTextureEnabled && y.setTexture("albedoSampler", this._albedoTexture), this._ambientTexture && lt.a.AmbientTextureEnabled && y.setTexture("ambientSampler", this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && lt.a.OpacityTextureEnabled && y.setTexture("opacitySampler", this._opacityTexture), p && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled && (a.LODBASEDMICROSFURACE ? y.setTexture("reflectionSampler", p) : (y.setTexture("reflectionSampler", p._lodTextureMid || p), y.setTexture("reflectionSamplerLow", p._lodTextureLow || p), y.setTexture("reflectionSamplerHigh", p._lodTextureHigh || p)), a.USEIRRADIANCEMAP && y.setTexture("irradianceSampler", p.irradianceTexture)), a.ENVIRONMENTBRDF && y.setTexture("environmentBrdfSampler", this._environmentBRDFTexture), this._emissiveTexture && lt.a.EmissiveTextureEnabled && y.setTexture("emissiveSampler", this._emissiveTexture), this._lightmapTexture && lt.a.LightmapTextureEnabled && y.setTexture("lightmapSampler", this._lightmapTexture), lt.a.SpecularTextureEnabled && (this._metallicTexture ? y.setTexture("reflectivitySampler", this._metallicTexture) : this._reflectivityTexture && y.setTexture("reflectivitySampler", this._reflectivityTexture), this._metallicReflectanceTexture && y.setTexture("metallicReflectanceSampler", this._metallicReflectanceTexture), this._microSurfaceTexture && y.setTexture("microSurfaceSampler", this._microSurfaceTexture)), this._bumpTexture && P.getCaps().standardDerivatives && lt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && !this._disableBumpMap && y.setTexture("bumpSampler", this._bumpTexture)), this.detailMap.bindForSubMesh(y, o, this.isFrozen), this.subSurface.bindForSubMesh(y, o, P, this.isFrozen, a.LODBASEDMICROSFURACE, this.realTimeFiltering), this.clearCoat.bindForSubMesh(y, o, P, this._disableBumpMap, this.isFrozen, this._invertNormalMapX, this._invertNormalMapY, i), this.anisotropy.bindForSubMesh(y, o, this.isFrozen), this.sheen.bindForSubMesh(y, o, this.isFrozen, i), $e.a.BindClipPlane(this._activeEffect, o), o.ambientColor.multiplyToRef(this._ambientColor, this._globalAmbientColor);
var ce = o._forcedViewPosition ? o._forcedViewPosition : o._mirroredCameraPosition ? o._mirroredCameraPosition : o.activeCamera.globalPosition, ue = o.useRightHandedSystem === (o._mirroredCameraPosition != null);
s.setFloat4("vEyePosition", ce.x, ce.y, ce.z, ue ? -1 : 1), s.setColor3("vAmbientColor", this._globalAmbientColor), s.setFloat2("vDebugMode", this.debugLimit, this.debugFactor);
!d && this.isFrozen || (o.lightsEnabled && !this._disableLighting && $e.a.BindLights(o, n, this._activeEffect, a, this._maxSimultaneousLights, this._rebuildInParallel), (o.fogEnabled && n.applyFog && o.fogMode !== _e.a.FOGMODE_NONE || p) && this.bindView(s), $e.a.BindFogParameters(o, n, this._activeEffect, !0), a.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS && $e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(n, this._activeEffect), this._imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(this._activeEffect), $e.a.BindLogDepth(a, this._activeEffect, o)), y.update(), this._afterBind(n, this._activeEffect);
}, t.prototype.getAnimatables = function() {
var e = [];
return this._albedoTexture && this._albedoTexture.animations && this._albedoTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._albedoTexture), this._ambientTexture && this._ambientTexture.animations && this._ambientTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && this._opacityTexture.animations && this._opacityTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._opacityTexture), this._reflectionTexture && this._reflectionTexture.animations && this._reflectionTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._reflectionTexture), this._emissiveTexture && this._emissiveTexture.animations && this._emissiveTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._emissiveTexture), this._metallicTexture && this._metallicTexture.animations && this._metallicTexture.animations.length > 0 ? e.push(this._metallicTexture) : this._reflectivityTexture && this._reflectivityTexture.animations && this._reflectivityTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._reflectivityTexture), this._bumpTexture && this._bumpTexture.animations && this._bumpTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._bumpTexture), this._lightmapTexture && this._lightmapTexture.animations && this._lightmapTexture.animations.length > 0 && e.push(this._lightmapTexture), this.detailMap.getAnimatables(e), this.subSurface.getAnimatables(e), this.clearCoat.getAnimatables(e), this.sheen.getAnimatables(e), this.anisotropy.getAnimatables(e), e;
}, t.prototype._getReflectionTexture = function() {
return this._reflectionTexture ? this._reflectionTexture : this.getScene().environmentTexture;
}, t.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
var e =;
return this._albedoTexture && e.push(this._albedoTexture), this._ambientTexture && e.push(this._ambientTexture), this._opacityTexture && e.push(this._opacityTexture), this._reflectionTexture && e.push(this._reflectionTexture), this._emissiveTexture && e.push(this._emissiveTexture), this._reflectivityTexture && e.push(this._reflectivityTexture), this._metallicTexture && e.push(this._metallicTexture), this._metallicReflectanceTexture && e.push(this._metallicReflectanceTexture), this._microSurfaceTexture && e.push(this._microSurfaceTexture), this._bumpTexture && e.push(this._bumpTexture), this._lightmapTexture && e.push(this._lightmapTexture), this.detailMap.getActiveTextures(e), this.subSurface.getActiveTextures(e), this.clearCoat.getActiveTextures(e), this.sheen.getActiveTextures(e), this.anisotropy.getActiveTextures(e), e;
}, t.prototype.hasTexture = function(e) {
return !!, e) || this._albedoTexture === e || this._ambientTexture === e || this._opacityTexture === e || this._reflectionTexture === e || this._reflectivityTexture === e || this._metallicTexture === e || this._metallicReflectanceTexture === e || this._microSurfaceTexture === e || this._bumpTexture === e || this._lightmapTexture === e || this.detailMap.hasTexture(e) || this.subSurface.hasTexture(e) || this.clearCoat.hasTexture(e) || this.sheen.hasTexture(e) || this.anisotropy.hasTexture(e);
}, t.prototype.setPrePassRenderer = function(e) {
if (this.subSurface.isScatteringEnabled) {
var n = this.getScene().enableSubSurfaceForPrePass();
return n && (n.enabled = !0), !0;
return !1;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e, n) {
var i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F;
n && (this._environmentBRDFTexture && this.getScene().environmentBRDFTexture !== this._environmentBRDFTexture && this._environmentBRDFTexture.dispose(), (i = this._albedoTexture) === null || i === void 0 || i.dispose(), (o = this._ambientTexture) === null || o === void 0 || o.dispose(), (a = this._opacityTexture) === null || a === void 0 || a.dispose(), (s = this._reflectionTexture) === null || s === void 0 || s.dispose(), (d = this._emissiveTexture) === null || d === void 0 || d.dispose(), (p = this._metallicTexture) === null || p === void 0 || p.dispose(), (y = this._reflectivityTexture) === null || y === void 0 || y.dispose(), (P = this._bumpTexture) === null || P === void 0 || P.dispose(), (R = this._lightmapTexture) === null || R === void 0 || R.dispose(), (B = this._metallicReflectanceTexture) === null || B === void 0 || B.dispose(), (F = this._microSurfaceTexture) === null || F === void 0 || F.dispose()), this.detailMap.dispose(n), this.subSurface.dispose(n), this.clearCoat.dispose(n), this.sheen.dispose(n), this.anisotropy.dispose(n), this._renderTargets.dispose(), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver),, e, n);
}, t.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE = zt.a.MATERIAL_OPAQUE, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATEST = zt.a.MATERIAL_ALPHATEST, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHABLEND = zt.a.MATERIAL_ALPHABLEND, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND = zt.a.MATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND, t.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS = 0, t.LIGHTFALLOFF_PHYSICAL = 0, t.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF = 1, t.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD = 2, Object(c.c)([Object(L.i)()], t.prototype, "_imageProcessingConfiguration", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "debugMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "useLogarithmicDepth", null), t;
}(jo.a), $r = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i.directIntensity = 1, i.emissiveIntensity = 1, i.environmentIntensity = 1, i.specularIntensity = 1, i.disableBumpMap = !1, i.ambientTextureStrength = 1, i.ambientTextureImpactOnAnalyticalLights = t.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS, i.metallicF0Factor = 1, i.metallicReflectanceColor = I.a.White(), i.ambientColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i.albedoColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i.reflectivityColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i.reflectionColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i.emissiveColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i.microSurface = 1, i.useLightmapAsShadowmap = !1, i.useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture = !1, i.forceAlphaTest = !1, i.alphaCutOff = 0.4, i.useSpecularOverAlpha = !0, i.useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha = !1, i.useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha = !0, i.useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen = !1, i.useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue = !1, i.useAmbientOcclusionFromMetallicTextureRed = !1, i.useAmbientInGrayScale = !1, i.useAutoMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMap = !1, i.useRadianceOverAlpha = !0, i.useObjectSpaceNormalMap = !1, i.useParallax = !1, i.useParallaxOcclusion = !1, i.parallaxScaleBias = 0.05, i.disableLighting = !1, i.forceIrradianceInFragment = !1, i.maxSimultaneousLights = 4, i.invertNormalMapX = !1, i.invertNormalMapY = !1, i.twoSidedLighting = !1, i.useAlphaFresnel = !1, i.useLinearAlphaFresnel = !1, i.environmentBRDFTexture = null, i.forceNormalForward = !1, i.enableSpecularAntiAliasing = !1, i.useHorizonOcclusion = !0, i.useRadianceOcclusion = !0, i.unlit = !1, i._environmentBRDFTexture = Ho.GetEnvironmentBRDFTexture(n), i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refractionTexture", { get: function() {
return this.subSurface.refractionTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
this.subSurface.refractionTexture = e, e ? this.subSurface.isRefractionEnabled = !0 : this.subSurface.linkRefractionWithTransparency || (this.subSurface.isRefractionEnabled = !1);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", { get: function() {
return this.subSurface.indexOfRefraction;
}, set: function(e) {
this.subSurface.indexOfRefraction = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "invertRefractionY", { get: function() {
return this.subSurface.invertRefractionY;
}, set: function(e) {
this.subSurface.invertRefractionY = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "linkRefractionWithTransparency", { get: function() {
return this.subSurface.linkRefractionWithTransparency;
}, set: function(e) {
this.subSurface.linkRefractionWithTransparency = e, e && (this.subSurface.isRefractionEnabled = !0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "usePhysicalLightFalloff", { get: function() {
return this._lightFalloff === pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_PHYSICAL;
}, set: function(e) {
e !== this.usePhysicalLightFalloff && (this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty(), this._lightFalloff = e ? pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_PHYSICAL : pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useGLTFLightFalloff", { get: function() {
return this._lightFalloff === pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF;
}, set: function(e) {
e !== this.useGLTFLightFalloff && (this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty(), this._lightFalloff = e ? pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF : pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(e) {
this._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(e), this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorCurvesEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurvesEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorGradingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this.imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraToneMappingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.toneMappingEnabled = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraExposure", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraContrast", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.contrast = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorGradingTexture", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorGradingTexture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraColorCurves", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingConfiguration.colorCurves = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRMaterial";
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e) {
var n = this, i = L.a.Clone(function() {
return new t(e, n.getScene());
}, this);
return = e, = e, this.clearCoat.copyTo(i.clearCoat), this.anisotropy.copyTo(i.anisotropy), this.brdf.copyTo(i.brdf), this.sheen.copyTo(i.sheen), this.subSurface.copyTo(i.subSurface), i;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "BABYLON.PBRMaterial", e.clearCoat = this.clearCoat.serialize(), e.anisotropy = this.anisotropy.serialize(), e.brdf = this.brdf.serialize(), e.sheen = this.sheen.serialize(), e.subSurface = this.subSurface.serialize(), e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n);
}, e, n, i);
return e.clearCoat && o.clearCoat.parse(e.clearCoat, n, i), e.anisotropy && o.anisotropy.parse(e.anisotropy, n, i), e.brdf && o.brdf.parse(e.brdf, n, i), e.sheen && o.sheen.parse(e.sheen, n, i), e.subSurface && o.subSurface.parse(e.subSurface, n, i), o;
}, t.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE = pn.PBRMATERIAL_OPAQUE, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATEST = pn.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATEST, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHABLEND = pn.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHABLEND, t.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND = pn.PBRMATERIAL_ALPHATESTANDBLEND, t.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS = pn.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "directIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "emissiveIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "environmentIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "specularIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "disableBumpMap", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "albedoTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "ambientTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "ambientTextureStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "ambientTextureImpactOnAnalyticalLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "opacityTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "emissiveTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectivityTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallicTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallic", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "roughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallicF0Factor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallicReflectanceColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallicReflectanceTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "microSurfaceTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "bumpTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", null)], t.prototype, "lightmapTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("ambient"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "ambientColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("albedo"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "albedoColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("reflectivity"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectivityColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("reflection"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "reflectionColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("emissive"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "emissiveColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "microSurface", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useLightmapAsShadowmap", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "forceAlphaTest", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesAndMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "alphaCutOff", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useSpecularOverAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useAmbientOcclusionFromMetallicTextureRed", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useAmbientInGrayScale", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useAutoMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMap", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "usePhysicalLightFalloff", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "useGLTFLightFalloff", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useRadianceOverAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useObjectSpaceNormalMap", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useParallax", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useParallaxOcclusion", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "parallaxScaleBias", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "disableLighting", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "forceIrradianceInFragment", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "invertNormalMapX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "invertNormalMapY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "twoSidedLighting", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useAlphaFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useLinearAlphaFresnel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "environmentBRDFTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "forceNormalForward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "enableSpecularAntiAliasing", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useHorizonOcclusion", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useRadianceOcclusion", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsMiscDirty")], t.prototype, "unlit", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PBRMaterial"] = $r;
function Xo(r) {
return r.charCodeAt(0) + (r.charCodeAt(1) << 8) + (r.charCodeAt(2) << 16) + (r.charCodeAt(3) << 24);
var Zl = Xo("DXT1"), Jl = Xo("DXT3"), $l = Xo("DXT5"), Ps = Xo("DX10"), Li = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetDDSInfo = function(t) {
var e = new Int32Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, 31), n = new Int32Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, 35), i = 1;
131072 & e[2] && (i = Math.max(1, e[7]));
var o = e[21], a = o === Ps ? n[32] : 0, s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT;
switch (o) {
case 113:
case 116:
case Ps:
if (a === 10) {
if (a === 2) {
return { width: e[4], height: e[3], mipmapCount: i, isFourCC: (4 & e[20]) == 4, isRGB: (64 & e[20]) == 64, isLuminance: (131072 & e[20]) == 131072, isCube: (512 & e[28]) == 512, isCompressed: o === Zl || o === Jl || o === $l, dxgiFormat: a, textureType: s };
}, r._ToHalfFloat = function(t) {
r._FloatView || (r._FloatView = new Float32Array(1), r._Int32View = new Int32Array(r._FloatView.buffer)), r._FloatView[0] = t;
var e = r._Int32View[0], n = e >> 16 & 32768, i = e >> 12 & 2047, o = e >> 23 & 255;
return o < 103 ? n : o > 142 ? (n |= 31744, n |= (o == 255 ? 0 : 1) && 8388607 & e) : o < 113 ? n |= ((i |= 2048) >> 114 - o) + (i >> 113 - o & 1) : (n |= o - 112 << 10 | i >> 1, n += 1 & i);
}, r._FromHalfFloat = function(t) {
var e = (32768 & t) >> 15, n = (31744 & t) >> 10, i = 1023 & t;
return n === 0 ? (e ? -1 : 1) * Math.pow(2, -14) * (i / Math.pow(2, 10)) : n == 31 ? i ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (e ? -1 : 1) : (e ? -1 : 1) * Math.pow(2, n - 15) * (1 + i / Math.pow(2, 10));
}, r._GetHalfFloatAsFloatRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
for (var s = new Float32Array(i), d = new Uint16Array(o, n), p = 0, y = 0; y < e; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < t; P++) {
var R = 4 * (P + y * t);
s[p] = r._FromHalfFloat(d[R]), s[p + 1] = r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 1]), s[p + 2] = r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 2]), r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel ? s[p + 3] = a : s[p + 3] = r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 3]), p += 4;
return s;
}, r._GetHalfFloatRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
if (r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel) {
for (var s = new Uint16Array(i), d = new Uint16Array(o, n), p = 0, y = 0; y < e; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < t; P++) {
var R = 4 * (P + y * t);
s[p] = d[R], s[p + 1] = d[R + 1], s[p + 2] = d[R + 2], s[p + 3] = r._ToHalfFloat(a), p += 4;
return s;
return new Uint16Array(o, n, i);
}, r._GetFloatRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
if (r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel) {
for (var s = new Float32Array(i), d = new Float32Array(o, n), p = 0, y = 0; y < e; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < t; P++) {
var R = 4 * (P + y * t);
s[p] = d[R], s[p + 1] = d[R + 1], s[p + 2] = d[R + 2], s[p + 3] = a, p += 4;
return s;
return new Float32Array(o, n, i);
}, r._GetFloatAsUIntRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
for (var s = new Uint8Array(i), d = new Float32Array(o, n), p = 0, y = 0; y < e; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < t; P++) {
var R = 4 * (P + y * t);
s[p] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(d[R]), s[p + 1] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(d[R + 1]), s[p + 2] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(d[R + 2]), r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel ? s[p + 3] = a : s[p + 3] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(d[R + 3]), p += 4;
return s;
}, r._GetHalfFloatAsUIntRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
for (var s = new Uint8Array(i), d = new Uint16Array(o, n), p = 0, y = 0; y < e; y++)
for (var P = 0; P < t; P++) {
var R = 4 * (P + y * t);
s[p] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(r._FromHalfFloat(d[R])), s[p + 1] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 1])), s[p + 2] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 2])), r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel ? s[p + 3] = a : s[p + 3] = 255 * $.a.Clamp(r._FromHalfFloat(d[R + 3])), p += 4;
return s;
}, r._GetRGBAArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
for (var y = new Uint8Array(i), P = new Uint8Array(o, n), R = 0, B = 0; B < e; B++)
for (var F = 0; F < t; F++) {
var z = 4 * (F + B * t);
y[R] = P[z + a], y[R + 1] = P[z + s], y[R + 2] = P[z + d], y[R + 3] = P[z + p], R += 4;
return y;
}, r._ExtractLongWordOrder = function(t) {
return t === 0 || t === 255 || t === -16777216 ? 0 : 1 + r._ExtractLongWordOrder(t >> 8);
}, r._GetRGBArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
for (var p = new Uint8Array(i), y = new Uint8Array(o, n), P = 0, R = 0; R < e; R++)
for (var B = 0; B < t; B++) {
var F = 3 * (B + R * t);
p[P] = y[F + a], p[P + 1] = y[F + s], p[P + 2] = y[F + d], P += 3;
return p;
}, r._GetLuminanceArrayBuffer = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = new Uint8Array(i), s = new Uint8Array(o, n), d = 0, p = 0; p < e; p++)
for (var y = 0; y < t; y++) {
var P = y + p * t;
a[d] = s[P], d++;
return a;
}, r.UploadDDSLevels = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
s === void 0 && (s = -1);
var p = null;
i.sphericalPolynomial && (p = new Array());
var y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie = t.getCaps().s3tc, se = new Int32Array(n.buffer, n.byteOffset, 31), ce = 0, ue = 0, fe = 1;
if (se[0] === 542327876)
if (i.isFourCC || i.isRGB || i.isLuminance)
if (!i.isCompressed || ie) {
var ve = se[22];
B = se[1] + 4;
var Te, Re = !1;
if (i.isFourCC)
switch (y = se[21]) {
case Zl:
fe = 8, ue = ie.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT;
case Jl:
fe = 16, ue = ie.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT;
case $l:
fe = 16, ue = ie.COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT;
case 113:
case 116:
Re = !0;
case Ps:
B += 20;
var Ae = !1;
switch (i.dxgiFormat) {
case 10:
case 2:
Re = !0, Ae = !0;
case 88:
i.isRGB = !0, i.isFourCC = !1, ve = 32, Ae = !0;
if (Ae)
return void console.error("Unsupported FourCC code:", (Te = y, String.fromCharCode(255 & Te, Te >> 8 & 255, Te >> 16 & 255, Te >> 24 & 255)));
var Ee = r._ExtractLongWordOrder(se[23]), Se = r._ExtractLongWordOrder(se[24]), De = r._ExtractLongWordOrder(se[25]), xe = r._ExtractLongWordOrder(se[26]);
Re && (ue = t._getRGBABufferInternalSizedFormat(i.textureType)), z = 1, 131072 & se[2] && o !== !1 && (z = Math.max(1, se[7]));
for (var Le = d || 0; Le < a; Le++) {
for (P = se[4], R = se[3], J = 0; J < z; ++J) {
if (s === -1 || s === J) {
var Me = s === -1 ? J : 0;
if (!i.isCompressed && i.isFourCC) {
e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, ce = P * R * 4;
var we = null;
t._badOS || t._badDesktopOS || !t.getCaps().textureHalfFloat && !t.getCaps().textureFloat ? (ve === 128 ? (we = r._GetFloatAsUIntRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me), p && Me == 0 && p.push(r._GetFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me))) : ve === 64 && (we = r._GetHalfFloatAsUIntRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me), p && Me == 0 && p.push(r._GetHalfFloatAsFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me))), e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) : ve === 128 ? (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT, we = r._GetFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me), p && Me == 0 && p.push(we)) : ve !== 64 || t.getCaps().textureHalfFloat ? (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT, we = r._GetHalfFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me), p && Me == 0 && p.push(r._GetHalfFloatAsFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, B, ce, n.buffer, Me))) : (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT, we = r._GetHalfFloatAsFloatRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Me), p && Me == 0 && p.push(we)), we && t._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(e, we, Le, Me);
} else if (i.isRGB)
e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, ve === 24 ? (e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, ce = P * R * 3, F = r._GetRGBArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Ee, Se, De), t._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(e, F, Le, Me)) : (e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, ce = P * R * 4, F = r._GetRGBAArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer, Ee, Se, De, xe), t._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(e, F, Le, Me));
else if (i.isLuminance) {
var Ye = t._getUnpackAlignement(), et = P;
ce = Math.floor((P + Ye - 1) / Ye) * Ye * (R - 1) + et, F = r._GetLuminanceArrayBuffer(P, R, n.byteOffset + B, ce, n.buffer), e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_LUMINANCE, e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, t._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(e, F, Le, Me);
} else
ce = Math.max(4, P) / 4 * Math.max(4, R) / 4 * fe, F = new Uint8Array(n.buffer, n.byteOffset + B, ce), e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, t._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly(e, ue, P, R, F, Le, Me);
B += ve ? P * R * (ve / 8) : ce, P *= 0.5, R *= 0.5, P = Math.max(1, P), R = Math.max(1, R);
if (d !== void 0)
p && p.length > 0 ? i.sphericalPolynomial = Lo.ConvertCubeMapToSphericalPolynomial({ size: se[4], right: p[0], left: p[1], up: p[2], down: p[3], front: p[4], back: p[5], format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, type: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT, gammaSpace: !1 }) : i.sphericalPolynomial = void 0;
} else
l.a.Error("Compressed textures are not supported on this platform.");
l.a.Error("Unsupported format, must contain a FourCC, RGB or LUMINANCE code");
l.a.Error("Invalid magic number in DDS header");
}, r.StoreLODInAlphaChannel = !1, r;
wt.a.prototype.createPrefilteredCubeTexture = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p = this;
return i === void 0 && (i = null), o === void 0 && (o = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = !0), this.createCubeTexture(r, t, null, !1, function(y) {
if (y) {
var P = y.texture;
if (d ? && (P._sphericalPolynomial = : P._sphericalPolynomial = new Yr(), P._source = Pt.b.CubePrefiltered, p.getCaps().textureLOD)
i && i(P);
else {
var R = p._gl, B = y.width;
if (B) {
for (var F = [], z = 0; z < 3; z++) {
var J = 1 - z / 2, ie = n, se = $.a.Log2(B) * e + n, ce = ie + (se - ie) * J, ue = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(ce, 0), se)), fe = new Pt.a(p, Pt.b.Temp);
if (fe.type = P.type, fe.format = P.format, fe.width = Math.pow(2, Math.max($.a.Log2(B) - ue, 0)), fe.height = fe.width, fe.isCube = !0, p._bindTextureDirectly(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, fe, !0), fe.samplingMode = h.a.TEXTURE_LINEAR_LINEAR, R.texParameteri(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, R.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, R.LINEAR), R.texParameteri(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, R.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, R.LINEAR), R.texParameteri(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, R.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, R.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), R.texParameteri(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, R.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, R.CLAMP_TO_EDGE), y.isDDS) {
var ve =, Te =;
p._unpackFlipY(ve.isCompressed), Li.UploadDDSLevels(p, fe, Te, ve, !0, 6, ue);
} else
l.a.Warn("DDS is the only prefiltered cube map supported so far.");
p._bindTextureDirectly(R.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
var Re = new kn.a(t);
Re.isCube = !0, Re._texture = fe, fe.isReady = !0, F.push(Re);
P._lodTextureHigh = F[2], P._lodTextureMid = F[1], P._lodTextureLow = F[0], i && i(P);
} else
i && i(null);
}, o, a, s, d, e, n);
var eu = function() {
function r() {
this.supportCascades = !0;
return r.prototype.canLoad = function(t) {
return Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".dds");
}, r.prototype.loadCubeData = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a, s = e.getEngine(), d = !1;
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var p = 0; p < t.length; p++) {
var y = t[p];
a = Li.GetDDSInfo(y), e.width = a.width, e.height = a.height, d = (a.isRGB || a.isLuminance || a.mipmapCount > 1) && e.generateMipMaps, s._unpackFlipY(a.isCompressed), Li.UploadDDSLevels(s, e, y, a, d, 6, -1, p), a.isFourCC || a.mipmapCount !== 1 || s.generateMipMapsForCubemap(e);
else {
var P = t;
a = Li.GetDDSInfo(P), e.width = a.width, e.height = a.height, n && (a.sphericalPolynomial = new Yr()), d = (a.isRGB || a.isLuminance || a.mipmapCount > 1) && e.generateMipMaps, s._unpackFlipY(a.isCompressed), Li.UploadDDSLevels(s, e, P, a, d, 6), a.isFourCC || a.mipmapCount !== 1 || s.generateMipMapsForCubemap(e, !1);
s._setCubeMapTextureParams(e, d), e.isReady = !0, e.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(e), e.onLoadedObservable.clear(), i && i({ isDDS: !0, width: e.width, info: a, data: t, texture: e });
}, r.prototype.loadData = function(t, e, n) {
var i = Li.GetDDSInfo(t), o = (i.isRGB || i.isLuminance || i.mipmapCount > 1) && e.generateMipMaps && i.width >> i.mipmapCount - 1 == 1;
n(i.width, i.height, o, i.isFourCC, function() {
Li.UploadDDSLevels(e.getEngine(), e, t, i, o, 1);
}, r;
Ue.a._TextureLoaders.push(new eu());
var tu = function() {
function r() {
this.supportCascades = !1;
return r.prototype.canLoad = function(t) {
return Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".env");
}, r.prototype.loadCubeData = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
var a = gi.GetEnvInfo(t);
a ? (e.width = a.width, e.height = a.width, gi.UploadEnvSpherical(e, a), gi.UploadEnvLevelsAsync(e, t, a).then(function() {
e.isReady = !0, e.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(e), e.onLoadedObservable.clear(), i && i();
})) : o && o("Can not parse the environment file", null);
}, r.prototype.loadData = function(t, e, n) {
throw ".env not supported in 2d.";
}, r;
Ue.a._TextureLoaders.push(new tu());
var Yo = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
if ( = t, this.isInvalid = !1, !r.IsValid(t))
return this.isInvalid = !0, void l.a.Error("texture missing KTX identifier");
var o = Uint32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, a = new DataView(, + 12, 13 * o), s = a.getUint32(0, !0) === 67305985;
this.glType = a.getUint32(1 * o, s), this.glTypeSize = a.getUint32(2 * o, s), this.glFormat = a.getUint32(3 * o, s), this.glInternalFormat = a.getUint32(4 * o, s), this.glBaseInternalFormat = a.getUint32(5 * o, s), this.pixelWidth = a.getUint32(6 * o, s), this.pixelHeight = a.getUint32(7 * o, s), this.pixelDepth = a.getUint32(8 * o, s), this.numberOfArrayElements = a.getUint32(9 * o, s), this.numberOfFaces = a.getUint32(10 * o, s), this.numberOfMipmapLevels = a.getUint32(11 * o, s), this.bytesOfKeyValueData = a.getUint32(12 * o, s), this.glType === 0 ? (this.numberOfMipmapLevels = Math.max(1, this.numberOfMipmapLevels), this.pixelHeight !== 0 && this.pixelDepth === 0 ? this.numberOfArrayElements === 0 ? this.numberOfFaces === e ? this.loadType = r.COMPRESSED_2D : l.a.Error("number of faces expected" + e + ", but found " + this.numberOfFaces) : l.a.Error("texture arrays not currently supported") : l.a.Error("only 2D textures currently supported")) : l.a.Error("only compressed formats currently supported");
return r.prototype.uploadLevels = function(t, e) {
switch (this.loadType) {
this._upload2DCompressedLevels(t, e);
case r.TEX_2D:
case r.TEX_3D:
}, r.prototype._upload2DCompressedLevels = function(t, e) {
for (var n = r.HEADER_LEN + this.bytesOfKeyValueData, i = this.pixelWidth, o = this.pixelHeight, a = e ? this.numberOfMipmapLevels : 1, s = 0; s < a; s++) {
var d = new Int32Array(, + n, 1)[0];
n += 4;
for (var p = 0; p < this.numberOfFaces; p++) {
var y = new Uint8Array(, + n, d);
t.getEngine()._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly(t, this.glInternalFormat, i, o, y, p, s), n += d, n += 3 - (d + 3) % 4;
i = Math.max(1, 0.5 * i), o = Math.max(1, 0.5 * o);
}, r.IsValid = function(t) {
if (t.byteLength >= 12) {
var e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, 12);
if (e[0] === 171 && e[1] === 75 && e[2] === 84 && e[3] === 88 && e[4] === 32 && e[5] === 49 && e[6] === 49 && e[7] === 187 && e[8] === 13 && e[9] === 10 && e[10] === 26 && e[11] === 10)
return !0;
return !1;
}, r.HEADER_LEN = 64, r.COMPRESSED_2D = 0, r.COMPRESSED_3D = 1, r.TEX_2D = 2, r.TEX_3D = 3, r;
}(), xs = function() {
function r(t) {
this._pendingActions = new Array(), this._workerInfos = {
return { worker: e, active: !1 };
return r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this._workerInfos; t < e.length; t++)
this._workerInfos = [], this._pendingActions = [];
}, r.prototype.push = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = this._workerInfos; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (!
return void this._execute(i, t);
}, r.prototype._execute = function(t, e) {
var n = this; = !0, e(t.worker, function() { = !1;
var i = n._pendingActions.shift();
i && n._execute(t, i);
}, r;
}(), Cs = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = r.DefaultNumWorkers), this._engine = t, r._Initialized || r._CreateWorkerPool(e);
return r.GetDefaultNumWorkers = function() {
return typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.hardwareConcurrency ? Math.min(Math.floor(0.5 * navigator.hardwareConcurrency), 4) : 1;
}, r._CreateWorkerPool = function(t) {
this._Initialized = !0, t && typeof Worker == "function" ? r._WorkerPoolPromise = new Promise(function(e) {
for (var n = "(" + Hp + ")()", i = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([n], { type: "application/javascript" })), o = new Array(t), a = 0; a < o.length; a++)
o[a] = new Promise(function(s, d) {
var p = new Worker(i), y = function(R) {
p.removeEventListener("error", y), p.removeEventListener("message", P), d(R);
}, P = function(R) { === "init" && (p.removeEventListener("error", y), p.removeEventListener("message", P), s(p));
p.addEventListener("error", y), p.addEventListener("message", P), p.postMessage({ action: "init", urls: r.URLConfig });
Promise.all(o).then(function(s) {
e(new xs(s));
}) : (KTX2DECODER.MSCTranscoder.UseFromWorkerThread = !1, KTX2DECODER.WASMMemoryManager.LoadBinariesFromCurrentThread = !0);
}, r.prototype.uploadAsync = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = this._engine.getCaps(), a = { astc: !!o.astc, bptc: !!o.bptc, s3tc: !!o.s3tc, pvrtc: !!o.pvrtc, etc2: !!o.etc2, etc1: !!o.etc1 };
return r._WorkerPoolPromise ? r._WorkerPoolPromise.then(function(s) {
return new Promise(function(d, p) {
s.push(function(y, P) {
var R = function(F) {
y.removeEventListener("error", R), y.removeEventListener("message", B), p(F), P();
}, B = function(F) {
if ( === "decoded") {
if (y.removeEventListener("error", R), y.removeEventListener("message", B),
try {
i._createTexture(, e, n), d();
} catch (z) {
p({ message: z });
p({ message: });
y.addEventListener("error", R), y.addEventListener("message", B), y.postMessage({ action: "decode", data: t, caps: a, options: n });
}) : new Promise(function(s, d) {
r._Ktx2Decoder || (r._Ktx2Decoder = new KTX2DECODER.KTX2Decoder()), r._Ktx2Decoder.decode(t, o).then(function(p) {
i._createTexture(p, e), s();
}).catch(function(p) {
d({ message: p });
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
r._WorkerPoolPromise && r._WorkerPoolPromise.then(function(t) {
}), delete r._WorkerPoolPromise;
}, r.prototype._createTexture = function(t, e, n) {
if (this._engine._bindTextureDirectly(this._engine._gl.TEXTURE_2D, e), n && (n.transcodedFormat = t.transcodedFormat, n.isInGammaSpace = t.isInGammaSpace, n.transcoderName = t.transcoderName), t.transcodedFormat === 32856 ? (e.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, e.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA) : e.format = t.transcodedFormat, e._gammaSpace = t.isInGammaSpace, t.errors)
throw new Error("KTX2 container - could not transcode the data. " + t.errors);
for (var i = 0; i < t.mipmaps.length; ++i) {
var o = t.mipmaps[i];
if (!o || !
throw new Error("KTX2 container - could not transcode one of the image");
t.transcodedFormat === 32856 ? (e.width = o.width, e.height = o.height, this._engine._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(e,, 0, i, void 0, !0)) : this._engine._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly(e, t.transcodedFormat, o.width, o.height,, 0, i);
e.width = t.mipmaps[0].width, e.height = t.mipmaps[0].height, e.generateMipMaps = t.mipmaps.length > 1, e.isReady = !0, this._engine._bindTextureDirectly(this._engine._gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
}, r.IsValid = function(t) {
if (t.byteLength >= 12) {
var e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, 12);
if (e[0] === 171 && e[1] === 75 && e[2] === 84 && e[3] === 88 && e[4] === 32 && e[5] === 50 && e[6] === 48 && e[7] === 187 && e[8] === 13 && e[9] === 10 && e[10] === 26 && e[11] === 10)
return !0;
return !1;
}, r.URLConfig = { jsDecoderModule: "", wasmUASTCToASTC: null, wasmUASTCToBC7: null, wasmUASTCToRGBA_UNORM: null, wasmUASTCToRGBA_SRGB: null, jsMSCTranscoder: null, wasmMSCTranscoder: null }, r.DefaultNumWorkers = r.GetDefaultNumWorkers(), r;
function Hp() {
var r;
onmessage = function(t) {
switch ( {
case "init":
var e =;
importScripts(e.jsDecoderModule), e.wasmUASTCToASTC !== null && (KTX2DECODER.LiteTranscoder_UASTC_ASTC.WasmModuleURL = e.wasmUASTCToASTC), e.wasmUASTCToBC7 !== null && (KTX2DECODER.LiteTranscoder_UASTC_BC7.WasmModuleURL = e.wasmUASTCToBC7), e.wasmUASTCToRGBA_UNORM !== null && (KTX2DECODER.LiteTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_UNORM.WasmModuleURL = e.wasmUASTCToRGBA_UNORM), e.wasmUASTCToRGBA_SRGB !== null && (KTX2DECODER.LiteTranscoder_UASTC_RGBA_SRGB.WasmModuleURL = e.wasmUASTCToRGBA_SRGB), e.jsMSCTranscoder !== null && (KTX2DECODER.MSCTranscoder.JSModuleURL = e.jsMSCTranscoder), e.wasmMSCTranscoder !== null && (KTX2DECODER.MSCTranscoder.WasmModuleURL = e.wasmMSCTranscoder), r = new KTX2DECODER.KTX2Decoder(), postMessage({ action: "init" });
case "decode":
r.decode(,, {
for (var i = [], o = 0; o < n.mipmaps.length; ++o) {
var a = n.mipmaps[o];
a && && i.push(;
postMessage({ action: "decoded", success: !0, decodedData: n }, i);
}).catch(function(n) {
postMessage({ action: "decoded", success: !1, msg: n });
var nu = function() {
function r() {
this.supportCascades = !1;
return r.prototype.canLoad = function(t, e) {
return Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".ktx") || Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".ktx2") || e === "image/ktx" || e === "image/ktx2";
}, r.prototype.loadCubeData = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
e._invertVScale = !e.invertY;
var a = e.getEngine(), s = new Yo(t, 6), d = s.numberOfMipmapLevels > 1 && e.generateMipMaps;
a._unpackFlipY(!0), s.uploadLevels(e, e.generateMipMaps), e.width = s.pixelWidth, e.height = s.pixelHeight, a._setCubeMapTextureParams(e, d), e.isReady = !0, e.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(e), e.onLoadedObservable.clear(), i && i();
}, r.prototype.loadData = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (Yo.IsValid(t)) {
e._invertVScale = !e.invertY;
var o = new Yo(t, 1);
n(o.pixelWidth, o.pixelHeight, e.generateMipMaps, !0, function() {
o.uploadLevels(e, e.generateMipMaps);
}, o.isInvalid);
} else
Cs.IsValid(t) ? new Cs(e.getEngine()).uploadAsync(t, e, i).then(function() {
n(e.width, e.height, e.generateMipMaps, !0, function() {
}, !1);
}, function(a) {
l.a.Warn("Failed to load KTX2 texture data: " + a.message), n(0, 0, !1, !1, function() {
}, !0);
}) : (l.a.Error("texture missing KTX identifier"), n(0, 0, !1, !1, function() {
}, !0));
}, r;
Ue.a._TextureLoaders.unshift(new nu());
var iu = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, u.e.Zero(), n) || this;
return o._xrSessionManager = i, o._firstFrame = !1, o._referenceQuaternion = u.b.Identity(), o._referencedPosition = new u.e(), o._xrInvPositionCache = new u.e(), o._xrInvQuaternionCache = u.b.Identity(), o._trackingState = Yi.NOT_TRACKING, o.onBeforeCameraTeleport = new C.c(), o.onAfterCameraTeleport = new C.c(), o.onTrackingStateChanged = new C.c(), o.compensateOnFirstFrame = !0, o._rotate180 = new u.b(0, 1, 0, 0), o.minZ = 0.1, o.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), o.cameraRigMode = _t.a.RIG_MODE_CUSTOM, o.updateUpVectorFromRotation = !0, o._updateNumberOfRigCameras(1), o.freezeProjectionMatrix(), o._xrSessionManager.onXRSessionInit.add(function() {
o._referencedPosition.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), o._referenceQuaternion.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1), o._firstFrame = o.compensateOnFirstFrame;
}), o._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.add(function(a) {
o._firstFrame && o._updateFromXRSession(), o._updateReferenceSpace(), o._updateFromXRSession();
}, void 0, !0), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "trackingState", { get: function() {
return this._trackingState;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._setTrackingState = function(e) {
this._trackingState !== e && (this._trackingState = e, this.onTrackingStateChanged.notifyObservers(e));
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "realWorldHeight", { get: function() {
var e = this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame && this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame.getViewerPose(this._xrSessionManager.baseReferenceSpace);
return e && e.transform ? e.transform.position.y : 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._updateForDualEyeDebugging = function() {
this._updateNumberOfRigCameras(2), this.rigCameras[0].viewport = new jn.a(0, 0, 0.5, 1), this.rigCameras[0].outputRenderTarget = null, this.rigCameras[1].viewport = new jn.a(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1), this.rigCameras[1].outputRenderTarget = null;
}, t.prototype.setTransformationFromNonVRCamera = function(e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = this.getScene().activeCamera), n === void 0 && (n = !0), e && e !== this && (e.computeWorldMatrix().decompose(void 0, this.rotationQuaternion, this.position), this.position.y = 0, u.b.FromEulerAnglesToRef(0, this.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y, 0, this.rotationQuaternion), this._firstFrame = !0, n && this._xrSessionManager.resetReferenceSpace());
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "WebXRCamera";
}, t.prototype._updateFromXRSession = function() {
var e = this, n = this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame && this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame.getViewerPose(this._xrSessionManager.referenceSpace);
if (n) {
var i = n.emulatedPosition ? Yi.TRACKING_LOST : Yi.TRACKING;
if (this._setTrackingState(i), n.transform) {
var o = n.transform.position;
this._referencedPosition.set(o.x, o.y, o.z);
var a = n.transform.orientation;
this._referenceQuaternion.set(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (this._referencedPosition.z *= -1, this._referenceQuaternion.z *= -1, this._referenceQuaternion.w *= -1), this._firstFrame ? (this._firstFrame = !1, this.position.y += this._referencedPosition.y, this._referenceQuaternion.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1)) : (this.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this._referenceQuaternion), this.position.copyFrom(this._referencedPosition));
this.rigCameras.length !== n.views.length && this._updateNumberOfRigCameras(n.views.length), n.views.forEach(function(s, d) {
var p = e.rigCameras[d];
p.isLeftCamera || p.isRightCamera || (s.eye === "right" ? p._isRightCamera = !0 : s.eye === "left" && (p._isLeftCamera = !0));
var y = s.transform.position, P = s.transform.orientation;
if (p.position.set(y.x, y.y, y.z), p.rotationQuaternion.set(P.x, P.y, P.z, P.w), e._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? p.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(e._rotate180) : (p.position.z *= -1, p.rotationQuaternion.z *= -1, p.rotationQuaternion.w *= -1), u.a.FromFloat32ArrayToRefScaled(s.projectionMatrix, 0, 1, p._projectionMatrix), e._scene.useRightHandedSystem || p._projectionMatrix.toggleProjectionMatrixHandInPlace(), d === 0 && e._projectionMatrix.copyFrom(p._projectionMatrix), e._xrSessionManager.session.renderState.baseLayer) {
var R = e._xrSessionManager.session.renderState.baseLayer.getViewport(s), B = e._xrSessionManager.session.renderState.baseLayer.framebufferWidth, F = e._xrSessionManager.session.renderState.baseLayer.framebufferHeight;
p.viewport.width = R.width / B, p.viewport.height = R.height / F, p.viewport.x = R.x / B, p.viewport.y = R.y / F;
p.outputRenderTarget = e._xrSessionManager.getRenderTargetTextureForEye(s.eye);
} else
}, t.prototype._updateNumberOfRigCameras = function(e) {
for (e === void 0 && (e = 1); this.rigCameras.length < e; ) {
var n = new xi("XR-RigCamera: " + this.rigCameras.length, u.e.Zero(), this.getScene());
n.minZ = 0.1, n.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), n.updateUpVectorFromRotation = !0, n.isRigCamera = !0, n.rigParent = this, n.freezeProjectionMatrix(), this.rigCameras.push(n);
for (; this.rigCameras.length > e; ) {
var i = this.rigCameras.pop();
i && i.dispose();
}, t.prototype._updateReferenceSpace = function() {
this.position.equals(this._referencedPosition) && this.rotationQuaternion.equals(this._referenceQuaternion) || (this.position.subtractToRef(this._referencedPosition, this._referencedPosition), this._referenceQuaternion.conjugateInPlace(), this._referenceQuaternion.multiplyToRef(this.rotationQuaternion, this._referenceQuaternion), this._updateReferenceSpaceOffset(this._referencedPosition, this._referenceQuaternion.normalize()));
}, t.prototype._updateReferenceSpaceOffset = function(e, n, i) {
if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), this._xrSessionManager.referenceSpace && this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame) {
this._xrInvPositionCache.copyFrom(e), n ? this._xrInvQuaternionCache.copyFrom(n) : this._xrInvQuaternionCache.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0, 1), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (this._xrInvPositionCache.z *= -1, this._xrInvQuaternionCache.z *= -1, this._xrInvQuaternionCache.w *= -1), this._xrInvPositionCache.negateInPlace(), this._xrInvQuaternionCache.conjugateInPlace(), this._xrInvPositionCache.rotateByQuaternionToRef(this._xrInvQuaternionCache, this._xrInvPositionCache), i && (this._xrInvPositionCache.y = 0);
var o = new XRRigidTransform({ x: this._xrInvPositionCache.x, y: this._xrInvPositionCache.y, z: this._xrInvPositionCache.z }, { x: this._xrInvQuaternionCache.x, y: this._xrInvQuaternionCache.y, z: this._xrInvQuaternionCache.z, w: this._xrInvQuaternionCache.w }), a = this._xrSessionManager.referenceSpace.getOffsetReferenceSpace(o), s = this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame && this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame.getViewerPose(a);
if (s) {
var d = new u.e(s.transform.position.x, s.transform.position.y, s.transform.position.z);
this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (d.z *= -1), this.position.subtractToRef(d, d), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (d.z *= -1), d.negateInPlace();
var p = new XRRigidTransform({ x: d.x, y: d.y, z: d.z });
this._xrSessionManager.referenceSpace = a.getOffsetReferenceSpace(p);
}, t;
}(zn), ti = function() {
function r() {
return r.ANCHOR_SYSTEM = "xr-anchor-system", r.BACKGROUND_REMOVER = "xr-background-remover", r.HIT_TEST = "xr-hit-test", r.PHYSICS_CONTROLLERS = "xr-physics-controller", r.PLANE_DETECTION = "xr-plane-detection", r.POINTER_SELECTION = "xr-controller-pointer-selection", r.TELEPORTATION = "xr-controller-teleportation", r.FEATURE_POINTS = "xr-feature-points", r.HAND_TRACKING = "xr-hand-tracking", r;
}(), Wn = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
this._xrSessionManager = t, this._features = {}, this._xrSessionManager.onXRSessionInit.add(function() {
e.getEnabledFeatures().forEach(function(n) {
var i = e._features[n];
!i.enabled || i.featureImplementation.attached || i.featureImplementation.disableAutoAttach || e.attachFeature(n);
}), this._xrSessionManager.onXRSessionEnded.add(function() {
e.getEnabledFeatures().forEach(function(n) {
var i = e._features[n];
i.enabled && i.featureImplementation.attached && e.detachFeature(n);
return r.AddWebXRFeature = function(t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = !1), this._AvailableFeatures[t] = this._AvailableFeatures[t] || { latest: n }, n > this._AvailableFeatures[t].latest && (this._AvailableFeatures[t].latest = n), i && (this._AvailableFeatures[t].stable = n), this._AvailableFeatures[t][n] = e;
}, r.ConstructFeature = function(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1);
var o = this._AvailableFeatures[t][e];
if (!o)
throw new Error("feature not found");
return o(n, i);
}, r.GetAvailableFeatures = function() {
return Object.keys(this._AvailableFeatures);
}, r.GetAvailableVersions = function(t) {
return Object.keys(this._AvailableFeatures[t]);
}, r.GetLatestVersionOfFeature = function(t) {
return this._AvailableFeatures[t] && this._AvailableFeatures[t].latest || -1;
}, r.GetStableVersionOfFeature = function(t) {
return this._AvailableFeatures[t] && this._AvailableFeatures[t].stable || -1;
}, r.prototype.attachFeature = function(t) {
var e = this._features[t];
e && e.enabled && !e.featureImplementation.attached && e.featureImplementation.attach();
}, r.prototype.detachFeature = function(t) {
var e = this._features[t];
e && e.featureImplementation.attached && e.featureImplementation.detach();
}, r.prototype.disableFeature = function(t) {
var e = typeof t == "string" ? t : t.Name, n = this._features[e];
return !(!n || !n.enabled) && (n.enabled = !1, this.detachFeature(e), n.featureImplementation.dispose(), !0);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this;
this.getEnabledFeatures().forEach(function(e) {
t.disableFeature(e), t._features[e].featureImplementation.dispose();
}, r.prototype.enableFeature = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
e === void 0 && (e = "latest"), n === void 0 && (n = {}), i === void 0 && (i = !0), o === void 0 && (o = !0);
var s = typeof t == "string" ? t : t.Name, d = 0;
if (typeof e == "string") {
if (!e)
throw new Error("Error in provided version - " + s + " (" + e + ")");
if ((d = e === "stable" ? r.GetStableVersionOfFeature(s) : e === "latest" ? r.GetLatestVersionOfFeature(s) : +e) === -1 || isNaN(d))
throw new Error("feature not found - " + s + " (" + e + ")");
} else
d = e;
var p = this._features[s], y = r.ConstructFeature(s, d, this._xrSessionManager, n);
if (!y)
throw new Error("feature not found - " + s);
p && this.disableFeature(s);
var P = y();
if (P.dependsOn && !P.dependsOn.every(function(R) {
return !!a._features[R];
throw new Error("Dependant features missing. Make sure the following features are enabled - " + P.dependsOn.join(", "));
if (P.isCompatible())
return this._features[s] = { featureImplementation: P, enabled: !0, version: d, required: o }, i ? this._xrSessionManager.session && !this._features[s].featureImplementation.attached && this.attachFeature(s) : this._features[s].featureImplementation.disableAutoAttach = !0, this._features[s].featureImplementation;
if (o)
throw new Error("required feature not compatible");
return Xe.b.Warn("Feature " + s + " not compatible with the current environment/browser and was not enabled."), P;
}, r.prototype.getEnabledFeature = function(t) {
return this._features[t] && this._features[t].featureImplementation;
}, r.prototype.getEnabledFeatures = function() {
return Object.keys(this._features);
}, r.prototype.extendXRSessionInitObject = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.getEnabledFeatures().forEach(function(n) {
var i = e._features[n], o = i.featureImplementation.xrNativeFeatureName;
o && (i.required ? (t.requiredFeatures = t.requiredFeatures || [], t.requiredFeatures.indexOf(o) === -1 && t.requiredFeatures.push(o)) : (t.optionalFeatures = t.optionalFeatures || [], t.optionalFeatures.indexOf(o) === -1 && t.optionalFeatures.push(o)));
}), t;
}, r._AvailableFeatures = {}, r;
}(), ru = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
this.scene = t, this._nonVRCamera = null, this._originalSceneAutoClear = !0, this._supported = !1, this.onInitialXRPoseSetObservable = new C.c(), this.onStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), this.state = fn.NOT_IN_XR, this.sessionManager = new rs(t), = new iu("", t, this.sessionManager), this.featuresManager = new Wn(this.sessionManager), t.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
return r.CreateAsync = function(t) {
var e = new r(t);
return e.sessionManager.initializeAsync().then(function() {
return e._supported = !0, e;
}).catch(function(n) {
throw e._setState(fn.NOT_IN_XR), e.dispose(), n;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {, this.onStateChangedObservable.clear(), this.onInitialXRPoseSetObservable.clear(), this.sessionManager.dispose(), this._nonVRCamera && (this.scene.activeCamera = this._nonVRCamera);
}, r.prototype.enterXRAsync = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = this.sessionManager.getWebXRRenderTarget()), i === void 0 && (i = {}), !this._supported)
throw "WebXR not supported in this browser or environment";
return this._setState(fn.ENTERING_XR), e !== "viewer" && e !== "local" && (i.optionalFeatures = i.optionalFeatures || [], i.optionalFeatures.push(e)), this.featuresManager.extendXRSessionInitObject(i), t === "immersive-ar" && e !== "unbounded" && l.a.Warn("We recommend using 'unbounded' reference space type when using 'immersive-ar' session mode"), this.sessionManager.initializeSessionAsync(t, i).then(function() {
return o.sessionManager.setReferenceSpaceTypeAsync(e);
}).then(function() {
return n.initializeXRLayerAsync(o.sessionManager.session);
}).then(function() {
return o.sessionManager.updateRenderStateAsync({ depthFar:, depthNear:, baseLayer: n.xrLayer });
}).then(function() {
return o.sessionManager.runXRRenderLoop(), o._originalSceneAutoClear = o.scene.autoClear, o._nonVRCamera = o.scene.activeCamera, o.scene.activeCamera =, t !== "immersive-ar" ? o._nonXRToXRCamera() : (o.scene.autoClear = !1, = !1), o.sessionManager.onXRSessionEnded.addOnce(function() { {
a.outputRenderTarget = null;
}), o.scene.autoClear = o._originalSceneAutoClear, o.scene.activeCamera = o._nonVRCamera, t !== "immersive-ar" && && (o._nonVRCamera.setPosition ? o._nonVRCamera.setPosition( : o._nonVRCamera.position.copyFrom(, o._setState(fn.NOT_IN_XR);
}), o.sessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.addOnce(function() {
}), o.sessionManager;
}).catch(function(a) {
throw console.log(a), console.log(a.message), o._setState(fn.NOT_IN_XR), a;
}, r.prototype.exitXRAsync = function() {
return this.state !== fn.IN_XR ? Promise.resolve() : (this._setState(fn.EXITING_XR), this.sessionManager.exitXRAsync());
}, r.prototype._nonXRToXRCamera = function() {, this.onInitialXRPoseSetObservable.notifyObservers(;
}, r.prototype._setState = function(t) {
this.state !== t && (this.state = t, this.onStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this.state));
}, r;
}(), yr = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = -1), i === void 0 && (i = []), = t, this.type = e, this._buttonIndex = n, this._axesIndices = i, this._axes = { x: 0, y: 0 }, this._changes = {}, this._currentValue = 0, this._hasChanges = !1, this._pressed = !1, this._touched = !1, this.onAxisValueChangedObservable = new C.c(), this.onButtonStateChangedObservable = new C.c();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "axes", { get: function() {
return this._axes;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "changes", { get: function() {
return this._changes;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasChanges", { get: function() {
return this._hasChanges;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "pressed", { get: function() {
return this._pressed;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "touched", { get: function() {
return this._touched;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._currentValue;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onAxisValueChangedObservable.clear(), this.onButtonStateChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.isAxes = function() {
return this._axesIndices.length !== 0;
}, r.prototype.isButton = function() {
return this._buttonIndex !== -1;
}, r.prototype.update = function(t) {
var e = !1, n = !1;
if (this._hasChanges = !1, this._changes = {}, this.isButton()) {
var i = t.buttons[this._buttonIndex];
if (!i)
this._currentValue !== i.value && (this.changes.value = { current: i.value, previous: this._currentValue }, e = !0, this._currentValue = i.value), this._touched !== i.touched && (this.changes.touched = { current: i.touched, previous: this._touched }, e = !0, this._touched = i.touched), this._pressed !== i.pressed && (this.changes.pressed = { current: i.pressed, previous: this._pressed }, e = !0, this._pressed = i.pressed);
this.isAxes() && (this._axes.x !== t.axes[this._axesIndices[0]] && (this.changes.axes = { current: { x: t.axes[this._axesIndices[0]], y: this._axes.y }, previous: { x: this._axes.x, y: this._axes.y } }, this._axes.x = t.axes[this._axesIndices[0]], n = !0), this._axes.y !== t.axes[this._axesIndices[1]] && (this.changes.axes ? this.changes.axes.current.y = t.axes[this._axesIndices[1]] : this.changes.axes = { current: { x: this._axes.x, y: t.axes[this._axesIndices[1]] }, previous: { x: this._axes.x, y: this._axes.y } }, this._axes.y = t.axes[this._axesIndices[1]], n = !0)), e && (this._hasChanges = !0, this.onButtonStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this)), n && (this._hasChanges = !0, this.onAxisValueChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this._axes));
}, r.BUTTON_TYPE = "button", r.SQUEEZE_TYPE = "squeeze", r.THUMBSTICK_TYPE = "thumbstick", r.TOUCHPAD_TYPE = "touchpad", r.TRIGGER_TYPE = "trigger", r;
}(), br = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
this.scene = t, this.layout = e, this.gamepadObject = n, this.handedness = i, this._initComponent = function(s) {
if (s) {
var d = a.layout.components[s], p = d.type, y = d.gamepadIndices.button, P = [];
d.gamepadIndices.xAxis !== void 0 && d.gamepadIndices.yAxis !== void 0 && P.push(d.gamepadIndices.xAxis, d.gamepadIndices.yAxis), a.components[s] = new yr(s, p, y, P);
}, this._modelReady = !1, this.components = {}, this.disableAnimation = !1, this.onModelLoadedObservable = new C.c(), e.components && Object.keys(e.components).forEach(this._initComponent);
return r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this;
this.getComponentIds().forEach(function(e) {
return t.getComponent(e).dispose();
}), this.rootMesh && this.rootMesh.dispose();
}, r.prototype.getAllComponentsOfType = function(t) {
var e = this;
return this.getComponentIds().map(function(n) {
return e.components[n];
}).filter(function(n) {
return n.type === t;
}, r.prototype.getComponent = function(t) {
return this.components[t];
}, r.prototype.getComponentIds = function() {
return Object.keys(this.components);
}, r.prototype.getComponentOfType = function(t) {
return this.getAllComponentsOfType(t)[0] || null;
}, r.prototype.getMainComponent = function() {
return this.getComponent(this.layout.selectComponentId);
}, r.prototype.loadModel = function() {
return Object(c.b)(this, void 0, void 0, function() {
var t, e, n = this;
return Object(c.e)(this, function(i) {
return t = !this._getModelLoadingConstraints(), e = this._getGenericFilenameAndPath(), t ? l.a.Warn("Falling back to generic models") : e = this._getFilenameAndPath(), [2, new Promise(function(o, a) {
Ft.ImportMesh("", e.path, e.filename, n.scene, function(s) {
t ? n._getGenericParentMesh(s) : n._setRootMesh(s), n._processLoadedModel(s), n._modelReady = !0, n.onModelLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(n), o(!0);
}, null, function(s, d) {
l.a.Log(d), l.a.Warn("Failed to retrieve controller model of type " + n.profileId + " from the remote server: " + e.path + e.filename), a(d);
}, r.prototype.updateFromXRFrame = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.getComponentIds().forEach(function(n) {
return e.getComponent(n).update(e.gamepadObject);
}), this.updateModel(t);
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "handness", { get: function() {
return this.handedness;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.pulse = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.gamepadObject.hapticActuators && this.gamepadObject.hapticActuators[n] ? this.gamepadObject.hapticActuators[n].pulse(t, e) : Promise.resolve(!1);
}, r.prototype._getChildByName = function(t, e) {
return t.getChildren(function(n) {
return === e;
}, !1)[0];
}, r.prototype._getImmediateChildByName = function(t, e) {
return t.getChildren(function(n) {
return == e;
}, !0)[0];
}, r.prototype._lerpTransform = function(t, e, n) {
if (t.minMesh && t.maxMesh && t.valueMesh && t.minMesh.rotationQuaternion && t.maxMesh.rotationQuaternion && t.valueMesh.rotationQuaternion) {
var i = n ? 0.5 * e + 0.5 : e;
u.b.SlerpToRef(t.minMesh.rotationQuaternion, t.maxMesh.rotationQuaternion, i, t.valueMesh.rotationQuaternion), u.e.LerpToRef(t.minMesh.position, t.maxMesh.position, i, t.valueMesh.position);
}, r.prototype.updateModel = function(t) {
this._modelReady && this._updateModel(t);
}, r.prototype._getGenericFilenameAndPath = function() {
return { filename: "generic.babylon", path: "" };
}, r.prototype._getGenericParentMesh = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.rootMesh = new Ie.a(this.profileId + " " + this.handedness, this.scene), t.forEach(function(n) {
n.parent || (n.isPickable = !1, n.setParent(e.rootMesh));
}), this.rootMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.FromEulerAngles(0, Math.PI, 0);
}, r;
}(), Rs = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, Wp[i], n, i) || this;
return o.profileId = t.ProfileId, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._getFilenameAndPath = function() {
return { filename: "generic.babylon", path: "" };
}, t.prototype._getModelLoadingConstraints = function() {
return !0;
}, t.prototype._processLoadedModel = function(e) {
}, t.prototype._setRootMesh = function(e) {
var n = this;
this.rootMesh = new Ie.a(this.profileId + " " + this.handedness, this.scene), e.forEach(function(i) {
i.isPickable = !1, i.parent || i.setParent(n.rootMesh);
}), this.rootMesh.rotationQuaternion = u.b.FromEulerAngles(0, Math.PI, 0);
}, t.prototype._updateModel = function() {
}, t.ProfileId = "generic-trigger", t;
}(br), Wp = { left: { selectComponentId: "xr-standard-trigger", components: { "xr-standard-trigger": { type: "trigger", gamepadIndices: { button: 0 }, rootNodeName: "xr_standard_trigger", visualResponses: {} } }, gamepadMapping: "xr-standard", rootNodeName: "generic-trigger-left", assetPath: "left.glb" }, right: { selectComponentId: "xr-standard-trigger", components: { "xr-standard-trigger": { type: "trigger", gamepadIndices: { button: 0 }, rootNodeName: "xr_standard_trigger", visualResponses: {} } }, gamepadMapping: "xr-standard", rootNodeName: "generic-trigger-right", assetPath: "right.glb" }, none: { selectComponentId: "xr-standard-trigger", components: { "xr-standard-trigger": { type: "trigger", gamepadIndices: { button: 0 }, rootNodeName: "xr_standard_trigger", visualResponses: {} } }, gamepadMapping: "xr-standard", rootNodeName: "generic-trigger-none", assetPath: "none.glb" } }, ou = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o) {
var a =, e, i.layouts[n.handedness || "none"], n.gamepad, n.handedness) || this;
return a._repositoryUrl = o, a._buttonMeshMapping = {}, a._touchDots = {}, a.profileId = i.profileId, a;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.dispose = function() {
var e = this;, Object.keys(this._touchDots).forEach(function(n) {
}, t.prototype._getFilenameAndPath = function() {
return { filename: this.layout.assetPath, path: this._repositoryUrl + "/profiles/" + this.profileId + "/" };
}, t.prototype._getModelLoadingConstraints = function() {
var e = Ft.IsPluginForExtensionAvailable(".glb");
return e || l.a.Warn("glTF / glb loaded was not registered, using generic controller instead"), e;
}, t.prototype._processLoadedModel = function(e) {
var n = this;
this.getComponentIds().forEach(function(i) {
var o = n.layout.components[i];
n._buttonMeshMapping[i] = { mainMesh: n._getChildByName(n.rootMesh, o.rootNodeName), states: {} }, Object.keys(o.visualResponses).forEach(function(a) {
var s = o.visualResponses[a];
if (s.valueNodeProperty === "transform")
n._buttonMeshMapping[i].states[a] = { valueMesh: n._getChildByName(n.rootMesh, s.valueNodeName), minMesh: n._getChildByName(n.rootMesh, s.minNodeName), maxMesh: n._getChildByName(n.rootMesh, s.maxNodeName) };
else {
var d = o.type === yr.TOUCHPAD_TYPE && o.touchPointNodeName ? o.touchPointNodeName : s.valueNodeName;
if (n._buttonMeshMapping[i].states[a] = { valueMesh: n._getChildByName(n.rootMesh, d) }, o.type === yr.TOUCHPAD_TYPE && !n._touchDots[a]) {
var p = Nn.a.CreateSphere(a + "dot", { diameter: 15e-4, segments: 8 }, n.scene);
p.material = new Nt.a(a + "mat", n.scene), p.material.diffuseColor = I.a.Red(), p.parent = n._buttonMeshMapping[i].states[a].valueMesh || null, p.isVisible = !1, n._touchDots[a] = p;
}, t.prototype._setRootMesh = function(e) {
var n;
this.rootMesh = new Ie.a(this.profileId + "-" + this.handedness, this.scene), this.rootMesh.isPickable = !1;
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var o = e[i];
o.isPickable = !1, o.parent || (n = o);
n && n.setParent(this.rootMesh), this.scene.useRightHandedSystem || this.rootMesh.rotate(be.a.Y, Math.PI, be.c.WORLD);
}, t.prototype._updateModel = function(e) {
var n = this;
this.disableAnimation || this.getComponentIds().forEach(function(i) {
var o = n.getComponent(i);
if (o.hasChanges) {
var a = n._buttonMeshMapping[i], s = n.layout.components[i];
Object.keys(s.visualResponses).forEach(function(d) {
var p = s.visualResponses[d], y = o.value;
if (p.componentProperty === "xAxis" ? y = o.axes.x : p.componentProperty === "yAxis" && (y = o.axes.y), p.valueNodeProperty === "transform")
n._lerpTransform(a.states[d], y, p.componentProperty !== "button");
else {
var P = a.states[d].valueMesh;
P && (P.isVisible = o.touched || o.pressed), n._touchDots[d] && (n._touchDots[d].isVisible = o.touched || o.pressed);
}, t;
}(br), wn = function() {
function r() {
return r.ClearProfilesCache = function() {
this._ProfilesList = null, this._ProfileLoadingPromises = {};
}, r.DefaultFallbacks = function() {
this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("google-daydream", ["generic-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("htc-vive-focus", ["generic-trigger-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("htc-vive", ["generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("magicleap-one", ["generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("windows-mixed-reality", ["generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("microsoft-mixed-reality", ["windows-mixed-reality", "generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("oculus-go", ["generic-trigger-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("oculus-touch-v2", ["oculus-touch", "generic-trigger-squeeze-thumbstick"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("oculus-touch", ["generic-trigger-squeeze-thumbstick"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("samsung-gearvr", ["windows-mixed-reality", "generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("samsung-odyssey", ["generic-touchpad"]), this.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId("valve-index", ["generic-trigger-squeeze-touchpad-thumbstick"]);
}, r.FindFallbackWithProfileId = function(t) {
var e = this._Fallbacks[t] || [];
return e.unshift(t), e;
}, r.GetMotionControllerWithXRInput = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = [];
if (n && o.push(n), o.push.apply(o, t.profiles || []), o.length && !o[0] && o.pop(), t.gamepad &&
switch ( {
case ( touch/gi) ? : void 0):
var a = o.indexOf("windows-mixed-reality");
if (a !== -1 && o.splice(a, 0, "microsoft-mixed-reality"), o.length || o.push("generic-trigger"), this.UseOnlineRepository) {
var s = this.PrioritizeOnlineRepository ? this._LoadProfileFromRepository : this._LoadProfilesFromAvailableControllers, d = this.PrioritizeOnlineRepository ? this._LoadProfilesFromAvailableControllers : this._LoadProfileFromRepository;
return, o, t, e).catch(function() {
return, o, t, e);
return this._LoadProfilesFromAvailableControllers(o, t, e);
}, r.RegisterController = function(t, e) {
this._AvailableControllers[t] = e;
}, r.RegisterFallbacksForProfileId = function(t, e) {
var n;
this._Fallbacks[t] ? (n = this._Fallbacks[t]).push.apply(n, e) : this._Fallbacks[t] = e;
}, r.UpdateProfilesList = function() {
return this._ProfilesList = Xe.b.LoadFileAsync(this.BaseRepositoryUrl + "/profiles/profilesList.json", !1).then(function(t) {
return JSON.parse(t.toString());
}), this._ProfilesList;
}, r._LoadProfileFromRepository = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
return Promise.resolve().then(function() {
return i._ProfilesList ? i._ProfilesList : i.UpdateProfilesList();
}).then(function(o) {
for (var a = 0; a < t.length; ++a)
if (t[a] && o[t[a]])
return t[a];
throw new Error("neither controller " + t[0] + " nor all fallbacks were found in the repository,");
}).then(function(o) {
return i._ProfileLoadingPromises[o] || (i._ProfileLoadingPromises[o] = Xe.b.LoadFileAsync(i.BaseRepositoryUrl + "/profiles/" + o + "/profile.json", !1).then(function(a) {
return JSON.parse(a);
})), i._ProfileLoadingPromises[o];
}).then(function(o) {
return new ou(n, e, o, i.BaseRepositoryUrl);
}, r._LoadProfilesFromAvailableControllers = function(t, e, n) {
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
if (t[i])
for (var o = this.FindFallbackWithProfileId(t[i]), a = 0; a < o.length; ++a) {
var s = this._AvailableControllers[o[a]];
if (s)
return Promise.resolve(s(e, n));
throw new Error("no controller requested was found in the available controllers list");
}, r._AvailableControllers = {}, r._Fallbacks = {}, r._ProfileLoadingPromises = {}, r.BaseRepositoryUrl = "", r.PrioritizeOnlineRepository = !0, r.UseOnlineRepository = !0, r;
wn.RegisterController(Rs.ProfileId, function(r, t) {
return new Rs(t, r.gamepad, r.handedness);
}), wn.DefaultFallbacks();
var Xp = 0, au = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
n === void 0 && (n = {}), this._scene = t, this.inputSource = e, this._options = n, this._tmpVector = new u.e(), this._disposed = !1, this.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), this.onMeshLoadedObservable = new C.c(), this.onMotionControllerInitObservable = new C.c(), this._uniqueId = "controller-" + Xp++ + "-" + e.targetRayMode + "-" + e.handedness, this.pointer = new Mt.a(this._uniqueId + "-pointer", t), this.pointer.rotationQuaternion = new u.b(), this.inputSource.gripSpace && (this.grip = new Mt.a(this._uniqueId + "-grip", this._scene), this.grip.rotationQuaternion = new u.b()), this._tmpVector.set(0, 0, this._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? -1 : 1), this.inputSource.gamepad && wn.GetMotionControllerWithXRInput(e, t, this._options.forceControllerProfile).then(function(o) {
i.motionController = o, i.onMotionControllerInitObservable.notifyObservers(o), i._options.doNotLoadControllerMesh || i.motionController.loadModel().then(function(a) {
var s;
a && i.motionController && i.motionController.rootMesh && (i._options.renderingGroupId && (i.motionController.rootMesh.renderingGroupId = i._options.renderingGroupId, i.motionController.rootMesh.getChildMeshes(!1).forEach(function(d) {
return d.renderingGroupId = i._options.renderingGroupId;
})), i.onMeshLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(i.motionController.rootMesh), i.motionController.rootMesh.parent = i.grip || i.pointer, i.motionController.disableAnimation = !!i._options.disableMotionControllerAnimation), i._disposed && ((s = i.motionController) === null || s === void 0 || s.dispose());
}, function() {
Xe.b.Warn("Could not find a matching motion controller for the registered input source");
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "uniqueId", { get: function() {
return this._uniqueId;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.grip && this.grip.dispose(), this.motionController && this.motionController.dispose(), this.pointer.dispose(), this.onMotionControllerInitObservable.clear(), this.onMeshLoadedObservable.clear(), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this._disposed = !0;
}, r.prototype.getWorldPointerRayToRef = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var n = e && this.grip ? this.grip : this.pointer;
u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._tmpVector, n.getWorldMatrix(), t.direction), t.direction.normalize(), t.origin.copyFrom(n.absolutePosition), t.length = 1e3;
}, r.prototype.updateFromXRFrame = function(t, e) {
var n = t.getPose(this.inputSource.targetRaySpace, e);
if (n) {
var i = n.transform.position;
this.pointer.position.set(i.x, i.y, i.z);
var o = n.transform.orientation;
this.pointer.rotationQuaternion.set(o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (this.pointer.position.z *= -1, this.pointer.rotationQuaternion.z *= -1, this.pointer.rotationQuaternion.w *= -1);
if (this.inputSource.gripSpace && this.grip) {
var a = t.getPose(this.inputSource.gripSpace, e);
if (a) {
i = a.transform.position;
var s = a.transform.orientation;
this.grip.position.set(i.x, i.y, i.z), this.grip.rotationQuaternion.set(s.x, s.y, s.z, s.w), this._scene.useRightHandedSystem || (this.grip.position.z *= -1, this.grip.rotationQuaternion.z *= -1, this.grip.rotationQuaternion.w *= -1);
this.motionController && this.motionController.updateFromXRFrame(t);
}, r;
}(), su = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = {}), this.xrSessionManager = t, this.xrCamera = e, this.options = n, this.controllers = [], this.onControllerAddedObservable = new C.c(), this.onControllerRemovedObservable = new C.c(), this._onInputSourcesChange = function(o) {
i._addAndRemoveControllers(o.added, o.removed);
}, this._sessionEndedObserver = this.xrSessionManager.onXRSessionEnded.add(function() {
i._addAndRemoveControllers([], {
return o.inputSource;
}), this._sessionInitObserver = this.xrSessionManager.onXRSessionInit.add(function(o) {
o.addEventListener("inputsourceschange", i._onInputSourcesChange);
}), this._frameObserver = this.xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.add(function(o) {
i.controllers.forEach(function(a) {
a.updateFromXRFrame(o, i.xrSessionManager.referenceSpace);
}), this.options.customControllersRepositoryURL && (wn.BaseRepositoryUrl = this.options.customControllersRepositoryURL), wn.UseOnlineRepository = !this.options.disableOnlineControllerRepository, wn.UseOnlineRepository)
try {
wn.UpdateProfilesList().catch(function() {
wn.UseOnlineRepository = !1;
} catch {
wn.UseOnlineRepository = !1;
return r.prototype._addAndRemoveControllers = function(t, e) {
for (var n = this, i = {
return P.inputSource;
}), o = 0, a = t; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
if (i.indexOf(s) === -1) {
var d = new au(this.xrSessionManager.scene, s, Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, this.options.controllerOptions || {}), { forceControllerProfile: this.options.forceInputProfile, doNotLoadControllerMesh: this.options.doNotLoadControllerMeshes, disableMotionControllerAnimation: this.options.disableControllerAnimation }));
this.controllers.push(d), this.onControllerAddedObservable.notifyObservers(d);
var p = [], y = [];
this.controllers.forEach(function(P) {
e.indexOf(P.inputSource) === -1 ? p.push(P) : y.push(P);
}), this.controllers = p, y.forEach(function(P) {
n.onControllerRemovedObservable.notifyObservers(P), P.dispose();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.controllers.forEach(function(t) {
}), this.xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.remove(this._frameObserver), this.xrSessionManager.onXRSessionInit.remove(this._sessionInitObserver), this.xrSessionManager.onXRSessionEnded.remove(this._sessionEndedObserver), this.onControllerAddedObservable.clear(), this.onControllerRemovedObservable.clear();
}, r;
}(), ni = function() {
function r(t) {
this._xrSessionManager = t, this._attached = !1, this._removeOnDetach = [], this.isDisposed = !1, this.disableAutoAttach = !1, this.xrNativeFeatureName = "";
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "attached", { get: function() {
return this._attached;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attach = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (this.isDisposed)
return !1;
if (t)
this.attached && this.detach();
else if (this.attached)
return !1;
return this._attached = !0, this._addNewAttachObserver(this._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable, function(n) {
return e._onXRFrame(n);
}), !0;
}, r.prototype.detach = function() {
return this._attached ? (this._attached = !1, this._removeOnDetach.forEach(function(t) {
}), !0) : (this.disableAutoAttach = !0, !1);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.detach(), this.isDisposed = !0;
}, r.prototype.isCompatible = function() {
return !0;
}, r.prototype._addNewAttachObserver = function(t, e) {
this._removeOnDetach.push({ observable: t, observer: t.add(e) });
}, r;
}(), eo = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i._options = n, i._attachController = function(o) {
if (!i._controllers[o.uniqueId]) {
var a = i._generateNewMeshPair(o.pointer), s = a.laserPointer, d = a.selectionMesh;
switch (i._controllers[o.uniqueId] = { xrController: o, laserPointer: s, selectionMesh: d, meshUnderPointer: null, pick: null, tmpRay: new dn.a(new u.e(), new u.e()), id: t._idCounter++ }, i._attachedController ? !i._options.enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers && i._options.preferredHandedness && o.inputSource.handedness === i._options.preferredHandedness && (i._attachedController = o.uniqueId) : i._options.enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers || (i._attachedController = o.uniqueId), o.inputSource.targetRayMode) {
case "tracked-pointer":
return i._attachTrackedPointerRayMode(o);
case "gaze":
return i._attachGazeMode(o);
case "screen":
return i._attachScreenRayMode(o);
}, i._controllers = {}, i._tmpVectorForPickCompare = new u.e(), i.disablePointerLighting = !0, i.disableSelectionMeshLighting = !0, i.displayLaserPointer = !0, i.displaySelectionMesh = !0, i.laserPointerPickedColor = new I.a(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), i.laserPointerDefaultColor = new I.a(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), i.selectionMeshDefaultColor = new I.a(0.8, 0.8, 0.8), i.selectionMeshPickedColor = new I.a(0.3, 0.3, 1), i._identityMatrix = u.a.Identity(), i._screenCoordinatesRef = u.e.Zero(), i._viewportRef = new jn.a(0, 0, 0, 0), i._scene = i._xrSessionManager.scene, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.attach = function() {
var e = this;
if (!
return !1;
if (this._options.xrInput.controllers.forEach(this._attachController), this._addNewAttachObserver(this._options.xrInput.onControllerAddedObservable, this._attachController), this._addNewAttachObserver(this._options.xrInput.onControllerRemovedObservable, function(s) {
}), this._scene.constantlyUpdateMeshUnderPointer = !0, this._options.gazeCamera) {
var n = this._options.gazeCamera, i = this._generateNewMeshPair(n), o = i.laserPointer, a = i.selectionMesh; = { webXRCamera: n, laserPointer: o, selectionMesh: a, meshUnderPointer: null, pick: null, tmpRay: new dn.a(new u.e(), new u.e()), id: t._idCounter++ }, this._attachGazeMode();
return !0;
}, t.prototype.detach = function() {
var e = this;
return !! && (Object.keys(this._controllers).forEach(function(n) {
}), !0);
}, t.prototype.getMeshUnderPointer = function(e) {
return this._controllers[e] ? this._controllers[e].meshUnderPointer : null;
}, t.prototype.getXRControllerByPointerId = function(e) {
for (var n = Object.keys(this._controllers), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i)
if (this._controllers[n[i]].id === e)
return this._controllers[n[i]].xrController || null;
return null;
}, t.prototype._onXRFrame = function(e) {
var n = this;
Object.keys(this._controllers).forEach(function(i) {
var o, a = n._controllers[i];
if (!n._options.enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers && i !== n._attachedController)
return a.selectionMesh.isVisible = !1, a.laserPointer.isVisible = !1, void (a.pick = null);
if (a.laserPointer.isVisible = n.displayLaserPointer, a.xrController)
o = a.xrController.pointer.position, a.xrController.getWorldPointerRayToRef(a.tmpRay);
else {
if (!a.webXRCamera)
o = a.webXRCamera.position, a.webXRCamera.getForwardRayToRef(a.tmpRay);
if (n._options.maxPointerDistance && (a.tmpRay.length = n._options.maxPointerDistance), !n._options.disableScenePointerVectorUpdate && o) {
var s = n._xrSessionManager.scene, d = n._options.xrInput.xrCamera;
d && (d.viewport.toGlobalToRef(s.getEngine().getRenderWidth(), s.getEngine().getRenderHeight(), n._viewportRef), u.e.ProjectToRef(o, n._identityMatrix, s.getTransformMatrix(), n._viewportRef, n._screenCoordinatesRef), s.pointerX = n._screenCoordinatesRef.x, s.pointerY = n._screenCoordinatesRef.y);
a.pick = n._scene.pickWithRay(a.tmpRay, n._scene.pointerMovePredicate || n.raySelectionPredicate);
var p = a.pick;
if (p && p.pickedPoint && p.hit) {
n._updatePointerDistance(a.laserPointer, p.distance), a.selectionMesh.position.copyFrom(p.pickedPoint), a.selectionMesh.scaling.x = Math.sqrt(p.distance), a.selectionMesh.scaling.y = Math.sqrt(p.distance), a.selectionMesh.scaling.z = Math.sqrt(p.distance);
var y = n._convertNormalToDirectionOfRay(p.getNormal(!0), a.tmpRay);
if (a.selectionMesh.position.copyFrom(p.pickedPoint), y) {
var P = u.e.Cross(be.a.Y, y), R = u.e.Cross(y, P);
u.e.RotationFromAxisToRef(R, y, P, a.selectionMesh.rotation), a.selectionMesh.position.addInPlace(y.scale(1e-3));
a.selectionMesh.isVisible = n.displaySelectionMesh, a.meshUnderPointer = p.pickedMesh;
} else
a.selectionMesh.isVisible = !1, n._updatePointerDistance(a.laserPointer, 1), a.meshUnderPointer = null;
}, t.prototype._attachGazeMode = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._controllers[e && e.uniqueId || "camera"], o = this._options.timeToSelect || 3e3, a = this._options.useUtilityLayer ? this._options.customUtilityLayerScene || Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer.utilityLayerScene : this._scene, s = new Ki.a(), d = lr.CreateTorus("selection", { diameter: 0.0525, thickness: 0.015, tessellation: 20 }, a);
d.isVisible = !1, d.isPickable = !1, d.parent = i.selectionMesh;
var p = 0, y = !1;
i.onFrameObserver = this._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.add(function() {
if (i.pick) {
if (i.laserPointer.material.alpha = 0, d.isVisible = !1, i.pick.hit)
if (n._pickingMoved(s, i.pick))
y && (n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut || n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: })), y = !1, p = 0;
else if (p > o / 10 && (d.isVisible = !0), (p += n._scene.getEngine().getDeltaTime()) >= o)
n._scene.simulatePointerDown(i.pick, { pointerId: }), y = !0, n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut && n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: }), d.isVisible = !1;
else {
var P = 1 - p / o;
d.scaling.set(P, P, P);
y = !1, p = 0;
n._scene.simulatePointerMove(i.pick, { pointerId: }), s = i.pick;
}), this._options.renderingGroupId !== void 0 && (d.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId), e && e.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
i.pick && !n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut && y && n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: }), d.dispose();
}, t.prototype._attachScreenRayMode = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._controllers[e.uniqueId], o = !1;
i.onFrameObserver = this._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.add(function() {
!i.pick || n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut && o || (o ? n._scene.simulatePointerMove(i.pick, { pointerId: }) : (n._scene.simulatePointerDown(i.pick, { pointerId: }), o = !0, n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut && n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: })));
}), e.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
i.pick && o && !n._options.disablePointerUpOnTouchOut && n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: });
}, t.prototype._attachTrackedPointerRayMode = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._controllers[e.uniqueId];
if (this._options.forceGazeMode)
return this._attachGazeMode(e);
if (i.onFrameObserver = this._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.add(function() {
i.laserPointer.material.disableLighting = n.disablePointerLighting, i.selectionMesh.material.disableLighting = n.disableSelectionMeshLighting, i.pick && n._scene.simulatePointerMove(i.pick, { pointerId: });
}), e.inputSource.gamepad) {
var o = function(d) {
n._options.overrideButtonId && (i.selectionComponent = d.getComponent(n._options.overrideButtonId)), i.selectionComponent || (i.selectionComponent = d.getMainComponent()), i.onButtonChangedObserver = i.selectionComponent.onButtonStateChangedObservable.add(function(p) {
if (p.changes.pressed) {
var y = p.changes.pressed.current;
i.pick ? (n._options.enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers || e.uniqueId === n._attachedController) && (y ? (n._scene.simulatePointerDown(i.pick, { pointerId: }), i.selectionMesh.material.emissiveColor = n.selectionMeshPickedColor, i.laserPointer.material.emissiveColor = n.laserPointerPickedColor) : (n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: }), i.selectionMesh.material.emissiveColor = n.selectionMeshDefaultColor, i.laserPointer.material.emissiveColor = n.laserPointerDefaultColor)) : !y || n._options.enablePointerSelectionOnAllControllers || n._options.disableSwitchOnClick || (n._attachedController = e.uniqueId);
e.motionController ? o(e.motionController) : e.onMotionControllerInitObservable.add(o);
} else {
var a = function(d) {
i.xrController && d.inputSource === i.xrController.inputSource && i.pick && (n._scene.simulatePointerDown(i.pick, { pointerId: }), i.selectionMesh.material.emissiveColor = n.selectionMeshPickedColor, i.laserPointer.material.emissiveColor = n.laserPointerPickedColor);
}, s = function(d) {
i.xrController && d.inputSource === i.xrController.inputSource && i.pick && (n._scene.simulatePointerUp(i.pick, { pointerId: }), i.selectionMesh.material.emissiveColor = n.selectionMeshDefaultColor, i.laserPointer.material.emissiveColor = n.laserPointerDefaultColor);
i.eventListeners = { selectend: s, selectstart: a }, this._xrSessionManager.session.addEventListener("selectstart", a), this._xrSessionManager.session.addEventListener("selectend", s);
}, t.prototype._convertNormalToDirectionOfRay = function(e, n) {
return e && Math.acos(u.e.Dot(e, n.direction)) < Math.PI / 2 && e.scaleInPlace(-1), e;
}, t.prototype._detachController = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._controllers[e];
if (i && (i.selectionComponent && i.onButtonChangedObserver && i.selectionComponent.onButtonStateChangedObservable.remove(i.onButtonChangedObserver), i.onFrameObserver && this._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable.remove(i.onFrameObserver), i.eventListeners && Object.keys(i.eventListeners).forEach(function(a) {
var s = i.eventListeners && i.eventListeners[a];
s && n._xrSessionManager.session.removeEventListener(a, s);
}), i.selectionMesh.dispose(), i.laserPointer.dispose(), delete this._controllers[e], this._attachedController === e)) {
var o = Object.keys(this._controllers);
o.length ? this._attachedController = o[0] : this._attachedController = "";
}, t.prototype._generateNewMeshPair = function(e) {
var n = this._options.useUtilityLayer ? this._options.customUtilityLayerScene || Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer.utilityLayerScene : this._scene, i = ci.a.CreateCylinder("laserPointer", { height: 1, diameterTop: 2e-4, diameterBottom: 4e-3, tessellation: 20, subdivisions: 1 }, n);
i.parent = e;
var o = new Nt.a("laserPointerMat", n);
o.emissiveColor = this.laserPointerDefaultColor, o.alpha = 0.7, i.material = o, i.rotation.x = Math.PI / 2, this._updatePointerDistance(i, 1), i.isPickable = !1;
var a = lr.CreateTorus("gazeTracker", { diameter: 0.0105, thickness: 75e-4, tessellation: 20 }, n);
a.bakeCurrentTransformIntoVertices(), a.isPickable = !1, a.isVisible = !1;
var s = new Nt.a("targetMat", n);
return s.specularColor = I.a.Black(), s.emissiveColor = this.selectionMeshDefaultColor, s.backFaceCulling = !1, a.material = s, this._options.renderingGroupId !== void 0 && (i.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId, a.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId), { laserPointer: i, selectionMesh: a };
}, t.prototype._pickingMoved = function(e, n) {
var i;
if (!e.hit || !n.hit || !(e.pickedMesh && e.pickedPoint && n.pickedMesh && n.pickedPoint) || e.pickedMesh !== n.pickedMesh)
return !0;
(i = e.pickedPoint) === null || i === void 0 || i.subtractToRef(n.pickedPoint, this._tmpVectorForPickCompare), this._tmpVectorForPickCompare.set(Math.abs(this._tmpVectorForPickCompare.x), Math.abs(this._tmpVectorForPickCompare.y), Math.abs(this._tmpVectorForPickCompare.z));
var o = 0.01 * (this._options.gazeModePointerMovedFactor || 1) * n.distance;
return this._tmpVectorForPickCompare.length() > o;
}, t.prototype._updatePointerDistance = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 100), e.scaling.y = n, this._scene.useRightHandedSystem && (n *= -1), e.position.z = n / 2 + 0.05;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lasterPointerDefaultColor", { get: function() {
return this.laserPointerDefaultColor;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t._idCounter = 200, t.Name = ti.POINTER_SELECTION, t.Version = 1, t;
Wn.AddWebXRFeature(eo.Name, function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new eo(r, t);
}, eo.Version, !0);
var Ni, cu = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.element = t, this.sessionMode = e, this.referenceSpaceType = n;
return r.prototype.update = function(t) {
}, r;
}(), Yp = function() {
}, lu = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (this.scene = t, this.options = e, this._activeButton = null, this._buttons = [], this.activeButtonChangedObservable = new C.c(), this.overlay = document.createElement("div"), this.overlay.classList.add("xr-button-overlay"), = "z-index:11;position: absolute; right: 20px;bottom: 50px;", typeof window < "u" && window.location && window.location.protocol === "http:" && Xe.b.Warn("WebXR can only be served over HTTPS"), e.customButtons)
this._buttons = e.customButtons;
else {
var i = e.sessionMode || "immersive-vr", o = e.referenceSpaceType || "local-floor", a = ".babylonVRicon { color: #868686; border-color: #868686; border-style: solid; margin-left: 10px; height: 50px; width: 80px; background-color: rgba(51,51,51,0.7); background-image: url(" + (typeof SVGSVGElement > "u" ? "" : "data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//") + "); background-size: 80%; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center; border: none; outline: none; transition: transform 0.125s ease-out } .babylonVRicon:hover { transform: scale(1.05) } .babylonVRicon:active {background-color: rgba(51,51,51,1) } .babylonVRicon:focus {background-color: rgba(51,51,51,1) }";
a += '.babylonVRicon.vrdisplaypresenting { background-image: none;} .vrdisplaypresenting::after { content: "EXIT"} .xr-error::after { content: "ERROR"}';
var s = document.createElement("style");
s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(a)), document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s);
var d = document.createElement("button");
d.className = "babylonVRicon", d.title = i + " - " + o, this._buttons.push(new cu(d, i, o)), this._buttons[this._buttons.length - 1].update = function(y) { = y === null || y === this ? "" : "none", d.className = "babylonVRicon" + (y === this ? " vrdisplaypresenting" : "");
}, this._updateButtons(null);
var p = t.getEngine().getInputElement();
p && p.parentNode && (p.parentNode.appendChild(this.overlay), t.onDisposeObservable.addOnce(function() {
return r.CreateAsync = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = new r(t, n), a = {
return e.sessionManager.isSessionSupportedAsync(s.sessionMode);
return e.onStateChangedObservable.add(function(s) {
s == fn.NOT_IN_XR && o._updateButtons(null);
}), Promise.all(a).then(function(s) {
return s.forEach(function(d, p) {
d ? (o.overlay.appendChild(o._buttons[p].element), o._buttons[p].element.onclick = function() {
return Object(c.b)(i, void 0, void 0, function() {
var y, P, R;
return Object(c.e)(this, function(B) {
switch (B.label) {
case 0:
return e.state != fn.IN_XR ? [3, 2] : [4, e.exitXRAsync()];
case 1:
return B.sent(), o._updateButtons(null), [3, 6];
case 2:
if (e.state != fn.NOT_IN_XR)
return [3, 6];
if (!n.renderTarget)
return [3, 6];
B.label = 3;
case 3:
return B.trys.push([3, 5, , 6]), [4, e.enterXRAsync(o._buttons[p].sessionMode, o._buttons[p].referenceSpaceType, n.renderTarget, { optionalFeatures: n.optionalFeatures, requiredFeatures: n.requiredFeatures })];
case 4:
return B.sent(), o._updateButtons(o._buttons[p]), [3, 6];
case 5:
return y = B.sent(), o._updateButtons(null), P = o._buttons[p].element, R = P.title, P.title = "Error entering XR session : " + R, P.classList.add("xr-error"), n.onError && n.onError(y), [3, 6];
case 6:
return [2];
}) : Xe.b.Warn('Session mode "' + o._buttons[p].sessionMode + '" not supported in browser');
}), o;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this.scene.getEngine().getInputElement();
t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.contains(this.overlay) && t.parentNode.removeChild(this.overlay), this.activeButtonChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype._updateButtons = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._activeButton = t, this._buttons.forEach(function(n) {
}), this.activeButtonChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this._activeButton);
}, r;
function Os(r) {
var t, e = 0, n =;
r.observableParameters = (t = r.observableParameters) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : {};
var i = r.contextObservable.add(function(o) {
var a =, s = { startTime: n, currentTime: a, deltaTime: e = a - n, completeRate: e / r.timeout, payload: o };
r.onTick && r.onTick(s), r.breakCondition && r.breakCondition() && (r.contextObservable.remove(i), r.onAborted && r.onAborted(s)), e >= r.timeout && (r.contextObservable.remove(i), r.onEnded && r.onEnded(s));
}, r.observableParameters.mask, r.observableParameters.insertFirst, r.observableParameters.scope);
return i;
(function(r) {
r[r.INIT = 0] = "INIT", r[r.STARTED = 1] = "STARTED", r[r.ENDED = 2] = "ENDED";
})(Ni || (Ni = {}));
var Kp = function() {
function r(t) {
var e, n, i = this;
this.onEachCountObservable = new C.c(), this.onTimerAbortedObservable = new C.c(), this.onTimerEndedObservable = new C.c(), this.onStateChangedObservable = new C.c(), this._observer = null, this._breakOnNextTick = !1, this._tick = function(o) {
var a =;
i._timer = a - i._startTime;
var s = { startTime: i._startTime, currentTime: a, deltaTime: i._timer, completeRate: i._timer / i._timeToEnd, payload: o }, d = i._breakOnNextTick || i._breakCondition(s);
d || i._timer >= i._timeToEnd ? i._stop(s, d) : i.onEachCountObservable.notifyObservers(s);
}, this._setState(Ni.INIT), this._contextObservable = t.contextObservable, this._observableParameters = (e = t.observableParameters) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : {}, this._breakCondition = (n = t.breakCondition) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : function() {
return !1;
}, t.onEnded && this.onTimerEndedObservable.add(t.onEnded), t.onTick && this.onEachCountObservable.add(t.onTick), t.onAborted && this.onTimerAbortedObservable.add(t.onAborted);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "breakCondition", { set: function(t) {
this._breakCondition = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.clearObservables = function() {
this.onEachCountObservable.clear(), this.onTimerAbortedObservable.clear(), this.onTimerEndedObservable.clear(), this.onStateChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.start = function(t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = this._timeToEnd), this._state === Ni.STARTED)
throw new Error("Timer already started. Please stop it before starting again");
this._timeToEnd = t, this._startTime =, this._timer = 0, this._observer = this._contextObservable.add(this._tick, this._observableParameters.mask, this._observableParameters.insertFirst, this._observableParameters.scope), this._setState(Ni.STARTED);
}, r.prototype.stop = function() {
this._state === Ni.STARTED && (this._breakOnNextTick = !0);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._observer && this._contextObservable.remove(this._observer), this.clearObservables();
}, r.prototype._setState = function(t) {
this._state = t, this.onStateChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this._state);
}, r.prototype._stop = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._contextObservable.remove(this._observer), this._setState(Ni.ENDED), e ? this.onTimerAbortedObservable.notifyObservers(t) : this.onTimerEndedObservable.notifyObservers(t);
}, r;
}(), to = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e) || this;
return i._options = n, i._controllers = {}, i._snappedToPoint = !1, i._tmpRay = new dn.a(new u.e(), new u.e()), i._tmpVector = new u.e(), i._tmpQuaternion = new u.b(), i.backwardsMovementEnabled = !0, i.backwardsTeleportationDistance = 0.7, i.parabolicCheckRadius = 5, i.parabolicRayEnabled = !0, i.straightRayEnabled = !0, i.rotationAngle = Math.PI / 8, i._rotationEnabled = !0, i._attachController = function(o) {
if (!(i._controllers[o.uniqueId] || i._options.forceHandedness && o.inputSource.handedness !== i._options.forceHandedness)) {
i._controllers[o.uniqueId] = { xrController: o, teleportationState: { forward: !1, backwards: !1, rotating: !1, currentRotation: 0, baseRotation: 0 } };
var a = i._controllers[o.uniqueId];
if (a.xrController.inputSource.targetRayMode === "tracked-pointer" && a.xrController.inputSource.gamepad) {
var s = function() {
if (o.motionController) {
var d = o.motionController.getComponentOfType(yr.THUMBSTICK_TYPE) || o.motionController.getComponentOfType(yr.TOUCHPAD_TYPE);
if (!d || i._options.useMainComponentOnly) {
var p = o.motionController.getMainComponent();
if (!p)
a.teleportationComponent = p, a.onButtonChangedObserver = p.onButtonStateChangedObservable.add(function() {
p.changes.pressed && (p.changes.pressed.current ? (a.teleportationState.forward = !0, i._currentTeleportationControllerId = a.xrController.uniqueId, a.teleportationState.baseRotation = i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y, a.teleportationState.currentRotation = 0, Os({ timeout: i._options.timeToTeleport || 3e3, contextObservable: i._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable, breakCondition: function() {
return !p.pressed;
}, onEnded: function() {
i._currentTeleportationControllerId === a.xrController.uniqueId && a.teleportationState.forward && i._teleportForward(o.uniqueId);
} })) : (a.teleportationState.forward = !1, i._currentTeleportationControllerId = ""));
} else
a.teleportationComponent = d, a.onAxisChangedObserver = d.onAxisValueChangedObservable.add(function(y) {
if (y.y <= 0.7 && a.teleportationState.backwards && (a.teleportationState.backwards = !1), y.y > 0.7 && !a.teleportationState.forward && i.backwardsMovementEnabled && !i.snapPointsOnly && !a.teleportationState.backwards) {
a.teleportationState.backwards = !0, i._tmpQuaternion.copyFrom(i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion), i._tmpQuaternion.toEulerAnglesToRef(i._tmpVector), i._tmpVector.x = 0, i._tmpVector.z = 0, u.b.FromEulerVectorToRef(i._tmpVector, i._tmpQuaternion), i._tmpVector.set(0, 0, i.backwardsTeleportationDistance * (i._xrSessionManager.scene.useRightHandedSystem ? 1 : -1)), i._tmpVector.rotateByQuaternionToRef(i._tmpQuaternion, i._tmpVector), i._tmpVector.addInPlace(i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position), i._tmpRay.origin.copyFrom(i._tmpVector), i._tmpRay.length = i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.realWorldHeight + 0.1, i._tmpRay.direction.set(0, -1, 0);
var P = i._xrSessionManager.scene.pickWithRay(i._tmpRay, function(B) {
return i._floorMeshes.indexOf(B) !== -1;
P && P.pickedPoint && (i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position.x = P.pickedPoint.x, i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position.z = P.pickedPoint.z);
if (y.y < -0.7 && !i._currentTeleportationControllerId && !a.teleportationState.rotating && (a.teleportationState.forward = !0, i._currentTeleportationControllerId = a.xrController.uniqueId, a.teleportationState.baseRotation = i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y), y.x) {
if (a.teleportationState.forward)
i._currentTeleportationControllerId === a.xrController.uniqueId && (i.rotationEnabled ? setTimeout(function() {
a.teleportationState.currentRotation = Math.atan2(y.x, y.y * (i._xrSessionManager.scene.useRightHandedSystem ? 1 : -1));
}) : a.teleportationState.currentRotation = 0);
else if (!a.teleportationState.rotating && Math.abs(y.x) > 0.7) {
a.teleportationState.rotating = !0;
var R = i.rotationAngle * (y.x > 0 ? 1 : -1) * (i._xrSessionManager.scene.useRightHandedSystem ? -1 : 1);
i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(u.b.FromEulerAngles(0, R, 0));
} else
a.teleportationState.rotating = !1;
y.x === 0 && y.y === 0 && a.teleportationState.forward && i._teleportForward(o.uniqueId);
o.motionController ? s() : o.onMotionControllerInitObservable.addOnce(function() {
} else
i._xrSessionManager.scene.onPointerObservable.add(function(d) {
d.type === yt.a.POINTERDOWN ? (a.teleportationState.forward = !0, i._currentTeleportationControllerId = a.xrController.uniqueId, a.teleportationState.baseRotation = i._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().y, a.teleportationState.currentRotation = 0, Os({ timeout: i._options.timeToTeleport || 3e3, contextObservable: i._xrSessionManager.onXRFrameObservable, onEnded: function() {
i._currentTeleportationControllerId === a.xrController.uniqueId && a.teleportationState.forward && i._teleportForward(o.uniqueId);
} })) : d.type === yt.a.POINTERUP && (a.teleportationState.forward = !1, i._currentTeleportationControllerId = "");
}, i._options.teleportationTargetMesh || i._createDefaultTargetMesh(), i._floorMeshes = i._options.floorMeshes || [], i._snapToPositions = i._options.snapPositions || [], i._setTargetMeshVisibility(!1), i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rotationEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._rotationEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
if (this._rotationEnabled = e, this._options.teleportationTargetMesh) {
var n = this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.getChildMeshes(!1, function(i) {
return === "rotationCone";
n[0] && n[0].setEnabled(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "teleportationTargetMesh", { get: function() {
return this._options.teleportationTargetMesh || null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "snapPointsOnly", { get: function() {
return !!this._options.snapPointsOnly;
}, set: function(e) {
this._options.snapPointsOnly = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addFloorMesh = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.addSnapPoint = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.attach = function() {
var e = this;
return !! && (this._currentTeleportationControllerId = "", this._options.xrInput.controllers.forEach(this._attachController), this._addNewAttachObserver(this._options.xrInput.onControllerAddedObservable, this._attachController), this._addNewAttachObserver(this._options.xrInput.onControllerRemovedObservable, function(n) {
}), !0);
}, t.prototype.detach = function() {
var e = this;
return !! && (Object.keys(this._controllers).forEach(function(n) {
}), this._setTargetMeshVisibility(!1), this._currentTeleportationControllerId = "", this._controllers = {}, !0);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._options.teleportationTargetMesh && this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.dispose(!1, !0);
}, t.prototype.removeFloorMesh = function(e) {
var n = this._floorMeshes.indexOf(e);
n !== -1 && this._floorMeshes.splice(n, 1);
}, t.prototype.removeFloorMeshByName = function(e) {
var n = this._xrSessionManager.scene.getMeshByName(e);
n && this.removeFloorMesh(n);
}, t.prototype.removeSnapPoint = function(e) {
var n = this._snapToPositions.indexOf(e);
if (n === -1) {
for (var i = 0; i < this._snapToPositions.length; ++i)
if (this._snapToPositions[i].equals(e)) {
n = i;
return n !== -1 && (this._snapToPositions.splice(n, 1), !0);
}, t.prototype.setSelectionFeature = function(e) {
this._selectionFeature = e;
}, t.prototype._onXRFrame = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._xrSessionManager.currentFrame, o = this._xrSessionManager.scene;
if (this.attach && i) {
var a = this._options.teleportationTargetMesh;
if (this._currentTeleportationControllerId) {
if (!a)
a.rotationQuaternion = a.rotationQuaternion || new u.b();
var s = this._controllers[this._currentTeleportationControllerId];
if (s && s.teleportationState.forward) {
u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(s.teleportationState.currentRotation + s.teleportationState.baseRotation, 0, 0, a.rotationQuaternion);
var d = !1;
if (s.xrController.getWorldPointerRayToRef(this._tmpRay), this.straightRayEnabled) {
if ((p = o.pickWithRay(this._tmpRay, function(B) {
if (n._options.pickBlockerMeshes && n._options.pickBlockerMeshes.indexOf(B) !== -1)
return !0;
var F = n._floorMeshes.indexOf(B);
return F !== -1 && n._floorMeshes[F].absolutePosition.y < n._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position.y;
})) && p.pickedMesh && this._options.pickBlockerMeshes && this._options.pickBlockerMeshes.indexOf(p.pickedMesh) !== -1)
p && p.pickedPoint && (d = !0, this._setTargetMeshPosition(p.pickedPoint), this._setTargetMeshVisibility(!0), this._showParabolicPath(p));
if (this.parabolicRayEnabled && !d) {
var p, y = s.xrController.pointer.rotationQuaternion.toEulerAngles().x, P = Math.PI / 2 - Math.abs(y) + 1, R = this.parabolicCheckRadius * P;
if (this._tmpRay.origin.addToRef(this._tmpRay.direction.scale(2 * R), this._tmpVector), this._tmpVector.y = this._tmpRay.origin.y, this._tmpRay.origin.addInPlace(this._tmpRay.direction.scale(R)), this._tmpVector.subtractToRef(this._tmpRay.origin, this._tmpRay.direction), this._tmpRay.direction.normalize(), (p = o.pickWithRay(this._tmpRay, function(B) {
return !(!n._options.pickBlockerMeshes || n._options.pickBlockerMeshes.indexOf(B) === -1) || n._floorMeshes.indexOf(B) !== -1;
})) && p.pickedMesh && this._options.pickBlockerMeshes && this._options.pickBlockerMeshes.indexOf(p.pickedMesh) !== -1)
p && p.pickedPoint && (d = !0, this._setTargetMeshPosition(p.pickedPoint), this._setTargetMeshVisibility(!0), this._showParabolicPath(p));
} else
} else
}, t.prototype._createDefaultTargetMesh = function() {
this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions = this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions || {};
var e = this._options.useUtilityLayer ? this._options.customUtilityLayerScene || Cn.a.DefaultUtilityLayer.utilityLayerScene : this._xrSessionManager.scene, n = Mi.CreateGround("teleportationTarget", { width: 2, height: 2, subdivisions: 2 }, e);
n.isPickable = !1;
var i = new pi.a("teleportationPlaneDynamicTexture", 512, e, !0);
i.hasAlpha = !0;
var o = i.getContext();
o.beginPath(), o.arc(256, 256, 200, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), o.fillStyle = this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.teleportationFillColor || "#444444", o.fill(), o.lineWidth = 10, o.strokeStyle = this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.teleportationBorderColor || "#FFFFFF", o.stroke(), o.closePath(), i.update();
var a = new Nt.a("teleportationPlaneMaterial", e);
a.diffuseTexture = i, n.material = a;
var s = lr.CreateTorus("torusTeleportation", { diameter: 0.75, thickness: 0.1, tessellation: 20 }, e);
if (s.isPickable = !1, s.parent = n, !this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.disableAnimation) {
var d = new k("animationInnerCircle", "position.y", 30, k.ANIMATIONTYPE_FLOAT, k.ANIMATIONLOOPMODE_CYCLE), p = [];
p.push({ frame: 0, value: 0 }), p.push({ frame: 30, value: 0.4 }), p.push({ frame: 60, value: 0 }), d.setKeys(p);
var y = new nn();
y.setEasingMode(Ge.EASINGMODE_EASEINOUT), d.setEasingFunction(y), s.animations = [], s.animations.push(d), e.beginAnimation(s, 0, 60, !0);
var P = ci.a.CreateCylinder("rotationCone", { diameterTop: 0, tessellation: 4 }, e);
if (P.isPickable = !1, P.scaling.set(0.5, 0.12, 0.2), P.rotate(be.a.X, Math.PI / 2), P.position.z = 0.6, P.parent = s, this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.torusArrowMaterial)
s.material = this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.torusArrowMaterial, P.material = this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.torusArrowMaterial;
else {
var R = new Nt.a("torusConsMat", e);
R.disableLighting = !!this._options.defaultTargetMeshOptions.disableLighting, R.disableLighting ? R.emissiveColor = new I.a(0.3, 0.3, 1) : R.diffuseColor = new I.a(0.3, 0.3, 1), R.alpha = 0.9, s.material = R, P.material = R, this._teleportationRingMaterial = R;
this._options.renderingGroupId !== void 0 && (n.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId, s.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId, P.renderingGroupId = this._options.renderingGroupId), this._options.teleportationTargetMesh = n;
}, t.prototype._detachController = function(e) {
var n = this._controllers[e];
n && (n.teleportationComponent && (n.onAxisChangedObserver && n.teleportationComponent.onAxisValueChangedObservable.remove(n.onAxisChangedObserver), n.onButtonChangedObserver && n.teleportationComponent.onButtonStateChangedObservable.remove(n.onButtonChangedObserver)), delete this._controllers[e]);
}, t.prototype._findClosestSnapPointWithRadius = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = this._options.snapToPositionRadius || 0.8);
var i = null, o = Number.MAX_VALUE;
if (this._snapToPositions.length) {
var a = n * n;
this._snapToPositions.forEach(function(s) {
var d = u.e.DistanceSquared(s, e);
d <= a && d < o && (o = d, i = s);
return i;
}, t.prototype._setTargetMeshPosition = function(e) {
if (this._options.teleportationTargetMesh) {
var n = this._findClosestSnapPointWithRadius(e);
this._snappedToPoint = !!n, this.snapPointsOnly && !this._snappedToPoint && this._teleportationRingMaterial ? this._teleportationRingMaterial.diffuseColor.set(1, 0.3, 0.3) : this.snapPointsOnly && this._snappedToPoint && this._teleportationRingMaterial && this._teleportationRingMaterial.diffuseColor.set(0.3, 0.3, 1), this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.position.copyFrom(n || e), this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.position.y += 0.01;
}, t.prototype._setTargetMeshVisibility = function(e) {
this._options.teleportationTargetMesh && this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.isVisible !== e && (this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.isVisible = e, this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.getChildren(void 0, !1).forEach(function(n) {
n.isVisible = e;
}), e ? this._selectionFeature && this._selectionFeature.detach() : (this._quadraticBezierCurve && (this._quadraticBezierCurve.dispose(), this._quadraticBezierCurve = null), this._selectionFeature && this._selectionFeature.attach()));
}, t.prototype._showParabolicPath = function(e) {
if (e.pickedPoint) {
var n = this._controllers[this._currentTeleportationControllerId], i = Qe.d.CreateQuadraticBezier(n.xrController.pointer.absolutePosition, e.ray.origin, e.pickedPoint, 25);
this._options.generateRayPathMesh ? this._quadraticBezierCurve = this._options.generateRayPathMesh(i.getPoints()) : this._quadraticBezierCurve = sn.a.CreateLines("teleportation path line", { points: i.getPoints(), instance: this._quadraticBezierCurve, updatable: !0 }), this._quadraticBezierCurve.isPickable = !1;
}, t.prototype._teleportForward = function(e) {
var n = this._controllers[e];
if (n && n.teleportationState.forward && (n.teleportationState.forward = !1, this._currentTeleportationControllerId = "", (!this.snapPointsOnly || this._snappedToPoint) && this._options.teleportationTargetMesh && this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.isVisible)) {
var i = this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.realWorldHeight;
this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.onBeforeCameraTeleport.notifyObservers(this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position), this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position.copyFrom(this._options.teleportationTargetMesh.position), this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position.y += i, this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(u.b.FromEulerAngles(0, n.teleportationState.currentRotation - (this._xrSessionManager.scene.useRightHandedSystem ? Math.PI : 0), 0)), this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.onAfterCameraTeleport.notifyObservers(this._options.xrInput.xrCamera.position);
}, t.Name = ti.TELEPORTATION, t.Version = 1, t;
Wn.AddWebXRFeature(to.Name, function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new to(r, t);
}, to.Version, !0);
var Qp = function() {
}, uu = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateAsync = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = {});
var n = new r();
return ru.CreateAsync(t).then(function(i) {
if (n.baseExperience = i, e.ignoreNativeCameraTransformation && ( = !1), n.input = new su(i.sessionManager,, Object(c.a)({ controllerOptions: { renderingGroupId: e.renderingGroupId } }, e.inputOptions || {})), n.pointerSelection = n.baseExperience.featuresManager.enableFeature(eo.Name, e.useStablePlugins ? "stable" : "latest", { xrInput: n.input, renderingGroupId: e.renderingGroupId }), e.disableTeleportation || (n.teleportation = n.baseExperience.featuresManager.enableFeature(to.Name, e.useStablePlugins ? "stable" : "latest", { floorMeshes: e.floorMeshes, xrInput: n.input, renderingGroupId: e.renderingGroupId }), n.teleportation.setSelectionFeature(n.pointerSelection)), n.renderTarget = n.baseExperience.sessionManager.getWebXRRenderTarget(e.outputCanvasOptions), !e.disableDefaultUI) {
var o = Object(c.a)({ renderTarget: n.renderTarget }, e.uiOptions || {});
return e.optionalFeatures && (typeof e.optionalFeatures == "boolean" ? o.optionalFeatures = ["hit-test", "anchors", "plane-detection", "hand-tracking"] : o.optionalFeatures = e.optionalFeatures), lu.CreateAsync(t, n.baseExperience, o).then(function(a) {
n.enterExitUI = a;
}).then(function() {
return n;
}).catch(function(i) {
return l.a.Error("Error initializing XR"), l.a.Error(i), n;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.baseExperience && this.baseExperience.dispose(), this.input && this.input.dispose(), this.enterExitUI && this.enterExitUI.dispose(), this.renderTarget && this.renderTarget.dispose();
}, r;
}(), qp = !0;
_e.a.prototype.createDefaultLight = function(r) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = !1), r && this.lights)
for (var t = 0; t < this.lights.length; t++)
this.lights.length === 0 && new Oo.a("default light", u.e.Up(), this);
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultCamera = function(r, t, e) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = !1), t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = !1), t && this.activeCamera && (this.activeCamera.dispose(), this.activeCamera = null), !this.activeCamera) {
var n, i = this.getWorldExtends(function(P) {
return P.isVisible && P.isEnabled();
}), o = i.max.subtract(i.min), a = i.min.add(o.scale(0.5)), s = 1.5 * o.length();
if (isFinite(s) || (s = 1, a.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0)), r) {
var d = new Hi("default camera", -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, s, a, this);
d.lowerRadiusLimit = 0.01 * s, d.wheelPrecision = 100 / s, n = d;
} else {
var p = new zn("default camera", new u.e(a.x, a.y, -s), this);
p.setTarget(a), n = p;
n.minZ = 0.01 * s, n.maxZ = 1e3 * s, n.speed = 0.2 * s, this.activeCamera = n;
var y = this.getEngine().getInputElement();
e && y && n.attachControl();
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultCameraOrLight = function(r, t, e) {
r === void 0 && (r = !1), t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = !1), this.createDefaultLight(t), this.createDefaultCamera(r, t, e);
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultSkybox = function(r, t, e, n, i) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = 1e3), n === void 0 && (n = 0), i === void 0 && (i = !0), !r)
return l.a.Warn("Can not create default skybox without environment texture."), null;
i && r && (this.environmentTexture = r);
var o = Ie.a.CreateBox("hdrSkyBox", e, this);
if (t) {
var a = new $r("skyBox", this);
a.backFaceCulling = !1, a.reflectionTexture = r.clone(), a.reflectionTexture && (a.reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE), a.microSurface = 1 - n, a.disableLighting = !0, a.twoSidedLighting = !0, o.infiniteDistance = !0, o.material = a;
} else {
var s = new Nt.a("skyBox", this);
s.backFaceCulling = !1, s.reflectionTexture = r.clone(), s.reflectionTexture && (s.reflectionTexture.coordinatesMode = Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE), s.disableLighting = !0, o.infiniteDistance = !0, o.material = s;
return o.isPickable = !1, o;
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultEnvironment = function(r) {
return Es ? new Es(r, this) : null;
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultVRExperience = function(r) {
return r === void 0 && (r = {}), new Il(this, r);
}, _e.a.prototype.createDefaultXRExperienceAsync = function(r) {
return r === void 0 && (r = {}), uu.CreateAsync(this, r).then(function(t) {
return t;
var hu = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = !1), s === void 0 && (s = Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), d === void 0 && (d = { autoPlay: !0, loop: !0, autoUpdateTexture: !0 });
var p =, null, i, !o, a) || this;
p._onUserActionRequestedObservable = null, p._stillImageCaptured = !1, p._displayingPosterTexture = !1, p._frameId = -1, p._currentSrc = null, p._createInternalTexture = function() {
if (p._texture != null) {
if (!p._displayingPosterTexture)
p._texture.dispose(), p._displayingPosterTexture = !1;
if (!p._getEngine().needPOTTextures || Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo( && Xe.b.IsExponentOfTwo( ? (p.wrapU = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, p.wrapV = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE) : (p.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, p.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, p._generateMipMaps = !1), p._texture = p._getEngine().createDynamicTexture(,, p._generateMipMaps, p.samplingMode), || p._settings.poster)
p._texture.isReady = !0, p._updateInternalTexture(), p.onLoadObservable.hasObservers() && p.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(p);
else {
var P =, R = !1, B =; = !0, = function() { = B, = P, p._texture.isReady = !0, p._updateInternalTexture(), R ||, p.onLoadObservable.hasObservers() && p.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(p);
var F =;
F ? F.then(function() {
}).catch(function() {
R = !0, p._onUserActionRequestedObservable && p._onUserActionRequestedObservable.hasObservers() && p._onUserActionRequestedObservable.notifyObservers(p);
}) : ( = P, p._texture.isReady = !0, p._updateInternalTexture(), p.onLoadObservable.hasObservers() && p.onLoadObservable.notifyObservers(p));
}, p.reset = function() {
p._texture != null && (p._displayingPosterTexture || (p._texture.dispose(), p._texture = null));
}, p._updateInternalTexture = function() {
if (p._texture != null && p._texture.isReady && !( < || p._displayingPosterTexture)) {
var P = p.getScene().getFrameId();
p._frameId !== P && (p._frameId = P, p._getEngine().updateVideoTexture(p._texture,, p._invertY));
}, p._generateMipMaps = o, p._initialSamplingMode = s, p.autoUpdateTexture = d.autoUpdateTexture, p._currentSrc = n, = e || p._getName(n), = p._getVideo(n), p._settings = d, d.poster && ( = d.poster), d.autoPlay !== void 0 && ( = d.autoPlay), d.loop !== void 0 && ( = d.loop), d.muted !== void 0 && ( = d.muted),"playsinline", ""),"paused", p._updateInternalTexture),"seeked", p._updateInternalTexture),"emptied", p.reset), p._createInternalTextureOnEvent = d.poster && !d.autoPlay ? "play" : "canplay",, p._createInternalTexture), d.autoPlay &&;
var y = >=;
return !d.poster || d.autoPlay && y ? y && p._createInternalTexture() : (p._texture = p._getEngine().createTexture(d.poster, !1, !p.invertY, i), p._displayingPosterTexture = !0), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onUserActionRequestedObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onUserActionRequestedObservable || (this._onUserActionRequestedObservable = new C.c()), this._onUserActionRequestedObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._getName = function(e) {
return e instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? e.currentSrc : typeof e == "object" ? e.toString() : e;
}, t.prototype._getVideo = function(e) {
if (e instanceof HTMLVideoElement)
return Xe.b.SetCorsBehavior(e.currentSrc, e), e;
var n = document.createElement("video");
return typeof e == "string" ? (Xe.b.SetCorsBehavior(e, n), n.src = e) : (Xe.b.SetCorsBehavior(e[0], n), e.forEach(function(i) {
var o = document.createElement("source");
o.src = i, n.appendChild(o);
})), n;
}, t.prototype._rebuild = function() {
}, t.prototype.update = function() {
this.autoUpdateTexture && this.updateTexture(!0);
}, t.prototype.updateTexture = function(e) {
e && ( && this._stillImageCaptured || (this._stillImageCaptured = !0, this._updateInternalTexture()));
}, t.prototype.updateURL = function(e) { = e, this._currentSrc = e;
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
return new t(, this._currentSrc, this.getScene(), this._generateMipMaps, this.invertY, this.samplingMode, this._settings);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._currentSrc = null, this._onUserActionRequestedObservable && (this._onUserActionRequestedObservable.clear(), this._onUserActionRequestedObservable = null),, this._createInternalTexture),"paused", this._updateInternalTexture),"seeked", this._updateInternalTexture),"emptied", this.reset),;
}, t.CreateFromStreamAsync = function(e, n) {
var i = document.createElement("video");
return e.getEngine()._badOS && (document.body.appendChild(i), = "scale(0.0001, 0.0001)", = "0", = "fixed", = "0px", = "0px"), i.setAttribute("autoplay", ""), i.setAttribute("muted", "true"), i.setAttribute("playsinline", ""), i.muted = !0, i.mozSrcObject !== void 0 ? i.mozSrcObject = n : typeof i.srcObject == "object" ? i.srcObject = n : (window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window.mozURL || window.msURL, i.src = window.URL && window.URL.createObjectURL(n)), new Promise(function(o) {
var a = function() {
o(new t("video", i, e, !0, !0)), i.removeEventListener("playing", a);
i.addEventListener("playing", a),;
}, t.CreateFromWebCamAsync = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a = this;
return i === void 0 && (i = !1), n && n.deviceId && (o = { exact: n.deviceId }), navigator.mediaDevices ? navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: n, audio: i }).then(function(s) {
return a.CreateFromStreamAsync(e, s);
}) : (navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia, navigator.getUserMedia && navigator.getUserMedia({ video: { deviceId: o, width: { min: n && n.minWidth || 256, max: n && n.maxWidth || 640 }, height: { min: n && n.minHeight || 256, max: n && n.maxHeight || 480 } }, audio: i }, function(s) {
return a.CreateFromStreamAsync(e, s);
}, function(s) {
}), Promise.reject("No support for userMedia on this device"));
}, t.CreateFromWebCam = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1), this.CreateFromWebCamAsync(e, i, o).then(function(a) {
n && n(a);
}).catch(function(a) {
}, t;
}(Ne.a), Zp = function(r) {
function t() {
return r !== null && r.apply(this, arguments) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "videoTexture", { get: function() {
return this._texture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "videoMode", { get: function() {
return this.textureMode;
}, set: function(e) {
this.textureMode = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._initTexture = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this, a = { loop: i.loop, autoPlay: i.autoPlay, autoUpdateTexture: !0, poster: i.poster }, s = new hu(( || "videoDome") + "_texture", e, n, i.generateMipMaps, this._useDirectMapping, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, a);
return i.clickToPlay && (n.onPointerUp = function() {;
}), s;
}(Di), Gn = f(55), Jp = function() {
function r(t) {
this.engine = t, this._captureGPUFrameTime = !1, this._gpuFrameTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureShaderCompilationTime = !1, this._shaderCompilationTime = new Gn.a(), this._onBeginFrameObserver = null, this._onEndFrameObserver = null, this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver = null, this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver = null;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "gpuFrameTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._gpuFrameTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureGPUFrameTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureGPUFrameTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureGPUFrameTime && (this._captureGPUFrameTime = t, t ? (this._onBeginFrameObserver = this.engine.onBeginFrameObservable.add(function() {
e._gpuFrameTimeToken || (e._gpuFrameTimeToken = e.engine.startTimeQuery());
}), this._onEndFrameObserver = this.engine.onEndFrameObservable.add(function() {
if (e._gpuFrameTimeToken) {
var n = e.engine.endTimeQuery(e._gpuFrameTimeToken);
n > -1 && (e._gpuFrameTimeToken = null, e._gpuFrameTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._gpuFrameTime.addCount(n, !0));
})) : (this.engine.onBeginFrameObservable.remove(this._onBeginFrameObserver), this._onBeginFrameObserver = null, this.engine.onEndFrameObservable.remove(this._onEndFrameObserver), this._onEndFrameObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "shaderCompilationTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._shaderCompilationTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureShaderCompilationTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureShaderCompilationTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureShaderCompilationTime && (this._captureShaderCompilationTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver = this.engine.onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable.add(function() {
e._shaderCompilationTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._shaderCompilationTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver = this.engine.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable.add(function() {
})) : (this.engine.onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable.remove(this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver), this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver = null, this.engine.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable.remove(this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver), this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.engine.onBeginFrameObservable.remove(this._onBeginFrameObserver), this._onBeginFrameObserver = null, this.engine.onEndFrameObservable.remove(this._onEndFrameObserver), this._onEndFrameObserver = null, this.engine.onBeforeShaderCompilationObservable.remove(this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver), this._onBeforeShaderCompilationObserver = null, this.engine.onAfterShaderCompilationObservable.remove(this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver), this._onAfterShaderCompilationObserver = null, this.engine = null;
}, r;
}(), $p = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this;
this.scene = t, this._captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime = !1, this._activeMeshesEvaluationTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureRenderTargetsRenderTime = !1, this._renderTargetsRenderTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureFrameTime = !1, this._frameTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureRenderTime = !1, this._renderTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureInterFrameTime = !1, this._interFrameTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureParticlesRenderTime = !1, this._particlesRenderTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureSpritesRenderTime = !1, this._spritesRenderTime = new Gn.a(), this._capturePhysicsTime = !1, this._physicsTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureAnimationsTime = !1, this._animationsTime = new Gn.a(), this._captureCameraRenderTime = !1, this._cameraRenderTime = new Gn.a(), this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null, this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null, this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null, this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null, this._onAfterRenderObserver = null, this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver = null, this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver = null, this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = null, this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver = null, this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver = null, this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver = null, this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver = null, this._onBeforePhysicsObserver = null, this._onAfterPhysicsObserver = null, this._onAfterAnimationsObserver = null, this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = null, this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = null, this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = t.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.add(function() {
e._captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime && e._activeMeshesEvaluationTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._captureRenderTargetsRenderTime && e._renderTargetsRenderTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._captureFrameTime && (Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Scene rendering"), e._frameTime.beginMonitoring()), e._captureInterFrameTime && e._interFrameTime.endMonitoring(), e._captureParticlesRenderTime && e._particlesRenderTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._captureSpritesRenderTime && e._spritesRenderTime.fetchNewFrame(), e._captureAnimationsTime && e._animationsTime.beginMonitoring(), e.scene.getEngine()._drawCalls.fetchNewFrame();
}), this._onAfterRenderObserver = t.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function() {
e._captureFrameTime && (Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Scene rendering"), e._frameTime.endMonitoring()), e._captureRenderTime && e._renderTime.endMonitoring(!1), e._captureInterFrameTime && e._interFrameTime.beginMonitoring();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "activeMeshesEvaluationTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._activeMeshesEvaluationTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime && (this._captureActiveMeshesEvaluationTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = this.scene.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Active meshes evaluation"), e._activeMeshesEvaluationTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = this.scene.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Active meshes evaluation"), e._activeMeshesEvaluationTime.endMonitoring();
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.remove(this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver), this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.remove(this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver), this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "renderTargetsRenderTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetsRenderTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureRenderTargetsRenderTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureRenderTargetsRenderTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureRenderTargetsRenderTime && (this._captureRenderTargetsRenderTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver = this.scene.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Render targets rendering"), e._renderTargetsRenderTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver = this.scene.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Render targets rendering"), e._renderTargetsRenderTime.endMonitoring(!1);
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver), this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "particlesRenderTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._particlesRenderTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureParticlesRenderTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureParticlesRenderTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureParticlesRenderTime && (this._captureParticlesRenderTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver = this.scene.onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Particles"), e._particlesRenderTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver = this.scene.onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Particles"), e._particlesRenderTime.endMonitoring(!1);
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver), this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver), this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "spritesRenderTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._spritesRenderTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureSpritesRenderTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureSpritesRenderTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureSpritesRenderTime && (this._captureSpritesRenderTime = t, this.scene.spriteManagers && (t ? (this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver = this.scene.onBeforeSpritesRenderingObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Sprites"), e._spritesRenderTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver = this.scene.onAfterSpritesRenderingObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Sprites"), e._spritesRenderTime.endMonitoring(!1);
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeSpritesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver), this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterSpritesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver), this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver = null)));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "physicsTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._physicsTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "capturePhysicsTime", { get: function() {
return this._capturePhysicsTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._capturePhysicsTime && this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable && (this._capturePhysicsTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforePhysicsObserver = this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Physics"), e._physicsTime.beginMonitoring();
}), this._onAfterPhysicsObserver = this.scene.onAfterPhysicsObservable.add(function() {
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Physics"), e._physicsTime.endMonitoring();
})) : (this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable.remove(this._onBeforePhysicsObserver), this._onBeforePhysicsObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterPhysicsObservable.remove(this._onAfterPhysicsObserver), this._onAfterPhysicsObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "animationsTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._animationsTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureAnimationsTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureAnimationsTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureAnimationsTime && (this._captureAnimationsTime = t, t ? this._onAfterAnimationsObserver = this.scene.onAfterAnimationsObservable.add(function() {
}) : (this.scene.onAfterAnimationsObservable.remove(this._onAfterAnimationsObserver), this._onAfterAnimationsObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "frameTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._frameTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureFrameTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureFrameTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._captureFrameTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "interFrameTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._interFrameTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureInterFrameTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureInterFrameTime;
}, set: function(t) {
this._captureInterFrameTime = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "renderTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._renderTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureRenderTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureRenderTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureRenderTime && (this._captureRenderTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver = this.scene.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable.add(function() {
e._renderTime.beginMonitoring(), Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Main render");
}), this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver = this.scene.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable.add(function() {
e._renderTime.endMonitoring(!1), Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Main render");
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable.remove(this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver), this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable.remove(this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver), this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "cameraRenderTimeCounter", { get: function() {
return this._cameraRenderTime;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "captureCameraRenderTime", { get: function() {
return this._captureCameraRenderTime;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this;
t !== this._captureCameraRenderTime && (this._captureCameraRenderTime = t, t ? (this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = this.scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.add(function(n) {
e._cameraRenderTime.beginMonitoring(), Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Rendering camera " +;
}), this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = this.scene.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.add(function(n) {
e._cameraRenderTime.endMonitoring(!1), Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Rendering camera " +;
})) : (this.scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver), this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver), this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "drawCallsCounter", { get: function() {
return this.scene.getEngine()._drawCalls;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.scene.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.remove(this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver), this._onBeforeActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObservable.remove(this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver), this._onAfterActiveMeshesEvaluationObserver = null, this.scene.onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver), this._onBeforeRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.remove(this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver), this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = null, this.scene.onBeforeParticlesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver), this._onBeforeParticlesRenderingObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterParticlesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver), this._onAfterParticlesRenderingObserver = null, this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver && (this.scene.onBeforeSpritesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver), this._onBeforeSpritesRenderingObserver = null), this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver && (this.scene.onAfterSpritesRenderingObservable.remove(this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver), this._onAfterSpritesRenderingObserver = null), this.scene.onBeforeDrawPhaseObservable.remove(this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver), this._onBeforeDrawPhaseObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterDrawPhaseObservable.remove(this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver), this._onAfterDrawPhaseObserver = null, this._onBeforePhysicsObserver && (this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable.remove(this._onBeforePhysicsObserver), this._onBeforePhysicsObserver = null), this._onAfterPhysicsObserver && (this.scene.onAfterPhysicsObservable.remove(this._onAfterPhysicsObserver), this._onAfterPhysicsObserver = null), this.scene.onAfterAnimationsObservable.remove(this._onAfterAnimationsObserver), this._onAfterAnimationsObserver = null, this.scene.onBeforeCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver), this._onBeforeCameraRenderObserver = null, this.scene.onAfterCameraRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver), this._onAfterCameraRenderObserver = null, this.scene = null;
}, r;
}(), e_ = `#ifdef DIFFUSE
varying vec2 vUVDiffuse;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
#ifdef OPACITY
varying vec2 vUVOpacity;
uniform sampler2D opacitySampler;
uniform float opacityIntensity;
varying vec2 vUVEmissive;
uniform sampler2D emissiveSampler;
varying vec4 vColor;
uniform vec4 glowColor;
void main(void)
vec4 finalColor=glowColor;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
vec4 albedoTexture=texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUVDiffuse);
#ifdef GLOW
#ifdef OPACITY
vec4 opacityMap=texture2D(opacitySampler,vUVOpacity);
if (finalColor.a
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
varying vec4 vPosition;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
#ifdef DIFFUSE
varying vec2 vUVDiffuse;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
#ifdef OPACITY
varying vec2 vUVOpacity;
uniform mat4 opacityMatrix;
varying vec2 vUVEmissive;
uniform mat4 emissiveMatrix;
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 vColor;
void main(void)
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#ifdef CUBEMAP
#ifdef DIFFUSE
#ifdef OPACITY
ze.a.ShadersStore.glowMapGenerationVertexShader = t_;
var no = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._maxSize = 0, this._mainTextureDesiredSize = { width: 0, height: 0 }, this._shouldRender = !0, this._postProcesses = [], this._textures = [], this._emissiveTextureAndColor = { texture: null, color: new I.b() }, this.neutralColor = new I.b(), this.isEnabled = !0, this.disableBoundingBoxesFromEffectLayer = !1, this.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeRenderMainTextureObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeComposeObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeRenderMeshToEffect = new C.c(), this.onAfterRenderMeshToEffect = new C.c(), this.onAfterComposeObservable = new C.c(), this.onSizeChangedObservable = new C.c(), = t, this._scene = e || te.a.LastCreatedScene, r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene), this._engine = this._scene.getEngine(), this._maxSize = this._engine.getCaps().maxTextureSize, this._scene.effectLayers.push(this), this._generateIndexBuffer(), this._generateVertexBuffer();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "camera", { get: function() {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "renderingGroupId", { get: function() {
return this._effectLayerOptions.renderingGroupId;
}, set: function(t) {
this._effectLayerOptions.renderingGroupId = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._init = function(t) {
this._effectLayerOptions = Object(c.a)({ mainTextureRatio: 0.5, alphaBlendingMode: h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE, camera: null, renderingGroupId: -1 }, t), this._setMainTextureSize(), this._createMainTexture(), this._createTextureAndPostProcesses(), this._mergeEffect = this._createMergeEffect();
}, r.prototype._generateIndexBuffer = function() {
var t = [];
t.push(0), t.push(1), t.push(2), t.push(0), t.push(2), t.push(3), this._indexBuffer = this._engine.createIndexBuffer(t);
}, r.prototype._generateVertexBuffer = function() {
var t = [];
t.push(1, 1), t.push(-1, 1), t.push(-1, -1), t.push(1, -1);
var e = new Oe.b(this._engine, t, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2);
this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = e;
}, r.prototype._setMainTextureSize = function() {
this._effectLayerOptions.mainTextureFixedSize ? (this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width = this._effectLayerOptions.mainTextureFixedSize, this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height = this._effectLayerOptions.mainTextureFixedSize) : (this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width = this._engine.getRenderWidth() * this._effectLayerOptions.mainTextureRatio, this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height = this._engine.getRenderHeight() * this._effectLayerOptions.mainTextureRatio, this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width, this._maxSize) : this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width, this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height, this._maxSize) : this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height), this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width = Math.floor(this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width), this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height = Math.floor(this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height);
}, r.prototype._createMainTexture = function() {
var t = this;
this._mainTexture = new on("HighlightLayerMainRTT", { width: this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width, height: this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height }, this._scene, !1, !0, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this._mainTexture.activeCamera =, this._mainTexture.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._mainTexture.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._mainTexture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, this._mainTexture.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._mainTexture.renderParticles = !1, this._mainTexture.renderList = null, this._mainTexture.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, this._mainTexture.customRenderFunction = function(n, i, o, a) {
var s;
var d = t._scene.getEngine();
if (a.length) {
for (d.setColorWrite(!1), s = 0; s < a.length; s++)
for (s = 0; s < n.length; s++)
for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++)
var p = d.getAlphaMode();
for (s = 0; s < o.length; s++)
t._renderSubMesh([s], !0);
}, this._mainTexture.onClearObservable.add(function(n) {
n.clear(t.neutralColor, !0, !0, !0);
var e = this._scene.getBoundingBoxRenderer().enabled;
this._mainTexture.onBeforeBindObservable.add(function() {
t._scene.getBoundingBoxRenderer().enabled = !t.disableBoundingBoxesFromEffectLayer && e;
}), this._mainTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
t._scene.getBoundingBoxRenderer().enabled = e;
}, r.prototype._addCustomEffectDefines = function(t) {
}, r.prototype._isReady = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.getMaterial();
if (!i || !i.isReadyForSubMesh(t.getMesh(), t, e))
return !1;
var o = [], a = [Oe.b.PositionKind], s = t.getMesh(), d = !1, p = !1;
if (i) {
var y = i.needAlphaTesting(), P = i.getAlphaTestTexture(), R = P && P.hasAlpha && (i.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture || i._useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture);
P && (y || R) && (o.push("#define DIFFUSE"), s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && P.coordinatesIndex === 1 ? (o.push("#define DIFFUSEUV2"), p = !0) : s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (o.push("#define DIFFUSEUV1"), d = !0), y && (o.push("#define ALPHATEST"), o.push("#define ALPHATESTVALUE 0.4")));
var B = i.opacityTexture;
B && (o.push("#define OPACITY"), s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && B.coordinatesIndex === 1 ? (o.push("#define OPACITYUV2"), p = !0) : s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (o.push("#define OPACITYUV1"), d = !0));
n && (o.push("#define EMISSIVE"), s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && n.coordinatesIndex === 1 ? (o.push("#define EMISSIVEUV2"), p = !0) : s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (o.push("#define EMISSIVEUV1"), d = !0)), s.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.ColorKind) && s.hasVertexAlpha && (a.push(Oe.b.ColorKind), o.push("#define VERTEXALPHA")), d && (a.push(Oe.b.UVKind), o.push("#define UV1")), p && (a.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), o.push("#define UV2"));
var F = new _r.a();
if (s.useBones && s.computeBonesUsingShaders) {
a.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), a.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsKind), s.numBoneInfluencers > 4 && (a.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), a.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind)), o.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + s.numBoneInfluencers);
var z = s.skeleton;
z && z.isUsingTextureForMatrices ? o.push("#define BONETEXTURE") : o.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (z ? z.bones.length + 1 : 0)), s.numBoneInfluencers > 0 && F.addCPUSkinningFallback(0, s);
} else
o.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0");
var J = s.morphTargetManager, ie = 0;
J && J.numInfluencers > 0 && (o.push("#define MORPHTARGETS"), ie = J.numInfluencers, o.push("#define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS " + ie), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargetsInfluencers(a, s, ie)), e && (o.push("#define INSTANCES"), $e.a.PushAttributesForInstances(a), t.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances && o.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES")), this._addCustomEffectDefines(o);
var se = o.join(`
return this._cachedDefines !== se && (this._cachedDefines = se, this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect = this._scene.getEngine().createEffect("glowMapGeneration", a, ["world", "mBones", "viewProjection", "glowColor", "morphTargetInfluences", "boneTextureWidth", "diffuseMatrix", "emissiveMatrix", "opacityMatrix", "opacityIntensity"], ["diffuseSampler", "emissiveSampler", "opacitySampler", "boneSampler"], se, F, void 0, void 0, { maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: ie })), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.isReady();
}, r.prototype.render = function() {
var t = this._mergeEffect;
if (t.isReady()) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._postProcesses.length; e++)
if (!this._postProcesses[e].isReady())
var n = this._scene.getEngine();
this.onBeforeComposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), n.enableEffect(t), n.setState(!1), n.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, t);
var i = n.getAlphaMode();
n.setAlphaMode(this._effectLayerOptions.alphaBlendingMode), this._internalRender(t), n.setAlphaMode(i), this.onAfterComposeObservable.notifyObservers(this);
var o = this._mainTexture.getSize();
this._setMainTextureSize(), o.width === this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width && o.height === this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height || (this.onSizeChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._disposeTextureAndPostProcesses(), this._createMainTexture(), this._createTextureAndPostProcesses());
}, r.prototype.hasMesh = function(t) {
return this.renderingGroupId === -1 || t.renderingGroupId === this.renderingGroupId;
}, r.prototype.shouldRender = function() {
return this.isEnabled && this._shouldRender;
}, r.prototype._shouldRenderMesh = function(t) {
return !0;
}, r.prototype._canRenderMesh = function(t, e) {
return !e.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(t);
}, r.prototype._shouldRenderEmissiveTextureForMesh = function() {
return !0;
}, r.prototype._renderSubMesh = function(t, e) {
var n, i = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), this.shouldRender()) {
var o = t.getMaterial(), a = t.getMesh(), s = t.getReplacementMesh(), d = t.getRenderingMesh(), p = t.getEffectiveMesh(), y = this._scene, P = y.getEngine();
if (p._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1, o && this._canRenderMesh(d, o)) {
var R = (n = d.overrideMaterialSideOrientation) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : o.sideOrientation;
d._getWorldMatrixDeterminant() < 0 && (R = R === zt.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation ? zt.a.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation : zt.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation);
var B = R === zt.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation;
P.setState(o.backFaceCulling, o.zOffset, void 0, B);
var F = d._getInstancesRenderList(t._id, !!s);
if (!F.mustReturn && this._shouldRenderMesh(d)) {
var z = F.hardwareInstancedRendering[t._id] || d.hasThinInstances;
if (this._setEmissiveTextureAndColor(d, t, o), this.onBeforeRenderMeshToEffect.notifyObservers(a), this._useMeshMaterial(d))
d.render(t, z, s || void 0);
else if (this._isReady(t, z, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture)) {
P.enableEffect(this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect), d._bind(t, this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect, zt.a.TriangleFillMode), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("viewProjection", y.getTransformMatrix()), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("world", p.getWorldMatrix()), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setFloat4("glowColor", this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.r, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.g, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.b, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.a);
var J = o.needAlphaTesting(), ie = o.getAlphaTestTexture(), se = ie && ie.hasAlpha && (o.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture || o._useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture);
ie && (J || se) && (this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setTexture("diffuseSampler", ie), (ce = ie.getTextureMatrix()) && this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("diffuseMatrix", ce));
var ce, ue = o.opacityTexture;
if (ue && (this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setTexture("opacitySampler", ue), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setFloat("opacityIntensity", ue.level), (ce = ue.getTextureMatrix()) && this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("opacityMatrix", ce)), this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture && (this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setTexture("emissiveSampler", this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("emissiveMatrix", this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture.getTextureMatrix())), d.useBones && d.computeBonesUsingShaders && d.skeleton) {
var fe = d.skeleton;
if (fe.isUsingTextureForMatrices) {
var ve = fe.getTransformMatrixTexture(d);
if (!ve)
this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setTexture("boneSampler", ve), this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setFloat("boneTextureWidth", 4 * (fe.bones.length + 1));
} else
this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrices("mBones", fe.getTransformMatrices(d));
$e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(d, this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect), e && P.setAlphaMode(o.alphaMode), d._processRendering(p, t, this._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect, o.fillMode, F, z, function(Te, Re) {
return i._effectLayerMapGenerationEffect.setMatrix("world", Re);
} else
}, r.prototype._useMeshMaterial = function(t) {
return !1;
}, r.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && t._rebuild(), this._generateIndexBuffer();
}, r.prototype._disposeTextureAndPostProcesses = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._postProcesses.length; t++)
this._postProcesses[t] && this._postProcesses[t].dispose();
for (this._postProcesses = [], t = 0; t < this._textures.length; t++)
this._textures[t] && this._textures[t].dispose();
this._textures = [];
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && (t.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), this._indexBuffer && (this._scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null), this._disposeTextureAndPostProcesses();
var e = this._scene.effectLayers.indexOf(this, 0);
e > -1 && this._scene.effectLayers.splice(e, 1), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderMainTextureObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeComposeObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderMeshToEffect.clear(), this.onAfterRenderMeshToEffect.clear(), this.onAfterComposeObservable.clear(), this.onSizeChangedObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "EffectLayer";
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
return Xe.b.Instantiate(t.customType).Parse(t, e, n);
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("EffectLayerSceneComponent");
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "name", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.f)()], r.prototype, "neutralColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.d)()], r.prototype, "camera", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "renderingGroupId", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "disableBoundingBoxesFromEffectLayer", void 0), r;
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_EFFECTLAYER, function(r, t, e, n) {
if (r.effectLayers) {
e.effectLayers || (e.effectLayers = new Array());
for (var i = 0; i < r.effectLayers.length; i++) {
var o = no.Parse(r.effectLayers[i], t, n);
}), V.a.prototype.removeEffectLayer = function(r) {
var t = this.effectLayers.indexOf(r);
return t !== -1 && this.effectLayers.splice(t, 1), t;
}, V.a.prototype.addEffectLayer = function(r) {
var du = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_EFFECTLAYER, this._renderEffects = !1, this._needStencil = !1, this._previousStencilState = !1, this.scene = t, this._engine = t.getEngine(), t.effectLayers = new Array();
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._isReadyForMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_ISREADYFORMESH_EFFECTLAYER, this, this._isReadyForMesh), this.scene._cameraDrawRenderTargetStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_CAMERADRAWRENDERTARGET_EFFECTLAYER, this, this._renderMainTexture), this.scene._beforeCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECAMERADRAW_EFFECTLAYER, this, this._setStencil), this.scene._afterRenderingGroupDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERRENDERINGGROUPDRAW_EFFECTLAYER_DRAW, this, this._drawRenderingGroup), this.scene._afterCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERCAMERADRAW_EFFECTLAYER, this, this._setStencilBack), this.scene._afterCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERCAMERADRAW_EFFECTLAYER_DRAW, this, this._drawCamera);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this.scene.effectLayers; t < e.length; t++)
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
t.effectLayers = [];
for (var e = 0, n = this.scene.effectLayers; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
i.serialize && t.effectLayers.push(i.serialize());
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.effectLayers && t.effectLayers.forEach(function(n) {
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
t.effectLayers && t.effectLayers.forEach(function(i) {
n.scene.removeEffectLayer(i), e && i.dispose();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = this.scene.effectLayers; t.length; )
}, r.prototype._isReadyForMesh = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, i = this.scene.effectLayers; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (o.hasMesh(t))
for (var a = 0, s = t.subMeshes; a < s.length; a++) {
var d = s[a];
if (!o.isReady(d, e))
return !1;
return !0;
}, r.prototype._renderMainTexture = function(t) {
this._renderEffects = !1, this._needStencil = !1;
var e = !1, n = this.scene.effectLayers;
if (n && n.length > 0) {
this._previousStencilState = this._engine.getStencilBuffer();
for (var i = 0, o = n; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
if (a.shouldRender() && (! || === _t.a.RIG_MODE_NONE && t === || !== _t.a.RIG_MODE_NONE && > -1)) {
this._renderEffects = !0, this._needStencil = this._needStencil || a.needStencil();
var s = a._mainTexture;
s._shouldRender() && (this.scene.incrementRenderId(), s.render(!1, !1), e = !0);
return e;
}, r.prototype._setStencil = function() {
this._needStencil && this._engine.setStencilBuffer(!0);
}, r.prototype._setStencilBack = function() {
this._needStencil && this._engine.setStencilBuffer(this._previousStencilState);
}, r.prototype._draw = function(t) {
if (this._renderEffects) {
for (var e = this.scene.effectLayers, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var i = e[n];
i.renderingGroupId === t && i.shouldRender() && i.render();
}, r.prototype._drawCamera = function() {
this._renderEffects && this._draw(-1);
}, r.prototype._drawRenderingGroup = function(t) {
!this.scene._isInIntermediateRendering() && this._renderEffects && this._draw(t);
}, r;
no._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_EFFECTLAYER);
t || (t = new du(r), r._addComponent(t));
var n_ = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler2;
uniform float offset;
void main(void) {
vec4 baseColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
#ifdef STROKE
float alpha=smoothstep(.0,.1,baseColor.a);
ze.a.ShadersStore.glowMapMergePixelShader = n_;
var i_ = `
attribute vec2 position;
varying vec2 vUV;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.glowMapMergeVertexShader = i_, V.a.prototype.getGlowLayerByName = function(r) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.effectLayers.length; t++)
if (this.effectLayers[t].name === r && this.effectLayers[t].getEffectName() === Ko.EffectName)
return this.effectLayers[t];
return null;
var Ko = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n) || this;
return o._intensity = 1, o._includedOnlyMeshes = [], o._excludedMeshes = [], o._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials = [], o.neutralColor = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 1), o._options = Object(c.a)({ mainTextureRatio: t.DefaultTextureRatio, blurKernelSize: 32, mainTextureFixedSize: void 0, camera: null, mainTextureSamples: 1, renderingGroupId: -1 }, i), o._init({ alphaBlendingMode: h.a.ALPHA_ADD, camera:, mainTextureFixedSize: o._options.mainTextureFixedSize, mainTextureRatio: o._options.mainTextureRatio, renderingGroupId: o._options.renderingGroupId }), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurKernelSize", { get: function() {
return this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1.kernel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1.kernel = e, this._verticalBlurPostprocess1.kernel = e, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2.kernel = e, this._verticalBlurPostprocess2.kernel = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._intensity;
}, set: function(e) {
this._intensity = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getEffectName = function() {
return t.EffectName;
}, t.prototype._createMergeEffect = function() {
return this._engine.createEffect("glowMapMerge", [Oe.b.PositionKind], ["offset"], ["textureSampler", "textureSampler2"], `#define EMISSIVE
}, t.prototype._createTextureAndPostProcesses = function() {
var e = this, n = this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width, i = this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height;
n = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(n, this._maxSize) : n, i = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(i, this._maxSize) : i;
var o = 0;
o = this._engine.getCaps().textureHalfFloatRender ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, this._blurTexture1 = new on("GlowLayerBlurRTT", { width: n, height: i }, this._scene, !1, !0, o), this._blurTexture1.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture1.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture1.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._blurTexture1.renderParticles = !1, this._blurTexture1.ignoreCameraViewport = !0;
var a = Math.floor(n / 2), s = Math.floor(i / 2);
this._blurTexture2 = new on("GlowLayerBlurRTT2", { width: a, height: s }, this._scene, !1, !0, o), this._blurTexture2.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture2.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture2.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._blurTexture2.renderParticles = !1, this._blurTexture2.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, this._textures = [this._blurTexture1, this._blurTexture2], this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1 = new _n("GlowLayerHBP1", new u.d(1, 0), this._options.blurKernelSize / 2, { width: n, height: i }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1.width = n, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1.height = i, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1.onApplyObservable.add(function(d) {
d.setTexture("textureSampler", e._mainTexture);
}), this._verticalBlurPostprocess1 = new _n("GlowLayerVBP1", new u.d(0, 1), this._options.blurKernelSize / 2, { width: n, height: i }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2 = new _n("GlowLayerHBP2", new u.d(1, 0), this._options.blurKernelSize / 2, { width: a, height: s }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2.width = a, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2.height = s, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2.onApplyObservable.add(function(d) {
d.setTexture("textureSampler", e._blurTexture1);
}), this._verticalBlurPostprocess2 = new _n("GlowLayerVBP2", new u.d(0, 1), this._options.blurKernelSize / 2, { width: a, height: s }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._postProcesses = [this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1, this._verticalBlurPostprocess1, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2, this._verticalBlurPostprocess2], this._postProcesses1 = [this._horizontalBlurPostprocess1, this._verticalBlurPostprocess1], this._postProcesses2 = [this._horizontalBlurPostprocess2, this._verticalBlurPostprocess2], this._mainTexture.samples = this._options.mainTextureSamples, this._mainTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
var d = e._blurTexture1.getInternalTexture();
if (d) {
e._scene.postProcessManager.directRender(e._postProcesses1, d, !0);
var p = e._blurTexture2.getInternalTexture();
p && e._scene.postProcessManager.directRender(e._postProcesses2, p, !0), e._engine.unBindFramebuffer(p ?? d, !0);
}), {
d.autoClear = !1;
}, t.prototype.isReady = function(e, n) {
var i = e.getMaterial(), o = e.getRenderingMesh();
if (!i || !o)
return !1;
var a = i.emissiveTexture;
return, e, n, a);
}, t.prototype.needStencil = function() {
return !1;
}, t.prototype._canRenderMesh = function(e, n) {
return !0;
}, t.prototype._internalRender = function(e) {
e.setTexture("textureSampler", this._blurTexture1), e.setTexture("textureSampler2", this._blurTexture2), e.setFloat("offset", this._intensity);
var n = this._engine, i = n.getStencilBuffer();
n.setStencilBuffer(!1), n.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6), n.setStencilBuffer(i);
}, t.prototype._setEmissiveTextureAndColor = function(e, n, i) {
var o = 1;
this.customEmissiveTextureSelector ? this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture = this.customEmissiveTextureSelector(e, n, i) : i ? (this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture = i.emissiveTexture, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture && (o = this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture.level)) : this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture = null, this.customEmissiveColorSelector ? this.customEmissiveColorSelector(e, n, i, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color) : i.emissiveColor ? this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.set(i.emissiveColor.r * o, i.emissiveColor.g * o, i.emissiveColor.b * o, i.alpha) : this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.set(this.neutralColor.r, this.neutralColor.g, this.neutralColor.b, this.neutralColor.a);
}, t.prototype._shouldRenderMesh = function(e) {
return this.hasMesh(e);
}, t.prototype._addCustomEffectDefines = function(e) {
e.push("#define GLOW");
}, t.prototype.addExcludedMesh = function(e) {
this._excludedMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId) === -1 && this._excludedMeshes.push(e.uniqueId);
}, t.prototype.removeExcludedMesh = function(e) {
var n = this._excludedMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId);
n !== -1 && this._excludedMeshes.splice(n, 1);
}, t.prototype.addIncludedOnlyMesh = function(e) {
this._includedOnlyMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId) === -1 && this._includedOnlyMeshes.push(e.uniqueId);
}, t.prototype.removeIncludedOnlyMesh = function(e) {
var n = this._includedOnlyMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId);
n !== -1 && this._includedOnlyMeshes.splice(n, 1);
}, t.prototype.hasMesh = function(e) {
return !!, e) && (this._includedOnlyMeshes.length ? this._includedOnlyMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId) !== -1 : !this._excludedMeshes.length || this._excludedMeshes.indexOf(e.uniqueId) === -1);
}, t.prototype._useMeshMaterial = function(e) {
return this._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials.length != 0 && this._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials.indexOf(e.uniqueId) > -1;
}, t.prototype.referenceMeshToUseItsOwnMaterial = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.unReferenceMeshFromUsingItsOwnMaterial = function(e) {
for (var n = this._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials.indexOf(e.uniqueId); n >= 0; )
this._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials.splice(n, 1), n = this._meshesUsingTheirOwnMaterials.indexOf(e.uniqueId);
}, t.prototype._disposeMesh = function(e) {
this.removeIncludedOnlyMesh(e), this.removeExcludedMesh(e);
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GlowLayer";
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e, n = L.a.Serialize(this);
if (n.customType = "BABYLON.GlowLayer", n.includedMeshes = [], this._includedOnlyMeshes.length)
for (e = 0; e < this._includedOnlyMeshes.length; e++)
(i = this._scene.getMeshByUniqueID(this._includedOnlyMeshes[e])) && n.includedMeshes.push(;
if (n.excludedMeshes = [], this._excludedMeshes.length)
for (e = 0; e < this._excludedMeshes.length; e++) {
var i;
(i = this._scene.getMeshByUniqueID(this._excludedMeshes[e])) && n.excludedMeshes.push(;
return n;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n, e.options);
}, e, n, i);
for (o = 0; o < e.excludedMeshes.length; o++)
(s = n.getMeshByID(e.excludedMeshes[o])) && a.addExcludedMesh(s);
for (o = 0; o < e.includedMeshes.length; o++) {
var s;
(s = n.getMeshByID(e.includedMeshes[o])) && a.addIncludedOnlyMesh(s);
return a;
}, t.EffectName = "GlowLayer", t.DefaultBlurKernelSize = 32, t.DefaultTextureRatio = 0.5, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "blurKernelSize", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "intensity", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("options")], t.prototype, "_options", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.GlowLayer"] = Ko;
var r_ = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform vec2 direction;
uniform float blurWidth;
float getLuminance(vec3 color)
return dot(color,vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722));
void main(void)
float weights[7];
vec2 texelSize=vec2(1.0/screenSize.x,1.0/screenSize.y);
vec2 texelStep=texelSize*direction*blurWidth;
vec2 start=vUV-3.0*texelStep;
vec4 baseColor=vec4(0.,0.,0.,0.);
vec2 texelOffset=vec2(0.,0.);
for (int i=0; i<7; i++)
vec4 texel=texture2D(textureSampler,start+texelOffset);
float luminance=getLuminance(baseColor.rgb);
float luminanceTexel=getLuminance(texel.rgb);
float choice=step(luminanceTexel,luminance);
ze.a.ShadersStore.glowBlurPostProcessPixelShader = r_, V.a.prototype.getHighlightLayerByName = function(r) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.effectLayers.length; t++)
if (this.effectLayers[t].name === r && this.effectLayers[t].getEffectName() === Ms.EffectName)
return this.effectLayers[t];
return null;
var fu = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
s === void 0 && (s = Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);
var y =, e, "glowBlurPostProcess", ["screenSize", "direction", "blurWidth"], null, o, a, s, d, p) || this;
return y.direction = n, y.kernel = i, y.onApplyObservable.add(function(P) {
P.setFloat2("screenSize", y.width, y.height), P.setVector2("direction", y.direction), P.setFloat("blurWidth", y.kernel);
}), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t;
}(ft), Ms = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, n) || this;
return = e, o.innerGlow = !0, o.outerGlow = !0, o.onBeforeBlurObservable = new C.c(), o.onAfterBlurObservable = new C.c(), o._instanceGlowingMeshStencilReference = t.GlowingMeshStencilReference++, o._meshes = {}, o._excludedMeshes = {}, o.neutralColor = t.NeutralColor, o._engine.isStencilEnable || l.a.Warn("Rendering the Highlight Layer requires the stencil to be active on the canvas. var engine = new Engine(canvas, antialias, { stencil: true }"), o._options = Object(c.a)({ mainTextureRatio: 0.5, blurTextureSizeRatio: 0.5, blurHorizontalSize: 1, blurVerticalSize: 1, alphaBlendingMode: h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE, camera: null, renderingGroupId: -1 }, i), o._init({ alphaBlendingMode: o._options.alphaBlendingMode, camera:, mainTextureFixedSize: o._options.mainTextureFixedSize, mainTextureRatio: o._options.mainTextureRatio, renderingGroupId: o._options.renderingGroupId }), o._shouldRender = !1, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurHorizontalSize", { get: function() {
return this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.kernel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.kernel = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurVerticalSize", { get: function() {
return this._verticalBlurPostprocess.kernel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._verticalBlurPostprocess.kernel = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getEffectName = function() {
return t.EffectName;
}, t.prototype._createMergeEffect = function() {
return this._engine.createEffect("glowMapMerge", [Oe.b.PositionKind], ["offset"], ["textureSampler"], this._options.isStroke ? `#define STROKE
` : void 0);
}, t.prototype._createTextureAndPostProcesses = function() {
var e = this, n = this._mainTextureDesiredSize.width * this._options.blurTextureSizeRatio, i = this._mainTextureDesiredSize.height * this._options.blurTextureSizeRatio;
n = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(n, this._maxSize) : n, i = this._engine.needPOTTextures ? Ue.a.GetExponentOfTwo(i, this._maxSize) : i;
var o = 0;
o = this._engine.getCaps().textureHalfFloatRender ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, this._blurTexture = new on("HighlightLayerBlurRTT", { width: n, height: i }, this._scene, !1, !0, o), this._blurTexture.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._blurTexture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 16, this._blurTexture.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._blurTexture.renderParticles = !1, this._blurTexture.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, this._textures = [this._blurTexture], this._options.alphaBlendingMode === h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE ? (this._downSamplePostprocess = new Ri("HighlightLayerPPP", this._options.blurTextureSizeRatio, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine()), this._downSamplePostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(a) {
a.setTexture("textureSampler", e._mainTexture);
}), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess = new fu("HighlightLayerHBP", new u.d(1, 0), this._options.blurHorizontalSize, 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine()), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(a) {
a.setFloat2("screenSize", n, i);
}), this._verticalBlurPostprocess = new fu("HighlightLayerVBP", new u.d(0, 1), this._options.blurVerticalSize, 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine()), this._verticalBlurPostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(a) {
a.setFloat2("screenSize", n, i);
}), this._postProcesses = [this._downSamplePostprocess, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess, this._verticalBlurPostprocess]) : (this._horizontalBlurPostprocess = new _n("HighlightLayerHBP", new u.d(1, 0), this._options.blurHorizontalSize / 2, { width: n, height: i }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.width = n, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.height = i, this._horizontalBlurPostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(a) {
a.setTexture("textureSampler", e._mainTexture);
}), this._verticalBlurPostprocess = new _n("HighlightLayerVBP", new u.d(0, 1), this._options.blurVerticalSize / 2, { width: n, height: i }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._postProcesses = [this._horizontalBlurPostprocess, this._verticalBlurPostprocess]), this._mainTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
var a = e._blurTexture.getInternalTexture();
a && (e._scene.postProcessManager.directRender(e._postProcesses, a, !0), e._engine.unBindFramebuffer(a, !0)), e.onAfterBlurObservable.notifyObservers(e);
}), {
a.autoClear = !1;
}, t.prototype.needStencil = function() {
return !0;
}, t.prototype.isReady = function(e, n) {
var i = e.getMaterial(), o = e.getRenderingMesh();
if (!i || !o || !this._meshes)
return !1;
var a = null, s = this._meshes[o.uniqueId];
return s && s.glowEmissiveOnly && i && (a = i.emissiveTexture),, e, n, a);
}, t.prototype._internalRender = function(e) {
e.setTexture("textureSampler", this._blurTexture);
var n = this._engine;
n.cacheStencilState(), n.setStencilOperationPass(h.a.REPLACE), n.setStencilOperationFail(h.a.KEEP), n.setStencilOperationDepthFail(h.a.KEEP), n.setStencilMask(0), n.setStencilBuffer(!0), n.setStencilFunctionReference(this._instanceGlowingMeshStencilReference), this.outerGlow && (e.setFloat("offset", 0), n.setStencilFunction(h.a.NOTEQUAL), n.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6)), this.innerGlow && (e.setFloat("offset", 1), n.setStencilFunction(h.a.EQUAL), n.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6)), n.restoreStencilState();
}, t.prototype.shouldRender = function() {
return !! && !!this._meshes;
}, t.prototype._shouldRenderMesh = function(e) {
return (!this._excludedMeshes || !this._excludedMeshes[e.uniqueId]) && !!, e);
}, t.prototype._canRenderMesh = function(e, n) {
return !0;
}, t.prototype._addCustomEffectDefines = function(e) {
e.push("#define HIGHLIGHT");
}, t.prototype._setEmissiveTextureAndColor = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this._meshes[e.uniqueId];
o ? this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.set(o.color.r, o.color.g, o.color.b, 1) : this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.set(this.neutralColor.r, this.neutralColor.g, this.neutralColor.b, this.neutralColor.a), o && o.glowEmissiveOnly && i ? (this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture = i.emissiveTexture, this._emissiveTextureAndColor.color.set(1, 1, 1, 1)) : this._emissiveTextureAndColor.texture = null;
}, t.prototype.addExcludedMesh = function(e) {
this._excludedMeshes && (this._excludedMeshes[e.uniqueId] || (this._excludedMeshes[e.uniqueId] = { mesh: e, beforeBind: e.onBeforeBindObservable.add(function(n) {
}), afterRender: e.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function(n) {
}) }));
}, t.prototype.removeExcludedMesh = function(e) {
if (this._excludedMeshes) {
var n = this._excludedMeshes[e.uniqueId];
n && (n.beforeBind && e.onBeforeBindObservable.remove(n.beforeBind), n.afterRender && e.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(n.afterRender)), this._excludedMeshes[e.uniqueId] = null;
}, t.prototype.hasMesh = function(e) {
return !!this._meshes && !!, e) && this._meshes[e.uniqueId] !== void 0 && this._meshes[e.uniqueId] !== null;
}, t.prototype.addMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), this._meshes) {
var a = this._meshes[e.uniqueId];
a ? a.color = n : (this._meshes[e.uniqueId] = { mesh: e, color: n, observerHighlight: e.onBeforeBindObservable.add(function(s) {
o.isEnabled && (o._excludedMeshes && o._excludedMeshes[s.uniqueId] ? o._defaultStencilReference(s) : s.getScene().getEngine().setStencilFunctionReference(o._instanceGlowingMeshStencilReference));
}), observerDefault: e.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function(s) {
o.isEnabled && o._defaultStencilReference(s);
}), glowEmissiveOnly: i }, e.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
})), this._shouldRender = !0;
}, t.prototype.removeMesh = function(e) {
if (this._meshes) {
var n = this._meshes[e.uniqueId];
for (var i in n && (n.observerHighlight && e.onBeforeBindObservable.remove(n.observerHighlight), n.observerDefault && e.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(n.observerDefault), delete this._meshes[e.uniqueId]), this._shouldRender = !1, this._meshes)
if (this._meshes[i]) {
this._shouldRender = !0;
}, t.prototype.removeAllMeshes = function() {
if (this._meshes) {
for (var e in this._meshes)
if (this._meshes.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var n = this._meshes[e];
n && this.removeMesh(n.mesh);
}, t.prototype._defaultStencilReference = function(e) {
}, t.prototype._disposeMesh = function(e) {
this.removeMesh(e), this.removeExcludedMesh(e);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (this._meshes) {
for (var e in this._meshes)
(n = this._meshes[e]) && n.mesh && (n.observerHighlight && n.mesh.onBeforeBindObservable.remove(n.observerHighlight), n.observerDefault && n.mesh.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(n.observerDefault));
this._meshes = null;
if (this._excludedMeshes) {
for (var e in this._excludedMeshes) {
var n;
(n = this._excludedMeshes[e]) && (n.beforeBind && n.mesh.onBeforeBindObservable.remove(n.beforeBind), n.afterRender && n.mesh.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(n.afterRender));
this._excludedMeshes = null;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "HighlightLayer";
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
if (e.customType = "BABYLON.HighlightLayer", e.meshes = [], this._meshes)
for (var n in this._meshes) {
var i = this._meshes[n];
i && e.meshes.push({ glowEmissiveOnly: i.glowEmissiveOnly, color: i.color.asArray(), meshId: });
if (e.excludedMeshes = [], this._excludedMeshes)
for (var o in this._excludedMeshes) {
var a = this._excludedMeshes[o];
a && e.excludedMeshes.push(;
return e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n, e.options);
}, e, n, i);
for (o = 0; o < e.excludedMeshes.length; o++)
(s = n.getMeshByID(e.excludedMeshes[o])) && a.addExcludedMesh(s);
for (o = 0; o < e.meshes.length; o++) {
var s, d = e.meshes[o];
(s = n.getMeshByID(d.meshId)) && a.addMesh(s, I.a.FromArray(d.color), d.glowEmissiveOnly);
return a;
}, t.EffectName = "HighlightLayer", t.NeutralColor = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), t.GlowingMeshStencilReference = 2, t.NormalMeshStencilReference = 1, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "innerGlow", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "outerGlow", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "blurHorizontalSize", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "blurVerticalSize", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("options")], t.prototype, "_options", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.HighlightLayer"] = Ms;
var pu = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_LAYER, this.scene = t, this._engine = t.getEngine(), t.layers = new Array();
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECAMERADRAW_LAYER, this, this._drawCameraBackground), this.scene._afterCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERCAMERADRAW_LAYER, this, this._drawCameraForeground), this.scene._beforeRenderTargetDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORERENDERTARGETDRAW_LAYER, this, this._drawRenderTargetBackground), this.scene._afterRenderTargetDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERRENDERTARGETDRAW_LAYER, this, this._drawRenderTargetForeground);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this.scene.layers; t < e.length; t++)
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = this.scene.layers; t.length; )
}, r.prototype._draw = function(t) {
var e = this.scene.layers;
if (e.length) {
for (var n = 0, i = e; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
t(o) && o.render();
}, r.prototype._drawCameraPredicate = function(t, e, n) {
return !t.renderOnlyInRenderTargetTextures && t.isBackground === e && (t.layerMask & n) != 0;
}, r.prototype._drawCameraBackground = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._draw(function(n) {
return e._drawCameraPredicate(n, !0, t.layerMask);
}, r.prototype._drawCameraForeground = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._draw(function(n) {
return e._drawCameraPredicate(n, !1, t.layerMask);
}, r.prototype._drawRenderTargetPredicate = function(t, e, n, i) {
return t.renderTargetTextures.length > 0 && t.isBackground === e && t.renderTargetTextures.indexOf(i) > -1 && (t.layerMask & n) != 0;
}, r.prototype._drawRenderTargetBackground = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._draw(function(n) {
return e._drawRenderTargetPredicate(n, !0, e.scene.activeCamera.layerMask, t);
}, r.prototype._drawRenderTargetForeground = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._draw(function(n) {
return e._drawRenderTargetPredicate(n, !1, e.scene.activeCamera.layerMask, t);
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.layers && t.layers.forEach(function(n) {
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
e === void 0 && (e = !1), t.layers && t.layers.forEach(function(i) {
var o = n.scene.layers.indexOf(i);
o !== -1 && n.scene.layers.splice(o, 1), e && i.dispose();
}, r;
}(), o_ = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec4 color;
void main(void) {
vec4 baseColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
#ifdef LINEAR
if (baseColor.a<0.4)
ze.a.ShadersStore.layerPixelShader = o_;
var a_ = `
attribute vec2 position;
uniform vec2 scale;
uniform vec2 offset;
uniform mat4 textureMatrix;
varying vec2 vUV;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
vec2 shiftedPosition=position*scale+offset;
ze.a.ShadersStore.layerVertexShader = a_;
var s_ = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) { = t, this.scale = new u.d(1, 1), this.offset = new u.d(0, 0), this.alphaBlendingMode = h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE, this.layerMask = 268435455, this.renderTargetTextures = [], this.renderOnlyInRenderTargetTextures = !1, this._vertexBuffers = {}, this.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterRenderObservable = new C.c(), this.texture = e ? new Ne.a(e, n, !0) : null, this.isBackground = i === void 0 || i, this.color = o === void 0 ? new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1) : o, this._scene = n || te.a.LastCreatedScene;
var a = this._scene._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_LAYER);
a || (a = new pu(this._scene), this._scene._addComponent(a)), this._scene.layers.push(this);
var s = this._scene.getEngine(), d = [];
d.push(1, 1), d.push(-1, 1), d.push(-1, -1), d.push(1, -1);
var p = new Oe.b(s, d, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2);
this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = p, this._createIndexBuffer();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(t) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onBeforeRender", { set: function(t) {
this._onBeforeRenderObserver && this.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._onBeforeRenderObserver), this._onBeforeRenderObserver = this.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "onAfterRender", { set: function(t) {
this._onAfterRenderObserver && this.onAfterRenderObservable.remove(this._onAfterRenderObserver), this._onAfterRenderObserver = this.onAfterRenderObservable.add(t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._createIndexBuffer = function() {
var t = this._scene.getEngine(), e = [];
e.push(0), e.push(1), e.push(2), e.push(0), e.push(2), e.push(3), this._indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(e);
}, r.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && t._rebuild(), this._createIndexBuffer();
}, r.prototype.render = function() {
var t = this._scene.getEngine(), e = "";
this.alphaTest && (e = "#define ALPHATEST"), this.texture && !this.texture.gammaSpace && (e += `\r
#define LINEAR`), this._previousDefines !== e && (this._previousDefines = e, this._effect = t.createEffect("layer", [Oe.b.PositionKind], ["textureMatrix", "color", "scale", "offset"], ["textureSampler"], e));
var n = this._effect;
n && n.isReady() && this.texture && this.texture.isReady() && (t = this._scene.getEngine(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this), t.enableEffect(n), t.setState(!1), n.setTexture("textureSampler", this.texture), n.setMatrix("textureMatrix", this.texture.getTextureMatrix()), n.setFloat4("color", this.color.r, this.color.g, this.color.b, this.color.a), n.setVector2("offset", this.offset), n.setVector2("scale", this.scale), t.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, n), this.alphaTest ? t.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6) : (t.setAlphaMode(this.alphaBlendingMode), t.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6), t.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE)), this.onAfterRenderObservable.notifyObservers(this));
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && (t.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), this._indexBuffer && (this._scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null), this.texture && (this.texture.dispose(), this.texture = null), this.renderTargetTextures = [];
var e = this._scene.layers.indexOf(this);
this._scene.layers.splice(e, 1), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this.onAfterRenderObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeRenderObservable.clear();
}, r;
}(), _u = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
this.size = t, this.position = e, this.alphaMode = h.a.ALPHA_ONEONE, this.color = n || new I.a(1, 1, 1), this.texture = i ? new Ne.a(i, o.getScene(), !0) : null, this._system = o, o.lensFlares.push(this);
return r.AddFlare = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return new r(t, e, n, i, o);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.texture && this.texture.dispose();
var t = this._system.lensFlares.indexOf(this);
this._system.lensFlares.splice(t, 1);
}, r;
}(), c_ = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec4 color;
void main(void) {
vec4 baseColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
ze.a.ShadersStore.lensFlarePixelShader = c_;
var l_ = `
attribute vec2 position;
uniform mat4 viewportMatrix;
varying vec2 vUV;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.lensFlareVertexShader = l_;
var Is = function() {
function r(t, e, n) { = t, this.lensFlares = new Array(), this.borderLimit = 300, this.viewportBorder = 0, this.layerMask = 268435455, this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._isEnabled = !0, this._scene = n || te.a.LastCreatedScene, r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene), this._emitter = e, = t, n.lensFlareSystems.push(this), this.meshesSelectionPredicate = function(s) {
return n.activeCamera && s.material && s.isVisible && s.isEnabled() && s.isBlocker && (s.layerMask & n.activeCamera.layerMask) != 0;
var i = n.getEngine(), o = [];
o.push(1, 1), o.push(-1, 1), o.push(-1, -1), o.push(1, -1), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(i, o, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2);
var a = [];
a.push(0), a.push(1), a.push(2), a.push(0), a.push(2), a.push(3), this._indexBuffer = i.createIndexBuffer(a), this._effect = i.createEffect("lensFlare", [Oe.b.PositionKind], ["color", "viewportMatrix"], ["textureSampler"], "");
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(t) {
this._isEnabled = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, r.prototype.getEmitter = function() {
return this._emitter;
}, r.prototype.setEmitter = function(t) {
this._emitter = t;
}, r.prototype.getEmitterPosition = function() {
return this._emitter.getAbsolutePosition ? this._emitter.getAbsolutePosition() : this._emitter.position;
}, r.prototype.computeEffectivePosition = function(t) {
var e = this.getEmitterPosition();
return e = u.e.Project(e, u.a.Identity(), this._scene.getTransformMatrix(), t), this._positionX = e.x, this._positionY = e.y, e = u.e.TransformCoordinates(this.getEmitterPosition(), this._scene.getViewMatrix()), this.viewportBorder > 0 && (t.x -= this.viewportBorder, t.y -= this.viewportBorder, t.width += 2 * this.viewportBorder, t.height += 2 * this.viewportBorder, e.x += this.viewportBorder, e.y += this.viewportBorder, this._positionX += this.viewportBorder, this._positionY += this.viewportBorder), e.z > 0 && (this._positionX > t.x && this._positionX < t.x + t.width && this._positionY > t.y && (this._positionY, t.y, t.height), !0);
}, r.prototype._isVisible = function() {
if (!this._isEnabled || !this._scene.activeCamera)
return !1;
var t = this.getEmitterPosition().subtract(this._scene.activeCamera.globalPosition), e = t.length();
var n = new dn.a(this._scene.activeCamera.globalPosition, t), i = this._scene.pickWithRay(n, this.meshesSelectionPredicate, !0);
return !i || !i.hit || i.distance > e;
}, r.prototype.render = function() {
if (!this._effect.isReady() || !this._scene.activeCamera)
return !1;
var t, e, n = this._scene.getEngine(), i = this._scene.activeCamera.viewport.toGlobal(n.getRenderWidth(!0), n.getRenderHeight(!0));
if (!this.computeEffectivePosition(i) || !this._isVisible())
return !1;
var o = (t = this._positionX < this.borderLimit + i.x ? this.borderLimit + i.x - this._positionX : this._positionX > i.x + i.width - this.borderLimit ? this._positionX - i.x - i.width + this.borderLimit : 0) > (e = this._positionY < this.borderLimit + i.y ? this.borderLimit + i.y - this._positionY : this._positionY > i.y + i.height - this.borderLimit ? this._positionY - i.y - i.height + this.borderLimit : 0) ? t : e;
(o -= this.viewportBorder) > this.borderLimit && (o = this.borderLimit);
var a = 1 - $.a.Clamp(o / this.borderLimit, 0, 1);
if (a < 0)
return !1;
a > 1 && (a = 1), this.viewportBorder > 0 && (i.x += this.viewportBorder, i.y += this.viewportBorder, i.width -= 2 * this.viewportBorder, i.height -= 2 * this.viewportBorder, this._positionX -= this.viewportBorder, this._positionY -= this.viewportBorder);
var s = i.x + i.width / 2, d = i.y + i.height / 2, p = s - this._positionX, y = d - this._positionY;
n.enableEffect(this._effect), n.setState(!1), n.setDepthBuffer(!1), n.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, this._effect);
for (var P = 0; P < this.lensFlares.length; P++) {
var R = this.lensFlares[P];
if (!R.texture || R.texture.isReady()) {
var B = s - p * R.position, F = d - y * R.position, z = R.size, J = R.size * n.getAspectRatio(this._scene.activeCamera, !0), ie = B / (i.width + 2 * i.x) * 2 - 1, se = 1 - F / (i.height + 2 * i.y) * 2, ce = u.a.FromValues(z / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, J / 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, ie, se, 0, 1);
this._effect.setMatrix("viewportMatrix", ce), this._effect.setTexture("textureSampler", R.texture), this._effect.setFloat4("color", R.color.r * a, R.color.g * a, R.color.b * a, 1), n.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6);
return n.setDepthBuffer(!0), n.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE), !0;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
for (t && (t.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), this._indexBuffer && (this._scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null); this.lensFlares.length; )
var e = this._scene.lensFlareSystems.indexOf(this);
this._scene.lensFlareSystems.splice(e, 1);
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = e.getLastEntryByID(t.emitterId), o = || "lensFlareSystem#" + t.emitterId, a = new r(o, i, e); = || o, a.borderLimit = t.borderLimit;
for (var s = 0; s < t.flares.length; s++) {
var d = t.flares[s];
_u.AddFlare(d.size, d.position, I.a.FromArray(d.color), d.textureName ? n + d.textureName : "", a);
return a;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {}; =, =, t.emitterId = this.getEmitter().id, t.borderLimit = this.borderLimit, t.flares = [];
for (var e = 0; e < this.lensFlares.length; e++) {
var n = this.lensFlares[e];
t.flares.push({ size: n.size, position: n.position, color: n.color.asArray(), textureName: Xe.b.GetFilename(n.texture ? : "") });
return t;
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("LensFlareSystemSceneComponent");
}, r;
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_LENSFLARESYSTEM, function(r, t, e, n) {
if (r.lensFlareSystems !== void 0 && r.lensFlareSystems !== null) {
e.lensFlareSystems || (e.lensFlareSystems = new Array());
for (var i = 0, o = r.lensFlareSystems.length; i < o; i++) {
var a = r.lensFlareSystems[i], s = Is.Parse(a, t, n);
}), V.a.prototype.getLensFlareSystemByName = function(r) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.lensFlareSystems.length; t++)
if (this.lensFlareSystems[t].name === r)
return this.lensFlareSystems[t];
return null;
}, V.a.prototype.getLensFlareSystemByID = function(r) {
for (var t = 0; t < this.lensFlareSystems.length; t++)
if (this.lensFlareSystems[t].id === r)
return this.lensFlareSystems[t];
return null;
}, V.a.prototype.removeLensFlareSystem = function(r) {
var t = this.lensFlareSystems.indexOf(r);
return t !== -1 && this.lensFlareSystems.splice(t, 1), t;
}, V.a.prototype.addLensFlareSystem = function(r) {
var mu = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_LENSFLARESYSTEM, this.scene = t, t.lensFlareSystems = new Array();
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._afterCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERCAMERADRAW_LENSFLARESYSTEM, this, this._draw);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
var e = this;
t.lensFlareSystems && t.lensFlareSystems.forEach(function(n) {
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
t.lensFlareSystems && t.lensFlareSystems.forEach(function(i) {
n.scene.removeLensFlareSystem(i), e && i.dispose();
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
t.lensFlareSystems = [];
for (var e = 0, n = this.scene.lensFlareSystems; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = this.scene.lensFlareSystems; t.length; )
}, r.prototype._draw = function(t) {
if (this.scene.lensFlaresEnabled) {
var e = this.scene.lensFlareSystems;
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Lens flares", e.length > 0);
for (var n = 0, i = e; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
t.layerMask & o.layerMask && o.render();
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Lens flares", e.length > 0);
}, r;
Is._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_LENSFLARESYSTEM);
t || (t = new mu(r), r._addComponent(t));
var u_ = `
float bayerDither2(vec2 _P) {
return mod(2.0*_P.y+_P.x+1.0,4.0);
float bayerDither4(vec2 _P) {
vec2 P1=mod(_P,2.0);
vec2 P2=floor(0.5*mod(_P,4.0));
return 4.0*bayerDither2(P1)+bayerDither2(P2);
float bayerDither8(vec2 _P) {
vec2 P1=mod(_P,2.0);
vec2 P2=floor(0.5*mod(_P,4.0));
vec2 P4=floor(0.25*mod(_P,8.0));
return 4.0*(4.0*bayerDither2(P1)+bayerDither2(P2))+bayerDither2(P4);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.bayerDitherFunctions = u_;
var h_ = `#if SM_FLOAT == 0
uniform float softTransparentShadowSM;
varying float vDepthMetricSM;
uniform vec3 lightDataSM;
varying vec3 vPositionWSM;
uniform vec3 biasAndScaleSM;
uniform vec2 depthValuesSM;
#if defined(SM_DEPTHCLAMP) && SM_DEPTHCLAMP == 1
varying float zSM;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragmentDeclaration = h_;
var d_ = ` float depthSM=vDepthMetricSM;
#if defined(SM_DEPTHCLAMP) && SM_DEPTHCLAMP == 1
#if SM_ESM == 1
#if SM_FLOAT == 1
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragment = d_;
var f_ = `#include
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
void main(void)
float alphaFromAlphaTexture=texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV).a;
if (alphaFromAlphaTexture<0.4)
if ((bayerDither8(floor(mod(gl_FragCoord.xy,8.0))))/64.0>=softTransparentShadowSM*alphaFromAlphaTexture) discard;
if ((bayerDither8(floor(mod(gl_FragCoord.xy,8.0))))/64.0>=softTransparentShadowSM) discard;
ze.a.ShadersStore.shadowMapPixelShader = f_;
var p_ = `#if SM_NORMALBIAS == 1
uniform vec3 lightDataSM;
uniform vec3 biasAndScaleSM;
uniform vec2 depthValuesSM;
varying float vDepthMetricSM;
varying vec3 vPositionWSM;
#if defined(SM_DEPTHCLAMP) && SM_DEPTHCLAMP == 1
varying float zSM;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexDeclaration = p_;
var __ = `
vec3 worldLightDirSM=normalize(;
vec3 worldLightDirSM=normalize(directionToLightSM);
float ndlSM=dot(vNormalW,worldLightDirSM);
float sinNLSM=sqrt(1.0-ndlSM*ndlSM);
float normalBiasSM=biasAndScaleSM.y*sinNLSM;*normalBiasSM;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexNormalBias = __;
var m_ = `#if SM_USEDISTANCE == 1;
#if defined(SM_DEPTHCLAMP) && SM_DEPTHCLAMP == 1
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexMetric = m_;
var g_ = `
attribute vec3 position;
#ifdef NORMAL
attribute vec3 normal;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
void main(void)
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#ifdef NORMAL
vec3 normalUpdated=normal;
vec4 worldPos=finalWorld*vec4(positionUpdated,1.0);
#ifdef NORMAL
mat3 normWorldSM=mat3(finalWorld);
#if defined(INSTANCES) && defined(THIN_INSTANCES)
vec3 vNormalW=normalUpdated/vec3(dot(normWorldSM[0],normWorldSM[0]),dot(normWorldSM[1],normWorldSM[1]),dot(normWorldSM[2],normWorldSM[2]));
vec3 vNormalW=normalize(normWorldSM*normalUpdated);
#ifdef UV1
#ifdef UV2
ze.a.ShadersStore.shadowMapVertexShader = g_;
var v_ = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
void main(void)
vec4 colorDepth=vec4(0.0);
for (int x=-OFFSET; x<=OFFSET; x++)
for (int y=-OFFSET; y<=OFFSET; y++)
ze.a.ShadersStore.depthBoxBlurPixelShader = v_;
if ((bayerDither8(floor(mod(gl_FragCoord.xy,8.0))))/64.0>=softTransparentShadowSM*alpha) discard;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragmentSoftTransparentShadow = y_;
var gu = new u.a(), vu = new u.a(), Fn = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderObservable = new C.c(), this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderMeshObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderMeshObservable = new C.c(), this._bias = 5e-5, this._normalBias = 0, this._blurBoxOffset = 1, this._blurScale = 2, this._blurKernel = 1, this._useKernelBlur = !1, this._filter = r.FILTER_NONE, this._filteringQuality = r.QUALITY_HIGH, this._contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio = 0.1, this._darkness = 0, this._transparencyShadow = !1, this.enableSoftTransparentShadow = !1, this.frustumEdgeFalloff = 0, this.forceBackFacesOnly = !1, this._lightDirection = u.e.Zero(), this._viewMatrix = u.a.Zero(), this._projectionMatrix = u.a.Zero(), this._transformMatrix = u.a.Zero(), this._cachedPosition = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cachedDirection = new u.e(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._currentFaceIndex = 0, this._currentFaceIndexCache = 0, this._defaultTextureMatrix = u.a.Identity(), this._mapSize = t, this._light = e, this._scene = e.getScene(), e._shadowGenerator = this, =, r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene);
var i = this._scene.getEngine().getCaps();
n ? i.textureFloatRender && i.textureFloatLinearFiltering ? this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : i.textureHalfFloatRender && i.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering ? this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT : i.textureHalfFloatRender && i.textureHalfFloatLinearFiltering ? this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : i.textureFloatRender && i.textureFloatLinearFiltering ? this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : this._textureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, this._initializeGenerator(), this._applyFilterValues();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "bias", { get: function() {
return this._bias;
}, set: function(t) {
this._bias = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "normalBias", { get: function() {
return this._normalBias;
}, set: function(t) {
this._normalBias = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "blurBoxOffset", { get: function() {
return this._blurBoxOffset;
}, set: function(t) {
this._blurBoxOffset !== t && (this._blurBoxOffset = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "blurScale", { get: function() {
return this._blurScale;
}, set: function(t) {
this._blurScale !== t && (this._blurScale = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "blurKernel", { get: function() {
return this._blurKernel;
}, set: function(t) {
this._blurKernel !== t && (this._blurKernel = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useKernelBlur", { get: function() {
return this._useKernelBlur;
}, set: function(t) {
this._useKernelBlur !== t && (this._useKernelBlur = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "depthScale", { get: function() {
return this._depthScale !== void 0 ? this._depthScale : this._light.getDepthScale();
}, set: function(t) {
this._depthScale = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._validateFilter = function(t) {
return t;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "filter", { get: function() {
return this._filter;
}, set: function(t) {
if (t = this._validateFilter(t), this._light.needCube()) {
return void (this.useExponentialShadowMap = !0);
return void (this.useCloseExponentialShadowMap = !0);
if (t === r.FILTER_PCF || t === r.FILTER_PCSS)
return void (this.usePoissonSampling = !0);
t !== r.FILTER_PCF && t !== r.FILTER_PCSS || this._scene.getEngine().webGLVersion !== 1 ? this._filter !== t && (this._filter = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses(), this._applyFilterValues(), this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty()) : this.usePoissonSampling = !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "usePoissonSampling", { get: function() {
return this.filter === r.FILTER_POISSONSAMPLING;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_POISSONSAMPLING);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_POISSONSAMPLING) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useExponentialShadowMap", { get: function() {
return this.filter === r.FILTER_EXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_EXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_EXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useBlurExponentialShadowMap", { get: function() {
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_BLUREXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_BLUREXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useCloseExponentialShadowMap", { get: function() {
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_CLOSEEXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_CLOSEEXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap", { get: function() {
}, set: function(t) {
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_BLURCLOSEEXPONENTIALSHADOWMAP) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "usePercentageCloserFiltering", { get: function() {
return this.filter === r.FILTER_PCF;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_PCF);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_PCF) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "filteringQuality", { get: function() {
return this._filteringQuality;
}, set: function(t) {
this._filteringQuality !== t && (this._filteringQuality = t, this._disposeBlurPostProcesses(), this._applyFilterValues(), this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useContactHardeningShadow", { get: function() {
return this.filter === r.FILTER_PCSS;
}, set: function(t) {
var e = this._validateFilter(r.FILTER_PCSS);
(t || this.filter === r.FILTER_PCSS) && (this.filter = t ? e : r.FILTER_NONE);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio", { get: function() {
return this._contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio;
}, set: function(t) {
this._contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "darkness", { get: function() {
return this._darkness;
}, set: function(t) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getDarkness = function() {
return this._darkness;
}, r.prototype.setDarkness = function(t) {
return this._darkness = t >= 1 ? 1 : t <= 0 ? 0 : t, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "transparencyShadow", { get: function() {
return this._transparencyShadow;
}, set: function(t) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setTransparencyShadow = function(t) {
return this._transparencyShadow = t, this;
}, r.prototype.getShadowMap = function() {
return this._shadowMap;
}, r.prototype.getShadowMapForRendering = function() {
return this._shadowMap2 ? this._shadowMap2 : this._shadowMap;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return r.CLASSNAME;
}, r.prototype.addShadowCaster = function(t, e) {
var n;
return e === void 0 && (e = !0), this._shadowMap ? (this._shadowMap.renderList || (this._shadowMap.renderList = []), this._shadowMap.renderList.push(t), e && (n = this._shadowMap.renderList).push.apply(n, t.getChildMeshes()), this) : this;
}, r.prototype.removeShadowCaster = function(t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !0), !this._shadowMap || !this._shadowMap.renderList)
return this;
var n = this._shadowMap.renderList.indexOf(t);
if (n !== -1 && this._shadowMap.renderList.splice(n, 1), e)
for (var i = 0, o = t.getChildren(); i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
return this;
}, r.prototype.getLight = function() {
return this._light;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "mapSize", { get: function() {
return this._mapSize;
}, set: function(t) {
this._mapSize = t, this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty(), this.recreateShadowMap();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._initializeGenerator = function() {
this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty(), this._initializeShadowMap();
}, r.prototype._createTargetRenderTexture = function() {
this._scene.getEngine().webGLVersion > 1 ? (this._shadowMap = new on( + "_shadowMap", this._mapSize, this._scene, !1, !0, this._textureType, this._light.needCube(), void 0, !1, !1), this._shadowMap.createDepthStencilTexture(h.a.LESS, !0)) : this._shadowMap = new on( + "_shadowMap", this._mapSize, this._scene, !1, !0, this._textureType, this._light.needCube());
}, r.prototype._initializeShadowMap = function() {
var t = this;
if (this._createTargetRenderTexture(), this._shadowMap !== null) {
this._shadowMap.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._shadowMap.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._shadowMap.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, this._shadowMap.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._shadowMap.renderParticles = !1, this._shadowMap.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, this._storedUniqueId && (this._shadowMap.uniqueId = this._storedUniqueId), this._shadowMap.customRenderFunction = this._renderForShadowMap.bind(this), this._shadowMap.customIsReadyFunction = function(a, s) {
return !0;
var e = this._scene.getEngine();
this._shadowMap.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function(a) {
if (t._currentFaceIndex = a, t._filter === r.FILTER_PCF && e.setColorWrite(!1), t._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer().useUbo) {
var s = t._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer();
s.updateMatrix("viewProjection", t.getTransformMatrix()), s.updateMatrix("view", t._viewMatrix), s.update();
}), this._shadowMap.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
if (t._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer().useUbo) {
var a = t._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer();
a.updateMatrix("viewProjection", t._scene.getTransformMatrix()), a.updateMatrix("view", t._scene.getViewMatrix()), a.update();
if (t._filter === r.FILTER_PCF && e.setColorWrite(!0), t.useBlurExponentialShadowMap || t.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap) {
var s = t.getShadowMapForRendering();
if (s) {
var d = s.getInternalTexture();
t._scene.postProcessManager.directRender(t._blurPostProcesses, d, !0), e.unBindFramebuffer(d, !0);
var n = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), i = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1);
this._shadowMap.onClearObservable.add(function(a) {
t._filter === r.FILTER_PCF ? a.clear(i, !1, !0, !1) : t.useExponentialShadowMap || t.useBlurExponentialShadowMap ? a.clear(n, !0, !0, !1) : a.clear(i, !0, !0, !1);
}), this._shadowMap.onResizeObservable.add(function(a) {
t._storedUniqueId = t._shadowMap.uniqueId, t._mapSize = a.getRenderSize(), t._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty(), t.recreateShadowMap();
this._shadowMap.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(o, !1);
}, r.prototype._initializeBlurRTTAndPostProcesses = function() {
var t = this, e = this._scene.getEngine(), n = this._mapSize / this.blurScale;
this.useKernelBlur && this.blurScale === 1 || (this._shadowMap2 = new on( + "_shadowMap2", n, this._scene, !1, !0, this._textureType), this._shadowMap2.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._shadowMap2.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._shadowMap2.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE)), this.useKernelBlur ? (this._kernelBlurXPostprocess = new _n( + "KernelBlurX", new u.d(1, 0), this.blurKernel, 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e, !1, this._textureType), this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.width = n, this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.height = n, this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(i) {
i.setTexture("textureSampler", t._shadowMap);
}), this._kernelBlurYPostprocess = new _n( + "KernelBlurY", new u.d(0, 1), this.blurKernel, 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e, !1, this._textureType), this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.autoClear = !1, this._kernelBlurYPostprocess.autoClear = !1, this._textureType === h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT && (this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.packedFloat = !0, this._kernelBlurYPostprocess.packedFloat = !0), this._blurPostProcesses = [this._kernelBlurXPostprocess, this._kernelBlurYPostprocess]) : (this._boxBlurPostprocess = new ft( + "DepthBoxBlur", "depthBoxBlur", ["screenSize", "boxOffset"], [], 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e, !1, "#define OFFSET " + this._blurBoxOffset, this._textureType), this._boxBlurPostprocess.onApplyObservable.add(function(i) {
i.setFloat2("screenSize", n, n), i.setTexture("textureSampler", t._shadowMap);
}), this._boxBlurPostprocess.autoClear = !1, this._blurPostProcesses = [this._boxBlurPostprocess]);
}, r.prototype._renderForShadowMap = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a = this._scene.getEngine(), s = a.getColorWrite();
if (i.length) {
for (a.setColorWrite(!1), o = 0; o < i.length; o++)
for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)
if (this._transparencyShadow)
for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
this._renderSubMeshForShadowMap([o], !0);
for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++)[o].getEffectiveMesh()._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1;
}, r.prototype._bindCustomEffectForRenderSubMeshForShadowMap = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a, s, d, p, y;
e.setMatrix((o = n == null ? void 0 : n.viewProjection) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "viewProjection", this.getTransformMatrix()), e.setMatrix((a = n == null ? void 0 : n.view) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : "view", this._viewMatrix), e.setMatrix((s = n == null ? void 0 : n.projection) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "projection", this._projectionMatrix);
var P = i.getWorldMatrix();
e.setMatrix((d = n == null ? void 0 : !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : "world", P), P.multiplyToRef(this.getTransformMatrix(), gu), e.setMatrix((p = n == null ? void 0 : n.worldViewProjection) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "worldViewProjection", gu), P.multiplyToRef(this._viewMatrix, vu), e.setMatrix((y = n == null ? void 0 : n.worldView) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : "worldView", vu);
}, r.prototype._renderSubMeshForShadowMap = function(t, e) {
var n, i;
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var o = t.getRenderingMesh(), a = t.getEffectiveMesh(), s = this._scene, d = s.getEngine(), p = t.getMaterial();
if (a._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1, p && t.verticesCount !== 0 && t._renderId !== s.getRenderId()) {
var y = o._getInstancesRenderList(t._id, !!t.getReplacementMesh());
if (!y.mustReturn) {
var P = d.getCaps().instancedArrays && (y.visibleInstances[t._id] !== null && y.visibleInstances[t._id] !== void 0 || o.hasThinInstances);
if (!this.customAllowRendering || this.customAllowRendering(t))
if (this.isReady(t, P, e)) {
t._renderId = s.getRenderId();
var R = (n = o.material) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.shadowDepthWrapper, B = (i = R == null ? void 0 : R.getEffect(t, this)) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : this._effect;
if (d.enableEffect(B), o._bind(t, B, p.fillMode), this.getTransformMatrix(), B.setFloat3("biasAndScaleSM", this.bias, this.normalBias, this.depthScale), this.getLight().getTypeID() === bi.a.LIGHTTYPEID_DIRECTIONALLIGHT ? B.setVector3("lightDataSM", this._cachedDirection) : B.setVector3("lightDataSM", this._cachedPosition), s.activeCamera && B.setFloat2("depthValuesSM", this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(s.activeCamera), this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(s.activeCamera) + this.getLight().getDepthMaxZ(s.activeCamera)), e && this.enableSoftTransparentShadow && B.setFloat("softTransparentShadowSM", a.visibility), R)
t._effectOverride = B, R.standalone ? R.baseMaterial.bindForSubMesh(a.getWorldMatrix(), o, t) : p.bindForSubMesh(a.getWorldMatrix(), o, t), t._effectOverride = null;
else {
if (B.setMatrix("viewProjection", this.getTransformMatrix()), p && p.needAlphaTesting()) {
var F = p.getAlphaTestTexture();
F && (B.setTexture("diffuseSampler", F), B.setMatrix("diffuseMatrix", F.getTextureMatrix() || this._defaultTextureMatrix));
if (o.useBones && o.computeBonesUsingShaders && o.skeleton) {
var z = o.skeleton;
if (z.isUsingTextureForMatrices) {
var J = z.getTransformMatrixTexture(o);
if (!J)
B.setTexture("boneSampler", J), B.setFloat("boneTextureWidth", 4 * (z.bones.length + 1));
} else
B.setMatrices("mBones", z.getTransformMatrices(o));
$e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(o, B), $e.a.BindClipPlane(B, s);
this._bindCustomEffectForRenderSubMeshForShadowMap(t, B, R == null ? void 0 : R._matriceNames, a), this.forceBackFacesOnly && d.setState(!0, 0, !1, !0), this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderMeshObservable.notifyObservers(o), this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderObservable.notifyObservers(B), o._processRendering(a, t, B, p.fillMode, y, P, function(ie, se) {
return B.setMatrix("world", se);
}), this.forceBackFacesOnly && d.setState(!0, 0, !1, !1), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderObservable.notifyObservers(B), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderMeshObservable.notifyObservers(o);
} else
this._shadowMap && this._shadowMap.resetRefreshCounter();
}, r.prototype._applyFilterValues = function() {
this._shadowMap && (this.filter === r.FILTER_NONE || this.filter === r.FILTER_PCSS ? this._shadowMap.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE) : this._shadowMap.updateSamplingMode(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE));
}, r.prototype.forceCompilation = function(t, e) {
var n = this, i = Object(c.a)({ useInstances: !1 }, e), o = this.getShadowMap();
if (o) {
var a = o.renderList;
if (a) {
for (var s = new Array(), d = 0, p = a; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = p[d];
s.push.apply(s, y.subMeshes);
if (s.length !== 0) {
var P = 0, R = function() {
var B, F;
if (n._scene && n._scene.getEngine()) {
for (; n.isReady(s[P], i.useInstances, (F = (B = s[P].getMaterial()) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.needAlphaBlendingForMesh(s[P].getMesh())) !== null && F !== void 0 && F); )
if (++P >= s.length)
return void (t && t(n));
setTimeout(R, 16);
} else
t && t(this);
} else
t && t(this);
} else
t && t(this);
}, r.prototype.forceCompilationAsync = function(t) {
var e = this;
return new Promise(function(n) {
e.forceCompilation(function() {
}, t);
}, r.prototype._isReadyCustomDefines = function(t, e, n) {
}, r.prototype._prepareShadowDefines = function(t, e, n, i) {
n.push("#define SM_FLOAT " + (this._textureType !== h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT ? "1" : "0")), n.push("#define SM_ESM " + (this.useExponentialShadowMap || this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap ? "1" : "0")), n.push("#define SM_DEPTHTEXTURE " + (this.usePercentageCloserFiltering || this.useContactHardeningShadow ? "1" : "0"));
var o = t.getMesh();
return n.push("#define SM_NORMALBIAS " + (this.normalBias && o.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind) ? "1" : "0")), n.push("#define SM_DIRECTIONINLIGHTDATA " + (this.getLight().getTypeID() === bi.a.LIGHTTYPEID_DIRECTIONALLIGHT ? "1" : "0")), n.push("#define SM_USEDISTANCE " + (this._light.needCube() ? "1" : "0")), n.push("#define SM_SOFTTRANSPARENTSHADOW " + (this.enableSoftTransparentShadow && i ? "1" : "0")), this._isReadyCustomDefines(n, t, e), n;
}, r.prototype.isReady = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.getMaterial(), o = i == null ? void 0 : i.shadowDepthWrapper, a = [];
if (this._prepareShadowDefines(t, e, a, n), o) {
if (!o.isReadyForSubMesh(t, a, this, e))
return !1;
} else {
var s = [Oe.b.PositionKind], d = t.getMesh();
if (this.normalBias && d.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind) && (s.push(Oe.b.NormalKind), a.push("#define NORMAL"), d.nonUniformScaling && a.push("#define NONUNIFORMSCALING")), i && i.needAlphaTesting()) {
var p = i.getAlphaTestTexture();
if (p) {
if (!p.isReady())
return !1;
a.push("#define ALPHATEST"), d.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (s.push(Oe.b.UVKind), a.push("#define UV1")), d.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && p.coordinatesIndex === 1 && (s.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), a.push("#define UV2"));
var y = new _r.a();
if (d.useBones && d.computeBonesUsingShaders && d.skeleton) {
s.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), s.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsKind), d.numBoneInfluencers > 4 && (s.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), s.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind));
var P = d.skeleton;
a.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + d.numBoneInfluencers), d.numBoneInfluencers > 0 && y.addCPUSkinningFallback(0, d), P.isUsingTextureForMatrices ? a.push("#define BONETEXTURE") : a.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (P.bones.length + 1));
} else
a.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0");
var R = d.morphTargetManager, B = 0;
R && R.numInfluencers > 0 && (a.push("#define MORPHTARGETS"), B = R.numInfluencers, a.push("#define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS " + B), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargetsInfluencers(s, d, B));
var F = this._scene;
if (F.clipPlane && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE"), F.clipPlane2 && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE2"), F.clipPlane3 && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE3"), F.clipPlane4 && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE4"), F.clipPlane5 && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE5"), F.clipPlane6 && a.push("#define CLIPPLANE6"), e && (a.push("#define INSTANCES"), $e.a.PushAttributesForInstances(s), t.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances && a.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES")), this.customShaderOptions && this.customShaderOptions.defines)
for (var z = 0, J = this.customShaderOptions.defines; z < J.length; z++) {
var ie = J[z];
a.indexOf(ie) === -1 && a.push(ie);
var se = a.join(`
if (this._cachedDefines !== se) {
this._cachedDefines = se;
var ce = "shadowMap", ue = ["world", "mBones", "viewProjection", "diffuseMatrix", "lightDataSM", "depthValuesSM", "biasAndScaleSM", "morphTargetInfluences", "boneTextureWidth", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "softTransparentShadowSM"], fe = ["diffuseSampler", "boneSampler"];
if (this.customShaderOptions) {
if (ce = this.customShaderOptions.shaderName, this.customShaderOptions.attributes)
for (var ve = 0, Te = this.customShaderOptions.attributes; ve < Te.length; ve++) {
var Re = Te[ve];
s.indexOf(Re) === -1 && s.push(Re);
if (this.customShaderOptions.uniforms)
for (var Ae = 0, Ee = this.customShaderOptions.uniforms; Ae < Ee.length; Ae++) {
var Se = Ee[Ae];
ue.indexOf(Se) === -1 && ue.push(Se);
if (this.customShaderOptions.samplers)
for (var De = 0, xe = this.customShaderOptions.samplers; De < xe.length; De++) {
var Le = xe[De];
fe.indexOf(Le) === -1 && fe.push(Le);
this._effect = this._scene.getEngine().createEffect(ce, s, ue, fe, se, y, void 0, void 0, { maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: B });
if (!this._effect.isReady())
return !1;
return (this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap || this.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap) && (this._blurPostProcesses && this._blurPostProcesses.length || this._initializeBlurRTTAndPostProcesses()), !(this._kernelBlurXPostprocess && !this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.isReady()) && !(this._kernelBlurYPostprocess && !this._kernelBlurYPostprocess.isReady()) && !(this._boxBlurPostprocess && !this._boxBlurPostprocess.isReady());
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e) {
var n = this._scene, i = this._light;
n.shadowsEnabled && i.shadowEnabled && (t["SHADOW" + e] = !0, this.useContactHardeningShadow ? (t["SHADOWPCSS" + e] = !0, this._filteringQuality === r.QUALITY_LOW ? t["SHADOWLOWQUALITY" + e] = !0 : this._filteringQuality === r.QUALITY_MEDIUM && (t["SHADOWMEDIUMQUALITY" + e] = !0)) : this.usePercentageCloserFiltering ? (t["SHADOWPCF" + e] = !0, this._filteringQuality === r.QUALITY_LOW ? t["SHADOWLOWQUALITY" + e] = !0 : this._filteringQuality === r.QUALITY_MEDIUM && (t["SHADOWMEDIUMQUALITY" + e] = !0)) : this.usePoissonSampling ? t["SHADOWPOISSON" + e] = !0 : this.useExponentialShadowMap || this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap ? t["SHADOWESM" + e] = !0 : (this.useCloseExponentialShadowMap || this.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap) && (t["SHADOWCLOSEESM" + e] = !0), i.needCube() && (t["SHADOWCUBE" + e] = !0));
}, r.prototype.bindShadowLight = function(t, e) {
var n = this._light, i = this._scene;
if (i.shadowsEnabled && n.shadowEnabled) {
var o = i.activeCamera;
if (o) {
var a = this.getShadowMap();
a && (n.needCube() || e.setMatrix("lightMatrix" + t, this.getTransformMatrix()), this._filter === r.FILTER_PCF ? (e.setDepthStencilTexture("shadowSampler" + t, this.getShadowMapForRendering()), n._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), a.getSize().width, 1 / a.getSize().width, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, t)) : this._filter === r.FILTER_PCSS ? (e.setDepthStencilTexture("shadowSampler" + t, this.getShadowMapForRendering()), e.setTexture("depthSampler" + t, this.getShadowMapForRendering()), n._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), 1 / a.getSize().width, this._contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio * a.getSize().width, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, t)) : (e.setTexture("shadowSampler" + t, this.getShadowMapForRendering()), n._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), this.blurScale / a.getSize().width, this.depthScale, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, t)), n._uniformBuffer.updateFloat2("depthValues", this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(o), this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(o) + this.getLight().getDepthMaxZ(o), t));
}, r.prototype.getTransformMatrix = function() {
var t = this._scene;
if (this._currentRenderID === t.getRenderId() && this._currentFaceIndexCache === this._currentFaceIndex)
return this._transformMatrix;
this._currentRenderID = t.getRenderId(), this._currentFaceIndexCache = this._currentFaceIndex;
var e = this._light.position;
if (this._light.computeTransformedInformation() && (e = this._light.transformedPosition), u.e.NormalizeToRef(this._light.getShadowDirection(this._currentFaceIndex), this._lightDirection), Math.abs(u.e.Dot(this._lightDirection, u.e.Up())) === 1 && (this._lightDirection.z = 1e-13), this._light.needProjectionMatrixCompute() || !this._cachedPosition || !this._cachedDirection || !e.equals(this._cachedPosition) || !this._lightDirection.equals(this._cachedDirection)) {
this._cachedPosition.copyFrom(e), this._cachedDirection.copyFrom(this._lightDirection), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(e, e.add(this._lightDirection), u.e.Up(), this._viewMatrix);
var n = this.getShadowMap();
if (n) {
var i = n.renderList;
i && this._light.setShadowProjectionMatrix(this._projectionMatrix, this._viewMatrix, i);
this._viewMatrix.multiplyToRef(this._projectionMatrix, this._transformMatrix);
return this._transformMatrix;
}, r.prototype.recreateShadowMap = function() {
var t = this._shadowMap;
if (t) {
var e = t.renderList;
this._disposeRTTandPostProcesses(), this._initializeGenerator(), this.filter = this.filter, this._applyFilterValues(), this._shadowMap.renderList = e;
}, r.prototype._disposeBlurPostProcesses = function() {
this._shadowMap2 && (this._shadowMap2.dispose(), this._shadowMap2 = null), this._boxBlurPostprocess && (this._boxBlurPostprocess.dispose(), this._boxBlurPostprocess = null), this._kernelBlurXPostprocess && (this._kernelBlurXPostprocess.dispose(), this._kernelBlurXPostprocess = null), this._kernelBlurYPostprocess && (this._kernelBlurYPostprocess.dispose(), this._kernelBlurYPostprocess = null), this._blurPostProcesses = [];
}, r.prototype._disposeRTTandPostProcesses = function() {
this._shadowMap && (this._shadowMap.dispose(), this._shadowMap = null), this._disposeBlurPostProcesses();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposeRTTandPostProcesses(), this._light && (this._light._shadowGenerator = null, this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty()), this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderMeshObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeShadowMapRenderObservable.clear(), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderMeshObservable.clear(), this.onAfterShadowMapRenderObservable.clear();
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {}, e = this.getShadowMap();
if (!e)
return t;
if (t.className = this.getClassName(), t.lightId =, =, t.mapSize = e.getRenderSize(), t.forceBackFacesOnly = this.forceBackFacesOnly, t.darkness = this.getDarkness(), t.transparencyShadow = this._transparencyShadow, t.frustumEdgeFalloff = this.frustumEdgeFalloff, t.bias = this.bias, t.normalBias = this.normalBias, t.usePercentageCloserFiltering = this.usePercentageCloserFiltering, t.useContactHardeningShadow = this.useContactHardeningShadow, t.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio = this.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio, t.filteringQuality = this.filteringQuality, t.useExponentialShadowMap = this.useExponentialShadowMap, t.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap, t.useCloseExponentialShadowMap = this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap, t.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap = this.useBlurExponentialShadowMap, t.usePoissonSampling = this.usePoissonSampling, t.depthScale = this.depthScale, t.blurBoxOffset = this.blurBoxOffset, t.blurKernel = this.blurKernel, t.blurScale = this.blurScale, t.useKernelBlur = this.useKernelBlur, t.renderList = [], e.renderList)
for (var n = 0; n < e.renderList.length; n++) {
var i = e.renderList[n];
return t;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
for (var i = e.getLightByID(t.lightId), o = n ? n(t.mapSize, i) : new r(t.mapSize, i), a = o.getShadowMap(), s = 0; s < t.renderList.length; s++)
e.getMeshesByID(t.renderList[s]).forEach(function(d) {
a && (a.renderList || (a.renderList = []), a.renderList.push(d));
return !== void 0 && ( =, o.forceBackFacesOnly = !!t.forceBackFacesOnly, t.darkness !== void 0 && o.setDarkness(t.darkness), t.transparencyShadow && o.setTransparencyShadow(!0), t.frustumEdgeFalloff !== void 0 && (o.frustumEdgeFalloff = t.frustumEdgeFalloff), t.bias !== void 0 && (o.bias = t.bias), t.normalBias !== void 0 && (o.normalBias = t.normalBias), t.usePercentageCloserFiltering ? o.usePercentageCloserFiltering = !0 : t.useContactHardeningShadow ? o.useContactHardeningShadow = !0 : t.usePoissonSampling ? o.usePoissonSampling = !0 : t.useExponentialShadowMap ? o.useExponentialShadowMap = !0 : t.useBlurExponentialShadowMap ? o.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = !0 : t.useCloseExponentialShadowMap ? o.useCloseExponentialShadowMap = !0 : t.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap ? o.useBlurCloseExponentialShadowMap = !0 : t.useVarianceShadowMap ? o.useExponentialShadowMap = !0 : t.useBlurVarianceShadowMap && (o.useBlurExponentialShadowMap = !0), t.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio !== void 0 && (o.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio = t.contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio), t.filteringQuality !== void 0 && (o.filteringQuality = t.filteringQuality), t.depthScale && (o.depthScale = t.depthScale), t.blurScale && (o.blurScale = t.blurScale), t.blurBoxOffset && (o.blurBoxOffset = t.blurBoxOffset), t.useKernelBlur && (o.useKernelBlur = t.useKernelBlur), t.blurKernel && (o.blurKernel = t.blurKernel), o;
throw En.a.WarnImport("ShadowGeneratorSceneComponent");
}, r;
}(), b_ = `#ifdef ALPHATEST
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
varying float vDepthMetric;
#ifdef PACKED
void main(void)
if (texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV).a<0.4)
#ifdef PACKED
#ifdef PACKED
ze.a.ShadersStore.depthPixelShader = b_;
var T_ = `
attribute vec3 position;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform vec2 depthValues;
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(NEED_UV)
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
varying float vDepthMetric;
void main(void)
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(BASIC_RENDER)
#ifdef UV1
#ifdef UV2
ze.a.ShadersStore.depthVertexShader = T_;
var Qo = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
e === void 0 && (e = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT), n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = !1), this.enabled = !0, this.useOnlyInActiveCamera = !1, this._scene = t, this._storeNonLinearDepth = i, this.isPacked = e === h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, this.isPacked ? this._clearColor = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1) : this._clearColor = new I.b(1, 0, 0, 1), r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene), this._camera = n;
var a = t.getEngine(), s = this.isPacked || a.webGLVersion === 1 ? h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA : h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_R;
this._depthMap = new on("depthMap", { width: a.getRenderWidth(), height: a.getRenderHeight() }, this._scene, !1, !0, e, !1, void 0, void 0, void 0, void 0, s), this._depthMap.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._depthMap.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._depthMap.refreshRate = 1, this._depthMap.renderParticles = !1, this._depthMap.renderList = null, this._depthMap.activeCamera = this._camera, this._depthMap.ignoreCameraViewport = !0, this._depthMap.useCameraPostProcesses = !1, this._depthMap.onClearObservable.add(function(p) {
p.clear(o._clearColor, !0, !0, !0);
var d = function(p) {
var y = p.getRenderingMesh(), P = p.getEffectiveMesh(), R = o._scene, B = R.getEngine(), F = p.getMaterial();
if (P._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1, F && p.verticesCount !== 0 && p._renderId !== R.getRenderId()) {
B.setState(F.backFaceCulling, 0, !1, R.useRightHandedSystem);
var z = y._getInstancesRenderList(p._id, !!p.getReplacementMesh());
if (!z.mustReturn) {
var J = B.getCaps().instancedArrays && (z.visibleInstances[p._id] !== null && z.visibleInstances[p._id] !== void 0 || y.hasThinInstances), ie = o._camera || R.activeCamera;
if (o.isReady(p, J) && ie) {
if (p._renderId = R.getRenderId(), B.enableEffect(o._effect), y._bind(p, o._effect, F.fillMode), o._effect.setMatrix("viewProjection", R.getTransformMatrix()), o._effect.setFloat2("depthValues", ie.minZ, ie.minZ + ie.maxZ), F && F.needAlphaTesting()) {
var se = F.getAlphaTestTexture();
se && (o._effect.setTexture("diffuseSampler", se), o._effect.setMatrix("diffuseMatrix", se.getTextureMatrix()));
y.useBones && y.computeBonesUsingShaders && y.skeleton && o._effect.setMatrices("mBones", y.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(y)), $e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(y, o._effect), y._processRendering(P, p, o._effect, F.fillMode, z, J, function(ce, ue) {
return o._effect.setMatrix("world", ue);
this._depthMap.customRenderFunction = function(p, y, P, R) {
var B;
if (R.length) {
for (a.setColorWrite(!1), B = 0; B < R.length; B++)
for (B = 0; B < p.length; B++)
for (B = 0; B < y.length; B++)
return r.prototype.isReady = function(t, e) {
var n = t.getMaterial();
if (n.disableDepthWrite)
return !1;
var i = [], o = [Oe.b.PositionKind], a = t.getMesh();
n && n.needAlphaTesting() && n.getAlphaTestTexture() && (i.push("#define ALPHATEST"), a.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (o.push(Oe.b.UVKind), i.push("#define UV1")), a.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && (o.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), i.push("#define UV2"))), a.useBones && a.computeBonesUsingShaders ? (o.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), o.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsKind), a.numBoneInfluencers > 4 && (o.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), o.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind)), i.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + a.numBoneInfluencers), i.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (a.skeleton ? a.skeleton.bones.length + 1 : 0))) : i.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0");
var s = a.morphTargetManager, d = 0;
s && s.numInfluencers > 0 && (d = s.numInfluencers, i.push("#define MORPHTARGETS"), i.push("#define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS " + d), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargetsInfluencers(o, a, d)), e && (i.push("#define INSTANCES"), $e.a.PushAttributesForInstances(o), t.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances && i.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES")), this._storeNonLinearDepth && i.push("#define NONLINEARDEPTH"), this.isPacked && i.push("#define PACKED");
var p = i.join(`
return this._cachedDefines !== p && (this._cachedDefines = p, this._effect = this._scene.getEngine().createEffect("depth", o, ["world", "mBones", "viewProjection", "diffuseMatrix", "depthValues", "morphTargetInfluences"], ["diffuseSampler"], p, void 0, void 0, void 0, { maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: d })), this._effect.isReady();
}, r.prototype.getDepthMap = function() {
return this._depthMap;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("DepthRendererSceneComponent");
}, r;
}(), E_ = `attribute vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
#if defined(INITIAL)
uniform sampler2D sourceTexture;
uniform vec2 texSize;
void main(void)
ivec2 coord=ivec2(vUV*(texSize-1.0));
float f1=texelFetch(sourceTexture,coord,0).r;
float f2=texelFetch(sourceTexture,coord+ivec2(1,0),0).r;
float f3=texelFetch(sourceTexture,coord+ivec2(1,1),0).r;
float f4=texelFetch(sourceTexture,coord+ivec2(0,1),0).r;
float minz=min(min(min(f1,f2),f3),f4);
float maxz=max(max(max(sign(1.0-f1)*f1,sign(1.0-f2)*f2),sign(1.0-f3)*f3),sign(1.0-f4)*f4);
float maxz=max(max(max(f1,f2),f3),f4);
#elif defined(MAIN)
uniform vec2 texSize;
void main(void)
ivec2 coord=ivec2(vUV*(texSize-1.0));
vec2 f1=texelFetch(textureSampler,coord,0).rg;
vec2 f2=texelFetch(textureSampler,coord+ivec2(1,0),0).rg;
vec2 f3=texelFetch(textureSampler,coord+ivec2(1,1),0).rg;
vec2 f4=texelFetch(textureSampler,coord+ivec2(0,1),0).rg;
float minz=min(min(min(f1.x,f2.x),f3.x),f4.x);
float maxz=max(max(max(f1.y,f2.y),f3.y),f4.y);
#elif defined(ONEBEFORELAST)
uniform ivec2 texSize;
void main(void)
ivec2 coord=ivec2(vUV*vec2(texSize-1));
vec2 f1=texelFetch(textureSampler,coord % texSize,0).rg;
vec2 f2=texelFetch(textureSampler,(coord+ivec2(1,0)) % texSize,0).rg;
vec2 f3=texelFetch(textureSampler,(coord+ivec2(1,1)) % texSize,0).rg;
vec2 f4=texelFetch(textureSampler,(coord+ivec2(0,1)) % texSize,0).rg;
float minz=min(f1.x,f2.x);
float maxz=max(f1.y,f2.y);
#elif defined(LAST)
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.minmaxReduxPixelShader = E_;
var yu = function() {
function r(t) {
this.onAfterReductionPerformed = new C.c(), this._forceFullscreenViewport = !0, this._activated = !1, this._camera = t, this._postProcessManager = new es.a(t.getScene());
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "sourceTexture", { get: function() {
return this._sourceTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setSourceTexture = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT), i === void 0 && (i = !0), t !== this._sourceTexture) {
this.dispose(!1), this._sourceTexture = t, this._reductionSteps = [], this._forceFullscreenViewport = i;
var a = this._camera.getScene(), s = new ft("Initial reduction phase", "minmaxRedux", ["texSize"], ["sourceTexture"], 1, null, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_NEAREST, a.getEngine(), !1, "#define INITIAL" + (e ? `
#define DEPTH_REDUX` : ""), n, void 0, void 0, void 0, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RG);
s.autoClear = !1, s.forceFullscreenViewport = i;
var d = this._sourceTexture.getRenderWidth(), p = this._sourceTexture.getRenderHeight();
s.onApply = function(R, B) {
return function(F) {
F.setTexture("sourceTexture", o._sourceTexture), F.setFloatArray2("texSize", new Float32Array([R, B]));
}(d, p), this._reductionSteps.push(s);
for (var y = 1; d > 1 || p > 1; ) {
d = Math.max(Math.round(d / 2), 1), p = Math.max(Math.round(p / 2), 1);
var P = new ft("Reduction phase " + y, "minmaxRedux", ["texSize"], null, { width: d, height: p }, null, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_NEAREST, a.getEngine(), !1, "#define " + (d == 1 && p == 1 ? "LAST" : d == 1 || p == 1 ? "ONEBEFORELAST" : "MAIN"), n, void 0, void 0, void 0, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RG);
P.autoClear = !1, P.forceFullscreenViewport = i, P.onApply = function(R, B) {
return function(F) {
R == 1 || B == 1 ? F.setIntArray2("texSize", new Int32Array([R, B])) : F.setFloatArray2("texSize", new Float32Array([R, B]));
}(d, p), this._reductionSteps.push(P), y++, d == 1 && p == 1 && P.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function(R, B, F) {
var z = new Float32Array(4 * R * B), J = { min: 0, max: 0 };
return function() {
a.getEngine()._readTexturePixels(F.inputTexture, R, B, -1, 0, z), J.min = z[0], J.max = z[1], o.onAfterReductionPerformed.notifyObservers(J);
}(d, p, P));
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "refreshRate", { get: function() {
return this._sourceTexture ? this._sourceTexture.refreshRate : -1;
}, set: function(t) {
this._sourceTexture && (this._sourceTexture.refreshRate = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "activated", { get: function() {
return this._activated;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.activate = function() {
var t = this;
!this._onAfterUnbindObserver && this._sourceTexture && (this._onAfterUnbindObserver = this._sourceTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
t._reductionSteps[0].activate(t._camera), t._postProcessManager.directRender(t._reductionSteps, t._reductionSteps[0].inputTexture, t._forceFullscreenViewport), t._camera.getScene().getEngine().unBindFramebuffer(t._reductionSteps[0].inputTexture, !1);
}), this._activated = !0);
}, r.prototype.deactivate = function() {
this._onAfterUnbindObserver && this._sourceTexture && (this._sourceTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.remove(this._onAfterUnbindObserver), this._onAfterUnbindObserver = null, this._activated = !1);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = !0), t && this.onAfterReductionPerformed.clear(), this.deactivate(), this._reductionSteps) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._reductionSteps.length; ++e)
this._reductionSteps = null;
this._postProcessManager && t && this._postProcessManager.dispose(), this._sourceTexture = null;
}, r;
}(), bu = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthRenderer", { get: function() {
return this._depthRenderer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.setDepthRenderer = function(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = null), n === void 0 && (n = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT), i === void 0 && (i = !0);
var o = this._camera.getScene();
this._depthRenderer && (delete o._depthRenderer[this._depthRendererId], this._depthRenderer.dispose(), this._depthRenderer = null), e === null && (o._depthRenderer || (o._depthRenderer = {}), (e = this._depthRenderer = new Qo(o, n, this._camera, !1)).enabled = !1, this._depthRendererId = "minmax" +, o._depthRenderer[this._depthRendererId] = e),, e.getDepthMap(), !0, n, i);
}, t.prototype.setSourceTexture = function(e, n, i, o) {
i === void 0 && (i = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT), o === void 0 && (o = !0),, e, n, i, o);
}, t.prototype.activate = function() {
this._depthRenderer && (this._depthRenderer.enabled = !0),;
}, t.prototype.deactivate = function() {, this._depthRenderer && (this._depthRenderer.enabled = !1);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !0),, e), this._depthRenderer && e) {
var n = this._depthRenderer.getDepthMap().getScene();
n && delete n._depthRenderer[this._depthRendererId], this._depthRenderer.dispose(), this._depthRenderer = null;
}, t;
}(yu), Tu = u.e.Up(), S_ = u.e.Zero(), mn = new u.e(), Tr = new u.e(), Er = new u.a(), Eu = new u.a(), Ds = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (t.IsSupported)
return (o =, e, n, i) || this).usePercentageCloserFiltering = !0, o;
l.a.Error("CascadedShadowMap needs WebGL 2 support.");
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._validateFilter = function(e) {
return e === Fn.FILTER_NONE || e === Fn.FILTER_PCF || e === Fn.FILTER_PCSS ? e : (console.error('Unsupported filter "' + e + '"!'), Fn.FILTER_NONE);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "numCascades", { get: function() {
return this._numCascades;
}, set: function(e) {
(e = Math.min(Math.max(e, t.MIN_CASCADES_COUNT), t.MAX_CASCADES_COUNT)) !== this._numCascades && (this._numCascades = e, this.recreateShadowMap());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo", { get: function() {
return this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo;
}, set: function(e) {
this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable && e && (this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable), this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable = null), this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable || e || (this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable = this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(this._computeShadowCastersBoundingInfo.bind(this))), this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo = e, e && this._computeShadowCastersBoundingInfo();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._computeShadowCastersBoundingInfo = function() {
if (this._scbiMin.copyFromFloats(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._scbiMax.copyFromFloats(Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE), this._shadowMap && this._shadowMap.renderList) {
for (var e = this._shadowMap.renderList, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (a = e[n]) {
var i = a.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox;
this._scbiMin.minimizeInPlace(i.minimumWorld), this._scbiMax.maximizeInPlace(i.maximumWorld);
var o = this._scene.meshes;
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {
var a;
(a = o[n]) && a.isVisible && a.isEnabled && a.receiveShadows && (i = a.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox, this._scbiMin.minimizeInPlace(i.minimumWorld), this._scbiMax.maximizeInPlace(i.maximumWorld));
this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo.reConstruct(this._scbiMin, this._scbiMax);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowCastersBoundingInfo", { get: function() {
return this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.setMinMaxDistance = function(e, n) {
this._minDistance === e && this._maxDistance === n || (e > n && (e = 0, n = 1), e < 0 && (e = 0), n > 1 && (n = 1), this._minDistance = e, this._maxDistance = n, this._breaksAreDirty = !0);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "minDistance", { get: function() {
return this._minDistance;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "maxDistance", { get: function() {
return this._maxDistance;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return t.CLASSNAME;
}, t.prototype.getCascadeMinExtents = function(e) {
return e >= 0 && e < this._numCascades ? this._cascadeMinExtents[e] : null;
}, t.prototype.getCascadeMaxExtents = function(e) {
return e >= 0 && e < this._numCascades ? this._cascadeMaxExtents[e] : null;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowMaxZ", { get: function() {
return this._scene && this._scene.activeCamera ? this._shadowMaxZ : 0;
}, set: function(e) {
this._scene && this._scene.activeCamera ? this._shadowMaxZ === e || e < this._scene.activeCamera.minZ || e > this._scene.activeCamera.maxZ || (this._shadowMaxZ = e, this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty(), this._breaksAreDirty = !0) : this._shadowMaxZ = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "debug", { get: function() {
return this._debug;
}, set: function(e) {
this._debug = e, this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthClamp", { get: function() {
return this._depthClamp;
}, set: function(e) {
this._depthClamp = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cascadeBlendPercentage", { get: function() {
return this._cascadeBlendPercentage;
}, set: function(e) {
this._cascadeBlendPercentage = e, this._light._markMeshesAsLightDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lambda", { get: function() {
return this._lambda;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = Math.min(Math.max(e, 0), 1);
this._lambda != n && (this._lambda = n, this._breaksAreDirty = !0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getCascadeViewMatrix = function(e) {
return e >= 0 && e < this._numCascades ? this._viewMatrices[e] : null;
}, t.prototype.getCascadeProjectionMatrix = function(e) {
return e >= 0 && e < this._numCascades ? this._projectionMatrices[e] : null;
}, t.prototype.getCascadeTransformMatrix = function(e) {
return e >= 0 && e < this._numCascades ? this._transformMatrices[e] : null;
}, t.prototype.setDepthRenderer = function(e) {
this._depthRenderer = e, this._depthReducer && this._depthReducer.setDepthRenderer(this._depthRenderer);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "autoCalcDepthBounds", { get: function() {
return this._autoCalcDepthBounds;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this, i = this._scene.activeCamera;
if (i) {
if (this._autoCalcDepthBounds = e, !e)
return this._depthReducer && this._depthReducer.deactivate(), void this.setMinMaxDistance(0, 1);
this._depthReducer || (this._depthReducer = new bu(i), this._depthReducer.onAfterReductionPerformed.add(function(o) {
var a = o.min, s = o.max;
a >= s && (a = 0, s = 1), a == n._minDistance && s == n._maxDistance || n.setMinMaxDistance(a, s);
}), this._depthReducer.setDepthRenderer(this._depthRenderer)), this._depthReducer.activate();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "autoCalcDepthBoundsRefreshRate", { get: function() {
var e, n, i;
return (i = (n = (e = this._depthReducer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.depthRenderer) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getDepthMap().refreshRate) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : -1;
}, set: function(e) {
var n;
!((n = this._depthReducer) === null || n === void 0) && n.depthRenderer && (this._depthReducer.depthRenderer.getDepthMap().refreshRate = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.splitFrustum = function() {
this._breaksAreDirty = !0;
}, t.prototype._splitFrustum = function() {
var e = this._scene.activeCamera;
if (e) {
for (var n = e.minZ, i = e.maxZ, o = i - n, a = this._minDistance, s = n + a * o, d = n + (this._shadowMaxZ < i && this._shadowMaxZ >= n ? Math.min((this._shadowMaxZ - n) / (i - n), this._maxDistance) : this._maxDistance) * o, p = d - s, y = d / s, P = 0; P < this._cascades.length; ++P) {
var R = (P + 1) / this._numCascades, B = s * Math.pow(y, R), F = s + p * R, z = this._lambda * (B - F) + F;
this._cascades[P].prevBreakDistance = P === 0 ? a : this._cascades[P - 1].breakDistance, this._cascades[P].breakDistance = (z - n) / o, this._viewSpaceFrustumsZ[P] = n + this._cascades[P].breakDistance * o, this._frustumLengths[P] = (this._cascades[P].breakDistance - this._cascades[P].prevBreakDistance) * o;
this._breaksAreDirty = !1;
}, t.prototype._computeMatrices = function() {
if (this._scene.activeCamera) {
u.e.NormalizeToRef(this._light.getShadowDirection(0), this._lightDirection), Math.abs(u.e.Dot(this._lightDirection, u.e.Up())) === 1 && (this._lightDirection.z = 1e-13), this._cachedDirection.copyFrom(this._lightDirection);
for (var e = 0; e < this._numCascades; ++e) {
this._computeFrustumInWorldSpace(e), this._computeCascadeFrustum(e), this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].subtractToRef(this._cascadeMinExtents[e], mn), this._frustumCenter[e].addToRef(this._lightDirection.scale(this._cascadeMinExtents[e].z), this._shadowCameraPos[e]), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(this._shadowCameraPos[e], this._frustumCenter[e], Tu, this._viewMatrices[e]);
var n = 0, i = mn.z, o = this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo;
o.update(this._viewMatrices[e]), i = Math.min(i, o.boundingBox.maximumWorld.z), n = this._depthClamp && this.filter !== Fn.FILTER_PCSS ? Math.max(n, o.boundingBox.minimumWorld.z) : Math.min(n, o.boundingBox.minimumWorld.z), u.a.OrthoOffCenterLHToRef(this._cascadeMinExtents[e].x, this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].x, this._cascadeMinExtents[e].y, this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].y, n, i, this._projectionMatrices[e]), this._cascadeMinExtents[e].z = n, this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].z = i, this._viewMatrices[e].multiplyToRef(this._projectionMatrices[e], this._transformMatrices[e]), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(S_, this._transformMatrices[e], mn), mn.scaleInPlace(this._mapSize / 2), Tr.copyFromFloats(Math.round(mn.x), Math.round(mn.y), Math.round(mn.z)), Tr.subtractInPlace(mn).scaleInPlace(2 / this._mapSize), u.a.TranslationToRef(Tr.x, Tr.y, 0, Er), this._projectionMatrices[e].multiplyToRef(Er, this._projectionMatrices[e]), this._viewMatrices[e].multiplyToRef(this._projectionMatrices[e], this._transformMatrices[e]), this._transformMatrices[e].copyToArray(this._transformMatricesAsArray, 16 * e);
}, t.prototype._computeFrustumInWorldSpace = function(e) {
if (this._scene.activeCamera) {
var n = this._cascades[e].prevBreakDistance, i = this._cascades[e].breakDistance;
for (var o = u.a.Invert(this._scene.activeCamera.getTransformationMatrix()), a = 0; a < t.frustumCornersNDCSpace.length; ++a)
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(t.frustumCornersNDCSpace[a], o, this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a]);
for (a = 0; a < t.frustumCornersNDCSpace.length / 2; ++a)
mn.copyFrom(this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a + 4]).subtractInPlace(this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a]), Tr.copyFrom(mn).scaleInPlace(n), mn.scaleInPlace(i), mn.addInPlace(this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a]), this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a + 4].copyFrom(mn), this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][a].addInPlace(Tr);
}, t.prototype._computeCascadeFrustum = function(e) {
if (this._cascadeMinExtents[e].copyFromFloats(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE), this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].copyFromFloats(Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE), this._frustumCenter[e].copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), this._scene.activeCamera) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e].length; ++n)
if (this._frustumCenter[e].scaleInPlace(1 / this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e].length), this.stabilizeCascades) {
var i = 0;
for (n = 0; n < this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e].length; ++n) {
var o = this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][n].subtractToRef(this._frustumCenter[e], mn).length();
i = Math.max(i, o);
i = Math.ceil(16 * i) / 16, this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].copyFromFloats(i, i, i), this._cascadeMinExtents[e].copyFromFloats(-i, -i, -i);
} else {
var a = this._frustumCenter[e];
for (this._frustumCenter[e].addToRef(this._lightDirection, mn), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(a, mn, Tu, Er), n = 0; n < this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e].length; ++n)
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[e][n], Er, mn), this._cascadeMinExtents[e].minimizeInPlace(mn), this._cascadeMaxExtents[e].maximizeInPlace(mn);
}, Object.defineProperty(t, "IsSupported", { get: function() {
var e = te.a.LastCreatedEngine;
return !!e && e.webGLVersion != 1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._initializeGenerator = function() {
var e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe;
this.penumbraDarkness = (e = this.penumbraDarkness) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : 1, this._numCascades = (n = this._numCascades) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : t.DEFAULT_CASCADES_COUNT, this.stabilizeCascades = (i = this.stabilizeCascades) !== null && i !== void 0 && i, this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable = (o = this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : null, this.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo = (a = this.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo) !== null && a !== void 0 && a, this._scbiMin = (s = this._scbiMin) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._scbiMax = (d = this._scbiMax) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : new u.e(0, 0, 0), this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo = (p = this._shadowCastersBoundingInfo) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Ii.a(new u.e(0, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, 0)), this._breaksAreDirty = (y = this._breaksAreDirty) === null || y === void 0 || y, this._minDistance = (P = this._minDistance) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : 0, this._maxDistance = (R = this._maxDistance) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : 1, this._currentLayer = (B = this._currentLayer) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : 0, this._shadowMaxZ = (J = (F = this._shadowMaxZ) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : (z = this._scene.activeCamera) === null || z === void 0 ? void 0 : z.maxZ) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : 1e4, this._debug = (ie = this._debug) !== null && ie !== void 0 && ie, this._depthClamp = (se = this._depthClamp) === null || se === void 0 || se, this._cascadeBlendPercentage = (ce = this._cascadeBlendPercentage) !== null && ce !== void 0 ? ce : 0.1, this._lambda = (ue = this._lambda) !== null && ue !== void 0 ? ue : 0.5, this._autoCalcDepthBounds = (fe = this._autoCalcDepthBounds) !== null && fe !== void 0 && fe,;
}, t.prototype._createTargetRenderTexture = function() {
var e = { width: this._mapSize, height: this._mapSize, layers: this.numCascades };
this._shadowMap = new on( + "_shadowMap", e, this._scene, !1, !0, this._textureType, !1, void 0, !1, !1, void 0), this._shadowMap.createDepthStencilTexture(h.a.LESS, !0);
}, t.prototype._initializeShadowMap = function() {
var e = this;
if (, this._shadowMap !== null) {
this._transformMatricesAsArray = new Float32Array(16 * this._numCascades), this._viewSpaceFrustumsZ = new Array(this._numCascades), this._frustumLengths = new Array(this._numCascades), this._lightSizeUVCorrection = new Array(2 * this._numCascades), this._depthCorrection = new Array(this._numCascades), this._cascades = [], this._viewMatrices = [], this._projectionMatrices = [], this._transformMatrices = [], this._cascadeMinExtents = [], this._cascadeMaxExtents = [], this._frustumCenter = [], this._shadowCameraPos = [], this._frustumCornersWorldSpace = [];
for (var n = 0; n < this._numCascades; ++n) {
this._cascades[n] = { prevBreakDistance: 0, breakDistance: 0 }, this._viewMatrices[n] = u.a.Zero(), this._projectionMatrices[n] = u.a.Zero(), this._transformMatrices[n] = u.a.Zero(), this._cascadeMinExtents[n] = new u.e(), this._cascadeMaxExtents[n] = new u.e(), this._frustumCenter[n] = new u.e(), this._shadowCameraPos[n] = new u.e(), this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[n] = new Array(t.frustumCornersNDCSpace.length);
for (var i = 0; i < t.frustumCornersNDCSpace.length; ++i)
this._frustumCornersWorldSpace[n][i] = new u.e();
this._shadowMap.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function(o) {
if (e._currentLayer = o, e._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer().useUbo) {
var a = e._scene.getSceneUniformBuffer();
a.updateMatrix("viewProjection", e.getCascadeTransformMatrix(o)), a.updateMatrix("view", e.getCascadeViewMatrix(o)), a.update();
}), this._shadowMap.onBeforeBindObservable.add(function() {
e._breaksAreDirty && e._splitFrustum(), e._computeMatrices();
}), this._splitFrustum();
}, t.prototype._bindCustomEffectForRenderSubMeshForShadowMap = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a, s, d, p, y, P;
n.setMatrix((a = i == null ? void 0 : i.viewProjection) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : "viewProjection", this.getCascadeTransformMatrix(this._currentLayer)), n.setMatrix((s = i == null ? void 0 : i.view) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "view", this.getCascadeViewMatrix(this._currentLayer)), n.setMatrix((d = i == null ? void 0 : i.projection) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : "projection", this.getCascadeProjectionMatrix(this._currentLayer));
var R = o.getWorldMatrix();
n.setMatrix((p = i == null ? void 0 : !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "world", R), R.multiplyToRef(this.getCascadeTransformMatrix(this._currentLayer), Er), n.setMatrix((y = i == null ? void 0 : i.worldViewProjection) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : "worldViewProjection", Er), R.multiplyToRef(this.getCascadeViewMatrix(this._currentLayer), Eu), n.setMatrix((P = i == null ? void 0 : i.worldView) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "worldView", Eu);
}, t.prototype._isReadyCustomDefines = function(e, n, i) {
e.push("#define SM_DEPTHCLAMP " + (this._depthClamp && this._filter !== Fn.FILTER_PCSS ? "1" : "0"));
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n) {, e, n);
var i = this._scene, o = this._light;
if (i.shadowsEnabled && o.shadowEnabled) {
e["SHADOWCSM" + n] = !0, e["SHADOWCSMDEBUG" + n] = this.debug, e["SHADOWCSMNUM_CASCADES" + n] = this.numCascades, e["SHADOWCSM_RIGHTHANDED" + n] = i.useRightHandedSystem;
var a = i.activeCamera;
a && this._shadowMaxZ < a.maxZ && (e["SHADOWCSMUSESHADOWMAXZ" + n] = !0), this.cascadeBlendPercentage === 0 && (e["SHADOWCSMNOBLEND" + n] = !0);
}, t.prototype.bindShadowLight = function(e, n) {
var i = this._light, o = this._scene;
if (o.shadowsEnabled && i.shadowEnabled) {
var a = o.activeCamera;
if (a) {
var s = this.getShadowMap();
if (s) {
var d = s.getSize().width;
if (n.setMatrices("lightMatrix" + e, this._transformMatricesAsArray), n.setArray("viewFrustumZ" + e, this._viewSpaceFrustumsZ), n.setFloat("cascadeBlendFactor" + e, this.cascadeBlendPercentage === 0 ? 1e4 : 1 / this.cascadeBlendPercentage), n.setArray("frustumLengths" + e, this._frustumLengths), this._filter === Fn.FILTER_PCF)
n.setDepthStencilTexture("shadowSampler" + e, s), i._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), d, 1 / d, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, e);
else if (this._filter === Fn.FILTER_PCSS) {
for (var p = 0; p < this._numCascades; ++p)
this._lightSizeUVCorrection[2 * p + 0] = p === 0 ? 1 : (this._cascadeMaxExtents[0].x - this._cascadeMinExtents[0].x) / (this._cascadeMaxExtents[p].x - this._cascadeMinExtents[p].x), this._lightSizeUVCorrection[2 * p + 1] = p === 0 ? 1 : (this._cascadeMaxExtents[0].y - this._cascadeMinExtents[0].y) / (this._cascadeMaxExtents[p].y - this._cascadeMinExtents[p].y), this._depthCorrection[p] = p === 0 ? 1 : (this._cascadeMaxExtents[p].z - this._cascadeMinExtents[p].z) / (this._cascadeMaxExtents[0].z - this._cascadeMinExtents[0].z);
n.setDepthStencilTexture("shadowSampler" + e, s), n.setTexture("depthSampler" + e, s), n.setArray2("lightSizeUVCorrection" + e, this._lightSizeUVCorrection), n.setArray("depthCorrection" + e, this._depthCorrection), n.setFloat("penumbraDarkness" + e, this.penumbraDarkness), i._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), 1 / d, this._contactHardeningLightSizeUVRatio * d, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, e);
} else
n.setTexture("shadowSampler" + e, s), i._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("shadowsInfo", this.getDarkness(), d, 1 / d, this.frustumEdgeFalloff, e);
i._uniformBuffer.updateFloat2("depthValues", this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(a), this.getLight().getDepthMinZ(a) + this.getLight().getDepthMaxZ(a), e);
}, t.prototype.getTransformMatrix = function() {
return this.getCascadeTransformMatrix(0);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {, this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable && (this._scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable), this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfoObservable = null), this._depthReducer && (this._depthReducer.dispose(), this._depthReducer = null);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =, n = this.getShadowMap();
if (!n)
return e;
if (e.numCascades = this._numCascades, e.debug = this._debug, e.stabilizeCascades = this.stabilizeCascades, e.lambda = this._lambda, e.cascadeBlendPercentage = this.cascadeBlendPercentage, e.depthClamp = this._depthClamp, e.autoCalcDepthBounds = this.autoCalcDepthBounds, e.shadowMaxZ = this._shadowMaxZ, e.penumbraDarkness = this.penumbraDarkness, e.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo = this._freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo, e.minDistance = this.minDistance, e.maxDistance = this.maxDistance, e.renderList = [], n.renderList)
for (var i = 0; i < n.renderList.length; i++) {
var o = n.renderList[i];
return e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n) {
var i = Fn.Parse(e, n, function(o, a) {
return new t(o, a);
return e.numCascades !== void 0 && (i.numCascades = e.numCascades), e.debug !== void 0 && (i.debug = e.debug), e.stabilizeCascades !== void 0 && (i.stabilizeCascades = e.stabilizeCascades), e.lambda !== void 0 && (i.lambda = e.lambda), e.cascadeBlendPercentage !== void 0 && (i.cascadeBlendPercentage = e.cascadeBlendPercentage), e.depthClamp !== void 0 && (i.depthClamp = e.depthClamp), e.autoCalcDepthBounds !== void 0 && (i.autoCalcDepthBounds = e.autoCalcDepthBounds), e.shadowMaxZ !== void 0 && (i.shadowMaxZ = e.shadowMaxZ), e.penumbraDarkness !== void 0 && (i.penumbraDarkness = e.penumbraDarkness), e.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo !== void 0 && (i.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo = e.freezeShadowCastersBoundingInfo), e.minDistance !== void 0 && e.maxDistance !== void 0 && i.setMinMaxDistance(e.minDistance, e.maxDistance), i;
}, t.frustumCornersNDCSpace = [new u.e(-1, 1, -1), new u.e(1, 1, -1), new u.e(1, -1, -1), new u.e(-1, -1, -1), new u.e(-1, 1, 1), new u.e(1, 1, 1), new u.e(1, -1, 1), new u.e(-1, -1, 1)], t.CLASSNAME = "CascadedShadowGenerator", t.DEFAULT_CASCADES_COUNT = 4, t.MIN_CASCADES_COUNT = 2, t.MAX_CASCADES_COUNT = 4, t._SceneComponentInitialization = function(e) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("ShadowGeneratorSceneComponent");
}, t;
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_SHADOWGENERATOR, function(r, t) {
if (r.shadowGenerators !== void 0 && r.shadowGenerators !== null)
for (var e = 0, n = r.shadowGenerators.length; e < n; e++) {
var i = r.shadowGenerators[e];
i.className === Ds.CLASSNAME ? Ds.Parse(i, t) : Fn.Parse(i, t);
var Su = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_SHADOWGENERATOR, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._gatherRenderTargetsStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_GATHERRENDERTARGETS_SHADOWGENERATOR, this, this._gatherRenderTargets);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
t.shadowGenerators = [];
for (var e = 0, n = this.scene.lights; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e].getShadowGenerator();
i && t.shadowGenerators.push(i.serialize());
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype._gatherRenderTargets = function(t) {
var e = this.scene;
if (this.scene.shadowsEnabled)
for (var n = 0; n < e.lights.length; n++) {
var i = e.lights[n], o = i.getShadowGenerator();
if (i.isEnabled() && i.shadowEnabled && o) {
var a = o.getShadowMap();
e.textures.indexOf(a) !== -1 && t.push(a);
}, r;
Fn._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_SHADOWGENERATOR);
t || (t = new Su(r), r._addComponent(t));
}, Q.a.AddNodeConstructor("Light_Type_0", function(r, t) {
return function() {
return new Ls(r, u.e.Zero(), t);
var Ls = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, e, i) || this;
return o._shadowAngle = Math.PI / 2, o.position = n, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadowAngle", { get: function() {
return this._shadowAngle;
}, set: function(e) {
this._shadowAngle = e, this.forceProjectionMatrixCompute();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "direction", { get: function() {
return this._direction;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this.needCube();
this._direction = e, this.needCube() !== n && this._shadowGenerator && this._shadowGenerator.recreateShadowMap();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PointLight";
}, t.prototype.getTypeID = function() {
}, t.prototype.needCube = function() {
return !this.direction;
}, t.prototype.getShadowDirection = function(e) {
if (this.direction)
return, e);
switch (e) {
case 0:
return new u.e(1, 0, 0);
case 1:
return new u.e(-1, 0, 0);
case 2:
return new u.e(0, -1, 0);
case 3:
return new u.e(0, 1, 0);
case 4:
return new u.e(0, 0, 1);
case 5:
return new u.e(0, 0, -1);
return u.e.Zero();
}, t.prototype._setDefaultShadowProjectionMatrix = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene().activeCamera;
o && u.a.PerspectiveFovLHToRef(this.shadowAngle, 1, this.getDepthMinZ(o), this.getDepthMaxZ(o), e);
}, t.prototype._buildUniformLayout = function() {
this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightData", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightDiffuse", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightSpecular", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("vLightFalloff", 4), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("shadowsInfo", 3), this._uniformBuffer.addUniform("depthValues", 2), this._uniformBuffer.create();
}, t.prototype.transferToEffect = function(e, n) {
return this.computeTransformedInformation() ? this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.transformedPosition.x, this.transformedPosition.y, this.transformedPosition.z, 0, n) : this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightData", this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z, 0, n), this._uniformBuffer.updateFloat4("vLightFalloff", this.range, this._inverseSquaredRange, 0, 0, n), this;
}, t.prototype.transferToNodeMaterialEffect = function(e, n) {
return this.computeTransformedInformation() ? e.setFloat3(n, this.transformedPosition.x, this.transformedPosition.y, this.transformedPosition.z) : e.setFloat3(n, this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z), this;
}, t.prototype.prepareLightSpecificDefines = function(e, n) {
e["POINTLIGHT" + n] = !0;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "shadowAngle", null), t;
}(ko), Au = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = "black"), this._renderingCanvas = t, this._loadingText = e, this._loadingDivBackgroundColor = n, this._resizeLoadingUI = function() {
var o = i._renderingCanvas.getBoundingClientRect(), a = window.getComputedStyle(i._renderingCanvas).position;
i._loadingDiv && ( = a === "fixed" ? "fixed" : "absolute", = o.left + "px", = + "px", = o.width + "px", = o.height + "px");
return r.prototype.displayLoadingUI = function() {
if (!this._loadingDiv) {
this._loadingDiv = document.createElement("div"), = "babylonjsLoadingDiv", = "0", = "opacity 1.5s ease", = "none", = "grid", = "100%", = "100%", = "center", = "center", this._loadingTextDiv = document.createElement("div"), = "absolute", = "0", = "50%", = "80px", = "100%", = "20px", = "Arial", = "14px", = "white", = "center", = "1", this._loadingTextDiv.innerHTML = "Loading", this._loadingDiv.appendChild(this._loadingTextDiv), this._loadingTextDiv.innerHTML = this._loadingText;
var t = document.createElement("style");
t.type = "text/css", t.innerHTML = `@-webkit-keyframes spin1 { 0% { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);}
100% { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}
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100% { transform: rotate(360deg);}
}`, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t);
var e = !!window.SVGSVGElement, n = new Image();
r.DefaultLogoUrl ? n.src = r.DefaultLogoUrl : n.src = e ? "" : "", = "150px", = "1", = "1", = "50%", = "50%", = "translate(-50%, -50%)", = "absolute";
var i = document.createElement("div"); = "300px", = "1", = "1", = "50%", = "50%", = "translate(-50%, -50%)", = "absolute";
var o = new Image();
if (r.DefaultSpinnerUrl ? o.src = r.DefaultSpinnerUrl : o.src = e ? "" : "", = "spin1 0.75s infinite linear", = "spin1 0.75s infinite linear", = "50% 50%", = "50% 50%", !e) {
var a = { w: 16, h: 18.5 }, s = { w: 30, h: 30 }; = a.w + "vh", = a.h + "vh", = "calc(50% - " + a.w / 2 + "vh)", = "calc(50% - " + a.h / 2 + "vh)", = s.w + "vh", = s.h + "vh", = "calc(50% - " + s.w / 2 + "vh)", = "calc(50% - " + s.h / 2 + "vh)";
i.appendChild(o), this._loadingDiv.appendChild(n), this._loadingDiv.appendChild(i), this._resizeLoadingUI(), window.addEventListener("resize", this._resizeLoadingUI), = this._loadingDivBackgroundColor, document.body.appendChild(this._loadingDiv), = "1";
}, r.prototype.hideLoadingUI = function() {
var t = this;
this._loadingDiv && ( = "0", this._loadingDiv.addEventListener("transitionend", function() {
t._loadingDiv && (t._loadingDiv.parentElement && t._loadingDiv.parentElement.removeChild(t._loadingDiv), window.removeEventListener("resize", t._resizeLoadingUI), t._loadingDiv = null);
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "loadingUIText", { get: function() {
return this._loadingText;
}, set: function(t) {
this._loadingText = t, this._loadingTextDiv && (this._loadingTextDiv.innerHTML = this._loadingText);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "loadingUIBackgroundColor", { get: function() {
return this._loadingDivBackgroundColor;
}, set: function(t) {
this._loadingDivBackgroundColor = t, this._loadingDiv && ( = this._loadingDivBackgroundColor);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.DefaultLogoUrl = "", r.DefaultSpinnerUrl = "", r;
Ue.a.DefaultLoadingScreenFactory = function(r) {
return new Au(r);
var Ns = f(71), qi = f(68), ws = function() {
function r() {
return r.ConvertPanoramaToCubemap = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!t)
throw "ConvertPanoramaToCubemap: input cannot be null";
if (t.length != e * n * 3)
throw "ConvertPanoramaToCubemap: input size is wrong";
return { front: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_FRONT, t, e, n), back: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_BACK, t, e, n), left: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_LEFT, t, e, n), right: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_RIGHT, t, e, n), up: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_UP, t, e, n), down: this.CreateCubemapTexture(i, this.FACE_DOWN, t, e, n), size: i, type: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT, format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, gammaSpace: !1 };
}, r.CreateCubemapTexture = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = new ArrayBuffer(t * t * 4 * 3), s = new Float32Array(a), d = e[1].subtract(e[0]).scale(1 / t), p = e[3].subtract(e[2]).scale(1 / t), y = 1 / t, P = 0, R = 0; R < t; R++) {
for (var B = e[0], F = e[2], z = 0; z < t; z++) {
var J = F.subtract(B).scale(P).add(B);
var ie = this.CalcProjectionSpherical(J, n, i, o);
s[R * t * 3 + 3 * z + 0] = ie.r, s[R * t * 3 + 3 * z + 1] = ie.g, s[R * t * 3 + 3 * z + 2] = ie.b, B = B.add(d), F = F.add(p);
P += y;
return s;
}, r.CalcProjectionSpherical = function(t, e, n, i) {
for (var o = Math.atan2(t.z, t.x), a = Math.acos(t.y); o < -Math.PI; )
o += 2 * Math.PI;
for (; o > Math.PI; )
o -= 2 * Math.PI;
var s = o / Math.PI, d = a / Math.PI;
s = 0.5 * s + 0.5;
var p = Math.round(s * n);
p < 0 ? p = 0 : p >= n && (p = n - 1);
var y = Math.round(d * i);
y < 0 ? y = 0 : y >= i && (y = i - 1);
var P = i - y - 1;
return { r: e[P * n * 3 + 3 * p + 0], g: e[P * n * 3 + 3 * p + 1], b: e[P * n * 3 + 3 * p + 2] };
}, r.FACE_LEFT = [new u.e(-1, -1, -1), new u.e(1, -1, -1), new u.e(-1, 1, -1), new u.e(1, 1, -1)], r.FACE_RIGHT = [new u.e(1, -1, 1), new u.e(-1, -1, 1), new u.e(1, 1, 1), new u.e(-1, 1, 1)], r.FACE_FRONT = [new u.e(1, -1, -1), new u.e(1, -1, 1), new u.e(1, 1, -1), new u.e(1, 1, 1)], r.FACE_BACK = [new u.e(-1, -1, 1), new u.e(-1, -1, -1), new u.e(-1, 1, 1), new u.e(-1, 1, -1)], r.FACE_DOWN = [new u.e(1, 1, -1), new u.e(1, 1, 1), new u.e(-1, 1, -1), new u.e(-1, 1, 1)], r.FACE_UP = [new u.e(-1, -1, -1), new u.e(-1, -1, 1), new u.e(1, -1, -1), new u.e(1, -1, 1)], r;
}(), Pu = function() {
function r() {
return r.Ldexp = function(t, e) {
return e > 1023 ? t * Math.pow(2, 1023) * Math.pow(2, e - 1023) : e < -1074 ? t * Math.pow(2, -1074) * Math.pow(2, e + 1074) : t * Math.pow(2, e);
}, r.Rgbe2float = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
o > 0 ? (o = this.Ldexp(1, o - 136), t[a + 0] = e * o, t[a + 1] = n * o, t[a + 2] = i * o) : (t[a + 0] = 0, t[a + 1] = 0, t[a + 2] = 0);
}, r.readStringLine = function(t, e) {
for (var n = "", i = "", o = e; o < t.length - e && (i = String.fromCharCode(t[o])) != `
`; o++)
n += i;
return n;
}, r.RGBE_ReadHeader = function(t) {
var e, n, i = this.readStringLine(t, 0);
if (i[0] != "#" || i[1] != "?")
throw "Bad HDR Format.";
var o = !1, a = !1, s = 0;
s += i.length + 1, (i = this.readStringLine(t, s)) == "FORMAT=32-bit_rle_rgbe" ? a = !0 : i.length == 0 && (o = !0);
while (!o);
if (!a)
throw "HDR Bad header format, unsupported FORMAT";
s += i.length + 1, i = this.readStringLine(t, s);
var d = /^\-Y (.*) \+X (.*)$/g.exec(i);
if (!d || d.length < 3)
throw "HDR Bad header format, no size";
if (n = parseInt(d[2]), e = parseInt(d[1]), n < 8 || n > 32767)
throw "HDR Bad header format, unsupported size";
return { height: e, width: n, dataPosition: s += i.length + 1 };
}, r.GetCubeMapTextureData = function(t, e) {
var n = new Uint8Array(t), i = this.RGBE_ReadHeader(n), o = this.RGBE_ReadPixels(n, i);
return ws.ConvertPanoramaToCubemap(o, i.width, i.height, e);
}, r.RGBE_ReadPixels = function(t, e) {
return this.RGBE_ReadPixels_RLE(t, e);
}, r.RGBE_ReadPixels_RLE = function(t, e) {
for (var n, i, o, a, s, d = e.height, p = e.width, y = e.dataPosition, P = 0, R = 0, B = 0, F = new ArrayBuffer(4 * p), z = new Uint8Array(F), J = new ArrayBuffer(e.width * e.height * 4 * 3), ie = new Float32Array(J); d > 0; ) {
if (n = t[y++], i = t[y++], o = t[y++], a = t[y++], n != 2 || i != 2 || 128 & o || e.width < 8 || e.width > 32767)
return this.RGBE_ReadPixels_NOT_RLE(t, e);
if ((o << 8 | a) != p)
throw "HDR Bad header format, wrong scan line width";
for (P = 0, B = 0; B < 4; B++)
for (R = (B + 1) * p; P < R; )
if (n = t[y++], i = t[y++], n > 128) {
if ((s = n - 128) == 0 || s > R - P)
throw "HDR Bad Format, bad scanline data (run)";
for (; s-- > 0; )
z[P++] = i;
} else {
if ((s = n) == 0 || s > R - P)
throw "HDR Bad Format, bad scanline data (non-run)";
if (z[P++] = i, --s > 0)
for (var se = 0; se < s; se++)
z[P++] = t[y++];
for (B = 0; B < p; B++)
n = z[B], i = z[B + p], o = z[B + 2 * p], a = z[B + 3 * p], this.Rgbe2float(ie, n, i, o, a, (e.height - d) * p * 3 + 3 * B);
return ie;
}, r.RGBE_ReadPixels_NOT_RLE = function(t, e) {
for (var n, i, o, a, s, d = e.height, p = e.width, y = e.dataPosition, P = new ArrayBuffer(e.width * e.height * 4 * 3), R = new Float32Array(P); d > 0; ) {
for (s = 0; s < e.width; s++)
n = t[y++], i = t[y++], o = t[y++], a = t[y++], this.Rgbe2float(R, n, i, o, a, (e.height - d) * p * 3 + 3 * s);
return R;
}, r;
}(), xu = function() {
function r(t, e) {
var n;
e === void 0 && (e = r._DefaultOptions), this.engine = t, this._fullscreenViewport = new jn.a(0, 0, 1, 1), e = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, r._DefaultOptions), e), this._vertexBuffers = ((n = {})[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(t, e.positions, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2), n), this._indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(e.indices);
return r.prototype.setViewport = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = this._fullscreenViewport), this.engine.setViewport(t);
}, r.prototype.bindBuffers = function(t) {
this.engine.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, t);
}, r.prototype.applyEffectWrapper = function(t) {
this.engine.depthCullingState.depthTest = !1, this.engine.stencilState.stencilTest = !1, this.engine.enableEffect(t.effect), this.bindBuffers(t.effect), t.onApplyObservable.notifyObservers({});
}, r.prototype.restoreStates = function() {
this.engine.depthCullingState.depthTest = !0, this.engine.stencilState.stencilTest = !0;
}, r.prototype.draw = function() {
this.engine.drawElementsType(h.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode, 0, 6);
}, r.prototype.isRenderTargetTexture = function(t) {
return t.renderList !== void 0;
}, r.prototype.render = function(t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = null), t.effect.isReady()) {
var n = e === null ? null : this.isRenderTargetTexture(e) ? e.getInternalTexture() : e;
n && this.engine.bindFramebuffer(n), this.applyEffectWrapper(t), this.draw(), n && this.engine.unBindFramebuffer(n), this.restoreStates();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && (t.dispose(), delete this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind]), this._indexBuffer && this.engine._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer);
}, r._DefaultOptions = { positions: [1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1], indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3] }, r;
}(), Cu = function() {
function r(t) {
var e, n = this;
this.onApplyObservable = new C.c();
var i = t.uniformNames || [];
t.vertexShader ? e = { fragmentSource: t.fragmentShader, vertexSource: t.vertexShader, spectorName: || "effectWrapper" } : (i.push("scale"), e = { fragmentSource: t.fragmentShader, vertex: "postprocess", spectorName: || "effectWrapper" }, this.onApplyObservable.add(function() {
n.effect.setFloat2("scale", 1, 1);
var o = t.defines ? t.defines.join(`
`) : "";
t.useShaderStore ? (e.fragment = e.fragmentSource, e.vertex || (e.vertex = e.vertexSource), delete e.fragmentSource, delete e.vertexSource, this.effect = t.engine.createEffect(e.spectorName, t.attributeNames || ["position"], i, t.samplerNames, o, void 0, t.onCompiled)) : this.effect = new ze.a(e, t.attributeNames || ["position"], i, t.samplerNames, t.engine, o, void 0, t.onCompiled);
return r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
}(), A_ = `
attribute vec2 position;
varying vec3 direction;
uniform vec3 up;
uniform vec3 right;
uniform vec3 front;
void main(void) {
mat3 view=mat3(up,right,front);
ze.a.ShadersStore.hdrFilteringVertexShader = A_;
var P_ = `#include
uniform float alphaG;
uniform samplerCube inputTexture;
uniform vec2 vFilteringInfo;
uniform float hdrScale;
varying vec3 direction;
void main() {
vec3 color=radiance(alphaG,inputTexture,direction,vFilteringInfo);
ze.a.ShadersStore.hdrFilteringPixelShader = P_;
var Ru = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = {}), this._lodGenerationOffset = 0, this._lodGenerationScale = 0.8, this.quality = h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_OFFLINE, this.hdrScale = 1, this._engine = t, this.hdrScale = e.hdrScale || this.hdrScale, this.quality = e.hdrScale || this.quality;
return r.prototype._createRenderTarget = function(t) {
this._engine.getCaps().textureHalfFloatRender ? e = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : this._engine.getCaps().textureFloatRender && (e = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT);
var n = this._engine.createRenderTargetCubeTexture(t, { format: h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, type: e, generateMipMaps: !1, generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateStencilBuffer: !1, samplingMode: h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE });
return this._engine.updateTextureWrappingMode(n, h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE), this._engine.updateTextureSamplingMode(h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, n, !0), n;
}, r.prototype._prefilterInternal = function(t) {
var e = t.getSize().width, n = Math.round($.a.Log2(e)) + 1, i = this._effectWrapper.effect, o = this._createRenderTarget(e);
var a = t.getInternalTexture();
a && this._engine.updateTextureSamplingMode(h.a.TEXTURE_TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, a, !0), this._effectRenderer.applyEffectWrapper(this._effectWrapper);
var s = [[new u.e(0, 0, -1), new u.e(0, -1, 0), new u.e(1, 0, 0)], [new u.e(0, 0, 1), new u.e(0, -1, 0), new u.e(-1, 0, 0)], [new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, 1), new u.e(0, 1, 0)], [new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, 0, -1), new u.e(0, -1, 0)], [new u.e(1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, -1, 0), new u.e(0, 0, 1)], [new u.e(-1, 0, 0), new u.e(0, -1, 0), new u.e(0, 0, -1)]];
i.setFloat("hdrScale", this.hdrScale), i.setFloat2("vFilteringInfo", t.getSize().width, n), i.setTexture("inputTexture", t);
for (var d = 0; d < 6; d++) {
i.setVector3("up", s[d][0]), i.setVector3("right", s[d][1]), i.setVector3("front", s[d][2]);
for (var p = 0; p < n; p++) {
this._engine.bindFramebuffer(o, d, void 0, void 0, !0, p), this._effectRenderer.applyEffectWrapper(this._effectWrapper);
var y = Math.pow(2, (p - this._lodGenerationOffset) / this._lodGenerationScale) / e;
p === 0 && (y = 0), i.setFloat("alphaG", y), this._effectRenderer.draw();
return this._effectRenderer.restoreStates(), this._engine.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), this._engine._releaseFramebufferObjects(o), this._engine._releaseTexture(t._texture), o._swapAndDie(t._texture), t._prefiltered = !0, t;
}, r.prototype._createEffect = function(t, e) {
var n = [];
return t.gammaSpace && n.push("#define GAMMA_INPUT"), n.push("#define NUM_SAMPLES " + this.quality + "u"), new Cu({ engine: this._engine, name: "hdrFiltering", vertexShader: "hdrFiltering", fragmentShader: "hdrFiltering", samplerNames: ["inputTexture"], uniformNames: ["vSampleDirections", "vWeights", "up", "right", "front", "vFilteringInfo", "hdrScale", "alphaG"], useShaderStore: !0, defines: n, onCompiled: e });
}, r.prototype.isReady = function(t) {
return t.isReady() && this._effectWrapper.effect.isReady();
}, r.prototype.prefilter = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = null), this._engine.webGLVersion !== 1)
return new Promise(function(i) {
n._effectRenderer = new xu(n._engine), n._effectWrapper = n._createEffect(t), n._effectWrapper.effect.executeWhenCompiled(function() {
n._prefilterInternal(t), n._effectRenderer.dispose(), n._effectWrapper.dispose(), i(), e && e();
l.a.Warn("HDR prefiltering is not available in WebGL 1., you can use real time filtering instead.");
}, r;
}(), qo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
var P;
o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = !1), d === void 0 && (d = !1), p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = null);
var R =, n) || this;
return R._generateHarmonics = !0, R._onLoad = null, R._onError = null, R._isBlocking = !0, R._rotationY = 0, R.boundingBoxPosition = u.e.Zero(), e && (R._coordinatesMode = Ne.a.CUBIC_MODE, = e, R.url = e, R.hasAlpha = !1, R.isCube = !0, R._textureMatrix = u.a.Identity(), R._prefilterOnLoad = d, R._onLoad = p, R._onError = y, R.gammaSpace = s, R._noMipmap = o, R._size = i, R._generateHarmonics = a, R._texture = R._getFromCache(e, R._noMipmap), R._texture ? p && (R._texture.isReady ? Xe.b.SetImmediate(function() {
return p();
}) : R._texture.onLoadedObservable.add(p)) : !((P = R.getScene()) === null || P === void 0) && P.useDelayedTextureLoading ? R.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED : R.loadTexture()), R;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isBlocking", { get: function() {
return this._isBlocking;
}, set: function(e) {
this._isBlocking = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rotationY", { get: function() {
return this._rotationY;
}, set: function(e) {
this._rotationY = e, this.setReflectionTextureMatrix(u.a.RotationY(this._rotationY));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "boundingBoxSize", { get: function() {
return this._boundingBoxSize;
}, set: function(e) {
if (!this._boundingBoxSize || !this._boundingBoxSize.equals(e)) {
this._boundingBoxSize = e;
var n = this.getScene();
n && n.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "HDRCubeTexture";
}, t.prototype.loadTexture = function() {
var e = this, n = this._getEngine();
if (this._getEngine().webGLVersion >= 2 && this._prefilterOnLoad) {
var i = this._onLoad, o = new Ru(n);
this._onLoad = function() {
o.prefilter(e, i);
this._texture = n.createRawCubeTextureFromUrl(this.url, this.getScene(), this._size, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, n.getCaps().textureFloat ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, this._noMipmap, function(a) {
e.lodGenerationOffset = 0, e.lodGenerationScale = 0.8;
var s = Pu.GetCubeMapTextureData(a, e._size);
if (e._generateHarmonics) {
var d = Lo.ConvertCubeMapToSphericalPolynomial(s);
e.sphericalPolynomial = d;
for (var p = [], y = null, P = 0; P < 6; P++) {
if (!n.getCaps().textureFloat) {
var R = new ArrayBuffer(e._size * e._size * 3);
y = new Uint8Array(R);
var B = s[t._facesMapping[P]];
if (e.gammaSpace || y) {
for (var F = 0; F < e._size * e._size; F++)
if (e.gammaSpace && (B[3 * F + 0] = Math.pow(B[3 * F + 0], Vt.b), B[3 * F + 1] = Math.pow(B[3 * F + 1], Vt.b), B[3 * F + 2] = Math.pow(B[3 * F + 2], Vt.b)), y) {
var z = Math.max(255 * B[3 * F + 0], 0), J = Math.max(255 * B[3 * F + 1], 0), ie = Math.max(255 * B[3 * F + 2], 0), se = Math.max(Math.max(z, J), ie);
if (se > 255) {
var ce = 255 / se;
z *= ce, J *= ce, ie *= ce;
y[3 * F + 0] = z, y[3 * F + 1] = J, y[3 * F + 2] = ie;
y ? p.push(y) : p.push(B);
return p;
}, null, this._onLoad, this._onError);
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = new t(this.url, this.getScene() || this._getEngine(), this._size, this._noMipmap, this._generateHarmonics, this.gammaSpace);
return e.level = this.level, e.wrapU = this.wrapU, e.wrapV = this.wrapV, e.coordinatesIndex = this.coordinatesIndex, e.coordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, e;
}, t.prototype.delayLoad = function() {
this.delayLoadState === h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED && (this.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, this._texture = this._getFromCache(this.url, this._noMipmap), this._texture || this.loadTexture());
}, t.prototype.getReflectionTextureMatrix = function() {
return this._textureMatrix;
}, t.prototype.setReflectionTextureMatrix = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
this._textureMatrix = e, e.updateFlag !== this._textureMatrix.updateFlag && e.isIdentity() !== this._textureMatrix.isIdentity() && ((n = this.getScene()) === null || n === void 0 || n.markAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_TextureDirtyFlag, function(o) {
return o.getActiveTextures().indexOf(i) !== -1;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = null;
return && !e.isRenderTarget && ((o = new t(i +, n, e.size, e.noMipmap, e.generateHarmonics, e.useInGammaSpace)).name =, o.hasAlpha = e.hasAlpha, o.level = e.level, o.coordinatesMode = e.coordinatesMode, o.isBlocking = e.isBlocking), o && (e.boundingBoxPosition && (o.boundingBoxPosition = u.e.FromArray(e.boundingBoxPosition)), e.boundingBoxSize && (o.boundingBoxSize = u.e.FromArray(e.boundingBoxSize)), e.rotationY && (o.rotationY = e.rotationY)), o;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (!
return null;
var e = {};
return =, e.hasAlpha = this.hasAlpha, e.isCube = !0, e.level = this.level, e.size = this._size, e.coordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, e.useInGammaSpace = this.gammaSpace, e.generateHarmonics = this._generateHarmonics, e.customType = "BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture", e.noMipmap = this._noMipmap, e.isBlocking = this._isBlocking, e.rotationY = this._rotationY, e;
}, t._facesMapping = ["right", "left", "up", "down", "front", "back"], t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture"] = qo;
var Ou = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = null), = t, this.animations = new Array(), this._positions = null, this._normals = null, this._tangents = null, this._uvs = null, this._uniqueId = 0, this.onInfluenceChanged = new C.c(), this._onDataLayoutChanged = new C.c(), this._animationPropertiesOverride = null, this._scene = n || te.a.LastCreatedScene, this.influence = e, this._scene && (this._uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId());
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "influence", { get: function() {
return this._influence;
}, set: function(t) {
if (this._influence !== t) {
var e = this._influence;
this._influence = t, this.onInfluenceChanged.hasObservers() && this.onInfluenceChanged.notifyObservers(e === 0 || t === 0);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "animationPropertiesOverride", { get: function() {
return !this._animationPropertiesOverride && this._scene ? this._scene.animationPropertiesOverride : this._animationPropertiesOverride;
}, set: function(t) {
this._animationPropertiesOverride = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "uniqueId", { get: function() {
return this._uniqueId;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasPositions", { get: function() {
return !!this._positions;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasNormals", { get: function() {
return !!this._normals;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasTangents", { get: function() {
return !!this._tangents;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasUVs", { get: function() {
return !!this._uvs;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setPositions = function(t) {
var e = this.hasPositions;
this._positions = t, e !== this.hasPositions && this._onDataLayoutChanged.notifyObservers(void 0);
}, r.prototype.getPositions = function() {
return this._positions;
}, r.prototype.setNormals = function(t) {
var e = this.hasNormals;
this._normals = t, e !== this.hasNormals && this._onDataLayoutChanged.notifyObservers(void 0);
}, r.prototype.getNormals = function() {
return this._normals;
}, r.prototype.setTangents = function(t) {
var e = this.hasTangents;
this._tangents = t, e !== this.hasTangents && this._onDataLayoutChanged.notifyObservers(void 0);
}, r.prototype.getTangents = function() {
return this._tangents;
}, r.prototype.setUVs = function(t) {
var e = this.hasUVs;
this._uvs = t, e !== this.hasUVs && this._onDataLayoutChanged.notifyObservers(void 0);
}, r.prototype.getUVs = function() {
return this._uvs;
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = this, e = L.a.Clone(function() {
return new r(, t.influence, t._scene);
}, this);
return e._positions = this._positions, e._normals = this._normals, e._tangents = this._tangents, e._uvs = this._uvs, e;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return =, t.influence = this.influence, t.positions =, != null && ( =, this.hasNormals && (t.normals =, this.hasTangents && (t.tangents =, this.hasUVs && (t.uvs =, L.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MorphTarget";
}, r.Parse = function(t) {
var e = new r(, t.influence);
if (e.setPositions(t.positions), != null && ( =, t.normals && e.setNormals(t.normals), t.tangents && e.setTangents(t.tangents), t.uvs && e.setUVs(t.uvs), t.animations)
for (var n = 0; n < t.animations.length; n++) {
var i = t.animations[n], o = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
o && e.animations.push(o.Parse(i));
return e;
}, r.FromMesh = function(t, e, n) {
e || (e =;
var i = new r(e, n, t.getScene());
return i.setPositions(t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind)), t.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind) && i.setNormals(t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind)), t.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.TangentKind) && i.setTangents(t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.TangentKind)), t.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && i.setUVs(t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind)), i;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "id", void 0), r;
}(), Zo = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = null), this._targets = new Array(), this._targetInfluenceChangedObservers = new Array(), this._targetDataLayoutChangedObservers = new Array(), this._activeTargets = new si.a(16), this._supportsNormals = !1, this._supportsTangents = !1, this._supportsUVs = !1, this._vertexCount = 0, this._uniqueId = 0, this._tempInfluences = new Array(), this.enableNormalMorphing = !0, this.enableTangentMorphing = !0, this.enableUVMorphing = !0, t || (t = te.a.LastCreatedScene), this._scene = t, this._scene && (this._scene.morphTargetManagers.push(this), this._uniqueId = this._scene.getUniqueId());
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "uniqueId", { get: function() {
return this._uniqueId;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "vertexCount", { get: function() {
return this._vertexCount;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "supportsNormals", { get: function() {
return this._supportsNormals && this.enableNormalMorphing;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "supportsTangents", { get: function() {
return this._supportsTangents && this.enableTangentMorphing;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "supportsUVs", { get: function() {
return this._supportsUVs && this.enableUVMorphing;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "numTargets", { get: function() {
return this._targets.length;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "numInfluencers", { get: function() {
return this._activeTargets.length;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "influences", { get: function() {
return this._influences;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getActiveTarget = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.getTarget = function(t) {
return this._targets[t];
}, r.prototype.addTarget = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._targets.push(t), this._targetInfluenceChangedObservers.push(t.onInfluenceChanged.add(function(n) {
})), this._targetDataLayoutChangedObservers.push(t._onDataLayoutChanged.add(function() {
})), this._syncActiveTargets(!0);
}, r.prototype.removeTarget = function(t) {
var e = this._targets.indexOf(t);
e >= 0 && (this._targets.splice(e, 1), t.onInfluenceChanged.remove(this._targetInfluenceChangedObservers.splice(e, 1)[0]), t._onDataLayoutChanged.remove(this._targetDataLayoutChangedObservers.splice(e, 1)[0]), this._syncActiveTargets(!0));
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
for (var t = new r(this._scene), e = 0, n = this._targets; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
return t.enableNormalMorphing = this.enableNormalMorphing, t.enableTangentMorphing = this.enableTangentMorphing, t.enableUVMorphing = this.enableUVMorphing, t;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {}; = this.uniqueId, t.targets = [];
for (var e = 0, n = this._targets; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
return t;
}, r.prototype._syncActiveTargets = function(t) {
var e = 0;
this._activeTargets.reset(), this._supportsNormals = !0, this._supportsTangents = !0, this._supportsUVs = !0, this._vertexCount = 0;
for (var n = 0, i = this._targets; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (o.influence !== 0) {
this._activeTargets.push(o), this._tempInfluences[e++] = o.influence, this._supportsNormals = this._supportsNormals && o.hasNormals, this._supportsTangents = this._supportsTangents && o.hasTangents, this._supportsUVs = this._supportsUVs && o.hasUVs;
var a = o.getPositions();
if (a) {
var s = a.length / 3;
if (this._vertexCount === 0)
this._vertexCount = s;
else if (this._vertexCount !== s)
return void l.a.Error("Incompatible target. Targets must all have the same vertices count.");
this._influences && this._influences.length === e || (this._influences = new Float32Array(e));
for (var d = 0; d < e; d++)
this._influences[d] = this._tempInfluences[d];
t && this.synchronize();
}, r.prototype.synchronize = function() {
if (this._scene)
for (var t = 0, e = this._scene.meshes; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
n.morphTargetManager === this && n._syncGeometryWithMorphTargetManager();
}, r.Parse = function(t, e) {
var n = new r(e);
n._uniqueId =;
for (var i = 0, o = t.targets; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
return n;
}, r;
}(), At = f(32), Jt = f(50), Sr = function() {
function r(t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = r.DefaultPluginFactory()), this._physicsPlugin = e, this._impostors = [], this._joints = [], this._subTimeStep = 0, !this._physicsPlugin.isSupported())
throw new Error("Physics Engine " + + " cannot be found. Please make sure it is included.");
t = t || new u.e(0, -9.807, 0), this.setGravity(t), this.setTimeStep();
return r.DefaultPluginFactory = function() {
throw En.a.WarnImport("CannonJSPlugin");
}, r.prototype.setGravity = function(t) {
this.gravity = t, this._physicsPlugin.setGravity(this.gravity);
}, r.prototype.setTimeStep = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1 / 60), this._physicsPlugin.setTimeStep(t);
}, r.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
return this._physicsPlugin.getTimeStep();
}, r.prototype.setSubTimeStep = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 0), this._subTimeStep = t;
}, r.prototype.getSubTimeStep = function() {
return this._subTimeStep;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._impostors.forEach(function(t) {
}), this._physicsPlugin.dispose();
}, r.prototype.getPhysicsPluginName = function() {
}, r.prototype.addImpostor = function(t) {
t.uniqueId = this._impostors.push(t), t.parent || this._physicsPlugin.generatePhysicsBody(t);
}, r.prototype.removeImpostor = function(t) {
var e = this._impostors.indexOf(t);
e > -1 && this._impostors.splice(e, 1).length && this.getPhysicsPlugin().removePhysicsBody(t);
}, r.prototype.addJoint = function(t, e, n) {
var i = { mainImpostor: t, connectedImpostor: e, joint: n };
n.physicsPlugin = this._physicsPlugin, this._joints.push(i), this._physicsPlugin.generateJoint(i);
}, r.prototype.removeJoint = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this._joints.filter(function(o) {
return o.connectedImpostor === e && o.joint === n && o.mainImpostor === t;
i.length && this._physicsPlugin.removeJoint(i[0]);
}, r.prototype._step = function(t) {
var e = this;
this._impostors.forEach(function(n) {
n.isBodyInitRequired() && e._physicsPlugin.generatePhysicsBody(n);
}), t > 0.1 ? t = 0.1 : t <= 0 && (t = 1 / 60), this._physicsPlugin.executeStep(t, this._impostors);
}, r.prototype.getPhysicsPlugin = function() {
return this._physicsPlugin;
}, r.prototype.getImpostors = function() {
return this._impostors;
}, r.prototype.getImpostorForPhysicsObject = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._impostors.length; ++e)
if (this._impostors[e].object === t)
return this._impostors[e];
return null;
}, r.prototype.getImpostorWithPhysicsBody = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._impostors.length; ++e)
if (this._impostors[e].physicsBody === t)
return this._impostors[e];
return null;
}, r.prototype.raycast = function(t, e) {
return this._physicsPlugin.raycast(t, e);
}, r.Epsilon = 1e-3, r;
}(), Fs = function() {
function r() {
this._hasHit = !1, this._hitDistance = 0, this._hitNormalWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._hitPointWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._rayFromWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._rayToWorld = u.e.Zero();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hasHit", { get: function() {
return this._hasHit;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hitDistance", { get: function() {
return this._hitDistance;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hitNormalWorld", { get: function() {
return this._hitNormalWorld;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "hitPointWorld", { get: function() {
return this._hitPointWorld;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rayFromWorld", { get: function() {
return this._rayFromWorld;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "rayToWorld", { get: function() {
return this._rayToWorld;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setHitData = function(t, e) {
this._hasHit = !0, this._hitNormalWorld = new u.e(t.x, t.y, t.z), this._hitPointWorld = new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.setHitDistance = function(t) {
this._hitDistance = t;
}, r.prototype.calculateHitDistance = function() {
this._hitDistance = u.e.Distance(this._rayFromWorld, this._hitPointWorld);
}, r.prototype.reset = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = u.e.Zero()), e === void 0 && (e = u.e.Zero()), this._rayFromWorld = t, this._rayToWorld = e, this._hasHit = !1, this._hitDistance = 0, this._hitNormalWorld = u.e.Zero(), this._hitPointWorld = u.e.Zero();
}, r;
}(), Bs = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), e === void 0 && (e = 10), n === void 0 && (n = CANNON), this._useDeltaForWorldStep = t, = "CannonJSPlugin", this._physicsMaterials = new Array(), this._fixedTimeStep = 1 / 60, this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep = new Array(), this._firstFrame = !0, this._minus90X = new u.b(-0.7071067811865475, 0, 0, 0.7071067811865475), this._plus90X = new u.b(0.7071067811865475, 0, 0, 0.7071067811865475), this._tmpPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._tmpDeltaPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._tmpUnityRotation = new u.b(), this.BJSCANNON = n, this.isSupported() ? (this._extendNamespace(), = new this.BJSCANNON.World(), = new this.BJSCANNON.NaiveBroadphase(), = e, this._cannonRaycastResult = new this.BJSCANNON.RaycastResult(), this._raycastResult = new Fs()) : l.a.Error("CannonJS is not available. Please make sure you included the js file.");
return r.prototype.setGravity = function(t) {
var e = t;, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.setTimeStep = function(t) {
this._fixedTimeStep = t;
}, r.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
return this._fixedTimeStep;
}, r.prototype.executeStep = function(t, e) {
if (this._firstFrame) {
this._firstFrame = !1;
for (var n = 0, i = e; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.type != At.a.HeightmapImpostor && o.type !== At.a.PlaneImpostor && o.beforeStep();
} ? t : this._fixedTimeStep), this._removeMarkedPhysicsBodiesFromWorld();
}, r.prototype._removeMarkedPhysicsBodiesFromWorld = function() {
var t = this;
this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep.length > 0 && (this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep.forEach(function(e) {;
}), this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep = []);
}, r.prototype.applyImpulse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(n.x, n.y, n.z), o = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z);
t.physicsBody.applyImpulse(o, i);
}, r.prototype.applyForce = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(n.x, n.y, n.z), o = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z);
t.physicsBody.applyForce(o, i);
}, r.prototype.generatePhysicsBody = function(t) {
if (this._removeMarkedPhysicsBodiesFromWorld(), t.parent)
t.physicsBody && (this.removePhysicsBody(t), t.forceUpdate());
else {
if (t.isBodyInitRequired()) {
var e = this._createShape(t), n = t.physicsBody;
n && this.removePhysicsBody(t);
var i = this._addMaterial("mat-" + t.uniqueId, t.getParam("friction"), t.getParam("restitution")), o = { mass: t.getParam("mass"), material: i }, a = t.getParam("nativeOptions");
for (var s in a)
a.hasOwnProperty(s) && (o[s] = a[s]);
t.physicsBody = new this.BJSCANNON.Body(o), t.physicsBody.addEventListener("collide", t.onCollide),"preStep", t.beforeStep),"postStep", t.afterStep), t.physicsBody.addShape(e),, n && ["force", "torque", "velocity", "angularVelocity"].forEach(function(d) {
var p = n[d];
t.physicsBody[d].set(p.x, p.y, p.z);
}), this._processChildMeshes(t);
}, r.prototype._processChildMeshes = function(t) {
var e = this, n = t.object.getChildMeshes ? t.object.getChildMeshes(!0) : [], i = t.object.rotationQuaternion;
if (n.length) {
var o = function(a) {
if (i && a.rotationQuaternion) {
var s = a.getPhysicsImpostor();
if (s && s.parent !== t) {
var d = a.getAbsolutePosition().subtract(a.parent.getAbsolutePosition()), p = a.rotationQuaternion;
s.physicsBody && (e.removePhysicsBody(s), s.physicsBody = null), s.parent = t, s.resetUpdateFlags(), t.physicsBody.addShape(e._createShape(s), new e.BJSCANNON.Vec3(d.x, d.y, d.z), new e.BJSCANNON.Quaternion(p.x, p.y, p.z, p.w)), t.physicsBody.mass += s.getParam("mass");
i.multiplyInPlace(a.rotationQuaternion), a.getChildMeshes(!0).filter(function(y) {
return !!y.physicsImpostor;
n.filter(function(a) {
return !!a.physicsImpostor;
}, r.prototype.removePhysicsBody = function(t) {
t.physicsBody.removeEventListener("collide", t.onCollide),"preStep", t.beforeStep),"postStep", t.afterStep), this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep.indexOf(t.physicsBody) === -1 && this._physicsBodysToRemoveAfterStep.push(t.physicsBody);
}, r.prototype.generateJoint = function(t) {
var e = t.mainImpostor.physicsBody, n = t.connectedImpostor.physicsBody;
if (e && n) {
var i, o = t.joint.jointData, a = { pivotA: o.mainPivot ? new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3().set(o.mainPivot.x, o.mainPivot.y, o.mainPivot.z) : null, pivotB: o.connectedPivot ? new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3().set(o.connectedPivot.x, o.connectedPivot.y, o.connectedPivot.z) : null, axisA: o.mainAxis ? new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3().set(o.mainAxis.x, o.mainAxis.y, o.mainAxis.z) : null, axisB: o.connectedAxis ? new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3().set(o.connectedAxis.x, o.connectedAxis.y, o.connectedAxis.z) : null, maxForce: o.nativeParams.maxForce, collideConnected: !!o.collision };
switch (t.joint.type) {
case Jt.e.HingeJoint:
case Jt.e.Hinge2Joint:
i = new this.BJSCANNON.HingeConstraint(e, n, a);
case Jt.e.DistanceJoint:
i = new this.BJSCANNON.DistanceConstraint(e, n, o.maxDistance || 2);
case Jt.e.SpringJoint:
var s = o;
i = new this.BJSCANNON.Spring(e, n, { restLength: s.length, stiffness: s.stiffness, damping: s.damping, localAnchorA: a.pivotA, localAnchorB: a.pivotB });
case Jt.e.LockJoint:
i = new this.BJSCANNON.LockConstraint(e, n, a);
case Jt.e.PointToPointJoint:
case Jt.e.BallAndSocketJoint:
i = new this.BJSCANNON.PointToPointConstraint(e, a.pivotA, n, a.pivotB, a.maxForce);
i.collideConnected = !!o.collision, t.joint.physicsJoint = i, t.joint.type !== Jt.e.SpringJoint ? : (t.joint.jointData.forceApplicationCallback = t.joint.jointData.forceApplicationCallback || function() {
}, t.mainImpostor.registerAfterPhysicsStep(t.joint.jointData.forceApplicationCallback));
}, r.prototype.removeJoint = function(t) {
t.joint.type !== Jt.e.SpringJoint ? : t.mainImpostor.unregisterAfterPhysicsStep(t.joint.jointData.forceApplicationCallback);
}, r.prototype._addMaterial = function(t, e, n) {
var i, o;
for (i = 0; i < this._physicsMaterials.length; i++)
if ((o = this._physicsMaterials[i]).friction === e && o.restitution === n)
return o;
var a = new this.BJSCANNON.Material(t);
return a.friction = e, a.restitution = n, this._physicsMaterials.push(a), a;
}, r.prototype._checkWithEpsilon = function(t) {
return t < Sr.Epsilon ? Sr.Epsilon : t;
}, r.prototype._createShape = function(t) {
var e, n = t.object, i = t.getObjectExtendSize();
switch (t.type) {
case At.a.SphereImpostor:
var o = i.x, a = i.y, s = i.z;
e = new this.BJSCANNON.Sphere(Math.max(this._checkWithEpsilon(o), this._checkWithEpsilon(a), this._checkWithEpsilon(s)) / 2);
case At.a.CylinderImpostor:
var d = t.getParam("nativeOptions");
d || (d = {});
var p = d.radiusTop !== void 0 ? d.radiusTop : this._checkWithEpsilon(i.x) / 2, y = d.radiusBottom !== void 0 ? d.radiusBottom : this._checkWithEpsilon(i.x) / 2, P = d.height !== void 0 ? d.height : this._checkWithEpsilon(i.y), R = d.numSegments !== void 0 ? d.numSegments : 16;
e = new this.BJSCANNON.Cylinder(p, y, P, R);
var B = new this.BJSCANNON.Quaternion();
B.setFromAxisAngle(new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(1, 0, 0), -Math.PI / 2);
var F = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(0, 0, 0);
e.transformAllPoints(F, B);
case At.a.BoxImpostor:
var z = i.scale(0.5);
e = new this.BJSCANNON.Box(new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(this._checkWithEpsilon(z.x), this._checkWithEpsilon(z.y), this._checkWithEpsilon(z.z)));
case At.a.PlaneImpostor:
l.a.Warn("Attention, PlaneImposter might not behave as you expect. Consider using BoxImposter instead"), e = new this.BJSCANNON.Plane();
case At.a.MeshImpostor:
var J = n.getVerticesData ? n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind) : [], ie = n.getIndices ? n.getIndices() : [];
if (!J)
var se = n.position.clone(), ce = n.rotation && n.rotation.clone(), ue = n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.clone();
n.position.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), n.rotation && n.rotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(t.getParentsRotation()), n.rotationQuaternion && n.parent && n.rotationQuaternion.conjugateInPlace();
var fe, ve = n.computeWorldMatrix(!0), Te = new Array();
for (fe = 0; fe < J.length; fe += 3)
u.e.TransformCoordinates(u.e.FromArray(J, fe), ve).toArray(Te, fe);
l.a.Warn("MeshImpostor only collides against spheres."), e = new this.BJSCANNON.Trimesh(Te, ie), n.position.copyFrom(se), ce && n.rotation && n.rotation.copyFrom(ce), ue && n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(ue);
case At.a.HeightmapImpostor:
var Re = n.position.clone(), Ae = n.rotation && n.rotation.clone(), Ee = n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.clone();
n.position.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), n.rotation && n.rotation.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(t.getParentsRotation()), n.rotationQuaternion && n.parent && n.rotationQuaternion.conjugateInPlace(), n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.multiplyInPlace(this._minus90X), e = this._createHeightmap(n), n.position.copyFrom(Re), Ae && n.rotation && n.rotation.copyFrom(Ae), Ee && n.rotationQuaternion && n.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(Ee), n.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
case At.a.ParticleImpostor:
e = new this.BJSCANNON.Particle();
case At.a.NoImpostor:
e = new this.BJSCANNON.Box(new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(0, 0, 0));
return e;
}, r.prototype._createHeightmap = function(t, e) {
var n, i = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), o = t.computeWorldMatrix(!0), a = new Array();
for (n = 0; n < i.length; n += 3)
u.e.TransformCoordinates(u.e.FromArray(i, n), o).toArray(a, n);
i = a;
for (var s = new Array(), d = e || ~~(Math.sqrt(i.length / 3) - 1), p = t.getBoundingInfo(), y = Math.min(p.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.x, p.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.y), P = p.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.z, R = 2 * y / d, B = 0; B < i.length; B += 3) {
var F = Math.round(i[B + 0] / R + d / 2), z = Math.round(-1 * (i[B + 1] / R - d / 2)), J = -i[B + 2] + P;
s[F] || (s[F] = []), s[F][z] || (s[F][z] = J), s[F][z] = Math.max(J, s[F][z]);
for (F = 0; F <= d; ++F) {
if (!s[F]) {
for (var ie = 1; !s[(F + ie) % d]; )
s[F] = s[(F + ie) % d].slice();
for (z = 0; z <= d; ++z)
if (!s[F][z]) {
var se;
for (ie = 1; se === void 0; )
se = s[F][(z + ie++) % d];
s[F][z] = se;
var ce = new this.BJSCANNON.Heightfield(s, { elementSize: R });
return ce.minY = P, ce;
}, r.prototype._updatePhysicsBodyTransformation = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
if (e.computeWorldMatrix && e.computeWorldMatrix(!0), e.getBoundingInfo()) {
var n = t.getObjectCenter();
this._tmpDeltaPosition.copyFrom(e.getAbsolutePivotPoint().subtract(n)), this._tmpDeltaPosition.divideInPlace(t.object.scaling), this._tmpPosition.copyFrom(n);
var i = e.rotationQuaternion;
if (i) {
if (t.type !== At.a.PlaneImpostor && t.type !== At.a.HeightmapImpostor || (i = i.multiply(this._minus90X), t.setDeltaRotation(this._plus90X)), t.type === At.a.HeightmapImpostor) {
var o = e, a = o.getBoundingInfo(), s = o.rotationQuaternion;
o.rotationQuaternion = this._tmpUnityRotation, o.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var d = n.clone(), p = o.getPivotMatrix();
p = p ? p.clone() : u.a.Identity();
var y = u.a.Translation(a.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.x, 0, -a.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.z);
o.setPreTransformMatrix(y), o.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var P = a.boundingBox.centerWorld.subtract(n).subtract(o.position).negate();
this._tmpPosition.copyFromFloats(P.x, P.y - a.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.y, P.z), this._tmpDeltaPosition.copyFrom(a.boundingBox.centerWorld.subtract(d)), this._tmpDeltaPosition.y += a.boundingBox.extendSizeWorld.y, o.rotationQuaternion = s, o.setPreTransformMatrix(p), o.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
} else
t.type === At.a.MeshImpostor && this._tmpDeltaPosition.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0);
t.setDeltaPosition(this._tmpDeltaPosition), t.physicsBody.position.set(this._tmpPosition.x, this._tmpPosition.y, this._tmpPosition.z), t.physicsBody.quaternion.set(i.x, i.y, i.z, i.w);
}, r.prototype.setTransformationFromPhysicsBody = function(t) {
if (t.object.position.set(t.physicsBody.position.x, t.physicsBody.position.y, t.physicsBody.position.z), t.object.rotationQuaternion) {
var e = t.physicsBody.quaternion;
t.object.rotationQuaternion.set(e.x, e.y, e.z, e.w);
}, r.prototype.setPhysicsBodyTransformation = function(t, e, n) {
t.physicsBody.position.set(e.x, e.y, e.z), t.physicsBody.quaternion.set(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w);
}, r.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return this.BJSCANNON !== void 0;
}, r.prototype.setLinearVelocity = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.velocity.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.setAngularVelocity = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.angularVelocity.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.getLinearVelocity = function(t) {
var e = t.physicsBody.velocity;
return e ? new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z) : null;
}, r.prototype.getAngularVelocity = function(t) {
var e = t.physicsBody.angularVelocity;
return e ? new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z) : null;
}, r.prototype.setBodyMass = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.mass = e, t.physicsBody.updateMassProperties();
}, r.prototype.getBodyMass = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.mass;
}, r.prototype.getBodyFriction = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.material.friction;
}, r.prototype.setBodyFriction = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.material.friction = e;
}, r.prototype.getBodyRestitution = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.material.restitution;
}, r.prototype.setBodyRestitution = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.material.restitution = e;
}, r.prototype.sleepBody = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.wakeUpBody = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.updateDistanceJoint = function(t, e) {
t.physicsJoint.distance = e;
}, r.prototype.setMotor = function(t, e, n, i) {
i || (t.physicsJoint.enableMotor(), t.physicsJoint.setMotorSpeed(e), n && this.setLimit(t, n));
}, r.prototype.setLimit = function(t, e, n) {
t.physicsJoint.motorEquation.maxForce = e, t.physicsJoint.motorEquation.minForce = n === void 0 ? -e : n;
}, r.prototype.syncMeshWithImpostor = function(t, e) {
var n = e.physicsBody;
t.position.x = n.position.x, t.position.y = n.position.y, t.position.z = n.position.z, t.rotationQuaternion && (t.rotationQuaternion.x = n.quaternion.x, t.rotationQuaternion.y = n.quaternion.y, t.rotationQuaternion.z = n.quaternion.z, t.rotationQuaternion.w = n.quaternion.w);
}, r.prototype.getRadius = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.shapes[0].boundingSphereRadius;
}, r.prototype.getBoxSizeToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = t.physicsBody.shapes[0];
e.x = 2 * n.halfExtents.x, e.y = 2 * n.halfExtents.y, e.z = 2 * n.halfExtents.z;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype._extendNamespace = function() {
var t = new this.BJSCANNON.Vec3(), e = this.BJSCANNON;
this.BJSCANNON.World.prototype.step = function(n, i, o) {
if (o = o || 10, (i = i || 0) === 0)
this.internalStep(n), this.time += n;
else {
var a = Math.floor((this.time + i) / n) - Math.floor(this.time / n);
a = Math.min(a, o) || 1;
for (var s =, d = 0; d !== a && (this.internalStep(n), !( - s > 1e3 * n)); d++)
this.time += i;
for (var p = this.time % n / n, y = t, P = this.bodies, R = 0; R !== P.length; R++) {
var B = P[R];
B.type !== e.Body.STATIC && B.sleepState !== e.Body.SLEEPING ? (B.position.vsub(B.previousPosition, y), y.scale(p, y), B.position.vadd(y, B.interpolatedPosition)) : (B.interpolatedPosition.set(B.position.x, B.position.y, B.position.z), B.interpolatedQuaternion.set(B.quaternion.x, B.quaternion.y, B.quaternion.z, B.quaternion.w));
}, r.prototype.raycast = function(t, e) {
return this._cannonRaycastResult.reset(),, e, {}, this._cannonRaycastResult), this._raycastResult.reset(t, e), this._cannonRaycastResult.hasHit && (this._raycastResult.setHitData({ x: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitNormalWorld.x, y: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitNormalWorld.y, z: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitNormalWorld.z }, { x: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitPointWorld.x, y: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitPointWorld.y, z: this._cannonRaycastResult.hitPointWorld.z }), this._raycastResult.setHitDistance(this._cannonRaycastResult.distance)), this._raycastResult;
}, r;
Sr.DefaultPluginFactory = function() {
return new Bs();
var Mu = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), n === void 0 && (n = OIMO), this._useDeltaForWorldStep = t, = "OimoJSPlugin", this._fixedTimeStep = 1 / 60, this._tmpImpostorsArray = [], this._tmpPositionVector = u.e.Zero(), this.BJSOIMO = n, = new this.BJSOIMO.World({ iterations: e }),, this._raycastResult = new Fs();
return r.prototype.setGravity = function(t) {, t.y, t.z);
}, r.prototype.setTimeStep = function(t) { = t;
}, r.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
}, r.prototype.executeStep = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
e.forEach(function(s) {
}), = this._useDeltaForWorldStep ? t : this._fixedTimeStep,, e.forEach(function(s) {
s.afterStep(), n._tmpImpostorsArray[s.uniqueId] = s;
for (var i =; i !== null; )
if (!i.touching || i.body1.sleeping || i.body2.sleeping) {
var o = this._tmpImpostorsArray[], a = this._tmpImpostorsArray[];
o && a && (o.onCollide({ body: a.physicsBody, point: null }), a.onCollide({ body: o.physicsBody, point: null })), i =;
} else
i =;
}, r.prototype.applyImpulse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.physicsBody.mass;
t.physicsBody.applyImpulse(n.scale(, e.scale( * i));
}, r.prototype.applyForce = function(t, e, n) {
l.a.Warn("Oimo doesn't support applying force. Using impule instead."), this.applyImpulse(t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.generatePhysicsBody = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (t.parent)
t.physicsBody && (this.removePhysicsBody(t), t.forceUpdate());
else {
if (t.isBodyInitRequired()) {
var n = { name: t.uniqueId, config: [t.getParam("mass") || 1e-3, t.getParam("friction"), t.getParam("restitution")], size: [], type: [], pos: [], posShape: [], rot: [], rotShape: [], move: t.getParam("mass") !== 0, density: t.getParam("mass"), friction: t.getParam("friction"), restitution: t.getParam("restitution"), world: }, i = [t];
(s = t.object).getChildMeshes && s.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(d) {
d.physicsImpostor && i.push(d.physicsImpostor);
var o = function(d) {
return Math.max(d, Sr.Epsilon);
}, a = new u.b();
i.forEach(function(d) {
if (d.object.rotationQuaternion) {
var p = d.object.rotationQuaternion;
a.copyFrom(p), d.object.rotationQuaternion.set(0, 0, 0, 1), d.object.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var y = a.toEulerAngles(), P = d.getObjectExtendSize();
if (d === t) {
var R = t.getObjectCenter();
t.object.getAbsolutePivotPoint().subtractToRef(R, e._tmpPositionVector), e._tmpPositionVector.divideInPlace(t.object.scaling), n.pos.push(R.x), n.pos.push(R.y), n.pos.push(R.z), n.posShape.push(0, 0, 0), n.rotShape.push(0, 0, 0);
} else {
var B = d.object.position.clone();
n.posShape.push(B.x), n.posShape.push(B.y), n.posShape.push(B.z), n.rotShape.push(57.29577951308232 * y.x, 57.29577951308232 * y.y, 57.29577951308232 * y.z);
switch (d.object.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(a), d.type) {
case At.a.ParticleImpostor:
l.a.Warn("No Particle support in OIMO.js. using SphereImpostor instead");
case At.a.SphereImpostor:
var F = P.x, z = P.y, J = P.z, ie = Math.max(o(F), o(z), o(J)) / 2;
n.type.push("sphere"), n.size.push(ie), n.size.push(ie), n.size.push(ie);
case At.a.CylinderImpostor:
var se = o(P.x) / 2, ce = o(P.y);
n.type.push("cylinder"), n.size.push(se), n.size.push(ce), n.size.push(ce);
case At.a.PlaneImpostor:
case At.a.BoxImpostor:
se = o(P.x), ce = o(P.y);
var ue = o(P.z);
n.type.push("box"), n.size.push(se), n.size.push(ce), n.size.push(ue);
d.object.rotationQuaternion = p;
}), t.physicsBody =, t.physicsBody.resetQuaternion(a), t.physicsBody.updatePosition(0);
} else
this._tmpPositionVector.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0);
var s;
}, r.prototype.removePhysicsBody = function(t) {;
}, r.prototype.generateJoint = function(t) {
var e = t.mainImpostor.physicsBody, n = t.connectedImpostor.physicsBody;
if (e && n) {
var i, o = t.joint.jointData, a = o.nativeParams || {}, s = { body1: e, body2: n, axe1: a.axe1 || (o.mainAxis ? o.mainAxis.asArray() : null), axe2: a.axe2 || (o.connectedAxis ? o.connectedAxis.asArray() : null), pos1: a.pos1 || (o.mainPivot ? o.mainPivot.asArray() : null), pos2: a.pos2 || (o.connectedPivot ? o.connectedPivot.asArray() : null), min: a.min, max: a.max, collision: a.collision || o.collision, spring: a.spring, world: };
switch (t.joint.type) {
case Jt.e.BallAndSocketJoint:
i = "jointBall";
case Jt.e.SpringJoint:
l.a.Warn("OIMO.js doesn't support Spring Constraint. Simulating using DistanceJoint instead");
var d = o;
s.min = d.length || s.min, s.max = Math.max(s.min, s.max);
case Jt.e.DistanceJoint:
i = "jointDistance", s.max = o.maxDistance;
case Jt.e.PrismaticJoint:
i = "jointPrisme";
case Jt.e.SliderJoint:
i = "jointSlide";
case Jt.e.WheelJoint:
i = "jointWheel";
case Jt.e.HingeJoint:
i = "jointHinge";
s.type = i, t.joint.physicsJoint =;
}, r.prototype.removeJoint = function(t) {
try {;
} catch (e) {
}, r.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return this.BJSOIMO !== void 0;
}, r.prototype.setTransformationFromPhysicsBody = function(t) {
if (!t.physicsBody.sleeping) {
if ( {
for (var e = t.physicsBody.shapes;; )
e =;
t.object.position.set(e.position.x, e.position.y, e.position.z);
} else {
var n = t.physicsBody.getPosition();
t.object.position.set(n.x, n.y, n.z);
if (t.object.rotationQuaternion) {
var i = t.physicsBody.getQuaternion();
t.object.rotationQuaternion.set(i.x, i.y, i.z, i.w);
}, r.prototype.setPhysicsBodyTransformation = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.physicsBody; || (i.position.set(e.x, e.y, e.z), i.orientation.set(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w), i.syncShapes(), i.awake());
}, r.prototype.setLinearVelocity = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.linearVelocity.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.setAngularVelocity = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.angularVelocity.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.getLinearVelocity = function(t) {
var e = t.physicsBody.linearVelocity;
return e ? new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z) : null;
}, r.prototype.getAngularVelocity = function(t) {
var e = t.physicsBody.angularVelocity;
return e ? new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z) : null;
}, r.prototype.setBodyMass = function(t, e) {
var n = e === 0;
t.physicsBody.shapes.density = n ? 1 : e, t.physicsBody.setupMass(n ? 2 : 1);
}, r.prototype.getBodyMass = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.shapes.density;
}, r.prototype.getBodyFriction = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.shapes.friction;
}, r.prototype.setBodyFriction = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.shapes.friction = e;
}, r.prototype.getBodyRestitution = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.shapes.restitution;
}, r.prototype.setBodyRestitution = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.shapes.restitution = e;
}, r.prototype.sleepBody = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.wakeUpBody = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.updateDistanceJoint = function(t, e, n) {
t.physicsJoint.limitMotor.upperLimit = e, n !== void 0 && (t.physicsJoint.limitMotor.lowerLimit = n);
}, r.prototype.setMotor = function(t, e, n, i) {
n !== void 0 ? l.a.Warn("OimoJS plugin currently has unexpected behavior when using setMotor with force parameter") : n = 1e6, e *= -1;
var o = i ? t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor2 : t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor1 || t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor || t.physicsJoint.limitMotor;
o && o.setMotor(e, n);
}, r.prototype.setLimit = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = i ? t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor2 : t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor1 || t.physicsJoint.rotationalLimitMotor || t.physicsJoint.limitMotor;
o && o.setLimit(e, n === void 0 ? -e : n);
}, r.prototype.syncMeshWithImpostor = function(t, e) {
var n = e.physicsBody;
t.position.x = n.position.x, t.position.y = n.position.y, t.position.z = n.position.z, t.rotationQuaternion && (t.rotationQuaternion.x = n.orientation.x, t.rotationQuaternion.y = n.orientation.y, t.rotationQuaternion.z = n.orientation.z, t.rotationQuaternion.w = n.orientation.s);
}, r.prototype.getRadius = function(t) {
return t.physicsBody.shapes.radius;
}, r.prototype.getBoxSizeToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = t.physicsBody.shapes;
e.x = 2 * n.halfWidth, e.y = 2 * n.halfHeight, e.z = 2 * n.halfDepth;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {;
}, r.prototype.raycast = function(t, e) {
return l.a.Warn("raycast is not currently supported by the Oimo physics plugin"), this._raycastResult.reset(t, e), this._raycastResult;
}, r;
}(), Jo = f(97), Iu = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
t === void 0 && (t = !0), e === void 0 && (e = Ammo), n === void 0 && (n = null), this._useDeltaForWorldStep = t, this.bjsAMMO = {}, = "AmmoJSPlugin", this._timeStep = 1 / 60, this._fixedTimeStep = 1 / 60, this._maxSteps = 5, this._tmpQuaternion = new u.b(), this._tmpContactCallbackResult = !1, this._tmpContactPoint = new u.e(), this._tmpMatrix = new u.a(), typeof e == "function" ? e(this.bjsAMMO) : this.bjsAMMO = e, this.isSupported() ? (this._collisionConfiguration = new this.bjsAMMO.btSoftBodyRigidBodyCollisionConfiguration(), this._dispatcher = new this.bjsAMMO.btCollisionDispatcher(this._collisionConfiguration), this._overlappingPairCache = n || new this.bjsAMMO.btDbvtBroadphase(), this._solver = new this.bjsAMMO.btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver(), this._softBodySolver = new this.bjsAMMO.btDefaultSoftBodySolver(), = new this.bjsAMMO.btSoftRigidDynamicsWorld(this._dispatcher, this._overlappingPairCache, this._solver, this._collisionConfiguration, this._softBodySolver), this._tmpAmmoConcreteContactResultCallback = new this.bjsAMMO.ConcreteContactResultCallback(), this._tmpAmmoConcreteContactResultCallback.addSingleResult = function(o, a, s, d) {
var p = (o = i.bjsAMMO.wrapPointer(o, Ammo.btManifoldPoint)).getPositionWorldOnA();
i._tmpContactPoint.x = p.x(), i._tmpContactPoint.y = p.y(), i._tmpContactPoint.z = p.z(), i._tmpContactCallbackResult = !0;
}, this._raycastResult = new Fs(), this._tmpAmmoTransform = new this.bjsAMMO.btTransform(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.setIdentity(), this._tmpAmmoQuaternion = new this.bjsAMMO.btQuaternion(0, 0, 0, 1), this._tmpAmmoVectorA = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0), this._tmpAmmoVectorB = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0), this._tmpAmmoVectorC = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0), this._tmpAmmoVectorD = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0)) : l.a.Error("AmmoJS is not available. Please make sure you included the js file.");
return r.prototype.setGravity = function(t) {
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(t.x, t.y, t.z),,;
}, r.prototype.setTimeStep = function(t) {
this._timeStep = t;
}, r.prototype.setFixedTimeStep = function(t) {
this._fixedTimeStep = t;
}, r.prototype.setMaxSteps = function(t) {
this._maxSteps = t;
}, r.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
return this._timeStep;
}, r.prototype._isImpostorInContact = function(t) {
return this._tmpContactCallbackResult = !1,, this._tmpAmmoConcreteContactResultCallback), this._tmpContactCallbackResult;
}, r.prototype._isImpostorPairInContact = function(t, e) {
return this._tmpContactCallbackResult = !1,, e.physicsBody, this._tmpAmmoConcreteContactResultCallback), this._tmpContactCallbackResult;
}, r.prototype._stepSimulation = function(t, e, n) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 1 / 60), e === void 0 && (e = 10), n === void 0 && (n = 1 / 60), e == 0), 0);
for (; e > 0 && t > 0; )
t - n < n ? (, 0), t = 0) : (t -= n,, 0)), e--;
}, r.prototype.executeStep = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0, i = e; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.soft || o.beforeStep();
this._stepSimulation(this._useDeltaForWorldStep ? t : this._timeStep, this._maxSteps, this._fixedTimeStep);
for (var a = 0, s = e; a < s.length; a++) {
var d = s[a];
if (d.soft ? this._afterSoftStep(d) : d.afterStep(), d._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.length > 0 && this._isImpostorInContact(d))
for (var p = 0, y = d._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks; p < y.length; p++)
for (var P = 0, R = y[p].otherImpostors; P < R.length; P++) {
var B = R[P];
(d.physicsBody.isActive() || B.physicsBody.isActive()) && this._isImpostorPairInContact(d, B) && (d.onCollide({ body: B.physicsBody, point: this._tmpContactPoint }), B.onCollide({ body: d.physicsBody, point: this._tmpContactPoint }));
}, r.prototype._afterSoftStep = function(t) {
t.type === At.a.RopeImpostor ? this._ropeStep(t) : this._softbodyOrClothStep(t);
}, r.prototype._ropeStep = function(t) {
for (var e, n, i, o, a = t.physicsBody.get_m_nodes(), s = a.size(), d = new Array(), p = 0; p < s; p++)
n = (e =, i = e.y(), o = e.z(), d.push(new u.e(n, i, o));
var y = t.object, P = t.getParam("shape");
t._isFromLine ? t.object = sn.a.CreateLines("lines", { points: d, instance: y }) : t.object = Jo.a.ExtrudeShape("ext", { shape: P, path: d, instance: y });
}, r.prototype._softbodyOrClothStep = function(t) {
var e = t.type === At.a.ClothImpostor ? 1 : -1, n = t.object, i = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind);
i || (i = []);
var o = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind);
o || (o = []);
for (var a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F = i.length / 3, z = t.physicsBody.get_m_nodes(), J = 0; J < F; J++) {
var ie;
d = (s = (a =, p = s.y(), y = s.z() * e, P = (ie = a.get_m_n()).x(), R = ie.y(), B = ie.z() * e, i[3 * J] = d, i[3 * J + 1] = p, i[3 * J + 2] = y, o[3 * J] = P, o[3 * J + 1] = R, o[3 * J + 2] = B;
var se = new ht.a();
se.positions = i, se.normals = o, se.uvs = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), se.colors = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), n && n.getIndices && (se.indices = n.getIndices()), se.applyToMesh(n);
}, r.prototype.applyImpulse = function(t, e, n) {
if (t.soft)
l.a.Warn("Cannot be applied to a soft body");
else {
var i = this._tmpAmmoVectorA, o = this._tmpAmmoVectorB;
t.object && t.object.getWorldMatrix && n.subtractInPlace(t.object.getWorldMatrix().getTranslation()), i.setValue(n.x, n.y, n.z), o.setValue(e.x, e.y, e.z), t.physicsBody.applyImpulse(o, i);
}, r.prototype.applyForce = function(t, e, n) {
if (t.soft)
l.a.Warn("Cannot be applied to a soft body");
else {
var i = this._tmpAmmoVectorA, o = this._tmpAmmoVectorB;
t.object && t.object.getWorldMatrix && n.subtractInPlace(t.object.getWorldMatrix().getTranslation()), i.setValue(n.x, n.y, n.z), o.setValue(e.x, e.y, e.z), t.physicsBody.applyForce(o, i);
}, r.prototype.generatePhysicsBody = function(t) {
if (t._pluginData.toDispose = [], t.parent)
t.physicsBody && (this.removePhysicsBody(t), t.forceUpdate());
else if (t.isBodyInitRequired()) {
var e = this._createShape(t), n = t.getParam("mass");
if (t._pluginData.mass = n, t.soft)
e.get_m_cfg().set_collisions(17), e.get_m_cfg().set_kDP(t.getParam("damping")), this.bjsAMMO.castObject(e, this.bjsAMMO.btCollisionObject).getCollisionShape().setMargin(t.getParam("margin")), e.setActivationState(r.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION_FLAG),, 1, -1), t.physicsBody = e, t._pluginData.toDispose.push(e), this.setBodyPressure(t, 0), t.type === At.a.SoftbodyImpostor && this.setBodyPressure(t, t.getParam("pressure")), this.setBodyStiffness(t, t.getParam("stiffness")), this.setBodyVelocityIterations(t, t.getParam("velocityIterations")), this.setBodyPositionIterations(t, t.getParam("positionIterations"));
else {
var i = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0), o = new this.bjsAMMO.btTransform();
o.setIdentity(), n !== 0 && e.calculateLocalInertia(n, i), this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(t.object.position.x, t.object.position.y, t.object.position.z), this._tmpAmmoQuaternion.setValue(t.object.rotationQuaternion.x, t.object.rotationQuaternion.y, t.object.rotationQuaternion.z, t.object.rotationQuaternion.w), o.setOrigin(this._tmpAmmoVectorA), o.setRotation(this._tmpAmmoQuaternion);
var a = new this.bjsAMMO.btDefaultMotionState(o), s = new this.bjsAMMO.btRigidBodyConstructionInfo(n, a, e, i), d = new this.bjsAMMO.btRigidBody(s);
n === 0 && (d.setCollisionFlags(d.getCollisionFlags() | r.KINEMATIC_FLAG), d.setActivationState(r.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION_FLAG)), t.type != At.a.NoImpostor || e.getChildShape || d.setCollisionFlags(d.getCollisionFlags() | r.DISABLE_COLLISION_FLAG);
var p = t.getParam("group"), y = t.getParam("mask");
p && y ?, p, y) :, t.physicsBody = d, t._pluginData.toDispose = t._pluginData.toDispose.concat([d, s, a, o, i, e]);
this.setBodyRestitution(t, t.getParam("restitution")), this.setBodyFriction(t, t.getParam("friction"));
}, r.prototype.removePhysicsBody = function(t) {
var e = this; && (t.soft ? :, t._pluginData && (t._pluginData.toDispose.forEach(function(n) {
}), t._pluginData.toDispose = []));
}, r.prototype.generateJoint = function(t) {
var e = t.mainImpostor.physicsBody, n = t.connectedImpostor.physicsBody;
if (e && n) {
var i, o = t.joint.jointData;
switch (o.mainPivot || (o.mainPivot = new u.e(0, 0, 0)), o.connectedPivot || (o.connectedPivot = new u.e(0, 0, 0)), t.joint.type) {
case Jt.e.DistanceJoint:
var a = o.maxDistance;
a && (o.mainPivot = new u.e(0, -a / 2, 0), o.connectedPivot = new u.e(0, a / 2, 0)), i = new this.bjsAMMO.btPoint2PointConstraint(e, n, new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.mainPivot.x, o.mainPivot.y, o.mainPivot.z), new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.connectedPivot.x, o.connectedPivot.y, o.connectedPivot.z));
case Jt.e.HingeJoint:
o.mainAxis || (o.mainAxis = new u.e(0, 0, 0)), o.connectedAxis || (o.connectedAxis = new u.e(0, 0, 0));
var s = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.mainAxis.x, o.mainAxis.y, o.mainAxis.z), d = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.connectedAxis.x, o.connectedAxis.y, o.connectedAxis.z);
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btHingeConstraint(e, n, new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.mainPivot.x, o.mainPivot.y, o.mainPivot.z), new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.connectedPivot.x, o.connectedPivot.y, o.connectedPivot.z), s, d);
case Jt.e.BallAndSocketJoint:
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btPoint2PointConstraint(e, n, new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.mainPivot.x, o.mainPivot.y, o.mainPivot.z), new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.connectedPivot.x, o.connectedPivot.y, o.connectedPivot.z));
l.a.Warn("JointType not currently supported by the Ammo plugin, falling back to PhysicsJoint.BallAndSocketJoint"), i = new this.bjsAMMO.btPoint2PointConstraint(e, n, new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.mainPivot.x, o.mainPivot.y, o.mainPivot.z), new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(o.connectedPivot.x, o.connectedPivot.y, o.connectedPivot.z));
}, !t.joint.jointData.collision), t.joint.physicsJoint = i;
}, r.prototype.removeJoint = function(t) { &&;
}, r.prototype._addMeshVerts = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = 0;
if (n && n.getIndices && n.getWorldMatrix && n.getChildMeshes) {
var a = n.getIndices();
a || (a = []);
var s = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind);
s || (s = []), n.computeWorldMatrix(!1);
for (var d = a.length / 3, p = 0; p < d; p++) {
for (var y = [], P = 0; P < 3; P++) {
var R, B = new u.e(s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 0], s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 1], s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 2]);
u.a.ScalingToRef(n.scaling.x, n.scaling.y, n.scaling.z, this._tmpMatrix), B = u.e.TransformCoordinates(B, this._tmpMatrix), (R = P == 0 ? this._tmpAmmoVectorA : P == 1 ? this._tmpAmmoVectorB : this._tmpAmmoVectorC).setValue(B.x, B.y, B.z), y.push(R);
t.addTriangle(y[0], y[1], y[2]), o++;
n.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(F) {
o += i._addMeshVerts(t, e, F);
return o;
}, r.prototype._softVertexData = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
if (e && e.getIndices && e.getWorldMatrix && e.getChildMeshes) {
var n = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind);
n || (n = []);
var i = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind);
i || (i = []), e.computeWorldMatrix(!1);
for (var o = [], a = [], s = 0; s < n.length; s += 3) {
var d = new u.e(n[s], n[s + 1], n[s + 2]), p = new u.e(i[s], i[s + 1], i[s + 2]);
d = u.e.TransformCoordinates(d, e.getWorldMatrix()), p = u.e.TransformNormal(p, e.getWorldMatrix()), o.push(d.x, d.y, d.z), a.push(p.x, p.y, p.z);
var y = new ht.a();
return y.positions = o, y.normals = a, y.uvs = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), y.colors = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), e && e.getIndices && (y.indices = e.getIndices()), y.applyToMesh(e), e.position = u.e.Zero(), e.rotationQuaternion = null, e.rotation = u.e.Zero(), e.computeWorldMatrix(!0), y;
return ht.a.ExtractFromMesh(e);
}, r.prototype._createSoftbody = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
if (e && e.getIndices) {
var n = e.getIndices();
n || (n = []);
var i = this._softVertexData(t), o = i.positions, a = i.normals;
if (o === null || a === null)
return new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
for (var s = [], d = [], p = 0; p < o.length; p += 3) {
var y = new u.e(o[p], o[p + 1], o[p + 2]), P = new u.e(a[p], a[p + 1], a[p + 2]);
s.push(y.x, y.y, -y.z), d.push(P.x, P.y, -P.z);
var R = new this.bjsAMMO.btSoftBodyHelpers().CreateFromTriMesh(, s, e.getIndices(), n.length / 3, !0), B = o.length / 3, F = R.get_m_nodes();
for (p = 0; p < B; p++) {
var z;
(z =[3 * p]), z.setY(d[3 * p + 1]), z.setZ(d[3 * p + 2]);
return R;
}, r.prototype._createCloth = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
if (e && e.getIndices) {
var n = this._softVertexData(t), i = n.positions, o = n.normals;
if (i === null || o === null)
return new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
var a = i.length, s = Math.sqrt(a / 3);
t.segments = s;
var d = s - 1;
return this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(i[0], i[1], i[2]), this._tmpAmmoVectorB.setValue(i[3 * d], i[3 * d + 1], i[3 * d + 2]), this._tmpAmmoVectorD.setValue(i[a - 3], i[a - 2], i[a - 1]), this._tmpAmmoVectorC.setValue(i[a - 3 - 3 * d], i[a - 2 - 3 * d], i[a - 1 - 3 * d]), new this.bjsAMMO.btSoftBodyHelpers().CreatePatch(, this._tmpAmmoVectorA, this._tmpAmmoVectorB, this._tmpAmmoVectorC, this._tmpAmmoVectorD, s, s, t.getParam("fixedPoints"), !0);
}, r.prototype._createRope = function(t) {
var e, n, i = this._softVertexData(t), o = i.positions, a = i.normals;
if (o === null || a === null)
return new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
if (i.applyToMesh(t.object, !0), t._isFromLine = !0, {
return y * y;
}).reduce(function(y, P) {
return y + P;
}) === 0)
n = (e = o.length) / 3 - 1, this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(o[0], o[1], o[2]), this._tmpAmmoVectorB.setValue(o[e - 3], o[e - 2], o[e - 1]);
else {
t._isFromLine = !1;
var s = t.getParam("path");
if (t.getParam("shape") === null)
return l.a.Warn("No shape available for extruded mesh"), new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
if (o.length % (3 * s.length) != 0)
return l.a.Warn("Path does not match extrusion"), new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
n = (e = s.length) - 1, this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(s[0].x, s[0].y, s[0].z), this._tmpAmmoVectorB.setValue(s[e - 1].x, s[e - 1].y, s[e - 1].z);
t.segments = n;
var d = t.getParam("fixedPoints");
d = d > 3 ? 3 : d;
var p = new this.bjsAMMO.btSoftBodyHelpers().CreateRope(, this._tmpAmmoVectorA, this._tmpAmmoVectorB, n - 1, d);
return p.get_m_cfg().set_collisions(17), p;
}, r.prototype._createCustom = function(t) {
var e = null;
return this.onCreateCustomShape && (e = this.onCreateCustomShape(t)), e == null && (e = new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape()), e;
}, r.prototype._addHullVerts = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = 0;
if (n && n.getIndices && n.getWorldMatrix && n.getChildMeshes) {
var a = n.getIndices();
a || (a = []);
var s = n.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind);
s || (s = []), n.computeWorldMatrix(!1);
for (var d = a.length / 3, p = 0; p < d; p++) {
for (var y = [], P = 0; P < 3; P++) {
var R, B = new u.e(s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 0], s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 1], s[3 * a[3 * p + P] + 2]);
u.a.ScalingToRef(n.scaling.x, n.scaling.y, n.scaling.z, this._tmpMatrix), B = u.e.TransformCoordinates(B, this._tmpMatrix), (R = P == 0 ? this._tmpAmmoVectorA : P == 1 ? this._tmpAmmoVectorB : this._tmpAmmoVectorC).setValue(B.x, B.y, B.z), y.push(R);
t.addPoint(y[0], !0), t.addPoint(y[1], !0), t.addPoint(y[2], !0), o++;
n.getChildMeshes().forEach(function(F) {
o += i._addHullVerts(t, e, F);
return o;
}, r.prototype._createShape = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var i, o = t.object, a = t.getObjectExtendSize();
if (!e) {
var s = t.object.getChildMeshes ? t.object.getChildMeshes(!0) : [];
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape();
var d = 0;
if (s.forEach(function(F) {
var z = F.getPhysicsImpostor();
if (z) {
if (z.type == At.a.MeshImpostor)
throw "A child MeshImpostor is not supported. Only primitive impostors are supported as children (eg. box or sphere)";
var J = n._createShape(z), ie = F.parent.getWorldMatrix().clone(), se = new u.e();
ie.decompose(se), n._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().setValue(F.position.x * se.x, F.position.y * se.y, F.position.z * se.z), n._tmpAmmoQuaternion.setValue(F.rotationQuaternion.x, F.rotationQuaternion.y, F.rotationQuaternion.z, F.rotationQuaternion.w), n._tmpAmmoTransform.setRotation(n._tmpAmmoQuaternion), i.addChildShape(n._tmpAmmoTransform, J), z.dispose(), d++;
}), d > 0) {
if (t.type != At.a.NoImpostor) {
var p = this._createShape(t, !0);
p && (this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().setValue(0, 0, 0), this._tmpAmmoQuaternion.setValue(0, 0, 0, 1), this._tmpAmmoTransform.setRotation(this._tmpAmmoQuaternion), i.addChildShape(this._tmpAmmoTransform, p));
return i;
this.bjsAMMO.destroy(i), i = null;
switch (t.type) {
case At.a.SphereImpostor:
if ($.a.WithinEpsilon(a.x, a.y, 1e-4) && $.a.WithinEpsilon(a.x, a.z, 1e-4))
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btSphereShape(a.x / 2);
else {
var y = [new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(0, 0, 0)];
(i = new this.bjsAMMO.btMultiSphereShape(y, [1], 1)).setLocalScaling(new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(a.x / 2, a.y / 2, a.z / 2));
case At.a.CapsuleImpostor:
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btCapsuleShape(a.x / 2, a.y / 2);
case At.a.CylinderImpostor:
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(a.x / 2, a.y / 2, a.z / 2), i = new this.bjsAMMO.btCylinderShape(this._tmpAmmoVectorA);
case At.a.PlaneImpostor:
case At.a.BoxImpostor:
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(a.x / 2, a.y / 2, a.z / 2), i = new this.bjsAMMO.btBoxShape(this._tmpAmmoVectorA);
case At.a.MeshImpostor:
if (t.getParam("mass") == 0) {
var P = new this.bjsAMMO.btTriangleMesh();
var R = this._addMeshVerts(P, o, o);
i = R == 0 ? new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape() : new this.bjsAMMO.btBvhTriangleMeshShape(P);
case At.a.ConvexHullImpostor:
var B = new this.bjsAMMO.btConvexHullShape();
(R = this._addHullVerts(B, o, o)) == 0 ? (t._pluginData.toDispose.push(B), i = new this.bjsAMMO.btCompoundShape()) : i = B;
case At.a.NoImpostor:
i = new this.bjsAMMO.btSphereShape(a.x / 2);
case At.a.CustomImpostor:
i = this._createCustom(t);
case At.a.SoftbodyImpostor:
i = this._createSoftbody(t);
case At.a.ClothImpostor:
i = this._createCloth(t);
case At.a.RopeImpostor:
i = this._createRope(t);
l.a.Warn("The impostor type is not currently supported by the ammo plugin.");
return i;
}, r.prototype.setTransformationFromPhysicsBody = function(t) {
t.physicsBody.getMotionState().getWorldTransform(this._tmpAmmoTransform), t.object.position.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().z()), t.object.rotationQuaternion ? t.object.rotationQuaternion.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().z(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().w()) : t.object.rotation && (this._tmpQuaternion.set(this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().x(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().y(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().z(), this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().w()), this._tmpQuaternion.toEulerAnglesToRef(t.object.rotation));
}, r.prototype.setPhysicsBodyTransformation = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.physicsBody.getWorldTransform();
if (Math.abs(i.getOrigin().x() - e.x) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getOrigin().y() - e.y) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getOrigin().z() - e.z) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getRotation().x() - n.x) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getRotation().y() - n.y) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getRotation().z() - n.z) > Vt.a || Math.abs(i.getRotation().w() - n.w) > Vt.a)
if (this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(e.x, e.y, e.z), i.setOrigin(this._tmpAmmoVectorA), this._tmpAmmoQuaternion.setValue(n.x, n.y, n.z, n.w), i.setRotation(this._tmpAmmoQuaternion), t.physicsBody.setWorldTransform(i), t.mass == 0) {
var o = t.physicsBody.getMotionState();
o && o.setWorldTransform(i);
} else
}, r.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return this.bjsAMMO !== void 0;
}, r.prototype.setLinearVelocity = function(t, e) {
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(e.x, e.y, e.z), t.soft ? t.physicsBody.linearVelocity(this._tmpAmmoVectorA) : t.physicsBody.setLinearVelocity(this._tmpAmmoVectorA);
}, r.prototype.setAngularVelocity = function(t, e) {
this._tmpAmmoVectorA.setValue(e.x, e.y, e.z), t.soft ? t.physicsBody.angularVelocity(this._tmpAmmoVectorA) : t.physicsBody.setAngularVelocity(this._tmpAmmoVectorA);
}, r.prototype.getLinearVelocity = function(t) {
if (t.soft)
var e = t.physicsBody.linearVelocity();
e = t.physicsBody.getLinearVelocity();
if (!e)
return null;
var n = new u.e(e.x(), e.y(), e.z());
return this.bjsAMMO.destroy(e), n;
}, r.prototype.getAngularVelocity = function(t) {
if (t.soft)
var e = t.physicsBody.angularVelocity();
e = t.physicsBody.getAngularVelocity();
if (!e)
return null;
var n = new u.e(e.x(), e.y(), e.z());
return this.bjsAMMO.destroy(e), n;
}, r.prototype.setBodyMass = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? t.physicsBody.setTotalMass(e, !1) : t.physicsBody.setMassProps(e), t._pluginData.mass = e;
}, r.prototype.getBodyMass = function(t) {
return t._pluginData.mass || 0;
}, r.prototype.getBodyFriction = function(t) {
return t._pluginData.friction || 0;
}, r.prototype.setBodyFriction = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? t.physicsBody.get_m_cfg().set_kDF(e) : t.physicsBody.setFriction(e), t._pluginData.friction = e;
}, r.prototype.getBodyRestitution = function(t) {
return t._pluginData.restitution || 0;
}, r.prototype.setBodyRestitution = function(t, e) {
t.physicsBody.setRestitution(e), t._pluginData.restitution = e;
}, r.prototype.getBodyPressure = function(t) {
return t.soft ? t._pluginData.pressure || 0 : (l.a.Warn("Pressure is not a property of a rigid body"), 0);
}, r.prototype.setBodyPressure = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? t.type === At.a.SoftbodyImpostor ? (t.physicsBody.get_m_cfg().set_kPR(e), t._pluginData.pressure = e) : (t.physicsBody.get_m_cfg().set_kPR(0), t._pluginData.pressure = 0) : l.a.Warn("Pressure can only be applied to a softbody");
}, r.prototype.getBodyStiffness = function(t) {
return t.soft ? t._pluginData.stiffness || 0 : (l.a.Warn("Stiffness is not a property of a rigid body"), 0);
}, r.prototype.setBodyStiffness = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? (e = (e = e < 0 ? 0 : e) > 1 ? 1 : e, t.physicsBody.get_m_materials().at(0).set_m_kLST(e), t._pluginData.stiffness = e) : l.a.Warn("Stiffness cannot be applied to a rigid body");
}, r.prototype.getBodyVelocityIterations = function(t) {
return t.soft ? t._pluginData.velocityIterations || 0 : (l.a.Warn("Velocity iterations is not a property of a rigid body"), 0);
}, r.prototype.setBodyVelocityIterations = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? (e = e < 0 ? 0 : e, t.physicsBody.get_m_cfg().set_viterations(e), t._pluginData.velocityIterations = e) : l.a.Warn("Velocity iterations cannot be applied to a rigid body");
}, r.prototype.getBodyPositionIterations = function(t) {
return t.soft ? t._pluginData.positionIterations || 0 : (l.a.Warn("Position iterations is not a property of a rigid body"), 0);
}, r.prototype.setBodyPositionIterations = function(t, e) {
t.soft ? (e = e < 0 ? 0 : e, t.physicsBody.get_m_cfg().set_piterations(e), t._pluginData.positionIterations = e) : l.a.Warn("Position iterations cannot be applied to a rigid body");
}, r.prototype.appendAnchor = function(t, e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = 1), a === void 0 && (a = !1);
var s = t.segments, d = Math.round((s - 1) * n) + s * (s - 1 - Math.round((s - 1) * i));
t.physicsBody.appendAnchor(d, e.physicsBody, a, o);
}, r.prototype.appendHook = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
i === void 0 && (i = 1), o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a = Math.round(t.segments * n);
t.physicsBody.appendAnchor(a, e.physicsBody, o, i);
}, r.prototype.sleepBody = function(t) {
l.a.Warn("sleepBody is not currently supported by the Ammo physics plugin");
}, r.prototype.wakeUpBody = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.updateDistanceJoint = function(t, e, n) {
l.a.Warn("updateDistanceJoint is not currently supported by the Ammo physics plugin");
}, r.prototype.setMotor = function(t, e, n, i) {
t.physicsJoint.enableAngularMotor(!0, e, n);
}, r.prototype.setLimit = function(t, e, n) {
l.a.Warn("setLimit is not currently supported by the Ammo physics plugin");
}, r.prototype.syncMeshWithImpostor = function(t, e) {
e.physicsBody.getMotionState().getWorldTransform(this._tmpAmmoTransform), t.position.x = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().x(), t.position.y = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().y(), t.position.z = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getOrigin().z(), t.rotationQuaternion && (t.rotationQuaternion.x = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().x(), t.rotationQuaternion.y = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().y(), t.rotationQuaternion.z = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().z(), t.rotationQuaternion.w = this._tmpAmmoTransform.getRotation().w());
}, r.prototype.getRadius = function(t) {
return t.getObjectExtendSize().x / 2;
}, r.prototype.getBoxSizeToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = t.getObjectExtendSize();
e.x = n.x, e.y = n.y, e.z = n.z;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.bjsAMMO.destroy(, this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._solver), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._overlappingPairCache), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._dispatcher), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._collisionConfiguration), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoVectorA), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoVectorB), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoVectorC), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoTransform), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoQuaternion), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoConcreteContactResultCallback), = null;
}, r.prototype.raycast = function(t, e) {
this._tmpAmmoVectorRCA = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(t.x, t.y, t.z), this._tmpAmmoVectorRCB = new this.bjsAMMO.btVector3(e.x, e.y, e.z);
var n = new this.bjsAMMO.ClosestRayResultCallback(this._tmpAmmoVectorRCA, this._tmpAmmoVectorRCB);
return, this._tmpAmmoVectorRCB, n), this._raycastResult.reset(t, e), n.hasHit() && (this._raycastResult.setHitData({ x: n.get_m_hitNormalWorld().x(), y: n.get_m_hitNormalWorld().y(), z: n.get_m_hitNormalWorld().z() }, { x: n.get_m_hitPointWorld().x(), y: n.get_m_hitPointWorld().y(), z: n.get_m_hitPointWorld().z() }), this._raycastResult.calculateHitDistance()), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(n), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoVectorRCA), this.bjsAMMO.destroy(this._tmpAmmoVectorRCB), this._raycastResult;
V.a.prototype.removeReflectionProbe = function(r) {
if (!this.reflectionProbes)
return -1;
var t = this.reflectionProbes.indexOf(r);
return t !== -1 && this.reflectionProbes.splice(t, 1), t;
}, V.a.prototype.addReflectionProbe = function(r) {
this.reflectionProbes || (this.reflectionProbes = []), this.reflectionProbes.push(r);
var Du = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
i === void 0 && (i = !0), o === void 0 && (o = !1), = t, this._viewMatrix = u.a.Identity(), this._target = u.e.Zero(), this._add = u.e.Zero(), this._invertYAxis = !1, this.position = u.e.Zero(), this._scene = n, this._scene.reflectionProbes || (this._scene.reflectionProbes = new Array()), this._scene.reflectionProbes.push(this);
if (o) {
var d = this._scene.getEngine().getCaps();
d.textureHalfFloatRender ? s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : d.textureFloatRender && (s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT);
this._renderTargetTexture = new on(t, e, n, i, !0, s, !0), this._renderTargetTexture.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function(p) {
switch (p) {
case 0:
a._add.copyFromFloats(1, 0, 0);
case 1:
a._add.copyFromFloats(-1, 0, 0);
case 2:
a._add.copyFromFloats(0, a._invertYAxis ? 1 : -1, 0);
case 3:
a._add.copyFromFloats(0, a._invertYAxis ? -1 : 1, 0);
case 4:
a._add.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 1);
case 5:
a._add.copyFromFloats(0, 0, -1);
a._attachedMesh && a.position.copyFrom(a._attachedMesh.getAbsolutePosition()), a.position.addToRef(a._add, a._target), u.a.LookAtLHToRef(a.position, a._target, u.e.Up(), a._viewMatrix), n.activeCamera && (a._projectionMatrix = u.a.PerspectiveFovLH(Math.PI / 2, 1, n.activeCamera.minZ, n.activeCamera.maxZ), n.setTransformMatrix(a._viewMatrix, a._projectionMatrix)), n._forcedViewPosition = a.position;
}), this._renderTargetTexture.onAfterUnbindObservable.add(function() {
n._forcedViewPosition = null, n.updateTransformMatrix(!0);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetTexture.samples;
}, set: function(t) {
this._renderTargetTexture.samples = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "refreshRate", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetTexture.refreshRate;
}, set: function(t) {
this._renderTargetTexture.refreshRate = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "cubeTexture", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetTexture;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "renderList", { get: function() {
return this._renderTargetTexture.renderList;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.attachToMesh = function(t) {
this._attachedMesh = t;
}, r.prototype.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil = function(t, e) {
this._renderTargetTexture.setRenderingAutoClearDepthStencil(t, e);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
var t = this._scene.reflectionProbes.indexOf(this);
t !== -1 && this._scene.reflectionProbes.splice(t, 1), this._renderTargetTexture && (this._renderTargetTexture.dispose(), this._renderTargetTexture = null);
}, r.prototype.toString = function(t) {
var e = "Name: " +;
return t && (e += ", position: " + this.position.toString(), this._attachedMesh && (e += ", attached mesh: " +, e;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReflectionProbe";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = L.a.Serialize(this, this._renderTargetTexture.serialize());
return t.isReflectionProbe = !0, t;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = null;
if (e.reflectionProbes)
for (var o = 0; o < e.reflectionProbes.length; o++) {
var a = e.reflectionProbes[o];
if ( === {
i = a;
return (i = L.a.Parse(function() {
return i || new r(, t.renderTargetSize, e, t._generateMipMaps);
}, t, e, n)).cubeTexture._waitingRenderList = t.renderList, t._attachedMesh && i.attachToMesh(e.getMeshByID(t._attachedMesh)), i;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.k)()], r.prototype, "_attachedMesh", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], r.prototype, "position", void 0), r;
}(), x_ = !0, $o = function() {
function r() {
return r.LoaderInjectedPhysicsEngine = void 0, r;
}(), Lu = function(r, t, e, n) {
for (var i = 0, o = t.materials.length; i < o; i++) {
var a = t.materials[i];
if ( === r)
return zt.a.Parse(a, e, n);
return null;
}, C_ = function(r, t, e) {
for (var n in t)
if ( === t[n])
return e.push(, !0;
return !(!r.parentId || e.indexOf(r.parentId) === -1) && (e.push(, !0);
}, Ar = function(r, t) {
return r + " of " + (t ? t.file + " from " + + " version: " + t.version + ", exporter version: " + t.exporter_version : "unknown");
}, Nu = function(r, t) {
var e = t;
if (t._waitingData.lods) {
if (t._waitingData.lods.ids && t._waitingData.lods.ids.length > 0) {
var n = t._waitingData.lods.ids, i = e.isEnabled(!1);
if (t._waitingData.lods.distances) {
var o = t._waitingData.lods.distances;
if (o.length >= n.length) {
var a = o.length > n.length ? o[o.length - 1] : 0;
for (var s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
var d = n[s], p = r.getMeshByID(d);
p != null && e.addLODLevel(o[s], p);
a > 0 && e.addLODLevel(a, null), i === !0 && e.setEnabled(!0);
} else
Xe.b.Warn("Invalid level of detail distances for " +;
t._waitingData.lods = null;
}, wu = function(r, t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var o = new An(r), a = "importScene has failed JSON parse";
try {
var s = JSON.parse(t);
a = "";
var d, p, y = Ft.loggingLevel === Ft.DETAILED_LOGGING;
if (s.environmentTexture !== void 0 && s.environmentTexture !== null) {
var P = s.isPBR === void 0 || s.isPBR;
if (s.environmentTextureType && s.environmentTextureType === "BABYLON.HDRCubeTexture") {
var R = s.environmentTextureSize ? s.environmentTextureSize : 128, B = new qo((s.environmentTexture.match(/https?:\/\//g) ? "" : e) + s.environmentTexture, r, R, !0, !P);
s.environmentTextureRotationY && (B.rotationY = s.environmentTextureRotationY), r.environmentTexture = B;
} else if (Hn.a.EndsWith(s.environmentTexture, ".env")) {
var F = new ei((s.environmentTexture.match(/https?:\/\//g) ? "" : e) + s.environmentTexture, r);
s.environmentTextureRotationY && (F.rotationY = s.environmentTextureRotationY), r.environmentTexture = F;
} else {
var z = ei.CreateFromPrefilteredData((s.environmentTexture.match(/https?:\/\//g) ? "" : e) + s.environmentTexture, r);
s.environmentTextureRotationY && (z.rotationY = s.environmentTextureRotationY), r.environmentTexture = z;
if (s.createDefaultSkybox === !0) {
var J = r.activeCamera !== void 0 && r.activeCamera !== null ? (r.activeCamera.maxZ - r.activeCamera.minZ) / 2 : 1e3, ie = s.skyboxBlurLevel || 0;
r.createDefaultSkybox(r.environmentTexture, P, J, ie);
o.environmentTexture = r.environmentTexture;
if (s.environmentIntensity !== void 0 && s.environmentIntensity !== null && (r.environmentIntensity = s.environmentIntensity), s.lights !== void 0 && s.lights !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.lights.length; d < p; d++) {
var se = s.lights[d], ce = bi.a.Parse(se, r);
ce && (o.lights.push(ce), a += d === 0 ? `
Lights:` : "", a += `
` + ce.toString(y));
if (s.reflectionProbes !== void 0 && s.reflectionProbes !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.reflectionProbes.length; d < p; d++) {
var ue = s.reflectionProbes[d], fe = Du.Parse(ue, r, e);
fe && (o.reflectionProbes.push(fe), a += d === 0 ? `
Reflection Probes:` : "", a += `
` + fe.toString(y));
if (s.animations !== void 0 && s.animations !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.animations.length; d < p; d++) {
var ve = s.animations[d], Te = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
if (Te) {
var Re = Te.Parse(ve);
r.animations.push(Re), o.animations.push(Re), a += d === 0 ? `
Animations:` : "", a += `
` + Re.toString(y);
if (s.materials !== void 0 && s.materials !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.materials.length; d < p; d++) {
var Ae = s.materials[d], Ee = zt.a.Parse(Ae, r, e);
Ee && (o.materials.push(Ee), a += d === 0 ? `
Materials:` : "", a += `
` + Ee.toString(y), Ee.getActiveTextures().forEach(function(Kt) {
o.textures.indexOf(Kt) == -1 && o.textures.push(Kt);
if (s.multiMaterials !== void 0 && s.multiMaterials !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.multiMaterials.length; d < p; d++) {
var Se = s.multiMaterials[d], De = qi.a.ParseMultiMaterial(Se, r);
o.multiMaterials.push(De), a += d === 0 ? `
MultiMaterials:` : "", a += `
` + De.toString(y), De.getActiveTextures().forEach(function(Kt) {
o.textures.indexOf(Kt) == -1 && o.textures.push(Kt);
if (s.morphTargetManagers !== void 0 && s.morphTargetManagers !== null)
for (var xe = 0, Le = s.morphTargetManagers; xe < Le.length; xe++) {
var Me = Le[xe];
o.morphTargetManagers.push(Zo.Parse(Me, r));
if (s.skeletons !== void 0 && s.skeletons !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.skeletons.length; d < p; d++) {
var we = s.skeletons[d], Ye = Ao.Parse(we, r);
o.skeletons.push(Ye), a += d === 0 ? `
Skeletons:` : "", a += `
` + Ye.toString(y);
var et = s.geometries;
if (et != null) {
var nt = new Array(), ct = et.vertexData;
if (ct != null)
for (d = 0, p = ct.length; d < p; d++) {
var Ke = ct[d];
nt.push(Ns.a.Parse(Ke, r, e));
nt.forEach(function(Kt) {
Kt && o.geometries.push(Kt);
if (s.transformNodes !== void 0 && s.transformNodes !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.transformNodes.length; d < p; d++) {
var rt = s.transformNodes[d], it = pr.a.Parse(rt, r, e);
if (s.meshes !== void 0 && s.meshes !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.meshes.length; d < p; d++) {
var qe = s.meshes[d], ut = Ie.a.Parse(qe, r, e);
if (o.meshes.push(ut), ut.hasInstances)
for (var Ve = 0, Ze = ut.instances; Ve < Ze.length; Ve++) {
var vt = Ze[Ve];
a += d === 0 ? `
Meshes:` : "", a += `
` + ut.toString(y);
if (s.cameras !== void 0 && s.cameras !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.cameras.length; d < p; d++) {
var jt = s.cameras[d], Dt = _t.a.Parse(jt, r);
o.cameras.push(Dt), a += d === 0 ? `
Cameras:` : "", a += `
` + Dt.toString(y);
if (s.postProcesses !== void 0 && s.postProcesses !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.postProcesses.length; d < p; d++) {
var Yt = s.postProcesses[d], mt = ft.Parse(Yt, r, e);
mt && (o.postProcesses.push(mt), a += d === 0 ? `
Postprocesses:` : "", a += `
` + mt.toString());
if (s.animationGroups !== void 0 && s.animationGroups !== null)
for (d = 0, p = s.animationGroups.length; d < p; d++) {
var qt = s.animationGroups[d], Ht = je.Parse(qt, r);
o.animationGroups.push(Ht), a += d === 0 ? `
AnimationGroups:` : "", a += `
` + Ht.toString(y);
for (d = 0, p = r.cameras.length; d < p; d++)
(Dt = r.cameras[d])._waitingParentId && (Dt.parent = r.getLastEntryByID(Dt._waitingParentId), Dt._waitingParentId = null);
for (d = 0, p = r.lights.length; d < p; d++) {
var kt = r.lights[d];
kt && kt._waitingParentId && (kt.parent = r.getLastEntryByID(kt._waitingParentId), kt._waitingParentId = null);
for (d = 0, p = r.transformNodes.length; d < p; d++) {
var Wt = r.transformNodes[d];
Wt._waitingParentId && (Wt.parent = r.getLastEntryByID(Wt._waitingParentId), Wt._waitingParentId = null);
for (d = 0, p = r.meshes.length; d < p; d++)
(ut = r.meshes[d])._waitingParentId && (ut.parent = r.getLastEntryByID(ut._waitingParentId), ut._waitingParentId = null), ut._waitingData.lods && Nu(r, ut);
for (d = 0, p = r.skeletons.length; d < p; d++)
(Ye = r.skeletons[d])._hasWaitingData && (Ye.bones != null && Ye.bones.forEach(function(Kt) {
if (Kt._waitingTransformNodeId) {
var oi = r.getLastEntryByID(Kt._waitingTransformNodeId);
oi && Kt.linkTransformNode(oi), Kt._waitingTransformNodeId = null;
}), Ye._waitingOverrideMeshId && (Ye.overrideMesh = r.getMeshByID(Ye._waitingOverrideMeshId), Ye._waitingOverrideMeshId = null), Ye._hasWaitingData = null);
for (d = 0, p = r.meshes.length; d < p; d++) {
var bt = r.meshes[d];
bt._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix ? (bt.freezeWorldMatrix(), bt._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix = null) : bt.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
for (d = 0, p = r.lights.length; d < p; d++) {
var Rt = r.lights[d];
if (Rt._excludedMeshesIds.length > 0) {
for (var Zt = 0; Zt < Rt._excludedMeshesIds.length; Zt++) {
var Mn = r.getMeshByID(Rt._excludedMeshesIds[Zt]);
Mn && Rt.excludedMeshes.push(Mn);
Rt._excludedMeshesIds = [];
if (Rt._includedOnlyMeshesIds.length > 0) {
for (var Bn = 0; Bn < Rt._includedOnlyMeshesIds.length; Bn++) {
var Kn = r.getMeshByID(Rt._includedOnlyMeshesIds[Bn]);
Kn && Rt.includedOnlyMeshes.push(Kn);
Rt._includedOnlyMeshesIds = [];
for (V.a.Parse(s, r, o, e), d = 0, p = r.meshes.length; d < p; d++)
(ut = r.meshes[d])._waitingData.actions && (pe.Parse(ut._waitingData.actions, ut, r), ut._waitingData.actions = null);
s.actions !== void 0 && s.actions !== null && pe.Parse(s.actions, null, r);
} catch (Kt) {
var In = Ar("loadAssets", s ? s.producer : "Unknown") + a;
if (!n)
throw l.a.Log(In), Kt;
n(In, Kt);
} finally {
i || o.removeAllFromScene(), a !== null && Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.NO_LOGGING && l.a.Log(Ar("loadAssets", s ? s.producer : "Unknown") + (Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.MINIMAL_LOGGING ? a : ""));
return o;
Ft.RegisterPlugin({ name: "babylon.js", extensions: ".babylon", canDirectLoad: function(r) {
return r.indexOf("babylon") !== -1;
}, importMesh: function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d = "importMesh has failed JSON parse";
try {
var p = JSON.parse(e);
d = "";
var y = Ft.loggingLevel === Ft.DETAILED_LOGGING;
r ? Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r]) : r = null;
var P = new Array();
if (p.meshes !== void 0 && p.meshes !== null) {
var R, B, F, z = [], J = [];
for (R = 0, B = p.meshes.length; R < B; R++) {
var ie = p.meshes[R];
if (r === null || C_(ie, r, P)) {
if (r !== null && delete r[r.indexOf(], ie.geometryId !== void 0 && ie.geometryId !== null && p.geometries !== void 0 && p.geometries !== null) {
var se = !1;
["boxes", "spheres", "cylinders", "toruses", "grounds", "planes", "torusKnots", "vertexData"].forEach(function(it) {
se !== !0 && p.geometries[it] && Array.isArray(p.geometries[it]) && p.geometries[it].forEach(function(qe) {
if ( === ie.geometryId) {
switch (it) {
case "vertexData":
Ns.a.Parse(qe, t, n);
se = !0;
}), se === !1 && l.a.Warn("Geometry not found for mesh " +;
if (ie.materialId) {
var ce = J.indexOf(ie.materialId) !== -1;
if (ce === !1 && p.multiMaterials !== void 0 && p.multiMaterials !== null)
for (var ue = 0, fe = p.multiMaterials.length; ue < fe; ue++) {
var ve = p.multiMaterials[ue];
if ( === ie.materialId) {
for (var Te = 0, Re = ve.materials.length; Te < Re; Te++) {
var Ae, Ee = ve.materials[Te];
J.push(Ee), (Ae = Lu(Ee, p, t, n)) && (d += `
Material ` + Ae.toString(y));
var Se = qi.a.ParseMultiMaterial(ve, t);
Se && (ce = !0, d += `
Multi-Material ` + Se.toString(y));
ce === !1 && (J.push(ie.materialId), (Ae = Lu(ie.materialId, p, t, n)) ? d += `
Material ` + Ae.toString(y) : l.a.Warn("Material not found for mesh " +;
if (ie.skeletonId > -1 && p.skeletons !== void 0 && p.skeletons !== null && !(z.indexOf(ie.skeletonId) > -1))
for (var De = 0, xe = p.skeletons.length; De < xe; De++) {
var Le = p.skeletons[De];
if ( === ie.skeletonId) {
var Me = Ao.Parse(Le, t);
a.push(Me), z.push(, d += `
Skeleton ` + Me.toString(y);
if (p.morphTargetManagers !== void 0 && p.morphTargetManagers !== null)
for (var we = 0, Ye = p.morphTargetManagers; we < Ye.length; we++) {
var et = Ye[we];
Zo.Parse(et, t);
var nt = Ie.a.Parse(ie, t, n);
i.push(nt), d += `
Mesh ` + nt.toString(y);
for (R = 0, B = t.meshes.length; R < B; R++)
(F = t.meshes[R])._waitingParentId && (F.parent = t.getLastEntryByID(F._waitingParentId), F._waitingParentId = null), F._waitingData.lods && Nu(t, F);
for (R = 0, B = t.skeletons.length; R < B; R++)
(Me = t.skeletons[R])._hasWaitingData && (Me.bones != null && Me.bones.forEach(function(it) {
if (it._waitingTransformNodeId) {
var qe = t.getLastEntryByID(it._waitingTransformNodeId);
qe && it.linkTransformNode(qe), it._waitingTransformNodeId = null;
}), Me._waitingOverrideMeshId && (Me.overrideMesh = t.getMeshByID(Me._waitingOverrideMeshId), Me._waitingOverrideMeshId = null), Me._hasWaitingData = null);
for (R = 0, B = t.meshes.length; R < B; R++)
(F = t.meshes[R])._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix ? (F.freezeWorldMatrix(), F._waitingData.freezeWorldMatrix = null) : F.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
if (p.particleSystems !== void 0 && p.particleSystems !== null) {
var ct = V.a.GetIndividualParser(ot.a.NAME_PARTICLESYSTEM);
if (ct)
for (R = 0, B = p.particleSystems.length; R < B; R++) {
var Ke = p.particleSystems[R];
P.indexOf(Ke.emitterId) !== -1 && o.push(ct(Ke, t, n));
return !0;
} catch (it) {
var rt = Ar("importMesh", p ? p.producer : "Unknown") + d;
if (!s)
throw l.a.Log(rt), it;
s(rt, it);
} finally {
d !== null && Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.NO_LOGGING && l.a.Log(Ar("importMesh", p ? p.producer : "Unknown") + (Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.MINIMAL_LOGGING ? d : ""));
return !1;
}, load: function(r, t, e, n) {
var i = "importScene has failed JSON parse";
try {
var o = JSON.parse(t);
if (i = "", o.useDelayedTextureLoading !== void 0 && o.useDelayedTextureLoading !== null && (r.useDelayedTextureLoading = o.useDelayedTextureLoading && !Ft.ForceFullSceneLoadingForIncremental), o.autoClear !== void 0 && o.autoClear !== null && (r.autoClear = o.autoClear), o.clearColor !== void 0 && o.clearColor !== null && (r.clearColor = I.b.FromArray(o.clearColor)), o.ambientColor !== void 0 && o.ambientColor !== null && (r.ambientColor = I.a.FromArray(o.ambientColor)), o.gravity !== void 0 && o.gravity !== null && (r.gravity = u.e.FromArray(o.gravity)), o.fogMode && o.fogMode !== 0)
switch (r.fogMode = o.fogMode, r.fogColor = I.a.FromArray(o.fogColor), r.fogStart = o.fogStart, r.fogEnd = o.fogEnd, r.fogDensity = o.fogDensity, i += " Fog mode for scene: ", r.fogMode) {
case 1:
i += `exp
case 2:
i += `exp2
case 3:
i += `linear
if (o.physicsEnabled) {
var a;
o.physicsEngine === "cannon" ? a = new Bs(void 0, void 0, $o.LoaderInjectedPhysicsEngine) : o.physicsEngine === "oimo" ? a = new Mu(void 0, $o.LoaderInjectedPhysicsEngine) : o.physicsEngine === "ammo" && (a = new Iu(void 0, $o.LoaderInjectedPhysicsEngine, void 0)), i = " Physics engine " + (o.physicsEngine ? o.physicsEngine : "oimo") + ` enabled
var s = o.physicsGravity ? u.e.FromArray(o.physicsGravity) : null;
r.enablePhysics(s, a);
return o.metadata !== void 0 && o.metadata !== null && (r.metadata = o.metadata), o.collisionsEnabled !== void 0 && o.collisionsEnabled !== null && (r.collisionsEnabled = o.collisionsEnabled), !!wu(r, t, e, n, !0) && (o.autoAnimate && r.beginAnimation(r, o.autoAnimateFrom, o.autoAnimateTo, o.autoAnimateLoop, o.autoAnimateSpeed || 1), o.activeCameraID !== void 0 && o.activeCameraID !== null && r.setActiveCameraByID(o.activeCameraID), !0);
} catch (p) {
var d = Ar("importScene", o ? o.producer : "Unknown") + i;
if (!n)
throw l.a.Log(d), p;
n(d, p);
} finally {
i !== null && Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.NO_LOGGING && l.a.Log(Ar("importScene", o ? o.producer : "Unknown") + (Ft.loggingLevel !== Ft.MINIMAL_LOGGING ? i : ""));
return !1;
}, loadAssetContainer: function(r, t, e, n) {
return wu(r, t, e, n);
} });
var R_ = f(121), Fu = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._isEnabled = !0, this.bias = t.bias === void 0 ? 0 : t.bias, this.power = t.power === void 0 ? 1 : t.power, this.leftColor = t.leftColor || I.a.White(), this.rightColor = t.rightColor || I.a.Black(), t.isEnabled === !1 && (this.isEnabled = !1);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isEnabled;
}, set: function(t) {
this._isEnabled !== t && (this._isEnabled = t, Ue.a.MarkAllMaterialsAsDirty(h.a.MATERIAL_FresnelDirtyFlag | h.a.MATERIAL_MiscDirtyFlag));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.equals = function(t) {
return t && this.bias === t.bias && this.power === t.power && this.leftColor.equals(t.leftColor) && this.rightColor.equals(t.rightColor) && this.isEnabled === t.isEnabled;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
return { isEnabled: this.isEnabled, leftColor: this.leftColor.asArray(), rightColor: this.rightColor.asArray(), bias: this.bias, power: this.power };
}, r.Parse = function(t) {
return new r({ isEnabled: t.isEnabled, leftColor: I.a.FromArray(t.leftColor), rightColor: I.a.FromArray(t.rightColor), bias: t.bias, power: t.power || 1 });
}, r;
L.a._FresnelParametersParser = Fu.Parse;
var Bu = f(119), Us = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i.maxSimultaneousLights = 4, i.disableLighting = !1, i.invertNormalMapX = !1, i.invertNormalMapY = !1, i.emissiveColor = new I.a(0, 0, 0), i.occlusionStrength = 1, i.useLightmapAsShadowmap = !1, i._useAlphaFromAlbedoTexture = !0, i._useAmbientInGrayScale = !0, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "doubleSided", { get: function() {
return this._twoSidedLighting;
}, set: function(e) {
this._twoSidedLighting !== e && (this._twoSidedLighting = e, this.backFaceCulling = !e, this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRBaseSimpleMaterial";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "maxSimultaneousLights", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsLightsDirty")], t.prototype, "disableLighting", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_reflectionTexture")], t.prototype, "environmentTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "invertNormalMapX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "invertNormalMapY", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_bumpTexture")], t.prototype, "normalTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("emissive"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "emissiveColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "emissiveTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_ambientTextureStrength")], t.prototype, "occlusionStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_ambientTexture")], t.prototype, "occlusionTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_alphaCutOff")], t.prototype, "alphaCutOff", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "doubleSided", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", null)], t.prototype, "lightmapTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "useLightmapAsShadowmap", void 0), t;
}(pn), Uu = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureAlpha = !1, i._useRoughnessFromMetallicTextureGreen = !0, i._useMetallnessFromMetallicTextureBlue = !0, i.metallic = 1, i.roughness = 1, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial";
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e) {
var n = this, i = L.a.Clone(function() {
return new t(e, n.getScene());
}, this);
return = e, = e, this.clearCoat.copyTo(i.clearCoat), this.anisotropy.copyTo(i.anisotropy), this.brdf.copyTo(i.brdf), this.sheen.copyTo(i.sheen), this.subSurface.copyTo(i.subSurface), i;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial", e.clearCoat = this.clearCoat.serialize(), e.anisotropy = this.anisotropy.serialize(), e.brdf = this.brdf.serialize(), e.sheen = this.sheen.serialize(), e.subSurface = this.subSurface.serialize(), e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n);
}, e, n, i);
return e.clearCoat && o.clearCoat.parse(e.clearCoat, n, i), e.anisotropy && o.anisotropy.parse(e.anisotropy, n, i), e.brdf && o.brdf.parse(e.brdf, n, i), e.sheen && o.sheen.parse(e.sheen, n, i), e.subSurface && o.subSurface.parse(e.subSurface, n, i), o;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_albedoColor")], t.prototype, "baseColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_albedoTexture")], t.prototype, "baseTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "metallic", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty")], t.prototype, "roughness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_metallicTexture")], t.prototype, "metallicRoughnessTexture", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessMaterial"] = Uu;
var Vu = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e, n) || this;
return i._useMicroSurfaceFromReflectivityMapAlpha = !0, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial";
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e) {
var n = this, i = L.a.Clone(function() {
return new t(e, n.getScene());
}, this);
return = e, = e, this.clearCoat.copyTo(i.clearCoat), this.anisotropy.copyTo(i.anisotropy), this.brdf.copyTo(i.brdf), this.sheen.copyTo(i.sheen), this.subSurface.copyTo(i.subSurface), i;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "BABYLON.PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial", e.clearCoat = this.clearCoat.serialize(), e.anisotropy = this.anisotropy.serialize(), e.brdf = this.brdf.serialize(), e.sheen = this.sheen.serialize(), e.subSurface = this.subSurface.serialize(), e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n);
}, e, n, i);
return e.clearCoat && o.clearCoat.parse(e.clearCoat, n, i), e.anisotropy && o.anisotropy.parse(e.anisotropy, n, i), e.brdf && o.brdf.parse(e.brdf, n, i), e.sheen && o.sheen.parse(e.sheen, n, i), e.subSurface && o.subSurface.parse(e.subSurface, n, i), o;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("diffuse"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_albedoColor")], t.prototype, "diffuseColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_albedoTexture")], t.prototype, "diffuseTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.e)("specular"), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_reflectivityColor")], t.prototype, "specularColor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_microSurface")], t.prototype, "glossiness", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)(), Object(L.b)("_markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty", "_reflectivityTexture")], t.prototype, "specularGlossinessTexture", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PBRSpecularGlossinessMaterial"] = Vu;
var ea = f(73), ku = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = null);
var o =, n) || this;
if (!e)
return o;
if (o._textureMatrix = u.a.Identity(), = e, o.url = e, o._onLoad = i, o._texture = o._getFromCache(e, !0), o._texture)
else {
var a = o.getScene();
a && a.useDelayedTextureLoading ? o.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED : o.loadTexture();
return o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._triggerOnLoad = function() {
this._onLoad && this._onLoad();
}, t.prototype.getTextureMatrix = function() {
return this._textureMatrix;
}, t.prototype.load3dlTexture = function() {
var e, n = this, i = this._getEngine();
e = i.webGLVersion === 1 ? i.createRawTexture(null, 1, 1, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, null, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT) : i.createRawTexture3D(null, 1, 1, 1, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, null, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this._texture = e, this._texture.isReady = !1, this.isCube = !1, this.is3D = i.webGLVersion > 1, this.wrapU = h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this.wrapV = h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this.wrapR = h.a.TEXTURE_CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1;
var o = function(s) {
if (typeof s == "string") {
for (var d, p = null, y = null, P = s.split(`
`), R = 0, B = 0, F = 0, z = 0, J = 0, ie = 0; ie < P.length; ie++)
if (d = P[ie], t._noneEmptyLineRegex.test(d) && d.indexOf("#") !== 0) {
var se = d.split(" ");
if (R !== 0) {
if (R != 0) {
var ce = Math.max(parseInt(se[0]), 0), ue = Math.max(parseInt(se[1]), 0), fe = Math.max(parseInt(se[2]), 0);
J = Math.max(ce, J), J = Math.max(ue, J), J = Math.max(fe, J);
var ve = 4 * (B + z * R + F * R * R);
y && (y[ve + 0] = ce, y[ve + 1] = ue, y[ve + 2] = fe), ++F % R == 0 && (F = 0, ++z % R == 0 && (B++, z = 0));
} else
R = se.length, p = new Uint8Array(R * R * R * 4), y = new Float32Array(R * R * R * 4);
if (y && p)
for (ie = 0; ie < y.length; ie++)
if (ie > 0 && (ie + 1) % 4 == 0)
p[ie] = 255;
else {
var Te = y[ie];
p[ie] = Te / J * 255;
e.is3D ? (e.updateSize(R, R, R), i.updateRawTexture3D(e, p, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1)) : (e.updateSize(R * R, R), i.updateRawTexture(e, p, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, !1)), e.isReady = !0, n._triggerOnLoad();
}, a = this.getScene();
return a ? a._loadFile(this.url, o) : i._loadFile(this.url, o), this._texture;
}, t.prototype.loadTexture = function() {
this.url && this.url.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(".3dl") == this.url.length - 4 && this.load3dlTexture();
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = new t(this.url, this.getScene() || this._getEngine());
return e.level = this.level, e;
}, t.prototype.delayLoad = function() {
this.delayLoadState === h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED && (this.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_LOADED, this._texture = this._getFromCache(this.url, !0), this._texture || this.loadTexture());
}, t.Parse = function(e, n) {
var i = null;
return && !e.isRenderTarget && ((i = new t(, n)).name =, i.level = e.level), i;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (!
return null;
var e = {};
return =, e.level = this.level, e.customType = "BABYLON.ColorGradingTexture", e;
}, t._noneEmptyLineRegex = /\S+/, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ColorGradingTexture"] = ku;
var Gu = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = !0), s === void 0 && (s = null), d === void 0 && (d = null);
var p =, n) || this;
if (p._onLoad = null, p._onError = null, !e)
throw new Error("Image url is not set");
return p._coordinatesMode = Ne.a.CUBIC_MODE, = e, p.url = e, p._size = i, p._noMipmap = o, p.gammaSpace = a, p._onLoad = s, p._onError = d, p.hasAlpha = !1, p.isCube = !0, p._texture = p._getFromCache(e, p._noMipmap), p._texture ? s && (p._texture.isReady ? Xe.b.SetImmediate(function() {
return s();
}) : p._texture.onLoadedObservable.add(s)) : n.useDelayedTextureLoading ? p.delayLoadState = h.a.DELAYLOADSTATE_NOTLOADED : p.loadImage(p.loadTexture.bind(p), p._onError), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.loadImage = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = document.createElement("canvas"), a = new Image();
a.addEventListener("load", function() {
i._width = a.width, i._height = a.height, o.width = i._width, o.height = i._height;
var s = o.getContext("2d");
s.drawImage(a, 0, 0);
var d = s.getImageData(0, 0, a.width, a.height);
i._buffer =, o.remove(), e();
}), a.addEventListener("error", function(s) {
n && n(i.getClassName() + " could not be loaded", s);
}), a.src = this.url;
}, t.prototype.loadTexture = function() {
var e = this, n = this.getScene();
n && (this._texture = n.getEngine().createRawCubeTextureFromUrl(this.url, n, this._size, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, n.getEngine().getCaps().textureFloat ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INTEGER, this._noMipmap, function() {
for (var i = e.getFloat32ArrayFromArrayBuffer(e._buffer), o = ws.ConvertPanoramaToCubemap(i, e._width, e._height, e._size), a = [], s = 0; s < 6; s++) {
var d = o[t._FacesMapping[s]];
return a;
}, null, this._onLoad, this._onError));
}, t.prototype.getFloat32ArrayFromArrayBuffer = function(e) {
for (var n = new DataView(e), i = new Float32Array(3 * e.byteLength / 4), o = 0, a = 0; a < e.byteLength; a++)
(a + 1) % 4 != 0 && (i[o++] = n.getUint8(a) / 255);
return i;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "EquiRectangularCubeTexture";
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = this.getScene();
if (!e)
return this;
var n = new t(this.url, e, this._size, this._noMipmap, this.gammaSpace);
return n.level = this.level, n.wrapU = this.wrapU, n.wrapV = this.wrapV, n.coordinatesIndex = this.coordinatesIndex, n.coordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, n;
}, t._FacesMapping = ["right", "left", "up", "down", "front", "back"], t;
}(kn.a), O_ = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
var o =, i.scene || i.engine) || this;
return n && (i.engine || i.scene) && (i = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, t.DefaultOptions), i), o._generateMipMaps = i.generateMipMaps, o._samplingMode = i.samplingMode, o._textureMatrix = u.a.Identity(), = e, o.element = n, o._isVideo = n instanceof HTMLVideoElement, o.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, o._createInternalTexture()), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._createInternalTexture = function() {
var e = 0, n = 0;
this._isVideo ? (e = this.element.videoWidth, n = this.element.videoHeight) : (e = this.element.width, n = this.element.height);
var i = this._getEngine();
i && (this._texture = i.createDynamicTexture(e, n, this._generateMipMaps, this._samplingMode)), this.update();
}, t.prototype.getTextureMatrix = function() {
return this._textureMatrix;
}, t.prototype.update = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = null);
var n = this._getEngine();
if (this._texture != null && n != null)
if (this._isVideo) {
var i = this.element;
if (i.readyState < i.HAVE_CURRENT_DATA)
n.updateVideoTexture(this._texture, i, e === null || e);
} else {
var o = this.element;
n.updateDynamicTexture(this._texture, o, e === null || e, !1);
}, t.DefaultOptions = { generateMipMaps: !1, samplingMode: h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, engine: null, scene: null }, t;
}(kn.a), ta = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetTGAHeader = function(t) {
var e = 0;
return { id_length: t[e++], colormap_type: t[e++], image_type: t[e++], colormap_index: t[e++] | t[e++] << 8, colormap_length: t[e++] | t[e++] << 8, colormap_size: t[e++], origin: [t[e++] | t[e++] << 8, t[e++] | t[e++] << 8], width: t[e++] | t[e++] << 8, height: t[e++] | t[e++] << 8, pixel_size: t[e++], flags: t[e++] };
}, r.UploadContent = function(t, e) {
if (e.length < 19)
l.a.Error("Unable to load TGA file - Not enough data to contain header");
else {
var n = 18, i = r.GetTGAHeader(e);
if (i.id_length + n > e.length)
l.a.Error("Unable to load TGA file - Not enough data");
else {
n += i.id_length;
var o, a = !1, s = !1, d = !1;
switch (i.image_type) {
a = !0;
s = !0;
case r._TYPE_RLE_RGB:
a = !0;
case r._TYPE_RGB:
case r._TYPE_RLE_GREY:
a = !0;
case r._TYPE_GREY:
d = !0;
var p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J = i.pixel_size >> 3, ie = i.width * i.height * J;
if (s && (p = e.subarray(n, n += i.colormap_length * (i.colormap_size >> 3))), a) {
var se, ce, ue;
o = new Uint8Array(ie);
for (var fe = 0, ve = new Uint8Array(J); n < ie && fe < ie; )
if (ce = 1 + (127 & (se = e[n++])), 128 & se) {
for (ue = 0; ue < J; ++ue)
ve[ue] = e[n++];
for (ue = 0; ue < ce; ++ue)
o.set(ve, fe + ue * J);
fe += J * ce;
} else {
for (ce *= J, ue = 0; ue < ce; ++ue)
o[fe + ue] = e[n++];
fe += ce;
} else
o = e.subarray(n, n += s ? i.width * i.height : ie);
switch ((i.flags & r._ORIGIN_MASK) >> r._ORIGIN_SHIFT) {
case r._ORIGIN_UL:
y = 0, R = 1, z = i.width, P = 0, B = 1, F = i.height;
case r._ORIGIN_BL:
y = 0, R = 1, z = i.width, P = i.height - 1, B = -1, F = -1;
case r._ORIGIN_UR:
y = i.width - 1, R = -1, z = -1, P = 0, B = 1, F = i.height;
case r._ORIGIN_BR:
y = i.width - 1, R = -1, z = -1, P = i.height - 1, B = -1, F = -1;
var Te = r["_getImageData" + (d ? "Grey" : "") + i.pixel_size + "bits"](i, p, o, P, B, F, y, R, z);
t.getEngine()._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(t, Te);
}, r._getImageData8bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R, B = n, F = e, z = t.width, J = t.height, ie = 0, se = new Uint8Array(z * J * 4);
for (R = i; R !== a; R += o)
for (P = s; P !== p; P += d, ie++)
y = B[ie], se[4 * (P + z * R) + 3] = 255, se[4 * (P + z * R) + 2] = F[3 * y + 0], se[4 * (P + z * R) + 1] = F[3 * y + 1], se[4 * (P + z * R) + 0] = F[3 * y + 2];
return se;
}, r._getImageData16bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R, B = n, F = t.width, z = t.height, J = 0, ie = new Uint8Array(F * z * 4);
for (R = i; R !== a; R += o)
for (P = s; P !== p; P += d, J += 2) {
var se = 255 * ((31744 & (y = B[J + 0] + (B[J + 1] << 8))) >> 10) / 31 | 0, ce = 255 * ((992 & y) >> 5) / 31 | 0, ue = 255 * (31 & y) / 31 | 0;
ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 0] = se, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 1] = ce, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 2] = ue, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 3] = 32768 & y ? 0 : 255;
return ie;
}, r._getImageData24bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R = n, B = t.width, F = t.height, z = 0, J = new Uint8Array(B * F * 4);
for (P = i; P !== a; P += o)
for (y = s; y !== p; y += d, z += 3)
J[4 * (y + B * P) + 3] = 255, J[4 * (y + B * P) + 2] = R[z + 0], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 1] = R[z + 1], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 0] = R[z + 2];
return J;
}, r._getImageData32bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R = n, B = t.width, F = t.height, z = 0, J = new Uint8Array(B * F * 4);
for (P = i; P !== a; P += o)
for (y = s; y !== p; y += d, z += 4)
J[4 * (y + B * P) + 2] = R[z + 0], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 1] = R[z + 1], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 0] = R[z + 2], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 3] = R[z + 3];
return J;
}, r._getImageDataGrey8bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R, B = n, F = t.width, z = t.height, J = 0, ie = new Uint8Array(F * z * 4);
for (R = i; R !== a; R += o)
for (P = s; P !== p; P += d, J++)
y = B[J], ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 0] = y, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 1] = y, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 2] = y, ie[4 * (P + F * R) + 3] = 255;
return ie;
}, r._getImageDataGrey16bits = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y, P, R = n, B = t.width, F = t.height, z = 0, J = new Uint8Array(B * F * 4);
for (P = i; P !== a; P += o)
for (y = s; y !== p; y += d, z += 2)
J[4 * (y + B * P) + 0] = R[z + 0], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 1] = R[z + 0], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 2] = R[z + 0], J[4 * (y + B * P) + 3] = R[z + 1];
return J;
}, r._TYPE_INDEXED = 1, r._TYPE_RGB = 2, r._TYPE_GREY = 3, r._TYPE_RLE_INDEXED = 9, r._TYPE_RLE_RGB = 10, r._TYPE_RLE_GREY = 11, r._ORIGIN_MASK = 48, r._ORIGIN_SHIFT = 4, r._ORIGIN_BL = 0, r._ORIGIN_BR = 1, r._ORIGIN_UL = 2, r._ORIGIN_UR = 3, r;
}(), zu = function() {
function r() {
this.supportCascades = !1;
return r.prototype.canLoad = function(t) {
return Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".tga");
}, r.prototype.loadCubeData = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
throw ".env not supported in Cube.";
}, r.prototype.loadData = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), o = ta.GetTGAHeader(i);
n(o.width, o.height, e.generateMipMaps, !1, function() {
ta.UploadContent(e, i);
}, r;
Ue.a._TextureLoaders.push(new zu());
var io, M_ = function() {
(function(r) {
r[r.cTFETC1 = 0] = "cTFETC1", r[r.cTFBC1 = 1] = "cTFBC1", r[r.cTFBC4 = 2] = "cTFBC4", r[r.cTFPVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY = 3] = "cTFPVRTC1_4_OPAQUE_ONLY", r[r.cTFBC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY = 4] = "cTFBC7_M6_OPAQUE_ONLY", r[r.cTFETC2 = 5] = "cTFETC2", r[r.cTFBC3 = 6] = "cTFBC3", r[r.cTFBC5 = 7] = "cTFBC5";
})(io || (io = {}));
var ro = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetInternalFormatFromBasisFormat = function(t) {
if (t === io.cTFETC1)
return 36196;
if (t === io.cTFBC1)
return 33776;
if (t === io.cTFBC3)
return 33779;
throw "The chosen Basis transcoder format is not currently supported";
}, r._CreateWorkerAsync = function() {
var t = this;
return this._WorkerPromise || (this._WorkerPromise = new Promise(function(e) {
t._Worker ? e(t._Worker) : Xe.b.LoadFileAsync(r.WasmModuleURL).then(function(n) {
var i = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(["(" + I_ + ")()"], { type: "application/javascript" }));
t._Worker = new Worker(i);
var o = function(a) { === "init" && (t._Worker.removeEventListener("message", o), e(t._Worker));
t._Worker.addEventListener("message", o), t._Worker.postMessage({ action: "init", url: r.JSModuleURL, wasmBinary: n });
})), this._WorkerPromise;
}, r.TranscodeAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this, i = t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(t) : t;
return new Promise(function(o, a) {
n._CreateWorkerAsync().then(function() {
var s = n._actionId++, d = function(y) { === "transcode" && === s && (n._Worker.removeEventListener("message", d), ? o( : a("Transcode is not supported on this device"));
n._Worker.addEventListener("message", d);
var p = new Uint8Array(i.byteLength);
p.set(new Uint8Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, i.byteLength)), n._Worker.postMessage({ action: "transcode", id: s, imageData: p, config: e, ignoreSupportedFormats: n._IgnoreSupportedFormats }, [p.buffer]);
}, r.LoadTextureFromTranscodeResult = function(t, e) {
for (var n, i = t.getEngine(), o = function() {
if (n = e.fileInfo.images[a].levels[0], t._invertVScale = t.invertY, e.format === -1)
if (t.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, t.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, i.webGLVersion < 2 && ($.a.Log2(n.width) % 1 != 0 || $.a.Log2(n.height) % 1 != 0)) {
var s = new Pt.a(i, Pt.b.Temp);
t._invertVScale = t.invertY, s.type = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, s.format = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, s.width = n.width + 3 & -4, s.height = n.height + 3 & -4, i._bindTextureDirectly(i._gl.TEXTURE_2D, s, !0), i._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(s, n.transcodedPixels, a, 0, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, !0), i._rescaleTexture(s, t, i.scenes[0], i._getInternalFormat(h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB), function() {
i._releaseTexture(s), i._bindTextureDirectly(i._gl.TEXTURE_2D, t, !0);
} else
t._invertVScale = !t.invertY, t.width = n.width + 3 & -4, t.height = n.height + 3 & -4, i._uploadDataToTextureDirectly(t, n.transcodedPixels, a, 0, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGB, !0);
t.width = n.width, t.height = n.height, e.fileInfo.images[a].levels.forEach(function(d, p) {
i._uploadCompressedDataToTextureDirectly(t, r.GetInternalFormatFromBasisFormat(e.format), d.width, d.height, d.transcodedPixels, a, p);
}), i.webGLVersion < 2 && ($.a.Log2(t.width) % 1 != 0 || $.a.Log2(t.height) % 1 != 0) && (Xe.b.Warn("Loaded .basis texture width and height are not a power of two. Texture wrapping will be set to Texture.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE as other modes are not supported with non power of two dimensions in webGL 1."), t._cachedWrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, t._cachedWrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE);
}, a = 0; a < e.fileInfo.images.length; a++)
}, r._IgnoreSupportedFormats = !1, r.JSModuleURL = "", r.WasmModuleURL = "", r._WorkerPromise = null, r._Worker = null, r._actionId = 0, r;
function I_() {
var r = 0, t = 1, e = 5, n = 6, i = null;
function o(a, s, d, p, y) {
var P = a.getImageTranscodedSizeInBytes(s, d, p), R = new Uint8Array(P);
return a.transcodeImage(R, s, d, p, 1, 0) ? (y && (R = function(B, F, z, J) {
for (var ie = new Uint16Array(4), se = new Uint16Array(z * J), ce = z / 4, ue = J / 4, fe = 0; fe < ue; fe++)
for (var ve = 0; ve < ce; ve++) {
var Te = F + 8 * (fe * ce + ve);
ie[0] = B[Te] | B[Te + 1] << 8, ie[1] = B[Te + 2] | B[Te + 3] << 8, ie[2] = (2 * (31 & ie[0]) + 1 * (31 & ie[1])) / 3 | (2 * (2016 & ie[0]) + 1 * (2016 & ie[1])) / 3 & 2016 | (2 * (63488 & ie[0]) + 1 * (63488 & ie[1])) / 3 & 63488, ie[3] = (2 * (31 & ie[1]) + 1 * (31 & ie[0])) / 3 | (2 * (2016 & ie[1]) + 1 * (2016 & ie[0])) / 3 & 2016 | (2 * (63488 & ie[1]) + 1 * (63488 & ie[0])) / 3 & 63488;
for (var Re = 0; Re < 4; Re++) {
var Ae = B[Te + 4 + Re], Ee = (4 * fe + Re) * z + 4 * ve;
se[Ee++] = ie[3 & Ae], se[Ee++] = ie[Ae >> 2 & 3], se[Ee++] = ie[Ae >> 4 & 3], se[Ee++] = ie[Ae >> 6 & 3];
return se;
}(R, 0, a.getImageWidth(s, d) + 3 & -4, a.getImageHeight(s, d) + 3 & -4)), R) : null;
onmessage = function(a) {
if ( === "init")
i || (Module = { wasmBinary: }, importScripts(, i = new Promise(function(fe) {
Module.onRuntimeInitialized = function() {
Module.initializeBasis(), fe();
})), i.then(function() {
postMessage({ action: "init" });
else if ( === "transcode") {
var s =, d =, p = new Module.BasisFile(d), y = function(fe) {
for (var ve = fe.getHasAlpha(), Te = fe.getNumImages(), Re = [], Ae = 0; Ae < Te; Ae++) {
for (var Ee = { levels: [] }, Se = fe.getNumLevels(Ae), De = 0; De < Se; De++) {
var xe = { width: fe.getImageWidth(Ae, De), height: fe.getImageHeight(Ae, De) };
return { hasAlpha: ve, images: Re };
}(p), P = ? null : function(fe, ve) {
var Te = null;
return fe.supportedCompressionFormats && (fe.supportedCompressionFormats.etc1 ? Te = r : fe.supportedCompressionFormats.s3tc ? Te = ve.hasAlpha ? n : t : fe.supportedCompressionFormats.pvrtc || fe.supportedCompressionFormats.etc2 && (Te = e)), Te;
}(, y), R = !1;
P === null && (R = !0, P = y.hasAlpha ? n : t);
var B = !0;
p.startTranscoding() || (B = !1);
for (var F = [], z = 0; z < y.images.length && B; z++) {
var J = y.images[z];
if (s.loadSingleImage === void 0 || s.loadSingleImage === z) {
var ie = J.levels.length;
s.loadMipmapLevels === !1 && (ie = 1);
for (var se = 0; se < ie; se++) {
var ce = J.levels[se], ue = o(p, z, se, P, R);
if (!ue) {
B = !1;
ce.transcodedPixels = ue, F.push(ce.transcodedPixels.buffer);
p.close(), p.delete(), R && (P = -1), B ? postMessage({ action: "transcode", success: B, id:, fileInfo: y, format: P }, F) : postMessage({ action: "transcode", success: B, id: });
var ju = function() {
function r() {
this.supportCascades = !1;
return r.prototype.canLoad = function(t) {
return Hn.a.EndsWith(t, ".basis");
}, r.prototype.loadCubeData = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (!Array.isArray(t)) {
var a = e.getEngine().getCaps(), s = { supportedCompressionFormats: { etc1: !!a.etc1, s3tc: !!a.s3tc, pvrtc: !!a.pvrtc, etc2: !!a.etc2 } };
ro.TranscodeAsync(t, s).then(function(d) {
var p = d.fileInfo.images[0].levels.length > 1 && e.generateMipMaps;
ro.LoadTextureFromTranscodeResult(e, d), e.getEngine()._setCubeMapTextureParams(e, p), e.isReady = !0, e.onLoadedObservable.notifyObservers(e), e.onLoadedObservable.clear(), i && i();
}).catch(function(d) {
Xe.b.Warn("Failed to transcode Basis file, transcoding may not be supported on this device"), e.isReady = !0;
}, r.prototype.loadData = function(t, e, n) {
var i = e.getEngine().getCaps(), o = { supportedCompressionFormats: { etc1: !!i.etc1, s3tc: !!i.s3tc, pvrtc: !!i.pvrtc, etc2: !!i.etc2 } };
ro.TranscodeAsync(t, o).then(function(a) {
var s = a.fileInfo.images[0].levels[0], d = a.fileInfo.images[0].levels.length > 1 && e.generateMipMaps;
n(s.width, s.height, d, a.format !== -1, function() {
ro.LoadTextureFromTranscodeResult(e, a);
}).catch(function(a) {
Xe.b.Warn("Failed to transcode Basis file, transcoding may not be supported on this device"), n(0, 0, !1, !1, function() {
}, r;
Ue.a._TextureLoaders.push(new ju());
var Vs = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
var s = this, d = !(!a || !a.generateMipMaps) && a.generateMipMaps, p = !(!a || !a.generateDepthTexture) && a.generateDepthTexture, y = !a || a.doNotChangeAspectRatio === void 0 || a.doNotChangeAspectRatio;
if ((s =, e, n, o, d, y) || this).isSupported) {
var P = [], R = [];
s._initTypes(i, P, R, a);
var B = !a || a.generateDepthBuffer === void 0 || a.generateDepthBuffer, F = !(!a || a.generateStencilBuffer === void 0) && a.generateStencilBuffer;
return s._size = n, s._multiRenderTargetOptions = { samplingModes: R, generateMipMaps: d, generateDepthBuffer: B, generateStencilBuffer: F, generateDepthTexture: p, types: P, textureCount: i }, s._count = i, s._createInternalTextures(), s._createTextures(), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
return this._getEngine().webGLVersion > 1 || this._getEngine().getCaps().drawBuffersExtension;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "textures", { get: function() {
return this._textures;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "count", { get: function() {
return this._count;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthTexture", { get: function() {
return this._textures[this._textures.length - 1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wrapU", { set: function(e) {
if (this._textures)
for (var n = 0; n < this._textures.length; n++)
this._textures[n].wrapU = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "wrapV", { set: function(e) {
if (this._textures)
for (var n = 0; n < this._textures.length; n++)
this._textures[n].wrapV = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._initTypes = function(e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = 0; a < e; a++)
o && o.types && o.types[a] !== void 0 ? n.push(o.types[a]) : n.push(o && o.defaultType ? o.defaultType : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), o && o.samplingModes && o.samplingModes[a] !== void 0 ? i.push(o.samplingModes[a]) : i.push(Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);
}, t.prototype._rebuild = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this.releaseInternalTextures(), this._createInternalTextures(), e && this._createTextures();
for (var n = 0; n < this._internalTextures.length; n++)
this._textures[n]._texture = this._internalTextures[n];
this._texture = this._internalTextures[0], this.samples !== 1 && this._getEngine().updateMultipleRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(this._internalTextures, this.samples);
}, t.prototype._createInternalTextures = function() {
this._internalTextures = this._getEngine().createMultipleRenderTarget(this._size, this._multiRenderTargetOptions);
}, t.prototype._createTextures = function() {
this._textures = [];
for (var e = 0; e < this._internalTextures.length; e++) {
var n = new Ne.a(null, this.getScene());
n._texture = this._internalTextures[e], this._textures.push(n);
this._texture = this._internalTextures[0];
}, t.prototype.replaceTexture = function(e, n) {
e._texture && (this._textures[n] = e, this._internalTextures[n] = e._texture);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._samples;
}, set: function(e) {
this._samples !== e && (this._samples = this._getEngine().updateMultipleRenderTargetTextureSampleCount(this._internalTextures, e));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.resize = function(e) {
this._size = e, this._rebuild();
}, t.prototype.updateCount = function(e, n) {
this._multiRenderTargetOptions.textureCount = e, this._count = e;
var i = [], o = [];
this._initTypes(e, i, o, n), this._multiRenderTargetOptions.types = i, this._multiRenderTargetOptions.samplingModes = o, this._rebuild(!0);
}, t.prototype.unbindFrameBuffer = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
e.unBindMultiColorAttachmentFramebuffer(this._internalTextures, this.isCube, function() {
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, t.prototype.releaseInternalTextures = function() {
if (this._internalTextures)
for (var e = this._internalTextures.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
this._internalTextures[e] !== void 0 && (this._internalTextures[e].dispose(), this._internalTextures.splice(e, 1));
}, t;
}(on), ks = function(r, t, e) { = r, this.scale = t, this.offset = e;
}, D_ = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie;
return = t, this.meshes = e, this.scene = i, this.options = n, = (o = !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : ["ambientTexture", "bumpTexture", "diffuseTexture", "emissiveTexture", "lightmapTexture", "opacityTexture", "reflectionTexture", "refractionTexture", "specularTexture"], this.options.uvsIn = (a = this.options.uvsIn) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : Oe.b.UVKind, this.options.uvsOut = (s = this.options.uvsOut) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : Oe.b.UVKind, this.options.layout = (d = this.options.layout) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : r.LAYOUT_STRIP, this.options.layout === r.LAYOUT_COLNUM && (this.options.colnum = (p = this.options.colnum) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 8), this.options.updateInputMeshes = (y = this.options.updateInputMeshes) === null || y === void 0 || y, this.options.disposeSources = (P = this.options.disposeSources) === null || P === void 0 || P, this._expecting = 0, this.options.fillBlanks = (R = this.options.fillBlanks) === null || R === void 0 || R, this.options.fillBlanks === !0 && (this.options.customFillColor = (B = this.options.customFillColor) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "black"), this.options.frameSize = (F = this.options.frameSize) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : 256, this.options.paddingRatio = (z = this.options.paddingRatio) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : 0.0115, this._paddingValue = Math.ceil(this.options.frameSize * this.options.paddingRatio), this._paddingValue % 2 != 0 && this._paddingValue++, this.options.paddingMode = (J = this.options.paddingMode) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : r.SUBUV_WRAP, this.options.paddingMode === r.SUBUV_COLOR && (this.options.paddingColor = (ie = this.options.paddingColor) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : new I.b(0, 0, 0, 1)), this.sets = {}, this.frames = [], this;
return r.prototype._createFrames = function(t) {
for (var e = this, n = this._calculateSize(), i = new u.d(1, 1).divide(n), o = 0, a = this._expecting, s = this.meshes.length, d = Object.keys(this.sets), p = 0; p < d.length; p++) {
var y = d[p], P = new pi.a( + ".TexturePack." + y + "Set", { width: n.x, height: n.y }, this.scene, !0, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, Ue.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), R = P.getContext();
R.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", R.fillRect(0, 0, n.x, n.y), P.update(!1), this.sets[y] = P;
var B = this.options.frameSize || 256, F = this._paddingValue, z = B + 2 * F;
for (p = 0; p < s; p++)
for (var J = this.meshes[p].material, ie = function(ue) {
var fe = new pi.a("temp", z, se.scene, !0), ve = fe.getContext(), Te = se._getFrameOffset(p), Re = function() {
o++, fe.update(!1);
var De = ve.getImageData(0, 0, z, z), xe = e.sets[Ae];
if (xe.getContext().putImageData(De, n.x * Te.x, n.y * Te.y), fe.dispose(), xe.update(!1), o == a)
return e._calculateMeshUVFrames(B, F, n, i, e.options.updateInputMeshes || !1), void t();
}, Ae = d[ue] || "_blank";
if (J && J[Ae] !== null) {
var Ee = J[Ae], Se = new Image();
Ee instanceof pi.a ? Se.src = Ee.getContext().canvas.toDataURL("image/png") : Se.src = Ee.url, Xe.b.SetCorsBehavior(Se.src, Se), Se.onload = function() {
ve.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", ve.fillRect(0, 0, z, z), fe.update(!1), ve.setTransform(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0);
var De = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, -2, 0, -1, 1, -1];
switch (e.options.paddingMode) {
case 0:
for (var xe = 0; xe < 9; xe++)
ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, F + B * De[xe], F + B * De[xe + 1] - z, B, B);
case 1:
for (var Le = 0; Le < F; Le++)
ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, Le + B * De[0], F - z, B, B), ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, 2 * F - Le, F - z, B, B), ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, F, Le - z, B, B), ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, F, 2 * F - Le - z, B, B);
ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, F + B * De[0], F + B * De[1] - z, B, B);
case 2:
ve.fillStyle = (e.options.paddingColor || I.a.Black()).toHexString(), ve.fillRect(0, 0, z, -z), ve.clearRect(F, F, B, B), ve.drawImage(Se, 0, 0, Se.width, Se.height, F + B * De[0], F + B * De[1] - z, B, B);
ve.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0), Re();
} else
ve.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)", se.options.fillBlanks && (ve.fillStyle = se.options.customFillColor), ve.fillRect(0, 0, z, z), Re();
}, se = this, ce = 0; ce < d.length; ce++)
}, r.prototype._calculateSize = function() {
var t = this.meshes.length || 0, e = this.options.frameSize || 0, n = this._paddingValue || 0;
switch (this.options.layout) {
case 0:
return new u.d(e * t + 2 * n * t, e + 2 * n);
case 1:
var i = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(t))), o = e * i + 2 * n * i;
return new u.d(o, o);
case 2:
var a = this.options.colnum || 1, s = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(t / a));
return new u.d(e * a + 2 * n * a, e * s + 2 * n * s);
return u.d.Zero();
}, r.prototype._calculateMeshUVFrames = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = this.meshes.length, s = 0; s < a; s++) {
var d = this.meshes[s], p = new u.d(t / n.x, t / n.y), y = i.clone().scale(e), P = this._getFrameOffset(s).add(y), R = new ks(s, p, P);
this.frames.push(R), o && (this._updateMeshUV(d, s), this._updateTextureReferences(d));
}, r.prototype._getFrameOffset = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o = this.meshes.length;
switch (this.options.layout) {
case 0:
return e = 1 / o, new u.d(t * e, 0);
case 1:
var a = Math.max(2, Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(o)));
return i = t - (n = Math.floor(t / a)) * a, e = 1 / a, new u.d(i * e, n * e);
case 2:
var s = this.options.colnum || 1, d = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(o / s));
return n = t - (i = Math.floor(t / d)) * d, e = new u.d(1 / s, 1 / d), new u.d(i * e.x, n * e.y);
return u.d.Zero();
}, r.prototype._updateMeshUV = function(t, e) {
var n = this.frames[e], i = t.getVerticesData(this.options.uvsIn || Oe.b.UVKind), o = [], a = 0;
i.length && (a = i.length || 0);
for (var s = 0; s < a; s += 2)
o.push(i[s] * n.scale.x + n.offset.x, i[s + 1] * n.scale.y + n.offset.y);
t.setVerticesData(this.options.uvsOut || Oe.b.UVKind, o);
}, r.prototype._updateTextureReferences = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
for (var n = t.material, i = Object.keys(this.sets), o = function(d) {
d.dispose && d.dispose();
}, a = 0; a < i.length; a++) {
var s = i[a];
if (e)
n[s] !== null && o(n[s]), n[s] = this.sets[s];
else {
if (!n)
n[s] !== null && (o(n[s]), n[s] = this.sets[s]);
}, r.prototype.setMeshToFrame = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._updateMeshUV(t, e), n && this._updateTextureReferences(t, !0);
}, r.prototype.processAsync = function() {
var t = this;
return new Promise(function(e, n) {
try {
if (t.meshes.length === 0)
return void e();
for (var i = 0, o = function(d) {
var p = t.meshes[d], y = p.material;
if (!y)
return ++i === t.meshes.length ? { value: t._createFrames(e) } : "continue";
y.forceCompilationAsync(p).then(function() {
(function(P) {
if (i++, {
for (var R = 0; R <; R++)
P[[R]] !== null && (t.sets[[R]] || (t.sets[[R]] = !0), t._expecting++);
i === t.meshes.length && t._createFrames(e);
}, a = 0; a < t.meshes.length; a++) {
var s = o(a);
if (typeof s == "object")
return s.value;
} catch (d) {
return n(d);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = Object.keys(this.sets), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
}, = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
t === void 0 && (t = "png"), e === void 0 && (e = 1), setTimeout(function() {
var i = { name:, sets: {}, options: {}, frames: [] }, o = Object.keys(n.sets), a = Object.keys(n.options);
try {
for (var s = 0; s < o.length; s++) {
var d = o[s], p = n.sets[d];
i.sets[d] = p.getContext().canvas.toDataURL("image/" + t, e);
for (s = 0; s < a.length; s++) {
var y = a[s];
i.options[y] = n.options[y];
for (s = 0; s < n.frames.length; s++) {
var P = n.frames[s];
i.frames.push(P.scale.x, P.scale.y, P.offset.x, P.offset.y);
} catch (F) {
return void l.a.Warn("Unable to download: " + F);
var R = "data:text/json;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(i, null, 4)), B = document.createElement("a");
B.setAttribute("href", R), B.setAttribute("download", + "_texurePackage.json"), document.body.appendChild(B),, B.remove();
}, 0);
}, r.prototype.updateFromJSON = function(t) {
try {
var e = JSON.parse(t); =;
for (var n = Object.keys(e.options), i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
this.options[n[i]] = e.options[n[i]];
for (i = 0; i < e.frames.length; i += 4) {
var o = new ks(i / 4, new u.d(e.frames[i], e.frames[i + 1]), new u.d(e.frames[i + 2], e.frames[i + 3]));
var a = Object.keys(e.sets);
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
var s = new Ne.a(e.sets[a[i]], this.scene, !1, !1);
this.sets[a[i]] = s;
} catch (d) {
l.a.Warn("Unable to update from JSON: " + d);
}(), Hu = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_PROCEDURALTEXTURE, this.scene = t, this.scene.proceduralTextures = new Array();
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeClearStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECLEAR_PROCEDURALTEXTURE, this, this._beforeClear);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype._beforeClear = function() {
if (this.scene.proceduralTexturesEnabled) {
Xe.b.StartPerformanceCounter("Procedural textures", this.scene.proceduralTextures.length > 0);
for (var t = 0; t < this.scene.proceduralTextures.length; t++) {
var e = this.scene.proceduralTextures[t];
e._shouldRender() && e.render();
Xe.b.EndPerformanceCounter("Procedural textures", this.scene.proceduralTextures.length > 0);
}, r;
}(), L_ = `
attribute vec2 position;
varying vec2 vPosition;
varying vec2 vUV;
const vec2 madd=vec2(0.5,0.5);
void main(void) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.proceduralVertexShader = L_;
var oo = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
a === void 0 && (a = null), s === void 0 && (s = !0), d === void 0 && (d = !1), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var y =, null, o, !s) || this;
y.isEnabled = !0, y.autoClear = !0, y.onGeneratedObservable = new C.c(), y.onBeforeGenerationObservable = new C.c(), y.nodeMaterialSource = null, y._textures = {}, y._currentRefreshId = -1, y._frameId = -1, y._refreshRate = 1, y._vertexBuffers = {}, y._uniforms = new Array(), y._samplers = new Array(), y._floats = {}, y._ints = {}, y._floatsArrays = {}, y._colors3 = {}, y._colors4 = {}, y._vectors2 = {}, y._vectors3 = {}, y._matrices = {}, y._fallbackTextureUsed = !1, y._cachedDefines = "", y._contentUpdateId = -1;
var P = (o = y.getScene() || te.a.LastCreatedScene)._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_PROCEDURALTEXTURE);
P || (P = new Hu(o), o._addComponent(P)), o.proceduralTextures.push(y), y._fullEngine = o.getEngine(), = e, y.isRenderTarget = !0, y._size = n, y._generateMipMaps = s, y.setFragment(i), y._fallbackTexture = a, d ? (y._texture = y._fullEngine.createRenderTargetCubeTexture(n, { generateMipMaps: s, generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateStencilBuffer: !1, type: p }), y.setFloat("face", 0)) : y._texture = y._fullEngine.createRenderTargetTexture(n, { generateMipMaps: s, generateDepthBuffer: !1, generateStencilBuffer: !1, type: p });
var R = [];
return R.push(1, 1), R.push(-1, 1), R.push(-1, -1), R.push(1, -1), y._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(y._fullEngine, R, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1, 2), y._createIndexBuffer(), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getEffect = function() {
return this._effect;
}, t.prototype.getContent = function() {
return this._contentData && this._frameId === this._contentUpdateId || (this._contentData = this.readPixels(0, 0, this._contentData), this._contentUpdateId = this._frameId), this._contentData;
}, t.prototype._createIndexBuffer = function() {
var e = this._fullEngine, n = [];
n.push(0), n.push(1), n.push(2), n.push(0), n.push(2), n.push(3), this._indexBuffer = e.createIndexBuffer(n);
}, t.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var e = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
e && e._rebuild(), this._createIndexBuffer(), this.refreshRate === on.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE && (this.refreshRate = on.REFRESHRATE_RENDER_ONCE);
}, t.prototype.reset = function() {
this._effect !== void 0 && this._effect.dispose();
}, t.prototype._getDefines = function() {
return "";
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
var e, n = this, i = this._fullEngine;
if (this.nodeMaterialSource)
return this._effect.isReady();
if (!this._fragment)
return !1;
if (this._fallbackTextureUsed)
return !0;
var o = this._getDefines();
return !(!this._effect || o !== this._cachedDefines || !this._effect.isReady()) || (e = this._fragment.fragmentElement !== void 0 ? { vertex: "procedural", fragmentElement: this._fragment.fragmentElement } : { vertex: "procedural", fragment: this._fragment }, this._cachedDefines = o, this._effect = i.createEffect(e, [Oe.b.PositionKind], this._uniforms, this._samplers, o, void 0, void 0, function() {
n.releaseInternalTexture(), n._fallbackTexture && (n._texture = n._fallbackTexture._texture, n._texture && n._texture.incrementReferences()), n._fallbackTextureUsed = !0;
}), this._effect.isReady());
}, t.prototype.resetRefreshCounter = function() {
this._currentRefreshId = -1;
}, t.prototype.setFragment = function(e) {
this._fragment = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refreshRate", { get: function() {
return this._refreshRate;
}, set: function(e) {
this._refreshRate = e, this.resetRefreshCounter();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._shouldRender = function() {
return this.isEnabled && this.isReady() && this._texture ? !this._fallbackTextureUsed && (this._currentRefreshId === -1 || this.refreshRate === this._currentRefreshId ? (this._currentRefreshId = 1, this._frameId++, !0) : (this._currentRefreshId++, !1)) : (this._texture && (this._texture.isReady = !1), !1);
}, t.prototype.getRenderSize = function() {
return this._size;
}, t.prototype.resize = function(e, n) {
this._fallbackTextureUsed || (this.releaseInternalTexture(), this._texture = this._fullEngine.createRenderTargetTexture(e, n), this._size = e, this._generateMipMaps = n);
}, t.prototype._checkUniform = function(e) {
this._uniforms.indexOf(e) === -1 && this._uniforms.push(e);
}, t.prototype.setTexture = function(e, n) {
return this._samplers.indexOf(e) === -1 && this._samplers.push(e), this._textures[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setFloat = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._floats[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setInt = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._ints[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setFloats = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._floatsArrays[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setColor3 = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._colors3[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setColor4 = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._colors4[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setVector2 = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._vectors2[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setVector3 = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._vectors3[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.setMatrix = function(e, n) {
return this._checkUniform(e), this._matrices[e] = n, this;
}, t.prototype.render = function(e) {
var n = this.getScene();
if (n) {
var i = this._fullEngine;
if (i.enableEffect(this._effect), this.onBeforeGenerationObservable.notifyObservers(this), i.setState(!1), !this.nodeMaterialSource) {
for (var o in this._textures)
this._effect.setTexture(o, this._textures[o]);
for (o in this._ints)
this._effect.setInt(o, this._ints[o]);
for (o in this._floats)
this._effect.setFloat(o, this._floats[o]);
for (o in this._floatsArrays)
this._effect.setArray(o, this._floatsArrays[o]);
for (o in this._colors3)
this._effect.setColor3(o, this._colors3[o]);
for (o in this._colors4) {
var a = this._colors4[o];
this._effect.setFloat4(o, a.r, a.g, a.b, a.a);
for (o in this._vectors2)
this._effect.setVector2(o, this._vectors2[o]);
for (o in this._vectors3)
this._effect.setVector3(o, this._vectors3[o]);
for (o in this._matrices)
this._effect.setMatrix(o, this._matrices[o]);
if (this._texture) {
if (this.isCube)
for (var s = 0; s < 6; s++)
i.bindFramebuffer(this._texture, s, void 0, void 0, !0), i.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, this._effect), this._effect.setFloat("face", s), this.autoClear && i.clear(n.clearColor, !0, !1, !1), i.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6), s === 5 && i.generateMipMapsForCubemap(this._texture);
i.bindFramebuffer(this._texture, 0, void 0, void 0, !0), i.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, this._effect), this.autoClear && i.clear(n.clearColor, !0, !1, !1), i.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 6);
i.unBindFramebuffer(this._texture, this.isCube), this.onGenerated && this.onGenerated(), this.onGeneratedObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = this.getSize(), n = new t(, e.width, this._fragment, this.getScene(), this._fallbackTexture, this._generateMipMaps);
return n.hasAlpha = this.hasAlpha, n.level = this.level, n.coordinatesMode = this.coordinatesMode, n;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
var e = this.getScene();
if (e) {
var n = e.proceduralTextures.indexOf(this);
n >= 0 && e.proceduralTextures.splice(n, 1);
var i = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
i && (i.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), this._indexBuffer && this._fullEngine._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer) && (this._indexBuffer = null), this.onGeneratedObservable.clear(), this.onBeforeGenerationObservable.clear(),;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "isEnabled", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "autoClear", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_generateMipMaps", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_size", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "refreshRate", null), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ProceduralTexture"] = oo;
var N_ = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, i, null, o, a, s) || this;
return d._animate = !0, d._time = 0, d._texturePath = n, d._loadJson(n), d.refreshRate = 1, d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._loadJson = function(e) {
var n = this, i = function() {
try {
} catch {
l.a.Error("No json or ShaderStore or DOM element found for CustomProceduralTexture");
}, o = e + "/config.json", a = new re.a();"GET", o), a.addEventListener("load", function() {
if (a.status === 200 || a.responseText && a.responseText.length > 0)
try {
n._config = JSON.parse(a.response), n.updateShaderUniforms(), n.updateTextures(), n.setFragment(n._texturePath + "/custom"), n._animate = n._config.animate, n.refreshRate = n._config.refreshrate;
} catch {
}, !1), a.addEventListener("error", function() {
}, !1);
try {
} catch {
l.a.Error("CustomProceduralTexture: Error on XHR send request.");
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
if (!
return !1;
for (var e in this._textures)
if (!this._textures[e].isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, t.prototype.render = function(e) {
var n = this.getScene();
this._animate && n && (this._time += 0.03 * n.getAnimationRatio(), this.updateShaderUniforms()),, e);
}, t.prototype.updateTextures = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._config.sampler2Ds.length; e++)
this.setTexture(this._config.sampler2Ds[e].sample2Dname, new Ne.a(this._texturePath + "/" + this._config.sampler2Ds[e].textureRelativeUrl, this.getScene()));
}, t.prototype.updateShaderUniforms = function() {
if (this._config)
for (var e = 0; e < this._config.uniforms.length; e++) {
var n = this._config.uniforms[e];
switch (n.type) {
case "float":
this.setFloat(, n.value);
case "color3":
this.setColor3(, new I.a(n.r, n.g, n.b));
case "color4":
this.setColor4(, new I.b(n.r, n.g, n.b, n.a));
case "vector2":
this.setVector2(, new u.d(n.x, n.y));
case "vector3":
this.setVector3(, new u.e(n.x, n.y, n.z));
this.setFloat("time", this._time);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "animate", { get: function() {
return this._animate;
}, set: function(e) {
this._animate = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t;
}(oo), w_ = `
uniform float brightness;
uniform float persistence;
uniform float timeScale;
varying vec2 vUV;
vec2 hash22(vec2 p)
return sin(p*6.283+timeScale);
float interpolationNoise(vec2 p)
vec2 pi=floor(p);
vec2 pf=p-pi;
vec2 w=pf*pf*(3.-2.*pf);
float f00=dot(hash22(pi+vec2(.0,.0)),pf-vec2(.0,.0));
float f01=dot(hash22(pi+vec2(.0,1.)),pf-vec2(.0,1.));
float f10=dot(hash22(pi+vec2(1.0,0.)),pf-vec2(1.0,0.));
float f11=dot(hash22(pi+vec2(1.0,1.)),pf-vec2(1.0,1.));
float xm1=mix(f00,f10,w.x);
float xm2=mix(f01,f11,w.x);
float ym=mix(xm1,xm2,w.y);
return ym;
float perlinNoise2D(float x,float y)
float sum=0.0;
float frequency=0.0;
float amplitude=0.0;
for(int i=0; i 0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isConnectedInVertexShader", { get: function() {
if ( === Ce.Vertex)
return !0;
if (!this.hasEndpoints)
return !1;
for (var t = 0, e = this._endpoints; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
if ( === Ce.Vertex || === Ce.Vertex || ( === Ce.Neutral || === Ce.VertexAndFragment) && n.ownerBlock.outputs.some(function(i) {
return i.isConnectedInVertexShader;
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isConnectedInFragmentShader", { get: function() {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
return !0;
if (!this.hasEndpoints)
return !1;
for (var t = 0, e = this._endpoints; t < e.length; t++) {
var n = e[t];
if ( === Ce.Fragment || ( === Ce.Neutral || === Ce.VertexAndFragment) && n.ownerBlock.outputs.some(function(i) {
return i.isConnectedInFragmentShader;
return !0;
return !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.createCustomInputBlock = function() {
return null;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NodeMaterialConnectionPoint";
}, r.prototype.canConnectTo = function(t) {
return this.checkCompatibilityState(t) === ii.Compatible;
}, r.prototype.checkCompatibilityState = function(t) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment) {
var e = t.ownerBlock;
if ( === Ce.Vertex)
return ii.TargetIncompatible;
for (var n = 0, i = e.outputs; n < i.length; n++)
if (i[n].isConnectedInVertexShader)
return ii.TargetIncompatible;
return this.type !== t.type && t.innerType !== le.AutoDetect ? r.AreEquivalentTypes(this.type, t.type) || t.acceptedConnectionPointTypes && t.acceptedConnectionPointTypes.indexOf(this.type) !== -1 || t._acceptedConnectionPointType && r.AreEquivalentTypes(t._acceptedConnectionPointType.type, this.type) ? ii.Compatible : ii.TypeIncompatible : t.excludedConnectionPointTypes && t.excludedConnectionPointTypes.indexOf(this.type) !== -1 ? 1 : ii.Compatible;
}, r.prototype.connectTo = function(t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), !e && !this.canConnectTo(t))
throw "Cannot connect these two connectors.";
return this._endpoints.push(t), t._connectedPoint = this, this._enforceAssociatedVariableName = !1, this.onConnectionObservable.notifyObservers(t), t.onConnectionObservable.notifyObservers(this), this;
}, r.prototype.disconnectFrom = function(t) {
var e = this._endpoints.indexOf(t);
return e === -1 || (this._endpoints.splice(e, 1), t._connectedPoint = null, this._enforceAssociatedVariableName = !1, t._enforceAssociatedVariableName = !1), this;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0);
var e = {};
return =, e.displayName = this.displayName, t && this.connectedPoint && (e.inputName =, e.targetBlockId = this.connectedPoint.ownerBlock.uniqueId, e.targetConnectionName =, e.isExposedOnFrame = !0, e.exposedPortPosition = this.exposedPortPosition), (this.isExposedOnFrame || this.exposedPortPosition >= 0) && (e.isExposedOnFrame = !0, e.exposedPortPosition = this.exposedPortPosition), e;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
}(), k_ = f(152), dt = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = Ce.Vertex), n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = !1), this._isFinalMerger = !1, this._isInput = !1, this._name = "", this._isUnique = !1, this.inputsAreExclusive = !1, this._codeVariableName = "", this._inputs = new Array(), this._outputs = new Array(), this.comments = "", this.visibleInInspector = !1, this._target = e, this._isFinalMerger = n, this._isInput = i, this._name = t, this.uniqueId = k_.a.UniqueId;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return this._name;
}, set: function(t) {
this.validateBlockName(t) && (this._name = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isUnique", { get: function() {
return this._isUnique;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isFinalMerger", { get: function() {
return this._isFinalMerger;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isInput", { get: function() {
return this._isInput;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "buildId", { get: function() {
return this._buildId;
}, set: function(t) {
this._buildId = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
return this._target;
}, set: function(t) {
!(this._target & t) && (this._target = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "inputs", { get: function() {
return this._inputs;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "outputs", { get: function() {
return this._outputs;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getInputByName = function(t) {
var e = this._inputs.filter(function(n) {
return === t;
return e.length ? e[0] : null;
}, r.prototype.getOutputByName = function(t) {
var e = this._outputs.filter(function(n) {
return === t;
return e.length ? e[0] : null;
}, r.prototype.initialize = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.bind = function(t, e, n, i) {
}, r.prototype._declareOutput = function(t, e) {
return e._getGLType(t.type) + " " + t.associatedVariableName;
}, r.prototype._writeVariable = function(t) {
return t.connectedPoint ? "" + t.associatedVariableName : "0.";
}, r.prototype._writeFloat = function(t) {
var e = t.toString();
return e.indexOf(".") === -1 && (e += ".0"), "" + e;
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NodeMaterialBlock";
}, r.prototype.registerInput = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return n === void 0 && (n = !1), (o = o ?? new na(t, this, yn.Input)).type = e, o.isOptional = n, i && ( = i), this._inputs.push(o), this;
}, r.prototype.registerOutput = function(t, e, n, i) {
return (i = i ?? new na(t, this, yn.Output)).type = e, n && ( = n), this._outputs.push(i), this;
}, r.prototype.getFirstAvailableInput = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = null);
for (var e = 0, n = this._inputs; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (!(i.connectedPoint || t && t.type !== i.type && i.type !== le.AutoDetect))
return i;
return null;
}, r.prototype.getFirstAvailableOutput = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = null);
for (var e = 0, n = this._outputs; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
if (!t || ! || === Ce.Neutral || &
return i;
return null;
}, r.prototype.getSiblingOutput = function(t) {
var e = this._outputs.indexOf(t);
return e === -1 || e >= this._outputs.length ? null : this._outputs[e + 1];
}, r.prototype.connectTo = function(t, e) {
if (this._outputs.length !== 0) {
for (var n = e && e.output ? this.getOutputByName(e.output) : this.getFirstAvailableOutput(t), i = !0; i; ) {
var o = e && e.input ? t.getInputByName(e.input) : t.getFirstAvailableInput(n);
if (n && o && n.canConnectTo(o))
n.connectTo(o), i = !1;
else {
if (!n)
throw "Unable to find a compatible match";
n = this.getSiblingOutput(n);
return this;
}, r.prototype._buildBlock = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.updateUniformsAndSamples = function(t, e, n, i) {
}, r.prototype.provideFallbacks = function(t, e) {
}, r.prototype.initializeDefines = function(t, e, n, i) {
}, r.prototype.prepareDefines = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
}, r.prototype.autoConfigure = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.replaceRepeatableContent = function(t, e, n, i) {
}, r.prototype.isReady = function(t, e, n, i) {
return !0;
}, r.prototype._linkConnectionTypes = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), n ? this._inputs[e]._acceptedConnectionPointType = this._inputs[t] : this._inputs[t]._linkedConnectionSource = this._inputs[e], this._inputs[e]._linkedConnectionSource = this._inputs[t];
}, r.prototype._processBuild = function(t, e, n, i) {, i);
var o = e._vertexState != null, a = t._buildTarget === Ce.Vertex && !== Ce.VertexAndFragment;
if (o && (!( & t._buildTarget) || !( & || !== Ce.VertexAndFragment && a) && (!t.isInput && !== t._buildTarget || t.isInput && t.isAttribute && !t._noContextSwitch)) {
var s = n.connectedPoint;
e._vertexState._emitVaryingFromString("v_" + s.associatedVariableName, e._getGLType(s.type)) && (e._vertexState.compilationString += "v_" + s.associatedVariableName + " = " + s.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`), n.associatedVariableName = "v_" + s.associatedVariableName, n._enforceAssociatedVariableName = !0;
}, r.prototype.validateBlockName = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = ["position", "normal", "tangent", "particle_positionw", "uv", "uv2", "position2d", "particle_uv", "matricesIndices", "matricesWeights", "world0", "world1", "world2", "world3", "particle_color", "particle_texturemask"]; e < n.length; e++)
if (t === n[e])
return !1;
return !0;
}, = function(t, e) {
if (this._buildId === t.sharedData.buildId)
return !0;
if (!this.isInput)
for (var n = 0, i = this._outputs; n < i.length; n++)
(y = i[n]).associatedVariableName || (y.associatedVariableName = t._getFreeVariableName(;
for (var o = 0, a = this._inputs; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
if (s.connectedPoint) {
if ( !== Ce.Neutral && (!( & || !( &
(B = s.connectedPoint.ownerBlock) && B !== this && this._processBuild(B, t, s, e);
} else
s.isOptional || t.sharedData.checks.notConnectedNonOptionalInputs.push(s);
if (this._buildId === t.sharedData.buildId)
return !0;
if (t.sharedData.verbose && console.log(( === Ce.Vertex ? "Vertex shader" : "Fragment shader") + ": Building " + + " [" + this.getClassName() + "]"), this.isFinalMerger)
switch ( {
case Ce.Vertex:
t.sharedData.checks.emitVertex = !0;
case Ce.Fragment:
t.sharedData.checks.emitFragment = !0;
!this.isInput && t.sharedData.emitComments && (t.compilationString += `\r
//` + + `\r
`), this._buildBlock(t), this._buildId = t.sharedData.buildId, this._buildTarget =;
for (var d = 0, p = this._outputs; d < p.length; d++) {
var y;
if ((y = p[d]).target &
for (var P = 0, R = y.endpoints; P < R.length; P++) {
var B, F = R[P];
(B = F.ownerBlock) && & && e.indexOf(B) !== -1 && this._processBuild(B, t, F, e);
return !1;
}, r.prototype._inputRename = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype._outputRename = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
return this._codeVariableName + ".visibleInInspector = " + this.visibleInInspector + `;\r
}, r.prototype._dumpCode = function(t, e) {
var n;
var i =[^A-Za-z_]+/g, "");
if (this._codeVariableName = i || this.getClassName() + "_" + this.uniqueId, t.indexOf(this._codeVariableName) !== -1) {
var o = 0;
o++, this._codeVariableName = i + o;
while (t.indexOf(this._codeVariableName) !== -1);
t.push(this._codeVariableName), n = `\r
// ` + this.getClassName() + `\r
`, this.comments && (n += "// " + this.comments + `\r
`), n += "var " + this._codeVariableName + " = new BABYLON." + this.getClassName() + '("' + + `");\r
`, n += this._dumpPropertiesCode();
for (var a = 0, s = this.inputs; a < s.length; a++) {
var d = s[a];
if (d.isConnected) {
var p = d.connectedPoint.ownerBlock;
e.indexOf(p) === -1 && (n += p._dumpCode(t, e));
for (var y = 0, P = this.outputs; y < P.length; y++) {
var R = P[y];
if (R.hasEndpoints)
for (var B = 0, F = R.endpoints; B < F.length; B++)
(p = F[B].ownerBlock) && e.indexOf(p) === -1 && (n += p._dumpCode(t, e));
return n;
}, r.prototype._dumpCodeForOutputConnections = function(t) {
var e = "";
if (t.indexOf(this) !== -1)
return e;
for (var n = 0, i = this.inputs; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (o.isConnected) {
var a = o.connectedPoint, s = a.ownerBlock;
e += s._dumpCodeForOutputConnections(t), e += s._codeVariableName + "." + s._outputRename( + ".connectTo(" + this._codeVariableName + "." + this._inputRename( + `);\r
return e;
}, r.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = "");
var n = this.serialize(), i = O.a.GetClass(n.customType);
if (i) {
var o = new i();
return o._deserialize(n, t, e), o;
return null;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
t.customType = "BABYLON." + this.getClassName(), = this.uniqueId, =, t.comments = this.comments, t.visibleInInspector = this.visibleInInspector, t.inputs = [], t.outputs = [];
for (var e = 0, n = this.inputs; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
for (var o = 0, a = this.outputs; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
return t;
}, r.prototype._deserialize = function(t, e, n) { =, this.comments = t.comments, this.visibleInInspector = !!t.visibleInInspector, this._deserializePortDisplayNamesAndExposedOnFrame(t);
}, r.prototype._deserializePortDisplayNamesAndExposedOnFrame = function(t) {
var e = this, n = t.inputs, i = t.outputs;
n && n.forEach(function(o, a) {
o.displayName && (e.inputs[a].displayName = o.displayName), o.isExposedOnFrame && (e.inputs[a].isExposedOnFrame = o.isExposedOnFrame, e.inputs[a].exposedPortPosition = o.exposedPortPosition);
}), i && i.forEach(function(o, a) {
o.displayName && (e.outputs[a].displayName = o.displayName), o.isExposedOnFrame && (e.outputs[a].isExposedOnFrame = o.isExposedOnFrame, e.outputs[a].exposedPortPosition = o.exposedPortPosition);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this.inputs; t < e.length; t++)
for (var n = 0, i = this.outputs; n < i.length; n++)
}, r;
}(), Xu = function() {
function r() {
this.supportUniformBuffers = !1, this.attributes = new Array(), this.uniforms = new Array(), this.constants = new Array(), this.samplers = new Array(), this.functions = {}, this.extensions = {}, this.counters = {}, this._attributeDeclaration = "", this._uniformDeclaration = "", this._constantDeclaration = "", this._samplerDeclaration = "", this._varyingTransfer = "", this._injectAtEnd = "", this._repeatableContentAnchorIndex = 0, this._builtCompilationString = "", this.compilationString = "";
return r.prototype.finalize = function(t) {
var e = t.sharedData.emitComments, n = === Ce.Fragment;
this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Entry point\r
` : "") + `void main(void) {\r
` + this.compilationString, this._constantDeclaration && (this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Constants\r
` : "") + this._constantDeclaration + `\r
` + this.compilationString);
var i = "";
for (var o in this.functions)
i += this.functions[o] + `\r
for (var a in this.compilationString = `\r
` + i + `\r
` + this.compilationString, !n && this._varyingTransfer && (this.compilationString = this.compilationString + `\r
` + this._varyingTransfer), this._injectAtEnd && (this.compilationString = this.compilationString + `\r
` + this._injectAtEnd), this.compilationString = this.compilationString + `\r
}`, this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration && (this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Varyings\r
` : "") + this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration + `\r
` + this.compilationString), this._samplerDeclaration && (this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Samplers\r
` : "") + this._samplerDeclaration + `\r
` + this.compilationString), this._uniformDeclaration && (this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Uniforms\r
` : "") + this._uniformDeclaration + `\r
` + this.compilationString), this._attributeDeclaration && !n && (this.compilationString = `\r
` + (e ? `//Attributes\r
` : "") + this._attributeDeclaration + `\r
` + this.compilationString), this.compilationString = `precision highp float;\r
` + this.compilationString, this.extensions) {
var s = this.extensions[a];
this.compilationString = `\r
` + s + `\r
` + this.compilationString;
this._builtCompilationString = this.compilationString;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "_repeatableContentAnchor", { get: function() {
return "###___ANCHOR" + this._repeatableContentAnchorIndex++ + "___###";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._getFreeVariableName = function(t) {
return t = t.replace(/[^a-zA-Z_]+/g, ""), this.sharedData.variableNames[t] === void 0 ? (this.sharedData.variableNames[t] = 0, t === "output" || t === "texture" ? t + this.sharedData.variableNames[t] : t) : (this.sharedData.variableNames[t]++, t + this.sharedData.variableNames[t]);
}, r.prototype._getFreeDefineName = function(t) {
return this.sharedData.defineNames[t] === void 0 ? this.sharedData.defineNames[t] = 0 : this.sharedData.defineNames[t]++, t + this.sharedData.defineNames[t];
}, r.prototype._excludeVariableName = function(t) {
this.sharedData.variableNames[t] = 0;
}, r.prototype._emit2DSampler = function(t) {
this.samplers.indexOf(t) < 0 && (this._samplerDeclaration += "uniform sampler2D " + t + `;\r
`, this.samplers.push(t));
}, r.prototype._getGLType = function(t) {
switch (t) {
case le.Float:
return "float";
case le.Int:
return "int";
case le.Vector2:
return "vec2";
case le.Color3:
case le.Vector3:
return "vec3";
case le.Color4:
case le.Vector4:
return "vec4";
case le.Matrix:
return "mat4";
return "";
}, r.prototype._emitExtension = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = ""), this.extensions[t] || (n && (e = "#if " + n + `\r
` + e + `\r
#endif`), this.extensions[t] = e);
}, r.prototype._emitFunction = function(t, e, n) {
this.functions[t] || (this.sharedData.emitComments && (e = n + `\r
` + e), this.functions[t] = e);
}, r.prototype._emitCodeFromInclude = function(t, e, n) {
if (n && n.repeatKey)
return "#include<" + t + ">[0.." + n.repeatKey + `]\r
var i = ze.a.IncludesShadersStore[t] + `\r
if (this.sharedData.emitComments && (i = e + `\r
` + i), !n)
return i;
if (n.replaceStrings)
for (var o = 0; o < n.replaceStrings.length; o++) {
var a = n.replaceStrings[o];
i = i.replace(, a.replace);
return i;
}, r.prototype._emitFunctionFromInclude = function(t, e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = "");
var o = t + i;
if (!this.functions[o]) {
if (!(n && (n.removeAttributes || n.removeUniforms || n.removeVaryings || n.removeIfDef || n.replaceStrings)))
return n && n.repeatKey ? this.functions[o] = "#include<" + t + ">[0.." + n.repeatKey + `]\r
` : this.functions[o] = "#include<" + t + `>\r
`, void (this.sharedData.emitComments && (this.functions[o] = e + `\r
` + this.functions[o]));
if (this.functions[o] = ze.a.IncludesShadersStore[t], this.sharedData.emitComments && (this.functions[o] = e + `\r
` + this.functions[o]), n.removeIfDef && (this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?#ifdef.+$/gm, ""), this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?#endif.*$/gm, ""), this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?#else.*$/gm, ""), this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?#elif.*$/gm, "")), n.removeAttributes && (this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?attribute.+$/gm, "")), n.removeUniforms && (this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?uniform.+$/gm, "")), n.removeVaryings && (this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(/^\s*?varying.+$/gm, "")), n.replaceStrings)
for (var a = 0; a < n.replaceStrings.length; a++) {
var s = n.replaceStrings[a];
this.functions[o] = this.functions[o].replace(, s.replace);
}, r.prototype._registerTempVariable = function(t) {
return this.sharedData.temps.indexOf(t) === -1 && (this.sharedData.temps.push(t), !0);
}, r.prototype._emitVaryingFromString = function(t, e, n, i) {
return n === void 0 && (n = ""), i === void 0 && (i = !1), this.sharedData.varyings.indexOf(t) === -1 && (this.sharedData.varyings.push(t), n && (Hn.a.StartsWith(n, "defined(") ? this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration += "#if " + n + `\r
` : this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration += (i ? "#ifndef" : "#ifdef") + " " + n + `\r
`), this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration += "varying " + e + " " + t + `;\r
`, n && (this.sharedData.varyingDeclaration += `#endif\r
`), !0);
}, r.prototype._emitUniformFromString = function(t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = ""), i === void 0 && (i = !1), this.uniforms.indexOf(t) === -1 && (this.uniforms.push(t), n && (Hn.a.StartsWith(n, "defined(") ? this._uniformDeclaration += "#if " + n + `\r
` : this._uniformDeclaration += (i ? "#ifndef" : "#ifdef") + " " + n + `\r
`), this._uniformDeclaration += "uniform " + e + " " + t + `;\r
`, n && (this._uniformDeclaration += `#endif\r
}, r.prototype._emitFloat = function(t) {
return t.toString() === t.toFixed(0) ? t + ".0" : t.toString();
}, r;
}(), G_ = function() {
function r() {
this.temps = new Array(), this.varyings = new Array(), this.varyingDeclaration = "", this.inputBlocks = new Array(), this.textureBlocks = new Array(), this.bindableBlocks = new Array(), this.blocksWithFallbacks = new Array(), this.blocksWithDefines = new Array(), this.repeatableContentBlocks = new Array(), this.dynamicUniformBlocks = new Array(), this.blockingBlocks = new Array(), this.animatedInputs = new Array(), this.variableNames = {}, this.defineNames = {}, this.hints = { needWorldViewMatrix: !1, needWorldViewProjectionMatrix: !1, needAlphaBlending: !1, needAlphaTesting: !1 }, this.checks = { emitVertex: !1, emitFragment: !1, notConnectedNonOptionalInputs: new Array() }, this.allowEmptyVertexProgram = !1, this.variableNames.position = 0, this.variableNames.normal = 0, this.variableNames.tangent = 0, this.variableNames.uv = 0, this.variableNames.uv2 = 0, this.variableNames.uv3 = 0, this.variableNames.uv4 = 0, this.variableNames.uv4 = 0, this.variableNames.uv5 = 0, this.variableNames.uv6 = 0, this.variableNames.color = 0, this.variableNames.matricesIndices = 0, this.variableNames.matricesWeights = 0, this.variableNames.matricesIndicesExtra = 0, this.variableNames.matricesWeightsExtra = 0, this.variableNames.diffuseBase = 0, this.variableNames.specularBase = 0, this.variableNames.worldPos = 0, this.variableNames.shadow = 0, this.variableNames.view = 0, this.variableNames.vTBN = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV0 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV1 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV2 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV3 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV4 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV5 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV6 = 0, this.defineNames.MAINUV7 = 0;
return r.prototype.emitErrors = function() {
var t = "";
this.checks.emitVertex || this.allowEmptyVertexProgram || (t += `NodeMaterial does not have a vertex output. You need to at least add a block that generates a glPosition value.\r
`), this.checks.emitFragment || (t += `NodeMaterial does not have a fragment output. You need to at least add a block that generates a glFragColor value.\r
for (var e = 0, n = this.checks.notConnectedNonOptionalInputs; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
t += "input " + + " from block " + + "[" + i.ownerBlock.getClassName() + `] is not connected and is not optional.\r
if (t)
throw `Build of NodeMaterial failed:\r
` + t;
}, r;
}(), ia = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex) || this;
return n.complementW = 1, n.complementZ = 0, n.registerInput("vector", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("transform", le.Matrix), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector4), n.registerOutput("xyz", le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].onConnectionObservable.add(function(i) {
if (i.ownerBlock.isInput) {
var o = i.ownerBlock; !== "normal" && !== "tangent" || (n.complementW = 0);
}), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TransformBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vector", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyz", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "transform", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.vector, i = this.transform;
if (n.connectedPoint) {
if (this.complementW === 0) {
var o = "//" +;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", o), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this);
var a = e._getFreeVariableName(i.associatedVariableName + "_NUS");
switch (e.compilationString += "mat3 " + a + " = mat3(" + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef NONUNIFORMSCALING\r
`, e.compilationString += a + " = transposeMat3(inverseMat3(" + a + `));\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, n.connectedPoint.type) {
case le.Vector2:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = vec4(" + a + " * vec3(" + n.associatedVariableName + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.complementZ) + "), " + this._writeFloat(this.complementW) + `);\r
case le.Vector3:
case le.Color3:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = vec4(" + a + " * " + n.associatedVariableName + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.complementW) + `);\r
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = vec4(" + a + " * " + n.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this._writeFloat(this.complementW) + `);\r
} else
switch (a = i.associatedVariableName, n.connectedPoint.type) {
case le.Vector2:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = " + a + " * vec4(" + n.associatedVariableName + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.complementZ) + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.complementW) + `);\r
case le.Vector3:
case le.Color3:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = " + a + " * vec4(" + n.associatedVariableName + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.complementW) + `);\r
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = " + a + " * " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
} && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(, e) + " = " + this.output.associatedVariableName + `.xyz;\r
return this;
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
e.nonUniformScaling && i.setValue("NONUNIFORMSCALING", !0);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.complementZ = this.complementZ, e.complementW = this.complementW, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.complementZ = e.complementZ !== void 0 ? e.complementZ : 0, this.complementW = e.complementW !== void 0 ? e.complementW : 1;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = this._codeVariableName + ".complementZ = " + this.complementZ + `;\r
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".complementW = " + this.complementW + `;\r
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.TransformBlock"] = ia;
var ao = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex, !0) || this;
return n.registerInput("vector", le.Vector4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VertexOutputBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vector", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.vector;
return e.compilationString += "gl_Position = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.VertexOutputBlock"] = ao;
var wi, Pr = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment, !0) || this;
return n.registerInput("rgba", le.Color4, !0), n.registerInput("rgb", le.Color3, !0), n.registerInput("a", le.Float, !0), n.rgb.acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FragmentOutputBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.rgba, i = this.rgb, o = this.a;
if (e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaBlending = n.isConnected || o.isConnected, n.connectedPoint)
o.isConnected ? e.compilationString += "gl_FragColor = vec4(" + n.associatedVariableName + ".rgb, " + o.associatedVariableName + `);\r
` : e.compilationString += "gl_FragColor = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
else if (i.connectedPoint) {
var a = "1.0";
o.connectedPoint && (a = o.associatedVariableName), i.connectedPoint.type === le.Float ? e.compilationString += "gl_FragColor = vec4(" + i.associatedVariableName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + ", " + a + `);\r
` : e.compilationString += "gl_FragColor = vec4(" + i.associatedVariableName + ", " + a + `);\r
} else
return this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FragmentOutputBlock"] = Pr, function(r) {
r[r.None = 0] = "None", r[r.Time = 1] = "Time";
}(wi || (wi = {}));
var z_ = { position2d: "position", particle_uv: "vUV", particle_color: "vColor", particle_texturemask: "textureMask", particle_positionw: "vPositionW" }, Gs = { particle_uv: !0, particle_color: !0, particle_texturemask: !0, particle_positionw: !0 }, Yu = { particle_texturemask: !0 }, Et = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = Ce.Vertex), i === void 0 && (i = le.AutoDetect);
var o =, e, n, !1, !0) || this;
return o._mode = gn.Undefined, o._animationType = wi.None, o.min = 0, o.max = 0, o.isBoolean = !1, o.matrixMode = 0, o._systemValue = null, o.isConstant = !1, o.groupInInspector = "", o.onValueChangedObservable = new C.c(), o.convertToGammaSpace = !1, o.convertToLinearSpace = !1, o._type = i, o.setDefaultValue(), o.registerOutput("output", i), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "type", { get: function() {
if (this._type === le.AutoDetect) {
if (this.isUniform && this.value != null) {
if (!isNaN(this.value))
return this._type = le.Float, this._type;
switch (this.value.getClassName()) {
case "Vector2":
return this._type = le.Vector2, this._type;
case "Vector3":
return this._type = le.Vector3, this._type;
case "Vector4":
return this._type = le.Vector4, this._type;
case "Color3":
return this._type = le.Color3, this._type;
case "Color4":
return this._type = le.Color4, this._type;
case "Matrix":
return this._type = le.Matrix, this._type;
if (this.isAttribute)
switch ( {
case "position":
case "normal":
case "tangent":
case "particle_positionw":
return this._type = le.Vector3, this._type;
case "uv":
case "uv2":
case "position2d":
case "particle_uv":
return this._type = le.Vector2, this._type;
case "matricesIndices":
case "matricesWeights":
case "world0":
case "world1":
case "world2":
case "world3":
return this._type = le.Vector4, this._type;
case "color":
case "particle_color":
case "particle_texturemask":
return this._type = le.Color4, this._type;
if (this.isSystemValue)
switch (this._systemValue) {
case gt.World:
case gt.WorldView:
case gt.WorldViewProjection:
case gt.View:
case gt.ViewProjection:
case gt.Projection:
return this._type = le.Matrix, this._type;
case gt.CameraPosition:
return this._type = le.Vector3, this._type;
case gt.FogColor:
return this._type = le.Color3, this._type;
case gt.DeltaTime:
return this._type = le.Float, this._type;
return this._type;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.validateBlockName = function(e) {
return !!this.isAttribute ||, e);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.setAsAttribute = function(e) {
return this._mode = gn.Attribute, e && ( = e), this;
}, t.prototype.setAsSystemValue = function(e) {
return this.systemValue = e, this;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._storedValue;
}, set: function(e) {
this.type === le.Float && (this.isBoolean ? e = e ? 1 : 0 : this.min !== this.max && (e = Math.max(this.min, e), e = Math.min(this.max, e))), this._storedValue = e, this._mode = gn.Uniform, this.onValueChangedObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "valueCallback", { get: function() {
return this._valueCallback;
}, set: function(e) {
this._valueCallback = e, this._mode = gn.Uniform;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "associatedVariableName", { get: function() {
return this._associatedVariableName;
}, set: function(e) {
this._associatedVariableName = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "animationType", { get: function() {
return this._animationType;
}, set: function(e) {
this._animationType = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isUndefined", { get: function() {
return this._mode === gn.Undefined;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isUniform", { get: function() {
return this._mode === gn.Uniform;
}, set: function(e) {
this._mode = e ? gn.Uniform : gn.Undefined, this.associatedVariableName = "";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isAttribute", { get: function() {
return this._mode === gn.Attribute;
}, set: function(e) {
this._mode = e ? gn.Attribute : gn.Undefined, this.associatedVariableName = "";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isVarying", { get: function() {
return this._mode === gn.Varying;
}, set: function(e) {
this._mode = e ? gn.Varying : gn.Undefined, this.associatedVariableName = "";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isSystemValue", { get: function() {
return this._systemValue != null;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "systemValue", { get: function() {
return this._systemValue;
}, set: function(e) {
this._mode = gn.Uniform, this.associatedVariableName = "", this._systemValue = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "InputBlock";
}, t.prototype.animate = function(e) {
switch (this._animationType) {
case wi.Time:
this.type === le.Float && (this.value += 0.01 * e.getAnimationRatio());
}, t.prototype._emitDefine = function(e) {
return e[0] === "!" ? "#ifndef " + e.substring(1) + `\r
` : "#ifdef " + e + `\r
}, t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
this.associatedVariableName = "";
}, t.prototype.setDefaultValue = function() {
switch (this.type) {
case le.Float:
this.value = 0;
case le.Vector2:
this.value = u.d.Zero();
case le.Vector3:
this.value = u.e.Zero();
case le.Vector4:
this.value = u.f.Zero();
case le.Color3:
this.value = I.a.White();
case le.Color4:
this.value = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1);
case le.Matrix:
this.value = u.a.Identity();
}, t.prototype._emitConstant = function(e) {
switch (this.type) {
case le.Float:
return "" + e._emitFloat(this.value);
case le.Vector2:
return "vec2(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ")";
case le.Vector3:
return "vec3(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ", " + this.value.z + ")";
case le.Vector4:
return "vec4(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ", " + this.value.z + ", " + this.value.w + ")";
case le.Color3:
return I.c.Color3[0].set(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b), this.convertToGammaSpace && I.c.Color3[0].toGammaSpaceToRef(I.c.Color3[0]), this.convertToLinearSpace && I.c.Color3[0].toLinearSpaceToRef(I.c.Color3[0]), "vec3(" + I.c.Color3[0].r + ", " + I.c.Color3[0].g + ", " + I.c.Color3[0].b + ")";
case le.Color4:
return I.c.Color4[0].set(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b, this.value.a), this.convertToGammaSpace && I.c.Color4[0].toGammaSpaceToRef(I.c.Color4[0]), this.convertToLinearSpace && I.c.Color4[0].toLinearSpaceToRef(I.c.Color4[0]), "vec4(" + I.c.Color4[0].r + ", " + I.c.Color4[0].g + ", " + I.c.Color4[0].b + ", " + I.c.Color4[0].a + ")";
return "";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "_noContextSwitch", { get: function() {
return Gs[];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._emit = function(e, n) {
var i;
if (this.isUniform) {
if (this.associatedVariableName || (this.associatedVariableName = e._getFreeVariableName("u_" +, this.isConstant)
return e.constants.indexOf(this.associatedVariableName) !== -1 ? void 0 : (e.constants.push(this.associatedVariableName), void (e._constantDeclaration += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + " = " + this._emitConstant(e) + `;\r
if (e.uniforms.indexOf(this.associatedVariableName) !== -1)
e.uniforms.push(this.associatedVariableName), n && (e._uniformDeclaration += this._emitDefine(n)), e._uniformDeclaration += "uniform " + e._getGLType(this.type) + " " + this.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, n && (e._uniformDeclaration += `#endif\r
var o = e.sharedData.hints;
if (this._systemValue !== null && this._systemValue !== void 0)
switch (this._systemValue) {
case gt.WorldView:
o.needWorldViewMatrix = !0;
case gt.WorldViewProjection:
o.needWorldViewProjectionMatrix = !0;
this._animationType !== wi.None && e.sharedData.animatedInputs.push(this);
} else if (this.isAttribute) {
if (this.associatedVariableName = (i = z_[]) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i :, === Ce.Vertex && e._vertexState)
return void (Gs[] ? Yu[] ? e._emitUniformFromString(this.associatedVariableName, e._getGLType(this.type), n) : e._emitVaryingFromString(this.associatedVariableName, e._getGLType(this.type), n) : this._emit(e._vertexState, n));
if (e.attributes.indexOf(this.associatedVariableName) !== -1)
e.attributes.push(this.associatedVariableName), Gs[] ? Yu[] ? e._emitUniformFromString(this.associatedVariableName, e._getGLType(this.type), n) : e._emitVaryingFromString(this.associatedVariableName, e._getGLType(this.type), n) : (n && (e._attributeDeclaration += this._emitDefine(n)), e._attributeDeclaration += "attribute " + e._getGLType(this.type) + " " + this.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, n && (e._attributeDeclaration += `#endif\r
}, t.prototype._transmitWorld = function(e, n, i, o) {
if (this._systemValue) {
var a = this.associatedVariableName;
switch (this._systemValue) {
case gt.World:
e.setMatrix(a, n);
case gt.WorldView:
e.setMatrix(a, i);
case gt.WorldViewProjection:
e.setMatrix(a, o);
}, t.prototype._transmit = function(e, n) {
if (!this.isAttribute) {
var i = this.associatedVariableName;
if (this._systemValue)
switch (this._systemValue) {
case gt.World:
case gt.WorldView:
case gt.WorldViewProjection:
case gt.View:
e.setMatrix(i, n.getViewMatrix());
case gt.Projection:
e.setMatrix(i, n.getProjectionMatrix());
case gt.ViewProjection:
e.setMatrix(i, n.getTransformMatrix());
case gt.CameraPosition:
$e.a.BindEyePosition(e, n, i);
case gt.FogColor:
e.setColor3(i, n.fogColor);
case gt.DeltaTime:
e.setFloat(i, n.deltaTime / 1e3);
else {
var o = this._valueCallback ? this._valueCallback() : this._storedValue;
if (o !== null)
switch (this.type) {
case le.Float:
e.setFloat(i, o);
case le.Int:
e.setInt(i, o);
case le.Color3:
I.c.Color3[0].set(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b), this.convertToGammaSpace && I.c.Color3[0].toGammaSpaceToRef(I.c.Color3[0]), this.convertToLinearSpace && I.c.Color3[0].toLinearSpaceToRef(I.c.Color3[0]), e.setColor3(i, I.c.Color3[0]);
case le.Color4:
I.c.Color4[0].set(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b, this.value.a), this.convertToGammaSpace && I.c.Color4[0].toGammaSpaceToRef(I.c.Color4[0]), this.convertToLinearSpace && I.c.Color4[0].toLinearSpaceToRef(I.c.Color4[0]), e.setDirectColor4(i, I.c.Color4[0]);
case le.Vector2:
e.setVector2(i, o);
case le.Vector3:
e.setVector3(i, o);
case le.Vector4:
e.setVector4(i, o);
case le.Matrix:
e.setMatrix(i, o);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), (this.isUniform || this.isSystemValue) && e.sharedData.inputBlocks.push(this), this._emit(e);
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = this._codeVariableName;
if (this.isAttribute)
return e + '.setAsAttribute("' + + `");\r
if (this.isSystemValue)
return e + ".setAsSystemValue(BABYLON.NodeMaterialSystemValues." + gt[this._systemValue] + `);\r
if (this.isUniform) {
var n = [], i = "";
switch (this.type) {
case le.Float:
i = "" + this.value;
case le.Vector2:
i = "new BABYLON.Vector2(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ")";
case le.Vector3:
i = "new BABYLON.Vector3(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ", " + this.value.z + ")";
case le.Vector4:
i = "new BABYLON.Vector4(" + this.value.x + ", " + this.value.y + ", " + this.value.z + ", " + this.value.w + ")";
case le.Color3:
i = "new BABYLON.Color3(" + this.value.r + ", " + this.value.g + ", " + this.value.b + ")", this.convertToGammaSpace && (i += ".toGammaSpace()"), this.convertToLinearSpace && (i += ".toLinearSpace()");
case le.Color4:
i = "new BABYLON.Color4(" + this.value.r + ", " + this.value.g + ", " + this.value.b + ", " + this.value.a + ")", this.convertToGammaSpace && (i += ".toGammaSpace()"), this.convertToLinearSpace && (i += ".toLinearSpace()");
case le.Matrix:
i = "BABYLON.Matrix.FromArray([" + this.value.m + "])";
return n.push(e + ".value = " + i), this.type === le.Float && n.push(e + ".min = " + this.min, e + ".max = " + this.max, e + ".isBoolean = " + this.isBoolean, e + ".matrixMode = " + this.matrixMode, e + ".animationType = BABYLON.AnimatedInputBlockTypes." + wi[this.animationType]), n.push(e + ".isConstant = " + this.isConstant), n.push(""), n.join(`;\r
return "";
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.type = this.type, e.mode = this._mode, e.systemValue = this._systemValue, e.animationType = this._animationType, e.min = this.min, e.max = this.max, e.isBoolean = this.isBoolean, e.matrixMode = this.matrixMode, e.isConstant = this.isConstant, e.groupInInspector = this.groupInInspector, e.convertToGammaSpace = this.convertToGammaSpace, e.convertToLinearSpace = this.convertToLinearSpace, this._storedValue != null && this._mode === gn.Uniform && (this._storedValue.asArray ? (e.valueType = "BABYLON." + this._storedValue.getClassName(), e.value = this._storedValue.asArray()) : (e.valueType = "number", e.value = this._storedValue)), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {
if (this._mode = e.mode,, e, n, i), this._type = e.type, this._systemValue = e.systemValue || e.wellKnownValue, this._animationType = e.animationType, this.min = e.min || 0, this.max = e.max || 0, this.isBoolean = !!e.isBoolean, this.matrixMode = e.matrixMode || 0, this.isConstant = !!e.isConstant, this.groupInInspector = e.groupInInspector || "", this.convertToGammaSpace = !!e.convertToGammaSpace, this.convertToLinearSpace = !!e.convertToLinearSpace, e.valueType)
if (e.valueType === "number")
this._storedValue = e.value;
else {
var o = O.a.GetClass(e.valueType);
o && (this._storedValue = o.FromArray(e.value));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.InputBlock"] = Et;
var zs = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.VertexAndFragment) || this;
return n._samplerName = "textureSampler", n.convertToGammaSpace = !1, n.convertToLinearSpace = !1, n._isUnique = !1, n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !1, Ce.VertexAndFragment), n.registerOutput("rgba", le.Color4, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("r", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("g", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("b", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("a", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[0]._prioritizeVertex = !1, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CurrentScreenBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
return this.uv.isConnected ? this.uv.sourceBlock.isInput ? Ce.VertexAndFragment : Ce.Fragment : Ce.VertexAndFragment;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i.setValue(this._linearDefineName, this.convertToGammaSpace, !0), i.setValue(this._gammaDefineName, this.convertToLinearSpace, !0);
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
return !(this.texture && !this.texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, t.prototype._injectVertexCode = function(e) {
var n = this.uv;
if (n.connectedPoint.ownerBlock.isInput && (n.connectedPoint.ownerBlock.isAttribute || e._emitUniformFromString(n.associatedVariableName, "vec2")), this._mainUVName = "vMain" + n.associatedVariableName, e._emitVaryingFromString(this._mainUVName, "vec2"), e.compilationString += this._mainUVName + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.xy;\r
`, this._outputs.some(function(s) {
return s.isConnectedInVertexShader;
})) {
this._writeTextureRead(e, !0);
for (var i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && this._writeOutput(e, a,, !0);
}, t.prototype._writeTextureRead = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i = this.uv;
if (n) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
} else !== Ce.Fragment ? e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + this._mainUVName + `);\r
` : e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
}, t.prototype._writeOutput = function(e, n, i, o) {
if (o === void 0 && (o = !1), o) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
} else !== Ce.Fragment ? (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._linearDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toGammaSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._gammaDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toLinearSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`) : e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), this._tempTextureRead = e._getFreeVariableName("tempTextureRead"), e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.indexOf(this) < 0 && e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.textureBlocks.indexOf(this) < 0 && e.sharedData.textureBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.indexOf(this) < 0 && e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), !== Ce.Fragment)
return e._emit2DSampler(this._samplerName), void this._injectVertexCode(e);
if (this._outputs.some(function(s) {
return s.isConnectedInFragmentShader;
})) {
e._emit2DSampler(this._samplerName), this._linearDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISLINEAR"), this._gammaDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISGAMMA");
var n = "//" +;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", n), this._writeTextureRead(e);
for (var i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && this._writeOutput(e, a,;
return this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.convertToGammaSpace = this.convertToGammaSpace, e.convertToLinearSpace = this.convertToLinearSpace, this.texture && (e.texture = this.texture.serialize()), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.convertToGammaSpace = e.convertToGammaSpace, this.convertToLinearSpace = !!e.convertToLinearSpace, e.texture && (i = e.texture.url.indexOf("data:") === 0 ? "" : i, this.texture = Ne.a.Parse(e.texture, n, i));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.CurrentScreenBlock"] = zs;
var js = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._samplerName = "diffuseSampler", n.convertToGammaSpace = !1, n.convertToLinearSpace = !1, n._isUnique = !1, n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !1, Ce.VertexAndFragment), n.registerOutput("rgba", le.Color4, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("r", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("g", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("b", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n.registerOutput("a", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ParticleTextureBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.uv.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(i) {
return i.isAttribute && === "particle_uv";
n || (n = new Et("uv")).setAsAttribute("particle_uv"), n.output.connectTo(this.uv);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i.setValue(this._linearDefineName, this.convertToGammaSpace, !0), i.setValue(this._gammaDefineName, this.convertToLinearSpace, !0);
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
return !(this.texture && !this.texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, t.prototype._writeOutput = function(e, n, i) {
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._linearDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toGammaSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._gammaDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toLinearSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), !== Ce.Vertex) {
this._tempTextureRead = e._getFreeVariableName("tempTextureRead"), e._emit2DSampler(this._samplerName), e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.textureBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), this._linearDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISLINEAR"), this._gammaDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISGAMMA");
var n = "//" +;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", n), e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + this.uv.associatedVariableName + `);\r
for (var i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && this._writeOutput(e, a,;
return this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.convertToGammaSpace = this.convertToGammaSpace, e.convertToLinearSpace = this.convertToLinearSpace, this.texture && (e.texture = this.texture.serialize()), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.convertToGammaSpace = e.convertToGammaSpace, this.convertToLinearSpace = !!e.convertToLinearSpace, e.texture && (i = e.texture.url.indexOf("data:") === 0 ? "" : i, this.texture = Ne.a.Parse(e.texture, n, i));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ParticleTextureBlock"] = js;
var Hs = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("color", le.Color4, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("rampColor", le.Color4, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ParticleRampGradientBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rampColor", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("remapRanges"), e._excludeVariableName("rampSampler"), e._excludeVariableName("baseColor"), e._excludeVariableName("alpha"), e._excludeVariableName("remappedColorIndex"), e._excludeVariableName("rampColor"), e._excludeVariableName("finalAlpha");
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), !== Ce.Vertex)
return e._emit2DSampler("rampSampler"), e._emitVaryingFromString("remapRanges", "vec4", "RAMPGRADIENT"), e.compilationString += `
vec4 baseColor = ` + this.color.associatedVariableName + `;
float alpha = ` + this.color.associatedVariableName + `.a;
float remappedColorIndex = clamp((alpha - remapRanges.x) / remapRanges.y, 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 rampColor = texture2D(rampSampler, vec2(1.0 - remappedColorIndex, 0.));
baseColor.rgb *= rampColor.rgb;
// Remapped alpha
float finalAlpha = baseColor.a;
baseColor.a = clamp((alpha * rampColor.a - remapRanges.z) / remapRanges.w, 0.0, 1.0);
` + this._declareOutput(this.rampColor, e) + ` = baseColor;
` + this._declareOutput(this.rampColor, e) + " = " + this.color.associatedVariableName + `;
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ParticleRampGradientBlock"] = Hs;
var Ws = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("color", le.Color4, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("alphaTexture", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("alphaColor", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("blendColor", le.Color4, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ParticleBlendMultiplyBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "alphaTexture", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "alphaColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blendColor", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), !== Ce.Vertex)
return e.compilationString += `
` + this._declareOutput(this.blendColor, e) + `;
float sourceAlpha = ` + this.alphaColor.associatedVariableName + " * " + this.alphaTexture.associatedVariableName + `;
` + this.blendColor.associatedVariableName + ".rgb = " + this.color.associatedVariableName + `.rgb * sourceAlpha + vec3(1.0) * (1.0 - sourceAlpha);
` + this.blendColor.associatedVariableName + ".a = " + this.color.associatedVariableName + `.a;
` + this._declareOutput(this.blendColor, e) + " = " + this.color.associatedVariableName + `;
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ParticleBlendMultiplyBlock"] = Ws;
var It, so = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("xyz ", le.Vector3, !0), n.registerInput("xy ", le.Vector2, !0), n.registerInput("x", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("y", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("z", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("w", le.Float, !0), n.registerOutput("xyzw", le.Vector4), n.registerOutput("xyz", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("xy", le.Vector2), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VectorMergerBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "w", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzw", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xy", { get: function() {
return this.xyOut;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyz", { get: function() {
return this.xyzOut;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.x, i = this.y, o = this.z, a = this.w, s = this.xyIn, d = this.xyzIn, p = this._outputs[0], y = this._outputs[1], P = this._outputs[2];
return d.isConnected ? p.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = vec4(" + d.associatedVariableName + ", " + (a.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(a) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : y.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(y, e) + " = " + d.associatedVariableName + `;\r
` : P.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(P, e) + " = " + d.associatedVariableName + `.xy;\r
`) : s.isConnected ? p.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = vec4(" + s.associatedVariableName + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + ", " + (a.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(a) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : y.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(y, e) + " = vec3(" + s.associatedVariableName + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : P.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(P, e) + " = " + s.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`) : p.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = vec4(" + (n.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(n) : "0.0") + ", " + (i.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(i) : "0.0") + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + ", " + (a.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(a) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : y.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(y, e) + " = vec3(" + (n.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(n) : "0.0") + ", " + (i.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(i) : "0.0") + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : P.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(P, e) + " = vec2(" + (n.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(n) : "0.0") + ", " + (i.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(i) : "0.0") + `);\r
`), this;
}, t;
function Bt(r, t, e, n) {
return t === void 0 && (t = It.Boolean), e === void 0 && (e = "PROPERTIES"), function(i, o) {
var a = i._propStore;
a || (a = [], i._propStore = a), a.push({ propertyName: o, displayName: r, type: t, groupName: e, options: n ?? {} });
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.VectorMergerBlock"] = so, function(r) {
r[r.Boolean = 0] = "Boolean", r[r.Float = 1] = "Float", r[r.Vector2 = 2] = "Vector2", r[r.List = 3] = "List";
}(It || (It = {}));
var Xs = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.sourceRange = new u.d(-1, 1), n.targetRange = new u.d(0, 1), n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("sourceMin", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("sourceMax", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("targetMin", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("targetMax", le.Float, !0), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "RemapBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sourceMin", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sourceMax", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "targetMin", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "targetMax", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this.sourceMin.isConnected ? this.sourceMin.associatedVariableName : this._writeFloat(this.sourceRange.x), o = this.sourceMax.isConnected ? this.sourceMax.associatedVariableName : this._writeFloat(this.sourceRange.y), a = this.targetMin.isConnected ? this.targetMin.associatedVariableName : this._writeFloat(this.targetRange.x), s = this.targetMax.isConnected ? this.targetMax.associatedVariableName : this._writeFloat(this.targetRange.y);
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + a + " + (" + this._inputs[0].associatedVariableName + " - " + i + ") * (" + s + " - " + a + ") / (" + o + " - " + i + `);\r
`, this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = this._codeVariableName + ".sourceRange = new BABYLON.Vector2(" + this.sourceRange.x + ", " + this.sourceRange.y + `);\r
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".targetRange = new BABYLON.Vector2(" + this.targetRange.x + ", " + this.targetRange.y + `);\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.sourceRange = this.sourceRange.asArray(), e.targetRange = this.targetRange.asArray(), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.sourceRange = u.d.FromArray(e.sourceRange), this.targetRange = u.d.FromArray(e.targetRange);
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("From", It.Vector2)], t.prototype, "sourceRange", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("To", It.Vector2)], t.prototype, "targetRange", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.RemapBlock"] = Xs;
var ra = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MultiplyBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.left.associatedVariableName + " * " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MultiplyBlock"] = ra;
var xr = function() {
function r() {
this.direction1 = new u.e(0, 1, 0), this.direction2 = new u.e(0, 1, 0), this.minEmitBox = new u.e(-0.5, -0.5, -0.5), this.maxEmitBox = new u.e(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.x, this.direction2.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.y, this.direction2.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.z, this.direction2.z);
if (i)
return e.x = o, e.y = a, void (e.z = s);
u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.minEmitBox.x, this.maxEmitBox.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.minEmitBox.y, this.maxEmitBox.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.minEmitBox.z, this.maxEmitBox.z);
if (i)
return e.x = o, e.y = a, void (e.z = s);
u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setVector3("direction1", this.direction1), t.setVector3("direction2", this.direction2), t.setVector3("minEmitBox", this.minEmitBox), t.setVector3("maxEmitBox", this.maxEmitBox);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define BOXEMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BoxParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.direction1 = this.direction1.asArray(), t.direction2 = this.direction2.asArray(), t.minEmitBox = this.minEmitBox.asArray(), t.maxEmitBox = this.maxEmitBox.asArray(), t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction1, 0, this.direction1), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction2, 0, this.direction2), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.minEmitBox, 0, this.minEmitBox), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.maxEmitBox, 0, this.maxEmitBox);
}, r;
}(), Ys = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = Math.PI), n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.directionRandomizer = n, this.radiusRange = 1, this.heightRange = 1, this.emitFromSpawnPointOnly = !1, this.angle = e, this.radius = t;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "radius", { get: function() {
return this._radius;
}, set: function(t) {
this._radius = t, this._buildHeight();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "angle", { get: function() {
return this._angle;
}, set: function(t) {
this._angle = t, this._buildHeight();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._buildHeight = function() {
this._angle !== 0 ? this._height = this._radius / Math.tan(this._angle / 2) : this._height = 1;
}, r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
i ? u.c.Vector3[0].copyFrom(n._localPosition).normalize() : n.position.subtractToRef(t.getTranslation(), u.c.Vector3[0]).normalize();
var o = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), s = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer);
e.x = u.c.Vector3[0].x + o, e.y = u.c.Vector3[0].y + a, e.z = u.c.Vector3[0].z + s, e.normalize();
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a = $.a.RandomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI);
o = this.emitFromSpawnPointOnly ? 1e-4 : 1 - (o = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.heightRange)) * o;
var s = this._radius - $.a.RandomRange(0, this._radius * this.radiusRange), d = (s *= o) * Math.sin(a), p = s * Math.cos(a), y = o * this._height;
if (i)
return e.x = d, e.y = y, void (e.z = p);
u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(d, y, p, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(this._radius, this._angle, this.directionRandomizer);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setFloat2("radius", this._radius, this.radiusRange), t.setFloat("coneAngle", this._angle), t.setFloat2("height", this._height, this.heightRange), t.setFloat("directionRandomizer", this.directionRandomizer);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
var t = "#define CONEEMITTER";
return this.emitFromSpawnPointOnly && (t += `
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ConeParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.radius = this._radius, t.angle = this._angle, t.directionRandomizer = this.directionRandomizer, t.radiusRange = this.radiusRange, t.heightRange = this.heightRange, t.emitFromSpawnPointOnly = this.emitFromSpawnPointOnly, t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
this.radius = t.radius, this.angle = t.angle, this.directionRandomizer = t.directionRandomizer, this.radiusRange = t.radiusRange !== void 0 ? t.radiusRange : 1, this.heightRange = t.radiusRange !== void 0 ? t.heightRange : 1, this.emitFromSpawnPointOnly = t.emitFromSpawnPointOnly !== void 0 && t.emitFromSpawnPointOnly;
}, r;
}(), oa = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = 0), this.radius = t, this.height = e, this.radiusRange = n, this.directionRandomizer = i;
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = n.position.subtract(t.getTranslation()).normalize(), a = $.a.RandomRange(-this.directionRandomizer / 2, this.directionRandomizer / 2), s = Math.atan2(o.x, o.z);
s += $.a.RandomRange(-Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2) * this.directionRandomizer, o.y = a, o.x = Math.sin(s), o.z = Math.cos(s), o.normalize(), i ? e.copyFrom(o) : u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o.x, o.y, o.z, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(-this.height / 2, this.height / 2), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI), s = $.a.RandomRange((1 - this.radiusRange) * (1 - this.radiusRange), 1), d = Math.sqrt(s) * this.radius, p = d * Math.cos(a), y = d * Math.sin(a);
i ? e.copyFromFloats(p, o, y) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(p, o, y, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(this.radius, this.directionRandomizer);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setFloat("radius", this.radius), t.setFloat("height", this.height), t.setFloat("radiusRange", this.radiusRange), t.setFloat("directionRandomizer", this.directionRandomizer);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define CYLINDEREMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CylinderParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.radius = this.radius, t.height = this.height, t.radiusRange = this.radiusRange, t.directionRandomizer = this.directionRandomizer, t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
this.radius = t.radius, this.height = t.height, this.radiusRange = t.radiusRange, this.directionRandomizer = t.directionRandomizer;
}, r;
}(), Ks = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = 1), o === void 0 && (o = new u.e(0, 1, 0)), a === void 0 && (a = new u.e(0, 1, 0));
var s =, e, n, i) || this;
return s.direction1 = o, s.direction2 = a, s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.x, this.direction2.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.y, this.direction2.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.z, this.direction2.z);
u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, e, n);
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = new t(this.radius, this.height, this.radiusRange, this.direction1, this.direction2);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, e), e;
}, t.prototype.applyToShader = function(e) {
e.setFloat("radius", this.radius), e.setFloat("height", this.height), e.setFloat("radiusRange", this.radiusRange), e.setVector3("direction1", this.direction1), e.setVector3("direction2", this.direction2);
}, t.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return `#define CYLINDEREMITTER
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CylinderDirectedParticleEmitter";
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.direction1 = this.direction1.asArray(), e.direction2 = this.direction2.asArray(), e;
}, t.prototype.parse = function(e) {, e), this.direction1.copyFrom(e.direction1), this.direction2.copyFrom(e.direction2);
}, t;
}(oa), Qs = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.radius = t, this.radiusRange = e, this.directionRandomizer = n;
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = n.position.subtract(t.getTranslation()).normalize(), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), s = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), d = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer);
o.x += a, o.y += s, o.z += d, o.normalize(), i ? e.copyFrom(o) : u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o.x, o.y, o.z, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this.radius - $.a.RandomRange(0, this.radius * this.radiusRange), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1), s = $.a.RandomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI), d = Math.acos(2 * a - 1), p = o * Math.cos(s) * Math.sin(d), y = o * Math.cos(d), P = o * Math.sin(s) * Math.sin(d);
i ? e.copyFromFloats(p, Math.abs(y), P) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(p, Math.abs(y), P, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(this.radius, this.directionRandomizer);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setFloat("radius", this.radius), t.setFloat("radiusRange", this.radiusRange), t.setFloat("directionRandomizer", this.directionRandomizer);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define HEMISPHERICEMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "HemisphericParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.radius = this.radius, t.radiusRange = this.radiusRange, t.directionRandomizer = this.directionRandomizer, t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
this.radius = t.radius, this.radiusRange = t.radiusRange, this.directionRandomizer = t.directionRandomizer;
}, r;
}(), qs = function() {
function r() {
this.direction1 = new u.e(0, 1, 0), this.direction2 = new u.e(0, 1, 0);
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.x, this.direction2.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.y, this.direction2.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.z, this.direction2.z);
i ? e.copyFromFloats(o, a, s) : u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
i ? e.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(0, 0, 0, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setVector3("direction1", this.direction1), t.setVector3("direction2", this.direction2);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define POINTEMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PointParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.direction1 = this.direction1.asArray(), t.direction2 = this.direction2.asArray(), t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction1, 0, this.direction1), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction2, 0, this.direction2);
}, r;
}(), aa = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.radius = t, this.radiusRange = e, this.directionRandomizer = n;
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = n.position.subtract(t.getTranslation()).normalize(), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), s = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer), d = $.a.RandomRange(0, this.directionRandomizer);
o.x += a, o.y += s, o.z += d, o.normalize(), i ? e.copyFrom(o) : u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o.x, o.y, o.z, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this.radius - $.a.RandomRange(0, this.radius * this.radiusRange), a = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1), s = $.a.RandomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI), d = Math.acos(2 * a - 1), p = o * Math.cos(s) * Math.sin(d), y = o * Math.cos(d), P = o * Math.sin(s) * Math.sin(d);
i ? e.copyFromFloats(p, y, P) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(p, y, P, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(this.radius, this.directionRandomizer);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setFloat("radius", this.radius), t.setFloat("radiusRange", this.radiusRange), t.setFloat("directionRandomizer", this.directionRandomizer);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define SPHEREEMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SphereParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t.radius = this.radius, t.radiusRange = this.radiusRange, t.directionRandomizer = this.directionRandomizer, t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
this.radius = t.radius, this.radiusRange = t.radiusRange, this.directionRandomizer = t.directionRandomizer;
}, r;
}(), Zs = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = new u.e(0, 1, 0)), i === void 0 && (i = new u.e(0, 1, 0));
var o =, e) || this;
return o.direction1 = n, o.direction2 = i, o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(e, n, i) {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.x, this.direction2.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.y, this.direction2.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.z, this.direction2.z);
u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, e, n);
}, t.prototype.clone = function() {
var e = new t(this.radius, this.direction1, this.direction2);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, e), e;
}, t.prototype.applyToShader = function(e) {
e.setFloat("radius", this.radius), e.setFloat("radiusRange", this.radiusRange), e.setVector3("direction1", this.direction1), e.setVector3("direction2", this.direction2);
}, t.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return `#define SPHEREEMITTER
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SphereDirectedParticleEmitter";
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.direction1 = this.direction1.asArray(), e.direction2 = this.direction2.asArray(), e;
}, t.prototype.parse = function(e) {, e), this.direction1.copyFrom(e.direction1), this.direction2.copyFrom(e.direction2);
}, t;
}(aa), Cr = function() {
function r() {
this.particlePositionGenerator = function() {
}, this.particleDestinationGenerator = function() {
return r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = u.c.Vector3[0];
if (this.particleDestinationGenerator) {
this.particleDestinationGenerator(-1, n, o);
var a = u.c.Vector3[1];
o.subtractToRef(n.position, a), a.scaleToRef(1 / n.lifeTime, o);
} else
o.set(0, 0, 0);
i ? e.copyFrom(o) : u.e.TransformNormalToRef(o, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = u.c.Vector3[0];
this.particlePositionGenerator ? this.particlePositionGenerator(-1, n, o) : o.set(0, 0, 0), i ? e.copyFrom(o) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(o, t, e);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "#define CUSTOMEMITTER";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CustomParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.getClassName(), t;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t) {
}, r;
}(), Ku = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = null), this._indices = null, this._positions = null, this._normals = null, this._storedNormal = u.e.Zero(), this._mesh = null, this.direction1 = new u.e(0, 1, 0), this.direction2 = new u.e(0, 1, 0), this.useMeshNormalsForDirection = !0, this.mesh = t;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "mesh", { get: function() {
return this._mesh;
}, set: function(t) {
this._mesh !== t && (this._mesh = t, t ? (this._indices = t.getIndices(), this._positions = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), this._normals = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind)) : (this._indices = null, this._positions = null, this._normals = null));
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.startDirectionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (this.useMeshNormalsForDirection && this._normals)
u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._storedNormal, t, e);
else {
var o = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.x, this.direction2.x), a = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.y, this.direction2.y), s = $.a.RandomRange(this.direction1.z, this.direction2.z);
i ? e.copyFromFloats(o, a, s) : u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(o, a, s, t, e);
}, r.prototype.startPositionFunction = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (this._indices && this._positions) {
var o = 3 * Math.random() * (this._indices.length / 3) | 0, a = Math.random(), s = Math.random() * (1 - a), d = 1 - a - s, p = this._indices[o], y = this._indices[o + 1], P = this._indices[o + 2], R = u.c.Vector3[0], B = u.c.Vector3[1], F = u.c.Vector3[2], z = u.c.Vector3[3];
u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._positions, 3 * p, R), u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._positions, 3 * y, B), u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._positions, 3 * P, F), z.x = a * R.x + s * B.x + d * F.x, z.y = a * R.y + s * B.y + d * F.y, z.z = a * R.z + s * B.z + d * F.z, i ? e.copyFromFloats(z.x, z.y, z.z) : u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(z.x, z.y, z.z, t, e), this.useMeshNormalsForDirection && this._normals && (u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._normals, 3 * p, R), u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._normals, 3 * y, B), u.e.FromArrayToRef(this._normals, 3 * P, F), this._storedNormal.x = a * R.x + s * B.x + d * F.x, this._storedNormal.y = a * R.y + s * B.y + d * F.y, this._storedNormal.z = a * R.z + s * B.z + d * F.z);
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r(this.mesh);
return de.a.DeepCopy(this, t), t;
}, r.prototype.applyToShader = function(t) {
t.setVector3("direction1", this.direction1), t.setVector3("direction2", this.direction2);
}, r.prototype.getEffectDefines = function() {
return "";
}, r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MeshParticleEmitter";
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t, e = {};
return e.type = this.getClassName(), e.direction1 = this.direction1.asArray(), e.direction2 = this.direction2.asArray(), e.meshId = (t = this.mesh) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 :, e.useMeshNormalsForDirection = this.useMeshNormalsForDirection, e;
}, r.prototype.parse = function(t, e) {
u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction1, 0, this.direction1), u.e.FromArrayToRef(t.direction2, 0, this.direction2), t.meshId && e && (this.mesh = e.getLastMeshByID(t.meshId)), this.useMeshNormalsForDirection = t.useMeshNormalsForDirection;
}, r;
}(), co = function() {
function r(t) {
this.animations = [], this.renderingGroupId = 0, this.emitter = u.e.Zero(), this.emitRate = 10, this.manualEmitCount = -1, this.updateSpeed = 0.01, this.targetStopDuration = 0, this.disposeOnStop = !1, this.minEmitPower = 1, this.maxEmitPower = 1, this.minLifeTime = 1, this.maxLifeTime = 1, this.minSize = 1, this.maxSize = 1, this.minScaleX = 1, this.maxScaleX = 1, this.minScaleY = 1, this.maxScaleY = 1, this.minInitialRotation = 0, this.maxInitialRotation = 0, this.minAngularSpeed = 0, this.maxAngularSpeed = 0, this.layerMask = 268435455, this.customShader = null, this.preventAutoStart = !1, this.noiseStrength = new u.e(10, 10, 10), this.onAnimationEnd = null, this.blendMode = r.BLENDMODE_ONEONE, this.forceDepthWrite = !1, this.preWarmCycles = 0, this.preWarmStepOffset = 1, this.spriteCellChangeSpeed = 1, this.startSpriteCellID = 0, this.endSpriteCellID = 0, this.spriteCellWidth = 0, this.spriteCellHeight = 0, this.spriteRandomStartCell = !1, this.translationPivot = new u.d(0, 0), this.beginAnimationOnStart = !1, this.beginAnimationFrom = 0, this.beginAnimationTo = 60, this.beginAnimationLoop = !1, this.worldOffset = new u.e(0, 0, 0), this.gravity = u.e.Zero(), this._colorGradients = null, this._sizeGradients = null, this._lifeTimeGradients = null, this._angularSpeedGradients = null, this._velocityGradients = null, this._limitVelocityGradients = null, this._dragGradients = null, this._emitRateGradients = null, this._startSizeGradients = null, this._rampGradients = null, this._colorRemapGradients = null, this._alphaRemapGradients = null, this.startDelay = 0, this.limitVelocityDamping = 0.4, this.color1 = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this.color2 = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this.colorDead = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 1), this.textureMask = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this._isSubEmitter = !1, this.billboardMode = h.a.PARTICLES_BILLBOARDMODE_ALL, this._isBillboardBased = !0, this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines = new vn.b(), = t, = t;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "noiseTexture", { get: function() {
return this._noiseTexture;
}, set: function(t) {
this._noiseTexture !== t && (this._noiseTexture = t, this._reset());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isAnimationSheetEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._isAnimationSheetEnabled;
}, set: function(t) {
this._isAnimationSheetEnabled != t && (this._isAnimationSheetEnabled = t, this._reset());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getScene = function() {
return this._scene;
}, r.prototype._hasTargetStopDurationDependantGradient = function() {
return this._startSizeGradients && this._startSizeGradients.length > 0 || this._emitRateGradients && this._emitRateGradients.length > 0 || this._lifeTimeGradients && this._lifeTimeGradients.length > 0;
}, r.prototype.getDragGradients = function() {
return this._dragGradients;
}, r.prototype.getLimitVelocityGradients = function() {
return this._limitVelocityGradients;
}, r.prototype.getColorGradients = function() {
return this._colorGradients;
}, r.prototype.getSizeGradients = function() {
return this._sizeGradients;
}, r.prototype.getColorRemapGradients = function() {
return this._colorRemapGradients;
}, r.prototype.getAlphaRemapGradients = function() {
return this._alphaRemapGradients;
}, r.prototype.getLifeTimeGradients = function() {
return this._lifeTimeGradients;
}, r.prototype.getAngularSpeedGradients = function() {
return this._angularSpeedGradients;
}, r.prototype.getVelocityGradients = function() {
return this._velocityGradients;
}, r.prototype.getStartSizeGradients = function() {
return this._startSizeGradients;
}, r.prototype.getEmitRateGradients = function() {
return this._emitRateGradients;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "direction1", { get: function() {
return this.particleEmitterType.direction1 ? this.particleEmitterType.direction1 : u.e.Zero();
}, set: function(t) {
this.particleEmitterType.direction1 && (this.particleEmitterType.direction1 = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "direction2", { get: function() {
return this.particleEmitterType.direction2 ? this.particleEmitterType.direction2 : u.e.Zero();
}, set: function(t) {
this.particleEmitterType.direction2 && (this.particleEmitterType.direction2 = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "minEmitBox", { get: function() {
return this.particleEmitterType.minEmitBox ? this.particleEmitterType.minEmitBox : u.e.Zero();
}, set: function(t) {
this.particleEmitterType.minEmitBox && (this.particleEmitterType.minEmitBox = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "maxEmitBox", { get: function() {
return this.particleEmitterType.maxEmitBox ? this.particleEmitterType.maxEmitBox : u.e.Zero();
}, set: function(t) {
this.particleEmitterType.maxEmitBox && (this.particleEmitterType.maxEmitBox = t);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isBillboardBased", { get: function() {
return this._isBillboardBased;
}, set: function(t) {
this._isBillboardBased !== t && (this._isBillboardBased = t, this._reset());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(t) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(t) {
t !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (!t && this._scene ? this._imageProcessingConfiguration = this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration : this._imageProcessingConfiguration = t);
}, r.prototype._reset = function() {
}, r.prototype._removeGradientAndTexture = function(t, e, n) {
if (!e)
return this;
for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = e; o < a.length; o++) {
if (a[o].gradient === t) {
e.splice(i, 1);
return n && n.dispose(), this;
}, r.prototype.createPointEmitter = function(t, e) {
var n = new qs();
return n.direction1 = t, n.direction2 = e, this.particleEmitterType = n, n;
}, r.prototype.createHemisphericEmitter = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1);
var n = new Qs(t, e);
return this.particleEmitterType = n, n;
}, r.prototype.createSphereEmitter = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1);
var n = new aa(t, e);
return this.particleEmitterType = n, n;
}, r.prototype.createDirectedSphereEmitter = function(t, e, n) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = new u.e(0, 1, 0)), n === void 0 && (n = new u.e(0, 1, 0));
var i = new Zs(t, e, n);
return this.particleEmitterType = i, i;
}, r.prototype.createCylinderEmitter = function(t, e, n, i) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = 0);
var o = new oa(t, e, n, i);
return this.particleEmitterType = o, o;
}, r.prototype.createDirectedCylinderEmitter = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = 1), n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = new u.e(0, 1, 0)), o === void 0 && (o = new u.e(0, 1, 0));
var a = new Ks(t, e, n, i, o);
return this.particleEmitterType = a, a;
}, r.prototype.createConeEmitter = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1), e === void 0 && (e = Math.PI / 4);
var n = new Ys(t, e);
return this.particleEmitterType = n, n;
}, r.prototype.createBoxEmitter = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = new xr();
return this.particleEmitterType = o, this.direction1 = t, this.direction2 = e, this.minEmitBox = n, this.maxEmitBox = i, o;
}(), Js = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("rgba", le.Color4, !0), n.registerInput("rgb ", le.Color3, !0), n.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3), n.registerOutput("r", le.Float), n.registerOutput("g", le.Float), n.registerOutput("b", le.Float), n.registerOutput("a", le.Float), n.inputsAreExclusive = !0, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ColorSplitterBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgbIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgbOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._inputRename = function(e) {
return e === "rgb " ? "rgbIn" : e;
}, t.prototype._outputRename = function(e) {
return e === "rgb" ? "rgbOut" : e;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.rgba.isConnected ? this.rgba : this.rgbIn;
if (n.isConnected) {
var i = this._outputs[0], o = this._outputs[1], a = this._outputs[2], s = this._outputs[3], d = this._outputs[4];
return i.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.rgb;\r
`), o.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.r;\r
`), a.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.g;\r
`), s.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(s, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.b;\r
`), d.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.a;\r
`), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ColorSplitterBlock"] = Js;
var tn, Qu = f(104);
(function(r) {
r[r.Cos = 0] = "Cos", r[r.Sin = 1] = "Sin", r[r.Abs = 2] = "Abs", r[r.Exp = 3] = "Exp", r[r.Exp2 = 4] = "Exp2", r[r.Round = 5] = "Round", r[r.Floor = 6] = "Floor", r[r.Ceiling = 7] = "Ceiling", r[r.Sqrt = 8] = "Sqrt", r[r.Log = 9] = "Log", r[r.Tan = 10] = "Tan", r[r.ArcTan = 11] = "ArcTan", r[r.ArcCos = 12] = "ArcCos", r[r.ArcSin = 13] = "ArcSin", r[r.Fract = 14] = "Fract", r[r.Sign = 15] = "Sign", r[r.Radians = 16] = "Radians", r[r.Degrees = 17] = "Degrees";
})(tn || (tn = {}));
var $s = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.operation = tn.Cos, n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TrigonometryBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = "";
switch (this.operation) {
case tn.Cos:
i = "cos";
case tn.Sin:
i = "sin";
case tn.Abs:
i = "abs";
case tn.Exp:
i = "exp";
case tn.Exp2:
i = "exp2";
case tn.Round:
i = "round";
case tn.Floor:
i = "floor";
case tn.Ceiling:
i = "ceil";
case tn.Sqrt:
i = "sqrt";
case tn.Log:
i = "log";
case tn.Tan:
i = "tan";
case tn.ArcTan:
i = "atan";
case tn.ArcCos:
i = "acos";
case tn.ArcSin:
i = "asin";
case tn.Fract:
i = "fract";
case tn.Sign:
i = "sign";
case tn.Radians:
i = "radians";
case tn.Degrees:
i = "degrees";
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + i + "(" + this.input.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.operation = this.operation, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.operation = e.operation;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
return this._codeVariableName + ".operation = BABYLON.TrigonometryBlockOperations." + tn[this.operation] + `;\r
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.TrigonometryBlock"] = $s;
var ec = { effect: null, subMesh: null }, lo = function(r) {
function t() {
var e = || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.setValue = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = !1), this[e] === void 0 && this._keys.push(e), i && this[e] !== n && this.markAsUnprocessed(), this[e] = n;
}, t;
}(zo.a), sa = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = {});
var o =, e, n || Ue.a.LastCreatedScene) || this;
return o._buildId = t._BuildIdGenerator++, o._buildWasSuccessful = !1, o._cachedWorldViewMatrix = new u.a(), o._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix = new u.a(), o._optimizers = new Array(), o._animationFrame = -1, o.BJSNODEMATERIALEDITOR = o._getGlobalNodeMaterialEditor(), o.editorData = null, o.ignoreAlpha = !1, o.maxSimultaneousLights = 4, o.onBuildObservable = new C.c(), o._vertexOutputNodes = new Array(), o._fragmentOutputNodes = new Array(), o.attachedBlocks = new Array(), o._mode = Rn.Material, o._options = Object(c.a)({ emitComments: !1 }, i), o._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._getGlobalNodeMaterialEditor = function() {
return typeof NODEEDITOR < "u" ? NODEEDITOR : typeof BABYLON < "u" && BABYLON.NodeEditor !== void 0 ? BABYLON : void 0;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "options", { get: function() {
return this._options;
}, set: function(e) {
this._options = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageProcessingConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingConfiguration;
}, set: function(e) {
this._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(e), this._markAllSubMeshesAsTexturesDirty();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "mode", { get: function() {
return this._mode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NodeMaterial";
}, t.prototype._attachImageProcessingConfiguration = function(e) {
var n = this;
e !== this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && this._imageProcessingObserver && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingObserver), this._imageProcessingConfiguration = e || this.getScene().imageProcessingConfiguration, this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingObserver = this._imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
}, t.prototype.getBlockByName = function(e) {
for (var n = null, i = 0, o = this.attachedBlocks; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
if ( === e) {
if (n)
return Xe.b.Warn("More than one block was found with the name `" + e + "`"), n;
n = a;
return n;
}, t.prototype.getBlockByPredicate = function(e) {
for (var n = 0, i = this.attachedBlocks; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (e(o))
return o;
return null;
}, t.prototype.getInputBlockByPredicate = function(e) {
for (var n = 0, i = this.attachedBlocks; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
if (o.isInput && e(o))
return o;
return null;
}, t.prototype.getInputBlocks = function() {
for (var e = [], n = 0, i = this.attachedBlocks; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
o.isInput && e.push(o);
return e;
}, t.prototype.registerOptimizer = function(e) {
if (!(this._optimizers.indexOf(e) > -1))
return this._optimizers.push(e), this;
}, t.prototype.unregisterOptimizer = function(e) {
var n = this._optimizers.indexOf(e);
if (n !== -1)
return this._optimizers.splice(n, 1), this;
}, t.prototype.addOutputNode = function(e) {
if ( === null)
throw "This node is not meant to be an output node. You may want to explicitly set its target value.";
return & Ce.Vertex && this._addVertexOutputNode(e), & Ce.Fragment && this._addFragmentOutputNode(e), this;
}, t.prototype.removeOutputNode = function(e) {
return === null || ( & Ce.Vertex && this._removeVertexOutputNode(e), & Ce.Fragment && this._removeFragmentOutputNode(e)), this;
}, t.prototype._addVertexOutputNode = function(e) {
if (this._vertexOutputNodes.indexOf(e) === -1)
return = Ce.Vertex, this._vertexOutputNodes.push(e), this;
}, t.prototype._removeVertexOutputNode = function(e) {
var n = this._vertexOutputNodes.indexOf(e);
if (n !== -1)
return this._vertexOutputNodes.splice(n, 1), this;
}, t.prototype._addFragmentOutputNode = function(e) {
if (this._fragmentOutputNodes.indexOf(e) === -1)
return = Ce.Fragment, this._fragmentOutputNodes.push(e), this;
}, t.prototype._removeFragmentOutputNode = function(e) {
var n = this._fragmentOutputNodes.indexOf(e);
if (n !== -1)
return this._fragmentOutputNodes.splice(n, 1), this;
}, t.prototype.needAlphaBlending = function() {
return !this.ignoreAlpha && (this.alpha < 1 || this._sharedData && this._sharedData.hints.needAlphaBlending);
}, t.prototype.needAlphaTesting = function() {
return this._sharedData && this._sharedData.hints.needAlphaTesting;
}, t.prototype._initializeBlock = function(e, n, i) {
if (e.initialize(n), e.autoConfigure(this), e._preparationId = this._buildId, this.attachedBlocks.indexOf(e) === -1) {
if (e.isUnique) {
for (var o = e.getClassName(), a = 0, s = this.attachedBlocks; a < s.length; a++)
if (s[a].getClassName() === o)
throw "Cannot have multiple blocks of type " + o + " in the same NodeMaterial";
for (var d = 0, p = e.inputs; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = p[d];
y.associatedVariableName = "";
var P = y.connectedPoint;
if (P) {
var R = P.ownerBlock;
R !== e && (( === Ce.VertexAndFragment || === Ce.Fragment && === Ce.Vertex && R._preparationId !== this._buildId) && i.push(R), this._initializeBlock(R, n, i));
for (var B = 0, F = e.outputs; B < F.length; B++)
F[B].associatedVariableName = "";
}, t.prototype._resetDualBlocks = function(e, n) { === Ce.VertexAndFragment && (e.buildId = n);
for (var i = 0, o = e.inputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i].connectedPoint;
if (a) {
var s = a.ownerBlock;
s !== e && this._resetDualBlocks(s, n);
}, t.prototype.removeBlock = function(e) {
var n = this.attachedBlocks.indexOf(e);
n > -1 && this.attachedBlocks.splice(n, 1), e.isFinalMerger && this.removeOutputNode(e);
}, = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._buildWasSuccessful = !1;
var n = this.getScene().getEngine(), i = this._mode === Rn.Particle;
if (this._vertexOutputNodes.length === 0 && !i)
throw "You must define at least one vertexOutputNode";
if (this._fragmentOutputNodes.length === 0)
throw "You must define at least one fragmentOutputNode";
this._vertexCompilationState = new Xu(), this._vertexCompilationState.supportUniformBuffers = n.supportsUniformBuffers, = Ce.Vertex, this._fragmentCompilationState = new Xu(), this._fragmentCompilationState.supportUniformBuffers = n.supportsUniformBuffers, = Ce.Fragment, this._sharedData = new G_(), this._vertexCompilationState.sharedData = this._sharedData, this._fragmentCompilationState.sharedData = this._sharedData, this._sharedData.buildId = this._buildId, this._sharedData.emitComments = this._options.emitComments, this._sharedData.verbose = e, this._sharedData.scene = this.getScene(), this._sharedData.allowEmptyVertexProgram = i;
for (var o = [], a = [], s = 0, d = this._vertexOutputNodes; s < d.length; s++) {
var p = d[s];
o.push(p), this._initializeBlock(p, this._vertexCompilationState, a);
for (var y = 0, P = this._fragmentOutputNodes; y < P.length; y++) {
var R = P[y];
a.push(R), this._initializeBlock(R, this._fragmentCompilationState, o);
for (var B = 0, F = o; B < F.length; B++)
(p = F[B]).build(this._vertexCompilationState, o);
this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms = this._vertexCompilationState.uniforms.slice(0), this._fragmentCompilationState._uniformDeclaration = this._vertexCompilationState._uniformDeclaration, this._fragmentCompilationState._constantDeclaration = this._vertexCompilationState._constantDeclaration, this._fragmentCompilationState._vertexState = this._vertexCompilationState;
for (var z = 0, J = a; z < J.length; z++)
R = J[z], this._resetDualBlocks(R, this._buildId - 1);
for (var ie = 0, se = a; ie < se.length; ie++)
(R = se[ie]).build(this._fragmentCompilationState, a);
this._vertexCompilationState.finalize(this._vertexCompilationState), this._fragmentCompilationState.finalize(this._fragmentCompilationState), this._buildId = t._BuildIdGenerator++, this._sharedData.emitErrors(), e && (console.log("Vertex shader:"), console.log(this._vertexCompilationState.compilationString), console.log("Fragment shader:"), console.log(this._fragmentCompilationState.compilationString)), this._buildWasSuccessful = !0, this.onBuildObservable.notifyObservers(this);
for (var ce = 0, ue = this.getScene().meshes; ce < ue.length; ce++) {
var fe = ue[ce];
if (fe.subMeshes)
for (var ve = 0, Te = fe.subMeshes; ve < Te.length; ve++) {
var Re = Te[ve];
if (Re.getMaterial() === this && Re._materialDefines) {
var Ae = Re._materialDefines;
Ae.markAllAsDirty(), Ae.reset();
}, t.prototype.optimize = function() {
for (var e = 0, n = this._optimizers; e < n.length; e++)
n[e].optimize(this._vertexOutputNodes, this._fragmentOutputNodes);
}, t.prototype._prepareDefinesForAttributes = function(e, n) {
var i = n.NORMAL, o = n.TANGENT, a = n.UV1;
n.NORMAL = e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.NormalKind), n.TANGENT = e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.TangentKind), n.UV1 = e.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind), i === n.NORMAL && o === n.TANGENT && a === n.UV1 || n.markAsAttributesDirty();
}, t.prototype.createPostProcess = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return n === void 0 && (n = 1), i === void 0 && (i = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE), s === void 0 && (s = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA), this.mode !== Rn.PostProcess ? (console.log("Incompatible material mode"), null) : this._createEffectForPostProcess(null, e, n, i, o, a, s, d);
}, t.prototype.createEffectForPostProcess = function(e) {
}, t.prototype._createEffectForPostProcess = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y = this;
i === void 0 && (i = 1), o === void 0 && (o = h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA);
var P = + this._buildId, R = new lo(), B = new Mt.a(P + "PostProcess", this.getScene()), F = this._buildId;
return this._processDefines(B, R), ze.a.RegisterShader(P, this._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString, this._vertexCompilationState._builtCompilationString), e ? e.updateEffect(R.toString(), this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, this._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, { maxSimultaneousLights: this.maxSimultaneousLights }, void 0, void 0, P, P) : e = new ft( + "PostProcess", P, this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, this._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, i, n, o, a, s, R.toString(), d, P, { maxSimultaneousLights: this.maxSimultaneousLights }, !1, p), e.nodeMaterialSource = this, e.onApplyObservable.add(function(z) {
F !== y._buildId && (delete ze.a.ShadersStore[P + "VertexShader"], delete ze.a.ShadersStore[P + "PixelShader"], P = + y._buildId, R.markAsUnprocessed(), F = y._buildId), y._processDefines(B, R) && (ze.a.RegisterShader(P, y._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString, y._vertexCompilationState._builtCompilationString), Qu.a.SetImmediate(function() {
return e.updateEffect(R.toString(), y._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, y._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, { maxSimultaneousLights: y.maxSimultaneousLights }, void 0, void 0, P, P);
})), y._checkInternals(z);
}), e;
}, t.prototype.createProceduralTexture = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
if (this.mode !== Rn.ProceduralTexture)
return console.log("Incompatible material mode"), null;
var o = + this._buildId, a = new oo(o, e, null, n), s = new Mt.a(o + "Procedural", this.getScene());
s.reservedDataStore = { hidden: !0 };
var d = new lo(), p = this._processDefines(s, d);
ze.a.RegisterShader(o, this._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString, this._vertexCompilationState._builtCompilationString);
var y = this.getScene().getEngine().createEffect({ vertexElement: o, fragmentElement: o }, [Oe.b.PositionKind], this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, this._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, d.toString(), p == null ? void 0 : p.fallbacks, void 0);
a.nodeMaterialSource = this, a._effect = y;
var P = this._buildId;
return a.onBeforeGenerationObservable.add(function() {
P !== i._buildId && (delete ze.a.ShadersStore[o + "VertexShader"], delete ze.a.ShadersStore[o + "PixelShader"], o = + i._buildId, d.markAsUnprocessed(), P = i._buildId);
var R = i._processDefines(s, d);
R && (ze.a.RegisterShader(o, i._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString, i._vertexCompilationState._builtCompilationString), Qu.a.SetImmediate(function() {
y = i.getScene().getEngine().createEffect({ vertexElement: o, fragmentElement: o }, [Oe.b.PositionKind], i._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, i._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, d.toString(), R == null ? void 0 : R.fallbacks, void 0), a._effect = y;
})), i._checkInternals(y);
}), a;
}, t.prototype._createEffectForParticles = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y = this;
p === void 0 && (p = "");
var P = + this._buildId + "_" + n;
s || (s = new lo()), d || (d = this.getScene().getMeshByName( + "Particle")) || ((d = new Mt.a( + "Particle", this.getScene())).reservedDataStore = { hidden: !0 });
var R = this._buildId, B = [], F = p;
if (!a) {
var z = this._processDefines(d, s);
ze.a.RegisterShader(P, this._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString), e.fillDefines(B, n), F = B.join(`
`), a = this.getScene().getEngine().createEffectForParticles(P, this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, this._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, s.toString() + `
` + F, z == null ? void 0 : z.fallbacks, i, o, e), e.setCustomEffect(a, n);
a.onBindObservable.add(function(J) {
R !== y._buildId && (delete ze.a.ShadersStore[P + "PixelShader"], P = + y._buildId + "_" + n, s.markAsUnprocessed(), R = y._buildId), B.length = 0, e.fillDefines(B, n);
var ie = B.join(`
ie !== F && (s.markAsUnprocessed(), F = ie);
var se = y._processDefines(d, s);
if (se)
return ze.a.RegisterShader(P, y._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString), J = y.getScene().getEngine().createEffectForParticles(P, y._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms, y._fragmentCompilationState.samplers, s.toString() + `
` + F, se == null ? void 0 : se.fallbacks, i, o, e), e.setCustomEffect(J, n), void y._createEffectForParticles(e, n, i, o, J, s, d, F);
}, t.prototype._checkInternals = function(e) {
if (this._sharedData.animatedInputs) {
var n = this.getScene(), i = n.getFrameId();
if (this._animationFrame !== i) {
for (var o = 0, a = this._sharedData.animatedInputs; o < a.length; o++)
this._animationFrame = i;
for (var s = 0, d = this._sharedData.bindableBlocks; s < d.length; s++)
d[s].bind(e, this);
for (var p = 0, y = this._sharedData.inputBlocks; p < y.length; p++)
y[p]._transmit(e, this.getScene());
}, t.prototype.createEffectForParticles = function(e, n, i) {
this.mode === Rn.Particle ? (this._createEffectForParticles(e, co.BLENDMODE_ONEONE, n, i), this._createEffectForParticles(e, co.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY, n, i)) : console.log("Incompatible material mode");
}, t.prototype._processDefines = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var s = null;
if (this._sharedData.blocksWithDefines.forEach(function(B) {
B.initializeDefines(e, a, n, i);
}), this._sharedData.blocksWithDefines.forEach(function(B) {
B.prepareDefines(e, a, n, i, o);
}), n.isDirty) {
var d = n._areLightsDisposed;
n.markAsProcessed(), this._vertexCompilationState.compilationString = this._vertexCompilationState._builtCompilationString, this._fragmentCompilationState.compilationString = this._fragmentCompilationState._builtCompilationString, this._sharedData.repeatableContentBlocks.forEach(function(B) {
B.replaceRepeatableContent(a._vertexCompilationState, a._fragmentCompilationState, e, n);
var p = [];
this._sharedData.dynamicUniformBlocks.forEach(function(B) {
B.updateUniformsAndSamples(a._vertexCompilationState, a, n, p);
var y = this._vertexCompilationState.uniforms;
this._fragmentCompilationState.uniforms.forEach(function(B) {
y.indexOf(B) === -1 && y.push(B);
var P = this._vertexCompilationState.samplers;
this._fragmentCompilationState.samplers.forEach(function(B) {
P.indexOf(B) === -1 && P.push(B);
var R = new _r.a();
this._sharedData.blocksWithFallbacks.forEach(function(B) {
B.provideFallbacks(e, R);
}), s = { lightDisposed: d, uniformBuffers: p, mergedUniforms: y, mergedSamplers: P, fallbacks: R };
return s;
}, t.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (i === void 0 && (i = !1), !this._buildWasSuccessful)
return !1;
var a = this.getScene();
if (this._sharedData.animatedInputs) {
var s = a.getFrameId();
if (this._animationFrame !== s) {
for (var d = 0, p = this._sharedData.animatedInputs; d < p.length; d++)
this._animationFrame = s;
if (n.effect && this.isFrozen && n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady)
return !0;
n._materialDefines || (n._materialDefines = new lo());
var y = n._materialDefines;
if (this._isReadyForSubMesh(n))
return !0;
var P = a.getEngine();
if (this._prepareDefinesForAttributes(e, y), this._sharedData.blockingBlocks.some(function(J) {
return !J.isReady(e, o, y, i);
return !1;
var R = this._processDefines(e, y, i, n);
if (R) {
var B = n.effect, F = y.toString(), z = P.createEffect({ vertex: "nodeMaterial" + this._buildId, fragment: "nodeMaterial" + this._buildId, vertexSource: this._vertexCompilationState.compilationString, fragmentSource: this._fragmentCompilationState.compilationString }, { attributes: this._vertexCompilationState.attributes, uniformsNames: R.mergedUniforms, uniformBuffersNames: R.uniformBuffers, samplers: R.mergedSamplers, defines: F, fallbacks: R.fallbacks, onCompiled: this.onCompiled, onError: this.onError, indexParameters: { maxSimultaneousLights: this.maxSimultaneousLights, maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: y.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS } }, P);
if (z)
if (this._onEffectCreatedObservable && (ec.effect = z, ec.subMesh = n, this._onEffectCreatedObservable.notifyObservers(ec)), this.allowShaderHotSwapping && B && !z.isReady()) {
if (z = B, y.markAsUnprocessed(), R.lightDisposed)
return y._areLightsDisposed = !0, !1;
} else
a.resetCachedMaterial(), n.setEffect(z, y);
return !(!n.effect || !n.effect.isReady()) && (y._renderId = a.getRenderId(), n.effect._wasPreviouslyReady = !0, !0);
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "compiledShaders", { get: function() {
return `// Vertex shader\r
` + this._vertexCompilationState.compilationString + `\r
// Fragment shader\r
` + this._fragmentCompilationState.compilationString;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.bindOnlyWorldMatrix = function(e) {
var n = this.getScene();
if (this._activeEffect) {
var i = this._sharedData.hints;
i.needWorldViewMatrix && e.multiplyToRef(n.getViewMatrix(), this._cachedWorldViewMatrix), i.needWorldViewProjectionMatrix && e.multiplyToRef(n.getTransformMatrix(), this._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix);
for (var o = 0, a = this._sharedData.inputBlocks; o < a.length; o++)
a[o]._transmitWorld(this._activeEffect, e, this._cachedWorldViewMatrix, this._cachedWorldViewProjectionMatrix);
}, t.prototype.bindForSubMesh = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this.getScene(), a = i.effect;
if (a) {
if (this._activeEffect = a, this.bindOnlyWorldMatrix(e), this._mustRebind(o, a, n.visibility)) {
var s = this._sharedData;
if (a && o.getCachedEffect() !== a) {
for (var d = 0, p = s.bindableBlocks; d < p.length; d++)
p[d].bind(a, this, n, i);
for (var y = 0, P = s.inputBlocks; y < P.length; y++)
P[y]._transmit(a, o);
this._afterBind(n, this._activeEffect);
}, t.prototype.getActiveTextures = function() {
var e =;
return this._sharedData && e.push.apply(e, this._sharedData.textureBlocks.filter(function(n) {
return n.texture;
}).map(function(n) {
return n.texture;
})), e;
}, t.prototype.getTextureBlocks = function() {
return this._sharedData ? this._sharedData.textureBlocks : [];
}, t.prototype.hasTexture = function(e) {
if (, e))
return !0;
if (!this._sharedData)
return !1;
for (var n = 0, i = this._sharedData.textureBlocks; n < i.length; n++)
if (i[n].texture === e)
return !0;
return !1;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e, n, i) {
if (n)
for (var o = 0, a = this._sharedData.textureBlocks.filter(function(p) {
return p.texture;
}).map(function(p) {
return p.texture;
}); o < a.length; o++)
for (var s = 0, d = this.attachedBlocks; s < d.length; s++)
this.onBuildObservable.clear(),, e, n, i);
}, t.prototype._createNodeEditor = function() {
this.BJSNODEMATERIALEDITOR = this.BJSNODEMATERIALEDITOR || this._getGlobalNodeMaterialEditor(), this.BJSNODEMATERIALEDITOR.NodeEditor.Show({ nodeMaterial: this });
}, t.prototype.edit = function(e) {
var n = this;
return new Promise(function(i, o) {
var a = e && e.editorURL ? e.editorURL : t.EditorURL;
Xe.b.LoadScript(a, function() {
n._createNodeEditor(), i();
} else
n._createNodeEditor(), i();
}, t.prototype.clear = function() {
this._vertexOutputNodes = [], this._fragmentOutputNodes = [], this.attachedBlocks = [];
}, t.prototype.setToDefault = function() {
this.clear(), this.editorData = null;
var e = new Et("Position");
var n = new Et("World");
var i = new ia("WorldPos");
e.connectTo(i), n.connectTo(i);
var o = new Et("ViewProjection");
var a = new ia("WorldPos * ViewProjectionTransform");
i.connectTo(a), o.connectTo(a);
var s = new ao("VertexOutput");
var d = new Et("color");
d.value = new I.b(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
var p = new Pr("FragmentOutput");
d.connectTo(p), this.addOutputNode(s), this.addOutputNode(p), this._mode = Rn.Material;
}, t.prototype.setToDefaultPostProcess = function() {
this.clear(), this.editorData = null;
var e = new Et("Position");
var n = new Et("Constant1");
n.isConstant = !0, n.value = 1;
var i = new so("Position3D");
e.connectTo(i), n.connectTo(i, { input: "w" });
var o = new ao("VertexOutput");
var a = new Et("Scale");
a.visibleInInspector = !0, a.value = new u.d(1, 1);
var s = new Xs("uv0");
var d = new ra("UV scale");
s.connectTo(d), a.connectTo(d);
var p = new zs("CurrentScreen");
d.connectTo(p), p.texture = new Ne.a("", this.getScene());
var y = new Pr("FragmentOutput");
p.connectTo(y, { output: "rgba" }), this.addOutputNode(o), this.addOutputNode(y), this._mode = Rn.PostProcess;
}, t.prototype.setToDefaultProceduralTexture = function() {
this.clear(), this.editorData = null;
var e = new Et("Position");
var n = new Et("Constant1");
n.isConstant = !0, n.value = 1;
var i = new so("Position3D");
e.connectTo(i), n.connectTo(i, { input: "w" });
var o = new ao("VertexOutput");
var a = new Et("Time");
a.value = 0, a.min = 0, a.max = 0, a.isBoolean = !1, a.matrixMode = 0, a.animationType = wi.Time, a.isConstant = !1;
var s = new Et("Color3");
s.value = new I.a(1, 1, 1), s.isConstant = !1;
var d = new Pr("FragmentOutput"), p = new so("VectorMerger");
p.visibleInInspector = !1;
var y = new $s("Cos");
y.operation = tn.Cos, e.connectTo(p), a.output.connectTo(y.input), y.output.connectTo(p.z), p.xyzOut.connectTo(d.rgb), this.addOutputNode(o), this.addOutputNode(d), this._mode = Rn.ProceduralTexture;
}, t.prototype.setToDefaultParticle = function() {
this.clear(), this.editorData = null;
var e = new Et("uv");
var n = new js("ParticleTexture");
var i = new Et("Color");
var o = new ra("Texture * Color");
n.connectTo(o), i.connectTo(o);
var a = new Hs("ParticleRampGradient");
var s = new Js("ColorSplitter");
var d = new Ws("ParticleBlendMultiply");
a.connectTo(d), n.connectTo(d, { output: "a" }), s.connectTo(d, { output: "a" });
var p = new Pr("FragmentOutput");
d.connectTo(p), this.addOutputNode(p), this._mode = Rn.Particle;
}, t.prototype.loadAsync = function(e) {
var n = this;
return this.getScene()._loadFileAsync(e).then(function(i) {
var o = JSON.parse(i);
n.loadFromSerialization(o, "");
}, t.prototype._gatherBlocks = function(e, n) {
if (n.indexOf(e) === -1) {
for (var i = 0, o = e.inputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i].connectedPoint;
if (a) {
var s = a.ownerBlock;
s !== e && this._gatherBlocks(s, n);
}, t.prototype.generateCode = function() {
for (var e = [], n = [], i = [], o = 0, a = this._vertexOutputNodes; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
this._gatherBlocks(s, n);
for (var d = [], p = 0, y = this._fragmentOutputNodes; p < y.length; p++)
s = y[p], this._gatherBlocks(s, d);
for (var P = 'var nodeMaterial = new BABYLON.NodeMaterial("' + ( || "node material") + `");\r
`, R = 0, B = n; R < B.length; R++)
(Re = B[R]).isInput && e.indexOf(Re) === -1 && (P += Re._dumpCode(i, e));
for (var F = 0, z = d; F < z.length; F++)
(Re = z[F]).isInput && e.indexOf(Re) === -1 && (P += Re._dumpCode(i, e));
e = [], P += `\r
// Connections\r
for (var J = 0, ie = this._vertexOutputNodes; J < ie.length; J++)
P += (Re = ie[J])._dumpCodeForOutputConnections(e);
for (var se = 0, ce = this._fragmentOutputNodes; se < ce.length; se++)
P += (Re = ce[se])._dumpCodeForOutputConnections(e);
P += `\r
// Output nodes\r
for (var ue = 0, fe = this._vertexOutputNodes; ue < fe.length; ue++)
P += "nodeMaterial.addOutputNode(" + (Re = fe[ue])._codeVariableName + `);\r
for (var ve = 0, Te = this._fragmentOutputNodes; ve < Te.length; ve++) {
var Re;
P += "nodeMaterial.addOutputNode(" + (Re = Te[ve])._codeVariableName + `);\r
return P += `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
var n = e ? {} : L.a.Serialize(this);
n.editorData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.editorData));
var i = [];
if (e)
i = e;
else {
n.customType = "BABYLON.NodeMaterial", n.outputNodes = [];
for (var o = 0, a = this._vertexOutputNodes; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
this._gatherBlocks(s, i), n.outputNodes.push(s.uniqueId);
for (var d = 0, p = this._fragmentOutputNodes; d < p.length; d++)
s = p[d], this._gatherBlocks(s, i), n.outputNodes.indexOf(s.uniqueId) === -1 && n.outputNodes.push(s.uniqueId);
n.blocks = [];
for (var y = 0, P = i; y < P.length; y++) {
var R = P[y];
if (!e)
for (var B = 0, F = this.attachedBlocks; B < F.length; B++)
R = F[B], i.indexOf(R) === -1 && n.blocks.push(R.serialize());
return n;
}, t.prototype._restoreConnections = function(e, n, i) {
for (var o = 0, a = e.outputs; o < a.length; o++)
for (var s = a[o], d = 0, p = n.blocks; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = p[d], P = i[];
if (P)
for (var R = 0, B = y.inputs; R < B.length; R++) {
var F = B[R];
if (!(i[F.targetBlockId] !== e || F.targetConnectionName !== {
var z = P.getInputByName(F.inputName);
if (!z || z.isConnected)
s.connectTo(z, !0), this._restoreConnections(P, n, i);
}, t.prototype.loadFromSerialization = function(e, n, i) {
var o;
n === void 0 && (n = ""), i === void 0 && (i = !1), i || this.clear();
for (var a = {}, s = 0, d = e.blocks; s < d.length; s++) {
var p = d[s], y = O.a.GetClass(p.customType);
y && ((R = new y())._deserialize(p, this.getScene(), n), a[] = R, this.attachedBlocks.push(R));
for (var P = 0; P < e.blocks.length; P++) {
var R;
(R = a[e.blocks[P].id]) && (R.inputs.length && !i || this._restoreConnections(R, e, a));
if (e.outputNodes)
for (var B = 0, F = e.outputNodes; B < F.length; B++) {
var z = F[B];
if (e.locations || e.editorData && e.editorData.locations) {
for (var J = e.locations || e.editorData.locations, ie = 0, se = J; ie < se.length; ie++) {
var ce = se[ie];
a[ce.blockId] && (ce.blockId = a[ce.blockId].uniqueId);
i && this.editorData && this.editorData.locations && J.concat(this.editorData.locations), e.locations ? this.editorData = { locations: J } : (this.editorData = e.editorData, this.editorData.locations = J);
var ue = [];
for (var fe in a)
ue[fe] = a[fe].uniqueId; = ue;
this.comment = e.comment, i || (this._mode = (o = e.mode) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : Rn.Material);
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e) {
var n = this, i = this.serialize(), o = L.a.Clone(function() {
return new t(e, n.getScene(), n.options);
}, this);
return = e, = e, o.loadFromSerialization(i),, o;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = "");
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, n);
}, e, n, i);
return o.loadFromSerialization(e, i),, o;
}, t.ParseFromFileAsync = function(e, n, i) {
var o = new t(e, i);
return new Promise(function(a, s) {
return o.loadAsync(n).then(function() {, a(o);
}, t.ParseFromSnippetAsync = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
return i === void 0 && (i = ""), e === "_BLANK" ? Promise.resolve(this.CreateDefault("blank", n)) : new Promise(function(s, d) {
var p = new re.a();
p.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (p.readyState == 4)
if (p.status == 200) {
var y = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(p.responseText).jsonPayload), P = JSON.parse(y.nodeMaterial);
o || ((o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(e, n);
}, P, n, i)).uniqueId = n.getUniqueId()), o.loadFromSerialization(P), o.snippetId = e;
try {, s(o);
} catch (R) {
} else
d("Unable to load the snippet " + e);
}),"GET", a.SnippetUrl + "/" + e.replace(/#/g, "/")), p.send();
}, t.CreateDefault = function(e, n) {
var i = new t(e, n);
return i.setToDefault(),, i;
}, t._BuildIdGenerator = 0, t.EditorURL = "" + Ue.a.Version + "/babylon.nodeEditor.js", t.SnippetUrl = "", t.IgnoreTexturesAtLoadTime = !1, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("mode")], t.prototype, "_mode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("comment")], t.prototype, "comment", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.NodeMaterial"] = sa;
var qu = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex) || this;
return n.registerInput("matricesIndices", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("matricesWeights", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("matricesIndicesExtra", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerInput("matricesWeightsExtra", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerInput("world", le.Matrix), n.registerOutput("output", le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("boneSampler"), e._excludeVariableName("boneTextureWidth"), e._excludeVariableName("mBones"), e._excludeVariableName("BonesPerMesh");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BonesBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "matricesIndices", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "matricesWeights", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "matricesIndicesExtra", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "matricesWeightsExtra", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.matricesIndices.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.isAttribute && === "matricesIndices";
n || (n = new Et("matricesIndices")).setAsAttribute("matricesIndices"), n.output.connectTo(this.matricesIndices);
if (!this.matricesWeights.isConnected) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.isAttribute && === "matricesWeights";
i || (i = new Et("matricesWeights")).setAsAttribute("matricesWeights"), i.output.connectTo(this.matricesWeights);
if (! {
var o = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.systemValue === gt.World;
o || (o = new Et("world")).setAsSystemValue(gt.World), o.output.connectTo(;
}, t.prototype.provideFallbacks = function(e, n) {
e && e.useBones && e.computeBonesUsingShaders && e.skeleton && n.addCPUSkinningFallback(0, e);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
$e.a.BindBonesParameters(i, e);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i._areAttributesDirty && $e.a.PrepareDefinesForBones(e, i);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), e.sharedData.blocksWithFallbacks.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.uniforms.push("boneTextureWidth"), e.uniforms.push("mBones"), e.samplers.push("boneSampler");
var n = "//" +;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("bonesDeclaration", n, { removeAttributes: !0, removeUniforms: !1, removeVaryings: !0, removeIfDef: !1 });
var i = e._getFreeVariableName("influence");
e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("bonesVertex", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /finalWorld=finalWorld\*influence;/, replace: "" }, { search: /influence/gm, replace: i }] });
var o = this._outputs[0], a =;
return e.compilationString += `#if NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS>0\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = " + a.associatedVariableName + " * " + i + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = " + a.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.BonesBlock"] = qu;
var Zu = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex) || this;
return n.registerInput("world0", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("world1", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("world2", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("world3", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("world", le.Matrix, !0), n.registerOutput("output", le.Matrix), n.registerOutput("instanceID", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "InstancesBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world0", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world1", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world2", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world3", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "instanceID", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.world0.connectedPoint) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(d) {
return d.isAttribute && === "world0";
n || (n = new Et("world0")).setAsAttribute("world0"), n.output.connectTo(this.world0);
if (!this.world1.connectedPoint) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(d) {
return d.isAttribute && === "world1";
i || (i = new Et("world1")).setAsAttribute("world1"), i.output.connectTo(this.world1);
if (!this.world2.connectedPoint) {
var o = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(d) {
return d.isAttribute && === "world2";
o || (o = new Et("world2")).setAsAttribute("world2"), o.output.connectTo(this.world2);
if (!this.world3.connectedPoint) {
var a = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(d) {
return d.isAttribute && === "world3";
a || (a = new Et("world3")).setAsAttribute("world3"), a.output.connectTo(this.world3);
if (! {
var s = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(d) {
return d.isAttribute && === "world";
s || (s = new Et("world")).setAsSystemValue(gt.World), s.output.connectTo(;
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var s = !1;
i.INSTANCES !== o && (i.setValue("INSTANCES", o), s = !0), a && i.THIN_INSTANCES !== !!(a != null && a.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances) && (i.setValue("THIN_INSTANCES", !!(a != null && a.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances)), s = !0), s && i.markAsUnprocessed();
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this._outputs[1], o = this.world0, a = this.world1, s = this.world2, d = this.world3;
return e.compilationString += `#ifdef INSTANCES\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = mat4(" + o.associatedVariableName + ", " + a.associatedVariableName + ", " + s.associatedVariableName + ", " + d.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef THIN_INSTANCES\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = " + + " * " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + ` = float(gl_InstanceID);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + ` = 0.0;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.InstancesBlock"] = Zu;
var Ju = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex) || this;
return n.registerInput("position", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("normal", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("tangent", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2), n.registerOutput("positionOutput", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("normalOutput", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("tangentOutput", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("uvOutput", le.Vector2), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MorphTargetsBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tangent", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "positionOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normalOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tangentOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uvOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
}, t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.position.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(s) {
return s.isAttribute && === "position";
n || (n = new Et("position")).setAsAttribute(), n.output.connectTo(this.position);
if (!this.normal.isConnected) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(s) {
return s.isAttribute && === "normal";
i || (i = new Et("normal")).setAsAttribute("normal"), i.output.connectTo(this.normal);
if (!this.tangent.isConnected) {
var o = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(s) {
return s.isAttribute && === "tangent";
o || (o = new Et("tangent")).setAsAttribute("tangent"), o.output.connectTo(this.tangent);
if (!this.uv.isConnected) {
var a = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(s) {
return s.isAttribute && === "uv";
a || (a = new Et("uv")).setAsAttribute("uv"), a.output.connectTo(this.uv);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i._areAttributesDirty && $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMorphTargets(e, i);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
i && i.morphTargetManager && i.morphTargetManager.numInfluencers > 0 && $e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(i, e);
}, t.prototype.replaceRepeatableContent = function(e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = this.position, s = this.normal, d = this.tangent, p = this.uv, y = this.positionOutput, P = this.normalOutput, R = this.tangentOutput, B = this.uvOutput, F = e, z = o.NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS, J = i.morphTargetManager, ie = J && J.supportsNormals && o.NORMAL, se = J && J.supportsTangents && o.TANGENT, ce = J && J.supportsUVs && o.UV1, ue = "", fe = 0; fe < z; fe++)
ue += `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS\r
`, ue += y.associatedVariableName + " += (position" + fe + " - " + a.associatedVariableName + ") * morphTargetInfluences[" + fe + `];\r
`, ie && (ue += `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS_NORMAL\r
`, ue += P.associatedVariableName + " += (normal" + fe + " - " + s.associatedVariableName + ") * morphTargetInfluences[" + fe + `];\r
`, ue += `#endif\r
`), se && (ue += `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS_TANGENT\r
`, ue += R.associatedVariableName + ".xyz += (tangent" + fe + " - " + d.associatedVariableName + ".xyz) * morphTargetInfluences[" + fe + `];\r
`, ue += `#endif\r
`), ce && (ue += `#ifdef MORPHTARGETS_UV\r
`, ue += B.associatedVariableName + ".xy += (uv_" + fe + " - " + p.associatedVariableName + ".xy) * morphTargetInfluences[" + fe + `];\r
`, ue += `#endif\r
`), ue += `#endif\r
if (F.compilationString = F.compilationString.replace(this._repeatableContentAnchor, ue), z > 0)
for (fe = 0; fe < z; fe++)
F.attributes.push(Oe.b.PositionKind + fe), ie && F.attributes.push(Oe.b.NormalKind + fe), se && F.attributes.push(Oe.b.TangentKind + fe), ce && F.attributes.push(Oe.b.UVKind + "_" + fe);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.repeatableContentBlocks.push(this);
var n = this.position, i = this.normal, o = this.tangent, a = this.uv, s = this.positionOutput, d = this.normalOutput, p = this.tangentOutput, y = this.uvOutput, P = "//" +;
return e.uniforms.push("morphTargetInfluences"), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("morphTargetsVertexGlobalDeclaration", P), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("morphTargetsVertexDeclaration", P, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousMorphTargets" }), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(s, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef NORMAL\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + " = " + i.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + ` = vec3(0., 0., 0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef TANGENT\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = " + o.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + ` = vec3(0., 0., 0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef UV1\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(y, e) + " = " + a.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(y, e) + ` = vec2(0., 0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, this._repeatableContentAnchor = e._repeatableContentAnchor, e.compilationString += this._repeatableContentAnchor, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MorphTargetsBlock"] = Ju;
var $u = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Vertex) || this;
return n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerOutput("direction", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("color", le.Color3), n.registerOutput("intensity", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LightInformationBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "direction", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
if (i) {
this.light && this.light.isDisposed && (this.light = null);
var o = this.light, a = n.getScene();
if (!o && a.lights.length && (o = a.lights[0]), !o || !o.isEnabled)
return e.setFloat3(this._lightDataUniformName, 0, 0, 0), void e.setFloat4(this._lightColorUniformName, 0, 0, 0, 0);
o.transferToNodeMaterialEffect(e, this._lightDataUniformName), e.setColor4(this._lightColorUniformName, o.diffuse, o.intensity);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
if (i._areLightsDirty) {
var o = this.light;
i.setValue(this._lightTypeDefineName, !!(o && o instanceof Ls));
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this);
var n = this.direction, i = this.color, o = this.intensity;
return this._lightDataUniformName = e._getFreeVariableName("lightData"), this._lightColorUniformName = e._getFreeVariableName("lightColor"), this._lightTypeDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("LIGHTPOINTTYPE"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._lightDataUniformName, "vec3"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._lightColorUniformName, "vec4"), e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._lightTypeDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = normalize(" + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName + ".xyz - " + this._lightDataUniformName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._lightDataUniformName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = " + this._lightColorUniformName + `.rgb;\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = " + this._lightColorUniformName + `.a;\r
`, this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return this.light && (e.lightId =, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), e.lightId && (this.light = n.getLightByID(e.lightId));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.LightInformationBlock"] = $u;
var eh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.registerInput("color", le.Color4), n.registerOutput("output", le.Color4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ImageProcessingBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("exposureLinear"), e._excludeVariableName("contrast"), e._excludeVariableName("vInverseScreenSize"), e._excludeVariableName("vignetteSettings1"), e._excludeVariableName("vignetteSettings2"), e._excludeVariableName("vCameraColorCurveNegative"), e._excludeVariableName("vCameraColorCurveNeutral"), e._excludeVariableName("vCameraColorCurvePositive"), e._excludeVariableName("txColorTransform"), e._excludeVariableName("colorTransformSettings");
}, t.prototype.isReady = function(e, n, i) {
return !(i._areImageProcessingDirty && n.imageProcessingConfiguration && !n.imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady());
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i._areImageProcessingDirty && n.imageProcessingConfiguration && n.imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(i);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
i && n.imageProcessingConfiguration && n.imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(e);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.uniforms.push("exposureLinear"), e.uniforms.push("contrast"), e.uniforms.push("vInverseScreenSize"), e.uniforms.push("vignetteSettings1"), e.uniforms.push("vignetteSettings2"), e.uniforms.push("vCameraColorCurveNegative"), e.uniforms.push("vCameraColorCurveNeutral"), e.uniforms.push("vCameraColorCurvePositive"), e.uniforms.push("txColorTransform"), e.uniforms.push("colorTransformSettings");
var n = this.color, i = this._outputs[0], o = "//" +;
return e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", o), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("imageProcessingDeclaration", o), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("imageProcessingFunctions", o), n.connectedPoint.type === le.Color4 || n.connectedPoint.type === le.Vector4 ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
` : e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = vec4(" + n.associatedVariableName + `, 1.0);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef IMAGEPROCESSINGPOSTPROCESS\r
`, e.compilationString += i.associatedVariableName + ".rgb = toLinearSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `.rgb);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += `#ifdef IMAGEPROCESSING\r
`, e.compilationString += i.associatedVariableName + ".rgb = toLinearSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `.rgb);\r
`, e.compilationString += i.associatedVariableName + " = applyImageProcessing(" + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ImageProcessingBlock"] = eh;
var th = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._tangentSpaceParameterName = "", n.invertX = !1, n.invertY = !1, n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1), n.registerInput("worldNormal", le.Vector4, !1), n.registerInput("worldTangent", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !1), n.registerInput("normalMapColor", le.Color3, !1), n.registerInput("strength", le.Float, !1), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PerturbNormalBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldTangent", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normalMapColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "strength", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i.setValue("BUMP", !0);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
n.getScene()._mirroredCameraPosition ? e.setFloat2(this._tangentSpaceParameterName, this.invertX ? 1 : -1, this.invertY ? 1 : -1) : e.setFloat2(this._tangentSpaceParameterName, this.invertX ? -1 : 1, this.invertY ? -1 : 1);
}, t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.uv.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.isAttribute && === "uv";
n || (n = new Et("uv")).setAsAttribute(), n.output.connectTo(this.uv);
if (!this.strength.isConnected) {
var i = new Et("strength");
i.value = 1, i.output.connectTo(this.strength);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = "//" +, i = this.uv, o = this.worldPosition, a = this.worldNormal, s = this.worldTangent;
e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), this._tangentSpaceParameterName = e._getFreeDefineName("tangentSpaceParameter"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._tangentSpaceParameterName, "vec2");
var d = this.strength.isConnectedToInputBlock && this.strength.connectInputBlock.isConstant ? "" + e._emitFloat(1 / this.strength.connectInputBlock.value) : "1.0 / " + this.strength.associatedVariableName;
e._emitExtension("derivatives", "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable");
var p = { search: /defined\(TANGENT\)/g, replace: s.isConnected ? "defined(TANGENT)" : "defined(IGNORE)" };
return s.isConnected && (e.compilationString += "vec3 tbnNormal = normalize(" + a.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, e.compilationString += "vec3 tbnTangent = normalize(" + s.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, e.compilationString += `vec3 tbnBitangent = cross(tbnNormal, tbnTangent);\r
`, e.compilationString += `mat3 vTBN = mat3(tbnTangent, tbnBitangent, tbnNormal);\r
`), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("bumpFragmentMainFunctions", n, { replaceStrings: [p] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("bumpFragmentFunctions", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vBumpInfos.y/g, replace: d }, { search: /vTangentSpaceParams/g, replace: this._tangentSpaceParameterName }, { search: /vPositionW/g, replace: o.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }] }), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.output, e) + ` = vec4(0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("bumpFragment", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /perturbNormal\(TBN,vBumpUV\+uvOffset\)/g, replace: "perturbNormal(TBN, " + this.normalMapColor.associatedVariableName + ")" }, { search: /vBumpInfos.y/g, replace: d }, { search: /vBumpUV/g, replace: i.associatedVariableName }, { search: /vPositionW/g, replace: o.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }, { search: /normalW=/g, replace: this.output.associatedVariableName + ".xyz = " }, { search: /mat3\(normalMatrix\)\*normalW/g, replace: "mat3(normalMatrix) * " + this.output.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }, { search: /normalW/g, replace: a.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }, p] }), this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = this._codeVariableName + ".invertX = " + this.invertX + `;\r
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".invertY = " + this.invertY + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.invertX = this.invertX, e.invertY = this.invertY, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.invertX = e.invertX, this.invertY = e.invertY;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Invert X axis", It.Boolean, "PROPERTIES", { notifiers: { update: !1 } })], t.prototype, "invertX", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Invert Y axis", It.Boolean, "PROPERTIES", { notifiers: { update: !1 } })], t.prototype, "invertY", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PerturbNormalBlock"] = th;
var nh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment, !0) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("cutoff", le.Float, !0), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DiscardBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cutoff", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaTesting = !0, this.cutoff.isConnected && this.value.isConnected)
return e.compilationString += "if (" + this.value.associatedVariableName + " < " + this.cutoff.associatedVariableName + `) discard;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DiscardBlock"] = nh;
var ih = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.registerOutput("output", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FrontFacingBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), === Ce.Vertex)
throw "FrontFacingBlock must only be used in a fragment shader";
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + ` = gl_FrontFacing ? 1.0 : 0.0;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FrontFacingBlock"] = ih;
var rh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect, !1), n.registerOutput("dx", le.BasedOnInput), n.registerOutput("dy", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._outputs[1]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DerivativeBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dx", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dy", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this._outputs[1];
return e._emitExtension("derivatives", "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"), n.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = dFdx(" + this.input.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`), i.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = dFdy(" + this.input.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DerivativeBlock"] = rh;
var oh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.registerOutput("xy", le.Vector2, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("xyz", le.Vector3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("xyzw", le.Vector4, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("x", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("y", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("z", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("w", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FragCoordBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xy", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyz", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzw", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[6];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.writeOutputs = function(e) {
for (var n = "", i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && (n += this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = gl_FragCoord." + + `;\r
return n;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), === Ce.Vertex)
throw "FragCoordBlock must only be used in a fragment shader";
return e.compilationString += this.writeOutputs(e), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FragCoordBlock"] = oh;
var ah = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.registerOutput("xy", le.Vector2, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("x", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("y", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ScreenSizeBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xy", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this._scene.getEngine();
e.setFloat2(this._varName, o.getRenderWidth(), o.getRenderWidth());
}, t.prototype.writeOutputs = function(e, n) {
for (var i = "", o = 0, a = this._outputs; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
s.hasEndpoints && (i += this._declareOutput(s, e) + " = " + n + "." + + `;\r
return i;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), this._scene = e.sharedData.scene, === Ce.Vertex)
throw "ScreenSizeBlock must only be used in a fragment shader";
return e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), this._varName = e._getFreeVariableName("screenSize"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._varName, "vec2"), e.compilationString += this.writeOutputs(e, this._varName), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ScreenSizeBlock"] = ah;
var sh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.VertexAndFragment, !0) || this;
return n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("view", le.Matrix, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("input", le.Color3, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("fogColor", le.Color3, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("output", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.input.acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n.fogColor.acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FogBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fogColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.view.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.systemValue === gt.View;
n || (n = new Et("view")).setAsSystemValue(gt.View), n.output.connectTo(this.view);
if (!this.fogColor.isConnected) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.systemValue === gt.FogColor;
i || (i = new Et("fogColor", void 0, le.Color3)).setAsSystemValue(gt.FogColor), i.output.connectTo(this.fogColor);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
var o = e.getScene();
i.setValue("FOG", n.fogEnabled && $e.a.GetFogState(e, o));
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
if (i) {
var o = i.getScene();
e.setFloat4(this._fogParameters, o.fogMode, o.fogStart, o.fogEnd, o.fogDensity);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), === Ce.Fragment) {
e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("fogFragmentDeclaration", "//" +, { removeUniforms: !0, removeVaryings: !0, removeIfDef: !1, replaceStrings: [{ search: /float CalcFogFactor\(\)/, replace: "float CalcFogFactor(vec3 vFogDistance, vec4 vFogInfos)" }] });
var n = e._getFreeVariableName("fog"), i = this.input, o = this.fogColor;
this._fogParameters = e._getFreeVariableName("fogParameters");
var a = this._outputs[0];
e._emitUniformFromString(this._fogParameters, "vec4"), e.compilationString += `#ifdef FOG\r
`, e.compilationString += "float " + n + " = CalcFogFactor(" + this._fogDistanceName + ", " + this._fogParameters + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = " + n + " * " + i.associatedVariableName + ".rgb + (1.0 - " + n + ") * " + o.associatedVariableName + `.rgb;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#else\r
` + this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = " + i.associatedVariableName + `.rgb;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
} else {
var s = this.worldPosition, d = this.view;
this._fogDistanceName = e._getFreeVariableName("vFogDistance"), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._fogDistanceName, "vec3"), e.compilationString += this._fogDistanceName + " = (" + d.associatedVariableName + " * " + s.associatedVariableName + `).xyz;\r
return this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FogBlock"] = sh;
var ch = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.VertexAndFragment) || this;
return n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("worldNormal", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("cameraPosition", le.Vector3, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("glossiness", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("glossPower", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("diffuseColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("specularColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("view", le.Matrix, !0), n.registerOutput("diffuseOutput", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("specularOutput", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("shadow", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LightBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "glossiness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "glossPower", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "diffuseColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "specularColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[6];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[7];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "diffuseOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "specularOutput", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadow", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.cameraPosition.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(i) {
return i.systemValue === gt.CameraPosition;
n || (n = new Et("cameraPosition")).setAsSystemValue(gt.CameraPosition), n.output.connectTo(this.cameraPosition);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
if (i._areLightsDirty) {
var o = e.getScene();
if (this.light) {
var a = { needNormals: !1, needRebuild: !1, lightmapMode: !1, shadowEnabled: !1, specularEnabled: !1 };
$e.a.PrepareDefinesForLight(o, e, this.light, this._lightId, i, !0, a), a.needRebuild && i.rebuild();
} else
$e.a.PrepareDefinesForLights(o, e, i, !0, n.maxSimultaneousLights);
}, t.prototype.updateUniformsAndSamples = function(e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = 0; a < n.maxSimultaneousLights && i["LIGHT" + a]; a++) {
var s = e.uniforms.indexOf("vLightData" + a) >= 0;
$e.a.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersForLight(a, e.uniforms, e.samplers, i["PROJECTEDLIGHTTEXTURE" + a], o, s);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
if (i) {
var o = i.getScene();
this.light ? $e.a.BindLight(this.light, this._lightId, o, e, !0) : $e.a.BindLights(o, i, e, !0, n.maxSimultaneousLights);
}, t.prototype._injectVertexCode = function(e) {
var n = this.worldPosition, i = "//" +;
this.light ? (this._lightId = (e.counters.lightCounter !== void 0 ? e.counters.lightCounter : -1) + 1, e.counters.lightCounter = this._lightId, e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", i, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }, this._lightId.toString())) : (e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", i, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }), this._lightId = 0, e.sharedData.dynamicUniformBlocks.push(this));
var o = "v_" + n.associatedVariableName;
e._emitVaryingFromString(o, "vec4") && (e.compilationString += o + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`), this.light ? e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("shadowsVertex", i, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }, { search: /worldPos/g, replace: n.associatedVariableName }] }) : (e.compilationString += "vec4 worldPos = " + n.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this.view.isConnected && (e.compilationString += "mat4 view = " + this.view.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("shadowsVertex", i, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }));
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), === Ce.Fragment) {
e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this);
var n = "//" +, i = this.worldPosition;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", n), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("lightsFragmentFunctions", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: "v_" + i.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("shadowsFragmentFunctions", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: "v_" + i.associatedVariableName + ".xyz" }] }), this.light ? e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }, this._lightId.toString()) : e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", n, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }), this._lightId === 0 && (e._registerTempVariable("viewDirectionW") && (e.compilationString += "vec3 viewDirectionW = normalize(" + this.cameraPosition.associatedVariableName + " - v_" + i.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`), e.compilationString += `lightingInfo info;\r
`, e.compilationString += `float shadow = 1.;\r
`, e.compilationString += "float glossiness = " + (this.glossiness.isConnected ? this.glossiness.associatedVariableName : "1.0") + " * " + (this.glossPower.isConnected ? this.glossPower.associatedVariableName : "1024.0") + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `vec3 diffuseBase = vec3(0., 0., 0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += `vec3 specularBase = vec3(0., 0., 0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += "vec3 normalW = " + this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName + `.xyz;\r
`), this.light ? e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("lightFragment", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }) : e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("lightFragment", n, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" });
var o = this.diffuseOutput, a = this.specularOutput;
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = diffuseBase" + (this.diffuseColor.isConnected ? " * " + this.diffuseColor.associatedVariableName : "") + `;\r
`, a.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = specularBase" + (this.specularColor.isConnected ? " * " + this.specularColor.associatedVariableName : "") + `;\r
`), this.shadow.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.shadow, e) + ` = shadow;\r
`), this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return this.light && (e.lightId =, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), e.lightId && (this.light = n.getLightByID(e.lightId));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.LightBlock"] = ch;
var lh = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i =, e, n ? Ce.Fragment : Ce.VertexAndFragment) || this;
return i.convertToGammaSpace = !1, i.convertToLinearSpace = !1, i._fragmentOnly = n, i.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !1, Ce.VertexAndFragment), i.registerOutput("rgba", le.Color4, Ce.Neutral), i.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3, Ce.Neutral), i.registerOutput("r", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), i.registerOutput("g", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), i.registerOutput("b", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), i.registerOutput("a", le.Float, Ce.Neutral), i._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector3), i._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), i._inputs[0]._prioritizeVertex = !n, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TextureBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "target", { get: function() {
if (this._fragmentOnly)
return Ce.Fragment;
if (!this.uv.isConnected || this.uv.sourceBlock.isInput)
return Ce.VertexAndFragment;
for (var e = this.uv.connectedPoint; e; ) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
return Ce.Fragment;
if ( === Ce.Vertex)
return Ce.VertexAndFragment;
if ( === Ce.Neutral || === Ce.VertexAndFragment) {
var n = e.ownerBlock;
e = null;
for (var i = 0, o = n.inputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
if (a.connectedPoint) {
e = a.connectedPoint;
return Ce.VertexAndFragment;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.uv.isConnected)
if (e.mode === Rn.PostProcess)
(n = e.getBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return === "uv";
})) && n.connectTo(this);
else {
var n, i = e.mode === Rn.Particle ? "particle_uv" : "uv";
(n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.isAttribute && === i;
})) || (n = new Et("uv")).setAsAttribute(i), n.output.connectTo(this.uv);
}, t.prototype.initializeDefines = function(e, n, i, o) {
i._areTexturesDirty && i.setValue(this._mainUVDefineName, !1);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
if (i._areTexturesDirty) {
if (!this.texture || !this.texture.getTextureMatrix)
return i.setValue(this._defineName, !1), void i.setValue(this._mainUVDefineName, !0);
i.setValue(this._linearDefineName, this.convertToGammaSpace), i.setValue(this._gammaDefineName, this.convertToLinearSpace), this._isMixed && (this.texture.getTextureMatrix().isIdentityAs3x2() ? (i.setValue(this._defineName, !1), i.setValue(this._mainUVDefineName, !0)) : i.setValue(this._defineName, !0));
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
return !(this.texture && !this.texture.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
this.texture && (this._isMixed && (e.setFloat(this._textureInfoName, this.texture.level), e.setMatrix(this._textureTransformName, this.texture.getTextureMatrix())), e.setTexture(this._samplerName, this.texture));
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "_isMixed", { get: function() {
return !== Ce.Fragment;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._injectVertexCode = function(e) {
var n = this.uv;
if (this._defineName = e._getFreeDefineName("UVTRANSFORM"), this._mainUVDefineName = "VMAIN" + n.associatedVariableName.toUpperCase(), n.connectedPoint.ownerBlock.isInput && (n.connectedPoint.ownerBlock.isAttribute || e._emitUniformFromString(n.associatedVariableName, "vec2")), this._mainUVName = "vMain" + n.associatedVariableName, this._transformedUVName = e._getFreeVariableName("transformedUV"), this._textureTransformName = e._getFreeVariableName("textureTransform"), this._textureInfoName = e._getFreeVariableName("textureInfoName"), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._transformedUVName, "vec2", this._defineName), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._mainUVName, "vec2", this._mainUVDefineName), e._emitUniformFromString(this._textureTransformName, "mat4", this._defineName), e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._defineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += this._transformedUVName + " = vec2(" + this._textureTransformName + " * vec4(" + n.associatedVariableName + `.xy, 1.0, 0.0));\r
`, e.compilationString += "#elif defined(" + this._mainUVDefineName + `)\r
`, e.compilationString += this._mainUVName + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.xy;\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, this._outputs.some(function(s) {
return s.isConnectedInVertexShader;
})) {
this._writeTextureRead(e, !0);
for (var i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && this._writeOutput(e, a,, !0);
}, t.prototype._writeTextureRead = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i = this.uv;
if (n) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
} else !== Ce.Fragment ? (e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._defineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + this._transformedUVName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += "#elif defined(" + this._mainUVDefineName + `)\r
`, e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + this._mainUVName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`) : e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._tempTextureRead + " = texture2D(" + this._samplerName + ", " + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
}, t.prototype._writeOutput = function(e, n, i, o) {
if (o === void 0 && (o = !1), o) {
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
} else if ( !== Ce.Fragment) {
var a = " * " + this._textureInfoName;
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + a + `;\r
`, i !== "a" && (e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._linearDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toGammaSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
`, e.compilationString += "#ifdef " + this._gammaDefineName + `\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = toLinearSpace(" + n.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
} else
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this._tempTextureRead + "." + i + `;\r
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), ( === Ce.Vertex || this._fragmentOnly) && (this._tempTextureRead = e._getFreeVariableName("tempTextureRead")), (!this._isMixed && === Ce.Fragment || this._isMixed && === Ce.Vertex) && (this._samplerName = e._getFreeVariableName( + "Sampler"), e._emit2DSampler(this._samplerName), e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.textureBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this)), === Ce.Fragment) {
if (this._outputs.some(function(s) {
return s.isConnectedInFragmentShader;
})) {
this._isMixed && e._emit2DSampler(this._samplerName), this._linearDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISLINEAR"), this._gammaDefineName = e._getFreeDefineName("ISGAMMA");
var n = "//" +;
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", n), this._isMixed && e._emitUniformFromString(this._textureInfoName, "float"), this._writeTextureRead(e);
for (var i = 0, o = this._outputs; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
a.hasEndpoints && this._writeOutput(e, a,;
return this;
} else
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
if (!this.texture)
return "";
var e = this._codeVariableName + '.texture = new BABYLON.Texture("' + + `", null);\r
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.wrapU = " + this.texture.wrapU + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.wrapV = " + this.texture.wrapV + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.uAng = " + this.texture.uAng + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.vAng = " + this.texture.vAng + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.wAng = " + this.texture.wAng + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.uOffset = " + this.texture.uOffset + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.vOffset = " + this.texture.vOffset + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.uScale = " + this.texture.uScale + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.vScale = " + this.texture.vScale + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".convertToGammaSpace = " + this.convertToGammaSpace + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".convertToLinearSpace = " + this.convertToLinearSpace + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.convertToGammaSpace = this.convertToGammaSpace, e.convertToLinearSpace = this.convertToLinearSpace, e.fragmentOnly = this._fragmentOnly, this.texture && !this.texture.isRenderTarget && (e.texture = this.texture.serialize()), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.convertToGammaSpace = e.convertToGammaSpace, this.convertToLinearSpace = !!e.convertToLinearSpace, this._fragmentOnly = !!e.fragmentOnly, e.texture && !sa.IgnoreTexturesAtLoadTime && (i = e.texture.url.indexOf("data:") === 0 ? "" : i, this.texture = Ne.a.Parse(e.texture, n, i));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.TextureBlock"] = lh;
var tc = function(r) {
function t(e) {
return, e, Ce.VertexAndFragment) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReflectionTextureBaseBlock";
}, t.prototype._getTexture = function() {
return this.texture;
}, t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.position.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.isAttribute && === "position";
n || (n = new Et("position")).setAsAttribute(), n.output.connectTo(this.position);
if (! {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.systemValue === gt.World;
i || (i = new Et("world")).setAsSystemValue(gt.World), i.output.connectTo(;
if (this.view && !this.view.isConnected) {
var o = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(a) {
return a.systemValue === gt.View;
o || (o = new Et("view")).setAsSystemValue(gt.View), o.output.connectTo(this.view);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
if (i._areTexturesDirty) {
var o = this._getTexture();
o && o.getTextureMatrix && (i.setValue(this._define3DName, o.isCube, !0), i.setValue(this._defineLocalCubicName, !!o.boundingBoxSize, !0), i.setValue(this._defineExplicitName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_EXPLICIT_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineSkyboxName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_SKYBOX_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineCubicName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_CUBIC_MODE || o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_INVCUBIC_MODE, !0), i.setValue("INVERTCUBICMAP", o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_INVCUBIC_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineSphericalName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_SPHERICAL_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._definePlanarName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_PLANAR_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineProjectionName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_PROJECTION_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineEquirectangularName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_EQUIRECTANGULAR_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineEquirectangularFixedName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_FIXED_EQUIRECTANGULAR_MODE, !0), i.setValue(this._defineMirroredEquirectangularFixedName, o.coordinatesMode === h.a.TEXTURE_FIXED_EQUIRECTANGULAR_MIRRORED_MODE, !0));
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
var e = this._getTexture();
return !(e && !e.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
var o = this._getTexture();
i && o && (e.setMatrix(this._reflectionMatrixName, o.getReflectionTextureMatrix()), o.isCube ? e.setTexture(this._cubeSamplerName, o) : e.setTexture(this._2DSamplerName, o));
}, t.prototype.handleVertexSide = function(e) {
this._define3DName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_3D"), this._defineCubicName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_CUBIC"), this._defineSphericalName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_SPHERICAL"), this._definePlanarName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_PLANAR"), this._defineProjectionName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION"), this._defineExplicitName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_EXPLICIT"), this._defineEquirectangularName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_EQUIRECTANGULAR"), this._defineLocalCubicName = e._getFreeDefineName("USE_LOCAL_REFLECTIONMAP_CUBIC"), this._defineMirroredEquirectangularFixedName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_MIRROREDEQUIRECTANGULAR_FIXED"), this._defineEquirectangularFixedName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_EQUIRECTANGULAR_FIXED"), this._defineSkyboxName = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX"), this._defineOppositeZ = e._getFreeDefineName("REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ"), this._reflectionMatrixName = e._getFreeVariableName("reflectionMatrix"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._reflectionMatrixName, "mat4");
var n = "", i = "v_" + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName;
return e._emitVaryingFromString(i, "vec4") && (n += i + " = " + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`), this._positionUVWName = e._getFreeVariableName("positionUVW"), this._directionWName = e._getFreeVariableName("directionW"), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._positionUVWName, "vec3", this._defineSkyboxName) && (n += "#ifdef " + this._defineSkyboxName + `\r
`, n += this._positionUVWName + " = " + this.position.associatedVariableName + `.xyz;\r
`, n += `#endif\r
`), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._directionWName, "vec3", "defined(" + this._defineEquirectangularFixedName + ") || defined(" + this._defineMirroredEquirectangularFixedName + ")") && (n += "#if defined(" + this._defineEquirectangularFixedName + ") || defined(" + this._defineMirroredEquirectangularFixedName + `)\r
`, n += this._directionWName + " = normalize(vec3(" + + " * vec4(" + this.position.associatedVariableName + `.xyz, 0.0)));\r
`, n += `#endif\r
`), n;
}, t.prototype.handleFragmentSideInits = function(e) {
e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.textureBlocks.push(this), this._cubeSamplerName = e._getFreeVariableName( + "CubeSampler"), e.samplers.push(this._cubeSamplerName), this._2DSamplerName = e._getFreeVariableName( + "2DSampler"), e.samplers.push(this._2DSamplerName), e._samplerDeclaration += "#ifdef " + this._define3DName + `\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += "uniform samplerCube " + this._cubeSamplerName + `;\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += `#else\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += "uniform sampler2D " + this._2DSamplerName + `;\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += `#endif\r
`, e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this);
var n = "//" +;
e._emitFunction("ReciprocalPI", "#define RECIPROCAL_PI2 0.15915494", ""), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("reflectionFunction", n, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vec3 computeReflectionCoords/g, replace: "void DUMMYFUNC" }] }), this._reflectionColorName = e._getFreeVariableName("reflectionColor"), this._reflectionVectorName = e._getFreeVariableName("reflectionUVW"), this._reflectionCoordsName = e._getFreeVariableName("reflectionCoords");
}, t.prototype.handleFragmentSideCodeReflectionCoords = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = !1), n || (n = "v_" + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName);
var o = this._reflectionMatrixName, a = "normalize(" + this._directionWName + ")", s = "" + this._positionUVWName, d = "" + this.cameraPosition.associatedVariableName, p = "" + this.view.associatedVariableName;
e += ".xyz";
var y = `
#ifdef ` + this._defineMirroredEquirectangularFixedName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeMirroredFixedEquirectangularCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + a + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineEquirectangularFixedName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeFixedEquirectangularCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + a + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineEquirectangularName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeEquirectangularCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + d + ".xyz, " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineSphericalName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeSphericalCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + p + ", " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._definePlanarName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computePlanarCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + d + ".xyz, " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineCubicName + `
#ifdef ` + this._defineLocalCubicName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeCubicLocalCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + d + ".xyz, " + o + `, vReflectionSize, vReflectionPosition);
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeCubicCoords(" + n + ", " + e + ", " + d + ".xyz, " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineProjectionName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeProjectionCoords(" + n + ", " + p + ", " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineSkyboxName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + " = computeSkyBoxCoords(" + s + ", " + o + `);
#ifdef ` + this._defineExplicitName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionVectorName + ` = vec3(0, 0, 0);
#ifdef ` + this._defineOppositeZ + `
` + this._reflectionVectorName + `.z *= -1.0;
return i || (y += `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
vec3 ` + this._reflectionCoordsName + " = " + this._reflectionVectorName + `;
vec2 ` + this._reflectionCoordsName + " = " + this._reflectionVectorName + `.xy;
#ifdef ` + this._defineProjectionName + `
` + this._reflectionCoordsName + " /= " + this._reflectionVectorName + `.z;
` + this._reflectionCoordsName + ".y = 1.0 - " + this._reflectionCoordsName + `.y;
`), y;
}, t.prototype.handleFragmentSideCodeReflectionColor = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = ".rgb");
var i = "vec" + (n.length === 0 ? "4" : n.length - 1) + " " + this._reflectionColorName + `;
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `\r
return i += e ? this._reflectionColorName + " = textureCubeLodEXT(" + this._cubeSamplerName + ", " + this._reflectionVectorName + ", " + e + ")" + n + `;\r
` : this._reflectionColorName + " = textureCube(" + this._cubeSamplerName + ", " + this._reflectionVectorName + ")" + n + `;\r
`, i += `
`, i += e ? this._reflectionColorName + " = texture2DLodEXT(" + this._2DSamplerName + ", " + this._reflectionCoordsName + ", " + e + ")" + n + `;\r
` : this._reflectionColorName + " = texture2D(" + this._2DSamplerName + ", " + this._reflectionCoordsName + ")" + n + `;\r
`, i += `#endif\r
}, t.prototype.writeOutputs = function(e, n) {
var i = "";
if ( === Ce.Fragment)
for (var o = 0, a = this._outputs; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
s.hasEndpoints && (i += this._declareOutput(s, e) + " = " + n + "." + + `;\r
return i;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return, e), this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
return this.texture ? (e = this.texture.isCube ? this._codeVariableName + '.texture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("' + + `");\r
` : this._codeVariableName + '.texture = new BABYLON.Texture("' + + `");\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.coordinatesMode = " + this.texture.coordinatesMode + `;\r
`) : "";
var e;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return this.texture && (e.texture = this.texture.serialize()), e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), e.texture && (i = e.texture.url.indexOf("data:") === 0 ? "" : i, e.texture.isCube ? this.texture = ei.Parse(e.texture, n, i) : this.texture = Ne.a.Parse(e.texture, n, i));
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReflectionTextureBaseBlock"] = tc;
var uh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.registerInput("position", le.Vector3, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("worldNormal", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("world", le.Matrix, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("cameraPosition", le.Vector3, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("view", le.Matrix, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("rgba", le.Color4, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("r", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("g", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("b", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("a", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReflectionTextureBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (, e), !this.cameraPosition.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(i) {
return i.systemValue === gt.CameraPosition;
n || (n = new Et("cameraPosition")).setAsSystemValue(gt.CameraPosition), n.output.connectTo(this.cameraPosition);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), !this.texture)
return e.compilationString += this.writeOutputs(e, "vec3(0.)"), this;
if ( !== Ce.Fragment)
return e.compilationString += this.handleVertexSide(e), this;
var n = e._getFreeVariableName("normalWUnit");
return e.compilationString += "vec4 " + n + " = normalize(" + this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += this.handleFragmentSideCodeReflectionCoords(n), e.compilationString += this.handleFragmentSideCodeReflectionColor(void 0, ""), e.compilationString += this.writeOutputs(e, this._reflectionColorName), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReflectionTextureBlock"] = uh;
var hh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AddBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.left.associatedVariableName + " + " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.AddBlock"] = hh;
var dh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("factor", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ScaleBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "factor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.input.associatedVariableName + " * " + this.factor.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ScaleBlock"] = dh;
var fh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.minimum = 0, n.maximum = 1, n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ClampBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = clamp(" + this.value.associatedVariableName + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.minimum) + ", " + this._writeFloat(this.maximum) + `);\r
`, this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = this._codeVariableName + ".minimum = " + this.minimum + `;\r
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".maximum = " + this.maximum + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.minimum = this.minimum, e.maximum = this.maximum, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.minimum = e.minimum, this.maximum = e.maximum;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Minimum", It.Float)], t.prototype, "minimum", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Maximum", It.Float)], t.prototype, "maximum", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ClampBlock"] = fh;
var ph = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector3), n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector2), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector2), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CrossBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = cross(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.CrossBlock"] = ph;
var _h = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DotBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = dot(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DotBlock"] = _h;
var mh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NormalizeBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this._inputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = normalize(" + i.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.NormalizeBlock"] = mh;
var gh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("rgb ", le.Color3, !0), n.registerInput("r", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("g", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("b", le.Float, !0), n.registerInput("a", le.Float, !0), n.registerOutput("rgba", le.Color4), n.registerOutput("rgb", le.Color3), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ColorMergerBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgbIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "r", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "g", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "b", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "a", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgba", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgbOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "rgb", { get: function() {
return this.rgbOut;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.r, i = this.g, o = this.b, a = this.a, s = this.rgbIn, d = this._outputs[0], p = this._outputs[1];
return s.isConnected ? d.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + " = vec4(" + s.associatedVariableName + ", " + (a.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(a) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : p.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = " + s.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`) : d.hasEndpoints ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + " = vec4(" + (n.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(n) : "0.0") + ", " + (i.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(i) : "0.0") + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + ", " + (a.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(a) : "0.0") + `);\r
` : p.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = vec3(" + (n.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(n) : "0.0") + ", " + (i.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(i) : "0.0") + ", " + (o.isConnected ? this._writeVariable(o) : "0.0") + `);\r
`), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ColorMergerBlock"] = gh;
var vh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("xyzw", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerInput("xyz ", le.Vector3, !0), n.registerInput("xy ", le.Vector2, !0), n.registerOutput("xyz", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("xy", le.Vector2), n.registerOutput("x", le.Float), n.registerOutput("y", le.Float), n.registerOutput("z", le.Float), n.registerOutput("w", le.Float), n.inputsAreExclusive = !0, n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VectorSplitterBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzw", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyIn", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyzOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "xyOut", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "w", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._inputRename = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case "xy ":
return "xyIn";
case "xyz ":
return "xyzIn";
return e;
}, t.prototype._outputRename = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case "xy":
return "xyOut";
case "xyz":
return "xyzOut";
return e;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this.xyzw.isConnected ? this.xyzw : this.xyzIn.isConnected ? this.xyzIn : this.xyIn, i = this._outputs[0], o = this._outputs[1], a = this._outputs[2], s = this._outputs[3], d = this._outputs[4], p = this._outputs[5];
return i.hasEndpoints && (n === this.xyIn ? e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = vec3(" + n.associatedVariableName + `, 0.0);\r
` : e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(i, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.xyz;\r
`), o.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(o, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.xy;\r
`), a.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(a, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.x;\r
`), s.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(s, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.y;\r
`), d.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(d, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.z;\r
`), p.hasEndpoints && (e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(p, e) + " = " + n.associatedVariableName + `.w;\r
`), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.VectorSplitterBlock"] = vh;
var yh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("gradient", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._linkConnectionTypes(1, 2, !0), n._inputs[2].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LerpBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "gradient", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = mix(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + " , " + this.right.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.gradient.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.LerpBlock"] = yh;
var bh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DivideBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.left.associatedVariableName + " / " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DivideBlock"] = bh;
var Th = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SubtractBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.left.associatedVariableName + " - " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SubtractBlock"] = Th;
var Eh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.Float), n.registerInput("edge", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StepBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "edge", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = step(" + this.edge.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.value.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StepBlock"] = Eh;
var nc = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._outputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "OneMinusBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = 1. - " + this.input.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.OneMinusBlock"] = nc, O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.OppositeBlock"] = nc;
var ic = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("cameraPosition", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector3), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ViewDirectionBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.cameraPosition.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(i) {
return i.systemValue === gt.CameraPosition;
n || (n = new Et("cameraPosition")).setAsSystemValue(gt.CameraPosition), n.output.connectTo(this.cameraPosition);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = normalize(" + this.cameraPosition.associatedVariableName + " - " + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ViewDirectionBlock"] = ic, f(161);
var Sh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("worldNormal", le.Vector4), n.registerInput("viewDirection", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("bias", le.Float), n.registerInput("power", le.Float), n.registerOutput("fresnel", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FresnelBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "viewDirection", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bias", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "power", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fresnel", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.viewDirection.isConnected) {
var n = new ic("View direction");
n.output.connectTo(this.viewDirection), n.autoConfigure(e);
if (!this.bias.isConnected) {
var i = new Et("bias");
i.value = 0, i.output.connectTo(this.bias);
if (!this.power.isConnected) {
var o = new Et("power");
o.value = 1, o.output.connectTo(this.power);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = "//" +;
return e._emitFunctionFromInclude("fresnelFunction", n, { removeIfDef: !0 }), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this.fresnel, e) + " = computeFresnelTerm(" + this.viewDirection.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.bias.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.power.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FresnelBlock"] = Sh;
var Ah = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MaxBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = max(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MaxBlock"] = Ah;
var Ph = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MinBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = min(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MinBlock"] = Ph;
var xh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DistanceBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = length(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + " - " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DistanceBlock"] = xh;
var Ch = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LengthBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = length(" + this.value.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.LengthBlock"] = Ch;
var Rh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NegateBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = -1.0 * " + this.value.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.NegateBlock"] = Rh;
var Oh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("power", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PowBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "power", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = pow(" + this.value.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.power.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PowBlock"] = Oh;
var Mh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("seed", le.Vector2), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "RandomNumberBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "seed", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = "//" +;
return e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", i), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = getRand(" + this.seed.associatedVariableName + `.xy);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.RandomNumberBlock"] = Mh;
var Ih = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("x", le.Float), n.registerInput("y", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ArcTan2Block";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = atan(" + this.x.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.y.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ArcTan2Block"] = Ih;
var Dh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("edge0", le.Float), n.registerInput("edge1", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SmoothStepBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "edge0", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "edge1", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = smoothstep(" + this.edge0.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.edge1.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.value.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SmoothStepBlock"] = Dh;
var Lh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._outputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReciprocalBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = 1. / " + this.input.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReciprocalBlock"] = Lh;
var Nh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("reference", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("distance", le.Float), n.registerInput("replacement", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 3), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[3].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n._inputs[3].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReplaceColorBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "reference", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "distance", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "replacement", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += "if (length(" + this.value.associatedVariableName + " - " + this.reference.associatedVariableName + ") < " + this.distance.associatedVariableName + `) {\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = " + this.replacement.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `} else {\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + " = " + this.value.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += `}\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReplaceColorBlock"] = Nh;
var Zi, wh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("value", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("steps", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n._inputs[1].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PosterizeBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "value", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "steps", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = floor(" + this.value.associatedVariableName + " / (1.0 / " + this.steps.associatedVariableName + ")) * (1.0 / " + this.steps.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PosterizeBlock"] = wh, function(r) {
r[r.SawTooth = 0] = "SawTooth", r[r.Square = 1] = "Square", r[r.Triangle = 2] = "Triangle";
}(Zi || (Zi = {}));
var Fh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.kind = Zi.SawTooth, n.registerInput("input", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._inputs[0].excludedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Matrix), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "WaveBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
switch (this.kind) {
case Zi.SawTooth:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + this.input.associatedVariableName + " - floor(0.5 + " + this.input.associatedVariableName + `);\r
case Zi.Square:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = 1.0 - 2.0 * round(fract(" + this.input.associatedVariableName + `));\r
case Zi.Triangle:
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = 2.0 * abs(2.0 * (" + this.input.associatedVariableName + " - floor(0.5 + " + this.input.associatedVariableName + `))) - 1.0;\r
return this;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.kind = this.kind, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.kind = e.kind;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.WaveBlock"] = Fh;
var ca = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.step = t, this.color = e;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "step", { get: function() {
return this._step;
}, set: function(t) {
this._step = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._color;
}, set: function(t) {
this._color = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r;
}(), Bh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.colorSteps = [new ca(0, I.a.Black()), new ca(1, I.a.White())], n.onValueChangedObservable = new C.c(), n.registerInput("gradient", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector2), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.colorStepsUpdated = function() {
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GradientBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "gradient", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._writeColorConstant = function(e) {
var n = this.colorSteps[e];
return "vec3(" + n.color.r + ", " + n.color.g + ", " + n.color.b + ")";
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
if (this.colorSteps.length && this.gradient.connectedPoint) {
var i = e._getFreeVariableName("gradientTempColor"), o = e._getFreeVariableName("gradientTempPosition");
e.compilationString += "vec3 " + i + " = " + this._writeColorConstant(0) + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += "float " + o + `;\r
var a = this.gradient.associatedVariableName;
this.gradient.connectedPoint.type !== le.Float && (a += ".x");
for (var s = 1; s < this.colorSteps.length; s++) {
var d = this.colorSteps[s], p = this.colorSteps[s - 1];
e.compilationString += o + " = clamp((" + a + " - " + e._emitFloat(p.step) + ") / (" + e._emitFloat(d.step) + " - " + e._emitFloat(p.step) + "), 0.0, 1.0) * step(" + e._emitFloat(s) + ", " + e._emitFloat(this.colorSteps.length - 1) + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += i + " = mix(" + i + ", " + this._writeColorConstant(s) + ", " + o + `);\r
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = " + i + `;\r
`, this;
e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + ` = vec3(0., 0., 0.);\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
e.colorSteps = [];
for (var n = 0, i = this.colorSteps; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
e.colorSteps.push({ step: o.step, color: { r: o.color.r, g: o.color.g, b: o.color.b } });
return e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.colorSteps = [];
for (var o = 0, a = e.colorSteps; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
this.colorSteps.push(new ca(s.step, new I.a(s.color.r, s.color.g, s.color.b)));
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
for (var e = "", n = 0, i = this.colorSteps; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];
e += this._codeVariableName + ".colorSteps.push(new BABYLON.GradientBlockColorStep(" + o.step + ", new BABYLON.Color3(" + o.color.r + ", " + o.color.g + ", " + o.color.b + `)));\r
return e;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.GradientBlock"] = Bh;
var Uh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("gradient", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n._linkConnectionTypes(1, 2, !0), n._inputs[2].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NLerpBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "gradient", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = normalize(mix(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + " , " + this.right.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.gradient.associatedVariableName + `));\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.NLerpBlock"] = Uh;
var Vh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.manhattanDistance = !1, n.registerInput("seed", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("jitter", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector2), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "WorleyNoise3DBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "seed", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "jitter", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), this.seed.isConnected && this._outputs[0].hasEndpoints)
return e._emitFunction("worley3D", `vec3 permute(vec3 x){\r
return mod((34.0 * x + 1.0) * x, 289.0);\r
vec3 dist(vec3 x, vec3 y, vec3 z, bool manhattanDistance){\r
return manhattanDistance ? abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z) : (x * x + y * y + z * z);\r
vec2 worley(vec3 P, float jitter, bool manhattanDistance){\r
float K = 0.142857142857; // 1/7\r
float Ko = 0.428571428571; // 1/2-K/2\r
float K2 = 0.020408163265306; // 1/(7*7)\r
float Kz = 0.166666666667; // 1/6\r
float Kzo = 0.416666666667; // 1/2-1/6*2\r
vec3 Pi = mod(floor(P), 289.0);\r
vec3 Pf = fract(P) - 0.5;\r
vec3 Pfx = Pf.x + vec3(1.0, 0.0, -1.0);\r
vec3 Pfy = Pf.y + vec3(1.0, 0.0, -1.0);\r
vec3 Pfz = Pf.z + vec3(1.0, 0.0, -1.0);\r
vec3 p = permute(Pi.x + vec3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0));\r
vec3 p1 = permute(p + Pi.y - 1.0);\r
vec3 p2 = permute(p + Pi.y);\r
vec3 p3 = permute(p + Pi.y + 1.0);\r
vec3 p11 = permute(p1 + Pi.z - 1.0);\r
vec3 p12 = permute(p1 + Pi.z);\r
vec3 p13 = permute(p1 + Pi.z + 1.0);\r
vec3 p21 = permute(p2 + Pi.z - 1.0);\r
vec3 p22 = permute(p2 + Pi.z);\r
vec3 p23 = permute(p2 + Pi.z + 1.0);\r
vec3 p31 = permute(p3 + Pi.z - 1.0);\r
vec3 p32 = permute(p3 + Pi.z);\r
vec3 p33 = permute(p3 + Pi.z + 1.0);\r
vec3 ox11 = fract(p11*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy11 = mod(floor(p11*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz11 = floor(p11*K2)*Kz - Kzo; // p11 < 289 guaranteed\r
vec3 ox12 = fract(p12*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy12 = mod(floor(p12*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz12 = floor(p12*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox13 = fract(p13*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy13 = mod(floor(p13*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz13 = floor(p13*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox21 = fract(p21*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy21 = mod(floor(p21*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz21 = floor(p21*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox22 = fract(p22*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy22 = mod(floor(p22*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz22 = floor(p22*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox23 = fract(p23*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy23 = mod(floor(p23*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz23 = floor(p23*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox31 = fract(p31*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy31 = mod(floor(p31*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz31 = floor(p31*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox32 = fract(p32*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy32 = mod(floor(p32*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz32 = floor(p32*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 ox33 = fract(p33*K) - Ko;\r
vec3 oy33 = mod(floor(p33*K), 7.0)*K - Ko;\r
vec3 oz33 = floor(p33*K2)*Kz - Kzo;\r
vec3 dx11 = Pfx + jitter*ox11;\r
vec3 dy11 = Pfy.x + jitter*oy11;\r
vec3 dz11 = Pfz.x + jitter*oz11;\r
vec3 dx12 = Pfx + jitter*ox12;\r
vec3 dy12 = Pfy.x + jitter*oy12;\r
vec3 dz12 = Pfz.y + jitter*oz12;\r
vec3 dx13 = Pfx + jitter*ox13;\r
vec3 dy13 = Pfy.x + jitter*oy13;\r
vec3 dz13 = Pfz.z + jitter*oz13;\r
vec3 dx21 = Pfx + jitter*ox21;\r
vec3 dy21 = Pfy.y + jitter*oy21;\r
vec3 dz21 = Pfz.x + jitter*oz21;\r
vec3 dx22 = Pfx + jitter*ox22;\r
vec3 dy22 = Pfy.y + jitter*oy22;\r
vec3 dz22 = Pfz.y + jitter*oz22;\r
vec3 dx23 = Pfx + jitter*ox23;\r
vec3 dy23 = Pfy.y + jitter*oy23;\r
vec3 dz23 = Pfz.z + jitter*oz23;\r
vec3 dx31 = Pfx + jitter*ox31;\r
vec3 dy31 = Pfy.z + jitter*oy31;\r
vec3 dz31 = Pfz.x + jitter*oz31;\r
vec3 dx32 = Pfx + jitter*ox32;\r
vec3 dy32 = Pfy.z + jitter*oy32;\r
vec3 dz32 = Pfz.y + jitter*oz32;\r
vec3 dx33 = Pfx + jitter*ox33;\r
vec3 dy33 = Pfy.z + jitter*oy33;\r
vec3 dz33 = Pfz.z + jitter*oz33;\r
vec3 d11 = dist(dx11, dy11, dz11, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d12 =dist(dx12, dy12, dz12, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d13 = dist(dx13, dy13, dz13, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d21 = dist(dx21, dy21, dz21, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d22 = dist(dx22, dy22, dz22, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d23 = dist(dx23, dy23, dz23, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d31 = dist(dx31, dy31, dz31, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d32 = dist(dx32, dy32, dz32, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d33 = dist(dx33, dy33, dz33, manhattanDistance);\r
vec3 d1a = min(d11, d12);\r
d12 = max(d11, d12);\r
d11 = min(d1a, d13); // Smallest now not in d12 or d13\r
d13 = max(d1a, d13);\r
d12 = min(d12, d13); // 2nd smallest now not in d13\r
vec3 d2a = min(d21, d22);\r
d22 = max(d21, d22);\r
d21 = min(d2a, d23); // Smallest now not in d22 or d23\r
d23 = max(d2a, d23);\r
d22 = min(d22, d23); // 2nd smallest now not in d23\r
vec3 d3a = min(d31, d32);\r
d32 = max(d31, d32);\r
d31 = min(d3a, d33); // Smallest now not in d32 or d33\r
d33 = max(d3a, d33);\r
d32 = min(d32, d33); // 2nd smallest now not in d33\r
vec3 da = min(d11, d21);\r
d21 = max(d11, d21);\r
d11 = min(da, d31); // Smallest now in d11\r
d31 = max(da, d31); // 2nd smallest now not in d31\r
d11.xy = (d11.x < d11.y) ? d11.xy : d11.yx;\r
d11.xz = (d11.x < d11.z) ? d11.xz : d11.zx; // d11.x now smallest\r
d12 = min(d12, d21); // 2nd smallest now not in d21\r
d12 = min(d12, d22); // nor in d22\r
d12 = min(d12, d31); // nor in d31\r
d12 = min(d12, d32); // nor in d32\r
d11.yz = min(d11.yz,d12.xy); // nor in d12.yz\r
d11.y = min(d11.y,d12.z); // Only two more to go\r
d11.y = min(d11.y,d11.z); // Done! (Phew!)\r
return sqrt(d11.xy); // F1, F2\r
`, "// Worley3D"), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this._outputs[0], e) + " = worley(" + this.seed.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.jitter.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.manhattanDistance + `);\r
`, this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
return this._codeVariableName + ".manhattanDistance = " + this.manhattanDistance + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.manhattanDistance = this.manhattanDistance, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.manhattanDistance = e.manhattanDistance;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Use Manhattan Distance", It.Boolean, "PROPERTIES", { notifiers: { update: !1 } })], t.prototype, "manhattanDistance", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.WorleyNoise3DBlock"] = Vh;
var kh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("seed", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("output", le.Float), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SimplexPerlin3DBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "seed", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
if (, e), this.seed.isConnected && this._outputs[0].hasEndpoints)
return e._emitFunction("SimplexPerlin3D", `const float SKEWFACTOR = 1.0/3.0;\r
const float UNSKEWFACTOR = 1.0/6.0;\r
const float SIMPLEX_CORNER_POS = 0.5;\r
const float SIMPLEX_TETRAHADRON_HEIGHT = 0.70710678118654752440084436210485;\r
float SimplexPerlin3D( vec3 P ){\r
vec3 Pi = floor( P + dot( P, vec3( SKEWFACTOR) ) ); vec3 x0 = P - Pi + dot(Pi, vec3( UNSKEWFACTOR ) );\r
vec3 g = step(x0.yzx,;\r
vec3 l = 1.0 - g;\r
vec3 Pi_1 = min(, l.zxy );\r
vec3 Pi_2 = max(, l.zxy );\r
vec3 x1 = x0 - Pi_1 + UNSKEWFACTOR;\r
vec3 x2 = x0 - Pi_2 + SKEWFACTOR;\r
vec3 x3 = x0 - SIMPLEX_CORNER_POS;\r
vec4 v1234_x = vec4( x0.x, x1.x, x2.x, x3.x );\r
vec4 v1234_y = vec4( x0.y, x1.y, x2.y, x3.y );\r
vec4 v1234_z = vec4( x0.z, x1.z, x2.z, x3.z );\r = - floor( * ( 1.0 / 69.0 )) * 69.0;\r
vec3 Pi_inc1 = step( Pi, vec3( 69.0 - 1.5 ) ) * ( Pi + 1.0 );\r
vec4 Pt = vec4( Pi.xy, Pi_inc1.xy ) + vec2( 50.0, 161.0 ).xyxy;\r
Pt *= Pt;\r
vec4 V1xy_V2xy = mix( Pt.xyxy, Pt.zwzw, vec4( Pi_1.xy, Pi_2.xy ) );\r
Pt = vec4( Pt.x, V1xy_V2xy.xz, Pt.z ) * vec4( Pt.y, V1xy_V2xy.yw, Pt.w );\r
const vec3 SOMELARGEFLOATS = vec3( 635.298681, 682.357502, 668.926525 );\r
const vec3 ZINC = vec3( 48.500388, 65.294118, 63.934599 );\r
vec3 lowz_mods = vec3( 1.0 / ( + Pi.zzz * ) );\r
vec3 highz_mods = vec3( 1.0 / ( + Pi_inc1.zzz * ) );\r
Pi_1 = ( Pi_1.z < 0.5 ) ? lowz_mods : highz_mods;\r
Pi_2 = ( Pi_2.z < 0.5 ) ? lowz_mods : highz_mods;\r
vec4 hash_0 = fract( Pt * vec4( lowz_mods.x, Pi_1.x, Pi_2.x, highz_mods.x ) ) - 0.49999;\r
vec4 hash_1 = fract( Pt * vec4( lowz_mods.y, Pi_1.y, Pi_2.y, highz_mods.y ) ) - 0.49999;\r
vec4 hash_2 = fract( Pt * vec4( lowz_mods.z, Pi_1.z, Pi_2.z, highz_mods.z ) ) - 0.49999;\r
vec4 grad_results = inversesqrt( hash_0 * hash_0 + hash_1 * hash_1 + hash_2 * hash_2 ) * ( hash_0 * v1234_x + hash_1 * v1234_y + hash_2 * v1234_z );\r
const float FINAL_NORMALIZATION = 37.837227241611314102871574478976;\r
vec4 kernel_weights = v1234_x * v1234_x + v1234_y * v1234_y + v1234_z * v1234_z;\r
kernel_weights = max(0.5 - kernel_weights, 0.0);\r
kernel_weights = kernel_weights*kernel_weights*kernel_weights;\r
return dot( kernel_weights, grad_results ) * FINAL_NORMALIZATION;\r
`, "// SimplexPerlin3D"), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(this._outputs[0], e) + " = SimplexPerlin3D(" + this.seed.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SimplexPerlin3DBlock"] = kh;
var Gh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("normalMap0", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("normalMap1", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "NormalBlendBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normalMap0", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normalMap1", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this._inputs[0], o = this._inputs[1], a = e._getFreeVariableName("stepR"), s = e._getFreeVariableName("stepG");
return e.compilationString += "float " + a + " = step(0.5, " + i.associatedVariableName + `.r);\r
`, e.compilationString += "float " + s + " = step(0.5, " + i.associatedVariableName + `.g);\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + `;\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + ".r = (1.0 - " + a + ") * " + i.associatedVariableName + ".r * " + o.associatedVariableName + ".r * 2.0 + " + a + " * (1.0 - " + i.associatedVariableName + ".r) * (1.0 - " + o.associatedVariableName + `.r) * 2.0;\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + ".g = (1.0 - " + s + ") * " + i.associatedVariableName + ".g * " + o.associatedVariableName + ".g * 2.0 + " + s + " * (1.0 - " + i.associatedVariableName + ".g) * (1.0 - " + o.associatedVariableName + `.g) * 2.0;\r
`, e.compilationString += n.associatedVariableName + ".b = " + i.associatedVariableName + ".b * " + o.associatedVariableName + `.b;\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.NormalBlendBlock"] = Gh;
var zh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("input", le.Vector2), n.registerInput("angle", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector2), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "Rotate2dBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "input", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "angle", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.angle.isConnected) {
var n = new Et("angle");
n.value = 0, n.output.connectTo(this.angle);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this.angle, o = this.input;
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = vec2(cos(" + i.associatedVariableName + ") * " + o.associatedVariableName + ".x - sin(" + i.associatedVariableName + ") * " + o.associatedVariableName + ".y, sin(" + i.associatedVariableName + ") * " + o.associatedVariableName + ".x + cos(" + i.associatedVariableName + ") * " + o.associatedVariableName + `.y);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.Rotate2dBlock"] = zh;
var jh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("incident", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("normal", le.Vector3), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReflectBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "incident", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = reflect(" + this.incident.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.normal.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReflectBlock"] = jh;
var Hh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("incident", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("normal", le.Vector3), n.registerInput("ior", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Vector3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[0].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Vector4), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color3), n._inputs[1].acceptedConnectionPointTypes.push(le.Color4), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "RefractBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "incident", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ior", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = refract(" + this.incident.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.normal.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + this.ior.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.RefractBlock"] = Hh;
var Wh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("color", le.Color3), n.registerInput("level", le.Float), n.registerOutput("output", le.Color3), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DesaturateBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "level", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0], i = this.color.associatedVariableName, o = e._getFreeVariableName("colorMin"), a = e._getFreeVariableName("colorMax"), s = e._getFreeVariableName("colorMerge");
return e.compilationString += "float " + o + " = min(min(" + i + ".x, " + i + ".y), " + i + `.z);\r
`, e.compilationString += "float " + a + " = max(max(" + i + ".x, " + i + ".y), " + i + `.z);\r
`, e.compilationString += "float " + s + " = 0.5 * (" + o + " + " + a + `);\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = mix(" + i + ", vec3(" + s + ", " + s + ", " + s + "), " + this.level.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DesaturateBlock"] = Wh;
var Xn = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, n, i) || this;
return d._blockType = o, d._blockName = a, d._nameForCheking = s, d._nameForCheking || (d._nameForCheking = e), d.needDualDirectionValidation = !0, d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.checkCompatibilityState = function(e) {
return e instanceof t && === this._nameForCheking ? ii.Compatible : ii.TypeIncompatible;
}, t.prototype.createCustomInputBlock = function() {
return [new this._blockType(this._blockName),];
}, t;
}(na), rc = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.albedoScaling = !1, n.linkSheenWithAlbedo = !1, n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("intensity", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("color", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("roughness", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("sheen", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("sheen", n, yn.Output, t, "SheenBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("sheenOut"), e._excludeVariableName("sheenMapData"), e._excludeVariableName("vSheenColor"), e._excludeVariableName("vSheenRoughness");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SheenBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "roughness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheen", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), i.setValue("SHEEN", !0), i.setValue("SHEEN_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE", !0, !0), i.setValue("SHEEN_LINKWITHALBEDO", this.linkSheenWithAlbedo, !0), i.setValue("SHEEN_ROUGHNESS", this.roughness.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("SHEEN_ALBEDOSCALING", this.albedoScaling, !0);
}, t.prototype.getCode = function(e) {
return `#ifdef SHEEN
sheenOutParams sheenOut;
vec4 vSheenColor = vec4(` + (this.color.isConnected ? this.color.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1.)") + ", " + (this.intensity.isConnected ? this.intensity.associatedVariableName : "1.") + `);
` + (this.roughness.isConnected ? this.roughness.associatedVariableName : "0.") + `,
#if defined(REFLECTION) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._vReflectionInfosName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e.reflectionColor) + `,
#ifdef ` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._define3DName) + `
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._2DSamplerName) + `,
#ifdef ` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._define3DName) + `
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._2DSamplerName) + `,
` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._2DSamplerName) + `,
#if !defined(` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._defineSkyboxName) + `) && defined(RADIANCEOCCLUSION)
#if !defined(` + (e == null ? void 0 : e._defineSkyboxName) + ") && defined(HORIZONOCCLUSION) && defined(BUMP) && defined(" + (e == null ? void 0 : e._define3DName) + `)
surfaceAlbedo = sheenOut.surfaceAlbedo;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return === Ce.Fragment && e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e =;
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".albedoScaling = " + this.albedoScaling + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".linkSheenWithAlbedo = " + this.linkSheenWithAlbedo + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.albedoScaling = this.albedoScaling, e.linkSheenWithAlbedo = this.linkSheenWithAlbedo, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.albedoScaling = e.albedoScaling, this.linkSheenWithAlbedo = e.linkSheenWithAlbedo;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Albedo scaling", It.Boolean, "PROPERTIES", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "albedoScaling", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Link sheen with albedo", It.Boolean, "PROPERTIES", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "linkSheenWithAlbedo", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SheenBlock"] = rc;
var oc = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("intensity", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("direction", le.Vector2, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !0), n.registerInput("worldTangent", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerOutput("anisotropy", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("anisotropy", n, yn.Output, t, "AnisotropyBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("anisotropicOut"), e._excludeVariableName("TBN");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "AnisotropyBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "direction", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldTangent", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "anisotropy", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._generateTBNSpace = function(e) {
var n = "", i = "//" +, o = this.uv, a = this.worldPositionConnectionPoint, s = this.worldNormalConnectionPoint, d = this.worldTangent;
o.isConnected || console.error("You must connect the 'uv' input of the Anisotropy block!"), e._emitExtension("derivatives", "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable");
var p = { search: /defined\(TANGENT\)/g, replace: d.isConnected ? "defined(TANGENT)" : "defined(IGNORE)" };
return d.isConnected && (n += "vec3 tbnNormal = normalize(" + s.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, n += "vec3 tbnTangent = normalize(" + d.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, n += `vec3 tbnBitangent = cross(tbnNormal, tbnTangent);\r
`, n += `mat3 vTBN = mat3(tbnTangent, tbnBitangent, tbnNormal);\r
`), n += `
#if defined(` + (d.isConnected ? "TANGENT" : "IGNORE") + `) && defined(NORMAL)
mat3 TBN = vTBN;
mat3 TBN = cotangent_frame(` + s.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, v_" + a.associatedVariableName + ".xyz, " + (o.isConnected ? o.associatedVariableName : "vec2(0.)") + `, vec2(1., 1.));
`, e._emitFunctionFromInclude("bumpFragmentMainFunctions", i, { replaceStrings: [p] }), n;
}, t.prototype.getCode = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i = "";
n && (i += this._generateTBNSpace(e));
var o = this.intensity.isConnected ? this.intensity.associatedVariableName : "1.0";
return i += `anisotropicOutParams anisotropicOut;
vec3(` + (this.direction.isConnected ? this.direction.associatedVariableName : "vec2(1., 0.)") + ", " + o + `),
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), i.setValue("ANISOTROPIC", !0), i.setValue("ANISOTROPIC_TEXTURE", !1, !0);
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return === Ce.Fragment && e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.AnisotropyBlock"] = oc;
var ac = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e) || this;
return n.useSphericalHarmonics = !0, n.forceIrradianceInFragment = !1, n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("position", le.Vector3, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("world", le.Matrix, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("color", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("reflection", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("reflection", n, yn.Output, t, "ReflectionBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ReflectionBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "position", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this.worldPositionConnectionPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this.worldNormalConnectionPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "world", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraPosition", { get: function() {
return this.cameraPositionConnectionPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this.viewConnectionPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "color", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "reflection", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasTexture", { get: function() {
return !!this._getTexture();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "reflectionColor", { get: function() {
return this.color.isConnected ? this.color.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1., 1., 1.)";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._getTexture = function() {
return this.texture ? this.texture : this._scene.environmentTexture;
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i);
var o = this._getTexture(), a = o && o.getTextureMatrix;
i.setValue("REFLECTION", a, !0), a && (i.setValue(this._defineLODReflectionAlpha, o.lodLevelInAlpha, !0), i.setValue(this._defineLinearSpecularReflection, o.linearSpecularLOD, !0), i.setValue(this._defineOppositeZ, this._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? !o.invertZ : o.invertZ, !0), i.setValue("SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", this.useSphericalHarmonics, !0), i.setValue("GAMMAREFLECTION", o.gammaSpace, !0), i.setValue("RGBDREFLECTION", o.isRGBD, !0), o && o.coordinatesMode !== Ne.a.SKYBOX_MODE && o.isCube && (i.setValue("USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP", !0), i.setValue("USEIRRADIANCEMAP", !1), this.forceIrradianceInFragment || this._scene.getEngine().getCaps().maxVaryingVectors <= 8 ? i.setValue("USESPHERICALINVERTEX", !1) : i.setValue("USESPHERICALINVERTEX", !0)));
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i, o) {, e, n, i);
var a = this._getTexture();
if (a && o) {
a.isCube ? e.setTexture(this._cubeSamplerName, a) : e.setTexture(this._2DSamplerName, a);
var s = a.getSize().width;
e.setFloat3(this._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName, s, a.lodGenerationScale, a.lodGenerationOffset), e.setFloat2(this._vReflectionFilteringInfoName, s, $.a.Log2(s));
var d = o._materialDefines, p = a.sphericalPolynomial;
var y = p.preScaledHarmonics;
e.setVector3("vSphericalL00", y.l00), e.setVector3("vSphericalL1_1", y.l1_1), e.setVector3("vSphericalL10", y.l10), e.setVector3("vSphericalL11", y.l11), e.setVector3("vSphericalL2_2", y.l2_2), e.setVector3("vSphericalL2_1", y.l2_1), e.setVector3("vSphericalL20", y.l20), e.setVector3("vSphericalL21", y.l21), e.setVector3("vSphericalL22", y.l22);
} else
e.setFloat3("vSphericalX", p.x.x, p.x.y, p.x.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalY", p.y.x, p.y.y, p.y.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalZ", p.z.x, p.z.y, p.z.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalXX_ZZ", p.xx.x - p.zz.x, p.xx.y - p.zz.y, p.xx.z - p.zz.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalYY_ZZ", p.yy.x - p.zz.x, p.yy.y - p.zz.y, p.yy.z - p.zz.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalZZ", p.zz.x, p.zz.y, p.zz.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalXY", p.xy.x, p.xy.y, p.xy.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalYZ", p.yz.x, p.yz.y, p.yz.z), e.setFloat3("vSphericalZX", p.zx.x, p.zx.y, p.zx.z);
}, t.prototype.handleVertexSide = function(e) {
var n =, e);
e._emitFunctionFromInclude("harmonicsFunctions", "//" +, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /uniform vec3 vSphericalL00;[\s\S]*?uniform vec3 vSphericalL22;/g, replace: "" }, { search: /uniform vec3 vSphericalX;[\s\S]*?uniform vec3 vSphericalZX;/g, replace: "" }] });
var i = e._getFreeVariableName("reflectionVector");
return this._vEnvironmentIrradianceName = e._getFreeVariableName("vEnvironmentIrradiance"), e._emitVaryingFromString(this._vEnvironmentIrradianceName, "vec3", "defined(USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL00", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL1_1", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL10", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL11", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL2_2", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL2_1", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL20", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL21", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalL22", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS"), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalX", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalY", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalZ", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalXX_ZZ", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalYY_ZZ", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalZZ", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalXY", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalYZ", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), e._emitUniformFromString("vSphericalZX", "vec3", "SPHERICAL_HARMONICS", !0), n += `#if defined(USESPHERICALFROMREFLECTIONMAP) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
vec3 ` + i + " = vec3(" + this._reflectionMatrixName + " * vec4(normalize(" + this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName + `).xyz, 0)).xyz;
#ifdef ` + this._defineOppositeZ + `
` + i + `.z *= -1.0;
` + this._vEnvironmentIrradianceName + " = computeEnvironmentIrradiance(" + i + `);
}, t.prototype.getCode = function(e, n) {
var i = "";
this.handleFragmentSideInits(e), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("harmonicsFunctions", "//" +, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /uniform vec3 vSphericalL00;[\s\S]*?uniform vec3 vSphericalL22;/g, replace: "" }, { search: /uniform vec3 vSphericalX;[\s\S]*?uniform vec3 vSphericalZX;/g, replace: "" }] }), e._emitFunction("sampleReflection", `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
#define sampleReflection(s, c) textureCube(s, c)
#define sampleReflection(s, c) texture2D(s, c)
`, "//" +, e._emitFunction("sampleReflectionLod", `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
#define sampleReflectionLod(s, c, l) textureCubeLodEXT(s, c, l)
#define sampleReflectionLod(s, c, l) texture2DLodEXT(s, c, l)
`, "//" +;
var o = `
vec3 computeReflectionCoordsPBR(vec4 worldPos, vec3 worldNormal) {
` + this.handleFragmentSideCodeReflectionCoords("worldNormal", "worldPos", !0) + `
return ` + this._reflectionVectorName + `;
return e._emitFunction("computeReflectionCoordsPBR", o, "//" +, this._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName = e._getFreeVariableName("vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfos"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName, "vec3"), this._vReflectionInfosName = e._getFreeVariableName("vReflectionInfos"), this._vReflectionFilteringInfoName = e._getFreeVariableName("vReflectionFilteringInfo"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vReflectionFilteringInfoName, "vec2"), i += `#ifdef REFLECTION
vec2 ` + this._vReflectionInfosName + ` = vec2(1., 0.);
reflectionOutParams reflectionOut;
v_` + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName + `.xyz,
` + n + `,
` + this._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName + `,
` + this._vReflectionInfosName + `,
` + this.reflectionColor + `,
#if defined(` + this._defineLODReflectionAlpha + ") && !defined(" + this._defineSkyboxName + `)
#ifdef ` + this._defineLinearSpecularReflection + `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
` + this._cubeSamplerName + `,
` + this._2DSamplerName + `,
#if defined(NORMAL) && defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
` + this._vEnvironmentIrradianceName + `,
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
` + this._reflectionMatrixName + `,
irradianceSampler, // ** not handled **
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
` + this._cubeSamplerName + `,
` + this._cubeSamplerName + `,
` + this._2DSamplerName + `,
` + this._2DSamplerName + `,
` + this._vReflectionFilteringInfoName + `,
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return this._scene = e.sharedData.scene, !== Ce.Fragment && (this._defineLODReflectionAlpha = e._getFreeDefineName("LODINREFLECTIONALPHA"), this._defineLinearSpecularReflection = e._getFreeDefineName("LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION")), this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e =;
return this.texture && (e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.gammaSpace = " + this.texture.gammaSpace + `);\r
`), e += this._codeVariableName + ".useSphericalHarmonics = " + this.useSphericalHarmonics + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".forceIrradianceInFragment = " + this.forceIrradianceInFragment + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e, n, i =;
return i.useSphericalHarmonics = this.useSphericalHarmonics, i.forceIrradianceInFragment = this.forceIrradianceInFragment, i.gammaSpace = (n = (e = this.texture) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.gammaSpace) === null || n === void 0 || n, i;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), this.useSphericalHarmonics = e.useSphericalHarmonics, this.forceIrradianceInFragment = e.forceIrradianceInFragment, this.texture && (this.texture.gammaSpace = e.gammaSpace);
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Spherical Harmonics", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useSphericalHarmonics", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Force irradiance in fragment", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "forceIrradianceInFragment", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ReflectionBlock"] = ac;
var la = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.remapF0OnInterfaceChange = !0, n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("intensity", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("roughness", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("indexOfRefraction", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("normalMapColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("uv", le.Vector2, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("tintColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("tintAtDistance", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("tintThickness", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("worldTangent", le.Vector4, !0), n.registerOutput("clearcoat", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("clearcoat", n, yn.Output, t, "ClearCoatBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("clearcoatOut"), e._excludeVariableName("vClearCoatParams"), e._excludeVariableName("vClearCoatTintParams"), e._excludeVariableName("vClearCoatRefractionParams"), e._excludeVariableName("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ClearCoatBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "roughness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "normalMapColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "uv", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tintColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tintAtDistance", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[6];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tintThickness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[7];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldTangent", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[8];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "clearcoat", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.intensity.isConnected) {
var n = new Et("ClearCoat intensity", Ce.Fragment, le.Float);
n.value = 1, n.output.connectTo(this.intensity);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT", !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_TEXTURE", !1, !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_USE_ROUGHNESS_FROM_MAINTEXTURE", !0, !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_TINT", this.tintColor.isConnected || this.tintThickness.isConnected || this.tintAtDistance.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_BUMP", this.normalMapColor.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_DEFAULTIOR", !this.indexOfRefraction.isConnected || this.indexOfRefraction.connectInputBlock.value === mr._DefaultIndexOfRefraction, !0), i.setValue("CLEARCOAT_REMAP_F0", this.remapF0OnInterfaceChange, !0);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a, s;, e, n, i);
var d = (s = (a = this.indexOfRefraction.connectInputBlock) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.value) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : mr._DefaultIndexOfRefraction, p = 1 - d, y = 1 + d, P = Math.pow(-p / y, 2), R = 1 / d;
e.setFloat4("vClearCoatRefractionParams", P, R, p, y);
var B = this.clearcoat.hasEndpoints ? this.clearcoat.endpoints[0].ownerBlock : null, F = B != null && B.perturbedNormal.isConnected ? B.perturbedNormal.connectedPoint.ownerBlock : null;
this._scene._mirroredCameraPosition ? e.setFloat2("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", F != null && F.invertX ? 1 : -1, F != null && F.invertY ? 1 : -1) : e.setFloat2("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", F != null && F.invertX ? -1 : 1, F != null && F.invertY ? -1 : 1);
}, t.prototype._generateTBNSpace = function(e, n, i) {
var o = "", a = "//" +, s = this.worldTangent;
e._emitExtension("derivatives", "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable");
var d = { search: /defined\(TANGENT\)/g, replace: s.isConnected ? "defined(TANGENT)" : "defined(IGNORE)" };
return s.isConnected && (o += "vec3 tbnNormal = normalize(" + i + `.xyz);\r
`, o += "vec3 tbnTangent = normalize(" + s.associatedVariableName + `.xyz);\r
`, o += `vec3 tbnBitangent = cross(tbnNormal, tbnTangent);\r
`, o += `mat3 vTBN = mat3(tbnTangent, tbnBitangent, tbnNormal);\r
`), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("bumpFragmentMainFunctions", a, { replaceStrings: [d] }), o;
}, t.GetCode = function(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p = "", y = n != null && n.intensity.isConnected ? n.intensity.associatedVariableName : "1.", P = n != null && n.roughness.isConnected ? n.roughness.associatedVariableName : "0.", R = n != null && n.normalMapColor.isConnected ? n.normalMapColor.associatedVariableName : "vec3(0.)", B = n != null && n.uv.isConnected ? n.uv.associatedVariableName : "vec2(0.)", F = n != null && n.tintColor.isConnected ? n.tintColor.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1.)", z = n != null && n.tintThickness.isConnected ? n.tintThickness.associatedVariableName : "1.", J = n != null && n.tintAtDistance.isConnected ? n.tintAtDistance.associatedVariableName : "1.";
return n && (e._emitUniformFromString("vClearCoatRefractionParams", "vec4"), e._emitUniformFromString("vClearCoatTangentSpaceParams", "vec2")), a && n && (p += n._generateTBNSpace(e, o, d), s = n.worldTangent.isConnected), p += `clearcoatOutParams clearcoatOut;
vec2 vClearCoatParams = vec2(` + y + ", " + P + `);
vec4 vClearCoatTintParams = vec4(` + F + ", " + z + `);
` + o + `.xyz,
` + J + `,
vec2(0., 1.),
vec4(` + R + `, 0.),
` + B + `,
#if defined(` + (s ? "TANGENT" : "IGNORE") + `) && defined(NORMAL)
#if defined(FORCENORMALFORWARD) && defined(NORMAL)
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._vReflectionMicrosurfaceInfosName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._vReflectionInfosName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i.reflectionColor) + `,
#ifdef ` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._define3DName) + `
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._2DSamplerName) + `,
#ifdef ` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._define3DName) + `
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._2DSamplerName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._2DSamplerName) + `,
#if defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF) && !defined(` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._defineSkyboxName) + `)
clearcoatOut.specularEnvironmentR0 = specularEnvironmentR0;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return this._scene = e.sharedData.scene, === Ce.Fragment && (e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this)), this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = "";
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".remapF0OnInterfaceChange = " + this.remapF0OnInterfaceChange + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return e.remapF0OnInterfaceChange = this.remapF0OnInterfaceChange, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {
var o;, e, n, i), this.remapF0OnInterfaceChange = (o = e.remapF0OnInterfaceChange) === null || o === void 0 || o;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Remap F0 on interface change", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED")], t.prototype, "remapF0OnInterfaceChange", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ClearCoatBlock"] = la;
var sc = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n.linkRefractionWithTransparency = !1, n.invertRefractionY = !1, n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("intensity", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("tintAtDistance", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("refraction", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("refraction", n, yn.Output, t, "RefractionBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "RefractionBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "intensity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tintAtDistance", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this.viewConnectionPoint;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refraction", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hasTexture", { get: function() {
return !!this._getTexture();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._getTexture = function() {
return this.texture ? this.texture : this._scene.environmentTexture;
}, t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.intensity.isConnected) {
var n = new Et("Refraction intensity", Ce.Fragment, le.Float);
n.value = 1, n.output.connectTo(this.intensity);
if (this.view && !this.view.isConnected) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.systemValue === gt.View;
i || (i = new Et("view")).setAsSystemValue(gt.View), i.output.connectTo(this.view);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i);
var o = this._getTexture(), a = o && o.getTextureMatrix;
i.setValue("SS_REFRACTION", a, !0), a && (i.setValue(this._define3DName, o.isCube, !0), i.setValue(this._defineLODRefractionAlpha, o.lodLevelInAlpha, !0), i.setValue(this._defineLinearSpecularRefraction, o.linearSpecularLOD, !0), i.setValue(this._defineOppositeZ, this._scene.useRightHandedSystem ? !o.invertZ : o.invertZ, !0), i.setValue("SS_LINKREFRACTIONTOTRANSPARENCY", this.linkRefractionWithTransparency, !0), i.setValue("SS_GAMMAREFRACTION", o.gammaSpace, !0), i.setValue("SS_RGBDREFRACTION", o.isRGBD, !0));
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
var e = this._getTexture();
return !(e && !e.isReadyOrNotBlocking());
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a, s;, e, n, i);
var d = this._getTexture();
if (d) {
d.isCube ? e.setTexture(this._cubeSamplerName, d) : e.setTexture(this._2DSamplerName, d), e.setMatrix(this._refractionMatrixName, d.getReflectionTextureMatrix());
var p = 1;
d.isCube || d.depth && (p = d.depth);
var y = (s = (a = this.indexOfRefractionConnectionPoint.connectInputBlock) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.value) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 1.5;
e.setFloat4(this._vRefractionInfosName, d.level, 1 / y, p, this.invertRefractionY ? -1 : 1), e.setFloat3(this._vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfosName, d.getSize().width, d.lodGenerationScale, d.lodGenerationOffset);
var P = d.getSize().width;
e.setFloat2(this._vRefractionFilteringInfoName, P, $.a.Log2(P));
}, t.prototype.getCode = function(e) {
return e.sharedData.blockingBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.textureBlocks.push(this), this._cubeSamplerName = e._getFreeVariableName( + "CubeSampler"), e.samplers.push(this._cubeSamplerName), this._2DSamplerName = e._getFreeVariableName( + "2DSampler"), e.samplers.push(this._2DSamplerName), this._define3DName = e._getFreeDefineName("SS_REFRACTIONMAP_3D"), e._samplerDeclaration += "#ifdef " + this._define3DName + `\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += "uniform samplerCube " + this._cubeSamplerName + `;\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += `#else\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += "uniform sampler2D " + this._2DSamplerName + `;\r
`, e._samplerDeclaration += `#endif\r
`, e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), this._defineLODRefractionAlpha = e._getFreeDefineName("SS_LODINREFRACTIONALPHA"), this._defineLinearSpecularRefraction = e._getFreeDefineName("SS_LINEARSPECULARREFRACTION"), this._defineOppositeZ = e._getFreeDefineName("SS_REFRACTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ"), this._refractionMatrixName = e._getFreeVariableName("refractionMatrix"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._refractionMatrixName, "mat4"), e._emitFunction("sampleRefraction", `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
#define sampleRefraction(s, c) textureCube(s, c)
#define sampleRefraction(s, c) texture2D(s, c)
`, "//" +, e._emitFunction("sampleRefractionLod", `
#ifdef ` + this._define3DName + `
#define sampleRefractionLod(s, c, l) textureCubeLodEXT(s, c, l)
#define sampleRefractionLod(s, c, l) texture2DLodEXT(s, c, l)
`, "//" +, this._vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfosName = e._getFreeVariableName("vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfos"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfosName, "vec3"), this._vRefractionInfosName = e._getFreeVariableName("vRefractionInfos"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vRefractionInfosName, "vec4"), this._vRefractionFilteringInfoName = e._getFreeVariableName("vRefractionFilteringInfo"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vRefractionFilteringInfoName, "vec2"), "";
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return this._scene = e.sharedData.scene, this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e =;
return this.texture && (e = this.texture.isCube ? this._codeVariableName + '.texture = new BABYLON.CubeTexture("' + + `");\r
` : this._codeVariableName + '.texture = new BABYLON.Texture("' + + `");\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".texture.coordinatesMode = " + this.texture.coordinatesMode + `;\r
`), e += this._codeVariableName + ".linkRefractionWithTransparency = " + this.linkRefractionWithTransparency + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".invertRefractionY = " + this.invertRefractionY + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return this.texture && (e.texture = this.texture.serialize()), e.linkRefractionWithTransparency = this.linkRefractionWithTransparency, e.invertRefractionY = this.invertRefractionY, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i), e.texture && (i = e.texture.url.indexOf("data:") === 0 ? "" : i, e.texture.isCube ? this.texture = ei.Parse(e.texture, n, i) : this.texture = Ne.a.Parse(e.texture, n, i)), this.linkRefractionWithTransparency = e.linkRefractionWithTransparency, this.invertRefractionY = e.invertRefractionY;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Link refraction to transparency", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "linkRefractionWithTransparency", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Invert refraction Y", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "invertRefractionY", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.RefractionBlock"] = sc;
var ua = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Fragment) || this;
return n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("thickness", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("tintColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("translucencyIntensity", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("translucencyDiffusionDist", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("refraction", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("refraction", n, yn.Input, sc, "RefractionBlock")), n.registerOutput("subsurface", le.Object, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("subsurface", n, yn.Output, t, "SubSurfaceBlock")), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("subSurfaceOut"), e._excludeVariableName("vThicknessParam"), e._excludeVariableName("vTintColor"), e._excludeVariableName("vSubSurfaceIntensity");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SubSurfaceBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "thickness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "tintColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "translucencyIntensity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "translucencyDiffusionDist", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refraction", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "subsurface", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.thickness.isConnected) {
var n = new Et("SubSurface thickness", Ce.Fragment, le.Float);
n.value = 0, n.output.connectTo(this.thickness);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {, e, n, i);
var o = this.translucencyDiffusionDist.isConnected || this.translucencyIntensity.isConnected;
i.setValue("SUBSURFACE", o || this.refraction.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("SS_TRANSLUCENCY", o, !0), i.setValue("SS_THICKNESSANDMASK_TEXTURE", !1, !0), i.setValue("SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE", !1, !0), i.setValue("SS_MASK_FROM_THICKNESS_TEXTURE_GLTF", !1, !0);
}, t.GetCode = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe, ve = "", Te = n != null && n.thickness.isConnected ? n.thickness.associatedVariableName : "0.", Re = n != null && n.tintColor.isConnected ? n.tintColor.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1.)", Ae = n != null && n.translucencyIntensity.isConnected ? n == null ? void 0 : n.translucencyIntensity.associatedVariableName : "1.", Ee = n != null && n.translucencyDiffusionDist.isConnected ? n == null ? void 0 : n.translucencyDiffusionDist.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1.)", Se = n != null && n.refraction.isConnected ? (a = n == null ? void 0 : n.refraction.connectedPoint) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.ownerBlock : null, De = Se != null && Se.tintAtDistance.isConnected ? Se.tintAtDistance.associatedVariableName : "1.", xe = Se != null && Se.intensity.isConnected ? Se.intensity.associatedVariableName : "1.", Le = Se != null && Se.view.isConnected ? Se.view.associatedVariableName : "";
return ve += (s = Se == null ? void 0 : Se.getCode(e)) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "", ve += `subSurfaceOutParams subSurfaceOut;
vec2 vThicknessParam = vec2(0., ` + Te + `);
vec4 vTintColor = vec4(` + Re + ", " + De + `);
vec3 vSubSurfaceIntensity = vec3(` + xe + ", " + Ae + `, 0.);
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._reflectionMatrixName) + `,
#if !defined(NORMAL) || !defined(USESPHERICALINVERTEX)
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._cubeSamplerName) + `,
` + (i == null ? void 0 : i._vReflectionFilteringInfoName) + `,
` + o + `.xyz,
` + Le + `,
` + ((d = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._vRefractionInfosName) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : "") + `,
` + ((p = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._refractionMatrixName) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "") + `,
` + ((y = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._vRefractionMicrosurfaceInfosName) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : "") + `,
#ifdef ` + ((P = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._defineLODRefractionAlpha) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "IGNORE") + `
#ifdef ` + ((R = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._defineLinearSpecularRefraction) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "IGNORE") + `
#ifdef ` + ((B = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._define3DName) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "IGNORE") + `
` + ((F = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._cubeSamplerName) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : "") + `,
` + ((z = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._2DSamplerName) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "") + `,
#ifdef ` + ((J = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._define3DName) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : "IGNORE") + `
` + ((ie = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._cubeSamplerName) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : "") + `,
` + ((se = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._cubeSamplerName) !== null && se !== void 0 ? se : "") + `,
` + ((ce = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._2DSamplerName) !== null && ce !== void 0 ? ce : "") + `,
` + ((ue = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._2DSamplerName) !== null && ue !== void 0 ? ue : "") + `,
` + ((fe = Se == null ? void 0 : Se._vRefractionFilteringInfoName) !== null && fe !== void 0 ? fe : "") + `,
` + Ee + `,
surfaceAlbedo = subSurfaceOut.surfaceAlbedo;
alpha = subSurfaceOut.alpha;
subSurfaceOut.specularEnvironmentReflectance = specularEnvironmentReflectance;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
return === Ce.Fragment && e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this), this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SubSurfaceBlock"] = ua;
var j_ = { ambientClr: ["finalAmbient", ""], diffuseDir: ["finalDiffuse", ""], specularDir: ["finalSpecularScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(SPECULARTERM)"], clearcoatDir: ["finalClearCoatScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(CLEARCOAT)"], sheenDir: ["finalSheenScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(SHEEN)"], diffuseInd: ["finalIrradiance", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(REFLECTION)"], specularInd: ["finalRadianceScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(REFLECTION)"], clearcoatInd: ["clearcoatOut.finalClearCoatRadianceScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(REFLECTION) && defined(CLEARCOAT)"], sheenInd: ["sheenOut.finalSheenRadianceScaled", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(REFLECTION) && defined(SHEEN) && defined(ENVIRONMENTBRDF)"], refraction: ["subSurfaceOut.finalRefraction", "!defined(UNLIT) && defined(SS_REFRACTION)"], lighting: ["finalColor.rgb", ""], shadow: ["shadow", ""], alpha: ["alpha", ""] }, Xh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.VertexAndFragment) || this;
return n._environmentBRDFTexture = null, n._metallicReflectanceColor = I.a.White(), n._metallicF0Factor = 1, n.directIntensity = 1, n.environmentIntensity = 1, n.specularIntensity = 1, n.lightFalloff = 0, n.useAlphaTest = !1, n.alphaTestCutoff = 0.5, n.useAlphaBlending = !1, n.useRadianceOverAlpha = !0, n.useSpecularOverAlpha = !0, n.enableSpecularAntiAliasing = !1, n.realTimeFiltering = !1, n.realTimeFilteringQuality = h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_LOW, n.useEnergyConservation = !0, n.useRadianceOcclusion = !0, n.useHorizonOcclusion = !0, n.unlit = !1, n.forceNormalForward = !1, n.debugMode = 0, n.debugLimit = 0, n.debugFactor = 1, n._isUnique = !0, n.registerInput("worldPosition", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Vertex), n.registerInput("worldNormal", le.Vector4, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("view", le.Matrix, !1), n.registerInput("cameraPosition", le.Vector3, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("perturbedNormal", le.Vector4, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("baseColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("metallic", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("roughness", le.Float, !1, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("ambientOcc", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("opacity", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("indexOfRefraction", le.Float, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("ambientColor", le.Color3, !0, Ce.Fragment), n.registerInput("reflection", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("reflection", n, yn.Input, ac, "ReflectionBlock")), n.registerInput("clearcoat", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("clearcoat", n, yn.Input, la, "ClearCoatBlock")), n.registerInput("sheen", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("sheen", n, yn.Input, rc, "SheenBlock")), n.registerInput("subsurface", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("subsurface", n, yn.Input, ua, "SubSurfaceBlock")), n.registerInput("anisotropy", le.Object, !0, Ce.Fragment, new Xn("anisotropy", n, yn.Input, oc, "AnisotropyBlock")), n.registerOutput("ambientClr", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("diffuseDir", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("specularDir", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("clearcoatDir", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("sheenDir", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("diffuseInd", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("specularInd", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("clearcoatInd", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("sheenInd", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("refraction", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("lighting", le.Color3, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("shadow", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n.registerOutput("alpha", le.Float, Ce.Fragment), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.initialize = function(e) {
e._excludeVariableName("vLightingIntensity"), e._excludeVariableName("geometricNormalW"), e._excludeVariableName("normalW"), e._excludeVariableName("faceNormal"), e._excludeVariableName("albedoOpacityOut"), e._excludeVariableName("surfaceAlbedo"), e._excludeVariableName("alpha"), e._excludeVariableName("aoOut"), e._excludeVariableName("baseColor"), e._excludeVariableName("reflectivityOut"), e._excludeVariableName("microSurface"), e._excludeVariableName("roughness"), e._excludeVariableName("NdotVUnclamped"), e._excludeVariableName("NdotV"), e._excludeVariableName("alphaG"), e._excludeVariableName("AARoughnessFactors"), e._excludeVariableName("environmentBrdf"), e._excludeVariableName("ambientMonochrome"), e._excludeVariableName("seo"), e._excludeVariableName("eho"), e._excludeVariableName("environmentRadiance"), e._excludeVariableName("irradianceVector"), e._excludeVariableName("environmentIrradiance"), e._excludeVariableName("diffuseBase"), e._excludeVariableName("specularBase"), e._excludeVariableName("preInfo"), e._excludeVariableName("info"), e._excludeVariableName("shadow"), e._excludeVariableName("finalDiffuse"), e._excludeVariableName("finalAmbient"), e._excludeVariableName("ambientOcclusionForDirectDiffuse"), e._excludeVariableName("finalColor"), e._excludeVariableName("vClipSpacePosition"), e._excludeVariableName("vDebugMode");
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PBRMetallicRoughnessBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "worldNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "view", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "cameraPosition", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "perturbedNormal", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "baseColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "metallic", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[6];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "roughness", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[7];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ambientOcc", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[8];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "opacity", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[9];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "indexOfRefraction", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[10];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ambientColor", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[11];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "reflection", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[12];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "clearcoat", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[13];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheen", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[14];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "subsurface", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[15];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "anisotropy", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[16];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "ambientClr", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "diffuseDir", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "specularDir", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[2];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "clearcoatDir", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[3];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheenDir", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[4];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "diffuseIndirect", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[5];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "specularIndirect", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[6];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "clearcoatIndirect", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[7];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sheenIndirect", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[8];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refraction", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[9];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lighting", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[10];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "shadow", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[11];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "alpha", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[12];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.autoConfigure = function(e) {
if (!this.cameraPosition.isConnected) {
var n = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.systemValue === gt.CameraPosition;
n || (n = new Et("cameraPosition")).setAsSystemValue(gt.CameraPosition), n.output.connectTo(this.cameraPosition);
if (!this.view.isConnected) {
var i = e.getInputBlockByPredicate(function(o) {
return o.systemValue === gt.View;
i || (i = new Et("view")).setAsSystemValue(gt.View), i.output.connectTo(this.view);
}, t.prototype.prepareDefines = function(e, n, i) {
i.setValue("PBR", !0), i.setValue("METALLICWORKFLOW", !0), i.setValue("DEBUGMODE", this.debugMode, !0), i.setValue("NORMALXYSCALE", !0), i.setValue("BUMP", this.perturbedNormal.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("LODBASEDMICROSFURACE", this._scene.getEngine().getCaps().textureLOD), i.setValue("ALBEDO", !1, !0), i.setValue("OPACITY", this.opacity.isConnected, !0), i.setValue("AMBIENT", !0, !0), i.setValue("AMBIENTINGRAYSCALE", !1, !0), i.setValue("REFLECTIVITY", !1, !0), i.setValue("AOSTOREINMETALMAPRED", !1, !0), i.setValue("METALLNESSSTOREINMETALMAPBLUE", !1, !0), i.setValue("ROUGHNESSSTOREINMETALMAPALPHA", !1, !0), i.setValue("ROUGHNESSSTOREINMETALMAPGREEN", !1, !0), this.lightFalloff === pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD ? (i.setValue("USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF", !1), i.setValue("USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF", !1)) : this.lightFalloff === pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF ? (i.setValue("USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF", !1), i.setValue("USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF", !0)) : (i.setValue("USEPHYSICALLIGHTFALLOFF", !0), i.setValue("USEGLTFLIGHTFALLOFF", !1));
var o = this.alphaTestCutoff.toString();
if (i.setValue("ALPHABLEND", this.useAlphaBlending, !0), i.setValue("ALPHAFROMALBEDO", !1, !0), i.setValue("ALPHATEST", this.useAlphaTest, !0), i.setValue("ALPHATESTVALUE", o.indexOf(".") < 0 ? o + "." : o, !0), i.setValue("OPACITYRGB", !1, !0), i.setValue("RADIANCEOVERALPHA", this.useRadianceOverAlpha, !0), i.setValue("SPECULAROVERALPHA", this.useSpecularOverAlpha, !0), i.setValue("SPECULARAA", this._scene.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && this.enableSpecularAntiAliasing, !0), i.setValue("REALTIME_FILTERING", this.realTimeFiltering, !0), this._scene.getEngine().webGLVersion > 1 ? i.setValue("NUM_SAMPLES", this.realTimeFilteringQuality + "u", !0) : i.setValue("NUM_SAMPLES", "" + this.realTimeFilteringQuality, !0), i.setValue("BRDF_V_HEIGHT_CORRELATED", !0), i.setValue("MS_BRDF_ENERGY_CONSERVATION", this.useEnergyConservation, !0), i.setValue("RADIANCEOCCLUSION", this.useRadianceOcclusion, !0), i.setValue("HORIZONOCCLUSION", this.useHorizonOcclusion, !0), i.setValue("UNLIT", this.unlit, !0), i.setValue("FORCENORMALFORWARD", this.forceNormalForward, !0), this._environmentBRDFTexture && lt.a.ReflectionTextureEnabled ? (i.setValue("ENVIRONMENTBRDF", !0), i.setValue("ENVIRONMENTBRDF_RGBD", this._environmentBRDFTexture.isRGBD, !0)) : (i.setValue("ENVIRONMENTBRDF", !1), i.setValue("ENVIRONMENTBRDF_RGBD", !1)), i._areLightsDirty) {
var a = e.getScene();
if (this.light) {
var s = { needNormals: !1, needRebuild: !1, lightmapMode: !1, shadowEnabled: !1, specularEnabled: !1 };
$e.a.PrepareDefinesForLight(a, e, this.light, this._lightId, i, !0, s), s.needRebuild && i.rebuild();
} else
$e.a.PrepareDefinesForLights(a, e, i, !0, n.maxSimultaneousLights), i._needNormals = !0, $e.a.PrepareDefinesForMultiview(a, i);
}, t.prototype.updateUniformsAndSamples = function(e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = 0; a < n.maxSimultaneousLights && i["LIGHT" + a]; a++) {
var s = e.uniforms.indexOf("vLightData" + a) >= 0;
$e.a.PrepareUniformsAndSamplersForLight(a, e.uniforms, e.samplers, i["PROJECTEDLIGHTTEXTURE" + a], o, s);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a;
if (i) {
var s = i.getScene();
this.light ? $e.a.BindLight(this.light, this._lightId, s, e, !0) : $e.a.BindLights(s, i, e, !0, n.maxSimultaneousLights), e.setTexture(this._environmentBrdfSamplerName, this._environmentBRDFTexture), e.setFloat2("vDebugMode", this.debugLimit, this.debugFactor);
var d = this._scene.ambientColor;
d && e.setColor3("ambientFromScene", d);
var p = s.useRightHandedSystem === (s._mirroredCameraPosition != null);
e.setFloat(this._invertNormalName, p ? -1 : 1), e.setFloat4("vLightingIntensity", this.directIntensity, 1, this.environmentIntensity * this._scene.environmentIntensity, this.specularIntensity);
var y = (a = (o = this.indexOfRefraction.connectInputBlock) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.value) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : 1.5, P = Math.pow((y - 1) / (y + 1), 2);
this._metallicReflectanceColor.scaleToRef(P * this._metallicF0Factor, I.c.Color3[0]);
var R = this._metallicF0Factor;
e.setColor4(this._vMetallicReflectanceFactorsName, I.c.Color3[0], R);
}, t.prototype._injectVertexCode = function(e) {
var n, i, o = this.worldPosition, a = "//" +;
this.light ? (this._lightId = (e.counters.lightCounter !== void 0 ? e.counters.lightCounter : -1) + 1, e.counters.lightCounter = this._lightId, e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", a, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }, this._lightId.toString())) : (e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", a, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }), this._lightId = 0, e.sharedData.dynamicUniformBlocks.push(this));
var s = "v_" + o.associatedVariableName;
e._emitVaryingFromString(s, "vec4") && (e.compilationString += s + " = " + o.associatedVariableName + `;\r
var d = this.reflection.isConnected ? (n = this.reflection.connectedPoint) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.ownerBlock : null;
d && (d.viewConnectionPoint = this.view), e.compilationString += (i = d == null ? void 0 : d.handleVertexSide(e)) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", e._emitUniformFromString("vDebugMode", "vec2", "defined(IGNORE) || DEBUGMODE > 0"), e._emitUniformFromString("ambientFromScene", "vec3"), e._emitVaryingFromString("vClipSpacePosition", "vec4", "defined(IGNORE) || DEBUGMODE > 0") && (e._injectAtEnd += `#if DEBUGMODE > 0\r
`, e._injectAtEnd += `vClipSpacePosition = gl_Position;\r
`, e._injectAtEnd += `#endif\r
`), this.light ? e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("shadowsVertex", a, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }, { search: /worldPos/g, replace: o.associatedVariableName }] }) : (e.compilationString += "vec4 worldPos = " + o.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`, this.view.isConnected && (e.compilationString += "mat4 view = " + this.view.associatedVariableName + `;\r
`), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("shadowsVertex", a, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }));
}, t.prototype._getAlbedoOpacityCode = function() {
var e = `albedoOpacityOutParams albedoOpacityOut;\r
return e += `albedoOpacityBlock(
vec4(` + (this.baseColor.isConnected ? this.baseColor.associatedVariableName : "vec3(1.)") + `, 1.),
#ifdef ALBEDO
vec2(1., 1.),
#ifdef OPACITY
vec4(` + (this.opacity.isConnected ? this.opacity.associatedVariableName : "1.") + `),
vec2(1., 1.),
vec3 surfaceAlbedo = albedoOpacityOut.surfaceAlbedo;
float alpha = albedoOpacityOut.alpha;\r
}, t.prototype._getAmbientOcclusionCode = function() {
var e = `ambientOcclusionOutParams aoOut;\r
return e += `ambientOcclusionBlock(
#ifdef AMBIENT
vec3(` + (this.ambientOcc.isConnected ? this.ambientOcc.associatedVariableName : "1.") + `),
vec4(0., 1.0, 1.0, 0.),
}, t.prototype._getReflectivityCode = function(e) {
var n = `reflectivityOutParams reflectivityOut;\r
return this._vMetallicReflectanceFactorsName = e._getFreeVariableName("vMetallicReflectanceFactors"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._vMetallicReflectanceFactorsName, "vec4"), n += `vec3 baseColor = surfaceAlbedo;
vec4(` + this.metallic.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.roughness.associatedVariableName + `, 0., 0.),
` + this._vMetallicReflectanceFactorsName + `,
vec3(0., 0., 1.),
microSurfaceTexel, <== not handled!
float microSurface = reflectivityOut.microSurface;
float roughness = reflectivityOut.roughness;
surfaceAlbedo = reflectivityOut.surfaceAlbedo;
aoOut.ambientOcclusionColor = reflectivityOut.ambientOcclusionColor;
}, t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {
var n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe, ve, Te, Re, Ae, Ee, Se, De, xe, Le, Me, we, Ye, et, nt, ct, Ke, rt, it, qe, ut;, e), this._scene = e.sharedData.scene, this._environmentBRDFTexture || (this._environmentBRDFTexture = Ho.GetEnvironmentBRDFTexture(this._scene));
var Ve = this.reflection.isConnected ? (n = this.reflection.connectedPoint) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.ownerBlock : null;
if (Ve && (Ve.worldPositionConnectionPoint = this.worldPosition, Ve.cameraPositionConnectionPoint = this.cameraPosition, Ve.worldNormalConnectionPoint = this.worldNormal), !== Ce.Fragment)
return this._injectVertexCode(e), this;
e.sharedData.bindableBlocks.push(this), e.sharedData.blocksWithDefines.push(this);
var Ze = "//" +, vt = "v_" + this.worldPosition.associatedVariableName, jt = this.perturbedNormal;
this._environmentBrdfSamplerName = e._getFreeVariableName("environmentBrdfSampler"), e._emit2DSampler(this._environmentBrdfSamplerName), e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaBlending = e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaBlending || this.useAlphaBlending, e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaTesting = e.sharedData.hints.needAlphaTesting || this.useAlphaTest, e._emitExtension("lod", "#extension GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod : enable", "defined(LODBASEDMICROSFURACE)"), e._emitExtension("derivatives", "#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable"), this.light ? e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }, this._lightId.toString()) : e._emitFunctionFromInclude(e.supportUniformBuffers ? "lightUboDeclaration" : "lightFragmentDeclaration", Ze, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("helperFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("importanceSampling", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrHelperFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("imageProcessingFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("shadowsFragmentFunctions", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: vt + ".xyz" }] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrDirectLightingSetupFunctions", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: vt + ".xyz" }] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrDirectLightingFalloffFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBRDFFunctions", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (i = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("hdrFilteringFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrDirectLightingFunctions", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: vt + ".xyz" }] }), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrIBLFunctions", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockAlbedoOpacity", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockReflectivity", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockAmbientOcclusion", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockAlphaFresnel", Ze), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockAnisotropic", Ze), e._emitUniformFromString("vLightingIntensity", "vec4"), this._vNormalWName = e._getFreeVariableName("vNormalW"), e.compilationString += "vec4 " + this._vNormalWName + " = normalize(" + this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, e._registerTempVariable("viewDirectionW") && (e.compilationString += "vec3 viewDirectionW = normalize(" + this.cameraPosition.associatedVariableName + " - " + vt + `.xyz);\r
`), e.compilationString += "vec3 geometricNormalW = " + this._vNormalWName + `.xyz;\r
`, e.compilationString += "vec3 normalW = " + (jt.isConnected ? "normalize(" + jt.associatedVariableName + ".xyz)" : "geometricNormalW") + `;\r
`, this._invertNormalName = e._getFreeVariableName("invertNormal"), e._emitUniformFromString(this._invertNormalName, "float"), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockNormalFinal", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vPositionW/g, replace: vt + ".xyz" }, { search: /vEyePosition.w/g, replace: this._invertNormalName }] }), e.compilationString += this._getAlbedoOpacityCode(), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("depthPrePass", Ze), e.compilationString += this._getAmbientOcclusionCode(), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockLightmapInit", Ze), e.compilationString += `#ifdef UNLIT
vec3 diffuseBase = vec3(1., 1., 1.);
`, e.compilationString += this._getReflectivityCode(e), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockGeometryInfo", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (o = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (a = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }] });
var Dt = this.anisotropy.isConnected ? (s = this.anisotropy.connectedPoint) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.ownerBlock : null;
Dt && (Dt.worldPositionConnectionPoint = this.worldPosition, Dt.worldNormalConnectionPoint = this.worldNormal, e.compilationString += Dt.getCode(e, !this.perturbedNormal.isConnected)), Ve && Ve.hasTexture && (e.compilationString += Ve.getCode(e, Dt ? "anisotropicOut.anisotropicNormal" : "normalW")), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockReflection", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /computeReflectionCoords/g, replace: "computeReflectionCoordsPBR" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (d = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ/g, replace: (p = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineOppositeZ) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION/g, replace: (y = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineProjectionName) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : "REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (P = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }, { search: /LODINREFLECTIONALPHA/g, replace: (R = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLODReflectionAlpha) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "LODINREFLECTIONALPHA" }, { search: /LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION/g, replace: (B = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLinearSpecularReflection) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION" }, { search: /vReflectionFilteringInfo/g, replace: (F = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._vReflectionFilteringInfoName) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : "vReflectionFilteringInfo" }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockReflectance0", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /metallicReflectanceFactors/g, replace: this._vMetallicReflectanceFactorsName }] });
var Yt = this.sheen.isConnected ? (z = this.sheen.connectedPoint) === null || z === void 0 ? void 0 : z.ownerBlock : null;
Yt && (e.compilationString += Yt.getCode(Ve)), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockSheen", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (J = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && J !== void 0 ? J : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (ie = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }, { search: /LODINREFLECTIONALPHA/g, replace: (se = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLODReflectionAlpha) !== null && se !== void 0 ? se : "LODINREFLECTIONALPHA" }, { search: /LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION/g, replace: (ce = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLinearSpecularReflection) !== null && ce !== void 0 ? ce : "LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION" }] });
var mt = this.clearcoat.isConnected ? (ue = this.clearcoat.connectedPoint) === null || ue === void 0 ? void 0 : ue.ownerBlock : null, qt = !this.perturbedNormal.isConnected && !this.anisotropy.isConnected, Ht = this.perturbedNormal.isConnected && ((fe = this.perturbedNormal.connectedPoint) === null || fe === void 0 ? void 0 : fe.ownerBlock).worldTangent.isConnected, kt = this.anisotropy.isConnected && ((ve = this.anisotropy.connectedPoint) === null || ve === void 0 ? void 0 : ve.ownerBlock).worldTangent.isConnected, Wt = Ht || !this.perturbedNormal.isConnected && kt;
e.compilationString += la.GetCode(e, mt, Ve, vt, qt, Wt, this.worldNormal.associatedVariableName), qt && (Wt = (Te = mt == null ? void 0 : mt.worldTangent.isConnected) !== null && Te !== void 0 && Te), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockClearcoat", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /computeReflectionCoords/g, replace: "computeReflectionCoordsPBR" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (Re = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && Re !== void 0 ? Re : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ/g, replace: (Ae = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineOppositeZ) !== null && Ae !== void 0 ? Ae : "REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION/g, replace: (Ee = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineProjectionName) !== null && Ee !== void 0 ? Ee : "REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (Se = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && Se !== void 0 ? Se : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }, { search: /LODINREFLECTIONALPHA/g, replace: (De = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLODReflectionAlpha) !== null && De !== void 0 ? De : "LODINREFLECTIONALPHA" }, { search: /LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION/g, replace: (xe = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineLinearSpecularReflection) !== null && xe !== void 0 ? xe : "LINEARSPECULARREFLECTION" }, { search: /defined\(TANGENT\)/g, replace: Wt ? "defined(TANGENT)" : "defined(IGNORE)" }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockReflectance", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX/g, replace: (Le = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineSkyboxName) !== null && Le !== void 0 ? Le : "REFLECTIONMAP_SKYBOX" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (Me = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && Me !== void 0 ? Me : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }] });
var bt = this.subsurface.isConnected ? (we = this.subsurface.connectedPoint) === null || we === void 0 ? void 0 : we.ownerBlock : null, Rt = this.subsurface.isConnected ? (et = ((Ye = this.subsurface.connectedPoint) === null || Ye === void 0 ? void 0 : Ye.ownerBlock).refraction.connectedPoint) === null || et === void 0 ? void 0 : et.ownerBlock : null;
Rt && (Rt.viewConnectionPoint = this.view, Rt.indexOfRefractionConnectionPoint = this.indexOfRefraction), e.compilationString += ua.GetCode(e, bt, Ve, vt), e._emitFunctionFromInclude("pbrBlockSubSurface", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /REFLECTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (nt = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._define3DName) !== null && nt !== void 0 ? nt : "REFLECTIONMAP_3D" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ/g, replace: (ct = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineOppositeZ) !== null && ct !== void 0 ? ct : "REFLECTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ" }, { search: /REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION/g, replace: (Ke = Ve == null ? void 0 : Ve._defineProjectionName) !== null && Ke !== void 0 ? Ke : "REFLECTIONMAP_PROJECTION" }, { search: /SS_REFRACTIONMAP_3D/g, replace: (rt = Rt == null ? void 0 : Rt._define3DName) !== null && rt !== void 0 ? rt : "SS_REFRACTIONMAP_3D" }, { search: /SS_LODINREFRACTIONALPHA/g, replace: (it = Rt == null ? void 0 : Rt._defineLODRefractionAlpha) !== null && it !== void 0 ? it : "SS_LODINREFRACTIONALPHA" }, { search: /SS_LINEARSPECULARREFRACTION/g, replace: (qe = Rt == null ? void 0 : Rt._defineLinearSpecularRefraction) !== null && qe !== void 0 ? qe : "SS_LINEARSPECULARREFRACTION" }, { search: /SS_REFRACTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ/g, replace: (ut = Rt == null ? void 0 : Rt._defineOppositeZ) !== null && ut !== void 0 ? ut : "SS_REFRACTIONMAP_OPPOSITEZ" }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockDirectLighting", Ze), this.light ? e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("lightFragment", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /{X}/g, replace: this._lightId.toString() }] }) : e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("lightFragment", Ze, { repeatKey: "maxSimultaneousLights" }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockFinalLitComponents", Ze), e.compilationString += `#endif\r
var Zt = this.ambientColor.isConnected ? this.ambientColor.associatedVariableName : "vec3(0., 0., 0.)", Mn = pn.DEFAULT_AO_ON_ANALYTICAL_LIGHTS.toString();
Mn.indexOf(".") === -1 && (Mn += "."), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockFinalUnlitComponents", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vec3 finalEmissive[\s\S]*?finalEmissive\*=vLightingIntensity\.y;/g, replace: "" }, { search: /vAmbientColor/g, replace: Zt + " * ambientFromScene" }, { search: /vAmbientInfos\.w/g, replace: Mn }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockFinalColorComposition", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /finalEmissive/g, replace: "vec3(0.)" }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrBlockImageProcessing", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /visibility/g, replace: "1." }] }), e.compilationString += e._emitCodeFromInclude("pbrDebug", Ze, { replaceStrings: [{ search: /vNormalW/g, replace: this._vNormalWName }, { search: /vPositionW/g, replace: vt }, { search: /albedoTexture\.rgb;/g, replace: `vec3(1.);\r
gl_FragColor.rgb = toGammaSpace(gl_FragColor.rgb);\r
` }] });
for (var Bn = 0, Kn = this._outputs; Bn < Kn.length; Bn++) {
var In = Kn[Bn];
if (In.hasEndpoints) {
var Kt = j_[];
if (Kt) {
var oi = Kt[0], Ti = Kt[1];
Ti && (e.compilationString += "#if " + Ti + `\r
`), e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(In, e) + " = " + oi + `;\r
`, Ti && (e.compilationString += `#else\r
`, e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(In, e) + ` = vec3(0.);\r
`, e.compilationString += `#endif\r
} else
console.error("There's no remapping for the " + + " end point! No code generated");
return this;
}, t.prototype._dumpPropertiesCode = function() {
var e = "";
return e += this._codeVariableName + ".lightFalloff = " + this.lightFalloff + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useAlphaTest = " + this.useAlphaTest + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".alphaTestCutoff = " + this.alphaTestCutoff + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useAlphaBlending = " + this.useAlphaBlending + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useRadianceOverAlpha = " + this.useRadianceOverAlpha + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useSpecularOverAlpha = " + this.useSpecularOverAlpha + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".enableSpecularAntiAliasing = " + this.enableSpecularAntiAliasing + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".realTimeFiltering = " + this.realTimeFiltering + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".realTimeFilteringQuality = " + this.realTimeFilteringQuality + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useEnergyConservation = " + this.useEnergyConservation + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useRadianceOcclusion = " + this.useRadianceOcclusion + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".useHorizonOcclusion = " + this.useHorizonOcclusion + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".unlit = " + this.unlit + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".forceNormalForward = " + this.forceNormalForward + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".debugMode = " + this.debugMode + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".debugLimit = " + this.debugLimit + `;\r
`, e += this._codeVariableName + ".debugFactor = " + this.debugFactor + `;\r
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e =;
return this.light && (e.lightId =, e.lightFalloff = this.lightFalloff, e.useAlphaTest = this.useAlphaTest, e.alphaTestCutoff = this.alphaTestCutoff, e.useAlphaBlending = this.useAlphaBlending, e.useRadianceOverAlpha = this.useRadianceOverAlpha, e.useSpecularOverAlpha = this.useSpecularOverAlpha, e.enableSpecularAntiAliasing = this.enableSpecularAntiAliasing, e.realTimeFiltering = this.realTimeFiltering, e.realTimeFilteringQuality = this.realTimeFilteringQuality, e.useEnergyConservation = this.useEnergyConservation, e.useRadianceOcclusion = this.useRadianceOcclusion, e.useHorizonOcclusion = this.useHorizonOcclusion, e.unlit = this.unlit, e.forceNormalForward = this.forceNormalForward, e.debugMode = this.debugMode, e.debugLimit = this.debugLimit, e.debugFactor = this.debugFactor, e;
}, t.prototype._deserialize = function(e, n, i) {
var o, a;, e, n, i), e.lightId && (this.light = n.getLightByID(e.lightId)), this.lightFalloff = (o = e.lightFalloff) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : 0, this.useAlphaTest = e.useAlphaTest, this.alphaTestCutoff = e.alphaTestCutoff, this.useAlphaBlending = e.useAlphaBlending, this.useRadianceOverAlpha = e.useRadianceOverAlpha, this.useSpecularOverAlpha = e.useSpecularOverAlpha, this.enableSpecularAntiAliasing = e.enableSpecularAntiAliasing, this.realTimeFiltering = !!e.realTimeFiltering, this.realTimeFilteringQuality = (a = e.realTimeFilteringQuality) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_LOW, this.useEnergyConservation = e.useEnergyConservation, this.useRadianceOcclusion = e.useRadianceOcclusion, this.useHorizonOcclusion = e.useHorizonOcclusion, this.unlit = e.unlit, this.forceNormalForward = !!e.forceNormalForward, this.debugMode = e.debugMode, this.debugLimit = e.debugLimit, this.debugFactor = e.debugFactor;
}, Object(c.c)([Bt("Direct lights", It.Float, "INTENSITY", { min: 0, max: 1, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "directIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Environment lights", It.Float, "INTENSITY", { min: 0, max: 1, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "environmentIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Specular highlights", It.Float, "INTENSITY", { min: 0, max: 1, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "specularIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Light falloff", It.List, "LIGHTING & COLORS", { notifiers: { update: !0 }, options: [{ label: "Physical", value: pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_PHYSICAL }, { label: "GLTF", value: pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_GLTF }, { label: "Standard", value: pn.LIGHTFALLOFF_STANDARD }] })], t.prototype, "lightFalloff", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Alpha Testing", It.Boolean, "OPACITY")], t.prototype, "useAlphaTest", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Alpha CutOff", It.Float, "OPACITY", { min: 0, max: 1, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "alphaTestCutoff", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Alpha blending", It.Boolean, "OPACITY")], t.prototype, "useAlphaBlending", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Radiance over alpha", It.Boolean, "RENDERING", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useRadianceOverAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Specular over alpha", It.Boolean, "RENDERING", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useSpecularOverAlpha", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Specular anti-aliasing", It.Boolean, "RENDERING", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "enableSpecularAntiAliasing", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Realtime filtering", It.Boolean, "RENDERING", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "realTimeFiltering", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Realtime filtering quality", It.List, "RENDERING", { notifiers: { update: !0 }, options: [{ label: "Low", value: h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_LOW }, { label: "Medium", value: h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_MEDIUM }, { label: "High", value: h.a.TEXTURE_FILTERING_QUALITY_HIGH }] })], t.prototype, "realTimeFilteringQuality", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Energy Conservation", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useEnergyConservation", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Radiance occlusion", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useRadianceOcclusion", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Horizon occlusion", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "useHorizonOcclusion", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Unlit", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "unlit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Force normal forward", It.Boolean, "ADVANCED", { notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "forceNormalForward", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Debug mode", It.List, "DEBUG", { notifiers: { update: !0 }, options: [{ label: "None", value: 0 }, { label: "Normalized position", value: 1 }, { label: "Normals", value: 2 }, { label: "Tangents", value: 3 }, { label: "Bitangents", value: 4 }, { label: "Bump Normals", value: 5 }, { label: "ClearCoat Normals", value: 8 }, { label: "ClearCoat Tangents", value: 9 }, { label: "ClearCoat Bitangents", value: 10 }, { label: "Anisotropic Normals", value: 11 }, { label: "Anisotropic Tangents", value: 12 }, { label: "Anisotropic Bitangents", value: 13 }, { label: "Env Refraction", value: 40 }, { label: "Env Reflection", value: 41 }, { label: "Env Clear Coat", value: 42 }, { label: "Direct Diffuse", value: 50 }, { label: "Direct Specular", value: 51 }, { label: "Direct Clear Coat", value: 52 }, { label: "Direct Sheen", value: 53 }, { label: "Env Irradiance", value: 54 }, { label: "Surface Albedo", value: 60 }, { label: "Reflectance 0", value: 61 }, { label: "Metallic", value: 62 }, { label: "Metallic F0", value: 71 }, { label: "Roughness", value: 63 }, { label: "AlphaG", value: 64 }, { label: "NdotV", value: 65 }, { label: "ClearCoat Color", value: 66 }, { label: "ClearCoat Roughness", value: 67 }, { label: "ClearCoat NdotV", value: 68 }, { label: "Transmittance", value: 69 }, { label: "Refraction Transmittance", value: 70 }, { label: "SEO", value: 80 }, { label: "EHO", value: 81 }, { label: "Energy Factor", value: 82 }, { label: "Specular Reflectance", value: 83 }, { label: "Clear Coat Reflectance", value: 84 }, { label: "Sheen Reflectance", value: 85 }, { label: "Luminance Over Alpha", value: 86 }, { label: "Alpha", value: 87 }] })], t.prototype, "debugMode", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Split position", It.Float, "DEBUG", { min: -1, max: 1, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "debugLimit", void 0), Object(c.c)([Bt("Output factor", It.Float, "DEBUG", { min: 0, max: 5, notifiers: { update: !0 } })], t.prototype, "debugFactor", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.PBRMetallicRoughnessBlock"] = Xh;
var Yh = function(r) {
function t(e) {
var n =, e, Ce.Neutral) || this;
return n.registerInput("left", le.AutoDetect), n.registerInput("right", le.AutoDetect), n.registerOutput("output", le.BasedOnInput), n._outputs[0]._typeConnectionSource = n._inputs[0], n._linkConnectionTypes(0, 1), n;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ModBlock";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "left", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "right", { get: function() {
return this._inputs[1];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "output", { get: function() {
return this._outputs[0];
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildBlock = function(e) {, e);
var n = this._outputs[0];
return e.compilationString += this._declareOutput(n, e) + " = mod(" + this.left.associatedVariableName + ", " + this.right.associatedVariableName + `);\r
`, this;
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ModBlock"] = Yh;
var H_ = function() {
function r() {
return r.prototype.optimize = function(t, e) {
}, r;
}(), W_ = f(120), X_ = function() {
function r() { = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
return r.prototype.get = function(t, e) {
var n =;
if (n !== void 0)
return n.get(e);
}, r.prototype.set = function(t, e, n) {
var i =;
i === void 0 &&, i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), i.set(e, n);
}, r;
}(), Y_ = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
this._baseMaterial = t, this._scene = e, this._options = n, this._subMeshToEffect = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this._subMeshToDepthEffect = new X_(), this._meshes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
var o = t.getClassName() === "NodeMaterial" ? "u_" : "";
if (o) {
this._matriceNames = { world: o + "World", view: o + "View", projection: o + "Projection", viewProjection: o + "ViewProjection", worldView: o + "WorldxView", worldViewProjection: o + "WorldxViewxProjection" };
for (var a = t.getInputBlocks(), s = 0; s < a.length; ++s)
switch (a[s]._systemValue) {
case gt.World: = a[s].associatedVariableName;
case gt.View:
this._matriceNames.view = a[s].associatedVariableName;
case gt.Projection:
this._matriceNames.projection = a[s].associatedVariableName;
case gt.ViewProjection:
this._matriceNames.viewProjection = a[s].associatedVariableName;
case gt.WorldView:
this._matriceNames.worldView = a[s].associatedVariableName;
case gt.WorldViewProjection:
this._matriceNames.worldViewProjection = a[s].associatedVariableName;
} else
this._matriceNames = { world: o + "world", view: o + "view", projection: o + "projection", viewProjection: o + "viewProjection", worldView: o + "worldView", worldViewProjection: o + "worldViewProjection" };
this._onEffectCreatedObserver = this._baseMaterial.onEffectCreatedObservable.add(function(d) {
var p, y = (p = d.subMesh) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.getMesh();
y && !i._meshes.has(y) && i._meshes.set(y, y.onDisposeObservable.add(function(P) {
for (var R = i._subMeshToEffect.keys(), B =; B.done !== !0; B = {
var F = B.value;
(F == null ? void 0 : F.getMesh()) === P && (i._subMeshToEffect.delete(F),;
})), i._subMeshToEffect.set(d.subMesh, d.effect),;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "standalone", { get: function() {
var t, e;
return (e = (t = this._options) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.standalone) !== null && e !== void 0 && e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "baseMaterial", { get: function() {
return this._baseMaterial;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getEffect = function(t, e) {
var n, i, o, a, s, d;
return (d = (o = (i = (n = === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.get(e)) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.depthEffect) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : (s = (a = === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.get(e)) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.depthEffect) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : null;
}, r.prototype.isReadyForSubMesh = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o, a;
return this.standalone && this._baseMaterial.isReadyForSubMesh(t.getMesh(), t, i), (a = (o = this._makeEffect(t, e, n)) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.isReady()) !== null && a !== void 0 && a;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._baseMaterial.onEffectCreatedObservable.remove(this._onEffectCreatedObserver), this._onEffectCreatedObserver = null;
for (var t = this._meshes.entries(), e =; e.done !== !0; e = {
var n = e.value, i = n[0], o = n[1];
}, r.prototype._makeEffect = function(t, e, n) {
var i, o = (i = this._subMeshToEffect.get(t)) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : this._subMeshToEffect.get(null);
if (!o)
return null;
var a = this._subMeshToDepthEffect.get(t, n);
a || (a = { depthEffect: null, depthDefines: "", token: W_.a.RandomId() }, this._subMeshToDepthEffect.set(t, n, a));
var s = e.join(`
if (a.depthEffect && s === a.depthDefines)
return a.depthEffect;
a.depthDefines = s;
var d = o.rawVertexSourceCode, p = o.rawFragmentSourceCode, y = this._options && this._options.remappedVariables ? "#include(" + this._options.remappedVariables.join(",") + ")" : ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexNormalBias, P = this._options && this._options.remappedVariables ? "#include(" + this._options.remappedVariables.join(",") + ")" : ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexMetric, R = this._options && this._options.remappedVariables ? "#include(" + this._options.remappedVariables.join(",") + ")" : ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragmentSoftTransparentShadow, B = ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragment;
d = (d = (d = (d = d.replace(/void\s+?main/g, ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapVertexDeclaration + `\r
void main`)).replace(/#define SHADOWDEPTH_NORMALBIAS|#define CUSTOM_VERTEX_UPDATE_WORLDPOS/g, y)).indexOf("#define SHADOWDEPTH_METRIC") !== -1 ? d.replace(/#define SHADOWDEPTH_METRIC/g, P) : d.replace(/}\s*$/g, P + `\r
}`)).replace(/#define SHADER_NAME.*?\n|out vec4 glFragColor;\n/g, "");
var F = p.indexOf("#define SHADOWDEPTH_SOFTTRANSPARENTSHADOW") >= 0 || p.indexOf("#define CUSTOM_FRAGMENT_BEFORE_FOG") >= 0, z = p.indexOf("#define SHADOWDEPTH_FRAGMENT") !== -1, J = "";
`, p = p.replace(/void\s+?main/g, ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.shadowMapFragmentDeclaration + `\r
void main`), z ? p = p.replace(/#define SHADOWDEPTH_FRAGMENT/g, B) : J += B + `\r
`, J && (p = p.replace(/}\s*$/g, J + "}")), p = p.replace(/#define SHADER_NAME.*?\n|out vec4 glFragColor;\n/g, "");
var ie = o.getUniformNames().slice();
return ie.push("biasAndScaleSM", "depthValuesSM", "lightDataSM", "softTransparentShadowSM"), a.depthEffect = this._scene.getEngine().createEffect({ vertexSource: d, fragmentSource: p, vertexToken: a.token, fragmentToken: a.token }, { attributes: o.getAttributesNames(), uniformsNames: ie, uniformBuffersNames: o.getUniformBuffersNames(), samplers: o.getSamplers(), defines: s + `
` + o.defines.replace("#define SHADOWS", "").replace(/#define SHADOW\d/g, ""), indexParameters: o.getIndexParameters() }, this._scene.getEngine()), a.depthEffect;
}, r;
}(), Kh = f(101);
function cc(r, t, e, n, i) {
var o = new r.DecoderBuffer();
o.Init(t, t.byteLength);
var a, s, d = new r.Decoder();
try {
var p = d.GetEncodedGeometryType(o);
switch (p) {
a = new r.Mesh(), s = d.DecodeBufferToMesh(o, a);
a = new r.PointCloud(), s = d.DecodeBufferToPointCloud(o, a);
throw new Error("Invalid geometry type " + p);
if (!s.ok() || !a.ptr)
throw new Error(s.error_msg());
if (p === r.TRIANGULAR_MESH) {
var y = 3 * a.num_faces(), P = 4 * y, R = r._malloc(P);
try {
d.GetTrianglesUInt32Array(a, P, R);
var B = new Uint32Array(y);
B.set(new Uint32Array(r.HEAPF32.buffer, R, y)), n(B);
} finally {
var F = function(se, ce) {
var ue = ce.num_components(), fe = a.num_points(), ve = fe * ue, Te = ve * Float32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, Re = r._malloc(Te);
try {
d.GetAttributeDataArrayForAllPoints(a, ce, r.DT_FLOAT32, Te, Re);
var Ae = new Float32Array(r.HEAPF32.buffer, Re, ve);
if (se === "color" && ue === 3) {
for (var Ee = new Float32Array(4 * fe), Se = 0, De = 0; Se < Ee.length; Se += 4, De += ue)
Ee[Se + 0] = Ae[De + 0], Ee[Se + 1] = Ae[De + 1], Ee[Se + 2] = Ae[De + 2], Ee[Se + 3] = 1;
i(se, Ee);
} else
(Ee = new Float32Array(ve)).set(new Float32Array(r.HEAPF32.buffer, Re, ve)), i(se, Ee);
} finally {
if (e)
for (var z in e) {
var J = e[z];
F(z, d.GetAttributeByUniqueId(a, J));
else {
var ie = { position: "POSITION", normal: "NORMAL", color: "COLOR", uv: "TEX_COORD" };
for (var z in ie)
(J = d.GetAttributeId(a, r[ie[z]])) !== -1 && F(z, d.GetAttribute(a, J));
} finally {
a && r.destroy(a), r.destroy(d), r.destroy(o);
function K_() {
var r;
onmessage = function(t) {
var e =;
switch ( {
case "init":
var n = e.decoder;
n.url && (importScripts(n.url), r = DracoDecoderModule({ wasmBinary: n.wasmBinary })), postMessage("done");
case "decodeMesh":
if (!r)
throw new Error("Draco decoder module is not available");
r.then(function(i) {
cc(i, e.dataView, e.attributes, function(o) {
postMessage({ id: "indices", value: o }, [o.buffer]);
}, function(o, a) {
postMessage({ id: o, value: a }, [a.buffer]);
}), postMessage("done");
function Qh(r) {
return typeof document != "object" || typeof r != "string" ? r : Xe.b.GetAbsoluteUrl(r);
var Q_ = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = r.DefaultNumWorkers);
var e = r.Configuration.decoder, n = e.wasmUrl && e.wasmBinaryUrl && typeof WebAssembly == "object" ? { url: e.wasmUrl, wasmBinaryPromise: Xe.b.LoadFileAsync(Qh(e.wasmBinaryUrl)) } : { url: e.fallbackUrl, wasmBinaryPromise: Promise.resolve(void 0) };
t && typeof Worker == "function" ? this._workerPoolPromise = n.wasmBinaryPromise.then(function(i) {
for (var o = cc + "(" + K_ + ")()", a = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([o], { type: "application/javascript" })), s = new Array(t), d = 0; d < s.length; d++)
s[d] = new Promise(function(p, y) {
var P = new Worker(a), R = function(F) {
P.removeEventListener("error", R), P.removeEventListener("message", B), y(F);
}, B = function(F) { === "done" && (P.removeEventListener("error", R), P.removeEventListener("message", B), p(P));
P.addEventListener("error", R), P.addEventListener("message", B), P.postMessage({ id: "init", decoder: { url: Qh(n.url), wasmBinary: i } });
return Promise.all(s).then(function(p) {
return new xs(p);
}) : this._decoderModulePromise = n.wasmBinaryPromise.then(function(i) {
if (!n.url)
throw new Error("Draco decoder module is not available");
return Xe.b.LoadScriptAsync(n.url).then(function() {
return o = i, new Promise(function(a) {
DracoDecoderModule({ wasmBinary: o }).then(function(s) {
a({ module: s });
var o;
return Object.defineProperty(r, "DecoderAvailable", { get: function() {
var t = r.Configuration.decoder;
return !!(t.wasmUrl && t.wasmBinaryUrl && typeof WebAssembly == "object" || t.fallbackUrl);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.GetDefaultNumWorkers = function() {
return typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.hardwareConcurrency ? Math.min(Math.floor(0.5 * navigator.hardwareConcurrency), 4) : 1;
}, Object.defineProperty(r, "Default", { get: function() {
return r._Default || (r._Default = new r()), r._Default;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._workerPoolPromise && this._workerPoolPromise.then(function(t) {
}), delete this._workerPoolPromise, delete this._decoderModulePromise;
}, r.prototype.whenReadyAsync = function() {
return this._workerPoolPromise ? this._workerPoolPromise.then(function() {
}) : this._decoderModulePromise ? this._decoderModulePromise.then(function() {
}) : Promise.resolve();
}, r.prototype.decodeMeshAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(t) : t;
if (this._workerPoolPromise)
return this._workerPoolPromise.then(function(i) {
return new Promise(function(o, a) {
i.push(function(s, d) {
var p = new ht.a(), y = function(B) {
s.removeEventListener("error", y), s.removeEventListener("message", P), a(B), d();
}, P = function(B) { === "done" ? (s.removeEventListener("error", y), s.removeEventListener("message", P), o(p), d()) : === "indices" ? p.indices = : p.set(,;
s.addEventListener("error", y), s.addEventListener("message", P);
var R = new Uint8Array(n.byteLength);
R.set(new Uint8Array(n.buffer, n.byteOffset, n.byteLength)), s.postMessage({ id: "decodeMesh", dataView: R, attributes: e }, [R.buffer]);
if (this._decoderModulePromise)
return this._decoderModulePromise.then(function(i) {
var o = new ht.a();
return cc(i.module, n, e, function(a) {
o.indices = a;
}, function(a, s) {
o.set(s, a);
}), o;
throw new Error("Draco decoder module is not available");
}, r.Configuration = { decoder: { wasmUrl: "", wasmBinaryUrl: "", fallbackUrl: "" } }, r.DefaultNumWorkers = r.GetDefaultNumWorkers(), r._Default = null, r;
}(), uo = f(61), qh = 0, q_ = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
this.pos = t, this.normal = e, this.uv = n, this.vertColor = i;
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t, e;
return new r(this.pos.clone(), this.normal.clone(), (t = this.uv) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.clone(), (e = this.vertColor) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.clone());
}, r.prototype.flip = function() {
this.normal = this.normal.scale(-1);
}, r.prototype.interpolate = function(t, e) {
return new r(u.e.Lerp(this.pos, t.pos, e), u.e.Lerp(this.normal, t.normal, e), this.uv && t.uv ? u.d.Lerp(this.uv, t.uv, e) : void 0, this.vertColor && t.vertColor ? I.b.Lerp(this.vertColor, t.vertColor, e) : void 0);
}, r;
}(), Z_ = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.normal = t, this.w = e;
return r.FromPoints = function(t, e, n) {
var i = n.subtract(t), o = e.subtract(t);
if (i.lengthSquared() === 0 || o.lengthSquared() === 0)
return null;
var a = u.e.Normalize(u.e.Cross(i, o));
return new r(a, u.e.Dot(a, t));
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
return new r(this.normal.clone(), this.w);
}, r.prototype.flip = function() {
this.normal.scaleInPlace(-1), this.w = -this.w;
}, r.prototype.splitPolygon = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a, s, d = 0, p = [];
for (a = 0; a < t.vertices.length; a++) {
var y = (s = u.e.Dot(this.normal, t.vertices[a].pos) - this.w) < -r.EPSILON ? 2 : s > r.EPSILON ? 1 : 0;
d |= y, p.push(y);
switch (d) {
case 0:
(u.e.Dot(this.normal, t.plane.normal) > 0 ? e : n).push(t);
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
var P, R = [], B = [];
for (a = 0; a < t.vertices.length; a++) {
var F = (a + 1) % t.vertices.length, z = p[a], J = p[F], ie = t.vertices[a], se = t.vertices[F];
if (z !== 2 && R.push(ie), z !== 1 && B.push(z !== 2 ? ie.clone() : ie), (z | J) == 3) {
s = (this.w - u.e.Dot(this.normal, ie.pos)) / u.e.Dot(this.normal, se.pos.subtract(ie.pos));
var ce = ie.interpolate(se, s);
R.push(ce), B.push(ce.clone());
R.length >= 3 && (P = new lc(R, t.shared)).plane && i.push(P), B.length >= 3 && (P = new lc(B, t.shared)).plane && o.push(P);
}, r.EPSILON = 1e-5, r;
}(), lc = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.vertices = t, this.shared = e, this.plane = Z_.FromPoints(t[0].pos, t[1].pos, t[2].pos);
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
return new r( {
return t.clone();
}), this.shared);
}, r.prototype.flip = function() {
this.vertices.reverse().map(function(t) {
}), this.plane.flip();
}, r;
}(), Yn = function() {
function r(t) {
this.plane = null, this.front = null, this.back = null, this.polygons = new Array(), t &&;
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return t.plane = this.plane && this.plane.clone(), t.front = this.front && this.front.clone(), t.back = this.back && this.back.clone(), t.polygons = {
return e.clone();
}), t;
}, r.prototype.invert = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this.polygons.length; t++)
this.plane && this.plane.flip(), this.front && this.front.invert(), this.back && this.back.invert();
var e = this.front;
this.front = this.back, this.back = e;
}, r.prototype.clipPolygons = function(t) {
if (!this.plane)
return t.slice();
for (var e = new Array(), n = new Array(), i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
this.plane.splitPolygon(t[i], e, n, e, n);
return this.front && (e = this.front.clipPolygons(e)), n = this.back ? this.back.clipPolygons(n) : [], e.concat(n);
}, r.prototype.clipTo = function(t) {
this.polygons = t.clipPolygons(this.polygons), this.front && this.front.clipTo(t), this.back && this.back.clipTo(t);
}, r.prototype.allPolygons = function() {
var t = this.polygons.slice();
return this.front && (t = t.concat(this.front.allPolygons())), this.back && (t = t.concat(this.back.allPolygons())), t;
}, = function(t) {
if (t.length) {
this.plane || (this.plane = t[0].plane.clone());
for (var e = new Array(), n = new Array(), i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
this.plane.splitPolygon(t[i], this.polygons, this.polygons, e, n);
e.length && (this.front || (this.front = new r()),, n.length && (this.back || (this.back = new r()),;
}, r;
}(), J_ = function() {
function r() {
this.polygons = new Array();
return r.FromMesh = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P = void 0, R = void 0, B = new Array(), F = null;
if (!(t instanceof Ie.a))
throw "BABYLON.CSG: Wrong Mesh type, must be BABYLON.Mesh";
t.computeWorldMatrix(!0), s = t.getWorldMatrix(), d = t.position.clone(), p = t.rotation.clone(), t.rotationQuaternion && (F = t.rotationQuaternion.clone()), y = t.scaling.clone();
for (var z = t.getIndices(), J = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), ie = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), se = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), ce = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), ue = t.subMeshes, fe = 0, ve = ue.length; fe < ve; fe++)
for (var Te = ue[fe].indexStart, Re = ue[fe].indexCount + ue[fe].indexStart; Te < Re; Te += 3) {
a = [];
for (var Ae = 0; Ae < 3; Ae++) {
var Ee = new u.e(ie[3 * z[Te + Ae]], ie[3 * z[Te + Ae] + 1], ie[3 * z[Te + Ae] + 2]);
se && (P = new u.d(se[2 * z[Te + Ae]], se[2 * z[Te + Ae] + 1])), ce && (R = new I.b(ce[4 * z[Te + Ae]], ce[4 * z[Te + Ae] + 1], ce[4 * z[Te + Ae] + 2], ce[4 * z[Te + Ae] + 3]));
var Se = new u.e(J[3 * z[Te + Ae]], J[3 * z[Te + Ae] + 1], J[3 * z[Te + Ae] + 2]);
i = u.e.TransformCoordinates(Se, s), n = u.e.TransformNormal(Ee, s), e = new q_(i, n, P, R), a.push(e);
(o = new lc(a, { subMeshId: fe, meshId: qh, materialIndex: ue[fe].materialIndex })).plane && B.push(o);
var De = r.FromPolygons(B);
return De.matrix = s, De.position = d, De.rotation = p, De.scaling = y, De.rotationQuaternion = F, qh++, De;
}, r.FromPolygons = function(t) {
var e = new r();
return e.polygons = t, e;
}, r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = new r();
return t.polygons = {
return e.clone();
}), t.copyTransformAttributes(this), t;
}, r.prototype.union = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.clone().polygons), n = new Yn(t.clone().polygons);
return e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(),, r.FromPolygons(e.allPolygons()).copyTransformAttributes(this);
}, r.prototype.unionInPlace = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.polygons), n = new Yn(t.polygons);
e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(),, this.polygons = e.allPolygons();
}, r.prototype.subtract = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.clone().polygons), n = new Yn(t.clone().polygons);
return e.invert(), e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(),, e.invert(), r.FromPolygons(e.allPolygons()).copyTransformAttributes(this);
}, r.prototype.subtractInPlace = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.polygons), n = new Yn(t.polygons);
e.invert(), e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(),, e.invert(), this.polygons = e.allPolygons();
}, r.prototype.intersect = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.clone().polygons), n = new Yn(t.clone().polygons);
return e.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e),, e.invert(), r.FromPolygons(e.allPolygons()).copyTransformAttributes(this);
}, r.prototype.intersectInPlace = function(t) {
var e = new Yn(this.polygons), n = new Yn(t.polygons);
e.invert(), n.clipTo(e), n.invert(), e.clipTo(n), n.clipTo(e),, e.invert(), this.polygons = e.allPolygons();
}, r.prototype.inverse = function() {
var t = this.clone();
return t.inverseInPlace(), t;
}, r.prototype.inverseInPlace = function() { {
}, r.prototype.copyTransformAttributes = function(t) {
return this.matrix = t.matrix, this.position = t.position, this.rotation = t.rotation, this.scaling = t.scaling, this.rotationQuaternion = t.rotationQuaternion, this;
}, r.prototype.buildMeshGeometry = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this.matrix.clone();
var o, a, s, d = new Ie.a(t, e), p = [], y = [], P = [], R = null, B = null, F = u.e.Zero(), z = u.e.Zero(), J = u.d.Zero(), ie = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), se = this.polygons, ce = [0, 0, 0], ue = {}, fe = 0, ve = {};
n && se.sort(function(ct, Ke) {
return ct.shared.meshId === Ke.shared.meshId ? ct.shared.subMeshId - Ke.shared.subMeshId : ct.shared.meshId - Ke.shared.meshId;
for (var Te = 0, Re = se.length; Te < Re; Te++) {
ve[(o = se[Te]).shared.meshId] || (ve[o.shared.meshId] = {}), ve[o.shared.meshId][o.shared.subMeshId] || (ve[o.shared.meshId][o.shared.subMeshId] = { indexStart: 1 / 0, indexEnd: -1 / 0, materialIndex: o.shared.materialIndex }), s = ve[o.shared.meshId][o.shared.subMeshId];
for (var Ae = 2, Ee = o.vertices.length; Ae < Ee; Ae++) {
ce[0] = 0, ce[1] = Ae - 1, ce[2] = Ae;
for (var Se = 0; Se < 3; Se++) {
F.copyFrom(o.vertices[ce[Se]].pos), z.copyFrom(o.vertices[ce[Se]].normal), o.vertices[ce[Se]].uv && (R || (R = []), J.copyFrom(o.vertices[ce[Se]].uv)), o.vertices[ce[Se]].vertColor && (B || (B = []), ie.copyFrom(o.vertices[ce[Se]].vertColor));
var De = u.e.TransformCoordinates(F, i), xe = u.e.TransformNormal(z, i);
a = ue[De.x + "," + De.y + "," + De.z];
var Le = !1;
R && R[2 * a] !== J.x && R[2 * a + 1] !== J.y && (Le = !0);
var Me = !1;
B && B[4 * a] !== ie.r && B[4 * a + 1] !== ie.g && B[4 * a + 2] !== ie.b && B[4 * a + 3] !== ie.a && (Me = !0), (a === void 0 || P[3 * a] !== xe.x || P[3 * a + 1] !== xe.y || P[3 * a + 2] !== xe.z || Le || Me) && (p.push(De.x, De.y, De.z), R && R.push(J.x, J.y), P.push(z.x, z.y, z.z), B && B.push(ie.r, ie.g, ie.b, ie.a), a = ue[De.x + "," + De.y + "," + De.z] = p.length / 3 - 1), y.push(a), s.indexStart = Math.min(fe, s.indexStart), s.indexEnd = Math.max(fe, s.indexEnd), fe++;
if (d.setVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, p), d.setVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind, P), R && d.setVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind, R), B && d.setVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind, B), d.setIndices(y, null), n) {
var we, Ye = 0;
for (var et in d.subMeshes = new Array(), ve) {
for (var nt in we = -1, ve[et])
s = ve[et][nt], uo.a.CreateFromIndices(s.materialIndex + Ye, s.indexStart, s.indexEnd - s.indexStart + 1, d), we = Math.max(s.materialIndex, we);
Ye += ++we;
return d;
}, r.prototype.toMesh = function(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = null);
var o = this.buildMeshGeometry(t, n, i);
return o.material = e, o.position.copyFrom(this.position), o.rotation.copyFrom(this.rotation), this.rotationQuaternion && (o.rotationQuaternion = this.rotationQuaternion.clone()), o.scaling.copyFrom(this.scaling), o.computeWorldMatrix(!0), o;
}, r;
}(), $_ = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
o === void 0 && (o = 1), a === void 0 && (a = 60), s === void 0 && (s = !0);
var d =, e, i) || this;
d._sectionPolygonPointsCount = 4, d._running = !1, d._autoStart = s, d._generator = n, d._diameter = o, d._length = a, d._sectionVectors = [], d._sectionNormalVectors = [];
for (var p = 0; p < d._sectionPolygonPointsCount; p++)
d._sectionVectors[p] = u.e.Zero(), d._sectionNormalVectors[p] = u.e.Zero();
return d._createMesh(), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TrailMesh";
}, t.prototype._createMesh = function() {
var e = new ht.a(), n = [], i = [], o = [], a = u.e.Zero();
a = this._generator instanceof Mt.a && this._generator._boundingInfo ? this._generator._boundingInfo.boundingBox.centerWorld : this._generator.position;
for (var s = 2 * Math.PI / this._sectionPolygonPointsCount, d = 0; d < this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; d++)
n.push(a.x + Math.cos(d * s) * this._diameter, a.y + Math.sin(d * s) * this._diameter, a.z);
for (d = 1; d <= this._length; d++) {
for (var p = 0; p < this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; p++)
n.push(a.x + Math.cos(p * s) * this._diameter, a.y + Math.sin(p * s) * this._diameter, a.z);
var y = n.length / 3 - 2 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount;
for (p = 0; p < this._sectionPolygonPointsCount - 1; p++)
o.push(y + p, y + p + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount, y + p + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount + 1), o.push(y + p, y + p + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount + 1, y + p + 1);
o.push(y + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount - 1, y + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount - 1 + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount, y + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount), o.push(y + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount - 1, y + this._sectionPolygonPointsCount, y);
ht.a.ComputeNormals(n, o, i), e.positions = n, e.normals = i, e.indices = o, e.applyToMesh(this, !0), this._autoStart && this.start();
}, t.prototype.start = function() {
var e = this;
this._running || (this._running = !0, this._beforeRenderObserver = this.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
}, t.prototype.stop = function() {
this._beforeRenderObserver && this._running && (this._running = !1, this.getScene().onBeforeRenderObservable.remove(this._beforeRenderObserver));
}, t.prototype.update = function() {
var e = this.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), n = this.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), i = this._generator.getWorldMatrix();
if (e && n) {
for (var o = 3 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; o < e.length; o++)
e[o - 3 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount] = e[o] - n[o] / this._length * this._diameter;
for (o = 3 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; o < n.length; o++)
n[o - 3 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount] = n[o];
var a = e.length - 3 * this._sectionPolygonPointsCount, s = 2 * Math.PI / this._sectionPolygonPointsCount;
for (o = 0; o < this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; o++)
this._sectionVectors[o].copyFromFloats(Math.cos(o * s) * this._diameter, Math.sin(o * s) * this._diameter, 0), this._sectionNormalVectors[o].copyFromFloats(Math.cos(o * s), Math.sin(o * s), 0), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._sectionVectors[o], i, this._sectionVectors[o]), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(this._sectionNormalVectors[o], i, this._sectionNormalVectors[o]);
for (o = 0; o < this._sectionPolygonPointsCount; o++)
e[a + 3 * o] = this._sectionVectors[o].x, e[a + 3 * o + 1] = this._sectionVectors[o].y, e[a + 3 * o + 2] = this._sectionVectors[o].z, n[a + 3 * o] = this._sectionNormalVectors[o].x, n[a + 3 * o + 1] = this._sectionNormalVectors[o].y, n[a + 3 * o + 2] = this._sectionNormalVectors[o].z;
this.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, e, !0, !1), this.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind, n, !0, !1);
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = ""), new t(e, n === void 0 ? this._generator : n, this.getScene(), this._diameter, this._length, this._autoStart);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {, e);
}, t.Parse = function(e, n) {
return new t(, e._generator, n, e._diameter, e._length, e._autoStart);
}, t;
}(Ie.a), em = f(151), ho = f(98), fo = f(82);
ht.a.CreateDisc = function(r) {
var t = new Array(), e = new Array(), n = new Array(), i = new Array(), o = r.radius || 0.5, a = r.tessellation || 64, s = r.arc && (r.arc <= 0 || r.arc > 1) ? 1 : r.arc || 1, d = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE;
t.push(0, 0, 0), i.push(0.5, 0.5);
for (var p = 2 * Math.PI * s, y = s === 1 ? p / a : p / (a - 1), P = 0, R = 0; R < a; R++) {
var B = Math.cos(P), F = Math.sin(P), z = (B + 1) / 2, J = (1 - F) / 2;
t.push(o * B, o * F, 0), i.push(z, J), P += y;
s === 1 && (t.push(t[3], t[4], t[5]), i.push(i[2], i[3]));
for (var ie = t.length / 3, se = 1; se < ie - 1; se++)
e.push(se + 1, 0, se);
ht.a.ComputeNormals(t, e, n), ht.a._ComputeSides(d, t, e, n, i, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var ce = new ht.a();
return ce.indices = e, ce.positions = t, ce.normals = n, ce.uvs = i, ce;
}, Ie.a.CreateDisc = function(r, t, e, n, i, o) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var a = { radius: t, tessellation: e, sideOrientation: o, updatable: i };
return ha.CreateDisc(r, a, n);
var ha = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateDisc = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateDisc(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
ht.a.CreateTiledBox = function(r) {
for (var t = r.faceUV || new Array(6), e = r.faceColors, n = r.pattern || Ie.a.NO_FLIP, i = r.width || r.size || 1, o = r.height || r.size || 1, a = r.depth || r.size || 1, s = r.tileWidth || r.tileSize || 1, d = r.tileHeight || r.tileSize || 1, p = r.alignHorizontal || 0, y = r.alignVertical || 0, P = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE, R = 0; R < 6; R++)
t[R] === void 0 && (t[R] = new u.f(0, 0, 1, 1)), e && e[R] === void 0 && (e[R] = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1));
var B = i / 2, F = o / 2, z = a / 2, J = [];
for (R = 0; R < 2; R++)
J[R] = ht.a.CreateTiledPlane({ pattern: n, tileWidth: s, tileHeight: d, width: i, height: o, alignVertical: y, alignHorizontal: p, sideOrientation: P });
for (R = 2; R < 4; R++)
J[R] = ht.a.CreateTiledPlane({ pattern: n, tileWidth: s, tileHeight: d, width: a, height: o, alignVertical: y, alignHorizontal: p, sideOrientation: P });
var ie = y;
for (y === Ie.a.BOTTOM ? ie = Ie.a.TOP : y === Ie.a.TOP && (ie = Ie.a.BOTTOM), R = 4; R < 6; R++)
J[R] = ht.a.CreateTiledPlane({ pattern: n, tileWidth: s, tileHeight: d, width: i, height: a, alignVertical: ie, alignHorizontal: p, sideOrientation: P });
var se = [], ce = [], ue = [], fe = [], ve = [], Te = [], Re = [], Ae = [], Ee = 0, Se = 0, De = 0;
for (R = 0; R < 6; R++) {
Ee = J[R].positions.length, Te[R] = [], Re[R] = [];
for (var xe = 0; xe < Ee / 3; xe++)
Te[R].push(new u.e(J[R].positions[3 * xe], J[R].positions[3 * xe + 1], J[R].positions[3 * xe + 2])), Re[R].push(new u.e(J[R].normals[3 * xe], J[R].normals[3 * xe + 1], J[R].normals[3 * xe + 2]));
Se = J[R].uvs.length, Ae[R] = [];
for (var Le = 0; Le < Se; Le += 2)
Ae[R][Le] = t[R].x + (t[R].z - t[R].x) * J[R].uvs[Le], Ae[R][Le + 1] = t[R].y + (t[R].w - t[R].y) * J[R].uvs[Le + 1];
if (ue = ue.concat(Ae[R]), fe = fe.concat(J[R] {
return Ve + De;
})), De += Te[R].length, e)
for (var Me = 0; Me < 4; Me++)
ve.push(e[R].r, e[R].g, e[R].b, e[R].a);
var we = new u.e(0, 0, z), Ye = u.a.RotationY(Math.PI);
se = Te[0].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, Ye).add(we);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []), ce = Re[0].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, Ye);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []), se = se.concat(Te[1].map(function(Ve) {
return Ve.subtract(we);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ce = ce.concat(Re[1].map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []));
var et = new u.e(B, 0, 0), nt = u.a.RotationY(-Math.PI / 2);
se = se.concat(Te[2].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, nt).add(et);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ce = ce.concat(Re[2].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, nt);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []));
var ct = u.a.RotationY(Math.PI / 2);
se = se.concat(Te[3].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, ct).subtract(et);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ce = ce.concat(Re[3].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, ct);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []));
var Ke = new u.e(0, F, 0), rt = u.a.RotationX(Math.PI / 2);
se = se.concat(Te[4].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, rt).add(Ke);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ce = ce.concat(Re[4].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, rt);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, []));
var it = u.a.RotationX(-Math.PI / 2);
se = se.concat(Te[5].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, it).subtract(Ke);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ce = ce.concat(Re[5].map(function(Ve) {
return u.e.TransformNormal(Ve, it);
}).map(function(Ve) {
return [Ve.x, Ve.y, Ve.z];
}).reduce(function(Ve, Ze) {
return Ve.concat(Ze);
}, [])), ht.a._ComputeSides(P, se, fe, ce, ue);
var qe = new ht.a();
if (qe.indices = fe, qe.positions = se, qe.normals = ce, qe.uvs = ue, e) {
var ut = P === ht.a.DOUBLESIDE ? ve.concat(ve) : ve;
qe.colors = ut;
return qe;
var Zh = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateTiledBox = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateTiledBox(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
ht.a.CreateTorusKnot = function(r) {
var t, e, n = new Array(), i = new Array(), o = new Array(), a = new Array(), s = r.radius || 2, d = || 0.5, p = r.radialSegments || 32, y = r.tubularSegments || 32, P = r.p || 2, R = r.q || 3, B = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE, F = function(Le) {
var Me = Math.cos(Le), we = Math.sin(Le), Ye = R / P * Le, et = Math.cos(Ye), nt = s * (2 + et) * 0.5 * Me, ct = s * (2 + et) * we * 0.5, Ke = s * Math.sin(Ye) * 0.5;
return new u.e(nt, ct, Ke);
for (t = 0; t <= p; t++) {
var z = t % p / p * 2 * P * Math.PI, J = F(z), ie = F(z + 0.01), se = ie.subtract(J), ce = ie.add(J), ue = u.e.Cross(se, ce);
for (ce = u.e.Cross(ue, se), ue.normalize(), ce.normalize(), e = 0; e < y; e++) {
var fe = e % y / y * 2 * Math.PI, ve = -d * Math.cos(fe), Te = d * Math.sin(fe);
i.push(J.x + ve * ce.x + Te * ue.x), i.push(J.y + ve * ce.y + Te * ue.y), i.push(J.z + ve * ce.z + Te * ue.z), a.push(t / p), a.push(e / y);
for (t = 0; t < p; t++)
for (e = 0; e < y; e++) {
var Re = (e + 1) % y, Ae = t * y + e, Ee = (t + 1) * y + e, Se = (t + 1) * y + Re, De = t * y + Re;
n.push(De), n.push(Ee), n.push(Ae), n.push(De), n.push(Se), n.push(Ee);
ht.a.ComputeNormals(i, n, o), ht.a._ComputeSides(B, i, n, o, a, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var xe = new ht.a();
return xe.indices = n, xe.positions = i, xe.normals = o, xe.uvs = a, xe;
}, Ie.a.CreateTorusKnot = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y = { radius: t, tube: e, radialSegments: n, tubularSegments: i, p: o, q: a, sideOrientation: p, updatable: d };
return uc.CreateTorusKnot(r, y, s);
var uc = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateTorusKnot = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateTorusKnot(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
}(), tm = function(r) {
function t(e, n) {
var i =, e.x, e.y) || this;
return i.index = n, i;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t;
}(u.d), hc = function() {
function r() {
this.elements = new Array();
return r.prototype.add = function(t) {
var e = this, n = new Array();
return t.forEach(function(i) {
var o = new tm(i, e.elements.length);
n.push(o), e.elements.push(o);
}), n;
}, r.prototype.computeBounds = function() {
var t = new u.d(this.elements[0].x, this.elements[0].y), e = new u.d(this.elements[0].x, this.elements[0].y);
return this.elements.forEach(function(n) {
n.x < t.x ? t.x = n.x : n.x > e.x && (e.x = n.x), n.y < t.y ? t.y = n.y : n.y > e.y && (e.y = n.y);
}), { min: t, max: e, width: e.x - t.x, height: e.y - t.y };
}, r;
}(), nm = function() {
function r() {
return r.Rectangle = function(t, e, n, i) {
return [new u.d(t, e), new u.d(n, e), new u.d(n, i), new u.d(t, i)];
}, r.Circle = function(t, e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = 0), i === void 0 && (i = 32);
for (var o = new Array(), a = 0, s = 2 * Math.PI / i, d = 0; d < i; d++)
o.push(new u.d(e + Math.cos(a) * t, n + Math.sin(a) * t)), a -= s;
return o;
}, r.Parse = function(t) {
var e, n = t.split(/[^-+eE\.\d]+/).map(parseFloat).filter(function(o) {
return !isNaN(o);
}), i = [];
for (e = 0; e < (2147483646 & n.length); e += 2)
i.push(new u.d(n[e], n[e + 1]));
return i;
}, r.StartingAt = function(t, e) {
return Qe.f.StartingAt(t, e);
}, r;
}(), Jh = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
var o;
i === void 0 && (i = earcut), this._points = new hc(), this._outlinepoints = new hc(), this._holes = new Array(), this._epoints = new Array(), this._eholes = new Array(), this.bjsEarcut = i, this._name = t, this._scene = n || Ue.a.LastCreatedScene, o = e instanceof Qe.f ? e.getPoints() : e, this._addToepoint(o), this._points.add(o), this._outlinepoints.add(o), this.bjsEarcut === void 0 && l.a.Warn("Earcut was not found, the polygon will not be built.");
return r.prototype._addToepoint = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n = t; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
this._epoints.push(i.x, i.y);
}, r.prototype.addHole = function(t) {
var e = new hc();
return e.add(t), this._holes.push(e), this._eholes.push(this._epoints.length / 2), this._addToepoint(t), this;
}, = function(t, e) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = 0);
var n = new Ie.a(this._name, this._scene), i = this.buildVertexData(e);
return n.setVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, i.positions, t), n.setVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind, i.normals, t), n.setVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind, i.uvs, t), n.setIndices(i.indices), n;
}, r.prototype.buildVertexData = function(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = 0);
var n = new ht.a(), i = new Array(), o = new Array(), a = new Array(), s = this._points.computeBounds();
this._points.elements.forEach(function(J) {
i.push(0, 1, 0), o.push(J.x, 0, J.y), a.push((J.x - s.min.x) / s.width, (J.y - s.min.y) / s.height);
for (var d = new Array(), p = this.bjsEarcut(this._epoints, this._eholes, 2), y = 0; y < p.length; y++)
if (t > 0) {
var P = o.length / 3;
this._points.elements.forEach(function(J) {
i.push(0, -1, 0), o.push(J.x, -t, J.y), a.push(1 - (J.x - s.min.x) / s.width, 1 - (J.y - s.min.y) / s.height);
var R = d.length;
for (y = 0; y < R; y += 3) {
var B = d[y + 0], F = d[y + 1], z = d[y + 2];
d.push(z + P), d.push(F + P), d.push(B + P);
this.addSide(o, i, a, d, s, this._outlinepoints, t, !1), this._holes.forEach(function(J) {
e.addSide(o, i, a, d, s, J, t, !0);
return n.indices = d, n.positions = o, n.normals = i, n.uvs = a, n;
}, r.prototype.addSide = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
for (var p = t.length / 3, y = 0, P = 0; P < a.elements.length; P++) {
var R, B = a.elements[P];
R = P + 1 > a.elements.length - 1 ? a.elements[0] : a.elements[P + 1], t.push(B.x, 0, B.y), t.push(B.x, -s, B.y), t.push(R.x, 0, R.y), t.push(R.x, -s, R.y);
var F = new u.e(B.x, 0, B.y), z = new u.e(R.x, 0, R.y).subtract(F), J = new u.e(0, 1, 0), ie = u.e.Cross(z, J);
ie = ie.normalize(), n.push(y / o.width, 0), n.push(y / o.width, 1), y += z.length(), n.push(y / o.width, 0), n.push(y / o.width, 1), d ? (e.push(ie.x, ie.y, ie.z), e.push(ie.x, ie.y, ie.z), e.push(ie.x, ie.y, ie.z), e.push(ie.x, ie.y, ie.z), i.push(p), i.push(p + 2), i.push(p + 1), i.push(p + 1), i.push(p + 2), i.push(p + 3)) : (e.push(-ie.x, -ie.y, -ie.z), e.push(-ie.x, -ie.y, -ie.z), e.push(-ie.x, -ie.y, -ie.z), e.push(-ie.x, -ie.y, -ie.z), i.push(p), i.push(p + 1), i.push(p + 2), i.push(p + 1), i.push(p + 3), i.push(p + 2)), p += 4;
}, r;
ht.a.CreatePolygon = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
for (var s = e || new Array(3), d = n, p = [], y = a || !1, P = 0; P < 3; P++)
s[P] === void 0 && (s[P] = new u.f(0, 0, 1, 1)), d && d[P] === void 0 && (d[P] = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1));
var R = r.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), B = r.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), F = r.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), z = r.getIndices(), J = R.length / 9, ie = 0, se = 0, ce = 0, ue = 0, fe = [0];
if (y)
for (var ve = J; ve < R.length / 3; ve += 4)
se = R[3 * (ve + 2)] - R[3 * ve], ce = R[3 * (ve + 2) + 2] - R[3 * ve + 2], ue += Math.sqrt(se * se + ce * ce), fe.push(ue);
ve = 0;
for (var Te = 0, Re = 0; Re < B.length; Re += 3)
Math.abs(B[Re + 1]) < 1e-3 && (Te = 1), Math.abs(B[Re + 1] - 1) < 1e-3 && (Te = 0), Math.abs(B[Re + 1] + 1) < 1e-3 && (Te = 2), ve = Re / 3, Te === 1 ? (ie = ve - J, F[2 * ve] = ie % 4 < 1.5 ? y ? s[Te].x + (s[Te].z - s[Te].x) * fe[Math.floor(ie / 4)] / ue : s[Te].x : y ? s[Te].x + (s[Te].z - s[Te].x) * fe[Math.floor(ie / 4) + 1] / ue : s[Te].z, F[2 * ve + 1] = ie % 2 == 0 ? s[Te].w : s[Te].y) : (F[2 * ve] = (1 - F[2 * ve]) * s[Te].x + F[2 * ve] * s[Te].z, F[2 * ve + 1] = (1 - F[2 * ve + 1]) * s[Te].y + F[2 * ve + 1] * s[Te].w), d && p.push(d[Te].r, d[Te].g, d[Te].b, d[Te].a);
ht.a._ComputeSides(t, R, z, B, F, i, o);
var Ae = new ht.a();
if (Ae.indices = z, Ae.positions = R, Ae.normals = B, Ae.uvs = F, d) {
var Ee = t === ht.a.DOUBLESIDE ? p.concat(p) : p;
Ae.colors = Ee;
return Ae;
}, Ie.a.CreatePolygon = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
a === void 0 && (a = earcut);
var s = { shape: t, holes: n, updatable: i, sideOrientation: o };
return po.CreatePolygon(r, s, e, a);
}, Ie.a.ExtrudePolygon = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
s === void 0 && (s = earcut);
var d = { shape: t, holes: i, depth: e, updatable: o, sideOrientation: a };
return po.ExtrudePolygon(r, d, n, s);
var po = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreatePolygon = function(t, e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = earcut), e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation);
for (var o = e.shape, a = e.holes || [], s = e.depth || 0, d = [], p = [], y = 0; y < o.length; y++)
d[y] = new u.d(o[y].x, o[y].z);
d[0].equalsWithEpsilon(d[d.length - 1], 1e-8) && d.pop();
for (var P = new Jh(t, d, n || te.a.LastCreatedScene, i), R = 0; R < a.length; R++) {
p = [];
for (var B = 0; B < a[R].length; B++)
p.push(new u.d(a[R][B].x, a[R][B].z));
var F =, s);
return F._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreatePolygon(F, e.sideOrientation, e.faceUV, e.faceColors, e.frontUVs, e.backUVs, e.wrap).applyToMesh(F, e.updatable), F;
}, r.ExtrudePolygon = function(t, e, n, i) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = earcut), r.CreatePolygon(t, e, n, i);
}, r;
Ie.a.CreateLathe = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a) {
var s = { shape: t, radius: e, tessellation: n, sideOrientation: a, updatable: o };
return dc.CreateLathe(r, s, i);
var dc = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateLathe = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i, o = e.arc ? e.arc <= 0 || e.arc > 1 ? 1 : e.arc : 1, a = e.closed === void 0 || e.closed, s = e.shape, d = e.radius || 1, p = e.tessellation || 64, y = e.clip || 0, P = e.updatable, R = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), B = e.cap || Ie.a.NO_CAP, F = 2 * Math.PI, z = new Array(), J = e.invertUV || !1, ie = 0, se = 0, ce = F / p * o, ue = new Array();
for (ie = 0; ie <= p - y; ie++) {
for (ue = [], B != Ie.a.CAP_START && B != Ie.a.CAP_ALL || (ue.push(new u.e(0, s[0].y, 0)), ue.push(new u.e(Math.cos(ie * ce) * s[0].x * d, s[0].y, Math.sin(ie * ce) * s[0].x * d))), se = 0; se < s.length; se++)
i = new u.e(Math.cos(ie * ce) * s[se].x * d, s[se].y, Math.sin(ie * ce) * s[se].x * d), ue.push(i);
B != Ie.a.CAP_END && B != Ie.a.CAP_ALL || (ue.push(new u.e(Math.cos(ie * ce) * s[s.length - 1].x * d, s[s.length - 1].y, Math.sin(ie * ce) * s[s.length - 1].x * d)), ue.push(new u.e(0, s[s.length - 1].y, 0))), z.push(ue);
return fo.a.CreateRibbon(t, { pathArray: z, closeArray: a, sideOrientation: R, updatable: P, invertUV: J, frontUVs: e.frontUVs, backUVs: e.backUVs }, n);
}, r;
ht.a.CreateTiledPlane = function(r) {
var t = r.pattern || Ie.a.NO_FLIP, e = r.tileWidth || r.tileSize || 1, n = r.tileHeight || r.tileSize || 1, i = r.alignHorizontal || 0, o = r.alignVertical || 0, a = r.width || r.size || 1, s = Math.floor(a / e), d = a - s * e, p = r.height || r.size || 1, y = Math.floor(p / n), P = p - y * n, R = e * s / 2, B = n * y / 2, F = 0, z = 0, J = 0, ie = 0, se = 0, ce = 0;
if (d > 0 || P > 0) {
switch (J = -R, ie = -B, se = R, ce = B, i) {
case Ie.a.CENTER:
J -= d /= 2, se += d;
case Ie.a.LEFT:
se += d, F = -d / 2;
case Ie.a.RIGHT:
J -= d, F = d / 2;
switch (o) {
case Ie.a.CENTER:
ie -= P /= 2, ce += P;
case Ie.a.BOTTOM:
ce += P, z = -P / 2;
case Ie.a.TOP:
ie -= P, z = P / 2;
var ue = [], fe = [], ve = [];
ve[0] = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], ve[1] = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || (ve[1] = [1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || (ve[1] = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || (ve[1] = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]);
for (var Te = [], Re = [], Ae = [], Ee = 0, Se = 0; Se < y; Se++)
for (var De = 0; De < s; De++)
ue.push(De * e - R + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(De * e - R + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Te = t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE ? Te.concat(ve[(De % 2 + Se % 2) % 2]) : t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW ? Te.concat(ve[Se % 2]) : Te.concat(ve[0]), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1), Ee += 4;
if (d > 0 || P > 0) {
var xe, Le, Me, we, Ye = P > 0 && (o === Ie.a.CENTER || o === Ie.a.TOP), et = P > 0 && (o === Ie.a.CENTER || o === Ie.a.BOTTOM), nt = d > 0 && (i === Ie.a.CENTER || i === Ie.a.RIGHT), ct = d > 0 && (i === Ie.a.CENTER || i === Ie.a.LEFT), Ke = [];
if (Ye && nt && (ue.push(J + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push(-R + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push(-R + F, ie + P + z, 0), ue.push(J + F, ie + P + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Ke = [xe = 1 - d / e, Le = 1 - P / n, Me = 1, Le, Me, we = 1, xe, we], t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW && (Ke = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW && (Ke = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW && (Ke = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Te = Te.concat(Ke), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1)), Ye && ct && (ue.push(R + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, ie + P + z, 0), ue.push(R + F, ie + P + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Ke = [xe = 0, Le = 1 - P / n, Me = d / e, Le, Me, we = 1, xe, we], (t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && s % 2 == 0) && (Ke = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && s % 2 == 0) && (Ke = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && s % 2 == 0) && (Ke = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Te = Te.concat(Ke), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1)), et && nt && (ue.push(J + F, B + z, 0), ue.push(-R + F, B + z, 0), ue.push(-R + F, ce + z, 0), ue.push(J + F, ce + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Ke = [xe = 1 - d / e, Le = 0, Me = 1, Le, Me, we = P / n, xe, we], (t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && y % 1 == 0) && (Ke = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && y % 2 == 0) && (Ke = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && y % 2 == 0) && (Ke = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Te = Te.concat(Ke), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1)), et && ct && (ue.push(R + F, B + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, B + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, ce + z, 0), ue.push(R + F, ce + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Ke = [xe = 0, Le = 0, Me = d / e, Le, Me, we = P / n, xe, we], (t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && (y + s) % 2 == 1) && (Ke = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && (y + s) % 2 == 1) && (Ke = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), (t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW && y % 2 == 1 || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && (y + s) % 2 == 1) && (Ke = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Te = Te.concat(Ke), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1)), Ye) {
var rt = [];
for (xe = 0, Le = 1 - P / n, Me = 1, we = 1, rt[0] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], rt[1] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || (rt[1] = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || (rt[1] = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || (rt[1] = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), De = 0; De < s; De++)
ue.push(De * e - R + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, ie + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, ie + P + z, 0), ue.push(De * e - R + F, ie + P + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Te = t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE ? Te.concat(rt[(De + 1) % 2]) : t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW ? Te.concat(rt[1]) : Te.concat(rt[0]), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1);
if (et) {
var it = [];
for (xe = 0, Le = 0, Me = 1, we = P / n, it[0] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], it[1] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || (it[1] = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || (it[1] = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || (it[1] = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), De = 0; De < s; De++)
ue.push(De * e - R + F, ce - P + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, ce - P + z, 0), ue.push((De + 1) * e - R + F, ce + z, 0), ue.push(De * e - R + F, ce + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Te = t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE ? Te.concat(it[(De + y) % 2]) : t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW ? Te.concat(it[y % 2]) : Te.concat(it[0]), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1);
if (nt) {
var qe = [];
for (xe = 1 - d / e, Le = 0, Me = 1, we = 1, qe[0] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], qe[1] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || (qe[1] = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || (qe[1] = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || (qe[1] = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Se = 0; Se < y; Se++)
ue.push(J + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(J + d + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(J + d + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(J + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Te = t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE ? Te.concat(qe[(Se + 1) % 2]) : t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW ? Te.concat(qe[Se % 2]) : Te.concat(qe[0]), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1);
if (ct) {
var ut = [];
for (xe = 0, Le = 0, Me = d / n, we = 1, ut[0] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], ut[1] = [xe, Le, Me, Le, Me, we, xe, we], t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || (ut[1] = [1 - xe, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - Le, 1 - Me, 1 - we, 1 - xe, 1 - we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || (ut[1] = [1 - xe, Le, 1 - Me, Le, 1 - Me, we, 1 - xe, we]), t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE && t !== Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW || (ut[1] = [xe, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - Le, Me, 1 - we, xe, 1 - we]), Se = 0; Se < y; Se++)
ue.push(se - d + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, Se * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(se + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), ue.push(se - d + F, (Se + 1) * n - B + z, 0), Ae.push(Ee, Ee + 1, Ee + 3, Ee + 1, Ee + 2, Ee + 3), Ee += 4, Te = t === Ie.a.FLIP_TILE || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_TILE || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_TILE ? Te.concat(ut[(Se + s) % 2]) : t === Ie.a.FLIP_ROW || t === Ie.a.ROTATE_ROW || t === Ie.a.FLIP_N_ROTATE_ROW ? Te.concat(ut[Se % 2]) : Te.concat(ut[0]), Re.push(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1), fe.push(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1);
var Ve = r.sideOrientation === 0 ? 0 : r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE;
ht.a._ComputeSides(Ve, ue, Ae, fe, Te, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var Ze = new ht.a();
Ze.indices = Ae, Ze.positions = ue, Ze.normals = fe, Ze.uvs = Te;
var vt = Ve === ht.a.DOUBLESIDE ? Re.concat(Re) : Re;
return Ze.colors = vt, Ze;
var $h = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateTiledPlane = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateTiledPlane(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
Ie.a.CreateTube = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
var y = { path: t, radius: e, tessellation: n, radiusFunction: i, arc: 1, cap: o, updatable: s, sideOrientation: d, instance: p };
return fc.CreateTube(r, y, a);
var fc = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateTube = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = e.path, o = e.instance, a = 1;
e.radius !== void 0 ? a = e.radius : o && (a = o._creationDataStorage.radius);
var s = e.tessellation || 64, d = e.radiusFunction || null, p = e.cap || Ie.a.NO_CAP, y = e.invertUV || !1, P = e.updatable, R = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation);
e.arc = e.arc && (e.arc <= 0 || e.arc > 1) ? 1 : e.arc || 1;
var B, F, z = function(ce, ue, fe, ve, Te, Re, Ae, Ee) {
for (var Se, De, xe, Le, Me = ue.getTangents(), we = ue.getNormals(), Ye = ue.getDistances(), et = 2 * Math.PI / Te * Ee, nt = Re || function() {
return ve;
}, ct = u.c.Matrix[0], Ke = Ae === Ie.a.NO_CAP || Ae === Ie.a.CAP_END ? 0 : 2, rt = 0; rt < ce.length; rt++) {
De = nt(rt, Ye[rt]), Se = Array(), xe = we[rt];
for (var it = 0; it < Te; it++)
u.a.RotationAxisToRef(Me[rt], et * it, ct), Le = Se[it] ? Se[it] : u.e.Zero(), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(xe, ct, Le), Le.scaleInPlace(De).addInPlace(ce[rt]), Se[it] = Le;
fe[Ke] = Se, Ke++;
var qe = function(ut, Ve) {
for (var Ze = Array(), vt = 0; vt < ut; vt++)
return Ze;
switch (Ae) {
case Ie.a.NO_CAP:
case Ie.a.CAP_START:
fe[0] = qe(Te, 0), fe[1] = fe[2].slice(0);
case Ie.a.CAP_END:
fe[Ke] = fe[Ke - 1].slice(0), fe[Ke + 1] = qe(Te, ce.length - 1);
case Ie.a.CAP_ALL:
fe[0] = qe(Te, 0), fe[1] = fe[2].slice(0), fe[Ke] = fe[Ke - 1].slice(0), fe[Ke + 1] = qe(Te, ce.length - 1);
return fe;
if (o) {
var J = o._creationDataStorage, ie = e.arc || J.arc;
return F = z(i, B = J.path3D.update(i), J.pathArray, a, J.tessellation, d, J.cap, ie), o = fo.a.CreateRibbon("", { pathArray: F, instance: o }), J.path3D = B, J.pathArray = F, J.arc = ie, J.radius = a, o;
F = z(i, B = new Qe.g(i), new Array(), a, s, d, p = p < 0 || p > 3 ? 0 : p, e.arc);
var se = fo.a.CreateRibbon(t, { pathArray: F, closePath: !0, closeArray: !1, updatable: P, sideOrientation: R, invertUV: y, frontUVs: e.frontUVs, backUVs: e.backUVs }, n);
return se._creationDataStorage.pathArray = F, se._creationDataStorage.path3D = B, se._creationDataStorage.tessellation = s, se._creationDataStorage.cap = p, se._creationDataStorage.arc = e.arc, se._creationDataStorage.radius = a, se;
}, r;
ht.a.CreateIcoSphere = function(r) {
var t, e = r.sideOrientation || ht.a.DEFAULTSIDE, n = r.radius || 1, i = r.flat === void 0 || r.flat, o = r.subdivisions || 4, a = r.radiusX || n, s = r.radiusY || n, d = r.radiusZ || n, p = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2, y = [-1, p, -0, 1, p, 0, -1, -p, 0, 1, -p, 0, 0, -1, -p, 0, 1, -p, 0, -1, p, 0, 1, p, p, 0, 1, p, 0, -1, -p, 0, 1, -p, 0, -1], P = [0, 11, 5, 0, 5, 1, 0, 1, 7, 0, 7, 10, 12, 22, 23, 1, 5, 20, 5, 11, 4, 23, 22, 13, 22, 18, 6, 7, 1, 8, 14, 21, 4, 14, 4, 2, 16, 13, 6, 15, 6, 19, 3, 8, 9, 4, 21, 5, 13, 17, 23, 6, 13, 22, 19, 6, 18, 9, 8, 1], R = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 0, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11], B = [5, 1, 3, 1, 6, 4, 0, 0, 5, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 6, 0, 6, 2, 0, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 4, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 1, 3, 2, 4], F = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0], z = new Array(), J = new Array(), ie = new Array(), se = new Array(), ce = 0, ue = new Array(3), fe = new Array(3);
for (t = 0; t < 3; t++)
ue[t] = u.e.Zero(), fe[t] = u.d.Zero();
for (var ve = 0; ve < 20; ve++) {
for (t = 0; t < 3; t++) {
var Te = P[3 * ve + t];
ue[t].copyFromFloats(y[3 * R[Te]], y[3 * R[Te] + 1], y[3 * R[Te] + 2]), ue[t].normalize().scaleInPlace(n), fe[t].copyFromFloats(B[2 * Te] * (138 / 1024) + 60 / 1024 + F[ve] * (-40 / 1024), B[2 * Te + 1] * (239 / 1024) + 26 / 1024 + F[ve] * (20 / 1024));
for (var Re = function(De, xe, Le, Me) {
var we, Ye = u.e.Lerp(ue[0], ue[2], xe / o), et = u.e.Lerp(ue[1], ue[2], xe / o), nt = o === xe ? ue[2] : u.e.Lerp(Ye, et, De / (o - xe));
if (nt.normalize(), i) {
var ct = u.e.Lerp(ue[0], ue[2], Me / o), Ke = u.e.Lerp(ue[1], ue[2], Me / o);
we = u.e.Lerp(ct, Ke, Le / (o - Me));
} else
we = new u.e(nt.x, nt.y, nt.z);
we.x /= a, we.y /= s, we.z /= d, we.normalize();
var rt = u.d.Lerp(fe[0], fe[2], xe / o), it = u.d.Lerp(fe[1], fe[2], xe / o), qe = o === xe ? fe[2] : u.d.Lerp(rt, it, De / (o - xe));
J.push(nt.x * a, nt.y * s, nt.z * d), ie.push(we.x, we.y, we.z), se.push(qe.x, qe.y), z.push(ce), ce++;
}, Ae = 0; Ae < o; Ae++)
for (var Ee = 0; Ee + Ae < o; Ee++)
Re(Ee, Ae, Ee + 1 / 3, Ae + 1 / 3), Re(Ee + 1, Ae, Ee + 1 / 3, Ae + 1 / 3), Re(Ee, Ae + 1, Ee + 1 / 3, Ae + 1 / 3), Ee + Ae + 1 < o && (Re(Ee + 1, Ae, Ee + 2 / 3, Ae + 2 / 3), Re(Ee + 1, Ae + 1, Ee + 2 / 3, Ae + 2 / 3), Re(Ee, Ae + 1, Ee + 2 / 3, Ae + 2 / 3));
ht.a._ComputeSides(e, J, z, ie, se, r.frontUVs, r.backUVs);
var Se = new ht.a();
return Se.indices = z, Se.positions = J, Se.normals = ie, Se.uvs = se, Se;
}, Ie.a.CreateIcoSphere = function(r, t, e) {
return pc.CreateIcoSphere(r, t, e);
var pc = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateIcoSphere = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = null);
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return e.sideOrientation = Ie.a._GetDefaultSideOrientation(e.sideOrientation), i._originalBuilderSideOrientation = e.sideOrientation, ht.a.CreateIcoSphere(e).applyToMesh(i, e.updatable), i;
}, r;
Ie.a.CreateDecal = function(r, t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = { position: e, normal: n, size: i, angle: o };
return _c.CreateDecal(r, t, a);
var _c = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateDecal = function(t, e, n) {
var i = e.getIndices(), o = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), a = e.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), s = n.position || u.e.Zero(), d = n.normal || u.e.Up(), p = n.size || u.e.One(), y = n.angle || 0;
if (!d) {
var P = new u.e(0, 0, 1), R = e.getScene().activeCamera, B = u.e.TransformCoordinates(P, R.getWorldMatrix());
d = R.globalPosition.subtract(B);
var F = -Math.atan2(d.z, d.x) - Math.PI / 2, z = Math.sqrt(d.x * d.x + d.z * d.z), J = Math.atan2(d.y, z), ie = u.a.RotationYawPitchRoll(F, J, y).multiply(u.a.Translation(s.x, s.y, s.z)), se = u.a.Invert(ie), ce = e.getWorldMatrix().multiply(se), ue = new ht.a();
ue.indices = [], ue.positions = [], ue.normals = [], ue.uvs = [];
for (var fe = 0, ve = function(xe) {
var Le = new bs();
if (!i || !o || !a)
return Le;
var Me = i[xe];
return Le.position = new u.e(o[3 * Me], o[3 * Me + 1], o[3 * Me + 2]), Le.position = u.e.TransformCoordinates(Le.position, ce), Le.normal = new u.e(a[3 * Me], a[3 * Me + 1], a[3 * Me + 2]), Le.normal = u.e.TransformNormal(Le.normal, ce), Le;
}, Te = function(xe, Le) {
if (xe.length === 0)
return xe;
for (var Me = 0.5 * Math.abs(u.e.Dot(p, Le)), we = function(Ve, Ze) {
var vt = u.e.GetClipFactor(Ve.position, Ze.position, Le, Me);
return new bs(u.e.Lerp(Ve.position, Ze.position, vt), u.e.Lerp(Ve.normal, Ze.normal, vt));
}, Ye = new Array(), et = 0; et < xe.length; et += 3) {
var nt, ct, Ke, rt = null, it = null, qe = null, ut = null;
switch (((nt = u.e.Dot(xe[et].position, Le) - Me > 0) ? 1 : 0) + ((ct = u.e.Dot(xe[et + 1].position, Le) - Me > 0) ? 1 : 0) + ((Ke = u.e.Dot(xe[et + 2].position, Le) - Me > 0) ? 1 : 0)) {
case 0:
Ye.push(xe[et]), Ye.push(xe[et + 1]), Ye.push(xe[et + 2]);
case 1:
if (nt && (rt = xe[et + 1], it = xe[et + 2], qe = we(xe[et], rt), ut = we(xe[et], it)), ct) {
rt = xe[et], it = xe[et + 2], qe = we(xe[et + 1], rt), ut = we(xe[et + 1], it), Ye.push(qe), Ye.push(it.clone()), Ye.push(rt.clone()), Ye.push(it.clone()), Ye.push(qe.clone()), Ye.push(ut);
Ke && (rt = xe[et], it = xe[et + 1], qe = we(xe[et + 2], rt), ut = we(xe[et + 2], it)), rt && it && qe && ut && (Ye.push(rt.clone()), Ye.push(it.clone()), Ye.push(qe), Ye.push(ut), Ye.push(qe.clone()), Ye.push(it.clone()));
case 2:
nt || (it = we(rt = xe[et].clone(), xe[et + 1]), qe = we(rt, xe[et + 2]), Ye.push(rt), Ye.push(it), Ye.push(qe)), ct || (it = we(rt = xe[et + 1].clone(), xe[et + 2]), qe = we(rt, xe[et]), Ye.push(rt), Ye.push(it), Ye.push(qe)), Ke || (it = we(rt = xe[et + 2].clone(), xe[et]), qe = we(rt, xe[et + 1]), Ye.push(rt), Ye.push(it), Ye.push(qe));
return Ye;
}, Re = 0; Re < i.length; Re += 3) {
var Ae = new Array();
if (Ae.push(ve(Re)), Ae.push(ve(Re + 1)), Ae.push(ve(Re + 2)), Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(1, 0, 0)), Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(-1, 0, 0)), Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(0, 1, 0)), Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(0, -1, 0)), Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(0, 0, 1)), (Ae = Te(Ae, new u.e(0, 0, -1))).length !== 0)
for (var Ee = 0; Ee < Ae.length; Ee++) {
var Se = Ae[Ee];
ue.indices.push(fe), Se.position.toArray(ue.positions, 3 * fe), Se.normal.toArray(ue.normals, 3 * fe), ue.uvs.push(0.5 + Se.position.x / p.x), ue.uvs.push(0.5 + Se.position.y / p.y), fe++;
var De = new Ie.a(t, e.getScene());
return ue.applyToMesh(De), De.position = s.clone(), De.rotation = new u.e(J, F, y), De;
}, r;
ht.a.CreateCapsule = function(r) {
r === void 0 && (r = { subdivisions: 2, tessellation: 16, height: 1, radius: 0.25, capSubdivisions: 6 });
var t, e, n = Math.max(r.subdivisions ? r.subdivisions : 2, 1), i = Math.max(r.tessellation ? r.tessellation : 16, 3), o = Math.max(r.height ? r.height : 1, 0), a = Math.max(r.radius ? r.radius : 0.25, 0), s = Math.max(r.capSubdivisions ? r.capSubdivisions : 6, 1), d = i, p = n, y = Math.max(r.radiusTop ? r.radiusTop : a, 0), P = Math.max(r.radiusBottom ? r.radiusBottom : a, 0), R = o - (y + P), B = 2 * Math.PI, F = Math.max(r.topCapSubdivisions ? r.topCapSubdivisions : s, 1), z = Math.max(r.bottomCapSubdivisions ? r.bottomCapSubdivisions : s, 1), J = Math.acos((P - y) / o), ie = [], se = [], ce = [], ue = [], fe = 0, ve = [], Te = 0.5 * R, Re = 0.5 * Math.PI, Ae = u.e.Zero(), Ee = u.e.Zero(), Se = Math.cos(J), De = Math.sin(J), xe = new u.d(y * De, Te + y * Se).subtract(new u.d(P * De, P * Se - Te)).length(), Le = y * J + xe + P * (Re - J), Me = 0;
for (e = 0; e <= F; e++) {
var we = [], Ye = Re - J * (e / F);
Me += y * J / F;
var et = Math.cos(Ye), nt = Math.sin(Ye), ct = et * y;
for (t = 0; t <= d; t++) {
var Ke = (Ve = t / d) * B + 0, rt = Math.sin(Ke), it = Math.cos(Ke);
Ee.x = ct * rt, Ee.y = Te + nt * y, Ee.z = ct * it, se.push(Ee.x, Ee.y, Ee.z), Ae.set(et * rt, nt, et * it), ce.push(Ae.x, Ae.y, Ae.z), ue.push(Ve, 1 - Me / Le), we.push(fe), fe++;
var qe = o - y - P + Se * y - Se * P, ut = De * (P - y) / qe;
for (e = 1; e <= p; e++) {
for (we = [], Me += xe / p, ct = De * (e * (P - y) / p + y), t = 0; t <= d; t++)
Ke = (Ve = t / d) * B + 0, rt = Math.sin(Ke), it = Math.cos(Ke), Ee.x = ct * rt, Ee.y = Te + Se * y - e * qe / p, Ee.z = ct * it, se.push(Ee.x, Ee.y, Ee.z), Ae.set(rt, ut, it).normalize(), ce.push(Ae.x, Ae.y, Ae.z), ue.push(Ve, 1 - Me / Le), we.push(fe), fe++;
for (e = 1; e <= z; e++) {
for (we = [], Ye = Re - J - (Math.PI - J) * (e / z), Me += P * J / z, et = Math.cos(Ye), nt = Math.sin(Ye), ct = et * P, t = 0; t <= d; t++) {
var Ve;
Ke = (Ve = t / d) * B + 0, rt = Math.sin(Ke), it = Math.cos(Ke), Ee.x = ct * rt, Ee.y = nt * P - Te, Ee.z = ct * it, se.push(Ee.x, Ee.y, Ee.z), Ae.set(et * rt, nt, et * it), ce.push(Ae.x, Ae.y, Ae.z), ue.push(Ve, 1 - Me / Le), we.push(fe), fe++;
for (t = 0; t < d; t++)
for (e = 0; e < F + p + z; e++) {
var Ze = ve[e][t], vt = ve[e + 1][t], jt = ve[e + 1][t + 1], Dt = ve[e][t + 1];
ie.push(Ze), ie.push(vt), ie.push(Dt), ie.push(vt), ie.push(jt), ie.push(Dt);
if (ie = ie.reverse(), r.orientation && !r.orientation.equals(u.e.Up())) {
var Yt = new u.a();
r.orientation.clone().scale(0.5 * Math.PI).cross(u.e.Up()).toQuaternion().toRotationMatrix(Yt);
for (var mt = u.e.Zero(), qt = 0; qt < se.length; qt += 3)
mt.set(se[qt], se[qt + 1], se[qt + 2]), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(mt.clone(), Yt, mt), se[qt] = mt.x, se[qt + 1] = mt.y, se[qt + 2] = mt.z;
var Ht = new ht.a();
return Ht.positions = se, Ht.normals = ce, Ht.uvs = ue, Ht.indices = ie, Ht;
}, Ie.a.CreateCapsule = function(r, t, e) {
return mc.CreateCapsule(r, t, e);
var _o, mc = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateCapsule = function(t, e, n) {
e === void 0 && (e = { orientation: u.e.Up(), subdivisions: 2, tessellation: 16, height: 1, radius: 0.25, capSubdivisions: 6 });
var i = new Ie.a(t, n);
return ht.a.CreateCapsule(e).applyToMesh(i), i;
}, r;
}(), im = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateBox = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), fr.a.CreateBox(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateTiledBox = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Zh.CreateTiledBox(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateSphere = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Nn.a.CreateSphere(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateDisc = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), ha.CreateDisc(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateIcoSphere = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), pc.CreateIcoSphere(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateRibbon = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), fo.a.CreateRibbon(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateCylinder = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), ci.a.CreateCylinder(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateTorus = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), lr.CreateTorus(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateTorusKnot = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), uc.CreateTorusKnot(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateLineSystem = function(t, e, n) {
return sn.a.CreateLineSystem(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateLines = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), sn.a.CreateLines(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateDashedLines = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), sn.a.CreateDashedLines(t, e, n);
}, r.ExtrudeShape = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Jo.a.ExtrudeShape(t, e, n);
}, r.ExtrudeShapeCustom = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Jo.a.ExtrudeShapeCustom(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateLathe = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), dc.CreateLathe(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateTiledPlane = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), $h.CreateTiledPlane(t, e, n);
}, r.CreatePlane = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), gs.a.CreatePlane(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateGround = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Mi.CreateGround(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateTiledGround = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Mi.CreateTiledGround(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateGroundFromHeightMap = function(t, e, n, i) {
return i === void 0 && (i = null), Mi.CreateGroundFromHeightMap(t, e, n, i);
}, r.CreatePolygon = function(t, e, n, i) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = earcut), po.CreatePolygon(t, e, n, i);
}, r.ExtrudePolygon = function(t, e, n, i) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = earcut), po.ExtrudePolygon(t, e, n, i);
}, r.CreateTube = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), fc.CreateTube(t, e, n);
}, r.CreatePolyhedron = function(t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = null), Qr.CreatePolyhedron(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateDecal = function(t, e, n) {
return _c.CreateDecal(t, e, n);
}, r.CreateCapsule = function(t, e, n) {
return e === void 0 && (e = { orientation: u.e.Up(), subdivisions: 2, tessellation: 16, height: 1, radius: 0.25, capSubdivisions: 6 }), n === void 0 && (n = null), mc.CreateCapsule(t, e, n);
}, r;
}(), rm = function(r, t, e) {
this.quality = r, this.distance = t, this.optimizeMesh = e;
}, ed = function() {
function r() {
this.running = !1, this._simplificationArray = [];
return r.prototype.addTask = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.executeNext = function() {
var t = this._simplificationArray.pop();
t ? (this.running = !0, this.runSimplification(t)) : this.running = !1;
}, r.prototype.runSimplification = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (t.parallelProcessing)
t.settings.forEach(function(i) {
e.getSimplifier(t).simplify(i, function(o) {
i.distance !== void 0 && t.mesh.addLODLevel(i.distance, o), o.isVisible = !0, i.quality === t.settings[t.settings.length - 1].quality && t.successCallback && t.successCallback(), e.executeNext();
else {
var n = this.getSimplifier(t);
Xe.a.Run(t.settings.length, function(i) {
var o, a;
o = t.settings[i.index], a = function() {
}, n.simplify(o, function(s) {
o.distance !== void 0 && t.mesh.addLODLevel(o.distance, s), s.isVisible = !0, a();
}, function() {
t.successCallback && t.successCallback(), e.executeNext();
}, r.prototype.getSimplifier = function(t) {
switch (t.simplificationType) {
case _o.QUADRATIC:
return new nd(t.mesh);
}, r;
(function(r) {
})(_o || (_o = {}));
var om = function(r) {
this.vertices = r, this.error = new Array(4), this.deleted = !1, this.isDirty = !1, this.deletePending = !1, this.borderFactor = 0;
}, am = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.position = t, = e, this.isBorder = !0, this.q = new td(), this.triangleCount = 0, this.triangleStart = 0, this.originalOffsets = [];
return r.prototype.updatePosition = function(t) {
}, r;
}(), td = function() {
function r(t) { = new Array(10);
for (var e = 0; e < 10; ++e)
t && t[e] ?[e] = t[e] :[e] = 0;
return r.prototype.det = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
return[t] *[o] *[p] +[n] *[i] *[d] +[e] *[a] *[s] -[n] *[o] *[s] -[t] *[a] *[d] -[e] *[i] *[p];
}, r.prototype.addInPlace = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < 10; ++e)[e] +=[e];
}, r.prototype.addArrayInPlace = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < 10; ++e)[e] += t[e];
}, r.prototype.add = function(t) {
for (var e = new r(), n = 0; n < 10; ++n)[n] =[n] +[n];
return e;
}, r.FromData = function(t, e, n, i) {
return new r(r.DataFromNumbers(t, e, n, i));
}, r.DataFromNumbers = function(t, e, n, i) {
return [t * t, t * e, t * n, t * i, e * e, e * n, e * i, n * n, n * i, i * i];
}, r;
}(), sm = function(r, t) {
this.vertexId = r, this.triangleId = t;
}, nd = function() {
function r(t) {
this._mesh = t, this.syncIterations = 5e3, this.aggressiveness = 7, this.decimationIterations = 100, this.boundingBoxEpsilon = Vt.a;
return r.prototype.simplify = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
this.initDecimatedMesh(), Xe.a.Run(this._mesh.subMeshes.length, function(i) {
n.initWithMesh(i.index, function() {
n.runDecimation(t, i.index, function() {
}, t.optimizeMesh);
}, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
}, r.prototype.runDecimation = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this, o = ~~(this.triangles.length * t.quality), a = 0, s = this.triangles.length;
Xe.a.Run(this.decimationIterations, function(d) {
var p, y;
s - a <= o ? d.breakLoop() : (p = d.index, y = function() {
}, setTimeout(function() {
p % 5 == 0 && i.updateMesh(p === 0);
for (var P = 0; P < i.triangles.length; ++P)
i.triangles[P].isDirty = !1;
var R = 1e-9 * Math.pow(p + 3, i.aggressiveness);
Xe.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(i.triangles.length, i.syncIterations, function(B) {
var F = ~~((i.triangles.length / 2 + B) % i.triangles.length), z = i.triangles[F];
if (z && !(z.error[3] > R || z.deleted || z.isDirty)) {
for (var J = 0; J < 3; ++J)
if (z.error[J] < R) {
var ie = [], se = [], ce = z.vertices[J], ue = z.vertices[(J + 1) % 3];
if (ce.isBorder || ue.isBorder)
var fe = u.e.Zero();
i.calculateError(ce, ue, fe);
var ve = new Array();
if (i.isFlipped(ce, ue, fe, ie, ve) || i.isFlipped(ue, ce, fe, se, ve) || ie.indexOf(!0) < 0 || se.indexOf(!0) < 0)
var Te = new Array();
if (ve.forEach(function(Se) {
Te.indexOf(Se) === -1 && (Se.deletePending = !0, Te.push(Se));
}), Te.length % 2 != 0)
ce.q = ue.q.add(ce.q), ce.updatePosition(fe);
var Re = i.references.length;
a = i.updateTriangles(ce, ce, ie, a), a = i.updateTriangles(ce, ue, se, a);
var Ae = i.references.length - Re;
if (Ae <= ce.triangleCount) {
if (Ae)
for (var Ee = 0; Ee < Ae; Ee++)
i.references[ce.triangleStart + Ee] = i.references[Re + Ee];
} else
ce.triangleStart = Re;
ce.triangleCount = Ae;
}, y, function() {
return s - a <= o;
}, 0));
}, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
i.reconstructMesh(e), n();
}, 0);
}, r.prototype.initWithMesh = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
this.vertices = [], this.triangles = [];
var o = this._mesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), a = this._mesh.getIndices(), s = this._mesh.subMeshes[t], d = [], p = s.verticesCount;
Xe.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(p, this.syncIterations / 4 >> 0, function(y) {
if (o) {
var P = y + s.verticesStart, R = u.e.FromArray(o, 3 * P), B = function(F) {
if (n) {
for (var z = 0; z < i.vertices.length; ++z)
if (i.vertices[z].position.equalsWithEpsilon(F, 1e-4))
return i.vertices[z];
return null;
}(R) || new am(R, i.vertices.length);
B.originalOffsets.push(P), === i.vertices.length && i.vertices.push(B), d.push(;
}, function() {
Xe.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(s.indexCount / 3, i.syncIterations, function(y) {
if (a) {
var P = 3 * (s.indexStart / 3 + y), R = a[P + 0], B = a[P + 1], F = a[P + 2], z = i.vertices[d[R - s.verticesStart]], J = i.vertices[d[B - s.verticesStart]], ie = i.vertices[d[F - s.verticesStart]], se = new om([z, J, ie]);
se.originalOffset = P, i.triangles.push(se);
}, function() {
}, r.prototype.init = function(t) {
var e = this;
Xe.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(this.triangles.length, this.syncIterations, function(n) {
var i = e.triangles[n];
i.normal = u.e.Cross(i.vertices[1].position.subtract(i.vertices[0].position), i.vertices[2].position.subtract(i.vertices[0].position)).normalize();
for (var o = 0; o < 3; o++)
i.vertices[o].q.addArrayInPlace(td.DataFromNumbers(i.normal.x, i.normal.y, i.normal.z, -u.e.Dot(i.normal, i.vertices[0].position)));
}, function() {
Xe.a.SyncAsyncForLoop(e.triangles.length, e.syncIterations, function(n) {
for (var i = e.triangles[n], o = 0; o < 3; ++o)
i.error[o] = e.calculateError(i.vertices[o], i.vertices[(o + 1) % 3]);
i.error[3] = Math.min(i.error[0], i.error[1], i.error[2]);
}, function() {
}, r.prototype.reconstructMesh = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o = [];
for (e = 0; e < this.vertices.length; ++e)
this.vertices[e].triangleCount = 0;
for (e = 0; e < this.triangles.length; ++e)
if (!this.triangles[e].deleted) {
for (n = this.triangles[e], i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
n.vertices[i].triangleCount = 1;
var a = this._reconstructedMesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind) || [], s = this._reconstructedMesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind) || [], d = this._reconstructedMesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind) || [], p = this._reconstructedMesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind) || [], y = this._mesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), P = this._mesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), R = this._mesh.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), B = 0;
for (e = 0; e < this.vertices.length; ++e) {
var F = this.vertices[e]; = B, F.triangleCount && F.originalOffsets.forEach(function(fe) {
a.push(F.position.x), a.push(F.position.y), a.push(F.position.z), y && y.length && (s.push(y[3 * fe]), s.push(y[3 * fe + 1]), s.push(y[3 * fe + 2])), P && P.length && (d.push(P[2 * fe]), d.push(P[2 * fe + 1])), R && R.length && (p.push(R[4 * fe]), p.push(R[4 * fe + 1]), p.push(R[4 * fe + 2]), p.push(R[4 * fe + 3])), ++B;
var z = this._reconstructedMesh.getTotalIndices(), J = this._reconstructedMesh.getTotalVertices(), ie = this._reconstructedMesh.subMeshes;
this._reconstructedMesh.subMeshes = [];
var se = this._reconstructedMesh.getIndices(), ce = this._mesh.getIndices();
for (e = 0; e < o.length; ++e)
n = o[e], [0, 1, 2].forEach(function(fe) {
var ve = ce[n.originalOffset + fe], Te = n.vertices[fe].originalOffsets.indexOf(ve);
Te < 0 && (Te = 0), se.push(n.vertices[fe].id + Te + J);
this._reconstructedMesh.setIndices(se), this._reconstructedMesh.setVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, a), s.length > 0 && this._reconstructedMesh.setVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind, s), d.length > 0 && this._reconstructedMesh.setVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind, d), p.length > 0 && this._reconstructedMesh.setVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind, p);
var ue = this._mesh.subMeshes[t];
t > 0 && (this._reconstructedMesh.subMeshes = [], ie.forEach(function(fe) {
uo.a.AddToMesh(fe.materialIndex, fe.verticesStart, fe.verticesCount, fe.indexStart, fe.indexCount, fe.getMesh());
}), uo.a.AddToMesh(ue.materialIndex, J, B, z, 3 * o.length, this._reconstructedMesh));
}, r.prototype.initDecimatedMesh = function() {
this._reconstructedMesh = new Ie.a( + "Decimated", this._mesh.getScene()), this._reconstructedMesh.material = this._mesh.material, this._reconstructedMesh.parent = this._mesh.parent, this._reconstructedMesh.isVisible = !1, this._reconstructedMesh.renderingGroupId = this._mesh.renderingGroupId;
}, r.prototype.isFlipped = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
for (var a = 0; a < t.triangleCount; ++a) {
var s = this.triangles[this.references[t.triangleStart + a].triangleId];
if (!s.deleted) {
var d = this.references[t.triangleStart + a].vertexId, p = s.vertices[(d + 1) % 3], y = s.vertices[(d + 2) % 3];
if (p !== e && y !== e) {
var P = p.position.subtract(n);
P = P.normalize();
var R = y.position.subtract(n);
if (R = R.normalize(), Math.abs(u.e.Dot(P, R)) > 0.999)
return !0;
var B = u.e.Cross(P, R).normalize();
if (i[a] = !1, u.e.Dot(B, s.normal) < 0.2)
return !0;
} else
i[a] = !0, o.push(s);
return !1;
}, r.prototype.updateTriangles = function(t, e, n, i) {
for (var o = i, a = 0; a < e.triangleCount; ++a) {
var s = this.references[e.triangleStart + a], d = this.triangles[s.triangleId];
d.deleted || (n[a] && d.deletePending ? (d.deleted = !0, o++) : (d.vertices[s.vertexId] = t, d.isDirty = !0, d.error[0] = this.calculateError(d.vertices[0], d.vertices[1]) + d.borderFactor / 2, d.error[1] = this.calculateError(d.vertices[1], d.vertices[2]) + d.borderFactor / 2, d.error[2] = this.calculateError(d.vertices[2], d.vertices[0]) + d.borderFactor / 2, d.error[3] = Math.min(d.error[0], d.error[1], d.error[2]), this.references.push(s)));
return o;
}, r.prototype.identifyBorder = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this.vertices.length; ++t) {
var e, n = [], i = [], o = this.vertices[t];
for (e = 0; e < o.triangleCount; ++e)
for (var a = this.triangles[this.references[o.triangleStart + e].triangleId], s = 0; s < 3; s++) {
for (var d = 0, p = a.vertices[s]; d < n.length && i[d] !==; )
d === n.length ? (n.push(1), i.push( : n[d]++;
for (e = 0; e < n.length; ++e)
n[e] === 1 ? this.vertices[i[e]].isBorder = !0 : this.vertices[i[e]].isBorder = !1;
}, r.prototype.updateMesh = function(t) {
var e, n, i, o;
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), !t) {
var a = [];
for (e = 0; e < this.triangles.length; ++e)
this.triangles[e].deleted || a.push(this.triangles[e]);
this.triangles = a;
for (e = 0; e < this.vertices.length; ++e)
this.vertices[e].triangleCount = 0, this.vertices[e].triangleStart = 0;
for (e = 0; e < this.triangles.length; ++e)
for (n = this.triangles[e], i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
(o = n.vertices[i]).triangleCount++;
var s = 0;
for (e = 0; e < this.vertices.length; ++e)
this.vertices[e].triangleStart = s, s += this.vertices[e].triangleCount, this.vertices[e].triangleCount = 0;
var d = new Array(3 * this.triangles.length);
for (e = 0; e < this.triangles.length; ++e)
for (n = this.triangles[e], i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
d[(o = n.vertices[i]).triangleStart + o.triangleCount] = new sm(i, e), o.triangleCount++;
this.references = d, t && this.identifyBorder();
}, r.prototype.vertexError = function(t, e) {
var n = e.x, i = e.y, o = e.z;
return[0] * n * n + 2 *[1] * n * i + 2 *[2] * n * o + 2 *[3] * n +[4] * i * i + 2 *[5] * i * o + 2 *[6] * i +[7] * o * o + 2 *[8] * o +[9];
}, r.prototype.calculateError = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.q.add(e.q), o = t.isBorder && e.isBorder, a = 0, s = i.det(0, 1, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 5, 7);
if (s === 0 || o) {
var d = t.position.add(e.position).divide(new u.e(2, 2, 2)), p = this.vertexError(i, t.position), y = this.vertexError(i, e.position), P = this.vertexError(i, d);
(a = Math.min(p, y, P)) === p ? n && n.copyFrom(t.position) : a === y ? n && n.copyFrom(e.position) : n && n.copyFrom(d);
} else
n || (n = u.e.Zero()), n.x = -1 / s * i.det(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 8), n.y = 1 / s * i.det(0, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 8), n.z = -1 / s * i.det(0, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 5, 8), a = this.vertexError(i, n);
return a;
}, r;
Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "simplificationQueue", { get: function() {
if (!this._simplificationQueue) {
this._simplificationQueue = new ed();
var r = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_SIMPLIFICATIONQUEUE);
r || (r = new id(this), this._addComponent(r));
return this._simplificationQueue;
}, set: function(r) {
this._simplificationQueue = r;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Ie.a.prototype.simplify = function(r, t, e, n) {
return t === void 0 && (t = !0), e === void 0 && (e = _o.QUADRATIC), this.getScene().simplificationQueue.addTask({ settings: r, parallelProcessing: t, mesh: this, simplificationType: e, successCallback: n }), this;
var id = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_SIMPLIFICATIONQUEUE, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeCameraUpdateStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECAMERAUPDATE_SIMPLIFICATIONQUEUE, this, this._beforeCameraUpdate);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype._beforeCameraUpdate = function() {
this.scene._simplificationQueue && !this.scene._simplificationQueue.running && this.scene._simplificationQueue.executeNext();
}, r;
}(), cm = f(149), lm = f(88);
Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceAdd = function(r, t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !0), this._thinInstanceUpdateBufferSize("matrix", Array.isArray(r) ? r.length : 1);
var e = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount;
if (Array.isArray(r))
for (var n = 0; n < r.length; ++n)
this.thinInstanceSetMatrixAt(this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount++, r[n], n === r.length - 1 && t);
this.thinInstanceSetMatrixAt(this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount++, r, t);
return e;
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceAddSelf = function(r) {
return r === void 0 && (r = !0), this.thinInstanceAdd(u.a.IdentityReadOnly, r);
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceRegisterAttribute = function(r, t) {
this.removeVerticesData(r), this._thinInstanceInitializeUserStorage(), this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r] = t, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r] = t * Math.max(32, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount),[r] = new Float32Array(this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r]), this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r] = new Oe.b(this.getEngine(),[r], r, !0, !1, t, !0), this.setVerticesBuffer(this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r]);
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceSetMatrixAt = function(r, t, e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !0), !this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData || r >= this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount)
return !1;
var n = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData;
return t.copyToArray(n, 16 * r), this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices && (this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices[r] = t), e && (this.thinInstanceBufferUpdated("matrix"), this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo || this.thinInstanceRefreshBoundingInfo(!1)), !0;
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceSetAttributeAt = function(r, t, e, n) {
return n === void 0 && (n = !0), !(!this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage || ![r] || t >= this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount) && (this._thinInstanceUpdateBufferSize(r, 0),[r].set(e, t * this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r]), n && this.thinInstanceBufferUpdated(r), !0);
}, Object.defineProperty(Ie.a.prototype, "thinInstanceCount", { get: function() {
return this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount;
}, set: function(r) {
var t, e;
r <= ((e = (t = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.length) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : 0) / 16 && (this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount = r);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceSetBuffer = function(r, t, e, n) {
var i, o;
if (e === void 0 && (e = 0), n === void 0 && (n = !1), e = e || 16, r === "matrix")
if ((i = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer) === null || i === void 0 || i.dispose(), this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer = null, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize = t ? t.length : 32 * e, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData = t, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices = null, t !== null) {
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount = t.length / e;
var a = new Oe.a(this.getEngine(), t, !n, e, !1, !0);
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer = a, this.setVerticesBuffer(a.createVertexBuffer("world0", 0, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(a.createVertexBuffer("world1", 4, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(a.createVertexBuffer("world2", 8, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(a.createVertexBuffer("world3", 12, 4)), this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo || this.thinInstanceRefreshBoundingInfo(!1);
} else
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount = 0, this.doNotSyncBoundingInfo || this.refreshBoundingInfo(!0);
t === null ? !((o = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage) === null || o === void 0) &&[r] && (this.removeVerticesData(r), delete[r], delete this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r], delete this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r], delete this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r]) : (this._thinInstanceInitializeUserStorage(),[r] = t, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r] = e, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r] = t.length, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r] = new Oe.b(this.getEngine(), t, r, !n, !1, e, !0), this.setVerticesBuffer(this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r]));
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceBufferUpdated = function(r) {
var t;
r === "matrix" ? this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer && this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer.updateDirectly(this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData, 0, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount) : !((t = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage) === null || t === void 0) && t.vertexBuffers[r] && this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r].updateDirectly([r], 0);
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstancePartialBufferUpdate = function(r, t, e) {
var n;
r === "matrix" ? this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer && this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer.updateDirectly(t, e) : !((n = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage) === null || n === void 0) && n.vertexBuffers[r] && this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r].updateDirectly(t, e);
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceGetWorldMatrices = function() {
if (!this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData || !this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer)
return [];
var r = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData;
if (!this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices) {
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices = new Array();
for (var t = 0; t < this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount; ++t)
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices[t] = u.a.FromArray(r, 16 * t);
return this._thinInstanceDataStorage.worldMatrices;
}, Ie.a.prototype.thinInstanceRefreshBoundingInfo = function(r) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = !1), this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData && this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer) {
var t = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.boundingVectors;
r && (t.length = 0, this.refreshBoundingInfo(!0));
var e = this.getBoundingInfo(), n = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData;
if (t.length === 0)
for (var i = 0; i < e.boundingBox.vectors.length; ++i)
u.c.Vector3[0].setAll(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), u.c.Vector3[1].setAll(Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
for (var o = 0; o < this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount; ++o)
for (u.a.FromArrayToRef(n, 16 * o, u.c.Matrix[0]), i = 0; i < t.length; ++i)
u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(t[i], u.c.Matrix[0], u.c.Vector3[2]), u.c.Vector3[0].minimizeInPlace(u.c.Vector3[2]), u.c.Vector3[1].maximizeInPlace(u.c.Vector3[2]);
e.reConstruct(u.c.Vector3[0], u.c.Vector3[1]), this._updateBoundingInfo();
}, Ie.a.prototype._thinInstanceUpdateBufferSize = function(r, t) {
var e, n;
t === void 0 && (t = 1);
var i = r === "matrix";
if (i || this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage && this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r]) {
for (var o = i ? 16 : this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.strides[r], a = i ? this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize : this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r], s = i ? this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData :[r], d = (this._thinInstanceDataStorage.instancesCount + t) * o, p = a; p < d; )
p *= 2;
if (!s || a != p) {
if (s) {
var y = new Float32Array(p);
y.set(s, 0), s = y;
} else
s = new Float32Array(p);
if (i) {
(e = this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer) === null || e === void 0 || e.dispose();
var P = new Oe.a(this.getEngine(), s, !0, o, !1, !0);
this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer = P, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixData = s, this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBufferSize = p, this.setVerticesBuffer(P.createVertexBuffer("world0", 0, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(P.createVertexBuffer("world1", 4, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(P.createVertexBuffer("world2", 8, 4)), this.setVerticesBuffer(P.createVertexBuffer("world3", 12, 4));
} else
(n = this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r]) === null || n === void 0 || n.dispose(),[r] = s, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.sizes[r] = p, this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r] = new Oe.b(this.getEngine(), s, r, !0, !1, o, !0), this.setVerticesBuffer(this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage.vertexBuffers[r]);
}, Ie.a.prototype._thinInstanceInitializeUserStorage = function() {
this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage || (this._userThinInstanceBuffersStorage = { data: {}, sizes: {}, vertexBuffers: {}, strides: {} });
}, Ie.a.prototype._disposeThinInstanceSpecificData = function() {
var r;
!((r = this._thinInstanceDataStorage) === null || r === void 0) && r.matrixBuffer && (this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer.dispose(), this._thinInstanceDataStorage.matrixBuffer = null);
var um = function() {
function r(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = Recast), this.bjsRECAST = {}, = "RecastJSPlugin", this._maximumSubStepCount = 10, this._timeStep = 1 / 60, typeof t == "function" ? t(this.bjsRECAST) : this.bjsRECAST = t, this.isSupported() ? this.setTimeStep() : l.a.Error("RecastJS is not available. Please make sure you included the js file.");
return r.prototype.setTimeStep = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 1 / 60), this._timeStep = t;
}, r.prototype.getTimeStep = function() {
return this._timeStep;
}, r.prototype.setMaximumSubStepCount = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = 10), this._maximumSubStepCount = t;
}, r.prototype.getMaximumSubStepCount = function() {
return this._maximumSubStepCount;
}, r.prototype.createNavMesh = function(t, e) {
var n, i, o, a = new this.bjsRECAST.rcConfig();
a.cs = e.cs, =, a.borderSize = 0, a.tileSize = 0, a.walkableSlopeAngle = e.walkableSlopeAngle, a.walkableHeight = e.walkableHeight, a.walkableClimb = e.walkableClimb, a.walkableRadius = e.walkableRadius, a.maxEdgeLen = e.maxEdgeLen, a.maxSimplificationError = e.maxSimplificationError, a.minRegionArea = e.minRegionArea, a.mergeRegionArea = e.mergeRegionArea, a.maxVertsPerPoly = e.maxVertsPerPoly, a.detailSampleDist = e.detailSampleDist, a.detailSampleMaxError = e.detailSampleMaxError, this.navMesh = new this.bjsRECAST.NavMesh();
var s = [], d = [], p = 0;
for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if (t[n]) {
var y = t[n], P = y.getIndices();
if (!P)
var R = y.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, !1, !1);
if (!R)
var B = y.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
for (i = 0; i < P.length; i++)
s.push(P[i] + p);
var F = u.e.Zero(), z = u.e.Zero();
for (o = 0; o < R.length; o += 3)
u.e.FromArrayToRef(R, o, z), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(z, B, F), d.push(F.x, F.y, F.z);
p += R.length / 3;
}, p, s, s.length, a);
}, r.prototype.createDebugNavMesh = function(t) {
var e, n, i = this.navMesh.getDebugNavMesh(), o = i.getTriangleCount(), a = [], s = [];
for (e = 0; e < 3 * o; e++)
for (e = 0; e < o; e++)
for (n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
var d = i.getTriangle(e).getPoint(n);
s.push(d.x, d.y, d.z);
var p = new Ie.a("NavMeshDebug", t), y = new ht.a();
return y.indices = a, y.positions = s, y.applyToMesh(p, !1), p;
}, r.prototype.getClosestPoint = function(t) {
var e = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), n = this.navMesh.getClosestPoint(e);
return new u.e(n.x, n.y, n.z);
}, r.prototype.getClosestPointToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), i = this.navMesh.getClosestPoint(n);
e.set(i.x, i.y, i.z);
}, r.prototype.getRandomPointAround = function(t, e) {
var n = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), i = this.navMesh.getRandomPointAround(n, e);
return new u.e(i.x, i.y, i.z);
}, r.prototype.getRandomPointAroundToRef = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), o = this.navMesh.getRandomPointAround(i, e);
n.set(o.x, o.y, o.z);
}, r.prototype.moveAlong = function(t, e) {
var n = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), i = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z), o = this.navMesh.moveAlong(n, i);
return new u.e(o.x, o.y, o.z);
}, r.prototype.moveAlongToRef = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), o = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z), a = this.navMesh.moveAlong(i, o);
n.set(a.x, a.y, a.z);
}, r.prototype.computePath = function(t, e) {
var n, i = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), o = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z), a = this.navMesh.computePath(i, o), s = a.getPointCount(), d = [];
for (n = 0; n < s; n++) {
var p = a.getPoint(n);
d.push(new u.e(p.x, p.y, p.z));
return d;
}, r.prototype.createCrowd = function(t, e, n) {
return new rd(this, t, e, n);
}, r.prototype.setDefaultQueryExtent = function(t) {
var e = new this.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z);
}, r.prototype.getDefaultQueryExtent = function() {
var t = this.navMesh.getDefaultQueryExtent();
return new u.e(t.x, t.y, t.z);
}, r.prototype.buildFromNavmeshData = function(t) {
var e = t.length * t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, n = this.bjsRECAST._malloc(e), i = new Uint8Array(this.bjsRECAST.HEAPU8.buffer, n, e);
var o = new this.bjsRECAST.NavmeshData();
o.dataPointer = i.byteOffset, o.size = t.length, this.navMesh = new this.bjsRECAST.NavMesh(), this.navMesh.buildFromNavmeshData(o), this.bjsRECAST._free(i.byteOffset);
}, r.prototype.getNavmeshData = function() {
var t = this.navMesh.getNavmeshData(), e = new Uint8Array(this.bjsRECAST.HEAPU8.buffer, t.dataPointer, t.size), n = new Uint8Array(t.size);
return n.set(e), this.navMesh.freeNavmeshData(t), n;
}, r.prototype.getDefaultQueryExtentToRef = function(t) {
var e = this.navMesh.getDefaultQueryExtent();
t.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype.isSupported = function() {
return this.bjsRECAST !== void 0;
}, r;
}(), rd = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
this.recastCrowd = {}, this.transforms = new Array(), this.agents = new Array(), this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = null, this.bjsRECASTPlugin = t, this.recastCrowd = new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.Crowd(e, n, this.bjsRECASTPlugin.navMesh.getNavMesh()), this._scene = i, this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = i.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.add(function() {
o.update(1e-3 * i.getEngine().getDeltaTime());
return r.prototype.addAgent = function(t, e, n) {
var i = new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.dtCrowdAgentParams();
i.radius = e.radius, i.height = e.height, i.maxAcceleration = e.maxAcceleration, i.maxSpeed = e.maxSpeed, i.collisionQueryRange = e.collisionQueryRange, i.pathOptimizationRange = e.pathOptimizationRange, i.separationWeight = e.separationWeight, i.updateFlags = 7, i.obstacleAvoidanceType = 0, i.queryFilterType = 0, i.userData = 0;
var o = this.recastCrowd.addAgent(new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z), i);
return this.transforms.push(n), this.agents.push(o), o;
}, r.prototype.getAgentPosition = function(t) {
var e = this.recastCrowd.getAgentPosition(t);
return new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentPositionToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = this.recastCrowd.getAgentPosition(t);
e.set(n.x, n.y, n.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentVelocity = function(t) {
var e = this.recastCrowd.getAgentVelocity(t);
return new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentVelocityToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = this.recastCrowd.getAgentVelocity(t);
e.set(n.x, n.y, n.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentNextTargetPath = function(t) {
var e = this.recastCrowd.getAgentNextTargetPath(t);
return new u.e(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentNextTargetPathToRef = function(t, e) {
var n = this.recastCrowd.getAgentNextTargetPath(t);
e.set(n.x, n.y, n.z);
}, r.prototype.getAgentState = function(t) {
return this.recastCrowd.getAgentState(t);
}, r.prototype.overOffmeshConnection = function(t) {
return this.recastCrowd.overOffmeshConnection(t);
}, r.prototype.agentGoto = function(t, e) {
this.recastCrowd.agentGoto(t, new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z));
}, r.prototype.agentTeleport = function(t, e) {
this.recastCrowd.agentTeleport(t, new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z));
}, r.prototype.updateAgentParameters = function(t, e) {
var n = this.recastCrowd.getAgentParameters(t);
e.radius !== void 0 && (n.radius = e.radius), e.height !== void 0 && (n.height = e.height), e.maxAcceleration !== void 0 && (n.maxAcceleration = e.maxAcceleration), e.maxSpeed !== void 0 && (n.maxSpeed = e.maxSpeed), e.collisionQueryRange !== void 0 && (n.collisionQueryRange = e.collisionQueryRange), e.pathOptimizationRange !== void 0 && (n.pathOptimizationRange = e.pathOptimizationRange), e.separationWeight !== void 0 && (n.separationWeight = e.separationWeight), this.recastCrowd.setAgentParameters(t, n);
}, r.prototype.removeAgent = function(t) {
var e = this.agents.indexOf(t);
e > -1 && (this.agents.splice(e, 1), this.transforms.splice(e, 1));
}, r.prototype.getAgents = function() {
return this.agents;
}, r.prototype.update = function(t) {
var e = this.bjsRECASTPlugin.getTimeStep(), n = this.bjsRECASTPlugin.getMaximumSubStepCount();
if (e <= Vt.a)
else {
var i = t / e;
n && i > n && (i = n), i < 1 && (i = 1);
for (var o = 0; o < i; o++)
for (var a = 0; a < this.agents.length; a++)
this.transforms[a].position = this.getAgentPosition(this.agents[a]);
}, r.prototype.setDefaultQueryExtent = function(t) {
var e = new this.bjsRECASTPlugin.bjsRECAST.Vec3(t.x, t.y, t.z);
}, r.prototype.getDefaultQueryExtent = function() {
var t = this.recastCrowd.getDefaultQueryExtent();
return new u.e(t.x, t.y, t.z);
}, r.prototype.getDefaultQueryExtentToRef = function(t) {
var e = this.recastCrowd.getDefaultQueryExtent();
t.set(e.x, e.y, e.z);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.recastCrowd.destroy(), this._scene.onBeforeAnimationsObservable.remove(this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver), this._onBeforeAnimationsObserver = null;
}, r;
Ue.a.OfflineProviderFactory = function(r, t, e) {
return e === void 0 && (e = !1), new od(r, t, e);
var Rr, od = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._idbFactory = typeof window < "u" ? window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB : indexedDB, this._callbackManifestChecked = e, this._currentSceneUrl = r._ReturnFullUrlLocation(t), this._db = null, this._enableSceneOffline = !1, this._enableTexturesOffline = !1, this._manifestVersionFound = 0, this._mustUpdateRessources = !1, this._hasReachedQuota = !1, r.IDBStorageEnabled ? n ? (this._enableSceneOffline = !0, this._enableTexturesOffline = !0, this._manifestVersionFound = 1, Xe.b.SetImmediate(function() {
})) : this._checkManifestFile() : this._callbackManifestChecked(!0);
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enableSceneOffline", { get: function() {
return this._enableSceneOffline;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enableTexturesOffline", { get: function() {
return this._enableTexturesOffline;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._checkManifestFile = function() {
var t = this, e = function() {
t._enableSceneOffline = !1, t._enableTexturesOffline = !1, t._callbackManifestChecked(!1);
}, n = !1, i = this._currentSceneUrl + ".manifest", o = new re.a();
navigator.onLine && (n = !0, i = i + (i.match(/\?/) == null ? "?" : "&") +,"GET", i), o.addEventListener("load", function() {
if (o.status === 200 || r._ValidateXHRData(o, 1))
try {
var a = JSON.parse(o.response);
t._enableSceneOffline = a.enableSceneOffline, t._enableTexturesOffline = a.enableTexturesOffline && r.IsUASupportingBlobStorage, a.version && !isNaN(parseInt(a.version)) && (t._manifestVersionFound = a.version), t._callbackManifestChecked && t._callbackManifestChecked(!0);
} catch {
}, !1), o.addEventListener("error", function() {
if (n) {
n = !1;
var a = t._currentSceneUrl + ".manifest";"GET", a), o.send();
} else
}, !1);
try {
} catch {
l.a.Error("Error on XHR send request."), this._callbackManifestChecked(!1);
}, = function(t, e) {
var n = this, i = function() {
n._isSupported = !1, e && e();
if (this._idbFactory && (this._enableSceneOffline || this._enableTexturesOffline))
if (this._db)
t && t();
else {
this._hasReachedQuota = !1, this._isSupported = !0;
var o ="babylonjs", 1);
o.onerror = function() {
}, o.onblocked = function() {
l.a.Error("IDB request blocked. Please reload the page."), i();
}, o.onsuccess = function() {
n._db = o.result, t();
}, o.onupgradeneeded = function(a) {
if (n._db =, n._db)
try {
n._db.createObjectStore("scenes", { keyPath: "sceneUrl" }), n._db.createObjectStore("versions", { keyPath: "sceneUrl" }), n._db.createObjectStore("textures", { keyPath: "textureUrl" });
} catch (s) {
l.a.Error("Error while creating object stores. Exception: " + s.message), i();
this._isSupported = !1, e && e();
}, r.prototype.loadImage = function(t, e) {
var n = this, i = r._ReturnFullUrlLocation(t), o = function() {
n._hasReachedQuota || n._db === null ? e.src = t : n._saveImageIntoDBAsync(i, e);
this._mustUpdateRessources ? o() : this._loadImageFromDBAsync(i, e, o);
}, r.prototype._loadImageFromDBAsync = function(t, e, n) {
if (this._isSupported && this._db !== null) {
var i, o = this._db.transaction(["textures"]);
o.onabort = function() {
e.src = t;
}, o.oncomplete = function() {
var s;
if (i) {
var d = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
s = d.createObjectURL(, e.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error loading image from blob URL: " + s + " switching back to web url: " + t), e.src = t;
}, e.src = s;
} else
var a = o.objectStore("textures").get(t);
a.onsuccess = function(s) {
i =;
}, a.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error loading texture " + t + " from DB."), e.src = t;
} else
l.a.Error("Error: IndexedDB not supported by your browser or BabylonJS Database is not open."), e.src = t;
}, r.prototype._saveImageIntoDBAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (this._isSupported) {
var i = function() {
var s;
if (o) {
var d = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
try {
s = d.createObjectURL(o);
} catch {
s = d.createObjectURL(o);
s && (e.src = s);
if (r.IsUASupportingBlobStorage) {
var o, a = new re.a();"GET", t), a.responseType = "blob", a.addEventListener("load", function() {
if (a.status === 200 && n._db) {
o = a.response;
var s = n._db.transaction(["textures"], "readwrite");
s.onabort = function(y) {
try {
var P = (y.srcElement ||;
P && === "QuotaExceededError" && (n._hasReachedQuota = !0);
} catch {
}, s.oncomplete = function() {
var d = { textureUrl: t, data: o };
try {
var p = s.objectStore("textures").put(d);
p.onsuccess = function() {
}, p.onerror = function() {
} catch (y) {
y.code === 25 && (r.IsUASupportingBlobStorage = !1, n._enableTexturesOffline = !1), e.src = t;
} else
e.src = t;
}, !1), a.addEventListener("error", function() {
l.a.Error("Error in XHR request in BABYLON.Database."), e.src = t;
}, !1), a.send();
} else
e.src = t;
} else
l.a.Error("Error: IndexedDB not supported by your browser or Babylon.js database is not open."), e.src = t;
}, r.prototype._checkVersionFromDB = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
this._loadVersionFromDBAsync(t, e, function() {
n._saveVersionIntoDBAsync(t, e);
}, r.prototype._loadVersionFromDBAsync = function(t, e, n) {
var i, o = this;
if (this._isSupported && this._db)
try {
var a = this._db.transaction(["versions"]);
a.oncomplete = function() {
i ? o._manifestVersionFound !== ? (o._mustUpdateRessources = !0, n()) : e( : (o._mustUpdateRessources = !0, n());
}, a.onabort = function() {
var s = a.objectStore("versions").get(t);
s.onsuccess = function(d) {
i =;
}, s.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error loading version for scene " + t + " from DB."), e(-1);
} catch (d) {
l.a.Error("Error while accessing 'versions' object store (READ OP). Exception: " + d.message), e(-1);
l.a.Error("Error: IndexedDB not supported by your browser or Babylon.js database is not open."), e(-1);
}, r.prototype._saveVersionIntoDBAsync = function(t, e) {
var n = this;
if (this._isSupported && !this._hasReachedQuota && this._db)
try {
var i = this._db.transaction(["versions"], "readwrite");
i.onabort = function(s) {
try {
var d = s.srcElement.error;
d && === "QuotaExceededError" && (n._hasReachedQuota = !0);
} catch {
}, i.oncomplete = function() {
var o = { sceneUrl: t, data: this._manifestVersionFound }, a = i.objectStore("versions").put(o);
a.onsuccess = function() {
}, a.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error in DB add version request in BABYLON.Database.");
} catch (s) {
l.a.Error("Error while accessing 'versions' object store (WRITE OP). Exception: " + s.message), e(-1);
}, r.prototype.loadFile = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this, s = r._ReturnFullUrlLocation(t), d = function() {
a._saveFileAsync(s, e, n, o, i);
this._checkVersionFromDB(s, function(p) {
p !== -1 ? a._mustUpdateRessources ? a._saveFileAsync(s, e, n, o, i) : a._loadFileAsync(s, e, d) : i && i();
}, r.prototype._loadFileAsync = function(t, e, n) {
if (this._isSupported && this._db) {
var i, o;
i = t.indexOf(".babylon") !== -1 ? "scenes" : "textures";
var a = this._db.transaction([i]);
a.oncomplete = function() {
o ? e( : n();
}, a.onabort = function() {
var s = a.objectStore(i).get(t);
s.onsuccess = function(d) {
o =;
}, s.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error loading file " + t + " from DB."), n();
} else
l.a.Error("Error: IndexedDB not supported by your browser or BabylonJS Database is not open."), e();
}, r.prototype._saveFileAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
if (this._isSupported) {
var s;
s = t.indexOf(".babylon") !== -1 ? "scenes" : "textures";
var d, p = new re.a();"GET", t + "?" +, i && (p.responseType = "arraybuffer"), n && (p.onprogress = n), p.addEventListener("load", function() {
if (p.status === 200 || p.status < 400 && r._ValidateXHRData(p, i ? 6 : 1))
if (d = i ? p.response : p.responseText, !a._hasReachedQuota && a._db) {
var y, P = a._db.transaction([s], "readwrite");
P.onabort = function(B) {
try {
var F = B.srcElement.error;
F && === "QuotaExceededError" && (a._hasReachedQuota = !0);
} catch {
}, P.oncomplete = function() {
}, y = s === "scenes" ? { sceneUrl: t, data: d, version: a._manifestVersionFound } : { textureUrl: t, data: d };
try {
var R = P.objectStore(s).put(y);
R.onsuccess = function() {
}, R.onerror = function() {
l.a.Error("Error in DB add file request in BABYLON.Database.");
} catch {
} else
p.status >= 400 && o ? o(p) : e();
}, !1), p.addEventListener("error", function() {
l.a.Error("error on XHR request."), e();
}, !1), p.send();
} else
l.a.Error("Error: IndexedDB not supported by your browser or Babylon.js database is not open."), e();
}, r._ValidateXHRData = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 7);
try {
if (1 & e) {
if (t.responseText && t.responseText.length > 0)
return !0;
if (e === 1)
return !1;
if (2 & e) {
var n = ta.GetTGAHeader(t.response);
if (n.width && n.height && n.width > 0 && n.height > 0)
return !0;
if (e === 2)
return !1;
if (4 & e) {
var i = new Uint8Array(t.response, 0, 3);
return i[0] === 68 && i[1] === 68 && i[2] === 83;
} catch {
return !1;
}, r.IsUASupportingBlobStorage = !0, r.IDBStorageEnabled = !1, r._ParseURL = function(t) {
document.createElement("a").href = t;
var e = t.substring(0, t.lastIndexOf("#")), n = t.substring(e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, t.length);
return t.substring(0, t.indexOf(n, 0));
}, r._ReturnFullUrlLocation = function(t) {
return t.indexOf("http:/") === -1 && t.indexOf("https:/") === -1 && typeof window < "u" ? r._ParseURL(window.location.href) + t : t;
}, r;
}(), gc = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.gradient = t, this.color1 = e, this.color2 = n;
return r.prototype.getColorToRef = function(t) {
this.color2 ? I.b.LerpToRef(this.color1, this.color2, Math.random(), t) : t.copyFrom(this.color1);
}, r;
}(), ad = function(r, t) {
this.gradient = r, this.color = t;
}, vc = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.gradient = t, this.factor1 = e, this.factor2 = n;
return r.prototype.getFactor = function() {
return this.factor2 === void 0 || this.factor2 === this.factor1 ? this.factor1 : this.factor1 + (this.factor2 - this.factor1) * Math.random();
}, r;
}(), On = function() {
function r() {
return r.GetCurrentGradient = function(t, e, n) {
if (e[0].gradient > t)
n(e[0], e[0], 1);
else {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length - 1; i++) {
var o = e[i], a = e[i + 1];
if (t >= o.gradient && t <= a.gradient)
return void n(o, a, (t - o.gradient) / (a.gradient - o.gradient));
var s = e.length - 1;
n(e[s], e[s], 1);
}, r;
}(), sd = function() {
function r(t) {
this.particleSystem = t, this.position = u.e.Zero(), this.direction = u.e.Zero(), this.color = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this.colorStep = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this.lifeTime = 1, this.age = 0, this.size = 0, this.scale = new u.d(1, 1), this.angle = 0, this.angularSpeed = 0, this.cellIndex = 0, this._attachedSubEmitters = null, this._currentColor1 = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._currentColor2 = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._currentSize1 = 0, this._currentSize2 = 0, this._currentAngularSpeed1 = 0, this._currentAngularSpeed2 = 0, this._currentVelocity1 = 0, this._currentVelocity2 = 0, this._currentLimitVelocity1 = 0, this._currentLimitVelocity2 = 0, this._currentDrag1 = 0, this._currentDrag2 = 0, = r._Count++, this.particleSystem.isAnimationSheetEnabled && this.updateCellInfoFromSystem();
return r.prototype.updateCellInfoFromSystem = function() {
this.cellIndex = this.particleSystem.startSpriteCellID;
}, r.prototype.updateCellIndex = function() {
var t = this.age, e = this.particleSystem.spriteCellChangeSpeed;
this.particleSystem.spriteRandomStartCell && (this._randomCellOffset === void 0 && (this._randomCellOffset = Math.random() * this.lifeTime), e === 0 ? (e = 1, t = this._randomCellOffset) : t += this._randomCellOffset);
var n = this._initialEndSpriteCellID - this._initialStartSpriteCellID, i = $.a.Clamp(t * e % this.lifeTime / this.lifeTime);
this.cellIndex = this._initialStartSpriteCellID + i * n | 0;
}, r.prototype._inheritParticleInfoToSubEmitter = function(t) {
if (t.particleSystem.emitter.position) {
var e = t.particleSystem.emitter;
if (e.position.copyFrom(this.position), t.inheritDirection) {
var n = u.c.Vector3[0];
this.direction.normalizeToRef(n), e.setDirection(n, 0, Math.PI / 2);
} else
this.direction.scaleToRef(t.inheritedVelocityAmount / 2, u.c.Vector3[0]), t.particleSystem._inheritedVelocityOffset.copyFrom(u.c.Vector3[0]);
}, r.prototype._inheritParticleInfoToSubEmitters = function() {
var t = this;
this._attachedSubEmitters && this._attachedSubEmitters.length > 0 && this._attachedSubEmitters.forEach(function(e) {
}, r.prototype._reset = function() {
this.age = 0, = r._Count++, this._currentColorGradient = null, this._currentSizeGradient = null, this._currentAngularSpeedGradient = null, this._currentVelocityGradient = null, this._currentLimitVelocityGradient = null, this._currentDragGradient = null, this.cellIndex = this.particleSystem.startSpriteCellID, this._randomCellOffset = void 0;
}, r.prototype.copyTo = function(t) {
t.position.copyFrom(this.position), this._initialDirection ? t._initialDirection ? t._initialDirection.copyFrom(this._initialDirection) : t._initialDirection = this._initialDirection.clone() : t._initialDirection = null, t.direction.copyFrom(this.direction), this._localPosition && (t._localPosition ? t._localPosition.copyFrom(this._localPosition) : t._localPosition = this._localPosition.clone()), t.color.copyFrom(this.color), t.colorStep.copyFrom(this.colorStep), t.lifeTime = this.lifeTime, t.age = this.age, t._randomCellOffset = this._randomCellOffset, t.size = this.size, t.scale.copyFrom(this.scale), t.angle = this.angle, t.angularSpeed = this.angularSpeed, t.particleSystem = this.particleSystem, t.cellIndex = this.cellIndex, =, t._attachedSubEmitters = this._attachedSubEmitters, this._currentColorGradient && (t._currentColorGradient = this._currentColorGradient, t._currentColor1.copyFrom(this._currentColor1), t._currentColor2.copyFrom(this._currentColor2)), this._currentSizeGradient && (t._currentSizeGradient = this._currentSizeGradient, t._currentSize1 = this._currentSize1, t._currentSize2 = this._currentSize2), this._currentAngularSpeedGradient && (t._currentAngularSpeedGradient = this._currentAngularSpeedGradient, t._currentAngularSpeed1 = this._currentAngularSpeed1, t._currentAngularSpeed2 = this._currentAngularSpeed2), this._currentVelocityGradient && (t._currentVelocityGradient = this._currentVelocityGradient, t._currentVelocity1 = this._currentVelocity1, t._currentVelocity2 = this._currentVelocity2), this._currentLimitVelocityGradient && (t._currentLimitVelocityGradient = this._currentLimitVelocityGradient, t._currentLimitVelocity1 = this._currentLimitVelocity1, t._currentLimitVelocity2 = this._currentLimitVelocity2), this._currentDragGradient && (t._currentDragGradient = this._currentDragGradient, t._currentDrag1 = this._currentDrag1, t._currentDrag2 = this._currentDrag2), this.particleSystem.isAnimationSheetEnabled && (t._initialStartSpriteCellID = this._initialStartSpriteCellID, t._initialEndSpriteCellID = this._initialEndSpriteCellID), this.particleSystem.useRampGradients && (t.remapData && this.remapData ? t.remapData.copyFrom(this.remapData) : t.remapData = new u.f(0, 0, 0, 0)), this._randomNoiseCoordinates1 && (t._randomNoiseCoordinates1 ? (t._randomNoiseCoordinates1.copyFrom(this._randomNoiseCoordinates1), t._randomNoiseCoordinates2.copyFrom(this._randomNoiseCoordinates2)) : (t._randomNoiseCoordinates1 = this._randomNoiseCoordinates1.clone(), t._randomNoiseCoordinates2 = this._randomNoiseCoordinates2.clone()));
}, r._Count = 0, r;
(function(r) {
r[r.ATTACHED = 0] = "ATTACHED", r[r.END = 1] = "END";
})(Rr || (Rr = {}));
var mo = function() {
function r(t) {
if (this.particleSystem = t, this.type = Rr.END, this.inheritDirection = !1, this.inheritedVelocityAmount = 0, !t.emitter || !t.emitter.dispose) {
var e = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.AbstractMesh");
t.emitter = new e("SubemitterSystemEmitter", t.getScene());
t.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
t.emitter && t.emitter.dispose && t.emitter.dispose();
return r.prototype.clone = function() {
var t = this.particleSystem.emitter;
t ? t instanceof u.e ? t = t.clone() : t.getClassName().indexOf("Mesh") !== -1 && ((t = new (O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Mesh"))("", t.getScene())).isVisible = !1) : t = new u.e();
var e = new r(this.particleSystem.clone("", t));
return += "Clone", e.type = this.type, e.inheritDirection = this.inheritDirection, e.inheritedVelocityAmount = this.inheritedVelocityAmount, e.particleSystem._disposeEmitterOnDispose = !0, e.particleSystem.disposeOnStop = !0, e;
}, r.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t.type = this.type, t.inheritDirection = this.inheritDirection, t.inheritedVelocityAmount = this.inheritedVelocityAmount, t.particleSystem = this.particleSystem.serialize(), t;
}, r._ParseParticleSystem = function(t, e, n) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("ParseParticle");
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.particleSystem, o = new r(r._ParseParticleSystem(i, e, n));
return o.type = t.type, o.inheritDirection = t.inheritDirection, o.inheritedVelocityAmount = t.inheritedVelocityAmount, o.particleSystem._isSubEmitter = !0, o;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
}(), hm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
uniform vec4 textureMask;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
varying vec4 remapRanges;
uniform sampler2D rampSampler;
void main(void) {
vec4 textureColor=texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV);
vec4 baseColor=(textureColor*textureMask+(vec4(1.,1.,1.,1.)-textureMask))*vColor;
float alpha=baseColor.a;
float remappedColorIndex=clamp((alpha-remapRanges.x)/remapRanges.y,0.0,1.0);
vec4 rampColor=texture2D(rampSampler,vec2(1.0-remappedColorIndex,0.));
float finalAlpha=baseColor.a;
float sourceAlpha=vColor.a*textureColor.a;
ze.a.ShadersStore.particlesPixelShader = hm;
var dm = `
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec4 color;
attribute float angle;
attribute vec2 size;
attribute float cellIndex;
attribute vec3 direction;
attribute vec3 direction;
attribute vec4 remapData;
attribute vec2 offset;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform vec2 translationPivot;
uniform vec3 particlesInfos;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec3 vPositionW;
varying vec4 remapRanges;
#if defined(BILLBOARD) && !defined(BILLBOARDY) && !defined(BILLBOARDSTRETCHED)
uniform mat4 invView;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
vec3 rotate(vec3 yaxis,vec3 rotatedCorner) {
vec3 xaxis=normalize(cross(vec3(0.,1.0,0.),yaxis));
vec3 zaxis=normalize(cross(yaxis,xaxis));
vec3 row0=vec3(xaxis.x,xaxis.y,xaxis.z);
vec3 row1=vec3(yaxis.x,yaxis.y,yaxis.z);
vec3 row2=vec3(zaxis.x,zaxis.y,zaxis.z);
mat3 rotMatrix=mat3(row0,row1,row2);
vec3 alignedCorner=rotMatrix*rotatedCorner;
return position+alignedCorner;
vec3 rotateAlign(vec3 toCamera,vec3 rotatedCorner) {
vec3 normalizedToCamera=normalize(toCamera);
vec3 normalizedCrossDirToCamera=normalize(cross(normalize(direction),normalizedToCamera));
vec3 crossProduct=normalize(cross(normalizedToCamera,normalizedCrossDirToCamera));
vec3 row0=vec3(normalizedCrossDirToCamera.x,normalizedCrossDirToCamera.y,normalizedCrossDirToCamera.z);
vec3 row1=vec3(crossProduct.x,crossProduct.y,crossProduct.z);
vec3 row2=vec3(normalizedToCamera.x,normalizedToCamera.y,normalizedToCamera.z);
mat3 rotMatrix=mat3(row0,row1,row2);
vec3 alignedCorner=rotMatrix*rotatedCorner;
return position+alignedCorner;
void main(void) {
vec2 cornerPos;
vec3 rotatedCorner;
vec3 yaxis=position-eyePosition;
vec3 viewPos=(view*vec4(vPositionW,1.0)).xyz;
vec3 toCamera=position-eyePosition;
vec3 viewPos=(view*vec4(vPositionW,1.0)).xyz;
vec3 viewPos=(view*vec4(position,1.0)).xyz+rotatedCorner;
vec3 rotatedCorner;
vec3 yaxis=normalize(direction);
float rowOffset=floor(cellIndex*particlesInfos.z);
float columnOffset=cellIndex-rowOffset/particlesInfos.z;
vec2 uvScale=particlesInfos.xy;
vec2 uvOffset=vec2(offset.x ,1.0-offset.y);
#if defined(CLIPPLANE) || defined(CLIPPLANE2) || defined(CLIPPLANE3) || defined(CLIPPLANE4) || defined(CLIPPLANE5) || defined(CLIPPLANE6)
vec4 worldPos=vec4(vPositionW,1.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.particlesVertexShader = dm;
var cn = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
o === void 0 && (o = null), a === void 0 && (a = !1), s === void 0 && (s = 0.01);
var d =, e) || this;
return d._inheritedVelocityOffset = new u.e(), d.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), d.onStoppedObservable = new C.c(), d._particles = new Array(), d._stockParticles = new Array(), d._newPartsExcess = 0, d._vertexBuffers = {}, d._scaledColorStep = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), d._colorDiff = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), d._scaledDirection = u.e.Zero(), d._scaledGravity = u.e.Zero(), d._currentRenderId = -1, d._useInstancing = !1, d._started = !1, d._stopped = !1, d._actualFrame = 0, d._currentEmitRate1 = 0, d._currentEmitRate2 = 0, d._currentStartSize1 = 0, d._currentStartSize2 = 0, d._rawTextureWidth = 256, d._useRampGradients = !1, d._disposeEmitterOnDispose = !1, d.isLocal = !1, d._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable = null, d.recycleParticle = function(p) {
var y = d._particles.pop();
y !== p && y.copyTo(p), d._stockParticles.push(y);
}, d._createParticle = function() {
var p;
if (d._stockParticles.length !== 0 ? (p = d._stockParticles.pop())._reset() : p = new sd(d), d._subEmitters && d._subEmitters.length > 0) {
var y = d._subEmitters[Math.floor(Math.random() * d._subEmitters.length)];
p._attachedSubEmitters = [], y.forEach(function(P) {
if (P.type === Rr.ATTACHED) {
var R = P.clone();
p._attachedSubEmitters.push(R), R.particleSystem.start();
return p;
}, d._emitFromParticle = function(p) {
if (d._subEmitters && d._subEmitters.length !== 0) {
var y = Math.floor(Math.random() * d._subEmitters.length);
d._subEmitters[y].forEach(function(P) {
if (P.type === Rr.END) {
var R = P.clone();
p._inheritParticleInfoToSubEmitter(R), R.particleSystem._rootParticleSystem = d, d.activeSubSystems.push(R.particleSystem), R.particleSystem.start();
}, d._capacity = n, d._epsilon = s, d._isAnimationSheetEnabled = a, i && i.getClassName() !== "Scene" ? (d._engine = i, d.defaultProjectionMatrix = u.a.PerspectiveFovLH(0.8, 1, 0.1, 100)) : (d._scene = i || te.a.LastCreatedScene, d._engine = d._scene.getEngine(), d.uniqueId = d._scene.getUniqueId(), d._scene.particleSystems.push(d)), d._engine.getCaps().vertexArrayObject && (d._vertexArrayObject = null), d._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), d._customEffect = { 0: o }, d._useInstancing = d._engine.getCaps().instancedArrays, d._createIndexBuffer(), d._createVertexBuffers(), d.particleEmitterType = new xr(), d.updateFunction = function(p) {
var y = null, P = null;
d.noiseTexture && (y = d.noiseTexture.getSize(), P = d.noiseTexture.getContent());
for (var R, B = function() {
R = p[F];
var z = d._scaledUpdateSpeed, J = R.age;
if (R.age += z, R.age > R.lifeTime) {
var ie = R.age - J;
z = (R.lifeTime - J) * z / ie, R.age = R.lifeTime;
var se = R.age / R.lifeTime;
d._colorGradients && d._colorGradients.length > 0 ? On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._colorGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentColorGradient && (R._currentColor1.copyFrom(R._currentColor2), Ee.getColorToRef(R._currentColor2), R._currentColorGradient = Ae), I.b.LerpToRef(R._currentColor1, R._currentColor2, Se, R.color);
}) : (R.colorStep.scaleToRef(z, d._scaledColorStep), R.color.addInPlace(d._scaledColorStep), R.color.a < 0 && (R.color.a = 0)), d._angularSpeedGradients && d._angularSpeedGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._angularSpeedGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentAngularSpeedGradient && (R._currentAngularSpeed1 = R._currentAngularSpeed2, R._currentAngularSpeed2 = Ee.getFactor(), R._currentAngularSpeedGradient = Ae), R.angularSpeed = $.a.Lerp(R._currentAngularSpeed1, R._currentAngularSpeed2, Se);
}), R.angle += R.angularSpeed * z;
var ce = z;
if (d._velocityGradients && d._velocityGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._velocityGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentVelocityGradient && (R._currentVelocity1 = R._currentVelocity2, R._currentVelocity2 = Ee.getFactor(), R._currentVelocityGradient = Ae), ce *= $.a.Lerp(R._currentVelocity1, R._currentVelocity2, Se);
}), R.direction.scaleToRef(ce, d._scaledDirection), d._limitVelocityGradients && d._limitVelocityGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._limitVelocityGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentLimitVelocityGradient && (R._currentLimitVelocity1 = R._currentLimitVelocity2, R._currentLimitVelocity2 = Ee.getFactor(), R._currentLimitVelocityGradient = Ae);
var De = $.a.Lerp(R._currentLimitVelocity1, R._currentLimitVelocity2, Se);
R.direction.length() > De && R.direction.scaleInPlace(d.limitVelocityDamping);
}), d._dragGradients && d._dragGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._dragGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentDragGradient && (R._currentDrag1 = R._currentDrag2, R._currentDrag2 = Ee.getFactor(), R._currentDragGradient = Ae);
var De = $.a.Lerp(R._currentDrag1, R._currentDrag2, Se);
d._scaledDirection.scaleInPlace(1 - De);
}), d.isLocal && R._localPosition ? (R._localPosition.addInPlace(d._scaledDirection), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(R._localPosition, d._emitterWorldMatrix, R.position)) : R.position.addInPlace(d._scaledDirection), P && y && R._randomNoiseCoordinates1) {
var ue = d._fetchR(R._randomNoiseCoordinates1.x, R._randomNoiseCoordinates1.y, y.width, y.height, P), fe = d._fetchR(R._randomNoiseCoordinates1.z, R._randomNoiseCoordinates2.x, y.width, y.height, P), ve = d._fetchR(R._randomNoiseCoordinates2.y, R._randomNoiseCoordinates2.z, y.width, y.height, P), Te = u.c.Vector3[0], Re = u.c.Vector3[1];
Te.copyFromFloats((2 * ue - 1) * d.noiseStrength.x, (2 * fe - 1) * d.noiseStrength.y, (2 * ve - 1) * d.noiseStrength.z), Te.scaleToRef(z, Re), R.direction.addInPlace(Re);
if (d.gravity.scaleToRef(z, d._scaledGravity), R.direction.addInPlace(d._scaledGravity), d._sizeGradients && d._sizeGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._sizeGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Ae !== R._currentSizeGradient && (R._currentSize1 = R._currentSize2, R._currentSize2 = Ee.getFactor(), R._currentSizeGradient = Ae), R.size = $.a.Lerp(R._currentSize1, R._currentSize2, Se);
}), d._useRampGradients && (d._colorRemapGradients && d._colorRemapGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._colorRemapGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
var De = $.a.Lerp(Ae.factor1, Ee.factor1, Se), xe = $.a.Lerp(Ae.factor2, Ee.factor2, Se);
R.remapData.x = De, R.remapData.y = xe - De;
}), d._alphaRemapGradients && d._alphaRemapGradients.length > 0 && On.GetCurrentGradient(se, d._alphaRemapGradients, function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
var De = $.a.Lerp(Ae.factor1, Ee.factor1, Se), xe = $.a.Lerp(Ae.factor2, Ee.factor2, Se);
R.remapData.z = De, R.remapData.w = xe - De;
})), d._isAnimationSheetEnabled && R.updateCellIndex(), R._inheritParticleInfoToSubEmitters(), R.age >= R.lifeTime)
return d._emitFromParticle(R), R._attachedSubEmitters && (R._attachedSubEmitters.forEach(function(Ae) {
Ae.particleSystem.disposeOnStop = !0, Ae.particleSystem.stop();
}), R._attachedSubEmitters = null), d.recycleParticle(R), F--, "continue";
}, F = 0; F < p.length; F++)
}, d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onDispose", { set: function(e) {
this._onDisposeObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._onDisposeObserver), this._onDisposeObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useRampGradients", { get: function() {
return this._useRampGradients;
}, set: function(e) {
this._useRampGradients !== e && (this._useRampGradients = e, this._resetEffect());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "particles", { get: function() {
return this._particles;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getActiveCount = function() {
return this._particles.length;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ParticleSystem";
}, t.prototype.isStopping = function() {
return this._stopped && this.isAlive();
}, t.prototype.getCustomEffect = function(e) {
var n;
return e === void 0 && (e = 0), (n = this._customEffect[e]) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : this._customEffect[0];
}, t.prototype.setCustomEffect = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0), this._customEffect[n] = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable || (this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable = new C.c()), this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vertexShaderName", { get: function() {
return "particles";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._addFactorGradient = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = new vc(n, i, o);
e.push(a), e.sort(function(s, d) {
return s.gradient < d.gradient ? -1 : s.gradient > d.gradient ? 1 : 0;
}, t.prototype._removeFactorGradient = function(e, n) {
if (e)
for (var i = 0, o = 0, a = e; o < a.length; o++) {
if (a[o].gradient === n) {
e.splice(i, 1);
}, t.prototype.addLifeTimeGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._lifeTimeGradients || (this._lifeTimeGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._lifeTimeGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeLifeTimeGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._lifeTimeGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addSizeGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._sizeGradients || (this._sizeGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._sizeGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeSizeGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._sizeGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addColorRemapGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._colorRemapGradients || (this._colorRemapGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._colorRemapGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeColorRemapGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._colorRemapGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addAlphaRemapGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._alphaRemapGradients || (this._alphaRemapGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._alphaRemapGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeAlphaRemapGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._alphaRemapGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addAngularSpeedGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._angularSpeedGradients || (this._angularSpeedGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._angularSpeedGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeAngularSpeedGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._angularSpeedGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addVelocityGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._velocityGradients || (this._velocityGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._velocityGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeVelocityGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._velocityGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addLimitVelocityGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._limitVelocityGradients || (this._limitVelocityGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._limitVelocityGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeLimitVelocityGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._limitVelocityGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addDragGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._dragGradients || (this._dragGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._dragGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeDragGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._dragGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addEmitRateGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._emitRateGradients || (this._emitRateGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._emitRateGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeEmitRateGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._emitRateGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype.addStartSizeGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this._startSizeGradients || (this._startSizeGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._startSizeGradients, e, n, i), this;
}, t.prototype.removeStartSizeGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeFactorGradient(this._startSizeGradients, e), this;
}, t.prototype._createRampGradientTexture = function() {
if (this._rampGradients && this._rampGradients.length && !this._rampGradientsTexture && this._scene) {
for (var e = new Uint8Array(4 * this._rawTextureWidth), n = I.c.Color3[0], i = 0; i < this._rawTextureWidth; i++) {
var o = i / this._rawTextureWidth;
On.GetCurrentGradient(o, this._rampGradients, function(a, s, d) {
I.a.LerpToRef(a.color, s.color, d, n), e[4 * i] = 255 * n.r, e[4 * i + 1] = 255 * n.g, e[4 * i + 2] = 255 * n.b, e[4 * i + 3] = 255;
this._rampGradientsTexture = Zn.CreateRGBATexture(e, this._rawTextureWidth, 1, this._scene, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
}, t.prototype.getRampGradients = function() {
return this._rampGradients;
}, t.prototype.forceRefreshGradients = function() {
}, t.prototype._syncRampGradientTexture = function() {
this._rampGradients && (this._rampGradients.sort(function(e, n) {
return e.gradient < n.gradient ? -1 : e.gradient > n.gradient ? 1 : 0;
}), this._rampGradientsTexture && (this._rampGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._rampGradientsTexture = null), this._createRampGradientTexture());
}, t.prototype.addRampGradient = function(e, n) {
this._rampGradients || (this._rampGradients = []);
var i = new ad(e, n);
return this._rampGradients.push(i), this._syncRampGradientTexture(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeRampGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._rampGradients, this._rampGradientsTexture), this._rampGradientsTexture = null, this._rampGradients && this._rampGradients.length > 0 && this._createRampGradientTexture(), this;
}, t.prototype.addColorGradient = function(e, n, i) {
this._colorGradients || (this._colorGradients = []);
var o = new gc(e, n, i);
return this._colorGradients.push(o), this._colorGradients.sort(function(a, s) {
return a.gradient < s.gradient ? -1 : a.gradient > s.gradient ? 1 : 0;
}), this;
}, t.prototype.removeColorGradient = function(e) {
if (!this._colorGradients)
return this;
for (var n = 0, i = 0, o = this._colorGradients; i < o.length; i++) {
if (o[i].gradient === e) {
this._colorGradients.splice(n, 1);
return this;
}, t.prototype._fetchR = function(e, n, i, o, a) {
return a[4 * (((e = 0.5 * Math.abs(e) + 0.5) * i % i | 0) + ((n = 0.5 * Math.abs(n) + 0.5) * o % o | 0) * i)] / 255;
}, t.prototype._reset = function() {
}, t.prototype._resetEffect = function() {
this._vertexBuffer && (this._vertexBuffer.dispose(), this._vertexBuffer = null), this._spriteBuffer && (this._spriteBuffer.dispose(), this._spriteBuffer = null), this._vertexArrayObject && (this._engine.releaseVertexArrayObject(this._vertexArrayObject), this._vertexArrayObject = null), this._createVertexBuffers();
}, t.prototype._createVertexBuffers = function() {
this._vertexBufferSize = this._useInstancing ? 10 : 12, this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (this._vertexBufferSize += 1), this._isBillboardBased && this.billboardMode !== t.BILLBOARDMODE_STRETCHED || (this._vertexBufferSize += 3), this._useRampGradients && (this._vertexBufferSize += 4);
var e = this._engine;
this._vertexData = new Float32Array(this._capacity * this._vertexBufferSize * (this._useInstancing ? 1 : 4)), this._vertexBuffer = new Oe.a(e, this._vertexData, !0, this._vertexBufferSize);
var n = 0, i = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer(Oe.b.PositionKind, n, 3, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = i, n += 3;
var o = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer(Oe.b.ColorKind, n, 4, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.ColorKind] = o, n += 4;
var a = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("angle", n, 1, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers.angle = a, n += 1;
var s, d = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("size", n, 2, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
if (this._vertexBuffers.size = d, n += 2, this._isAnimationSheetEnabled) {
var p = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("cellIndex", n, 1, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers.cellIndex = p, n += 1;
if (!this._isBillboardBased || this.billboardMode === t.BILLBOARDMODE_STRETCHED) {
var y = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("direction", n, 3, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers.direction = y, n += 3;
if (this._useRampGradients) {
var P = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("remapData", n, 4, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing);
this._vertexBuffers.remapData = P, n += 4;
if (this._useInstancing) {
var R = new Float32Array([0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]);
this._spriteBuffer = new Oe.a(e, R, !1, 2), s = this._spriteBuffer.createVertexBuffer("offset", 0, 2);
} else
s = this._vertexBuffer.createVertexBuffer("offset", n, 2, this._vertexBufferSize, this._useInstancing), n += 2;
this._vertexBuffers.offset = s;
}, t.prototype._createIndexBuffer = function() {
if (!this._useInstancing) {
for (var e = [], n = 0, i = 0; i < this._capacity; i++)
e.push(n), e.push(n + 1), e.push(n + 2), e.push(n), e.push(n + 2), e.push(n + 3), n += 4;
this._indexBuffer = this._engine.createIndexBuffer(e);
}, t.prototype.getCapacity = function() {
return this._capacity;
}, t.prototype.isAlive = function() {
return this._alive;
}, t.prototype.isStarted = function() {
return this._started;
}, t.prototype._prepareSubEmitterInternalArray = function() {
var e = this;
this._subEmitters = new Array(), this.subEmitters && this.subEmitters.forEach(function(n) {
n instanceof t ? e._subEmitters.push([new mo(n)]) : n instanceof mo ? e._subEmitters.push([n]) : n instanceof Array && e._subEmitters.push(n);
}, t.prototype.start = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = this.startDelay), !this.targetStopDuration && this._hasTargetStopDurationDependantGradient())
throw "Particle system started with a targetStopDuration dependant gradient (eg. startSizeGradients) but no targetStopDuration set";
if (e)
setTimeout(function() {
}, e);
else {
if (this._prepareSubEmitterInternalArray(), this._started = !0, this._stopped = !1, this._actualFrame = 0, this._subEmitters && this._subEmitters.length != 0 && (this.activeSubSystems = new Array()), this._emitRateGradients && (this._emitRateGradients.length > 0 && (this._currentEmitRateGradient = this._emitRateGradients[0], this._currentEmitRate1 = this._currentEmitRateGradient.getFactor(), this._currentEmitRate2 = this._currentEmitRate1), this._emitRateGradients.length > 1 && (this._currentEmitRate2 = this._emitRateGradients[1].getFactor())), this._startSizeGradients && (this._startSizeGradients.length > 0 && (this._currentStartSizeGradient = this._startSizeGradients[0], this._currentStartSize1 = this._currentStartSizeGradient.getFactor(), this._currentStartSize2 = this._currentStartSize1), this._startSizeGradients.length > 1 && (this._currentStartSize2 = this._startSizeGradients[1].getFactor())), this.preWarmCycles) {
((n = this.emitter) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getClassName().indexOf("Mesh")) !== -1 && this.emitter.computeWorldMatrix(!0);
var o = this.noiseTexture;
if (o && o.onGeneratedObservable)
o.onGeneratedObservable.addOnce(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
for (var s = 0; s < i.preWarmCycles; s++)
i.animate(!0), o.render();
for (var a = 0; a < this.preWarmCycles; a++)
this.beginAnimationOnStart && this.animations && this.animations.length > 0 && this._scene && this._scene.beginAnimation(this, this.beginAnimationFrom, this.beginAnimationTo, this.beginAnimationLoop);
}, t.prototype.stop = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !0), this._stopped || (this.onStoppedObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._stopped = !0, e && this._stopSubEmitters());
}, t.prototype.reset = function() {
this._stockParticles = [], this._particles = [];
}, t.prototype._appendParticleVertex = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = e * this._vertexBufferSize;
if (this._vertexData[a++] = n.position.x + this.worldOffset.x, this._vertexData[a++] = n.position.y + this.worldOffset.y, this._vertexData[a++] = n.position.z + this.worldOffset.z, this._vertexData[a++] = n.color.r, this._vertexData[a++] = n.color.g, this._vertexData[a++] = n.color.b, this._vertexData[a++] = n.color.a, this._vertexData[a++] = n.angle, this._vertexData[a++] = n.scale.x * n.size, this._vertexData[a++] = n.scale.y * n.size, this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (this._vertexData[a++] = n.cellIndex), this._isBillboardBased)
this.billboardMode === t.BILLBOARDMODE_STRETCHED && (this._vertexData[a++] = n.direction.x, this._vertexData[a++] = n.direction.y, this._vertexData[a++] = n.direction.z);
else if (n._initialDirection) {
var s = n._initialDirection;
this.isLocal && (u.e.TransformNormalToRef(s, this._emitterWorldMatrix, u.c.Vector3[0]), s = u.c.Vector3[0]), s.x === 0 && s.z === 0 && (s.x = 1e-3), this._vertexData[a++] = s.x, this._vertexData[a++] = s.y, this._vertexData[a++] = s.z;
} else {
var d = n.direction;
this.isLocal && (u.e.TransformNormalToRef(d, this._emitterWorldMatrix, u.c.Vector3[0]), d = u.c.Vector3[0]), d.x === 0 && d.z === 0 && (d.x = 1e-3), this._vertexData[a++] = d.x, this._vertexData[a++] = d.y, this._vertexData[a++] = d.z;
this._useRampGradients && n.remapData && (this._vertexData[a++] = n.remapData.x, this._vertexData[a++] = n.remapData.y, this._vertexData[a++] = n.remapData.z, this._vertexData[a++] = n.remapData.w), this._useInstancing || (this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (i === 0 ? i = this._epsilon : i === 1 && (i = 1 - this._epsilon), o === 0 ? o = this._epsilon : o === 1 && (o = 1 - this._epsilon)), this._vertexData[a++] = i, this._vertexData[a++] = o);
}, t.prototype._stopSubEmitters = function() {
this.activeSubSystems && (this.activeSubSystems.forEach(function(e) {
}), this.activeSubSystems = new Array());
}, t.prototype._removeFromRoot = function() {
if (this._rootParticleSystem) {
var e = this._rootParticleSystem.activeSubSystems.indexOf(this);
e !== -1 && this._rootParticleSystem.activeSubSystems.splice(e, 1), this._rootParticleSystem = null;
}, t.prototype._update = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
if (this._alive = this._particles.length > 0, this.emitter.position) {
var o = this.emitter;
this._emitterWorldMatrix = o.getWorldMatrix();
} else {
var a = this.emitter;
this._emitterWorldMatrix = u.a.Translation(a.x, a.y, a.z);
for (var s, d = function() {
if (p._particles.length === p._capacity)
return "break";
if (n = p._createParticle(), p._particles.push(n), p.targetStopDuration && p._lifeTimeGradients && p._lifeTimeGradients.length > 0) {
var P = $.a.Clamp(p._actualFrame / p.targetStopDuration);
On.GetCurrentGradient(P, p._lifeTimeGradients, function(F, z) {
var J = F, ie = z, se = J.getFactor(), ce = ie.getFactor(), ue = (P - J.gradient) / (ie.gradient - J.gradient);
n.lifeTime = $.a.Lerp(se, ce, ue);
} else
n.lifeTime = $.a.RandomRange(p.minLifeTime, p.maxLifeTime);
var R = $.a.RandomRange(p.minEmitPower, p.maxEmitPower);
if (p.startPositionFunction ? p.startPositionFunction(p._emitterWorldMatrix, n.position, n, p.isLocal) : p.particleEmitterType.startPositionFunction(p._emitterWorldMatrix, n.position, n, p.isLocal), p.isLocal && (n._localPosition ? n._localPosition.copyFrom(n.position) : n._localPosition = n.position.clone(), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(n._localPosition, p._emitterWorldMatrix, n.position)), p.startDirectionFunction ? p.startDirectionFunction(p._emitterWorldMatrix, n.direction, n, p.isLocal) : p.particleEmitterType.startDirectionFunction(p._emitterWorldMatrix, n.direction, n, p.isLocal), R === 0 ? n._initialDirection ? n._initialDirection.copyFrom(n.direction) : n._initialDirection = n.direction.clone() : n._initialDirection = null, n.direction.scaleInPlace(R), p._sizeGradients && p._sizeGradients.length !== 0 ? (n._currentSizeGradient = p._sizeGradients[0], n._currentSize1 = n._currentSizeGradient.getFactor(), n.size = n._currentSize1, p._sizeGradients.length > 1 ? n._currentSize2 = p._sizeGradients[1].getFactor() : n._currentSize2 = n._currentSize1) : n.size = $.a.RandomRange(p.minSize, p.maxSize), n.scale.copyFromFloats($.a.RandomRange(p.minScaleX, p.maxScaleX), $.a.RandomRange(p.minScaleY, p.maxScaleY)), p._startSizeGradients && p._startSizeGradients[0] && p.targetStopDuration) {
var B = p._actualFrame / p.targetStopDuration;
On.GetCurrentGradient(B, p._startSizeGradients, function(F, z, J) {
F !== i._currentStartSizeGradient && (i._currentStartSize1 = i._currentStartSize2, i._currentStartSize2 = z.getFactor(), i._currentStartSizeGradient = F);
var ie = $.a.Lerp(i._currentStartSize1, i._currentStartSize2, J);
p._angularSpeedGradients && p._angularSpeedGradients.length !== 0 ? (n._currentAngularSpeedGradient = p._angularSpeedGradients[0], n.angularSpeed = n._currentAngularSpeedGradient.getFactor(), n._currentAngularSpeed1 = n.angularSpeed, p._angularSpeedGradients.length > 1 ? n._currentAngularSpeed2 = p._angularSpeedGradients[1].getFactor() : n._currentAngularSpeed2 = n._currentAngularSpeed1) : n.angularSpeed = $.a.RandomRange(p.minAngularSpeed, p.maxAngularSpeed), n.angle = $.a.RandomRange(p.minInitialRotation, p.maxInitialRotation), p._velocityGradients && p._velocityGradients.length > 0 && (n._currentVelocityGradient = p._velocityGradients[0], n._currentVelocity1 = n._currentVelocityGradient.getFactor(), p._velocityGradients.length > 1 ? n._currentVelocity2 = p._velocityGradients[1].getFactor() : n._currentVelocity2 = n._currentVelocity1), p._limitVelocityGradients && p._limitVelocityGradients.length > 0 && (n._currentLimitVelocityGradient = p._limitVelocityGradients[0], n._currentLimitVelocity1 = n._currentLimitVelocityGradient.getFactor(), p._limitVelocityGradients.length > 1 ? n._currentLimitVelocity2 = p._limitVelocityGradients[1].getFactor() : n._currentLimitVelocity2 = n._currentLimitVelocity1), p._dragGradients && p._dragGradients.length > 0 && (n._currentDragGradient = p._dragGradients[0], n._currentDrag1 = n._currentDragGradient.getFactor(), p._dragGradients.length > 1 ? n._currentDrag2 = p._dragGradients[1].getFactor() : n._currentDrag2 = n._currentDrag1), p._colorGradients && p._colorGradients.length !== 0 ? (n._currentColorGradient = p._colorGradients[0], n._currentColorGradient.getColorToRef(n.color), n._currentColor1.copyFrom(n.color), p._colorGradients.length > 1 ? p._colorGradients[1].getColorToRef(n._currentColor2) : n._currentColor2.copyFrom(n.color)) : (s = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1), I.b.LerpToRef(p.color1, p.color2, s, n.color), p.colorDead.subtractToRef(n.color, p._colorDiff), p._colorDiff.scaleToRef(1 / n.lifeTime, n.colorStep)), p._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (n._initialStartSpriteCellID = p.startSpriteCellID, n._initialEndSpriteCellID = p.endSpriteCellID), n.direction.addInPlace(p._inheritedVelocityOffset), p._useRampGradients && (n.remapData = new u.f(0, 1, 0, 1)), p.noiseTexture && (n._randomNoiseCoordinates1 ? (n._randomNoiseCoordinates1.copyFromFloats(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()), n._randomNoiseCoordinates2.copyFromFloats(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random())) : (n._randomNoiseCoordinates1 = new u.e(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()), n._randomNoiseCoordinates2 = new u.e(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()))), n._inheritParticleInfoToSubEmitters();
}, p = this, y = 0; y < e && d() !== "break"; y++)
}, t._GetAttributeNamesOrOptions = function(e, n, i) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var o = [Oe.b.PositionKind, Oe.b.ColorKind, "angle", "offset", "size"];
return e && o.push("cellIndex"), n || o.push("direction"), i && o.push("remapData"), o;
}, t._GetEffectCreationOptions = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var n = ["invView", "view", "projection", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "textureMask", "translationPivot", "eyePosition"];
return e && n.push("particlesInfos"), n;
}, t.prototype.fillDefines = function(e, n) {
if (this._scene && (this._scene.clipPlane && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE"), this._scene.clipPlane2 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE2"), this._scene.clipPlane3 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE3"), this._scene.clipPlane4 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE4"), this._scene.clipPlane5 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE5"), this._scene.clipPlane6 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE6")), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && e.push("#define ANIMATESHEET"), n === t.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY && e.push("#define BLENDMULTIPLYMODE"), this._useRampGradients && e.push("#define RAMPGRADIENT"), this._isBillboardBased)
switch (e.push("#define BILLBOARD"), this.billboardMode) {
e.push("#define BILLBOARDY");
e.push("#define BILLBOARDSTRETCHED");
e.push("#define BILLBOARDMODE_ALL");
this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines), e.push(this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines.toString()));
}, t.prototype.fillUniformsAttributesAndSamplerNames = function(e, n, i) {
n.push.apply(n, t._GetAttributeNamesOrOptions(this._isAnimationSheetEnabled, this._isBillboardBased && this.billboardMode !== t.BILLBOARDMODE_STRETCHED, this._useRampGradients)), e.push.apply(e, t._GetEffectCreationOptions(this._isAnimationSheetEnabled)), i.push("diffuseSampler", "rampSampler"), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (vn.a.PrepareUniforms(e, this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines), vn.a.PrepareSamplers(i, this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines));
}, t.prototype._getEffect = function(e) {
var n = this.getCustomEffect(e);
if (n)
return n;
var i = [];
this.fillDefines(i, e);
var o = i.join(`
if (this._cachedDefines !== o) {
this._cachedDefines = o;
var a = [], s = [], d = [];
this.fillUniformsAttributesAndSamplerNames(s, a, d), this._effect = this._engine.createEffect("particles", a, s, d, o);
return this._effect;
}, t.prototype.animate = function(e) {
var n, i = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._started) {
if (!e && this._scene) {
if (!this.isReady() || this._currentRenderId === this._scene.getFrameId())
this._currentRenderId = this._scene.getFrameId();
var o;
if (this._scaledUpdateSpeed = this.updateSpeed * (e ? this.preWarmStepOffset : ((n = this._scene) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getAnimationRatio()) || 1), this.manualEmitCount > -1)
o = this.manualEmitCount, this._newPartsExcess = 0, this.manualEmitCount = 0;
else {
var a = this.emitRate;
if (this._emitRateGradients && this._emitRateGradients.length > 0 && this.targetStopDuration) {
var s = this._actualFrame / this.targetStopDuration;
On.GetCurrentGradient(s, this._emitRateGradients, function(P, R, B) {
P !== i._currentEmitRateGradient && (i._currentEmitRate1 = i._currentEmitRate2, i._currentEmitRate2 = R.getFactor(), i._currentEmitRateGradient = P), a = $.a.Lerp(i._currentEmitRate1, i._currentEmitRate2, B);
o = a * this._scaledUpdateSpeed >> 0, this._newPartsExcess += a * this._scaledUpdateSpeed - o;
if (this._newPartsExcess > 1 && (o += this._newPartsExcess >> 0, this._newPartsExcess -= this._newPartsExcess >> 0), this._alive = !1, this._stopped ? o = 0 : (this._actualFrame += this._scaledUpdateSpeed, this.targetStopDuration && this._actualFrame >= this.targetStopDuration && this.stop()), this._update(o), this._stopped && (this._alive || (this._started = !1, this.onAnimationEnd && this.onAnimationEnd(), this.disposeOnStop && this._scene && this._scene._toBeDisposed.push(this))), !e) {
for (var d = 0, p = 0; p < this._particles.length; p++) {
var y = this._particles[p];
this._appendParticleVertices(d, y), d += this._useInstancing ? 1 : 4;
this._vertexBuffer && this._vertexBuffer.update(this._vertexData);
this.manualEmitCount === 0 && this.disposeOnStop && this.stop();
}, t.prototype._appendParticleVertices = function(e, n) {
this._appendParticleVertex(e++, n, 0, 0), this._useInstancing || (this._appendParticleVertex(e++, n, 1, 0), this._appendParticleVertex(e++, n, 1, 1), this._appendParticleVertex(e++, n, 0, 1));
}, t.prototype.rebuild = function() {
for (var e in this._createIndexBuffer(), this._vertexBuffer && this._vertexBuffer._rebuild(), this._vertexBuffers)
}, t.prototype.isReady = function() {
if (!this.emitter || this._imageProcessingConfiguration && !this._imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady() || !this.particleTexture || !this.particleTexture.isReady())
return !1;
if (this.blendMode !== t.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLYADD) {
if (!this._getEffect(this.blendMode).isReady())
return !1;
} else if (!this._getEffect(t.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY).isReady() || !this._getEffect(t.BLENDMODE_ADD).isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, t.prototype._render = function(e) {
var n, i, o = this._getEffect(e), a = this._engine;
var s = (n = this.defaultViewMatrix) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : this._scene.getViewMatrix();
if (o.setTexture("diffuseSampler", this.particleTexture), o.setMatrix("view", s), o.setMatrix("projection", (i = this.defaultProjectionMatrix) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : this._scene.getProjectionMatrix()), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && this.particleTexture) {
var d = this.particleTexture.getBaseSize();
o.setFloat3("particlesInfos", this.spriteCellWidth / d.width, this.spriteCellHeight / d.height, this.spriteCellWidth / d.width);
if (o.setVector2("translationPivot", this.translationPivot), o.setFloat4("textureMask", this.textureMask.r, this.textureMask.g, this.textureMask.b, this.textureMask.a), this._isBillboardBased && this._scene) {
var p = this._scene.activeCamera;
o.setVector3("eyePosition", p.globalPosition);
this._rampGradientsTexture && (this._rampGradients && this._rampGradients.length || (this._rampGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._rampGradientsTexture = null), o.setTexture("rampSampler", this._rampGradientsTexture));
var y = o.defines;
switch (this._scene && (this._scene.clipPlane || this._scene.clipPlane2 || this._scene.clipPlane3 || this._scene.clipPlane4 || this._scene.clipPlane5 || this._scene.clipPlane6) && Bu.a.BindClipPlane(o, this._scene), y.indexOf("#define BILLBOARDMODE_ALL") >= 0 && (s.invertToRef(u.c.Matrix[0]), o.setMatrix("invView", u.c.Matrix[0])), this._vertexArrayObject !== void 0 ? (this._vertexArrayObject || (this._vertexArrayObject = this._engine.recordVertexArrayObject(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, o)), this._engine.bindVertexArrayObject(this._vertexArrayObject, this._indexBuffer)) : a.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, o), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && !this._imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(o), e) {
return this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable && this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable.notifyObservers(o), this._useInstancing ? a.drawArraysType(h.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFanDrawMode, 0, 4, this._particles.length) : a.drawElementsType(h.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFillMode, 0, 6 * this._particles.length), this._particles.length;
}, t.prototype.render = function() {
if (!this.isReady() || !this._particles.length)
return 0;
var e = this._engine;
e.setState && (e.setState(!1), this.forceDepthWrite && e.setDepthWrite(!0));
var n = 0;
return n = this.blendMode === t.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLYADD ? this._render(t.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY) + this._render(t.BLENDMODE_ADD) : this._render(this.blendMode), this._engine.unbindInstanceAttributes(), this._engine.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE), n;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !0), this._vertexBuffer && (this._vertexBuffer.dispose(), this._vertexBuffer = null), this._spriteBuffer && (this._spriteBuffer.dispose(), this._spriteBuffer = null), this._indexBuffer && (this._engine._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._indexBuffer = null), this._vertexArrayObject && (this._engine.releaseVertexArrayObject(this._vertexArrayObject), this._vertexArrayObject = null), e && this.particleTexture && (this.particleTexture.dispose(), this.particleTexture = null), e && this.noiseTexture && (this.noiseTexture.dispose(), this.noiseTexture = null), this._rampGradientsTexture && (this._rampGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._rampGradientsTexture = null), this._removeFromRoot(), this._subEmitters && this._subEmitters.length) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._subEmitters.length; n++)
for (var i = 0, o = this._subEmitters[n]; i < o.length; i++)
this._subEmitters = [], this.subEmitters = [];
this._disposeEmitterOnDispose && this.emitter && this.emitter.dispose && this.emitter.dispose(!0), this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable && this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable.clear(), this._scene && ((n = this._scene.particleSystems.indexOf(this)) > -1 && this._scene.particleSystems.splice(n, 1), this._scene._activeParticleSystems.dispose()), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear(), this.onStoppedObservable.clear(), this.reset();
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e, n) {
var i = Object(c.a)({}, this._customEffect), o = null, a = this._engine;
if (a.createEffectForParticles && this.customShader != null) {
var s = (o = this.customShader).shaderOptions.defines.length > 0 ? o.shaderOptions.defines.join(`
`) : "";
i[0] = a.createEffectForParticles(o.shaderPath.fragmentElement, o.shaderOptions.uniforms, o.shaderOptions.samplers, s);
var d = this.serialize(), p = t.Parse(d, this._scene || this._engine, "");
return = e, p.customShader = o, p._customEffect = i, n === void 0 && (n = this.emitter), this.noiseTexture && (p.noiseTexture = this.noiseTexture.clone()), p.emitter = n, this.preventAutoStart || p.start(), p;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var n = {};
if (t._Serialize(n, this, e), n.textureMask = this.textureMask.asArray(), n.customShader = this.customShader, n.preventAutoStart = this.preventAutoStart, this.subEmitters) {
n.subEmitters = [], this._subEmitters || this._prepareSubEmitterInternalArray();
for (var i = 0, o = this._subEmitters; i < o.length; i++) {
for (var a = [], s = 0, d = o[i]; s < d.length; s++) {
var p = d[s];
return n;
}, t._Serialize = function(e, n, i) {
if ( =, =, e.capacity = n.getCapacity(), n.emitter.position) {
var o = n.emitter;
e.emitterId =;
} else {
var a = n.emitter;
e.emitter = a.asArray();
n.particleEmitterType && (e.particleEmitterType = n.particleEmitterType.serialize()), n.particleTexture && (i ? e.texture = n.particleTexture.serialize() : (e.textureName =, e.invertY = !!n.particleTexture._invertY)), e.isLocal = n.isLocal, L.a.AppendSerializedAnimations(n, e), e.beginAnimationOnStart = n.beginAnimationOnStart, e.beginAnimationFrom = n.beginAnimationFrom, e.beginAnimationTo = n.beginAnimationTo, e.beginAnimationLoop = n.beginAnimationLoop, e.startDelay = n.startDelay, e.renderingGroupId = n.renderingGroupId, e.isBillboardBased = n.isBillboardBased, e.billboardMode = n.billboardMode, e.minAngularSpeed = n.minAngularSpeed, e.maxAngularSpeed = n.maxAngularSpeed, e.minSize = n.minSize, e.maxSize = n.maxSize, e.minScaleX = n.minScaleX, e.maxScaleX = n.maxScaleX, e.minScaleY = n.minScaleY, e.maxScaleY = n.maxScaleY, e.minEmitPower = n.minEmitPower, e.maxEmitPower = n.maxEmitPower, e.minLifeTime = n.minLifeTime, e.maxLifeTime = n.maxLifeTime, e.emitRate = n.emitRate, e.gravity = n.gravity.asArray(), e.noiseStrength = n.noiseStrength.asArray(), e.color1 = n.color1.asArray(), e.color2 = n.color2.asArray(), e.colorDead = n.colorDead.asArray(), e.updateSpeed = n.updateSpeed, e.targetStopDuration = n.targetStopDuration, e.blendMode = n.blendMode, e.preWarmCycles = n.preWarmCycles, e.preWarmStepOffset = n.preWarmStepOffset, e.minInitialRotation = n.minInitialRotation, e.maxInitialRotation = n.maxInitialRotation, e.startSpriteCellID = n.startSpriteCellID, e.endSpriteCellID = n.endSpriteCellID, e.spriteCellChangeSpeed = n.spriteCellChangeSpeed, e.spriteCellWidth = n.spriteCellWidth, e.spriteCellHeight = n.spriteCellHeight, e.spriteRandomStartCell = n.spriteRandomStartCell, e.isAnimationSheetEnabled = n.isAnimationSheetEnabled;
var s = n.getColorGradients();
if (s) {
e.colorGradients = [];
for (var d = 0, p = s; d < p.length; d++) {
var y = p[d], P = { gradient: y.gradient, color1: y.color1.asArray() };
y.color2 ? P.color2 = y.color2.asArray() : P.color2 = y.color1.asArray(), e.colorGradients.push(P);
var R = n.getRampGradients();
if (R) {
e.rampGradients = [];
for (var B = 0, F = R; B < F.length; B++) {
var z = F[B];
P = { gradient: z.gradient, color: z.color.asArray() }, e.rampGradients.push(P);
e.useRampGradients = n.useRampGradients;
var J = n.getColorRemapGradients();
if (J) {
e.colorRemapGradients = [];
for (var ie = 0, se = J; ie < se.length; ie++) {
var ce = se[ie];
P = { gradient: ce.gradient, factor1: ce.factor1 }, ce.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = ce.factor2 : P.factor2 = ce.factor1, e.colorRemapGradients.push(P);
var ue = n.getAlphaRemapGradients();
if (ue) {
e.alphaRemapGradients = [];
for (var fe = 0, ve = ue; fe < ve.length; fe++) {
var Te = ve[fe];
P = { gradient: Te.gradient, factor1: Te.factor1 }, Te.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Te.factor2 : P.factor2 = Te.factor1, e.alphaRemapGradients.push(P);
var Re = n.getSizeGradients();
if (Re) {
e.sizeGradients = [];
for (var Ae = 0, Ee = Re; Ae < Ee.length; Ae++) {
var Se = Ee[Ae];
P = { gradient: Se.gradient, factor1: Se.factor1 }, Se.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Se.factor2 : P.factor2 = Se.factor1, e.sizeGradients.push(P);
var De = n.getAngularSpeedGradients();
if (De) {
e.angularSpeedGradients = [];
for (var xe = 0, Le = De; xe < Le.length; xe++) {
var Me = Le[xe];
P = { gradient: Me.gradient, factor1: Me.factor1 }, Me.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Me.factor2 : P.factor2 = Me.factor1, e.angularSpeedGradients.push(P);
var we = n.getVelocityGradients();
if (we) {
e.velocityGradients = [];
for (var Ye = 0, et = we; Ye < et.length; Ye++) {
var nt = et[Ye];
P = { gradient: nt.gradient, factor1: nt.factor1 }, nt.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = nt.factor2 : P.factor2 = nt.factor1, e.velocityGradients.push(P);
var ct = n.getDragGradients();
if (ct) {
e.dragGradients = [];
for (var Ke = 0, rt = ct; Ke < rt.length; Ke++) {
var it = rt[Ke];
P = { gradient: it.gradient, factor1: it.factor1 }, it.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = it.factor2 : P.factor2 = it.factor1, e.dragGradients.push(P);
var qe = n.getEmitRateGradients();
if (qe) {
e.emitRateGradients = [];
for (var ut = 0, Ve = qe; ut < Ve.length; ut++) {
var Ze = Ve[ut];
P = { gradient: Ze.gradient, factor1: Ze.factor1 }, Ze.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Ze.factor2 : P.factor2 = Ze.factor1, e.emitRateGradients.push(P);
var vt = n.getStartSizeGradients();
if (vt) {
e.startSizeGradients = [];
for (var jt = 0, Dt = vt; jt < Dt.length; jt++) {
var Yt = Dt[jt];
P = { gradient: Yt.gradient, factor1: Yt.factor1 }, Yt.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Yt.factor2 : P.factor2 = Yt.factor1, e.startSizeGradients.push(P);
var mt = n.getLifeTimeGradients();
if (mt) {
e.lifeTimeGradients = [];
for (var qt = 0, Ht = mt; qt < Ht.length; qt++) {
var kt = Ht[qt];
P = { gradient: kt.gradient, factor1: kt.factor1 }, kt.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = kt.factor2 : P.factor2 = kt.factor1, e.lifeTimeGradients.push(P);
var Wt = n.getLimitVelocityGradients();
if (Wt) {
e.limitVelocityGradients = [];
for (var bt = 0, Rt = Wt; bt < Rt.length; bt++) {
var Zt = Rt[bt];
P = { gradient: Zt.gradient, factor1: Zt.factor1 }, Zt.factor2 !== void 0 ? P.factor2 = Zt.factor2 : P.factor2 = Zt.factor1, e.limitVelocityGradients.push(P);
e.limitVelocityDamping = n.limitVelocityDamping;
n.noiseTexture && (e.noiseTexture = n.noiseTexture.serialize());
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a;
a = i instanceof wt.a ? null : i;
var s, d = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Texture");
if (d && a && (e.texture ? n.particleTexture = d.Parse(e.texture, a, o) : e.textureName && (n.particleTexture = new d(o + e.textureName, a, !1, e.invertY === void 0 || e.invertY), = e.textureName)), e.emitterId || e.emitterId === 0 || e.emitter !== void 0 ? e.emitterId && a ? n.emitter = a.getLastMeshByID(e.emitterId) : n.emitter = u.e.FromArray(e.emitter) : n.emitter = u.e.Zero(), n.isLocal = !!e.isLocal, e.renderingGroupId !== void 0 && (n.renderingGroupId = e.renderingGroupId), e.isBillboardBased !== void 0 && (n.isBillboardBased = e.isBillboardBased), e.billboardMode !== void 0 && (n.billboardMode = e.billboardMode), e.animations) {
for (var p = 0; p < e.animations.length; p++) {
var y = e.animations[p], P = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.Animation");
P && n.animations.push(P.Parse(y));
n.beginAnimationOnStart = e.beginAnimationOnStart, n.beginAnimationFrom = e.beginAnimationFrom, n.beginAnimationTo = e.beginAnimationTo, n.beginAnimationLoop = e.beginAnimationLoop;
if (e.autoAnimate && a && a.beginAnimation(n, e.autoAnimateFrom, e.autoAnimateTo, e.autoAnimateLoop, e.autoAnimateSpeed || 1), n.startDelay = 0 | e.startDelay, n.minAngularSpeed = e.minAngularSpeed, n.maxAngularSpeed = e.maxAngularSpeed, n.minSize = e.minSize, n.maxSize = e.maxSize, e.minScaleX && (n.minScaleX = e.minScaleX, n.maxScaleX = e.maxScaleX, n.minScaleY = e.minScaleY, n.maxScaleY = e.maxScaleY), e.preWarmCycles !== void 0 && (n.preWarmCycles = e.preWarmCycles, n.preWarmStepOffset = e.preWarmStepOffset), e.minInitialRotation !== void 0 && (n.minInitialRotation = e.minInitialRotation, n.maxInitialRotation = e.maxInitialRotation), n.minLifeTime = e.minLifeTime, n.maxLifeTime = e.maxLifeTime, n.minEmitPower = e.minEmitPower, n.maxEmitPower = e.maxEmitPower, n.emitRate = e.emitRate, n.gravity = u.e.FromArray(e.gravity), e.noiseStrength && (n.noiseStrength = u.e.FromArray(e.noiseStrength)), n.color1 = I.b.FromArray(e.color1), n.color2 = I.b.FromArray(e.color2), n.colorDead = I.b.FromArray(e.colorDead), n.updateSpeed = e.updateSpeed, n.targetStopDuration = e.targetStopDuration, n.blendMode = e.blendMode, e.colorGradients)
for (var R = 0, B = e.colorGradients; R < B.length; R++) {
var F = B[R];
n.addColorGradient(F.gradient, I.b.FromArray(F.color1), F.color2 ? I.b.FromArray(F.color2) : void 0);
if (e.rampGradients) {
for (var z = 0, J = e.rampGradients; z < J.length; z++) {
var ie = J[z];
n.addRampGradient(ie.gradient, I.a.FromArray(ie.color));
n.useRampGradients = e.useRampGradients;
if (e.colorRemapGradients)
for (var se = 0, ce = e.colorRemapGradients; se < ce.length; se++) {
var ue = ce[se];
n.addColorRemapGradient(ue.gradient, ue.factor1 !== void 0 ? ue.factor1 : ue.factor, ue.factor2);
if (e.alphaRemapGradients)
for (var fe = 0, ve = e.alphaRemapGradients; fe < ve.length; fe++) {
var Te = ve[fe];
n.addAlphaRemapGradient(Te.gradient, Te.factor1 !== void 0 ? Te.factor1 : Te.factor, Te.factor2);
if (e.sizeGradients)
for (var Re = 0, Ae = e.sizeGradients; Re < Ae.length; Re++) {
var Ee = Ae[Re];
n.addSizeGradient(Ee.gradient, Ee.factor1 !== void 0 ? Ee.factor1 : Ee.factor, Ee.factor2);
if (e.angularSpeedGradients)
for (var Se = 0, De = e.angularSpeedGradients; Se < De.length; Se++) {
var xe = De[Se];
n.addAngularSpeedGradient(xe.gradient, xe.factor1 !== void 0 ? xe.factor1 : xe.factor, xe.factor2);
if (e.velocityGradients)
for (var Le = 0, Me = e.velocityGradients; Le < Me.length; Le++) {
var we = Me[Le];
n.addVelocityGradient(we.gradient, we.factor1 !== void 0 ? we.factor1 : we.factor, we.factor2);
if (e.dragGradients)
for (var Ye = 0, et = e.dragGradients; Ye < et.length; Ye++) {
var nt = et[Ye];
n.addDragGradient(nt.gradient, nt.factor1 !== void 0 ? nt.factor1 : nt.factor, nt.factor2);
if (e.emitRateGradients)
for (var ct = 0, Ke = e.emitRateGradients; ct < Ke.length; ct++) {
var rt = Ke[ct];
n.addEmitRateGradient(rt.gradient, rt.factor1 !== void 0 ? rt.factor1 : rt.factor, rt.factor2);
if (e.startSizeGradients)
for (var it = 0, qe = e.startSizeGradients; it < qe.length; it++) {
var ut = qe[it];
n.addStartSizeGradient(ut.gradient, ut.factor1 !== void 0 ? ut.factor1 : ut.factor, ut.factor2);
if (e.lifeTimeGradients)
for (var Ve = 0, Ze = e.lifeTimeGradients; Ve < Ze.length; Ve++) {
var vt = Ze[Ve];
n.addLifeTimeGradient(vt.gradient, vt.factor1 !== void 0 ? vt.factor1 : vt.factor, vt.factor2);
if (e.limitVelocityGradients) {
for (var jt = 0, Dt = e.limitVelocityGradients; jt < Dt.length; jt++) {
var Yt = Dt[jt];
n.addLimitVelocityGradient(Yt.gradient, Yt.factor1 !== void 0 ? Yt.factor1 : Yt.factor, Yt.factor2);
n.limitVelocityDamping = e.limitVelocityDamping;
if (e.noiseTexture && a) {
var mt = O.a.GetClass("BABYLON.ProceduralTexture");
n.noiseTexture = mt.Parse(e.noiseTexture, a, o);
if (e.particleEmitterType) {
switch (e.particleEmitterType.type) {
case "SphereParticleEmitter":
s = new aa();
case "SphereDirectedParticleEmitter":
s = new Zs();
case "ConeEmitter":
case "ConeParticleEmitter":
s = new Ys();
case "CylinderParticleEmitter":
s = new oa();
case "CylinderDirectedParticleEmitter":
s = new Ks();
case "HemisphericParticleEmitter":
s = new Qs();
case "PointParticleEmitter":
s = new qs();
case "MeshParticleEmitter":
s = new Ku();
case "BoxEmitter":
case "BoxParticleEmitter":
s = new xr();
s.parse(e.particleEmitterType, a);
} else
(s = new xr()).parse(e, a);
n.particleEmitterType = s, n.startSpriteCellID = e.startSpriteCellID, n.endSpriteCellID = e.endSpriteCellID, n.spriteCellWidth = e.spriteCellWidth, n.spriteCellHeight = e.spriteCellHeight, n.spriteCellChangeSpeed = e.spriteCellChangeSpeed, n.spriteRandomStartCell = e.spriteRandomStartCell;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a, s =, d = null, p = null;
if (a = n instanceof wt.a ? n : n.getEngine(), e.customShader && a.createEffectForParticles) {
var y = (p = e.customShader).shaderOptions.defines.length > 0 ? p.shaderOptions.defines.join(`
`) : "";
d = a.createEffectForParticles(p.shaderPath.fragmentElement, p.shaderOptions.uniforms, p.shaderOptions.samplers, y);
var P = new t(s, e.capacity, n, d, e.isAnimationSheetEnabled);
if (P.customShader = p, && ( =, e.subEmitters) {
P.subEmitters = [];
for (var R = 0, B = e.subEmitters; R < B.length; R++) {
for (var F = [], z = 0, J = B[R]; z < J.length; z++) {
var ie = J[z];
F.push(mo.Parse(ie, n, i));
return t._Parse(e, P, n, i), e.textureMask && (P.textureMask = I.b.FromArray(e.textureMask)), e.preventAutoStart && (P.preventAutoStart = e.preventAutoStart), o || P.preventAutoStart || P.start(), P;
mo._ParseParticleSystem = cn.Parse, ze.a.ShadersStore.gpuUpdateParticlesPixelShader = `#version 300 es
void main() {
var fm = `#version 300 es
#define PI 3.14159
uniform float currentCount;
uniform float timeDelta;
uniform float stopFactor;
#ifndef LOCAL
uniform mat4 emitterWM;
uniform vec2 lifeTime;
uniform vec2 emitPower;
uniform vec2 sizeRange;
uniform vec4 scaleRange;
uniform vec4 color1;
uniform vec4 color2;
uniform vec3 gravity;
uniform sampler2D randomSampler;
uniform sampler2D randomSampler2;
uniform vec4 angleRange;
uniform vec3 direction1;
uniform vec3 direction2;
uniform vec3 minEmitBox;
uniform vec3 maxEmitBox;
uniform vec3 direction1;
uniform vec3 direction2;
uniform float radius;
uniform float radiusRange;
uniform float directionRandomizer;
uniform float radius;
uniform float radiusRange;
uniform vec3 direction1;
uniform vec3 direction2;
uniform float directionRandomizer;
uniform float radius;
uniform float height;
uniform float radiusRange;
uniform vec3 direction1;
uniform vec3 direction2;
uniform float directionRandomizer;
uniform vec2 radius;
uniform float coneAngle;
uniform vec2 height;
uniform float directionRandomizer;
in vec3 position;
in vec3 initialPosition;
in float age;
in float life;
in vec4 seed;
in vec3 size;
in vec4 color;
in vec3 direction;
in vec3 initialDirection;
in float angle;
in vec2 angle;
in float cellIndex;
in float cellStartOffset;
#ifdef NOISE
in vec3 noiseCoordinates1;
in vec3 noiseCoordinates2;
out vec3 outPosition;
out vec3 outInitialPosition;
out float outAge;
out float outLife;
out vec4 outSeed;
out vec3 outSize;
out vec4 outColor;
out vec3 outDirection;
out vec3 outInitialDirection;
out float outAngle;
out vec2 outAngle;
out float outCellIndex;
out float outCellStartOffset;
#ifdef NOISE
out vec3 outNoiseCoordinates1;
out vec3 outNoiseCoordinates2;
uniform sampler2D sizeGradientSampler;
uniform sampler2D angularSpeedGradientSampler;
uniform sampler2D velocityGradientSampler;
uniform sampler2D limitVelocityGradientSampler;
uniform float limitVelocityDamping;
uniform sampler2D dragGradientSampler;
#ifdef NOISE
uniform vec3 noiseStrength;
uniform sampler2D noiseSampler;
uniform vec3 cellInfos;
vec3 getRandomVec3(float offset) {
return texture(randomSampler2,vec2(float(gl_VertexID)*offset/currentCount,0)).rgb;
vec4 getRandomVec4(float offset) {
return texture(randomSampler,vec2(float(gl_VertexID)*offset/currentCount,0));
void main() {
float newAge=age+timeDelta;
if (newAge>=life && stopFactor != 0.) {
vec3 newPosition;
vec3 newDirection;
vec4 randoms=getRandomVec4(seed.x);
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
#elif defined(BOXEMITTER)
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
float phi=2.0*PI*randoms2.x;
float theta=acos(2.0*randoms2.y-1.0);
float randX=cos(phi)*sin(theta);
float randY=cos(theta);
float randZ=sin(phi)*sin(theta);
#elif defined(SPHEREEMITTER)
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
float phi=2.0*PI*randoms2.x;
float theta=acos(2.0*randoms2.y-1.0);
float randX=cos(phi)*sin(theta);
float randY=cos(theta);
float randZ=sin(phi)*sin(theta);
#elif defined(CYLINDEREMITTER)
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
float yPos=(randoms2.x-0.5)*height;
float angle=randoms2.y*PI*2.;
float inverseRadiusRangeSquared=((1.-radiusRange)*(1.-radiusRange));
float positionRadius=radius*sqrt(inverseRadiusRangeSquared+(randoms2.z*(1.-inverseRadiusRangeSquared)));
float xPos=positionRadius*cos(angle);
float zPos=positionRadius*sin(angle);
#elif defined(CONEEMITTER)
vec3 randoms2=getRandomVec3(seed.y);
float s=2.0*PI*randoms2.x;
float h=0.0001;
float h=randoms2.y*height.y;
float lRadius=radius.x-radius.x*randoms2.z*radius.y;
float randX=lRadius*sin(s);
float randZ=lRadius*cos(s);
float randY=h*height.x;
if (abs(cos(coneAngle)) == 1.0) {
} else {
vec3 randoms3=getRandomVec3(seed.z);
#elif defined(CUSTOMEMITTER)
float power=emitPower.x+(emitPower.y-emitPower.x)*randoms.a;
#ifdef LOCAL
#ifdef LOCAL
vec3 initial=newDirection;
vec3 initial=(emitterWM*vec4(newDirection,0.)).xyz;
#ifdef NOISE
} else {
float directionScale=timeDelta;
float ageGradient=newAge/life;
#if defined(CUSTOMEMITTER)
vec3 updatedDirection=direction+gravity*timeDelta;
float limitVelocity=texture(limitVelocityGradientSampler,vec2(ageGradient,0)).r;
float currentVelocity=length(updatedDirection);
if (currentVelocity>limitVelocity) {
#ifdef NOISE
float fetchedR=texture(noiseSampler,vec2(noiseCoordinates1.x,noiseCoordinates1.y)*vec2(0.5)+vec2(0.5)).r;
float fetchedG=texture(noiseSampler,vec2(noiseCoordinates1.z,noiseCoordinates2.x)*vec2(0.5)+vec2(0.5)).r;
float fetchedB=texture(noiseSampler,vec2(noiseCoordinates2.y,noiseCoordinates2.z)*vec2(0.5)+vec2(0.5)).r;
vec3 force=vec3(2.*fetchedR-1.,2.*fetchedG-1.,2.*fetchedB-1.)*noiseStrength;
float angularSpeed=texture(angularSpeedGradientSampler,vec2(ageGradient,0)).r;
float offsetAge=outAge;
float dist=cellInfos.y-cellInfos.x;
float cellStartOffset=0.;
float ratio=clamp(mod(cellStartOffset+cellInfos.z*offsetAge,life)/life,0.,1.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.gpuUpdateParticlesVertexShader = fm;
var pm = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
in float fClipDistance;
in float fClipDistance2;
in float fClipDistance3;
in float fClipDistance4;
in float fClipDistance5;
in float fClipDistance6;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.clipPlaneFragmentDeclaration2 = pm;
var _m = `#version 300 es
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
in vec2 vUV;
in vec4 vColor;
out vec4 outFragColor;
void main() {
vec4 textureColor=texture(diffuseSampler,vUV);
float alpha=vColor.a*textureColor.a;
ze.a.ShadersStore.gpuRenderParticlesPixelShader = _m;
var mm = `#ifdef CLIPPLANE
uniform vec4 vClipPlane;
out float fClipDistance;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane2;
out float fClipDistance2;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane3;
out float fClipDistance3;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane4;
out float fClipDistance4;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane5;
out float fClipDistance5;
uniform vec4 vClipPlane6;
out float fClipDistance6;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.clipPlaneVertexDeclaration2 = mm;
var gm = `#version 300 es
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform vec2 translationPivot;
uniform vec3 worldOffset;
#ifdef LOCAL
uniform mat4 emitterWM;
in vec3 position;
in float age;
in float life;
in vec3 size;
in vec3 initialDirection;
in vec3 direction;
in float angle;
in float cellIndex;
in vec2 offset;
in vec2 uv;
out vec2 vUV;
out vec4 vColor;
out vec3 vPositionW;
#if defined(BILLBOARD) && !defined(BILLBOARDY) && !defined(BILLBOARDSTRETCHED)
uniform mat4 invView;
uniform sampler2D colorGradientSampler;
uniform vec4 colorDead;
in vec4 color;
uniform vec3 sheetInfos;
uniform vec3 eyePosition;
vec3 rotate(vec3 yaxis,vec3 rotatedCorner) {
vec3 xaxis=normalize(cross(vec3(0.,1.0,0.),yaxis));
vec3 zaxis=normalize(cross(yaxis,xaxis));
vec3 row0=vec3(xaxis.x,xaxis.y,xaxis.z);
vec3 row1=vec3(yaxis.x,yaxis.y,yaxis.z);
vec3 row2=vec3(zaxis.x,zaxis.y,zaxis.z);
mat3 rotMatrix=mat3(row0,row1,row2);
vec3 alignedCorner=rotMatrix*rotatedCorner;
#ifdef LOCAL
return ((emitterWM*vec4(position,1.0)).xyz+worldOffset)+alignedCorner;
return (position+worldOffset)+alignedCorner;
vec3 rotateAlign(vec3 toCamera,vec3 rotatedCorner) {
vec3 normalizedToCamera=normalize(toCamera);
vec3 normalizedCrossDirToCamera=normalize(cross(normalize(direction),normalizedToCamera));
vec3 crossProduct=normalize(cross(normalizedToCamera,normalizedCrossDirToCamera));
vec3 row0=vec3(normalizedCrossDirToCamera.x,normalizedCrossDirToCamera.y,normalizedCrossDirToCamera.z);
vec3 row1=vec3(crossProduct.x,crossProduct.y,crossProduct.z);
vec3 row2=vec3(normalizedToCamera.x,normalizedToCamera.y,normalizedToCamera.z);
mat3 rotMatrix=mat3(row0,row1,row2);
vec3 alignedCorner=rotMatrix*rotatedCorner;
#ifdef LOCAL
return ((emitterWM*vec4(position,1.0)).xyz+worldOffset)+alignedCorner;
return (position+worldOffset)+alignedCorner;
void main() {
float rowOffset=floor(cellIndex/sheetInfos.z);
float columnOffset=cellIndex-rowOffset*sheetInfos.z;
vec2 uvScale=sheetInfos.xy;
vec2 uvOffset=vec2(uv.x ,1.0-uv.y);
float ratio=age/life;
vec2 cornerPos=(offset-translationPivot)*size.yz*size.x+translationPivot;
vec4 rotatedCorner;
vec3 yaxis=(position+worldOffset)-eyePosition;
vec4 viewPosition=(view*vec4(vPositionW,1.0));
vec3 toCamera=(position+worldOffset)-eyePosition;
vec4 viewPosition=(view*vec4(vPositionW,1.0));
#ifdef LOCAL
vec4 viewPosition=view*vec4(((emitterWM*vec4(position,1.0)).xyz+worldOffset),1.0)+rotatedCorner;
vec4 viewPosition=view*vec4((position+worldOffset),1.0)+rotatedCorner;
vec3 rotatedCorner;
vec3 yaxis=normalize(initialDirection);
vec4 viewPosition=view*vec4(vPositionW,1.0);
#if defined(CLIPPLANE) || defined(CLIPPLANE2) || defined(CLIPPLANE3) || defined(CLIPPLANE4) || defined(CLIPPLANE5) || defined(CLIPPLANE6)
vec4 worldPos=vec4(vPositionW,1.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.gpuRenderParticlesVertexShader = gm;
var Ji = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1), a === void 0 && (a = null);
var s =, e) || this;
s.layerMask = 268435455, s._accumulatedCount = 0, s._targetIndex = 0, s._currentRenderId = -1, s._started = !1, s._stopped = !1, s._timeDelta = 0, s._actualFrame = 0, s._rawTextureWidth = 256, s.onDisposeObservable = new C.c(), s.onStoppedObservable = new C.c(), s.forceDepthWrite = !1, s._preWarmDone = !1, s.isLocal = !1, s._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable = null, i && i.getClassName() !== "Scene" ? (s._engine = i, s.defaultProjectionMatrix = u.a.PerspectiveFovLH(0.8, 1, 0.1, 100)) : (s._scene = i || te.a.LastCreatedScene, s._engine = s._scene.getEngine(), s.uniqueId = s._scene.getUniqueId(), s._scene.particleSystems.push(s)), s._customEffect = { 0: a }, s._attachImageProcessingConfiguration(null), n.randomTextureSize || delete n.randomTextureSize;
var d = Object(c.a)({ capacity: 5e4, randomTextureSize: s._engine.getCaps().maxTextureSize }, n), p = n;
isFinite(p) && (d.capacity = p), s._capacity = d.capacity, s._activeCount = d.capacity, s._currentActiveCount = 0, s._isAnimationSheetEnabled = o, s._updateEffectOptions = { attributes: ["position", "initialPosition", "age", "life", "seed", "size", "color", "direction", "initialDirection", "angle", "cellIndex", "cellStartOffset", "noiseCoordinates1", "noiseCoordinates2"], uniformsNames: ["currentCount", "timeDelta", "emitterWM", "lifeTime", "color1", "color2", "sizeRange", "scaleRange", "gravity", "emitPower", "direction1", "direction2", "minEmitBox", "maxEmitBox", "radius", "directionRandomizer", "height", "coneAngle", "stopFactor", "angleRange", "radiusRange", "cellInfos", "noiseStrength", "limitVelocityDamping"], uniformBuffersNames: [], samplers: ["randomSampler", "randomSampler2", "sizeGradientSampler", "angularSpeedGradientSampler", "velocityGradientSampler", "limitVelocityGradientSampler", "noiseSampler", "dragGradientSampler"], defines: "", fallbacks: null, onCompiled: null, onError: null, indexParameters: null, maxSimultaneousLights: 0, transformFeedbackVaryings: [] }, s.particleEmitterType = new xr();
for (var y = Math.min(s._engine.getCaps().maxTextureSize, d.randomTextureSize), P = [], R = 0; R < y; ++R)
P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random());
for (s._randomTexture = new Zn(new Float32Array(P), y, 1, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, i, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT), s._randomTexture.wrapU = h.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, s._randomTexture.wrapV = h.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, P = [], R = 0; R < y; ++R)
P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random()), P.push(Math.random());
return s._randomTexture2 = new Zn(new Float32Array(P), y, 1, h.a.TEXTUREFORMAT_RGBA, i, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT), s._randomTexture2.wrapU = h.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, s._randomTexture2.wrapV = h.a.TEXTURE_WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, s._randomTextureSize = y, s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t, "IsSupported", { get: function() {
return !!te.a.LastCreatedEngine && te.a.LastCreatedEngine.webGLVersion > 1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getCapacity = function() {
return this._capacity;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "activeParticleCount", { get: function() {
return this._activeCount;
}, set: function(e) {
this._activeCount = Math.min(e, this._capacity);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this._updateEffect ? !!(this.emitter && this._updateEffect.isReady() && (!this._imageProcessingConfiguration || this._imageProcessingConfiguration.isReady()) && this._getEffect().isReady() && this.particleTexture && this.particleTexture.isReady()) : (this._recreateUpdateEffect(), this._recreateRenderEffect(), !1);
}, t.prototype.isStarted = function() {
return this._started;
}, t.prototype.isStopped = function() {
return this._stopped;
}, t.prototype.isStopping = function() {
return !1;
}, t.prototype.getActiveCount = function() {
return this._currentActiveCount;
}, t.prototype.start = function(e) {
var n = this;
if (e === void 0 && (e = this.startDelay), !this.targetStopDuration && this._hasTargetStopDurationDependantGradient())
throw "Particle system started with a targetStopDuration dependant gradient (eg. startSizeGradients) but no targetStopDuration set";
e ? setTimeout(function() {
}, e) : (this._started = !0, this._stopped = !1, this._preWarmDone = !1, this.beginAnimationOnStart && this.animations && this.animations.length > 0 && this._scene && this._scene.beginAnimation(this, this.beginAnimationFrom, this.beginAnimationTo, this.beginAnimationLoop));
}, t.prototype.stop = function() {
this._stopped || (this._stopped = !0);
}, t.prototype.reset = function() {
this._releaseBuffers(), this._releaseVAOs(), this._currentActiveCount = 0, this._targetIndex = 0;
}, t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GPUParticleSystem";
}, t.prototype.getCustomEffect = function(e) {
var n;
return e === void 0 && (e = 0), (n = this._customEffect[e]) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : this._customEffect[0];
}, t.prototype.setCustomEffect = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0), this._customEffect[n] = e;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable", { get: function() {
return this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable || (this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable = new C.c()), this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "vertexShaderName", { get: function() {
return "gpuRenderParticles";
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._removeGradientAndTexture = function(e, n, i) {
return, e, n, i), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.addColorGradient = function(e, n, i) {
this._colorGradients || (this._colorGradients = []);
var o = new gc(e, n);
return this._colorGradients.push(o), this._refreshColorGradient(!0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype._refreshColorGradient = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._colorGradients && (e && this._colorGradients.sort(function(n, i) {
return n.gradient < i.gradient ? -1 : n.gradient > i.gradient ? 1 : 0;
}), this._colorGradientsTexture && (this._colorGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._colorGradientsTexture = null));
}, t.prototype.forceRefreshGradients = function() {
this._refreshColorGradient(), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._sizeGradients, "_sizeGradientsTexture"), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._angularSpeedGradients, "_angularSpeedGradientsTexture"), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._velocityGradients, "_velocityGradientsTexture"), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._limitVelocityGradients, "_limitVelocityGradientsTexture"), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._dragGradients, "_dragGradientsTexture"), this.reset();
}, t.prototype.removeColorGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._colorGradients, this._colorGradientsTexture), this._colorGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype._addFactorGradient = function(e, n, i) {
var o = new vc(n, i);
e.push(o), this._releaseBuffers();
}, t.prototype.addSizeGradient = function(e, n) {
return this._sizeGradients || (this._sizeGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._sizeGradients, e, n), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._sizeGradients, "_sizeGradientsTexture", !0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeSizeGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._sizeGradients, this._sizeGradientsTexture), this._sizeGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype._refreshFactorGradient = function(e, n, i) {
i === void 0 && (i = !1), e && (i && e.sort(function(o, a) {
return o.gradient < a.gradient ? -1 : o.gradient > a.gradient ? 1 : 0;
}), this[n] && (this[n].dispose(), this[n] = null));
}, t.prototype.addAngularSpeedGradient = function(e, n) {
return this._angularSpeedGradients || (this._angularSpeedGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._angularSpeedGradients, e, n), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._angularSpeedGradients, "_angularSpeedGradientsTexture", !0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeAngularSpeedGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._angularSpeedGradients, this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype.addVelocityGradient = function(e, n) {
return this._velocityGradients || (this._velocityGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._velocityGradients, e, n), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._velocityGradients, "_velocityGradientsTexture", !0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeVelocityGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._velocityGradients, this._velocityGradientsTexture), this._velocityGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype.addLimitVelocityGradient = function(e, n) {
return this._limitVelocityGradients || (this._limitVelocityGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._limitVelocityGradients, e, n), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._limitVelocityGradients, "_limitVelocityGradientsTexture", !0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeLimitVelocityGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._limitVelocityGradients, this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture), this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype.addDragGradient = function(e, n) {
return this._dragGradients || (this._dragGradients = []), this._addFactorGradient(this._dragGradients, e, n), this._refreshFactorGradient(this._dragGradients, "_dragGradientsTexture", !0), this._releaseBuffers(), this;
}, t.prototype.removeDragGradient = function(e) {
return this._removeGradientAndTexture(e, this._dragGradients, this._dragGradientsTexture), this._dragGradientsTexture = null, this;
}, t.prototype.addEmitRateGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeEmitRateGradient = function(e) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.addStartSizeGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeStartSizeGradient = function(e) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.addColorRemapGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeColorRemapGradient = function() {
return this;
}, t.prototype.addAlphaRemapGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeAlphaRemapGradient = function() {
return this;
}, t.prototype.addRampGradient = function(e, n) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeRampGradient = function() {
return this;
}, t.prototype.getRampGradients = function() {
return null;
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useRampGradients", { get: function() {
return !1;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.addLifeTimeGradient = function(e, n, i) {
return this;
}, t.prototype.removeLifeTimeGradient = function(e) {
return this;
}, t.prototype._reset = function() {
}, t.prototype._createUpdateVAO = function(e) {
var n = {};
n.position = e.createVertexBuffer("position", 0, 3);
var i = 3;
this.particleEmitterType instanceof Cr && (n.initialPosition = e.createVertexBuffer("initialPosition", i, 3), i += 3), n.age = e.createVertexBuffer("age", i, 1), i += 1, = e.createVertexBuffer("life", i, 1), i += 1, n.seed = e.createVertexBuffer("seed", i, 4), i += 4, n.size = e.createVertexBuffer("size", i, 3), i += 3, this._colorGradientsTexture || (n.color = e.createVertexBuffer("color", i, 4), i += 4), n.direction = e.createVertexBuffer("direction", i, 3), i += 3, this._isBillboardBased || (n.initialDirection = e.createVertexBuffer("initialDirection", i, 3), i += 3), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture ? (n.angle = e.createVertexBuffer("angle", i, 1), i += 1) : (n.angle = e.createVertexBuffer("angle", i, 2), i += 2), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (n.cellIndex = e.createVertexBuffer("cellIndex", i, 1), i += 1, this.spriteRandomStartCell && (n.cellStartOffset = e.createVertexBuffer("cellStartOffset", i, 1), i += 1)), this.noiseTexture && (n.noiseCoordinates1 = e.createVertexBuffer("noiseCoordinates1", i, 3), i += 3, n.noiseCoordinates2 = e.createVertexBuffer("noiseCoordinates2", i, 3), i += 3);
var o = this._engine.recordVertexArrayObject(n, null, this._updateEffect);
return this._engine.bindArrayBuffer(null), o;
}, t.prototype._createRenderVAO = function(e, n) {
var i = {};
i.position = e.createVertexBuffer("position", 0, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0);
var o = 3;
this.particleEmitterType instanceof Cr && (o += 3), i.age = e.createVertexBuffer("age", o, 1, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 1, = e.createVertexBuffer("life", o, 1, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 5, i.size = e.createVertexBuffer("size", o, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 3, this._colorGradientsTexture || (i.color = e.createVertexBuffer("color", o, 4, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 4), this.billboardMode === cn.BILLBOARDMODE_STRETCHED && (i.direction = e.createVertexBuffer("direction", o, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0)), o += 3, this._isBillboardBased || (i.initialDirection = e.createVertexBuffer("initialDirection", o, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 3), i.angle = e.createVertexBuffer("angle", o, 1, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture ? o++ : o += 2, this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (i.cellIndex = e.createVertexBuffer("cellIndex", o, 1, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 1, this.spriteRandomStartCell && (i.cellStartOffset = e.createVertexBuffer("cellStartOffset", o, 1, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 1)), this.noiseTexture && (i.noiseCoordinates1 = e.createVertexBuffer("noiseCoordinates1", o, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 3, i.noiseCoordinates2 = e.createVertexBuffer("noiseCoordinates2", o, 3, this._attributesStrideSize, !0), o += 3), i.offset = n.createVertexBuffer("offset", 0, 2), i.uv = n.createVertexBuffer("uv", 2, 2);
var a = this._engine.recordVertexArrayObject(i, null, this._getEffect());
return this._engine.bindArrayBuffer(null), a;
}, t.prototype._initialize = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), !this._buffer0 || e) {
var n = this._engine, i = new Array();
this._attributesStrideSize = 21, this._targetIndex = 0, this.particleEmitterType instanceof Cr && (this._attributesStrideSize += 3), this.isBillboardBased || (this._attributesStrideSize += 3), this._colorGradientsTexture && (this._attributesStrideSize -= 4), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture && (this._attributesStrideSize -= 1), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (this._attributesStrideSize += 1, this.spriteRandomStartCell && (this._attributesStrideSize += 1)), this.noiseTexture && (this._attributesStrideSize += 6);
for (var o = this.particleEmitterType instanceof Cr, a = u.c.Vector3[0], s = 0; s < this._capacity; s++)
i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0), o && (this.particleEmitterType.particlePositionGenerator(s, null, a), i.push(a.x), i.push(a.y), i.push(a.z)), i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0), this._colorGradientsTexture || (i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0)), o ? (this.particleEmitterType.particleDestinationGenerator(s, null, a), i.push(a.x), i.push(a.y), i.push(a.z)) : (i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0)), this.isBillboardBased || (i.push(0), i.push(0), i.push(0)), i.push(0), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture || i.push(0), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && (i.push(0), this.spriteRandomStartCell && i.push(0)), this.noiseTexture && (i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()), i.push(Math.random()));
var d = new Float32Array([0.5, 0.5, 1, 1, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 1, -0.5, -0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, -0.5, 1, 0]);
this._buffer0 = new Oe.a(n, i, !1, this._attributesStrideSize), this._buffer1 = new Oe.a(n, i, !1, this._attributesStrideSize), this._spriteBuffer = new Oe.a(n, d, !1, 4), this._updateVAO = [], this._updateVAO.push(this._createUpdateVAO(this._buffer0)), this._updateVAO.push(this._createUpdateVAO(this._buffer1)), this._renderVAO = [], this._renderVAO.push(this._createRenderVAO(this._buffer1, this._spriteBuffer)), this._renderVAO.push(this._createRenderVAO(this._buffer0, this._spriteBuffer)), this._sourceBuffer = this._buffer0, this._targetBuffer = this._buffer1;
}, t.prototype._recreateUpdateEffect = function() {
var e = this.particleEmitterType ? this.particleEmitterType.getEffectDefines() : "";
this._isBillboardBased && (e += `
#define BILLBOARD`), this._colorGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define COLORGRADIENTS`), this._sizeGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define SIZEGRADIENTS`), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define ANGULARSPEEDGRADIENTS`), this._velocityGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define VELOCITYGRADIENTS`), this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define LIMITVELOCITYGRADIENTS`), this._dragGradientsTexture && (e += `
#define DRAGGRADIENTS`), this.isAnimationSheetEnabled && (e += `
#define ANIMATESHEET`, this.spriteRandomStartCell && (e += `
#define ANIMATESHEETRANDOMSTART`)), this.noiseTexture && (e += `
#define NOISE`), this.isLocal && (e += `
#define LOCAL`), this._updateEffect && this._updateEffectOptions.defines === e || (this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings = ["outPosition"], this.particleEmitterType instanceof Cr && this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outInitialPosition"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outAge"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outLife"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outSeed"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outSize"), this._colorGradientsTexture || this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outColor"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outDirection"), this._isBillboardBased || this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outInitialDirection"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outAngle"), this.isAnimationSheetEnabled && (this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outCellIndex"), this.spriteRandomStartCell && this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outCellStartOffset")), this.noiseTexture && (this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outNoiseCoordinates1"), this._updateEffectOptions.transformFeedbackVaryings.push("outNoiseCoordinates2")), this._updateEffectOptions.defines = e, this._updateEffect = new ze.a("gpuUpdateParticles", this._updateEffectOptions, this._engine));
}, t.prototype._getEffect = function() {
var e;
return (e = this.getCustomEffect()) !== null && e !== void 0 ? e : this._renderEffect;
}, t.prototype.fillDefines = function(e, n) {
if (this._scene && (this._scene.clipPlane && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE"), this._scene.clipPlane2 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE2"), this._scene.clipPlane3 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE3"), this._scene.clipPlane4 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE4"), this._scene.clipPlane5 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE5"), this._scene.clipPlane6 && e.push("#define CLIPPLANE6")), this.blendMode === cn.BLENDMODE_MULTIPLY && e.push("#define BLENDMULTIPLYMODE"), this.isLocal && e.push("#define LOCAL"), this._isBillboardBased)
switch (e.push("#define BILLBOARD"), this.billboardMode) {
e.push("#define BILLBOARDY");
e.push("#define BILLBOARDSTRETCHED");
e.push("#define BILLBOARDMODE_ALL");
this._colorGradientsTexture && e.push("#define COLORGRADIENTS"), this.isAnimationSheetEnabled && e.push("#define ANIMATESHEET"), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (this._imageProcessingConfiguration.prepareDefines(this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines), e.push("" + this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines.toString()));
}, t.prototype.fillUniformsAttributesAndSamplerNames = function(e, n, i) {
n.push("position", "age", "life", "size", "color", "offset", "uv", "direction", "initialDirection", "angle", "cellIndex"), e.push("emitterWM", "worldOffset", "view", "projection", "colorDead", "invView", "vClipPlane", "vClipPlane2", "vClipPlane3", "vClipPlane4", "vClipPlane5", "vClipPlane6", "sheetInfos", "translationPivot", "eyePosition"), i.push("diffuseSampler", "colorGradientSampler"), this._imageProcessingConfiguration && (vn.a.PrepareUniforms(e, this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines), vn.a.PrepareSamplers(i, this._imageProcessingConfigurationDefines));
}, t.prototype._recreateRenderEffect = function() {
var e = this.getCustomEffect();
if (e)
return e;
var n = [];
var i = n.join(`
if (this._renderEffect && this._renderEffect.defines === i)
return this._renderEffect;
var o = [], a = [], s = [];
return this.fillUniformsAttributesAndSamplerNames(a, o, s), this._renderEffect = new ze.a("gpuRenderParticles", o, a, s, this._engine, i), this._renderEffect;
}, t.prototype.animate = function(e) {
var n;
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._timeDelta = this.updateSpeed * (e ? this.preWarmStepOffset : ((n = this._scene) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getAnimationRatio()) || 1), this._actualFrame += this._timeDelta, this._stopped || this.targetStopDuration && this._actualFrame >= this.targetStopDuration && this.stop();
}, t.prototype._createFactorGradientTexture = function(e, n) {
var i = this[n];
if (e && e.length && !i) {
for (var o = new Float32Array(this._rawTextureWidth), a = 0; a < this._rawTextureWidth; a++) {
var s = a / this._rawTextureWidth;
On.GetCurrentGradient(s, e, function(d, p, y) {
o[a] = $.a.Lerp(d.factor1, p.factor1, y);
this[n] = Zn.CreateRTexture(o, this._rawTextureWidth, 1, this._scene || this._engine, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
}, t.prototype._createSizeGradientTexture = function() {
this._createFactorGradientTexture(this._sizeGradients, "_sizeGradientsTexture");
}, t.prototype._createAngularSpeedGradientTexture = function() {
this._createFactorGradientTexture(this._angularSpeedGradients, "_angularSpeedGradientsTexture");
}, t.prototype._createVelocityGradientTexture = function() {
this._createFactorGradientTexture(this._velocityGradients, "_velocityGradientsTexture");
}, t.prototype._createLimitVelocityGradientTexture = function() {
this._createFactorGradientTexture(this._limitVelocityGradients, "_limitVelocityGradientsTexture");
}, t.prototype._createDragGradientTexture = function() {
this._createFactorGradientTexture(this._dragGradients, "_dragGradientsTexture");
}, t.prototype._createColorGradientTexture = function() {
if (this._colorGradients && this._colorGradients.length && !this._colorGradientsTexture) {
for (var e = new Uint8Array(4 * this._rawTextureWidth), n = I.c.Color4[0], i = 0; i < this._rawTextureWidth; i++) {
var o = i / this._rawTextureWidth;
On.GetCurrentGradient(o, this._colorGradients, function(a, s, d) {
I.b.LerpToRef(a.color1, s.color1, d, n), e[4 * i] = 255 * n.r, e[4 * i + 1] = 255 * n.g, e[4 * i + 2] = 255 * n.b, e[4 * i + 3] = 255 * n.a;
this._colorGradientsTexture = Zn.CreateRGBATexture(e, this._rawTextureWidth, 1, this._scene, !1, !1, h.a.TEXTURE_NEAREST_SAMPLINGMODE);
}, t.prototype.render = function(e) {
var n, i;
if (e === void 0 && (e = !1), !this._started || (this._createColorGradientTexture(), this._createSizeGradientTexture(), this._createAngularSpeedGradientTexture(), this._createVelocityGradientTexture(), this._createLimitVelocityGradientTexture(), this._createDragGradientTexture(), this._recreateUpdateEffect(), this._recreateRenderEffect(), !this.isReady()))
return 0;
if (!e && this._scene) {
if (!this._preWarmDone && this.preWarmCycles) {
for (var o = 0; o < this.preWarmCycles; o++)
this.animate(!0), this.render(!0);
this._preWarmDone = !0;
if (this._currentRenderId === this._scene.getFrameId())
return 0;
this._currentRenderId = this._scene.getFrameId();
if (this._initialize(), this._accumulatedCount += this.emitRate * this._timeDelta, this._accumulatedCount > 1) {
var a = 0 | this._accumulatedCount;
this._accumulatedCount -= a, this._currentActiveCount = Math.min(this._activeCount, this._currentActiveCount + a);
if (!this._currentActiveCount)
return 0;
var s, d = this._engine;
if (!d.setState)
throw new Error("GPU particles cannot work with a full Engine. ThinEngine is not supported");
if (this._updateEffect.setFloat("currentCount", this._currentActiveCount), this._updateEffect.setFloat("timeDelta", this._timeDelta), this._updateEffect.setFloat("stopFactor", this._stopped ? 0 : 1), this._updateEffect.setTexture("randomSampler", this._randomTexture), this._updateEffect.setTexture("randomSampler2", this._randomTexture2), this._updateEffect.setFloat2("lifeTime", this.minLifeTime, this.maxLifeTime), this._updateEffect.setFloat2("emitPower", this.minEmitPower, this.maxEmitPower), this._colorGradientsTexture || (this._updateEffect.setDirectColor4("color1", this.color1), this._updateEffect.setDirectColor4("color2", this.color2)), this._updateEffect.setFloat2("sizeRange", this.minSize, this.maxSize), this._updateEffect.setFloat4("scaleRange", this.minScaleX, this.maxScaleX, this.minScaleY, this.maxScaleY), this._updateEffect.setFloat4("angleRange", this.minAngularSpeed, this.maxAngularSpeed, this.minInitialRotation, this.maxInitialRotation), this._updateEffect.setVector3("gravity", this.gravity), this._sizeGradientsTexture && this._updateEffect.setTexture("sizeGradientSampler", this._sizeGradientsTexture), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture && this._updateEffect.setTexture("angularSpeedGradientSampler", this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture), this._velocityGradientsTexture && this._updateEffect.setTexture("velocityGradientSampler", this._velocityGradientsTexture), this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture && (this._updateEffect.setTexture("limitVelocityGradientSampler", this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture), this._updateEffect.setFloat("limitVelocityDamping", this.limitVelocityDamping)), this._dragGradientsTexture && this._updateEffect.setTexture("dragGradientSampler", this._dragGradientsTexture), this.particleEmitterType && this.particleEmitterType.applyToShader(this._updateEffect), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && this._updateEffect.setFloat3("cellInfos", this.startSpriteCellID, this.endSpriteCellID, this.spriteCellChangeSpeed), this.noiseTexture && (this._updateEffect.setTexture("noiseSampler", this.noiseTexture), this._updateEffect.setVector3("noiseStrength", this.noiseStrength)), this.emitter.position)
s = this.emitter.getWorldMatrix();
else {
var p = this.emitter;
s = u.a.Translation(p.x, p.y, p.z);
if (this.isLocal || this._updateEffect.setMatrix("emitterWM", s), this._engine.bindVertexArrayObject(this._updateVAO[this._targetIndex], null), d.bindTransformFeedbackBuffer(this._targetBuffer.getBuffer()), d.setRasterizerState(!1), d.beginTransformFeedback(!0), d.drawArraysType(h.a.MATERIAL_PointListDrawMode, 0, this._currentActiveCount), d.endTransformFeedback(), d.setRasterizerState(!0), d.bindTransformFeedbackBuffer(null), !e) {
var y = this._getEffect();
var P = ((n = this._scene) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getViewMatrix()) || u.a.IdentityReadOnly;
if (y.setMatrix("view", P), y.setMatrix("projection", (i = this.defaultProjectionMatrix) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : this._scene.getProjectionMatrix()), y.setTexture("diffuseSampler", this.particleTexture), y.setVector2("translationPivot", this.translationPivot), y.setVector3("worldOffset", this.worldOffset), this.isLocal && y.setMatrix("emitterWM", s), this._colorGradientsTexture ? y.setTexture("colorGradientSampler", this._colorGradientsTexture) : y.setDirectColor4("colorDead", this.colorDead), this._isAnimationSheetEnabled && this.particleTexture) {
var R = this.particleTexture.getBaseSize();
y.setFloat3("sheetInfos", this.spriteCellWidth / R.width, this.spriteCellHeight / R.height, R.width / this.spriteCellWidth);
if (this._isBillboardBased && this._scene) {
var B = this._scene.activeCamera;
y.setVector3("eyePosition", B.globalPosition);
var F = y.defines;
if (this._scene && (this._scene.clipPlane || this._scene.clipPlane2 || this._scene.clipPlane3 || this._scene.clipPlane4 || this._scene.clipPlane5 || this._scene.clipPlane6) && $e.a.BindClipPlane(y, this._scene), F.indexOf("#define BILLBOARDMODE_ALL") >= 0) {
var z = P.clone();
z.invert(), y.setMatrix("invView", z);
switch (this._imageProcessingConfiguration && !this._imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess && this._imageProcessingConfiguration.bind(y), this.blendMode) {
this.forceDepthWrite && d.setDepthWrite(!0), this._engine.bindVertexArrayObject(this._renderVAO[this._targetIndex], null), this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable && this._onBeforeDrawParticlesObservable.notifyObservers(y), this._engine.drawArraysType(h.a.MATERIAL_TriangleFanDrawMode, 0, 4, this._currentActiveCount), this._engine.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE);
this._targetIndex++, this._targetIndex === 2 && (this._targetIndex = 0);
var J = this._sourceBuffer;
return this._sourceBuffer = this._targetBuffer, this._targetBuffer = J, this._currentActiveCount;
}, t.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, t.prototype._releaseBuffers = function() {
this._buffer0 && (this._buffer0.dispose(), this._buffer0 = null), this._buffer1 && (this._buffer1.dispose(), this._buffer1 = null), this._spriteBuffer && (this._spriteBuffer.dispose(), this._spriteBuffer = null);
}, t.prototype._releaseVAOs = function() {
if (this._updateVAO) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._updateVAO.length; e++)
for (this._updateVAO = [], e = 0; e < this._renderVAO.length; e++)
this._renderVAO = [];
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
if (e === void 0 && (e = !0), this._scene) {
var n = this._scene.particleSystems.indexOf(this);
n > -1 && this._scene.particleSystems.splice(n, 1);
this._releaseBuffers(), this._releaseVAOs(), this._colorGradientsTexture && (this._colorGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._colorGradientsTexture = null), this._sizeGradientsTexture && (this._sizeGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._sizeGradientsTexture = null), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture && (this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._angularSpeedGradientsTexture = null), this._velocityGradientsTexture && (this._velocityGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._velocityGradientsTexture = null), this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture && (this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._limitVelocityGradientsTexture = null), this._dragGradientsTexture && (this._dragGradientsTexture.dispose(), this._dragGradientsTexture = null), this._randomTexture && (this._randomTexture.dispose(), this._randomTexture = null), this._randomTexture2 && (this._randomTexture2.dispose(), this._randomTexture2 = null), e && this.particleTexture && (this.particleTexture.dispose(), this.particleTexture = null), e && this.noiseTexture && (this.noiseTexture.dispose(), this.noiseTexture = null), this.onStoppedObservable.clear(), this.onDisposeObservable.notifyObservers(this), this.onDisposeObservable.clear();
}, t.prototype.clone = function(e, n) {
var i = this.serialize(), o = t.Parse(i, this._scene || this._engine, ""), a = Object(c.a)({}, this._customEffect);
return = e, o._customEffect = a, n === void 0 && (n = this.emitter), o.emitter = n, o.noiseTexture = this.noiseTexture, o;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
var n = {};
return cn._Serialize(n, this, e), n.activeParticleCount = this.activeParticleCount, n.randomTextureSize = this._randomTextureSize, n;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
o === void 0 && (o = !1);
var a = new t(, { capacity: e.capacity, randomTextureSize: e.randomTextureSize }, n);
return e.activeParticleCount && (a.activeParticleCount = e.activeParticleCount), cn._Parse(e, a, n, i), e.preventAutoStart && (a.preventAutoStart = e.preventAutoStart), o || a.preventAutoStart || a.start(), a;
}, t;
}(co), da = function() {
function r() { = new Array();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "emitterNode", { get: function() {
return this._emitterNode;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setEmitterAsSphere = function(t, e, n) {
this._emitterNode && this._emitterNode.dispose(), this._emitterCreationOptions = { kind: "Sphere", options: t, renderingGroupId: e };
var i = Nn.a.CreateSphere("emitterSphere", { diameter: t.diameter, segments: t.segments }, n);
i.renderingGroupId = e;
var o = new Nt.a("emitterSphereMaterial", n);
o.emissiveColor = t.color, i.material = o;
for (var a = 0, s =; a < s.length; a++)
s[a].emitter = i;
this._emitterNode = i;
}, r.prototype.start = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, n =; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = n[e];
t && (i.emitter = t), i.start();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = 0, e =; t < e.length; t++)
e[t].dispose(); = [], this._emitterNode && (this._emitterNode.dispose(), this._emitterNode = null);
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1);
for (var e = { systems: [] }, n = 0, i =; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];;
return this._emitterNode && (e.emitter = this._emitterCreationOptions), e;
}, r.Parse = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i = new r(), o = this.BaseAssetsUrl + "/textures/";
e = e || te.a.LastCreatedScene;
for (var a = 0, s =; a < s.length; a++) {
var d = s[a]; ? Ji.Parse(d, e, o, !0) : cn.Parse(d, e, o, !0));
if (t.emitter) {
var p = t.emitter.options;
switch (t.emitter.kind) {
case "Sphere":
i.setEmitterAsSphere({ diameter: p.diameter, segments: p.segments, color: I.a.FromArray(p.color) }, t.emitter.renderingGroupId, e);
return i;
}, r.BaseAssetsUrl = "", r;
}(), vm = function() {
function r() {
return r.CreateDefault = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o;
return e === void 0 && (e = 500), i === void 0 && (i = !1), (o = i ? new Ji("default system", { capacity: e }, n) : new cn("default system", e, n)).emitter = t, o.particleTexture = new Ne.a("", o.getScene()), o.createConeEmitter(0.1, Math.PI / 4), o.color1 = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), o.color2 = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), o.colorDead = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 0), o.minSize = 0.1, o.maxSize = 0.1, o.minEmitPower = 2, o.maxEmitPower = 2, o.updateSpeed = 1 / 60, o.emitRate = 30, o;
}, r.CreateAsync = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), e || (e = te.a.LastCreatedScene);
var i = {};
return e._addPendingData(i), new Promise(function(o, a) {
if (n && !Ji.IsSupported)
return e._removePendingData(i), a("Particle system with GPU is not supported.");
Xe.b.LoadFile(r.BaseAssetsUrl + "/systems/" + t + ".json", function(s) {
var d = JSON.parse(s.toString());
return o(da.Parse(d, e, n));
}, void 0, void 0, void 0, function() {
return e._removePendingData(i), a("An error occured while the creation of your particle system. Check if your type '" + t + "' exists.");
}, r.ExportSet = function(t) {
for (var e = new da(), n = 0, i = t; n < i.length; n++) {
var o = i[n];;
return e;
}, r.ParseFromFileAsync = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return i === void 0 && (i = !1), o === void 0 && (o = ""), new Promise(function(a, s) {
var d = new re.a();
d.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (d.readyState == 4)
if (d.status == 200) {
var p = JSON.parse(d.responseText), y = void 0;
y = i ? Ji.Parse(p, n, o) : cn.Parse(p, n, o), t && ( = t), a(y);
} else
s("Unable to load the particle system");
}),"GET", e), d.send();
}, r.CreateFromSnippetAsync = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = this;
if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = ""), t === "_BLANK") {
var a = this.CreateDefault(null);
return a.start(), Promise.resolve(a);
return new Promise(function(s, d) {
var p = new re.a();
p.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() {
if (p.readyState == 4)
if (p.status == 200) {
var y = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(p.responseText).jsonPayload), P = JSON.parse(y.particleSystem), R = void 0;
(R = n ? Ji.Parse(P, e, i) : cn.Parse(P, e, i)).snippetId = t, s(R);
} else
d("Unable to load the snippet " + t);
}),"GET", o.SnippetUrl + "/" + t.replace(/#/g, "/")), p.send();
}, r.BaseAssetsUrl = da.BaseAssetsUrl, r.SnippetUrl = "", r;
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_PARTICLESYSTEM, function(r, t, e, n) {
var i = V.a.GetIndividualParser(ot.a.NAME_PARTICLESYSTEM);
if (i && r.particleSystems !== void 0 && r.particleSystems !== null)
for (var o = 0, a = r.particleSystems.length; o < a; o++) {
var s = r.particleSystems[o];
e.particleSystems.push(i(s, t, n));
}), V.a.AddIndividualParser(ot.a.NAME_PARTICLESYSTEM, function(r, t, e) {
return r.activeParticleCount ? Ji.Parse(r, t, e) : cn.Parse(r, t, e);
}), Ue.a.prototype.createEffectForParticles = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d;
t === void 0 && (t = []), e === void 0 && (e = []), n === void 0 && (n = "");
var p = [], y = [], P = [];
return s ? s.fillUniformsAttributesAndSamplerNames(y, p, P) : (p = cn._GetAttributeNamesOrOptions(), y = cn._GetEffectCreationOptions()), n.indexOf(" BILLBOARD") === -1 && (n += `
`), e.indexOf("diffuseSampler") === -1 && e.push("diffuseSampler"), this.createEffect({ vertex: (d = s == null ? void 0 : s.vertexShaderName) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : "particles", fragmentElement: r }, p, y.concat(t), P.concat(e), n, i, o, a);
}, Ie.a.prototype.getEmittedParticleSystems = function() {
for (var r = new Array(), t = 0; t < this.getScene().particleSystems.length; t++) {
var e = this.getScene().particleSystems[t];
e.emitter === this && r.push(e);
return r;
}, Ie.a.prototype.getHierarchyEmittedParticleSystems = function() {
var r = new Array(), t = this.getDescendants();
for (var e = 0; e < this.getScene().particleSystems.length; e++) {
var n = this.getScene().particleSystems[e], i = n.emitter;
i.position && t.indexOf(i) !== -1 && r.push(n);
return r;
var bn, yc = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = null), this.idx = 0, = 0, this.color = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this.position = u.e.Zero(), this.rotation = u.e.Zero(), this.scaling = u.e.One(), this.uvs = new u.f(0, 0, 1, 1), this.velocity = u.e.Zero(), this.pivot = u.e.Zero(), this.translateFromPivot = !1, this.alive = !0, this.isVisible = !0, this._pos = 0, this._ind = 0, this.shapeId = 0, this.idxInShape = 0, this._stillInvisible = !1, this._rotationMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], this.parentId = null, this.materialIndex = null, this.props = null, this.cullingStrategy = Mt.a.CULLINGSTRATEGY_BOUNDINGSPHERE_ONLY, this._globalPosition = u.e.Zero(), this.idx = t, = e, this._pos = n, this._ind = i, this._model = o, this.shapeId = a, this.idxInShape = s, this._sps = d, p && (this._modelBoundingInfo = p, this._boundingInfo = new Ii.a(p.minimum, p.maximum)), y !== null && (this.materialIndex = y);
return r.prototype.copyToRef = function(t) {
return t.position.copyFrom(this.position), t.rotation.copyFrom(this.rotation), this.rotationQuaternion && (t.rotationQuaternion ? t.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(this.rotationQuaternion) : t.rotationQuaternion = this.rotationQuaternion.clone()), t.scaling.copyFrom(this.scaling), this.color && (t.color ? t.color.copyFrom(this.color) : t.color = this.color.clone()), t.uvs.copyFrom(this.uvs), t.velocity.copyFrom(this.velocity), t.pivot.copyFrom(this.pivot), t.translateFromPivot = this.translateFromPivot, t.alive = this.alive, t.isVisible = this.isVisible, t.parentId = this.parentId, t.cullingStrategy = this.cullingStrategy, this.materialIndex !== null && (t.materialIndex = this.materialIndex), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "scale", { get: function() {
return this.scaling;
}, set: function(t) {
this.scaling = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "quaternion", { get: function() {
return this.rotationQuaternion;
}, set: function(t) {
this.rotationQuaternion = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.intersectsMesh = function(t) {
return !(!this._boundingInfo || !t._boundingInfo) && (this._sps._bSphereOnly ? Nl.a.Intersects(this._boundingInfo.boundingSphere, t._boundingInfo.boundingSphere) : this._boundingInfo.intersects(t._boundingInfo, !1));
}, r.prototype.isInFrustum = function(t) {
return this._boundingInfo !== null && this._boundingInfo.isInFrustum(t, this.cullingStrategy);
}, r.prototype.getRotationMatrix = function(t) {
var e;
if (this.rotationQuaternion)
e = this.rotationQuaternion;
else {
e = u.c.Quaternion[0];
var n = this.rotation;
u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(n.y, n.x, n.z, e);
}, r;
}(), bc = function(r, t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
this._indicesLength = 0, this.shapeID = r, this._shape = t, this._indices = e, this._indicesLength = e.length, this._shapeUV = o, this._shapeColors = i, this._normals = n, this._positionFunction = a, this._vertexFunction = s, this._material = d;
}, cd = function(r, t, e, n) {
this.idx = 0, this.ind = 0, this.indicesLength = 0, this.sqDistance = 0, this.materialIndex = 0, this.idx = r, this.ind = t, this.indicesLength = e, this.materialIndex = n;
}, ld = function() {
function r() {
this.position = u.e.Zero(), this.color = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this.uv = u.d.Zero();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "x", { get: function() {
return this.position.x;
}, set: function(t) {
this.position.x = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "y", { get: function() {
return this.position.y;
}, set: function(t) {
this.position.y = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "z", { get: function() {
return this.position.z;
}, set: function(t) {
this.position.z = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r;
}(), ym = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this.particles = new Array(), this.nbParticles = 0, this.billboard = !1, this.recomputeNormals = !1, this.counter = 0, this.vars = {}, this._bSphereOnly = !1, this._bSphereRadiusFactor = 1, this._positions = new Array(), this._indices = new Array(), this._normals = new Array(), this._colors = new Array(), this._uvs = new Array(), this._index = 0, this._updatable = !0, this._pickable = !1, this._isVisibilityBoxLocked = !1, this._alwaysVisible = !1, this._depthSort = !1, this._expandable = !1, this._shapeCounter = 0, this._copy = new yc(0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, 0, this), this._color = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._computeParticleColor = !0, this._computeParticleTexture = !0, this._computeParticleRotation = !0, this._computeParticleVertex = !1, this._computeBoundingBox = !1, this._depthSortParticles = !0, this._mustUnrotateFixedNormals = !1, this._particlesIntersect = !1, this._needs32Bits = !1, this._isNotBuilt = !0, this._lastParticleId = 0, this._idxOfId = [], this._multimaterialEnabled = !1, this._useModelMaterial = !1, this._depthSortFunction = function(i, o) {
return o.sqDistance - i.sqDistance;
}, this._materialSortFunction = function(i, o) {
return i.materialIndex - o.materialIndex;
}, this._autoUpdateSubMeshes = !1, = t, this._scene = e || te.a.LastCreatedScene, this._camera = e.activeCamera, this._pickable = !!n && n.isPickable, this._depthSort = !!n && n.enableDepthSort, this._multimaterialEnabled = !!n && n.enableMultiMaterial, this._useModelMaterial = !!n && n.useModelMaterial, this._multimaterialEnabled = !!this._useModelMaterial || this._multimaterialEnabled, this._expandable = !!n && n.expandable, this._particlesIntersect = !!n && n.particleIntersection, this._bSphereOnly = !!n && n.boundingSphereOnly, this._bSphereRadiusFactor = n && n.bSphereRadiusFactor ? n.bSphereRadiusFactor : 1, n && n.updatable !== void 0 ? this._updatable = n.updatable : this._updatable = !0, this._pickable && (this.pickedBySubMesh = [[]], this.pickedParticles = this.pickedBySubMesh[0]), (this._depthSort || this._multimaterialEnabled) && (this.depthSortedParticles = []), this._multimaterialEnabled && (this._multimaterial = new qi.a( + "MultiMaterial", this._scene), this._materials = [], this._materialIndexesById = {}), this._tmpVertex = new ld();
return r.prototype.buildMesh = function() {
if (!this._isNotBuilt && this.mesh)
return this.mesh;
if (this.nbParticles === 0 && !this.mesh) {
var t = ha.CreateDisc("", { radius: 1, tessellation: 3 }, this._scene);
this.addShape(t, 1), t.dispose();
if (this._indices32 = this._needs32Bits ? new Uint32Array(this._indices) : new Uint16Array(this._indices), this._positions32 = new Float32Array(this._positions), this._uvs32 = new Float32Array(this._uvs), this._colors32 = new Float32Array(this._colors), !this.mesh) {
var e = new Ie.a(, this._scene);
this.mesh = e;
!this._updatable && this._multimaterialEnabled && this._sortParticlesByMaterial(), this.recomputeNormals && ht.a.ComputeNormals(this._positions32, this._indices32, this._normals), this._normals32 = new Float32Array(this._normals), this._fixedNormal32 = new Float32Array(this._normals), this._mustUnrotateFixedNormals && this._unrotateFixedNormals();
var n = new ht.a();
if (n.indices = this._depthSort ? this._indices : this._indices32, n.set(this._positions32, Oe.b.PositionKind), n.set(this._normals32, Oe.b.NormalKind), this._uvs32.length > 0 && n.set(this._uvs32, Oe.b.UVKind), this._colors32.length > 0 && n.set(this._colors32, Oe.b.ColorKind), n.applyToMesh(this.mesh, this._updatable), this.mesh.isPickable = this._pickable, this._pickable) {
for (var i = 0, o = 0; o < this.nbParticles; o++)
for (var a = this.particles[o], s = a._model._indicesLength, d = 0; d < s; d++)
if (d % 3 == 0) {
var p = { idx: a.idx, faceId: i };
this.pickedParticles[i] = p, i++;
return this._multimaterialEnabled && this.setMultiMaterial(this._materials), this._expandable || (this._depthSort || this._multimaterialEnabled || (this._indices = null), this._positions = null, this._normals = null, this._uvs = null, this._colors = null, this._updatable || (this.particles.length = 0)), this._isNotBuilt = !1, this.recomputeNormals = !1, this.mesh;
}, r.prototype.digest = function(t, e) {
var n = e && e.facetNb || 1, i = e && e.number || 0, o = e && || 0, a = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), s = t.getIndices(), d = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), p = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), y = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind), P = e && ? : null, R = 0, B = s.length / 3;
i ? (i = i > B ? B : i, n = Math.round(B / i), o = 0) : n = n > B ? B : n;
for (var F = [], z = [], J = [], ie = [], se = [], ce = u.e.Zero(), ue = n; R < B; ) {
R > B - (n = ue + Math.floor((1 + o) * Math.random())) && (n = B - R), F.length = 0, z.length = 0, J.length = 0, ie.length = 0, se.length = 0;
for (var fe = 0, ve = 3 * R; ve < 3 * (R + n); ve++) {
var Te = s[ve], Re = 3 * Te;
if (F.push(a[Re], a[Re + 1], a[Re + 2]), z.push(y[Re], y[Re + 1], y[Re + 2]), d) {
var Ae = 2 * Te;
ie.push(d[Ae], d[Ae + 1]);
if (p) {
var Ee = 4 * Te;
se.push(p[Ee], p[Ee + 1], p[Ee + 2], p[Ee + 3]);
var Se, De = this.nbParticles, xe = this._posToShape(F), Le = this._uvsToShapeUV(ie), Me = Xe.b.Slice(J), we = Xe.b.Slice(se), Ye = Xe.b.Slice(z);
for (ce.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0), Se = 0; Se < xe.length; Se++)
ce.scaleInPlace(1 / xe.length);
var et, nt = new u.e(1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0), ct = new u.e(-1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0);
for (Se = 0; Se < xe.length; Se++)
xe[Se].subtractInPlace(ce), nt.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(xe[Se].x, xe[Se].y, xe[Se].z), ct.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(xe[Se].x, xe[Se].y, xe[Se].z);
this._particlesIntersect && (et = new Ii.a(nt, ct));
var Ke = null;
this._useModelMaterial && (Ke = t.material ? t.material : this._setDefaultMaterial());
var rt = new bc(this._shapeCounter, xe, Me, Ye, we, Le, null, null, Ke), it = this._positions.length, qe = this._indices.length;
this._meshBuilder(this._index, qe, xe, this._positions, Me, this._indices, ie, this._uvs, we, this._colors, Ye, this._normals, De, 0, null, rt), this._addParticle(De, this._lastParticleId, it, qe, rt, this._shapeCounter, 0, et, P), this.particles[this.nbParticles].position.addInPlace(ce), P || (this._index += xe.length, De++, this.nbParticles++, this._lastParticleId++), this._shapeCounter++, R += n;
return this._isNotBuilt = !0, this;
}, r.prototype._unrotateFixedNormals = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0, n = u.c.Vector3[0], i = u.c.Quaternion[0], o = u.c.Matrix[0], a = 0; a < this.particles.length; a++) {
var s = this.particles[a], d = s._model._shape;
if (s.rotationQuaternion)
else {
var p = s.rotation;
u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(p.y, p.x, p.z, i), i.conjugateInPlace();
for (var y = 0; y < d.length; y++)
e = t + 3 * y, u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(this._normals32[e], this._normals32[e + 1], this._normals32[e + 2], o, n), n.toArray(this._fixedNormal32, e);
t = e + 3;
}, r.prototype._resetCopy = function() {
var t = this._copy;
t.position.setAll(0), t.rotation.setAll(0), t.rotationQuaternion = null, t.scaling.setAll(1), t.uvs.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 1, 1), t.color = null, t.translateFromPivot = !1, t.shapeId = 0, t.materialIndex = null;
}, r.prototype._meshBuilder = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J) {
var ie, se = 0, ce = 0, ue = 0;
var fe = this._copy, ve = !(!z || !;
if (fe.idx = B, fe.idxInShape = F, fe.shapeId = J.shapeID, this._useModelMaterial) {
var Te = J._material.uniqueId, Re = this._materialIndexesById;
Re.hasOwnProperty(Te) || (Re[Te] = this._materials.length, this._materials.push(J._material));
var Ae = Re[Te];
fe.materialIndex = Ae;
if (z && z.positionFunction && (z.positionFunction(fe, B, F), this._mustUnrotateFixedNormals = !0), ve)
return fe;
var Ee = u.c.Matrix[0], Se = this._tmpVertex, De = Se.position, xe = Se.color, Le = Se.uv, Me = u.c.Vector3[1], we = u.c.Vector3[2], Ye = u.c.Vector3[3];
u.a.IdentityToRef(Ee), fe.getRotationMatrix(Ee), fe.pivot.multiplyToRef(fe.scaling, Ye), fe.translateFromPivot ? we.setAll(0) : we.copyFrom(Ye);
var et = z && z.vertexFunction;
for (ie = 0; ie < n.length; ie++) {
if (De.copyFrom(n[ie]), fe.color && xe.copyFrom(fe.color), s && Le.copyFromFloats(s[se], s[se + 1]), et && z.vertexFunction(fe, Se, ie), De.multiplyInPlace(fe.scaling).subtractInPlace(Ye), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(De, Ee, Me), Me.addInPlace(we).addInPlace(fe.position), i.push(Me.x, Me.y, Me.z), s) {
var nt = fe.uvs;
d.push((nt.z - nt.x) * Le.x + nt.x, (nt.w - nt.y) * Le.y + nt.y), se += 2;
if (fe.color)
else {
var ct = this._color;
p && p[ce] !== void 0 ? (ct.r = p[ce], ct.g = p[ce + 1], ct.b = p[ce + 2], ct.a = p[ce + 3]) : (ct.r = 1, ct.g = 1, ct.b = 1, ct.a = 1);
y.push(this._color.r, this._color.g, this._color.b, this._color.a), ce += 4, !this.recomputeNormals && P && (u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(P[ue], P[ue + 1], P[ue + 2], Ee, De), R.push(De.x, De.y, De.z), ue += 3);
for (ie = 0; ie < o.length; ie++) {
var Ke = t + o[ie];
a.push(Ke), Ke > 65535 && (this._needs32Bits = !0);
if (this._depthSort || this._multimaterialEnabled) {
var rt = fe.materialIndex !== null ? fe.materialIndex : 0;
this.depthSortedParticles.push(new cd(B, e, o.length, rt));
return fe;
}, r.prototype._posToShape = function(t) {
for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n += 3)
e.push(u.e.FromArray(t, n));
return e;
}, r.prototype._uvsToShapeUV = function(t) {
var e = [];
if (t)
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
return e;
}, r.prototype._addParticle = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
d === void 0 && (d = null), p === void 0 && (p = null);
var y = new yc(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, this, d);
return (p || this.particles).push(y), y;
}, r.prototype.addShape = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), o = t.getIndices(), a = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), s = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), d = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind);
this.recomputeNormals = !d;
var p = Xe.b.SliceToArray(o), y = Xe.b.SliceToArray(d), P = s ? Xe.b.SliceToArray(s) : [], R = n && ? : null, B = null;
this._particlesIntersect && (B = t.getBoundingInfo());
var F = this._posToShape(i), z = this._uvsToShapeUV(a), J = n ? n.positionFunction : null, ie = n ? n.vertexFunction : null, se = null;
this._useModelMaterial && (se = t.material ? t.material : this._setDefaultMaterial());
for (var ce = new bc(this._shapeCounter, F, p, y, P, z, J, ie, se), ue = 0; ue < e; ue++)
this._insertNewParticle(this.nbParticles, ue, ce, F, o, a, s, d, B, R, n);
return this._shapeCounter++, this._isNotBuilt = !0, this._shapeCounter - 1;
}, r.prototype._rebuildParticle = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._resetCopy();
var n = this._copy;
t._model._positionFunction && t._model._positionFunction(n, t.idx, t.idxInShape);
var i = u.c.Matrix[0], o = u.c.Vector3[0], a = u.c.Vector3[1], s = u.c.Vector3[2], d = u.c.Vector3[3];
n.getRotationMatrix(i), t.pivot.multiplyToRef(t.scaling, d), n.translateFromPivot ? s.copyFromFloats(0, 0, 0) : s.copyFrom(d);
for (var p = t._model._shape, y = 0; y < p.length; y++)
o.copyFrom(p[y]), t._model._vertexFunction && t._model._vertexFunction(n, o, y), o.multiplyInPlace(n.scaling).subtractInPlace(d), u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(o, i, a), a.addInPlace(s).addInPlace(n.position).toArray(this._positions32, t._pos + 3 * y);
e && (t.position.setAll(0), t.rotation.setAll(0), t.rotationQuaternion = null, t.scaling.setAll(1), t.uvs.setAll(0), t.pivot.setAll(0), t.translateFromPivot = !1, t.parentId = null);
}, r.prototype.rebuildMesh = function(t) {
t === void 0 && (t = !1);
for (var e = 0; e < this.particles.length; e++)
this._rebuildParticle(this.particles[e], t);
return this.mesh.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, this._positions32, !1, !1), this;
}, r.prototype.removeParticles = function(t, e) {
var n = e - t + 1;
if (!this._expandable || n <= 0 || n >= this.nbParticles || !this._updatable)
return [];
var i = this.particles, o = this.nbParticles;
if (e < o - 1)
for (var a = e + 1, s = i[a]._pos - i[t]._pos, d = i[a]._ind - i[t]._ind, p = a; p < o; p++) {
var y = i[p];
y._pos -= s, y._ind -= d;
var P = i.splice(t, n);
this._positions.length = 0, this._indices.length = 0, this._colors.length = 0, this._uvs.length = 0, this._normals.length = 0, this._index = 0, this._idxOfId.length = 0, (this._depthSort || this._multimaterialEnabled) && (this.depthSortedParticles = []);
for (var R = 0, B = i.length, F = 0; F < B; F++) {
var z = i[F], J = z._model, ie = J._shape, se = J._indices, ce = J._normals, ue = J._shapeColors, fe = J._shapeUV;
z.idx = F, this._idxOfId[] = F, this._meshBuilder(this._index, R, ie, this._positions, se, this._indices, fe, this._uvs, ue, this._colors, ce, this._normals, z.idx, z.idxInShape, null, J), this._index += ie.length, R += se.length;
return this.nbParticles -= n, this._isNotBuilt = !0, P;
}, r.prototype.insertParticlesFromArray = function(t) {
if (!this._expandable)
return this;
for (var e = 0, n = t[0].shapeId, i = t.length, o = 0; o < i; o++) {
var a = t[o], s = a._model, d = s._shape, p = s._indices, y = s._shapeUV, P = s._shapeColors, R = s._normals, B = !R;
this.recomputeNormals = B || this.recomputeNormals;
var F = a._boundingInfo, z = this._insertNewParticle(this.nbParticles, e, s, d, p, y, P, R, F, null, null);
a.copyToRef(z), e++, n != a.shapeId && (n = a.shapeId, e = 0);
return this._isNotBuilt = !0, this;
}, r.prototype._insertNewParticle = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
var R = this._positions.length, B = this._indices.length, F = this._meshBuilder(this._index, B, i, this._positions, o, this._indices, a, this._uvs, s, this._colors, d, this._normals, t, e, P, n), z = null;
return this._updatable && ((z = this._addParticle(this.nbParticles, this._lastParticleId, R, B, n, this._shapeCounter, e, p, y)).position.copyFrom(F.position), z.rotation.copyFrom(F.rotation), F.rotationQuaternion && (z.rotationQuaternion ? z.rotationQuaternion.copyFrom(F.rotationQuaternion) : z.rotationQuaternion = F.rotationQuaternion.clone()), F.color && (z.color ? z.color.copyFrom(F.color) : z.color = F.color.clone()), z.scaling.copyFrom(F.scaling), z.uvs.copyFrom(F.uvs), F.materialIndex !== null && (z.materialIndex = F.materialIndex), this.expandable && (this._idxOfId[] = z.idx)), y || (this._index += i.length, this.nbParticles++, this._lastParticleId++), z;
}, r.prototype.setParticles = function(t, e, n) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 0), e === void 0 && (e = this.nbParticles - 1), n === void 0 && (n = !0), !this._updatable || this._isNotBuilt)
return this;
this.beforeUpdateParticles(t, e, n);
var i = u.c.Matrix[0], o = u.c.Matrix[1], a = this.mesh, s = this._colors32, d = this._positions32, p = this._normals32, y = this._uvs32, P = this._indices32, R = this._indices, B = this._fixedNormal32, F = u.c.Vector3, z = F[5].copyFromFloats(1, 0, 0), J = F[6].copyFromFloats(0, 1, 0), ie = F[7].copyFromFloats(0, 0, 1), se = F[8].setAll(Number.MAX_VALUE), ce = F[9].setAll(-Number.MAX_VALUE), ue = F[10].setAll(0), fe = this._tmpVertex, ve = fe.position, Te = fe.color, Re = fe.uv;
if ((this.billboard || this._depthSort) && (this.mesh.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this.mesh._worldMatrix.invertToRef(o)), this.billboard) {
var Ae = F[0];
this._camera.getDirectionToRef(be.a.Z, Ae), u.e.TransformNormalToRef(Ae, o, ie), ie.normalize();
var Ee = this._camera.getViewMatrix(!0);
u.e.TransformNormalFromFloatsToRef(Ee.m[1], Ee.m[5], Ee.m[9], o, J), u.e.CrossToRef(J, ie, z), J.normalize(), z.normalize();
this._depthSort && u.e.TransformCoordinatesToRef(this._camera.globalPosition, o, ue), u.a.IdentityToRef(i);
var Se = 0, De = 0, xe = 0, Le = 0, Me = 0, we = 0, Ye = 0;
if (this.mesh.isFacetDataEnabled && (this._computeBoundingBox = !0), e = e >= this.nbParticles ? this.nbParticles - 1 : e, this._computeBoundingBox && (t != 0 || e != this.nbParticles - 1)) {
var et = this.mesh._boundingInfo;
et && (se.copyFrom(et.minimum), ce.copyFrom(et.maximum));
var nt = (De = this.particles[t]._pos) / 3 | 0;
Le = 4 * nt, we = 2 * nt;
for (var ct = t; ct <= e; ct++) {
var Ke = this.particles[ct];
var rt = Ke._model._shape, it = Ke._model._shapeUV, qe = Ke._rotationMatrix, ut = Ke.position, Ve = Ke.rotation, Ze = Ke.scaling, vt = Ke._globalPosition;
if (this._depthSort && this._depthSortParticles) {
var jt = this.depthSortedParticles[ct];
jt.idx = Ke.idx, jt.ind = Ke._ind, jt.indicesLength = Ke._model._indicesLength, jt.sqDistance = u.e.DistanceSquared(Ke.position, ue);
if (!Ke.alive || Ke._stillInvisible && !Ke.isVisible)
De += 3 * (Ye = rt.length), Le += 4 * Ye, we += 2 * Ye;
else {
if (Ke.isVisible) {
Ke._stillInvisible = !1;
var Dt = F[12];
if (Ke.pivot.multiplyToRef(Ze, Dt), this.billboard && (Ve.x = 0, Ve.y = 0), (this._computeParticleRotation || this.billboard) && Ke.getRotationMatrix(i), Ke.parentId !== null) {
var Yt = this.getParticleById(Ke.parentId);
if (Yt) {
var mt = Yt._rotationMatrix, qt = Yt._globalPosition, Ht = ut.x * mt[1] + ut.y * mt[4] + ut.z * mt[7], kt = ut.x * mt[0] + ut.y * mt[3] + ut.z * mt[6], Wt = ut.x * mt[2] + ut.y * mt[5] + ut.z * mt[8];
if (vt.x = qt.x + kt, vt.y = qt.y + Ht, vt.z = qt.z + Wt, this._computeParticleRotation || this.billboard) {
var bt = i.m;
qe[0] = bt[0] * mt[0] + bt[1] * mt[3] + bt[2] * mt[6], qe[1] = bt[0] * mt[1] + bt[1] * mt[4] + bt[2] * mt[7], qe[2] = bt[0] * mt[2] + bt[1] * mt[5] + bt[2] * mt[8], qe[3] = bt[4] * mt[0] + bt[5] * mt[3] + bt[6] * mt[6], qe[4] = bt[4] * mt[1] + bt[5] * mt[4] + bt[6] * mt[7], qe[5] = bt[4] * mt[2] + bt[5] * mt[5] + bt[6] * mt[8], qe[6] = bt[8] * mt[0] + bt[9] * mt[3] + bt[10] * mt[6], qe[7] = bt[8] * mt[1] + bt[9] * mt[4] + bt[10] * mt[7], qe[8] = bt[8] * mt[2] + bt[9] * mt[5] + bt[10] * mt[8];
} else
Ke.parentId = null;
} else
vt.x = ut.x, vt.y = ut.y, vt.z = ut.z, (this._computeParticleRotation || this.billboard) && (bt = i.m, qe[0] = bt[0], qe[1] = bt[1], qe[2] = bt[2], qe[3] = bt[4], qe[4] = bt[5], qe[5] = bt[6], qe[6] = bt[8], qe[7] = bt[9], qe[8] = bt[10]);
var Rt = F[11];
for (Ke.translateFromPivot ? Rt.setAll(0) : Rt.copyFrom(Dt), Ye = 0; Ye < rt.length; Ye++) {
Se = De + 3 * Ye, xe = Le + 4 * Ye, Me = we + 2 * Ye;
var Zt = 2 * Ye, Mn = Zt + 1;
ve.copyFrom(rt[Ye]), this._computeParticleColor && Ke.color && Te.copyFrom(Ke.color), this._computeParticleTexture && Re.copyFromFloats(it[Zt], it[Mn]), this._computeParticleVertex && this.updateParticleVertex(Ke, fe, Ye);
var Bn = ve.x * Ze.x - Dt.x, Kn = ve.y * Ze.y - Dt.y, In = ve.z * Ze.z - Dt.z;
kt = Bn * qe[0] + Kn * qe[3] + In * qe[6], Ht = Bn * qe[1] + Kn * qe[4] + In * qe[7], Wt = Bn * qe[2] + Kn * qe[5] + In * qe[8], kt += Rt.x, Ht += Rt.y, Wt += Rt.z;
var Kt = d[Se] = vt.x + z.x * kt + J.x * Ht + ie.x * Wt, oi = d[Se + 1] = vt.y + z.y * kt + J.y * Ht + ie.y * Wt, Ti = d[Se + 2] = vt.z + z.z * kt + J.z * Ht + ie.z * Wt;
if (this._computeBoundingBox && (se.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(Kt, oi, Ti), ce.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(Kt, oi, Ti)), !this._computeParticleVertex) {
var Lr = B[Se], Nr = B[Se + 1], ai = B[Se + 2], Fi = Lr * qe[0] + Nr * qe[3] + ai * qe[6], wr = Lr * qe[1] + Nr * qe[4] + ai * qe[7], Gt = Lr * qe[2] + Nr * qe[5] + ai * qe[8];
p[Se] = z.x * Fi + J.x * wr + ie.x * Gt, p[Se + 1] = z.y * Fi + J.y * wr + ie.y * Gt, p[Se + 2] = z.z * Fi + J.z * wr + ie.z * Gt;
if (this._computeParticleColor && Ke.color) {
var Bi = this._colors32;
Bi[xe] = Te.r, Bi[xe + 1] = Te.g, Bi[xe + 2] = Te.b, Bi[xe + 3] = Te.a;
if (this._computeParticleTexture) {
var Tn = Ke.uvs;
y[Me] = Re.x * (Tn.z - Tn.x) + Tn.x, y[Me + 1] = Re.y * (Tn.w - Tn.y) + Tn.y;
} else
for (Ke._stillInvisible = !0, Ye = 0; Ye < rt.length; Ye++) {
if (xe = Le + 4 * Ye, Me = we + 2 * Ye, d[Se = De + 3 * Ye] = d[Se + 1] = d[Se + 2] = 0, p[Se] = p[Se + 1] = p[Se + 2] = 0, this._computeParticleColor && Ke.color) {
var tr = Ke.color;
s[xe] = tr.r, s[xe + 1] = tr.g, s[xe + 2] = tr.b, s[xe + 3] = tr.a;
this._computeParticleTexture && (Tn = Ke.uvs, y[Me] = it[2 * Ye] * (Tn.z - Tn.x) + Tn.x, y[Me + 1] = it[2 * Ye + 1] * (Tn.w - Tn.y) + Tn.y);
if (this._particlesIntersect) {
var Ei = Ke._boundingInfo, Ma = Ei.boundingBox, Ia = Ei.boundingSphere, Fr = Ke._modelBoundingInfo;
if (!this._bSphereOnly) {
var Ui = Fr.boundingBox.vectors, Vi = F[1], nr = F[2];
Vi.setAll(Number.MAX_VALUE), nr.setAll(-Number.MAX_VALUE);
for (var ki = 0; ki < 8; ki++) {
var Br = Ui[ki].x * Ze.x, Ur = Ui[ki].y * Ze.y, Vr = Ui[ki].z * Ze.z, Gi = (kt = Br * qe[0] + Ur * qe[3] + Vr * qe[6], Ht = Br * qe[1] + Ur * qe[4] + Vr * qe[7], Wt = Br * qe[2] + Ur * qe[5] + Vr * qe[8], ut.x + z.x * kt + J.x * Ht + ie.x * Wt), zi = ut.y + z.y * kt + J.y * Ht + ie.y * Wt, kr = ut.z + z.z * kt + J.z * Ht + ie.z * Wt;
Vi.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(Gi, zi, kr), nr.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(Gi, zi, kr);
Ma.reConstruct(Vi, nr, a._worldMatrix);
var Si = Fr.minimum.multiplyToRef(Ze, F[1]), Dn = Fr.maximum.multiplyToRef(Ze, F[2]), bo = Dn.addToRef(Si, F[3]).scaleInPlace(0.5).addInPlace(vt), ir = Dn.subtractToRef(Si, F[4]).scaleInPlace(0.5 * this._bSphereRadiusFactor), To = bo.subtractToRef(ir, F[1]), tv = bo.addToRef(ir, F[2]);
Ia.reConstruct(To, tv, a._worldMatrix);
De = Se + 3, Le = xe + 4, we = Me + 2;
if (n) {
if (this._computeParticleColor && a.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind, s, !1, !1), this._computeParticleTexture && a.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind, y, !1, !1), a.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, d, !1, !1), !a.areNormalsFrozen || a.isFacetDataEnabled) {
if (this._computeParticleVertex || a.isFacetDataEnabled) {
var nv = a.isFacetDataEnabled ? a.getFacetDataParameters() : null;
ht.a.ComputeNormals(d, P, p, nv);
for (var Ai = 0; Ai < p.length; Ai++)
B[Ai] = p[Ai];
a.areNormalsFrozen || a.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.NormalKind, p, !1, !1);
if (this._depthSort && this._depthSortParticles) {
var jc = this.depthSortedParticles;
for (var iv = jc.length, nf = 0, Hc = 0, Wc = 0; Wc < iv; Wc++) {
var Xc = jc[Wc], rv = Xc.indicesLength, ov = Xc.ind;
for (Ai = 0; Ai < rv; Ai++)
if (P[nf] = R[ov + Ai], nf++, this._pickable && Ai % 3 == 0) {
var rf = this.pickedParticles[Hc];
rf.idx = Xc.idx, rf.faceId = Hc, Hc++;
return this._computeBoundingBox && (a._boundingInfo ? a._boundingInfo.reConstruct(se, ce, a._worldMatrix) : a._boundingInfo = new Ii.a(se, ce, a._worldMatrix)), this._autoUpdateSubMeshes && this.computeSubMeshes(), this.afterUpdateParticles(t, e, n), this;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.mesh.dispose(), this.vars = null, this._positions = null, this._indices = null, this._normals = null, this._uvs = null, this._colors = null, this._indices32 = null, this._positions32 = null, this._normals32 = null, this._fixedNormal32 = null, this._uvs32 = null, this._colors32 = null, this.pickedParticles = null, this.pickedBySubMesh = null, this._materials = null, this._materialIndexes = null, this._indicesByMaterial = null, this._idxOfId = null;
}, r.prototype.pickedParticle = function(t) {
if (t.hit) {
var e = t.subMeshId, n = t.faceId, i = this.pickedBySubMesh;
if (i[e] && i[e][n])
return i[e][n];
return null;
}, r.prototype.getParticleById = function(t) {
var e = this.particles[t];
if (e && == t)
return e;
var n = this.particles, i = this._idxOfId[t];
if (i !== void 0)
return n[i];
for (var o = 0, a = this.nbParticles; o < a; ) {
var s = n[o];
if ( == t)
return s;
return null;
}, r.prototype.getParticlesByShapeId = function(t) {
var e = [];
return this.getParticlesByShapeIdToRef(t, e), e;
}, r.prototype.getParticlesByShapeIdToRef = function(t, e) {
e.length = 0;
for (var n = 0; n < this.nbParticles; n++) {
var i = this.particles[n];
i.shapeId == t && e.push(i);
return this;
}, r.prototype.computeSubMeshes = function() {
if (!this.mesh || !this._multimaterialEnabled)
return this;
var t = this.depthSortedParticles;
if (this.particles.length > 0)
for (var e = 0; e < this.particles.length; e++) {
var n = this.particles[e];
n.materialIndex || (n.materialIndex = 0);
var i = t[e];
i.materialIndex = n.materialIndex, i.ind = n._ind, i.indicesLength = n._model._indicesLength, i.idx = n.idx;
var o = this._indicesByMaterial, a = this._materialIndexes, s = this.mesh;
s.subMeshes = [];
for (var d = s.getTotalVertices(), p = 0; p < a.length; p++) {
var y = o[p], P = o[p + 1] - y, R = a[p];
new uo.a(R, 0, d, y, P, s);
return this;
}, r.prototype._sortParticlesByMaterial = function() {
var t = [0];
this._indicesByMaterial = t;
var e = [];
this._materialIndexes = e;
var n = this.depthSortedParticles;
var i = n.length, o = this._indices32, a = this._indices, s = 0, d = 0, p = 0, y = n[0].materialIndex;
e.push(y), this._pickable && (this.pickedBySubMesh = [[]], this.pickedParticles = this.pickedBySubMesh[0]);
for (var P = 0; P < i; P++) {
var R = n[P], B = R.indicesLength, F = R.ind;
R.materialIndex !== y && (y = R.materialIndex, t.push(p), e.push(y), this._pickable && (s++, this.pickedBySubMesh[s] = [], d = 0));
for (var z = 0, J = 0; J < B; J++) {
if (o[p] = a[F + J], this._pickable && J % 3 == 0) {
var ie = this.pickedBySubMesh[s][d];
ie ? (ie.idx = R.idx, ie.faceId = z) : this.pickedBySubMesh[s][d] = { idx: R.idx, faceId: z }, d++, z++;
return t.push(o.length), this._updatable && this.mesh.updateIndices(o), this;
}, r.prototype._setMaterialIndexesById = function() {
this._materialIndexesById = {};
for (var t = 0; t < this._materials.length; t++) {
var e = this._materials[t].uniqueId;
this._materialIndexesById[e] = t;
}, r.prototype._filterUniqueMaterialId = function(t) {
return t.filter(function(e, n, i) {
return i.indexOf(e) === n;
}, r.prototype._setDefaultMaterial = function() {
return this._defaultMaterial || (this._defaultMaterial = new Nt.a( + "DefaultMaterial", this._scene)), this._defaultMaterial;
}, r.prototype.refreshVisibleSize = function() {
return this._isVisibilityBoxLocked || this.mesh.refreshBoundingInfo(), this;
}, r.prototype.setVisibilityBox = function(t) {
var e = t / 2;
this.mesh._boundingInfo = new Ii.a(new u.e(-e, -e, -e), new u.e(e, e, e));
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isAlwaysVisible", { get: function() {
return this._alwaysVisible;
}, set: function(t) {
this._alwaysVisible = t, this.mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isVisibilityBoxLocked", { get: function() {
return this._isVisibilityBoxLocked;
}, set: function(t) {
this._isVisibilityBoxLocked = t, this.mesh.getBoundingInfo().isLocked = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleRotation", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleRotation;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleRotation = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleColor", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleColor;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleColor = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleTexture", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleTexture;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleTexture = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleVertex", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleVertex;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleVertex = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeBoundingBox", { get: function() {
return this._computeBoundingBox;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeBoundingBox = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "depthSortParticles", { get: function() {
return this._depthSortParticles;
}, set: function(t) {
this._depthSortParticles = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "expandable", { get: function() {
return this._expandable;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "multimaterialEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._multimaterialEnabled;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useModelMaterial", { get: function() {
return this._useModelMaterial;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "materials", { get: function() {
return this._materials;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.setMultiMaterial = function(t) {
this._materials = this._filterUniqueMaterialId(t), this._setMaterialIndexesById(), this._multimaterial && this._multimaterial.dispose(), this._multimaterial = new qi.a( + "MultiMaterial", this._scene);
for (var e = 0; e < this._materials.length; e++)
this.computeSubMeshes(), this.mesh.material = this._multimaterial;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "multimaterial", { get: function() {
return this._multimaterial;
}, set: function(t) {
this._multimaterial = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "autoUpdateSubMeshes", { get: function() {
return this._autoUpdateSubMeshes;
}, set: function(t) {
this._autoUpdateSubMeshes = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.initParticles = function() {
}, r.prototype.recycleParticle = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype.updateParticle = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype.updateParticleVertex = function(t, e, n) {
return this;
}, r.prototype.beforeUpdateParticles = function(t, e, n) {
}, r.prototype.afterUpdateParticles = function(t, e, n) {
}, r;
}(), ud = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
this.idx = 0, this.color = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), this.position = u.e.Zero(), this.rotation = u.e.Zero(), this.uv = new u.d(0, 0), this.velocity = u.e.Zero(), this.pivot = u.e.Zero(), this.translateFromPivot = !1, this._pos = 0, this._ind = 0, this.groupId = 0, this.idxInGroup = 0, this._stillInvisible = !1, this._rotationMatrix = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], this.parentId = null, this._globalPosition = u.e.Zero(), this.idx = t, this._group = e, this.groupId = n, this.idxInGroup = i, this._pcs = o;
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "size", { get: function() {
return this.size;
}, set: function(t) {
this.size = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "quaternion", { get: function() {
return this.rotationQuaternion;
}, set: function(t) {
this.rotationQuaternion = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.intersectsMesh = function(t, e) {
if (!t._boundingInfo)
return !1;
if (e = e || !1)
return t.getBoundingInfo().boundingSphere.intersectsPoint(this.position.add(this._pcs.mesh.position));
var n, i, o, a, s, d;
n = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximumWorld.x, i = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimumWorld.x, o = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximumWorld.y, a = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimumWorld.y, s = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.maximumWorld.z, d = t.getBoundingInfo().boundingBox.minimumWorld.z;
var p = this.position.x + this._pcs.mesh.position.x, y = this.position.y + this._pcs.mesh.position.y, P = this.position.z + this._pcs.mesh.position.z;
return i <= p && p <= n && a <= y && y <= o && d <= P && P <= s;
}, r.prototype.getRotationMatrix = function(t) {
var e;
if (this.rotationQuaternion)
e = this.rotationQuaternion;
else {
e = u.c.Quaternion[0];
var n = this.rotation;
u.b.RotationYawPitchRollToRef(n.y, n.x, n.z, e);
}, r;
}(), fa = function(r, t) {
this.groupID = r, this._positionFunction = t;
(function(r) {
r[r.Color = 2] = "Color", r[r.UV = 1] = "UV", r[r.Random = 0] = "Random", r[r.Stated = 3] = "Stated";
})(bn || (bn = {}));
var bm = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
this.particles = new Array(), this.nbParticles = 0, this.counter = 0, this.vars = {}, this._promises = [], this._positions = new Array(), this._indices = new Array(), this._normals = new Array(), this._colors = new Array(), this._uvs = new Array(), this._updatable = !0, this._isVisibilityBoxLocked = !1, this._alwaysVisible = !1, this._groups = new Array(), this._groupCounter = 0, this._computeParticleColor = !0, this._computeParticleTexture = !0, this._computeParticleRotation = !0, this._computeBoundingBox = !1, this._isReady = !1, = t, this._size = e, this._scene = n || te.a.LastCreatedScene, i && i.updatable !== void 0 ? this._updatable = i.updatable : this._updatable = !0;
return r.prototype.buildMeshAsync = function() {
var t = this;
return Promise.all(this._promises).then(function() {
return t._isReady = !0, t._buildMesh();
}, r.prototype._buildMesh = function() {
this.nbParticles === 0 && this.addPoints(1), this._positions32 = new Float32Array(this._positions), this._uvs32 = new Float32Array(this._uvs), this._colors32 = new Float32Array(this._colors);
var t = new ht.a();
t.set(this._positions32, Oe.b.PositionKind), this._uvs32.length > 0 && t.set(this._uvs32, Oe.b.UVKind);
var e = 0;
this._colors32.length > 0 && (e = 1, t.set(this._colors32, Oe.b.ColorKind));
var n = new Ie.a(, this._scene);
t.applyToMesh(n, this._updatable), this.mesh = n, this._positions = null, this._uvs = null, this._colors = null, this._updatable || (this.particles.length = 0);
var i = new Nt.a("point cloud material", this._scene);
return i.emissiveColor = new I.a(e, e, e), i.disableLighting = !0, i.pointsCloud = !0, i.pointSize = this._size, n.material = i, new Promise(function(o) {
return o(n);
}, r.prototype._addParticle = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = new ud(t, e, n, i, this);
return this.particles.push(o), o;
}, r.prototype._randomUnitVector = function(t) {
t.position = new u.e(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random()), t.color = new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1);
}, r.prototype._getColorIndicesForCoord = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = t._groupImageData, a = n * (4 * i) + 4 * e, s = [a, a + 1, a + 2, a + 3], d = s[1], p = s[2], y = s[3], P = o[s[0]], R = o[d], B = o[p], F = o[y];
return new I.b(P / 255, R / 255, B / 255, F);
}, r.prototype._setPointsColorOrUV = function(t, e, n, i, o, a, s) {
n && t.updateFacetData();
var d = 2 * t.getBoundingInfo().boundingSphere.radius, p = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), y = t.getIndices(), P = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind), R = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind), B = u.e.Zero();
var F = t.getWorldMatrix();
if (!F.isIdentity())
for (var z = 0; z < p.length / 3; z++)
u.e.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(p[3 * z], p[3 * z + 1], p[3 * z + 2], F, B), p[3 * z] = B.x, p[3 * z + 1] = B.y, p[3 * z + 2] = B.z;
var J, ie, se = 0, ce = 0, ue = 0, fe = 0, ve = 0, Te = 0, Re = 0, Ae = 0, Ee = 0, Se = 0, De = 0, xe = 0, Le = 0, Me = 0, we = u.e.Zero(), Ye = u.e.Zero(), et = u.e.Zero(), nt = u.e.Zero(), ct = u.e.Zero(), Ke = 0, rt = 0, it = 0, qe = 0, ut = 0, Ve = 0, Ze = u.d.Zero(), vt = u.d.Zero(), jt = u.d.Zero(), Dt = u.d.Zero(), Yt = u.d.Zero(), mt = 0, qt = 0, Ht = 0, kt = 0, Wt = 0, bt = 0, Rt = 0, Zt = 0, Mn = 0, Bn = 0, Kn = 0, In = 0, Kt = u.f.Zero(), oi = u.f.Zero(), Ti = u.f.Zero(), Lr = u.f.Zero(), Nr = u.f.Zero(), ai = 0, Fi = 0;
s = s || 0;
var wr, Gt = new u.f(0, 0, 0, 0), Bi = u.e.Zero(), Tn = u.e.Zero(), tr = u.e.Zero(), Ei = 0, Ma = u.e.Zero(), Ia = 0, Fr = 0, Ui = new dn.a(u.e.Zero(), new u.e(1, 0, 0)), Vi = u.e.Zero();
for (ce = 0; ce < y.length / 3; ce++) {
var nr, ki, Br, Ur, Vr, Gi, zi, kr;
ue = y[3 * ce], fe = y[3 * ce + 1], ve = y[3 * ce + 2], Te = p[3 * ue], Re = p[3 * ue + 1], Ae = p[3 * ue + 2], Ee = p[3 * fe], Se = p[3 * fe + 1], De = p[3 * fe + 2], xe = p[3 * ve], Le = p[3 * ve + 1], Me = p[3 * ve + 2], we.set(Te, Re, Ae), Ye.set(Ee, Se, De), et.set(xe, Le, Me), Ye.subtractToRef(we, nt), et.subtractToRef(Ye, ct), P && (Ke = P[2 * ue], rt = P[2 * ue + 1], it = P[2 * fe], qe = P[2 * fe + 1], ut = P[2 * ve], Ve = P[2 * ve + 1], Ze.set(Ke, rt), vt.set(it, qe), jt.set(ut, Ve), vt.subtractToRef(Ze, Dt), jt.subtractToRef(vt, Yt)), R && i && (mt = R[4 * ue], qt = R[4 * ue + 1], Ht = R[4 * ue + 2], kt = R[4 * ue + 3], Wt = R[4 * fe], bt = R[4 * fe + 1], Rt = R[4 * fe + 2], Zt = R[4 * fe + 3], Mn = R[4 * ve], Bn = R[4 * ve + 1], Kn = R[4 * ve + 2], In = R[4 * ve + 3], Kt.set(mt, qt, Ht, kt), oi.set(Wt, bt, Rt, Zt), Ti.set(Mn, Bn, Kn, In), oi.subtractToRef(Kt, Lr), Ti.subtractToRef(oi, Nr));
for (var Si, Dn, bo = new I.a(0, 0, 0), ir = new I.a(0, 0, 0), To = 0; To < e._groupDensity[ce]; To++)
se = this.particles.length, this._addParticle(se, e, this._groupCounter, ce + To), Dn = this.particles[se], ai = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1), Fi = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1), J = we.add(nt.scale(ai)).add(ct.scale(ai * Fi)), n && (Bi = t.getFacetNormal(ce).normalize().scale(-1), Tn = nt.clone().normalize(), tr = u.e.Cross(Bi, Tn), Ei = $.a.RandomRange(0, 2 * Math.PI), Ma = Tn.scale(Math.cos(Ei)).add(tr.scale(Math.sin(Ei))), Ei = $.a.RandomRange(0.1, Math.PI / 2), Vi = Ma.scale(Math.cos(Ei)).add(Bi.scale(Math.sin(Ei))), Ui.origin = J.add(Vi.scale(1e-5)), Ui.direction = Vi, Ui.length = d, (wr = Ui.intersectsMesh(t)).hit && (Fr = wr.pickedPoint.subtract(J).length(), Ia = $.a.RandomRange(0, 1) * Fr, J.addInPlace(Vi.scale(Ia)))), Dn.position = J.clone(), this._positions.push(Dn.position.x, Dn.position.y, Dn.position.z), i !== void 0 ? P && (ie = Ze.add(Dt.scale(ai)).add(Yt.scale(ai * Fi)), i ? o && e._groupImageData !== null ? (nr = e._groupImgWidth, ki = e._groupImgHeight, Si = this._getColorIndicesForCoord(e, Math.round(ie.x * nr), Math.round(ie.y * ki), nr), Dn.color = Si, this._colors.push(Si.r, Si.g, Si.b, Si.a)) : R ? (Gt = Kt.add(Lr.scale(ai)).add(Nr.scale(ai * Fi)), Dn.color = new I.b(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w), this._colors.push(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w)) : (Gt = Kt.set(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1), Dn.color = new I.b(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w), this._colors.push(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w)) : (Dn.uv = ie.clone(), this._uvs.push(Dn.uv.x, Dn.uv.y))) : (a ? (bo.set(a.r, a.g, a.b), Br = $.a.RandomRange(-s, s), Ur = $.a.RandomRange(-s, s), Vr = (kr = bo.toHSV()).r, (Gi = kr.g + Br) < 0 && (Gi = 0), Gi > 1 && (Gi = 1), (zi = kr.b + Ur) < 0 && (zi = 0), zi > 1 && (zi = 1), I.a.HSVtoRGBToRef(Vr, Gi, zi, ir), Gt.set(ir.r, ir.g, ir.b, 1)) : Gt = Kt.set(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random(), 1), Dn.color = new I.b(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w), this._colors.push(Gt.x, Gt.y, Gt.z, Gt.w));
}, r.prototype._colorFromTexture = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this;
if (t.material === null)
return l.a.Warn( + "has no material."), e._groupImageData = null, void this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, e, n, !0, !1);
var o = t.material.getActiveTextures();
if (o.length === 0)
return l.a.Warn( + "has no useable texture."), e._groupImageData = null, void this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, e, n, !0, !1);
var a = t.clone();
a.setEnabled(!1), this._promises.push(new Promise(function(s) {
kn.a.WhenAllReady(o, function() {
var d = e._textureNb;
return d < 0 && (d = 0), d > o.length - 1 && (d = o.length - 1), e._groupImageData = o[d].readPixels(), e._groupImgWidth = o[d].getSize().width, e._groupImgHeight = o[d].getSize().height, i._setPointsColorOrUV(a, e, n, !0, !0), a.dispose(), s();
}, r.prototype._calculateDensity = function(t, e, n) {
for (var i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F, z, J, ie, se, ce, ue, fe = new Array(), ve = u.e.Zero(), Te = u.e.Zero(), Re = u.e.Zero(), Ae = u.e.Zero(), Ee = u.e.Zero(), Se = u.e.Zero(), De = new Array(), xe = 0, Le = n.length / 3, Me = 0; Me < Le; Me++)
i = n[3 * Me], o = n[3 * Me + 1], a = n[3 * Me + 2], s = e[3 * i], d = e[3 * i + 1], p = e[3 * i + 2], y = e[3 * o], P = e[3 * o + 1], R = e[3 * o + 2], B = e[3 * a], F = e[3 * a + 1], z = e[3 * a + 2], ve.set(s, d, p), Te.set(y, P, R), Re.set(B, F, z), Te.subtractToRef(ve, Ae), Re.subtractToRef(Te, Ee), Re.subtractToRef(ve, Se), ce = ((J = Ae.length()) + (ie = Ee.length()) + (se = Se.length())) / 2, xe += ue = Math.sqrt(ce * (ce - J) * (ce - ie) * (ce - se)), De[Me] = ue;
var we = 0;
for (Me = 0; Me < Le; Me++)
fe[Me] = Math.floor(t * De[Me] / xe), we += fe[Me];
var Ye = t - we, et = Math.floor(Ye / Le), nt = Ye % Le;
for (et > 0 && (fe = {
return ct + et;
})), Me = 0; Me < nt; Me++)
fe[Me] += 1;
return fe;
}, r.prototype.addPoints = function(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = this._randomUnitVector);
for (var n, i = new fa(this._groupCounter, e), o = this.nbParticles, a = 0; a < t; a++)
n = this._addParticle(o, i, this._groupCounter, a), i && i._positionFunction && i._positionFunction(n, o, a), this._positions.push(n.position.x, n.position.y, n.position.z), n.color && this._colors.push(n.color.r, n.color.g, n.color.b, n.color.a), n.uv && this._uvs.push(n.uv.x, n.uv.y), o++;
return this.nbParticles += t, this._groupCounter++, this._groupCounter;
}, r.prototype.addSurfacePoints = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = n || bn.Random;
(isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 3) && (a = bn.Random);
var s = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), d = t.getIndices();
var p = new fa(this._groupCounter, null);
switch (p._groupDensity = this._calculateDensity(e, s, d), a === bn.Color ? p._textureNb = i || 0 : i = i || new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), a) {
case bn.Color:
this._colorFromTexture(t, p, !1);
case bn.UV:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !1, !1, !1);
case bn.Random:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !1);
case bn.Stated:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !1, void 0, void 0, i, o);
return this.nbParticles += e, this._groupCounter++, this._groupCounter - 1;
}, r.prototype.addVolumePoints = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = n || bn.Random;
(isNaN(a) || a < 0 || a > 3) && (a = bn.Random);
var s = t.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), d = t.getIndices();
var p = new fa(this._groupCounter, null);
switch (p._groupDensity = this._calculateDensity(e, s, d), a === bn.Color ? p._textureNb = i || 0 : i = i || new I.b(1, 1, 1, 1), a) {
case bn.Color:
this._colorFromTexture(t, p, !0);
case bn.UV:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !0, !1, !1);
case bn.Random:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !0);
case bn.Stated:
this._setPointsColorOrUV(t, p, !0, void 0, void 0, i, o);
return this.nbParticles += e, this._groupCounter++, this._groupCounter - 1;
}, r.prototype.setParticles = function(t, e, n) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = 0), e === void 0 && (e = this.nbParticles - 1), n === void 0 && (n = !0), !this._updatable || !this._isReady)
return this;
this.beforeUpdateParticles(t, e, n);
var i = u.c.Matrix[0], o = this.mesh, a = this._colors32, s = this._positions32, d = this._uvs32, p = u.c.Vector3, y = p[5].copyFromFloats(1, 0, 0), P = p[6].copyFromFloats(0, 1, 0), R = p[7].copyFromFloats(0, 0, 1), B = p[8].setAll(Number.MAX_VALUE), F = p[9].setAll(-Number.MAX_VALUE);
var z = 0;
if (this.mesh.isFacetDataEnabled && (this._computeBoundingBox = !0), e = e >= this.nbParticles ? this.nbParticles - 1 : e, this._computeBoundingBox && (t != 0 || e != this.nbParticles - 1)) {
var J = this.mesh._boundingInfo;
J && (B.copyFrom(J.minimum), F.copyFrom(J.maximum));
z = 0;
for (var ie = 0, se = 0, ce = 0, ue = t; ue <= e; ue++) {
var fe = this.particles[ue];
ie = 3 * (z = fe.idx), se = 4 * z, ce = 2 * z, this.updateParticle(fe);
var ve = fe._rotationMatrix, Te = fe.position, Re = fe._globalPosition;
if (this._computeParticleRotation && fe.getRotationMatrix(i), fe.parentId !== null) {
var Ae = this.particles[fe.parentId], Ee = Ae._rotationMatrix, Se = Ae._globalPosition, De = Te.x * Ee[1] + Te.y * Ee[4] + Te.z * Ee[7], xe = Te.x * Ee[0] + Te.y * Ee[3] + Te.z * Ee[6], Le = Te.x * Ee[2] + Te.y * Ee[5] + Te.z * Ee[8];
if (Re.x = Se.x + xe, Re.y = Se.y + De, Re.z = Se.z + Le, this._computeParticleRotation) {
var Me = i.m;
ve[0] = Me[0] * Ee[0] + Me[1] * Ee[3] + Me[2] * Ee[6], ve[1] = Me[0] * Ee[1] + Me[1] * Ee[4] + Me[2] * Ee[7], ve[2] = Me[0] * Ee[2] + Me[1] * Ee[5] + Me[2] * Ee[8], ve[3] = Me[4] * Ee[0] + Me[5] * Ee[3] + Me[6] * Ee[6], ve[4] = Me[4] * Ee[1] + Me[5] * Ee[4] + Me[6] * Ee[7], ve[5] = Me[4] * Ee[2] + Me[5] * Ee[5] + Me[6] * Ee[8], ve[6] = Me[8] * Ee[0] + Me[9] * Ee[3] + Me[10] * Ee[6], ve[7] = Me[8] * Ee[1] + Me[9] * Ee[4] + Me[10] * Ee[7], ve[8] = Me[8] * Ee[2] + Me[9] * Ee[5] + Me[10] * Ee[8];
} else
Re.x = 0, Re.y = 0, Re.z = 0, this._computeParticleRotation && (Me = i.m, ve[0] = Me[0], ve[1] = Me[1], ve[2] = Me[2], ve[3] = Me[4], ve[4] = Me[5], ve[5] = Me[6], ve[6] = Me[8], ve[7] = Me[9], ve[8] = Me[10]);
var we = p[11];
fe.translateFromPivot ? we.setAll(0) : we.copyFrom(fe.pivot);
var Ye = p[0];
var et = Ye.x - fe.pivot.x, nt = Ye.y - fe.pivot.y, ct = Ye.z - fe.pivot.z, Ke = et * ve[0] + nt * ve[3] + ct * ve[6], rt = et * ve[1] + nt * ve[4] + ct * ve[7], it = et * ve[2] + nt * ve[5] + ct * ve[8];
Ke += we.x, rt += we.y, it += we.z;
var qe = s[ie] = Re.x + y.x * Ke + P.x * rt + R.x * it, ut = s[ie + 1] = Re.y + y.y * Ke + P.y * rt + R.y * it, Ve = s[ie + 2] = Re.z + y.z * Ke + P.z * rt + R.z * it;
if (this._computeBoundingBox && (B.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(qe, ut, Ve), F.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(qe, ut, Ve)), this._computeParticleColor && fe.color) {
var Ze = fe.color, vt = this._colors32;
vt[se] = Ze.r, vt[se + 1] = Ze.g, vt[se + 2] = Ze.b, vt[se + 3] = Ze.a;
if (this._computeParticleTexture && fe.uv) {
var jt = fe.uv, Dt = this._uvs32;
Dt[ce] = jt.x, Dt[ce + 1] = jt.y;
return n && (this._computeParticleColor && o.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.ColorKind, a, !1, !1), this._computeParticleTexture && o.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.UVKind, d, !1, !1), o.updateVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind, s, !1, !1)), this._computeBoundingBox && (o._boundingInfo ? o._boundingInfo.reConstruct(B, F, o._worldMatrix) : o._boundingInfo = new Ii.a(B, F, o._worldMatrix)), this.afterUpdateParticles(t, e, n), this;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.mesh.dispose(), this.vars = null, this._positions = null, this._indices = null, this._normals = null, this._uvs = null, this._colors = null, this._indices32 = null, this._positions32 = null, this._uvs32 = null, this._colors32 = null;
}, r.prototype.refreshVisibleSize = function() {
return this._isVisibilityBoxLocked || this.mesh.refreshBoundingInfo(), this;
}, r.prototype.setVisibilityBox = function(t) {
var e = t / 2;
this.mesh._boundingInfo = new Ii.a(new u.e(-e, -e, -e), new u.e(e, e, e));
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isAlwaysVisible", { get: function() {
return this._alwaysVisible;
}, set: function(t) {
this._alwaysVisible = t, this.mesh.alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleRotation", { set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleRotation = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleColor", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleColor;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleColor = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeParticleTexture", { get: function() {
return this._computeParticleTexture;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeParticleTexture = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "computeBoundingBox", { get: function() {
return this._computeBoundingBox;
}, set: function(t) {
this._computeBoundingBox = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.initParticles = function() {
}, r.prototype.recycleParticle = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype.updateParticle = function(t) {
return t;
}, r.prototype.beforeUpdateParticles = function(t, e, n) {
}, r.prototype.afterUpdateParticles = function(t, e, n) {
}, r;
_e.a.prototype.getPhysicsEngine = function() {
return this._physicsEngine;
}, _e.a.prototype.enablePhysics = function(r, t) {
if (r === void 0 && (r = null), this._physicsEngine)
return !0;
var e = this._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_PHYSICSENGINE);
e || (e = new hd(this), this._addComponent(e));
try {
return this._physicsEngine = new Sr(r, t), this._physicsTimeAccumulator = 0, !0;
} catch (n) {
return l.a.Error(n.message), !1;
}, _e.a.prototype.disablePhysicsEngine = function() {
this._physicsEngine && (this._physicsEngine.dispose(), this._physicsEngine = null);
}, _e.a.prototype.isPhysicsEnabled = function() {
return this._physicsEngine !== void 0;
}, _e.a.prototype.deleteCompoundImpostor = function(r) {
var t =[0].mesh;
t.physicsImpostor && (t.physicsImpostor.dispose(), t.physicsImpostor = null);
}, _e.a.prototype._advancePhysicsEngineStep = function(r) {
if (this._physicsEngine) {
var t = this._physicsEngine.getSubTimeStep();
if (t > 0)
for (this._physicsTimeAccumulator += r; this._physicsTimeAccumulator > t; )
this.onBeforePhysicsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._physicsEngine._step(t / 1e3), this.onAfterPhysicsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._physicsTimeAccumulator -= t;
this.onBeforePhysicsObservable.notifyObservers(this), this._physicsEngine._step(r / 1e3), this.onAfterPhysicsObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "physicsImpostor", { get: function() {
return this._physicsImpostor;
}, set: function(r) {
var t = this;
this._physicsImpostor !== r && (this._disposePhysicsObserver && this.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._disposePhysicsObserver), this._physicsImpostor = r, r && (this._disposePhysicsObserver = this.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
t.physicsImpostor && (t.physicsImpostor.dispose(), t.physicsImpostor = null);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), Mt.a.prototype.getPhysicsImpostor = function() {
return this.physicsImpostor;
}, Mt.a.prototype.applyImpulse = function(r, t) {
return this.physicsImpostor ? (this.physicsImpostor.applyImpulse(r, t), this) : this;
}, Mt.a.prototype.setPhysicsLinkWith = function(r, t, e, n) {
return this.physicsImpostor && r.physicsImpostor ? (this.physicsImpostor.createJoint(r.physicsImpostor, Jt.e.HingeJoint, { mainPivot: t, connectedPivot: e, nativeParams: n }), this) : this;
var go, Or, hd = function() {
function r(t) {
var e = this; = ot.a.NAME_PHYSICSENGINE, this.scene = t, this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable = new C.c(), this.scene.onAfterPhysicsObservable = new C.c(), this.scene.getDeterministicFrameTime = function() {
return e.scene._physicsEngine ? 1e3 * e.scene._physicsEngine.getTimeStep() : 1e3 / 60;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.scene.onBeforePhysicsObservable.clear(), this.scene.onAfterPhysicsObservable.clear(), this.scene._physicsEngine && this.scene.disablePhysicsEngine();
}, r;
}(), Tm = function() {
function r(t) {
this._scene = t, this._physicsEngine = this._scene.getPhysicsEngine(), this._physicsEngine || l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you can use the methods.");
return r.prototype.applyRadialExplosionImpulse = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you call this method."), null;
var o = this._physicsEngine.getImpostors();
if (o.length === 0)
return null;
typeof e == "number" && ((e = new Mr()).radius = e, e.strength = n || e.strength, e.falloff = i || e.falloff);
var a = new dd(this._scene, e), s = Array();
return o.forEach(function(d) {
var p = a.getImpostorHitData(d, t);
p && (d.applyImpulse(p.force, p.contactPoint), s.push({ impostor: d, hitData: p }));
}), a.triggerAffectedImpostorsCallback(s), a.dispose(!1), a;
}, r.prototype.applyRadialExplosionForce = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you call the PhysicsHelper."), null;
var o = this._physicsEngine.getImpostors();
if (o.length === 0)
return null;
typeof e == "number" && ((e = new Mr()).radius = e, e.strength = n || e.strength, e.falloff = i || e.falloff);
var a = new dd(this._scene, e), s = Array();
return o.forEach(function(d) {
var p = a.getImpostorHitData(d, t);
p && (d.applyForce(p.force, p.contactPoint), s.push({ impostor: d, hitData: p }));
}), a.triggerAffectedImpostorsCallback(s), a.dispose(!1), a;
}, r.prototype.gravitationalField = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you call the PhysicsHelper."), null;
if (this._physicsEngine.getImpostors().length === 0)
return null;
typeof e == "number" && ((e = new Mr()).radius = e, e.strength = n || e.strength, e.falloff = i || e.falloff);
var o = new Em(this, this._scene, t, e);
return o.dispose(!1), o;
}, r.prototype.updraft = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you call the PhysicsHelper."), null;
if (this._physicsEngine.getImpostors().length === 0)
return null;
typeof e == "number" && ((e = new Tc()).radius = e, e.strength = n || e.strength, e.height = i || e.height, e.updraftMode = o || e.updraftMode);
var a = new Sm(this._scene, t, e);
return a.dispose(!1), a;
}, r.prototype.vortex = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (!this._physicsEngine)
return l.a.Warn("Physics engine not enabled. Please enable the physics before you call the PhysicsHelper."), null;
if (this._physicsEngine.getImpostors().length === 0)
return null;
typeof e == "number" && ((e = new Ec()).radius = e, e.strength = n || e.strength, e.height = i || e.height);
var o = new Am(this._scene, t, e);
return o.dispose(!1), o;
}, r;
}(), dd = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this._scene = t, this._options = e, this._dataFetched = !1, this._options = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, new Mr()), this._options);
return r.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._dataFetched = !0, { sphere: this._sphere };
}, r.prototype.getImpostorHitData = function(t, e) {
if (t.mass === 0 || !this._intersectsWithSphere(t, e, this._options.radius) || t.object.getClassName() !== "Mesh" && t.object.getClassName() !== "InstancedMesh")
return null;
var n = t.getObjectCenter().subtract(e), i = new dn.a(e, n, this._options.radius).intersectsMesh(t.object).pickedPoint;
if (!i)
return null;
var o = u.e.Distance(e, i);
if (o > this._options.radius)
return null;
var a = this._options.falloff === go.Constant ? this._options.strength : this._options.strength * (1 - o / this._options.radius);
return { force: n.multiplyByFloats(a, a, a), contactPoint: i, distanceFromOrigin: o };
}, r.prototype.triggerAffectedImpostorsCallback = function(t) {
this._options.affectedImpostorsCallback && this._options.affectedImpostorsCallback(t);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = !0), t ? this._sphere.dispose() : setTimeout(function() {
e._dataFetched || e._sphere.dispose();
}, 0);
}, r.prototype._prepareSphere = function() {
this._sphere || (this._sphere = Nn.a.CreateSphere("radialExplosionEventSphere", this._options.sphere, this._scene), this._sphere.isVisible = !1);
}, r.prototype._intersectsWithSphere = function(t, e, n) {
var i = t.object;
return this._prepareSphere(), this._sphere.position = e, this._sphere.scaling = new u.e(2 * n, 2 * n, 2 * n), this._sphere._updateBoundingInfo(), this._sphere.computeWorldMatrix(!0), this._sphere.intersectsMesh(i, !0);
}, r;
}(), Em = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
this._physicsHelper = t, this._scene = e, this._origin = n, this._options = i, this._dataFetched = !1, this._options = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, new Mr()), this._options), this._tickCallback = this._tick.bind(this), this._options.strength = -1 * this._options.strength;
return r.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._dataFetched = !0, { sphere: this._sphere };
}, r.prototype.enable = function() {, this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._tickCallback);
}, r.prototype.disable = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = !0), t ? this._sphere.dispose() : setTimeout(function() {
e._dataFetched || e._sphere.dispose();
}, 0);
}, r.prototype._tick = function() {
if (this._sphere)
this._physicsHelper.applyRadialExplosionForce(this._origin, this._options);
else {
var t = this._physicsHelper.applyRadialExplosionForce(this._origin, this._options);
t && (this._sphere = t.getData().sphere.clone("radialExplosionEventSphereClone"));
}, r;
}(), Sm = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this._scene = t, this._origin = e, this._options = n, this._originTop = u.e.Zero(), this._originDirection = u.e.Zero(), this._cylinderPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._dataFetched = !1, this._physicsEngine = this._scene.getPhysicsEngine(), this._options = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, new Tc()), this._options), this._origin.addToRef(new u.e(0, this._options.height / 2, 0), this._cylinderPosition), this._origin.addToRef(new u.e(0, this._options.height, 0), this._originTop), this._options.updraftMode === Or.Perpendicular && (this._originDirection = this._origin.subtract(this._originTop).normalize()), this._tickCallback = this._tick.bind(this), this._prepareCylinder();
return r.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._dataFetched = !0, { cylinder: this._cylinder };
}, r.prototype.enable = function() {, this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._tickCallback);
}, r.prototype.disable = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = !0), this._cylinder && (t ? this._cylinder.dispose() : setTimeout(function() {
e._dataFetched || e._cylinder.dispose();
}, 0));
}, r.prototype.getImpostorHitData = function(t) {
if (t.mass === 0 || !this._intersectsWithCylinder(t))
return null;
var e = t.getObjectCenter();
if (this._options.updraftMode === Or.Perpendicular)
var n = this._originDirection;
n = e.subtract(this._originTop);
var i = u.e.Distance(this._origin, e), o = -1 * this._options.strength;
return { force: n.multiplyByFloats(o, o, o), contactPoint: e, distanceFromOrigin: i };
}, r.prototype._tick = function() {
var t = this;
this._physicsEngine.getImpostors().forEach(function(e) {
var n = t.getImpostorHitData(e);
n && e.applyForce(n.force, n.contactPoint);
}, r.prototype._prepareCylinder = function() {
this._cylinder || (this._cylinder = ci.a.CreateCylinder("updraftEventCylinder", { height: this._options.height, diameter: 2 * this._options.radius }, this._scene), this._cylinder.isVisible = !1);
}, r.prototype._intersectsWithCylinder = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
return this._cylinder.position = this._cylinderPosition, this._cylinder.intersectsMesh(e, !0);
}, r;
}(), Am = function() {
function r(t, e, n) {
this._scene = t, this._origin = e, this._options = n, this._originTop = u.e.Zero(), this._cylinderPosition = u.e.Zero(), this._dataFetched = !1, this._physicsEngine = this._scene.getPhysicsEngine(), this._options = Object(c.a)(Object(c.a)({}, new Ec()), this._options), this._origin.addToRef(new u.e(0, this._options.height / 2, 0), this._cylinderPosition), this._origin.addToRef(new u.e(0, this._options.height, 0), this._originTop), this._tickCallback = this._tick.bind(this), this._prepareCylinder();
return r.prototype.getData = function() {
return this._dataFetched = !0, { cylinder: this._cylinder };
}, r.prototype.enable = function() {, this._scene.registerBeforeRender(this._tickCallback);
}, r.prototype.disable = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function(t) {
var e = this;
t === void 0 && (t = !0), t ? this._cylinder.dispose() : setTimeout(function() {
e._dataFetched || e._cylinder.dispose();
}, 0);
}, r.prototype.getImpostorHitData = function(t) {
if (t.mass === 0 || !this._intersectsWithCylinder(t) || t.object.getClassName() !== "Mesh" && t.object.getClassName() !== "InstancedMesh")
return null;
var e = t.getObjectCenter(), n = new u.e(this._origin.x, e.y, this._origin.z), i = e.subtract(n), o = new dn.a(n, i, this._options.radius).intersectsMesh(t.object), a = o.pickedPoint;
if (!a)
return null;
var s = o.distance / this._options.radius, d = a.normalize();
if (s > this._options.centripetalForceThreshold && (d = d.negate()), s > this._options.centripetalForceThreshold)
var p = d.x * this._options.centripetalForceMultiplier, y = d.y * this._options.updraftForceMultiplier, P = d.z * this._options.centripetalForceMultiplier;
else {
var R = u.e.Cross(n, e).normalize();
p = (R.x + d.x) * this._options.centrifugalForceMultiplier, y = this._originTop.y * this._options.updraftForceMultiplier, P = (R.z + d.z) * this._options.centrifugalForceMultiplier;
var B = new u.e(p, y, P);
return { force: B = B.multiplyByFloats(this._options.strength, this._options.strength, this._options.strength), contactPoint: e, distanceFromOrigin: s };
}, r.prototype._tick = function() {
var t = this;
this._physicsEngine.getImpostors().forEach(function(e) {
var n = t.getImpostorHitData(e);
n && e.applyForce(n.force, n.contactPoint);
}, r.prototype._prepareCylinder = function() {
this._cylinder || (this._cylinder = ci.a.CreateCylinder("vortexEventCylinder", { height: this._options.height, diameter: 2 * this._options.radius }, this._scene), this._cylinder.isVisible = !1);
}, r.prototype._intersectsWithCylinder = function(t) {
var e = t.object;
return this._cylinder.position = this._cylinderPosition, this._cylinder.intersectsMesh(e, !0);
}, r;
}(), Mr = function() {
this.radius = 5, this.strength = 10, this.falloff = go.Constant, this.sphere = { segments: 32, diameter: 1 };
}, Tc = function() {
this.radius = 5, this.strength = 10, this.height = 10, this.updraftMode = Or.Center;
}, Ec = function() {
this.radius = 5, this.strength = 10, this.height = 10, this.centripetalForceThreshold = 0.7, this.centripetalForceMultiplier = 5, this.centrifugalForceMultiplier = 0.5, this.updraftForceMultiplier = 0.02;
(function(r) {
r[r.Constant = 0] = "Constant", r[r.Linear = 1] = "Linear";
})(go || (go = {})), function(r) {
r[r.Center = 0] = "Center", r[r.Perpendicular = 1] = "Perpendicular";
}(Or || (Or = {}));
var Pm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float degree;
void main(void)
vec3 color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV).rgb;
float luminance=dot(color,vec3(0.3,0.59,0.11));
vec3 blackAndWhite=vec3(luminance,luminance,luminance);
ze.a.ShadersStore.blackAndWhitePixelShader = Pm;
var fd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, "blackAndWhite", ["degree"], null, n, i, o, a, s) || this;
return = 1, d.onApplyObservable.add(function(p) {
}), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BlackAndWhitePostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "degree", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.BlackAndWhitePostProcess"] = fd;
var xt = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i) {
this._name = e, this._singleInstance = i || !0, this._getPostProcesses = n, this._cameras = {}, this._indicesForCamera = {}, this._postProcesses = {};
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
for (var t in this._postProcesses)
if (this._postProcesses.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
for (var e = this._postProcesses[t], n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
if (!e[n].isSupported)
return !1;
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._update = function() {
}, r.prototype._attachCameras = function(t) {
var e, n = this, i = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (i)
for (var o = 0; o < i.length; o++) {
var a = i[o];
if (a) {
var s =;
if (e = this._singleInstance ? 0 : s, !this._postProcesses[e]) {
var d = this._getPostProcesses();
d && (this._postProcesses[e] = Array.isArray(d) ? d : [d]);
this._indicesForCamera[s] || (this._indicesForCamera[s] = []), this._postProcesses[e].forEach(function(p) {
var y = a.attachPostProcess(p);
}), this._cameras[s] || (this._cameras[s] = a);
}, r.prototype._detachCameras = function(t) {
var e = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (e)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var i = e[n], o =, a = this._postProcesses[this._singleInstance ? 0 : o];
a && a.forEach(function(s) {
}), this._cameras[o] && (this._cameras[o] = null);
}, r.prototype._enable = function(t) {
var e = this, n = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (n)
for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++)
for (var o = n[i], a =, s = 0; s < this._indicesForCamera[a].length; s++)
o._postProcesses[this._indicesForCamera[a][s]] !== void 0 && o._postProcesses[this._indicesForCamera[a][s]] !== null || this._postProcesses[this._singleInstance ? 0 : a].forEach(function(d) {
n[i].attachPostProcess(d, e._indicesForCamera[a][s]);
}, r.prototype._disable = function(t) {
var e = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (e)
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var i = e[n], o =;
this._postProcesses[this._singleInstance ? 0 : o].forEach(function(a) {
}, r.prototype.getPostProcesses = function(t) {
return this._singleInstance ? this._postProcesses[0] : t ? this._postProcesses[] : null;
}, r;
}(), xm = `#include
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float threshold;
uniform float exposure;
void main(void)
float luma=getLuminance(gl_FragColor.rgb*exposure);
ze.a.ShadersStore.extractHighlightsPixelShader = xm;
var Sc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = !1);
var y =, e, "extractHighlights", ["threshold", "exposure"], null, n, i, o, a, s, null, d, void 0, null, p) || this;
return y.threshold = 0.9, y._exposure = 1, y._inputPostProcess = null, y.onApplyObservable.add(function(P) {
y._inputPostProcess && P.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", y._inputPostProcess), P.setFloat("threshold", Math.pow(y.threshold, Vt.b)), P.setFloat("exposure", y._exposure);
}), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ExtractHighlightsPostProcess";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "threshold", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ExtractHighlightsPostProcess"] = Sc;
var Cm = `uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D bloomBlur;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform float bloomWeight;
void main(void)
vec3 blurred=texture2D(bloomBlur,vUV).rgb;
ze.a.ShadersStore.bloomMergePixelShader = Cm;
var Ac = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R) {
P === void 0 && (P = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), R === void 0 && (R = !1);
var B =, e, "bloomMerge", ["bloomWeight"], ["circleOfConfusionSampler", "blurStep0", "blurStep1", "blurStep2", "bloomBlur"], a, s, d, p, y, null, P, void 0, null, !0) || this;
return B.weight = 1, B.weight = o, B.onApplyObservable.add(function(F) {
F.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", n), F.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput("bloomBlur", i), F.setFloat("bloomWeight", B.weight);
}), R || B.updateEffect(), B;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "BloomMergePostProcess";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "weight", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.BloomMergePostProcess"] = Ac;
var Pc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
a === void 0 && (a = 0), s === void 0 && (s = !1);
var d =, e.getEngine(), "bloom", function() {
return d._effects;
}, !0) || this;
return d.bloomScale = n, d._effects = [], d._downscale = new Sc("highlights", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, a, s), d._blurX = new _n("horizontal blur", new u.d(1, 0), 10, n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, a, void 0, s), d._blurX.alwaysForcePOT = !0, d._blurX.autoClear = !1, d._blurY = new _n("vertical blur", new u.d(0, 1), 10, n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, a, void 0, s), d._blurY.alwaysForcePOT = !0, d._blurY.autoClear = !1, d.kernel = o, d._effects = [d._downscale, d._blurX, d._blurY], d._merge = new Ac("bloomMerge", d._downscale, d._blurY, i, n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, a, s), d._merge.autoClear = !1, d._effects.push(d._merge), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "threshold", { get: function() {
return this._downscale.threshold;
}, set: function(e) {
this._downscale.threshold = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "weight", { get: function() {
return this._merge.weight;
}, set: function(e) {
this._merge.weight = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "kernel", { get: function() {
return this._blurX.kernel / this.bloomScale;
}, set: function(e) {
this._blurX.kernel = e * this.bloomScale, this._blurY.kernel = e * this.bloomScale;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.disposeEffects = function(e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._effects.length; n++)
}, t.prototype._updateEffects = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._effects.length; e++)
}, t.prototype._isReady = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._effects.length; e++)
if (!this._effects[e].isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, t;
}(xt), Rm = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float chromatic_aberration;
uniform float radialIntensity;
uniform vec2 direction;
uniform vec2 centerPosition;
uniform float screen_width;
uniform float screen_height;
varying vec2 vUV;
void main(void)
vec2 centered_screen_pos=vec2(vUV.x-centerPosition.x,vUV.y-centerPosition.y);
vec2 directionOfEffect=direction;
if(directionOfEffect.x == 0. && directionOfEffect.y == 0.){
float radius2=centered_screen_pos.x*centered_screen_pos.x
float radius=sqrt(radius2);
vec4 original=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec3 ref_indices=vec3(-0.3,0.0,0.3);
float ref_shiftX=chromatic_aberration*pow(radius,radialIntensity)*directionOfEffect.x/screen_width;
float ref_shiftY=chromatic_aberration*pow(radius,radialIntensity)*directionOfEffect.y/screen_height;
vec2 ref_coords_r=vec2(vUV.x+ref_indices.r*ref_shiftX,vUV.y+ref_indices.r*ref_shiftY*0.5);
vec2 ref_coords_g=vec2(vUV.x+ref_indices.g*ref_shiftX,vUV.y+ref_indices.g*ref_shiftY*0.5);
vec2 ref_coords_b=vec2(vUV.x+ref_indices.b*ref_shiftX,vUV.y+ref_indices.b*ref_shiftY*0.5);
ze.a.ShadersStore.chromaticAberrationPixelShader = Rm;
var xc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
y === void 0 && (y = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), P === void 0 && (P = !1);
var R =, e, "chromaticAberration", ["chromatic_aberration", "screen_width", "screen_height", "direction", "radialIntensity", "centerPosition"], [], o, a, s, d, p, null, y, void 0, null, P) || this;
return R.aberrationAmount = 30, R.radialIntensity = 0, R.direction = new u.d(0.707, 0.707), R.centerPosition = new u.d(0.5, 0.5), R.screenWidth = n, R.screenHeight = i, R.onApplyObservable.add(function(B) {
B.setFloat("chromatic_aberration", R.aberrationAmount), B.setFloat("screen_width", n), B.setFloat("screen_height", i), B.setFloat("radialIntensity", R.radialIntensity), B.setFloat2("direction", R.direction.x, R.direction.y), B.setFloat2("centerPosition", R.centerPosition.x, R.centerPosition.y);
}), R;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ChromaticAberrationPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.screenWidth, e.screenHeight, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable, e.textureType, !1);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "aberrationAmount", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "radialIntensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "direction", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "centerPosition", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "screenWidth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "screenHeight", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ChromaticAberrationPostProcess"] = xc;
var Om = `
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform vec2 cameraMinMaxZ;
uniform float focusDistance;
uniform float cocPrecalculation;
void main(void)
float depth=texture2D(depthSampler,vUV).r;
float pixelDistance=(cameraMinMaxZ.x+(cameraMinMaxZ.y-cameraMinMaxZ.x)*depth)*1000.0;
float coc=abs(cocPrecalculation* ((focusDistance-pixelDistance)/pixelDistance));
ze.a.ShadersStore.circleOfConfusionPixelShader = Om;
var Cc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), y === void 0 && (y = !1);
var P =, e, "circleOfConfusion", ["cameraMinMaxZ", "focusDistance", "cocPrecalculation"], ["depthSampler"], i, o, a, s, d, null, p, void 0, null, y) || this;
return P.lensSize = 50, P.fStop = 1.4, P.focusDistance = 2e3, P.focalLength = 50, P._depthTexture = null, P._depthTexture = n, P.onApplyObservable.add(function(R) {
if (P._depthTexture) {
R.setTexture("depthSampler", P._depthTexture);
var B = P.lensSize / P.fStop * P.focalLength / (P.focusDistance - P.focalLength);
R.setFloat("focusDistance", P.focusDistance), R.setFloat("cocPrecalculation", B), R.setFloat2("cameraMinMaxZ", P._depthTexture.activeCamera.minZ, P._depthTexture.activeCamera.maxZ);
} else
l.a.Warn("No depth texture set on CircleOfConfusionPostProcess");
}), P;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "CircleOfConfusionPostProcess";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthTexture", { set: function(e) {
this._depthTexture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensSize", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "fStop", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "focusDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "focalLength", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.CircleOfConfusionPostProcess"] = Cc;
var Mm = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D colorTable;
varying vec2 vUV;
const float SLICE_COUNT=16.0;
vec4 sampleAs3DTexture(sampler2D textureSampler,vec3 uv,float width) {
float sliceSize=1.0/width;
float slicePixelSize=sliceSize/width;
float sliceInnerSize=slicePixelSize*(width-1.0);
float zSlice0=min(floor(uv.z*width),width-1.0);
float zSlice1=min(zSlice0+1.0,width-1.0);
float xOffset=slicePixelSize*0.5+uv.x*sliceInnerSize;
float s0=xOffset+(zSlice0*sliceSize);
float s1=xOffset+(zSlice1*sliceSize);
vec4 slice0Color=texture2D(textureSampler,vec2(s0,uv.y));
vec4 slice1Color=texture2D(textureSampler,vec2(s1,uv.y));
float zOffset=mod(uv.z*width,1.0);
vec4 result=mix(slice0Color,slice1Color,zOffset);
return result;
void main(void)
vec4 screen_color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
ze.a.ShadersStore.colorCorrectionPixelShader = Mm;
var pd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p =, e, "colorCorrection", null, ["colorTable"], i, o, a, s, d) || this;
return p._colorTableTexture = new Ne.a(n, o.getScene(), !0, !1, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), p._colorTableTexture.anisotropicFilteringLevel = 1, p._colorTableTexture.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, p._colorTableTexture.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, p.colorTableUrl = n, p.onApply = function(y) {
y.setTexture("colorTable", p._colorTableTexture);
}, p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ColorCorrectionPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.colorTableUrl, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "colorTableUrl", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ColorCorrectionPostProcess"] = pd;
var Im = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform float kernel[9];
void main(void)
vec2 onePixel=vec2(1.0,1.0)/screenSize;
vec4 colorSum =
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(-1,-1))*kernel[0] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(0,-1))*kernel[1] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(1,-1))*kernel[2] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(-1,0))*kernel[3] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(0,0))*kernel[4] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(1,0))*kernel[5] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(-1,1))*kernel[6] +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(0,1))*kernel[7] +
float kernelWeight =
kernel[0] +
kernel[1] +
kernel[2] +
kernel[3] +
kernel[4] +
kernel[5] +
kernel[6] +
kernel[7] +
if (kernelWeight<=0.0) {
ze.a.ShadersStore.convolutionPixelShader = Im;
var _d = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var y =, e, "convolution", ["kernel", "screenSize"], null, i, o, a, s, d, null, p) || this;
return y.kernel = n, y.onApply = function(P) {
P.setFloat2("screenSize", y.width, y.height), P.setArray("kernel", y.kernel);
}, y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ConvolutionPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.kernel, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable, e.textureType);
}, e, i, o);
}, t.EdgeDetect0Kernel = [1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1], t.EdgeDetect1Kernel = [0, 1, 0, 1, -4, 1, 0, 1, 0], t.EdgeDetect2Kernel = [-1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1], t.SharpenKernel = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0], t.EmbossKernel = [-2, -1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2], t.GaussianKernel = [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0], Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "kernel", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ConvolutionPostProcess"] = _d;
var pa = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R, B, F) {
p === void 0 && (p = null), y === void 0 && (y = Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), B === void 0 && (B = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), F === void 0 && (F = !1);
var z =, e, i, o, a, s, y = h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, P, R, B = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, `#define DOF 1\r
`, F) || this;
return z.direction = i, z.onApplyObservable.add(function(J) {
p != null && J.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", p), J.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput("circleOfConfusionSampler", d), n.activeCamera && J.setFloat2("cameraMinMaxZ", n.activeCamera.minZ, n.activeCamera.maxZ);
}), z;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DepthOfFieldBlurPostProcess";
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "direction", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DepthOfFieldBlurPostProcess"] = pa;
var Dm = `uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D circleOfConfusionSampler;
uniform sampler2D blurStep0;
uniform sampler2D blurStep1;
uniform sampler2D blurStep2;
void main(void)
float coc=texture2D(circleOfConfusionSampler,vUV).r;
#if BLUR_LEVEL == 0
vec4 original=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec4 blurred0=texture2D(blurStep0,vUV);
#if BLUR_LEVEL == 1
vec4 original=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec4 blurred1=texture2D(blurStep1,vUV);
vec4 blurred0=texture2D(blurStep0,vUV);
vec4 blurred1=texture2D(blurStep1,vUV);
#if BLUR_LEVEL == 2
vec4 original=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec4 blurred2=texture2D(blurStep2,vUV);
}else if(coc<0.66){
vec4 blurred1=texture2D(blurStep1,vUV);
vec4 blurred2=texture2D(blurStep2,vUV);
vec4 blurred0=texture2D(blurStep0,vUV);
vec4 blurred1=texture2D(blurStep1,vUV);
ze.a.ShadersStore.depthOfFieldMergePixelShader = Dm;
var $i, Lm = function() {
}, md = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P, R) {
P === void 0 && (P = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), R === void 0 && (R = !1);
var B =, e, "depthOfFieldMerge", [], ["circleOfConfusionSampler", "blurStep0", "blurStep1", "blurStep2"], a, s, d, p, y, null, P, void 0, null, !0) || this;
return B.blurSteps = o, B.onApplyObservable.add(function(F) {
F.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", n), F.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput("circleOfConfusionSampler", i), o.forEach(function(z, J) {
F.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput("blurStep" + (o.length - J - 1), z);
}), R || B.updateEffect(), B;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DepthOfFieldMergePostProcess";
}, t.prototype.updateEffect = function(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
e === void 0 && (e = null), n === void 0 && (n = null), i === void 0 && (i = null), e || (e = "", e += "#define BLUR_LEVEL " + (this.blurSteps.length - 1) + `
`),, e, n, i, o, a, s);
}, t;
(function(r) {
r[r.Low = 0] = "Low", r[r.Medium = 1] = "Medium", r[r.High = 2] = "High";
})($i || ($i = {}));
var Rc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
i === void 0 && (i = $i.Low), o === void 0 && (o = 0), a === void 0 && (a = !1);
var s =, e.getEngine(), "depth of field", function() {
return s._effects;
}, !0) || this;
s._effects = [], s._circleOfConfusion = new Cc("circleOfConfusion", n, 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, o, a), s._depthOfFieldBlurY = [], s._depthOfFieldBlurX = [];
var d = 1, p = 15;
switch (i) {
case $i.High:
d = 3, p = 51;
case $i.Medium:
d = 2, p = 31;
p = 15, d = 1;
for (var y = p / Math.pow(2, d - 1), P = 1, R = 0; R < d; R++) {
var B = new pa("verticle blur", e, new u.d(0, 1), y, P, null, s._circleOfConfusion, R == 0 ? s._circleOfConfusion : null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, o, a);
B.autoClear = !1, P = 0.75 / Math.pow(2, R);
var F = new pa("horizontal blur", e, new u.d(1, 0), y, P, null, s._circleOfConfusion, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, o, a);
F.autoClear = !1, s._depthOfFieldBlurY.push(B), s._depthOfFieldBlurX.push(F);
for (s._effects = [s._circleOfConfusion], R = 0; R < s._depthOfFieldBlurX.length; R++)
s._effects.push(s._depthOfFieldBlurY[R]), s._effects.push(s._depthOfFieldBlurX[R]);
return s._dofMerge = new md("dofMerge", s._circleOfConfusion, s._circleOfConfusion, s._depthOfFieldBlurX, P, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, o, a), s._dofMerge.autoClear = !1, s._effects.push(s._dofMerge), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "focalLength", { get: function() {
return this._circleOfConfusion.focalLength;
}, set: function(e) {
this._circleOfConfusion.focalLength = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fStop", { get: function() {
return this._circleOfConfusion.fStop;
}, set: function(e) {
this._circleOfConfusion.fStop = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "focusDistance", { get: function() {
return this._circleOfConfusion.focusDistance;
}, set: function(e) {
this._circleOfConfusion.focusDistance = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "lensSize", { get: function() {
return this._circleOfConfusion.lensSize;
}, set: function(e) {
this._circleOfConfusion.lensSize = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DepthOfFieldEffect";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthTexture", { set: function(e) {
this._circleOfConfusion.depthTexture = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.disposeEffects = function(e) {
for (var n = 0; n < this._effects.length; n++)
}, t.prototype._updateEffects = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._effects.length; e++)
}, t.prototype._isReady = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._effects.length; e++)
if (!this._effects[e].isReady())
return !1;
return !0;
}, t;
}(xt), Nm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D passSampler;
void main(void)
ze.a.ShadersStore.displayPassPixelShader = Nm;
var gd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
return, e, "displayPass", ["passSampler"], ["passSampler"], n, i, o, a, s) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DisplayPassPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DisplayPassPostProcess"] = gd;
var wm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform mat4 kernelMatrix;
void main(void)
vec3 baseColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV).rgb;
vec3 updatedColor=(kernelMatrix*vec4(baseColor,1.0)).rgb;
ze.a.ShadersStore.filterPixelShader = wm;
var vd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p =, e, "filter", ["kernelMatrix"], null, i, o, a, s, d) || this;
return p.kernelMatrix = n, p.onApply = function(y) {
y.setMatrix("kernelMatrix", p.kernelMatrix);
}, p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "FilterPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.kernelMatrix, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.j)()], t.prototype, "kernelMatrix", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FilterPostProcess"] = vd;
var Fm = `uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
varying vec2 vUV;
varying vec2 sampleCoordS;
varying vec2 sampleCoordE;
varying vec2 sampleCoordN;
varying vec2 sampleCoordW;
varying vec2 sampleCoordNW;
varying vec2 sampleCoordSE;
varying vec2 sampleCoordNE;
varying vec2 sampleCoordSW;
const float fxaaQualitySubpix=1.0;
const float fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold=0.166;
const float fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin=0.0833;
const vec3 kLumaCoefficients=vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722);
#define FxaaLuma(rgba) dot(rgba.rgb,kLumaCoefficients)
void main(){
vec2 posM;
vec4 rgbyM=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV,0.0);
float lumaM=FxaaLuma(rgbyM);
float lumaS=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,sampleCoordS,0.0));
float lumaE=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,sampleCoordE,0.0));
float lumaN=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,sampleCoordN,0.0));
float lumaW=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,sampleCoordW,0.0));
float maxSM=max(lumaS,lumaM);
float minSM=min(lumaS,lumaM);
float maxESM=max(lumaE,maxSM);
float minESM=min(lumaE,minSM);
float maxWN=max(lumaN,lumaW);
float minWN=min(lumaN,lumaW);
float rangeMax=max(maxWN,maxESM);
float rangeMin=min(minWN,minESM);
float rangeMaxScaled=rangeMax*fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold;
float range=rangeMax-rangeMin;
float rangeMaxClamped=max(fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin,rangeMaxScaled);
#ifndef MALI
float subpixA=subpixNSWE*2.0+subpixNWSWNESE;
if (!horzSpan)
if (!horzSpan)
if (horzSpan)
float subpixB=(subpixA*(1.0/12.0))-lumaM;
float gradientN=lumaN-lumaM;
float gradientS=lumaS-lumaM;
float lumaNN=lumaN+lumaM;
float lumaSS=lumaS+lumaM;
bool pairN=abs(gradientN)>=abs(gradientS);
float gradient=max(abs(gradientN),abs(gradientS));
if (pairN)
float subpixC=clamp(abs(subpixB)*subpixRcpRange,0.0,1.0);
vec2 posB;
vec2 offNP;
offNP.x=(!horzSpan) ? 0.0 : texelSize.x;
offNP.y=(horzSpan) ? 0.0 : texelSize.y;
if (!horzSpan)
if (horzSpan)
vec2 posN;
vec2 posP;
float subpixD=((-2.0)*subpixC)+3.0;
float lumaEndN=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,posN,0.0));
float subpixE=subpixC*subpixC;
float lumaEndP=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,posP,0.0));
if (!pairN)
float gradientScaled=gradient*1.0/4.0;
float lumaMM=lumaM-lumaNN*0.5;
float subpixF=subpixD*subpixE;
bool lumaMLTZero=lumaMM<0.0;
bool doneN=abs(lumaEndN)>=gradientScaled;
bool doneP=abs(lumaEndP)>=gradientScaled;
if (!doneN)
if (!doneN)
bool doneNP=(!doneN) || (!doneP);
if (!doneP)
if (!doneP)
if (doneNP)
if (!doneN) lumaEndN=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,posN.xy,0.0));
if (!doneP) lumaEndP=FxaaLuma(texture2D(textureSampler,posP.xy,0.0));
if (!doneN) lumaEndN=lumaEndN-lumaNN*0.5;
if (!doneP) lumaEndP=lumaEndP-lumaNN*0.5;
if (!doneN) posN.x-=offNP.x*12.0;
if (!doneN) posN.y-=offNP.y*12.0;
doneNP=(!doneN) || (!doneP);
if (!doneP) posP.x+=offNP.x*12.0;
if (!doneP) posP.y+=offNP.y*12.0;
float dstN=posM.x-posN.x;
float dstP=posP.x-posM.x;
if (!horzSpan)
if (!horzSpan)
bool goodSpanN=(lumaEndN<0.0) != lumaMLTZero;
float spanLength=(dstP+dstN);
bool goodSpanP=(lumaEndP<0.0) != lumaMLTZero;
float spanLengthRcp=1.0/spanLength;
bool directionN=dstN -1 ? `#define MALI 1
` : null;
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.FxaaPostProcess"] = vo;
var Um = `#include
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float intensity;
uniform float animatedSeed;
varying vec2 vUV;
void main(void)
vec2 seed=vUV*(animatedSeed);
float grain=dither(seed,intensity);
float lum=getLuminance(gl_FragColor.rgb);
float grainAmount=(cos(-PI+(lum*PI*2.))+1.)/2.;
ze.a.ShadersStore.grainPixelShader = Um;
var Oc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = !1);
var y =, e, "grain", ["intensity", "animatedSeed"], [], n, i, o, a, s, null, d, void 0, null, p) || this;
return y.intensity = 30, y.animated = !1, y.onApplyObservable.add(function(P) {
P.setFloat("intensity", y.intensity), P.setFloat("animatedSeed", y.animated ? Math.random() + 1 : 1);
}), y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "GrainPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "intensity", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "animated", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.GrainPostProcess"] = Oc;
var Vm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
const vec3 RGBLuminanceCoefficients=vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722);
void main(void)
vec4 tex=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec3 c=tex.rgb;
float luma=dot(c.rgb,RGBLuminanceCoefficients);
ze.a.ShadersStore.highlightsPixelShader = Vm;
var km = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
return d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT),, e, "highlights", null, null, n, i, o, a, s, null, d) || this;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "HighlightsPostProcess";
}, t;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.mrtFragmentDeclaration = `#if __VERSION__>=200
layout(location=0) out vec4 glFragData[{X}];
var Gm = `#extension GL_EXT_draw_buffers : require
#if defined(BUMP) || !defined(NORMAL)
#extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : enable
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
#ifdef BUMP
varying mat4 vWorldView;
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vNormalV;
varying vec4 vViewPos;
#if defined(POSITION) || defined(BUMP)
varying vec3 vPositionW;
varying vec4 vCurrentPosition;
varying vec4 vPreviousPosition;
#ifdef NEED_UV
varying vec2 vUV;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform vec3 vBumpInfos;
uniform vec2 vTangentSpaceParams;
varying vec2 vReflectivityUV;
uniform sampler2D reflectivitySampler;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
void main() {
if (texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV).a<0.4)
vec3 normalOutput;
#ifdef BUMP
vec3 normalW=normalize(vNormalW);
#ifdef PREPASS
vec2 a=(vCurrentPosition.xy/vCurrentPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 b=(vPreviousPosition.xy/vPreviousPosition.w)*0.5+0.5;
vec2 velocity=abs(a-b);
vec4 reflectivity=texture2D(reflectivitySampler,vReflectivityUV);
vec4 reflectivity=vec4(texture2D(reflectivitySampler,vReflectivityUV).rgb,1.0);
vec4 reflectivity=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.geometryPixelShader = Gm;
var zm = `precision highp float;
precision highp int;
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;
#ifdef NEED_UV
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
#ifdef BUMP
uniform mat4 bumpMatrix;
varying vec2 vBumpUV;
uniform mat4 reflectivityMatrix;
varying vec2 vReflectivityUV;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform mat4 view;
#ifdef BUMP
varying mat4 vWorldView;
#ifdef BUMP
varying vec3 vNormalW;
varying vec3 vNormalV;
varying vec4 vViewPos;
#if defined(POSITION) || defined(BUMP)
varying vec3 vPositionW;
uniform mat4 previousWorld;
uniform mat4 previousViewProjection;
uniform mat4 mPreviousBones[BonesPerMesh];
varying vec4 vCurrentPosition;
varying vec4 vPreviousPosition;
void main(void)
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
vec3 normalUpdated=normal;
#ifdef UV1
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#if defined(VELOCITY) && !defined(BONES_VELOCITY_ENABLED)
vec4 pos=vec4(finalWorld*vec4(positionUpdated,1.0));
#ifdef BUMP
#if defined(VELOCITY) && defined(BONES_VELOCITY_ENABLED)
mat4 previousInfluence;
#if defined(POSITION) || defined(BUMP);
#ifdef NEED_UV
#ifdef UV1
#ifdef BUMP
#ifdef UV2
#ifdef BUMP
ze.a.ShadersStore.geometryVertexShader = zm;
var ri = function() {
function r(t, e) {
e === void 0 && (e = 1), this._previousTransformationMatrices = {}, this._previousBonesTransformationMatrices = {}, this.excludedSkinnedMeshesFromVelocity = [], this.renderTransparentMeshes = !0, this._resizeObserver = null, this._enablePosition = !1, this._enableVelocity = !1, this._enableReflectivity = !1, this._positionIndex = -1, this._velocityIndex = -1, this._reflectivityIndex = -1, this._depthNormalIndex = -1, this._linkedWithPrePass = !1, this._scene = t, this._ratio = e, r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene), this._createRenderTargets();
return r.prototype._linkPrePassRenderer = function(t) {
this._linkedWithPrePass = !0, this._prePassRenderer = t, this._multiRenderTarget && (this._multiRenderTarget.onClearObservable.clear(), this._multiRenderTarget.onClearObservable.add(function(e) {
}, r.prototype._unlinkPrePassRenderer = function() {
this._linkedWithPrePass = !1, this._createRenderTargets();
}, r.prototype._resetLayout = function() {
this._enablePosition = !1, this._enableReflectivity = !1, this._enableVelocity = !1, this._attachments = [];
}, r.prototype._forceTextureType = function(t, e) {
t === r.POSITION_TEXTURE_TYPE ? (this._positionIndex = e, this._enablePosition = !0) : t === r.VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE ? (this._velocityIndex = e, this._enableVelocity = !0) : t === r.REFLECTIVITY_TEXTURE_TYPE ? (this._reflectivityIndex = e, this._enableReflectivity = !0) : t === r.DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE && (this._depthNormalIndex = e);
}, r.prototype._setAttachments = function(t) {
this._attachments = t;
}, r.prototype._linkInternalTexture = function(t) {
this._multiRenderTarget._texture = t;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "renderList", { get: function() {
return this._multiRenderTarget.renderList;
}, set: function(t) {
this._multiRenderTarget.renderList = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
return this._multiRenderTarget.isSupported;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getTextureIndex = function(t) {
switch (t) {
return this._positionIndex;
return this._velocityIndex;
return this._reflectivityIndex;
return -1;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enablePosition", { get: function() {
return this._enablePosition;
}, set: function(t) {
this._enablePosition = t, this._linkedWithPrePass || (this.dispose(), this._createRenderTargets());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enableVelocity", { get: function() {
return this._enableVelocity;
}, set: function(t) {
this._enableVelocity = t, t || (this._previousTransformationMatrices = {}), this._linkedWithPrePass || (this.dispose(), this._createRenderTargets());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enableReflectivity", { get: function() {
return this._enableReflectivity;
}, set: function(t) {
this._enableReflectivity = t, this._linkedWithPrePass || (this.dispose(), this._createRenderTargets());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "scene", { get: function() {
return this._scene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "ratio", { get: function() {
return this._ratio;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.isReady = function(t, e) {
var n = t.getMaterial();
if (n && n.disableDepthWrite)
return !1;
var i = [], o = [Oe.b.PositionKind, Oe.b.NormalKind], a = t.getMesh();
if (n) {
var s = !1;
n.needAlphaTesting() && (i.push("#define ALPHATEST"), s = !0), n.bumpTexture && Nt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && (i.push("#define BUMP"), i.push("#define BUMPDIRECTUV 0"), s = !0), this._enableReflectivity && (n instanceof Nt.a && n.specularTexture ? (i.push("#define HAS_SPECULAR"), s = !0) : n instanceof $r && n.reflectivityTexture && (i.push("#define HAS_REFLECTIVITY"), s = !0)), s && (i.push("#define NEED_UV"), a.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (o.push(Oe.b.UVKind), i.push("#define UV1")), a.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && (o.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), i.push("#define UV2")));
this._linkedWithPrePass && (i.push("#define PREPASS"), this._depthNormalIndex !== -1 && (i.push("#define DEPTHNORMAL_INDEX " + this._depthNormalIndex), i.push("#define PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL"))), this._enablePosition && (i.push("#define POSITION"), i.push("#define POSITION_INDEX " + this._positionIndex)), this._enableVelocity && (i.push("#define VELOCITY"), i.push("#define VELOCITY_INDEX " + this._velocityIndex), this.excludedSkinnedMeshesFromVelocity.indexOf(a) === -1 && i.push("#define BONES_VELOCITY_ENABLED")), this._enableReflectivity && (i.push("#define REFLECTIVITY"), i.push("#define REFLECTIVITY_INDEX " + this._reflectivityIndex)), a.useBones && a.computeBonesUsingShaders ? (o.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), o.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsKind), a.numBoneInfluencers > 4 && (o.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesExtraKind), o.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsExtraKind)), i.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + a.numBoneInfluencers), i.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (a.skeleton ? a.skeleton.bones.length + 1 : 0))) : i.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0");
var d = a.morphTargetManager, p = 0;
d && d.numInfluencers > 0 && (p = d.numInfluencers, i.push("#define MORPHTARGETS"), i.push("#define NUM_MORPH_INFLUENCERS " + p), $e.a.PrepareAttributesForMorphTargetsInfluencers(o, a, p)), e && (i.push("#define INSTANCES"), $e.a.PushAttributesForInstances(o), t.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances && i.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES")), this._linkedWithPrePass ? i.push("#define RENDER_TARGET_COUNT " + this._attachments.length) : i.push("#define RENDER_TARGET_COUNT " + this._multiRenderTarget.textures.length);
var y = i.join(`
return this._cachedDefines !== y && (this._cachedDefines = y, this._effect = this._scene.getEngine().createEffect("geometry", o, ["world", "mBones", "viewProjection", "diffuseMatrix", "view", "previousWorld", "previousViewProjection", "mPreviousBones", "morphTargetInfluences", "bumpMatrix", "reflectivityMatrix", "vTangentSpaceParams", "vBumpInfos"], ["diffuseSampler", "bumpSampler", "reflectivitySampler"], y, void 0, void 0, void 0, { buffersCount: this._multiRenderTarget.textures.length - 1, maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: p })), this._effect.isReady();
}, r.prototype.getGBuffer = function() {
return this._multiRenderTarget;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._multiRenderTarget.samples;
}, set: function(t) {
this._multiRenderTarget.samples = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._resizeObserver && (this._scene.getEngine().onResizeObservable.remove(this._resizeObserver), this._resizeObserver = null), this.getGBuffer().dispose();
}, r.prototype._assignRenderTargetIndices = function() {
var t = 2;
return this._enablePosition && (this._positionIndex = t, t++), this._enableVelocity && (this._velocityIndex = t, t++), this._enableReflectivity && (this._reflectivityIndex = t, t++), t;
}, r.prototype._createRenderTargets = function() {
var t = this, e = this._scene.getEngine(), n = this._assignRenderTargetIndices();
if (this._multiRenderTarget = new Vs("gBuffer", { width: e.getRenderWidth() * this._ratio, height: e.getRenderHeight() * this._ratio }, n, this._scene, { generateMipMaps: !1, generateDepthTexture: !0, defaultType: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT }), this.isSupported) {
this._multiRenderTarget.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._multiRenderTarget.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._multiRenderTarget.refreshRate = 1, this._multiRenderTarget.renderParticles = !1, this._multiRenderTarget.renderList = null, this._multiRenderTarget.onClearObservable.add(function(o) {
o.clear(new I.b(0, 0, 0, 1), !0, !0, !0);
}), this._resizeObserver = e.onResizeObservable.add(function() {
t._multiRenderTarget && t._multiRenderTarget.resize({ width: e.getRenderWidth() * t._ratio, height: e.getRenderHeight() * t._ratio });
var i = function(o) {
var a = o.getRenderingMesh(), s = o.getEffectiveMesh(), d = t._scene, p = d.getEngine(), y = o.getMaterial();
if (y) {
if (s._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1, t._enableVelocity && !t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId] && (t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId] = { world: u.a.Identity(), viewProjection: d.getTransformMatrix() }, a.skeleton)) {
var P = a.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(a);
t._previousBonesTransformationMatrices[a.uniqueId] = t._copyBonesTransformationMatrices(P, new Float32Array(P.length));
var R = a._getInstancesRenderList(o._id, !!o.getReplacementMesh());
if (!R.mustReturn) {
var B = p.getCaps().instancedArrays && (R.visibleInstances[o._id] !== null || a.hasThinInstances), F = s.getWorldMatrix();
if (t.isReady(o, B)) {
if (p.enableEffect(t._effect), a._bind(o, t._effect, y.fillMode), t._effect.setMatrix("viewProjection", d.getTransformMatrix()), t._effect.setMatrix("view", d.getViewMatrix()), y) {
var z, J = s._instanceDataStorage;
if (J.isFrozen || !y.backFaceCulling && y.overrideMaterialSideOrientation === null)
z = J.sideOrientation;
else {
var ie = s._getWorldMatrixDeterminant();
(z = y.overrideMaterialSideOrientation) == null && (z = y.sideOrientation), ie < 0 && (z = z === zt.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation ? zt.a.CounterClockWiseSideOrientation : zt.a.ClockWiseSideOrientation);
if (y._preBind(t._effect, z), y.needAlphaTesting()) {
var se = y.getAlphaTestTexture();
se && (t._effect.setTexture("diffuseSampler", se), t._effect.setMatrix("diffuseMatrix", se.getTextureMatrix()));
y.bumpTexture && d.getEngine().getCaps().standardDerivatives && Nt.a.BumpTextureEnabled && (t._effect.setFloat3("vBumpInfos", y.bumpTexture.coordinatesIndex, 1 / y.bumpTexture.level, y.parallaxScaleBias), t._effect.setMatrix("bumpMatrix", y.bumpTexture.getTextureMatrix()), t._effect.setTexture("bumpSampler", y.bumpTexture), t._effect.setFloat2("vTangentSpaceParams", y.invertNormalMapX ? -1 : 1, y.invertNormalMapY ? -1 : 1)), t._enableReflectivity && (y instanceof Nt.a && y.specularTexture ? (t._effect.setMatrix("reflectivityMatrix", y.specularTexture.getTextureMatrix()), t._effect.setTexture("reflectivitySampler", y.specularTexture)) : y instanceof $r && y.reflectivityTexture && (t._effect.setMatrix("reflectivityMatrix", y.reflectivityTexture.getTextureMatrix()), t._effect.setTexture("reflectivitySampler", y.reflectivityTexture)));
a.useBones && a.computeBonesUsingShaders && a.skeleton && (t._effect.setMatrices("mBones", a.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(a)), t._enableVelocity && t._effect.setMatrices("mPreviousBones", t._previousBonesTransformationMatrices[a.uniqueId])), $e.a.BindMorphTargetParameters(a, t._effect), t._enableVelocity && (t._effect.setMatrix("previousWorld", t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId].world), t._effect.setMatrix("previousViewProjection", t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId].viewProjection)), a._processRendering(s, o, t._effect, y.fillMode, R, B, function(ce, ue) {
return t._effect.setMatrix("world", ue);
t._enableVelocity && (t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId].world = F.clone(), t._previousTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId].viewProjection = t._scene.getTransformMatrix().clone(), a.skeleton && t._copyBonesTransformationMatrices(a.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(a), t._previousBonesTransformationMatrices[s.uniqueId]));
this._multiRenderTarget.customRenderFunction = function(o, a, s, d) {
var p;
if (t._linkedWithPrePass) {
if (!t._prePassRenderer.enabled)
if (d.length) {
for (e.setColorWrite(!1), p = 0; p < d.length; p++)
for (p = 0; p < o.length; p++)
for (p = 0; p < a.length; p++)
if (t.renderTransparentMeshes)
for (p = 0; p < s.length; p++)
}, r.prototype._copyBonesTransformationMatrices = function(t, e) {
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
e[n] = t[n];
return e;
}, r.DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE = 0, r.POSITION_TEXTURE_TYPE = 1, r.VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE = 2, r.REFLECTIVITY_TEXTURE_TYPE = 3, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("GeometryBufferRendererSceneComponent");
}, r;
}(), jm = function() {
this.enabled = !1, = "motionBlur", this.texturesRequired = [h.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE];
Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "geometryBufferRenderer", { get: function() {
}, set: function(r) {
r && r.isSupported && (this._geometryBufferRenderer = r);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _e.a.prototype.enableGeometryBufferRenderer = function(r) {
return r === void 0 && (r = 1), this._geometryBufferRenderer || (this._geometryBufferRenderer = new ri(this, r), this._geometryBufferRenderer.isSupported || (this._geometryBufferRenderer = null)), this._geometryBufferRenderer;
}, _e.a.prototype.disableGeometryBufferRenderer = function() {
this._geometryBufferRenderer && (this._geometryBufferRenderer.dispose(), this._geometryBufferRenderer = null);
var yd = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_GEOMETRYBUFFERRENDERER, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._gatherRenderTargetsStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_GATHERRENDERTARGETS_GEOMETRYBUFFERRENDERER, this, this._gatherRenderTargets);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r.prototype._gatherRenderTargets = function(t) {
this.scene._geometryBufferRenderer && t.push(this.scene._geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer());
}, r;
ri._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_GEOMETRYBUFFERRENDERER);
t || (t = new yd(r), r._addComponent(t));
var Hm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float motionStrength;
uniform float motionScale;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform sampler2D velocitySampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform mat4 inverseViewProjection;
uniform mat4 prevViewProjection;
void main(void)
vec2 texelSize=1.0/screenSize;
vec2 velocityColor=texture2D(velocitySampler,vUV).rg*2.0-1.0;
vec2 velocity=vec2(pow(velocityColor.r,3.0),pow(velocityColor.g,3.0));
float speed=length(velocity/texelSize);
int samplesCount=int(clamp(speed,1.0,SAMPLES));
float hlim=float(-samplesCount)*0.5+0.5;
vec4 result=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
for (int i=1; i=samplesCount)
vec2 offset=vUV+velocity*(hlim+float(i));
vec2 texelSize=1.0/screenSize;
float depth=texture2D(depthSampler,vUV).r;
vec4 cpos=vec4(vUV*2.0-1.0,depth,1.0);
vec4 ppos=cpos*prevViewProjection;;
vec2 velocity=(ppos.xy-vUV)*motionScale*motionStrength;
float speed=length(velocity/texelSize);
int nSamples=int(clamp(speed,1.0,SAMPLES));
vec4 result=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
for (int i=1; i=nSamples)
vec2 offset1=vUV+velocity*(float(i)/float(nSamples-1)-0.5);
ze.a.ShadersStore.motionBlurPixelShader = Hm;
var Mc = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), y === void 0 && (y = !1), P === void 0 && (P = !0);
var R =, e, "motionBlur", ["motionStrength", "motionScale", "screenSize", "inverseViewProjection", "prevViewProjection"], ["velocitySampler"], i, o, a, s, d, `#define GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED
#define SAMPLES 64.0
#define OBJECT_BASED`, p, void 0, null, y) || this;
return R.motionStrength = 1, R._motionBlurSamples = 32, R._isObjectBased = !0, R._forceGeometryBuffer = !1, R._geometryBufferRenderer = null, R._prePassRenderer = null, R._invViewProjection = null, R._previousViewProjection = null, R._forceGeometryBuffer = P, R._forceGeometryBuffer ? (R._geometryBufferRenderer = n.enableGeometryBufferRenderer(), R._geometryBufferRenderer && (R._geometryBufferRenderer.enableVelocity = !0)) : (R._prePassRenderer = n.enablePrePassRenderer(), R._prePassRenderer && (R._prePassRenderer.markAsDirty(), R._prePassEffectConfiguration = new jm())), R._applyMode(), R;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "motionBlurSamples", { get: function() {
return this._motionBlurSamples;
}, set: function(e) {
this._motionBlurSamples = e, this._updateEffect();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "isObjectBased", { get: function() {
return this._isObjectBased;
}, set: function(e) {
this._isObjectBased !== e && (this._isObjectBased = e, this._applyMode());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "MotionBlurPostProcess";
}, t.prototype.excludeSkinnedMesh = function(e) {
if (e.skeleton) {
var n = void 0;
if (this._geometryBufferRenderer)
n = this._geometryBufferRenderer.excludedSkinnedMeshesFromVelocity;
else {
if (!this._prePassRenderer)
n = this._prePassRenderer.excludedSkinnedMesh;
}, t.prototype.removeExcludedSkinnedMesh = function(e) {
if (e.skeleton) {
var n = void 0;
if (this._geometryBufferRenderer)
n = this._geometryBufferRenderer.excludedSkinnedMeshesFromVelocity;
else {
if (!this._prePassRenderer)
n = this._prePassRenderer.excludedSkinnedMesh;
var i = n.indexOf(e);
i !== -1 && n.splice(i, 1);
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
this._geometryBufferRenderer && (this._geometryBufferRenderer._previousTransformationMatrices = {}, this._geometryBufferRenderer._previousBonesTransformationMatrices = {}, this._geometryBufferRenderer.excludedSkinnedMeshesFromVelocity = []),, e);
}, t.prototype._applyMode = function() {
var e = this;
if (!this._geometryBufferRenderer && !this._prePassRenderer)
return l.a.Warn("Multiple Render Target support needed to compute object based motion blur"), this.updateEffect();
this._updateEffect(), this._invViewProjection = null, this._previousViewProjection = null, this.isObjectBased ? (this._prePassRenderer && this._prePassEffectConfiguration && (this._prePassEffectConfiguration.texturesRequired[0] = h.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE), this.onApply = function(n) {
return e._onApplyObjectBased(n);
}) : (this._invViewProjection = u.a.Identity(), this._previousViewProjection = u.a.Identity(), this._prePassRenderer && this._prePassEffectConfiguration && (this._prePassEffectConfiguration.texturesRequired[0] = h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE), this.onApply = function(n) {
return e._onApplyScreenBased(n);
}, t.prototype._onApplyObjectBased = function(e) {
if (e.setVector2("screenSize", new u.d(this.width, this.height)), e.setFloat("motionScale", this._scene.getAnimationRatio()), e.setFloat("motionStrength", this.motionStrength), this._geometryBufferRenderer) {
var n = this._geometryBufferRenderer.getTextureIndex(ri.VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE);
e.setTexture("velocitySampler", this._geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer().textures[n]);
} else
this._prePassRenderer && (n = this._prePassRenderer.getIndex(h.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE), e.setTexture("velocitySampler", this._prePassRenderer.prePassRT.textures[n]));
}, t.prototype._onApplyScreenBased = function(e) {
var n = this._scene.getProjectionMatrix().multiply(this._scene.getViewMatrix());
if (n.invertToRef(this._invViewProjection), e.setMatrix("inverseViewProjection", this._invViewProjection), e.setMatrix("prevViewProjection", this._previousViewProjection), this._previousViewProjection = n, e.setVector2("screenSize", new u.d(this.width, this.height)), e.setFloat("motionScale", this._scene.getAnimationRatio()), e.setFloat("motionStrength", this.motionStrength), this._geometryBufferRenderer) {
var i = this._geometryBufferRenderer.getTextureIndex(ri.DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE);
e.setTexture("depthSampler", this._geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer().textures[i]);
} else
this._prePassRenderer && (i = this._prePassRenderer.getIndex(h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE), e.setTexture("depthSampler", this._prePassRenderer.prePassRT.textures[i]));
}, t.prototype._updateEffect = function() {
if (this._geometryBufferRenderer || this._prePassRenderer) {
var e = ["#define GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED", "#define SAMPLES " + this._motionBlurSamples.toFixed(1), this._isObjectBased ? "#define OBJECT_BASED" : "#define SCREEN_BASED"];
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, i, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable, e.textureType, !1);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "motionStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "motionBlurSamples", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "isObjectBased", null), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.MotionBlurPostProcess"] = Mc;
var Wm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D refractionSampler;
uniform vec3 baseColor;
uniform float depth;
uniform float colorLevel;
void main() {
float ref=1.0-texture2D(refractionSampler,vUV).r;
vec2 uv=vUV-vec2(0.5);
vec2 offset=uv*depth*ref;
vec3 sourceColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV-offset).rgb;
ze.a.ShadersStore.refractionPixelShader = Wm;
var bd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y, P) {
var R =, e, "refraction", ["baseColor", "depth", "colorLevel"], ["refractionSampler"], s, d, p, y, P) || this;
return R._ownRefractionTexture = !0, R.color = i, R.depth = o, R.colorLevel = a, R.refractionTextureUrl = n, R.onActivateObservable.add(function(B) {
R._refTexture = R._refTexture || new Ne.a(n, B.getScene());
}), R.onApplyObservable.add(function(B) {
B.setColor3("baseColor", R.color), B.setFloat("depth", R.depth), B.setFloat("colorLevel", R.colorLevel), B.setTexture("refractionSampler", R._refTexture);
}), R;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "refractionTexture", { get: function() {
return this._refTexture;
}, set: function(e) {
this._refTexture && this._ownRefractionTexture && this._refTexture.dispose(), this._refTexture = e, this._ownRefractionTexture = !1;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "RefractionPostProcess";
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
this._refTexture && this._ownRefractionTexture && (this._refTexture.dispose(), this._refTexture = null),, e);
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.refractionTextureUrl, e.color, e.depth, e.colorLevel, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "color", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "depth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "colorLevel", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "refractionTextureUrl", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.RefractionPostProcess"] = bd;
var Xm = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 screenSize;
uniform vec2 sharpnessAmounts;
void main(void)
vec2 onePixel=vec2(1.0,1.0)/screenSize;
vec4 color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
vec4 edgeDetection=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(0,-1)) +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(-1,0)) +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(1,0)) +
texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+onePixel*vec2(0,1)) -
ze.a.ShadersStore.sharpenPixelShader = Xm;
var Ic = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p) {
d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), p === void 0 && (p = !1);
var y =, e, "sharpen", ["sharpnessAmounts", "screenSize"], null, n, i, o, a, s, null, d, void 0, null, p) || this;
return y.colorAmount = 1, y.edgeAmount = 0.3, y.onApply = function(P) {
P.setFloat2("screenSize", y.width, y.height), P.setFloat2("sharpnessAmounts", y.edgeAmount, y.colorAmount);
}, y;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SharpenPostProcess";
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.textureType, e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "colorAmount", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "edgeAmount", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SharpenPostProcess"] = Ic;
var Ir = function() {
function r(t, e) {
this.engine = t, this._name = e, this._renderEffects = {}, this._renderEffectsForIsolatedPass = new Array(), this._cameras = [];
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "name", { get: function() {
return this._name;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "cameras", { get: function() {
return this._cameras;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "PostProcessRenderPipeline";
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
for (var t in this._renderEffects)
if (this._renderEffects.hasOwnProperty(t) && !this._renderEffects[t].isSupported)
return !1;
return !0;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addEffect = function(t) {
this._renderEffects[t._name] = t;
}, r.prototype._rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype._enableEffect = function(t, e) {
var n = this._renderEffects[t];
n && n._enable(Xe.b.MakeArray(e || this._cameras));
}, r.prototype._disableEffect = function(t, e) {
var n = this._renderEffects[t];
n && n._disable(Xe.b.MakeArray(e || this._cameras));
}, r.prototype._attachCameras = function(t, e) {
var n = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (n) {
var i, o = [];
for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
var a = n[i];
if (a) {
var s =;
this._cameras.indexOf(a) === -1 ? this._cameras[s] = a : e && o.push(i);
for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++)
t.splice(o[i], 1);
for (var d in this._renderEffects)
this._renderEffects.hasOwnProperty(d) && this._renderEffects[d]._attachCameras(n);
}, r.prototype._detachCameras = function(t) {
var e = Xe.b.MakeArray(t || this._cameras);
if (e) {
for (var n in this._renderEffects)
this._renderEffects.hasOwnProperty(n) && this._renderEffects[n]._detachCameras(e);
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
this._cameras.splice(this._cameras.indexOf(e[i]), 1);
}, r.prototype._update = function() {
for (var t in this._renderEffects)
this._renderEffects.hasOwnProperty(t) && this._renderEffects[t]._update();
for (var e = 0; e < this._cameras.length; e++)
if (this._cameras[e]) {
var n = this._cameras[e].name;
this._renderEffectsForIsolatedPass[n] && this._renderEffectsForIsolatedPass[n]._update();
}, r.prototype._reset = function() {
this._renderEffects = {}, this._renderEffectsForIsolatedPass = new Array();
}, r.prototype._enableMSAAOnFirstPostProcess = function(t) {
if (this.engine.webGLVersion === 1)
return !1;
var e = Object.keys(this._renderEffects);
if (e.length > 0) {
var n = this._renderEffects[e[0]].getPostProcesses();
n && (n[0].samples = t);
return !0;
}, r.prototype.setPrePassRenderer = function(t) {
return !1;
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], r.prototype, "_name", void 0), r;
}(), Td = function() {
function r() {
this._renderPipelines = {};
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "supportedPipelines", { get: function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this._renderPipelines)
if (this._renderPipelines.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
var n = this._renderPipelines[e];
n.isSupported && t.push(n);
return t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.addPipeline = function(t) {
this._renderPipelines[t._name] = t;
}, r.prototype.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline = function(t, e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1);
var i = this._renderPipelines[t];
i && i._attachCameras(e, n);
}, r.prototype.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline = function(t, e) {
var n = this._renderPipelines[t];
n && n._detachCameras(e);
}, r.prototype.enableEffectInPipeline = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this._renderPipelines[t];
i && i._enableEffect(e, n);
}, r.prototype.disableEffectInPipeline = function(t, e, n) {
var i = this._renderPipelines[t];
i && i._disableEffect(e, n);
}, r.prototype.update = function() {
for (var t in this._renderPipelines)
if (this._renderPipelines.hasOwnProperty(t)) {
var e = this._renderPipelines[t];
e.isSupported ? e._update() : (e.dispose(), delete this._renderPipelines[t]);
}, r.prototype._rebuild = function() {
for (var t in this._renderPipelines)
this._renderPipelines.hasOwnProperty(t) && this._renderPipelines[t]._rebuild();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t in this._renderPipelines)
this._renderPipelines.hasOwnProperty(t) && this._renderPipelines[t].dispose();
}, r;
Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "postProcessRenderPipelineManager", { get: function() {
if (!this._postProcessRenderPipelineManager) {
r || (r = new Ed(this), this._addComponent(r)), this._postProcessRenderPipelineManager = new Td();
return this._postProcessRenderPipelineManager;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
var Ed = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_POSTPROCESSRENDERPIPELINEMANAGER, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._gatherRenderTargetsStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_GATHERRENDERTARGETS_POSTPROCESSRENDERPIPELINEMANAGER, this, this._gatherRenderTargets);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager && this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager._rebuild();
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager && this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager.dispose();
}, r.prototype._gatherRenderTargets = function() {
this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager && this.scene._postProcessRenderPipelineManager.update();
}, r;
}(), Sd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
e === void 0 && (e = ""), n === void 0 && (n = !0), i === void 0 && (i = te.a.LastCreatedScene), a === void 0 && (a = !0);
var s =, i.getEngine(), e) || this;
s._camerasToBeAttached = [], s.SharpenPostProcessId = "SharpenPostProcessEffect", s.ImageProcessingPostProcessId = "ImageProcessingPostProcessEffect", s.FxaaPostProcessId = "FxaaPostProcessEffect", s.ChromaticAberrationPostProcessId = "ChromaticAberrationPostProcessEffect", s.GrainPostProcessId = "GrainPostProcessEffect", s._glowLayer = null, s.animations = [], s._imageProcessingConfigurationObserver = null, s._sharpenEnabled = !1, s._bloomEnabled = !1, s._depthOfFieldEnabled = !1, s._depthOfFieldBlurLevel = $i.Low, s._fxaaEnabled = !1, s._imageProcessingEnabled = !0, s._bloomScale = 0.5, s._chromaticAberrationEnabled = !1, s._grainEnabled = !1, s._buildAllowed = !0, s.onBuildObservable = new C.c(), s._resizeObserver = null, s._hardwareScaleLevel = 1, s._bloomKernel = 64, s._bloomWeight = 0.15, s._bloomThreshold = 0.9, s._samples = 1, s._hasCleared = !1, s._prevPostProcess = null, s._prevPrevPostProcess = null, s._depthOfFieldSceneObserver = null, s._cameras = o || i.cameras, s._cameras = s._cameras.slice(), s._camerasToBeAttached = s._cameras.slice(), s._buildAllowed = a, s._scene = i;
var d = s._scene.getEngine().getCaps();
s._hdr = n && (d.textureHalfFloatRender || d.textureFloatRender), s._hdr ? d.textureHalfFloatRender ? s._defaultPipelineTextureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT : d.textureFloatRender && (s._defaultPipelineTextureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT) : s._defaultPipelineTextureType = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, i.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.addPipeline(s);
var p = s._scene.getEngine();
return s.sharpen = new Ic("sharpen", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, p, !1, s._defaultPipelineTextureType, !0), s._sharpenEffect = new xt(p, s.SharpenPostProcessId, function() {
return s.sharpen;
}, !0), s.depthOfField = new Rc(s._scene, null, s._depthOfFieldBlurLevel, s._defaultPipelineTextureType, !0), s.bloom = new Pc(s._scene, s._bloomScale, s._bloomWeight, s.bloomKernel, s._defaultPipelineTextureType, !0), s.chromaticAberration = new xc("ChromaticAberration", p.getRenderWidth(), p.getRenderHeight(), 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, p, !1, s._defaultPipelineTextureType, !0), s._chromaticAberrationEffect = new xt(p, s.ChromaticAberrationPostProcessId, function() {
return s.chromaticAberration;
}, !0), s.grain = new Oc("Grain", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, p, !1, s._defaultPipelineTextureType, !0), s._grainEffect = new xt(p, s.GrainPostProcessId, function() {
return s.grain;
}, !0), s._resizeObserver = p.onResizeObservable.add(function() {
s._hardwareScaleLevel = p.getHardwareScalingLevel(), s.bloomKernel = s.bloomKernel;
}), s._imageProcessingConfigurationObserver = s._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.add(function() {
s.bloom._downscale._exposure = s._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.exposure, s.imageProcessingEnabled !== s._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.isEnabled && (s._imageProcessingEnabled = s._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.isEnabled, s._buildPipeline());
}), s._buildPipeline(), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scene", { get: function() {
return this._scene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "sharpenEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._sharpenEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._sharpenEnabled !== e && (this._sharpenEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bloomKernel", { get: function() {
return this._bloomKernel;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomKernel = e, this.bloom.kernel = e / this._hardwareScaleLevel;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bloomWeight", { get: function() {
return this._bloomWeight;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomWeight !== e && (this.bloom.weight = e, this._bloomWeight = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bloomThreshold", { get: function() {
return this._bloomThreshold;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomThreshold !== e && (this.bloom.threshold = e, this._bloomThreshold = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bloomScale", { get: function() {
return this._bloomScale;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomScale !== e && (this._bloomScale = e, this._rebuildBloom(), this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "bloomEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._bloomEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomEnabled !== e && (this._bloomEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._rebuildBloom = function() {
var e = this.bloom;
this.bloom = new Pc(this._scene, this.bloomScale, this._bloomWeight, this.bloomKernel, this._defaultPipelineTextureType, !1), this.bloom.threshold = e.threshold;
for (var n = 0; n < this._cameras.length; n++)
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthOfFieldEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._depthOfFieldEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._depthOfFieldEnabled !== e && (this._depthOfFieldEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "depthOfFieldBlurLevel", { get: function() {
return this._depthOfFieldBlurLevel;
}, set: function(e) {
if (this._depthOfFieldBlurLevel !== e) {
this._depthOfFieldBlurLevel = e;
var n = this.depthOfField;
this.depthOfField = new Rc(this._scene, null, this._depthOfFieldBlurLevel, this._defaultPipelineTextureType, !1), this.depthOfField.focalLength = n.focalLength, this.depthOfField.focusDistance = n.focusDistance, this.depthOfField.fStop = n.fStop, this.depthOfField.lensSize = n.lensSize;
for (var i = 0; i < this._cameras.length; i++)
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fxaaEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._fxaaEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._fxaaEnabled !== e && (this._fxaaEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._samples;
}, set: function(e) {
this._samples !== e && (this._samples = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "imageProcessingEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._imageProcessingEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._imageProcessingEnabled !== e && (this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.isEnabled = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "glowLayerEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._glowLayer != null;
}, set: function(e) {
e && !this._glowLayer ? this._glowLayer = new Ko("", this._scene) : !e && this._glowLayer && (this._glowLayer.dispose(), this._glowLayer = null);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "glowLayer", { get: function() {
return this._glowLayer;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "chromaticAberrationEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._chromaticAberrationEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._chromaticAberrationEnabled !== e && (this._chromaticAberrationEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "grainEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._grainEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._grainEnabled !== e && (this._grainEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "DefaultRenderingPipeline";
}, t.prototype.prepare = function() {
var e = this._buildAllowed;
this._buildAllowed = !0, this._buildPipeline(), this._buildAllowed = e;
}, t.prototype._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing = function(e, n) {
n === void 0 && (n = !1), this._hasCleared ? e.autoClear = !1 : (e.autoClear = !0, this._scene.autoClear = !1, this._hasCleared = !0), n || (this._prevPrevPostProcess ? e.shareOutputWith(this._prevPrevPostProcess) : e.useOwnOutput(), this._prevPostProcess && (this._prevPrevPostProcess = this._prevPostProcess), this._prevPostProcess = e);
}, t.prototype._buildPipeline = function() {
var e = this;
if (this._buildAllowed) {
this._scene.autoClear = !0;
var n = this._scene.getEngine();
if (this._disposePostProcesses(), this._cameras !== null && (this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras), this._cameras = this._camerasToBeAttached.slice()), this._reset(), this._prevPostProcess = null, this._prevPrevPostProcess = null, this._hasCleared = !1, this.depthOfFieldEnabled) {
if (this._cameras.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, o = this._cameras; i < o.length; i++) {
var a = o[i];
(s = this._scene.enableDepthRenderer(a)).useOnlyInActiveCamera = !0;
this._depthOfFieldSceneObserver = this._scene.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.add(function(d) {
e._cameras.indexOf(d.activeCamera) > -1 && (e.depthOfField.depthTexture = d.enableDepthRenderer(d.activeCamera).getDepthMap());
} else {
var s = this._scene.enableDepthRenderer(this._cameras[0]);
this.depthOfField.depthTexture = s.getDepthMap();
this.depthOfField._isReady() || this.depthOfField._updateEffects(), this.addEffect(this.depthOfField), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.depthOfField._effects[0], !0);
} else
this.bloomEnabled && (this.bloom._isReady() || this.bloom._updateEffects(), this.addEffect(this.bloom), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.bloom._effects[0], !0)), this._imageProcessingEnabled && (this.imageProcessing = new Io("imageProcessing", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, n, !1, this._defaultPipelineTextureType), this._hdr ? (this.addEffect(new xt(n, this.ImageProcessingPostProcessId, function() {
return e.imageProcessing;
}, !0)), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.imageProcessing)) : this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess = !1, this.cameras && this.cameras.length !== 0 || (this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess = !1), this.imageProcessing.getEffect() || this.imageProcessing._updateParameters()), this.sharpenEnabled && (this.sharpen.isReady() || this.sharpen.updateEffect(), this.addEffect(this._sharpenEffect), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.sharpen)), this.grainEnabled && (this.grain.isReady() || this.grain.updateEffect(), this.addEffect(this._grainEffect), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.grain)), this.chromaticAberrationEnabled && (this.chromaticAberration.isReady() || this.chromaticAberration.updateEffect(), this.addEffect(this._chromaticAberrationEffect), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.chromaticAberration)), this.fxaaEnabled && (this.fxaa = new vo("fxaa", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, n, !1, this._defaultPipelineTextureType), this.addEffect(new xt(n, this.FxaaPostProcessId, function() {
return e.fxaa;
}, !0)), this._setAutoClearAndTextureSharing(this.fxaa, !0)), this._cameras !== null && this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras), this._scene.activeCameras && this._scene.activeCameras.length > 1 && (this._scene.autoClear = !0), !this._enableMSAAOnFirstPostProcess(this.samples) && this.samples > 1 && l.a.Warn("MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0"), this.onBuildObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, t.prototype._disposePostProcesses = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
for (var n = 0; n < this._cameras.length; n++) {
var i = this._cameras[n];
this.imageProcessing && this.imageProcessing.dispose(i), this.fxaa && this.fxaa.dispose(i), e && (this.sharpen && this.sharpen.dispose(i), this.depthOfField && (this._scene.onAfterRenderTargetsRenderObservable.remove(this._depthOfFieldSceneObserver), this.depthOfField.disposeEffects(i)), this.bloom && this.bloom.disposeEffects(i), this.chromaticAberration && this.chromaticAberration.dispose(i), this.grain && this.grain.dispose(i), this._glowLayer && this._glowLayer.dispose());
this.imageProcessing = null, this.fxaa = null, e && (this.sharpen = null, this._sharpenEffect = null, this.depthOfField = null, this.bloom = null, this.chromaticAberration = null, this._chromaticAberrationEffect = null, this.grain = null, this._grainEffect = null, this._glowLayer = null);
}, t.prototype.addCamera = function(e) {
this._camerasToBeAttached.push(e), this._buildPipeline();
}, t.prototype.removeCamera = function(e) {
var n = this._camerasToBeAttached.indexOf(e);
this._camerasToBeAttached.splice(n, 1), this._buildPipeline();
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.onBuildObservable.clear(), this._disposePostProcesses(!0), this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras), this._scene.autoClear = !0, this._resizeObserver && (this._scene.getEngine().onResizeObservable.remove(this._resizeObserver), this._resizeObserver = null), this._scene.imageProcessingConfiguration.onUpdateParameters.remove(this._imageProcessingConfigurationObserver),;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "DefaultRenderingPipeline", e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(e._name, e._name._hdr, n);
}, e, n, i);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "sharpenEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "bloomKernel", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_bloomWeight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_bloomThreshold", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_hdr", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "bloomWeight", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "bloomThreshold", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "bloomScale", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "bloomEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "depthOfFieldEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "depthOfFieldBlurLevel", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "fxaaEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "samples", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "imageProcessingEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "glowLayerEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "chromaticAberrationEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "grainEnabled", null), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.DefaultRenderingPipeline"] = Sd;
var Ym = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float gain;
uniform float threshold;
uniform float screen_width;
uniform float screen_height;
varying vec2 vUV;
vec4 highlightColor(vec4 color) {
vec4 highlight=color;
float luminance=dot(highlight.rgb,vec3(0.2125,0.7154,0.0721));
float lum_threshold;
if (threshold>1.0) { lum_threshold=0.94+0.01*threshold; }
else { lum_threshold=0.5+0.44*threshold; }
return highlight;
void main(void)
vec4 original=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
if (gain == -1.0) {
float w=2.0/screen_width;
float h=2.0/screen_height;
float weight=1.0;
vec4 blurred=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.lensHighlightsPixelShader = Ym;
var Km = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D highlightsSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform sampler2D grainSampler;
uniform float grain_amount;
uniform bool blur_noise;
uniform float screen_width;
uniform float screen_height;
uniform float distortion;
uniform bool dof_enabled;
uniform float screen_distance;
uniform float aperture;
uniform float darken;
uniform float edge_blur;
uniform bool highlights;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
varying vec2 vUV;
#define PI 3.14159265
#define TWOPI 6.28318530
#define inverse_focal_length 0.1
vec2 centered_screen_pos;
vec2 distorted_coords;
float radius2;
float radius;
vec2 rand(vec2 co)
float noise1=(fract(sin(dot(co,vec2(12.9898,78.233)))*43758.5453));
float noise2=(fract(sin(dot(co,vec2(12.9898,78.233)*2.0))*43758.5453));
return clamp(vec2(noise1,noise2),0.0,1.0);
vec2 getDistortedCoords(vec2 coords) {
if (distortion == 0.0) { return coords; }
vec2 direction=1.0*normalize(centered_screen_pos);
vec2 dist_coords=vec2(0.5,0.5);
float dist_amount=clamp(distortion*0.23,0.0,1.0);
return dist_coords;
float sampleScreen(inout vec4 color,const in vec2 offset,const in float weight) {
vec2 coords=distorted_coords;
float angle=rand(coords*100.0).x*TWOPI;
return weight;
float getBlurLevel(float size) {
return min(3.0,ceil(size/1.0));
vec4 getBlurColor(float size) {
vec4 col=texture2D(textureSampler,distorted_coords);
if (size == 0.0) { return col; }
float blur_level=getBlurLevel(size);
float w=(size/screen_width);
float h=(size/screen_height);
float total_weight=1.0;
vec2 sample_coords;
if (blur_level>1.0) {
if (blur_level>2.0) {
if (darken>0.0) {
return col;
void main(void)
vec2 texels_coords=vec2(vUV.x*screen_width,vUV.y*screen_height);
float depth=texture2D(depthSampler,distorted_coords).r;
float distance=near+(far-near)*depth;
vec4 color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
float coc=abs(aperture*(screen_distance*(inverse_focal_length-1.0/distance)-1.0));
if (dof_enabled == false || coc<0.07) { coc=0.0; }
float edge_blur_amount=0.0;
if (edge_blur>0.0) {
float blur_amount=max(edge_blur_amount,coc);
if (blur_amount == 0.0) {
else {
if (highlights) {
if (blur_noise) {
vec2 noise=rand(distorted_coords)*0.01*blur_amount;
vec2 blurred_coord=vec2(distorted_coords.x+noise.x,distorted_coords.y+noise.y);
if (grain_amount>0.0) {
vec4 grain_color=texture2D(grainSampler,texels_coords*0.003);
ze.a.ShadersStore.depthOfFieldPixelShader = Km;
var Qm = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = 1);
var s =, i.getEngine(), e) || this;
return s.LensChromaticAberrationEffect = "LensChromaticAberrationEffect", s.HighlightsEnhancingEffect = "HighlightsEnhancingEffect", s.LensDepthOfFieldEffect = "LensDepthOfFieldEffect", s._pentagonBokehIsEnabled = !1, s._scene = i, s._depthTexture = i.enableDepthRenderer().getDepthMap(), n.grain_texture ? s._grainTexture = n.grain_texture : s._createGrainTexture(), s._edgeBlur = n.edge_blur ? n.edge_blur : 0, s._grainAmount = n.grain_amount ? n.grain_amount : 0, s._chromaticAberration = n.chromatic_aberration ? n.chromatic_aberration : 0, s._distortion = n.distortion ? n.distortion : 0, s._highlightsGain = n.dof_gain !== void 0 ? n.dof_gain : -1, s._highlightsThreshold = n.dof_threshold ? n.dof_threshold : 1, s._dofDistance = n.dof_focus_distance !== void 0 ? n.dof_focus_distance : -1, s._dofAperture = n.dof_aperture ? n.dof_aperture : 1, s._dofDarken = n.dof_darken ? n.dof_darken : 0, s._dofPentagon = n.dof_pentagon === void 0 || n.dof_pentagon, s._blurNoise = n.blur_noise === void 0 || n.blur_noise, s._createChromaticAberrationPostProcess(o), s._createHighlightsPostProcess(o), s._createDepthOfFieldPostProcess(o / 4), s.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), s.LensChromaticAberrationEffect, function() {
return s._chromaticAberrationPostProcess;
}, !0)), s.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), s.HighlightsEnhancingEffect, function() {
return s._highlightsPostProcess;
}, !0)), s.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), s.LensDepthOfFieldEffect, function() {
return s._depthOfFieldPostProcess;
}, !0)), s._highlightsGain === -1 && s._disableEffect(s.HighlightsEnhancingEffect, null), i.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.addPipeline(s), a && i.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(e, a), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "LensRenderingPipeline";
}, Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scene", { get: function() {
return this._scene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "edgeBlur", { get: function() {
return this._edgeBlur;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "grainAmount", { get: function() {
return this._grainAmount;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "chromaticAberration", { get: function() {
return this._chromaticAberration;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dofAperture", { get: function() {
return this._dofAperture;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "edgeDistortion", { get: function() {
return this._distortion;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "dofDistortion", { get: function() {
return this._dofDistance;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "darkenOutOfFocus", { get: function() {
return this._dofDarken;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "blurNoise", { get: function() {
return this._blurNoise;
}, set: function(e) {
this._blurNoise = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "pentagonBokeh", { get: function() {
return this._pentagonBokehIsEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
e ? this.enablePentagonBokeh() : this.disablePentagonBokeh();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "highlightsGain", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsGain;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "highlightsThreshold", { get: function() {
return this._highlightsThreshold;
}, set: function(e) {
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.setEdgeBlur = function(e) {
this._edgeBlur = e;
}, t.prototype.disableEdgeBlur = function() {
this._edgeBlur = 0;
}, t.prototype.setGrainAmount = function(e) {
this._grainAmount = e;
}, t.prototype.disableGrain = function() {
this._grainAmount = 0;
}, t.prototype.setChromaticAberration = function(e) {
this._chromaticAberration = e;
}, t.prototype.disableChromaticAberration = function() {
this._chromaticAberration = 0;
}, t.prototype.setEdgeDistortion = function(e) {
this._distortion = e;
}, t.prototype.disableEdgeDistortion = function() {
this._distortion = 0;
}, t.prototype.setFocusDistance = function(e) {
this._dofDistance = e;
}, t.prototype.disableDepthOfField = function() {
this._dofDistance = -1;
}, t.prototype.setAperture = function(e) {
this._dofAperture = e;
}, t.prototype.setDarkenOutOfFocus = function(e) {
this._dofDarken = e;
}, t.prototype.enablePentagonBokeh = function() {
this._highlightsPostProcess.updateEffect(`#define PENTAGON
`), this._pentagonBokehIsEnabled = !0;
}, t.prototype.disablePentagonBokeh = function() {
this._pentagonBokehIsEnabled = !1, this._highlightsPostProcess.updateEffect();
}, t.prototype.enableNoiseBlur = function() {
this._blurNoise = !0;
}, t.prototype.disableNoiseBlur = function() {
this._blurNoise = !1;
}, t.prototype.setHighlightsGain = function(e) {
this._highlightsGain = e;
}, t.prototype.setHighlightsThreshold = function(e) {
this._highlightsGain === -1 && (this._highlightsGain = 1), this._highlightsThreshold = e;
}, t.prototype.disableHighlights = function() {
this._highlightsGain = -1;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1), this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._scene.cameras), this._chromaticAberrationPostProcess = null, this._highlightsPostProcess = null, this._depthOfFieldPostProcess = null, this._grainTexture.dispose(), e && this._scene.disableDepthRenderer();
}, t.prototype._createChromaticAberrationPostProcess = function(e) {
var n = this;
this._chromaticAberrationPostProcess = new ft("LensChromaticAberration", "chromaticAberration", ["chromatic_aberration", "screen_width", "screen_height", "direction", "radialIntensity", "centerPosition"], [], e, null, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1), this._chromaticAberrationPostProcess.onApply = function(i) {
i.setFloat("chromatic_aberration", n._chromaticAberration), i.setFloat("screen_width", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderWidth()), i.setFloat("screen_height", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderHeight()), i.setFloat("radialIntensity", 1), i.setFloat2("direction", 17, 17), i.setFloat2("centerPosition", 0.5, 0.5);
}, t.prototype._createHighlightsPostProcess = function(e) {
var n = this;
this._highlightsPostProcess = new ft("LensHighlights", "lensHighlights", ["gain", "threshold", "screen_width", "screen_height"], [], e, null, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, this._dofPentagon ? `#define PENTAGON
` : ""), this._highlightsPostProcess.onApply = function(i) {
i.setFloat("gain", n._highlightsGain), i.setFloat("threshold", n._highlightsThreshold), i.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", n._chromaticAberrationPostProcess), i.setFloat("screen_width", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderWidth()), i.setFloat("screen_height", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderHeight());
}, t.prototype._createDepthOfFieldPostProcess = function(e) {
var n = this;
this._depthOfFieldPostProcess = new ft("LensDepthOfField", "depthOfField", ["grain_amount", "blur_noise", "screen_width", "screen_height", "distortion", "dof_enabled", "screen_distance", "aperture", "darken", "edge_blur", "highlights", "near", "far"], ["depthSampler", "grainSampler", "highlightsSampler"], e, null, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1), this._depthOfFieldPostProcess.onApply = function(i) {
i.setTexture("depthSampler", n._depthTexture), i.setTexture("grainSampler", n._grainTexture), i.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", n._highlightsPostProcess), i.setTextureFromPostProcess("highlightsSampler", n._depthOfFieldPostProcess), i.setFloat("grain_amount", n._grainAmount), i.setBool("blur_noise", n._blurNoise), i.setFloat("screen_width", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderWidth()), i.setFloat("screen_height", n._scene.getEngine().getRenderHeight()), i.setFloat("distortion", n._distortion), i.setBool("dof_enabled", n._dofDistance !== -1), i.setFloat("screen_distance", 1 / (0.1 - 1 / n._dofDistance)), i.setFloat("aperture", n._dofAperture), i.setFloat("darken", n._dofDarken), i.setFloat("edge_blur", n._edgeBlur), i.setBool("highlights", n._highlightsGain !== -1), n._scene.activeCamera && (i.setFloat("near", n._scene.activeCamera.minZ), i.setFloat("far", n._scene.activeCamera.maxZ));
}, t.prototype._createGrainTexture = function() {
this._grainTexture = new pi.a("LensNoiseTexture", 512, this._scene, !1, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._grainTexture.wrapU = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, this._grainTexture.wrapV = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE;
for (var e, n, i, o = this._grainTexture.getContext(), a = 0; a < 512; a++)
for (var s = 0; s < 512; s++)
e = Math.floor(255 * (n = 0.42, i = 0.58, Math.random() * (i - n) + n)), o.fillStyle = "rgb(" + e + ", " + e + ", " + e + ")", o.fillRect(a, s, 1, 1);
}, t;
}(Ir), qm = function() {
this.enabled = !1, = "ssao2", this.texturesRequired = [h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE];
}, Zm = `
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float near;
uniform float far;
uniform float radius;
float scales[16]=float[16](
varying vec2 vUV;
float perspectiveDepthToViewZ( const in float invClipZ,const in float near,const in float far ) {
return ( near*far )/( ( far-near )*invClipZ-far );
float viewZToPerspectiveDepth( const in float viewZ,const in float near,const in float far ) {
return ( near*far/viewZ+far)/( far-near );
float viewZToOrthographicDepth( const in float viewZ,const in float near,const in float far ) {
return ( viewZ+near )/( near-far );
#ifdef SSAO
uniform sampler2D randomSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthNormalSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform float randTextureTiles;
uniform float samplesFactor;
uniform vec3 sampleSphere[SAMPLES];
uniform float totalStrength;
uniform float base;
uniform float xViewport;
uniform float yViewport;
uniform float maxZ;
uniform float minZAspect;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform mat4 projection;
void main()
vec3 random=texture2D(randomSampler,vUV*randTextureTiles).rgb;
float depth=texture2D(depthNormalSampler,vUV).r;
float depth=texture2D(depthSampler,vUV).r;
float depthSign=depth/abs(depth);
vec3 normal=texture2D(depthNormalSampler,vUV).gba;
vec3 normal=texture2D(normalSampler,vUV).rgb;
float occlusion=0.0;
float correctedRadius=min(radius,minZAspect*depth/near);
vec3 vViewRay=vec3((vUV.x*2.0-1.0)*xViewport,(vUV.y*2.0-1.0)*yViewport,depthSign);
vec3 origin=vViewRay*depth;
vec3 rvec=random*2.0-1.0;
float dotProduct=dot(rvec,normal);
rvec=1.0-abs(dotProduct)>1e-2 ? rvec : vec3(-rvec.y,0.0,rvec.x);
vec3 tangent=normalize(rvec-normal*dot(rvec,normal));
vec3 bitangent=cross(normal,tangent);
mat3 tbn=mat3(tangent,bitangent,normal);
float difference;
for (int i=0; i1.0 || offset.y>1.0) {
float sampleDepth=abs(texture2D(depthNormalSampler,offset.xy).r);
float sampleDepth=abs(texture2D(depthSampler,offset.xy).r);
float rangeCheck=1.0-smoothstep(correctedRadius*0.5,correctedRadius,difference);
occlusion+=(difference>=0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0)*rangeCheck;
float ao=1.0-totalStrength*occlusion*samplesFactor;
float result=clamp(ao+base,0.0,1.0);
uniform sampler2D depthNormalSampler;
uniform float outSize;
uniform float samplerOffsets[SAMPLES];
vec4 blur9(sampler2D image,vec2 uv,float resolution,vec2 direction) {
vec4 color=vec4(0.0);
vec2 off1=vec2(1.3846153846)*direction;
vec2 off2=vec2(3.2307692308)*direction;
return color;
vec4 blur13(sampler2D image,vec2 uv,float resolution,vec2 direction) {
vec4 color=vec4(0.0);
vec2 off1=vec2(1.411764705882353)*direction;
vec2 off2=vec2(3.2941176470588234)*direction;
vec2 off3=vec2(5.176470588235294)*direction;
return color;
vec4 blur13Bilateral(sampler2D image,vec2 uv,float resolution,vec2 direction) {
vec4 color=vec4(0.0);
vec2 off1=vec2(1.411764705882353)*direction;
vec2 off2=vec2(3.2941176470588234)*direction;
vec2 off3=vec2(5.176470588235294)*direction;
float compareDepth=abs(texture2D(depthNormalSampler,uv).r);
float sampleDepth;
float weight;
float weightSum=30.0;
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
weight=clamp(1.0/( 0.003+abs(compareDepth-sampleDepth)),0.0,30.0);
return color/weightSum;
void main()
float compareDepth=abs(texture2D(depthNormalSampler,vUV).r);
float texelsize=1.0/outSize;
float result=0.0;
float weightSum=0.0;
for (int i=0; i= 2;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "scene", { get: function() {
return this._scene;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "SSAO2RenderingPipeline";
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
e === void 0 && (e = !1);
for (var n = 0; n < this._scene.cameras.length; n++) {
var i = this._scene.cameras[n];
this._originalColorPostProcess.dispose(i), this._ssaoPostProcess.dispose(i), this._blurHPostProcess.dispose(i), this._blurVPostProcess.dispose(i), this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.dispose(i);
this._randomTexture.dispose(), e && this._scene.disableGeometryBufferRenderer(), this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._scene.cameras),;
}, t.prototype._createBlurPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
this._samplerOffsets = [];
for (var o = this.expensiveBlur, a = -8; a < 8; a++)
this._samplerOffsets.push(2 * a + 0.5);
this._blurHPostProcess = new ft("BlurH", "ssao2", ["outSize", "samplerOffsets", "near", "far", "radius"], ["depthNormalSampler"], e, null, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, `#define BILATERAL_BLUR
#define SAMPLES 16
#define EXPENSIVE ` + (o ? "1" : "0") + `
`), this._blurHPostProcess.onApply = function(s) {
i._scene.activeCamera && (s.setFloat("outSize", i._ssaoCombinePostProcess.width > 0 ? i._ssaoCombinePostProcess.width : i._originalColorPostProcess.width), s.setFloat("near", i._scene.activeCamera.minZ), s.setFloat("far", i._scene.activeCamera.maxZ), s.setFloat("radius", i.radius), i._forceGeometryBuffer ? s.setTexture("depthNormalSampler", i._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer().getGBuffer().textures[0]) : s.setTexture("depthNormalSampler", i._prePassRenderer.prePassRT.textures[i._prePassRenderer.getIndex(h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE)]), s.setArray("samplerOffsets", i._samplerOffsets));
}, this._blurVPostProcess = new ft("BlurV", "ssao2", ["outSize", "samplerOffsets", "near", "far", "radius"], ["depthNormalSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, `#define BILATERAL_BLUR
#define SAMPLES 16
#define EXPENSIVE ` + (o ? "1" : "0") + `
`), this._blurVPostProcess.onApply = function(s) {
i._scene.activeCamera && (s.setFloat("outSize", i._ssaoCombinePostProcess.height > 0 ? i._ssaoCombinePostProcess.height : i._originalColorPostProcess.height), s.setFloat("near", i._scene.activeCamera.minZ), s.setFloat("far", i._scene.activeCamera.maxZ), s.setFloat("radius", i.radius), i._forceGeometryBuffer ? s.setTexture("depthNormalSampler", i._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer().getGBuffer().textures[0]) : s.setTexture("depthNormalSampler", i._prePassRenderer.prePassRT.textures[i._prePassRenderer.getIndex(h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE)]), s.setArray("samplerOffsets", i._samplerOffsets));
}, this._blurHPostProcess.samples = this.textureSamples, this._blurVPostProcess.samples = this.textureSamples;
}, t.prototype._rebuild = function() {;
}, t.prototype._radicalInverse_VdC = function(e) {
return this._bits[0] = e, this._bits[0] = (this._bits[0] << 16 | this._bits[0] >> 16) >>> 0, this._bits[0] = (1431655765 & this._bits[0]) << 1 | (2863311530 & this._bits[0]) >>> 1 >>> 0, this._bits[0] = (858993459 & this._bits[0]) << 2 | (3435973836 & this._bits[0]) >>> 2 >>> 0, this._bits[0] = (252645135 & this._bits[0]) << 4 | (4042322160 & this._bits[0]) >>> 4 >>> 0, this._bits[0] = (16711935 & this._bits[0]) << 8 | (4278255360 & this._bits[0]) >>> 8 >>> 0, 23283064365386963e-26 * this._bits[0];
}, t.prototype._hammersley = function(e, n) {
return [e / n, this._radicalInverse_VdC(e)];
}, t.prototype._hemisphereSample_uniform = function(e, n) {
var i = 2 * n * Math.PI, o = 1 - (0.85 * e + 0.15), a = Math.sqrt(1 - o * o);
return new u.e(Math.cos(i) * a, Math.sin(i) * a, o);
}, t.prototype._generateHemisphere = function() {
for (var e, n = this.samples, i = [], o = 0; o < n; ) {
if (n < 16)
e = this._hemisphereSample_uniform(Math.random(), Math.random());
else {
var a = this._hammersley(o, n);
e = this._hemisphereSample_uniform(a[0], a[1]);
i.push(e.x, e.y, e.z), o++;
return i;
}, t.prototype._getDefinesForSSAO = function() {
var e = "#define SAMPLES " + this.samples + `
#define SSAO`;
return this._forceGeometryBuffer && (e += `
#define GEOMETRYBUFFER`), e;
}, t.prototype._createSSAOPostProcess = function(e) {
var n = this;
this._sampleSphere = this._generateHemisphere();
var i, o = this._getDefinesForSSAO();
i = this._forceGeometryBuffer ? ["randomSampler", "depthSampler", "normalSampler"] : ["randomSampler", "depthNormalSampler"], this._ssaoPostProcess = new ft("ssao2", "ssao2", ["sampleSphere", "samplesFactor", "randTextureTiles", "totalStrength", "radius", "base", "range", "projection", "near", "far", "texelSize", "xViewport", "yViewport", "maxZ", "minZAspect"], i, e, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1, o), this._ssaoPostProcess.onApply = function(a) {
n._scene.activeCamera && (a.setArray3("sampleSphere", n._sampleSphere), a.setFloat("randTextureTiles", 32), a.setFloat("samplesFactor", 1 / n.samples), a.setFloat("totalStrength", n.totalStrength), a.setFloat2("texelSize", 1 / n._ssaoPostProcess.width, 1 / n._ssaoPostProcess.height), a.setFloat("radius", n.radius), a.setFloat("maxZ", n.maxZ), a.setFloat("minZAspect", n.minZAspect), a.setFloat("base", n.base), a.setFloat("near", n._scene.activeCamera.minZ), a.setFloat("far", n._scene.activeCamera.maxZ), a.setFloat("xViewport", Math.tan(n._scene.activeCamera.fov / 2) * n._scene.getEngine().getAspectRatio(n._scene.activeCamera, !0)), a.setFloat("yViewport", Math.tan(n._scene.activeCamera.fov / 2)), a.setMatrix("projection", n._scene.getProjectionMatrix()), n._forceGeometryBuffer ? (a.setTexture("depthSampler", n._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer().getGBuffer().textures[0]), a.setTexture("normalSampler", n._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer().getGBuffer().textures[1])) : a.setTexture("depthNormalSampler", n._prePassRenderer.prePassRT.textures[n._prePassRenderer.getIndex(h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE)]), a.setTexture("randomSampler", n._randomTexture));
}, this._ssaoPostProcess.samples = this.textureSamples;
}, t.prototype._createSSAOCombinePostProcess = function(e) {
var n = this;
this._ssaoCombinePostProcess = new ft("ssaoCombine", "ssaoCombine", [], ["originalColor", "viewport"], e, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, this._scene.getEngine(), !1), this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.onApply = function(i) {
var o = n._scene.activeCamera.viewport;
i.setVector4("viewport", u.c.Vector4[0].copyFromFloats(o.x, o.y, o.width, o.height)), i.setTextureFromPostProcessOutput("originalColor", n._originalColorPostProcess);
}, this._ssaoCombinePostProcess.samples = this.textureSamples, this._forceGeometryBuffer || (this._ssaoCombinePostProcess._prePassEffectConfiguration = new qm());
}, t.prototype._createRandomTexture = function() {
this._randomTexture = new pi.a("SSAORandomTexture", 128, this._scene, !1, Ne.a.TRILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), this._randomTexture.wrapU = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE, this._randomTexture.wrapV = Ne.a.WRAP_ADDRESSMODE;
for (var e = this._randomTexture.getContext(), n = function(s, d) {
return Math.random() * (d - s) + s;
}, i = u.e.Zero(), o = 0; o < 128; o++)
for (var a = 0; a < 128; a++)
i.x = n(0, 1), i.y = n(0, 1), i.z = 0, i.normalize(), i.scaleInPlace(255), i.x = Math.floor(i.x), i.y = Math.floor(i.y), e.fillStyle = "rgb(" + i.x + ", " + i.y + ", " + i.z + ")", e.fillRect(o, a, 1, 1);
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return e.customType = "SSAO2RenderingPipeline", e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(e._name, n, e._ratio);
}, e, n, i);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "totalStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "maxZ", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "minZAspect", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("samples")], t.prototype, "_samples", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("textureSamples")], t.prototype, "_textureSamples", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_ratio", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)("expensiveBlur")], t.prototype, "_expensiveBlur", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "radius", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "base", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.SSAO2RenderingPipeline"] = Ad;
var $m = `
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
varying vec2 vUV;
#ifdef SSAO
uniform sampler2D randomSampler;
uniform float randTextureTiles;
uniform float samplesFactor;
uniform vec3 sampleSphere[SAMPLES];
uniform float totalStrength;
uniform float radius;
uniform float area;
uniform float fallOff;
uniform float base;
vec3 normalFromDepth(float depth,vec2 coords)
vec2 offset1=vec2(0.0,radius);
vec2 offset2=vec2(radius,0.0);
float depth1=texture2D(textureSampler,coords+offset1).r;
float depth2=texture2D(textureSampler,coords+offset2).r;
vec3 p1=vec3(offset1,depth1-depth);
vec3 p2=vec3(offset2,depth2-depth);
vec3 normal=cross(p1,p2);
return normalize(normal);
void main()
vec3 random=normalize(texture2D(randomSampler,vUV*randTextureTiles).rgb);
float depth=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV).r;
vec3 position=vec3(vUV,depth);
vec3 normal=normalFromDepth(depth,vUV);
float radiusDepth=radius/depth;
float occlusion=0.0;
vec3 ray;
vec3 hemiRay;
float occlusionDepth;
float difference;
for (int i=0; i0.0)
return info;
ReflectionInfo getReflectionInfo(vec3 dir,vec3 hitCoord)
ReflectionInfo info;
vec4 projectedCoord;
float sampledDepth;
for(int i=0; i> 0)), e.push("#define SMOOTH_STEPS " + (this._smoothSteps >> 0)), this.updateEffect(e.join(`
}, t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, i, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.textureType, e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "threshold", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "strength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "reflectionSpecularFalloffExponent", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "step", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "roughnessFactor", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "enableSmoothReflections", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "reflectionSamples", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "smoothSteps", null), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ScreenSpaceReflectionPostProcess"] = Dc;
var ig = `uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
varying vec2 vUV;
#if defined(PASS_POST_PROCESS)
void main(void)
vec4 color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
#if defined(DOWN_SAMPLE_X4)
uniform vec2 dsOffsets[16];
void main(void)
vec4 average=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
#if defined(BRIGHT_PASS)
uniform vec2 dsOffsets[4];
uniform float brightThreshold;
void main(void)
vec4 average=vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
float luminance=length(average.rgb);
if (luminanceshadowPixelDepth)
vec3 color=accumFog*scatteringPower;
gl_FragColor=vec4(color*exp(color) ,1.0);
#if defined(VLSMERGE)
uniform sampler2D originalSampler;
void main(void)
#if defined(LUMINANCE)
uniform vec2 lumOffsets[4];
void main()
float average=0.0;
vec4 color=vec4(0.0);
float maximum=-1e20;
vec3 weight=vec3(0.299,0.587,0.114);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
color=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV+ lumOffsets[i]);
float GreyValue=dot(color.rgb,vec3(0.33,0.33,0.33));
float GreyValue=dot(color.rgb,weight);
float GreyValue=max(color.r,max(color.g,color.b));
float GreyValue=0.5*(max(color.r,max(color.g,color.b))+min(color.r,min(color.g,color.b)));
float GreyValue=length(color.rgb);
uniform vec2 dsOffsets[9];
uniform float halfDestPixelSize;
void main()
vec4 color=vec4(0.0);
float average=0.0;
for (int i=0; i<9; i++)
#if defined(HDR)
uniform sampler2D textureAdderSampler;
uniform float averageLuminance;
void main()
vec4 color=texture2D(textureAdderSampler,vUV);
vec4 adjustedColor=color/averageLuminance;
#if defined(LENS_FLARE)
#define GHOSTS 3
uniform sampler2D lensColorSampler;
uniform float strength;
uniform float ghostDispersal;
uniform float haloWidth;
uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float distortionStrength;
float hash(vec2 p)
float h=dot(p,vec2(127.1,311.7));
return -1.0+2.0*fract(sin(h)*43758.5453123);
float noise(in vec2 p)
vec2 i=floor(p);
vec2 f=fract(p);
vec2 u=f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
return mix(mix(hash(i+vec2(0.0,0.0)),
float fbm(vec2 p)
float f=0.0;
f+=0.5000*noise(p); p*=2.02;
f+=0.2500*noise(p); p*=2.03;
f+=0.1250*noise(p); p*=2.01;
f+=0.0625*noise(p); p*=2.04;
return f;
vec3 pattern(vec2 uv)
vec2 p=-1.0+2.0*uv;
float p2=dot(p,p);
float f=fbm(vec2(15.0*p2))/2.0;
float r=0.2+0.6*sin(12.5*length(uv-vec2(0.5)));
float g=0.2+0.6*sin(20.5*length(uv-vec2(0.5)));
float b=0.2+0.6*sin(17.2*length(uv-vec2(0.5)));
return (1.0-f)*vec3(r,g,b);
float luminance(vec3 color)
return dot(color.rgb,vec3(0.2126,0.7152,0.0722));
vec4 textureDistorted(sampler2D tex,vec2 texcoord,vec2 direction,vec3 distortion)
return vec4(
void main(void)
vec2 uv=-vUV+vec2(1.0);
vec2 ghostDir=(vec2(0.5)-uv)*ghostDispersal;
vec2 texelSize=1.0/resolution;
vec3 distortion=vec3(-texelSize.x*distortionStrength,0.0,texelSize.x*distortionStrength);
vec4 result=vec4(0.0);
float ghostIndice=1.0;
for (int i=0; i=nSamples)
vec2 offset1=vUV+velocity*(float(i)/float(nSamples-1)-0.5);
ze.a.ShadersStore.standardPixelShader = ig;
var Pd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a) {
o === void 0 && (o = null);
var s =, n.getEngine(), e) || this;
return s.downSampleX4PostProcess = null, s.brightPassPostProcess = null, s.blurHPostProcesses = [], s.blurVPostProcesses = [], s.textureAdderPostProcess = null, s.volumetricLightPostProcess = null, s.volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess = null, s.volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess = null, s.volumetricLightMergePostProces = null, s.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess = null, s.luminancePostProcess = null, s.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses = [], s.hdrPostProcess = null, s.textureAdderFinalPostProcess = null, s.lensFlareFinalPostProcess = null, s.hdrFinalPostProcess = null, s.lensFlarePostProcess = null, s.lensFlareComposePostProcess = null, s.motionBlurPostProcess = null, s.depthOfFieldPostProcess = null, s.fxaaPostProcess = null, s.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess = null, s.brightThreshold = 1, s.blurWidth = 512, s.horizontalBlur = !1, s.lensTexture = null, s.volumetricLightCoefficient = 0.2, s.volumetricLightPower = 4, s.volumetricLightBlurScale = 64, s.sourceLight = null, s.hdrMinimumLuminance = 1, s.hdrDecreaseRate = 0.5, s.hdrIncreaseRate = 0.5, s.lensColorTexture = null, s.lensFlareStrength = 20, s.lensFlareGhostDispersal = 1.4, s.lensFlareHaloWidth = 0.7, s.lensFlareDistortionStrength = 16, s.lensFlareBlurWidth = 512, s.lensStarTexture = null, s.lensFlareDirtTexture = null, s.depthOfFieldDistance = 10, s.depthOfFieldBlurWidth = 64, s.animations = [], s._currentDepthOfFieldSource = null, s._fixedExposure = 1, s._currentExposure = 1, s._hdrAutoExposure = !1, s._hdrCurrentLuminance = 1, s._motionStrength = 1, s._isObjectBasedMotionBlur = !1, s._camerasToBeAttached = [], s._bloomEnabled = !1, s._depthOfFieldEnabled = !1, s._vlsEnabled = !1, s._lensFlareEnabled = !1, s._hdrEnabled = !1, s._motionBlurEnabled = !1, s._fxaaEnabled = !1, s._screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled = !1, s._motionBlurSamples = 64, s._volumetricLightStepsCount = 50, s._samples = 1, s._cameras = a || n.cameras, s._cameras = s._cameras.slice(), s._camerasToBeAttached = s._cameras.slice(), s._scene = n, s._basePostProcess = o, s._ratio = i, s._floatTextureType = n.getEngine().getCaps().textureFloatRender ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT, n.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.addPipeline(s), s._buildPipeline(), s;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "exposure", { get: function() {
return this._fixedExposure;
}, set: function(e) {
this._fixedExposure = e, this._currentExposure = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "hdrAutoExposure", { get: function() {
return this._hdrAutoExposure;
}, set: function(e) {
if (this._hdrAutoExposure = e, this.hdrPostProcess) {
var n = ["#define HDR"];
e && n.push("#define AUTO_EXPOSURE"), this.hdrPostProcess.updateEffect(n.join(`
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "motionStrength", { get: function() {
return this._motionStrength;
}, set: function(e) {
this._motionStrength = e, this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur && this.motionBlurPostProcess && (this.motionBlurPostProcess.motionStrength = e);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "objectBasedMotionBlur", { get: function() {
return this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur;
}, set: function(e) {
var n = this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur !== e;
this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur = e, n && this._buildPipeline();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "BloomEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._bloomEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._bloomEnabled !== e && (this._bloomEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "DepthOfFieldEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._depthOfFieldEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._depthOfFieldEnabled !== e && (this._depthOfFieldEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "LensFlareEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._lensFlareEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._lensFlareEnabled !== e && (this._lensFlareEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "HDREnabled", { get: function() {
return this._hdrEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._hdrEnabled !== e && (this._hdrEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "VLSEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._vlsEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
if (this._vlsEnabled !== e) {
if (e && !this._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer())
return void l.a.Warn("Geometry renderer is not supported, cannot create volumetric lights in Standard Rendering Pipeline");
this._vlsEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "MotionBlurEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._motionBlurEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._motionBlurEnabled !== e && (this._motionBlurEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "fxaaEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._fxaaEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._fxaaEnabled !== e && (this._fxaaEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled", { get: function() {
return this._screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled;
}, set: function(e) {
this._screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled !== e && (this._screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "volumetricLightStepsCount", { get: function() {
return this._volumetricLightStepsCount;
}, set: function(e) {
this.volumetricLightPostProcess && this.volumetricLightPostProcess.updateEffect(`#define VLS
#define NB_STEPS ` + e.toFixed(1)), this._volumetricLightStepsCount = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "motionBlurSamples", { get: function() {
return this._motionBlurSamples;
}, set: function(e) {
this.motionBlurPostProcess && (this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur ? this.motionBlurPostProcess.motionBlurSamples = e : this.motionBlurPostProcess.updateEffect(`#define MOTION_BLUR
#define MAX_MOTION_SAMPLES ` + e.toFixed(1))), this._motionBlurSamples = e;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this._samples;
}, set: function(e) {
this._samples !== e && (this._samples = e, this._buildPipeline());
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype._buildPipeline = function() {
var e = this, n = this._ratio, i = this._scene;
this._disposePostProcesses(), this._cameras !== null && (this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras), this._cameras = this._camerasToBeAttached.slice()), this._reset(), this._screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled && (this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess = new Dc("HDRPass", i, n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, this._floatTextureType), this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess.onApplyObservable.add(function() {
e._currentDepthOfFieldSource = e.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess;
}), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRScreenSpaceReflections", function() {
return e.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._basePostProcess ? this.originalPostProcess = this._basePostProcess : this.originalPostProcess = new ft("HDRPass", "standard", [], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, "#define PASS_POST_PROCESS", this._floatTextureType), this.originalPostProcess.autoClear = !this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess, this.originalPostProcess.onApplyObservable.add(function() {
e._currentDepthOfFieldSource = e.originalPostProcess;
}), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRPassPostProcess", function() {
return e.originalPostProcess;
}, !0)), this._bloomEnabled && (this._createDownSampleX4PostProcess(i, n / 4), this._createBrightPassPostProcess(i, n / 4), this._createBlurPostProcesses(i, n / 4, 1), this._createTextureAdderPostProcess(i, n), this.textureAdderFinalPostProcess = new ft("HDRDepthOfFieldSource", "standard", [], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, "#define PASS_POST_PROCESS", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRBaseDepthOfFieldSource", function() {
return e.textureAdderFinalPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._vlsEnabled && (this._createVolumetricLightPostProcess(i, n), this.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess = new ft("HDRVLSFinal", "standard", [], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, "#define PASS_POST_PROCESS", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRVLSFinal", function() {
return e.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._lensFlareEnabled && (this._createLensFlarePostProcess(i, n), this.lensFlareFinalPostProcess = new ft("HDRPostLensFlareDepthOfFieldSource", "standard", [], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, "#define PASS_POST_PROCESS", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRPostLensFlareDepthOfFieldSource", function() {
return e.lensFlareFinalPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._hdrEnabled && (this._createLuminancePostProcesses(i, this._floatTextureType), this._createHdrPostProcess(i, n), this.hdrFinalPostProcess = new ft("HDRPostHDReDepthOfFieldSource", "standard", [], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, "#define PASS_POST_PROCESS", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRPostHDReDepthOfFieldSource", function() {
return e.hdrFinalPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._depthOfFieldEnabled && (this._createBlurPostProcesses(i, n / 2, 3, "depthOfFieldBlurWidth"), this._createDepthOfFieldPostProcess(i, n)), this._motionBlurEnabled && this._createMotionBlurPostProcess(i, n), this._fxaaEnabled && (this.fxaaPostProcess = new vo("fxaa", 1, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, i.getEngine(), !1, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(i.getEngine(), "HDRFxaa", function() {
return e.fxaaPostProcess;
}, !0))), this._cameras !== null && this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.attachCamerasToRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras), !this._enableMSAAOnFirstPostProcess(this._samples) && this._samples > 1 && l.a.Warn("MSAA failed to enable, MSAA is only supported in browsers that support webGL >= 2.0");
}, t.prototype._createDownSampleX4PostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = new Array(32);
this.downSampleX4PostProcess = new ft("HDRDownSampleX4", "standard", ["dsOffsets"], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define DOWN_SAMPLE_X4", this._floatTextureType), this.downSampleX4PostProcess.onApply = function(a) {
for (var s = 0, d = i.downSampleX4PostProcess.width, p = i.downSampleX4PostProcess.height, y = -2; y < 2; y++)
for (var P = -2; P < 2; P++)
o[s] = (y + 0.5) * (1 / d), o[s + 1] = (P + 0.5) * (1 / p), s += 2;
a.setArray2("dsOffsets", o);
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRDownSampleX4", function() {
return i.downSampleX4PostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createBrightPassPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = new Array(8);
this.brightPassPostProcess = new ft("HDRBrightPass", "standard", ["dsOffsets", "brightThreshold"], [], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define BRIGHT_PASS", this._floatTextureType), this.brightPassPostProcess.onApply = function(a) {
var s = 1 / i.brightPassPostProcess.width, d = 1 / i.brightPassPostProcess.height;
o[0] = -0.5 * s, o[1] = 0.5 * d, o[2] = 0.5 * s, o[3] = 0.5 * d, o[4] = -0.5 * s, o[5] = -0.5 * d, o[6] = 0.5 * s, o[7] = -0.5 * d, a.setArray2("dsOffsets", o), a.setFloat("brightThreshold", i.brightThreshold);
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRBrightPass", function() {
return i.brightPassPostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createBlurPostProcesses = function(e, n, i, o) {
var a = this;
o === void 0 && (o = "blurWidth");
var s = e.getEngine(), d = new _n("HDRBlurH_" + i, new u.d(1, 0), this[o], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, this._floatTextureType), p = new _n("HDRBlurV_" + i, new u.d(0, 1), this[o], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, this._floatTextureType);
d.onActivateObservable.add(function() {
var y = d.width / s.getRenderWidth();
d.kernel = a[o] * y;
}), p.onActivateObservable.add(function() {
var y = p.height / s.getRenderHeight();
p.kernel = a.horizontalBlur ? 64 * y : a[o] * y;
}), this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRBlurH" + i, function() {
return d;
}, !0)), this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRBlurV" + i, function() {
return p;
}, !0)), this.blurHPostProcesses.push(d), this.blurVPostProcesses.push(p);
}, t.prototype._createTextureAdderPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
this.textureAdderPostProcess = new ft("HDRTextureAdder", "standard", ["exposure"], ["otherSampler", "lensSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define TEXTURE_ADDER", this._floatTextureType), this.textureAdderPostProcess.onApply = function(o) {
o.setTextureFromPostProcess("otherSampler", i._vlsEnabled ? i._currentDepthOfFieldSource : i.originalPostProcess), o.setTexture("lensSampler", i.lensTexture), o.setFloat("exposure", i._currentExposure), i._currentDepthOfFieldSource = i.textureAdderFinalPostProcess;
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRTextureAdder", function() {
return i.textureAdderPostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createVolumetricLightPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = e.enableGeometryBufferRenderer();
o.enablePosition = !0;
var a = o.getGBuffer();
this.volumetricLightPostProcess = new ft("HDRVLS", "standard", ["shadowViewProjection", "cameraPosition", "sunDirection", "sunColor", "scatteringCoefficient", "scatteringPower", "depthValues"], ["shadowMapSampler", "positionSampler"], n / 8, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, `#define VLS
#define NB_STEPS ` + this._volumetricLightStepsCount.toFixed(1));
var s = u.d.Zero();
this.volumetricLightPostProcess.onApply = function(d) {
if (i.sourceLight && i.sourceLight.getShadowGenerator() && i._scene.activeCamera) {
var p = i.sourceLight.getShadowGenerator();
d.setTexture("shadowMapSampler", p.getShadowMap()), d.setTexture("positionSampler", a.textures[2]), d.setColor3("sunColor", i.sourceLight.diffuse), d.setVector3("sunDirection", i.sourceLight.getShadowDirection()), d.setVector3("cameraPosition", i._scene.activeCamera.globalPosition), d.setMatrix("shadowViewProjection", p.getTransformMatrix()), d.setFloat("scatteringCoefficient", i.volumetricLightCoefficient), d.setFloat("scatteringPower", i.volumetricLightPower), s.x = i.sourceLight.getDepthMinZ(i._scene.activeCamera), s.y = i.sourceLight.getDepthMaxZ(i._scene.activeCamera), d.setVector2("depthValues", s);
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRVLS", function() {
return i.volumetricLightPostProcess;
}, !0)), this._createBlurPostProcesses(e, n / 4, 0, "volumetricLightBlurScale"), this.volumetricLightMergePostProces = new ft("HDRVLSMerge", "standard", [], ["originalSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define VLSMERGE"), this.volumetricLightMergePostProces.onApply = function(d) {
d.setTextureFromPostProcess("originalSampler", i._bloomEnabled ? i.textureAdderFinalPostProcess : i.originalPostProcess), i._currentDepthOfFieldSource = i.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess;
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRVLSMerge", function() {
return i.volumetricLightMergePostProces;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createLuminancePostProcesses = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = Math.pow(3, t.LuminanceSteps);
this.luminancePostProcess = new ft("HDRLuminance", "standard", ["lumOffsets"], [], { width: o, height: o }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define LUMINANCE", n);
var a = [];
this.luminancePostProcess.onApply = function(P) {
var R = 1 / i.luminancePostProcess.width, B = 1 / i.luminancePostProcess.height;
a[0] = -0.5 * R, a[1] = 0.5 * B, a[2] = 0.5 * R, a[3] = 0.5 * B, a[4] = -0.5 * R, a[5] = -0.5 * B, a[6] = 0.5 * R, a[7] = -0.5 * B, P.setArray2("lumOffsets", a);
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRLuminance", function() {
return i.luminancePostProcess;
}, !0));
for (var s = t.LuminanceSteps - 1; s >= 0; s--) {
o = Math.pow(3, s);
var d = `#define LUMINANCE_DOWN_SAMPLE
s === 0 && (d += "#define FINAL_DOWN_SAMPLER");
var p = new ft("HDRLuminanceDownSample" + s, "standard", ["dsOffsets", "halfDestPixelSize"], [], { width: o, height: o }, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, d, n);
var y = this.luminancePostProcess;
this.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses.forEach(function(P, R) {
var B = new Array(18);
P.onApply = function(F) {
if (y) {
for (var z = 0, J = -1; J < 2; J++)
for (var ie = -1; ie < 2; ie++)
B[z] = J / y.width, B[z + 1] = ie / y.height, z += 2;
F.setArray2("dsOffsets", B), F.setFloat("halfDestPixelSize", 0.5 / y.width), y = R === i.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses.length - 1 ? i.luminancePostProcess : P;
}, R === i.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses.length - 1 && (P.onAfterRender = function() {
var F = e.getEngine().readPixels(0, 0, 1, 1), z = new u.f(1 / 16581375, 1 / 65025, 1 / 255, 1);
i._hdrCurrentLuminance = (F[0] * z.x + F[1] * z.y + F[2] * z.z + F[3] * z.w) / 100;
}), i.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRLuminanceDownSample" + R, function() {
return P;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createHdrPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = ["#define HDR"];
this._hdrAutoExposure && o.push("#define AUTO_EXPOSURE"), this.hdrPostProcess = new ft("HDR", "standard", ["averageLuminance"], ["textureAdderSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, o.join(`
var a = 1, s = 0, d = 0;
this.hdrPostProcess.onApply = function(p) {
if (p.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureAdderSampler", i._currentDepthOfFieldSource), s += e.getEngine().getDeltaTime(), a < 0)
a = i._hdrCurrentLuminance;
else {
var y = (d - s) / 1e3;
i._hdrCurrentLuminance < a + i.hdrDecreaseRate * y ? a += i.hdrDecreaseRate * y : i._hdrCurrentLuminance > a - i.hdrIncreaseRate * y ? a -= i.hdrIncreaseRate * y : a = i._hdrCurrentLuminance;
i.hdrAutoExposure ? i._currentExposure = i._fixedExposure / a : (a = $.a.Clamp(a, i.hdrMinimumLuminance, 1e20), p.setFloat("averageLuminance", a)), d = s, i._currentDepthOfFieldSource = i.hdrFinalPostProcess;
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDR", function() {
return i.hdrPostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createLensFlarePostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
this.lensFlarePostProcess = new ft("HDRLensFlare", "standard", ["strength", "ghostDispersal", "haloWidth", "resolution", "distortionStrength"], ["lensColorSampler"], n / 2, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define LENS_FLARE", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRLensFlare", function() {
return i.lensFlarePostProcess;
}, !0)), this._createBlurPostProcesses(e, n / 4, 2, "lensFlareBlurWidth"), this.lensFlareComposePostProcess = new ft("HDRLensFlareCompose", "standard", ["lensStarMatrix"], ["otherSampler", "lensDirtSampler", "lensStarSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define LENS_FLARE_COMPOSE", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRLensFlareCompose", function() {
return i.lensFlareComposePostProcess;
}, !0));
var o = new u.d(0, 0);
this.lensFlarePostProcess.onApply = function(d) {
d.setTextureFromPostProcess("textureSampler", i._bloomEnabled ? i.blurHPostProcesses[0] : i.originalPostProcess), d.setTexture("lensColorSampler", i.lensColorTexture), d.setFloat("strength", i.lensFlareStrength), d.setFloat("ghostDispersal", i.lensFlareGhostDispersal), d.setFloat("haloWidth", i.lensFlareHaloWidth), o.x = i.lensFlarePostProcess.width, o.y = i.lensFlarePostProcess.height, d.setVector2("resolution", o), d.setFloat("distortionStrength", i.lensFlareDistortionStrength);
var a = u.a.FromValues(2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), s = u.a.FromValues(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
this.lensFlareComposePostProcess.onApply = function(d) {
if (i._scene.activeCamera) {
d.setTextureFromPostProcess("otherSampler", i.lensFlarePostProcess), d.setTexture("lensDirtSampler", i.lensFlareDirtTexture), d.setTexture("lensStarSampler", i.lensStarTexture);
var p = i._scene.activeCamera.getViewMatrix().getRow(0), y = i._scene.activeCamera.getViewMatrix().getRow(2), P = u.e.Dot(p.toVector3(), new u.e(1, 0, 0)) + u.e.Dot(y.toVector3(), new u.e(0, 0, 1));
P *= 4;
var R = u.a.FromValues(0.5 * Math.cos(P), -Math.sin(P), 0, 0, Math.sin(P), 0.5 * Math.cos(P), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), B = s.multiply(R).multiply(a);
d.setMatrix("lensStarMatrix", B), i._currentDepthOfFieldSource = i.lensFlareFinalPostProcess;
}, t.prototype._createDepthOfFieldPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
this.depthOfFieldPostProcess = new ft("HDRDepthOfField", "standard", ["distance"], ["otherSampler", "depthSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, "#define DEPTH_OF_FIELD", h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this.depthOfFieldPostProcess.onApply = function(o) {
o.setTextureFromPostProcess("otherSampler", i._currentDepthOfFieldSource), o.setTexture("depthSampler", i._getDepthTexture()), o.setFloat("distance", i.depthOfFieldDistance);
}, this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRDepthOfField", function() {
return i.depthOfFieldPostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._createMotionBlurPostProcess = function(e, n) {
var i = this;
if (this._isObjectBasedMotionBlur) {
var o = new Mc("HDRMotionBlur", e, n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
o.motionStrength = this.motionStrength, o.motionBlurSamples = this.motionBlurSamples, this.motionBlurPostProcess = o;
} else {
this.motionBlurPostProcess = new ft("HDRMotionBlur", "standard", ["inverseViewProjection", "prevViewProjection", "screenSize", "motionScale", "motionStrength"], ["depthSampler"], n, null, Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE, e.getEngine(), !1, `#define MOTION_BLUR
#define MAX_MOTION_SAMPLES ` + this.motionBlurSamples.toFixed(1), h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var a = 0, s = u.a.Identity(), d = u.a.Identity(), p = u.a.Identity(), y = u.d.Zero();
this.motionBlurPostProcess.onApply = function(P) {
(p = e.getProjectionMatrix().multiply(e.getViewMatrix())).invertToRef(d), P.setMatrix("inverseViewProjection", d), P.setMatrix("prevViewProjection", s), s = p, y.x = i.motionBlurPostProcess.width, y.y = i.motionBlurPostProcess.height, P.setVector2("screenSize", y), a = e.getEngine().getFps() / 60, P.setFloat("motionScale", a), P.setFloat("motionStrength", i.motionStrength), P.setTexture("depthSampler", i._getDepthTexture());
this.addEffect(new xt(e.getEngine(), "HDRMotionBlur", function() {
return i.motionBlurPostProcess;
}, !0));
}, t.prototype._getDepthTexture = function() {
return this._scene.getEngine().getCaps().drawBuffersExtension ? this._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer().getGBuffer().textures[0] : this._scene.enableDepthRenderer().getDepthMap();
}, t.prototype._disposePostProcesses = function() {
for (var e = 0; e < this._cameras.length; e++) {
var n = this._cameras[e];
this.originalPostProcess && this.originalPostProcess.dispose(n), this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess && this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess.dispose(n), this.downSampleX4PostProcess && this.downSampleX4PostProcess.dispose(n), this.brightPassPostProcess && this.brightPassPostProcess.dispose(n), this.textureAdderPostProcess && this.textureAdderPostProcess.dispose(n), this.volumetricLightPostProcess && this.volumetricLightPostProcess.dispose(n), this.volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess && this.volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess.dispose(n), this.volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess && this.volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess.dispose(n), this.volumetricLightMergePostProces && this.volumetricLightMergePostProces.dispose(n), this.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess && this.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess.dispose(n), this.lensFlarePostProcess && this.lensFlarePostProcess.dispose(n), this.lensFlareComposePostProcess && this.lensFlareComposePostProcess.dispose(n);
for (var i = 0; i < this.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses.length; i++)
for (this.luminancePostProcess && this.luminancePostProcess.dispose(n), this.hdrPostProcess && this.hdrPostProcess.dispose(n), this.hdrFinalPostProcess && this.hdrFinalPostProcess.dispose(n), this.depthOfFieldPostProcess && this.depthOfFieldPostProcess.dispose(n), this.motionBlurPostProcess && this.motionBlurPostProcess.dispose(n), this.fxaaPostProcess && this.fxaaPostProcess.dispose(n), i = 0; i < this.blurHPostProcesses.length; i++)
for (i = 0; i < this.blurVPostProcesses.length; i++)
this.originalPostProcess = null, this.downSampleX4PostProcess = null, this.brightPassPostProcess = null, this.textureAdderPostProcess = null, this.textureAdderFinalPostProcess = null, this.volumetricLightPostProcess = null, this.volumetricLightSmoothXPostProcess = null, this.volumetricLightSmoothYPostProcess = null, this.volumetricLightMergePostProces = null, this.volumetricLightFinalPostProcess = null, this.lensFlarePostProcess = null, this.lensFlareComposePostProcess = null, this.luminancePostProcess = null, this.hdrPostProcess = null, this.hdrFinalPostProcess = null, this.depthOfFieldPostProcess = null, this.motionBlurPostProcess = null, this.fxaaPostProcess = null, this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess = null, this.luminanceDownSamplePostProcesses = [], this.blurHPostProcesses = [], this.blurVPostProcesses = [];
}, t.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._disposePostProcesses(), this._scene.postProcessRenderPipelineManager.detachCamerasFromRenderPipeline(this._name, this._cameras),;
}, t.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = L.a.Serialize(this);
return this.sourceLight && (e.sourceLightId =, this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess && (e.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess = L.a.Serialize(this.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess)), e.customType = "StandardRenderingPipeline", e;
}, t.Parse = function(e, n, i) {
var o = L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(e._name, n, e._ratio);
}, e, n, i);
return e.sourceLightId && (o.sourceLight = n.getLightByID(e.sourceLightId)), e.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess && L.a.Parse(function() {
return o.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess;
}, e.screenSpaceReflectionPostProcess, n, i), o;
}, t.LuminanceSteps = 6, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "brightThreshold", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "blurWidth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "horizontalBlur", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "exposure", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)("lensTexture")], t.prototype, "lensTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "volumetricLightCoefficient", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "volumetricLightPower", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "volumetricLightBlurScale", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "hdrMinimumLuminance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "hdrDecreaseRate", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "hdrIncreaseRate", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "hdrAutoExposure", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)("lensColorTexture")], t.prototype, "lensColorTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensFlareStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensFlareGhostDispersal", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensFlareHaloWidth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensFlareDistortionStrength", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "lensFlareBlurWidth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)("lensStarTexture")], t.prototype, "lensStarTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.m)("lensFlareDirtTexture")], t.prototype, "lensFlareDirtTexture", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "depthOfFieldDistance", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "depthOfFieldBlurWidth", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "motionStrength", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "objectBasedMotionBlur", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "_ratio", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "BloomEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "DepthOfFieldEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "LensFlareEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "HDREnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "VLSEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "MotionBlurEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "fxaaEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "screenSpaceReflectionsEnabled", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "volumetricLightStepsCount", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "motionBlurSamples", null), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "samples", null), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.StandardRenderingPipeline"] = Pd;
var rg = `const vec3 TWO=vec3(2.0,2.0,2.0);
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D camASampler;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform vec2 stepSize;
void main(void)
bool useCamA;
bool useCamB;
vec2 texCoord1;
vec2 texCoord2;
vec3 frag1;
vec3 frag2;
texCoord1=vec2(useCamB ? (vUV.x-0.5)*2.0 : vUV.x*2.0,vUV.y);
float rowNum=floor(vUV.y/stepSize.y);
useCamA=mod(rowNum,2.0) == 1.0;
useCamB=mod(rowNum,2.0) == 0.0;
texCoord1=vec2(vUV.x,useCamB ? (vUV.y-0.5)*2.0 : vUV.y*2.0);
if (useCamB){
}else if (useCamA){
frag1=texture2D(camASampler ,texCoord1).rgb;
frag2=texture2D(camASampler ,texCoord2).rgb;
}else {
ze.a.ShadersStore.stereoscopicInterlacePixelShader = rg;
var og = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
var p =, e, "stereoscopicInterlace", ["stepSize"], ["camASampler"], 1, n[1], a, s, d, o ? "#define IS_STEREOSCOPIC_INTERLACED 1" : i ? "#define IS_STEREOSCOPIC_HORIZ 1" : void 0) || this;
return p._passedProcess = n[0]._rigPostProcess, p._stepSize = new u.d(1 / p.width, 1 / p.height), p.onSizeChangedObservable.add(function() {
p._stepSize = new u.d(1 / p.width, 1 / p.height);
}), p.onApplyObservable.add(function(y) {
y.setTextureFromPostProcess("camASampler", p._passedProcess), y.setFloat2("stepSize", p._stepSize.x, p._stepSize.y);
}), p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicInterlacePostProcessI";
}, t;
}(ft), ag = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s) {
var d =, e, "stereoscopicInterlace", ["stepSize"], ["camASampler"], 1, n[1], o, a, s, i ? "#define IS_STEREOSCOPIC_HORIZ 1" : void 0) || this;
return d._passedProcess = n[0]._rigPostProcess, d._stepSize = new u.d(1 / d.width, 1 / d.height), d.onSizeChangedObservable.add(function() {
d._stepSize = new u.d(1 / d.width, 1 / d.height);
}), d.onApplyObservable.add(function(p) {
p.setTextureFromPostProcess("camASampler", d._passedProcess), p.setFloat2("stepSize", d._stepSize.x, d._stepSize.y);
}), d;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "StereoscopicInterlacePostProcess";
}, t;
}(ft), sg = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform float _ExposureAdjustment;
const float A=0.15;
const float B=0.50;
const float C=0.10;
const float D=0.20;
const float E=0.02;
const float F=0.30;
const float W=11.2;
float Luminance(vec3 c)
return dot(c,vec3(0.22,0.707,0.071));
void main(void)
vec3 colour=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV).rgb;
float lum=Luminance(colour.rgb);
float lumTm=lum*_ExposureAdjustment;
float scale=lumTm/(1.0+lumTm);
#elif defined(HABLE_TONEMAPPING)
const float ExposureBias=2.0;
vec3 x=ExposureBias*colour;
vec3 curr=((x*(A*x+C*B)+D*E)/(x*(A*x+B)+D*F))-E/F;
vec3 whiteScale=1.0/(((x*(A*x+C*B)+D*E)/(x*(A*x+B)+D*F))-E/F);
vec3 X=max(vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),colour-0.004);
vec3 retColor=(X*(6.2*X+0.5))/(X*(6.2*X+1.7)+0.06);
ze.a.ShadersStore.tonemapPixelShader = sg;
var er;
(function(r) {
r[r.Hable = 0] = "Hable", r[r.Reinhard = 1] = "Reinhard", r[r.HejiDawson = 2] = "HejiDawson", r[r.Photographic = 3] = "Photographic";
})(er || (er = {}));
var cg = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d) {
a === void 0 && (a = h.a.TEXTURE_BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE), d === void 0 && (d = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT);
var p =, e, "tonemap", ["_ExposureAdjustment"], null, 1, o, a, s, !0, null, d) || this;
p._operator = n, p.exposureAdjustment = i;
var y = "#define ";
return p._operator === er.Hable ? y += "HABLE_TONEMAPPING" : p._operator === er.Reinhard ? y += "REINHARD_TONEMAPPING" : p._operator === er.HejiDawson ? y += "OPTIMIZED_HEJIDAWSON_TONEMAPPING" : p._operator === er.Photographic && (y += "PHOTOGRAPHIC_TONEMAPPING"), p.updateEffect(y), p.onApply = function(P) {
P.setFloat("_ExposureAdjustment", p.exposureAdjustment);
}, p;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "TonemapPostProcess";
}, t;
}(ft), lg = `uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D lightScatteringSampler;
uniform float decay;
uniform float exposure;
uniform float weight;
uniform float density;
uniform vec2 meshPositionOnScreen;
varying vec2 vUV;
void main(void) {
vec2 tc=vUV;
vec2 deltaTexCoord=(tc-meshPositionOnScreen.xy);
float illuminationDecay=1.0;
vec4 color=texture2D(lightScatteringSampler,tc)*0.4;
for(int i=0; i
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform vec2 depthValues;
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(NEED_UV)
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform mat4 diffuseMatrix;
#ifdef UV1
attribute vec2 uv;
#ifdef UV2
attribute vec2 uv2;
void main(void)
vec3 positionUpdated=position;
#if (defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(NEED_UV)) && defined(UV1)
vec2 uvUpdated=uv;
#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(BASIC_RENDER)
#ifdef UV1
#ifdef UV2
ze.a.ShadersStore.volumetricLightScatteringPassVertexShader = ug;
var hg = `#if defined(ALPHATEST) || defined(NEED_UV)
varying vec2 vUV;
#if defined(ALPHATEST)
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
void main(void)
#if defined(ALPHATEST)
vec4 diffuseColor=texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV);
if (diffuseColor.a<0.4)
ze.a.ShadersStore.volumetricLightScatteringPassPixelShader = hg;
var xd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
a === void 0 && (a = 100), s === void 0 && (s = Ne.a.BILINEAR_SAMPLINGMODE);
var P =, e, "volumetricLightScattering", ["decay", "exposure", "weight", "meshPositionOnScreen", "density"], ["lightScatteringSampler"], n.postProcessRatio || n, i, s, d, p, "#define NUM_SAMPLES " + a) || this;
return P._screenCoordinates = u.d.Zero(), P.customMeshPosition = u.e.Zero(), P.useCustomMeshPosition = !1, P.invert = !0, P.excludedMeshes = new Array(), P.exposure = 0.3, P.decay = 0.96815, P.weight = 0.58767, P.density = 0.926, d = (y = i === null ? y : i.getScene()).getEngine(), P._viewPort = new jn.a(0, 0, 1, 1).toGlobal(d.getRenderWidth(), d.getRenderHeight()), P.mesh = o !== null ? o : t.CreateDefaultMesh("VolumetricLightScatteringMesh", y), P._createPass(y, n.passRatio || n), P.onActivate = function(R) {
P.isSupported || P.dispose(R), P.onActivate = null;
}, P.onApplyObservable.add(function(R) {
P._updateMeshScreenCoordinates(y), R.setTexture("lightScatteringSampler", P._volumetricLightScatteringRTT), R.setFloat("exposure", P.exposure), R.setFloat("decay", P.decay), R.setFloat("weight", P.weight), R.setFloat("density", P.density), R.setVector2("meshPositionOnScreen", P._screenCoordinates);
}), P;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "useDiffuseColor", { get: function() {
return l.a.Warn("VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess.useDiffuseColor is no longer used, use the mesh material directly instead"), !1;
}, set: function(e) {
l.a.Warn("VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess.useDiffuseColor is no longer used, use the mesh material directly instead");
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess";
}, t.prototype._isReady = function(e, n) {
var i = e.getMesh();
if (i === this.mesh && i.material)
return i.material.isReady(i);
var o = [], a = [Oe.b.PositionKind], s = e.getMaterial();
s && (s.needAlphaTesting() && o.push("#define ALPHATEST"), i.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UVKind) && (a.push(Oe.b.UVKind), o.push("#define UV1")), i.isVerticesDataPresent(Oe.b.UV2Kind) && (a.push(Oe.b.UV2Kind), o.push("#define UV2"))), i.useBones && i.computeBonesUsingShaders ? (a.push(Oe.b.MatricesIndicesKind), a.push(Oe.b.MatricesWeightsKind), o.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS " + i.numBoneInfluencers), o.push("#define BonesPerMesh " + (i.skeleton ? i.skeleton.bones.length + 1 : 0))) : o.push("#define NUM_BONE_INFLUENCERS 0"), n && (o.push("#define INSTANCES"), $e.a.PushAttributesForInstances(a), e.getRenderingMesh().hasThinInstances && o.push("#define THIN_INSTANCES"));
var d = o.join(`
return this._cachedDefines !== d && (this._cachedDefines = d, this._volumetricLightScatteringPass = i.getScene().getEngine().createEffect("volumetricLightScatteringPass", a, ["world", "mBones", "viewProjection", "diffuseMatrix"], ["diffuseSampler"], d, void 0, void 0, void 0, { maxSimultaneousMorphTargets: i.numBoneInfluencers })), this._volumetricLightScatteringPass.isReady();
}, t.prototype.setCustomMeshPosition = function(e) {
this.customMeshPosition = e;
}, t.prototype.getCustomMeshPosition = function() {
return this.customMeshPosition;
}, t.prototype.dispose = function(e) {
var n = e.getScene().customRenderTargets.indexOf(this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT);
n !== -1 && e.getScene().customRenderTargets.splice(n, 1), this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.dispose(),, e);
}, t.prototype.getPass = function() {
return this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT;
}, t.prototype._meshExcluded = function(e) {
return this.excludedMeshes.length > 0 && this.excludedMeshes.indexOf(e) !== -1;
}, t.prototype._createPass = function(e, n) {
var i = this, o = e.getEngine();
this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT = new on("volumetricLightScatteringMap", { width: o.getRenderWidth() * n, height: o.getRenderHeight() * n }, e, !1, !0, h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.wrapU = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.wrapV = Ne.a.CLAMP_ADDRESSMODE, this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.renderList = null, this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.renderParticles = !1, this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.ignoreCameraViewport = !0;
var a = this.getCamera();
a ? a.customRenderTargets.push(this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT) : e.customRenderTargets.push(this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT);
var s, d = function(y) {
var P = y.getRenderingMesh(), R = y.getEffectiveMesh();
if (!i._meshExcluded(P)) {
R._internalAbstractMeshDataInfo._isActiveIntermediate = !1;
var B = y.getMaterial();
if (B) {
var F = P.getScene(), z = F.getEngine();
var J = P._getInstancesRenderList(y._id, !!y.getReplacementMesh());
if (!J.mustReturn) {
var ie = z.getCaps().instancedArrays && (J.visibleInstances[y._id] !== null || P.hasThinInstances);
if (i._isReady(y, ie)) {
var se = i._volumetricLightScatteringPass;
if (P === i.mesh && (se = y.effect ? y.effect : B.getEffect()), z.enableEffect(se), P._bind(y, se, B.fillMode), P === i.mesh)
B.bind(R.getWorldMatrix(), P);
else {
if (i._volumetricLightScatteringPass.setMatrix("viewProjection", F.getTransformMatrix()), B && B.needAlphaTesting()) {
var ce = B.getAlphaTestTexture();
i._volumetricLightScatteringPass.setTexture("diffuseSampler", ce), ce && i._volumetricLightScatteringPass.setMatrix("diffuseMatrix", ce.getTextureMatrix());
P.useBones && P.computeBonesUsingShaders && P.skeleton && i._volumetricLightScatteringPass.setMatrices("mBones", P.skeleton.getTransformMatrices(P));
P._processRendering(R, y, i._volumetricLightScatteringPass, zt.a.TriangleFillMode, J, ie, function(ue, fe) {
return se.setMatrix("world", fe);
}, p = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 1);
this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(function() {
s = e.clearColor, e.clearColor = p;
}), this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.onAfterRenderObservable.add(function() {
e.clearColor = s;
}), this._volumetricLightScatteringRTT.customRenderFunction = function(y, P, R, B) {
var F, z = e.getEngine();
if (B.length) {
for (z.setColorWrite(!1), F = 0; F < B.length; F++)
for (F = 0; F < y.length; F++)
for (F = 0; F < P.length; F++)
if (R.length) {
for (F = 0; F < R.length; F++) {
var J =[F], ie = J.getBoundingInfo();
ie && e.activeCamera && (J._alphaIndex = J.getMesh().alphaIndex, J._distanceToCamera = ie.boundingSphere.centerWorld.subtract(e.activeCamera.position).length());
var se =, R.length);
for (se.sort(function(ce, ue) {
return ce._alphaIndex > ue._alphaIndex ? 1 : ce._alphaIndex < ue._alphaIndex ? -1 : ce._distanceToCamera < ue._distanceToCamera ? 1 : ce._distanceToCamera > ue._distanceToCamera ? -1 : 0;
}), z.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE), F = 0; F < se.length; F++)
}, t.prototype._updateMeshScreenCoordinates = function(e) {
var n, i = e.getTransformMatrix();
n = this.useCustomMeshPosition ? this.customMeshPosition : this.attachedNode ? this.attachedNode.position : this.mesh.parent ? this.mesh.getAbsolutePosition() : this.mesh.position;
var o = u.e.Project(n, u.a.Identity(), i, this._viewPort);
this._screenCoordinates.x = o.x / this._viewPort.width, this._screenCoordinates.y = o.y / this._viewPort.height, this.invert && (this._screenCoordinates.y = 1 - this._screenCoordinates.y);
}, t.CreateDefaultMesh = function(e, n) {
var i = Ie.a.CreatePlane(e, 1, n);
i.billboardMode = Mt.a.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL;
var o = new Nt.a(e + "Material", n);
return o.emissiveColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), i.material = o, i;
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.o)()], t.prototype, "customMeshPosition", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "useCustomMeshPosition", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "invert", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.k)()], t.prototype, "mesh", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "excludedMeshes", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "exposure", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "decay", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "weight", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "density", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.VolumetricLightScatteringPostProcess"] = xd;
var dg = `
precision highp float;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform float curvature_ridge;
uniform float curvature_valley;
float curvature_soft_clamp(float curvature,float control)
if (curvature<0.5/control)
return curvature*(1.0-curvature*control);
return 0.25/control;
float calculate_curvature(ivec2 texel,float ridge,float valley)
vec2 normal_up=texelFetchOffset(normalSampler,texel,0,ivec2(0,CURVATURE_OFFSET)).rb;
vec2 normal_down=texelFetchOffset(normalSampler,texel,0,ivec2(0,-CURVATURE_OFFSET)).rb;
vec2 normal_left=texelFetchOffset(normalSampler,texel,0,ivec2(-CURVATURE_OFFSET,0)).rb;
vec2 normal_right=texelFetchOffset(normalSampler,texel,0,ivec2( CURVATURE_OFFSET,0)).rb;
float normal_diff=((normal_up.g-normal_down.g)+(normal_right.r-normal_left.r));
if (normal_diff<0.0)
return -2.0*curvature_soft_clamp(-normal_diff,valley);
return 2.0*curvature_soft_clamp(normal_diff,ridge);
void main(void)
ivec2 texel=ivec2(gl_FragCoord.xy);
vec4 baseColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
float curvature=calculate_curvature(texel,curvature_ridge,curvature_valley);
ze.a.ShadersStore.screenSpaceCurvaturePixelShader = dg;
var Cd = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y) {
p === void 0 && (p = h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT), y === void 0 && (y = !1);
var P =, e, "screenSpaceCurvature", ["curvature_ridge", "curvature_valley"], ["textureSampler", "normalSampler"], i, o, a, s, d, void 0, p, void 0, null, y) || this;
return P.ridge = 1, P.valley = 1, P._geometryBufferRenderer = n.enableGeometryBufferRenderer(), P._geometryBufferRenderer ? P.onApply = function(R) {
R.setFloat("curvature_ridge", 0.5 / Math.max(P.ridge * P.ridge, 1e-4)), R.setFloat("curvature_valley", 0.7 / Math.max(P.valley * P.valley, 1e-4));
var B = P._geometryBufferRenderer.getGBuffer().textures[1];
R.setTexture("normalSampler", B);
} : l.a.Error("Multiple Render Target support needed for screen space curvature post process. Please use IsSupported test first."), P;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype.getClassName = function() {
return "ScreenSpaceCurvaturePostProcess";
}, Object.defineProperty(t, "IsSupported", { get: function() {
var e = te.a.LastCreatedEngine;
return !!e && (e.webGLVersion > 1 || e.getCaps().drawBuffersExtension);
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), t._Parse = function(e, n, i, o) {
return L.a.Parse(function() {
return new t(, i, e.options, n, e.renderTargetSamplingMode, i.getEngine(), e.textureType, e.reusable);
}, e, i, o);
}, Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "ridge", void 0), Object(c.c)([Object(L.c)()], t.prototype, "valley", void 0), t;
O.a.RegisteredTypes["BABYLON.ScreenSpaceCurvaturePostProcess"] = Cd, f(166), f(167), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "forceShowBoundingBoxes", { get: function() {
return this._forceShowBoundingBoxes || !1;
}, set: function(r) {
this._forceShowBoundingBoxes = r, r && this.getBoundingBoxRenderer();
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _e.a.prototype.getBoundingBoxRenderer = function() {
return this._boundingBoxRenderer || (this._boundingBoxRenderer = new Rd(this)), this._boundingBoxRenderer;
}, Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "showBoundingBox", { get: function() {
return this._showBoundingBox || !1;
}, set: function(r) {
this._showBoundingBox = r, r && this.getScene().getBoundingBoxRenderer();
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 });
var Rd = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_BOUNDINGBOXRENDERER, this.frontColor = new I.a(1, 1, 1), this.backColor = new I.a(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), this.showBackLines = !0, this.onBeforeBoxRenderingObservable = new C.c(), this.onAfterBoxRenderingObservable = new C.c(), this.onResourcesReadyObservable = new C.c(), this.enabled = !0, this.renderList = new si.a(32), this._vertexBuffers = {}, this._fillIndexBuffer = null, this._fillIndexData = null, this.scene = t, t._addComponent(this);
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeEvaluateActiveMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFOREEVALUATEACTIVEMESH_BOUNDINGBOXRENDERER, this, this.reset), this.scene._preActiveMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_PREACTIVEMESH_BOUNDINGBOXRENDERER, this, this._preActiveMesh), this.scene._evaluateSubMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_EVALUATESUBMESH_BOUNDINGBOXRENDERER, this, this._evaluateSubMesh), this.scene._afterRenderingGroupDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERRENDERINGGROUPDRAW_BOUNDINGBOXRENDERER, this, this.render);
}, r.prototype._evaluateSubMesh = function(t, e) {
if (t.showSubMeshesBoundingBox) {
var n = e.getBoundingInfo();
n != null && (n.boundingBox._tag = t.renderingGroupId, this.renderList.push(n.boundingBox));
}, r.prototype._preActiveMesh = function(t) {
if (t.showBoundingBox || this.scene.forceShowBoundingBoxes) {
var e = t.getBoundingInfo();
e.boundingBox._tag = t.renderingGroupId, this.renderList.push(e.boundingBox);
}, r.prototype._prepareResources = function() {
if (!this._colorShader) {
this._colorShader = new ea.a("colorShader", this.scene, "color", { attributes: [Oe.b.PositionKind], uniforms: ["world", "viewProjection", "color"] }), this._colorShader.reservedDataStore = { hidden: !0 };
var t = this.scene.getEngine(), e = ht.a.CreateBox({ size: 1 });
this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(t, e.positions, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1), this._createIndexBuffer(), this._fillIndexData = e.indices, this.onResourcesReadyObservable.notifyObservers(this);
}, r.prototype._createIndexBuffer = function() {
var t = this.scene.getEngine();
this._indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer([0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 0, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 4, 0, 7, 1, 6, 2, 5, 3, 4]);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && t._rebuild(), this._createIndexBuffer();
}, r.prototype.reset = function() {
}, r.prototype.render = function(t) {
if (this.renderList.length !== 0 && this.enabled && (this._prepareResources(), this._colorShader.isReady())) {
var e = this.scene.getEngine();
e.setDepthWrite(!1), this._colorShader._preBind();
for (var n = 0; n < this.renderList.length; n++) {
var i =[n];
if (i._tag === t) {
var o = i.minimum, a = i.maximum.subtract(o), s = o.add(a.scale(0.5)), d = u.a.Scaling(a.x, a.y, a.z).multiply(u.a.Translation(s.x, s.y, s.z)).multiply(i.getWorldMatrix());
e.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._indexBuffer, this._colorShader.getEffect()), this.showBackLines && (e.setDepthFunctionToGreaterOrEqual(), this.scene.resetCachedMaterial(), this._colorShader.setColor4("color", this.backColor.toColor4()), this._colorShader.bind(d), e.drawElementsType(zt.a.LineListDrawMode, 0, 24)), e.setDepthFunctionToLess(), this.scene.resetCachedMaterial(), this._colorShader.setColor4("color", this.frontColor.toColor4()), this._colorShader.bind(d), e.drawElementsType(zt.a.LineListDrawMode, 0, 24), this.onAfterBoxRenderingObservable.notifyObservers(i);
this._colorShader.unbind(), e.setDepthFunctionToLessOrEqual(), e.setDepthWrite(!0);
}, r.prototype.renderOcclusionBoundingBox = function(t) {
if (this._prepareResources(), this._colorShader.isReady() && t._boundingInfo) {
var e = this.scene.getEngine();
this._fillIndexBuffer || (this._fillIndexBuffer = e.createIndexBuffer(this._fillIndexData)), e.setDepthWrite(!1), e.setColorWrite(!1), this._colorShader._preBind();
var n = t._boundingInfo.boundingBox, i = n.minimum, o = n.maximum.subtract(i), a = i.add(o.scale(0.5)), s = u.a.Scaling(o.x, o.y, o.z).multiply(u.a.Translation(a.x, a.y, a.z)).multiply(n.getWorldMatrix());
e.bindBuffers(this._vertexBuffers, this._fillIndexBuffer, this._colorShader.getEffect()), e.setDepthFunctionToLess(), this.scene.resetCachedMaterial(), this._colorShader.bind(s), e.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, 36), this._colorShader.unbind(), e.setDepthFunctionToLessOrEqual(), e.setDepthWrite(!0), e.setColorWrite(!0);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
if (this._colorShader) {
this.onBeforeBoxRenderingObservable.clear(), this.onAfterBoxRenderingObservable.clear(), this.onResourcesReadyObservable.clear(), this.renderList.dispose(), this._colorShader.dispose();
var t = this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && (t.dispose(), this._vertexBuffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), this.scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._indexBuffer), this._fillIndexBuffer && (this.scene.getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._fillIndexBuffer), this._fillIndexBuffer = null);
}, r;
_e.a.prototype.enableDepthRenderer = function(r, t, e) {
if (t === void 0 && (t = !1), e === void 0 && (e = !1), !(r = r || this.activeCamera))
throw "No camera available to enable depth renderer";
if (this._depthRenderer || (this._depthRenderer = {}), !this._depthRenderer[]) {
var n = !!this.getEngine().getCaps().textureFloatRender, i = 0;
i = !this.getEngine().getCaps().textureHalfFloatRender || e && n ? n ? h.a.TEXTURETYPE_FLOAT : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_BYTE : h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT, this._depthRenderer[] = new Qo(this, i, r, t);
return this._depthRenderer[];
}, _e.a.prototype.disableDepthRenderer = function(r) {
(r = r || this.activeCamera) && this._depthRenderer && this._depthRenderer[] && (this._depthRenderer[].dispose(), delete this._depthRenderer[]);
var Od = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_DEPTHRENDERER, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._gatherRenderTargetsStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_GATHERRENDERTARGETS_DEPTHRENDERER, this, this._gatherRenderTargets), this.scene._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargetsStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_GATHERACTIVECAMERARENDERTARGETS_DEPTHRENDERER, this, this._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargets);
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t in this.scene._depthRenderer)
}, r.prototype._gatherRenderTargets = function(t) {
if (this.scene._depthRenderer)
for (var e in this.scene._depthRenderer) {
var n = this.scene._depthRenderer[e];
n.enabled && !n.useOnlyInActiveCamera && t.push(n.getDepthMap());
}, r.prototype._gatherActiveCameraRenderTargets = function(t) {
if (this.scene._depthRenderer)
for (var e in this.scene._depthRenderer) {
var n = this.scene._depthRenderer[e];
n.enabled && n.useOnlyInActiveCamera && === e && t.push(n.getDepthMap());
}, r;
Qo._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_DEPTHRENDERER);
t || (t = new Od(r), r._addComponent(t));
}, ze.a.ShadersStore.linePixelShader = `uniform vec4 color;
void main(void) {
var fg = `#include
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec4 normal;
uniform mat4 viewProjection;
uniform float width;
uniform float aspectRatio;
void main(void) {
mat4 worldViewProjection=viewProjection*finalWorld;
vec4 viewPosition=worldViewProjection*vec4(position,1.0);
vec4 viewPositionNext=worldViewProjection*vec4(,1.0);
vec2 currentScreen=viewPosition.xy/viewPosition.w;
vec2 nextScreen=viewPositionNext.xy/viewPositionNext.w;
vec2 dir=normalize(nextScreen-currentScreen);
vec2 normalDir=vec2(-dir.y,dir.x);
vec4 offset=vec4(normalDir*normal.w,0.0,0.0);
ze.a.ShadersStore.lineVertexShader = fg, Mt.a.prototype.disableEdgesRendering = function() {
return this._edgesRenderer && (this._edgesRenderer.dispose(), this._edgesRenderer = null), this;
}, Mt.a.prototype.enableEdgesRendering = function(r, t, e) {
return r === void 0 && (r = 0.95), t === void 0 && (t = !1), this.disableEdgesRendering(), this._edgesRenderer = new Lc(this, r, t, !0, e), this;
}, Object.defineProperty(Mt.a.prototype, "edgesRenderer", { get: function() {
return this._edgesRenderer;
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), ho.b.prototype.enableEdgesRendering = function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 && (r = 0.95), t === void 0 && (t = !1), this.disableEdgesRendering(), this._edgesRenderer = new Md(this, r, t), this;
}, ho.a.prototype.enableEdgesRendering = function(r, t) {
return r === void 0 && (r = 0.95), t === void 0 && (t = !1), ho.b.prototype.enableEdgesRendering.apply(this, arguments), this;
var pg = function() {
this.edges = new Array(), this.edgesConnectedCount = 0;
}, Lc = function() {
function r(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a, s = this;
e === void 0 && (e = 0.95), n === void 0 && (n = !1), i === void 0 && (i = !0), this.edgesWidthScalerForOrthographic = 1e3, this.edgesWidthScalerForPerspective = 50, this._linesPositions = new Array(), this._linesNormals = new Array(), this._linesIndices = new Array(), this._buffers = {}, this._buffersForInstances = {}, this._checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices = !1, this.isEnabled = !0, this.customInstances = new si.a(32), this._source = t, this._checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices = n, this._options = o ?? null, this._epsilon = e, this._prepareRessources(), i && ((a = o == null ? void 0 : o.useAlternateEdgeFinder) === null || a === void 0 || a ? this._generateEdgesLinesAlternate() : this._generateEdgesLines()), this._meshRebuildObserver = this._source.onRebuildObservable.add(function() {
}), this._meshDisposeObserver = this._source.onDisposeObservable.add(function() {
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "linesPositions", { get: function() {
return this._linesPositions;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "linesNormals", { get: function() {
return this._linesNormals;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "linesIndices", { get: function() {
return this._linesIndices;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.GetShader = function(t) {
if (!t._edgeRenderLineShader) {
var e = new ea.a("lineShader", t, "line", { attributes: ["position", "normal"], uniforms: ["world", "viewProjection", "color", "width", "aspectRatio"] });
e.disableDepthWrite = !0, e.backFaceCulling = !1, t._edgeRenderLineShader = e;
return t._edgeRenderLineShader;
}, r.prototype._prepareRessources = function() {
this._lineShader || (this._lineShader = r.GetShader(this._source.getScene()));
}, r.prototype._rebuild = function() {
var t = this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && t._rebuild(), (t = this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind]) && t._rebuild();
var e = this._source.getScene().getEngine();
this._ib = e.createIndexBuffer(this._linesIndices);
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this._source.onRebuildObservable.remove(this._meshRebuildObserver), this._source.onDisposeObservable.remove(this._meshDisposeObserver);
var t = this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind];
t && (t.dispose(), this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = null), (t = this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind]) && (t.dispose(), this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind] = null), this._ib && this._source.getScene().getEngine()._releaseBuffer(this._ib), this._lineShader.dispose();
}, r.prototype._processEdgeForAdjacencies = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
return t === n && e === i || t === i && e === n ? 0 : t === i && e === o || t === o && e === i ? 1 : t === o && e === n || t === n && e === o ? 2 : -1;
}, r.prototype._processEdgeForAdjacenciesWithVertices = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a = 1e-10;
return t.equalsWithEpsilon(n, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(i, a) || t.equalsWithEpsilon(i, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(n, a) ? 0 : t.equalsWithEpsilon(i, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(o, a) || t.equalsWithEpsilon(o, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(i, a) ? 1 : t.equalsWithEpsilon(o, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(n, a) || t.equalsWithEpsilon(n, a) && e.equalsWithEpsilon(o, a) ? 2 : -1;
}, r.prototype._checkEdge = function(t, e, n, i, o) {
var a;
e === void 0 ? a = !0 : a = u.e.Dot(n[t], n[e]) < this._epsilon, a && this.createLine(i, o, this._linesPositions.length / 3);
}, r.prototype.createLine = function(t, e, n) {
this._linesPositions.push(t.x, t.y, t.z, t.x, t.y, t.z, e.x, e.y, e.z, e.x, e.y, e.z), this._linesNormals.push(e.x, e.y, e.z, -1, e.x, e.y, e.z, 1, t.x, t.y, t.z, -1, t.x, t.y, t.z, 1), this._linesIndices.push(n, n + 1, n + 2, n, n + 2, n + 3);
}, r.prototype._tessellateTriangle = function(t, e, n, i) {
var o = function(Ae, Ee, Se) {
Se >= 0 && Ee.push(Se);
for (var De = 0; De < Ae.length; ++De)
}, a = 0;
t[1].length >= t[0].length && t[1].length >= t[2].length ? a = 1 : t[2].length >= t[0].length && t[2].length >= t[1].length && (a = 2);
for (var s = 0; s < 3; ++s)
s === a ? t[s].sort(function(Ae, Ee) {
return Ae[1] < Ee[1] ? -1 : Ae[1] > Ee[1] ? 1 : 0;
}) : t[s].sort(function(Ae, Ee) {
return Ae[1] > Ee[1] ? -1 : Ae[1] < Ee[1] ? 1 : 0;
var d = [], p = [];
o(t[a], d, -1);
for (var y = d.length, P = a + 2; P >= a + 1; --P)
o(t[P % 3], p, P !== a + 2 ? i[n[e + (P + 1) % 3]] : -1);
var R = p.length;
n.push(i[n[e + a]], d[0], p[0]), n.push(i[n[e + (a + 1) % 3]], p[R - 1], d[y - 1]);
for (var B = y <= R, F = B ? y : R, z = B ? R : y, J = B ? y - 1 : R - 1, ie = B ? 0 : 1, se = y + R - 2, ce = 0, ue = 0, fe = B ? d : p, ve = B ? p : d, Te = 0; se-- > 0; ) {
ie ? n.push(fe[ce], ve[ue]) : n.push(ve[ue], fe[ce]);
var Re = void 0;
(Te += F) >= z && ce < J ? (Re = fe[++ce], Te -= z) : Re = ve[++ue], n.push(Re);
n[e + 0] = n[n.length - 3], n[e + 1] = n[n.length - 2], n[e + 2] = n[n.length - 1], n.length = n.length - 3;
}, r.prototype._generateEdgesLinesAlternate = function() {
var t, e, n, i, o, a, s, d, p, y = this._source.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), P = this._source.getIndices();
if (P && y) {
Array.isArray(P) || (P = Xe.b.SliceToArray(P));
var R = (e = (t = this._options) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.useFastVertexMerger) === null || e === void 0 || e, B = R ? Math.round(-Math.log((i = (n = this._options) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.epsilonVertexMerge) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : 1e-6) / Math.log(10)) : (a = (o = this._options) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.epsilonVertexMerge) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : 1e-6, F = [], z = [];
if (R)
for (var J = {}, ie = 0; ie < y.length; ie += 3) {
var se = y[ie + 0], ce = y[ie + 1], ue = y[ie + 2];
if (J[Rt = se.toFixed(B) + "|" + ce.toFixed(B) + "|" + ue.toFixed(B)] !== void 0)
else {
var fe = ie / 3;
J[Rt] = fe, F.push(fe), z.push(fe);
for (ie = 0; ie < y.length; ie += 3) {
se = y[ie + 0], ce = y[ie + 1], ue = y[ie + 2];
for (var ve = !1, Te = 0; Te < ie && !ve; Te += 3) {
var Re = y[Te + 0], Ae = y[Te + 1], Ee = y[Te + 2];
if (Math.abs(se - Re) < B && Math.abs(ce - Ae) < B && Math.abs(ue - Ee) < B) {
F.push(Te / 3), ve = !0;
ve || (F.push(ie / 3), z.push(ie / 3));
if (!((s = this._options) === null || s === void 0) && s.applyTessellation) {
for (var Se = (p = (d = this._options) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.epsilonVertexAligned) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 1e-6, De = [], xe = 0; xe < P.length; xe += 3)
for (var Le = void 0, Me = 0; Me < 3; ++Me) {
var we = F[P[xe + Me]], Ye = F[P[xe + (Me + 1) % 3]], et = F[P[xe + (Me + 2) % 3]];
if (we !== Ye)
for (var nt = y[3 * we + 0], ct = y[3 * we + 1], Ke = y[3 * we + 2], rt = y[3 * Ye + 0], it = y[3 * Ye + 1], qe = y[3 * Ye + 2], ut = Math.sqrt((rt - nt) * (rt - nt) + (it - ct) * (it - ct) + (qe - Ke) * (qe - Ke)), Ve = 0; Ve < z.length - 1; Ve++) {
var Ze = z[Ve];
if (Ze !== we && Ze !== Ye && Ze !== et) {
var vt = y[3 * Ze + 0], jt = y[3 * Ze + 1], Dt = y[3 * Ze + 2], Yt = Math.sqrt((vt - nt) * (vt - nt) + (jt - ct) * (jt - ct) + (Dt - Ke) * (Dt - Ke)), mt = Math.sqrt((vt - rt) * (vt - rt) + (jt - it) * (jt - it) + (Dt - qe) * (Dt - qe));
Math.abs(Yt + mt - ut) < Se && (Le || (Le = { index: xe, edgesPoints: [[], [], []] }, De.push(Le)), Le.edgesPoints[Me].push([Ze, Yt]));
for (var qt = 0; qt < De.length; ++qt) {
var Ht = De[qt];
this._tessellateTriangle(Ht.edgesPoints, Ht.index, P, F);
De = null;
var kt = {};
for (xe = 0; xe < P.length; xe += 3) {
var Wt = void 0;
for (Me = 0; Me < 3; ++Me)
if (we = F[P[xe + Me]], Ye = F[P[xe + (Me + 1) % 3]], et = F[P[xe + (Me + 2) % 3]], we !== Ye) {
if (u.c.Vector3[0].copyFromFloats(y[3 * we + 0], y[3 * we + 1], y[3 * we + 2]), u.c.Vector3[1].copyFromFloats(y[3 * Ye + 0], y[3 * Ye + 1], y[3 * Ye + 2]), u.c.Vector3[2].copyFromFloats(y[3 * et + 0], y[3 * et + 1], y[3 * et + 2]), Wt || (u.c.Vector3[1].subtractToRef(u.c.Vector3[0], u.c.Vector3[3]), u.c.Vector3[2].subtractToRef(u.c.Vector3[1], u.c.Vector3[4]), (Wt = u.e.Cross(u.c.Vector3[3], u.c.Vector3[4])).normalize()), we > Ye) {
var bt = we;
we = Ye, Ye = bt;
(Zt = kt[Rt = we + "_" + Ye]) ? Zt.done || (u.e.Dot(Wt, Zt.normal) < this._epsilon && this.createLine(u.c.Vector3[0], u.c.Vector3[1], this._linesPositions.length / 3), Zt.done = !0) : kt[Rt] = { normal: Wt, done: !1, index: xe, i: Me };
for (var Rt in kt) {
var Zt;
(Zt = kt[Rt]).done || (we = F[P[Zt.index + Zt.i]], Ye = F[P[Zt.index + (Zt.i + 1) % 3]], u.c.Vector3[0].copyFromFloats(y[3 * we + 0], y[3 * we + 1], y[3 * we + 2]), u.c.Vector3[1].copyFromFloats(y[3 * Ye + 0], y[3 * Ye + 1], y[3 * Ye + 2]), this.createLine(u.c.Vector3[0], u.c.Vector3[1], this._linesPositions.length / 3));
var Mn = this._source.getScene().getEngine();
this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(Mn, this._linesPositions, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1), this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind] = new Oe.b(Mn, this._linesNormals, Oe.b.NormalKind, !1, !1, 4), this._buffersForInstances[Oe.b.PositionKind] = this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind], this._buffersForInstances[Oe.b.NormalKind] = this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind], this._ib = Mn.createIndexBuffer(this._linesIndices), this._indicesCount = this._linesIndices.length;
}, r.prototype._generateEdgesLines = function() {
var t = this._source.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), e = this._source.getIndices();
if (e && t) {
var n, i, o = new Array(), a = new Array();
for (n = 0; n < e.length; n += 3) {
i = new pg();
var s = e[n], d = e[n + 1], p = e[n + 2];
i.p0 = new u.e(t[3 * s], t[3 * s + 1], t[3 * s + 2]), i.p1 = new u.e(t[3 * d], t[3 * d + 1], t[3 * d + 2]), i.p2 = new u.e(t[3 * p], t[3 * p + 1], t[3 * p + 2]);
var y = u.e.Cross(i.p1.subtract(i.p0), i.p2.subtract(i.p1));
y.normalize(), a.push(y), o.push(i);
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {
i = o[n];
for (var P = n + 1; P < o.length; P++) {
var R = o[P];
if (i.edgesConnectedCount === 3)
if (R.edgesConnectedCount !== 3)
for (var B = e[3 * P], F = e[3 * P + 1], z = e[3 * P + 2], J = 0; J < 3; J++) {
var ie = 0;
if (i.edges[J] === void 0) {
switch (J) {
case 0:
ie = this._checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices ? this._processEdgeForAdjacenciesWithVertices(i.p0, i.p1, R.p0, R.p1, R.p2) : this._processEdgeForAdjacencies(e[3 * n], e[3 * n + 1], B, F, z);
case 1:
ie = this._checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices ? this._processEdgeForAdjacenciesWithVertices(i.p1, i.p2, R.p0, R.p1, R.p2) : this._processEdgeForAdjacencies(e[3 * n + 1], e[3 * n + 2], B, F, z);
case 2:
ie = this._checkVerticesInsteadOfIndices ? this._processEdgeForAdjacenciesWithVertices(i.p2, i.p0, R.p0, R.p1, R.p2) : this._processEdgeForAdjacencies(e[3 * n + 2], e[3 * n], B, F, z);
if (ie !== -1 && (i.edges[J] = P, R.edges[ie] = n, i.edgesConnectedCount++, R.edgesConnectedCount++, i.edgesConnectedCount === 3))
for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) {
var se = o[n];
this._checkEdge(n, se.edges[0], a, se.p0, se.p1), this._checkEdge(n, se.edges[1], a, se.p1, se.p2), this._checkEdge(n, se.edges[2], a, se.p2, se.p0);
var ce = this._source.getScene().getEngine();
this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(ce, this._linesPositions, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1), this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind] = new Oe.b(ce, this._linesNormals, Oe.b.NormalKind, !1, !1, 4), this._buffersForInstances[Oe.b.PositionKind] = this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind], this._buffersForInstances[Oe.b.NormalKind] = this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind], this._ib = ce.createIndexBuffer(this._linesIndices), this._indicesCount = this._linesIndices.length;
}, r.prototype.isReady = function() {
return this._lineShader.isReady(this._source, this._source.hasInstances && this.customInstances.length > 0 || this._source.hasThinInstances);
}, r.prototype.render = function() {
var t = this._source.getScene();
if (this.isReady() && t.activeCamera) {
var e = t.getEngine();
this._lineShader._preBind(), this._source.edgesColor.a !== 1 ? e.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_COMBINE) : e.setAlphaMode(h.a.ALPHA_DISABLE);
var n = this._source.hasInstances && this.customInstances.length > 0, i = n || this._source.hasThinInstances, o = 0;
if (i)
if (this._buffersForInstances.world0 = this._source.getVertexBuffer("world0"), this._buffersForInstances.world1 = this._source.getVertexBuffer("world1"), this._buffersForInstances.world2 = this._source.getVertexBuffer("world2"), this._buffersForInstances.world3 = this._source.getVertexBuffer("world3"), n) {
var a = this._source._instanceDataStorage;
if (o = this.customInstances.length, !a.isFrozen) {
for (var s = 0, d = 0; d < o; ++d)[d].copyToArray(a.instancesData, s), s += 16;
a.instancesBuffer.updateDirectly(a.instancesData, 0, o);
} else
o = this._source.thinInstanceCount;
e.bindBuffers(i ? this._buffersForInstances : this._buffers, this._ib, this._lineShader.getEffect()), t.resetCachedMaterial(), this._lineShader.setColor4("color", this._source.edgesColor), t.activeCamera.mode === _t.a.ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA ? this._lineShader.setFloat("width", this._source.edgesWidth / this.edgesWidthScalerForOrthographic) : this._lineShader.setFloat("width", this._source.edgesWidth / this.edgesWidthScalerForPerspective), this._lineShader.setFloat("aspectRatio", e.getAspectRatio(t.activeCamera)), this._lineShader.bind(this._source.getWorldMatrix()), e.drawElementsType(zt.a.TriangleFillMode, 0, this._indicesCount, o), this._lineShader.unbind(), i && e.unbindInstanceAttributes(), this._source.getScene()._activeMeshesFrozen || this.customInstances.reset();
}, r;
}(), Md = function(r) {
function t(e, n, i) {
n === void 0 && (n = 0.95), i === void 0 && (i = !1);
var o =, e, n, i, !1) || this;
return o._generateEdgesLines(), o;
return Object(c.d)(t, r), t.prototype._generateEdgesLines = function() {
var e = this._source.getVerticesData(Oe.b.PositionKind), n = this._source.getIndices();
if (n && e) {
for (var i = u.c.Vector3[0], o = u.c.Vector3[1], a = n.length - 1, s = 0, d = 0; s < a; s += 2, d += 4)
u.e.FromArrayToRef(e, 3 * n[s], i), u.e.FromArrayToRef(e, 3 * n[s + 1], o), this.createLine(i, o, d);
var p = this._source.getScene().getEngine();
this._buffers[Oe.b.PositionKind] = new Oe.b(p, this._linesPositions, Oe.b.PositionKind, !1), this._buffers[Oe.b.NormalKind] = new Oe.b(p, this._linesNormals, Oe.b.NormalKind, !1, !1, 4), this._ib = p.createIndexBuffer(this._linesIndices), this._indicesCount = this._linesIndices.length;
}, t;
}(Lc), Nc = function() {
function r(t) {
this._textureFormats = [{ type: h.a.PREPASS_IRRADIANCE_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_POSITION_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_REFLECTIVITY_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_COLOR_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT }, { type: h.a.PREPASS_ALBEDO_TEXTURE_TYPE, format: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT }], this.excludedSkinnedMesh = [], this.excludedMaterials = [], this._textureIndices = [], this._isDirty = !1, this.mrtCount = 0, this._postProcesses = [], this._clearColor = new I.b(0, 0, 0, 0), this._effectConfigurations = [], this._mrtFormats = [], this._enabled = !1, this._useGeometryBufferFallback = !1, this.disableGammaTransform = !1, this._scene = t, this._engine = t.getEngine(), r._SceneComponentInitialization(this._scene), this._resetLayout();
return Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "enabled", { get: function() {
return this._enabled;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "samples", { get: function() {
return this.prePassRT.samples;
}, set: function(t) {
this.imageProcessingPostProcess || this._createCompositionEffect(), this.prePassRT.samples = t;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "useGeometryBufferFallback", { get: function() {
return this._useGeometryBufferFallback;
}, set: function(t) {
if (this._useGeometryBufferFallback = t, t) {
if (this._geometryBuffer = this._scene.enableGeometryBufferRenderer(), !this._geometryBuffer)
return void (this._useGeometryBufferFallback = !1);
this._geometryBuffer.renderList = [], this._geometryBuffer._linkPrePassRenderer(this), this._updateGeometryBufferLayout();
} else
this._geometryBuffer && this._geometryBuffer._unlinkPrePassRenderer(), this._geometryBuffer = null, this._scene.disableGeometryBufferRenderer();
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype._initializeAttachments = function() {
for (var t = [], e = [!1], n = [!0], i = 0; i < this.mrtCount; i++)
t.push(!0), i > 0 && (e.push(!0), n.push(!1));
this._multiRenderAttachments = this._engine.buildTextureLayout(t), this._clearAttachments = this._engine.buildTextureLayout(e), this._defaultAttachments = this._engine.buildTextureLayout(n);
}, r.prototype._createCompositionEffect = function() {
this.prePassRT = new Vs("sceneprePassRT", { width: this._engine.getRenderWidth(), height: this._engine.getRenderHeight() }, this.mrtCount, this._scene, { generateMipMaps: !1, generateDepthTexture: !0, defaultType: h.a.TEXTURETYPE_UNSIGNED_INT, types: this._mrtFormats }), this.prePassRT.samples = 1, this._initializeAttachments(), this._useGeometryBufferFallback && !this._geometryBuffer && (this.useGeometryBufferFallback = !0), this.imageProcessingPostProcess = new Io("sceneCompositionPass", 1, null, void 0, this._engine), this.imageProcessingPostProcess.autoClear = !1;
}, Object.defineProperty(r.prototype, "isSupported", { get: function() {
return this._engine.webGLVersion > 1 || this._scene.getEngine().getCaps().drawBuffersExtension;
}, enumerable: !1, configurable: !0 }), r.prototype.bindAttachmentsForEffect = function(t, e) {
if (this.enabled) {
if (t._multiTarget)
else if (this._engine.bindAttachments(this._defaultAttachments), this._geometryBuffer) {
var n = e.getMaterial();
n && this.excludedMaterials.indexOf(n) === -1 && this._geometryBuffer.renderList.push(e.getRenderingMesh());
}, r.prototype.restoreAttachments = function() {
this.enabled && this._defaultAttachments && this._engine.bindAttachments(this._defaultAttachments);
}, r.prototype._beforeCameraDraw = function() {
this._isDirty && this._update(), this._geometryBuffer && (this._geometryBuffer.renderList.length = 0), this._bindFrameBuffer();
}, r.prototype._afterCameraDraw = function() {
if (this._enabled) {
var t = this._scene.activeCamera && this._scene.activeCamera._getFirstPostProcess();
t && this._postProcesses.length && this._scene.postProcessManager._prepareFrame(), this._scene.postProcessManager.directRender(this._postProcesses, t ? t.inputTexture : null);
}, r.prototype._checkRTSize = function() {
var t = this._engine.getRenderWidth(!0), e = this._engine.getRenderHeight(!0), n = this.prePassRT.getRenderWidth(), i = this.prePassRT.getRenderHeight();
n === t && i === e || (this.prePassRT.resize({ width: t, height: e }), this._updateGeometryBufferLayout(), this._bindPostProcessChain());
}, r.prototype._bindFrameBuffer = function() {
if (this._enabled) {
var t = this.prePassRT.getInternalTexture();
t && this._engine.bindFramebuffer(t);
}, r.prototype.clear = function() {
this._enabled && (this._bindFrameBuffer(), this._engine.clear(this._scene.clearColor, this._scene.autoClear || this._scene.forceWireframe || this._scene.forcePointsCloud, this._scene.autoClearDepthAndStencil, this._scene.autoClearDepthAndStencil), this._engine.bindAttachments(this._clearAttachments), this._engine.clear(this._clearColor, !0, !1, !1), this._engine.bindAttachments(this._defaultAttachments));
}, r.prototype._setState = function(t) {
this._enabled = t, this._scene.prePass = t, this.imageProcessingPostProcess && (this.imageProcessingPostProcess.imageProcessingConfiguration.applyByPostProcess = t);
}, r.prototype._updateGeometryBufferLayout = function() {
if (this._geometryBuffer) {
for (var t = [], e = 0; e < this._mrtLayout.length; e++)
var n = [{ prePassConstant: h.a.PREPASS_DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE, geometryBufferConstant: ri.DEPTHNORMAL_TEXTURE_TYPE }, { prePassConstant: h.a.PREPASS_POSITION_TEXTURE_TYPE, geometryBufferConstant: ri.POSITION_TEXTURE_TYPE }, { prePassConstant: h.a.PREPASS_REFLECTIVITY_TEXTURE_TYPE, geometryBufferConstant: ri.REFLECTIVITY_TEXTURE_TYPE }, { prePassConstant: h.a.PREPASS_VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE, geometryBufferConstant: ri.VELOCITY_TEXTURE_TYPE }];
for (e = 0; e < n.length; e++) {
var i = this._mrtLayout.indexOf(n[e].prePassConstant);
i !== -1 && (this._geometryBuffer._forceTextureType(n[e].geometryBufferConstant, i), t[i] = !0);
}, r.prototype.addEffectConfiguration = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this._effectConfigurations.length; e++)
if (this._effectConfigurations[e].name ===
return this._effectConfigurations[e];
return this._effectConfigurations.push(t), t;
}, r.prototype.getIndex = function(t) {
return this._textureIndices[t];
}, r.prototype._enable = function() {
for (var t, e, n = this.mrtCount, i = 0; i < this._effectConfigurations.length; i++)
this._effectConfigurations[i].enabled && this._enableTextures(this._effectConfigurations[i].texturesRequired);
for (this.prePassRT && this.mrtCount !== n && this.prePassRT.updateCount(this.mrtCount, { types: this._mrtFormats }), this._updateGeometryBufferLayout(), this._resetPostProcessChain(), i = 0; i < this._effectConfigurations.length; i++)
this._effectConfigurations[i].enabled && (!this._effectConfigurations[i].postProcess && this._effectConfigurations[i].createPostProcess && this._effectConfigurations[i].createPostProcess(), this._effectConfigurations[i].postProcess && this._postProcesses.push(this._effectConfigurations[i].postProcess));
this._initializeAttachments(), this.imageProcessingPostProcess || this._createCompositionEffect();
var o = !1;
if (!((t = this._scene.activeCamera) === null || t === void 0) && t._postProcesses)
for (i = 0; i < this._scene.activeCamera._postProcesses.length; i++)
((e = this._scene.activeCamera._postProcesses[i]) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getClassName()) === "ImageProcessingPostProcess" && (o = !0);
o || this.disableGammaTransform || this._postProcesses.push(this.imageProcessingPostProcess), this._bindPostProcessChain(), this._setState(!0);
}, r.prototype._disable = function() {
this._setState(!1), this._resetLayout();
for (var t = 0; t < this._effectConfigurations.length; t++)
this._effectConfigurations[t].enabled = !1;
}, r.prototype._resetLayout = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._textureFormats.length; t++)
this._textureIndices[this._textureFormats[t].type] = -1;
this._textureIndices[h.a.PREPASS_COLOR_TEXTURE_TYPE] = 0, this._mrtLayout = [h.a.PREPASS_COLOR_TEXTURE_TYPE], this._mrtFormats = [h.a.TEXTURETYPE_HALF_FLOAT], this.mrtCount = 1;
}, r.prototype._resetPostProcessChain = function() {
this._postProcesses = [], this.imageProcessingPostProcess && this.imageProcessingPostProcess.restoreDefaultInputTexture();
for (var t = 0; t < this._effectConfigurations.length; t++)
this._effectConfigurations[t].postProcess && this._effectConfigurations[t].postProcess.restoreDefaultInputTexture();
}, r.prototype._bindPostProcessChain = function() {
var t;
if (this._postProcesses.length)
this._postProcesses[0].inputTexture = this.prePassRT.getInternalTexture();
else {
var e = (t = this._scene.activeCamera) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t._getFirstPostProcess();
e && (e.inputTexture = this.prePassRT.getInternalTexture());
}, r.prototype.markAsDirty = function() {
this._isDirty = !0;
}, r.prototype._enableTextures = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var n = t[e];
this._textureIndices[n] === -1 && (this._textureIndices[n] = this._mrtLayout.length, this._mrtLayout.push(n), this._mrtFormats.push(this._textureFormats[n].format), this.mrtCount++);
}, r.prototype._update = function() {
for (var t = !1, e = 0; e < this._scene.materials.length; e++)
this._scene.materials[e].setPrePassRenderer(this) && (t = !0);
var n = this._scene.activeCamera;
if (n) {
var i = n._postProcesses.filter(function(o) {
return o != null;
if (i)
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
i[e].setPrePassRenderer(this) && (t = !0);
this._markAllMaterialsAsPrePassDirty(), this._isDirty = !1, t && this._enable(), this.enabled || (this._engine.restoreDefaultFramebuffer(), this._engine.restoreSingleAttachment());
}, r.prototype._markAllMaterialsAsPrePassDirty = function() {
for (var t = this._scene.materials, e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
for (var t = 0; t < this._effectConfigurations.length; t++)
this._effectConfigurations[t].dispose && this._effectConfigurations[t].dispose();
this.imageProcessingPostProcess.dispose(), this.prePassRT.dispose();
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("PrePassRendererSceneComponent");
}, r;
Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "prePassRenderer", { get: function() {
return this._prePassRenderer;
}, set: function(r) {
r && r.isSupported && (this._prePassRenderer = r);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _e.a.prototype.enablePrePassRenderer = function() {
return this._prePassRenderer || (this._prePassRenderer = new Nc(this), this._prePassRenderer.isSupported || (this._prePassRenderer = null, l.a.Error(`PrePassRenderer needs WebGL 2 support.
Maybe you tried to use the following features that need the PrePassRenderer :
+ Subsurface Scattering`))), this._prePassRenderer;
}, _e.a.prototype.disablePrePassRenderer = function() {
this._prePassRenderer && (this._prePassRenderer.dispose(), this._prePassRenderer = null);
var Id = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_PREPASSRENDERER, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
this.scene._beforeCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECAMERADRAW_PREPASS, this, this._beforeCameraDraw), this.scene._afterCameraDrawStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERCAMERADRAW_PREPASS, this, this._afterCameraDraw), this.scene._beforeClearStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORECLEARSTAGE_PREPASS, this, this._beforeClearStage), this.scene._beforeRenderingMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_BEFORERENDERINGMESH_PREPASS, this, this._beforeRenderingMeshStage), this.scene._afterRenderingMeshStage.registerStep(ot.a.STEP_AFTERRENDERINGMESH_PREPASS, this, this._afterRenderingMeshStage);
}, r.prototype._beforeCameraDraw = function() {
this.scene.prePassRenderer && this.scene.prePassRenderer._beforeCameraDraw();
}, r.prototype._afterCameraDraw = function() {
this.scene.prePassRenderer && this.scene.prePassRenderer._afterCameraDraw();
}, r.prototype._beforeClearStage = function() {
this.scene.prePassRenderer && this.scene.prePassRenderer.clear();
}, r.prototype._beforeRenderingMeshStage = function(t, e, n, i) {
if (i) {
var o = t.getScene();
o.prePassRenderer && o.prePassRenderer.bindAttachmentsForEffect(i, e);
}, r.prototype._afterRenderingMeshStage = function(t) {
var e = t.getScene();
e.prePassRenderer && e.prePassRenderer.restoreAttachments();
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
Nc._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_PREPASSRENDERER);
t || (t = new Id(r), r._addComponent(t));
var _g = `#define rcp(x) 1./x
#define GOLDEN_RATIO 1.618033988749895
#define TWO_PI 6.2831855
vec2 Golden2dSeq(int i,float n)
return vec2(float(i)/n+(0.5/n),fract(float(i)*rcp(GOLDEN_RATIO)));
vec2 SampleDiskGolden(int i,int sampleCount)
vec2 f=Golden2dSeq(i,float(sampleCount));
return vec2(sqrt(f.x),TWO_PI*f.y);
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.fibonacci = _g;
var mg = `uniform vec3 diffusionS[5];
uniform float diffusionD[5];
uniform float filterRadii[5];`;
ze.a.IncludesShadersStore.diffusionProfile = mg;
var gg = `
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform vec2 texelSize;
uniform sampler2D textureSampler;
uniform sampler2D irradianceSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform sampler2D albedoSampler;
uniform vec2 viewportSize;
uniform float metersPerUnit;
const float LOG2_E=1.4426950408889634;
const float SSS_PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE=4.;
const int _SssSampleBudget=40;
#define rcp(x) 1./x
#define Sq(x) x*x
vec3 EvalBurleyDiffusionProfile(float r,vec3 S)
vec3 exp_13=exp2(((LOG2_E*(-1.0/3.0))*r)*S);
vec3 expSum=exp_13*(1.+exp_13*exp_13);
return (S*rcp(8.*PI))*expSum;
vec2 SampleBurleyDiffusionProfile(float u,float rcpS)
float g=1.+(4.*u)*(2.*u+sqrt(1.+(4.*u)*u));
float n=exp2(log2(g)*(-1.0/3.0));
float p=(g*n)*n;
float c=1.+p+n;
float d=(3./LOG2_E*2.)+(3./LOG2_E)*log2(u);
float x=(3./LOG2_E)*log2(c)-d;
float rcpExp=((c*c)*c)*rcp((4.*u)*((c*c)+(4.*u)*(4.*u)));
float r=x*rcpS;
float rcpPdf=(8.*PI*rcpS)*rcpExp;
return vec2(r,rcpPdf);
vec3 ComputeBilateralWeight(float xy2,float z,float mmPerUnit,vec3 S,float rcpPdf)
float r=sqrt(xy2+(z*mmPerUnit)*(z*mmPerUnit));
float area=rcpPdf;
return clamp(EvalBurleyDiffusionProfile(r,S)*area,0.0,1.0);
return EvalBurleyDiffusionProfile(r,S)*area;
void EvaluateSample(int i,int n,vec3 S,float d,vec3 centerPosVS,float mmPerUnit,float pixelsPerMm,
float phase,inout vec3 totalIrradiance,inout vec3 totalWeight)
float scale=rcp(float(n));
float offset=rcp(float(n))*0.5;
float sinPhase,cosPhase;
vec2 bdp=SampleBurleyDiffusionProfile(float(i)*scale+offset,d);
float r=bdp.x;
float rcpPdf=bdp.y;
float phi=SampleDiskGolden(i,n).y;
float sinPhi,cosPhi;
float sinPsi=cosPhase*sinPhi+sinPhase*cosPhi;
float cosPsi=cosPhase*cosPhi-sinPhase*sinPhi;
vec2 vec=r*vec2(cosPsi,sinPsi);
vec2 position;
float xy2;
vec4 textureSample=texture2D(irradianceSampler,position);
float viewZ=texture2D(depthSampler,position).r;
vec3 irradiance=textureSample.rgb;
if (testLightingForSSS(textureSample.a))
float relZ=viewZ-centerPosVS.z;
vec3 weight=ComputeBilateralWeight(xy2,relZ,mmPerUnit,S,rcpPdf);
void main(void)
vec4 irradianceAndDiffusionProfile=texture2D(irradianceSampler,vUV);
vec3 centerIrradiance=irradianceAndDiffusionProfile.rgb;
int diffusionProfileIndex=int(round(irradianceAndDiffusionProfile.a*255.));
float centerDepth=0.;
vec4 inputColor=texture2D(textureSampler,vUV);
bool passedStencilTest=testLightingForSSS(irradianceAndDiffusionProfile.a);
if (passedStencilTest)
if (!passedStencilTest) {
float distScale=1.;
vec3 S=diffusionS[diffusionProfileIndex];
float d=diffusionD[diffusionProfileIndex];
float filterRadius=filterRadii[diffusionProfileIndex];
vec2 centerPosNDC=vUV;
vec2 cornerPosNDC=vUV+0.5*texelSize;
vec3 centerPosVS=vec3(centerPosNDC*viewportSize,1.0)*centerDepth;
vec3 cornerPosVS=vec3(cornerPosNDC*viewportSize,1.0)*centerDepth;
float mmPerUnit=1000.*(metersPerUnit*rcp(distScale));
float unitsPerMm=rcp(mmPerUnit);
float unitsPerPixel=2.*abs(cornerPosVS.x-centerPosVS.x);
float pixelsPerMm=rcp(unitsPerPixel)*unitsPerMm;
float filterArea=PI*Sq(filterRadius*pixelsPerMm);
int sampleCount=int(filterArea*rcp(SSS_PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE));
int sampleBudget=_SssSampleBudget;
int texturingMode=0;
vec3 albedo=texture2D(albedoSampler,vUV).rgb;
if (distScale == 0. || sampleCount<1)
vec3 green=vec3(0.,1.,0.);
vec3 red=vec3(1.,0.,0.);
vec3 blue=vec3(0.,0.,1.);
float phase=0.;
int n=min(sampleCount,sampleBudget);
vec3 centerWeight=vec3(0.);
vec3 totalIrradiance=vec3(0.);
vec3 totalWeight=vec3(0.);
for (int i=0; i= 5)
return l.a.Error("You already reached the maximum number of diffusion profiles."), 0;
for (var e = 0; e < this._ssDiffusionS.length / 3; e++)
if (this._ssDiffusionS[3 * e] === t.r && this._ssDiffusionS[3 * e + 1] === t.g && this._ssDiffusionS[3 * e + 2] === t.b)
return e;
return this._ssDiffusionS.push(t.r, t.b, t.g), this._ssDiffusionD.push(Math.max(Math.max(t.r, t.b), t.g)), this._ssFilterRadii.push(this.getDiffusionProfileParameters(t)), this.ssDiffusionProfileColors.push(t), this._ssDiffusionD.length - 1;
}, r.prototype.createPostProcess = function() {
return this.postProcess = new vg("subSurfaceScattering", this._scene, 1, null, void 0, this._scene.getEngine()), this.postProcess.autoClear = !1, this.postProcess;
}, r.prototype.clearAllDiffusionProfiles = function() {
this._ssDiffusionD = [], this._ssDiffusionS = [], this._ssFilterRadii = [], this.ssDiffusionProfileColors = [];
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
this.clearAllDiffusionProfiles(), this.postProcess.dispose();
}, r.prototype.getDiffusionProfileParameters = function(t) {
var e = Math.max(t.r, t.g, t.b);
return this._sampleBurleyDiffusionProfile(0.997, e);
}, r.prototype._sampleBurleyDiffusionProfile = function(t, e) {
var n = 1 + 4 * (t = 1 - t) * (2 * t + Math.sqrt(1 + 4 * t * t)), i = Math.pow(n, -1 / 3), o = 1 + n * i * i + i;
return 3 * Math.log(o / (4 * t)) * e;
}, r._SceneComponentInitialization = function(t) {
throw En.a.WarnImport("PrePassRendererSceneComponent");
}, r;
V.a.AddParser(ot.a.NAME_SUBSURFACE, function(r, t) {
if (r.ssDiffusionProfileColors !== void 0 && r.ssDiffusionProfileColors !== null && (t.enableSubSurfaceForPrePass(), t.subSurfaceConfiguration))
for (var e = 0, n = r.ssDiffusionProfileColors.length; e < n; e++) {
var i = r.ssDiffusionProfileColors[e];
t.subSurfaceConfiguration.addDiffusionProfile(new I.a(i.r, i.g, i.b));
}), Object.defineProperty(_e.a.prototype, "subSurfaceConfiguration", { get: function() {
return this._subSurfaceConfiguration;
}, set: function(r) {
r && this.enablePrePassRenderer() && (this._subSurfaceConfiguration = r);
}, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _e.a.prototype.enableSubSurfaceForPrePass = function() {
if (this._subSurfaceConfiguration)
return this._subSurfaceConfiguration;
var r = this.enablePrePassRenderer();
return r ? (this._subSurfaceConfiguration = new Dd(this), r.addEffectConfiguration(this._subSurfaceConfiguration), this._subSurfaceConfiguration) : null;
}, _e.a.prototype.disableSubSurfaceForPrePass = function() {
this._subSurfaceConfiguration && (this._subSurfaceConfiguration.dispose(), this._subSurfaceConfiguration = null);
var Ld = function() {
function r(t) { = ot.a.NAME_PREPASSRENDERER, this.scene = t;
return r.prototype.register = function() {
}, r.prototype.serialize = function(t) {
if (this.scene.subSurfaceConfiguration) {
var e = this.scene.subSurfaceConfiguration.ssDiffusionProfileColors;
t.ssDiffusionProfileColors = [];
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
t.ssDiffusionProfileColors.push({ r: e[n].r, g: e[n].g, b: e[n].b });
}, r.prototype.addFromContainer = function(t) {
}, r.prototype.removeFromContainer = function(t, e) {
this.scene.prePassRenderer && this.scene.subSurfaceConfiguration && this.scene.subSurfaceConfiguration.clearAllDiffusionProfiles();
}, r.prototype.rebuild = function() {
}, r.prototype.dispose = function() {
}, r;
Dd._SceneComponentInitialization = function(r) {
var t = r._getComponent(ot.a.NAME_SUBSURFACE);
t || (t = new Ld(r), r._addComponent(t));
var yg = `#ifdef LOGARITHMICDEPTH
#extension GL_EXT_frag_depth : enable
uniform vec4 color;
varying vec2 vUV;
uniform sampler2D diffuseSampler;
void main(void) {
if (texture2D(diffuseSampler,vUV).a<0.4)
ze.a.ShadersStore.outlinePixelShader = yg;
var bg = `
attribute vec3 position;
attribute vec3 normal;