import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange # --- Intrinsics Transformations --- def normalize_intrinsics(intrinsics, image_shape): '''Normalize an intrinsics matrix given the image shape''' intrinsics = intrinsics.clone() intrinsics[..., 0, :] /= image_shape[1] intrinsics[..., 1, :] /= image_shape[0] return intrinsics def unnormalize_intrinsics(intrinsics, image_shape): '''Unnormalize an intrinsics matrix given the image shape''' intrinsics = intrinsics.clone() intrinsics[..., 0, :] *= image_shape[1] intrinsics[..., 1, :] *= image_shape[0] return intrinsics # --- Projections --- def homogenize_points(points): """Append a '1' along the final dimension of the tensor (i.e. convert xyz->xyz1)""" return[points, torch.ones_like(points[..., :1])], dim=-1) def normalize_homogenous_points(points): """Normalize the point vectors""" return points / points[..., -1:] def pixel_space_to_camera_space(pixel_space_points, depth, intrinsics): """ Convert pixel space points to camera space points. Args: pixel_space_points (torch.Tensor): Pixel space points with shape (h, w, 2) depth (torch.Tensor): Depth map with shape (b, v, h, w, 1) intrinsics (torch.Tensor): Camera intrinsics with shape (b, v, 3, 3) Returns: torch.Tensor: Camera space points with shape (b, v, h, w, 3). """ pixel_space_points = homogenize_points(pixel_space_points) camera_space_points = torch.einsum('b v i j , h w j -> b v h w i', intrinsics.inverse(), pixel_space_points) camera_space_points = camera_space_points * depth return camera_space_points def camera_space_to_world_space(camera_space_points, c2w): """ Convert camera space points to world space points. Args: camera_space_points (torch.Tensor): Camera space points with shape (b, v, h, w, 3) c2w (torch.Tensor): Camera to world extrinsics matrix with shape (b, v, 4, 4) Returns: torch.Tensor: World space points with shape (b, v, h, w, 3). """ camera_space_points = homogenize_points(camera_space_points) world_space_points = torch.einsum('b v i j , b v h w j -> b v h w i', c2w, camera_space_points) return world_space_points[..., :3] def camera_space_to_pixel_space(camera_space_points, intrinsics): """ Convert camera space points to pixel space points. Args: camera_space_points (torch.Tensor): Camera space points with shape (b, v1, v2, h, w, 3) c2w (torch.Tensor): Camera to world extrinsics matrix with shape (b, v2, 3, 3) Returns: torch.Tensor: World space points with shape (b, v1, v2, h, w, 2). """ camera_space_points = normalize_homogenous_points(camera_space_points) pixel_space_points = torch.einsum('b u i j , b v u h w j -> b v u h w i', intrinsics, camera_space_points) return pixel_space_points[..., :2] def world_space_to_camera_space(world_space_points, c2w): """ Convert world space points to pixel space points. Args: world_space_points (torch.Tensor): World space points with shape (b, v1, h, w, 3) c2w (torch.Tensor): Camera to world extrinsics matrix with shape (b, v2, 4, 4) Returns: torch.Tensor: Camera space points with shape (b, v1, v2, h, w, 3). """ world_space_points = homogenize_points(world_space_points) camera_space_points = torch.einsum('b u i j , b v h w j -> b v u h w i', c2w.inverse(), world_space_points) return camera_space_points[..., :3] def unproject_depth(depth, intrinsics, c2w): """ Turn the depth map into a 3D point cloud in world space Args: depth: (b, v, h, w, 1) intrinsics: (b, v, 3, 3) c2w: (b, v, 4, 4) Returns: torch.Tensor: World space points with shape (b, v, h, w, 3). """ # Compute indices of pixels h, w = depth.shape[-3], depth.shape[-2] x_grid, y_grid = torch.meshgrid( torch.arange(w, device=depth.device, dtype=torch.float32), torch.arange(h, device=depth.device, dtype=torch.float32), indexing='xy' ) # (h, w), (h, w) # Compute coordinates of pixels in camera space pixel_space_points = torch.stack((x_grid, y_grid), dim=-1) # (..., h, w, 2) camera_points = pixel_space_to_camera_space(pixel_space_points, depth, intrinsics) # (..., h, w, 3) # Convert points to world space world_points = camera_space_to_world_space(camera_points, c2w) # (..., h, w, 3) return world_points @torch.no_grad() def calculate_in_frustum_mask(depth_1, intrinsics_1, c2w_1, depth_2, intrinsics_2, c2w_2, depth_tolerance=1e-1): """ A function that takes in the depth, intrinsics and c2w matrices of two sets of views, and then works out which of the pixels in the first set of views has a direct corresponding pixel in any of views in the second set Args: depth_1: (b, v1, h, w) intrinsics_1: (b, v1, 3, 3) c2w_1: (b, v1, 4, 4) depth_2: (b, v2, h, w) intrinsics_2: (b, v2, 3, 3) c2w_2: (b, v2, 4, 4) Returns: torch.Tensor: Mask with shape (b, v1, h, w). """ _, v1, h, w = depth_1.shape _, v2, _, _ = depth_2.shape # unnormalize intrinsics if needed if intrinsics_1[0, 0, 0, 2] < 1: intrinsics_1 = unnormalize_intrinsics(intrinsics_1, (h, w)) if intrinsics_2[0, 0, 0, 2] < 1: intrinsics_2 = unnormalize_intrinsics(intrinsics_2, (h, w)) # Unproject the depth to get the 3D points in world space points_3d = unproject_depth(depth_1[..., None], intrinsics_1, c2w_1) # (b, v1, h, w, 3) # Project the 3D points into the pixel space of all the second views simultaneously camera_points = world_space_to_camera_space(points_3d, c2w_2) # (b, v1, v2, h, w, 3) points_2d = camera_space_to_pixel_space(camera_points, intrinsics_2) # (b, v1, v2, h, w, 2) # Calculate the depth of each point rendered_depth = camera_points[..., 2] # (b, v1, v2, h, w) # We use three conditions to determine if a point should be masked # Condition 1: Check if the points are in the frustum of any of the v2 views in_frustum_mask = ( (points_2d[..., 0] > 0) & (points_2d[..., 0] < w) & (points_2d[..., 1] > 0) & (points_2d[..., 1] < h) ) # (b, v1, v2, h, w) in_frustum_mask = in_frustum_mask.any(dim=-3) # (b, v1, h, w) # Condition 2: Check if the points have non-zero (i.e. valid) depth in the input view non_zero_depth = depth_1 > 1e-6 # Condition 3: Check if the points have matching depth to any of the v2 # views F.grid_sample expects the input coordinates to # be normalized to the range [-1, 1], so we normalize first points_2d[..., 0] /= w points_2d[..., 1] /= h points_2d = points_2d * 2 - 1 matching_depth = torch.ones_like(rendered_depth, dtype=torch.bool) for b in range(depth_1.shape[0]): for i in range(v1): for j in range(v2): depth = rearrange(depth_2[b, j], 'h w -> 1 1 h w') coords = rearrange(points_2d[b, i, j], 'h w c -> 1 h w c') sampled_depths = F.grid_sample(depth, coords, align_corners=False)[0, 0] matching_depth[b, i, j] = torch.isclose(rendered_depth[b, i, j], sampled_depths, atol=depth_tolerance) matching_depth = matching_depth.any(dim=-3) # (..., v1, h, w) mask = in_frustum_mask & non_zero_depth & matching_depth return mask