#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: import os import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from torch.utils.data import Dataset, TensorDataset from torch.utils.data import DataLoader import sklearn as sk from sklearn.neighbors import KDTree import matplotlib import random import jprops from random import randint import statistics sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("../lib")) from util import * from mlutil import * """ forward hook function """ intermedOut = {} lvalues = list() def hookFn(m, i, o): """ call back for latent values """ #intermedOut[m] = o lv = o.data.cpu().numpy() lv = lv[0].tolist() lvalues.append(lv) #print(lv) def getLatValues(): """ """ return lvalues class FeedForwardNetwork(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, configFile, addDefValues=None): """ In the constructor we instantiate two nn.Linear modules and assign them as member variables. Parameters configFile : config file path addDefValues : dictionary of additional default values """ defValues = dict() if addDefValues is None else addDefValues.copy() defValues["common.mode"] = ("training", None) defValues["common.model.directory"] = ("model", None) defValues["common.model.file"] = (None, None) defValues["common.preprocessing"] = (None, None) defValues["common.scaling.method"] = ("zscale", None) defValues["common.scaling.minrows"] = (50, None) defValues["common.scaling.param.file"] = (None, None) defValues["common.verbose"] = (False, None) defValues["common.device"] = ("cpu", None) defValues["train.data.file"] = (None, "missing training data file") defValues["train.data.fields"] = (None, "missing training data field ordinals") defValues["train.data.feature.fields"] = (None, "missing training data feature field ordinals") defValues["train.data.out.fields"] = (None, "missing training data feature field ordinals") defValues["train.layer.data"] = (None, "missing layer data") defValues["train.input.size"] = (None, None) defValues["train.output.size"] = (None, "missing output size") defValues["train.batch.size"] = (10, None) defValues["train.loss.reduction"] = ("mean", None) defValues["train.num.iterations"] = (500, None) defValues["train.lossFn"] = ("mse", None) defValues["train.optimizer"] = ("sgd", None) defValues["train.opt.learning.rate"] = (.0001, None) defValues["train.opt.weight.decay"] = (0, None) defValues["train.opt.momentum"] = (0, None) defValues["train.opt.eps"] = (1e-08, None) defValues["train.opt.dampening"] = (0, None) defValues["train.opt.momentum.nesterov"] = (False, None) defValues["train.opt.betas"] = ([0.9, 0.999], None) defValues["train.opt.alpha"] = (0.99, None) defValues["train.save.model"] = (False, None) defValues["train.track.error"] = (False, None) defValues["train.epoch.intv"] = (5, None) defValues["train.batch.intv"] = (5, None) defValues["train.print.weights"] = (False, None) defValues["valid.data.file"] = (None, None) defValues["valid.accuracy.metric"] = (None, None) defValues["predict.data.file"] = (None, None) defValues["predict.use.saved.model"] = (True, None) defValues["predict.output"] = ("binary", None) defValues["predict.feat.pad.size"] = (60, None) defValues["predict.print.output"] = (True, None) defValues["calibrate.num.bins"] = (10, None) defValues["calibrate.pred.prob.thresh"] = (0.5, None) defValues["calibrate.num.nearest.neighbors"] = (10, None) self.config = Configuration(configFile, defValues) super(FeedForwardNetwork, self).__init__() def setConfigParam(self, name, value): """ set config param Parameters name : config name value : config value """ self.config.setParam(name, value) def getConfig(self): """ get config object """ return self.config def setVerbose(self, verbose): self.verbose = verbose def buildModel(self): """ Loads configuration and builds the various piecess necessary for the model """ torch.manual_seed(9999) print("self.config", self.config) self.verbose = self.config.getBooleanConfig("common.verbose")[0] numinp = self.config.getIntConfig("train.input.size")[0] if numinp is None: numinp = len(self.config.getIntListConfig("train.data.feature.fields")[0]) #numOut = len(self.config.getStringConfig("train.data.out.fields")[0].split(",")) self.outputSize = self.config.getIntConfig("train.output.size")[0] self.batchSize = self.config.getIntConfig("train.batch.size")[0] #lossRed = self.config.getStringConfig("train.loss.reduction")[0] #learnRate = self.config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.learning.rate")[0] self.numIter = self.config.getIntConfig("train.num.iterations")[0] optimizer = self.config.getStringConfig("train.optimizer")[0] self.lossFnStr = self.config.getStringConfig("train.lossFn")[0] self.accMetric = self.config.getStringConfig("valid.accuracy.metric")[0] self.trackErr = self.config.getBooleanConfig("train.track.error")[0] self.batchIntv = self.config.getIntConfig("train.batch.intv")[0] self.restored = False self.clabels = list(range(self.outputSize)) if self.outputSize > 1 else None #build network layers = list() ninp = numinp trData = self.config.getStringConfig("train.layer.data")[0].split(",") for ld in trData: lde = ld.split(":") assert len(lde) == 5, "expecting 5 items for layer data" #num of units, activation, whether batch normalize, whether batch normalize after activation, dropout fraction nunit = int(lde[0]) actStr = lde[1] act = FeedForwardNetwork.createActivation(actStr) if actStr != "none" else None bnorm = lde[2] == "true" afterAct = lde[3] == "true" dpr = float(lde[4]) layers.append(torch.nn.Linear(ninp, nunit)) if bnorm: #with batch norm if afterAct: safeAppend(layers, act) layers.append(torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(nunit)) else: layers.append(torch.nn.BatchNorm1d(nunit)) safeAppend(layers, act) else: #without batch norm safeAppend(layers, act) if dpr > 0: layers.append(torch.nn.Dropout(dpr)) ninp = nunit self.layers = torch.nn.Sequential(*layers) self.device = FeedForwardNetwork.getDevice(self) #training data dataFile = self.config.getStringConfig("train.data.file")[0] (featData, outData) = FeedForwardNetwork.prepData(self, dataFile) self.featData = torch.from_numpy(featData) self.outData = torch.from_numpy(outData) #validation data dataFile = self.config.getStringConfig("valid.data.file")[0] (featDataV, outDataV) = FeedForwardNetwork.prepData(self, dataFile) self.validFeatData = torch.from_numpy(featDataV) self.validOutData = torch.from_numpy(outDataV) # loss function and optimizer self.lossFn = FeedForwardNetwork.createLossFunction(self, self.lossFnStr) self.optimizer = FeedForwardNetwork.createOptimizer(self, optimizer) self.yPred = None self.restored = False #mode to device self.device = FeedForwardNetwork.getDevice(self) self.featData = self.featData.to(self.device) self.outData = self.outData.to(self.device) self.validFeatData = self.validFeatData.to(self.device) self.to(self.device) @staticmethod def getDevice(model): """ gets device Parameters model : torch model """ devType = model.config.getStringConfig("common.device")[0] if devType == "cuda": if torch.cuda.is_available(): device = torch.device("cuda") else: exitWithMsg("cuda not available") else: device = torch.device("cpu") return device def setValidationData(self, dataSource, prep=True): """ sets validation data Parameters dataSource : data source str if file path or 2D array prep : if True load and prepare """ if prep: (featDataV, outDataV) = FeedForwardNetwork.prepData(self, dataSource) self.validFeatData = torch.from_numpy(featDataV) self.validOutData = outDataV else: self.validFeatData = torch.from_numpy(dataSource[0]) self.validOutData = dataSource[1] self.validFeatData = self.validFeatData.to(self.device) @staticmethod def createActivation(actName): """ create activation Parameters actName : activation name """ if actName is None: activation = None elif actName == "relu": activation = torch.nn.ReLU() elif actName == "tanh": activation = torch.nn.Tanh() elif actName == "sigmoid": activation = torch.nn.Sigmoid() elif actName == "softmax": activation = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1) else: exitWithMsg("invalid activation function name " + actName) return activation @staticmethod def createLossFunction(model, lossFnName): """ create loss function Parameters lossFnName : loss function name """ config = model.config lossRed = config.getStringConfig("train.loss.reduction")[0] if lossFnName == "ltwo" or lossFnName == "mse": lossFunc = torch.nn.MSELoss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "ce": lossFunc = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "lone" or lossFnName == "mae": lossFunc = torch.nn.L1Loss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "bce": lossFunc = torch.nn.BCELoss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "bcel": lossFunc = torch.nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "sm": lossFunc = torch.nn.SoftMarginLoss(reduction=lossRed) elif lossFnName == "mlsm": lossFunc = torch.nn.MultiLabelSoftMarginLoss(reduction=lossRed) else: exitWithMsg("invalid loss function name " + lossFnName) return lossFunc @staticmethod def createOptimizer(model, optName): """ create optimizer Parameters optName : optimizer name """ config = model.config learnRate = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.learning.rate")[0] weightDecay = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.weight.decay")[0] momentum = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.momentum")[0] eps = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.eps")[0] if optName == "sgd": dampening = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.dampening")[0] momentumNesterov = config.getBooleanConfig("train.opt.momentum.nesterov")[0] optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),lr=learnRate, momentum=momentum, dampening=dampening, weight_decay=weightDecay, nesterov=momentumNesterov) elif optName == "adam": betas = config.getFloatListConfig("train.opt.betas")[0] betas = (betas[0], betas[1]) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learnRate,betas=betas, eps = eps, weight_decay=weightDecay) elif optName == "rmsprop": alpha = config.getFloatConfig("train.opt.alpha")[0] optimizer = torch.optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), lr=learnRate, alpha=alpha, eps=eps, weight_decay=weightDecay, momentum=momentum) else: exitWithMsg("invalid optimizer name " + optName) return optimizer def forward(self, x): """ In the forward function we accept a Tensor of input data and we must return a Tensor of output data. We can use Modules defined in the constructor as well as arbitrary (differentiable) operations on Tensors. Parameters x : data batch """ y = self.layers(x) return y @staticmethod def addForwardHook(model, l, cl = 0): """ register forward hooks Parameters l : cl : """ for name, layer in model._modules.items(): #If it is a sequential, don't register a hook on it # but recursively register hook on all it's module children print(str(cl) + " : " + name) if isinstance(layer, torch.nn.Sequential): FeedForwardNetwork.addForwardHook(layer, l, cl) else: # it's a non sequential. Register a hook if cl == l: print("setting hook at layer " + str(l)) layer.register_forward_hook(hookFn) cl += 1 @staticmethod def prepData(model, dataSource, includeOutFld=True): """ loads and prepares data Parameters dataSource : data source str if file path or 2D array includeOutFld : True if target freld to be included """ # parameters fieldIndices = model.config.getIntListConfig("train.data.fields")[0] featFieldIndices = model.config.getIntListConfig("train.data.feature.fields")[0] #all data and feature data isDataFile = isinstance(dataSource, str) selFieldIndices = fieldIndices if includeOutFld else fieldIndices[:-1] if isDataFile: #source file path (data, featData) = loadDataFile(dataSource, ",", selFieldIndices, featFieldIndices) else: # tabular data data = tableSelFieldsFilter(dataSource, selFieldIndices) featData = tableSelFieldsFilter(data, featFieldIndices) #print(featData) featData = np.array(featData) if (model.config.getStringConfig("common.preprocessing")[0] == "scale"): scalingMethod = model.config.getStringConfig("common.scaling.method")[0] #scale only if there are enough rows nrow = featData.shape[0] minrows = model.config.getIntConfig("common.scaling.minrows")[0] if nrow > minrows: #in place scaling featData = scaleData(featData, scalingMethod) else: #use pre computes scaling parameters spFile = model.config.getStringConfig("common.scaling.param.file")[0] if spFile is None: pass # exitWithMsg("for small data sets pre computed scaling parameters need to provided") # scParams = restoreObject(spFile) #scParams = None #featData = scaleDataWithParams(featData, scalingMethod, scParams) featData = np.array(featData) # target data if includeOutFld: outFieldIndices = model.config.getStringConfig("train.data.out.fields")[0] outFieldIndices = strToIntArray(outFieldIndices, ",") if isDataFile: outData = data[:,outFieldIndices] else: outData = tableSelFieldsFilter(data, outFieldIndices) outData = np.array(outData) foData = (featData.astype(np.float32), outData.astype(np.float32)) else: foData = featData.astype(np.float32) return foData @staticmethod def saveCheckpt(model): """ checkpoints model Parameters model : torch model """ print("..saving model checkpoint") modelDirectory = model.config.getStringConfig("common.model.directory")[0] assert os.path.exists(modelDirectory), "model save directory does not exist" modelFile = model.config.getStringConfig("common.model.file")[0] filepath = os.path.join(modelDirectory, modelFile) state = {"state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optim_dict": model.optimizer.state_dict()} torch.save(state, filepath) if model.verbose: print("model saved") @staticmethod def restoreCheckpt(model, loadOpt=False): """ restored checkpointed model Parameters model : torch model loadOpt : True if optimizer to be loaded """ if not model.restored: print("..restoring model checkpoint") modelDirectory = model.config.getStringConfig("common.model.directory")[0] modelFile = model.config.getStringConfig("common.model.file")[0] filepath = os.path.join(modelDirectory, modelFile) assert os.path.exists(filepath), "model save file does not exist" checkpoint = torch.load(filepath) model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["state_dict"]) model.to(model.device) if loadOpt: model.optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optim_dict"]) model.restored = True @staticmethod def processClassifOutput(yPred, config): """ extracts probability label 1 or label with highest probability Parameters yPred : predicted output config : config object """ outType = config.getStringConfig("predict.output")[0] if outType == "prob": outputSize = config.getIntConfig("train.output.size")[0] if outputSize == 2: #return prob of pos class for binary classifier yPred = yPred[:, 1] else: #return class value and probability for multi classifier yCl = np.argmax(yPred, axis=1) yPred = list(map(lambda y : y[0][y[1]], zip(yPred, yCl))) yPred = zip(yCl, yPred) else: yPred = np.argmax(yPred, axis=1) return yPred @staticmethod def printPrediction(yPred, config, dataSource): """ prints input feature data and prediction Parameters yPred : predicted output config : config object dataSource : data source str if file path or 2D array """ #prDataFilePath = config.getStringConfig("predict.data.file")[0] padWidth = config.getIntConfig("predict.feat.pad.size")[0] i = 0 if type(dataSource) == str: for rec in fileRecGen(dataSource, ","): feat = (",".join(rec)).ljust(padWidth, " ") rec = feat + "\t" + str(yPred[i]) print(rec) i += 1 else: for rec in dataSource: srec = toStrList(rec, 6) feat = (",".join(srec)).ljust(padWidth, " ") srec = feat + "\t" + str(yPred[i]) print(srec) i += 1 @staticmethod def allTrain(model): """ train with all data Parameters model : torch model """ # train mode model.train() for t in range(model.numIter): # Forward pass: Compute predicted y by passing x to the model yPred = model(model.featData) # Compute and print loss loss = model.lossFn(yPred, model.outData) if model.verbose and t % 50 == 0: print("epoch {} loss {:.6f}".format(t, loss.item())) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights. model.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() model.optimizer.step() #validate model.eval() yPred = model(model.validFeatData) yPred = yPred.data.cpu().numpy() yActual = model.validOutData if model.verbose: result = np.concatenate((yPred, yActual), axis = 1) print("predicted actual") print(result) score = perfMetric(model.accMetric, yActual, yPred) print(formatFloat(3, score, "perf score")) return score @staticmethod def batchTrain(model): """ train with batch data Parameters model : torch model """ model.restored = False trainData = TensorDataset(model.featData, model.outData) trainDataLoader = DataLoader(dataset=trainData, batch_size=model.batchSize, shuffle=True) epochIntv = model.config.getIntConfig("train.epoch.intv")[0] # train mode model.train() if model.trackErr: trErr = list() vaErr = list() #epoch for t in range(model.numIter): #batch b = 0 epochLoss = 0.0 for xBatch, yBatch in trainDataLoader: # Forward pass: Compute predicted y by passing x to the model xBatch, yBatch = xBatch.to(model.device), yBatch.to(model.device) yPred = model(xBatch) # Compute and print loss loss = model.lossFn(yPred, yBatch) if model.verbose and t % epochIntv == 0 and b % model.batchIntv == 0: print("epoch {} batch {} loss {:.6f}".format(t, b, loss.item())) if model.trackErr and model.batchIntv == 0: epochLoss += loss.item() #error tracking at batch level if model.trackErr and model.batchIntv > 0 and b % model.batchIntv == 0: trErr.append(loss.item()) vloss = FeedForwardNetwork.evaluateModel(model) vaErr.append(vloss) # Zero gradients, perform a backward pass, and update the weights. model.optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() model.optimizer.step() b += 1 #error tracking at epoch level if model.trackErr and model.batchIntv == 0: epochLoss /= len(trainDataLoader) trErr.append(epochLoss) vloss = FeedForwardNetwork.evaluateModel(model) vaErr.append(vloss) #validate model.eval() yPred = model(model.validFeatData) yPred = yPred.data.cpu().numpy() yActual = model.validOutData if model.verbose: vsize = yPred.shape[0] print("\npredicted \t\t actual") for i in range(vsize): print(str(yPred[i]) + "\t" + str(yActual[i])) score = perfMetric(model.accMetric, yActual, yPred) print(yActual) print(yPred) print(formatFloat(3, score, "perf score")) #save modelSave = model.config.getBooleanConfig("train.model.save")[0] if modelSave: FeedForwardNetwork.saveCheckpt(model) if model.trackErr: FeedForwardNetwork.errorPlot(model, trErr, vaErr) if model.config.getBooleanConfig("train.print.weights")[0]: print("model weights") for param in model.parameters(): print(param.data) return score @staticmethod def errorPlot(model, trErr, vaErr): """ plot errors Parameters trErr : training error list vaErr : validation error list """ x = np.arange(len(trErr)) plt.plot(x,trErr,label = "training error") plt.plot(x,vaErr,label = "validation error") plt.xlabel("iteration") plt.ylabel("error") plt.legend(["training error", "validation error"], loc='upper left') plt.show() @staticmethod def modelPredict(model, dataSource = None): """ predict Parameters model : torch model dataSource : data source """ #train or restore model useSavedModel = model.config.getBooleanConfig("predict.use.saved.model")[0] if useSavedModel: FeedForwardNetwork.restoreCheckpt(model) else: FeedForwardNetwork.batchTrain(model) #predict if dataSource is None: dataSource = model.config.getStringConfig("predict.data.file")[0] featData = FeedForwardNetwork.prepData(model, dataSource, False) #print("featData-----------",featData) featData = torch.from_numpy(featData) featData = featData.to(model.device) model.eval() yPred = model(featData) yPred = yPred.data.cpu().numpy() #print("yPred---------", yPred) if model.outputSize >= 2: #classification yPred = FeedForwardNetwork.processClassifOutput(yPred, model.config) # print prediction if model.config.getBooleanConfig("predict.print.output")[0]: FeedForwardNetwork.printPrediction(yPred, model.config, dataSource) return yPred def predict(self, dataSource = None): """ predict Parameters dataSource : data source """ return FeedForwardNetwork.modelPredict(self, dataSource) @staticmethod def evaluateModel(model): """ evaluate model Parameters model : torch model """ model.eval() with torch.no_grad(): yPred = model(model.validFeatData) #yPred = yPred.data.cpu().numpy() yActual = model.validOutData score = model.lossFn(yPred, yActual).item() model.train() return score @staticmethod def prepValidate(model, dataSource=None): """ prepare for validation Parameters model : torch model dataSource : data source """ #train or restore model if not model.restored: useSavedModel = model.config.getBooleanConfig("predict.use.saved.model")[0] if useSavedModel: FeedForwardNetwork.restoreCheckpt(model) else: FeedForwardNetwork.batchTrain(model) model.restored = True if dataSource is not None: model.setValidationData(dataSource) @staticmethod def validateModel(model, retPred=False): """ pmodel validation Parameters model : torch model retPred : if True return prediction """ model.eval() yPred = model(model.validFeatData) yPred = yPred.data.cpu().numpy() model.yPred = yPred yActual = model.validOutData vsize = yPred.shape[0] if model.verbose: print("\npredicted \t actual") for i in range(vsize): print("{:.3f}\t\t{:.3f}".format(yPred[i][0], yActual[i][0])) score = perfMetric(model.accMetric, yActual, yPred) print(formatFloat(3, score, "perf score")) if retPred: y = list(map(lambda i : (yPred[i][0], yActual[i][0]), range(vsize))) res = (y, score) return res else: return score