Image prompt: “

Certificate chain


    Basic info
    X.509 Certificate
    Public Key Info

    Generate an image using a hosted model and add an AI disclosure to the file. This information, referred to as Content Credentials, serves as a nutrition label for the content. We employ the tamper-evident open C2PA standard, which utilizes PKI and is resistant to forgery. You can download and transfer the image to supported editing tools like Photoshop, where your edit history can also be securely added to the file. This historical information, known as provenance, accompanies your media and can be extracted and displayed using a tool or website.

    In addition to the generated image and the content credentials overlay, we also provide the raw verification output which contains details not displayed in the Content Credentials overlay. The Certificates tab contains details about the certificate used for signing. Truepic maintains the first and only purpose-built C2PA certificate authority.

    For more information, please visit our blog post!